City Council Agenda Packet 08-28-2006 AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 2 , 2006 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, len Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of August 14, 2006 regular ouncil meeting. 28. Approve minutes of August 22, 2006 special ouncil meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and con ems. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and d artures MCC. B. Consideration of approving temporary charitable gambling license for Ducks Unlimited for October 10, 2006 at the Vintage G '11. C. Consideration of accepting a contribut on for equipment/gear for the Monticello Fire Department. 0, Consideration of a request for a conditio al use permit for cross parking and cross access and a request for conditional us permit for a drive-through facility in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applica t: Steiner Development (Adjacent to O'Ryans E. Consideration of authorizing approval to proceed with purchase of already budgeted expenditures for MCC improvements, F. Consideration of sponsoring Swan Ri er Montessori Charter School in Safe Routes to School Grant Program for pedestrian cility improvements. G. Discussion of award of contract to Au hority Fence for the ornamental fencing project for Riverside Cemetery, City Project No. 006-17C. H. Consideration of adopting protocol fo enforcement of regulations pertaining to off-premise real estate signs. 6. Consideration of items removed from the con ent agenda for discussion 7. Public Hearing on appeal of a denial ofvari ce to setback requirements for a drive-through-lane within an existing Planned Unit Development Applicant: Mielke Brothers, LLCI Alan Loch. 1 Agenda Monticello City Council August 28, 2006 Page 2 8. Consideration of a request for an amendment 0 a Conditional Use Permit for a Development Stage Planned Unit Developme t to accommodate a drive through facility in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Mielke Brothers, LLC Alan Loch. 9. Consideration of award of bid for Monticello usiness Center (Otter Creek Crossing Plat) Grading and Drainage Grading Work, City Pr dect No. 2006-18C. 10. Consideration of approving plans and specifi ations for the extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court and Dalton Way and authorize advertis ent for bids, City Project No.2006-15C. 11. Review of prices for pavement mounted cros walk signs and consideration of placing signs on a temporary basis. 12. Consideration of ordinance amendment enh cing ability of City to regulate use of street right of way for storage of materials. 13. Consideration of authorizing City staffto con uct further research on development of ordinance regulating multi-family dwellings. 14. Approve payment of bills for August. 15. Adjourn. 2 MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 1 , 2006 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, om Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Plede:e of Allee:iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes of Jul 24 2006 re ular Council meetin . On agenda item #19 Tom Perrault clarified t at he meant if the City approved the contract for the lighting on the bridge the City would los bargaining power as far as having the County participate in the cost of the lights. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROV THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 24, 2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. W A E MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. ouncil meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 25, 2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN OSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. A rove minutes of Au ust 1 2006 s eci I Council meetin . GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROV THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 1,2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING NOTIN A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN PARAGRAPH TWO. BRIAN STUMPF S CONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. concerns. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a e City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, adde establishing a date for the first budget workshop and Clint Herbst added a discussion on cro swalks. There was no one who spoke under citizen omments. 5. Consent Ae:enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires an departures for MCC, Public Works and liquor store. Recommendation: Ratify t e hires and departures as identified. 3 B. Consideration of approving a tempo ary gambling license for the St. Henry's Fall Festival on September 16th_17th 200 . Recommendation: Approve the resolution authorizing the State Gambling Con rol Board to issue a temporary charitable gambling license for St. Henry's Ch rch for September 16-17,2006. C. Consideration of approving a tempo ary 3/2 beer license for St. Henry's Fall Festival on September 16th_17th 2006. Reco mendation: Approve a temporary 3/2 beer license for St. Henry's Catholic Ch ch for September 16-17,2006. E. Consideration of a request to close ine Street on Labor Day for a block party- Applicant: Brad Fyle. Recommend tion: Authorize temporary closure of the Vine Street right-of-way on Labor Day. D. REMOVED F. Consideration of final payment to eystone Company and acceptance of work on Library Expansion Project No. 2004 36C. Recommendation: Approve the final payment to Greystone Construction ompany in the amount of$4,374 making a total project cost of$672,615 for the Libr y Expansion Project No. 2004-36C. G. Consideration of final plat approval or Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. Recommendation: Adopt a resolut on approving the final plat of Otter Creek Crossing 3rd Addition. H. Consideration of approving Change rder No. I for the Area 2 Core Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 2004-06C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount f$6,787.00 for Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. for the Area 2 Core Street Reconstruction P oject. I. Consideration of approving final pa ent and accepting improvement for the Area 2 Core Street Reconstruction Project, ity Project No. 2004-06C. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and appro e the final payment in the amount of$99,081.99 to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. for the rea 2 Core Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 2004-06C. J. Consideration of accepting roads an utilities in the Prairie Ponds Addition. Recommendation: The City accep s the public roads and utilities within the Prairie Ponds development contingent on e erosion problem to the pond being corrected. K. Consideration of acceptance of imp ovements for the Club West development. Recommendation: The City accep s the public improvements for the Club West Development. L. Consideration of authorizing purch e ofUV system for the MCC pool. Recommendation: Authorize the urchase of the UV System for the MCC Pool from Aqua Logic at an estimated cost of 34,900 not including electrical work. 4 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MO ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from th None. 7. Public Hearin on the vacation of a sanit r sewer easement across Outlot F in the lat of Jefferson Commons. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provi ed background information on the proposed easement vacation. The easement runs across the outlot that will be transferred to River City Lanes as part of the Jefferson Commons 3rd Addition plat The new plat will contain the necessary replacement easements. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. ere was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed easement vacation. Mayor H bst then closed the public hearing. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROV A RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF THE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT R ING ACROSS OUTLOT F IN THE PLAT OF JEFFERSON COMMONS. WAYNE A YER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRA LT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 8. Consulting Engineer, Bret Weiss gave a pre entation on the proposed project which includes the extension of Dalton A venue, Dalton Co and Dalton Way within the Otter Creek Crossing development. The project consist of street improvements, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer. The City is currently bid ing a grading project for this site which is owned by the City. The street is proposed to be a 4' urban section with a trail on the east side of Dalton Avenue. Street lighting is included n the project but is being bid separately and construction of Dalton Way is being bid as alternate. The estimated cost for the extension of Dalt n Avenue and Dalton Court is $1,331,900 and if Dalton Way is constructed that would add a proximately $391,500 to the project costs. If the project is ordered, it is proposed that the pI s and specifications would come back to the Council for approval at the next meeting. Glen Posusta asked if the cul-de-sacs show are permanent or would they be extended. Bret Weiss responded that the cul-de-sac by the ower line is permanent and the others are not. The Dalton Court cul-de-sac will have curb and gutter but the temporary cul-de-sacs will not Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. T ere was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed improvement. Mayor Herbst en closed the public hearing. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ORDER HE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FOR THE EXTENSION OF DALTON AVENUE, D L TON COURT AND DALTON WAY WITH 5 DALTON WAY BEING BID AS AN AL T RNA TE. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL Y. 10. of Monticello 9. REMOVED Since the Council first gave approval to a p oposed land exchange with River City Lanes, a lot of work has been done to get the propos 1 formalized for Council consideration. Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill noted som of the action that has taken place. The developer conducted a second informational meeting ith the residents of the area which included having a representative from the Sheriffs epartment present to address issues such as traffic. The developer is working on a sign ge proposal for the site and at this point it appears the pylon sign proposed will requir a variance. Initially the Council had discussed reducing the SAC fees for the development. However, in calculating the fees, it was determined that the initial estimate was hi and the amount of SAC charges based on current calculations is closer to the original propos d reduced figure. A final consideration was to have security in place that will ensure that t e developer will construct the facility. Jeff O'Neill indicated that a Phase I Environme tal Review had been done on the Monti Club site but has not been reviewed by City staff. Pr liminary indication is that there is not any environmental issues of concern present on e site. A Phase I Environmental Review was also done for the present River City Lanes s te. Finally the Council and staff need to look at possible re-use of the Monti Club Hill site. Clint Herbst asked if it wasn't premature to 0 anything as far as reuse of the facility until the developer has pulled the building permit fo the new facility. It was indicated that the closing on this property is expected to take place lat in August. Brian Stumpf asked the developer what the esults were ofthe second neighborhood meeting. Butch Lindenfelser, representing River City Lanes, stated that the residents had a more positive feel for the proposed project althou there was still a little apprehension on the part of some residents. Brian Stumpf stated he preciated the developer holding that second neighborhood meeting. Brian Stumpf also oted that the signage would require a variance and asked whether the sign ordinance shoul be looked at as it seems like every development is requiring a variance as far as signage. H suggested that the City at least look at the sign ordinance for this area. Jeff O'Neill report d that the Planning Commission did discuss reviewing the sign ordinance and possible endments at their last meeting. This item will be coming back before the Planning Comm'ssion at their next meeting. He added that because any possible amendments to the si ordinance would not likely occur for some months, the applicant is proceeding with th variance request so that if approved, the developer can proceed with ordering the si . The Council also felt that since the facility would not be completed until next year, the e would be ample time to consider amendments to the sign ordinance. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO GRANT F AL APPROVAL OF THE LAND EXCHANGE WITH RIVER CITY LANES IN KEEPIN WITH THE BASIC CONCEPT AS 6 APPROVED ON MAY 22, 2006 AND AR ICULA TED IN THE ASSOCIATED AGREEMENTS GOVERNING THE EXC ANGE AS DEFINED BY THE ASSOCIATED AGREEMENT PREP ARED JOINTLY BY THE CITY AND THE DEVELOPER'S ATTORNEY. In further discussion, Jeff O'Neill clarified e contingencies discussed earlier such as review of the environmental plan to verify no pote tial problems. GLEN POSUSTA AMENDED HIS MOTI N TO HAVE APPROVAL CONTINGENT UPON REVIEW OF THE PHASE I ENVI ONMENTAL REPORTS AND REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT PLANS BY STAFF. B IAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRA LT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Tom Perrault noted he was not in favor of t e land exchange as he felt the property should be on the open market. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF THE JEFFERSON COMMONS RD ADDITION. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Wayne Mayer commented that the Council ay wish to wait with making a decision on reuse of the Monti Club site until the new facility is constructed in Jefferson Commons. Traci W oytcke, a representative from Res ection Lutheran Church, was present and asked that the Council, when considering how the Monti Club site could be utilized would give some thought to the youth of the area. She sked if there is a possibility that a youth center could be developed at this location adding t at although there are facilities like the MCC and the health club not everyone could avoid th membership fees. Clint Herbst stated that parts of the MCC facilities are free for all to use. He felt that it may be some time before the Council makes a final decision on how the onti Club site will be utilized. constitutional amendment for 11. Consulting Engineer, Bret Weiss provided nformation to the Council relating to a constitutional amendment that will be on ballot for the November 7,2006 general election. The proposed amendment, if app oved, would dedicate all revenue from the tax on the sale of new and used vehicles to be use for transportation purposes. At the present time approximately 46% of this revenue goes to the general fund. Bret Weiss noted there were various state and local agencies that were i support of this constitutional amendment and he was asking that the City adopt a resolution xpressing their support for this proposed amendment. Clint Herbst felt this constitutional amend ent would be beneficial to the City because Monticello is along the 1-94 corridor and b cause it would provide an increase in Municipal State Aid funding. It was pointed out that e wording of the constitutional amendment would have 40% of the funds go to public transit d 60% for roads. Clint Herbst felt providing this funding for public transit might push more eople to use that means oftransportation. If the 7 amendment is approved, it would be phased in over a five year period. Brian Stumpf liked the proposal since it could increase the state aid funds the City receives and he noted that it was not just the metro area that was supporting tis. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A ESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE MVST (MOTOR VEHICLE SALES TAX) CONS ITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. M TION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 12. Consideration of rantin increase to the ndividual ension for volunteer firefi hters relief association members. Brian Stumpf stated that as a vested membe of the relief association, he would be abstaining from voting on this agenda item. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, stated that the relief association must request Council approval of any increase in benefits by Au st I st of each year unless the assets of the relief association exceed the liabilities. In that case, Council approval of a pension increase is not required. Currently the pension benefit is $ ,050 per year of service and the relief association submitted information for three options: I) creasing the pension benefit to $3,275; 2) Increasing the pension benefit to $3,300 d 3) Increasing the pension benefit to $3,325. The relief association gets their revenue fro state aid payments and investments. Of the three schedules presented, the increase to $3,275 and $3,300 would not require any City contribution but the increase to $3,325 woul require a contribution of $924. Wayne Mayer felt that by increasing the pe sion benefit, the liability amount is increasing which widens the gap between the assets an the liabilities. He felt that perhaps the pension increase should not be as great so that the re ief association can close the gap between their assets and liabilities and at that point be abl to determine their pension benefit without the need for Council approval. Brian Stumpf stated that there was only one occasion where the City had made a contribution to the relief association and that was a mini al amount. He emphasized that the pension benefit was not coming from taxes and pose no hardship for the taxpayer. Wayne Mayer stated the reason he would propose the $3,2 5 amount is the hope that it will help the relief association assets catch up with the liabiliti s so the relief association can then make their own determination of pension benefit. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO GRANT N INCREASE TO THE INDIVIDUAL PENSION FOR THE VOLUNTEER FIRE IGHTERS RELIEF ASSOCIATION MEMBERS OF $3,275 PER YEAR. CLINT HERBST ECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOT NG IN OPPOSITION AND BRIAN STUMPF ABSTAINING. 13. Consideration of award of bid for Xcel B llfield Fencin Park Superintendent, Seth Nelson informed he Council that bids were received for the replacement of fencing and the backstop for ballfield #4 at the Xcel Ballfields. Field #4 had 8 been used for baseball and was now being c nverted to a softball field. The fencing for Fields #1, #2 and #3 had been replaced earli r. The backstop poles from Field #4 will be used along Freeway Fields on the north side to ke balls from going onto the freeway. The fencing is in poor condition and not usable. Seth Nelson submitted pictures of the old fencing which is sagging and the ends are curled up Two bids were received for the fencing; one from Authority Fence and Deck and one from Oberg Fence Company with Oberg Fence s bmitting the low bid. In reviewing the bids it was discovered that the low bidder had omitted t e concrete work from his bid. When informed of this omission the low bidder stated he woul have to retract his bid. Seth Nelson stated this omission made a difference of between $2,0 0-$3,000 on the bid. It was the recommendation of the Parks Superintende t and the Public Works Director to rebid the project. Clint Herbst asked about Public Works staf doing the concrete work on the project. Seth Nelson indicated that staffhad done the con rete work on another project but it was difficult to schedule it into their work load. Glen Posusta suggested pulling the bond of e low bidder. He stated that Authority Fence in a similar situation had proceeded with the c ntract at the price quoted even though there was an error made on the bid and he felt that Ob rg Fencing Company should do the same. John Simola clarified that although the Council h d awarded the bid to Authority Fence and Deck for the fencing at Riverside Cemetery, the ity had not yet gotten a signed contract back. Mr. Sypnieski stated he would be submitting th documents shortly. Scott Sypnieski from Authority Fence and eck spoke to the Council. He stated the concrete work requirement of the specifications requ red an immense amount oflabor as well as the cost of the concrete. He emphasized that thi was thelabor intensive portion of the contract and that his firm specialized in fencing not concrete work. In submitting his bid for the concrete work he had contacted several fi s to get a representative cost for the concrete work. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated e City can cash in the bid bond ifthe bidder decides not to enter into a contract but it is p do the City to decide whether or not they want to do that. He noted that even with the cern nt work deleted from the contract there was still a difference of approximately $4,000 betwee the two bids. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ACCEPT HE BID FROM AUTHORITY FENCE AND DECK IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,120 A D TO CALL THE BID BOND FOR OBERG FENCE COMPANY. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO AWARD HE BID FOR THE XCEL BALLFIELD FENCING TO OBERG FENCE COMPA IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,867.00 FOR THE WORK AS OUTLINED IN THE PROJEC SPECIFICA nONS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consulting Engineer, Bret Weiss clarified at the City would have to accept the low bid from Oberg Fence Company and if the bidder de ides not to enter into the contract then the City could pull the bid bond. 9 Wayne Mayer asked if Oberg Fence Comp y determines not to enter into the contract, does it automatically go to the next lowest bidder or can the City rebid the project. John Simola suggested a two week time frame for Oberg 0 enter into the contract. If it is nothing has been done at that time the item will come back be ore the Council. 15. dated cost estimates and schedule for the At the request of Brian Stumpf agenda item #15 and #16 were moved up to accommodate those people present. Bob Brown from Bolton Menk gave a prese tation on the biosolids dryer. He reviewed with the Council drawings showing the layout th t would be required for each type of dryer equipment being considered. He pointed 0 t existing structures, the location of the improvements being considered as part of th biosolids process and future improvements such as additional SBR tanks. Bob Brown reviewed a number of changes t at the committee had discussed. This included the recommendation to go with a masonry t e building because of its longevity and low maintenance cost. He also noted that addin platforms around the drying equipment was being looked at as a safety feature as was th ventilation area. It was felt that stainless steel equipment added to the longevity of the equ pment for both the belt press and dryer. The Kruger dryer layout because of the equipme twas 1,600 sq. ft. larger. The schedule was to get the project bid in 2 06 with the facility to be completed in the fall of 2007. He noted changes in the permitting p ocess had added several months to the projected schedule. There has been a 20% cost increase since th City initially looked at this. The price increase for the project was because of the masonry uilding, stainless steel platforms, ventilation area and stainless steel equipment. Glen Posusta asked what vehicle was going to be stored in the new vehicle storage building. John Simola esponded that the nurse unit is proposed to be stored in that building Glen Posusta questi ned the need for the additional vehicle storage building when there are already two existin buildings used for vehicle and equipment storage. Chuck Keyes from PSG explained that one building serves as a maintenance shop building and the other is primarily for stora e of equipment rather than vehicles. Brian Stumpf asked about incineration ofbi solids in the future and if the site plan could accommodate that. Bob Brown indicated t at incineration facility would be a separate building. He stated that they are in the proc ss of getting a wetland area mitigated which would open up more options as far as place ent of facilities on the site. John Simola stated the estimate for incineration costs a year ag was about $2,000,000. Bob Brown said initially it was estimated that the dryer equi ment would be running two days a week but 20 years down the road it would be running 40 ours a week. Glen Posusta questioned whether the City w uld still being taking the biosolids out to the farm. John Simola stated they are at the en oftheir capacity for placing biosolids on the farm. John Simola indicated that at this poi t in time they are assuming no revenue from the 10 dried biosolids. Glen Posusta stated he di 't see any potential for this process and didn't feel that $8,000,000 of taxpayers money sho ld be use for it. He felt the City should be buying land for the spreading ofbiosolids. It was suggested that the City could bring their biosolids to another facility for processing. rovided the facility would accept the biosolids, the City would incur costs for trucking the b osolids as well as processing them. John Simola stated the City had spent consi erable time looking at alternatives and had determined that the dryer system was the m st cost effective way to go. Clint Herbst stated that this type of infrastructure need has to be taken care of. Glen Posusta stated he did not feel comfortable with a system that had not ommonly been used. Bob Brown responded that the drying process for biosolids has been uti ized for many years. Chuck Keyes informed the Council that Kruger had not been used in th United States because they owned two different drying technologies and only offered one in he United States so that the systems wouldn't be competing against each other. Glen Posusta suggested if the City was goin to spend that kind of money on the biosolids they should look at spending a little for land caping at the WWTP as well. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORI E MOVING FORWARD WITH THE BIOSOLIDS PROJECT INCLUDING THE BIOSOLIDS VEHICLE STORAGE BUILDING AND TO COME BACK WITH A LANDS APINGIBEAUTIFICA TION PLAN FOR THE WWTP FACILITY. TOM PERRAULT SE ONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPP SITION. 16. Fire Chief Fire Chief Steve Joerg provided a verbal rep rt on the activities of the Fire Department. He reviewed the number and type of fire calls t e department had responded to. He noted that the fire department had not yet lifted the bu ing restrictions for their fire protection area. He also discussed upcoming training that the d artment would be involved and briefly discussed fund raising efforts by the department. The ouncil was invited to tour the Fire Department and discussed possibly setting up the tour p or to one ofthe regular Council meetings. 14. Public Works Director, John Simola review d the information with the Council on street lighting proposals for various areas of the C'ty. These proposals covered the following areas: 1) School Boulevard East from Edmonson venue to Fenning Avenue which would include approximately 25 lights at an estimated cos of$250,000-$300,000; lA) Pedestrian Safety Improvements on School Boulevard which i eludes pathway improvements, permanent bumpouts and one or two pedestrian flasher at an estimated cost of$157,000. John Simola noted that there is very little assessable foot ge along School Boulevard since there is limited driveway access onto the road. The School istrict could possibly be assessed for a portion of the cost since the presence of the school ecessitates these safety measures; 2) Chelsea Road West and Dalton A venue from CSAH 39 to 90th Street which would inelude 18 lights at a cost of$189,200; 7th Street East from Wa hington Street to St. Benedicts. It was felt that when ih Street opened up it would be carryi g a large volume of traffic; 4) ih Street East and 11 Highland Way - John Simo1a stated that th original development agreement with Ryan Companies had them doing the street 1ighti g for ih Street and Highland Way. Nine street lights were being proposed for this area; 5) edar Street from Dundas Road to Chelsea Road West. Nine lights were proposed for this ar a also; 6) Chelsea Road East from Fallon Avenue to Fenning Avenue - Since street constructi n to a urban section design with curb and gutter was being proposed for 2007 it was recom ended that this area be considered at that time. The estimated cost was $157,000 for 15 li ts; 7) Oakwood Drive from TH 25 to end of cu1- de-sac - At the present time there is only 0 e light in place. A mixture of lights for above the sidewalk and above the street are proposed. Brian Stumpf asked if any improvements were going to be made with the redevelopment 0 the Tom Thumb site. John Simo1a suggested waiting with this project until next year. G1 n Posusta questioned why Ryan Companies was given the option to put in the type of 1ightin they wanted when that same option was not provided to everyone else. Bret Weiss stat d he believed the Ryan Companies would follow through on doing the lighting but he didn't now if it would be done before the street opened; 8) Meadow Oak Avenue from Freeway Fie ds to CSAH 18. The lights in this area are currently leased lighting. The estimated co t for lighting improvements to this area is $14,000. Tom Perrault questioned whether a public earing would be necessary if the school was not going to b assessed for the street lighting. len Posusta felt although the school would not like to be assessed, the main reason for the ighting improvements is because of pedestrian safety concerns that are generated in part b the presence of the school There were additional questions on spacing of lights and design. John Simola indicated that what was submitted was not the final desi GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO 1) AUTH RIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO ADVERTISE FOR PROPOSALS TO CO PLETE THE LIGHTING BETWEEN EDMONSON AVENUE AND FENNING VENUE BASED ON AN ESTIMATED COST OF BETWEEN $250,000 AND $300,000 ND TO MOVE FORWARD WITH ALL OR A PORTION OF THE RECOMMENDED P DESTRIANS IMPROVEMENT AS RECOMMENDED IN THE REPORT BY SB AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $157,000; 2) ORDER A FEASIBILITY REPORT. W TH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS AGENDA ITEM AS THE FEASIBI ITY REPORT FOR THE STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS TO CHELSEA ROA WEST AND DALTON AVENUE FROM 90TH STREET TO CSAH 39; FOR 7TH STREE FROM WASHINGTON STREET TO ST. BENEDICTS AND HIGHLAND WAY A D EAST 7TH STREET FROM ST. BENEDICT'S TO CSAH 18 AND TO SET A PUBLIC EARING FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 2006. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Crosswalks: Clint Herbst suggested the City look t placing a pavement mounted temporary sign in the right-of-way denoting designated crosswalk a as. He indicated other communities have used this. Public Works Director, John Simola indicat d that these maybe non-standard sign. He will, however, get pricing for these signs. It was sugge ted that 5-6 of these signs be placed in the Added Items: Budget Workshop: The Council set Tuesday, Au st 22,2006 at 5:30 as the time for the first budget workshop and also to review applications for the ity Administrator position. 12 downtown area on a temporary basis. It was also sked that the Police Commission look at the issue of speeds in excess of the 30 mph and perhaps inst ct the Wright County Sheriffs Department to be more aggressive in ticketing excessive speeding. 17. Approve payment of bills for AU!!:Ust. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROV PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 18. Adiourn. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Recording Secretary 13 MIN TES SPECIAL MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, Augu t 22, 2006 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, om Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. The purpose ofthe special meeting was to discuss the preliminary 2007 budget and eview applications received for the City Administrator position. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller pres en ed the preliminary draft of the 2007 budget and tax levy. A preliminary levy amount must be ertified to the County by September 15, 2006. The final levy amount can be less than the preli inary levy amount but it cannot be more than the preliminary levy amount. 2. Review and discussion of The City could levy $550,000 more than las year it would still result in a reduction in the amount of property taxes. Increases in the aluation for the community are because of inflation and new commercial and industria growth. Rick W olfsteller noted that there was $60,000,000 in new construction added this past year which is higher than in previous years. The proposed budget could fund what was equested by the various departments and still result in property tax savings for the citizens. Ri k W olfsteller cautioned that these figures were based on no change to valuation of the prop rty so if someone added a deck or completed an improvement that added to the value of his roperty, he might not see a reduction in the amount of his taxes. The budget reflects an overall increase in g neral operations for the City by about 3%. In 2007 the debt service amount will see an increas as a result of the bond payment for the Interchange Project and an increased amount for the Co munity Center bond. Rick W olfsteller reviewed a number of ite s from the preliminary budget. The Council discussed the possibility of establishing a chise fee on electric service. If the City and Xcel Energy agree to a 3% franchise fee this wo ld generate $280,000 in revenue each year. These funds could be used to cover the cost of ins allation of street lights, underground wiring and maintenance costs for the street lights. If t e Council determines not to pursue establishing a franchise fee, then they would need to eith cut $280,000 of expenditures or look at increasing other sources of revenue. If a franchise fee is established it would need to be determined if the franchise fee would be calculated based on sage or by flat rate. It was explained at the present time there is no franchise agreeme with Xcel and there are some issues that need to be resolved, such as notification of work and r storation of the boulevard once work is completed, before an agreement is signed. Brian Stu pf stated he would like to see the franchise fee come back to the Council for discussion as a separate item. Wayne Mayer asked if the City went with a franchise fee on electric servic , would they be required to do so with all utilities or 14 can they exempt certain utilities. City staff ill check with the City Attorney on this issue. The Council briefly discussed the time fram needed to get a franchise fee established and whether it could be done in time to generate evenue in 2007. Public Works Director, John Simola raised t e issue of establishing a stormwater fee. He noted that the City will be expending considerable funds in the future for stormwater improvements and added that many communities have a fe in place that helps fund this type of improvement. Rick W olfsteller pointed out that the salarie and benefits for the utility billing department (approximately $50,000) was switched to th sewer/water fund. John Simola submitted to the Council a survey of other communities listi g their utility charges. He felt, based on the information from the survey that the City ha room to move the utility charges somewhat to generate a little more revenue. There was s me discussion on what the revenue generated by user fees should be used for. The street reconstruction fund was reviewed The City has for the past several years levied $500,000 for street reconstruction. With th 2006 reconstruction project estimated at $1,800,000 the fund balance would be deple ed. Although $500,000 is proposed for 2007 that amount alone would not be sufficient for a r construction project of any significant size. Brian Stumpf noted the funds budgeted for roposed improvements to the Deputy Registrar Office. He questioned whether any decisio had been made to relocate the office. If the office is relocated, he did not see the need to budg t for improvements to the existing building. Brian Stumpf also raised the question of pol" ce protection. With a proposed budget of $994,000 for police protection, he felt staff hould investigate again the pros and cons of establishing their own police force. Ifthe c st gap between contracting police protection service and establishing the City's own forc is narrowing, it might be prudent to study this issue again. Rick W olfsteIler will contact c mmunities such as Buffalo, Big Lake and Elk River who have their own force to get info ation. Glen Posusta asked about the increases in the hourly contract rate and whether there as any negotiating on these rates. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the County Board sets the hourly contract rate and informs the City of that rate. The contract for police protection is a two year ontract which would be up at the end of 2007 at which time the City could negotiate the nex contract. There was some discussion on the services provided. Generally the Council fllt there needs to be a focus on enforcement of the speed limits. The Council also discussed th Sheriffs Department policy of switching officers out of communities after a certain period oftime. While the Council understood that this helped the officers be familiar with all area fthe County, it took away the rapport a community establishes with the law enforc ment officers in their community. Wayne Mayer stated the police chief from Big Lake woul be willing to discuss police force issues with the City. Brian Stumpf asked about the sweeper for t e Public Works Department. Initially funds were being budgeted over two years and now the have increased it to three years. Rick W olfsteller brought up some budget it ms in the Fire Department budget such as wages for a Fire Inspector position. Steve Joerg d Marc Simpson from the Fire Department were present and discussed the Fire Department udget with the Council. Marc Simpson is certified through the state as a fire inspector. At the resent time the Fire Department is doing inspections as part of an effort to document the need for a fire inspector as well as educate the 15 businesses about the fire code. The budgete salary is based on 20 hours per month. Clint Herbst suggested some kind of fee be placed on the units that are inspected. The Fire Department indicated that at the present tim , their primary purpose is to educate about the provisions of the fire code. Marc Simpson sated that some communities will not charge for the initial inspection or the follow up inspection ut if a third inspection is required then a fee is assessed. Jeff O'Neill stated the Planning C mmission will be looking at the possibility of drafting an ordinance relating to rental units nd could include such provisions as inspections and licensing. Wayne Mayer asked what au horization Fire Department had to do the inspections and levy fines. Steve Joerg indi ated as fire chiefhe has authority under state statutes to handle fire code violations. Steve Joerg addressed the Council on some I ng term planning that the Fire Department is doing. This includes a fleet management pr gram as well as plans for a new fire hall facility. They are looking to locate the facility on the south of side of the interstate. They also talked about upcoming equipment needs such as a umper, which runs between $325,000-$400,000. The Fire Department again invited the Coun il to tour their facility and view the equipment so they better understand the needs ofthe Fire epartment. Steve Joerg stated under their fleet management program a piece of equipment ould be replaced after 15 years. The Fire Department anticipates that there will be fun s budgeted every year for equipment replacement. The Council also briefly discussed cost esti ates for a new fire hall. Steve Joerg reported that Rockford had recently built one which cost bout $900,000. Other items that were covered were the $45, 00 for a new position in the Planning Department, $27,000 for rewriting the City's zoning ordi ance and $9,000 for planning software. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Direct r, stated that the $33,000 for marketing was the first request for marketing funds since 2001 d that the City needed these funds for marketing of the industrial park. Membership in the right County Economic Development group was discussed. The Council questioned whether the City had received any successful leads. Ollie Koropchak responded that while the City di receive some leads they did not develop into anything but added the organization does pr vide a good deal in the way of training and education. Publication costs were also disc ssed. At the present time the City is publishing a summary of the City Council minutes whic has reduced the publication costs from previous years to about $25,000. The City is not obI gated to publish minutes but can provide copies to those requesting them. The City also posts t e approved minutes on the City's website. It was suggested getting prices from other papers s ch as the Wright-Way Shopper or Sherburne Tribune. The issue came up of how Monticello comp es to other communities as far as spending. It was suggested that Rick Wolfsteller do an alysis of the City's budget comparing it with the City of Buffalo pointing out various factors hat influence each community's budget such as state aid, enterprise activities, etc. It was n ted that the City of Monticello picks up the cost of garbage collection and at least 80% of the c st of street reconstruction which is something not typically done in other communities. Glen Posusta felt that most people understand that there is a cost they must pay for improvements to the street. He stated that when the street reconstruction program was initiate, the int t was to have the City build up a reserve and then do a reconstruction project but that was not hat happened. John Simola responded that if the City waited with doing a project until rese es were built up to cover the cost there would be five years between projects. 16 Tom Perrault asked about the EDA paying b ck part ofthe money that the City had loaned to them. Ollie Koropchak indicated that appro imately $80,000+ had been given back and this amount was supposed to be taken off the ge eral tax levy. Rick Wolfsteller informed the Council that t e maximum levy the City could have without going through the Truth in Taxation process as $7,183,262. Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the bonded indebtedness of the City noting that 6,000,000 of the estimated $8,000,000 cost ofthe biosolids drying treatment process would ha e to be bonded for. Wayne Mayer asked that funds be budgeted or MEADA so that when the group uses MCC facilities, they could pay the rental fee. To Perrault questioned why the amount budgeted for Community Celebrations doubled. Rick Wo fsteller responded the funds covered costs for bannerslholiday decorations. The Council Iso discussed the cost for replacement of the gym floor in the MCC. Kitty Baltos, MCC Dire tor indicated that they have a firm coming out that will be able to determine the extent ofthe r airs needed. She noted that the flooring is only about 6 years old and should have a longer life. However, the contractor who installed the flooring is no longer in business. Wayne Mayer brought up an increase in the ages for the Mayor and Council. He stated that an adjustment should be made because of th number of meetings and the hours of time spent by the Mayor and Council on City related b siness. The last pay increase for the Council was in 1994. Rick W olfsteller stated a wage inc ease had to be established prior to the election but he didn't know if a per diem had to meet tha same requirement. John Simola pointed out that there was nothi g in the budget for the Public Works building needs. There was some discussion of whet er the buildings the City would receive in the River City Lanes land exchange could be uti ized for that purpose at least on a short term basis. Brian Stumpf, John Simola and Gary Ander on will tour the buildings to see ifthis use would be a possibility. Mayor Herbst asked if the Council had a dol ar figure for the budget that staff should work to come up with. Brian Stumpf felt it should b around $7.2 million. Wayne Mayer said he would like to hold off giving direction to the staff on the budget until they have reviewed the budget comparison with the City of Buffalo. The Council will meet at 5:30 on September 11, 2006 to tour the Fire Department and come p with a budget and levy amount. 3. A lications for Ci Administrator osit on. The Council reviewed applications received or the City Administrator position. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO INTERVIE THREE APPLICANTS FOR THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR POSITION WITH AN L TERNA TE APPLICANT TO BE CONSIDERED IF ANY OF THE FIRST TREE APPLICANTS DECIDE NOT TO INTERVIEW FOR THE POSITION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Council will notify the City Administra or of a date for scheduling the interviews. 17 The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Recording Secretary 18 SA. Consideration of a new hires a d de artures for MCC. (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 8/28/06 The Council is asked to ratify the hiring a d departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC. As you recall, it is ecommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including art-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures ofthe mployees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. 19 NEW EMPLOYI ES Name Title Dep~ rtment Hire Date Class DePatto, Lauren Slide Attendant MCC 8/10/2006 PT TERMINATING EMP OYEES Name Reason Depc rtment Last Day Class Scharenbroich, Lauren Voluntary MCC 8/6/2006 PT Hopkins, Katie Voluntary MCC 8/1/2006 PT employee councillist.xls: 8/22/2006 . .- -.--- -- --.--.----..-----..- .--.--...-------- 20 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 5B. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Ducks Unlimited has applied for a permit fi r a temporary charitable gambling license to conduct charitable gambling at the Vintage rill at 101 Chelsea Road on October 10,2006. In order for the State Gambling Control Bo d to issue this temporary gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or d nying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these e empt gambling licenses for charitable events. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the S ate Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to Duck Unlimited to conduct charitable gambling activities at the Vintage Grill on Oct ber 10, 2006. 2. Do not approve the charitable gambl ng license request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Co ncil would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution Approving Charitable Gambling lcense 21 CITY OF MO TICELLO RESOLUTION O. 2006-68 RESOLUTION AUTHORI ING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLI G LICENSE WHEREAS, Ducks Unlimited has submitted an a plication to the City Council of Monticello for a temporary charitable gambling license to con uct charitable gambling activities at 101 Chelsea Road on October 10,2006 WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the ga bling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T E CITY COUNCIL that the application by Ducks Unlimited for a temporary charitable gambl ng license to conduct charitable gambling activities at 101 Chelsea Road on October 10,200 is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the applicat on.. Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of Augu t, 2006. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator 22 Council Agenda: 8/14/06 sc. Consideration of a roval of contrib tion for Fire De artment Equipment/Gear. (RW) The City has received a donation in the amount of$100 to go towards equipment or gear purchases for the Fire Departm nt. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City ouncil needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation nd its use. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and a thorize use of funds as specified by the donor. 2. Do not approve the contributio and return the funds to the donor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City A ministrator and the Finance Department to adopt the resolution accepting the cont 'bution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution 23 City of M( nticello RESOLUTION NO. 2006-69 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pu suant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in , ccordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provis ons ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons an or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY David & Jean Borrell DESCRI TION Cas VALUE $100.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the ci y's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby mds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. 2. The contributions described ab( ve are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. The contributions described ab( ve will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbu sing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONORlENTITY David & Jean Borrell RECIPI ~NT Monticello Fire Department PURPOSE Equipment or gear Adopted by the City Council of Monticello thi 28th day of August, 2006. Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 5Ccontributions fire dept resolution.doc: 8/23/2006 24 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND SD. Steiner Development is seeking multiple conditio al use permits to accommodate the construction of a shopping center located at the comer ofCSAH 75 and CSAH 39, west of 0' Ryan's. The site is 3.39 acres in area and is zoned B-4. The Planning Co mission reviewed the conditional use permit requests at its regular August 1st meeting, unanim usly recommending approval of the conditional use permits. The applicant is proposing a 22,000 square foot c mmercial shopping center with multiple tenants to be located in the southeast portion of the site. Th remainder of the site will be utilized for parking. The applicant is requesting Conditional Use Perm ts for a drive through lane, joint parking, and joint access arrangement. A future commercial buildin is planned for the northwest comer of the site. This site will be subdivided at the time of develo ent and processed as a separate application. Conditional Use Permit. Drive through establis ments are allowed by Conditional Use Permit. The Zoning Ordinance contains the following require ents for such uses: . The architectural appearance and function 1 plan ofthe building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a r asonable distance oflot. . At the boundaries of a residential district strip of not less than five 5 feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter Section 2 G of this ordinance. . Each light standard island and all islands i the parking lot landscaped or covered. . Parking areas shall be screened from vie of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 G of this ordinance. . Parking areas and driveways shall be curbed with continuous curb not less than six 6 inches high above the parking lot or driveway gr de. . Vehicular access points shall be limited s all create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movements shall comply with Chapter 3 ection 5 ofthis ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . All lighting shall be hooded and so direct d that the light source is not visible from the public right of way or from an abutting residenc and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of this ordinance. . The entire area shall have a drainage syst which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . The entire area other than that occupied b buildings or structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material which will control dust d drainage and which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. . All signing and informational or visual c mmunication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 9 of this ordinance. 24a Council Agenda: 8/28/06 ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing a multi-tenant shoppin center at the corner ofCSAH 75 and CSAH 39. The proposed tenants for the site are as follows: . Hair . Pizza take ut/deliver . Nails . Coffee shop . Cellular . Tax prep/insurance . Sandwich shop . Fitness Ce ter . Pack and ship . Liquor store . Dry cleani g . Home decorating Parking. The applicant is requesting a Condition I Use Permit to utilize a joint parking arrangement. The City may approve a conditiona use permit for one or more businesses to provide the required off-street parking facilities b joint use where the total number of spaces provided are less than the sum of the total require for each individual business. When considering a request for such a permit, the City s all only approve permits when the following conditions are found to exist: 1. Up to 50% of the parking facilities requir for a theatre, bowling alley, dance hall, bar, or restaurant may be supplied by the off-s eet parking facilities provided by types of uses specified as a primarily daytime use in su paragraph (d) below. 2. Up to 50% of the off-street parking facilifes required for any use specified under (d) below as primary daytime uses may be su plied by the parking facilities provided by the following nighttime or Sunday uses: Audi oriums incidental to a public or parochial school, churches, bowling alleys, dance h lIs, theatres, bars, or restaurants. 3. Up to 80% of the parking facilities requir d by this section for a church or for an auditorium incidental to a public or paroc ial school may be supplied by off-street parking facilities provided by uses specifi d below as primarily daytime uses. 4. For the purpose of this section, the follow ng uses are considered as primarily daytime uses: Banks, business offices, retail stores personal service shops, household equipment or furniture shops, clothing or shoe repair r service shops, manufacturing, wholesale, and similar uses. In order to qualify for joint parking, the applicant must prove that all buildings are located within 300 feet of parking facilities, that there is no subs antial conflict in hours of operation, and must present legal documentation executed by all parti s concerned for joint parking and approved by the City Attorney. The individual parking requirement for each ten t is illustrated below. For the sandwich shop and coffee shop, staffhas estimated the area ofth kitchen at 35% of the building and the dining area at 65% of the building. Parking for the site as been calculated at 90% of the gross floor area, the remaining 10% presumed as hallways, b throoms, and utilities. The required parking is as follows: 24b Council Agenda: 8/28/06 Tenant Size Requirement Stalls Estimated Peak Hours Coffee Shop 1,820 sf 1 space/40 sf of Imng area 27 stalls Morning 1 space/80 sf of itchen area 8 stalls Sandwich Shop 1,820 sf 1 space/40 sf of ining area 27 stalls Afternoon/Evening 1 space/80 sf of itchen area 8 stalls Hair 1,300 sf 1 space/200 sf 0 floor area 6 stalls Evening Pizza Take Out 1,300 sf 1 space/200 sf 0 floor area 6 stalls Evening Cellular 1,300 sf 1 space1200 sf 0 floor area 6 stalls Afternoon/Evening Liquor 5,000 sf 1 space1200 sf 0 floor area 23 stalls Evening Fitness 1,300 sf 1 space1200 sf 0 floor area 6 stalls Morning/Evening Dry Cleaning 1,300 sf 1 space/200 sf 0 floor area 6 stalls Morning/Evening Nail 860 sf 1 space/200 sf 0 floor area 4 stalls Afternoon/Evening Tax Prep/Insurance 1,300 sf 3 spaces plus 1 ~ pace1200 sf 6 stalls Evening of floor area Pack And Ship 1,300 sf 1 space1200 sf 0 floor area 6 stalls Afternoon/Evening Home Decor 3,400 sf I space1200 sf 0 floor area 16 stalls Evening Total: 155 The sum of required parking stalls for all tenants i s 155 stalls. The site plan provides 138 parking stalls, including four handicapped stalls. Staffha~ recommended that at least four parking stalls be removed to provide an access to the west side ( f the parking lot. As such, the number of available spaces would be 21 short of the minimu n requirement for the site. Business officers, personal service shops, and retl: il stores are all classified in the zoning ordinance as primary daytime uses. The applican has also provided an estimate of the peak hours expected for each use. Up to 50% of the pa king for these daytime uses may be provided by other tenants, such as the coffee shop, sandwic h. shop, and liquor store. The combination of these uses would require 97 parking stalls, more t lan enough to accommodate the 21 stalls needed. While some overlap in operating hours may be ex pected, this is not expected to be a substantial conflict. The site currently provides a substantial amount of parking stalls, approximately 89% of the straight parking standard. The applicant' ill be required to provide a legal agreement executed by all parties concerned for joint parkin . Said documentation is subject to the approval of the City Attorney. Signage. In the case of a building where there ar ~ two or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considere i to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the enti e building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all si !;l1S presented to the Planning Commission and City Council. A maximum of5% of the gross area of the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building where the aggregate allowable s ign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. In the case of applying this cc n ditional use permit to a building, the building may have one pylon or freestanding sign identify ng the building which is in conformance with 2!1 --..- ..--- - .- - .." c Council Agenda: 8/28/06 this ordinance. One pylon sign is proposed for site, as well as wall ignage. The pylon sign is shown on the comer of the site, at the intersection ofCSAH 75 d CSAH 39. The pylon sign is approximately 19.5 in height with a face area of 80 square feet. Area and height regulations for freestanding signs are determined based on the spe d limit and road classification of the road on which the building is located. The site is located at the comer ofCSAH 39 and CSAH 75, both major thoroughfares with a speed limit of 35 miles er hour. These characteristics allow the site a pylon sign with a face area of 100 square feet and a height of 22 feet. The proposed sign is compliant with these requirements. The total silhouette of the building is 9,918 square eet, allowing the site 496 square feet of wall signage. The applicant is proposing a 28 square fo t wall sign for each tenant, with additional signage on the rear of the building. The total area fwall signage is 336 square feet, in compliance with the signage requirements. Drive Through. The applicant is proposing a "10 -volume" drive through in the northeast comer ofthe site, adjacent to Cedar Street. As pro osed, the design provides a 12 foot wide drive lane with approximately 130 feet of stacking pace behind the window. With the driveway length provided, the drive through would provide sacking space for up to five vehicles. A low volume drive through would typically accommoda e a business such as a coffee shop. In example, the existing Caribou Coffee drive throug has an average of five to six cars in the drive lane at one time, with more during peak periods. The drive through lane proposed extends west, cro sing the east drive lane for the parking lot. The site plan illustrates striping and signage directi g vehicles to stay clear of the drive lane. Any vehicle not adhering to this request would ere te traffic congestion problems, and prohibit circulation around the building. In order to access the portion of the drive through est ofthe drive lane, or the western portion of the parking lot, vehicles would need to cross thr ugh parking stalls. Due to the fact that ten excess parking stalls are available, staff recommen s removing stalls in the center of parking lot to provide access to the western portion of the par ing lot and drive through lane. The applicant should alter the site plan to include a 24-foot drive lane in the center of the parking lot, delineated by landscaped islands. Proper signage hall be posted, directing drive through customers to this location. The installation of a center drive aisle will allow t e applicant to curb the entire north side of the drive through lane, directing all traffic through the center drive aisle. Doing so will also provide additional stacking space for up to six vehicles, m re appropriate for the proposed use. The island opposite the pre-menu board shall be remov d to allow for a passing lane around the drive through. Access/Circulation. Access to the site is planned at two points off Hart Boulevard. The main entrance is located approximately 150 feet southe st of CSAH 39. A drive lane ranging from 24 feet to 26 feet wide will accommodate two lanes 0 traffic throughout the site. A one-way drive lane is proposed near the primary access to provid access to twelve angled parking stalls on the northeast side of the building. A 25-foot drive Ian has been provided as a passing lane around 24d Council Agenda: 8/28/06 the drive-through service lane. This drive lane will also provide a connection to the Q'Ryan site to the east. This joint access will connect to a drive lane running along the south portion ofthe Q'Ryan parking lot. A second access is located 80 feet south of the pri ary access. This drive provides access to the rear of the building. Staffis concerned with the ori ntation ofthis drive lane. This drive lane will be used by trucks for deliveries and garbage pi k-up. As such, the drive lane should be treated as a one-way, with trucks only allowed to e ter from Hart Boulevard. Appropriate signage should be posed at the entrance to this driv lane, indicating a "trucks only" entrance. All other vehicles will be able to utilize this drive 1 e to exit the site onto Hart Boulevard. The northwest corner of the site is to be subdivided and submitted as a separate application. As such, the edge of the drive aisle adjacent to the fut e site shall be curbed until any future development takes place. Staff recommends bitum nous curbing, as it is expected to be temporary. Pedestrian access is accommodated with a series 0 pedestrian ramps. Said ramps connect the west portion of the parking to the sidewalk in front fthe building. Pedestrian ramps also connect the site to an 8-foot bituminous trail locate along CSAH 39. The site plan indicates that this trail is to be constructed by others. The City is requesting that this trail be constructed by the developer as part of the project, at the expense oft e City. A ten-foot boulevard is required between the trail and CSAH 39. Landscaping. For commercial sites, a minimum 0 one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal fl et of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site has approximately 1563 lineal fl et of perimeter, requiring 32 overstory trees, as opposed to the 23 that would be required under e floor area calculation. The applicant has provided 32 trees along the perimeter of the site an within landscaped islands. Proposed plantings include ten Autumn Blaze Maples, five F llgold Ash, three Red Baron Crabapple, five Sentry American Linden, three Skyline Honeylocu t, three Summit Ash and three Colorado Spruce. A variety of shrubs and perennials are als planned for the site, including juniper shrubs, Goldflame Spirea, Red Gnome Dogwood, aylilies, and Summer Wine Ninebark. The landscape plan is in compliance with the minimum requirement for the site. In addition to the required plantings, staff recomm nds movable planters surrounding the patio area of the southernmost tenant to screen the patio om the adjacent drive lanes. Particular attention should be paid to the portion ofthe patio djacent to the order board. Building Design. The applicant has provided buil ing elevations indicating the types of materials to be used. Typical materials would incl de masonry brick, EIFS, canvas awnings, decorative sun screens, and rock face block. The c nter of the building steps down to avoid a long, monotonous fayade. Primary colored canopi s and red accents are proposed. Proposed materials for the trash enclosure have not been indi ated. Staff recommends that said materials match those ofthe principal structure. In addition to building materials, staff is concerne with the location of the proposed patio at the south end of the building. This patio, in front ofth coffee shop, is approximately 450 square feet. This patio will contain tables for outdoor sea ing during the spring and summer months. 24e Council Agenda: 8/28/06 No buffer is proposed to separate the outdoor seati g area from the adjacent drive lane and drive- through order board. Staff recommends, at a mini urn, the patio be enclosed by a fence and contain moveable planters for additional screening particularly adjacent to the drive-through order board. Grading, Drainage, and Utilities. All grading, d ainage, and utility plans are subject to the approval of the City Engineer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommended approva of all three conditional use permits. The Commission indicated approval for joint access b sed on the applicant's ability to demonstrate that they are able to meet parking requirements ba ed on a tenant mix. Decision 1: CUP for Joint Access 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a commercial strip center and joint access, based on a finding that the prop sed arrangement is consistent with the intent of the PZM District. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use P Broadway Market based on a finding met. it for a joint parking arrangement for at the conditions for approval have not been Decision 2: CUP for a Drive-Through Facilit 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Us Permit for a drive through facility, based on a finding that the proposed use is consist nt with the intent of the PZM District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use P it for a drive through facility, based on a finding that the conditions for approva have not been met. 3. Motion to table to the request for furth r study. Decision 3: CUP for Joint Parking 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Us Permit a Joint Parking Arrangement, based on a finding that the proposed arrangeme t would meet the requirements for off-street parking and no substantial conflict in ours of operation is expected, subject to the condition outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use P rmit for a joint parking arrangement for Broadway Market based on a finding t at the conditions for approval have not been met. 24f Council Agenda: 8/28/06 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Steiner Development is requesting three different c nditional use permits in order to accommodate a commercial strip center containing a variety of retail uses, as well as a coffee shop with a drive through. The applicant has made a number of revisions to the original site plan to address concerns expressed by City staff. The p oposed use appears to be consistent with the intent of the B-4 District, and meets the conditions or approval. Regarding Decision 1, staff recommends approval of the CUP for a commercia strip center and joint access. Regarding Decision 2, staffis concerned with the esign of the parking lot and drive through lane. Staff recommends that the applicant re-desi the parking lot to provide an access lane to the west side of the parking lot and the drive throu entrance. As such, staff recommends approval of the CUP for a drive through facility, su ~ect to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. In discussions with the applicant, they have indicat d a willingness to redesign the drive through. Regarding Decision 3, the proposed arrangement a pears to meet the conditions of approval for the CUP. Some overlap in hours of operation is ex ected. However, there is a substantial amount of parking on site that can be expected to a commodate all tenants during their peak periods. As such, staff recommends approval of th CUP for a joint parking arrangement, subject to the condition outlined in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Revised Application Packet, includi g: Pylon Sign Elevations Storm Water Calculations Site Plan Utility Plan Grading Plan Storm Water Prevention Plan Landscaping Plan Sign Information Building Elevations Leasing Plan Conditions of Approval Exhibit B: Exhibit Z: 24g EXHIBI Z Conditions of pproval CUP for Joint Parking: Council Agenda: 8/28/06 1. The applicant shall provide a legal agreement e ecuted by all parties concerned for joint parking, subject to the approval of the City Att rney CUP for a Drive Th ough Facility: 2. The parking lot shall be modified to include an ccess lane to the west side of the parking lot and the drive through entrance. Said drive lane shall be delineated with curbed islands and contain directional signage. 3. The entire north side of the drive lane for the d 've through shall be curbed to create stacking space for six vehicles. 4. The island south of the pre-menu board shall b removed to allow room for a passing lane around the drive through. 5. The applicant shall comply with any recomme dations of the City Engineer. 24h ~.~m.._...._.._. "~ ..p.::_~" * .: ..' ~', .,. ,.~ ~ "~' ." " aRO~WA.VMARKET .,*--~" -= I {I I I ~k. '9' .' I - +---- I '.tl i1 TENANT TENANT TENANT TENANT TENANT , i, , I I i TENANT TENANT TENANT PYLON SIGN ELEVATIO ~'~f:HFP..'/ C,ffi ",f l'hA ~ r:I:..,A,~~ "::~f'\ i:t(:;r:~; ~'V:e.:,:: :::,'r4:'f,',(lr'.,~~r ~h: M(; ~: /F'f R\tJ:~F :J~ l\f.Jr, fH!. ":'.' I AM .1\ OUt. 'f ilL (. ;':: ;'~:''',l:,~ i..... \ ,,^,'r " ;Hr '.!':~'t .,~' DATE N1' ~ t;:: \')" ',I, I r il',!f: ll" ~~ ~ ' I ~ an::hltect.s & planners nlld War"'I'l'III" RQild. long Lake, MN 5~,'I~,d,)4b 95l.4'6 44:J4. f,~, 95217fl'<;8l:l:;!' f'lw@webe'at';Mect~ ee),,' J.-4 I . . Storm Sewer Drainage Area Data ~- ,. '"' Project: Rf04e\.\AJllV M"nl.e-\- Designed By: ty/ c... t-I- ~:=Amo 9 West Division St. Buffalo, UN 55313 Job No: ""l -c.' <D -0 z.- '?- \ Date: &> / t-tJ / tP r., r"!'S.IIOCMTD __ _ _u.r....,...... .. _....nf ...._ - -- -- STRUCTURE-- -TOTAL- -PAVED GRASS . -RUN0FF - LENGTH.. -- SLOPE. TC - ..... It. I It Q- NO. ACRES AREA AREA "e'. (MIN) (IN) (CFS) EX ( S 4-, C. B . 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I 1"-'"' 0 i UlJ '" f"'" b g ~ 01 II I ~I II ~ r. 'i G-l~ g 0 0 -> ..r,9 12.(ilZ a~S ~'~f1:I D'"/J.II'" ~""~ g~a1 !tiU lrif; ~~~ ~R~ ~~~ ~, g: 2: i5r:;'~ ~2:.g en ...... CD ~ R:::S ~ C?& '-1 '0( 1-'0 .... ,: ~ t 0 ';:0 ....+ ::t -. T --------/ ~- ..----------- ~/ 9/ /' ~ . t ~ df q ~ i Lil ~ ~\:'.. m <- k -t '; 4; t f1 .< .'--,- ~D . ~:i -I) ~.~.I. .:1 )> m a- m < ~ - o z m m a- m ~ -I - o z c Steiner Development, Inc. 3610 County Road 101 Wayzata, MN 55391 (952) 475-5113 August 10,2006 Broadway Market Monticello, MN Proposed Leasing Plan/ Joint Parking A reement Tenant Sbe Hair 1,300 Coffee 1,820 Sandwich 1,820 Liquor 5,000 Pizza Take Out/Delivery 1,300 Cellular 1,300 Fitness 1,300 Dry Cleaning 1,300 Nail 860 Tax Prep/Insurance Office 1,300 Pack & Ship 1,300 Home Decorating(Carpet,Blinds,etc) 3,400 TOTAL 2200 Da art Evening Morning Afternoon Evening Evening Afternoon/Evening Morning/Evening Morning/Evening Evening Evening Afternoon/Evening Evening Intensi Medium High High Medium Low Low Medium Medium Low Low Low Low 24u 5E. Consideration of authorizin urchases fo communit center. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Traditionally September and October are the months 'n which we tend to see lower numbers of visitors at the community center. Because of this trend, Septe ber and October is when we close the pool for annual maintenance, resurface floors, and do quite a bit of aintenance and improvement projects necessary. We have the items budgeted for 2006 to be worked 0 or to be purchased, however, we do need to have them authorized by the City Council. Here is a run d wn of the projects we are working on and the cost. 1. Resurface the adult and family spas in the pool area. This is a special process using Diamond Brite material. The vendor iving us the lowest quote is Aqua Logic in the amount of $6,000. We had originally udgeted $10,000 for this project based on quotes last year. Our maintenance superviso , Brian, worked with the company to determine what needed to be done and then negotiate the best price. As you might remember, Aqua Logic is the company installing the UV Sani ation system. So during our pool shut down, they will be installing part of that system, r surfacing the spas and doing some general maintenance work in the pools surge t 2. The entry way doors to the communit center are wood and unfortunately not holding up well to the elements of Minnesota, ev n though we refinish them every year to protect them. We budgeted to begin replacin the worst of the doors this year and will continue to do so until they are all replaced. Weave nine pairs of door plus one. Weare planning to replace four pairs plus one this year. e will be going with an aluminum door using the hardware we have on the current door. The cost is $3,211 per pair or $14,450. We did budget $18,000 for this project, but w re able to get quotes for less than we had originally received. We will still refinish the re aining doors so that they make it through the winter. We have placed money in the 2007 b dget to continue replacing doors until they are all the same. 3. We have had quite a few requests to a d onto the indoor play area, the Romp on' Stomp. To add onto the actual structure woul cost over $46,000, so I went seeking another solution. I looked into themed foam lay toys for climbing on and crawling through. I found a company called Playtime that deals with this product. To have something custom made was actually more than the $6,0 0 we have budgeted, however, they have items that are on the shelf that have been used in demonstrations and they sell for less than new. They have a taxi cab that kids can cli b on top of, sit in or crawl through that I think would fit well in the area. The cost is $5,000 with delivery charges of almost a $1,000. The Romp on' Stomp is a part of the embership program and its use is also included in the daily fee, however, we also sell d ly visits in the Romp On' Stomp only. For 2005 we had 749 Romp on' Stomp only for a oss revenue of $1850. Through August 23rd of2006, we've had 555 Romp on' Stomp only or a gross revenue of$1381. As you can see this is a fairly well used area so adding this t e of item would satisfy the requests that we've received for expansion in that room. 25 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To authorize the purchases as requested for t e community center. 2. To authorize some of the purchases for the co munity center. 3. To not authorize any of the purchases for the ommunity center. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative acti n number one. The community center Advisory Board had reviewed and recommended these items d ring the 2006 budget review. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Quotes from Aqua Logic Inc and Hannon Gl ss · Picture of the foam play toy being requested 26 ~1~~,c Inc. 501 Industrial Blvd' Waconia, MN 55387 952-856-7550 · 952-856-7551 Fax August 9, 2006 To: Brian Weldon From: Bob LaDuke RE: Project Pricing Cost for Aqua Logic to furnish and install al materials necessary (tile, bond-kote and Diamond Brite) to re-plaster both spas inclu ing all prep work: $6000.00 Cost for Aqua Logic to furnish and install n w T -Handle for valve in balance tank: $200.00 Cost for Aqua Logic to furnish and install n w handrail anchors for both spas and water slide to include core drill/anchor placement! ile patching: $700.00* Cost for Aqua Logic to remove existing and furnish and install three (3) new sets of stainless steel bolts inside balance tank: $5 0.00 Notes: Prices valid for 30 days Prices exclude all taxes, permits and fees * Price excludes electrical - bonding wire re uired on installation of new metal anchors. Above work - excluding re-plaster job - are available to be done at Time and Materials rate of $70 per man hour and 20% parts mar -up. 27 Equal Oppor unity Employer "",,.,.">Aug. 8. 2006 6'42AM 1I'z':'.''''''':'' No. 7544 P. 2 1 t." ~. " t.". Ha.rmon GLASS SeRVICES . Iiumon, Inc. 6315 SandblU"g Roa.cl, Suite 1000 ,Golden Valley, MN 554-27 Tel 612.721.6393 "Fax 612.721.341 1 7 August 2006 Proposal submitted fD: CITY OF MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER 505 WAhNUT ST MONTICELLO MN 55362 to be perfotmed at OF MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER M NT/CELLO MN 55362 BR AN WELDON We propose to furnish and install: (9) pairs, (1) sgl Replace existing wood doors with wide stile alumi um doors hung on existing framing with continuous geared hinges. Clear tempered insulated glass. Re-use cro'sers, panics and exterior escutcheons/ ulls, and cylinders from existing doors. Includes,removal and disposal of existing doors. Excludes: Permit, final cleaning, replacement or a on new doors. ditional parts needed to make existing hardwa~~Y"ark~~--,~ i~lI/rtt r For the net sum of T $28.900.00 NOT INCLUDED: CLING OR PROTe=CTION. SUBJECT TO THESE CONDITIONS. This propoaal ~ .u olhera prevlGlnlly given and no rep,..nlallon& olhw than those lnc;luded In this Of atl8ChGd 81eeI& IInd ~ en binding upon tt11a ltml. W will bit .-ec:uted lIS DfOftl!llly .. poMIb18 upoll "**pt of order llIIbjoQ IQ any oondIUonl'~d DUf m/1W1 .. IIItMs. _ vi God iIlC. An fIIdnI ct.r&a wIJ bo m&. fur IIlI ovenrne wonc. w. do not J'8f)lIIaI ~ Of 48mage un.... dll1N:lly eeUMCI by our omDloyeea. W. fMe/Ve the L Ia CDlTeellIflY c/erlc:al emn prlor to _plane>>. If dll& bid Is fIOI 8~ wlUlln 1N~.:f,3p) day&, we _ll1e right to WlI/'Idmw. ShOLdd yDU ptlhlll eodmlM yel UlI8 your awn contrKt fOrm, It 1& ~ thel we wi' inCClflXll1llIlt end rnoko D pen thereof a vue copy at thll; propel... I ,~': My dJspu~ or Glffetwlce$ Shall blt &ubjeGt 10 Drbluellon, If desired, 81t11i1r paiW Ia mnll1lc:t. TERMS: INSTAllED SALES: 90% of all material fumi.5hed and work p !formed during the monltl is to b8 paid us on or before the tenth of the following month. Bal,nce to be paid upon completion of oUr<;;ontracL Acceptahce of Proposal Date (Contractor,Owner,Tenan or Agent) Acceptance of Proposal Date PROPOSAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT OTICE UNTIL SIGNED BY BOTH PARTIES. I"', '/:'1.. ~~~.1?~ROP05Al -.....- ~~~~ ': ,'r~; .I1,~ .', I'~ "\l'dlll'.'uu'JI Pr\".J\ld~ "nd S,T\.k....~ 28 -- T AXr CAB is 4 feet wide by 5 feet long http;/www.playtimeco.com. resources,tiles/Stock Items: ry.... Play TaxiC'abOnBlocks.Jpg Page I of I 19 8/22.2006 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 SF. This is a follow-up item to agenda item 8 at the 5/8/06 City Council meeting. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN : The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) pro am, created by the Federal Surface Transportation Act, establishes a grant program providi g communities with the opportunity to improve conditions for bicycling and walking to choo1. Any agency wishing to construct such improvements is encouraged to submit a grant application, however a limitation of the program is that all funding is distributed after construction occurs therefore agencies that don't have the necessary assets to initially fund their projects must ask another agency to sponsor them. The Swan River Montessori Charter Sch 01, which has approximately 130 students, is not able to fund their desired improvements p-front therefore they must find an agency to sponsor them. Sponsoring agencies are sually City's or County's with a population of more than 5,000 people. Project sponsors are t porarily fiscally responsible for a project including all aspects of its design and co struction, including construction inspection. In addition, sponsors are responsible for ens 'ng that the project is completed in accordance with all applicable State and Federal regu ations. Bruce Westby met with Swan River Mon essori Charter School representatives Cathy Augustson and Sandy Morrow on 6/28/0 to discuss the SRTS grant program and the schools desire to apply to this program. Bruce ha attended a SRTS program workshop on 6/09/06 and upon presenting what he learned ther to Cathy and Sandy they indicated that the school would like to apply for a grant this Octob r in hopes of constructing pedestrian facility improvements next spring. The school th n asked if the City of Monticello would be willing to sponsor them in the SRTS program. If ot, the school will need to find another sponsor before moving ahead with preparing their pplication package for the SRTS program. The pedestrian facility improvements curr ntly under consideration by the school include a crosswalk and pedestrian ramp at Maple d 5th Streets, reduced speed signing on Maple and 5th Streets along school property, and the i stallation of signs on the school building to alert drivers to the fact that the building is a sch 01. The estimated cost for the school's desired improvements is in the range of$IO,OOO ( inimum SRTS project amount) to $25,000, depending on the design of the signs chose for the school building. An engineering study would also be required to justify the reduc d speed signing. According to MniDOT, all the improvements outlined above are eligible r funding under the SR TS program. In summary, the cost to the City for sponso . ng the school would essentially consist of the staff time spent assisting the school with th ir SRTS application. While the City would also need to provide the initial funding for the p oject, the City would be reimbursed for 100% of the project costs after the project is complet . There is absolutely no risk to the City in regards to providing the funds for the proje t up-front since the applicant must be awarded the grant prior to any project work commencin . The only true cost to the City therefore would be for the staff time required to assist the sc 001 with their application and in working with the state during the reimbursement process, hich we could limit to 40 hours or less. 30 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve City sponsorship of the S an River Montessori Charter School in the Safe Routes to School program. 2. Deny sponsorship. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City A inistrator, the Public Works Director and the City Engineer that the City Council sponsor wan River Montessori Charter School in the Safe Routes to School program. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 31 5G. Discussion of award of contract t ro.ect for Riverside Cemeter Ci Council Agenda - 08/28/2006 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN : At the last Council Meeting on August I , 2006, Scott Sypnieski from Authority Fence addressed the Council in regard to the award f the ballfield fencing project at the Xcel Fields. During the discussion I mentioned that we ha not yet received the signed contracts, insurance and bonds from Authority Fence for the Riv rside Cemetery Project. Scott indicated that he would have the documents in my office the fo lowing morning which would be August 15. On Wednesday, August 16, I received the signed ontracts and insurance from Authority Fence but no bonds. I, therefore, drafted a letter to A thority Fence and requested that he forward the contract performance bond to me no later tha noon on August 24, 2006, which is the cut-off time for the formal agenda for August 28. Sco t called me on August 23 and indicated to me that the bond was in processing and I should have it by Thursday afternoon. If this item is in your agenda packet it means that I did not receive t e bond from Authority Fence prior to completion of your agenda packet. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to revie the bonding process with Scott from Authority Fence and if believed appropriate gran him another week's extension to September 4, 2006 to provide the bond. 2. The second alternative would be to r call the award based upon Authority Fence's inability to provide a contract perform ce bond or other suitable security to proceed with the contract. The Council would t en make a decision whether or not to award it to the second bidder which was around $ ,000 higher, and whether or not to cash the bid security for failure to provide the necess y bond. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As Public Works Director I believe it is in our est interest to work with contractors as much as we can to get them to fulfill their obligations th t they bid. In this case if Scott indicates he will be able to follow through with the bond within the next week I would not have a problem with alternative #1. However, if the bond failed to c me in that time we would move automatically to alternative #2 or another alternative selected by e City Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of bid tabulation for this project; Copy 0 the original letter of award to Authority Fence; Copy of the letter requesting the bid bond by Th rsday, noon, August 24, 2006. 32 :&8 'Q Q.N N . ..p w>, ~- C ::l CI)"'"J C co ",-.....~r.=:'\~ ~?~~I) )j . .--....---" --._--. ._~"'------.,'~-~ .~-- ~~~.~_.,---- -- ~..'"-~...~-,----, ,. .- _.~-~ f------------________..._._.__ _.,,__ _____~ _. ____ ~-_.____.......____..._ Gl U c: .f 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 C! - 6 u--i u--i '" c: -... 5S M N ..... ::l C!:> M ~ 0 ri Lri Lri u N ,.... ..... 'Oil" ..... o(l lfl lfl lfl lfl c: iii ~ Gl U iii c '. ~ Gl C U ~ en c ~ ,.. Gl C I;; ::l U ~ ~ a. c 0 S a. ~ ::l ~ C a. CD rg ~ U In 't:I '" Gl ~ 0 a. '" 0 Z c d z c ~ 't:l is t:: C! ~ ,.... C! ~ CD n: :IE ~ 18 OJ ::l M 't:I cO u.. oi a. co 0 ~ 0 c -... 't:l ~ 0 C N ..... ~ .." i ..... ::l ~ a. :I C ,S! u ~ ~ ~ M ..... U ~ ,:j - '" ,...; ..... 0 c ai ,.... C j .!! 0 .5 't:I ~ ..... lfl C ,.... ..... oS! '" ..... """"- CD iii lfl lfl ~ ~ u ,:j ~ lfl ~ - ~ -< - .!! i III C iii Z ~ .f .E oS! - Cll - III 0 ;;J ... c .!! ,5 ~ = . ..... i.. :a ! Cll ::;I III C -< U ,5 :a ~ w N .5 ::;I r- CD Cl Z M C U 0 B J an - :a ..5 Cl an GI c .!! ::l 8 0 ~ GI Z U - 0 ~ LL ... GI III ::E III ..5 oS? u--i u--i r-- = ~ 'u Gl -... C') C) 'I: B ,S. :i .. C') tl:1. ~ - III U o 4: ~ ~ Gl 16 ..... an :i M ..... :; ... U N ... lfl lfl ::;I ~ - N III II') 4: c .... GI g: >- M 0 Cl :i 0:: ..... 2 ..... c W 'u an Cl .... N ~ C. C N C w .!! ... 'u :& l II'i iii Cl c Wu ,.. .!! 0 c: c U.... CD i In 0 'u iii g In Gl 0 0 0 0 0 w.... z E 0 0 c C! C! - 0 0 If u--i .!! c Och III 2! III N ~ 6 '" 0 GI u--i 6 -0 .. = -. E -".. 0 iii N 0 E N 0 U)Q III :> :l ..... 0 C! ~ N '" "N I :. 0 -..i N c: III 0 N ! 0 15 N E ~- C N Gl ..... '" ..... uS ,g ..... lfl E lfl lfl 0 lfl lfl -I- :E lfl O::U lI) ~ E '" to.! ~ - E 8l "W .e ::;I In Cll 0 c ~ Od ::l Gi 'E ~ 1.1.0:: i Gl ::l "a. III - III iii III m iii III iii iii ;! go .e Cl c .e c .e e ~ U...J Cl C ir.... Cll ir.... Cll ir.... :E 'ij.... Cll.... :E B :E Cll- ~ Z...J Z ~ e Gl c Gl Gl Gl Gl B e Gl ~ B WW ~ Gl U ,_ U > U ~ ,~ 'I; ~ - u LL~ Ll.'l: N 'I; ,- 'I: 'I; u'l: ~;t j ...J.... ca. 'Ea. ;va. ci:i Cla. ;va. u ca. ~~ it: e E III E 5 E e E IS E .fE IS E > 't:I 'u ... U >. - ::;I - ::;I U ::;I ::l !~ 't:I E :l ~ :I e oft - -eI) ~eI) Glel) as eel) as ::;lei) eel) I z:e rn 'I; .ea. ~a. ~a. .fa. wLL. W 't:I ::;I CllE S _a. Gl c ~ _ a. e as U "' E "' E -E "' E - 'E ~ E ~o ~ 5 :I C ::;I C :J "' Z ::;I 6 ::;I "' 6 ::l ~~ Gl ~::. ,S! -' ,S! -' E E ::;I :J --' ,- -' <c::. ,- -' III 't:I -- -- s eI)- 8- CII -- "' a. a. - 8- ~ 0::_ co as ;, 0 0 <c ;, <c ;, ou u 33 MONTICELLO July 26, 2006 Authority Fence & Deck, me. 1295 County Road 75 Clearwater, MN 55320 Attn. Scott Sypnieski Re: Award of Contract for Ornamental Fencin for the Riverside Cemetery City 0/ Monticello Project 2006-17C Dear Mr. Sypnieski: We are pleased to infunn you that the City of Monticello Co cil awarded the above referenced project to your firm at the regular council meeting held the evening ofJuly 24, 20 6. The award was based upon item ill. Bid C; for 1,225 lineal feet of 4' high aluminum ornamental fencing as spec; led, complete aud installed for a price of $36,995.00, the mauufacturer to be Jerith. The City of Monticello Council d clined to add the decorative finials for all of the pickets. Enclosed you will find two copies of the contract for constru tion for this project. Please sign the contracts aud return them along with your certificates of insunmce aud your pub ic contractor surety bond and payment bond. Once we have these documents, we will sign the contracts and return copy to you along with your bid security. As we previously discussed, the closing of the bottom of pic ets on the ornamental fencing has been waived lium the specifications and upon receipt of all of the documents and si ed contracts the City will discuss a down payment with you for ordering of the materials after approval of the shop wings. If you have any questions, or if we may be of any additional ssistance, please contact us. Respectfully, CITY OF MONTICELLO John Simola Public Works Director Enc1: 2 - contracts for construction cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Seth Nelson, Parks Superintendent File &j at ~, ef/ke at [i>u6/k WOJdL, 909 fJe1eplkme: (763) 295-3170 ~e 9load,~, M.N 55362 ax: (763) 271~3272 34 ( . , , ~ CG@~v MONTICELLO August 18, 2006 Authority Fence & Deck, Inc. 1295 County Road 75 Cle<uwater, MN 55320 Attn. Scott Sypnieski Re: Status of Contract, Insurance and Bonds or the Ornamental Fencing Project for Riverside Cemetery, City Project No. 2006-17C Dear Mr. Sypnieski: On July 26, 2006 we notified you of the award of the bove referenced project to your finn by the City of Monticello Council. We forwarded to you, 2 copies 0 the contract and asked that you return them signed along with your certificates of insurance and Public ontractor's Security Bond and payment bonds as required by the contract specifications. At the council eeting on Monday, Augnst 14, 2006, you slated you would have those documents delivered to the Public W rks Department on August 15, 2006. As of today, we have only received the contracts and certificate ofin urance and are still awaiting the contractor's surety bond and payment bond. If we have not received the bonds in the Office of Pub Ii Works at 909 Golf Course Road, Monticello, MN, by 12:00 noon Thursday, August 24,2006 we will plac this item on the council agenda meeting schedule for August 28,2006 for appropriate action. If you have any questions, or if we may be of any furthe assistance in this matter, please contact us. RespectfuI1y, CITY OF MONTICELLO John Simola Public Works Director cc; Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Seth Nelson, Parks Superintendent Clint Herbst, Mayor File eity of JKonticello, (9fJia of:Ju&k WO-1t/i", 909 ,1efepfwne: (763) 29S-3170 <!o.wtce 9l&uL, Monticdla, ,;UN SS362 : (763) 271-3272 35 5H. Consideration of ado tin rotocol fo Off-Premise real estate siens. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda: 8/28/06 City Code does not allow placement of s' gns in the boulevard and it does not allow "off premise signs. We have all seen the off- remise real estate signs in the boulevard, usually located at intersections that give prospect've home buyers directional information as to the location of housing developments. In ad ition to the day to day off-premise real estate directional signs, the "Parade of Homes" signage placed on the boulevard are also illegal. These regulations come in conflict most ften with real estate companies that have the need to point motorists in the direction of their d velopments. Our current regulations could be construed as being in conflict with the ge eral goal of working in partnership with real estate companies that have made large investm nts in the community. The main purpose ofthis update is to info you of our strategy for enforcement of this ordinance as it stands today and to identi a plan for updating the code to better match our enforcement program. Please review thi update closely. If you do not agree with the proposed strategy, it should be brought u for discussion. Subsequent to Council review, staff will be sending information to reaIto s regarding enforcement priorities. Please note that not all cities ban off-pre ise placement of real estate directional signs in the boulevard. There are cities that allow plac ment of off-premise real estate signs on a limited/regulated basis. For instance, ther is a provision in the St. Michael code that allows off-premise signs to be placed at certain I cations in the boulevard from Thursday through Friday only. Real Estate Signs Enforcement Priorities The main goal of our enforcement priority is to keep signs back from curb and to limit proliferation of real estate signs. · City staff will not remove real estate signs located more than 10 feet behind the curb. This includes signs along County roads and Sta e Highways. Requiring signs to be moved back at least 10 feet from the curb places them clo e to the property line in many instances. · Staffwill continue to remove signs in the i tersection "sight triangle". For the purpose of real estate sign placement, the sight triangl is defined as 30 feet back from the corner as measured at the curb intersect, and 10 feet ack from the curb. · Any more than one sign placed for directio al purposes by the same real estate company at one location will be removed except along the Highway 25 corridor where two signs are acceptable. · Real estate signs placed in the center islan s, nailed or fixed to utility poles or street signs will be removed. · Where possible, real estate companies shal attempt to neatly group directional signage. · One directional sign per company at each s gn location except for State Highway 25 where two signs will be allowed. · Real estate companies will be asked to rem ve from the ROW any semi- permanent signs utilizing posts imbedded into the ground. 36 Council Agenda: 8/28106 · Enforcement of ordinances that would r strict Parade of Homes or other area-wide builder event directional signage is suspended u til related revisions to the ordinance have been completed. Next steps Once the policy above is established sta will send the real-estate companies a letter outlining our enforcement priorities. It will also b noted that the City will be examining our ordinance for possible amendments in the near futu e. Any amendments to the regulations governing off-premise signs will address not only r al estate signs but other signs such as Garage Sale signs, off-premise commercial signage et. This enforcement policy applies to off-premise real estate signs only. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion supporting enforcement st ategy relating to off-premise real-estate signage and direct staff to research options for pdating the Zoning Ordinance in this regard. 2. Motion to deny support of enforce ent strategy and either strengthen or weaken approach as desired. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is our view that strict enforcement of th current code relating to off premise real estate signs may not be practical and, that the co e may be working somewhat at cross purposes with the goal of working in partnership wi h the development community. It is requested that Council provide staff with some direc ion in this regard so that we can match our enforcement protocol with Council desires We can then notify the real estate companies accordingl y. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 37 Item # 7 was not provided to e as of 4: 15 pm. May be available on Monday 38 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 8. Consideration of are uest for a Condi ional Use Permit and PUD Amendment to allow for a drive throu h lane within an exis in PUD. A lie ant: Mielke Bros. LLC and Alan Loch. (JO/NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicants are requesting an amendment to t eir PUD to allow for a low-volume drive through lane. The subject site is located south of Chelsea Road and east ofTH 25, in the Loch/Mielke Development. The original PUD was approved i 2001. The underlying zoning is B-3, Highway Business. The Planning Commission recommen ed denial of the CUP at their meeting on August 1, 2006. The Commission based their denial on the following items. (a) The proposed use is not consistent with th requirements of the B-3, Highway Business, District, (b) The use of the drive.through as designed with just 3 full off.street stacking spaces will result in congestion and public safety problems in the djoining public street, (c) The proposed drive-through violates the re uired setbacks for such facilities in the B-3 District, (d) The proposed drive-through would endang r pedestrian traffic on the adjacent sidewalk, and (e) The exit lane does not permit traffic to e it the drive-through without conflicting with incoming traffic to the shopping center, creating additio al street safety problems. Conditional Use Permit. Drive through establish ents are allowed in the B-3 District by Conditional Use Permit. The Zoning Ordinance c ntains the following requirements for such uses as it applies to this request: 1. The architectural appearance and functiona plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area s to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within are sonable distance oflot 2. Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered 3. Parking areas and driveways shall be curbe with continuous curb not less than six 6 inches high above the parking lot or driveway gra e 4. Vehicular access points shall be limited sha I create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movements shall comply with Chapt r 3 Section 5 of this ordinance and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer 5. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right of way or from an abutting residence d shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 2 H of this ordinance 6. The entire area shalI have a drainage syste which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer 7. The entire area other than that occupied by uildings or structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material which will control ust and drainage and which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer 8. All signing and informational or visual com unication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3 Section 9 of this ordinance The request for amendment to conditional use appe s to comply with the majority of these requirements. However, there are significant issues as related to item 4, which are described in detail 39 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 below. The proposed signage related to the d ve-thru also does not comply with the ordinance requirements, and is therefore in conflict with tern number 8. PUD. The approved Planned Unit Developme t allowed for a mix of commercial uses. The development relied on PUD for shared parking common driveways, and setback flexibility. The applicant is now seeking to add a drive through lane in order to accommodate the needs of a potential new tenant. No other revisions are proposed fo the existing building. The City Council will need to determine if after including this drive-thru, the roject is superior to a project otherwise constructed under existing standards. Drive Through. The applicant is proposing a' ow-volume" drive through in the northeast corner of the site, adjacent to Cedar Street. As proposed, he design provides an 11 foot drive lane with approximately 90 feet of stacking space behind he pick-up window. With the driveway length provided, the drive through would provide stackng space for up to four cars (Exhibit C). Any excess vehicles would spillover onto Cedar Street. Thi would potentially create traffic congestion problems, as well as safety issues. The applicant has asked that the type of business proposed will not create sufficient volume to cause stacking into the street. However, the applicant as not indicated what type of business is proposed. For perspective, a pharmacy use would require 2 3 stacking spaces. A coffee shop use would require an average of 5-6 stacking spaces. This site coul not accommodate that amount of stacking. If approved, the City would have difficulty regulati g the use of the drive-thru if the use results in stacking onto the public street. The drive lane is 11 feet wide at the pick-up win ow, providing room for drive.thru traffic, but does not allow any room for cars to pass. A fire lane i generally required to be 20 feet in width. This is a concern as there is no other way for cars to exit t e site back onto to Cedar Street without using the drive through lane. Setback! Drainage and Utility Easement. As a ondition of approval, driveways are required to be curbed with continuous curb not less than six 6 in hes high above the parking lot or driveway grade. Curbing is required to adhere to a 6-foot perimete setback. As proposed, the curb on the east side of the drive.thru lane would have zero setback. This is a concern due to the fact that the curb would provide no setback from an existing sidewalk, and leave no room for landscaping or screening. The applicant has indicated that he would be willing to provide moveable planters in this area to create a buffer. However, staff would recommend additio allandscaping to provide year-round screening from Cedar Street. Additionally, the proposed drive-thru is located ne rly entirely within an existing drainage and utility easement. As the drive-thru is proposed for the pe .meter of the site, the drainage and utility easement is 12'. No encroachments are permitted ithin an existing or required drainage and/or utility easement. Thus, the applicant is requesting Variance to allow the construction of the drive. thru within the easement. The Variance is being pr cessed as a separate application. Access/Circulation. As stated above, access to the drive through is located off Cedar Street. Cars would be required to move directly into the drive 1 e, as there is no feasible location to turn around. The eleven foot drive lane would require a setback ariance for the curb. 40 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 Cars would exit the drive lane at the intersecti n of the east-west private drive and Cedar Street, in the northeast comer of the site. Additional car at this intersection may intensify any traffic congestion problem and would not provide ade uate stacking room for any car waiting to turn on to Cedar Street. The proposed drive lane is located adjacent to e refuse room. As such, garbage trucks will need to access the site to pick up garbage near the drive through entrance. Any garbage truck on the site would temporarily block access to the drive Ian. This may be more of a concern if garbage trucks are scheduled to service the site during peak ho s. Lighting. No additional lighting is proposed fa the site. However, all lighting should be hooded or arranged in a manner that deflects direct light a ay from Cedar Street. Signage. A wall sign is proposed for the east s.de of the building, above the pick-up window. The total area of the sign is not indicated on the site Ian. The total maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking 10% of the oss silhouette area of the front of the building up to 100 square feet, whichever is less. The total sign ge area allowed for the development is 1,500 square feet. Any changes to existing signage as part of he addition of a drive-thru must adhere to these standards. The site plan also indicates a directional sign at t e entrance to the drive-thru. The setback requirement for directional signs is five feet fro any driveway or parking area. The proposed directional sign is proposed to be setback appro x mately four feet from the drive lane and four feet from the property line. The proposed location does not comply with minimum setback requirements and it does appear as though there is an alternate ocation available that would meet the five foot setback. An approval of the amendment would n ed to include approval of variances for sign locations. Grading, Drainage, and Utilities. All grading, rainage, and utility plans are subject to the approval of the City Engineer. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for a Conditional Use P rmit and PUD Amendment to construct a drive through lane in the Mielke/Loch Development, th City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the amendment to Co ditional Use Permit for PUD, based on a finding that the proposed use satisfies all conditio s of allowing such a use in the B-3 District, and is consistent with the intent of the original P D, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. The amendment allowing the drive-thru sa isfies the requirement that this PUD is superior to a standard project meeting all applicable co es. 2. Motion to deny the amendment to Conditio al Use Permit for PUD, based on a finding that: a. the proposed use is not consiste t with the requirements of the B-3, Highway Business, District b. The use of the drive-through as desi ed with 3 full off-street stacking spaces will result in congestion and public safety problems i the adjoining public street, 41 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 c. The proposed drive.through viol tes the required setbacks for such facilities in the B.3 District, d. The proposed drive-through would endanger pedestrian traffic on the adjacent sidewalk, and C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION e. The exit lane does not pennit t affic to exit the drive-through without conflicting with incoming traffic to the shopping ce ter, creating additional street safety problems. The City Council needs to detennine if the pro osed amendment to the PUD results in a project that is of superior design, or whether the PUD pro ess in this case is being used to avoid meeting code requirements without sufficient enhancements n cessary to support a superior PUD project. The City Council also needs to weigh approval of an ame dment is it may not meet all of the requirements for conditional use permit. Staff recommends that a motion for approval be considered in conjunction with the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Site Image B. Civil Engineering Plans C. Building Elevations D. Stacking Space Illustration. Z. Conditions of Approval 42 fbA Page I of 2 43 me=CustomParcel&ClientV ersion=3.1 &... 7/27/2006 ~ 1 44 ~B 2 45 R48'-1" 2 EIFS EXPANSION JOINT j J------ --- ~-~-~------~- r- ------------_ _, L_ Ier~{~~[[_S.I~_ _J ~ BG TO PARAPET El-122'-0 1/4" TO SIGNAGE El=114'-11" PC MAS PIER CAP SEE DETNl 16/A501 FABRIC AWNING ON MTl FRAMING TO CONC EL= 1 00' -0. Al & GL STOREFRONT SYS PRE FIN MTL COPING TO WALL EL 119' O. 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SECTION: ADMINISTRATION - V A CES AND APPEALS 23-1: Board of Adjustment and Appeals 23-2: Planning Commission and City Staff 23-3: Finding of Planning Commission and 23-4: Non-Economic Hardship 23-5: Appeals 23-6: Procedures 23-7: Lapse of Variance or Appeal 23-8: Performance Bond 23-1: BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND A PEALS: The Planning Commission shall act as a Board of Adjustment and Appeals. 23-2: PLANNING COMMISSION AND CI Y STAFF REPORTS: All written reports and recommendations to the Planning ommission serving as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals from the City staff shall be entered in and made part of the permanent written record of the Board' meeting. 23-3: FINDING OF PLANNING COMMIS ION AND CITY STAFF: In considering all requests for variance or appeal and taki g subsequent action, the City staff and the Planning Commission, serving as the oard of Adjustment and Appeals, shall make a finding of fact that the proposed actio will not: [A] Impair an adequate supply ofli ht and air to adjacent property. [B] Umeasonably increase the cong stion in the public street. [C] Increase the danger of fire or en anger the public safety. [D] Umeasonably diminish or impa r established property values within the neighborhood or in any other w y be contrary to the intent of this ordinance. 23-4: NON-ECONOMIC HARDSHIP: The lanning Commission, serving as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, shall, after receiving the written reports and recommendations of the City staff, ma e a finding of fact and decide upon requests for a variance by approving or denying he same, in part or in whole, where it is alleged by the applicant that a non-eco omic hardship in the reasonable use of a specific parcel of property exists. Aha dship that by some reason of narrowness, shallowness, or shape of a specific parc I of property or lot existing and of record upon the effective date of this ordinanc or that by reason of exceptional topographic or water conditions of a specific parcel f land or lot, the strict application of the terms of this ordinance would result in xceptional difficulties when utilizing the parcel or lot in a manner customary an legally permissible within the district in MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE '6t 23/1 48 which said lot or parcel is located, or would create undue hardship upon the owner of such lot or parcel that the owner of another lot or parcel within the same district would not have ifhe were to develop his lot or parcel in a manner proposed by the applicant. Should the Planning Commission find that the conditions outlined heretofore apply to the proposed lot or parcel, the Planning Commission may grant a variance from the strict application of this ordinance so as to relieve such difficulties or hardships to the degree considered reasonable, providing such relief may be granted without impairing the intent of this zoning ordinance. 23-5: APPEALS: The Planning Commission, serving as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, shall, after receiving the written report and recommendation of the City staff, make a finding of fact and make a decision on appeals where it is alleged by the applicant that error has occurred in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the Building Inspector in the enforcement of this ordinance. However, said appeal shall be filed no later than ninety (90) days after the applicant has received a written notice from the Building Inspector or said appeal shall be considered void. 23-6: PROCEDURES: [A] Request for a variance or appeal shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator on an official application form. Such application shall be accompanied by a fee as outlined in Chapter 26 of this ordinance. This fee shall not be refunded. Such application shall also be accompanied by written and graphic materials necessary for the explanation of the request. [B] Upon receiving said application, the Zoning Administrator shall refer the application, along with all related information, to the City Planning Commission. [C] Applications for a variance from the terms of this ordinance shall be due no later than four (4) weeks plus one (1) day prior to the Planning Commission meeting at which the item is to be considered. Applications that are deemed incomplete as of that date shall be returned to the applicant in accordance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. S 15.99. The Zoning Administrator shall refer said request along with all related information to the Planning Commission at least five (5) days prior to the regular meeting. This meeting shall be a public hearing, notice of which shall be mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting to all owners of property, according to the Wright County assessment records, within three hundred fifty feet (350') of the property to which the variance relates. When a variance request pertains only to yard setback requirements, only abutting property owners need be notified. Notices sent shall also indicate the appeal process in Section 23-6, Subdivisions [G] through [I]. (#426, 7/11/05) [D] Failure of a property owner to receive said notice shall not invalidate any such proceedings as set forth within this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 23/2 [E] The request shall be referred to the City staff for a report and recommendation to be presente to the Planning Commission. A preliminary draft of the City staffs report d recommendation shall be given to the City's Planning Commission at least five (5) days prior to the meeting at which said report and recomme dations are to be presented. The final report and recommendations of the Ci y staff are to be entered and made part of the permanent written record of the Planning Commission meeting. (#426, 7 Ill/OS) [F] The Zoning Administrator shall notify the originator of the variance request or appeal of the Planning Com ission, serving as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, decision in writin [G] Decisions of the Planning Co ission are final unless an appeal is filed within five (5) days of the decis'on with the Zoning Administrator. [H] Appeals of the decision of the lanning Commission, acting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, are m de to the City Council and must be in writing stating the basis for appeal. [I] Such an appeal shall be placed n the City Council meeting agenda for a public hearing within thirty (30 days after it is received, and notice of an appeal shall be published in the official newspaper at least four (4) days prior to the hearing. 23-7: LAPSE OF VARIANCE OR APPEAL Whenever, within one (1) year after granting a variance or appeal, the work as permi ed by the variance or appeal shall not have been completed, then such variance or ppeal shall become null and void unless a petition for extension of time in which 0 complete the work has been granted by the Planning Commission. Such extension shall be requested in writing and filed with the Zoning Administrator at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the original variance or appeal. There shall be no c arge for the filing of such petition. The request for extension shall state facts s owing a good faith attempt to complete the work permitted in the variance or appe 1. Such petition shall be presented to the Planning Commission for a decision. 23-8: RECONSIDERA nON: Whenever an pplication for a variance has been considered and denied by the Planning Commissio or City Council, a similar application for a variance affecting substantially the sam property shall not be considered again by the Planning Commission or the City C uncil for at least six months from the date of its denial; and a subsequent application affecting substantially the same property shall likewise not be considered again y the Planning Commission or City Council for an additional six months from the d te of the second denial unless the decision to reconsider such a matter is made by the Planning Commission. If such a request is denied by the Planning Commission, th applicant may appeal this decision to the City Council. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 23/3 49 and townhouse dwellings shall ot be located less than forty (40) feet from one another. (i) The grade elevation of any par . g area shall not exceed five (5) pereent. (j) Each property shall be allowed ne (1) curb cut per one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of street frontage. All property shall be entitled to at least one (1) curb cut. Single family uses sha 1 be limited to one (1) curb cut access per property. (k) SURF ACING: All areas intend d to be utilized for parking space and driveways shall be surfaced with materials suitable to control dust and drainage. Except in the case of single fami y and two-family dwellings, driveways and stalls shall be surfaced with six ( ) inch class five base and two (2) inch bituminous topping or concrete qui valent. Drainage plans shall be reviewed by the City Engineer and subject to his approvaL City staff may waive this requirement if it is determined t at the drainage plans do not merit further study by the City Engineer. Staff dete ination in this regard shall be based on size of parking surface area, simplici y of design plan, and proximity/accessibility to existing storm sewer facilities. EXCEPTIONS: See D. 9 (s) St 1 Aisle and Driveway Design Conditional Use Permit. (#192, 7/9/90) (1) STRIPING: Except for single, to-family, and townhouses, all parking stalls shall be marked with white paint d lines not less than four (4) inches wide. (m) LIGHTING: Any lighting used t illuminate an off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining property, abutting residential uses, and public right of-ways and be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2, [G] and [H] of this or inance. (n) SIGNS: No sign shall be so loca ed as to restrict the sight lines and orderly operation and traffic movement ithin any parking lot. (0) CURBING AND LANDSCAPI G: Except for single, two-family, and townhouses, all open off-street p king shall have a perimeter curb barrier around the entire parking lot, sai curb barrier shall not be closer than six (6) feet to any lot line as measured fi om the lot line to the face of the curb. In addition, no parking area may be located upon a public drainage and/or utility easement adjoining a public stre t. Grass, plantings, or surfacing material shall be provided in all areas borderin the parking area.. An exception to the setback requirement shall be gra ted in Business Districts where adjoining business provide for private cros access between parking lots. In such cases, driveway curb cuts up to 24 feet n width shall be permitted. Adjoining MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/35 50 business properties may share 11 parking access of more than 24 feet with no curb barrier by Conditional Us Permit provided that: 1. The required landscaping and island areas within the share parking lot meet the combined mini urn as required by this Ordinance. 2. The parking lot meets th - required setback at the perimeter of the parcels in question. 3. The curb cut access locat ons to the parking lot( s) are approved by the City Engineer. 4. A shared access and mai tenance agreement is provided by the property owners and recorded agai st all subject properties. (#428, 8/22/05) EXCEPTIONS: See D. 9 (s) S all Aisle and Driveway Design Conditional Use Permit. (#192, 7/9/90) (p) REQUIRED SCREENING: A 1 open, non-residential, off-street parking areas of five (5) or more spaces shall e screened and landscaped from abutting or surrounding residential district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2, of this ordinance. (q) ALL DRlVEW A Y ACCESS 0 ENINGS shall require a culvert unless the lot is served by storm sewer or is d termined unnecessary by the Building Inspector. Size of culvert shall e determined by the Building Inspector but shall be a minimum of fifteen ( 5) inches in diameter. (r) CURBING: 1. All commercial and indu trial off-street parking areas and driveways in commercial areas shall h ve a six (6) inch non-surmountable continuous concrete curb around the erimeter of the parking area and driveways. ii. All off-street driveways a d parking areas in the I-I, I-lA, and 1-2 districts shall have a eont nuous, concrete, non-surmountable curb barrier. This requirement shall be modified only by the STALL, AISLE, AND DRlVEW A Y DESI N CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT as described in Section 3-5, ubd. [D] 9(s), or by a permit from the Zoning Administrator for a porti n of the parking and driveway area which meets the following conditions: (#298, 10/13/97) a. The area is shown by adequate site plans and reasonable growth to be subject to a fut re expansion of the driveway and/or parking area. b. The area is shown by adequate drainage plans to be able to control MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/36 51 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 EXHIBI Z Conditions of pproval Chelsea Commons - Mielk Bros./Loch Request 1. The site plan shall be revised to create at least 15 eet of additional stacking space behind the pick-up window. 2. All lighting shall be directed away from Cedar Str et. 3. The applicant shall comply with any recommenda ions ofthe City Engineer. 52 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 9. Consideration of Pro. ect A ward for Grad Center Otter Creek Industrial Park Ci a Portion of the Monticello Business of Monticello Pro.ect No. 2006-18C (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the June 12,2006 City Council meeting, t e Council authorized the preparation of plans and specifications for grading a portion ofth Otter Creek Industrial Park to further develop the park and to accommodate the developme t ofthe A VR site. The project includes grading a portion ofthe current 35-acre City-owned ropertyat Chelsea Road and Dalton Avenue as well as an additional 47 acres to the south. he City has purchased 52 acres from John Chadwick and Jim Bowers at this time, 5 ac s of which is all contained within a wetland area. The closing date for the property purc ase was on August 23, 2006. The Council has also recently approved the A VR land settle ent agreement. Street and utility improvements for the project site are being addressed in a s arate agenda item. The project includes grading the roadways ( alton Avenue, Dalton Court, and a segment of Dalton Way), rough grading of the adjacent ots, construction of a pond along the west side of the site, and restoration of all disturbed areas. Grading operations will include filling the mining area that was previously used for ag egate production. The soils on site are primarily sandy with topsoil on the surface. It is antici ated that sufficient material can be generated from the site to complete the grading and th material will not need to be hauled in to the site from an off-site source. There are also sev I stockpiles of material that are being analyzed with the site grading for an appropriate use. Funding for this project will be provided fro City funds to be recouped with the adjacent lot sales and tax base generated from the busine spark. Bids were received on August 24,2006 with R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. being the low bidder in the amount of$365,133.34. The L tter of Recornrnendation, Bid Tabulation Summary, and Bid Tabulation are attached. he Engineer's Estimate was $645,979.90. Grading operations are proposed to start in September 2006, in order to provide access to the A VR site and to accommodate A VR's reque t to begin construction this fall, so it is imperative that the Council consider awardi g the project at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Award the project to R. L. Larson E cavating, Inc. in the amount of$365,133.34. 2. Do not award the project at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that th Council authorize Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bid Tabulation Summary, Bid Tabulation, a d Letter of Recommendation 53 F: ',da"tt,J1ghwnlpmc 12006 O)/mcil Agellda.f\8-1f1-06 cCllge1/tMI.90fterCri!ekA~lJt1f'1J( i1'O.dill!{ Plan-082806.iJuc .. WSB & AS,flk...;ale'y. Int.'. Infrastructure _ Engineering _ Planning _ Co struction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763541-4800 Fax: 763541.1700 August 24, 2006 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Monticello Business Center Grading and Drainage and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2006-18C WSB Project No. 1488-92 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced project opened and read aloud. A total of fourteen bids wer mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please find e bidder as R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc., St. Cloud, The Engineer's Estimate was $645,979.90. n Thursday, August 24,2006, and were received. The bids were checked for losed the bid tabulation indicating the low innesota, in the amount of$365,133.34. We recommend that the City Council consider these ids and award a contract to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc., based on the results of the bids rec ived. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. &-t tJ~ Bret A. Weiss, P .E. President Enclosures cc: Randy Larson, R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. srb K: \Q} 4/{fJ.9L\.Adlrrin\C(Jn~tl'lJ.l..'tion AdminILTR REC'MMDtN-hmc(:-fJ8J4Q6.dl)t: 54 PROJECT: Monticello Business Center Grading and Drainage and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2006.18C LOCATION: Monticello, MN WSB PROJECT NO.: 1488.92 Bids Opened: Thursday, August 24,2006 at 10:00 a.m. Bid Securi Add. No.1 Add. No.2 Contractor 5% Rec'd. Rec'd. Grand Total Bid 1 R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. X X X $365,133.34 2 Dennis Fehn Gravel & Excavating, Inc. X X X $386,546.56 3 Northwest Asphalt, Inc. X X X $435,913.81'," .n.iI:.:,,,,, ~",," _'I",~:,:"':'n,I", ..."J',' f.'"L. 4 Midwest Contracting, LLC X X X $478,606.40 5 Glenn Rehbein Companies X X X $521,000.00 6 Rud Excavating, Inc. X X X $523,290.60 7 Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. X X X ";;":';', '<$~'94;9lS:57 '<.:<1,'''''';.\',., "" :.",..,."..",. 8 Hoffman Construction Company X X X $596,890.00 9 Central Specialties, Inc. X X X $672,620.58 10 Enebak Construction Company X X X $686,335.69 11 Mathiowetz Construction Company X X X $733,539.70 12 Ames Construction, Inc. X X X $739,488.35 13 Veit & Company, Inc. X X X $822,456.95 14 Scherff, Inc. X X X $958,029.28 $645,979.90 Engineer's Opinion of Cost I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulati n of the bids as received on August 24. 2006. ~. ~ tlnslWf../ Shibani K. Bisson. P.E. Project Manager Denotes corrected figure K:\D1488_921AdmlllICoIIslruclloll Admlll11488-92 BId Tab Summary.xls 55 CQ o o ~ N CO 'p / , 1 , , ~ ~, " ~ ~~ j j~ -.l '"' I ~ ~ ;j C o +0 aJ~ C/)::::S ;:.g I- "C iii ~ ~ 1 "tl fA '0 N C')ea cOCU aoC "'lItC -r- .- 0::E o Z 0 _ Z (.) ea -... ... ~ cu - .~c 6 e ~ o D..O ::E fA <( fA cu 0 g C _.. 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The proposed project includes the extensio of Dalton Avenue (formerly School Boulevard), Dalton Court, and Dalton Way ithin the Monticello Business Center (also known as the Otter Creek Industrial Park). he infrastructure improvements will facilitate the development of the second ph se of the business campus for development by the City. The proposed improvements ill also provide access and utility service to the currently proposed A VR site to be locat d at the southwest comer of Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court. The City has purchased dditional property for this project from John Chadwick and Jim Bowers. The closing da e for the property was on August 23,2006. The Council has recently approved the A V land settlement agreement. A VR would like to have Dalton Court constructed yet this fa 1, with the remaining improvements completed next year. The Council authoriz d the preparation of plans and specifications at the July 24,2006 Council meeting in ord to expedite construction of this project yet this year. The Public Hearing was held on ugust 14, 2006. The proposed improvements include exten ing Dalton Avenue from its existing terminus approximately 800 feet south and the const ction of Dalton Court from Dalton Avenue northwest approximately 830 feet to the we t edge of the business campus. Dalton Avenue is planned to extend to 90th Street ough the Spike (David and Mary) property and eventually extend through the YMCA roperty to CSAH 39. Dalton Avenue will terminate with a temporary cul-de-sac at th south end of the business campus. The grades at this location are steep and staff is reviewing extending the cul-de-sac into the Spike property where the grades flatten out The Spikes have indicated that they would like to proceed with the cul-de-sac located n their property and we are in the process of putting together the easement documents fi r this. In addition to extending Dalton A venue an Dalton Court, the Council authorized the extension of Dalton Way to the east to be bid as an alternate. Dalton Way would extend east of Dalton Avenue approximately 600 eet. This roadway was included since the City is purchasing property east of Dalton Aven e and that property could receive access from that street. It also may be beneficial to st construction of this segment this year as a potential cost savings for future constructi n cost increases. The proposed improvements include const cting the roadways as 44-foot-wide urban streets with a bituminous pathway extendi g along the east side of Dalton Avenue connecting to the existing trail along Chels a Road. Street lighting will be bid separately but will be constructed with the proposed i provements. Trunk sanitary sewer and watermain syste s are proposed to be extended within the roadways and will be sized to service the usiness campus and the immediate area south to 90th Street for future development. The storm sewer system will extend within the roadways and will be sized to accommoda e development inside the business park. The storm sewer system will discharge to a po d proposed along the west side of the site and 61 C:\DocWtJt!nt!i and Swlflgs!Jalm.g sslnger\I.ncal SctttngslTemporary lnte~t Files\OLK)IAGN UM_DaltonAveApprovePlansAutMFf1-082806.doc Council Agenda: 8/28/06 will outlet to the existing pond located south of Chelsea Road and west of Dalton Avenue. This pond has an existing outlet to tter Creek. The estimated project cost totals $1,331,900 or the extension of Dalton Avenue and Dalton Court. The estimated cost for the alt mate construction of Dalton Way is $391,500. Funding for this project will be p ovided from City funds to be recouped with the adjacent lot sales and tax base generated om the business park. Utility work is anticipated to be completed t is year as well as completion of the first lift of pavement on Dalton Court to be complete this fall. The remaining streets would be paved (all lifts) next year. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement of bids for the extension of Dalton Avenue, Dal on Court, and Dalton Way with Dalton Way bid as an alternate. 2. Do not approve the plans and specifi ations at this time. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Deputy City Admi istrator, Economic Development Director, City Engineer, and Public Works Director r commend that the Council authorize Alternative No, 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None 62 C: \Docum€n.ts and Seulflgslda'MI.gros inger\[IX/,II Settings\Temporary lnternd Ftles\01JOIAGN (TM_Dalturvl.lleApprrweP!unMldhAFB-081806.doc Council Agenda - 08/28/2006 11. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the last meeting the City Council requested t at the Public Works Director and the City Engineer research the purchase of portable brigh -yellow "Yield for Pedestrian" signs to be located at six busy intersections around the comm nity. The City Engineer and I have looked into the use of these signs and have learned that w will need at least two on each intersection. Consequently, we need a total of 12 signs. The 2 signs, including tax, will cost $3,067.20. Freight is expected to be in the neighborhood of 250, for a total of $3,317.20. The delivery time for the signs is approximately two weeks. The signs would be placed between driving lanes 0 each side of the intersection that carries the greatest volume of traffic. Weare proposing to . nitially set the signs at the intersections of Locust & Broadway, Walnut & Broadway, Cedar Broadway, 3rd & Walnut, 4th & Walnut, and 6th & Walnut. Since the signs are of a tempora nature they would be moved to other busy intersections throughout the community every fi weeks or so. The exact timing of the relocations will depend upon the effectiveness of th signs as determined by key City staff. 1. The first alternative is to authorize the p chase of 12 "Yield to Pedestrian" signs and bases and rotate them amongst the busiest i tersections throughout the community at six intersections at a time. The estimated cost fi r materials including delivery is $3,317.20. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 2. The second alternative would be to pur ase less signs and reduce the number of intersections at a time or purchase additio al signs to do more intersections at the same time. 3. The third alternative would be not to purch e the signs. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: As Public Works Director I am supportive of pedestrian safety and I am also, however, concerned about the use of non-standard signs tha may confuse some drivers when they're not used at every crosswalk. Certainly there are enou cities using these signs now to indicate that other jurisdictions have faith in their use. I am sup ortive of using them in Monticello as long as we keep moving them around frequently to other h'gh volume intersections and crosswalks in the community. I, therefore, support alternative #1, as oes the City Engineer. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of sign and mounting details and pricing fro Traffic Technologies of Minneapolis, MN. 63 Rubber Tough . Portable Crosswalk Device . Portable Rubber Base (40Ibs) . Fluorescent Yellow Green Diamond Grade Background. . WI Hi-Intensity White Ped Background. . 44" X 12" Tapered-Strong Yellow-Green Sign Panel. . 2" Text Portable Rubber Base model $ 269.00 + Tax (12 or more signs: $240,00 + Tax) . Surface Mount Base w/hdwr $ 239.00 + Tax Crosswalk Device Sign Mounting Studs Drivable Spike/Surface Mount Base Traffic Technologies LLC Ph: 612-521-2122, Fax 612-521-1022 sales@traffic-technoloQies.com 4754 Lyndale Ave. No. MPLS. MN 55430 64 Council Agenda - 08/28/2006 12. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: It has become increasingly more difficult to regulate he storage of materials and trailers on the city streets. We have had materials left on the streets ove ight on construction projects, both residential and commercial; in addition, trailers are being parke on the streets and in our parking lots without the tow vehicles and being left for days. Lastly, we have noticed that RV trailers that won't fit in driveways or yards are being left on the street with ut their tow vehicle, and even in some cases with slide-outs out to the traffic side of the trailers. The Wright County Sheriffs Department has been reluctant to have these objects or non motori ed vehicles removed from the street as our ordinance is not clear in this matter. We would, herefore, like to add language to our traffic ordinance which spells out what type of vehicles can e parked on the city streets. Such language is proposed as follows and would be added to sectio 9-1-2 of our current ordinance, Parking and Stopping: 9-1-2: PARKING AND STOPPING: Exceptfor t e City of Monticello or Wright County on its own right of ways, no person shall utilize ny portion of any local public right of way, including the traveled street or boulevard, or the storage or parking of any object or material which is not a licensed, operable otor vehicle, passenger vehicle or motorcycle as defined by the Minnesota Statutes Chapt r 169.01, Subd. 3, 3a and 4, except as may be explicitly permitted on a temporary period if time by the City Council or its designated representative. Properly licensed, opera Ie motor vehicles, passenger vehicles and motorcycles may be parked in the public str et where permitted, but not on the boulevard portion of the public right of way, subject to the further requirements of local parking regulations and applicable Minnesota Statu es. A trailer of any type properly licensed or not is not considered a motor vehicle or art thereof when disconnected from its tow vehicle. It shall be unlawful for the owner and/or driv of a motor vehicle to stop, stand, or park the said vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directi ns of a peace officer or traffic control devices: (A) On a sidewalk or boulevard between (B) On a crosswalk. (C) Within an intersection. (D) Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswal at any intersection. (E) Within ten (10) feet of a fire hydrant. (F) Within thirty (30) feet of any arteri stop sign or sign indicating the direction for travel. (G) On the roadway side of any vehicle sopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street or highway. (H) At any place where official signs pro ibit stopping, standing or parking. (I) In any manner on any street or hi hway so as to interfere with or interrupt the passage of other vehicles. (J) Along the curb adjacent to any schoo property from eight o'clock (8:00) a.m. to four o'clock (4:00) p.m. on days when sch 01 is in session. (K) On any street or roadway between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and six 65 Council Meeting - 08/28/2006 o'clock (6:00) a.m. from November 15 through April 15, except physicians on emergency calls. (#65,3/12/79) (L) On any city street for more than 72 co secutive hours. (M) On any city street for more than th posted tie limit as established by the City Council. (#193,5/14/90) B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to add the text as roposed above to section 9-1-2 of the City Ordinance to further define what can be parke in the city streets. 2. The second alternative would be to add the ity's public parking lots to the above addition to the ordinance as we have had many inst ces where trailers were left for days in our public parking lots. 3. The third alternative would be to modify the addition of the ordinance as requested by the Council, staff, city planner or attorney. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Dire or and Street Superintendent that the Council move forward and add additional text and definition s outlined above in alternative #2 or #3 to take effect when published. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The existing ordinance as proposed to be modified i included in the text of this agenda item. Copy of Minnesota Statutes 169.01 Subd. 1,2,3, 3a, and 4 66 . Mil111esota Statutes 2005, 169.01 Minnesota Statute 2005, 169.01 Page 1 of 12 \~(Q)~V Copyright 2005 by the Office of Reviso of Statutes, State of Minnesota. Minnesota St~tut~s 2005! Table gf Chapters fdble of contents for Chapter 169 169.01 Definitions. Subdivision 1. Terms. For the purpos chapter, the terms defined in this section meanings ascribed to them. this have the Subd. 2. upon, or by transported exclusively Vehicle. "Vehicle" means ev ry device in, which any person or property is or may be or drawn upon a highway, except'ng devices used upon stationary rails or tracks. Subd. 3. Motor vehicle. "Motor vehic vehicle which is self-propelled and every v propelled by electric ~ower obtained from 0 wires. Motor vehicle does not include an e assistive mobility device or a vehicle move power. Subd. 3a. Passenger vehicle. "Passen means a passenger automobile defined in sec subdivision 7; a pickup truck defined in se subdivision 29; a van defined in section !~~ 28; and a self-propelled, recreational vehi chapter 168 to use the public streets or hi vehicle" does not include a motorcycle, mot school bus, a vehicle designed to operat~ e railroad tracks, a farm truck defined in se subdivision 17, or special mobile equipment 16~~0!!, subdivision 22. Subd. 4. Motorcycle. "Motorcycle" me vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use designed to travel on not more than three w the ground, including motor scooters and bi attached, other than those vehicles defined bicycles in subdivision 4a, but excluding a e" means every hicle which is erhead trolley ectric personal solely by human er vehicle" ion !!&,qJJ, tion L2.~-,-_QJJ, ~Qll, subdivision le licensed under hways. "Passenger rized bicycle, bus, clusively on tion L?_~,_QJJ, defined in section ns every motor of the rider and eels in contact with ycles with motor as motorized tractor. 67 Council Agenda: 8/28106 13. on duct further research on develo ment of s. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND. City Council is asked to consider authorizin staff to identify options for establishing an ordinance for the purpose of regulating rent I properties. Following is a brief report on problems or issues relating to rental propert' es followed by potential options for addressing the situation. Approximately 28% of the current housing tock is used on a rental basis. There is a concentration of apartments in the area of S venth Street between W ashington Avenue and Minnesota Street. Approximately 13% of e single family homes located in the old part of town are occupied on a rental basis. Althou the total number is not known at this time, a significant number of new homes are being dvertised on a "rent to own" basis. Throughout Minnesota and the metro area, ore and more cities are adopting ordinances regulating the use of rental properties. Rent I property ordinances are often enforced to ensure that rental properties are maintained n accordance with the city's regulations and will not become a nuisance or negatively influ ce a neighborhood. Adopting such an ordinance provides the city with a mechanism to ens that rental housing units will not become a nuisance to the neighborhood and will not t4 ster blight and deterioration. Most of the ordinances contain a licensing equirement. Each rental property must meet a minimum standard for habitation prior to b . ng granted a license and must maintain certain standards throughout the year. This requir s that each housing unit be inspected annually and record keeping be maintained throughout th year regarding complaints. Following are issues associated with operaf on of rental housing that could be addressed by the new ordinance. . Fire Code. As was noted at the recent bud et meeting, the Fire Department is very interested in inspecting each multi-family rental prop yon a annual basis in order to insure compliance with fire safety codes and practices. . Building Code. In addition to review of co ditions relating to fire safety, rental units would be required to maintain building code stand ds. Conditions negatively affecting health and safety would be identified via the process 0 reviewing each site in terms of the building code. . Police Complaints. In some cities, excessi e police calls to certain rental properties are a significant problem. According to Wright ounty Deputy Sheriff Todd Olson, there are some rental properties in Monticello that generate a high percentage of calls. Under the licensing requirement, landlords run the risk ofhavin a license revoked or not renewed if the property generates significant complaints. This thre t of revocation encourages landlords to conduct background checks on potential renters prio to entering into lease agreements. Dave Rudolph captain of the New Hope Police epartment informed me that provisions relating to revocation as a result of police calls has bee beneficial resulting in fewer call to rental units which has improved a sense of safety in the community. The reduction in calls has given 68 Council Agenda: 8/28106 . officers more time for other activity such as traffic control. Todd Olson recommended strongly that the City consider investigating and adopting an ordinance establishing a licensing requirement for rental units as a pr active way to reduce calls and prevent crime. . Health Code. Recently, the City of Montic 110 heard of a complaint about a bat problem at a rental property on Broadway. We were info ed by the tenant that after months of complaining, he was unable to get the landl rd to exterminate the bats. On July 19, 2006, the Building Department provided input to the I dlord on modification to the building that could be made to eliminate the problem. Unfortu ately a few days ago, one of the tenants was bitten by a bat and is undergoing rabies shot. The problem had developed to the point where Wright County was compelled to issue an" rder for Abatement". This problem would have been pre-empted r the City would have been able to act quickly to gain compliance had an ordinance governin rental units been in place. . Rent to Own Single Family Housing. As tuation has recently arisen in which "step-up" homes in the R -1 A District are being turned into rental properties, or being offered as part of a "rent to own" program. The City does not urrently have any regulations in place for dealing with such situations. The only ordinance cu ently in place in the City of Monticello to help regulate rental housing in single family dist 'cts refers to the number of unrelated persons that may live in a home. The City currently has ordinance in place that reads that no more than five unrelated persons may reside in a housi g unit at one time. According to NAC other cities in the area have more restrictive ordin ces in place that limit the number of unrelated persons in a home to three. However, due t the changing nature and definition of "family," this type of policy may be difficult to enfor e. As an adjunct to development of a potential licensing requirement for rental units, the C ty may wish to consider a zoning ordinance amendment that reduces the number ofunre ated persons in a household from five to three. The potential cost and revenue relating to admi istration ofthe program will be researched further if Council so determines to move forwa d on this initiative. It is presumed that Council would like the fee charged to be commensurate with the cost to process applications and make inspections. As part of our research we will pr vide comparative information from other cities. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS. 1. Motion to direct staff to further explore e potential of establishing an ordinance that contains a licensing requirement for ren al properties and prepare draft amendment to the zoning code that reduces number ofunr lated people in a residence in Rl, RIA districts from five to three. Council should select this alternative if t would like staff to visit this topic further. If so desired, a subcommittee of the Council ould be formed to assist in pursuing this matter further. Under this alternative staffwill examin ordinances and associated administrative processes in place in similar cities. Sta also proposes to utilize the services of Waldron and Associates on a limited basis to assist in tailoring a program to fit Monticello. Waldron and Associates provides six co munities in the metro area with services relating to rental housing licensing programs. few hours collecting intelligence from a 69 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 Excerpt from Memo to City Staff from Kimberl Holien, NAC and Draft ordinance. License/Permit. As stated above, one mechanism f enforcement is to require any person who operates a rental housing unit to obtain a license or ermit. Requiring permits for all single-family rental units would provide the City with a means fo enforcing all ofthe City's regulations and ensure that rental units are operated in a manner that does ot permit conditions that injure, annoy, or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort and re ose of any member ofthe public. The scope of such a permit may be rather broad. T e City may require that any violation of the Code of Ordinances or any other regulation result in revo ation of the permit. In this manner, issues such as outdoor storage, off-street parking, noise, and ot er nuisances may be regulated through existing ordinances. I have attached a draft rental housing ordinance tha would prohibit any person wishing to rent a single family detached dwelling unit in an R-l or -lA zoning district to another for occupancy without first obtaining a rental license for the dwel . ng unit. This ordinance may be modified as requested. Chapter 3-5. Rental Housing Licensing Chapter 3-5-1. Purpose and Scope. It is the purp se of this Chapter to assure that rental housing in the City's R-l, Single Family Residential zoning d strict and R-IA, Single Family Residentiatzoning district is decent, safe and sanitary and is operated d maintained in accordance with the City's regulations. The implementation of a rental-licensi g program in the R-l and R-IA zoning districts is a mechanism to ensure that rental of single family ousing units will not become a nuisance to the neighborhood; will not foster blight and deteriorati n; and/or will not create a disincentive to reinvestment in the community. The operation of r ntal housing entails certain responsibilities. Owners of rental housing are responsible to take t e reasonable necessary steps to ensure that the citizens who occupy rental housing units may purs e the quiet enjoyment of the normal activities of life in the surrounding area that are: safe, secure, a d sanitary; free from crimes and criminal activity, noise, nuisances or annoyances; free from unreaso able fears about safety of persons and security of property; and suitable for raising children. Chapter 3-5-2 Definitions. For the purpose ofthi Chapter, the following terms shall be defined as set forth below. A. Dwelling. A building or one or more portions t ereof occupied or intended to be occupied for residential purposes; but not including rooms in m tels, hotels, nursing homes, boarding houses, tents and recreational vehicles, or attached multiple fi ily dwellings. B. Dwelling Unit. A residential accommodation 10 ated within a dwelling that includes permanently installed cooking, sleeping, and sanitation facilitie ,designed or intended for use as living quarters for a single family. Dwelling Units subject to this chapter are defined as being detached-dwelling units in the R-l, Single Family zoning district and R-IA, Single Family zoning district. C. Occupant. A person who lives or sleeps in a d elling unit. D. Owner. A person who is the recorded or unrec rded owner ofthe dwelling unit. j"' 71 .~... Council Agenda: 8/28/06 company experienced in this area could expedite program design and start-up process and thus result in cost savings. Please note t at use of Waldron and Associates for assistance in program design does not presume tha Monticello would utilize consultant services for ongoing program operation. 2. Motion to deny direction of direct staff 0 prepare a draft ordinance amendment requiring licensing of rental properties. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION. The City Administrator recommends Altern tive #1. Given the current level of rental housing and the potential for conversion of owner 0 cupied housing to homes occupied on a rental basis the City should seriously consider est lishment of such an ordinance. The operation of rental housing demands certain responsib'lities. Owners of rental housing are responsible for taking the necessary steps to ensure that individuals who occupy rental housing units and neighbors of such units may pursue the quie enjoyment of the normal activities of life in the surrounding area. Normal activities are con idered those which are safe, secure, and sanitary; free from crimes and criminal activity, nois , nuisances or annoyances; free from unreasonable fears about safety of persons d security of property; and suitable for raising children. Requiring owners of rental housi g units to obtain a license is one tool for guaranteeing that such units are well mainta ned and free of nuisances. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Excerpt of Memo from Kimberly Holien, AC on the topic (this particular ordinance geared to Single Family developments only 70 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 E. Rent. To permit occupancy of a dwelling unit b a person other than the legal Owner thereof, pursuant to a written or unwritten agreement, whet er or not a fee is required by the agreement. Chapter 3-5-3 General Licensing Provisions. F. Rental Dwelling. A dwelling unit that has been G. Tenant. A person who occupies a rental dwelli A. License Required. No person shall rent a single amily detached dwelling unit in an R-I or R-IA zoning district to another for occupancy unless the City has issued either a rental license for the dwelling unit. B. License Application. The Owner of a dwelling it may submit an application for a rental license on forms provided by the City Administrator or of cial designee. A person who has been issued a rental license shall give notice, in writing, to the C ty Administrator, within five (5) business days of any change in the information contained on the lie nse application. C. License Fees. Licensing fees shall be prescribe, from time to time, by Council Resolution, and maintained on file in the office of the City Admini trator. The required fees shall be submitted along with the application for a new or renewal license. pplications for a renewal license submitted after the license term expiration are subject to a penalty fee. D. License Terms. All dwelling unit rental licenses shall expire on December 31 st of each year except as otherwise provided herein or in cases of suspen ion or revocation. E. License Issuance. The City shall issue a dwellin unit rental license if real estate taxes and municipal utility bills for the dwelling unit have b en paid, and City has no record of unresolved complaints regarding the property subject to the re tal license. F. Renewal of License. A Licensee may continue 0 rent a dwelling unit after the expiration date of the rental license provided that the Owner has file with the City Administrator, on or before the expiration date, the appropriate renewal license ap lication and license fee, and provided that the City has no record of unresolved complaints regarding he property subject to the rental license. G. Transfer of License. A rental license shall not e transferable to another person or to another dwelling unit. Chapter 3-5~4 Conditions of License. Dwelling nit rental licenses shall be issued subject to the following conditions: A. Tenant Register. The Owner shall keep or caus to be kept, a current register of occupancy for each dwelling unit which shall be made available or viewing or copying by the City Administrator as requested. Said register shall provide, at a minim , the following information: 1. Address of dwelling unit. 2. Number of Bedrooms in dwelling unit. -", 72 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 3. Number of adults and children (under 18 years of age) currently occupying the dwelling unit. B. Conduct on License Premises. 1. Disorder! y Conduct. It is the responsibili y of the Owner to see that persons occupying the licensed premises conduct themselves in su h a manner so as not to cause the premises to be disorderly or constitute a nuisance.. C. Inspection. The building official may set up a chedule of periodic inspections to insure compliance with this section. The building official hall provide reasonable notice to the owner or the owner's agent as to the date and time of the inspect on. Each occupant of a rental dwelling unit shall give the owner or the owner's agent access to any art of such rental dwelling unit at reasonable times for the purpose of effecting inspection, maintenanc , repairs or alterations as are necessary to comply with the provisions ofthis Code. If any owner, ower's agent or tenant of a rental dwelling unit fails or refuses to permit entry to the rental dwelling uni under hislher control for an inspection pursuant to this section, the building official may seek a cou order authorizing such inspection Chapter 3-5-5 Enforcement. The application for dwelling unit rental license will be reviewed by the City Administrator. The City Administrator or fficial designee may conduct inspections of the rental dwelling units to determine compliance with the applicable provisions ofthe Municipal Code. A. License Suspension or Revocation, or Refusal t Renew. A dwelling unit rental license is subject to suspension or revocation by the City Council, or the City may refuse to renew a license that expires, for the reasons specified herein. Prior to s spension, revocation, the Owner shall be notified in writing at least five (5) days prior to the City Co neil's consideration of such action. In the event that a dwelling unit rental license is suspended or r voked by the City Council, or a renewal application is denied, it shall be unlawful for the 0 ner to thereafter permit any new occupancies for vacant, or thereafter vacated dwelling units, until t e dwelling unit rental license has been reissued. Issuance of a new dwelling unit rental license shall be made in the manner provided for obtaining an initial license. A dwelling unit rental license may b suspended or revoked, or renewal may be refused, for any ofthe following reasons: 1. The registration permit was procured b misrepresentation of material facts with regard to the rental dwelling unit or the ownershi of the rental dwelling unit. 2. Failure of Owner or its Agent to operat or maintain the dwelling unit in compliance with the provisions of the City's regulations. 3. The activities of the Owner or tenants 0 the rental unit create or have created a danger to the public health, safety or welfare. 4. The Owner or tenants of the rental unit ccupy and/or operate the unit in a manner that permits conditions that injure, annoy, 0 endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort and repose of any member of the public. 5. Failure to pay any application, per or re nstatement fee required by this section and city council resolution. 73 Council Agenda: 8/28/06 Chapter 3-5-6 Liability. Neither the City nor its e ployees or agents shall be deemed liable for damages to a third person or property by reason of is Chapter. 74 Council Update Mayor and Council C mpensation Changes By Rick olfsteller 8/2 /06 As you know, the City's ordinance relating to May rand Councilmember compensation can only be changed prior to an election. With this being an el ction year, if there is any interest by the Council in adjusting the current salary for Mayor and COUll ilmembers, it needs to be adopted prior to the November election. The last adjustment to the Council salary occurred n 1994 when the salary was set at $450 a month for the Mayor and $350 a month for Councilmemb rs. During a recent budget workshop, there was some discussion on whether additional funds shoul be included in the preliminary budget, so I wanted to give you a little background on the Co cil compensation arrangements that exist with surrounding communities. This information was t en from the LMC Salary Survey data and may be of interest to the Council for consideration of any c anges. City Mavor Council Elk River St. Michael Albertville Buffalo Big Lake Delano Monticello $10,000 $60/meeting $3,900 $4,640 plus $25/spec'al meeting $5,400 $6,600 plus $50/spec'al meeting $5,400 $7,000 $50/meeting $2,700 $3,440 plus $25/special meeting $4,200 $4,500 plus $50/special meeting $4,200 If there is any interest by the Council in increasing he salary for the Mayor and Council positions, this could be placed on the Council agenda for con ideration which would be to simply adopt an ordinance amendment for Section 1-5-12 modifyin the compensation. Any changes would not take effect until January 1, 2007. Council Up ates Assembled By Deputy Administrato ,Jeff O'Neill 8/28/06 Following is the latest update on a number of pro ects that are not formally addressed on the agenda for the meeting... Please note that this report is intended to provide summary information on selected projects. For informatio on other projects not listed or for a more detailed summary, or if you have any questions 0 comments please give me a call. Thanks. Jeff, 763-271-3215 Interchanee Ribbon Cuttinll: A Ribbon Cutting event has been scheduled for ugust 28th at 5:00 PM. We hope to see everyone there!. Comprehensive Plan Update The "Business Neighborhood meeting was held on resulting in considerable input from the business co others are available for review at the City's web site ugust 16th at 7:00. It was well attended unity. The results ofthis session and the The Township neighborhood meeting is scheduled fi r this evening at the Middle School at 7:00. It is likely that the meeting will be well attended. The Fiber Optic Task Force On August 15,2006 Wayne Mayer and Lynn Dahl rovided an update on the fiber optic feasibility study at the Chamber of Commerce Lunc eon. The program provided information as to the scope of the study and identified why it is im ortant that the City be investigating the potential of "no one left behind" fiber optic system r the City. Update to PC scheduled for the Regular meeting in eptember. Details to follow. District A presentation to the Rotary Cub is scheduled for 8/ 8/06 at Silver Springs golf course. PUD Desi n Standards Discussion - Plannin Co mission Update to PC scheduled for the Regular meeting in eptember Plannin Commission/Best Western Si n - Esta Discussion 1 Territorial Road/Jamison ParcelIBusch property No news to report for three consecutive CC meeti gs. Staff is waiting on completion of the next steps. . Lynn Hauger, potential developer will b doing additional research or market demand. . Hauger will be working with the Jamiso 's to on integrating the sites. . Hauger will be engaging an architect/sit planner to begin concept planning. . City staff and engineer will provide supp rt necessary to assist Hauger's site designer. . A concept plan should be available in 6- weeks (as of July 24) . The City would consider including Fallo Avenue in the building site area to enhance developability of the site. . A formal pre-design meeting will be sch duled when sketch work has been completed. YMCA Staff met to review preliminary information relating 0 the appraisal. Next week staff is meeting for the purpose of developing a joint powers agreem nt between the City and County. A meeting of the task force will be scheduled soon to review th joint powers agreement draft and to discuss the formula for funding the purchase of the property. It is likely that the frequency of meetings of the task force will be picking-up now that the app aisal information is close to completion. Also, it is likely that consideration of the joint powe agreement will be on the Council Agenda soon. Our goal is to have an offer on the table to CA by December 1, 2006. Temporarv Sig:ns - Ordinance Update A second meeting of the sign task force was held n 8/23/06 at 9:00 AM Cost estimates for constructing monument signs for advertising non-pr fit events have been provided and are being incorporated into the budget. A concept of improvin identification of the downtown as an area for commerces. . . shopping, dining etc will be reveal d soon. It includes placement of attractive Directional Banners located on light poles linking hi way 25 with the Downtown area.. .Further shopping and dining opportunities would be identifi d via banners on the existing streetscape lights. More details to follow. More details to folIo ... This could be a relatively inexpensive and effective way to enhance the "presence" of dow town area businesses. Also, a common off premise monument sign for use by off premise busin ss is being contemplated for placement at key location (s) for the purpose of providing CCD ar a businesses to have some exposure to Highway 25 traffic via one or two monument signs. The Task Force will be meeting twice per month no until the work is complete with the next meeting set for early September 13, 2006 at 9:30 the on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month thereafter. 2 River Citv Lanes Development The plat is ready for recording and the land trans er is scheduled for 2:00 PM on Thursday. Clint will need to sign the plat and ot er documents sometime early in the week. We found that Butch Lindenfelser did not have a Phase I completed for the Monti Club as he thought so we are currently scrambli g to collect environmental information on the site in time for the closing on Thursday. e cost to collect this information to be paid by the Partners. It is projected that the gradi g will start during the first week in September. BuUdine Permit Software Installation.. Progress continues to be made on entering building ermits process during the first six months of the year. However, it appears that we are not gettin ahead on backlogged data entry which needs to get done before we can enter current permit . Therefore I am authorizing minimum overtime as necessary to get caught up. Customer Service Re uests - Process for recordi A meeting was held on Monday at 10:00 AM on the mplementation of our new computerized/web enhanced customer service servi e/response process. We are now "live" on the new system. Please investigate this system furt er at the Customer Service Desk section of the web site. We have already received a number 0 contacts through this new system. Please see me if you would like a summary of citizen reque ts we have received via this web page since program start-up. In the next few months we will be orking on developing detailed FAQ pages pertaining to each Department so residents can get nswers quickly and easily to frequent questions. Cit Costs For Service - Staff trackin Implementation now underway. City employee ove ead needs to be established before we can actually send a bill that includes overhead. Paula M stey is working on study that properly defines overhead expenses. Personnel Polic /Personnel ordinance - revise to e tablish consistenc . No new news on this topic.. last meeting we report d that Staff met with Susan Hanson on this topic last week. Councilmember Glen Posusta was i attendance too. Susan got a good start on reconciling the Personnel Policy and Ordinance. Sh will be trimming the ordinance and expanding the Personnel Policy . .. gain consistency d add or modify important guidelines on alcohol/drugs, sexual harassment, ADA, nepotism, c 11 phone, computer/internet and other sections necessary to modernize the document. In a dition to documenting standards that cross all departments, each Department Head will be aske to develop policies unique to there operation. Any changes or new sections, language e c will be presented to the City Council for review and discussion prior to adoption. The next meting with Hanson for the purpose of reviewing draft documents is set for September 18, 006. 3 Kevin Tracy Sil!nal!e As part of the original exchange, it was noted that th City would support development of a modest monument sign at the intersection of School oulevard and the Watertower drive. This sign to mark the presence of the Kevin Tracy buildin and his three tenants. It is not proposed that this sign be operated under joint agreement with he City. Stay tuned for additional details. Outside Storal!e No news on this topic, the meeting with Tapper a d Barger has yet to be scheduled. In the previous update it was reported that at the request of he IDC, Jeff and Angela will be meeting with Mary Barger and Bill Tapper soon to try to pull it together. A date will be scheduled upon Mary's return from vacation. Stay tuned for further information on this topic. Carlisle Villal!e Tree Preservation A meeting on this topic has been scheduled with the eveloper for Wednesday August 30th. Road Proiect Assessments This is the fIrst year in many where there are more p ojects being closed out than started. In the next few months staff will be processing fInal accept ce of a number of roadways.. As part of this process we will be conducting assessment heari s and establishing assessment rolls accordingly. Some ofthe projects in this list include the Core Street project, Interchange, Chelsea Road, School Boulevard, Meadow Oak Avenue. Establishment of Enforcement Priorities - Real-E tate Si ns - See A enda Item Establishment of Ordinance Establishin See al!enda item for details. 4 erties. - 8-28-06 City Council Uodates - Bruce Westbv 1) e Stabilization Pro'ects ~ constructed on the City's property at Linn and Front Streets to alleviate stormwat ponding within the intersection were submitted to several local contractors for quo es last week. It is anticipated that this project will be awarded to the lowest respons'ble bidder on September 81\ and that the work will be completed before the end 0 September. This temporary system will be in place until the intersection is fully reco structed during a future core street reconstruction proj ect. The private slope stabilization project at 401 ront Street was completed several weeks ago at a cost of $24,975. The City wi I issue payment to the property owner and the contractor tomorrow in the amount 0 $12,000 per prior Council approval, pending aPRroval of the bills tonight. The pr perty owner signed an agreement on August 22n whereby the City can not be hel liable for future compensatory claims in regards to the design, construction or mai tenance of the private slope stabilization project upon completion of our temporary dr inage improvement project. 2) TH 25 & River Street Intersection Access S d - At the June 121 City Council meeting the Ci y Engineer was authorized to investigate removing the existing signal system at TH 2 and River Street and modifying the intersection geometries in conjunction with dressing traffic flows along TH 25 from 1-94 to Sherburne County Road 11. Si ce then I completed several traffic counts and documented the number ofvehicl s that used River Street in place of CSAH 75. Based on my counts it appears th t the largest volume of traffic using the intersection ofTH 25 and River Street occur in the PM when 120 vehicles-per-hour or more access TH 25 from westbound Rive Street, with the majority of these vehicles turning northbound onto TH 25. I a so noted that almost all of the vehicles on River Street used Washington, Hennepin d Ramsey Streets as their point of access, indicating they are using River Street in place ofCSAH 75. I have also contacted MnJDOT and was info ed that they would be in favor of removing the signal system at this intersecti n, which makes sense as this would result in less delay for traffic on TH 25. Tha said, this does not necessarily mean that this would benefit the residents of the City. his would instead provide a benefit to those people traveling on TH 25 through the City, who are primarily non-residents. 5 On August 15th I met on site with Chuck Ric art from WSB to discuss closing or limiting access at River Street and TH 25. e reviewed and discussed my preliminary traffic volumes and observation, as well as the traffic and signal data that is recorded in the signal cabinet on the comer of River Street and TH 25. Based on field observations and the data revi wed Chuck and I agreed on the following: . Access to TH 25 at River Street sho ld not be completely restricted. . The median island on TH 25 could b extended to restrict all left-turn movements within the intersection d both through-movements on River Street. This would result in removal of the existing signal system. . Westbound River Street access to T 25 could be closed, leaving everything else as is. No matter which option is explored it would be best to wait until a detailed study of traffic on TH 25 and CSAH 75 could be per rmed to make sure we are not adversely affecting traffic on CSAH 75 and/or TH 25. The TH 25 study should ideally be completed a month or two after the intercha ge opens. I am working with MnlDOT to schedule a meeting to discuss whether M DOT would participate in a TH 25 traffic study with the City. After we meet I ill update the Council regarding this issue in more detail. 3) Cardinal Hills Pathway- Staff is continuing to move forward with thi project and will pursue Federal grant money for the project through the Safe Rout s to School program. Staffwill work with the residents to make sure their conce s are addressed as best as possible while completing the design and will apply for the grant in October, which is the next available application period. This means th the project will not be constructed until next spring since reimbursement can not be pplied to any work completed prior to notification of grant approval in December. 6 Below are projects or enforcement matters ... no recent activity to Report. . Tree Planting at 3rd and Walnut . Franchise Agreement - Xcel . Business Retention Meeting - Pres ntation of Development Handbook . Danner Trucking Site . Hidden ForestlNiagra Falls . Contractor Meeting regarding Eros on Control . Update - Petition for Alley Improvements . City of Monticello/City of Big Lak /Big Lake Township/Sherburne County Discussions . Bike Path Condition Concerns @ riar Wood/Oak Ridge . Right-of-Way Ordinance . Community Service Officer Conce t to be discussed . Deputy Registrar Relocation . River Mill Path . Ruff Auto Clean-up - tall weeds d debris problem. . Water Tower Park Design approva and authorized Tower Drive/park parking feasibility study. . Second Liquor Store site. . Walmart Pallet Racking - North all. . Cedar Street (Dundas Road to Che sea Road) . GIS (Geographic Information Syst m) . DevelopmentCost Savings Measur s . Wright County Comprehensive PI n. . AST Sports code enforcement 7 . Ofil ..:ll'J ..:l<t; filp.. U~ HIJ:l E-<> :<':0 OU ~ "I 0, . 1I<r- Ul O. \D p.. :>-<0 U E-<> HI UUJ~ HO 00 p..rl If)'<I' U Olf) ..:l..:l Ul l'Jl'J <lJ\D s:1\D -,.jD \D ..:l 0 ....... '<I' H I1J C\l o,\D rl ....... ...:l ,Q 00 nJ >, Ul <lJ rd ~ U 0, U nJUl fil 0.. Ul X Ul rl U rl '0 .,.j 0, .-I ill ....... 0:<': <t; X "-' 0 H \D\D I1J I1J DO ~ rl .............. ~ ::l ~ '<1''<1' .,.j '0 "IC\l H I1J fil .............. 0, .c ~ ~ 0000 U E (JJ fil (JJ(JJ H U ~ ~~ 0 UU II< 0 filfil U XX Ul \D UU <lJ fil\D 0 ~ -,.j rl ...:lM '<I' p..p.. 0..0 en.. N .............. 0 ~r- 00 <t;<t; "U :>-<If) s:1 0 Ul ~.. 0 MN ~ o,\D .,.j If)lf) 0 0 ~ <'1<'1 -,.j H . 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