Parks Commission Agenda Packet 08-24-2006 1'. . REVI ED AGE DA PARKS COM ISSION August 24, 200 - 4:30 p.m. 'To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a igh standard of quality" 1 . Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of July 27,2006 regular arks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agend . 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Welcome to Monticello Sign ~ Recomme dation on possible location. 6. Park Maintenance ). Update on 2007 Budget (f:- Discussion of ih Street bike track. cr. Update on bid results for Xcel Field #4 fenci g and backstop. . b Updates, if any: a) Groveland Grant Applic tion; b) Design for Pioneer Park playstructure ai. Adjourn. MIN TES PARKS CO MISSION Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 4: 30 p.m. "To enhance community pride thr ugh developing and maintaining City parks with a high tandard of quality." Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, ancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Tom errault. Members Absent: None Others Present: Seth Nelson, Park Sup rintendent. 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:3 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. A arks Commission meetin . FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE INUTES OF THE JUNE 22, 2006 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEET G. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL y. 2B. A RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE T E MINUTES OF THE JULY 19, 2006 SPECIAL PARKS COMMISSION MEET G. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a end . Chair Nolan informed the Commission that t e Council at their July 24, 2006 meeting approved the award of the contract for the fe cing at Riverside Cemetery. Fran Fair added to the agenda discussion of problem at the East Bridge Park. 4. Citizens comments and requests. None. 5. Cost information on lacement of bike rac s. Seth Nelson, Parks Superintendent, supplied ketches of various styles of bike racks. Most of the bike racks were in the price range of $30 -$400. The favored style was the wave type rack. Most of the racks come in sizes that w uld hold either 5 or 9 bikes and are available in a number of different colors. Seth Nelson had talked to Susie Wouchjoski fthe Chamber of Commerce who suggested a site across from the Chamber Building that as owned by the HRA. This site is in the downtown area and would be highly visible. It was pointed out that at the present time there are no bike racks in any of the city parks. Th Parks Commission felt bike racks were something that should be considered, at least t the major parks. The Parks Commission felt West Bridge Park, Ellison Park, Pioneer Park Groveland Park and Meadow Oaks Park were the parks that should be considered for bike r cks. While it is hoped eventually most of the parks will have bike racks, the Parks Commission felt the major parks should be done first. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO BUDGET FOR B KE RACKS IN THE 2007 BUDGET FOR WEST BRIDGE PARK, ELLISON PARK, P ONEER PARK, GROVELAND PARK, MEADOW OAKS PARK AND ONE FOR N THE CITY OWNED LAND IN THE DOWNTOWN AREA. RICK TRAVER SE ONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Park Maintenance. Seth Nelson submitted and reviewed with the Commission a list of work completed by the Parks Department staff. He noted that a big oject was getting the barrier placed at Freeway Fields. There was some discussion that when they get the fencing from Xcel Fields there may be some additional barrier placed but at this f me the department heads are not in agreement on whether additional barrier should be installed He also met with the youth football group and worked out an agreement with them for their se of the fields. He noted weeding in the city parks had been done by a number of youths ho had to do community service. 7. 2007 Budeet Discussion. Seth Nelson and the Parks Department staff et and came up with a number of items for the 2007 budget. These items included equipme t needs such as replacing the 1994 Toro 325 which would cost about $30,000 and possibl replacing the 1994 Ford 150 truck. They also discussed increasing the budget for their spra .ng/fertilizing program which is currently $10,000. Specific improvements to parks included: I) new play structure for Hillcrest Park. The structure could be placed at the site of the exi ting structure or where the road comes off to the right; 2) Build a viewing deck for Swan Park. Seth Nelson noted this was a safety issue as well as an aesthetic matter; 3) A play structure for Sunset Ponds - It was noted that the grading at the park site has not yet been done and there as also some question on who Is responsible to do the screening around the transformers. Th Parks Commission felt this item should be in the 2007 budget. The Parks Commission also di cussed conducting a neighborhood informational meeting with the Sunset Ponds residents befo e any development of the park takes place. Larry Nolan suggested budgeting improvements fo this park over 3-4 years. Seth Nelson asked if there was any interest in establishing a hocke rink in that area of the city. The Parks Commission indicated that ifan arena was a riority of the residents and that it made known at the informational meeting, then it should be c nsidered. Otherwise the Parks Commission felt with the new arena the demand for outdoor ic was not as great; 4) Hunters Crossing - Parks Commission didn't feel anything should be b dgeted in 2007 for this park. Larry Nolan felt because the Hunters Crossing Park was so cl se to Pioneer Park there would not be as great a need for improvements. Seth Nelson noted t at the Parks Department had received a $5,000 donation from the Monticello Lions Club for mprovements to Pioneer Park; 5) Country Club Manor - It is proposed to fix the ballfield to ake it more usable and replace the backstop. No outfield fencing is proposed for this park; 6) ardinal Hills Park - Discussion of possibly locating the hardcourt in this park. Parks Com ission felt with the basketball courts at the school, a hardcourt for this park was not a prio 'ty; 7) Ellison Park - It was proposed to get a 20' extension for the existing dock; 8) Grovel d Park - The City has not yet been informed if they will receive a grant covering improvemen s at Groveland Park. It is anticipated that a response will be received in one or two weeks. The grant was requested to help fund a parking lot, hardcourt and restrooms; 9) Athletic Field - It was felt that money should be set aside in every budget year to go towards the purchase f land for a ballfield complex; 10) Fourth Street Park - Seth Nelson reported the rink has been epaired. He was ofthe understanding that the rink was proposed to be used for roller blade h ckey as well as basketball. He felt those uses were incompatible. The Parks Commission i formed him that the Public Works Superintendent had stated they would put in a ardcourt to offset the land that was taken from the park to be used for the well and pump; 11) alboul Park - The Parks Commission felt this park should be left as is. Seth Nelson suggest d may putting a picnic bench and grill out at this park; 12) Par West - Expansion ofthe exi ting frisbee golf setup could be put in the budget. Seth Nelson reported there is space t have 9 holes on the site. Estimated cost per hole would be between $300-$500; 13) Repla ement of individuals pieces of playground equipment such as diggers and bouncers; 14) athway Funding - Seth Nelson indicated that there is a lot of work that needs to be done on he pathways. Parks Commission suggested having a pathway maintenance program fund d in the annual budget that would include a regular inspection of the pathway; 15) Water ower Park - It was suggested putting in a parking lot but this was not a high priority for he Parks Commission. Seth Nelson stated there are some cedar trees at this site that should be emoved now. When they are fully grown they will block the view from the park 16) Replace the roof at the West Bridge Park Shelter. In addition to the park improvements, the Parks epartment would also be budgeting for certain tools such as a chainsaw. They would also lik to start replacing the existing picnic tables with some metal tables that are rubbercoated. Thes tables hold up well and require very little maintenance. Seth Nelson will submit a complete list ofthe projects proposed. 9. Discussion of location of "Welcome to Mon icello" si n for the east side of the Cit . Seth Nelson submitted an aerial photo showin the area in the vicinity of the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange. It was felt that a location that wa visible when coming off the ramp would be best site for the sign. The Parks Commission directed Seth Nelson to check out the topography of the area and come back with some recomm ndations. 10. Discussion of la structure at Pioneer Par . Seth Nelson talked to representatives from Mi acle and Game Time regarding a play structure at Pioneer Park. Miracle is going to prepare t ee designs; one for age level 2-12; one for age level 5-12 and one consisting of separate 2-12 and 5-12 areas. It is proposed to leave the existing play structure and then install intema pathways connecting them. Larry Nolan asked if the existing structure met ADA requiremen s. He suggested that they make sure they budget funds to make ADA upgrades. Seth Nelson i dicated that the play structure at Pioneer Park could be done yet this year. He may need to ave a special meeting of the Parks Commission on this. Park staff would level the area for th proposed play structure and do the boundary. The contractor would install the equipment a d staff would fill in the chips. Ben Hitter feIt that Groveland should be a higher priority and he elt residents in the Groveland area might be upset that Pioneer Park got improvements before th y did. 11. Discussion of Par West Disc Golf. This item had been discussed as part ofthe pr ~ects to be covered in the 2007 budget. 12. Discussion of 7th Street bike track. Seth Nelson submitted some ideas and drawin s for a bike track that could possibly be located on land the City owns on 7th Street. He stated that some of the individuals he had talked to recommended placing signage at the site but n t to have the site supervised. He noted if the jumps are above a certain height supervision i required. Seth Nelson briefly explained what would be required to construct the track. Fran Fair said she was not keen on the idea of a facility like this being unsupervised. She felt with the development of the form Ruff Auto s te (Elm Street Villas) this area needed a park. Rick Traver thought the bike track was a good idea but didn't like the idea of it being unsupervised. The Parks Commission asked hat this item be put on the next agenda. 13. Consideration of a roval of Xcel Field #4 encin and backsto . Seth Nelson prepared plans and specifications for the fencing work and this item has gone out for bids. The bid results should go before the Council at their August 14,2006 meeting. The estimated cost of the improvement is $30,000. 14. MEADA to sho a movie at Pioneer Park. The MEADA group works in drug education, including methamphetamines and had requested permission to show a movie for families at Pi neer Park. The movie would run from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. There would also be a jumping castI for children and concessions. The Parks Commission expressed concern about the noi e but otherwise it felt it was a good idea. Added Item: Fran Fair stated there is a soils problem where the per nnials are planted at East Bridge Park. They have lost over 30 of the perennials that were planted t the site. It is not certain if it is a soils problem alone or if drainage is also a factor. She indicated the would pot the remaining perennials at this time if staff could do something about the soils and/or drai age problem at the site. The perennials would be replanted in the fall. Seth Nelson will meet with t e gardeners on Monday to look at this problem. Fran Fair also asked about sweeping of the parking 10 area at East Bridge Park. 15. Adiourn. BEN HITTER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT :20 P.M. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary Placement of Welco e to Monticello Sign Monticello Parks Mon July 27 - Au ly Completed Tasks st 24, 2006 -Painted doors and trim on warming house at th Street Park -Playground inspections Completed -Fixed Irrigation at freeway fields - Watered trees and shrubs in parks -Cut Dutch Elm Diseased tree in River Mill -Filled woodchips in planting areas and boule ard near highway liquors -Installed shelving at DMV -Mowed and weed wiped all parks -Fix picnic tables and benches -Prepare Xcel ballfields for softball toumame ts -Built shed for Hillcrest -Chipping Requests completed -Mowed and Sprayed herbicide along meado oaks sidewalk -Fixed broken security lights - Removed dead trees from parks -Stained Ottercreek Park Gazebo -Moved pillars at Riverside cemetery -Sprayed Ottercreek bridge with Penofin Seal t. -Arreovatted Xcel fields, Freeway fields and h llcrest -Received new truck, had under coat applied, erfbars put on and monticello logo placed. -Replaced volleyball net at Pioneer Park -Reviewed replacement headstones at Hillside cemetery -Completed several chipping requests -Capped londonstone retaining wall at Parksid -Planted Irises, added woodchips, and fixed fe ce at Parkside -Maintenance of mowers every week -Drag and paint lines at ballfields -Replace boards on Picnic tables and paint tab es -Reset benches at Ellison Park and added rock -Removed weeds from DMV planters -Replaced irrigation heads on the west side of ommunity center -Cleaned up hillside cemetery stones scraped y mowers -Install fence poly cap at freeway fields -Mobile radio installed on F-250 -Fixed irrigation leak at freeway fields -Trimmed branches at riverside cemetery -Replaced old grill at Ellison Park 2007 ft of the preliminary park budget was in( luded for the budget workshop held 0 2, 2006. SPECIAL REVE o.iUE FUND 2007 Sue get Park Fu nd REVENUE 2006 2006 Current Ad Valorem Taxes 2?5.31011 $780,125 $789,065 Delinauent Ad Valorem Taxes 2?5.31021 $0 $0 Mobile Home Tax 2?5.31031 $0 $0 Pen & Int - Ad Valorem Taxes 25.3191 $0 $0 Field Fees 2 5.34771 $2,900 $3,000 Team Fees 2 5.34770 $500 $5,000 Park Rental Fees 225.34780 $3,200 $4,000 Concession Revenue 225.34772 $3,500 $0 Other CharQes for Services 2 25.34999 $0 $0 Interest Earnings 225.3621 $7,500 $12,960 Refunds/Reimbursements In 225.3629 $0 $0 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 2 25.36299 $100 $100 Transfer from General Fund 2 25.39201 $0 $0 Transfer from Other Funds 2 25.39203 $0 $0 --......--........- --- - -_.....-- --- _.....- ....._---_....._----~-~----_.....- EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, Full-time - Reg 225.452 1.1010 $205,870 $213,920 Salaries, Full-time- aT 225.452 1 .1 020 $3,000 $2,600 Salaries, Part-time - Rea 225.452( 1 .1030 $0 $0 Salaries, Part-time - aT 225.452 1.1031 $0 $0 Salaries, Temporary - Rea 225.452 1 .1 040 $68,000 $65,000 Salaries, Temporary - aT 225.452 1 .1050 $0 $0 Salaries, Other 225.452 1 .1 090 $0 $0 Severance Pay 225.452( 1.1110 $2,500 $500 PERA Contributions 225.452( 1.1210 $16,615 $17,595 FICA Contributions 225.452 1 .1220 $17,165 $17,455 Medicare Contributions 225.452 1 .1250 $4,015 $4,080 Health/Dental/Life Insurance 225.452 1.1310 $35,260 $42,675 U.C. Benefit Payments 225.452 1 .1420 $0 $500 Worker's Com Benefit Pa ment 225.452 1 .1520 $0 $0 Supplies Printed Forms & Paper 225.452 1.2030 $0 $0 Safetv Supplies 225.452( 1.2065 $2,600 $2,600 Misc Office Supplies 225.452 1.2099 $150 $150 Cleanina Supplies 225.452 1.2110 $850 $1,000 ClothinQ Supplies 225.452 1.2111 $700 $500 Motor Fuels 225.452 1.2120 $23,000 $30,000 Lubricants & Additives 225.452 1.2130 $4,200 $1,000 Chemical Products 225.452 1.2160 $10,000 $12,000 BU DGET .xLS:SpecRevParksWkst:8/17/2006 -..--..----.---- . .--.---.- - .,.,,-.- .. __n u n This dra August 2 2007 SPECIAL REVE mE FUND 2007 Sue get Park Fu ,d Misc Operatinq Supplies 225.4520 .2199 $18,000 $20,000 Equipment Repair Parts 225.4520 .2210 $6,400 $6,400 Vehicle Repair Parts 225.4520 .2211 $4,000 $4,000 Tires 225.4520 .2220 $1,500 $1,500 BuildinQ Repair Supplies 225.4520 .2230 $4,500 $3,000 Landscaping Materials 225.4520 .2250 $12.000 $15,000 Small Tools and Equipment Small Tools/Mise 225.4520 .2410 $1,500 $2,000 T &E/Machinerv 225.4520 .2440 $2,500 $2,000 T &E/Furniture 225.4520 1.2460 $0 $0 T &E/Equipment $8,500 $0 T&E/Offiee Equipment 225.4520 1.2471 $0 $0 T&E/Computer Equipment 225.4520 1.2472 $0 $0 T &E/Other 225.4520 1.2499 $2,500 $0 Services and Charges Professional Services - Custodial 225.452 1.3110 $0 $0 Maintenance Agreements 225.452 1.3190 $0 $0 Mise Professional Services 225.452 1 .3199 $5,500 $3,000 Telephone 225.452( 1.3210 $2,850 $3.000 Travel Expense 225.4521 1.3310 $450 $450 Conference & Schools 225.452 1.3320 $2,400 $2,500 Freiqht 225.452 1.3330 $0 $0 Advertising 225.452 1.3499 $600 $600 General Public Information 225.452 1.3520 $600 $600 Vehicle Insurance 225.452 1.3630 $0 $0 Electric 225.452 1.3810 $6,500 $7,000 Gas 225.452 1 .3830 $1,600 $1,600 Repair & Mtc - Buildings 225.452 1.4010 $3,300 $6,000 Repair & Mtc - Mach & Equipment 225.452 1 .4044 $5,000 $5,000 Repair & Mte - Vehicles 225.452 1.4050 $2,200 $2,000 Adopt-A-Park MaintlExpense 225.452 1.4090 $2,000 $3,000 Pathway Maintenance 225.452 1 .4091 $3,500 $4,000 Repair & Maintenance - Other 225.452 1 .4099 $2,000 $2,000 Equipment Rental 225.452 1 .4150 $1,400 $1 ,000 Uniform Rental 225.452 1 .4170 $0 $2,100 Misc Rentals 225.452 1 .4199 $0 $0 Dues/Mem berships/Subscriptions 225.452( 1 .4330 $400 $400 Books & Pamphlets 225.452( 1 .4350 $150 $150 T owinq Charges 225.452( 1 .4360 $0 $0 Licenses & Permits 225.452( 1.4370 $0 $0 Prizes 225.452 1 .4390 $0 $0 Tree Replacement 225.452 1 .4391 $0 $0 Misc Other Expense 225.452( 1 .4399 $6,000 $5,000 au DGET .XLS:SpecRevParksWkst:8/17 /2006 -..-.. --- -- -- --- _u_ -....- .--- SPECIAL REVE UE FUND 2007 Bu get Park Fund 225.4520 .5301 225.4520 .5501 225.4520 .5601 225.4520 .5801 225.4520 .2199 $6,000 $6,000 225.4520 .2499 $6,500 $4,200 225.4520 .3199 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $15,000 $0 $52,000 $0 $10,000 $0 $25,000 $0 $75,000 $0 $3,000 $0 $40,000 225.4520 .5201 $75,000 $0 225.4520 .5301 $150,000 $0 I ~' I - i ,. '. i,o I 'I ' : 'J. ) \' ' ' l,i, I ',-j "; , " ,ill; ", ,',~,; . \: 11 NSP Ballfields Safety Supplies 225.4520 3.2065 $150 $100 CleaninQ Suppies 225.4520 3.2110 $150 $150 Motor Fuels 225.4520 3.2120 $0 $0 Lubricants 225.4520 3.2130 $250 $100 General Operating Supplies 225.4520 3.2199 $600 $600 Equipment Repair Parts 225.4520 .2210 $0 $0 Vehicle Repair Parts 225.4520 .2211 $0 $0 Building Repair Supplies 225.4520 .2230 $0 $0 Landscaping Materials 225.4520 .2250 $0 $0 Misc. Repair/Maint. Supplies 225.4520 .2299 $3.400 $1,000 Small Tools Misc 225.4520 .2410 $0 $0 T&E Machinery 225.4520 3.2440 $0 $0 T &E Other 225.4520 3.2499 $0 $0 Misc. Professional Services 225.4520 3.3199 $2,000 $2,000 Telephone 225.4520 .3210 $0 $0 Advertising 225.4520 .3499 $0 $0 Electricity 225.4520 .3810 $7,000 $7,600 Repair/Maint - BuildinQs 225.4520 3.4010 $0 $5,000 Repair/Maint - Machinery/Equipment 225.4520 3.4044 $0 $0 Repair/Maint - Parks & Recreation 225.4520 3.4080 $0 $0 Repair/Maint - Other 225.4520 3.4099 $0 $0 Misc. Other Expense 225.4520 3.4399 $0 $500 Improvements 225.4520 3.5301 $6,500 $0 Other Equipment 225.4520 3.5801 $0 $2,000 BUDGET .xLS:SpecRevParksWkst:8/17/2006 __..__...u..._____ 2007 COMMENTS: Salaries: 100% Tom P., 90% Seth, Leo & Tom G 85% John L; 2007 BUDGET XLS:SpecRevParksWkst:811712006 SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR 2007 TO TALS 2065 Safety Vests 1 New Pair Chaps Replacement Filters for Respirators 2 New Respirators Safety Glasses 2 New Hardhats with Muffs OSHA Requirement Testing Misc $2,600 CLEANING SUPPLIES 2007 2110 Graffetti Remover Disinfectents Soaps Cleaners $1,000 CHEMICALS FOR 2007 2160 Fertilizer 3 times @ $3000 Herbicides and Other Weed Control BUQ Repellants Paint Striping Misc $12,000 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 2199 Establishment of Sunset Ponds Hillcrest Improvements Swan Park Improvements Irrigation ADA playsafe chips Bike Racks Misc $20,000 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 2299 Sunset Ponds Materials Hillcrest Planting Area Cardinal Hills Sign Planting Swan Park Planting West Bridge Rock Work Mise $15,000 REPAIR & MTC BUILDINGS 4010 ..--. / ,/' / I. Windows at West Bridqe Park Roof at Ellison Roof at West BridQe Stain and Paint of Buildinqs Stain and Paint of Shelters and Gazebos $6,000 PATHWAY MAINTENANCE 4091 Crack filling Milling & Patching $4,000 MOTOR VEHICLES 5501 Replace 94 Ford 1/2 Ton $20,000 OTHER EQUIPMENT 5801 Replace 95 Taro 325 Mower $30,000 NSP BALLFIELDS . MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 2299 Replacement Dugout Rooffi Irrigation Supplies Booster Pump Replacement Pitching Rubbers Replacement net for batting cage $5.000 TIRES 2220 Replacement Tires for Bobcat Skid Steer Replacement Tires for 328 Taro Mowerr $1,500 PARKIMPROVEMENTS-T&E 2499 6 New Picnic Tables $4,200 PARK TREE REPLACEMENT 4391 Replace dead trees in parks 5,000 ..--.--- / / / /.. SHADE TREE. MISC PRO. SERVICES 3199 Complete diseased Elm removal $5,000 SHADE TREE. TREE REPLACEMENT 4391 Replace dead elms and other dieseased trees $6,000 PARK LAND DEDICATION FUND 5102 Athletic Complex Acquisition $50,000 --- -f -f 0 en en en -f z ." 0 en en CA 0 0 III CD 3 ~ ~ en III ~, ~ 3 ~ > -f "2, :2 ~ ." i- e!. )> PI cr CD ~ - n' r r II (} iii' r III e!. CD -f i' en en 0 (II en 3i 0 (II 0 0 III 0 l: III a l: ::J ~ - ::J iii CD - iii ~ s: < ~ a. a. III CD go - ~ 0 ::J (II 3 0 e!. ::r ~ ::r a. i CD a n ::tI III .s' ::J 0 ~ ~ Ii;' l: en a II ~' - en ~ CD l: en (II -p' I) < ." CD m ::I: lo 3 .,,0 :E CD >0> ::J ~ - ::::or en ;;S;:;:U C ."m m c< c Ul zm n "" Ul ...... Ul ifl Ul CZ U'1 .t "'-J (.0.) ...... c ~ N "'-J U'1 50 (.0.) co m 0) 0., '0 en _CIl N N U'1 ...... 5 ~ 0 0 U'1 0 I\.) Cl ." ..... 0 0 0 0 "'-J Cl C Z c.n U'1 c.n Z ." flit Ul (f) C fjIt Ul C flit Ul ~ Ul I\J Ul Ul ..... UI 01 Z ~ ...... Ul (.0.) (.0.) I\J .j:>. Ul 0 = 0 -"" .0 Ul _(.0.) ...... ."'-J (.0.) .CIl .j:>. I\,) b '0 c "" ...... CIl "'-J ~ "0 U'1 en .j:>. "0 ~ N Cl 0 ..... 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BAU.fIEL.O FENCING & BACKST .wpd F(L~ ~g~'tr August 3, 2006 2:00 P.M. $29,120.00 $19,867.00 X (money order) x BMX rack -Have to establish a strong volunteer base beti re attempting to start a track. -At least lO very interested people -City Park Land with a Contract of conditiona use. -Mankato receives no help from city with mai tenance or costs that go into the track. -ABA covers insurance for Tracks if their AB sanctioned. -Get local clubs or organization interested. -90% of money brought in goes into track mai tenance. -Riders sign waivers. -Signs located in track area about rules and gu delines to follow as far as use of the track. -Porta-potties and Dumpsters -Pass a flyer around in school to get volunteer ase and to get kids interested. -A lot of work to run and upkeep. t~~~~ ~.,~~ ~~~~_~~=~==~=_-~~=~~9!6~~~=-==~~ -_~':t:rD tflg -EfB"D-EJEl-B-EJQ.p iiB-:-B:B~B-B:Ei':GD~EJOBD 0 0 0 0 D/O:O"O'O-fJO'O_EJ 0 PP 0 0 0 0 DgE!-[~ \- _ \ ' . 9~6 '. __ ."- - "- -_- ~....... 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