City Council Minutes 09-23-2019 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 23, 2019 — 5 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Charlotte Gabler Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Jim Thares, Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Matt Leonard, Ann Mosack, Tracy Ergen, Sarah Rathlisberger, Tom Pawelk, Tom Moores, and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. 5 p.m. 2020 Preliminary Tax Levy Review Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented a review of the proposed 2020 preliminary tax levy, which was on the regular City Council meeting for approval. The presentation included information on tax base changes, tax capacity values and rates, and the debt service levy. Also mentioned was the decrease in value of Xcel Energy. Mr. Oberg noted impact the addition of $75,000 as a result of the Compensation Study of which $50,000 was added to the budget. The remaining $25,000 will be found within the levy amount. The recommended total budget submitted by the Finance Department is a $483,000 increase from 2019 which is an increase of 4.8%. 3. 5:30 p.m. Racial Equity Committee Preview Rachel Leonard, Communications & Special Projects Coordinator, presented an overview of the Racial Equity Cohort that staff has been attending. The city is in the process of developing strategies and actions steps related to racial equity and would like confirmation of support from the City Council. The presentation included lessons gained from the cohort such as understanding the problem and how to move toward solutions. The key takeaway being that the city has a responsibility to ensure that policies, programs and services are equitable for all people. Staff is looking toward the GARE model which is to normalize with training, organize by creating a vision and action plan and operationalize by adopting the action plan to guide the city. Minimal discussion ensued among the Council which spoke in support of the program. 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 5:52 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: 01 Cinistrator i City Council Special Meeting Minutes — September 23, 2019