City Council Minutes 10-14-2019REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 14, 2019 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Mayor Stumpf requested that there be discussion on new chairs for the Council dais. Councilmember Fair moved approval of the agenda with the addition of chair discussion. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Minutes Special Meeting Minutes from September 23, 2019 Councilmember Fair moved approval of the special meeting minutes. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0-1; Councilmember Gabler abstained as she was absent from the September 23, 2019 meeting. Regular Meeting Minutes from September 9, 2019 Councilmember Fair moved approval of the regular meeting minutes. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0-1; Councilmember Gabler abstained as she was absent from the September 23, 2019 meeting. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements Rachel Leonard, Communications & Special Projects Coordinator, noted the following announcements: • New City of Monticello twitter account Monticello _MN • Fall Leaf Pick-up will be on Saturday, November 2 • Riverside Cemetery Clean Up will begin October 28 and take place the remainder of that week • Highlighted the Manufacturer's Week Breakfast which took place on October 9. City Council Minutes — October 14, 2019 Page 1 1 4 • Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, provided and update on the Monticello 2040 Community Vision and Comprehensive Plan. F. Council Liaison Updates • CMRP — Mayor Stumpf noted that the group is working on the Joint Powers Agreement which will be updated and brought back to the board for approval. The committee is in the process of acquiring a planner to aid with their efforts. • Park & Recreation Commission — Councilmember Fair provided an update on the following items: 1. MontiArts activities. 2. MCC revenues and visits. 3. Hunter's Crossing petition for ice rink. 4. Rule and Regulations for Riverside Cemetery regarding columbarium. 5. Ellison Park renovation cost estimates. 6. Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex tour. • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler provided an update and noted that the commission reviewed the following: rezoning related to tattoo parlors and need for applicants for vacancy. • BCOL — Councilmember Fair noted that the meeting included primarily an update of all the activities that took place at BCOL. • I-94 Coalition — Councilmember Gabler attended a MnDOT update and traveled to Washington D.C. to lobby for I-94. • Library Board — Councilmember Gabler provided an update of library activities. G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update — Jeff O'Neill provided an update on: 1. Finance Committee will be meeting in November to discuss major projects and will provide recommendations. Projects include Public Works facility, BCOL, and other fire station items. 2. Meeting with Jameson family. 3. Working on securing a tour of BCOL for City Council and Parks Commission. • Construction Update — Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director, provided a construction update. 1. Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Complex — several areas still need seeding and the paving is expected to be completed by end of week. 2. Walnut Street project — the concrete has been bevel cut and there are still a few items on the punch list. 3. Washington and Broadway project — only punch list items remain. 4. Oakwood sidewalk project — the curb and sidewalk was poured last week. The sidewalk needs to be backfilled and sodded. City Council Minutes — October 14, 2019 Page 2 14 5. Riverwalk Trail project preconstruction meeting took place this week. Contractor plans and footings will begin this week. • Pam Loidolt, Senior Center, provided an update of activities taking place at the Senior Center. She mention two new programs that the center will be implementing. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $194789024.08. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for the MCC and terminations for MCC, Hi -Way Liquors, DMV/Hi-Way Liquors, Finance, and Streets. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property from the Fire Department and Public Works Department. Recommendation: Approved as presented. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-72 accepting donation of $4,005 for the Fire Department from the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association and Coors Banquet. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-72 accepting donation. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-73 accepting a grant from Central Minnesota Arts Board of $5,781 for a mural for interior of Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-73 accepting grant. F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-74 establishing precinct boundary lines and Resolution 2019-75 establishing polling locations for the City of Monticello 2020 elections. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-74 establishing precinct boundary lines and Resolution 2019-75 establishing polling locations for the 2020 elections. G. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for the Monticello Knights of Columbus, Church of St. Henry for a dinner/dance to be held at the Monticello Community Center on January 25, 2020. Recommendation: Approved the temporary liquor license for Monticello Knights of Columbus, Church of St. Henry. H. Consideration of a request for amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 5, Section 1, Use Standards and related section as related to tattoo parlor and personal service uses. Applicant: Zachery Barthel. Recommendation: Adopted Ordinance 729 amending the Zoning Ordinance to specifically address Tattoo establishments as a use included in the Personal Services category and allowed where other such uses are allowed, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2019-028. City Council Minutes — October 14, 2019 Page 3 14 I. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-77 authorizing sale of a 20 -acre development parcel located at 8617 Edmonson and entering into a purchase agreement between the City of Monticello and LSW Investments, LLC. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-77 authorizing the sale of 20 - acre parcel located at 8617 Edmonson and entering into a purchase agreement with LSW Investments, LLC. J. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 2 for the BCOL Phase I Improvements, City Project 15CO01 — Phase I in the amount of $16,343. Recommendation: Approved Change Order No. 2. K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-76 approving the issuance of a lawful gambling off-site premise permit to Monticello Lions Club. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-76 approving the issuance of an off-site gambling permit. L. Consideration of approving purchase of a monument sign for the new fire station from Scenic Sign in the amount of $41,895. Recommendation: Approved the purchase of a monument sign from Scenic Sign for $41,895. M. Consideration of approving a grant contract with Wright County Health & Human Services for SHIP funding to update the Comprehensive Plan with consideration for healthy equity principles. Recommendation: Approved the grant for SHIP. 5. Added Items: Brian Stumpf requested new chairs for the dais, 8-10 chairs. It was a consensus of Council to have new chairs. Staff will proceed. 6. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber c)F> Approved: e, Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — October 14, 2019 Page 4 14