Planning Commission Minutes 06-01-1993
Tuesday, June 1, 1993.7 p.m.
Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Brian
Members Absent: None
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 7:01 p.m.
A motion was made by Brian Stumpf and seconded by Richard Martie to
approve the minutes of the special meeting held April 26, 1993. Motion carried
A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by J on Bogart to approve
the minutes of the regular meeting held May 4, 1993, with the following
Regarding the motion on item #4, "motion carried unanimously
with Brian Stumpf absent" should be changed to "motion carried
unanimously with Brian Stumpf and Cindy Lemm absent."
On page 3 of the minutes, third paragraph from the bottom, it
states "Jon Bogart felt that there should be some type of I-I
zoning next to Fallon A venue." This should be restated to "Jon
Bogart felt that there should be some type of mixed zoning next
to Fallon Avenue."
These would be the only changes. Motion carried unanimously.
Continued Public Hearing--Consideration of a request to amend the Monticello
Zoning Ordinance which would modify the regulations governing signs as
follows: 3-1 IC1(b): Modify the ordinance to allow a permit for promotional
signage for 2 weeks of every month or for a total of 168 days each year; 3-
9rCl(h): Modify the ordinance that would state that promotional signage may
bear an advertising message. including product and pricing; 3-9rFl(e): Modify
the ordinance to allow for an annual permit fee of $25 to cover advertising and
signage. Applicant. 9 local businesses.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, updated Planning Commission members
on the applicants' request. He expressed his disappointment in the lack of
input on the matter from the applicants.
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Cindy then opened the public hearing portion of the meeting.
Mr. Don Grewe, representing the original 9 applicants, explained that there
wasn't a lack of interest by the local businesses. The word out is that the
Planning Commission denied their request for the 168 total days and that a
new proposal was up for consideration.
O'N eill commented on the number of public hearing notices that were
published and sent to the affected businesses in the City of Monticello.
Mr. Grewe commented on the existing sign ordinance as they have nothing
now, the City is telling them how to run their businesses, charging for permits
to put up portable signs and banners.
Cindy Lemm asked Grewe if the Planning Commission should act on the
original request or consider a compromise. Grewe requested that the Planning
Commission act on the original request.
There being no further input from the public, Cindy Lemm then closed the
public hearing and opened the meeting for further input from the Planning
Commission members. Comments from the Planning Commission members
are as follows:
1. 168 days is too many and 20 days not enough.
2. Set a nominal fee, suggesting $5/year vs. $25/year.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to deny the
request to amend the Monticello Zoning Ordinance which would modify the
regulations governing signs as follows: 3-l[C](b): Modify the ordinance to
allow a permit for promotional signage for 2 weeks of every month or for a
total of 168 days each year; 3-9[F](e): Modify the ordinance to allow for an
annual permit fee of $25 dollars to cover advertising and signage. Motion
carried unanimously.
Finding of Fact: The 168 days is too excessive. And also, following the
recommendation of the Consulting Planners Report December 12, 1992.
Public HearingnA conditional use request to allow commercial storage
contained entirely within a building in a B-3 (highway business) zone. A
variance request to allow no curbing or hard surfacing of the off~street parking
and driveway areas. Applicant, Glen Posusta.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, commented that Mr. Posusta's plans
were not complete at this time. The finalization of the plans will hopefully be
complete by the next Planning Commission meeting.
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Therefore, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard
Carlson to table the conditional use request to allow commercial storage
contained entirely within a building in a B-3 (highway business) zone. A
variance request to allow no curbing or hard surfacing of the off-street parking
and driveway areas. Motion carried unanimously.
Continued Public Hearinl!--Consideration of amendments to the zoninl! map of
Monticello proposed in coni unction with development of the Monticello
Commerce Center. AND
Continued Public Hearing--Consideration of amendments to the City of
Monticello Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Amendments are proposed in
coni unction with the request for zoning district boundary changes. Applicant,
Monticello Industrial Park, Inc.
Jeff O'Neill commented on the preparation of the assemblance of the data from
the original zoning to the existing zoning as it is today. The IDC, Industrial
Development Committee, is recommending allowing an 1-1 zoning strip
running parallel with Fallon Avenue. The depth of the strip to be determined
by the Planning Commission and City Council.
Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing.
Charlie Pfeffer commented on the changes to his original two requests and
they are as follows:
1. Eliminate the B-2 zoning east of County Road 118.
2. Move the I-I zoning line east to 1,320 feet back of the center line of
Fallon Avenue.
The balance of the zoning would be business campus zoning coming up to the
B-2 zoning just west of the intersection of Chelsea Road and County Road 118.
The area east of County Road 118 would go back to the residential PUD
Mr. Pfeffer commented on the enhancements of the BC zoning with the
breakup of the building materials on the exterior walls of not more than 50%
of one product and the additional 30% green area required. The research has
not found that it exists in today's market for these types of amenities for a
prospective industry to relocate here in Monticello.
O'Neill noted that businesses recently developed here such as NAWCO,
Tappers Inc., Remmele Engineering, and Barger would all fit the BC zone;
therefore, there is a market for BC zoned property.
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Dennis Taylor commented that the City should create a combination of
business campus zoning on the other side of the freeway also that being the
Hoglund property on the north side of the freeway from this property, as this
is the only area in Monticello with BC zoning.
Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for any
further comments from the Planning Commission members. The Planning
Commission members were trying to come up with an acceptable amount ofBC
zoning to be left with the 1-1 zoning as proposed.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Jon Bogart to amend
the zoning map to reflect a change in the BC (business campus) zoning as
follows: The easterly 900 ft. between the school district property and a point
300 ft. south of Chelsea Road. The balance of the property to remain BC
zoning as will the B-2 west of County Road 118 and north of Chelsea Road and
the property east of County Road 118 that being R- PUD (residential planned
unit development). Portions of the rezoning request that were denied were
denied based on findings outlined in the Planner's report and based on the
finding that the proposed rezoning is not consistent with the comprehensive
plan. The motion carried unanimously.
Additional Information Items
1. Consideration of a variance request to allow development of a driveway within
the 5-ft minimum setback area. Applicant, Monticello-Big Lake Community
Hospital. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission
2. Consideration of a variance request to the front yard setback requirement that
would allow construction of a canopy over the clinic entrance. Applicant,
Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital. Council action: Approved as per
Planning Commission recommendation.
3. Consideration of amendments to the zoning map of Monticello proposed in
conjunction with the development of the Monticello Commerce Center.
Applicant, Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. Council action: No action required,
as the request did not come before them.
4. Consideration of amendment to the City of Monticello Comprehensive Land
Use Plan. Amendments are proposed in conjunction with the request for
zoning district boundary changes. Applicant, Monticello Industrial Park, Inc.
Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them.
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Consideration of a zoning ordinance amendment allowing banners and portable
signs to be displayed 40 days per year. Council action: No action required, as
the request did not come before them.
6. Consideration of a petition for extension of conditional use permit allowing a
public works building in a PZM zone. Applicant, City of Monticello. Council
action: No action required, as the request did not come before them.
7. Set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting
for Tuesday, July 6, 1993, at 7 p.m. Consensus of the five Planning
Commission members present was to set Tuesday, July 6, 1993, at 7 p.m. as
the next date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting.
8. Adjournment. A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Brian
Stumpf to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting
adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gar Anderson
Zoning Administrator
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