City Council Agenda Packet 09-26-2005 AGKNnA REGULAR MEETING _ MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday September 26, 2005 ~ 7 p.m. .-- Clint Herbst Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stn11lPf. ck'VlU /( ~ vJ."" Mayor: council Members: 1. Call to Order and pledge of Al\egiance. Approve minutes September 12, 2005 regular Council meeting. Approve minutes of September 12 ,2005 Budget Workshop meeting Approve minutes of September 12, 2005 hlosollds workshop. Approve minutes of August 3, 2005 special meeting to interview engineer applicants.(Not Done) ./Ol~ II ",.IM l-' . d . f dd" h c1 Lv Jtv-. ~ VI- J J ("" L 5" . A L .ons1 eratrOn 0 a 1ng 1temS to t e agen a../",.~ '1'""re.- - 7T"""'" lllAl h.4 C",.. .' d r~o\ff~ .1tlZen comments, petltlons, requests an compf,'n\s. 7~ '" "'~ ""''' f'W'" ' I" fHf~t A grOUP ot resldcnts want to make a present. lion to the Counc11 expressmg then concerns abont me proposed pathway from School Boulevard to Fallon Avenue. A. 2A. 2B. 2C. lD. 3. 4. ~ 5. Consent agenda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departUres. B. REMOVED FROM AGENDA C. Considcration of approving County cooperative construction agreement for the CSAH 1811-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1 C. D. consideration of continuing the publlc hearing on consideration of vacation of Cedar Street right-of-way and vacation of drainage and utility easements in the plat of Monti cello Travel Center to October 10, 2005. E. consideration of approving fmal payment to Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. for the Trunk Highway 25 at School Boulevard Signal System, City Project No. 2004- 19C. consideration of approving Change Order #2 for Cedar Street Reconstroction and 7'" Street Reconstroction, City Project Nos. 2000- I 8C and 200 I -7C. Consideration of approving fmal payment and accept improvements for Jefferson Commons pond Grading, City Project No. 2004-33C. F. .~ or(< @ H. Consideration to approve entering into a License Agreement between the HRA, the City and. Rocky Mountain Ci-rouP, LLC. "" . Agenda Monticello City Council September 26,2005 Page 2 1. Consideration of executing BNSF Railway pipeline license for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1 C. J. Consideration of calling for a special city council meeting to award the contract for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project, Project No. 2004-1C. C~1Ijqe--rt &r' d<V @ Consideration of approving Change Order No. 1 for Jefferson Commons Pond Grading, City Project No.2004-33C. ~. Consideration of approving final payment and accept improvements for Cedar Street Reconstruction and 7th Street Reconstruction, Projects Nos. 2000-18C and 2001-7C. Y'I\ . ~ oil ~ ",4\"-"'/ 4-~"+-vj" U A,\ U Consideration of items remoJed from the c6nsent agenda for discussion. 6. 7. Public Hearing _ Consideration of vacation of drainage and utility easement for 2817 Oak Ridge Drive - Keith and Katrina Geissler. .. 8. Public Hearing _ Consideration of vacation of drainage and utility easement over Outlot B in the plat ofthe Church of St. Henry. 9. Public Hearing on appeal of variance for secondary driveway in an R-l Zoning District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonry & Concrete. 10. Public Informational Meeting on multiple driveways and fence encroachments. 11. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow operation of a real estate office in an existing building in a PZM (Performance Zone-Mixed) District and a request for a variance from required parking standards as regulated by the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: Professional Brokers Realty. 12. Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regarding the regulation and outdoor storage of commercial vehicles. Applicant: City of Monticello. 13. Review update of report on modifications to trunk utility fees and park dedication fees. 14. Consideration of review of items relating to Hidden Forest Subdivision pertaining to site grading and utility improvements, finance plan and utility pipe design. 15. Consideration of an ordinance establishing a policy relating to outside employment for certain city employees. . 16. Consideration of approving bills for September. 17. Adjourn L Ml1'UJTES REGULAR MEETING _ MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday September 12,2005 - 7 p.m. Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Present: Members Absent: None. 1. ~al\ to Order and Plcdl!c of Allel!ianc~. Mayor Herbst called tbe meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Tbe Pledge of A\legiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes Au ust 22 2005 re ular Couucil meetin Tom Perrault noted typing errors in itemS #5C, # 11 and # 13. TOM PERRA\Jl:r MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 22,2005 REGllLAR COUNCIL MEETING Wrfl-l TYPOGRAPHICAL CORRECTIONS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. A Tom Perrault questioned who had seconded Wayne Mayer's motion to set the levy amount at $6,750,000. OIen posusta indicated he had seconded the motion. Tom Perrault felt the language about liquor store funds and funds borrowed by the EDA waS not well written . TOM PERRAIJLT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 29,2005 BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTiON CARRiED UNANiMOUSLY. 3, consideration of addin itemS to the a enda, At thi s time Bruce Westby, the neW city engineer and Daniel Hennessey, the neW bui 1 di ng inspector were introduced. Wayne Mayer added a discussion un Exhibit Z's and approving itemS with contingencies. Tom Scott claritied that tbe Couneil was actually guing to go into a closed session at this meeting He didn't feel the wording ofthc agenda item clearly reflected tbat. Clint Herbst added to the agenda consideration of purchase of a trailer for the Street Department, hard court construction at the Fourth Street Park and City employeeS working for neighboring communities. Carrie Me Do u gall, 101 Hill crest Circle asked if an item was on the consent agenda caul d it be pulled if residents wanted to comment on it. Mayor Herbst indicated that the council eould 1 .~ 4, Citizen cumments ctitions rc uests aud com laints, . Council Minutes ~ 9/12/05 pull the item and allow additional discussion. Sheila Nelson, 4762 Eagle Ridge Lane, asked if consent agenda item #5D(Blue Chip Development) could be pulled for discussion 5. Consent al!enda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify hires and departures for Building Department, Streets, Water and MCC as identified. B. Consideration of approving contribution from Land of I,akes Boys Choir to MCC. Recommendation: Approve a resolution accepting the contribution and authorizing uses of funds as specified by donor. C. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for the Monticello Lions Club at Pioneer Park for September 23.2005. Recommendation: Approve temporary liquor license of the Monticello Lions Club for September 23, 2005. D. Consideration of a request for an amendment to a planned unit development allowing the construction of an additional multi-tenant building on a single lot in an 1-2 District. Applicant: Blue Chip Development. Recommendation: Approve preliminary plat for Blue Chip Development with conditions noted below based upon the fIndings that the proposal would comply with the City's Comprehensive Plan and long term development goals for the area and to approve the conditional use permit for concept and development stage PUD with conditions noted below based on a finding that the use is appropriate for the zoning district and the proposed site. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8 9. ..-.. -.-. The applicant shall provide proofthat there will be no substantial conflicL in the operating hours of the buildings who arc proposing to share parking l'acilities. ^II par1ies involved in the joint parking agreement shall execute a contract approved by the City Attorney and filed with the County Recorder. Applicant shall propose an alternate parking lot configuration for the new building that would provide beLLer circulation and drainage subject to City stalf review and approval. The landscape plan must be revised to show the required number of plantings for the overall site as well as the residential buffer yard subject to City staffreview and approval. The applicant must submit plans showing the proposed locations and dimensions of any outdoor storage, if any, as well as the location and screening materials for trash enclosures subjecL to City staff approval. Prior to consideration of a final plat, a lighting plan must be submitted compliant with regulations outlined in Section 3-2.H ol'the Zoning Ordinance The applicant shall submit a signage plan compliant with Section 3-9.E2 orthe Zoning Ordinance. ^" grading, drainage and utility plans and casements arc subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Recomlnendations of other City stal'e Planning Commission and/or City Council. 2 1-\ Council Minutes - 9/12/05 Consideration of approving preliminary plan and final plat for Gould's Addition. Recommendation: Approve a resolution adopting the preliminary and final plat for Gould's Addition subject to the addition of drainage and utility easements as required by the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. . E. F. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit to allow a drive-through facility in the Central Community District and to allow joint parking and drives and consideration of a request for a variance from parking lot standards as required by the Monticello Zoning Ordinance - Applicant: Master's Fifth Avenue. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit to allow a drive-through facility in the CCD District and to allow for shared parking and drives subject to the conditions noted below based on the findings that the application would comply with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Revitalization Plan and long-term development goals for the area. 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. 7. S. The applicant nlust submit a revised landscape plan showing screening of the parking and drive- through areas from adjacent properties and the public street. All proposed parking lot islands must also he landscaped. The applicant shall construct the on-street angled parking spaces at his own expense, and pay a fee to the general downtown parking fund in order to ensure that adequate and required parking is provided. On-street parking areas shall be redesigned to show the corner between the on-street parking areas as 40 feet form the corner to the curb and to remove all handicap stalls from the on-street areas to the off-street parking area. The applicant must submit proposed building materials, subject to City staff approval. Material changes to the building quality or landscaping shall require further review by Planning Commission and City Council. The applicant shall install street lights along Third Street and Locust Street consistent with the existing ornamental street lighting pattern. The applicant shall submit a detailed signage plan upon building permit application which is consistent witb the City's Downtown Revitalization Plan and Section 3-9 ofthe Zoning Ordinance. All easements, grading, drainage and utilities are subject to the City Engineer's review and approval. Recommendations of other City statT. Planning Commission and/or City Council. G. Consideration offinal plat of 90th Street 3'd Addition. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the final plat of 90th Street 3rd Addition. H. Consideration of a request for a ConditionallJse Permit for a Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for a multi- and single-family residential development. Applicant: Ocello, LLC. Recommendation: Approve a conditional use permit for concept stage PUD based on the comments from the staff report for the September 6, 2005 Planning Commission meeting based on the finding that the concept stage PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. . 1. Consideration to adopt a resolution approving the elimination of parcels from TIF District No. 1-22 located within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1. 3 ~ Council Minutes - 9112/05 Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the elimination of parcels from TIF District No. 1-22 located within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I in the City of Monticello. Items #5C, #5D,#5F and #5H were pulled from the consent agenda. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH JTEMS #5C, #5D,#5F AND #5H BEING REMOVED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!cnda for discussion. #5C Liquor License - Lions Club: Glen Posusta stated he pulled this item because he wanted to highlight this fund raising event for Sight First, a non-profit organization which provides eyeglasses and eye operations for those who need them. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE fOR 3/2 BEER TO THE MONTICELLO LIONS CLUB FOR SEPTEMBER 23, 2005 AT PIONEER PARK. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. - #5D: Conditional Use Permit - Blue Chip Development: Sheila Nelson, 4762 Eagle Ridge Lane stated that when they purchased their house they were told that this property would be used for a wildlife sanctuary and they object to any development taking place on the site unless the site is fenced. The fence would provide protection to the wildlife and would eliminate the noise from the proposed development. - Clint Herbst questioned who supplied them with the information that the site was to be used for a wildlife sanctuary as he was concerned about misinformation being given out. Bret Weiss indicated that Ms. Nelson was referencing the ponding area adjacent to her property and the development is not going to change the fact that the area is used as a ponding area and nothing is going to be constructed in the ponding area. Glen posusta indicated that the developer is going to be putting up a berm and planting trees. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR BLUE CI-HP DEVELOPMENT WITH CONDITIONS NOTED BELOW BASED UPON TIlE FINDINGS TIIAT THE PROPOSAL WOULD COMPLY WITH THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT GOALS FOR THE AREA AND TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT I'OR CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD WITH CONDITIONS NOTED BELOW AND BASED ON A FINDING TI IAT THE USE IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE ZONING DISTRICT AND THE PROPOSED SITE. . '- The applicant shall provide proof that there will be no substantial conflict in the operating hours of the 4 tv . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9_ . . Council Minutes ~ 9/12/05 buildings who are proposing to share parking facilities. All parties involved in the joint parking agreement shall execute a contract approved by the City Attorney and filed with the County Recorder. Applicant shall propose an alternate parking lot configuration for the new building that would provide better circulation and drainage subject to City stalf review and approval. The landscape plan must be revised to show the required number ofplantings for the overall site as well as the residential buffer yard subjcct to City staff rcview and approval. The applicant must submit plans showing thc proposed locations and dimensions of any outdoor storage, if any, as well as the location and screening materials for trash enclosures subject to City stalf approval. Prior to consideration of a final plat, a lighting plan must be submitted compliant with regulations outlined in Section 3-2.11 of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant shall submit a signage plan compliant with Section 3-9.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. All grading, drainage and utility plans and easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Recommendations of other City staff~ Planning Commission and/or City Council. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5F Master's Fifth A venue Conditional Use Permit: Wayne Mayer questioned #7 on Exhibit Z asking ifthe review was going to be done by the new city engineer or WSB. Clint Herbst responded that if the new engineer felt comfortable doing the review he could do it or any overflow could go to WSB & Associates. Glen Posusta stated that while he would like to see the project go forward, he questioned the parking situation. If the project goes forward it should go forward with the required parking stalls. He felt if the angled parking was done on the east side of Locust Street as well as the west side of Locust Street and Third Avenue it should provide the required parking spaces. Brian Stumpf felt that angled parking was not appropriate in a residential area. In addition the residents would have to give up an additional 7' of land in order for angled parking to he constructed and he didn't think the property owners would he wining to do that. Clint Herbst shared the concern about adequate parking in this area. John Simola, Puhlic Works Director, indicated that money collected for parking stall deficiencies docs not cover the cost of acquiring any land for parking. City Planner, Steve Grittman reviewed the parking calculations for the development and had come up with a parking stall deficiency of S stalls. It was discussed whether agreements could be made with any of the nearby commercial properties for shared parking. Glen posusta didn't feel it was the City's responsibility to purchase additional land for parking. Jeff O'Neill stated that although there were still 8 stalls short it bettered the deficiency fi:om what it was. Clint Herbst disagreed with that comment stating he felt they should have the required parking and he didn't feel the City should have to drum up parking spaces for these developments. Jeff O'Neill stated that the developer had met the parking requirements for this phase and had corrected some of the parking deficiency created in the first phase. Clint Herbst reiterated that while the Council felt this was a good project the parking situation was a major concern. 5 "\ Council Minutes - 9/12/05 . Brad Johnson representing Barry Fluth stated that he felt the parking situation was greatly improved over what it was betl1re. He stated the parking will be sufficient for the size building they are constructing. lie noted that in most downtown areas there are a number of restaurants and limited parking so customers have to walk. Clint Herbst asked if any parking stalls were given up for the drive-through. Brad Johnson indicated no parking stalls were lost because of the drive-through. The Council commented on the landscape plan where the arrows show the tratTic lanes in the development and questioned whether the area by the existing garage was wide enough to allow traffic to freely move in and out. It appeared to be only enough room to allow one car to pull in or back out. Glen Posusta stated that the City had taken great pains on the Monticello Travel Center site making sure that standards were met for access and the City seems to be abandoning those standards here. Brad Johnson indicated the area in question would be designated as employee parking. Brad Johnson stated they are requesting approval of the conditional use permit for the drive-through facility and if the variance Il)f parking is required, they will come back for that at a future date. Clint Herbst felt the developer should make some contact with the commercial properties for shared parking. He also added that Exhibit Z should include the notation of the area designated for employee parking. . GLEN POSlJSTA MOVED TO APPROVE 'I'HE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A DRIVE-TlIROUGII FACILITY IN THE CCD DISTRICT AND TO ALLOW FOR SHARED PARKING AND DRIVES SUBJECT TO TI--IE CONDITIONS NOTED BELOW AND BASED UPON THE FINDING THAT THE APPLICATION WOULD COMPLY WIT I I THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION PLAN AND LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT GOALS FOR THE AREA AND TIIA T AN EFFORT BE MADE TO FIND ADDITIONAL PARKING FOR THE DEVI.:LOPMENT. 1. The applicant must submit a revised landscape plan showing screening of the parking and drive-through areas from adjacent properties and the public street. All proposed parking lot islands must also be landscaped, 2_ The applicant shall construct the on-street angled parking spaces at his own expense, and pay a fee to the general downtown parking fund in order to ensurc that adequate and required parking is provided_ 3_ On-street parking areas shall be redesigned to show the corner between the on-street parking areas as 40 feet form the corner to the curb and to remove all handicap stalls from the on-street areas to the off-street parking area. 4. The applicant must submit proposed building materials, subject to City stafT approval. Material changes to the building quality or landscaping shall require further review by Planning Commission and City Council. 5, The applicant shall install street lights along Third Street and Locust Street consistent with the existing ornamental street lighting pattern, 6, The applicant shall submit a detailed signage plan upon building permit application which is consistent with the City's Downtown Revitalization Plan and Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, 7, All casements, grading, drainage and utilities are subject to the City Engineer's review and approval. 8. Recommendations of other City staff Planning Cornmission and/or City Council. . TOM PERRAULT SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. 6 g Council Minutes - 9/12/05 - #5H Oce/lo PUD Residential Development: Tom Perrault stated he pulled this item hecause of the 1 3.3 acrcS of proposed park land dedi catiou which he felt was too much land. He felt the developer should have a cash in licu of land dedication noting that the City was getting ballflelds with the Insignia Development. A cash dedication would allow the developer to use the land for additional housing units. Brian Stumpf stated he thought the City's goal was to reduce the numher oftownhome units. The proposed development would consist of372 housing units of which 61 would be single family lots. He also asked ahout access to TH 25. Bret Weiss indicated that there will be an access point at the Featherstone development that will tie into a frontage road. The Kjellberg access will no longer exist. The frontage road is being proposed for 2009. Wayne Mayer said iftbe number oftownhomes proposed arc allowed to go in then he disab"eed with Council member Perrault about the need for park land. Glen posusta stated he didn't have a problem with the park land, he personally would rather have the developer keep the park land, construe! the park and maintaio the park rather than having the City owning it and maintaining it. Shawn Weinand addressed the green space stating that a 6 'I, acre parcel under the power line is being used for ponding and that there are some additional grceo areas located within the plat. They are not aski ng that the 13.3 acres 0 r park be taken from the 6"een space. They would be willing to accept a cash park dedication. He also spoke ahout the layout of the lots and stated the plan they presented provided a better transition from single family to high density. He also stated that based on the comprehensive plan, their development is on the low side as far as density. He felt their layout provided a nice interface into the lnsignia project. Clint Herhst stated that while the Council was nervoUS about the density proposed by the development assurances that the housing would be high quality upscale would dissuade some of their fears. Glen posusta asked if the developer could give any assurance that the g,plexes would not become rental units. Shawn Weinand stated that while it was not the intent of the developcr for this to hecome a rental project, he could not give assurances that these units would not be rental. lie added that the developer is making a major commitment to funding of School Boulevard so he would like to see the density of units retained. He noted that being located adjacent to a mobile home park and the water tower is not necessarily conducive to marketing of the site. Wayne Mayer stated his concern is the number of units and the ratio of multi, fami I y units to single family units. lie stated the under the old comprehensive plan this may have met the requirement but he is still concerned ahout the ratio of townhomes to single family lots. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONCEPT STAGE PUD FOR A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT BY OCELLO, LLC. BASED ON COMMENTS FROM THE STAFF REPORT FOR THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING BASED ON THE FrNlJlNG THAT THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD IS CONSISTENT WITII THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH W A YN E MA YER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. -- . . 7 q 7. . Council Minutes - 9/12/05 Economic Developmcnt Director, Ollie Koropchak provided backgrouod infurmation. At the last meeting the Council opened the public hearing on the establisbment of a taX increment district and continued the public hearing until 1his meeting in order that study to determine whether the district qualifies as a redevelopment district could be completed. The study indicated that 1he three lots located at Locust and Third Street do qualify as a rcdevelopment district. The lots meet the criteria for tbe coverage test which requires that 15% ofthe parcels must bc covered by improvcments, such as a house and 70% oftbe parcels has to be considered substandard. An ofthe lots met the \5% coverage staodard and twO of1he three houses met the 70% covcrage being substandard. Clint Herbst stated hc did not feel comfortable with moving aoy of the houses from this site to another site within the City and be felt stroogly enough about this to vote against tbe establishment of a T\F district if any ofthe houses were goiog to be movcd to another spot within tbe City. Glen Posusta stated that hc believcd Ollie Koropehak had stated at a meeting that tbe property was bligbted property. Ollie Koropchak stated that a certain percentage of the housing had to be substandard in order to qualify as a redevelopment district. Glen posusta agreed tbat lW assistaocc should oot be given to belp mOVC these houses to aoother sitc in the City. Ollie Koropchak pointed out tbat the house that was beiog moved waS not substaodard. Brian S tum P f asked about the life of the TlF district. Ollie Koropchak indicated that it was 25 years for a redevelopment district. W ayne Mayer asked if language could be added to the resolution which would condition approval if the houses were uot relocated to another site in the City. Brad Johuson responded that by state I aW you canUO t prohi bi t certain typcs of housing from bei ug moved into the City. Clint Herbst stated the Council does not have to approve the TIF District and Mr. Johnson qucstioned whetber the relocation of tbe house was valid grounds for denying approval. He added tbat aoy bouse that is moved ioto 1he City must meet all the code requirements oftbe City. Ollie Koropcbak stated that tbe bouse that is proposcd to bc moved would be going on a vacant lot. This would increase the tax base ofthe lot that the hoose is moved onto and thc valoe of the lot that thc house is being removed from would also increase in value because o{the redevelopment. . When asked his opinion, Tom Scott, City Attorney indicated that the Council could approve the resolution establishing the T\F district with the condition that the houses not be movcd to another site within the City. Glen Posusia said if the developer was not using TIF funds, he could do whatcver he wanted with the housCS but becausc the City was providing linancial 8 \0 Council Minutes - 9/12/05 assistance, they should be able to put conditions on it. Tom Scott said the City has the right to control the relocation of the houses. He suggested the developer sign a document agreeing to the fact that none of the houses will be relocated in the City and require the developer to enter into a legal agreement to meet that condition. Mayor Herbst dosed the public hearing. BR1AN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE MODIFICATION TO TIlE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND ESTABUSHING TIF DISTR1CT NO. 1-35 THEREIN AND TBE ADOPTION OF THE PLAN THEREFOR WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE THREE IIOMES IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA ARE NOT RELOCATED TO AN011IER SITE WITHIN THE CITY AND THE DEVELOPER ENTERS INTO AN AGREEMENT WlTH THE CITV TO COMPLY W1TH TEAT CONDITION. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED ll-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Hearin J on consideration of vacation of 7th Street ri ht-of-wa Church of St. Henrv's. . Because of the developmcot of the Ryan project and based on tbe agreement with the Cburch of St. Henry 7th Street is proposed to be realigned and the old right of way for 7th Street is proposed to be vacated. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the proposed vacation of 71h Street. No one was present who spoke for or against tbe proposed vacation. Mayor Herbst tben closed the public hearing. JelT O'Neill stated that the plat for this area would be coming before the Council in October. TOM PERRAULT MOVED ADOPT A RESOLUTION VACATING THAT PORTION OF 7TH STREET AS DEDICATED IN THE PLAT OF THE CHURCH OF ST. HENRY CONTIN GENT UPON APPROVAL OF THE NEW PLAT DEDlCA TIN G TH E RIGHT OF WAY FOR THE REALIGNED 7TH STREET. GLEN POSUS'rA SECONDED THE MOT10N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. John Simola asked if the City has been given authorization to enter on to the property. Staff will verify if a right of entry has been granted by the church. 9. and vacation of . Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the vacation of a portion of the Cedar Street right of way and vacation of drainage and utility easements in the plat of Monticello Travcl Center. No one was present to speak for or against the proposed vacation. 9 \ \ Council Minutes ~ 9/12/05 .... ~ GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLlC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED STREET AND EASEMENT V AC~TION UNTIL THE SEPTEMBER 26, 2005 MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of recommendations forthcomin from worksho on biosolids. The Council discussed having this item come back before the Council in a workshop session. Octobcr 10,2005 at 5:00 p.m. is thc datc for the workshop. 10. 11. Consideration of annual sidewalk ins ection. Poblic Works Director. John Simola presented the annoal sidewalk inspection rcport. He talkcd about modifying the current standard of I/4" vertical rise. While changing tlie standard to 3/8" or y," might rcduce the number of sidewalks panels that would need to replaced or repaired, it would increase the potential for tripping or hitting it with snow removal cquipment. Cileo posusta asked if it was possible to grind offthe 1/4" rise. John Simola provided ioformatioo on the cost of doing that. Those paoels that could oot be groood down could be mudjackcd. BRIAN STUMP]' MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SIDEWALK REPORT AS DRAFTED AND AUTHORIZE PUBLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO TAKE THE NECESSARY ACTION BASED ON THE EXISTING INSPECTION CRITERIA FOR REPAIRING AND MONITORING THE SJIJEW ALKS AND TO IlA VE THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND CITY ENGINEER LOOK AT TilE SCARIFIER DEMONSTRATION AND IF THEY FEEL IT IS APPROPRIATE FOR USE TO PURCHASE TilE EQUIPMENT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Review of multi Ie drivewa situations in the Core Street Construetion Pro' ect and consideration of public hearinl! to deal with same. John Simola reported that there are approximately five places in the Core Street Project area with multiple driveways. Two ofthesc multiple driveways predate thc annexation and the establishment of the city's ordinances and therefore he felt would be consi dered as grandfathered in. In the remaining cases he felt the multiple driveways could be remuved because it is a violation of the city ordinance John Simola suggested calling for a public hearing at which time those residents could speak to why the multiple driveways should remain. John Simola noted that if the multiple driveways are allowed to remain it could impaet the way the property is assessed for street improvements. Under the Core Street project properties were asscssed based on number of driveways. John S i mo la also noted a numher of fences that were hui It that ene roach on C it Y right 0 f way which is also a violation of city ordinaoce aod the fences should be removed. It was suggested . 12. . 10 \~ - . council Minutes - 9/12/05 that those fences that pre.dated annexation and the city ordinances could be left and wben they had deteriorated in condition they could be removed. lohn Simola stated tbat what is considered deteriorated could be a subjective thing and Suggested tbe council set a speciftc time frame for removal. Clint Herbst felt if a multiple driveway was allowed they should be assessed as another unit because the lot could be split off and sold at some point in the future. It was noted tbat the next item on the agenda also related to a request for a variance to alloW a multiple driveway. John Simola stated he felt that multiple driveways should be regulated by an amendment to the ordinance rather tban by granting a variance. He indicated that he had talked to Dick Frie, the Planning Commission chairman regarding this matter. lohn Simola stated that he would be appealing the Planning Commission's decision to grant a variance for a second driveway access. Clint Herbst said if they are going to alloW second driveways the driveways have to hard. surfaced WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO CALL FOR A PUBUC HEARING AT WHICH TIME THE CITY CAN PRESENT ALL Of THE [NfORMA TION REGARDING nlIS ISSUE AND RECEIVE TESTIMONY fROM CONCERNED ClTlZENS AND PROPERTY OWNERS AND AFTER THE pUBLIC HEARING MAKE A DECISION ON WHlCH WAY TO GO wrrH A TENTATlYE DATE OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2005 FOR THE pUBLIC HEARING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. consideration of are uest for a eonditional use ermit for a 896 s . ft. detaehed strueture and a varianee for seeonda drivewa in an R-I Zonin District. A lieant: Riehard Bastien central Mason & Conerete. It was Suggested that this item be tabled until after the public bearing on the appeal oflhe variance which has been scheduled for September 26,2005. TOM PERRAULT MOV ED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR RICHARD BASTIEN CENTRAL MASONRY AND CONCRETE UNTIL SEPTEMBER 26, 2005. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANlMOUSLY. Trailer for Street Pep"rtrnent _ Tom Moores requested Council approval to purchase a trailer for the Street Department for hauling the roller. The money for this purchase had been budgeted but tbe Council has requested to review this type of purchase even though funds were budgeted. ~dded HenlE- . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE TRAILER. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN ANIM01JSL Y. \3 11 council Minutes ~ 9/12/05 John Simola said he would like permission to cut up the old trailcr for scrap. Hardeour/for 4'" Street Park: $25,000 was budgeted for this improvement. It is proposed to surface the rink area so that it can be used for basketbaH in the summer and can stiH be flooded for use in the wi ntcr. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE JNSTALLA TJON 01' THE HARDCOURf FOR THE FOURrH STREET PARK. BRJAN STUMPI' SECONDED 11m MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Approval of items with contingencies or Exh ibit Z: Wayne Mayer was concerned about items appearing on the consent agenda with a list of items noted in Exhibit Z or being approved witb contingencies. He noted that passing these items with the lists of conditions meaus that staff wi1\ have to follow up and make sure the conditions are met which adds to the existing work load. Wayne Mayer felt these items should he taken care of before they come before the Council. Jeff O'Neill said on PUD's thc items on Exhibit Z are not as critical as with the conditional use permits. In addition waiting until all the items are complete slows the proccss down. Clint Herbst said the Council has to make sure that these projects comc out the way they should. John Simola stated he had talked to Dick Frie who was also concerned that these conditions are being followed up on. Jeff o'Neill stated that if staff holds finn to their deadlines, the Council has to keep that in mind when developers complain that staff is difficult to work with. Disaster Shelters: Clint Herbst stated that with the Hurricane Katrina disaster government officials have come undcr heat about disaster preparedness. He noted that the trailer parks are suppose to have stann shelters. He would like to verify that the shelters exist and are usable and perhaps set up a program of regular inspection. City Employees _ Out.,ide employment: Clint Herbst specifically cited the Building Offrcial as an example of a city employee who is also employed outside his city position. His concern is whether an employee can work forty hours for the city and still be able to handle outside employment especially if the outside employment is during the samc hours of city employment. He thought that this issue needs to be addressed. Brian Stumpf indicated he was a little bit disturbed that the issue came up in this fashion at an open meeting of the Council and fur that reason would not comment on the issue. Tom Scott cautioned that while the Council could discusS policy, discussion on personnel issues should remain general. Clint Herbst stated he brought the issue up so he could get a consensus of the Council if this was an issue that should come before the Personnel committee WAYNE MAYER MOVED THAT PERSONNEL COMMITTEE LOOK AT THJS ISSUE AND GET APPROPRIATE LEGAL COUNSEL ON OPTIONS THE CITY HAS AVAILABLE AND THEN BRING THE ITEM BACK TO THE HILL COUNCIL. TOM PERRAUU SECONDED THE MOTION NOTJNG THAT IF THERE IS ANY NEED FOR A CLOS ED M EET]NG THAT TH E CLOSED MEHING BE HELD AT 6 p.M. BEFORE THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. WAYNE MAYER AMENDED H]S MOTION TO JNCLUDE SPECIFYING THE TIME FOR ANY NEEDED SPECIAL MEETING. MOTION CARRlED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN . . \2 \'-\ Council Minutes - 9/12/05 ...... ..... OPPOSITION. Wayne Mayer said unfortunately sometime it is difficult to discuss things in an open forum. The Counci I indicated they would consider the approval of bills and then enter into the closed meeting. 14. Consideration of enterin into a closed meetin reg:ardinl; A VR (Apple Vallev Redi-Mix) At 9:20 the Mayor, Council, City staff, City Engineer, Bret Weiss and legal counsel went into closed session to discuss pending condemnation of the A VR site. 15. Consideration of approvin2: bills for September. Glen posusta asked about the bill for the fence work at I-lillcrest Park. I Ie asked that the bill be pulled since there was some corrective work to be done. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS WITH THE REMOVAL OF THE STATEMENT FROM OBERG FENCE. WAYNE MA YER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 16. Adiourn Upon completion of the closed meeting at 10:05, the Council went back in to regular session and closed the regular Council meeting. --,---"--,-,~,-"--"-".._"-'~-"-'_.,,- Recording Secretary . 13 \5 . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday September 12, 2005 - 4 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Wayne Mayer Mayor Ilcrbst called the workshop to order at 4 p.m. Representatives from Bolton and Menk and Veolia Water (contract operators of the wastewater treatment plant) were present to review and discuss in greater detail the information provided in the report by Holton and Menk on biosolid options. At the present time the City's process does not produce Class A biosolids. In addition the land area the City owns for biosolids disposal is no longer adequate. With the population of the City expected to double in 15 years biosolids storage capacity needs to increase as well. Bob Brown from Holton and Menk reviewed the City's existing facilities and their capabilities. In looking at biosolids treatment a number of alternatives were considered: 1) Thermophilic anaerobic digestion (TPAD); 2) Autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestions (ATAD); 3) Heat and lime treatment; 4) '!'hermal drying; 5) Composting and 6) Pasteurization. l30b l3rown outlined the pluses and minuses of each system. The thermal drying method originated in Europe and is currently a numher of larger cities in the United States use this method for handling their biosolids. This method produces Class A biosolids, reduces the volume ofbiosolids, the process requires minimum space and produces a product that is easily handled. A TAD was the another option that was considered and like thermal drying it produces Class A biosolids but this option would require that the City obtain additional land for application of the biosolids. The study also considered continuing with the existing facilities fix biosolids treatment. Under this option, the City would not be able to produce Class A biosolids, anaerobic digesters and storage facilities would need to he expanded and the City would need to acquire additional land for application ofthe hiosolids. It was explained that with Class A biosolids you have a product that can be used by fertilizer companies, aggregate companies or the biosolids can be incinerated. Permitting requirements fiJr land application for Class A biosolids is much less restrictive than for Class B biosolids and it was felt that in the future land application ofbiosolids would become even more restrictive. It was generally felt that the thermal drying ranked the highest of the options studied. It provided Class A biosol ids, had the lowest capital costs, more f1exibility in the method of disposing of the biosolids, greatest volume reduction, less restrictive permitting requirements, flexibility for future expansion and no additional land is required for biosolids disposal. Chuck Keyes, the WWTP plant operator presented information on their search for possible sites fiJr land appl ication of the Class 13 biosolids that the City currently produces. He also provided \<6 information on the cost of landfilling the hiosolids. He point out that the landlilling option would he considered as a temporary option to be used until the City selected a long term option. . The Council was updated on the status of a proposal to have a regional facility for biosolid treatment. A number of communities have gone on their own rather than opting for a regional facility. Bob Brown noted that with a regional facility it is important to have good operating agreements among the cities involved. The Council also discussed phasing in of a system for biosolids treatment. Different interim options were reviewed. Brian Stumpf felt a decision needed to be made soon and he was leaning toward the heat dryiog option rather than going with interim solutions. Clint Herbst felt the item should be tabled because there was additional information that was needed such as how a selected treatment option could be phased in, the costs for any interim options and realistic lands costs. The workshop meeting was closed at 6 p.m. __0'_._.___.___.___.____________'._.._____._ Recording Secretary . . ,1:\ . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING _ BUDGET WORKSHOP - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday September 12, 2005 - 6 p.m. Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Present: Members Absent: None The budget workshop meeting was ealled to order at 6 p.m. City Administrator, Rick Wnlfsteller reviewed the changes made to ihe 2006 preliminary budget based on direction received from the Council at the first budget workshop beld on August 29, 2005. The result is a preliminary tax levy of $6,750,000 which is less than the 2005 levy amount. It was pointed out that tliis levy amount does not replace the MVHC Aid in the amount of $276,882 that the City lost in 2005 nor will it replace MVHC Aid that the City will be losing in 2006. In addition $605,693 of surplus bond funds will be used to reduce ihe levy needed for debt payments in 2006. Rick Wolfsteller explained that at this point the City is not under any levy limits. [fat some future date the state determines to reinstate levy limits, the fact that the City has been frugal and reduced their levy amount may hurt them in future levies since the levy limit is hased on a certain percentage over tbe levy amount of tbe preceding year. He noted that there is continued growth in the community which increases the tax base but also places greater demand on staff to provide services. Clint Herbst felt comfortable with the cuts made to come up with a levy of $6,750,000 and was comfortable wiih using reserve funds for items like ihe salary study. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that the Comprehensive plan update and the fiber optics study were shown in ihe capital outlay fund. He added that revenue from the sale of city owned property in Jefferson Commons goes into the capital outlay fund. Rick Wolfsteller stated that the City is not required to hold a Truth in Taxation hearing since the City's levy did not exceed $7,311,210. However prior to December 15'" the City will have to certify to the County their fmal budget and levy amount for 2006. Glen pososta stated that the City like any other business or individual needs to live within its means. Rick W 01 f ste 1I er stated the City has done a good job of stay in g wi ihi n their budget. Brian S tum pf fe It the City should increase the levy amount to make up for the loss ofMVHC aid and for that reasoo would be voting against the approving the preliminary budget. There was discussion on the equipment purchases for the fire department. Fire Chief Steve Joerg stated that a committee will be set up to plan future purchases but he anticipates that they may request purchase ofa pumper in about three years to replace the 34 year old pumper. The Public Works Department felt they were singled out in the budget cuts since they have a large budget because of equipment needs. lie emphasized that residents want their streets maintained and kept free of snow and to do that city staff has to have the proper equipment. \\0 . . . . . Tom Moores brought up a request to purchase a trailer for the Street Department. This expenditure was budgeted for and would replace a homemade trailer that was built a number of years ago. Quotes were on the state bid with Trueman-Welters having the low bid 01'$3,652. The budget amount was $3,300 but a 15% increase in steel prices is reflected in the higher bid amount. Parks Superintendent Adam Hawkinson brought up the installation of a hard court for basketball at the Fourth Street Parle It is proposed to pave the hockey rink for the hard court area. Paving the rink area would makc Hooding the rink easier in the winter and allow its use for basketball in the summer. The budgeted amount for this projcct is $25,000. Thc Mayor indicated he would add approval of the purchase of a trailer and thc installation of a hard court to the agenda of the regular Council meeting. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE 2006 PRELIMINARY BUDGET WITH A TAX LEVY OF $6,750,000. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE BELIEVES THE CITY SHOULD LEVY FOR TIlE LOST MVHC AID. The budget workshop meeting closed at 6:50 p.m. -,-_.,--,-,-,-"--,._~',....-----..'--'~".- Recording Secretary \1 , . TO: City of Monticello Monticello School Board Residents of Cardinal Hills RE: ConstrUCtion of Pedestrian Crosswalks on School Boulevard A recent study of pedestrians crossing School Boulevard has brought about a discussion to create a crosswalk and 8 foot wide paved pathway between 5401 Falcon Avenue and 5421 Falcon Avenue. There are several concerns that have been expressed by Cardinal Hills' residents. We feel that the current plan by the city may create safety issues for people of all ages. The proximity of the path in regards to the ponds on both sides creates a dangerous invitation to the children and unsupervised youth that would be using the walkway. Children have already ventured into the water and have needed to be pulled out of the water. We also feel the slope of the pathway would also attract many bikes and skateboardS. Most of the youngsters are also unsupervised and thus an accident is just waiting to happen. We offer these alternative ideas: 1). Construct a 6 foot chain link fence along the south side of School Boulevard, starting at Eider Lane and continuing to Pelican Lane. The fence would provide a visible barrier and hopefully discourage crossing in the middle of that section of roadway and trespassing into residents' yards. Also, there are several young people that seem to hide out in the trees around the pond and smoke cigarettes. While most of us do not mind an occasional person cutting through our yards, it does become annoying when twenty to thirty people walk through your yard on a daily basis. It would also reduce the number of young people that could approach the ponds thus eliminating the danger of them falling into the ponds. Construct the crosswalk midway on School Boulevard but do not put in the paved walkway on the south side of School Boulevard. The reason being that if they choose to cross the road midway, they would be provided with a safe location to do so. . 2). 3). Iftbe paved walkway between 5401 and 5421 must be constructed, we feel a 6-foot fence on both sides of the walkway would provide a safe passage for all young people. Attached, please find a petition that was distributed throughout the neighborhood. Each homeowner was encouraged to select which plan they felt would best their individual interests. We thank you for your consideration of this matter. Sincerely, The Residents of Cardinal Hills Development . L*~ d-O -. . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -=-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ,,- f ~llrf Fr~/~r ,e fr ,.!fCO Fttlto? ;fv~, I 01" 2- ~f~ I-INr7/1- 131t,erHEL S'fc;JI 'F'ftLCDt\/ AvE / tJ1..; a. ~~ ~ ~~- ~ 5.J'Io .{;/c.,~ /1",,,- /0<. :< Ch~(y( J.[c'~kt>"'-? 5?f'l! mJcon AY~ for 2. ~ CL ~7J fn\..< c;:~~V' 77') \ Fb..\(oV\o....ve L6 C YIZ IL- 5'33/ k/~ ~ / a-< ~ r7,2\t(~L~_<l)S\~ ;;3~ S336 ;:2 )CCfT Aur ( (j r ~ tU70 qrffj) ZiCItr LM I o-V :2 tit- <)]"20 !;ltoY'r4-ve-. -c %fk. 11~CA-ll21J&n rlJou tf311 Ck LN. 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Lj q I .W I'r I f I\~ fSr.: \ ~ ~ 55~1 ~f I""") I) ( \. ~ \ u...- d- d ~ - -. .- - =..A -=- ...,. =..a -., - . . eef") o,'IvA. JeD01 Perrer 'f'z4().5wc., /low L. 'f' /. ~ (\ fI, f'€- (VI. fY\or 0-- (\ 51 /pIlS~ I, 'j ':br1V~ I. ~~ ~;~~DS1~~/o ~~~ t;v In {: ~""'> w7 ~ vi I .J/ 3 --\l> <\:v ~~L- .s 1..-1 s. €I\ <')~}~;il'L ~ 1- - L L\- .:d3 Council Agenda ~ 9/26/05 SA. Consideration of a rovin' neW hires and de artures for MCC Buildin Streets and Public Works. (R W ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUNIl;. The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC. Building, Streets and Public Works. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all neW employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SlJPIJORTING DATA: Lists of neW employees. . . d '-"-\ NEW EMPLOYEES -- Title Department Hire Date Class .- City Engineer PW 9/6/2005 Full Time 9/12/2005 Full Time Name Hennessey,DJ Westby, Bruce ~ld9/code InspectO.!.. Building TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class - . pingmann, Neal ~oluntary MCC 8/31/2005 PT Ebeling, Rachel ~oluntary MCC 8/15/2005 PT .!jermosillo, Lori Voluntary MCC 8/31/2005 PT Sawatzke, Clay ~oluntary MCC 8/31/2005 PT Schaffer, Julia Voluntary MCC 8/31/2005 PT ~choen, Ellen Voluntary MCC 8/31/2005 PT Foshaug, Ryan Involunta Streets 9/2/2005 FT ~ ~ . employee council Iist.xls: 9/20/2005 51\ - dc'.=:> 5C. - A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City approval of the County Cooperative Agreement is required for the CSAH 18/1- 94 interchange. The City Council ordered the construction of this project at the April 11, 2005 Council meeting. The Cooperative Construction Agreement between Monticello and Wright County is attached to this item for the Council's consideration. The Council has execnted a Cooperative Construction Agreement with Wright County at the May 23,2005 council meeting. The May 23 Agreement addresses only the portion of the Interchange project currently under construction. The attached Agreement covers the remaining portion of the CSAH 19/1-94 Interchange construction project. The limits along CSAH 18 extend from Meadow Oak Avenue to the BNSF Railroad Tracks including the construction of the interchange. - B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the Cooperative Construction Agreement between Monticello and Wright County for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange. Do not approve the Cooperative Construction Agreement between Monticello and Wright County at this time. . 2. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends selecting Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Agreement Number 05-52 . '3 c- - d. \0 CWoe""'"" m,d ';"I"ng.,"I"wn.gn,."'ng"IL,,cal "tt'ng.<ITe"'t"""", 'nlem" l"I<"IOI.i:3\AON /'IM-CSAH I' 'n'm,h,,"g' A.'h,,"" C"unlV coOP Aw"",,n,-09260.I."'''' - . . AGREEMENT NO. 05-52 MONflCELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO FUNDING P ARTICIP A TION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT And THE CITY OF MONTICELLO For CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR CP 86-18-0612 CITY PROJECT No. 2004-01C CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange - Grading, Bituminous Pavement, Drainage, Signing Lighting, Traffic Control Signal, Bridge No. 86530, and Utility Improvements SG- ;2-1 September 2005 K:VJ1546_ovv\dmin\Docs\ConslTUClionAgreement-CityCounty-CSAH 18j94. doc . . AGREEMENT NO. 05-52 MONTICELLO CITY OF MONTICELLO FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT And THE CITY OF MONTICELLO For CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR CP 86-18-0612 CITY PROJECT No. 2004-01C CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange - Grading, Bituminous Pavement, Drainage, Signing Lighting, Traffic Control Signal, Bridge No. 86530, and Utility Improvements SC/ - dO K:VJ1546_0Mdmin\DOCs\ConstrucliOnAgrttmtnl.CiIYCounlY-CSAH 18~194.doc September 2005 . . . COOPERA TIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "Ci ty" . WITNESS TO: WHEREAS, plans and specifications have been prepared for the improvement of County State Aid Highway 18 (from Meadow Oak Avenue to the BNSF Railroad), hereinafter referred to as CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Improvements, and said construction plans are designated as CP 86-18-0612. The project includes, but is not limited to, pavement removal and replacement, turn lane construction, curb replacement, storm drainage construction, trail construction, utility improvements, traffic control signal installation, raised median improvements, bridge construction, and other miscellaneous improvements within the corporate limits of Monticello, and WHEREAS, the improvements described herein, are one part of an overall interchange project that will construct an interchange on 194 and CSAH 18 in Monticello. Separate agreements between the City and County will cover remaining work to CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/39 improvements and provisions for the turn back of CSAH 75(from the CSAH 39/18 intersection to the east). WHEREAS, a Cooperative Agreement between the County and the City outlines the responsibilities and financial commitments for the proposed project. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: Article 1 The City shall construct or cause to be constructed a project meeting state aid standards of pavement rehabilitation including roadway, utility, drainage, traffic control signal installation at CSAH 18 and 1-94 loops, Bridge No. 86530 carrying CSAH 18 over 1-94, and other miscellaneous improvements upon or along CSAH 18 within the City limits in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as prepared by the City's Consulting Engineer and on file at the office of the City Clerk, and: Article 2 It is agreed that upon completion of and acceptance of the work as to quantity and qUlillity by the City, the City's Consulting Engineer shall determine the actual amount that the County will reimburse the City in accordance with the following funding participation schedule: 1. CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Improvements - CP 86-18-0612: This participation is consistent with Wright County's existing funding policies. The City would be required to obtain any additional permanent R/W, as required to do the work. It is anticipated that additional right-of-way will be needed as recorded on the Wright County Highway Right- May 2005 K:\oJ546-09vldmin\DOCS\ConstrucliOnAgreement-CitycoUnry-CSAHJ8j9sCc _ d ~ . . . COOPERA TIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City" . WITNESS TO: WHEREAS, plans and specifications have been prepared for the improvement of County State Aid Highway 18 (from Meadow Oak Avenue to the BNSF Railroad), hereinafter referred to as CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Improvements, and said construction plans are designated as CP 86-18-0612. The project includes, but is not limited to, pavement removal and replacement, turn lane construction, curb replacement, storm drainage construction, trail construction, utility improvements, traffic control signal installation, raised median improvements, bridge construction, and other miscellaneous improvements within the corporate limits of Monticello, and WHEREAS, the improvements described herein, are one part of an overall interchange project that will construct an interchange on 194 and CSAH 18 in Monticello. Separate agreements between the City and County will cover remaining work to CSAH 18 and CSAH 39 for the CSAH 18/39 improvements and provisions for the turn back of CSAH 75(from the CSAH 39/18 intersection to the east). WHEREAS, a Cooperative Agreement between the County and the City outlines the responsibilities and financial commitments for the proposed project. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: Article 1 The City shall construct or cause to be constructed a project meeting state aid standards of pavement rehabilitation including roadway, utility, drainage, traffic control signal installation at CSAH 18 and 1-94 loops, Bridge No. 86530 carrying CSAH 18 over 1-94, and other miscellaneous improvements upon or along CSAH 18 within the City limits in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as prepared by the City's Consulting Engineer and on file at the office of the City Clerk, and: Article 2 It is agreed that upon completion of and acceptance of the work as to quantity and quality by the City, the City's Consulting Engineer shall determine the actual amount that the County will reimburse the City in accordance with the following funding participation schedule: 1. CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Improvements - CP 86-18-0612: This participation is consistent with Wright County's existing funding policies. The City would be required to obtain any additional permanent R/W, as required to do the work. It is anticipated that additional right-of-way will be needed as recorded on the Wright County Highway Right- May 2005 K:\[J1546.09lAdminlDocs\COnSlrUClionAgreemem-CityCounty-CSAH18j94.doc S C.- _ 3 a . of-Way Plat No. 55. Temporary right-of-way will be needed for construction purposes and would be the responsibility of the City to obtain. The City will send to the County documentation of the RJW costs incurred along county highways for this project. Funding: Participation: The County cost participation cap for this project, together with the projects CP 86-18-061 and CP 86- 39-061, is $2,000,000. Roadway and Turn Lane Widening Improvements Turf Establishment Surfacing Travel Lanes (wear/non-wear) Surfacing Paved Shoulders (wear) Aggregate Base for Reconditioning Improvements to Highway New Concrete/Bituminous Walk Curb & Gutter (& entrance pour-backs) Right-of- W ay (permanent) Storm Sewer County 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 0% 0% 0% City 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 100% 100% 100% . In conformance with State Aid formula as defined in the State Aid Manual No. 5-892-600.605 Utility Work (san. sewer and water) Signing/Striping Raised Concrete Medians Traffic Control Signal System Construction Engineering Services Mobilization and Traffic Control Street Lighting Trail Construction Bridge No. 86530 0% (* A) 80% 0% 37.5% (*B) (*C) (*D) 0% 0% 0% 2. NOTES: 100% (* A) 20% 100% 62.5% (*B) (*C) (*D) 100% 100% 100% A. Watermain, Sanitary Sewer, including all adjustments of castings, will be at 100% City cost. B. The County and City will share in the construction and engineering costs for the traffic control signal at CSAH 18 and the 1-94 Loops on a 37.5/62.5 basis (not including EVP system, which is 100% City cost). This is consistent with the present Wright County Traffic Signal Funding Policy. Mn/DOT will also be participating in the construction costs for the traffic control signal at CSAH 18 and the 1-94 Loops under a separate agreement with the City. The traffic control signal at the junction of Highland Way and CSAH 75 will be at 100% City cost. . May 2005 2 K:VJ1546.09v\dminWocs\ConstruclionAgreement.CityCounty.CSAHJ8J94. doc C 3 I S -"' . of-Way Plat No. 55. Temporary right-of-way will be needed for construction purposes and would be the responsibility of the City to obtain. The City will send to the County documentation of the RJW costs incurred along county highways for this project. Fundine: Participation: The County cost participation cap for this project, together with the projects CP 86-18-061 and CP 86- 39-061, is $2,000,000. Roadway and Turn Lane Widening Improvements Turf Establishment Surfacing Travel Lanes (wear/non-wear) Surfacing Paved Shoulders (wear) Aggregate Base for Reconditioning Improvements to Highway New Concrete/Bituminous Walk Curb & Gutter (& entrance pour-backs) Right-of-Way (permanent) Storm Sewer . Utility Work (san. sewer and water) Signing/Striping Raised Concrete Medians Traffic Control Signal System Construction Engineering Services Mobilization and Traffic Control Street Lighting Trail Construction Bridge No. 86530 2. NOTES: County 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 0% 0% 0% City 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 100% 100% 100% In conformance with State Aid formula as defined in the State Aid Manual No. 5-892-600.605 0% (* A) 100% (* A) 80% 20% 0% 100% 37.5% (*B) 62.5% (*B) (*C) (*C) (*D) (*D) 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% A. Watermain, Sanitary Sewer, including all adjustments of castings, will be at 100% City cost. The County and City will share in the construction and engineering costs for the traffic control signal at CSAH 18 and the 1-94 Loops on a 37.5/62.5 basis (not including EVP system, which is 100% City cost). This is consistent with the present Wright County Traffic Signal Funding Policy. MnlDOT will also be participating in the construction costs for the traffic control signal at CSAH 18 and the 1-94 Loops under a separate agreement with the City. The traffic control signal at the junction of Highland Way and CSAH 75 will be at 100% City cost. \ B. . May 2005 2 K:\fJ/546-0'1\Admin\Docs\ConstructionAgreement-CityCounty-CSAH/8j94.doc SC __ :3 d . The County will not be responsible for certain maintenance provisions upon completion of a traffic control signal system. Painting, relamping, cleaning of the signal system, street light maintenance, and power costs to operate the signal and street light systems will be the responsibility of the City (refer to Article 6 of this agreement). c. The City will provide engineering services for the design, right-of-way plat preparation, construction and administration of the project. The County will not participate in any engineering costs incurred by the City that are necessary for the City to assess their portion of the project costs (Feasibility Studies, hearings, legal expenses, etc.). The County shall reimburse the City for engineering services for the County's portion of the project base d on the following table. The final reimbursement will be computed using the appropriate % below times the County's portion only of the contract construction cost. From Over Over Over Over $0 50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 thru thru thru thru thru $50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 Indefinite up to 18% up to 16% up to 13% up to 11 % up to 10% of County's Portion of County's Portion of County's Portion of County's Portion of County's Portion . The City's Consulting Engineer shall prepare a preliminary estimate of construction costs for the City's Consulting Engineer prepared plans for the project. The preliminary cost estimates shall identify both the City's share and County's share of cost for the project based upon this funding agreement. This preliminary construction cost estimate shall be attached to this funding agreement. It is intended that the work outlined above in Article Two is to be done by a contractor on a unit price basis through a contract duly let by the City. At such time as the City awards a contract, the City's Consulting Engineer will prepare a new estimate of the County's share of the construction cost based on the unit prices bid by the City's contractor. A copy of such revised cost estimate will be forwarded to the County Highway Engineer. D. Mobilization and Traffic Control costs are to be split based on the ratio of County costs versus the entire project costs. E. The County will participate in the payment for the initial striping of crosswalks and pavement markings as outlined on the plan. Maintenance of the cross walk pavement markings, upon completion of the project, will be the responsibility of the City. F. Permanent right-of-way acquisition costs are the responsibility of the City. Temporary right-of-way acquisition costs for any roadway work are the responsibility of the City. Temporary right-of-way acquisition costs for sidewalk/pathway or utility work are the responsibility of the City. Article 3 . The City will be responsible for all field inspection of materials, quantities, and contractor performance for the work identified in the plan sheets prepared by the City's Consulting Engineer. The City shall be responsible for construction staking, inspection of materials, quantities and contractor May ZOO5 3 K:\[) J 546.0MdminlDocs\C onslruclionAgreemem-CiryCounry-CSAH J 8j94.doc ~\ Sc.-. 3:3 . The County will not be responsible for certain maintenance provisions upon completion of a traffic control signal system. Painting, relamping, cleaning of the signal system, street light maintenance, and power costs to operate the signal and street light systems will be the responsibility of the City (refer to Article 6 of this agreement). c. The City will provide engineering services for the design, right-of-way plat preparation, construction and administration of the project. The County will not participate in any engineering costs incurred by the City that are necessary for the City to assess their portion of the project costs (Feasibility Studies, hearings, legal expenses, etc.). The County shall reimburse the City for engineering services for the County's portion of the project base d on the following table. The final reimbursement will be computed using the appropriate % below times the County's portion only of the contract construction cost. From Over Over Over Over $0 50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 thru thru thru thru thru $50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 Indefinite up to 18% up to 16% up to 13% up to 11 % up to 10% of County's Portion of County's Portion of County's Portion of County's Portion of County's Portion . The City's Consulting Engineer shall prepare a preliminary estimate of construction costs for the City's Consulting Engineer prepared plans for the project. The preliminary cost estimates shall identify both the City's share and County's share of cost for the project based upon this funding agreement. This preliminary construction cost estimate shall be attached to this funding agreement. It is intended that the work outlined above in Article Two is to be done by a contractor on a unit price basis through a contract duly let by the City. At such time as the City awards a contract, the City's Consulting Engineer will prepare a new estimate of the County's share of the construction cost based on the unit prices bid by the City's contractor. A copy of such revised cost estimate will be forwarded to the County Highway Engineer. D. Mobilization and Traffic Control costs are to be split based on the ratio of County costs versus the entire project costs. E. The County will participate in the payment for the initial striping of crosswalks and pavement markings as outlined on the plan. Maintenance of the cross walk pavement markings, upon completion of the project, will be the responsibility of the City. F. Permanent right-of-way acquisition costs are the responsibility of the City. Temporary right-of-way acquisition costs for any roadway work are the responsibility of the City. Temporary right-of-way acquisition costs for sidewalk/pathway or utility work are the responsibility of the City. Article 3 . The City will be responsible for all field inspection of materials, quantities, and contractor performance for the work identified in the plan sheets prepared by the City's Consulting Engineer. The City shall be responsible for construction staking, inspection of materials, quantities and contractor May 2005 3 K.'VJJ 546-0Mdmin\Docs\ConslruclionAgreemem-CiryCounry-CSAH J 8-5~_ '3 '--\ . performance for all utility work and sidewalk/pathway work (water main and sanitary sewer) for which plans were prepared by the City's Consulting Engineer. Article 4 The County's portion of the project will be funded through City Bonds. The City and County will determine a mutually agreeable payback schedule for the bonds. Whenever it appears the cost of the County participating construction covered under this Agreement is about to exceed the current amount of encumbered County funds, the City shall notify the County Engineer in writing prior to performance of the additional County cost participation construction. Notification shall include an estimate in the amount of additional funds necessary to complete the County cost participation construction including engineering costs and reason(s) why the current amount encumbered will be exceeded. The County shall, upon its approval of the additional County cost participation construction, agree that this action will have the effect of amending this Agreement so as to include the County's share of the costs of the additional construction. Should the City cause the performance of additional contract construction which would otherwise qualify for County cost participation covered under this Agreement, but for which the County has not previously encumbered funds, that additional contract construction is done at the City's expense. The City shall provide to the County Engineer an as built plan of the roadway improvements. The as built plans shall be submitted to the County within six months of the final completion date of the project. . The City shall keep records and accounts that enable it to provide the County with the following prior to final payment to the City by the County: 1. Copies of the City contractor's invoice(s) covering all contract construction. 2. Copies of the endorsed and canceled City warrant(s) or check(s) paying for final contract construction, or computer documentation of the warrant(s) issued certified by an appropriate City official that final construction contract payment has been made. 3. Copies of all construction contract change orders and/or supplemental agreements. 4. A certification form signed by the City's Engineer in charge of the contract construction attesting to the following: a. Satisfactory performance and completion of all contract construction in accordance with County and State Aid approved City plans, specifications and/or special provisions. b. Acceptance and approval of all materials furnished for the County cost participation construction covered under this Agreement relative to compliance of those materials to MnlDOT's current edition of the "Standard Specifications for Construction." c. Full payment by the City to its contractor for all contract construction. . Article 5 May 2005 4 K:VJ1546-09lAdmin\DocsV:: onstructionAgreemenr-CiryCounry-CSAH 18j94.doc .. C 5 C'~ . ,:)-) . performance for all utility work and sidewalk/pathway work (water main and sanitary sewer) for which plans were prepared by the City's Consulting Engineer. Article 4 The County's portion of the project will be funded through City Bonds. The City and County will determine a mutually agreeable payback schedule for the bonds. Whenever it appears the cost of the County participating construction covered under this Agreement is about to exceed the current amount of encumbered County funds, the City shall notify the County Engineer in writing prior to performance of the additional County cost participation construction. Notification shall include an estimate in the amount of additional funds necessary to complete the County cost participation construction including engineering costs and reason(s) why the current amount encumbered will be exceeded. The County shall, upon its approval of the additional County cost participation construction, agree that this action will have the effect of amending this Agreement so as to include the County's share of the costs of the additional construction. Should the City cause the performance of additional contract construction which would otherwise qualify for County cost participation covered under this Agreement, but for which the County has not previously encumbered funds, that additional contract construction is done at the City's expense. The City shall provide to the County Engineer an as built plan of the roadway improvements. The as built plans shall be submitted to the County within six months of the final completion date of the project. . The City shall keep records and accounts that enable it to provide the County with the following prior to final payment to the City by the County: 1. Copies of the City contractor's invoice(s) covering all contract construction. 2. Copies of the endorsed and canceled City warrant(s) or check(s) paying for final contract construction, or computer documentation of the warrant(s) issued certified by an appropriate City official that final construction contract payment has been made. 3. Copies of all construction contract change orders and/or supplemental agreements. 4. A certification form signed by the City's Engineer in charge of the contract construction attesting to the following: a. Satisfactory performance and completion of all contract construction in accordance with County and State Aid approved City plans, specifications and/or special provisions. b. Acceptance and approval of all materials furnished for the County cost participation construction covered under this Agreement relative to compliance of those materials to Mn/DOT's current edition of the "Standard Specifications for Construction." c. Full payment by the City to its contractor for all contract construction. . Article 5 May 2005 4 K:VJ1546.()<l\Admin\Docs\ConstructionAgreement.CiryCounry-CSAH 18j94.doc 3 I - C r -- \fJ )"-' . <.. . The City shall be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevardl bikepath related maintenance outside the curb or street area. The County shall be responsible for routine snow and Ice maintenance within the curb to curb area of the highway. Article 6 This article applies to signal system under County jurisdiction (CSAR 75/Righland Way; CSAH 75/CSAH 18/CSAH 39 intersections). The City shall be responsible for providing the necessary electrical energy for the operation of the traffic control signals, and any electrical energy for street lights. In addition, the City shall be responsible for at its cost and expense to (1) relamp the traffic control signals; and (2) clean and paint the traffic control signals and cabinets; (3) provide, at is costs and expense, the maintenance on luminaries; and (4) maintain and operate the EVP System. (Emitter units may be installed and used only on vehicles responding to an emergency as defined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subdivision 5 and 169.03.) In the event said EVP System or components are, in the opinion of the County, being misused or the conditions set forth herein are violated, and such misuse or violation continue after receipt by the City of written notice thereof from the County, the County shall remove the EVP System, at the City's expense. Upon completion of the project; it shall be County's responsibility at its cost and expense to (1) maintain the signal controller; (2) determine the appropriate signal timing sequence; (3) provide phone service to the controller for remote servicing; (4) provide for replacement of poles, video detection equipment, cabinet, etc. if they should be damaged through vehicle collision, etc. (major maintenance). . The County's responsibilities, listed above, do not apply to the signal systems at 1-94 Ramps and CSAR 18, as these are under MnlDOT jurisdiction. Article 7 The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. The County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County. Article 8 It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. . It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be May 2005 5 K:VJ 1546_09\Admin\DOcs\ConstruclionAgreemenr-CiryCounry-CSAH 18j94. doc -) S C~ :?> . The City shall be responsible for all snow and ice removal on sidewalks and other boulevard! bikepath related maintenance outside the curb or street area. The County shall be responsible for routine snow and Ice maintenance within the curb to curb area of the highway. Article 6 This article applies to signal system under County jurisdiction (CSAH 75/Highland Way; CSAH 75/CSAH 18/CSAH 39 intersections). The City shall be responsible for providing the necessary electrical energy for the operation of the traffic control signals, and any electrical energy for street lights. In addition, the City shall be responsible for at its cost and expense to (1) rei amp the traffic control signals; and (2) clean and paint the traffic control signals and cabinets; (3) provide, at is costs and expense, the maintenance on luminaries; and (4) maintain and operate the EVP System. (Emitter units may be installed and used only on vehicles responding to an emergency as defined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subdivision 5 and 169.03.) In the event said EVP System or components are, in the opinion of the County, being misused or the conditions set forth herein are violated, and such misuse or violation continue after receipt by the City of written notice thereof from the County, the County shall remove the EVP System, at the City's expense. Upon completion of the project; it shall be County's responsibility at its cost and expense to (1) maintain the signal controller; (2) determine the appropriate signal timing sequence; (3) provide phone service to the controller for remote servicing; (4) provide for replacement of poles, video detection equipment, cabinet, etc. if they should be damaged through vehicle collision, etc. (major maintenance). . The County's responsibilities, listed above, do not apply to the signal systems at 1-94 Ramps and CSAH 18, as these are under MnlDOT jurisdiction. Article 7 The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. The County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County. Article 8 It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. . It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be May 2005 5 K:VJ1546-09lAdmin\Docs\ConstructionAgrtemem-CiryCounry.CSAH 18j94.doc ct 'SC.-- .~o . performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees which so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. Article 9 Before this agreement shall become binding and effective it shall be approved by the City Council of Monticello and it shall also be approved by County Board and such other officers as law may provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed. COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO Recommended for Approval: Recommended for Approval: County Engineer . City Engineer, Monticello Chair, County Board Mayor, City of Monticello County Coordinator City Attorney, City of Monticello County Attorney City Administrator, City of Monticello Date Date Need to attach the final cost split spreadsheet once it is approved by all agencies. . May 2005 6 K:\{) 1546-09lAdmin\Docs\ConstrucliOnAgreement-CiryCounry_cSAH 18J94.doc (1' S C - 3-' . . . performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County and that any and all claims that mayor might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees which so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. Article 9 Before this agreement shall become binding and effective it shall be approved by the City Council of Monticello and it shall also be approved by County Board and such other officers as law may provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed. COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO Recommended for Approval: Recommended for Approval: County Engineer City Engineer, Monticello Chair, County Board Mayor, City of Monticello County Coordinator City Attorney, City of Monticello County Attorney City Administrator, City of Monticello Date Date Need to attach the final cost split spreadsheet once it is approved by all agencies. May 2005 6 K:\O 1546.09Vldmi,,vJocs\ConstructionAgreemeTlt-CiryCouTlry-CSAH 18 194.doc \ - SC - LlD . . . Council Agenda - 9/26/05 5D. Consideration of continuinl! the public hearinl! on consideration of vacation of drainal!e and utilitv easements relatinl! to the plat of Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND This item previously came before the City Council on September 12t\ in conjunction with consideration of the preliminary plat, development stage PUD and final plat for Monticello Travel Center. Due to the Planning Commission's request to continue any action on approval of the conditional use permit for development stage PUD, staff and the applicant requested that Council table or continue all related items until the Commission had a chance to act on the conditional use permit. The Planning Commission tabled the request in order to be able to review a complete sign plan package, which has been submitted and will be reviewed at Commission's October meeting. The vacation of easements and the consideration of other items noted above will be on the October lOth City Council agenda. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Vacation of drainage and utility easements. 1. Motion to continue the request for vacation and utility easements as related to Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition to the October loth meeting of the City Council. 3. Motion of other. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA None. SD-\.{\ 1 Council Agenda ~ 9/26105 . 5E. Consideration of Approvim! Final Pavrnent to Granite Ledee Electrical Contractors. Inc. for the Trunk Hiehwav 2S at School Boulevard Sienal Svstern (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-19C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The improvements for this project included the installation of a traffic signal system at the intersection of Trunk Highway 25 with School Boulevard. The project was funded by the City of Monticello, the State of Minnesota, and assessments to benefited property owners. The original construction contract amount was $157,070.00 and the as constructed total was $156,342.36. The project is now complete and final payment is due in the amount of $7,775.20. We would recommend final payment to Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. subject to receipt of the final paperwork including: · Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. · Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. . · Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety (attached) . · Copies of all warranties for materials. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize final payment in the amount of$7,775.20 to Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. for the Trunk Highway 25 at School Boulevard Traffic Signal System, City Project No. 2004~ 19C subject to receipt of the final paperwork noted in Item A above. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the final payment be authorized and that the improvement be accepted by the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No.3 (Final) 2. Consent of Surety to Final Payment 3. Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. . St-.-qd r"li!alt7/KlfIYJrdWfl("I,){)()5 ("()I/III:!I ,1gemlal.\"epl lfi,()5IV-:""6.0.'iFIII PU'll1"l1!5Sr:/JliOIBIVlISi!.,'1UlJ.di!(" Sep.2]. 2005. 3:45PM --. -- ---.) . A .WSB &~ J1tt;. GRANITE LEDGE ELECTRICAL CONT, No, 3 1 2 6 P '. .2!J-04 " . Owner: City of Monticello Date: 61812005 605 Walnut St Monticello. MN 55382..1147 For Period: 21112005 to 6/612005 Request No.: 3 . FINAL Contractor: Granite Ledgo Elootrloal COntractor" Inc. 15436 130th Street Fore8ton, MN S63S0 Pay Voucher. Trunk Highway 25 at Sohool Boulevard Client Contract No,: S.P. 8605-47 Project No.: 01488..78 ClJent Project No,: City Project No. 2004-19C 1- . '1 Or!;I:1eJ Contract Amount $157,C70.00 I 2 Contract Changes. Addition $0.00 3 Contract Changes - Deduction ($727.64) 4 Revised Contract Amount $156,342.36 5 Value Completed to Date $165,503.96 6 Material on Hand $0.00 7 Amount Earned 5155.503.96 8 Less Retalnag. $0.00 9 Subtotal $155,503.96 10 Las. Amount Paid Previously $147,728.76 - Liquidated Damages $0.00 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHERS NO.3 & FINAL $7,nS.20 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAl EXAMINATION HAS BEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT. THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN 'THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH. AND PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. Recommended tor Approval by: wsm~ Approved by OWner: City of MontIcello Approved by Contractor: Granite LedGe Blectrlcal Conuaotora, Inc. ~~Q~~k\\l~J Sp.c ied Contract pletion Data: . Date: Comment: 5 [ -.. '-\ 3 01488-78 - Pay Vouchers 3 Thursday, September 22,2005 Project Material Status tern Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to ~o. Quantity Date Quantity Date Schedule A 1 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT $30.00 246 252 0 $7,560.00 2 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQFT $60.00 24 24 0 $1,440.00 3 2564.618 ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE-EPOXY SQFT $6.25 1080 0 0 $0.00 4 2565.511 FULL TACT T CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM SIG SYS $137,900.00 1 1 0 $137,900.00 5 2565.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL INTERCONNECTION LUMP SUM $3,600.00 1 1 0 $3,600.00 Totals For Section Schedule A: $150,500.00 Change Order 1 6 2564.618 ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE-EPOXY SQ FT $6.25 -1080 0 0 $0.00 7 2564,618 ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE-PAINT SQFT $3.80 1080 812 0 $3,085.60 8 2565.602 PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON STATION EACH $339.94 1 1 0 $339.94 9 91230 CURB REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT LUMP SUM $682.51 1 1 0 $682.51 10 91231 SPARE LED HEADS LUMP SUM $895.91 1 1 0 $895.91 Totals For Change Order 1: $5,003.96 Project Totals: $155,503.96 . . 5 f:. -- '-~ L-~ 20f3 01488-78 - Pay Vouchers 3 Thursday, September 22,2005 . Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: City Project No. 2004-19C Client Contract No.: S.P. 8605.47 Project No.: 01488-78 Contractor: Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. Contract Channes No. Type Date Description Amount C01 Change Order 2/17/2005 Ped PS, curb ramp, spare LEOs & epoxy xwlk. ($727.64) Change Order Totals: ($727.64) P ~ avmen .ummarv No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Total Retainage Completed 1 1 0/1 2/2004 11/30/2004 $136,424.75 $136,424.75 $7,180.25 $7,180.25 $143,605.00 2 12/1/2004 1/31 /2005 $11,304.01 $147,728.76 $594.95 $7,775.20 $155,503.96 3 & FINAL 2/1/2005 6/6/2005 $7,775.20 $155,503.96 ($7,775.20) $0.00 $155,503.96 Payment Totals: $155,503.96 $0.00 $155,503.96 Project Sum..lD.!H)' Material On Hand: Total Payment to Date: Total Retalnage: Total Amount Earned: $0.00 $155,503.96 Original Contract: $0.00 Contract Changes: $155,503.96 Revised Contract: $157,070.00 ($727.64) $156,342.36 . . 5 '[..- ~l5 30f3 . . . Bond #GRMN22890A ~~'.'..,rtAIA ...~,S'~~ ....,..\.'~' - Document G707™ - 1994 Consent of Surety to Final Payment _.~,~,~...... PROJECT: (Nam.e and address) ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: WSB Project No. 1488-78, SP 8605-47, City Project No. 2004-19C: Full TrafficOQ!(!jijM~(!I FOR: Traffic Control Signal System & Traffic Control Interconnection of TH 25 /School Blvd. & on TH 25 from School Blvd. To Chelsea Rd., T~Q~~I6Yq.(.1'Nmld address) CONTRACT DATED: October 12, 2004 City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway, P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 OWNER 0 ARCHITECT 0 CONTRACTOR 0 SURETY 0 OTHER 0 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (Insert name and address of Surety) Granite Re, Inc. 14001 Quailbrook Drive Oklahoma City, OK 73134 on bond of (Insert name and address 0.( Contractor) , SURETY, Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. 15436 - 1 30th Street Foreston, MN 56330 , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations to (Insert name and address of Owner) City of Monticello 250 E. Broadwav. P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362-9245 as set forth in said Surety's bond. , OWNER, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunto set its hand on this date: (Insert in writing fhe month followed by fhe numeric date and year.) June 9, 2005 Granite Re, Inc. (SU~ (Sfgnafure of authorized representative) Attest: (Seal): Jonathan Pate (Printed l1ame and tifle) Attorney-in-Fact CAUTION: You should sign an original AlA Contract Document, on which this text appears in RED. An original assures that changes will not be obscured. AlA Documenl G707™ -1994. Copyright@ 1970 and 1994 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING; Tl1is AlA' Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthoriz.ed reproduction or distribution 0" this AlA" Document, or any porlion of iI, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to Ihe maximum extent possible under Ihe law, Purchasers are permitted to reproduce ten (10) copies of Ihis document when completed. To report copyright violations of AlA Contract Documents, e- mail The American Institute of Architects' legal counsel, copyright@aia.org. 5 r::. _ '--\ '" A WSB Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 . & Associates. lnc. September 21, 2005 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Construction Pay Voucher No.3 (Final) TH 25 at School Boulevard Signal System Client Contract No. S.P. 8605-47 City of Monticello Project No. 2004-19C WSB Project No. 1488-78 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No.3 (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project in the amount of $7,775.20. The quantities completed to date have been reviewed and agreed upon by the contractor, and we hereby recommend that the City of Monticello make final payment to Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. subject to receipt of the following items: . 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety (attached). 4. Copies of all warranties for materials. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287-7145. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~;;?~~ Rebecca L. Haydon, P.E., p.T.a.E. Project Manager Enclosures . cc: Jeff Brown, Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. John Simola, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. srb Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer SE ~- ~ I F;\WPWIM14H8-7KV-'At' vOCJcHER.'iWollcMr 3 F/;uJf Ur Oy.doc . SF. Council Agenda - 9/26105 Approve Chan2e Order No.2 for Cedar Street Reconstruction and 7th Street Reconstruction (Citv of Monticello Proiect Nos. 2000-18C and 2001-07C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Cedar Street and ih Street reconstruction projects have been complete for several years, but have not been finalled in order to address a surface pavement issue on ih Street. The wear course was paved in cool weather and has experienced some joint separation on ih Street. While this has not, and will not, create any major structural concerns or problems, it could be a maintenance issue. After much discussion with the contractor, we have agreed to reduce their payment by $10,000 to allow the City to fix these issues in the future. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.2 in the amount of -$1 0,000.00 for Bauerly Brothers, Inc. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. . . It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator that Change Order No.2 in the amount of - $10,000.00 be approved. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No.2 Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. st=._q~ F:\dttMlg\'rvOrdprod2005 Council Agel/dalSept J6-05\9-16-05AppraveCO:CedarSt-7th St.tI{){; SEP-21-2005 15:21 WSB & ASSOCIATES SEP-21-2005 WED 03:12 PM BAUERLY BROS. SEP-21-2Ba5 11:18 7635411700 FAX NO, 320 229 3784 P.03/10 p, 03 ~/~:;r: ::.. , ~ . ; >1,;1 1 [,I,' i'I)] i I :'1,:1','1,; ~I::) t I ;fl~u 'm! '~\ 'i,:1 iWlr11ii ;,~;~ill ,~i,fll!';i.'I~,IIII,III" li:ll~'I,I(~'J :1. j , 'I ~:r:[l!fll;'1 !'''r.'M':~1 :11 .. 8., rl.i ,,1"1' ~)~liHli ~iiJ l'I~liIIJ ' 01',..II""I,J:i:J\~!~~F;~lJI~:~:III\lr~lHt:~~)~'~; J':irr:IJ::: l' ~III :111 I;. : 1;1 j~; I,~ I:. 'I: r ('~I ':"":1 :~ "II~GI, I~~ 1"1.I'I~'\~!1 ;'1:, r::II' I :hl:' :.;~ l, I '~i rl I I ;;L,II. ll~.hU41. ;i:ll,tl,~rti ,~f~J;~tlt.~~~~.lII~~\j ':~M: ..tl\~~/I~t \ "~~~1J'L~l1~Lilj.~~I!L;.'::f!~:.1~~~ CBWI STReeT RECONSTRUCTION AND 7IlI tmm RICtJN5TIltUCTICH CITY OF MON11Cfil.I.O. WRIGHT COllm'. MlNN~OTA ern PRo.IKT NOt- ~'tc AND "'OO7C WI' PRQlIOT Mg. ,....D1 OWNI~: OITY OF MON'nOELLO 605 WALNUT mDT, ;UITIi , NlOHnCC!UO. MN .. 9EPTeIIBER .1,1I1l(1$ CONTRAOTOR: BAUERl..Y InOTttIAI..I"G- 4717 'HALlOW wOOp bRave Nt! Sl,UK R,yIDl. PItt M'tl YOU ARE DIFlECTaD TO MAKE n-tE FOI.l.OWINQ CHANCilEiilN THe CONTAAeT DOOllMENT t:lE$CRIPTIQN; CONTFlACT QUANTmes API! MOOIFIED AS SHOWN ON THe: ATTACHED oerAIL. IT IS lNJERSl'OOO YHATTHIS CHANGE ORDER INCI-UDliiS AU. ADDmONAL COSTS AND llME EXTENSIONS WHICH AR~ IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FOFlM ASSOCIATED WIlll ruE WORK m.eMErmi DeSCRIBED ABOVE. .CJ'IANGi IN calmliACT PIlle!: CHAHal! IN OONTRAornME: .. r . OAIGINAa. CONTAAeT PRICE: PAEVlCUS CHANQE O~aSRS; NO.1 CONTFlACT PAlCE PAtOR TO THIS CHANGE ci~Oett NiT DECREME' OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: CONTRACT PRICE wnw AlL APPFtOVI;D Cil-WfGii ORDEAl: $5U.D7UO $lD,'752.70 $511,sa, .ao ($10,aoo.oO) 1II1.SS1.5O OI1lGiINAl. CON'fRACT TIME: Nm' CHANGE PROM PAEVIOIJS CHANG~ OfIDERS: CONTAAC1" '1'IWi PAtOR TO THIS Q-IANG~ ORDEFI; NET INCREASE OF CHANGE OArlER: CONTRACT TIMEi WITH APPROVSO CHANG. OACIiRS: 6/1512002 ; I NONe : GIt 61'2OQ2 ; NONE Bl16r.1DD2 1 . ~... J II ~~~- was & ASBOCIAT)2S, lNO. I!NI3INif:fI cp:: ;-. ~: . CQIIIT Y John F. Quade-Vice-p.J;estdent BAUEAL Y I!AOTHI'iRS, INe: ' CONTFtACTOR ~~A~ q Ivi/;;r DA CITY AlJIIoUNJSTRA,TOFl DATE . "-' "'~fltlN'_..~ 5\=-'-\~ . CEDAR STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND 7TH STREET RECONSTRUCTION CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NOS. 2000-18C AND 2001-o7C WSB PROJECT NO. 1338-01 SEPTEMBER 21, 2005 CONTRACT ADDITIONS Item No. Description Qty Unit Price Extended Amount TOTAL ADDITIONS CHANGE ORDER NO.2 $0.00 CONTRACT DEDUCTIONS Item No. Description Qty Unit Price Extended Amount . DEDUCT FOR PAVEMENT SURFACE REPAIRS LUMP SUM $10,000.00 $10,000.00 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS CHANGE ORDER NO.2 $10,000.00 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT ($10,000.00) ~ ~ s~-so Page 2 F:IWPWINl133S-Q1IExce/ICO 2.xlsC02 Detail ~ WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 September 22, 2005 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No.2 Cedar Street and 7th Street Reconstruction Projects City of Monticello Project Nos. 2000-18C and 2001-07C WSB Project No. 1338-01 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: . Please find enclosed Change Order No.2 (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The decrease to the original contract amount is $10,000.00, resulting in a revised contract total of $561,831.30. This change order deduct will be included with the next construction pay voucher processed. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No.2 for Bauerly Brothers, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287- 7190. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. <g~~~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Darby Brown, Bauerly Brothers, Inc. . srb 5r~5J P..\WPWIM13.:r8.0N~TR ('0 2-, wo1Islelter.0926fJ5.d,iC Minneapolis I S1. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer . . . Council Agenda - 9/26/05 SG. Approve Final Payment and Accept Improvement for Jefferson Commons Pond Gradine (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-33C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Jefferson Commons Pond grading project, which was completed as a regional pond for the new Monticello Theatre and surrounding area, is complete and approved for final payment. The contractor will address the erosion control issues related to their work as part of the two-year warranty period. The total construction cost as completed is $70,173.50 At this time, the Council is being requested to consider accepting the improvements as final and approving the final payment to Cowan Grading & Excavating, Inc. in the amount of$21,352.57 subject to receipt ofthe final paperwork including: · Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. · Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. · Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. · Two-year maintenance bond. This represents all work completed in addition to the release of the retainage in accordance with the conditions of the contract. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of$21,352.57 to Cowan Grading & Excavating, Inc. subject to receipt ofthe final paperwork noted in Item A above. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator that the City Council accept the improvements for the Jefferson Commons Pond Grading, City Project No. 2004-33C and authorize final payment to Cowan Grading & Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $21,352.57. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No.2 (Final) Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. 5G-S~ F: Idawng\ wordproc\200J Council Agendll\Sept ]6~Oj\9-J6-05-ApproveFillaIPaymentJeJJersoIlCommoll:!.'.doc ~ WSB Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 . & Associates, Inc. September 22, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No.2 (Final) Jefferson Commons Pond Grading City of Monticello, MN City of Monticello Project No. 2004-33C WSB Project No. 1488-91 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No.2 for the above-referenced project in the amount of $21,352.57. Voucher No.2 does include payment for Change Order No.1 at this time. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: . 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. Please make payment in this amount to Cowan Grading & Excavating, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~A-~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures . cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Dennis Cowan, Cowan Grading & Excavating, Inc. SG-Slo K~VJJ488-9Mdmi,,\CO/1.rtru.Clj/m Aflmin\L'rk VO 2 FN1.,hftll:r:-0926QS.doc Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer srb Sep. 21. 2005...~ 4:30PM:! . COWAN GRADING AND EXCAVATING No. 3 849 P..3. e2/€)4 \ 1 "'-."-"'-""'IlJ. ~Yr"""'A"''''-~1IIo ......., ",.",;Vo,.J....t1 Owner: City of Monticello 505 Walnut 5t Montlc:ello, MN 65362-1147 For Period: 1212/2004 to t/19/2005 Contractor: Cow.n Grading and Excavating. I"c. 5485 212th Street West Farmington, MN 55024 . Pay Vouchers MONT - Jefferson Commons POnd Client Contract No.: ProJttct No.: 01488-91 Client Project No.: Date: 9/2112005 Request No.: 2 & FINAL ProJect SU~m&I:r 1 Original Conb'act Amount SS1,S40.75 2 Contract Changes - Addition $18,783.05 3 Contract Changes - Deduction SO.OO 4 Revised Contraot Amount $70.623.80 5 Value Compl9ted to Date $70,173.50 6 Material on Hand SO.OO 7 Amount Earned $70,173.50 8 Less Relalnage SO.OO 9 Subtotal $70.173.50 10 L.ess Amount Paid Previously $48,820.93 11 Liquidated Damages $0.00 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHERS NO.2 & FINAL $21,3.52.57 . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAL EXAMINATION HAS BEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, iHAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WO~K PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITHI AND PURSUANT TO, THE TEAMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. Recommended for Approval by: ~:t~ ConSlruction Observer: ApproVid by Owner: City of Monticello Specified Contract Completion Date; 1213/20Q~ . Date: Comment: 5G-C) 3 01488-91 - Pay Vouchers 2 Wednesday, September 21,2005 Project Material Status tem Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to o. Quantity Date Quantity Date Base Bid 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $2,500.00 1 1 0 $2,500.00 2 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CUYD $1.15 31325 31325 0 $36,023.75 3 2105.607 CLAY POND LINER (CV) (P) CUYD $1.15 3800 3800 0 $4,370.00 4 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY L1N FT $1.90 2550 2313 0 $4,394.70 5 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 310 (INCL. FERT., LIME, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE $1,450.00 0.75 0.75 0 $1,087.50 6 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 330 (INCL. FERT., LIME, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE $1,100.00 0.5 0.5 0 $550.00 7 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 150 (INCL. FERT. & MULCH) ACRE $465.00 5.3 5.3 0 $2,464.50 Totals For Section Base Bid: $51,390.45 Change Order 1 1 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 150 (INCL. FERT. & MULCH) ACRE $465.00 11.45 11.45 11.45 $5,324.25 2 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CUYD $1.15 11562 11562 11562 $13,296.30 3 91602 SILT FENCE (HAND PLACED) L1N FT $3.25 50 50 50 $162.50 Totals For Change Order 1: $18.783.05 Project Totals: $70,173.50 . . SG_SI.._' 2of3 01488-91 - Pay Vouchers 2 Wednesday, September 21,2005 . Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01488.91 Contractor: Cowan Grading and Excavating, Inc. C Ch pntract anaes No. Type Date Description Amount COl Change Order 9/21 /2005 Modified/additional contract quantities. $18,783.05 Change Order Totals: $18,783.05 P S pvment ummarv No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Total Retainage Completed 1 11/4/2004 12/1 /2004 $48,820.93 $48,820.93 $2,569.52 $2,569.52 $51,390.45 2 & FINAL 12/2/2004 9/1 9/2005 $21 ,352.57 $70,173.50 ($2,569.52) $0.00 $70,173.50 Payment Totals: $70,173.50 $0.00 $70,173.50 Project Summary Material On Hand: Total Payment to Date: Total Retainage: Total Amount Earned: $0.00 $70,173.50 Original Contract: $0.00 Contract Changes: $70,173.50 Revised Contract: $51,840.75 $18,783.05 $70,623.80 . ...... ...... 5C,-SS 30f3 . . . City Council Agenda - 09/26/05 5R. Consideration to approve enterin!! into a License A!!reement between the HRA. the City. and Rockv Mtn Group LLC. (O.K.) A. Reference and back!!f(mnd: In recording of the Lot I, Block I, Otter Creek Crossing 1 st Addition re-plat for the Rocky Mtn Group, LLC (Dahlheimer's), a number of obstacles arose. First, the legal description provided by the annexation applicant for the annexation order to the state was inaccurate. A letter to amend the annexation order is in process. Secondly and according to the Title Company there appears to be a 50 foot gap in the legal description for the Lot I, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 1 sl Addition. Therefore and according to the Developer's Attorney and the HRA's Attorney, this re-plat will be "torrens" land rather than "abstract" land causing a delay in the recording and closing date for conveyance of property. In order to allow Rocky Mtn Group LLC to commence construction prior to conveyance of the property (closing date) and after completion of the general grading by the HRA, the Council is asked to consider entering into the attached License Agreement allowing the developer the right of entry to commence construction prior to transfer of title. The Agreement includes a provision that the developer must indemnify the I IRA and city and furnish the HRA with certificate of insurances per the executed Purchase and Redevelopment Contract between the HRA and Rocky Mtn Group LLC. It is anticipated the closing will not take place later than the October 14,2005. The HRA has a special meeting scheduled for 5:00 p.m., September 26, to approve entering into the said Agreement. This is a housekeeping item to al low the developer the right of entry to commence construction. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve entering into a License Agreement between the HRA, the City, and Rocky Mtn (iroup LLC. 2. A motion to deny approval for entering into a License Agreement between the l-IRA, the City, and Rocky Mtn Group I LC. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative Action No.1 which will allow the developer to proceed with construction prior to conveyance of the property. 5 1-\ - 5 l . . . D. SUDDortin~ Data: Copy of Agreement for approval and execution. City Council Agenda - 09/26.05 2 5~-,5q . . . LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT is made on this _ day of _, 2005, by and between HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota (the "Authority"), the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City") and ROCKY MTN GROUP, LLC, a Minnesota corporation ("Redeveloper"). REelT ALS WHEREAS, the Authority and Redeveloper have entered into a Purchase and Redevelopment Contract dated as of September 2, 2005 (the "Contract") for the redevelopment of certain property in the City; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the Contract, the Authority will acquire the property described as Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 1 st Addition (the "Redevelopment Property") from the City, and will convey that property to Redeveloper; and WHEREAS, Redeveloper desires to enter upon the Redevelopment Property prior to the transfer of title of the Redevelopment Property to Redeveloper in order to commence site improvements on that property; and WHEREAS, the Authority and Redeveloper intend that Redeveloper will purchase the Redevelopment Property in accordance with the terms of the Contract. However, if for any reason such purchase should not occur, they desire to provide for Redeveloper to pay Authority for: (a) any diminution in the value of the Redevelopment Property which may be caused by work done by Redeveloper upon the I{edevelopment Property pursuant to tIns Agreement; and (b) any other costs and liabilities which Authority may incur because of work done by Redeveloper upon the Redevelopment Property pursuant to this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Authority has assigned its rights but not its obligations under the Contract to Commercial Partners Exchange Company, LLC ("Intermediary"); and WHEREAS, for the purposes of this License Agreement, the tcnn "Redeveloper" will be construed to include both Rocky Mtn Group, LLC and the Intermediary. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and their mutual promises the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: ] . Early Entry. The Authority and City hereby authorize Redeveloper and its agents, employees, contractors, and invitees to enter upon the Redevelopment Propeliy solely for the purpose of final grading and installation of footings for the Minimum Improvements described in the Contract. All such work must be undcliaken in accordance with approved Construction Plans (as defined in the Contract). The right of entry commences upon full execution of this Agreement and remains in effect until revoked or terminated in accordance with Section 10 hereof 2. Indemnification of Authority. In consideration for such license, Redeveloper agrees to and shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Authority and City, their agents, officers, and employees from and against any action, claim, damage, liability, loss, cost or expense (including without limitation attorneys' fees and costs) resulting from: (a) any liens which may be attached to the Redevelopment Property for labor or materials provided by or at the request of Redeveloper; (b) injury to or death of persons; (c) property damage; or (d) any claim, damage, action, loss or destruction whatsoever caused by Redeveloper's agents or contractors in connection with Redeveloper's entry onto the Redevelopment Propel1y, pursuant to this License Agreement; or (e) S./B-266lJ 17v 1 M N 190-12 I S~ - CoO . . . diminution in the value of the Redevelopment Property in the event that for any reason Redeveloper does not purchase the Redevelopment Property. 3. Insurance. Before commencing any work on the Redevelopment Property, Redeveloper or its contractors shall furnish the Authority with certificates of insurance demonstrating that Redeveloper or its contractors have obtained the insurance coverage required under the Contract and showing the Authority as an additional named insured. Such certificates shall contain a statement that the insurance coverage shall not be changed or canceled without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Authority. Certificates of insurance shall be signed by an authorized representative of each insurer and all coverage shall be writtcn on policy forms and by insurers acceptable to the Authority. 4. Governing Law. This License Agreement shall bc interpreted in accordance with and be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 5. Titles of Articles and Sections. Any titles of the several parts and sections of this License Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be disregarded in construing and interpreting any of its provisions. 6. Counterpat1s. This License Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 7. Amendment. This License Agreement may be amended by the parties hereto only by written instrument executed in accordance with the sanle procedures and fOffi1ality followed for the execution of this License Agreement. 8. No Property Interest. The parties agree that this License Agreement is personal to Redeveloper and does not constitute an ownership interest or lien interest in the Redevelopment Property. This License Agreement is not saleable or assignable by Redeveloper. 9. No Estoppel. Redeveloper agrees that the Authority shall not be estopped by this Agreement, nor any action taken by Redeveloper purSUffi1t to this Agreement, from exercising any rights granted to the Authority by the Contract. 10. Revocation; Termination. (a) This Agreement shall be revocable upon 24 hours written notice by the Authority to Redeveloper at any time prior to an actual conveyance of title of the Redevelopment Property by the Authority to Redeveloper. In the event of such a revocation, under no circumstances shall the Authority be deemed liable to Redeveloper. Redeveloper's obligations to indemnify the Authority pursuant to Section 2 of this Agreement shall survive revocation, expiration, or other termination of this Agreement. (b) If not terminated earlier, this Agreement terminates upon the earlier of closing under the Contract, or October 14,2005. 11. Status of Contract. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Contract, the Redeveloper and Authority agree that the date of Closing under Section 3.3(b) of the Contract is extended to October 14, 2005, provided that those parties will use best ei10rts to close as soon as practicable after the date of this Agreement. Except as expressly provided in this Section, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to amend or supersede any tenl1 or provision of the Contract. SJR-266Sl17v 1 MN 190-12 I 2 st-l-lol . . . TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this License Agreement to be duly executed in their behalf by their authorized representatives on or as of the date first above written. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its Chair By Its Executive Director SJB.26(i917vl MN190-121 <> .J 5"t-\ ~ G;l ) . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its Mayor By Its City Administrator SH3-2(,('917vl MN190-121 4 5\-1 ~Co3 . . . SJll.266'i17vl MNI'iO-121 ROCKY MTN GROUP, LLC By 5 Its 5 ~ _(gL\ . . . CONSENT OF INTERMEDIARY The undersigned, as assignee of Rocky Mtn Group, LLC under the Replacement Property Assigmnent Agreement datcd September 6, 2005, consents to the forgoing License Agreement among the City of Monticello, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and Rocky Mtn Group, LLC Dated: COMMERCIAL PARTNERS COMP ANY, LLC EXCHANGE By Its SJO-2669 17v I MN19(1-121 6 S r\ -l0 S . . . Council Agenda - 9/26105 51. Execute BNSF Railwav Pipeline License (Trackine: no. 05-28599) for the CSAH 18/1- 94 Interchan2eProject (City of Monticello Project No. 2004-01C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The enclosed BNSF Railway Pipeline License is required as a part ofthe construction of the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange. The City Council ordered the construction of this project at the April 11, 2005 Council meeting. The license is required for the installation of two storm water culverts crossing under CSAH 18. The culverts are required to maintain the management of storm water in the ditches paralleling the BNSF tracks. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Execute the BNSF Railway Pipeline License and direct staff to submit both copies of the document along with the required payment to BNSF. 2. Do not execute the BNSF Railway Pipeline License. c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends that the City execute the BNSF Railway Pipeline License as outlined under Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: BNSF Pipeline License Tracking no. 05-28559 S1--(p~ C.': \[)ocumenl.f and &llings\('(JW",grn,\',~'iflgl!t'\I.(H:a1 &ttIHR.~\Temporary Internet /."i/esIOLK3IA GN IT/l4.F.;recute HN....,.F Pips/inl! Licemil!-U926V5.(Ioc [JjSTAUBACH . World of Real Estate Knowledge September 2, 2005 Ms. Nancy Hanzlik Project Manager WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tracking No. 05-28599 Pipeline License City of Monticello, MN Dear Ms. Hanzlik: Enclosed please find duplicate counterparts of the requested contract for execution by an official authorized to execute contract agreements on behalf of The City of Monticello. Please execute and return both cooies with orialnal sicmatures for completion on part of BNSF Railway Company ("BNSF") to this office, along with the following requirements: . A check in the amount of $19,570.00 payable to BNSF Railway Company which covers the $19,320.00 license fee and $250.00 revision fee. You should have been or will be contacted by IDS, the BNSF's Insurance Tracking Company. If you have not, and you have any questions regarding any of the insurance requirements, please contact Lori Orona, via fax, at 951-766-2299. If you have not done so, please fax the following insurance documents to Ms. Orona: . 1. A Certificate of Insurance as required in the agreement. 2. A separate policy for Railroad Protective Liability Insurance as required in the agreement (ORIGINAL POLICY MUST BE PROVIDED). BNSF Railway Company will be the only insured party; OR; In lieu of providing a separate policy for Railroad Protective Liability Insurance, you may participate in the BNSF's Railroad Protective Policy by checking the appropriate box in the contracts and including an additional $1,000.00 with your check. Acceptance and deposit of any check by BNSF does not constitute an agreement between BNSF and Licensee for the requested license. BNSF shall not be obligated to hold the check in a separate fund, but may commingle the funds with other funds of BNSF, and in no event shall BNSF be responsible for interest on said funds. The enclosed permit is not a binding agreement and shall become binding only when, and if, it is executed by you and fully approved and executed by BNSF Railway Company. Upon completion on behalf of BNSF, one fully executed counterpart will be returned for your records. We are in receipt of WSB & Associates' check no. 23992 in the amount of $250.00 for payment of processing fees. Please be informed that if contracts, fees, and insurance are not returned within sixty (60) days, an additional $250.00 processing fee will be assessed. Sincerely, ," ,4 ~ \..'".,.... .., ."._~ h ... --.' ..., .......".---y ~ . Toni Gaiser Contract Specialist Received SEP t 2 2005 Enclosures 3017 Lou Menk Drive, Suite 100 Fort Worth, Texas 76131-2800 (817) 230-2600 Fax (817) 306.8129 www.staubach.com 5-:[ ~&) l W~~slA~QpQlates provides global coverage through DTZ Staubach Tie Leung. Carrier must have at feast A-/Class VII CORDrv DATE (MM/DDfYY) Insured Carrier must have at least A-/Class VII Carrier must have at least A-/Class VII $ 10,000,000 $ 10,000,000 $?oI000,ooo A I Each Accident I Di:;;ease . Policy Urn I! I Disease. Ea Employee $ $ Each Accident $ Aggregate $ $ $ $ o Other $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 B 01/01/04 01/01/05 ~iIlA.'m. * The Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company & Staubach Global Services, Inc. 3017 Lou Menk Drive, Suite 100 Fort Worth, TX 76131-2800 uthorized representative S 'L - log ...~. ",.,""'..Jii~:, (~ Pipeline ~:"....,:,' ) . ~ ,.. ~.;,~. ~~tr ~.I, '. , "OR :!QOJ;{I?G~i'JjJ~i;~$a~ Form Approved by VP~Law Tracking No. 05-28599 . PIPELINE LICENSE THIS LICENSE ("License"), made as of the _ day of , 2005 ("Effective Date") by and between BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation ("Licensor") and CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Licensee"). NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following: GENERAL 1. licensor hereby grants Licensee a non-exclusive license, subject to all rights, interests, and estates of third parties, including, without limitation, any leases, use rights, easements, liens, or other encumbrances, and upon the terms and conditions set forth below, to construct and maintain, in strict accordance with the drawings and specifications approved by Licensor as part of Licensee's application process (the "Drawings and Specifications"), two (2) Pipelines, each twenty-four (24) inches in diameter ("PIPELINE"), across or along the rail corridor of Licensor at or near the Station of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, Line Segment 0202, Mile Post 33.75, as shown on the attached Drawing No. 1-36376, dated May 26, 2005, revised July 21,2005, attached hereto as Exhibit"N and made a part hereof ("Premises"). 2. Licensee shall not disturb any improvements of Licensor or licensor's existing lessees, Licensees, easement beneficiaries or lien holders, if any, or interfere with the use of such improvements. . 3. Licensee shall use the Premises solely for construction and maintenance of a PIPELINE in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications carrying storm water. Licensee shall not use the PIPELINE to carry any other commodity or use the Premises for any other purpose. Licensee covenants that it will not handle or transport "hazardous waste" or "hazardous substances", as "hazardous waste" and "hazardous substances" may now or in the future be defined by any federal, state, or local governmental agency or body through the PIPELINE on Licensor's property. Licensee agrees periodically to furnish Licensor with proof, satisfactory to Licensor that Licensee is in such compliance. Should Licensee not comply fully with the above-stated obligations of this Section, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision hereof, Licensor may, at its option, terminate this License by serving five (5) days' notice of termination upon Licensee. Upon termination, Licensee shall remove the PIPELINE and restore Licensor's property as herein elsewhere provided. 4. In case of the eviction of Licensee by anyone owning or claiming title to or any interest in the Premises, or by the abandonment by Licensor of the affected rail corridor, Licensor shall not be liable to refund Licensee any compensation paid hereunder, except for the pro-rata part of any recurring charge paid in advance, or for any damage Licensee sustains in connection therewith. . S~ ~ ~) ~ Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 1 - Form Approved by VP-Law . 5. TERM Tracking No. 05-28599 Any contractors or subcontractors performing work on the PIPELINE or entering the Premises on behalf of Licensee shall be deemed servants and agents of Licensee for purposes of this License. 6. This License shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue for a period of twenty-five (25) years, subject to prior termination as hereinafter described. COMPENSATION 7. . (a) Licensee shall pay Licensor, prior to the Effective Date, the sum of Nineteen Thousand Three Hundred Twenty and No/100 Dollars ($19,320.00) as compensation for the use of the Premises. (b) Licensee agrees to reimburse Licensor (within thirty (30) days after receipt of bills therefor) for all costs and expenses incurred by Licensor in connection with Licensee's use of the Premises or the presence, construction and maintenance of the PIPELINE, including but not limited to the furnishing of Licensor's Flagman and any vehicle rental costs incurred. The cost of f1agger services provided by the Railway, when deemed necessary by the Railway's representative, will be borne by the Licensee. The estimated cost for one (1) f1agger is $600.00 for an eight (8) hour basic day with time and one-half or double time for overtime, rest days and holidays. The estimated cost for each f1agger includes vacation allowance, paid holidays, Railway and unemployment insurance, public liability and property damage insurance, health and welfare benefits, transportation, meals, lodging and supervision. Negotiations for Railway labor or collective bargaining agreements and rate changes authorized by appropriate Federal authorities may increase actual or estimated flagging rates. The flagging rate in effect at the time of performance by the Contractor hereunder will be used to calculate the actual costs of flagging pursuant to this paragraph. (c) All invoices are due thirty (30) days after the date of invoice. In the event that Licensee shall fail to pay any monies due to Licensor within thirty (30) days after the invoice date, then Licensee shall pay interest on such unpaid sum from thirty (30) days after its invoice date to the date of payment by Licensee at an annual rate equal to (i) the greater of (a) for the period January 1 through June 3D, the prime rate last published in The Wall Street Journal in the preceding December plus two and one-half percent (2 1/2%), and for the period July 1 through December 31, the prime rate last published in The Wall Street Journal in the preceding June plus two and one-half percent (2 1/2%), or (b) twelve percent (12%), or (ii) the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 8. (a) . Licensee shall observe and comply with any and all laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances, orders, covenants, restrictions, or decisions of any court of competent jurisdiction ("Legal Requirements") relating to the construction, maintenance, and use of the PIPELINE and the use of the Premises. Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 ~2- S~ ~ ~1 0 Form Approved by VP-Law . Tracking No. 05-28599 (b) Prior to entering the Premises, Licensee shall and shall cause its contractor to comply with all Licensor's applicable safety rules and regulations. Prior to commencing any work on the Premises, Licensee shall complete and shall require its contractor to complete the safety-training program at the following Internet Website "http://www.contractororientation.com".This training must be completed no more than one year in advance of Licensee's entry on the Premises. DEFINITION OF COST AND EXPENSE 9. For the purpose of this License, "cost' or "costs" "expense" or "expenses" includes, but is not limited to, actual labor and material costs including all assignable additives, and material and supply costs at current value where used. RIGHT OF LICENSOR TO USE 10. Licensor excepts and reserves the right, to be exercised by Licensor and any other parties who may obtain written permission or authority from Licensor: . (a) to maintain, renew, use, operate, change, modify and relocate any existing pipe, power, communication lines and appurtenances and other facilities or structures of like character upon, over, under or across the Premises; (b) to construct, maintain, renew, use, operate, change, modify and relocate any trapks or additional facilities or structures upon, over, under or across the Premises; or (c) to use the Premises in any manner as the Licensor in its sole discretion deems appropriate, provided Licensor uses all commercially reasonable efforts to avoid material interference with the use of the Premises by Licensee for the purpose specified in Section 3 above. LICENSEE'S OPERATIONS 11. (a) Licensee shall notify Licensor's Roadmaster, Brian Shea, at 80 - 44th Avenue NE, Minneapolis, MN 55421, telephone (763) 782-3236, or cell (612) 867-4007, at least five (5) business days prior to installation of the PIPELINE and prior to entering the Premises for any subsequent maintenance thereon. (b) In performing the work described in Section 3, Licensee shall use only public roadways to cross from one side of Licensor's tracks to the other. 12. (a) . Under no conditions shall Licensee be permitted to conduct any tests, investigations or any other activity using mechanized equipment and/or machinery, or place or store any mechanized equipment, tools or other materials, within twenty-five (25) feet of the centerline of any railroad track on the Premises unless Licensee has obtained prior written approval from Licensor. Licensee shall, at its sole cost and expense, perform all activities on and about the Premises in such a manner as not at any time to be a source of danger to or interference with the existence or use of present or future tracks, roadbed or Fonn 424; Rev. 01/20/05 -3~ 5'f--~l \ Form Approved by VP-Law . . Tracking No. 05-28599 property of Licensor, or the safe operation and activities of Licensor. If ordered to cease using the Premises at any time by Licensor's personnel due to any hazardous condition, Licensee shall immediately do so. Notwithstanding the foregoing right of Licensor, the parties agree that Licensor has no duty or obligation to monitor Licensee's use of the Premises to determine the safe nature thereof, it being solely Licensee's responsibility to ensure that Licensee's use of the Premises is safe. Neither the exercise nor the failure by Licensor to exercise any rights granted in this Section will alter the liability allocation provided by this License. (b) Licensee shall, at its sole cost and expense, construct and maintain the PIPELINE in such a manner and of such material that it will not at any time be a source of danger to or interference with the existence or use of present or future tracks, roadbed or property of Licensor, or the safe operation and activities of Licensor. Licensor may direct one of its field engineers to observe or inspect the construction and/or maintenance of the PIPELINE at any time for compliance with the Drawings and Specifications. If ordered at any time to halt construction or maintenance of the PIPELINE by Licensor's personnel due to non-compliance with the same or any other hazardous condition, Licensee shall immediately do so. Notwithstanding the foregoing right of Licensor, the parties agree that Licensor has no duty or obligation to observe or inspect, or to halt work on, the PIPELINE, it being solely Licensee's responsibility to ensure that the PIPELINE is constructed in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and in a safe and workmanlike manner in compliance with all terms hereof. Neither the exercise nor the failure by Licensor to exercise any right granted by this Section will alter in any way the liability allocation provided by this License. If at any time Licensee shall, in the sole judgment of Licensor, fail to properly perform its obligations under this Section, Licensor may, at its option and at Licensee's sole expense, arrange for the performance of such work as it deems necessary for the safety of its operations and activities. Licensee shall promptly reimburse Licensor for all costs and expenses of such work, upon receipt of an invoice for the same. Licensor's failure to perform any obligations of Licensee shall not alter the liability allocation hereunder. 13. During the construction and any subsequent maintenance performed on the PIPELINE, Licensee shall perform such work in a manner to preclude damage to the property of Licensor, and preclude interference with the operation of its railroad. The construction of the PIPELINE shall be completed within one (1) year of the Effective Date. Upon completion of the construction of the PIPELINE and after performing any subsequent maintenance thereon, Licensee shall, at Licensee's own cost and expense, restore Licensor's Premises to their former state as of the Effective Date of this License. If at any time during the term of this License, Licensor shall desire the use of its rail corridor in such a manner as would, in Licensor's reasonable opinion, be interfered with by the PIPELINE, Licensee shall. at its sole expense, within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice from licensor to such effect, make such changes in the PIPELINE as in the sole discretion of Licensor may be necessary to avoid interference with the proposed use of licensor's rail corridor, including, without limitation, the relocation of the existing or the construction of new a PIPELlNE(s). 14. . Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 -4- s~ --ld Form Approved by VP-Law Tracking No. 05-28599 . 15. (b) . (a) Prior to licensee conducting any boring work on or about any portion of the Premises, licensee shall explore the proposed location for such work with hand tools to a depth of at least three (3) feet below the surface of the ground to determine whether pipelines or other structures exist below the surface, provided, however, that in lieu of the foregoing, the licensee shall have the right to use suitable detection equipment or other generally accepted industry practice (~, consulting with the Underground Services Association) to determine the existence or location of pipelines and other subsurface structures prior to drilling or excavating with mechanized equipment. Upon licensee's written request, which shall be made thirty (30) business days in advance of licensee's requested construction of the PIPELINE, licensor will provide licensee any information that Licensor has in the possession of its Engineering Department concerning the existence and approximate location of Licensor's underground utilities and pipelines at or near the vicinity of the proposed PIPELINE. Prior to conducting any such boring work, the licensee will review all such material. Licensor does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of information relating to subsurface conditions and Licensee's operations will be subject at all times to the liability provisions herein. For all bores greater than 26-inch diameter and at a depth less than 10.0 feet below bottom of rail, a soil investigation will need to be performed by the licensee and reviewed by Licensor prior to construction. This study is to determine if granular material is present, and to prevent subsidence during the installation process. If the investigation determines in Licensor's reasonable opinion that granular material is present, Licensor may select a new location for licensee's use, or may require licensee to furnish for licensor's review and approval, in its sole discretion a remedial plan to deal with the granular material. Once licensor has approved any such remedial plan in writing, licensee shall. at its sole cost and expense, carry out the approved plan in accordance with all terms thereof and hereof. 16. Any open hole, boring or well constructed on the Premises by licensee shall be safely covered and secured at all times when licensee is not working in the actual vicinity thereof. Following completion of that portion of the work, all holes or borings constructed on the Premises by Licensee shall be: (a) filled in to surrounding ground level with compacted bentonite grout; or (b) otherwise secured or retired in accordance with any applicable Legal Requirement. No excavated materials may remain on Licensor's property for more than ten (10) days, but must be properly disposed of by Licensee in accordance with applicable Legal Requirements. 17. Upon termination of this License, Licensee shall. at its sole cost and expense: (a) remove the PIPELINE and all appurtenances thereto, or, at the sole discretion of the Licensor, fill and cap or otherwise appropriately decommission the PIPELINE with a method satisfactory to Licensor; . Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 -5- s--1-'l3 . . . Form Approved by VP.Law Tracking No. 05-28599 (b) report and restore any damage to the Premises arising from, growing out of, or connected with Licensee's use ofthe Premises; (c) remedy any unsafe conditions on the Premises created or aggravated by Licensee; and (d) leave the Premises in the condition which existed as of the Effective Date of this License. 18. Licensee's on-site supervisions shall retain/maintain a fully executed copy of this License at all times while on the Premises. LIABILITY 19, (a) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, LICENSEE SHALL, AND SHALL CAUSE ITS CONTRACTOR TO, RELEASE, INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS LICENSOR AND LICENSOR'S AFFILIATED COMPANIES, PARTNERS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS (COLLECTIVELY, "INDEMNITEES") FOR, FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, FINES, PENALTIES, COSTS, DAMAGES, LOSSES, LIENS, CAUSES OF ACTION, SUITS, DEMANDS, JUDGMENTS AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, COURT COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES AND COSTS OF INVESTIGATION, REMOVAL AND REMEDIATION AND GOVERNMENTAL OVERSIGHT COSTS) ENVIRONMENTAL OR OTHERWISE (COLLECT/VEL Y "LIABILITIES") OF ANY NATURE, KIND OR DESCRIPTION OF ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, RESULTING FROM OR RELATED TO (IN WHOLE OR IN PART): (i) THIS LICENSE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ITS ENVIRONMENTAL PROVISIONS, (ii) ANY RIGHTS OR INTERESTS GRANTED PURSUANT TO THIS LICENSE, (Iii) LICENSEE'S OCCUPATION AND USE OF THE PREMISES, (iv) THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION AND STATUS OF THE PREMISES CAUSED BY OR CONTRIBUTED BY LICENSEE, OR (v) ANY ACT OR OMISSION OF LICENSEE OR LICENSEE'S OFFICERS, AGENTS, INVITEES, EMPLOYEES, OR CONTRACTORS, OR ANYONE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY EMPLOYED BY ANY OF THEM, OR ANYONE THEY CONTROL OR EXERCISE CONTROL OVER, EVEN IF SUCH LIABILITIES ARISE FROM OR ARE ATTRIBUTED TO, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, ANY NEGLIGENCE OF ANY INDEMNITEE. THE ONLY LIABILITIES WITH RESPECT TO WHICH LICENSEE'S OBLIGATION TO Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 6 - 5 i -- ~'-l l\ Form Approved by VP-Law Tracking No. 05.28599 . INDEMNIFY THE INDEMNITEES DOES NOT APPLY ARE LIABILITIES TO THE EXTENT PROXIMATELY CAUSED BY THE GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF AN INDEMNITEE. . FURTHER, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, NOTWITHSTANDING THE LIMITATION IN SECTION 19(a), LICENSEE SHALL, AND SHALL CAUSE ITS CONTRACTOR TO, NOW AND FOREVER WAIVE ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, REGARDLESS WHETHER BASED ON THE STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE, THAT RAILROAD IS AN "OWNER", "OPERATOR", "ARRANGER", OR "TRANSPORTER" WITH RESPECT TO THE PIPELINE FOR THE PURPOSES OF CERCLA OR OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS. LICENSEE WILL INDEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD THE INDEMNITEES HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL SUCH CLAIMS REGARDLESS OF THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE INDEMNITEES. LICENSEE FURTHER AGREES THAT THE USE. OF THE: PREMISES AS CONTEMPLATED BY THIS LICENSE SHALL NOT IN ANY WAY SUBJECT LICENSOR TO CLAIMS THAT LICENSOR IS OTHER THAN A COMMON CARRIER FOR PURPOSES OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND EXPRESSLY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, AND HOLD THE INDEMNITEES HARMLESS FOR ANY AND ALL SUCH CLAIMS. IN NO EVENT SHALL LICENSOR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION OF THE PREMISES. (c) TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, LICENSEE FURTHER AGREES, AND SHALL CAUSE ITS CONTRACTOR TO AGREE, REGARDLESS OF ANY NEGLIGENCE OR ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF ANY INDEMNITEE, TO INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD HARMLESS THE INDEMNITEES AGAINST AND ASSUME THE DEFENSE OF ANY LIABILITIES ASSERTED AGAINST OR SUFFERED BY ANY INDEMNITEE UNDER OR RELATED TO THE FEDERAL EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ACT ("FELAn) WHENEVER EMPLOYEES OF LICENSEE OR ANY OF ITS AGENTS, INVITEES, OR CONTRACTORS CLAIM OR ALLEGE THAT THEY ARE EMPLOYEES OF ANY INDEMNITEE OR OTHERWISE. THIS INDEMNITY SHALL ALSO EXTEND, ON THE SAME BASIS, TO FELA CLAIMS BASED ON ACTUAL OR ALLEGED VIOLATIONS OF ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL LAWS OR REGULATIONS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE SAFETY APPLIANCE ACT, THE BOILER INSPECTION ACT, THE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, THE RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT, AND ANY SIMILAR STATE OR FEDERAL STATUTE. (b) (d) Upon written notice from Licensor, Licensee agrees to assume the defense of any lawsuit or other proceeding brought against any Indemnitee by any entity, relating to any matter covered by this License for which Licensee has an obligation to assume liability for and/or save and hold harmless any Indemnitee. Licensee shall pay all costs incident to such defense, including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, investigators' fees, litigation and appeal expenses, settlement payments, and amounts paid in satisfaction of judgments. . Form 424; Rev. 01/20105 - 7- S1 ~. "1_:) . . . Form Approved by VP-Law Tracking No. 05-28599 PERSONAL PROPERTY WAIVER 20. ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, OR RELATED MATERIALS UPON THE PREMISES WILL BE AT THE RISK OF LICENSEE ONLY, AND NO INDEMNITEE WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THERETO OR THEFT THEREOF, WHETHER OR NOT DUE IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO THE NEGLIGENCE OF ANY INDEMNITEE. INSURANCE 21. Licensee shall, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain during the life of this Agreement the following insurance coverage: A. Commercial General Liability Insurance. This insurance shall contain broad form contractua/liability with a combined single limit of a minimum of $5,000,000 each occurrence and an aggregate limit of at least $10,000,000. Coverage must be purchased on a post 1998 ISO occurrence or equivalent and include coverage for, but not limited to, the following: . Bodily Injury and Property Damage . Personal Injury and Advertising Injury . Fire legal liability + Products and completed operations This policy shall also contain the following endorsements, which shall be indicated on the certificate of insurance: . The employee and workers compensation related exclusions in the above policy shall not apply with respect to claims related to railroad employees. + The definition of insured contract shall be amended to remove any exclusion or other limitation for any work being done within 50 feet of railroad property. . Any exclusions related to the explosion, cOllapse and underground hazards shall be removed. No other endorsements limiting coverage may be included on the policy. B. Business Automobile Insurance. This insurance shall contain a combined single limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, and include coverage for, but not limited to the following: . Bodily injury and property damage . Any and all vehicles owned, used or hired C. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. This insurance shall include coverage for, but not limited to: . Licensee's statutory liability under the worker's compensation laws of the state(s) in which the work is to be performed. If optional under State law, the insurance must cover all employees anyway. . Employer~' Liability (Part B) with limits of at least $500,000 each accident, $500,000 by disease policy limit, $500,000 by disease each employee. Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 8 - s r1 - 'l 10 Form Approved by VP-Law . Tracking No. 05-28599 D. Railroad Protective Liability Insurance. This insurance shall name only the Licensor as the Insured with coverage of at least $5,000,000 per occurrence and $10,000,000 in the aggregate. The coverage obtained under this policy shall only be effective during the initial installation and/or construction of the PIPELINE. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PIPELINE SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE. If further maintenance of the PIPELINE is needed at a later date, an additional Railroad Protective Liability Insurance Policy shall be required. The policy shall be issued on a standard ISO form CG 00 35 10 93 and include the following: . Endorsed to include the Pollution Exclusion Amendment (ISO form CG 28 31 10 93) . Endorsed to include the Limited Seepage and Pollution Endorsement. . Endorsed to include Evacuation Expense Coverage Endorsement. . No other endorsements restricting coverage may be added. . The original policy must be provided to the Licensor prior to performing any work or services under this Agreement. In lieu of providing a Railroad Protective Liability Policy, Licensee may participate in Licensor's Blanket Railroad Protective liability Insurance Policy available to Licensee or its contractor. The limits of coverage are the same as above. The cost is $1,000.00. . CI I elect to participate in Licensor's Blanket Policy; CI I elect not to participate in Licensor's Blanket Policy. Other Requirements: Where allowable by law, all policies (applying to coverage listed above) shall contain no exclusion for punitive damages and certificates of insurance shall reflect that no exclusion exists. Licensee agrees to waive its right of recovery against licensor for all claims and suits against Licensor. In addition, its insurers, through policy endorsement, waive their right of SUbrogation against licensor for all claims and suits. The certificate of insurance must reflect waiver of subrogation endorsement. Licensee further waives its right of recovery, and its insurers also waive their right of subrogation against Licensor for loss of its owned or leased property or property under its care, custody, or control. Licensee's insurance policies through policy endorsement must include wording which states that the policy shall be primary and non-contributing with respect to any insurance carried by Licensor. The certificate of insurance must reflect that the above wording is included in evidenced policies. All policy(ies) required above (excluding Workers Compensation, Contractor's Pollution Legal Liability and if applicable. Railroad Protective) shall include a severability of interest endorsement and shall name Licensor and Staubach Global Services - RR, Inc. as an additional insured with respect to work performed under this agreement. Severability of interest and naming Licensor and Staubach Global Services - RR, Inc. as additional insureds shall be indicated on the certificate of insurance. . Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 9- Si:-LI Form Approved by VP-Law Tracking No. 05-28599 . Licensee is not allowed to self-insure without the prior written consent of Licensor. If granted by Licensor, any deductible, self-insured retention or other financial responsibility for claims shall be covered directly by Licensee in lieu of insurance. Any and all Licensor liabilities that would otherwise, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, be covered by Licensee's insurance will be covered as if Licensee elected not to include a deductible, self-insured retention, or other financial responsibility for claims. Prior to commencing the Work, Licensee shall furnish to Licensor an acceptable certificate(s) of insurance including an original signature of the authorized representative evidencing the required coverage, endorsements, and amendments. The policy(ies) shall contain a provision that obligates the insurance company(ies) issuing such policy(ies) to notify Licensor in writing at least 30 days prior to any cancellation, non- renewal, substitution or material alteration. This cancellation provision shall be indicated on the certificate of insurance. In the event of a claim or lawsuit involving Railroad arising out of this agreement, Licensee will make available any required policy covering such claim or lawsuit. Any insurance policy shall be written by a reputable insurance company acceptable to Licensor or with a current Best's Guide Rating of A- and Class VII or better, and authorized to do business in the state(s) in which the service is to be provided. . Licensee represents that this License has been thoroughly reviewed by Licensee's insurance agent(s)/broker(s), who have been instructed by Licensee to procure the insurance coverage required by this Agreement. Allocated Loss Expense shall be in addition to all policy limits for coverages referenced above. Not more frequently than once every five years, Licensor may reasonably modify the required insurance coverage to reflect then-current risk management practices in the railroad industry and underwriting practices in the insurance industry. If any portion of the operation is to be subcontracted by Licensee, Licensee shall require that the subcontractor shall provide and maintain insurance coverages as set forth herein, naming Licensor as an additional insured, and shall require that the subcontractor shall release, defend and indemnify Licensor to the same extent and under the same terms and conditions as Licensee is required to release, defend and indemnify Licensor herein. Failure to provide evidence as required by this section shall entitle, but not require, Licensor to terminate this License immediately. Acceptance of a certificate that does not comply with this section shall not operate as a waiver of Licensee's obligations hereunder. The fact that insurance (including, without limitation, self-insurance) is obtained by Licensee shall not be deemed to release or diminish the liability of Licensee including, without limitation, liability under the indemnity provisions of this License. Damages recoverable by Licensor shall not be limited by the amount of the required insurance coverage. . Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 10 ~ S'1 -- ) <[; . . . Form Approved by VP~Law Tracking No. 05-28599 For purposes of this section, Licensor shall mean "Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corporation", "BNSF Railway Company" and the subsidiaries, successors, assigns and affiliates of each. ENVIRONMENTAL 22. (a) Licensee shall strictly comply with all federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations in its use of the Premises, including, but not limited to, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended (RCRA) , the Clean Water Act, the Oil Pollution Act, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, CERCLA (collectively referred to as the "Environmental Laws"). Licensee shall not maintain a treatment, storage, transfer or disposal facility, or underground storage tank, as defined by Environmental Laws on the Premises. Licensee shall not release or suffer the release of oil or hazardous substances, as defined by Environmental Laws on or about the Premises. (b) Licensee shall give Licensor immediate notice to Licensor's Resource Operations Center at (800) 832-5452 of any release of hazardous substances on or from the Premises, violation of Environmental Laws, or inspection or inquiry by governmental authorities charged with enforcing Environmental Laws with respect to Licensee's use of the Premises. Licensee shall use the best efforts to promptly respond to any release on or from the Premises. Licensee also shall give Licensor immediate notice of all measures undertaken on behalf of Licensee to investigate, remediate, respond to or otherwise cure such release or violation. (c) In the event that Licensor has notice from Licensee or otherwise of a release or violation of Environmental Laws arising in any way with respect to the PIPELINE which occurred or may occur during the term of this License, Licensor may require Licensee, at Licensee's sole risk and expense, to take timely measures to investigate, remediate, respond to or otherwise cure such release or violation affecting the Premises or Licensor's right-of-way. (d) Licensee shall promptly report to Licensor in writing any conditions or activities upon the Premises known to Licensee which create a risk of harm to persons, property or the environment and shall take whatever action is necessary to prevent injury to persons or property arising out of such conditions or activities; provided, however, that Licensee's reporting to Licensor shall not relieve Licensee of any obligation whatsoever imposed on it by this License. Licensee shall promptly respond to Licensor's request for information regarding said conditions or activities. AL TERA TIONS 23. Licensee may not make any alterations to the Premises or permanently affix anything to the Premises or any buildings or other structures adjacent to the Premises without Licensor's prior written consent. Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 11 - S'L-l,~ . . . Form Approved by VP-Law Tracking No. 05-28599 NO WARRANTIES 24. LICENSOR'S DUTIES AND WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED TO THOSE EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS LICENSE AND SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY IMPLIED DUTIES OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, NOW OR IN THE FUTURE. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES HAVE BEEN MADE BY LICENSOR OTHER THAN THOSE CONTAINED IN THIS LICENSE. L1CEN.SEE HEREBY WAIVES ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PREMISES OR WHICH MAY EXIST BY OPERATION OF LAW OR IN EQUITY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, HABITABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. QUIET ENJOYMENT 25. LICENSOR DOES NOT WARRANT ITS TITLE TO THE PROPERTY NOR UNDERTAKE TO DEFEND LICENSEE IN THE PEACEABLE POSSESSION OR USE THEREOF. NO COVENANT OF QUIET ENJOYMENT IS MADE. DEFAULT 26. If default shall be made in any of the covenants or agreements of Licensee contained in this document, or in case of any assignment or transfer of this License by operation of law, Licensor may, at its option, terminate this License by serving five (5) days' notice in writing upon Licensee. Any waiver by Licensor of any default or defaults shall not constitute a waiver of the right to terminate this License for any subsequent default or defaults, nor shall any such waiver in any way affect Licensor's ability to enforce any Section of this License. The remedy set forth in this Section 26 shall be in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other remedies that Licensor may have at law or in equity. LIENS AND CHARGES 27. Licensee shall promptly pay and discharge any and all liens arising out of any construction, alterations or repairs done, suffered or permitted to be done by Licensee on Premises. Licensor is hereby authorized to post any notices or take any other action upon or with respect to Premises that is or may be permitted by law to prevent the attachment of any such liens to Premises; provided, ho'^(ever, that failure of Licensor to take any such action shall not relieve Licensee of any obligation or liability under this Section 27 or any other Section of this License. Licensee shall pay when due any taxes, assessments or other charges (collectively, "Taxes") levied or assessed upon the Improvements by any governmental or quasi-governmental body or any Taxes levied or assessed against Licensor or the Premises that are attributable to the Improvements. TERMINATION 28. This License may be terminated by Licensor, at any time, by serving thirty (30) days' written notice of termination upon Licensee. This License may be terminated by Licensee upon execution of Licensor's Mutual Termination Letter Agreement then in effect. Upon expiration of the time specified in such notice, this License and all rights of Licensee shall absolutely cease. Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 12- 5~ ~ <6 0 . . . Form Approved by VP-Law Tracking No. 05-28599 29. If Licensee fails to surrender to Licensor the Premises, upon any termination of this License, all liabilities and obligations of Licensee hereunder shall continue in effect until the Premises are surrendered. Termination shall not release Licensee from 'any liability or obligation, whether of indemnity or otherwise, resulting from any events happening prior to the date of termination. ASSIGNMENT 30. Neither Licensee, nor the heirs, legal representatives, successors, or assigns of Licensee, nor any subsequent assignee, shall assign or transfer this License or any interest herein, without the prior written consent and approval of Licensor, which may be withheld in Licensor's sole discretion. NOTICES 31. Any notice required or permitted to be given hereunder by one party to the other shall be in writing and the same shall be given and shall be deemed to have been served and given if (i) placed in the United States mail, certified, return receipt requested, or (ii) deposited into the custody of a nationally recognized overnight delivery service, addressed to the party to be notified at the address for such party specified below, or to such other address as the party to be notified may designate by giving the other party no less than thirty (30) days' advance written notice of such change in address. If to Licensor: Staubach Global Services - RR, Inc. 3017 Lou Menk Drive, Suite 100 Fort Worth, TX 76131-2800 Attn: Licenses/Permits with a copy to: . BNSF Railway Company 2500 Lou Menk Dr. - AOB3 Fort Worth, TX 76131 Attn: Manager - Land Revenue Management If to Licensee: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 SURVIVAL 32. Neither termination nor expiration will release either party from any liability or obligation under this License, whether of indemnity or otherwise, resulting from any acts, omissions or events happening prior to the date of termination or expiration, or, if later, the date when the PIPELINE and improvements are removed and the Premises are restored to its condition as of the Effective Date. RECORDATION 33. It is understood and agreed that this License shall not be placed on publiC record. Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 13 - S<I-8\ . . . Form Approved by VP-Law Tracking No. 05~28599 APPLICABLE LAW 34. All questions concerning the interpretation or application of provisions of this License shall be decided according to the substantive laws of the State of Texas without regard to conflicts of law provisions. SEVERABILITY 35. To the maximum extent possible, each provision of this License shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this License shall be prohibited by, or held to be invalid under, applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective solely to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, and this shall not invalidate the remainder of such provision or any other provision of this License. INTEGRATION 36. This License is the full and complete agreement between Licensor and Licensee with respect to all matters relating to Licensee's use of the Premises, and supersedes any and all other agreements between the parties hereto relating to Licensee's use of the Premises as described herein. However, nothing herein is intended to terminate any surviving obligation of Licensee or Licensee's obligation to defend and hold Licensor harmless in any prior written agreement between the parties. MISCELLANEOUS 37. In the event that Licensee consists of two or more parties, all the covenants and agreements of Licensee herein contained shall be the joint and several covenants and agreements of such parties. 38. The waiver by Licensor of the breach of any provision herein by Licensee shall in no way impair the right of Licensor to enforce that provision for any subsequent breach thereof. Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 14- S'f - ~ d . . . Form Approved by VP-Law Tracking No. 05~28599 Staubach Global Services - RR, Inc. is acting as representative for BNSF Railway Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this License has been duly executed, in duplicate, by the parties hereto as of the day and year first above written. BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY Staubach Global Services - RR, Inc., its Attorney in Fact 3017 Lou Menk Drive, Suite 100 Fort Worth, TX 76131-2800 By: Robert Harder Title: Associate Director National Accounts CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 By: Title: Form 424; Rev. 01/20/05 - 15- \;~ ~ '6.3 TRACKING NO.05-28599 EXH I BIT 1/ A II ATTACHED TO CONTRACT BETWEEN BNSF RAILWAY COMPANY AND CITY OF MONTICELLO SECT! ON: 13 TOWNSH IP: 121 N RANGE: 25W SCALE: 1 IN. = ~ FT. TWIN CITIES DIV. MONT I CELLO SUBD I V. L. S. Q2.Q2 DATE OS/26/2005 REV: 07/21/2005 c$ MONTICELLO \ \/ /~ \ '\ \ , SIZE: CONTENTS: 5 TORM PIPE MATERIAL: SPECIFICATION / GRADE: WALL THICK~JESS: COATING: ...~ '- ......... ~ ~ \; ..... -" .lD ~ __" U 'to .~ ~oit~'" I~~ ..t. 'I::J DESCRIPTION OF PIPELINE PIPELINE SHOWN BOLD I"") i"O I"") o LC1 0:: V- MN-1S MAP 1 0 PARCEL _ L.l- W 0:: c.. <t ':::E \ '\ \ \\// "".. ./ \. \ .10 L YNDAlE JeT. -- Pel148 .. -- -- PROPERTY LINE CARRIER PIPE LENGTH ON R/W: 390' WORKING PRESSURE: GRAVITY BURY: BASE/RAIL TO TOP OF CASING BURY: NATURAL GROUND BURY: ROADWAY DITCHES CATHODIC PROTECTION CASING PIPE N/A N/A 5' 5' N/A CARRIER PIPE CASING PIPE N/A 2-24" WATER RCP CL2 3" N/A VENTS: NUMBER N/A SIZE HEIGHT OF VENT ABOVE GROUND NOTE: TRENCH CUT METHOD TO BE USED FOR INSTALLATION OF PIPELINES NEAR MONTICELLO COUNTY OF WR I GHT STATE OF MN S1-6~ CTF DRAWING NO. 1-36376 . . ..-... ...,. 5J. Council Agenda - 9/26/05 Consideration of CalIine: for a Special Citv Council Meetine: to Award the Contract for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchane:e Proiect (Citv Proiect No. 2004-1C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The CSAH 18 Interchange project will be bid at 2:30 p.m. on Friday, September 23, 2005. The bids will be checked and provided to Mn/DOT for concurrence. Mn/DOT also needs to sign the Cooperative Agreement before the project is awarded by the Council. We would like to schedule a special meeting for October 3,2005 to have the Council consider the project award. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consider calling a special meeting for 5 p.m. on October 3, 2005 for the purpose of awarding the contract. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends selecting Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None ~-~I - '6' 5 F:lda\1."t1l-lvrdpni(:I:fJfjj (('!.II/cd ilJ"Ff!lIdaISL'pl !6,OJvWN ITM-C'iA1l JI;.J6-0511111:;'(:!UI//1.Tf1 .~~JC/,:illl Mlg.liJ/.I"(4(~(:/ AVo'lIrd(/(lc . . . Council Agenda - 9/26/05 5K. Approve Chanee Order No.1 for Jefferson Commons Pond Gradine (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-33C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Jefferson Commons Pond grading project was completed in 2004 to provide ponding for the new Monticello Theatre. This project involved excavating the pond and placing the excess material on property adjoining the pond. The construction ofthe pond and the preparation for placing the fill material resulted in increased excavation and seeding work for the contractor. This change order addresses those increases in cost, both of which were completed at the unit price bid in the contract. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of$18,783.05 for Cowan Grading & Excavating, Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that Change Order No. I in the amount of$18,783.05 be approved for payment. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No.1 Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. ~2) k- tr(P F: \dawng\ wordproclJ005 COllncil Agenda ISepr J6-0519~ :6-05ApproveCOJejJersonCommol1s.tloc: Sep,21. 20050: 4:30PM1 COWAN GRADING AND EXCAVATING No, 3 8 4 9 P..2. 02/03 .EFFlhSON COMNONS POND GRADING ITY OF MONTICI!LLo PROJECT NO, 20()4033C weB PFtOJI!CT NO.1 488.91 OWNER: CONTRACTOR; CIT't"O' MO~TICEU.O 505 WALNUT STAlEr, BUITE 1 N1oNncaLO. MN SS3S2 COWAN GRADING & EXCAVATING. INC. So1e5 . 212TH STREET, SUITE 1 FAFlMfNGTON, MN 55024 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE 'rHE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT OOCUMENT DESORIPTION: CONTRACT QUANTITIES ARE MOPIFIEo AS SHOWN ON THE A'lTACHED DETAIl. The excavation of the Jefferson Commons "ond Included the placement of exes" 80lls wfthin the adjaoent property. The strIpping of the tOpSoil within the embankment erea involvfild more extensive topsOil removal than anticIpated, resulling In the Incrvased excavallon COBtli. The projecl area a1.0 Included recently placed clay stockpiles that were seeded w~h this contrect. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS CHANGE OFIDi:A INCLUDES ALL AODITIONAl COSTS AND TIME EXTENSIONS WHICH AA~ IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FOAM ASSOCIATED WITH 1l-IE WOAK ELEMENTS DESCRIBED ABOVE. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACTllME: ~AIGINAl COIIITFlACT PRICE: .EVIOUS CI1ANGe ORDERS: N/A CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: NET INCREASE OF TIM CHANGE ORDER: CONTRACT PRIcE WITH AU APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: $51.840.75 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME; 5/2712005 $(tOO NET CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGi OADERS: NONE 151,8'0.75 CONTRACT 'TIME PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: 5127/2005 $18,783.05 NET INCr1SAsE OF CHANa~ ORDER: NONE $70,923.80 OONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGe ORDERS: 5127/2005 RECO'":gj k~ BAET A. WEISS, P.E., PROJECT MANAGER a=- ~ CONTRACTOR ~TURE wse 80 ASSOCIATi'S, INC. ENGINEER COWAN GRADING & EXCAVATING, INC. CONTRACTOR APPROVEO !'t': ~tA~ CITY ENGINEER CITY AOMINISTRATOR , - Z 1 -- 05 DATE DATE . S \Z- Z I D_. . JEFFERSON COMMONS POND GRADING CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2004-33C WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-91 SEPTEMBER 19, 2005 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Description oty CUWAN Unit Price Extended Amount 2 SEEDING, MIX 150 (INCL. FERT & MULCH) COMMON EXCAVATION 11.45 ACRE CV LF $465.00 $1.15 $3.25 $5,324.25 $13,296.30 $162.50 11,562.00 3 SILT FENCE (HAND PLACED) 50.00 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.1 $18,783.05 DELETED ITEMS . Item No. Description oty Unit Price Extended Amount $0.00 TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.1 $0.00 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $18,783.05 . S k _1~ Page 2 K:101488-91IAdm/nlConstruct/on Adm/nIEXCEL ICO 1.x/sCOl Detail ~ WSB . & Associates. Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 September 22, 2005 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No.1 Jefferson Commons Pond Grading City of Monticello, MN City of Monticello Project No. 2004-33C WSB Project No. 1488-91 Dear Mr. W olfsteller: . Please find enclosed Change Order No.1 (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The increase to the original contract amount is $18,783.05, resulting in a revised contract total of $70,623.80. This change order amount will be included with the next construction pay voucher processed. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No.1 for Cowan Grading & Excavating, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287- 7190. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~~W~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Dennis Cowan, Cowan Grading & Excavating, Inc. Sk~<t5~ . srb K..VJ1488-9Mdmln\C",l.Tlru.di/)ft Adnzlh\l.TR co J-r \W)lfd~1lt!r-092605.d()c Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer ~ WSB '. & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 September 22, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Revised Construction Pay Voucher No.8 (Final) Cedar Street and 7th Street Reconstruction Projects City of Monticello Project Nos. 2000-18C and 200l-07C WSB Project No. 1338-01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No.8 for the above-referenced project in the amount of $19,852.22. Also enclosed is the following documentation required for processing final payment for the above-referenced project: ...-.. 1. ~ 2. 3. 4. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. Two-year maintenance bond (not required - the warranty has expired). We recommend final payment in the amount of $19,852.22 to Bauerly Brothers, Inc. at your earliest con venience. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. 15wA~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures cc: Rick W olfsteller, City of Monticello Darby Brown, Bauerly Brothers, Inc. S L - q5~ srb F.'\WPWlM1338-Ol\LTR Va 8 FNI. RVSD-hmcc...(J926lJ5.dn(: Minneapolis I S1. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer \ MINNESOTA f" Department of Revenue 12---20<6 Withholding AHidavit for Contractors This affidavit must be approved by the Minnesota Deportment of Revenue before the state of Minnesota or any of its subdivisions can make final payment to contractors. IC~ 134 . 11200'l' . . Stock No. 5000134 IRev. 11/96) c .g .. ., j'tiE C1J.., ,~-.O ,e~.. .A. ._. "/":""; Please type or print clearly. This will be yovr moiling label for retvrning the completed form. rr-----------------, Company nome Daytime phone I Bauerly Brothers. lnc. I 2 I Address I T otol controct omount I 4787 Shadow Wood Drive NE I I City State Zip Code I 0a~Racids___~___~~~___/ I Minnesoto withholding tox ID number Month/yem work began $ 574 175.54 Amount still due $ Retaina.ge Se t 2001 Month/year work ended Aug 2002 Project number I Project locotion I Cedar Street & 7th Street Reconstruction-Monticello, MN Address City Stote Zip code Project Owner City of Monticello Did you hove employees work on this proiecta lXI Yes 0 No If no. who did the work? Check the box that describes your involvement in the project and fill in all informotion requested. o Sole contractor o Subcontractor Ncme of controctor who hired you Address Ii] Prime contractor-If you subcontracted out any work on this project, 011 of your subcontractors must file their own Ie 134 affidavits and have them certified by the Department of Revenue before you can file your affidavit. For each subcontractor you had, fill in the information below and attach a copy of each subcontractor's certified Ie 134. If you need more space, attach a separate sheet. Business name Address Centra Lan scaping, Inc. 55 La e Drive Forest Dirtworks 2000, Tnf'. ')R10 North Benton Drive Sank Geyer Signal of St. Cloud 4205 Roosevelt Road St. Heartland Landscaping 21979 Franklin Road Clearwater, MN 55320 Mi n!'lT!'ITP 'Rp/",!'Ilm!'lT; on ? 1 Q<;<; r.,-pn!'ln!'l AvpnllP T.!'Ikp1Ti 11 P, MN <;<;nL..L.. Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. PO Box 498 Watkins, MN 55389 Schmidt Curb 13195 - 95th Street NE Elk River, MN 55330-7416 'l'ech/.p.PM 14HZU James Road Rogers, MN ':J':Jj/4 t I.' form n I hove filled in on this form is true and complete to the best of my know/edge end belief. I authorize the Deportment of . d se p nent information re/cting to this proiect. including sending copies of this form, to the prime contractor if I om c subcontractor, b ntr ors if I em 0 prime contrcctor, and to the contracting agency. Title Date Contract Administrator" ithhalding Division, Mail Station 6610, St. Paul, MN 55146-6610 12/06 2002 Certificate of Compliance Based on records of the Minnesota Department of Revenue, I certify that the contractor who has signed this certificate has fulfilled all the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 and 290.97 concerning the withholding of Minnesota income tax from wages paid to employees relating to contract services with the state of Minnesota and/or its subdivisions. De~!'1,~rpe:tl~,Re~:enue ~tr.~.~Oh1 " " .j ~~~ Dote (,;"<;,A'.'c,,::: ll'(-f)/~1~?",1 lJi' 1 7 Printed an recycled peper with 10% po,t-can,umer we"e u,ing '"y-ba,ed ink, SL-q~ ~EC 11 zUUZ I',' ", 11E~~!!:,!'~I~:'~~~~Io!~~)~lflll~'!.Ic~!.~~,"I",,!!~P_~, 11: ';,.:P~9.~~~3-()2'Z:1k.c.. I "''7~~rc1l7 I~~~(j'" r.;.,j: s:!'t I ()~I~~' T', Y'\' ll\4., I ~lI~I'CXrQ,.lo.".1 i~"''''~~'a,,:, r .... .., ", ... ........ -....... ...-'~~..J:-J ", I $ (/00 (,.l1 co I.... I jCCrJA.-n/," . .'Il(~. n~ 'l'~~'" 1.~-..",.7t..".-;-"..~...:-.'l'" -_..,.,.~.,.....2l..'4' I, /:0; O"W~, v." r.l P f? ~ I) rz ~ 2? it>--- Me",,_, wa,k fI";lc'y " :,.~ '---.....-....- "-'n__,_ --. 2_ .I..L.. ._.'R___..." , .._,. '--..J...::..~-~,. ').'JI ", . , , :f' : , , , ; iii I .1., - " DEC-06-02 11:36 AM air~worka2000lne :. . . /"~~-UO..,UVC I'KL U~:fH PM BAUERLY CO. SAUK RAPIDS FAX NO. 3202510011 P, 02/06 .< '~!iSOTA ~~~,~r:~~L~ev~. . / .. /2---70 g- , :, With~oldinSl AHidci~it forCo.ntractor......... "'---'''.''''''-ie.l34 MTh!. ,,!fIUt:lV.1 Il~UI' llfl opprov.d by 'h~ Mmn.,o/q ~POf'm'rt' Qf kevDnll., b"OtD ,/11) SlOt. rof ,nr''-''I)In t.lf 1111Y el l~ IlJbdlvl&tans can fl."kll!;",ql pGyttltl'if to ~C>IIIrIilf;ItI,.. +302594970 P.01 ",..,,..1 nWIllilolr I ' V\1~~oJ \ ... ..II _ .......;;.,.- , '" ....~jl:.~"', ili;i';;'I;'I~;"~ ,,~ilk;r~~;'~~lko;I'~~ ';I~i~~;t~~~~: "h ; 1'1"~f,Il'".r ..._.,.. iii. . "~.,_""'_. II..., "~j .......___. ..,~.- ~~.,,~~~ I c tA .1/ / ..... I~) ~(lf/" I~ C ~~ ....-..Jl4J(J.", . 'u, .__ . ~. ',:';' ~11,,~Jc"1II L'cl.1I fhal rf~A(rt'L,;~ )'fJlJr Invo/WUnf:f1' ;" #It "~;fld end fill In all ilt(ormdlon rcqll".hIcf, .:, ' '. ~lJ '''ft CO""O".r \ " ..I.~ . '; . "S~.n"'GctD", i:~:' .; 11cI;:".';~~~~;;I,;t~r";-D:-':"ji:'~..~-r------'._"'..- II j: "I_"~ .. J:::..,;. ,..~..IU~~l.. ,.....__. ..".. _.____..._....."~__,.__._..,,.. "" I .tI. i'~' , . i.:,\ . '/' ! ,'" '....., ..!tit...._*_~_.jljl I. It.liI_iIIIIIIiI....._..._.._... 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B,IlI.CNr EJJ _" N'{;""'~I.)t, .1I'f/IIJ' /, di rl It J..,r,MIIJ/ ir'lltnNIIIM ,.'tllflID to /till pre,.,.. lie /If"" /If '"lllle;/t;''' ,,'r'~clc;l~ift ;rl"", ",,,mor,c,"iJlo""cOtlfr.tI~Og,,~!.:.,, ) -'...-.....-, f1'!;~- 0-2-' .. ..... .... ".~_. TIil"~Z I - -. C:~""'~.'r ___ c -----,.,,"'... I'h.t MN Do'"i. .~I "'WIl~lIf I '~c>I. In~' ,Vlli n, Maa Slotl~~Si.' ovi, MN $5 166.i610 _"_.IUI'lltIlrII'I_~' -+....4..d:o...... , .-.- -......- -.....-...,...--.. ..... CertlAc_';; C."'pllanee 'Iv Ih rh canlractOl' wl-o hCl!S 'l;nrd thl. clll1lheafe ho. .(.I1iilU10l\ r.,:'!vt.f$ 'If ~" Mln"OWlo O.pcI,~nl of ':;~~'a~~i~O ~~l=~ccmlnu 'h. withhOlding r.rlnn.101D Inccmct IaK lullilltll nil the. re~irlrn'r~. ~ MI"I'~IOtCl ~, 1eI~IC1il5 wIth thll"tal. of MI~neKlI(I en4/or 1ta 11Ilol' Iv lion.. ffOrn ""oa... f'(Il(,lle'\ t1mpK,)Y"tt l't a'''~1il to a1n rac I C~. I~'~ ~"..iIWI/ "~':J. . .... DliC 1 r2D02 /2...- . ~ "2. t/J,C.(:d1..;.;l V~~~.,j D ' .-- ......._-";..'~"-"~' , 7 PNt.lr Fax Note ,#"..t,;_II~'-'~ , k\,,",' \ll\lll>\U ~1lI...~..u&I~"II)'II"II1t'.. Co f'" '1'111' 1""...1 :.11 ,.......,." l'r.~" ...id. \;:rl, Il<''' ...... ,.,~ ...,....-. . ~I S t~ -q % MIN:N:ESOTA Department of Revenue JO~ * () 1 - tG{ ~ I " , ",," Withholding AHidavit for Contractors This affidavit must be approved by the Minnesota Department of Revenue before the state of . "Minnesota or any of its subdivisions can make final payment to contractors. DEe 112001 Please type or print clearly. This will be your mailing label for returning the compleled form. 0---------------__, Company name Daytime phone I C en:tILa.1. Lando c.a.p1..ng , I nc.. I I Address , 73655 Lake. VIL. , $ I City State Zip Code I ~o~e..6~La~___MN__~5025___/ I l'Vw& IC~ 134 Minnesota withholding tax ID number T 0101 contract amount R3~D d-- Project number I Project location C P~Q Address - HDYl tl Ce,\ l 0 State lip code Check the box that describes your involvement in the proiect and fill in all information requested. o Sole contractor ~ Subcontractor ( No_ of """0"0. who h;~d yo" fu-ut...v ~ ~"IlI)~ \ 1 :Jb~l ~W.dolJ.)l k Joc:d b~. L (').. If ~'rirtS I MN S(,,3l'1 o Prime contractor-If you subcontracted out any work on this project, all of your suocontractors must file their own Ie 134 affidavits and have them certified by the Department of Revenue before you can file your affjdavit. For each subcontractor you had, fill in the information be/ow and attach a copy of each subcontractor's certified IC-134. If you need more space, attach a separate sheet. Business name Address Owner/Officer I dec:la", that all information I have filled in on this form is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize the Department of Revenue to disc:lose pertinent information relating to this praiset, including Se[lding copies oFthis form, to the prime contractor if I am a subcontractor, and to any subcontractors if I am a prime contractor, and to the contracting agency. Ir r's sig Tit e Date tl O"Z- Certificate of Compliance Based on records of the Minnesota Department of Revenue, I certify that the contractor who has signed this certificate has fulfilled all the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 and 290.97 concerning the withholding of Minnesota income tax from wages paid to employees relating to contract services with the state of Minnesota and/or its subdivisions. Dep~0!nl~::~7ve~ue :~~~~~~~.: gib 1 7 2002 Dale No. 5000134 11/\>6) Printed On recycled pope' with 10% post.con.urn"r wco'e u.ing .oy-bo.ed ink. 5L~~1 NOV. 12.2002 1:56PM rO:BAUERLY BROS INC GEYER SIGNAL NO. 096 P.1/1 /'MlNNESOTA Department of Revenue . "'W___~ _ ____._..~... .___ _ .______.---,.. j.., Withholding Affidavit fo', Contractors . ThI, affidavit mut:t Pc qpproyoc:J by rh. Mlnne'o~ Deportment of RovenLl~ before ,h. BfO,. of o E C 11 2ntrZ' Mlnno,ofc:l or ony of Its subdjvi~ion~ can make Fino/ paymant to eOnlracfors. ! ~; ~ 12?tJo -..-"--.- IC..134 , 1 I ~ j P/Ilq. /ypI ~ prim c(.gr/y, TIll' wi" Do fOur maqing Ia&el fer fDIIImlll9 /Ii. ~mp#I!ed form, ~-----------------, CompoPI)' nGIM Oo)'lllll' ph~a 'I Geyer Sicmal of St Cloud Inc. I , 320 253- 00 Ad~1JH.. I T*! IOQIllrqel GmOUl'lI ! 4,~5 ;~oosevel t Road_ ~ I $ I Cl'Y SftIflI Zip Cod. I ~mOI/llIIl '~Ulli~____~__~ill__/ $ Min"... 'OI'lthhllldll'l6 ,~ ID """,bor 3502133 Mo"II)/yoar worI< Pro/lCt lIumber No If nD. whll did lhe-'" . f-') Check IhtJ box thot de$Crib.s your if7Vg/\ft}ment (II thG PfOj<<:t and fill In 01( informofion feqlJ8,/ed. r' ! g Jot- c.mrcrctor . 'I ~QHltractor . ~ j Nclnlt Dr CCIIllrllctor who ~I..d ~ c- ~ ';:.!..... . D~: aoS-~ ~clo~ ~I.) ~3l)~ o Pr... contractoHf you lubconlrQcted out any WOl'k on this profect, all of your lubcontrac:tors must fil. tMil' own rCo13A afflclavitl and have them certified by the Oepqrtmenf of Reven_ befo,. you can file your crfff~ovIt. For ea~n subcontractor YOl.l hod, HII in the information below and altac:h a copy of each subcontraclor's certified Ie 134. IF you need more "perce, ottach 0 separaftl shtet. 1lu.1".u n...... Ad~..u Owner/Offll:llr '-j- :; : . ,.... I ~re rhal all/"fo""""O(I i h- fllIIJ In 01\ 1/1/5 form /I /Iv, <md ~,.,. Irt ,~ OM~' IfJY. /.;oow/adQe and belief. , autharizo /he OIpaftmInl aI Rr4nw Ia ql<<:f~J. plr/i~1 info""qIjon reler/fns kI th" ~ Irteludlng .."r:lillfl r:op/II.I Of '''iI form. 1" lbo pr/",. (I'.If11!at:1Pr If I all! ~ Jl/bco"~cto(, """~~"_'__''''M''~. _ .___ CDnlrador' ienQluro . DDIO - ~. - , s '1- /;1-Q;;L- Man IG:MN Ollp'. of Re'lenuo, WIlhllolding D1vr,icl'l. Mc:Jil SlQIiDn 6610, St. Pout MN 551~10 Certificate Gf Compliance aoMd 011 records of fhe Minne~tc o.PQrtmelll of RevelJlJe, I ctrtity Jhatthe qcll'ftractor wi'lo halsloned this certif'ic:ate hCl5 fulfilled 011 the ~uj...menls of Mln/lMOtQ Slatut8$ 290.92 and 290,97 c:onc;ernlns the wirhtlofding of Mionesota incDme jQx Item waoes paid to el1lploye& relatll\g to COfltracf set'Vlces with th..1l:l18 of Minneeoto and/Or ib 5Ubdlvi:liollll. (!12~~~:',:~"ue,~~"'-~ . ~.. DEe 1 7 2002 001. . s,lId< No, :100013'1 fK... 111911 I'rt"_ 01\ ~.. '""1M! ..lltIl0r; ~""_lI\tf _ "'i"8 ~"'" 1111<, S L -,q~ 11/18/2882 21: 13 5582718888 -' TODD HODNEFIELD NUV-U8-2U02 rRI 03:05 PM BAUERLY CO. SAUK RAPIDS FAX NO. 3202510011 ' MTNNESOTA J.~:r~~t~,en,t of J~evenue ~ ...... 1...;1..... .41..",. ___ .J"__..__,..._.. .__..............._'I'....I".I....,._..........._II.~.... WithholdIng Affidavit for Contractors 1h,'a ~H;dllyif II1I.11;t bll cPI1rowd by Ih. MlnMtQllo ~l1l(;nI 0' I~nue bofo,. Ih. slo,. 0' M"I~I/IJ t"r t/lly 1.1' J~ S/J~Jilfl$H:m' cOr! M9le lino! ~,,' 10 CO/lITrn:Jot,. PAGE 82 P. 02/04 I2-ZtJP' ,I. ___.... ....__::::.Q,.... IC-134 'EC 11 lOa'! , ,', 'i.:u,:u ,>pn "P/IIIJ(Ia-J'~, .n:,{ Iloir tJ.J l'VIII fIoOiIiII; iohl fc" te/wnitw ~ __d Icrtrt. I.l, :.t:: I.V.._~_...,,_~.._...,..,..____..._."""'-'_~..-._ :' I;! I <:'''''':'''1'1 ~,." '\ ~1rM' ph,,", 1 M'_fQlQ wa~~~kli/lQ' 101110 ~"".l.,,, ~ '. ~} 'h"', - " I SSt- nl8' ( ,; I.;~~.ln "Y\~~'l J'OM.._~....'.R_._. ....::L15~1J.3..,*___ . - '. ' ""'''''YI'I Y r~ COI\IrOI;I..,1lIII\I 1MWv')ww~alln ' ':;l..~\.~.... ~U"V\' 1$ OOD l' I :, I C:.;!t'.. ~ .B, - ".....:.~-."l' J" ~"'-_M'" M :J'U';J;;'~- ~... ... ......1. _':i:~' ......,_. ,S; lJltJ ~~4" ~ lei. I D~", ," 5 Monltll"'lr rlt ._ " ~,i" \ D.I\.U.~..~..._s.s~;\()_./ .L. '2J_0'...,_.... ..-U.LC.l._______... :II " '1 . I " , , .\ I . r I,. " ,.\.~ I; '. ,t , , , 1/ ;. ".'~; ~~ ,. . ., " ", . ~'l':: 0 i;'J:~': ~. . . , ~l' ? I ~ ~. "\. : ;\. " ;r " I " ~ I"~ r . r.". ' ~. ,I~, ,I' ',',~ :('J"',:i t. '-! ,"" '., i "~!"'.rltllllll'""r ,._.,..L~'.~ .H.:. ..."f..-.:lt!1..5j..m....__.,' ._'______.." .__.___,.. "'d\l,e,~ CI,. S'.I" lip ~ .... ,",. .0. ..&~.......... ;"I~I'C'+""7'd" :;I,ty\;~ '~lI:~.:.;.~I:~oll:.; 'N~;k ;',;';:,;;' ,~\;:.;;u~~..~;oN~' 'if;;; \oIotoQ GU In. _.T~"-. ""'~'. _....._""--_. ""'_U1~...41.".I.f,II~ ",... ......... '-.. ..... ,......AI,.._.. .,..,,~. ... . ....+I.ii.._._...~__.".I.. ....__.___.._ ..t"..h.__.."""''''..... _._._____...., '" ____..-.......,.._.I'..I"I"_...,~_ . .. Ch,il:4 /}1t, t\,~ Ik,/ d,}~"ib(ll yr;,u, invalvomllnl in the pro(ect rwJ Fill In alllnformollo" rmJI,ICtll"d. Cl $411. .-O,,_ItC'''' l1i' Su&tnntrlJltar ~l;,~~~lo"..:,;;,7v~(l.t,i".,ifll"----.. .... ....,-.--....., ~R_~_._ ...___,..., ......"____._..___.~. "", ~:~~i~~.:...~_..~_..t.~.~~!j:~:,~......._~ PrI.. co......ct.(-If >,0101 lab(ontraetlildouf any work /;In ,hili projtel, Gllcf)l9\R &lIb<:c:rnlrac:tofl mus' file '~eir flwn /C. 1 '4 ~.'fid<lli:$ (l'1d hove ,,,~,,, cOI/lfi.d by Ih.. Ot;tpOrftrlt"'/ 0' t"'.!IlJll Of/F"'ff you C'~" IlIt yovrQffidc:lvfl. for uDell tvll(:l)"I/'\~~I.)r Y"v I:<lcl. llilln 'ho l"fo/mDtlon below 000 ll"adl a copy,,' QOth ~l'~ontrat:'cr'lI c;e"j~ed ICI:t... If yO\l n~~t1 rI'Ie/It &f'QI;", olioch Q )(lpC/(Ql. ,''_,, ...!~~t'.n!lJ\~.. , .. . -.---.--.-. .-... ---...t.oN,IlUI.......,,_,_... _ ..... -,--....~t~.~n_,... .,... ..,,~ " ......1... ...........___.. .. "i' ,,_It"', .-....-.."1 .........a..._..._..-.... ....... _.____._~."'._ .................. ."1"'"" ~., "."_ ., 'I', .~....,...___...__. .,..., ,'n_.. _. ,..---/ -......'l"t___....1I1 ....._I........_""-_~..._.__.,~ ", \ I'll ......-...--,.."" II ',.. ------ ".. ._.._--.......-_,,~. ...... ......._~__'"""..,...._ ........_-.... _.j... lll....II.....'._..._--._..-..-.,.... .... ._~-.....,.fI/ .II..._.____...""'~..._ .,..... .-_'__H. .1...,."t_I..__-.....__..""'."""._........I~ "."-'" Mn 'no..l. ,......____. '....'1... ..___....,_....._.._____.. .1.1..____\l~....._..____...__...._~.III,.. . .""........",..1.... .............__.." ,...... .....f.. _""""1. _..."'....__.___._. .. 'ft" --,... _""1.10. '.t__... . .. ........__....... ...._.... , ~.,./"('llfl/lr 1.11 I~trrocri,.~( hlJ'llJ fdj"J It) OIl ',Iii, form '~.1/6 gnd ~w.w IIw "liol"lY.~ew/. ""d fIeJ/J.ltIlIl~:" /hu ~1mcttrt.J 1I~'<M"It; I,) rJjl;It,,. pq,/I":l/ j~{"',/l.~" "'41b10 N ""I p'raie!:t itlt/u(f1'llJ P<:WlJ1l1I ~~ ofiA,.IC,m, ,. k pi'''' -_Je, ", *" 0 ,u;crilk/o;lf, "1111 '.) ~I"Y ~,~tNlt(l( "',,:! 1".111I .. rim" ~,ltIiJCA:t. OM ~ ria, 'OII/t1>c1;/W ""~f)'. t'i:j:. ..<.Ii-.,', i.ifi,.;'-.ro-"" n._.__:;;:-_,oc.. ,,- . ---1)'" -.-------.. ,-------""w.b"'';:'-'" ,.......,_ . ,0...., ' ."...-. -J,;;TO ---._-~--1ilaJ~... ". MiJiI,. M'~ t "H~''''UIl, it f.o1dhO tliv;lion, Moil Sh:lli,~ 661 Q, $'. Paul, IfN $~ 1 ~610 _~_n... "'\.. .7...H....__~____..... r-:-o:-,:::~~~~~:=~~::::==-~~:,=, ~~ho' .~,od Ih:::' ~ fl,ltlllerJ r.P I/lv (..:J~JJillvm!!I\I~ or Mil1nlUQPo ~tc'IJ'C' 290.92 and 2'0.91 cQ~tr"jl'19 tht wllhho)qing of Mlnn.lOtg Income klle (ton WClB"" pOI~ II} llil'l;>mtlilll r.;laiir\O I., (onlracl set'tice, wi'" 1M stare of MInnesota aNd/ot It~ ,ubdlvltiollll. l>t-IJlHb'lI:rldtc..,....,.v OJ.>(lt'~.)' 011,. l ""l.~ ;~" IR) ~fJ.'" '. ;i' ,~;') ,N ,"-;;::s " ,""!P' /1 . . ..:..". ,.:0,..,.,,1..... -.....i.. .It,C- :.t ~~)----QiG.-t-7,-Z002 S"-"4-1<olt, ,~O" D..j !I... ','1;~41 ,. I"~ ." ,", ,~('" I.. ~"i'<" _Ill, 1 (i% t"'" .........., "'.... yoift, 1\"",",, I.... . 5L.-lOO . . . 11/11/2aa2 12:58 "\ , , , 9529855656 MIDSTATE COMPANIES PAGE a1 1~206 MINNESOTA Department of Revenue Withholcling Affidavit for Contractor. Thi$ "ffidavlt must be approved by the Mlnn..olO Department 01 R"""ue beFore the stale of DEe 11 20 o~/n~ 01' any of ItIJI/IxI;vi,iON c:atl make Final payment fo comroctOl'l. PIeo.. ~ or print a/."rIy. 'Thl, will ". )'04Ir moiling 1,,1>>1 For "luml~ th. ccmplereJ form. ~-----------------, CoIIIpany - DaytIrn. phone I Mldstate Reolamatlonr In(: I (9~1 985-66fi5 I AdiIr... I Talal COlltroclamoum I 21855 Grenada Ave I $ 4949.00 I CIIy SIuIe Zip Cede I ""-'nl 1110 due \. !:!ktV!!!! _ _ _ _ _ M~ _ _5!..~ _ _ _ ..I $ 248.81 I le-134 MInnMo*I Iall 10 nwnIMr 1110583 MtwfIn/r-........ IMp g-01 PIof~ number 12208 PratM_ City of Monti~f1o Old you have ~ wert. an rhl& pro)", [2]".. DNo "no, who dldlhto W,,"f 1I'\"oIflQII..-IIan Cedar & 7th Street Monticello. MN A~ ClIy Monticello ~ ~ood. MN Ch.clc ",. box that de~eribef yOI.Jr inWJWemsnt In fir. prol.m and "fI ,,, tllllnformaHon reqIMJr.d. f2] .... contractor CJ 5*ontractor "'- of gonlrudw who hl_ you .s!:rfv Brothers. Ino. 4787 Shadow Wood Drive NE, Sauk Raoids. MN 56379 D ~rfm. MntnK:t..-ff you sobcontroct.d Ol,lt any work on thil proi-=t, all of YOOf $ubcontraclor. muSI AI. th,lr own IC.134 affidavits ond hove them certified by the D,partm,nt of Revtnu. bMo,. yoo can AI, yoor affidavlt. For each subc::onrrac:tor yoo ~ad, fill In Ihe information below and ottaoh a copy of each suboonlrQclor'. certified lC 134. If yoo n"d mo,.. spoc., attac~ a seporal' sheet. el/Ii_. IlCIIM AoI.... ewMr/OfRe. I'*"',. r#ttII oN Inlomrotion 11tq~ filMd In 01'1 ",,.Ionn I. IIw and <<HIlpW. to ",. ,*, oIl1'lY knowIadae and belw. I 0fIIh0r1. lit. ~ of R.~ to disc/Ole pMrIlIent InIormanoft ,./on. /D drl. /?'V;ect, In<;W. '*'lIIng lltlplw of"'" /rnrr., )0 Ib_ primll <;gntroclor " 10m 0 IU~, <<rd to llny wbDonlrocto,.. f I CIl'Il a pllme conlrollbr, anti lradltlfl y. Canlr '0 oldl",g Divlllon, Melli SIoIlOll 6610, St. Poul. MN '.51.46-0610 Certificate of Compliance llaS8d on records of the Minnosota Department of RltVlJI1ue, I certify that the col'llroclor who has signed thl, c.,."Acatlt has fulflJled all the requir.m.nb of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 Qnd 296.97 concer/llng the Wlrhholdlng of M1nnHOta incomo to/( ~fr,~' ~~~ paid to ~~' OY.tM, ".~to, contf;'~.rvlc, 'lIJb.rb.. $10" of Mlnn..ota and/or its subdivision.. " "Jft#~rrw., ,--~, 1 lUUl 00. j''i.',I.+1.,..''".i,',...-.,:.. J,.' 11...,.- "~,..,-tl,,. ':~ :..,. '- ....., ., "\,:.,",. ".."'i, >fi' ~:. _k No, ~OOO13. (I.., III99J Ptllllld on ,..,.Ied ,.,.. wllh 1 ~ poaklarI..m.r....... ...... ...,,-.,d lrlk" .-. SL-~[O\ 11/12/2BB2 12:B2 32B7642SB6 . MINNESOTA Department of Revenue Withholding Affidavit for Contractors Tn;J aFFidQllil ",v,t he cpproVMl by the Mif)nl!$oto DepfJt1menr of Revenue before th. $to,. of ~ E C 11 20ll! M,.""_ M ""y of", wbdM.'.... "'" mako a.", po,....,,' '" ,"...""". " RKEXC 17/ZOt2 le-' 34 Pleos~ type Qr pri,,' d~rlr. This 'Ifill be yollr /ll(Jilirtg 'obe' for relurnlng the Cgmple/ttd fotm. ~-----------------~ Compllny IIQIM " , , ,I ~~ ~S,.~~"(.~ \~ I 'r.l!ll~s5 I !:'~'I:' ~,f.ill. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ . I ijj~" ~1; I CIty ~.. Zip Cod. I 1,~l'i "'J \..,. Jig,,!;!,.:.,.:,_ ~ \""\,~ ,:~1,,,:1"!,, \.~ -------~~~__..1 . Dlilytllllt pJ,olle (,201 ""- T llkllliOllftCl(t ClIl'l6I1I1' $ \'-\\0 AIllOllllt Illli due $ Minnesola withhllldin~ "" 10 IIl1mblor \\o~\o~2D Month/yell, work on 'i\i) Ml;lnth/yng, Wgr efl C\ ; Pralle! lIurnb., . j P~t Iocotion "" ~~k"t~~\ ~\~,.sa Old you hIM!! employees work on this proi"cl~ City $lell!l Zip CCld. . No IF II;' :"'ho did th. 'NgM Cher;k tit" box fhat describes your involvem.nl/n lit" project and fill in oil informar/em ,..qu",,.d, o Sol. contractor ~ Subeo"tractor Nem. "F eonlrocl1s~ whn ~lf'I!ld YO" ~~~ ~~, PrI,"e eontractor-IF you $l.rbeol'ltrocted out c:lny work on this project, oil of your subcontroc:tor, ml,l3t file theIr own Ie", 34 affidavits and have ,hem terrified by the O./:1I:1I1mlilnt of Revenue bfJfore you can file your affidavit, For each $ubcontrodor YOIJ had, Fill in the information below and attoc;h c copy of each slJbcontroctor' s eerH~ed IC-13.4. If you noed morll 'poco, ottaeh a s.porato _hllet. illsin...!.!!.a~ AJdre&$ Addre.. Own~r/9& "....."'...-....,.,.. ...I....'""',.. -.-_""""1 .......~;r..;......--.. / ~oro IItot 0/1 Infcl'mCll/on I hove filled In OIl ",;~ fc"" I. Irw C1nd complele 10 'hI! bal of my kllOY"ledge orrd ~/i.f. I outhori. 1M Oopo'~nl of 1r8\OMU8 10 dbt:IOf. port/neFtt Inforrno/lM felCl'lng /<I dll, prof-.:t, Indud/ng nndJng copr" of mi. form, 10 th" prl/llllJ l:Onll'l:lt:lOt If / omllJ .ubccnlN:lc:/ot, and 10 any Jubco"lrGcttJr:: ill am CI pt'lffle eon/Me"", orro ItJ lire tlonlrrn;/;"i 1;1Q1Incr. r.. ~ ~ \"'~~~ \\,w\'l..-01- ivision, Mail Station 6610. St. Paul, MN 55146.0610 Certificate of Campliance 8aMld on t9Cords of 'he MInnesota Department of Revenue, I certify that the contrClctar who h(l$ 11gnod this carlfflcate has , fulfilled all the ~qulrem.nts of Minnesolo SIof1JIe. 290.92 ancl290.97 concerning ,he withholding of Minnesota Income lox from wages paid to employees r@loling to contract services with the stOte of Mirlne$Olo and/or its subdivisions. CJ~rJ!l~nue """~'J.. .. · _ .._..1; . ....., Dolo V/l:;"/l~~ (/~.J Die; ~ ~ .,.. SIock Nc. ",000134 IR&-o. 11/96) PIi/lNd .... ~J.d ","P"" wi'" I lnl. post.c......mer _.Ill .'in9 ...,.aaNI/Ilnk. S L- ! b cd, fINNESOTA . . Department of Revenue Withholding AHidavit for Contractors This affidavit must be approved by the Minnesota Department of Revenue beFore the state of Minnesota or any of its subdivisions can make final payment to contractors. l?ZO ~ IC..134 1 ~zlJm. print clearly. This will be yo!)r mailing label Far retvming the completed farm. ~-----------------\ Company nome I I I SC'h~idt ('11Th I'nmr::lny, Tn('. I Addre.. I 1 ~ 1 q l:i - q ') t h R t rr:>p t- N. R I I City Slate Zip Code I \.. ~l k _ Ri ver..L -MN . _ ~5l..3-9. -.111 ~ _ _ ./ Minne$oto withholding tax ID nvmber r;+. 1 ct G~I ~ If no: who did ihe'worU SI- . I M 0 Vl fl' Le- , C"1y() LtV5~ /Cd o IIA Slote ljiPco;;C2/. 1")...- rVlOII.. h' te..l (0 "" .r../:/lfJ .,r Check the box that describes your involvement in the project and fill in all information requested. o Sole contractor liJ Subcontractor " of controctrr who a..L{~v 1:1rell . I d ~ AJJ 5 ~ 3"13- o Prime contractor-If yoosubcontracted out any workanthis,project;Ollaf your subcontractors must file their Own IC.134 affidavits and have them certified by the Department of Revenue before you can file your affidavit. For eoch subcontractor you hod, fill in theinfarmotion below and attach 0 copy of each subcontractor's certified IC-134. If you need more space, attach a separate sheet. '_. 8ulil'leS$ noml! Address Owner/Olficltr I declare that all information i have Filled in on this form i. "". and complele 10 the best of my knowladg" and belief. I authorize rile Deportment of Revenue /0 disclose pertinent Information relating 10 this project, including .ending copies of thl. farm, to /he prime contractor if I om 0 subcontroctor, and to any subcontraclor. iF 10m a prime contractor, and 10 the canlroctlllg agency. ctor's slgnoture S J'l 0 ... : (J Title .~o. ~ ~+ President Mallto:'MN Dept. of Revenue, Withholding Division, Moil Stotion 6610, SI. Poul, MN 55146-6610 CertificQte .ofCompliance. Based on records of the Minnesota Deportment of Revenue, I certifythatthecontroctor :whohos signedthiscertifjcote has fulfilled 01/ the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 and 290.97 concerning the withholding of Minnesoto income tax from wages paid to employees relating to contrad services with the state of Minnesota and/or its subdivisions. Oepartw.'llt of Revenue approval.. " Datu .- d"f:;. 1't..~1. .-_....:i ?~e,,"'rz;i/Z V~-: =-~ No. .5000 134 '. 11/961 Prinotd on '<leyC!ed POP'l' will> 10,," po.t-con'""'..r "",,,,. ".ing IOy-bo.-.l Inl<:. SL.""(03 )"orm '"'f JUL 2 e 2002 Minnesota Department of Revenue Withholding Affidavit for Contractors 1 ~ ~Og IC-134 .11/90 EC 11 20m' This affidavit must be approved by the Minnesota Department of Revenue before the State of Minnesota or any of its subdivisions can make final payment to contractors. Company name Minnesota ID number UNITED RENTALS HWY TECH/PPM 5194523 Address Month/year work began 14280 JAMES ROAD 10/30/2001 City State Zip Code Month/year work ended ROGERS MN 55374 06/11/2002 Please type or print clearly above. This will be your Total contract amount; mailing label for returning the completed form. $1,029.68 Telephone number Amount still due: (763)428~8767 $1,029.68 Did you have employees work on this project? Project number: CP 2001-07C If none, explain who did the work: Project location: Monticello/ Cedar & 7th YES Project owner: Monticello Address Check the box that describes your involvement in the project and fill in all information requested in that category: 05018 contractor [gISubcontractor If you are a subcontractor, fill in the name and address of the contractor that hired you: Baurely 4787.Shadowwood Dr NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 o Prime Contractor If you subcontracted out any work on this project, all of your subcontractors must file their own . IC-134 affidavit and have them certified by the Department of Revenue before you can file your affidavit. For each subcontractor you had, fill in the business information below, and attach a copy of each subcontractor's certified IC-134. (If you need more space, attach a seperatesheet.) Business name Address Owner/Officer I declare that all information I have filled in on this form is true and completed to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize the Depa nt of Revenue to disclose pertinent information relating to this project, including sending copies of this form, to the prime ontra tor if I am a subcontractor, and to any subcontractors if I am a prime contractor, and to the contracting agency. ig~ture Tille Date Administrative Assistant Jul 24,2002 For certification, mail original and one copy to: ota Department of Revenue, Business Trust Tax Section Mail Station 6610, St Paul, MN 55146~6610 Certificate of Compliance with Minnesota Income Tax Withholding Law Based on records of the Minnesota Department of Revenue, I certify that the contractor who has sighned this certificate has fulfilled all the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 and 290.97 concerning the withholding of Minnesota income tax from es' id to employees relating to contract services with the state of Minnesota and/or its subdivisions. Stock No. 5000134 o 1 2002 .-eib ,'J 2BrP Date SL--loq SEP-21-2005 15:21 WSB & ASSOCIATES SEP-21-2005 WED 03:14 PM BAUERLY BROS, 763541170121 FAX NO. 320 229 3784 P. 10/10 p, 10 1l0CUIVlENT 00660 -. RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANIC'S L1EN RIGHTS 1. This is a LEGAL INSTRUMENT and must b~ ex.ecu!ed ilccordin~ly by officers ,of cQrporation~ and by partner::! in cOwpartner~hips. It is importllilt that ALL the blanks be completed and the AMOUNT PAID BE SRO\VN. A receipt similm [0 this or lega.l waiver of lieI'\. rights will be requir~d for aU plul~lbing. heatinQ., plastering mati::rials, etc. NO ERASURES OR ALTERATIONS MUST BE MADE. 2. 3. 4. DATE: 9/21/2005 The undel'signed hereby ack.nowledges receipt of the SlUl1 of$ 1)44, 3? ~ ';j? CH1~CK ONLY ONE ' 1) 0 as partial payment for labor, slcill, f\.l'\.d material furnished or to be fllmished 2) 9 as paymc:nt far all labor. skill, and ma,erial furnjshed or to be furnished or to be furnished (excepl the sum at' $_--,l1-!J3~_~':.-~.~~ retain age or holdback) 3) 0 as full and GClal payment for all labor, skill, and material furnished or to be furnished . to the following described real property; (lega.l description, street address, or project name) Cedar Street Reconstruction & 7th Street Reconstruction Monticello, MN City Project # 2000-18C & 2001-07C and for value received hereby waives all rights acquired by the undersigned to file or record mechanic's li~ns against said real property for labor, skill, or material furnished to said real propeny (only tor the amowlt paid if Box 1 is checked, iU,1d, except for rctainage shown in Bo~ 2 is checked). The und~r:!iigned affirms that all . material furnished by the undersigned has been paid for, and all subconn-actors employed by the undersigned have be~n paid in full, EXCEPT: ' , , ....... (Sjl:nRwr~) John "F. Quade Vice-President [fItllll 4787 Shadow Wood prive NE V'.ddr~~~) Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 (Mdl'llSl) . (^,,4r~55) S L-.ltJS TOTAL P.10 12/16/2662 13:45 3267642566 RKEXC PAGE 62 DOCUl\1tN'r 00660 RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANIC'S LIEN RIGHTS .1. This is a LEGAL INSTRUMENT and must be executed accordingly by officers of corporations and by partners in co-partnerships. It is important that ALL the blanks be completed and the AMOUNT PAID BE SHOWN. A receipt similar to this or legal waiver of lien rights will be required for all plwnbing, heating, plastering materials, etc. NO ERASURES OR ALTERATIONS MUST BE MADE. 2. 3. 4. DATE: 12JJ 2/2Q02 The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of$ CHECK ONLY ONE 1) 0 as partial payment for labor, skill, and material furnished or to be ft1mished 2) Gl as payment for all labor, skill, and material. furnished or to be furnished or to be furnished (ex.cept the sum. of$ \,"2..'SD .D;,. rctainage or holdback) 3) 0 as full and final payment for all labor, skill, and material furnish.ed or to be furnished to the following described real property: (legal description. street address, Of project nNtle) . Cedar Street 6 7th Stree~ ~econstruction C1ty of Morttieello Project * 2001-070 Mont:i.c.e.llo 1 MN and for value received hereby waives all rights acquired by the undersigned to file or record mechanic's liens against said real property fot labor, skill, or material furnished to said real property (only for the amount paid if Box. 1 is checked, and ex.cept for retainage shown in Box 2 is checked). The undersigned affirms that all material furnished by the undersigned has been paid for, and all subcontractors employed by the undersigned have:: been paid in full, EXCEPT; , ~~ ~~"S q <[~ \~ \ (Company Nlftle) -f{ "J J!- ,., (5 i:".tulC) ~o:;..\.~"'t ..s'\ ~.O. ~'1-... ~,<i< (AddrellS) (Thle) ~~'x..,,~ (~ s'S ~~~ . . (Addrc::u) 5 L-. <" \O~ ~ , .~ -. -. . . 12/13/213132 113: 23 9529855656 MIDSTATE COMPAN!,ES _n . DEC-t2-2002 THU 04:58 PM BAUERLY 00. SAUK RAPIDS FAX NO. 3202610011 , I I ~ II., I , PAGE 131 P. 02/02 DUCOMENT OO/JllO IUCCI~IJ'T AND W ATVER OIl MECH.ANIC'S lJffiN lUGUTS I. Tbl~ 'If ~ 1..ll~HA'. J N~'1'ULT/\n~NT (ll)d must be e)(8ClIt~*C:lOoNiDQ1y, l\Y.C1Q1C&"'J'l.of.corpomtlonl :11'\<<1 by. , , Jml'lUloIfj in cu o}\I\1'llllO'fllhip!l. Jf. ill in1!'OI1111It llmt AI.lllhl.! blnnks bo eompl~tlM1l\Qd the AMOUNT I-AID IJI1~ SHOWN. ^ r..:t'~ipt s!mi1:lr \0 t1li~ (\I' JC'~lll waiver orlien ricbU will bo r'OClulrl'd for all plumbing, heftliuS. ploitllrlns II HI ft,'dll I 'I, l:tc. 'NO I~Kt\1WIU~S OJ( .u:n:kA 'frONS MU~'1' BE MAD":. 2. J. 4. 1lt\'I'I~: ;Z.lUL fJr)(I'J f 'n&1:\ Uf'(~~~N~:"n~(f h:.,;l:;- o'k;~~~:~ ~CcIPt:r Ih~ SlUl'! of $_.4 972"_2,:/ CIII~CK ON1.V ON'~ J) [] nit p:u l;,.l payment fur labor. sk m, and Inator~M funueo&,or to be ,&um\M4d-. -. 2) 61 kS 1:ll1YUWll( (..If all labor. skill, ~, mtltcriAl furnished or to be furl\i<<hcd or to be furnished (oxecPl lh~ ~llnll,r $ ~... 1.!J.j. 4!' __... rctaimlSc or holdback) 3) CJ as fnU.Qnd nn..11 r'lI)'.nunt for 1I11 labor, .akill, find nu'tlt."rial n.lmj~hed or 10 bo fbtl\ishcd ~, lho foUowinl~ dl:scd1?cd reld property: (Iugnl &Jc:scripticJn, s\reel flddrells, or project nome:) Codnr ~t rb(lt & 7th Strot:'[ RecOnetr'tctiOR r,lty of M'\I\efc<<IJ 10 projtct # 2001...07C Mfllll:.itlO 110. MN Rod rQr v;,lll~ n:crlvc:-d ben'by Wll,veR 011 r1s.hts Act).\1irud hy lhe undersigned \0 me Or reconl mcC'hnnic'lli~nli ~fl.\'f1~t snkt r\$;lll1rvl":lty for Iilholl .kom, Or l\laCCl1al futlushod 1.0 $8.ltl reol prol'ICn)' (only fur \ho nmount pllJa il ULl~ till ~hlJ4'k...cJ\ f.nd (lXcept. tor NlftiMlllJ shown ill Box 2 i!l cheekl.!d). 'rho undorsilnod oMn\1!I thQl nJl ml)"~,1(\t fumi'llwu b)' lh" undcndGftl!d hRS beeJl pnid for, and ftl\ subcontractors ernployed by tbe \1IuJl3rlllaocd l\ll\l\~ h"'l:u I~alrt iI\ full, rfXCHPT; , , ($1 --R"'I 'dcn.:tt...~ --21SSS ~YCLlMJQ ~ddl~ss) LAr.ui lit: vV\~ (A--.if Ax S'sc:>lf ~d.t,C"n) .. . -1 S \.- <~ lO DEC-13-2002 11:18 FROM CENTRAL LAND TO BAUERL Y P. 02 . . , OOCUMENT 00&60 - Kfl:CJi~IIJ" ANn WAIVER OF MECHANIC'S LIEN RIGllTS -e t. 2. J. 'J1li, jll n r.I,:OAI.INS'fRUMltNf ond muftt be execo1ed a(:cwdingly by om"(,,18 oCcorporqdon."t tuttI by p:trlr1~'1.!.l in CD~pi.1I1nlJnlhjps. Jt is iQlPOl'lD.lll dUll AU. the blt1nks be compl",Lcd and the AM()ONT PAID Sf; S110WN. ^ f\~jpt shnihU'to this or l~gal waiver ()f lien. ri&Qt.'i will be required fOr all pJufl:tbfng.I~lltinc. pbslerlna lnnjcdal>;. rb:. Nll.~It"S(JRtl~~ OR AL 1'ItRA. TIONS MUST DE MADE.. 4. J)A'I'F~; 'I I Q . .' .__.l! 12JZ 02.... _~..___._ 'lb.\'!' unUt!-tsigl\c:o h\"feh)"4lc:kuowledgc!C receipt ofdto SUl11 01'1 ~01~ ..~._ r:JU<:CK ONl.Y orom t) 0 fl.$lmJlIt11~ymt"nl rot labur~ skill, IUld mac,rial furnished or to be fumislMJd 2) [if a1 Jt'lo}'nwnt r,,'of :llllswr, skifl, and l1IlI1erial Il.1misbod or to be fumishud or to be fumisJlCd (~Q.-pt tllC !Ulrn of$.1\L'4.!.OL___retainl1geor holdbaclc) =~) 0 ft~ full nl\d fll"' f1c'tYUlt.'lU for 4tllnbor, akill. I.V1d ma~rial fumi,hed or to be Cnmished e 10 thl~ fOIlC)winl: 0e5(1 iwd Nnl plOJ>crly: (legal deserlption. meot addres5t or pn>jeoc Dame) ~~~r St~uut & 7~h S;r..t SecOftMtru~t1ou C,l.J;Y o( Mr:lIH:jcltt.lo l'ro.1ec1: , 2001..,07C Jo{QncJeell~. MN ltld IUf valnlJ rcc~ivt.':lt bt..,.~tiy \'lolves all rigb1.l; "'luired by the undc;rsienN 10 file or I'LlOQrd D'lCthaniots lic=ns agl'liust mJid h~Rt prapen y for Jnbor, skill, ar material furnished to Sl\id reat property (Odly lot tl~ :lmO\lut pg.id if HOle 1 is uhc:~'kt.t.l, ~ld ..'Xc:~pe tor (t1.aillDg~ shown In Box 2 i!l checked), The URd.ersig,ucd .ffimllllutt nil In;l1L'rtal fuwishcd by 1h~ \Indcrsi~d has I>>.~ 1)8id for. and olllubcona'BClOtS empJo~' by U'rC \lnekrsigMd l\c1V~ l~Q 1lQ(d b~ full, m<cmt'J': ~U'\:buL! -f... ,^d./.'rn Airtt 1 )r1C J ~ A..L _ ...e:::: _ _r.:::? .-.~ " ~t!!7~ ~riI"*,,,o; ) tp~~ ~ O~(^:JJf-, ~~~N 8't;{)"L."5 ..... ~n') e.. TOTAL P.02 S C-."- \. a <"b -. . ."", D~C-14-02 04:22 PM dlrtwQrka200eine DEC-t2-2002 THU 04:48 PM BAUERLY 00. SAUK RAPIDS "'~02594970 P.02 FAX Wo. 3202510011 P, 02/02 , . I ~ t t DOCUMRNT 00050 JU:C.illtT AND \V A1VRR 01i' MECHANIC'S L1EN 1UGHTS J. ,/,hl, III (1 U:t'"AL lNS'l'H,l)M.'~NT l\ml Dll,llit hl! CXL.~4.~utNl necorcth~AI)' by oftlccrs oreQl'l~ornUcnll tlnrl by t rmrlll(~rj; il~ tt,1'J)tIl'\l\~'r.:ihIN, h i~l jllll'~llnl\t 111M t\U I thl.,~ bJ"llk$ be compll.:wd and till!! AM0l1N1" PArD Bit StIOWN. ^ ~C(Jjllt shnll.lr h) thi.$ or l~gal wlLiver of liC'n rights wlll bl! r(.~qtlll't'd !'or 1111 rJ umbb1Q, hC:JlIn~, P~I$'otin~ lI1i\I\o\l,IaI~, ~'1.\l. NO Jl:1~~R{r,U:S OH ^'ll\l~KNI'J()NS MUST DE MAllE. 2. 3. .1. I'A'."". '. ., ....12J.\1I2002._ _.w...,.,__~",..._ ~ 'l'hr~ 1II111~.t'~i~nt:,lllL'rl!hy al:kttawlcJa~1 rlJL:"ipL<tflhu aUnl of$~,.3 q 0, "..n (,.'III'~(~ ONI.\" ONI~ 1)' [J as fH1I"iti.! p~W'1\ont (hr l:lbor. skill. Alld l1Ullerial fUrLlislll!(j or to be: furnishtd 2) ~~ Ll.1I J'l(J'lil~'I'lt tor:111 lrlhol', skill, andn.tnt~'rll'll fumi.hcd or to be flrmbhlJd or Co be.) {Ilrnt..hed (QX.I,:~..pl llw IlUII1 Of.~ __301'8 p~ rC1QiniKO or holdbllclt) '. 3) 0 .l~ full .\nd .ll~ll r'~yn\~J\t fur nlll:lbur, Ilk III , Dnd JI1R1Criw 1Ul1lishcd c>t '0 be fumid,,:c.I 11) 111", r~~J/\')wlJ1'C d('Ii~1 jh~'d 11;'(11 pmp\my: (killl deSCrlption, slrllot odiJrt':ij4, or J'lrojc:c.. n:smo) C4'l1m: SC't'llhH & 7th StfDft't kOQOn.tfueUon Chy ut )f,,'nt/OC'lhl PrDj~ct * 2001-07C ~lt'll"l tic r.- J ,\ 0 I HN ~rllllhr Vllll1l.l r.'~'lJiv," IWh~lJy WltlVC$ on rlQhl/l R;q\limJ by the ulldcr$lIt'.ned to file I)rn:'cord mceh.."lnic'lli~ns llWlill1lt s.'1it1l~'aI11Wlj~&1'y for IUbM, skilt, Or niatcrinllilmi5h~d to said reAl property (only for UIC AfnOunt pnJd rrnmc 118 ~hd~J~~<J, 131\:1 (,lCce~)t fur r..:tninna* Ihowl1 in BClX 2 is rhl.'ckt.!d), l'h~ uudcrsisned nfflrnllllh3lnll )!1:1t~'I'/;j I i\ Irnl!lhCi1 by thu II n~1cr$illn,,'d h3.s ~ell paid fOf, Md all SIIbtDI1trAC1QrS 4.llnployed by lhe lInd&'J'slcncc.l llllVe ~l'~'U V.\hi in full. HXCm'l"t': ' J);vTwt't...kt ~~/) ~~ tCO:"PolllY we) G~~2 P (SiallAlY r'l':':J. (Thk) -. -,- _. -- Sf( I P.11L /? (tLfQ Y\ tJ ~; II e... ---rtddl,~r' drLtJ..!J--.!1q~~~~C) ?J7 J(I $~37q. (An-NUl -'---'_11". S L -- l 0 C'~ DE12EC:.;.1~:.S~0~HU 9:33FlMpn ~GEYER SIGNFlLfiUII. MrllJi:l r"^ 1M , \ j I, (~w ,,t. I ''1 ,.'.' ' l)OC'Ul\n:NJ' 00660 - -. I. ;l. 3, . I ~ .JL"""I,/ ~ yy ~ ~ NO. 605 P.2/2 --. -- R1CC~U)T AND W AlVER Ol~' M~CHANlC'S 1..) RN RIGHTS 01. 'I'~JiJi l~ :1 l,I';(~A 1.1 'N~'l'N.f Jl\n:N'(' and ml1S~ be OKecuted Ilcc-ordillgly by officers or corporations .Lnd by J'iutn,'rs in c~..,. pn/'l1ul1$hirl$. It is il1l1\C1rl:'lfll llllll A l.I,11'1': hlt'U1ks bo C"tllpICIcd aIld Ull!l AMOtlN1' rAI 0 BE SJlO~. ^ CiXl,-:ipt :limil,ll"tu th.l~ Or ICelll wZ\ivol' of lion rllVlrs will be required fOl' 811 plunlbing. heQtf~, l,l:&storing Tll.llC::, i~l::i, lo:Lc. NO ~1ItM~UEU~S Ol~ AJ :rRRNfJONS MlIST DR MADE. , UA'I'IC: I I D ~ ,.. -..,' 2,,: 1.2.".20 ~,_" "'-'''_''_h___ 'llw lIIld.:.!r,.I~,I~l:d heT....h)" :t.:kl\owl"~I~es rcctil'\\ oflht: ~IJm o!S___,____._ C.:JUI:(!ft.': UNI,Y ON..: J) rJ IUIIJ.1t I i:,] p.:J)I'lrlcnt fur labor, skill, &'ld ma.terial fi.ln1illhcd Or 10 be Fumillhcd 2) ~ H!lI','yml:'JlI for oil bU01\ skill, and In:I.l.eli::lI fumisbed or to b(ll (urni$!,cd or to he turllinhec.1 (cxe~pt !lit' smn or .t._, " _'__'__ retainngc Or holdbACk) ~) CI .:1S full IIml rlTl:d l~aYl11cnt for 1'I11lnbor. sldll, nncl.lnlU~rial furnished or to be l\l11\ish~d 1(llhC,llhlll~wil'l~~, d~~cdhc;d 1'C1.l!l')fOI'CrlY: (leg,nI dl:s;.r:ipUon. slroet ~ddrc!Csl Or 1,rojfC't l1l\mc) c~dnr S~~e~~ & 7th Street Re~aa~cru~t1on Ct ty 1)1: /'4~"H:.1: c:nlo Proj $0 ~ II 2001-07C Mnl\ l ~ r.: ,d.ll'), M~ ill\d for vahle ll:CClVlilL hen"by whlvcs nJ11'i~N$ :1eCJujl'Cd by the \U\dcrsfgncd to file Qf n:corl.l nlcch;:uuc';s lic.!I'lS liS" in~t ~1~li~l ~ ~:\I N\)[Xlil~' ft1r J:\hol'? xkill. or 1l1n.t~rIal furnished. to ~::lid r~nl properly (only Cor the 1mO\lnL paid if Ht'U' I Lll ~h~dcu. nnd t;xccpt for teta.iNLgo sbown in Ho" 2 is chl)c:kcd). 'rhe 1mdcfliligll~d Qf111"0)~ that all UIi\11,.tl~11llIf11Ui"i,\(,i lJy Ihl.: undersigned has bel:ln paid tor, and all subcoalrnctoTS C'mploy~d by ahe: ulllh:rsisncd I h:2V~ Llj.:l!:n ll:lld hi full. HXCHPT: ,~ I ' I ..~ (C'C\mrohl)' 1'/1\111_) ~'--- (sIW'l:/.T\Illl) /~ ~s--- -- U\.dlfl'eJl) (.\64"'1) ...... ,.........,.. (,ullH~~) SL-.l\O " , . " .-. -.: . . DEC.13' 20q2, 09: 04 763 428 8675 : II ~'" "" . . . . .'.,' . ,\ .' UNITED RENTALS HWY. TECH. #1082 p.001/002 .. ......_ l)OCtlMf'..N'I' 006(iQ 1. 1{I;c"'~1 1"1' AND W ArVER OF MECHANIC'S LIEN RIGHTS 2. 3. 11,i< 10 n I ,~x; 1\ L I NoSTRUM Em 'n~ must !II: ..ecutod n,:cordu,aly by omCCtS of cOI1'OOllml1$ ond by I'Qrlfl~~t:> itl (:,.) 'f'll1l1u\'rsbifls. I' i. in'(lOII"d "..., A 1.1. the b1"nk. W completed Sllllthe AMOIIN,. PAID Dli 1I110WN. ^ "wipo ,;mil.r ", Lhi. or ICll"1 lOn;"", ofliOl' righ.. will be requi....'<I for on plumb;";, .",.llng, ploslerlng ~u:llc.'(ifll3~ l'lc. NO 1~J.lA~Uk.ll:s ON .A L1'l!:ltATJONS MUS1' .BE MADlJ':. 4, UNI',;;; ... ....12 {121.2(~(l~_._._..____ 11,. "",I.>"'cord 1'<<<bY /lCknowl''<Ig.. ..Cl:iJ>l of d,e 'wn of $..-1.2]0 ;!l.....'iL.__ ('\IIJ..:CK ONJ..V ()NIi~ I) 0 '" 1'.,,1i.1 lIOY"Ie'" for lobo,. skill. ond m.'criaJ (um;shc:d Or 101>0 furnished 2) e '" J>:l>m... ror oJll.bor, sk U1,lU'd '-.1 furnishcd or 10 ue funn.hcd 0' 10 be furnisJ..1 (""""1'1 11lL" SHm or $_. -.L2. Y.O:.U._...__ tt:lllinage 01' holdb:tcl~) .,) rJ .. full lIllJ Iil1llll'.)'Io..,o rur lIll1abor, skill, o>od malo,l.1 furrd'bed or to be fi'",lwd 10 Ih. fcoJlowi.~ dc"",;I"", tOol prop<ny: (lolllll dekriptlOl1, ''''''''uridres.i, Or projccs na"",) Co~~r Str~Qt ~ 7th Streot neoonstrUDtio~ Ct t, '~f Mr.mc.lecllo Project iJ 2001-07C )ldl~l:l(l(! 11 0, M'N lU,1I fur ",1,,0 1C<c;....' l...'..hy M1iv,,, all rigl11s llCquin.'Ii by 1110 ,"""",igo'd 10 lil. or _ ""'cllMic's liens :wnin01 ""id ",.1 "",pm y fu, lobor. skUl, or l1lOtorial f \ItlIi,,,,-'C! 10 said real projlCTlY (ODIy fur Ih. _ paid if llo>, · is 'hccl<.c.l, :.ncl.~<"l~ for """inago shown In !lox 21s checked). 111. undersigned .Illn.. II... DlI ,n.'Il.,;,,1 Ultnish",r hy ihe lIndcrsilllled b.q 1_ paid for,l1D4 all J1Ibcnntmc~ ""'P!oyod by llu: l1.lllkIsillllCd have hc~n Jl~id ill filll. BXCUpl': T~h (SIUllaT1JIG) -.Bro.nch MOJ\a..fj~.v_ -, gl &~ Jq~ -R.~, MrJ S53~ (^dclR~J) .- ,^lIdfl:U) --____.M_______ , 5L.~\11 " - -. . ~ : ,~ 'I. 2, ,1, .1. DEC~12-2002 THU 04:54 PM BAUERLY CO. SAUK RAPIDS FAX NO. 3202510011 ;' I P. 02/02 l)OC:UMEN'l' OOMO )U.~CI~IJ.T ANIl \\' A1Vr1~R 01i' MICCIIANrCtS l,n~N RlGUTS 'l'hili i...:, 1,.I':c." I. I NSTl:tUl\ "'~NT .uld muSt be cx\~t~'LeLl a(.~coj'(linll.ly by offiC'cl'S or c.:orpormions :ind by ptUIIlI~I!:l it! C:O.II,\ltn~f~hip~. n is ;"ullI~llnllr ,11m AI .J 11111) bl:ll1ks be' \COIII1)1l:'tcd Olnd the AMOUNT l'AlP m~ SHOWN. ^ t\'L:dJ,1 similM l.llhili O,.l(':C~1 wlliv,"{ Qflie" dehlS will bt rcquir~(j for i~1I plmubillH. ht'3tin~. J)lmitl.~rillg ll\ijl(,'li~Il:.;. i':tc, NO l~tL\S\lIU:H OR ~\ f .1'J'~H.A l'IONS MUST In~ MAnIt l)A"l~lt;: M _..\ 'J.,J.12.f ~QQ7. ,._____ ....---~ ~ 1'lw III1t.k~'lIi,,~'It'.\ IU:{'l:\l)' :ld~I\l>\Vl~JI~cs ,~ctil)f t,r,h" !'lun\ of s: _..2.~~.':!...:~::._...~ clU:CI' ONl.v ONE . " . I} 0 w. t1:IJ lint p;~>'rncllt 'or lllbm, skill, :\1\\1 material fU('l1i$bcd or to be (\I\'ni~ll1;tJ J) iiI l\~ IJa)'lIlcnl ror alll;'lbor, :ll<.ill. nnd material fumished or \0 Ix: ihrnishcd or 1l) be !i.ll'nishcd (CKCCI)( .11.: stlm Clr:\i_. ..!(..o, ff~J f.. ..m,l.~tjlh\t1gc or holdback) 3) 0 :.a~ rulllln<1 tiMI p~\yml:nl for.:llt I:lhor, skill, nnd m:\lct'inl furnished tlr \I) be fumishc:ci IQ Ill;,,' rulluwil'l', d~','i\'I'ilt":lj 1""1\1 rllc)p~rty; (1~1!.al tlcserirllion, succt tlddrcs~;, 0[' llL'OjccII1WTI(,) C\'d~lr Stt'I:Ct & 7th Stre~'L: Rcconlll:tlolccJ.on La I y hf: l'l"llrit....Uo hoject (I :;!.OOl-07C MI)lltt~t'l1r.l. H~ IIUt! for 'VUlll" r"Cl'iv~'d h\Jl'd)y waives aU righL~ acq,uil't.'d by I1\C undCl:'; gn<:d 10 Ilk or record rncch:lIl;c.'~ li"lls :\!!.'\il\~,;l ~;:tld rc:'II'I'\\l'cI ty t(\r l:d..or, sk m, tlr IIIMcrial rurlli~hcd to s:I.id real property (only for the ;lnl()llnl ('",id irnolt. I 1"lI;I1l'd:cd, :)1\11 ~!Ce~pl tbr rctaillllBc shown in tlOl(. ~ is checkcd). 'nlC w\d"rsicn~i.l "ftirmsl.ht\l 011 U\:llI!I'ial Li.,",i:-::h('d hy IIIC': \t1\(,kr::-ill,tltd has tlcc:n paid for. and all sl,lhcontmclors employoo uy lhc undclsi(;l1cd lJ:w~ lll:1oIJ\ II;&i.,1 ill itlll. EXCEPT: S c.J. .-, -~l T L t-l../L.d C. ~ ~-~ C -.,-.. 1Co""1nn)'",~ji;c)- -- -.I:~~~ --- l$i:::".II\II~) /? ,c. & S.. - . ~ < -.-:.L-_ . (1I'lo) / ? JP~S- ... S TI..sTA.J~ .~.._L-J.. - <" - (.\dJlm) r / r...- -' ... ..)-~ ',-. ~ ..i1 !> ~ / r,,-.. .1', ...' v' Co .a..-.....n-r~ ~ - ~ .. 'Mi3IC~1f ---- (AdJ/t'b) _ I L t;L-_\ld t . cI Etl.S .1.B BOB ~PlW~OS wo~ ~ no, eBS=Ol aD Bt o~a - -. . . Dee 18 02 10:2"8 Todd Hodnef'ield (320J 558-2718 p.l DOCUMENT 00660 IZ,Zo~ RECEIPT AND WAIVER OF MECHANIC'S LIEN RIGHTS 1. This is a LEGAL INSTRUMENT and must be executed accordingly by officers of corporations and by partners in cO-partnerships. It is important that ALL the blanks be completed and the AMOUNT PAID BE SHOWN. A receipt similar to this Or legal waiver of lien rights will be required for all plumbing, heating, plastering materials, etc. NO ERASURES OR ALTERATIONS MUST BE MADE. 2. 3. 4. DATE: 17/]? /2002 The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the sum of $ CHECK ONLY ONE A 9- .P ~ .kfC: . I) 0 as partial payment for labor, skill, and material furnished or to be furnished 2) bI as pa}'l11ent for alllabot, skill, and material furnished or to be furnished or to be funtished (except the sum of $ ? ':rt/ retainage or holdback) 3) 0 as full and final payment for all labor, skill, and material furnished or to be furnished to the folJowing described real property: (legal description, street address, or project name) Cedar Street & 7th Stree~ Reconstruction City of Monticello Project H 2001-07C Monticello, MN and for value received hereby waives all rights acquired by the undersigned to file or record mechanic's liens against said real property for labor, skill, or material furnished to said real property (only forthe amount paid if Box I is checked, and except for retainage shown in Box 2 is checked). The undersigned affinns that all material furnished by the undersigned has been paid for, and all subcontractors employed by the undersigned have been paid in full, EXCEPT: , )le'':W4-I-/~I"JI ~f~("<ce~f7 (Company N e) ~-~ ~t~ 4~ ~. ..-, (SignBrun:) ..,.. J4.tc: /~.4Z-_/ (Tille) n. k' "::,.'/)979 k-m ~"',., (Addn:ss) /f[) t'1?L'tA.. .tv::'U~. /7;'/7 J~ .5....1/.1 (Addn:ss) (Address) , " :) L,~ Ll~3 Consent of Surety to Final Payment OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR SURETY OTHER !.... .-. -. AlA DOCUMENT G707 TO OWNER: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: (Name and address) City of Monticello~ 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55J62 CONTRACT FOR: PROJECT: (Name and address) Proj. No. 200l-07C, Cedar Street Improvements CONTRACTDATED:August 14, 2001 Bauerly Brothers, Inc. 4787 Shadowwood Drive N.E. Sauk Rapids. MN 56379 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as included above, the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company 4_9 0 PI VIDO u t h.JlQ!;;tQl-__J: ;I,YH1Q.!;l t_h[V]_~~:t..il}gL_J?IL __J_9_~__22____ (Insel1 name and address of Surety) . SURETY, on bond of 12auer U_];lf:QJbeXJ'?,..J_ng_j .'.'-""'""..",,,,,,~,',.,- .,.,."'".."...,-,'------...-...-"'.- (lnsel1 name and address of Contractor) {787 ShadQw\"!.ood Drive N.E. Sauk Rapi~_MN 56379 _______________,CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations to __ (lnserl name and address of Owner) ~Q.J:_~onticello, 505 Walnut StreE:Jt~ Montice..ll.Q_,_nM.lJ.___5_5J..QL___________________ __un___' OWNER, as set forth in the said Surety's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunto set its hand on this date:____n______t1...9y:~lfl9_~_L_)2,__2Q0:2 (lnsel1 in writing the month followed by the numeric date and year.) Attest: (Seal): ~t1~ MutlLal__:LrL::2.1JLans:: ~__.cQmpan;t.. .:La ct___Ce_Q9:r::ll:3_a:f' (Printed name and title Printed in cooperation with the American Institute of Architects (AlA) by the CNA Insurance Companies. . The language in this document conforms exactly to the language used in AlA Document G707 - Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment - 1994 Edition. 5 L- II Y Consent of Surety to Final Payment OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR SURETY OTHER I Hi [J [-j ...., ~. AlA DOCUMENT G707 TO OWNER: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: (Nama and address) City of Monticello, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362 CONTRACT FOR: PROJECT: (Name and address) Proj. No. 2001-07C, Cedar Street Improvements CONTRACT DATED: Augus t 14, 2001 Bauerly Brothers, Inc. 4787 Shadowwood Drive N.E. Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as included above, the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company 42IL.1'.1Y!!!.9.1} tlLRpiOlg L.J21YlllQ1dth.ut1S'_etingL .. .E'h _J.~.'L92 (Insert name and address of Surety) . SURETY, on bond oHtauerl v BroJbers, Inc .____".._ .~._____um...._._____ (Insert name and address of Contractor) 4JJil_"S.Q?'QQ.Wki'ood Drive N.E..__E'1.q,.gk Rapids, MN ~379 H_~~' CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations to__..._ .~ '''. (Insert name and address of Owner) CLtr..2.LJ1g!It.i.9a 11 0, 505 W alIl\Lt.$J rea t ,_ Mon.tiQ~J,J 0, MN .__~53 62._ as set forth in the said Surety's bond. , OWNER, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunto set its hand on this date:__.__N...9~~1,1:lper...11~_OO.2 (Insert in writing the month fol/owed by the numeric date and year.) Attest: (Seal): ~;/~ M.u.t..lJ.Q.J, . Insqr..oou:u:::e . _Co.ffipany J?9k C:e.Q?:r:.lgaf (Printed name and title . Printed in cooperation with the American Institute of Architects (AlA) by the CNA Insurance Companies. The language in this document conforms exactly to the language used in AlA Document G707 - Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment - 1994 Edition. SL-LtS Consent of Surety ....... to Final Payment ........ AlA DOCUMENT G707 OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR SURETY OTHER TO OWNER: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: (Name and address) City of Monticello, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362 CONTRACT FOR: PROJECT: (Name and address) Proj. No. 2001-07C, Cedar Street Improvements CONTRACT DATED: August 14, 2001 Bauerly Brothers, Inc. 4787 Shadowwood Drive N.E. Sauk Raoids. MN 56379 In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as included above, the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company _-:L;iJLE1--YffiQuthBQ_9-dL_J'Jyrl}Q\Jth Me.eting,!;A J '3462 (Insert name and address of Surety) . SURETY, on bond of ~_@erly ~2th~~lD~,_. ._, ._u_~~__~______ - (Insert name end address of Contractor) 4.787 ShadQwwaod Drive...N,"~_,___ Sauk Ramds-l_----M~L56379 ___________________, CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations to__ ___. (Insert name and address of Owner) City of M.onticello. 5Q,.~"Jvalnut Street. MOl}t;icello. MN as setforth in the said Surety's bond. 55362 _~_______, OWNER, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunto set its hand on this date: _____ _ Novembe r 12, 2002 (Insert in writing the month followed by the numeric date and year) Attest: r~ J - j/~ (Seal): ~ Xj 4 Liberty_l':1utual~ID...;;;u:(.cmc~. Company (Su J_9ck Cedarleaf (Printed name and title . Printed in cooperation with the American Institute of Architects (AlA) by the CNA Insurance Companies. The language in this document conforms exactly to the language used in AlA Document G707 - Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment - 1994 Edition. 5L..-I\\o ,. . . . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS . >>ORD NO. 190-009-693 AlA Document A312 Performance Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): BAUERLY BROTHERS, INC. 4787 Shadowwood Drive N.E. Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 SURETY (Name and Principal Place of Business): LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 450 Plymouth Road, Suite 400 Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 OWNER (Name and Address): CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Monticello, MN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: August 14, 2001 Amount: Five Hundred Fifty Two Thousand, Seventy Eight and 60/100($552,078.60) Dollars Description (Name and Location): Cedar Street Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work (Project No. 2001-07C), Monticello, MN BOND Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): August 17, 2001 Amount: Five Hundred Fifty Two Thousand, Seventy Eight and Modifications to this Bond: 0 None 60/100 ($552,078.60) Dollars ~ See Page 3 CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corporate Seal) BAUEBLY r'~ Signatu~e: .~ .' . '. . Name and Title: Geral J. Bauerly President (Any additional signatures appear on page 3) (FOR INFORMATION ONLY-Name, Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: Jack Cedarleaf II OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or CEDARLEAF, CEDARLEAF & CEDARLEAF, INC. other party): 360 West Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul, MN 55113 5 L-. - II J (651) 488-6666 AlA DOCUMENT A312 . PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND' DECEMBER 1984 ED. . AlA QP THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVE.. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 2000& THIRD PRINTING · MARCH 1987 A312-1984 1 -. 1 The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner for the performance of the Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2 If the Contractor performs the-Construction Contract, the Surety and the Contractor shall have no obligation under this Bond, except to participate in conferences as provided in Subparagraph 3.1. 3 If there is no Owner Default, the Surety's obligation under this Bond shall arise after: 3.1 The Owner has notified the Contractor and the Surety at its address described in Paragraph 10 below that the Owner is considering declaring a Contractor Default and has requested and attempted to arrange a conference with the Cont~actor and the Surety to be held not later than fifteen days after receipt of such notice to discuss methods of performing the Construc- tion Contract. If the Owner, the Contractor and the Surety agree, the Contractor shaH be allowed a reason- able time to perform the Construction Contract, but " such an agreement shall not waive the Owner's right, if any, subsequently to declare a Contractor Default; and 3.2 The Owner has declared a Contractor Default and formally terminated the Contractor's right to complete the contract. Such Contractor Default shall not be de- clared earlier than twenty days after the Contractor and the Surety have received notice as provided in Sub- paragraph 3.1; and 3.3 The Owner has agreed to pay the Balance of the Contract Price to the Surety in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract or to a contractor selected to perform the Construction Contract in accor- dance with the terms of the contract with the Owner. 4 When the Owner has satisfied the conditions of Para- graph 3, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's ex- pense take one of the following actions: 4.1 Arrange for the Contractor, with consent of the Owner, to perform and complete the Construction Contract; or 4.2 Undertake to perform and complete the Construc- tion Contract Itself, through its agents or through inde- pendent contractors; or 4.3 Obtain bids or negotiated proposals from qualified contractors acceptable to the Owner for a contract for performance and completion of the Con- struction Contract, arrange for a contract to be pre- pared for execution by the Owner and the contractor selected with the Owner's concurrence, to be secured with performance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds issued on the Construction Contract, and pay to the Owner the amount of damages as described in Paragraph 6 in ex- cess of the Balance of the Contract Price incurred by the Owner resulting from the Contractor's defaultior 4.4 Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: .1 After investigation, determine the amount for . . whiCh it may -be "liahle to the Owner ana, as soon as practicable after the amount is deter- mined, tender payment therefor to the Owner; or .2 Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Owner citing reasons therefor. 5 If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Paragraph 4 with reasonable promptness, the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond fifteen days after receipt of an additional written notice from the Owner to the Surety demanding that the Surety perform its obligations under this Bond, and the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. If the Surety proceeds as provided in Subparagraph 4.4, and the Owner refuses the payment tendered or the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part, without further notice the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. 6 After the Owner has terminated the Contractor's right to complete the Construction Contract, and if the Surety elects to act under Subparagraph 4.1,4.2, or 4.3 above, then the responsibilities of the Surety to the Owner shall not be greater than those of the Contractor under the Construction Contract, and the responsibilities of the Owner to the Surety shall not be greater than those of the Owner under the Construction Contract. To the limit of the amount of this Bond, but subject to commitment by the Owner of the Balance of the Contract Price to mitigation of costs and damages on the Construction Contract, the Sure- ty is obligated without duplication for: 6.1 The responsibilities of the Contractor for correc. tion of defective work and completion of the Construc- tion Contract; 6.2 Additional legal, design professional and delay costs resulting from the Contractor's Default, and re- sulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4; and 6.3 liquidated damages, or if no liquidated damages are specified in the Construction Contract, actual dam- ages caused by delayed performance or non-perfor- mance of the Contractor. 7 The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Con- struction Contract, and the Balance of the Contract Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated obligations. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the Owner or its heirs, executors, administrators or successors. 8 The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, includ- ing changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obliga- tions. 9 Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located and shall be instituted within two years after Contractor Default or within two years after the Contractor ceased working or within two years after the Surety refuses or fails to perform its obligations under this Bond, whichever oc- curs first. If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation avail- AlA DOCUMENT .\312 . PERFORMANCE BONO AND PAYMENT BONO. DECEMBER 1984 EO. . AlA 18 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 THIRD PRINTINC . MARCH 1987 A312.1984 2 5 h -- II ~ ----... , --- .--... able to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 10 Notice to the Surety, the Owner orthe Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the sig- nature page. 11 When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions con- forming to such statutory or otherlegal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. 12 DEFINITIONS 12.1 Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract after all proper adjustments have been made, including allowance to the Con- tractor of any amounts received or to be received by the Owner in settlement of insurance or other claims for damages to which the Contractor is entitled, re. duced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Construction Con. tract. 12.2 Construction Contr~ct: The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the sig. nature page, including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 12.3 Contractor Default: Failure of the Contra~or, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to per- form or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract. 12.4 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Con- tractor as required by the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS BOND ARE AS FOLLOWS: THIS BOND IS SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHED RIDER D.A7ED AUGUST 17. 2001 (Space is provided below for additional signatures of added parties,other than those appearing on the cover page.) CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corporate Seal) S;gnatu..: ~~. .. ..... Name and Title:. .... Address: SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Signature: Name and Title: Address: SL-.-~tlg AlA DOCUMENT A312 . PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND. DECEMBER 1984 ED. . AlA lit THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W.. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 THIRD PRINTING · MARCH 1987 A312.1984 3 . . . ". THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS BOND NO. 190-009-693 AlA Document A312 Payment Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): BAUERLY BROTHERS ~ INC. 4787 Shadowwood Drive N.E. Sauk Rapids~ MN 56379 SURETY (Name and Principal Place of Business): LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE CaMP ANY 450 Plymouth Road~ Suite 400 Plymouth Meeting~ PA 19462 OWNER (Name and Address): CITY OF MONTICELLO City Hall Monticello~ MN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: August 14. 2001 Amount: Five Hundred Fifty Two Thousand~ Seventy Eight and 60/100 ($552~078..60) Dollars Description (Name and Location): Cedar Street Sanitary Sewer. Watermain and Appurtenant Work (Project No. 2001-07C).Monticello. MN BOND Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): August 17. 2001 Amount: Five Hundred Fifty Two Thousand. Seventy Eight and Modifications to this Bond: 0 None 60/100 ($552.078.60) Dollars KJ See Page 6 CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: BAUERLY B SURETY Company: LIBERTY Signa~' F." -~ Na nd title: (Corporate Seal) Geral J. President (Any additional signatures appear on page 6) ,/ ~~_.. (FOR INFORMATION ONLY-Name, Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: Jack Cedarleaf II OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or CEDARLEAF. CEDARLEAF & CEDARLEAF. INC. other party): 360 West Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul. MN 55113 S ~ _ L d \ (651)488-6666 AlA DOCUMENT A312 . PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND' DECEMBER 1984 ED. . AlA e THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 THIRD PRINTING. MARCH 1987 A312-1984 4 ....... 1 The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner to pay for labor, materials and equipment furnished for use in the perfor- mance of the Construction Contract, which is incorpo- rated herein by reference. 2 With respect to the Owner, this obligation shall be null and void if the Contractor: 2.1 Promptly makes payment, directly or indirectly, for all sums due Claimants, and 2.2 Defends, indemnifies and holds harmless the Owner from claims, demands, liens or suits by any . person or entity whose claim, demand, lien or suit is for the payment for labor, materials or equipment fur- nished for use in the performance of the Construction Contract, provided the Owner has promptly notified the Contractor and the Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) of any claims, demands, liens or suits and tendered defense of such claims, demands, liens or suits to the Contractor and the Surety, and provided there is no Owner Default. 3 With respect to Claimants, this obligation shall be null and void if the Contractor promptly makes pay- ment, directly or indirectly, for all sums due. 4 The Surety shall have no obligation to Claimants under this Bond until: 4.1 Claimants who are employed by or have a direct contract with the Contractor have given notice to the Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and, with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim. 4.2 Claimants who do not have a direct contract with the Contractor: ~. . .1 Have furnished written notice to the Con- tractor and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, within 90 days after having last perfolTTled labor or last furnished materials or equipment included in the claim stating, with substantial accuracy, the amount of the claim and the name of the party to whom the materials were furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or performed; and .2 Have either received a rejection in whole or in part from the Contractor, or not received within 30 days of furnishing the above no- tice any communication from the Contractor by which the Contractor has indicated the claim will be paid directly or indirectly; and .3 Not having been paid within the above 30 days, have sent a written notice to the Surety (at the address described in Paragraph 12) and sent a copy, or notice thereof, to the Owner, stating that a claim is being made under this Bond and enclosing a copy of the previous written notice furnished to the Contractor. . 5 If a notice required by Paragraph 4 is given by the Owner to the Contractor or to the Surety, that is suffi~ cient compliance. 6 When the Claimant has satisfied the conditions of Paragraph 4, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's expense take the following actions: 6.1 Send an answer to the Claimant, with a copy to the Owner, within 45 days after receipt of the claim, stating the amounts that are undisputed and the basis for challenging any amounts that are disputed. 6.2 Payor arrange for payment of any undisputed amounts. 7 The Surety's total obligation shall not exceed the amount of this Bond, and the amount of this Bond shall be credited for any payments made in good faith by the Surety. 8 Amounts owed by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract shall be used for the perfor" mance of the Construction Contract and to satisfy claims, if any, under any Construction Performance Bond. By the Contractor furnishing and the Owner accepting this Bond, they agree that all funds earned by the Contractor in the performance of the Construction Contract are dedicated to satisfy obligations of the Contractor and the Surety under this Bond, subject to the Owner's prior- ity to use the funds for the completion of the work. 9 The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner, Claimants or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelat- ed to the Construction Contract. The Owner shall not be liable for payment of any costs or expenses of any Claim- ant under this Bond, and shall have under this Bond no obli- gations to make payments to, give notices on behalf of, or otherwise have obligations to Claimants under this Bond. 10 The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, including changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obligations. 11 No suit or action shall be commenced by a Claimant under this Bond other than in a court of competent juri~ diction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located or after the expiration of one year from the date (1) on which the Claimantgave the notice required by Subparagraph 4.1 or Clause 4.2.3, or (2) on which the last labor or service was performed by anyone or the last mi,lte- rials or equipment were furnished by anyone under the Con- struction Contract, whichever of (1) or (2) first occurs. If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation available to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 12 Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the signature page. Actual receipt of notice by Surety, the Owner or the Contractor, however accomplished, shall be sufficient compliance as of the date received at the address shown on the signature page, 13 When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions con- forming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this AlA DOCUMENT A312. PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND. DECEMBER 1984 ED.. AlA- THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHlTECTS, 173S NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 THIRD PRINTING. MARCH 1987 A312.1984 5 rJL- -.tdd -. , Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. 14 Upon request by anr person or entity appearing to be a potential beneficiary 0 this Bond, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a copy of this Bond or shall permit a copy to be made. 15 DEFINITIONS 15.1 Claimant: An individual or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor or with a subcontractor of the Contractor to furnish labor, materials or equIp- ment for use in the performance of ~he Contract. The intent of this Bond shall be to include without limita- tion in the terms "labor, materials or equipment" that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental equipment used in the Construction Contract, architectural and engineering services required for performance of the work of the Contractor and the Contractor's subcontractors, and all other items for which a mechanic's lien may be asserted in the jurisdiction where the labor, materials or equipment were furnished. 15.2 Construction Contract: The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the sig- nature page, including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 15.3 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Con- tractor as required by the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. MODIFICATIONS TO THIS BOND ARE AS FOllOWS: THIS BOND IS SUBJECT TO THE A1'TA.CHED RIDER DADD AUGUST 17. 2001 . CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Space is provided below for additional signatures of added parties, other than those appearing on the cover page.) (Corporate Seal) . Signature: Name and Title: Address: SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Signature: Name and Title: Address: S'k-1c?3 AlA DOCUMENT A312. PERFORMANCE BONO AND PAYMENT BONO. DECEMBER 1984 ED. . AlA ~ THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 THIRD PRINTINC . MARCH 1987 A312~1984 6 -. . . Endorsement or Rider Attached to and forming part of Bond Number: 190-009-693 Date Endorsement or Rider Executed: August 17,2001 Effective Date of Endorsement or Rider: August 17, 2001 Issued to: City of Monticello, Minnesota, as Obligee, and executed by Bauerly Brothers, Inc., as Principal It is hereby agreed and understood the captioned bond is amended as follows: The captioned bond will serve as maintenance bond for the two year period upon acceptance of the project by the City of Monticello, Minnesota Nothing herein contained shall be held to vary, alter, waive or extend any of the terms, conditions, provisions, agreements or limitations of the above mentioned. Bond, other than as above stated. LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ,/ ,,/~ S h - I ~ ~-\ --" '-~,. ..~..,~- ~.,,-'_.,. s-M, . SM. . . ADD TO CONSENT OR AT END OF AGENDA FOR SEPTEMBER 26,2005 Consideration to approve enterim! into a Mortea::e Subordination A~reement between the City of Monticello and TCF National Bank. (O.K.) A. Reference and background: UMC (Ultra Machining Company) is requesting the City of Monticello approve entering into a Mortgage Subordination Agreement associated with the re-financing of the TCr Notes. The City of MonticeUo and Terrance & Mary Tomann Family Limited Partnership entered into an Agreement for Loan of Minnesota Investment Fund on February 20,2003. The $290,000 grant from the State to the City of Monticello was lent to the Tomann's for the purpose of acquisition ofland and construction costs associated with the 78,000 sq ft facility located along Chelsea Road East. The Loan Agreement included a Promissory Note, Guaranty Agreement, and Mortgage. The Mortgage was dated February 20,2003, and recorded on April 18,2003. The City Loan was in second position behind two 'fCF Notes of $3, 1 00,000 and $1,000,000 which had balloon payments. When the City's $290,000 and the EDA's $200,000 Loans were disbursed, it was applied to the $1,000,000 Note. 'rhe $484,020.33 is the remaining principal balance of the $ 1,000,000 TCF Note being re-financed. The City's Loan will remain in second position and the State doesn't have a problem as long as the City's collateral position remains the same. UMC is current on the Minnesota Investment Fund Loan payment, the remaining principal balance is $268,570.59. It is the desire of TCF to close on the re-financing this Friday, September 30. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to approve entering into a Mortgage Subordination Agreement between the City of Monticello and TCF National Bank. 2. A motion to deny entering into a Mortgage Subordination Agreement between the City of Monticello and 'reF National Bank. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend alternate no. I. The EDA will execute their Mortgage Subordination Agreement via an executive order of the EDA . President and Executive Director and the EDA commissioners will ratify the action at their next regular meeting. D. Supportin~ Data: Copy of the Mortgage Subordination Agreement and email from Carol Pressley-Olson, State of Minnesota. . . . MORTGAGE SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and executed this _ day of September, 2005, by and between City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Monticello"), and TCF National Bank, a national banking association ("TCF"). RECITALS 1. Terrance & Mary Tomann Family Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership ("Mortgagor") executed and delivered to Monticello a Mortgage in the principal amount of$290,000 dated February 20,2003, and recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, on April 18, 2003 as Document No. 844670 (the "Monticello Mortgage"), which mortgage covers the following described real property (the "Property"): . Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center Sixth Addition, Wright County, Minnesota 2. Mortgagor has requested TCF to make financial accommodations in the amount of Four Hundred Eighty-Four Thousand Twenty and 33/100 Dollars ($484,020.33) to be secured by a Mortgage, Security Agreement and Financing Statement securing such amount dated September _,2005, recorded in the office ofthe County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, on , as Document No. (the "Mortgage"), conveying and mortgaging the Property, and an Assignment of Rents and Leases dated September _,2005, recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, on , as Document No. (the "Assignment"), covering the Property and securing the same debt as the TCF Mortgage. 3. As a condition to making its financiall;lccommodations to Mortgagor, TCF requires the execution of this Agreement, it being the intention of the parties hereto, and the purpose of this Agreement, to make the TCF Mortgage and Assignment in all respects prior and superior to the Monticello Mortgage. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to induce TCF to advance funds to Mortgagor to be secured by the TCF Mortgage, Monticello does hereby covenant and agree with TCF as follows: . 1 . .. . . . 1. The TCF Mortgage and the Assignment shall be in all respects prior and superior to the Monticello Mortgage and all provisions thereof, notwithstanding the fact that the Monticello Mortgage was executed and recorded prior to the execution and recordation of the TCF Mortgage and the Assignment, and all right, title, lien, and interest acquired by TCF, either by foreclosure proceedings, receivership actions or otherwise under the TCF Mortgage, and Assignment shall be prior and superior to any and all right, title, lien, and interest heretofore or hereafter acquired by Monticello under the Monticello Mortgage. 2. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit ofthe parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Monticello has executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of September, 2005, by , the of City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public This instrument was drafted by: FOLEY & MANSFIELD, P.L.L.P. 250 Marquette Avenue, Suite 1200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 2 ,!d' , C'"l 1.0 . ....:,... "'t 1> ,) \.1-' '6 -;J Ollie Koropchak From: .ent: 0: Subject: Carol Pressley-Olson [CaroI.Pressley@state.mn.us] Monday, September 26, 2005 2:35 PM Ollie Koropchak Re: UMC Grant/Loan Attachments: Carol Pressley-Olson.vcf .!d .......--. Ca rol ssley-Qlson.vcf (44~ L Yes, OlLie we will have to sign change the city's coJlateral position it is executed documents. Thanks-- off. As long as the subordination does not acceptable to me. I will need a copy of the Carol Senior Loan Officer Business Finance Unit Office of Business and Corrununity Finance Department of Employment and Economic Development 1st National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street St. P au 1, MN .J!) 1 01 6') 1-2 %-38 98 800-657-3858 (toJ 1 free) 65J-296-8833 (fax) .>> "OJ Ji e Koropchak" <OJ .l.i e. Koropchak@ci.monticello.mn. us> 9/26/05 2:29::'d PM >>> Carol - UMC is requesting the City approve a Mortgage Subordination Agreement for the $290,000 City Loan. Originally, there were two notes from TCP $3,100,000 and $J,OOO,OOO. The City was in second position to TCF. The $290,000 City and $200,000 F.DT\ Loans pa.id down the .$1,000,000 to $510,000. The TCF' notes had a 5- year balloon payment; therefore, is being refinanced. The city remains in second position. I'm having the Council approve the Mortgage Subordination Agreement tonight as an add-on item to meet the bank's request of this Friday. Does the State need to sign-off on this? The EDA will do the same. Ollie . 1 . . . Council Agenda - 9/26/06 7. Public Hearin2 - Consideration of vacation of drainaee and utility easement for 2817 Oak Ridee Drive - Keith and Katrina Geissler. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a request from Keith and Katrina Geissler to vacate a portion ofthe drainage and utility easement for 2817 Oak Ridge Drive (Lot 2, Block Oak Ridge Addition). The lots in the Oak Ridge Addition have drainage and utility easements along the side yards often feet while the other plats within the City have a six foot side yard drainage and utility easement. The Geisslers are proposing to add a third stall to their existing garage and would be encroaching four feet into the side yard setback. lfthe Geisslers residence was in a plat other than Oak Ridge Addition they could build the garage addition without encroaching into the setback area. Public Works Director, John Simola has reviewed the request of the Geisslers and has indicated that a six foot side yard drainage and utility easement would be sufficient for City purposes. The zoning ordinance was amended in 2003 to allow a 6 foot side yard setback as a minimum on the garage side. Thus vacating the 4 feet of the drainage and utility easement would allow the property owner to meet the setback requirements without needing a variance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After conducting the public hearing, the Council could approve the vacation of four feet of the ten foot drainage and utility easement. 2. The Council could determine not to approve the vacation of a portion ofthe drainage and utility easement. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that four feet of the ten foot drainage and utility easement be vacated to allow for the expansion of the garage without requiring a variance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from property owner Map showing lot location \..} l IS 5:.- ('.:>8 0 ..-., 70 dO . . . Keith & Katrina Geissler 1580 Oak Ridge Circle Monticello. MN 55362 763-295-5435 DATE: September 13th, 2004 TO: Monticello City Council, Mayor Bruce Thielen FROM: Katrina and Keith Geissler We are requesting vacation of the most southerly four feet of the 10 feet side yard utility and drainage easement running along and parallel to the north property line of Lot 2, block 7 Oakridge addition. The purpose of our request to allow us to build another garage stall onto our present garage. Thank you Z;;Z;~ ~~~ I ~ 15' ~tC\~~ ~ r<~'\~\N~ . G \f r S.s l ~R\ ~.<3 (J C~K <<"OQ;J€ ~l'" . . . .".. . -r-. ,., ,..- I I "., , VI F ., \., r I I ,,",. I , r I . . ", , , I . '-oil '-_ Aa..._ ..., .. "',.,,.-,.. t..' C ...(1"........, I , " I ,...._ ...., ~ , \) M.J3'\ ,,-,\ h\N'\~)N Vl\...~ '~f:"l'J5c ~N ~--.0 t'C'\ fr\ \N l'tN~ ~ ~k: ~ ~O ~"t. ~ .s c: ~ c: o E " c: " .2 ... " . c. 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Council Agenda - 9/26/05 Public Hearine for Consideration of the Vacation of Drainaee and Utility Easement over Outlot B in the Plat of St. Henry (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-02C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The drainage and utility easement over Outlot B in the plat of the Church of St. Henry, is proposed to be vacated with the relocation of the existing pond and the new 7th Street realignment. The new pond is currently being constructed north of the proposed ih Street on St. Henry's property. An agreement is being finalized with St. Henry's Church to replat this area dedicating the new right of way for ih Street, drainage and utility easement over the new pond and a buildable site for the Church where Outlot B currently exists. The City has mailed and published notice of the proposed vacation as required by statute. The new plat of the St. Henry's property (Church of St. Henry I S( Addition) is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission in October and then come before the Council. It is recommended this vacation of drainage and utility easement be contingent upon the preliminary and final plat approval of the Church of St. Henry I st Addition. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Conduct the public hearing and adopt a resolution vacating the drainage and utility easement over Outlot B in the plat of the Church of St. Henry contingent upon the new preliminary and final plat approval for the Church of St. Henry 1st Addition. 2. Do not approve the vacation of the drainage and utility easement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends selecting Alternative No.1. 130 C:\Documellls tlllel &'llttg~\('{m'll,gro.~s"lgvr\I~{}(:(I' Si.:l/lllg.~ITf:mjJurt'fJ! IIl1e/,,'el Flh~.~IOLK3\AGN ITM-V(u.:itlloll urOutlor II.SI, Ih'J/"Y,~ 09J(j()J, doe Council Agenda - 9/26/05 . 9. Public Hearine: on anneal of variance for secondarv drivewav in an R-I Zonine: District (Richard Bastien Central Masonrv & Concrete) Annlicant: Citv of Monticello Public Works. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Staff requests that this item be continued to the October 10th meeting of the City Council. This request is due to the importance of Public Works Director John Simola presence for the discussion B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision I: Request for a Conditional Use Permit and Appeal of Variance 1. Motion to continue the public hearing on the appeal of the variance for a second driveway access and curb opening to the October 10th meeting of the City Council. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends Alternative 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA None. . 1 13 . Council Agenda ~ 09/26/2005 10. Public informational meetine on multiple driveways and fence encroachments on the 2005 Core City Project. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During the 2005 Core City Street Reconstruction Project this year on River Street, Sandy Lane and Oak Lane, we discovered five existing homes with mul~ple driveways. Some with multiple access on a single street, others with multiple accesses on two different streets, and two with as many as three driveways. Some of the driveways were gravel, others were bituminous and some were concrete surfaces. The city's ordinance, originally enacted in 1972, allows only one driveway access per single family residence or property. Annexation of most of the 2005 Core City Proj ect area, also known as River Terrace Addition, was annexed into the City of Monticello in late summer 1974. The city limits prior to that time was a little over 100' west of the right of way at Chestnut Street. The actual plat of the River Terrace Addition dates back to 1949. Consequently, many of the homes existed prior to annexation and their construction pre-dates the city's ordinances. Some of the multiple driveways, however, and homes were built after annexation into the City of Monticello and fall under the city's ordinance, and those multiple driveways are in violation of city ordinance if they were not granted variances. . There are two additional properties on Sandy Lane who have or propose to request a second driveway. Currently a second driveway can only be granted by showing a hardship variance, that the property cannot be used for the purposes of a single family home without an additional dri veway. These are rarely, if ever, granted. In addition to driveways, there are three properties that have fences built out on the public street right of way. Some of which significantly encroach into the right of way. All ofthe encroachments were made once the properties were in the city limits and one fence was built this summer. Attached is a list of the properties with multiple driveways, fence encroachments, and the date of which the houses were built and, ifknown, the date ofthe fence encroachment. Also included are pictures of the various driveways and fence encroachments. . The object of tonight's meeting is to make it known where the multiple driveways and fence encroachments are and to receive input from those property owners and the nearby property owners regarding bringing those properties into compliance with the ordinance. There are two homes with multiple driveways that pre-date annexation and our ordinance. One property has hard surface driveways, the other property has one hard surface driveway and one badly washed out gravel driveway. Since they pre-date our ordinance and annexation, there may be justification to look at grandfathering those driveways in (non conforming existing use) and requiring that the gravel driveway be hard surfaced within 30 days or be removed or something along those lines. At this particular meeting the council can talk about possible remedies or possible enforcement actions but we would suggest only that the testimony be taken and a decision be made at the next council meeting after staff has had time to review all of the input from the citizens and make recommendations. There are many ramifications in regard to the driveways as we assess our reconstructions based upon access and a single family residence with a single access is one assessment. Are two accesses on the same street still only one assessment or if the multiple driveways access two different streets should there be multiple assessments? All ofthe options can \ 3 ~) . Council Agenda - 09/26/2005 be laid out for the next meeting on October 10, 2005. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative, after a presentation showing the multiple driveway locations and fence encroachments into the right of way, is to take input from citizens regarding the driveways and encroachments. After testimony is taken and a brief discussion by the City Council, to ask staff to prepare recommendations for the October loth meeting. 2. The second alternative would be to present the information to the audience regarding the locations of the multiple driveways and fence encroachments, take testimony from the audience regarding the issues, and then to grandfather those in pre-dating our ordinance and annexation, and to take enforcement action against the remaining ones in violation of current city ordinance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council take input from the public regarding the multiple driveways and fence encroachments as outlined in alternative # I but to delay action until recommendations come forth from staff for the October 10th . meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy the River Terrace Plat; Copy ofthe council minutes with adoption ofthe city ordinance; Copy of the annexation information; photo index listing date homes built and photos ofthe actual locations of the multiple driveways and fence encroachments. An actual aerial photo of the area at the time of annexation is also available for review at the meeting. . 13?'; . I I '. . March 14, 1072 - cont'd. Tom Schneider queried council if he could get license for set-up liquor. Would approval eliminate youth entering to play pool. Council will re- se~rch and advise. Jim Lungwitz reported for Park Commission to ask what was expected of them and what are plans for improvement. Harry Bebo stated more fencing is required at the ball park. Motion by Walter Marklingthat satellite latrines be provided for ball park on May 1. Seconded by Dan Bloni~en. Carried. Gordon Link and Russell Martie reported that Babe Ruth Lea~e and T-ball Lea~e are in jeooardy hecause villa~e has not paid their share of summer pro~ram expense for 1970 and 1971. Motion by Walt Marklin~, seconded b:v Dan Blonigen, that council meet with the school board and iron out summer-winter recreation program. Decision should be made by May 1st. Carried. Peter Stupar raised Question of what organization receives Community Chest allocation of recreation funds. Clerk to arran~e for representative of Bridgewater Telephone to be at next meetin~ to discuss cable laying. Thore Meyer and Bill Elliott presented plans for utility carrier lines to gO under I-94. Preliminary estimates for three water and one sewer line would be $28,000 to $30,000. Motion by Jeff Rowan that placing of carrier lines be included on the agenda for the hearing on zoning ordinance. Seconded by Walt Markling. Carried. *' Motion by Jeff Rowan that hearing to discuss proposed zoning ordlnancebe held April 18th at 8 P.M. at the High School. Seconded by Walt Markling." Carried. Motion by Walter Markling that we call for bids for installing carrier lines in I-94 for bid opening for April 11 at 2 p. M. Engineers to re- port to council April 11 and hearing April 18th. Second by Jeff Rowan. Carried -. all in favor. Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by Dan Blonigen, that council aporove application of Cominco American, Inc. to install 18,000 gallon chemical fertilizer tank on Block 12 adjacent to railroad. Carried. Motion by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Bloni~en, to issue permit to Lee Hatfield to oresent fireworks display for Hospital ~nd Rest Home patients on July 4th. Fire protection to ne nrovided. Carried. Robert Davis presented complaint of delay of snow plowing and removal on commercial alley and 'Darkin~ lot. Council consensus that se''''er-water crew maV helD with tractor and scoop to exnedite snow movement. Motion by Jeff Rowan, seeond bV Dan B1oni~en tn issue two buildin~ nermits for two houses to be built on Lot 2 amd Nt of Lot 1 Block 45. Water and sewer service to be assessed to the ~er. Carried. 130, . . . ~ Soecial meeting of VillaP..'e Council Mav lA, 1972 R:10 P.M. The Villa!T,p' COl1ncil of the Villap'e of Honticello met in special meeting, duly announced, on Mav lli, 1972 with the following members oresent: Vlilli:uT1 Sandbert:;, A. J. Rowan, Dan Blonil'.'en, Richarn Martie amil^raltl'!r Marklin9.:. Ahsent: none. C0uncilman Rowan introduced the'following Resolution and moved its adoption: That the Village Council adopt the Zoning Ordinance with the amendments made as a result of the oreviouslyheldpublic hearing. Motion was sl'!conded by Walter Markling and passed.. Voting in favor: Sandbarp.;, Blonip.;en, Markline:, Martie, Rowan. State of Minnesota County of Wright I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of f~nticello, Minnesota do hereby certi~v that I have comnared the forpP..'oing extract of the minutes of the snecial meeting of Village Council held May 18, 1972 with the orie:inal thereof on nle in my office and the same is a full and true transcript insofar as the same relates to the aelontion of the afore published Zoning Ordin;mce. 14i tness my hRnn as such Clerk and. coruorate seal of the Village this 19th day of M~y, 1972. Don C. r.rrR.nlund, Clerk DCG IIsg Soecial meeting of Village CQuncil May 2'3, 1972 7:10 p. M. Meetine: called to order by Mayor William Sandberf.!. Councilmen nresent: Richard Martie, Dan Blonigen" Jeff Rowan. Absent: Walter MArklinf1:. Bernard Mattson, County Assessor, conducted the Board of Review. Three oroperty owners were present for review: Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, Mr. Robert Brown. __ Motion by Bill Sandberg to reduce the market value of $1.00 SQuare foot for property descrintion 19789 chanp'ine: market value from $13,580.00 to $12,7fiO.OO for John Sulliv,<m'ls. Seconded by Dan Blonigen. Carried all in favor. Motion by Richard Martie to accent rep0rt of County Assessor. Seconded by Jeff Rowan. Carried. Motion by Richard Martie to adjourn, seconded bv Jeff Rowan. So ordered. J -37 -- . -. .... ~, . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING June 17, 1975 - 7:30 P. M. Present: Chuck Stumpf, Jay Miller, Howard Gillham, Gordon Steinert, Fred Topel, Willard Anderson. Absent: Ron White, Larry Muehlbauer. 1. Minutes approved of May 13, 1975. 2. Variance reQuest - Ernie Hartwi~ Motion by H. Gillham, seconded by F. Topel and un- animously carried to grant variance on side lot requirements for lot owned by Ernie Hartwig on 3rd Street between Minnesota and Vine. House and garage will be 52 feet on a 66 foot lot. Approval to grant variance from 10 to 4 feet on one"side. 3. R~lotting of lots - Ernie Hartwig. Motion by J. Miller~ seconded by H. Gillham, and unanimously carried to allow replotting of lots 11 and 12J Block 5 and lot 2~ Block 44~ into 4 lots as all would meet minimum lot size requirements. A. Reguest by Legion Club for building permit for addition. Motion by H. Gillham, seconded by G. Steinert, and unanimously carried to have Legion Club get ad- jacent property owners to sign petition approving addition before permit is issued. 5. Review of Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinances. Presentation by Howard Dahlgren and Mike Gear of Howard Dahlgren, Assoc. Motion by W~11ard Anderson, and seconded by G. Steinert, to recommend adoption of Zoning Ordinances as amended. Voting in favor: Steinert, Anderson, Miller, Topel. Stumpf. Opposed: Gillham. Meeting adjourned on motion by W. Anderson, seconded by F. e1 and unanimously carried. 138 ^ .. ~ . ,....., . 'Planning Commission - July 16, 1975 - continued. Page 2. 5. Review of Comprehensive Plan. Zoning and subdivision Ordinances. Howard Dahlgren reviewed the Comprehensi.ve"Plan and went thvough addendum for subdivision ordinances. Howard Dahlgren also presented zoning district map of entire: city. Motion by Muehlbauer, seconded by Gillham and unanimously carried to approve subdivision ordi.nances with addendum. ~ing .djZJ~ Gar~ber , City Admini$trator GW/mjq 13q . JOINT RESOLUTION AS TO ORDERLY ANNEXATIONI CITY OF MONTICELLO - TOWN OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, the Municipal Commission of the State of Minnesotn presently has before it for hearing and consideration the matter of annexing certain portions of the Town of Monticello. to the City of Monticello; and WHEREAS, the Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello are parties of the said hearing; and w~mREAS, there is a basis for agreement between the parties to this .; action upon which the matters presently llefore the Minnesota Municipal 1'. Commission can be settled, and the governmental parties hereto desire to set forth such terms of settlement by means of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE. BE. IT RESOLVED by the City of Monticeilo and the Town of Monticello, as follows: 1. That the following described property is or is about to become urban or suburban in character and that the city is capable of . providing it with services required by the area within a ) reasonable timel The "Annexation Aren" as sho'ffi on Township Exhibit "8"; plus the following described area: Beginning nt the point where the Northerly right of way of Interstate Highway 94 intersects with the West Une of the above described "Annexation Area"; thence Northwesterly along said North :right of way to the point of intersection with the Hest line of the East half of Section 32, Township 122, Range 25 thence North along said ~/est line to a point where it intersects with the South bank ~f the Mississippi lliver; thence Easterly and Southeasterly along said South bank to a point of intersection with Northwesterly boundary of the "Annexation Area"; thence Westerly and Southwesterly along said boundary to the poi.nt of beginning. That the Town of Monticello upon passage of this resolution and its adoption by the City of Monticello, agrees to withdraw its oppoallion to the ilIUllediate annexation of the above described area. Enclasure 2: City Council minutes of May 30 - June 4, 1974 . ,..:.'~.' I L{ 0 . ) I" . . Tha t the Ci ty of Monticello upon passage of this rcsolu tion and its adoption by the TowlI of Monticello agrees to withdraw its request for annexation of any of the area designated in need of orderly annexation other than the above described area. 2. That both parties hereby stipulate that the area designated as in need of orderly annexation remaining'in the town is not in need of municipal services and will not be in need of municipal services within a reasonable time. That no annexation will take place anywhere within the area desi&nated as in need of orderly annexation remaining in the town unless the area involved is or is about to become urban or suburban in character, and unless the. city has available and is capable of providing municipal services, city streets, city water, city sanitary sewer, police protection, fire protection and garbage collection. Said municipal services shall be provided with sufficient capacity so as to make the services uninterruptable and adequate for fu ture development of the whole area to be serviced. The ci ty agrees not to initiate any annexation within this remaining orderly annexation area (subject to Number 3 below) for a period of 10 years, except in response to a petition of a majority of property owners involved. 3. If the city decides to construct a service road in Section 10, I Township ,121, parallel to and Southwest of Interstate Range 25 Highway 94, it is jointly agreed that the city may initiate an annexation of territory out to the Southwest right of way of such proposed road not to exceed a quarter mile at any point from the Southwest right of way of Interstate 94. -2- ....-,.T""'~-,--r 1 . ~ . {\.4:I r . . . ~ .~...-............." ---4,..,....~_~.,,-In. ._~...._~.............~.~.~~_.~._.....~.... .--.............__...... ..... ,-~.- -_. -...-.... ............_,".., . 4. That the above described annexation will deprive the ToWll of Monticello of over 871. of its tax base which both partIes agree would be unjust and inequitsble. Having in view the value of tho exh ting town property to be added to the cil:y, the asse ts, value, and location of sll of the taxable property in the existing town, and the ability of the remainder"-ofthe town to function as an effective governmental unit; both parties agree tha t a Jus t and equi table apportionmen t of the property and obliga tions be tween the governmental uni t adding terri tory and the governmental unit from which the territory was obtained, requires that the Minnesota Municipal Commission order that the city annually pay, to the town a portion of its ad valorem tax, which is to be derived as follows: Annual Town Budget , $150,000.00 Less: (1) Intergovernmental transfers (Federal Revenue Sharing and Per Capita Aids) and other non property tax revenues (2) Seven mills times the assessed value in the town The annual town budget of $150,000.00 shall be increased or decreased annually by the rate of the increase or decrease of the cost of living, but in no event shall exceed 5.5%. This provision will be effective as of January I, 1975. I I I ' I Further, that the Wright County Auditor be ordered to revise his tax records and ad valorem tax payments pursuant to the above formula, and make payments directly to the town. Both parties request that the Minnesota Municipal Commission retain jurisdiction in the within proceeding fOr the limited purpose of adjusting this apportionment of assets and obligations in the event that unforseen extraordinary circumstances arise. The $150,000.00 budget formula outlined above is for purposes of computing, the annual city payment, which payment shall not be affected by the actual township budget as determined by the electors. J Ll d . . . 5. That planning, zoning and subdividon regulations within the portion of the area designated as in need of orderly annexation remaining in the town shall be as provided in Hinnesota S ta tu tes 414.068. The parties agree to the appointment of the three-man committee provided for therein, which committee shall serve as the "governing body" and "board of adjustmllnt and appeals" for purposes of Minnesota Statutes 462.357. That the total cost of the planning, zoning and subdivision regulations within the portion of the area designated as in need of orderly annexation remaining in the town shall be apportioned between the city and the town on the basis of the ratio of their assessed values. 6. That the city'and town hereby agree to seek to enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the county, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 471.59, for the unified provision of building inspection service throughout the city and town area by a certified inspector. 7. That the entering of a final order by the Minnesota Municipal Commission and the filing with the Wright County Auditor will cause no change in real estate tax payments received by the city and the town hereto in the year 1974, and further, that the real estate taxes assessed against the property annexed will be paid to the town in 1974 and the city in 1975 except as set out in Paragraph 4. 8. Any property annexed to the City pursuant to this agreement shall receive a "tax break" consistent with a staged, graduated increase in mill rates from the town rate to the city rate over a three (3) to five (5) year period, depending on the length of time necessary to provide full municipal services in the area annexed. 9. That the city and town hereby agree to the dismissal of the pending ~r Supreme Court Appeal of the District Court Order, Court File No. 20747. I \ ' ~4- EnClosure 2: City Council minutes May 30 - June 4, 1974 ...........--........................,.,.. .' '. '..'Z!,'~.._ ., .....,1. ~1,3 . . . " "'I . ~..._- ~-- ",. "~'_~_.rm"'" ~"""__~'....._.,..............~.....~....,..........,...&......____.. ............--.......... _.l....:..~.....-.,....-.-..........I.._,.~... CITY OF MONTICELLO Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello this ,47ZL day of, Jt~ ".1 ~/ t, ") . ri- . ATTEST: 1 I Ci ty Clerk , 1974. "I BY AJ~klA1) ~or ""'...--... .......---....--.......--.... - ---...._-- TOWN OF MONTICELLO Passed and adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Monticello this 4;/\ day of ')<_<__....._ J . ATTEST: })l "-"''-'':'-'-- ;"rJ.~'-5 { Town q~rk .' , ,1974. C , ~......II<c;;rA...J s,Chairman --""'-- ..--....-..-.----.....__.. ....1IiI___..___ CLERK'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) ;/ ,. r I, < ':"'" /, l,~ '~,..,c, City Clerk of the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing Resolution with the original minutes now on file and remaining of record in my office; that the same is a true and correct copy and transcript of said original minutes and the whole thereof, so far as said minutes pertain to the matters contained herein. Witpess My Hand and the Corporate Seal of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, this ij day of ) ';/1, ':' , 1974 (SEAL) /' 1/;"", IP City Cler~, City of (j/ ':::t c-"'-'7", '1 :^ (/ Monticello, Minnesota ~ - - - - IIiI _ .... . _ _ "'" "'" 8 _ _ _ _ ... _ ~ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ ~ _ _ CLERK'S CERTIFICATE " STATE OF MINNESOTA) )88 COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) J / I, 'rJLt ~I;'LLL .S'7.....cX:;:71t.. , Town Clel"k, of the Town of Monticello, County of lJr' 'Iht, St.8~e o~ Minneso"ta ~reby cel"tify that I have compared the foregoing re ;0_ -,tion with tho, original rTlinutes now on file and remaining of record in my olfice; that the S8me is a true and correct copy and transcript of said original lnfnutes and the whole thereof, so far as said minutes pertain to the matters contained herein. Witness My Hand this 4/( day of .~'<_<-K.<'_ (/ . " ~L.L' I", '_ ,/:1 ,--r~;:. Town .9lerk, To\m of Monticello, Minnesota ] ~ Cl , 1974. Council Agenda - 9/26/05 . 11. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow operation of a real estate office in an existin!! buildin!! in a PZM District and a Variance from required parkin!! standards. Applicant: Professional Brokers Realty. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item at the September 7th meeting. The applicants had submitted a new application for a conditional use permit to operate a real estate office in a PZM district, with the elimination of the required parking area. The elimination of the parking area required that the applicants also request a variance from required parking standards. The applicants presented information rebutting each of the findings of fact for denial, stating that in speaking with the neighborhood, the majority of residents felt the use would be acceptable as presented and without the required parking lot. Neighboring residents also testified to that effect. After some discussion on potential growth and traffic in the area, current uses and the suitability of the requested use to the neighborhood, the Planning Commission recommended denial of the conditional use permit and denied the variance. . The applicants have appealed the denial and are asking Council to consider granting both the conditional use permit and variance. The applicants are seeking a reconsideration oftheir CUP for a real estate office in an existing single family home. With this application, the applicants are also seeking a variance to avoid the requirement for construction of a commercial parking lot to accommodate off-street parking as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The amount of square footage for the proposed business would require 10 spaces of off-street parking availability. The original application for this use was considered in August of2005. The request was denied for several reasons, including the potential impact of the use on what is primarily a low density residential neighborhood and the concern over the impact of a commercial parking lot on the site, as well as on the neighboring residential property. The applicants hope to persuade the City that by removing the parking lot, and requiring parking to overflow onto Elm Street, that the use would be more acceptable in this location. They also contest the findings that served as the basis for the original CUP denial. . In planning staffs opinion, the change to push parking overflow onto Elm Street would make the concerns over this use greater. Due to the design of Elm Street and its busy intersection with County Road 39 to the south, on-street parking is allowed only on the east side of Elm Street. As such, there is no on-street parking available directly adjacent to the property. Moreover, the idea of removing the parking lot from the property due to its objectionable impact on the area only points out the concern over compatibility of the use in this location. Recently, the City Council elected to not construct a new building for the City's Public Works Department on the south side of County 39, just west ofthis property. The reason for the City 1 1..'0 \ Council Agenda - 9/26/05 . Council's decision was that the proposed building would encroach negatively into this residential neighborhood. The establishment of a commercial real estate office in this location would appear to be contrary to that previous decision. Finally, with regard to the variance from the parking regulations, the City's Zoning Ordinance (consistent with State law) requires that to consider a variance from a zoning regulation, the City must find that physical condition, unique to the property in question and not created by the applicant, creates a hardship in putting the property to a reasonable use under the basic zoning standards. In this case, no such hardship condition is present. The property can continue to be utilized as a single family home, consistent with the zoning and its traditional use. If the City decides that a commercial office is appropriate on the site, a parking lot can be constructed that meets City Code. As a result, the applicant is capable of complying with zoning regulations under either scenario and cannot show the required hardship condition. Please note that in previous similar cases, when a residential structure has been converted to a business use, off-street parking has been provided. Examples include Dan Olsen's real estate office and Tom Grossnickle's beauty salon. Granting a variance in this case would create a new precedent. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS . Planning Commission recommended alternative 2 below. If Council seeks to approve the conditional use permit, alternative 1 outlines conditions related to the proposed use. Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for the establishment of a commercial office use in the PZM District. 1. Motion to approve the CUP, based on findings that the use would not create compatibility issues with the surrounding residential area, subject to the condition that the applicant complies with the following conditions: a. Addition of curb around the perimeter of the parking lot. b. Construction of a parking lot to accommodate at least 10 parking spaces, or receives a variance from this standard. c. Addition of buffering at the perimeter ofthe site to comply with the City's bufferyard ordinance. d. Approval of the driveway location by Wright County. e. Landscape screening of the parking area from surrounding residential property and the public right of way. 2. Motion to deny the CUP, based on findings as provided in the attached findings offact. . The Planning Commission denied the variance. The applicants have appealed the decision and are asking the Council to approve the variance. Decision 2: Variance from the City's parking regulations for commercial offices. 2 ISd Council Agenda - 9/26/05 . 1. Motion to approve the variance, based on a finding that the reduction in parking is necessary to put the property to reasonable use. 2. Motion to deny the variance, based on a finding that no hardship is present that would qualify the project for variance consideration. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the variance and CUP. As noted in our original report on this item, the introduction of a commercial office use in this area is not consistent with the intent of the PZM district, nor is it compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Eliminating off-street parking from the plan makes the issue worse but encouraging vehicle parking on the east side of Elm Street and cross to the business location in the area of busy traffic intersections. As noted, no hardship is present that would support the use of a variance for this purpose. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit D: Revised Findings of Fact Site Plan Materials Applicant Rebuttal Letter to Original Findings of Fact Applicant Appeal Letter Site hnages . 3 \ t:~ ~.s . . . Council Agenda - 9/26/05 Findings of Fact for Denial Conditional Use Permit for Commercial Office in PZM District Variance from Parking Regulations 505 Elm Street 1. The proposed use is located in a neighborhood dominated by low density, single family residential houses, 2. The PZM District allows for business uses in areas of transition to high density residential, or mixing of commercial and high density residential uses. 3. The uses in the surrounding neighborhood do not support the conditions necessary for the introduction of a commercial use as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The property, if converted to business use, would not be able to accommodate the required parking supply as required by the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The property requires significant buffering and landscaping to screen the use and activity from the adjacent residential property. 6. No hardship exists to support the request for a variance from the parking regulations. 7. The property can be put to a reasonable use under the PZM regulations without the need for a vanance. 4 \Sl-\ r~;:---~~"--- / &rial 51 0 ~/;;r:"':' : ~i . --, '<:... ~ ~ "3 10[;/4 01 (~CL C. 10 I T. 121 J V Z-;; Nor-i-hQQst cot'I1U o~ +hL -+h<L f..JE. ~/4- 0-\ StLC 10 Do, ~q ~ ;\I~Q D~ Ooun~L.j Road No, '5Q as+YQuct!CL.d) (L Nt;. 14 )cu:. /0 tJ 13' /-"'5' Q' ".. J -- - .4.1.C)<!,(.-Jd / <.t> "1 2.1 YV 'E... - - . -_. <=iT o - i'-' tfJ -;-:,- - ~,~7 2 . '.J-' ;;. rl/ SF 1 c.J "2 \:>! .= -l- C-t-- () 'Ct / \; ! " / l,..J/ f ~ ;' ~--- / ?.J ().J y-()~ o /'\., f-- iv'. {/)/ . I . J I i I " ..r"~~ : ~ ;:5 ..,.... ~ N ~ ~_m ~ v.' 0'\ ~\ \ i'> ,--! Wi..... !J/ " J I _ !"-"'~ , \ . , / :~ / ~.~~ ) ~" :) I 't:0 f.>: -+- c- o ~ ' ~ s2 ~-q ~-Z--.- ~,:~. - ~'V1 ~ l...~~ c'~ ':- / ~cl5~ ~ .~ ~T ~'. . tJ. \ r-. -':b ~'~I...l.! "- 3c~ ~ ~ -~,,:_~ i . .~-~~-,'*"I C---r- o <J C J .....-' / fs / ~/ / (.,e.- j1~ A. ~ , , " ' ... ~ r I , I '_ I ........... ........... / ~ All the eas t 30 Commenc east al 33 feet con t im Book 1 ( to the along , said C, Barbur Commen 601.2 corner line 0 Town F the sc except lines And tl- a Mim Minne~ , , -. I All tl 30 Be the n the;K a tra said of th westE its 1 Count descl Have to t plat In '" sea] In w seal Cort: to t -'l Otto fli Ednc li BrUt ~ Fanl Sta Cou (pB I t;s . . ... ,.. toD - PO Box 1649, Monticello, MN 55362-1649 Main Office (763) 27J-3000 Fax: (763)27]-3001 August 8, 2005 Dear Zoning Administrator, Council Members & Neighboring Residents: Re: 505 Elm Street Conditional Use Pem1it Prior to the City Council Meeting scheduled for August 22, 2005, we would like to appeal the Planning Commission's Staff Recommendation/decision and request reconsideration for a Conditional Use Peffi1it at 505 Elm Street, Monticello for Professional Office Use as a Real Estate Brokerage based on the following rebuttal: Findings of Fact by Monticello Planning Commission: 1. The proposed use is located in a neighborhood dominated by low density, single family residential houses. a. We disagree with this finding due to the fact that the City Public Works Building is located across County Road 39 from the subject property b. We disagree with this finding due to the fact that the American Legion is located less than I block to the north of the subject property on Elm Street c. We disagree with this finding due to the fact that a neighborhood of common wall homes is located across the street from the subject property d. We disagree with this finding due to the fact that the subject property lies in a Performance Zone Mixed zoning classification and lies in an area specifically outlined by City Officials to be an area approved for professional business use 2. The PZM District allows for business uses in areas of transition to high density residential or mixing of commercial and high density residential uses. a. We disagree with this finding due to the fact that that in a surrounding 10 block area you can find multiple high density rental apartment complexes, as well as common wall ownership units, commercial, retail, restaurant and bar businesses b. We disagree with this finding due to the fact that the subject property is already located on a high traffic comer which is sure to increase with the approval of new housing building peffi1it applications in the proposed development west of Monticello on County Road 39 \ 5 tp . . . Page 2 of2 Professional Brokers Realty 3. The uses in the surrounding neighborhood do not support the conditions necessary for the introduction of a commercial use as required by the Zoning Ordinance. a. We request specific information relating to the requirements outlined in the Zoning Ordinance that would address the conditions necessary for the introduction of a commercial use, and how this subject property does not support those requirements b. We disagree with this finding due to facts outlined herein items la. through ld. 4. The property, if converted to business use, would not be able to accommodate the required parking supply as required by the Zoning Ordinance. a. We disagree with this finding due to the fact that a bid and proposal that could accommodate a minimum of 10 off street parking spaces as required by the Zoning Ordinance was presented at the Planning Commission Meeting on August 2,2005 b. We further disagree with this finding due to the fact that application has been made for a Variance request to maintain the parking spaces that currently exist without adding parking spaces unnecessary in the operation of this professional brokerage c. We agree with the neighboring property owners that it would be visually unappealing to convert the extensive landscaping and landscape buffering into a 10 space parking lot that will not be fully utilized with our intended use; we therefore would agree that a Variance would be most beneficial and agreeable to all parties 5. The property requires significant buffering and landscaping to screen the use and activity from the adjacent residential property. a. We disagree with this finding due to the fact that the subject property is bounded on north, east, and west by 8 foot or higher mature shrubs and trees as illustrated in the photos submitted with application; and would only require approximately 60 feet of landscape buffering to the west adjacent property b. We would further agree to comply with the reasonable requests of the west adjacent property owner to accomplish this buffering To address the concerns submitted by neighboring residents, we feel that our professional office in it's intended use, will be less disruptive to the surrounding community and produce less vehicular traffic than if we re-sold or leased the subject property to a four person family with teenage drivers. As women business owners, we will strive to be leaders in the community, serving with the highest professional, ethical standards, and encourage other women in the community to follow their entrepreneurial dreams. Thank you for your consideration, ~/; iJjG~'/ d .,../i ".' ..? f /.' 17'" )'~: .. ' ..!vt ~,/. L" / reticia A DeChene Fulda Realtor I Owner Fee Property Owner I Applicant ,~ ~'\\\l\~-J ."'.., isa A Martin Broker I Owner I [:'":) -, . Approaching site Ii-om South On EIIn Strcet View or Subj(>:t Propl'fty rrom Elm Street ?' - ""~- - '- t@-"^~-'~;" .., ~W"'~ ew ~ ;: ^ ~ ~ - , """ >O! ~ ""->to ~...... .".0;:;; ~ 0 . On SIred I'arking Availahility on Fast side or Elm Sttwt Anoss ti"Om Snbject Property No Parking Available on Snhiect I'roperty side or Elm Street . \ S~ lID ...L.:_ ._ . Tranle Movemcnts at Corner may conflict with on stroct parking needs. No viable Street I'~rking Subject sidc orCSAI139 . Adi~ccnt propllty lo West - I.~ne ResidCll(~ View or Propert.y from :i"' Street Likely 011 Street p~rk ing option lor palrons. . 1,5 q 2 . . . l-:xisting conditions (Jl subject propeny f-:xisting conditions (Jl subject property Property loc1IllXI to South or SubjiXl Properly Ilc 0 " -, . . . - -----F1~~-C,:- E-~\TE::[5-----1 (> I nor'- I SEP 0 <I 2U--~l' (ATY UF IJlcJt~Tlcr:LL() f L.__'___"_~n___._.._..__._ - - PO Box ]649, Monticello, MN 55362.1649 Main Office (763) 27]-3000 Fax: (763) 271-3001 September 9, 2005 Re: 505 Elm Street Variance to Parking lot Requirements Dear Zoning Administrator & Council Members: We hereby appeal the Planning Commission Staff Recommendation/decision to deny our request for variance to parking lot requirements based on the following rebuttal: Monticello City Ordinance 3-5 [DJ 6. PUBLIC PARKING LOTS: In the event ofa change of use or occupancy ofland and/or buildings where such change shall cause the new use to be in violation of the minimum parking requirements of this section, the Planning Commission may recommend approval of a variance which would grant the use of public parking spaces in a sufficient number to bring the total number of parking spaces (public and private) into compliance with the minimum requirements of this section. For each public parking space required to comply with the minimum requirements of this section, an annual fee shall be paid to the City, said fee to be established on an annual basis by the City Administrator. Any variance request to utilize public parking space shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 23 ofthis ordinance and shall require final approval of the City Council. The number of off-street parking spaces that exist on the property are sufficient to the intended business use. Any addition to off street parking would be underutilized. The City's Comprehensive Plan item 3.2 and 3.3 outlines the city's goals to "Make buildings the focus"... "not parking areas." "Create parking to accommodate anticipated and realistic demands, without overbuilding parking facilities." "Create parking for office uses at rates between 3 and 4 spaces per I 000 square feet gross floor area". To deny the variance request would create hardship and an upheaval, as the neighboring residents are in opposition of the installation of a minimum lO-space parking lot. Much of the existing mature landscape buffer would be destroyed. Installing a commercial parking lot would also deter future use of the property from ever being re-converted to residential use. For these reasons, as well as financial burden, we request that you reconsider our request for a variance to the parking lot requirements. J l, ( . . . Page 2 of2 Professional Brokers Realty Thank you for your consideration /tf{;"f\\IfJ'~-: /1 // /'&'~;:":)'~'r:o:::'\,, ,,' UV. //1 ,1)&...... // I, 71-J",vYIJ t ~l,.., _.- / II vV'" v ," V Leticia A DeChene Fulda Realtor / Owner Fee Property Owner / Applicant 1 /<./." /2f _-1/1.-1 LL' ,lJ);)({/ U. /lUtr / >u ~/ Lisa A Martin Broker I Owner \ to ~ . . . Council Agenda - 9/26/05 12. Consideration of a reQuest for amendment to the Monticello Zonine: Ordinance relatine: to the ree:ulation and outdoor storae:e of commercial vehicles. (FP/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND This item came before the Planning Commission at its regular meeting of September 7th. Planning Commission heard public input on the proposed amendment, including testimony specifically objecting to the prohibition of race cars in residential areas. The Planning Commissioners indicated that ordinance amendment would help to clarify violations and enforcement issues for the City. The Commission unanimously recommended approval of the amendment. A similar zoning ordinance amendment restricting commercial vehicles from residential properties was considered by the Planning Commission and City Council in the fall of 2000. The Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt such an ordinance to preserve the character of Monticello's residential neighborhoods. In a split decision, the Council did not adopt an ordinance amendment regulating commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods, but tabled the item indefinitely. This ordinance amendment was recommended by staff because the Wright County Sheriff determined that in part, the existing ordinance was vague and unenforceable. A consequence of the current law is that many commercial vehicles have taken up residence in Monticello's neighborhoods. Not changing the existing ordinance to provide for enforcement may result in "Grandfathering" or existing lawful non-conforming commercial truck parking uses on residential properties. Even though the suggested ordinance may now be adopted by City Council, the character of Monticello neighborhoods will likely remain compromised by many existing lawful non-conforming commercial vehicle uses. A conflict on Hillcrest Circle involving the race cars and the parking of large commercial trucks has renewed interest in amending the current ordinances. It is expected that the parties involved in this conflict will appear at the public hearing and present differing opinions. This ordinance amendment along with on-street parking ordinances will help to preserve the character of our residential districts while not limiting necessary commercial vehicle traffic serving those districts. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended alternative 1 below. Decision 1: Amendment of Zoning Ordinance \6'3 . 1. Council Agenda - 9/26/05 Motion to adopt the ordinance restricting the parking of certain vehicles in residential districts, amending Chapters 2, 3, and 6 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, establishing regulations for race cars and commercial vehicles in residential districts. 2. Motion to deny the ordinance restricting the parking of certain vehicles in residential districts, amending Chapters 2, 3, and 6 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, establishing regulations for race cars and commercial vehicles in residential districts. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Copy of proposed Ordinance with underlining to show amendments. Copy of the City Council Minutes and suggested ordinance from November 11,2000 . . 2 \ 6 ~\ . . . ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE RESTRICTING THE PARKING OF CERTAIN VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, AMENDING CHAPTERS 2,3, AND 6 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2-2 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance is amended by adding the following definitions: "Commercial Vehicle"; A vehicle used for commercial oumoses that is either llreater than eillht feet (8') in heillht or l!reater than twenty-two feet (22') in lenllth. includinll. but not limited to; boom trucks. camo trucks. dumo trucks. farm imnlements. fire trucks. ambulances. limousines. busses. hearses. semi-tractors. semi-tractor trailers. tank trucks and tow trucks. "Gross Vehicle Weillht Ratinll (GYWR)"; The maximum allowable total weillht of the vehicle that may not be exceeded. as desillnated bv the vehicle manufacturer. "Licensed and Ooerable Vehicle": A car or truck which has current licenses olates. is mechanically ooerable and is desillned and eauiooed in a manner which will allow it to be lellally ooerated on a oublic street. "Race Car"; A vehicle. includinll a vehicle olaced on a trailer. used nrimarilv for racinll which does not meet the definition of a Licensed and Ooerable Vehicle. Section 2. as follows: Section 3-2[N] the Monticello Zoning Ordinance is amended to read in its entirety [N] EXTERIOR STORAGE: All materials and equipment except as provided for in Chapters 5 through 19 of this ordinance shall be stored within a building or fully screened so as not to be visible from adjoining properties and nublic streets. except for the following: 1. Clothes line pole and wire. 2. Recreational equipment and vehicles. Race cars are not considered recreational eauioment or vehicles. 120407 \ lo \:'::l . . . 3. Construction and landscaping material currently being used on the premIses. 4. ooOn orooertv used for residential ourooses. off-street parking of passen.;or licensed and ooerable. non-commercial vehicles and trucks not exceeding a gro~~~; capacityGross Vehicle Wei!!ht Ratin!! (GVWR) of nine thousand (9,000) pounds in re~;idential arcasa !mra!!e. driveway or off- street oarkin!! facilitv meetinQ: the reauirements of this Zonin!! Ordinance. 5. Propane tanks, fuel oil tanks, and other similar residential heating fuel storage tanks which do not exceed 1,000 gallons in capacity and shall not be located within five (5) feet of any property line. 6. Wood piles in which wood is stored for fuel provided that not more than 10 cords shall be stored on any property. A cord shall be 4'x4' x8'. All wood piles shall be five (5) feet or more from the rear and side yard property lines and shall be stored behind the appropriate setback line in front yards. 7. Solar hearing systems. Section 3. Section 3-5[D]7 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance is amended to read in its entirety as follows: 7. OODriveways and exterior off-street parking facilities accessory to residential B-Seuses may be utilized solely for the parking of licensed and operable pa~;~;engcr automobile~;, no more than non-commercial ehicles. one (1) truck not to eilceed gro~;~; capacityexceedin!! a Gross Vehicle Wei!!ht Ratin!! (GVWR) of nine thousand (9,000) pounds, and recreational vehicle yehicles and equipment. Race cars are not considered recreational vehicles and eauioment. Under no circumstances shall requireddriyewavs or exterior off-street parking facilities accessory to residential structures be used for the storagenarkin!! of either commercial vehicles ef equipment, or for the parking of uutomobilesvehicles belonging to the employees, owners, tenants, or customers of business or manufacturing establishments which are not bein!! used bv a resident of the oremises. exceot for delivery. reoair and other vehicles Drovidin!! temoorary services benefiting: the orooerty. Passen!!er cars and trucks shall not be oarked in yards or any other areas of the orooerty other than the !!ara!!e. dri vewav or 01'1'- street Durkin!! facility comnlvin!! with the reauirements of this Zonin!! Ordinance. Section 4. Section 6-3[A] and [B] of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance are amended to read in their entirety as follows: 6-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in an "R-l" district: 120407 2 [ lo ~ . . . [A] Private garages, parkin,;; spaoe~; and oarports for licensed and operable passenger cars and trucks not to eKceod a gross capacity of nine thou~;aFld (9,000) pounds as re;ulatcd by Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance. Private 6~lrages are intended for w;e to share the pri vate pa:;senger vehicles of the fami I)' or families resident upon the premises and in whioh no business, ~;cn'ice, or industry iG carried on. Suoh ~;paoo can mav be rented to non-residents of the property for private passenger vehicles and/or non-commercial vehicles, trailers, or equipment if sufficient off-street parking in full compliance with this ordinance is provided elsewhere on the property. &t:tffiA garage shall not be used for the storage of more than one (1) commercial vehicle~ owned or operated by a resident~ per dwelling unit. [B] RecreationalExtetior stora2:e of recreational vehicles and equipment. exceot race cars. Section S. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota on the ~ day of ,2005. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 120407 f~l 3 . . . ~ooO _ () l( Council Minutes - 12/11/00 & Consideration of an ordinance amendill!! the Monticello ZoniDl! Ordinance. Chapter 3. Section 3-5. rD] 7. by addinc: subsections (a) and (b). establishing reeulations for commercial vehicles in residential districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. Fred Patch provided hackground information on the proposed ordinance amendment. The City had received complaints about commercial vehicles parked in residential area. The Sheriffs Department indicated that the present wording of the City' s ordinance made it difficult to enforce. The proposed amendment was an attempt to clarify what type of vehicle could not be parked in residential areas thus making this portion of the ordinance enforceable. Brian Stumpf asked if staff had checked out what other communities had before coming up with this proposed language. Fred Patch indicated they had not but the staff did submit this to the Sheriffs Depmiment to determine if they felt it was enforceable. There was considerable discussion on the ordinance amendment. It was questioned whether the amendment was too restrictive and it was suggested that instead of eliminating commercial vehicles they should be limited, such as allowing one commercial vehicle not exceeding one ton. T'he discussion focused on the one ton vehicle and whether that should be restricted. Brian Stumpf felt that since most of the complaints dealt with larger vehicles that should be the type of vehicle targeted by the ordinance amendment. The Planning Commission had conductcd two public hearings on the proposed amendment. Roy Popilek, a Planning Commission member, indicated that there was no one in attendance at the public hearings who spoke for or against the proposed ordinance amendment. The Planning Commission felt the proposed amendment would protect the residential areas horn the presence of large commercial vehicles. Clint Herbst asked if the Planning Commission had a concern about one ton trucks. Roy Popilek stated the Planning Commission didn"t specifically address size when they reviewed this issue. Bruce Thielen expressed his concern that creating a document that was ambiguous might be worse than doing nothing at all and the Council did not feel the matter should be sent back to the Planning Commission again since they had already reviewed it twice. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO DENY THE AMENDMENT '1"0 MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 3, EST ABLISHINCi REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. Roger Carlson voiced his opposition stating that a lot of work had gone into the ordinance amendment. There was further discussion by the Council on the ordinance amendment. Bruce Thielen withdrew his motion to deny the ordinance amendment. BRUCE TIlIELEN MOVED TO TABLE THIS ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND HA VE STAFF DO FURTHER RESEARCH TO RESOLVE THE ISSLJE OF VEHICLE SIZE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CARLSON VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 5 lG8 . . . ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3-5, [D) 7, BY ADDING SUBSECTIONS (A) AND (B), ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS: THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Title 10, Chapter 3, Section 3-5, [0] 7 is hereby amended to read as follows: 7. Off-street parking facilities accessory to residential LIse may be utilized solely for the parking of licensed and operable passenger automobiles, no more than one (I) truck not to exceed gross capacity of nine thousand (9,000) pounds, and recreational vehicle and equipment. Under no circumstances shall required parking facilities accessory to residential structures be used for the storage of commercial vehicles or equipment or for the parking of automobiles belonging to the employees. owners. tenants, or customers of business or manufacturing establ ishments. {ill For the purpose of th is section, a commercial veh icles or equ ipment (buses. trucks. truck-tractors. vans. and the like).shall be defined as. i. Anv vehicle with Minnesota license plates carrvin2 a designation of "BY" (bus. e.\cept as provided belowL "Cl" (commercial zone truck): or ii. Anv vehicle with Minnesota license plates carrvinQ a desiQnation of"Y" (truck with Minnesota base plate) or "T" (farm truckL and displavinu. on the lower riQht corner of the license plate any uross vehicle weiuht designation of "F" throuu.h "T": or iii. Anv vehicle with a u.ross vehicle weiQht in e.\cess of9.000 Ibs. f.h2 Commercial vehicles. shall be subiect to all other provisions of this ordinance: however, the prohibitions of this Section shall not applv to the followin2: i. Commercial vehicles that are actually in the process ofbeinQ loaded or unloaded in the due course of business. ii. Commercial vehicles that are directly ancillary to construction and parked within 1.000 feet orthe related construction site. iii. Vehicles licensed with Disabilitv Plmes. or displavinu a Disabilitv Parkin2 Certificate. IV. One-ton passen"er vans used soleh' for transportinu. persons. v. Vehicles owned and/or operated b\' a !!ovcrnmental a2cnC\'. vi. Puhlic 111/(1 {Jrivll1e emerf!e/lc\" vehicles such liS those used hI' {Jolice, fire, securit\", vehicle towillf!, {Juhlic IIl1d {Jrivll1e utilit\" COl11fJlIllie.\'; however, such vehicles I11IHt dis{JltII' the /llIme o(the COI1l{J((11I' {Jrllvidilll! the service lIllll he elfU i{Jned with emti{Jl11ellf thllt mil\" he used ill 1111 el11erf,!ellCl' .~itUllti()lI. I 10 C'-\ . . . B. c. Council Agenda - 9/26/05 13. Consideration of Reviewinf! Trunk Fee (City of Monticello Project No. 200S-09C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council previously reviewed information related to the adjustment of the trunk fees for sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, and the sewer access charge (SAC). At that meeting, issues were discussed related to the following: . Growth Rate . Unit vs. Acre Charge · Assessment of fees · SAC transfer to trunk fee . Stormwater process . Biosolids expense · Assignment of credits and upfronting costs The attached memo addresses each of these items and the associated recommendation. The Council is asked to review the information and offer input. Once all ofthe input is received, the final report will be prepared and presented at a future council meeting. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: None Required STAFF RECOMMENDATION: See attached memo. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Memo Supporting Documents I J 0 C:\l)(){_'ume"I.~ and Sellil/g,~\cJlIWl/,gTO.~.~ill1:er\L{J(:al Settjl/g,~\n~mp()"wJ' IlIIemel File.\'\(JI.KJIAGN ItM-Review 7'r'un"- "'/.~/.~-()!)J6f)ld{J(: ~ WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. President Date: September 26, 2005 Re: Trunk Fee Discussion City of Monticello Project No. 2005-09C WSB Project No. 1494-05 . Following the July 25, 2005 Council work session on the trunk fee program, we have made modifications to the process. This memo intends to address the remaining issues that will require Council input prior to preparation of the final report. The remaining issues and associated discussion are noted as follows: 1. Growth Rate: After evaluating many options, City staff and Council have agreed to use 300 units per year for 10 years, and 380 units per year for 5 years. This rate has also been used for the information provided with the biosolids discussion. 2. Acre or Unit Cbare:e: Currently, we charge on an acre basis with only the storm sewer fee adjusted based on the type of land use. We have provided an analysis of trunk fees assessed on a per unit basis versus a per acre basis for some of the recent developments that have been completed or are in the planning stages. As is apparent from the analysis, going to a unit basis would typically lower the trunk fee paid for the sanitary sewer system. By doing this we would need to raise the trunk fee up higher than what is currently being proposed. Therefore, in an attempt to remain consistent with previous years, we are proposing that the City stay with the per acre basis for trunk water main, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer, and leave the program in place to assess on a gross acre basis for sanitary sewer and water main, and on a net acre basis for storm sewer. . 3. Assessment of Fees: Currently, the City of Monticello has allowed developers to assess the trunk fees on a per lot basis over a lO-year period. The developers do have to pay interest each year on the assessment that has not been paid off, which typically keeps the City current with increases to the trunk fees. We are proposing that the City Council still aIJow the trunk fees to be assessed, however, the terms should be reduced to 3 years. This will ensure that the City receives trunk fees on a timely basis to pay for improvements that likely were necessary for development of the assessed lots. K:\l)1494-0.5\AdminVJoc.(lMEMO-hmcc-092605.doc Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer ~ ~ , . Honorable Mayor and City Council September 26, 2005 Page 2 4. Transfers of SAC Fees to the Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fee: Currently, the City of Monticello is transferring 30% of the SAC fees to the sanitary sewer trunk fund. This is an unusual practice and was discussed at the previous meeting that the City should work towards eliminating that transfer. The fees that we have proposed include immediately reducing the SAC fee transfer to 20% followed by a reduction of the transfer at approximately 1 % per year. This will take 20 years to remove completely the SAC transfer to the trunk fee, however, this is the smoothest way to complete the transfer without making major adjustments to the trunk fee and SAC fee. 5. Storm Sewer Pondin2 Proe:ram: The Council agreed at the last meeting that it makes sense to separate the storm water trunk fee into separate pipe and ponding fees. This will allow us to better manage the land costs within the program for acquisition of ponding. The remainder of the storm sewer trunk fee program will remain as previously developed. . 6. Biosolids Expense: The City of Monticello is exploring options for expanding the biosolids system at the wastewater treatment plant to a Class A process. This would be at an estimated cost of $7,250,000. The City Council should address whether the improvement of this process should be included in the SAC calculation to be paid for by all new development of if a portion of it should be paid for out of City funds, which would then reduce the necessary increase to the SAC fee. You will note that the trunk fee is being increased due to the reduction in the SAC fee transfer, which allows us to maintain the SAC fee at its current rate due to the influx of additional funds that are no longer being transferred. 7. Assil!nment of Credits and Upfrontine Costs for Trunk Fees: As has been explained previously, the trunk fee is set by the date and cost of when improvements are constructed balanced by the amount of revenue that is received on an annual basis. This can then be generated into a spreadsheet that identifies the annual balance in each of the funds. We have attempted to keep the annual balance from exceeding a negative $3,000,000 in an attempt to manage the trunk fee at an acceptable rate. We are recommending that in the future that the City Council provide credit to the developers at the end of their projects, and not at the beginning. This will help make sure that there is adequate funding and revenue into the trunk fee program to keep the debt at a minimum. In addition, we are recommending that City staff and Council address each trunk expenditure on a case by case basis to determine if the developer should be required to up front the cost or if it fits within the City's trunk program. This flexibility is necessary due to fluctuations in the number of housing units developed on an annual basis and the necessary expenditures and date when they are planned in the program. . 8. Currently Assessed Lots: Currently, there are approximately 6,800 that have been assessed trunk fees at the current rate. Because of this, the revenue from those lots will be limited to the assessed rate, which will not allow us to increase the trunk fees received. Therefore, the spreadsheet that is attached shows a similar amount for 2005 and 2006, which represents those previously assessed lots. From 2007 on, you will note the adjusted trunk fee that is proposed at this time. \\~ K.'VJI494.0.'M/btiltl\[J,)(:MfEMO-hm("(.-Q926()5.d~)(. . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council September 26,2005 Page 3 9. Water Treatment Plant: As was discussed at the last meeting, a water treatment plant was shown to be constructed in 2025. While we believe that it is prudent to start planning for the construction of a water treatment plant, it does significantly increase the trunk fees that are proposed to be paid. With the water treatment plant in the program, the trunk fees are proposed to be increased to $3,300 per acre. Without the water treatment plant in the program, the trunk fees would be increased to approximately $1,900 per acre. Many cities have gone to including a portion of the water treatment plant costs in the trunk fee program with another portion of the cost paid as a surcharge on the user rates. City Council could decide to adopt a program at this time, which would increase the trunk fee to start building revenue for the water treatment plant and then plan to pay for a portion of the cost with rates once the treatment plant is under design. Therefore, we are recommending that the City Council provide some input on this matter and look at a trunk fee somewhere between $1,900 and $3,300 per acre. 10. Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fee: The attached cash flow analysis using 300 units per year for the first 10 years and 380 units per year thereafter, with a reduction of the SAC fee transfer to 20% followed by a 1 % reduction per year, would propose an increase in the trunk fee to $3,720 per acre from the current $2,228 per acre. We are recommending that be proposed for 2006 and beyond. 11. City Survey: In an attempt to provide some information to the City Council on surrounding cities and other metro cities related to the trunk fee program, we completed a brief survey, which is attached for your information. A presentation will be provided at the meeting to discuss these issues in greater detail. If you have any questions prior to the meeting, please don't hesitate to contact me at 763-287-7190. Attachments srb K;V)J494-tJ,Milmbi\l)Qcs\Ml:."Mo-hmcc-092605.doc \ l 3 Cash Flow Analysis (300 units per year) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund (Adjusted Fee) City of Monticello . WSB Project No. 01494-050 Rcginning Balance $2,350,650 Residential Trunk Fec ~ $1,240 pCI' unit Expenditure InflatiOIl Rate 3.00% Commercial Trunk Fcc ~ $5,580 pCI' unit Ad.iusted Trunk Fee $3,720 per acre I nduslrial Trunk Fee ~ $22,320 per unit Annual Fee Multiplier (Year 1 - 10) 4.00% Adjusted SAC Fee = $3,656 per unlf Annual Fee Multiplier (Year II - 40) 4.00% SAC I'cc Transfer - 20% SAC Fee (to sanitary sewer fund) $731 per unit Reduce SAC Fee = 1.0% per year Sanitary Trunk Fund Annual Year Description Expenditures Uebt Service Trunk Fee Sac I' ces Balance Uebt Transfer Beginning Balancc_ .J>2,350,650 $0 2005 $0 5262,904 $241 ,296 $2,854,850 $0 2005 Improvements (liT]), & 4) 2006 10 year bond @ 6% $5,5~~83 $751,117 $262,904 $238,400 $2,605,0}8 $0 2006improvcmellts (#"f--' .--... - 2007 I Oyr bond (tl)(,% (Credit Developer $389,000) $751,117 $474,779 $234,887 . ~2,563,588 $0 2007 Improvenlents (#6)" --- - 2008 10 year bond @ 6% $1,310,000 $939,943 $493,770 $230,711 __-.J2,348,126 $0 200ifTmprovemcnls (#7 & fi)-' -- -- 2009 10 year bond (a) 6%, $365,000 $994,133 $513,521 $225,826 $2,093,340 $0 2010 $994,133 $534,062 $220,180 $1,853,449 $0 2oTOjmprovcments (#iOf- 2011 10 year bond (ii! 6% $1,750,000 $1,269,773 $555,424 $213,721 ---.J.1 ,352,822 $0 20 I r Improvements (ill I 8< T2f- .-., ,.--..... 2012 10 year bond (il) 6% $1,380,000 $1,493,655 $577,641 $206,394 $643,203 $0 20[2 lmpr(JVements (#IT,--i4, & 15j""""- 2013 10 year bond ~/) 6% $2,430,000 $1,899,709 $600,747 $198,138 ($~57,6~ I) _...0.1 ,298,'1(,2) 2013 -improveme-"ts (# I~ 2014 10 year bond ('!) 6% $410,000 $1,970,275 $624,777 $188,892 ($ 1.614,228) ___($1,345,493:1) 20 i 4 Iniprovements "(liT';) -- - . 2015 10 year bond @ 6% $360,000 $2,034,095 $649,768 $ln,~89 . ($2,819,966) ($1}84,327) --- ..--- 2016 $1 ,182,979 $864,742 $212,241 ..J:f0,t)25,962) ($418,236) 2017 $1 ,n2,979 $899,332 $196,205 ($3,213.403) ($383,647) 2017 Impr.:lVements (118) 2018 10 year bond (~~) 6% $425,000 $1,176,48 I $935,305 $178,547 ($3,276,0.12) ($241.176) .-- - 2019 ~..!..,,!22,291 $973.,2l7 $159,162 .......!.13,266,444) ($149,573) 2020 ...!!,,122,291 $1/!_!."!":(j26 $137,940 ($3,23~c 1(9) ($110,665) 20201mprovemellts (# (9) ---.." ... 2021 10 year bond (ill 6% $1,600,000 $1,185,336 $ !,O52,O91 $114,766 ($3,257,64~) ($133,245) 20ITTmprovemellts (#2ifJ- .-- --- 2022 10 year bond @ 6% $560,000 ..J.l ,083,~50_ $1,094,175 $89,518 ($3,_157,505 ) $10,625 2023 $677 ,496 $1,137,942 ~~,066 _l$2,634,9<J4 ) $460,446 ..--- -- 2024 $606,929 $1,183,459 $32,P4 . ($2,Y26, 18~) -- $576,530 2024lmprovenient, (#21) 2025 10 year bond @ 6% $430,000 $645,555 $1,230,798 $0 ($1,440,946) $585,243 2025 linprovemenis (1122) 2026 ] 0 year bond ~i) 6% $630,000 $800,152 $I,180,Q30 $0 ($961,069) $479,877 2026 Impr(lVements (#23) 2027 20 yea~.!?<:~d @ 6"-"___ _n_J465,yOO $917,683 $1,331,~ $0 ($547,521) $413,548 2028 $835,354 $1,384,480 $0 $1,605 $0 --. - 2029 $835,354 $1 ,43~,859 $0 $606,110 $0 2030 $835,3J4 $1,497,454 $0 $1,268,210 $0 2031 $496,669 $1,557,352 $0 $2,328,892 $0 .--.. --... 2032 $374,574 ....!1,619,646 $0 $3,573,964 $0 . 2033 $374,574 $1,684,432 $0 _~,883,8~2 $0 2034 $374,574 $1,751,809 $0 $6,2~.!..,Q.57 $0 2035 $272,128 $1,821,881 $0 $7,810,810 $0 K:I01494-05\AdminIExceIlCash Flow Analysis - 300 Units per year )lY 1014 . . . Cash Flow Analysis (300 units per year) WWTP Fund (Adjusted Fee) City of Monticello WSB Project No. 01494-050 Beginning Balanee Expenditure Inllation Rate SAC Fee (to WWTP fund) Annual Fee Multiplier (Year I - 10) Annual Fee Multip]ier (Year II - 40) $2, III ,000 3,00% $2,925 per unit 4,00% 4,00% Adjusted SAC Fee = SAC Fee Transfer = Year Waste Water Treatment Fund Description Population Annual Equivalent Expenditures Debt Serviee SAC Fees 11,115 ... ... ....... 11,952 $574,000 $1,082,293 $965,] 84 ..---- -.---.-..---.. $1 ,o.~~,29~ $1,016,339 $7,250,000 _ _.!!ll82,~~~__~1,070,042 2007 2006 & 2007 Improvements 20 year bond (ll) 6% --....-.-----------..-- ---------- 12,789 2008 13,804 $],752,875 J-,-,752,875 $1,?g~75 $2,074,515 2009 14,641 2010 15,478 ........ SBR Tank 2011 10 year bond (Ill 6% 16,315 $2,042,050 2012 -... $2,074,515 17,152 --.--..-.. 2013 $2,074,515 17,989 ---.--- -- 2014 f----------------.-----..-..-- ...... _. $2,074,515 $_2,Qz..~,? 15 18,826 2015 19,663 2016 $2,074,515 .... 20,723 2017 21,783 $2,074,515 -- ...-- -.------- $1,1_2_~,i!2. $1,185,585 $],247,687 $1,312,861 $1,381,251 $1,453,013 $] ,528,306 $1,607,297 $2,145,993 $2,256,359 2019 23,903 $2,0?~,?!.~_ __ $2,372,120 $992,222 $2,49~.2! I $992,222 .. $2,!i20,860 2018 22,843 2020 24,964 2 - SBR Tanks 2021 110 year bond @ 6% $6,000,000 26,024 --r--- $] ,485,566 $1,485,566 $2,894,401 $2,754,386 2022 27,084 ___.____.___.._..__..___._m___...__ C" ......___ _.._ on. 2023 28,144 $1,485,566 $3,041,210 2024 29,204 $1,485,566 $3,356,503 $1,485,566 $3, 195, 132 2025 30,265 .--!--------.--... --....-.-. ........ ..-.. ---..------------- 1------.--------- - ---. ....... . . . ----- ----------- ..... K:I01494-05\AdminIExceIlCash Flow Analysis - 300 Units per year . -------- -.----.. ----- $3,656 80% pcr unit Balance Debt Transfer $2,111,000 $0 .---....-.-1------.-- $1,993,891 $0 $1,.153,937 $0 $1,341,686 $0 $715,226 $0 $147,936 $0 ($357,251 ) ($505,188) ($1,118,90:i) ($761,654) .__.~---~ ($ 1,812, 1(8) ($693,263 ) ($2,433,670) ($621,501 ) ($2.979,879) ($546,209) _.....~ -----.----- ($3,447,097) ($467,218) ..--.-.,.-.-....- ($3,3?~,~ __ $71,479 ($3,193,774) .. $18)&~~ ($2.896,169) $297,605 -----.".. ($1,394.859) $1,501,309 ----. $233,779 $0 --"....- $1 ,502,599 $0 ._F_,91 1,434 $0 ~4,i67,077 $0 -- $6,176,643 $0 $8,047,580 $0 ....... -..------..-..---- ------- ------ .-- tl S 20f4 . . . Cash Flow Analysis (300 units per year) Water Trunk Fund (Adjusted Fee) City of Monticello WSB Project No. 01494-050 Hook up Fees (WAC) $740 pcr unit Expendilur~ Inflation Rate 3.00% TrUll k Fee $3,290 pcr acre Annual Fee Multiplier (Year 1 - 10) 4.00% Annual Fee Multiplier (Year II - 40) 4.00% '$200,000 in trunk main expend~dur~s have heen assumed for those years where major expenditures have not been identified. Water Trunk Fund Annual Description Expenditures Debt Servie~ Trunk Main $' WAC Fee Trunk F~~ Veal' HcglnllJ,~~. Bahmce 2005 Water Tower-i & 2005 improve (#3,4,-&5)----------. 2006 10 year bond (a) 6% _.J2,833,009. 2007 2008 2009 2010 Well NO.6 (#13) 20 I I 10 year bond (ii! 6% ReservlOr Expansion No. t (iii s) 2012 10 year bond@ 6% $1,000,000 _. $920,000 2013 welf-Ni;~7(mj"'" 2014 10 year bond @ 6% .-..-------.. $1,000,000 ...----- 2015 2016 2017 weirNii-'-x (1123) & Water Tower 3 (#21) 2018 to year bond (<I) 6% $3,150,000 2019 2020 2021 . Well No.9 (iii9) 2022 10 year bond (<iJ 6% Reservoir Expansion NO.2 (#30) 2023 10 year bond ifi) 6% $1,0.92,900 $920,000 2024 $384,914 $324,450 $0 ____J647,040 $384,914 $239,763 $384,914 $384,914 _______ $236,0~_ $384,914 $542,422 $691,677 $141_,814 $191,280 $238,810 $93,470 $691,677 _______ $253,35i. $229,640 $863,790 $863,790 $478,876 $478,876 $268,783 $47,064 $250,934 $1 ,(l89,079 .____~~,Z_07_ $297,980 $311,593_ __ $558,40 I _~?_4-,_~~1 $930,478 $1,089,079 $1,089,079 $931,571 $1,000,345 $1,206,948 WTP & Related 'YriJr,k Mam(ii25 & 26) 2025 20 year bond @ 6% .-..".-.....--.-.--.-.-.-...--... ___E,034,835 $9,650,000 __:g,~! 0,114 $2,510,114 2026 2027 2028 2029 Well N,i:'Td (#32) 10 year bond @ 6% Rooster Station NO.2 (#33) 10 year bond (ii) 6% $600,000 -...-----..... $1,000,000 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 K:I01494-05\AdminIExceIlCash Flow Analysis - 300 Units per year $2,510,114 $1,899,911 $2,168,058 $2,333,773 $2,333,773 $2,115,745 $1,909,141 $1,909,141 $1,909,141 _.1'539,181 $330,570 $340,487 $934,619 $361,222 $372,059 $~83,221 $394,717 $406,559 $732,822 $431,318 $444,258 $457,586 _~471 ,313 $485,452 Residential Trunk Fee - Commercial Tnmk Fee ~ Industrial T.unk Fee - $244,200 $253,968 $264,127 $274,692 $285,679 $297,107 $308,991 $321,351 $334,205 $3~?,~73 $361,476 $477,323 $496,416 $516,273 $536,924 $580,737 $603,966 $628,125 $206,736 $206,736 $419,899 $436,695 $1,097 per unit $4,935 per unit $19,740 p~r unit 8alanee $1,503,000 $1,306,896 $1,058,236 $1,117,584 $1,208,028 $454,162 ____$1,421, !..42 $1,614,383 $472,329 ----.- $491 ,222 _____~!,633,364 $510,871 $1,680,438 $531,306 $552,558 $574,660 $764,785 $795,377 $827,192 $860,280 $967,697 $1,600,917 $1,407,618 $1,211,180 $1,927,348 $~~~,331 $2,450,009 Debt Transf~r $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,460,153 $0 $0 $2,512,571 $2,553,034 $1,006,405 _____ $2,880,8?~_ . $~J93, 7H3 $653,250 $1 ,046,-6~2 $679,380 $1,088,528 $700,5~~_ ____~ 1,132,069 $734,817 $1,177,352 $764,210 $1,224,446 $794,778 _ $1 ,27~,424.. $826,569 $1,324,361 $859,632 $894,017 .1'2.?_9, 77~ __~J~?,_~69 $1,005,648 $1,377,335 $1,432,429 $1,489,726 $1,549,315 $1,611,287 \ llo $2,611,336 $1,507,908 $464,3?0 ($516,806) ($822,778) ($1,329,193) ($2.244,858) ($2,772,981 ) ($3,006,538) ($2,~~~,761 ) ($2,817,931 ) ($2,595,589) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($98 1.1(5) ($_105,972) ($506,415) ($915,665) .------ . ($528,124) ($233,556) $52,777 $135,830 $222,342 30f4 . Growth Projection & Fees Generated (300 units per year) Trunk Fee Analysis (Adjusted Fee) City of Monticello WSB Project No. 01491-050 Residential Densities = 3 unils per acre Commercial Densities - I unit per 1.5 acres Industrial Densities ~ I unit per 6 aCres Adjusted Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fee ~ Adjusted WaleI' Main Trunk Fee - Currelll SAC F'ee - Current WAC Fee - Developed Acreage Pel' Year 12 Additional Unit.. per Year Year Res Ind COIllIll Total 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 100 10 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 202'1 2030 2031 2032 2033 127 13 2034 127 13 2035 127 13 2036 127 13 100 100 100 100 100 ]00 ]00 100 100 100 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 ]27 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ]() ]0 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 ]3 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 8 ] ]8 8 118 $3,720 $3,2'10 $3,656 $740 per acre per acre per unit per unit Units Per YeaI' 12 Additional Units per Year Res Ind. Comm SAC units SAC units SAC units Total 300 300 300 300 300 300 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 380 300 300 300 300 300 11 11 II ]] II II 1] II II II 1] II 11 II II II K:\01494.05\Admin\Excel\Cash Flow Analysis - 300 Units per year 8 118 8 118 8 118 118 8 ] ]8 8 ] ]8 8 118 8 118 8 118 11 151 II ]5] II 151 II 151 II ]5] II 151 II ]51 II 15] I] 151 II 151 II 151 I] 151 ]] 151 I] 151 I] 151 II 151 I] 151 II 151 II 151 I] 151 II 15] 9 9 \I \I 'I 9 9 9 9 \I \I II II ]1 ]1 II 21 2] 21 21 21 21 21 21 2] 21 21 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 4]\1 28 419 28 419 28 419 28 419 · Assumes Fees are increased 4% each year SAC Fees 330 $1,296,480 $1,254,739 $1,304,929 330 :130 330 $1,357,126 --. .- 330 $~,41] 330 $1,467,867 330 _~1,526,582 330 $1 ,587,645 $1,651,151 330 330 .---.!I ,717,197 $1, 7~?,885 $2,358,234 330 419 419 , $2,45~,564 $2,55(),666 41\1 4]9 $2,652,693 419 $2,758,80 I 419 $2,8~~3 $2,9H.~~ .J1I03,27? $3,227 ,406 419 419 419 419 $3,356,503" $3,4\10,763 419 41'1 $3,630,393 419 $3,775,609 419 ~3,926,633 $4,08},699 $4,247,047 .J>~,416, 929 41'1 419 $4,5~3,696 $4,777,350 ._~4,968,4~4 $5,167,]82 WAC Trunk Fees Sanitary , $244,200 $253,968 $264,] 27 $27~,692 $285,67\1 ~29~1 07 $308,991 $321,351 $334,205 $347,573 $361,476 $477,323 $496,4 16 $516,273 $536,\I~4 $558,~0 I $580,737 , $60\966 $628,125 $653,250 $679,380 .--.J706,555. $734,817 $764,210 $794,778 $826,56\1 -.- - $859,632 $894,017 $438,960 $456,518 ~474,779 $493,770 $513,521 $534,062 -.--,.'" .. ..1~5,424 $577,641 $~,00,7~7 $624,777 $64\1,768 $864,742 $899,332 $935,305 " $\172,717 "!!'.o 11 ,626 .--.J.' ,052,0'1.1 ...!!..,,094, 175" $1,137,942 ..J.!.J83,45'1, $1,230,798 JI,280,030 $1,33],23} $1 ,~H4,480 $1,43'1,859 " $1,497,454 $1,557,352 ~9,m .~!.,684,43~ $1,61\1,646 $966,96\1 $1,005,648. $1,045,874 Trunk Water $388,~20 $403,749 ._.!419,89':J.. $436,6'15 ..-- .. ..1~.54, 162 $472,329 $49] ,222 ~!9,871 .1,'U I ,306 $552,558 , $574,660. $764,785, .E~5,377 $827,192 $860,280 $894,6\11 $930,478 $967,697 ~.o6,405 $1,046,662. $1,088,528 $1, 1--,2,0~9 $.!..J.17,352 $1 ,224,446 $]}73,424 $1,324,361 $1,377.335 $] ,432,429 . ".----- ...- $1,48?,72~ $1,75],,809 $1,549.315 $1,821,881 $],611,287 $] ,894,756 $1,675,739 V'1l Population ]()278 I] 115 11952 1278'1 13804 14641 15478 ]6315 17152 17989 18826 19663 20723 21783 22843 23903 24964 26024 27084 28144 29204 30265 31325 32385 33445 34505 35566 36626 37686 38746 3\1806 40867 41927 4014 TABLE 6 Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Plan (2005 Dollars) - see figure 5 . Trunk Costs Improvement (Oversizing and Overdepth cost for Trunk Mains) 1) 2005 - 36-inch Southeast interceptor (Phase 1) 3,150,924 2) 2005 - Otter Creek lift station & force main (Phase 1) 716,819 W 2005 - (2) Bio-solids Mixers & Shop Bldg 3) 2005 - Meadow Oak Lift Station 1,560,540 4) 2005 ~ 12-inch Insignia trunk sewer extension 100,000 W 2005 - Skid Loader 5) 2006 - Hidden Forest lift station and force main. (Credit Developer) 389,000 W 2006 - Phase 1; Heat drying system. W 2007 - Phase 2; expand the existing class B bio-solids process 6) 2007 - 30-inch Northwest trunk sanitary sewer (Phase 1) 1,310,000 7) 2008 - 12-inch Featherstone trunk sewer (Phase 2) 100,000 8) 2008 - Marvin Road lift station pump replacement to accommodate 265,000 increased capacity needs. 10) 2010 - 36-inch Southeast interceptor (Phase 2) 1,750,000 W 2010 - SBR Tank 11) 2011 - Insignia lift station and force main - require to serve the area 380,000 west of Insignia/Schluender development. 12) 2011 - River Street Trunk Main - Replace River Street sanitary 1,000,000 sewer, reroute Chestnut force main to connect to new River Street trunk main, replace Chestnut lift station pumps. 13) 2012 - 12-inch YMCA Development trunk sewer 260,000 . 14) 2012 - Replace interceptor from Hart Blvd to WWTP 370,000 (24-inch to 48-inch) 15) 2012 - Otter Creek force main extension to the Southeast interceptor. 1,800,000 16) 2013 - 18-inch Northwest trunk sanitary sewer (Phase 2) 410,000 17) 2014 - 18-inch 85th Street NE trunk sewer 360,000 18) 2017 - Southeast area lift station and forcemain - required to serve 425,000 the area east of Meadow Oaks and south of 1-94. 19) 2020 - 36-inch Southeast interceptor (Phase 3) 1,600,000 W 2020 - SBR Tanks (2) 20) 2021 - 18-inch Southeast interceptor -lateral east (Phase 1) 560,000 21) 2024 - 18-inch Southeast interceptor - lateral west (Phase 1) 430,000 22) 2026 - 12-inch Southeast interceptor -lateral east (Phase 2) 630,000 23) 2027 - Long Lake lift station and force main - required to serve the 465,000 area on the east side of Long Lake. WWTP Costs 560,000 14,000 4,000,000 3,250,000 2,042,050 6,000,000 Notes: 1. Costs are for budgeting purposes only, and are subject to change as projects are studied, designed, and constructed. 2. Trunk main costs are assumed to be the oversizing cost above 8-inch. 3. Project Costs include 10% for contingency and 28% for indirect costs. . Figures Trunk Fee Analysis Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water, and Water System City of Monticello WSB Project No. 01494-05 J'L<() . TABLE 7 Water System Capital Improvement Plan (2005 Dollars) - seefigure 4 . Improvement 1) 2005 - l6.inch Trunk Main to Water Tower (T-2) 3) 2005 - Elevated Water Tower (T-2) (1,000,000 gal) 4) 2005 - CSAH 75 l2-inch Looping CSAH 39 to Hart Blvd 5) 2005 - CSAH 18 Watermain Realignment 6) 2005 - Meadow Oak Avenue l2-inch Watermain Relocation 7) 2005 - l6-inch Chelsea Road Extension 8) 2006 - l6-inch Continuation of Savannah Drive 9) 2006. l2-inch trunk main-continuation ofCSAH 39 & 12 inch loop to Sunset Ponds (Credit Developer) 10) 2006 - l6-inch Chelsea Rd. extension to Tower No.3 11) 2007 - Booster Station No.1 Expansion 12) 2007 - 12~inch extension of Trunk Hwy. 25 13) 2010 ~ Well No.6 14) 2008 - 20-inch Connector Between Above l6-inch Extension and 90th Street 15) 2012 - Reservoir Expansion No.1 (1,000,000 gal) 16) 2009 - l6-inch from 90th St. to Chelsea Rd. extension 17) 2010 - l6-inch 1-94 crossing loop to River Street 18) 2013 - Well No.7 19) 2012 - l2-inch connector between 90th St. and TrunkHwy. 25 20) 2013 - l2-inch main along Jason Ave. connecting to southern portion of Carlisle Village 21) 2017 - T-3 (Elevated or Ground Storage) 22) 2014 - 20-inch connector to Chelsea Rd. 23) 2017-WellNo.8 24) 2014 - l6-inch main from Water Tower 2 to Trunk Hwy. 25 25) 2024 - Water Treatment Facility 26) 2024 - 24-inch trunk main to WTP 27) 2016 - 20-inch extension south along 90th St. 28) 2017 - l2-inch trunk main Northwest Service Area 29) 2021 - Well No.9 30) 2022 - Reservoir Expansion No.2 31) 2020 - 20-inch Fenning Avenue Extension 32) 2028 - Well No. 10 33) 2029 - Booster Station No.2 34) 2025 - l6-inch Loop Fenning Ave to Hwy 25 Trunk Costs (Oversizing cost for Trunk Mains) 80,000 2,423,000 110,000 300,000 125,000 32,040 43,000 82,000 190,000 120,000 26,000 1,000,000 16,000 920,000 126,000 165,000 1,000,000 76,000 34,000 2,150,000 111,000 1,000,000 65,000 7,850,000 1,800,000 197,000 336,000 1,000,000 920,000 533,000 1,000,000 600,000 350,000 Notes: 1. Figures are taken from the 2004 Monticello Water System Plan. 2. Costs are for budgeting purposes only, and are subject to change as projects are studied, designed, and constructed. 3. Trunk main costs are assumed to be the oversizing cost above 8-inch. In some commercial/industrial areas, the actual oversizing cost will be that above l2-inch. 4. Project Costs include 10% for contingency and 28% for indirect costs. . Figures Trunk Fee Analysis Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water, and Water System City of Monticello WSB Project No. 01494-05 Ilq . Analysis of Trunk Fees assessed "per unit" vs. "per acre" Hidden Forest/Sunset RidQe Sunset Ponds 171 acres * $2,228 facre = $380,988 94 acres * $2,228 lacre = $209,432 239 units * $743 lunit = $177,577 277 units * $743 lunit = $205,811 Spirit Hills Townhomes Spirit Hills Residential 16 acres * $2,228 lacre = $35,648 25 acres * $2,228 lacre = $55,700 92 units * $743 funit = $68,356 50 units * $743 funit = $37,150 HeritaQe Poplar Hills 890 acres * $2,228/acre = $1,982,920 230 acres * $2,228 lacre = $512,440 2598 units * $743 lunit = $1,930,314 448 units * $743 lunit = $332,864 Featherstone Carlisle Villaae 150 acres * $2,228 lacre = $334,200 78 acres * $2,228 lacre = $173,784 297 units * $743 funit = $220,671 236 units * $743 lunit = $175,348 Hunters CrossinQ Parkside at Meadow Oaks 94 acres * $2,228 facre = $209,432 21 acres * $2,228 lacre = $46,788 253 units * $743 lunit = $187,979 43 units * $743 lunit = $31,949 Per unit trunk fee based on 3 units per acre . }$jO K:\01494-05\Admin\Excel\Acres vs Units CI. ~ => 2l. ) ~ o E u '0 3l l11 ~C~ 2~~ 1-.....<( c: .g CI. 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'" 0.... -2l. :2..2 lll.~ =<1> <("'0 o Z ~ ~ 1 ",,,, ,sOl .e8 c:O ::l.ri" :-=N E~ l{f""! >-~ I o o ..... M "" o g ...,. 0; >- t5 Z ~ ~ ~~ O-'I ]j~~ -!~~ -gj ~,~ a::~~ ~ ~ ~ N <fl ~ ..0- .... ~ ~ ~~ Qi~ Eco E..... 8~ o Z o Z ;! "" N .... In o In '" "" j! <I> c: o '" = ~ '" ..<:: '" ~ 1! '" [5 '" = ~ '" ..c: '" ~ .4. A. . . Consideration of review of items relatinl! to Hidden Forest Subdivision pertaininl! to site l!radin~ and utilitv improvements. finance plan and utility pipe desi~n. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to review topics relating to the Hidden Forest subdivision and provide direction accordingly. 'rhe three major areas that stall and the developer need direction on include establishment of the finance plan supporting the utility system, consideration of the use of HDPE pipe for sanitary sewer and water, and consideration of issuing a grading permit and utility construction permit allowing construction of the development to commence. HDPE Pipe See the attached report 1[om Bret Weiss and other information fronl the developer for detailed information on this topic. Although not permitted under our current design standards, this type of pipe is being used more frequently for these types of installations. The savings for the developer associated with HDPE pipe installation in this case could be significant. The question is whether the use of this type of pipe create a long term maintenance concern for the City. If the Council desires, the design could allow for either pipe type and installation method and utilize an alternate bid process. Issuance of a Grading Permit/Utility Installation The developer has requested issuance of a grading permit and permission to install utilities at a time earlier than normally allowed under the development process. The developer's desire is to commence construction this hlll so that homes can be built over the winter months in preparation for the spring home preview. City staff is not authorized to issue a grading permit or grant permission to install utility systems given the current stage of development. It is not unusual for a developer to obtain a grading permit prior to approval of the final plat and development agreement, when there are very few uncertainties relating to a project. Council is asked to determine if it is acceptable to issue a grading permit and or utility installation permission at this time. Following are items from WSB's memo outlining items that would prohibit staiI from issuing construction permits without Counci I authorization. . It would be late in the season to begin grading. The developer has not indicated what erosion measures will be implemented due to lack of available turf establishment. Pond overflow options need to be evaluated due to lack of an outlet. There are pond design/lining and turf establishment issues. Street/Utility Installation Plans are not yet approved. It is critical to have an overall design in place to know proper elevation and size of utilities. Related to above Street/Utility Plans, the project needs acceptable size and depth of utilities to serve adjacent properties. . . I () d . . B. . . Developer needs to provide a schedule showing how and when the improvements can be completed. Model home construction should not commence without paved streets. The developer will need to provide written verification from the Wright County Board to build in this area prior to construction of an outlet. This property is in Ditch 33. Agreements between property owners/developers Woolston and Pauman regarding joint funding, and acquisition of necessary easements from Woolston allowing completion of utility system are not yet in place Developer/City need to estimate full cost of the outlet improvement and have funds in place to construct the outlet in 2006 Agreement on finance plan relating to trunk fee expenses and credits has not been completed. Annexation of the parcel has not yet occured. This means that Wright County must issue the grading permit. In the past, the County has issued grading permits for land areas that will soon become part of the city if so approved by the City. Development of site utilities has never occurred in the past until completion of the final plat and until thc plans have been approved by the City Engineer. In addition, all utilities need to be in place along with all financial securities relating to the utility development. . . . . . . Financing Issues Prior to issuing a grading permit, there needs to be agreement on the underlying finance plan of a development. For Hidden Forest, it is proposed that the developer will pay the full cost to get sanitary, water and storm sewer service to the site. The total cost is estimated at $1,281,000. In exchange for funding the extension of services to the site, the developer will get a credit of $870,700 against the total trunk fee of $1 ,521 ,400. A trunk fee amount of $650,700 would not be credited and would be paid by the developer into the trunk fund. The $870,700 credit would be provided as a reduction in the assessment against lots developed in later stages of the project. Please note that the developer is requesting an additional credit for costs paid to construct the storm sewer. This project is being constructed ahead of the presence of City utilities, therefore it is not recommended that the developer get full credit against his cost of developing utilities. The developer bel ieves that the credit should be larger, but does not object to receiving the credit during later stages of development. Council is asked to review the trunk funding program and provide direction. The developer requests that the City provide credits greater than $870,700 to otTset costs. Again, there is concern about granting too much in credit, due to the f~lct that the City needs to maintain a supply of funds to repay debt against projects already completed. For every home built at rlidden Forest that would have otherwise been built in another development, the City will have less capacity to service existing infrastructure debt. ALT~:RNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision 1 ) ~ 3 . .c. Motion to authorize the City Engineer to include HOPE pipe as an alternative for both sewer and water applications. Motion to deny authorization to the City EngineI' to include HDPE Pipe as an alternative for both sewer and water applications. Decision 2 Motion to authorize staff to issue grading and utility development permits subject to completion of conditions identified by the City Council. Motion to deny authorization to issue grading and or utility permits at this time. Decision 3 Motion to direct staff to prepare development agreement based on providing a credit against trunk fees ranging from full credit $1,207,400 to a credit of $870,700. Motion to table matter pending further discussion. 1 ,,;; STAFF RECOMMENDATION This is a very complex project that is now starting to come together and stafr truly supports efforts to accommodate the developer's schedule. However, we do have concerns about moving f()fward without the standard steps completed. D. SUPPORTING DATA . 1. WSB Report 2. Email Information from Developer 2. Letter regarding Final Plat and Grading Permit 3. Petition to Wright County regarding Ditch 33 4. Ditch 33 Agreement with Wright County 5. Finance Plan - Trunk Improvement and Area Charges ( 7.) L) SEP-21-2005 15:55 WSB & RSSOCIRTES 7635411 700 P.02 . . . Memorandum To Jeff O'Neill Deputy City Administrator City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. President Date: September 21, 2005 Re: Developers Agreement & Project Issues Hidden Forest/Sunset Ridge City Project #200S-03C WSB Project #1627-00 This memo is intended to address development and finance related issues for the above referenced project as necessary to initiate phase 1 of the Hidden Forest development. As you are aware, this project involves many unique development issues along with two independent developers. While we understand the lateness of the construction season and the desire of the Hidden Forest developer to start construction activities, we do reconunend that the developers agreement and securities are in place prior to initiating grading activities. This memo includes many of the related issues that should be addressed along with a sUlmnary of the proposed trunk. fees. Hidden Forest Grading Plan . How much should be opened up in 'OS? What specific erosion control measures will be implemented due to lack of available turf establishment? . Pond overflow options need to be evaluated due to the lack of an outlet. . Consider limiting grading to north of 98th North Street in 2005 to minimize potential erosion issues. . Pond design/lining and turf establishment issues. . Street Utility Installation - we need to have the overall design in place to know proper elevation and sizes of utilities. . This development shall provide acceptable size and depth of utilities to serve anticipated adjacent properties that will be developed in the future. I~r; . . . SEP-21-2005 15:56 WSB & ASSOCIATES 7635411700 P.03 · The developer should provide the City a schedule of construction activities to show how and when the improvements can be completed. Model home construction should not commence without paved full streets. The City should not assume emergency, fire or medical responsibility for the site until streets and utilities are available and useable. Final Plat · The pond in Outlet A should be revised to be within the lots as an easement and not as a separate outlet. . Is the Outlet B width adequate for utility easement based on pipe depth and for acceptable entrance drive? · The proposed entrance island is very narrow and does not serve much of a purpose. Consider removing this and building a monument on the side of the right of way, prior to the outlet. . Need to verify access options and size of proposed lift station site. Ditch 33 · Verify with the County board the ability to build in this area prior to the outlet construction. (see item 3 of the County board stipulation - this area is n the Ditch 33 water shed.) . Need to estimate full cost of the improvement and have the funds in place to construct the outlet in 2006. . Estimate the value of the wetland restoration and have funds in place. . Repair the existing inlet to ditch 33 in 2005 (Pauman agreed at the County board meeting). . Secure Beigler drainage easement. If the developer is allowed to construct the streets and utilities prior to the construction of the D33 outlet under CSAH 39, the new proposed street entrance will be removed during the outlet construction project. This will limit access to the development and may involve utility and street reconstruction of the developer improvements. Financine Issues: Trunk Fees Trunk fee calculations have been estimated for both the Sunset Ridge (Woolston) and the Hidden Forest (Pauman) sites. The fees, using 2005 rates, and the discussed credits are estimated as follows: Uv.!\ 1L[e.~+ Trunk Fee Sanitary Sewer SE Area Sanitary Impro ements Watermain - Storm Sewer 2005 Rate $388,700 $314,000 $305,700 $513.000 $1,521,400 ProDosed Credit $388,700 $0 $82,000 $400.000 $870,700 Balance $0 $314,000 $223,700 $113.000 $650,700 I~~ H:\Form. Me",o 10 MOIll/ceUo. JriffO'NeiU 092 JQS.doc SEP-21-2005 15:56 WSB & RSSOCIATES 7635411700 P.04 . In addition, the developer is responsible to pay the full cost to extend sanitary sewer and water main to and through the site. This will involve the installation of two lift stations and the installation of a forcemain and looped watermain along CSAH 39. The finance agreement will need to specify if the City is agreeing to a fixed amount for the credits, with the trunk fee increased to the current rates at the time the property is final platted. The developer has requested that the City modify its design criteria to allow the use of HDPE pipe for forcemain and watermain installations. While we understand that this pipe is being used more frequently for these types of installations, the City has primarily used ductile iron pipe for these projects. The design has been authorized by the City Council and will be completed upon the developer providing the necessary design deposit. If the design requires the use of directional drilling installation, the pipe material will be HDPE. If possible, the City would prefer to install the watermain using ductile iron pipe in an open cut installation method. If the Council desires, the design could incorporate both methods and utilize an alternate bid process. It Llllikely that the utilities and specifically the lift station will not be operational until the spring of 2006. The City should not provide for any occupancy until the public utilities are in place, tested and accepted by the City. . Park Dedication It may make sense to secure the funds necessary to complete the park and boardwalk improvements with the first phase. Summary As is apparent, there are many issues that must be addressed to effectively move this project forward. While we previously discussed with the developer the ability to start construction in 2005, the preliminary schedule is now more than 1.5 months behind schedule. This will require cooperation with a number of public and private partners. We are available to assist you with this project and will await your authorization to move forward upon receipt of the developer deposit. Please call me at 763-287-7190 with any questions regarding this memo. BAW/ad cc: . 181 I/;IFol'''' - Memo In MnnliceU" - JeJJ"O'/k1/l 092105.d(/(' . September 21 , 2005 To Whom It May Concern: These are just a few cities that are currently using HOPE on water and sanitary lines. They have bcen inf()l"med of this issue and are willing to answer questions. Plcase feel free to contact them. . LJ of M Michael Denny Vice President Rogcr Wenger P.E. Projcct Mgr Dave Losicr P.E. Senior Engineer Direct: (612) 626-4944 Otlice: (612) 626-1613 Office: (612) 626-4646 Direct: (612) 685-4903 City of Eden Prairie AI Gray Direct: (952) 949-8300 Senior Engineer City of Plymouth Ron Quanbcck Senior Engineer (763) 509-5000 City of Maple Groye Ken Ashfcld Engineering (763) 494-6351 City of Duluth Dick Larson Public Works Dir. Mike Mctso City Engincer (218) 730-5200 . City of Austin Todd Jorgenson (507) 433-8886 I ~ 0 0 'P ""Oco::uo~<.-+-<- t:J ~iilro60~~~ro en -f "- Lv Q. f/l _. :3 c: 0 ~ en "TI (..j :3 "00 rooc:- l: ~ C'll ... (!) ro""OroroS:o.-+i5: .E: ~ 0 ~ 0 :J ~ g S' ro - ~ - (I) :"!' 3 0 0 . ""O:3(ii.-+og-t>.~ n o _:Jw ro ~co :"!' Z co '< ro ..., -'< 0 <- ~ "0 :J = :J (f) 0 co (!) co -<Sl.f/ll:'-+l: ro ro 0 ... ::+ 0 Q. (j)(O 0 " < ~ :::J W - (ii' ~ e: < co 3 .-+ co Q Q. Q. f/l f/l:::J -'0 0 0 w ""0 r - (0 nr :::J ~~ "'0 Z '< w ro !!!, - C r O(O(OwCO Ul (f) :3 . """'f"'tm r+.........cn co o gQ.~~~ )> "0 ro roro30.-+ (0 ro :::J 3 (ii -,~ 0' ro 3 ::0 CIl 0:3 (j).-+ co 0" CIl 3 l: 5'"0 "0 .-+ ::J ro or f/l3oQ'co co ..., ;:; ..... ...... roro<......o c.o :3 ~:::Jros:O I f/l CO:::3l:3 is.: N @ ..., 0 CO :::J 0 0 CIl :::J -.-. 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"O:::J"Oro " - roQ.ro::E ~ CIl.-+Oro <.N '" f/l :J oj' ...... + 0- rom.'-+-f .... ;t- :::J.-+ro...... '^ 0 ::J.-+l: <:'\ ~ro~~ 0 ...... fr ~anrct AI ~ ~ :J'<......co ~,::E~ f/l w . - (ii == s' 8. -+- ct. ~ .-+l:<w of/lro(Jl Q.co!e,..... .......", ~ l: S:3_w Q.coroo _. ::I 0 row.-+o ..... . . -, O"J"-" 0 o-...jwo ::I" -...j 00::E rooo _ co f/l 90 ro g 0 0(0 ro 09(j) 3~gco '"0 ill ,....... "'-""' ......... A> .-+CIlWO cro rof/l::l"O CD :::!. is.: Q. W ~ co .-+ '< 0 a :J I~q _ ro -, ........ September 141\ 2005 MONTlCELW Brad Paumen Pau1l1cn Properties 7750 County Road 37 NW Maple Lake, MN 55358 RE: Final Plat Application and Grading Permit for the Plat of Hidden Forest Dear Mr. Paumen: Tbe City has received your application for final plat, and] am aware that you will soon be requesting a grading permit. This letter is to let you know that additional information/documentation needs to be assembled before consideration ofthe final plat can be placed on the City Council agenda. . Also, although we have discussed the possibility of granting a grading permit for the site, please recognize that there are a number of issues that present obstacles to direct staff approval of the grading permit at this time. It is our view that approval of the grading permit can not be issued at this time without direct City Council authorization. FINAL PLAT In a standard final plat process, the following items arc required prior to the placement of the final plat on the City Council agenda: . · Revised preliminary plat document meeting all conditions of approvaL which were as follows: o The applicant will need to receive access approval onto CSAH 39 from Wright County. o A park dedication requirement as set by City resolution is recorded with the development contract to be approved with the final plat, based on the phasing of park dedication. o The applicant redesigns the plat to remove the 5 lots to the east of "Street A" at this time. Arrangement of those lots to be included in a future phase of development for Outlot D. o The applicant meets the requirements of the City Engineer's repoli, dated 6/]/05. · Construction cost estimates provided by the developer in order to determine securities/deposits and complete a draft finance plan · Agreement by City staff and the developer on the terms of the finance plan to be contained within the development agreement o Development agreement to contain information related to utility easements needed on the Woolston property o Development agreement/finance plan wi II outl ine the terms of all trunk utility improvements, funding and credits. o Assurances that suppoliing utilities can be constructed to serve the development o Other information specific to the development and plat approval · Review offinal plat by city staff for conformance to preliminary plat · Reconciliation of preliminary plat review expenses against deposits · Approval of annexation request Illllst occur prior to Council approval oflhe plat. Plat cannot be recorded until stale processes request. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-883] . (763) 295-271] . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticel]o, MN 55362' (763) 295-3] 70. Fax: (763) 27] -3272 J q 0 . These requirements are supported by Chapter 11-3-3 (A) of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. Idcally, approval of the final plat should be set to coincide with awarding of the utility projects designed to serve the site. '1'he water, sewer and storm water projects associatcd with this project are 110t likely to be ordered any sooner thal1mid November. GRADING PERMIT It has been City policy to grant staff the authority to issue a grading permit for projects at a stage prior to final plat, but only under limitcd circumstances. Typically, grading is allowed when there are no uncertainties relating to the project. Following arc tasks that staff believes need to be completed before issuance of a grading permit. · Construction-level grading plan approved · Appropriate securities in place ($3000 per acre to be graded) · Agreements or contracts in place providing for extension of utilities · Insta Ilation of pond outlet · Preliminary approval of development finance plan · Approval hom County indicating that grading of this site is consistent with recent Ditch 33 agreement · Acquisition of necessary easements through the Woolston property · Acquisition of g:rading: permit from Wrig:ht County, as this property has not been annexed to the City. Please note that the County Planning Depal1ment has issued grading permits in the past for land that will be annexed to the City, when it has been demonstrated that an approved grading plan is in place and a restoration deposit has been provided. . It is our view that issuance of a grading permit without all of the items completed above would require action by the City Council and could not be authorized by staff If you wish, we can place this item on the agenda for September 26111. In summary, application for final plat will be placed on the Council agenda at such time that the items noted above arc completed. With regards to the grading permit, staff will issue the grading permit at slleh time that unceliainties relating to the project are resolved, or when directed to do so by the City Council. The nature and location of this development make it critical that the complete financial and development picture of this project is understood before moving forward. Please note that City staff are supportive of this project and we appreciate the hard work you have put into making it work. We will work diligently in our effOlis to assist you in meeting the requirements noted above. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any questions or comments. Sincerely, . J~~~ Deputy City Administrator C: Jon Bogart, Bogart-Pederson Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Mayor Clint Herbst Wayne Mayer, Monticello City Council Tom Perrault, Monticello City COLlncil Glen Posusta, Monticello City Council Brian Stumpf, Monticello City Council Stephen Grittl11an, NAC - City Planner Bret Weiss, WSB - Consulting Engineer . I q \ . . . SEP-21-2005 15:57 WSB & ASSOCIATES 7635411700 P.07 IN RE: A PETITION BY THE C1TY OF MONTICELLO TO OUTLET STORM WATER INTO COUNTY DITCH 33 The above mentioned matter was considered by the Wright County Board of Commissioners (County Board), as drainage authority for County Ditch 33, at a public hearing held on August 16. 2005, with continued discussion by the Board at its meeting on September 6, 2005. The petition concerns a development known as Carlisle Village. located in Section 19 of Monticello Township (T.121N: - R.24W.). Based upon the information provided by the City of Monticello (City), and upon other information available. the County Board makes the following FINDINGS: 1) That this matter has properly come before the County Board pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 1 03E.411. with notice provided by publication three consecutive weeks in the Monticello Times. as well as mailed notice to all assessed landowners on the ditch. 2) That the City has shown the necessity for using the drainage system as an outlet and that using the drainage system will be of public benefit and utility. 3) That the area in question is part of the natural watershed for County Ditch 33 and has always drained to the ditch. 4) That the City is diverting storm water from a portion of the development to its existing municipal storm water system, specifically reducing the number of acres draining to the ditch from 125.85 acres to only 52.68 acres and reducing the volume of water going to ~e ditch. 5) That, through the use of stonn water ponding, the City will be lowering the discharge rate from this area to below pre-development levels. 6) That the City appears to have satisfied MPCA and NPDES regulations in designing the storm water system for this development. 7) That, based upon a study by the City, the water from this area enters Branch 2 of County Ditch 33 and will not have an adverse effect on other areas of the ditch. 8) That the City has set aside approximately $167,000, paid by the developer, to be used for storm water purposes by the City. 9) That, while the City could, through the use of a pumping station. divert all of the storm water from the development so that it would not use the ditch, the storm water funds set aside could be better used by otherwise improving the drainage system in the area. \q~ SEP-21-2005 15:57 WSB & ASSOCIATES 7635411 700 P.06 . Thank you for your cooperation, as well as the cooperation of your associate, Phil Elkin, and the City of Monticello in dealing with this matter. I think that a good start has been made toward solving some of the drainage problems in the County Ditch 33 Watershed. BJA:cjh cc: Bob Hiivala Kurt Deter Phillip A. Elkin, P .A. Kerry Saxton Jeff O'Neill Dick Nonnan . . 1C\3 SEP-21-2005 15:56 . ~,aTY 0.,.. fJ()~ ,.. '\ :r ~~~ . \_1 ." 4'" 'a.. A.sutant. Anne L. Mohaupt Thomas C. Zms Terry D. I'razur Scott M. Saru:lbfrg Mork A. Ericluon Eliza.beth M. Lor,on Brian A Lulu Aaron D. Duia lAe R. Mortie Karen L. Wolff Ryon C. Schmidt September 19, 2005 WSB & ASSOCIATES 7635411700 P.05 OFFICE OF WRIGHT COUNTY ATTORNEY Thomas N. Kelly ReceiVed Wright County Government Center (r""!"" ;',0 Z005 Brian J. Asleson 10 2nd Street NW Chief Deputy AttorneJl Buffalo, Minnesota 55313.1189. . tl! O..^~t'OC\mdit~:ator VJ~o ~ n<1~ at~Pa.riPOllich Phone: (763) 682-7340 .,~. l . Toll Free: 1-800-362-3667 Fax: (763) 682-7700 B~;:.~-:=; Legal A..istanl Michelle Son4qui,t Office Malf,ap,. Cindy Hohl Mr. Bret A. Weiss, P .E. President WSB and Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue S. Suite 300 Minneapolis, ~ 55416 . Re: Petition to Outlet Storm Water into County Ditch 33 Dear Mr. Weiss: Enclosed please find a copy of the Findings and Order adopted by the Wright County Board of Commissioners on September 13, 2005, regarding the Petition by the City of Monticello to outlet stonn water from the Carlisle Village Development into County Ditch 33. This final Order contains several small changes suggested at the Board meeting of September 6th, and Finding #11 was added at the suggestion of Kerry Saxton of the Wright SWCD. Last, but not least, the amount which the City of Monticello is to reimburse Wright County pursuant to paragraph 5D of the Order is $2,474.80, broken down as follows: . $244.48 $124.32 $2.106.00 $2,474.80 Publication of Public Hearing Notice Postage for mailing of two notices to landowners on the ditch Legal fees paid to Rinke Noonan Law Firm Total Payment can be made by issuing a check payable to the Wright County Auditor/Treasurer in the amount indicated above. That amount will be placed in the Ditch account for Ditch 33. \. C\ L\ SEP-21-2005 15;57 WSB & RSSOCIRTES 7635411700 P.08 . 10) That, because of further planned residential development on County Ditch 33, the City expects to be constructing a new 48 inch outlet to the Mississippi River, along with additional impoundment of water in the area of the ditch, both of which would benefit the area of Carlisle Village, as well as other areas on the ditch. 11) That the County Board recognizes that the area of Carlisle Village drains into a wetland to the north of CSAH 18, and that keeping a portion of this development in the watershed for County Ditch 33 will help keep that wetland complex viable. Based upon the above fmdings, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: That .he City of Monticello shall be permitted to use CouDty Ditch 33 as an outlet for municipal storm water from the Carlisle Village development, with the following conditions attached: 1) That the $167,000 set aside from the Carlisle Village development shall be used by the City towards construction of a new storm water outlet, not less than 48 inches in size, to the Missi~sippi River. 2) That, as an alternative to Condition 1 above, the City shall use the $167,000 set aside for enhancement or correction of the existing outlet to the Mississippi River for County Ditch 33. Any such work shall be approved by the County Board. . ~ 3) That any new outlet to the river shall be completed by the City prior to any additional residential development in the County Ditch 33 watershed (other than Carlisle Village). 4) That, in any event, either Condition 1 or Condition 2 above shall be satisfied no later than three (3) years from the date of this approval by the County Board. Should the City default on this condition, the money in Condition 1 shall be paid over to the County for deposit in the County Ditch 33 fund. 5) That the City shall not be assessed an outlet fee, nor shall it be assessed for future repairs on the ditch, due to the following factors: A) The City will be contributing to either construction of a new olltlet to the river or enhancement of the current outlet, pursuant to Conditions I and 2 above. B) The City, in the event of construction of a new outlet to the river, will be spending an estimated $200,000 to oversize that outlet so that it can handle the County Ditch 33 watershed. C) That, with respect to the new outlet and any future storm water work done by the City in the area, tlle City will be responsible for the repair and maintenance of that system, with no costs assessed to other landowners on County Ditch 33, unless such landowners further subdivide their property. . \ C\S SEP-21-2005 15:58 WSB & ASSOCIATES 7635411700 P.09 ". . D) That the City shall reimburse Wright County for administrative and publication costs and legal fees relating to this petition. SO ORDERED This -13~ day of~, 2005. :/J /$~ ~ Wright County Board of Commissioners Drainage Authority for COWlty Ditch 33 . . \ q to TOTAL P.09 . . . \ (1'1 . . . 15. Council Agenda - 9/12/05 Consideration of an ordinance establishing: a policy relatine to outside employment for certain city employees. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the September 12th council meeting, the issue of a general city policy relating to outside emploYment was referred to the Personnel Committee for discussion. The Committee recently met to discuss this issue and staff was directed to have the City Attorney prepare the attached ordinance amendment to the Personnel Chapter of the City Code. The proposed ordinance sets forth a general policy which would restrict certain administrative level employees listed from performing the same or substantially similar duties for another city or other local government unit on an ongoing full or part-time basis. ~ The proposed ordinance as prepared by the City Attorney contains findings which set forth the general reasons for the policy. Recognizing that adoption of the ordinance as prepared could have an effect on current employees in the positions noted, the Council should carefully review the entire ordinance and determine whether adoption of this policy is in the best interest of the City. If the Council adopts the ordinance, it will need to decide when the policy would go into effect relative to current employees. If adopted, it is the recommendation of the City Attorney and the City Administrator that the effective date of the ordinance as it relates to current employees be no sooner than December 31, 2005. This ordinance involves a general policy that will apply across the board to all listed top level positions. The Council should focus its discussion on the general policy and the findings outlined in the proposed ordinance. If additional findings are warranted, they can be added to the proposed policy before adoption is considered. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: C. D. 1. Adopt a policy amendment regulating outside emplOYment for certain city employees as presented. 2. Council could adopt a policy amendment as modified. 3. Do not adopt a policy restricting outside emplOYment for certain city employees at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Personnel Committee that the City Council adopt an ordinance regulating certain employees from outside emplOYment activities as outlined in the ordinance created by the City Attorney. If a policy is adopted, it is recommended that a sufficient amount of time be included in the policy as to when this ordinance would be applicable to current employees who may be affected by this restriction. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed ordinance from City Attorney. lC\8 . . . ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POLICY RELATING TO OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT FOR CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES, AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: Section 1. Findings. The City Council makes the following findings: 1. -rhere are certain positions with the City that require the employee occupying the position to provide substantial input into the formation of the City's policies and administrative procedures, exercise professional judgment and discretion in the performance of his or her duties, and have significant day to day contact with the general public, development community, and individuals doing business with the City. Those positions are: City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, Community Development Director, Economic Development Director, Public Works Director, Chief Building Official and City Engineer. ) It is in the best interest of the City and the citizens of Monticello, and within the reasonable expectation of the City as an employer, that the persons occupying such positions have as their professional focus on an ongoing day to day basis the performance of their duties for the City of Monticello. 3. Person occupying the listed positions should not be performing the same or substantially similar duties on an ongoing basis for another local governmental unit. 4. The perf'(mnance of essentially the same duties for another local governmental unit has a significant potential to detract from the employee's focus on the performance of his or her duties t'()r the City of Monticello, cause conf1icts of various types to occur and create confusion and negative perceptions in the minds of the public, development community, and individuals doing business with the City. 5. It is not the intent of the City Council to in any way restrict an employee occupying one of the I isted positions from engaging in any activity on the employee's own time not involving the performance of the same or substantially similar duties for another local governmental unit. 6. It is also not the intent of the Council to restrict an employee from pert'()rming the same or substantially similar duties for another local governmental unit on an occasional, one- time basis. It is the continuous ongoing performance of the same or similar duties that creates the concerns set forth herein. 1201\51 ~/\ 1 q c\ ~~~ . . . Section 2. subsection: Chapter 6 of the Monticello City Code is amended by adding the following 1-6-33 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT: Any employee holding one ol'the positions listed below shall not perform the same or substantially similar duties for another local unit of government on either a full-time or ongoing part-time basis, either directly as an employee or independent contractor or indirectly through a corporation or other entity. 'l'he positions covered by this subsection are: City Administrator, Deputy City Administrator, Community Development Director, Economic Development Director, Public Works Director, Chief Building Official and City Engineer. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage and puhlication, except that this Ordinance will not be applicable to current employees until rl -}{-,(j'; , who shall have until that date to comply. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota on the_~ day of ,....._, 2005. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: -... Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 120851 2 goe) . ow ...:10 ...:l~ WP, UP:: HW ~6 ou :is 0 p, . fx;\D UJ O. \D P, :><0 U e-<:> HI UUJU:: HO 00 P,..-I U'l'<l' U 01.0 ...:l...:l Ul 00 aJ\D C\D .,-i0 U'l ...:l 0 ....... 0 H aJ '" P,\D .-I ....... ...:I .0 0\ III :>. (I) aJ III ~ U P, U I1lUJ riI 0. Ul ~ UJ .-I U .-I "0 .,-i P, .-I ill ....... OZ ~ :I: 4-4 0 ~ U'l aJ aJ 0 .l-' .-I ....... C ;:l E-< 0 -,-j "0 Z '" ~ aJ riI ....... 0.. ..c ~ E-< 0\ 0 Z E UJ 0 riI UJ ~ U ~ :.:: 0 U I't< riI U :I: Ul U'l U aJ rilN 0 ~ .,-i..-l ...:lM 0 0.. 0.0 ~~ '" ....... 0 m ~ "U :><..-1 C 0 Ul ~.. 0 1.0 J:: p'lf) .,-i M 0 rl oW M .,-i ~ . 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