Planning Commission Minutes 08-03-1993 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, August 3, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 7:01 p.m. 2. A motion was made by Brian Stumpf and seconded by Richard Martie to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 6, 1993. Voting in favor: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Brian Stumpf. Abstained: Jon Bogart. Planning Commission Member, Brian Stumpf, indicated that he will not make any comments or a decision on the next agenda item. 3. Public Hearinf!--A variance request which would allow construction of an accessory buildin~ with a floor area in excess of LOOO Sq. ft. and a variance request to allow an accessory bui1din~ to be built with a metal sidin~ wider than 12 inches and a roof coverin~ material not consistent with other building structures in the area. Applicant, Randy Ruff. Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained Mr. Ruffs request to be allowed to build a 2,600 sq. ft. accessory building, which exceeds the maximum 1,000 square footage, and that he be allowed a metal roof and wall coverings in excess of the maximum 12 inches allowed. Mr. Ruffis proposing to use this building for storage of a boat, a recreational vehicle, and other accessory uses, which currently are stored outside at the present time. At first, it appears the request for this building would be consistent with the existing uses which are around it at this time. However, long range planning may occur at sometime in the future. The existing land area currently occupied as a storage yard for the Ruff Auto business might be eliminated and be developed for residential housing uses. In PZM zoning, this accessory use is allowed only if it is similar to other residential uses. Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/3/93 Mr. O'Neill highlighted that one other possibility might be the creation to allow this type of use within the PZM zone with certain restrictions having to be met first before this could be allowed. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing. The applicant, Mr. Randy Ruff, commented that he would be available to answer any questions from the Planning Commission members. Cindy then closed the public hearing and opened for any comments from the Planning Commission members. Planning Commission members asked if there were any comments received from any of the neighbors. Staff responded that there were no comments either oral or written from the affected neighboring property owners. Planning Commission members felt that Mr. Ruffs request in the area as it exists now is probably a reasonable request, but under the current zoning and its requirements, Mr. Ruffs request is neither consistent with the existing zoning nor is there any special unique hardship being demonstrated by the applicant. With there being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Richard Martie to deny a variance request which would allow construction of an accessory building with a floor area in excess of 1,000 sq. ft. and a variance request to allow an accessory building to be built with a metal siding wider than 12 inches and a roof covering material not consistent with other building structures in the area. Reason for denial. Proposed request is not consistent with the existing PZM (performance zone mixed) zoning. The applicant has not demonstrated any unique hardship in his variance request. The motion carried unanimously with Brian Stumpf abstaining. 4. Public Hearin~--A conditional use request which would allow open and outdoor storage as an accessory use in an 1-2 (heavy industrial) zone. A stall, aisle, and driveway design conditional use permit. Applicant, Standard Iron. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the two conditional use requests, with one requesting open and outdoor storage as an accessory use, and the other would allow a reduction in the parking and drive aisle design standards. Page 2 . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/3/93 The outdoor screening of the outside storage area to the rear of the proposed building will consist of 90% opaque screening fence in combination with possible berming using excess fill material from the site along the north portion of the proposed outdoor storage area. The outside storage areas will have no hard surfacing or curbing beyond the north end of the building wall. The exterior materials stored in the outside storage area will not be stored/stacked higher than the proposed screening fence. The applicant is also requesting a conditional use request to lessen the parking lot and drive aisle design standards. As noted on their site plan, they are proposing to be allowed no curbing in the drive aisle portion to the east of the proposed building site. The parking lot as designed will meet and exceed the mmlmum parking requirement for this type of building use. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing. The applicant responded that he would answer any questions that the Planning Commission members had of his proposed development as shown on their enclosed site plans. . There being no specific questions at this time, Chairperson Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened for any other input from the Planning Commission members. There being no input from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to approve the conditional use permit allowing open and outdoor storage in an 1-2 zone under the condition that the site meets the requirements as noted by ordinance. The motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to approve the conditional use permit request allowing construction of a parking lot and drive aisle with less than the minimum standards under the condition that the site plan meets the requirements as noted by ordinance. The motion carried unanimously. . Page 3 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/3/93 5. Continued Public Hearing--A conditional use request to allow commercial storage contained entirely within a building in a B-3 (highway business) zone. A variance request to allow no curbing or hard surfacing of the off-street parking and driveway areas. Applicant, Glen Posusta. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, updated Planning Commission members on how Mr. Posusta has progressed in the development of the land for the commercial use on it. The land area west of the existing Cedar Street is still in question yet as to the actual ownership of the property. Mr. Posusta recently purchased additional land to the east of property which he currently owns. Mr. Posusta would like to combine this newly purchased land with his existing land for the development of the commercial outside storage on these two properties. The purchase of this additional land to the east by Mr. Posusta has allowed for the development of the public street right- of-way needed for the realignment of Cedar Street. Mr. O'Neill highlighted some conditions, should the Planning Commission look at approval of his conditional use request, with that being as follows: that there be no variance from the hard surfacing requirements. Mr. Posusta will dedicate to the City the proper alignment needed for the proposed relocation of Cedar Street with the City paying a fair market value for the proposed Cedar Street right-of-way. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing. Mr. Posusta requested that he be allowed to wait until the development of Dundas Road is hard surfaced before the hard surfacing of his parking/driving areas. Mr. Posusta also explained that he has expended over $18,000 to purchase the additional land to the east of his existing land and would ask for some consideration from the City on his variance request for no curbing or hard surfacing at this time. He said he would be willing to post a performance bond to complete the hard surfacing and curbing of the parking/driveway areas. Mr. Gordy Hoglund questioned that if Mr. Posusta is granted the variance request for no hard surfacing or curbing of his site, that this would be unfair competition for him being an owner of another outside storage business in Monticello. Mr. Posusta, not having to install the hard surfacing and curbing, would have lesser cost for development; so in turn, he would be able to offer lower rates for the rental of these storage units. Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/3/93 Chairperson Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing and opened for further comments from the Planning Commission members. The Planning Commission members were trying to decipher Mr. Posusta's request for a variance if there really was indeed a hardship that is already created on Mr. Posusta's development if he is proposed to develop his site to grade, to properly allow for surface water drainage towards the street ditch. Without a grading drainage plan for the Planning Commission members to review, it is kind of hard for them to give their input as to whether there is really a hardship that exists. Mr. Posusta indicated that he could have a grading plan prepared and submitted to them for their review, if they would consider setting a special meeting prior to the City Council meeting on August 9. The consensus of the Planning Commission members was to table and continue Mr. Posusta's conditional use request to allow commercial storage contained entirely in a B-3 (highway business) zone. A variance request to allow no curbing or hard surfacing of the off-street parking and driveway areas. The consensus of the Planning Commission members was to set a special meeting for Monday, August 9, 1993, 6:00 p.m. 6. Consideration of a request for an extension to a previously-issued conditional use request to allow thirteen (13) or more dwelling units in two (2) apartment buildings on an unplatted tract of land. A request to allow a subdivision of an unplatted tract of land. Applicant, David Hornig. Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator, explained Mr. Hornig's request to be allowed an extension of the previously issued conditional use request. He also explained the changes in Mr. Hornig's request. The new project would be funded through the MN Housing and Finance Agency. The image that they are trying to create is that these be two separate distinct building projects. The proposed extensions south of the existing parking lots would not be installed as part of the project, but the base material underneath these two driveway extensions would receive the base material with a black dirt and sod covering planted over these areas. There will be three buildings now instead of two as proposed before. All units now will receive an attached garage with the automobiles, toys, bikes, roll-around garbage carts, and recycling containers to be stored in the garages at all times. The units on the exterior will be maintenance free with prefinished siding, prefinished windows, soffit and facia. Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/3/93 Cindy Lemm then opened for further input from the Planning Commission members. With there being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Brian Stumpf to approve the request for the extension of the previously issued conditional use request to allow thirteen (3) or more dwelling units in two (2) apartment buildings on an unplatted tract of land. A request to allow a subdivision of an unplatted tract of land. Approval is for one year pending Council approval on August 9, 1993. The motion carried unanimously. 7. Review potential proposal to subdivide two conforming residential lots into three non-conforming lots. Applicant, Everette Ellison. .JeffO'Neill, Assistant Administrator, updated Planning Commission members on Mr. Ellison's potential request to subdivide two existing lots of record into three lots. Mr. Ellison was there to informally discuss his request with Planning Commission members. Additional Information Items 1. A request for a special Planning Commission meeting. Proposed special meeting date for Monday, August 23, 1993,6 p.m. The consensus of the five Planning Commission members present was to set Monday, August 2:3,1993, at 6 p.m. as a special meeting date. 2. Public Hearing-wA variance request to allow the development of a temporary employee parking lot with no curb, gutter, or hard surfacing. Applicant Buffalo Clinic Building Partnership. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 3. Public Hearing--A conditional use request to allow an auto body shop repair building in a B-3 (highway business) zone. Applicant, John .Johnson. Council action: Approved as per Planning Commission recommendation. 4. Continued Public Hearing--A conditional use request to allow commercial storage contained entirely within a building in a B-3 (highway business) zone. A variance request to allow no curbing or hard surfacing of the off-street parking and driveway areas. Applicant, Glen Posusta. Council action: No action required, as the request did not come before them. Page 6 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 8/3/93 5. Set the next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for Tuesday, September 7, 1993, at 7 p.m. The consensus of the five Planning Commission members was to set Tuesday, September 7,1993, at 7 p.m. as the next regular Monticello Planning Commission meeting date. 6. Adjournment. A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Jon Bogart to adjourn the meeting. rrhe meeting was adjourned at 9:09 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~b Zoning Administrator Page 7