City Council Agenda Packet 10-10-2005 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday October 10,2005 - 7 p.m. NOTE: BIOSOLIDS MEETING AT 5:30 P.M. - Please bring all materials previously supplied to you regarding this item including thefinal report Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Glen Posusta, Wayne Maycr, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf. ~rm1T f Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. >) J a;.;pt/\ Approve minutes September 26, 2005 regular Council meeting. ~ d ,~/I.-..., 1 ~ Approve minutes of October 3,2005 special Council meeting .... -I--(l~ Z~tLJ- 11"""~ (flaYlVl/lJd W\ tG. It> Consideration of adding items to the agenda. HJA.L. h;12. (KP1t; hl tut} Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 1. 2A. 28. ,., .). 4. . 5. Me IV' 6Jct;J( Consent agenda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures. 11. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors Wine Tasting Event, November 18,2005. C. Consideration of calling for a special joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission to discuss the Ileritage Devclopment AUAR. Consideration of preliminary plat for a commercial subdivision and rezoning from P-S to B-4 for Church of St. I Icnry First Addition. Applicant: City of Monticello. (('j ~Q1r J \SJ~ Consider~tion of a req~lest ~or a.cOl?ditional ~lse per??it for a,detached accessory ~~ ~MIl{t)' ~tructurc 111 an R-4 reSidentIal dlstnct. ApplIcant: Kjellberg s Inc. e ~.J..F. Consideration of authorizing rire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief to attend MN .. ~ . State Fire Chiefs Association Annual Conference October 20-22,2005. ~~ @ .~-\ II. .~~~. .~ ~r! ~ ~ (~ D Consideration or conducting two Planning Commission meetings a month. Consideration of a request to allow Prairic Grass planting at Bill Tapper property (formerly H Window site). "1- . Agenda Monticello City Council October 10, 2005 Page 2 6. 7. 8. 9. .10 t'. (p"^ ~ . ff(j2) 11. 12. 13. 14. . I. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids/quotes for parking lot improvements for the Mississippi Drive park. Consideration of items removed from the consent agcnda for discussion. Public Hearing ~ Continued public hearing on consideration of vacation of Cedar Street right-of-way and vacation of drainage and utility easements in the plat of Monticello Travel Center. Vacation action contingent upon approval of pn:;liminary plat of \ Monticello Travel Center 20' Addition. (7~1ej' - C;n -I- ,""' &cr l~ ) Continued Public Hearing on appeal of variance for secondary driveway in an R-I Zoning District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonry & Concrete. This was continued from the September 26,2005 Council meeting. Consideration of approving a conditional use permit for 896 sq. ft. detached accessory structure in an R-l Zoning District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonry & Concrete. Consideration of recommendation from staff regarding enforcement of ordinance relating to multiple driveways. Consideration of proceeding with selected biosolids option. Consideration of a request to rezoned in industrial property from I-I A (Light Industrial) to 1-2 (Heavy Industrial). Applicant: City of Monticello. Consideration of approving bills for October. Adjourn L . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday September 26, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order and Pled2e of Alle~iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes September 12. 2005 ref!ular Council meetin~. Tom Perrault noted the following corrections: 1) On the vote on agenda item #5H Wayne Mayer and Tom Perrault voted in opposition. 2) On the vote for approving the hardcourt at 4th Street Glen Posusta and Wayne Mayer voted in opposition. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 12,2005 COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS NOTED. WAYNE MA YER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of September 12 .2005 Bud2et Workshop meetin~ GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP OF SEPTEMBER 12,2005. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. Approve minutes of September 12. 2005 biosolids workshop. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 BIOSOLIDS WORKSHOP. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addinf! items to the af!enda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Discussion of city vehicle use; 2) Update on the water tower; 3) Update on storm shelters in mobile home parks; 4) Discussion of the compost facility and 5) Consideration of a mortgage subordination agreement between the City of Monticello and TCF National Bank. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. reauests and complaints. Lee McDougall, 101 Hillcrest Circle asked to have an opportunity to speak on agenda item # 12. 1 3 . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 Daryl Tindle, 1707 River Street West addressed the Council about concerns with the compost facility the City operates. He stated that the compost facility generates excess traffic and noise. There is an odor emanating from the facility when the compost is turned. In addition there is debris flying from the trailers and vehicles bringing their material to the compost site. He also questioned the environmental impact of the grass clippings and possible leaching into the creek. He is requesting that the Council consider moving the compost site. The Council informed Mr. Tindle that this information would be forwarded to John Simola, Public Works Director. Bob Grabinski, 1610 Oak Ridge Circle spoke about a concern with the Carlisle Village pathway which he indicated is under water. He also discussed the ditch adjacent to his property stating with the utility contractors working in the area and since the turn lane into his property was widened, the area has been washing away. He questioned who is responsible for getting the situation corrected. Bret Weiss responded that he has contacted the contractor about getting the road shoulder problem corrected. As far as the pathway, Bret Weiss indicated that the pathway was not built at the right elevation. He noted that a lot of water goes through the area and the City intends to install an outlet for the area to handle the water. Glen Posusta stated that it appears that the water is being trapped in the area of the pathway. Bret Weiss said there is a grading problem and the recent rains have kept this corrective work from getting done. . Wayne Mayer stated that when a utility company is working in the right of way there should be a permit given so that the City has some kind of handle on what is being done in the right of way. He asked that this item be brought back at the next meeting. He added that the City of Plymouth has a policy dealing with utility work in public right of way. Bret Weiss said that information on a right of way policy has been forwarded to the Public Works Director. Bob Grabinski asked when the contractor would be coming back to do the striping and markings on the roadway. Bret Weiss will check into that. A group of residents were present to address the Council about their concerns on the proposed pathway from Falcon Avenue to School Boulevard. Philip Frederick, 5400 Falcon Avenue and Linda Barthel, 5401 Falcon Avenue spoke for the group. They agreed that there is a need to upgrade the crosswalks on School Boulevard but they are concerned about what is being done especially the proposed 8' pathway between the two holding ponds. They circulated a petition in the neighborhood with a number of options listed. Most of the residents preferred the option to construct a 6' chain link fence along the south side of School Boulevard from Eider Lane to Pelican Lane. They felt this would keep the pathway users from going down into the water area. Since the crosswalk is already constructed the next best option would be to have the pathway area remain grass instead of being paved. They felt this would discourage a lot of traffic from using the pathway. . Jeff O'Neill responded that the options submitted by the residents could be looked since the proposed pathway improvement would not be done until Phase II of the crosswalk improvements. Philip Fredrick noted that the pathway which runs between the two houses is only 10 feet from 2 4 . . . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 his bedroom window and there is traffic on the pathway at all times of the night including some vehicle traffic. The pathway easement is 15 feet and runs along only one lot. The Council viewed pictures of the proposed pathway area. Philip Fredrick said there is 35 feet between the two ponds. Bret Weiss stated that while the grade is steep it is not as steep as other pathways in the city. Glen Posusta suggested putting a culvert in at the location of the small tree in the easement area to see ifthis would correct the situation. Brian Stumpf suggested that the Council look at the options presented and do some further study ofthe pathway. Both Philip Fredrick and Linda Barthel felt that paving the pathway would be the worse thing the City could do since it would create safety issues. Glen Posusta stated that the pathway is being put in so students could safely get to School Boulevard. There was some additional discussion on what could be done to slow traffic on the pathway such as using crushed rock, creating level areas at various points along the pathway or weaving the pathway. Bret Weiss said since this portion of the project is not being done until next year the City has time to look at different options. Philip Fredrick said the residents would appreciate an opportunity to provide input on the study of these options. The Council indicated that the City would contact Mr. Fredrick and Ms. Barthel when staff will be meeting on this item. 5. Consent a~enda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures for MCC, Building, Streets and Public Works Departments. B. REMOVED FROM AGENDA C. Consideration of approving County Cooperative Construction Agreement for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1C. Recommendation: Approve the Cooperative Construction Agreement between Monticello and Wright County for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange. D. Consideration of continuing the public hearing on consideration of vacation of Cedar Street right-of-way and vacation of drainage and utility easements in the plat of Monticello Travel Center to October 10, 2005. Recommendation: Moved to continue the public hearing on the vacation of utility easements relating to the Monticello Travel Center Addition to the October 10, 2005 Council meeting. E. Consideration of approving final payment to Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. for the Trunk Highway 25 at School Boulevard Signal System, City Project No. 2004-19C. Recommendation: Authorize final payment in the amount of $7,775.20 to Granite Ledge Electrical Contractors, Inc. For the Trunk Highway 25 and School Boulevard Traffic Signal System, City Project No. 2004-19C subject to receipt of final paperwork. F. Consideration of approving Change Order #2 for Cedar Street Reconstruction and 7th Street Reconstruction, City Project Nos. 2000-18C and 2001-7C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.2 in the amount of$10,000.00 for Bauerly Brothers, Inc. 3 5 . . . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 G. Consideration of approving final payment and accept improvements for Jefferson Commons Pond Grading, City Project No. 2004-33C. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $21 ,352.57 to Cowan Grading and Excavating, Inc. subject to receipt of the final paperwork. H. Consideration to approve entering into a License Agreement between the HRA, the City and Rocky Mountain Group, LLC. Recommendation: Move to approve entering into a license agreement between the HRA, the City and Rocky Mtn Group, LLC. 1. Consideration of executing BNSF Railway pipeline license for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-1 C. Recommendation: Approve execution of the BNSF Railway Pipeline License and direct staffto submit both copies of the document along with the required payment to BNSF. J. Consideration of calling for a special city council meeting to award the contract for CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project, Project No. 2004-1C. Recommendation: Consider calling a special meeting for 5 p.m. on October 3, 2005 for the purpose of awarding the contract. K. Consideration of approving Change Order No.1 for Jefferson Commons Pond Grading, City Project No. 2004-33C. Recommendation: Move to approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of$18,783.05 for Cowan Grading & Excavating, Inc. L. Consideration of approving final payment and accept improvements for Cedar Street Reconstruction and 7th Street Reconstruction, Projects Nos. 2000-18C and 2001-7C. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $19,852.22 to Bauerly Brothers, Inc. subject to receipt of the final paperwork. M. Consideration to approve entering into a mortgage subordination agreement between the City of Monticello and TCF National Bank. Brian Stumpf moved adding the subordination agreement to the consent agenda as item #5M and asked that the special meeting called for in agenda item #5J be set at 6 p.m. instead of 5 p.m. Wayne Mayer asked that items #5G and #5K be removed and Glen Posusta requested that item #5L be removed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEM #5M AND THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5G, #5K AND #5L. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. #5G and #5K - Approval of change order and acceptance of work for the Jefferson Commons Pond Grading. Wayne Mayer noted that there appeared to be a discrepancy in the final project costs listed in the agenda items. In one place it was listed as $70,173.50 and $70,623.60 in another and he questioned which was the correct amount. Bret Weiss explained 4 ~ . . . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 that while the change order added a certain dollar value of work to the project, not all construction items were used in the quantity amount listed in the contract. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO.1 FOR JEFFERSON COMMONS POND GRADING AND FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE JEFFERSON COMMONS POND GRADING, CITY PROJECT NO. 2004-33C. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5L Approve final payment and accept improvements for Cedar Street Reconstruction and 1h Street. Glen Posusta asked about the restoration work on Cedar Street. It was noted that this project covered a different portion of Cedar Street. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVE THE FINAL PAYMENT OF $19,852.22 TO BAUERL Y BROTHERS, INC. SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF THE FINAL PAPER WORK. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearine - Consideration of vacation of draina!!e and utility easement for 1580 Oak Ridge Circle - Keith and Katrina Geissler. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the request for vacation of a portion of the 10 foot drainage and utility easement to allow for construction of an additional garage stall. It was noted that the ordinance requires a total of 20 feet in side yard setbacks with a minimum of 6 feet on the garage side. In this case if the Council approves the vacation, the other side yard setback would need to be 14 feet and it was suggested that this be noted in the motion. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one was present who spoke for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT FOR 1580 OAK RIDGE CIRCLE, LOT 2, BLOCK 7, OAKRIDGE ADDITION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Hearin2 - Consideration of vacation of drainage and utility easement over Outlot B in the plat of the Church of St. Henrv. Jeff O'Neill explained that with the realignment of 7th Street and the relocation of the pond, it is proposed to vacate the drainage and utility easements over Outlot B in the plat of the Church of St. Henry. Any replacement easements will be acquired with the platting ofthe Church of St. Henry 1st Addition which will be coming before the Council in October. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the easement vacation. Dan Lemm, 11380 Cameron A venue NE asked ifthere was going to be road access to Outlot B. Clint Herbst 5 7 . . . Council Minutes - 9/26105 indicated there was. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION V ACA TING THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS OVER OUTLOT B IN THE PLAT OF THE CHURCH OF ST. HENRY CONTINGENT UPON PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR THE CHURCH OF ST. HENRY 1 ST ADDITION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Public Hearin~ on appeal of variance for secondanr driveway in an R-l Zoning District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonnr & Concrete. Staff requested that the public hearing on the appeal of the variance be continued until the October 10, 2005 Council meeting. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE APPEAL OFTHE VARIANCE FOR A SECONDARY DRIVEWAY IN AN R-I ZONING DISTRICT FOR RICHARD BASTIEN CENTRAL MASONRY AND CONCRETE UNTIL THE OCTOBER 10,2005 MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Public Informational Meetin~ on multiple driveways and fence encroachments. During the 2005 phase of the Core Street Reconstruction program, the City encountered a number of properties where there were multiple driveways. City ordinance allows one driveway access per residential property. In addition it was noted that there were several instances offences encroaching into the public right of way. The purpose of the public meeting was to determine what action the City wanted to take in regard to these violations and to allow the residents an opportunity to comment on the situation. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the various locations of the multiple driveway and fence encroachments. He noted that some of the driveway conditions existed prior to either annexation into the City or establishment of the City's zoning ordinance. The Council needs to determine if the ordinance should remain as is and staff should take enforcement action against the existing ordinance violations or change the ordinance as it relates to driveway access. Brian Stumpf commented on the double curb cuts and stated if a second curb cut is to be allowed, the second curb cut should be a lesser width than 24 feet. He felt 16 feet was the maximum width for the second curb cut. On one of the fence encroachments it was noted there are branches hanging over the road and the fence is there to show that there is a driveway there. Brian Stumpf felt this fence encroachment should be left as is. The Council felt that when the fence was destroyed any replacement fence should be constructed at the proper setback. 6 ~ . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 Brian Stumpfs position is that the second curb cut should be no more than 16 feet and to leave the encroachments in place until something changes. Clint Herbst questioned why the City would allow a garage structure on both sides of a residence. Jeff O'Neill stated that property owners request this because on most lots both garages will not fit one side. He felt if the property owners elect to have a second curb cut they should be assessed based on two curb cuts and that any second driveway must be hard surfaced. Clint Herbst stated it was difficult after the fact to go back and correct these problems so he felt the City should just try to minimize their impact. The consensus of the Council was: 1) that a second curb cut should be 16 feet at the maximum; 2) the second driveway should be hard surfaced; and 3) what is in place will be allowed to re- main. The Council discussed how requests for a second curb cut should be handled. While they did not want to encourage property owners to seek an additional curb cut they did realize that for some properties because of their size it may be a reasonable request. Steve Grittman suggested that if the Council wanted to look at this on a case by case basis, a variance process would be the best method. . Doug Herre, 1101 West Broadway asked ifhis secondary driveway on Willow Street would be acceptable. Clint Herbst responded that what is existing will be accepted but the second driveway would have to be hard surfaced. The Council emphasized that the property owners will be assessed for the Core Street project based on the number of driveways. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO FORWARD THE PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THIS MEETING TO STAFF AND ASK STAFF TO PREPARE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE OCTOBER 10,2005 COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of a reQuest for a conditional use permit to allow operation of a real estate office in an existin~ buildin~ in a PZM (Performance Zone-Mixed) District and a reQuest for a variance from reQuired parkin~ standards as re~ulated bv the Monticello Zonin~ Ordinance. Applicant: Professional Brokers Realty. City Planner, Steve Grittman provided background information on this item. Originally the applicant requested a conditional use permit to allow a real estate office in a PZM District. The Planning Commission felt the proposed use for the lot was not appropriate and recommended denial. The Council concurred with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. The applicant then sought a variance to forego the commercial parking lot thus making the use more residential in nature. The Planning Commission at their September meeting denied the variance The applicant is appealing the denial of the variance and is asking Council to consider granting both the variance and the conditional use permit. . Brian Stumpf commented that he didn't feel the parking issues and traffic concerns for a real estate office would be that much different than what would be generated by a residential use. Clint Herbst stated that this is a residential area and commercial activities should be kept out of residential areas. He cited not allowing the expansion of the public works facility as an example 7 C\ . Council Minutes - 9/26105 of the Council's efforts to keep non-residential uses out of residential areas. Letichia DeChene-Fulda, 505 Elm Street stated that the real estate office would have three staff and there would be agents who would occasionally utilize the office. Clint Herbst asked why they didn't locate in the downtown area. She noted that what was available downtown was very limited. The applicant's reason for requesting the variance is because the neighbors would not approve of construction of the needed parking stalls. Glen Posusta felt the problem was an issue of fairness. In similar cases, the City has required the property owner to supply the needed parking or contribute to a fund for parking if they could not supply the required parking on site. In this case the City is not requiring that they supply the parking or contribute to the parking fund. He noted that the overflow parking would be located across the street which he didn't feel was appropriate. Wayne Mayer agreed that parking standards need to be met. Currently there is no parking on the side of Elm Street where the property is located and if users have to park on the other side and cross the street there is a safety concern. . Tom Perrault felt that this corner lot was at a very busy location and he didn't feel the lot was suitable as a residence but would be better utilized as a business use. He felt if this use is not what the Council wants in this area they should rezone the property to something other than PZM. Clint Herbst felt with the completion of Chelsea Road and 7th Street there will be a very different look to this area. Wayne Mayer asked Steve Grittman to explain the hardship condition for a variance. Steve Grittman stated that you need to establish a finding that the unique condition of the property that makes it a hardship to comply with the zoning ordinance. If you can make reasonable use ofthe property then the hardship is difficult to validate. In this case the Planning Commission and staff didn't feel the hardship criteria was met. Susie Wojchouski, 111 Club View Drive stated the property in question belonged to her mother and she stated that the Council wasn't looking to the future with the use ofthis area.. With the development going on around the area she felt this would be a better area for commercial use. Lee McDougall, 101 Hillcrest Circle stated he looked at the property and he felt that it was a nice set up for this type of business. Clint Herbst reiterated his belief that you shouldn't push commercial uses in a residential area especially in light of the fact that the downtown area has vacancies. . Dale Lemm, 11380 Cameron Avenue stated that Ruffs Auto, a commercial use was on the site long before it was zoned. He also noted that the house would have to be upgraded for handicap use. Tom Grossnickle, 1113 West River Street, stated that they have a business use in a residential 8 )0 . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 area which has worked out well and has not detracted from the residential nature of the area. Wayne Mayer asked how they addressed the parking issue. Tom Grossnickle stated they have twelve parking stalls with curb and gutter. Wayne Mayer stated having no parking other than the existing driveway is what concerns him most. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMERCIAL OFFICE USE IN THE PZM DISTRICT BASED ON THE FINDINGS THAT THE USE WOULD NOT CREATE COMPATIBILITY ISSUES WITH THE SURROUNDING RESIDENTIAL AREA, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION THAT THE APPLICANT COMPLIES WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1) ADDITION OF CURB AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE PARKING LOT; 2) CONSTRUCTION OF A PARK- ING LOT TO ACCOMMODATE AT LEAST 10 PARKING SPACES OR RECEIVES A VARIANCE FROM THIS STANDARD; 3) ADDITION OF BUFFERING AT THE PERI- METER OF THE SITE TO COMPLY WITH THE CITY'S BUFFER YARD ORDINANCE; 4) APPROVAL OF THE DRIVEWAY LOCATION BY WRIGHT COUNTY; AND 5) LANDSCAPING SCREENING OF THE PARKING AREA FROM SURROUNDING RESI- DENTIAL PROPERTY AND THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION FAILED WITH TOM PERRAULT AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN FAVOR THEREOF AND WAYNE MAYER, CLINT HERBST AND GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. . GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO DENY THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BASED ON THE FINDINGS OF FACT AS FOLLOWS: 1) THE PROPOSED USE IS LOCATED IN A NEIGHBORHOOD DOMINATED BY LOW DENSITY, SINGLE FAMILY, RESIDENTIAL HOUSES; 2) THE PZM DISTRICT ALLOWS FOR BUSINESS USES IN AREAS OF TRANSITION TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, OR MIXING OF COMMERCIAL AND HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL USES; 3) THE USES IN THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBORHOOD DO NOT SUPPORT THE CONDITIONS NECESSARY FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL USE AS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ORDINANCE; 4) THE PROPERTY, IF CONVERTED TO BUSINESS USE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO ACCOMMODATE THE REQUIRED PARKING SUPPLY AS REQUIRED BY THE ZONING ORDINANCE; 5) THE PROPERTY REQUIRES SIGNIFICANT BUFFERING AND LANDSCAPING TO SCREEN THE USE AND ACTIVITY FROM THE ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY; 6) NO HARDSHIP EXISTS TO SUPPORT THE REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE PARKING REGULATIONS AND 7) THE PROPERTY CAN BE PUT TO A REASONABLE USE UNDER THE PZM REGULATIONS WITHOUT THE NEED FOR A VARIANCE AND TO DENY THE VARIANCE FROM THE CITY'S PARKING REGULATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL OFFICES BASED ON A FIND- ING THAT NO HARDSHIP IS PRESENT THAT WOULD QUALIFY THE PROJECT FOR VARIANCE CONSIDERATION. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9 1 \ . . . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 12. Consideration of a request for an amendment to the Monticello Zonine: Ordinance ree:ardin~ the ree:ulation and outdoor stora~e of commercial vehicles. Applicant: Citv of Monticello. Building Official, Fred Patch provided the background information on this amendment which is proposing to prohibit race cars in a residential area as well as dealing with commercial vehicles in residential areas. In 2000 the Council and Planning Commission looked at a similar type ordinance but did not adopt the ordinance at that time. Fred Patch reviewed the differences between the 2000 ordinance amendment and the one being proposed now. He noted the designation of a commercial vehicle under the 2000 ordinance was based on a vehicle plate designation ofF or greater. The current proposal defines a commercial vehicle as anything exceeding eight feet in height and twenty-two feet in length. The current ordinance also addresses race car which was added as a result of complaints about race cars being stored in a residential area. Brian Stumpf felt the proposed ordinance amendment was too restrictive for property owners. Clint Herbst stated that the amendment doesn't prohibit someone from storing this type of vehicle in their garage. Glen Posusta felt there should be some limitation on recreational vehicles that are stored in the yard. He added that as a commercial storage facility he was restricted from outside storage. Lee McDougall, 101 Hillcrest Circle stated the difference is that this property is for his own private use and is not a business for profit. Glen Posusta stated that the restrictions on commercial property is because the City does not want it to look like a junk yard and he didn't feel residential property should either. Mr. McDougall asked how the City arrived at the determination that a race car was not a recreational vehicle and he cited different ordinance definitions of a recreational vehicle. He also pointed out in the Monticello ordinance vehicle racing is listed as commercial recreation. He felt if the City took his race car away they need to take away the boats and vehicles from other people. Wayne Mayer said one of the concerns is that the ordinance didn't go back to explain what is a recreational vehicle. City Attorney, Torn Scott stated that the discussions were on commercial vehicles and race cars so the he did not attempt to address the issue of recreational vehicles in this ordinance amendment. Fred Patch noted that Section 2(4) uses language as to vehicles being licensed and operable. BRlAN STUMPF MOVED TO DENY THE ORDINANCE RESTRlCTING THE PARKING OF CERTAIN VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRlCTS, AMENDING CHAPTERS 2, 3, AND 6 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR RACE CARS AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRlCTS. TOM PERRAUL T SECONDED THE MOTION. Wayne Mayer said when the Council first initiated discussion on this item he asked an ordinance is not enforceable why is it on the books and he is asking if this ordinance is 10 \9- . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 enforceable. Tom Scott replied that there was no problem with the commercial vehicle portion of the ordinance but there was a caveat on the race car which is what is the rationale for distinguishing between a race car and other recreational vehicles. He questioned whether the Council wanted to look at the broader issue of recreational vehicles. He stated that the ordinance only addresses those items that were brought up the Council and he did not expand the ordinance to anything beyond that. Clint Herbst felt that all recreational vehicles should be housed or covered and agreed that any ordinance in place should have some teeth in it and be enforceable. It was pointed out that while the property owner has a right to use his property he does not have the right to make it into an eyesore. Tom Perrault felt commercial vehicles parked on the streets were a safety Issue. The Planning Commission approved the amendment unanimously. Sandy Suchy a Planning Commission member, stated that she didn't feel commercial vehicles or race cars belonged in a residential area. She agreed that the race cars were singled out even though many recreational vehicles don't belong in a residential area. Brian Stumpf questioned if the commercial vehicles cannot park in residential areas where are they suppose to park. He felt if the ordinance was approved the City should look at designating an area where commercial vehicles could park. . Beth Larson, 1702 West River Street, has a dump truck parked in their driveway and stated the Council was not looking closely at the property owner's rights in this case. She said that the Council, regardless of the action they take, cannot make all the residents happy but they should not take away a property owner's rights. Chris Larson added that even if parking was available somewhere else he would not feel comfortable leaving his rig unattended. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, COUNCILMEMBERS PERRAULT AND STUMPF VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND COUNCILMEMBERS POSUSTA, HERBST AND MA YER VOTED IN OPPOSITION. MOTION FAILED. Wayne Mayer asked again about the enforceability of the ordinance and asked if the race car portion is or is not enforceable. Tom Scott said he is comfortable that the ordinance is enforceable. He asked if the Council wanted to look into recreational vehicles and come up with a more complete definition of a recreational vehicles which would make the ordinance more enforceable. Tom Scott felt the City could articulate reasons why race cars are different but to be more ironclad the Council should look more at recreational vehicles. Wayne Mayer felt ifit was licensed and road operable then you have defined race cars. Tom Scott said the proposed ordinance is enforceable but there is the potential for argument that the City is singling out race cars. Tom Scott suggested the Council direct him to fine tune the ordinance and bring it back at the next meeting. . WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO LOOK AT FIRMING DEFINITIONS AND TERMS FOR RACE CARS AND ALSO LOOK AT OTHER RECREATIONAL VEHICLES. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION 11 )~ . . . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 13. Review update of report on modifications to trunk utility fees and park dedication fees. Consulting Engineer, Bret Weiss updated the Council on modifications made to the trunk utility fees after the July 25, 2005 workshop. There were several areas that needed to be reviewed and clarified. Growth Rate - The Council agreed to using the same number of units (300 units for 10 years and 380 units for 5 years) that is being used in the biosolids discussion. Acre or Unit Charge - The City currently uses acreage for calculating trunk fees and they are recommending the City stay with that. Assessment of Fees - When a final plat has been approved 100% of the trunk fees is payable. The City has allowed these fees to be assessed generally over a ten year period. The consulting engineer is recommending that the City continue to allow the assessment of fees but over three years instead of ten. Storm Sewer Ponding - It is proposed to separate the trunk fee into pipe and ponding fees. Transfers of SAC fees to Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fees - At the present time the City is trans- ferring 30% ofthe SAC fee collected to the trunk sanitary sewer fund. They are proposing to reduce that by 10% and continue to decrease it gradually by 1 % per year over 20 years. Biosolids -Bret Weiss noted that the biosolids treatment option is estimated at $2.7 million which is a significant expense and does have the potential to drive the SAC charges and trunk fees up. Assignment of credits and up fronting costs for trunk Fees - The engineer is recommending that the City give credits for trunk improvements at the end of the development projects not at the beginning. They are also recommending that the Council look at each development on an individual basis to determine whether the developer needs to upfront the cost of the trunk improvements. Currently Assessed Lots - Bret Weiss noted that there is about 680 lots that have been assessed trunk fees at the current rate. Water Treatment Plant - It is proposed that a water treatment plant be constructed in 2025. This improvement will increase the water trunk fees significantly up to $3,300 per acre. Bret Weiss suggested that some of the cost of the plant be funded by an increase in the user fees. If the City does not include the water treatment plant in the trunk fees, the water trunk fee would drop to about $1,900 per acre. 12 \L\ . . 14. . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fee - Bret Weiss was proposing an increase in the trunk fee from $2,228 per acre to $3,720 per acre. Bret Weiss submitted a survey showing what is charged by other cities and pointed out that Monticello is on the high side but not the highest. He also noted there are a lot of differences in how communities arrive at what they charge in fees. The idea is to generate enough revenue to pay for the improvements made to the system. The Council questioned whether the acre or unit charge was the best means for collecting trunk fees. They felt that by going with a unit charge it may discourage developments with high densities. Bret Weiss stated that when the calculation was done based on three units per acre, the acreage charge worked better for the City. It was suggested that if a development came in that had more than 50% of the units as multiple structures the City should consider looking at a per unit charge. Bret Weiss said they could look at other unit options but he felt the key is to show that the cost is justified. He stated the City needs to have enough land area to pay for the cost ofthe project. Wayne Mayer asked if increasing unit costs would it serve as an impediment to apartment complexes. Bret Weiss will bring sOniething back that addresses those developments that exceed three units per acre density. Clint Herbst voiced the opinion that new development should be bearing the cost of the trunk improvements. Brett Weiss noted that the City's user fees are too low and do not include enough to cover maintenance or replacement costs. Tom Perrault agreed that the developers should be paying their share but that all should pay fort items such as water treatment plant and biosolids treatment. Consideration of review of items relatin!! to Hidden Forest Subdivision pertainine to site !!radin!! and utility improvements. finance plan and utilitv pipe desi!!n. Jeff O'Neill provided background information on the item and stated the staff would like direction from the Council relating to the project. It was pointed out that the proposed plat contains R-I and R-IA lots adjacent to a wetland area. This property is in the ditch #33 area and it is proposed to construct a storm sewer outlet to the river to resolve the concerns with water entering into ditch #33. The developer has also requested that the Council approve a request for annexation of the property into the City. One ofthe issues to be addressed by the Council is the use ofHDPE pipe. Bret Weiss noted that the City has normally required ductile iron pipe for watermain installation. He added that HDPE pipe is often used in situations where there is limited space and directional boring is done and that may be the case here. Bret Weiss stated the would want to make sure that the concerns of the Public Works Director and Sewer/Water Superintendent about the use of HDPE pipe were addressed. Another issue was the granting of a grading permit and extension of utilities. The City had a number of concerns about issuing a grading permit at this stage in the development plan which include work beginning late in the season, no delineation of what erosion control measures 13 \S . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 would be implemented, since there is no outlet for the pond what options will be considered if the pond should overflow, pond design issues have not been resolved and there is no approved street and utility plan. There are issues with financing and easements as well. Bret Weiss stated this was brought before the Wright County Board and it was very specifically stated that there could be no building in the County Ditch 33 area without the outlet being in place. If that has changed he would like it verified by the County that they would allow this. Wayne Mayer agreed that someone from the County has to sign off on this requirement. It is proposed that the developer will pay the full cost of extending sanitary sewer and water service to this site which is estimated at $1,281,00. The developer was interested in getting storm sewer outlet constructed and this is estimated at $700,00. The first phase will contain 56 lots. Because the trunk fees go up each locking in now will tie it up at the current rate. Another option would be to lock in the trunk fees far the entire development. Brian Stumpf asked what type of additional credits the developer was looking at for storm sewer. The developer is asking for an additional $113,000 in storm sewer credits. . Brad Paumen spoke regarding his development stating they were putting a lot of extras into the project to increase its value such as the parks and wetland amenities. He felt that the getting the ditch 33 issue resolved was a key step. The developer will carry the cost of the storm sewer outlet pipe which is about $700,000. He added they are also paying for the trunk lines to get utilities to their property. He felt what their development was adding to the community will offset any credits given by the City.. Brad Paumen stated that the use of HDPE pipe is a big issue for them noting that conditions on the site such as trees, driveways and other obstacles make HDPE a practical choice. Brad Paumen stated that they have builders who want to get their models in and they are looking at a minimum amount of grading, approximately 600 feet. Clint Herbst felt the only one at significant risk was Brad Paumen. Glen Posusta felt that with the amount the developers committed to it would be difficult for him to back out. Wayne Mayer asked if the City was back to approving everything on contingency. Bret Weiss also noted the need to get the Biegler agreement and easement signed. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO INCLUDE HDPE PIPE AS AN ALTERNATIVE FOR BOTH SEWER AND WATER APPLICATIONS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. . Wayne Mayer asked for the recommendation of the City Engineer. Bret Weiss stated that this may be a situation where the use ofHDPE pipe would be allowed because of the tight construction area. He did not feel its use was practical for every project in the City. Wayne Mayer asked if the developer did not construct the storm sewer outlet what would be the cost to the City to do it. The City has given more than ample credits on the balance of the trunk fees. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT ABSTAINING 14 )~ . . . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 BECAUSE A RELATIVE WAS INVOLVED IN THIS PROJECT. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ISSUE GRADING AND UTILITY DEVELOPMENT PERMITS SUBJECT TO COMPLETION OF CONDITIONS IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL. WAYNE MA YER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT ABSTAINING. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO PREP ARE A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BASED ON PROVIDING A CREDIT AGAINST TRUNK FEES RANGING FROM FULL CREDIT OF $1,207,400 TO A CREDIT OF $870,700. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION AND TOM PERRAULT ABSTAINING. On the issue of annexation because the Township did not receive sufficient notice of the annexation request, the Council delayed consideration of the annexation request until the October 3,2005 special meeting. Glen Posusta stated he was surprised the property had not yet been annexed. Wayne Mayer said when you stuff on contingency it has a tendency to come back and bite you. He asked if this item was placed on the agenda to expedite thing and did it by-pass any other committees. Normally the City would have a final plat in place and the annexation resolution would be approved with the final plat and development agreement. Wayne Mayer said there are processes and procedures in place and because there was a shortcut taken is why the developer is in the position they are in tonight. 15. Consideration of an ordinance establishine: a policy relatin~ to outside employment for certain city employees. Rick W olfsteller provided background information on the ordinance amendment relating to outside employment by city staff. The Personnel Committee met and addressed this issue, reviewed the concerns and directed the city attorney to prepare the amendment for presentation to the full Council. The proposed amendment would apply to certain department heads and administrative staff. Since this would affect existing employees the Council would need to establish a date for implementation or whether existing situations would be grandfathered in. The amendment is limited to a few staff positions and the Council should determine if any other positions should be added. Glen Posusta suggested that any department head be included and Clint Herbst felt it should apply to all salaried positions. It was discussed whether the concern was with employment with another city or because there could be a conflict of interest. Glen Posusta said the practice of doing similar work for two companies doesn't happen in private practice and it shouldn't in government either. Some discussion on what is a conflict of interest. Brian Stumpf said this was the second ordinance amendment they looked at tonight that was as vague as it could get. He said he would not tell a city employee what to do on his own time. Clint Herbst asked if there was any problem in including all city employees. Tom Scott said this gets at top level positions and is not based on any conflict that is occurring. It deals with top 15 \"1 . Council Minutes - 9/26105 level positions in the City that have a lot of public contact and public visibility. People at the top level should dedicate their full time to the City and should not be doing similar jobs on a full or part-time basis for another government entity. It is reasonable to expect that employees give full time to their job. He stated that this ordinance does not deal with conflict of interest. Tom Scott said if you look at expanding this to more employees the Council should reconsider the ordinance. Wayne Mayer asked if they could make a blanket statement rather than list the position stating something to effect that any employee holding a position in the City cannot hold a similar position in another city. Torn Scott felt the Council would want to look at the ordinance further fi they wanted to extend it to other employees or define conflict of interest. . Tom Scott said this ordinance gets at the fact that top level positions because oftheir professional judgement, visibility, and hours work it is a reasonable expectation of the employer that employee cannot perform the same or similar functions for another government entity on a full or part-time basis. Torn Scott said other issues may be handled through the personnel policy. Glen Posusta felt they should look at other issues because the potentials is out there. Tom Perrault question # 6 ofthe findings. Tom Scott said the findings are for the Council to consider but the language of the ordinance state full or part time. Torn Scott said the Council has to identify the problem they are addressing and then decide if the findings address their concern. Glen Posusta ask Tom Scott to clarify if the Council could address conflict of interest in the employee handbook. Wayne Mayer asked again if the policy is enforceable. Tom Scott said it was enforceable. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT A POLICY AMENDMENT REGULATING OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT FOR CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES AS PRESENT. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. Tom Perrault asked if#6 of the findings could be removed and to suggest that the time frame for implementation would be the end of the year. WAYNE MAYER AMENDED HIS MOTION TO REFLECT THE DELETION OF #6 FROM THE FINDINGS AND A DECEMBER 31,2005 DATE. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Added items: Storm Shelters Mobile Home Park - Clint Herbst wanted an update from the staff on this item. Jeff O'Neill said they were going to tie enforcement of the code to the conditional use permit request from Kjellbergs. Clint Herbst said there must be some level of enforcement by staff on a regular basis.. Clint Herbst asked what they would do about other mobile home parks like River Terrace wait for them to build something and then require enforcement.. The City needs to check on a regular basis and make sure they are in compliance. . City Vehicles - Glen Posusta felt city vehicles should stay in the city unless they were being used to conduct city business. He did not believe they should be going home with city employees. It was eXplained that some of the employees are on call and take the truck home because it contains all the equipment needed if they have to respond. Rick W olfsteller stated he is aware of only one individual 16 \<'6 . . . Council Minutes - 9/26/05 that the Council had authorized to take a city vehicle home and asked if the Council was aware of any others they should let him know. The individual that the Council authorized to use the City vehicle was done as part of his compensation package. Clay Stockpile - There is a clay stockpile that is to be used for lining a number of ponds within the City. The stockpile of material needs to get off the Jefferson Commons property. The City has a price of $15,000 from Schulender and $20,000 from Randy Kramer. They will haul the clay to the Featherstone pond site and the developer will line the pond. Council had no problem with this. 16. Consideration of approvinl! bills for September. Glen Posusta questioned the bill to Specialty Turf and questioned why that was not purchased locally. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Adiourn The meeting was adjourned at 11 :40 p.m. Recording Secretary 17 \~ . . . Special Council Meeting Minutes - 10/3/05 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday October 3, 2005 - 6 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, 'rom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor I Ierbst called the special meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of award of contract for cash 18/1-94 Interchan2c Proicct, City Proiect No.2004-1C. Bret Weiss and Nancy Hanzlik from WSB and Associates Inc. were present to review the bid results with the Council. A total of five bids were received ranging in price from $8,275,986.16 to $9,902,927.47. The engineer's estimate was $9,132,567.38. Bret Weiss stated that estimate was prepared over a year before the plans were approved and he was pleased that the bid came in less than the estimate. He added that with the rising gas prices and the impact Hurricane Katrina has had on pipe prices, he felt this was a very good bid. Bret Weiss reviewed the items that were covered by the project noting that the bid contained $600,000 more flW storm sewer than the engineer's estimate. I Ie added that lights were not included in the project. Bret Weiss explained the portion of the project cost that was being picked up by the developer for this project and the ih Street/Highland Way project. There was some discussion on the time frame ll)f the project. Glen Posusta questioned the bridge being taken down in December and not being back in place until August 01'2006. The period of time that 1~94 would be closed down was also brought up. Nancy Ilanzlik indicated the east lane ofl-94 would be closed for three days during removal of the bridge structure and would be closed intermittently when the beams are being laid. 1-94 closings would take place after midnight and there would be no closing of the freeway on weekends. Glen Posusta asked about the round about. Bret Weiss said that once the contract has been awarded they can process this request through MnDOT. The roundabout is being proposed for the area of the middle school. The engineer noted that there was some concern about the vehicle traffic being dumped into the area. It was felt that as long as the City can show there wouldn't be any backup on the system, MnDOT would probably respond l~lVorable to the roundabout proposal. Clint Herbst asked if any of the Council had any interest in looking at the cost of adding fracture fins to the bridge. There was some interest in looking at this and it was suggested that WSB present a picture of the style of the bridge as bid and also present pictures and prices for a couple of additional styles. ~o . . . Special Council Meeting Minutes - 10/3/05 Rrian Stumpf commented on the time and effort it took to get to this point and stated he appreciated the effort that individuals had put forward on this project. RRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AWARD THE CSAH 18/1-94 INTERCHANGE PROJECT NO. 2004-1 C TO RL LARSON EXCAVATING IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,275,988. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of approvine a resolution annexine into the City property comprisine the Hidden Forest Development. TOM PERRAUL,T MOVED TO TABLE CONSIDERATION or THE ANNEXATION RESOI ,UTION FORTI IE lIIDDEN FOREST DEVELOPMENT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. ,- - .----- Recording Secretary 2 ar . Council Agenda - 10/10105 SA. Consideration of approvine: new hires and departures for MCC. and Parks. (RW ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratifY the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, and Parks Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. RatifY the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . c9.';)... . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Jackson, Alexis Title Guest Services II Department MCC Hire Date Class 9/19/2005 Part Time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class . Modesitt, Rae Temporary Parks 9/9/2005 Temp Geyen, Mark Temporary Parks 9/2/2005 Temp Connoy, Amie Temporary Parks 9/1/2005 Temp Peterson, Kristine Temporary Parks 8/31/2005 Temp . employee councillist.xls: 10/4/2005 5f~ - :;l. 3 . . . 5B. A. Council Agenda - 10/10105 Consideration of Aoorovinl! a temoorarv liQuor license for Hi-Way Liquors wine tastinl! event.( R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received a request for a temporary liquor license for Ili- Way Liquors annual wine tasting event on November 18,2005 at the Community Center.. The temporary license fee is the same as last year ($1 O/day). B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve issuance of the temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors annual wine tasting event scheduled for November 18, 2005 at the Community Center. 2. Do not approve the license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. The City Administrator recommends approval of the license as outlined. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the application. ~'-\ .~ <~tt- OF" M\~""'E-~' "'''..o:__~"..,...., Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar St./Suitc 133 St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 (651)296-6439 FAX (651)287-5259 TDD (612)282-6555 ~fT~~~~::,~~ ~""~~';l'r'\.. --,:J;, ~i"'.\II""'%' ;t~i'i-'ii:l~~~~}~ APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR AlDAY TEMPORARY CONSUMPTION & DISPLAY PERMIT (City or county may not issue more than 10 permits in anyone year) TYPE OR PRINT INFORMA nON . NAME OF ORGANIZATION dba Monti Municipal DA TE ORGANIZED TAX EXEMPT NUMBER Hi-W.<1V Linllr'1rs 41-6005385 STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE I ZIP CODE 55362 545 Pine, PO Box 845 Monticello MN NAME OF PERSON MAKING APPLICA nON BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE Joe Hartman, Mnager ( 763 295-5222 ( ) DATE SET UPS WILL BE SOLD TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Friday, November 18, 2005 CLUB CHARITABLE RELIGIOUS OTHER NONPROFIT ORGANlZA TION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS ORGANIZA TION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME ADDRESS Location where penl1it will be used. If an outdoor area, describe Monticello Community Center - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN APROVAL APPLICA TlON MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO LIQUOR CONTROL CITY /COUNTY Monticello DA TE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT $10.00 PERMIT DATE (Not to exceed $25) DA TE FEE PAID SIGNA TURE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT NOTE: Submit this form to the cHy or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and/or county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the permit for the event PS-09098(12/98) . s ~ - d-5 . Council Agenda - 10/1 0/05 5C. Consideration of callin!! for a Special Joint Meetin~ of the City Council and Plannin~ Commission to review discuss the Herita~e Development (The Jefferson) AUAR (Alternative Urban Area Review). (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff and developer are requesting that the Planning Commission and the City Council meet on October 24th at 5:30 to review the Alternative Urban Area Review pertaining to the Jefferson Development. The AUAR is a document that describes the proposed development and associated impact on the environment. It outlines city improvements and other mitigation measures necessary to support the development. Subsequent to this workshop, the City Council will be asked to approve the AUAR for publication and comment from the public and interested agencies. A few days prior to the joint meeting, the Planning Commission and City Council will be provided the document for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion calling for a special joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission to discuss the Heritage Development (The Jefferson) AUAR (Alternative Urban Area Review) to be held on October 241h at 5:30. . 2. Motion deny request to call for a special joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission to discuss the Heritage Development (The Jefferson) AUAR (Alternative Urban Area Review) to be held on October 24th at 5:30. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA:. None . ~\o Council Agenda - 10/10/05 . SD. Consideration of a request for preliminarv and final plat, rczoninl! from P-S to B-4 for the Church of St. Henrv 1 sl Addition. Applicant: Citv of Monticello (JO/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat and rezoning requests at its September meeting. The Commission found that the preliminary plat is consistent with the requirements of the ordinance and noted that the lot resulting from the realignment of 71h Street will produce a buildable parcel, as desired by St. Henry's. In terms of the rezoning, the Commission found that a B-4 zoning designation would be consistent with the adjacent Union Crossings development. The Commission noted that at the time of development for Lot 1, Block 2, applicable review measures will apply. The Commission approved the preliminary plat and rezoning unanimously. Prelimillary/Fillal Plat . The City, in conjunction with St. Henry's Church, is seeking a preliminary and final plat of a portion of the original plat of the Church of St. Henry. The new plat is being requested to create an adjustment in the boundary line for what will be the former Outlot B of the original plat. This change is due to the realignment ofih Street. As a part ofthe CSAH 18/1-94 project, ih Street will be extended from its current terminus at the St. Henry's Church-St. Benedict's Residential facility to connect with County Highway 18 at the location of the west bound ramp intersection. The City Council acted on September I ih, 2005 to vacate the easements relating to the previous ih Street alignment. The platting of the I sl Addition will put in place the easement for the realigned right of way and the appropriate drainage and utility easements, as well as create a lot and block for Outlot B, thus creating a developable parcel. The resulting lot, Lot 1, Block 2, meet the City's commercial zoning requirements. At the time Lot I, Block 2 of the 1 sl Addition develops, it will be subject to the appropriate City review. Please note that with this plat approval, it is proposed and recommended that access to Lot I, Block 2 be shared with the adjacent development site to the east. Subsequent to the Planning Commission meeting, it is also recommended that the signage plan for the lot be consistent with that approved for the adjacent plat. Rezollillg In early 2005, the City approved a preliminary plat and final plat, development stage PUD, and rezoning for Union Crossings, a 47 acre commercial development proposed by Ryan Companies. That plat is directly adjacent to the St. Henry's parcel on the west. Union Crossings is zoned B-4 (Regional Business). . It is St. Henry's intent to sell Lot 1, Block 2 of the I st Addition as a commercial property. The City and St. Henry's are proposing a rezoning ofthe parcel to B-4, Regional Business. The 8-4 district is the City's most comprehensive business district, and as mentioned, as the zoning district for the adjoining plat of Union Crossings, as well as other commercial areas to the east of Highway 25. In this case, both the long term future of the area, as well as the adjoining 1 d.1 Council Agenda 10/1 0/05 . commercial zoning, would suggest that the 8-4 designation is the most appropriate zoning for the parcel. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended approval of both the rezoning and preliminary plat. Decision 1: Rezoning from P-S, Public-Semi Public, to B-4, Regional Business 1. Motion to approve the rezoning for Lot 1, Block 2, Church of S1. Henry 1 sl Addition, based on findings that the best long-term use of the site is for regional commercial uses, and that the B-4 designation would be compatible with the adjoining commercial property, also zoned B-4. 2. Motion to deny the rezoning, based on a finding that Highway Business is the best long term use of the property. Decision 2: Preliminary Plat of Church of St. Henry 1 st Addition 1. Motion to approve the preliminary plat for the Church of St. Henry I,t Addition, contingent on the requirement that access to Lot 1, Block 2 is shared with the adjoining parcel to the east and that cross easements governing joint uses are provided by the owners in conjunction with the recording of the plat, and that the sign plan conforms to the PUD standards for the area. This recommendation is based on a finding that the preliminary plat creates a lot best suited for the specific development needs of the property, and that all lots in the plat will continue to meet the City's zoning requirements. . 2. Motion to deny the preliminary plat, based on findings to be developed at the public hearing. Decision 3: Final Plat of Church of S1. Henry 1 sl Addition 1. Motion to approve the final plat for the Church of St. Henry 1 ,t Addition, contingent on the requirement that access to Lot 1, Block 2 is shared with the adjoining parcel to the east and that cross easements governing joint uses are provided by the owners in conjunction with the recording of the plat. 2. Motion to deny the final plat, based on findings to be developed at the public hearing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staffrecommends approval of the rezoning, preliminary plat and final plat. The plat only affects the shape of the lots, not the number oflots. As noted, al1lots would continue to conform to the City's zoning regulations. Staff also recommends the rezoning as being the most compatible zoning designation for the long term land use of the property. 2 0<6 . D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map/Aerial Image B. Original Plat, Church of St. Henry C. Preliminary and Final Plat, Church of St. Henry I st Addition D. B-4 Zoning District Regulations . . 3 Council Agenda - 10/10/05 ~cr ~ ~ i!! .. i . !d -A z<< i I ! i . iij ~~ ~i; ~ ~I/ ".... ~ " f/ .......... ~S Ii' --- -. ,?If ,~ .f:.tr'." to..............:::::". _ ~i J1~ ,h ::;;,._ t!j!; !..,.'r ~./,., ............ '-1-..... !_ )'//'" < ~ lII'~' - .....~~ . .~ / "#'~~../'" - '" '>"'" .i I ~J .,'...... l.L' ~T ~! :::". -'t= ~\ I ~S 11 ,~".I I. I I'" "",!I:1/ ~-- , h ~ft ;/ .I: f ./ i ".... '<'J. J ~/ i e-; . C1j ~ ~ ~. ~ NOWOOtl ~ ~ g ~ ".... " ""- (.:> -, ",;" -"'- ~J "'1--- " ._' ""- ~. ........ ........,) .;;"" _0>. ---. I <~ .,U -~, ;.t_. ,- ... , - I '.L_ (~ --) "!l, ~U I i" .~~ a~~ I !i~ !J;:~ ,,--1 ~~i ~l! I ;~! ,I E~~ hi lJ ~~! '>. -r i'j u~ I ,t ~"~ ~~~ ~~i' I 1:1:(.: ,.o! ~ ".... "-I -H. ~~'i ~ I " ~;;~ ""- I !~~! ~l.l!i... ~ I !~~~ . ."~~ i~M ~~'. E -"- -> ! "-, 1IJ ~ ~ I~ ~ . 5 D - 3 '1 Q <S'\ . ~ .~ 0: ~ l' ;: ~ ~J; ;~ D.'" ",-8 ~r >- 0 < ;:~ ~ cr o. ~ a:;~ (.) 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",I . l. , ~~ '~ tt.:I::: i ~ill ~"l i il T: ~ ,!~. ~:' If, '" : ~ ~ :;~~ I~~ ~ ~I ,,_I I "Ii' .. J' I ~ l E!!! ," , I'"' ,," <' It!! a:; i ii .0 ffi '" ~ ~ z :> 8 o I~ n ~~ "iiii;' n "':I: ~"i ~. B m l'] H ~l] ;;: o ii1 " z :>"- ,,-0 o~ ~~ ti;8 H' ~1i ~~ IH t:~~ .1l'8 E $ III r~.s ~~i IH ii1'5 ~: ~ .>"~ ~ ~ ~ ;~S ~H s'" . "~~~ ~~ ~ "~m ~ j~~ ~~~ 5 D- 3 d- . SECTION: 14-1 : 14-2: 14-3: 14-4: CHAPTER 14 "B-4" R[;GIONAL BUSINESS DISTRICT Purpose Permitted Uses Permitted Accessory Uses Conditional Uses 14-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the "B-4," regional business, district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. 14-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in a "B-4" district: [A] [B] [C] [D] . [EI [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] . All permitted uses as allowed in a "B-1 ", "B-2", and "B-3" district. Antique or gift shop. Amusement places (such as dance halls or roller rinks). Auto accessory stores. Enclosed boat and marine sales. Books. office supplies, or stationery stores. Bowling alleys. Carpel. rugs, and tile. Coin and philatelic stores. Copy service but not including press or newspaper. Costume. clothes rental. Department and discount stores. Dry cleaning. including plant accessory thereto, pressing. and repairs. Dry goods store. IVIONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/1 5 D- 5 3 . . . [0 I Electrical appliance stores, including incidental repair and assembly but not fabricating or manufacturing. [PI Employment agencies. [QI Finance companies. [Rj Furniture stores. [U J Haberdasheries and ladies ready-to-wear. [VI Insurance sales, claims and branch offices. [WI Jewelry stores and watch repair. [X] Leather goods and luggage stores. [YJ Record - music shops. [1: j Restaurants. tea rooms. cafes. taverns. and ofT-sales liquor stores. I^AI Sewing machine sales and service. [BBJ Shoe stores. I c.'.r'l [I I "- . "ai or S 1OpS. IUDJ Theatres not orthe outdoor drive-in type. rEEl Toy stores. IFF] Travel bureaus. transportation ticket offices. [GG] Variety stores. 5 & 10 stores. and stores of similar nature. [III-I] Wearing apparel. Ill] Ciovcrnmcnt and public utility buildings. [J.J] Mortuaries [KKI Body Piercing Establishments [LLJ Tattoo Parlors (#286. 2/1 0/97)(#330,9/13/99) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINA:-.JCE 14/2 50- 3 t.i . . . ] 4-3: PERMITTED ACCESSOR Y USES: The following are permitted accessory llses in a "B-4" district: [A] All permitted accessory uses in a "B~3" district. ]4-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a "B-4" district: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance.) [A] Open and outdoor storage as an accessory use provided that: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or if abutting a residential district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall he hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the publ ic right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [Hl of this ordinance. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisj~lCtorily met. [B] Open or outdoor service, sale, and rental as a principal and accessory use and including sales in or from motorized vehicles, trailers, or wagons, provided that: I. Outside service, sales, and equipment rentJ.1 connected \\ith the principJ.1 use is limited to thirty percent (30%) of the gross Hoar area of the principal use. This percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. 2. Outside sales areJ.s are fenced or screened from view of the neighboring residential uses or J.n abutting residential district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section :2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall he in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance. 4. Sales J.rea is grassed or surfaced to control dust. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/3 50- 35 . . . 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactori Iy met. [C] Custom manufacturing, restricted production and repair limited to the following: An, lll:edkvvurk, jnvc:lry from pn:cioLls metals, watches, d":lHures, Lind optical lenses, provided that: 1. Such use is accessory as defined in Chapter 2. Section 2, of this ordinance to the prineipaluse of the property. 2. Does not conflict with the character of development intended for this district. 3. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered satisfactorily met. [0] Motor fuel station. auto repaiHllinor, and tire and battery stores and service. provided that: I. Regardless of whether the dispensing. sale, or offering for sale or motor fuels and/or oil is incidental to the conduct of the use or business. the standards and requirements imposed by this ordinance for motor fucl stations shall apply. These standards and requirements are. however. in addition to other requirements \vhich arc imposed for other uses of the property. ') The arch'itcctural appearance and functional plan of the bui Iding and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influencc within a reasonable distance of the lot. 3. The entire site other than that taken up by a building. structure. or plantings shall be surhlced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. A minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22.500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (J 50) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. 5. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 6. A curb not less than six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. IVIONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/4 50-34> . . . 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential LIse or from the public right-of-\\'ay and shall be in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section :2 [H]. of this ordinance. 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed. pump islands shall be installed. 9. At the boundaries of a residential district. a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section 2 [U], of this ordinance. 10. Each light standarcllandscaped. ] ]. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance. ]2. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of contlict with through traffic Illovement. shall comply with Chapter 3. Section 5. of this ordinance. and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. ] 3. All signing and informational or visual comlllunication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinance. lof . Provisions arc made to control and reducc noise. 15. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance \\ith Chapter 13. Section of. of this ordinance. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mentioned in Chapter 13. Section 4. be subject to a conditional use permit and be in compliance with Chapter 13. Section 4 [F]. of this ordinance. 17. All conditions pertaining to a specific site arc subject to change when the CounciL upon investigation in relation to a formal request. finds that the general \velbre ancl public betterment can be served as \\ell or better by modifying the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satislJ.ctorilv met. [E] Machinen sales. l F] Commercial planned unit development as regulated by Chapkr 20 of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDIK-\NCE 14/5 5D-37 . . . I G] Boarding House. provided that: I. The building/structure is found to be substandard and/or blighteJ or contributing to blight and in need of substantial rehabilitation. a. The applicant must provide an overall development concept plan. b. The applicant must demonstrate that said rehabilitation is the most feasible use alternative and that said rehabilitation is not remodeling or simple structural alterations to accommodate a change in use. 2. There shall be no less than ten (] 0) units nor more than 18 units, and each unit shall be of a design considered to be an efficiency apartment. 3. At least one unit shall be on the ground floor fully accessible to handicapped persons. 4. At least 50% of the Iloor area on the ground floor shall be developed as complete restaurant f~lCilities with a minimum seating capacity of two seats per dwelling unit but in no case less than 25 seats. a. Restaurant shall not be eligible for licenses regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors. non-intoxicating malt liquors. wine. or the display and consumption of liquors. b. The restuurant shall be so equipped to provide food service to the dwelling units ifrel]uin:d. 5. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance or the lot. 6. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council. upon investigation in relation to a formal request. finds that the general welfare and public hetkrment can be served as well or better by modi fyi ng the cundi tions. (#138. 7/23/8~) I\IONT)CTLLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1~/6 SD-38. Council Agenda - 10/10/05 SE. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a detached accessory storae:e structure in an R-4 Residential District. Applicant: Kiellbere:'s Inc. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this request at the October 4th meeting and unanimously recommended approval of the conditional use permit. The proposed accessory structure is actually an expansion of an existing storage unit, which will allow for more covered equipment storage. It will not be used for rental storage. In terms of the conditions of approval, Kirk Kjellberg indicated that the area is well screened by a combination of structures and landscaping. The applicant indicated that at this time, there will not be doors on the front openings of the structure. The applicant also clarified for the record that the building used as a storm shelter is a large building with multiple rooms. One large room is used as a dedicated storm shelter. The shelter room is empty and not used for storage. Building Official Fred Patch confirmed this on inspection. The applicant is seeking a Conditional Use Permit for an accessory storage building in the Kjellberg East Mobile Home Park. The zoning ordinance permits such buildings by CUP, with the following regulations: Accessory Storage Buildings subject to the following conditions: 1. If associated with any open storage, the storage area is screened from surrounding mobile home units. 2, The storage area is surfaced to control dust and drainage. 3, The storage area and building(s) are for the sole use of the residents of the mobile home park and are not available for use by non-residents, The plans appear to suggest an open front building, The site plan, based on the aerial photograph, is not specific as to the need for screening of the area. It should be verified by the applicant that storage will not be visible from surrounding residential areas. As a companion issue, staff has been notified that the applicant may have compromised the access to, or capacity of, Mobile Horne Park's storm shelter by placing storage goods in the shelter. The applicant should clear out any storage in the shelter as a condition of approval of this CUP. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS ,.-. Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit. Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for accessory storage building 3C\ I , , TOWNSHIP :121 N. .', -,1' - - .1 ",<o"i- p,...~\rl~ pliriner"S :~ 1 11. ,< ~ (S) :;"Ur:,(!..t1~ ~ ~ '- ;., r'\l\b (4 ,.-"'1 !"';;"\!'". 'j ..j, ~ '-1-- ,~~:.~t: ~J", ~ ,b,\I(<." O'''~c.\( "~;'" .1.\ .J SIL\I (tl. c.P-. ~ ~,K "-0 - ..., "'".G;; -i ~ C 0:) (V@ E I\..~ w ~()~.a.ilcn ,. ~n A1 -i J.- RANGE:25W. TOWNSHIP CODE: MO '.. <I ~I .'?<,: ~ !i'~ SEE SMALL TRACT SECTION FOLLOWING TOWNSHIP MAPS .~;:~~~~r~~.o . SOUTH 0 (""DI'I'V"! ,?9(1 ~~~;~ ~ ~o...IO<~.' @ .010 - ., o ..J ..J .., U ;::: Z o ::E .n. TOWNSHIP 5~- l{ \ ~.,.y 5~4Ir.'.' F' 00 k ~ 10-" ~1. ~~; ~_ 0 1855 I C, \./ t i~ j..' r\ \... Ie 1 o (J ? ,+ C' ,; St;:-c...t~ (I/) +-. 1: /..-<:' . '--- r-~: ) (",; r- '" ( . . . 5E-L{3 . .-Z I\; -> .. - ~ "I . - ~-~--~.,._-------~--~~-~ I ~ ~I -.. I i i I .~.- '-- '-.............. _n ~.__~__ ~. -::::::: I - -.. __n ~ --. - -. .- .. --. -. .- - - -. " -,-~. ---~~ - -.- - -.. -- .. .- ~--,. -. -.. ~ -- - "'-..- .. ._~,. _._~- - .- --- .........~-~~ ~--,-.~ -_. --- -- _. _. -- -- .. '- - ... -~_.,. .-. 'on ~. __u - .. - .,,~ ." .--- - _..~ .-- -- ". - ... - --... -. - -,.. -- ._n " ..._, - ". .- -,.--- " - -- - .-. -- I -. I r-" ... I ;t ~ - .., ,} ~ --... r-. "'" f'\ f'. '" II- 1-- '" "" '" , .:>-..... '" .. , ~ " ': '^ , T I-J '\.) + o ~ + Q <0 t D - <\) .., t 0 ~ + tJ ~ + l1 '\) t D J <1.) 1 ::;;.:. t-. (\) ~ ~ f\i (', <.J:l ~ [ \) ----. ~ :::s '" C> -+- I:;. '; ::s ~ '" '4 "- rt. <:) ~ "'~ Q l::5-- ~ C> >< ~ ~ -. , '" ';:::, ~ <:.'> 'C R:, ~ '! " ~ .l:;) , ~ '" A / I / -0 () C> ~ '^ --J- u;:. '" -f. 1\ ~ :;1- --f,--C:' r;, '" , :s c \~~ ------J \ L..___~..~_______._. ......___~_..._.___.. , , -.......;.... w ~~-~ E E- ~ \..1\ . c. . D. . Council Agenda - 10/10/05 SF. Consideration of authorizin~ Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief to attend MN State Fire Chiefs Association Annual Conference October 20-22 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider authorizing funding of costs associated with the Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief attendance at the MN State Fire Chiefs Association Conference. It is my understanding that participation in this event is a budgeted item. The cost of the conference is $175 per participant. Travel and lodging expenses paid by the City in addition. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief to attend MN State Fire Chiefs Association Annual Conference October 20-22. 2. Motion to deny authorization STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Council approve this request. Maintaining a proficient and efficient Fire Department requires that the leaders stay in contact with the latest trends and techniques that such a seminar provides. SUPPORTING DATA: None 4S Council Agenda - 10/10/05 . SG. Consideration of schedulin2 additional Plannin2 Commission meetinj!s relatine to land use plannin2 and Citv development topics. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission discussed this item at their September meeting and all members agreed that the growth of the City has necessitated the adjustment to two meetings per month. The Commissioners indicated that the need for long-range planning and discussion of topics such as zoning amendments have not been able to be addressed due to the number and complexity of public hearing applications. The Commissioners felt strongly that the meeting should only be held for planning purposes, and that public hearings only be scheduled for the first regular meeting of the month. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the second meeting. Planning Commission is asked to consider recommending to City Council that an additional Planning Commission meeting be held per month for the purpose of reviewing planning related topics. . Conducting an additional meeting per week would provide time needed by Planning Commission to focus on planning topics that would otherwise be pre~empted by time needed to address planning case applications. Given the current work load of Planning Commission and staff stemming from numerous applications per meeting, there simply is not enough time left at our regular meetings to address important planning topics. The second meeting would also provide a regular date for potential neighborhood or special development-related meetings that, by their nature, call for a large block of discussion time. It is proposed that application review continue on a monthly cycle with general planning topics addressed on a separate schedule. Here are a few examples of planning topics that could be covered at this second regular meeting. . . Comprehensive Plan Update (this effort will require a number of meetings) . Update R-IA, R2, R-2A regulations. . Development of parking plan for CCD area. . Update redevelopment plan for CCO area . Sign ordinance amendments . Open and outdoor storage . Subdivision design standards . Parks and trail plan amendments (joint with Parks Commission). . Review of PUD ordinance requirements and process . Zoning ordinance update: complete ordinance format review . Tree preservation ordinance 1 4(P Council Agenda - 10/1 0/05 . . Development of enforcement priorities · Public relations and citizen communication programs . Research and reporting on trends in City Planning and development · Developer and builder orientation seminars No one likes to attend additional meetings, but given the current rate of growth and the number and complexity of planning applications, it appears that an extra meeting is needed in order for Planning Commission to fulfill its role. Included in the proposal is to increase the Planning Commission budget accordingly so that Commissioners can be compensated for the extra meeting. There is time to include the added cost for this meeting in the 2006 budget. There will be added cost associated with Planning Commission member attendance and for hourly paid staff members. It is staffs view that it is better to place an extra meeting on the calendar and cancel if needed than to notice and hold separate special meetings when needed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS . The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to authorize establishment of a second monthly regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:00 PM, as proposed by the Planning Commission. 2. Motion to deny request to establish a second meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator and Deputy City Administrator recommend alternative I. Given the number and complexity of land use applications that the city is processing on a regular basis and given the time required to address complex planning issues not directly related to applications, it is our view that two meetings per month are needed. Establishment of a second meeting per month is a logical and necessary response to development pressure that the City is currently facing. . 2 L\.l . Council Agenda - 10110/05 5H. Consideration of a request to allow Prairie Grass Planine at Bill Tapper Property (formerly H Window site) (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: According to the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission and City Council need to be consulted prior to establishment of a Prairie Planting. In accordance with this rule, Bill Tapper requests that he be allowed to establish a native grass planting on a berm and near his parking area at the former H Window facility. As you know, he recently built an addition onto this original structure and is now completing the landscaping portion of the proj ecl. Tapper has a history of properly establishing and maintaining native grass plantings. The native grass planting at his property on Chelsea Road is proof. The Planning Commission reviewed his request and recommended approval as submitted. Please note that staff may consider suggesting to the Planning Commission that the ordinance be amended so requests to allow native grass plantings be handled by staff. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve request to establish native grass planting at Bill Tapper property located at the comer of Dundas and Edmonson. . 2. Motion to deny approval of said request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends altemative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Site Plan and excerpt from ordinance. . L{<6' / \ , / ~ \) / / ! / / ~-' / /\ 0::: I / / w r-.. / / <n / '" '" I <n 0> / I \ I \ I \ b I I \ :g I I \ I ! I \ I II \:g ~ I I I I Ol \ IX)d~ 0 I "" I ~ f\ '-J. ~~r I / \ \ Ori'J; f\C \ I r\ .....- . J6vJ / \ (J W.^ / \ ..-/ fw(Le / " /' ~ -S~/v-G I '---. ~ -- -......... v-- \. \ --- '-- - ------ -~ ~- / ------ / ,- \(. '-C. 'C. ---- .~- ------<- ,,____ 6- _- - _ _ J -""' -- - - 1>96 _ ~ ,/ -- - <;96 _ _ ___ ~ __ _ _ _ - 96 - / -_ -~J '\ ----...' -___ ('~ ---L .E of ^'1 vVJ cl s ~ --- -1 '(--I +-7-- ~ ----), ~\ \ \ \ I \ \ I ,\ , \ . S\-\-'L\~ . . . 6. SODDING AND GROUND COVER: All areas not otherwise improved in accordance with approved site plans shall be sodded. Exceptions to this criterion may be recommended by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council as follows: (a) Seeding of future expansion areas as shown on approved plans. (b) Undisturbed areas containing existing viable natural vegetation which can be maintained free of foreign and noxious plant materials. (c) Areas designated as open space or future expansion areas properly planted and maintained with prairie grass. (d) Use of mulch materials such as bark, rock mulch over 4 mil poly, and wood chips in support of shrubs and foundation plantings. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 5 I \ 3/12 t'1 - So . . . 51. Consideration of Aoorovine the Plans and Specifications and Authorizine the Advertisement for Bids for parkine lot improvements for the Mississippi Drive Park. (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-32C). (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to approve plans and specifications and authorize the Advertisement for Bids supporting the parking lot improvements for the Mississippi Drive Park. The parking lot improvements are necessary to provide parking off the roadway to address on street parking issues related to the park use. Parking lot improvements for the Mississippi Drive Park include constructing a bituminous parking area with concrete curb and gutter to accommodate 20 parking stalls (includes 4 handicap stalls) as angled parking stalls adjacent to the street. The area consists of very poor soils and will require the use of drain tile and storm sewer to improve drainage within the area. Because the project construction cost is between $50,000 and $100,000 we are able to advertise for a one week period. The estimated construction cost is $60,000. The following schedule will allow for the completion of the project in 2005 (Subject to weather)! · Plans approved for bidding ..............................October 10,2005 · Bid Opening.. .................................................... October 21,2005 · Project award ...................................................October 24,2005 · Start construction .............................................October 31,2005 · Substantially complete (Base Course) .........November 23,2005 · 100% complete (Restoration) ................................. May 1,2006 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the plans, specifications, and authorize the advertisement of bids for the parking lot improvements for Mississippi Drive Park. 2. Do not approve the plans and specifications. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator that the Council authorize plans and specifications as outlined in Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Plans and specifications are available for review. 51 C:\I'h.II;/./m~III.~ (j/uJ St.~f(IJ/g.\,\dmm~J.(Js.~ill~(~t'\l.ot':1I1 Sj~IIII1RS\7I.!IIJ/)(JI'iJJy IlIlj~l'm!' Fih!.~\()LK3\A(iN n'M-Mis.~is.\"ippi Approve 1'/lIns (llId ilF1J- /()()6I1ldoc . . . Council Agenda -- 10/1 0/05 7. Public Hearinq - Continued public hearina on consideration of vacation of Cedar Street riaht- of-way and vacation of drainaae and utilitv easements in the plat of Monticello Travel Center. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to table these items pending completion of the final plat of the replat of the Monticello Travel Center area. We need to make sure that before the easements are vacated, the private utilities that are currently in place, will be located within easements identified on the new plat. This information is not available at this time so it is premature to vacate the existing easements. Additionally, other items relating to the Travel Center will be addressed simultaneously to review of the final plat including consideration of approval of development stage PUD, approval of the preliminary plat. and consideration of selling a portion of the Cedar Street right of way to the developer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to continue the public hearing relating to consideration of vacation of Cedar Street right-of-way and vacation of drainage and utility easements in the plat of Monticello Travel Center to the October 24 meeting of the City Council. 2. Conduct public hearing and take action accordingly. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. 5~ . . . Council Agenda - 10/10/05 8. Continued Public Hearin~ on appeal of variance for secondarv driveway in an R-l zonin!! district. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonry & Concrete. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you may recall from discussions at an earlier Council Meeting, Richard Bastien owns a double fronting lot and would like to gain access to a large accessory garage via Sandy Lane. Access to his existing garage is off of River Street. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the variance request and associated conditional use pennit with the condition that the garage be setback at least 20' from the right of way. City staff appealed the variance approval granting the second access pending Council review of similar situations in the neighborhood. At the most recent meeting of the City Council, a review of a number of parcels that have multiple driveway was conducted by Council. It is my understanding as a result of the discussion that Council desires to hold to limiting access to residential parcels to a single driveway, however a second driveway would be possible via a variance process. Standards to follow in reviewing each case include: 1) the second driveway would not be allowed to pass along the residential side of the home, only on the garage side 2) driveway would be limited to 16' in width; 3) an additional assessment would be required with each additional drive access. In this case it appears that the only feasible access to the garage is via Sandy Lane. Access to the garage via River Street is difficult due to the tight setback between property line and the garage. In this case, a variance could be granted based on the finding that in order to have reasonable or customary use of his property, a variance will be needed allowing a second access to the garage. Inability to access from the front creates the hardship. The location ofthe access on a minor collector road that carries relatively light traffic could be mentioned as a reason in support of the variance and a reason for allowing it in this case. This case should not be seen as a precedent for support of double fronting lots along busy roads such as School Boulevard and Seventh Street.. On the other hand, it could be contended that the property owner already has an attached garage and therefore already has reasonable use of his property in terms of garage space. There is no hardship because reasonable use of the property is already achieved therefore granting a variance is not justified. Further it may be possible to access an accessory structure from the garage side of the property. If the City Council is inclined to grant the variance, it is recommended that the setback distance be increased to at least 25' from the Planning Commission recommendation of20'. This will result in a building setback line that will be consistent with future home development on the block that could occur and will enable vehicles parked in front of the garage to be completely offthe City right of way. S~ . . . Council Agenda - 10/1 0105 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the variance request based on the finding that in order to have reasonable or customary use of his property (detached accessory structure), a variance will be needed allowing a second access to the property. Inability to access from River Street creates the hardship that is overcome by granting the variance. The second access drive is acceptable because it is not located along the residential side of the property and the access is on a minor collector street where traffic is minimal. Approval of the variance contingent on: · Establishment of a garage setback of 30' from the Sandy Lane ROW. · Access drive leading to garage to not exceed 16' in width. · Property owner to pay an assessment relating to this access. 2. Motion to deny the variance based on the finding that no hardship exists for the property owner because reasonable and customary use of the property is already available through use of the existing garage space, therefore a variance is not justified. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It was the view of the Planning Commission that the variance be granted allowing the second driveway and that the structure be setback at least 20' from the right-of-way. Staff recommends that the structure be setback at least 25 feet, preferably 30'. Based on the previous discussion by City Council at the last meeting, it would appear that development of this accessory structure and associated second drive would be consistent with Council discussion at the previous meeting with conditions as noted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: See conditional use permit request. SL\ . . . Council Agenda - 10/10/05 9. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for an 896 square foot detached accessory structure and Variance for a second driveway access and curb openinl! in an R-1 District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonrv & Concrete. (NAC/JO/ AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Review or further consideration of this item presumes that no variance allowing the second drive has been granted. lfthe variance was denied, then the Council should act to deny the conditional use permit or approve with the condition that access be gained from the front. The applicant is requesting a CUP to allow a large detached accessory garage and a second rear lot line driveway access facing Sandy Lane. A variance is required to allow this second access. In his request, the applicant is seeking both an approval to build the accessory structure using the 6' rear yard setback standard as the minimum for the building, and seeking permission to use Sandy Lane as the "front" access to the accessory structure. Although the side of the lot facing Sandy Lane seems to serve as the rear lot, this parcel in reality has two "fronts" (the existing home and garage face River Street), especially if street access is provided at Sandy Lane. However, there is no language in the ordinance that defines this situation nor is there a standard in the ordinance defining the setback for garages facing a rear lot line. In this case, the City must define the specific standards for this situation via the controls provided via the CUP/Variance process. The Planning Commission reviewed these requests on September 6th. The Commission discussed the CUP and variance request at length, as well as the appropriate setback for the garage if the variance were granted. The Planning Commission grappled with the setback question and decided to require a 20' setback, which is the same for a garage facing the street at the side yard. Granting the conditional use permit for the accessory structure and the driveway variance also creates the unique condition of a second front on the lot. The Commission recommended approval of both the Conditional Use Permit and Variance, both on 4-1 votes. Bill Spartz voted against the request, supporting a setback of 30' as he felt that the setback should be treated like a front yard. There is some concern among staff that a 20' setback may result in vehicles regularly parked in the right of way area. In addition, the setback for a home on that side of Sandy Lane would be 30'. Allowing a 20' setback for this request would mean that this garage would be projecting 10' in front of any future home built on an adjoining lot. It should be noted that staff have recommended that a site survey is provided for all future variance and CUP request in order to determine property lines and setbacks accurately. Staff also noted that a certified survey is required at the time of building permit for the accessory structure. 1 bS Council Agenda - 10/10/05 . In researching city requirements on building an accessory structure, Mr. Bastien developed a mistaken understanding or incomplete interpretation of the regulations governing accessory structures. It appears that when he learned that the rear yard setback is 6' from the rear lot line for an accessory garage, he believed that this rule would apply. He did not factor in the need for a variance for the second access and he did not factor in the possibility that the garage location could be affected by the results of the CUP review. Unfortunately, Mr. Bastien prematurely filled the foundation area and built a retaining wall intended to support a structure that may not match the approved setback resulting from the CUP and variance process. This could result in the need to move the retaining wall in order to construct the building. The applicant is seeking a Conditional Use Pennit to allow the construction of a second garage structure on his property at 1112 West River Street. In conjunction with the CUP, the applicant is seeking a variance to allow him to face the building toward Sandy Lane (to the rear) and construct a second driveway access. The zoning ordinance permits just one driveway access per single family parcel. The proposed building will be 896 square feet in area, ahd is shown on the site plan to be approximately 38 feet from the curb of Sandy Lane. The rear yard ofthe property is approximately 10,000 square feet in area. The new garage building would occupy less than 10 percent of the rear yard, consistent with the City's ordinance requirements. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended approval of both the Conditional Use Permit under alternative 1 and the Variance. It is likely that Mr. Bastien will need to move his retaining wall under either alternative below. Decision 1: Conditional Use Permit for Detached Accessory Building 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, with conditions that the building setback of 20 feet is preserved, that the building is constructed with materials and colors similar to that of the principal building, and that the building is allowed to be constructed to face Sandy Lane and that conditions relating to the variance are met. This is the Planning Commission recommendation on a 4-1 vote. 2. Same action as noted above except decrease or increase the setback as desired by the City Council. 3. Motion to approve but require access to the garage from River Street (25'-30') and require 30' setback from Sandy Lane.. 4. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on a finding that the garage is out of context with the area. . 2 5", Council Agenda - 10/10/05 . c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval ofthe CUP, but believes the building should be setback 25-30 feet from the Sandy Lane. Requiring the 30' setback can be regulated via the CUP process. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Site Plan Applicant Narrative Structure Plan Site Images Aerial Image . . 3 5, . . . Mary Poetz/Dick Bastien 1112 West River Street Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello Planning Commission Monticello City Counsel. Monticello, MN 55362 August 16, 2005 Dear Planning Commission and City Council Members, It is our intent, Mary Poetz and Dick Bastien, to seek a conditional use permit to build a new garage which will be 32' wide by 28' deep. The garage will be used to house Dick's crew-cab dual- tandem pickup truck. Dick requires this type and size of truck for his commercial concrete and masonry business. We are currently unable to fit this truck into our existing attached garage at our home where we have lived for the past three years. Since this heavy-duty vehicle will be housed on a daily basis, we are also applying for a variance to bring in a paved driveway approach from Sandy Lane; it is currently under construction and is being widened with the addition of new curb and gutter. The variance to pave this entry from Sandy Lane will greatly enhance the appearance of this project and will offer to compliment the effect of the new curb and gutter. Enclosed, you will find three photographs. Photo #1 depicts a garage and driveway that is directly across Sandy Lane from our proposed structure. I urge you to note the washouts that have occurred because this garage does not have a paved driveway. This driveway is simply one example of others in our neighborhood. Photo #2 is a photograph of the recently installed catch basin on Sandy Lane. It rests approximately 35 feet from the driveway in photo #1. Sand and gravel from this driveway will SC\ . . . certainly drain into this catch basin. This will definitely increase maintenance costs when it becomes necessary to haul several avoidable wheelbarrows full of gravel that threaten to plug this catch basin following each heavy rainfall. A paved driveway would avoid this unnecessary cost and nuisance. Photo #3 highlights our pickup truck parked in the location of the newly proposed garage. This garage with its professionally landscaped surrounding, its newly paved drive, and new city curb and gutter will offer a pleasing and finished appearance to our backyard and neighborhood. We ask that you grant us these requests in the spirit of progress of our growing and robust community. We live in a beautiful neighborhood and only have its aesthetic value at heart in improving our property appearance. Thank you. )'--)1 :/'L ' Mary .~ Di;1lc:stien ~Q~ D~ ~o f).7' 'ft, ~,p/1 A/ /,,/1';1,1 '/I,~" / ,', ii ni:l ..) , UW17"AL j}J~ I, g'~ It Ii.. I! ! I I \ - " I!< illi r l!..tl~ ":1 I Vi ."tf.. li(..:t-ti .v' tj'J:;.?,'~,'A..,.,.,./1.,.)~:;?' /~t:<:':;;~~~~ '''rl" \ -- ~ i -.;..-f-':II. "'...;,','.',;'.~.fi:4~ "..,:It'!':'t/,,~'> / T .. "'./.~ r/1j:/)// -At;' (/i ' ....,. ..; l(/ ,/ fl,::'" :.'.(/,,#-, . , ',,',',."';' ..~;t(:::';'~f;' ,/ 1/ /, J ", ... d .." n.", T . _ ..' _. ('/' fI'.,.. ;,1 /''''1-' .." /' ? -' {/ .,,, .-' /v/J-,Jbo/v/ '/" ,114 / /I~.,...f .i' ""'7~A .t/IIV'~ ....~i 1'7 ildf'I'/<.,,,") /c1"'.:.;.v/<{d:tfj,' __ /:1/) ///<- .r./..' ~/:..' / . Ie::. ;;Ji:/ 7'11lJ /7l/J/"-'71 //?J/I'.-- 1 /' ,"-~ / ~ '\-~ .-/ \,~~ \\\ ~, I'? \\ ~~~~" l~ \ / '----'~ \ ,.. -..... ~,,"'- \ "./ ~~~.~'" \ / ~~ r _,,114, ,.-" ", ~" f;f'I/}~l~,,::::::- I (JJftg 2;:. I".. 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View from proposec acce" jookingSOlltll across Sandy Lane ",,~~ . View of rear of adjacent lotlrom Another Residence on SOllth Side of Smldy Lane a.. ..\1, .~ t " \0\0 . . . Subjoct Propcny Viewed from River Street Subject propcny westerly IOlline Residence east of subject pro[leny \.0 ~'l 2 . . Council Agenda - 10/10105 10. Consideration of recommendation from staff re!mrdine: enforcement of ordinance relatine: to multiple driveways. (B.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This is a follow-up item to agenda item 10 of the September 26,2005, meeting of the City Council. The following recommendations from City staff pertain to the City of Monticello's ordinance on multiple driveways and fence encroachments. These recommendations reflect comments made by the City Council during the September 26th regular session. Policy Summary Existing Properties wi Multiple Driveways: Property owners with existing multiple driveways will be allowed to retain all driveways as is, regardless of the number, location, alignment, and surfacing of each of the driveways, unless the safety of the public is compromised due to the presence of multiple driveways or the existing surface is eroding and materials are washing or tracked into the street and may enter the storm sewer system. In such cases, each existing driveway will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine the recommended course of action. Each additional driveway will be assessed one (1) additional assessment. Existing Properties Requesting Additional Driveways: Property owners of existing properties may request to construct one additional driveway using the variance process. Each variance submittal will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis with the following restrictions applying: · Additional driveway shall be used to access existing or proposed garages and shall be hard surfaced. · Additional driveway shall not be located adjacent to the residence side ofthe property. · Curb-cut and driveway widths for additional driveways shall be a maximum of 16- feet. · Property owners shall be assessed one (1) additional assessment for each additional driveway at the time of reconstruction of the roadway being accessed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1 . Motion to accept the recommendations of city staff presented herein. Page 1 of2 ~~ Council Agenda - 1011 0105 . Decision 2 Motion to deny the recommendations of city staff presented herein. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Assistant City Administrator that the City Council adopt the Policy Summary noted above. . . Page 2 of2 lo<1 . 11. Council Agenda - 10/10/2005 Consideration of proceedine with selected biosolids ootion. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous workshop on the biosolids issue held on September 12,2005, Bob Brown from Bolten and Mcnk reviewed the City's existing facilities and their capabilities and presented information on six different alternatives to achieve Class A biosolids treatment. The six altematives discussed were: 1) Thermophilic anaerobic digestion (TP AD); 2) Autothemlal thermophilic aerobic digestion (AT AD); 3) Heat and lime treatment; 4) Thermal drying; 5) Compo sting; and 6) Pasteurization. The pluses and minuses of these systems were also discussed. It was the general consensus that thermal drying ranked the highest of the options studicd. Information was presented in regard to the purchase of additional famlland for the application of Class B biosolids. At the conclusion of the workshop the Council discussed phasing in a biosolids trcatmcnt system with the necessary expansion of the existing systems at the wastewater treatment plant. The Council tabled any further action on selecting a treatment process until additional information on how our selected treatment option could be phased in, including costs for interim options and realistic land costs. At Monday evening's workshop additional information will be presented regarding a phased approach to biosolids treatment. We will also research past costs for developing and permitting the Bohanon farm for the application of Class B biosolids. . It is assumed the City Council will have enough information to give direction to staff regarding our approach to biosolids treatment for the future. ~ W j)I\ . f (2 (" 71-) C A,-, 'V'. VI. { wi c I c.S) A: T',;J ()v'1-iJ.v...(_ B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ')p/'-"1 .>7Z4-~ p~ . r 1. The first altemative is to select a technofogy10 produce an exceptional quality Class A-.9iosolids and to further determine whether the end product will be in a dry state or liquid state along with a phased approach to achieve the desired treatment process with a backup alternative. 2. The second altemative would be to continue additional study to another workshop or council meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the City staffs opinion that enough information has been presented for the Council to detennine a technology along with the type of final product and backup as outline in altemative #1. After that dccision is made the design can begin which will actually determine the final process as there is more than one option to achieve a "Class A" AT AD product or a "Class A" dried product. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of minutes from September 12, 2005 workshop. As previously stated, additional information regarding the phasing of treatment options will be presented at Monday's workshop. Please bring with you all of the other information provided at past workshops and council meetings. ,0 . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday September 12, 2005 - 4 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Wayne Mayer Mayor Herbst called the workshop to order at 4 p.m. Representatives from Bolton and Menk and Veolia Water (contract operators of the wastewater treatment plant) were present to review and discuss in greater detail the information provided in the report by Bolton and Menk on biosolid options. At the present time the City's process does not produce Class A biosolids. In addition the land area the City owns for biosolids disposal is no longer adequate. With the population ofthe City expected to double in 15 years biosolids storage capacity needs to increase as well. Bob Brown from Bolton and Menk reviewed the City's existing facilities and thcir capabilities. In looking at biosolids treatment a number of alternatives were considered: I) Thennophilic anaerobic digestion (TP AD); 2) Autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestions (AT AD); 3) Heat and lime treatment; 4) Thermal drying; 5) Compo sting and 6) Pasteurization. Bob Brown outlined the pluses and minuses of each system. The thermal drying method originated in Europe and is currently a number of larger cities in the United States use this method for handling their biosolids. This method produces Class A biosolids, reduces the volume ofbiosolids, the process requires minimum space and produces a product that is easily handled. ATAD was the another option that was considered and like thermal drying it produces Class A biosolids but this option would require that the City obtain additional land for application of the biosolids. The study also considered continuing with the existing facilities for biosolids treatment. Under this option, the City would not be able to produce Class A biosolids, anaerobic digesters and storage facilities would need to be expanded and the City would need to acquire additional land for application of the biosolids. It was explained that with Class A biosolids you have a product that can be used by fertilizer companies, aggregate companies or the biosolids can be incinerated. Pennitting requirements for land application for Class A biosolids is much less restrictive than for Class B biosolids and it was felt that in the future land application ofbiosolids would become even more restrictive. It was generally felt that the thennal drying ranked the highest of the options studied. It provided Class A biosolids, had the lowest capital costs, more flexibility in the method of disposing of the biosolids, greatest volume reduction, less restrictive permitting requirements, flexibility for future expansion and no additional land is required for biosolids disposal. Chuck Keyes, the WWTP plant operator presented information on their search for possible sites for land application of the Class B biosolids that the City currently produces. He also provided l\ . . . information on the cost of landfilling the biosolids. He point out that the land filling option would be considered as a temporary option to be used until the City selected a long term option. The Council was updated on the status of a proposal to have a regional facility for biosolid treatment. A number of communities have gone on their own rather than opting for a regional facility. Bob Brown noted that with a regional facility it is important to have good operating agreements among the cities involved. The Council also discussed phasing in of a system for biosolids treatment. Different interim options were reviewed. Brian Stumpf felt a decision needed to be made soon and he was leaning toward the heat drying option rather than going with interim solutions. Clint Herbst felt the item should be tabled because there was additional information that was needed such as how a selected treatment option could be phased in, the costs for any interim options and realistic lands costs. The workshop meeting was closed at 6 p.m. Recording Secretary l~ t . . 12. Council Agenda - 10/10/05 Consideration of a request to rezone an industrial property from I-IA (Lie:ht Industrial) to 1-2 (Heavv Industrial). Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission addressed the rezoning at the October 4th meeting. All public testimony requested that the Commission recommend denial of the request. Representatives for the YMCA discussed the potential impacts of heavy industrial uses on surrounding open space and both current and future residential uses. John Uban, consulting planner representing the YMCA, stated that the rezoning seemed to be a case of spot-zoning. He pointed out that if this particular user requested 1-2, what is to stop other users from doing so, as the City has now set a precedent. They also discussed the investment being made in the area and indicated this rezoning would impact those investments negatively. An adjacent resident to the proposed rezone area commented on the potential traffic, dust and noise that would come with the proposed cement facility. Members of the IDC referred to current conflicts with existing industrial properties abutting residential areas, as well as conflict with the future I-IA business uses in other areas of the City industrial park. Economic Development Director Koropchak indicated that the decision is a land-use consideration, based on consistency with City goals for the area. Koropchak also reviewed the potential economic impacts in terms of taxable values and employee wages, contrasting the proposed cement facility with a business that fit the park's I-IA and covenant criteria. Many of those who provided public comment referred to the inconsistency with the comprehensive plan and expressed concern about the other potential uses an 1-2 district allows. The underlying property owner, Otter Creek, LLC, also indicated they are not in favor of the rezoning. Otter Creek questioned the potential impacts on land values and expressed concern that there had been no communication with them as property owners regarding this issue. Many of those who spoke inquired why the size of the parcel to be rezoned was not specified and whether the City had thoroughly researched other options for siting the cement plant. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the rezoning unanimously. The Commissioners stated that while they understood there were other issues impacting the siting of the cement plat, their decision was based on findings of inconsistency with City plans and policies. The City is considering the rezoning of a portion of the Otter Creek business park from the current I-IA designation to 1-2, Heavy Industrial. The purpose of the rezoning is to accommodate the potential relocation of the A VR Ready Mix facility, which is being acquired as a part of the Highway 18/lnterstate 94 Interchange Project. The Otter Creek business park was platted and zoned by the City with the intent of ensuring a high quality development pattern. The City included a series of covenants relating to the use of the property to further require a higher set of building and site development standards 1 \~, Council Agenda - 10/10/05 . throughout the park. It was acknowledged when the park was developed that the quality of development on anyone parcel could affect the likelihood of maintaining quality on other lots. As a result, rezoning to 1-2 - which potentially reduces the development standards on the subject property - raises the concern that the purpose of the park would be eroded. The rezoning would allow land uses on the property that were not anticipated when the area was platted, including the ready-mix facility and other heavy industrial uses. In addition to site development concerns, the location of a ready-mix facility will raise the issue of concrete mixer trucks using the roadways in the area. As such, there are off-site impacts that could result from the rezoning. Finally, the combination of the 1-2 zoning and the covenants create an unusual mixture of site development requirements. The City is currently studying outdoor storage allowances with the expectation that regulation of outdoor storage inthe 1-2 areas might be relaxed. However, the covenants applying to the Otter Creek property prohibit outdoor storage. A rezoning does not negate the impact of the private covenants on the future use of the property. It will be important to make sure that a future user of the parcel is prepared to observe both the zoning requirements and the covenants prior to establishing a use on the subject property. . The site is also adjacent to the YMCA land and to land designated in the long range land use plan as R-IA residential development. Although there is a 300' powerline corridor and a grade difference as a buffer, there is concern that development of the ready mix plant or other 1-2 use may be at cross-purposes with the goals of development housing and preservation of a natural amenity. The zoning ordinance identifies a series of conditions that are to be considered when a rezoning request is made. These are as follows: 1. Relationship to municipal comprehensive plan. 2. The geographical area involved. 3. Whether such use will tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. 4. The character of the surrounding area. 5. The demonstrated need for such use. The proposed location is guided for industrial use in the Comprehensive Plan. With regard to Items 3 and 4, the use could have the potential to depreciate the area. It would be necessary to strictly enforce the covenants and other zoning standards to ensure that a concrete plant does not raise property value issues. . With regard to Item 5, the need is not questioned. Due to the amount of construction in the area, including road and building construction, concrete is a necessary building material. The other aspect of this issue is the need to identify a relocation site for the A VR plant, given the eminent domain action forcing the plant to move from its current site. In summary, it would appear that the tests for rezoning are met, so long as the performance standards are strictly enforced on the site. The City Attorney noted that the City has the 2 III Council Agenda - 10/10/05 . latitude and authority necessary to assure development and maintenance of strict design and site operation standards. These standards would serve to mitigate the negative impact of this 1-2 use and prohibit any other type ofI-2 use to occur at the site in the future. Ifthe property is rezoned and the negotiations with A VR fail for relocation of this 1-2 use to the site, the site would be rezoned back to the I-IA designation. B ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission, in a 5-0 vote, recommended alternative 2 below. Decision 1: Rezoning from I-IA to 1-2 1. Motion to the rezoning, based on a finding that the request meets the specific tests for rezoning listed in the zoning ordinance, and that the zoning regulations and private covenants will ensure that the future land use of the site does not depreciate property values in the area. ~ {)J ,/t" 2. Motion to deny the rezoning, based on a finding that the potential uses in the 1-2 District, and the specific nature of the use ofthe property for a concrete ready-mix plant (including dust, truck traffic, noise, material storage, and dumping of excess concrete, will cause a depreciation in the value of surrounding development parcels. . c. / f IfJ [t [(1-0 tl (IU_ Council will need to weigh the potential cost of paying a loss of going concern claim against the long term impact of a ready mix plant on the development potential of this area. The City attorney has noted "A VR has asserted a going concern claim in the amount of $3,000,000. While Minnesota law recognizes such a claim, it is the city attorney's opinion that under current law and the facts involved in this situation that it would be difficult for A VR to successfully establish such a claim. However, the potential of a successful claim cannot by any means be ruled out." Certain steps can be taken and covenants established to mitigate the impact of such a facility, but it is difficult to say that allowing a ready mix plant in the middle of a growing area will not have an impact on the development potential for the area. The long term expense relating to the loss of development potential due to locating the ready mix plant at this location is not easy to quantify but is real. STAFF RECOMMENDATION If it were up to staff, we would prefer to take our chances on the loss of going concern claim or work with A VR in finding an alternative site versus establishing a land use that does not directly support development goals in a very important growth area of the city. Availability of TIF to defray interchange construction expense along with the favorable bid has provided some capacity to fund the worse case scenario. . If Council elects to approve the rezoning, thus paving the way for further negations, the Council should only approve the rezoning with the City's active enforcement of the private covenants (currently in place on only 35 acres of the business park, but intended to eventually apply to the entire park) and other zoning regulations in order to ensure protection of surrounding property values. The nature of many of the 1-2 District uses, including a concrete ready mix facility, demonstrate the potential for a negative impact on the surrounding land. 3 ,6 Council Agenda - 10/10/05 . There is also a possible negative impact on the City's effort to market the business park to higher end users as was envisioned when the park was established. Additionally, the Council should consider the potential land use impacts in terms of surrounding uses. As the owner/seller of the property, the City may wish to consider additional restrictions to the use of the property that would help to maintain the goals of the City in platting the business park. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map/Long Range Land Use Map B. 1-1 A Zoning District Standards C. 1-2 Zoning District Standards D. Otter Creek Business Campus Covenants . ~ 4 lfo . ~I.; )0 ;;1.. k. ,,-., \, ..., ..-" -'. '?\..~-~.......- ,/' \ . '. .' '.' .,... . ...~. ~...'''' _.~...............,-:~~............I..~".. \.~, .~---. ",. 'I ''-.'~ ',. '\ '--.. -', 'I MONTICELLO' LONG RANGE LAND USE . ~~ '!J~ ~.. ;l r' I:Lt~.:~.._.-::> ~-'--\i";!,';,~IT """'~~;:'II-"'-" ~'''' "'~"'d ' L~~~~T__-'-'---"""""i::::" ,. ..--t: .--.--.-...~--.-, '~ ., ~':t' ._""__.~~.__,.~~~......... ._1. 1~ d -l" ~ ; u,W :p;.I'''~'' l;!-.d...'Il",1 I::;l':ptl 1>IIil(>t, "">e'll L_' (~""1II:'l' HMllhlf't1al ,I.; 1, Fuwn u:n:d U!Ile Ob)ectNIl'S: llWi:i:...~'l' Ji.ll!'lld..,rrl:llll 111'.11'1 .. .. ANow' fur -fiI iI'nix of land ua_ ~~, end prahlC't ndul'1tl ~OUrtl1N Pro ~fIo fOld .,.,...". to' fiJPPCRf gPVW'tIiJ Retain fUn# chullda" IJnd. .m.H....,. ,.., U.e oj''''' a-men"... (l~,.'. ll"IeW$, ,.,.., :INU)' teJ,Wllhllnc.. GIIwIopdMl'1t ~'.pmwt bytll'7CDUI'B~ ~ ~'.p.lIftr8lm ...."d'"m 0.,.0"'11:\' 1..tl:Il~ 11-..' * (I\1l111" """'.O!ffl-"_"~ .. .. .. .. C~~I,:" .. I I'!l:h...111111.! :::~,SllllllC:<' . M(I~~. I~"rne' "lIr~. Il '\<6 . SECTION: 15A-l: 15A-2: 15A-3 : ISA-4: 15A-S: lSA-I: I5A-2: . . CHAPTER 15A "1-] A" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Purpose Permitted Uses Permitted Accessory Uses Conditional Uses "I-IA" Design and Site Plan Standards PURPOSE: The purpose of the I-lA, Light Industrial District is to provide for the establishment of limited light industrial business offices, limited light manufacturing, wholesale showrooms and related uses in an environment which provides a high level of amenities, including landscaping, preservation of natural features, architectural controls, and other features. (#298, 10/13/97) PERMrrTEO USES: The following are permitted uses in a I-IA District: (#298, 10/13/97) [AI Radio and television [B] Research laboratories I C) Trade school [Dj Machine shops [E] Paint mixing [F] Bus terminals and maintenance garage I (i J Warehouses [I-I] Laboratories [I] Essential Services [J] Governmental and public utility buildings [K] Manufacturing, compounding, assembly, or treatment of articles or merchandise [L] Manufacture of musical instruments, novelties, and molded rubber products [M] Manufacture or assembly of electrical appliances, instruments, and devices [N] Manubcture of pottery or other similar ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay and kilns fired only by electricity or natural gas [0] Manufacture and repair of electrical signs, advertising structure, light sheet meta] products. including heating and ventilation equipment [PI Blacksmith, \velding, or other metal shop [Qj Laundries, carpel, and rug cJeaning [R] Bottling establishments IS] Building material sales and storage [T] Broadcasting antennae, television, and radio [U] Camera and photographic supplies manufacturing [V] Cartage and express facilities MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 15 All ,C\ [W] lXJ . [Y] rZ] lAAJ [SB] [Ce] [DO] [EE] [FF] [GO] [HH] 15A-3 : Stationery. bookbinding. and other types of manufacturing of paper and related products but not processing of raw materials for paper production Dry cleaning establishments and laundries Electric light or power generating stations. electrical and electronic products manui-acture, electrical service shops Engraving, printing. and publishing Jewel ry manufacturing Medical, dental, and optical laboratories Storage or \\/arehousing Wholesale business and office establishments Commercial/professional offices Wholesale showrooms Conference centers Commercial printing establishments PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in a "I-IA" District: (#298,10113/97) [A] Commercial or husiness buildings and structures for a use accessory to the principal LIse hut sLlch use shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the gross floor space of the principal LIse: . ] SA-4: 1. 'l'he parking requirements of Chapter 3. Section 5. are comp] ied \\'ith in fLlll. ! The ofT-street loading requirements of Chapter 3. Section n. are complied 'vvith in full. CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a "1-1 A" District: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance.) (#298. 10/13/97) [A] Open and outdoor storage as an accessory use provided that: . I. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residcntialuses or. if abutting a residential district in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section 2 [OJ. of this ordinance. ! Storage is screened from vie\v from the public right-of-\\.ay in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [0]. of this ordinance. J. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible 11'0111 the public right-of-way or il'om neighboring residences an shall he in compliance with Chapter 3. Section '2 [H]. of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ] SA/2 ~o . . . 15A-5: ). The provisions of Chapter 2:2 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [8"1 Industrial planned unit development as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinance. [C] Indoor limited retail sales accessory to office/manufacturing uses provided that: 1. Location: (a) All sales are conducted in a clearly defined area of the principal building reserved exclusively for retail sales. Said sales area must be physically segregated from other principal activities in the building. (b) The rctai I sales area must be located on the ground floor of the princi pal building. 2. Sales Area. The rctai I sales activity shall not occupy more than fifteen (15) percent of the gross floor area of the building. 3. Access. The huilding \vhcre sLlch use is located is one having direct access to a collector or arterial level street without the necessi ty of using residential streets. 4. 1-1ours. Hours of operation are limited to 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The provisions of this seclion are considered and satisfactorily met. "I-IA" DESIGN AND SITE PLAN STANDARDS: The following minimum requircmcnts shall be observed in the "1-1 A" District subject to additional requirements. cxceplions. and modifications set forth in this chapter: (#2c)R. 10113/97) [kl Lot Coverage. There shall be no minimum or maximum lot coverage requirements in this district. (#298, 10/13/97) [B] Building Type and Construction and Roof Slope 1. Any exposed metal or fiberglass finish on all buildings shall be limited to no more than lifty (50) percent of anyone \vall if it is coordinated into the architectural design. Any metal finish utilized in the building: shall be aluminum of t\\'enty-six (26) gauge steel. the roof slope shall be limited to a maximum of one ( I) in twelve (12) slope. rvlONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 15A/3 ~\ . . . ) In the "1-1 A" District. all buildings constructed of curtain wall panels of finished steeL aluminum. or fiberglass shall be required to be t:lced with brick. woou, stone. architectural concrete case in place or pre-case panels on all wall surfaces. (#298. 10/13/97) rCl Parking. Detailed parking plans in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 5. shall be submitted for City review and approved before a building permit may be obtained. rrYj LOJding. A detailed off-street loading plan. including berths. area. and access shall be submitted to the City in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 3. Section 6. for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. [E] Landscaping. A detailed landscaping plan in conformance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. shall be submitted to the Council and approved before a building permit may be obtained. In addition to the requirements of Chapter 3, Section 2 [G]. all parcels developed along the boundary between the 1-1 A zone and a residential zone shall include planting at' evergreens as a screen between 1-1 A and R-l uses. The evergreens planted shall be planted every 15 feet along the property boundary. (#298. 10/13/97) IFI Usable Open Space. Every effort shall bc made to preserve natural paneling. areas and l'eatures o{' the land to create passive open space. I() I Signagc. A comprehensive sign plan must be submitted in conformance with Chapter 3. Seetil)\1 9. Lot Requirements: Lot Area - Lot Width - 30.000 sq ft 1 00 feet Sethacks: Front Yard ~ Side Yard - Rear Yard - 50 feet 30 feet 40 feet (#22 L 2/24/92) f\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1 5 AI if 'j). CHAPTER 16 "1-2" HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT . SECTION: 16-1: Purpose 16-2: Permitted Uses 16-~: Permitted Accessory l.lses 16-4: Conditional Uses 16-5: Interim Uses 16- I: PURPOSE: The purpose of the "1-2," heavy industrial, district is to provide for the establishment of heavy industrial and manufacturing development and use which because of the nature of the product or character of activity requires isolation fr0111 residential or commercial use. 16-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in an "1-2" district: [A] Any use perm i tted in the "I-I," light industrial. district. [B] The manufacturing. compounding. assembly. packaging. treatrnent, or storage of products or materials including: Breweries. cement. stone cutting. brick. glass. batteries (wet cell). ceramic pracucts. mill working. metal polishing and platting. paint (pigment mfg.). vinegar works. rubber products. plastics. meat packing. flour. feed grain milling. milling. coal or tar asphalt distillation. rendering \vorks. distillation of bones. sa'vvmilL lime. gypsum. plaster of paris. glue. size. cloth. and similar uses. . [C] Automobile assembly and major repair. [0] Creamery and bottling plant. [E] Adult Use/Principal. (#217.1/13/92) [F] Foundry. 16-3: ACCESSORY USES: [A] Permitted Accessory Uses: The following are permitted accessory uses in an "1-2" district: 1. All permitted accessory uses allo\ved in an 1-1 (light Industrial) district. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 16/1 '63 [B] Interim Accessory Uses: The following are interim accessory uses in an 1~2 district: I. One temporary structure as an interim accessory use, subject to the following conditions: . (a) The interim accessory structure is not to exceed 700 sq ft. (b) The property owner(s) sign a development agreement with the City controlling site development and use, including n date upon which the interim use is to terminate. (c) The termination date is established at a point not longer than two (2) years following City Council approval. (d) The property owner supply adequate security to ensure removal of the interim structure and use upon reaching the termination date. (e) All other standards of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance are met. (1) Any Interim Accessory Use or Structure appro'v'ed under this section v-iill not he considered to constitute an expansion of a pre- existing legal non-conforming use where applicable. (#241, lOll ]/93) . ] 6-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in an "1-1" district: (Requir a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated hy Chapter 22 of this ordinance). [A] All conditional uses allowed in an "1-1." light industrial, district. [B] The following uses provided they meet all requirements of Chapter 3, Section 2, of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. I. Auto wrecking,junk yard. used auto parts (open storage), and similar uses. 7 Incineration or reduction or waste material other than customarily incidental to a principal use. .., ,y. 4. 5. . 6. Poison. fertilizer, fuel briquettes. Kilns or other heat processes fired by means other than electricity. Creosote plant. Acid manufacture. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANC"E J 6/2 15~ . . . 7. Storage, utilization, or manufacture of materials or products which could decompose by detonation. 8. Refuse and garbage disposal. 9. Commercial stock yards and slaughtering of animals. 10. Crude oil, gasoline, or other liquid storage tanks. 16-5: INTERIM USES: The following are interim uses in an "1-2" District (requires an interim use permit based on the procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance) : [A] Outdoor storage of trucks and trucking equipment as an accessory use, provided that: 1 . A specified termination date is documented. ') The applicable requirements of Chapter 3, Section 2, General Building and Performance Requirements, are met. 3. The permit prohibits the parking of automobiles. 4. The permit specifies a gravel surface. suitable for the parking of trucks. 5. The permit specities that the intensity of visual screening shall be related to the location and nature of the storage and the duration of the interim use. 6. The permit specifies that appropriate setback of necessary fencing and/or setback of storage shall be related to the location and nature of the storage and the duration of the interim use. (#268,5/8/95) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 16/3 'tS . . . Jtt~ Doc. No. A 947485 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Certified Filed and/or Recorded on 02-17-2005 at 01 :09 Check #: Fee: $ 19.50 Payment Code 04 Add!. Fee LarryA Unger, County Recorder (Reser-vedfor Recording h!fcrmation) DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND PROTECTIONS FOR OTTER CREEK CROSSING THIS DECLARA TJON is made by the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Declarant"). WHEREAS, Declarant is the fee owner ofreal property in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, legally described as Lot 1, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, Declarant has granted the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (hereinafter referred to "HRA") the authority to administer these protective covenants; and WHEREAS, Declarant desires to establish covenants, conditions, and protections which will benefit the Property for the purpose of facilitating development of the Property and for the purpose of protecting and preserving the value and desirability of the Property; and WHEREAS, all Property Owners are advised that they will be expected to abide by the protective covenants hereby established by Declarant. These standards are intended to assure the integrity of Otter Creek Crossing and protect property values and adjoining property uses. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Declarant declares that the Property, shall be used, occupied, and conveyed subject to the covenants, conditions, and protections set forth in this Declaration, all of which shall be bindinK on all persons I J 6553 RETURN TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO 1 505 WALNUT STREET /11 MONTICELLO MN 55362 1>(,0 owning or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Property and their heirs, personal . representatives, successors and assigns. SECTION 1 1. DEFINITIONS: 1.1 "Declarant" shall mean the City of Monticello. 1.2 "Improvements" shall mean all structures and other construction on a lot or parcel for use permitted by the zoning ordinances of the City of Monticello, including, but not limited to, buildings, outbuildings, parking areas, loading areas, outside platforms and docks, driveways, walkways, fences, lawns, landscaping, signs, retain walls, decks, railroad tracks, poles, berms and swales, and exterior lighting. 1.3 "Lot" shall mean a portion of the Property identified as a lot on a subdivision plat prepared in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 505, and filed for record in the Wright County Recorder's Office. . 1.4 "Occupant" shall mean any person, other than an owner, in possession of a lot or parcel. 1.5 "Owner" for purposes of this Declaration shall be the Declarant and its successors as recorded fee simple owner of any part of the Property. For purposes hereof, if any part of the Property is sold under a contract for deed or leased under a ground lease, the contact for deed purchaser ("Vendee") and/or ground lessee shall be deemed the Owner in lieu of the record fee simple owner, provided however, that for purposes of amending or modifying this Declaration, the fee simple title owner and the Vendee and/or ground lessee. as the case mav be. shall iointlv all be deemed the --- ... ...- ~I .. Owner. 1.6 "Person" shall mean a natural individual, corporations, limited liability company, partnership, trustee, or other legal entity capable of holding title to real property. 1. 7 "Property" shall mean all ofthe real property submitted to the provisions of this Declaration, including all improvements located on the real property now or in the future. The Property as of the date of this Declaration is legally described as Lot 1, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing, Wright County, Minnesota. . 116553 2 <6l . . . ]] 6553 SECTION 2 2. STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 Minimum Standards The minimum standards for the construction, alteration, and maintenance of improvements on the Property shall be those set forth by the City of Monticello and any other governmental agency which may have jurisdiction over the Prope11y. All improvements on the Property shall conform to the then existing building codes in effect for the City of Monticello and shall be in compliance with all laws, rules and regulations of any governmental body that may be applicable, including. without limitation, environmemalla\vs and regulations. Where the following restrictive covenants are more stringent than the zoning ordinances, other laws and regulations ofthe City of Monticello or any other applicable government agency, the restrictive covenants contained in this Declaration shall govern and become minimum standards by which the improvements and maintenance of them shall be controlled. 2.2 Use No outdoor storage is allowed. On all lots, no owner or occupant shall store materials, equipment, or items outside of any building. The following exceptions are not to be considered storage, and may be located olltside in compliance with other applicable regulations: a. Passenger vehicles and light trucks parked in compliance with the City of Monticello zoning regulations. b. Parking of company vehicles, including trucks, vans, and other similar vehicles, except that semi-tractors and trailers may only be parked in the side and rear yards. c. Semi-trailers located in designated loading docks. d. Trash handling equipment. 2.3 Building Quality and Materials No building shall utilize metal or steel sidewall building materials with the exception of architectural panels that do not exceed ten percent (1 0%) of the sidewall surface area. 3 ~<6 . . . 116553 2.4 Landscaping Irrigation System On all lots on which a building is proposed to be constructed, the owner shall, prior to occupancy of the building, install in-ground landscaping irrigation between the front building line and the public street. This requirement shall also apply to the side lot areas of corner lots which face a different street. In the case of rear lot areas that front on a public street, the owner shall install landscaping irrigation for all landscaped areas within fifty (50) feet of the public street. The irrigation system shall provide adequate water to all landscaped areas, including lawns, shrubs, trees, flower beds, or other similar features. This requirement also applies to the "boulevard" portion of the public right of way between the owner's property line and the curb line of the public street. 2.5 General Exterior Maintenance Each owner and occupant of a lot shall fully and properly maintain and repair the exterior of any structure locate'd on such lot in such a manner as to enhance the overall appearance of the Property. The exteriors of all buildings and the parking, driving, and loading areas shall be kept and maintained in a good state of repair at all times and be adequately maintained. All lots shall be kept free of debris of any kind and all landscaping must be kept in good repair. All landscaped areas shall be graded to provide proper site drainage. Landscaped areas shall be maintained in neat condition, lawns mowed, and adequately watered in summer, hedges trimmed, and leaves rakes. 2.6 Construction Construction or alteration of any improvement on a lot shall be diligently pursued and shall not remain in a partly finished condition any longer than is reasonably necessary for completion of the construction or alteration. The owner and occupant of any lot upon which improvements are constructed shall. at all times, keep the lot and streets being utilized by such owner in connection with such construction, free from dirt, mud, garbage, trash, or other debris which might be occasioned by such construction or alteration. 2.7 Noxious Activities No trades, services, activities, operations, or usage shall be permitted or maintained, nor shall anything else be done which may be or may become a nuisance to owners or occupants, or offensive or detrimental to the Property by reasons of: a. Unsightliness, or 4 <6~ . . . b. The emission of fumes, odors, glare, vibration, gases, radiation, dust, liquid wastes, smoke or noise or a nature and quantity prohibited by applicable laws. 2.8 Temporary Structure Trailers, temporary construction buildings, and the like, shall be permitted only for construction purposes during the period of construction or alteration of a permanent building. Such structures shall be placed as inconspicuously as practical and shall be removed not later than thirty (30) days after the date of the substantial completion of the building. 2.9 Loading Docks No loading dock shall face School Boulevard or Chelsea Road. SECTION 3 3. GENERAL TERMS ] 16553 3.1 Nature and Term The protective covenants hereinafter set forth shall be considered as covenants running with the land, to be binding on all persons claiming under them and run for a period of thirty (30) years from the date ofming with the Wright County Recorder's Office at which time the protective covenants shall be automatically renewed for successive periods of ten (] 0) years unless, prior to the renewal date, the owners of eighty percent (80%) or more of the lots agree in writing that the covenants shall terminate at the end of that period. 3.2 Amendments This Declaration may be amended, modified, or terminated by an instrument in writing, executed by the Owners of eighty percent (80%) of the lots. Each lot shall be considered to have one vote. An instrument executed in accordance with this section shall be effective when filed for recording with the Wright County Recorder's Office. 3.3 Severability If any term, covenant or provision of this instrument, or an exhibit attached to it is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, such determination shall not be deemed to alter, affect, or impair, in any manner whatsoever, any other portion of this document or exhibits. 5 qo . . . SECTION 4 4. COVENANT ADMINISTRATION 4.1 Enforcement The Declarant, HRA and the owner of any lot shall each, either acting separately or in common, have the authority to bring action for specific perfom1ance or injunctive relief to enforce any protective covenant contained herein. 4.2 Adoption These Protective Covenants become effective upon their execution and recording by the Declarant. By: Rick Wolfstell r, City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 14th day of February , 2005, by Clint Herbst and Rick Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City Administrator, respectively, of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf ofthe corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. CJQ....U...;'("'\ \Y\, ..)~;:) S ~':,;,----- Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED By: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, P.A. Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55 121 TMS/cjh DAWN M. GROSSINGER NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA My Commission Expires Jan. 31 , 2010 116553 6 947485 C\\ . ow ...:ICl ....:1~ i::t1P; U~ Ht<! !2;s OU Z 0 P; . r....r- <JJ O' \0 P; >00 U E-<:> HI UUlC>: HO 00 P;~ en '1' U oen ""<....:1 UJ ClCl ill \0 >::\0 .,-j 0 en ....:1 0 ....... 01 H ill N 0.\0 rl ....... ....:l .Q 01 <1l ;>, Ul ill <1l ~ U p., U <1lUl C>1 0.. [JJ ::c C/l rl U rl 'd .,-j p., rl p:) ....... 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The City of Monticello awarded a contract to CB&I Constructor's Inc. on May 9, 2005 to build a 1,000,000 gallon composite water tower consisting of a concrete base and support and a steel tank elevated approximately 160 feet in the Jefferson Common's plat. The value of the contract including site work is$l ,698,000. The contract calls for a substantial completion date of September 1,2006 at which time, the tank should be filled, disinfected and ready for use. The project is to be entirely complete on October 30, 2006. A pre-construction meeting was held on Wednesday, June 22,2005 and equipment was moved in at the end of June for the start ofthe project. The job progressed quite well through July and August. We had hoped that the concrete tank shaft crew would arrive and start the concrete construction work prior to the cold weather setting in. They are, however, scheduled to arrive about the middle of October, 2005. Site work is near complete with the installation of the stonn sewer, water main and rough grading the main road entrance to School Boulevard. Most of this site work was completed within the last two weeks. A good share of the concrete work on the above ground portion of the tank will be done under cold weather. Another pre-construction meeting will be held on or about the 17th of October, 2005 to go over the ground rules for cold weather construction. A copy of the update from the engineer as well as other pertinent data and a site plan are enclosed for your review. Should you have any other further questions, you can contact me directly or ask questions at Monday night's meeting. '11' Bonestroo ~ Rosene -- ~ Anderlik & . \J 1 Associates Engineers & Architects MONTICELLO CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORT Date: October 6, 2005 Jefferson Commons Water Tower City Project No. 2004-30C BRA File No. 001366~04101~0 Submitted by: Tim Grinstead - Construction Manager I WORK COMPLETED THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30,2005: · The Tower foundation is complete as well as the piping in the valve vault. The foundation has been backfilled inside and out. · The derrick has been set inside the tank foundation for use in constructing the concrete shaft walls and for constructing the steel tank on top. · Watermain and stann sewer was begun the week of September 26,2005. The watennain was completed except for the School Road connection. The 18" stonn sewer was installed from the pond flared end to the catchbasin manhole no. 4. WORK SCHEDULED FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 2005: · The storm sewer and watermain will be completed the ftrst week of October. · The street construction is planned to begin later the first week of October or the second week and it should be completed this month depending on weather. · The concrete tank shaft crew is scheduled to arrive and begin on the concrete shaft the week of October 17, 2005. A preconstruction meeting with the concrete shaft crew, the City, concrete supplier and the testing firm is tentatively scheduled for the 17th. Copy: MRR, GRG, file . . :d~:m. "i!t!;.:" ""I";.J . /!{'8~;; .. ..l4';:.i..G)u " tt:~.. ."', ,".- F~A~WYN G. WITTE Senior Project Manager '9550 Hickman Road , Clive, IA 50325-5316 CB&I Water Direct: 515/254-9524 Fax: 515/254-9515 Date: June 15. 2005 Location: Monticello, MN CB&I Contract #: 150006 Retainage = 5% Bill on: Lien Waiver required? Yes No Customer form required? Yes No 8 division of CB&I Constructors. Ine 9550 Hickman Road Clive. fA 50325 5152549228 Remit Progress Payment Invoice to: Bonestroo Rosene Anderlil< & Assoc. 2335 Hwy 36 West St. Paul, MN 55113 Aftn: Mark Rolfs Phone: Fax#: 651-604-4872 651-636-1311 Substantial Completion; 9-1-06 Final: '10-30-06 Schedule & Price Breakout O~ \A.(;.- ~~'*' $20,000 $30,000 $285,000 w/Slteworl< $325,000 $359,038 $190,000 $80,000 $180,000 $5,000 5-23-05 6-6-05 6-27 -05 T~P 9-5-05 11-21-05 11-21 -05 3-20-06 5-1 -06 . 7-10.06 6-24h05 7 -15-05 8-5-05 T60 11 -11 -05 1 -1 3-06 2-10-06 7 -21-06 6-30-06 7 -14.06 G CB&I Water a division of CB&/ Cans/wclars. Inc CONTRACT TOTAL w/Sitework w/Sitework w/Sitework $5,000 $218,962 $1,698000 7-17-06 7 -24-06 7-31-06 8-14-06 7-21-06 7 -28-06 8-11-06 8-18-06 SECTION 01100 SUMMARY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Basic description of the Project and work restrictions. 1.02 SUMMARY OF WORK . A. Project Name: 1.0 MG Jefferson Commons Water Tower for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, City Project No. 2004-30C. B. Description of Work: In general, work consists of the construction of one (1) 1,000,000 gallon elevated water tower, concrete foundation, water piping, altitude valve structure, storm sewer, painting, electrical, paving, curb and gutter, landscaping, fencing, and related items of construction. 1.03 COMPLETION DATES A. Substantial Completion: September 1, 2006. Substantial Completion is defined as complete when the tank is disinfected, filled, and ready for use. B. Final Completion: October 30, 2006. 1.04 UQUIDA TED DAMAGES A. Contractor and Owner recognize that time is of the essence of this Agreement and that Owner will suffer financial loss if the work is not completed within the times specified in Paragraph 1.03 above, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. The parties also recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by Owner if the work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, Owner and Contractor agree that as Liquidated Damages for delay (but not as a penalty), Contractor shall pay Owner $500.00 for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 1.03 for Substantial Completion until the work is Substantially Complete. After Substantial Completion, if Contractor shall neglect, refuse, or fail to complete the remaining work within the Contract Time or any proper extension thereof granted by Owner, Contractor shall pay Owner $200.00 for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 1.03 for completioIland readiness for Final Payment until ihe- work is completed and ready for Final Payment. 001366-0410 1-0 @ 2005 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc. 01100-1 SUMMARY 1.05 WORK RESTRlCTIONS A. Use of Project Site: 1. Location of construction facilities, staging areas, product stockpiles, material storage, and temporary construction are shown on the Drawings and shall be removed upon completion of work. 2. Contractor responsible for snow removal and disposal from the Owner's property if necessary to maintain access and working space during construction. 3. Keep existing driveways and entrances clear and available to the public and to the Owner. 4. If additional space is needed, obtain and pay for such space offsite. 5. Protect property irons. B. Access to Project Site: 1. Generally shown on Drawings, construct temporary 3 inch rock entrance. 2. All parking shall be on the Project Site. c. Other Work at Project Site: 1. The installation and revision of electric power and telephone. lines by private utilities is anticipated. 2. Allow private utility crews free access to the Project Site and a reasonable amount of time to complete their work. D. Working Hours: 1. Working hours shall be from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday. 2. Requests for expansion of working hours must be approved by the City Council. 3. Contractor shall submit all requests through the Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used 0013 66-0410 1-0 @ 2005 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc. 01100-2 SUMMARY II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II - . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT A. All work and costs of this Section shall be incidental to the Project and included in the TOTAL BASE BID. END OF SECTION 001366-04101-0 (0 2005 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc_ 01100-3 SUMMARY Council Minutes - 5/9/02 ~... GLEN POSUSTA AMENDED HIS MOTION TO ADD AS #15 TO EXHIBIT Z TO HAVE THE MEN AND WOMEN'S ACCESSIBLE FACILITIES ON THE FIRST FLOOR OF THE BUILDING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #51 Timber Ridge 2"d Addition - Tom Perrault questioned the road layout as nothing was shown in the final plat document. He also wondered if the roads would be private or public. Jeff O'Neill stated that the preliminary plat had been approved a number of years ago and this is just a subsequent phase of the development. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE TIMBER RIDGE 2ND ADDITION FINAL PLA T SUBJECT TO PLACEMENT OF SE.CURITIES WITH THE CITY FOR DEVELOPMENT RELATED COSTS AND EXECUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 7. Review of bids and consideration of award of contract for 1.0 million 2allon water tower. Citv Project No. 2004-30C. Mark Rolfs from Bonestroo, Rosene and Anderlik was present to review the bids with the Council. The project was bid for a solid steel elevated water tower (hydropillar) and a composite water tower with the tank made of steel and the column being concrete. Two bids were received and CB&I Constructors, Inc. was the low bidder on both types oftowers. Included in the bid was an alternate for mezzanine. The cost for the fluted column elevated tank was $1,748,000 and the composite tank was $1,698,000. Mark Rolfs reviewed the various options available to the Council. He felt the prices that were received were good so he did not recommend rejecting the bids. The composite style tower is cheaper to construct and Mark Rolfs indicated that it was cheaper to maintain as far as painting costs over the life of the tower. This was a reason many communities went with this type of tower. He said reasons the Council might consider the hydropillar were aesthetics and storage. There is about 2100 sq. ft. of storage in the base of the hydropillar tank and only 1,000 sq. ft.. in the composite style tank. Since the hdyropillar costs more to construct, the Council would have to determine if the extra storage space justified the added construction cost. An alternate for mezzanine construction was also included in the bid. With the mezzanine antennas can be placed on the tank and the mezzanine area can be used for storage. Tom Perrault asked about the number of bidders on the project. Mark Rolfs thought they would have three but Caldwell Tank who only does the hydropillar style tank did not bid. Clint Herbst stated that the steel hdyropillar type tank conceptually appears larger and would have a greater impact on the neighborhood and noted that the concrete tank is visually smaller at the base. 6 i t (-;, \~, ( Council Minutes - 5/9/02 John Simola explained that the storage space would be used for dry storage and would house some equipment. 20% of the storage area is a vault that will house an altitude valve which will be added at some time in the future. John Simola was not recommending going with mezzanine on this tower. Mark Rolfs stated if storage was the only reason for the mezzanine space it was expensive storage space. Glen posusta asked about the coloring ofthe concrete shaft and whether that could be a lighter shade. Mark Rolfs said there could cause some problem with uniformity and he suggested going with the shade from the concrete batch. There was some discussion on the color of the tanlc and what would be best from an aesthetic standpoint. It was pointed out that there is still time to study colors before a decision has to be made. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO A WARD THE CONTRACT FOR THE 1.0 MILLION GALLON WATER TOWER, PROJECT NO. 2004-30C TO CB&I CONSTRUCTORS, INe. FOR BASE BID "BOO IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,698,000. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRlED UNANIMOUSLY. In further discussion, Wayne Mayer asked if in the future the City wanted to added facilities for antennas how much would that add. The engineer estimated that it would be about $110,000. Torn Perrault noted that with the power lines in the area there might not be interest in placing antennas on the tower at this site. 8. Review of bids and consideration of award of contract for Hillside Farms Storm Sewer Outlet, Citv Proiect No. 2004-7C. City Engineer, Bret Weiss summarized the bid results. Three bids were received with Schluender Construction submitting the low bid of $162,456.70 which was higher than the engineer's estimate of$119,488.95. The difference was primarily in the cost of the pipe used for directional boring. Another issue relating to this project that was discovered was that the Rolling Woods final plat did not provide the 30' easement area that was shown on the preliminary plat so there is only 6' of easement area to work in. Easements would need to be negotiated with the five abutting property owners or the pipe in this area would have to be directional bored. This would add approximately $196,000 to the cost of the project. The cost ofthe project is proposed to be funded through trunks fees. Brian Stumpf asked how difficult it would be to make the change to this project. Bret Weiss said the question is whether you would change it by approving a change order to the project or by rebidding the project. Clint Herbst asked if the Ted Holker property could be utilized how much easement area would be needed. Bret Weiss estimated about 8,000 sq. ft. Brian Stumpf suggested that the engineer look at this option and also at negotiating the needed easements. Bret Weiss noted depth of the--- pipe in this area would be between 4'~12'. 7 'on ..oo~ "l "l:IdV' ]lVO ~C1a't ':m! .$]l~:x)'SSV .. >K1MlntN' ']tUSOlJ 'OO~Noe~ W~'C1\U1PUO't~MM I 531UO~d ,Ulllin ONV NVld 3115 :l~nlVH~IS nn-9E9-lS9 ;xe:l s:pa:II~:UV . SJBIiIUlflu3 0091o-9(g-tS9 ;aUOl1d sa~epoSS'tf ~ SNOViViO:J NOS~3.:l,nr ~Vi 0' L s.Jl -1I )Utvn :1~ .rnl~d ntss NW 'Ined '~s '8 ,,"JapUV -=- ~3MOl ~31'v'M o llVlS Jill ~o $MVl Jill ~o~n 9E ^"M116IH ~$aM SE(l auasO~ rvr V1OS3NN'~ 'Ol'3~'lNOVi O]$",on A1no v r<V I lVlll DIN If.lONn yo 1" J.lI D3YVdJ.d !Mol 9;)\UO In8d 'tS OOJlsaUOg tNl~ SIHl lV1U ,.a..Jw:oo AS3Hl'" I ~ 1 'd .". ~ a> SS'09G 9'996 '" "I ~ + '" _~___ -Ei~~~~" ! Lr'L9G ---...--,.-.,. -'7196--'- i \ [- \ \ 1>9'996 L' O.s;Z~~~~ "Y91l6 za'99G -"'0'996' W996 ''''Ts91r-'- _ ~ _.~r~~~"- \\~\ il !l. 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