City Council Agenda Packet 10-24-2005 . 1. 2A. 2B. 3. 4. 5. . . Jf/ @ AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday October 24, 2005 - 7 p.m. NOTE: 5:00 P.M. CLOSED MEETING REGARDING A VR Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. .7-/ 0-t-- -rf w/V\ . v Approve minutes October 10,2005 regular C~~~il meeting. .... N Tf .~ Approve minutes of the October 10, 2005 bio~ds workshop. e s -' /'1\ V ~.,c/C, e - i- fi.~ L~ Consideration of adding items to the agenda. . ~ tfJ 51 1'::2 - G. \?v-t I.r->6-'-"''';: $ \ '~r" ..-" C ~QJ:. rboY\ €.-Q.~ o'h}.;O ~ 1twv- Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. _. " S" C~ /i /)~ ..... -. 1l-ctLjrS~" I 1M ~(tL;<<<Wl :S::i Consent agenda: .~ liQ,\ 12 v ~ ^ K L) l. A.' ~-r .,-;.. -L- (ld.1'\ /-V l(/ ./I'<H'-' c_ /AJ ..J J I J /LpVl/ A. Consideration of approving hires and dep~s. t~tl..~ FVV\J' 7~JI,J X (CSW-fo 57-- K /2 J B. Consideration of approving an ordinance amendment to Title 2,1chapter 5, Library Board. C. Consideration of approving rezoning for Hunters Crossing 2nd Addition from A-Q to R-1. D. Consideration of accepting six month liquor store financial report. E. Consideration to ratify the amendment to license agreement between the HRA, City and Rocky Mountain Group, LLC. F. Consideration of approving revised liquor license for Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar. G. Consideration of appointment of election judges for special primary election on November I, 2005. Consideration of denial of a request for a conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure in an R-l Zoning District. Applicant: Jason VanderHeyden. .- . . Agenda Monticello City Council October 24, 2005 Page 2 1. Approve payment for site grading of the Dahlheimer Distributing Site as per the HRA contract. t~V V Consideration of a request for a preliminary plat of the Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition; conditional use permit for a development stage planned unit development; a variance to parking requirements in the B-3 Zoning District and consideration of the final plat of the Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. Applicant: IRET Properties. K. Consideration of denial of a request for a rezoning from PZM to B-3. Applicant: MMC Land Company. L. Consideration of ordinance amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance relating to the regulation of pylon signage. Applicant: City of Monticello. M. Consideration of approving final plat for Blue Chip Development. N. Consideration of approving tabling action on a conditional use permit for 896 sq. ft. detached accessory structure in an R -1 Zoning District as no survey was provided.. Applicant; Richard Bastien Central Masonry and Concrete. No agenda item was prepared for this item. c~v @ 0\'< Consideration to approve the final plat and development agreement for Carlisle Village 3rd Addition. @ Consideration of authorizing staff to obtain an appraisal on City property available for sale. ~. (Q C Jtt~ ~4,~ --1C C,~) - l1I~,\-~ j)P~ll~( frt :ds; Consideration of items removed from the consent agend for discussion. 6. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of adoption and certification of delinquent utility accounts. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of adoption and certification of delinquent miscellaneous accounts receivable. 9. Public Hearing - Continued public hearing on consideration of vacation of Cedar Street right-of-way and vacation of drainage and utility easements in the plat of Monticello Travel Center. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council October 24, 2005 Page 3 10. Public Hearing - Continued hearing on appeal of a variance for a secondary driveway in an R-l zoning district. 11. Consideration of declaring costs to be assessed and call for a public hearing on the assessment of the Core Street Project No. 2005-1 12. Consideration of award of bid for Mississippi Drive Parking Lot Improvements, City Project No. 2005-36C. 13. Consideration of establishing relocation sites for the billboards located on the form A VR site. 14. Consideration of approving bills for October. 15. Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday October 10, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst. Wayne Mayer. Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledee of Alleeiance. Mayor Ilcrbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes September 26,2005 regular Council meetimr. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TIlE SEPTEMBER 26, 2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of October 3, 2005 special Council meetine WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TilE OCTOBER 3,2005 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addine items to the aecnda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT AGENDA ITEM #10 BE ADDED TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS ITEM #5J. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION AS LONG AS NO ONE WAS GOING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON 'l'HE AGENDA ITEM. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ollie Koropchak requested that Council attendance at the Chamber Banquet be added to the agenda and Tom Perrault added discussion of a special meeting on law enforcement. 4. Citizen eommcnts. pctitions. requests and complaints. None. 5. Conscnt aecnda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures. Recommendation: Approve hires and departures for MCC and Parks Department. B. Consideration of approving temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors for a Wine Li . . . J. Council Minutes - 10/1 0/05 Tasting Event, November 18,2005. Recommendation: Approve issuing a temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors for the annual wine tasting event scheduled for November 18, 2005 at the Monticello Community Center. c. Consideration of calling for a special joint meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission to discuss the Heritage Development AUAR. Recommendation: Call a special joint meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission and City Council to discuss the AUAR for Heritage Development (The Jefferson) for Monday, October 24, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. D Consideration of preliminary plat and final plat for a commercial subdivision and rezoning from P-S to B-4 for Church of St. Henry First Addition. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve the preliminary and final plat for Church of St. I lenry 1st Addition and approve the rezoning for said plat from PS to B-4. E Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit lor a detached accessory structure in an R~4 residential district. Applicant: Kjellberg's Inc. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit for an accessory storage building for Kjellberg's Inc. based on a finding that the building should be able to meet each of the conditions of the ordinance and will minimize outdoor storage in the mobile home park and is conditioned on screening of the storage area from surrounding residential areas and that the storm shelter building is not used for storage. F. Consideration of authorizing fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief to attend MN State Fire Chiefs Association Annual Conference October 20-22,2005. Recommendation: Authorize the Fire Chief and Assistant Fire Chief to attend MN State Fire Chiefs Association Annual Conference October 20-22,2005. G. Consideration of conducting two Planning Commission meetings a month. Recommendation: Move to establish a second monthly meeting for the Planning Commission to be held on the 3'0 Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. H. Consideration of a request to allow Prairie Grass planting at Bill Tapper property (fc.mnerly II Window site). Recommendation: Approve the request to establish native grass planting at the Bill Tapper property located at the corner of Dundas Road and Edmonson Avenue. I. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizi ng advertisement fl)[ bids/quotes lc.)r parking lot improvements for the Mississippi Drive park. Recommendation: Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the advcrtisement of bids for the parking lot improvements for Mississippi Drive Park. Consideration of recommendation from stall regarding enforcement of ordinance relating to multiple driveways. Recommendation: Accept the recommcndations of 2 5 . Council Minutes - 1011 0/05 City staff relating to multiple driveways as contained in the Council agenda report of October 10,2005. Items #5E and #5G were requested to be removed from the consent agenda fiJr discussion. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TIlE CONSENT AGENDA WITII THE ADDITION OF ITEM #51 AND THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5E AND #5G. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a2:enda for discussion. #5E: Conditional use permit/or detached accessory structure - Kjellberg's Inc. Glen Posusta stated that the agenda item and supporting data did not contain much detail on the request for a conditional use permit. He indicated that since the accessory structure is proposed to be attached to an existing structure, the existing structure should be upgraded to rellect current building codes and handicap accessibility requirements. In addition he noted no curb and gutter requirements were listed, nor were any landscaping requirements listed and the report contained little information one building detail. Glen Posusta stated that other applicants had to do these things to bring their site into compliance and felt this applicant should do so as well. . .leffO'Neill stated staff would bring the plan back to the applicant so it could be updated for landscaping, screening, etc. He suggested tabling this item until the next meeting. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO TABLE THE REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BY KJELLBERGS, INC. FOR A DETACHED ACCESSORY USE STRUCTURE IN A R-4 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICr, TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5G:Establising a second montlt!.v Planning Commission meeting: The reason given for establishing a second monthly meeting for the Planning Commission was that with the current level of development activity there was not adequate time with only one meeting a month to work on items such as the comp plan or ordinance revisions. Wayne Mayer wanted to make sure that the second meeting if it is established is not used fen emergency public hearings or consideration of other planning applications. Glen Posusta questioned whether there should be a second meeting every month and how these would be noticed. lellO'Neill responded the meetings would be noticed only if the second meeting was not being held. Tom Perrault questioned the 5 p.m. start time noting that it would not allow l110st residents an opportunity to be present at the meetings to provide public input. He felt 6 p.m., the same time as present Planning Commission meeting time would be l110re appropriate. . Brian Stumpf asked if compensation had been set up to cover the second meeting. At the present time, the Planning Commission members receive $50/meeting. Wayne Mayer stated 3 ~ . . . Counci I Minutes - 10/1 0/05 he does have concerns about the extra staiI hours because of the second meeting and labor costs because of overtime. It was noted that the items considered at this second meeting would not be applicant driven so this time would not be charged back to developers. Glen Posusta suggested going with an extra meeting every other month. Clint Herbst concurred noting the Planning Commission showed some hesitation on having the second meeting and he agreed that no public hearings or action on planning applications should take place at this second meeting. If a developer needed a Planning Commission meeting outside the regular meeting, the developer has the option of calling for a special meeting. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ALrrHORIZE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SECOND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO BE HELD EVERY OTHER MONTH ON '1'1 IE THIRD TlJESDA Y AT 5 P.M. WITI I TillS MEETING TO BE FOR GENERAL PLANNING ITEMS ONL Y AND NO PUBLIC HEARINGS OR PLANNING APPLICATION REVIEW. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearing - Continued public hearin~ on consideration of vacation of Cedar Street ri1!ht-of-way and vacation of draina1!e and utilitv easements in the plat of Monticello Travel Center. Vacation action contin1!ent upon approval of preliminarv plat of Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. JefT O'Neill stated that there a number of items relating to this request that they would like to consider simultaneously but at this time there a few issues that have not been taken care of and he was recommending this item be tabled until the next meeting. BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON TilE V ACATION OF CEDAR STREET RIGHT OF WAY AND VACATION 01" DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASL~MENTS IN THE PLAT' OF MONTICELLO TRAVEL CENTER UNTIL THE OCTOBER 24,2005 MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta expressed his concern that staff was dragging their feet on this item and he truly hoped this would be taken care of at the next meeting. He would like all issues relating to this project, including signage and any other loose ends taken care of the at the next meeting. He wants to make sure the developer knows what is needed beforehand so they won't find out at the last minute that they had not submitted everything that was needed. 8. Continued Public Hearin1! on appeal of variance for secondary driveway in an R-l Zonin1! District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonrv & Concrete. The applicant requested a variance to allow two driveway accesses to one lot. The Planning Comll1ission reviewed this request and felt with the double honting lot at this location a second driveway was a reasonable request. The Public works Department appealed 4 l . Council Minutes - 10/10/05 the variance based on the fact that there were other issues to be looked at in the same area. The City Council is acting as the Board of Appeals in order to make a decision on whether a double fi'onting lot with aecess to the back should be allowed a second driveway. If a second driveway is allowed what should the setback be. If this is being treated as a double fronting lot then the setbaek would be 30'. It was noted that setbacks for accessory buildings on a double fronting lot does not have a standard. For all other uses the side yard setback is 6'. It was pointed out that the applicant has already installed a retaining wall and pad. The Council would need to decide whether to approve the variance with conditions or deny the variance because no hardship exists. Brian Stumpf asked what the right of way was in the area and how far off the curb would the garage be placed. The appl ieant indicated that the garage would be located 27' from the curb. It is not known what the distance is between the curb and the property line. Clint Herbst felt that if the property owner is going with the 6' setback then a second driveway should not be allowed. If a second driveway is approved, the setback should be 30 teet. Glen Posusta stated that while a survey is not needed for the Counci I to make a decision, a survey wi II be required for a building permit. . Glen Posusta said the Council has made a determination that a second driveway can only be 16'. He didn't think 16' would be suitable for 32' garage especially since it is placed this close to the road. fie felt a survey is crucial since the propel1y owner is crowding one side of the property. Dick Bastien, 1112 West River Street spoke stating that everything he did was because of misinformation supplied by a building department employee. He was told 30' feet from the center of the road plus 6' was the setback required. I Ie is providing 30' feet from the centerline plus 12'. He argued they would not be in this situation had they been given the proper information. The Planning Commission recommended a setback of 20 feet from the lot line. Mr. Bastien stated he would not need a survey had he been given the correct information. Glen Posusta questioned whether staff had been given all the information needed in order to determine what the appropriate setback should be. Glen Posusta said if a survey had been in place this would not be a question now. Clint Herbst asked if any survey work was done as part of the Core Street Project in this area. Bret Weiss responded that the road was reconstructed in its existing location but no surveyor plat work was done showing that existing location. Dick Bastien stated that River Terrace had never been surveyed as far as he knew. He stated Ji'om the back of the curb to the garage would be 27'. He said he was told by the Planning Commission that he would be able to access the garage from River Street. TIe added that he had also agreed to the assessment for the second driveway. . John Simola stated that in looking at the plat it appears that the street right of way is not the standard 60' width. There was no right of way dimension shown on the plat. Dick Bastien stated he was told that the property line was 32' from the center line. ]n order to comply with the Planning Commission recommendation of a 20' setback he would have to be 52' from the centerline of the road and to meet that the retaining wall would have to be redone. 5 ?5 . . . Council Minutes - 10/1 0/05 Mary Poetz, 1112 West River Street, stated she had prepared the handout given to the Council outlining how much the misinformation from city staff had cost them. The cost thus far, not including time, was approximately $9,000. She stated what should have been a two month project has now extended into five months. Glen Posusta stated since the 20' setback recommended by the Planning Commission would put them beyond the existing retaining wall how did the applicant propose to rectify that. Since a 20' setback would require changing the retaining wall Glen Posusta felt the applicant should comply with the 30' setback. Clint Herbst asked about the right of way and how much of the boulevard area was needed. Bret Weiss replied that it would depend on what utilities were located within the right of way. Brian Stumpf felt a survey is still needed in order for a decision to be made. Clint Herbst suggested that if it is determined that the right of way exceeds 60' the eity could look at reducing the amount ofright of way but a survey still would be needed. Wayne Mayer stated he also has conccrns about the width of the sccond driveway. The drawing shows a 32' driveway not 16' as the Council recommends t(H a second driveway. Because of the short distance the garage is from Sandy Lane he felt access with a 16' driveway would be diffieult. It was noted that the 16' width was at the property line and that beyond the property line the driveway width could be widened. Again it was noted that a survey would be needed to determine where the property line was. The consensus of the Council was that a survey was needed before a decision could be made. The question was whether this item could be tabled until a survey was completed and not exceed the 60 day rule. City Attorney Tom Scott said the City does have the authority to on its own extend thc time frame for action to 120 days. There was some question whether that time frame could be met. Tom Scott suggested if that was a concern the applicant could waive the time limit. Mary Poetz agreed to table the item but stated they wanted to talk this over because at this point they are not certain whether they want to invest more time and money into this. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON APPEAL OF A VARIANCE FOR A SECONDARY DRIVEWAY IN AN R-I ZONING DISTRICT UNTIL THE OCTOBER 24,2005 MEETING. WAYNE MA YER SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Consideration of approvinl! a conditional use permit for 896 SQ. ft. detached accessory structure in an R-l Zoninl! District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonrv & Concrete. TOM PERRAULT MOVr~D TO TABLE ACTION ON T1-IE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUEST. WAYNE MA Y[~R SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 C\ . . . 10. Council Minutes - 10/1 0105 Consideration of recommendation from staff re2:ardin2: enforcement of ordinance relatin~ to multiole driveways. Added to consent agenda. 11. Consideration of oroceedjn~ with selected biosolids ootion. The Council conducted a workshop meeting on the biosolids options prior to the regular Council meeting. John Simola, Public Works Director ask the Council to select an option that would define biosolids handling for the City whether the City would go with producing Class A or Class B sludge and whether to produce a dry or liquid sludge. He noted that staff was recommending that the City go with producing Class A sludge and the consulting engineer was recommending a dry product because that would help retain the longevity of the existing f~tcility. Brian Stumpf felt the City should be producing Class A sludge and Clint Herbst concurred noting that it is that permitting for disposal of Class B sludge is likely to become more restrictive. Wayne Mayer stated that there is good argument for staying on the same route the City is on. The problem is the need to acquire an additional 160 acres of land which could cost the City approximately $4,000,000. He noted the cost for the heat drying system is also almost $4,000,000. He felt at this point in time he was leaning toward going with producing Class A sludge using a heat drying process. lIe stated he would have liked to have the opportunity and time to study how this equipment has operated in other communities where it is being used. Glen Posusta noted the City's experience in the past with new technology and stated he would just as soon let the decision ride until more communities have this system and they know how it works. It was stated that this technology has been used for some time in a number of larger cities. The question was whether a miniaturized version ofthe system would work equally as well fix smaller communities. Glen Posusta stated he doesn't like being the guinea pig when it comes to testing technology. Tom Perrault felt the City should purchase additional land even if they could not purchase all 160 acres at one time. He felt it wouldn't hurt to look at the cost of purchasing more land regardless of the option selected. John Simola reiterated that the heat drying process has been used for some time in many areas. He added that the Council was not deciding at this time what type of heat drying process would be utilized only whether heat drying was the option that would be studied. BRTAN STUMPF MOVED TO IIA VE THE CITY PROCEED WITH PRODUCING CLASS A SLUDGE WHICH HAS BEEN PART or TIlE CITY'S LONG TERM PLAN AND PURSUE THE HEAT DR VING PROCESS IN IIANDLING THE BIOSOLIDS. In additional discussion Wayne Mayer asked about what type of maintenance costs the City 7 \0 Council Minutes - 10/10/05 . could cxpect with a heat drying system. Bob Brown of Bolton Mcnk reviewed what would be considered typical maintenance items as well as thc life expectancy of the system. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOlJSL Y. 12. Consideration of a reQuest to rczone in industrial propcrty from I-IA (Li2:ht Industrial) to 1-2 (Heavv Industrial). Applicant: Citv of Monticello. The request for rczoning this propeliy came about in an effort to relocatc the A VR redi-mix operation to another site in the city. Thc proposed area for rezoning is in the plat of Otter Crcek and is locatcd adjacent to thc YMCA propcrty. The sitc is identified in the Comprehensivc Plan as industrial. The industrial park was set up with the intcnt of attracting high quality developmcnts. The City put in place protective covenants and building standards to ensure high quality development would occur. The question is how does rezoning a portion of this property to an 1-2 classification impact the arca. . Glen Posusta notcd when the Planning Commission discusscd this item they brought up possibly leaving the sitc as l-IA zoning and allowA VR to use the site by a conditional use permit process. Jcff O'Neill statcd he had passcd this onto Stcve Grittman, City Planncr. Steve Grittman indicated he didn't feel the conditional use permit would be the best way to handle this. If a redi-mix plant was allowed by a conditional use permit in this area it could be allowed in any I-IA area. Glen Posusta felt the conditional use permit would give the City more control over what happens out there. Glen Posusta stated the City is in this situation with their backs against the wall and is being forced to do something because they waited until the last minute to work on the A VR issue. He noted that in initial discussions on the interchange project he had brought up the issue of the A VR relocation but nothing had been done until the City was too hiI' into the project to back out. Clint Herbst suggested that the City Attorney prepare an analysis of the pros and cons of handling the A VR relocation to the industrial park as a rezoning request or a conditional use permit. Brian Stumpf stated the City made a good faith e1Tort in trying to work something out with the property owners on relocating. He felt the Council should be helping the property owner and not pushing the business out. There was some discussion on amending the ordinance to allow a redi-mix as a conditional use permit and what steps the City would have to take ifthey followed that action. Clint Herbst stated that at this time the Counci I was not talking about a proposed amendment but rather just a listing of the pros and cons f()r the option of rezoning or a conditional use pcrmit. . Wayne Mayer stated his concerns that ifthe City established a redi-mix as a permitted use in an l-lA district how would the City control this use. Tom Scott stated therc would be criteria established and any applicant requesting a conditional use permit would have to mcet 8 \ \ Council Minutes - 10/1 0/05 . that critcria. Tom Scott said since the City owns the site the City has the right to negotiate what can be built on it. Clint Herbst asked if a provision could be containcd in the agreement that if A VR did not relocate to the site the zoning would revert back to 1-1 A. Clint Herbst and Glen Posusta will be meeting on Tuesday with A YR. It was also pointed out that there is a potential for a loss of going concern claim that the City would have to consider as well. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO REZONE FROM I~IA TO 1-2 A SITE IN THE O'fTER CREEK INDUSTRIAL PARK FOR THE A VR RELOCATION BASED ON A FINDING THAT "I'I IE REQUEST MEETS THE SPECIFIC TESTS FOR REZONING LlSTED IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND 'fHA T THE ZONING REGULATIONS AND PRIV ATE COVENANTS WILL ENSURE THAI' THE FUTURE LAND USE OF TI IE SITE DOES NOT DEPRECIATE PROPERTY VALUES IN TI IE AREA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. . In further discussion it was pointed out that the new A VR site would not be like the existing site. Clint Herbst added if the A VR is not located to the site, the property can be zoned back to I-IA. Tom Scott stated on the loss of going concern e1aim that he felt it would be a difficult claim to substantiate but he felt the City had to be aware of that potential claim. Wayne Mayer stated that Glen Posusta was correct in stating his concern early about the A VR relocation. He stated his dream for Monticello was to bring industry to the community so residents would not have to be on the freeway for hours to get to work. He added that the City may lose some prospective industries because A VR is located out there. He said he didn't believe he could vote for A VR's relocation to the site because of the perception ofthe redi- mix facility and the impact that would have on development in the area. Tom Perrault stated that it may not be the ideal site for A VR but the City is in a diIlicult position and it is possible that A VR may decide that is not the site they want. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSI"I'ION. Added Items: Chamber Banquet: Ollie Koropchak informed the Council that the Chamber Banquet was scheduled fl)r October 24,2005 at 11 a.m. at the Monticello Community Center. Any members of the Council who wish to attend should notify hcr. . Law Enforcement Meeting: Tom Perrault stated that the Police Commission at their last meeting discussed having ajoint meeting of the City Council, Police Commission, Fire Department representatives and SheriiT Depmiment representatives to talk about items that could be discussed at a public forum. A tentative meeting has been scheduled for October 27, 2005 at 7 p.m. for these groups to discuss what kind of information and issues the publ ic would like addressed. Rick Wolf'iteller noted that the Police Commission was also interested in having the Council purchase some of the speed monitors that are attached to fences so the 9 \'d- . . . Counci I Minutes - 10/1 0/05 traffie speed could be monitored. Wayne Mayer also added that the Police Commission expressed interest in having a four-way stop at Cedar Street and School Boulevard. There was some discussion on whether a fuur way stop or a signalized system would best sol ve the problem. The concern with the four way stop would be that traHic would be dumped onto the street whereas a signalized system could be linked to the other signals and thus keep a backup of traffic from occurring. Bret Weiss stated he was not sure if the state would allow a four way stop at this location. 13. Consideration of aODrovin~ bills for October. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT OF THE BILLS FOR OCTOBER. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MUrlON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Adiourn The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m. Recording Secretary 10 \~ . . . Special Council Meeting Minute ~ 10/1 0/05 MINUTES SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING BIOSOLIDS WORKSHOP Monday October 10, 2005 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None Others Present: Bob Brown from Bolton & Menk and Peg Becker from PSG 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the workshop meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. Review and discussion of biosolids options. Bob Brown from Bolton & Menk, Inc. reviewed biosolids information presented in the study and at previous workshops. He outlined the criteria used to evaluate the options. It was recommended that the City proceed with a heat drying alternative and also to expand the existing anaerobic digestion facility. The reasons for recommending the heat drying option included: 1) This option produces Class A biosolids; 2) It had the lowest capital costs of the options studied; 3) lt offered the means to provide the greatest volume reduction of the biosolids; 4) More flexible than other options as far as disposing of the final product; 5) Permitting options for Class A biosolids are less restrictive; 6) Heat drying is a proven system for handling biosolids; 7) No additional land is required for sludge disposal; 8) This option provides flexibility for future expansion and requires smaU foot print to construct; and 9) Allows for an incinerator to be added in the future. The expansion of the existing anaerobic digestion facility was recommended as a means of reducing the volume ofbiosolids that would need to be dried. The system could produce Class B biosolids as an emergency backup system. At a previous session the Council had asked about constructing the biosolids system in phases. Bob Brown reviewed a site layout which showed the existing facilities that would be expanded in the future and the site of the heat drying facility. It is proposed that phase I would be construction of the heat drying facilities and phase II would be expansion of the anaerobic treatment facilities. Phase I would be started in spring of 2006 and would be completed in the fall of2007. The estimated cost for Phase I is $4,000,000. Phase II construction would start in the faU of 2007 and be completed in 2008 at an estimated cost of $3,250,000. Torn Perrault noting that construction of the heat drying system would take a couple of years to complete asked how the biosolids would be handled in the interim. John Simola stated that they would maximize the use of the land the City does have. Any excess would be dried outside and landfilled. Torn Perrault questioned whether the City should pursue acquiring ,~ . . . Special Council Meeting Minute - 10/1 0/05 additional land as a backup in case the heat drying system did not work or for use during the interim period when the heat drying system was being constructed. John Simola indicated they would not be looking at acquiring additional land with the heat drying system. Bob Brown stated that at the end of the 15 year cycle they would anticipate that the dryer would be operating 14 days for four times a year. Initially they would anticipate that the dryer would be operating for 14 days twice a year. Bob Brown stated that until the biosolids are dried it is Class B biosolids. Methane produced by the Class B biosolids will be used to convert the biosolids to a Class A product. Bob Brown answered questions from the Council relating to life of the equipment, replacement costs, maintenance costs and disposal of the Class A biosolids. The Council discussed at length if the City was to pursue acquiring additional land what sites are available and what costs would be incurred to determine if the land was suitable for land application ofbiosolids. Brian Stumpf said that it was the intent ofthe City to be able to produce Class A biosolids and this can be done with the heat drying system. He didn't feel the City should be buying more land so they could continue to produce Class B biosolids. Wayne Mayer asked about the track record for heat drying systems and whether there had been any contact with communities who use this system. 3. Adjourn. The workshop session adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Recording Secretary IS . . . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 SA. Consideration of aporovim! new hires and deoartures for MCC. Public Works and Parks. (RW ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Public Works and Parks Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SlJPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. llo . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Havens, Stephanie Slide Attendant MCC 10/6/2005 Part Time Geyen, Craig Temp Parks 10/3/2005 Temp TERMINATING EMPLOYEES . Name Simpson. Matt Reason Temporary Department PW Last Day Class 9/17/2005 Temp . employee councillist.xls: 10/19/2005 S \\ '" \, . . . 58. Council Agenda - 10/24/05 Consideration of aporovine: an ordinance amendment to Title 2. Chapter 5. Establishing a Librarv Board. (R W) A. REFI~:RENCE AND BACKGROUND. The ordinance establishing the Library Board was put in place prior to the City becoming a branch of the Great River Regional Library. The ordinance gave the Library Board authority over revenues and expenditures for the library. In reality that is not how the Library Board functions. The Library Board discussed the discrepancies between the ordinance and the way the Library Board actually functions and at their meeting on October 12,2005, the Library Board recommended adoption of an ordinance amendment that they feel more accurately reflects the function of the Library Board. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the ordinance amendment as proposed. 2. Adopt the ordinance with modifications as determined by the City Council. ., .). Do not adopt the ordinance amendment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Library Board that the Council approve the ordinance amendment so that the ordinance truly rel1ects the actual functions of the Library Board. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Ordinance amendment. 1-8 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 433 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 5 OF THE CITY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1: 2-5-1: 2-5-2: 2-5-3: 2-5-4: 2-5-5: 2-5-6: 2-5-7: Title 2, Chapter 5 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: AUTHORIZATION: The authorization for establishing this board is set forth under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 134, and laws amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. MEMBERSHIP: The Monticello Library Board shall consist of five (5) regular members to bc appointed by the City Council of Monticello. Said board shall consist of no more than one member who is not a resident of the city. TERM OF OFFICE: The term of the regular members shall be for three (3) years and Shall be staggered so that no more than two members' terms expire in a given year. All regular terms shall expire at the first City Council meeting of the new calendar year. VACANCIES: Vacancies in said board shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor with Council approval. The Library Board and staff may make recommendation to the Council on appointments to the Library Board. Any board member so appointed shall serve the remaining term of the vacated board member. OFFICERS: 1. Elections: The Library Board shall elect from their membership at the first meeting of the calendar year, a chair, vice chair and secretary who shall serve for a term of one year. 2. Duties of Chair: The chair shall preside at all meetings ofthe Library Board. 3. Duties of Vice Chair: The vice chair shall act for the chair in his/her absence. 4. Duties of Secretary: The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the board. MEETINGS: Regular meetings shall be held on a date established by the Library Board and shall meet at a minimum of once a quarter. The meeting shall be open to the general public. A majority of the board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. DUTIES OF T1-I.E BOARD: It shall be the duty of the Library Board, with library staff assistance, to provide information and recommendations to the Monticello City Council and Great River Regional Library regarding building space, program needs, S 8>- \C\ . . . 2-5-8: Section 2: user services, budgets and recommendation of policies and procedures for implementation. AMENDMENTS: This ordinance may be amended by the majority vote of the City Council. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 24th day of October, 2005. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 5 b - dO . . . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 5C. Consideration of approvinl; rezOnilll! for Hunters Crossin!! 2nd Addition from A-O to R-l. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: C. When the Hunters Crossing development was approved in 2003, the lots were rezoned toR-1 (Single Family Residential) and the outlots were left as A-O (Agricultural) which is the normal procedure on developments containing outlots.. Outlot C of Hunters Crossing has been platted into Hunters Crossing 2nd Addition and the former outlot needs to be rezoned ft'om A-O to R-l. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the rezoning of the entire development when Hunters Crossing First Addition was being platted so there is no need to conduct another public hearing. The Council is being asked, however, to approve the rezoning of Outlot C (now Hunters Crossing 2nd Addition) from A-O to R-I. H. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the rezoning for Hunters Crossing 2nd Addition from A-O to R-l. STAF~' RECOMMENDATION: The Hunters Crossing development originally was approved for R-l zoning. The policy of leaving outlots in a development as agricultural was followed in this case even though the public hearing on the rezoning covered the entire development. The rezoning of the outlot that was platted into Hunters Crossing 2ml Addition is basically a housekeeping item. City staff recommends approving the rezoning from A-O to R-l for the Hunters Crossing 2'ld Addition. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map d-,\ ~ t;;::: 3..L L, LO.OON e;e;'ZLl: _ .}Ull-. ..--c ___ -- --- ~~o\,~ .~,gr-- ~ : g -....... -....... -....... -....... -....... ............. CI) ~ ~ A " 5L "' >-~'" 1.= Il.. ~ :J1...jV1 1-. XVl ~)-O C11~ f5 ~L,j -I:G.;Q I.LII~ t..u <..~ Z ~,. <:i:loJZ ~~? Ct:.:(l.. C)wO ;'" ; \ / t; '" '" ~ -g- -'" C O~ E1 ~ c '0. ~ c~ E ~ " 5 iiI E '" "..0 ~ .0 ~ '" Cl. e J::. -j;.~ " " .c E .s 0- g .J- ='0 E :~g' .e -5 ~ ~ c " ~ 'j 0 ~ " '" Z .f! :::- ~:5 1fI U)~..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ceo ~ ~.b't I I eo ~ M. ~ '" 0> ,0 ......0 "'0> "'- l7l ';--1 I I I I I I I L .7;H!0-., ,+-"'1 ~ l I \ I ~ \ \ I t:. ~I I; I ~ ~I I~ Q) I ..- ~ I U1 1 I" ~ lco \ I \ I I I ~L--l 7~ co IIN 1 \ W ....1 IN '" ,- g\ I~ ..... -I I~ 1 I I 1 ~ L " '" c . "OW .cO<. - '" ........:IJ") "", - Ii> - ~ c Cl._ :.:: 'E ",z ~~o . >- '" " _ c :S ~.~ 15li1:: .- " ,,- .. :: :rl E 0<11 " .A__ ~ .. 0 0 (;)! g c ~ . " '" " " 0 .cO.c '" -.c '" "''' (1\0 .- .~ ~ i 5::: . ,,"uo CIlZ'" M.l?v,Z\:.OON v\:'Qv (:,l <, - ~-~""~~~[)-.? ~-,~" - "-. ~,oo ~f!::1> 0 ,0. ~"' ~ Yr}- \:,,( D\: \,1 o. 'I :?, 45,92 c;r.~ti~ : 27.43 I I 1 I \ I L ___ 7500 75.00 -II -II 1 I I I I I~ I I~ Q) ~I IE 0 ~I IZ ,.... 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I 0\ o @I CO) L 99'6n 3,,01>.L<;.005 \ Ol I 81 ~I I ]..OV.L<;.005 ~ OO'gVI ~ 1 \ I g;\ I ~ \ \ I ~ \ I ~ \ '" z \ \ \ N It) LANE- , [-00- ----.:,. _\g~ 'ri~ I ~ --- --- --- --- r ---- L~O~ ............--,/ \ / I" /1",6' 34'oe'" \ V. ----r- \ 0'" \ :;;.~ \ \~ 1" ~ N ",-'Jb ..... d\ \~ ;!\ \~ CO \ \ .---J L- ~ \}" 12 \~ z -.J M ,0 \ '" _'\>"\:6 ,.. on \ ~ - y;76l-=-"- \ \ M..H:.l<;.105-l , ~ ~\\~, ~ I~ I w ~ . . . SD. Council Agenda - 10/24/05 Consideration of acceotinl! six month liquor store financial report. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Provided for Council review is a copy of the six month fInancial report comparing 2004 with 2005 for the liquor store operation. To summarize, total sales for the liquor store operation show an increase of $41 ,888 or 2.7% over the same period last year with the resulting gross profit increasing by $18,566 or 4.6% over last year. The total gross profit for the first six months is $418,361. Operating expenses for the first six months of 2005 are down hy $12,000 over last year for the same period at $254,281. This results in a total operating income increase of over $30,000 to $164,000 for the first half of the year. The gross profit percentages and operating income are in line with our expectations with the operating income at 10.23% of sales. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the six month liquor store financial statement as presented. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of six month financial report. d.3 . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 2005 Current Assets: Cash $ 384,981.25 Change Fund $ 4,400.00 Investments $ 829,047.89 Accounts Receivable AIR - NSF Checks $ 3,674.92 AIR - Gift Certificates Inventory $ 528,693.58 Prepaid Insurance $ 7,299.33 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 1,758,096.97 Fixed Assets land $ 5,600.00 Parking Lot $ 37,055.63 Buildings $ 737,906.54 Improvements (not bldgs) $ 43,984.02 Machinery & Equip $ 64,250.65 Furniture & Equip $ 36,948.75 Motor Vehicles Construction in Progress less: Accumulated Depreciation $ (283,582.03) . TOTAL FIXED ASSETS $ 642,163.56 TOTAL ASSETS $ 2,400,260.53 liabilities Accounts Payable $ 145,654.55 Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable $ 7,908.12 Salaries Payable $ 19,345.55 Accrued Vacation/Sick leave $ 51,694.00 Other Accrued Expenses $ 4,186.59 Deferred Revenues $ 1,595.21 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 230,384.02 RETAINED EARNINGS $ 1,506,378.77 INV IN CAPITAL ASSETS $ 663,497.74 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 2,400,260.53 . 5\)- ~~ ',- -------, MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUES AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 AND 2005 2004 2005 YEAR- TO-DATE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT SALES Liquor $ 443,498.00 $ 469,551.00 Beer $ 908,464.00 $ 904,269.00 Wine $ 160,976.00 $ 179,437.00 Other Merchandise $ 32,549.00 $ 32,180.00 Misc Non-Taxable Sales $ 13,612.00 $ 15,256.00 Gift Cert Sales Special Event Revenue $ 2,790.00 $ 3,085.00 Discounts TOTAL SALES $ 1,561,889.00 $ 1,603,777 .00 COST OF GOODS SOLD $ (1,162,095.00) $ (1,185,416.00) GROSS PROFIT $ 399,795.00 25.60% $ 418,361.00 26.09% GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXP Personal Services Salaries $ 136,950.00 $ 129,138.00 PERA $ 7,277.00 $ 6,824,00 FICA/Medicare $ 10,444.00 $ 9,751,00 Health Insurance $ 14,819,00 $ 17,385.00 Unemployment Benefits $ 632,00 $ Severance Pay $ 394.00 $ TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES $ 170,517.00 10.92% $ 163,097.00 10.17% Supplies & Equipment Office Supplies $ 228.00 $ 229.00 General Operating Supplie $ 6,332.00 $ 5,815.00 Other Supplies $ 1,883.00 $ 1,668.00 Small Tools & Equipment $ 5,163.00 TOTAL SUPPLIES & EQUIP $ 13,606.00 0.87% $ 7,712.00 0.48% Services & Charges Professional Services $ 1,960.00 $ 3,214,00 Maintenance Agreements $ 53.00 $ 4,397.00 Communication $ 2,495.00 $ 2,295,00 Travel-Conference-Schools $ 302,00 $ 164.00 Advertising $ 4,988,00 $ 1,010,00 Insurance & Tax $ 6,083.00 $ 6,731,00 Utilities $ 9,053.00 $ 6,396.00 Maintenance, Equipment $ 3,868.00 $ 364,00 Maintenance, Building $ 5,827.00 $ 1,606,00 ."--'- Maintenance, Other $ 56.00 $ Depreciation Exp $ 28,002.00 $ 28,002.00 Misc Svc & Chgs $ 19,603.00 $ 29,293.00 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $ 82,288.00 5.27% $ 83,472.00 5.20% 2005 Q2 liq reports,xls 50-015 -,".'.-'. . MONTICEllO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 AND 2005 2004 2005 YEAR- TO-DATE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT Liquor Sales 443,498 469,551 Discounts Cost of Sales 302,361 295,828 GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 141,137 31.82% 173,723 37.00% Beer Sales 908,464 904,269 Cost of Sales 682,621 697,859 GROSS PROFIT - BEER 225,843 24.86% 206,410 22.83% Wine Sales 160,976 179,437 Cost of Sales 135,029 152,232 GROSS PROFIT - WINE 25,947 16.12% 27,205 15.16% Mise Sales 32,549 32,180 Cost of Sales 25,933 24,859 GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 6,616 20.33% 7,321 22.75% . Mise Non-taxable Sales 13,612 15,256 Cost of Sales 7,655 8,488 GROSS PROFIT - MISC NON-TAX 5,957 43.76% 6,768 44.36% Special Event Sales 2,790 3,085 TOTAL SALES 1,561,889 1,603,777 TOTAL COST OF SALES 1,153,600 1,179,266 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 8,495 6,150 TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 399,795 25.60% 418,361 26.09% . 2005 Q2 liq reports.xls: 10/7/2005 s 0- d.l . . . 5E. City Council Agenda - 10/24/05 Consideration to ratify the Amendment to License A~reement between the HRA. the City. and Rocky Mtn Group LLC. (O.K.) A. Reference and backe:round: The Council is asked to ratifY the Amendment to License Agreement between the HRA, the City, and Rocky Mtn Group LLC which was executed by all parties on October] 4, 2005. The HRA, the City, and Rocky Mtn Group LLC (the "redeveloper") entered into a License Agreement on September 26,2005, allowing the redeveloperearly entry to Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 1 sl Addition for the purpose of final grading and installation of footings. It was anticipated the closing date would occur on or before October 14,2005, conveying the Otter Creek Crossing property from the City to the HRA to the redeveloper. Based on the title commitment, there are a number of title issues which need to be resolved and the redeveloper's attorney and the HRA Attorney are working to resolve these issues. The plat was recorded on September 28,2005. The Amendment to the License Agreement simply extends the termination date of the Agreement from October 14 to October 31,2005 and allows construction of structural walls and roofing of the minimum improvements as described within the Contract. This is more or less a housekeeping item and eliminates default by the redeveloper. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve ratifYing the Amendment to License Agreement between the HRA, the City, and Rocky Mtn Group LLC 2. A motion to deny approval ratifYing the Amendment to License Agreement between the HRA, the City, and Rocky Mtn Group LLC. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation. The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend alternative no. I as this is a housekeeping item and allows the redeveloper to proceed with construction. d~ . D. . . SuPportin2 Data: Copy of the Amendment to License Agreement. 2 City Council Agenda - 10/24/05 ~~ . . . AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AGREEMENT This Amendment to License Agreement entered into \4..~ day of October, 2005, by and between HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota (the "'Authority"), the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City") and ROCKY MTN GROUP, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Redeveloper"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Authority and Redeveloper entered into a Purchase and Redevelopment Contract dated as of September 2, 2005 (the "Contract"), under which the Authority agreed to convey to Redeveloper certain property described in the Contract as the Redevelopment Property; and WHEREAS, Authority, City and Developer entered into a License Agreement dated as of September 26, 2005 (the "License Agreement"), under which Redeveloper is grm1ted the right to enter upon the Redevelopment Property prior to transfer of title of the Redevelopment Property to Redeveloper in order to commence site improvements on that property; and WHEREAS, due to title issues recently discovered in that certain Commitment for Title Insurance File No. 25669 First Supplemental issued by Commercial Partners Title, LLC, the closing for the Redevelopment Property will need to he delayed; and WHEREAS, the Redeveloper will need to extend the tennination date of October 14, 2005 to October 31, 2005 as stated in Section 10 of the License Agreement and the City and Authority agree to the extension thereof; and WHEREAS, the Redeveloper wishes to extend the purpose of the early entry for final grading and installation of footings to installation of foundation, structural walls and rooflng. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein mld other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree that the Amendment to License Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 1. Extension of Time. The termination date under Section 10(b) of the License Agreement is extended to October 31, 2005; and the Closing date under the Contract, previously extended under Section II ofthe License Agreement, is extended to October 31, 2005. 2. Purpose of Early Entry. The purposes ofthe early entry described in Section I of the License Agreement are extended to include construction of structural walls and roofing of the, Minimum Improvements described inthe Contract. 3. No Other Changes. Except as specifically modified herein, the License Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. NKE.269620vl MN 190-121 Sc-30 . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have executed this instrument the day and date first above written. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR' HE CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its C air By QJ ~ ~ tl\ C1 ~J}~ Its Executive Director . 2 ;E. - :5 \ . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO By {%Z;I)/JJ- Q.SM~ . . rL.uf-:., Its City Adminis ator NKF-269620v I MN 190-121 5E-3d- . . . ROCKY MTN GROUP, LLC By Its Chief Manager 4 sf.. - s 3 . . . CONSENT OF INTERMEDIARY The undersigned, as assignee of Rocky Mtn Group, LLC under the Replacement Property Assignment Agreement dated September 6, 2005, consents to the foregoing Amendment License Agreement among the City of Monticello, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello and Rocky Mtn Group, LLC. Dated: ROCKY MTN EXCHANGE HOLDING COMPANY 25254, LLC By Its Chief Manager NKE-269620v I MN190-121 S E. - -~ '-\ . . . SF. Council Agenda - 10/24/05 Consideration of anorovin!! a revised liquor license for Apnlebee's Nei~hborhood Grill and Bar. (RW) A REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On August 22,2005 the City Council approved an on-sale liquor license for Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar with the license to be effective January 1,2006. Applebee's is requesting that a revised liquor license be approved with an effective date of October 31, 2005. State Statutes 340A.440 Subd 13 allows the City adjust the license period if so requested by the applicant. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: C. D. I. Approve the liquor license for Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar with a revised license period of October 25, 2005 through June 30, 2006. 2. Do not approve the request for a change in the licensing period. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the request for a change in the license period for Applebee's Neighborhood Grill and Bar be approved. When the City received the initial liquor license application for Applebee's there was some uncertainty on their part as to the actual date the facility would be ready for operation. Apparently things went well and they will be ready to open for business sooner than they anticipated. They have submitted a revised certificate of insurance and application reflecting the Oetober 31, 2005 start date. SUPPORTING DATA: None 3S . . . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 5G. Consideration of appointment of election judees for special primary election on November 1. 2005. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the resignation of Mark Ourada from his senate seat, Governor Pawlenty has issued a Writ of Election to fill that vacancy. A primary election is scheduled for November 1, 2005 with a general election scheduled for November 22,2005. As part of the election process, the City Council must appoint judges to serve at the election. Attached is a list of judges who have received the required training and are qualified to serve as judges in the 2005 special election. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. D. 1. Appoint the election judges as listed in the attached document to serve for the 2005 election. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: The attached list is a pool of individuals that the City can draw from who are trained and have been certified as election judges. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the Council approve this list of individuals to serve as election judges. SUPPORTING DATA: Election judge list. .~~ . 2005 ELECTION JUDGE LIST SPECIAL ELECTION CITY OF MONTICELLO NAME ADDRESS . Alexander, Adair 6090 Wildwood Way, Monticello, MN 55362 Anderson, Fred 122 Marvin Elwood Road, Monticello, MN 55362 AShfeld, Gr~ry 1515 Oak Ridge Circle, Monticello, MN 55362 Brandon, Joan 164 Jerry Liefert Drive, Monticello, MN 55362 Brauch, Donna 701 W River St.PO 122, Monticello, MN 55362 Broekemeier, Ron 1440 Oak Ridge Circle, Monticello, MN 55362 Bromberg, Janet 172 Jerry Liefert Drive, Monticello, MN 55362 Carlson, David 6124 Mill Run Road, Monticello, MN 55362 Clausen, Lucille 320 W Broadway, PO 145, Monticello, MN 55362 Custer, Edith 1410 Hilltop Dr, Monticello, MN 55362 Dahl, Rosemary 1229 Sandy Ln, Monticello, MN 55362 Daniels, Mary 701 E 4th St, Monticello, MN 55362 DeMarais, Kristi 724 West River Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Doucette, Jan 1314 Prairie Creek Lane, Monticello, MN 55362 Gauthier, K~ 126 Hillcrest Rd, Monticello, MN 55362 Holt, Jeanette 236 Front Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Gillham, Lynnea 915 W. Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 Irvine, Jan 325 E 4th St, Monticello, MN 55362 Kraemer, Lori 648 Broadway West, Monticello, MN 55362 Kraemer, Wanda 1009 Golf Course Road, Monticello, MN 5536276 Mcintire, Arlene 1120 West River St, PO 516, Monticello MN 55362 Moody, Judy 118 Kampa Circle, Monticello, MN 55362 Nelson, Robert 68 River Terrace, Monticello, MN 55362 Nesland, MerrlLo 330 Third Street East, Monticello, MN 55362 Quick, Richard 113 4th Street SE, Monticello, MN 55362 Smith, Randy 109 Craig Lane, Monticello, MN 55362 Soltau, Rita 624 E River St, PO 53 Monticello, MN 553362 Sonju- Thielman, Patricia 1344 Prairie Creek Lane, Monticello, MN 55362 Stokes, Opal 215 Locust St, PO 626, Monticello, MN 55362 Suchy, San~ 890 Briar Court, Monticello, MN 55362 Wefel, Diane 4561 Cobblestone Ct., Monticello, MN 55362 Wolff, Lorraine 1201 Golf Course Road, Monticello, MN 55362 . Sf;-3l . . . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 5H. Consideration of a reQuest for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for a detached accesson' structure. Applicant: Jason VanderHeyden. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this request on October 4th. The Commission recommended denial of the request in a 3-2 vote. The Commission found that the applicant had not followed the conditions outlined by the first conditional use permit request and therefore, could not justify an amendment in direct conflict with the original conditions. The Commission did note that in terms of the accessory structure itself and the surrounding landscaping, the applicant had followed and exceeded both the code and the conditions of the CUP. The applicant received a conditional use permit in April of 2004 to construct a detached garage in the rear of his property at 4537 Cobblestone Court. One of the conditions was to retain an area of green space between the apron in front of the new building and the driveway leading to the street. The Planning Commission applied this condition to avoid an overly paved residential yard space. The applicant is now requesting that the City amend its approval to remove that condition, and allow the placement of concrete to connect the driveway to the rear-yard apron. Planning staff has discouraged the installation of driveway connections to second garages such as this, due to a number of reasons, including a concern that such areas become the location for a significant amount of storage and vehicle parking (defeating the purpose of the building), and in reliance on the representations that such buildings are accessed infrequently making driveway connections unnecessary. The applicant has already poured a large concrete apron in front of the new building, leaving just a ten foot space between the apron and the connection to the driveway. Due to this condition, it may be that the best path is just to fill in the remaining gap. Planning staff would suggest that this connection is only permitted with specific conditions, however. These would include a prohibition of the outside storage of any material or vehicles, with the exception of patio equipment, and an intensive landscape planting be installed along the property line adjacent to the full length of the driveway. The amount of paved surface resulting on this property is not in character with typical residential yard spaces. The additional landscaping should be required to mitigate the significant paving of this property. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended denial of the amendment to CUP in a 3-2 vote. Decision 1: Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Detached Garage 1. Motion to approve the CUP amendment, including conditions that the applicant submit a landscaping plan along the driveway edge for staff approval, and that the 1 3~ Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . CUP is made subject to a prohibition of outdoor storage on the driveway, with the exception of common patio furniture. Only the parking of licensed, operable passenger vehicles should be allowed. 2. Motion to deny the CUP, basedon a finding that the additional green space contemplated by the original CUP approval is a vital component of the City's decision to approval the garage. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the CUP amendment. The condition of the property is the direct result of the applicant's own actions, and should not be used as a consideration to excuse the original CUP conditions. However, if the City decides to the approve the CUP, staff would recommend the inclusion of the following two conditions: 1. Use of the driveway for parking of licensed, operable passenger vehicles and common patio furniture only (no other outside storage); and 2. Submission of an intensive landscaping plan for staff approval along the driveway edge to soften the impact of the extensive paved area. D. SUPPORTING DATA . A. Site Plan and Survey B. Site Images C. Planning Commission Minutes of Original CUP Approval . 2 3('\ . . . ~-, ~ . .=- 1\\ . ,') IJI ~~~ ::-l. -' (' ,- 5~ 'I'. '.1,-' J :j:;': -, .~, Ij.t /" 1.- ') ~! ::.-2' :.,f r- I,; /' !,U , , ,-' IJ) ~I j} Ci , U ':~; ::::.... ~';'o i;""_ V <,:"'" ,,..-,,, If (Y) " 1-, "', N h -::t :g I ,t.1 r-----.., ~~~ ..". 2' C,I 0 , ~ o ~ r') E:: Xl ~: I] . [. '" /,' ~. c' ~ I~..... ,fi ~ " _I .. i- iJ)a ~~: => ,; O~ VI ~ Q) t. L.i- Un :.:J :J '., .,.... ~ '-'" , " .,IS.,......!..'.;.... .' :: ,. ~~_._.,- "'. . . . -, ,t. ~ & .:~ r-- ~ -0::1- ~; C;I ~\ (-) ir., r) t:. cb ~,II I ;::, r-- J\ D 1;.;. \-- " ..":1-0'" "'j t -;: It; ..') !. ~' .. , "'~. ", i\1 J;.:c ~ ,", w.. L~: "'i: .\', ".: " 'V .J ',I; IU, 1,0- . \ ,. ~ '.' ;,-:: :-1 ~ ::'l~ C', ~.il d: ", ::,;, \) ri.J Q) 0 u c., '.- {l 6 -j <J) -~ (\) m [~- ~ Q :..:i =, o 1.\) , .-. \+ j .-...... \ .\- " ..-") ',f' k... Ll. .,.J !.#- -.) t.: oi-- I Iii -;~ ~ ("t'" V 5.., _\ . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04--, 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit allowing for a detached accessory use structure in an R-I district as allowed bv the General Provisions of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Applicant: Jason VanderHevden Jeff O'Neill presented the staffreport, indicating that the applicant, Jason VanderHeyden, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a second garage on his property at 4537 Cobblestone Court. The new garage would be detached, and totals 960 square feet in area. The existing attached garage is 544 square feet. The Zoning Ordinance permits a total of up to 1,200 square fect of garage space as permitted accessory space for an R-l single family home. In addition, no accessory building can exceed more than 10% of the rear yard area. However, up to 1,500 squarc feet of total area can be constructed with a Conditional Use Permit provided that the accessory bui Iding is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and not for commercial purposes, that the parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot, that the accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse efIect on the architectural character or use of the surrounding property, and that the accessory building is constructed similar to thc principal building in architectural style and building materials. O'Neill indicatcd that the applicant's rear yard is more than 12,000 square feet in area, and as such, the 10% threshold will not be a concern. The total square footage of the garage space on the property, as designed, would be 1,504 square feet. By reducing one side ofthc new building by a few inches, the building can be made to meet the standard. In addition, the applicant's plans and application letter indicate an intent to meet the requirements of the Conditional Use Permit provisions. O'Neill did note that the rear of the accessory structure would front Edmonson Avenue. O'Neill indicated that stafJprefer the space in front of building to be usable space rather than requiring a larger setback from Edmonson. It is also staffs opinion that the yard is sufficient to handle the proposed structure. O'Neill asked that during the public hearing the applicant confirm any intentions for driveway. O'Neill stated that staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that the building will meet both the intent and the specific standards of the zoning ordinance. With the comments that the building wiII be finished to match the house, and the 1,500 square foot maximum is met, planning staff believes that the building is appropriate for the site. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Jason VanderHeyden, 4537 Cobblestone Court, made himself available for questions. -2- S t\ '0 ~\ '-, Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 . Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Hilgart sought clarification on the possibility of additional future pavement. VanderHeyden stated that he would seek to install a concrete drive connecting to the new structure. Hilgart stated that if a driveway were constructed, the amount of paved surface area may be of concern. O'Neill recommended that in such case, appropriate landscaping should take place. Licht stated that while the impervious surface is not a major concern with the size of the parcel, adjacent property owners may have concern over the driveway. The Commission may want to consider requiring a driveway setback of 6 feet with a landscape buffer. Dragsten indicated that a concrete pad may be more desirable than a full driveway. VanderHeyden expressed concern about the camper making tracks in the green area. Carlson asked staff if by pushing the structure further to the rear yard, it is more visible from 117, which may be a site concern. O'Neill indicated that staff thought the better use of the land is usable yard. O'Neill indicated that the righH)f-way would also give it more separation. Licht stated that if it meets the setbacks, it should be an allowable use. Carlson also questioned whether granting this request would create a large number of requests for detached structures. . Chairman Frie expressed appreciation for the applicant's compliance with ordinances that move toward eliminating yard clutter. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPRO V AL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DETACHED ACCESSORY GARAGE, WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE APPLICANT MEET EACH OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AS FOLLOWS, INCLUDING THE 1,500 SQUARE FOOT THRESHOLD, WITH THE ADDITION OF CONDITION E. (a) Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property ofthc occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. (c) The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. (d) The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. (e) The applicant is to leave the driveway area as green space and install only a concrete pad in front of the structure. . MOTION SECONDED BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -3- ~ \ C S l-\ - "---'- /~ Top of Block HY-LAND SURVEYING, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS Garage Footing 8700 Jefferson Highway Osseo, Minnesota 55369 493-5761 INVOICE NO._H F.B. NO. SCALE I "= ___~ Lowest Footing . Denotes Iron Mom Type of Building - euru.ry.ors CIl.rrtifirat, . Denotes Wood Hu: For Excavation On N " AS-BUILT" xooo.O Denotes Existing I- ~ Denotes Proposed .~ E "4 Denotes Surface D S.W. WOLD s ~ o cd II) ('II 1-- ~,- Top of Block - C) 5~, 25" Garage Floor Elevation - C)5B... 8 '3 Lowest Footing Elevation - tJS5.?o \J.J Y ..-' \2-- O~ /"\ //< \ ,() //' \ / \ /' ;- \ // i \ / t3 \ /1 t \ I ~ \ P,~,) t. ..,(( is ..1. .~~ nH'''';n; r"lJ \..L<.,.l \ . . . 51. A. of the Dahlheimer Distributin Site as cr the HRA REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The HRA entered into an agreement with Dahlheimer Distributing to sell City property within the Otter Creek plat. Part ofthe agreement included general grading of the site to be paid for by the HRA. R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. completed this work for a lump sum amount of $45,000.00. This work included stripping topsoil on the site, salvaging and respreading it according to the site plan, and hauling the excess material to an adjacent location. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve payment by the HRA in the amount of $45,000.00 to R. L. Larson Excavati ng, Inc. 2. Do not approve payment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends selecting Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Contract ~\o (', 1,J)i!( llIIli'lJlS OIIII."('lIillg.l'\dlll\'II.,t;/"U.I.lillw'r\/m:1I1 S""II!{.~,"\.'/ /'IIII'llf'rilY h,/em,'1 Files!/ 'f)....r,.. I( is Tn !_f)lIlrllwi!llcr( ;rllllillg. )"'/1/"(1\'('- / (),,'.,I/J5,(f'il( . . . ",..:.-">--",. EXECUTION COpy ---------- PURCHASE AND REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT By and Between HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA and ROCKY MTN GROUP, LLC Dated as of: September 2, 2005 This document was drafted by: KENNEDY & GRAVEN, Chartered 470 U.S. Bank Plaza Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Telephone: 337-9300 SHQ66308v4 M N I 90"121 \=')1,- L4 '\ ~, .~. ~ . . . incurred by the Authority to undertake General Grading exceeds $45,000, such excess cost is the Redeveloper's responsibility and must be paid to the Authority at Closing. The Authority must provide to Redeveloper invoices due or payable or other reasonable evidence of the total General Grading cost. ( c) Concurrent with General Grading, Redeveloper may transport "Sand" from a City-owned site adjacent to the Redevelopment Property, for use as additional fill material for the Redevelopment Property. The term "Sand" means any amount of sand not needed by the City for other purposes, as determined by WSB, but in any event not less than up to approximately 40,000 cubic yards of Sand. Redeveloper must pay all costs of transporting the Sand, but will not be charged any other fee for the purchase of the Sand. (d) The Redeveloper acknowledges that the Authority makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the Redevelopment Property or its fitness for construction of the Minimum Improvements or any other purpose for which the Redeveloper may make use of such property. The Redeveloper further agrees that it will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Authority, the City, and their governing body members, officers, and employees, from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the Redevelopment Property. Section 3.7. Advance of Land and other Costs; Tax Increment Interfund Loan. (a) The Authority has determined that the fair market price of the Redevelopment Property is $998,933, or $2.65 per square foot. This price represents the total invested or to be invested by the Authority or City in making the Redevelopment Property available for commercial development, including the value of the raw land and all costs of special assessments for infrastructure, City trunk fees (except those paid by Redeveloper under Section 3.3), general grading, platting, administrative and holding costs. As described in Section 3.2 hereof, the purchase price for conveyance of the Redevelopment Property represents a reduction from the fair market price from $2.65 per square foot to $.95 per square foot for a five-acre portion of the Redevelopment Property, and a reduction from $2.65 per square foot to $2.15 per square foot for a 3.65 acre portion of the Redevelopment Property. Therefore, at Closing the Authority will forgo receipt the full market price of the Redevelopment Property, which represents an advance of Authority funds in the amount of $449,838, less the amount paid by Redeveloper for City trunk fees in the amount of $37,914, for a net advance of $411,924. In addition, the Authority will pay an estimated amount of $27,300 to remove the dirt stockpile on the Redevelopment Property under Section 3.6(c), which amount represents an additional advance of funds for the benefit of Redeveloper. (b) The Authority will treat the advance described in paragraph (a) as an interfund loan (the "Interfund Loan") within the meaning of Section 469.178, Subdivision 7 of the TIF Act. The total original principal amount of the Interfund Loan is $439,224. The terms of the Interfund Loan are described in the resolution attached as Schedule C (the "Loan Resolution"). The Authority will pledge Available Tax Increment, as defined in the Loan Resolution, to payment of the Interfund Loan. The Redeveloper has no rights or interest in any Tax Increment. Section 3.8. Business Subsidy Agreement. The provisions of this Section constitute the "business subsidy agreement" for the purposes ofthe Business Subsidy Act. SJB-266308v4 MN190-121 ~;t.- ~\ ~ 10 . . . (b) The Authority shall take no actions to encumber title to the Redevelopment Property between the date of this Agreement and the time the deed is delivered to the Redeveloper. The Authority expressly agrees that it will not cause or permit the attachment of any mechanics, attorneys, or other liens to the Redevelopment Property prior to Closing. Upon Closing, the Authority is obligated to pay all costs to discharge any encumbrances to the Redevelopment Property attributable to actions of the Authority, its employees, officers, agents or consultants, including without limitation any architect, contractor and or engineer. (c) The Redeveloper shall take no actions to encmnber title to the Redevelopment Property between the date of this Agreement and the time the deed is delivered to the Redeveloper. The Redeveloper expressly agrees that it will not cause or permit the attachment of any mechanics, attorneys, or other liens to the Redevelopment Property prior to Closing. Notwithstanding termination of this Agreement prior to Closing, Redeveloper is obligated to pay all costs to discharge any encumbrances to the Redevelopment Property attributable to actions of Redeveloper, its employees, officers, agents or consultants, including without limitation any architect, contractor and or engineer. Section 3.6. Soils. Environmental Conditions, Grading. (a) Before closing on conveyance of the Redevelopment Property from the Authority to the Redeveloper, the Redeveloper may enter the Redevelopment Property and conduct any other environmental or soils studies deemed necessary by the Redeveloper. If, at least 10 days before Closing the Redeveloper determines that hazardous waste or other pollutants as defined under federal and state law exist on the property, or that the soils are otherwise unsuitable for construction of the Minimum Improvements, the Redeveloper may at its option terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the Authority, upon receipt of which this Agreement shall be null and void and neither party shall have any liability hereunder, except the Authority shall promptly return to the Redeveloper any earnest money. (b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, prior to Closing the Authority will undertake (or cause to be undertaken) (i) removal of the existing stock pile of dirt located on the Redevelopment Property, at no additional cost to Redeveloper (the cost of which the Authority will reimburse from Tax Increment through the Interfund Loan); and (ii) General Grading of the Redevelopment Property at no additional cost to Redeveloper (such cost being included in the purchase price under Section 3.2), except as otherwise provided herein. For purposes of this Section, the term "General Grading" means: stripping top soil off the entire Redevelopment Property per boring logs; saving all such top soil on the Redevelopment Property; cutting existing high areas and filling low areas with existing suitable material (but assuming no import of material by the Authority from off-site); following Redeveloper's import of Sand from off-site (as defined and described in paragraph (c) below) and applying it in the locations desired by Redeveloper (the cost of such import and application to be borne by Redeveloper), then applying and grading so much of the saved top soil as to have an average thickness of four inches of top soil over the entire Redevelopment Property; exporting excess top soil (which is that top soil in excess of that which is needed to apply an average of four inches of top soil on the entire Redevelopment Property) off site to an area designated by City's consulting engineer WSB & Associates, Inc. ("WSB"); all according to plans approved by WSB. General Grading docs not include additional fill work described in paragraph (c) below. If the total cost SJIQ66J08v4 MNI'lO-121 S 1-- ~ \. l C:b 9 City Council Agenda - 10/24105 . 5J. Consideration of a reQuest for a Preliminary Plat for the Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition; Conditional Use Permit for a Development StaQe PUD; and a Variance to parkina reQuirements in the B-3 District; and Consideration of the final plat of the Travel Center 2nd Addtition, Applicant: IRET Properties. (NAC) A. Reference and Backqround. . Following is the staff report submitted for the Monticello Travel Center at the September 6th Planning Commission, with comments included regarding the sign proposal presented at the October 4th Planning Commission. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat and PUD with a number of conditions, and subsequently approved the applicants' PUD sign plan which includes a 57 foot high pylon with a double sign in exchange for enhanced landscaping and brick treatment on the gas station canopy supports. Since the time of the original review, the applicants have updated a number of items, reducing the Exhibit Z list of conditions to just a few. Most of these involve either cautionary statements to the developer regarding future plans, or verification of information already submitted. IRET Properties is requesting a preliminary plat for the Monticello Travel Plaza 2nd Addition located at the intersection of Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive, just south of Interstate 94. As a part of the preliminary plat request, the applicant is requesting a conditional use permit (CUP) to allow a drive-in convenience food establishment, motor fuel station and convenience store, car wash, joint parking and drives, open and outdoor storage and a retail commercial development. Additionally, the applicant is seeking a variance from the parking requirements in the B-3 Zoning District. Both Iret properties and Dan Meilke are requesting approval of the final plat as well. The subject site is currently occupied by a BP gas station and a single family home, which are both proposed to be removed. Additionally, the site is occupied by an existing Subway, Jiffy Lube and Dairy Queen. The applicant is proposing to install a Holiday gas station and convenience store with a connected car wash and a Wendy's fast food restaurant with a drive-through window. Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan designates this area for future commercial/highway business uses, consistent with the proposed PUD and CUP. Zoning. The subject site is zoned B-3, Highway Business District, which allows for motor fuel stations, outdoor storage, car washes and drive-in convenience food establishments by CUP. . Performance Standards. As conditional uses, the proposed motor fuel station, car wash, outdoor storage and the drive-in convenience food establishment are expected to meet the general standards of the B-3 District as well as a list of more detailed requirements specific to the use, as described in Section 13-4 of the City's Zoning Ordinance. The following is a description of the requirements and the proposed developments' compliance along with some general site design comments. so City Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . Setbacks: The proposed development will still meet the B-3 setback requirements, aside from the proposed Wendy's parking area along Cedar Street which must be at least five (5) feet from the property line. Parking. The applicant is proposing 30 parking stalls within Lot 1, Block 1 for the Holiday gas station, convenience store and car wash and 24 parking stalls within Lot 7, Block 1 for the Wendy's. The site plan shows a future parking area located south of the Wendy's establishment within Lot 6, Block 1. The future parking area consists of 15 standard size stalls, which would be arranged to accommodate larger vehicles including travel trailers and semis. To accommodate the proposed uses, the site will need the following number of parking stalls, pursuant to Section 3-5.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Holiday Gas Station = 14 stalls Wendy's = 41 stalls The applicant has not submitted dimensioned drawings for the proposed Wendy's establishment, so we are estimating the required number of parking stalls at this time. It would appear that, in total, the applicant has provided an adequate number of parking stalls, however, the bulk of the available parking is on the Holiday side of the property. The applicant has indicated that they will require employees to utilize the remote parking. . The applicant had requested a variance to the parking regulations in the event that after review, an inadequate number of spaces was found. It would appear that the total number meets the ordinance, and as such, only the PUD approval is necessary to accommodate the joint parking and access. Any parking that is proposed to be within drainage and utility easements is constructed at the owner's risk. Parking areas that are damaged by the City in the event that access is needed to the underlying utilities will be replaced at the owner's cost. Access/Circulation: The Holiday station is proposed to have an entrance-only access off of Oakwood Drive and will share an ingress/egress driveway further to the east along Oakwood Drive with Wendy's. Wendy's is also proposed to have an ingress/egress driveway off of Cedar Street. The two uses will share a center driveway running north south between the two, extending south from the proposed access off of Oakwood Drive. Assuming there is not a median within the shared center drive, City staff recommends that the ingress/egress points for the Holiday and Wendy's be aligned directly across from one another to provide better circulation and traffic flow, subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. The Planning Commission deleted the recommendation for alignment of the driveways from its approval. . The submitted plans show a 5-foot concrete sidewalk along the front and the east side of the Holiday building and partial sidewalk segments are shown on the south side of Oakwood Drive and the west side of Cedar Drive. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall submit revised plans showing 5-foot sidewalks along the entire length of the subject site on the south side of Oakwood Drive and the west side of Cedar Street. S\ City Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . Staff is checking the plan submissions to verify compliance with this recommendation. The applicant must provide details and/or exhibits which show that the proposed parking and driveway areas allow for a turning radius for a semi trailer tractor truck, subject to approval of the City Engineer. The applicants have complied with this recommendation. Landscaping/Screening. The applicant has submitted a landscape plan. The landscaping quantities per the zoning ordinance have been met, however, two trees on the Wendy's site are shown on the boulevard right of way space of Oakwood Drive. These trees should be moved to be located entirely on the property of the owner/applicant. A revised landscaping plan was submitted as a part of the signage PUD request. The proposed landscaping on the site is an excellent addition to the project, and no further revisions are requested. Outside Storage/Sales. The applicant must submit plans showing the proposed locations and dimensions of any outdoor storage and/or sales. subject to City staff approval. . Lighting. The applicant has not submitted a lighting plan. Prior to consideration of a final plat, a lighting plan must be submitted compliant with regulations outlined in Section 3-2.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Lighting proposed for the gas station canopy must be recessed lighting. Staff is verifying compliance with this recommendation. Signage. The applicant has not submitted a detailed signage plan for staff review. The proposed signage plan must be complaint with Section 3-9.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant shall chose between the two signage options for the B-3 District, Option A and Option B, which allow wall signs only or a combination of wall signs and a free-standing pylon sign, respectively. Any pylon sign proposed for the subject site shall not extend beyond a height of 22 feet. . As noted above, the signage r/ans were submitted and reviewed by the Planning Commission at its October 4t meeting. The applicants have requested a sign package that included increased height of the pylon sign (57 feet versus 32 feet allowed), increased area on the pylon sign, and increased number of wall and/or canopy signs. This request was made as a part of a PUD. In exchange for the increased signage, the applicants have proposed to add brick to the gas station canopy support columns, and significantly increased the landscaping around the site. Staff expressed the opinion that the higher, larger pylon sign was not significantly visible from the freeway, and that a more attractive, and perhaps more effective, sign package would rely on lower signs focused on the Oakwood Drive/Highway 25/1-94 exit ramp street traffic. The Planning Commission accepted the developer's request and approved the signage as proposed. .s :>. City Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . Grading, Drainage and Utilities. The applicant shall submit revised plans showing drainage and utility easements for existing and proposed utilities. All grading, drainage and utilities plans and easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. The applicant shall use existing connections to City services, rather than construct new connections. As part of the construction plans, the City staff will be reviewing final details of grading, drainage, and utilities. The applicant has also requested vacation of a portion of the City's right of way along Cedar Street. As part of this action, the applicant will need to verify that the proper easements are preserved for existing utilities. With regards to final plat approval, it appears that all necessary easements have been identified on the new plat needed for access to city utilities with the exception of a small area that can be covered by a separate easement document. If private utility lines are found outside of the easement areas vacated to accommodate the new plat, it will be up to the developer to work with the utility companies to relocate lines into the new easement areas defined in the new plat. B. Alternative Actions. Decision 1: Preliminary Plat for Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. . 1. Motion to approve the request for the Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition preliminary plat, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z, and contingent on associated Cedar Street vacation, based on a finding that the use is consist with the Comprehensive Plan and appropriate for the subject site. 2. Motion to deny the request for a preliminary plat based on a finding that the request is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Motion to table the request, subject to submission of additional information. Decision 2: Conditional Use Permit for a Development Stage PUD to allow a drive-in convenience food establishment, motor fuel station/convenience store, car wash, joint parking and drives, open and outdoor storage and a retail commercial development. 1. Motion to approve the application of the CUP for a Development Stage PUD with the comments listed in Exhibit Z and based upon the findings that the proposal would comply with the City's Comprehensive Plan and long-term development goals for the area. 2. Motion to deny the CUP for a Development Stage PUD based up on the findings that the application does not comply with the goals set forth by the Comprehensive Plan. . 3. Motion to table the application to permit further City review and refinement of the proposed plans. t~3 . . . City Council Agenda - 10/24/05 Decision 3: Consideration of approval of the final plat of the Travel Center subdivsion, 1. Motion to approve the final plat subject to conditions identified in the preliminary plat and PUD approval. Motion also contingent on vacation of portion of Cedar Street to be included in plat and associated deed transfer. 2. Motion to deny approval of the final plat. C. Staff Recommendation. Planning staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat, PUD and Final Plat subject completion of the associated vacation of the original easements and Cedar Street right of way and also subject to completion of the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. While there are a number of issues raised by circulation and parking supply on the site, the applicants are convinced that they will be able to operate the businesses successfully. D, SUDDortinQ Data Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit Z: Site location map Site Plan Landscape Plan Conditions of Approval SL\ . r cnT::UIU,;CW\' -j'('~-:\-i~~;'-: I! GOO? n ~(d.:lS ! I ~ a ::1 :;::.~ :~ ::'~ I I _~~,~.~J Proposed Holiday StationstorelWendy's South East Quadrant of Interstate 94 and Highway 25 Supplemental Submittal Preliminary/Final Plat Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development Development Stage . . SJ" - Ss . . . Holiday Stationstores and Wendy's are requesting a 57' high pylon sign. Holiday Stationstores and Wendy's have revised their proposed plan to include the pylon sign design as well as other additions they have made to their respective proposed facilities. Changes to the proposed Holiday Stationstore include adding additional architectural features such as adding brick to the canopy columns, recessing the canopy lights and changing the canopy fascia colors. Further, Holiday will add significant amounts of additional landscaping on the proposed Holiday site as well as the MNDOT right of way located on the corner of Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive. Holiday is also open to work with Staff, if it is desired and allowed, to design a "Welcome to Monticello" signage feature that can also be added to the existing MNDOT right of way at Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive. Wendy's has agreed to add significant landscaping to its original plan. The subject development is situated at Interstate 94 and Highway 25. . The Interstate orientation, accessibility and visibility are critical to the success of the development. . Both retailers have been consistent with their desire to have signage that is visible from greater distances due to the nature of this location. . The subject property is primarily an Interstate location catering to motorist traveling on Interstate 94. . A 57' high pylon sign already exists on subject property. . The existing pylon sign pole is not adequate to support the proposed dual signage package proposed by Holiday and Wendy's. . Residential development is occurring near this site, but is not sufficiently established to support the investment. . The 57' pylon sign will help customers identify earlier the specific location of the Holiday and Wendy's location and aid in avoiding unsafe traffic maneuvers for motorist exiting Interstate 94. . The signage proposal consolidates 2 separate sign locations into one. . Competitors have 57' pylon signs. Competitors in the vicinity have similar site orientation to the Interstate and a similar customer target base as the applicant. . Property situated further from the Interstate than the subject, have been granted permission to construct a 57' pylon sign. Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider our proposal. S'1- S\o ~ ~ef:UY~* ~~d n ,\'t~ I I L~R'" - ~~-~::,j~~ ~~ I \llilJJ::f1 1 : .~~' y If' ~ : 3,.H- --:., ,,,':,,,,_'~ ~.,," ':': '.:.: ~. 'W ~,~ I:~,J. ',' \,': '~~~....-: 1,- "',- ~" -- - -,- h :T' w.' .... . . 'ir" ~ Ii: .' 111 ~" .. , .': "- : . : ". . ,;;~ .' . 'g J i 1'1 ~". ....;. : :..... -<- ." ~ "f\ : '. .... '.' 1 ~ I ~:: "-j YlTji '/~ .. f ;1{: ,:~.\:~ /)ff /.. I .... I.. ~ I htfA:' \\,':- If .: .... 'i,~ : 00 '"I I /l!ll:c' ':. +~ 117j ~- ~~L1 .,/~~j~ Ii /' L 1~ I' ..::.... hI ~\ ~/ ,&" 1 I ). 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"> '0"> ,,'0 *'"5 '0'" (:~ /:/::~~" " I . : : : ".-:;:>~ A ( (: / ' ~~": ?~'>~.'~::::" ' ...."~.......... ......... ........ ,,"", s. ":;, 10, -----,-" " '" "Ir<Y<2t \ v <~v ~" )j '<,L', '> ;/ '1, " " " ,,( ~\',/: I, '-<; 4:. I:} / '''" . -, -,/11 ~1~ -t--,-: t,~ J ~ ---- \.:;'/ -1.__1'\______r ):1 t? ,:::; , IYJ')< -""<1 ..... /'.... I v / v / ,~ ", (0 , 0;-'". '> v / / / , v v / / v , ; I , v v -"""-""--.... FEATURES . OPTICAL RelleclOr - Sell-flanged, specular clear or seml-dlHlJse refleclOr. Bounding Ray Optical Pnnclple design provides lamp before lamp Image and smooth tranSition from lOp of reflector 10 bottom, Minimum flange matches refle.ctor finish. While painted flange optlona I. BaHle/cone - Specular clear upper reflector. Microgroove baffle with whilE painted flange or specular black cone with flange that matches cone fimSh MECHANICAL 16-gauge galvanized steel mounting/piaster frame with InCHon support springs to retam optical system. Accommodates up to 7/6" thick ceiling standard. See Accessories for increased ceiling thickness capability Mountmg bars are l6-gauge galvanized steel with continuous 4" vertical adlustment. held In place with tool-less, cam-actlon locking system. Post installation adjustment possible without the use of tools from above or below the ceiling. Shipped pre.installed. Galvanized steel Junction box with bonom-hinged access covers and spring latches. Two combinatIOn y,"-3/4" and four y,. knockouts lor straight-through conduit runs. Capacity: 6 (4 in, 4 out) No, 12 AWG conductors rated for 90"C. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Die-cast aluminum lampholder housing. Designed for effective heat dIssipation and poslllve light center positIOning. Medlum.base porcelain SOCket with nickel-plated screw shell. Extended porcelain socket tor "open fixture.' rated metal halide lamps. Prewired, encased-and-polted, l20/277V or 120/347V ballast tray module. ModUle can be anached before or atter mounting of mounting/plaster frame. Thermally-actlva\.ed InsulatIOn detector. LISTING Fixtures are UL Listed for thru-branch wiring, recessed mounting and damp locations. Listed and labeled to comply With Canadian StandardS (see Options). ENERGY . LER.OOL Annual Lamps Energy Cost 44 $547 i 1 iI OOW MHC Ballast Fa ctor t ,00 Input Wans 125 Lamp Lum ens 8700 Calculated In accordanc!) \1\1'I1h NEMA slandard LE.5, . !~~), .......'f~~-J"-\\ (.{~ ~.. . :-~'r ~.,.; "-I!..Jl-.\' "",. ,. :..::'~ ~:;. -~- ~;.4InTJIT\j\ ~' t:'r.. :....~-=:-:::.~:.-"- (SJ Type CJWlog "wnber HID Downlights 811 AH Open Reflector MH or HPS Lamp .. 'i !__.I~ \_~,:. \... I ,., ..,.~-' . ..r ._ ~ ~ ;. .. _"":::1 ! ! 9-3/16123.3) . ..ft.u c:=~:- Aperture: 7-7/8120.0) Ceiling opening: 8-1/2121.61 Overlap trim: 9-1/8123.21 ---fi";'- L - 1m. .i . ~J=- '-. 'lrJ,,-IL~ _I. i .':..-~ h::' ___~.--' .";:,- .tft;i.. r """..~ - - . .!- 'I{, '~", . ~f (~\~':j ~ I l u-;~, \.,..~.:/ ... __ n_ ,~,_ . I : , . ~ \ ".:,:., --I'" lJ ..) i I::,:;'..i - - fll I, I 17.314145.1) I I ~.--.- 19-1/2 (49.51 I p. . ...~ . --,'-- All dimensions are inches (centimetersl. ORDERING INFORMATION_ Choose The bOldface catalog nomenclature that beSt suitS yo.ur needs and write iton the appropriate line. Order accessories asseparate catalog numbers (shipped separately). AH I Se~ies II AH Exa mple: AH 1 DOM BAR 120 I Reflectortype I Wattage/Lam p II (blank) II Metal Halide 8AR Clear 50M MP50/C/U/MED 8PR Pewter /11iM)MP70/C/U/MED 8WTR Wheat "mrriVI MP100/C/U/MED C!>UB Umber 150M' MP1S0/C/U/MED 8CR Champagne GOld Color Corrected Metal Halide' R GOld 50MHC MPC50/C/MED 8MB' Black BaHle 70MHC MPC70/C/MED 8BC' Black Cone l00MHC MPC100/C/MEO 150MHC MPC1S0/C/MED High Pressure SOdium 50S LUSO/D/M ED 70S LU70/0/MED 100S LUtOO/D/MEO 150S L U 1S0/D/MEO . NOTES t Not available 'n 347V. 2 Ceramic arc tube consistent. color lamp. Philips MasterCOlor or GE ConstantC.olor. Not available With fllllshes. For cornpauble Reloe syStems. refer to opnons and aecesso"es tab. Not available With QRSTD or EC. Not available With QRS or EC. Not available With QRS 0' QRSTD gotham~ E) - COTHAM ARCHITECTURAL DOWNLICHHINC II DIVISION O~ ACUITY UGHTlNCi. (tROUP, INC 11100 Lester' Road Conye~ Georglil 30012 p 800 31~ 4982 F no 8003)29 WYIw .eothflr'nl ignt Inc .C:Drn An'l~Ilt. (NT~on; LD I Finish Specular lOw iridescent Semi-diffuse low i"descent II VOlt1agell 6> zn 347 Accessories GRSTD' Ordl!r as separale calBlas number. SCB Sloped ceiling adaptor. Degree of slope must be specified (100, lSD, 20D, ZSD, 3001. Ex: SCB 100. CT A8 Ceiling thickness adaptor (extends mounting frame to accommodate ceiling thiCkness up to 2"). WLP TRW I Options With lamp (shipped separatelvl. White pamted flange. (Standard with 8MB.1 Provides compatibility with LlthOnia Reloc System. Quartz restrike system (uses maximum 100W DC base QuarlZ lamp by othersl. Quartz restrike system With time delay. Operates like QRS, except qua rtz lamp remalOs on for two mlOutes after HID lamp restrikes. Emergency CIrcuit IDC socket with leadS for connection to external emergency power source; maximum tOOW lamp). SI091e fuse. Listed and labeled to comply with Ca nadla n Sta nda rdS, ElectroniC ballas1. LRC' GRS\ EC' SF CSA AH 8 OPEN DHID-220 Ho/;J.1.l'/"Ai<'/1.> . s-"} - leo'--\ 8" AH Open Reflector DistributIOn curve Distribution dotil Output data . Coefficient of utilization Illuminance Data at30. Above Floor for a Single Luminaire . 100M 8AR, (1) MP100/C/U/MED lamp, 7900 rated lumens, 1.2 simh, test no. L TL7957 pi 20'1, 5O'l'o 10% From 0' cpo lumens Zone Lumens %Iomp ,>e 8o'l'o 7Qjf\l 5o(l~ beam angle 62.1' boam angle 86 7' 00 4082 0 00.30' 3647 46.2 1")\0\' 5o~;, 30'1, 50'1', 30'r, 50'!:, 3o,,~, Initial Ie Ic at Ic at 50 4203 411 00.400 5165 654 1 84 82 83 81 80 78 Mount at beam Beam beam Beam beam 150 4779 1339 00-600 6046 76.5 2 78 75 77 73 74 72 helghl center diameter edge dli:Hneter edge 250 4177 1896 00 -900 6054 76.6 3 72 68 71 67 69 66 350 2453 1518 900.1800 0 0.0 4 67 62 66 61 64 60 8' 134.9 6.6' 67.5 lOA' 115 450 892 711 00.1800 6054 76.6" 5 62 57 61 56 59 55 10' 72.6 9.0' 36.3 14.2' 7.3 550 159 170 ' Efficiency 6 57 52 57 52 55 51 12' 45.2 11.4' 22.6 17.9' 4.5 650 4 7 7 53 48 53 48 52 47 14' 30.9 13.8' 15A 12}' 3.1 750 0 1 8 50 45 49 45 48 44 16' 22A 16.2' 11.2 25.5' 2,2 850 0 0 9 47 42 46 41 45 41 900 0 0 10 44 39 43 39 43 38 AH 100MHC 8AR, (1) MPClOo/C/U/MED lamp, 8700 rated lumens, 1.3 s/mh, test no, LTL7958 pi 20% 50% 10% From 0' ep Lumens Zone Lumens 'rolamp pc 80% 70% 5o'Yo beam an ole 65.6' beam angle 92 4' 00 3829 0 00.300 3446 39.6 I'w 50'!'" 3D'!', 50% 3o'r. 50% 3o'r, Ie at Inrrlalle Ie at 50 3920 379 0..40. 5214 59.9 1 82 80 81 79 78 76 Mount at be am Beam beam Beam beam IS" 4224 1200 D. .600 6511 74.8 2 75 72 74 71 72 69 height center diameter edge diameter edge 25" 4108 1866 0".900 6525 75.0 3 69 65 68 64 66 63 350 2885 1768 900.180" 0 0.0 4 64 59 63 58 61 57 8' 126.6 7.1' 63.3 11.5' 127 450 1291 1012 D. .180" 6525 75.0" 5 59 54 58 53 56 52 10' 68.1 9.7' 34.0 15.6' 6.8 55" 278 285 'Efficiency 6 54 49 54 49 52 48 12' 42A 12.2' 21.2 19.8' 4.2 65" 8 12 7 50 45 50 45 49 44 14' 29.0 14.8' 14.5 24.0' 2.9 750 1 2 8 46 41 46 41 45 41 16' 21.0 174' 10.5 28.1' 2,1 850 0 0 9 43 38 43 38 42 38 900 -0 o . 10 40 35 40 35 39 35 AH 1 SOM 8AR, (ll M Pl SO/C/U/MED lamp, 12000 rated lumens, 1.2 s/mh, test no. L TL7959 pi 20% 50% 10% Fr Om 0' cp Lumens Zone Lumens %Iamp pc eor, 70% 50'Y., bea", angle 60.9' beam angle 88 t' 00 6416 0 D. .300 5191 43.3 pw 50% 30% 50% 300/, 50% 30% Initial Ie leat Ie at 1300 50 6522 625 0..400 7564 63.0 1 84 82 82 80 79 78 Mount at beam Beam beam Beam beam 150 6554 1854 0<.600 9134 76.1 2 77 74 76 73 73 71 height center diameter edge d,ameter edge 2600 25" 5982 2712 D. .900 9144 76.2 3 71 67 70 66 68 65 35" 3857 2373 900-1800 '0 0.0 4 66 61 65 60 63 59 8' 212.1 6.5' 106.0 10.6' 21.2 "l() 450 1578 1244 00-1800 9144 762. 5 61 56 60 55 58 54 10' 114.1 8.8' 57.0 14.5' 11.4 . -~ 550 304 326 'Efficiency 6 56 51 56 51 54 50 12' 71.1 11.2' 35.5 18.4' 7.1 650 6 10 7 52 47 52 47 51 46 14' 48.5 13S 24.3 22.2' 4.9 6500 75" 0 0 8 49 43 48 43 47 43 16' 35.2 15.9' 17,6 261' 35 85" 0 0 9 45 40 45 40 44 40 0' 900 0 0 10 42 38 42 37 41 37 AH 100MHC 8MB, 11) MPC100/C/U/MED lamp, 8700 rated lumens, 1.2 s/mh, test no. LTLB005 pi 20% 50% 10% FromO' cp Lumen. Zone Lumens %Iamp pc Bo'Y, 70% 50% oeam angle &0 7- beam angle 90 4" 0" 3899 0 0..30" 3224 37.1 pw 50% 30'!', 50% 30% 50% 30% Initial Ie Ie at Ie at 5" 3939 379 D. .400 4732 54.4 .1 74 73 73 71 70 69 Mount at beam Beam beam Beam beam 150 4149 1169 D. .60" 5883 67.6 2 68 65 67 64 65 63 heiqht center diameter e~ge diameter edqe 25" 3693 1676 D. -90" 5895 678 3 63 59 62 58 60 57 35" 2445 1509 900-1800 0 0.0 4 58 54 57 53 56 52 8' 128.9 6.4' 64.4 . 11.1' 12.9 45" 1132 884 00.180" 5895 67.8" 5 53 49 53 48 51 48 10' 69.3 8.8' 34.7 15,1' 6.9 550 274 267 . Efficiency 6 49 45 49 44 48 44 12' 43.2 11.1' 21.6 19.1' 4.3 650 4 12 7 46 41 45 41 44 40 14' 295 13.5' 14.7 23.1' 2.9 75" 0 0 8 43 38 42 38 41 37 16' 21.4 15.8' 10.7 27.2' 2.1 85. 0 0 9 40 35 39 35 39 35 900 0 0 10 37 33 37 33 36 32 AH 100MHC 8BC, 11) MPC100/C/U/MED lamp, 8700 rated lumens, 1.2 s/mh, test no. LTL8004 r' 20% 50'!', 10'1'0 From 0' cpo Lumens Zone Lumens 'Y,lamp pe 80'1'. 700/, 50% beam angle 60,8' beam angle 90, ,. 00 3835 0 0..30" 3186 36.6 rw 50% 30% 500/, 30% 50'Y,30% Initiallc Ie at Ie at 50 3880 374 00 _400 4664 53.6 1 73 71 72 70 69 68 Mount at beam Beam beam Beam beam 150 4093 1154 0< .600 5772 66.3 2 67 64 66 63 64 61 height eenter diameter edoe diameter edge 25" 3658 1658 0._900 5786 66.5 3 62 58 61 57 59 56 35" 2395 1478 90..1800 0 0.0 4 57 53 56 52 55 51 8' 126.8 6.5' 63.4 11.0' 12.7 45" 1094 855 00.1800 5786 66.5" 5 52 48 52 48 51 47 10' 68.2 8.8' 34.1 15.0' 6.8 55" 257 253 'Efficiency 6 49 44 48 44 47 43 12' 42.5 11.1' 21.2 19.0' 4.2 650 8 13 7 45 40 45 40 44 40 14' 29.0 13.5' 14.5 23.0' 2.9 750 1 1 8 42 37 41 37 41 37 16' 21.0 15.8' 10.5 27.1' 2.1 850 0 0 9 39 35 39 34 38 34 900 0 0 10 36 32 36 32 36 32 NOTE S I For electrical Ch;Hf1Clew;tics consull H~c~,rllCnl data tah 'I T'Sled 10 CUr",m IfS .nd NEMA S'land"rds under Slabli'led lahoratory conditions V""OU5 operating factors can c.uSP. dlflerenees between labor~lory d.ta and actual helO measure. . rnents DII'r~IlO;;IOtl-:' ilnd speclhcrltlOnS fire bfJ!i.ed on the mast current aVrlllntlle d;na i';Ind are ~l1hl~C: 10 change wnhout n01tce C.01HAM ARCHITeCTuRAL OowNLICHllliCl DHID-22Q ~ DIVISION or ACUI'rY 1,.IGHTING GROUP, INC. a~<20G3 GfJjt\d~ll gotham 1400 Le~l~r RoacJ Conyers Georgia 30012 P",'J 01103 P 800 315 '982 r 770 860 3129 DHID 220,p6S www, ~Ol namitght I nf:.. com "^~Cur<>-,,, S~-~S ( D) ENCORE@ - FLAT LENS - DOUBLE OR SINGLE DECK APPLICATIONS HOUSING - Die-cast one~piece aluminum ensures durable. weather-tight construction. Two threaded conduit openings allow through wiring. lENS/GASKET - Choose either a flat clear tempered glass lens or a C73 diffused flat tempered glass lens. A continuous one-piece extruded high temperature gasket ensures maximum sealing to the housing. lENS FRAME/DOOR FASTENER - Features an integral hinged. die-cast aluminum lens frame. Door frame closes and locks with stainless steel spring catch. allowing easy access for ground re-Iamping. INSTAllATION. One-person installation No additional sealant required. REFLECTORS/DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS - The vertical bum optical system and symmetrical reflector provide uniform general lighting under the canopy. LIGHT SOURCES - Pulse-Start Metal Halide or Metal Halide Reduced Envelope. BAllASTS - High-power factor type ballasts. Pulse-Start Metal Halide features Super CWA ballasts and Metal Halide features CWA ballasts. Ballasts are designed for -20 degree F operation. Electrical components are serviceable from below. FINISH - Standard colors are white or bronze powder coat finish Each fixture is finished with lSIS DuraGrip-!' polyester powder coat finishing process. The DuraGrip finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. and is guaranteed for five full years. WARRANTY - The Encore carries a comprehensive 5-year warranty on all parts. finish. workmanship and electrical components (excluding lamp). PHOTOMETRICS - For detailed photometric data. contact lSI Petroleum Lighting Sales. c@us USTED wet location CE Consult Factory. Proiect N~lI1e Holi "1 M.^+;.....u" Cal~lrll . ..,.i~~~~':t:;;;~~~~~~;' a)R3HenseO ,,,teres rreellESNA I full cut-off .,.-.".... Classificatloo Protected by the following patents: 5.662.407 6.059.422 6,152.579 6,224,233 6.464.378 Patentado 199,294 CA2276077 CA2381049 and Pal. Pend. DIMENSIONS t5-3/4" l-t/t6" [ 1- t2" ------: 17 NOTE: Encore cannot be mounted in a single skin canopy with t2" deck pans. 12" Deck requires 12' ooemna with 2' radius com.rs S.J Jl'0 Fixture TVpe ~ ..-.1 ENCORE@ ~ FLAT LENS . LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION IJJmmslre . . . Lamp. Line . luminalre Prell. Distribution Wattage light Source lens Voltage Finish WHT - Wh~ ~ze DOUBLE OR SINGLE DECK APPLICATIONS - EC 5 - Symmetncal 175 200 ~ 400 ~ Pulse-Start Melal Halide 175,200.250,320 Wan MHR - Metal Halide Reduce 400 Wan C73 - Diffused Flat Tempered Glass EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER PSMV F I MT WHT FOOTNOTES: ,_ MT - Multi Tap is shipped standard unless omerwise specified Multi Tap consiSIS of 120V. 208V, 240V. and 277V Multi Tap is pre-,wed for 277V, Alternate voltages WI;; require field re-wlflng. 2- Tn-Tap IS Shipped standard lor Canadian applicatIOns. Tri-Tap conSists of 120V. 277V. and 347V Tri-Tap IS pre-wired lor 347V, Allernate vollages will require field re-wiring, 3- Order when fixtures are to be used In enclosed ceilings Voltage must be specified 120V. 208V. 240V. 277V, 347V or 220V 50Hz. 4- Consult Factory ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION (Accessones are field mstalled) Oescription ECKEC - Thin Canopy Kit lor Encore Ground Lamp Changers: 250, 320, 400 (Reduced) Watt 200 Watt Order Number 176008 132678A 179101Z . DDM. DOUBLE DECK MOUNTING BRACKET (ORDER NUMBER 174B06) UPTURNED FlANGE 181 SUPPORT WIRE HOLES ~ROOF ,-"...../ MOUNT 8RACKET 174806 CEILING -' DDM - For use in covered areas (i.e, water proof plenum) where ceiling material will not support the fixture or access IS not available from above to utilize standard locking nng. . Pr(tjl;:r.! N~H1If .....J f Itlilre Type CillilllJ~ ' @,Aulli-Tap' TT - Tri - T3p2 220V - 50Hz -. -. ":. . .:..= ~.==== -.-- ~.- -- -=:- --..:- .... "'''''''~ SDRP - SINGLE DECK RETROFIT PANEl (ORDER NUMBER 180292) RED G ASKfT BElWEEN PANEl AND DECK CANOPY DECK \'DECORATlVE PANEL 180292 SORP - Single deck decorative retrofit panellacilitates conversions lrom 2x2 suriace mounted fixture to Encore, _1111~Il'j I :.atlllll:.. :all:(t4 :1:1:11 :1' I~ '.11,1_ III ~l.1 ~l t'I :J~1 ~I.:t .1' I: t 11::1: I ~ III{II ;t:i: I .,Ij iyJt1. ~ROOF DECORATIVE PANEL 177825 DDRMP - Decorative retrofit panel is for usp on double deck canopies only. Panel will structurallv support the Encore while covering an opening up to 600rnm by 600mm, 'For use in covered areas only (Le water proof plenum). S .l- ~-) CHALLEN G ER@ (Various reflectors are protected by US. Patent No. 6.46..\378.) HOUSING - Rectangular shaped multHadiused. one-piece. die-cast aluminum with cast mounting arm All hardware is stainless steel or electro-zinc plated steeL DOOR FRAME - One-piece. diNast aluminum door frame secures to the housing with two internal hinges Two stainless steel captive door fasteners allow easy access. Door frame may be removed without tools. A one-piece extruded silicone gasket seals the door frame against the housing. The standard housing/door seal design prevents exte rnal contaminants from entering the Challenger, resulting in an I P65 rating for all versions. LENS/GASKET. Contoured clear impact resistant glass lens for vertical lamp optics. A tempered flat clear glass lens or contoured clear impact resistant glass lens is offered for horizontal lamp optics. A one-piece extruded silicone gasket seals the lens to the die-cast aluminum door frame. SOCKETS. Porcelain mogul-base sockets All sockets are factory prewired with a disconnect plug for the ballast. All sockets are pulsHated. LIGHT SOURCES - Pulse-Start Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, Metal Halide, Metal Halide Reduced Envelope. or High Pressure Sodium. Clear lamp is supplied as standard. BALLASTS - High-power factor ballast with removable/hinged ballast tray. Pulse-Start Metal Halide fixtures feature a Super CWA type ballast Metal Halide, Super Metal Halide, and High Pressure Sodium fixtures feature a CWA type ballast All ballasts are designed for -20" F operation. Optional Quick Connect package Includes supply wiring plus modular plugs for easy ballast wiring. REFLECTORS/DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS - Vertical Burn systems include: Type II (2), Type III ( 3). Type V (5), Automotive Forward Throw (FA), and Perimeter Forward Throw (FP). Horizontal Burn systems inciude: Type 111 (3), Type V (5) and Forward Throw (FT). All reflectors are field-rotatable. enabling generous flexibility in distribution patterns, without fixture movement. Photometric data is tested in accordance with IESNA guidelines. BRACKETS - Cast mounting arm is flat for square pole applications. Fixture may also be mounted to round poles using the round pole adaptor accessory (RPPC), which must be ordered separately. An extruded 6" arm extension is required for 090., 090", T90" and TN 120" fixture configurations. A locking nut secures two through bolts and a reinforcing plate to the pole, stabilizing it for easy fixture mounting. FINISHES. Each fixture is finished with LSl's OuraGrip@ polyester powder coat finishing process. The OuraGrip finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling, and is guaranteed for five full years. Standard colors include bronze. black. platinum plus. buff. white, green, graphite and metallic silver. PHOTOMETRICS . Please visit our web site at www.lsHndustries.com for detailed photometric data c@us US1Bl IP65 .,,,. loe.'ion k IS' A,.t;lti'~ct...~l all/II door' LlJ:" aRt: Pro/eel Name 1-Io/i.l."1 1"1....~i ...../1.. Cala log # (M) fil~ AaHensed fixtures meellESNA I. full cutoff -'.'.'''''' classification. DIMENSIONS 'W 3-112" 16" U '---- 20" ---1 I a-r 1D2~ "',. U 2318"n, I 2112" Upsweep Bracket - BKU-BO-S-19 Weight 151bs. EPA. = .04 LUMINA IRE EPA CHART 'i, Challenger ---------- .. Single ..- - .~._._... ----- .... D180' ___ .____. __.u _~,_ '.. D90' ..--- -.. --.- ..... T90' , TN120' ..... - - .. + 090' ':;'WArrn _F oCT _.__1: I' .2.0 3, _ 4.1 .~., . wiln ExtenSion Arm F 2.2 4.3 3.9 6.1 6.3 7.7 CT .-- -_.~ 2.3 _..~--, 4.6 4.3 6.5 69 8.6 ExtellSlon Arm Rp,qulred Note: House Side Shield adds to fixture EPA. Consult tactory. Note: F .F~.':l.1::;, CT-Conlour~d SHIPPING WBGHTS - ChallellJl!l7 catalog Number CHV CHH Fixlure Type Esl. Weight (IbS.I_..L':1Jlth (In,) 102 35 92 35 Height (in.) 19.5 19.5 Widlh (In.) 235 23.5 M . -"Iii', 1.';IIIIDIJ:o:Rlh I~IC ;s, - lc. '6' CHALLENGER@ . 2- Type II 3-Type III FP- Forward Throw Perimeter FA-Automotive Foward Throw 5 - TypeV Horizontal Burn CHH 3 - Type III FT - forward Throw 5-TypeV SMV Pulse-Star1 Metal Halide 250,320, 400, 750, 10001 Watt SMV - Super Metal Halide 400 Wan MH - Metal Halide 250, 400 Wall MHR - Metal Halide Reduced Envelope 1000 Watt HPS - High Pressure Sodium 250,400,7502 Wan 250 SMH - Super Metal Halide 400 250. 400 Wall 750 MH - Metal Halide 1000 250,400 Wall MHR - Metal Halide Reduced Envelope 1000 Wall HPS - High Pressure Sodium 250,400,7502 Wall EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER . t I I ,- Tri- Tap not available in 1000 Walt PSMV. Voltage must be specified -120V, 277V, or 347'1 2- When ordering 750 Walt Hign Pressure Sodium, voltage must be specified, 3- Use to matcn vertical appearance. 4- For international voltages, consult factory, 5- MT - Multi Tap is shipped standard unless otnerwise specified. Multi Tap consists of 120V, 208V, 240V, and 2T7V. Mulb Tap IS pre-wired lor highest voltage. Alternate voltages will require field re-wirlng, 1=' - F"1..l,. L,................. ('6'R'D- Bronze ""BLK - Black PLP- Platinum Plus BUF - Buff WHT - White GRN - Green GPT - Graphite F - Flat Clear Tempered Glass CT - Contoured Clear Impact-reSistant G lassJ MT PCR - Photoelectric Control Receptacle! QC - QUick Connect Package GR - Ground RelampingB LL - Less Lamp PLP 6- Tri-Tap is shipped standard for Canadian apohC<ltions, Tri-Tap conSists of 120V, 277V, and 347V. Tri- Tap is pre-wired for highest 'ioltage, Alternate VOltages Will require field re-wlring, 7- Factory installed PCR reqUires field wiring to pwoer voltage. On OC version, PCR is factory pre-wired to highest vOltage. Alternate '!"itages will require field re-wlrlng. 8 - Ground relamping oplion is available for CH\' on'/. Maximum tool length 15 ft. See below for Ground Lamp Changer. ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION (Accessones are freltlmstalled) Oescription PC120V - Photocell PC208V - Photocell PC24QV - Photocell PC277V - Photocell PC48QV - Photocell FK120V - Sino Ie fusino .. fK277V -Single fusing.... . DFK20B 240V" DOllble Fllsino DFK480V - Double FllsinQ FK347V - Single fusing HOUSE SIDE SHiELDS /-~._'~'_.~ ~---'-'~, !H]~W---- ----.... . ~, . ~~ TYPE II (143586BLK) .~j ,YI':I~ L~i INUI r:-; r fUl: ~', :rJr; Projecf Name Catalog' Order Number 122514 122515 122516 122517 1225180 FK120V fK277'L .. [)FK:?08 :?40V DfK480V fK347V Order Number 143586BLK+ 143587BLK+ 143587BLK+ 143587Bl K+ 141940CLR 123111 CLR Description CHH/CHV 2 HSS - External House Side Shield CHHfCHV 3 HSS - External House Side Shield CHHfCHV FA HSS - External House Side Shield CHHfCHV FP HSS - Fxternal House Sine Shieln RPPC - Round Pole Plate BKS.BO-WM-' -CLR Wall Mount Plate BKA-BO-EC-6-CLR ExtenSion Arm Reouirer1 1m multinle mOllllting 'm all 000 F. 1 ?()O':;Ql.ltiuuratiill1s RKII-RO-S-10-r.1 R Ilnsween Rrar.ket Ground Lamp Changer TTt~1~)i -- ." TYPE III ANO FORWARO THROW (FNFP) (143587BLK) 132678i' (250.320 WMtl 142862CLR 144191CLR 146018A ~OO StG. : 000 Wan '"ouced & 750 Watt HPS) .Slack only. I fixture Type kd,I'.,C'U.., OU,d'~I.r J: ;~"t;n( "S -:1- Lc,C\ ,_,,~'.m;>... CASCADE .>~~ ~~",J:~h__._ _._ . HOUSING AND ACCENT BAND - Housing and accent band are constructed from a galvanized coated steel that accepts paint withOut pretreatment and is used to achieve superior paint adhesion. WALL MOUNT - Ballast housing features a 112" conduit entry from the rear or a close nipple can be used off of a J-bOx. Mount ballast housing with two screw type fasfeners first and wire unit Housing and accent band are designed to slip over ballast housing and secured with the same fasteners used to secure baliast housing. Re-Iamping is achieved by loosening two screws and removing housing and accent band then removing four nuts securing refractor. GLOBE - Made of tempered soda lime glass with a ceramic-sprayed frosted interior. Tempering Improves thermal endurance and the ceramic spray diffuses light without compromising glass strength An EPDM gasket seals globe to housing. SOCKETS - Pulse-rated porcelain medium-base sockets LIGHT SOURCES - Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium Clear lamp is supplied as standard Photometric data is tested in accordance with IE$NA guidelines. BALLASTS - High-power factor type baliast is mounted to the housing reinforcing plate The ballast is designed for -200 F operation FINISHES - Each fixture is finished with LSl's DuraGriP@ polyester powder coat finishing process. The DuraGrip finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling, and is guaranteed for five full years. Standard colors include bronze. black. platinum plus buff, white. green, metallic silver. and graphite The accent band is available in bronze. black. platmum plus. buff. white green, metallic silver. and graphite. PHOTOMETRICS - Please visit our web site at www.lsi-industries.com for detailed photometric data C@U$ LISTED wet location TYPICAL APPLICATION ------------. --..---.......--- _BiRi!l!__Ci :lata_Ml._ _~il'IilC~r.l'am;i=IIIMtIll:SIiI:'Sf__ __ile$l~~~Il:l:l:~_. ___'!&i2!rr. 'i{;:, ~'!'';;:''-:$1''.:;t___ -.rI~~;,~X;:::::,;;;;..~==--_-.1 ---.. .'. ..~---_. ____lllr _____ --a r---- ----.--- l.rl. . ..-.... -.--=-.:= ___. .." ........:'ll____= ___. ,c..;. .:.;", ~';'F "":;"'.__ __E:C';:O:<:N:;,'r.;1~., ~:i:.'~'___. ___ eo;; ..~&:\tlr$ii~~___ __ll:of~~!il!iO: ~ lCR&'!I___ ____IlIBIIlit':!________ -----..-.----- ------------ ------------ ko,;"" l;t:"';nt:~ HoliJ~y fv1'''+''c.dl~ eN} _-'....IIII..,~ r ~_._---' DIMENSIONS i-- 1r 15" - 11T' Accent Band ,! l~ - -. --I , , :';;:0\:): I" ,I ,\\ ,I I\~""''''~ :::~/I I ~ ~ - t Housing __ / Globe .. ~- -:~ " III I, ::: ~ - ~ -:~ IBallasl IHousing 8" i , 14" BACK VIEW MOUNTING DETAIL I 15" , T-=r= _;;dh~ ____.11>_ - -" _._';:.o1it^~ 56" - .-~, r- '~',--. . ~ ;f~ 1$ I CIf}~?,~2rb~~~l Housing 112" Conduit Enlry Ballast Housing 1/4" Mounting Holes Typical (2) Catalog Number Est. Weighl (Ibs.) Length (in.) Width (in.) CASB 26 18.5 12 SHIPPING WEIGHTS. Cascade Height (in.) 14.S ;:):'0"1. \'\;" "iJ C 2005 LSIINDlJ5TRIEf.INC S3 - --10 CASCADE . MH" etal Halide 50, 70, 100 Watt HPS - High Pressure Sodium 50, 70, 100 Watt I BRZ BUF MH 120 70 EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER II I 1- 120V and 277V Standard - Consult factory for availability of otl1er voltages_ 2- Refers to housmg . . (, 2005 LSIINDUSTRIES INC ~";.I:~~..:~ :::;.~~t! ",;:":- :'i;l~ , :!!: ~ ~ ~ .... ~ BRZ - Bronze - Black PlP - Platinum Plus BUF - Buff WHT - White GRN - Green GPT - Graphite Bronze BlK - Black PlP - Platinum Plus BUF - Buff WHT - White GRN - Green GPT - Graphite MSV . Metallic Silver k..,,'it1r 1J~1or;"I:- ,53--"l \ (~) ENCORE@ FOCUS - DOUBLE OR SINGLE DECK APPLICATIONS HOUSING - Die-cast one-piece aluminum ensures durable weather-tight construction. Two threaded conduit openings allow through wiring. DOOR FRAME/DOOR FASTENER. Features an integral hinged, die-cast aluminum door with a powder coat finish, Door frame closes and locks with stainless steel spring catch. INSTAllATION - One-person installation, No additional sealant required. OPTICAL ASSEMBLY. The optical assembly directs light specifically to the areas you wish to light. It can be adjusted vertically plus or minus 6 degrees and horizontally 350 degrees to allow for proper aiming. LIGHT SOURCES. Ceramic Metal Halide PAR lamp, BAllASTS. High-power factor type HX-HPF ballast is designed for -20 degree F operation. Electrical components are serviceable from below. FINISH - Standard colors are white or bronze poWder coat finish. Each fixture is finished with lSl's DuraGnp~ polyester powder coat finishing process. The DuraGrip finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling, and is guaranteed for five full years. WARRANTY - The Encore carries a comprehensive 5-year warranty on all parts, finish, workmanship and electrical components (eXCluding lamp), PHOTOMETRICS - For detailed photometric data, contact LSI Petroleum Lighting Sales_ 0lS1 ANC( FRO" PU~P CENTER B I t~ \\.>, \'.':~ ...... ",'>~, \~~~\ \, \ \, \N \\ \""\ ......x + 6' -6. \\ '. \ I '. c@us LISTED wet location c.v'opy HEIGHT A 7' TYP, 1,~ ., s:: ,. '~i \ .I .. Shown with Optional Internal Louver Protected t:ty the following patents: D482,480 5.662.407 6.059,422 6.224,233 Patentado 199.294 CA2276077 CA2381 049 and Pal. Pend_ DIMENSIONS 15-3/4" , -1IZ"1 / r ,,.. ~/.~~ - 15-1(2" -----< 1- 12" ----1 17 NOTE: Encore cannot be mounted in a single skin canopy with 1 Z" deck pans. 12" LAMP LAYOUT FOR 25" FLOOD A B HORIZO"TAl DISTANCE FftOM C~TER VERTICAL OF DISP~SER TO CENTER OF FIXTURE Deck requires 12 opelllng HEIGHT OF With 2" raOius CornP.rs_ CANOPY l8- 5 ~. 6 8 7l" 8- 8 8 9 .ct" 10 16 -6 -6 -6 .6 .6 15112 -6 -6 .6 .6 15 -6 -6 N .6 .6 " I,? .6 .6 .6 .;; Il -6 -;, .6 '" P;ojecl N,lme o/icL",/ (l~,,+;c.c.(/~ , enta IOf! # Flllure lype ---..!J....._ ~:f- ~Id ENCORE@ FOCUS w DOUBLE OR SINGLE DECK APPLICATIONS . LUMINAIRE ORDERING INFORMATION _ Luminaire Lamp _ Line Luminalre lIrellx DIstribution Wattage Light Source lens Vollllge Finish WHT - White BRZ - Bronze 100 P38MH - PAR 38 Ceramic Melal Halide FO - Focus MT - Multi-lap 1 100 Watt n. In -Tap" 220v . SOH; r 100 P38MH FO MT WHT EC SP Spot EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER I. , IL. Internal Louver FOOTNOTES: 1- MT - Mulli lap is shipped standard unless otherwise SPecified. Mulli lap conSISts of 120V. 208V, 240V. and 277V Multi lap is pre-Wired for 277V Alternate voltages will require field re-wirlng. 2- lri.lap is shipped standard tor C-UL applicalton. Tri- Tap consIsts of 12QV. 277V. and 347V. Tri. Tap is pre-wired for 347V Alternate VOltages will require field re-wiring. ACCESSORY ORDERING INFORMATION (AcceSSOries are field mstalled) DescriptlDn TCKEC - Thin Canopy Kit for Encore Order Number 176008 OOM - DOUBLE DECK MOUNTING BRACKET (ORDER NUMBER 174806) . UPnJRNED FLANGE 181 SUPPORT WIRE HOLES ~R=F MOUNT 8RACKET 17 ~806 CEIUNG DOM - For use in covered areas (i.e. wafer proof plenum) where ceiling material will not SUDPOr1 the fixture or access is not available from above to utilize standard locklllg nng. . PrOject N"n1~ J Fixture Tvue Catalou . SORP - SINGLE DECK RETROFIT PANEL (ORDER NUMBER 1802921 RED8~~~ ............. PANEL AND OECK r~ F ~ /~~~ \" J "\.OECORATlVE PANEL '-. 180292 SORP - Single deck decorative retrofit panel facilitates conversions from 2x2 surtace mounted fixture to Encore. _., " :llrJ I :.II.IUII:'. :I.I~ tt:t =1:111: Itl :I.'II/IIIII~' .1\\ lrtl~:. ~I::I.(II; '_1:1 :lllllll/I:I:I :.."~rJ.l. ~ROOF rUPruRNED FLANGES "- OECORA T1VE PAN EL 177825 OORMP - Decoralive relroti1 panel is for use on double deck canopies only. Panel will structurally support the Encore while covering an opening up 10 600mm by 600mm. For use in cover8d areas only (Le water proof plenum). s~-_ '3 . . I I If 1. 3 ~ ~. it .... Pi iii i: N'" N I "If,,;, .Iill 1'- I t:a IE ~ -~~~ .. --f . S3 -Yfj 12'.2" BLOCKING PLACEMENT CIL ~I ~21.5"r- R iE----61" >I< 3~ - 1< - , . ~ ---". ... '11 -"" ~ ....,. "" ~ ~ t.,=. .-'--'0_'.'. t~' ~ ~~ tc--:=. r'~ I-.-'~ ~ c:;:::: I,~=' ~ c=:" . lf~~ "'-..'"~ '-'-. i'::==--:--.' I'-t~ ... ~ 7tJ --;ill CROSS SECTION. NOT TO SCALE )1 TYPICAL ELEVATION LID LIGHT FIXTURE TOP PANEL RETAINER FORMED A.B.S. FASCIA PANEL TREATED WOOD CHANNEL LETTER BLOCKING ANGLE IRON BLOCI<ING FRAME MID TRUSS STRINGER BOTTOM PANEL RETAINER BOTTOM PANEL FLASHING ALUMINUM CROWN MOLDING FORMED A.B.S. DENTIL ~ SIGN TYPE ADDITIONAL SPECS COLORS ~..' ..~.~. '.... :..'c- _. ,", .- , , ., '. " " ., '. ~ , . SINGLE FACE , . ILLUMINATED . WALL - FACIA SYSTEM: SEE ABOVE FOR DETAILS "1'lI' . DARK BRONZE . WENDY'S RED o COPPER ~ 3200 VALLEYVIEW DR. COLUMBUS, OHIO 4320~ E-MAIL SALES@CSCGROUP.NET 1(800)522-2934 (614)279-6700 FAX (614)270-752" ,DRWG.# 096484- 1 7bREV# DATE 7/99 SCALE 3/16": l' CUSTOMER APPROVAL DATE TITLE ~ 5_f-8" I "C'~:\1<*Wii,;':i1iI' .'.' '.. - ;, .. ..' ,', '~1!"J( .~~~~~~. "~*'4_ , . DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE MODEl WD1, 2, 3 =I P IT N - OLORS '. DOUBLE FACE :; ILLUMINATED - 10" SA ALUMINUM CABINET PAINTED DI<. BRONZE . .150" FLAT SOLAR GRADE POL YCARBON.ArE FACES WITH FLAT PAINTED GRAPHICS . FORMED AEl.S. POLE COVER :j Gr~OUND - )R\tvG,# 096484~ 16 REV# DATE 10/96 SCALE I" ; l' CUSTOMER APPROVAL DATE TITLE ~'1!it.i!)ir~lliIr4~W>:l;m3:1:.':':"),""'l'~"C",.t":r:."~,,.:......, "'. ~""". ..~,:,.., I] DARK BRONZE o WHITE B UNIQUE RED . BLACK o GOLDEN YELLOW !~~f$~~~.. E.' E""., ' ,;;:::p:=t":'~'T'rT' t!:ds:l!!:,i3,;L -Gfi1=fl,-j+-~~' ~'i.'-\..~'Pf'::' ~L-'t-i=f:.?:1'':':::.L 3200 VIILLEYVIEW DE. COLUM8US, OHIO t,320' E-MAIL SALES@CSCGROUP.NET 1(800)522-293~ (614)279.6700 FM: r(i1~)27,;-752S S--S - '6:> r ( "t CI ( S .. ""l c. ~ ~ J i ji . City Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . Exhibit Z; Conditions of Approval for Monticello Travel Center PUD/Preliminary Plat: 1. The applicant shall submit revised plans illustrating compliance with the final City Council approval, prior to final plat. 2. The Wendy's parking area must confirm at least a 5-foot setback from all lot lines. 3. Any parking within drainage and utility easements is constructed at the owners' risk. Parking areas that are damaged by the City in the event that access is needed to the underlying utilities will be replaced at the owner's cost. 4. The applicant shall verify plans for 5-foot sidewalks along the entire length of the sUbject site on the south side of Oakwood Drive and the west side of Cedar Street. 5. The applicant must submit plans showing the proposed locations and dimensions of any outdoor storage and/or sales. 6. The signage plans submitted for the October 4th, 2005 Planning Commission are approved as submitted. . . s~ -.c~3 . . . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 5L. Consideration to deny an amendment to the Zonin!! Ordinance relatine; to the re!!ulation of pylon sie;na!!e. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC/JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item at the October 4th meeting, and unanimously recommended denial of the amendment. The Commissioners indicated that it is most appropriate for the recent sign variance requests to be heard based on an individual basis versus amending the entire code. The Commission found that a great deal of time and effort had been spent crafting the current sign ordinance, especially in relationship to the number and size of pylons, which seems to work well in most circumstances. The City Council, in approving the variance for Denny Heckers' Kia pylon sign, requested that staff bring forward an amendment to address pylon signage for large properties along the interstate. Attached to this report is a draft amendment that would allow for pylon signs in these areas based on the amount of freeway frontage, rather than the number of street frontages. There are a few communities that regulate pylon signage in this manner, however these are part of a very small minority. This section was amended in 2001 to permit a second freestanding sign. This amendment would use 300 feet spacing as the standard along the freeway, rather than a fixed number of signs. The Council expressed concern that business owners along the freeway would not have adequate business exposure without such an amendment. The ordinance (Section 3-9 [E] 4.g.) would be amended as follows: (g) In the B-3 Zoning District only, certain parcels may be allowed to construct a scoond multiple freestanding sign~ on the property when the following conditions are complied with: i. The property directly abuts Interstate 94 and one other collector (or higher) status street. ii. The property in question is no less than two (2) acres in area. iii. The second No freestanding sign shall be located fl8 closer than three hundred (300) feet from the first nearest freestanding sign on the same property. iv. With the exception of the freeway frontage. Gonly one ofthe-twe freestanding signs may be located within any yard (front, rear, or side) of the property. This clause shall be interpreted to mean that each sign shall be required to have a separate local roadway as its primary exposure. v. Where two or more freestanding signs are allowed, the sign~ that fronts on the road~ which serves as the primary access shall be of a monument design, with a I \ \0- Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . maximum height often (10) feet and a maximum square footage of sixty (60) square feet. vi. Where two or more freestanding signs are allowed, the sign~ that fronts on the freeway exposure shall conform to the provisions of Section 3 [E] 4.( c) above. vii. This section shall not be applied to the calculations for signage when an applicant is seeking development design flexibility under the City's Planned Unit Development provisions. viii. Beth Each of the signs allowed under this subsection shall meet all other applicable provisions of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended denial of the amendment, 5-0. Decision 1: Zoning Amendment changing the number of pylon signs permitted on properties with freeway frontage. . 1. Motion to approve the amendment as submitted, based on findings to be made by the City Council. 2. Motion to deny the amendment as submitted, based on a finding that the current sign ordinance sets forth sign regulations consistent with the goals of the City of Monticello. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning staff is of the opinion that large buildings on large parcels have more than adequate opportunity to advertise their businesses without the proliferation of freestanding signage. Additional signage often adds only to visual clutter and obscuring of neighboring business exposure, rather than clearer messages to the public. . 2 \\Y --- Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . 5K. Consideration of a reQuest for a rezonin2; from PZM (Performance Zone Mixed) to B-3 (Hiehwav Business). Applicant: MMC Land Company. (NAC/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission held a public hearing regarding this request at its October regular meeting. After hearing testimony from neighboring single-family property owners and representatives from the adjacent A Glorius Church, the Commission unanimously recommended denial of the request. The Commission suggested that the applicant consider other land-use alternatives. One option would be to seek an ordinance amendment to allow specific types of B-3 uses within a PZM district. That option allows the Commission and Council to consider each type of proposed use on/within PZM districts. A second option the Commission indicated some support for was a new request to rezone only those parcels which front CSAH 75 or Hart Boulevard and are not contiguous to single-family neighborhoods or the church. Subsequent to the Commission's recommendation, the applicants have submitted a new request for rezoning which includes the 3 parcels not adjacent to the residential and church sites. That request will be considered by the Planning Commission on November 1 st. At this time, it is recommended that the Council deny this rezoning request, as recommended by the Commission. . The applicant is seeking approval of a rezoning from PZM to B-3 of property between County Highway 75 and County Highway 39. The property currently includes the O'Ryans gas/convenience store facility, and three other parcels. The purpose of each district is listed below: "PZ-MIXED USE ZONING DISTRICT": The purpose of the "PZ-Mixed Use Zoning District" is to provide a land use transition between high density residential land uses and low intensity business land uses, as well as the intermixing of each such land use. PURPOSE: The purpose of the "B-3," highway business, district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. In the following table, we have listed the potential land uses and compared each district to highlight how the rezoning might change the development of the area: . Type of Use PZM B-3 Barber/Beauty Permitted Permitted Governmental Buildings CUP CUP Multiple Familv Buildings CUP CUP Commercial Offices Permitted Permitted Convenience Grocery Permitted Permitted Laundromat CUP CUP 1 3L1 Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . Art/School Sup lies Bakery/Grocery/Ice Banks Candy/Ice Cream Camera/Electronics Dry Cleaning Dru Store Florist Gift/Novelty/Hobb HardwareIPaint Professional Offices Hoaital Locksmith/Glass Service Plumbing/Electrical Sales Shoe repair Jewel Gas/Convenience Club/Lodge - no food Restaurants Car Wash ~ihtin CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Permitted CUP CUP NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA CUP NA NA Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted NA Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted CUP Permitted Permitted CUP Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP IUP . This list is a summary of the uses in the two districts. Uses which are allowed in one, but prohibited in the other have been highlighted. There are a number of auto-related uses that are allowed in the B-3 District, but not in the PZM District. The most likely to be requested in the subject area would be Motel/Hotel and Fast Food. . There are some uses in the B-3 district that would likely be objectionable in the subject area, including auto body repair, trucking, outdoor storage, and outdoor go-karting. Automobile sales would also raise some concerns related to the highest and best use of this property. It would be helpful if the applicant would identify which of the B-3 District uses they wish to add 2 ~s Council Agenda - 10/24105 . to the potential occupants oftheir development property. It may be that a better approach would be to specifically add that use, with appropriate conditions, to the PZM District. In considering this request, staff would encourage the Commission to also provide direction for the entire PZM corridor in this area in terms of zoning. Recognizing that the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange will create a new factor in the land use requests for the area, and the influence of the Ryan retail development at Union Crossings, staff anticipates similar requests in this area in the future. It would be helpful if Commission could generally set boundaries or prescribe the acceptable limits of commercial development versus transitional of buffer zoning areas (PZM). B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended denial of this rezoning request. Decision 1: Rezoning from PZM to B-3 1. Motion to approve the rezoning, based on a finding that the most appropriate zoning for the area (due to highway proximity and traffic volumes) is the B-3 District. 2. Motion to deny the rezoning, based on a finding that the most appropriate zoning for the area (due to proximity of extensive residential uses) is the PZM District. . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As noted above, the applicants will be seeking approval of a new request for rezoning in November. That request eliminates from the proposed rezoning boundary that parcel directly adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Staff recommends denial ofthe rezoning. If there are specific uses that the applicant is seeking, a potential amendment to the PZM District might be more appropriate. The area was zoned PZM due to the extensive boundary with residential. There are a number of B-3 District uses that could conflict with the residential neighborhoods facing the area. An amendment incorporating specific uses into the PZM district could be designed to address specific issues raised by those uses without opening the area to objectionable land use conflicts. Staff also believes that if Commission is inclined to consider recommending rezoning on this site, it could consider rezoning only those parcels not directly adjacent to residential neighborhoods. D. SUPPORTING DATA . A. Site Plan B. Aria! Image C. PZM Zoning District Standards E. B-3 Zoning District Standards D. CSAH-18/1-94 Interchange Map 3 1$~ MMC Land Company Rezone Request . s~~ ~ l until such time as the applicant or City staffhas prepared the necessary studies. . 3. Surrounding Property Owners: Surrounding property owners shall be notified in writing of any proposed developments. Applicants shall be encouraged to meet with property owners prior to public hearings or whenever such a meeting will allow better involvement of neighbors in the review process. While complete consent of adjacent property owners shall not be mandatory for approval ofprojects developed under the PZ-Residential zoning, involvement with adjacent owners shall be encouraged through all steps within the approval process. 4. Submission Requirements, Amendments, and Special Requirements: (a) All applicants shall submit final building plans to the City prior to the granting of permits. No changes to the plans shall be permitted without consent from the City Council. All requirements as a condition of approval shall be addressed in the final developers agreement and indicated on all appropriate plans. City staff shall inspect the work during construction to assure that such plans are followed. . (b) The City Council may at its discretion place special requirements that will ensure the complete construction of all requirements. Such conditions may include performance bonds, time limitations for commencement of the work, and limitations on the hours of construction. (c) When areas are to be preserved by the developer, the City may require that such areas be fenced during construction to assure that equipment will not damage preservation areas. 10-6: PERFORMANCE ZONE-MIXED (PZM) PERMITTED USES: Only the following uses are permitted uses within a PZM district: "PZ-MIXED ZONING DISTRICT" [A] Those uses listed as permitted uses within the R-3 zoning district subject to the standards contained therein. [BJ Club or lodge without the serving of food or beverages. (#226, 6/8/92) [C] A permitted use shall be regulated and controlled by the terms, conditions, and provisions ofthis ordinance as they pertain to an R-3 district. . ] 0-7: PZM: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: Only the following uses are permitted MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/7 S~-?f1) . . . accessory uses within a PZM district. [A] Those uses listed as permitted accessory uses in the R-3 zoning district. [B] A permitted accessory use shall be regulated and controlled by the terms, conditions, and provisions ofthis ordinance as they pertain to an R-3 district. 10-8: PZM: CONDITIONAL USES: Only the following uses are conditional uses in a P ZM district. [A] Those uses listed as conditional uses in the R-3 zoning district and as regulated therein except as modified in this chapter. [B] Hospitals, medical offices and clinics, dental offices and clinics, professional offices and commercial (leased) offices (limited to appraisers, architects, attorneys, certified public accountants, clergymen, dentists, engineers, manufacturers representatives, physicians, real estate agents, and other similar uses which have no storage of merchandise and are service oriented with no retail sale of goods on the premises), and funeral homes and mortuaries provided that: 1. When abutting R-l, R-2, R-3, or PZR district, a buffer area with screening and landscaping in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], shall be erected. [C] Nursing homes and similar group housing, but not including hospitals, sanitariums, or similar institutions, provided that: 1. Side yards are double the minimum requirements established for this district and are screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 2. One (1) off-street loading space in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 6, of this ordinance is installed. [D] Parking facilities for adjacent commercial or multiple dwelling establishments provided that: 1. Screening of abutting residential uses and landscaping is provided in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. [E] Retail commercial activities as listed in Chapter 12, Section 2, of this ordinance, provided that: 1. Merchandise is sold at retail only. 2. The procedures outlined hereinafter are complied with in full. 3. Accessory production or processing activities provided that: MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/8 5~-~~ . . . a. The production activities are accessory to a permitted retail use in the PZM District. b. The building and site plan are designed to be compatible with architecture in the adjoining neighborhood. c. The production activity shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the gross floor area of the building. d. When abutting a residential district, a buffer area with screening and landscaping in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 (G) shall be erected. e. The site is served by a collector street with access that avoids mixing of residential traffic with truck traffic generated by production use. (#415,10/11/04) [F] Buildings combining residential and non-residential uses allowed in this district provided that: 1. Residential and non-residential uses shall not be contained on the same floor. 2. The procedures outlined hereinafter are complied with in full. [G] Senior citizen housing provided that: 1. Not more than ten (10) percent of the occupants may be persons sixty (60) years of age or under (spouse of a person over sixty (60) years of age or caretakers, etc.). ') Except for caretaker units, occupancy shall be limited to man and wife, blood relatives, or a single man or single woman. 3. To continue to qualify for the senior citizen housing classification, the owner or agent shall annually file with the City Administrator or the Building Inspector a certified copy of a monthly resume of occupants of such a multiple dwelling, listing the number of tenants by age and clearly identifying and setting forth the relationship of occupants sixty (60) years of age or under to qualified tenants or to the building. 4. One (1) off-street loading space in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 6, of this ordinance is installed. 5. Elevator service is provided to each floor level. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/9 -s ~ ~(\O . . . 6. Usable open space as defined in Chapter 2, Section 2, of this ordinance, at a minimum, is equal to twenty (20) percent of the gross lot area. 7. The site of the main entrance of the principal use is served or is located within four hundred (400) feet of regular transit service. 8. The site of the main entrance ofthe principal use is within four hundred (400) feet of commercial shopping development or adequate provision for access to such facilities is provided. [HJ Restaurants and private clubs and lodges serving food and beverages, provided that: 1. The proposed use complies with applicable screening and buffering standards in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2[GJ, of this ordinance. 2. Service of prepared food or alcoholic beverages shall be in compliance with all federal, state, and municipal regulations. 3. Offices of such use shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) percent of the gross floor area of the principal structurf(#318, 10/12/98) [1J Bed and breakfast facilities provided that: 1. Bed and breakfast operations shall be limited to residential structures existing prior to the date of this ordinance. 2. When abutting R-l, R-2, R-3, or PZR district, a buffer area with screening and landscaping shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 3. Adequate off-street parking and an access shall be provided in the form of one parking space per rental unit plus one space for each ten rental units and one space for each employee on each shift. 4. Food served on the premises may be served only to overnight guests of the bed and breakfast. 5. The owner, operator, or manager of the bed and breakfast shall reside on the premises. 6. Activities shall be limited to those customary to the operation of a bed and breakfast facility. Commercial use of the property for other activities not normally associated with the operation of a bed and breakfast such as wedding receptions, parties, etc., are not allowed under this conditional use permit. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/1 0 S~-~\ . . . 7. Material used for the parking area shall consist of dust and erosion resistant materials that will not cling to vehicle tires and track onto public streets. The materials used shall also be capable of supporting vehicular traffic. 8. Operation of the bed and breakfast facility shall comply with all state regulations governing such facilities. (#180,8/14/89) [J] Dry cleaning processing provided that: 1. Dry cleaning operation must meet all OSHA safety standards. 2. Dry cleaning operation shall be self-contained in terms of noise and fumes with no venting to outside of building. 3. Dry cleaning facility shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. 4. Screening of abutting residential uses and landscaping must be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of the zoning ordinance. 5. Voice amplifiers used in conjunction with drive- through process shall not be audible to adjoining residential areas. [K] Car wash activity provided that: I . The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 2. Magazining or stacking space is constructed to accommodate that number of vehicles which can be washed during a maximum thirty (30) minute period and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 3. At the boundaries of a residential district, a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], ohhis ordinance. 4. Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered. 5. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 6. The entire area other than occupied by the buildings or plantings shall be surfaced with material which will control dust and drainage which is subj ect to the approval of the City Engineer. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/11 SK-<{"d- . . 7. The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 8. All lighting shalI be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [HJ, of this ordinance. 9. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement, and shalI be subj ect to the approval of the City Engineer. 10. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. 11. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 12. The provisions of Chapter 22 ofthis ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. 13. Car wash facility shall have direct access to major thoroughfare via driveway or frontage road. ]4. Intermittent sounds produced by car wash operation such as the sound of a vacuum or warning signal shall not be audible to users of adjoining PZM or residential properties. (#181,9/11/89) [L] Radio antennas and other communication transmission devices provided they meet the following conditions: 1. Height: A ground-mounted communication device height shall not exceed 60 feet when fully extended. 2. Yards: The communication device shall not be located within a front yard setback, a required side yard, or any side yard abutting a street. Communication devices shall be located five (5) feet or more from rear lot lines and shall not be located within a utility easement. 3. Roofs: The communication device may be placed on the roof of any authorized structure on the premises. The height ofthe communication device shall not exceed 20 feet above the peak of the roof or roof line. 4. . Neighboring Property Impact: The communication device shall be so constructed and located that in the event it falls, it will not fall on adjoining property. The communication device may be set back from adjoining property at a distance that is less than the height of the communication device if a certified engineer certifies that the device as constructed will not fall on adjoining property. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1 0/12 5K -q3 . . . 5. Building Permits: A building permit shall be required for the installation of any communication device which requires a conditional use permit, or for any device which has a structural surface exposure of greater than nine (9) square feet. Building permit applications shall be accompanied by a site plan and structural components data for the communication device, including details of anchoring. The City Building Official must approve the plans before installation. 6. Color/Content: Communication devices shall be of a neutral color and shall not be painted with scenes or contain letters or messages which qualify as a sign. 7. Lightning Protection: Each communication device shall be grounded to protect against natural lightning strikes in conformance with the applicable state and local codes. 8. Electrical Code: Communication device electrical equipment and connection shall be designed and installed in conformance with the applicable state and local codes. 9. Use or the physical presence of the communication transmission device shall not interfere with the operation of electronic equipment, including televisions, radios, computers, etc. (#224,4/13/92) [M] Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health, safety, and general welfare of the community provided that: 1. Conformity with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained, and required setbacks and side yard requirements are met. 2. Adequate screening from neighboring uses and landscaping is provided in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 2, ofthis ordinance. 3. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. 4. The facility must have direct access to county or city state aid highway. (#225, 6/8/92) 10~9: APARTMENT DENSITY BONUS: When multiple family structures often (10) units or more are approved, a maximum of ten (10) percent reduction in the lot area per unit as regulated in Chapter 3, Section 4, may be allowed. The reduction in lot area shall be determined based upon the following table: Condition to Earn Bonus Lot Area Reduction (per unit) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/13 c)~ ~q'-\ . . . 1. Type two (2) construction. 100 sf. 2. Elevator serving each floor. 50 sf. 3. Transit service available within three hundred (300) feet of entrance. 50 sf. 4. Two-thirds (2/3) of the required fee, free parking underground or within principal structure (not including attached or detached garages). 150 sf. 5. Indoor recreation and social rooms equal to twenty-five (25) square feet per unit or seven hundred fifty (750) square feet total, whichever is greater. 50 sf. 6. Major outdoor recreation facilities such as swimming pools, tennis courts, or similar facilities requiring a substantial investment equaling at minimum five (5) percent of the construction cost of the principal structure. 20 sf. 10-10: FINDINGS OF FACT: Prior to granting of a conditional use permit, the City Planning Commission and City Council shall make the following findings of fact. In the event that the applicant shall submit insufficient materials for the City to make informed findings of fact, the City staff and Planning Commission shall request additional information pursuant to Chapter 22 of this ordinance. 1. The proposed project is consistent with the spirit and intent ofthe Monticello Comprehensive Plan goals and policies and in keeping with the intent of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 2. The proposed project is consistent with the purpose of the performance zoning ordinance as outlined in Section 1 of this chapter. 3. The proposed project will not have any adverse impacts as outlined in Chapter 22 of this ordinance. 4. The proposed project shall meet minimum screening and landscaping requirements as outlined in Chapter 3, Section 2 [G]. 5. The proposed project shall provide adequate parking pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 5, of this ordinance and off-street loading pursuant to Chapter 3, Section 6, of this ordinance. 6. The proposed project shall provide a wider range of housing types, price ranges, and styles within the community. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 10/14 s ~ -Ci S 7. The proposed project will provide amenities and facilities and open spaces greater than the minimum requirements under alternative zonmg. 8. The proposed project shall in no way be detrimental to the environment. Scenic aspects and natural features such as streams, trees, topography, and geological features shall be protected and preserved to the greatest extent possible. . 9. The proposed project shall not impose any undue burden upon the public services and facilities such as fire, police, schools, streets, water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer. 10. The proposed project is designed in such a manner to form a desirable and unified environment within its own boundaries, and also which will not be detrimental to future land uses in the surrounding areas. Architecture and site treatments shall be compatible with adjacent structures and site plans and shall respect the privacy of neighboring homes and/or businesses. 11. Findings of fact submitted by the Planning Commission to the City Council shall address additional requirements necessary to make the proj ect in compliance with this chapter in all areas where the Planning Commission feels the proposed project is lacking. . 10-11 : STANDARDS: Except as specifically provided herein, there shall be no fixed standards for conditional uses within the mixed performance zoning district. In their review, the City shall take into account standards that are contained in other sections of this ordinance that most closely resemble those that would apply to a similar use if it were proposed in a district other than the performance zone. 10-12: PROJECT REVIEW PROCESS: The following are guidelines for reviewing projects within the PZ~Mixed zoning district. Procedures for the review of such proposals shall be as outlined in the PUD section of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. The City staff and Planning Commission shall review the project and give recommendations so as to permit the City Council to make informed findings of fact as outlined above. Variance from these guidelines may be permitted when site specific conditions and specific proposal elements show that a strict interpretation of the guidelines will either place undue hardship on the developer or will be detrimental to adjacent properties. In no case shall standards be reduced so that the findings of fact outlined above cannot be achieved, AND in no case shall the guidelines prevent the City from requiring greater standards when specific conditions outlined in above must be satisfied. 1. Setback Guidelines (a) Setback requirements shall be based upon the zoning requirements of the district for which the project would be zoned if conventional zoning was applied as described in Chapter 3, Section 3, of this ordinance. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1 0/15 '; \<\ - q \D . SECTION: C flAPTER 13 "B-3" 1-IIGJ-IW ^ Y BUSINESS DISTRICT 13-1: Purpose 13-2: Permitted Uses 13 -3: Perm itted Accessory lJ ses 13-4: Conditional Uses 13-5: Interim Uses 13-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the "B-3." highway business, district is to provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. 13-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in a "B-3" district: [A] [8] reI . [DJ lEJ All permitted lIses as allowed in a B-1 and B-2 district. Alita accessory store. Commercial recreational uses. Motels. motor motels, and hotels provideclthat the lot area contains not less than five hundred (500) square reet of lot an::a per unit. Restaurants. cafes. tea rooms. taverns. and off-sale I iq lIOr. provided that the use is not located within 300 ft of a residential zonc. (#258,09/26/94) [F] Private clubs or lodges serving food and beverages with use being restricted to members and their guests. Adequate dining room. kitchen, and bar space must be provided according to standards imposed upon similar unrestricted customer operations. The serving of alcoholic beverages to members and their guests shall be allowed. providing that such service is in compliance with applicable federal, state. and municipal regulations. Offices of sllch use shall be limited to no more than twenty (20) percent of the gross noor area of the building. IG] Taxi terminals. stand. and oftices. [H] Small printing or publishing: business employing six (6) or less persons. . f\.10NTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/1 St -~ 7 . . . 13~3: PERMITTED ACCESSOR Y USES; The following arc permitted accessory uses in a "B-3" district: r A] All permitted ilccessory uscs as allowed in a "B-2," limited husiness. district. r8] Adult Usc/ Accessory (#217.0]/13/92) 13-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a "B_3" district: (Requires ~l conditional use permit h:lscd upon procedures sct forth in and regula-tee! by ChClpter 22 of this ordinance.) [A] Drive-in and conwnience food establishments provided that: 1. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting intluence within a reasonable distance of lot. 2, At the houndaries or a residential district. a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall he landscaped and screened in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Sectinn 2 leiJ, orthis ordinance. ., J. Each light standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or covered. 4. Parking areas shilll he screened rrom view o['aoutting residential districts in cPlllplianel' \vith Chapter 3. Section 21G], of this ordinance. 5. Parking ,11'e<lS and driveways shall be curbed with continuous curb not less Ih:lI1 si\ (C)) inches high ahove the parking lot or dri\"t~\\'ay grade. 6, Vehicular access points shall be limited. shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movements. shall comply \vith Chapter 3. Section .5, of this ordinance. and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not \'isiblc rwm the public right-oC-way or from an abutting residence and shall bl' in elll11pliancl' \vith Chapter 3. Section 2 [HJ. of this ordinance. 8, The l'ntire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the appnnall)f the City Engineer. 9, The l'ntire area other than that occupied hy buildings or structure or plantings shall be surLlced with a material \vhich will control dust and drain:lge and \\'hich is subject to the approval oCthe City Engineer. J\,IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINA.NCE 13/2 S~ ,- C~.tl . . . 10. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in cumpliance vy'ith Chapter 3, Section 9. of this ordinance. II. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisjacturily met. lBI CAR WASHES (DRIVE THROUGH, MECHANICAL. AND SELF- SERVICE) PROVIDED THAT: I. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. 2. Magazining or stacking space is constructed to accommodate that number of vehicles which can be washed during a maximum thirty (30) minute period and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 3. At the boundaries of a residential district. a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compl iance with Chapter 3. Section:2 I CiJ. of this ordinance. 4 Each I ight standard island and all islands in the parking lot landscaped or co\'cred. 5. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with ChJpter 3. Section :2 lelJ. or this ordinance. 6_ The entire area other than occupied hy the buildings or plantings shall be surfaced with material vvhich \vill control dust and drainage vvhich is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. The entire area shall have a drainage system vvhich is subject to the approval or the City Engineer. 8, All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not \'isiblc from the public right-or-way or lJ"om an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance, 9. Vehicular access points shall be limited. shall create a minimum of conflict \\ith through traffic mO\'('mcnt and shall he subject to the approval of the City Engineer. ]0. All ~igning and informntional or visual communication devices sha\] be in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDIN..\\:CE 13/3 S\(- ~}- . . . 11. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 12. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [C] MOTOR FUEL STATION. MOTOR FUEL STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE. AUTO REPAIR-MINOR, AND TIRE AND BATTERY STORES AND SER VICE PROVIDED THAT: 1. Regardless of whether the dispensing, sale, or offering for sale of motor fuels and/or oil incidental to the conduct of the use or business, the standards and requirements imposed by this ordinance for motor fuel stations shall apply. These standards and requirements are, however. in addition to other requirements which are imposed for other lIses of the property. 2. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in propeliy values or constitute" blighting influence within a reasonable distance of the lot. .., ~. The entire site other than that taken up by a building. structure. or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage \vhich is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. A minimum Jot area oftwenty-t\vO thousand live hundred (22.500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (] 50) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. 5. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 6. A curb not less than six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right-or-way and shall be in compliance \vith Chapter 3, Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance. 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed, pump islands shall be installed. 9. At the boundaries of a residential district a strip of not less than five (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance \vi th Chapter 3. Section 7 [G]. of this ordinance. I\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/4 ~~- t~~ . . . 10. Each light standard landscaped. 11. Parking or cur magazine storage space shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], ur this onlinanct. 12. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement. shall comply with Chapter 3, Section 5, of this ordinance. and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 13. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 9, of this ordinance. 14. Provisions are made to control and reduce noise. 15. No oLltside storage except as allowed in compliance with Chapter 13, Section 4, of this ordinance. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mentioned in Chapter 13, Section 4, be subject to a conditional use permit and be in compliance with Chapter 13, Section 4 [F], of this ordinance. 17. All conditions pertaini ng to a specific site are subject to change when the Council, upon investigation in relation to a formal request. finds that the general welfare and public betterment can be served as "veil or better by modifying the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are con sidered and satisbctorily met. [DJ New and llsed automobile/light truck sales and display provided that: 1. The minimum building size for any auto sales use shall comply with the following standards: Parcel Size Lot Coverage Percent* IVIinimum Building Size* Up to 2 acres 5% 2.500 square feet More than 2 acres to 4 acres 1 o (Yo 10.000 square feet More than 4 acres 15% 40,000 square feet *Whichever requires the larger building. (#351,8114/00) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/5 S~-lO , . . . 2. Outsidl.: saks and display areas are fenced or screened from view of neighboring residential uses or an abutting "R" district in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G'J. of this ordinance. 3. Alllighling shall be huuJ-:J anJ su JireclcJ lhallhc lighl suun:l: shall nut be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences, and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance. 4. The outside sales and display area shall he hard surfaced. 5. The outside sales and display area does not utilize parking spaces which are required for conformance with this ordinance. 6. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement shall comply with Chapter 3. Section 5, of this ordinance. and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. There is a minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22.500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by unl.: hundri.:d thirty (130) feet. 8. A drainage systl.:m subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be instalkd. 9. All signing shall he in compliance 'vvith Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinancl.:. 10. ThL' f'Jro\isinns or Chaptl.:r 22 or this ordinance arc considered and satisl:lCtoril\' met. [EI Open and outdoor storage as a principal or accessory ust' prov ided that: 1. Tht' area is knced and screened from view' of neighboring residential uses or if abutting an "R" district in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. or this ordinance. ') Storage is screened frol11 view from the public right-of-\\ay in compliance \\ith Chclptl.:r ~. Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance, 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4 :-\11 lighting shall he hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be ,'isible from the right~of-way or from neighhoring residences and shall he in I.:ompliance \vith Chapter 3, Section :2 [H]. of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/6 S \:--- toR . . . 5. Does not take LIP parking space as required for confomlity to this ordinance. 6. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and salj",LIClUril) Illd. I F] Open or outdoor service, sale, and rental as a principal or accessory use and including sales in or from motorized vehicles. trailers, or wagons provided that: ]. Outside services. sales and equipment rental connected with the principal uses is limited to thirty (30) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use. This percentage Illay be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. ') Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from view of neighboring residential uses or abutting "R" district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall he in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [HI- of this ordinance. -t. Sales area is grassed or surbced to control dust. ). Does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this ordinance. 6. .rhe provisions or Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satist~1Ctorily met. IG I Accessory. enclosed retail. rental. or service activity other thal1 that allowed as a permitted use or conditional use within this section provided that: I. Such use is allowed as a permitted use in a "B-1" 01'''8-2'' district. ') Such use does not constitute more than thirty (30) percent of the lot area and not more than fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area of the principal use. .3. Adequate orf-stred parking and off--street loading in compliance with the requirements of Chapter J. Sections 5 and 6, of this ordinance is provided. -t. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance 'vvith Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONI\iG ORDINANCE 13/7 S\:~l(J 3 . . . 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisbctori I y met. [HJ Shopping Center. [IJ Animal Pet Clinics. I. Annual inspection by City's health officer at owner's expense. 2. All pets must be leashed. 3. Treatment to be limited to household pets. [J] Pet hospitals with the following condition: 1. No outside pens or kennels. 2. Annual inspection by City Health Officer at owner's expense. 3. All animals Illust be leashed. 4. Treatment \vouldlx: limited to small domesticated animals. 5. No outside storage or carcasses. (#.:164.9/10101) [KJ Commercial storage contained entirely \V'ithin a building. [LJ Commercial planned unit development as regulated by Chapkr::W of this ordinance. 1M] Consignment auction sales and/or auction sales. 1. The architectural appearance and function plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonable distance or the lot. / At the boundaries of residential districts, a strip of not less than 5 feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with Chapter 3. Section :2 [GJ. of this ordinance. 3. Any light standard islands and all islands in the parking lot shall be landscaped or co\'ered. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/8 s~~ tD_tf . . . 4. Parking an.:as shall be screened li'om view of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 5 [G], of this ordinance. 5. Parking areas and driveways shall comply with Chapter 3. Section 5 [OJ. 6. Vehicular access points shall be limited, shall create a minimum of conflict through traffic movements. shall comply with Chapter 3. Section 5, of this ordinance. and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from an abutting residence and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [Hj. or this ordinance. 8. The entire area shall have a drainage system which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 9. All signing and information or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 9. 10. The provisions of Chaptcr 22 of this ordinance arc cnnsidcrcd and sJ.tisfactorilv met. II. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council. upon investigation in relation to a formal request. finds that the general vvclfare and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. 12. Outside sales areas arc fenced or screened from view ofneighboring residential L1ses or ahutting residential districts in compliance \\ith Chapter J. Section 2 [Gj. of this ordinance. 13. Outside sail's connected with the principal use is lill1it~d to 30(% of the gross noor area of the principal building. This percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. 14. Outside sales may not take up parking space as required for conformity to the ordinance requirement. 15. No pcts or livestock may be sold J.t this auction sales f~]Cjlity. 16. Provisions Illust be made to control and reduce noise \vhen adjacent to a residcntial zoning district. 17. AI! outside storage shall be effectively screened from public view in accordance v\ith Chapter J. Section 2 [G]. and limited to 10% of the gross nonr area of thc principal LIse building. i\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE lJ/9 ~~. _ \05 . . . [NJ Outdoor go-kar1 tracks provided that: I. The proposed LIse must meet all conditions of Chapter 3. Section 4 [A]. 2. Th~ cunditiullLlI us~ p~rmit "ill be rc'iie\\ ed yearly to ddcrminc \'ihelhcr . not it is compatible with neighboring properties and in conformance with conditions of the conditional use. 3. A solid wood, six-foot high fence must be pm1 of the screening required when the adjacent property is residential. 4. For dust and noise (70DB at residential property line) must be controlled at all times to the satisfaction of the City. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [0] . Day-care centers provided that: I. No overnight bcilities arc provided for children served and that said children are delivered and removed daily. 2. An outdoor recreational j~lcility shall be appropriately separated from the parking lot and driving areas by a \yood fence not less than 4 fed in heighl or Council approved substitute. and shall be located continuous to the day-care f~lCility, and shall not be located in any yard abutting a major thoroughfare, and shall not have an impervious surbee for more than one- hal r of the playground area. and shall extend at least 60 feet from the wall of the building or to an adjacent property line. whichever is less, or shall be bound on not more than two sides by parking and driving areas. A minimulll size of the outside recreational facility shall be 2,000 sq. f1., or in the alternative 75 sq. ft. per child at licensed capacity, whichever is the greater figure. 3. The regulations and conditions of the Minnesota Department ofHulllan Ser\'ices and Department of Health, Public Welfare Manual 11-31-30 as adopted, amended, and/or changed, are satisfactorily met. 4. A written indication of preliminary. pending, or final license approval from the regulatory agencies is supplied to the City of Monticello. (# 152, 9/22/86) [P] Auto hody shop repair provided that: I. Door opening to service area garage must not face street frontage. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 13/1 0 S ~-LO It, . . . 2. Vehiclc storage area limited to 50% of floor space of the structure housing the auto body shop. 3. All vehicles being serviced and all vehicle parts must be stored inside or in vehick storage area. 4. Vehicle storage area shall bc enclosed by enclosure intended to screen the view of vehicles in storage from the outside. Enclosure shall consist of a six-foot hi~h. 100% opaque fence designed to blend \vith the auto body shop structure and consisting of materials treated to resist discoloration. 5. The floor of the vehicle storage area shall consist of asphalt or concrete pavmg. 6. No work on vehicles or vehicle parts shall be conducted outside the confines of the auto body shop. 7. The advertising wall facing the public right-of-way shall consist of no more than 50% metal material. 8. The secondary or non-advertising wall facing a public right-of-way shall utilize a combination of colors or materials that serve to break up the monotony of a single color nat surt~lCe. 9. The development shall conform to minimum parking and landscaping requirements of the zoning ordinance. 10. No conditional use permit shall he granted for an auto body shop w-ithin 600 reet of n residential or PZM zone existing at the time the conditional use permit is granted. (#175.4/14/89) [Q] Restaurants. caCes. tea rooms. taverns. and off-sale liquor located within 300 ft of a residential zone provided that: ]. Primary access must not he through residential street(s). (#258,9/26/94) [R] Governmental and public utility buildings and structures necessary for the health. safety. and general welfare of the community provided that: ]. Conformity \vith the surrounding neighborhood is maintained and required setbacks and side yard requirements are met. 2. Adequate screening from neighboring uses and landscaping is provided in accordnnce \\'ith Chapter 3. Section 2. of this ordinnnce. IVIONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1 " ". I S'K - La "7 . en +-' C Q) E Q) > 0 L.;.. a. E L- Q) ..c +-' 0 "'C C . <( Q) 0) c ro ..c 0 L- Q) +-' C co ~ I <( en () --- ~ (j) I . ~ :;-~ ii ,e " ~ ; ~ ~ " JtHl~i j f f f f f n Dmm~~QIJ Ii. ~ ,I ~ In "6 ., ] ~ h j i · ! li Ie' ~ l' '" j nUi~ ',,"', i B a II " --- ~:l :3 .. lId N . ' I I 5j ;: !j i I ~ ~ Ii!! ~ ~ lrj! ~ .. J!i i! ~ ~ . SK:.- 108'" . ~, => -c, .... ~ :::> ::> = "" ~ ,.., ~ ...' "'" <l: ~, =i: m ;;1::' ~: ::cl: g, ... ~ :z: 0: 0' !i( ~ <0(, ~ ~ '=l: ::> Z' ... =t ::c :Ii' . !$' ~ iltI; ...... z: ~: hi: Q "'", 0 %: 9 !14: ~ :l'~~:~ ~: i ...' t>::., <o(j ;' -, ... -, :11:' :!:: -- =l- '" '" - ~~---~ ,.~-- ~ : .. ,u :z: f I g " i2 ~ ,)i u 'll "'" ... ~ .... ~ ,~ 2 11 u . ~ st- {01 Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . 5L. Consideration to deny an amendment to the Zonine Ordinance relatine to the reeulation of pylon sienaee. Applicant: City of Monticello. (NAC/JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this item at the October 4th meeting, and unanimously recommended denial of the amendment. The Commissioners indicated that it is most appropriate for the recent sign variance requests to be heard based on an individual basis versus amending the entire code. The Commission found that a great deal of time and effort had been spent crafting the current sign ordinance, especially in relationship to the number and size of pylons, which seems to work well in most circumstances. The City Council, in approving the variance for Denny Heckers' Kia pylon sign, requested that staff bring forward an amendment to address pylon signage for large properties along the interstate. Attached to this report is a draft amendment that would allow for pylon signs in these areas based on the amount of freeway frontage, rather than the number of street frontages. There are a few communities that regulate pylon signage in this manner, however these are part of a very small minority. This section was amended in 2001 to permit a second freestanding sign. This amendment would use 300 feet spacing as the standard along the freeway, rather than a fixed number of signs. The Council expressed concern that business owners along the freeway would not have adequate business exposure without such an amendment. . The ordinance (Section 3-9 [E] 4.g.) would be amended as follows: (g) In the B-3 Zoning District only, certain parcels may be allowed to construct a second multiple freestanding sign~ on the property when the following conditions are complied with: i. The property directly abuts lnterstate 94 and one other collector (or higher) status street. ii. The property in question is no less than two (2) acres in area. iii. The second No freestanding sign shall be located Be closer than three hundred (300) feet from the first nearest freestanding sign on the same property. iv. With the exception of the freeway frontage, gonly one ofthe4we freestanding signs may be located within any yard (front, rear, or side) of the property. This clause shall be interpreted to mean that each sign shall be required to have a separate local roadway as its primary exposure. . v. Where two or more freestanding signs are allowed, the sign~ that fronts- on the road~ which serves- as the primary access shall be of a monument design, with a 1 \ \0- Council Agenda - 10/24/05 . maximum height of ten (l 0) feet and a maximum square footage of sixty (60) square feet. vi. Where two or more freestanding signs are allowed, the sign~ that fronts on the freeway exposure shall conform to the provisions of Section 3 [E] 4.( c) above. vii. This section shall not be applied to the calculations for signage when an applicant is seeking development design flexibility under the City's Planned Unit Development provisions. viii. Beth Each of the signs allowed under this subsection shall meet all other applicable provisions of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission recommended denial of the amendment, 5-0. Decision 1: Zoning Amendment changing the number of pylon signs permitted on properties with freeway frontage. . 1. Motion to approve the amendment as submitted, based on findings to be made by the City CounciL 2. Motion to deny the amendment as submitted, based on a finding that the current sign ordinance sets forth sign regulations consistent with the goals ofthe City of Monticello. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Planning staff is of the opinion that large buildings on large parcels have more than adequate opportunity to advertise their businesses without the proliferation of freestanding signage. Additional signage often adds only to visual clutter and obscuring of neighboring business exposure, rather than clearer messages to the public. '. 2 \ \ ~ ...-' . - ....~.".. . Council Agenda - 1 0/24/05 SM. Consideration of a request for Final Plat of Blue Chip Development. Applicant: Blue Chip Development. (NAC/ AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat and development stage PUD request at their September 6th meeting, unanimously recommending approval. The City Council is now asked to act on the final plat. The plat request will alter the current lot line splitting the property from two parcels into three parcels. The proposed development is expected to meet the general standards of the 1-2 District. Setbacks illustrated for the proposed uses were shown to be consistent with the existing setbacks ofthe adjacent properties and are compatible with the general design criteria of the 1-2 District. It should be noted that due to the placement of the lot line so close to the building on Lot 1, Block 1 and this plat's status as a POD, the standard 6' interior lot line drainage and utility easement will not be required as part of the final plat. The required 12' perimeter easements have been provided, as has an interior easement for the common drive. It was noted at the time of preliminary plat, proof of cross easements for parking and access will be needed to ensure that the parking plan will work as provided, given the number and arrangement of businesses on site. The new building and building area will be subject to the standard trunk and building permit fees. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Final Plat 1. Motion to approve a Final Plat for Blue Chip Development, contingent upon the conditions associated with the preliminary plat approval made by the City Council on August 12,2005. 2. Motion to deny the Final Plat for Blue Chip Development based up on the findings to be determined by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the final plat. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Final and Preliminary Plat I .\ \ ca ~ ~L I~:I ;:;: ~ !~~~ I r~ lidi i i i i Ii;", ~ II .1 ~ I I . / \1 . I III "/\i'; (\....~"--.---.____.~.J--/ (\ \ I~ IlI//t a'. JUfXJII -- " '" i I. ; f r---- ~ i i-r- ~ -- ~i---t--\ J("'ulp-~_- .L--~It'; Ii/fit , .... ............ ... x~--t ----:--;;;;~t;;;-~7-:-h II; IV I liT . · i I " 1 · 1 I I, . I I { ~ . -_./' -lNJU5rJ AIIUlI"", ,j i . _ t 'ii i / -- I ' ) I '~.Iyt\llld ." "')>~....,~ /-. R i~ i '" ( \ I II!.I I, .....'.. -:It ~ i -i ~', I \~! all; II r I ,.. · f~: ~ J'; " i i - '\ Ii j I.! - H II, · .j ...., '..". ~ t..3 .~ , i \ \ I II ,i I II !::: "' ~ - ~~ ~ : i . 'l;~- i!i "'ti~ lli ~d~~ IH8~~! ~ .. !! ~ ~ II ~~ ~ IIU ~ !!! ~ ~I-I " II 8 1~1 ~l!' I~!~ ~~-~ -=+i - I I 'I j'. ~I "II. 1,1 II .. " ~II I 'I . I, b II ~ ~ i ~ I ~i 8~ . &~~ ~~~ it ~ ~ ~ .. 3.' Cj ~I ~ ~ ii i . ~ ;~ ~ ~~ . ~b I ~ ~~ I~ ~ ~~~ al ~ '''!;;~ II~! I.~~ ...~~ I:; .... ~u a ~: . .. i e I ~ ., ~~ ....,; ~~ ~~ a~ !r .. ~~ i~~ WI ~ rs ~ i :l " . i I .. I ~ <> ~ ~ ; s ~ ~ lib II! I~ .~ J .., is:' I a i:: I:l!j .. ~ !~., ~1I ij ~~ ij iii '~I-' 12.~ III iiI I ;~ r~~ i~~ ~J ~l~ l!l!;Ot ~~s il'li. n~ CI'i~:'; lit;: ~~t ~;;t 1;:'~ ~i~ ;:~ ~li;c . . . Council Agenda - lO/24/05 50. Consideration to approve the final plat and development ae:reement for Carlisle Villa2;e 3rd Addition. (JO/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider approving the rezoning and final plat of Carlisle Village 3rd Addition. Carlisle Village 3rd Addition is an R-2A single-family residential development consisting of9 units along the 85th Street NE cul-de-sac. The development area is a Planned Unit Development governed by standards identified in the zoning ordinance and in previous project approvals. The developer has previously received approval for development of the 1 st and 4th Addition and the replatted 2nd Addition of this project. The developer is in the process of completing items required by the terms of the development agreement for both of those projects. The rezoning of this phase of development will occur in December, after the required public hearing. The proposed development ofthis plat is in accordance with the Planning Commission's recommendation on the zoning districts for the Planned Unit Development. The utility and grading work for this phase was completed with work in the 1 st Addition. The developer is seeking approval for a final plat for this 9 lot area to allow curb and street to be completed this fall. As Council may be aware, the developer has been sent notice to correct existing erosion control issues within the development. The developer has been working with their consulting engineer and on-site contractors to correct erosion control issues. These remedy measures include regrading along the trail to eliminate flooding and the removal of a berm between ponding areas to allow proper drainage within the development. City staff have been informed that these items will be completed by October 28th. The developer has also been asked, and will be required to remedy, the turn lane area disturbed on County Road. 39. The developer will not receive building permits, per ordinance and development agreement standards, until street construction is complete for this phase and all proper erosion control measures are in place. Attached you will find an analysis that summarizes the finance plan supporting the development. You will note that utility fees associated with City costs to serve the area amount $51,431.24. This amount includes a special assessment for the Little Mountain Booster Station and Meadow Oaks Bypass projects Fees placed on deposit by the developer to cover city expenses relating to City Administrative overhead, erosion control, legal fees, planning fees and engineering and inspection amount to $8,726.87. Total construction costs to prepare the 9 unit development amount to $35,559.75, as grading and utility work has been completed. A letter of credit in the amount of $44,449.69 will be provided as surety, which the City can draw on to complete the project in the event of default. As the project proceeds through construction, at the request of the developer, the city allows reductions in the letter of credit. The City will retain at least $40,004.72 until the project is deemed accepted by the City, at which time the city will release the funds and accept a warranty bond. \\'-\ . . . Council Agenda - 10/24105 An additional letter of credit is required to guarantee required planting of boulevard trees and to assure compliance with rear yard sodding in ponding areas. The developer will also be required to provide a $7,980.00 letter of credit maintenance of erosion control measures. These letters of credit can be reduced with the approval of the City Engineer. A full copy of the draft development agreement is available upon request. This agreement and associated securities must be in place prior placement of signatures on the plat. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Carlisle Village 3rd Addition final plat, subject to the conditions for building permit and erosion control as noted in the staff report, and to approve the Carlisle Village 3rd Addition development agreement. Motion to deny approval of Carlisle Village 3rd Addition final plat and development agreement for reasons to be determin. ed by. the City Council. _ rZ~' . A _ -,- '. I) . '"{)I\ \ ~+\ " tv -----rt: ~ \.} I -~ u4 (/ 11 <ft-<-"}/ <' ~ "1~ uLhf -' '\C-- I ~ru't1~-/\..---) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . '. ~I'l I dOl' IJ () I\..J (l/ t'''Co''- ( ~ ~ Staff recommends alternative 1 above, contingent on the requirement that work must be in process to correct noted erosion control issues, and the additional notation that no building permits will be issued until curbing and one lift of asphalt is installed on all private streets, and development and individual lot erosion control measures are in place. 2. C. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Carlisle Village 3rdAddition Finance Plan Carlisle Village 3rdAddition Final Plat \ \S CARLISLE VILLAGE 3rd ADDITION SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN 3of5phaiii'eS V4 18.0ct.05 Total Acres in Development .' Acres in Phase I Units in Development 78 gross net 2.66 gross 2.32 net 231 Total Units in Phase Single Family Townhome 9 Single Family o Townhome Park Dedication Provided Park Dedication Required Park Dedication Deficiency Park Dedication Deficiency as a percent of total Prevailing Park Dedication Net Park Park Dedication Required per Unit Total Park Dedication Required Pathway o 1.87 Land dedication based on density (formula below) 1 acre per 75 persons 2.5 multi family, 3.5 single family x unit count Divide by 75 for acreage required. $1,500 9 $13,500.00 $248 9 $2,23200 Special Assessments Little Mountain Booster Statio Meadow Oaks Bypas $6,370.70 Increased 4% for inflation from $2303 $5,179.02 Increased 4% for inflation from $1872 $5,92648 $4,660.32 $13,562.72 11"'1'431.'14 $5,71458 2.00% $500 $60 0.50% 0.50% 7.00% 3.00% 9 9 $641.20 Flat rate; no reconciliation at project completion $4,500.00 Escrow deposit per unit $540.00 Flat rate; no reconciliation at project completion $160.30 Reconciled at project completion $160.30 Reconciled at project completion $2,244.18 Reconciled at project completion N/A N/A $480.90 Reconciled at project completion I:I:~:II~I' Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks Complete Complete Complete $32,059.75 Conservation Easement Posts $200 4 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 9 Totai Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC total fees Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 90.00% Grading Cost (used to calcualte City fee above) ading dscaping dding 2.66 20 4 $7,980.00 Escrow deposit or LOC per acre $4,000.00 $200 per tree, 2 per lot, 4 per corner lot $4,000.004 lots at $1000 per lot so ~ 1 \ 8 , 1 I 1 1 ll-j I I ~ ~ I I -- ~ l__._~ .,2 b is ;:, ." 8 ~ ~s ~~ ~ ';!., ~ ~, ""~ ~ qj \':J.. "'J!! tt: g." ~ i:: ~ - -., ......... ~ -, ......... -.,. -- ~ I. ii ".-- ...... I -- I -- -- . -..... I J -.... .. ;; '> ts ~ ~ ~ --'1 "tf]~ (I ~ ~ 15 .il 'i5~~ ,~ ~- .~.d t- ;; ",j:", '" o"':~ 15 l:I;~ tX ~~O 3 (31) ~ '';8 U,;.o I:...!,g s J? C) Q.. '. "'~ Ji lI's,~ - "'t ~ 1l :~'f ~ ..s"'Q~Q UH ---.., 1 I I I li--l I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L------1 I I I I I I I , J ------- '_;"Ot^./ }_;'1_;7(Y:,S /f~9il -T----1 I I ) I / / / I / / / / / / / 0- / /.) {...; ~, I" cf ~ <> ",h <: ~ ~ts ~ j ~"t "3 n t ,,~ -<>.... s:..; ;;;:>., ,~ i~ E -<>~ ",. &- ~-':.s ~C'I.;:; <> "ts i,ii!~ E~ Eg ~ _.s '~ "", ~ <'jo H ,~~ .. i"'- '" 8 of ~ " " ~ '~<li", ~I '5'" 5l i:~.... .~ ~ 15~'}~ -<>H "Ii II ,1(/05-<> " '~ ~ .; -5 -<>!! h.... :.~ b-.I(/ :S.....2 -t} ,J;; ~ ,~.g s 'o~'2 "':>., t.r:'o 'till ij'" Ii ~H ~i .d '6 ~Hf ~j~ ~~ .x 5_ 8 'S." ~ E <:) ~~E~ ,~ ,,'~ .. !i ~." 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Consideration of authorizinl: staff to obtain an appraisal on City property available for sale. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 1989, the City purchased a residential lot along West River Street located between Chestnut and Willow Street that was to be used for the purpose of managing stormwater drainage issues in that area. Mr. Quintin Lanners had previously owned the lot and was planning to build a residential dwelling on the parcel when the City determined that building on this site would have caused additional stormwater drainage and ponding problems along River Street. Stormwater problems could not feasibly be resolved without the installation of a storm sewer system which was planned for when the River Street area was improvement with curb and gutter and new bituminous paving. With the River Street improvements now completed in this area, the need for the City to retain ownership of this lot is no longer necessary and it would seem beneficial for the City to offer this property for sale for a residential building site. In preparation for this action, it is recommended that the City obtain an appraisal to determine the value before considering offers. As a matter of fact, Mr. Bruce Hammond who resides across the street from this property has inquired about obtaining an option to purchase the property, but the Council may want to establish an asking price for the property and make it available to all persons who might want to construct a new home on the site. It has always been recommendation of our city attorney that the City offer and sell property it no longer needs at a fair market value, although the method of the sale can be determined by the City. At this time, the Council is asked to authorize staff to obtain an appraisal and then the Council could determine the process for the sale and the asking price for the property. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize staff to obtain an appraisal for Lot 5, Block 5, River Terrace Addition. r::~C?_.1-- . ~\J... '( \ ~ A A;:'~ S (- A;{&, ~_~ ~ Do not autllOfize a~ thIs'time. I .. \~r- "" r - r - J 2. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Administrator that an appraisal be obtained and that the property be offered for sale to the public. The City purchased this property in 1989 for $23,500 for stormwater management purposes, but with the completion of River Street improvements and a storm sewer outlet to the Mississippi River, the property is no longer needed for that purpose. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. l\q . . . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 7. Public Hearine-Consideration of a resolution adoptin~ proposed assessment roll for delinauent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. It is of importance to note that the quantity of delinquent bills is steadily increasing. Last year after the July billing, 514 delinquent reminders were mailed. For the same time period this year, 614 delinquent notices were mailed. With the probability of other utility costs, such as gas and oil increasing, our delinquent count will also increase. Council may wish to direct staff to look at alternatives to assessing all of our delinquent utility bills to the property taxes. A couple of possibilities could be water shut-offs or increasing the penalties to encourage quicker payments. Wright County will be charging the City an additional $2.25 for each assessment to be added to the tax roll for next year. We will in turn be passing on this charge to the customer. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in fulL All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance ifthe account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on October 3,2005. \'d-O . . . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. . \ .} \ . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2005-109 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT lJTILITY ACCOUNTS SECOND QUARTER 2005 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly givcn as required by law, the Council has met and hcard and pass cd upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessmcnt levicd against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or beforc the first Monday in January 2006 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31,2006. 3. The owner of the prope11y so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 24th day of Octobcr, 2005. ATTEST: Clint Jlcrbst, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator f J ~ . ~ '" ~ '" i~ "' " "' '" '" ~ ~ ~ "' '" "' ~ ~ '" '.. . 1:1 l5 0'" ~ 5 ~::: ~ . 'j "' '" ...., " '" S~ ~~ " ...., .. ~ ;;j '" " DO 00 :E ........ " 'j ,. gj H ~ g u <'J '" "' "'''' ~ ~ :nl " ,., ~ -~ ., ~ 00 ....'" ~ ,. ~ ~gJ f;; ~ ~ '" r-J '" '" "' i'l ;] '" '"' 0: 5 <C '"' "''"' 00.... ;. \::, ',~~ Q;---- \ C o 1)5 . 1'5 ~ ~ ~ !.: '" 8 ... 8 e: ... i:l '-' . [;1 :; ::: '" E H g 0< oj " g N .. . <> " .... ;;: '" <> .. <> ~ .... :2 i ..... <> .... 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".'3", ~ ~ ~)6 "' '" ~ . 8, g '" ... " .... .. '" .'36 "'. '" " " :>. " ~ ~ " OJ '" ,.. " .. "''' OJ N ,.. " '" '" '" "''' .. . i i:'l ~ 15 ;; OJ ,.. ~~ '" ... '" ... '" .... ... ~ :;]~ ~g ~ ~ e: !;; '" u f;1 ~ OJ OJ ... '" o " ... N:g ~ .. ~ -~ ....... '" -~ a ~ ~ 1') ~ " .. o ~ u ~ H ~ S' '" " "' '" " N ~ N S ... ~ OJ 8 !;:"" .. .. OJ '" ~ 8' ... '" ... '" 0 '" '" '" "" s "- . ::: '" 0 d5 '" "" Q I '" ::: t; z ~ '" :g --- .. .e. ::: ---, Council Agenda - 10/24/05 8. Public hearin!!--Adootion of proposed assessment roll for delinquent accounts receivable bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (C.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to adopt an assessment roll for accounts receivable bills which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next 2005 real estate taxes ifnot paid within 30 days of this public hearing. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 2005 at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll. they can be paid without any additional interest. B. 1. 2. --. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt the assessment roll f()r the delinquent charges as presented. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is statTrecommcndation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. ------ \'dq I\,) o e% '< I\,) o o ~ a m r o ~ ;t> :;0 00 x fir ~~....i.~~~~.....Jt.....Ji......Ji.~~....Ji. 01010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101 ~6~666~666666 OI\,)I\,)..................~CO......CO~..................O~ 01~1\,)~0101\,)0)COO)I\,)00000 66666666666666 00000~0000001011\,) "......WW01..................01 1\,)""" I\,) I\,) co I\,)W OOOOOOOOOOO............O~O ............o)o)01......01~WO)........................O...... 000000000000001\,)0 N '0 ...... ...... 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Once vacated, the land area become eligible for sale to the developer. With regards to the sale, on August 23, 2004 the City Council acted to price the land at $3.50/square foot. A motion to this affect was made by Roger Carlson, seconded by Glen Posusta. The motion passed unanimously. A previous motion at the same meeting to obtain an appraisal on the value ofthe parcel failed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to vacate the Cedar Street right of way as requested and transfer the land to the developer in accordance with previous city Council action. 2. Motion to vacate the Cedar Street right of way as requested and transfer the land to the developer under alternative terms as determined by Council- either increase or decrease asking price. Given the passage of time and the associated increase in value of commercial land in the area, Council could consider an increase in the asking price. It has been the city policy in the past to treat land owned by the City as a taxpayer resource and seek fair value accordingly. On the other hand, Council could also elect to reduce the price of the land but should be aware that there may be business subsidy limitations that could impact the viability of this choice. 3. Motion to deny request to vacate ROW. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative 1 or 2. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Minutes from 8/23/05 City Council Meeting. Graphicllegal description of area proposed for vacation. \ 3'd- . Council Minutes - 8/23/04 McDonald representing Shingobee Builders noted that they have been working with staff to resolve these issues. He stated that he had no problem with the angled parking and was okay with MnDOT's involvement with the intersection ofTH 25 and Oakwood Drive. They do have a concern with access for truck traffic into the gas station which is why they set up the plan as they originally did. They also have a concern about access to the one restaurant site. He noted there is stacking space for 15-17 cars before the cars get out to the roadway. This is the one item that is difficult for them. Roger Carlson agreed with the developer that with the stacking space they have this shouldn't be a problem. Brian Stumpf noted that there are other alternatives to exit out ofthe development such as School Boulevard or Chelsea Road. There was no one else who spoke for or against the proposed conditional use permit. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. Glen Posusta asked Steve Grittman if something changes on the south side of the property and ifthe design ofthe road is moved further to the west would this have to be looked at again. Steve Grittman indicated that since this was concept stage approval it would not likely have to be reviewed again for concept stage approval.. . GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROJECT APPEARS TO PRESENT THE POTENTIAL FOR A SUPERIOR PROJECT DESIGN DUE TO THE SHARED ACCESS AND CENTRAL DRIVE CONCEPT, AS WELL AS COORDINATED PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION, BUILDING DESIGN, PARKING, LANDSCAPING, AND OTHER SITE PLANNING ELEMENTS CONTINGENT ON RESOLUTION OF ACCESS ISSUES TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY'S TRAFFIC ENGINEER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Brian Stumpf questioned what direction was the Council going to give to the City Engineer on the access issues. Bret Weiss indicated he would like to have some feedback from the City Council on the driveway access. The Council felt the current design did provide adequate stacking area and there were other routes available for traffic to use. 7 A. Consideration oC sale oC rieht-oC-wav - Shin~obee Builders/UBD Properties. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provided background information on the possible sale of excess right-of-way for the proposed development. He noted in the past the City's policy has been to sell excess right-of-way to adjoining property owners at a fair market price. Other property in this area has sold for $3.50/sq. ft. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that had this property originally been part of the Torn Thumb property it would have been assessed for improvements made to TH 25 in the amount of approximately $7,900. . Brian Stumpf felt it would be worthwhile to have an appraisal done. Glen posusta stated he did not agree with the City Administrator's logic in comparing this property with what the City is going to pay for right-of-way property from Denny Hecker. Glen Posusta felt this was a 6 \33 _~_ED;:O SELL THE EXCESS RIGH~fi3:~~/SQ. FT. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION CONTINGENT UPON HAVING THE ACTUAL SQUARE FOOTAGE TO BE SOLD VERIFIED. MOTION CARRIE.......D. WITH .{;,oV.-.. BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION'-]r'/"' U IC earin{: to c~ns-ider the va~';ii~n of Nicholas Circle in ;~~~~~~~f Th~;rJthe: Addition and vacation of related easements. . ..... - "W' 8. .. 9. -.. - Council Minutes - 8/23/04 useless piece of land except to the developer and the City should not expect to get the same amount for it as other land sales were generating. If the City paid $7,900 in improvements and that was the amount the City received for the right-of-way, he felt that would be fair. Roger Carlson agreed with Glen Posusta. Bret Weiss did point out in the other project the City needed to acquire a number of small parcels and was trying to come up with a nominal rate that could be used. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE AN APPRAISAL BE OBTAINED TO EST ABLISH A FAIR MARKET VALUE FOR THE PROPERTY TO BE TRANSFERRED. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, BRUCE THIELEN AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND GLEN POSUST A AND ROGER CARLSON VOTED IN OPPOSITION. --~~.-.-. Jeff O'Neill provided the background information. The City was being asked to vacate street right-of-way and easements on platted property that was being replatted as the Timber Ridge Third Addition. New easements and street right-of-way would be given in the new plat. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. No one was present to speak for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION VACATING THE RIGHT-OF- WAY OF NICHOLAS CIRCLE AS IT APPEARS IN THE PLAT OF THE BROTHERS ADDITION AS WELL AS DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS CONTAINED WITHIN THE PLAT OF THE BROTHERS ADDITION AND DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AFFECTING LOTS 5-8, BLOCK 2, THE MEADOWS ADDITION WITH SAID RIGHT-OF- WAY AND EASEMENTS BEING REPLACED WITH THE RECORDING OF THE TIMBER RIDGE THIRD ADDITION PLAT. Consideration of acceptin{: development plan for Jefferson Commons. City Planner, Steve Grittman, provided background for the development plan of Jefferson Commons covering the City owned parcel known as the Remmele property. The City Council had asked for guidelines on how the property might develop eventually so that this information could be provided to potential property purchasers. He identified on the drawing the location of School Boulevard as it runs through the plat, the 7 , -) '-\ . ~ ~i:Q ~~ ~~ ~~ d.~~~~ q5~8~ ~~ (/J~ d< ~(/J ~U ~~ ~ / / "".". / ..................... \{v ("JI: / $) / cP / *"'~/ 0'" c<:-/~/ / ~', I / "",,- . " ," :"<f, , ~q "'l <<- ?, I, - 0 ' ,.1 ,J t:, ~ 'f":J "Z- 0, '.. ., .~\! ,/( ~/' () -~ -~ ':. ;,- . a Ol I- ~ ~ W ...J ('i V1 o a s: I<) Q ~ tel o ,/\\ I' ""j) " '. . ~y./s '- +/70.j ,) -3 ~~'.......... " '" u 3 [l) '" 0' ,- '" l..~~ ~3 U (D >- . 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"''g 5- [/) "'tI c "6, 0 g ~ ...... g I.Ii UI .- ~ h:'oi~ 'Q E.":"6. g'~ Q) 0 0 <U 5. 1................ 0 _ () ~u~~~d:;:?~~o~ ~o.~~~_"g'~;;~ ~.~ :~ ~ t~_~ 3 h""~H] tj Q.io.~:S~=21f) Sg ~ Q::1J5IUoa~~o~({j(.) t;;~():SOtl1 , / , () () '--' ('U c) f. l ')S . . . 10. A. B. Council Agenda - 10/24/05 Public Hearine: - Continued hearin{: on appeal of a variance for a secondary drivewav in an R-l zonin{: District. Applicant is Richard Bastien REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous meeting of the City Council this hearing was continued pending applicant providing survey information necessary to identify the details relating to lot and curb line locations. The applicant agreed to extend the deadline for decision making relative to this request and would consider obtaining the survey information. The survey information has not come in and there has been no additional contact from the applicant. It is suggested that the public hearing be continued again on additional meeting. At the next meeting of the City Council, action will need to be taken with our without the additional survey data. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to continue the public hearing to the November 14, 2005 meeting of the City Council. c. ~. . (",J~-f Vl~~../ STAFF COMJNDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. l ~ lc . . . 11. Consideration of resolution declarin2 costs to be assessed. orderin2 preparation of assessment rolls. and settin2 date for public hearin2 to adopt assessments for Public Improvement No. 2005-01C.2005 Street Reconstruction (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-01C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: WSB & Associates, Inc. has completed the proposed assessment roll for the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program, City Project No. 2005-01 C. Wright County requires that the assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2005 for collection on next year's taxes. This deadline can be met by calling for the Assessment Hearing to be held at the November 14, 2005 Council meeting. By conducting the assessment hearing on November 14th, adequate time for publication and mailing of notices will be provided to satisfy requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. A copy of the proposed assessment roll is attached for the Council's review of the project costs and proposed assessments. The project is currently under construction and nearing completion. The adopted assessment policy for residential properties in this project area is a fixed assessment proposed as a percentage of the total project cost. As the project is not complete, final costs have been estimated based on the value of work remaining on the contract and time remaining to final the proj ect. The assessments proposed to be collected relate to a straight percentage of the total project cost. The City has bonded for this project, which means that a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the total project cost must be assessed to fulfill the bond requirements. For the Council's review, assessments have been calculated at levels reflecting the 20% minimum, in addition to assessments calculated at the 30% and 40% levels of the total project cost. In addition, properties containing more than one driveway access are proposed to be assessed at the unit rate for each driveway connection. The proposed assessment rolls for each scenario are included the Council packet. In previous years, the assessments for residential parcels amounted to $2,500.00 (C.P. No. 2002-14C) and $2,642.50 (C.P. No. 2004-06C). The 20%,30%, and 40% rates as calculated for the project amount to $2,968.00, $4,452.00, and $5,936.00, respectively. At this point, the Council is being requested to set the assessment hearing date for the adoption of the assessment roll at the regular Council meeting of November 14th. Two week published notice is affected along with mailing individual proposed assessments to each property owner affected by this project. In order to meet this schedule, the Council will need to set the hearing date on Monday night. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution for the improvement project declaring the costs to be assessed, and setting the assessment hearing for November 14,2005. 2. Do not set the assessment hearing date at this time. \3/ F:\dawnglwo,-,Jpm(:\](HJ5 Council AF!enda\Oc:I-U.;}OO5\J0-2.J-05 2005 Streef Reo.J/J A.li.~~,li.~mj~fjt H~.d()c . . . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The preliminary assessment roll has been completed and illustrates the three different assessment scenarios. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the assessment hearing date be set to ensure that the assessment rolls can be certified to the County Auditor by the November 30th deadline. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Preliminary Assessment Roll \ ~ <6 F:\daw7lKIW(l,.dprt/(:\;JOOS ('ooncil A~nda\Od-24.]OO5\J()-2"-()5 2005 ."'"freel N.econ Asse.'iJim~r1t Hrgdoc . 2005 Street Reconstruction Program City of Monticello, Minnesota City Project No. 2005-01C WSB Proj. No. 1494-04 October 17, 2005 PROJECT COST AND FUNDING SUMMARY Construction Cost Summary Streets $ 430,091.86 Storm Sewer $ 322,790.75 Sanitary Sewer $ 17,472.00 Watermain $ 21,383.20 Subtotal $ 791,737.81 Indirect Costs Engineering $108,913.49 Legal, Admin., Fiscal $19,387.00 Subtotal $128,300.49 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 920,038.30 . Proposed Assessment Scenarios 1. Assess at a minimum of 20% of Total Project Cost Assessed cost = $ 184,007.66 Cost per lot (62) = $ 2,967.87 2. Assess at a rate of 30% of Total Project Cost Assessed cost = $ 276,011.49 Cost per lot (62) = $ 4,451.80 3. Assess at a rate of 40% of Total Project Cost Assessed cost = $ 368,015.32 Cost per lot (62) = $ 5,935.73 . \'~ C\ I- Z ..lW <(:i 1-(1) 0(1) I-~ ~ I- Z o:::W w:i :J:(I) I-U) O~ U) <( 1-1- Oz ..lw C-:lE W(I) (l)U) Ow D..(I) Ot/) 0:::<( D.. r- r- r- r- r-[r- CXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXl t--:t--:r-t--:r-r- <D<D<D<D<D<D 0l0l0l0l0l0l NNNNNN EI:I-EI:I-EI:I-EI:I-EI:I-EI:I- ---- --- __ _ I --- --- ------- r-r-r-r-r-r-- CXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXl r-r-t--:t--:r-t--: <D <D <D <D <D <D\ 0llJ)lJ)lJ)lJ)lJ) NNNNNN EI:I-EI:I-EI:I-EI:I-EI:I-EI:I- --- -- -- r-I r- r-- r- r- r- CXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXl t--:t--:t--:r-t--:t--: <D <D <D <D <D <DI lJ). lJ)_ lJ) lJ). lJ) lJ)_ NNNNNN EI:I-EI:I-EI:I-EI:I-EI:I-EI:I- I- Z w :lEW ~i t/) t/) <( - ..J <( ~t/) Zl- Wo Q..J t/) W 0::: --I-- - ~~~~"r"'""'~ c--- t/) ~ 0::: <( :i W 0::: ffi CXl 0 r-- r- 0 r- (") .., ONOOllJ)<D<D ..... <DN(")IOCXl<DO ~ cici0 cicicici ---- --- t/) t/) W ~ $:$:$:$:$:$: C 1-1-1-1-1-1- <( (J) (/)(1) (J) (J) (f) >-0::: 0::: 0::: 0::: 0::: 0::: 0::: I- WWWWWW >>>>>> W ~~~~~~ D.. 9 ~~~~~~ LL. ~"r"'""'~"r"'""'''r'''""'~ D. ~~"r"'""'~"r"'""'''r'''""' -1-- --- r- (") r-]r- r-]r- r- r-]r- r- r- r- r- (") r-- r- r- r-- r- r-- r- r- r- r- r- CXlr--CXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlr-CXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXlCXl t--: ..0 t--: It--: t--: t--: t--: t--: t--: r- r- t--: r- ..0 t--: r- t--: r- t--: t--: r- t--: r- t--: r- <D(,,)<D<D<D<D<D<D<D<D<D<D<D(,,)<D<D<D<D<D<D<D<D<D<D<D 0llJ)0llJ)lJ)lJ)lJ)lJ)0llJ)lJ)0llJ)lJ)lJ)lJ)0llJ)lJ)lJ)lJ)0llJ)0llJ) N L() N]N N- N N N N N N N N L() N N N N N N N N N N N m m]m T m Imm m m m m ~ m m m m ~ m m m ~~ m m r- c;;)1r- r- r-= r- r.::: r-= r-1r::- t--. r- r;:.- (") r;:.- r::... r--: r;:. r- r;:.j~r::- t:... r.::.. r:::. 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the October 10, 2005 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement for bids for the Mississippi Drive Park On- Street Parking Project. The proposed project consists of constructing a bituminous parking area with concrete curb and gutter to accommodate 20 parking stalls. Bids will be received on Friday, October 21,2005 at the Monticello Community Center. The bid opening will be conducted after preparation of this agenda item. In an effort to expedite the construction of this project, we anticipate a successful bidder and will present the recommendation at this City Council meeting. WSB will provide the bid results prior to the City council meeting. The Engineer's Estimate for the project was $62,502.00. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consider award of the project to the lowest responsible bidder. 2. Do not award the project at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To be provided at the meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The Letter of Recommendation and Bid Tabulation will be available at the City Council meeting. I \1l.o P: \dnwnglw(lnlfJ"'lr.\]005 ('(JUndl ARl!ndaIOct-2.J-2()(}5\JO-l-I-05-Mis.fi.\'sippi Award Prt?ject.aoc r /, L:~':~ WSB ~~a"~,~~. . & Associates, llle. Infrastructure . Engineering I Planning . Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763.541-1700 October 24, 2005 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 / Re: Mississippi Drive Park On-Street Parking City of Monticello Project No. 2005-36C WSB Project No. 1627-26 Dear Mayor and Council Members: . Bids were received for the above-referenced project on Friday, October 21,2005, and were opened and read aloud. A total of three bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The Engineer's Estimate was $62,502.00. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Buffalo Bituminous, Inc., Buffalo, Minnesota, in the amount of $72,084.75. While there is no guarantee that prices would be reduced if the project was bid in the spring, it is possible that relaxing the schedule could lower costs. This time of year is difficult from a timing standpoint, especially for concrete contractors. If the work does not need to be installed in 2005, we would recommend rejecting the bids and re-bidding in early 2006. If the project needs to be completed in 2005, we recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. based on the results of the bids received. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~.4~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. President . Enclosure cc: Greg Hicks, Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. K.'\[)J627.2t'N.Jnlin\CQ/lllrUi:liu/1 Admi,,\LTR RECMMDTN-/l.mr.c:-JU2405.duc Minneapolis I 51. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer srb .i II; PROJECT: Mississippi Drive Park On-Street Parking City of Monticello Project No. 2005~36C LOCATION: Monticello, MN WSB PROJECT NO.; 1627-26 Bids Opened: Friday, October 21, 2005 at 11 :00 a.m. Contractor Bid Security (5%) Grand Total Bid 2 3 Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Hardrives. Inc. DMJ Corporation . x X X $97,758.30 ?............:l/..' <:)~~.~,9 Engineer's Opinion of Cost $62,502.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on October 21, 2005. ~,J~~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E., Project Manager Denotes corrected figure . K:I01627-26IAdmlnIConstructlon Admln11627-26 Bid Tab Summary.)Cls . lr1 LO o 0 ~ 0 ... C\I ........ - N ..- I-. ~ i. o ;>, ~ "'c:l 'C ~ s::: 0 ;::; . 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'" '" '" N C\I '" ...J '" '" '" '" N '" '" ~ ..!:.. ~ => - ci 0 Z LU E r ~ '" '" l:;; co Ol g C;; C) '" ("l -.t '" '" .... ~ Ol 0 ::;: N '" '" '" (J) .., .., .., ("l ("l ("l .., '<t . \D N I r- N \D - o N ........ o N "^' '" ~ 0 '0 Z CI) s::: .~ 0 CI) :;:; 0 CO CI) 110. 110. - U) .~ '0 C) :0 CI) a: ~ CI) o >- ..c CI) 110. CI) J: C) \ . .:-:;'- >to ~ .~- - .. .- CI) t:_ CI) CO UC . 13. Council Agenda - 10/24105 Consideration of establishine relocation sites for the billboards located on the former A VR site. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In conjunction with the acquisition of the A VR site, City Council is asked to consider relocating the existing sign (s) to other suitable locations within the city. As you may recall, the City recently made an adjustment to the zoning ordinance that allows relocation of existing billboards under limited circumstances. Under the relocation proposal identified in the project budget, the City is responsible for costs associated with relocating the structure. The pre- existing lease terms paid to A VR would be inherited by the City of Monticello as long as the relocation sites are on city property. Please note that Lamar Sign company will be reducing the sign size from 48 ' to 36' and the new signs will be of modern design placed on a single pole. The height of the sign can be determined by the City. Of the three existing signs, one must be moved to another site and two signs could remain if necessary. The westerly sign must move to make way for the loop ramp. The central sign could stay but would need to be relocated to the edge of the stormwater pond. Lamar Sign Co. has suggested that the easterly sign be moved because it is located on a curve where driver concentration is important and because there will be a significant cost to re~establish power at this location. Lamar will pay the full cost to reestablish this sign at another location since it does not have to be moved to accommodate the new interchange. Since this is an important gateway to the City, it is suggested that the City consider finding alternative locations for all three signs if possible. . City staff has been working with Emil Radaich and Pauline Olson to find suitable locations for the three signs. Factors that have been taken into consideration when identifying sign locations are as follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 9. 10. 11. Industrial or commercial zoning is required by State law. The sign location must be at least 600 feet from an existing sign The sign should not be located near a merge lane or adjacent to the tricky the railroad overpass curve. Lines of site from the freeway must be relatively clear (few trees). The sign should not obstruct the view of an existing or future business if possible. The site should be relatively free from easements or other limitations created by city roads or utility systems. The chances of relocation ofthe sign due to a future city project should be take into account. Lammar sign company should support the sign location. If possible, the sign should not be located in an important commercial/city entrance of the city where it would add sign clutter and advertise competing commercial enterprises located in other cities (current A VR site). The sign should be on land in control ofthe City to enable the City to get lease revenue. Other criteria as determined. t '--\ '\ . . . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 Following are sign locations that meet most or all of the criteria above. Site #1 River Street Right of Way adjacent to Ball Fields. The old River Street right of way meets the freeway along the east side of the ball fields. A billboard at this location meets all criteria above except there is some chance that the sign could be affected by the new interchange. It is also possible that this sign could conflict with a future watermain crossing. This issue could be accounted for in the placement of the footing. For this sign, a separate provision in the lease agreement may need to address the potential cost and need need to relocate the sign in the event the new interchange impacts the sign. Lamar will pay for relocation back to A VR site if relocation occurs after 5 years. It is proposed that the easterly sign be relocated to this spot. This location is highly favored by Lamar. Site #2 Elm Street Right of Way Adjacent to RV Center. This site meets most of the criteria noted above however, the billboard will sit "in front" but above the RV center. The sign will not obstruct the RV center sign. Regardless, it is not likely that the RV center would support a sign at this location. At some point in the future, a billboard at this location will compete with on-site signage advertising the businesses in the area. This is a possible location for the central sign. John Simola has reported that the presence of utilities in this location and there could be conflicts with the truck turnaround movements at the cul-de-sac. This alternative is acceptable to Lammar but the feasibility of the sign at this location requires further study. Also, Council may want to contact the adjacent property owners prior to granting approval. Site #3 Minnesota Street Right of Way This site does not appear to meet the minimum standard because it is located adjacent to the freeway merge lane. It is also located in the vicinity of important sanitary sewer and water lines. It is also in the middle of a future commercial area. Site #4 Fallon Avenue Right of Way. There is a small remnant segment of the old Fallon Avenue ROW that has good potential. To the west of the site sits an apartment building, to the east is an undeveloped portion of the St Henry Church site. It does not look like there are any problems relating to utility relocation at this site, however there is a siren post that might need to be moved. It is also located west of a small parcel that St Henry's church may wish to sell for development. A sign at this location could obstruct the view of this business for east bound travelers on 1-94, so the Church might be opposed to a sign at this location. Finally, the zoning for this parcel will need to be amended to a business district designation. Lamar supports this location even though the billboard at this location will be screened from view by westbound motorist until they emerge from the Fallon Avenue Bridge heading west. It is proposed that this site be the permanent (15 year) location for the easterly sign. I '--\ 6 . . . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 Site #5 - Center of Pond - Interchange location. This site meets most of the location criteria except number 9. Ifnot enough viable sites are found elsewhere the current central sign could simply be relocated on the same site adjacent to the pond. After all is said and done, this might be the simplest alternative for the central sign. Site #6. - Easterly side of original A VR Site. This site meets most ofthe location criteria except number 9 and number 3. The main problem with this sign is that it is located in the vicinity of a tricky curve. For that reason it might make sense to consider relocation. However, if enough suitable locations can be found, then this sign could stay where it is. In summary, the City needs to find at least one billboard relocation site for the westerly billboard and could strive to find an addition two spots for the central and easterly signs. It looks like the best site for a permanent location for the westerly sign is the Fallon Avenue site. The second most important sign to move is the easterly sign even though not necessary for the project. It is proposed that this sign be relocated to River Street. The central sign can be moved to the Elm Street site (RY) or perhaps to the Minnesota Street site or it can be relocated on to the current site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Review sign location information and identify desired relocation site priorities. Council should select this option if it feels that it can provide clear direction on this topic with the information currently available. 2. Establish general direction for a Council/Staff subcommittee to define the desired alternative locations for the signs. Council should select this option if it would like to spend additional time researching options but is comfortable with assigning a subcommittee to establish the final locations. 3. Table the matter pending additional research Council could select this option if more information on the topic is desired. Please note that Lamar has requested that decisions regarding sign location be made as soon as possible due to the desire to replace revenue streams lost by the imminent removal of the existing signs. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is our view that the relocation of all three signs is desired, however other issues relating to the alternative sites might not make it possible to relocate more than one of the existing billboards. Since all of the issues relating to each site is not understood at this point in time, and because I '-\ ct . Council Agenda - 10/24/05 time is of the essence, unless Council can agree on new locations, it is recommended that Council appoint two representatives to work with Staff and Lamar to come up with the preferred sign location combination. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Pictures of current billboards and alternative sites. Lease . . 15c) . . . ." '!iI:'''''-'\ - THEt'~ COMPANIES This Instrument Prepared by: James R. McIlwain 5551 Corporate Boulevard Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 Lease # 8021 . I/~ /r?J<<..~~ James R. McIlwain RENEWAL LEASE THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made this 22Dd day of OCTOBER. 2002. and between: P ALF, L.L.P. (hereinafter referred to as "Lessor") and THE LAMAR COMPANIES (hereinafter referred to as "Lessee"), provides WITNESSETH "LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE, it successors or assigns, as much of the hereinafter described premises as may be necessary for the construction, repair and relocation of the existing outdoor advertising structure, including necessary structures, advertising devices, power poles, communications devices and connections, with the right of access to and egress from structure(s) by LESSEE'S employees, contractors, agents and vehicles and the right to survey, maintain advertisement, or other activities necessary or useful'in LESSEE'S use of the structure. The leased premises are a portion of the property located in the CountylParish of WRIGHT. State of MINNESOTA. more particularly described as: EXISTING STRUCTURE LOCATED AT INTERSTATE 94, AT MILE MARKER 195.00,. CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA. TOWNSHIP 121N - RANGE 25W - SECTION 13. STATEPERMITNUMBER: 4425. 1. This lease shall be for a tenn of FIFTEEN (15) years from JANUARY 1. 2003 and ending on JANUARY 1.2018. unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. After the original term of this lease, it shall continue from year to year upon written agreement between the parties. 2. LESSEE shall pay to LESSOR a yearly rental of ($6.500.00) SIX~mOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED. DOLLARS AND 00/100, and in addition the yearly rental shall be subject to 4% increase from previous year. Rent is payable annually in advance, with the fIrst installment due on the fIrst day of the month following commencement. Rent shall be considered tendered upon due mailing or attempted hand delivery during reasonable business hours at the address designated by LESSOR. Should LESSEE fail to pay rent or perform any other obligation under this lease within Thirty (30) days after such performance is due, LESSEE will be in default under the lease. In the event of such default, LESSOR must give LESSEE written notice by certified mail and allow LESSEE Thirty (30) days thereafter to cure any default. No notice is required for a monetary default. 3. LESSOR agrees not to erect or allow any other off-premises advertising structures on property owned or controlled by LESSOR within One Thousand (1000') Feet of LESSEE'S advertising structure(s) or to erect or allow any other ,obstruction of highway view or any vegetation that may obstruct the highway view of its advertising structure(s). LESSEE is hereby authorized to remove any such other advertising structure, obstruction or vegetation at its option. 4. LESSEE may terminate this lease upon giving Thirty (30) days written notice in the event that the advertising structure becomes entirely or partially obstructed in any way or in LESSEE'S reasonable opinion the location becomes economically or otherwise undesirable; If LESSEE is prevented from constructing advertising structure{s) at the leased premises by reason of any final governmental law, regulation. order or other action, this lease will terminate immediately. In the event of termination of this lease prior to expiration, LESSOR will return to LESSEE any unearned rentals on a pro rata basis. 5. All structures, equipment and materials placed upon the premises by the LESSEE shall remain the property of LESSEE and may be removed by it at any time prior to or within 30 days after expiration of the term hereof or any extension. At the termination of this lease, LESSEE agrees to restor. the surface of the leased premises to its original condition. The LESSEE shall have the right to make an necessary applications with, abd obtain permits from, governmental bodies for the construction and maintenance of LESSEE'S advertising structure{s), at the sole discretion of LESSEE 10/99 (S \ c-., ..--...:/ . 6. LESSOR repreSen'ts that they are the OWNERS of the premises described above and has the right to grant LESSEE free access to the premises to perform all acts necessary to carry on LESSEE'S business. In the event of any change of ownership of the property hereby leased, LESSOR agrees to notify LESSEE promptly of the name, address, and phone number of the new owner, and LESSOR further agrees to give the new owner formal written notice of the existence of this lease and to deliver a copy thereof to such new owner at or before closing. . 7. The premises ARE NOT the homestead of the LESSOR.. 8. In the event of condemnation of the subject premises or any part thereof by proper authorities, or relocations of the highway, the LESSOR grants to the LESSEE the right to relocate its structure(s) on LESSOR'S remaining property adjoining the condemned property or the relocated highway. Any condemnation award for the relocation of LESSEE'S advertising signs shall accrue to LESSEE. All other condemnation awards shall be the sole property of LESSOR. 9. LESSEE agrees to indemnify LESSOR from all claims of injury and damages, liability costs and attorney fees incurred by LESSOR or third parties caused by the installation, maintenance, or dismantling of any advertising structures or displays during the term of this lease and to repair any damage to the leased premises resulting from the installation, . maintenance, or dismantling of such advertising structures or displays, less ordinary wear and tear. 10. LESSOR agrees to indemnify LESSEE from any and all damages, liability costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, resulting from any inaccuracy in or nonfulfillment of any representation, warranty or obligation of LESSOR herein. II. This lease is NOT BINDING UNTIL ACCEPTED by the General Manager of a Lamar Advertising Company. EXECUTED BY LESSOR IN THE PRESENCE OF: LESSOR'S SIGNATURE ~CL -......... LESSOR'S SIGNATYfE (fA 0. <d~ LESSOR'S SIGNATURE 14698 GALAXIE AVENUE APPLE VALLEY. MN 55124 LESSOR'S ADDRESS . (952)432-7132 LESSOR'S TELEPHONE NUMBER 41-1630815 LESSOR'S FEDERAL TAX I.D. . AGER STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTYIPARISHOFSTEARNS ~. , The foregoing instrument was'A~ow!l:;dged b~~ (\ ~day of ~002 tness my hand and official seal, this 't'\"-' day of . A.D., 2002. i / My Commission Expires: 113112005 PAULlNES. OLSON NOTARY PUBLIC MINNESOTA My ConwntII/on l:xplru J'n. 31. 2005 . . 10/99 lSd, . . ....... . 1 s?> . . . 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I'iI riI .0: Ci) Zo:l~~ o..~E-<'<I'OOOOOOE-<~~:> ...:1 (5 ~ Z ...:l 00 U eLl r:>:JH O~ ,a;moooooo.o:O'I H ~ r:>:J ...:1 UN riI Q 0...:1::co..UU{fl:>:;HNNNNNN:3::Ul 0:: r:>:J Z C'J ,a; U'-. 0:: 0:: <'f,m ...:1 ~ ,., Q a, ~ ~ ~ ...:1 {fl'-. 5 5 MMMl.I1\oONl.I1\OM'<I'l.I1\Or-m,.,Nm,., ~ ~ Z E-< uo O,.,,.,NN,,,,\O\Ommmmmmmoool.l1 0 I'iI 0 ,a;,., I::.. .... MC\lNNNNNC\l'<l' '<I' ""'<I' "" '<1''<1'\0\0\0\0 E-< m m 0 E-< . . . ". ", - Council Meeting - I 0/2412005 Council Update: Leaf and Grass Compostine Facilitv. (1.S.) The City's leaf and grass composting facility is located on West River Street in a residential area adjoining Montissippi Park. The land is partly owned by the City of Monticello and partly on leased land owned by Wright County. The site is located next to the old city dump which is now a material storage facility and is also adjacent to the Daryl Tindle residence at 1707 West River Street. Over the years the City has had complaints about the operation of the facility, mainly due to litter, debris, the use of the facility in early morning or late evening hours, and the odors generated from the ever increasing quantities ofleaves and grass at the site. The facility was normally kept locked and access was by a key that could be obtained by signing out at the Public Works Facility. During the summer months the facility was manned on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings by using a summer worker. The summer worker's job was not only to keep the gate open but to also do some miscellaneous cleanup around the site during those hours. Approximately four years ago we began to realize that the amount of materials coming into the site was more than the site could handle and that the quality of the compost was decreasing due to the amount of brush, garbage, bags, cans and rocks, etc. that were being dropped off and buried in the leaves and grass. It takes about 18 months to provide any type of finished product and sometimes more. Odors do occur, especially when the piles are turned and mixed. The leaves and grass are mixed together to reduce the amount of odors. Realizing that the facility could no longer handle the amount of materials coming in, the Public Works Department looked at ways to control the use of the facility and get back to a quality compost product. We realize that the few people that were stopping by to pick up a key were a minority when we looked at the quantity of materials at the site. The lock at the facility was a simple master lock and it was apparent that the key was being copied and we estimate that there were probably 1,000 to 1,500 keys out in general public use by City residents, contractors and conceivably even residents from adjoining communities or townships. Over the winter of200312004 we began looking at ways we could control the amount of unwanted materials going into the site and also the total quantity of materials going into the site. We worked with Wright County to make sure that our citizens could drop off materials at the Wright County Compost Facility free of charge and made an arrangement with Veit that our citizens could drop off brush, grass and leaves at the V onco II facility located off of County Road 11 in Sherburne County approximately three miles from the City. With alternate drop off points available, we looked at ways to control access to the site. We needed to change the lock at the facility so that we could restrict access to daytime hours and would continue to have direct access on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings during the summer months. We changed the lock to a Medeco secure system whereby the keys were not reproducible. We had ten keys made. The drawback with this system is that you must retain your keys or the security system is breached and re-keying the system would cost $175 plus the cost of the keys. We had to make sure that the users of the keys returned them. We checked with the Wright County Sheriffs Department and asked if we were allowed to keep a driver's license as security for the key. We were informed that that should not be a problem. To verify this we also checked with one of the local deputies and he indicated that that would not be problem. ~ 110 -.. Council Meeting - 10/24/2005 We initiated this new program in spring of2004. While initially we had some comments about the new system, out of all the people that used the system, only five people continually complained about the system or tried to beat the system with an expired driver's license, etc. The improvements worked quite well and reduced the amount of leaves and grass going to our facility and cleaned up the product significantly. Complaints from neighbors during 2004 were minimal and the odors produced were significantly less. In 2005, at the beginning of the year the City Council directed staff to open the facility up for full access. Consequently, the lock was removed and the facility assigned to be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. More signs were put up telling people where to dump and to empty their bags .and that only leaves and grass were allowed to be dumped at the facility. The facility operated fairly well the summer of2005. We did have renewed complaints from the neighbors and we continued to have small amounts of unwanted materials dumped at the site. The amount of product at the facility significantly increased over 2004 and the site continues to generate odors even when the piles are not turned. It is obvious that this is now a regional dumping area for leaves and grass and not just for City of Monticello residents. The options for the future are to again try to restrict the amount of materials going into this site and trying to manage it to what the site can handle, or somehow open another site in a non residential area where we can figure out a way to serve only the residents of Monticello and not be a regional dumping facility. In order to properly handle what is coming into our facility now and for the foreseeable future we would need 2 Y:z to 5 acres to allow for adequate room for access, dumping, turning and storage of the finished product. We have some time to think about this but I believe it is unfair to the residents in this area to continue keeping this as a regional facility and letting its usage grow beyond its capacity.