Planning Commission Minutes 08-23-1993 (Special Meeting)
Monday, August 23, 1993.6 p.m.
Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Carlson, Brian Stumpf, Dick Martie,
J on Bogart
Members Absent: None
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill
1. Then meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 6 p.m.
2. Public Hearing'~-Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit which
will allow expansion of a motor fuel/convenience store in a B-3 zone, AND
Consideration of a variance request to building and parking lot setback
requirements, AND
Consideration of a variance to the maximum curb cut width requirement.
Applicant, Holidavstores.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained Holidaystores' request to allow
expansion and relocation of their existing facility on the same site. To
accommodate this proposed expansion, Holidaystores is requesting variances
to the building setback on the Walnut side of the property and driveway
setback on the 7th Street side of the property. They are also requesting a
variance to the maximum curb cut width allowed (24 ft.) with the applicant
requesting to keep both of their existing 30 ft. driveway curb cuts. The
building project will include a larger store on the northwesterly side of the
property from the current 3,920 sq. ft. existing building to the new proposed
building being 4,450 sq. ft. Additional pump islands will also be installed, as
there currently exists four twin sets of pump islands with the new proposal
adding four additional twin sets of pump islands.
Walnut Street Setback Variance:
The proposal calls for a 15 ft. setback from the Walnut Street public right-of-
way were the minimum setback requirement is 30 ft. As this side of their lot
and also the Highway 25 side of their lot are the shorter sides of their lots,
even though the store itself will face west 7th Street, the shortest side of the
lot is still called the front, for setback purposes. The front yard setback as
proposed to be within 15 ft. of the property line, lines up with the existing
building structure to the north, that being the Edina Realty building.
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Walnut Street Access Problems:
Developers are also proposing to be allowed to place a driveway access off of
their site onto Walnut Street. O'Neill reported that John Simola, Public
Works Director, and Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, noted that there
currently exists a 5.08t}() grade slope on Walnut Street between the
intersections of west 7th Street and west 6th Street. During the winter
months, the intersection at west 7th Street and Walnut Street becomes a very
hazardous intersection, as this intersection requires heavy sanding and salting
to try and reduce the winter icing problems at this intersection. If a driveway
curb cut were allowed, we would have problems with vehicles having to
maneuver out of their access going south onto Walnut Street.
Variance to 5 ft. Green Requirement:
The site plan shows the existing curb line directly adjacent to the 7th Street
right-of-way line. The ordinance requires a 5 ft. green area separation between
the 7th Street right-of-way and the edge of the parking area. The applicant
is requesting this request to make more room for vehicle maneuvering within
their site.
Curb Cut Width Variance:
The two existing curb cuts on 7th Street are 30 ft. wide, while the maximum
allowed by ordinance today is 24 ft. in width. The applicant is requesting to
keep these two 30 ft. curb cut widths, with the westerly access being relocated
to accommodate the driving area to approach the parking area for the new
building site. The applicant is requesting the added width to ease turning
maneuvering movements into the congested 7th Street public right-of-way.
Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing.
Mr. Mark Nelson, real estate specialist for Holidaystores, highlighted the
proposed changes in their existing site with their new proposed plans as
submitted. The loading/unloading area will be relocated to the northeast
corner of the new proposed building as per city staff request. The two 30 ft.
driveway curb cut widths, and the no 5 ft. green area separation between the
property line and the back of the curb in-between the two driveway curb cuts,
are deemed by the Holidaystores, to be very vital for the movement of traffic
in and out of their site and also to allow the incorporation of two additional
pump islands.
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The access onto Walnut Street is very important for their expansion plans.
They feel with the design they've submitted, allowing parking on the east side
of the proposed new building adjacent to the building will allow the customer
that doesn't purchase fuel from their store but may come to purchase goods
from the store, to have better accessibility to their store with the layout that
is proposed. Without this access onto Walnut Street, by the creation of two
different pump islands, they are not solving the need which they feel this store
should have, that being better accessibility to the products which they sell at
the store, with that being better accessibility with the parking on the east side
of the building adjacent to the building.
The Walnut Street Access. Looking at their site with the
proposed grades that are there, without this access out onto
Walnut Street their expansion plans to accommodate existing
customers at this station, they felt the Walnut Street access
would be very vital to this business. The additional access would
also relieve congestion at the 7th Street access points.
Cindy LemID closed the public hearing and opened for further comments.
Planning Commission members brought up the following:
1. On the 5 ft. green area separation from the property to the back
of the curb, they failed to see some sort of rationale for the
justification of the variance request.
With there being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Richard Martie to
approve the two curb cut requests from the maximum 24 ft. curb cut width
allowed to the requested 30 ft. curb cut width, with the westerly curb cut being
relocated. The motion carried unanimously.
Reason for approval: The curb cuts proximity to the congested 7th Street!
Highway 25 intersection and the need to expedite easy in/out access creates
the need for providing ample room for vehicles turning in and out of the
A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Brian Stumpf to
approve the variance request to allow a 15 ft. variance from the minimum
30 ft. front yard setback requirement. Motion carried unanimously.
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Reason for approval: The unique topography of the site requires building
construction along the western edge of the property in order to gain full use of
the site. In addition, the 15 ft. front yard setback would match up with the
existing Edina Realty building to the north 15 ft. side yard setback.
A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Richard Martie to
deny the variance request to allow less than the 5 ft. green area setback
requirement from the property line to the back of the curb. Motion carried
Reason for denial: It is difficult to find a unique situation or hardship that
justifies the variance.
A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Brian Stumpf to allow the
expansion of a motor fuel/convenience store in a B-3 (Highway Business) zone
with the following conditions.
1. The developer would be allowed to put in a driveway acccss onto
Walnut Street with all drainage to be containcd and dispersed on
private property with no water run off to go back out onto Walnut
The installation of no exit signs at the easterly access point onto
7th Street.
3. The development must comply with all existing landscaping and
signage requirements.
3. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to adjourn
the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
GarY An erson
Zoning Administrator
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