EDA Agenda 04-08-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — March 11, 2020 b. Consideration of approving payment of bills Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of termination of Fa�ade Improvement Grant Agreement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe 6. Consideration of GMEF Loan Payment Forbearance for Rustech Microbrewery 7. Consideration of GMEF Loan Payment Forbearance for Monticello RV Center 8. Director's Report 9. Closed Session — Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3) Property Address: PID #155223000010 and PID #155194000010 Property Address: 213 - 3rd Street West — PID #155010031031 10. Adj ourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, March llth, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Tracy Hinz and 011ie Koropchak-White Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. 4. Consent A�enda BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF 4C. JINI DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Februarv 12, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — February 12, 2020. b. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Februarv 26, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — February 26, 2020. c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills -REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA- Re�ular A�enda 4D. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Bill Tapper asked about a$600 bill. Jim Thares indicated that it was an annual seminar fee. Tapper also asked about a$325 fee. Thares explained that was a bi-annual fee to attend the EDAM conference. Lastly, Tapper asked for more details about the Surface Pro purchase for $838.99. Thares indicated that the purchase was for a tablet. It was noted that the Surface Pros are shared with the Planning Commission. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH FEBRUARY, 2020. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — March 11�', 2020 Page 1 � 4 5. Consideration of Draft RFQ-RFP for Housin� Market Analvsis and Demand Studv Jim Thares explained that the EDA gave prior approval for staff to develop an RFP for an updated Housing Study. Staff created a combined RFQ and RFP to ensure a comprehensive document would be achieved and to speed up the timeframe of the process. Thares explained that the content of the request included specific criteria and a comprehensive look at housing needs. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE COMBINED RFQ-RFP (REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS-REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL) FORMAT FOR A HOUSING NEEDS AND MARI�ET DEMAND STUDY AND FURTHER AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE TO CONSULTANTS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 6. Consideration of First Amendment to Block 52 Preliminarv Development A�reement with Beard Group, Inc. Hopkins, MN Jim Thares introduced the item and explained that the Beard Group would like an extension of their predevelopment agreement for Block 52. The original termination date is set at March 31, 2020. Thares explained that additional work by the EDA and Beard Group needs to occur prior to moving forward with further redevelopment steps. Thares noted the request is for an eleven-month extension to February 28, 2020 to allow the Beard Group and EDA more time to collaboratively work on various tasks to move the proposed concept forward. Thares indicated that the Beard Group is whole heartily involved in the moving the proj ect forward and agrees with the PDA timeline extendsion. Jim Davidson noted that the Beard Group at one time had indicated that they would participate in property acquisition tasks. Davidson recommended that staff reach out to the Beard Group to see if they are still interested in the approach or if they would like to move forward with property the EDA already owns. Thares responded that he would follow up with the Beard Group about this. Jon Morphew asked if the original predevelopment agreement terms were in place and that the only change was to the date. Thares confirmed that was the case. JINI DAVIDSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2020-OS APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE PDA BETWEEN BEARD GROUP, 1NC. OR ITS ASSIGNS AND THE EDA 1N CONNECTION WITH THE POTENTIAL MIXED-USE REDEVELOPMENT 1N BLOCK 52 BY EXTENDING THE TERMINATION DATE BY ll MONTHS TO FEBRUARY 28, 2021. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 4-0-1 WITH STEVE JOHNSON ABSTAINING FROM VOTING. 7. Consideration of Economic Development Assistance Update from WSB and Economic Trends Report Jim Thares provided the staff report for the item and explained that per the Economic Development Services contract with WSB, they are to provide quarterly updates to the Economic Development Authority Minutes — March 11�', 2020 Page 2 � 4 EDA. This report was the first update. Lloyd Hilgart asked for more details on the progress of Project #6580. Thares indicated that cost estimates have been prepared for the company, but they have indicated that a large financing gap exists. Thares indicated that they are working with DEED to determine if they can help finance any of that gap. Hilgart asked if the EDA needs to have a closed meeting in the future to further discuss land sale. The EDA determined that after their next regularly scheduled meeting on March 25, 2020, would be the best time to have a closed meeting. 8. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. He explained in further detail the EDA's recent acquisition of property at 300 E 4th Street. He noted that the property contains a lot of debris and will require costs to remove the materials. It was noted that in the future staff would set up a final inspection prior to purchasing property to ensure that this situation would not again. Thares also indicated that the Fire Department was interested in using the house for a training burn. Due to State funding, the Fire Department has requested to wait until after July 15, 2020 to conduct the training. Lloyd Hilgart asked if the City had a list of EDA properties so that they could begin marketing some of the parcels. Angela Schumann explained that staff are working with WSB to create property inventory maps. We have received a draft version and staff are working on making additions to the map with all EDA and City of Monticello properties identified. The EDA discussed in detail the co-work concept brought to Monticello. It was noted that St. Michael recently opened up their co-work space. They did not use any sort of public funds to cover the cost of the space. Thares provided the prospect list. Bill Tapper asked what the under -onstruction property was. Thares indicated that it was owned by Mike Mossy for his plumbing business. Thares indicated that he removed proj ects that are no longer in consideration. One new prospect was added to the list —"Project Panda-v3". 9. Closed Session — Consideration of recessin� to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal propertv pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Propertv Address: 213 3''d Street West — PID #155010031031 Economic Development Authority Minutes — March 11�', 2020 Page 3 � 4 10. Adiourn JINI DAVIDSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:56 P.M. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: April7th, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — March 11�', 2020 Page 4 � 4 EDA Agenda: 04/08/20 4c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through March, 2020. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through March, 2020 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements 0 z 0 4 � C � � � C 0 .� L U a '�O '�O O O O O O C O O ^ �D O1 �f� t� t� o v-, v-, o a a �n �n o 00 .O- .O- �' M oo O� ^ O O N^ M Q� N O N O N N �D o� � � � N '�O �+� ^ � � N m mm --� N � --� --� l� � �� �� � o0 �� �� �� 00 �o 00 N N N N N N N N N N N N M N O O O O O O O O � N N N N N N N N � O O O O O O O O � N � N N � N N C N j N N � � o � o 0 0 �� m � m �� m ,o 0 0 ^ � � M � C1 C1 � c+1 c+1 � M � M M rt ;j O � O O � O O � O � O O � O Q Q a Q Q � � '�+ '+�. 4: '�+ '+�. � y � cC < y y � � cC y � f. O C `� y C bp o � p y � � � � � � � � � V+ � ci] N O U ;/] ;!� y � c/� o � - � a3 a �o � � � �,� a N y � ai >� a�i :�-, <�G di � ai �J a`il. a�i � � � � ti �i p � � �� � GQ �' � cS y []., y i a�i F = " � " y n� � ¢ (� c a � o L �' a ;� � � �l a� !� o '�' pq i O �, � � ~ � W c'V Gl a � O 1 0 0 �u � � .� c`s P'x-� W� ;� w W � c� � � � � ~ � Y � N :7 :7 C'7 � e�v 0. Q � � x x x x � � U U U U W W W W Z � a a � � � � � � � � � x z z '� '� � � Q Q � � � :J :J �-1 � C] C] C� Ca � � � � z z � � � > � � � � �' �' � O O O O 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 O O O O � � � � N N O O O O � � O O �� - o M M � � � � � � N N `J� � � 0 M � � N O O :11 :11 � � 7 7 v � 0 0 M M � � � � �., �., N N c 0 .� �i J � y A N y b1J :C � � a � 7 cn O N O N � O M O L". � 'J J J � h � S: ', J � L7 :G H � 0 z 0 4 C '3 O � � L" O .� L c� a L �r�. C � O O O � O O �f� �f� O O �ll O O O � O O V'� V'� O O V'1 O O � !J �D �D O�J D�J 7 7 �D M M O O O� O� W W (+1 '�O '�O N N �D �D '�O '�O m m �ll N N N� N� cn cn N N — `S `S O O O N N l� l� O �.; � � �. �, M ^ � N N N N N � N N � ^ M N O O O O O � N N N N N � O O O O O � p .—. .� -y �D � O � � � O � O � O � � p � M � m � m � � ,p N p N � N � N �p N � M � M � C1 � M � M � '.� � :.�. � P. � �-. � :.�. � a. O Q � Q Q Q � � 4ti .+�- .+�. 4ti .� y ,2 cC cC y cC o ,-a �o �o N o N �o C p N A � � p � A V'+ yS ;/] U_ � V7 y J] � � � .--� t�i t�i � � v t�i � ai C c�i di � ai � c�i -y � a � y � � � � � � [i] � �] '.�C F o a �l .� .L � � C C � � O � O � '.�C c�'3 W �' � � x o � W W ^ o U � v� N � O � a � z z Q J � � W w � a � � � F � o � Q W o x W � z � � a � � ° ° � z �l F F- F F � � � � � � �J °z 3 3 � a � N 0 0 0 � � N O M � M � N O M � � M � � N `J� � � 0 m � � N � � � � 0 � � N � a N 7 N O N O � M O- a O � p i. � � F-� � c 0 .� �i J � y A N y b1J :C � � a N 7 N O N O N � M O L". � 'J J J � h � S: ', J � L7 :G H � 0 z 0 4 C � � � a 0 .� L y a L O C , L � E R % C � 0 � � �r, �r, r r .:7 .o 0 0 N N N N � � N N O N 0 � o � m N � M � O � Q .� � y � � � y = :� � � � � a; j � � :� a a 0 � :� W U � L=i � �i W H U � F-+ � FO � � � W F � � � �r, r � 0 N N M N � L' w w :� O p � � �r, r � 0 rJ <a 0 N O x � ¢ J� N O N O N � N �. a O � r p i. � � � H � 0 z 0 4 C R O � � C O .� L U 6� a o I o m m -�-� -�-� � O N N N v� M � M � O � Q .� � � ¢ A Q � w - � � � � � � w 0 O cn � � � M � ry` L� � W H z 0 � W H W �..� � � M � N � � M N 0 � M N � �' w w :� O p � � 0 � EDA Agenda: 04/08/20 4c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through March, 2020. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through March, 2020 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements i f � 0 z 0 4 � C � � � C 0 .� L U a '�O '�O O O O O O C O O ^ �D O1 �f� t� t� o v-, v-, o a a �n �n o 00 .O- .O- �' M oo O� ^ O O N^ M Q� N O N O N N �D o� � � � N '�O �+� ^ � � N m mm --� N � --� --� l� O l� l� l� l� O O O � � � � 7 7 00 �o 00 N N N N N N N N N N N N M N O O O O O O O O � N N N N N N N N � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � N � N N � N N C N j N N � � o � o 0 0 �� m � m �� m ,o 0 0 ^ � � M � C1 C1 � c+1 c+1 � M � M M rt ;j O � O O � O O � O � O O � O Q Q a Q Q � � '�+ '+�. 4: '�+ '+�. � y � cC < y y � � cC y � f. O C `� y C bp o � p y � � � � � � � � � V+ � ci] N O U ;/] ;!� y � c/� o � - � a3 a �o � � � �,� a N y � ai >� a�i :�-, <�G di � ai �J a`il. a�i � � � � ti �i p � � �� � GQ �' � cS y []., y i a�i F = " � " y n� � ¢ (� c a � o L �' a ;� � � �l a� !� o '�' pq i O �, � � ~ � W c'V Gl a � O 1 ',� " � w � � -, "� r� W� ;� w w cn a U U U y � � � � � ~ � Y � N :7 :7 C'7 � e�v 0. Q � � x x x x � � U U U U W W W W Z � a a � � � � � � � � � x z z '� '� � � Q Q � � � :J :J �-1 � C] C] C� Ca � � � � z z � � � > � � � � �' �' � O O O O 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0 0 � � N N O O O O � � O O �� - o M M � � � � � � N N `J� � � 0 M � � N O O :11 :11 � � 7 7 v � 0 0 M M � � � � m m cv cv c 0 .� �i J � y A N y b1J :C � � a � 7 cn O N O N � O M O L". � 'J J J � h � S: ', J � L7 :G H � I������h�rS, I���. �{��� '�'.C��1f� ��3�I�S �14rCi. �:c:,�7 �:a:��iris. h•,1.'�I �a�:s:. . . .-ti_}{.�`,:.�-: U€_ , �F.� I�i�L�^�1.�5:�.�iL�C} �ITY C7F f�1C1NTI�ELL� �- ATTN f�CC(}1��1T� PF�`�,��LE �Q� W�ILNIJT �T �TE i h+IpIV�ICELL�. 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(Bj I'his P�biic C�,intice w�� �,rit�teci and pub- ]ishct3 ira said neat^�p��r(sj �u�te each xveek, io�r � suCr:��si��� wee�C(��; 1h�. tirsl in::crlian bein� ctn U'2�2 °'J�O�fiM �isd ti�e lr��! inxrlavn bein� can 02�??}�02C}. rto�rc��E F��e�cr.ra�i ���: �cx-eic��� �urnrant tu '47inaesota :�t�t. ;�5�{}.t13� relal�rm� i+� �hc j314}Jj1C�i10IY �f rnar��a�e k�rre4li�ss�re nuli��.s: Th� nervsp�per c�enplies a'i[It #is� ��nt3ition� dc�r.ribed in ;�$0.�333, subd_ 1, 4CiZuse (11 4,r [2.�, lf ihc n�,w��pap�r's k91GJ44'ti [}I�Ip� {l�� 155.416� 1S �[}CR�i:fl in a count�� adjnini�ti� th� �t�t�Cp� w�l�crc ih� El14T�g�i�Cf� premis�s �t s�me p�rl r�f Rh� rnc�rA�a�cc3 pr�.mises ��s�rihed iM t%C a�+�ic:e� r�rc locxlcci, � sub�t�nti�l �nrtinn �1` 11s� �ttw�s�n�x:r's �ircu��iion is in the ]attcr c.�3uitt}�. ���,�1 � � -- � 4' � f Jr-' I}e3i�natir.a algr.na Sabs�rihed ar�r� sv.�p�'1t lo e�r a�lirmcd bctorc mc en 02J?;12U20 b�� �xd�di liui�s, - - �, ,� i ' 1� :SJ�a,'c � ~-�,�..-t��. `Ju[ur}�� Public � �Af��EN� kFARIE I�ACPH�R�OF� � �}3` NpfB�ry PUbli� � ,��' Ihine�Sflta �.,�.,s:� ������nUary3i,��2b :�� Rste Ini�rmation- (I) Lasc�si cts��ci�cri �r�tC )rsil+i �y' 4�ircunercia] us�ry Ct�r �+�mparahlc sp�ce: 518.�Q per eolumn in,�}� Ad ID 1�4�527b cir,r �� f��MTI�ELLQ WRIGHT CQUNT'f, NfIF1NE5DTA NCiTIC� C]F PU�ILI�C HEARIMG NdTICF IS HFfdFf�'Y �,IwLN kHai ih9 G�N �4.nri! 6f 1rti0 i. �ly Of l4JiUr�- iic�ll[�, b�Fm�cu�aaa �lhc ':;dy"I will hplCi S¢ut7lie P'�te3riru,� on Maich �, 2fl2C7, at apprc+ximately €:b5 F�,}h, �t C#y Hall, .ri0� 'lhl�lnuk Sire�t, Nkar4ticello. Minn�sat�, r��rdir� � pr�osed bu5in�s6 s�aSlOy C�] be grsntetl �o U�1C F1e�l LSk�!e, LLC (the "'R��ipi�nk"I ���r Mir�n�sa- t� SIS#ules, �cti�ns i1�J.993 lhfo�e�h 116J.9°�5. Th� proposed subsi�fy+ C�9Sist9 0l a 'orgivable IcY3n �n tha �rinaipai emount ad 53��,0(1� foe the purchase af ms- ch nery arrd eqvipm�nl r� ipf the en€pansian qf R�Ipief�i'3 8xi�1- ing ms�v�f8r.4uflrx� Pecihky, Initxma- tiQ.n ats?�ut t7te p�oposeti bu�i�lesa :�Ubs�. inClu�ir7g b summarya� 1he ker�K; �P 7hc subs�y ana a copy oP 1�5u tir2fi h�s�ness suhaidy ag�iee- merrt, are awaileble fpr sng�r�tipn at City Hall during reguler �ussn��g haurs. Any resident qF �ryr �wn�r pf t�xslsle �r�prly+ in 1ne ��b! rn�f fil� a wrirs� �qmpl�ink w�th Ut� G�ty �f Ch� Cd+f fiSds k� �r�ply urit�i Ihe E3u�nr1a5S Subsidy Act FJn e�tian �tt3y ��z �ilesi againsp khe Cityt far the laiilure 10 comply untess a wtitt�n �cartyplai ni is f�led. All irsterested p�e�sng may 8p- pear e! IF� h��nng �n� pi�ilk th�ir ,news an the �tt�ars tn te C4�k7�e�i 4r�fy c7r priar to t�e m�skin+� ir writing. D�5E9d: rabru�ary ?7, 202{S 6Y ORaER JFTHE �I1V Ci]LJPJ�IL sJ� T"�E CITY CaF MQNTICELLO, M1INNESQTA r�r ..��,,,�r�f scn���er C�1� �I�rk P�pl s� In i�s Monr�c+�llfl times � �'L'ruzlry �T, 2{12C} '02527�5 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 828 AM To: Julie Cheney; Jennifer Schreiber Subject: RE: ECM $110.76 Yes, this is okay to pay. Please code to: UMC Escrow Account From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 11:49 AM To: Jennifer Schreiber <Jennifer.Schreiber@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: ECM $110.76 Jennifer & Jim Attached is Inv# 761452 from ECM. It is for a PH for a proposed business study granted to ECM. Okay to pay $110.76? Please provide coding. I wasn't sure who needs to approve this. JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('1ii' €7F �� ��I'I�IC��� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i ��g�: 2 �►�fl�l��]� � �1"�V�i`I, +�i1��#��'E�t� ��3Q �outh Sixth �Cr�et, �uite 47p �lin�neapalis, �+1f� ��4�� ca#jj �� i,�7+��1tIC�2I�O J�nu�ry 31, �(��0 J�IN�9{7-0��£� ��p79 U�u1C �conc�mic I�evelopme�tTiF Through Janu�ry �1. 2�2D F�r AJl Leg�l Ser�ri�e� qs Fall�uv�s: �1��2p�f] M�11 i}r�f# PurcF��se �nd R�d�ueloprnent �an;r��t 11612 Q 2�1 1 Ji,r2�12G "11�r202� 1116�2�2�J 1 �+� 1�� Q,� 0 1l��l2�I�� �:=�': �--- -� � � i :I � Ig �I �r��',`I ;I � L' r 4 `_'�i'� y� 1tl�S �� � ,:I q„ I' L , �,� i� � ,y�'"'� Ho�rrs 1�cr7�unt 4 0(} 1,i�0�1,{]f} MNI Re�ise ar�d frialize in�t�21 a�rafk �` [JM� �'urchase �r�� 3.�0 C�evel�ppm�nt ��r��ra�t; cir��l�te to �i}A tearri fa+11Vf Monti�e�lo: r�vis� P&D �ontract ��r neu�r inf[� fr�m J �.2C1 �n�r�*s; �cir�ul�te far irste�r�ai r�+.riev�r Mhll M�et w�#h ,Ashley reg�r�ing M�r.ticello TIF �n�d up��rnir�g (].6{] r��l ��tat� trans��ti�ins f�1Nl Revi�+,� cornm�e�[s from J Thares �r�d A, �ci�urr��nr; {�.8p inct�r�orate ��tt[a c€�rr#r��t; cir�ul��� ta a�l p�r;ies far r��l�w �NI Draf# pubfic h��r�n� ��tic� �or ran�d sal� �rrd bus�n�.�s b.�b subsidy for lJl'�� MNI ara�k M��1tic+�ll� l�M� re�ofuti�ns. i.,pq � 50. 0�[7 30Q.00 � 5 f7. (��l 2{��1. C� L� 125.�D ���:. D�1 'Il�7l2Q�0 MIVI Fin�aize E�7I� resaluti�ns for Feb 12 public he�ring 1�[� �S�.Q{� Tt�t�l Servic�s; $ �,°���,0� Tat�l ��rvices and Di�bursements: 5 3,12 i.00 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 8:16 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (4) Julie, these invoices are all okay. Please see below for coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 10:21 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (4) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 1:12 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson -$1,516.90 = 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea -$103.50 = UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$3,125.00 = UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$600.00 = 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us `�`� �%I���{���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i Page: 3 ��C�F1EC�]j' � �a�'�V�'�, �il�f'��1'�C� �Ofi S�aut�h Si�[h Stre�t �uite 47C� Ndinneapofis. MN �5�0� �Ci[y c�f Monticerlv Janua�ry �1, �0�0 P�+1N1�0-�p1�61 �4D6� �h�lsea Rc�a� 1+'+J. TY�rouc�h J�nuary 3�� , �L120 F�+r ,�II L�g�l 5er�ri��s As F�Il�v�s: , '� ���^ ����: � ,��-__�. H�u�s �rn�unt �l�1��Q�0 TMR �hc�ne call yvith Tim'�hares, intr�office c�rfere��� w�ih M�.�Q Ingrarn regarding obj��kic�n 1�4ker 1d23f���� Iv1Nl Review c�rr�sp��cf��tc� with title regar�iing �eleCion o� �1.Z� exC�pti�t�s t�a titpe. 1J�3J�(l�� TMFt E��vi�w aett�r from Jenny �Mr�hlm�nn r��arding vbj�c#i�� �.3tJ I�tt�r; forward #o �1 Ingr�m f�r review Total 5�ruice� �'�.40 40. �Q 38.10 5 103,5Q T�tal ��nrice� �nd Disbursements: $ 103.5b Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 8:16 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (4) Julie, these invoices are all okay. Please see below for coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 10:21 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (4) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 1:12 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson -$1,516.90 = 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea -$103.50 = UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$3,125.00 = UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$600.00 = 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us `�`� �%I���{���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i ��ty �f Monticelf� J�r�uar�+ 37. �(]2D P�ge: 7 �iennedyr � t;r�vren, �hart�red � ;�''���,k' 21D0 ao6+t�1 Sixth �t�eet. Suite 4�0 �� `` ° ��i'�� �, Mrnreapolis� �+1N 5�4f�2 �, � ��� ;- . � '",7� .�I�, L�' _ � , _ ;� . Gy�, ' .� �����- - �?1Nf9�-001�1 �ener�lED,4M�tters Thr�ugh J�nuary 3f , 20�� F�,£ AI�' Leg�� �ervi�es A,� Fcsll�w��: Ho�rs 1�m�unt '11�1I�p�C Mf�l Nior�thly #in�r�ce conf�rer�ce c�ll w?th EI�,FI sta�f, I�orthi�r�d 3.[]� 6410.0(l 1'otal �ervices: $ 617D.Q0 Total S�rvices ant! I��sbursem�nts: � �(�4.Q�p Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 8:16 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (4) Julie, these invoices are all okay. Please see below for coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 10:21 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (4) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 1:12 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson -$1,516.90 = 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea -$103.50 = UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$3,125.00 = UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$600.00 = 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us `�`� �%I���{���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i Page� � �(e�n�d� 8� Cra�ren, �harter�d 2�D ���tr� Six[f� S#r�ek, �ui�e 4+� I�+1inn�eapc��is, Mf� ���3�2 �E#y� of N��nti�ello J�r�uary 31, ��}�Q hAN1�0-0[J16� 8617 Ed'mon�vn A�+e. , � �i ' �' ���� `"6� � �fhr�ugh .lan�ary 31, 2�2CI Fc�r AI! ��g�l ��r�w�ices A�s Follo�.+�s: H[�urs fif7d2Q�0 MPiI h+l�n#i�ello: upd�te.Ad�endu�n [o Edrnonson F��4 �er P� {�.BD S�hum�nn �s�rnr€r�enk; �r�aft �pprovin� resolu#�on 11��ql���G TMR Em�i k� M Ingrarr� f�r status �nd �conFirm�kion �f ink�nd�� C+_� � �ias'�g d�te 1J14f2(]2� MNI F�evi�ians Co a[f�endurrM to PA per buyer req�e�k O.�tl �l1�J�0�� MNI �7FF�ce cc�nference wi#h T f�ei�h�ft reg�rding �la�ing 0.�0 rn�tt�r5 f�r E��'nqnsc�n �r�p��ty 1Pi5d2�20 T�+li� Ern�ils #� IV� In�r�rn r�g�rding schedulin� Q.�� '�?� ���4�0 TMR R�spcsna �o emai� fr�m tikle �t�rnp���+ r�q��st-n� fl.�� sche�duling: �rn�il t� city re��rdin� �losing 1�17�2020 MhJI Fin�liz� Ad�iendurr� fc�r Mor�ticello Edmor*san PA; revi�vr D.4[7 �I�sir�g t�rti�icat�� 1f�1l�I��Q i�1Nl Di�cus�i[�n �f prop4sed re�isi€�r�s k� �d�ier�durr� wikh A Ci.�Q ScM�umann; re�+ise �nd �ir�ul�t� 52m� �,���I2f720 iti+l�ll F�rth�r discuss;pro �s! prcy�o5ed ch�n�es t� a�idendum O.�p 1l�1r2{�20 Tf�lFt F;e�+ie�r �losi�g st�t�r`rrent; em�il tsa l'v4 Ingr�m � 4G 1,`�2���720 MRIN Re�u3�w cl€�sirss� ds�currti�n�5; re+ri�w f�rther pr�rpc���d 1.tlC chanc�e ko add�ndum I�r�u�ge 1f�212�2�] TfU1R Intr2�c�ffi�� ��nfere�c� M Ingram regardrn,� r�e�rrsran on � Z� settl�ment stat�men� 9i��i2�2� TMR F�rw�r�l d�s�um�nts to title`or �pprov�l re�uie+�+well Q.7Q s�alin� r�cor�ds; poirat out `.her� �r� t�+o ��d injured if th�r� are m o re� 1?��l�Cl�O TMR Emaif t� ciky reg�rding prcceeds Qo`IO Ams�unt 1�0.�7Ci i2.�C1 ��.�� �� 80 �0{} �� �5.4f1 B8.9A 12.70 Page: � �4er�n�ed�r � Crau�en, ���rt�r�d �Ob �qu�h Sixkh �:r�et, Suit� 47�} �linn��peli�, N1fV 5540� �ity �f �v9onticello J�r���r}r �1, �{}2(7 _ _ "ld�412[��0 Tf�u1R Email clvsir�g dc��urnenks and instructi�n� t� Jirr� �h�res; [�.�p confirm wi[h t?tle +�here ����,ments �r� going For cic�sing 1��7f242Q h,ihll Edm�nsan pee�l�s�ng m�kters. �1.?�� �l�71�QZ{� Th11� C�raft in�#ruc�ian I�tt�r` fesr titde cor�npany; er�2�il t� �l�enny 0.�0 Mc��h'm�nn 1l�7�2024 ��1R F��e+�ise well �ert; send tt� Jlm Th�res; call Jirn Thar�s [o D.;�� ve�if�� wiring intru�ki���r p�ovading �,+�inng ina#eue#ions k� titl� cornpany 1�+�S,r2{}�fl iMR Respond to em���from J�nny Moeh,lman reg�rdin� �losing 'J.�� tca tcauch f�re co�m�n[� re�ieveti by em�il fr[am M Ingram; s�v� �o file; farr�raar dko t��le �c�r�p�rmy. email f'� le�gr�m regar�ding mrssing �a�ument 1l2�J�(��D TMF� Revi��.v �+rell rnfnrma[ian pr��+ided by �ir.i Thar�s; reu�se we110.2i] ��rtifi��t and sen� tg ,lirrt Th�reS 1l�SJ�02i� 7MF2 R�v�er�-�rnail frorn f�1 Irrog�2�m tc� An�ella �chUrrr�r�n 0.2b regar�ing �dditie�n�l �ic�cuments for closing, respond `,o Jenr�y f�loehlm�n regarding; r��s `�r invc��c�: ema�� to J�m Th�res to r�mind hcm 1!2'����2Q Tftir�R Rhar�e call fr�m Jim Tht�res; review ssgned d�ocuments: C�.2� �rn�il rei+i�ii5n5 1J�9J24�1� TMR F�euievw �dd�tiar�al clpsin� d�cuments: �mai� ko Jim Th��r�s U.10 1l3012�2i� 14+IN1 ��view re��rded do�um�nts 0.2(l 1130i20�{} TMFt �m�il frc�m #itle k� corfim �clos�n� �rd revieva capies of 0,4p signed �lt�sign do^umer�#�. s�v� �r�d print ko file; clo�e Fil� ir� sp�ste�n ��t�l 5�rvi�es �3.5� 1�0.0� ��. $4 �3. �0 �8.1� ��,�0 26.�0 2.5.4� 1 �.7D �O.OQ �D.84 $ 1,596.9Q Tntal $ervi�es �nd Disbursernents: � 1,51�a.9� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 8:16 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (4) Julie, these invoices are all okay. Please see below for coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 10:21 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (4) Following up on these. Please submit by end of day tomorrow. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 1:12 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00162 — 8617 Edmonson -$1,516.90 = 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea -$103.50 = UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$3,125.00 = UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$600.00 = 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us `�`� �%I���{���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i foi xErvEA �+�d[r�uE 5 SUITE 3�0 MINNEApOL15, MN 5a416 �� � �ity of Monticello February 24, 2020 Attn: Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Finance Manager ProjecUln�oice: R-01 5355-000 - 1 5�5 Waknut Street, 5uite 1 Reviewed by: Bret Weiss Manticello, MN 55362-8831 Project Manager: James Gromb�rg 202a Economic De�elopment Sen+ices i' `4 �;, �� 11 j City Sta{f Reviewer - Jim Thares GL Acct # Zi 3.46301.431990 Professianal Services from January 1, 202t1 tq Januar►r 31, 2020 Phase 001 2020 Economic Qe�elopmer�t Ser�ices Monthly Retainer ° ' j __ � _-�-.��.._-_-- � ,� Csmments: M�nthly Retainer 7i5. f0 fir thls task. _.- ---- -� � Fee 7otal Fee 9,30D.00 F'ercent Comple#e 8.3333 Tatal Earned 775.00 Previous Fee Silling Current Fee Biifing 7atal Fee General Meatings Delwiche, Ryan 1/29/202Q Map graphics update per Eric Maass. i'oials Total Labor Concept Drawings Pittman, Bryan City Boundary Update Totals Total Labor Special Projects 1/15/2020 Hours 1.50 1.50 O.Oq 775.00 775A0 Total this Tasfc $775.Q0 Rate Amount 84.00 128.00 126.00 126.00 Total this Task $126.00 Hours Rate Amaunt .50 13Q.Q0 65.00 ,50 65.00 65,04 Total this Task $65.40 Project R-{}15355-D00 MONT - 2020 Economic De�elopment Service Invoice 1 Maass, Eric 1/1312020 residential property availability map update Maass, Eric 1/17/2020 Map updates Maass, Eri� 1/20/2020 Map updates Maass, Eric 1127/202p Maps far jacob Toka I s Total Labor Billings to �ate Fee Labor Tatals Current 775.00 845.50 1,620.50 Hours Rate .50 �19.00 2.00 119.00 1.50 119.00 1.50 119.00 5.5fl Prior D.00 0.00 0.00 Amount 59.50 238.00 178.50 178.50 654.50 654.50 Total this Tasfc $654.50 7otal thi$ Phase �1,62U.50 Tatai this Invoice $1,620.50 b� Total 775.00 � % 845.50 �/�� /� 1,620.50 ! � Page 2 Julie Cheney �- �'�� �' eY�,� � From: Bullseye Property Management & Realty <mail@managebuilding.com> 5ent: Thursday, February 20, z020 3:Q8 AM �a: A P Subject: Lease statement for Broadway Parking Eas�ment - COMMERCIAL - 2 as of 2/20/�OZO � Bullseye Praperty Manag�ment & Reafty PLEf15E NOTE: b0 NUT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS 1"his email message was sertt from a notii€catian-only address that cannot aceept inepi-ning email. L,ease statement as af 2420-02-20 City af Manticella Econamic Devefapment Authority 35 Lake St s�,�t� �Qa Big Lake, MN 55309 Date Prior balance T -C�ii�: � 2/112019 Common Area Maintenance 12/3/2019 Payment 12/4/2019 2019 Cam shortage 1/1/2020 CQmmon Area Maintenar�ce 1/3/2020 Payment 1f3012020 Payment 2f1I2020 Common Area Mainteraance 3I112020 Common Area Maintenance � _ _ _ _ __ _ — — --- . _ --- ---_ � � - � +C�'�5�[.� !��- �.�.� c_ �: Account #: 0040591� Amount Bafance �o.ao $121.G0 $121.60 {$121.60) $0.00 $587.42 $5$7.42 $162.13 $749.55 ($709.fl2} $40.53 ($�21.60) ($8�.07) $162.13 $81.06 $162.13 $243.19 Balance due: $243.19 P�yrnent is due an #he 28th of th� month. If payrr�ent isn't receiv�d, a one-time fee equal to 1.5% af autstanding balances will be char�ed on the 27th of each month. Manage your account online: http://bullseye�ro�erties.managebailding.corn 1 Bullseye Properry Management & Re�ity 35 Lake Street 5, Suite 5flf� Big Lake, MN 55309 (763)295-6566 �.i�l �f 1 T�nant Statement 17J1/2fl19 - 2/10/2020 City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Broadway Parking Easement - COMMERCIAL - 2 Qate Destription 121�12�1t9 Peevious balance 12/1/2019 Cornmon Area Maintenance 12/3/2019 Payment (Check #12i650) 12/4/2019 2019 Cam shortage 1/1/2020 Common Area Maintenance 1/3/2020 �ayment {Check #121792} 1/30/202� Payment {Check #12i904' 2l1/2020 Common Area Maintenance Balance due Generated 02f10l2020 16:24:03 .�� y4 ;�•� ���'�_'� � A f�`}�� ��� `=: �� ���, � .;� 4� � ��Rf . � f� .�-Ic��o r . ��[3� � a Amount 121.60 -121.60 5$7.42 162.13 -709.02 -127.60 162.13 ��� BPM BULLSEYE n�sn■�r.iaor l.ease # 405914 Balance O.QO 121.60 Q.00 587.42 749.55 40.53 -$�.07 81.06 S$1.Os r�.! o p oj � a O +-� o � N � � � O m y� �l O Oi L++. m C � M � I m � l/'i p O �vj M I Vi �Mr, � � CU � � i,�p '� 'r9 d � � O y� �D f d � ^ � ? ��� O r� � a) ,� � n1 Z � rj M N � "'� f"] 1"1 � I 6l'�J M (^ : CLi (X M C1] � ~ `� i . 4J I M � I ri hj i � �r � m � � L � ~ . i L � M � i � � m �' � "'� �-1 � V � � � � � � t•1 M I , � N ¢ �.; � r1 LL � � 'y � � — � � � �I — J � �; � �% ,.Mm.� M I C � •• I , � � � � � � c r1 ro � N 7 . � fR � � � m r ^ � e--I M 1+1 � mv r � ."�'. :°.i I ■ Y � w � I � � v� U � � M M ' C � M �� � � '" � L a--� i � � L1. e.mj M � �� ¢ M � I M � Nf ' � � "I �/�, � � � � I ' 4 M C� � �' "' M M � M � � . O � M �' � � �i � 1 M M l V '� � C c"i t�f (p M M � a`�1 MI Nl M I M � re � : o p o 0 0 0 0 0 N � pp O r� Q .�-? �y �» � � vf o m p o � �� C o O M� � N o m a o O M O O o M ri o Q m .-�-I N o M O O O PM'7 1�ff epi) � ..-� N a M ao 0 o rmi v�i u�i aD .y N C7 M p p 4 � v�l N o m c o � CD � N O M a O O M l�Yl u�"1 00 '-1 N o r"�n o 0 a m � � D� r+ N o rMi o p O M � yQj P7 N 4 M d p O M VQj {� f�6 Q o r�+i o 0 o rMi u�i � m N o nM"f O C O [M�4 1�d1 u4j C� �--i N O O O � a N � M M 1�1 N � M i'�i � N M M M 1�'1 ri � M M � +y HY M (�1 eM+l .r r� M M M � M �} M M 1� M f�l M m m .a i'�� M M M a M P1 M M N M m P1 � ri M M M Irl � o : o ' O o o ' � � � � � I � o P1 C P'1 � N I M'18 M � � P1 I O �'M1 O t4 M N „ g, M r� , O M1 . M .� M O Ifl D M C � � I � �•o M � p � I � , o � ' 4 � iI I'��7, �. ii O M I O M � I r�i � � � p i M N f9 O � M C7 IM1 M r1 � U V y,i � � �O �q � � J � a � � i � I � � +�+ [.J lL � C � � � H nn � m� CJ '° 3 C o � Q d C � ~, � � � �'u �°+! �'� �' �C � �a ��e w � ,,,1' �� o' y �� ;u a � � � c o E+d-' O � �r a.� Cl � � � r�ir � �.�+ d�' o � m � � �c E � � � � d �'..'� a a o'n O � a o.� w t7� �c� o°�c¢c� inVi o pl � ¢ M U� �: W Uf F- a�t � x � O QJ CI1 � a � d N N � � N Q � O N � � m as C 4J � Bullseye Praperty 1Vlanagement 35 Lake Street S, Suite 540 Big Lake,1V[N SS309 � �� BULISEYE P'ROPEATY MAlfA6 EMEIii a RfAlTlf City of Monticello Economic Develapment Attthority 505 WaLnut Sireet Suite 1 iVlanticeilo, MN SS362 2/1 i i2�20 Please see attached 2Q20 budget for the Braadway Parking Easement. A copy of your current ledger is attached as well. An increase to monthly fees was necessitated by the high cost to haul snow offsite. We are working on a plan that may avoid the need to haul snow affsite in the future. Please note, you may have a balance as 7annary and February fees were adjusted to cover the anticipated necessary revenue for 2024. Any owners with accounts on recurring monthly payments will be adjusked autamatically to the increased amount. Please call our office to authonze a payment far any back dues. You may alsa mail a check. Per the legal documents, the charges are split as failows: • Lc: : - 9.�� io • Lot 2 — 12.16% • Lot 3 — 15.Q0% • Lot 4 — 12.03% • Lot 5 — 17.33% � Lat6-13.5% + Lot 7/8 — 24.38% Sincerely, Bullseye Properly Management Julie Cheney �ram: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, March 4, Z02L} 8:29 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Lease statement far 8roadway Parking Easer�ent - COMMERCEAL - Z as of 2/2a/2020 � Bullseye Praperty Management & Realty Julie, yes this is okay to pay. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, March 2, 2d20 10:22 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.manticello.mn.us> Subject: FW; Lease statement for Broadway Parkin� Easement - C�MMERCIAL - 2 as of 2/20/2020 � Bullseye Property Management & Realty Jim Can yo�r provide an update on this? Thanks Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 20�0 �2:56 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticeilo.mn.us> Subject: FW: Lea�e statement for Broadway Parking Easemer�t - CQMMfRCIAL - 2 as af 2/20/2�ZQ � Buflseye Property Management & Realty Following up on this. Frarn: Julie Cheney 5ent: Thursday, February 20, 20Z0 8:03 AM To; Jim T�ares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> 5ubject: FW: Lease statement for Braadway Parking Easement - COMMERC�AL - 2 as of 2/24/2020 � Bullseye Properiy Ma�agement & Realty 1im Here is an updated lea�e sta�ement from Sullseye and the iotal due to them. Okay to pay $243.19? Thank5 lulie From; Bullseye Property Management & Realty [maifto:mail mana ebuildin ,com] Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2020 3:08 AM 1 �3ullseye �rvpe�t3,r K.+1:�i1�g2fri2nT & R�� It,r 35 Lak� Street S, �u�t� ���J i3ig L�k.e, MhJ ��3�1� (�a �7.�rj i�'`.�—J.�i�7�] � �� T�I���� ��c���l��Cl� � ity of M�nticell� Ec�nomic C1e�r�tvprn�nt ��thori#y 505 4Nalnut Street � Ll It� � MtrntE�ello. M N 5536� 8 raadway PaRking Easement - CC1h�'IfN�ER�1.4L -� D�te D�scriptit�n 121112Ci19 Prea�io�s balan€e 12l112�19 Common,4r�aMaintenanc� 12f312C319 Payrner�t {�h€ck A'1�1f�5Qj i�f41��19 �019 �am �horeage 1f7a"2020 Common,4re�Mainten�an�e 1f3��02{] Payrrgent {Che��k �'1�179�p 113�J2470 Payrne�nt {Ch�ck A'1�19Q4� 2r112Cb20 �omomon Are� Maintenanc� Balance due ���,��_�t�� ���,�}����,�:��_a� 1�111 �f] 1�- 2J 1 Cif 2€?�0 ���.����. ������ Amaunl i�1.6t] -121. �iC� 5$i.4� 16�.13 -7[]9.[}� -1�1.�0 i52.13 �� � � � 9ULi5£1'E �rs�.i.ar.�em, Lease � 4i�5�i4 B�I�nce 4.OlJ 1��.5U a. �70 ���.�� �49.55 40�53 ,�1.C1i 81.Q6 �81.0� � � � �% � GG � �% 4 � � � G 'k'` 1P O 6R � O � � � � � � .. y � � cfi� 4' �!� R�S C O n" � � �� I � � �, � � � '}� � 4 i � � � � � l.� LR gJ � [?�' ^' M 91 �� � � � � � � n7 � � � � � 7 41 � n. Cil '�' � {/i C] �1C r': =�'i �' � � � r� Pti P" Nk � � � � � r�-+ M � N � � �� �� � � m � �� �� � � I � ~ � � � � �e � � � C� � m � � � � � �� � � � L � � , I� rry � � � ^ � r' � 11a"i � � �'i �� u .e"'i-+ +A � �� � � � � � � rv .1.�..� � � °�e' +q �y � SL1 G` "� � /A � � � � � � �i � L�.1 '~ � � � � � � � � � � � m i'F � + � � � � � ��5 � W � � � � � � � � 1"5 � � � ~ � � � � � �. � {ry � � � � ' � N � /\� .t3 1`5 {fj % � � +� �i � r�'%1 e� A � � � .rt C �^`e r� � m Pry � "� f�iF M � � M •' .y �I �� � � �"� � CS ri p �y Q M al5 ta� .a � o aFry p � 4 �5 �� � [�++�i, O 4t} r�-e � � � o i*�r $ �,�j +� � � G] � fl M � � � � � � � � � ry �Q M � Q O iCeS V'+ 111 �4 ry � � fl � � � 4� y�i5 � � � � a � fl M o G � � � N � m � � � +'3 c {j d v+s � W � 4� t��i O � G r+i � O � � � O h} � C O C7 ri 69 0 C7 � � � � � M o b �r5 � � � {t3 .�y ry ,r�s _. � � � � � y� � .� � � � � fl7 � � � � pp � O' � ' � � C '�' � � � � � � � '� � C � �Q� . �� � � �i n'q � �= � � C � � � � � � .0 z�i o � k. � � .� � � v'i # � � ��� C � E� � � � � �� ���� � E � "� � � �� '� � E �� � � .� �� �E d t� t�! V '�, �m��������;� �� � �ull��v� Pr�np�rty M�n�gem�nt �5 I.ake �treet Sg �uite �(l�7 Bi� Lak�, ?v1I�1 ��30� �ity �f i1�c�nticell� E�c�nomic 13�velc�pm�nt Aut��rity �(�5 �4F�lnut �tr�et �ui#c 1 I�It�nticello, M1�! 55��i� 2�'I ir�2f12{1 Fle�s� �e+� �ttached 2(}2C1 budget for the f3roadway� Parkin� [:as�trn�nl, A cog�� at`your ct�rrent led��t i� �ttach+ed �s �c�l, An i�cr�.�s� t� mc�nshly f'ees vras nec�s�itaccd by Ihc hi�h cost t� haul snra�+ o#'fsil�, �� are working oi� a�rl�tt �h�l may� a�•e��d th� r�e�d tcr h�ru1 snow� ofisite in the Fut�uri. Please nnt�, y�u mau have a balance as Janu�try �nd F�bruar� fe+�� w�re �d.Nu�t� l� s;�r�•er lhe antici�ated nec�ss�ry re�•en�e fnr 2i��0, An�� �wi�ers +avith ac���unt� �.�n Te�:umn� manthly pa}�ment5 +x�ill b�: ��justed ��utc�maaticslly to tE�� inereas�:� �t�c}unl, �Icase eall our �f�i�;e tn aut��riz� a gayment for any �ack duc:. Yc�u rna}�� als.ca r�iaEl � che�k, F"er �he Icg�l ��acu��en#s, the �cl�arge� are �plil as f�llow�: * i.�t � -'9.€�C�"� � L�c�O 2 1�� 1 fi'°lp • I..�t 3 15.��1% ■ L�ot � 12.d3°�� + L.c�t 5 - 1�.3�%� • Lc�t fi - 13 , 5 °1'4 • Lot 71� - 20,38�10 Sinc�rely, Bull�e}+e Pr���erty� Iv�ai�agem�s�t 0 z 0 4 C '3 O � � L" O .� L c� a L �r�. C � O O O � O O �f� �f� O O �ll O O O � O O V'� V'� O O V'1 O O � !J �D �D O�J D�J 7 7 �D M M O O O� O� W W (+1 '�O '�O N N �D �D '�O '�O m m �ll N N N� N� cn cn N N — `S `S O O O N N l� l� O �.; � � �. �, M ^ � N N N N N � N N � ^ M N O O O O O � N N N N N � O O O O O � p .—. .� -y �D � O � � � O � O � O � � p � M � m � m � � ,p N p N � N � N �p N � M � M � C1 � M � M � '.� � :.�. � P. � �-. � :.�. � a. 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F'+,��� 1=4 �.ek .�(.i f��au� 1)�s�ripti�n 7=crr �rvir�� rcl.�t��cl kia ��E;rk�lishmt�e�t i�t :�a� Io7tr��ti��E�t Fin;�itciil;; 17�steict �r�. 1=�1 ]'[t;��� �s�� �ncl�r���t 41�l�tia. �r������ ��,��;�� r���Mt�r: [�4x32 �n��oice Dat�: .; f 3/?ll ����: T �ale� i�e� 1�l Due Date.__ . _ �'' �'`�� J � •. �, � y; ��t� � ��� �� �� � �__ � � �_:y �� � '� y , ��'�� -.� _. ,; � y ��.� � �� � �_--�, � f ° � �y� � ��t�` i . ^�',^�1 y ��� N , � ', 4u� f. '4 �'�; . � �'� �� �, � � �l� � _ - - Sut;tc?tt�� �iJ�s Tt�x T`c�t�l In�=c�ic� a�rr��t�.t�t �i��ck i� c�_ �'a���r��nt I�c�ei���d T�TAL �'� mo unt �,:�.Oil fi:�!}. [1�] hixintil�-�i.�]-�Q� I :311-F;.�e�-�,?1—�`��� � 1'�s:�l?�'�1-5���'7 ]�L1 �,uth rifth Stn�k, 544i1� �3(lfl � h�liru�eaq�?Iq�. !�•i�l a5�(1� V n r� I•.:a nLi�ru e9ti�s.coen ��9rve�r�i Td�Vitli iurrt SP�!'4. R��ij7en�,} ziz�iPa S�'L�irir,i �h�1ti�2[i Clienk: i'rflj eet. �1C�RTHLA�NI� PUB.._. C F-hw4f; �I�11��`OIC'E SUPPLE�7E[VT {=at�� c�f '�it,nticellc} Establishment of Tah {ncrement ]°inancin� LliStrick'���y, l�l �or�ta�t: Jsm T73ires E:���n��rr`�ic: f}��>�,3cx�,rr�[�ntT��1�n,���r �it�' �f I�[�ntir�llc� �L�S k�4'��n4it �tre��t ��iite 1 ;44or�ticelii,, �.7'\ ����i? Billinp Feriod: i7ctcaber ?�?�!� Se��ices Prrfr,rmed • Fsna[ize dc,cument� {�+lan and r�scr�utiarns) and sent� kc? �ikt� • ]�f}t� �r�eeting �k�i� cc���[�re���e c�]]} Staff Tirne E.xge�ses Tolal This P�riad i��T i l ea��e Printin� C7ther T�,ta! Exp�ns�s s� Prvje�t �umma,r}- ls,tt,: �i4�c����. Liil�e� �fhis 1'eeiE}c� I3illed Pre� ious" �ud�,et I#emainin� `faar�irrler� rr���tr�i,y aft���rtrr��ce ��eifor�rf vr�ysiPza! secaye o���ln�rk. E 3c�ur�s P�te Bil�abl� :�.iLS �78� �Ei�I�.Q[J - �7�� �U.i}ll �] l'� 517.(?l1 �� ��i �b3�l�.i�ll SU.c�Q 5[1,�!(1 �0,{�0 *0.+�0 ,�!��rthlan�i Se�urifies, I�Z�. Page 2 t,f 2 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 428 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Northland Securities $630.00 Yes, this is okay to pay. Please code to: UMC Escrow Account From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 11:39 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Northland Securities $630.00 Jim Attached is Inv# 6092 from Northland Securities for TIF 1-41. Okay to pay $630.00? Please provide coding. Tha n ks, .JuCie C(�eney Finonce Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ['1iY C�F �� ��'������� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties. i x m � 4' � N � � � � fi� x � � � tla � O � ua � � � � � ry �" G � � � r (+l +"il C �' L � � �+ � L ll. [:, „"'-,` ,N=r ot ROBERT J. HINALA u �''-t WRIGHT COUNTY � m AUDIT�R/TRE.�SURER a��d o 10 SECOND STREET N.W, ROUM 23Q s�b BUFFALO, MN 553I3-1194 7G3-682-7572 or7G3-6$2-7Sg� �vww. co.wrigh t.mn. us Properiy ID #: Riss-ois-ooaota TaxpayerlD Number:248203 027683 CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA %ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 i�q,iip„IIi�rl�lii��i���nirlld�Il��iPll�ui����i��q���u 2019 va�ues tor Taxes Payable in ��� d VALUES ANC7 CLAS5IFICATION Senr h1a��crr 2014 `'i''I' TaxesPaya6leYear. 2019 2020 �� EsdmaoeJ Markc[ Value: 120,100 141,4fq Homes�ead ExcLusion: Taxable tilarkeS b`aluc: 120,IU0 141,400 New Improvements: P,xpired Exelusions: Property Qassffcation: RFS NON-H RES NON-H S�PP PROPOSEDTF�X Senr��Nooember?o;9 ,� -- Proposed Tax: Step PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT � First-halfTaccs: Second-halfTaxes; To�al Taees Due in 2020: li�i+�U CV �S? � l� l� }'ou mur hr elr g*rhle%�r nnc or e�-cfr 1i��a rcfirndc /a reohfce rntir/zr�npc-•rh� lnr. RrurJ Ihe back uj thrs slatc�mc:irl to Jinca' nx! hnw !u apph�. � I PfOPCYCY Taa "Taxes P:�yablc Ycar: 2019 SY3iCf71C Rf I. tise this amouot on Form M 1 PR to see Sf you are eligifale for a homesteud credit reCund. File by August I5. If [his box is checked, you owe delinquent [axes and are not eligible. 2. Gse these amoums on Fonn MIPR to sce if you arc eligible fora special refund. Properry Address: � v� 3004Tt1 ST !i y 3.. Your pruperty uxes befi�re credits 1,425.�4 MONTICELLO MN 55362 V 4. Gedi�s �hat reduce your property taxca � A. Agricuhural and rural land credits Properh� DCSc��ption: m B. O[her CreJils Sec�-I I Twp-l21 Raoge-02S A C RIGGS'ADDN F 5. Property [axes aRer credi[s 1,425.24 LOWER MOVTE Loh001 BIQck-�OH AGSO LOT 10 � Special Assessment Breakdown: A.ROADIMP 37111-6 57674 ° b.Coumy w _ T. Ciry arTown (CIIY OF MONTICFLLO) � 6. State General Tssx � 9. Schaol District {088�) A- Voier zpproved levies � H. Otl�erlacallevies � 10. Spcv:ial Taxing Districis y A.MONTIHRA p 11. Von-school voter appreved rcfarenda lzvies a 12. Total property taz before special assessments 13. Special Assessments on Your Property See LeR for E3�rakdown of 3pecial Assessmenu Special AssessmenCs Totals ., lntcresl E26J6 Principal 450.5$ 594.76 57674 532.69 411.44 220.69 245,gy 74.38 1,425.24 t,6ai �t I,109.OP 1,109.Q6 2,z�x.00 z�zo I 1,64L2b 1,6411b ' 628.08 494.43 I 192.19 309.76 I I&80 1,64l.26 14. YOUft TOTAL PROPERTY' TAX A[i�D SPECIAL ASSE55VIENTS 2,020.00 2,218.00 ' rAYABLE ZOLIJ Z�d HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEA$ERE/6THEBACKpF�HESTATEMENTF'JRIMPORTANTINFORMATION. TO AVOfD PENALTY PAY flN OR BEFORE: OCTOBER 15, 2020 Property ID Number: R1�5-o�s-oosoio Total Property Tax for 2020 $ 2,21a.00 Bill NUft'1bBf: 21342 2nd Half Tax Amount $ 1,109.00 ID Number. 2as2o3 Penafly ,�,-"�•F � ,�: CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA %ACCOUNTS PAYABL� 505 WALNUT SF STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8831 2nd Half Total Amount Due MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL T0: ROBERT'J. HIIVALA �� WffiGHTCOCINTYAUDI"fOR/1BEASlBP.R I l0 SECOhD STREET N.W. ROON 230 O nurr.wo, Mn 553�3-��9� ' � If your address has changed please check this box and show the change an the back of this stub. No ��cq��V seni �nipss re(�ues�qU Vaw canca�e0<�cik �va yo��� ��erGl T�i3 recpigi �» •o�tl �� I�e cM1ed� is nci Foroietl- PAYABLE 2020 15t HALF PAYMENT STUg PLEASEREADTHEBACKOFTHESTATEMENTFORIMPOR7ANTINFOFMAT30V. TO AVOID PENQLTY PAY ON OR BEFOR�: MAY 15, 2D20 PropertylDNumber:R�ss-o�9-0080�o TotalPropertyTaxfor2020 $ 2,2i8.00 6111 NUmbef: 21342 1st Half 7ax Amount $ 1.109.00 ID Number: 248203 Penalty 1st Half Total Amaunt Due '. •�M CfTY pF MONTICELLO EDA % ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8$31 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL T0: ROReR7' J. tinvni.n WRIGHTCOUN7YAUDITOWI'RPr1SURER � � 10 SF�O\D STREAT N.W. ROOM 230 � a���.a,Mh55s�3-�«� o ..� � If your address has changed please check this box and show the change on the back oi this stub. ..eie�z y����s�oa -, ,.c.,Yc�� . .u, ec_yI.T-^ ��e�lsv��]Ith�[lie'k�s�q �nafatl I �� � s� n C70� C �� z C�� "Ov �d� r � tr � 9� � �� . � � v H xn x � ��� z z�s G rt7 0 "3 _” .I��. o Y ��� � � � �-�m ��o azM � ��o H,�,3 C � Wright County Economic Development Partnership PO Box 525 Rockford MN 55373 763.477.3035 admin@wrightpartnership.org 1 � �*�` , 4v'right Gr� �� �� , F�.e�•�_rt�,i�t Derel�qiM�fr3k Par0.r+e=��� 2020 Membership Dues Total DisCount Date: 3/17/202D Jim Thares City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN Subtotal Sa/es Tax Total $2,606 $Z,606 $2,606 If you have any questions please �o„ta�t Mrssy at �63.4��.3o�s. Thank you for your participation! Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 9:30 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: WCEDP 2020 Invoice Attachments: WCEDP Invoice.pdf Julie, please pay this invoice. Code to: 213-46301-443300. ��p�nd�tur� [�c�cum�nta�ti�� R��k�et UMC Ex��n�i�n i�rc�je�t 7.�'�-�tre L�nd P�urchase Tran���ti�n €��otum�ntation �nd F�ndirr� �ourte Ir�form�tian �I�sin Sthe�luled fs�r � ril 1 �pi0 1. Fundin� �t�ede�d t� c�orrtplet� tr�nsactio�t; �996,�#t2. s5 — See S�ttlerne�t St�ternent �$4i},L]0� �arn�est maney alr�ad�r paid on ��-14- 24]1 � � � � � � �� � ti � � I���� 2. C�d'ir�� (5aur�ce of Funds'}z T�x Iner�rnent bistri�t #�p�6 = 57��,384 ��� EDA G+eneral �Fund — �13-���f�1-���93,�s98.55 Tot�l Fund� Sourc�ec�: �99f�,p8�.55 {see tape] ����-�.� �� �� ��� . i y - � I �,� # , .. . � - �. 17 l� '� . , _ �.-13� �k � ., _ , . ACtached back-u�7 docum�nt�tion: � 5�ttlerr�er�t �t�tem�nt dated 3-17-�[}�� � E[]A Rest�luti�ri #2C�1'�-�(� Apprc��+ing L�n€� R'urth�se � Fully Executed P�r�Fras� Agr��m��t ���A Nlinutes frc�� Novemh�r 13, �i]19 Me�tir�g �° E�A� Resolu#ian #�(�2i�-C34 A�prcrving TNF #�.-0� a5 �unddng ��urc� OIYI6 F�G. 2�02�12G6 '� n & TV"PE Qf 4L�lY U_S. �EPARTMENT 47F NC]lJ9[i#CR d� 411��►yh1 ��V�"� OPMENT i.L 1Fli4 2.�FmHA 3... ��NV UNIN$ i�Vh '�.F'.OMv� IN9. .. . �� E F'1LE NUM1A9FR 7 L(h4.N NUMBFIi., s�rr�er��r�-r SrAT�MEhtr T•�43� 6 IACRTG#C5 INS � aJLSc NUMEER: �- G NCTE: T� iMF7 l4 {IM54G44+� $G�� Ph'R YY�'+ 9 SfBfe+P�dY�f oP a�Wi i6ffJ�9�.'�!C WtBfB. .af.+Yb�t1�SF�i�1 Ik7 �R4 Qy t�n5 d![lkA71CY�F 8�rk � st�wn�. 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E,97: GdS^+ F}f T'�d J' f�,� 5£� � f �� � � � ��'� ���- �� � ' �01.40D �0 i,4i4.75 1.6i9.5Y3,25 �� •ti�Rfied ka� tre a inue� aoFi'. �rwr�rs, r��namsr�s i AGI{NCIWLEDGAJIE.NT �F ���CEIPT {]� S�TTLEMENT aTATEM�hlT Borr�r�: Mc,nticelloE.�,�smi��eryreloprnen 3sli�r_ Sabngrrre�nt A�ef� Placa of SeW�,r1�r� Siul�meflf [}�6�� P�'(}�gf'�/ LQC3�i1: Mmtc�l4 Ind,i57�a1 pa'Fc �5G F��iS4eA�iC,4GSLdCt2'�, InC. ,7�,�27-3�012 21'�5 NathThirdA�.�a�ue �4rblsa ��1fY 55303 Ap�l1 �(J20 �J4 CheIS6a R�,d h+�neo�l�, }�N S5,`�i2 w1hi�',t Ccu-rty, M� nneaf#a Lat 7. �loe� 1, Md�litell4 C�mmerce x'prAer Sixtl, P�€�c4Ucn I!�a�re earo4W:y.�ri�e.ved Gie FiU D-1 S�ernerv; ��t ar� to � he�t a# rry k.ryowwk�ge B��rJ beli�f, it is a t�ua ar,�,�cur� €tah�riel'k �� I'Bece�p� �rx1 S!?st:u�eYP'�6i its rii� G1 m� �rt7CCl1'I[ oF bp P�'� i n 9'11s tr8n&2C[tf5 i fuAher Ce�ti:y itt�t � h�vt r6CEew� a co�ayaf 7� HUD•1 SelGe�r�tS�ent Md�cellp Es�arr�rr,ic Qewe�c�pr�nk�4uU�rity �1°� fT5_ A�1�nec�elCts ir�,�.tri� p$rk Ine BY: Shi�.vn 4�ir.�n� Pr,�s �nt Tv �e �es" cd my krvowiQoge, the MU6-1 SeC e�r�nk 5��7ark is a n,� erci accura� accourrt of 1he furds wnich we� r�i+�ed �c ha,� beer ar �.�:II t� di� b+:r�ea �p^ ihe Jr�ier5���ec � part af t�e seCJerr�gr: � it�s Cansac��rr. Fse�stared kL�h�G�s. Ir�, -- �uetllesr�r� ��t �F�IN4: I! li� � cr�ms bv knawin�y meke �Irf.�p�dmerMs 1u Ure Unlmee! 3teks �m tl�s ar art� almller fnmt �Yens�tlas Wo^ ea[�rictl�an Cin;nCls�Oe a fi� inr! lapnriaerrmerit Fw d4#a� ire � Sitl� 1s U,s. Cotk Section 14�A1 vrrd 3ettinn i G1 G. (� 1l�-09p.�y.pf�!T19-0903:Ji7j EDA RESO�L�T'I+Q�1'�1C�. ��II9-10 RES�]LiJTI01�' �,�'FIt(IV�Iw,'� PL�1��HA,.�Z� .+l�����i�l'�iT �'()�i TH� AeCQUI5ITI�N �F �HELSEA Rff]iAi� F�O�PE1tT�' �Y' TH� �C:1"�`Y �F I��[�P+1'�'Y�:ELLO ���N�1�'I��` �E�'"��C�PM�i�1T �►UTI�ORITY' �� �T I�.E��L�IEI] E3Y t�ie Bo�r�i af �orrrrnis�ioners �""Bs��rd"j of the �'iky of' Mnn#ic�ell� Ec�n�mi� I���v�la�prn�ni Authc�ritv (the ".4uth�nt�v"� as f�ll�ws: �ectinn l. Recitals, 1,01, The �uth�ri�y �nd M�nrir.etic� I�dustri�l P�, Inc. (th� "Selter") �i�sire tn ent�r intc� a�urc��sse a�reerr�er�� (t}�e "Purc��a�� A,��ent") �ursua�rt to v�•hi��r the Au�lYcsrit}r will ��uir� �ez�tain pr�aperky lo�a�ed on C`helsea l��ad {tl�c "�rop�,rty"� irr the Cifi� of �ic�nticello (�h� "�'i#�r„� fr+�m tl�e ��ll�er� Th� Prap�rty is de��rihed as Lot 2, Hinck 1, �vlc�nti���1� ��mmer� Cent�r �ixth ,Addsti�nn, 'Wri�ht C'�unty. €�ii�eso�. 1,�2_ Pursuant tc� th� P�urcha�� ,��r�e�t, t�e Authoritv k4�i1� �ur�l�ase the Pro�ert;�� �r�m �he Sel ler f�r a#c�kal p�ch�€ pri�e �f S l,1�� 1,�, �� �lus rel�t�i elc+sin� costs. 1.��. The �4utF��nt�+ �in�i� tha# a�guisa�i�an o�' th� �mpert}+ �nforrr�� to t,he �'ity's c�arnpre}�ensiv� plan a�d �mall Are� �tud�, as �pp�r���cd by th� �ity �r,d Au�ha�-ity, �n€1 wxiiI f��ilit�te th� oconoar�i� det��l�spment �n�i re��it�lix�tic�n t�f' thi� p�rtic�n c�f th�: �ity, in khat �h� �uthority int�n�i� to �o��r�yy the �rop�rrty t� a tt�iir� party f�r ecx�r�ami� de���el�}�rr��n� pur�as�s. 1.f�4, Pr�rsraan� #� Mirin�sot� S�a#utes, �+e�tior� ��i'�,356, subd. ?, #he Plannin� �'amrnissic�n o#� th+e City m�t �t� �Au��sl �, 2014, t�r r�+��ie�►� th�. prapcas�d �uisition �d fo�,nii that �u+�� ac�ui�it�c�n c,c�nfarir�� t�> �e Ciiy's f�'�m�sreh���ve �'�art_ . Se�fion �. Pur�has� .,4�*r�em�ii :4��r�t��. �,�11. T�ae ,�utho�� here�,' appr�a�{es t}�e Pur�hase �l�re�ment ir� �ut��tantiall}� the fc�rm preset�te�d to the Auth�rity, �u�j�c:t t� modific�ti�ns t�hat dc� not �lter th� �ubsf�n�e cs� the tran�a�tic�� and tl��t are a}�}�r€�u�d by the F'resi�dent an�i Fx�utiv� C?ir�tnr, pr�vi��ed that exc�utiafl c�f the Purcha�e Agreetnent by� ��o�e off-i�ials sh�ll k�e cor�clusi�re �vidence of th�r apprc�val. 2.�2�. Authcsrity staf�f and �f�ic�als �r� author�zed t� take all a�ti�n� nec�es�afv tn �,erfnrm the Authr�ri#�+'s c���iga#ions us�der �1�� Purcl7a�� A�reerr�ent as a��hol�, in�iu�in� �uithc�u:t limitatic�n ex��ati�n of at�}� �i��:�unenls to ��hic�h the: A�athc�rity is s part}�� refr:rren�ced in �r �ttached trs t�a� Purchase A�,�reem�nt, �nd arty �t#�er d�cum�rats r��c�s��t�r ta �cq�rir� thc Pro}�eFk� �m th� Se�ler, all as� �escri�i�d in th� F�r�hase �►�r�ernent. 6298T2u1 ht1* 194-! fi f A�p�ved this 13th �ia}� c�f Nc�v�nkser, 201�, b�+ t�rc �c�ard �f �'+�r�nrni�si�tt� t��` tl�e �City of Monti+�1l� Ecc�nc�mic Dev�lo�tnent Authority- . .�'� �� , ��' �u�[��s.� � �. ATTEST; ��"� �,,,.� � I �. E� r�tiv� Direct�r � e2Uk372a� � xri "ti �+�ir-1 fa f PUR���SF: A��FEMEI�� , �, � � rn;� ��,t�n��� A��rne�t �•"A,��reement'{� is rn�de t�is ����` dsy of ��'� , 2t?l�, L� and h�t���eenn �o�7ti��i1� ]ndu�tria� P�r�€, In�., � Mi�r�esc�ta �nr�,�rati�r� �`"�el�er") anr� thc Ci#� c�f Mant�cell�, Ec�n��tri�: D�velcsprr��t Autk�€�r�ty, a�ut�li�c b�ad� c�orpo�tc $r�d politi�: ar�� political ��uhdi��i��c�n of it�� State of [�Iinr�es�t� {..BE�y�r"). �. �i����:Rl'1�'. �eller i� the �w��er �of ,�r�p�.rty Jc�c:at�d in th� Coty �,f hEic,nticetlo, Minne�cst�, v���7ich is i��aliy dcscri�e,ri �n the atta�:he�i �xhibit �(m`�rn�►�rty„), �. (]FF�:�',AG�EP"TAI+�I�E. In �onsic�erdtic�r� �af and �uha�ct t� the tertr�s and prnvisi�ns of tliis �4�r�erti��ri�, Bu��r crff�r� and a�r�e� tc� �urchase and ��iler a�r�es tc scll and }��reh� �rants t� Buyer th� exelu�iv� r�ght t�, purc�ase the Prup�rty ar��l all irr�prc����rr�ent� ther+�i�, toget}��r wath all appurten�nces, �J1 �xtur�s ]��cat�d c�n tI�e I�rc��i��-Cty ��7 kl�c d�xe ca�` tl�is �1�,*r�'�rrrer�l �re ir►clude.•ci iii th�e pur�chase nf t�1e Pr�perty, Per�r��l prt��rty is �c�t in�:lusi� in th� saie ��" #I�e i'rn�er�y, �. 1'UI��.H.�I�E �'�t[C,� F�R PROPERT�' A1�1[� `I`ER1�4�. �_ PUR�C'HA�;�' PRIC'.'E: The t�t�1 �urch���c price f�� the Pr�np�erty is: C�ne �rlillivn 'd"13ir#�-�7rrcTh�usanc� an� C�O,t`1(10ths L7�I�ars (�1,�1�].Il[1[).�{�} �"Pur�:l�ase Price"). h_ `I-�:�1�1�: 1. �.A1�1�J��'T` �1rS[��l�Y� ��rr�est rn�n�y {"Earncst [�Ic�nc��"} in th� �rnnu�r� r�f For�}° T'k�c�usa�d and �14r 100ths �o�l:�r.s �S4(1,�7�1{]_DO) sh�ll �e �ie�sit�d by Buy�r tt� S�Ilc:r in��► �:�,crc�w ��ith F�e�isiered Ab�tr�cters, Irt�.. Anc�ka, f�ir�nesvta ("Tikle"} up�rs exe�utiun of this A�rreen�ent_ "Th� F.amest 1�T�y�cy sha�ll be �ppli�r� to the f'urchas� �'rice a# C']c��ir��,. Thc �am�st ivic�ney ��r�lf l�,e refuntlahl� up�n #h� terms and cc�t�diti�ns pr�rvideci iii �his Agre�ineizt, �r�+��idc� tliat such �.arnest �9��ne�,� :;hall he n�i�r�fundable �F�er February 15, ��720. ?. T3AIr,AIV�'� [�1.lE ��Li.EI�: Buver ��rees t� pay th� t��l�nc� o�` t1�e P�rch$se Pri�c b�f �he�:k c�� ���ire tr�n�fer �n the �'lc�sir�� Da�e �ccordin�; �c� the tenn� �f this A�r�eemer�t_ 3, DEED;'MAT.KET�E�L� T�TL�.: Sut�ject ��a perf�nnance by Buycr, �clle.�r a�rees tc� exec:�t� a�d c�eliv�r to f3u�'e�' � 1��rr�nl� Dl�,�i cc��z���vir�g rr�arketabl� fe-� s�snp�� �it1c: tc� th+� Pre�perty4, fr�ee �d el�ar c�t` any rr�c�rt�,a��s, ti�n� ur �nc:umbranc�es c�t�her t}�,ar� �n�tt�rs ercatc� by rar �ceept�bl�e tn E3uy�er. �ubject nr�l,a tc� t}t� $`c�ll�.�t�rir�g �x�cptio�s. i, ��ild�n� anc� r�ni�n� lav��s, c�rd�nan�es, �tat� sn�d fe�aral regul�tion�; (�i37QwaM`� I �k-1�1 ii, Ra:s�.'�e�F�ti�� of nlin�r�l�; «r min�;ral ri�7ls i� th�e �t�t� [�f ?aviar�n�>��t�, if �ny; :�t�d iii_ Publi�: uti�ity .�r�d c�r�iiYa�� e€�.�eme�t* c�f r�;�€�rd w�hich ���i11 nnt int�rfere v��ith �u}��r's int�nd+� usc of the Prc�pez�jr- 4. T�f����.J1�'IENTS Tti �� �EL�1V'E�D .4T C�,O�['VC; �Y �ELL��. I�} �dclitic�n io thc '�arr:�rtiy D�ed r�uieeci a# para�ra�� 3.h.3. akrc�v�, �cllcr sh�ll d�liver t�► Buy�er at c�c��in,�,= �. An affda��it fmr� S�:ll�r su#�`i�icni io re�no��e �n}P �xce�tic�n in �uy�.�r's p+�licy ot title in��arsn��. for rr�e�h�t�ics�' �r}�1 rnaterial�nen�' �i�:r�s art�l ��hts �r1� p�rties in }��.���s�c�n; h_ �4 "brin�,-d�a�vn" certi�i��te, ��rtzfyin� that �11 ��F th� �varrsntics sriadc b�P �eller i�� t�is� A��r�ernent r+�rnain br►�c �s �� ���e C`lc�sira� C�at�; �., �f�ic�a�il �uf� Se11er �c�n�z��in� th�t ��ller i� r��si � furci�n persc�n witk�in tf�e ��e�ni��� c�f ��c��on 1445 o#'th� [�t#erna] �everru� C'�rd�; d. W�:li disclusur� ce:rtsfi�-ati�n, if r��ir�ci, c�r, �f there is n�+ urcll on t�c Prvperty, �tr� '�Va�rar�ty I��ee�i giv�n p���ant to p�ra�;ra��r 3�(:�) ���ve mu�t i�rclud� lh� �€71�C1L4+113� �����ITl�llt= +,-��1� �ell�.�r �:�:�ifi�s that the Sc11�r ci�es �rn# kn�v�� nf �n�= t�•e�ls un the r1��scribcd real �rro�ert�;,, �., �r��� ty��ticc�, ccrtaf cates, arrd affida�•ats r��;arding any pri�'atc s�ura�e sy�tern�, unda;r�rc���nd �l��r�,�� t�nks, �.nd err�+ir�n�n�nial c�ndil�or�� t�� rn�ty k�c rc�uirrxl by stat� �rr fe.�l�al statut�s, rul�.s or rc�,ulati�i7s; anr� �: Any� �t�er d�curn�nt* re:a�nal�ly rcquirc�d by ��zv�r'� ti#le insuran�e cc�i3���1�� C1C �itc�rt��y to evide�ace that title t� �h� Prc�g�r�� is m�rl�etablc a���i #ll�t �e�l�r has cc��n�li�.d vw�ilh t��c tcrrt�s c�f`tkti� T�urcha�e Agree�l��t. 5. C�'�TI1�1�E1�lC'1F1�, Ruy�r's c�t�li��ti�rn tc� purch�s�. thc P��crty is cc�7iRir��,�r�i r�p�n tl�e i'crtlnvs�in�: a. �ippro��al e��`tltiis �urchas� A�reern�.nt by Bu�,�cr's ��+o�-crrrjir�� l�od}+; b. ��'�i#t�n fiildin�.� ka�r tl�e Pl�nnirag �'s�mtr�s`ssi�n c�f #ix� t'it�' nf ''Vir�nti�ellc� that #h+� �c�qr��sition ofthe Pro�ert� cca��fc�rn�s tc� tla� C'ity �'nrnp�chcrisi��c F'1��z; c. �3uy'er c€�nductin� �.�n�irc�r���:nt�l invc�ti�;atios�s ��� t13e Prn�rert� an�i recei�+in�, r�up�rts ih�t ar� satisfact�ary tc� �uyer, �i, Bu�er I�aerin�, apprt��•ed anc� c��.�:u��d a�'ureh���. and D���e��pmen� �:c��i�ract �vith U'.M.�'., Inc_; �nd � nt:�,��c��a�tv i�ro_ i�i c. Buyer'� deterrr�i��ti�n �af rr�a�c�:tak�le title purs�aiii #� �ar��r�ph ��f th�� A�reem�.}nt. I�u}�er sha�1 ha��e utYtil Fcbruary 15. ?(��(] to rerno��� or u+ai+��� the fc�re�;��in� c�r�#in�en�ies �t}��c .`Duc [��li�cna:e Penc�d"}. 'I�h��e conting�n�ies are sc�lel;�� fc��e the t��ncft o� �3u��er ar�d �i��� i�e v��ai�+ed hy Bu��er, ]f �uy�r �ar i�� �tt�,rn�y �,i��es writt�n n�ti�� t� S�ller that ali cai�tir�genei�s arc ciuly� satisii�;�J �r �a��i�•ed, I�uy�er a�id �eller s�a�l prc��e��i tcr close tl�� trar�s��tiosa �s c:�nt+�mpla�ecf i��erei�. If one �r mar� �rf tii�. c.�ntin,�enc�es is t�n# satisficd, �r is n�t �ati�fiecl �vitk�ief t�Yc D�a� Dilig�ce �e:rit��, and i� n;c�t w��ived by B��rcr, this A�eernent shall th�re�p�an bc ��c�id �i the: w�ntten r�pti�r� of Buy�er, ti�� �ellcr shall refi�nd th� Fat-nest fvioney t� �h� Buyer, �� �uyer ��d �ell�° sha11 e���ute �nd del��•�r tr� eae1� ather d�e�mcnta�i�r� eff�e�cting th� te�ninat��r� �f tt�is ���,�reerrrer�t_ �uver sl�alf also dc�i�rcr to S�Iler c���i�� c�f �11 d�cu���nt�tic�s� �,�lhcre�i �iurir�� th� 1]�e Dil��enc� P�r�c��. in�ludin� k��ith�aut li��ixatic�r� a�11 �u��cy, enr��irunrnent�l ar svi� ��e�#s. �►s a ce�ntin�e:rit �'urc:i�ase ��r�rx�er�t, tl�� i�errr�in�tic�r� c�f this r�greeinent i� iroc�t rcc�uir� pursuant t�� tvlinnesota S�at:utes Scc:lic�n �59,�1, �t. ���y- b. T1T[,E EK�4N111�.�T1+�I111�C L`RI]"w� �T'�7"F.� L]EF�'E�T�, B�,�er �i�al�, �t Sel��r'� cxp�nse: �nil vwilhin a rea����ab�e �itfi�c a�1�r ���ler'� ��:c�.��a�ce c�f kl�i� �,,�r��cnt, cabtain a c�arnr�lit�nee�t f�r titl� insura�ce �..C'�����mit�ner�t") fc?r �aje Proper�v �'rorn Ti�le_ E�u��er �I�al1 h�,��e 15 business day� af��r t�,� later c�i r�cei�3t c�f #�tic �'ornmitme�t anc� exe�,utinr� it� ti.c]] �f t�� Pu�-chawse Agre�r���ttit t[� cx�t7'�in� th� Cc�rnmitmen# ar1Ci t(� Ci�]1k��� k���ittCil t�15jeGtitkr�s to �'i�le, if aiYy�, t� Se1�er, c�r Buy��r's nght tc� cie� ��n �hall k�e deerned ������cd. 5����r :�h�l] h��F� �nti1 tl�e end �1' th� I�u� �ili��nce f'eric�d (�r sueiti �a#er �i�t+� as ih� p�rties �na�' a�r�e u��r�) to n�akc titl� �n�rketakale, at ��Iler's �ct�st. ]n tl�c ����i th�t t�tle �c� the �rnperty ��i�r,ot }�c ma�ie Fn�rketat,le ��r is n�at inarie ��arke��ti?le �}+ ��11�r ���ithz�� lh�: Due I']ili�en�e P�r��d, �hcF1 thi� ��ri;crner�t �i1�y he termisiat� at th� r�p[ia�7 c�T �u���r �nd the �ei[er �h�'1 refu�d thc Earn�s� ?��ic��ae�� t�� the ��ay��r. 7. �1"��'Tk��1�11'IE'VTAL 11'r��E�'i'I�A7`"��1�1�. �u��er ack���u��]c�ri�c� thal it ]�a� �e�en �ut1���i�.�d bv� S�:II�r t�� enlc.=r th� 1'r����er[ya a�t�i c;�i�c�uet c��virctinmentaf �i���e�ti�,�tic�ns c�fi tl�e Froperty�, 8. ItE.�I.� �S7"A1"�'� T�►?�ES f'�:�D �PECTAL A�SE'SS'��1�I!'+wT�. �eli�r shall pa}r ��1] r��l �sta#� taxe�, ir�ter��# artid p�'najli�s, i!' �n��, r�eEatin� �o tl�e �'rc���rt} tor ih�: y�e:ar� pri��r tn th�e ye�r a#� cic�s:ing, Pr�a�vici�d that thi:� tran5actir.�t7 shal] �9�sc �� pr�rti i�ed her�ir�, �3uy�r a�,rc�cs to �ay t�xe� fnr t11� _y�ar follnvs-in� t�1e y�e�ir ��` closi��; artd all €�xe� f�nr 4�ear� th€��`���t�r, Prc�p�rty� �axes t�ri' t}iC !,�C�r {�t CIC�Siri� S�l�l� b� prc�r�te€� �etvvee�n �e11er anci ��z}�cr �s of t9�� C]c�sin� 17ate_ S�ller shall pa�� �11 sp�:cial �ssessment� re�ardar�� tl�e Prc�p�rcy u��ii+ch ar+� lek•ied nf p�r�dit�� as �f` the Clc�sin�; �at�:, is�clr�dir�� poa�ics��s w�hir�h a���uld ottr�e�vis� 13ave ��r� p�yabl� �n future ir�stallmen#�. 9. CLOSIN[� I]}�,TF:. '�t�c d�tc nf c:l�sin� �hall he c�n tl�e �arli�r ��f ��) s��klc.� (7} �iavs f�llc�u�°sil� t�1C '.�'�it�5�c7�ii[J13 C1i' k�=�14'CP C}t ��� ���tin��neic�; c�r {t�) A�rril �� 2f�?� (•`�'Ios�n�; �3�it";1. )��l i��er}r �nf a11 �aper� �i�d �h� �losin� shall be r���ci� at �]Ze affic�� of 8uy�r, 5(}5 VV�Isrut �tre�t, S�uit� 1, I�ontic�ll�, I��iN 55362 ckr at :�uch �tk�cr l�c:a#ivn a� is m�tu�ll�� ��ree� up�t� �y t}z� p�ies, r�ll �c�li��eaies and n��tice� t� B��ex sh�ll b� s��a�e �s �r�vi�ied in �ectitrt� ] 7�t' this � �u73 ?rtve�a h � a�ti- � � � A��:e.�mcnt. 1f�. P[���5�:��I[)�;lU7`1LIT1E�. �. Pass�cssE�r�. ��11e�' �gree� tn deliver po�ssion of th�e Pro�rty to l3uv�r an the� C°�vsir�� I]at�_ S�llc;r sh�ll r�i�o�+� all p�er�c�nal �ai3p�,�riy�, j�nk, t�arre9�, �n�l del�n:� �ar;ur t� #�i� �I�sin� Dat�_ Any p�rs�nal pr��cr��r r�rnainir�� �sn kh�: Prup�rly after the �'1e}sin� D�tc shall �e�oine the �r�}�rty� c�f` tl�c Buyer, �. Littlities. No �ater than t+�� ci�ys priar tu th� �lo��ng I.]�te, Se�lc�r �h��i pa}� al] actua9 u#ilat�� char�;e�, �alr�n� v�ith cstiin€�ted �til�ty� ch;�r�;es thru���i th� Clc�s�ixg I]at�, Buyer shall �-efuzr� a�1�� ��v�er���ment af esti�at�d utility �.har�es to Scller u�on recei�at �ri_ uti�i�y k��iis ewidencin� ��tu�l utility usa�e Chr�u�lY the Cac��i�,� C�a��. 1�. :���.1���'S 1��vAFkRr11�T1E�. �e�9�r herehy re}����cnts and v���rrar�ts� t�, �3uver �d Scl��r will �prc�cf�k �,r�d �vairarrt #c� Buy�.r as �f'th+� C"].�:�ir��; �atc th�t: ii. ��v►��r �nd watcr. ��ll�r kv�r����ts t�y�t tc� the kr�st c�i' �ell�'s kno��rt�ci��, t�1� Prc�pc:rty is cat�r���t�ed tn C:ity s��er ar�d �tiratcr. b. ;���chan�cs' f�icns. Sel1�r r��arra�ts tlYa1, �r�or tc� th� �:lc�sita,�, ��ll�.�r shal� pa� in full all �rrtc�un�s clu� fc�r l�t�nr, mat�rials, tna�,�inery�, fix�ure� �r ton�s fumish�d ��itt�i�z t�� 12� ��ay�s irrti�nedi�tely �Srec:�ciiri�, l�ie �l�sin� in �rs�nectic�n with c:���str`iucti�n, �lterattc�n c�r r�}��it' �f �1�Y �tru�cture u}�o1� c�r imprc���'�mcnt t[� t%e Prc���rty causcci �y or r��utit�n�, fr�m any ac,tic�� �f S�ller. c_ '�lc�tieest �����t' vv�;�rr���s #h�xt :�e�l�:r h�� rza�l r�.�iv�d �.iiy' ��c�t��e frck�n ��� �;����mr��enta! a�thr��itiy �s to '�'i��a#i�n nf �n�r l��v, �+rciin�t'ic:�: or r��u��fiii�n ir� c:��r��nccti+�r� �']t�l t�l� Prc��erilr, �x�ep# i#� at�}{ vic�9�xicsn� ar�e n�1�3 in thc; C:�rt�fi�at� c�f Prc�pc.rt�� 1vi�irt#cs�ai���_ �3� Ten�n#�, �ell�r �aFarr�onts th�[ th�r� �rc p�� ��nants c��i ihe �'rckp�:r�y. c, �:�ndcrnnation. S�11cr v���rrants that there is ��+ ���dit7�, or, t� t�e a�tual kno�vle�ge nf ;�ell�r, tlirc�alcrl�� u�i14��t]Cl�tlC��l l�r Sitriil�r pr��c.�c:[i�[i�, �l���C[1M� t�7� 1�'rc�pert� tar �i�)+ p��rti�airo tl�erec�f, �r��3 ��llc�r has r��r �ctual kt�ov�=�ed�e t�-�at an}' sui:h acti�n i� cnnt�tnplatu3.. f, I����L Pruc�edin�s. Ther� ar�e ��cr Ic�al �etion�, suit� c�r nthcl- le��l c�r �di�e7iilistrativ� prc�cec:din�,s, ����cl�r�� c�c thrc�iene�3, tha[ itf��c� �hc Pr��erty or �xr�}r �ac�riican ik�erol�f, aexd �e��er ]i�� n� kn�►���lcd�,� tlt�# ���� �uch actic,n i� �rescr�tl�+ c:�c�nt��n}�lal�:d, �. Leg�l ['apacs���. �Ct1�C� h&S t��C �C�dl �pa�:ity tc� �rtl�•r �[�lCa 1i11S ���'�CI]1C�1�- `�eal�r h�s noi �lv�, ���71ui1t�r�ly� ��r in����lu�tari$y, fcar �iar�l�ru�atcy r�lief+��i#hin t�c, la�t y�;�" 4 �[�?3��w�Mr� I 4n-arti ur�d��r �hc Ur�itcd St��e� B�n�cru�t�c�� C'���, i,�,r h�� at�� p�titic�al far b�r�krx��a�c:y c�r rec�io��r-s�i� hee�� fiie�i t'���it�st S�llcr r��ithin tl�e ���t vear, h. 1��1eth�rrtiph�ta��a�e Pro�u�cti�atr. Ta ihe best c�f �eller�'s knou������, rnetharr�ph�k�min� prc�duc�i�n �aa� nc�t c.>c�urre� or� the P`rop�er�}r, Broker Gornmissions. Seller k��arrant� a�1d repr���ii�s t� Buy�er tia�t il Y��s r��tai���i °�4'ayn�e �:ta��� of C:�rs�rnercial Re�lt}r Solutic�ns as its ���ent ��r �rc�ker in ��r�ectic�n ��=it�i this trans�clic�n; an�i th�t it u�i€I ir�de��ir�ify, defend and hc�ld h�rn�less �u}rer ��airtst any elsin� �r�a€�e �r}� an a�ent or �r�,ker #or a c�infinissi�n c�r f� ba��rd un �cli�r'� act:� car a�reen��i�ts. �eller' r��rescr�tatic��ts �nd ���aer�nties s�t fnrth i�� tl�is para�ra�h �1�all bc e�+ntinuir��; ar�d are c�e;�ix��c� tcf be m�t�nal tn �uye�-'� ��e��tic�� of t�tiis �,�r'��m�:�il �nd $Layer's �erfc�nna�rt�e �f �ts c�hli��tic�rr.� 13ereunder. �►i] su�h rcpr��cn�a�i�ns arod w�rrantie� �;hal1 be tru� ar�c� c�rre�t �n or �s �f tl�c Clos�in� D�t� +��iEh th�. �����e force �►��c� effect a� if m��e at that �im�; �nil �11 c�f �uch r��Sr�:�e�ltatican*; �nd o����'�n,#ies sh�ll sur�iv� �losin� �nd �ny� �:�r��c.11�ti�n c�r ter�nin�tior� �t this A�re��nen�, a�id �}Y�11 nat l�� a�f'e�:t�c� h�� anv in�{e�ti�,ata��, ����ific�xtion or �ppr���aJ by° any p�rt h�..-r�:t�a c�r t�y an}�c�ne c�n h�eh�.�F o� r�r}y ��rt}r i��re#o, �+�11�.~r ��re��:s t�a sl�fer�rl, inde�r�nify, �,nd hcrl� �3�a�Per harn�less f�r, fi�rn and a�;�ins� �n� loss, c:ca�ts, da�na�es, e�peJ�ses, �bli�ati�ans arrd t�ttiarnc�,�s' �E:�� ir��:urret� �hcrul� an as��rk%[�11. rlairzi, cieii�ar�d c�r �a�se of`ac[i��n he ira�;tituted, mad.e c��- taken, ���hich is cc�v3te�ry t� or is�u�r�sis#c��it t�rith th� re}�r�esenfati€�n� ��r �4+a:rT-ar�tl�e5 cottt�incd h�rcrn. �2. C�1��3S1NG C:��T�l1�EC�RDt:V� FEE���I��I.I `l'��. �el��� s��alt �a}': #a) P�ror�i�d pr�perty� tax�.s thr�u��i the C1�}�in� L�ate: �C�� �ny �,�:cial �:��c��mcrtits 3c���cc� ���in�t th� Prc��xrty aiid due and p�yabl�: in th� y��ar �f �.Ic�sin�;; ��.j �i�� �.C�St O� �I) 1171tic�� t1t1� COfi"11t11[ztt�nt; ��) the �:tsst c�f an}� d��.ui�ents require� �c� cl��r tit�e ar to c►,+i��nc� rnar�cctabl�. di�le, inuluc�in�; ft,es a�}d. ci�ar�es #o rece�rd suctY d�c��mcr�ts; ��) �ny o�eratin�,e.��st� nt th� Properk�° up to the �'losin� I}�t�; (f� ihe �rok�r��,e c.ommissic�r� c�f ��eller'� rea� e�t�te �irr�l��r; ar�d {g} �ne-}t�lf o#� [�te c�osin�. fe�� ��st��rnanl�� ch�r�ec1 hy� th� #ifle �snp�n}+. $uy+�~t` sh�ll pa}r: {d� �ny° er���irc�ii�rrenta�' irsv�sti�tion ccs�#s; �h) C(��t� C�� t�Ll� 1t1SUr�1]CE �Tld �,�r'rd�r��nzent�; {c) any tr�nsfer [�r [���i� tAXCS hci� 3�S c� rt��ult c�f' t�is teansa�:tion; �d) �rrc�rat�d �rro�iert}•' t�xes �fte�` #}�e C"��sir�,� [}�t�:; ��ic� (e} c�n�-h�lf �f the cl�sin� fees �ust�,��ari��y ����r�ed b}� thc #itl� c�i�p��y, E��li �art�� shall �,��� it� res�c�tk�r� att�rncys' ic��. 1x3, I�'�FFC'T1ONS. Fr�rrti th� ci�ic� �f this A�n.e�n�nt tc� t�ie �'�CYS9ll�; ��I�C, R�ycr, its �rnpJc�y�r;cs �n�i a���il�, s}��11 he entitlied tc� enker u�t�ti th� Prc���rky� #o �i�r��u�.t ��ch sur��ey�ir��;, ins�s�ction�, �n���sti�ati�ns, �c�il k�t��n�� ���ci tes#ir��, �r�� �]riIlim�, r'nt�nia�ri�i�, �;arr���iar�g ���d #�sttn� crf �rour�d�v�tr� Fn�r�itorin�. ���.I1�. �s B���r sh�ll C��C;t_ L�L1V�T 5�7�1I $1�1 �7� �?1'C1tiCA� tC7 � gen�ra] u��9kt�irtu�h ir��.Frec�ti��n ��ithin fia�e da}'� c��th� �'�osirYg �at�, 14� RISI� C3F �.OSS. �1' lhcr� i� ��Yy` lc��� ur �iarri���, lc� ihe 1'r�per�y bet��e�en t�ie d�t� he��.�f at�d dhe C:l�rsii�� C��te, tor an}� r+�asr�t� incl�di�ig fir�, van�i�lisrn, tic�c]�l, ea�thqua�C� c�r a�t �f �Gc�d, lhe nsk �#`l�ss �itiall b� on 'Scll�er. If- th� Pr�p�rt}� is �i�:;trn��� nr suh:stanti�ll�� cia�n�,��� b�for� the C`1c��in� �at�, this A��eme��� sh�ll hec�me i�ull at�d ��o�d, �t �u}�cr's c�piic�n, �t the r�qu��t � h1773`� i}c�.� hi > I'�[I- I ii I c�f 13uy�r, 4e�ler �xgree� tc� �i�-� a c:ancellat���n c�f �'urch��e �'��-�m�riz and tc� r��und thc: E��rn�s[ [��l�nev io Buyer, 1.5, f]�EFA�L![.T�'Fi�k�l4'I���li��. If T3uy�r d�efault� u�lder this ��re���sent, ��Iler h�� lhe n�h� �t� ��rmint�ic ihis �1�;r�;�:mcnt by ,�ir�ir�� �vrittcn nc�ticc e�F �u�ch electic�n ir� �u�+er, w17o�0� r�c�tice shall ��ecify thc �ic:f�ult_ lf Buy�:r �:�ils tc� curc: su�.h de�ault +�ithin 1����s �f the d��e �f such r�oti�ce, S�ll�.r s��y ter���i�at� thi� A�r�en�ent, tiinc ��in� �£ the c.�sence af thi� A�r�:rnc:�nt. 'l�li�. i��rmin�tic�r� ��� t�ii� Agre���tcnl and relei�ti�an af� t}�� �a�m�st 1�ian�y by ��11�r �+ill be tl�e ��►1� remed}� ��'ailahle tn S��ler iar s�.«;h def�ult t�y f3uy�r, �rt�l Bu��� r��ill r��t �e f`t�rl�i�:r li�blc 1'r�r dasnages. if �e�1er defau�ts uz�der this A�r�n�ent, �3�yer �hall ha��� the ri�,ht {i} tc] tern�ia��t� ti�is A,gr�e�nent and r�c�i���+e a refund ��f ��I �arn�st °v1«n�;y fi-om the �eller, +�r (ii} �o crii'or�e �nd t�e�vc-� tro� Sc�lcr ���e�iic perf�rrnance of tl�o� �4�r�rr��nt, "T'h� t�ninat��fl crf t�is Agr�e9��ent �n� ref4,n�1 �f E�mest �1���;�� �-�r thc �;nf�rc�tirraen� �nd r�ec���ery fro�� �e11�r ot s��ci�ic �erfixr�nanc� c�f`this .�►�re��t��ni, sha11 he th� scrle remec�iccs a���ilabie to �u�er fa� sueh d�faul# b� Sell��, �t�d �c11�r �tYalt �c�� h� fuitl�er liable f�nr ci�m��e�.. lb. R�I.O��.�1i'I+�I�1 �E�,'EFIi�; I�D�A`iNIFIC:�TI��It �el��r ackn����ler��cs that in thc e�re��t tl��� Se1�eG� is eli�ahle f�� relc��atic��� a�.�istance anci ia�n�fi�, the Pur�hase I'rice in�;l�,des cnrripensa�i�n fi�r �ny ��,d �11 r�1oe��ior� a�ss��tat�ce �rad ber��efi#s far �v�ic1� �Seller rnay be eli�it�leT isicC�di�lg t�enefit�; f�r I€�ss c�f ��rin� cck�ic�rn, Tl�e pr�vi�i�ns uf- l�is p�r�graph �h�all s�r�'i+��c C1C�SIii�; C�f i17C iF��18�C#14ii C�Rt�Tn�1�1�i� �� t�i5 .4�;r����nt- �'�ar �u�'icr��� t�f t1��� A�reeme3it, „r�lck�attc�r� assi�t�rc�. �nd h��ie�fit�'' sh�l� hat�� t}t� rri�:�nin�s ����ibe� Cc� t1�ci� by #lh� Lft�if�rm Re1crc�ti«r� �4��isi����.e and Real f�rc�perty .Ae��i�it�r�n f'nlici�s ,�►�t, �� U.�.C. S�.ctic�st� 4�at�1-4655 �thc i��xl�ral l�-F�} an�d t��c r��ul�ti�iis irnp�����entin� ihe fed�ral LJRr'�, 4'�J C`_F.R, S�ecti�ns 24.��24.6L��. l7, l�'[]TI�'F. fi��1�` 11C?t1C�� d�ma��d, reyu�est crr ckkh�er �:c�mix�urai�;�lic�n o��hich m��� ��r shall b�� �i��cr� �r �cr�+c�i by tl�c partics, ���11 bc c�c�ct��d t� 9�z��c been given c�r s���+ec� nn the c�ate fhe ��me is �er�c�nali� s�r���� up�+�� �,ne ��" ���e fu�fov��in�, i�di��tcd recipie��l� f�r ttioticcs c�r i� d��sit+� i�� the �.Jrlited �tates 1�rlail, registerec� ��r �.eriifie�, r�tum r�c�i�sl r��uested, pc�si��� pr�p:�id �r�d addr��ssu� �s �`c�]lc���.�s: ��LL�,Ft: 1�rlont�c�.11c� In�iustr���� £'{iric, In�:. �fl�fi5 ['I�el�� I�nad 1J�Ve�# IvS�niiccllu. MI� 5��if�� 6 (�41,�� 7U�4M h' � �17- U 6 ] BU7`�l�o Citv c�f'1��itaniice�l�, E;�:�n�rni� �7e����l�prn�nt Aut}�ority At#n: Executi�=� Dircci�r SC}� ��V'alnut Str�et, Suite l �rl��rticell�. [�i'.'� 553�? �'v'ifil� � c:o�ay t��: '��artl�a Cn�rait�, ��q. K�r�rte�y �. C�r����:n, C']i�riereri 470 LJ,S, �sn�c P1�za �.�]{] ��uth �ixt�r Street t���in�3c��aolis, hllN 55�(�? 18. EI�'�'f�� AGIiEr�:��1F�tiT� Th�s r��r�crncnt, in�l�din� �xhibits �tta�lheci h�ret�, anr� any am�ndt��cr�ts l�c.retc� si�rted by tltic parti�s, shall c;c�n�;titu�� �11e entir� �gr�e��r��t b�#���eer� �e�l�r �nd $�i��c:r an[� :�u�ar:rs�si+�s �nv c�tll�r kt�rit�e2� �I' �.�T�I ����t�617CP7tS L�Ct���C�T] t}1C p�i�tiCS r�181i[1� lc� l�i� Prn�e�ty�_ '�'�i� �4�T��inent ��n be n�o�ifi�d ui�l}•' in �t v�'rilin� �r�aperly si�ned c�n h�C���f caf �eller and ��p��r. ]�. �C?R�''[1�'AL,. I��Extti��ithstandin� an}� c�tl�er �r�,�risi+�n� c�f ]a��� nr �nu�t �i��.isinr� #c� t}te i;�,ntrary�, �h� �r��•isio�as c]f thi� r��;���ntet�t �ha11 �u��i��e ��os�in�, ,�[}. [�I�D1�►1G EFFEC'T. �f`his .A�n-eemen# hind� a��� �����ts the p�rtie� �iY� �h�ir su���:wsr�r� an€i a��i�;ns_ (t�se r+�ni��i3der r�f this �5��� i�lter�tio€�a�ly left �il�nk� "� ��17 }��,.,.� A�t� I 9�'1. I� r fN 1�V[Tl\E�� �VHF�FC]F, the u�1riersi�n�d h�ave exec�te,d t�i� A�,Reer�r�.�nt «n th�: datc: �rid y°c:�r �rst ►vrittc:n �b�uc. �u}rcr: �'ity n�f Mc�ilti�elln Fc�nc�mic []eveln�rm��t A�utharity B• �Pr��: ent ��� : utir�� L�ircc;tar $fk7�i7@a�¢!41�S1p+�') �isl �ell�r: hflontiicello lfl�u�tri�1 F'�rk, ]nc, � � a� � . _�. ��:kll��� �i �.e�a� L�e��ripti�rY c�f F'r�per�� L�[ �. Bl�ck 1. hflr�nl�c�llc� +�'€kinm�Fcs� {Center S�i?�th ,F�cic�iti€�t�, ��'r�ght �:c�wnt�, 1�9tnnesc�t�� :�-1 f�Q737[I u-0 4q N l`1l}- I 61 1��i1� t1TE� �t�:��LAf� �1EETIN� - FCU�(}11�1�[' I�E�•'EL(�Pl�'lEl�'[" .�C�THQ��'T3�' (�I]�l) ��'�dr�esd�t�, 11�c�r�entb�r 13t�� �(I1� — �i.�lF p.re�, h'�iss�s��p�� �uar�,'.Ifi�vnti�e�la C'oe�rttuni#}° �enter C'c���rnissioners Presc��: ��:cr��c� J�r�utson, Bill Tapper, `I`rac.y� 1-lina. �C}��ie K�rc���hal:-�'�hite and .�inl []���i�i�vn �,c�m��lissi[����rs .���errot; ,Tae� [`�ur���w �r�d L,i�.�}�d Hil�ri Sl�ff Pr�s�nt: Jirr� T�ares� a�3d �n�ela �c��umar�r� l. �a11 #a (]r�cr �tek•� Jc�hn��r� calleci #he Regx�lar'�+Ieetin� c�f t��� �I���, t� car�d�:r at b�.m. �_ Ro�l Call ?�. Ct�ttsider'�ljon �f �€�[�itional ��cnds� it�cros N��it�.. ., �.._� �o C'�ins�ent A�cnd� B1LL TAi}�'ER ;Uf�i���I] T+�} .�f'T�fip�'F ��iE ���S�NT A��EAII�A. JiI+vi D��IL)��l?�1 ��_-t`(]'.`wll]F:f]'I'fiF. h��()7'IC�N, M[_�T1�� �'AF�RI�I], 5-0, a. t_vnsi,d�ra�i�n �f a�r�rc�►�i.n� R�eu�l�r 1�=i��R;�� n�i���,��� —o�����f �t 201� r�ecn�r����c�}c{atic���; :�pp����� R��ul�r 1��i�ctin� 1��fi�trat�4 €�ct�i}��r�, �.�1�. ki. ��ns�d�ration �f a �•o��in � ec�a11��1�etin A1i��utes �-+[�ct+�l��r �� 2f119 1���;c�rnnl�.��datic��7: ,4��r����e S�e:cia1 'a�Iectin�; ��linu��� — �Jct�hcr' :�0, ��I�. e. £'ut�std�r�tiun of .���ru.�in� v����n�nt c�i bills C��c:��r��7ti������tic�n; .�,pprc���� p���ers�ai� caf'�riil� thr{���� ��tc�ber, ?()19_ �e��rla�r .4gencla C`�t�s�c��rati�rn vf �2cs+�lutioo #�2{1l�-[19 ��tfaorizin �nterin i�tc► Purc��.�s� .��r•ermcnt ��-ith C��+ur�� aa�d 14�aur�e�a Lars�►n f�r aca+�isi#ic�n nf rresid�r�ti:�l Ic�t ]v�at�d at ��{� East 4"M' Slreet �F1D #��501900�Si�1�0� in �h� u�nount c�f �92,��#��l li�l T�ar�cs i�tr�duccd t�c i��:m. H�: �+cpl�tinec� ihal �h� �aar��:l a��aEl�ble i� ]c��ate�1 i�� � rc�ide:T�ti�l rr�xi�hb�nc����d, lt 3� �a}�}�rt�,xirnacelv �?,(}fD(1 syuar� ft;�#, lilc par��pert}� is I�c:�t+�d at 3{�{} �a�t �r�, �treet a��c3 a�ja�ent tc� t}�� Falrr3 �tr��t ri�h� c�f�+v�y, T�ar�� i�dt�al�ri ir,. e�rt� �[l] f�, t}�e FDA �t�r'�has� thc �r��p�r#y� ic� dh� u�tst caf lhe l�alm 5�treet n�h� nf�.va}a. If t��e GII�'t de�ided tU ertt�E intc� a purch�se ��reearrerlt fc�r �{�4.1 F:��k �`" �tr�et, t�e�'e v���ulc� b�e ��;o�r,t�ineci aereat�e �,f 1_ia a�cres_ T31e �r�a �w�auld b�; rY7�rkctutl f�r �"���V#,'I[?�}171�.TlE 1���71�T�llTllti4'S. I� �4r�� t��1�d tht°�t ihc prc�pert�� �s currer�tiv vac:�nl. T1�.�+�C'� HII�lZ M��ED T�} .4F'I'I�[]VE � F�[���.UT�CIti #�(}19-{}9 �4U'T'���I�ING �`�i�. l'[1Ft('H14.4F: �� r� RE�II]�1�STIAf. AR�PFRTY L�CATEI]� ,AT 304 �AE�1� �"C1�Fh.T. [�LLIE 1�C11�OP'CHA����'1-�1TE SEC�I�i�EI�TI�E tvi€�T�[�'�_ 1v1i�Ti(�� Ec€�nea�aic I����c[c�pmcnt �uth�nrit�� ��iinut��; Na�;�emU�r 13, ?�l l9 ]���e � � 4 (:'ARRIFI�, �-1 WITii �I[,l� Tr�P�FR V[�T1I`��+� [1�1 C�PP+C1�fT[t�1�! �L1E �'� THE PRI�'� ��"Ti�E F'1�[�F'EL�T�r', �i. �o�si�iera�i�,n c�f l�e�al�iion #�(�]9�-f� �a�ihor"u°.�n� �ni�r�r�� i�ta Pur��as� �t'e�e_n�.ni uvith_�1'Iun4icE�lu Tmd��tria�' P��•1:, L�.(` %r ac��isitic�n vf i.3��acr� fi�ht i��u�tr-��� ��rc�� �Inr�� �'h�ls�� �o�d [�;a�t iP1D #1551�3U[I lll�d�l. �n #hc �rx�oue�# of �1.[��1.��0 - — di�rY 7'���r�s ind���uccd thc itcm �nd n�tc5d that ��i� c:c�nsidcratic�n tc�r �;nt��r-in�; intc� a purr,h�.t�c ���c��.�nent is fc�r th�e U�1�' ex�ansic�n prc�j�ct. The 1���1 is �;�.arrer�tl� c�v�vre�ecl by. �lia�.�a� VVeirrar�ci (f���r�tic�ellc� andx�s�tr�a;l Par9c, [,LC}. T�t� pr�n�er�y is rn��eci lA£' a�d ys alre�d� graded t��r fi�tur� �1e��el�pm�nt, The �stirna#ed �V'ri�t �'ounty ���luc ui'th�c �rrck}�erty i:� $416,5{?�. Tha�s n�rt�d that fltie �ra�sert�+ h�s �r��n ��steci �crr s�•�er�� yc:ar� at ��.5t] �r�r sy�aar� fc�c�t_ TF�e �rn�rt�+[�vvner i� v��illi�ig tn s�ll the �rc��iert�+ fi�e �1 �(1;i1,(}iJfl, �a=h,ict� �s a �9 �ercc�t dis�unt fr�tt} �he �ist �ric�, `��ar�s pr��=ided hack�;rc?ui�d �n#'nrmakinn nn 111+v1�C'_ [.�M{' �� a�re�ci�ic�� n���hining ���ai�ufaeturer°, Th�� cx�ect tc� crc�,te �iCl rze�+ �ul l tiinc� jo�is that �ay b�twe�:n ��� to $�9 pc:n c��ur. T1�� builc�in� wc�u��l be. cc�n�[rucic� ur� th� n�►x Ickt. "l'hc ���r.�c.t�:c� c.xpan�it�r� u���uld l�e ��.�D�J�I� S�U�iI"� ���� �1fY{� Ci]YZIl����Ci �{T ttl�tl' �JCIStI�i�, I3L1lIt�1Fk� t�li'#��.1�I7 ii �ll1t[;t1�717r�� ��o stc�r��� �ir��.ck����, Th�r�s ttiotc�i t}��t a Platuaixl LJriit C���rcl�p�rr+�r�l {P�LIi�} wc��l� �ic r�yuir�d �� lh�; ��a��l��pm�.ni �rc�pcasc,� �:c�anmc,r� sp�c;� l�el��ee�i th�: tuw•t� �r�r�.eIa a� vv�ll �� �h�r�.c� �S�rkin�;- Th�: LD� i� �sl€e:d ic� purch�s� the ]�n� and ����blisli ti �I`IF L7i�tnci tc� r��c�v�r tli�ir cu.�sts. 'I�����-e;� ��ded tl�e la�id a�quisiti�an ��c�ul� he fin�nc+�i thrnu�h nld T1P �7��trict #I-�i �,�xd tl�e H[)A ��neral �`u��c1, T'l��r�� al�ca nc}te� t��at th� sell�r ask� that tlic. eamest Rzc�nev t�� nc�n-refundahle �fter Fehtuarv 15, ?f}�fl_ ~ �i�l T:��p�r �s,k�ci w�nc� p�y�� fi�r the 5�{�,OOi� �.�rnest m�r�s;y. `i"�:�r�s resp�n�3�,�1 th�t tlie E[�A aiid �a l�'I(' w�[��Ic� �e���entually �nfei- �izt� a[]e:���I���nlent A�reein�nt th�t indicake:� tl��t Ui�ri�' v�rn�l�i ��c r�s�x�its�bl� fnr t}�� e�r��e�# ri�oi�cy �f tt�c pr€�jcct fcl� t}�rx�u�h attc�• #�at d�le, �ica�� J�hnson �sk�d if�the a�,�r�:emenl is in pla�cc y�:t. Th�r�s ���t�i] it v���s n�t and �4��]�i �z4k� t�� �.���r,��i�t��i y�t du� t�� t�,�. r��u��e��,��,iw th�t �Si�-L�EE� h�.� �t�r c.�an�ideratinn c�f the �rant and fc�r�;i���ite I���� fundin� tl�a# th� C'�ty �i��i 4.lM{�' �re �ee'�j n� ii1 tl�e tot�� arnoutlt �f ��475,f���, J€�hnsr�n al�c� �skeci #`crr c3a�ificatinri �ail the �LJA's fiii��,�ir�� fc�r �11e pr�j�k. '�`��i-es indieate�i t��at TIF L�is�rict ��-� ��vas an �1d T1F �7istrict and klae funds ��������si�.a�l�r unrestri�.t�c� d`c,r cconor�ii� clt�ti�cl���atne�li pur�c?��:s. B�[LL TAi�f LF� ;��C��'EI� iCl �►@PR[��E I�ES�C3L�i`1�1�DN #?U1��-10 AL'T�iL1f2lZi�][� `f"Flf' P��T�C"H�SE DF � i,��-���`1�E LIGFfT rh]L�L.�S�'RL1lL Pr�l��"�L AL4N� C�IEL�E,� L���4C} [''�I T`I�� e"�1v�t�1�1�]T IC�F �l,{7_�1,[}f?t} r�iVi] FIiRT�F'I� E:�4.C71.{71CJ14 1}wx�c��1.�.,�it�trul .+'i.Ul�l[icll}' �.�Ypl�9::; - 'tiL,��t��r�t��.r � 3. �yU I�� �.i�r �? r 4 �#���HO�t���I�!!+� T"HE; I'F_,��'�:l��l#-:fti�F C�F THE E,'�R1���7' 1��1C��1�`f �3i�:1'��i 1� l�l TII� 14?��1��,'N�' f.l� �;AI�.�1[1�1 ��fiTi� RECiF�`!�F'�+' ��'.l AFi�i"RA�TDR,�. AI�E)1�.��„ ��1h', T1Ti.� �- FC�� T��'FI�NS���'�f ����. f]L1.1� I�c��[)P'Ci�,�"�I�.-G��HIi'E �E��3�L1��'C"�� I��4TiC31�J. iv��l'NC�?�1 C'f�1�Ft[�13. ��0. 7. Cons��derati�n a�f yuotes tne� TlF Sli�hted �nd �ubst�n�s�r� B�ildir��s .�nd Fr�r��erti�s Ins cction �er�ices a�xd a���ardin �Canrtr�et ta I������t ualified � aate ro�°ider Jim Tl�ares indic.atcd dh�l lhis ��rvic:� ��=a� a�-ec���ix�d step ir71�i� cr�:a�ion oi" � n�.}�� r�de�+�l�pmcn� TIF District_ .1.�4�c� �}��lific-d �qu�tes v�r+�r� r�eiw•��d. Staf�rec°c��ntn�nd�d t�biing aetie,n �c� ��ok�� d�wn t�i� proc�a and t� lhat�•�e �'urth�r discus�iuns u�itt� B�ra�.k 52 }�r��ertY �ou��r�e�s. Ji�rr I]a��id�ori a�sked al���at t�e expec;ae� tirn�lcne fc�r cc►mpletiri�, the �ns�cction ��rv�ie�. Thares cstimat+;�id at��n�u� a �nc�ntl�_ 'I`�A��'�' E I��1�? 1�1C?V�.1� T[ � T.�►BL� .�C'Fi�IC��I Cl'V TH� IT�M FC)R FL;R�`HEI� RE��ARCH ANU.�(�R D��('E;��I[l�;_ F�II_f: Tr�PP�I� S�C`�f_}NL7ED `I�H�. f�'IC}`T'IC�'�_ rvi�Ti��J �`.�RI�IF�7, �-�Q. �, L1Ji�1C E� ��saor� �tatu� iJ d��� �nd :�ch�c�uie of A�ti�n ltems Jiin Th�rc:� prc,��id+�d at� u��f�ate r����rdiiro� �:1+�SC"'� �xp�nsic�n aar�1 a*che�1U�� i�� i#�f7�5 �S inc�icated iii khe st��f�report. St�:�'� Jcihn:;�,n a�ke€i if 11MC.' ���4�uld }�e ��+lc to f'ul�il] ii� c�krli�ati��n� and �ne�f tl�e }�rc����se� scC���dul� �s tY�+� r�vi��v pruces� �.canti�ues �nc�k�ir�� �`c�r�var�, Tit�r�s inc�i�alc� y�s w�i1e s�o�ir�� xi��� i� ���ill b� �,�rilic�l ��rr tl��m tcr �u1���1[ t}�eig 1i,�n�din� �ppli�{t�icrn� in � tirn�:1y mann�;r ir� nrd�er tn �i��r c�r� tlte c�utlin�d s�h�°d�le. �. Ai��e�tor's R�t�ort ,I�rr� 7���res �rc���idc,d lhe Dir�:ctc�r's R�pnrt_ Tl�ares ex�l�ir��d irt dct�.il thc F`�3�:��d� l�n�rou�,��n� GT�nr f'rca�rar� �`c,rner�toi3e C'afe upc�iqta:, He nckter� t�at they are acti�=cly id:entifyin� fundin� ��urc�s tc� c�mp]�tc th�ir p�c?rti�n nf the �rc���ct_ P�r fhe �r�a�t a�;r�er��nt, Cc�rncrstone ha� 1�� �ia��S �[) CC7i7l�}j'��� t}l� �OTy�tTU�t10Y1 �v°c�rk or� th�ir huilc�in� fr�m thc �pp�r�v�L Th� a�r�eir�ent �v�uld r��cd tc� b�. t�rmir��t�ci b�� tln� EI]A effe�cti��e :����emher ? �"�' nr �xter�de� i�a#o ?'{�2�, Th&�� �Is�k �'x�l�i�ed ifl �iet�i I the C'rrea#e�' 1�v15� A�tir��a�l 11��tin�. He nc�tet� that �e v��asra't �ble te� �tter�c�, hut recei��ed a�un�rnar�. He v��ill b�: emailin�, tl�at �aut the c�nin�iss�oncrs. L�stl��, the pr�i��a��:t li�t vw���; r�vie��.��d. f-Ee r��t�d tkt�t �n� n�.t�� pr�jc�t w�s rec:ently adde� tf3 [}�C li5t -- PFi]je[;L I�Cata. 1 ii. �:tns�d ��ssio�a —�:on��c�er�li�n u�' rec��sin� t� c[a�s�d ��essi�� fa �i�►i�elav �ar co��sidcr offers t��` cuunter-��fers #`ur th�e eer°cli�s� or �2�1� €�f resl �ar ersonai r� �r�� �ursu��nt io I�7inne�ota �tatute 13i}.US, �ubdC�•isiut� 3[c.)f?�). Fcnsi�rn�ic IJe���lnprn�ni :�utEt4'�ri[y� �1ina���c� — �ti����rntaer ]s",'+Jl'4 R'a�r � I � Fraraert�' �lddres�: 107 C�lar Str��#, P1D #I55[}i111�5�� �1 ] 1. Adiour� i31I.I.'1'AF'�'�;f� MC}''�ED T(� ADJ�l1�N �`H�: MEETf'*]G AT�i:48 P.iN. T`Ft�4('�` HI1V� S�,C[�I�DEI� Tl°i� f�ICl�i`IQi�. MOTi+DN CARRI�D, SA�i. Rec+arde�°; J��;c��a "I'hunander � A��a�c����xi: Dee�mber I I, ?[�1�) — � � . llike�l: �``---_,�� �., Ec�on�mtc ���rel�p�ne�� 17�rector C:Cc+d��nt9c De��elnprt��nl AuIE���rely Mtnllke� —'Nnvember 13, 2�19� Pa�e 4' 4 �:1`T'Y #1F i�l�(}1�TlC:ELLC} �C�IV{}��l��C: DF�•'�L(iP��1E�1T �iL;'[�I�C)�r��"�' EtE��I.I:Ti�`�1 "�](�. �02�-[i4 �►L1THClRITI�1(r :�►f��►':���C'M: +�F Fl:l�ll� H R�?h�i 7".�� I'w+i[:RE11�iE�1T` Fl�1A'��:INC� D1�T�1�"f N[�. 1-f� F��1� �L'Cl'�T'� 1N (:C?l�ltiEC.T'I{�:�1 ��'[Tl� T�,� I�C.FtFI��'��:1���- 1�11�:�11VC:Il�G Dl�`F1�ICT l'�(}. 1-�1 BC. 1T F�E'�{)L'��EL� B}° Ih� Bc3�rci �af� C��rn�r�is*ic�n�r� c�$' th�: t'it;�� c�f l�1�sd�#i��Io �c:�nc�t�i�. Dc�scic��m�t�t ��thc-�rity (the "t'�u�hi�nty�") a� fc�llc�v���: S�:#i�ri 1. Back�r��rn�l. 1.�}1. T�c; C"ityr cr�-f�'1€1nii�.�llt� �r����[�1����� e�t�,�lis}��d it� tax incren3�t�t #ii�arYcir�� c�istrict itc�. I-f� �t17�: "TI F L�i��ricc ]-!i"� ���it}}ir� fil�e C'entiT�l h'lc��lticc�l� L]�:��el�ptn�:��# Pr��jcct �1��_ I�t]Z� "D����I������ent T�rc��e�.t"} ��ur�u�a�t t�� N�iizne��ata �tat�tes, Sccti�.�ns �C��. ] 7� tc� �fi�J_ ] 7��� �[]Z,� ```f`I�� .�ct"), ;�e�tic���s ��i�?,C1{}] tt� ���.f)47, �t�d Sccti�tis �fit�.(}9(7 #�r �C��. I (�� ] , all a� ara��ncied. v��hic�r `�1F �]i�trict ]-{� rw t��rren#I�' t°1L��T7�1115T�T'�.+�, �7}' TI1C t'il]��i�11'lt��. 1,U?, T�i� .��u.#t7�rit�� cxpc_�t� t�� i�t€:ur c�rtai�l �«st* r�iat�ci ta a ne��ff��-creat�d ta:� i���rcrnct�t f'tii�n�:i���, slistri�:t ��h�. "TIF Di*irict l-4l"). �t��ricli �c,st� ��ray b� finat}c.ed ��n � iiii��,c�r�try� h�sis frc�jt� ��°�ilahl�� �utll��nty I'uilci:;. ].{�;3. i�n�i�r S�c,tica�l ��5�,1?�, �u1�di��isiota 7�f tli� TIF ,��t. tli� .+'1utl�c�rit��� i� �uihc,a-i��ci t�� :�ci���,�1ce c�r Ic�ail n1c�r�ey franj ;�3�y �iand fz°or�i v���Y1�CI1 Slll.�1 a���ait�:cs rri�y� h�: le�al]�a� ���aci� i�ti c��-�ler �c� tinar�ce ex��nditur�s that are cli�ibl� to h�: }�aisl ����t}i tax in�.�•c��r��:*nts ��n�l�.r the ilfi ?�ct, ] e{��. T11� r�u�lu]rity� int�ncia tc� {�cquire c��taii� �r�pert}+ (x1Yc "I?c���,l��piricnt f'rc,�erty,'} �r�ithin TIF l�s�tric:t I-� I at its fair mt�rket cc�st csf � i,�13 l,U�J�1, .7E1� 1[3tCTiC�S if) �}81� 3 F}[iTt]t][5 ��f' L�7�. �.c��t €�f`a�:c�ui�in� tl�e I�e�+elc����ren# Yr•cp�rty u�iti� t3x i�icr�:�Yq�:rtit� ii-�}�r� TIF C�istnc:t 1-�i, u]y tc.� t}�e tc�t�1 hal�n�� c��' tax in�r�.n�ej�ts {apprc��ei�7at�1�° �?[1?,�(1{�� a��ailahli tin �he a�cc���1t fc�r �l�lf; L)i�trict 1-C, �ti�� "�3�la�olc�"). 1.{}5, Thc �ut}��rit�� t��s c��.s��r��itec� tA�e �3��aa1�.e c�f��"uT�ci� tc�r tEr� L)e�°�elc�pir�er7t �'r�perty� a�.c�uisiti�.�ri �� an i�it��rf�un�i l��an �ihe "lnic.rfund I_c��n"}. ��:i°ti�aiY �. Auth�>n-r.�tic�n ��f�L;�� ��fF�t�c��: Furthet' a��ti��v�s. 2_f�1 _ Tl�e ,��th�3rit}� hc:rek�r�' �u#��c��'i�es tlYe use c�f th�e B�latycc �`rom TIF D�:�tnct t-� ��; c�ne ��f tl�� le�a�l�� �����ilable furldi�i� sour�es %r tlx� Iiit�rfur�d L.��ai�. �.��. '��h� Authc�rity reser��cs #tje ri�.ht tc� ��r�na�r��ntl�r all��c:��� �I1 c�r ;�n}° �c��#ic�n ��`tlYe f��la��c� tc� th�. acquisiti���l nf C��. i3cv�l���it�cn[ Prt�p�riw� �«c� Ec� fc�r��r�e �uc�i pc�i�ic�ii nf tl�� Interfi�nd i_c��n. �� �utl�c>n���i i�ti the �utltic�eity�'s res�l�ti�r� appro���r�� t}t�. [nt�:r#u�tc� Lcaan �n€i �c.�4��rtec� {��� thc; c�at� lie�r�c��', ����t�r4��r���i�a-i�o Secti�n �. �:ffe�ri��� I�ax�. r�i� resol�,�ic,r, i� ��7�c.����� u��c�R ap���c�.�al. r�ci��pt�ci this 2�ith c�ay aif F�Yaru�ry. �Q��}, ATTF�.S�1�: �,};91 ���1 A�1� 4{x1-1�0 � 1 f �' �_ - �I ,���t i;� _ �f�Sll��llX �I i �. = J�uli� Che��y Frorx�: J�r'n �har�5 Sent! ��es�la�r; �larel� 17, 2��C� �:�1 ?M Tn= Jul�e �h�n��+ Subject: �E �l��'IC Cl�sing Request Yes, p�e�s� r'n�ke [h�e ch�ck out to R�giS��ree� Ak�Str�ct[ar5, Ir� t�e N1ern+� line please nc�te th�t it i5, UM�C Exp, Land Purehase Fr�nm: Julie� C�reney �Juli�.Ch�eney�.a"r. �i monticello.mn.�a�> ��nt: �u�5d�y, ftillar[h 17, 2C1�{� �:1�i Ph+l Tr�; 1iRr5 Tf�ar�s eJirr�_T�ares*��J�i.m�ntiCellp.r�,r�.4�5� Subj�Ct: l�M� �"�sing R�q�es[ Impnrtanc�; High Jim ��n �r�� ��nfirrn +�vho the chee�C is t€� be n���ie c�ut tn? I 5�� kh� S�Ettl�ment a�ent I�sted a� F�egi5t2r�t� A�Str�C��irS in Anoka, �ut I v�ar�t t�o rr��k� �ur� IF7�t i5 C[��reet, L�t rr'�e kr�aw. Th�nks� � i� ! i t� C.'{� �r r� �� Lr F�n�anc� �ssis#arat �itp° of M�nti��lp�p 763-�71-.3��75 .; �I�e,C�er�e��ci.monti��l�o.mn.us AP��r. r�ont� eeklc�.rt�n.us i',T1 cJ� � ���- ���������� �m�i� �cor-r��s�rorrder��e tr� c,r�d from �he Cr'ty of h��r�t����lo �c�v��r�rt�er�t offtc�es r's sub,��ct ta tJ�e Mtnn�sota �c�v�rr�rr��trt D�ta P,ract��e� �et �nd rt��y b� d�sc�c�s�d tr� thrrrd ,�r�r�r�es. a 0 z 0 4 C � � � a 0 .� L y a L O C , L � E R % C � 0 � � �r, �r, r r .:7 .o 0 0 N N N N � � N N O N 0 � o � m N � M � O � Q .� � y � � � y = :� � � � � a; j � � :� a a 0 � :� W U � L=i � �i W H U � F-+ � FO � � � W F � � � �r, r � 0 N N M N � L' w w :� O p � � �r, r � 0 rJ <a 0 N O x � ¢ J� N O N O N � N �. a O � r p i. � � � H � Expenditure Dvcumentatior� Packet 3-20-20 UMC Expansion Project 7.39-atre Land Sale Transaction Documentation Closin Scf�edufed for A rii 1 2020 Expense liem = Clasing transattian �ees Amount: $2,Z{)6.75 Attached back-u documentation: � Settlement Statement ✓ EDA Resolution # 2020-02 ✓ Fully Exetuted Purchase Agreement ✓�DA MinuEes from February 26, 2020 Meeting OMB �VO. 2502-0265 A. 8. TYPE OF L.OAN: U.3. DEFAR7MENT OF HOLJ5�lJG E. URBAN flEVELOPMENT �'❑�A Z.OFmHA 3. �CONV. U�JINS. �3, �VA 5. [�CaNV. INS. 6. FILE NUlNBER: 7. LflAN NUMBER: SE'TTLEMENi STATEMENT ��-03029 8. MORTGAGE INS CASE NUMBER: �- �U�� 71�is form is iumished to giws y+�ru e stetement of actua! �eftlement aosts Amounts paid to and by the setNement agent a�e shown. ltems markecf �i�pCJ" yve�e paicf out:�de the dosfng; they are shawn he� forinformationalpurposes and a� not mcluded in the totsls 1.a �e �a10-o�s�,� D. NAMEAND ADDRESS OF BORRQWER� E. �VANIEAND ADDRESS OF SELL�R: F fVAMEANt] ApD�ESS 4�F LENDER: UMC Real Estate, LLC City oi Monticeflo Economit De 50fl Chlesaa Road 540 Chelsea Road Mantioeifo, M{V 55362 Montioelb, h4N 55362 G. PROPERTY LOCATEQN: ?C7()CX Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362 Wright Counfy, Minnesata Lot 2, Biodc 1, Mon4ieelEo Gommen� Cerrter Sodh Addition J. SI�MNEARY 161. Contrad SaEes Price 102. Personal Properhy 703. Settlement Cha es to 104. Forltems Paid 8 SeNerin advance to !o 111. 112. i24. Gf7pS5 AMOUIVT DUE FROM Bt3RROWER 200. AMOUNTS PAID BY QR IN BEHALF QF BOF 2D�. Deposit or eamest money 2�2. F'ri� � al.Punount of N�w Loan s � 2fl3. �x�sting bare(s) taken subjed to 2{34, -- .,._. 209. - Ad"ustments �orltems Un ard 8 SeIler 21t1. C� tfown Taxes to 211. Coun Taxes (3110112D to 0410; 212. Ass�essrnenis to s n 293. 214. Mod a e 215. 216. 2i7. 21 B. 214. 220. TOTAL PAfD BY/FpR Bl'�RROWER 300. CASN AT SETR.EM�Nt FRQMITO BQRROW 301. GrassAmoun! Due From Borrower ine 120 302. [..�ssAmount Paid �dFar Borrawer (Line 22p)^ 303. CASN ( X FRUM) ( Td) 80RROVl�R H. S�EiV1EiVTAG�NT: R�gisterEd,4bsfrade�s, InG PLACE OF SET7LEMENT 2115 No+ih ThirdAvenue Moka, MN 55303 300 41-155646D 401. Contrad 4fl2. Persanal 403. 4EiA. .� SELLER: 449. 41 D. 411. . 412. 3Q2,352.()0 420. Gf?(h5S,4M0UNT aUE TQ S�ELLER 0 500. REDUCT[ONS EH AMflUNT DUE 7C 5il1. ExCess �e osit See Instrudions 542. Settlement Cha es to Seller ine 14 503. Existin taan s taicen sub c# ta 504. Payoi# FEst Mongage 5D5. Pa oft Second Mart a e 5Q6. 5D7. I. SFTTI_EMENT DA1�: April 1, 2020 �Iler in aci�ance lo to Ad�ustments Forlt�ms Un aid' 8 5efl� 510. C�tyy/Tawn Taxes tg 965.75 511. Coun 7axes 01/01l20 ta Q41Q 512. Assessmenks 10 533. 3(30,4a0.00 514. Mort a e 515. 515. 517. 518. 519. 3b0,965.75 520. TOTALREDUCTl01VAMflUNTDUESELLER 690. CASH AT SETTLEME4�T TflIFROM SE�LLER: 342,352.00 6D1. GrassAmount pue Ta Seller ine 424 300,965.75 6�2. Less R�ductions Due Seller{Line 520) 1,386.25 6p3. CASN ( Tp) ( X FROMJ SFLL�R 3ao,aoo.aa 1,2d1,d0 tr 302,206.75 3�2,2�6.7� 2 �C6. r F CeRifed do be a t�e copy, MiNUT�s REGULAR MEETING - ECpNOMIC DEVELQPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wedaesrlay, February 26th, �020 — 7;00 a.m. Academy Roam, Monticello Cortimunity Center Commissioners Present: Steve Jflhnson, Bili Tapper, Jon Marphew, Traey Hinz, 011ie Karopchak-W�tite, Lloyd Hrlgart, anc! Jirn Davidson Staf#'Present: Jim Tnares and Angela Sch�mann l. Cal� to Order Steve lohnson called the ReguIar Meeting o#'the EpA tn order at 7;04 a.m. 2. Roll CaII 3. Considera#ian of additional a encia items None. 4. Consent A e�c�a N/A. PUBLIC HEARING — LAND SALE Continuecl UNIC Ex ansion Fro'ect — Pro osed sale of EDA ro e described as Lot 2 Block i Montice�lo Commerce Center Sixth Additian Wr�i ht Coun MN 7.39-acres PiD #1S514300102[l ta UMC Real Estate LLC for �he sale ur ose af uxsuin a 52 D00 s uare fa4t expansiOn prpiect Jrm Thares in#roduced the item and explained that the Public Hearin� for t�e land sale was cc�ntinued irorn the EI7A meeting on February 12_ Steve Johnson opened the public hearin� for t�e public f�rst. Tirri Dolan, Decklan Group, e�pressed appreciation from UMC for the EDA's support Qf their prc�ject. He noted tl�at IJMC c��-�icials were unable to be present at this meeting due to schedul2ng canf�icts. BILL TAPPER M(�VED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. JI]yI DA,VIDSON SECQNDED THE MOT�ON. IVIQTION CARRIED. 7-Q. 6. PUBLIC HEARiNG — B -.� v��� laa ��••�ll��n� rinancin 1��l�' Land Val�e Write llown ir� the amount of �'131 000 for devela ment ra ertv to UMC Real Estate LLC for the sole nr ose of e�rs�in � 52 D00 s uare fr�at ex ansion ro`ect. Stev� Jc�hnson noted that the pubiic hearii�g was continued from the Feb�-uary I2, 2Q�p EI3A meeting. Economic Deve�opment Authority Mi�utes — February 26th, 2020 Page f � 5 1im Thares reminded the EI�A that per state statutes the public hearing is a requiremer�t for the business su�sidy write down of $?3I,000. Johnson invited the public t€� speak. OLLIE KORQPCHAK_WHITE M�VED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOT�ON. MOTION CA,RR[ED, 7_p. 7. Consideration of ResolutiQn #2U20-Q1 A rovin the Establish�ent of Tax Iperement Finamein District No. 1-41 and �he TIF Fian for ti�e District Jim Thares introduced t�e item and explained the land co�nponent �of the proposed development requires the establishment of a new TIF District a�lowing the EDA to purchase the 7.39 acres site adjacent to the UMC Facility for $1,03i,00� and eonvey it to UMC far $300,000. Thares added that TIF District 1-41 is proposed as a 9-year �conomic development district and will a�low the EDA to capture tax inerements suf�eient to reirnbur�e at for its land write down amount of $73I,000 pl�as interest at the rate of 3.0 percent. The estimated taxab�e value of UMC's developrrzent is expectea tc� be ab�ut $5,2�0,000 +f-. Thares asked Tammy Omdal, North(and Securities, to add clariiication ana mare c�etails regardin� the TIF Districi, Sl�e noted that the TIF District would be est�blished to capture tax�s �enerated with the new development to repay the EDA for the conveyance a#'th� land. Omda1 indicated it was expected and anticipated that the EDA would he paid in full based on estimates, but i� was not guaranteed. She turther noted that incre��ent would fluctuate �ased on value oi'property over the nine-year ternn. LocaI property tax rates aiso wauld be a factar on the increment. Orndal alsa noted that no TIF would be repaid ta the developer. It wc�uld instead l�e repaid to t�e EDA with princip�e and interest. Johnson explained that the inter�st on the $731,D00 would be estimated at $177,000 plus the $731,pQp. Omdal confumed. Tim Dolan stated that as part csf the Purchase and Develapment �ontract, there is a provision that UIVIC will agree to a minimu�n assessment level nf $5,200,0�0 and will not be able to appeal that figure during the 9-year tern� af th� TIF District, Wiih that as part ofthe Contract, the EDA wi�l be in very goad shape to capture the fu�� $731,0�0 plus the interest in the 9-year period. BILL TAPPER MOVED Tp ADppT ��pLUTION #2020-a1 ESTABLISHING TIF DISTRICT #i-41 AND APPROVING THE TIF' PI,AN F`pR THE DISTRICT (SUPPQRTiNG UMC°S 52,000 SQUARE FQpT EXPA:I�SION PROPOSAL}, TRACy HINZ SECONDED THE MOTIt�N. 1VIOTIQN CARRIEI7, 7_0. S. Consideration c►f Itesniutio� #2020-02 A rot��in the Purchase aad Develo ment Contr-aci betweea UMC Real Estate LLC and Ci of Monticella Eeonornic Develo ment Ae�tbori EDA the Land Saje b- the EDA ta UMC' described therein ant� a Business Subsit� A reement contai�ted �vithin the Purchase and Develo ment Contract. Economic �evelc�pment AutE�ority Minutes —�'ebruary 2bth, 2f}20 Page � � 5 Jim Thares opened the item far d�sc�ssion. I-�e sumrnarized the cantract terms per the E�A ag�nda report. 'Thares highlyghte� that new jabs required wa.ges per the business subsi�dy agreement to be in th� range af $ I 5-17 an �our or mare. UMC thaugh has pr�vi�ed additic�nal inform�tian showing that the average of alI jabs wnuld be $23.$ lper hour. Tim Dolan, 17eckIan Group, beiieved that the UMC �egal counsel �va�ted ta use the floor le�el wage requirements which are out�ined in the State Statut� for business subsit�i�s. Thares indicated that iR the TI� appticatic�n pac�Cet, u�hich is attached as an exhibit to the staf�'report, there is an autdat�d ban�: comm�tment. He noted thai the State required that UMC upc�ate the letter. Do1an noted that he ��ould ser�d it to .ii�n Thares far r�vie���. The �ank increased t�eir commitment (e��ei due to the increase in buildinb size and cc�st. Do�an ec�n�irmed that bUsiness eq�xity was comin� from the co�npany's a�ssets. It was noted t�at ihe sources and uses had been updated in the stafl'report as well. TRACY H[NZ MOVf:D TU AI)OP�' RLSOI,UTIGN #?0?0-02 APPR()V1NG A PURC'��ASE AND DEVELOP]��ENT C�NTRACT �3ETWFEN UMC K��I. F.ST�TE, LLC AND T'HE EDA, T��F iANn SAI_E BY THF CDA T� UMC DESCRIB�;D THER�IN. AND A B[1SINFSS Sl1F3S�DY AGRF.EMENT GONTA�N1:Ll WITHIN THE AURCf�ASE AI�¢D llE`�EI.OPMENT C�N1"RAC''1`. BILL TAYPER SECONI]ED THF MOTIf�N. M07'I()N CARRI�I�, 7-0. 9. Consi�leratian af l�esol�tic�n #2020-U3 �► �-ovin aa in�erfund Loan author�zin ex enditures of le al available EDA f�ends for costs related to TIF District No, 1- 41 to be reimbursed throu h tax increments frum TIF Destrict No, i-4I T'ammy Qmdal, Northland Securities not�d that this item is reyuired. The EI�A has to authorize ar� interfund toan that would be paid back from future incr�ments firotn the newly established T'IF District fc�r the UMC expansion project. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO AD�OPT RESOLUTIQN #2020-03 A1'PROVING AN INTERFUND LQAN FpR TH� PUR�"'OSE �F RE;IMBURSING THE EDA �'OR FTS UPFRONT EXPEI�DITURES RELATEI� TO TIF DISTRtCT #1-41. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SEGONI�F,D THE MQTION. MOTION CARRIEp, 7-0. t 0. Consider�tion af Resolution #202U-Q4 A rovin an interfund Loan �e�thoriz�n ex en�litures of � to the total balaace af tax increm�nt� available from TIF District No. 1-6 to a a ortian of ro e ae uisition cc�sts in eDnneetio� with TTF Distriet No. 1-42 Tammy Omdal, N�rthland Securities, exp�ained that the request would give the EDA rnore �lexibility to pay a portion ofth� property acquisition af UMC iram existing T1F District 1-5. The c�ption ta decertify the �newIy establtshed TIF District 1-41 at an earlier date iifram the nine-year window cot2ld also accur at the EDA discretidn if the increments reach th� principal amount of$731,0(?0 sooner th�n tl�e ailowed 9-vear time frame. Economic DeveEopment Authnrity Minut�s — Fe6ruary 26th, 2020 Page 3 � 5 BILL TAPPER Iv14VED Tn ADOPT RESOLUTI�]N #2020-04 APFROVING AN INTERFUND LOAN �OR THE PURPpSE OF AUTHORIZING THE USE O� INCREMENT F,ROM pRE-199(} TIF DISTAICT #�-6 AS A SDURCE C)F FUNDS FQR UpFRC7NT LAND ACQUISITION EXPENSES RELATED TO UMC, INC.'S EXPANSIQN PRpJECT AND FTIRTHER AUTHORIZING FUTURE REIMBURSEMENT OF TIF' DIST,RICT #1-6 FROM TAX INCREMENTS GENERATED IN CpNNECTIC)N WITH I�TEW I�EVELaPMENT IN TIF DISTRICT #�-41. JQN MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIEL7, 7_0. 1 l. Consid�ration of A r�vin Industr�aI Land Absor tion and Demand Stud Jiru Gromber�, WSB & Associates, Inc. Jim Thares explained that the item was brought forward at the pr�vio�s EDA meeting, i�ut staffr�commended ta�ling the study due to changes that staff wau�d like inci�ded in the report. Thares also indicated that there were no additipna] EDA comments on the draf} plan af�er the February i2, 2Q20 meetir��. Thares intraduced Eric Maass to r�view the report with th� EDA. Maass indicated that a com�leted study was not availabte as they wanted ta make sure the EDA comments were included in the report. Maas ind'rcated tl�at with the current interest level, Qtter Creek Business Park wou�d be at cagacity in thr�e to faur years. Maas also indicated that it was important to discuss industrial growth in the City as Xc:ei plans to decommissian its faci�ity in the f'uture. Maas presented on thr�e sites in Monticello that could ts� t�e Iocation o# new industrial busir�ess park. Discussion about the ad�antages and disadvantages of each of the three sites c�ccurred with the EDA arzd WSB. U�timately, WS$ selected Site � as the preferred locati�n af a new industr2aI business park. Steve Johnson asked if the study could be revised ta incluc�e a�eneral understanding af the cost of �ber in those are�as_ Maass confrmed. LL(�YD HILGART MOVED TfJ APPRQVE THE INDUSTRIAL L,��ND ABSORPTION AI�ID DEMAND STUDY. .�IM DAVIDSON SEC4NDED THE MQTION. MpTION CARRIED, 7-0. l2. Consideration of Authariz�o Hos itali Stud Pro osal an�f Enterin inta a PrQfessional Sei-vices Contract with Hos itali Consultin Grou Excelsior M�1 in the amaunt of $5,5�0 Jim Thares indicated at the February IEDC �neetirag, the camir�ission made a motion to recomrnending the EDA consider completing a new hospitality study. The IEDC noted tha.t the study was completed in 2(?15 and that a new study should reflect prospeetive room d�rraand due ta the �roposed Gaogle lData Center development in Becker. Staff� asked Haspita�ity Consultin� Group, the cansultant v,�ho comp�eted the 20l 5 Study, to provide a quc�te for a study upaate. The c�uote uras reeeived and is in the amount af �s,ssa. Econ4mic Development Auihority Minutes — February 2fitf�, 2020 Page 4� 5 Tracy I-�inz asked how the previous study was utiiized. Thares indicated that d�ring his time with the City, the report has been sent ta severaI prQspects, although tt l�as not spurred any develogment praposals. Lloyd Hilgart indicated that hotel deveiopers likely wi�l create their own hote� studies when they are lookin�; at develo�in� in cities. Ti�n DoIan observed t�at in his exper�ence, the existence ot�a hot�l and hQspitality study tnat has been eompleted by a municipality can be a valuable source of information regarding development plans and initi�tives supported or ted by the City. JIM DAVIDSON MOVED T� APPROVE THE HOSPITALITY CONSULTING GROUP QUOTE PRQFOSAL F�R AN UPDATED HOTEL AND HOSPITALITy STUDY IN THE AMOUNT ()F $5,55U. BIL�. TAPPER SECONDED THE MO`I'IaN. MOTIQN CARRIED, "7-0. 13. AdiourQ TRACY HINZ 1V10VED TO ADJOURfi1 THE EDA ME�TING AT 8:�5 A..M. $ILL TAPER SECOND�ED THE M(�TION. 1vIOTION CARRIED, 7-�. Recorder �pproved Attest: Jacob Thunana�r Ma�-ch 1 I th, 2020 .Titn Thares, Economic Developrraent Direcic�r Econofnic Qevelopment Aukhority Minutes — February 26ch, 2020 Pa�e .� � 5 0 z 0 4 � C � O � � 0 C , � N N N I � a I a I O� I I O� ..'7 ..'7 ..'� ..'� ..'7 M N O O O O O � N N N N N 0 0 0 0 o w � � � � o N � v� v� v� v� m �n M ,� :C --' --' --' --' v� "' � ,N M M c+1 c+1 � M � ;� O O O O � O � � r" y y � Q Q � L .� .� � x � � a � ¢' ¢ a � v� an ;� � C, W Q . C o q � W � � � v, W ' Tv+�'W � � � � Q -� � > W CG a+ a' � o m c� o •+�-� � � � m � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 � � O O O � � � � A � � � � � � � � U � `✓' � H�+ /a Pr � � � � W '--' '--' '--' '--' � `--1 `--1 `--1 `--1 �! �! �! �! � F F F F � � � � � [,� � � � � � w w w w � O O O O `r+ `r+ `r+ `r+ � F F F F ;17 U U U U � O O O O O O O O N N N N � � � � M M [+l [+l � � � � � � � � m m m m W �:J �:J �:J � � � � � � � � N N N N O` 7 � � M � � N � ¢ O O O O N O N � M �. a O � p i. � � H � Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, February 6, 2020 7:48 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 2120WEBSINSERTS2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 3/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E 1/1/2020 to 1/31/2020 (31 days) 2/5/2020 3/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading Cons To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. ($1.25) ($0.50) $10.50 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $0.00 $s.�s $8.75 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, February 6, 2020 7:48 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 2120WEBSINSERTS2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 3/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 1/1/2020 to 1/31/2020 (31 days) 2/5/2020 3/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Cons $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $ 9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, February 6, 2020 7:48 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 2120WEBSINSERTS2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 68621907 1/1/2020 41771 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 3/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 1/1/2020 to 1/31/2020 (31 days) 2/5/2020 3/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 2/1/2020 42327 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Cons 556 $0.00 $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $0.00 $ 9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, February 6, 2020 7:48 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 2120WEBSINSERTS2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 60867213 1/1/2020 1001572 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - RESIDENTIAL Garbage: GARBAGE FEE - TXBL Garbage: RECYCLING FEE - NON TAXABLE Waste Taxes: GARBAGE TAX RES - 9.75% Stormwater: STORMWATER / RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 3/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-009 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 300 4TH ST E 1/1/2020 to 1/31/2020 (31 days) 2/5/2020 3/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 2/1/2020 1001572 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Cons 0 $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $ 9.18 $8.25 $0.75 $0.80 $1.50 $26.64 $24.01 $24.01 $0.00 $26.64 $26.64 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. �'er�dar I��l� �i'Trans��ti�n CI�''V' �F MOfVfTI�ELL� C�ty Hall ��rd irat�sactian Pleas� attach the in�roGce/rec�ipt and arry o#her auailab�e docur�nentatian t� this form. To b� ��mp#etec� by purehas��: �y`+ ` fI �'.� � JJi ��V�I�L � ± I ' � ..1 Cir�le purcha�er name! Tf�C�' ����fl 1flCkl L��er�7C?f�� ' _ -�#-ae`t�tt�c��rar�i . aeff f?'h�eill 'UVayne �berg S�r�h R�lthlisbe���er Jennifer �c�e�ib�r Ang�Ea �chur��nn Jirn ihares J�[ab Thun�nt�er 5p�e�ciaf �r�jeet � or beserip�tlon � � � �IdC�@ C����F#1"fl�flt Cdi��: ���-���1� �I�'� ���Jfl�f� 10�1-4131Q Admir�istr�kic�n 1{i�-�141� El��tions ��i-415�{] Fin�nee ��1-�I�SCK) I�unnan Resourees �41-4Y91� P��nnin,� and Zor�ing 1{}1-�1�9��D Data Praees�ing 101-4i940 City HaIE �13-�E+50C� �cor�omie �euelr��rner�x �1�-46�b1 HF�� �ircl� e�xpen�s�e ccrde: �42199{� �eneral 4p�rating Supplies 43��95{� N�►vsletter ieruic�s 43f99{7 �vlis�e�lar+eous� Pr�sf �ervices 43��1?0 Fc�st�ge �331��[] Travel/Trasnirrg Expens� 4433�16 C1u�s FA�mb�rsl�ip & Su�sErip 4437U�(J Lie�n�e� 2ntl P"�rmi#5 4439�0 f�1 isc_ Other �xpense C�ih�r 0 z 0 4 � C � O � � L O C J o I o m m -�-� -�-� � O N � N M � �:J M � O � Q .� � � ¢ A Q � w - � � � � � � w 0 0 cn � � � N n ry` � � � W H z 0 � W F W U O � M � N � � M N M N � L' w W :� O p � � � ¢ � N O N O N O O- a �,i � r p i. 0 � � H � �, �J���'J�D1�l+� � rr � n���v—�����C� ���� SEft���E AL?dRE9$ Ge�,�er?cir�tEi7�rgy.�,�m 3�+1 E�ih 5+ M�r�kiUello. M�'V 5��2-�5f� � � G�s i�ak 4r ��re�sncy Leawe imm�l�ately, Rhen r:�ll �90-238•9�15, 24'a�r5urs a d�y Ht�w tQ pa�r your bil9 � (�nlin� t+isik: Ce�fe�P+�+1�r��'gY.�t'�'�y�if F��y, anl+r�diat� y. sCh2�cuse a pay+nenk of Sf� u� auWm�.9iG mtutitilh�p p,aXmenfs PgaF9'•�PF I'rS4Y.i1Kr fn• vG�r�Ett*'��9 accour�rc �„n�ae� 11; 72s�4-�6 Bii�LIMG DATE Fea � � , �o�p D�ATE aU� �4����� ��� -��et i :: f i M�r 10, �02Q � 1�.��' �- - - � .. _ . � - Custoirr�ar e�rvice Ca1R hefqCe yov �dl� Comment� �90-2��=�377 �aE� S 1 i PQ ��x f 144 h,londay - Frnday, 7 am - 7 R� �4 h�,rs a cay Minnea pol is, MI� 5544G1144 Pay }�our n�xt bill withvul IiT�t�ng � finger, To efltc�Pl in Auta�ap', lusf s�gn �7nr� d2te Ch� he�c� r�f }+�uf �l stiut, �nd ret;lm 9� u� vai',h � che; k#+5r ynUr p�ymeni �mo�nt !k`s Chai e�sy! A�C�IUWfi �UMM�IIRY �r�v�i�aus gas �m�unt c#ue � 1�.�Q F�aym�nt Fe� 5, ��2fi rh��rkyau� . 1�,SQ Current gas charg�s [osta�ls o�n psgs 21 + 1(1.S�Q Tvtal amourrt d�r� � _. - � 1A.80 Y�ur accauni is ready ta vE�w n�w, R2gist�r'or free onlin� aGc[�unt 2[�cess. �+i�w bal�nne, usage hist�ry, rr►�1€� �n anlin� pay�nen#, uiew reeom�nand��i¢±ys for s�wi ng �ergy �nd money with My Ere�rgY Analy�r, and rr►uc� rr�ore. R�ist� at C�ni�r�oinkEn��gy�.�m,'rrFyaccnunt. �h�n� � �all Bp0-2d5-�377 and marke a ,�aysnent using yaurch$�k,r�g arsax�ing$ a���nf or by debit or eratl�k �ar� ''r.u�a'Nt_r��li�sµ-.'.m�kln�r�J•Gd�mel'L Re�S�G�fi1n)x�kile+8zars!r3�€ ����� �� G040$��4 �1 AV [] 3$ 1 CITY �3F h�t?NTICEI.I,� 5€�5 4VALNI�T �T 5TE 1 ?�1C�►11TiCELLf�, hAN �5362-��32� ���E���,����lIII��I��II �If�l�i'I�'�� �II��II NI"II°I��I s����l����l �137���1285139 �7P0[]01 In p�r�qrt � To iind a Ra}^r�2�6 ICscat�in, arsit: �enta�F��u+#Energy.c�rax+pay�iY �r call 64Q-245-2�77 Enrol� in �u�€�pay tc�day. Se� forrn on th� back of tn�s stub. Mail � R�kurn 1hp pa3�nent slu b hgldu�. ���?h }+�ur �heck armon�y �rde�, using me �e;�.� ernuelppe. — -- ,�C�OLINTNJh�BER 111T�354-6 DATE €�U� �lar 1 Q, 20�� . Af���UNT 7UE $1�.80 yk'r�lr. �-ratr r����!� ��i _he�i An.y 'rvoME� P9b'aL r I� ;'clilkrFp.m Er�r. � — Pkasr� erec x-n,rd ni �� f�aenxr�i elilJlle�������ll��l��l�l�iiilrll�lln ��r�l�l�IIJ'I���'i������'�� �EN'TEFi�C�INT EhIERG� Rc� aox �s� r Hpt��TON TX 7F21q-4�71 I7 �72[�0�]0111,72�94620�O�EJO 07��7�p[]f�p�f7���,08�]70 � � G119���h1�t GITY �F MOt�1 iCELL� SER►iy�CE +�DR�88 3+7i� E�t°� 5C. M[snt��FMo. �,��J 5�36�-8�1� � T7EFIN�71i]hf$ 8asit Cl�f� i5 a"Ja7 �i�1u�1k eaC' �'�GSRL7 rey�rf71�5s �' C°e smcxli11,7' �8S J�4Rd, la oD�eCf � POhi4" •9' cc�;s. �,C�fed eMer� iI kl':P. �LI5�3TT'Cf s�0�3'�OI ��isz y3S{iUfiP.� 1h�E h.:-'��ig perr_'�1. C4sk tf Gas s t}�e ccst Cer�lerF'oinl �ne�py pa'� 5`o� I�p gas il �]�h4Cts 10 ik5 4��amer'�. q�elww�esy CFYat�e is �.RaSed on ih�? �+li3ilfll� g85 delrv9tLM1, g� 4vaer t�e e,�sLs of �elrves�g gas n�i e�[x�re�r1 hy ihe 6asic CR�r�e. Ci�y Fra��chlse fee s a f�e �arged b� a sity la utit�y �nmp�•si�s U131 Rrffyida naC�:r21 g3S, eleC9�C 4y vr catrle �rvir,e. Ul�.ak�8 will Odl�.�r:l il-� rs� fram ind"r��dl� I cuslar��rs an,." �y il fo IriE. Cil1. eril 3� receiwue no rC�ven�e "rcx�r� lhia i�e. C,a� AM4Fda1311ity Progra�n �G,4Pj �m+.ws [a�6 40 o��r ��c�w•-�nc�e e4slor,er ro-F^ap Frogram 10 retl� naiu�al g$� servir,s rJisca�ne�linrrs. Ths G12p'�]e is b�Yed 9v a6 t�6t1- m�ajniplible tus`�P�Cfs Purch�sed Gas AtljualmenR re"ie�1s il,� tl�fer�n�c betw�eer Ihe b2&C otlsl �" gas esFablisl�atl �k Ihe kme o± aut rno6! receni rdG� �SB ��� Ihe prc4: �itl 4p purChs�se ar� U��9Sp8A 6h� gaa yau U&�� dUr �q t�is MIIirY� �fl4e Thefrn i� th� healrig v�l��rl' 9as. 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Enro m Av�rage +�1onC��y 8��° r� �ritl spr�d yc+ur �iurai �► Gv pa f�rl�ss, Re.ceia� an amail wfren poWr �D�.; �s ready 9as G45151hPoughoUk khB yedt k� �r�r end par�. Gei 4c��eniance, �et rid c� rlu�r�. • fi�t 61f1 remin�s- C�sa 1e�t cr ert�, up ia five tlays bcfane y�cur pol �s �ue. 51p.$0 r iJt�g� s�r�ic�, ReAp� a p�yment made at a p�yme�1 !c:cation. set up a p�yrr��1 exl,en��on and mu� �nare, V� optcsr� fr�ri your an� aar.a��ri ar uisik Cen��rP�vrP�ncw�gy.earr�'se�15�+'v��e.� if yau'd praPar nqk k� regi5l�ef. + iN�ring�"�ease �dll us at 90424:5-2377 at �ea�l ivaa weeks �e'ore you mov�, or �anplele th�e farms a1. C�rf'r.rrtlEr��rgy.cm�`se�ser�x,,e P.c;1sla;r i�7y ioq.iii}° ar �17pI�fA a[ C�rberPunl EriCr,G'a. S�5 htr:cdal Ma�l. P J i�x .ri441}3A, �1N�Y+e8�6o115, Mh� 55�45�-043� ILiail paymC�:a la C�nlerPonl E'i��Y u� Eax �4s�T1, Hir,isl[�. TX 77210-�7t 4.a1e payme�k dol�ile7�e date, an�sU G�f' S`�r tall �n lim(: m rEa.F o�r ollice Cy l� due da�e aFr�wn 21 �he Ir�7 al ywr 6ill. 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Th� m'r��'4 }�4�f che�k wi1 rn:t tC f2lu�� �' y;�r hes7as�,nsliWe� A,'�y AmGs msy te �a6iled #rcai� your aecxa�l aa �r aa �he sah-�D c�y R�S'ment � receiuod p yQu haae uu�laons mncamng �is NY�.�r55. please can9a� �u�mHr �rue a9 PlJl�14�•737i Forfu+�haf in�pnm�l�n, vise h :irYederalr�?,i�'+� �19'�'•'pul�5f�heckwrn'J , Enrc�ll i n Aut�aP2�y �nd y�ur m�nthky p��ee�t wi�l be ��plc�matic�l ly d�du�te� from y�ur ba nk acoount_ �c enroll, srg�i a� date t��s fam �+� relum wi�fi �ur cl�eCk paymeni Mn�ej orders da r�i# quahfy iartnrollmont. Your nexl �i�� �+a be aariomalc.ally d�ducked ptarn tl�e aec�r� i�sted 4�n yourcheck FQr mare �iorrcu9Ga� and ta enroll ele�ltasacally, go ko C�nte,�PoinfE�e-�gy �nl�fqpay. I�ulharize G2nt�rFra�' Er�crgy to auGon+aliC�lly d�duci fiam 9he rh�ck�ng ac�iar�1 sh�wr°n on rny �r�lasea c�esk ��- iutue �ay��rils for my Ce.�lerP�+nt �E�rgy bills. I will noUiy GcnGtxPaink Fn�rg�� ii 1 decide 10 caneel my use oi AutsaPay. �enCerPo�nt �nargy also � ihe right ko d�srr�Minu� rny Au1aR'sy enrollr'r�nl. �e I�ea , I sd�orsiand iha�i any past due Gal�ne,�s will be dralte� kor� rny ac�:�unk ltv� d�ys after rn� applrC�iia� is pro�ess�. A4c�iun hd�d�s �ig�nd�ure� f}a1G EDA: 04/08/20 5. Consideration to terminate the Fa�ade Improvement Grant A�reement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider terminating the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Agreement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe in the amount of $100,000 due to "non- performance". A condition in the Grant Agreement requires that the fa�ade improvement projects are to be completed within 180 days from entering into the Agreement. Tricambra entered into the Grant Agreement on September 24, 2019 and the six (6) month period ended on March 24, 2020. Tricambra had previously met with city staff to discuss the scope of the project, its funding match and the limits of the proj ect timeline. They indicated at that time that it would be difficult to complete the proj ect by March 24, 2020, so it is not an unexpected status for what was to be the first fa�ade improvement project in Block 35 in the core downtown area. As the EDA indicated continued support for the program in 2020, staff will be ready to assist Cornerstone/Tricambra when and if they are ready to submit a new application package. Staff is planning to hold a group meeting with property and business owners in Block 35 in the upcoming months to re-discuss the fa�ade improvement program and potential changes that could be made to the effort to make the funding more accessible, yet impactful. This would be in addition to one-on-one meetings with property owners such as TriCcmbra who have made prior applications. At this time, due to the current COVID-19 shut down, scheduling of this meeting is on hold. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is a limited staff impact in considering terminating the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Agreement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. by the EDA. The EDA attorney was previously consulted and recommended not terminating the Grant Agreement until after the performance deadline had been reached. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact is minimal as staff time related to this consideration is part of staff duties tied to the Fa�ade Improvement Grant program administration. It is estimated that the EDA Attorney has less than one hour devoted to discussion of terminating the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Agreement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve terminating the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Agreement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe due to non-performance. 2. Motion to deny terminating the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Agreement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. due to non-performance. EDA: 04/08/20 3. Motion to table consideration of terminating the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Agreement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. due to non-performance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the EDA terminate the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Agreement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. Staff had previously discussed the project completion timeline with Tricambra Foods wherein they indicated that further reinvestment into their property would be off the table for perhaps 12 to 18 months +/-. The EDA attorney also recommends formal termination of the Grant Agreement to limit future liability related to the terms of the Grant Agreement. As noted, staff will be ready to assist Cornerstone Cafe/Tricambra when and if they are ready to submit a new application package. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. EDA Resolution #2019-04 Approving Fa�ade Improvement Grant-Tricambra Foods, Inc. B. Fa�ade Grant Agreement — Tricambra Foods, Inc. EDA RESOLUTION NO. 2019-04 RESOLUTION APPROVING A GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND TRICAMBRA FOODS INC., DBA CORNERSTONE CAFE AND CATERING BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section l. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority is a grantor as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), and is authorized to grant financial assistance for private development, including grants. 1.02. The Authority and Tricambra Foods Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe and Catering (the "Grantee") desire to enter into a gant agreement (the "Grant Agreement") for a Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant (the "Grant") to be used to pay a portion of the costs of certain fa�ade improvements, including replacement windows and stucco work (the "Improvement Costs") on certain real property located at 154 W. Broadway Street in the City of Monticello (the "Property"), in conformity to the Grant guidelines. 1.03. Pursuant to the Grant Agreement, the Authority will gant to the Crrantee the sum of $50,000 (the "GranY') to reimburse a portion of the Improvement Costs. 1.04. Pursuant to Section 116J.993, Subdivision 3(1) of the Business Subsidy Act, the Authority is not required to hold a public hearing on the Grant because the Grant is in an amount less than $150,000, and is therefore not a business subsidy. However, the Authority has held a duly noticed public hearing concerning the Grant on the date hereof, and hereby finds, pursuant to Section 116J.994, subd. 4, that the purpose of the Grant is not the creation or retention of jobs. Therefore, notwithstanding the requirements of Section 116J.994, Subd. Z of the Business Subsidy Act, the Authority hereby determines that the terms of the Grant may deviate from the Authority's written business subsidy criteria, and hereby sets the job and wage goals of the Grant at zero. Section 2. Grant Agreement Approved. 2.01. The Authority hereby approves the Grant Agreement in substantially the form presented to the Board. The Authority further authorizes execution of the Grant Agreement and all documents prepared in connection therewith, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the Grant Agreement by such officials shall be conclusive evidence of approval. 1 583370v 1 MN325-40 Approved this 29th day of May, 2019, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President /rWY�ICl11A 583370v I MN325-40 GRANT AGREEMENT This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is made this 24th day of September, 2019, between the City of Monticello Econoinic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), and TriCambra Foods, Inc., dba Cornerstone Cafe, a Minnesota corporation ("Grantee"). RECITALS A. Grantor has duly established its Downtown Facade Improvement Grant Program (the "Program") and has approved guidelines for said Prograin. B. Grantee has submitted an application for a grant pursuant to the Program guidelines, and Grantor has approved a grant to the Grantee in the maximum principal amount of $100,000.00 (the "GranY') to pay a portion of the costs of certain fa�ade improvements at Grantee's commercial restaurant business located at 154 West Broadway in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), as more fully described in Eachibit A hereto (the "Improvements"). C. The Grantor and Grantee have negotiated the terms of the Grant, and now desire to memorialize such terms in this Agreement. ACCORDINGLY, to induce Grantor to make the Grant to Grantee, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Grant Amount. Subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Grantor agrees to grant to Grantee the sum of One Hundred Thousand and no/100ths Dollars ($100,000.00). Proceeds of the Grant shall be disbursed in accordance with Section 2 hereof. 538719v3MN325-40 2. Disbursement of Grant Proceeds. (a) All Grant proceeds shall be paid to Grantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if the cost of the Improvements exceeds the amount to be reimbursed under this Agreement, such excess shall be the sole responsibility of the Grantee. (b) On the date of closing on the Grant, all Grant proceeds shall be deposited into an escrow account with an escrow agent (the "Escrow Agent") selected by the Grantor. The disbursement of proceeds of the Grant will be made subject to the conditions precedent that prior to or as of each date of disbursement: (i) The Grantor has received from Grantee, witl�out expense to Grantor, an executed copy of this Agreement and of an escrow agreement in substantially the form attached as Exhibit B(the "Escrow Agreement"); (ii) The Grantor and Escrow Agent have received from the Grantee's authorized representative one or more draw requests in substantially the form attached to the Escrow Agreement (each a"Draw Request"), certifying with respect to each requested disbursement: that each item for which the disbursement is proposed is included in the Improvements, accompanied by paid or payable invoices or other comparable evidence that the cost has been incurred and paid or is payable by Grantee; provided that each Draw Request must be made for a minimum amount of the lesser of $5,000 or the balance of escrowed Grant proceeds; (iii) Grantee has provided evidence satisfactory to Grantor that Grantee has established an account for the exclusive purpose of recording the receipt and expenditure of the Grant proceeds; (iv) Grantee is in compliance with the terms of the Fa�ade Improvement Program Guidelines and this Agreement; (v) Upon final disbursement of Grant proceeds, Grantee has obtained lien waivers from all contractors and sub-contractors for all work and/or materials in connection with the Improvements; and (vi) No Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing. Representations and Warranties. Grantee represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) Grantee is duly authorized and empowered to execute, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to receive the Grant from Grantor. (b) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the performance by Grantee of its obligations hereunder, do not and will not materially violate or conflict with 538719v3MN325-40 2 any applicable provision of law and do not and will not materially violate or conflict with, or cause any default or event of default to occur under, any material agreement binding upon Grantee. (c) The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been duly approved by all necessary action of Grantee, and this Agreement has in fact been duly executed and delivered by Grantee and constitutes its lawful and binding obligation, legally enforceable against it. (d) Grantee warrants that it shall keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and disbursements of Grant proceeds and that any duly authorized representative of Grantor shall, with reasonable advance notice, have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other documents of Grantee pertaining to the Grant until the completion of all closeout procedures and the final settlement and conclusion of all issues arising out of this Grant. (e) Grantee warrants that it shall keep and maintain current property insurance from the date of this Agreement through completion of the Improvements, and will ensure that its selected contractor carries corrnnercial general liability insurance in at least the amount of the cost of the Improvements. (� Grantee warrants that to the best of its lcnowledge, it has fully complied with all applicable state and federal laws reasonably relevant to this Agreement and will continue to comply throughout the tenns of this Agreement. If at any time Grantee receives notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Grantee agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the state or federal law in question. (g) Grantee warrants that it will use the proceeds of the Grant made by Grantor solely for the Improveinents. 4. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree that the Grant is not a business subsidy as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), because the assistance is in an amount less than $150,000. [IF AMOLTNT GREATER THAN $25,000: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree and acknowledge that disbursement of the Grant complies with the Grantor's written criteria for the granting of business subsidies (the "Criteria"), provided that the Authority agrees to deviate from the job creation requirements provided in the Criteria, since the Grant is for the purposes of downtown revitalization and job retention articulated in such Criteria and not for the purpose of job creation. The Grantee releases and waives any claim against the Grantor and its governing body members, officers, agents, servants and employees thereof arising from application of the Business Subsidy Act to this Agreement, including without limitation any claim that the Grantor failed to comply with the Business Subsidy Act with respect to this Agreement.] 5. Event of Default by Grantee. The following shall be Events of Default under this Agreement: 538719v3MN325-40 3 (a) failure to complete any part of the Improvements within 180 days after the date of this Agreement; (b) any representation or warranty made by Grantee herein or in the Escrow Agreement is false when made; (c) Grantee files a petition under any chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code or any similar law, state or federal, now or hereafter existing, becomes "insolvent" as that term is generally defined under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, or is adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, or has a custodian, trustee, or receiver appointed for, or has any court take jurisdiction of its property, ar any part thereof, in any proceeding for the purpose of rearganization, arrangement, dissolution, or liquidation, and such custodian, trustee, or receiver is not discharged, or such jurisdiction is not relinquished, vacated, or stayed within thirty (30) days of the appointment; (d) any material breach or failure of Grantee to perform any material term or condition of this Agreement not specifically described as an Event of Default in this Agreement and such breach or failure continues for a period of thirty (30) days after Grantor has given written notice to Grantee specifying such default or breach, unless Grantor agrees in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice cannot be corrected within the applicable period, Grantor will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by Grantee within the applicable period and is being diligently pursued until the Event of Default is corrected, but no such extension shall be given for an Event of Default that can be cured by the payment of money (i.e., payment of taxes, insurance premiums, or other amounts required to be paid hereunder). 6. Grantor's Remedy upon Grantee's Default. Upon an Event of Default by Grantee and after provision by Grantor of written notice, Grantor shall have the right to suspend or terminate its performance under this Agreement. 7. Indemnification. (a) Grantee shall and does hereby agree to indemnify against and to hold Grantor, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Grantor by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the tenns, covenants, or agreements contained herein. (b) This indemnification and hold harmless provision shall survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the payrnent by Grantor of any portion of the Grant. 538719v3MN325-40 4 (c) Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of ar limitation on any immunity from ar limitation on liability to which Grantee is entitled under law. 8. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Grantee and Grantor. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. (b) Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their successors and assigns. All rights and powers specifically conferred upon Grantor may be transferred or delegated by Grantor to any of its successors and assigns. Grantee's rights and obligations under this Agreement may be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Grantor; except that if such assignment is made to an affiliate or subsidiary of Grantee, Grantee may assign any of its rights or obligations to such affiliate or subsidiary upon written notice to the Grantor. (c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. (d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision ar application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Grantor: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director To Grantee: Greg or Jennifer Ashfeld PO Box 1570 Monticello, MN 55362 (� Termination. Upon the final date of disbursement of Grant proceeds under the Escrow Agreement, or if the Grant is not disbursed pursuant to this Agreement by March 24tn, 2020, this Agreement shall terminate and neither party shall have any further obligation to the 538719v3MN325-40 5 other, except that if the Grant is not disbursed because Grantee has failed to use its best efforts to comply with the conditions set forth in Section 2 of this Agreement then Grantee shall pay to Grantor all reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses incurred by Grantor in connection with this Agreement. (g) Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the E�ibits hereto, which are incorporated by reference, constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of all mutual understandings between the parties with respect to this Agreement, superseding all prior or contemporaneous proposals, communications, and understandings, whether oral or written, concerning the Grant. (h) Headin�s. The headings appearing at the beginning of the several sections contained in this Agreement have been inserted for identification and reference purposes only and shall not be used in the construction and interpretation of this Agreement. 538719v3MN325-40 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. GRANTOR: MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY B: ts sident � /� � h � ,.,� By�—:—L�,,,� Its E�ec�itive Director �SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT ACREEMENT - CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY� 538719v3MN325-40 7 GRANTEE: By: Title: �SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT 538719v3MN325-40 EXHIBIT A IMPROVEMENTS 538719v3MN325-40 A-1 3 0 � rt a � o a � � s oi 3 n _. a� rn y� � 0 < m � m � � r� Z �' fD �D � � a- � � 3 O = a+ � 3 • H � � fl. Q. 7� rt O lQ 3• =. � � � � � � � �s � • O y m � p � � i � � n � a � m — {'� � f � O Z � � y - `1 0 z � L-1 � '"� � i / �� � n '�2 O� � � � �. � O � n i D � • N — �• � �� �, n c aZ o Z G1 c = a 93 , ■ � d rZD 3 � Q� S d �• �• N � � ID � � a 0 _ r-r 3 � _ � a n _a � ..� "3 � � 0 < m � � � � �� - - -- - ----_`` J `, II �— — t � I , � � ---- ��- i �— � r ,) .�_ 1 ----�. � � _ 3 � V n O � 7 �D � � rr O 7 �D EXHIBIT B ESCROW AGREEMENT FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM ESCROW AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this day of , 20_, by and between (the "Grantee"), , a Minnesota (the "Escrow Agent"), and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota (the "Authority"). Purpose The purpose of the escrow established pursuant to this Agreement is to provide assurance to the Authority that Grantee will coinplete the proposed improvements ("Improvements") described in the Grant Agreement between the Authority and the Grantee dated (the "Grant AgreemenY'), which is incorporated herein by reference. Escrow The Escrow Agent hereby acknowledges receipt from the Authority of $ in Fa�ade Improvement Grant funds (the "Grant Funds") to be disbursed in connection with the construction by Grantee of the Improvements. Grant Funds will be disbursed to the Grantee in one or more payments as evidenced by the provisions of this section. Before disbursement of any Grant Funds deposited hereunder, Grantee must submit to the Authority and Escrow Agent a draw request in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A(the "Draw Request") containing evidence showing that costs for the Improvements have been paid or incurred by the Grantee in at least the ainount requested, provided that Draw Requests inust be made for a minimum of the lesser of $5,000 or the balance of unpaid Grant Funds. Prior to the final disbursement of Grant Funds, the Grantee must submit to the Authority and Escrow Agent lien waivers from all contractors or sub-contractors performing work or supplying materials in connection with the Improvements. The Authority may, if not satisfied with the evidence provided, request such further documentation or clarification as the Authority may reasonably require. The Authority will authorize disbursement by the Escrow Agent of the Grant Funds upon receipt and approval of the Grantee's Draw Request evidencing Improvement Costs in at least the amount of the requested disbursement. Final disbursement of Grant Funds must be made no later than six months after the date hereof. Indemnity Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Authority from and against any claim, damage, liability, loss or expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, made by any party in 290813v1 MNI MN190-116 1 538719v3MN325-40 connection with the performance of obligations under this Agreement. Title and Escrow Charges Any escrow fees will be paid by Authority. Termination This Agreement will terminate upon the earlier to occur of one of the following: i) mutual written agreement of the parties; ii) disbursement of all Grant Funds to Grantee; or iii) [date six months after execution of Agreement]. Any balance of Grant Funds remaining in escrow as of will be returned to the Authority. 290813v1 MN] MN190-116 2 538719v3MN325-40 [Grantee] : Date: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY EXecutive Director [Escrow Agent] By: Its 290813v1 MNI MN190-116 538719v3MN325-40 Date: Date: EXHIBIT A TO ESCROW AGREEMENT DRAW REQUEST — DOWNTOWN FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT TO: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director DISBURSEMENT DIRECTION The undersigned Authorized Representative of , a (the "Grantee"), hereby authorizes and requests you to disburse from proceeds of the Grant, in accordance with the terms of the Grant Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("Lender") and the Borrower, dated as of , 2019 (the "Agreement"), the following amount to the following person and for the following proper Grant-related costs: Ainount: Payee: Purpose: all as defined and provided in the Agreement. The undersigned further certifies to the Lender that (a) none of the items for which the payment is proposed to be made has formed the basis for any payment previously made under Section 2 of the Agreement (or before the date of the Agreement); and (b) that each item for which the payment is proposed is eligible for funding from the proceeds of the Grant. Dated: Borrower's Authorized Representative 290813v1 MNI MN190-116 4 538719v3MN325-40 EDA: 04/08/20 6. Consideration of GMEF Loan Forbearance Request-Rustech Microbrewerv (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider a Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan forbearance request from Rustech Microbrewery due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. A temporary business closure order was issued by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on March 13, 2020, impacting bars, restaurants, microbrewery's and other businesses where social gathering is an inherent component of the business. As a result, Rustech had to comply with the order starting March 17, 2020. According to Bill Burt, owner of Rustech, they are now open for limited hours fulfilling online sales orders of crowlers, growlers and merchandise (t-shirts, caps, pretzels etc.). They are also limited to just three (3) people in the facility at any one time. Bill Burt contacted City staff on mid-March 2020 asking for a three (3) month forbearance (April, May and June 2020). While this is a reasonable request given the current situation, staff believe that the EDA may want to consider a six (6) month forbearance period which would match the SBA action regarding SBA 7(a) and 5041oans that have good standing status as of March 27, 2020. Rustech's GMEF loan is currently in good standing. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is a limited staff impact in considering the loan forbearance request by the EDA. The EDA attorney has been consulted and suggested an informal approach to the forbearance loan consideration and related documentation. A letter approval format is suggested as way to minimize expenses for the forbearance consideration. The loan agreement does not need to be modified at this point in time as it relates to the forbearance consideration. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact is minimal as staff time related to this consideration is part of staff duties tied to GMEF loan program administration activities. It is estimated that the EDA Attorney has less than one hour committed to the topic of loan forbearance requests. The main budget impact is the temporary interruption of the receipt of principal and interest loan payments back into the GMEF Fund account. The amount of the principal and interest payments over six months is $2,570 +/-. The current balance in the GMEF account is healthy; estimated at $1,028,000 +/-. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve a GMEF Loan principal and interest payment forbearance period of six (6) months beginning on April 1, 2020 and running through September 2020 (April, May, June, July, August, September) for Rustech Microbrewery and documented through a letter agreement. 2. Motion to deny the Rustech Microbrewery GMEF Loan forbearance request. EDA: 04/08/20 3. Motion to table consideration of the Rustech Microbrewery GMEG Loan forbearance request for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Due to the emergency response impacts related to the Covid-19 crisis, businesses like Rustech have been negatively impacted by being asked to temporarily shut down or reduce their hours and services as takeout only in order to reduce the spread of the corona virus. It is inherently understandable that this situation would have serious implications for Rustech's revenue flow needed to pay fixed and operating expenses. In that context, staff views the request as reasonable and recommends that the EDA authorize entering into a six (6) month forbearance agreement for the GMEF loan payments in a letter format. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. SBA 7(a) Loan Debt Relief Program Summary Coron�avirus 4G�VID-19�: Relief options ar�d Additional Resources CLICK HERE � BA D �e bt Re l i+�----- -- �'he SBA is providing a finaneial repriev� ta srna�� busin�sse.� du��ng t�e C4�IID-�g panderr�ic. Content Ovenriew Additional Qe�t Relief �r�e rv� ew As part o� SBA's de�t r�lief effor�s, p The SBA will automaticaliy pay the principal, interest, and fee� of curren� 7 f�), 504, a�d micralo�ns far a period of six mon�hs. o The SBA wii� also au�omatically pay th�e principal, interest, and fees of new 7(aJ, 504, and m�craloans issued �rior to September 27, 2(�20. Additivr�a� Debt Re�ief �ar current SBA Serviced Disaster (Home and Susiness� Laans: If your disaster loan was in "regular se�vicir�g" status on March 1, 20�0, t�e SBA is praviding au�omatic defermentst��-ough December 31, 202�. What does an "automatic de�erral" me�n �o borrowers? 0 EDA: 04/08/20 7. Consideration of GMEF Loan Forbearance Request-DSN Investments, LLC dba Monticello RV Center (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider a Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan forbearance request from DSN Investments, LLC dba Monticello RV Center due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. According to Scott Kunz, Managing Partner, they temporarily closed the business in mid-March due to the fact that there was no customer traffic. The non-essential business closure executive order issued by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was also a factor in their decision to continue to stay shut down. In addition, the major recreational shows at which they exhibit product have been cancelled for the spring and summer of 2020. They indicate that these shows comprise a significant part of their sales volume each spring and summer. In light of the current situation, staff believe that the EDA may want to consider a six (6) month forbearance period which would match the SBA action regarding SBA 7(a) and 504 loans that have good standing status as of March 27, 2020. DSN Investments, LLC's dba Monticello RV Center GMEF loan is currently in good standing. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is a limited staff impact in considering the loan forbearance request by the EDA. The EDA attorney has been consulted and suggested an informal approach to the forbearance loan consideration and related documentation. A letter approval format is suggested as way to minimize expenses for the forbearance consideration. The loan agreement does not need to be modified at this point in time as it relates to the forbearance consideration. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact is minimal as staff time related to this consideration is part of staff duties tied to GMEF loan program administration activities. It is estimated that the EDA Attorney has less than one hour committed to the topic of loan forbearance requests. The main budget impact is the temporary interruption of the receipt of principal and interest loan payments back into the GMEF Fund account. The amount of the principal and interest payments over six months is $4,500 +/-. The current balance in the GMEF account is healthy; estimated at $1,028,000 +/-. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve a GMEF Loan principal and interest payment forbearance period of six (6) months beginning on April 1, 2020 and running through September 2020 (April, May, June, July, August, September) for DSN investments, LLC dba Monticello RV Center and documented through a letter agreement. 2. Motion to deny the DSN Investments, LLC's dba Monticello RV Center GMEF Loan forbearance request. EDA: 04/08/20 3. Motion to table consideration of the GMEG Loan forbearance request for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Due to the emergency response impacts related to the COVID-19 crisis, non-essential businesses such as Monticello RV Center have been negatively impacted by being asked to temporarily shut down or reduce their hours and services in order to reduce the spread of the corona virus. It is inherently understandable that this situation would have serious implications for Monticello RV Center's revenue flow needed to pay fixed and operating expenses. In that context, staff views the request as reasonable and recommends that the EDA authorize entering into a six (6) month forbearance agreement for the GMEF loan payments in a letter format. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. SBA 7(a) Loan Debt Relief Program Summary Coron�avirus 4G�VID-19�: Relief options ar�d Additional Resources CLICK HERE � BA D �e bt Re l i+�----- -- �'he SBA is providing a finaneial repriev� ta srna�� busin�sse.� du��ng t�e C4�IID-�g panderr�ic. Content Ovenriew Additional Qe�t Relief �r�e rv� ew As part o� SBA's de�t r�lief effor�s, p The SBA will automaticaliy pay the principal, interest, and fee� of curren� 7 f�), 504, a�d micralo�ns far a period of six mon�hs. o The SBA wii� also au�omatically pay th�e principal, interest, and fees of new 7(aJ, 504, and m�craloans issued �rior to September 27, 2(�20. Additivr�a� Debt Re�ief �ar current SBA Serviced Disaster (Home and Susiness� Laans: If your disaster loan was in "regular se�vicir�g" status on March 1, 20�0, t�e SBA is praviding au�omatic defermentst��-ough December 31, 202�. What does an "automatic de�erral" me�n �o borrowers? 0 EDA Agenda: 04/08/20 8. Economic Development Report (JT) A. 300 — 4th Street East Update: The hazardous materials inspector continues to make progress; samples taken from the house and garage were recently mailed to the appropriate testing agency. When that is completed, a report will be provided to the city staff which should inform whether mitigation steps will be needed such as asbestos removal. The lab report timeline is a bit murky as they are still open, but in a lesser capacity due to the COVID-19 stay at home orders at this time. The inspector is also going to complete a custom report identifying debris and other items in the two structures that need to be removed prior to a training burn (only certain specific items can be burned with the structure). He further reports that outside fire training is shut down for all intents and purposes for the foreseeable future. Only online activities are continuing at this time. Once the reports are received from the inspector, a follow-up walk through will be completed and the junk and debris removal quote gathering step can begin. B. UMC Expansion Update: Financial assistance process steps wrapped up with the land purchase from Shawn Weinand and follow on sale transaction to UMC which occurred as scheduled on Wednesday April 1, 2020. In the process of finalizing the Purchase and Development Contract there was a necessary adjustment to the Minimum Assessment Agreement. The original proposed valuation of $5,200,000 outlined in the Minimum Assessment Agreement was not acceptable to the County Assessor and was adjusted to $4,010,500. It is noted that the Assessor completed the valuation review using the "development review" plan set instead of "building construction" plans. Nonetheless, due to comparable property valuation factors, a determination was made that it was vital to remain at the $77.00 per square foot figure ($4,010,000 divided by 52,000 square feet). It is possible that the valuation will increase in the next few years as, no value was assigned to an unfinished 6,000 square foot office mezzanine area. The impact of the reduced value will translate into a lower amount of increment being collected from the new development. An estimate of the increment shortfall is about $57,000 to $67,000+/-. This means that the EDA's land costs may not be fully reimbursed. As a reminder, the goal was to have the development generate at least $731,000 in increment to cover land costs. The shortfall amount is equivalent to about one more year of increment being needed to make the EDA whole. While 10 years of increment collection would be ideal, per state statutes, Economic Development TIF Districts are limited to 9 years. Options available to the EDA at this time include several scenarios. The first option is to monitor the value for three or four years and then review the situation. It is possible that property valuations will gradually increase over the next few years and some of the shortfall will diminish. There is also the potential that UMC will need to finish out the 6,000 square foot office area in the next few years. This would add value (perhaps $400,000 to $500,000) and increase the increment for the remaining three or four years. Depending on timing and the value assigned to a finished mezzanine office, it may yield enough increment to offset the shortfall. Option number two is to discuss with UMC their willingness to enter into a deficiency agreement wherein they make up the shortfall at the end of the life of the TIF District. This arrangement has been used in other similar situations. 1 EDA Agenda: 04/08/20 A third option is to use a wrap-around Tax Abatement to collect one or possibly two more years of tax payments for the sole purpose of fully reimbursing the EDA for its land costs. The City Council would have to agree to the use of Tax Abatement as it is not allowed for use by EDA's. The fourth option is to take no extra action and do nothing. This scenario would let the TIF District run its course wherein it is decertified after 9 years whether or not the increment amount is short of the desired goal of $731,000. There is at least one other TIF District in the City that if facing an increment shortfall and will may be in that status at the time of decertification. If the EDA desires, a future workshop could be held further reviewing the scenarios and discussing which course of action may be the most prudent to follow. C. Hospitality and Lodging Study Update: In consultation with the consultant, Steven Sherf, Hospitality Consulting Group, LLC, it was deemed that the present time is not appropriate to complete a hospitality and lodging study. Mr. Sherf said the information would be of little value and a waste of funds (the approved hotel contract amount was $5,550) at this time for the intended purpose of documenting room demand levels to be used in discussing new development concepts with hotel developers. He suggested waiting at 6 to 12 months or perhaps a bit longer and restart the process. D. Emergency Financial Assistance Programs Letter: A letter was sent to all businesses in the community summarizing the available financial assistance programs that have been authorized and made available to offset the COVID-19 guidance and response impacts. See Exhibit A. E. Prospects: See attached Exhibit B. A spread sheet with information about concept stage and active search prospects is attached. 2 April 3, 2020 Dear Sir or Madam, During this unprecedented and chaotic time, the Monticello City Council, Economic Development Authority (EDA), and city staff are thinking of your challenges and needs as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are felt throughout the community. We acknowledge this is a very difficult situation for many businesses as revenue is reduced while fixed costs and operational expenses continue. In light of this, federal and state governments have initiated financial assistance programs to address the impacts of the pandemic on your business. You may have already learned about some of the federal and state efforts to support businesses; the programs are offered by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and MN-DEED in the form of loans, loan guarantees, and debt relief. In addition, the City of Monticello EDA has an existing loan option that may provide interim financial assistance. A summary of the SBA, MN-DEED and EDA programs is listed below. Federal Programs — Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) — A loan program helping businesses keep their workforce employed during the Covid-19 crisis. The program is designed as a direct incentive for small businesses, self-employed people, and gig workers to help them from going under due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It offers incentives to keep workers on the payroll. The loans are forgiven if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the loan dollars are used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utility expenses. The program is available through June 30, 2020. The link for more information is: https://www.sba.�ov/fundin�-pro�rams/loans/pavcheck- protection-pro�ram_�p Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Program - A loan program offering low interest rates, long-term (up to 30 years in duration) loans in an amount up to $2 million. The first payment is deferred for 12 months. The application has been simplified and can be completed 100% online through the SBA's improved web portal at wwvv.sba.�ov/disaster. These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can't be paid because of impacts related to the Covid-19 crisis. The interest rate is 3.75% for small businesses. The interest rate for non-profits is 2.75%. EIDL Grant Advances - Businesses applying for an EIDL loan (above) can request up to $10,000 be disbursed immediately. This advance will need not to be repaid, regardless of the EIDL loan decision. The request for the grant must be made within 3 days of applying to the SBA EIDL program. Additional information is available at: https://www.sba.�ov/pa�e/coronavirus-covid-l9-small-business-�uidance-loan-resources 504 Loan Forbearance Program — Under the CARES Act, the SBA will pay the principal, intertest and any associated fees that are owed on a 5041oan in regular servicing status to the Central Servicing Agent (CSA) within 30 days of April 1, 2020. The SBA will continue to make these loan payments to the CSA for the 6-month period beginning April 1, 2020. 7(a) Debt Relief Program - Under the CARES Act, 7(a) borrowers are granted debt relief through a reprieve of loan payments as follows: • The SBA will pay the principal and interest of new 7(a) loans issued prior to September 27, 2020. • The SBA will pay the principal and interest of current 7(a) loans for a period of six months. You can find more information on the SBA website at: https://www. sba.�ov/pa�e/coronavirus-covid-l9-small-business-�uidance-loan-resources State of Minnesota Programs (MN-DEED) Minnesota Small Business Emergency Loan Program - Loans are made through an approved lender — you can find FAQs, a�lication materials and lenders on the DEED website. These loans are for $2,500 to $35,000 at a 0% interest rate to help meet ongoing expenses. There is a total of $30 million available for this program. Minnesota Small Business Emergency Loan Guarantee Program - Provides an 80% loan guarantee for loans up to $250,000 made by a qualified economic development lender within this program. Details for business are not yet on DEED's website, but DEED and agency partners are reaching out to lenders to make them aware of this new program — look for more details soon. This program is intended to incentivize the private market to make loans to small businesses and provides the guarantee for those loan dollars. The state is providing a loan guarantee of $10 million which is likely to leverage between $20 and $25 million in lending by private banks. City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Programs Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan Program — Under the authority of the EDA, the GMEF loan program is intended to fill funding gaps and create new jobs in the community. A wide range of businesses are eligible for the funding. The minimum size loan is $25,000. Program minimum and job requirements may be considered for future adjustments allowing greater access and use as an emergency mitigation fund for an interim period during the � COVID-19 crisis, pending feedback from the business community on this need. For more information on the GMEF Program, please contact Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager at 763-271-3254 or jim.thares(c�ci.monticello.mn.us. Other Information and Resources Temporary Signs: The City Council recently relaxed certain temporary sign ordinance requirements to support local businesses as they communicate their available services as noted below: 1. The requirement for permit application for temporary signs is waived through June 30, 2020. 2. No temporary sign application fee will be charged for applications for the balance of 2020. 3. Temporary signs currently in place will be allowed to remain through June 30, 2020, regardless of their application date. Businesses with existing permitted temporary signs will also be allowed to apply for a new 2020 temporary sign permit upon reinstatement of the full ordinance. 4. After reinstatement of the full ordinance, any new temporary sign permits for 2020 will start with a full 120 days available to all businesses. 5. Each business is allowed one temporary sign consistent with ordinance requirements for size with no distance requirement between signs. 6. Each business is allowed one temporary sign at up to 40 square feet, in addition to the use of one sandwich board per business. The waiver applies to all business and industrial districts. Businesses should note that off- premise signage remains prohibited. Other sign regulations also remain in place. More information is available on the website: https://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/signpermits Our commitment to supporting Monticello's businesses and employers is one of our top priorities as a city. If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions or concerns you would like to share, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. Sincerely, ;. � I Angela Schumann Community Development Director an�ela. schumann(a�ci.monticello.mn.us � w.�. Jim Thares Economic Development Manager j im.thares@ci.rnonti cell o. mn.us ; � � � � � � � � � � � � � o � LL� � �� � � ���� � � ' v v v o `n � � in � � '� v `� � � in in in � � � � � � = fl- tn tn � tn tn a � a v v a a a tn tn u> > > c °1 v v f0 v v v °1 � '�� v in in v v v v v � � � Y Y a Y Y c �., � c " " c c c Y Y � a � a a � a a a c° a a � a i�' �°, a a � �°, c° a a � o 0 ; o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o o � �! o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o o � ra, o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .� o 0 0 � �ri o 0 0 � � o � o�. r o o � o o � o � m o o �n o 0 0 0 0 o a� o o � o 0 0 0 _� o� � o � �n rn � �n o �''� o c� o r�. a � � rn c� o � o �i � a ti � � � � � � � � � � .,.� 4 � � � � � � a � � � � � � i � o � � � m . 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