HRA Minutes 01-05-2005 . . . MINlJTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 5th, 2004 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners Present: Chair Bill Fair, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr, Brad Barger Commissioners Absent: Steve Andrews, Dan Frie Staff Present: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Angela Schumann. 1 . Call to Order. Chairman fair called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM, and declared a quorum, noting the absence of Commissioners Frie and Andrews. 2. Consideration to approve the December 1 st, 2004 I IRA minutes. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 1 st, 2004. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BARGER. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. NONE. 4. Consent Agenda. NONE. 5. Consideration of a progress report from Brad Johnson or Barry Fluth relative to Phase II of Landmark Square and authorization to begin process for establishment of Redevelopment TID District 1-33 if so determined. No report. 6. Consideration to review for finalization the Monticello Transformation \-lome Loan Program. Koropchak presented the revised program brochure for approval. Koropehak noted that the program would be going before Council for their final review at the December meeting. An informational breakfast to introduce the program will be held in January for. title companies, real estate agencies, lenders and remodelers. Lahr suggested that the program may also be a worthwhile topic for the Chamber luncheon. 1 . . . for the finalization of the brochure piece, Lahr requested that the loan amount examples be boxed in and recommended that the word "example" be added. MOTION BY COMMISSIONE BARGER TO ACCEPT AS FINAL THE MONTICELLO TRANSFORMATION HOME LOAN PROGRAM BROCHURE WITH ONE CORRECTION AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Consideration to approve authorizing transfer of $500,000 for acquisition of 35 acres of Otter Creek Crossing and update on the closing, 1-1 A zoning, covenants and preferred measures. fair noted that the closing on the property had occurred. Koropchak asked the 1-1 RA if they had any reservations about the project in light of the possible A VR relocation to the area. The HRA Commissioners all agreed that the A VR is not an appropriate use for the park and is not consistent with what has been outlined for the park. Koropchak noted that the IDC had met and the Councilors-elect were responsive to the IDC member's point of view that other location options for A VR should be pursued. The Commissioners asked what A VR would pay for land in the Otter Creek Business Park. Wolfsteller explained that the final purchase price would be part of negotiation process. It was noted that because the City controls the land, it would be the most expedient relocation option. If A VR is pushed to that site, the land would need to be rezoned, as the entire City parcel had just been zoned 1-1 A. Koropchak reported that Council did adopt the rezoning and the basic premise of the covenants. Koropchak's recommendation is to record the covenants against the whole 120 acres with Chadwick as a co-signer, particularly as the zoning applies to the whole 120 acres. It is also in Chadwick's best interest to co-sign, as the covenants protect the value of his property. MOTION BY COMMISSIONERLAHR TO APPROVE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER Of $500,000 fROM THE HRA GENRAL FUND (NON-RESTRICTIVE) FOR ACQUISITION OF 35 ACRES OF OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS DESCRIBED AS LOT 1, BLOCK 2, OTTER CREEK CROSSING. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BARGER. MOTION CARRIED. Koropchak noted that Ruff had recommended the land be placed in the HRA' s name. 2 . . . 9. 8. Consideration to authorize payment of lIRA bills. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO AUTHORIZE PA YMENT OF HRA BILLS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Koropchak noted that some of the leads she has received will most likely not fit the Otter Creck preferred measures. Koropchak has sent the customer worksheet to the interested parties to dctermine whether they will fit. Koropchak highlightcd that Xcel Energy has committed $15,000 ($7,500 now and then after the first of the year) toward thc marketing of Otter Creek Business Campus. Fair inquired whether the City had any prospects for the old theater building. Koropchak noted that she and O'Neill had met with a potential developer interested in the theater property and possibly other parcels within the block. The Commissioners agreed that the HRA's standpoint is that there is al wa ys interest in expanding redevelopment proj ccts in that area. Koropchak noted that she had received a letter from the State Auditor's office rcquesting information on the original TIF plans for about 12 districts. She will be checking on whether they actually nced this information, as some districts had been decertified. Additionally, Koropchak noted that the State had received the confirmation of decertification reports. Koropchak indicated that she had spoken with Bill Tapper about the possibility of an expansion to the former H Window building. The expansion would bring about 40 jobs to the area. Koropchak inquired whether the HRA would be interested in creating a TIF district just on the expansion area. Steve Bubul and Koropchak would be meeting with the proposed tenant to discuss '1'1 F requirements, should the HRA consider this a viable option. The HRA Commissioners indicated that they did not have any objections to the creation of the district. Koropchak noted that the lIRA had received payment of $2,045 from Mike Cyr f()r the administrative cost over-run. She also explained that Standard Iron had been billed $45.00 f()r legal fees associated with Release of Contract. A thank you note had been sent to Xcel Energy for the marketing contribution. Committee Reports. NONE. 3 . . . 11. Adjournment. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. M.#4 . ,-iJ. ~.t~m__- Chairman ~(lJl l'lliLll/L/{/l.~~ 4