HRA Minutes 02-02-2005 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, February 211d, 2005 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners Present: Chair Bill Fair, Brad Barger, Vice Chair Darren Lahr Commissioners Absent: Dan Frie, Steve Andrews Staff Present: Ollie Koropchak, Rick Wolfstellcr, and Angela Schumann. 1 . Call to Order. Chairman Fair called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM, and declared a quorum, noting the absence of Commissioners Frie and Andrews. 2. Consideration to approve the Januarv 5th <md January 1 i\ 2005 HRA minutes. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 5TH, 2005. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 17TH, 2005. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. NONE. 4. Consent Agenda. NONE. 5. Consideration of a progress report from Brad Johnson or Barry Fluth relative to Phase II of Landmark Square and authorization to begin process f()r establishment of Redevelopment TIF District 1-33 if so determined. No report. ____ ~,:.l__ '- . . . 6. Consideration to approve a resolution adopting a modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Central Minnesota Redevelopment Project No.1 and establishing TIF District No. 1- 33 therein and adopting a TIF Plan therefor. Koropehak provided a brief overview of the Redevelopment Plan and explained that she had received a memo from Mark Ruff at Ehlers and Associates late in the day. She had been unable to connect with him regarding the memo. Koropchak noted that she would like clariilcation on Ehlers recommendation to tie the term of the lease to the term of assistance. She also noted that the statement regarding the return on equity seemed to be in conflict with what Tapper had prepared in his pro forma. Barger questioned who would be paying the taxes on the addition. Koropchak stated that Tapper had indicated that he would be paying the taxes. Lahr commented on the differential between Ehlers analysis and Tapper's, especially in terms of return on investment. A brief discussion commenced on the differences of each statement and the issues addressed in the Ehlers memo. Lahr stated that the but-for analysis showing a 14(10 return docs not seems to indicate that there is a financial need for assistance. The Commissioners agreed that further clarification prior to adopting the Redevelopment Plan or creating the TIF District. MUJ'ION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO TABLE THE APPROVAL OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR CENTRAL MINNESOTA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1 AND ESTABLISI IMENT OF TIF DISTRICr NO. 1-33 AND TO SCHEDULE A SPECIAL MEETING FOR FEBRUARY 15111 AT 6:00 PM TO RESOLVE QUES"J'IONS RELATED TO THE REQUEST. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BARGER. MOTION CARRIED. Koropchak noted that it would be wise to have Ehlers and Tapper discuss their individual analysis and develop a common conclusion. 7. Public Hearing and consideration to approve, the Business Subsidy Agreement, a provision of the Contract for Private Redevelopment among the I IRA, Tappers Holdings, LLC, and Strategic Equipment and Supply Corporation, and to adopt an Authorizing Resolution approving the Contract for Private Redevelopment with Tapper's Holdings, LI,C and awarding the sale of, and providing th e form, terms, covenants and directions for the issuance of its $100,000 Tax Increment Revenue Note, Series 2005. Chairman Fair opened the public hearing. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE SPECIAL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 151\ 2005. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAIIR. MOTION CARRIED. 2 . . . 8. Consideration to authorize payment of HRA bills. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LAHR TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF HRA BILLS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BARGER. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Koropchak reviewed the leads she had responded to in terms of qualification for the Otter Creek Business Park. The majority would not meet the preferred measures. Koropchak noted that Dahlheimer's has expressed interest in a possible relocation to Otter Creek Business Campus. Koropchak reported that she had received three calls in relationship to the Transformation Home Loan Program. She will keep the HRA informed of further interest. Koropchak indicated that pending completion by the City Attorney, the proposed covenants for the Otter Creek Business Campus will be presented to the City Council on February 14th. 10. Committee Reports. The Marketing Committee will be meeting on February 15th at 7:30 AM. I] . Other Business. NONE. 12. Adjournment. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO ADJOURN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. 3 . . . 4