HRA Minutes 08-29-2005 Special . . . MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Monday, August 29, 2005 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - West Prairie Room Commissioners Present: Chair D~1frin Lahr, Vice Chair Dan Frie, Steve Andrews, and Brad Barger. Commissioners Absent: Bill Fair. Council Liaison Absent: Wayne Mayer. StatT Present: Ollie Koropchak. 1 . Call to Order. Chair Lahr called the special HRA meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. declaring a quorum. 2. Public Hearing on the Business Subsidv Agreement. Koropchak noted the public hearing notice appeared in the local newspaper satisfying the requirements of the amended Business Subsidy Act by the Legislators during the special session. The Business Subsidy Agreement between the HRA and Rocky Mtn Group LLC is located in Section 3.8 ofthe Purchase and Redevelopment Contract and outlines the number of retained job and wage-level goals and the number of new job and wage-level goals, reporting requirements, and remedies. On August 22, 2005, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the Business Subsidy Agreement between the HRA and Rocky Mtn Group, LLC subject to HRA approval of the Purchase and Redevelopment Contract. Chair Lahr opened the public hearing for comments or questions. Hearing none, the public hearing on the Business Subsidy Agreement was closed. Continued Public llearin~ on the Sale of Land. Chair Lahr continued the public hearing on the sale of land. The public hearing was opened on the August 16,2005, and continued to August 29,2005, for consistency with the business subsidy agreement public hearing and consideration to approve of Purchase and Redevelopment Contract. Unlike a City, the lIRA must hold a public hearing on the sale of land. The public hearing notice appeared in the local newspaper on August 4, 2005, meeting the requirements t.Jr public notice. The 1 IRA plans to convey 8.6 acres of land to Rocky Mtn Group 1,LC according to the terms in ARTICLE III ofthe Purchase and Redevelopment Contract. HRA Minutes - 08/29/05 . Ilearing no comments or questions, Chair Lahr closed the puhlic hearing on the sale of land. Consideration to ado t a rcsolution a rovin Purchase and Redevclo ment Contract bctwcen the Housin!2: and Redevelopment Authoritv and Rocky Mtn Group, LLC. Koropchak noted the changcs makc to the Contract at the August 16 meeting and the changes made in accordance to the attached lettcr from Chairman Lahr stating his recommendation that the HRA remove the dirt pile at the HRA cost; and provide a rough graded site as per the June 22nd offer to Dahlheimer's. These changes were in bold print and underlined. Koropchak verified that the substantially complete construction date fiJf minimum improvements was May I, 2006, not 2007, and the redeveloper since has requested it bc changed to May 31, 2006. The proposed closing date no later than Septemher 20, 2005, they requested the 19th. The assessment agreement states minimum market value on the property of $2,900,000 as of January 2, 2006. A copy of a letter from Mr. Streeter to Mr. Lahr was distributed to thc comr111SSlOners. . This biggest change occurred in Section 3.6 Soils, Environmental Conditions, Grading. It was suggested on August 16th that the HRA removc thc stockpile estimated at $27,000 and the redeveloper complete the general site grading estimated at $20,000 at their cost with the use of excess sand from another city site at an amount and value determined by WSB, Inc. The Office of the lIRA received the hids from Nelson Buildcrs on August 17 with the following estimates: Rough grade reimbursement by City $45,000 and rough grade reimbursement by redeveloper $98,000. Following the recommendation of the HRA Chair, the Contract Section 3.6 (b) was changed to read: " Prior to closing, the authority will undertake (i) removal of the existing stockpile of dirt located on the redevelopment property, at no additional cost to redeveloper (the cost of which the authority will reimburse from the Tax Increment through the lnterfund Loan: and (ii) General grading of the redevelopment property at no additional cost to redeveloper (such cost being included in the purchase price). For purpose of this section, the term "Gcneral Grading" means: stripping top soil per boring logs; exporting excess topsoil off site to an area designated by City's consulting engineer WSB & Associates, Inc.; cutting existing high areas and filling low areas with existing suitahle material (but assuming no import of material from off-site): all according to plans approved hy WSB. General grading docs not include additional till work described in paragraph (c) below." . (c) "After closing, redeveloper may transport "excess sand" from a city-owned site adjacent to the redevelopment property, for use as additional till material for the redevelopment property. The term "excess sand" means any amount of sand not needed by the city for other purposes, as determined by WSB. Redeveloper must pay costs of transporting the sand, but will not be charged any other fee for the purchase of sand." 2 ~""":....... ...--.-. HRA Minutes - 08/29/05 Section 3.7 "In addition, the authority will pay an estimated amount of$27,300 to remove the dirt stockpile on the redevelopment property under section 3.6 (c), which amount represents an additional advance of funds for the benefit of the redeveloper." Dollar amounts were adjusted accordingly. Chair Lahr noted the June 22nd oifer included a general site grading and no one at the meeting mentioned the stockpile was located on the selected site. Lahr felt the gap of $15,000, the difference between the amount in the budget for grading ofthe 120-acre site and the estimated cost for the general grading and removal of the stockpile, was not an amount to hold up the project for a long standing Monticello company and good neighbor. Koropchak noted because the excess sand at no cost to the redeveloper and the cost to remove the stockpile were not included in the June 22nd offer, she felt it was not the tax payers responsibility to pay the $27,300 for removal orthe stockpile and had suggested to Lahr on the phone a 50/50 split in the cost. The HRA agreed city staff and the consultants had worked in good htith to move the project along. Mr. Streeter noted the appreciation of the Dahlheimer's and the Ryan Company ofthe HRA Chair's willingness to expedite the project and suggested the motion be subject to modification or clarification of the grading process. Koropchak noted the resolution allows for the Chair and Executive Director to make modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction. With no major modifications to the third draft of the Contract as presented, BRAD BARGER MADE A MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCl-IASE AND REDEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE HRA AND ROCKY MTN GROUP LLC. DAN FRIE SECONDED TlIE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED. 3. Other Business: The HRA commissioners were given an invitation to join the IDC on September 6, 2005, at 7:00 a.m. to celebrate the first ever city-owned industrial park. Meet at County Road 39 West and Chelsea Road. The Times and WSB are invited. It was noted that a meeting is scheduled for September 1, 9-10 a.m. between staff, H RA Attorney Bubul, and Financial Adviser Mark Ruff to discuss the possible merger of the lIRA/EDA/IDC. Next lIRA meeting - Wednesday, September 7, 2005. ~ -, . . . 4. Adjournment. HRA Minutes - 08/29/05 The HRA special meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. by a consensus of its members. ()~ \(~ Ollie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director 4