HRA Minutes 09-26-2005 Special . . . SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Monday, September 26, 2005 - 5:00 p.m. City Hall - 505 Walnut Street Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Dan Frie, Brad Barger, and Bill Fair. Commissioners Absent: Chair Darrin Lahr and Steve Andrews. Council Liaison Present: Wayne Mayer (tardy). Staff Present: Ollie Koropchak. I. Call to Order. Vice Chair Frie called the special HRA meeting to order at 5 :00 p.m. declaring a quorum. 2. Consideration to approve entering into a l.icense Agreement between the HRA. the City. and Rocky Mtn Group IJ,e. Koropchak noted the License Agreement grants right-of-entry to Rocky Mtn Group LLC to commence construction prior to conveyance of the property (closing date) described as Lot 1, Block I, Otter Creek Crossing 1 sl Addition, and after completion ofthe HRA grading. 'rhe closing date was delayed when the legal description was found inaccurate on the Otter Creek Crossing plat and the annexation order. Instead of "abstract" land, the parcel is "torrcns" land. The process takes longer as it goes before a judge and a certificate is issued rather than an updated abstract. It is an anticipated the conveyance of the property will take place on or before October 14,2005. The License Agreement includes the indemnification of the HRA and certificates of insurance. The City, Rocky Mtn Group LLC, and an intermediary are parties to the Agreement. The building permit is under preparation with plans approved and permit fees collected, the permit issuance date is anticipated for September 27,2005. Koropchak noted the stockpi Ie had been removed by Larson Excavating for a total amount of $25,637.50. She has not heard if the HRA grading is complete. BILL FAIR MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE ENTERING INTO THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN TI IE HRA, THE CITY, AND ROCKY MTN GROUP LLC. BRAD BARGER SECONDED TI IE MOTION AND WITI I NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, TI IE MOTION CARRIED. 3. Other Business: Koropchak noted the next HRA meeting will be Wednesday, October 5, 2005, 6:00 p.m. The commissioners will hear a presentation I(w redevelopment of the old theater block. Barger said he would be out-ot:.town. . . . 4. Adiournment. By a conscnsus ofthc commissioners, the HRA special meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. a~ \~jh~DI9:,.- Executivc Director ~ /f.fL Vice Chair 2