Parks Commission Agenda Packet 09-28-2006 REVISED AGENDA PARKS COMMISSION September 28, 2006 - 4:30 p.m. 'To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality" 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of August 24,2006 regular Parks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Park Maintenance 6. Discussion of pathway connection from River Mills Area/CSAH 75. 7. Adjourn. MINUTES PARKS COMMISSION Thursday, August 24, 2006 - 4: 30 p.m. "To enhance community pride through developing and maintaining City parks with a high standard of quality." Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Tom Perrault. Members Absent: None Others Present: Seth Nelson, Park Superintendent. 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Approve minutes of July 27.2006 ree:ular Parks Commission meetine:. RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 27, 2006 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEETING. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin2; items to the ae:enda. Discussion of a pathway connection to the trail along CSAH 75 from the Hawks/River Mill area, climbing wall for Par West Park and work at East Bridge Park were added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. None. 5. Welcome to Monticello Sie:n (east side of the City). Seth Nelson, Park Superintendent submitted pictures showing a recommended location for the Parks Commission to review. There was some question whether the City had adequate right of way in this area for the placement of the sign. Ifthe sign is placed in County right of way the City would need to obtain approval from the County. Seth Nelson noted that the area where the sign will be located will have to be built up a little and there will be landscaping done as well. Conduit will be included with the sign at this time so that when electric service is available, the sign will be ready for connection. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDED LOCATION FOR THE WELCOME TO MONTICELLO SIGN AS SHOWN ON THE PICTURE SUBMITTED TO THE PARKS COMMISSION ON AUGUST 24, 2006 AND ON FILE AT THE CITY. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Park Maintenance. Seth Nelson submitted and reviewed with the Commission a list of work completed by the Parks Department staff. He reported on the painting that was done at the 4th Street Park and the completion of the shed at Hillcrest Park. The materials for the shed were furnished by the Association and the construction done by Park Department staff. Currently work is being done at Riverside Cemetery. They are moving the pillars back and will be starting on the landscape plan. There is some brick work that will need to be done on the pillars as a result of damage done when moving the pillars. Seth Nelson stated they will be tracking costs related to use and maintenance of the ballfields so that the City can more accurately determine what the associations should be contributing to the City for use of the fields. Seth Nelson also reported that the Parks Department had gotten a new truck and that the summer workers were done for the year. In addition he noted that in an inspection of the bleachers at the ballfields it was discovered that someone had taken the bracing from the bleachers. 7. Update on 2007 Bud2et A budget workshop for the 2007 budget was held on August 22, 2006. A copy ofthe park portion of the budget was attached to the Parks Commission agenda and Seth Nelson submitted a copy of the capital improvement plan for 2007-2011 for the Parks Department. The Parks Commission reviewed the proposed improvements budgeted for 2007. Seth Nelson indicated that a considerable number of trees had died in the Groveland area that should be replaced. The City did not receive the grant they had applied for to cover the parking lot/hardcourt and other improvements for the Groveland Park. Seth Nelson hoped they could use funds budgeted for the restrooms at Ellison park for improvements at Groveland Park. The Parks Commission also discussed the expansion of disc golf at Par West. League play requires nine holes and that number of holes can be accommodated at the present site. Tournament play, however would require 18 holes so that could not be done at Par West. Larry Nolan asked ifthe Parks Department would have enough time and manpower to accomplish the projects identified. The Parks Commission discussed the viewing deck for Swan Park. Because of safety concerns it was felt this work should be done this year if possible. Seth Nelson will work with Public Works Director, John Simola to see what funds would be available to do the project this year. The Parks Commission indicated they were pleased with the budget information submitted and particularly liked the tracking of costs from year to year to see what areas of expenditures had increased. 8. Discussion of 7th Street Bike Track. Seth Nelson discussed the information he had received from other communities about constructing a bike track. He cited the City of Mankato where the City leased the land to the bike group which relieves the City of responsibility for supervision. The bike association does the maintenance and funds generated from the use of the facility goes back into the maintenance of the tracl. This type of arrangement requires a good core of volunteers in order to keep things working smoothly. Seth Nelson would like to send out a survey to see what kind of interest there would be in Monticello for a facility like this. The proposed location for the bike track is Outlot A of Country Club Manor which is owned by the City. The outlot is approximately 15+ acres but the track would only use 2 acres of the site. It was noted that the City had proposed development ofthis site and that may still be a possibility. The Parks Commission directed Seth Nelson to do further research. 9, Update on bid results for Xcel Filed #4 fencinl! and backstop. Seth Nelson reported that two bids were received for the work at Xcel Ballfield #4. In reviewing the bids it was discovered that the low bidder had omitted pricing for the concrete work. The matter was brought to the City Council and they determined that they would award the contract to Oberg Fence, the low bidder and if the bidder did not enter into a contract the City would pull the bid bond. Oberg Fence did sign a contract to do the work at the amount bid, $19,867. It is anticipated that the work will be completed this year. The poles from the existing fence will be used at Freeway Fields but the fence will not be re-used. 011. Updates - a) Groveland Park Grant and b) Pioneer Park plavstructure. a) Seth Nelson informed the Parks Commission that the City did not receive a grant for Groveland Park improvements. There were 91 applicants for the grant but only ten received funding. Tom Boese, Construction Inspector, is determining quantities for the parking lot and hardcourt so that specifications can be prepared and the work can be bid. It is hoped that the work can be done this year. b) Seth Nelson submitted two layouts for the playground equipment at Pioneer Park; one from Game Time and one from Miracle. The layouts had a 2-5 play area and a 5-12 play area. The Parks Commission discussed whether to have the play areas separated or combined. Seth Nelson noted that the equipment at Ellison Park is ages 5-12. The tot lot equipment is generally 2-5 and West Bridge is 2-12. With budgeted funds and a donation of$5,000 from the Lions Club, $45,000 is available for the equipment. The Parks Department will prepare the site and do the border and the playground firm will do the installation of the equipment. The price estimate from Game Time is $43,720 and the estimate from Miracle is $42,400. After reviewing the layouts the Parks Commission felt that the Game Time layout provided more but they also felt adding some diggers should be considered. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO APPROVE THE LAYOUT SUBMITTED BY GAME TIME EQUIPMENT AND TO HAVE ST AFF INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITY OF ADDING DIGGERS TO THE LAYOUT. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. This item will be forwarded to the City Council. Added Items: East Bridge Park: Fran Fair wanted to schedule a work day at East Bridge Park with the Parks Department staff. It was felt with both staff and volunteers working they could remove the perennials, have the soils prepared and then replant the perennials in one day. September 11 th is the date selected for the East Bridge Park project. It was pointed out that the mulch also needs to be replaced. Pathway Connection: Nancy McCaffrey asked ifin the upcoming planning, any consideration is being given to making a pathway connection from the Hawks/River Mill area to the existing pathway on CSAH 75. Previously the Parks Commission had heard from an individual about the difficulty residents in that area had in crossing CSAH 75 to get to other trails in the City. There was some discussion that with the interchange opening up and the old freeway entrance being used as a frontage road there maybe a possibility of establishing a crossing. The Parks Commission requested this be placed on the next agenda. Climbing Wall Par West Park: Seth Nelson asked if the Parks Commission wanted to place the climbing wall proposed for the Par West Park at Pioneer Park instead. The Parks Commission determined that a climbing wall could be added to Pioneer Park at some later date. Tree Planting: Ben Hitter asked ifthere was going to be some type of tree planting program. He noted that at one time the City did offer trees to the property owner at cost. Since so many trees in the Groveland area had died, he felt there would be interest in doing a similar program. Seth Nelson will check into this. 11. Adjourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:50 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary Monticello Parks Monthly Completed Tasks August 24 - , September 28, 2006 -Football fields set up for season, 3 fields Xcel, 2 Fields Freeway -Removal of Xcel Field #4 fence -Continued work on shed for hillcrest -Drag, paint and chalk athletic fields -Fertilizer application applied to all parks and athletic fields -Garbage and Bathroom clean up every Mon, Fri -Mowed pathway on E. Oak Drive -Mowed cross country track at pioneer park -Wright Co. kids cleaned up parks and pulled weeds -Install fan at xcel ballfield concession -Clean headstones at hillside cemetery -Fixed irrigation at Community center -weeded and sprayed planters at chamber and DMV -Spread playsafe chips at country club and Groveland Parks -Cleaned up around shop -Clean up of West Bridge shelter -Preparation for riverside cemetery fence -Mowed and weed wiped all parks and athletic fields weekly -Planted memorial tree in Ellison Park -Worked on Dutch Elm Inspection -Fixed and painted tables and Benches -Cemetery Stakings -Chipping requests completed -East Bridge soil rehabilitation work and shredded chips added -River clean up completed -Haul and remove tables to Ellison for 150th anniversary -Haul metal scraps from Xcel fence removal to Midway iron -Began Landscaping project at community center -Removed Sod -Added class 5 and sand -Installed Pavers -Trimmed up shrubs around parks -Placed shed at hillcrest Park -Conducted public meeting for Groveland Parking lot and hardcourt -Began reinstalling 4th street rink boards -Removed dead mountain ash from community center and planted new -Added mulch in Ellison Park Planters -Transplanted a Maple and Linden from East 39 Lift Station to Ellison Park -Installed sleeves for sledding hill fence at East Bridge -Cleaned up branches from Cemetery -Graded Cemetery Road ~~-':'~~ _~'"",~".'1:~~, ',' ',,' , . , , ...."':iiII.. ~:':'" ., , ~. ~''''::-~.i'. ~ ;:'. 4~. :. , ,j~~{f;',-:r' '"; -i';~ ~. 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