Planning Commission Minutes 07-05-1994
Tuesday, July 5, 1994 . 7 p.m.
Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson,
and Brian Stumpf
Members Absent: None
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, J eff O'Neill
1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 7 p.m.
2. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting- held Mav 3. 1994.
A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held May 3, 1994. The motion
earned unanimously.
Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting- held June 7, 1994.
A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Richard Martie to
approve the minutes of the regular meeting held June 7, 1994. The motion
earned unanimously.
Public Hearing---A conditional use reauest to allow a motor fuel station!
convenience store in a B-3 (hig-hwav business) zone. Applicant.
SuperAmerica Group.
SuperAmerica is requesting a conditional use permit which would allow
operation of a convenience store at a location previously occupied by Vance's
Standard. City staff had reviewed the original plan for zoning compliance
and had indicated the changes to SuperAmerica Group to correct and
resubmit a corrected set of plans. The updated plan which was submitted
with Planning Commission agendas has been reviewed by City staff and
meets all the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance.
Cindy Lemm then opened the public. A representative of the SuperAmerica
Group explained the SuperAmerica plans for redevelopment of the old
Vance's Standard property. With their initial investment to purchase the
property and the demolition of the existing facilities to accommodate the
new SuperAmerica store, several thousand dollars have been expended to
complete a project that they feel will be a very amenable project in the city
of Monticello.
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There being no further discussion from the public, Cindy Lemm then closed
the public hearing and asked for any additional input from the Planning
Commission members. Planning Commission members were very receptive
of the proposed redevelopment of the old Vance's Standard project.
With no further input from the Planning Commission members, a motion
was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to approve the
conditional use permit to SuperAmerica Group allowing a motor fuel
station!convenience store in a B-3 (highway business) zone. Motion earned
unanimously. Approval was based on the finding that the operation of a
SuperAmerica convenience store in a B-3 zone is consistent with the
character and geography of the B-3 zoning district and consistent with the
uses in the business neighborhood proposed. The conditional use request is
consistent with the comprehensive plan and would not result in depreciation
in adjoining land values.
Public Hearing---A reauest to allow a pylon sim to be erected above the 32-ft
maximum heig-ht allowed. Applicant. SuperAmerica Group.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained SuperAmerica's proposal to
replace the existing Amoco pylon sign that was removed as part of the
Amoco Oil Company removing all on-site equipment/property owned by the
Amoco Oil Corporation. SuperAmerica is asking for the variance request to
have the pylon sign erected at 55 ft above the center of the 1-94 road
surface, which is where the Vance's Amoco pylon height was before it was
removed. Back a few years when Vance's Standard project was developed, a
variance request was granted to Vance Florell of Vance's Standard to erect
a free-standing pylon sign in excess of the 32-ft maximum allowed, that
being a 55- ft high pylon sign.
Cindy Lemm opened the public hearing.
Representatives of the SuperAmerica Group explained the process that they
have gone through to look at the placement of a pylon sign in the same
location at a height that would still be visible from the freeway and
accomplish some type of visibility for the traffic on Highway 25 and East
Oakwood Drive. They have found through their test results that the 55-ft
pylon sign height that was originally there as part of Vance's Standard
Amoco sign is a height that is most desirable to accomplish all of their
needs. They also looked at placement of the pylon sign in other locations of
the property which they own and stay at the 32-ft maximum height allowed,
but it doesn't accomplish the exposure needed to get above the center of the
Highway 25 overpass at 1-94.
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Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing and asked for any further input
from Planning Commission members. Much discussion ensued amongst
Planning Commission members on the possibility of allowing the
SuperAmerica Group to replace the existing pylon sign with another free-
standing pylon sign at the 55-ft maximum height that was there prior to the
removal of the pylon sign by the Amoco Oil Corporation. Planning
Commission members were very careful in the review of this location as to
not set a precedent for other legal, non-conforming signs to be replaced on
properties within 800 lineal feet of the 1-94 right of way.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to approve
the variance request to allow a pylon sign to be erected above the 32-ft
maximum height allowed. Voting in favor: Cindy Lemm, Rich Carlson,
Brian Stumpf, Jon Bogart. Opposed: Dick Martie. Maximum height for
this sign would be 55 ft above the center of the 1-94 road surface. Motion is
based on the finding that the higher sign height is necessary for practical
use of the property, which is uniquely situated to serve freeway customers.
It was very difficult to put a sign up at the maximum 32-ft height above the
center of the 1-94 road surface to accomplish any type of visibility for this
business location.
Public Hearing---Consideration of Liberty Saving-s preliminary plat.
Applicant. Liberty Saving-so
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained Liberty Savings' proposed
preliminary plat plan to develop a new Liberty Savings bank/office facility
on approximately the southern half of the property. The northerly half of
the property would be left in an outlot for future development not known at
this time. City staff has reviewed the preliminary plat and finds that it
meets the requirements of the subdivision ordinance.
Cindy Lemm opened the public hearing.
Representatives of Liberty Savings explained their desire to build a new
facility in this location to serve the needs of the growing community which
Monticello is becoming. They explained that their proposed bank/office
facility would be situated on the lot to accommodate future expansion
should it be needed at some time in the future. They have no plans at this
time for the development of the proposed outlot to the north.
Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing and asked for further input
from the Planning Commission members. Richard Carlson indicated he
would abstain from voting on items 6 and 7, as he has a conflict of interest.
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There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Brian Stumpf and seconded by Richard Martie to
approve the Liberty Savings preliminary plat. Motion carried. Voting in
favor: Cindy Lemm, Jon Bogart, Richard Martie, Brian Stumpf.
Abstaining: Richard Carlson.
Public Hearing---Consideration of a conditional use permit which would
allow operation of an office facility in a PZM zone. Applicant, Liberty
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that in conjunction with the
platting of the Gladys Hoglund property for the new Liberty Savings bank!
office facility, it would be required that the facility be allowed only as a
conditional use in a PZM zone. The purpose of the conditional use permit
requirement for a business in a PZM zone is to provide design standards
that would allow placement of a commercial facility near or adjacent to a
residential use. In this case, there are no residential uses adjacent to the
facility; therefore, it appears that the site should only be required to meet
the minimum requirements of a commercial establishment as required in a
B-3 zone.
Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing.
Representatives from Liberty Savings told the Planning Commission
members their proposed plans for the development of their facility's
There being no further input from the public, Cindy Lemm closed the public
hearing and asked for further comments from the Planning Commission
There being no further comments from the Planning Commission members,
a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Brian Stumpf to
approve the conditional use permit which would allow operation of an office
facility in a PZM zone. Voting in favor: Cindy Lemm, Jon Bogart, Richard
Martie, Brian Stumpf. Abstaining: Richard Carlson. Planning Commission
based their findings that the operation of the bank/office facility at this
location within the PZM zone is acceptable due to separation from
residential areas. Development of the facility also is consistent with the
comprehensive plan, will not result in depreciation of adjoining land values,
etc. The site is designed to meet the general requirements of the zoning
ordinance for any commercial establishments in a commercial zoning
district. No additional site requirements are contemplated under this
alternative due to the fact that there will be no impact on residential areas
caused by this development.
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Public Hearine--A reQuest to subdivide two existine residential lots and a
reQuest for a variance allowine a 10-ft encroachment into the front yard
setback and a reQuest for a variance allowine creation of a substandard lot.
Applicant. J effrev Michaelis.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained Jeff Michaelis' request to
allow reconfiguration of Lots 6 and 7 in Block 9 so as to allow development
of a 30-ft by 80-ft single family house and garage. The proposed
reconfiguration will result in creation of two lots equal in square foot area,
10,890 sq ft. This proposal, however, does not call for a simple realignment
of the two lots from a north/south direction to an east/west direction. In the
most recent past, the City has allowed subdivisions to occur that simply
change the lot direction from an east/west direction to a north/south
direction. The Michaelis proposal is unique in that the north/south
boundary line would be replaced by an east/west line that angles through
the two parcels in a fashion to match the home design requirements
submitted by Michaelis. O'Neill highlighted those proposed configurations
on the overhead transparency.
The proposed simple subdivision would result in the need for two variances:
1) The subdivision and home design together result in the need for a
variance to the front yard setback requirement for the new house and
garage. On the enclosed site plan, it is proposed that the home be placed
20 ft from the front lot line. The minimum requirement by ordinance is a
30-ft setback. 2) The plan will also result in a reduction in the front footage
width of one of the new lots. The subdivision as proposed will increase the
level of non-conformity already established with the original lots. The two
existing lots of record have 66 ft of frontage, which under today's standards
is less than the minimum 80-ft frontage required by ordinance. Under this
simple subdivision proposal, the lot on which the existing house is located
will have a front footage width of 59 ft.
Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing.
Jeff Michaelis indicated the three options which he would like to have them
look at and vote on separately should the first two not be approved. In
Michaelis' presentation, he highlighted his concerns for the existing
property owner's mother and family members that would result in the least
impact on the mother of the existing residence and her family members.
Each of the proposals that were presented were highlighted to address the
concerns of the family members and Mr. Michaelis' to develop the house and
garage plan which he and his wife have selected to build on this vacant
corner lot. The owner's family members were in agreement with the first
alternative as submitted by Michaelis.
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Chairperson Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing and asked for
input from the Planning Commission members. Discussion amongst the
Planning Commission members centered around the style and size of the
house which Mr. Michaelis has chosen to build. It was unfortunate that a
certificate of survey was not completed prior to a purchase agreement being
signed by the existing property owner and the proposed new property
owner, Mr. Michaelis. Planning Commission has no control over that and
has to do the proposals as presented and base their decisions on what has
been submitted. If Michaelis' desire was to have a simple subdivision occur
with an irregular alignment of these two lots, they felt Michaelis should
redesign his plans to accommodate a style of house that would fit on the lot;
however, Michaelis has indicated the desire to continue on with the existing
plans that they have and make their decisions accordingly.
Therefore, a motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard
Martie to approve a simple subdivision of the two lots in an east/west
subdivision alignment that each of the lots would be 82 1/2 ft of frontage on
Minnesota Street and 132 ft of depth as measured along 5th Street. Motion
carried unanimously.
Public Hearing'--Consideration of amendments to the official zoning' map
chane-ing' zoning' district desig-nations from a combination of R-1 and
Amcultural to a combination of R-l, R-2, B-3, and PZM zoning' district
desiroations. AND
10. Public Hearing'--Consideration of amendment to Chapter 13 which would
establish restaurants, cafes, tea rooms, and off-sale liquor as a conditional
use in a B-3 zone if located within 300 ft of a residential district. AND
11. Public Hearing'--Consideration of a preliminarv plat encompassing' the
Robert Krautbauer property.
Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained the three items requested
for consideration are in conjunction with the platting of two parcels owned
by Robert Krautbauer. One of the parcels is in the city, and the other
parcel is in the township. The zoning designation plans for the area call for
placing Hawk's Bar in a B-3 zone. A small PZM zone is also proposed
around the perimeter of the B-3 zone. The area generally between the
proposed access point to CSAH 75 extending along the high side of the bluff
is proposed to be designated for R-2 zoning, which would allow two-family
homes in this area, with the balance of the property being proposed for R-1
The City Planner has reviewed this and is in agreement with the transition
of land uses as proposed.
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A plat of this size is accompanied by a number of significant issues the City
will need to address. O'Neill highlighted in a brief review of the plat some
of the issues that have arisen with this development. The plat proposes 85
single family homes and 46 twin homes and 3 commercial lots. The
minimum residential lot size by ordinance is 12,000 sq ft, where the average
of these proposed lots is around 16,600 sq ft. The property has some unique
characteristics, as a bluff runs through the middle of the site. The existence
of the gravel pit creates unique problems for development of this site.
1. Transportation Issues--Access to CSAH 75. The primary access point
for this proposed plat is located on CSAH 75 just east of Hawk's Bar.
There is some concern with access at this point; therefore, City staff
has requested that the developer commission a traffic study to be
completed by a traffic engineer to analyze the potential impact of
allowing access to CSAH 75 at this location.
Roadway Width. The developer is asking for a lesser right-of-way
width for a main collector road where minimum is 60 ft of right-of-
way, and the developer is proposing 50 ft of right-of-way. The
standard roadway width in this right-of-way is 36 ft, and the
developer is proposing it be at 32 ft. Where minor streets and cul-de-
sac streets are 32 ft in width, the developer is proposing 28 ft.
O'Neill highlighted the arguments for the wider street widths and the
arguments against the wider street widths.
3. Long" Block and Temporary Cul-de-sac Lenlrth. The topography of the
land will reduce the ability to construct a street to the maximum
street length.
4. Sanitary Sewer/EA W Threshold. With the total number of houses
and townhouses provided for this project, the developer just gets
under the minimum requirement for an EAW study.
5. Park Development. The Parks Commission has met and reviewed the
proposed park dedication in conjunction with the site. It is the
recommendation of the Parks Commission that the park provided
include at least 5 acres of usable, relatively flat land for development
of ballfields and play areas. The Parks Commission also indicated
they would accept 2 acres of land located on the slope for the purpose
of developing a sliding hill. A 7 -acre park would meet the minimum
park dedication requirement for this plat.
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Storm Water/Grading Issues. A complete, thorough review of the
grading plan has not been completed at this time. City staff has
requested additional information defining the projected storm water
run-off amounts. Due to the huge expense associated with site
grading, the developer may be requesting that the City establish a
tax increment financing soils correction district.
7. A Glorious Church. The developers have met with A Glorious Church
to discuss land exchange, which would allow better utilization of the
land, thereby enhancing the church property and the development
8. Time Line. The time line for approval of the zoning ordinance related
issues and the preliminary plat has been moved back to coincide with
transportation issues associated with gaining access to CSAH 75.
Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing. The developers requested
that the Planning Commission members continue items 9, 10, and 11 at
their next regularly scheduled meeting, and they would appear back to
them with further information as requested.
Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing and asked for further input
from the Planning Commission members.
There being no further input from the Planning Commission members, a
motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to table
items 9, 10, and 11. Motion carried unanimously.
Additional Information Items
1. Consideration of a variance of 8 ft to the 10-R side yard setback
requirement in conjunction with construction of an attached garage.
Applicant, Jack and Barb Leeman. Council action: No action required, as
the request did not come before them.
2. Consideration of a variance request which would allow placement of a pylon
sign within the setback requirement. Applicant, Champion Auto (Warnert
Automotive). Council action: Denied as per Planning Commission
3. Consideration of a preliminary plat replatting the Prairie West subdivision.
Applicant, West Prairie Partners. Council action: No action required, as
the request did not come before them.
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Review the proposed land use plan for development of the Krautbauer
property, and consideration of authorizing public hearings for associated
zoning ordinance amendments. Council action: No action required, as the
request did not come before them.
5. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission to set Tuesday, August 2,
1994, 7 p.m., as the tentative date for the next Planning Commission
6. A motion was made by Brian Stumpf and seconded by Richard Carlson to
adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:47p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
A(cUY _~
Gary Anderson
Zoning Administrator
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