EDA Agenda 05-13-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, May 13th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — April 8, 2020 b. Consideration of approving payment of bills c. Consideration of Mortgage Subordination Agreement between the EDA and Minnesota Business Finance Corporation (MBFC), SBA-504 Program Lender, St. Cloud, related to GMEF Loan to DSN Investments, LLC dba Monticello RV Center in the amount of $118,500 d. Consideration of Hazardous Material Removal Quotes and Authorization to Enter into Contract for Services with the lowest qualified submittal — 300 - 4m Street East Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Housing Study RFQ-RFP submittals and Authorization to enter into negotiations for a Contract for Services with most qualified preferred Vendor 6. Consideration of Creating an Emergency Small Business (COVID-19 Impacts) Financial Assistance Program 7. Consideration of WSB Industrial Land Development Feasibility Study RFP and Authorization to enter into Contract for Services j ointly with the City of Monticello 8. Director's Report 9. Adj ourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Commissioners Present Staff Present: Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Go To Meeting — Telepresence Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. � 4. Consent A�enda BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0-1 WITH OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE ABSENT FOR VOTE. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — March 11, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — March 11, 2020. b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through March, 2020. Re�ular A�enda 5. Consideration of termination of Fa�ade Improvement Grant A�reement with Tricambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe Jim Thares introduced the item and noted that Tricambra Foods had been awarded a $100,000 grant from the EDA through the Fa�ade Improvement Program. As part of the guidelines, the property was to have completed the improvements 180 days following the contract. The 180 day timeline expired on March 24, 2020. Thares noted that staff had met with the owners of Cornerstone Cafe and they noted that the proj ect completion deadline may not be achievable. Thares explained that the EDA Attorney recommends terminating the agreement for liability concerns. Thares stated that staff would like to re-convene the Block 35 property owners and business owners to discuss ways to make the program more accessible yet meaningful. Thares noted that there is one property owner on the block that has serious interest in the program. Economic Development Authority Minutes — Apri19�', 2020 Page 1 � 4 Jim Davidson asked if this termination limited them from applying again. Thares indicated that they would be eligible to apply again. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE TERMINATING THE FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT AGREEMENT WITH TRICAMBRA FOODS, INC. DBA CORNERSTONE CAFE DUE TO NON-PERFORMANCE. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0-1 WITH OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE ABSTAINING DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULITIES. 6. Consideration of GMEF Loan Pavment Forbearance for Rustech Microbrewerv Jim Thares stated that the item was for a Loan Forbearance for Rustech Brewing. Thares indicated that Rustech has been making all of its loan payments on time, but is being financially hit by the COVID 19 outbreak Per Stay at Home orders, Rustech has had to significantly alter their service and can only sell items for pick-up/take out. Bill Burt, owner of Rustech, reached out to staff requesting a three-month forbearance. Staff are recommending a six-month forbearance to ensure they will not have to come to the EDA (if necessary) and this timeframe also matches the recently approved SBA debt relief program guidelines. Thares indicated that the EDA Attorney would prepare a document and have both the EDA and Rustech sign. Steve Johnson clarified that principal and interest would still be due, just at a later date now. Bill Tapper asked if interest would continue to accrue. Thares indicated that he has researched other communities and would recommend no interest accrual during the forbearance period. Tapper stated that the information about interest should be included in the document. Thares concurred. Jon Morphew and Tracy Hinz noted that they are investors of the brewery and would abstain from vote. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE A GMEF LOAN PRINCIPAL AND 1NTEREST PAYMENT FORBEARANCE PERIOD OF SIX (6) MONTHS BEGINNING ON APRIL 1, 2020 AND RUNNING THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2020 (APRIL, MAY, J UNE, 7ULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER) FOR RUSTECH MICROBREWERY AND DOCUMENTED THROUGH A LETTER AGREEMENT. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5- 0-2 WITH JON MORPHEW AND TRACY H1NZ ABSTAINING FROM VOTE. 7. Consideration of GMEF Loan Pavment Forbearance for Monticello RV Center Jim Thares indicated that this item was another loan forbearance request, but from Monticello RV Center. The dealership is temporarily closed due to Stay at Home orders and diminished business traffic. They also have been unable to attend any RV shows that is typically a huge selling opportunity for the business. Economic Development Authority Minutes — Apri19�', 2020 Page 2 � 4 Thares recommended the same terms as the loan forbearance for Rustech Brewing, with a six-month period staring in April. No accrual of interest would occur during this time. It was noted that Monticello RV Center did make their April loan payment. This would in- effect be a five-month forbearance. Bill Tapper suggested that the forbearance time period be the same for each applicant. Thares concurred with that also. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO APPROVE A GMEF LOAN PRINCIPAL AND 1NTEREST PAYMENT FORBEARANCE PERIOD OF SIX (6) MONTHS BEGINNING ON MAY 1, 2020 AND RUNNING THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2020 (APRIL, MAY, J UNE, 7ULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER) FOR DSN 1NVESTMENTS, LLC DBA MONTICELLO RV CENTER AND DOCUMENTED THROUGH A LETTER AGREEMENT. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. r � 8. Director's Report � � � Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's Report as indicated in the staff report. Thares thoroughly highlighted the Emergency Financial Assistance Program letter. He noted that the letter was sent out to all Chamber members and as many non-Chamber members as possible. Staff are receiving responses to the letter. Thares stated that he would bring all summarized comments from businesses to the EDA Apri122"d meeting for consideration of an emergency subsidy. The EDA discussed in detail the UMC proj ect. It was noted that the minimum assessment agreement was not acceptable to the County Assessor. The EDA discussed that staff should reach out to LJMC for a discussion on the loss of value and possible TIF fund deficiency. Thares would report back to the EDA at their next meeting. Jeff O'Neill stated that Xcel Energy is planning to continue enhancing the Monticello plant and that the value would continue. 9. Closed Session — Consideration of recessin� to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal propertv pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3) Propertv Address: PID #155223000010 and PID #155194000010 Propertv Address: 213 - 3''d Street West — PID #155010031031 10. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:45 P.M. TRACY H1NZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — Apri19�', 2020 Page 3 � 4 Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: May 13th, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — Apri19�', 2020 Page 4 � 4 EDA Agenda: OS/13/20 4b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through April, 2020. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through April, 2020 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements 0 z 0 4 C '3 O � � C �L u O O O O O O O O O O O O �f� �f� �f� � U M O O O O O V'� O V'� M M N-� � � 7 O O N� O O M M N t+l l� O O O N N --� �� N L'7 L'7 N m '�O m m � � N O N �r� — — O cn cn N N l� O� O� O O� ..'7 ..'7 ..'7 00 � :� :� v � N N N N N N N N M N O O O O O O O O � N N N N N N N N � O O O O O O O O � � � � � � � � N N N `-' \ •-- GL � � � � p � � � � � m � m ,o --a --a o o --a .o --a --a --a � � 7 7 � 7 `-� 7 � 7 7 7 � 7 rt <� O O '+-"�' o '+--�' O '+-"�' O O O � O � O Q Q Q Q Q � � .� .� .� .� .� N W :y N <e iy N �i :y � � N «�. � o o N � o � o � y F, � u. � a y � � � � r,�,, V] � v] v] w J] J] y v] y � R. � � ' � � � � `5 � � y Q � � � � y � � � x � � � � N � ;� p � _ � 1J � O � c� N y = N � � �.�. _ n(� � y � v N Y y i� C � � w' -a o � �^s U� -� Q x r. W � v� o � ^ j � 0. �1 � � � O � J w � .`�jj :� i""� W o ;� W � � � � � � 3 0 0 � y o N N N C_J C� N N R. x x x � � � U U U WW z W zzz �� � � ccc u ��� . 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M�l 5��#02 _ �� � -��� , ��ty of M�ir�t�ce��� Febru�ryr �9 �0�[� Mh1194-[��761 4�l�5 �hel��� I�[i�d L�+', . y � � ��� � � � '" � - ' '�� � I � �. ;� ���a � ��` �=._: � �� � � .� ��� 't � Throuch Fek�r�ary+ ��, 20�� For All L�ga! �eru��eS As F011p�'S� �i1 i���2Q MNI �f�ic� c�nPer�rc� �vi�l� T Reicr�rt r��arding upc�rning c�asings on �h�ls�� pr�p�r*y 2112�2�}2[] Tf�11R Revietnr fde 2,f17;2��0 TMR �1r��k el�sinc� ��curnen,t� H��r� Amo�nk 4.�� �O.Q(� � 3D 3� �f7 ;� �0 �3.5�} ��1�t2Q�0 TMR Intr��ffice c�rf�ren�� �vith Mar:ha Ingr�rn r�gaxding �.�D �5.4� u�com ng cfosing dea�dlines; mak�e file not�s 2f�p��O�Q TMR �m�d frvm Jim Thares r�qu�stir�g in�orrr�at�crn �an title {�.� Q �i2.7!} ��je�ki+�ns; f�r�ar� ernail v�rikh up�ate ko Jim Thares �+��l�[12�t Th�R R+�vc�+�v file Ci.1 D 1�.74 Tc�tal5ervices; $ ���.44 TotaM Servi�es an� Dis�ur�erraer�ts: � 232.4Q Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 10:14 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, these are okay. Please code as shown below: From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 12:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Following up on these. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:09 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.TharesC�ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00161 — 4065 Chelsea Rd -$232.40 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Econ Dev -$3,371.90 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101 —General EDA - $420.00 - 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks .JuCie C(�eney Finonce Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ���� ��I'l�T{���� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties. i P�g� 2 Kenn�cl�r � C�r��r�r�, �hart�red ��a sout� Sixth Str�e�€ su+t� 47� ft+lwnrt�a�ao�s, MI� �54D2 ��-.-: � `; '���'�� ' 1�1 �iky �fi Mc�r�t�C�l�p Fe�ru�ry 29, 20Z� i�.��19�-0�1f0 201� L1f�C E��nar�i� Dev�I,�pm�r�kTIF Thrc�ugh �ebrua�+ 29, �J�� For A Legal �ervie�� As Fr�ll�ws �i4r2[�2C� �1'S?�0�0 �F11i�4�� ��1 �f��20 2111 P2C12� 2f11�2Q20 21171�[l2Q 2lti812Q2b 2I1 �i�t��C �? � �r�o�� 2P� �1�(]�20 ��� 9���i20 . . !% a � . '�`4i _ ��I �i� l � *� 1 � �� �'r ��.°��� ���� � � ,� f�w ',, yY'� �� ��, f �s � _ �y ,� w�� .� , ��� I's Haurs MNI R�vise �n� �ir�ula#� E�A resolu#��n� f�� Feb 'I� ED,� 0 7{} meeting review and r�vi�e E[�A �g�nd� �or same: p°�r��e 4��vers�ti�n with J Th�res regardin� re�p�rns�e fr��n �M� �n �ontr�ct MNI Phc�ne ��nversati�� with J Th�r�� reg�rdin� p��r�s��ility of 0.2� e�rne�t mone�+ �n 1�f�9C cQntract Pl1h5ll Rewiew P&D ��n#r�w# an� corf;rrn appro+��ti ch�nge�, 0.50 i.'1CC]f�47f8�� S�f11� �n�L� �l�V+i C�F�� MNf �ff��e canferen�� wi0.h T R��cher# regarding P�C] ��ntr��t 0 3£l �nd TdF �rrovisiorvs, timing [�f �closing MNI C�II wi�h J Thares re+�ard �g �t�tu� �# �c�ntr�c# and �l.3�} r��oluteon�, I��.k of f�e��a�ck fr�rn de�+el€�p�r ih+1R Intraoffiee c�nferer��c� F,��rkh� Ir�gr�rr� r�gard�ng �pc�rning {� 3� T.I �", ���sings Mh�l �hon� �canver��ki�n yvith Uf'�C I�g�l �oun��l r�ga�ding Q.B� proposed �h��ges t�a �ontract: surryrr�ar`�y �em��� .o �DA team I�INI M�nii��ll� UNI� errt�ii to �evel�per's Uour�sel r�c��rding 0.'�0 �utstan�ing is�ues f�or �eb. 26 meeting; ofFece con��renc� r�+�#h T Reine� k rega�dir�g .s�m�. N1N1 Montic�llo r�vi+�w nwIIIF g��nt ��r�e�n�r�#� e�ail to �ity 1 D� �t��rne'y �nd J Thar�s r���rding s�rn� f�1Nl Er��il c�rresp�ndenc� w�th Ef]A st�ff, �evelc�p�r'� Q.4C� c��sns�l, �ntk Ci�y ��k��ney re�arding MIF ��pr�v�l� �nd agreem�nt, :irt'i�line fc7' fin�lizing P&[} �an�tract h11N1 Draft MIF L�an ,4greement. �u�rartty, �nd promi�sory note �.�0 MN� Fin�I:ze UM� �$��1 ��ntract �or �+2� �pprt�v�l; dr�ft ns�tice ".��J c�f public h��ring Fpr �JM� b�s�ness s�bsidy �h�11Fj Arn€�unR i i `�.�� �f�.0f} 125.1�Q i � [70 �' S 00 4�4 � � 2Q0 0� 22�.00 ��0. �Q � aa �� �r75.Ofl �50.0[� Ci:y of M�nti�eell� F�t�r�ary ��, �Ci2� �;�D,+202G P�ge� 3 �er�r��ci�° & �r,��ren, �harter�d ��� '`�,�-4Lt�l �IXRi',� ��`�F.'t �l��t�'��� �e.'1f1Q��7i?1f$� h��J FJ��Q� �+1N1 h,�pn#�Gello Staff rep�rk reu�e+rr t7. f�0 15C1. C�0 2?2�4J2��t� h�1NM Montic�llo U'f�1C -�r�ft city res�r �pprovin� IN1�F lo�n 0.70 agreement, fina:�ze �greerrse�rt an�d cireulate 2;'2�i?���� MNI Ph��e con�r�rs�tic�� with J Thar�s re�arding MIF loa:�r [1.20 agr�emen# 2P�6J�0�0 MNI Ph��� �c����r��[ion wikh J Th�res regarding ECi� ��3G appravals �af UfUI� Tlf agreement. 2?�7?�02{i MhJI �inali�e ex�cuwior� cop�y �f �Contra��t; phc�n� cdnv�r��ti�r±s 0.8�J �vi#h ,� Th�r�S �n�i d�velppers �QunSel regarding jQb �nd �v��e r�.,rnbers. ��nd f�11� grank agreement ta deve��per's cou�sel; sen+d exec�t:on c�opy nf ��antr�ct t�a �11 ��rti�s F�� sign���r� �?��;�(}2p h�Nl ��Eic� c�nFer�n�� wvi�Fr T�teichert rega�ding closings �n �.10 ac;�uisiEion ari� cc�r�vey�nc� af prop�rty fc�, l�hA� 2�27���}20 TMR Receive emai� fr�rr� Martha In�ram cc�r�tain�ng �on�ra�#�. 1 7{� Teview �nd 5�# up f�i�e 2J�7��+��Q TMR In#r�offic� conf�r�n�e hilarth� I��ram {�.1{f ��2�1�1�2C] Th�R Dr�ft Cl��ir�c� �loCum,ertits C� 6b 17�.fl�i ��. �G� 75. GO � C�O. f}�} 25. f}(� 24� 90 1 � 70 88.20 Total Serrrices: $ 3,�71,�4 Tc�#�I �enri�es �nd bishurs�r�ents: $ 3,371,�4 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 10:14 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, these are okay. Please code as shown below: From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 12:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Following up on these. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:09 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.TharesC�ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00161 — 4065 Chelsea Rd -$232.40 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Econ Dev -$3,371.90 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101 —General EDA - $420.00 - 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks .JuCie C(�eney Finonce Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ���� ��I'l�T{���� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties. i 7ai �CENIA �YEFIUE � �WlFE 90D kI�FINEJ5R�L18. IiFi 654i8 f. . . ' _' ' . . . . _.-r-, ' _' �_ j:� ����1`�� � , ..� ;� .. a lJ � �rt� of M�n�icelJo fVl���h 23, 2�120 ,�tCr�: S�r�h f�athlisb�rc�er CPF� Fir��r�c� illfan�t�er Pr�je�t�ln�r�ice� R-0158�2-(l0� - 7 5C�5 1�+V�Inut �#reet. ��ite 9 I�evi€�w�d by. 8ret 1Neiss �I�pnticella, IMN ��36�-�83� �r�oj�ct M�n�ger: ,J�mes �tr�rnel �rc�duction 5tarnpar�g CiEy Prc���ct # City �taff Re�+i�wer - �+1att Leon�rd �L Acck # 1 �D7. �7��0{7.��{77 � {� Profe�s.ion�r! Serr+i�es from F�brua 1 2Q2CI to �ebru� 29 2[12�? Pha�� ��1 Pl�r� R�+vr�w Plan f��vi�w N�ds�n. Heather �F�7��Q�0 plan reviev�r - f4�B� deuelr�p��nt ixiels�n. Fie�th�r ��281�C��G pl�rr review - �+18� deve��apmen# T�at� I s Tat�l L�bor H�ur� 1.0�} �iflin�s to Da#e Curr�nt F`r�or I��,bor 3'�4.��D 0.{�C] fi�tals �(�4.A0 �}.0� Arr�� u r�t 1 �2.D4 15�..OL � �(�4. �Q ��4.Ofl� ��tt�! tF�i� T�sk $304�fkC� Tat�l �hfs Phase �30�.�IQ Tot�l this Iner�siee 3 4.�U Julie Cheney From: Sarah Rathlisberger Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 10:41 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: W5B Invoices Julie, yes, this will be in fund 213. With the low number of escrows to track, I hadn't been setting up projects for these, but it looks as though we should start doing so. I have created project 20E001 for this escrow. Jim, please reference this project number on invoices related to Production Stamping's escrow going forward. That way, we can pull repots on it just like Angela's other development and planning escrows. Thank you! Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Acting Finance Director City of Monticello, MN Tel: 763-271-3201 Fax: 763-295-44Q4 NOTE: The contents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged and/or confidential to the named recipient. This information is not to be used by any other persan and/or organization. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Monticello. Email correspondence to and from City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 10:30 AM To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisberger@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: WSB Invoices Sarah Jim is referencing an escrow project below for the attached invoice. Will this go to 213 escrow? Can a project number be set up now or will you wait for funds? Thanks Julie From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 10:08 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: W5B Invoices Morning Julie, for the invoice directly above, the total amount that should be billed to the EDA is $250.00. Please code to: 213-46301-431990. The invoice for $304.00 should be coded to an escrow account that needs to be set up for Production Stamping Expansion—Project #6580. I expect the escrow funds to be sent in the near future. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, April 6, 2020 10:45 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: WSB Invoices Jim See the attached W5B invoices. There have been coding changes suggested to the EDA. Okay? Julie From: Matthew Leonard Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 4:04 PM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: WSB Invoices Hello Julie — Okay to pay with the modification to the attached invoice and here is the suggested coding. Inv# R015802-000 1—This needs a project number if it is to be coded to the escrow account. — EDA expense Inv# R14320-000 3— This project 2019022 was closed in 2019. Where should this be coded? — General Engineering Tha n ks, Matt Leonard, P.E. City Engineer / Public Works Director Phone: (763) 271-3271 Fax: (763) 295-4404 C°�rY [�F � � � ������ ' � Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticella gavernment offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may 6e disclosed to third parties. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 12:51 PM To: Matthew Leonard <matt.leonardC@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB Invoices Matt Attached are the WSB invoices for February. Inv# R015802-OOQ 1—This needs a project number if it is to be coded to the escrow account. Inv# R14320-000 3— This project 2019022 was closed in 2019. Where should this be coded? Okay to pay all others as coded on invoice? Tha n ks, JuCie C(�eney Finance Assistant City of Monticella 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('9TY (7F .;�� ���'l�I����' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 3 Pag�. 7 k�er�n�d�r 8� C�ra�'��, '�'����r�d ��oc� ����n .���t�, ��f��t, ����� a�� hAirineapa9�,�, MN �544� �ity �f fUloriki�ellr� F�bru�ryr 29, ��20 I�1N19fJ-�pC�1�� Gener�l EC]A I`�h�Kkers �fhr��gl* Febr�,aary �9. �020 'Fo� AI� t�gal Serwic�� As �oll�ws: �11�r'2C�20 MNI M��#in� pr�p2�r�#i�n fC7r mot�thly finar�C� ��i1 ��� 1 S?�0�0 Z128����Q �hhJl M���ieello m€�nthly fin�n�e c�l� H[+uss Amaur�# �,40 50.4� �.'I�} 22(} �0 M"JI �o�#er�n�e c�ll r�rith [�1€rn#r��llc� �ta�¢ r�g�rding cs��uey�n�e �.60 �rf i��it3 ne�r F�ti��r� far �au�+�g. � � �� �� ��;�,�r a-�, � � �� �� �; "���-~ �'� ��, � �� y . �' `'ri�� `�4 i �,�,' - Tatal �ervw�es 120.C1S� � 4�0.(!0 ��t�A ��r+�i�es an�d �ii�k��r�cmaents. $ 4��1.0i� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 10:14 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, these are okay. Please code as shown below: From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 12:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Following up on these. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:09 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.TharesC�ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00161 — 4065 Chelsea Rd -$232.40 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC Econ Dev -$3,371.90 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101 —General EDA - $420.00 - 213-46301-430400 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks .JuCie C(�eney Finonce Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ���� ��I'l�T{���� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties. i TQ1 ?CF.iUTA AtifEhIUE S �U�TE 3{}U MIh1Nf h�C3!.IS. M.ry ��d`6 �I�� 4� �}Of�tlC�i.�Q Atkn; ��ra[h R�thl�sberg�r, CPF� Financ� Manager �05 X+VV�Inu# �ir�et, �uit� i h,+l�r�ticell�, Mhl ��36i-�38�1 _ . . _....-,--..._. .----- ��s�LI�V L� � �A�rCI� 23, �0�0 Pr�fe�kJlrtvoi��: R�vi�w�ed by; Pr�je�# iVl�nager: Do�+n�c�wr� Redev. Project - M�r,tsc�llo �iky� Staff Review�r - Jim Tl�ares �L Ac�t � N1A Pr�if�s�or��l ��rvic�s fr�o,�t� Fet�rua�`v 1. 2{�2{i to Februa 2,r`+��{1 F�h7se fl[1'I C��,wn�own f��deu. Prraj�ct proaect f�l�n�g�m€�nt F�ours F�ake Re;l�, Penny 1 J�i 51�{�20 .25 1��.�1� Misc. file wqrk RDIf, P'�nn}� �!�J�0�0� 7� 782.�7Q �Jrg�nize r�l��ation f+fe� �hak+��, 14y�les 1���'2��0 .�5 1�0.{l� �rc���ct �orrtr��: B�dget. R�sc�urc�, �nd ��h�dule F�f��nl�n�nc�. Te�tals � �� Tot�l L2�bc�r Billir�� Lirrrits ��trr�n# 7�o�al Billin�s �12.�0 �Li rn i# F��m�ining �� � �z-o� ��7 � -o�r� - s Bret W�iss Penny Rc�lf AA7'40Ufit �35.50 13f .��? 3D.�l�l 2"I �.(�0 212_00 Tot�l this Ta�k T�t�l this �h�se P`rior T�s-D�te 2,�47.0[� �,�t5'�.Ot� 1 �.2+J$.40 7,7�9.Oi] $292.�0 Total �h6s In�oic�e �2��,1}0 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 1022 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: W5B (2) These are okay. Please code as shown below: From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 12:44 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from WSB: Inv# R014511-000 6- $212.00 — Please provide coding - 213-46301-431990 Inv# R015355-000 2 $2,058.50 — 213-46301-434990 Okay to pay? Thanks, ,Tulie C�ieney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us �-��, ��'�'1�I��'��C�' EmQil correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data PrQctices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i r�+` x.il�fi a,�.�...,1,: ;: S��TE �G�G �ii�Jrdt nF°c�l v. r�,r; _.:�,=' F ,�����v� ��t�' Cl� �Oi1�ICB��O �fC�7 ��, �[��Q 1�#�n: ����h f��fhlis�r�rc�er, �F��C] �inanc� M�n��er F'raj�eC��lnvoice: R-Q1535�-�00 -� 54� W�Inut �kre�l: �uite 1 F�e+rtewed by; �rek V1leiss halarat��ellp, M�l ����2-8831 Praje�# M�n�ger_ J�rries Gr�mber� 2G2'C1 E��r��mic Deuels�Rm�n# Servi�e� �ily �kaf# Reui�wer - Jin� Tk��res �L �1��E # �1 �.4�301,4�°i 9��U ��9&�ior�al Yices fr�am_Febr�ary 1. �02Q ta Fe r���2fi�[i F'h�se 0�11 2�J2p ��c�namr� C1�,��lopment �ervices 1�1�n�hJy Re��iner �'c�r�r��rrts: lbic��th�y Ret�ir��r �i��. ��1 ��r t�is t�s�. Fee T�1�1 F�e 9,3�C�.0[� Percent �ornplet� 1�6.66�7 T��al Earn�d Previ�u� F�� Brllir�c� �w�rr��t �+ee Billirlg T�tal Fee hJl��etings - �13�Imtc� iL'���SS� Efl� Tc�[als Total Labor �4djustmer�ts '�Jl�.�lings $1 �� on �}2.���.F�� fi�t�l Adju��m�nts 5(�ecia� F�r�j�cts �r�mberg: J��ne� Ma�s�. �ric Tr�t�ls ��t�l Lab�r Hnr�rs �,�� 3.OI� 1,5�D.(}0 775.0� 7i5.�0 T�tal this T��k lR�k� 119.i�� �� � �a�.�o $775.�f� Ari'M�runt �57.0�6 3�7_{}�7 3�7.�Q _�22.DC� -222. QO Tcs#�I #his Task Fic�ur� f�ate Amvunt �.5� 15Q,0�] 375.0[� 6_5� 119.�1[� 77�,�{� 9.i}0 1,14�e50 7�x�1 thi� iask Tc�#af this Phase �2�2.�i� �13�.0�} 9,��B.Si� $1,14$.50 �2,���3,50 Prvj�ct R-C�15��5-013�1 Mflf�T -�0��] Ec�n�rriic C7evelapmer�# ��rvice lrs5ioice � F�tal #his Invoic� !� 0�8.',�D Bi�Jangs �o Date ��� L�a bc�r F�dd-�r� T�tal � �urren# Prfar Total 375.�0 77�.�[l 7,��tl,OCl 1,�05.50 845.�p �, 3;�1 _�]� -���.QO C?.00� -��2.4Q 2,05$.�� iw620.5if �,�7�,i�C� P�ge 2 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 1022 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: W5B (2) These are okay. Please code as shown below: From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 12:44 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from WSB: Inv# R014511-000 6- $212.00 — Please provide coding - 213-46301-431990 Inv# R015355-000 2 $2,058.50 — 213-46301-434990 Okay to pay? Thanks, ,Tulie C�ieney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us �-��, ��'�'1�I��'��C�' EmQil correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data PrQctices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i ?Q1 XENIA ��?;.{yL� � SU11C 30❑ MINht; n��L!5, Mh' a541t; � City �f �,+�c�n#�c�llo M�rch ��, �Q20 At#n� S�r2�h R�kh�fisberger, ��F� Fin�rrce M�r���er Pro�e�t+lnvoic€�: R-[]1537�-�OQ - 2 a�5 V'J��nut �#r�et, �ui#e 1 F�eview�� k�y: �ret �1eis�5 Mdr�t�cellp, �+Ihl 5�3fi2-8��1 Proj�eet M�na�er. Brysn piktmar� �Q20 Maps Cily �taff RevF�wer - M�IE L�onar`� �L A��:k �- i 01.�� 11 ? v43�30{7 Pref i�naP ',�rvic�s fr+�f'n Febru�rv 1, 2��0 tr� Febru�ry 29, �fJ2U Phas� �0� Z02{� f�A�p� C�rawirr�s � L�+�outs He�urs FCate PhillipRo, f�iiehael 2r13r'�02�} �.OD S�.Q� Work�t� vn u��i�tir�g P�#hv�aays M�p for Ar�gel� 5 from Monfi��ll� Phil[Fppi, hrlich�el 2l14l�(l�� ;� �t] �#�.00 �reated M�ntic�l�o �rant M�ps ft�r Ange�� S F�hiJlipp�, f�ichaeJ 211�I�O�Q .�� 89.[]�] UVork�:d on u;��i�ting P�#h+�vays h+1�p fr�r �4i�g�l�� S`r�r°�r h4��rnt�cefla ��7illi�pi. h,�i�h�el �J21124�{} 1.�?� B�.00i p Ci i th nk e r� t l� ap Phillip��, f+�ichael 2r'21;'2Q�0 .54} 89a{7C] P illi i i wark�ed �n ��2(l �iky Qu�+ned EDA iMa� r� I Upcat� 10 P�;n��ua;r C�rnnection r4��p Pittrt�a�n, Bryan �d7;3fZtJ�� Granr Applica'�ar� hv1��� �ImCf71�f1, � �� ��1i1�' []' (] r�sn �,p li � ti�in h.^� �IktfTl�f1, �f}+�fl �+'��f�(}�� �ityr C7wned EdA Pplkman, Bry�r�� �`r28F2���"0 EDAt h*��., Tot�l Labvr 7.(]�1 137'.00� � . �'� .S� �� � Arnaunt 1 ��_f�C} �Fi7 �J0 �� ,�� Community Development ��. 5�] EDA 137.[�{� , �� r�r, � EDA � ��.1�{� '� ��.Q� i3i.4� �$.,S�j 1.�$� U{} 1,2�4.OQ Tot�l this T�sk '�7 ,2��4.{�(� Tota� tk�i� Phase $1,��4.D�Q T+�tal thi� Ir�vc�fce ;61 284,Q0 �Rroaect 1�-Q15�7�-�]p� MC}N� -�(}20 h,�aps fnu�ice � �il�fr�gs tp �at� Current Prior T�t�l �-��`�r � , Z84.00 414.�a 1,��8_�5 r�r��� �,z�a.o� ���.�� �,e��,�� Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jim Thares Tuesday, April 7, 2020 10:08 AM Julie Cheney RE: W5B Invoices WSB 032320 $1284.00-mpl.pdf; W5B 032320 $304.00.pdf Morning Julie, for the invoice directly above, the total amount that should be billed to the EDA is $250.00. Please code to: 213-46301-431990. The invoice for $304.00 should be coded to an escrow account that needs to be set up for Production Stamping Expansion—Project #6580. I expect the escrow funds to be sent in the near future. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Monday, April 6, 2020 10:45 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: WSB Invoices Jim See the attached WSB invoices. There have been coding changes suggested to the EDA. Okay? Julie From: Matthew Leonard Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 4:04 PM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.ChenevC�ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: WSB Invoices Hello Julie — Okay to pay with the modification to the attached invoice and here is the suggested coding. Inv# R015802-000 1—This needs a project number if it is to be coded to the escrow account. — EDA expense Inv# R14320-000 3— This project 2019022 was closed in 2019. Where should this be coded? — General Engineering Thanks, Matt Leonard, P.E. City Engineer / Public Works Director Phone: (763) 271-3271 Fax: (763) 295-4404 �ITY �� � � ������. � Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticella gavernment offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. � From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 12:51 PM To: Matthew Leonard <matt.leonard@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB Invoices Matt Attached are the WSB invoices for February. Inv# R015802-000 1—This needs a project number if it is to be coded to the escrow account. Inv# R14320-000 3— This project 2019022 was closed in 2019. Where should this be coded? Okay to pay all others as coded on invoice? Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticella 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ���� ��r���;��ll� � Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 Jul�� Ch�ne� Fre>m: BuC9s�ye �r�perty M�n�g2mer�t � Realty �m�iiC marragebuikcl�n�.��tn> Ser�#� Sund�y, hAa��h Z�. 20�Q 3:UT AhA io�. AP �ubje�rt �ease staternent #€�r �rr��dvu��y P�rki�g Ea���ent - C�7M�+1ER��AI. -��s of 3I���'�{��� � Bulls�ye Rroperty M�n�gement 8t �ieakty F'].I�,i�:4k: ��JI��; Il(l T+�[?7� �l�:E'l.Y f(]'��HI� f:h�1,�,1L �L�R��;�� �fhi� Gn�air n�es�,� w,�� s+:nt Ir+�rm a nuti9i��isrn��n1}° ad,�:r��:� t� �noL au:�pl snixnnin� cr�tail� L��.�� �tat�����. �s �� ��2�-����� �ity �of �+lanticella �conomic �e�relv�rn�r�t �utharit� 35 ��4te �t �uit� 5�D0 �i� La�Ce, �AAhJ 553�9 L}at� Pn�r balar�c� ��1�20�D �f312Q2�1 11���2�1,�� h�1e rr�a �ar�m�n �rea 1�laintenar�c� P�yment ��yrr��nt 2i1P2(�2f� �omrr�c�r� Area Ma�r�t�r�anc� �d�6f���0 L�te f�� �f11�0�� �c�rr�rnr�n �4r�� I�Jl��nk�e�a�ae 3l��J202� F'�yrn�r�t 4}112�0�� �Gomm�r� Are� �A�int�nan�e �����,�,t �: �������� A�rnoun� f3al�nce $587.42 �1��.1:� �74�.55 ��709,��� �44.53 (�,1�1.6U� ��81,{�7) $16�.1� $8`�.L�� �1.2� $8�,�� '�'� �2, 7 3 �2�4_�4 � �$���.19� �1.2� $1��_�i3 $163.�� �al�r�c+e d�u�; $1��.3� Ya��niez�.t is du� c�r� th�. ?�th cri xh�e �nonth, ii'����mct�t i�n't r�c�i��eci, �. c�nt-tirt�c fec ��{�s�� tc� �,�°�� c►� �4�tst�.r��3in� h�lanccs ��ill b� char�e� c�n the 27tt� �f e�ch r���ntt�_ �vl��a�;� y'[�ur �e�cwunl un�i�e: kit6�x�1r'hullact ��r�Mr��riie'ti.[11e4i1si��,.�,Ck1171�i�1�1�T,.11}fT7 1 0 z 0 4 L+ C '3 � � L �r�. C J � � O � O � N N O � � � O � �ll �T, � � N N N N N N M N O O � N N � O O � � O � � � ;�3 N Crl N M ,� Q � 7 '� 7 C'S F O � O � Q Q ]J :J Q � � y V] C� '� '} � cV C O O y A L � y V� �'i '� � o '� o � � � � y � � � � � ��) � y a � � J � ¢ � � 1--� bL 4 L'. � y � C7-i Q CL E^ W � U � W CC W CC Gz C] U W a N .a � � O F W 7 '� U O V� � � M � N Julie Cheney From: Bullseye Property Management & Realty <mail@managebuilding.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 3:06 AM To: A P Subject: Lease statement for Broadway Parking Easement - COMMERCIAL - 2 as of 4/21/2020 � Bullseye Property Management & Realty PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS This email message was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Lease statement as of 2020-04-21 City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 35 Lake St Suite 500 Big Lake, MN 55309 Date Memo Prior balance 1 /30/2020 2/1 /2020 2/26/2020 3/1 /2020 3/12/2020 4/1 /2020 4/15/2020 5/1 /2020 Payment Common Area Maintenance Late fee Common Area Maintenance Payment Common Area Maintenance Payment Common Area Maintenance Account #: 00405914 Amount ($121.60) $162.13 $1.22 $162.13 ($243.19) $162.13 Balance $40.53 ($81.07) $81.06 $82.28 $244.41 $1.22 $163.35 ($163.35) $0.00 $162.13 $162.13 Balance due: $162.13 Payment is due on the 28th of the month. If payment isn't received, a one-time fee equal to 1.5% of outstanding balances will be charged on the 27th of each month. Manage your account online: http://bullseyeproperties.managebuilding.com i Cust[rrntz�d Fire R�seue Tr�inia�g In�, PO B�x ;�3� �Cl� l�incol�r Glrcl� h�rlaple Lake: hti�IN 5535� Bill id ' C�ty ,��i Mn�#i�ell� � 5D�'��+aJrsut Street. Suite 7 , � Manticell�s, Mf� 5��62 � � Ir�r��ice �� C?ate Ir�v�ice Na, ' ���'�DS�'2(� 162$ �tiip To ._ I LP.Q, N4amb�r Terms Rep Ship Dat� �f�ip Via FQ€� �� Ar�sje�� J�r.s�� Thur�and�r� �C � �41�Bf2C1 - , __ �_I#ern � Qescrip�tion _ Q�u�ntity� Price_E�Ch 1 A�n�unt ' Asbestos ,�sbes#os Ir':sp�:dti�n �,f m��use and g�r�g2 IocaQ�d �# � i 540_r�� �CIi�.Oti7 InS�eCt�cyn ' �C0 +EFr �tr�e# East, �ultanticellr�, A+1N S�;.iFa�, M Includes �ite'Ji�it� f�j, Bu�ldir�g �urvey�, Bu�fk � �arriplirr9• L��b +�nalYsis, La� F���or�_ �:over L�tt�er_ ; � Fc�ll�tv l�� �I�sit � e� ��. �-i"I.�v� r. �� � �?� i Custcsrt�i�ed F�re R�scue Traini�� Ir+�, Fed�raV T�x I� # 2f7-q�1�2f�� Su�tai�l �ales T��c ! T�o#�I ��o��oo; �L�. G+G+ S�OO,C�C� Ju�ie Che�n� Frc�rn= JC��e�f� Th�r��ru�� Sen�: �riday; April 1D, ��}��J 1C1°0�,4�v1 T�; .��li� �hen�y Cc: rirn Thares Subje�#; EDA [n�c�i�e 1�t#a�hr�ertts: M�o+�tieellc� - Invc�i��e 1628.pc�fi Ca#egc�rie�: �ec� Cate���r� Hi Juli�, I ho�e ypu k�c�th �re d�oi�g w�ll. .Att��hed is an invo�[e {or the EDl�, This is fc�r � h�z�rd�u5 materials ir�spe�tior� for 304 E. 4�� Street. IC shpul�l b�2 paid th�e rr�xt cycle_ l�lea�e I�� lirrt knaw if you r�ee� �r�ything �pec�fac. Th�rry,k yDt�! J��co� Tl�����t�nc�e�- C��r��r3-,�,�nit�' �n� Lc��r�c�mi� �e�-elc���t���n� �c�c.�rc�i�4�k�r �C.ikv �t I�1c�r�ti��ll� 4�� 4��•��•.t-i_n,t�t�tirell�.n�tn,�� i 6�-�� 1-3�t)�, Err7t�r� �c��•�c���rcx�t�c��rec� trr ca�rr� �i•c��za i�rc� �.r��� o�',�f����t[c�I�n �o�.��xr�����rcpa:f c#�`f�r°� �� ��r&j�act ic� tJrca :t�i�rrrr�s���� �:c����'i1��14��l� L��.7�`L�i Pf'GFCt![�`ti ,'1C'���Frr� �1�iRi� ��C� c���elo.�c�c� i`c� tl�rrFr� $.�r��•i-i�sr � lulie �hen� Fr�rrw: �irn Thare� ��n#: T�resd�y:: A�aril 1�, �{�2� 1��1� PM TQ: J,�:ie Cher�ey �ubject: RE: EDA� arrvr�ic� Hi Julie, this �s c�kay to p�y, Pl�ase �ode tp' �.1�-463��D1-4615C�C�. I tt�dnk �t is a�c�tal of $�0{7,00 t�rre�rt? From: Juli� Ch�ney c�ulie.Chene�r��i.mor��ic�llt�,m�n.u�� S�nt: 7u�sda}�, April 14, 20�� 10�:58 Ahr1 T�� Jirn ihares �19m_Thares c�c ci.m�antic�IJo_mn.us� 5ubje�t; f�E; EDA Inv4iCe Jirn C�k�y ta p�y� F'Pe��e pr�pui�ie c�dirrg. �hanks Juli� Fresm: J�cr�b Thun��nd�r Sent: Frid�y, A�ril 1�}, �0�(} 10;�2 AM Ta: J�ilie Chen�y <Jurie,�he�rey c�i7ci.r7�r�r7ticello,mn,�as� �c: Jam` Th�res �Jrir�.Thare���i,m�rskicello.rr3n_us� Suta��ct: E�A InvCyiC�e v V HiJulie, I h�pe }+�u f��th �re doing 4�ell. Att���ed is an invo�ce for the E�]�4, TF�is is f�r a h�z�rdou5 rnaterials insp�ctior� for 3��] E_ 4'�' Skreet, It sh��rld k�e p3id the rrex� ��+�le. P1��5,� let Jim knov,r if yo� ne��l �n�rthing sp�eif6�. T��nky�u� �����L� �l'h�an{����er C�.c�a.��s�-r��t�it�� e��-�� �.c�t�»���a�ic L?e���lt�pm��zt C'c�c�e�ir�a�c�� Cif�� c�f l����r�ticelIc� ��•}�•i�•,�i,��`�c�r�fic��,lli�_n���.tts i �3��? i �� -3��(� E�r�rrri �caa•��s��o�:r�c�srcc� tr� rar�c� frc�Fr� �h�.� �7t� �f,'�����a7��c��������za��r�r7e�t c�f�ic� is st�����t t�o tlr� �ir��r�s�t� �o�re�rxa����at ��t��� P�•r��iices Ac� c�r��� �rtca� ��° ��1sc�vsc��` �� tl�rrr.� �rc��•��,��. i 0 z 0 4 � C '3 � � 0 a J �n �n �� � � � l� N N M M l� A� 'V O � � m v'� v'� �D l� m m t+l t+l N N N � � � ..'7 O � ..'7 ..'7 M N O O � O O � N N N N N 0 0 0 0 o w � O � � N N j v� m �n �n �n �n M ,� :C "' �. •--. ^ --' --' � '� O � O � O O � � � O. O. 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( J�`-� —. � E ployee Signature ( 5upervisor Signature � 1O 2 Z} Zd Date a prove Specia� Projec# # or flescriptiqn Circle department code. 101-a1110 1d�-41310 101-41410 iD1-41520 101-418Q0 101-41910 1fl1-4].320 101-41940 2�3- 0 �--�-- 213-4630� Ci#y Councii Administration City Clerk Finance Human Resaurces Planning and Zonirrg Data Processing Cit Nall Economic Qeveiopment hI RA Circle expense code: 421990 General OperaLing Su�plies 431950 Newsletter 5ervices 431990 Miscellaneous Prof S�r�ices Q3 osta e 4331{l0 Tra�el/Trair�ing Expense 443304 Dues Membership & Subscrip 4437Q0 Licenses anrf P2rmits q��ggp Misc. Other Expense Other __...------------- M(iNTIGELI r� 1C16 E 7TN S F MI)PtiTCELI_(1. MN 553Ei2-9�J2`e3 2664�1]-09�� (800)2/h-8777 (l3/10/�U20 U2:G2 PM , �.;ct (�tv �:r,i rt: Pi Pri�e � r, , ;:� 1-Clay 1 ffi�1_3'.i :�3� � �: Rate Env ��1C�l11@Stl �) (SAINi F'/4UL, MN J5101) (Fl�i Rate) t�i griat�ir�e Wai vE.e� 1 {St.k���dule� Deli��er`v a�v) �.ar���d� C�,3!11,��U2�f 1U:30 KM) (Man�y Bac;k Gu�r-antee (US#'S T��ackinq q) �cEJ3��7�150D41JS } kxp Snsi.irance $G :. tUp t� $1Q0. t10 i��r.l u�lecl} �al: $31 , _ - ei�i t i;�r�[I !?frq�i �Z�f $31. . (Cn�-;:� t���m�:VISA> (A�:c.nu�lt �;xK?t?(71x;;;(}(}(i{fi1834) (A��roval #:06893u) (Tr~ansaction #:5D3) (AIC7: AOC30u��0i�31010U1 CI�� i f}) (AL:VISA CREDIT) (PIN:PJnt Req�ired) Iru:l ucle:; �1�� to $100 i nsurance Sav� th i s rec� i pt ��, ev i ciei �e:e nfi i risur ai iee . For i n Purrnat i��n ��n f i 1 i r�y an i i�surar�� e c:I ai nz c�o t� }�tip5:.�/www.us�:�s.c:;c;mr��e1,��/ciaims Iitm � I,. � . ', � . - . f��. i� p. ; ir ,I M�� i��,. �i ,l .' �1 i� i�r- ro;f, Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Thursday, March 5, 2020 8:10 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 3120webinsert.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 4/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E 2/1/2020 to 2/29/2020 (29 days) 3/4/2020 4/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading Cons ($1.25) ($0.50) $10.50 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $ 0.00 $8.75 $8.75 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Thursday, March 5, 2020 8:10 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 3120webinsert.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 4/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 2/1/2020 to 2/29/2020 (29 days) 3/4/2020 4/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons $0.00 $7.10 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $ 0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 68621907 Current Charges noreply@ merchanttransact.com Thursday, March 5, 2020 8:10 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 3120webinsert.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 2/1/2020 42327 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 4/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 2/1/2020 to 2/29/2020 (29 days) 3/4/2020 4/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 3/1/2020 42332 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. � Cons 5 $0.00 $0.00 $7.10 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $0.00 $9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $ 0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Thursday, March 5, 2020 8:10 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 3120webinsert.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 60867213 2/1/2020 1001572 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - RESIDENTIAL Garbage: GARBAGE FEE - TXBL Garbage: RECYCLING FEE - NON TAXABLE Waste Taxes: GARBAGE TAX RES - 9.75% Stormwater: STORMWATER / RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 4/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-009 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 300 4TH ST E 2/1/2020 to 2/29/2020 (29 days) 3/4/2020 4/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 3/1/2020 1001572 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. � Cons 0 $0.00 $7.10 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $9.18 $8.25 $0.75 $0.80 $1.50 $26.64 $26.64 $26.64 $ 0.00 $26.64 $26.64 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 0 z 0 4 C � O � � L O C J m m r r -�'- -�'-i � O N N N O � M � � � O � Q .� � � ¢ A Q � w - � � � � � � w 0 0 cn � � � N n ry` � � � W H z 0 � W F W U O � M � N � � M N M N � L' w W :� O p � � � Q, �; � N O N O N O V'; �. a O � r p i. 0 � � H � �il$'FO�u4ER ACCOsiNT NUM1�►Bl:R �"�gi� i nf� �PI��°���. GITY ClF h�Q�;TrCELL� 111723��6 DAeTE L?UE �k�r �t1, 202� �f��� �ai��tw�� �a�� A�1bUNT �U� � 7�.�3 �Eit3lIGE Adb1�E35 i1�8P ��, �Q�4� •we��e?rl��iin%Er�ro�t c�m ��'� � �th �t. M4rf�Vello, �.°'N �53�52-�51� �� - - - e — -. � ._...� � . ._ � -- �'r�� leak or �merg�rncy Cut�tom�T �+�Cvio� Call �f�r� yo� dlg �arn�nts Leave im�ned�ai�ly. then e�l I ��0•�4�2377 G��! 911 P� Bax 1144 8[�1-��-9�15, 24 �ours a a�y i.��ynd�y - Ffld�y, 7�m - 7�nl 24 h���s a da�y hSinne�polis, MN 554��-114� FI�1�L BILL Fhls is yaur fkr�al bi:ll at k7�s Ixa:�pr. PI$ase pay ail amounts nrnv �ue ,�ICC{]WNT SL��►RI►AARY Pf�evi�sus g�s �r�rc��rr+� due � 10.�4 Payr� ent fuo payr�raerrt .r��erved, - 0_{]�? B�I�nceforwarct __. .-�--- $ 1p_8� Currer°rt g2.s charg$s (a�riail� c�n p��� �� + 4.93 Tatal arnaunt due __.e_ � S 15.73 k l ������ -� i � � � ; . _� ;;i '�� i `'' How t� �ay your bi I I [}nline _.. - � Phor��e - --- Ir� per5�irr � hJl�il +liSis Cenf�r��s�x�rterg°�.cor�sp�yba4 R�y C2113fl�2d5-2377 3�ttl m3kp � P,�ymenl T� zind a p�p�meni ��tron. wsit: F�urn ihe p�ym�rt1 S�u6 be�w' wilh �aur rnm�d�a�eiy. sd�e�u� a�y�rnerrt or �et using paur r#�e�king ar savings ae.cur?. Cent?;Pt�.v,t�nrterr�y�c�m.F�ay�b�Yar c911 r�eek �ar manoy arder. u:sing iflg r�lurr� up ���ama�c mon�r y��menls. Qr by deb�k ar creditcard. 90f�-2as73FT. enYe�i,�e. �tw�a ann� rr�s ;.J7 � i-r y+�.r+�ry5 kScaxfirr.lrlhS::nr]rxTpi.4'��35�'�; F39fl49�ddR011KaudB�l6e's81M1t,rs ��t�rPk��r�is f���. oor�a�r2� �1 �r� o.�� y Cli`r' OF f�+l'�N71��lLC� 50a YhiALhiUT �T aTE 1 ��C�NFICEL�a7. MAi 55�62-8�22 �I II��F��II l�lf���� II��II�N���I���I� �I��r�� i'Ill��ii����M�il��r� 120a1W6621f�64 lltFap01 ��NA� BILL �st°ie�uri�r��ir���� 11���3��-6 �ATE QUE Apr 2�, 2420 AMC�Uh�T D�JE $15,F3 'll �`9r gsd:nl u�rM� =r� r•�rci a�i m,�lcp GdYdC�31G CBN�T�C��' E'iP'°,�� � — p�2�5� 9�'MG_�'i 0! �G�' Sc�f�e'C. �I�III I���.�I� �II I��1��1 �I����f�l�'ll �u���l�l���l'll ����������#I� CENTERPC7CN- �MERGY P(� �C134 4671 HC�JLI��`C]N T% 77,�1(]-46F1 OL��O�OL1�3�7�394f,[ID�DDOp0157�OQ�E�p�0�,57390 � E't���rilcrtt�.c��� �irrn��i�n h�y Accaur�t Resi[ier�ti�l Business �ur ��rr� �n - �rri�l�rr `- °' F�ne�Y Th�n� ��� f�r yc�t�r ��yrr��nt. 1 � 3 4 � C� f� �I I` I`� �� I C.� f"1 � Y�u h��� s�r�cc��sf�llr� s�u�m�tted yo�ar p��rr��n�. P�ym+�nt Surnrr�ar�r �onfirrn�tia�� N�am�er �31�f�5�4�] Pa�y�e�t l�+ieth�d �h��kir�� :�,�c�unt e��d ng ir� ��17 �a�rr�er,t �imiount �1�,�� Pa�rm�nt Date C74,�t��;��0 F�rint �Onfirm�ti�� C�o �+r�u �+�nt to senti anotl��r confirrn�t��r�? ._ i�e�d Em�il C�anr��rts�ti�n �e��ti5�er fc�r �n a��:ount �'��s=w t c�t 1 ]}#���a� .`:'tr�y�c�c+��rtt_��.��t�r�c}in��eser���,cc�n�i.��p�'k�illit��i��b[i�.�.-�{aH�3il]P���r�1�a1tC'c�nii�•iY1��ticx,,, �r`i:���l?Cl Julie C�e��� From: ��nt: To: �u�sjeet; Mrnpar#an�e� �c r�:,l�;r�'�C�rakerp�ir�tenergy�.tCrsfi7 V'Uednesda}r, April 1. cQ�O 1�:q� RIv� �P P�y�ment �onfir�r��tic�� H:�h A p�yrr►ent res�uest �f $15.i3 k�as re{eiv€d or� your ����unt_ �hank you for ronta�#¢ng ��r�terPc�int Energy. EDA Agenda: 5/13/20 4c. Consideration of Approvin� Mort�a�e Subordination A�reement between the EDA and Minnesota Business Finance Corporation (MBFC) related to the EDA's GMEF Loan to DSN Investments, LLC dba Monticello RV Center in the Amount of $118,500 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to ask the EDA to consider approving a Mortgage Subordination Agreement with Minnesota Business Finance Corporation (MBFC), a St. Cloud based SBA-504 lender, related to the EDA's GMEF Loan to DSN Investments, LLC dba Monticello RV Center. It should be noted that the EDA is being asked to approve the subordination agreement post signing by the Executive Director as indicated in the attached documentation due to critical time deadlines (please see Exhibit B; email trac). The effect of the subordination agreement will mean the EDA's 2"d mortgage collateral position (against the newly developed real estate located at 3880 Chelsea Road West) will be now be subordinate to the SBA-5041oan. As further background, the EDA approved a GMEF Loan, secured by mortgage, to Monticello RV Center as a component of financing for a$4,460,000 expansion project in Apri12019. The financing components included the following entities: Bank of Elk River Minnesota Business Finance Corp., SBA-504 Lender City of Monticello EDA — GMEF Owner Equity Total Project Financing $ 2,092,500 $ 1,728,000 $ 118,500 $ 521,000 $ 4,460,000 Monticello RV Center just recently finalized its SBA 504 financing component for the project (April 24, 2020). In order for the SBA 504 program to participate in financing as the second largest source of funding for the proj ect, they require a second lien (mortgage) position against the real property. MBFC recently provided a mortgage subordination agreement to City staff with a very tight window for execution which would enable finalizing of the loan paperwork to occur in the Minneapolis office and further allow Monticello RV Center to receive debt relief benefits under the newly enacted CARES Act SBA Debt Relief program. The debt relief will allow the SBA to make Monticello RV Center's loan payments for 6 months. In completing the SBA-504 financing MBFC will take out the Bank of Elk River's 2"d mortgage construction financing. The EDA GMEF loan program is intended to be a gap funding source and be subordinate to other lenders. The subordination agreement effectively re-prioritizes the mortgage filings so that the EDA's current 2"d mortgage will now become a 3rd position lien against the real property. It is typical and standard practice for the EDA to subordinate to lenders who provide more funding to than the EDA. As a reminder, the Monticello RV Center expansion added additional tax base on a formerly undeveloped parcel. The project is also expected to create 8 new jobs over the next two years. In light of the COVID-19 economic impacts to the recreational vehicle industry, Monticello RV Center may seek more time to create the new jobs. If a request is made in this regard, 1 EDA Agenda: 5/13/20 under current State statutes, the EDA can consider a 12-month extension allowing more time to fulfill the job creation requirements. It should also be noted that Monticello RV Center's GMEF loan payment performance to date is in good standing. Also, at the April 8, 2020 EDA meeting, to offer some COVID-19 relief, a six month loan forbearance was approved for both of the existing GMEF loan recipients. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff involved in the Mortgage Subordination Agreement review and approval process consists of the Economic Development Manager and Community Development Director. The EDA attorney will be provided the document packet post EDA approval. No additional staff is needed to complete the tasks related to this item. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering and processing the Mortgage Subordination Agreement with MBFC is minimal. Staff review of the document is part of loan program administration duties. There may be a small amount in costs for legal fees related to updating the EDA attorney and providing the completed document packet for her files. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve the Mortgage Subordination Agreement between the EDA and Minnesota Business Finance Corporation (MBFC) related to the EDA's GMEF Loan in the amount of $118,500. 2. Motion to table consideration of approving the Mortgage Subordination Agreement between EDA and Minnesota Business Finance Corporation (MBFC) related to the EDA's GMEF Loan in the amount of $118,500 for more research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The GMEF Loan program is intended to be a subordinate gap financing program. The GMEF loan to Monticello RV Center was the smallest financing component of three "non-equity" entities involved in funding the expansion proj ect. In addition, as stated in the email from Joe Kammermeier, MBFC Vice President, Business Development, there was a need to move quickly and complete the paperwork so Monticello RV Center would benefit from CARES Act SBA Debt Relief program wherein the SBA will make the payments for the borrower for the next six months. Monticello RV Center has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 response measures and market adjustments. Entering into the Mortgage Subordination Agreement is specific just to the $118,SOO loan that the EDA approved for the Monticello RV Center expansion project. SUPPORTING DATA: A Mortgage Subordination Agreement provided by MBFC B. Email Trac 2 MORTGAGE SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT THIS MORTGAGE SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), dated the day of , 2020, by MINNESOTA BUSINESS FINANCE CORPORATION, a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, whose address is 616 Roosevelt Road, Suite 200, St. Cloud, MN 56301, whose interest is to be assigned to the LJNTTED STATES SMALL BUSINES S ADMINISTRATION, an agency of the United States of America, created under 15 U. S.C. § 631, whose address is 320 2"d Avenue South, Suite 430, Minneapolis, MN 55401-5500 ("SBA") and DSN Investments LLC, whose address is 1101 Elm Street, Monticello, MN 55362- 8653 ("Borrower") City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, whose address is 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, ("Creditor"). RECITALS The parties declare and recite: A Minnesota Business Finance Corporation has made SBA Loan No. 36844270-06 (" SBA Loan") to the Borrower in the original amount of One Million Seven Hundred and Twenty- eight Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($1,728,000.00), which indebtedness is evidenced by a Promissory Note dated the day of , 20_. The SBA Loan is secured by a Mortgage dated the day of , 20� recorded the day of 20 as Document No. in the office of the County Recorder, Minnesota, which was assigned to the SBA by Assignment dated the day of , 20� recorded the day of 20 , as Document No. in the office of the County Recorder, Minnesota ("SBA Mortgage"). B. The Creditor has made a loan to Borrower, in the amount of One Hundred Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred 00/100 Dollars ($118,500.00) ("Creditor Loan"), secured by a Mortgage dated the 30th day of April, 2019, recorded the lst day of May, 2020, as Document No. A1394550, in the office of the Wright County Recorder, Minnesota, (the "Creditor Mortgage"). C. The Borrower has requested the Creditor to subordinate the priority of the Creditor Mortgage to the SBA Mortgage. D. The Creditor is willing to subordinate the Creditor Mortgage to the SBA Mortgage upon the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. E. The Borrower hereby certifies that it is the fee owner of the property, which is more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto ("Property"), which is subj ect to the lien of the SBA Mortgage and the Creditor Mortgage. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the facts set forth in the above recitals which the parties agree are true and correct, which recitals are incorporated herein by this reference and in consideration of the mutual agreements and obligations contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to be bound as follows: 1. Subordination. Regardless of any priority otherwise available to the Creditor Mortgage, the lien of the Creditor Mortgage upon the Property is hereby subordinated to the lien of the SBA Mortgage on the Property to the full extent of the declining principal balance on the Creditor Loan, including interest which shall accrue on the principal balance. 2. Acknowled�ment of Subordination. Creditor acknowledges that it hereby waives, relinquishes and subordinates the priority and superiority of the lien or charge of the Creditor Mortgage to the lien or charge of the SBA Mortgage. 3. Retained Rights. Except as expressly provided herein, this Agreement shall not operate or be construed to alter the priority of the SBA Mortgage with regard to any legal or equitable interest in the Property. Borrower and Creditor shall hold SBA harmless from any impairment of its lien (with regard to any third party) which is occasioned by this subordination. 4. Notice of Default Under the Creditor Loan. If a default occurs prior to payment in full of the SBA Loan, under the Creditor Loan, Creditor Mortgage or any document evidencing the Creditor Loan to the Borrower, then the Creditor shall give Minnesota Business Finance Corporation, 616 Roosevelt Road, Suite 200, St. Cloud, MN 56301 and the SBA, 320 2"d Avenue South, Suite 430, Minneapolis, MN 55401-5500, written notice of default. Creditor shall further provide notice to SBA of any default under the terms of the Creditor Loan which remains uncured for sixty (60) days. 5. Enforceabilitv. All understandings, agreements, representations and warranties contained herein are solely for the benefit of Minnesota Business Finance Corporation, the SBA and Creditor and their respective successors and assign and no other party, including, without limitation, the Borrower. 6. Ri�ht to Pavments. This Agreement shall in no way effect the obligation or right of the Borrower to pay or the right of any of the parties hereto to receive payments. 7. Miscellaneous Provisions. � A. Creditor Compliance with SBA 504 Loan Pro�ram Requirements. All documents evidencing the Creditor Loan and Creditor's Mortgage must comply with SBA 504 Loan Program requirements, including but not limited to those identified in the following subparagraphs, and, in the event one or more of the provisions in such documents do not comply with these requirements, Creditor waives any right to enforce such provisions while the SBA Loan has any unpaid balance. No Open-Ended Features and No Future Advances. The Creditor Loan must not be open-ended. The Creditor may not make future advances except for reasonable costs of collection, maintenance, and protection of the Creditor Loan and Creditor's Security Mortgage. 2. No Earlv Call or Demand Provisions. The documents evidencing the Creditor Loan and the Creditor's Mortgage must not contain an early call feature or any provision that allows Creditor to make demand other than when there has been a material default under the terms of the Creditor Loan documents, such as failure to make timely payments, failure to pay taxes when due, or violation of any financial covenants that would cause a prudent creditor to believe that the prospect of payment or performance of the Creditor Loan is impaired. No Cross-Collateralization. The Property covered by Creditor's Mortgage must only secure the Creditor Loan; and the Property must not, currently or in the future, be used as security for any other financing provided by Creditor that purports to be in a superior position to that of the SBA Loan, unless authorized in writing by SBA. 4. No Cross-Default. During the term of the SBA Loan, Creditor must not exercise any cross-default, "deem at-risk," or any other provisions in the documents evidencing the Creditor Loan or Creditor's Mortgage that allow Creditor to make demand on the Creditor Loan prior to maturity unless the Creditor Loan is in material default. Reasonable Interest Rate. The Creditor Loan must have a reasonable interest rate that must not exceed the maximum interest rate for loans from commercial financial institutions as published periodically by SBA in the Federal Register and in effect as of the date of this Subordination Agreement. B. Limitation on Default Interest Rate on Creditor Loan. In the event of default on the Creditor Loan, Creditor may not escalate the interest rate to a rate greater than the maximum rate published by SBA in the Federal Register and in effect as of the date of this Subordination Agreement. If SBA purchases the Creditor Loan or note, SBA will only pay the interest rate on the note in effect before the date of default. C. Marshallin� of Collateral for Creditor Loan. In the event Creditor decides to liquidate the Creditor Loan, if Creditor has taken additional collateral as security for the Creditor Loan, Creditor must liquidate the additional collateral prior to foreclosing its Security Interest in the Properry, and must apply the proceeds from liquidation of the additional collateral to the Creditor Loan prior to the proceeds from liquidation of the Property. Provided, however, that the Creditor shall not be required to liquidate the additional collateral if it is not commercially reasonable to do so, (e.g., the additional collateral has insufficient value to justify the cost of collection) and Creditor provides written justification for not liquidating the additional collateral in the 60 day notice it is required to provide to Minnesota Business Finance Corporation ("CDC") and SBA prior to foreclosing its Interest in the Property. D. Subordination of Default Char�es to SBA Loan. 1. The term "Default Charges" includes, but is not limited to, prepayment penalties, as well as late fees, escalated interest, and other charges after default on the Creditor Loan. 2. To the extent the Creditor's Mortgage secures any amounts attributable to Default Charges, the Creditor's Mortgage is and will be subordinate to SBA's Mortgage. This subordination applies only to CDC and SBA and their successors and assigns, and shall not inure to the benefit of Borrower or any guarantor of the Creditor Loan. 3. In the event of default on the Creditor Loan, CDC or SBA may bring the Creditor Loan current or acquire the Creditor Loan including Creditor's Mortgage. Creditor agrees that in either of these circumstances, the amount to bring the Creditor Loan current or the purchase price of the Creditor Loan will be net of all amounts attributable to Default Charges subordinated to the SBA Mortgage. Creditor further agrees that if it receives any amounts attributable to Default Charges, Creditor holds such funds in trust for SBA and will immediately remit them to SBA. 4. If Creditor sells, or intends to sell the note evidencing the Creditor Loan: a. If the Creditor Loan is not in default, within 15 calendar days of the sale Creditor must provide CDC and SBA with written notice of the purchaser's name, address and telephone number and confirmation that the purchaser has received an executed copy of this Subordination Agreement. � b. If the Creditor Loan is in default and the Creditor intends to sell the note as part of its liquidation strategy, Creditor must provide the CDC and SBA with the option to purchase the note at the same price offered by any potential purchaser, net any Default Charges. SBA shall have 45 calendar days from receipt of the notice to exercise its option to purchase the note. If SBA does not exercise its option and the Creditor sells the note, within fifteen calendar days of the sale the Creditor must provide CDC and SBA with written notice of the purchaser's name, address and telephone number and confirmation that the purchaser has received an executed copy of this Subordination Agreement. E. Subordination of Swap A�reement Costs to SBA Loan. If the Creditor Loan documents contain a swap component or hedging contract (" Swap Agreement"), all costs associated with the Swap Agreement, (which may be termed swap fees, termination fees, default fees), or other related fees, shall be subordinate to the amounts secured by SBA's Mortgage. F. Cooperation in Event of Liquidation. In the event either the Creditor Loan or SBA Loan is declared in default, the parties agree to liquidate the Property in a commercially reasonable and cooperative manner. For example, Creditor agrees to: (a) accept a U. S. Treasury check(s) from SBA or CDC to facilitate SBA's liquidation strategy, including for example, purchase of the Creditor Loan; (b) to provide CDC and SBA with the loan payment status, loan payment history, and an itemized payoff statement on the Creditor Loan; (c) to provide CDC and SBA, at not charge (except for reasonable charges for photocopies) with copies of any appraisal, environmental investigation, title examination or searches conducted by or for the Creditor; and (d) provide any other information about Borrower or the Creditor Loan requested by CDC and SBA. G. Creditor Waiver of Ri�ht to Indemnification bv SBA or CDC. If the Creditor Loan documents contain provisions granting Creditor the right to indemnification by subsequent owners of the Property, Creditor waives its right to enforce such provisions against SBA and CDC in the event SBA or CDC acquires title to the Property through foreclosure, acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or otherwise. H. No Implied Third Partv Beneficiaries. The parties agree that this Subordination Agreement shall not grant any right, benefit, priority, or interest to any third party, including but not limited to the SBA Loan Borrower or guarantor(s). I. Successors and Assigns. This Subordination Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective parties and their successors and assigns, including E any party acquiring the Creditor Loan and Creditor's Mortgage by sale, assignment, or other transfer from Creditor. Creditor agrees that SBA may assign this Subordination Agreement, and waives all rights to contest such assignment. J. Federal Law. When SBA is the holder of the note evidencing the SBA Loan, this Subordination Agreement and all related loan documents shall be construed in accordance with federal law. CDC or SBA may use local or state procedures for purposes such as filing papers, recording documents, giving notice, foreclosing liens, and other purposes, but by using these procedures, SBA does not waive any federal immunity from local or state control, penalty, tax, or liability. Creditor may not claim or assert against SBA any local or state law to deny any obligation of the Borrower, or defeat any claim of SBA with respect to the SBA Loan. K. Termination. This Subordination Agreement will terminate upon payment in full of either the Creditor Loan or the SBA Loan and all costs related thereto. L. Counterparts. This Subordination Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, and all of which together constitute one and the same instrument. M. Validitv of Provisions. In the event that any provision of this Subordination Agreement is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, all other provisions of this Subordination Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable. N. Authoritv to Execute Subordination A�reement. The persons signing below certify that they have been duly authorized to execute this Subordination Agreement on behalf of their respective party. P. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect regardless of whether any party in the future seeks to assume, amend, terminate or reform, by litigation or otherwise, their respective agreement with the Borrower. Q. The filling in of any and all blanks contained in this Agreement, after execution, shall not be deemed an alteration hereof, and the Creditor and Borrower hereby authorize the SBA, as their attorney in fact, to fill in such blank spaces and to record this Subordination Agreement. R. The priority or parity of the rights and claims of the SBA and Creditor as general creditors of the Borrower shall not be affected or impaired by this Agreement. S. This Agreement contains the whole agreement between the parties hereto as to the mortgage loans, and the priority thereof, herein described, and there are no agreements, written or oral, outside or separate from this Agreement, and all prior negotiations, if any, are merged into this Agreement. C� T. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit and be binding upon the legal representatives, heirs, devisees, successors and assigns of the parties. U. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when so executed and delivered, shall be an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNES S WHEREOF, the parties have hereto set their hands effective the day and year first above written. [signature pages to follow] 7 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF MINNESOTA BUSINESS FINANCE CORPORATION : Its The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 2020, by , the of Minnesota Business Finance Corporation, a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public CREDITOR CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2020, by the of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. Notary Public � BORROWER DSN Investments LLC By: Dale S. Borstad Its: Member By: Nicole A. Borstad Its: Member By: Scott E. Kunz Its: Member STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2020, by Dale S. Borstad, Member of DSN Investments LLC, on behalf of the company. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2020, by Dale S. Borstad, Member of DSN Investments LLC, on behalf of the company. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2020, by Dale S. Borstad, Member of DSN Investments LLC, on behalf of the company. THIS 1NSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: David T. Shay - #208164 Shay Law Office, Ltd. 1513 St. Germain Street West I' • : • • St. Cloud, MN 56302-0009 (320) 251-1007 c:/files/3 80 0-3 899/13 8 1 6/MortgageSubordination 11 Notary Public EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY That property located in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota and legally described as follows: Outlot D Groveland Addition and that part of vacated Chelsea Road West, as dedicated in GROVELAND ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southeasterly and easterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 80.00 feet southeasterly and easterly of the southeasterly and easterly line of Outlot A, 90th STREET 3rd ADDTTION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, and also lying southwesterly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 80.00 feet southwesterly of the southwesterly line of Lot 1, Block 1, said 90th STREET 3ra ADDTION. Upon recording of the approved plat of the Property, the legal description will be as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, GROVELAND FIFTH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: Jlffi� Joe Kammermeier Jim Thares "Carl Gebhardt" RE: Monticello RV Friday, April 24, 2020 1:42:53 PM Mortaaae Subordination 10021.doc We actually need this signed from you ASAP. This document needs to get recorded along with the other closing documents. We were intending submit documents to the title company today so they could be recorded and reflected in our title commitment. Your signature does need to be notarized. I am a notary and can witness your signature on FaceTime via my iPhone. Would it work for you to sign today? Then you could drop it in today's mail and we would record our docs on Monday. Sincerely; Joe Kammermeier Vice President Business Development P: 320.258.5015 C: 612.803.8100 F: 320.255.1815 Minnesota Business Finance Corporation 616 Roosevelt Rd., Ste. 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301 Email confidentiality notice: This message is private and confidential. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. From: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 1:31 PM To: Joe Kammermeier <JKammermeier@mbfc.org> Cc:'Carl Gebhardt' <cgebhardt@thebankofelkriver.com> Subject: RE: Monticello RV Hi Joe, I have not been able to open the file that Carl sent over. I am working from home and left all of my passwords in the office. I think this really should go to the EDA to approve the subordination and their next meeting is May 13, 2020. Will that work to wait until 5-142-2 to get to you? Let me know. Thank you and best regards. From: Joe Kammermeier <JKammermeier�mbfc.or�> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 1:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares�ci.monticello.mn.us> Cc:'Carl Gebhardt' <c�ebhardtna thebankofelkriver.com> Subject: Monticello RV Hello Jim, We closed on the SBA 5041oan with Monticello RV yesterday. Our next step is to submit the loan closing package to the Minneapolis SBA District office. In order to do this we need the subordination agreement signed from you. I believe Carl sent this to you last week for your review. Since I have not yet received it I thought I' d follow up to ask if you have signed and mailed it back to me or if you had any questions on it. Please advise. Thank you. Sincerely; Joe Kammermeier Vice President Business Development P: 320.258.5015 C: 612.803.8100 F: 320.255.1815 Minnesota Business Finance Corporation 616 Roosevelt Rd., Ste. 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301 Email confidentiality notice: This message is private and confidential. If you received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. EDA Agenda - OS/13/20 4d. Consideration of Hazardous Material Removal Quotes and Authorization to Enter into Contract for Services with the lowest aualified submittal - 300 4th Street East (JaT) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND On December 6, 2019, the EDA acquired property located at 300 4th Street East for $92,500. The property contains a 1910, two-story single-family home with a detached garage. The house is decrepit and needs to be demolished. When paired with the adj acent Palm Street right-of-way and an EDA owned vacant lot (224 4th Street East), the area would serve as an excellent residential redevelopment opportunity. Per Minnesota Pollution Control standards, a Hazardous Materials Inspection is required to be completed and any hazardous materials including asbestos must be removed prior to demolition. The EDA contracted with Customized Fire Rescue Training Inc. for $500 to complete this inspection and the report was submitted on Apri14, 2020. The EDA has contracted with this company in the past for previous hazardous materials inspections. The report indicates that approximately 120 square feet of asbestos was found in the kitchen floor tile and mastic. The EDA is asked to select a quote for asbestos removal. Three quotes were received from the following contractors for asbestos removal: • Bergo Environmental Inc - 4413 Crawford Rd, Hopkins o $1,658 Environmental Plant Services, Inc. - 2315 Hampden Avenue, St. Paul o$1,900 ($1,400 for asbestos removal +$500 for electrical and water) Building Code Tech - 4183 Jansen Ave NE, St. Michael o $2,400 At this time, staff have not requested quotes for demolition of the structures. The Fire Department has expressed interest in completing a fire training burn at the property. It is recommended to wait until summer for State grant funds to become available to cover the costs associated with the training, which typically would cost the EDA $2,500. The Fire Department understands that the safety of their volunteer staff is most important during the pandemic and could delay the ability of the Fire Department to conduct the training this year if COVID-19 safety recommendations are still prevalent. Prior to any fire training, the MPCA also requires a caulking sample be taken from around the windows. Staff have directed Customized Fire Rescue Training to EDA Agenda - OS/13/20 complete this task for an additional $200. As informed at previous EDA meetings, the property contains excessive amounts of debris. Customized Fire Rescue Training Inc. graciously prepared a list of non- license mandated hazardous materials (e.g. thermostats and fire alarms) and debris to be removed prior to demolition. The City of Monticello Public Work's Department is working to remove all hazardous materials and debris prior to any removal of asbestos. Staff will continue to provide updates at future EDA meetings. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Asbestos Abatement 1. Motion to select Bergo Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $1,658 to remove and dispose of asbestos. 2. Motion to select another contractor. 3. Motion to table for additional research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMN�NDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1. It should be noted that in 2018, Bergo Environmental Inc completed asbestos abatement at the 255 East Broadway property that the EDA owns. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Asbestos Abatement Quotes • Hazardous Materials Inspection Report, dated April 8, 2020 • Bergo Environmental Inc • Environmental Plant Services, Inc. • Building Code Tech � April St�', 2C120 C�S���1�zed ���� R����� Tr���t�r� ���. �'r.�s��r�?iz�d Qbjec�it��� ��s•�rl �'raining fo�� ;'�c�r l��partme�rf ��r� � ������ � l�az�rda�r� �i��te�i�l� Jacoh Thunander Corr�munity arad �conomic De�elopment Coordinator 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticel�a, MN 5535� , _�^ r� ;; r' ir� � �o n'�: _..____.._—._ ._._. _ . _. — --- 753-271-32p6 Cf�ief Mi}ce Massey Monticello Fire Department 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 BVlonticello, MN 55362 - _ � _. �.�_;; RE: Rsbestos Insp�ction @ 3�0 4th Street E, Monticefla Dear Mr. ihunander, Enclosed yo� wifl find the lab report on the bulk Samples I removed from the main house structure located @ 300 4`h Street E, Monticello, MN 55362. The hulk samples have been analyzed at a lab to see if they contain asbestos fibers utilizing polarized loght rn icroscopy. 7he report shows 23 E�ulk samples analyzed, 34 t�sis, �.���:��,_��� r, n.a,n �r ar:�� r.�,��, 1'=� �,u���to:. 5ample NI2: Undzr ?<itch2r: Floor b�r;-ll�E SHEET FLOORf�Iu under Wnite Floor'fife jLayer 2j ��;mp!,� f�;1J_� �Jnd�r I<� �.�-�-�� FI���,-ir P:�1.�,5T1C f�-; ��+�. ;.: ,,,,;� cl �_�rin_ (i_Inr'.,� I ��.,•�i� >} As we d'rscussed, aii asbestos cor�taining material greater khan 1% must be removed f�y a licensed abaterne�t contractar prior to demolitia� by ffre trainir�g. For more informatian about asbestos, please �isit: � � �+; ,t�',`� i1� �I.ti� ,;*� �,��r �,i,!�.:�it7�lU �iti�,/����,f�run�71'nr'�,�?�'_:;; If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call me at 3�0-950-5307, Sincerely / � �J �- att T. Carriveau PQ Box 533 Mapie �.ake, Ni�l 55358 MDH# A111291 � _ . � �' �" = ���`.:� fl.� � 6_- � , {�irector,'�nv. Health Div. � �]i:r.:ATM',ur ' ;�. - _ . _ :;_ 4:';"M ' . . . . C2ftIf10C} fly: StatQ of iNinnesota De�artment of Health Expires: 0211812fl2D Scott T Carriveau PQ 8ax 533 Maple Lake, MN 65358 No A111291 Issueri: C14/3d12D19 P.O. Box 533 j Maple Lake, M!V 55358 � 320-98Q-5307 � www.fir�rescuetrainingmn.com � ♦ Q � N 0 N O � � C) � � � � � 0 � 0 N 0 � � � 4) � � � 4� Ci • _ ,, ��' �U f 0�11�5 CEI April 1, 2020 Custom�z�d Fire Rescue Training, Iroc. PO Box 533 Maple Lake, MN 55358 CLI�NT PROJECT: CEI LAB CODE: Dear Customer: Monticello, 300 4th St Eas�, Monticello, MN 55362 A20401 �7 Enclosed are asbestas analysis res�its for PLM Bulk sampl�s received at our laboratory on March 30, 202Q. The samples were analyzed for asbestos using polarizing light microscapy {PLM} per the EPA 600 Method. Sampl� results cantaining �1% asbestos are considered asbestas-containing materials (ACM�) per EPA regulatary requirements. The detection limit far the EPA 600 Method is <1% asbestos by weight as determined �y visual esiimation. Thank you for yaur business arad we look forward to continuing good relations. K�nd Regards, ��,�`� ��/�--- Tianbao Bai, Ph.D., CIH Laboratory Direct�r L ° NV A TESTING NVLAP LAB CODE 101768�d 73a SE Mayr�ard Road • Cary, NC 27511 • 919.�81.1413 ti�� eurofins ' �:.:; ASBESTOS AN�4LYTICAL REPORT By: Polarized Light Microscopy Prepared for Customized Fire Rescue Training, Inc. CLIENT PROJECT: ��+��i�ello, 300 4th St East, Monticello, MN 55362 LAB CODE: A20401 a TEST METHOD; EPA 6001 R93 1 116 ar�d EPA 6041 M4-$21 020 REPORT DATE: 04/41/24 TOTAL SAMPLES ANALYZED: 2� # SAMPLES �1 % ASBEST�S: � .: ti�tiyeurofins � ;r�l Asbestos Report Summary By: POLARIZING LIGHT MICROSCOPY PROJECT: Monticello, 3Q0 4th St East, Monticello, LAB CODE: A204010 MN 55362 ME7HOD: EPA 600 I R93 1 116 and EPA 600 1 M4-$2 1020 ASBESTOS Glient iD Layer Lab 1D Color Sample Descripiion % M1 A64249 White Floor Tile None Detected M2 A64250A White 5heet Flooring ° a A642508 Yellow Mastic :g �xo y _z � M3 R64251A Brown 5heef �looring None Detecfed A64251 B Clear Mas#ic Nane Detected M4 A64252A Brown Sheet Fiporing �Eone detected A642528 Cream Mastic None Detectsd M5 A64253 Tan Sheet Flooring None �etected M6 A64254 Tan Plaster None detected M7 Layer 9 AFi4255 White Plastar Skim Coat None Detec#ed Layar 2 A64255 Tan Plaster Base Coat None Detected M8 A64256 Tan Plasier �fone Detected M9 A64257 Whit� Gypsum Board/Jaint Compound None Detected M10 Laysr 1 A64258 Off-white Texture None Detected Layer 2 A64258 White Joint Compound None Detected M11 Layer 1 A64�59 Off-white Texture None �etect�d _ _ Layer 2 A64259 White Joint Compound None Detected M12 �.ayer 1 A6426D Off-white Texture Nona Qetected _ _ Layer 2 A6Q260 Wfiite Joint Compo�nd None Defected M13 A64261 Brown Ceiling Tite None Detected M14 A642�2 pff-white Ceifing Til2 Npne �etected M15 M16 M17 M1$ M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 A64263 A64264 A64265 Afi4266 A64267 A642fi$ A64269 A64270 A54271 White White White White, Black Black Black BIue,Gray Black Black Glazing Compound Glazing Compound Glazing Compound Shingle Building Paper Tar Roofing Top Building Paper Building Paper Non� Detected None �etected �Jone Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected Page 1 of 1 ti�ti� e�rofins ; Client: Customized Fire Rescue Tra�ning, Inc. PO Box 533 Maple Lake, MN 55358 ASBES�'OS BULK ANALYSIS By: f�OLARIZING LIGHT MlGR�SCOPY Praject: Monticello, 300 4th 5t East, Mon#icello, MN 55362 ASBESTOS BULK PLM, EPA 6Q0 METHOD Lab Code: A2Q4010 Date Received: 03-30-20 Date Analyzed: 04-01-20 Date Repor�ed: 04-01-20 Glient ID Lab Lab NON-ASBESTOS COMPQN�NTS qgg�gtQg Lab ID Description Aftrihutes Fibr�ous Nqn-Fibrous % M'f A64249 Floor Tile Homageneous White Nan-fibraus Tightly Bound 1(}0% Vinyl None Detected Lab Notes: Insufficient mastic present. M2 5heet Flooring Heterogeneous 25% Cellulose 50% Vinyl .;'f�__,y� ��"i�i_�%. A64250A Wh ite Fibraus Bound A64250B Mastic Homogeneous 97°/o Mast€e ���:�� Yel low Fibrous Bound Lab Notes: P,nalyst opinian: contaminatian from adjacent sheet flooring. M3 5h�et Flooring Homogeneous 10Q% Vinyl None De#ected A64251 A Brown Non-fibrous Tightly Bound A642518 Mastic Hamogeneous 10D% fv�astic None Detected Clear Non-fibrous Bound M4 Sheet Flooring Heterogeneous 34% Celiulose 65% Vinyl None Qetected A6A252A Brown 5% Fiberglass Fibrous Bound A64252B Mastic Homogeneous 100°/o Mastic None Detected Cream Nan-fibrous Bo�nd Page 1 of 6 ti��� eurofins Client: Cus#omized Fire Rescu� Training, inc. PO Sox 533 Maple Lake, MN 55358 ASBESTOS BULNC ANALYSIS I'roject: Monticelfo, 300 4th 5t East, Monticello, MiV 55362 ASBESTOS BULK P�LM, EPA 6U0 METH�D By: P�LARIZING L.IGHT MICR�SCORY Lab Code: A204010 Da#e Recei�red: 03-30-20 Date Analyzed: 04-01-20 �ate Repor#ed: 04-01-2€} Cfient ID Lab Lab NON-ASBESTOS CQMPONENTS ASBEST�S Lab ID Description Attributes Fibrous Non-Fihrous % M5 5heef Flooring AE4253 M6 Plaster AE4254 Heferogeneous 20% Celluiose Tan Fibrous Bound Heterogeneous 7an Nan-fibrous Bour�d 50% Vinyl 30°lo iar 65°!0 SiliCate5 25°/a Binder 10°/a Paint None Detec#ed Nane Detected M'� Plast�r 5kim Caat Heterogeneous 60°/n 5ilicates None Detected Layer 1 White 30% Binder A64255 Non-fibrous 1D% Paint Bound -------------------------------------�-�---o----------------------• Layer 2 Plaster Base Coat Heterogeneous 70 /o Silicates None Detected A64255 Tan 3Q% Binder Non-fibr�us Baund M$ Piaster Heterogeneous 65% Si{icat�s None Detected A64256 Tan 25% Bincier Non-fibrous 10% Paint Bound M9 Gypsum BvardlJoint Heterogeneous 20°/fl Cellulose 75°10 Gy�rsum None Detected A64257 Compound W}�ite 5% CaEc Garb Fibrous <1% Paint Loosely Bound M�p Texture Heterogeneous 60°/n Silicates None Detected Layer 1 Off-white 30% Binder A64258 Non-fibrous 10% Paint Bound Page 2 of 6 ti�tia eurofins � : i:.: I Client: Gustomized Fire Rescue Training, Inc. PD Box 533 Map�e Lake, MN 55358 ASBESTOS BULK ANALYSIS Project: Monticello, 30fl 4th St East, Monticello, MN 55382 ASBESTOS Bll�K PLM, �PA 6Q0 M�TI-fOD By: POLARIZING LIGHi MICRQSCOPY LaE� Code: A204410 Date Receivecf: Q3-3fl-2D Date Analyzed: 04-0�-20 Date Reported: 04-01-20 Cleent ID Lab Lata NON-ASBESTOS COMPC}NEN7S ASBESTQ� Lab Ib Description Attrik�utes Fibraus Non-Fiprous °/a ------------------------------�------------------------------------� Layer 2 Joint Compound Heterogeneous 80% Brnder None !]etected A64258 Wf�ita 2fl% Calc Car� Non-fihrous Bound M11 Texture He#eroyenepus 6d°10 Silicates dVone Detected �ayer 1 Off-white 34% Binder Afi4259 Non-fibrous 1p% Paint Bound _-_----------W--------------------------------------�-------------• Layer 2 Joint Compound Heteragenaous 80°!o B6nder None Qetecfed A6�1259 Whit�: 20% Calc Carb N�n-fibrous Bound M12 Texture Heterogeneous 60% Silicates None Detected Layer 1 Off-white 30% Sinder A6426fl �[on-fibrous 1D% Paint Bound Layer 2 '^Joint Compound � 4Heterogeneous T! 80°/o Binder None De#ected A6426D White 20% Calc Carb Non-fibrous Bound M13 Geiling Tile Homogeneous 100% Gellulose None Detected A64261 Brown Fibrflus Loasely Bound M14 Ceiling �ile Heterogeneous 50% Cellulose 15°/a Perlite None Detected A64262 Off-whit@ 25% Fiberglass 1D°10 Paint Fibraus Loosely Bo�nd Page 3 of 6 . :�y ti�ti� eurofins Client: Customized Fire Rescue Training, Inc. P� Sox 533 Maple Lake, MN 55358 ASBESTOS �UL� ANALYSIS Project: Mon#iceflo, 300 4th St East, Monticello, MN 55362 ASBESTOS BU�K PLM, EPA 600 METHOD By: POLARIZING LIGHT MaCRi�SCOPY Lab Code: A2040� 0 Date Recei�ed: D3-3D-24 Date Analyzed: 04-01-24 Date Reported: 04-01-20 IClient ID Lab Lab NbN-ASBESTCfS COMPOiVENTS AS8E5TQ5 Lab I� Description Attributes Fibraus Non-Fibrous % M15 Glazing Compound Heterogeneous 90% Binder None Detected A64263 WYsite 1a°lo Paint Npn-fibrou� Bound M16 Glazing Compound H�terogeneous 90%o Binder None Detected A6426A Whfte 10% Paint Nan-fibrous �ound M'17 Glazing Compound I�eterogeneous 90°/o Binder None Detected A642B5 White 10% Paint Non-fibrous Bound M18 Shingle Heterageneaus 30% Cellulose 50°/a Tar None Detected A64266 White,Black 20% Graval Fibrous Bound M19 BuilcEing Paper Homogenepus 35% Cellulose 65°/n Tar None Detected A64267 Black Fibrous Bnund M20 Tar Homogeneous 15°/a Cellulose $5% Tar iVone Detected A64268 Black Fibrous Bound M2'4 �oofing Heterogeneous 30% Synthetic Fiber 50% Tar None Detected A64269 Biue,Gray 20% Gravel Fibraus Bound Page 4 of � . � ASBESTQS BULK ANALYS�S ���� e u rof i n s By; pp�ARIZING LIGHT MICROSCOPY I ....� Client: Customized Fire Resc�e Training, lnc. Lab Cocfe. A204a10 PO Box 533 Date Recei�ed: 03-30-20 Maple Lake, MN 55358 Date Analyzed: 04-01-20 Date Reported: 04-01-20 Project: Monticello, 3QQ 4th St East, Monticello, MN 55362 ASBESTdS BULK PLM, EPA $OU METNOD Clier�t ID Lab Lab NON-AS6�5TOS COMP�NEN7S AgBESTOS Lab ID Description Attributes Fibrous Non-Fibrous % M22 Top Buildinc� Paper Homogeneous 25% Cellulose 75% Tar None Detected A64270 Black Fibrous Bound M23 BuilcSing Paper Homogeneous 35%0 �Ceilulose 65% Tar None �etected A64271 Black Fibrous Bound Page 5 of 6 • �;{. ti=� eurafins LEG�ND: Nan-Anttt = Non-Asbestiform Anthophyllite Non-Trem = Nan-Asbestaform Tremolite Calc Carb = Calciurn Carbonate METHOD: EPA 600 I R93 1 116 and EPA 600 I M4-82 1020 REPQRT[NG f�IMlT: �1 % by visual estimatian R�P�RT1iVG LIMIT FOR POINT COUNTS: 0.25% by 400 Points or 0.1 % by 1,000 Points REGULATORY L1MIT: >�% by weigh# Due to the pimitations of the �PA 600 rnethod, nonfriable organically baund materials (NOBs) s�ch as ��nyl floor tiles can be d�ffcult to analyz� via polarized light microscopy (PLM). EPA recammends that all NOBs ana]yzed by PLM, ar�d found not to contain asbestos, be further analyzed by Transmissian Electron Microscopy (TEM). Please note that PLM analysis of dust and soil samples far asbestos �s not covered under NVLAP accreditation. Esfimated measuremenf of uncertarnty is avarlable orr request. This report relates only to the samples tesfed or analyzed and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written app�ova[ by �urafins CEI. Eurofins GE! makes no warranty representation regarding the accuracy of client submitted information in preparing and presenting analy�ical results. Interpretation of the anafytical results is tl�e sole responsibility of the client. Sampies were recei�ed in accepiable condition unless ofherwise noted. This report rnay not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVI�AP or any other agency of the U.S. Government. Information provided by custort�er includes custamer sample fD and sample description. ANALYST: f/i'r� � APPRdVED BY: �„/�Sd[� ���--- Emily Lineback Tianbao Bai, Ph.D., CiH Laboratory Director O N''11� A TESTING NVLAP LAB CODE 10175$-0 Page �i of 6 n � T 0 � � � N O � � � C rS'I �S7 (/'1 � Z N O O � � m � l� O 3 � C7 �: �. � � � � �. �c G A , . - �p rr N 40 � n � � Ui � m ,,. � G!� � � m � n �. � � ! W C° � o r} O p � v O � `�• _..� � � � �. � L. T � � D� � ' ��' � � � � Tl frl � �. a p 3 \� o � l7 m � ��`` � W ^ O""� O 01 {°7�p w fD N z � � � � , � � "� 7C' Z [D � K � � ro � � o� c ❑ �, r� �' m � d � ro � � -� -� �. �. m ro '� � ' o nO � � � T � � �m �"�rn ��n � lo � (� � % I� ;�ti A �� O O x PLAA 8u#k � � � x Q o z � � �° n n PLM Painf Count � � ,c ro D w � �' �' U� o m Q � PLM Gravimetric W � m � � � m PCM Air �--� Q � O � . TEM Bulk' � y n 4 � TEM P5r' n � � Lead Paint' r � m � �.e�a w�e• � _ � n ro� @ Lead S�il' D ,�. 'o z �� � � Lead Air' "'� � � � O Q � � m rp OSherAnafysis N N � uF �f �--1 � � 3 � m G1�o j N n ���❑� N� '1 n ,� o� � (� (7 f o � .Z7 vo N. Q � r r�a w v� `� °� Z ��a � m � � n�m =i F ,_-�., ro� rT z � v v v �e y� �: � �'— a � -i i 7 � .�+ 9 ✓ o ro � �1 d "� "'� ..� 'i �n O � O G N v � :E t!:' ,/% V' <A y E�.. � c t7, � -� `�° � Z � -� � w p �- .� p H� 0. � � m o? � K N � m � ° � � N C7 Q W � � � � � � � � w � � c�s� .A w r�v � ,� J �1 �i 1 J � 6T [T �A W N O � PT1 r v v .��C, � w p�,� � � � � > > � � � � � � � �7 Q [2 Q ¢ i2 Q O. C2. S'�i C�'l a O � 3 �'1 �l �l p� TI �l �'I 1l �l � N fD � � � � O O Q 7 d 4 O O � � 7 � f7 O q p (3 Q O O O O O d O O � � � � � � � � p �l 'T9 � � o0 oa [o ro ��� � v� � o 0 z �. v��_ v�� v v��' ° n p � �' � �� � .� = n � � � � O O � Ou pl 7� � � j � O O O m o � 3 � cz c� ci � � o �' rn 9` a � � � tD tT? fD p TI O � i a 3 m w v ——= o � j O � N � � D � i� � �� � � Q 0 f"' Z C 7� n fD � S� N N CA W CO (,� "� � Tl � W W � �' X X c C C Sv Iv At � O 4 a � .� cD N N � m u� m r� � � N N � N � � � C iU ([7 N � 7 � 4A (D '� � m C3 0 0 0 � eu � � G� (A �. �. �. �� �� m c��n � p �� tfDo t�o tD � n � L c_ � m r. r. ^" � � � D o o Q 'tl �l �l a � � C� C� �p �. �. �. 0 0 �� m o 0 0 o r- �� Q o 0 o m � o 0 o O ��� 7 � c c � � � �� � b.. cz � G � C� � � � � o � � a Q � � � � � � X X X � O m rn rn °- � a Q a o c� c� c� a o 0 o c� c� o 0 0 � 0 z v w w w � N N N n� c3� rn cn cv cn fv � j C_� 6? � �.I (S7 (i� c9 c0 O O C] 6] C7 1 N N 0 o n> o 0 0 o co 0 0 � � � � o o p � � � � � � � � � � � � � � rt � .� � � � � � -n :; -n � � � p Z � na na n a � � W W o o � � r r- �� "T1 �l � 0 m � � `� {n � � � � SU r !u � c� � z � cn W � Cao f� O � A � G�S rn � 0 � �' ro 0 � Z cs� � W � N � 0 � n' � 0 W 0 a � � m � n a :� � v C (D v � w rn N a A N � rn � � G� � C � Z V rn � a Z � � T! a 0 � � m n � c� co �� � � � � W � � �� � v � 0 ar Q L � I I � O 7� n O � 0 c � a c� r � � � � u C7 r� � � � � � N � � � C� m „ ° � � N O O W � � � � � � � N tJ N N � � W N � C7 �c.fl 40 �I '� rn r v a n�i v u�i v o o � w w su v � r�n r�i, a m co rn �p ro ca � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -*. -* N -.. �, �, c � D � �- C� (�D � f� � � r � � rn rr".� cn o° p ti n 0 z 00 -� oo a� ao � � 43 � C A1 P3 S 3 � � � � � �. �. W �' [�} � �7 (/) � � = fU � � s � � �� a. �° r� cn � � �� �' D � o ro � � °' o v t� � w @ �• v o r ro � � � m � � � � 0 m � � cn � n. c� ;0 � � O z � � � � � � � � 0 z v n �C � v � CD � � r m � � � Z Cf1 CJl w � � W O C7 A 3 � m � 0 � �� ro � Z � cn w rn N � � C? Q Q. CD � � rt � � O a � � � W o o �� � �' o � w Q w o � c� — � @. � � � � t� f71 � N v �� � � � � -. � �., -D N N N O o o p 0 [!3 � C� CA U) ��'I f19 fn "rl � CD � [D 1l 1l 1'I � .�-r -'�-� r-. r-r .-n 7l -Tl � � �} � � N W O r � � 0 -� m � � 0 � � n @ O w � 0 � � � � rn Cl7 n 0 c� N � �� m � � W � � � O D � W m � � � � C r � /Z�y V� � m � � Z Bergo Environmental Inc 4413 Crawford Road Hopkins, MN 55343 (952) 920-8938 bergo.env@gmail.com www.bergoenvironmentalinc.com ADDRESS City of Monticello Attn: Jacob 505 Walnut St Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 ESTIMATE �R 2850 JOB SITE 300 4th St E DATE 04/13/2020 EStI i11at@ JOB DESCRIPTION Asbestos Removal Remove and dispose of the following asbestos as listed in report dated 4/8/20: - Approx 120 SF of white sheet flooring in kitchen - Approx 120 SF of yellow mastic in kitchen We propose to provide the labor and materials to remove and dispose of the TOTAL following asbestos as listed above: We will seal off the area of containment and install a negative air HEPA machine. The asbestos materials will be removed using engineered wet methods. The material will be bagged and manifested to a certified asbestos landfill. Final air samples will be taken and analyzed at a lab to ensure clean air. Suits and respirators will be worn by the workers while pertorming this work. AMOUNT 1,658.00 $1,658.00 Accepted By Accepted Date � � � Environmental Plant Services, Inc. Submitted To: Jacob Thunander Location: Residence Monticello EDA 300 4t" Street E. Monticello MN 55362 proposal 20-1685 Scope of Work: Environmental Plant Services (EPS) will provide all notifications, permits, insurance, material, trained and certified labor, tools, equipment and disposal of waste required to remove approximately 120 square feet of sheet flooring and associated adhesive from the kitchen of the residence at 300 4th Street E. in Monticello MN for a lump sum price of one thousand four hundred dollars even ($1,400.00). Adequate water and electrical service must be provided by the owner. If EPS provides electrical and water for the project there will be an additional $500 charge. EPS warrantees all work will be performed in accordance with federal, state and local rules and regulations. Proposal is valid for 30 days from date signed by Contractor's representative. Payment is due upon completion of the project Contractor Signature: T�.� n�e.�. Date: 4/16/2020 Client Signature: Date: 2315 Hampden Avenue St. Paul, MN 55114-1204 - Phone (612) 290-3248 - email: togden@eps.vg Minnesota Wisconsin UP of Michigan North Dakota Iowa Fui� r1a..n t,r.r,. 7r.�o�as. Iterti ;"lhatcm�nt-i7���t��lilirirt ['c�tttr�actcfr /��`-,� pr�n�S�l i3C'{.�7�57 :"1('tt! R ��� , r i�.y.�; ���;sr \ ti I"I!i l.! F.[ i : �1ie�rtirrllEr #[114 Jlh tit I:a4t ilnntrrclla, �I?ti ;i16� D85C�ipllfln �15h�.'�lu. ;lh:s�cmrrtt firn1us.il u�t.i �it���t�-.�I .�� .1,1*: •��•, r=1u,�r ] ilc, � fi[il'i �I�L'ilifl� � �1�1elf lk 2111! ,Iil.f I InR � I[� M fltttii � fiitiv -? I.ayen B'ia �ylr ��sl�.,l�nhhat�n�cnr Rrrr��,��il.�riel {ki��,s�,ai c,l ;I�fntit�r.'Nnse4r 41:1� I�t l'ii�lcr iiis�lirn �il�, - I.:��r, kwu tiqll l.m�tl: buildmkcod4t��l��rch�ur�sr.�ics RFlIFax fit�°�19•dTfi8100•9i7•i182 a1K31anscm ,1►� Alf- �I 1i�:f��il.'�fi� 5ii7f� ISiil6. �.sr�il�l� �1? iiulk tiz�m�rlr M� RaC� �,.��;tr I,�IaU IH! 1. �i lil.1 Nl W�b Site� www �„ild�ngcod�tech.com EDA Agenda: 5/13/20 5. Consideration of Housin� Studv RFQ-RFP submittals and Consideration of Housin� Studv RFQ-RFP submittals and authorization to negotiate and enter into contract for services with the most qualified, preferred vendor (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to review the housing study RFQ-RFP (Request for Qualification- Request for Proposals) and select the most qualified and preferred submittal and further authorize staff to negotiate and entering into a contract for services to complete the study in the stated timeframe (August 17, 2020). Five completed RFQ-RFP submittals were received by the deadline of April 28, 2020. They are shown below by company name in alphabetical order: 1. Bowen National Research, Pickerington, OH 2. Maxfield Research, Minneapolis, MN 3. MSA Professional Services, St. Paul, MN 4. Widseth, Rochester, MN 5. WSB & Associates, Golden Valley, MN As a reminder the EDA authorized solicitation of RFQ-RFP submittals at its March 11, 2020 meeting. The EDA also identified completing an update of the housing study that was last completed in late 2017 as part of its 2020 Work Plan (see Exhibit B, page 4, "Goal - Supporting Life Cycle Housing"). At this meeting the EDA is being asked to make a selection of the submittal that will best meet the objectives of the -RFQ-RFP and that it further believes demonstrates the capability to work effectively with stakeholders and City staff to complete the report by the requested deadline (August 17, 2020). It should be noted that the EDA's review and selection process of the submittals is following the attached state statute regarding public and non-public data as it pertains to RFPs. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff involved in the Housing Study RFQ-RFP preparation, solicitation and submittal review process includes the Community Development Director, Community and Economic Development Coordinator and Economic Development Manager. No additional staff is needed to complete the tasks related to this item. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering the Housing Study RFQ- RFP submittals and entering into a contract for professional service with a selected vendor is was budgeted at approximately $18,000 in the 2020 EDA budget. While, the received quotes fall in a range both above and below this figure, staff believe the study can be completed for the $18,000 amount that was budgeted in the Miscellaneous Professional Services line item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to select a qualified and preferred vendor and authorize negotiating and entering into a contract for services with the selected firm 1 EDA Agenda: 5/13/20 to complete the 2020 Comprehensive Housing Needs and Market Demand Study. 2. Motion to deny authorizing selection of a qualified and preferred vendor and negotiating and entering into a contract for services with the selected firm to complete the 2020 Comprehensive Housing Needs and Market Demand Study. 3. Motion to table consideration of selecting a qualified and preferred vendor and negotiating and authorizing entering into a contract for services with the selected firm to complete the 2020 Comprehensive Housing Needs and Market Demand Study for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. Staff believes it is a worthwhile effort to complete the Comprehensive Housing Needs and Market Demand Study as a data driven indicator and also as a valuable component that can inform the completion of the City Comprehensive Planning update process known as Monticello 2040. The EDA received RFQ-RFP submittal packets from five qualified and experienced firms. The quotes fall in a range both above and below the $18,000 that was budgeted for completion of the study in the 2020 EDA General Fund budget. A workshop prior to the regular EDA meeting will allow staff to review the five RFQ-RFP submittals in detail. It will provide the needed time for members to offer their thoughts on each submittal and the process of moving forward with a selection at the regular EDA meeting. SUPPORTING DATA: A. RFQ-RFP Solicitation Document B. 2020 EDA Work Plan C. Public Data - RFPs 2 CITY C�1F • on l�e +� Request for Qualifications and Proposals Comprehensive Housing Study City of Monticello EDA Revised submittal schedule and completion timeline March 20, 2020 General Instructions Responses are to be submitted with complete information per the following request. Qualification submittals are to be submitted as a self-contained document separate from the Proposal submittal. Electronic copy or mailed copy can be accepted at the following address until the deadline date and time: City of Monticello Attn: Jim Thares 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Email: Jim.Thares(cr�,ci.monticello.mn.us Schedule March 12th, 2020 — Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/RFP) available April 28th, 2020 — Qualifications/Proposals due at 1:30 p.m. Mayl3th, 2020 (Tentative Date) — EDA selects firm(s) August 17th, 2020 — Completion of Housing Study Purpose of the RFQ/RFP This Request for Qualifications-Request for Proposals (RFQ/RFP) is for the purpose of selecting a qualified firm(s) for their approach in formulating and completing a comprehensive Housing Needs and Market Demand Study for the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA). Any professional service agreements to complete the proposed work at the agreed upon price(s) will be executed and funded through the Monticello EDA. In 2017, the Monticello EDA adopted a Housing Study developed by WSB & Associates. The 2017 study is attached as a resource only. The EDA's goal from the new study is to gain a clearer understanding of housing demand in various market segments and geographic areas of the community, layering analysis with data. Due to the increased interest and demand for multi-family housing options, the City of Monticello is hereby accepting proposals for a comprehensive Housing Needs and Market Demand Study. Since 2017, the City approved two multi-family residential facilities with a total of 143 units. There are two more multi-family proposals with 247 units that have recently received land use approvals. In addition, the City continues to receive developer inquiries regarding multi-family housing proposals. The City also recently approved a 327- lot single family and townhome subdivision within its annexation area. The successful firm authorized to proceed with the Housing Needs and Market Demand Study will be responsible for conducting their own on-site research. City staff will provide reference documents and studies that may be requested as a supportive step in the research. Specifications for the Qualification Submittal All Qualification submissions are to include the following components. 1. Project Overview a. Proposal Understanding: include a summary of the consultant's understanding of the project as described in this request and approach to project completion 2. Qualifications a. General Information: provide a brief overview of firm, including qualifications to execute the contract b. Personal Qualifications: i. Identification of lead proj ect manager and contact information ii. Name, proposed role, hourly rate, anticipated time commitment to the project, and biography of each team member 3. References a. Include a list of at least three municipal clients for which consultant has conducted a similar work scope Specifications of the Proposal Submittal Proposed Work Plan and Schedule: provide a proposed work plan divided into distinct phases and including a list of key tasks, milestones, appro�mate dates, project deliverables and resource needs 2. Budget: identify cost estimates for each segment of the scope of services and work plan. a. Staff and public meetings (include anticipated number) b. Plan research, drafting and revision (include anticipated number and any consulting staff review) c. Stakeholder session d. Production of final document(s) e. Any other anticipated budgetary needs including incidentals 3. Baseline Project Requirements: at a minimum, the project should address the following quantitative and qualitative components. Quantitative Data: • Local and regional demand for all housing types, including but not limited to the following specific types: o Single Family ■ Upper-end/custom ($450,000+) ■ Detached townhome/single-level "patio" home ■ Narrow-lot single-family o Multi-Family ■ Market-rate apartments ■ Townhomes ■ Duplex ■ Condominium units ■ 4-plex units o Senior ■ Independent ■ Assisted ■ Continuum of care • Examination of demand for affordable units as a sub-set of the above, with exception of upper-end single-family • Sales and turnover rate of all housing types • Vacancy data for rental units • Average market value for each owner-occupied unit type • Average rental rates for each rental unit type • Regional comparison data for cities of Becker, Big Lake, St. Michael and Albertville, as examples Qualitative Analysis: Stakeholder Session • Sales position • Trends • Siting factors and considerations Projections and Analysis • Identification of gaps and opportunities in existing housing stock. • Projected data for a five to seven-year outlook for the various market segments. • Demographic shifts impacting housing trends and proj ections. • Wage, building cost, and other factors influencing housing. • What does the data tell us about the opportunity for: ■ Upper-scale/luxury housing in the Downtown? ■ Upper-end single-family housing • What does the data tell us about the sale quality and the ability to maintain and improve existing 1940s-1970s core-city housing stock? • What does the data tell us about the need for additional multi-family units, specifically affordable or workforce units? Right to Reject Proposals The City and Economic Development Authority reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. This RFP does not obligate the City to enter into a contract, nor does it obligate the City to pay for any costs incurred in preparation and submission of proposals or in anticipation of a contract. CITY OF • ��� on Ic� a MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2020 ANNUAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN EDA Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and housing redevelopment. EDA Work Plan Mission Statement: The EDA's work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and the 2017/2018 City Strategic Plan. The EDA will be proactive by developing and undertaking actions for achievement of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic Development goals and will be reactive in responding to economic development opportunities as they arise in the most timely and effective manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic development strategies of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Downtown Small Area Plan as a guide for action. Comprehensive Plan Goals: Attracting & Retaining Jobs Expanding Tax Base Enhancing Downtown Facilitating Redevelopment Supporting Life-Cycle Housing Choice GOAL(S): FACILITATING REDEVELOPMENT Objective: Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties on Block 52. Strategies: 1. Continue to focus on site control for a potential future targeted redevelopment in Block 52 as envisioned in the Downtown Small Area Study Plan. 2. Continue to collaborate with Beard Group, Inc. in the design of a redevelopment plan suitable for the Block 52 site(s). 3. Reconnect Walnut Street to River Street in support of redevelopment. 4. Remain open to strategic opportunities for redevelopment throughout the community. 5. Refocus on aggressively marketing Block 34 and the CedarBroadway site. GOAL(S): ENHANCING DOWNTOWN EXPANDING TAX BASE SUPPORTING LIFE-CYCLE HOUSING CHOICE I�.�yI11Y1I.11Y1►[l�.��II]D1U�11[�]�u1�1►Y1 Objective 1: Implement the recommendations of the Downtown Small Area Plan. Strategies: 1. Support and advocate for improvements to the downtown as envisioned in the Small Area Plan and Walnut Street Corridor Plan. 2. Develop and support the appropriate policies, programs, and incentives that enable the type of development described in the Plan. 3. Continue to build a funding base for use in property acquisition and redevelopment efforts in targeted areas. 4. Implement a fa�ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas. 5. Continue to meet with downtown property owners either in either an informal group setting (Downtown Rounds) or individually to understand their concerns with traffic, parking, land use and possible reinvestment in their property as well as willingness to sell, partner, price, etc. 6. Encourage continued incorporation of arts as an economic development tool for powntown Monticello and the community at-large. 7. Support opportunities for park and pathway development as consistent with the Downtown Small Area Plan. 8. Encourage the redesign of the pathway connection under the MN TH #25 bridge to incorporate safety elements and improved lighting. 9. Ensure greenway and pedestrian/cycle connections are considered within the downtown and from the downtown to other areas within the community. 2 � �"���: Objective 2: Develop and implement a comprehensive Marketing & Communication Strategy for priority sectors and locations. Strategies: 1. Engage a marketing intern to design and implement the Marketing & Communication Strategy in concert with the Communications Manager and Economic Development Manager. 2. Support the development of an economic development brand and implement in all sectors of economic development activities. 3. Enhance the brand and tell the story of Downtown Monticello. 4. Incorporate the marketing of EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, a. Present existing and new incentive programs to smaller community groups, local banks, realtors, and local businesses either on in an informal group session or a formal roundtable format. b. Develop and communicate a"complete" development package program which provides support and assistance to prospects and developers from inquiry to construction. 5. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business Park) to a broad variety of prospects as guided by the current and future Comprehensive Plan. a. Focus on prospects which serve or rely on the St. Cloud and Twin Cities markets. b. Focus on supply chain prospects. 6. With the IEDC, communicate with current business and industry in support of Business Retention & Expansion. a. Engage in informal business and industry small group meetings and explore potential format of helpful formal round tables meetings. b. Work with the Monticello Times to do a business spotlight or profile article two times per year. Objective 3: Support community quality-of-life initiatives which act as economic development tools. Strategies: 1. Encourage and support coordinated planning and development of parks, trails in or near business districts. 2. Support the development Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, including community connections. GOAL: SUPPORTING LIFE-CYCLE HOUSING CHOICE Objective(S): Evaluate the need for specific housing types and act as a partner in creating affordable housing development for the community. Strategies: 1. Complete 2020 Housing Study update to assess housing needs across the spectrum of housing choice and incorporating changing demographic trends. 2. Develop revised policy statements for housing which address the identified study needs. 3. Continue to market workforce housing development on EDA owned land along East 4tn Street and Outlot A of Country Club Manor, or at other suitable sites in the City, including the Downtown. 4. Support efforts by private and non-profit entities to develop affordable housing projects utilizing state and federal programs. 5. Examine use and application of available housing TIF dollars per the 2016 TIF Management Plan and the adopted Policy Statements for Available TIF Funds. 6. Continue to periodically examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization of existing housing. GOAL(S): EXPANDING TAX BASE, ATTRACTING & RETAINING JOBS Objective 1: Continue to develop and leverage available tools for business development and job creation. Strategies: 1. Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including development of criteria/application. 2. Identify and communicate new or innovative state and federal programs or grants which could be leveraged to support business development. 3. Proactively support small business start-up efforts through programs and various tools available for small businesses. Objective 2. Collaborate with various local entities involved in monitoring and developing workforce training awareness efforts to address workforce needs. Strategies: 1. Continue to support the IEDC interactions with in the Wright County Workforce Pathways efforts in addressing workforce needs and training. 2. Consider IEDC recommendations and be prepared to be a partner in potential solutions based on WCWFP findings. 4���ge Objective 3: opportunities. Strategies: Engage as a partner in local and regional planning and development L Monitor the regional planning efforts of the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership (CMRRPP) and engage with feedback as requested. 2. Consider funding and/or completing studies that provide policy and strategy framework for desired land uses/or projects in the downtown and for other programs. 3. Monitor commuter rail development in and around the Twin Cities metro region for potential benefits and opportunities to serve Monticello. Appendix: Monticello Comprehensive Plan, 2008 — Economic Development 5���ge MINNESOTA STATUTES 2016 13.591 13.591 BUSINESS DATA. Subdivision 1. Not public data when bene�t requested. The following data, that are submitted to a government entity by a business requesting financial assistance or a benefit financed by public funds, are private or nonpublic data: financial information about the business, including credit reports; financial statements; net worth calculations; business plans; income and expense projections; balance sheets; customer lists; income tax returns; and design, market, and feasibility studies not paid for with public funds. Subd. 2. Public data when bene�t received. Data submitted to a government entity under subdivision 1 become public when public financial assistance is provided or the business receives a benefit from the government entity, except that the following data remain private or nonpublic: business plans; income and expense projections not related to the financial assistance provided; customer lists; income tax returns; and design, market, and feasibility studies not paid for with public funds. Subd. 3. Business as vendor. (a) Data submitted by a business to a government entity in response to a request for bids as defined in section 16C.02, subdivision 11, are private or nonpublic until the time and date specified in the solicitation that bids are due, at which time the name of the bidder and the dollar amount specified in the response become public. All other data in a bidder's response to a bid are private or nonpublic data until completion of the selection process. For purposes of this section, "completion of the selection process" means that the government entity has completed its evaluation and has ranked the responses. After a government entity has completed the selection process, all remaining data submitted by all bidders are public with the exception of trade secret data as defined and classified in section 1337. A statement by a bidder that submitted data are copyrighted or otherwise protected does not prevent public access to the data contained in the bid. If all responses to a request for bids are rejected prior to completion of the selection process, all data, other than the name of the bidder and the dollar amount specified in the response, remain private or nonpublic until a resolicitation of bids results in completion of the selection process or a determination is made to abandon the purchase. If the rejection occurs after the completion of the selection process, the data remain public. If a resolicitation of bids does not occur within one year of the bid opening date, the remaining data become public. (b) Data submitted by a business to a government entity in response to a request for proposal, as defined in section 16C.02, subdivision 12, are private or nonpublic until the time and date specif�ied in the solicitation that proposals are due, at which time the name of the responder becomes public. All other data in a responder's response to a request for proposal are private or nonpublic data until completion of the evaluation process. For purposes of this section, "completion of the evaluation process" means that the government entity has completed negotiating the contract with the selected vendor. After a government entity has completed the evaluation process, all remaining data submitted by all responders are public with the exception of trade secret data as defined and classified in section 1337. A statement by a responder that submitted data are copyrighted or otherwise protected does not prevent public access to the data contained in the response. If all responses to a request for proposal are rejected prior to completion of the evaluation process, all data, other than the names of the responders, remain private or nonpublic until a resolicitation of the requests for proposal results in completion of the evaluation process or a determination is made to abandon the purchase. If the rejection occurs after the completion of the evaluation process, the data remain public. If a resolicitation of proposals does not occur within one year of the proposal opening date, the remaining data become public. Copyright U 2016 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. 13.591 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2016 Subd. 4. Classi�cation of evaluative data; data sharing. (a) Data created ar maintained by a govemment entity as part of the selection or evaluation process referred to in this section are protected nonpublic data until completion of the selection process or completion of the evaluation process at which time the data are public with the exception of trade secret data as defined and classified in section 13.37. (b) If a government entity asks employees of other government entities to assist with the selection of the responses to a request for bid or the evaluation of responses to a request for proposal, the government entity may share not public data in the responses with those employees. The employees participating in the selection or evaluation may not further disseminate the not public data they review. Subd. 5. Internal competitive response. (a) For purposes of this subdivision, "internal competitive response" means a bid or proposal to provide government goods or services that is prepared by the staff of a government entity in competition with bids or proposals solicited by (1) the same government entity from the private sector or (2) a different government entity from the private sector. (b) Data in an internal competitive response is classif�ied as private or nonpublic until completion of the selection process or completion of the evaluation process at which time the data are public with the exception of trade secret data as defined and classified in section 1337. History: 2001 c 202 s 7; 2005 c 163 s 41, 42; 2007 c 129 s 38; 2013 c 142 art 3 s 14 Copyright U 2016 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. EDA Agenda: 5/13/20 6. Consideration of Authorizin� a Temporarv Emer�encv Grant Pro�ram to support small business fundin� needs due to COVID-19 impacts in ali�nment with the Governors's Peacetime Emer�encv Executive Orders and the Citv of Monticello Emer�encv Declaration (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to ask the EDA to consider authorizing proposed policies and application forms for a temporary emergency grant program to support small business funding needs as a mitigation tool in response to COVID-19 actions. The funding program would be in alignment with Governor Walz's Peacetime Emergency Executive Orders and the City of Monticello's Emergency Declaration. Minnesota DEED is encouraging communities that have local economic development funds to consider using a portion of those programs and flexing the rules in order to help small businesses get through this challenging time. The EDA is being further asked to authorize shifting up to $150,000 from the GMEF Loan Program, in two phases, into an emergency grant fund. The first phase would envision setting aside $100,000 from the GMEF account with the potential to consider allocating another $50,000 to the grant fund at a later date if needed. In a recent small business roundtable call with numerous businesses, members of the City Council, EDA and Chamber of Commerce and City staff stories and challenges were shared which indicate a continuing need for financing support for small businesses. On a positive note, the discussions revealed an ability for businesses to be creative in adapting their service delivery models. Still, most participants were experiencing financial challenges due to reduced economic activity due to wary consumer activity and rising levels of unemployment and wondered how long these conditions will last. In addition to the call, several businesses responded to a follow up survey while others had contacted City staff in early April after receiving the letter from the City (April 6, 2020) summarizing the newly created feceral and state emergency business assistance programs. The attached policies outline a grant program that can be distributed to businesses with a modest amount of administrative costs. The application form is also attached for review. The goal would be to have smaller companies (less than 50 employee) with the greatest need utilize the Grant program. Staff would review the applications and use a simple template agreement form for approval. The EDA would review all applications and make final approval of the grants and any recommended variances as deemed appropriate. The potential source of funding for the temporary grant program would be to use a portion of the dollars in the GMEF Loan program account. The GMEF Loan program has a balance of approximately $1,030,000. There are a several prospects that staff have been in discussions with for new development expansions where GMEF is a viewed a key assistance component. The estimated assistance envisioned for those projects is approximately $875,000 +/-. Staff believe the EDA could safely shift $150,000 +/- from the GMEF into a temporary grant program without harming the EDA's primary economic development efforts. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in the work related to consideration of 1 EDA Agenda: 5/13/20 authorizing a temporary emergency grant-loan program is estimated at approximately 58 hours +/-. The majority of those hours are allotted to in-house staff. The EDA attorney provided information regarding emergency grant and loan program models used in other communities. She also reviewed the proposed policies and the application form. The estimated time of the EDA attorney's consult and review of the creation of an emergency business funding program is 4 to 6 hours +/-. No additional staff will be needed to complete the tasks related to this item. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering authorizing the creation of an emergency grant-loan funding program would be the immediate set-aside of $100,000 from the GMEF Loan Fund as first phase of funding with an additional $50,000 to be considered later depending on the need of the business community. If the EDA shifts a total of $150,000 for emergency grants funding, there would still be a remaining balance of approximately $880,000 in the GMEF fund for the four or five prospects that staff envision as utilizing the program. There is sufficient funding in the 2020 EDA General Fund budget to cover staff expenses related to creation and administration of the emergency funding program. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to authorize creation of an Emergency Small Business Grant funding program by utilizing $100,000 +/- from the GMEF Loan Program as a first phase of funding for the Grant program and further authorizing adopting the polices and application form as presented. 2. Motion to deny authorization to create an Emergency Small Business Grant funding program by utilizing $100,000 +/- from the GMEF Loan Program as a first phase of funding for the Grant program and further authorizing adopting the polices and application form as presented. 3. Motion to table consideration of authorizing creation of an Emergency Small Business Grant funding program by utilizing $100,000 +/- from the GMEF Loan Program as a first phase of funding for the Grant program and further authorizing adopting the polices and application form as presented. 4. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The state of Minnesota is encouraging communities that have economic development loan programs to consider flexing the rules for those programs to temporarily use those resources as a source of emergency funding support for small businesses during the COVID-19 crisis. Staff has had feedback with local businesses expressing a need for emergency financial assistance beyond what is available at the federal and state level. The current balance in the GMEF Loan FUND is approximately $1,030,000 +/-. Staff have completed a review of prospective economic development proj ects and envision a need for about $875,000 in those potential projects over the next two to three years. With that in mind 2 EDA Agenda: 5/13/20 the EDA could safely shift about $150,000 into an emergency grant loan program to help small businesses at this time. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Proposed Emergency Grant-Loan Fund Policies B. Emergency Business Grant Application form C. Summary Notes from Small Business Roundtable Session on 4-30-20 CITY OF • '��� on l�e c� MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM POLICY PURPOSE The Economic Development Authority for the City of Monticello (EDA) recognizes that small businesses are vital to the fabric of the Monticello community. Accordingly, the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) has developed a Small Business Emergency Assistance Program to address working capital needs upon the declaration of a state of emergency by the State of Minnesota (State) and the City of Monticello (City). The purpose of this program is to ensure the viability of the community's small businesses faced with the current COVID-19 health emergency, which is adversely impacting the local economy. The goal of this program is to provide needed financing for local businesses to help sustain operations and endure economic hardships during this challenging time. The program is structured as grant assistance. Grant funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is subject to funding availability from the EDA. The EDA retains the authority and discretion to approve or deny an application, and reserves the right to subsequently add further priorities, change eligibility criteria, or discontinue the program in response to changing circumstances. ELIGIBILITY a. Eligible Businesses To be eligible to receive Small Business Emergency Assistance funds, a business must demonstrate that its operations have been directly and adversely affected by the COVID-19 Health Pandemic and include the following: 1. Eligible business types include locally owned and operated businesses noted in Executive Orders 20-04 and 20-08, such as those listed below. Restaurants, cafes, coffeehouses, and other places of public accommodation offering food or beverage for on-premises consumption. Taverns, brew pubs, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, and other places of public accommodation offering alcoholic beverages for on- premises consumption. • Gymnasiums, fitness centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities, businesses offering massage therapy, spas, salons, nail salons, cosmetology salons, and barber shops. This includes, but is not limited to, all salons and shops licensed by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetologist Examiners and the Minnesota Board of Barber Examiners. • Bowling alleys, theaters, skating rinks, and other similar recreational or entertainment facilities. • Local boutique and specialty retailers. • Other businesses deemed non-essential. 2. Other businesses as approved by the EDA. b. Eligibility Requirements The business shall have a physical address (proof of address required) within the corporate boundary of the City and have been operating within the City long enough to demonstrate financial viability; The business shall employ between 2 and 50 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees prior to the issuance of the State of Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-04 (March 16, 2020) and make $1 million or less in annual gross revenue. For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities within the Monticello business location. 4. All businesses must serve the general public and be a conforming or legally non- conforming use under the current zoning regulations of the City, and must not be in violation of the City's zoning code. 5. Applicants are strongly encouraged to claim all applicable private and public insurance and utilize all other sources of applicable assistance available from other private and public sources. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Grant through the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Small Business Emergency Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) prior to applying for this grant. For more information, visit: Guide to financial resources for Minnesota small businesses While not absolutely required, applications which include proof of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs will receive higher scores in evaluation. Assistance cannot be provided to businesses that: • Do not have a physical address (and building/location) within the City of Monticello. • Have more than three total locations operating as part of the business enterprise. 2 • Derive income from passive investments without operational ties to operating businesses or whose primary source of revenue is from business-to-business transactions. • Primarily generate income from gambling activities. • Generate any part of its income from adult-oriented or tobacco/vaping-related activities. • Have no current or historical financial statements. FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS a. Amount: Businesses may apply for a one-time emergency grant of up to $5,000. The EDA shall determine the final award amounts based upon scoring criteria. b. Term: All grant awards must be utilized within two months of the date of the grant fund disbursement. c. Uses: Awarded funds may be used exclusively for current payroll obligations (i.e. may not include employees who have been laid off), lease or mortgage payments, utilities, accounts payable, property taxes and other critical business expenses that can t be paid as a direct result of the current health emergency. Awarded funds may not be used for businessowner's/manager's personal uses or expenses. The City reserves the right to pay or require payment of delinquent taxes, bills, or charges due to the City out of funds awarded. d. Proof of Need: Applicants shall be required to provide proof of financial need for grant funds. This includes but is not limited to the previous year's annual gross revenue, average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19, and projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months. Additionally, as noted above, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs. e. Proof of Expenses: Applicant shall provide proof of eligible expenses requested to be paid with grant funds. See list of eligible grant uses above. f. Disbursement of Funds: Funds shall be distributed within three weeks after fully executed grant agreement has been received. g. Termination: The EDA retains the right to terminate any agreement under the Emergency Assistance Program if a grant recipient is found to be in violation of any conditions set forth in the grant guidelines or grant agreement. h. Right to Deny: The EDA retains the right to deny any application for grant funding. i. Grant Agreement: Upon a successful grant application being awarded funds, the grant recipient shall enter into a Grant Agreement with the EDA. Funds will not be distributed for any grant award until a grant agreement has been executed by all required parties. j. Reporting: As a condition for receiving grant funding, all grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the EDA within two months after receiving grant funds, specifying how the entirety of the grant funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. k. Funding Availability: The Small Business Emergency Assistance program has a limited amount of funds available. Awards will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis until the earlier of the date the fund is exhausted, or the City-declared state of emergency declaration is lifted. l. Indemnification: All grant recipients shall be required to indemnify the City of Monticello, the Monticello Economic Development Authority, and any officers acting on their behalf. APPLICATION PROCESS Prior to applying, please review the Program Guidelines to determine if your business is eligible. Applications will be available May 15th, 2020. � � 1. Applications are available on the City's website: www.ci.monticellamn.us. 2. Application requirements will include: • Basic details about the business. • Basic employment and annual gross revenue information. • Information on current operations including whether the business is currently closed or is providing reduced services. • Narrative descriptions and estimated calculations of the negative impacts on the business due to COVID-19. • A narrative description of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. • Information on the intended use of the grant funds. • Evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs, as applicable. • Supporting documentation and application attachments. 3. Fully completed and signed applications along with required documents may be submitted online to: Communit�.develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us Please note that mailed hard copy applications will take longer to process. 4 4. Upon submission of application, applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of application. The application will be reviewed for eligibility upon receipt. If additional information or documentation is necessary, EDA staff will contact the applicant. Due to an expected high volume of applications, you may consider your application complete if staff does not request additional information within 10 business days after application acceptance. FUNDING PROCESS If application is approved and funds are available, businesses will be notified within 2 business days and provided with an electronic grant agreement for signatures. Small businesses receiving funds must commit to using the funds for eligible program expenses and must agree to document and report specific uses of the funds. All grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the Monticello EDA within two months after receipt of funds, specifying how the entirety of the funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. GRANT AGREEMENT If the application for Small Business Assistance is approved, the applicant and business owner will be required to enter into a grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the grant as identified herein. FOLLOW-UP and ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: For businesses needing additional resources such as technical assistance, larger working capital grants, or other, staff will provide ongoing assistance to businesses of all sizes and types, working with partners and other levels of government to access resources as available, such as SBA and State of Minnesota DEED grants. Staff will conduct a check-in with grant recipients within one year of the distribution of funds to learn the effect of the grant and business outcomes such as economic impact of the grant program, (including, but not limited to, employees retained or rehired, and sales) and whether they match the program's desired outcomes of business and/or job retention. QUESTIONS Any questions related to the application process or for assistance in completing the application should be directed to: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 763-271-3254 communitv. develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us � C I T Y o F MONTICELLO EDA � • �Qr]�1C� Q SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT APPLICATION 1. CONTACT INFORMATION Legal Name of Business: Project Site Address: City / State / Zip: Contact Person(s): Business Phone: Home Phone: Check One: Federal ID # Property Owner: � Proprietor Email: � Corporation State ID # � Partnership 2. BUSINESS INFORMATION Please attach additional documents/pages as needed to be complete as possible. a. Years of operation in Monticello b. List below the number of part time and full time employees. For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities u�ithin the Monticello business location. Prior to March 15th, 2020 FT PT Current FT PT 1 c. Give a brief summary of your business (products, services, growth history, operations, number of locations, etc.) d. Provide information regarding how your operations have been impacted by the pandemic, specifically hours of operation, employee reductions, etc. Include any strate�ies implemented to sustain your business e. Provide a description and include documentation of the economic impact of the pandemic on your business. f. Describe of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. 3. GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested: $ 4. FINANCING Please provide documents/evidence of other sources of state or federal funds your business has been awarded or denied during the COVID pandemic, as applicable, including Economic Injury funds, PPP, etc. 5. ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST � � Please attach the following: A) Proof of address _B) Financial statements — Previous year's annual gross revenue, average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19, and projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months. C) Proof of expenses to be paid D) Award/denial letters — State and Federal Assistance Programs AGREEMENT I/ We certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/ We authorize the Monticello EDA to verify financial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the program and understands that funds are awarded on a first-come first served basis. APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICANT NAME (Print): DATE: The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. .� CITY OF � � OFFICE:763-295-2711 FAX:763-295-4404 �Ontl�� V 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 � � Small Business Roundtable April 30, 2020 � 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. GoToMeeting Attendees during 10 a.m. call: Angela Schumann, Jacob Thunander, Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Dan Klein, Marcy Anderson (Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry), Bill Fair (City Council), 011ie White (City of Monticello EDA), Jessica Rosten (Al14Kids), Teri & Chuck Sweet (Sweet Dreams), Liz Calpas (Monticello Dental Clinic), Ryan Ager (Pizza Ranch), Don Hickman (Initiative Foundation), Abdi Daisane (Initiative Foundation), and Sarah Kortmansky (Sherburne State Bank). Attendees during 3 p.m. call: Angela Schumann, Jacob Thunander, Rachel Leonard, Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Marcy Anderson (Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry), Jonas Johnson (Belde Chiropractic), Kevin Steffensmeier (RiverWood Bank), Jim Davidson (City Council), and Tracy Hinz (City of Monticello EDA). Background The City of Monticello and the Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry conducted a set of "Small Business Roundtable" discussions on April 30, 2020 at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. The two organizations invited a small group of diverse local Monticello businesses, the majority representing those considered "non-essential" under Executive Order, to elaborate on how they have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The roundtable discussion provided an opportunity for staff to hear first-hand feedback so we can better understand and respond to the challenges, resources, and remaining needs of businesses here in our community. The participants told personal stories and provided more context about what individual local businesses are experiencing during the crisis. Understanding that not all businesses were able to participate in the call during the scheduled times, the City of Monticello created an online survey and sent it to a short list of Monticello businesses. The City received one written response from Kelly Lillback at Live, Laugh, and Bloom and one verbal response from Scott Pauly at BlueStone Grill. Summary: Discussion and Surveys 1. Tell us briefly about the current environment for your business. Overall, businesses are unsure of what the new standard will be when they are allowed to completely reopen to the public. Businesses understand that when they are allowed to reopen, that they will have to be creative and new measures will be required to protect the health of their employees and customers. All of the businesses participating on the discussion have either temporarily closed, limited hours, or needed to change operations. It was noted that customers are generally understanding of the changes businesses are making. www.ci.monticello.mn.us .� CITY OF � � OFFICE:763-295-2711 FAX:763-295-4404 �Ontl�� V 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 � � Businesses are also noting that if the shutdown lasts much longer, paying monthly expenses will become difficult. Retail businesses are required to use their stores website to sell products, but even through an online presence, sales are down dramatically. There is also a concern with being able to get product from distributors or other sources. Some businesses reporting as large as a 94% drop in sales. All retail businesses have had to terminate, furlough, or cut hours of all or part of their staff. Many businesses noted evolving operations and strategies to keep business operating. Medical offices are inventorying products to ensure adequate supply, but are noticing difficulty in placing orders as many of the products are made outside of the United States. Hospitals and clinics are receiving supplies first, then all other personal health services including dental and chiropractors' offices are given supplies. These businesses have also seen dramatic price increases. Franchise businesses were understood to have good guidance from their corporate offices on areas such as reopening procedures, sanitization, and employee safety. Food and restaurant industries are observing a good supply of food, but changes are occurring daily. Supply sizes are smaller and some products are unavailable. It was noted that grocery stores have the first priority of food preference, then restaurants. Prices have also been increasing. These businesses are required to pre-order further in advance. There was concern brought forward about sanitization and cost concerns and whether people would be completely comfortable coming into a public space. Businesses are saving and using all that they can in reserves to survive. Banks are noting that they are increasingly busy as the shutdown continues. Many banks are becoming overwhelmed by the constantly changing guidelines from State and Federal programs. They have been a critical partner, along with accounting firms, in helping businesses work through state and federal assistance programs. It was noted that in addition to changing guidelines, additional rounds of funding have been made available. Most employees of banks are still employed and those that can work from home are encouraged to do so. 2. What local, state, or federal resources are you tapping into? What are the challenges to accessing the resources? Most businesses have explored and applied for the State's EIDL and PPP program to help pay employees and normal operating expenses (such as rent and utilities). Businesses noted that the process was complicated and unclear at times. All of the businesses that took part of the discussion researched and applied for some sort of funding. Depending on when the business submitted the request, a mix of responses were received. Some businesses received money, others are on a waiting list or needing to apply for a second round of funding, or some did not qualify. It was noted that those that were approved www.ci.monticello.mn.us .� CITY OF � � OFFICE:763-295-2711 FAX:763-295-4404 �Ontl�� V 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 � � for funding have had to wait longer than expected for the funds and some are unsure where the funding is at. Some of the loans are forgivable depending on the program and guidelines. Information from these programs has been continually changing and it's best to check in with local banks for the most up-to-date information or check the state or federal government websites. Banks recommend businesses apply for state or federal funds if they are considering it. The money can be paid back if the funds are not used. Some state and federal programs are running out of funding, so businesses should apply quickly. It was noted that one of the biggest concerns banks have for the community is that current funding sources may not be enough to help businesses survive when they are forced to close during the Governor's Orders. Attendees stated that SBA, DEED, the Minnesota Governor's Office, banks, and the Chamber of Commerce have all been very helpful in providing resources and information. However, there are a lot of people that need assistance and guidance, and response times from these organization has been impacted. 3. What are your most immediate needs? Businesses explained that they need the State to allow their businesses to open up to the public, especially healthcare offices. Businesses understand the need to be flexible and creative during a time of reopening and will continue to follow social distancing and sanitizing measures. 4. What do you foresee for your business in the next 3-6 months? Businesses, especially small businesses, are unsure of how things will be in the next 3 to 6 months. Most are trying to take it one day at a time. Businesses have had to terminate, furlough, or hold on the hiring additional staff during this time. Some businesses are worried about shutting down or selling their business or building completely. The larger impact is unknown. Banks are determined to provide available resources and are being encouraged to be far more flexible than in normal banking situations. They will need to work together to be innovative and creative. Banks are also beginning to have concerns about loan default, especially for small businesses. They do not want to be property owners. 5. Has your business worked on a phased back to business plan? Overall, businesses are evaluating on a day-by-day basis, but are planning for a future reopening. They are waiting for new information from the governor or from their official board or franchise. Businesses understand that in order to open up again, their plans will need to change, whether that be through a larger online presence, curbside pickup, www.ci.monticello.mn.us .� CITY OF � � OFFICE:763-295-2711 FAX:763-295-4404 �Ontl�� V 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 � � drop-off, limiting number of customers/patients in their business at one time, increased sanitization measures, or other means. The City of Monticello commends the resiliency of our businesses and people in the community. We are here to advocate and assist you with finding answers. We encourage all to shop locally in Monticello, especially our small businesses. We will get through this together. www.ci.monticello.mn.us EDA Agenda: 5/13/20 7. Consideration of Approvin� Enterin� into a Professional Services Contract with WSB & Associates for completion of an Industrial Land Development Feasibilitv Studv (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to ask the EDA to consider approving a professional services contract with WSB & Associates for completion of an Industrial Land Development Feasibility Study. The Study is being requested to support site selection steps for an industrial prospect that will need approximately 13 to 20 acres +/-. The feasibility study would piggyback on the recently completed industrial land demand study, also completed by WSB. Staff was first introduced to the prospect (Project Gia-Saurus on the prospect list) on March 31, 2020. The size of the proposed facility (175,000 sq. ft.; expandable to 300,000 sq. ft.) has necessitated that a search for a site other than what is currently available in Otter Creek Business Park be considered. Since the initial call, several other conference call have been held with them. The prospect scores in a range of 27 points as a high, to 19 points as a low on the Proj ect Evaluation Rating Sheet based on adjustments in scenarios in the scoring criteria (see Exhibit A). While it is still early in the timeframe of being introduced to this prospect and beginning to work on due diligence and a site search tasks, staff believes it is critical to identify an acceptable general land development area and/or tract before any other next steps could be undertaken. This capital investment to required for this facility is approximately $47,000,000 to 52,000,000 +/-. With that in mind, and because it is a medical product manufacturer, it may have the potential of gaining federal and state funding beyond the typical programmatic formula offerings provided through NIN-DEED and/or the US-EDA. Future discussion with federal and state legislators is seen a possible next step. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff involved in the Feasibility Study discussion includes: Economic Development Manager and Community Development Director. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact related to this request would be from the cost of completing the Industrial Land Feasibility Study. The EDA has available funding in its Miscellaneous Professional Services line item in its approved 2020 EDA Budget. The City Council will be splitting the cost of the Industrial Land Feasibility Study as the components include the engineering estimates for road, sewer and water infrastructure along with land development and drainage improvements. The Study RFP should be available by the EDA meeting on Wednesday evening. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve the WSB & Associates RFP submittal for the Industrial Land Development Feasibility Study and authorize entering into a contract for professional services. 2. Motion to deny approval of the WSB & Associates RFP submittal for the Industrial Land Development Feasibility Study and authorize entering into a contract for professional 1 EDA Agenda: 5/13/20 services. 3. Motion to table consideration of approving the W SB & Associates RFP submittal for the Industrial Land Development Feasibility Study and authorize entering into a contract for professional services for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. This study is seen as a critical information component needed before any federal or state legislators can be approached to realistic discuss potential funding programs/sources. It is a unique situation in all aspects with this prospect, i.e. land needs, size of investment, size of facility, timeframe, infrastructure needs and product manufactured by the company. The study will help provide information regarding the best available and realistic development sites for Proj ect Gia-Saurus. It will also be useful in the event a meeting with federal and/or state officials can be arranged. Time is of the essence, and in order to move quickly to produce a study, WSB, which has familiarity with the City's land area and infrastructure due to its past work in the community was the only firm asked to provide the RFP quote for the study. The RFP is not attached to this report because it has not yet been received. It is expected to be available by Wednesday (5-13-20). Staff would like to reassure the EDA that this is not the norm and it is due to the fast timeline that is needed to respond to this prospect that the complete document packet is not attached to the EDA staff report. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Project Gia-Saurus Scoring 2 i0. En�ironrnentaf im acts Point Vaiue T es of �nVironmental Issues �-1 �nhances the e�vironmental aspects of a site via cfean-up of contaminants or improVed aesthetics via unique site or architeetural features -D- Na impacts -1 Noise Issues -Z Noise and negative visual aesthetics -3 Noise, odars, dust, traffit and negative visuai aestheti�s WORKSHEET SUMMARY �� � �,�� � t� � f � �p �- �actors Total (�oints �"� � #1. Number of New Ernployees � (1-5} #�. Number of Jobs Per Acre (1-5) �� � #3. A�erage Wages for New Jobs __�;_____ {1-5) � #4. Public Assistance Per fVew Jab �_ (1-�� #5. aeveloped Assessed Vaiue Per Acre .�=� (1-5j #6. Busin�ss Retention (# of lobs) '� (.5-3) #7. Raiio of Private to Pu�lic In�esi. � (Z-�} #8. Significar�t Impact/Cornp P1an Gaals�_ {1-3) #9. Number of Years of Business Oper. � (1-3) #10. Environmenta{ Empac#s "'�-3 to +1} ���� Tota[ Points � � � � � �.-�. .�-�- __-^- Possi6le tv stoC2 4D poir�ts total Total Worksheet Points E uatet! to Land 1'rice > Tatal �v2rall Points Price for Qtter Creek iand 1-5 5�1p �1-15 15-20 21-�5 26-30 31-40 $3.16 per sq. ft. (IVo TIF) $3.16 per sq. ft. with TIF as a land reimbursement to develnpe�- 20 perce�t discount from market price =$2.53 per sq. ft. 40 percent ci�scount from rnarket price =$1.90 per sq. ft. 6D percent discount from market price =$1.26 �er sq. ft. SO �2rc�nt discount from market price =$.53 per sq. ft. 10D percent di�coun� �rom market price =$1.00 for the entire lat �"_ wsb May 12, 2020 Ms. Angela Schumann Economic Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: City of Monticello — Industrial Park Site Feasibility Studies Proposal to Provide Planning and Engineering Services Dear Ms. Schumann: We are pleased to present this proposal for professional planning and engineering services to the City of Monticello to complete feasibility studies for two potential industrial site locations. The sites are located near Orchard Street west of I-94 and south of 85th Street. The following letter proposal represents our understanding of the project scope and level of services requested. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The draft comprehensive plan that is currently in development as well as various other studies have shown potential future industrial development areas which will require more in-depth study as to the cost of services and infrastructure to these areas. Two areas have been identified for more review and they are described as follows: The first of these potential industrial development areas is near Orchard Road west of I- 94. A possible future I-94 interchange is also planned near this location, which would provide more direct access to future industrial land parcels as can be seen in the draft land use map. We understand the future interchange is likely decades away and the existing transportation system would need to be able to support these industrial land parcels until such a time that an interchange is built. The land area is approximately 90 acres with the site boundary noted in Exhibit A. 2. The second industrial study area is located east of TH 25 and south of 85th Street but slightly further east of the second study area. This area is more open and has little or no residential development within a quarter mile proximity of the general study area boundaries. The total land area is approximately 250 acres with the site boundary noted in Exhibit B. This study should utilize existing studies whenever possible and will be a first step in helping to develop a plan for these industrial areas and determine what transportation and utility needs are necessary for a successful industrial park. The following Scope of Services outlines in more detail the tasks to complete the feasibility studies. In each of the study areas, a similar scope of work applies. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1 — Project Management This task will consist of continued management and administration, project coordination and communication with the City. Also included in this task is billing preparation, invoicing, progress reports, and other non-technical work associated with the project. The project manager will provide technical direction on all aspects of the project review, all work products, and keep the City of Monticello — Industrial Site Evaluation & Feasibility Studies — Proposal for Planning & Engineering Services May 12, 2020 Page 2 City informed on the project progress. The project manager will serve a primary role in the analysis and preparation of the final project documents. Time has been included in each of the subsequent tasks to perform these duties. Task 2 — Data Collection Available data will be collected from the City of Monticello, Wright County, MnDOT and other impacted agencies. Time has been included in subsequent tasks for this work and a separate budget has not been provided. This data will include but is not limited to: • Land Use Strategies document — Lakota • Industrial Land Demand and Absorption Study — WSB • Interchange Land Use Study — NAC • NRI/A — WSB • Interchange layouts — WSB • Wright County Long Range Transportation Plan • 2005 Heritage/Jefferson at Monticello AUAR — WSB • Solar development research, MOAA 2016/2017 - WSB • 2004 Water System Plan • 2005 Northwest Area (Otter Creek) Lift Station Technical Memorandum • 2018 Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements • 2019 Southeast Service Area Sewer Extension Technical Memorandum • Existing and historic traffic volume data • Survey/topographic data previously obtained or readily available • Wetland and floodplain locations from available GIS or other mapping • Other readily available studies Task 3— Conceptual Layouts & Site Access WSB will evaluate and analyze the two development study areas for potential industrial land use. For each of the two sites, three different options for conceptual land and layout will be developed to include internal road/circulation, potential building locations for the proposed Gia Saurus facility, and preliminary utility alignments. This task will include a site-fit analysis for the proposed facility using current City ordinance requirements. The layouts will take into consideration the need for 500- and 1,000-foot setbacks from residential areas. The layouts will also include an estimate of the potential square footage of additional building space associated with the layouts. Task 4— Traffic & Transportation Analysis Review The transportation analysis and review will include documenting what transportation needs and improvements are required to facilitate the proposed facility. The traffic analysis for the sites will use existing traffic data available and no new traffic counts will be conducted. The projected traffic conditions for the areas will be based on the City's Transportation Plan and previous land use studies for the area. This task will include the preparation of cost estimates for the identified improvements specific to direct access to the site areas from public roadways. For the Orchard site, this task will include the analysis and review of the transportation system between CR 39 and I-94, west of Cameron Avenue. The City's Transportation Plan identified the extension of a north/south major collector from CR 39 to Orchard Road, as well as a possible future interchange at I-94 and Orchard Road. This task will not include analysis or cost estimates for the future Orchard Road interchange, or the future north/south collector if not required for access to the proposed site. For the TH 25 site, this task will include the analysis and review of the transportation system for the TH 25 site south of 85th Street east of TH 25. The City's Transportation Plan identified the extension of the TH 25 East Frontage Road (Cedar Street) to south of 85th Street as well as easUwest minor collector that will access TH 25 between 85th Street and CSAH 37. The City of Monticello — Industrial Site Evaluation & Feasibility Studies — Proposal for Planning & Engineering Services May 12, 2020 Page 3 transportation documentation and analysis will be used for both sites north and south of 85tn Street. Specific transportation improvements and costs will be identified for each specific site. This task will not include analysis or cost estimate for the future TH 25 East Frontage Road (Cedar Street) or the future easUwest minor collector roadway unless required for access to the proposed site. Task 5 — Utility Analysis/Review This task will include the analysis of watermain and sanitary sewer connections needed to serve the proposed site locations and provide future trunk connections to serve sites beyond the project areas, if necessary. A high-level review of stormwater management requirements and storm sewer connection points will be performed, but a review of trunk storm sewer, regional ponding, or specific treatment needs for the Gia Saurus site or others will not be provided. WSB will review the water supply demand projections and proposed trunk watermain from the 2004 Water System Plan and will provide approximate trunk watermain sizing based on the most current planning efforts for the industrial park sites. WSB will review previous analysis completed for the northwest and southeast sanitary sewer districts, including the Otter Creek Lift Station. This task will include sanitary sewer sizing for the industrial park sites and identification of potential upgrades needed to the Otter Creek Lift Station, forcemain, and downstream gravity sewers. The 2004 Water System Plan included WaterCAD model construction and analysis. Our understanding is that the model has not been updated since that time. If desired, WSB can update the 2004 WaterCAD model to reflect the existing system and water demands and will use the updated model to analyze the pressures and available fire flows within the industrial park sites. At minimum (if the model is not updated), we suggest that hydrant flow tests are conducted by the City to confirm fire flow results in the existing model are still accurate with current conditions. The cost to update the model or assist the City in hydrant flow testing has not been included with this scope of work. Task 6— Environmental Constraints Analysis/Review For each of the two sites, WSB will determine environmental constraints and potential impacts with the proposed industrial use. This review for each site would include: • Desktop/aerial photo review for wetlands and other waters (this would not include any agency approval) • FEMA Floodplain review • Develop list of potential environmental permits needed Task 7— Cost Estimate & Benefit Analysis (Transportation & Utilities) This task will include preparation of project cost estimates for the offsite transportation and water/sewer utility extensions to the industrial site locations. The internal cost of the utilities and infrastructure will use an estimated cost per foot as the exact design of the parks is unknown and the maximum level of flexibility is desired. It has been assumed that property owners will provide the necessary onsite water/sewer extensions and stormwater management as a part of future development plans; in general, no sizing of onsite utility services or permanent stormwater BMP locations is included with this scope of work. Task 8— Feasibility Report Preparation WSB will prepare a feasibility report and include related exhibits documenting the findings of the planning and engineering analysis, specifically for the transportation and utilities. WSB will submit a draft report to City Staff at 60% and 90% for their review and comment. WSB would then prepare a final report to incorporate any comments received from City Staff. City of Monticello — Industrial Site Evaluation & Feasibility Studies — Proposal for Planning & Engineering Services May 12, 2020 Page 4 An analysis of potential assessments of benefitting property owners or review of other funding mechanisms have not been included with this scope of services. It is anticipated that City staff will provide this information to include in the report, if needed. Task 9 — Agency Coordination/Meetings WSB will coordinate project progress with the City of Monticello though use of phone and email correspondence throughout the duration of the project. Specifically, this task will include three (3) scheduled meetings with City staff. There will be at least one person from WSB in attendance to host these meetings but will not typically include our technical staff. At these meetings, it is anticipated both site areas will be discussed and separate meetings for each site will not be required. ANTICIPATED PROJECT SCHEDULE Based on the scope of work presented in the proposal and the requested timeframe in the RFP, WSB will complete the feasibility studies within approximately 30 days of authorization by the City. PROPOSEDFEE Based on the proposed task hour budget, WSB will complete the scope of work detailed in this proposal on hourly basis for a not-to-exceed amount of $20,000. No work in excess of the authorized amount will be completed without prior written approval from the City. This represents our complete understanding and scope of the project. We are available to begin work immediately upon authorization. WSB appreciates the opportunity to provide the City of Monticello with this proposal. As always, we are looking forward to working with you and your staff toward the completion of the project. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you have. Sincerely, WSB L Jim Stremel, P.E. Senior Project Manager Enclosure: Maps of Industrial Site Areas, Exhibits A, B(3pgs) City of Monticello: Authorized signature Title Date � _ f�T�� � � ; .. 1 � a J.'�{c ����. , � �3y4,� 6 ' . � !'C � e 6' 4 � �� I.� �' ws� "'r� ,�''r'�� � , 5 " {. �, k,4 � " t � e � f' � v + � r * ' {1F�'fi � 6 � F .. � �' 1 � J� � + 4 .. M }4 � � 4�. . ' • 4 - �{ �r .� -} � � � A _' ° � _ I , . t I . � .�� � � .4 +, � � �� + ti .��W.+ 1� I��f 4�6 �fc . �., "� � A�' m �, ` �- � �y h, ,-i >;, ,Y+ ir. , � � �t�{��`v�, � . � . - .rn�,' 1 . � �.. .# ::�`x.. � � ,. . , _ �9e . . I .. ' ' ���.y•� a �.�_;_. . . p+ �� � ��� t' � � � � �`� ° ;. �l ��. � �1' 9 . , - . _ v � .�� ���M1�v A� Y �'_li .1. p+.Y �3.,. • . 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(Certificate of Occupancy) by the City Building Official on May 1, 2020. A project Certificate of Completion will be signed off by the EDA Executive Director and recorded with the County as a final step prior to accepting any proof of expenditures documentation for the future TIF reimbursements. Staff are working on those tasks. B. UMC Expansion Project Update: Staff have learned that the company intends to finish the build out of the mezzanine area of which the County Assessor had indicated there would not be any value assigned. That information from UMC is positive and may be a basis for the County Assessor to adjust the value upward slightly. More information on that issues will be available as the project is completed. The company is behind on the schedule due to minor adjustments in site improvement updates. Staff will keep the EDA apprised of a the potential of a formal ground breaking event or in the absence of that due to COVID-19, just the simple construction start date. C. CMRRP - Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership (AS) The CMRP is a coalition of central Minnesota cities, counties and townships whose purpose is to develop and implement a compelling regional vision and framework to guide local decisions on thoughtful and collaborative planning, growth, and development to benefit both individual jurisdictions and the region as a whole. CMRP currently includes the cities of Becker, Big Lake, and Monticello; Becker, Silver Creek, Monticello, and Big Lake townships; and Sherburne and Wright counties. The group adopted a joint powers agreement in 2017, and updated it in September 2019 to reflect the Partnership's evolving focus on regional challenges and opportunities. CMRP's joint powers agreement states that the group will work together to accomplish activities including: • Examine the impacts of growth on Partnerjurisdictions. • Conduct studies defining and identifying priority improvements. • Prepare collaborative project design and delivery recommendations. With those activities outlined, CMRP has launched Framework 2030. CMRP has hired Planning Next to guide the Framework 2030 process. The purpose of Framework 2030: • Establish a unified set of regional goals, policies, and priorities that Partner communities work to achieve and implement; it is not a regional comprehensive plan • Include guidance developed with Partner communities on how they can refine their local approaches, policies, plans, projects, and regulations over time to harmonize with the regional direction As a result of this regional planning project, the group is striving for outcomes which: • Allow partners align around shared priorities and commitments EDA Agenda: OS/13/20 • Build a more collaborative and trusting region • Outline the short-, medium-, and long-term projects • Jurisdictions in the region make measurable, meaningful progress toward shared goals and priorities Over the next few weeks, Round One of regional community engagement for Framework 2030 will begin in earnest. The purpose of Round One is to gather big-picture ideas about the future of the region through interactive, open-ended activities. The CMRP team is exploring ways to engage its communities and stakeholders during the COVID-19 response, recognizing that even now, planning for the region's success remains a priority. Included for the EDA's reference are a summary of CMRP's goals and an FAQ. The EDA will be receiving a survey link via email for Round 1 engagement within the next week. See Exhibits A and B as attachments to this item. D. Prospects: See attached Exhibit C. A spread sheet with information about concept stage and active search prospects is attached. 2 Framework 2030 Partnering for the future Summary Goals and Objectives for the Regional Planning Project The partner communities are anticipating significant growth and development in the coming decades, and using a collaborative and consensus-based approach to regional planning and decision making that optimizes regional and local benefits to maintain a high quality of life for area residents, businesses, and visitors. This means access to nature, development that brings high-paying jobs and other amenities to the region, the range of housing that people need, and a robust infrastructure that supports critical transportation, technology, and utility requirements. The Partnership will develop, describe, and illustrate a collective regional vision and goals, inclusively engage stakeholders, and thoughtfully plan to maximize benefits and minimize negative impacts of growth. The Framework is expected to: • Establish a unified set of regional goals, policies, and priorities that Partner communities work to achieve and implement; it is not a regional comprehensive plan • Include guidance developed with Partner communities on how they can refine their local approaches, policies, plans, projects, and regulations over time to harmonize with the regional direction Beginning at the June 2019 workshop, there was strong consensus around the following: Who How What Why/Outcomes • Region • Collaborative • Guided, planful decision • Thriving region • Multiple cities, • Cooperative making • Continued, improved townships, counties • Consensus-based • Managed growth quality of life • Community/ies • Coordinated • Planning, land uses • Elected officials • Coherent • Economic development • Staff • Aligned • Infrastructure (all forms) • Unified • Services • Opportunities, benefits Through the planning process, the Partnership intends to: • Reach consensus on major opportunities and choices that benefit the region, and successfully collaborate to maximize benefit and minimize risk Position Partners to be leaders and shape their own futures individually and collectively (rather than being the subjects of others' decisions and direction) 1 CMRP's Request for Qualifications (09/26/2019) pg 1 z Planning NEXT Professional Service Contract Exhibit A(11/06/2019) pg 1-3 Framework 2030: Goals and Objectives Summary, February 2020 Page 1 • Support connectivity within the region, and between the region and beyond As a result of this regional planning project (outcomes), the desire is that: • Partners align around shared priorities and commitments • The region is more collaborative and trusting • There are beneficial regional outcomes in the short-, medium-, and long-terms • Jurisdictions in the region make measurable, meaningful progress toward shared goals and priorities Additional project objectives • Identify and analyze regional conditions and trends • Identify and more deeply understand the impacts of issues, trends, and choices, as well as impacts resulting from future decisions that jurisdictions make based on this project's results • Fully understand each jurisdiction's assets • Establish land use priorities -- infrastructure advantages; address consistency with existing land use plans and built environment; examine where services may be in the future • Determine how the region can leverage the unique aspects of each jurisdiction and how they can collaborate to create new opportunities with broad benefits • Identify and advance economies of scale such as around infrastructure investments, economic development decisions, funding for initiatives, and similar • Address competing interests between jurisdictions; how to balance residential, commercial, industrial; existing and future zoning for industrial, commercial, residential; economic hardship differences • Find ways for the community to take ownership/buy into regional planning • Use stakeholder perspectives to guide regional planning decisions • Identify short- and medium-term projects to be implemented as the project progresses Summary engagement objectives (details) • Provide stakeholders with information about regional planning, this project, how it is relevant to them, and how they can contribute • Gather perspectives and ideas from key stakeholders throughout the region • Ensure a transparent, inclusive, and intentional process that strengthens relationships and builds trust • Use stakeholder contributions to shape plans and decisions Primary project tasks, deliverables Baseline analysis of existing plans and data 1. Prepare Baseline Conditions and Trends Report: The planning team will prepare a report that distills a "snapshot" of the region's most critical conditions and trends. The report will document regional conditions and trends through a summary report that uses concise text and graphics to clearly present data. This will likely be focused around the themes of people (demographic data), place (information about the physical environment in the study area and growth trends in the St. Cloud area and Twin Cities Metropolitan Area), and prosperity (economic and industry level trends and workforce analysis). 3 Planning NEXT Professional Service Contract Exhibit A(11/06/2019) pg 5-6 Framework 2030: Goals and Objectives Summary, February 2020 Page 2 Targeted Analysis 2. Conduct Growth Management and Land Use Analysis: The analysis will integrate a range of regional considerations, including but not limited to the continued health of commercial and industrial land uses, different types of development, the Mississippi River as a natural resource to be enhanced, high-level concepts for energy plant re-use (but not detailed site plans), road infrastructure, and utilities (potable water, sanitary sewer, wastewater treatment, telecommunications). a. Regional trends, challenges, options: Conduct assessments, studies, analyses, and similar as needed to address existing conditions, trends, and future conditions for the region, along with challenges, impacts, needs, and options from a regional perspective. b. Scenarios: Develop a range of growth scenarios or similar that incorporate and explain best practices around growth management and land use planning and frame challenges, opportunities, impacts, and options for the region's future and quality of life. 3. Conduct Economic Analysis: The economic analysis and the land and real estate assessment will be combined to provide a development capacity analysis that identifies what types of economic activity the region can support based upon the industries and economic activity taking place. Framework Development 4. Identify critical issues: Review and assess context and existing conditions; agree on critical issues. 5. Action items: Throughout the project, the selected Consultant will identify and provide as deliverables short-, medium-, and long-term projects for the Partnership's consideration and possible action. The particular focus would be efforts across multiple jurisdictions (within and beyond the current Partnership members) that advance key regional priorities as well as avoid or prevent critical challenges or problems4 6. Establish Goals, Policies, and Priorities:SDevelop a unified set of goals, policies, and priorities for the Planning Framework. 7. Create Final Framework and Action Plan: Develop a unified set of goals, policies, and priorities for the Planning Framework. The Action Plan includes mechanisms through which Partnership members can work together to implement short-, medium-, and long-term projects will be addressed. Priorities, timeframes, and responsibilities will be summarized into a matrix that can also be used to track implementation efforts. 4 CMRP's Request for Qualifications (09/26/2019) pg 3-4 5 Planning NEXT Professional Service Contract Exhibit A(11/06/2019) pg 6 Framework 2030: Goals and Objectives Summary, February 2020 Page 3 2/28/2020 Frequently Asked Questions — Central Mississippi River — Regional Planning Partnership �..�i ��� r.�i i�i�.`�.����i�..�►N� � �� � . � � Freq uently Asked Questions Home / Projects / Framework 2030 — Partnering for the Future / Frequently Asked Questions Table of Contents 1. What is Framework 2030? 2. What is the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership (CMRP)? 3. What prompted this planning project? 4. What's the planning area (region) and how was it determined? 5. Who is leading Framework 2030? Who else is involved? - Search ... 6. Is this related to the Twin Cities Metropolitan Council or the Saint Cloud Area Planning Organization? 7. How is this project relevant to me? How do I get involved? 8. What questions is Framework 2030 trying to answer? 9. How long will this planning project last? 10. Is Framework 2030 planning for a new bridge across the Mississippi? 11. What happened to the Highway 25 Coalition? What is Framework 2030? Framework 2030 — Partnering for the Future, is a regional planning and economic development project led by the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership. The Partner communities anticipate significant growth and development in the coming decades, and are using a collaborative approach to regional planning to maintain a high quality of life for area residents, businesses, and visitors. This means development that brings high- ■i.nui: � https://regionalplanningpartnership.org/projects/planning-and-economic-development-framework/frequently-asked-questions/ 1 /5 2/28/2020 Frequently Asked Questions — Central Mississippi River — Regional Planning Partnership paying jobs and other amenities to the region, the range of housing that people need, a robust infrastructure that supports critical transportation, technology, and utility requirements, and access to nature. Framework 2030 is expected to: • Create a unified set of regional goals, policies, and priorities that Partner communities commit to honoring; it is not a regional comprehensive plan • Include guidance developed with Partner communities on how they can refine their local approaches, policies, plans, projects, and regulations over time to harmonize them with the regional direction What is the Central Mississippi River Regional (CM RP)? Planning Partnership The Partnership currently includes the cities of Becker, Big Lake, and Monticello; Becker, Silver Creek, Monticello and Big Lake townships; and Sherburne and Wright counties. Some of these communities formed a coalition in 2016 focusing on transportation concerns, adopted a joint powers agreement in 2017, and updated it in September 2019 to reflect the Partnership's evolving focus on regional challenges and opportunities. Learn more about the Partnership's history_or follow its work. What prompted this planning project? The Central Mississippi River region is tied together by commerce, transportation, and its location between two major metropolitan areas. Each of the Partnership communities has its own unique https://regionalplanningpartnership.org/projects/planning-and-economic-development-framework/frequently-asked-questions/ 2/5 2/28/2020 Frequently Asked Questions — Central Mississippi River — Regional Planning Partnership history, vision, and values, and each retains local control over land use and economic development. At the same time, the Partnership understands that robust growth presents challenges and opportunities that require regional coordination, and launched this Framework 2030 planning project to explore those. What's the planning area (region) and how was it determined? The Partnership identified a regional planning area and a focused planning area as shown below. The regional planning area is inclusive of all of Sherburne and Wright Counties, while the focused planning area is tied to Partner communities. These boundaries were determined based on the availability for data for technical analysis. Who is leading Framework 2030? Who else is involved? Framework 2030 is led by the Partnership and coordinated by the planners responsible for the Partner communities. The planning project consultant is planning NEXT and the Partnership is also supported by process consultant Anne Carroll. The Partners are committed to an open and inclusive process and will engage stakeholders at key points in the project. Learn more about engagement. Is this related to the Twin Cities Metropolitan Council or the Saint Cloud Area Planning Organization? .. No. The Partnership is a separate and independent collaboration among a number of communities in Sherburne and Wright https://regionalplanningpartnership.org/projects/planning-and-economic-development-framework/frequently-asked-questions/ 3/5 2/28/2020 Frequently Asked Questions — Central Mississippi River — Regional Planning Partnership counties. How is this project relevant to me? How do I get involved? As a resident, employee, or business owner in the region, you have a stake in and opinions about the future and how to maintain and improve the region's high quality of life. Framework 2030 offers multiple opportunities to share your perspectives on the special qualities to protect and the challenges to overcome. Your contributions to this conversation are essential; learn more and get involved! What questions is trying to answer? Framework 2030 Through the planning project, the Partnership will: • Reach consensus on major opportunities and choices that benefit the region, and successfully collaborate to maximize benefit and minimize risk • Position Partners to be leaders and shape their own futures individually and collectively • Support connectivity within the region, and between the region and beyond How long will this planning project last? Framework 2030 began in January 2020 and is expected to finish in early 2021 https://regionalplanningpartnership.org/projects/planning-and-economic-development-framework/frequently-asked-questions/ 4/5 2/28/2020 Frequently Asked Questions — Central Mississippi River — Regional Planning Partnership Is Framework 2030 planning for a new bridge across the Mississippi? Traffic congestion and mobility are a challenge for the region, and through Framework 2030 the Partners intend to learn more about those issues. While a new river crossing has been discussed, Framework 2030 is looking at broader planning and economic development issues throughout the region. That includes transportation and other regional issues such as land use, growth, economic development, and others. What happened to the Highway 25 Coalition? In mid-2019, the Highway 25 Coalition evolved into the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership with a broader focus. While transportation remains a critical factor to the region's success, Framework 2030 is looking at broader planning and economic development issues throughout the region. That includes transportation and other regional issues such as land use, growth, economic development, and others. Share this: �` Twitter � Facebook O 2019 Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership. All Riqhts Reserved. 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