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City Council Agenda Packet 10-23-2006
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday October 23, 2006 — 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of the October 9, 2006 regular Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC and Parks. UV VV\ (B Consideration of renewing currency exchange license - Wal-Mart. FX fC. Consideration of appointment to fill vacancy on Planning Commission. 19 t C] ) Consideration of approving credit application with Pitney Bowes and Northem Tool and Equipment/HSBC Business Solutions. E. Consideration of adopting resolution approving contribution for MCC and Park Department. F. Consideration of fire contract renewals with City of Otsego and Silver Creek Township. Consideration of ordinance amendments related to utility billing regulations. Consideration of approving Wright County Cooperative Agreement No. 06-55 (tum -back of CSAH 75 cast of CSAR 18) 1111111=0�0 J. Consideration of resolution updating Municipal State Aid Street System for the City of Monticello. K. Consideration of approving a revised final plat for Wamert Retail Development. I 6, Consideration of' itly-Zremovc d from the consent agenda for discussion Agenda Monticello City Council October 23, 2006 Page 2 7. Public hearing and consideration of adopting assessment roll for the 2006-01 C Core Street Reconstruction Program, Project No. 2006-01 C. 8. Public hearing and consideration of adopting assessment roll for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to Redford Lane, Project No. 2005-02C. 9. Public hearing and consideration of adopting assessment roll for the extension of 7th Street from St. Henry's to CSAH 18 and the construction of Highland Way from 7th Street to CSAH 75, Project No. 2004-02C. 10. Public hearing and consideration of adopting assessment roll for the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange and related improvements, Project No. 2004-01C. 11. Public hearing and consideration of adopting assessment roll for extension of Meadow Oak Avenue fiom the current termini to CSAH 18, Project No. 2005-05C. 12. Public healing and consideration of adopting assessment roll for the Chelsea Road extension from 901h Street to CSAH 39 and School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1330 feet south), City Project No. 2005-11C. 13. Public hearing and consideration of adoption of assessment roll for delinquent utilities. 14. REMOVED. 15. Consideration of authorizing 7th Street and Highland Way Street Lighting. 16. Consideration of sale of City owned lot on River Street and review of home proposed to be located on the lot. 17. Consideration of establishing procedures for sale and marketing of City -owned Jefferson Commons commercial property 18. Approve payment of bills for October, 19. Adjourn. Council Minutes: 10/9/06 MINUTES REGULAR MEETINVG — Monday October 9, 2006 Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: Glen Posusta. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. I IN =L0 WWAIV tKkelliMej 1004 1 ago I W[M JESIUV @a gi 1IL4 KAXI _j a Wj 1-55[oll �43 9 x6j 1A 0 Ly -6 091 ON 5 V a Oki I MAN a IM RK9101 N a loin Ian I =01 lei 0 1010MM• CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 111111" i IffliV1,11 These items were added to the agenda: 1) Site for second liquor store; 2) Interest in acquisition of property from Electro, Industries; 3) Setting a special budget workshop meeting; 4) Water tower painting update; and 5) Signs for Lake Maria State Park. 4. Citizen comments, vetitions, requests and concerns. Millie Vetsch, the DFL endorsed candidate for state representative for District 19A introduced herself to the Council and urged people to attend the candidate's forum on October 18, 2006. 5. Consent A2enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for MCC and Water Department. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration to correct formal record by rescinding a motion to approve a conditional use permit for drive-through facility for Broadway Market with conditions to redesign a drive-through and approving a motion to approve a conditional use permit for a drive- through facility with no conditions. Recommendation: 1) Rescind the motion of August 28, 2006 approving the conditional use permit for a drive-through facility for Broadway Market and 2) Approve a conditional use permit for a drive through facility for Broadway Council Minutes: 10/9/06 Market based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PZM District. C. Consideration of renewing currency exchange license - Wal-Mart. Recommendation: Approve the renewal of the currency exchange license for the Wal-Mart Store located at 9320 Cedar Street. D. Consideration of approving contract for parking lot improvements at Groveland Park, City Project No. 2006-27C. Recommendation: Award the bid for the parking lot improvements at Groveland Park to Rum River Contracting in the amount of $52,783.19. E. Consideration of appointment to fill vacancy on Planning Commission. Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Barry Voight and Idella Ziegler to the Planning Commission. F. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 6 for the CSAR 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-01 C covering lights for the pedestrian bridge. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 6 in the amount of $19,600 for R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. covering the lights for the pedestrian bridge. G. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for development stage planned unit development for a restaurant use in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Brendsel Properties, Inc. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit for development stage plam-ied unit development for a restaurant use in a B-3 (Highway Business District), approve the restaurant site and building plans based on a finding that the proposed use meets the intent of the PUD and is consistent with requirements for the district subject to the following: 1) The monument sign shall be relocated to allow the proposed sidewalk to extend to the west end of the parking lot; 2) The landscape plan shall be revised to provide two additional overstory trees, one in the west area of the site, adjacent to the patio and one in the island on the east end of the south row of parking stalls; and 3) The applicant shall submit colored elevations including details on proposed materials for the trash enclosure. H. Consideration of authorizing a feasibility report for the 2007 Street Reconstruction Project. Recommendation: Authorize WSB & Associates, Inc to complete the feasibility study for the remainder of Area #3 in the Core Street Reconstruction Program. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvement for Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Segment and Appurtenant Improvements, City Project No. 2000-12C. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $96,024.45 to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. for Project No. 2000-12C, Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Segment. J. Consideration of award of bid for Linn Street and Front Street Drainage Improvements, City Project No. 2006-12C. Recommendation: Award the contract for Linn Street and Front Street Drainage Improvements to J.S. Stewart Companies in the amount of $21,780.00. Council Minutes: 10/9/06 K. Consideration of acceptance of improvements for Nathan's Court. Recommendation: Accept the public improvements for Nathan's Court subject to the following conditions: 1) The developer is to submit as-builts for acceptance; 2) The developer is to submit warranty bonds for 25% of certified construction costs with warranty covering two years from the date of Council acceptance of work; 3) The developer is to provide a $9,600 letter of credit to cover erosion/restoration and landscaping; and 4) A $5,000 cash security will be held to cover costs of final warranty inspection. L. Consideration of approving quotes for demolition of home on Kevin Tracy property. Recommendation: Award the contract for removal and demolition of Tracy House to Schmitz and Sons in the amount of $4,521.00. M. Consideration of authorizing maintenance purchases for the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Authorize the requested maintenance purchases for the community center which were budgeted for in the 2006 budget. N. Consideration of calling for a joint meeting of the City Council for the purpose of reviewing a Memorandum of Understanding Pertaining to Acquisition of YMCA and operation as a park. Recommendation: Approve calling for a joint meeting of the City Council and the Wright County Board of Commissioners for review and consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to sharing of cost to purchase and operate YMCA property for park purposes and to call for a closed meeting of the City Council and the Wright County Board of Commissioners to review the YMCA property appraisal information with the meetings scheduled to occur on October 24, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. at the Wright County Courthouse. On item 5L there was clarification on the different addresses that appeared on the two quotes. Items 5C, 5E, 5H, 5M and 5N were pulled from the consent agenda for discussion. WAYNE MAYER APPROVED THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5C, #5E, #5H, #5M D, BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5C: Renewing Currency Exchange License — Wal-Mart: Tom Perrault pulled this item because as an employee of the firm he would not be voting on the item. Wayne Mayer had concerns about the outside storage on the School Boulevard side of the Wal-Mart site. Jeff O'Neill stated in the building permit review process the storage was shown at this location but no one picked up on that. Staff has informed Wal-Mart that this outside storage is not allowed and should be removed. Staff is waiting to hear back from Wal-Mart regarding the removal. Wayne Mayer asked if this building review process took place prior to Gary Anderson being the Building Official. Jeff O'Neill indicated it was and added that all previous information received from Wal-Mart had not shown any outside storage at this location. Clint Herbst indicated that if the City missed this item in their review process, he wasn't sure what the City could do at this point if Wal-Mart elects not to move the storage. Wayne Mayer asked if there is enough room between the Wal-Mart site and School Boulevard to do something 0 Council Minutes: 10/9/06 like a barrier wall or landscaping. If Wal-Mart indicates they would not remove the outside storage the issue would come back before the Council. Wayne Mayer noted there was no fee schedule contained in the application and since that was a requirement, he felt action should be held off until that schedule was made available. 5E: Appointments to Planning Commission: Wayne Mayer stated that because this was a paid position, he had wanted to see the resumes of the applicants. He also noted that there is occasionally a second meeting in the month for the Planning Commission and based on the ordinance Planning Commission members would not get paid for this second meeting. Brian Stumpf said another option would be to amend the ordinance to allow them to be paid for a second meeting. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO BRING THIS ITEM BACK AT THE NEXT MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 5H: 2007 Street Deconstruction Project: Wayne Mayer stated he had concerns about going ahead with the feasibility report without knowing if the City has funds in place for it. Clint Herbst would like the consulting engineer to take a look at the streets and come back with a determination as to what areas should be looked at. Bret Weiss noted that this was one of the options that the Council could look at. He stated that areas on River Street were in bad condition but this area had been delayed because of the extensive sanitary sewer improvements that would be needed in this area also. Bret Weiss did feel that the Council should consider moving forward even if it was with just a smaller portion of the reconstruction program however he agreed that Street Department should look at the streets and come back with their recommendation. Brian Stumpf asked about River Street from CSAH 75 to Electro Industries. Brian Stumpf noted the Council had received correspondence and pictures from Mr. Seefeldt of Electro Industries which showed the condition of River Street in that area. The question was whether anything could be done out there yet this year. Bret Weiss said they could do some patching but he did not recommend anything more than that if the street is going to be reconstructed. Mr. Seefeldt's opinion was that the street should be sealcoated and then reconstruction would not be necessary. Bret Weiss felt this segment could be added to whatever area the Council determined to do as the reconstruction project in 2007. John Simola said River Street would be one of the most expensive portions of the street reconstruction program since most of the sanitary sewer would have to be replaced but they would look at the streets and bring a recommendation back to the Council. Brian Stumpf expressed his concern about doing something on River Street with the Council looking at the intersection of River Street and TH 25. He did not want to see something done now under one project having to be redone as a result of the other project. Clint Herbst said he would like this information in advance so that the Council could view the areas beforehand. Col Council Minutes: 10/9/06 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE ANOTHER AREA TO BE STUDIED AND INCLUDE LOOKING AT THE SEGMENT OF RIVER STREET FROM CSAH 75 TO ELECTRO INDUSTRIES AND TO BRING THE INFORMATION BACK TO THE COUNCIL. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5M: Maintenance purchases for the Community Center: Wayne Mayer questioned the replacement of the lockers in the locker room. Kitty Baltos noted it was being proposed to replace just the lockers in the family locker room at this time as the metal lockers are seriously deteriorated. Wayne Mayer noted the estimate for the work was $11,500 asked how big of an expansion of the locker area was being proposed. Kitty Baltos indicated at the present time there are 20 tall lockers and they would be expanding to 36 half lockers. Tom Perrault stated that he had asked Kitty Baltos to verify the price since the quote had been submitted some time ago and the contractor indicated that the quoted prices were still good. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE REQUESTED MAINTENANCE PURCHASES FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER WHICH INCLUDE REPLACING COILS IN THE DEHUMIDIFICATION UNIT FOR THE POOL AND REPLACING METAL LOCKERS IN THE FAMILY LOCKER ROOM. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5N: Joint meeting with Wright County on YMCA property: A joint meeting with the Wright County Commissioners was proposed for October 24, 2006 at I p.m. at the Wright County Courthouse. Brian Stumpf suggested that since the Council would be meeting on October 23, 2006 the joint meeting be scheduled before the regular meeting of the Council so that the Council could act on the matter at their regular meeting. The County Commissioners could then act on it at their regular meeting on October 24, 2006. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CALL FOR A JOINT MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL AND THE WRIGHT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR OCTOBER 23, 2006 AT A MEETING TIME TO BE SCHEDULED BEFORE THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AT 7 P.M. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Tom Perrault questioned provision #9 in the Memorandum of Understanding that dealt with funding of future land acquisition. He did not understand why there would be a need to acquire additional land. 7. Public HearinLy on vacation of a vortion of Cedar Street for the Warnert Retail City Engineer, Bruce Westby provided the background information on the item explaining that the Council had approved the final plat for Wamert Retail in April of 2006. When the developer went to record the plat, the County requested that the property line along Cedar Street be straightened. The developer was under the impression that in order to get the plat line straightened out the City would have to vacate an area of Cedar Street. A meeting was held with the County Surveyor and the developer and his surveyor. As a result of this meeting they determined there are still some other issues that the County felt needed to be addressed before the plat can be recorded.. The developer will be doing some research as to where the plat line Council Minutes: 10/9/06 should be formed. The developer hopes to have this information within two weeks and will then submit a revised plat to the City. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing on the street vacation. Ryan Gideon from Westwood Professional group who was the surveyor and engineer for the developer spoke stating the Warnert retail plat was replat of lots from two previously recorded plats. The legal description was based on the placement of irons in these two plats which were approved by the County. The jog of the boundary line was present in the underlying plats. However, they would look at the descriptions of the road as well as the plat and come back with what they find. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. Brian Stumpf asked if the Council wanted to discuss at this time a rate for the sale of the vacated right of way, Since there is a possibility that it may not be necessary to include any right of way in the plat, the Council determined not to set a sale price at this time. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED UPON CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING TO TABLE ACTION ON THE VACATION OF CEDAR STREET UNTIL RESOLUTION OF QUESTIONS RELATING TO THE BOUNDARY LINES OF THE PLAT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of establishing a reward for information reeardin2, vandalism at Monte, Club. Since the City had acquired the Monte Club property, there has been vandalism and damage to the property in excess of $ 100,000.00 including removal of copper piping and copper electrical wire. The damage was done by someone who had knowledge of what had value and had the equipment to remove the materials. This loss is something the City's insurance will not cover. It is hoped by establishing a reward, it will show that the City is serious about curtailing this type of activity. The Council discussed the amount of the award and Brian Stumpf suggested setting an "up to" amount and felt $10,000 was reasonable. It was felt in order for the reward to be paid out the information would have to lead to the arrest and conviction of the party responsible for the damage. Clint Herbst stated that if restitution is made, the City could receive the reward money back as part of the restitution. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ESTABLISH A REWARD OF UP TO $10,000 FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THE ARREST AND CONVICTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL(S) RESPONSIBLE FOR THE VANDALISM AND DAMAGE, BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTIOON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of approvinLy plans and specifications and accept auotes or approve plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids for the River Mill Pathway Improvement Proiect No. 2006-30C. Bret Weiss presented background infon-nation on this item and submitted quotes from Buffalo Bituminous in the amount, of $47,208.75 and Hardrives Inc.in the amount of $53,215-50 for the completion of the pathway segment. He noted that there are two segments to be improved. One is from Mill Run Road to the access point in the River Mill 6h Addition and the other segment of pathway runs through the woods. Area #1 has 3"-6" of Class V and topsoil underneath the Class V which causes some concern about stability of the pathway. Braun Intertee who did the testing M Council Minutes: 10/9/06 suggested removal of the topsoil. Bret Weiss suggested a roll test. He felt the majority of Area #1 would be acceptable for paving. In Area #2 the topsoil would be removed. Bret Weiss stated that drainage improvements would also be necessary as part of this project. The drainage improvements would be done prior to paving and it is anticipated the quotes for the storm sewer improvements would be coming within the week. The other option would be to just complete the gravel portion now and do the paving next year. Clint Herbst felt this was an important link in the pathway system as without it, traffic is directed onto County Road 39. Wayne Mayer asked if there was any price advantage in doing the prep work now or if this project could be rolled into another project. Bret Weiss didn't think combining this work with another job would generate any savings. Buffalo Bituminous was thinking they could get this done this year and Bret Weiss felt there were certain advantages in doing the project this year if it was possible. Jeff O'Neill asked if the weather doesn't allow construction this fall, would the prices still be good in the spring. Bret Weiss will check on that. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ACCEPT THE LOWEST QUOTE FOR THE RIVER MILL PATHWAY IMPROVEMENT FROM BUFFALO BITUMINOUS IN THE AMOUNT OF $47,208.75 TO INCLUDE CORRECTING ANY SOFT SPOTS IN AREA I AFTER A ROLL TEST IS COMPLETED AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR EXECUTE CONTRACTS FOR THE QUOTES RECEIVED ON THE STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS WITH SAID DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS NOT EXCEED $20,000. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. to Consideration for modification of costs to be assessed for the 2006 Core Street, Reconstruction Proiect. Citv Project No. 2006-01C.. Bret Weiss reviewed changes that were being proposed for the assessment of the 2006 Core Street Reconstruction Project. These included: 1) 1405 River Street West being assessed fOr V2 the length of the property based on the front footage rate and including one residential unit; 2) The residential per lot assessment was reduced from $3,150/per lot to $3,000/per lot; 3) The sidewalk assessment rate was established at $484.39 per unit; 4) The Holthaus development was reviewed. There was some negotiation with the property owner when CSAH 75 was improved. At that time the property was assessed for 1/4of the length along CSAH 75 with the understanding that the property would be assessed for the full side on Otter Creek when it was improved. Because the property is now a new residential plat it is being assessed 100% of the cost of the road; and 5) The assessment for the River Terrace Park and Red Rooster Properties would be done on a front footage basis rather than unit basis. John Simola indicated that the property at 1205 West Broadway which is on the assessment roll does not have an access onto Otter Creek Road and was assessed when CSAH 75 was improvement and should not be assessed under this project. Bret Weiss also noted the property just west of Craig Lane has a driveway access onto River Street. When the balance of River Street is reconstructed he will be assessed under that project. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION ON THE PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE ASSESSMENT HEARING ON THE CORE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT SET FOR OCTOBER 23, 2006. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 0 Council Minutes: 10/9/06 Lake Maria State Park Signs: It was suggested that since Chelsea Road was put through the directional signs for Lake Maria State Park should be relocated so traffic to Lake Maria State Park is directed down Chelsea Road. John Simola will check into this. Review properties for possible second liquor store site: Clint Herbst suggested that the Council set -up a time to look at possible sites for a second liquor store and to look at the vacant land owned by Electro Industries. Since the City had been talking about a second liquor store site for some time he felt it made sense to look at possible site for this facility. The Council discussed whether there would be any interest in acquiring the vacant land owned be Electro Industries. Clint Herbst stated because the property is located adjacent to 1-94 it has an escalated value. There was some discussion on the alignment of the interchange for that area. The new interchange would primarily impact the ballfield complex on the Xcel property. Brian Stumpf asked if the sketch shown was the design of the interchange. Bret Weiss Stated that the diamond interchange was what was preferred by MnDOT. Budget Meeting Workshop: This will be scheduled for the first meeting of November and review of the possible second liquor store sites could also be done at this time. Water Tower Painting. John Simola updated the Council on this project. The logo has been painted on the cast and west side and the Monticello name is on the south side. John Simola indicated that upon measuring the logo it was 5' short and 3'-4' narrower than the original design. There are two recourses. One is to let the paint dry; then sandblast it off and start over with another stencil. A new stencil would have to be made which would take several weeks and there is not enough time to get it completed this year. Another recourse would be to negotiate a deduct on the contract. John Simola indicated the value of the logo was $8,000-$10,000. The paint job should last 15-20 years. Clint Herbst stated the residents in this area have been looking at this for a long time and he felt the project should be finished up. John Simola reported the next step in the painting process is to put on the clear coat. The clear coat in its initial application will be purple so that it can be seen what has been painted. The Council indicated staff should negotiate with the contractor. Brian Stumpf asked how far behind schedule the contractor was on this project. John Simola stated the contractor is under liquidated damages and that any negotiated contract deduct would be over and above the liquidated damages. MUND ta IMINKPIA V041 FLO] 01 I The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Recording Secretary Ulf] Council Agenda: 10/23/06 5A. Consideration of avProvine new hires and devartures for MCC,and Parks. (RW) The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and Parks Departments. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part- time and seasonal workers. I Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. List of new employees. 11 Name Title Department Hire Date Class Nordberg, Erin Slide Attendant MCC 10/5/2006 PT Frieberg, Dan Lifeguard MCC 10/10/2006 PT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Geyen, Mark Temp Parks 10/2/2006 Temp employee council list.xls: 10/17/2006 12 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 5B. Consideration of renewing currenev exchange license — Wal-Mart. (RW) The request for renewal of the currency exchange came up at the October 9, 2006 Council meeting and was tabled because the fee schedule was not attached to the application. The application submitted by Wal-Mart to the State of Minnesota was completed. The State in forwarding the information to the City chose to send only the application form and not the attachments. Attached to the agenda is the complete form. 1. Approve the renewal of the currency exchange license for Wal-Mart located at 9320 Cedar Street. 2. Do not approval the renewal for the currency exchange license. 11000008�����111 M City staff is not aware of any reason why the currency exchange license renewal should not be approved. �111�;, W, Complete application form. 13 Octe11. 2006 9:50AM MN DEPT OF COMMERCE MINNESOTA 2007 LICENSE RENEWAL NOTICE CURRENCY EXCHANGE WAL-MART STORES INC. dba: WAL-MART SUPERCENTER #3624 9320 CEDAR ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 Phone Number: (763)295-6594 No. 5016 P. 1 License Type: CURRENCY EXCHANGE"` comill, �'Ce License Number: 20535451 Abd 1,16 28 16 � 8 Company Structure; CORPORATION Renewal Fee: $500 -'44c'd $ Check this box if you will not be renewing the license for the year 200 Returning the form will serve as a SURRENDER of the license. AFFIRMATION: I I hereby certify that the information and responses contained In this renewal application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Rick W.' Brazile VP of Finance me (P' t) Title 8/22/06 Signature NOTARY SEAL ed and sworn to, before me, a Notary Public, this 22 day of Argus t 2006. State Of Arkansas County of Benton -- Notary Public Signature _§Z22 13 My commission expires You must return this entire 2 -page form with attachments, signed, along with your renewal payment, to: Minnesota Department of Commerce Financial Examinations Division 85 - 7th Place East, Suite 500 St. Paul, MN 55101-2198 CORRECTIONSIAMENDMENTS: Make name, address or telephone number corrections directly on the form above - 0 For a name change, attach a copy of the amended name filed and stamped by the Minnesota Secretary of State. a If the company uses an assumed name in Minnesota and the name is not included in the above information, attach a copy of the Assumed Name Certificate from the Minnesota Secretary of State, 0 P.O. Box addresses are not acceptable, Renewals without a street address will be returned. TIMELY RENEWAL: The renewal form must be signed, notarized, and dated and returned with the correct renewal fee by Sept. 1, 2006. * Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 53A.04(a), regarding the licensing of currency exchanges, both state and local approval of the issuance and renewal of a currency exchange license is required. This process may take up to 120 days; therefore, you should return the required forms immediately to ensure a timely renewal. * If all required forms are not fully completed and returned to our office with payment by September 1, 2006, your license will lapse effective December 31, 2006, If your license does lapse, you must reapply for a license using the license application form and paying the new license fees. * A properly renewed license Will be valid through December 31, 2007. RENEWAL FEE: • NOCASK ACCEPTED. Please make check or money order payable to MN. DEPT. OF COMMERCE. • NOTICE: Dishonored checks Will be assessed a $30 service fee by law and may result in failure to renew license. • Renewal fees are non-refundable except that an overpayment of a fee will be refundable upon proper application. If you have questions, please contact the Financial Examinations Division by e-mail at robin.brown@state.mn.us or by telephone at (651) 282-9855. # oi Past -it', Fax Note 7671 Date ) 1pagesI., ( 1 TO From WAL-MART SUPERCENTER #3624 Co./Deptj Co. rVI 9320 CEDAR ST Phone fr Phono It MONTICELLO, MN 55362 14 Oct.11. 2006 9:51AM MN DEPT OF COMMERCE No, 5616 P. 2 MINNESOTA 2007 LICENSE RENEWAL NOTICE CURRENCYEXCHANGE The following Information must be completed as part of the renewal application: 1. Attach to this form a list of the name(s), business and residence address, and official title of each director, officer, limited or general partner, manager, shareholder holding more than ten percent of the outstanding stock of the corporation, and employees with authority to exercise management or policy control over the company or member of the licensee, The list should contain the equity ownership of each person. 2. Each person listed in item 1 must request the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension conduct a background investigafion on the form provided. Completed forms must be submitted with your renewal application, 3. Attach a current fee schedule of all fees charged by the currency exchange office for cashing checks, money orders or travelers checks. The list must include the type of checks cashed, the fees charged, and whether or not the fees very depending on the amount of the check. 4, Attach the $10,000 Surety Bond (on the forms provided) with a power of attorney form. The bond must be effective January 1, 2007, until December 31, 2007. 5, Does the licensee have employees at the currency exchange location? [ X ] Yes [ ) No If yes, you must provide evidence of current workers' compensation insurance. Attach a copy of the certificate of insurance. 6. Does the licensee operate any other currency exchange locations? [ -V I Yes No if yes, attach to this form the name of the location, the street address, city, state, zip code, and county. 7. Contact person for questions relatinq_!o_lictLs�in issues: Name Kimberly Cooper Title Lkewing Specialist III Firm Nama_- a -- WakWart'StOre-Y, IC FI Street Address -702K IV 8th Stned— City Bentonville State/Zip code AR 72716-0500 1��J�ehone Number 479-277-7042 Fax Number 479-204-9864 8. Contact person for questions relating to consumer complaints.,-- Name . Cindy H. Yong-McPike Title Project Maneat ff Kimberly. Cooper*val-mart com E-mail address- -Firm Name Wal-Mart Stores, Street Address 702 9, W. 8& _Street _ City Bentonville State/Zip Code -AR 72716.0500 chyang,@ )wal-mart com Telephone Number 479-204-0788 Fax Number 47g_204 30 E-mail address - 9, Contact arson at the curren exchan_ go location: Wal-Mart Supercenter #3624 Name Joel Meyer Title Store MaRager 9320 CedarSt. monticellp MN 55362 Street Address Ci State/Zip Code 7463-295-9800 763-295-9809 Telephone Number :Fax Number E-mail address n1a Page 2 of 2 15 Oct 1.1, 2006 9:51AM MN DEPT OF COMMERCE No. 5016 P, 3 Wal-Mart Stores, file_ is beginning a payroll check cashing service for our customers from its cash registers only. Customers will be able to cash a payroll check for a small fee. The fee will either be I % of the check or $3.00 for each transaction, with a 'maximum rate being $3.00 being charged. Below is a list of all states where Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. has check cashing services for our Customers. Minnesota South Carolina California Pennsylvania Maryland Utah Louisiana Virginia Georgia Nevada Indiana North Carolina Washington Delaware Vermont 16 Oct,11. 2006 9:51AM MN DEPT OF COMMERCE No, 5016 P. 4 BOND NU ER: 104514158 'I'll #b-IbU page I of 2 STATE OF MRTNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE CURRENCY EXCHANWal rt StGEsgerY BOND, Inc. dba KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Wal-Mart Supercenter #3624 a Discount Retailer, Delaware (Name of Currency Exchange) (Description or form of business organization, including state of incorporation) with business office at 9320 Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 (Street Address, City, State, Zip) as PRINCIPAL and Travelers Casual ty, and Surety Company of America (Name of Surety) a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut which is authorized to engage in the business of insurance in the State of Minnesota, as SURETY, are hereby held and firmly bound to the Department of Commerce of the State of Minnesota in the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000). Principal and Surety hereby bind themselves, their representatives, successors and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. The parties further agree that: 1. The purpose of this obligation, which is required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 53A.08, is to secure the compliance by Principal with the terms of Minnesota Statutes, Section 53A.02 to 53A,13, and any other legal obligations arising out of the Principal's conduct as a currency exchange. 2. This bond is for the benefit of the State of Minnesota and all persons suffering damages by reason of the Principal's failure to comply with Minnesota Statutes, Section 53A,02 to 53A.08, or other legal obligations arising out of Principal's conduct as a currency exchange, 3. If the Principal shall violate Minnesota Statutes, Section 53A.02 to 53A.08, or other legal obligations arising out of its conduct as a currency exchange, the Commissioner of Commerce, as well n. any person damaged as a 'result of such violation shall have, in addition to all other legal remedies, a right of action on this bond in the name of the injured party for loss sustained by the injured party. 4. This bond shall be effective from January 1, 2007 until December 31, 2007 (Year) Signed and Sealed this 7th day of August 2006 Travelers Casualty and Surety By: Company of America (Name of Surety) Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. dba By: Wal-Mart Supercenter #3624 (Name of Currency Exchange) By: (SignA-of Attomey in Fact of Surety Company) By: (Signature of Sole Proprietor, Partner, or President) H. T.Re Scott Jr., President & CEO 17 Oct. I 1. 2006 9: 51AM MN DEPT OF COMMERCE No, 5016 P, 5 CURRENCY EXCHANGE SURETY BOND 1. This page is to be completed by a notary public for both the Principal and the, S=ty. Page 2 of 2 2, Please attach the Power of Attorney and Certified Copy of the Corporate Resolution for the Surety listed herein. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRINCIPAL STATE OF COUNTY OF 1 ss. (SOLE, PROPRIETORSHIP) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ane this day of by (Name of person acknowledged) Notary Public * * '+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * W, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (PARTNERSHIP/LLMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of by a partner on behalf of (Name of acknowledging partner) , a partnership. (Name of partnership/limited liability company) NOTARY SEAL, Notary Public * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * -+ * * * * * * * *++a:* ******** *-t-* ***** * * * * * 4: * * * gip** * * * * * (CORPORATION) -Vk The fore instrument was acknowledged before e this day of Zoo by V"' mI e e- z�� EA' 9 - President of (Name of corporate president) I t�ye .S Ae. a corporation. on (Name of corporation acknowledging) state of neo ration) behalf* of the corporation, NOTARY SEAL. Notary Public My commission expires 6/22/13 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SURETY STATE OF Missouri COUNTYOFSt., ss' The foregoing inswument was acknowledged before me this 7th by daatL-B— Ecan . -y=jjL—j:az (Name and title of officer or agent) of Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America (Name of corporation acknowledging) a Connect * icut corporation, on behalf of the corporation (state of incorporation) NOTARY SEAL LYNN CHRISTANELL 2 NOTARY PUBUC - NOTARY SEAL STATE OF MISSOURI, ST, LOUIS COUNrf COM["'SIGN DORES 09-22-09 COMMISSION #05773293 , day of August 2006 Notary Public 9M Oct, 11 - 2006 9 - 5 1 AM I IKAMN DEPT OF COMMERCEbu.Kr, I it WNLYAN T Ur- AMKICA No, 5016 P. 6 1 KA V P.1AKb I-AZ)VA L L'Y AND SURETY COMPANY FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY Hartford, Connecticut 061819062 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY TRESE PRESENTS, THAT TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY CObRANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY CONTANY, corporations duly organized under the laws Of the State of Connecticut, and having their principal offices in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, (hereinafter the "Companies") hath made, constituted and appointed, and do by these presents make, constitute and appoint: JoAjtn R. Frank, of St. Louis, Missouri, their true and lawful Attorneys) -in -Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred to sign, execute and acknowledge, at any place within the United States, the following instrument(s): by his/her sole signature and act, any and all bonds, recognizance&, contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking and any and all consents incident thereto and to bind the Companies, thereby as fully and to the same extent as if the same were signed by the duly authorized officers of the Companies, and all the acts of said Attorney(s)-in-Fact, pursuant to the authority herein given, are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made under and by authority of the following Standing Resolutions of said Companies, which Resolutions are now in full force and effect: VOTE -D., That the Chainnavi. the President, any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President any Second Vice President, thcTreasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary may appoint Attomr,,ys-in-Fact and Agents to act for and on behalf of the company and may give such appointee such authority aShiS Or hot certificate of authority may prescribe to sign with the Company's name and seal with the Company's Seal bonds, rocognizances., contracts of indemnity, and other writings obligatory in the nature of a bond, recognizance, or conditional undertaking, and any of said officers or the Board of Directors at any time may remove any such appointee and revoke the power given him Or her. VOTED: That Vie Chairman. the. President. any Vice Chairman, any Executive Vice President, my Senior Vice President or any Vice President may delegate all or any part of the foregoing authority to one or more officers or employees of this Company, provided that each such delegation is in writing and a copy thereof is filed in the office of the Secretary. VOTED: That any bond, recognizance, contract of indemnity, or writing obligatory in the nature of bond recognizance, or conditional undertaking shall be valid and binding upon the Company when (a) signed by the President, any Vice Chairman, any Fxecutive Vice President, any Senior Vice President or any Vice President, any Second Vice President the Treasurer, any Assistant Treasurer, the Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Secretary and duly attested and sealed with the Company's seal by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, or (b) duly executed (under sea], if required) by one or rrioro Attomcys•in•Fact and Agents pursuant to the power prescribed in his or her certificate or their certificates of authority or by one or more Company officers pursuant to a written delegation of authority, This Power of Attorney and Certificate of Authority is signed and sealed by facsimile (mechanical or printed) under and by authority of the following Standing Resolution voted by the Boards of Directors of TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY OF AMERICA, TRAVELERS CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY and FARMINGTON CASUALTY COMPANY, which Resolution is now in full force and effect: VOTED: That the signature of each of the following officers: President, any Executive Vice President, any Senior Vice President, any Vice President, any Assistant Vice President. any Secretary, any Assistant Secretary, and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto appointing Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries or Altoincys-in-Fact for purposes only of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings mid other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such P(,wet orattomoy or certificate boring such facsimile signature or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and any such power so executed and certified by such facsimile signature and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, (8-97) 19 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 5C. Consideration of aiDiDointment to fill vacanev on Plannin2 Commission.. (JO) This item was tabled from the October 9, 2006 Council meeting to give Council members an opportunity to review the credentials of the applicants. The Planning Commission recommended the appointment of Barry Voight and Idella Ziegler to fill the vacancies created by the resignation of Sandy Suchy and Craig Schibonski. The applicants were interviewed by the Planning Commission with Clint Herbst and Tom Perrault also in attendance. 1. Move to approve the appointment of Barry Voight and Idella Ziegler to the Planning Commission. 2. Move to deny the appointment of Barry Voight and/or Idella Ziegler to the Planning Commission. Move to have applicants interviewed by the full Council. 4. Move to table the appointment to the fill the vacancies and extend the advertisement for additional candidates. Although staff would like to see the appointments made so that there is a full Commission for the November meeting. With the comprehensive plan update and other issues such as the sign ordinance and PUD review, it is important to have the vacancies filled so the new members have a little time to get up to speed on the issues coming before the Planning Commission. None. NX Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Consideration of avvrovin2 credit anWication with Pitnev Bowes and Northern Tool and Eauipment/HSBC Business Solutions. (RW) In August of 2005 the City Council approved the attached policy covering credit card use. The policy requires approval for each vendor the City establishes a charge account with. Currently the City's postage machine is leased through Pitney Bowes and the City has an on-line means of charging for the postage used by the City and therefore is considered as a charge account. The City also has an account at Northern Tool and Equipment/HSBC Business Solutions. The equipment is charged at Northern Tool and Equipment but HSBC Business Solutions bills the account. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS; 1. Approve the credit applications with Pitney Bowes and Northern Tool and Equipment/HSBC Solutions. 2. Do not approve the credit applications with Pitney Bowes and Northern Tool and Equipment/HSBC Business Solutions. It is the recommendation of the Director of Finance to approve the credit applications with Pitney Bowes and Northern Tool and Equipment/HSBC Business Solutions in accordance with state statutes requiring Council approval of credit applications. Credit card policy 21 City of Monticello RU,ICY F*1 C.V.ETIT CARD PURCHASA The City limits use of credit cards to local stores that require a credit card to be used for purchases that are charged and billed later. Specific store credit cards may be used for credit purchases only if authorized by City Council according to MN state statutes. The city Finance department will initiate a credit card application(s) after approval by City Council. Cards will be issued at the department level (i.e., MCC, city hall, water/sewer, parks, public works, liquor store, deputy registrar, fire). This should generate invoices from the vendor relative to each department's charges, which will make it more efficient for processing the bills and issuing payments to the vendors. The department head will be responsible for authorizing employees to make credit purchases. Credit cards must be stored in a secure site with controlled access. Employees must sign for their department's credit card from an authorized person. When they are done with the card, they must return the card along with signed charge slip to an authorized person. Forms will be provided to those authorized to check out the cards. This will provide a means of storing and tracking credit card use and comply with audit requirements. The Finance department will ensure that charge slips are approved with a department head signature and then match verified slips against the vendor invoices. Every effort will be made to avoid generating late fees and interest caused by late payments. The Finance department may utilize online bill payments to insure that payment deadlines are met. AUTHORIZED VENDORS AUTHORIZED CHECK OUTS Ace Hardware, Monticello Holiday Stationstore, Monticello Walmart, Monticello Finance department employees City Administrator Community Center Director Liquor Store Manager Fire Chief Public Works Director Employees authorized by supervisor 22 credit card purchases policy.doc: 12/01/2005 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 62FE. Consideration of avoroval of contribution for Monticello Communitv Cents" and Park Devartment. (RW) I The City has received a donation in the amount of $3,000 from the Land of Lakes Choirboys to be used for the wall mural at the Monticello Community Center. The Monticello Lions Club is also making a donation of $3,000 to be used for underground wiring and wiring for the Christmas Village that is set up at West Bridge Park As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Details of the Lions "Holiday Village" project are as follows: The Monticello Lions Club is offering the City of Monticello and the community a project of significance. Over the past 30 years, since the local club was founded, local events and celebrations have held a high priority. Now, with club membership at nearly 80 men and women, we feel it is time once again to provide the monies and labor in the form of a seasonal civic project. A sub committee was formed within the organization to brainstorm ideas for a "Holiday Village" theme. We wanted the City of Monticello to be recognized by its residents as a welcome place to call home, but also become visually appealing to travelers and visitors as well. West Bridge Park became a point of interest due to its proximity to the river and also to the busy State Highway 25. The Lions have a past history of community contributions and its efforts can be found in the parks, schools and general welfare of the people of Monticello. In the past few years, besides many other civic projects, we have contributed to the construction of shelters in Ellison Park, West Bridge Park, our namesake Pioneer Park and a veteran's memorial project. Through sweat -equity and/or contributions we have enhanced the City's quality of life and provided enjoyment for all park visitors. Our current project involves extensive holiday lighting and decorating of the West Bridge Park site. The seasonal concept will involve tree decorating and a shelter surrounding the open air gazebo on the west -end of the park. The shelter envisioned involves temporary panels placed around the existing posts, creating essentially a wind block to protect the chilled visitors to the park. The panels would be plywood murals with artwork provided by Monticello's Elementary school classes. The ensemble would not be permanent and could be disassembled in less than an hour with no permanent structural hardware attached to the shelter itself. The material would consist of 5/8" plywood and would be in accordance with local building and safety codes. The work would be completed with the Lions Club providing labor and materials and will be overseen and critiqued by City staff. 23 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Another addition to the shelter would be an overhead light placed in the center of the structure to provide light for various evening functions during the short days of winter. The light would be installed by our licensed electrician abiding by all of the inspections and codes required. Along with the light, an additional CFCI box would be added to the shelter at a raised height to accommodate soffit lighting. The overhead light lens would be of a high impact plastic which would withstand vandalism and could be switched by either a timer or traditional switching. There are currently several pedestals which allow plug -ins for electrical devices within the park. A goal would be to provide several more locations to attach decorative lighting to trees and facades in remote locations of the park. This would require underground wiring to these locations with a vibratory plow which would not render any surface disruption. The routes would be carefully laid out with respect to buried utilities, vegetation and irrigation lines. The entire process would be monitored by City staff and mapped and located professionally. The non -obtrusive pedestals would all be ground fault interrupted circuits and designated as such. All of the decorations used in the park would be arranged in such a fashion to eliminated overloading of circuits and also placed to prevent a tripping hazard for pedestrians. The decorated branches would be trimmed with care. The branches would not be burdened with too much weight and heat fiom the bulbs would not be an issue. From a cost standpoint the City would possibly see a slight increase in electrical consumption, but at the same time, create a secure atmosphere and public awareness of the park's amenities. The Chamber of Commerce sponsored a visit by Santa in 2005 and was greeted by over 400 guests and led a parade on a bitter cold Friday evening. Santa was featured in the gazebo and the event was a success. The lighting donated by the Chamber was recognized by many people in the community and sparked the idea to spread the lighting and theme out over the entire park. The Lions would assist with decorating the wanning house and ice rink surroundings as well. Several other groups in the "Home for the Holiday's" organization have also committed time, labor and expense to this project. On behalf of the Monticello Lions Club, we are urging the City of Monticello's Mayor, staff and Council to give the "green light" for this venture. The first year would be a trial basis, based upon public reaction. It is our hope for future expansion and possibly annexing Bast Bridge park as an additional part of the "winter wonderland". As mentioned earlier, our club would be in accordance with all rules, codes and regulations. We would honor the hours of operation and would set up and tear down promptly with an emphasis on safety. The costs and labor would rest solely on the Lion's Club but would require some staff cooperation and a moth or so of increased electrical usage. We would also code all bills accordingly. 23A Council Agenda: 10/23/06 As Lions, we are proud to be a part of this community service project and look forward to your response. Tom Grossnickle, Lions President 2006-2007 Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified by the donor, and authorize the Lions to proceed with the project. 2. Do not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donor. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Finance Department to adopt the resolution accepting the contribution. Your acceptance of the donation gives the Lions the green light for the project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolutions IM City of Monticello WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of NP; Statutes Section 471.895. WHERE AS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONORIENTITY DESCRIPTION Land of Lakes Choirboys Cash donation VALUE $3000 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: I The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. TI. -ie contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY RECIPIENT i PURPOSE Land of Lakes Choirboys Monticello Community Center Wall mural in party room Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 23rd day of October, 2006. Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator contributions MCC muralresolution.doc: 10/19/2006 24 - = I = = Z I 1119k4wi-111 Iffy WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Monticello Lions Club Cash donation $2000.00 Monticello Lions Club Cash donation $1000.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: I The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONORIENTITY I RECIPIENT PURPOSE Monticello Lions Club City of Monticello Underground {$1000) and Christmas Village ($2000) wiring - West Bridge Park Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 23rd day of October, 2006. Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 25 contributions MASTERresolution,doc: 10/19/2006 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 The current three year contracts for fire protection services for half of Silver Creek Township and a portion of the City of Otsego are set to expire December 31, 2006. The City currently charges $45/per parcel for fire protection coverage which generates $19,530 from Otsego and $27,360 from Silver Creek Township. In the past the City has used a formula to calculate the costs per parcel to charge which is based on a number of factors including the annual fixed cost to have the fire department available along with the number of man hours spent fighting fires in each jurisdiction. The idea behind this allocation of cost is to try and recoup the City's cost of having a fire department available to provide coverage and to estimate the number of fires and man hours that will be spent in each jurisdiction based on a three year average. Enclosed with the agenda is a summary of the calculations used to estimate the new contract terms which indicate that between Otsego and Silver Creek, the City should try to generate approximately $52,000 in 2007 and if this fee was adjusted by 4% annually for 2008 and 2009, the current charge per parcel should increase from $45 to $51. Although the City is not currently charging Monticello Township for fire protection services until the year 2011, including anticipated revenue from them in this formula would indicate the City should have $122,488 in revenue from all three jurisdictions. The $51/per parcel rate would generate approximately $129,000 which would allow for some unforeseen expenditures that could occur over the next three years. The Fire Department representatives reviewed this information and is recommending that the City Council adopt the new fee schedule of $51/per parcel for the contract renewals effective January 1, 2007. With Council approval, new contracts will be sent to each jurisdiction for a new three year term. I Authorize contract renewals with the City of Otsego and Silver Creek Township for fire protection services at a per parcel rate of $51 each. 2. Approve contract renewals at some other rate to be determined. It is the recommendation of the Fire Department, staff and Director of Finance that three year fire protection contract renewals be offered to the City of Otsego and Silver Creek Township at a rate of $51/perparcel. While this rate is anticipated to cover the City's cost over the next three years, future adjustments to this rate may be needed if new fire trucks are purchased or a new or second fire hall is added. The rate proposed has not included any unusual capital expenditures at this time other than normal annual purchases. [1 aE1116111114110"; Copy of cost allocation summaries. 901 FIRE CONTRACT R 1 4! i lzlul ! ,� • ! , •' Step 1 2007 Budget (Fixed Costs) Salaries - Officers Salaries - drills Salaries - building & grounds maintenance Benefits Supplies Small tools & minor equipment Cleaning Telephone Schools - training Misc. professional services Insurance Electricity Heat Maintenance of building Dues, memberships & subscriptions Misc - clothing Misc - printing, advertising Maintenance agreements SUBTOTAL Step 11 Amortization of Capital Items Trucks and equipment - $436,181120 yrs. Building costs (without land) $577,583/35 yrs. 1995 Alum. Chassis pumper truck - $231,273/25 yrs. Aerial ladder truck - $280,340/25 yrs, 1982 Ford tanker - $23,620/10 yrs. 2002 Ford mini truck - $42,207/20 yrs. 2005 Freightliner Tanker 3000 gal.- $155,886/20 yrs. Step III % Of Total Manhours - Firemen - 2003-2005 (3 Yr Ave) Monticello Township City of Monticello Silver Creek Township City of Otsego Outside Assistance $11,020 $10,750 $2,345 $6,285 $9,150 $1,500 $1,070 $1,500 $10,200 $5,200 $18,835 $3,425 $4,400 $12,000 $2,000 $8,400 $700 $500 $109,280 $21,809 $16,502 $9,251 $11,214 $2,362 $2,110 $7,794 $71,042 $180,322 20.14% 52.54% 13.38% 4.15% 9.79% 100.00% DAWN/XCEL/FILE/FI RERENE WALS:10/18/2006 27 CALCULATION nrHOVRLYCOSTS PER FIRE FOR 3nu7CONTRACTS xap[V Average number o[fire calls per year (321) for past 3years (2O03-2UO0) Average Per 2003 2004 2005 Average Fire Call Gas &oil *2.270 $3.401 $3.084 $2.945 *917 Equip,maint.&repairs $23,265 $85.338 $31,536 $30.246 $84.22 Salaries (Average 2Omen per fire ooU@ $1125per hr) $225.00 AdminatmUvwCosts $35.00 $363.39 Second hour '(2Umen @$11.25per hr) Suggest first hour @ $3O5/hourand second hour @*225/hour, Costs: 10/18/2006 28 00 r CCi M N Ow to1`0awNMrl-O OOMh-Cil CCU 413 0 LO M'[t O r M CSO 69 It (N h- O Cb co M CO M M— U) (O CO M CO N N OD cri M CO I- CCS O L6 c\F ' O M r N tO ell NrrNHiN0> co NMd'LfO Efl 64 6s 66, Efl C\l60 NN ER— � r � o Cll t� E C57 U) c a) 00 L r 0) u1 •.. N Q1 C _ }- to Q. C O Ch Cn p ua CIT Cn U) U) p CU Co E ,t6 araaiomwwwwwwwwa �roiomm = -E c L `UW _ E N _Es b- CL CL Ck CL CL a CL 0- Q in � '2 E 'O � cr 0 0 0 C7 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O p V V V C$ V U V U Ca V - L. Q LL. i- CO M Cir N M'�t LO CO MN Lo N Lo 00703000000 CD CD 0700 Cn 07 m 070000000 0070700 QS rrrNNNNNNN <rrNN U C N y C4 CO Lf) h- O) c c m I-^ o a o 0 0 0 N M 0 LU 'tet d' O O ' rLf) C+7r1-0 M COO 0000 MN NU ��OO 5 � r � o r 0 0�t W Cd CO N M +! M r Cl r 0 rP+-NM00h- OCO W r.1 £Fi Cfl 6s ff? 6to 9 LO O t0 07 '�T It W O H3 tis N 0) It Cl) CO � N r cq 6 td LS}CO Cl) SYJ N H3 r LO 0 C{3 63 60 PR - N C14 60O 9 � Q I-^ t- CO r h. 'It LU M 0000 MN 0 5 COr0d'CO C, 0 0�t W Cd CO N M +! M r Cl r 0 U OCO W r.1 £Fi Cfl 6s ff? 6to 9 " W K3 {f} W O H3 } � N i'- 0 N C14 9 � Q L O Uri C) O i _ z # t < # >' O rdi 0 < O � N N m O O W � N * UJ O It LO to N CO " ►.t. @ 0 OD r M r - C O LC7 CX7 CO *k U) J E(I f{i60EPr � '� E✓} V ON W Li. U) I-^ Z LU M 0 5 C, 0 0�t W 0 CD +! M r Cl r 0 U OCO W r.1 " W K3 {f} W O H3 } � N i'- 0 F- CL c U Fes- O O 0 � Cn � c) tll 0 0 . 2Ucnt30 d ti 00 'IT N r M } Q tLC M O r h M r O CS7 Cy M r r N 0 r-LOC+M70r N `- 00 rGX7 f 't N � t �C U c O C O co O O N O N O 0 ?z 2UibC30 D W w LL t�t J LL W z Z Q i� M, Fixed costs ($180,322 x 4.15% $7,483 Additional hourly fees per fire - Otsego 1 st hour @ $365 x Ave. 9 fires per year $3,285 2nd hour @ $225 x Ave. 2 fires per year $450 ESTIMATED ANNUAL COSTS•2007 $11,218 - Estimated Revenue @ $45/parcel (Current Rate) $19,530 (434 X $45) Projected Revenue @ $51/parcel (Proposed Rate) (434 x $51) $22,134 DAWN/XCEL/FILE/FIREALLOCATION:Otsego:10/18/2006 30 ALLOCATION OF FIXED COSTS MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP l Fixed costs ($180,322 x 20.14°/x) Additional hourly fees per fire 1 st hour @ $325 x Ave. 72 fires per year 2nd hour @ $225 x Ave. 12 fires per year 3rd hour or more @ $225 x Ave. 3 per year Estimated Revenue @ $45/parcel (Current Rate) (1500 x $45) Estimated Revenue @ $51/parcel (Proposed Rate) (1500 x $51) DAWN/XCEL/FILE:FIREALLOCATION:Monticello Twsp:10/18/2006 $36,317 $26,280 $2,700 $675 $65,972 G. 1 31 Fixed costs ($180,322 x 13.38%) Additional hourly fees per fire 1 st hour @ $365 x Ave. 40 fires per year 2nd hour @ $225 x Ave. 6 fires per year 3rd hour or more @ $225 x Ave. 2 per year Estimated Revenue @ $45/parcel (Current Rate) (608 X $45) Projected Revenue @ $51/parcel (Proposed Rate) (608 x $51) DAWN/XCEL/FILE/FIREALLOCATION:Silver Creek Twsp:10/18/2006 $24,127 $14,600 $1,350 $450 $40,527 $27,360 m 2007 CONTRACT RENEWAL OPTIONS TO RECOVER Under current formula, allocations for 2007 would be: 91se �o Silver Creek Monticello Township, Revenue Total $11,218 $40,527 $65,972 $117,717 With a 4% inflation for 2008 = $122,425 With a 4% inflation for 2009 = $127,323 3 year average: $122,488 If thecurrent charge of $45.00 is adjusted by 4% for the past three years only - The rate could be set at $51.00 per parcel and generate the following revenue: Lo Projected 21§eS Silver Creek Monticello Township Total Revenue $22,134 $31,008 $76,500 $129,642 DAWN/XCEL/FILE/FIRE/OPTIONS TO RECOVER COSTS: 10/18/2006 33 Council Agenda –10/23/06 ;G. Consideration of ordinance r to utility billing regulations. • r The City of Monticello provides billing and collection services for water, sewer and garbage utilities in the City. The guidelines for billing and collections are defined in the city ordinances. The finance department is suggesting several changes to the ordinances relating to the billing and collection dates, fees and some outdated language. This helps us comply with recommendations from the city's audit firm for timely deposit of city receipts and clarifies wording to match current practices. Ordinance Proposed Changes 7-2-5 (B) Change wording after the word "interest" as follows: "interest, as last sentence allowed by Minnesota State Statute, or compliance with the rules and regulations previously violated and payment to the City of a restoration fee established in the City's fee schedule." We would not have to amend the ordinance each time we make changes to actual percentages and dollar amounts. 7-2-6 Change word "resolution" to "ordinance." The rates are actually first sentence included in the ordinance and not a resolution—this conforms to actual practice. 7-2-20 (A) Change words "of a fee schedule" to "based on a fee schedule." last sentence Clarifies the meaning. 7-2-20 (B) Change reference to hearing date by the City Council from "at least 15 days after the date on which the request is made." to "at the next regularly -scheduled Council meeting." Clearly specifies when a hearing shall be held – would not require a special meeting to be called. 7-6-9 (A) Change reference from "30 days after billing date" to "due date." last paragraph Remove the word "postmarked." The due date will be approximately 30 days after billing but not always exactly (see 7-6-9 (B)). Deadline will no longer reference a postmark, instead payment must be received in the city offices by the due date. (Sometimes payments are postmarked on time but not received for tip to 2 weeks after the due date. Creates problems with late, fees, NSF checks and certifications) 7-6-9 (B) Change wording to insert "by the due date" before "within 30 days first paragraph after the billing date" and enclose the latter in parentheses. This allows the due date to fluctuate slightly to accommodate holidays and weekends, which might be a time period shorter than 30 days. 34 Council Agenda — 10/23/06 It should also be noted to Council that we are looking for direction in handling a situation where water and sewer connections do not follow the requirements as stated in City ordinance. Ordinance section 7-2-9 states that: "Each new building or part thereof constructed in the city which is required by code to have sewer and water and whose ownership can be legally transferred separately within the city shall have its own individual sewer and water connections to the city mains." Spirit Hills townhomes contain multiple units, which are separately owned and can be legally transferred separately, and have only one sewer and water connection per building (not per unit). When the account is billed for utilities, only one bill is produced based on a single meter reading for all units in the building. We are having recurring issues with bills being paid late and payment being received only after repeated notices and threats of shutting off the water. This creates extra work and greater cost incurred on the part of the City. These accounts are essentially receiving preferential treatment in order to get the bills paid. We have come up with a couple of options that may remedy the situation and would like approval from Council on a procedure for handling this. 1. After the meter is read, we will continue sending one bill to the address requested by the developer and/or townhome association. If the bill is not paid, we would follow the same procedure used for all other delinquent accounts to attempt collection of past due bills. If this is not successful, the delinquent amount would be divided equally among all units and certified as assessments to the property owners on record. II. After the meter is read, the billing will be divided equally among all units in the building, whether occupied or not, and individual bills sent to the property owner on record. If the bill is not paid, we can follow the same procedure used for all other delinquent accounts to attempt collection of past due bills. If one unit does not pay their bill, that portion could be certified as an assessment against that property owner of record. 1. Approve the amendments to the city ordinance as noted in this agenda item. Also approve Option 1. (above) as the procedure for handling delinquent utility accounts for townhome buildings, such as Spirit Hills, where there is one meter for multiple, individually -owned units. 2. Do not approve the ordinance amendments. 3. Do not approve Option I — procedure for handling delinquent utility accounts for townhome buildings. 35 Council Agenda —10/23/06 It is the recommendation of Finance Department personnel that the ordinance amendments be approved as proposed. The changes would provide more exact deadlines for billing and collection of utility bills and would follow current practices. City staff also recommends approval of the procedure as noted in Option I. for handling of utility billings for townhomes such as Spirit Hills. Currently, we don't have a provision in place to assess the property owners in the case of non-payment of bills. If Council feels that it is acceptable to divide the bill equally among property owners in the case of non-payment, it appears that either option would not be in violation of city ordinance or Minnesota State Statutes. Copies of proposed ordinance amendments. Copy of Ordinance Section 7-2-9 (relating to Spirit Hills) 36 7-2-6: BILLING REGULATIONS: The Council shall have the authority to prescribe by ordinance the rates to be charged for water and sewer service to the customer from time to time and may prescribe the date of billing, a discount for payment within a prescribed period, and/or penalty for failure to pay within such period and such further rules and regulations relative to the use and operation of such system as it may deem necessary from time to time. 7-2-7: FAULTY METERS: If a meter fails to register or accurately measure the water, the charge for water consumed shall be paid for at the established rate based upon past average billings as determined by the City. 7-2-8: LEAK IN SERVICE LINE: Any owner, occupant, or user of a premises who shall discover a leak in a service line to the premises shall notify the City within twenty-four (24) hours. Any water wasted due to a failure of such person to comply with this regulation shall be estimated by the City and be charged for against the owner at such premises at the established rate. 7-2-9: CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS: Each new building or part thereof constructed in the city which is required by code to have sewer and water and whose ownership can be legally transferred separately within the city shall have its own individual sewer and water connections to the city mains. Any shared existing services for adjacent units of separate ownership which fail and require replacement or substantial repairs shall at that time be separated. There shall be installed in every connection to the city water mains one curb stop located on the city right-of-way and one stop and waste valve which shall be installed at a point between the curb stop and the meter so that the water may be turned off and the meter and house plumbing entirely drained. There shall be installed another stop and waste cock and check valve in the pipe on the house side of the meter. There shall be installed a meter yoke of the type approved by the City for convenient installation and removal of the meter. All water service pipes connected to the meter valves and the city mains shall be of Type K copper and a minimum I inch (I ") inside diameter or its approved equal and shall be laid at a depth of not less than 6.5 feet below the established grade or as low as the street mains. (#139, 7/23/84) 7-2-10. WATER METER REGULATIONS: (A) All applications for the installation, maintenance, and repair of water meters shall be made to the City. (B) No other person other than the City or its designee shall maintain or repair any water meter within the city limits. Every water meter connected to the water system shall be sealed by or under the direction of the City, and no other person shall break or remove such sea], provided, however, that a plumber licensed to do business in the state of Minnesota may break such sea] to remove such meter for necessary repairs. In all cases where a seal is broken or a meter is removed by a licensed Plumber, such plumber shall notify the City of the fact within twenty-four MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 37 CHAPTER 2 WATER AND SEAI�L-5c' 7-2-1: Applications, Permits, and Fees 7-2-2: Meters 7-2-3: Private Water Systems 7-2-4: Implied Consent to Rules, Regulations, and Rates 7-2-5: Meter Readings 7-2-6: Billing Regulations 7-2-7: Faulty Meters 7-2-8: Leak in Service Line 7-2-9: Connection Requirements 7-2-10: Water Meter Regulations 7-2-11: Unlawful to Tamper with Meter 7-2-12: Liability for Repairs 7-2-13: Installation of Connections 7-2-14: City not Liable 7-2-15: Storm Water not Pennitted in Sanitary Sewer System 7-2-16: Excavation Work and Testing of Meters 7-2-17: Emergency Regulations 7-2-18: Right to Enter Land 7-2-19: Private Water not Permitted in System 7-2-20: Provision for Shut-off for Non-payment 7-2-21: Provision for Collection with Taxes 7-2-1: APPLICATIONS, PERMITS, AND FEES: No person shall make any type of connection to the water system, sanitary sewer system, or storm sewer system except upon making an application therefore on a form provided by the City and receiving a permit issued by the City for such purposes. The application shall include the legal description of the property to be served, the uses for which the connection is requested, and the size of the service line to be used. No connection shall be made with respect to any sanitary sewer, water system, or storm sewer system serving the property of any person or occupants of the land, parcel, or premises affected that have not paid or provided for the payment of the full and proportionate share of the said utilities. At the time of taking such application, there shall be paid to the City Treasurer the following fees for the following purposes: (A) For service to property to which service lines have not been previously run from the street laterals to the property line, the owner, occupant, or user shall pay into the Treasury an amount not less than the cost of making the necessary connection taps, and installation of pipe and appurtenances to provide service to the property BE and the necessary street repairs. (B) For service to property to which service lines have been ran to the property line but which have not been paid for, the owner, occupant, or user shall pay in cash or agree to pay charges in the form of special assessments to be levied against the property to be spread over a number of years coincident with maturity requirements of any special improvement bonds sold for the purpose of financing the construction of sanitary sewer, municipal water, or storm sewer system serving the property. Said cash payment or assessment charge shall be in the principal amount of not less than the payments made by or charges placed against comparable properties for like services for such sanitary sewer, water, or storm sewer system in an amount as may be established by the Council. In the instance of services run to the property lines as provided under (A) hereinabove, the payment to the Clerk of any amount required under item (B) shall be reduced by the amount -paid to the City under item (A) hereof. Payment to the treasury in the form of a special assessment charge shall be in the form of equal annual installments together with interest on the unpaid balance. (C) The below water connection rate schedule applies to a premise that does not have city water. It also applies where a premise had city water and then changes the size of the water connection. Size of Line Rate of Flow HookuD Charge I it 1 $ 300 + Cost 2.1 425 + Cost 3.2 550 + Cost 211 6.3 700 + Cost 311 17.6 900 + Cost 411 36.2 1,200 + Cost 611 116.6 1,500 + Cost 811 220.0 2,000 + Cost Costs include cost of a water meter and those costs (if service line necessary) in (A) above. The hookup charge for water is based upon the following factors: Some means of recovering a portion of water main costs not assessed. 2. Portion of oversizing of water main not assessed should be recovered. A hookup charge should be based on service line flow capabilities. (D) Where application is made for connection of any single family residence to the sanitary sewer system, a connection fee adopted by the City Council for treatment plant plus trunk sanitary sewer shall be paid to the Clerk. Charges for public, MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 39 commercial, and institutional facilities shall be the multiplication of the current unit charge established by Council times the parameter times the unit equivalent. Any fraction of a parameter shall be rounded to the nearest whole parameter. (#288, 3/24/97) (#126, 9/13/83) For various commercial, public, and institutional facilities: SAC CRITERIA FACILITY PARAMETER Animal Clinic (humane societies, animal research, boarding, etc.) Animal holding areas ......................... 17 f.u. Animal runs ................................ 34 fu. Archery (6 ft/lane) .............................. 6 lanes Arenas (bleachers 18 in/person) ....... ........... 110 seats Auditoriums (7 sq ft/person) ............... ...... 110 seats Automobile Service 590 sq ft Fast service (< 4 hrs/car) ...................... 2 service bays Major service (> 4 hrs/car) ..................... 14 employees Car Dealership (charge for office, retail, etc., at established rates) Fast Service (# service bays x 30%) .... 2 service bays Major Service (# service bays @ 70% x I employee/bay) ............ 14 employees Ballroom (exclude dance floor) Facility without liquor service .................. 825 sq ft Facility with liquor service ................. ... 590 sq ft Bank (exclude cash vault) .................. ... 2,400 sq ft Banquet Room (15 sq ft/person) Food catered ................................ 2,060 sq ft Food catered with dishwashing ... ............. 1,180 sq ft Food catered with liquor .......... .... 1,028 sq ft Food preparation and dishwashing .......... .... 825 sq ft Food catered with dishwashing and liquor. . ....... 750 sq ft Food preparation, dishwashing with liquor ........ 590 sq ft Barber....................................... 4 chairs Batting Cages (6 ft/lane) ......... ........ 6 lanes Beauty Salon ............ ....... 4 cutting stations Bingo Hall (used only for bingo) ................... 110 seats Boarding House (dorm rooms) .................... 5 beds Body Shop (major service - more than 4 hours per car, no vehicle washing) ...... 14 employees Bowling Alleys (does not include bar or dining area) ......................... 3 alleys Camps (# gallons x occupant or site) Childrens Camps (central toilet & bath; overnight, primitive cabins) .... .......... 274 gallons (# occupants x 50 gallon s/occupant) Day Camps (no meals) . - . ................ .... 274 gallons MA MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 40 (# occupants x 10 gallons/occupant) Labor/Construction Camps .................. (# occupants x 50 gallons/occupant) Resorts (housekeeping cabins) ... ........... (# occupants x 60 gallons/occupant) Travel Trailer Parks with water & sewer hookup ......... ....... (# sites x 100 gat./site) with central toilet & showers . . .............. (# sites x 75 gal./site) sanitary dump (sites without hookup) ....... (# sites x 10 gal./site) Car Wash (CONTACT MCES FOR. DETERMINATION) Catering (CONTACT MCES FOR DETERMINATION) . . . I . I ....... 275 seats 274 gallons 274 gallons 274 gallons 274 gallons 274 gallons Churches (for sanctuary, nave, chancel) (7 sq ft/person - seating area) (remainder use other criteria) (sacristy, ambulatory - no charge) Cocktail Lounge (no food service) ................. 23 seats Coffee Shop (no food service) ..................... 23 seats Correction Facility (prison) ...................... 2.5 inmates Court Rooms . . . .... .......................... 1,650 sq ft Dorm Rooms: On/Off Campus Students ........... 5 students (charge additional for classrooms) Full time (overnight people) Daycare (number of children licensed for) ........... 14 children Child/Adult Play Area (not licensed) ............. 490 sq ft Dry Cleaners (retail) ......... ............. 3,000 sq ft Elderly Housing (100% of current SAC Rate) (no washer/dryer each unit) . ......... . . , I ...... 3 people (washer/dryer each unit) ............... ....... 2.5 people *Three bedroom unit with washer/dryer (separate from formula below) .... ......... (# of one bedroom units x 1.5 people/unit) * (# of two bedroom units x 2.0 people/unit) * (# of three bedroom units x 3.0 -peo-Ple/unit)* (total # of people) Exercise Area/Gym (juice bars - no charge) .......... 700 sq ft (sauna, whirlpool included) No showers ............... ................ 2,060 sq ft Fire Station (charge for office, mtg rooms, etc., at established rates) Washing (hose tower, truck) ................... 274 gallons Full time (overnight people) (75 gal/person)/274 gallons ................. 274 gallons Volunteer (occasional overnight) ........... .... 14 people Funeral Home . . ............ ......... ........ 770 sq ft (charge viewing areas only - chapel, viewing areas, etc.) Apartment (I apartment) ..... ................ 41 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE Game Room (billiards, video & pinball games) With bar .... __ ........... ............ 590 sq ft Without bar ............................. 2,060 sq ft Golf Course (if showers - use locker room criteria) 17 f.u. 18 hole .................................... 110scats 9 hole - par 3 .............................. Miniature .................................. Country club (private) 274 gallons Dining room (evening & weekends)..... ..... 15 seats Bar & grill (bar & grill separate) Bar .................................. 23 seats Grill . . . ...................... ...... 15 seats Golf Dome or Driving Range ................ 6 driving stations Greenhouse Area not open to public ...... ............ ... 15,000 sq ft Area open to public ...................... ... 5,000 sq ft General retail area . ......... ........ ...... 3,000 sq ft Group Home Secondary treatment (residents leaving during the day) ................... 5 beds Primary treatment (residents stay all day) ...... 3 beds Guest Rooms (apartment or condominium) (charge SAC as apartment) Washer/dryer ........ .............. 100% (of current No washer/dryer ............................. 80% SAC rate) No kitchen ..... ........ ......... ... 50% Handball and Racquetball Courts ................ I court Hospitals (licensed beds or baby cribs) ..... I bed (does not include outpatient clinic) Outpatient clinic (plumbing fixture units) ......... 17 f.u. Sterilizers (4 hrs x gpm x 60 minutes) ....... 274 gallons X-ray film processors . ............... .... 274 gallons (continuous operation 9 hours) (intermittent operation 4 hours) (operation time (hrs) x gpm x 60 minutes) Vacuum device (dental office) .... 274 gallons (9 hours x gpm x 60 minutes) lee Arena Showers (see LOCKER ROOMS) Team Rooms (plumbing fixture units) ............ 17 f.u. Bleachers .......... ...... 110scats Zan-iboni (if discharge going to san. sewer) ....... Laundromat (requires water volume for cycle time, 8 cycles/day) .............. 274 gallons Library (subtract out book storage areas, file areas - charge common plumbing fixture units in public areas) ........ 17 fu. Meeting rooms, board rooms, reception, book checkout offices ............ ....... 2,400 sq ft 3 2 3 2 1 4 I 1 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 42 Loading Dock ............... ................ 7,000 sq ft Locker Rooms (if showers - 20 gal./person) .......... 14 lockers Medical Clinic (See HOSPITALS, Outpatient Clinic) Meeting Rooms (conference rooms) ................ 1,650 sq ft Mini-storage (storage area - no charge) Living area ....... ......................... Public restroom (plumbing fixtures) ............. 17 f.u. Mobile Home . - - - - . . ...... ........ Motels and Hotels (assume 2 persons/room) ......... 2 rooms (pools, saunas, jacuzzis, game rooms, or exercise rooms exclusively used by guests - no charge) Breakfast only (complimentary) ...... 45 seats Cocktail Hour (complimentary) ................. 55 seats Kitchenettes (# kitchenettes x 10 gal/day) ....... 274 gallons Museum.................................... 2,400 sq ft Nursing Home ................. ............... 3 beds Office General office (deduct mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, stairwells, restroom, and storage areas ........ 2,400 sq ft Dental, Doctors ............................. see hospital Police Station (charge as office) Cells (overnight -jail) ....... .... ........... 3 people (no overnight people - holding area) ........ 14 people Recording/Filming Studios ................... 7,000 sq ft Restaurant (drive-in) . . . ...... .................. 9 parking spaces Restaurant (fast food) ........................... 22 seats (disposable paper plates, glasses, and silverware) Restaurant (full service) ......................... 8 seats (washable silverware, glasses & dishes) Retail Stores (deduct mechanical rooms, elevator shafts., stairwells, restrooms, and unfinished storage areas) . . . . . .............. 3,000 sq ft Rifle Ranges (handgun ranges - 6 ft/lane) ............ 6 lanes Roller Rink (skating area) ..... ..... 825 sq ft Rooming Houses (no food service) ................. 7 beds RV Dumping Station (not in association with camp grounds ............... ......... Schools (Sunday - 30 sq ft/student) , . .. . ........ ... 55 students Schools (elementary - 15 gal/student - 30 sq ft/student) ............................. 18 students Schools (college, TVI - 30 sq ft/student) .... 18 students Lecture Halls (15 sq ft/student) 18 students Labs (50 sq ft/student) ... 18 students Donn rooms (on/off campus students) ... 5 students Schools (nursery - # of children licensed for) .... .... 14 students Church (nursery - during worship service only - 30 sq ft/child) ........ 55 children Nursery (health clubs, bowling alleys, etc.) ..... 2,400 sq ft Schools (secondary - 30 sq ti/student - 20 gallons/student) ........................ 14 students MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 43 Labs (50 sq ft/student) . .......... 14 students I Service Station Gaspumping ............ _ ................. I Convenience center ......... ................ 3,000 sq ft I Service bays ...................... ......... 2 bays I Car Wash (See CAR WASH) Swimming Pools (public - pool area) ............... 900 sq ft I (private residential, townhouse, condominiums, hotels, motels, or apartments - no charge) Tanning Rooms ................................ 3,000 sq ft I Tennis Courts (public, shower facilities avail.) ....... 1 court 2 Theater .............. ........ ............... 64 seats Theater (drive-in - parking spaces) ................. 55 spaces Vehicle Garage Employees stationed in garage .................. 14 employees Vehicle drivers (per day) ...................... 28 drivers Vehicle washing (# vehicles/day x gpm x minutes/vehicle) ........................ 274 gallons Warehouses (assembly areas) ..................... 7,000 sq ft Office/Warehouse (speculative - must be reviewed on finishing permits) Maximum 30% office .... .................... 2,400 sq ft Maximum 70% warehouse ..................... 7,000 sq ft Whirlpool (doctors office/clinic, therapy - # gal./fill x 8 fills/day) ................ 274 gallons Yard Storage Buildings (i.e., lumber storage) ........ 15,000 sq ft (customer pickup, no permanent employees) Plumbing Waste Fixture Units* (17 Cu. =1 SAC) Type of Fixture Fixture unit value (Cu.) Drinking fountain ............................... I Floor drain - 2" waste (only if hose bib included) ...... 2 3" waste (only if hose bib included) . . . , .. 3 4" waste (only if hose bib included) ...... 4 Trench drain: per 6 ft section ...................... 2 Sinks - lab in exam room, bathroom .. . . ... ........ I kitchen and others ............ ........ 2 surgeon................................. 3 janitor . . ..... ............. ............ 4 Water closet .............. 6 *if not included in list, use plumbing code (#288, 3/24/97) For various commercial, public, and institutional facilities not listed in the chart in Section 7-2-1 (D), the parameter for determining the sewer connection fee shall be calculated as follows: One (1) unit charge for each 274 gallons of maximum flow per day. 44 (#288, 3/24/97) (#126, 9/13/83) Before proceeding with the construction, enlargement, alteration, or repair of any water or sewer lines connecting the water system, sanitary sewer system, or storm sewer system and any house or building, the owner or his agent shall first obtain a permit for such purpose from the City through its Clerk. The applicant shall pay to the Clerk a fee of Seven Dollars and Fifty Cents ($7.50) for each permit. The plumbing inspector shall examine all applications before construction is begun; and after the construction, enlargement, alteration, or repair is complete, the plumbing inspector shall be notified. It shall be unlawful to cover any connecting line until an inspection has been made and such connection and the work incident thereto has been approved by the City as a proper and suitable connection. (#32, 7/11/77) 7-2-2: METERS: Before any water conveyed through the city water system shall be used or utilized on the land or premises of any person, there shall first be installed a water meter that will accurately measure the water consumed on the premises. All meters for residential housing and such other connections as may pen -nit the use of the same kind of water meter shall be furnished by the City as set forth above at such time as the water connection change has been paid. In the event special meters are required for commercial or industrial connections, then the applicant shall furnish a meter of the type approved by the City for such connection, and an allowance shall be mde toward the cost of such meter in an amount equal to the cost of residential meters. No connection of water or sewer service shall be made to any house or building unless the plumbing therein has been installed pursuant to the latest Minneapolis Plumbing Code, provided that this shall apply only to construction which has not been completed prior to this chapter. 7-2-3: PRIVATE SEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS: (A) It shall be unlawful for any persons to install private water system or sewer system in the city except in such cases as the public water and sewer system are not accessible to the premises where such private systems are requested. To determine whether or not such public water and/or sewer systems are available for connection, each person desiring to install a private water or sewer system must first make application for connection to a public system. Upon resolution of the Council determining that it is not feasible to connect the applicant's premises to the public water or sewer system, then the applicant shall be granted a permit to install a private water and/or sewer system. (B) Where a private sewer system has been installed before the public sewer system MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 45 was accessible to the premises served by said private system, connection of said premises to the public system must be made within thirty (30) days after such private system fails to function properly or within three (3) years after public system was accessible, whichever is sooner. It shall be unlawful to repair or pump a private system after such time as the public sewer system is accessible to the premises without written permission of the Water and Sewer Department for the City. (94, 11/24/75) 7-2-4: IMPLIED CONSENT TO RULES, REGULATIONS, AND RATES: Every person applying for water or sewer service, every owner of property for which any such application is made, every person accepting water or sewer services, and every owner of property where such service is accepted subsequent to the passage of this chapter shall be deemed upon making such application or accepting such service to consent to all rules, regulations, and rates as established by this chapter and as may hereafter be set forth and adopted by the Council by resolution or ordinance. 7-2-5: METER READINGS: (A) The City Council may provide a system of water meter reading by post card, meter man, or any other method deerned suitable to the purpose of the Council. The Council may also establish billing areas or districts and provide for the reading of meters and billing charges by calendar quarters or monthly quarters or such periodic intervals as the Council shall determine suitable and necessary from time to time. (B) The City reserves the right to discontinue service to any customer of the water and sanitary sewer system without notice when necessary for repairs, additional connection or reconnection, or for nonpayment of charges of bills, or for disregard of any rules or regulations in connection with the use or operation of said system. Whenever any service has been discontinued for nonpayment of charges or bills or for disregard of any other purpose, it shall not be resumed except upon payment of the charges or bills accrued together with interest th-ercoi-, JJ-- th, aii�vucd of c14 -ft pea ventf8%)-pm—mnun-f,-as allowed by Minnesota State Statutes, or compliance with the rules and regulations previously violated and payment to the City of a restoration fee of the sum of-Tca Doll la�� established in. the City'sfee schedule. (C) In the event a water or sewer bill, whether incurred prior or subsequent to the passage of this chapter, is unpaid at the end of the calendar quarter or the billing period under which the billing is set out, the bill shall be considered delinquent and the service may be discontinued as provided in (B) above, and the Council may cause the charges noted in such billing to become a lien against the property served by certifying to the County Auditor the amount of said delinquent bill in accordance with the Statutes of the state of Minnesota. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 46 7-2-6: BILLING REGULATIONS: The Council shall have the authority to prescribe by resolution Ordinance the rates to be charged for water and sewer service to the customer from time to time and may prescribe the date of billing, a discount for payment within a prescribed period, and/or penalty for failure to pay within such period and such further rules and regulations relative to the use and operation of such system as it may deem necessary from time to time. 7-2-7: FAULTY METERS: If a meter fails to register or accurately measure the water, the charge for water consumed shall be paid for at the established rate based upon past average billings as determined by the City. 7-2-8: LEAK IN SERVICE LINE: Any owner, occupant, or user of a premises who shall discover a leak in a service line to the premises shall notify the City within twenty-four (24) hours. Any water wasted due to a failure of such person to comply with this regulation shall be estimated by the City and be charged for against the owner at such premises at the established rate. 7-2-9: CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS: Each new building or part thereof constructed in the city which is required by code to have sewer and water and whose ownership can be legally transferred separately within the city shall have its own individual sewer and water connections to the city mains. Any shared existing services for adjacent units of separate ownership which fail and require replacement or substantial repairs shall at that time be separated. There shall be installed in every connection to the city water mains one curb stop located on the city right-of-way and one stop and waste valve which shall be installed at a point between the curb stop and the meter so that the water may be turned off and the meter and house plumbing entirely drained. There shall be installed another stop and waste cock and check valve in the pipe on the house side of the meter. There shall be installed a meter yoke of the type approved by the City for convenient installation and removal of the meter. All water service pipes connected to the meter valves and the city mains shall be of Type K copper and a minimum I inch (I ") inside diameter or its approved equal and shall be laid at a depth of not less than 6.5 feet below the established grade or as low as the street mains, (#139, 7/23/84) 7-2-10: WATER METER REGULATIONS: (A) All applications for the installation, maintenance, and repair of water meters shall be made to the City. (B) No other person other than the City or its designee shall maintain or repair any water meter within the city limits. Every water meter connected to the water system shall be sealed by or under the direction of the City, and no other person shall break or remove such seal, provided, however, that a plumber licensed to do business in the state of Minnesota may break such seal to remove such meter for necessary repairs. In all cases where a seal is broken or a meter is removed by a licensed plumber, such plumber shall notify the City of the fact within twenty-four MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 47 (24) hours after the seal is broken or the meter is removed. Whenever any seal attached to a water meter by or under the direction of the City is found broken, the broken condition of such seal shall be prima facie evidence that such seal was broken contrary to the terms and provisions in violation of this chapter. (C) All water meters connected to the water system shall be accessible to the City at any reasonable hour of any business day, and the refusal of admission of any owner or occupant of any premises wherein a water meter is installed after such owner or occupant has been notified that admission is desired for the purpose of inspecting a water meter installed in said premises shall constitute a violation of this chapter. (D) Said meters shall be repaired from time to time as is necessary to insure accurate measuring of the flow of water, except that whenever a meter has been damaged due to negligence on the part of persons other than the employees of the City, the owner, occupant, or user of the premises or other such persons desiring the use of the water shall reimburse the City for the expense of repairing any such meter. Upon failure to reimburse the City within a reasonable time and upon demand therefore, the water services and supply to said premises maybe shut off or discontinued as determined to be in the best interest of the City. 7-2-11: UNLAWFUL TO TAMPER WITH METER: It shall be unlawful for any person to tamper with, alter, bypass, or in any manner whatsoever interfere with the proper use and functioning of water meter within the city. 7-2-12: LIABILITY FOR REPAIRS: After the initial connection has been made to the curb stop or the sewer lead, the applicant, owner, or the occupant or user of such premises shall be liable for all repairs required to any water, sanitary or storm sewer lines necessary for connection of the premises to the street main, including any necessary street repairs. (#101, 6/8(81) 7-2-13: INSTALLATION OF CONNECTIONS: All connections to the water system and sanitary sewer system shall be performed by a plumber licensed to do plumbing in the city, except that nothing in this chapter shall be construed as to prohibit an individual owner from obtaining a permit and installing such connection by his own labor, provided, however, that said construction is conducted under the regulations of this chapter and requirements of the engineer and plumbing inspector. 7-2-14: CITY NOT LIABLE: The City shall not be held liable at any time for any deficiency or failure in the supply of water to the customer whether the same be occasioned by shutting off the water for repairs or connections or for any cause whatever. 7-2-15: STORM WATER NOT PERMITTED IN SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: It shall be unlawful for any owner, occupant, or user of any premises to direct into or allow any storm water, surface water, ground water, or water from air conditioning systems to drain into the sanitary sewer system of the city. This includes: water from any roof, surface or MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 48 ground sump pump, foundation drain, or swimming pool. Dwellings and other buildings and structures which require a sump pump system to discharge excess water shall have a permanently -installed discharge line which shall not at any time discharge water into the sanitary sewer system except as provided herein. A permanent installation shall be one which provides for year -around discharge capability to either the outside of the dwelling, building or structure, or is connected to the city storm sewer system or discharges to the street. It shall consist of a rigid discharge line without valving or quick connections for altering the path of discharge and include a check valve if connected to the city storm sewer line. (A) Inspection. Every person owning improved real estate that discharges into the city sanitary sewer system shall allow an employee of the City or their designated representative to inspect the buildings to confirm that there is no sump pump or other prohibited discharge into the sanitary sewer system. Properties found to be in compliance will receive a certificate of compliance at the time of inspection. (B) Non -Compliance. Within 30 days of initial inspection, any person, firm, or corporation having a roof, surface, ground, sump pump, foundation drain, or swimming pool and/or discharging into the sanitary sewer system shall disconnect and/or remove same. Any disconnects or openings in the sanitary sewer shall be closed or repaired in an effective and workmanlike manner in accordance with Section 7-2-13. Any person refusing to allow their property to be inspected shall immediately become subject to the surcharge hereinafter provided for. Any property found to violate the ordinance shall make the necessary changes to comply with the ordinance within thirty (30) days of the initial inspection. (C) Future inspections. At any future time, the City may conduct random inspections if the City has reason to suspect that an illegal connection exists on a property to ensure compliance with this ordinance. (D) Now Construction. A sump pump and rigid pipe discharge connection to the outside shall be required on all new construction within the city where a ground water drainage system is part of the construction plans. (E) Temporary Winter Variance (November I through March 1). The City Council shall have the power and duty of hearing and deciding requests for temporary variances from the applicability of the provisions of this portion of the ordinance where strict enforcement would cause undue hardship because of circumstances unique to the individual property or cause a safety problem. This does not apply to monetary hardship. Application for a temporary waiver should be addressed in writing to the City of Monticello, Director of Public Works. The applications shall identify the property for which the variance is being applied for, the name of the property owner/applicant, and describe in detail what characteristics of the subject property create undue hardship or concern. Within 30 days after application, the City shall make their order deciding on the matter and serve a copy of such order upon the applicant by mail. Upon receipt of an application for MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 49 variance, the City will allow the property owner to temporarily discharge directly into the sanitary sewer system. Employees of the City will divert the discharge and seal the connection of the discharge to the sanitary sewer using a meter seal. The cost for the connection to the sanitary sewer and subsequent removal will be $50 per occurrence. Additionally, the applicant will be responsible for the cost to transport and treat the added flow to the sanitary sewer at the established City rate. The total flow for the period of the variance will be monitored by the City. (F) Single Family Unit Surcharge. A surcharge of $75 per month is hereby imposed and added to every sewer billing to property owners who are not in compliance with this ordinance within 30 days of initial inspection. This surcharge is in addition to any other penalties that may be incurred under this ordinance. Should a single family unit property owner found to be in compliance with this ordinance and during a subsequent inspection found to have reconnected an illegal source to the sanitary sewer, the surcharge of $75 per month will be applied for all months between the previous two inspections. Non -Single Family Unit Surcharge. A surcharge of $25 per day is hereby imposed and added to every sewer billing to property owners who are not in compliance with this ordinance within 30 days of initial inspection. This surcharge is in addition to any other penalties that may be incurred under this ordinance. Should a non -single family unit property owner found to be in compliance with this ordinance and during a subsequent inspection found to have reconnected an illegal source to the sanitary sewer, the surcharge of $25 per day will be applied for all months between the previous two inspections. (#271, 06/12/95) 7-2-16: EXCAVATION WORK AND TESTING OF METERS: (A) All installation work or repair of connections to the water and sewer systems, including grades, bends, and backfilling, shall be performed under the direction and supervision of the plumbing inspector. No work shall be covered or backfilled until directed by said inspector. All work and excavations shall be protected by barricades and warning markers and lights reasonable and suitable to the purpose. The City shall be held harmless of any claim or loss as might otherwise arise for damage, loss, or injury caused by or arising by reason of such work being performed; and the applicant causing such work to be done shall give undertaking to the City with respect thereto. 7-2-17: EMERGENCY REGULATIONS: The Council may impose emergency regulations pertaining to the conservation of water by resolution of the Council and by giving notice by publication or by posting in the City Hall and at such public places as the Council may direct. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 50 1. Purpose. The City has limited water storage and pumping capacity. Due to the fast growth in residential developments this ordinance will promote a higher awareness of the primary use of water in the summer -lawn and garden irrigation, and regulate the watering of lawns, gardens, grass seed and sod. 2. Odd/Even Schedule. A home or business address ending in an odd number (1, 3, 5, etc.) May water their lawn on odd numbered calendar days each month and an address ending in an even number (0, 2, 4, etc.) may water their lawn on even numbered calendar days. The only deviations to the odd/even watering system are apartment complexes and homeowner associations that have been assigned odd or even watering days because of the numerous addresses on one sprinkling system. For these complexes and associations, the address of the bill for sprinkling water shall be used to determine odd or even. The odd/even schedule is in effect from June 1St through September 30'b of each year until further notice. This may be deleted or modified when the City completes construction of additional wells and water towers to improve pumping and storage capabilities. 3. Permit Required. A 30 -day permit may be obtained at the Monticello City Hall to water newly seeded or sodded lawns and newly planted trees. 4. Rain Sensors. Rain sensors are required on all commercial, institutional or governmental sprinkler systems. Existing commercial sprinkler systerns shall be retrofitted with rain sensors by June 1, 2003. All newly installed sprinkling systems from the date of publication of this ordinance, including residential, will be required to have rain sensors. 5. Private Wells. Restrictions of this ordinance do not apply to property serviced by private wells, provided the sprinkling water is pumped from a private well. Residents, commercial, institutional or govermnental entities with private wells are required to notify City Hall that they have a well used for watering purposes. 6. Violations. Violators of this ordinance will be warned the first time and a water use surcharge of $25 will be billed for a second offense; the surcharge doubles to $50 for third and subsequent violations within a 12 -month period. The Public Works Department may shut the water off for repeat offenses. The standard turn off and turn on rates shall apply in addition to the surcharges. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon adoption and publication in the official newspaper of the City of Monticello in accordance with applicable law. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 51 B. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS: In the case of a severe shortage of water, the City Administrator and/or Public Works Director are authorized to impose additional restrictions to provide for the safe operation of the municipal water supply. Such notice shall be posted at all City offices on the City's web site, and in the official newspaper. The mayor and council shall be notified of such restrictions as soon as possible. (#379, 6/10/02) 7-2-18: RIGHT TO ENTER LAND: The City by any authorized employee or agent shall have the right to enter and be admitted to any lands and property in the city for the purpose of inspection of materials, plumbing work, and fixtures of all kinds used by or in connection with the water and sewer systems. 7-2-19: PRIVATE WATER NOT PERMITTED IN SYSTEM: Whenever any premises are connected to the water system, there shall be maintained a complete physical separation between the water supply system and the private water supply system so that it is impossible to intentionally or unintentionally allow any water produced by a private system to be introduced in the supply line from the city system. PROVISION FOR SHUT-OFF FOR NONPAYMENT: (A) Shut-off for Non-pavment: The City shall endeavor to collect delinquent accounts promptly. In any case where satisfactory arrangements for payment have not been made, the Public Works Department may, after the procedural requirements of Section B have been complied with, discontinue service to the delinquent customer by shutting off the water at the stop box. When water service to any premises has been discontinued, service shall not be restored except upon the payment of all delinquent amounts due plus a fee for discomiection and reconnection of based on a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. (#107, 11/23/81) (B) Procedure: Water shall not be shut off under Section A until notice and an opportunity for a hearing have first been given the occupant of the premises involved. The notice shall be sent by certified mail and shall state that if payment is not made before a date stated in the notice but not less than 30 days after the date on which the notice is given, the water supply to the premises will be shut off. Such notice shall not be sent until an account is 60 days past due. The notice shall also state that the occupant may, before such date, demand a hearing on the matter, in which case the supply will not be cut off until after the hearing is held. If the customer requests a hearing before the date specified, a hearing shall be held on the matter by the eity eourfefl-af 5 tlays— -da&,u c4w�st *s iiizdc. at the next regularly it,aOL .5 aftertht, _c, W11 I MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 52 scheduled Council meeting.. If as a result of the hearing the City Council finds that the amount claimed to be owing is actually due and unpaid and that there is no legal reason why the water supply of the delinquent customer may not be shut off in accordance with this ordinance, the City may shut off the supply. 7-2-21: PROVISION FOR COLLECTION WITH TAXES: All delinquent accounts that are 60 days or more past due shall be certified to the City Administrator, who shall prepare an assessment roll providing for assessment of the delinquent amounts against the respective properties served. To each delinquent account shall be added an administrative fee as set by the City Council to defray the cost of preparation and certification of the assessment roll. Upon adoption by the City Council, the Administrator shall certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection along with property taxes. (#36, 09/12/77) (#214,10/28/91) (#246, 01/10/94) 7-2-22: PENALTY: Any person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished not more than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by state law. (#362, 7/23/01) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 53 CHAPTER • GARBAGE AND REFUSE SECTION: 7-6-1: Definitions 7-6-2: Private Dump; Application 7-6-3: License Required 7-6-4: Dump Regulations 7-6-5: Incinerator; License Fee 7-6-6: Dumping Only in Permitted Places 7-6-7: Officer Responsible 7-6-8: Revocation 7-6-9: Garbage/Refuse Service Rates 7-6-10: Ownership of Recyclable Materials Set Out for Curb -side Collection 7-6-1: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and terms are defined as follows: PRIVATE DUMP: The term "private dump" shall mean all parcels of land on which nonputrescible refuse is accepted for deposit or permitted to be deposited regardless of whether a charge is made therefore. GARBAGE: The word "garbage" shall mean all animal and vegetable waste and all putrescible matter. REFUSE: The word "refuse" shall mean all waste substances, including garbage. SANITARY LANDFILL: The term "sanitary landfill" shall mean a type of operation in which refuse is deposited by plan on a specified portion of open land, is compacted by forces applied by mechanical equipment, and then is covered by a layer of earth, ashes, or suitable covering material to a depth of at least two feet (T). ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: The term "enforcement officer" shall mean any inspector or any other representative duly appointed by the Council. 7-6-2: PRIVATE DUMP; APPLICATION: It shall be unlawful for any person to use any land, premises, or property within the city for a private dump or sanitary landfill without first making application for and securing a license so to do. The issuance of such license shall be subject to and governed by the following provisions: (A) The application for a license to operate a private dump or sanitary landfill shall be filed with the Clerk and shall contain a description and plat of the land on which the disposal of refuse is proposed, a description of the sequence and plan MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 54 of operation, availability of and equipment for water supply, type and capacity of equipment to be used for operations, plans for fire, nuisance, and vermin control, existing and proposed roadways and easements, existing topography and watercourses, together with a diagram and written statement explaining the proposed location and extent of earthwork and fill operations, proposed equipment and estimated daily or weekly volume of garbage and other waste, facts which show the public convenience and necessity, and the public health and general welfare of the people of the city require the granting of a license to the applicant and such other inforination as may be required by the Council. Copies of the application shall be forwarded to the Planning Commission for it study and recommendation. (B) The Planning Commission shall make a report to the Council as to whether or not the granting of the permit in the location described in the application would be a violation of the zoning regulations. The Planning Commission shall also report to the Council as to the effect of such proposed use upon the character of the neighborhood, the traffic conditions, public utility facilities, and other matters pertaining to the general welfare, and shall advise the Council as to whether public convenience and necessity require the granting of a permit to the applicant. (C) Thereafter, the Planning Commission shall submit their reports and recommendations to the Council stating their reasons why they recommend that the application be granted or denied and shall send a copy thereof to the applicant and to any person who has requested in writing a hearing on the application as hereinabove set forth. The Council shall then consider the reports and recommendations so transmitted by the Planning Commission; and if the Council finds that public convenience and necessity as well as the public health and general welfare of the people require, shall issue a permit to the applicant, otherwise the application for a permit shall be denied. Such permit shall be issued by the Council upon the payment of an annual fee of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) payable to the treasurer, and said licensee shall deliver a cash or corporate bond in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000). Said cash or corporate bond shall run to the City and shall be conditioned as follows: 1. That the permittee, his agents and servants, will comply with all of the terns, conditions, provisions, requirements, and specifications contained in this chapter. 2. That the permittee, his agents and servants, will save harmless the City from any expense incurred through the failure of the permittee, his agents, and servants, to operate and maintain the dump or landfill as required by this chapter, including any expense the City may be put to for correcting any condition or violation of this chapter by the City's own labor and equipment, whenever the inspector determines it is necessary for the City to correct any unhealthy condition or conditions violative of MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 55 this chapter or from any damages growing out of the negligence of the permittee or his agents or servants. 3. Before acceptance, all bonds shall be approved by the Council. If a corporate bond is offered, it shall be executed by a surety or guaranty company qualified to transact business in the state of Minnesota. If a cash bond is offered, it shall be deposited with the Clerk, who shall give his official receipt therefore reciting that said cash has been deposited in compliance with and subject to the provisions of this chapter. 7-6-4: DUMP REGULATIONS: The following regulations shall be observed by any person to whom a permit is issued by the City for the operation of all a sanitary landfill or dump. These regulations shall govern the operation of all the City -approved sanitary landfills and dumps; and any failure to observe these regulations shall be sufficient grounds for the revocation of the permit by the Council. (A) All garbage and other refuse accepted by the landfill pen -nit holder shall be thoroughly compacted by equipment of a size and weight capable of producing a downward or ground pressure of at least five (5) pounds per square inch. Such equipment shall have sufficient weight and capacity to carry out all necessary operations to the satisfaction of the enforcement officer. Sufficient auxiliary equipment shall be maintained on the site or otherwise available to pennit operation in case of a breakdown. (B) Mixed refuse material shall be spread out on the working face of the landfill so that the depth does not exceed a maximum depth of two feet (2') prior to its compaction. (C) The areas shall be continually policed to prevent fire and the blowing of papers, shall be neat and sanitary at all times, and shall be covered at the end of each day's operation, as well as when wind conditions warrant it through the day, with sufficient material to prevent blowing papers and unsightly conditions. The size of the active face on which refuse is being currently deposited shall be kept to a minimum. (D) Cover material will consist of earth, loath, clay, sand, or a mixture of at least fifty percent (50%) earth and other inert materials such as ashes, cinders, or gravel. A minimum depth of twelve inches (12") of compacted cover and final spread cover material shall be kept on all inactive faces of the landfill at all times. The active faces of the landfills should be covered at the end of each days operation or as otherwise directed by the inspector. (E) When the landfill or dump has been brought up to two feet (2') below the desired finished grade, it shall be covered with at least twenty-four inches (24") of compacted cover material graded and seeded in such a manner as to prevent erosion. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 56 (F) Where the "trench system" of sanitary landfill is used, successive paralleled trenches must be at least two feet (2) apart. (G) All garbage and refuse material existing on the site at the tirne the pen -nit is issued either in the form of an open dump or any other form shall be collected, compacted, and covered with cover material at least one foot (F) in depth if below the desired finished grade or with inert material at least two feet (2) in depth at the finished grade. This cover operation shall be completed within fifteen (15) working days after the issuance of a special permit for the sanitary landfill. (H) The permittee or operator shall erect such temporary or pennanent fences or take other measures as may be necessary to reasonably control blowing of paper and other materials from the landfill or dump. (1) Any material salvaged from the landfill or dump must be handled and stored in such a manner as to prevent rat harborage and permit proper operation of the landfill or dump. Such salvaged material must be removed to a location at least two hundred feet (200) from the working surface so as not to interfere with the compacting and covering. All salvaged material must be completely removed from the site every twenty-four (24) hours unless provision is made for temporary storage within an enclosed, roofed, and rat -proof structure approved by the inspector. (J) Burning of any materials deposited in a dump or landfill is expressly prohibited, except that in the case of tree limbs, wooden crates, which buni readily without smouldering or producing offensive odors, may be burned in a separate place at least two hundred feet (200') away from the area where refuse is being cornpacted and covered, provided precautions are taken to confine the fire and the bunging is done in such a manner as not to create a nuisance condition. All burning shall be restricted to the hours between eleven o'clock (11:00) a.m. and three o'clock (3:00) p.m. (K) Adequate fire fighting equipment shall be available at all times on the site or the operator shall furnish the inspector with proof of fire fighting equipment between the operator and the local fire district. (L) No fill shall be placed in stream beds or other areas where streams would be obstructed or where erosion by the stream would remove cover material. There shall be no seepage or drainage of any material from the fill of such a nature as would constitute an odor nuisance or health hazard or pollute any watercourse. (M) The permit holder shall provide an access road approved by the inspector that is passable in all types of weather conditions to the dumping site. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE M (N) The license holder shall also provide an auxiliary fill site available and ready for use during periods of heavy rain or snowfall and when the area being filled and covered may not be reached because of said weather condition. The permit holder shall also take precautions to eliminate excess dust in dry weather. (0) Insects and rodents on the site shall be controlled and exterminated as directed by the inspector. (P) The permit holder shall cease operations and close the landfill between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) p.m. and six o'clock (6:00) a.m. and on Sundays and holidays. (Q) For good and sufficient reasons the Council may grant exceptions to the above operating procedures and standards or may impose additional requirements subject to specific site conditions. 7-6-5: INCINERATOR; LICENSE FEE: If a permittee wishes to install an incinerator at a dump or landfill, he shall apply to the Council for permission to do so. The Council shall refer the request to the Planning Commission and engineer for recommendations as to whether an incinerator shall be permitted and, if so, what conditions, if any, shall be imposed in connection with the incinerator. After receiving the reports, the Council may grant or deny the request for the incinerator; and if the request is granted, conditions may be imposed in connection with the operation of the incinerator. If the request is granted, the annual license fee shall be increased by Twenty-five Dollars ($25). 7-6-6: DUMPING ONLY IN PERMITTED PLACES: No person, including those persons hauling or disposing of garbage or refuse, trash, or other rubbish for a fee, shall deposit or dispose of any garbage, trash, or other refuse on any property in the city not operated under a permit issued by the Council. Each sanitary landfill or dump shall display a prominent sign containing the words "Approved Sanitary Landfill or Dump Operated Under Permit No. - issued by the City of Monticello." 7-6-7: OFFICER RESPONSIBLE: The officer responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be appointed by the Council. He shall provide adequate and frequent inspections of the sanitary landfill sites and to this end shall be authorized to call upon the Planning Commission for assistance in making inspections. He shall notify any permit holder who is violating the provisions of this chapter of the specific manner in which the chapter is being violated. Unless said violation is corrected within twenty-four (24) hours after notice in writing to the permit holder by the inspector, the inspector shall notify the Council of any violation of the provisions of this chapter that the Council may, after a public hearing to which the violator shall have been invited, suspend or revoke any permit for noncompliance or violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or when satisfied that the landfill or dump constitutes a real menace and nuisance to the health, safety, and welfare of the immediate residents in the neighborhood in which it is located. In the event the permit holder refuses to correct the MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 58 violation within twenty-four (24) hours after notice in writing by the inspector, the inspector may, if he deems it necessary in the interest of public health, enter upon the premises of the dump or landfill and, either with the equipment and by employees of the license holder, or with the City -owned or leased equipment and City employees, do such work as is necessary to correct any condition violative of this chapter, and which in his opinion if left uncorrected may be hazardous to the public health. The cost to the City of correcting such condition in privately owned dumps or landfills shall be assessed against the permit holder who shall be required to pay all the costs and expenses of the City in correcting said conditions. 7-6-8: REVOCATION: Any permit or license granted hereunder may be revoked or suspended at any time for any failure to pay the license fee or the cost of correcting hazardous conditions as hereinbefore set forth or whenever, in the opinion of the inspector, the continuance of the landfill or other means of final disposal of refuse would endanger the health, welfare, or safety of the public, provided that no such permit or license shall be revoked or suspended except for to pay the fee, or the cost of correcting hazardous conditions as herein provided except after public hearing before the Council after the notice of said hearing, and the purpose thereof shall have been sent to the permit holder at least ten (10) days prior to the date of said hearing, at which hearing any person interested in said landfill shall have the right to be heard. GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVICE RATES: The City operates an organized garbage collection and disposal program for all residential properties within the city of Monticello under the authority of Minnesota State Statute 433. The City hereby establishes a service charge for garbage/refuse collection and related services for all commercial residential property within the city of Monticello. Commercial residential shall be all mobile homes located on rented lots or land in mobile home parks and multiple housing units, four -plea and above. (A) A service charge for garbage/refuse collection, disposal, and container rental provided to commercial residential units within the city shall be billed at the rates as established by City Council. Nan-cormnercial residential property, considered all single family through tri- plex, whether rented or not, shall not be billed directly for garbage/refuse service but must not place recyclables in the garbage or the garbage/refuse may be left at curbside until the recyclables are removed. Recyclables are considered those materials recycled with the City's Recycling Plan. Recycling services are provided for all residential units in the city of Monticello as per the City's requirements under the City of Monticello Recycling Plan approved and adopted by the City Council on February 13, 1989, including any amendments thereto. Charges for garbage/refuse bills will be mailed to the property owner each quarter year service period at the rates established by City Council. The MONTICELLO CITE' ORDINANCE 59 proceeds from the collection of these bills shall be placed in the rubbish disposal fund to offset the cost of garbage/refuse service, special processing and disposal fees, and container rental. A penalty shall be added to the amount due on any bill if not paid wifhirr3-0 days a cter-thc billiiig data by the due date. PaymtTAs +eeeruedorpogttmikud on or before-thee3-0th-d-ay-&f u, billil.�,shall-bi deemAAas (B) DELINQUENT GARBAGE/REFUSE ACCOUNTS: All. charges for garbage/refuse service shall be due and payable by the due date.(Within 30 days after the billing date) Accounts shall be considered delinquent when not paid tp C C within-30-days—Accounts more than 90 days past due shall be certified by the City Administrator, who shall prepare an assessment roll no less than twice each year providing for the assessment of the delinquent amount against the respective property service, which assessment roll shall be submitted to the City Council for adoption on or before November 30 of each year and for certification to the Wright County Auditor for collection as other taxes are collected. The City reserves the right to discontinue service to any customer for nonpayment of charges or bills whose account is more than 90 days past due. Such discontinuance of service shall not be made without written notice. If service is disconnected, it shall not be resumed except upon payment of the charges or bills accrued together with interest and penalty thereon. (C) REVISION OF GARBAGE/REFUSE RATES AND RECYCLING PLAN: The City Council reserves the right to adjust the rates charged from time to time and to amend the City's recycling policy. (#195, 8/27/90) (#214,10/28/91) (#317, 9/28/98) 7-6-10: OWNERSHIP OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS SET OUT FOR CURB -SIDE COLLECTION: The intent of this article is to prevent the unauthorized collection of materials that are designated as recyclables and set out as part of the City of Monticello's curb -side recycling program. The theft of these materials will deprive the contractor of their market value and forces overall costs to go up. These costs will eventually be passed on to the citizens of the city of Monticello. The City will also be deprived of credit for recycling tonnage reported to Wright County and the State of Minnesota. (A) For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases will have the meanings respectively ascribed to them: CONTRACTOR: Any person/firm that has entered into a written contract with the City of Monticello for the collection of garbage, rubbish, recyclables, and yard waste. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 60 CURB -SIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM: The organized collection of items designated as recyclable by the contractor in accordance with the City of Monticello's plan. ITEMS DESIGNATED AS RECYCLABLE: Items agreed upon by the City and the contractor to be collected in the curb -side recycling program. SET OUT FOR COLLECTION: The placing of materials designated as recyclables by the residents of Monticello at curb side for collection by the contractor. UNAUTHORIZED COLLECTION (SCAVENGING): The collection by any person(s) other than the contractor or his authorized representative of materials that are designated as recyclables and set out for collection by the residents. •11 Lei IM I I I I Witel It, 4 M 1 164 101 14 ILWd Ja 0 1 ON 1. The materials designated as recyclable shall be the sole property of the City of Monticello from the time of set out for collection by the resident or when placed in the designated containers in the case of multiple units until collection by the contractor. At the time of collection, items designated as recyclable shall become the sole property of the contractor. 2. The designation of recyclables shall be accomplished by mutual agreement between the City of Monticello and the contractor. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person(s) other than the authorized contractor or his representative to collect any items that are designated as recyclables and set out for collection as part of the City of Monticello's curb -side recycling program. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished not more than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by state law. (#182, 10/23/89), (#358, 1/8/01) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 61 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Consideration of ai Dvrovin2 Wri2ht.r . Amement No. 06-55 (turn - back of CSAH 75 east of CSAH 18). (BW) Following the substantial completion of the new interchange at County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 18 and Interstate Highway 94, the County wishes to revoke (turn -back) CSAR 75 east of CSAH 18 as identified in the attached documents. Attached is an agreement drafted by the County that has been submitted to the City for approval. One item that is still unresolved is that Wright County owes approximately $24,000 to the State for work completed several years ago on this section of CSAH 75. Once CSAH 75 is turned back to the City we will then be responsible for repaying this money unless we can add this section of road to our municipal state -aid system (MSAS). We checked with Mn/DOT and they told us that this section of road is not eligible to be a state -aid route since the ramp connection to I-94 was terminated, and that the only way we can keep this road on our state -aid system is to provide a connection to another state -aid street to the east. We are therefore proceeding to add Meadow Oak Avenue to our MSAS, which according to Mn/DOT should allow this section of CSAH 75 to remain a state -aid route. This agreement is being brought before the County Board tomorrow evening for their approval. Once the County Board approves the agreement this section of CSAH 75 can be turned back to the City. Once this agreement has been approved by both the City and the County the City will need to adopt a resolution approving the revocation of CSAH 75 from the County to the City. This can be done at the next Council meeting and is merely a formality for Mn/DOT which has no bearing on the timing of the turn -back of CSAH 75 or our ability to make improvements to this section of road once it is turned back. 1. Motion to approve Wright County Cooperative Agreement No. 06-55, contingent on the County Board's approval tomorrow evening. 2. Motion to deny approval of Wright County Cooperative Agreement No. 06-55. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council approve Alternative Action #1. Draft copy of Wright County Cooperative Agreement No. 06-55 M THIS AGREEME NT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello, Minnesota, acting by and through their City Council, hereinafter referred to as the ,vity.11 WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, that portion of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 75, within the limits of the City of Monticello and described as follows: CSAH 75 (Broadway Street East) from the intersection with CSAH 18 to the south and CSAH 39 to the north to Interstate 94,having a basic right of way width of 150 feet, for a distance of 1.17 miles. This project will remove the present CSAH 75 east termini fi-om a state highway connection, and therefore this segment would no longer meet the CSAH criteria. WHEREAS, this cooperative agreement between the County and the City outlines the conditions, responsibilities and financial obligations in making this jurisdictional change for this segment of County State Aid Highway 75. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: 1. The County and City, hereby agree to revoke the County State Aid Highway status of CSAH 75 as described herein and further revoke it to the jurisdiction of the City of Monticello. The City will be responsible for the State Aid Funding payback that would be due, since State Aid funds were used to place a bituminous overlay on this segment of CSAH 75 in 2003. 2. All maintenance responsibilities, on the segment of CSAH 75 described herein, shall become the responsibility of the City, including snow and ice control & signing, effective the date of this agreement being fully executed. The County will reimburse the City the equivalent cost of one (1) year of maintenance on the tumback segment. 3. The County will reimburse the City of Monticello for the construction cost of two-inch bituminous wear course (2005 dollars) for the segment of CSAH 75 described in this jurisdictional change. Based on the length of the segment that was not overlayed in 2003 (500 feet) and the agreed on equivalent cost of a reclamation /two-inch overlay ($85,000/mile). However. the reimbursement amount described above will come out of the $2.000,000 that the Countv will reimburse to the Citv as oart of the Countv's contribution towards this project since this Jurisdictional chanize was nromi)ted by the above-mentioned project. 4. The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City, M The County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of then- agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County. 5. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County. It is further agreed that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workman's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while so engaged in any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. Any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City. It is further agreed that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged in any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. Before this agreement shall become binding and effective, it shall be approved by the City Council of Monticello and it shall also be approved by the Wright County Board of Cominissioners and such other officers as law may provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto fixed,, COUNTY OF WRIGHT Recommended for Approval: Wright County Engineer Chairperson, Wright County Board Wright County Coordinator Wright County Attorney Date FAdata\HWY\AGREEMN'RMonti 75 tumdoe CITY OF MONTICELLO Reconiniended for Approval: City Attorney, City of Monticello Mayor, City of" Monticello Clerk, City of Monticello Date 2 64 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 51. Consideration of Resolution Uvdatin2 MuniCiDal State Aid Street Svstem for the City of Monticello (WSB) ! N,G �� A A :: , 1k% IF, —1 The Municipal State Aid Street (MSAS) system allows cities with a population over 5,000 to be eligible to receive additional funding for road improvements and maintenance from the State Highway Users Fund. To receive funding, the City can designate up to 20% of its local streets to receive MSAS funding. With the continuing residential and commercial growth within the City, our system has mileage available for designation. At the end of 2005, 0.84 miles were available for designation. With the construction of the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, CSAH 75, from CSAH 18/39 to Meadow Oak Avenue, is to be turned back to the City. City staff is currently working with the County on the tumback agreement. In order to keep this segment of CSAH 75 on the state aid system, which would constitute excess MSAS mileage above the 20%, CSAH 75 is required to connect to other MSAS system streets, or streets of a higher designation, such as county roads or state highways. Since CSAH 75 will connect to Meadow Oak Avenue, which is currently not designated on the state aid system, there is a need to designate Meadow Oak Avenue on the state aid system at this time, prior to the CSAH 75 turnback. In order to meet this need and get the most funding for our system, we are proposing to designate an additional 0.53 miles for Meadow Oak Avenue from CSAH 18 to CSAH 75. Approve the proposed resolution to designate Meadow Oak Avenue from CSAH 18 to CSAH 75 as a MSAS addition for the year 2006. 2. Do not approve the proposed resolution. The City Administrator and City Engineer recommend that the City Council approve the resolution as outlined in Alternative No. 1. Upon approval, the City Administrator/Clerk shall provide a certified copy of this resolution for transmittal to the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. Copy of Resolution 2006 Proposed MSAS Designation Drawing C, D11-11111 and S,1101gsW,,-gra mg,, -T .. I Sa-gs,Jenp—, ltn,,t h1,M0LK3'.4CNITM-MSAS Updw, R -102306d,, 64A 1:711 W-2 Fix I �Zrelrav:V&SI a & LIP WHEREAS, as a requisite to qualify for state aid, it is necessary that the City Council designate certain streets within the City of Monticello to comprise a Municipal State Aid Street system; and WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed the recommendations of the City Engineer and has approved certain streets within the City to be removed or to become a part of said system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello as follows: That Meadow Oak Avenue from CSAH 18 to CSAR 75 shall be included as part of the City of Monticello MSAS system. 2. That the City Administrator/Clerk provide a certified copy of this resolution for transmittal to the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of October, 2006. City Administrator Mayor C. IDoI FU -MD U GN rrAfA 7TA CH-USAS UpdwR�, 2006-102306,k, 64B NE r L7. OVERLOOK LA. V 18. GOLDEN EAGLE CT. 19. TALON CT. 20. EAGLE EYE CT. i d � w } T PR. � EY a m 7 a 9T th c� E J 95tH_ S7, N.E. 1 NNN ui z r f Li T121N R24W x 18IT i EAF� 19120 OAK ~ 90tn ST. N.E. 64C Council Agenda: 10/23/06 5J. Consideration of apiwoving a revised final jolat for Warnert Retail Development. (BW*,, In April of 2006 the City Council approved the final plat for Warnert Retail. When the developer submitted the plat to Wright County for recording the developer was informed that the plat would not be accepted by the Wright County Surveyor until the plat lines along TH 25 and. Cedar Street were verified through further research. The developer's surveyor has since completed the research requested and, with the concurrence of the Wright County Surveyor, has submitted the attached revised final plat for approval. On October 9th the City conducted a public bearing for vacating a portion of right-of-way on Cedar Street per the developer's request. When the Council was informed that the plat may be revised, and that this would likely affect the description of the requested right-of-way vacation, the item was tabled pending further information. The City has since been informed that the developer is no longer requesting that right-of-way be vacated on Cedar Street therefore no further action is required. 1. Motion to approve the revised final plat for the Warnert Retail development. 2. Motion. to deny approval of the revised final plat. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Engineer that the City Council approve the revised final plat. Revised final plat for Warnert Retail (2 sheets) mms FgL e e p S p�� �$ %3 •`•1 � Fo 38� l "eq.3og� p��t y I ° �� �3 0 o°EN R 8 s as°4 Ila S to ^fin °� •.a8 � t �o g^ $' �•Q x a ^� p sa Hk ;xa •a k 9y o g s,? 4 �•n o $ 0 a of .. $°� @ °R �O ^' o �•t q a m S R go'ga n S b R 6 R to:z �w o xn $� ��a ani �h a p� $ do-. w ^ P a S � 0 $ R s' 9 B 3 3 E n3gi a m q 12q R R ° c e p�� �$ %3 � Fo 38� �3� "eq.3og� 4 33' ani •`� �� �3 0 o°EN R 8 Ila S to ^fin °� •.a8 � t �o g^ $' �•Q ^� p sa Hk ;xa •a o of .. $°� @ °R �O ^' o �•t S a m gm roK' go'ga n S IF �w o A• ��a ani �Ne a p� $ do-. n3gi R e p�� �$ %3 �3 0 o°EN R 8 m as e RZ o a m � roK' go'ga n °4 ME IS 1 41 I n O 1 R! p 3 >R o Ry2�2� NnTi [[[ggguuu � UU zN e \ $�Na , s M g� g4 8 \ fq \ 9 sm �a r"o a � 64F n O A p 3 >R o Ry2�2� NnTi [[[ggguuu � UU M g� g4 8 9 sm �a r"o a � 64F . Council Agenda: 10/23/06 7. Conduct Assessment Hearin 2 and Adopt Assessment Roll for Public Improvement No. 2006-01C, 2006 Street Reconstruction Proa-ram (City of Monticello Project No. 2006-010 (WSB) The 2006 Street Reconstruction Project included the second reconstruction project within Area 3 of the City's long-range Overall Street Reconstruction Program. The project area includes Otter Creek Road, West River Street from Otter Creek Road to the west limits of the Ritze property, Sandy Lane east of Otter Creek Road, Riverside Circle and Oakview Circle. The constructed project also included the construction of additional on -street parking facilities along Mississippi Dive and mill and overlay work to repair patches caused by CenterPoint Energy system upgrades. The project improvements included the reclamation of bituminous pavement, grading to lower the streets to eliminate roadside ditches, installation of concrete curb and gutter, stoma sewer, and widening the roadway surface to a width of 28 feet on Sandy Lane and 30 feet on Otter Creek Road and West River Street. The storm sewer construction included the installation of HDPE pipe to minimize costs and the construction of two Vortechnic structures for pretreatment of storm water prior to discharge into Otter Creek and eventually the Mississippi River. The project also included the construction of retaining walls at Otter Creek and adjacent to the west end of the cemetery to accommodate street widening as well as the construction of a concrete sidewalk. As with previous projects, the City will assess the project this year prior to the installation of the final lift of pavement. Therefore, the total project cost is estimated to be $2,187,812.00 with $223,856.00 proposed to be assessed on a per lot and commercial front foot basis against benefiting properties. This cost includes a final construction contract in the amount of $1,860,951.00 with indirect costs of 17.56%. The indirect cost represents 12.47% for engineering costs, and 5.09% for City costs relating to the project. The engineering time on the project includes the cost of the geotechnical evaluation from Braun and construction observation time for Tom Bose of the City Public Works Department. The assessment is proposed to be assessed over a 10 -year period. The cost of the storm sewer, water main, and sanitary sewer work involved in the project will be covered by City trunk funds. The Mississippi Drive parking improvements are proposed to be funded through the general fund and the mill and overlay work will be funded through an agreement with CenterPoint Energy. The adopted assessment policy on past phases for residential properties was a fixed rate assessment, essentially independent of the final construction amount. The assessment proposed to be levied for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project is also proposed as a fixed rate per lot assessment. The proposed assessment also includes a sidewalk assessment and a front footage assessment for non -single family properties. Proposed assessment rates are as follows: Single Family Residential - $3,000 per lot (fixed rate) Sidewalk - $484.39 per lot (25% of sidewalk cost is assessed) 65 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Non -single Family Rate - $80.00 per front foot (reconstruction rate plus new curb) The City is not intending to sell bonds to find the improvements so there is no minimum amount of assessment required to fulfill the bonding obligations. The assessment rates have been set by the Council based on annual incremental cost increases based on annual construction cost index increases. The City has received letters from Tom Holthaus, Edward Solberg, and Steve and Candace Johnson, who are residents within the project area. Copies of these letters have been included in the packets. The following are responses to the letters for the Council's review: Tom Holthaus (Former West Side Market) — Tom Holthaus has expressed some concern with the method by which his property is being assessed. He was previously assessed on the front foot method for the CSAH 75 project for 1/ of the footage for a total of $4,083.50. Mr. Holthaus' contention is that he should have been charged one residential rate of $2,500 since his property could not be redeveloped commercially. At the time, lie was proposing a much more dense development, which would fall under the front foot method similar to the Prairie West development. Since his current proposal consists of five lots, Mr. Holthaus feels that he should be charged four lots at the CSAH 75 rate of $2,500 plus one lot at $3,484.39 less his original assessment of $4,083.50 for a new assessment total of $9,400.89. Mr. Holthaus feels that this is fair since the contractor used his property all summer for staging. It is our opinion that the current assessment is fair and if it is changed, it should include one lot at $2,500, three lots at $3,000, and one lot at $3,484.39 resulting in a new net assessment of $10,900.89. The Council could also make the decision that the $484.39/unit sidewalk assessment be charged to all five lots, which would add an additional $1,937.56 to the assessment. Edward Solberg and Steve and Candace Johnson — Both of these residents state an assessment value from the 2005 project of $2,642.50 in their respective letters dated October 19, 2006, A review of the final assessment roll from the 2005 project listed final assessment values of $2,967.97 per single family lot. This is compared to the $3,000 per lot assessment for the 2006 reconstruction project. The costs to add the retaining walls at the cemetery and at Otter Creek are also included in the overall project and did not increase their assessment. However, the fixed assessment rates are independent of the final costs and are set at $3,000 whether those improvements were included or not. In other words, specific project features do not affect the proposed rate of levied assessments. The second issue that both residents are concerned about is the sidewalk assessment of $484.39. The sidewalk assessment was a Council decision to assess residents on the streets that accessed Otter Creek Road and West River Street because it is a "regional pedestrian facility." Properties that are east of Otter Creek Road were not assessed nor were properties on Craig Lane and Kenneth Lane. However, it is in the City's right to conduct a supplemental assessment on those properties if the Council deems that it is appropriate. C D,- pnrmnIuxnet [,,il,,lOIK3,,IG,VITM-2006SIRe .. 66 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Following the public hearing, the City Council will be asked to adopt the assessment roll Lased on input from affected residents. 1. Adopt the assessment roll as proposed using the assessment rates of $3,000/assessable unit, $484.39/assessable unit for sidewalk and $80.00 per front for non -single family properties. 2. Do not adopt the assessment roll as proposed. The City Administrator recommends that the Council authorize Alternative No. 1. Assessment Roll Map 67 Client: City of Monticello Project Name: 2006 Street Reconstruction Program City Project Number: 2006-01C WSB Project Number: 1494-16 Proposed Asse- Pa. RESIDENTIAL ASSESS -A RESIDENTIAL ASSESSMENT (Per NO. PID OWNER NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS ACRES REMARKS LOTS Property) 69 155087001030 MARY E RITZE 11405 RIVER ST W 4.203 1 $3,000.00 108 155021002170 CHRISTOPHER & WENDY A ROBINSON 101 OAKVIEW CIRCLE 0.453 $3,000.00 109 155021002160 ROBERT J & LORINE C CLARK 1103 OAKVIEW CIRCLE 0.731 j 1 $3,000.00 110 155021002150 CLARENCE J&KIMBERLY CARLSON 105 OAKVIEW CIRCLE 0.612 j 1 $3,000.00 ill 155021002140 JAMES R & ALICE M ASHWILL 1107 OAKVIEW CIRCLE 0.444 j 1 $3,000.00 112 155021002130 BRIAN J & JACQUELINE L BICAN 1108 OAKVIEW CIRCLE 0.372 j 1 $3,000.00 113 155021002210 ROGER C & CYNTHIA A MACK 106 OAKVIEW CIRCLE 0.667 1 $3,000.00 114 155021002200 DOUGLAS A&LINDA A PRZYBILLA 104 OAKVIEW CIRCLE 0.458 $3,000.00 155021002190 JOHN D ERLANDSON 102 OAKVIEW CIRCLE 0.375 j 1 $3,000.00 -115-- 116 155021002180 GEORGE E &PEGGY A KLIPPENES 100 OAKVIEW CIRCLE 0.452 1 1 $3,000.00 j 117 155500034200 RED ROOSTER PROPERTIES INC 1323 RIVER ST W : 4.085 $3,000.00 119 155023001010 --WILLIAM - ---- E &ARLENE F WHITE 1328 RIVER ST W 0.896 j 1 $3,000.00 120 155023001020 ,JONATHAN Q & HEIDI R GASLIN 1324 RIVER ST W 1.022 1 $3,000.00 121 155023001021 IDANN G FORSBERG 1322 RIVER ST W 0.358 j 1 $3,000.00 122 155023001030 SCOTT W & ELIZABETH A HILL 1320 RIVER ST W 1.129 1 $3,000.00 123 155023001040 DOUGLAS E & JOLENE M TEMPLE 1316 RIVER ST W 1.111 1 $3,000.00 124 155023001050 JEFFREY V & STACI N BARTH 1312 RIVER ST W 1.086 $3,000.00 125 155023001060 DANIEL L & DARLENE WETTERSTROM 1308 RIVER ST W 1 1.018 I 1 $3,000.00 126 155023001070 IDONNA L MAURICE 1304 RIVER ST W 0.952 j 1 $3,000.00 128 155025001010 i MARK A & CINDEE C HAIDER 1230 RIVER ST W 0.765 j 1 1 $3,000.00 129 155025001020 RODNEY E & ANN M DRAGSTEN 1226 RIVER ST W 0.752 j 1 $3,000.00 130 155025001030 GREGORY J & TERESA B RODEN 11222 RIVER ST W 1.390 j 1 $3,000.00 131 155025001040 ROGER W & SUSAN K HEDTKE 1218 RIVER ST W 0.678 j 1 $3,000.00 132 155025001050 CHESTER E & L R PIOTROWSKI 11214 RIVER ST W 0.629 j 1 $3,000.00 133 155500034202 ;WAYNE & NELLIE WEBER 1210 RIVER ST W 1.057 j 1 $3,000.00 136 155012001090 PATRICIA M OLSEN 113 OTTERCREEK RD 0.475 $3,000.00 137 155023001080 !STEVEN & CANDACE JOHNSON 1233 SANDY LN 0.923 1 $3,000.00 139 155012001025 'DALE C & ROSEMARY T DAHL 11229 SANDY LN 0.400 1 $3,000.00 140 155012001030 ;KURT & BRENDA DIEKMAN :1225 SANDY LN 0.479 i $3,000.00 141 155012001040 RICHARD F & JOYCE L ZAHLER 1221 SANDY LN 0.469 1 1 $3,000.00 142 1 155012001050 RICHARD J &PATRICIA E TIGUE 1217 SANDY LN 0.467 j 1 $3,000.00 143 155012001060 MARILYN J STICKFORT REV TRUST 11213 SANDY LN 0.466 1 $3,000.00 144 155012001070 GLENN W PETERSON & 1209 SANDY LN 0.487 $3,000.00 145 155012001080 GORDON V & LINDA YAGER 1205 SANDY LN 0.454 j 1 $3,000.00 146 155012002010 PAUL J & JANET L FUSS 1228 SANDY LN 0.606 1 1 2 $3,000.00 147 155012002020 EARL & MARGARET SWAN 1224 SANDY LN 0.543 j 1 $3,000.00 148 155012002030 DOUGLAS C & JANICE K HAUPT 1220 SANDY LN 0.523 1 $3,000.00 149 155012002040 DARREN M CARSTENS 11216 SANDY LN 0.535 $3,000.00 150 155012002050 GALE 0 & HOLLY A HERMAN 11212 SANDY LN 0.591 $3,000.00 151 155012002060 DAVID A & LOIS C CAPEK 11208 SANDY LN 0.479 $3,000.00 152 155012002070 EDWARD W SOLBERG 11204 SANDY LN 0.494 1 $3,000.00 153 155012002080 RUSSELL G &CAROL A LOVEGREN :1205 BROADWAY W 0.690 0 $3,000.00 154 155028001010 PAUL W & CAREY L LUNDBERG I RIVERSIDE CIR 0.371 1 $3,000.00 155 155028001020 JOAN D BONDHUS 13 RIVERSIDE CIR 0.637 j 1 $3,000.00 156 155028001030 DENNIS F & MYRNA R ANDERSON 15 RIVERSIDE CIR 0.399 j 1 $3,000.00 157 155028001040 !JEAN N RAFFERTY 17 RIVERSIDE CIR 0,565 1 $3,000.00 158 155028001050 iCHAD R & STACY L LATVAAHO 19 RIVERSIDE CIR 1.504 1 $3,000.00 159 155028001061 CHAD R & STACY L LATVAAHO 0,163 $3,000.00 160 1 -161 155028001060 !GAETAN M & RACHAEL B GILARD 14 RIVERSIDE CIR 0.283 1 $3,000.00 155028001070 SUSAN M- MARCHETTI 2 RIVERSIDE CIR 0.318 j 1 $3,000.00 195 - -1 155020004010 THOMAS W &REBECCA E HOLTHAUS 11129 BROADWAY W 1.314 $3,000.00 221 1155500031300 1AUDREY E SCHERBER& 1 26.719 I $3,000.00 TOTALS 48 Pa. Robert & Jean Rafferty 7 Riverside Circle Monticello, MN 55362 Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Monticello City Council City Hall 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Project 2006 -OIC Dear Mr. O'Neill and City Council Members: .1 will be out of town on October 23, 2006 and cannot attend the City Council meeting. I do object to the proposed assessment for the above numbered street reconstruction project. The assessment is thought to be $3,484.39 and the $484.39 is for sidewalks. I live at 7 Riverside Circle and there is no sidewalk in the circle. Actually, the curbing was not replaced either. I also am aware that the residents of Oak View Circle have not been assessed the $484.39 for a sidewalk due to the fact they do not have sidewalk installation either. It is also unfortunate that more than a few full sized trees had to be sacrificed for the improved storm sewer and also street reconstruction. It would have been far easier and more cost effective to simply resurface the roadway. Our neighborhood is well established. There are not any new houses and it is my understanding that the reason for the sewer reconstruction was because of the growth of the city in the southwest. Although it is a worthy project to make sure their noxious effluent reaches the sewage disposal plant, I would entertain that those who benefit from this should be the ones assessed, rather than the neighborhood that the pipes traverse. Sincerely, /"Z obe ft Rafferty k - Jean Rafferty 7 Riverside Circle Monticello, MN 55362 M, City Clerk City of Monticello Monticello, MN 55362 Edward W. Solberg 1204 Sandy Lane Monticello, MN 55362 October 17, 2006 I received a notice from the City as to the cost of the core street reconstruction project. I feel the cost being projected, $3,484.39, is totally out of line. This is especially true when compared with last years cost, $2,642.50. My neighbor, living across Otter Creek Road from my home gets a sidewalk for which I am expected to pick up the cost. The value of his property is increased, but at my expense. This proposal makes no sense. Am I expected to pay for the wall fronting the cemetery -9 Must I pay for the fence that will surround it? What about the new bridge that now crosses Otter Creek? The cost is to fall on my shoulders? It seems to me that these are costs that should be shared by all the taxpayers in the community, not just the few unlucky souls who happen to be included in a particular year's core street reconstruction project. Last year the City had initially proposed including my street as part of the core street reconstruction project. To build roads to the new Target complex, or whatever reasons, the City did not follow through. Because of that delay, I now have to put up with a more than 25% increase in costs. This is unreasonable and I feel that any fair-minded person would come to the same conclusion. I'm certainly willing to pay my fair share of the projects cost, I just don't like getting gouged. Sincerely, Edward W. Solberg EEO 1233 Sandy Lane Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-5588 We received the letter regarding the assessment for the street project that commenced in July 2006. The assessment was listed as $3,486 for our parcel. We were shocked to see the difference from the assessment for the other half of Sandy Lane done in 2005 for approximately $2,600. While some costs have increased we feel the magnitude of this assessment greatly exceeds any proportional property value improvements. Some parts of the 2006 project are of benefit to the city as a whole. We submit that tho&.: elements are as follows: 1. A sidewalk was installed along Otter Creek Road at least 1 1/2 blocks away from our property. This does not add value to our parcel. In addition it was placed on the east side of Otter Creek Road. This cost has been assessed against property owners in the 2006 project for approximately $500 while property owners directly adjacent to the sidewalk were not assesvA. 2. The bridge was improved to accommodate the added width for a sidewalk crossing in addition to road requirements for this larger road. This was described by a WSB representative as a regional improvement and therefore subject to regional assessment. Any benefits from a "regional improvement" are certainly not bounded by a line that lies only west of Otter Creek Road. Our property location allows us access to areas east anti west of Otter Creek Road without ever driving on that road. How then can we be deterniined to be in this small area that receives benefits any more than property east of Otter Creek Road? 3. The junction of Otter Creek Road and Cty Rd 75 was realigned and included in the project' The cost of this seems to have been included in this project as well. This realignment is a benefit to the city as a whole and the cost should not be born by the small number of parcels included in this year's project. 4. Riverside cemetery, which is the responsibility of the city, has a large portion of front footage in this project. The area needed extensive dewatering. The proportional cost relative to the special status of this area should not be born by the property owners in this 71 We made attempts to determine what costs of the regional and citywide improvements have been included in this project. While being assured that such concerns have been taken into account no one has been able to provide us with the actual basis for the calculation of the assessment. Jeff O'Neil put us in contact with a representative of WSB. This individual did not have access to information regarding our concerns but zssured us that they would provide it. To date we have heard nothing. In-, k*Y,?r mAaQA be in writin2 and received before the assessment hearin2, we challenge the basis and amount of this assessment. This project was divided in 2005 due to the costs of dealing with Otter Creek Road as well as needs in other parts of the city including the interchange for Target & Home Depot. While not questioning the validity of the any previous projects, we feel that the property owners in the 2006 street project should not be penalized in any way due to budget constraints and other priorities set in the past. Sandy Lane is two (2) blocks long. We object to one block being assessed $900 more for the same result. 111"1111 "* Ku a I I eCI It I Mae 0 1 MU parccis access ut ratner are oT 5enem To Tne general puo" Conversely several properties in the 2005 project have had 2006 improvements mal directly adjacent to or near them and have no additional assessment. We request that any decision regarding the levying of this assessment be delayed until pertinent information is provided to the city staff and property owners. At that point the validity of property assessments should be reevaluated. Sincerely, Steven and Candace Johnson M Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Conduct Assessment Hearin2 d Adovt Assessment Roll for Public " No. 2005-02C for the Extension of School Boulevard from Dee2an Avenue to, Redford Lane (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-02C) (WSB) The School Boulevard extension project included extending School Boulevard from .Deegan Avenue to Redford Lane. Extension of the roadway and utilities provided access and development of the water tower site, the Jefferson Commons property, and the Ocello property. Since the improvements were constructed, development of the Taco Johns site and plat approval for the River City Lanes Entertainment Center has occurred. The project cost totals $1,393,197. The construction cost totals approximately $1,084,548. Indirect costs totaled $308,649, which includes engineering, material testing, administration, legal, and financing costs. The project cost, construction cost, and the assessment to Taco Johns have all been reduced by $800, since the assessment hearing notices were mailed. The segment of pathway along School Boulevard and the Taco Johns property was recently constructed with the development of the Taco Johns property. The actual construction costs were recently submitted and were $800 less than the original cost estimate. The proposed assessments are as follows: ® Ocello, LLC ................................................$285,536 (via special assessment agreement) ® Jefferson Commons ............................. (City funded) - Outlot C ...........................................$386,175 - Outlot G ............................................$37,620 (pond) - Outlot E .............................................$28,500 (pond) - Outlot D ............................................$81,225 - Lot 1, Block 2 Jefferson Commons 1St Addition (Nater Tower site) ........$11,970 River City Lanes ............................... ..$280,962 (via special assessment agreement) • Prairie Ponds...............................................$116,636 . Taco Johns ......................... .......................$16,701 ® City Water Trunk Fund.................................$27,512 (includes trunk watennain oversizing) ® City Storm Sewer Trunk Fund ......................$57,019 (includes storm sewer outlet pipe for pond) ® Redford Lane Extension (City Funded) ........ $63,341 74 Cr Don—ts and Settingsldann,grosrmgerg. cal SeltingsgT mpomq Oaernet FilesDLUIAGN(TM-&ItoolDhdConduet4ssesHrg-101306doc Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Reduced from original assessment of $17,501 for reduction in actual pathway construction costs along School Boulevard adjacent to the Taco Johns property. The City has entered into a special assessment agreement with Ocello, LLC, which includes a negotiated assessment for the street and utility improvements fronting his property. The assessment is to be payable over 10 years with interest (5.5%) with the first installment collected as part of the payable 2007 taxes. The City has entered into a special assessment agreement with River City Lanes, which includes a negotiated assessment for the street and utility improvements fronting his property. The assessment is to be payable over 10 years with interest (5.5%) with the first installment collected as part of the payable 2007 taxes Assessments to the Prairie Ponds and Taco Johns sites are proposed to be assessed at 100% of the street and utility improvements fronting the properties excluding watermain oversizing. Assessments to Prairie Ponds and Taco Johns are to be payable over 10 years with interest (5.5%) with the first installment collected as part of the payable 2007 taxes. Total City funds for the project total $693,362, which include the remaining developable outlots (Outlot C and Outlot D, Jefferson Commons), which could be assessed a total of $467,400 when these lots develop, water and storm sewer trunk funds, and funds for the extension of Redford Lane. Street lighting costs are not included with the project costs as this will be addressed via a separate public hearing. 1. Adopt the assessment roll. 2. Do not adopt the assessment roll at this time. The City Administrator recommends that the Council authorize Alternative No. 1. Assessment Roll Map 75 I A fel 0 0 0 0 c Z (D ro — CN Lf UJ m cn C) CO -j Iq 'Cl P cl! oc LO (.0 (D (D a 00 00 a 0 C14 64 C\l cc ui U) 61) 69- 61). 61. 0 I A fel 0 m co 0 0 U) 0 0 E '2 :t� E U) 16 'o o C3-272 0 of uj uj CU -0 -0 U) M c c U) (D 0 0 W -C IL 0- LC (D — .(D . 0 co -j U 40- (D ry > 2 .2 U) a) > w 'a(D c (D co z C) c co co -j 0 cm -J U) a -j - = w c -,) o 0 6 1 Z 0(D 0 L) 0 m h ry a)CD O0 0 C) '5'< CN O 0 0 W CD CN CN C) C) CD 70 LO LO 0) C\l z C) — Itt N CD 0 > C) N 0 C) (D — = m — M 0 w — — — LO C) C) N a) — — 0 o .. " U) — C) C, c) 0-) m Lp 0 0 co Cl co co C — -0 OU 'D E w (f) CY) LO = U) U) LO Z o (D Z — E L) M 0 w Z U) 0 CL CL 0 0 CL (D m (D '6' >1 > 0 U) a) -L w 0 C 0 E iL F I A fel oll 77 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 9. Conduct Assessment Hearin2 and Adoi)t Assessment Roll for Public Improverne No. 2004-02C for the Extension of 7 1h Street from St. Henryls Church to CSAH I and Construction of Hiebland Wav from 7 tb Street to CSAH 75 (CitV of Monticel Proiect No. 2004-020 (WSB RT11 F.T., ! ' , �l The 7th Street and Highland Way Extension project included extending 7th Street from St. Henry's Church to CSAH 18 and constructing Highland Way from 7th Street to CSAH 75. This project was associated with the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project and the Ryan development project (Union Crossings). 7`1` Street is identified as a collector route relieving traffic on CSAH 75 in the Monticello Transportation Plan. A traffic signal was also constructed with the project at the intersection of CSAH 75 and Highland Way. Utility improvements were constructed to serve the adjacent benefiting properties. The project cost totals $2,115,791. The construction cost totals approximately $1,839,011. The construction cost also included the fee for the BNSF railroad easement at Highland Way. Indirect costs totaled $276,780, which includes engineering, material testing, administration, and legal costs. Bonding and interest costs were not included since Ryan Companies upfronted the funds for the project with their Developer's Agreement. The proposed assessments are as follows: • Ryan Development ................................................................................... $2,103, 13 5 (cash paid with Developer'sAgreement) • Amended Ryan Development - Sanitary Sewer and Water Assessment to Outlot C, Union Crossings ....... $24,617 - Additional Watermain Construction (cash payment) .................................$92,244 • Highland Way Signal Assessment ....................... I ........................................ $19,401 • St. Henry's Sanitary Sewer and Water Assessment ...................................... $17,836 • St. Hem-y's Pond Grading Assessment ......................................................... $25,000 • Stormwater Trunk Fund .................................................................................. $3,720 The project was largely funded through special assessment agreements and cash payment with Ryan Companies, the developer for the Monticello Retail Development. City staff is currently finalizing an amended development contract with Ryan Companies for additional waterinain construction that was added to the project after the original agreement was executed. Project costs associated with the construction of the traffic signal at CSAH 75 and Highland Way are to be funded through special assessments to the adjacent benefiting property owners using 25% of the total cost and spread using estimated trip generation for all benefited properties. This includes the Macarlund Plaza and Jens Rivervue apartment buildings located in the northwest quadrant of the CSAH 39/CSAH 18 intersection. At the public hearing on February 14, 2005, the Council requested that WSB analyze the addition of the apartment buildings, with the traffic signal assessment for the proposed signal at Highland Way and CSAH 75. Assessments to the apartments were not initially proposed; however, the apartments in question are zoned non- residential, and therefore, have been included in the assessment roll. Assessments to the C:Docwnents and Settingsldaivn,,arossingei,lLocalSellingslTe)nporao, Internet FilesIOLK31AGVITM-7lhStConductAssessHtg-102306-do, 78 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 benefiting properties for the Highland Way signal is to be payable over 10 years with interest (5.5%) with the first installment collected as part of the payable 2007 taxes. Sanitary sewer and watermain assessments to St. Henry's include extending these utilities to their newly created lot located along the south side of 7th Street (Lot 1, Block 2 Church of St. Henry 1St Addition). In order to create this lot, the existing pond was relocated along the north side of 7th Street. The pond grading assessment listed above is for this work. The assessment to St. Henry's Church is to be payable over 10 years with interest (5.5%) with the first installment collected as part of the payable 2007 taxes. City staff is currently finalizing a development contract with St. Henry's to include these assessments. Trunk storm sewer costs to be funded by the City's trunk storm sewer fund included removing and replacing the trunk storm sewer located along the east property line of the St. Henry's Church property. A majority of this pipe was removed and replaced with the trunk sanitary sewer extension project. Street lighting costs are not included with the project costs as this will be addressed via a separate public hearing. Adopt the assessment roll. 2. Do not adopt the assessment roll at this time. The City Administrator recommends selecting Alternative No. 1. Assessment Roll Figure 6A — Highland Way Signal Assessments C:IDocmnents and Settingsldaxiagrossingerlocat SettingslTemporary Internet FilesIOLK31AGFITiYt-7tliStConductAssessHig-102306.doc I IClient: City mMonticello t and Highland Way ---i-------'�---'-----�--- ---- -� -'--� -- -�----' � --� --� CLity Project Number: 2004-02C WSB Project Number: 1627-02 ------r- ---------- ---�- lRevised: 10/19/26661 ----��-----'----------T---'--- � PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL 1 1. HIGHLAND WAY SIGNAL ASSESMENT - ------� —'--�----� -------�----'--------- -'-------------� ---- | ---- -- --- --�'---- | -������----'----�������-------r--------------4------�--�--- | --'------------�--------f '----------- OUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 75 AT HIGHLAND WAY i RAftT-SbuLEVA—Rd �Tci-WY"='"~^="==''=N) ----'-----�-------------�------�-------'----'�--'---------- ---------'-'----- ---------r------'--'--------'-'- ---- --� | / ! | | | | Final Signal Cost $186,727.00 � ' �U0� OWNER -----_ ACREAGE 1000 SF ITE TRIPS/ � TOTAL Y6 ASSESSMENT -- ---- ----- GROSS FLOOR ^AREA mGENERATION TOTAL TRIPS TRIPS TOTAL Signal -- ----- '- --_ -'_-TRIP 30% ACREAGE ---__1uooSF USE Gross Floor Area TRIPS _ _ TO SIGNAL TO SIGNAL _ TRIPS CSAH750HighlandWay m1w A 15508 4000010 xomAnEK,Ju*ws 1.770 15.*2 Specialty Retail Center _ **.uz 683 som 342 0.033 $1.e2z3 | (911) a /ssuo^oumm uns�rva�vw000xwxFSB----- ����� �u.sz o,nx 156.48m 1,959 50% mm 0.096^ �m�$4,479.77� � [--__-/ C �anouro ��� mxeoorpxo��nr�a��c |----~— uxun � ��u mo o�o*n --- --'----- 168.56 wm rsm 632 oue ou�eoyu | | o�snnruumm m�euuTp�opennsa��o ' ' � o�nu |- *�u �- Gas Station �auao wm rsm �m oon $�uuu�x | | � m4/ ' ��--1��p��mwm —��mwm����� '- - �� �� �w� �m� | | 43275% 324 0.032$1,481.82| \ (8n4) ' --'�--�ssoaroo1p�o---u�n�*e�snpsaon�* _ o�a n�o �-_ �°�an n�a can�r ��sz | | �*e rom | | 112 0.011 $511.23 (81) G 155037001010 —����n�mwo �.� �am | | N���� | i 3334 559 90% 503 0.049$2,300.29~— (u4) | 1550 11000130 ouwo*uS,Ju*wn&m*ooLuwo -6. 3-60 3.40 Specialty Retail Center _ *432 151 oom 136 0o13 $61e.8* / (814)� / 1550 11000010 *nm/uwoL«ovaR [-----1,387l 12.08 | Specialty Retail Center *432 | 536 yum wo 0u47 $2,204.3 � mv�woomp�m/ea��/wo | 448,485 SF w�o ' �-- | sAW Trip Generation K �ssouro �uzo-'----- nw�nmewpnopp�nrmsnamp ------- | xnaxmen --'l 6.72 - -- ---�-' -- | l | maoo*un Plaza --lK-Jens Rivervue Apartments mvc�v/swpxopp*n�ws�smp - � -- �An mmmu --- 6.72 - } TOTAL: 8.818 *6,121 37% 5,965 0.584 54 \ 22,490 | | / | Gross Floor Area mestimated atmmmparcel acreage / | Car Wash trips are based oonumber of trips per wash stall, 4 | | | Gas Station trips are based nnthe number mtrips per vehicle fueling stations |Parcel / was estimated muesomdevelopable ' | |Ryan Site trips are based onestimates mthe approved smw | / |xnammenttrips are based vnthe number ofdwelling units, n4)�L(8) | ! |Aoaemnmemu,pmnemesalong menvnxameowcaxwnsminus Ryan $19,40.79 | 2.7TH�TREET AND HIGHLAND VYAYSTREET /�uD|mnLD�'|D8PROVEMENTS___ � ADDRES RYAN COMPANIES ��C i ' ST. HENRY'S � !ux�.mvvx�o^"mhmSt Henry Aumm�= / a% 20 0,002 10.207 1.000 $27,279.96 $90�97 M w a N ^ XX y.$o Ate.. V b o ad�J �T J Froposed Traffic Signal � � J �'o r oh V a 7 zD � oeo i+'vr. 1(IVVIVI p 1I1 t Nw p v o. •,«. {„ ^h.^oma-' 15503700105D 155037001060 Z\ cJba' '155084001D10 , " 41 ^ 1 vS w l Legend a „ Estimated /D of Trips to Signal t o 50°% 37% � r , rea Subtracted from Total Acerae 900. l � \ d.. JParcellD 0 200 a 0o u fl t V Fee y ,1, i Illy Prepared b PROJECT LOCATION "`"" 701 X e— 7Gi Xenia Avenue South, Sude 900 WSB Project No. 01627-02 Date: February 22, 2005 Y W—p,;,s, MN WSBxnxw mb,,g 55416 7th Street and Highland Way — Street and Utility Improvements Project Figure Number for the City of INFxASTRUCNRE iENGiNEERiNG +PLANMNG,GON3TRUCnON Monticello, MN 6A Council Agenda: 10/23/06 10. Conduct Assessment Hearint, and Adopt Assessment Roll for Public Improvement No. 2004 -OIC for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchanee and Related Improvements (Citv Monticello Proiect No. 2004-010 (WSB) The CSAH 18 Interchange Project has recently been completed and is in the final documentation stage. The assessment healing is being completed to satisfy bonding requirements even though all of the assessments are addressed with separate agreements. A summary of the assessments is noted herein. It should be noted that many of the developers also provided land in exchange for the assessments. The project financing was very complicated and includes many funding sources. We are currently in the process of summarizing all of the costs, including right-of-way, to provide the Council with a full accounting. The proposed assessments are as follows: M Union Crossings ........................................................ - Block 1, Lot I ...............$ 741,105.00 - Block 2, Lot I ...............$ 541,800-00 - Block 2, Lot 2 ...............$ 331,315.00 - Block 2, Lot 3 ...............$ 70,305.00 -Outlot A ........................$ 59,985.00 - Outlot B .........................$ 202,745.00 - Outlot C .........................$ 202,745.00 - Outlot D ........................$ 0.00 ...........................$2,150,000 (at 5.5% interest to start accruing on 9/1/06) Monticello Industrial Park ...................... — .................................. $2,391,006 - A split of the costs by property will be provided on the final assessment roll. This assessment includes the proposed Chelsea Road improvements. Cedrus Creek Craftsman (Outlot A, Liberty Park) ....................................... $77,101 a MMC Land Company ............................................................................ $221,597.50 - Lot 1, Block 1 Riverview Square .............$ 63,842.00 - Lot 3, Block I Riverview Square.............$ 48,433.00 - Lot 1, Block 2 Riverview Square .............$ 109,322.50 The assessments for Monticello Industrial Park, Cedrus Creek Craftsman, and MMC Land Company all fall under the stipulation that these assessments are deferred until January 1, 2011, at which time interest of 4% per annum will be computed with the first installment payable as part of 2012 taxes. C. -Documents and Settiiig.vidayin.giossinge)-iLocallkttitigsITeaiporalylnteiwet l,'ilevIOLK3lAGNITVf-(,SAT[181941ntrchngeConditetAsse.TsHrg,102306.doc 82 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Adopt the assessment roll. 2. Do not adopt the assessment roll at this time. The City Administrator recommends selecting Alternative No. 1. Assessment Roll 83 C -Documents and Settinasidaia7i.grossinger',LocalSettingsITeinpoi-ar), Internet Files�OLK3IAGNITW-CS,4HIS1941nric.htigeCondiietAssessHrg-102306doc m m CD co U') cococo co C) It co 0 It co CD It 0 It < CD CD QO (.0 a) E Q) E a) E 0 0 0 0 0 (1) a) (D < < < (1) W (1) a) W co U) U) U) (1) a) 4? 12 a) (3) a) (1) (D r) 0 0 0 M Lo LO LO LO U') LO LO t-� P-� r-� r-� r-� pll: r*-: U') LO LO Lr) LO LO LO U> 6n f» 603, e9 UDS Mu to C) C) 0 C) C) C) C> CD CD 0 (D O 0 C) C) C) CD C) O C:) C) C) 0 LD O LO W C) U-) 0 00 CO 0 C) 0 00 It Cl) N 0 I -i O) E rl-- C\L oc� M Cli cl� tl cq V: V� z I--rr rl- LOa) co 0 LO LO co — "It — d' — Cl) 0 hLO M N 0 C) M CO W It M C) z 6 s > b4 64 I- LO co 013, Ul N N 64 6FDI 0 0 U3, 6F> 61) 6p, 0 to W O U) W U) 0) to 0) 0) 0) 0) m m cu U) (n V) En U) U) U) U) U) U) U) < 0 a) 0 2 2 0 P u 2 G 2 0 2 0 Ca ani ? 0 ot5 L) = z 0 t-- 0 c c c a c co 7�! *r- 16 c c 0 .0 �o 0 .— 0 — 0 2i 0 :5 -E 0 D c D E c -D c co I E EFD E E 0 0 r N N co 0 J < J Q J U J U J J J -j 0 0 0 C)O C) 0 C) O 0 0 0 0 C) CD r cl C) C) C) 0 C) o 0 CD C) C) C) C> 0 C> C) C, CD 0 �; N CD N C> N C) C) C> 0 C> C) CD �; — 0 N (D i ID 9 99 9 9 OO 9 9 9 9 9 C) 0 Cl 4 — — — — m 00 co co co co co 00 rl- � co — �2 i 9 9 U') LO U') U-) 1 U') 1 LO LO LO U") LO LO tx) 0 Lo U-) U.) LO LO V) IX) tr) — V) — Lf) — to — LO — LO — LO — LO — LO — — — m Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Conduct Assessment Hearinp., and Adout Assessment Roll for Public Im-provemeng No. 2005-05C for the Extension of Meadow Oak Avenue from the Current Ternuff to CSAH 18 (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-05CI (WSB) The Meadow Oak Avenue Extension project included extending Meadow Oak from its previous termini to CSAH 18. This roadway provided a detour route for the reconstruction of the CSAH 18 bridge as part of the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange project. The roadway extension also provides access to the Monticello Industrial Park for development and provides alternative access to Resurrection Lutheran Church and the Meadow Oaks neighborhood. Trunk watermain improvements included relocating the 12 -inch trunk watermain along Meadow Oak Avenue. Storm sewer was extended along Meadow Oak Avenue to accommodate roadway drainage as well as future drainage from Resurrection Church and the Monticello Industrial Park. The project cost totals $726,102. The construction cost totals approximately $559,036. The construction cost also included street lighting along Meadow Oak Avenue and the BNSF railroad permit for the sidewalk crossing. Indirect costs totaled $172,066, which includes engineering, material testing, administration, legal, and financing costs. The proposed assessments are as follows: • Monticello Industrial Park (Outlot A) ............................$408,994.00 • Monticello Industrial Park (Outlot B) ..............................$10,000.00 • Resurrection Church ........................................................ $58,085.80 Trunk Water Fund .......................................................... $109,556.00 CityFunds ...................................................................... $139,466.20 The project was funded through special assessment agreements to the adjacent benefiting properties (Monticello Industrial Park and Resurrection Church) and City funds. The Monticello Industrial Park (Monticello Commerce Center 7`h Addition plat) property assessment is part of an overall agreement including the interchange and future Chelsea Road construction, The assessment is to be deferred without interest until January 11, 2011, at which time it will then be payable over 10 years at a 4% interest rate or until the lot is sold or developed. A special assessment agreement with Resurrection Church has been finalized and includes the church dedicating right-of-way and easement along Meadow Oak Avenue and CSAH 18 in exchange for no direct City street assessment and their driveway relocation and widening constructed with the project. A storm sewer assessment is included for upsizing stone sewer along Meadow Oak Avenue for future improvements within the Church property. The assessment also includes restoration and erosion control work on their site that was added to the project. The assessment is payable over 10 years with interest (5.5%) commencing September 1, 2005 and the first installment collected as part of the payable 2007 taxes. C D . ........ 85 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 Adopt the assessment roll. 2. Do not adopt the assessment roll at this time. The City Administrator recommends that the Council authorize Alternative No. 1. Assessment Roll Map C lumtet Fil,,IOIXNGM ITAbAietrdnuOakCondnctAssessFl g. 102-306d,, 86 c 0 c x w c a) > (D (0 < LO C) CD 5 CY) 0 C) 0 C) Nm CU - r, — — LO V) a) F- z IN w \\///\ C) -0 U) U) (D E w U) 3 EZ CO :3 o ) Z E M LU Z -0 co Z.; d CL a) 0 a. - Q) in U) > 0 (o a) OLOU) 0 ry N. I I m 0 ^4 ci it i: " Mt34 WIla aq h.3 /+M,.9£9t.00stilt ---... (\,G s, \lis R ��• ��. in iti �itfi M.Zt,5C.t0 N ..._... 3:17:BL.ONM• +bt p6 ,. 3� 3»66 .V3 oaS •�. ,',...... 'et •bx �•6f{,S� M.LO.Lf.Z9 M g -- 4 ze6£!'"_ ! a 'x1$'Vs ;; f N9Z'699= 9Y - 3„,60.005 '-.-._.-..__.....• -_ / LC Ivf p aut�wn -• _� (^S 21;!•li?i7! .6 •.•'G! :i 1' 1?7-•.f.It^I?{ ".lift^fFf M1 :: �F w� M 2 � �'.•(zz. N �0,0.. O Z pWQ �G<j N O KUU li o 0� O� O O O �z� w3o ° w ° w < 9 I " Mt34 WIla aq h.3 /+M,.9£9t.00stilt ---... (\,G s, \lis R ��• ��. in iti �itfi M.Zt,5C.t0 N ..._... 3:17:BL.ONM• +bt p6 ,. 3� 3»66 .V3 oaS •�. ,',...... 'et •bx �•6f{,S� M.LO.Lf.Z9 M g -- 4 ze6£!'"_ ! a 'x1$'Vs ;; f N9Z'699= 9Y - 3„,60.005 '-.-._.-..__.....• -_ / LC Ivf p aut�wn -• _� (^S 21;!•li?i7! .6 •.•'G! :i 1' 1?7-•.f.It^I?{ ".lift^fFf M1 :: Council Agenda: 10/23/06 12. Conduct Assessment HearinL, and Adopt Assessment Roll for Public Immovement No. 2005-1 IC for the Chelsea Road Extension (90th Street to CSAH 39) and School Boulevard (Chelsea Road to 1.330 Feet South) Project (Citv of Monticello Project No. 2005-11C) (WSB) The Chelsea Road extension project included extending Chelsea Road from 9& Street to CSAH 39. Extension of the roadway and utilities provided access and development of property owned by Chadwick/Bowers and development of the Monticello Business Center owned by the City. Since the improvements were constructed, development of the Dahlbeimer distributing plant and plat approval for the Apple Valley Ready Mix and Karlsburger Foods sites has occurred. The project cost totals $4,675,829.25. The construction cost totals $2,792,513-85. Indirect costs totaled $1,883,315.40, which includes engineering, material testing, administration, legal, Rask property and house purchase, and financing costs. Due to a bituminous paving issue at the lift station, the cost for paving the lift station turn -around has been shifted fi-om the Chelsea Road construction cost to the Lift Station construction cost. This has caused a shift in the assessment amounts, without changing the overall project total since the assessment hearing notices were mailed. An Assessment Agreement, outlining a 79%-21 % split between Chadwick/Bowers and the City of Monticello was entered into on September 29, 2004. The following assessments have been calculated per that agreement. The proposed assessments are as follows: 11 Moon Motors ................................................................. $291,649.97 • City of Monticello ....................................................... $2,339,340.01 - Monticello Business Center .......... $1,343,398.78 - 34.49 -foot Strip ..................................$23,619.54 - Trunk Funds (Water Main) ................$41,840.56 - Trunk Funds (San Sewer) ................$710,984.71 - Trunk Funds (Storm Sewer) .............$219,466.42 • Chadwick/Bowers .................................................. .... $2,383,226,77 The Chadwick/Bowers assessment also includes an additional $131,155.00 from the Rask property purchase per the Assessment Agreement dated September 29, 2004. The Monticello Business Center assessment also includes an additional $207,202.50 from the Rask property purchase. The trunk fund assessments include upsizing the water main to 16 inches within Chelsea Road and School Boulevard (now Dalton Avenue), the construction of the sanitary sewer lift station, and drainage ponds for the Monticello Business Center and contributing drainage basin. The assessment to the Monticello Business Center is for the agreed upon share of the Chelsea Road assessment and all of School Boulevard (Dalton Way). C, Documents and fi'f1,,D1X3',4GNITU (,*h,1i,.RdC,,.,IaclA-1fg-102306d,,, 89 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 The 34.49 -foot strip is located adjacent to the eastern property line of Moon Motors and is designated as Outlot A on the Otter Creek Crossing plat. The final assessment amount shall be assessed against the properties over a ten (10) year period accruing interest at the rate of 6.5% per annum, with interest to accrue as payment is made for the costs of the project. Street lighting costs are not included with the project costs as this will be addressed via a separate public hearing. 1. Adopt the assessment roll. 2. Do not adopt the assessment roll at this time. The City Administrator recommends that the Council authorize Alternative No. 1. Assessment Roll Map HE I -- z uj cn uj cn (n a, c 2 (D L A 0 IN a . ...... /N1 CHADWICK/BOWERS ;4qq CHELSEA ROAD EXTENSION (FROM 90TH ST TO CSAH 3 PROPOSEC Nuffigelm 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite300 MN 55416 WSBMinneapolis, www.wsbeng.com 1Associates, Inc. 763-5414800 -Fax 763-541-1700 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING CONSTRUCTION KAOI 338-131Admin\DocsVAssessments,dwg, 10/18/2006 4:39:42 PM CHELSEA ROAD EXTENSION (FROM 90TH ST TO CSAH 3 PROPOSEC Nuffigelm Council Agenda - 10/23/06 13. Public Hearin2-Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed assessment roll for delinauent utilitv bills and certification of assessment roll to Counb-,i Auditor. • The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation. of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by noon. on October 3, 2006. Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. M CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION N!:' RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROL SECOND QUARTER 2006 11 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, No W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED B Y THE CITY CO UNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1 Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2007 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2007. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessinent to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of October, 2006. ATTEST: Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 94 m m r 10 t-j x1 x1 KD m 67 {n Qt tr to ilt N N to N N N N N iti Us UY to N Yat tR �h .P �R eP �R W W W W W N N N N N N N W r w Y Y Y w W r P O O d O a O O O O O O O O O G O O O p O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 C> O O D O d O p 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 W N W t(J iP N W N� W N N G t6 m Vt W N N q C1 'S W� t4 J� tifl W N m O G J N is ill �C 4� W p m N Vi N p O O b 0 0 0 0 0 4 0® P O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 4 0 0 0 g O 0 0 G 0 0 O o 0 0 6 G O O O O O O O O O O N r C 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O P O O O O O O O p O d O a p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c> o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 o r✓ o ra o 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c;w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Pop r o 0 0 0 o P o 0 o a o 4 0 0 o r P o 0 0 0 o to 0 0 0 0 UI UI N UI N N UI In N VI N N N N N N UY N N Ui In N Ut N Ul N N Ut N Ut VI N N N 4P Vi UI Ut U1 N N N N N VI N lP 431 Vt lJt N N tit Ut W N U1 U1 UI to lR N N tit N N U1 N N Ut N N N N UI V1 N N lYt to N N N Lit Ui N 4P N N tT tP tTt N N P O O W W Y w r 6 0 0 O O P O O 0 0 0 0 0 O O p o 0 G O O O g 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q N N N VI Ln l0 iD �1 U U U J N J O O 0 0 90 0 llJ o 0 b t11 O O O O O 0 0 � P 0 0 0 In N 4Y1 N g a P P N O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 d O O G 0 6 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 m 0 O O 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O g 0 a d W 0 1+ 45 W W W 'P 'C U1 N O C d 0 0 T iA Qt O w o w w o W W O g O P PO O p o N m O D UI J (h N Vi V1 O O �p eP m W In O N W W 41Y N N J N W m 4 O W O r W 0 6 0 0 O O 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 r O 0 0 0 0 r O O o O W w M W P W O O b r W M O U1 W Y .P N �C+ aP W W w N Y W N N W W els J S. 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N Y Y Q1 Wm rD (P O tT N S En Y A N A O fR fY i-• w t31 N N O O w J Ut tll A A 4r ,P w Ut a4 A A Qf J lti w S 6t J UI tT VI Or Y W ST m w W m w m w m N N Dr A @@ (h 101 0 O 0 t O 102 > 0 d z z z 13 w t -i z z 0. 0 OW C4 W I 0 Z �U ca tl zKJ K? t z m 13 o m n z o tw) aw z ttl > Lat3w am w o N o Q z z .3 o 13 c o I w ft N t) t, w 0 t O 102 Council Aagenda -1012312006 15. Consideration of Movine Forward with the Rvan Portion of the 2006 , Street Li2hting Improvement Proiect No. 2006-25C. (J.S.) At the September 11, 2006 meetinafter the public hearing, the City Council tabled any action on the addition of street lights to East 7t, Street and Highland Way in the Ryan Development as well as other lighting projects. That portion of the street lighting project in the Ryan Development begins at St. Ben's driveway on East 7th Street and continues east to the intersection of 7'h Street and County Road 18 it also includes that portion of Highland Way from 7th Street East to the railroad crossing to the north. The need for this lighting system has been discussed over the past few weeks during our weekly site review meetings. Concerns have been expressed that the City should not be relying on parking lot lighting to light its streets through this area which will soon be one of the City's busiest areas. The City Administrator, City Engineer, the City's Consultant Engineer and the Public Works Director are requesting that the City Council reconsider its tabling of this portion of the 2006 lighting project. The estimated project cost for this 9 pole lighting system was $95,676.00 which was presented during the public hearing. As you may recall, Ryan has offered the City $30,000 in addition to the use of the 3 poles and fixtures already existing along Highland Way. The $30,000 from Ryan would reduce the estimated project cost for the City to approximately $65,000. If those poles and fixtures can be incorporated in to the project it could reduce our costs as low as $3 ) 5,000. Staff is asking the City Council to allow us to go out for proposals for this project to both Wright Hennepin Electric and Xcel Energy and bring those back to the council in November. There are funds remaining in the street project that would be sufficient enough to pay for the remaining portion of this street lighting portion after receiving the $30,000 from Ryan. The first alternative would be to authorize preparation of requests for proposals for street lighting on East 7th Street and Highland Way within the Ryan Development to be returnable to the council for consideration in November. 2. The second alternative would be to table action on street lighting of East 7th Street and Highland Way. It is the staff recommendation that the City Council move forward and obtain proposals for the cost of this project from Xcel Energy and Wright Hennepin Electric to be considered at a meeting in November as outlined in alternative number 1. In addition is it recommended that we do not delay past the spring of 2007 with the installation of the street lighting along the remaining portion of East 7t" Street from Washington Street to St. Ben's driveway, which will also be a very busy street in 2007. Copy of the street lighting layout for East 7t" Street and Highland Way within the Ryan Development and a copy of the description of the proposed lighting project for East 7th Street and Highland Way. UM 0 0 X cel Energy Outdoor Lighting ISO 0 a Vernon Acorn Eden Domus Lantern Colonial Traditional -�T Shoebox Shoebox Deep Gultwing Hatbox Cobra.lie-ad Cobrahead Cutoff Custom Options Custorn to classic product specif=ications will be installed by experienced construction crews to ensure a tell- A.ble system from poles to Fixtures. Our proven experience in unique products, special installation needs and C0111plicated electrical infrastructure requirements provides a feeling of security that your project will be corn - leted its a timet I y manner and with great care when You choose Xce I Energy Outdoor Lighting. xCeIE'le1gy19" 13 (I Boul v:ird, �AxkLn H ilk, \ f N" 5 �� 112 con YODI 1 1,800-960-6235 104 Xcel Energy Oun tdo or Lighting 10 so 0 0 �.K Villager Jefferson Eden Washington N I - Iounring Heioht 14' - tMountinHeight 15' - MountinHeiht 15' g g g vlountulg 1--feight - Fluted Shaft - Round Tapered Shatr 6 Round Smooth Shaft, 12' to 20' - Aluminum - -�Uurninurn - 21111ruil-RIM Fluted Shaft 0 Base TMounted - Base Nfounced - Base Nfounted Aluminum or Fiber -lass Decorative Fixtures ® Decorative Fixtures ® E)Cc0 inive Fixtures Basc�. Nfounted Standard 8� Custom - Standard & Custom Stan(, and & Custom Decorative Fixtures Stan( Colors j Colors Colors Srandard & CLIStorn LR Colors Columbiis All American -A< All American All Am.erican ® Mounting Height 15' Mourmlig 1 Iciak 20",3� - klounting Height 14' - klounting Height 25' • Round Smooth Shaft Romid 'ihai'i - Round Tapered Shaft - Round Tapered Shaft t ® Aluminum Ainrllil,wn 6 Aluminum or Fiberglass - Fiberglass 6 Base Xlounted B',sv - Dir, -CL Buried - Direct Buried • Decorative Fixtures -,hochox! Traditional or Colonial - Rectilinear or Cobrahead - Standard & C'Aon 1'°' Idlw"( F;ti ,c, Fixtures Fixtures Colors �qmldmd C'.". (- usLoIn ( ,dms a Standard CUStOM Colors - Standard &' CUSMITI ColOrS Standard Colors Dark Bronze, DarkGreen Black Custom Colors \X'e offer CUSLorn Colors for any poic and fimure to coordinate ),)Ur SLrCCtligflFing With V011f communiq's theme, Standard Accessories * Banner Arms * Flower Brackets * Flag Holders Breakawav Device� Custom Accessories OLIf CUSUOT11 aCCesSorjeS C,,lA) crlhancL, uk,- ac,dictics and pro- vide a distincti-,e look and Feel to ani- enviionment, www4,xcelenergy.com/ODL, 105 ,-Ckk 5 1 V -E5 t IT"I'l —Tto� BENCH µASKSEIEC 95' HIGHLA-ND W k I �N AN FUTURE FUTURE L �ED jo Rai Wo csz— Is Z_ SLID a!_q , 9 d " — zp.na� _... < : =m _ :• ,. _ c � ;:i , AT Cl --fc. 1$6 FUTURE FUTURE Dt �El c IWO 3 AIL iPOt 10 TC- CF CL.8 BENCH MARK ELEV 963 16 0"; S Council Agenda: 10/23/06 16. Consideration of sale of Citv owned lot on River Street for home to be moved onto the site. (JO) The City Council is asked to consider authorizing the sale of the City lot on River Street (Lot 5, Block 5, River Terrace — PID 155-020-005050) to Joseph and Rita DeAntoni. The DeAntoni's propose to move a home from another location and place it on the site. Pictures of the home are attached. The purchaser has noted that the size of the house is 26'x44'(I,I44sq. ft.). The letter of request identifies various enhancements that will be made to the structure. The lot is located in the R-2 district. R-2 standards are not as stringent as R-1 standards so it is possible to place a very small house on this lot. This home does not meet the minimum standards for a rambler located in an R-1 District, The R-1 District requires that a rambler contain a minimum of 1,400 square feet of finished floor area at the time of occupancy. Since this area, though zoned R-2 has neighborhood characteristics of a R-1 area, Council (as owner) may wish to consider holding to the R- I standards for this particular lot. Although in their letter there was no mention of construction of a garage, it is presumed that a garage addition will be included with this project. As you know, construction of garage space is required by ordinance. Initially when the Council considered selling the property, it was felt that $70,000 was a reasonable price. Although there is nothing in the DeAntoni's documents that specifically states the price, staff presumes that the buyer is interested in purchasing the lot at the asking price of $70,000. Move to authorize sale of the River Street residential parcel to Joseph and Rita DeAntoni allowing placement of home on the lot as described under the condition that the home comply with all standards identified in the zoning ordinance and building standards. Under this alternative the Building Department will be reviewing the structure in more detail in order to make sure that the structure meets code. In addition, an agreement will be set forth that requires installation of improvements as identified in the letter to the City. If it meets all codes, a purchase contract will be executed. 2. Move to deny authorization to sell River Street residential parcel to Joseph and Rita DeAntoni based on the finding that the proposed home does not meet desired standards. Although the proposed home can likely be modified to meet standards in the R-2 District, the City Council has the latitude as owner to exert additional control and may wish to deny this proposal if it believes that a larger or stick -built home is more appropriate for the neighborhood. Om C. ST it is the v 0 Council Agenda: view tiP70- Alt Ofthoc- —TItON- 10123106 a"Oftile, Oughth "YAdn2- - InIst be req lonjes - OParce, - rator th nirOd that "'the 's located - at there hol,,I,s area a in is no Also as a 8 pro re SiPgle f, an az�� 2ist I]Posed not - Pd -" top t12 an?iloilingreaso oparate I -,ItasChat.Iellign Ions i ation isloca0 ts '71. aractoii n to oIelthis hj App DA T th t 70ci to, TON., Council rl2eo -R-1 S -relati Vol Sties f porty at tj this circa and kt YlargeAan sProand tandardsR-1 Coll alis Sider141UPP_iiIng CoCcO' atlig 12irni8sio f Pictur, A. adjus Ingly, it 08 Of I)r"_ n Ina Letter of PTOP�o�buil trn on ts to y wish to t could re dy,thebolin-rev -40est j os , g tom dary In low the land use eph all d 0 ve onto the site ap. Rita Antoni w Proposal: Purchase city lot on 1000 block of West River St �s Mk M We are presenting an existing home that was built in 1987 and looking for approval to have it moved to the city lot mentioned above. We would like to purchase the city lot on West River Street. The existing home is a three bedroom two bath rambler. Dimensions are 26 X44. We are planning on new siding and new shingles. House has also 2 X 12 floorioices in it. Roof has trusses, and bring electricity is up to code. This house is very solid and would fit nicely in the lot and neighborhood. Lot size 100 X 150 and would leave room for trees and a decent size yard. The windows are fairly new Anderson windows, but want to update the look of fi-ort windows. We plan on upgrading the the inside with new flooring, appliances, sink, and cupboards etc... Also, would build a two- car garage. We would like to break ground and pour concrete in before ground freezes. Enclosed is a photo of finished looked we want to achieve. Also, there are photos of comparables in the neighborhood. Enclosed are before and after pictures of what we did with our cabin. Please review, and consider for approval. Phone number to contact Joe's cell 612-612-3085. Rita's cell 612-207-4002. Joe's work 952-546-5353. Iwo "':NA'• ;dry Ina ' 6 ^�' "k .., uui „ .r V u \ 1 L \ M 6� S Ifs fl " I\ vl v vl 1 !!! I I \ u \u MW v a 1 1 "':NA'• ;dry Ina ' 6 ^�' "k .., uui „ .r V u \ 0-- 4 Or ZM W10111 Fold'ei,s ,S,ent Mail Trat,,h (Empty Trash) More Fo Iders-, Addres�� Gauq� Lo, W (it Page I of 2 MQUT9 Previous I I Next Back to: Reply Reply All Forward LL Printable View Delete 1glove Toe From: "Joe DeAntoni" <jd@gvrnanagement.com> Add to ad Date: 2006/10/11 Wed PM 05:01:30 CDT To: "Sharon Robideau" <skrobideau@tds.net> Subject: give to Rita Download Attachment: Iffle. lop Page 2 of 2 | Reply |( Reply All (|�FonwanJ ' /- PhntableV�vv x Delete i Move To: | Previous Ne t 1 Council Agenda: 10/23/06 0. Consideration of esta1lishin2 Procedures for sale and marketinL, of City -owned Jefferson Commons Commercial Fpertv. (RW) City staff has recently received inquiries on the remaining property that the City owns in Jefferson Commons, mainly north of the Muller Theater Complex. As you may recall, the City has approximately a seven acre parcel of land known as Outlot C that lies north of the theater complex adjacent to School Boulevard. The property is currently one large outlet but I have received some inquiries from parties interested in purchasing portions of the property of approximately 2-3 acres. With the entire Jefferson Commons area being developed in an entertainment type fashion with restaurants, bowling alleys and theaters as the main attraction, some direction from the Council would be appropriate for staff to use in its marketing effort as to what type of development does the City want to see happen on our remaining prime property. I believe it was always originally intended that at least a portion of this property at the comer of School Boulevard and Deegan Avenue be reserved for some type of future restaurant site, either as a stand alone facility or as part of a larger retail strip complex. If this is still the Council's intention, this information can be relayed to any interested inquiries about our property. At this time, a party has contacted the City interested in a portion of the property near this intersection for a hand carwash facility. When I indicated I did not believe the City wanted to see this site developed in that fashion, the individual was still interested in possibly purchasing two or three acres a little further west of the comer site. Although a firm price has not been established, staff is looking for direction from the Council as to whether you want to retain the entire parcel for one sale or whether we should consider subdividing the seven acres into three lots with the idea of reserving the comer lot near Deegan and School Boulevard for a restaurant site, possibly selling one of the other sites for a use such as this carwash proposal. If the Council feels subdivision might be appropriate, some direction on. establishing an asking price would also be helpful. When the City was looking at selling the entire parcel to Mr. Kingbay last year, the average price for the entire parcel was approximately $8/sq. ft. Any price established should also indicate whether it includes the special assessments for improvements along School Boulevard or whether they would be in addition to the square footage price. On one hand, land prices are assumed to be continually increasing in this area as development occurs, but likewise, more competition for commercial sites exists near the new interchange. If we were to subdivide the property into three parcels, the most valuable site should be the 2-3 acres on the comer near Deegan and School Boulevard with possibly the price being lower as the property continues west. Suggested pricing if the seven acres was divided into three parcels would be $10 plus assessments, $9 plus assessments and $8 for the far west lot. Regardless of the price, staff should have some direction on Council's desired uses of the property and asking prices when inquiries are received. L Continue marketing the entire seven acre parcel as one site with a price to be determined. 113 N a Council Agenda: 10/23/06 2. Consider subdividing the property into two or more lots to be determined with the idea of marketing the property for specific types of uses. While selling the entire seven acre parcel is still a possibility, it is likely that there will be two or three different uses on the property when entirely developed. While there are a lot of commercial sites that are still available for future restaurant sites, it would seem that saving 2 or 2 %2 acres near the Deegan/School Boulevard intersection would be a desirable site someday for that use. Creating additional lots further west for uses such as the carwash proposal recently received might be acceptable uses in this area. If the Council is only interest in retail development, staff should provide this information to any inquires we receive about the land. 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