Planning Commission Minutes 09-06-1994 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, September 6, 1994 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None Staff Present: Gary Anderson, Jeff O'Neill, Steve Grittman, Ollie Koropchak, and Wanda Kraemer 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 7 p.m. 2. It was requested that item #5, paragraph 2, on page 3, of the July 5 minutes be amended to read that Jon Bogart made the motion to approve, seconded by Richard Martie, with the following voting in favor: Cindy Lemm, Richard Carlson, Brian Stumpf, Jon Bogart. Those opposed: Dick Martie. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 5, 1994, as amended, and the regular meeting held August 2, 1994. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing'--Consideration of conditional use request allowing' a reduction in the parking' lot desirn requirements. Applicant. Fay-Mar Manufacturing'. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, requested that the Planning Commission not consider this item at this time, as the public hearing notice should have been published as a variance request instead of a conditional use request. 4. Public Hearing'--Consideration of a variance request which would allow construction of a cold storag'e addition within the rear yard setback. Applicant. Ron Chihos/General Rental. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained Mr. Chihos' request to build a 50-ft x 56-ft cold storage building addition on the south side of his existing 40-ft x 60-ft building. The minimum requirement of this rear yard setback would be a 30-ft setback requirement. The request as presented defined the proposed southwest comer of the building addition to be 24-ft from property line, which would mean a 6-ft variance request, as the building proceeds northerly toward the northwest comer of the proposed building. The building is 36-ft from the property line, which is 6-ft more than the minimum 30-ft rear yard setback. Page 1 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/94 O'N eill highlighted that the Planning Commission needs to determine whether or not a hardship or unique situation exists that justifies granting this variance. Chairperson Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing. Ron Chihos explained that his request would be to enclose all of the area, a good portion of the area currently encompassed by the exterior screening fence enclosure to put things in under cover. Also by allowing more things to be under cover with the building addition, it would also allow him to move things that are currently stored outside of rental equipment, to also put those inside the proposed building addition. Chihos indicated his type of business is a service-type of business where the people come in for 10-15 minutes at the very most, and they are gone after they've picked up their piece of equipment to rent or have dropped that back off when they've returned the rented equipment. Therefore, on his plan, he indicated where the off-street parking would occur in relationship to his site. Assistant Administrator O'Neill asked Chairperson Cindy Lemm to read the two letters that were received from affected property owners within the 350-ft radius of Chihos' property. Letters were received and read from Southside Dental Center, Dr. J.C. Erlandson, 201 Sandberg Road, and from the Hart Medical Clinic, 200 Sandberg Road. Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for input from the Planning Commission members. Discussion amongst the Planning Commission members was they were finding a hard time to find a hardship or unique circumstance with Mr. Chihos' request. Therefore, a motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Brian Stumpf to deny the variance request which would allow construction of a cold storage building addition within the rear yard setback requirement. Motion carried unanimously. Reason for denial: No justification for the hardship. 5. Public Hearing'nConsideration of amendment to the zoning' map chancing' the zoning' district desig-nation from 1-1 to R-1 zoning' district desig-nation. Applicant. St. Henry's Church/Gladys HOg'lund. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained St. Henry's Catholic Church request to develop the 72-acre Gladys Hoglund property jointly with Bondhus Corporation and DaWheimer Distributing. St. Henry's Catholic Church would acquire the easterly half of the property, approximately 35 acres, with the balance of the property to be divided between the Bondhus Page 2 Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/94 . Corporation and Dahlheimer Distributing. O'Neill higWighted the land use guide plan showing the entire area as an 1-1 (light industrial) zoned use. City Planner Steve Grittman provided a report on the pro's and con's relating to the proposed rezoning. Such rezoning, if it were to occur, would require at least some type of description of the land area, which is proposed to be rezoned. The public hearing notices that were sent out with a map highlighting the area proposed to be rezoned was incorrect for the area that the applicant was proposing to have rezoned. Should the Planning Commission consider approving the rezoning request, it should be based on one or a combination of the five following findings: 1. The amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. The amendment is compatible with the geographic area involved. 3. The amendment will not result in any depreciation in adjoining land values. 4. The amendment is consistent with the character of the area. 5. There is a demonstrated need for such use. . Consulting Planner Steve Grittman commented on the proposed zoning uses could be considered for the possible rezoning. If it were rezoned to R-l (single family residential) and something should happen that the church would not build there, the R-l (single family residential) uses could then be developed. Or in a PZM (performance zone mixed) zone, uses could be controlled and be compatible with other land uses. R-PUD (residential planned unit development), however, is the best zoning use, as it restricts uses and activity. Assistant Administrator O'Neill outlined other church rezoning activities such as A Glorious Church and the Monticello Covenant Church which was proposed to go into a business type zone. Grittman commented that it could be rezoned to a new zoning district which would be called an institutional district, which would have zoning just for schools and churches. Cindy Lemm then opened the public hearing. The following comments were received from the public. . Merrill Busch, affected property owner, felt the creation of more development in this area would mean more traffic. When would an overpass be constructed at Fallon Avenue? Page 3 Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/94 . Robert Jamison, another affected property owner, asked the commission to consider the impact of 1-1 zoned uses paying taxes where if it were rezoned to allow a church in it, the church pays no taxes. How are water and sewer utility extensions proposed to be installed? Is there a bike path proposed? If so, would it be on the road with no parking and a sidewalk constructed? Merrill Bush commented on the proposed use by the St. Henry's Catholic Church would be very positive for protecting the original uses of the old structures such as the old Rand Mansion and his neighbors, the Jamison's Little Mountain Settlement Project. Bill Malone, representing his mother, was in full support of the St. Henry's Catholic Church proposed land use. Cindy Lemm then closed the public hearing and opened the meeting for further input from the Planning Commission members. . Planning Commission members questioned should the 7th Street extension be developed as part of the church development. Steve Grittman responded that St. Henry's could be developed part or all of the church property roadway with the expansion. Could the St. Henry's rezoning request be turned down with similar residential uses around it. The proposed church use of this property would be a very visible project for the City. There being not enough positives for the R-l proposed rezoning. Ralph Hermes commented the possibility of up to 2,400 family growth numbers in 3-5 years. The other possibility is other area churches coming to Monticello for their church needs. Hilary Hoglund commented that this is the last piece of the Hoglund property. This land was there for the industrial needs to grow. Most importantly, the community's need to meet the city population needs. There being no further comment from the Planning Commission members, a motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Brian Stumpf to table the amendment to the zoning map changing the zoning district designation from 1-1 to R-1 zoning district designations. Motion carried unanimously. Reason for tabling the request: City staff will send out a new public hearing notice with a map identifying the area which St. Henry's Catholic Church is proposing to rezone, and City staff will look at a new proposed zoning district in the city of Monticello specifically for zoning of schools and churches. . Page 4 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/94 6. Public Hearing'--Consideration of amendments to the official zoning' map boundaries in coniunction with annexation request. Proposed is a chang'e in desirnation from AO (ag-ricultural) to R-l. R-2. and R-3 zoning' district desig'nations. Applicant. E & K Development. Prior the start of this public hearing, Jon Bogart abstained from participating in items #6 and #7, as he has a conflict of interest with these two requests. With a public hearing not held for the proposed preliminary plat in item #7 of the Klein farm subdivision, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to table the consideration of amendments to the official zoning map boundaries in conjunction with the annexation request. Proposed is a change in designation from AO (agricultural) to R-l, R-2, and R-3 zoning district designations. Voting in favor: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Brian Stumpf. Abstaining: Jon Bogart. 7. Review of the preliminarv plat of the Klein farm subdivision. Steve Grittman, Consulting Planner, commented on the City staffs concerns with this project as follows: 1. Buffer area between this plat and the 1-2 (heavy industrial) zoned land uses to the north. 2. Exterior parking for the northerly townhouse units to be located to the north side of these units. 3. The curve designs for School Boulevard must be designed to state aid standards. 4. The park land dedication--all of the area to be dedicated for park land development, it is not part of this plat. Developers responded to Grittman's comments that they would incorporate his comments into their design for next month's scheduled public hearing date for their preliminary plat public hearing. Discussion on the speed zone of School Boulevard was discussed. The Planning Commission would like to see the School Boulevard design for 35 mph speed zone. Page 5 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/94 There being no further comments from the developers or Planning Commission, it was the consensus of Planning Commission members to consider those changes as outlined by Consulting Planner Steve Grittman, and they would look at those at the next scheduled public hearing date for their preliminary plat review. 8. Review amendments to the preliminary plat of the River Mill subdivision. Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained the River Mill subdivision residential plat has changed substantially from its original preliminary plat proposal. City staff obtained a copy of the new plat late on Thursday. This is very little time to review it. Due to the magnitude and scope of this project, and due to the fact that the design plat has been changed significantly, it is our view that the public hearing on the revised plat should be conducted. Rick Murray, the developer, explained in detail the proposed revisions to the preliminary plat. He apologized for the lateness of this, but they have been working as expediently as possible to come up with the revised plat and still meet the City's timetables. Jon Bogart went through the list of the Planning Commission's concerns from the last meeting with eight items of concern as follows: 1. County State Aid Highway 75 access into this plat. 2. A proposed trail system throughout the development. 3. The proposed roadway widths. 4. The long block with the cul-de-sac at the end of that. 5. The sanitary sewer/environmental assessment worksheet threshold. 6. The park land development. 7. The storm water/grading issues. 8. The land area swapped with A Glorious Church property. Rick Murray highlighted to Planning Commission members each of those eight areas of concern and how they have addressed each of those eight items. There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to forward the proposed plat to the City Council because the changes to the plat are not of a magnitude or significant enough to justify initiation of a new platting process and because the contingencies associated with the original approval remain. Page 6 . . . 9. 10. Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/94 Reviewing standards relating to pole construction. Consider ordering a public hearing on an ordinance amendment regulating pole building construction. Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained the Industrial Development Committee's concern to review standards relating to pole building construction in 1-1 (light industrial) and 1-2 (heavy industrial) zoned areas. The two items of concern brought forward from the committee were quality of the basic construction associated with pole buildings, and the supporting structure for such pole buildings. O'Neill highlighted Consulting Planner Steve Grittman's report prepared for their review on this matter. Planning Commission members were concerned that some additional information should be submitted prior to them considering ordering a public hearing for this ordinance amendment regulating pole building construction. Therefore, it was the consensus of the Planning Commission members to table this request until an upcoming meeting. Review the proposed standards relating to buffer/screen/landscaping requirements along boundary between residential and industrial districts. Consider ordering a public hearing on associated ordinance amendment. Steve Grittman, Consulting Planner, explained the proposed standards regulating a buffer/screening/landscaping strip between residential and industrial districts. Grittman explained in his presentation other communities that have adopted some type of standards regulating buffer/screening/landscaping requirements along the boundaries between residential and industrial districts. Cindy Lemm then asked if there were any additional comments from Planning Commission members on this item. There being no further comments on this item, a motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Richard Carlson to order a public hearing on proposed standards relating to buffer/screen/landscaping requirements along boundary between residential and industrial districts. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consider calling for a public hearing on an ordinance amendment that would allow a reduction in the square footage requirement for a 2-storv residence. Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained that Building Official Gary Anderson had received a building permit application for a 2-story structure Page 7 , . . . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/94 which he has refused to issue a building permit for. Developers of the Cardinal Hills project, Value Plus Homes, were of the understanding that the square footages were amended for 2-story residences also. Building Official Gary Anderson presented Planning Commission members with a copy for their review of a proposed 2-story house to be constructed. In reviewing the plans, Planning Commission members felt it was still too small a house plan to meet the minimum requirements of a 2-story home. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members to not make any changes to the minimum square footage requirements for a 2-story home. 12. Discuss process for updating comprehensive plan in 1995 (Steve Grittman report). Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained that the process for updating the comprehensive plan in 1995 has not been completed at this time; therefore, he is looking for a motion to table it at this time. A motion was made by Richard Carlson and seconded by Brian Stumpf to table the updating of the comprehensive plan in 1995. Motion carried unanimously. 13. Consider reauesting- the Citv Council to consider amendments to the subdivision standards relating to width of minor and marginal cul-de-sac streets. minor streets 36 ft to 32 ft. marginal access/cul-de-sacs 32 ft to 28 ft. Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained the River Mill residential developer's request to have the City Council consider amendments to subdivision standards relating to width of minor and marginal access cul- de-sac streets, minor streets 36 ft to 32 ft, and marginal access/cul-de-sacs 32 ft to 28 ft. O'Neill requested that the Planning Commission members consider this completely separate from the River Mill subdivision. Discussion amongst Planning Commission members centered around the widths of streets in relationship to the proposed River Mill plat as an example. With there being no further discussion, the consensus of the five Planning Commission members present was to recommend that City Council consider street widths apart from the River Mill subdivision. Page 8 Planning Commission Minutes - 9/6/94 . 14. Adiournment. A motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Martie to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 11:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator . . Page 9