Planning Commission Minutes 11-01-1994 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING.. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, November 1, 1994.. 7 p.m. Members Present: Cindy Lemm, Richard Martie, Jon Bogart, Richard Carlson, Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None Staff Present: Gary Anderson; Jeff O'Neill; Wanda Kraemer; and Steve Grittman, Consulting Planner 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Cindy Lemm at 7:02 p.m. 2. Approval of minutes of the rerolar meeting held September 6. 1994. It was requested that item #2 of the September 6 minutes be corrected to read as follows: "It was requested that item #5, paragraph 2, on page 3, of the July 5, minutes be amended to read that Jon Bogart made the motion to approve, seconded by Richard Martie, with the following voting in favor: Cindy Lemm, Richard Carlson, Brian Stumpf, Jon Bogart, and Dick Martie. With the above meeting minutes amended, a motion was made by Jon Bogart and seconded by Richard Carlson to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held September 6,1994. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing--Consideration of a variance request to the driveway setback requirement. and consideration of a variance to the driveway access width maximum of 24 ft. Applicant. Rick Murray. Residential Development. Inc.. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained to Planning Commission members that the applicant had withdrawn his request. 4. Consideration of a variance request to the yard setback requirement. Applicant. Sunny Fresh Foods. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that Sunny Fresh Foods had withdrawn their request for the time being and that a new application for a variance request is expected in the next few months. Page 1 -. . . Planning Commission Minutes - 11/1/94 5. Consideration of amendments to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance establishing buffer yard standards for the purpose of separating residential. commercial. and industrial land uses. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, explained that staff is not ready to have the Planning Commission members consider amendments to the zoning ordinance at this time and requested that Planning Commission table this item until a future meeting. A motion was made by Richard Martie and seconded by Jon Bogart to table consideration of amendments to the zoning ordinance establishing buffer yard standards for the purpose of separating residential, commercial, and industrial land uses. Motion carried unanimously. 6. A motion was made by Brian Stumpf and seconded by Richard Martie to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, di;~ Gary derson Zoning Administrator Page 2