Parks Commission Minutes 09-28-2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006 - 4:30 p.m.
"To enhance community pride through developing maintaining
City parks with a standard of quality."
Members Present:
Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and
Council Liaison, Tom Perrault.
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Seth Nelson, Park Superintendent and Wayne Mayer, Councilmember.
1. Call to Order.
Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum present.
2. Approve minutes of AU2ust 24. 2006 re2ular Parks Commission meetin2.
3. Consideration of addin2 items to the a2enda.
The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Update on the YMCA property; 2) Groveland
Park improvements and 3) Swan Park Viewing Deck
4. Citizens comments and requests.
5. Park Maintenance.
Park Superintendent, Seth Nelson submitted a list ofthe work completed by staff. Some of the
work completed included removing the fencing at the Xcel Ballfields, repair of the bleachers at
the ballfields; completing the building at the Hillcrest ballfield; landscaping work at the
Community Center and putting the boards back at the 4th Street rink Seth Nelson indicated
that there are a number of major projects to be completed yet this fall including the parking lot
and hard court improvements at Groveland Park, the play structure at Pioneer Park, finishing the
fencing at the ballfields and installing the remaining "Welcome to Monticello" sign.
Larry Nolan asked about the time frame for finishing the fencing at Riverside Cemetery. Seth
Nelson indicated they had signed off on the drawings and had sent them back so he doesn't
anticipate it being started before November.
6. Discussion of pathway connection from River Mill area to CSAH 75.
The Parks Commission was updated on Council action on pathway work in the River Mill area.
Because of the lateness of the season, preparation and sub grade would be done this year and the
bituminous surfacing done next year. Tom Perrault indicated that in discussion of this pathway
project it was noted that the frontage road may be 3-4 years otf. For that reason the Council felt
it was appropriate to proceed with the pathway work at this time.
Ben Hitter asked if a bench could be placed on the hill area in River Mill Park since that is a
nice viewing area. Seth Nelson indicated they had a bench available and would place it at the
Added Items:
YMCA Land: Larry Nolan reported on a recent meeting of the task force group working on the
acquisition of the YMCA site. Appraisal work on the property is being completed. At that point
there will be a closed joint meeting ofthe City Council and County Commissioners to discuss the
appraisal information. That will be followed by an open meeting of the two entities to fonnally
discuss making an offer for the property. A memorandum of understanding was reviewed at that
meeting. Although a specific date has not yet been set for the meeting it will likely not take place
until later in October.
Larry Nolan indicated there was discussion on what the role ofthe City would be in the development
and operation of this site and what the role of the County would be. The County would like to
establish the campsites, boat launch and similar type of facilities and it was felt the City's Park
Department with their expertise with ballfields would layout and maintain any ballfield complex
established in the area. The County indicated they would like to be overall coordinator of
development of the YMCA site. Wayne Mayer asked Seth Nelson ifhe could project manpower and
hours needed to develop and maintain a ballfield complex at the YMCA site. Seth Nelson stated that
there are DNR grants for land acquisition for regional parks. Wayne Mayer asked that Seth Nelson
contact the Wright County Parks Superintendent and pass that infonnation on to him.
Groveland Park: Seth Nelson reported that plans and specifications for the parking lot and
hard court at GrovcIand Park had been approved by the Council and today bids were received on the
project. A total of three bids were received with Rum River having the low bid of $52,783 for the
parking lot. Parks Department staffwill be constructing the hardcourt. $70,000 was budgeted for
these improvements. Seth Nelson indicated that a contract has been sent out and it is the contractor's
intent to start work as soon as he can get the contract and bonds back to the City. It is hoped to get
the project finished this year and if possible the Parks Department would like to get an ice rink
established at the park as well. Seth Nelson reported that only one person attended the informational
meeting relating to the proposed Groveland Park improvements that was held on September 21, 2006.
He also sent out a survey to residents in the Groveland area. Ofthe 38 responses received, 35
strongly supported proceeding with the improvements.
Swan Park Viewing Deck: Seth Nelson indicated because of the work load with the Groveland Park
and Pioneer Park improvements, they would not be doing the project at Swan Park. It is their intent
to do any necessary repairs and improvements to make it safe for this season and hold off with the
viewing deck construction until next year.
Monte Club Land: Rick Traver asked if the Council had made any decision on how the Monte Club
site would be utilized. A number of possible ideas were discussed and the Parks Commission felt it
was a tremendous asset to have this parcel ofland under the ownership ofthe City.
BMX Bike Track: Seth Nelson reported on the results he has received from a form he had sent out
relating to the City establishing a BMX bike track. He received twelve forms back thus far.
7. Adjourn.
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