City Council Agenda Packet 11-27-2006AGENDA NUIT JUNIR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Mo-nday, November 27, 2006 — 7 p.m. NOTE: 5:30 p.m. meeting — Revenue Stabilization Agreement Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve ininutes of November 13, 2006 Special Council Meeting 2B. Approve minutes of November 13, 2006 Regular Council Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures. B. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 2 for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 2006-01 C. C. Consideration of appointment to fill open position on the Planning Commission. E. Consideration of accepting quotes and ordering improvement for Kampa Circle Drainage Correction F. Consideration of approving final payment and accept improvement for Cedar Street Stonn Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work, City Project No. 2002-06C. G. Consideration of City maintaining public streets for Carlisle Village 3rd 4 tb and 5th Additions. H. Consideration of City maintaining public streets for Featherstone 2'd Addition. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 and final payment for wastewater treatment plant digester painting, City Project No. 2006-22C. J. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 and final payment for Riverside Cemetery Fencing City Project No. 2006-17C. Agenda Monticello City Council November 27, 2006 Page 2 K. Consideration of final payment for Xcel ballfield fencing, City Project No. 2006-19C. L. Consideration of approval of contribution from Monticello Lions Club for lighting project at Bridge Park. M. Consideration of using Park Funds for funding installation of head -in parking improvements on Mississippi Drive. N. Consideration of installing security cameras at Deputy Registrar Offices. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Update from River Rider — Verbal Report 8. Consideration of adoption of assessment resolutions for all assessments covered by assessment agreements or development agreements. 9. Consideration of approving proposed fee increases for 2007 and setting a public hearing date for the adoption of ordinance covering same. 10. Review of snow plowing policy and consideration of changes. 11. Consideration of proposals for lighting East 7'h Street and Highland Way within the Ryan Development. 12. Approve payment of bills for November. 13. Adjourn, Special Council Meeting Minutes: 11113/06 SPECIALMINUTES MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, o be 11.E Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None The meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. Director of Finance, Rick Wolfsteller, presented the information on the 2007 budget and reviewed changes made from the last budget workshop which included reducing the levy amount from $7,183,000 to $6,500,000. Rick Wolfsteller explained how the $683,000 levy reduction would be handled in the budget. He noted there were some changes in proposed expenditures and it was also proposed to increase the sewer and water rates. The levy was modified by eliminating the levy for debt service in the amount of $667,300. Sewer and water fund transfers will cover a portion of the funds needed for debt service. He noted that if at some future date, the state imposed levy limits again, debt levies would be above any levy limits. Rick Wolfsteller went on to explain other changes in the budget which included increasing the budgeted amount for the Building Inspections garage expansion with the idea that it would include space for the Deputy Registrar office. There were also increased amounts for an administrative position and for the GIS study. Reductions in the budget were made in the areas of employee health insurance, elimination of GIS base planning software and elimination of a vestibule addition at the present Deputy Registrar office. With these changes there is still approximately $703,00 difference between revenue and expenditures. It is proposed that approximately $420,000 of this difference would be generated by a 25%-30% increase in the sewer and water rates. The City has one of the lower sewer and water rates in the area so it was felt that an increase in the rates would bring Monticello more into line with other communities as well as generate revenue to offset the reduced levy. It was pointed out that in other communities the revenue from sewer and water fees is used to cover not only the maintenance and operating costs but also debt service and some infrastructure needs. The City has the option to generate needed revenue either by taxes or by increasing fees. Clint Herbst felt increasing sewer and water fees would be the fairest way as it is based on usage. If the utility rates were increased 25%-30% it would generate approximately $420,000 leaving a balance of $283,00 which would come from reserves. Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the fund balances and while some of these fund balances were available for use others were designated for specific uses. Clint Herbst felt it was important for the Council to be aware of the reserve amounts and know what they are earmarked for. Special Council Meeting Minutes: 11/13/06 The Council expressed some concern about an increase of 25% or 30%. It was suggested to increase the rates 15% for 2007 and 15% for 2008. The shortage between what is generated with a 15% increase and the $420,000 would be made up by use of reserve funds. Rick Wolfsteller stated that if the Council was not going to change the tax levy amount, the Council could adopt the 2007 budget and tax levy tonight and the staff could then proceed with preparing the final budget document. With the present tax levy the City's portion of the taxes, assuming no increase in valuation, would drop by 16%. There was some discussion on the Street Reconstruction Fund. At the end of 2006 it is estimated that there would only be $20,000-$25,000 as fund balance. The annual levy for the Street Reconstruction Fund has been $500,000. Most of the reconstruction projects are exceeding the levy amounts so it needs to be determined whether the levy amount for street reconstruction should be increased. '�• 11111 � t ! � � •' � � � ! •' • •T Wayne Mayer asked if other Councilmembers got calls about not allowing private parties to operate off -sale liquor stores in the City. Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman said state laws provide that if the City has a municipal store, there cannot be private stores. The Council discussed possible sites for a second liquor store and where they thought traffic flows would be. Joe Hartman did not recommend locating a second liquor store in a strip mall. He also added that the existing store could not expand any further at their present site. He felt people are creatures of habit and shop out of convenience. Clint Herbst felt the Hoglund site was a good possibility since it would be highly visible to traffic coming off of Highland Way. Wayne Mayer added that there would some additional land at this site that could be used as a buffer for the wastewater treatment plant. It was felt a better decision could be made once both Home Depot and Target are open it can be determined where the traffic is going. Also at this time the staff has only preliminary information as to land costs and building needs. Rick Wolfsteller was directed to work on getting land prices and related information on the various sites discussed. 4. Canvass of 2006 election results. The Council reviewed the results of the 2006 municipal election which resulted in Clint Herbst being elected Mayor and Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski being elected to the City Council. 0 Special Council Meeting Minutes: 11/13/06 11 1 0 6 a 1701 ',INA -4 5. Adiourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Recording Secretary 19 Council Minutes: 11/13/06 MIP,JTES REGULARMEETING — MONTICLELO.O Monday, November 11 p Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledee of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ... � � _;• ��; `IIS �• � r, GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 23, 2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Perrault noted a number of typographical errors and also had the following corrections: 1) On item 5C he noted that Clint Herbst also voted in opposition; 2) On item #7 he noted that Otter Creek Road and West River Street were widened to 30 feet not 32 feet. He also pointed out that the 2005 project did include curb and gutter; 3) On item #8, he noted that the motion carried unanimously; and 4) On item #15, he noted that he had seconded the motion. 11 • P • • The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Update on roundabout; 2) Update on fiber optics meeting; 3) Establish a meeting date to review the revenue stabilization agreement with Xcel Energy and 4) The intersection of Fallon Avenue and School Boulevard. Rita Reed DeAntoni, who resides in Big Lake, came before the Council regarding the sale of the city -owned lot on River Street. She had contacted the residents in the area to get their reaction to having a home moved onto the site and had signatures from residents indicating they were not opposed to a home being moved in. She noted that in talking with the residents in the area they indicated that the lot had natural springs so a full basement could not be put in. The only concern of the residents related to drainage of runoff from the site during excavation. She stated that there were previous attempts to put a basement in but because of the natural springs, it was never completed. Gary Anderson, Chief Building Official stated that a basement was never dug because the builder knew that the water level in the area was 0 Council Minutes: 11/13/06 high. Gary Anderson felt that because of the high water level the structure would likely have to be slab on grade. Glen Posusta pointed out that it was the Council's decision to restrict it to new construction for this lot and they had voted not to allow a house to be moved in. Mayor Herbst asked if there was an interest by the Council to revisit the issue. Brian Stumpf felt with the natural springs on the site, it might create additional problems and felt maybe the City should just retain the lot. Tom Perrault asked if the street and storm sewer work in that area would have corrected the problem. John Simola indicated he didn't believe the work done under that project would have done anything as far as the natural springs. He indicated if the lot was built on, the surface water would have to be taken around the house and the house would have to be built 1' to 2' above the ground water level. The Council determined not to revisit the issue of allowing a house to be moved onto the lot and at this time did not make any decision on what they would do with the lot. Bob LinDell from 4861 Stoneridge Drive came before the Council to address the information presented by the Fiber Optics Task Force. He felt the information presented by the task force was not thorough and that the task force had misled residents. While he stated he would benefit from having the fiber optic system in place, he didn't feel the subject has been fully studied by the task force. He also felt the information presented on the website was slanted. He stated there are other options available for the City of Monticello but the task force didn't address these. He also spoke to the legal gray area of a municipality going into this area of private enterprise. He felt there should be solid information and some caution used by the task force before moving forward. Clint Herbst noted that the statements made were rather bold staternents and questioned whether he had other interests at stake. Mr. LinDell stated that he has no other interest but is only a resident who would benefit by the service. Wayne Mayer asked if Mr. LinDell would consider attending the next task force meeting. Mr. LinDell indicated he would and stated that he just wants assurances that the committee has looked at all aspects of the project. Consent Agenda: 5. A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures City Hall and Parks. Recommendation: Approve the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving Wright County Cooperative Agreement No. 06-55 (turnback of CSAH 75 east of CSAH 18.) Recommendation: Move to approve Wright County Cooperative Agreement No. 06-55. C. Consideration of resolution for annexation of CSAH 75 right-of-way. Recommendation: Move to approve Resolution No. 2006-104 annexation a portion of the CSAH 75 right-of-way as described in the resolution. D. Consideration of resolution revoking a portion of County State Aid Highway No. 75 in the City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 2006-105 revoking a portion of CSAH No. 75 to the City of Monticello. Council Minutes: 11/13/06 F. Consideration of adopting resolution declaring City's intent to reimburse expenditures from the proceeds of bonds. Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 2006-100 declaring intent of the City to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEMS #513, #5C AND #5E BEING REMOVED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. 11OTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent • E. for r: #5B Wright County Cooperative Agreement. This item was pulled as Wayne Mayer wanted to verify how much the county would be deducting from their $2,000,000 of project costs. He had calculated the amount to be about $8,000.00. The deduction was to cover the area that was supposed to have been paved but was not. Wayne Mayer stated that the deduct amount had never been mentioned. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #SCAnnexatian of CSAH 75 right -of --way: Bruce Westby stated on the exhibit for this agenda item it showed a number of different annexation areas. The original proposal was to annex just a portion of the right-of-way as the City was waiting to hear from MnDOT and the Burlington Northern Railroad for their approval to annex the balance of the right-of-way. Since he has gotten verbal approval from MnDOT and the railroad and Monticello Township had previously approved the annexation of the entire right-of-way, he was requesting that the annexation cover all of the right-of-way and not just the portion initially described. It was noted that there are still two parcels in this area that remain in the township. One is a small triangular piece adjacent to Hawk's Bar and the other is piece of land between the freeway and CSAH 75. MOVEDTOM PERRAULT TO APPROVE 75 RIGHT-OF-WAY IN ITS ENTIRETY AS DESCRIBED IN THE RESOLUTION DOCUMENTS. • ' D under7. Continuation of public hearin2 and adoption of assessment for improvements installed the 2006 Core Street Project, Consulting engineer, Bret Weiss stated that this is a continuation of the public hearing for the assessment of the 2006 Core Street Project and the assessment had been adjusted based on direction of the Council at the previous meeting. Bret Weiss noted that the assessment rate for the 2005 project was $2,8712006 the proposed 2006 rate is about a 4 1/2% increase over that of 2005. The sidewalk assessment was based on 45 single family homes and 94 units in the mobile home parks. 25% of the sidewalk cost is proposed to be assessed. There were two options presented for the sidewalk. One was to assess the single family homes $200 per unit with Council Minutes: 11/13/06 mobile home lots receiving an assessment of $110.38 per lot. The other option would be to have the same assessment rate for all lots (139 lots). The proposed assessment rate under the second option was $139.39. Bret Weiss added when notifying the property owners, the higher assessment amount had been used on the notices. Bret Weiss reviewed the assessment for the Holthaus property. The assessment had been modified to have 4 lots with an assessment for $3,000 each, one lot with an assessment of $2500 and one sidewalk assessment. Tom Holthaus felt the assessment should be one lot at $3,000 and 4 lots at $2,500. An adjustment was also made to property at 1228 Sandy Lane which was revised to reflect the assessment for a duplex, that is two street assessments and two sidewalk assessments. The Ritze property is being covered under an assessment agreement prepared by the City Attorney. The proposed assessment would cover five street assessments and five sidewalk assessments. Additional assessments and interest would be collected if the property developed at a density greater than five units. Brian Stumpf asked about a sunset clause. City Attorney Tom Scott said that although that had not been specifically discussed, he would recommend adding to the agreement that if no development has taken place within 30 years the agreement would expire. Glen Posusta asked about some property owners who had asphalt driveways that were removed and the City wanted to replace them with concrete with the owners pay the difference in price. John Simola indicated he was not aware of that. Bret Weiss asked if the property owner had elected to do the replacement himself, otherwise the project contractor had been doing all the sidewalk repair/replacement. Glen Posusta indicated that property owner said that the because the driveway was only one lift, the person installing the driveway would not guarantee it. Bret Weiss that that there were no extra charges to anyone other than what was proposed on the assessment roll. Mayor Herbst opened the continued public hearing. No one spoke on the proposed assessment. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. Clint Herbst felt the sidewalk amount should be set equally for all lots at $139.39/unit. There was additional discussion on the assessment for the Holthaus property. Bret Weiss stated that the original assessment had been based on front footage as per the development agreement but with the Council's decision to change the Ritze assessment and to apply the same policy to the Holthaus property, the assessment was changed. Tom Holthaus believed he should be assessed $2500 per lot and the City was proposing to assess him for the rate in effect at the time of development which is $3,000 per lot. Bret Weiss stated that any new development is charged based on their footage along the street. Bret Weiss stated that under the assessment for the County Road 75 improvements, the property should have been assessed far 1/2 the frontage along CSAH 75. Under the terms of an assessment agreement, the frontage assessed along CSAH 75 was reduced to %. At that time it was not known how many units would be developed on the site. Because the assessment was reduced on CSAH 75, it was intended that the developer pay the full assessment on Otter Creek Road. Wayne Mayer stated that the Council had already made a number of concessions to Mr. Holthaus over the past year. Glen Posusta felt that Tom Holthaus should only be assessed 0 Council Minutes: 11/13/06 for one unit. Wayne Mayer asked if Tom Holthaus understood that the assessment on CSAH 75 was only a partial assessment and that he would be assessed for Otter Creek Road. Bret Weiss explained that the policy in place when CSAH 75 was assessed was that the property would be assessed 100% on the short side which is Otter Creek Road and 50% along CSAH 75 Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that Tom Holthaus had agreed to pay 100% of the assessment for Otter Creek Road but there was never any agreement with the Ritze's on their property so the properties should not be treated the same. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT THE HOLTHAUS PROPERTY (155-020-004010) BE ASSESSED FOR ONE LOT ON OTTER CREEK ROAD SINCE THERE WAS A PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT FOR CSAH 75 AND ONE SIDEWALK ASSESSMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $139.39. BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HIS MOTION TO INCLUDE APPROVAL OF THE ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE RITZE PROPERTY, WHICH SET AN ASSESSMENT FOR STREETS AND SIDEWALK FOR FIVE LOTS AND ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTS IF THE PROPERTY DEVELOPS AT A GREATER DENSITY AND A SUNSET CLAUSE OF 30 YEARS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. There was discussion on the impact of the motion made stating that the motion as worded would reduce the assessment for the Holthaus property by $7,000. Brian Stumpf indicated that was not the intent of his motion. He intended that the assessment be four lots at $2500 each and one lot at $3,000 and one sidewalk assessment in the amount of $139.39. Glen Posusta felt that since Holthaus was already paying an assessment for CSAH 75 that assessment should be reflected in the assessment for Otter Creek Road. Bret Weiss stated at the last meeting Tom Holthaus had requested one lot be assessed at $3,200 and four lots at $2,500 each and this was the basis for the revised assessment. 8. Continuation of public hearina and adoption of assessment for improvements installef- under the Chelsea Road Extension Project (90th Street to CSAH 39). Citv Project No. _11 Consulting engineer, Bret Weiss reviewed the information on this project noting the total project cost was $4,642,579.25. Under the terms of an assessment agreement, the 10 Council Minutes: 11/13106 Chadwick/Bowers development will be picking up 79% of the cost. The assessment agreement had called for an interest rate of 6.5% but the rate set forth on the assessment notice was 5.5% and they were requesting that the 5.5% be the rate used. Mayor Herbst opened the continued public hearing. John Chadwick 11430 Zion Circle, Bloomington spoke stating that this project opened an area of the City up for development and commended 011ie Koropchak on the good job she had done in getting land sold out there. He stated that he does have a 14 acre remnant parcel that needs to be rezoned and he would like to meet with the firm doing the comprehensive plan update to see what they are proposing for the area. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. •10a • •• W 0• •' Public , r . i nLy and consideration o ° adoption of assessment roll i. miscellaneous accounts receivable c• Finance Director, Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the amounts on the assessment roll were primarily related to blight clean up and brush chipping. There was one amount relating to unpaid costs for development. Glen Posusta suggested that they adopt the assessment roll without the parcel with the outstanding development fees. The City would then have an opportunity to resolve the issues in question. Rick Wolfsteller gave brief explanation of the amounts charged. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Gerald Paulson, 20201215 th Avenue, Big Lake owns the development property 9749 Hart Boulevard. He stated the project was completed in May of 2005 and in June they received an invoice in the amount of $1300. At the time of development application they had paid a deposit of $1,000. He noted what he believed was a duplication fees in that the building plan review was charged on the building permit as well as in the development fee reconciliation. He also referenced a letter from the City stating that if this amount was not paid there would be an additional $50 charge. Glen Posusta stated that because this information had just been given to thein at the meeting tonight, he wanted to adopt the assessment roll without this parcel on it. This would allow Council and staff to review the information and bring the assessment of this parcel back at the next meeting. Glen Paulson said it was his responsibility as property owner to bring these matters out in the open. Glen Posusta said he needed more information on how these figures were arrived at. Mr. Paulson reviewed the exhibits contained in his letter and left copies of it for the Council. Jeff O'neill said this project should be treated like every other project. Staff would like the opportunity to go through and review costs and policies that applied to it. Clint Herbst suggested that Gerald Paulson contact Jeff O'Neill to set up a meeting 11 Council Minutes: 11/13/06 Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. • t !'• • !' t • • MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of authorizinLy, completion of a financial mana2ement plan (FMP) for t Citv of Monticello to be completed bv Ehlers and Associates. Inc. in the amount of $9,750. City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided background information on this item which would provide financing options for the City on various upcoming projects. He noted that Ehlers and Associates had done this kind of work before for other communities but also pointed out that the Council has the option to look at other firms to do the plan. Jeff O'Neill felt this information would be helpful in going forward and that it was a reasonable investment. Clint Herbst suggested contacting other communities who have done this and find out what benefit they derived from it. Wayne Mayer felt the City should be waiting with this plan until the new finance director is in place so that this individual has input into the plan. Wayne Mayer also brought up the fact that this was not in the 2007 budget which he felt was another reason to wait until the new finance director was in place. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM UNTIL A FUTURE DATE. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNEMAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION STATING HE WOULD NOT LIKE TO SEE THIS CONSIDERED UNTIL THE NEW FINANCE DIRECTOR WAS IN PLACE. 11. Consideration o o, r implementationo, GeoL'raphic and Property Data based information City Administrator Jeff O'Neill explained the proposal. Clint Herbst asked how this would differ from what the County has in place. Jeff O'Neill stated that they would be taking the County's data and incorporating into this system. Clint Herbst asked if it would help Public Works as far as locating utilities. Bret Weiss explained that City utility records would be part of the system and it would even be possible that the data from private utility companies could be added to it. Bret Weiss said in the future you could do locates in the field electronically. Brian Stumpf asked how much of $35,000 is for gathering information. John Mackiewicz said approximately $19,00 for data gathering. Wayne Mayer asked how much information is being generated by the County. John Mackiewicz said at the present time the City would utilize the parcel and survey information from the County. Wayne Mayer asked what would be generated at the local level. John Mackiewicz indicated that utility mapping, as-builts, sewer and water and zoning could also be included. Bret Weiss noted the City has the basic information adding that the City has used the full sheet scanner at WSB's office to put their as -built information in electronic form. Bret Weiss explained some of the applications the City could use this system for. John Simola pointed out that this is the cost for getting the information together but it does not include the equipment such has handheld GPS unit. Bret 0 Council Minutes: 11/13/06 Weiss agreed there will be additional costs for equipment. Bret Weiss stated this would be one way of saving staff time. Wayne Mayer asked how much was pulled off the County system now and was told only the parcel layer was being pulled. Glen Posusta asked why the City didn't put this out for RFP's. Brian Stumpf stated that WSB has much of the information about utilities and other projects already stored in their system so utilizing them would make sense. Bret Weiss added that this proposal is based on an hourly rate. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE WSB AND ASSOCIATES TO EXPAND AND ENHANCE THE CITY'S GIS SYSTEM AS PROPOSED AT A COST OF $35,010 WHICH INCLUDES PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF APPLICATIONS 12. Review area for 2007 Street Reconstruction Feasibility Report and consideration of authorizine feasibility study. Bret Weiss reviewed for the Council the areas that were studied and the ratings for streets in that area. The areas studied at this time were the balance of Area 3, and Areas 4A, 4B and 5. Bret Weiss explained the pavement condition index and how it was applied in the study of these areas. The lower the PCI number the greater amount of repair/reconstruction work is needed. Bret Weiss showed pictures of the streets studied and based on the PGI indicated what kind of repair/reconstruction would be required. He noted that Area #3 is a more extensive project because there is no storm sewer or curb and gutter installed. John Simola noted a concern about the watermain on Walnut Street which is undersized and deteriorating. Bret Weiss felt because of the issues with redevelopment this area (River Street and Walnut Avenue) would need to be looked at more thoroughly. Bret Weiss felt that Area #3 was in the worst condition. Clint Herbst suggested that information be sent out to the residents to get their feed back on the proposed project areas. Bret Weiss stated they could hold informational meetings on the proposed project. John Simola noted that one reason they had held of on improving the street is because the sanitary sewer pipe on River Street has to be upgraded. This would also require removal of the water lines so it will be a difficult project. He added that at this time they have sewer capacity in the line so the sewer line doesn't need to be upgraded yet. River Street is an MSA street so there would be MSA funds available for its improvement. Bret Weiss noted there is a balance of $1,033,554 in the MSA funds. Proposed assessments rates for the 2007 Street Reconstruction Project would be $3,300 per residential unit and $80/FF for non-residential property. John Simola stated that Street Superintendent, Tom Moores, who had inspected the streets was present at the meeting and asked hien to comment on the areas being looked at. Tom Moores felt that Area 3 should be the area to concentrate on. They had done some patching work in Area 4A because at that time they were of the understanding that nothing was going 13 Council Minutes: 11/13/06 to be done in this area for 3-4 years. He added that the streets in Area 3 were close to 30 years old and when installed had only a 2 %2 " blacktop base unlike Area 4 which has greater depth in the asphalt base. Glen Posusta felt Fallon Avenue was the worst street in town and wondered if that street should be considered. It was noted that there is an interceptor sewer line that would need to go in on Fallon Avenue. The consensus of the Council was to have WSB schedule an informational meeting on the project. Roundabout: Bruce Westby reported that roundabout will likely be open by Thanksgiving. The Council felt it should be opened as soon as possible. Wayne Mayer asked about the center area of the roundabout and what would be located there. He was concerned that nothing be placed in that area that would negatively impact the visibility. Revenue .Stabilization Agreement with Xcel Energy: The Council discussed setting a special meeting to review the agreement. November 27, 2006 at 5:30 was the date set for this meeting. Fallon Avenue Intersection: The question was whether the stop signs would remain at the intersection of Fallon Avenue and School Boulevard once the roundabout was opened. Bruce Westby stated the stop signs are temporary and indicated the intersection did not meet warrants to have permanent stop signs located there. Fiber Optics Update: No information was provided on this. Glen Posusta questioned the bill for the printing of the wellhead brochure and a bill for materials at Steve's Nursery in Elk River. He stated the City needs to buy locally and that the City couldn't expect residents to support local businesses if the City didn't. John Simola stated that they had gotten price comparisons and they went with the lower price. He felt if the Council was going to require staff to purchase locally rather than comparison shop then the Council needs to increase the budget. Glen Posusta also brought up the demolition of a structure on city owned property and asked why a local firm had not been brought in to do the work. Gary Anderson, Chief Building Official stated that they had contacted two local firms regarding this work. One firm never responded back and the other firm did not have experience in demolition work.. The firm that was awarded the demolition work was just outside of Monticello so he was local. 9 1 1 ID-306MIN 1916101610MMIGIMM001i 14 Council Minutes: 11/13/06 14. Adiourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Recording Secretary 15 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 ;A. Consideration of appvinLy new hires and departures for'MCC, Liauov Store and Streets (RW) The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Liquor Store and Streets. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. I Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. W, Lei 11 W111 V_ k' List of new employees. M Name Title Department Hire Date Class MornnniU, Dawn Clerk' Stocker Liquor 10/31/2006 PT Farm -Franks, Brandon Lifeguard MCC 11/6/2006 PT HiroohoKJnhn Payne, Christina 8nlorz,AJicia Hanson, Andrea Avila, Eduardo Janoyon.KeUy Johnson, Melissa Reason Department Last Day Class Temporary Streets 11/3/2006 Temp Voluntary MCC 9/4/206 PT Voluntary MCC 9/1/2006 PT Voluntary MCC 101/2006 PT Voluntary MCC 10M5/2006 PT Involuntary MCC 1031/2006 PT employee council list: 11/14/2006 17 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 5B. Approve Chanu Order No. 2 for 2006 Street Reconstruction Project (CitV of Monticello Project No.2006-01C) The reconstruction of the watermain service for Jim Ashwill, 107 Oakview Circle, necessitated the replacement of a large portion of the brick paver driveway at this residence. In order to have the driveway restored to the satisfaction of the homeowner, the contractor received price quotes from subcontractors to restore the driveway. The lowest price received to complete the work on a lump sum basis was in the amount of $3,164.00. The signed change order is attached for the Council's review. Approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $3,164.00 for Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $3,164.00 be approved for payment. Change Order No. 2 Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. 18 C. Documents and Setnugrldaxn,grossingerV.nral Srtnngs%mlwrnrp lutemetFilesl(JLf3'AGNP!'M-Apprm,('0#3-112706doc A, AL WSB InfrastiUCtUre 9 Efigmeerin( 9 Planniflo I "OnstItH &_Associales' file-, .1 November 13, 2006 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No. 2 2006 Street Reconstruction Program Street, Storm Sewer, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2006-01 C WS8 Project No. 1494-16 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-54 1-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Please find enclosed Change Order No. 2 (in triplicate) for the above -referenced project for your review and approval. The net increase to the contract amount is $3,164.00, resulting in a revised contract total of $1,767,202.40. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. 2 for Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287- 7193. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ILh P - 0 Kevin B. Kawlewski, PE Senior Project Manager Enclosures cc: Jeremy Stover, Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Tom Bose, City of Monticello srb Minneapolis I St. Cloud .......... ...... . I'l LVW02, ­1A,11,411301,do, Equal Opportunity Employer 19 � -x/uEE/uECvm=,xv&/xOmPROGRAM STREET, STORM SEWER, AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY PROJECT NO. o0Vo'U10 CITY OFMONT|CELLO,MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1627-03 CITY OF MONTICELLO sn5WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 MOwT|uELLO.Mm 55362 CONTRACTOR: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. P.O. BOX 337 BUFFALO, MN 55313 YOU ARE DIRECTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT QUANTITIES ARE MODIFIED ASSHOWN 8NTHE ATTACHED DETAIL. ` � . 11/7/2006 IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDES ALL ADDITIONAL COSTS AND TIME EXTENSIONS WHICH ARE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK ELEMENTS DESCRIBED ABOVE, CHANGE |mCONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE |NCONTRACT TIME: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: $1,871.362.50 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 8/30/2007 PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: NO.1 ($107,32410) NET CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: N/A t 'RACTPRICE PRIOR TOTHIS CHANGE ORDER: $1.764.088,40 CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TOTHIS CHANGE ORDER: 050/2007 NET CONTRACT INCREASE WITH THIS CHANGE ORDER: $3.164.00 NET INCREASE WITH CHANGE ORDER: OoAYS CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: $1.767.20240 CONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS 6/30/2007 RECOMMENDED BY: )L. p " e�"ji KEVIN B.xAVVLEVYS0.P.E,SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER �ff".7ro7j��� VvSe& ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEER CITY ENGINEER APPROVED BY: c__--~~76ONTR^CTORG|SNATURE BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. CONTRACTOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR 20 K:101494-161COnstruction Admin1149wChange Order �isCO-2 2006 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM STREET, STORM SEWER, AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY PROJECT NO. 2006-0IC CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN WSB PROJECT NO. 1627-03 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Mat. No. Description 183 DRIVEWAY RESTORATION DELETEDITEMS Item No. Mat. No. Description TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO OZIGIVAL COjM 11/712006 Qty Unit Price Extended Amount 452 SO FT $7.00 $3,164.00 $3,164. 00 Qty Unit Price Extended Amount 21 K:101494-16IConstruction Admin11494-16 Change Order 2.xlsCO2 Detail Council Agenda: 11/27/06 5C. Consideration of auvointment to fill oven vosition on the PlanninLy Commission. (JO/AS) At the request of the City Council, the Planning Commission position open due to the resignation of Sandy Suchy was re -advertised. Letters noticing the opening were also sent to those who had applied to serve on the Commission within the last two years. Recently, the Commission recommended and Council approved the appointment of Barry Voight to fill the position vacant due to the resignation of Craig Schibonski. On November 21 ", two members of the Planning Commission and two members of the City Council interviewed candidates for the remaining open position on the Commission. The Commission representatives were Chairman Rod Dragsten and Barry Voight. The Council representatives were Tom Perrault and Wayne Mayer. Three candidates applied for the position and all were interviewed. The candidates were Douglas Dickie, Gene Emanuel and Charlotte Gabler. After interviews and discussion, the Commissioners and Council members unanimously recommended appointment of Charlotte Gabler to the Planning Commission. The appointments would be effective for the meeting of December 5th, pending the applicant's acceptance and ability to serve from that date 1. Motion to approve the appointment of Charlotte Gabler to the Planning Commission. 2. Motion to deny appointment of Charlotte Gabler to the Planning Commission, 3. Motion of other. None. 22 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 5E. Consideration of acceptin2 ouotes and awardine the contract for Kampa Estates Monticello Golf Course Drainne Improvements, Citv Project No. 2006-21C. (BW) On July 24, 2006 the City Council approved the feasibility study for City Project No. 2006- 21C which consisted of establishing a uniform drainage ditch within the drainage and utility easement between two lots in Kampa Estates and the Monticello Golf Course, and between the ditch and the outlet on the golf course's property. However, in developing this project it was found that the common property line between 118 Kampa Circle and the Monticello Golf Course lies in the middle of what the property owner of 118 Kampa Circle had perceived to be their back yard. Consequently this property owner requested that the City omit the portion of the project along their property line. In addition, the golf course requested that the City omit the drainage improvements proposed on their property as outlined in the feasibility study. The scope of the project has therefore been narrowed to include only the work that was formerly identified as occurring within the drainage easement area between 114 Kampa Circle and the Monticello Golf Course, which primarily consists of constructing a drainage ditch approximately 100 feet in length with an eight -foot wide bottom for maintenance purposes. It should be noted that the property owner at 114 Kampa Circle informed the City that stormwater runoff is often not contained within the drainage easement resulting in water standing in his back yard for short durations, along with the accumulation of loose debris and soil. On several occasions this property owner has cleared the debris and soil deposits with the assistance of a rented power rake. While he is not seeking monetary compensation for his efforts, he is requesting that the project be completed as soon as possible to avoid similar hardships in the future. Quotes from seven local contractors were requested and obtained for this project with the intent of completing the project on or before December 15, 2006. A summary of all quotes received is attached. 1. Motion to award the contract for City Project No. 2006-21C to Fyle's Excavating and Honey Wagon in the amount of $6,765. 2. Motion to deny awarding the project at this time. "All It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, the Public Works Director and the City Engineer that the City Council award the contract to Fyle's Excavating and Honey Wagon. Contractor Quote Summary N 4-0 U) 0 u 0 0 . 0 o 0 0 C> o C) (:, 0 o 0 o C'4- t-- It 0') C� 6 T- I-- It (Y) c"! 6 0 6 T- bg "I'- to JIOig POEIII I Nip a mm Council Agenda: 11/27/06 5F. Approve Final Pav ent and Accept Improvement for Cedar Street Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Appurtenant Work (City of Monticello Protect leo. 2002-060 (WSB) The Cedar Street Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Appurtenant Work improvement project represented the construction of a new street and utilities from Dundas Road southerly to approximately 300 feet north of the Kjellberg Mobile Home Park on the east side of TH 25. The project was constructed as an assessed project to serve commercial development in this area of the City. The project feasibility and design was initiated in 2003 with construction in 2004 and 2005. The construction of the project experienced several delays resulting from the rejection and reconstruction of sidewalk and construction of the Wal-Mart site as the final pavement was not constructed until the fall of 2005. The final remaining issue on this project involved re -seeding and turf establishment at the north end of the project. The re- seeding was completed at the beginning of November 2006. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $17,626.90. WSB & Associates, Inc has received the majority of the final paperwork required by the contract including: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. The following paperwork is still required for final payment to be released: 1. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. The contractor is acquiring the two-year maintenance bond required by the contract for the project. The final payment request included in the packet represents the final quantities completed on the contract and the release of the retainage on the contract. All punclllist items assembled for this project have been completed and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payinent in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. FVd ,eglu rdpr..12006Co-MAgeadasi11-27-06ccage?iAl 5r-Apprr)AeFna111arn­t-112706doc 25 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $17,626.90 to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. contingent upon receipt of the two-year maintenance bond. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council accepts the improvements for the Cedar Street Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Appurtenant Work, City Project No. 2002-06C, and authorizes final payment to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $17,626.90. Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No. 9 (Final) Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. C1wermet Fitcsi0LK3t9CNITAI-Aphrm•efinall'ayment-1/3706.dor 26 WSB A11101111111101111MR& & -Issociules, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning a Construction November 20, 2006 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 9 (Final) Cedar Street Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2002-06C WSB Project No. 13 3 8-07 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel; 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 , _07—S. 11-vaj—T 1 ii%�,.L.L,tl—fiortieat)ove-reterenCedprojecmI in the amount of $17,626.90. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the followin items: I . Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesot,2 Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. Pk. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured, I 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. Please make payment in this amount to R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, Kevin B. Kawlewski, PE Senior Project Manager cc* Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Doug Moen, R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. W Minneapolis a St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer 27 Owner: of Monticello 505 Walnut StContractor: R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc.y Monticello, MN 55362-1147 WSB For Period: 311812006 to 111712006 z � A%Y oda St. Cloud, MN 56304Pay Voucher Cedar St -Dundas Rd to Kjellbergs Park Client Contract No.: Project • 01338-07 Client Project No.: rojcct Summari 1 Original Contract Amount ------ --- 2 Contract Changes -Addition 3 Contract Changes - Deduction 4 Revised Contract Amount 5 Value Completed to Date 6 Material on Hand 7 Amount Earned 6 Less Retainage .� 9 Subtotal 10 Less Amount Laid Previously 11 liquidated Damages 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. 9 & FINAL Date- 11/712006 $25,505.62 $0.00 $724,361.31 $720,343.17 _. 00 $720,343:17 $0.00 $720,343.17 $702,716.27 $0.00 $17,626.90 Recommended for Approv I by: WSS & Associate , In i Approved by Con ctor: R. L. Lar/sf/on E avating, Inc. d KJDA1011 Low W r-rujvut ividwrial owtuz ItemItem No, I pton units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Date - - Quantity (Quantity Amount . i_io'7 Oat SCHEDULE, A -SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 2621.501 IMOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $10,000.00 (TREE 0 $10,000.001 12 2101Z021'CLEARING $25,00 7 01 0 $0.00 3 2101,507 GRUBBING ITREE $2&00 71 01 0 $6�00 21041i01 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) LIN FT $7.00 78 0 0 - $0,00 5 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER 'LINFT $1.50 3421 279,3 0 $418,95 6 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT IREMOVE f SO YD $1.50 7 L 601 538.31 0 $807.47 7 2104.509 MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN Ij EACH $100.00 1 1 0 $100,00 8 12104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (PULL DEPTH) LIN FT $3.00 315 295.5 0 $886.50 9 121 05,501 COMMON , EXCAVATION (P) CU $ 3 .1 .2 1 5 . I L 22 92 - 122921 0 $39,949.00 1 11 , 1 �12211,501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (100% CRUSHED) TON $6,00 8200 9123.61 0 $54,741.80 1101_12350.50 . I TYPE MV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (A) TON $34.00 1575 1442.4 ' 6 $49,041,60 112 2350,502 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (A) TON $34,00 23641 2499 0 $84,986.78 113 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $1,00 7171 66 0 $800.00 114 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT $2..37 97831 1032-4 6 $24�4�7�1 115 12521,501 7- CONCRETE WALK. $2.$Z 76851 533.2.6 0 $13.438.151 116' 2531.501' CONCRETE CURB GUTTER DESIGN 861 .. 8 . . LIN FT 6661 1' 5885.9 0 $41,377,881 17 2531,507 7"' CO NCRETE DRIVEWAY. PAVEMENT SO YD $30.90 3241 41115 0 $12,746,25 18 2631,602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH 0 16 Is 0 $2,602.00 19 2535,601 BITUMINOUS CURB LIN FT �....$1$5.000 208 0 0 $0,00 20 2554,602 PERMANENT BARRICADES (TYPE 111) _jEACH $250,00 3 3 0 $750.00 21 2563,601 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1LUMP SUM $2,600.60 1 1.3 0 $3,360.00 72 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C ISO FT $110.50 177.51 195,5 168,5 $3,812.251 23 ­ 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE(LEFT ARRom POLY PREFORMED JEACH $207.00 121 15 0 $3,105,001 24 2584.802 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) POLY PREFORME61 EACH 5267,00 7 7 0 $1'449." 125 2564,603 4"--S--O-L-'I-D-LINE ----WHITE-EPDXY LIN FT $0.30 46-75 4675 0 $1,402.50 26 2564,603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE -POLYMER PREFORMED LIN FT $2.20 1166 11661 0 $2,565,201 27 2564,603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPDXY LIN FT $0.40 2660 26501 0 $1,060.00 128 2664,603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW'-EPDXY LIN FT $0.40 1250 1250 0 5500.00 129 2664.603 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPDXY LIN FT $7.00 113 113 0 $791.00 30 ' 2573,502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT $2.00 970 7201 0 $1,440.00 .31 12575-501 SEEDINGJAPRE $800.00 1.69 1.5 0 $1,200,00 32 12575Z05 SODDING TYPE LAWN JSQ YD $3, .1 001 3310 950 0 $2,850.00 ISCHEDULE Totals For Section SCHEDULE A - SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS., $360,461.01 R "SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS' 33 56 3.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE EACH $_1_._0_ 0-0--0- 10 2 21 0 1 $2,000.00 34 2501602 8" PIPE PLUG EACH $15,00 16 14 01 $210.00 3.5 2503.6036" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 LIN FT $16,50 902 835 0 $13,777,50 38 2503.803 10 PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 35 LIN FT $17,00 1639 1664 01 $28,288.00 137 2501603 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER --- ---- --- LIN FT $0.50 2541 0 $2 ,931.00 38 2506,603 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLES LIN FT $125.00 146,8 165,66 0 $20,707.50 39 2506,603 CONSTRUCT 8" OUTSIDE DROP LIN FT 46.01 0 $8,971.95 . 'SCHEDULE Totals For Section SCHEDULE 8 - SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS; $76,885.95 C - WATERINIMPROVEMENTS 140 2504,602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN I -EACH 1 $300.001 3 3 - 01 $900.00 2504-602 INSTALL HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $2,400.00 7 0 $16,800,00 r43 1554.652 s- GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $715.001 17 15 0 $16,725.00 2504,602 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $11,175.001 4 4 144 2504.166 6" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 5.'2 LIN FT $16.001 273 242.5 0 $3,880.-00- F45 2-504-603 a" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 1 LIN FT 1 $18.501 846 0 $15,65 1:00 I 146 251)4�603112* WATER MAIN -DUCTILE IRON CLASS LIN FT $2100 20751 2067 0 $43,407.00 N= im 151 'w", units unit Price Contract Quantity Current jAmounito No. 0 $7,020.001 52 Quantity I . to o Date . Quantity DafB 147 2504,6021 ADJUST GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $150,00 1 0 0 $0,00 48 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $900m 1 0 01 $0.00 49 2504.6041,4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION— _SQ Y D $18.00 32 3.5 01 $6.3,00 50 2504.6201 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND Sim 7965 8900 0 $13,350,00 2503.541 27" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III Totals For Section SCHEDULE C - WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS: $109,476.00 151 - IPE - 3006 _�A V 2503.641 12"'RCP­­�6V7FkTESf6N,6. LIN FT $20,001 230 351 0 $7,020.001 52 2503.541 15"RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3000 CLASS V LIN FT $24.001 559 545 0 $13,080.001 53 2501541 18" RC PIPE' SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III _ILIN FT $27,601 497 497 0 $13,419.001 54 25-03,541 24' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006CLASSIII . LIN FT $31 �00 1034 1039 0 $32.209.00 1 55 2503.541 27" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT FIN $36.001 430 424 0 $15,264.00 _;6 ­.. 25-03,541 30" RC, PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS IV Ll LIN FT $F,2.00 385 $75,25 0 $19,513'. 57 -2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER iEACH $900.001 4 6 0 58 2506,501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 LIN FT $127.001 46.1 141.96 0 $18,02 . 8.92 159 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTUREI I DESIGN 54.4020 LIN FT $137,00 21.1 43.91 0 $8,0151A7 60 2508-502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE I DES SPECIAL I (2X3'08) . EACH $815.00 101 121 0 $9,780,00 71--26-06516 CASTING ASSEM13LY EACH $265.00 361 291 0 $7,685.00 62 2506,522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING EACH $200,00 31 31.. 0. . $111-00 Change Order 1 63 2105.601 SITE GRADING IAA 2506.6 2ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING 65 7571-601 ILANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS TOWS For SeCtiOn SCHEDULED -STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS: $148,014.59 LUM I P Sum, $2,260# .. I 1 0 $2,260.001 EACH 1 $246,321 261 26 0 $6,456,32 LUMP '§UM $16,789.301 11 1 o $16,789.30 TolaIG For Change Order 1; $25,505.62 Project TQtEh; $720,343-17 mm" mm Contract Chanves No. IType C01, I —Ch a-n-ge Order 2/8120 6 Project Payment Status s ec * 0 Owner., City of Monticello Client Project No.: J C eli t lient Contract No,: ent Contrac No, - P�oject 8-07 Project No.* 01338 07 r Description (Additional contract quantities. Change Order Totals-, Amount $25,505.62 $25,505.62 No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Ret�inge Per Payment To6l Retainage � Completed 1 6/23/2003 7/31/2003 $220, 149.43 $220,149.43 $11,586.1 $11,586,81 $231,736,241 2 8/1/2003 8/31j�003 $173,644.70 $393,791�i3 $9,139,201 $20,726.01 $41.41,.520,141 3 9/1/2003 -10/31/2003 $125,36-2-.7-2- $519,156-85F $6,598.03 $27,324.04 $546,480.89 4 11/1/2003 12/17120031 $55,340.73 $574,497.58 $2,912,68 $30,236.72 $604,734.30 5 12/18/2003 5/21/2004 $4,663.55 $579,161.13 $245,45 $30,48117 $609,643.30 6 - 5122/2004 6/281'2004 $3,580A1 I - .5$30,670.61 $613,412.15 7 6/2912004 1/2005 . $94,879,261 $677,626.80 ($16,841.61) $13,829.00 $691,449.80 8 1111212005 3/17/2006 $25,095,47 $702,716.271 $512.151.1 $14,341. 15 $717,057.42 9xr FINAL 13/18/2006 11/7/2006 $17,62690 $720,343.V1 ($14,341.15) $0.001$720,343.17 P - ayment - To L tals: $720,343 1 1.. 7 $0.001$720,343.17 Material k $0.00 Total Payment to Date: $720,343.17 Original Contract: Total Retainage: $0.00 contract Changes: Total Amount Earned: $720,343.17 Revised Contract: 31 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 5G. Consideration of City Maintainine Public Streets for Carlisle Village 3rd, 4th, and 5th Addition Developments (City of Monticello Proiect Nos. 2005-28P, 2005-26P, and 2006-13P) (WSB) Public streets have been constructed this year for the Carlisle Village 3`d, 4t", and 5t" Addition developments. The first lift of bituminous pavement has been placed on the roadways. The following are requirements that must be met prior to street maintenance: I . One lift of asphalt must be in place. 2. Streets swept and street and right-of-way cleaned of debris. 3. Street signs and street lights must be in place. 4. Private utilities have been installed. S. Curbing must be in place. 6. All manhole castings and gate valves in street adjusted to specifications. 7. Erosion control measures in place. 8. Any applicable barricades placed at stub streets and cul-de-sac ends. 9, Curb must be back-filled to top of curb with boulevard graded to 4% slope. The above requirements have been met with the exception of street signage. We are recommending that the City begin maintaining the roadways within the development subject to installation of street signage. The final lift of bituminous pavement will be placed on the roadways in the summer of 2007, after which time the two-year warranty period will begin if all project items are complete and the Council approves final acceptance of the project as per the conditions in the Developer's Agreement. City accepts maintenance responsibilities of public streets subject to installation of street signage. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, City Engineer and Public Works Director that the City accept maintenance responsibilities of the public streets. None 32 Fid,,e,,g1,,­dp­H2006 Go,­dAg la,111, 112706 d- Council Agenda: 11/27/06 5H. Consideration of City Maintainin2 Public Streets for the Featherstone 2"d Addition Develoi)ment (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-25P) (WSB) Public streets have been constructed this year for the Featherstone 2nd Addition development. The first lift of bituminous pavement has been placed on the roadways. The following are requirements that must be met prior to street maintenance: 1. One lift of asphalt must be in place. 2. Streets swept and street and right-of-way cleaned of debris. 3. Street signs and street lights must be in place. 4. Private utilities have been installed. 5. Curbing must be in place. 6. All manhole castings and gate valves in street adjusted to specifications. 7. Erosion control measures in place. 8. Any applicable barricades placed at stub streets and cul-de-sac ends. 9. Curb must be back-filled to top of curb with boulevard graded to 4% slope. The above requirements have been met with the exception of a small patch that needs to be placed on the south side of 87"' Street and barricades placed at the end of Ebersole Avenue. We are recommending that the City begin maintaining the roadways within the development subject to the above-mentioned items. The final lift of bituminous pavement will be placed on the roadways in the summer of 2007, after which time the two-year warranty period will begin if all project items are complete and the Council approves final acceptance of the project as per the conditions in the Developer's Agreement. City accepts maintenance responsibilities of the public streets subject to bituminous patching completion and installation of all barricades. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, City Engineer and the Public Works Director that the City accept maintenance responsibilities of the public streets. None FId—glu-dp­2006 2 d-IIZ706d­ 33 Council Agenda -11/27/2006 5I. Consideration of avvrovin2 Chante Order #1 and final Pavment for the Wastewater Treatment Plant DiLyester Painting, Citv Project #2006-22C. (J.S.) Rice Lake Construction Group of Deerwood, Minnesota has completed the digester painting project at the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant. The base bid for the project is $49,600. Change Order #1 involves the supplying of a contract performance bond for $496 and the restoration and welding of corroded metal inside the digester cover at a cost of $5,840. The total cost for Change Order #1 is $6,336. This brings the total project cost to $55,936. To date, a payment of $19,950 has been made, leaving a balance owed of $35,986. The first alternative is to approve Change Order #1 in the amount of $6,336 and to authorize final payment to Rice Lake Construction Group for City Project #2006-22C in the amount of $35,986 pending receipt of final paperwork on the project (i.e., lien waivers and withholding documents). 2. The second alternative is not to make final payment to Rice Lake Construction Group. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Chuck Keyes, Project Manager, Monticello WWTP, that the City Council authorize final payment to Rice Lake Construction Group in the amount of $35,986 for City Project #2006-22C as outlined in alternative #l. Copy of Request for Final Payment. I! RICE LAKE CONSTRUCTION GROUP PO BOX 517 DEERWOOD, MN 56444 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT PROJECT: PRIMARY DIGESTER PAINTING MONTICELLO, MN RLCG PROJECT NO, 06-26 DATE: 11/02106 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO.: SUMMARY: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT CHANGE ORDER - BOND CHANGE ORDER - WELDING CHANGE ORDER - Deduction REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT VALUE COMPLETED TO DATE LESS 5% RETAINAGE PREVIOUS PAYMENTS AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST FOR PAYMENT Submitted: Rice Lake Construction Group Approved: City of Monticello SUPPORTING DATA FOR CONSENT AGENDA ITEM "X' I 2 FOR PERIOD: 9116106 - 10127106 Michael A. Andres 496,00 5,840.00 0.00 49,600,00 55,936.00 55,936,00 19,950.00 1112106 Date Date go Council Agenda -11/27/2006 U Consideration of avorovain2 Chan2e Order #1 and final ioavment for Riverside, Cemetery Fencino- Proiect No. 2006-17C,. Authority Fence & Decks of Clearwater, Minnesota has completed installation of the fence in front of Riverside Cemetery. Change Order #1 involved four additional fence panels to go around two large oak trees. It was originally plan to skirt the fence by these two trees, however, when the fence was placed it was clear that the fence was touching or would be touching these two trees in the very near future. The cost of Change Order #1 is $600. The base bid for the project was $37,063.73. Adding Change Order #1 brings the total to $37,663.73. To date we have paid 25% of the original project or $9,248.75, leaving a balance of $28,414.98. Authority fence has a small amount of cleanup work left and needs to supply the final lien waivers, etc. for the project. aF vtffi*�f .'� The first alternative is to make final payment to Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. of Clearwater, Minnesota for the Riverside Cemetery Fence Project in the amount of $28,414.98, pending final cleanup and receipt of final paperwork. 2. The second alternative is not to make final payment to Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Park Superintendent that the City Council authorize final payment to Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. of Clearwater, Minnesota in the amount of $28,414.98 as outlined in alternative #1 pending final cleanup and receipt of paperwork. Copy of original bid for the project. 101 Phone # Fax # 320-558-4488 320-558-4441 37 SUPPORTING DATA FOR CONSENT AGENDA ITEM "57 Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. Estimate 1295 County Rd 75 Clearwater, MN 55320 Date Estimate # 7/7/2006 4670 Name I Address City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362 763-295-2711 P.O. No, Terms Rep Project SJS CEMETARY FENC... Item Description Qty Rate Total QUOTE TO FENCE CEMETARY FENCE IN 48 HIGH BLACK ALUMINUM Misc, 4811 TALL SECTION OF STYLE #101, OR # 111 IN 203 100.00 20,300.00T INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH Misc. 2.5" SQUARE POSTS @ 82" LONG: INCLUDES 197 27.83 5,482.51T BALL CAP AS SPECIFIED BY SPECS. BELOW ARE 611 TERMINAL POSTS FOR ALUMINUM FENCING Misc. 6" X 12 FOOT ALUMINUM POSTS FOR ENDS ON 10 187.25 1-87260T EACH SIDE OF ALL DRIVEWAYS/ENTRANCES. {This is the only length that Jerith provides in 6" posts Le universal) Subtotal Concrete concrete to posts/gates 414 3.45 1,428.30T Install installation/Labor 1,218 5.00 6,090.00 Bid Authority Fence & Decks will provide above project 0.00 including materials, sales tax, and labor for $36,995.00 complete! Any changes from above stated project -requiring extra materials will be billed at current retail price upon completion of project. MN Sales Tax 6.50% 1,890.42 Thanks for the opportunity to quote y<?ur project!! Total $37,063.73 Thank you for the opportunity to bid your project. This estimate is void 30 days after origination date. We reserve the right to withdraw this bid within 10 days. Phone # Fax # 320-558-4488 320-558-4441 37 Council Agenda -11/2712006 5K. Consideration of final pavment for Xcel Ballfield Fencing, Citv Project No. 2006-19C. (J.S.) Oberg Fence Co. of Deerwood, Minnesota was awarded the fence project for the Xcel Baseball Field. As you may recall, we are replacing the old battered fence and shortening the baseball field up to make it usable for softball and youth baseball. The total cost of the project $19,867. Only one payment has been made. $4,966.75 was paid as a down payment for delivery of fencing materials. That leaves a balance of $14,900.25. The project is complete, including all punch list items. The only remaining items to supply by the contractor are lien waivers and withholding statements. The first alternative is to make final payment to Oberg Fence Co. out of Deerwood, Minnesota in the amount of $14,900.25, pending receipt of lien waivers and withholding statements. 2. The second alternative would be not to make final payment to Oberg Fence Co. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and Park Superintendent that the City Council approve final payment to Oberg Fence Co. of Deerwood, Minnesota in the amount of $14,900.25 as outlined in alternative #1. Copy of final invoice. ISUPPORTING DATA - CONSENT AGENDA ITEM "U', I Oern Fetire Co. P6 Box 11.8 '73251 DGwiit� �w� 12 West -eemc,&4, MY Bill City of Monticello Parks Deparhment 505 Walnut SL Ste#1 Monticello, MN 55862 W4 Site Sales0ol-tergfe-oce.com vvww.obcYgfcncc.com 218-534,3118 219-53/W119 'De6cliptit'n Fencing for the excell hal1field Minnesofit Saks Tax tate lrlwice 10/11/2006 860 PA A/.. !-err,% -Ne Dave Net 15 10/260006 19,967.00 0.00 C".L% wo 3s iq,l 0 0, IS g�5 , 4 5)Lb 5 -63ol good aJqc, Total $19,867.00 All past due accounts will be charged 11/2% per month on the utapaid balrutce. Any fees incurred to collect will be,aj- 1Ae cost of the customer. Under AlinnesotR law any person or company supplying labor may file a lien against you property if that person or company his not paid for the contributions. M Council Agenda: 11/27/06 5L. Consideration of approval of contribution from Monticello Lions Club for Park Department. (RW) In October the Monticello Lions Club made a donation of $3,000 to be used for underground wiring and lighting for the Christmas Village that is set up at West Bridge Park At that meeting the Council gave approval to the lighting project proposed by the Lions Club. The City has received another donation of $2500 from the Lions Club to be used for the lighting project at the park As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its us. 1. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified by the donor. 2. Do not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donor. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Finance Department to adopt the resolution accepting the contribution. Resolution M City of + + i a • ! !111114-111 WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terns prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Monticello Lions Club Cash contribution $2500.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW 'THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: I . The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose. DONOR/ENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE Monticello Lions Club City of Monticello Lighting project— Bridge Park Adopted by two-thirds vote of the City Council of Monticello this 27th day of November 2006. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 41 resolution approving contributions 07-11-05.doc: 11121/2006 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 5M. Consideration of Usine Park Funds for Fundin2 Installation of Head -In Parking Improvements on r :i Drive. Councilmember Tom Perrault requests that the City Council consider funding the cost of installation of parking along Mississippi drive through park funds versus street funds. It is his observation that the main purpose for the parking relates to the park and not to the street and therefore park funds should be applied. It is my understanding that the Parks Commission reviewed this concept and does not support drawing from park funds to pay for this project. Also, the parking is located almost completely on right of way and is not actually located in the park. The total cost to install the parking amounted to approximately $88,645. 1 do not believe that the cost to install this parking was included in the Parks Department budget. There are funds available in the park fund for current and future projects which can be used to fund this cost. This does not include park dedication funds which cannot be used for construction of this type of improvement. 1. Motion to draw funds from the Park fund to pay for the Mississippi Drive parking installed in conjunction with development of Swan observation area. 2. Motion to draw funds from Street Fund to pay for the parking facility on Mississippi drive. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is up to Council where you would like to draw these funds. Given that the item was not included in the park budget Council may not wish to draw the fund from park funds as doing so would reduce funding available for other park projects. On the other hand, Council could view this improvement as a "park improvement" and it should be funded accordingly because people who use the parking are there to enjoy the park. It is your call. None. 42 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 11111119 [j We would like City Council to consider installing security cameras at the Deputy Registrar Building. The cost of security equipment and installation as identified in a recent quote is approximately $4,000. We are in the process of investigating a reduction in this cost by purchasing and installing a security system with the assistance of City staff and the city's technology consultant, Doug Lyseng. Currently, on-site security consists of a panic button to alert local police in the event of a problem, and "look -a -like" security cameras inside the building. It is the view of the deputy registrar staff and administration that installing working security cameras is a necessary addition to the operation. From time to time the office serves customers who can become threatening and bullying. Having a working surveillance system could lessen the risk of this type of behavior. In addition, the operation handles a significant amount of cash and could be a candidate for robbery. A working security system could discourage this type of crime and assist in solving a robbery if it would happen. The main issue I believe is whether or not it makes sense to install video equipment today, only to move the entire office sometime in 2007. The equipment itself would work fine at a new location so this cost could be recovered. 1. Motion to direct staff to obtain quotes for purchase and installation of security cameras at Deputy Registrar facility with installation to be perfon-ned by City Staff and Doug Lyseng. Under this alternative staff would obtain multiple quotes and then act accordingly to purchase and install equipment as soon as possible. This equipment would be moved at such time that a new facility is developed. 2. Motion to deny authorization to proceed with obtaining quotes. Council could select this option if it is preferred to install cameras when the new facility is completed thus saving the cost of installation. The City Administrator recommends Alternative #L It is the responsibility of the City to provide a secure work environment for City employees to the extent possible. Security camera installation is overdue at the facility and it could be a number of months before a new facility is built. Finally, a significant portion of the cost could to install cameras could be recovered by re -using the cameras. Nt 22,011AVIICIEW, Copy of initial quote (Staff to obtain additional quote(s) before authorizing work,) 43 Michael Slmacek 4215 Thru Street St, Cloud, MN 56303 320 230 2222 Phone 320 230 1773 Fax INMagieMHS@HotrnaH.Corn Custom Elecuorfic 1nsta&fioiA October 31, 2006 Monticello Community DMV Monticello, MN Here is the proposal you requested. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. 1. Add camera to Main Desk, right two tellers(1/3"CCD, Hi -Resolution, Auto Iris, Varifocal Lens 2.8-12MM) $585.00 2, Add camera to Main Desk, left teller & handicap accessible teller (1/3"CCD, Hi - Resolution, Auto Iris, Va-rifocal Lens 2.8-12MM) $585.00 3. Add Camera to North side parking lot (1/3"CCD, Hi -Resolution, Auto Iris, Varifocal Lens 2.8-12MM, small environmental enclosure with heater and defrost) $857.00 + Add Camera to East side parking lot (1/3"CCD, Hi -Resolution, Auto Iris, Varifocal Lens 2.8-12MM, small environmental enclosure with heater and defrost) $857.00 5, Digital recorder / Up to 4 cameras / no tapes to change / Day, Time, Activity instant search parameters without stopping recording / Remote access capabilities records up 14 days (first inti out). $1200.00 Miscellaneous parts, labor, wire & hardware $265.65 Total Investment (parts & labor) $4,349.00 9=, Owner 320,230 2222 OtIr myon is to srmplify desVn & bulld yqp� .......................... e,&(�nk'intenom to enhancevour life. 44 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 8. Consideration of adoDtion of assessment resolutions for those assessments covered bv assessment a2reements o: development A. REFERENCE ANDBACKGROUND; By authority of state statutes, the City Council has the power to assess the cost of improvements back to benefiting properties. It has been the practice of the City to adopt formal assessment resolutions only for those improvements constructed under the 429 state statute. Assessments covered by special assessment agreements or development agreements have never formally been approved and certified by the City Council. It was assumed that since the property owner had signed an agreement or development contract waiving his rights to a public hearing. that was a binding document which required no additional action by the Council. In a recent edition of Minnesota Cities, the league's publication, they noted a ruling by the Minnesota Court of Appeals that stated an assessment agreement alone is not sufficient be a valid lien against the property. A valid lien requires a resolution adopting a special assessment. The City is proposing to certify to the county for collection with 2007 taxes a number of assessments covered under development and/or assessment agreements which include those listed below and request the Council to adopt a formal resolution for each of these assessments. SandbergRoad: This assessment for street improvements to Sandberg was negotiated as part of an earlier street reconstruction project and affects the property owned by John Erlandson. Carlisle Village Third; The proposed assessment is for trunk charges for sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and park and pathway dedication as set forth in the development agreement for Carlisle Village Third Addition. Club West Addition: This project also covers trunk charges, pathway and park dedication. Blue Chis eveloment: Covers trunk charges for a commercial property along Chelsea Road and was covered by an assessment agreement. Hillside Farms Third and. Fourth Additions.. The assessment covers trunk charges, park and pathway fees for lots in both the third and fourth addition and are covered by development agreements. Carlisle Village Fifth Addition:, The assessment covers trunk charges, park and pathway fees as set forth in the development agreement. Muller Theater Connection Charles:, This assessment covers sewer connection charges that were due as a result of the theater expansion. 1. Adopt a resolution for each of the above projects formally approving the assessment. 45 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 2. Do not adopt a resolution. Although the City has not been challenged on any of the assessments levied in the past that were covered by assessment or development agreements, adopting the resolution would only support the City's position should any assessment made under the terms and provisions of an assessment or development agreement were ever challenged. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Director of Finance that the City Council approve by resolution all assessments covered by assessment or development agreements. Copy of article from Minnesota Cities we P L 0 V MEN T L A W taliation rite, a railroad worker, sued her ployer for retaliation, alleging that �r she filed a sexual -harassment liplaint she was reassigned from a klift-operator job to a "track -laborer" ) and was suspended for insubordin a- n.The U.S. Supreme Court upheld � jury verdict in White's favor holding it the anti -retaliation ban of Title VII the Civil Rights Act is not restricted -discriminatory employer actions that ect terms and conditions of eiriploy- ent, but also extends to materially verse non -employment-related dis- inrinatory actions that might dissuade asor - workers from making or sup- )rtii. discrimination charge. Bri1-1- )tol? Northern & Santa Fe Railimy Co. 14 Itite, 126 S. Ct. 2405 (2006). ORT LAW aprovement to real property ietz stied several defendants for injuries tat occurred when construction work- s installed a utility -pole support anchor St. Cloud and a gas line was pierced. he defendant-, argued they could not e sued because the lawsuit had not cen filed within the ovo-year statute ,f limitations applicable to injuries aused by an improvement to real +roperty tinder Minn. Star. § 541.051, ubd. 1.(a). Lietz argued the oxo -year catute of limitations was not applicable Because the anchor was not an "irriprove- aent to real property" since it -,,ras not '0111pletely installed at the time of the Xcident,and the damages arose out of Iegligent construction activities.The Amiresota Supreme Court ruled against ,ietz, holding that an object need not )e completely installed to qualify as an 'improvement to real property" and that teghLyence during installation can lead .o t �fective and unsafe condition of to ii-,foventent to real property. Lietz J',jortliern States Poticr Company, 718 N.W2d 865 (Minn, 2006). C O N S T I T U T I O N A L. LAW Billboards Advantage Media sued Eden Prairie after it denied Advantage's applica- tions for 14 large billboards.Advan- tage claimed the city's sign code was unconstitutionally overbroad because it favors commercial over noncommercial speech and some types of noncommer- cial speech over others, thereby chilling protected expression without being nar- rowly tailored to a compelling govern- ment interest. Advantage argued that because certain parts of the sign code were unconstitutional, the entire code should be declared invalid even if the city had denied Advantage's applications based on constitutional provisions. Tire U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8"' Cir- cuit ruled in the city's favor, concluding that Advantage did not have standing to sue because its constitutional rights ,,,,,ere not violated.The court of appeals reasoned that the sign code was "sev- erable" and that the fact that it might contain certain unconstitutional provi- sions did not invalidate its constitutional provisions. Advantage Media, LLC v City of Eden Prairie, F.3d (8"' Cir. 2006). L A N D U S E Annexation Waite Park and St. Joseph Township adopted a joint resolution for orderly annexation under Minn. Star. X414.0325. The resolution provided different condi- tions tinder which the city could annex township land and provided (as autho- rized by the statute) that if the conditions were satisfied, consideration by the Min- nesota Office ofAdirrinistrative Flear- ings (Municipal Boundary Adjustments) was unnecessary.The city subsequently submitted a resolution for annexation to Municipal Boundary Adjustments after receiving an annexation petition from 100 percent of the property own- ers of property within an area covered by the agreement (one of the: condi- tions triggering the right to annexation). Municipal Boundary Adjustments refused NI I N N r _S 0 1- A C f I- I ES to order the annexation, and, instead, ordered additional administrative hearings. The MN Court ofAppcals ruled in the city's favor, holding it had properly peti- tioned for and was granted a mandamus order from the district court compeDing Municipal Boundary Adjustments to order the annexation without conducting further hearings. City of TlKiite Park, v. Alitim Office qfAdtiiiijistrative Hearings, A05-1888 (Minn. Ct. App.July 18, 2006) (unpublished decision). Note: LMC filed an amicus brief in the city's support, ent Special assess M s Eden Prairie and the Bearmans entered into a special -assessment agreement at the Bearmans' request where the city would complete certain improvements that would benefit the Bearmans' prop- erty, which would be subject to a special assessment in the amount of the cost of the improvernents.The city recorded the agreement, which provided that the agreed -to assessment shall be a lien on the property. Subsequently, the Met- ropolitan Airports Commissions con- denined the Bearmans' property.The Bearmans claimed they were entitled to the full conderrination award with- out first reimbursing the city for the assessment costs because the assessments were not a valid lien on the property, The MN Court of Appeals ruled in the Bearmans' favor holding that the special- assessruent agreement was not sufficient to constitute a lien on the property, and that a lien will not exist tinder the special -assessment LiN,,,s until a city has adopted a resolution adopting the spe- cial assessment as required by Minn. Stat, § 429.061, subd. 2. i'vIetropolitan Airports Coni'its v. Bearniaii, 716 NW2d 403 (Minn. Ct. App. 2006). Note: The city has petitioned the MN Supreme Court to review this decision. H/ritten by Susaii iNauclitoii, research aac)r- it(,y ii1ith the LxcTue ()f Yllliaiiesota Cities. Phone: (6.51) 281-1232. E-ijiail: simuglita@yhiss. oT, 0 c r () ti E i�, 2 0 o 47 11 Council Agenda: 11/27/06 9. Consideration of approving proposed fee increases for 2007 and setting a public hearing date to adopt an ordinance approving the 2007 fee scbedule. In 2006 because of changes in state statutes, the City was required to conduct a public hearing and adopt a resolution setting forth the amount that the City collects for various fees and pen -nits. For 2007 it is proposed that the public hearing adopting the fee schedule will be held on December 11th however, we are submitting the proposed 2007 fee schedule with this agenda so that the Council has an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed fees prior to conducting the public hearing. The proposed changes are shown in italics on the attached schedule. Staff has asked all department heads to review the fee schedule and note any changes they were recommending. Also attached is a memo from WSB & Associates, Inc. addressing potential trunk fee modifications for 2007. Review the proposed fee schedule and approve these amounts for the basis of the ordinance amendment setting the fees for 2007. 2. Direct staff to do additional study or make modifications of the fees as directed by the Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As indicated city staff has reviewed the existing fees and have made changes they felt appropriate. Unless there is a specific concern of the Council regarding the fees, which would require additional research, the City Administrator would recommend approval of the proposed fees subject to holding the public hearing on December I I'h and adopting the required ordinance. Proposed 2007 Fee Schedule Memo from WSB & Associates, Inc. A WSBInfrastructure ® Engineering a Planning s Construction ANNNONNOML & Associates Inc. To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Jeff ONeill, City Administrator Bruce Westby, City Engineer City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, PE Date: November 22, 2006 Re: Trunk Fee Modificationsfor 2007 City of Monticello Project No. 2005-09C WSB Project No. 1494-05 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 In consideration of the proposed fee schedule changes for 2007 and in light of the reduction in residential housing, we have evaluated the status of the sanitary sewer and water main trunk funds. The current assumptions for residential growth and the revised projections for use in the calculation are as follows: Year 2007 2008 2009 2010-2015 2016-2035 Current 300 units/yr. 300 units/yr. 300 units/yr. 300 units/yr. 380 units/yr. Proposed 80 units/yr, 150 units/yr. 225 units/yr, No change No change While we do not know what will happen with the residential market, it is not likely to return to the anticipated 300 units/yr. quickly, We did not modify the commercial and industrial expectations, but we do expect that our Current assumptions are low based on 2006 and the possibility of upcoming projects. In addition to the revenue modifications, we have also made some changes to the expectation of when projects will be completed and costs incurred, C\Documents and Settings\dawn grossinger'Local SettingslTempoiary Intemet Fi1cs\0LK3\,MFNi10-HN1CC-1 12206 doc 49 Memorandum to Honorable Mayor, City Council, Jeff O'Neill, and Bruce Westby November 22, 2006 Page 2 of 2 We have evaluated the following scenarios: This scenario is based on a CIP that is adjusted to account for the shared growth by moving sorne major improvements to a later date. With this scenario, the sanitary sewer and waste water treatment plan funds do not cash flow. A remedy for this would be to increase the SAC by eight percent and delay the SAC transfer to the WWTP fund a few more years or do a combination of increasing the trunk fee by ten percent and the SAC by six percent. This scenario assumes that there will be increased revenues in 2007 due to some projects that are moving forward and also includes the CIP adjustments. With this scenario, the trunk fee increase could be reduced to eight percent with a similar SAC increase. While this information needs some additional study, it appears that the following increases may be necessary: Storm Water 4% or $3,245/net acre $7,277/acre commercial Ponding 4% or $8,503/acre industrial $3,630/acre residential i Water M ain 4% or I $907/residential unit $2,267/acre non-residential Sanitary Sewer 8% or $1,223/residential unit $3,056/acre non-residential SAC 6% or $4,030/unit We will make a more formal recommendation prior to the first meeting in January. Please contact me at 763-287-7190 if you have any questions. sm C:\Documentsand Settiiigs',daNvp.,grossingee,LocalSetlijigs\TemporarylntcmetFiles`OLK3\�MEMO-HMCC-112206.doc 50 Fine Barking: First offense Repeat offense Boarding Fee: Commercial Kennel Permit: Dog License: Altered Pet Unaltered Pet Altered Pet Unaltered Pet Late Fee Replacement Tag Euthanization/Disposal Fee Feces Pickup: First offense Repeat offense Fine: Running at Large: First offense Second offense Third offense If impounded CITY OF MONTICELLO PROPOSED 2007 FEE SCHEDULE Written/oral warning $25 $12/per day + tax $95/year $10 - 2 years $15 - 2 years $5.00 - I year $7.50 - I year $5 $ 1 $32 per animal + tax Written/oral warnij $10 + tax $25 + tax Licensed Unlicensed $25 $35 $35 $45 $50 $60 Add boarding fee (plus tax) Assessment Fees: Building Valuation $499,999 or le,, $25 Building Valuation $500,000 or m($1 00 Building Inspection (non -permit related): Building Permit Fees: Building Permit Surcharge: Contractor License Check Fee: Building Permit/Records - Duplicate Blight Processing Fee $50/hour 106% of 1997 State recommended schedule .0005 of building value (State mandated) $25 $50/hour $25 Demolition Permit: 106% of 1997 State recommended schedule Permit is issued under a building permit (follow same procedures as issuing a building permit). Prior to demolition pen -nit issuance verify with Public Works. Contractor must arrange disconnection: 1) Sanitary sewer; 2) City water & retrieve water mater and 3) approve routing for trucks and heavy equipment, (if applicable). Excavation permit may also be required. 0 Grading Permit & Restoration Surety $150 per permit + a deposit equal to grading plan review costs as estimated by the City Engineer (includes land use reclamation and mining) + a deposit of $3,000/acre for restoration Grading Permit& Restoration Surety/Development $150 per permit + $3,000/acre deposit for restoration Mechanical Permits: Residential $45 base + $9/fixture Commercial $75 base + $9/fixture Mechanical Surcharge $.50 (State mandated) Mobile Home Permit $95 Moving Buildings: $150 + expense + demolition permit Plan Review: 65% of building permit fee Plumbing Permits: Residential $45 base + $9/fixtu "Fixture includes such things as traps, Commercial $75 base + $9/fixtu toilets, floor drains, sinks and showers Plumbing Surcharge: $,50 (State mandated) Sign Permits: Permanent $50 for first $1,000 of value; $10 each (minimum fee $25) $1,000 of value Sign Permits: Temporary $25 State Surcharge on Building Permits: Valuation of Structure Addition or Alteration Surcharge Computation $ 1,000,000 or less - .0005 x valuation $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 - $500 + .0004 x (Value - $ 1,000,000) $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 - $900 + .0003 x (Value - $2,000,000) $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 - $1200 +.0002 x (Value - $3,000,000) $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 - $1400 + .0001 x (Value - $4,000,000) Greater than $5,000,000 $1500 +.005 x (Value - $5,000,000) Utility Locate Fee: Residential $35 Commercial/Industrial $50 IWWF-37�� Grave Fee: (Effective 11/1/02) Resident Non -Resident Full Grave (4'x IT) Flush Market Area $650 $850 Full Grave (4'x12') Raised Marker Area $700 $900 Infant Grave (2'x6') $200 $200 Cremation Grave (4'x4') $300 $400 Grave Transfer Fee $15 Excavation Fee: Weekday $400 Weekend $430 Infant Grave Excavation - Weekday $100 - Weekend $125 Cremation Grave Excavation - Weekday $80 - Weekend $105 Grave StakinL317ee: $25 Perpetual Care Fee: Licensed through State of Minnesota New Grave Sales Included in grave price (Maint. Not taxable - Plant Care Taxable) Grave Sold Pre -1960 $100 Administrative Fee: $50 FIRE DEPARTMENT Building Burn $2,500 Emergency Response - Car Accident $500 Alarm Policy - First Time No charge Second Tinte $150 Third Time $350 LICENSESIMISC PERMITS Burning Permit: $250 deposit to cover expenses if PW/Fire Dept. are called to bum site. Cigarette License: Tobacco licenses are issued by Wright County Excavation Permit $30 Gambling License: Licensed through State of Minnesota Liquor: I Day Consumption & Display $25 Temporary On -Sale (Beer) $10/day Wine, On -Sale $275/per year Wine/Strong Beer Comb. On -Sale $1,200/per year Wine/3.2 Beer Com. On -Sale $500/per year 3/2 Beer, On -Sale $275/year 3.2 Beer, Off -Sale $100/per year Liquor, On -Sale $3,750/per year Liquor, Sunday Sales $200 (Statutory limit) Liquor, Setups $250/year Liquor,Club (Veteran's Org), Membership_ 200 or less $300 (Statutory limit) 201-500 $500 (Statutory limit) 501-1000 $650 (Statutory limit) 1001-2000 $800 (Statutory limit) 2001-4000 $1,000 (Statutory limit) Over 4000 $2,000 (Statutory limit) Pawn Shop: $25 annual license + $1.50 per billable transaction 'Transient Merchant: Daily fees, independent merchant: $50/day + $3.50 application fee Daily fees, farm/garden fruits & vegetables (from 6/15 to 9/15) No fee Annual fees, private premise $75/year + $3.50 application fee Fireworks Sale $350/year 53 Transient Merchant: Daily fees operating under annual pen -nit Traveling Shows MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Annexation Study: Assessment Search (Written) Bus Punch Cards Punch card (22 rides) Business List Brochures: $10/day + $3.50 application fee $100/first day; $50/day for each day thereafter $22.50 + tax $25 $20 $5 + tax Free City resident list:(Utility Billing List) 0-10 pages $.10/page + tax City resident list: (Utility Billing List) 11-50 pages $.15/page + tax City resident list: (Utility Billing List) 51-100 pages $.20/page + tax City resident list: (Utility Billing List) 101-150 page,, $.25/page + tax Customized Reports to be by quote Comprehensive Guide Plan - Entire Downtown Revitalization Plan Parks Comprehensive Plan Copies on copy machine Copies on engineering copier Delinquent Certification Processing Fee Deposits on City Repair Projects Garbage Carts -Residential: 90 gallon 60 gallon 38 gallon Garbage Service Fees - Apts: w/o dumpsters Pickup Disposal Disposal Surcharge $32 plus tax $15 plus tax $15 plus tax $.25 per copy (tax included) $1.00/small sheet; $3.00/large sheet (tax included) $50 $100-$330 (depending on est. value of work) $4.12 per quarter (incl. 9.75% tax) $3.29 per quarter (incl. 9.75% tax) $2.96 per quarter (incl.9.75% tax) $1890 x # units + 9.75% tax/per quarter $3.48 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter Garbage Service Fees - Commercial Residential & Non -Commercial Residential 60 gallon: Pickup Disposal Disposal Surcharge Garbage Cart 90 gallon: Pickup Disposal Disposal Surcharge Garbage Cart Garbage Cart Replacement (If lost) 38 - gallon 60 - gallon 90 - gallon $15.93 x # units + 9.75% tax/per quarter $2.31 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter $3.29 x # units (incl. 9.75% tax) per quarter $18.90 x # units + 9.75% tax/per quarter $3.48 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter $4.12 x # units (incl. 9.75% tax) per quarter $59.06 + 9.75% tax $65.31 + 9.75% tax $70.75 + 9.75% tax W Lock Box: $157.00 + tax Maps: City map (large) $3 (includes tax) City map (small) $1 (includes tax) Zoning map $3 (includes tax) State maps $.55 (includes tax) Wright County maps $3 (includes tax) Monticello Pins: $3.00 + tax Minutes/Agendas: Faxed $5.00/set + tax Mailed $7.00/set + tax Notary: $1 Recycling Bins: (Sales tax paid at purchase; city is end user and owns the bins) Residential, set of 3 (tote -yellow not available) Price per bin - Old Style $12.64 Set of 3 $37.92 Res. Large blue container (RC2000) Price per bin $8.00 (City covers 1/2 cost for new homes $4.00) Wheels Kit $6.25 Apt - Roll -around cart $36 (Equals 1/2 cost) Apt - Blue Recycling Container,individual $8.15 (Wheel kit $6.25; lid $2.65) Signs: ORDINANCE BOOKS Entire set of ordinances Individual Ordinance Sections: Zoning Ordinance Subdivision Ordinance City Code Sanitary Sewer Assessment Policy PLANNING/ZONING Administrative Permits - (Seasonal Sales/ home occupations) Conditional Use Permit Current listed price + tax $40 plus tax $20 plus tax $8 plus tax $20 plus tax $5 plus tax $2.50 plus tax $25 $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Home Occupation Permits: Administrative Permit $10 Special Permit (similar to conditional use permit) $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Interim Use Permit: $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) M Park Dedication (residential) An amount of land equal to ten percent (10%) of the total gross land area of the plat shall be presumptively defined as "reasonably commensurate." In the event that the subdivider objects to the ten percent (10%) standard, the City shall, at the developer's request and expense, conduct a specific dedication study of the park system and the demand placed on the system by the proposed plat. (Alt: For purposes of this Section, an amount of land equal to one (1) acre for each75 persons in the subdivision shall be presumptively defined as "reasonably commensurate." To estimate the population of the subdivision, a household size of 3.5 persons per unit for single familyhomes and 2.5 persons per unit for attached housing shall be used. Cash: $3,500 per unit. Parking Fund (CCD District) $4,500 per stall Plat Subdivisions: $300 + deposit as follows: Commercial JResidential 0-3 acres I $2,000 11 unit J$500 14-10 acres ( $6,000 12-10 units x$150 per unit 11+ acres 1 $10,000 111+ units J$100 per unit PUD's: Planned Unit Dev. $200 + deposit as follows: Commercial Residential 0-3 acres $2,000 11 unit $500 r 4-10 acres $6,000 12-10 units J$150 per unit 11+ acres $10,000 111+ units J$1 00 per unit Rezoning Request: $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Seasonal Outdoor Sales License: $150 per 60 day license Simple Subdivision $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Street Vacation: $150 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Trail Fund: $248/per unit Variance: Setback Variance $500 for single family requests All Other Variances $20 + $500 deposit for all other requests Chipping: Constriction Inspection (City or Engineer) Dutch Elm Disease Tree Removal $30 + tax per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the first 2 hours $60 + tax per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the next hour No more than 3 hours per year per property $71 /hour City will be responsible for 1/2 of cost of removal up to $225/per tree; resident responsible for bal. of cost + ta-v M Dutch Elm Replacement Tree at 1/2 cost Rodding: Sweeping: Vac/Sewer Jet SANITARY SEWER $30 maximum credit each $200/hour for one operator & machine $100/hour or part thereof for 2 operators, machine and pickup. $70 for first hour or portion thereof, $60/hour pro -rated thereafter. Includes operator. $250/hour for one operator & machine $300/hour for two operators & machine Sewer Rates: 0-500 cu. ft. 10.40 minimum $11.96 minimum Over 500 cu. ft. $1.87 per 100 cu. ft. $2.151100ef Sewer Rates: Special Cases $14.38 x # of people in househa $16.54 x # of people in household Industrial Sewer Rates: 0-500 cu. ft. $10 Over 500 cu. ft. .996/100 cu. ft. BODS: $.182/lb. TSS: $.248/lb Sewer Connection Permit: $65 (residential or commercial) Sewer and Water Combination Permit: $110 (residential) $110 plus tax (commercial) Sewer Access Charge: Residential - Single Family $3,802/Unit All others per unit equivalent $3,802 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Residential Unit $1,132/unit Non -Residential $2,830/per acre STORM SEWER Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: (Net acre) $3,120 Alternate Ponding Area -Commercial $6,997 per acre Alternate Ponding Area - Industrial $8,176 per acre Alternate Ponding Area - Residential $3,490 per acre Hydrant Rates for Contractors: 1. All contractors must obtain a permit no charge from the Water Superintendent. This pen -nit will define the hydrant to be used and provides a tally sheet for water usage. 2. The following rates shall apply: A. $20 minimum billing for up to 500 cu, ft. or 3,750 gallons. B. After the 3,750 gallons, the rate shall be $1:49 $1.94 per 100 cu. ft. or $-1:49 or $2.59 per 1,000 gallons. M 3. The following deposits shall be taken for use of City equipment (no exceptions): A. Hydrant Wrench B. 2-1/2" fill hose C. 1-1/2" fill hose with 2-1/2" adapter D. 2-1/2" hydrant meter E. 3/4" and small meter $15.00 $30.00 $50.00 $100 $50.00 $50.00 $250.00 $500 $75.00 $100 If equipment is returned on time in good condition, the full deposit (less 10% per month on portion thereof for rent) shall be refunded. (#1, #2 and #3 IS ALL TAXABLE IF COMMERCIAL) Trunk Water Charge: Water Rates: 0-500 cu.ft.. 500-4000 of over 4000 cf Water with Booster Station: 0-500 cu. ft. 500-4000 cf over 4000 cf Water Shut Off, then Turned On: Water Connection Permit: Water Access Charge: 1" line 1-1/4" line 1-1/2" line 2" line 3" line 4" line 6" line 8" line Water Main Tapping - New Services (I" only) Water Meters: 5/8" meter 3/4" meter 1" meter 1 1/2" meter 2" meter + up V Valves $872/Residential Unit $2,180 per acre non-residential $8.42 $10.26 $.54 per 100 cu. $.(taxable if non -res.) $.621100cf $325.00 + sales tax $.71/00 cf $12.44 $14.31 $1.35/100 cu$.. $1.55/100 cf 232.00 + sales tax $1.781100 cf $21 + delinquency (taxable if non -res.) $24.15+delinquency $55 (residential) $55 plus tax (commercial) $770 + materials $1,170 + materials $1,404 + materials $1,846 + materials $2,310 + materials $3,042 + materials $3831 + materials $5,030 + materials $250 each + materials $240.00 + sales tax $268 $280.00 + sales tax $307 $325.00 + sales tax $370 $550.00 + sales tax Same Cost + $50+ sales tax Same 232.00 + sales tax $29 Water Availability Charge $25/year $28.75/year (For those who have city water available but (Billed in July) choose not to hook up) iff Council Agenda - 1112712006 10. Review of City of Monticello Snow Plowin2/Removal Policy in Consideration of ChanecLs for the 2006/2007 Season. The Public Works Department has reviewed the Snow Plowing/Removal policy in regard to the 2006/2007 snow plowing season and has made the following changes in the policy. 1. Page 4, Section 7, Snow Emmaencv Routes. a. That portion of East 7t" Street from Washington Street to CSAR 18 has been added to the snow emergency route. b. The newly constructed roundabout at CSAR 18 and Meadow Oak Avenue has been added to the snow emergency route. 2. Page 5, Section 8, Method of Snow Plowing The round about is plowed jointly by the City and County. The following statement has been added to describe the responsibilities. "the City will plow the roundabout at CSAR 18 and Meadow Oak Avenue from the outside to the center. The County will plow to the outside. The plowing activities are shared." 3. Page 6, Section 12, Public Parking Lots; Minor descriptions have been changed to clarify areas. 4. Page 7, Section 13, Citv Maintained Sidewalks-, a. The sidewalk on the north side of the Liquor Store up against the building has been added. b. That small portion of Minnesota Street sidewalk that the City cleans has been better described. c. The new sidewalk along Otter Creek Road and West River Street to Craig Lane has been added. d. Asterisks have been added to sections of sidewalk which are used by young children walking to school. The City will make every attempt to coordinate the cleaning of these sidewalks with the needs of the school district and the children. 5. Page 9, Section 14, Citv Maintained Pathways, a. That section of pathway through the north end of Pioneer Park has been added so that pedestrians can get to the Fallon Avenue crosswalk from the south side of School Boulevard during the winter. a. The text that the 1-94 pedestrian bridge over 1-94 was closed, has been removed. b. The clarification of the Meadow Oak pathway being on the south side of the railroad tracks from Meadow Oak Avenue to Meadow Oak Drive has been added, c. That section of pathway from Oak Ridge Circle to Oak View Court along the north side of CSAH 18 was actually added during the last snow season. This is merely a clarification adding it to the formal policy. d. An asterisk has been added to the School Boulevard pathway system that the City will make every attempt to clear this pathway by the start of the school day for young children walking to school this will be coordinated with the school district. 6. Page 10, Section 15, Citv Maintained Skating Rinks-, As requested by residents of Groveland and approved by the Monticello Parks Commission, a general skating rink will be flooded and maintained at the Groveland Park. In Council Meeting -11/2712006 The above represents the formal changes to the 2006/2007 Snow Plowing/Removal Policy. The following are some additional suggested changes to the policy to be considered by the Council. The Public Works Director would like the City Council to consider adding: 1. Section 14, Citv Maintained Pathways, that section of pathway along the north side of East 7th Street that runs from Cedar Street to Washington. This section of pathway is often used by youngsters walking to the Middle School from the apartment complexes located on the north side of 7t" Street between Cedar Street and Washington Street. Clearing this pathway in the winter will allow a safer option for children and other pedestrians along this route. 2. Section 16. Damaze to Personal Prooerties, the City of Monticello reimburses residence for materials only for mailboxes and posts which are damaged by actual contact of City equipment, such as a plow. This policy does not have a limitation on the amount of costs the City will cover for an individual mail box . The Public Works Department would like the City Council to put a limit on the amount of money the City will pay for a mail box and post. We would like the City Council to establish a maximum they will pay for an individual mail box and post. We would recommend a limit of $150, which is well above what an average mail box and post would cost excluding installation which is not covered. 3. The last change which was suggested involves the methods of snow plowing on residential streets with sidewalks. It involves awareness by the drivers to slow down in areas where snow can be thrown on sidewalks especially in repeated passes. It also involves a little PR for residence so that residence will wait until snow plowing operations are complete before cleaning adjacent sidewalks. The first alternative would be to approve the policy with the changes including #1, 2, 3 from above. 2. The second alternative would be to make the changes as per City Council recommendations, It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and the Street Superintendent that the council approve alternative #1. Copy of the 2006/2007 Snow Plow/Removal Policy. M SUPPORTING DATA -AGENDA ITEM #10 CITY OF 'T I. ro Aam t, omh oxis irm, MONTiCELLO SNOW PLOWING/REMOVAL POLICY Effective November 10, 1997 Amended by the City Council January 10, 2005 Amended by the City Council December 12, 2005 The City of Monticello assumes basic responsibility for the control ofsnow and ice on city streets and city owned public parking lots. Reasonable snow and ice control is necessary for routine travel and emergency services. The city will provide such control in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The city will utilize city employees, city equipment and/or private contractors when necessary to provide this service. Through its adoption, the City Council ofMonticello is responsible for the policy established herein. Implementation ofthis policy is the responsibilityofthe Street Superintendentunderthe direction of the Public Works Director and City Administrator. The chain of command is the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent, in that order. Decisions as to time, method and materials used on snow plowing/removal operations will be made bythe Street Superintendent under the direction ofthe Public Works Director and City Administrator, and any amendments are to be in accoidance with amendrnent section of this policy. The Parks Department will supplement the efforts of the Street Department with primary responsibilities in parking lots, sidewalks, pathways and skating rinks. This work will be carried out bythe Park Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director and City Administrator. (Amended by Q1, Council 01110/2005) 1110-111914-11*1 M7 Any amendments to this policy require council approval. Whenever possible and practical, amendments should be brought up at council meetings and should be a matter ofpublic record. However, to allow for emergencies or other extenuating circumstaiices,wben time does not permit council approval or action, the Public Works Director is berebyautborized to amend any portion of this policy be sees fit. If practical, the City Administrator shall be notified and shall approve of any such amendment. Any such arnendri-tent made due to a particular emergency shall be brought to the attention of the council if the amendment is to be a permanent one. The city shall acquire, maintain, repair and replace equipment on a timely basis as the city's established budget shall allow. To provide for utilization of equipment in a cost effective manner, the city may use regular city ti Licks, motor graders, front-end loaders, snow blowers and any other regular equipment as maybe useful for control of snow and ice. Equipment that can be used only for snow and ice control shall be acquired and utilized only if deemed absolutely essential. Whenever existing snow removal heavy equipment is believed to be broken down for an excess of eight hours F:\ADMIN\Wor1lProo\POLICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY.wpd: 11/21/06 - PAGE 1 OF 11 - during a declared snow event and that piece of equipment is essential to snow plowing/ removal operations, the Street Superintendent may rent equipment. The Public Works Director shall be notified of this decision immediately. A written report to include equipment down, reason for renting, estimated rental period, rental company, rental machine identification, rental rate, and estimate of total cost shall be submitted within 48 hours. When the Street Superintendent determines that the policv levels of service cannot be Provided bv city forces. he shall report to the Public Works Director the following information: A. Additional time required to provide desired levels of service using just city forces. B. Additional equipment and/or personnel support required to achieve desired levels of service. C. Estimated number of hours equipment and/or personnel will be required. The Public Works Director will then take thefollowingaction: A. Determine availability of contractor equipment. B. Estimate cost of contracted service required. C. Determine availability of funds to meet estimated costs. D. Based on information supplied, the Public Works Director shall determine whether to contract for additional service or equipment, or accept reduced levels of service. If contracted service or equipment is secured, the Public Works Director shall Provide the City Administrator with a report containinp, the following information: A. Purpose of contracting snow plowing/removal. B. Estimated time and cost of contracted services. C. Time and date contract began. h -i the absence ofthe Public Works Director, the Street Superintendent shall have full authority under this section and shall conimunicateany decisions or actions resulting in extraordinary expenditures to the City Administrator. Scheduling of employees is the responsibilityofthe Street Superintendent under the direction oftbe Public Works Director. When conditions allow, work schedules shall be arranged to keep overtime at a minimum, with overtime scheduling being approved by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director shall notify the City Administrator of any unusual amount of overtime to be performed and the reasons. The following are minimum levels of service that can be expected. The city will strive to achieve better results if possible. FAA0MIN\WordProMPOL1CIES\SNOW PLOWING POLJCY.wpd: 11121106 -PAGE 2 OF 11 - Snow and/or ice control maybe terminated at anytime the Street Superintendent or his designee determine that rising or falling temperatures, visibility and/or the rate of accumulation make the control unsafe, ineffective or unnecessary. Should a subsequent storm occur within the minimum times for service, then such subsequent storm shall become the sto rin referred to in this policy. A. Snow removal and/or sanding operations shall beginwhen snow accumulation reaches 2" or when ice or snow pack occur on designated primary snow emergenev streets, and shall continue periodically throughout the duration of the storm. It is the intention of the City to keep these routes open to traffic, if possible, during a storm; however, it is not the intent to keep them snow or ice free. B. All designated secondary snow emergency streets shall be open to traffic (two lanes) within eight (8) hours after the snow stonn subsides. C. All remaining non emergency through streets shall be open to 2 -lane traffic within 12 hours after the snowstonn subsides. Parking lot snow maybe piled for removal and removed after snow is hauled from the Broadway median and all streets are widened curb to curb where possible. The snow plowing operations in the commuter parking lots shall be started by 4 a.m. whenever weather conditions allow. D. Allpublic streets such as dead ends and cul-de-sacs shall be open to traffic within sixteen (16) hours after a snowstonn subsides. E. Downtown Broadway, from 150 feet east ofLinn Street to 150 feet east of Cedar Street shall be plowed, to the center median. The Street Superintendent or his designee may elect to plow downtown streets during evening or earlymorning hours to avoid traffic and parked vehicles. Other downtown streets will be plowed outward. City owned parking lots and alleys inblocks 34, 35 and 52 are plowed by 8 a.m. after a 2" accumulation of snow (see Section 12). (Amended by City Council 011101-7005) F. Downtown snow hauling including the halfblock ofWalnut south ofBroadway, ifnecesnary, shall begin by the next morn ing after all streets have been plowed and the crews are rested. Hauling shall not be conducted Friday evening or Saturday evening unless abnormal conditions warrant same. (Amended by City Council 0111012005) G. Salt and sand operations shall provide bare pavement on driving lanes when conditions allow for all primary snow emergencyroutes, skid resistance at school crossings, stop signs and isolated icy areas. General snowpack on residential streets shall not be sanded. 1-1. Snow depth at the corners of intersections shall be reduced to 36" or less following other necessary snow plowing and removal operations. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall have the authority to determine the scheduling and priority of this function. 1. Certain county highways within the city are maintained by the city and fall under county maintenance agreements. FAADMINkWordProcIPOLICIMSNOW PLOWING POLICY,wpd, 11121/06 -PAGE 3 OF 11 - CSAH 39 WEST FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING TO CSAH 75 WEST BROADWAY FROM WILLOW STREET TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE WALNUT STREET FROM WEST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET HART BOULEVARD FROM MISSISSIPPI SHORES TO WW TP TO CSAH 75 EAST WASHINGTON STREET FROM EAST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET 7TH STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO—Ac�ulnln rnr l STREET 6TH STREET FROM THE FIRE HALL TO TH 25: INCLUDING FIRE HALL PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAYS SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM TH 25 TO CSAH 18 1 (Amended by Citv Council 1211 2/2 0 0 5) ELM STREET FROM CSAH 39 WEST TO 6TH STREET WEST 6TH STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO THE FIRE HALL CEDAR STREET FROM RIVER STREET TO 7TH STREET 3RD STREET FROM CHESTNUT ST TO WASHINGTON ST SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM TH 25 TO DEEGAN AVENUE DEEGAN AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BLVD TO COMMUTER PARKING LOT CHELSEA ROAD FROM CSAH 18 TO CR 39 WEST RIVER STREET FROM THE NSP BALLFIELDS TO THE NURSING HOME ENTRANCE FAADMIN\WordProc\POLICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY.wpd: 11121/06 -PAGE 4 OF 11 - OTTER CREEK ROAD FROM CSAH 75 TO RIVER STREET WEST OAKWOOD DRIVE EAST FROM T.H. 25 TO INCLUDE THE CUL-DE-SAC (Amended by City Council 1211212005) ff, 1", py 1" 1111, Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize traffic obstructions. With the exception ofthat section of Broadwaypreviouslymentioned, the snow will be plowed from the center ofthe street outward. For narrow streets or other streets when conditions require, the Street Superintendent orhis designee may choose to plow from one side to the other. Snow shall be plowed and pushed from left to right and discharged on the edge of the street or on adjacent right-of-way without regard for sidewalks and/or driveways. The City shall not be responsible for plowing snow from any private driveways or sidewalks. Where space does not allow for snow to be pushed or piled outside the driving lanes, the city will remove the snow by hauling. Timing of such hauling shall beat the discretion of the Street Superintendent or his designee. Snow will be windrowed along the south curb on Chelsea Road between Highway 25 and Sandberg Road and hauled when the windrow reaches 2 feet in height to reduce snow pushed on to the sidewalk. (Amended by Citv Council 1211212005) Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of employees or equipment, and operations are effective. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, limited visibility and rapid accumulation of snow and/or ice. 11 i �111!41N-111' lt I I 111111j, Dispatching of equipment shall be determined by the Street Superintendent or his designee. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall monitor weather conditions and forecasts to aid in dispatch decisions. Plowing and/or sanding operations may occur during the assigned work shift or on a specific situation call out. Ifthe specific situation is on a primary snow emergencyroute, the response shall be as soon as possible if workers and equipment are available and it is more than four hours until a work shift is to begin. Once a work shift has ended, the Street Superintendent or his designee has the discretion ofresponding immediatelyto other specific situations or waiting, in the case of non -emergencies, until a now work shift begins. For emergencyvehicles responding to emergency situations (fire, medical, police) withinthe city, necessary workers and equipment will be dispatched as soon as possible. The Street Superintendent orhis designee shall keep the Public Works Director informed of start, progress and end of full scale plowing operations. FAADMINkWordProc\POLICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY.wpd 11121/06 - PAGE 5 OF 11 - PLOWING TO BEGIN BY 4 A.M. COMMUTER PARKING LOT INCLUDING SCHOOL BLVD FROM TH 25 WEST TO DEEGAN AVE AND DEEGAN AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BLVD TO COMMUTER PARKING LOT MAMEMMALIMM COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOTS WEST AND SOUTH LOTS (Amended by City Council 12/12/2005) CITY HALL PARKING LOT HI -WAY LIQUOR PARKING LOT DEPUTY REGISTRAR/MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING LOT BLOCK 34 BY ZOO AND 'A'RIGi IT GU` TOM 1 10M ELEGTRE)NIGST 216 PINE STREET BLOCK 35 WALNUT & 3RD STREET PARKING LOT sigr lot for 24-hour parking to aid in timely snow removal and other seasonal maintenance) BLOCK 42 BY 1w���uLr1( L G'S , n nnr-r --INE BER (Amended by City Council 12/12/2005) FIRE HALL PARKING LOT PUBLIC LIBRARY PARKING LOT PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND OFFICE PARKING LOTS, ANIMAL SHELTER PARKING LOT (plowed by Sewer/Water Department) 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT (plowed by Sewer/Water Department) EAST BRIDGE AND WEST BRIDGE PARK PARKING LOTS FAADMINM.,dP1-\POLICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY wpd: 11/21/06 - PAGE 6 OF 11 - EAST BROADWAY SOUTH SIDE BETWEEN THE ZOO AND BOB'S BARBER SHOP 'WEST BROADWAY SOUTH SIDE FROM 906 BROADWAY TO BROADWAY KWIK STOP 3RD STREET WEST NORTH SIDE FROM GUYER'S BUILDERS SUPPLY, 211 PINE ST TO WALNUT STREET `EAST BROADWAY SOUTH SIDE FROM PALM STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET WEST BROADWAY ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM CHESTNUT STREET TO LINN STREET WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH AT 494 WEST BROADWAY 'EAST BROADWAY ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM 731 E. BROADWAY TO PALM ST. TO DAYTON ST. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF KEN'S SERVICE AT 743 E. BROADWAY LIBRARY SOUTH SIDE 6T" STREET FROM WALNUT TO LOCUST WEST SIDE WALNUT FROM 6T" TO DRIVEWAY EAST BRIDGE PARK BITUMINOUS PATHWAY AT THE SLIDING HILL HI -WAY LIQUOR WEST SIDE T.H. 25 FROM 5T" TO 6T" AND NORTH SIDE 6T" FROM T.H. 25 TO INCLUDE SECOND DRIVEWAY INTO LIQUOR PARKING LOT, INFORMATION CENTER SW CORNER ON TH 25 & CSAH 75 TO ALLEY INCLUDING PRIME AMERICA 3RD STREET EAST DEPUTY REGISTRAR/PARKING LOT NORTH SIDE FROM WRIGHT G'_l&TGM4+GME E1 E6TROnnISn 216 PINE STREET TO CEDAR STREET *3rd STREET WEST SOUTH SIDE OF 3RD STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO MAPLE STREET RIVER STREET WEST STEPS AT SOUTH SIDE OF RIVER STREET ON WALNUT STREET ELM STREET WEST SIDE FROM GOLF COURSE ROAD TO BROADWAY CARDINAL HILLS PARK SIDEWALK RUNNING THROUGH PARK FROM MARTIN DRIVE TO SCHOOL BLVD F:IAOMIN1W.,dPm TOLICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY wpd: 11721/06 -PAGE 7 OF 11 - CEDAR STREET EAST SIDE AT RR CROSSING WALNUT STREET EAST SIDE PARKING LOT, ALLEY TO 3RD STREET, FROM WELLS FARGO DRIVEWAY TO RR TRACKS WASHINGTON STREET EAST SIDE FROM RR CROSSING TO 7T" STREET MINNESOTA STREET EAST SIDE AT gLg 7T" STREET AND NEIN 7T" STRFE1 WEST BROADWAY NORTH SIDE AT 111 WEST BROADWAY COMMUTER PARKING LOT BUS SHELTER AND SIDEWALK MEADOW OAK AVENUE ADJOINING FREEWAY FIELDS COMMUNITY CENTER WEST SIDE OF WALNUT STREET FROM RR CROSSING TO 6T" STREET AND NORTH SIDE OF 6T" STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO FIRE HALL GROVELAND PARK SAVANNAH & INNSBROOK ALONG PARK (Amended by City Council 12/12/2005, Sidewalks Cleared With City Assistance: 1.) South side of Broadway from the Broadway Kwik Stop to and including the Peterson Grimsmo Chapel at 250 EastBroadway, and the North side of West and East Broadway from Linn Street to Palm Street including Trinity Lutheran Church at 449 West Broadway. Also the north side of East Broadway in front of 731 and 743 East Broadwaynear Washington Street. The City will make one (1) pass with a snow blower each time its snow blower is used on the adjacent West and East Broadway sidewalks. The City will not broom or apply sand/salt to this sidewalk in the commercial area. F'\ADMIN\WordP,.c\POLICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY.wpd: 11/21706 -PAGE 8 OF 11 - 2.) Sidewalks on the east and west sides of Highway 25 from River Street to Oakwood Drive: The city will assist Mn/DOT when they request, by providing one (1) operator or one (1) driver and a 12 -cubic yard dump truck to help remove snow from sidewalks put there by Mn/DOT plows. CHELSEA ROAD SOUTH SIDE FROM SANDBERG TO INNSBROOK CSAH 75 FROM WEST RIVER STREET TO PINEWOOD ELEMENTARY CSAH 75 FROM MONTI MIDDLE SCHOOL AT THE HOSPITAL SIGNAL LIGHTS TO MEADOW OAK AVE SCHOOL BOULEVARD TH 25 FROM EDMONSON AVE TO CR 18 EXCEPT THE SOUTH SIDE FROM FALLON TO CARDINAL HILLS PARK EAST SIDE FROM KJELLBERG'S TO OAK WOOD DRIVE SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM EDMONSON AVE TO T.H. 25 SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM TH 25 TO DEEGAN AVENUE 2009 ISETEA PATHWAY SYSTEM INCLUDING 1-94 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FROM CSAH 75, SOUTH TO SCHOOL BLVD TO THE EAST THRU MEADOW OAK TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE *NOTE; T CLEAREDTHIS YEAR DUE—TO CONSTRUCTI0W MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE (Amended by City Council 12/12/2005,, The Pathways shall be cleared to a min. width of 6' within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with snow accumulation of 1/2" or more on the pathway. Work on the pathways immediately adjacent to major highways or thorough fairs will not begin until the adjacent roadway is plowed and widened. Pathways shall be blown clear and/or broomed as necessary to provide a surface deemed safe for pedestrian traffic. It is expected that the bituminous surface shall be visible in many areas along the pathway. Pathways designated for snow removal which are used for student pedestrian travel to and from the schools shall be cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snow event provided any immediate adjacent major roadway is cleared and widened first. (Amended by City Council 0111012005) P:\ADMIN\WordProc\POLICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY wpd: 11/21/06 -PAGE 9 OF 11 - 15. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RINKS 4TH STREET PARK (2) HOCKEY RINKS One of the hockey rinks is used for general skating VTWE�.� 1 (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK Within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with an accumulation of more than 11" of snow, all three rinks shall be plowed or blown clear and then broomed. All snow shall be removed from within the hockey rink area and no accumulations of snow should be left around the inside of the boards. Care should be used not to throw or pile snow on walkways. For any event between one-tenth of an inch to an inch of snow, all three rinks shall be broomed within 36 hours after the end ofthe snow event. Again, accumulation or ridges of snow around the inside of the hockey boards must be removed. (Amended by City Council 1211212005) BRXIBV�111 �101 Only those mailboxes or other personal properties which are installed properly and allowed by city ordinance to be on the boulevard and are dama2edbv actual contact with city equipment, will be considered for compensation at city expense. Compensation for mailboxes and posts shall be for materials only. Damage to trees, shrubbery and other landscaping will not be considered for compensation unless located beyond the boulevard or private property. The city will re -seed plow disturbed areas of the boulevard in the summer months when staffing and workload permits. Damage to personal vehicles will be considered only ifthey are legallyparked and only ifphysicallycontacted by equipment. Unless there is direct benefit to city operations or unless emergency vehicles need access, there shall be no plowing of private property with city equipment. The citywi 11 keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy. This policy will be reviewed periodically. Any review will consider comments or complaints received since the last review. FMDNIINXW.rdP.C\POL1CIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY wPd: 11/21106 -PAGE 10 OF 11 - The Wright County Sheriff's Department will rigorously enforce portions ofthe parking ordinances beginning November 15 through April 15, as follows: Parking and stopping* Except for the City ofMonti cello or Wright County on its own right of ways, no person shall utilize anyportion of any local public right ofway, including the traveled street, boulevard or public parking lot for the storage or parking of any object or material which is not a licensed, operable motor vehicle, passenger vehicle or motorcycle as defined by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, S ubd. 3, 3a and 4, except as may be explicitly penuitted on a temporary period of time by the City Council or its designated representative. Properly licensed, operator motor vehicles, passenger vehicles and motorcycles may be parked in the public street where permitted but not on the boulevard portion ofthe public right ofway subject to the further requirements of local parking regulations and applicable Minnesota Statutes. A trailer of any type properly licensed or not is not considered a motor vehicle or part thereof when disconnected from its tow vehicle. It shall be unlawful for the owner and/or driver of a motor vehicletostop, stand, or park the said vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other trafficorin compliance with the directions of a peace officer or traffic control devices: On any street or roadwaybetween the hours of two o'clock (2:00) am. and six o'clock (6:00) a.m. from November 15 through April 15, except physicians on emergency calls. Parking in regard to snow plowing and/or removal: After a snowfall, all streets in the eityofMonticello shall be cleared of all motor vehicles andparts thereof for the purposes of snow plowing and/or removal until all streets are plowed. Any motor vehicle or parts thereof left on any street or boulevard in the city of Monticello in such a way as to impede the performance of the city and/or state snowplow shall be dealt with under the Penalty Code No. 1-4-1 (a fine of up to $300 and/or imprisonment in a city or county jail for a period not to exceed 90 days). The Wright County Sheriff's Department will rigorouslyenforce portions of the city ordinance in regard to use of the sidewalks/pathways by snowmobiles, ATV'S and other motorized vehicles. Restrictions: It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile: On any sidewalks or pathways in the cityof Monticello provided for pedestrian and/or bicycle travel. F:\ADMIN\WorciP,.ckPOLICIES\SNOW PLOWING POLICY.wpd: 11121106 -PAGE 11 OF 11 - Council Agenda -11/27/2006 11. Consideration of proposals for lip-htin2 East 7 th Street and Hiahland Wav within t Rvan Development, Citv Proiect #2006-25C. Based upon previous council action, I drafted a request for proposals for street lighting for East 7th Street and Highland Way within the Ryan Development. In the request for proposals I used the standard specifications for the rectilinear 250 watt high pressure sodium fixtures and a painted aluminum pole with screw in heavy duty galvanized bases. I asked for one proposal using a nine light system and a second proposal using six new lights and reusing the three Ryan lights on Highland Way, either at their existing locations or at their new locations based upon the City's lighting plan. The request for proposals were sent to both Xcel Energy and Wright Hennepin Electric and were due Tuesday, November 21, 2006. We received a proposal from each one of the utility companies. The following is a summary of those proposals: CONTRACTOR I NIL CITY PROJECT #2006-25C M1109MAU (9 NEW POLES) (6 NEW POLES, 3 EXISTING) A. WINTER COMPLETION B. SPRING COMPLETION A. WINTER COMPLETION B. SPRING COMPLETION 1. WRIGHT HENNEPIN ELECTRIC $ 78,937.00 3/1/2007 $ 73,024.00 5/15/2007 $ 73,918.00 3/1/2007 $ 66,391.00 5/15/2007 P.O. BOX 330 ROCKFORD, IVIN 55373 2. XCEL ENERGY NO BID 825 RICE STREET 'ST. PAUL, IVIN 55117 $ 101,270,00 SPRING 2007 NO BID $ 92,500.00 SPRING 2007 OPTION WITH #4 GAUGE WIRE OPTION WITH #4 GAUGE WIRE A. WINTER (COMPLETION B. SPRING COMPLETION A. WINTER COMPLETION B. SPRING (COMPLETION 3. WRIGHT HENNEPIN ELECTRIC $ 81,504.00 3/1/2007 $ 75,013.00 5/1512007 $ 75,61100 3/1/2007 $ 68,092.00 5/15/2007 P.O. BOX330 ROCKFORD, IVIN 55373 Based upon the above summary, the lowest cost proposal would be from Wright Hennepin Electric for spring construction of a six new light system and reusing the existing three lights on Highland Way from Ryan at the City's proposed locations at a total cost of $66,391. Utilizing the $30,000 from the Ryan Development would bring the City's cost down to $36,391. There is also a third sub -proposal from Wright Hennepin Electric that is the second lowest to beef up the wiring so that the continuation of this lighting system down 7th Street would be easier and more economical (in the future). The cost of that addition at this time would be $68,092 using a spring construction. This would be $1,701.00 to switch to the heavier 4 gauge wire. M Council Meeting— 11/27/2006 The Public Works Director's original estimate for this project was $95,676. Utilizing the refund of $30,000 from the Ryan Development brought that estimate to $65,676. With the re -use of the lights estimated at a cost savings of $30,000; the original estimate was a cost to the City of $35,676. The low proposal fi-om Wright Hennepin Electric is $715 higher than the estimated cost. 1. The first alternative would be to award the lighting contract to Wright Hennepin Electric for their low proposal reusing Ryan's 3 lights with spring construction at a cost of $66,341. 2. The second alternative would be award the contract to Wright Hennepin Electric for their low proposal reusing Ryan's 3 lights for spring construction using the heavier 4 -gauge wire at a cost of $68,092. 3. The third alternative would be not to award the project at this time. It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director that the City Council authorize award to Wright Hennepin Electric for their low proposal for spring construction using the 4 -gauge wire as outlined in alternative #2 at $68,092 as it would give us the option of continuing this system further west without establishing another power source along 1-94 in front of the church. Copy of street lighting locations maps and shop drawings as provided for in the request for proposals. Copy of the proposals. K-A Rg�ponse A Division of Wight-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association PO Box 330 - Rockford - MN 55373-0330 Cin° of Monticello Attention: Mn John Sunola 909 Golf Course Read 1�Ic>nticello, 1I�t 55362 ii\o x -ember 21, 2006 rV1,'.tro (763) 477-3000 Tel: -ice 1-800-943-2667 Re: Proposals for Streetlight Installation, -ti, Street and Highland Way - Cin° of Monticello Dear john, 24 -Hour 1 ax (763) 477-3054 Wright -Hennepin Response i, pleased to have an opportunity to submit this proposal for the installation of a street light system alone; 711, Street and Highland \X'ar in the Cin, of \-Ionticelio. The Cin' has asked for a Base Bid to Install 9 lights and supply one additional streetlight unit and, an Alternate Biel to install 6 new lights and use 3 existing lights. The following is a list of material and labor to install this Project: BASE BID - Install 9 nevk, lights and supply 1 complete unit e 10 - 2i() Watt FIDS Rectilinear fixture e 10 - 3t t' Aluinintlm Poles with 4 foot mast arms e Peale and fixture color is dark Bronze 11 - screen in anchor bases tone for feed point cabinet) e I - feed point cabinet e 10 - ground rock e 4 - (.mound levcl hand holds * I , _2-conduir installed be plan,k, and bore methods e Capper wire - 6 and rS gauge Wire e Termination of light, and feed points e All labor anti miscellaneous material to install above 1 Yattic Control for Pro'lect ® Soft or hard surface restoratiian .Base Bid Total Installation Price: S-18,937.00 Winter Consutiction (completed 3/1/2007? S7 3,024.00 Spring Consn-uction (completed 5/I5/2007) Total Installation with #4 gauge wire S8l_i01.00 Winter Construction (completed 3/1 /'20()7 S 5,M3.00 String Construction (completed 5/15/20o7, 63 XceliEnergySIM OUTDOOR LIGHTING 825 Rice Street St. Paul, MN 55117 November 71'7006 City of Monticello Aften:John Shm0la 505 Walnut Ave Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. John Simola: XcelEnergy Outdoor Lighting is pleased to have an opportunity tosubmit 3 proposal for the City of MOndC8Uo's7mand Highland Way project. Our goal isb3provide you with the necessary information hm assist you iOyour decision making process. VVe are confident wecan provide you with 8comprehensive package that will meet all your needs. Please find below styles Ofproduct and the estimated project c0&ks.Thisp|opo88|iDdUd8S8||u0derg0OOd facilities installed using the plowing or boring method for conduit and wire and the installation of each of the following material: Cit»ofMonticello 7mStreet and HkOlaMd WaVprotect option 1: Cost k}install the street lights OOoption 1 is $101,270Z. 7th Gtand Highland VVay-|nSkd|9-5O'ALbasemoVntedpOleS 8-25OVYrectilinear fixtures, and plow/bore iD app[nX48UO'Of11/2"conduit and #OCUTriplex wire. Set one control cabinet and run one span VfOHwire to provide feed, Provide 1 -pole, base, and light for damage replacement. Restore area using black dirt and seed. City #fMonticello 7th Street and Hb»h/aRdWaypro/ect option 2: Cost tOinstall the street light 0Doption 2iS$92.500.00 7th Stand Highland Way- Install G-3O'ALbase mounted poles, 8'25OVVrectilinear fixtures, and plow/bore iO 8pp0x48OO'0[1 1/2"o0ndUdGOd#0CUThp|exwim. Reset 3-axiSUngbases and poles innew locations and abandon existing customer owned system, Set one control cabinet and run one span OfOHwire 0o provide feed, Provide 1-pO|e.base, and light for damage replacement, Restore area using black dirt and seed. Also included in this bid is full maintenance of the streetlight system for 25 years. Maintenance of the system covers the fixture, pole, and all underground facilities. Xcel Energy Outdoor Lighting is very excited to partner with the City of Monticello for all your lighting needs, |fyou have any questions regarding the proposal, please feel free bJcontact me at office number 851-223' 2400urCe||phVneOV[Obe[612-790-3758. Edward 8ieging Business Support Analyst �� l / i J tl l �' if lr IN N ,6 cn m m —i m CP —i �I �: WMAIM. kil \ \�)� , § 9. kil Straight to the Light The Rectilinear has a straight forward approach to providing optimum light levels and a clear crisp look to your cantnlunity. RMW 1971 Gateway Boulevard, Arden Hills, MN 55112 o www.nspco.com s 1-800-960-6235 12UOO Northern states Power Company ko G) D z �l -� e14! 4' i V Fri i - rn ko G) D z �l t.., TYPE: A DESCRIPTION McGraw Edison', Galluria combines beauty and versatility to make it an excellent choice for architects, specifiers and contractors in today's Cnerrly and design conscious environment. An aesthetic reveal in the formed aluminum housing gives the Galleria a distinctive look while a variety of mounting options and lamp wattages provide maxiinurn flexibility. APPLICATION The Galleria achieves superior light distribution by utilizing a seamless reflector system, making it the optimum choice for almost any small, mediurn or large area lighting application. A e C D E F DIMENSIONS A SPECIFICATION FEATURES A Housing Formed aluminum housing with stamped reveal has interior -welded scams fat structural integrity and is finished in premium TGIC polyester powder coat. U.L. listed and CSA certified for wet locations. B Ballast Tray Ballast tray is hard -mounted to housing interior for cooler operation. C Ballast Long -life core and coil ballast D Reflector Spun and stamped aluminum reflector in vertical lamp units, at hydroformed anodized aluminum reflector in horizontal lamp units. Rotatable optics standard. E -Door Formed aluminum door has heavy-duty hinges, captive retaining screws and is finished in premium TGIC polyester powder coat. (Spider mount unit has steel door,) F Lens Convex tempered glass tens or flat glass. Arm Mount %-1 III S 11/2 C _ D ifi=.6 E ___.-_ D SPider Mount - -- ,,' FIXTURE_ A ;nal itn.` Sl"iy__– S 11/2 C _ D ifi=.6 E ___.-_ F - tmmt 235 33327 Sot3 752 or 223 3j;'.t_ 337 Aiedlum tint 11 31.2 _--391id _39_7 213A 6e1 tt. 15 or 1s tmml 27'9 Largs E1j 552 152 w356 391 ^r 406 (m.! % 112 4 '3 1 25 7;? 27 d ur 14 1$ 3.'4 pr 12 3!: trnmi 3:& 108 857 _ 63fi 152 er 356 476 ut 502 TOTE: Top e3p Ard an GSM With IWW"!ai glass vertically lamped optics cniy. COOPER LIGHTING 70 - 1 000 tN Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium mac acess, s. ARCHITECTURAL AREA LUMINAIRE DARK SKY FRIENDLY In all flat glass configurations ENERGY DATA CWA Ballast Input Watts 15OW 10H HPF (2 10 WavW 175w MH HPF 1210 Watul 11SW MH HPF (210 Wattsl 250W MH HFF (235 Wausi 25OW HPS HPF }300 'Notts) 4(l014 MH HP-'AS6 Watts) 40041 lips HPr (-Gs watts) 100014 NIH HPF no80 Warts) 1009W Mrs tip (11un sYattm „stroma ADHO12827 F'Y 1 f � CrEkf) fflE, T4. .1 I > LLJ ATW�f Mzlmr b ( 5 1 PLY i Cl C AB i A� 6 T) > F- u rx? i -w, la cla tI ------- n- M GI > LLJ ATW�f Mzlmr b ( 5 1 PLY i Cl C AB i A� 6 T) L7 C.k OW wa HW E-4 > z0 OU 0• > H 0 co 12L4 ri is zi, 0 Lf) W N to f24 kD H H ro U) �4 u 04 u ro m w 04 U) x Cl) f2l H 0 z 44 0 � o H � p I I N N 10 z 1 -- �4 Q) P -1 r -i P4 u Z r= Cl) 0 �q 0 X v f-4 0 Ul U Wa o N Q4 -,AH ID40 N 0 U2 0 r. 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U I 11 1 I �txU()' [: P7 zzo PaUI W ZxHHWo\d+NdlM1,0WWHW > a W WI FC W Z a po g U CO l W I ZWp Z0404 Hod 00000H3 WHr�O�CKCFCorn00000�W i s U 1 W a 00 W Q 1 t7axP+U WUm NHNNNNN m l�' ww 'Z UUNCC m\ I iri Mtn 0Q ON )d �D IC �OrWOIH NOIH H �y1 H Uri i OriHNNNV��O lO �O Wf7�0101(T 010 OOLfl O Rii 1 WW O 4r -I 44 W 1 HN N N N N N N N M-, -,4 dldlcN'cM��W�o H W !Yl 1 0 H 4. Can you think of other means or methods to achieve the purpose of the proposed code change? If so, please explain what they are and why your proposed change is the preferred method or means to achieve the desired result. 5. What are the probable costs of complying with the proposed rule, including the portion of the total costs that will be borne by identifiable categories of affected parties, such as separate classes of governmental units, businesses, or individuals? 6. What are the probable costs or consequences of not adopting the proposed rule, including those costs or consequences borne by identifiable categories of affected parties, such as separate classes of government units, businesses, or individuals? 7. Are you aware of any federal regulation or federal requirement related to this proposed code change? If so, please list the federal regulation or requirement and your assessment of any differences between the proposed rule and the federal regulation or requirement. 8. Please include an assessment of the cumulative effect of the rule with other federal and state regulations related to the specific purpose of the rule. q�iijippq LordtM• A ESM. - �X go F - I 114 Mn W-I&J's i Alas I HOD KQ Izal"101 A] rw- illy Authorlrequestor. Date: Email address: Model Code: Telephone number: Code or Rule Section: FirmlAssociation affiliation, if any. MM= A. Is the proposed change unique to the State of Minnesota? F� EJ B. Is the proposed change required due to climatic conditions of Minnesota? El EJ C. Will the proposed change encourage more uniform enforcement? El 7 D. Will the proposed change remedy a problem? 11 El E. Does the proposal delete a current Minnesota Rule, chapter amendment? 0 0 F. Would this proposed change be appropriate through the ICC code development process? F� FJ Proplosed Langyagle 1. The proposed code change is meant ti R delete language contained in the model code book? If so, list section(s). M delete language contained in an existing amendment in Minnesota Rule? If so, list Rule part(s). 3. Provide specific language you would like to see changed. Indicate proposed new words with underlininq and words proposed to be deleted. Include the entire code (sub) section or rule subpatm) that contains your proposed changes. Will this proposed code change impact other sections of a model code book or an amendment ir Minnesota Rule? If so, please list the affected sections or rule parts. [41 1. Will the proposed code change increase or decrease costs? Please explain. FITO�� I I � �iii I I !I, I ;IIIIIIi I ;Irrillil - - iiiiiiiiiiiiiii'llillillillillillillill�IlI 3. Are there any enforcement or compliance cost increases or decreases with the proposed code change? Please explain. 4. Will the cost of complying with the proposed code change in the first year after the rule takes effect exceed $25,000 • any one small business or small city? A • business is any business that has less than 50 full-time employees. A small city is any statutory or home rule charter city that has less than ten full-time .• Please explain. 2. What are the probable costs to the agency and to any other State agencies of implementing and enforcing of the proposed rule? Is there an anticipated effect on state revenues? III 1 11 1 11i �11111111�111111 Irlill Ill l�� III O�Milllll 1111 zlize 11111 111 111 1 T.Tills an W