EDA Agenda 06-10-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, June lOth, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — May 13, 2020 b. Consideration of approving Workshop Meeting Minutes - May 13, 2020 c. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — May 27, 2020 d. Consideration of approving payment of bills e. Consideration of approving demolition quotes for 300 - 4th Street East and authorizing entering into negotiations for a contract for services with the lowest qualified quote submitter Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of TIF Pre-Application and Concept Review of Proposed Affordable Housing Apartment Development at Riverwood Bank Parcel along 7th Street West by Duffy Development 6. Consideration of approving Small Business Emergency Grant Funding Agreements in the amount of $5,000 to the following businesses: Derek Abramowski, DDS, sc, dba South Side Dental Center; TriCambra Foods, Inc, dba Cornerstone Cafe; and Daylight Enterprises, Inc. dba Days Inn of Monticello 7. Consideration of Hospitality and Lodging Study Cancellation or Re-Start 8. Director's Report 9. Closed Meeting — Consider Offers or Counter-Offers for the purchase or sale of Real or Personal Property Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3 (c)(3) Propertv Address: Address: 101 Broadway West — PID: #155010052090 Address: 107 Broadway West — PID: #155010052070 Address: 121 Broadway West — PID: #155010052031 10. Adj ourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, May 13th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Due to recommendations related to the COVID-19 virus, the EDA meeting was conducted as a remote/virtual meeting. Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, 011ie Koropchak- White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Tracy Hinz Staff Present: Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items Steve Johnson suggested adding a closed meeting item at the end of the regular meeting to discuss pending legal matters. 4. Consent Agenda JINI DAVIDSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — April 8, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — April 8, 2020. b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through April, 2020. c. Consideration of Mort�a�e Subordination A�reement between the EDA and Minnesota Business Finance Corporation (MBFC), SBA-504 Pro�ram Lender, St. Cloud, related to GMEF Loan to DSN Investments, LLC dba Monticello RV Center in the amount of $118,500 Recommendation: Approve the Mortgage Subordination Agreement between the EDA and Minnesota Business Finance Corporation (MBFC) related to the EDA's GMEF Loan in the amount of $118,500. d. Consideration of Hazardous Material Removal Quotes and Authorization to Enter into Contract for Services with the lowest qualified submittal — 300 - 4th Street East Recommendation: Select Bergo Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $1,658 to remove and dispose of asbestos. Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 13�', 2020 Page 1 � 6 Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Housin� Studv RFQ-RFP submittals and Authorization to enter into ne�otiations for a Contract for Services with most qualified preferred Vendor Steve Johnson noted that the EDA discussed the housing study RFQ-RFP in a prior workshop meeting. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 6. Consideration of Creatin� an Emer�encv Small Business (COVID-19 Impacts) Financial Assistance Pro�ram Steve Johnson also mentioned that the EDA discussed creating an emergency small business financial assistance program at a prior workshop meeting. Jim Thares noted that the staff recommendation was to award up to $5,000 in assistance per business that applies for the assistance. Thares explained that the funds would be drawn from the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF). Typically, that loan fund is available for businesses to use in proj ects that result in new j ob creation and new tax base. Thares recommended utilizing up to $100,000 for the assistance program. Based on feedback received during the workshop meeting, the EDA recommended waiting to see how federal and state programs are working out. Johnson stated that the GMEF program had slightly above one million dollars set aside. Thares confirmed that it had $1,030,000 available. Johnson asked if the EDA was legally allowed to do this by State Statute. Thares confirmed as the origin of the GMEF dollars is excess local liquor store revenue. Thares stated that there are still some development prospects who have made inquiries regarding the use of GMEF for their proposals. He further described the situation of one prospect that has delayed their development proposal until next year due to COVID-19. He believes they would like to apply for a$300,000 loan from the GMEF program. Thares recommended saving an estimated $880,000 in GMEF for future projects. Thares confirmed that $100,000 for the assistance program would not jeopardize other prospective developments. Johnson asked the EDA to table action for two weeks to understand the new announcements by the Governor. 011ie Koropchak-White added that the City and Chamber were also meeting for more discussion. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO TABLE ACTION TO THE MAY 27, 2020 EDA MEETING. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 13�', 2020 Page 2 � 6 7. Consideration of WSB Industrial Land Development Feasibilitv Studv RFP and Authorization to enter into Contract for Services iointiv with the Citv of Monticello Jim Thares introduced the item of entering into an industrial land development feasibility study with WSB. Thares reviewed the development assistance worksheet scoring system that evaluated past prospective proj ects and the new prospect. Thares noted that this proj ect fit in well with the other proj ects. Staff recommended moving ahead with the contract with WSB & Associates because speed and time are of the essence. The cost of the study would be split between the EDA and City Council in the amount of $20,000. Thares provided the two prospective sites staff were researching for the development proposal. Site 1 was shown near the previous Silver Springs Golf Course. The area contains about 260 acres and is identified in the Comprehensive Plan as an employment center or light industrial land use. Site 2 would be along Highway 25 in the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area and is identified in the Comprehensive Plan as transitional study area. Thares noted that the area is an undeveloped, open area. Thares added that the study would look at the cost of extending utilities to the search areas as well as road connections and generally efficient lot layout and development. Steve Johnson noted that the feasibility study would be germane to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. He also noted that there is no industrial land available for businesses besides Otter Creek. Thares indicated that the prospect needs between 20 to 22 acres due to the 300,000 square feet facility that is proposed to constructed in two phases. Thares added that there is approximately 35 to 40 acres of light industrial and additional IBC land near Mills Fleet Farm. Johnson asked if the City Council is supportive of the study and prospect. Thares responded that the WSB proposal was just received today. He said that the City Council has been provided information regarding the prospect related to a site acquisition discussion in a closed meeting on April 13, 2020. The City Council directed staff to continue to look for acceptable sites and complete due diligence regarding the proposal. Jeff O'Neill concurred with the Thares analysis from the City Council's direction and believes they would support the cost of the feasibility study. Jim Davidson expressed concern regarding limiting the study to the two sites alone if the proposal includes the current industrial park Davidson was cautious on moving too quickly, especially if the sites will include more than the prospective business. Lloyd Hilgart explained that the study is necessary as adequate industrial land in Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 13�', 2020 Page 3 � 6 unavailable. Hilgart noted that even if the prospect was not interested in Monticello, that they should still complete the study to understand the costs of developing a future industrial park. Jeff O'Neill indicated that a lot of data already exists with the two sites from previous planning efforts. He stated that the study would help to inform decision making in the future and also identify industrial available land. Davidson continued to express concern with only looking at the two sites, especially two sites that have not been in front of the current City Council or EDA lately. O'Neill responded that the two sites are large areas and any number of locations could allow the prospect to locate inside those areas. O'Neill stated that there is a third option that staff could evaluate. This area would be located south of Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park on the east side of MNTH #25. It was noted prospect has indicated that the site should have a buffer area due to the industrial nature of the facility. Davidson stated that he wants an industrial park that fits Monticello's future and accommodates the prospective business. He expressed concerns with moving too fast on the unknown if the prospect would end up developing here. 011ie Koropchak-White asked if it would be beneficial to look at the land south of Otter Creek Business Park for additional industrial development that excluded the prospect. Hilgart responded that staff have approached the property owners (Spike family), but in the past have wanted to only sell the entire large parcel, rather than in pieces. He also added that the area may be encroaching Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park O'Neill confirmed the concerns of development impacts of the prospective proj ect. Hilgart asked if the prospect could be located in Otter Creek, where the City has been looking into constructing a new Public Work's facility. O'Neill explained that the site would be tight and there may be overhead powerlines hindering the development. He noted it would be worth looking into. Hilgart expressed the importance of having a backup plan if federal money was not available for the project and land that could easily become shovel ready. Angela Schumann provided a summary of the revisions to the WSB proposal. She noted that the study would evaluate sites for prospect and not rule out any areas previously discussed. She added that it would site the prospect within desired buffers and the ability to site additional industrial uses in the area and serve additional industrial areas. Lastly, it would make sure to have shovel ready sites and effectively provide cost benefit analysis for larger potential industrial areas. Hilgart reiterated the importance of having options available. O'Neill asked staff if the Chadwick/Bowers sites were reviewed. Schumann confirmed and said that the width is challenging especially with future expansion of the project and Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 13�', 2020 Page 4 � 6 the location along I-94. She noted that it was a logical expansion of the Otter Creek Business Park though and staff could further research this area for the prospect. Hilgart acknowledged that staff could ask the Spike family if they would be willing to sell portions of their property for an expansion of OCBP. Thares confirmed staff would look into this. Koropchak-White suggested that this area be included in the study. Schumann added that the current and proposed Comprehensive Plan for land use for land near Bertram, including the Spike property should be held for residential purposes. It was important to be thoughtful of the type of industrial uses that go in that area and any breakpoints. She noted that further evaluation would be required. Hilgart explained that the difference with the prospective development was that there would be no outdoor storage, heavy traffic, and other impacts. Outside of possible minimal odors, most neighbors won't even know what's going on inside of the building. Bill Tapper asked if the developer was shown the land adjacent to the NSP Transmission System and if the parcel identified along 90th Street was near residential. Schumann confirmed. O'Neill stated that the concern for residential is when it is located to the north of the facility as the prevailing winds are from the south in the season when people spend more time outside. Schumann stated that the feasibility study would determine constraints. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE WSB & ASSOCIATES RFP SUBMITTAL FOR THE 1NDUSTRIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT FEASIBILITY STUDY AND AUTHORIZE ENTERING 1NT0 A CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. Discussion continued. Hilgart asked staff to sketch out how and if the potential building would work on the sites discussed at the meeting. Koropchak-White had concerns with approving a feasibility study focused on only the prospect. Schumann explained that the recently approved Industrial Absorption and Demand Study defines potential growth and expansion areas for industrial uses and recognized that the Otter Creek area includes the Chadwick and Spike parcels. She added that it also recognizes the northwest area and land south of Featherstone as potential industrial locations. She noted that one addition should be made to the scope to not overlook the Otter Creek area for potential development of the prospect. O'Neill stated that the Featherstone site should be a fallback if the other two sites are too expensive. Johnson added that looking at large industrial areas would be good to include in the proposed Comprehensive Plan. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 13�', 2020 Page 5 � 6 8. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. He explained the Briggs Rivertown Residential Suites in detail and noted that they needed to complete required landscaping and a second lift to their parking lot to receive the Certificate of Completion and receive TIF reimbursements. Thares added that it should be completed in a relatively timely manner. Thares also explained that UMC has decided to finish a mezzanine space identified in their development plans. There is the possibility that this improvement could increase the value of the building. Thares also noted that UMC has not submitted their building plans yet for building permit. They have mentioned that they want to make some minor tweaks to the development site and staff will review this as to whether it should go back to the Planning Commission and/or City Council. Thares and Schumann discussed the Central Mississippi River Regional Partnership together and explained that the EDA would be receiving an email to a survey regarding Framework 2030. They were encouraged to complete that survey and spread the word throughout the community to also participate in the survey. Schumann also provided information for the EDA to find more information about the CMRRP and Framework 2030 initiative. Thares provided the prospect list and noted that significant time has been spent on Project Gia-Saurus. He also added that Proj ect Boat was looking for land in the County and Project #6580 was on hold due to COVID-19. 9. Added Item — Closed Meetin� Jim Thares explained that the special closed meeting should be held off until the next EDA Meeting on May 27, 2020 to ensure the EDA is following proper meeting notice procedures per State Statute. 10. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:18 P.M. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: June lOth, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 13�', 2020 Page 6 � 6 MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, May 13th— 5:00 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Due to recommendations related to the COVID-19 virus, the EDA meeting was conducted as a remote/virtual meeting. Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Staff Present: Angela Schumann and Jim Thares 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the workshop meeting of the EDA to order at 5:07 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Emer�encv Loan Pro�ram Review .�, Jim Thares introduced the proposed Emergency Loan Program. He explained that staff had previously (April 6, 2020) sent out a letter to local Monticello businesses indicating different financial assistance programs through the State and Federal governments. Staff have been taking follow-up calls in response to the letter and the needs of the local businesses. Thares provided the draft guidelines for the potential EDA business assistance grant program and it was noted that it utilized the City of St. Louis Park's model. Thares explained that many cities are doing similar grant programs. Thares recommended using a portion of the funds available in the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) to provide up to a forgivable $5,000 grant per business. It was noted that there is a lot of money available in federal programs, but that many businesses don't fit the changing criteria of these programs. Angela Schumann added that it would be proposed to allocate up to $100,000 from the GMEF program to this grant program. It was mentioned that any of the proposed guidelines could be revised per the EDA and that staff were looking for specific feedback The EDA's Attorney helped to review the draft guidelines. It was noted that staff tried to streamline the information needed to be completed by the businesses and that many of the items should be readily available if they applied for programs such as EIDL or PPP. Schumann noted that the proposed program would ensure that the grant recipient use the funds within three months and there would be one reporting requirement. There would also be the note that if any City bill was delinquent, the EDA would have the discretion to approve the grant to pay back that bill first. Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — May 13�', 2020 Page 1 � 3 Discussion pursued between the EDA members and staf£ In summary, the EDA was supportive of the grant opportunity, but due to uncertainty and changing guidelines of the state and federal government, they requested tabling action on the item until the next EDA meeting on May 27, 2020. City staff would also be discussing with the Chamber's membership committee to provide feedback on what they are seeing, feeling, and their needs. The EDA felt that $5,000 would not be enough to help a business that is on the brink of closing permanently remain open. It was also noted that the program could see more than 20 businesses requesting the maximum funding amount. There was also a concern with the administration costs of the City to implement the program. The EDA also discussed using the program for property tax or utility forgiveness or structuring the grant towards innovation and implementation of new business plans during and after COVID-19. Bill Tapper, Jim Davidson, 011ie Koropchak-White, and Tracy Hinz all participated on a small business roundtable discussion with local businesses to understand their needs during this time. They noted each business has unique needs. 4. Housin� Studv RFQ/P Review Jim Thares introduced the housing study proposals and asked the EDA if they were still interested in moving forward in light of the COVID-19 effects on the economy. It was noted that the timeline to complete the Study is late August, 2020 so it can inform the Monti2040 + Comprehensive Plan update. Thares noted that the EDA has $18,000 budgeted from the general fund for this project and that most bids came close to that number. Angela Schumann explained each EDA member was provided copies of the proposals and a scoring sheets to help rank each firm. She also asked whether the EDA felt it wise to proceed, if they liked the proposals, and if modifications to the scope needed to occur. The EDA members noted that since 2017, there have been a variety of housing projects constructed or in the works. The housing study could help guide the decision making process for more housing in the downtown. There was the concern with the time and if the data would be good due to implications due to the pandemic. It was noted that the timeline for completing the updated housing study may need to be revised. Due to the short amount of discussion time in the workshop, staff recommended tabling action to allow the EDA more time to properly review, rank, and discuss each proposal. The EDA's consensus was to hold off on taking action in selecting a firm until the next EDA meeting on May 27, 2020. Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — May 13�', 2020 Page 2 � 3 5. Adiournment The EDA adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: June lOth, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — May 13�', 2020 Page 3 � 3 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, May 27th, 2020 – 7:00 a.m. Due to recommendations related to the COVID-19 virus, the EDA meeting was conducted as a remote/virtual meeting. Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Lloyd Hilgart Staff Present: 2 � Jim Thares and Angela Schumann Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 7:00 a.m. Roll Call ' - Consideration of additional a�enda items None. Consent A�enda None. 5. Consideration of Housin� Studv RFQ-RFP submittals and Authorization to enter into ne�otiations for a Contract for Services with most qualified, preferred Vendor Jim Thares introduced the item for consideration of selecting a consultant to complete an updated Housing Study for the Monticello EDA. It was noted that the item was briefly discussed, but due to the short amount of time, the EDA tabled action on the request. The EDA discussed whether to continue with the Housing Study due to the current pandemic situation and its potential unknown implications in the housing marketplace. It was noted that the study would take a long-term (five to ten year) view of housing and perhaps given that timeframe, it was worthwhile to continue. The need to round out policy recommendations for the comprehensive plan in the next two months was also noted. EDA decided that given the longer view of the study and the need to support the comprehensive plan efforts, the EDA would like to continue forward with the study. The EDA Commissioners present ranked the five submittals/consultants, with MSA Professional Services being the top choice. Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 27�', 2020 Page 1 � 4 TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO SELECT MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND AUTHORIZE NEGOTIATING AND ENTERING 1NT0 A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES TO COMPLETE THE 2020 COMPREHENSNE HOUSING NEEDS AND MARI�ET DEMAND STUDY. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 6. Consideration of Creatin� an Emer�encv Small Business Financial Assistance Pro�ram Jim Thares explained that the EDA recently reviewed this item at an EDA workshop meeting on May 13th, 2020. Thares mentioned that staff utilized the City of St. Louis Park's program (which has been very successful) as a model for drafting a similar assistance program in Monticello. Thares also added that staff took into account feedback that was received from local businesses during a roundtable discussion that had a variety of representation and also included members of the City Council and EDA. The assistance program would be in place to help businesses survive during the current pandemic and uncertain economy. Thares also explained that Wright County recently approved a loan fund program. Staff have a copy of the policies and application form. The assistance program has $200,000 worth of funding and is required to be paid back with a zero percent interest rate. It was noted that businesses in Monticello would be eligible. Thares indicated that staff defer to the EDA to make the decision of whether to approve the City's draft financial assistance program. Bill Tapper noted that the EDA tabled action on this item at the previous meeting to understand any new guidelines put in place by the Governor. Because there are businesses that are being able to open up again, Tapper was supportive of the program. He noted concerns with whether the $5,000 would be enough of a help and that the guidelines to produce financial information may be difficult. Steve Johnson explained that the requirements of the program may seem ominous to small businesses, especially the financial information requirement. He also explained support for the program, but noted concern with the amount of money awarded and that the requirements should be slimed down. 011ie Koropchak-White asked if the staff and the Chamber of Commerce were able to meet again to incorporate any suggestions into the guidelines. Thares indicated that staff informed the Chamber of Commerce of the EDA's decision to table action on the assistance program at their last meeting. Koropchak-White also explained that the City of Shoreview was doing a similar financial assistance program for $5,000 per business. She also mentioned that some communities are sending out coupons to all residents to spend at local businesses. The businesses could than return the coupons to the Chamber of Commerce for a refund. Jim Davidson expressed his support for the program, especially as businesses are being able Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 27�', 2020 Page 2 � 4 to open up again. He mentioned that he wished there would be more money available to give to these businesses and noted that he expected the EDA funds to be exhausted almost immediately after approving a financial assistance program. Due to the relatively low amount of the grant, he also noted that the financial information requirement was not as important to receive. He recommended cleaning up the draft policy and implementing. If the application was overly complicated, it could turn businesses away. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO AUTHORIZE CREATION OF AN EMERGENCY SMALL BUSINESS GRANT FUNDING PROGRAM BY UTILIZING $100,000 +/- FROM THE GMEF LOAN PROGRAM AS A FIRST PHASE OF FUNDING FOR THE GRANT PROGRAM AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING ADOPTING THE POLICES AND APPLICATION WITH CHANGES AS NOTED DURING THE EDA MEETING TO TRIM THE REQUIREMENTS. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. � Discussion continued between the EDA and staff. Johnson noted that ultimately the EDA would be able to decide who is eligible for the grant and make the final decision. Tapper reiterated the concern to remove the financial background information requirement. Angela Schumann commented that many small businesses that have applied for State and Federal assistance programs have provided similar that information and should have it readily available. Johnson also mentioned that there would be confidentiality issues in the grant process for what businesses consider proprietary information. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 7. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's Report as included in the packet. 8. Closed Session — Consideration of pendin� liti�ation pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3) Address: 3880 Chelsea Road West; PID: 155-253-001010 9. Adiourn TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:21 A.M OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 27�', 2020 Page 3 � 4 Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: June lOth, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 27�', 2020 Page 4 � 4 EDA Agenda: 06/10/20 4b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through May, 2020. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through May, 2020 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements 0 z 0 4 � C � � � L �r�. C � o�� I t�� � I� a I a I oo� I I oo� ��� � o ��� � N N N N N N N N N N N N M N O O O O O � N N N N N = O O O O O � � � � j N O � p . . � � � o � m N m ,o '� 0 ;r, �r, �r, o ;r, � ;r, � ;,3 F- 0 0 0 � o � o � o � y y � � a, Ca Ca C] � �, .y? .�? o v� cC � ; � ro ro � � �, '��' � o o � o y �' yC p p a� L C � G !I] �I] � Ci] L]. � � 5? o o y o v y � J � N � y � y L?�r � � N � O � �+ y r-F�'r '� > N a� H ""i Q � ,'�' r" � �F-� J U (' -� .-r � � � � � � Q ..'7 '�j f�l C Q � W O i.�. , �L.l U U � p W y N � � O r�i r�i r�i r"]�-i � � � � U U U U zzz z v w w w w z � � � � F C Q Q Q ¢ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � c 3 � � � O O O N N N O O O o — — 0 0 0 O O O J .� .� � � � N N N O � M � � M � � N � a, N � N O N O � V'; �. a O � p � � � F-� G 0 z 0 4 C R O � � _' 0 .� L ti 0 L O C , �r, � � � I t� t� o0 00 .o 0 00 �n �n .. l� N N N � ..'7 ..'7 ..'� ..'� O O O O N N N N 0 0 0 0 N N N N � � N N N M •--� •--� •--� •--� v'J in in in in � O O O O � Q .� � a � � � C, W � .° ''� � � v� w W � Tv� �' ✓� -� � > � CG a+ cx � o m c� o M � �--i � � � � m � � W � O O O O � O O O � � � � � � � � N N N N � � � � � � � � i--� i--� i--� i--� `--1 `--1 `--1 `--1 W W W W U U U U H H H H zzzz 0 0 0 0 � � � � w w w w Q Q Q Q F F F F U U U U O O O O 0 0 0 0 N N N N � � � � M M [+l [+l � � � � o — — — m m m m � � � � � � � � � � � � N N N N � � � > O Q Q Q 0 N O r � N � 0 � 0.+ �, N O N O v� v-; ._�_- a O � r p � O � � H � EDA Agenda: 06/10/20 4b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through May, 2020. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through May, 2020 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements 0 z 0 4 � C � � � L �r�. C � o�� I t�� � I� a I a I oo� I I oo� ��� � o ��� � N N N N N N N N N N N N M N O O O O O � N N N N N = O O O O O � � � � j N O � p . . � � � o � m N m ,o '� 0 ;r, �r, �r, o ;r, � ;r, � ;,3 F- 0 0 0 � o � o � o � y y � � a, Ca Ca C] � �, .y? .�? o v� cC � ; � ro ro � � �, '��' � o o � o y �' yC p p a� L C � G !I] �I] � Ci] L]. � � 5? o o y o v y � J � N � y � y L?�r � � N � O � �+ y r-F�'r '� > N a� H ""i Q � ,'�' r" � �F-� J U (' -� .-r � � � � � � Q ..'7 '�j f�l C Q � W O i.�. , �L.l U U � p W y N � � O r�i r�i r�i r"]�-i � � � � U U U U zzz z v w w w w z � � � � F C Q Q Q ¢ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � c 3 � � � O O O N N N O O O o — — 0 0 0 O O O J .� .� � � � N N N O � M � � M � � N � a, N � N O N O � V'; �. a O � p � � � F-� G r�age: 3 �ienr�+�d� � �rav�n, �CF��rt�r�� 2�D(] South �is�th �treet, �u�te �7� Nlir3n��p�lis, MN ��4�2 �ity of M�rttiCell� fut�r�h 31 �Ci20 M�1790-441�� Bloek52R�de�r�".�pmen'. 1"hrou�Y� h+l�r�ch 31. �C�4 For P�.II l,e��l Servi�es As Foll�ws Waur� Arn��r�t 314I��2(� MNI Ph�ne c�nuer��kicsn with J Thares r�g��ding �gerd� fear 1:i�Q 2LO,J�O E�� me�rin�; dr��t First k:rrer�rn�rt ;o PD� ��r� �pp�o�+ir�� rescluti�,� TC►t�I �ertrices: � 200.QQ T�kai �ervi��s and Dis�rvrsements; $ 2�p.�L� �� � � � �� � � � I Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 826 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (5) Hi Julie, these are all okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 8:05 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Can you get me these this morning? From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 9:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Following up on these. Please review and approve by end of day tomorrow to be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 10:16 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redevelopment -$200.00 - Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101—General EDA- $380.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00001 —General - $120.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMC TIF -$5,840.90 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161 — 4065 Chelsea -$1,295.00 - UMC Escrow Account 1 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, .JuCie C(�eney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('1ifi' €AF f�`� ��I�1������' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dnta Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 Page: 7 K�nn�d�y � �;r��r�n� +Chart�tr�d 2aa so��n s�xtr, Street. �u�te a7� 1w'Jinneapalis. M�l 55�4p2 �ity oF h,rlontieelf�p f+�ar�� 31, ��L�[J hlIN190-Ca161 4C�65 C�elSea Ro�d lAf. . - �� 1� � I '� ��y, ��� � � yI� ��� Througr� M�rcli 31, �^�}�q �or All Leg�, S�rviccs As Follow�: Hours 3J�+2Ci�0 T�'li� Em�il t�.f�nn}� M'o�hlm�nr� re�q�esting t,tle �Ur5lmitment 0.�0 3�'12,'2i]2Ci TMR R�view f;�e. lPpd�#� docurnen#s; intr��ffi�e conf+erence M�rth� I�gram 3+1�r�[]20 Fa+lhll R�ui�w settlement sk�tern�nt for EDA pu:�ch+a�e � �� .i.,15?���Q TM� Re�+ise c���k�ast, Ernail to titl� corr�p�r�yr re�uesting status Q.8(l qn �ekkl�mer�t Skat�rnen#; I����iWe ��nd �ev;e�rr �ettlerrs�rlk �k�t�rnent; Request r'�ssessr��nt Search from �ikl� company; For�v�rd Fir`a� n�mbers Fo �9�r�h� �r+.gr�+� for fr�ral appro�e�l �r �';20�� Tf�,�R Em��� frt�m �JI��CI�a Ingram �rikl� cl�sir�g d��urrserrts; �.40 Upd�te �las�ng file. ��II eity r�g�rding u#ili� billin�. up�a[� fil�; �l�8l2p2(] h+tNl Re�triev�+ ds�curri�nt ch�+�klist for EbA ��r�uP�i�ion r�eview 0�� EC�A d��urn�nts; of�ice �orrf�er�n�e with � �ei�hert reg�rding same 3.r19.���'20 �+1N1 �rn�il �nd phon� c�rrespr�nder��� with ,1 Th�tes �eg�rd �g 0��{� spe�a�l ��5�5sr���� sear�h �n� r55;��5 r�i�ed 3J�Q,`�420 �MR Phone c�ll with IVlartha Ir�gr�rrr S� go �sv�r closin� D.40 r�q�,+rement:� 3l231��2� ��4+�R R�vise +Gl��ir�g Li�ks �.2� �;�4d�0�0 MNI �lo��ng docurr��n�atic�rr rev�er�r - aeq�isiti�rr (� 5� 3I24l�Q�0 Th�1R �omp�l� �I� closing d€�c�rn�n#s �nd s�nd to M�rtha Ingram 0.30 for ��viewa and appro�+�� �,+26f24��0 P�lAll Offi�� conf�rer�ce �nri#�r 7 Re��h�rt rega�rding insiruetion �i.FO letter for �cquMs�t��r�, pr�sp�rty ta�c paymen#s �maunw ��.4C1 15�0 5 � 80.�{] 1 C11 6� �O.�a 12{}.00 ��. �[� 5(],�C� 2�.4� 10f}.O�i 38.1 p 1 �0.0� �Ci[y of f��ontieeiec� !a�'1ar�ctr 3� . �p20 �13�}?2Q2�? M�11 3�3C1��€��p TMR 3l31�2(12�� ��IF� F'ag�: 8 F��r�r��dy► � ��r�'��ri, �h��r��r�d �f��] ��ukh Si�ckh Street Suike 47v f4lrnn�apalis. MN �5��� Revi��,v I�etter o� inslruc'ion for prop�rty ��quisiti�n; r�°�i�� b.E;Q same; em�il #c� ,� Thares reg�rding ass�ssrri�rt p�y€�ff qU2S#i{}rl �r�ft Ins[rr��:ion L�kte�� k� :i[I�; �end tr� M�rkh� I��Cram for Q 80 �pprc�vsf f�e�ise �I�sing Instruckion Le##�r p.4p �otal SereriC�s '12[� OC� 1,�1.�f! �4 8� � 1,29�.{�Q 7�atal �ervices and [}isbur$err��r�ts. � �,�95.0{� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 826 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (5) Hi Julie, these are all okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 8:05 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Can you get me these this morning? From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 9:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Following up on these. Please review and approve by end of day tomorrow to be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 10:16 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redevelopment -$200.00 - Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101—General EDA- $380.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00001 —General - $120.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMC TIF -$5,840.90 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161 — 4065 Chelsea -$1,295.00 - UMC Escrow Account 1 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, .JuCie C(�eney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('1ifi' €AF f�`� ��I�1������' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dnta Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 P�g�: 4 ���ned� � �ra�ren, �h��t�er�:d 2oc �o�,kF� s:xti, �treet, ;�a�ire 47p M�nnea�vlis, MN ,��4(]� �ity �af h�1qr�#i��llo N1�rch 3�. �02{7 hAN 19Q-O[J� 60 2fl' � 4JM� �con.�rnic C�e�elt�prrtent TIF �hr�u�h M�re� �1, 2D�0 For All Leg�� Serwices A�s Follows 312;2C�2� 3?�l��r�i] 3,+5,r�C 2 � �J�6�2�J20 3110�'�[��+� 311 ���OiC 3J1�if�0��1 �,' 1 "; 2�2(] 31��.r2�2[7 3J1 �l2U�Q �J1 �#242D H�aura Amo�nt �.+9h11 Phone �nd e�-nail �orresp�n�i�rrc� ��i#h ��veloper'� 0.5�i counsel re��r�ing �11F I��n ��r��rrent; {ina'i�e �.�me i�.+1N1 Revi�av st�fif r�ppr# c�n MIF gr�n[ �nd loan; fin�liz� 1.�(� res�rl�#�c�n �ppr�vin� same; firr�� ze f�ailF L��n �tgre�rner�[ �n�l circulat� MN I Fin�liz� MIF Losn .4gr+e�ement wi#h �quipm��tt 14s� �nd Q.3Q circulat� M�l I Errrail corr�sppnde��e +,uit� dev�lo�p�e s�cretary reg�rding l�.�Q �on[r��d si�a��ku�es; r��+iew PDF and arrange far rr��:l MNI pffi�� ��nfer�nc� wit"� T Reich�e�t regardin� �l��ings f�2r 1.�C� L1M� +�mail to detrelopers' CC�uns�l r���r�lirlg tatp� a��e�t�ons a�� u�e �f #�tle cc�mpa�y r49hdl Create executi��r copy� of Uh�l� NIIF I��n �greerrleni and 4_5t� �circt�late T�41R Inkraoffi�e conf�r�n�e �,�ith Nl��[h� Ingram; Ph�n� call to " pQ J�nr��y M�e�lrr��nn �� s�heaule closing in#r��ff ce �anference with h:larth� frg��m re��r�ing. �I[�s�r for buyer. Err�aif #� �r�d Hertzin��r ��d J�nny hfloehlmann tc ordeo # tl� �r�cf s�t up closing �a'e and tir�re TEk,1F� Reui�vt� em�ils. irtra�afFi�e conferen�� fai�rkh� Ir�gr�m 1.1(7 r��arding �a�reha�� ,Agre�rn�nk �ck.no+r�+l�dgemen[ birck; Ernail to titie `� �e� if dc7eurrienks �r� r€�ord�bl�; Redraf't CICy�il^�g do��ar'n��k5 �'If�l �"ic� canference urith T Reich�rt reg��din� �lo5ir�g 0..50 �natt�rs; dra�t IJM� mcrkg��e MNI d�� aft prc�rr�iss�p!�+ noke fc�r rr�ortg�ge 0.8[7 TMR �orafMrm ��rnest f4�t�rr�y, fJp��[e closin� d�acuments O.�Q '?; "6i�0�� Mh�l �in�lize rr}e��k�g�ge and r�ote for Uf4�C acs�Jisiki�n 1.�4 1 ��.�f7 375.0[� 7 � 0+� �4.Q� 25i1. �i� 125.�0 147.OG� 161.7� 72�.Q� 20Q �0 r'3 5Ci 3C�Q. �� F�ag�: � �C�nn�dy � +�rarr��t, Ct��rfer�� 2�C� �outh S�ixti� �tr�e#. S�it� 47v f�l �n��polis, 61��f� �540� City c�f MOnti�E�:� M�{ch .�,1, �S�2C� 3f17t242�1 TN1R I�re��r� �cl�s��rg docurrs�ents f�ir M�r#h� ln+gram r�;�i�w ��0 3!'i�312Q��[� MNI Rea�iesv Citl� commitm�nt for 11Jk+'1C ��quisiti�n; revi�vv 1,3Q dc�cum�nt �he�klist �or �bA eor��reya�c�; �ydfi��: confer��ce uv�kh T f�ei�h�rk r��ard�ng pl�r� of act�crn fo�r �I�s��g 3�18,r2p2� T�.+fR F'hor� call wi#t� Jirn T�ares �i#h u�r��t� �n v�rhen everyo�re 0.��} k�rill �ign dt��urr��rts Ph�n� c�ll �rorn J�nny h+�t��hlmann corf�r��ir•� pureh�5e prac�. Ernae,' �p �n�i from �+'1a�h� :rgr�,�n :o d�scuss items need�d f�r �Itr�i�ng 311�+'�02� MNI R�vie'�+P �Jc�sing �do�umenk� f�ar U!�'1� ��r�uisiti�n 1.�f� 3178?��20 3�ZL}+202(� TN1F� Re�+i�� C�c��in� Lisks; Revi���a new tl�cuments. Err��il io 0,�0 M��#h� ir�gr�m �vi'h que�t�on� �nd �lo5ings �ist� f�r �p;�r�v�l f�1Nl Rewie�w ��tElerr��nk �ta".ement � 4t7 3a20l2��0 MN� Revi��r �r�d reurs� all �I��ing d�cs, send f�rrns of f�nal 2�� dra�� t� c�a�nss� f�r buyer; send errail rr�errfc� to EC}A st�ff �eg�rding remainir�g i�sues 3l23��OZ{� M'NI Re�+iew �I�sing docs For convey�r�ce. r�ffic� conferer�ce 1 2Q with T Re�icherC; ern�il a�d ph�n� �i�rresponder��ce +n�ith �I Th�re�. ����,f���0 �''�1R R�spand t� h��r#h.� Ingrarn r�g�rdir�g taxes on �etkl�meu�� �.20 �ta[err��rrt �f��ll2[]21] t�ihll �Cl�rsing rr��tter� - LlA+1� d�c�rr7�n�ation � �p 3?24f�OZ4 Th+1R �m�il to trtle cic��er fc�r r�+rievv and �pprc�v�l of deed 0.20 wF��4f�0�a Tf�1R Corrtpi�e all �losir�� do�ument� �r�d s�nd t�s Ma3-kh� In�r�m Q.30 for rev�iew �n,� �;ppraval 3�2�?21���? h+INI Queation frc�m ��churna€�rm =eg�r�ling PUD; revie�rr � 4� �t�ntr�ct langu�g� and :respond 3;��J�020 A+1�11 Nlor�+ doeument 5i�n�t�re tracking �r�d fc�llow-up 1.4�0 � 17.60 ���.6(1 � 32 30 �0{}.00 132.3L� 1 D� ��1 5;r0.�I7 3QQ.0� 29.�f� 1�� 00 �9.�0 �14.1 �] 7 O(�. �4 2.50.Op Pag�: � ��ennedy !� C�r�aer�, �h���ter�ed �oo ���,�r� �,�t� ��re�t, ��,�r� ��a Minn���o�is, MN s��o2 Clty c�f Mc�nti�el�o fV��r�l� 31, 2Q�� 3l2�120�0 MNI ��#ice �on€�rerm�� with T R�ichert reg�rding st�#us �F �II {�_6� doeur,�ents €nr closir.g �r��kir�� af signatwre ���k�et 3��7J���(J �f�+1R R�espond ta J�rri Th�r��s emaii regardirrg �6�'IC ��,�uments 0�� �,��QI�Q2C] MfVI Phon� cqrsver���i�rs with T Rei�hert regarding cic�s��ng �.�Q do�,U�n�r�ts, rnissin� deed 3?�O�i20�� hJiNl R��i�w letter c�f ins#ruction f�r pr�perty s�le f�r �lM� f} �� r�v�se sa�^n�. ern�il tcs J Th�r�s reg�rdin� asse�smen# �7��[}ff �{U�Stl�f� 3!�(�12q��p TMF� [�r��e to i�e�istered Abstr�cte�; Reui�w file with Jer�ny 2.�0 fulo�hlrnann: Phane c�lls+.�rith M�rtha Ingrarn �n�i ,1ir�r Th�re� ;�l3i,'�C��� MNI h+��r�#ie�ll� - clos��� rr�a�k�rs t�c�c�ment tra�cking 1.7G �?31?�0�{� Tl�i� �hon� cai� v�ith Il��r��� Jn�r�m; i�e�ris� �lo�ing I�rst.ructi�n 0.8� Letter 3d�1i��2� TMR Phane c�ll �nd email ta� Jirrr Th�r�S tc� ��nfirrn receip# of Q.10 �'' n��es5�ry closing �o�urr����ts Tcstal Seru���s: $ For �II D ��urser!°tien;s ,�s F��� e�,rrs: F'�stage 15{}. i3C� 14.7f} 75.0�1 15� l�C� 294.Of? 425 [�0 117'.�p 1 �1.7Q �h,�+i+./.�u �.6R Tot�l Qisbur:�ement�. $ 7.60 Tot�l �eruices and [�i5bur��menxs: � 5,840.�0 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 826 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (5) Hi Julie, these are all okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 8:05 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Can you get me these this morning? From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 9:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Following up on these. Please review and approve by end of day tomorrow to be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 10:16 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redevelopment -$200.00 - Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101—General EDA- $380.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00001 —General - $120.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMC TIF -$5,840.90 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161 — 4065 Chelsea -$1,295.00 - UMC Escrow Account 1 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, .JuCie C(�eney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('1ifi' €AF f�`� ��I�1������' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dnta Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 Pa�e 2 l��enr��d� & Graven� �harter��d �OQ ��rukh 5ix#h Skreek, ��ite �?� Minn��polis, �1h� �5��i0� �it�r of Monticello :;+l+lar�h 31, �C]�0 Pa+1N19�-f��?l�'I G�ner�l EDA Matters Thraugh F,����.h 31, �Q2�1 Fc�� A.:i Legal Ser�riCeS A5 F(�Il�avs 3I��J2[l�(] Afih#I h+lonthly finance �a�u vrith fUcrkhl�r�d: EC�A s��ff Hours Ar�our�t 1.�0 3J[7.C�� �;2�4l2[�2Q IIw9Nl D�r�Ft �r�t� c�r�ul�te EDA presiden# proc;�m��i4n reg�rdyr�g �.4Q telephanic r��r��ting� � � � T'c�tal ��rvices SL�.Q�i � 38�.Db TD#.�I �enriC�s �r�d Dis�bur�ernents: � 38�.0[l Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 826 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (5) Hi Julie, these are all okay to pay. See coding below. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, May 6, 2020 8:05 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Can you get me these this morning? From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 9:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Following up on these. Please review and approve by end of day tomorrow to be included in our check run on Wednesday. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 10:16 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (5) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redevelopment -$200.00 - Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00101—General EDA- $380.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00001 —General - $120.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00160 — UMC TIF -$5,840.90 - UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161 — 4065 Chelsea -$1,295.00 - UMC Escrow Account 1 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, .JuCie C(�eney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('1ifi' €AF f�`� ��I�1������' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dnta Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 �ui x���x +�+rEwuE � s�„r� 3�� N1lNF}E�i�[3LIS. !�N 354'1 � �� � Crky o� M�W�tticello April 22, 2Q��] At�rs: S�rah R�tF�I sberger, �PFD �r�ar�ee �4"I�na�er Pro�ect+In�rC�i�_e. �-fJ1�355-���0 -� Sd�S'JV�Ir�ut �tr�et. �urt� 1 Rev��+,+re� F��': Br2k tilVeiss 141�an#��cell� h��N ��36�-�$31 Praj�ct rk++lanage� .�arries Grom�b�rg �C�2�] �ean�rn c C7ev�'�opment ��rvi�es Cbty Staff Re�+i�r��aer - J.�' Th�res �L,4�ct # 21.i.�38?t�'E �319s�i Professi�r�al �er�rices fr�m h'larch 'I 2Q20 tc� M�rch 31 �42�4 �`.�ase CC�` 2�i2C E;,rr��mfc �e�apl;aF�merrt �erui,�s Mur�khly Ret�iner �CrfpTfllER��. NlCxf7tf7� � li2i�3df��r �775.�1fJ f�r f�]a5 f�35�f. F�� To��l Fee � 3�(l.€J0 Perc�nt �am�lek� 25.�L� T�tal Earned �,3�5.•�0 Pre}r,a�s Fe� Bf1G�r� G��rer5t Fee E��Ilirig Total Fee ���fii�l Pr;a��ts �rcml�e•g. J�mes (33;3��,'�� Gl��dersareu5 Proa�ct �i#� �I��ss. Er� �731Q2�2C� Fiber �,�t°I�t;d m�p T�at�l� Tot�l Labar Bil�inc�� to [�a#� Gurrent 7r5.�� 209.54 Oe04 ���.�o �.5�� �C ?i� 4� TT5.{�0 Ta#�I this T�sk $775.0� Ho�ar� I�ate 7. L�+� 15 C�. L��l 50 �1�.0(} Pris�r 1,�5�.'JO �;351 JC -2�z.G� �,si�,�+a ,4m4ur�t � 5C �G �9,SQ 2�9.50 209.5�} Total thi� T�sk $2U9,5� Tra1[al.this Phase �9�4_�Q Total this In�voic� S98d.�{� Ta�tal �.3��.�0 2.��C�.��7 -�22.��{1 A,6�3.5C} Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 10:40 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: W5B $984.50 Julie, yes, this is okay to pay as coded. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 10:11 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB $984.50 Jim Attached is Inv# R015355-000 3 from WSB. Okay to pay $984.50 as coded? Thanks, _IuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticella 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('1T� i7F �� . ���������' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i 0 z 0 4 � C � 0 � � L O C , �r, � � � I t� t� o0 00 .o 0 m �n �n .� r N N N � ..'7 ..'7 ..'� ..'� O O O O N N N N 0 0 0 0 � � � � o v� v� v� v� �.,� --' --' --' --' v� ir, ir, ir, in 7 O O O O � Q .� � a c, � 8c,w � .?�� � v� w W � Tv� �' ✓� -� � > � CG a+ cx � o m c� o M � �--i � � � � m � � � � 0 0 0 0 � O O O � � � � � � � � N N N N � � � � � � � � i--� i--� i--� i--� `--1 `--1 `--1 `--1 W W W W �! �! �! �! F F F F zzzz 0 0 0 0 � � � � w w w w Q Q Q Q F F F F U U U U O O O O O O O O N N N N � � � � M M [+l [+l � � � � o — — — m m m m � � � � � � � � � � � � N N N N �., N � L' w w � O p � � <a O N O x � 0.+ �, N O N O v� v-; ._�_- a O � r p i. O � � H � Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Friday, April 3, 2020 8:50 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 4120webinserts.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 5/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E 3/1/2020 to 3/31/2020 (31 days) 4/2/2020 5/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading Cons ($1.25) ($0.50) $10.50 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $ 0.00 $8.75 $8.75 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Friday, April 3, 2020 8:50 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 4120webinserts.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 5/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 3/1/2020 to 3/31/2020 (31 days) 4/2/2020 5/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons $0.00 $7.10 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $ 0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 68621907 Current Charges noreply@ merchanttransact.com Friday, April 3, 2020 8:50 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 4120webinserts.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 3/1/2020 42332 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 5/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 3/1/2020 to 3/31/2020 (31 days) 4/2/2020 5/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 4/1/2020 42514 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. � Cons 182 $0.00 $0.00 $7.10 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $0.00 $9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $ 0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Friday, April 3, 2020 8:50 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 4120webinserts.pdf Previous Reading 5erial Date Reading 60867213 3/1/2020 1001572 60867213 3/12/2020 1001572 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - RESIDENTIAL Garbage: GARBAGE FEE - TXBL Garbage: RECYCLING FEE - NON TAXABLE Waste Taxes: GARBAGE TAX RES - 9.75% Stormwater: STORMWATER / RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 5/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. � 007256-009 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 300 4TH ST E 3/1/2020 to 3/31/2020 (31 days) 4/2/2020 5/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 3/12/2020 1001572 4/1/2020 1001572 Cons 0 0 $0.00 $7.10 ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $9.18 $8.25 $0.75 $0.80 $1.50 $26.64 $26.64 $26.64 $0.00 $26.64 $26.64 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. EDA Agenda - 06/10/20 4e. Consideration of approvin� demolition quotes for 300 - 4th Street East and authorizing entering into negotiations for a contract for services with the lowest qualified bid (JaT) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND On December 6, 2019, the EDA acquired the property located at 300 - 4th Street East for $92,500. The property contains a 1910, two-story single-family home with a detached garage. The house is decrepit and needs to be demolished. When paired with the adj acent Palm Street right-of-way and an EDA owned vacant lot (224 4th Street East), the area comprises 1.61-acres and would serve as an excellent residential redevelopment opportunity. Per Minnesota Pollution Control standards, a Hazardous Materials Inspection was completed and all hazardous materials and debris have been removed. The EDA selected Bergo Environmental to complete the asbestos abatement process in the amount of $1,658. On May 21, 2020, approximately 120 square feet of asbestos was removed from the kitchen. The EDA has encouraged staff to work with the Fire Department to determine if they could use the residence for a training burn exercise. It should be noted that due to the garage being a brick structure, only the home can be used for the fire training exercise. Customized Fire Rescue Training Inc., Maple Lake, was also asked to complete the required bulk caulking sampling in late April, 2020 at a cost of $150. This is a requirement to have completed if the EDA decides to move forward with a fire training burn at the site. The EDA has contracted with this company in the past for sampling work and staff are expecting to receive the report in the ne�t few weeks. Staff created a request for bids and posted to the City's website on May 15th, 2020. The request form directed the submittal of two quotes from qualified contractors. One quote for demolition following the fire training burn and a second quote for a no training burn/regular demolition. The deadline to submit the bids was Monday, June 1, 2020 at 4 p.m. A total of six qualified bids were received with the results separated below from lowest to highest. Post Fire Trainin� Burn Demolition: • Carlson Construction (Ward Carlson) - 527 8th Street SW, Buffalo, MN o $6,500 Elfmann Excavating - 521 Knollwood Street W, Annandale, MN o $8,700 EDA Agenda - 06/10/20 • C.W.'s Excavating, Inc. - 19443 County Road 50, Big Lake, MN o $8,500 (+$1,350/dumpster) • Schluender Construction - 3331 90th Street NE, Monticello, MN o $10,900 • Steinbrecher Companies, Inc. - 13792 247th Avenue, Zimmerman, MN o $19,117 • Rachel - 4125 Napier Court NE, St. Michael, MN o$29,400 (+$5,350 to add alternate import fill and backfill voids) No Burn-Re�ular Demolition: • Carlson Construction (Ward Carlson) - 527 8th Street SW, Buffalo, MN o $9,995 • Elfmann Excavating - 521 Knollwood Street W, Annandale, MN o $12,400 • Schluender Construction - 3331 90th Street NE, Monticello, MN o $12,900 • C.W.'s Excavating, Inc. - 19443 County Road 50, Big Lake, MN o $15,355 • Steinbrecher Companies, Inc. - 13792 247th Avenue, Zimmerman, MN o $20,654 • Rachel - 4125 Napier Court NE, St. Michael, MN o $24,750 The EDA is reminded that there is an additional cost of $2,500 to the EDA for Monticello Fire Department to complete the fire training. The EDA has been placed on the Minnesota Board of Fire Training and Education waiting list to receive State grant funds to cover approximately $1,500 for the training, with the remaining $1,000 paid by the EDA. It is expected to receive confirmation sometime in August. If the EDA decides to move forward with a contractor for the post fire training clean- up, demolition would be expected in August or September. If the EDA decides to complete regular clean-up, the demolition could begin right away. The Fire Department also recognizes that the safety of their volunteer staff is most important during the pandemic and that could delay the ability of the Fire Department to conduct the training this year if COVID-19 safety recommendations are still prevalent. If the EDA decides to move forward with utilizing the Fire Department to conduct the fire training at the site, City Staff will continue to work with Scott Carriveau (Customized Fire Rescue Training, Inc.) to assist with proper protocol. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to select Carlson Construction in the amount of $6,500 for post fire training demolition work or in the amount of $9,995 for a no burn-regular 2 EDA Agenda - 06/10/20 demolition. 2. Motion to select another contractor. 3. Motion to table for additional research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMN�NDATION Staff recommends that the EDA select two actions in the event that a fire training burn is not possible due to the pandemic and/or funding. Staff recommends contracting with Carlson Construction for both alternatives (post fire demolition and regular demolition). It should be noted that in 2018, Carlson Construction also completed the post fire demolition at the EDA owned 255 Broadway East property. The demolition and clean up work at that site was deemed to have met all performance standards. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibits - Demolition Quotes A. Carlson Construction (Ward Carlson) B. Carlson Construction (Ward Carlson) C. Elfmann Excavating D. Elfmann Excavating E. Schluender Construction F. Schluender Construction G. C.W.'s Excavating, Inc. H. Steinbrecher Companies, Inc. I. Rachel J. Steinbrecher Companies, Inc. 3 Carlson Construction Ward Car/son 527 8th St SW Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone 612-363-1166 Attn: Jacob Thunander City of Monticello, MN ����;�: . �i � ��,� r_���_rlll�!,.._ DESCRIPTION DATE: May 26,2020 FOR: Demo house *** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** Removal of house at 300 4th St East, Monticello, MN If fire dept burns house and garage roof Removal of all concrete, ash and rubble Backfill holes with compactible material, cap water and sewer at property line cover with 4" minimum of black dirt and seed *** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** TOTAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! AMOUNT $6, 500. 00 $6, 500. 00 Carlson Construction Ward Car/son 527 8th St SW Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone 612-363-1166 Attn: Jacob Thunander City of Monticello, MN ����;�: . �i � ��,� r_���_rlll�!,.._ DESCRIPTION DATE: May 26,2020 FOR: Demo house *** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** Removal of house at 300 4th St East, Monticello, MN Removal of house and garage, footings and all debris backfill with compactable material, cap water and sewer at property line, 4" or more of black dirt and seed *** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** B I D*** TOTAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! AMOUNT $9, 995. 00 $9, 995. 00 Elfmann Excavatin � 521 Knollwood St W Annandale, MN 55302 Cell: (763) 250-3534 May 31, 2020 Bid for: City of Monticello - Jacob Thunander Bid Date: May 31, 2020 Property Address: 300 E 4th St Bid is good for 30 days from Bid Date Monticello, MN Demolition of Structures (house burned in fire training burn�. - Demolition & removal of home, foundation and detached garage o The house being used as a fire training burn - 2-30-yard dumpsters for building material - All materials to be removed and hauled off-site - Cap sewer and water lines at the property line per MPCA standards - Haul in fill material to fill in foundation hole and grade out site (approximately 155 yards) - Project area to be leveled and seeded - Mobilization & labor included $8,700.00 Thank you, Tony/Jessica Elfmann Acceptance of Bid (print) (signature) Date (a) Any person or company supplying labor or materials for this improvement to your property may file a lien against your property if that person or company is not paid for the contributions. (b) Under Minnesota law, you have the right to pay persons who supplied labor or materials for this improvement directly and deduct this amount from our contract price, or withhold the amounts due them from us until 120 days after completion of the improvement unless we give you a lien waiver signed by persons who supplied any labor or material for the improvement and who gave you timely notice. Elfmann Excavatin � 521 Knollwood St W Annandale, MN 55302 Cell: (763) 250-3534 May 31, 2020 Bid for: City of Monticello - Jacob Thunander Bid Date: May 31, 2020 Property Address: 300 E 4th St Bid is good for 30 days from Bid Date Monticello, MN Demolition of Structures - Demolition & removal of entire home, foundation and detached garage - 5-30-yard dumpsters for building material - All materials to be removed and hauled off-site - Cap sewer and water lines at the property line per MPCA standards - Haul in fill material to fill in foundation hole and grade out site (approximately 155 yards) - Project area to be leveled and seeded - Mobilization & labor included $12,400.00 Thank you, Tony/Jessica Elfmann Acceptance of Bid (print) (signature) Date (a) Any person or company supplying labor or materials for this improvement to your property may file a lien against your property if that person or company is not paid for the contributions. (b) Under Minnesota law, you have the right to pay persons who supplied labor or materials for this improvement directly and deduct this amount from our contract price, or withhold the amounts due them from us until 120 days after completion of the improvement unless we give you a lien waiver signed by persons who supplied any labor or material for the improvement and who gave you timely notice. Schluender Construction City of Monticello EDA 300 east 4th street Monticello Mn. � Remove house after fire department burns it Haul to landfill Remove foundation and garage fill in with sand and add topsoil $10,900.00 Seed disturbed areas Disconnect sewer and water Aspestos removal or report not included City permit not included Mpca permit Total $10, 900. 00 Robert Schluender Schluender Construction City of Monticello EDA 300 east 4th street Monticello Mn. Remove house Haul to landfill Remove foundation and garage fill in with sand and add topsoil Seed disturbed areas Disconnect sewer and water � Aspestos removal or report not included City permit not included Mpca permit $12, 900. 00 Total $12, 900. 00 Robert Schluender Praposal C.W.'s Excavating, Inc. � �4a3 c�. Rd. �� Sig Lake, MI� 553Q9 Ph. # (612} 36fi-564� Date: May 25,���a Pro osal �ubmitted To: Wark To Be PerForrned A#: tVame: Gity of M4nticelio S�reet. 3[lfl E 4th St 5#reet: Ciiy: Monti�elio City: State: Mr� State: Zip: Zipe Date af Plans: Phone; 7�3-2?1-32Q6 Architeat: ��vrvu.ci.m�e tic�Sia.rrsn.�s We hereby prv�vs� t+a ftarnis#� the �aterials and �ertarm #he laba�' necessary far the demoli#ion of house and rfe�atched garage tc� ine9ude: 1 } ❑ema ha�ase and garage. 2} Remo�e four�dations. 3} �m{�vr� clean fill and bring disturbed area up tv exis�Fng g�ade. �} Irr�port and Spr�ad bfack dirt.[seed di�iurbed area}. 5) Disco�nect sewer and water at ��rb st�p. Cap sewer l�ne. N�tes: a} }�} c} Ar�y permit fees tif �equired are ex�ra}. Environmenta[ ass�s�ment an� a€�y abatemer�t is complete �per Jaco� Thtuna�der}. RII p�rsonal ei`fect�, gar�age,and items nQ� considered part of str�ctures will k�e remvved �t�y othersj priar tv demo. (per Jacob Thunancler� P�li Mater�ai is guaranteed to b� as specifie�, and the above work to b� p�rf�rmed in a�cordance with the drawirsgs and s�ecifcatiorts subrr�itted for abo�e wvrk and compieted in a s�abs#antial workmanEike manner tor the sum af: �ifteen Tho�sand Three Nundred Fifty-�ive �ailars $15,355.�0 with paymer�t as fvilows: InWoic� EC3M, Net 'i0fh 1�ote: Any Alteration or deviatian fram a�ave specifcatians in�olv9ng exfra costs wil6 be executed only upfln wri#ten orders, and wiEi beceyme an extra charge o�er and above the estimate. This proposa! may 6e vdithdrawn by us if not acc�pt�d within ten days E�espeCt#ully 5ubmittr2d: C.W.'s Exca�+ati�g, In�. Pe�r: ��f � � ACGEPTAN�E 4F PRqPflSAL The abo�e pri��s, specifi�ations and condi�ions are satisfactory arsd are hereby accepted. Yau are a��hori�ed to dn t�e w�rk as specif�d_ Paym�nt wifl be made as autfined abov�. Signatur�: Signature. Date: I7a�e: Proposal C.W.'s �xca�ating, inc. 19443 Gty. Rd. 50 Big Lake, �f4� 553f�9 Pl�. # (612} 3�6-5fiD5 Propv�al Submitt�d To: Name; City of Mon#icello Street: �i#�: Stai�; Zip: Phon�: 763-2�1-3246 Dat�: May 26,2�24 WDrk To 6� Perf�rmed At: Street: 304 � Faurth St. City: Mant�celi� State: MN Zip: 0�#e nf Pf��ts: ArChitect; We hereby propos� tc� furnish tP�e materials and perform the I�bor necessary for the demfllitic�� of cantrol burned house and detatched garage ta include: '� } ❑emo ho�se. �} Remvve f�undations. 3} Impart cleart filE and bring disturbed area up tv exist�n� grade. 4} Import and spread black dirt. �s��d dis'�ur�ed areaj. 5} ❑iscanneci seuve� ar�d wat�r at cur�a stvp. Gap sewer line. �ase Bid �} Nv clumpsters {for �ouse} are fgured in bid �beca�se � cantroi burn} used wili be c�arged ou# at a ra�e of �'1,35�1 ��ampster. Nates: $8,5�� Each dum�ster a} Any permit fees �if required are extra}. �} E�rviranmen�al assessment and any a�ateme�t is camplete �per �lacvb Tt�u�rander}. c} Afl persor�a! effects,garE�age, anc€ i�ems nvt considered part n� stru�tures wil� be remaved �by athers} priar ta demo. [�er Jacab Thunander}. Alf IVlaterial is guaranteed to be as s�ecified, �nd the abave work to �e pertarmed in accordanc� with fhe drawin�s and sp��ifi�ations suk�mitted for above work a�d comp��ted in a subsfantial warkmanlike s�nanner for the S�sm of; E�gE�i Th�ousand Five Hur�dred ❑vliars $8,5D�.04 with payr�ent as fcrl[ows: [r��oice E�M, I�et � dth �dote: Any Alterat€an rar deviatior� from akao�e specificat�ans invoiving exira costs wili be executed only upan written orciers, xnd will become an extra charge over and aGove the estimate. This praposai may be wrEtttdrawn by us ifi not accepted within i�n days Respectfully Submitt�d: C.W.'s Exca�ating, inc. Per: AGCEPTR�CE �F PROPQSAL The above pri�es, spec+ficati4res an� c.flr�ditions are sat�sfactary and are hereby aecepted. You are authari�ed t� do the wark as specified. Payment wiil be made as outlir�e� a�ove. 5igna#ure: Signature: C]ate: Companies, Inc. 13792 247�t' Avenue — Zimmerman, MN 55398 Phone (763� 274-0925 Fax �7G3� 274-0928 ROLL-OFFS ♦ SEPTIC SYSTEMS ♦ EXCAVATING LANDSCAPING ♦ DEMOLITION BILL TO City of Monticello Jacob Thunander 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 DESCRIPTION * Cap sewer and water at property line * Demolition and removal of entire house detached garage structure and foundation. * All material will be hauled and disposed of at Elk River Landfill * Hole will be filled in graded out and seeded. * Records showing all material was properly disposed of JOB NOTES: * All Prices above are valid for 30 days from date on Proposal. * Owner needs to have all utilities disconnected more than 20' from house. * The above prices do not include the following unless otherwise listed above: - Permit fee -Asbestos/Hazardous material inspection - Removal of any asbestos or hazardous materials. - Any repairs to landscaping. - Any tree removal. - Any import or export of material to/from site. * SCI will contact Gopher 1 for locates. Gopher State 1 does not locate private utilities. * Owner agrees to hold SCI harmless for the following: - Any damage done to utilities that are unmarked, mis-marked, or private. - Any damage done to driveway with heavy equipment. * Owner is responsible for all erosion of sediment, maintaining any landscaping, re-seeding/overseeding and washout that may occur. * All prices are based on cash or check payment. Alternate payment types may be charged additional 3% service charge. * Terms are: 1/2 down is due upon signing proposal and balance due when invoiced. SIGNATURE & DATE PROPOSAL DATE PROPOSAL # 5/15/2020 4982 PROJECT 300 E 47th Street, Monticello QTY RATE 1.00 20,654.00 • •• TOTAL 20,654.00 • •• Subtotal $20,654.00 * Customer agrees that bysigning this proposal, it becomes a legal binding contract and all invoices will be paid Sales Tax �0.0%� �0.00 according to Steinbrecher Companies Inc (SCI) terms. Should there be any circumstances where SCI cannot complete thejob, Customer still agrees to payfor time and materials used up to termination ofjob. * Prices above may include sales tax. If you are Tax Exempt please complete and submit exemption form. * All prices are TOTAL �20,654.00 based on cash or check payment. Alternate payment types may be charged additional 3% convenience fee. * Payment Terms (unless otherwise noted above) are: Payment is due when customer is invoiced. * All past due amounts are subject to a finance charge at the maximum rate allowed by state law, plus all costs of collections including attorney fees if incurred. Returned Checks will be charged a$30.00 Fee. * All Parties agree that a signed, faxed or emailed copy of this form is considered a"Legal Document." CONTRACTOR PRE-LIEN NOTICE (Minn. Stat. 514.011 Subd. 1) This Notice is to advise you of your rights under Minnesota law in connection with the improvement to your property. (a) Any person or company supplying labor or materials for this improvement to your property may file a lien against your property if that person or company is not paid far the contributions. (b) Under Minnesota law, you have the right to pay persons who supplied labor or materials for this improvement directly and deduct this amount from our contract price, or withhold the amounts due them from us until 120 days after completion of the improvement unless we give you a lien waiver signed by persons who supplied any labor or material for the improvement and who gave you timely notice. � RA�HEL May 20th, 2020 Mr.Jacob Thunander City of Monticello PROJECT: HiJacob COMMITTED TD SAFETY Residential demolition at 300 E 4th Street, Monticello, MN We a pleased to provide you a proposal for our services, Pricin : Option 1- Building demolition as described below (No Fire) $24,750.00 Option 2- Building demo of fire burned house $29,400 Add alternate Import fill and backfill voids $5350.00 Work items included in our base price: o Mobilization, Demolition permit costs to perform our work o Install erosion controls (bio logs) o Water and sewer disconnects for demolition only o House and basement demolition o Garage demo o Dust suppression o Transportation and disposal fees o Backfill and compact when completed (alternate price) Proiect exclusions and assumptions: o Asbestos, regulated, special or hazardous waste removal or disposal is excluded o No removal of underground tanks are included in this pricing o No disposal of personal property or wastes are included in this pricing o Soil corrections for poor or contaminated soils is excluded o Well sealing is not included o Tree and stump removal by others o Installing site security fencing o Soil stabilization or seeding is excluded o Any fee's from utility providers goes directly to the owner Thank you for the opportunity. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Don Ritsen Rachel Contracting, Inc. Phone: 763-274-4265 dritsen(c�rachelcontractinq.com Companies, Inc. 13792 247�t' Avenue — Zimmerman, MN 55398 Phone (763� 274-0925 Fax �7G3� 274-0928 ROLL-OFFS ♦ SEPTIC SYSTEMS ♦ EXCAVATING LANDSCAPING ♦ DEMOLITION BILL TO City of Monticello Jacob Thunander 505 Walnut Street Monticello MN 55362 DESCRIPTION * Cap sewer and water at property line * Demolition and removal of entire house detached garage structure and foundation. This price is based on wood structure being completely burned and only have ash to load and haul out. * All material will be hauled and disposed of at Elk River Landfill * Hole will be filled in graded out and seeded. * Records showing all material was properly disposed of JOB NOTES: * All Prices above are valid for 30 days from date on Proposal. * Owner needs to have all utilities disconnected more than 20' from house. * The above prices do not include the following unless otherwise listed above: - Permit fee -Asbestos/Hazardous material inspection - Removal of any asbestos or hazardous materials. - Any repairs to landscaping. - Any tree removal. - Any import or export of material to/from site. * SCI will contact Gopher 1 for locates. Gopher State 1 does not locate private utilities. * Owner agrees to hold SCI harmless for the following: - Any damage done to utilities that are unmarked, mis-marked, or private. - Any damage done to driveway with heavy equipment. * Owner is responsible for all erosion of sediment, maintaining any landscaping, re-seeding/overseeding and washout that may occur. * All prices are based on cash or check payment. Alternate payment types may be charged additional 3% service charge. * Terms are: 1/2 down is due upon signing proposal and balance due when invoiced. SIGNATURE & DATE PROPOSAL DATE PROPOSAL # 5/15/2020 4982 PROJECT 300 E 47th Street, Monticello QTY RATE 1.00 19,117.00 • •• TOTAL 19,117.00 • •• Subtotal $19,117.00 * Customer agrees that bysigning this proposal, it becomes a legal binding contract and all invoices will be paid Sales Tax �0.0%� �0.00 according to Steinbrecher Companies Inc (SCI) terms. Should there be any circumstances where SCI cannot complete thejob, Customer still agrees to payfor time and materials used up to termination ofjob. * Prices above may include sales tax. If you are Tax Exempt please complete and submit exemption form. * All prices are TOTAL � 19� 1 1%.00 based on cash or check payment. Alternate payment types may be charged additional 3% convenience fee. * Payment Terms (unless otherwise noted above) are: Payment is due when customer is invoiced. * All past due amounts are subject to a finance charge at the maximum rate allowed by state law, plus all costs of collections including attorney fees if incurred. Returned Checks will be charged a$30.00 Fee. * All Parties agree that a signed, faxed or emailed copy of this form is considered a"Legal Document." CONTRACTOR PRE-LIEN NOTICE (Minn. Stat. 514.011 Subd. 1) This Notice is to advise you of your rights under Minnesota law in connection with the improvement to your property. (a) Any person or company supplying labor or materials for this improvement to your property may file a lien against your property if that person or company is not paid far the contributions. (b) Under Minnesota law, you have the right to pay persons who supplied labor or materials for this improvement directly and deduct this amount from our contract price, or withhold the amounts due them from us until 120 days after completion of the improvement unless we give you a lien waiver signed by persons who supplied any labor or material for the improvement and who gave you timely notice. EDA: 6/10/20 5. Consideration of Duffv Development's TIF Pre-Application and Concept Development Proposal Review of 53-unit affordable housing apartment (Low Income Housing Tax Credit (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Duffy Development, Minnetonka, MN, has submitted an affordable housing TIF pre- application to support development of a 53-unit apartment building that would utilize the Federal Section 42 Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program as the major source of funding for the proposal. Using LIHTC also requires the developer to enter into a long-term contract with Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) to provide units at a set rental rate and also use household income criteria in determining occupancy eligibility. All (100 %) of the units in the building would be rented to households with qualifying income levels. Duffy is seeking TIF and/or City fee waivers to fill a funding gap of approximately $500,000 for the nearly $13,500,000 investment. The proposed development site is at the far west end of the Riverwood Bank parcel on 7tn Street West. Duffy has entered into a purchase agreement with Riverwood Bank for an initial purchase of 2.66 acres and an option to acquire an additional 1.50 acres abutting 1-94 for future development of additional commercial or housing in a later phase. Both parcels also border Elm Street. The presentation and discussion for the June 10, 2020 EDA meeting is an opportunity to review the proposal and ask questions regarding the global development concept, including the specific site, the development layout and the preferred financing structure while also learning background information about Duffy Development and similar proj ects that they have completed in the region. Since the completion of the 2017 Housing Study, two multi-family proj ects have moved forward. The recently completed Briggs Rivertown Residential Suites development provides 47 new units (including 10 affordable units) in the City. A 96-unit assisted living apartment (Headwaters Development) is currently under construction along Hart Boulevard and is expected to open in September 2020. The Briggs development involves TIF support while the Headwaters development does not. In addition, the City Council recently approved two other multi-family development proposals. If completed, the Deephaven multi-family proposal will provide 165 market-rate units while the Firm Ground-Kj ellberg apartment development is expected to provide 92 market-rate units in the City. The Deephaven project is anticipated to begin construction this summer. The Kj ellberg/Firm Ground proj ect has requested an extension to complete its land use application process. The construction timeline for that project is unknown. Neither project has requested TIF assistance for affordable housing. It should be further noted, that there are six (6) housing TIF Districts currently on the EDA's books. Of those, three are active and scheduled to receive increment payments in 2020. Only two will receive increment in beyond 2020. The other four Districts are in an inactive status that allows the EDA to continue to collect pooling increment. Outside of the Briggs 47-unit development, which was approved in July 2018, the EDA has not considered any other affordable housing TIF development proposals in the past 10 years (this does not count the EDA: 6/10/20 Headwaters pre-concept discussion [a TIF pre-application was never submitted] that took place at the 12-11-19 EDA meeting). Staff is asking the EDA to discuss and offer guidance on next steps in relation to the potential use of affordable housing TIF relative to the 53-unit (100 percent of the units are affordable) multi-family housing proposal. Duffy has submitted TIF pre-application materials which are attached to the staff report. A company representative plans to attend the EDA meeting to review a power point slide show and answer questions during the proposal discussion. Also, to clarify, this consideration by the EDA will not include a detailed review of the proposal nor a final "but-for" determination. Those TIF related discussions will be conducted at a later date if the EDA is supportive of the Duffy proposal. Duffy plans to submit a concept stage planned unit development proposal for comment of the Planning Commission and City Council later in June. Use of the Riverwood Bank site will require a comprehensive plan amendment re-guiding the site area to residential and rezoning. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is a limited staff impact in considering the TIF application from Duffy Development. The review and organization of the application materials that occurs during the creation of the staff report is part of in-house staff duties. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: This is a pre-application concept review by the EDA. There is a very modest budget impact (normal duty staff time) due to the consideration of the TIF pre- application for EDA direction on next steps. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. No motion needed for pre-application concept discussion-feedback to the developer. 2. Motion as determined by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff will defer to the EDA in the consideration of the next steps in the Duffy Development affordable housing TIF proposal. This is an initial pre-application and concept review by the EDA. If there is a consensus of support for Duffy's proposal, that will help guide Duffy in its next steps in seeking funding with MHFA through the LIHTC program. The deadline for Duffy to submit its funding request to MHFA is in mid-July, 2020. LIHTC funding is very competitive and they have a long review and decision schedule. The MHFA funding award decision would occur in October or November 2020. If Duffy is successful in obtaining the LIHTC funding, then they have indicated that they will continue on with the TIF consideration steps with the EDA in late 2020 or early 2021. Construction on any proj ect would likely not occur until summer of 2021. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Duffy Development TIF pre-application submittal EDA: 6/10/20 b. EDA TIF Guidelines cz7•� nz� �caN�r�cz��.Lo E�oN��z� r��.v�Lc�p�rEr� aurr��c�����-� �u��v��s su���n� ����.,��r��rrc.�N �3USiNESS ASSIS'C'ANC� .�I1�tANC`•INC� Iae�;�i zzanze af applica�rt. Acldress; 7"ral�plic,nc zamnksc:x: Name c�f cnntact persan:. � ��a � � � ��� �all � � 6� -�—�� � pa/i j� � �' m ° �i ����_ � � � �' � �....�.�...��...�.�...�....�.�.�.._�.�..�.�.�.�,. �Q�r,�s��n rr��c�r�!t�rr�oN A.dc�enduin slz�ill be a:ttacl�ec� heretc� �dd:ressi��� an detail thc fallowrzi�;: 1, A map shnwinb thu �,xacti �rc�uYxdaric;s of �ropUsed developt��ent. 2. Czve a�;en�r€�.t de;sai•iptio�a r�f" ilxe �rcajeet i►1�;iYading size �nd lt►�tttiUn of` builciing(s); busixl�;ss ty��� err us�; tr��'fi� irifornlatian inr:ludiix,� parkirl;�, prnj�acte<i vehiale cc�u�its and trat�c flc�xv, timitl� r�f tl1c; ���oj�;et; estimated t�larket v�lue Followiiig cc�rxiplctiari. �3: "1'he existing Ccr�npreli�nsive tJui�c ��lan I.A�Zd Us� desi�t�atioil aiad zo��ii�� of tl�e �aroperCy. Inclut�� �► st�teta�ent �s to k�asv the g�rc►�osec� cievelo�m��it will r��fcarm t�� tli� l�ncl us� dcsi�nation anct �ia�v the pi•c�pert� wi11 �e zod��d. A�. A state��ient idet�iifyin�;, liow ihe iricren�e�lt a�ssistazaee wili be usecl anci w1�y it is iaccessa�� t�> u��el�rt�kc t��e p��o���ti. 5, A statex��nt ideaxtii'yin�; th:e �ulal3c h�n�l;itw c7t tla� prca�osal inclu�in� e;stiinateel inere�s� in �ro�erty v1lu�tioal, �ew jobs tr� bc� cr�atecl; la�urly wa�;es �nd atl�er c�mLnnnity assuts. C�. A w�•itten descriptihn of the tievela�er°s busin.e�s, prxn�ip�tls, hisiory �nti ��st projec:t� [ �ixiderst�nd that the ap�licatic�n %e wili be useci ft�i� EI�A �ta�'f a��ci ec��lstz�tant costs �nd may be pnrtially r�;Puzxdable it tl�e regr;r��t far ass.ista:r�ce is vsrithda•awix. I�efizxxr�s will be xnade at tlac discretion of tihe ED� 1�oarcl �tncl be based oi� the cUsts incurt•ed by tiitc EUA prio�° ta witl�rixaw ��f tlYe rec�uust Co�� assi�tar�c�; TC' lt�e initial applicatio�i f'ee is iiisuf#zcient, I wi111�� res�car�si�:le for additianal dep�sits. SiGNI�,'Z"UR�; A��plivant's T7�ttie; C[TY OF MONTIC�LLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Application for Business Assistance Financing GENERAL 1NFORMATION: Business Name: �� �� �@� c� oop�nnc�� �p- � JL N'�, • Address: 9 �+�9 �ii�7 � eR�, �� �� � cr� . . �T T�2 Type (Pai-tnership, etc.): �E� �' � o �--o-�l'o � Date: �J � � � � �O'� � P�� ��h�'�'�� Authorized Representative: � Q,-� �b� 'i c � ��" Phone: ��j�.� ej�'°-� � (�� �� Description of Business: �.e_�..V 7f �-a-:'� �VJG��.`�oy�e9�' C7��'c� �ro ��i�'�, le� uor. � . Legal Counsel: ��- � e �� i h�`��( �j � C�tc� ��' r�, � c.. � Address: 2LvD ol.�ea\ � �� � �' �• Phone: ���- �bCe '��"3� ��s �,,►� s�� �. FINANCIAL BACKGROUND: 1. Have you ever filed for bankn►ptcy? 2. Have you ever defaulted on any loan commitment? �}' � 3. Have you applied for conventional financing for the project? ���- ��� � ��; ��,.� p'g.� e 0/Il�k�jt� 4. List financial references: a. �" �9� � Gl CI P W f' cJ U. ��v�`��� �(�y`� c. � 4ln � � �� ���,. � � 5. Have you ever used Business Assistance Financing before? � G� If'yes, what, �vhere and when? V�V Q'U�� y� ��- r���v� �C��- .e� �� � �� a � uv��► �C ee.J�� � � �na� 1\ � • PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Location of Proposed Proj ect: a�`\ ��,� �� Ci� e� �„ �� ���e. � 2. �nount of Business Assistance requested? ���1� ��� 3. Need for Business Assistance: � � Q,� � �; Q � �, � ��,p � �-� �y�p�� i 4. Present ownership of site: ; 01�.�' �J� � CA .�{O L� 5. Number of pennanent jobs created as a result of project? �� rn ��v �,�:,o ��� Q,�r� 6. Estimated anmial sales: Present: �� Futttre: � � � � t�0 � '(�V�� 7. Market value ofproject follo�ving completion: '���.�V��+�.1-e�� �� ���Q�� t��p .� 8. Anticipated start date: ���� �� �Q � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: 1. Estimated project related costs: a. Land acquisition b. Site development c. Building cost d. Equipme�lt e. Architectural/engineering fee f. Legal fees g. Off-site developtnent costs ��� $ �� Completion Date: 2. Source of tinancing: a. Private iinanciug institution b. Tax increment funds c. Other public fimds d. Developer equity I��.I�ASB T.NCI.,i.J1?�:. 1. Preiiziainary �iz�ncial coixi��itme�t fraxn ban�. ?. P.l�ns a�id cia•awirig c�f �r�jeet. 3. B�c;kgroeYnd materi�l �icar�p��ny. 4. Ptrc� F't�r�nt� 4it�aly�is. 5. I�'tti�izcial statements. �. �tateti��;iil of �ropez•t� otivnerslaip o:r contx•ol. '7. Y�yr�eiat af �pplicaGic�z� fee of $ l Q,000. EDA - TIF Criteria C1TY C�F � �i��i Ql1 1C� 0� CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TAX INCREMENT FINANCING 1. PROJECT EVALUATION CRITERIA 1:01 Tax increment financing proposals must meet a public purpose in addition to increasing tax base; which can include but are not limited to, the creation of livable wage jobs, removal of blight, and environmental clean up. 1:02 The EDA will utilize Tax Increment financing (TIF) to support the community's long-term economic, redevelopment, and housing goals stipulated in the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. TIF proposals will be considered under the Comprehensive Plan and City Code in effect at the time the TIF proposal is received. 1:03 The EDA shall use the following guidelines when evaluating a TIF request. A. All TIF requests shall meet the "but for" test. The "but for" test means that the proj ect would not develop solely on private investment in the reasonable future. The developer shall provide findings for the "but for" test. B. TIF will not be provided to projects that have the financial feasibility to proceed without the benefit of the subsidy. In effect, TIF will not be provided solely to broaden a developer's profit margins on a project. C. TIF requests should create the highest feasible number of jobs on site from date of occupancy where deemed appropriate. D. For manufacturing and warehousing TIF requests, at least 90% of the jobs created must pay at least 160% of the federal minimum wage requirements for individuals over the age of 20 during the term of the assistance. In the case of a recipient with existing jobs, the EDA may determine that the wage goal is satisfied if wages are increased to at least the minimum specified in this paragraph. Annual written reports are required until termination date. Failure to meet the job and wage level goals require partial or full repayment of the assistance with interest. E. In the case of a recipient with existing jobs, the EDA may determine that the wage goal is satisfied if wages are increased by a specified amount over the federal minimum wage. Annual written reports are required until termination date. Failure to 1 EDA - TIF Criteria meet the job and wage level goals require partial or full repayment of the assistance with interest. F. TIF requests should result in a substantial increase in property value and/or property taxes. F. TIF requests should facilitate redevelopment or elimination of "substandard" or "blighted" areas where deemed appropriate. G. TIF requests should facilitate the "clean-up" of environmentally unsound property where deemed appropriate. H. TIF requests should increase housing options for area residents where deemed appropriate. 2. TIF APPROVAL CRITERIA 2:01 All new proj ects considered by the EDA should meet the following minimum approval criteria. However, it should not be presumed that a project meeting these criteria will automatically be approved. Meeting these criteria creates no contractual right on the part of any potential developer or the EDA. 2:02 Prior to approval by the EDA, the developer shall provide any and all applicable and required market and financial documentation, appraisals, soil boring, information provided to private lenders for the project, and other information or data as requested. 2:03 A recipient of TIF must make a commitment to continue operations at the site where the subsidy is used for at least five years after the benefit date. 2:04 The EDA may determine job creation or retention is not a goal of the subsidy. In those cases, the recipient must instead meet at least one of the following minimum requirements (in addition to all other criteria in this document other than those relating to jobs and minimum wages): A. To remove blight and encourage redevelopment in the commercial and industrial areas of the City in order to encourage high levels of property maintenance and private reinvestment in those areas; or B. The proposed subsidy must result in improvements to public infrastructure or public facilities, including without limitations, sewers, storm sewers, streets, parks, recreational facilities, and other City facilities; or C. The proposed subsidy must remove physical impediments to development of land, including without limitations poor soils, bedrock conditions, steep slopes, or similar geotechnical problems. 3. PROCEDURES 2 EDA - TIF Criteria 3:01 Meet with appropriate Staff to discuss the scope of the project, define public assistance requested, identify public participation eligibility, and other information as may be necessary. 3:02 The request shall be reviewed by Staff on a preliminary basis as to the feasibility of the proj ect. 3:03 The project concept shall be placed on the EDA agenda for concept review. The applicant will make a presentation of the project. Staff will present its findings. 3:04 If EDA concept review is positive, Staff will provide the City Council with an informational concept review. 3:05 The City will hold all required public hearings. 3:06 The applicant will execute and submit the Preliminary Development Agreement accompanied by a deposit per approved fee schedule. 3:07 Building and site plans will be required to be submitted to the Community Development Department. 3:08 If Planning and Zoning Commission action is required, it will be necessary for the applicant, at this time, to make application to the Commission. 3:09 Staff will authorize the following steps: A. Preparation for establishment of the Tax Increment Finance District and the Tax Increment Financing Plan if required. B. Preparation of the Purchase and Development Contract or Private Redevelopment Contract (Subsidy Agreement) based upon agreed terms. 3:10 When action is required for the Tax Increment Finance District and Plan, Purchase and Development Contract or Private Redevelopment Contract, or Zoning/Ordinance; the EDA, Planning Commission and City Council shall take appropriate action such as public hearings and consideration of approvals. 3:11 Building permit will be issued after the Tax Increment Finance District and Plan is approved by the City Council, the Purchase and Development Contract or Private Redevelopment Contract is executed by the developer and EDA, and the Building Permit Fees are paid. 3:12 Generally Tax Increment Financing proj ects take between six to eight weeks from time of authorization to begin drafting plan and contrac� History: Public Hearing and Adoption the 8�' of September 1999 Public Haring and Adoprion of Amendments the 4�' day of October 2000 Public Hearing and Adoption of Amendments the 5�' of May 2004 Public Hearing and Adoption of Amendments the 3�d day of May 2006 Public Hearing and Adoption the 12�' day of November 2008 3 EDA - TIF Criteria Public Hearing and Adoption the 23�d day of March 2009. - Y r � �� � o ���� Z O v �o V��ym W 2■ o� � U °' ^ O �■ vi� V Q �� �v � �� >� a � � a :. �, N ��� ti c� — a� � �c oQ. a� � ��v o� � • V � _ - � � O Q O � � F � N O� O� � � �1 • � � O � � � F `� '-,,,� � � - ' �' ��FL� � . �`r� � � ` .. 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Consideration of Approvin� Small Business Emer�encv Grant A�reements in the amount of $5,000 to: Derek Abramowski, DDS dba South Side Dental Center; Tricambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe; Davli�ht Enterprises, Inc. dba Davs Inn of Monticello; and Fancv Nails, LLC to miti�ate COVID-19 economic impacts (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider approving Small Business Emergency Grant funding to several businesses that have submitted applications for funding. The EDA approved the Small Business Emergency Grant Program and a source of funding at its regular May 27, 2020 meeting. After minor tweaks to the program guidelines, as requested by the EDA, staff was able to post the program on the City website on June 1, 2020 and also send a mass email to local businesses with the program documents as attachments. As of 6-4-20, a total of four (4) funding applications have been received. Submittals were received from the following businesses: Name of Business Tvpe of Business # of Emplovees Amount of Grant South Side Dental Center Healthcare-Dental 6 $5, 000 Cornerstone Cafe. Days Inn of Monticello Fancy Nails Restaurant Lodging-Hotel Personal Care Service 9 3 2 $5, 000 $5, 000 $5, 000 Staff have reviewed the applications for completeness and adherence to the program guidelines. The application materials submitted by each business are attached to the staff report. A summary grant review evaluation form is also included to help the EDA in its EDA review and discussion at the meeting. At its regular meeting on May 27, 2020 the EDA authorized setting aside $100,000 as a first round of funding for the Grant program from the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan program. This set-aside amount should fund 20 grants. If the EDA approves the four (4) requests at the 6-10-20 meeting that will leave a program balance of $80,000 or 16 remaining grants. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in considering the grant requests involves the work related to reviewing the applications and preparing the staff report for the EDA meeting. The EDA's legal counsel provided a grant agreement template which is also attached to the Staff Report. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering approving four (4) Small Business Emergency Grants is in disbursing $20,000 from the newly created Grant program which was authorized at $100,000. If the EDA approves the three grants, the remaining balance in the program would be $80,000. Staff has also heard from several other businesses who are considering submitting applications for the grant funding in the near future. 1 EDA Agenda: 6/10/20 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and: Derek Abramowski, DDS dba South Side Dental Center; Tricambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe; Daylight Enterprises, Inc. dba Days Inn of Monticello; and Fancy Nails, LLC, in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 2. Motion to deny approval of Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and: Derek Abramowski, DDS dba South Side Dental Center; Tricambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe; Daylight Enterprises, Inc. dba Days Inn of Monticello; and Fancy Nails, LLC, in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. Motion to table consideration of approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and: Derek Abramowski, DDS dba South Side Dental Center; Tricambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe; Daylight Enterprises, Inc. dba Days Inn of Monticello; and Fancy Nails, LLC, in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 4. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The EDA authorized the Small Business Emergency Grant program at its May 27, 2020 meeting. After posting the program on the City website and sending an email to businesses, the first batch of applications have been received. Staff have reviewed the applications for completeness and program eligibility. Per the program guidelines, the EDA has the final review and approval of the grant requests. It should also be noted that if the grants are approved, they are not considered a"business subsidy" as defined in state statutes. Also, to be noted, the program guidelines require the grant recipients to provide a brief follow-up report back to the City in the future describing how the funding was used. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Derek Abramowski, DDS dba South Side Dental Center Application B. Tricambra Foods, Inc. dba Cornerstone Cafe Application C. Daylight Enterprises, Inc. dba Days Inn of Monticello Application D. Fancy Nails, LLC Application E. Grant Review-Evaluation Checklist F. Grant Agreement Template G. Small Business Emergency Grant Program Guidelines 2 �' ��C I T Y�f7 F ��'}NTICEL�� EDA ,(}nt��;��� SMALL BUSINES5 EMERGEitiTCY GRANT APP�ICATI�N 1, can��rAc�r i�v�vRn��►Tior� Legal Name of 8usiness: ���e ��- �� ��.�+ ��� 3� � D� � S�. _ Praje�t Si#e Address: i-�� S��J���, `►c'-�-_ J ? � City � 5tate j Zip: ��.^ 'c.�(1� M 1++� , S� 3G Z Contact Persvn�s}: L�t �� r��•wE�u; � . Business Ph�ne: �L i-� 9'�- 5`� U� �tnail: Hame Phone: Check Qne Federal IL7 � Praperty Qwner: f" 1'ra�rietor +71�� �"i � rG M 4'✓ � �- r �^ C�rporaHon ❑ Partnershdp 5ta#e II] # 2. SL75INESS I�TFQRMATIQN P�ease attach addttionai docume�ts(pages as need�d �a be complete as pnssibde. �. Years of eperatian in h�ontieell� b. List he�ow the num�er af part fime and full tirite emplvyees. Far purposes of cafcuTafivn, the term "emp[oyees" may inc�ude thase stuff rer��ing or 2eusing faczlities within t1�ce.Marttic�l�� husiness Pvcatiorc. Prior ta March 15�, 2020 FT � I'T l Current FT � PT � 1 Give a hrief summary of your business 4products, service�, gr�rwth history, aperations, number of lo�ations, etc.j Sauthside pental Center has been in business since 1989, pre�iausly awned by John Erlandson. �"he current owr�er, [3erek A�ramorMski. purc�ased the practice in Jan�rary of 2d1�. The office pravides both genera� an� spe�ia�ty dental care to iEs patients. SouChside penta! CenFer employs 2 hygienists, 2 dental assistants, 1 recQptfonist and 1 dentist. The business �as grQwn steadily over the past 4 years. S4u#hside Dental Center is apen 5 days a week at its only location. Prflvide information regarding haw your operations ha�e 6een impacteti by the pandemic, specifically h�urs vf operatian, ernployee reductions, etc. Include any stra#egies implemented to su�tain yarar busines�. The affice has returned ta full operatian since May 11th but is recommending t#�e delaying nf treatment for all patients with CDVID syrr�ptoms or are in the high risk partion of the populatian �elderly, immune comprQmised, etc.j. i'he month af April Saw a 75�'o decrease in revenue due to the office be'rng closed the entire month due to CpVlp. Limi�ed amourrts af denCa� emergencies were allawed during that cime. E�er� with be�ng a�le to work for several weeks in the month af May, revenue was dawn Sp%a from pre�ious years. Follawing recorrsmendati�ns from the C�C, ❑SHA, and the ❑ental 6oard r�f Dentistry of Minnesota haUe allowed the office to reopen, but restrictiar€s have still affecied us. Large purchases of new personal pratective ec}uip�nent 4ppey was requ�r�d and continues #a be a requirem�nt far all future �ental visits. Appaintment times F�a�e k�een increase� ta allow far mare tim� sterilize roams and to avoid people ga€l�ering in t'�e waiting ro�m. This has decrease� the nurnber of patients that can be treaied in a work day. gescribe the current plans for resuming operations fallawing the COVID-19 crisis. At this time we are working to re�pen the office as fully as allawed. �iormai h�urs are being returned and patients are 6eing seen as safely as possihle. Additinnal implementatian of ppe requirements and other safety precautions are being fallowed. 3. GLZAIIIT REQUEST --- . Amvunt 17equested: $ ���'� FINANCING Please provide do�umentsJevidence of other s�+urces of state ar federal funds your business has �een awarded or denied during the CDVID pandemic, as applicable, in+cl�ding Eeanomic Injury func�s, I'i'I', etc. 5. ATTACHMENT5 CHECK LIST Please atkach the following: A] Proof af address B) Financial statements, such �s; • Previous year's annual gr�ss revenue • Avera�e mnnthly gross revenue pri�r to CC�VID-19 • Projected monthly gross revenue for the next three manths C} P�ovf of expenses to be paid D} Awardjdenial letters , State and FQderal Assistance Programs �. AGREEMENT I 1 We certify that all informativn prcr�ided an this �pplicatiQn is irue and correct ta €he best of my/o�xr lrnovvledge, I/'rvlie authorize the Manticello EDA to verify financial and other information. I � We agree ta prvvide any additiQnal in�orma�ion as may be requested 6y the city. The undersigned has re��ived #he EDA`s policy regarding the prograrn and uncierstands that �unds are awarded on a fi -cam fir rwed sis. APPLICANT SIGNATURE AP�'LICANT NAME (Print): i� �'� � f-1"� �'���'�� �-i DATE: '� 1 �,�i � 'I�te EDA is a govet�rtttte�etad entity and as such musi- provide public uccess ta pubZic data it recetves. Duta deemed �y App�icunt ta be naszpub[ic dutu unrIer Stute Iaw sho�sld be sv ciesignated ar marked i�y A�p�icant, 5ee Mtnr�sota Stut°utes, Sections I3.59I, 5u�rd. Y and 2. 3 -� l� nt�`ce�l+� � 1. CUNTAC'f IhiFQRI'NATIC]N MQNTICELLQ EDA. SMALL B�I5INE55 EMERGENCY GRANT l•� � � ��il:��LJ Le�al Name of �usiness: �� r G�a� � P7z � O�; - Pr�aje�t Site Address: City f State 1 Zip: Cantact PQrsan(s}: Business Phane:� Home Phs�n�: Cki�ck C?ne: I'rapri�rtor �c�r�or�tic�n �, Partnership Feder�I II] � Sta#e ID � �'roper�ty Chw�er: `� e f� - � � BUSII�tESS II�iFC]RMATIC)1V Please attach udditianur documentslp�ges �s needed to be cvmplete uspvssibte. a. Years af aperation in Mantice�la 1 ��-�-� p'��� ��'���a 4� il�u: ��.n�/1�� ����'�' `l{��i.r��, �`��C� � b. L'ast beAow the number of part time and f�ili time empLoyees. l � Fvr purposes nf caJculAtic�r�, the term "em�aloyees" may irrciude those stu�rcnttrt�or teasir�� frr�rlities zvithi�r the 1lfivnticeltu business Pocativrc. I'rior tv Mareh 15''', 202� FT' �, /. P"�' � Current FT � PT �� e. Gi�e a brief suminary vf yaur business (products, secvices, �;rowth history, operations, nurn�er vf l�catians, etc.} �� �Jl � ���� r � �f r�� ' �� o� ���i�r` -�`� � 1 ���r �' d. Pravide informatian regarding hvw ynur operatians ha�e b�een impacted by Ehe pandemic, speca,Fically haurs of operatic��n, employee reductians, etc. Include any strategi�s impiemented to sus#ain your busi.ness �) �l t,� J /7'�� � C� u i ��-r���%� �l�i ('L+�J � Cf'� dC' � ��.���� c' 1) C�i �rY� f � llu � ��� t�'J� � ,���� � `�� �� �� � �-�7 �fi�� + ��� � : Vr� j �� � �Ir � 7"I�C �`C�JI1fi C�r� � �t�G CAC�,�I r ��� � � � ��� �`�� "�' ��lj � c'� � L ,7�l� 7 1/)�� V"C �G7 I� �J•.'�'! L L"�'�� � 1'� L� 1 � ji � � � i�� �;.� �.�� � �� � � ��� �� ���j� �J�,i���,�1.� � �r� e. De e c�f ihe current lans for resumin a erat�ins �v1lQwidl the C�VIU-1 � P g P g �x is. � ! � w v+� � � � �G��"T� " � 1 � CI 1�(� �/L ,('! � � �� � �� � �. �-}� �te �- Z�� �^�� f f ��°�i� � 1��� ��� �l�� - �t�i '17 � [ P � �i� �� �r��� �� � ��r� � �- � �' � � ? `--l� �e � �,i l �" �` I �i7 �6 ,� �c; � I `�y �� � l � � C,�� ► �st �'.� `i1�1 � CtC�� C£� � 1 �' � [�. g C� �� :� C'�.'� �2 C� i.�� _ � ] �, � `�-.� Yl �' )C`� �f �CC1�f� I 3. �AANT REQ[]�ST Azx�ount Reqt�ested: $ �J e�`� C���11►►:e►[�il►��] Piease prov;de documents�e�idence of other sources of state ar federat funds your business has 6een awarded Qr denied during the COVI� pandernic, �s appl�cable, ine�uding Econamic Injury funds, PPP, etc. AiTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please atta�h the Fa1l�wing: A} �'rflc�f of address S} Firtancial statern�nts, su�h as: • Previ�us yeax's an�ual grnss re�enue �c= 1 E;� �' 1` � + A�uerage rnonthly gross re�enue prior tc7 CQVID-i9 -`�c.�l �`-� .-]c�-v� 1'�l a�� • Prajected manthly grass revenue £or the nexf three manths `��� � r CJ Proaf af expenses to be paid D] Awardldenial letters — State and Federal Assistance Pragrams � ��i� 6. 1�.fuR��M�NT I 1 We certify that all infarmat�on pravided in this �pp�ication is true and correct to the best vf my�`aur knnwledge. I] V'Ve authorire the Monticeilo EDA ta �erify finan�ial and vther infarmatian. I j We agree to prvvide a�ny additisa-�al informaticm as may be requesteci by the aty. The txndersigned has re�ei�ed the �DA's poliry regarding ihe program and understands that funds are awarded vn a first-c�tne firs# served b�sis. APPLICANT SIGNA'X`L]RE �' ry y API'LICAIVT NAME {Print}: +�--� � f' �- d DATE: � L f� The EDA is a governmental' entity and as such t�ust �r�ide pubIie access to pub�ic d�tu it receives. Duta deemed by Apprrcant ta be non�vuFilic datu under State Iaur should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sectians �3.59I, Subd. 1 und 2. [ ITY [3F � �C�I�t1C��[3 N[[]NTICELLO EI3A SMALL BUS��ESS EME�GENCY GRANT APPLICATI[��1T �, CC]NTACT IIVF'ORMATION � �� �!`,►','T�� � ��� �/+C`f'I'� L�gal l++larne af �usix�ess: � , , � �4 L— � r��'Gv dc� c�' � 00�' .��� f�'�#`f�' Prajec�t Site Address: � �.,.� I JV� �` �/�� �/ �1�� I S�a�Q l Zi�l: / / J ���IA�! �C.� ��' f /V • ���''b � ccmtact Ferson(s): ,�'�'��� �C � �'�� �9.5-�I// Busir���s Phc�ne: __ Email �-�o�,,• r�E,�,T,�,. Check Cfie: F�eral ID � .,�;. p�operty �hvn�er: Pn�pric°#Ur LYi�Urpurat��,n Stake ID # ,, P��rtncrshi� � 2. B[JSiNE55IIVFOfR11+I�1T'IC1N PIease uttach additional document'slpages as rreeded ta be carnplete us ��ssible. R, Yeacs vf aperation in Manti�ella _ � b. L,ist be3vw the �numL�ex �f p�rt time and fuil time employees. Far pu.r�ses a�caiculation, the term "em�tcnfees" may include those stuff renting or lensing facrlities rutthin theMonticello busiaress loca�zon. Prior to IViarch 15�`, 2D7� FT � � Current FT �' � e. Gi�e a briel s�amm��r}F nf y+rnar 6usine� (prcx�ucts�, settiric�, �rvwih histnry, n�rr�kinns. n�imhcr of lncatsons, etti.) r �.� � `' � /�/ �C..,'r� �.�C�,//f� ►',S �? �/f��i� � L`�1,! �� � �QC� ��'� � �,.� ��f'� ��`['C1.�d�-�%4�.5 Z� " �'l'-�' , '� � / ��,/.�'/ � �.� S �`��77'�''C-�'�,_J",I�GU � +� �, ' S�''j� �r)c.��' - „�t�.�'��'£'/I �s' ��� ����r ���n �� '`�- �� y,�l ��''.S' . , ' � ,.� � � 4,�� -���' � 1 l��q / � G►�.�C��' � �' � � ��y ���� � r- �,,�- /�' �c�q�� . ��c� c�'�f' � CI rr��.�` ��� -�'...�� � � -.,�` � cro , ..� ��'-! � -� �� r►� � 9' Gv � c�.� ���� �� �:-� on � d. �"rovzd� informatinn r��rdin� �h[�►�t your o�erati�ns h.�ve Ex�.•n impa� ted hy th� � ��, pand+emi�;. spe�cally h� oF operati�. ra�splvy� red�ctians, etc. Inclucl� �y .� �'� �9� � { � . -. strat��gie� impt�nentecl ta s�ustain y�uir busirie�s �,� �' �:� � � .�� � ri�1' ��1 �' � .�e� �- � H� � �g � :a; l p �� / � �� ��� ��'I`� �i�� e,��'�' � �� . ..5�' � �� �i srn � � rc�'e.�' �'����'�e��� �a���!�� � 5 � ' ��� -�,�� �'v� � C� C�� ,�'a d�'� ��- e � �`� �C�e � �`i q/� �� / ° �'�' � �'�'� �°'J ���� ���. �,,�r .�,�-� �ers . ��,� � ��'c� z�' '� �'.�'/� • ��l ���� � �' � � jq �. �.,�.,�' �if -�r'�rr� ���Q � �� . -'� ',�.�'c.i �� � � ,�'�,�1 ,�-� r�' ��Ic� �' �''��•� cr /1 � ��1��,. � �r' r e. �,,+� -,r�� � 3e t►�r�� �.5. � ��. �f th+� �urrestt plarrs for re�umir�� nperati�ns tc�lltiv�-ing ttse GQ'V�D-l9 cr�sis. r— � ° �" �� �1 + �%�'I� C� tJ'� �� �� �� � � ..5��1 ■'�'7� _ � .�� � ,,�l,� a ,� f�' � � �'� ► �r.��'�; �� •�°�' I �Q� e .� � � � � � ���.�. � ,�1 .�p�''s'� �i�.�'� ��` �''��` � � `��'. .� �,�� �'T � 1� J � �r`-�' �� I� r�b'� .� �rc r� �n �" D C�� � ��Q�� � -, ��� ,..5'Ti' /A �¢� �'� r,;� . A � ��. �� r � � � � f 'Q� �" * • f� ��/1 � � �� � � � � �. GR,4NT RF�UEST Amn�int F.equt�h d: �► �'� �� 'r � V 4. �INANCIN� F'lrast �+ro��lc'�t E�clCLlt�l�[lb��"Vtl�e1�CC (�E [�i}��T S�LIPC�S [1F Sfa�� �r Ic•dt�ral Furzc�s y�s�ur t�u�irit�.� has ht�n ���►�arc�+��i e�r d�nicd ciurin� thw C:UV�i7 �ancirrti}i�, as ap}�[icak�le, in��uciin� Ecnnnmic Injury Funds, PPP, etc. �. ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Piease tcath the followirtg; A) ProaF vF �eldress B) Finan�ia! statements, Such as: � Prewious year's �nnual gr��;� re�venue •��rerage m�nthly gross revenue prior ta CO�VID-19 • Pmje+�� tnonthly gross ret�emi� for the next three mnnths �(� Prvaf nf ex enses io be aid —�+� ) P � •' 'V i]j Award,ld�ial ietters – State and Fed�r�l Assistance Programs � AGIiEEME�t'1' I J�irlfie ceri�f�� that s�il ire�rmatian provided �n �zis applicatso� is true axtid enrreet tn the �t c�f myJn�r kn�,ttirledge. i f We authori�e the Manticellc� EI7A tc� vcriF� fin�ncial and nther informaieor�. I 1 We agree to gr4�ide a�rty additional infc�rmatiorl �s may be requested by tlZe �i�y. T�ye undcersigned has rec�eived the EDA's po�icy regaraeng the pxc�g�•am az�d understan�ls that funcis are aK•ar�ed nn a f�rst-�c�me first ser�ed basis. AFPLICAh1T SIGNAT�IRE �� � ��� APFLICANT NAME {Print]: �� I � � ' �*�"�'� ��� DATE: � � � �he �T?A �s a gaaern►netttui en�riy und as s��ch r�ust prnv�dP �rul��ic a�cess to ,�ubIic d'ata i# recei�res. I)ata dEerned by Ap,�rl�cant to be �nn�rtblic data unci�r State 1aw shotild �e so desi�raated or naarked by A�piicRnr. See Mitr��esat,a Stututrs, Sections I3.59�, Sui�r�. � nt:d 2. From: Sandeeo Patel To: JimThares Cc: Sonal;JacobThunander Subject: Re: FW: EDA - COVID 19 (Small Business Emergency Grant Application) - Days Inn Monticello Date: Thursday, June 4, 2020 424:51 PM Jim, Thanks a lot for sending wright county zero % loan program application information. Here is the information as per your request. 1. Gross Room Revenue for Year 2019 $385,000.00 2. Monthly Revenue YTD (2020) (Jan — May 2020) —> $58,000.00 3. Monthly occupancy YTD (2020 ( Jan — May 2020) —> 20% 4. Projected revenue for upcoming next 3 months. Month Revenue Occupancy June 2020 $30,000.00 40 July 2020 $32,000.00 42 Aug 2020 $35,000.00 44 4. Estimated monthly expenses for upcoming next 3 months. Mortgage Insurance I Property Water Gas Electric Phone Franchise Garbage/Payroll/supply/maintenance/Credit Total Tax fee cardfees Expenses 7une $6,241 66 $1,600 00 $1,347 00 $250 00 $385 00 $680 00 $600 00 $3,600 00 $9,500 00 $24,203 66 7uly $6,241 66 $1,600 00 $1,347 00 $350 00 $425 00 $700 00 $600 00 $4,600 00 $1Q000 00 $25,863 66 August �6,241 66 $1,600 00 $1,347 00 $350 00 $475 00 $850 00 $600 00 $4,800 00 $1Q500 00 $26,763 66 4. EIDL — Assistance from SBS amount of $4,000=00 received. 5. PPP — Federal Payroll protection payments, amount of $6,400.00 received. 6. Did not apply or deny any other assistance (other than listed above). 7. FYI, we have few projects for an upgrade, that is not listed (e.g. parking lot replacemnt etc..). Please do not hesitate to call or email for any further informations. Thanks a lot for all your assistance. Sandeep Patel General Manager Days Inn, Monticello On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 3:30 PM Jim Thares CTim.Thares(a�.ci monticello mn.us> wrote: Sandeep, I am also sending you the Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) Loan program guidelines and application for your consideration alsa It is a$5,000 loan at 0 percent. Businesses can access both the loan and the EDA grant. From: Jim Thares Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2020 3:14 PM To: 'Sandeep Patel' Cc: Sonal ; Jacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander(a�.ci monticello mn.us> Subject: RE: EDA - COVID 19 (Sma Business Emergency Grant Application) - Days Inn Monticello Hi Sandeep, thank you for submitting your Emergency Grant Application. It looks very complete. We just completed a staff review of the application materials and would like to ask you to revise it in a good way I think. We are not going need any financial statements (occupancy reports/income statements/P-LBalance Sheet, etc.) submitted with the application. The reason is to try to keep this detail out of the public realm. Instead, we would ask you to provide-attach a summary description of the 2019 annual revenue, monthly revenue in 2020 to date and your occupancy expenses such as utilities, mortgage, taxes, insurance (some of which you have done in your email below). Also, please project your next three months of revenues as the reopening stages occur. Finally note the assistance from EIDL, PPP or other assistance programs that you have received and any such programs where you applied and did not get any help. If you could return the written summary and the application form back to Jacob or me by Friday noon (6-5-20) that would be very helpful. Thank you very much for your time and best to you. From: Sandeep Patel Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 1:24 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares ci monticello mn.us> Cc: Sonal Subject: - ma usmess Emergency Grant Application) - Days Inn Monticello Jim, Enclosed please find a filled Small Business Emergency Grant Application Form, with supporting financial information. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. I can certainly provide original copies, if needed. Just a brief info. on our business. Days Inn hotel of Monticello serving local and surrounding communities over 18 years and due to recent unprecedented pandemic, we had a hard hit due to stay home orders from US President and MN Governors. We were unable to fill up our hotel due to travel restrictions. Our overall occupancy went down drastically in previous months and it will take some time to come back in future. We are doing everything to survive business and keep employees on payroll. Thanks to iSBA (EIDL) program and PPP federal assistance, that kept us floating for some time. We are still looking for further assistance so we can survive and serve communities. At this point I ask you please grant us $5000.00 , to cover the future few months some bills, that additional assistance will really help our local business. Please do not hesitate for any further information from me. Attached also please find a A) Proof of address - attached property tax & bank statement. B) Financial statements. 1. Attached previous year gross revenue report from Days Inn -$385,000.00 2. Average Gross Revenue prior to COVID -19 - submitted Days Inn report. 3. proj ected next 3 months revenue. C) Proof of expense paid. - attached mortgage payment $6241.66 - Bank statements of previous month bills payment ( will be similar in upcoming months), utilities bill, Credit cards, franchise fee, supplies eta (�$10,000.00 per month). D) SBA / PPP payments - Bank statement showing deposit of $4000.00 for SBA(EIDL) and $6,400.00 (PPP) deposits. Sandeep Patel (763)295-1111 - Main Hotel line Sandeep Patel a � = a '� � a a a � - c a E - f0 c a � a � �� o c a � a a°Ji a• T � � � x x _ a C � � W O Z a c y � � u � f0 x x x T > a � � � C Q a a o y W � U N � V N \ � O LL J C a p x � W C � C Q N a Y a x x a ¢ m •V J � � X f0 W C LL N � O a�+ O � m '- x x x O � u Z L O u N � at-� 7 C � L } } } � � N � N � tl4 N N N H tD Q1 M N LL 3 a m c � 0 0 � �m �^ m � � O � E a .� � o � V c _ � o T - x x x Y >' C u m a � J W C y � a a � c > 7 ' ai L y � a x x x a � X O � tlq W N - (� W a :% c �c � m o a�i � ¢ � f0 a c o a o Q LL � � C a � � a r � - � T 7 p � � m N H � SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE GRANT AGREEMENT This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is made this day of , 2020, between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), and [name of business], a Minnesota [type of business entity, e.g. limited liability company, sole proprietorship, assumed name, etc.] ("Grantee"). RECITALS A. Grantor has created its Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program (the "Program") and has approved guidelines for the Program (the "Program Guidelines"). B. Grantee has submitted an application for a grant (the "Grant Application") under the Program Guidelines, and Grantor has approved a grant to the Grantee in the amount of $ (the "Grant") to pay a portion of the expenses described in the Grant Application, in connection with Grantee's [kind of business, e.g. restaurant, salon, etc.] located at in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") (the "Grant Activities"). C. The Grantor and Grantee wish to memorialize the terms of the Grant in this Agreement. ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Grant Amount. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Program Guidelines, and the Grant Application (together, the "Grant Documents"), Grantor agrees to grant to Grantee the sum of and no/100ths Dollars ($ ). The Grant will be paid by Grantor to Grantee for the Grant Activities approved under the Grant Documents in accordance with Section 2 hereof. 2. Pavment of Grant Proceeds. (a) The Grant will be paid to Grantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Grant Documents. The Grantee agrees that any costs of the Grant Activities exceeding the amount to be paid under this Agreement are the sole responsibility of the Grantee. (b) The Grantor will pay the Grant to Grantee once the Grantor has received from Grantee, without expense to Grantor, a signed copy of this Agreement. 3. Representations and Warranties. Grantee represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) Grantee is authorized to sign, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to receive the Grant from Grantor. 1 (b) Grantee agrees that it will keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and payment of Grant proceeds and that any authorized representative of Grantor, with reasonable advance notice, may have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other documents of Grantee related to the Grant until Grantee provides its final report to Grantor. (c) To the best of Grantee's knowledge, Grantee has fully complied with all applicable state laws reasonably relevant to this Agreement and will continue to comply throughout the term of this Agreement. If at any time Grantee receives notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Grantee agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the state law in question. (d) Grantee will use the proceeds of the Grant made by Grantor only for the Grant Activities, and within 60 days after the date of this Agreement, Grantee will provide to Grantor in writing a brief report (like the example included in the Grant Application), stating how all of the Grant funds have been used and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar. 4. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree that the Grant is not a business subsidy as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), because the assistance is in an amount less than $150,000. 5. Indemnification. (a) Grantee agrees to indemnify against and to hold Grantor, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Grantor by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants, or agreements contained herein. (b) This indemnification and hold harmless provision will survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the payment by Grantor of any portion of the Grant. (c) Nothing in this Agreement will constitute a waiver of or limitation on any immunity from or limitation on liability to which Grantee is entitled under law. 6. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Grantee and Grantor. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. (b) Assi�nment. This Agreement is binding upon the parties. All rights and � powers specifically conferred upon Grantor may be transferred or delegated by Grantor to any of its successors and assigns. Grantee's rights and obligations under this Agreement may be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Grantor. (c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. (d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U. S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Grantor: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 City of Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director To Grantee: Attn: (f) Termination. On the date the Grantor receives Grantee's written report on Grantee's expenditure of Grant proceeds as described in paragraph 3(� of this Agreement, this Agreement will terminate and neither party will have any further obligation to the other. (g) Entire A�reement. This Agreement, together with the Grant Documents, is the entire statement of agreement between the Grantor and Grantee regarding the Grant. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. GRANTOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President By: Its Executive Director [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTOR] GRANTEE: [Business name] : Title: [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTEE] 656052v1 M� MN190-101 CITY OF • 'I�ril on l�� � MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM POLICY PURPOSE The Economic Development Authority for the City of Monticello (EDA) recognizes that small businesses are vital to the fabric of the Monticello community. Accordingly, the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) has developed a Small Business Emergency Assistance Program to address working capital needs upon the declaration of a state of emergency by the State of Minnesota (State) and the City of Monticello (City). The purpose of this program is to ensure the viability of the community's small businesses faced with the current COVID-19 health emergency, which is adversely impacting the local economy. The goal of this program is to provide needed financing for local businesses to help sustain operations and endure economic hardships during this challenging time. The program is structured as grant assistance. Grant funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is subject to funding availability from the EDA. The EDA retains the authority and discretion to approve or deny an application, and reserves the right to subsequently add further priorities, change eligibility criteria, or discontinue the program in response to changing circumstances. ELIGIBILITY a. Eligible Businesses To be eligible to receive Small Business Emergency Assistance funds, a business must demonstrate that its operations have been directly and adversely affected by the COVID-19 Health Pandemic and include the following: 1. Eligible business types include locally owned and operated businesses noted in Executive Orders 20-04 and 20-08, such as those listed below. Restaurants, cafes, coffeehouses, and other places of public accommodation offering food or beverage for on-premises consumption. Taverns, brew pubs, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, and other places of public accommodation offering alcoholic beverages for on- premises consumption. Gymnasiums, fitness centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities, businesses offering massage therapy, spas, salons, nail salons, cosmetology salons, and barber shops. This includes, but is not limited to, all salons and shops licensed by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetologist Examiners and the Minnesota Board of Barber Examiners. Bowling alleys, theaters, skating rinks, and other similar recreational or entertainment facilities. • Local boutique and specialty retailers. 2. Other businesses as approved by the EDA. b. Eligibility Requirements The business shall have a physical address (proof of address required) within the corporate boundary of the City and have been operating within the City long enough to demonstrate financial viability; The business shall employ between 2 and 25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees prior to the issuance of the State of Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-04 (March 16, 2020) and/or make $1 million or less in annual gross revenue. For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities within the Monticello business location. 4. All businesses must serve the general public and be a conforming or legally non- conforming use under the current zoning regulations of the City, and must not be in violation of the City's zoning code. Applicants are strongly encouraged to claim all applicable private and public insurance and utilize all other sources of applicable assistance available from other private and public sources. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Grant through the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Small Business Emergency Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) prior to applying for this grant. For more information, visit: Guide to financial resources for Minnesota small businesses While not absolutely required, applications which include proof of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs will receive higher scores in evaluation. Assistance cannot be provided to businesses that: • Do not have a physical address (and building/location) within the City of Monticello. • Have more than three total locations operating as part of the business enterprise. 2 • Derive income from passive investments without operational ties to operating businesses or whose primary source of revenue is from business-to-business transactions. • Primarily generate income from gambling activities. • Have no current or historical financial statements. • See also a2 above. FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS a. Amount: Businesses may apply for a one-time emergency grant of up to $5,000. The EDA shall determine the final award amounts based upon scoring criteria. b. Term: All grant awards must be utilized within two months of the date of the grant fund disbursement. c. Uses: Awarded funds may be used exclusively for current payroll obligations (i.e. may not include employees who have been laid off), lease or mortgage payments, utilities, accounts payable, property taxes and other critical business expenses that can t be paid as a direct result of the current health emergency. Awarded funds may not be used for businessowner's/manager's personal uses or expenses. The City reserves the right to pay or require payment of delinquent taxes, bills, or charges due to the City out of funds awarded. d. Proof of Need: Applicants shall be required to provide proof of financial need for grant funds. This includes but is not limited to the previous year's annual gross revenue, average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19, and projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months. Additionally, as noted above, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. e. Proof of Expenses: Applicant shall provide proof of eligible expenses requested to be paid with grant funds. See list of eligible grant uses above. f. Disbursement of Funds: Funds shall be distributed within three weeks after fully executed grant agreement has been received. g. Termination: The EDA retains the right to terminate any agreement under the Emergency Assistance Program if a grant recipient is found to be in violation of any conditions set forth in the grant guidelines or grant agreement. h. Right to Deny: The EDA retains the right to deny any application for grant funding. i. Grant Agreement: Upon a successful grant application being awarded funds, the grant recipient shall enter into a Grant Agreement with the EDA. Funds will not be distributed for any grant award until a grant agreement has been executed by all required parties. j. Reporting: As a condition for receiving grant funding, all grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the EDA within two months after receiving grant funds, specifying how the entirety of the grant funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. k. Funding Availability: The Small Business Emergency Assistance program has a limited amount of funds available. Awards will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis until the earlier of the date the fund is exhausted, or the City-declared state of emergency declaration is lifted. l. Indemnification: All grant recipients shall be required to indemnify the City of Monticello, the Monticello Economic Development Authority, and any officers acting on their behalf. APPLICATION PROCESS Prior to applying, please review the Program Guidelines to determine if your business is eligible. Applications will be available June 1st, 2020. 1. Applications are available on the City's website: www.ci.monticellamn.us. 2. Application requirements will include: • Basic details about the business. • Basic employment and annual gross revenue information. • Information on current operations including whether the business is currently closed or is providing reduced services. • Narrative descriptions and estimated calculations of the negative impacts on the business due to COVID-19. • A narrative description of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. • Information on the intended use of the grant funds. • Evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs, as applicable. • Supporting documentation and application attachments. 3. Fully completed and signed applications along with required documents may be submitted online to: Communit�.develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us Please note that mailed hard copy applications will take longer to process. 4 4. Upon submission of application, applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of application. The application will be reviewed for eligibility upon receipt. If additional information or documentation is necessary, EDA staff will contact the applicant. Due to an expected high volume of applications, you may consider your application complete if staff does not request additional information within 10 business days after application acceptance. FUNDING PROCESS If application is approved and funds are available, businesses will be notified within 2 business days and provided with an electronic grant agreement for signatures. Small businesses receiving funds must commit to using the funds for eligible program expenses and must agree to document and report specific uses of the funds. All grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the Monticello EDA within two months after receipt of funds, specifying how the entirety of the funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. GRANT AGREEMENT If the application for Small Business Assistance is approved, the applicant and business owner will be required to enter into a grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the grant as identified herein. FOLLOW-UP and ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: For businesses needing additional resources such as technical assistance, larger working capital grants, or other, staff will provide ongoing assistance to businesses of all sizes and types, working with partners and other levels of government to access resources as available, such as SBA and State of Minnesota DEED grants. Staff will conduct a check-in with grant recipients within one year of the distribution of funds to learn the effect of the grant and business outcomes such as economic impact of the grant program, (including, but not limited to, employees retained or rehired, and sales) and whether they match the program's desired outcomes of business and/or job retention. QUESTIONS Any questions related to the application process or for assistance in completing the application should be directed to: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 763-271-3254 communitv. develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us EDA Agenda: 06/10/20 7. Consideration of cancellin� Hospitalitv Studv Contract with Hospitalitv Consultin� Group, Excelsior, MN in the amount of $5,550 due to COVID-19 Impacts (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is presented to the EDA as an update of the Hospitality Study that was contracted for with Hospitality Consulting Group, Excelsior, MN, in late February, 2020. The EDA approved entering into the contract for the study at its February 26, 2020 meeting. Mr. Stephen Sherf, Hospitality Consulting Group, contacted City staff in mid- March, 2020 indicating that it might be a waste of time and effort to proceed any further with the Study. He said via email that it may be wise to wait for 6 to 12 months to see how the hospitality business recovers from the impacts of the COVID-19 shutdowns and travel bans. In late May, Mr. Sherf contacted City staff again stating that hospitality industry associations are expecting a resumption of more typical travel and lodging business in 2022 and that he could proceed to gather study data using 2019 information. Staff are presenting the option of resuming the Study to the EDA. As a reminder, the amount of the contract is $5,550. Al. Staff Impact: There is a low staff impact to consider the re-start of the Hospitality and Lodging Study at this time. A2. Budget Impact: The 2020 EDA budget impact for the Study was expected to be $5,550. The EDA may be able to save $5,550 from its budget by not proceeding with the Study in 2020. Staff will need to discuss with Mr. Sherf whether he has incurred any cost of goods (data base purchases) to complete the Study. If he has then, he may seek to invoice the cost of those purchases to recoup his out of pocket expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to cancel the Hospitality and Lodging Study Contract with Hospitality Consulting Group. 2. Motion to deny cancelling the Hospitality and Lodging Study contract with Hospitality Consulting Group and instruct the consultant to complete the study in 2020. Motion to table consideration of a cancelling the Hospitality and Lodging Study for further research and/or discussion. 4. Motion of other as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the EDA cancels the Hospitality and Lodging Study contract with Hospitality Consulting Group. The reason to pursue the study was to be in a position to provide data to prospective lodging facility developers. With the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, a great deal of uncertainty looms over many development activities. Some reports regarding the recovery of the hospitality facility development industry indicate that it may take 12 to 36 months for the sector to regain a sense of confidence and stability. Given all of the uncertainty and the EDA's other priorities at this very moment, this may not be the most prudent time to complete hospitality study. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Staff Report from February 26, 2020 EDA Meeting EDA Agenda: 02/26/20 12. Consideration of Authorizin� Hospitalitv Studv Proposal and Enterin� into a Professional Services Contract with Hospitalitv Consulting Group, Excelsior, MN in the amount of $5,550 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is presented to the EDA for consideration of entering into a contract with Hospitality Consulting Group to complete an updated Hotel and Hospitality Study. During the January, 2020 IEDC Meeting members discussed the importance of the City completing an updated Study due to new commercial and residential development that has occurred in the market. Upon concluding discussion, the IEDC approved a motion recommending that the EDA update the 2015 Study. The original report was completed by Hospitality Consulting Group. The study would be completed with two focus areas: downtown and the greater Monticello community. Al. Staff Impact: There is a low staff impact besides discussion with the Hospitality Consulting Group and creating this staff report. A2. Budget Impact: The total contract price would not exceed $5,550 within the scope of the proposal. Added costs could incur, if the study would need further research or engagement. The funding would be sourced the EDA General Fund miscellaneous professional services line item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the Hospitality Consulting Group quote proposal for an updated Hotel and Hospitality Study in the amount of $5,550. 2. Motion to deny the Hospitality Consulting Group quote proposal for completing an updated Hotel and Hospitality Study in the amount of $5,550. Motion to seek additional quote proposals from other consultants and bring back to the EDA for future consideration. 4. Motion to table consideration of an updated Hotel and Hospitality Study for further research and/or discussion. Motion of other as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the EDA accepts the proposed Hospitality Consulting Group proposal in the amount of $5,550. The City has seen recent changes in commercial and residential development which may have changed the demand for hotel and hospitality facilities. The members of the IEDC believe the updated data is essential in providing good quality information to prospective developers. Staff also agree that completing the study will help answer room demand questions and guide interactions and process steps with prospective Hotel developers. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Hospitality Consulting Group Proposed Quote and Contract � Hc� s italit 1�" Y CONSULTING GROUP February 20, 2020 Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Ms. Schumann: Hospitality Consulting Group is pleased to present the following proposal to update the hotel market study for Monticello, Minnesota that we conducted in August 2015. We understand that the City is interested in examining the economic feasibility of a new hotel to be located within the community. The purpose of this study will be to re- evaluate the market potential that exists for a new hotel and, if market justified, prepare operating and financial projections for the recommended hotel concept. This letter presents our understanding of the assignment, the services which we propose to provide, the timing and fees required and the conditions and limitations under which we would work. BACKGROUND AND UNDERSTANDING We understand that the City of Monticello is interested in attracting a new hotel. Accordingly, the City is interested in determining whether a new lodging facility can be market justified at both a potential location in the downtown and along Interstate 94. Based on its findings from the study performed in 2015, the Hospitality Consulting Group concluded that a new upper midscale hotel would have the greatest possibility for economic success. Key findings of the study included: 1. The local hotel market occupancy was found to have averaged approximately 55 percent over the previous four years, after adjustment for atypical demand from power plant maintenance crews; 2. Upscale demand was leaving the market in favor of higher quality hotels in Albertville and Maple Grove; 5315 Eureka Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com Ms. Angela Schumann Page 2 3. The Monticello lodging market experienced a number of capacity nights during the summer and during certain community events; and 4. A new 60-room upper midscale hotel could expect to achieve annual occupancies of 54% to 63% in its first five years of operation and capture an average daily rate of $106.67 to $120.37 over this period. SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services that we propose to update our evaluation of the hotel development potential in Monticello is detailed below: - Meet with you and other city officials to obtain information on recent and proposed developments that may have an impact on lodging demand; - Obtain information regarding the scope and timing of the Google facility planned for Becker; - Update current economic and demographic data pertaining to the local and regional market to evaluate the present economic climate and to estimate future growth potential, particularly as it relates to lodging demand; - Obtain current data regarding the performance of the local hotel market and re- interview several of the local employers who utilize lodging accommodations in order to quantify the current overall demand for hotel rooms in the market area and demand what is deterred from the market; - Inspect the other hotels in Monticello and evaluate them with respect to their age, facilities and amenities, rate structure and their relative competitiveness; - Identify other proposed hotel developments in the area and assess their probability of completion and the degree to which they would compete with the subject hotel; - Prepare a demand analysis for a hotel located in the downtown area and for a hotel with conference facilities located within 1/ mile on either side of Interstate 94. Each location has competitive advantages and disadvantages. Estimates of future lodging demand and likely market penetration will be prepared for the recommended hotel at both locations, from which utilization (occupancy and average rate) will be prepared for their first five years of operation; 5315 Eureka Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com Ms. Angela Schumann Page 3 Prepare estimates of room revenue, other revenue, and operating expenses for the recommended hotel project at both locations to the level of cash flow available for debt service, for their first five years of operations; and - Based on the site and the estimated hotel development costs for each location, prepare a feasibility analysis that analyzes the ability of the hotels to meet their respective debt service obligations under likely financing assumptions. At the conclusion of the market study we will review our findings, conclusions and recommendations with you. Final Report We will prepare a final written report that will contain our findings, conclusions, hotel facility description and financial projections, as well as the underlying data and documentation supporting the analysis. The report will contain sufficient information and analysis to assist potential developers in determining their level of interest in pursuing a hotel development. The report will be provided in draft form for your review and commen� prior to finalization. ESTIMATED FEES AND TIME FRAME Based on the scope of the work outlined, the fee required for this engagement will be $5,000 plus $550 for hotel data purchase. This fee includes all other expenses associated with the assignment. Our fee includes three bound copies of the final report and an electronic copy. If additional bound copies are requested, we will provide them to you at our reproduction cost. Our fees for this engagementwill not exceed $5,550 unless the scope of our work is significantly expanded. If additional work in excess of the scope described above is requested, we will discuss the matter with you so that a mutually acceptable revision may be made. Of course you may terminate this engagement at any time by so informing us, in which case you would only be responsible for the fees and expenses incurred to that point. In accordance with our Firm's policy on consulting engagements, a retainer of $2,500 must accompany confirmation of this engagement. The remaining $3,050 will be due upon receipt of the draft report and must be paid prior to release of the final report. If the project is halted at any time, we will refund any unused portion of the retainer received. 5315 Eureka Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com Ms. Angela Schumann Page 4 We anticipate this assignment will take three weeks to complete. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Our report will be based on estimates, assumptions and other information developed from our research of the market, knowledge of the industry and meetings with City officials. The sources of information and bases of our estimates and assumptions will be stated in the report. The terms of this engagement are such that we will have no obligation to revise the report or the projected operating results to reflect events or conditions that occur subsequent to the completion of our field work in the market. However, we will be available to discuss the necessity for future revision because of changes in the economic or market factors affecting the proposed project. Some assumptions inevitably will not materialize, and unanticipated events and circumstances may occur; therefore, actual results achieved during the periods covered by our prospective analyses will vary from those described in our report, and the variations may be material. Our report will contain a statement to this effect. Further, we will notbe responsible for future marketing efforts and other management actions upon which actual results will depend. Our report is intended for the information of the City of Monticello and may be provided to interested hotel developers. It may also be used in its entirety in support of financing efforts for a specific hotel project in the community. However, neither the report nor its contents may be referred to or quoted in any registration statement, prospectus, private placement memorandum, appraisal or other investment document without our prior review and written consent. It is agreed that the liability of Hospitality Consulting Group and its employees is limited to the amount of fee paid as liquidated damages. ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE If this proposal meets with your approval, please return a signed copy of this engagement letter along with a retainer check as authorization to proceed with the engagement. 5315 Eureka Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com Ms. Angela Schumann Page 5 If you have any questions or would like to discuss this proposal further, please feel free to call. We look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, HOSPITALITY CONSULTIING GROUP � ts.' . Stephen W. Sherf President ACCEPTED BY: TITLE: DATE: 5315 Eureka Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com Ms. Angela Schumann Page 6 Profile Stephen Sherf - President, Hospitality Consulting Group Stephen Sherf has over 30 years of operational and consulting experience in the hospitality industry. He spent 15 years with a large national public accounting firm, where he was the partner-in-charge of the hospitality consulting division for the Upper Midwest. He also started a gaming consulting company where he worked for 15 years, and most recently, founded a hospitality consulting company. Mr. Sherf has an extensive background in hospitality consulting that encompasses market studies, valuations, appraisals, acquisitions and sales. He has performed market studies and other advisory services for over 200 hotel projects located mainly throughout the Midwest, for clients that include developers, lenders, hotel companies, and municipalities. He also has particular expertise in development consulting to the gaming industry and has worked on numerous income producing real estate projects that include nursing homes, elderly housing, subsidized and market rate housing, office buildings, retail developments, water parks convention centers, ice arenas, restaurants, convenience stores, bowling alleys and cinemas. Operating positions held during Mr. Sherf's career include restaurant manager, auditor, Vice President of Development for a hotel company, and Treasurer for a gaming company where he oversaw the operations of three Colorado casinos. Mr. Sherf is known for his hands-on involvement and realistic conclusions. Where appropriate, development recommendations are backed by an economic feasibility analysis and a sensitivity analysis to assess risk. He has provided expert witness testimony relating to the valuation of hotels and restaurants and business interruption claims. He has taught continuing education seminars and spoken at gaming, investment, and state appraisal conferences. He has been a guest lecturer at the University of Minnesota Graduate School of Business and Stout University. He is frequently quoted in local newspapers and business magazines. Mr. Sherf received an undergraduate degree in economics and an MBA in finance from Cornell University. He holds a Minnesota real estate license and has completed several American Appraisal Institute courses. He is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive), is active in the Minnesota Lodging Association, has served on the planning commission for the City of Minnetrista, and has held a Colorado gaming license. 5315 Eureka Road Excelsior, MN 55331 Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com EDA Agenda: 06/10/20 8. Economic Development Report (JT A. Project Gia-Saurus Update: Work continues on Project Gia-Saurus. The work has been divided into four task tracks: 1) legislative efforts to obtain funding carve-outs for the building and/or equipment, 2) Federal and State programmatic efforts seeking funding through existing agencies and programs for public infrastructure and/or building and equipment, 3) Land Feasibility review for the most optimal functional and economically viable site, and 4) Due diligence concerning the prospect's ability to perform to the degree required for the $50,000,000 +/ development proposal. Effort Track #1. Contact has been made with U.S. Representative Tom Emmer's office regarding a interest in meeting to discuss and review the proposal for potential federal funding legislation (stimulus programs). A meeting is expected to occur in the near future for these discussions. Effort Track #2. Various existing federal and state funding programs are also being explored. The take-away message from discussions with the federal and state agencies is that obtaining funding from a combination of the federal and state programs for public infrastructure is likely. There may also be limited funding from state and federal programs for the building or equipment. All of these programs typically require evidence of a proj ect commitment though a development contract between the City-EDA and the company (developer). Effort Track #3. The Industrial Land Feasibility Study is progressing. Six search areas were identified by staff and the prospect and then provided to WSB & Associates for inclusion in the study. The report is expected to be completed in the near future. Attached Exhibit A. shows the six site search areas and the offers a brief summary site viability evaluation based on the prospect's desired setback criteria in terms of distance to residential development. The cost of the Study is expected to be about $25,000 +/-. Effort Track #4. Northland Securities has reviewed a draft funding sources and uses spreadsheet with staff and provided insights and feedback regarding process steps and probabilities follow of success. Northland is also entering into a Non-Disclosure-Confidentiality Agreement (NDA) with the prospect in order to evaluate the company's financial statements and position. This information will be provided to the EDA-City and offer guidance in determining the viability of the proposal as described in a confidential executive summary. Staff will continue to work on all four of these tracks over the next 30 days. And, with all of the above efforts in context, the next 60 days may require the EDA to consider holding special meetings to discuss next steps in the process and/or consider development agreements and funding applications in order to keep the proposal moving forward. B. Workforce Pathways Update: Monticello School District's Youth Internship Program (YIP) Grant application with the MN- Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) was approved in the amount $90,000 per year for a two- year program. The program is an outgrowth of the Workforce Pathways efforts of which the school district has been a very committed participant in. The YIP will allow the school and local businesses to introduce high school students ages 16 + to the various career and job opportunities that exist locally. City staff have been assisting in making the business community aware of the YIl' through EDA Agenda: 06/10/20 sharing information about the funding opportunities. Staff recently provided presentations about the YIP to the Chamber of Commerce (remote meeting) and the IEDC (remote meeting). C. Prospects Update: See attached Exhibit B. A spread sheet with information about concept stage and active search prospects is attached for review. D. Northland Securities Financial Planning and Advisory Agreement related to potential creation of new Economic Development TIF District #1-42: This is an action item that is requested by the EDA. It is consideration of an agreement for financial planning services by Northland Securities, Inc. as supportive in the next steps of the prospective Proj ect Gia-Saurus development. The Agreement is the typical contract that has been previously entered into between the EDA and Northland when preparing to authorize creation of a new TIF District. The EDA has entered into several similar agreements in the past two years for development proj ects that have asked for and needed TIF support. The most recent NSI financial planning agreement was entered in the fall of 2019 as the EDA began studying the possibility of utilizing TIF to provide assistance to UMC, Inc. for its expansion project. Prior to that, the EDA also entered into a similar agreement in the spring of 2018 as it considered affordable housing TIF for the Briggs Apartment proj ect development in downtown Monticello. Northland's proposed scope of work includes all activities ranging from the initial financial due diligence review to the very end TIF District certification steps. The fee rate remains the same as it was for the UMC Agreement, $8,820. The EDA has funds available in its General Fund in the Miscellaneous Professional Services line item for this expenditure. While it is early, in the process and it is not a certainty that Proj ect Gia-Saurus will move forward, staff has discussed asking the prospect for a good faith financial commitment by providing an deposit in the amount of $10,000 to cover expenses such as the Northland financial planning and due diligence review work In addition, if the project is terminated for lack of viability in the next 60 to 100 days, Northland will only bill for actual work that is performed. The Northland Agreement is attached as Exhibit C. 2 Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager Jim Gromberg, Economic Development Coordinator June 4, 2020 Potential Site Updates — Project Gia-Saurus ws b The City of Monticello requested that WSB complete a feasibility study on sites for a new industrial area that could facilitate the proposed Gia-Saurus project. The City identified 6 potential sites for the proposed new industrial park. The sites are identified as follows: � • West Camron Avenue o • East Cameron Avenue U c� • I-94 Site W • Spike/Otter Creek Site � • North 85th Avenue Site � • South 85th Avenue Site 0 � The proposed project has several criteria that limit the ability for sites to be viable candidates for � the facility. Those criteria include a building with the dimensions of 1,500 feet by 150 feet with the � ability to double the building footprint and 1,000-foot setback from residential uses. Based upon � the criteria, the following review of the sites has been developed on the ability of those sites to � support the manufacturing facility. � � � � z � � O a Q W z z � 0 w r � � � W � � w > Q Q Z W X 0 � West Cameron Avenue Site: Based on the illustration the site could only support the facility on one site without the filling of identified wetlands. The site is limited to the 300-foot-wide and would not allow for access around the facility based on the location of the wetlands abutting the facility Based on this limitation the site should not be further considered for the proposed project. �,,'�'� w �' .��. _�_ . � � � � �. a j: . �� � IIR- � � .. � �a =: � � � e � �. �i � �� ' �, �i'. � � ��y'�1J� � r - � ��y. �g\_fy�'y,, _ 1 i _ � .._ SC91���': � _ � :,..a : ,�'� F ti � �1 - t,� ti� "�'e���_�J� �y¢��9i �4. . .. . �,�,�� �. ti `.�� �. � • �,' � �� �. � ' � �. '� �� '�„1 cA',�"'��'� � +F��'�r � .-� . F. ,�, ,3 ,. �'�> ` � �. r -° ; �. �I ... ., . � _. F;"r �`, ;�� i \ :�< �r �� ��,� ��, _: �f v — ��� i �.�, ---- -,— _. I � Monticello EDA June 5, 2020 Page 2 East Cameron Avenue Site: Based upon the illustration the site could support the proposed facility in several areas and layouts. The site warrants additional consideration for the proposed project and the development of a new industrial park. I-94 Site: The site as indicated by the illustration, when the setback requirements are overlaid on the property it cannot accommodate the facility. Based upon this finding the site should be excluded from further consideration. Spike/Otter Creek Site: The site is located adjacent to and includes a portion of the Otter Creek Business Park. Once again with the overlaid setback requirements for the facility, the site does not have the area needed forthe building. Based upon this finding the site should be excluded from further consideration. �. �� � � _— i k },,�,� � � a a� � :F �Y� 1 J. - ,,-�,�� r .. , �. �%� ; � �:� , � �� � ; � � �? 1 f .'i'; ;, � t i.. . A ' + � � a ��'\ �, _ i �` t _ �Y�\ 4 , • `\ :. ; � � ' � r .:�'~ ` }.,.. �, t �j '� . ,� '�-`'`., � � ' ° ;�;�,�. g � it` ' . .. -�, , � +v . �` s"�¢e �. �! . . . . . A' � s . � f" �� r' ^ �'r f- �!': -` . ., . . ..-_ . 'L� - . '� i' , f �yir `.r I: I - r ;:c'�i� �•' or xY ' � G '��\ i".. '� T ,� x� � ���,� J`�� R � . � �� � : k«�-n ��- ,, �.� . t s��'��. ��� � - _ _.���" �� �,�;�� + J � � �� � � � t" L^p. p � � �% r 4 - i' r � . '�;��y c ���. j a ;` ;Eu.� � k � ` �:,: , en��;';�� � �: C�� n �- ar- i � . �!. • � . � ,��� C . r: .�'�' � � �� �� \^. �A , � �' . ' ,,° - �� , � .'�' � \ � � � `� �,,." + r,� �' '� ' � f � % ," � � ��' .r "�� . � . � � . `. <� �. -� I . :�'-' . ��`- _. � � 1' . 6 !^�^. Y.. \ % . '�� / , � � �:�— ..��,.y' � .' `,,`�> �-;,{ i ' '� �-.. , � ."�ia� . �� �� �' i �' < . r � �, , Monticello EDA June 5, 2020 Page 3 North 85th Avenue Site: The site is located north of 85th Street to the east of Highway #25. The site, as indicated by the illustration, can accommodate the proposed facility in the SW corner. The positioning the facility in this area would also allow for the development of the infrastructure that could also serve the property to the south of 85th Avenue. This site would warrant additional consideration as a possible location for the new facility. South 85th Avenue Site: The site is located south of 85th Street to the east of Highway #25. The site, as indicated by the illustration, can accommodate the proposed facility in several locations so the positioning of the facility has a number of opportunities. This site would warrant additional consideration as a possible location for the new facility. . �,. ; ' � .�'.e'i F '�M�il ( t `�� +\ �) l \� �': 1� �'� • �, ` ` � �' � �1 ;�: . .�•, .� ,': � ;�'` . �.� �� ;, : -! F -- _',....� ,� +� ��'�' ;. , � • �� 1/�F ��� � � ; � .. � , '�, . - i— _ ' . +`, }• - _-. _ _- ' = a _ .r i � . - �t t . '� �" '� � ���j-:,•� '��� ;:� _. � _'�.�� �� � ;��a , The above figures while to scale when created do not currently follow a constant scale and are for illustrative examples only. Based on the above information, the City should continue to focus on the East Cameron and the 2 sites along 85th Street as optional locations for the proposed project. 3 U U U bA U bA U bA bA bA bA U O N LL � V V N N U U N N N V V V � m � � � in � - � � in � in � � in in in � � � m ° tn tn tn = a tn � � tn tn a � a af0i a`0i a a a tn tn tn � u> > > c °1 v f0 v v v v � v in in v v v v v v � � p c > a > > c c " " c c c > > > i'.' `o '" '" o '.. .: c �.. �.. o �" o a a o 0 0 '.. �.. �.. 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TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT) This Agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Minnesota (hereinafter the "EDA") and Northland Securities, Inc., of Minneapolis, Minnesota (hereinafter "NSI"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the EDA desires to use the services of NSI for financial planning assistance related to the proposed establishment of a Tax Increment Financing (Economic Development) District No. 1-42 (the "TIF District") to provide financial assistance for the construction of a commercial building for manufacturing (the `Project"). WHEREAS, the Project is intended solely for financial planning and NSI is not providing advice on the timing, terms, structure or similar matters related to a specific bond issue. WHEREAS, NSI desires to furnish services to the EDA as hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY NSI The scope of work will undertake the process and financial planning to establish the TIF District. Legal services to draft or review the plan for the establishment of the TIF District (the "TIF Plan"), resolutions, and agreements are not provided by NSI and are not subject to this agreement NSI will provide the following services: 1. Collect data for the TIF District and the Project, including: a. Parcel identification numbers for all parcels within the Development District and theTIF District. b. Estimated market value and tax capacity value for all parcels within the TIF District. c. Current property tax rates for all jurisdictions. d. Map showing project location and parcel boundaries. 2. Evaluate and advise the EDA on the type of tax increment financing district and provide guidance on statutory findings. 3. Collect data about the Projec� including: a. Type, size, value, and timing of proposed development. b. Activities and estimated costs (project budget) to be paid by the TIF District Agreement (Economic Development TIF Page 1 4. Review basis for findings for establishing TIF District, including: a. Statutory criteria for proposed district b. Developer justification ("but for") for the use of tax increment c. Review and analyze Developer construction pro forma and operating pro forma for the Proj ect. d. Prepare memorandum for the EDA presenting the findings. 5. Review and analyze developer financial information, including project pro forma, and other relevant information provided by the developer. 6. Prepare memorandum for the EDA with the results of the evaluation of the information provided by the developer and the need for financial assistance as requested by the developer. 7. Determine basic understanding of key criteria for the process including: a. Boundaries of Development District and the TIF District b. Specific development objectives to address in the planning documents beyondthe Project, including decertification of an existing tax increment financingdistrict. 8. Obtain any additional data not collected in item #1, including: a. Building permits issued for parcels in the TIF District over the past 18 months. b. Current comprehensive plan. 9. Set and distribute calendar of ineetings and key dates. 10. Assist with preparation of notice of hearing and comply with statutory requirements for mailing and publication. 11. Assist the EDA's attorney with drafting of the development agreement for the Project 12. Prepare planning documents including modification of the Redevelopment Project,if necessary, and Tax Increment Financing Plan for the TIF District 13. Distribute draft planning documents with letter ofexplanation and other supporting information to the county and the school district 14. Assist with preparation of resolutions authorizing the TIF District and approvingthe TIF Plan. 15. Prepare and distribute resolution for planning commission findings, if necessary(scope does not include NSI attendance at planning commission meeting). 16. Prepare and distribute packet for public hearing including the TIF Plan andapproving resolution and interfund loan resolutions (if loan is proposed). 17. Attend and facilitate the EDA meeting to consider approval of the TIF Districtand agreement for the Project. 18. Assist City staff in preparing presentation for the public hearing and City Council meeting to consider approval of the TIF District. 19. Prepare electronic transcript of documents for the establishment of the TIF District 20. Submit request to the county for certification of the TIF District. 21. File district with the Office of the State Auditor and the State of Minnesota. Agreement (Economic Development TIF Page 2 COMPENSATION The budget for undertaking the tasks in this agreement is an amount not to exceed $8,820. The amount is based on the estimated number of hours required to complete these tasks at an hourly billing rate of $180 per hour plus reimbursable expenses for travel, printing, and mailing. NSI will bill on a monthly basis for actual services performed and reimbursable expenses. The EDA may at its discretion authorize NSI to undertake additional tasks, including meeting attendance, beyond the tasks listed above. Additional planning services will be billed monthly at a rate of $180 per hour. Invoices will detail the work performed, requested compensation for the period and show amounts previously billed. ASSIGNED NSI EMPLOYEE The NSI employee responsible for providing services pursuant to this agreement and for the services performed is Tammy Omdal, Managing Director. SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS The terms and provisions of this Agreement are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the EDA and NSI and their successors or assigns. DISCLAIMER In performing service under this agreement, NSI is relying on the accuracy of information provided by the developer for the proposed project and the EDA and the services provided by NSI are based on current State Law. The parties agree that the Minnesota property tax system and other laws may change and may affect the accuracy and validity of services provided by NSI. NSI will perform its work using the best available information. The EDA recognizes and accepts that future property values, tax levies and tax rates may vary from the assumptions used byNSI and such changes may affect the work product produced and provided by NSI. TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement may be terminated by thirty (30) days written notice by either the EDA or NSI. In the event of early termination by the EDA, NSI shall provide the EDA with an itemized hourly statement of services already provided. All billable hours by NSI shall be billed at the stated hourly rates should early termination occur. Dated this day of , 2020. Agreement (Economic Development TIF Page 3 Northland Securities, Inc. ��� By:_ ammy Omdal Managing Director, Public Finance City of Monticello Economic Development Authority : Title Agreement (Economic Development TIF Page 4