City Council Agenda Packet 01-13-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 13, 2020 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Academy Room 5 p.m. 5 p.m. CLOSED MEETING — Closed to consider Attorney -Client review under M.S. § 13D.05, Subd. 3(d), proposed retirement separation agreement for Finance Director 5:30 p.m. OPEN MEETING - Compensation Study Discussion Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from December 9, 2019 • Regular Meeting Minutes from December 9, 2019 • Special Meeting Minutes from December 30, 2019 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • Holiday Hours — Martin Luther King Day • Elections — Early Voting • Downtown Workshop F. Council Liaison Updates • Library Board • EDA • I-94 Coalition • CMRP • Planning Commission 0 IEDC • BCOL G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-01 accepting donation of $464 from Fire Relief Association for Fire Department challenge coins, donations of $300 from Foster White Insurance Agency, Healing Moments Counseling, and Russell's on the Lake for Farmers Market Power of Produce, donations of $1,000 from WSB & Associates and All Elements Roofing for ballfields, donations of $1,000 from All Elements Roofing and Liberty Bank for Music on the Mississippi, donation of two pieces of exercise equipment for fire station with value of $500 from Marc Simpson E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-02 establishing an Absentee Ballot Board for the 2020 Elections F. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO on April 4, 2020 G. Consideration of approving an updated Social Media Policy H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-03 supporting the City of Monticello application for Telecommutur Forward! Community certification I. Consideration of approving a Retirement Separation Agreement for Finance Director J. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-04 approving an addendum to purchase agreement between City of Monticello and LSW Investments, LLC K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-05 authorizing the transfer of 8617 Edmonson property sale proceeds to the Economic Development Authority (EDA) in consideration of future Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) land acreage to be determined L. Consideration of adopting a memorandum of understanding between the City of Monticello and Wright County for the construction of turn lanes along Briarwood Avenue NE in Monticello Township for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park M. Consideration of approving a future agreement with MnDOT for maintenance and operation of roadway lighting on State Hwy 25 near Kjellberg Court N. Consideration of adopting a funding participation and construction agreement between the City of Monticello and Wright County for the construction of improvements to County Road 118 O. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-06 accepting public improvements for the Carlisle Village 6th Addition plat 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of approving annual designations and City Council Appointments for 2020 B. Consideration of a request for a Final Plat, rezoning to PUD Zoning District, a Final Stage PUD, and Development Agreement for Deephaven, a mixed use commercial and 165 unit residential project. Applicant: Buchholz Development C. Consideration of adopting a petition for annexation by Ronald and Lisa Denn and Denn Family Partnership, and consideration of a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Urban Reserve to Places to Live, a request for Final Plat approval of Haven Ridge, including the 1St phase of 27 single-family units, rezoning to A -O and R-1 for the plat, and related Development Agreement. Applicant: Marc Shulte/Denali Investments, LLC D. Consideration of authorizing the interim use of the old fire station building at 303 6th Street West for storage by the Public Works Department on an interim basis 5. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 13, 2020 — 5 p.m. Academy Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5 p.m. CLOSED MEETING — Closed to consider attorney-client review under M.S. § 13D.05, Subd. 3(d), proposed retirement separation agreement for Finance Director 3. 5:30 p.m. OPEN MEETING — Compensation Study Discussion 4. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, December 9, 2019 — 4:30 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Planning Commission members Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Jim Thares, Tracy Ergen, Rachel Leonard, Tom Moores, Matt Leonard, Sarah Rathlisberger, and Jennifer Schreiber 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. 4:30 p.m. Comprehensive Plan Draft Vision Statement Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, presented the item and introduced members of the Lakota Group/WSB, consultants working on Monticello's 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Those present for the presentation were Abigail Rose, Nick Kalogeresis, Scott Ruhland, and Scott Freres. The purpose of the vision statement is to confirm Monticello's vision and values which will inform the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The City Council were positive about the draft vision statement. 3. 5:30 p.m. 2020 Budget Review Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, gave a brief overview of the 2020 property tax levy and budget. He review the history of the tax capacity rate and the tax levy. The proposed total city levy is $10,445,000, an increase of 4.8% and the proposed HRA levy is $355,000. Also presented was the change in tax base and additional expenses. There was discussion on debt levy. The budget is on the regular agenda for approval. 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — December 9, 2019 Present Absent: REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 9, 2019 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart None. 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Hilgart moved approval of the agenda with the addition of item 4B. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Minutes Special Meetinc Minutes from November 25, 2019 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the special meeting minutes of November 25, 2019. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes from November 25, 2019 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of regular meeting minutes of November 25, 2019. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments Bob Dockendorf, 895 Briar Court, Tim Suchy, 890 Briar Court, and Erik Gohl, 885 Briar Court, expressed their concern about Great River Energy removing shrubs that provide a natural barrier for their homes on the power line easement. They requested that the shrubs remain. Great River Energy has agreed to leave the shrubs and remove only the buckthorn and young trees. E. Public Service Announcements Rachel Leonard, Communications & Special Projects Coordinator, noted the following: • Unwrap the Future: Community Vision Workshop will take place on December 10. • MontiArts is hosting an Open Mic Night on December 14. • There is an UnSilent Night Event on December 15. • City Holiday Hours — hours will be shortened on Christmas Eve and all offices closed on Christmas. Check website for information. • Christmas Tree Pick Up will take place week of January 6, 2020. City Council Minutes — December 9, 2019 Page 1 1 6 F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC — Mayor Stumpf gave a brief overview of meeting held on December 3, 2019. The group received an update from Mike Carr, Monticello H.S. Principal. • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler noted that the commission had one public hearing regarding request for a variance. They also approved their 2020 work plan. • Parks, Arts, and Recreation Commission — Angela Schumann noted that one of the primary discussions was in regard to the Great River Trail plan. There also was an update from the Arts Coordinator of activities that took place in 2019. G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update — Jeff O'Neill provided an update on: 1. A meeting is being planned for end of January regarding safety improvements along Highway 25 near Kjellberg Ct. 2. There is current discussion with Fire Department regarding available space for the Wright County Sheriff's Office. 2. Consent ALenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding item 2R. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $509,277.26. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for the MCC and termination for MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-89 accepting donation from Monticello Fire Relief Association in the amount of $3,145 for MES heat sensors. Recommendation: Adopted the resolution accepting the donation. E. Consideration of approving a special City Council meeting date on Monday, December 30, 2019 for approval of bills. Recommendation: Set the special City Council meeting for December 30, 2019 at 7:30 a.m. F. Consideration of approving the 2020 Schedule of Regular Council and Commission meetings. Recommendation: Approved the 2020 schedule of regular City Council and commission meetings. G. Consideration of adopting approving city facility business hours for 2020. Recommendation: Approved city facility business hours for 2020. H. Consideration of approving Board and Commission appointments commencing January 1, 2020. Recommendation: Approved the Board and Commission appointments. City Council Minutes — December 9, 2019 Page 2 1 6 I. Consideration of approving out of state travel for Chief Building Official and Fire Marshal/Emergency Services Coordinator to Maryland for National Fire Academy plan review class on February 22-29, 2020. Recommendation: Approved out of state travel. J. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-90 declaring the official intent of the city of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued for the 2020 Street Improvement Project, City Project 200001. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2019-90 declaring intent to reimburse expenditures from proceeds of bonds for the 2020 Street Improvement Project. K. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $60,969 for the Monticello Fire Station, City Project No. 18C003. Recommendation: Change order was approved. L. Consideration acknowledging receipt of a petition for annexation from Kent Kjellberg and to proceed with verification of compliance with the Joint Resolution for Orderly Annexation. Recommendation: Approved. M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-91 supporting regional park designation application for the Great River Regional Trail. Recommendation: Resolution 2019-91 was adopted. N. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-92 endorsing a Job Creation Fund (JCF) grant application submittal in the amount of $175,000 to Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) in support of UMC, Inc.'s 52,000 square foot expansion proposal. Recommendation: Adopted resolution 2019-92 endorsing a Job Creation Fund grant application in support of UMC, Inc. expansion proposal. O. Consideration of approving an encroachment agreement between the City of Monticello and Northern Natural for the construction of the fire station at 103 Chelsea Road. Recommendation: Approved the encroachment agreement. P. Consideration of approving an ADA Transition Plan for the City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approved the ADA Transition Plan. Q. Consideration of approving a letter of support for the Monticello School District Safe Routes to School Boost Grant application, to authorize submittal of a 2020- 2021 Safe Routes to School Engineering Studies Grant and continued staff participation in SRTS activities. Recommendation: Approved the grant items. R. Consideration of authorizing a contract for painting of walls and ceiling of the apparatus bay in the new fire station, at a cost not to exceed $39,000. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 2R. Consideration of authorizing a contract for painting of walls and ceiling of the apparatus bay in the new fire station, at a cost not to exceed $39, 000. City Council Minutes — December 9, 2019 Page 3 1 6 Mayor Stumpf removed the item for discussion. Dan Klein, Fire Marshal/Emergency Manager, provided a brief overview of the contract. This item was included in the original plans for the new fire station but was cut due to budget. After walls and ceilings were completed they noticed they did not match. This would be a long-lasting epoxy paint which will make cleaning easier. Three bids were received. All three bids included different products. A recommendation was received on which one to use. In addition, the company current painting submitted the low bid. There are funds remaining in the contingency that would be allocated toward this project. City Administrator O'Neill noted another item added to agenda regarding base radio. Mr. O'Neill noted that he was going to review the additions to the fire station with Finance Director Oberg. Councilmember Fair moved approval of lowest bidder pending they meet the project specifications. If specifications are not met and the bid amount is greater than the additional bids, the project would be brought back to Council. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearings: A. Public Hearing — Consideration of adontina Ordinance 732 amending the fee schedule for 2020 and adopting Summary Ordinance 732A for publication Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented an overview of the 2020 city fee schedule. Minimal discussion occurred. Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. Councilmember Fair moved to adopt Ordinance 732 amending the fee schedule for 2020 and to adopt Summary Ordinance 732A for publication. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Public Hearing — Consideration of adoptin4 Resolution 2019-93 establishing the final tax leve for 2020 Wayne Oberg presented on the Truth -in -Taxation hearing and the final property tax levy for 2020. The proposed final levy is $10,445,000 which is 4.8% higher than the 2019 final levy. The proposed HRA tax levy is $355,000 which is 2% higher than 2019. The total proposed tax increase is 4.8%. Tax capacity rates and values were reviewed. Monticello has the lowest tax capacity rate in Wright County. Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. Councilmember Hilgart moved adoption of Resolution 2019-93 establishing the final tax levy for 2020. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2019-94 ordering improvements for the 2020 Street Improvement Project, Citv Project 200001 City Council Minutes — December 9, 2019 Page 4 1 6 Matt Leonard, City Engineer/Public Works Director, gave a presentation on the proposed 2020 Street Improvement Project. The project includes areas throughout the city and consists of an edge mill and asphalt overlay as well as other full depth spot repairs. In addition, sections of curb and gutter replacement and utility improvements will be made as needed throughout the project areas. The total estimated project cost is estimated at $2,180,000. Following the city's assessment policy, the assessment per unit will be $3,100. The project bids are anticipated to be accepted and approved in February with construction beginning May/June of 2020 with substantial completion September/October 2020. There was minimal discussion among the City Council. Mayor Stumpf opened the public hearing. The following people testified: Dave Schraut, 104 Crocus Lane — Mr. Schraut questioned the process if bids come in high and whether or not the $3,100 would be increased. He also wanted clarification on the schedule of the project and when they would know their final assessment amount. Craig Nordhaus, 5480 Falcon Avenue — Mr. Nordhaus questioned the city's bid process. He also commented that he witnessed what looked like a construction truck trying to damage his road. Sharon Johnson, 5481 Falcon Avenue — Ms. Johnson commented that very little maintenance has been done on the road in the last twenty years. She had a concern about Jeff O'Neill's comments made in an article in the Star Tribune. Jeff Rowan commented that the roads are in poor shape and spoke of the need for more frequent maintenance. He commented that W. Yd Street is getting beat up and stated that these streets should be chip sealed every couple of years. Mayor Stumpf closed the public hearing. In response to question of Mr. O'Neill's comments in the Star Tribune and on the bidding process, Councilmember Gabler clarified that the city can contract for engineering services without going out for bids. The project itself does go out for bids. Mayor Stumpf added that WSB & Associates has been the consulting engineer for thirty years and that is why they were used for the engineering services contract. The council commented on the concern about the assessment rate being increased and noted that it is highly unlikely that the assessment per unit would be higher than $3,100. More information on the amount will be available once the bids are received and approved. If bids are over 10% higher than estimated, they may be denied and rebid. Matt Leonard responded to concern about W. 3rd Street and will have the area reviewed for maintenance. The Council encouraged the property owners to watch for the Council meeting in February accepting the bids, as notice is not sent out for this meeting. City Council Minutes — December 9, 2019 Page 5 16 Councilmember Fair moved to adopt Resolution 2019-94 ordering improvements for the 2020 Street Improvement Project, City Project 200001. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of adontina Resolution 2019-95 annroving the 2020 Budget Wayne Oberg presented the proposed 2020 budget of $33,498,000. At tonight's meeting the City Council approved the city levy and the HRA levy. Minimal discussion occurred. Councilmember Davidson moved adoption of Resolution 2019-95 approving the 2020 Budget. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. ADD ON: Consideration of approving purchase of base radio amplification system for the new fire station from Motorola/Ancom in the amount of $27,612 Dan Klein introduced the added item. It was determined after installing walls and roof that the radio signal in the interior and 2nd floor portion of the station was too low to allow radios to operate properly. Installation of the amplification system would allow the radios to work fully throughout the station. Councilmember Fair moved approval of the radio amplification system. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Adiournment: By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — December 9, 2019 Page 6 1 6 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 30, 2019 — 7:30 a.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Charlotte Gabler 1. Call to Order Mayor Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. in the Academy Room. 2. Consideration of approving payment of bill registers. Minimal discussion took place. Councilmember Fair moved approval of the payment of bill registers for a total amount of $9,426,843.93. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 a.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber _ Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — December 30, 2019 Page 1 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2A. Consideration of aimrovinLy vavment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,161,652.03. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson T Printed: 01/02/2020 - 1:48PM Batch: 00215.12.2019 - 215.12.2019 Xcel/CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 12/31/2019 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 116.70 12/31/2019 101-42700-438100 12/31/2019 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 51.61 12/31/2019 101-41941-438100 12/31/2019 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 20.25 12/31/2019 101-41940-438100 12/31/2019 5864452-7 - Library 324.18 12/31/2019 101-45501-438100 12/31/2019 5837384-6 - Publc Works 333.78 12/31/2019 101-43127-438100 12/31/2019 6401745330-5 - 349 W Broadway 99.00 12/31/2019 101-45204-438100 12/31/2019 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 154.96 12/31/2019 609-49754-438100 12/31/2019 5804618-6 - Parks (Fallon) 15.00 12/31/2019 101-45201-438100 12/31/2019 8235333-5 - P.C. (U Fab) 62.34 12/31/2019 101-41941-438100 12/31/2019 5843395-4 - DMV 26.54 12/31/2019 217-41990-438100 12/31/2019 5768542-2 - MCC 2,781.64 12/31/2019 226-45126-438100 12/31/2019 5768542-2 - City Hall 120.29 12/31/2019 101-41940-438100 12/31/2019 5820786-1 - Public Works 57.07 12/31/2019 101-43127-438100 12/31/2019 5799425-3 - Public Works 263.63 12/31/2019 101-43127-438100 12/31/2019 5821009-5 - Fire Station 163.33 12/31/2019 101-42200-438100 12/31/2019 5768542-2 - National Guard 60.14 12/31/2019 101-42800-438100 12/31/2019 5768542-2 - Senior Center 45.11 12/31/2019 101-45175-438100 12/31/2019 8000015233-2 - WWTP 3,035.44 12/31/2019 602-49480-438100 12/31/2019 5806932-9 - Parks 31.28 12/31/2019 101-45201-438100 12/31/2019 5799427-9 - Public Works 50.71 12/31/2019 101-43127-438100 12/31/2019 11077481-7 - New Fire Station (2 Mos) 465.44 12/31/2019 101-42200-438100 12/31/2019 6402123338-8 - 112 W River St 61.61 12/31/2019 101-45201-438100 Check Total: 8,340.05 Vendor: 5188 HEALTHY CONTRIBUTIONS Check Sequence: 2 12/31/2019 AARP Supplement/At Your Best 6.30 12/31/2019 226-45122-430900 Check Total: 6.30 Vendor: 1565 WELLS FARGO CORP TRUST SERVICE Check Sequence: 3 12/20/2019 Additional Investment to RBC Capital Markets 67,200.00 12/31/2019 955-00000-104010 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/02/2020 - 1:48 PM) Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 67,200.00 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 12/31/2019 51-9391437-3 - Prairie Center 239.75 12/31/2019 101-41941-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505909-4 - DMV/Food Shelf 155.44 12/31/2019 217-41990-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505915-2 - Parks 542.17 12/31/2019 101-45201-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505911-8 -MCC 4,009.16 12/31/2019 226-45126-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505912-9 - Animal Shelter 96.34 12/31/2019 101-42700-438100 12/31/2019 51-4271112-2 - Library 647.38 12/31/2019 101-45501-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto 36.48 12/31/2019 101-43160-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 83.33 12/31/2019 101-43160-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505905-0 - Water 3,740.31 12/31/2019 601-49440-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505915-2 - Ice Rink 33% 100.18 12/31/2019 601-49440-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 885.14 12/31/2019 101-41940-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 1,186.94 12/31/2019 101-43127-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505913-0 - Fire Station 595.93 12/31/2019 101-42200-438100 12/31/2019 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspec. G 49.28 12/31/2019 101-41940-438100 12/31/2019 51-0623082-8 - MontiArts 60.25 12/31/2019 101-45204-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505915-2 - NSP- Softball 217.20 12/31/2019 101-45203-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 1,274.13 12/31/2019 609-49754-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505906-1 1,825.42 12/31/2019 602-49490-438100 12/31/2019 51-0395766-0 - Ramsey Pumphous 2,239.57 12/31/2019 601-49440-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 208.27 12/31/2019 101-45175-438100 12/31/2019 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 10,081.45 12/31/2019 602-49480-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505915-2 - NSP- consc/sec. 25.25 12/31/2019 101-45203-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 9,901.37 12/31/2019 101-43160-438100 12/31/2019 51-0371645-4 - SwanCam 18.45 12/31/2019 101-45201-438100 12/31/2019 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 104.13 12/31/2019 101-42800-438100 Check Total: 38,323.32 Total for Check Run: 113,869.67 Total of Number of Checks: 4 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 1/13/20 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/02/2020 - 1:48 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 01/08/2020 - 2:58PM Batch: 00204.01.2020 - 204.01.2020 AP Invoice No Description Vendor: 4313 ACCELA INC INV-ACC49820 2020 Annual Maintenance INV-ACC49823 2020 Annual Maintenance - Civic Pay Check Sequence: 1 Check Total: Vendor: 5184 ADVANCED GRAPHIX INC. 203308 01/14/2020 (50) Fire Dept. Logo decals Check Total: Vendor: 2820 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE 20190629 FireDN-CARSRU - SRU training (21) hr. D.A.; 29,641.20 Check Total: Vendor: 1977 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC 92581 (6) Minitor VI Battery Check Total: Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3396214 resale - beer 3396793 resale - beer 162.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4502 ARVIG 299550 Dec. 2019 expenses - Calix; Border States; Clea] 299550 Dec. 2019 expenses - buried drops ACH Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 5117 ASPEN MILLS Moiiii6effo Y Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 28,270.20 01/14/2020 702-00000-431990 1,371.00 01/14/2020 702-00000-431990 29,641.20 Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 162.00 12/31/2019 101-42200-443990 162.00 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 342.40 12/31/2019 101-00000-222005 342.40 Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 133.50 12/31/2019 101-42200-422990 133.50 Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 393.20 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 32.60 01/14/2020 609-49750-425200 425.80 Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 13,236.19 12/31/2019 656-49877-422990 1,009.00 12/31/2019 656-49877-440100 14,245.19 Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 249895 (18)chest badge; cap badge; (14) enamel seal bk. 2,486.85 12/31/2019 101-42200-421120 250224 gold met rank stripe; belt; move buttons 94.34 12/31/2019 101-42200-421120 250225 (2) chest badge; (4) Captain silver; etc 527.25 12/31/2019 101-42200-421120 Check Total: 3,108.44 Vendor: 5405 BAUER COMPRESSORS, INC. Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 255761 18C003-CONSTR - air compressor/fill station A 49,124.43 12/31/2019 400-43300-452010 Check Total: 49,124.43 Vendor: 1062 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 1517021 Chevy Starplex 2-1/16; (128.60) 1OW30: (55) ex 2,904.81 12/31/2019 101-43127-421990 Check Total: 2,904.81 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 100680600 asst, bags 368.01 12/31/2019 609-49754-421990 100680600 resale - condiments 103.60 12/31/2019 609-49750-425500 100680600 freight 2.16 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 82213500 freight 14.35 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 82213500 resale - wine 624.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 82213500 resale - liquor 200.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 82213700 resale- liquor 90.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 82213700 freight 2.05 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,404.17 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 62265 resale - pop, water, juice, coffee drinks 762.15 12/31/2019 226-45125-425410 65432 resale - soda pop 131.60 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 65433 resale - beer 4,232.25 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 67907 resale - soda pop 29.30 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 67908 resale - beer n/a 75.30 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 67908 resale - beer 5,452.45 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 10,683.05 Vendor: 1074 BOLTON AND MENK INC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 0243978 19C001 - 2019 Pedestrian Improvements 2,238.50 12/31/2019 400-43300-459014 Check Total: 2,238.50 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1081078684 resale - wine 484.46 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 1081078684 resale - liquor 3,932.24 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 1081078684 resale - mix 150.69 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 1081078684 freight 48.16 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 1081078685 resale - beer 196.40 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 1081081919 resale - liquor 2,035.49 01/14/2020 609-49750-425100 1081081919 resale - wine 719.76 01/14/2020 609-49750-425300 1081081919 freight 41.80 01/14/2020 609-49750-433300 1081081920 resale - beer 55.30 01/14/2020 609-49750-425200 2080240949 resale - liquor credit -153.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080240952 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1080995453 -77.67 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080240952 freight credit inv. # 1080995453 -0.69 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080240961 resale - beer credit inv. # 1080995554 -23.20 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 2080246638 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1081011901 -34.65 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 2080247131 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1081015203 -33.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080247131 resale - wine credit inv. # 1081015203 -112.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2080247131 freight credit inv. 9 1081015203 -3.30 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080250437 freight credit inv. # 1081031790 -1.65 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080250437 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1081031790 -289.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080251490 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1081038487 -96.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080251490 freight credit inv. # 1081038487 -1.65 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080251577 freight credit inv. # 1081038487 -1.65 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080251577 resale - wine credit inv. # 1081038487 -56.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2080254255 freight credit inv. # 1081044794 -1.65 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080254255 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1081044794 -260.90 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080254747 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1081048055 -235.90 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080254747 freight credit inv. # 1081048055 -1.65 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080255252 freight credit inv. 4 1081051835 -3.30 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080255252 resale - wine credit inv. # 1081051835 -256.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2080255872 resale - wine credit inv. # 1081054828 -96.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2080255872 freight credit inv. # 1081054828 -1.65 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080258375 freight credit inv. # 1081062011 -1.65 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080258375 resale - wine credit inv. # 1081062011 -43.33 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2080259528 resale - wine credit inv. # 1081068605 -55.30 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2080260634 resale - liquor credit inv. # volumn incentive -46.09 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080260637 resale - liquor credit inv. # volume incentive -148.50 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080261143 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1081072155 -157.50 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080261143 resale - wine credit inv. # 1081072155 -128.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2080261143 freight credit inv. # 1081072155 -3.30 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2080262747 resale - liquor credit inv. # 1081078684; 108107 -389.44 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2080262747 resale - beer credit inv. # 1081078684; 1081078( -101.50 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Check Total Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P 6772873 resale - beer 6772873 resale - beer n/a 6772892 resale- beer n/a 6772892 resale- beer 1106 Check Total: Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC 18602 4,849.18 resale - wine Check Total: Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC 00067586 12/31/2019 Monthly Tank Rental 00326062 219.27 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (707 lbs) 609-49750-425400 Check Total: Vendor: 2935 CUSTOMIZED FIRE RESCUE TRAINING IN( 1590 01/14/2020 MBFTE - Live Burn 12/7/19- 1645 CR 39 NE 1591 31,946.50 FireDN-CARSRU - (5) classes for SRU team Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 112-02156 12/31/2019 resale - beer 112-02156 837.00 resale - beer n/a 112-02214 resale - beer n/a 112-02214 Check Sequence: 16 resale - beer 1167798 12/31/2019 resale - beer credit 1170468 184.54 resale- beer 1170485 resale - beer credit 1173772 resale - beer 1173772 resale - beer n/a 1173777 1,500.00 resale - beer credit Check Total: Vendor: 1136 GORDON J DEHMER 8872 labor - fire extinguisher mntc. AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4,849.18 Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 12,116.40 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 219.27 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 194.38 01/14/2020 609-49750-425400 19,416.45 01/14/2020 609-49750-425200 31,946.50 Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 837.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 837.00 Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 65.00 12/31/2019 226-45124-421600 184.54 12/31/2019 226-45124-421600 249.54 Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 1,500.00 12/31/2019 101-42200-433100 1,600.00 12/31/2019 101-42200-433100 3,100.00 Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 34,917.85 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 165.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 153.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 23,927.62 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 -12.60 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 223.80 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 -127.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 1,358.80 01/14/2020 609-49750-425200 54.00 01/14/2020 609-49750-425400 -269.18 01/14/2020 609-49750-425200 60,391.29 Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 25.00 01/14/2020 609-49754-431990 Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 8872 parts - collars; seals; valve stems; (4) fire extingt 104.00 01/14/2020 609-49754-431990 Check Total: 129.00 Vendor: 5105 DELL MARKETING LP Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 10366546703 18C003-CONSTR - (5) monitors for new fire sta 1,154.95 01/14/2020 400-43300-452010 Check Total: 1,154.95 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 961003610 resale- beer 907.60 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 907.60 Vendor: 5340 DISGRUNTLED BREWING DISGRUNTLED Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 356 resale - beer 291.20 01/14/2020 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 291.20 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 749655 201933 - Kjellberg Annexation PH Ad# 1005225 101.53 12/31/2019 101-41910-435100 749656 201927 - Kjellberg PH Ad# 1005226 119.99 12/31/2019 101-41910-435100 Check Total: 221.52 Vendor: 3632 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTIONS, LLC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 14389 Altair 4XR multigas Detector 965.72 12/31/2019 101-42200-424100 14389 (4) Cairns 1010 W/ defender eye protec.; (4) Cai 1,374.12 12/31/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 2,339.84 Vendor: 1179 FIRE SAFETY USA INC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 129974 lightweight fremale adapter 43.75 12/31/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 43.75 Vendor: 5086 FLATOUT TIRE SERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 17363 labor -Farmal Tractor mount (2) front; install (2) 300.00 12/31/2019 101-43120-422100 17363 parts-Farmal Tractor mount (2) front; install (2) : 93.00 12/31/2019 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 393.00 Vendor: 1195 AL GAPINSKI Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False boots 2019 boot reimbursement 2019 90.00 12/31/2019 101-43120-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 90.00 87.75 87.75 225.00 225.00 100.60 100.60 1,255.92 1,255.92 16,120.00 16,120.00 -377.02 -27.81 2,000.00 1,595.17 550.00 550.00 35.39 3,467.97 3,441.30 86.42 Check Sequence: 28 12/31/2019 601-49440-432770 Check Sequence: 29 01/14/2020 101-45201-443300 Check Sequence: 30 12/31/2019 226-45124-421600 Check Sequence: 31 01/14/2020 101-41310-443300 Check Sequence: 32 01/14/2020 101-00000-217061 Check Sequence: 33 01/14/2020 601-49440-371100 01/14/2020 601-00000-208100 01/14/2020 601-00000-220111 Check Sequence: 34 01/14/2020 651-49010-431150 Check Sequence: 35 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 6 Check Total: Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC 9120599 Dec. 2019 (65) tickets Check Total: Vendor: 2895 GREATER MN PARKS AND TRAILS 2020 Membership 2020 Annual Membership Dues Check Total: Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC 4639424 Pool Chemicals Check Total: Vendor: 1623 INTERNATIONAL CITY COUNTY MGMT A� 1/6/2020 2020 Membership Renewal - JO Check Total: Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Feb 2020 February - Health Insurance - Union Check Total: Vendor: 5247 J & R LARSON GROUNDS Permit Rmbrs. refund Water Use Permit - Dep. $2000 - $404.83 Permit Rmbrs. refund Water Use Permit - Dep. $2000 - $404.83 Permit Rmbrs. refund Water Use Permit - Dep. $2000 - $404.83 Check Total: Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC 4029 1 grave- Reed 12/21/19 Check Total: Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 1467624 freight 1467624 resale - liquor 1467625 resale - wine 1467625 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number 90.00 87.75 87.75 225.00 225.00 100.60 100.60 1,255.92 1,255.92 16,120.00 16,120.00 -377.02 -27.81 2,000.00 1,595.17 550.00 550.00 35.39 3,467.97 3,441.30 86.42 Check Sequence: 28 12/31/2019 601-49440-432770 Check Sequence: 29 01/14/2020 101-45201-443300 Check Sequence: 30 12/31/2019 226-45124-421600 Check Sequence: 31 01/14/2020 101-41310-443300 Check Sequence: 32 01/14/2020 101-00000-217061 Check Sequence: 33 01/14/2020 601-49440-371100 01/14/2020 601-00000-208100 01/14/2020 601-00000-220111 Check Sequence: 34 01/14/2020 651-49010-431150 Check Sequence: 35 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1468670 freight 8.94 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 1468670 resale - liquor 1,093.50 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 1468671 resale - wine 2,617.95 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 1468671 freight 56.62 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 1468671 resale - wine n/a 85.35 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 1470409 freight 150.97 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 1470409 resale - liquor 8,729.87 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 1470410 resale - wine 2,886.92 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 1470410 freight 91.90 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 1470410 resale - mix 32.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 1470410 resale -juice 68.50 12/31/2019 609-49750-425500 1473011 freight 122.50 01/14/2020 609-49750-433300 1473011 resale - liquor 11,297.94 01/14/2020 609-49750-425100 1473012 freight 41.41 01/14/2020 609-49750-433300 1473012 resale - wine 1,494.20 01/14/2020 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 35,809.65 Vendor: 2641 JOHNSON MATERIALS INC Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 5913 (136.76) T. washed sand 793.20 12/31/2019 101-43125-421700 Check Total: 793.20 Vendor: 5159 KELTEK INC. Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 30877 (2) stylus pens 62.72 12/31/2019 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 62.72 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 75996 resale - wine 791.73 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 75996 freight 11.25 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 802.98 Vendor: 5220 KUE CONTRACTORS, INC. Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False Pay Voucher 9 18C003-CONSTR - Fire Hall pay voucher #9 538,231.05 12/31/2019 400-43300-452010 Check Total: 538,231.05 Vendor: 4907 MATTHEW LEONARD Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 12/5/2019 Reimbursement for Boots 180.00 12/31/2019 101-43111-421990 12/5/2019 Mileage Reimbursement (66 miles) 38.28 12/31/2019 101-43111-433100 Check Total: 218.28 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 26071 resale - beer Check Sequence: 41 Check Total: Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 21613047 609-49750-425200 (204) gal. unleaded @ $2.15 21613051 (808) gal. diesel @ $2.61 Check Total: Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES 403121544 Check Sequence: 42 12/19/19 - 1/19/20 - Contract Payment 403121544 True Supply Freight Fee 12/31/2019 101-43120-421200 Check Total: Vendor: 5408 GEORGE MASTEY 22529 101-43120-421200 16C001 -Phase 1 BCOL- Rock Job Bertram backl Check Total: Vendor: 1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY 623805 contract C0560-12/5/19 (2) condenseser rep. ba( Check Sequence: 43 Check Total: Vendor: 2996 METRO APPLIANCE RECYCLING 581705D 702-00000-441500 (25) appliances; (241) E -scrap by lb.; (241) TVh Check Total: Vendor: 1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS 400451003461 Nov 2019 - Monti Pawn Transactions (16 1) Check Total: Vendor: 1738 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Qtr.4 2019 Check Sequence: 44 Community Water Supply Serv. Conn. Fee Qtr 4 Enabled: False Check Total: Vendor: 2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST 1/3/2020 Postage for Pkg to Employment & Econ Dev 1/3/2020 Postage Purchased 12/18/19 Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: True 295.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425200 295.00 Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True 437.69 12/31/2019 101-43120-421200 2,106.40 12/31/2019 101-43120-421200 2,544.09 Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 249.34 01/14/2020 702-00000-441500 10.00 01/14/2020 702-00000-441500 259.34 Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 5,641.25 12/31/2019 229-45202-453011 5,641.25 Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 1,343.16 12/31/2019 609-49754-440440 1,343.16 Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 1,527.15 12/31/2019 101-43127-421990 1,527.15 Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True 144.90 12/31/2019 101-42100-431990 144.90 Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 6,987.00 12/31/2019 601-49440-443750 6,987.00 Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 7.42 12/31/2019 101-41520-432200 1,000.00 12/31/2019 101-00000-155010 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1/3/2020 Postage for Title & Registration Pkgs - Nov (4 1) 311.31 12/31/2019 217-41990-432200 Check Total: 1,318.73 Vendor: 5406 NORTH CENTRAL BUS SALES TRUCK EQL Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 267625 aluminium saddle box - Parks 698.01 12/31/2019 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 698.01 Vendor: 5407 OMANN CONTRACTING COMPANIES, INC. Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 28675 Bituminous patch installed Chelsea Ave- 2 blks. 1,470.00 12/31/2019 101-43120-440990 Check Total: 1,470.00 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 2679919 resale - liquor 315.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2679919 freight 1.49 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2679920 freight 8.94 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2679920 resale - wine 455.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2679921 resale - liquor 3,036.06 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2679921 freight 38.74 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2679922 freight 10.43 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2679922 resale - wine 280.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2680601 resale - liquor 1,963.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2680601 freight 16.39 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2681724 freight 61.35 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2681724 resale- liquor 5,161.30 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 2681725 resale- wine 1,449.66 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 2681725 freight 38.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2681725 resale- juice 50.28 12/31/2019 609-49750-425500 2681725 resale- mix 80.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 2683465 freight 10.43 01/14/2020 609-49750-433300 2683465 resale- liquor 939.60 01/14/2020 609-49750-425100 2683466 freight 20.86 01/14/2020 609-49750-433300 2683466 resale - wine 469.75 01/14/2020 609-49750-425300 2683466 resale - mix 171.00 01/14/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 14,577.28 Vendor: 1450 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT CO III LLC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 410531 License #302018 4/12/20 - 4/11/218" Water Pipi 258.95 01/14/2020 601-49440-431990 Check Total: 258.95 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Vendor: 5010 RUM RIVER VENTURES LLC 233 Contract Building Inspection Services - Dec 201 Check Total: Vendor: 4719 SCHMITZ EXCAVATING Permit 12-31-19 refund Water Use Permit- Dep. $2000-69.30 uses Permit 12-31-19 refund Water Use Permit- Dep. $2000-69.30 uses Permit 12-31-19 refund Water Use Permit- Dep. $2000-69.30 uses Check Total: Vendor: 1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON Dec 2019 Dec. 2019 cleaning - Thank you for your service -4.76 Check Total: Vendor: 5211 RANDI ANN SMELSER 12/10/2019 Reimbursement for Supplies Jan 1st Semi Monthly Contract Payment 2,000.00 Check Total: Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. 1906690 resale - liquor 1906690 freight 1906691 freight 1906691 resale - wine 1908227 resale - wine 5052115 resale - wine 5052115 freight 5052116 freight 5052116 resale- wine 5053426 resale - liquor 5053426 freight 5053427 freight 5053427 resale - wine 5053429 resale - wine 5053429 freight Check Total: Vendor: 2555 TELCOM CONSTRUCTION Permit 12-31-19 refund Water Use Permit - dep. $2100-$171.63 u Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 1,360.00 12/31/2019 101-42400-431990 1,360.00 Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True -4.76 12/31/2019 601-00000-208100 -64.54 12/31/2019 601-49440-371100 2,000.00 12/31/2019 601-00000-220111 1,930.70 Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 100.00 12/31/2019 101-42200-431100 100.00 Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 39.32 12/31/2019 101-42700-421990 1,575.00 01/14/2020 101-42700-431200 1,614.32 Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 3,674.04 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 38.86 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 18.55 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 1,081.51 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 280.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 898.58 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 21.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 12.60 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 832.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 5,673.81 12/31/2019 609-49750-425100 50.78 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 2.80 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 160.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 36.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 1.40 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 12,781.93 Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 2,100.00 12/31/2019 601-00000-220111 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Permit 12-31-19 refund Water Use Permit - dep. $2100-$171.63 u -159.84 12/31/2019 601-49440-371100 Permit 12-31-19 refund Water Use Permit - dep. $2100-$171.63 u -11.79 12/31/2019 601-00000-208100 Check Total: 1,928.37 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 589339 resale -jumbo pickles 12.49 12/31/2019 609-49750-425500 589339 resale - barware; gift bags; etc 713.82 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 726.31 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: True 898124 resale - soda pao 623.85 01/14/2020 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 623.85 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True 248587 resale - mix 120.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425400 248587 freight 21.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 248587 resale - wine 712.00 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 249047 resale -liquor 498.42 01/14/2020 609-49750-425100 249047 resale- wine 144.00 01/14/2020 609-49750-425300 249047 freight 12.00 01/14/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,507.42 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 9397 labor - Hillside cemetery -rep. GFI on fence- GFI 120.00 12/31/2019 101-45201-440440 9397 parts- Hillside cemetery -rep. GFI on fence- GFI 29.50 12/31/2019 101-45201-440440 Check Total: 149.50 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 7267920 resale - wine 680.40 12/31/2019 609-49750-425300 7267920 freight 10.43 12/31/2019 609-49750-433300 7268794 resale - wine 1,308.70 01/14/2020 609-49750-425300 7268794 freight 18.63 01/14/2020 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 2,018.16 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True 2020 TNT 2020 Truth In Taxation Notices 764.26 12/31/2019 101-41520-435100 January Jan 2020 - Deputies Contract 124,104.50 01/14/2020 101-42100-430500 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Total for Check Run: 1,047,782.36 Date: 1/13/2020 Approved by: Total of Number of Checks: 67 Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 12 Check Total: 124,868.76 Vendor: 2043 WRIGHT COUNTY PARKS Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 2-2019 Great River Trail Master Planning 11,800.00 12/31/2019 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 11,800.00 Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: True 002596-400 34 16C006 - Fallon Ave Improvements - Nov 2019 1,412.00 12/31/2019 400-43300-459018 002596-420 10 19D003 - Spaeth Plan Review - Nov 2019 31.00 12/31/2019 101-00000-220110 R010438-000 29 17C001 - Chelsea Road Utility & Street Improve 1,070.00 12/31/2019 400-43300-459019 R010663-000 18 18D003 - Carlisle Village 6th Addition - Nov 20 538.00 12/31/2019 101-00000-220110 R011473-000 22 18C001 - 2018 Pedestrian Improvements - Nov. 2,862.00 12/31/2019 400-43300-459013 R011744-000 20 16C001 - BCOL Phase 1 -Nov 2019 2,851.50 12/31/2019 229-45202-453011 R011923-000 13 201815 - Haven Ridge Plan Review - Nov 2019 4,135.50 12/31/2019 101-00000-220110 R013121-000 13 19D001 - Featherstone 4th Addition - Nov 2019 207.00 12/31/2019 101-00000-220110 R013322-000 11 2019 Economic Development Services - Nov 20 775.00 12/31/2019 213-46301-431990 R013358-000 11 2019 General Engineering Services - Nov 2019 681.00 12/31/2019 101-43111-430300 R013396-000 6 2019 Maps - Nov 2019 211.00 12/31/2019 101-43111-430300 R013433-000 4 2019 MS4 Services - Nov 2019 115.00 12/31/2019 101-43111-430300 R014044-000 5 WRMP Update 2019 - Nov 2019 3,183.00 12/31/2019 101-43111-430300 R014321-000 3 201924 - Buchholtz Concept/PUD Monticello Al 2,904.00 12/31/2019 101-00000-220110 R014468-000 2 201927 - Kjellberg Firm Ground Apts Plan Revii 699.00 12/31/2019 101-00000-220110 R014511-000 4 Downtown Redevlopment Project Phase 1 - Noi 528.00 12/31/2019 213-46301-431990 R014709-000 4 200001 - 2020 Street Improvement Project - No, 9,705.50 12/31/2019 400-43300-430300 R015189-000 1 201937 - UMC Site Plan Review - Nov 2019 189.50 12/31/2019 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 32,098.00 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Total for Check Run: 1,047,782.36 Date: 1/13/2020 Approved by: Total of Number of Checks: 67 Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/08/2020 - 2:58 PM) Page 12 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and devartures for Citv deuartments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Chloe Beaudry Lifeguard MCC 12/4/19 PT Noah Duszynski Lifeguard MCC 12/4/19 PT Isaac Boyer Climbing Wall Atten. MCC 12/12/19 PT Benjamin Broderick Liquor Store Clerk Liquor Store 12/14/19 PT Scott lano Outdoor Rink Atten. Parks 12/16/19 PT Margaret Paumen Outdoor Rink Atten. Parks 12/17/19 PT Jacob Stang Outdoor Rink Atten. Parks 12/18/19 PT Eli Gindele Liquor Store Clerk Liquor Store 12/18/19 PT Rylee Moores Slide Attendant MCC 12/27/19 PT Scott Imdieke* Park Maintenance Operator Parks 1/21/20 FT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Elianna Suddard Bangsund Voluntary MCC 1/31/19 PT Katelyn Johnson Voluntary MCC 11/2/19 PT Amanda Nowezki Voluntary MCC 11/30/19 PT Grace Abresch Voluntary MCC 12/2/19 PT Nick Torkkola Voluntary Liquor Store 12/22/19 PT Corey Murphy Voluntary Building 12/27/19 FT Leo Schroden Voluntary Parks 12/31/19 FT * Promotion New Hire and Terms City Council 2020: 1/7/2020 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2C. Consideration of aimrovinLy the sale of Monticello Fire Station surplus property (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to declare certain items as surplus property and authorize the sale or disposal of those items. The Fire Department is selling a Motorola Base station and three remote stations. These are all being replaced in new station. Al. Budget Impact: Varies by the value of the property. A2. Staff Work Load Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the sale of the items. 2. Motion to deny the sale or disposal of surplus property as recommended. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends Option 1 to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Surplus List B. Photo 1 Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department: Fire 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. C. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. B. C. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. B. C. 7. $100 - $1,000 A. Motorola Base Station and 3 remote stations B. C. 8. $0-$100 A. B. C. Date: 1/13/2020 Sr 1 loth loath ST. FC, 1 1a B a 2 3 de} 4g° 5Ikl 6m,o 7 pro 8 tuv 9wxy 'y O Q: 7 �9 > 34 127th 127t.. 1: Si. � � o S"4 0� a ►+EST �"'= LARE ��" u' 36 F B 4 114 ly 1?J --- 143 < ST 112 112 q 1?3' � 3 11 9� ST- :U1ICE , c 1 10th ST "ARIA � 2 7 % 1�th ST . 12J 8 9 07th �•r Gp, 9 , AD, 3fl CO. SCQUc�{ O ' �E 39 m 0 � < < 9 RD. \o 1t3 �tI C $ ' 100. \ 4 IDA �l •+. City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2D. Consideration of approving Resolution 2020-01 accepting donation of $464 from Fire Relief Association for Fire Department Challenge Coins, donations of $300 from Foster White Insurance Agencv, Healing Moments Counseling, and Russell's on the Lake for Farmers Market Power of Produce, donations of $1,000 from WSB & Associates and All Elements Roofing for ballfields, donations of $1,000 from All Elements Roofing and Libertv Bank for Music on the Mississippi, and donation of two pieces of exercise equipment for fire station valued at $500 from Marc Simpson (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to approve donations: • $464 from Fire Relief Association for challenge coins for the Fire Department • $300 from Foster White Insurance Company for Farmers Market Power of Produce • $300 Healing Moments Counseling for Farmers Market Power of Produce • $300 from Russell's on the Lake for Farmers Market Power of Produce • $1,000 from WSB & Associates for ballfields • $1,000 from All Elements Roofing for ballfields • $1,000 from All Elements Roofing for Music on the Mississippi • $1,000 from Liberty Bank for Music on the Mississippi • Exercise Equipment ($500 value) from Marc Simpson As required by state statute, if the city accepts a donation, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donations will be used as noted. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Resolution 2020-01 accepting the contribution and authorizing use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 Resolution 2020-01 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2020-01 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY Monticello Fire Relief Association Foster White Insurance Agency Healing Moments Counseling Russell's on the Lake WSB & Associates All Elements Roofing Liberty Bank Marc Simpson DESCRIPTION VALUE Cash $464 Cash $300 Cash $300 Cash $300 Cash $1,000 Cash $2,000 Cash $2,000 Exercise Equipment $500 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY Monticello Fire Relief Association Foster White Insurance Agency Healing Moments Counseling Russell's on the Lake WSB & Associates All Elements Roofing Liberty Bank Marc Simpson PURPOSE/AMOUNT Fire Department Challenge Coins/$464 Farmers Market Power of Produce/$300 Farmers Market Power of Produce/$300 Farmers Market Power of Produce/$300 Ballfields/$1,000 Ballfields/$1,000 Music on the Mississippi/$1,000 Music on the Mississippi/$1,000 Exercise Equipment for Fire Station/$500 Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 13th day of December, 2020. Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2E. Consideration of adontinLY Resolution 2020-02 establishinLy an Absentee Ballot Board for the 2020 Elections (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota State Statue 203B.121 requires the City to establish an Absentee Ballot Board by resolution, if they are conducting absentee voting in the municipality. The main function of the Absentee Ballot Board is to process and accept or reject absentee ballots. This is handled by City Staff (trained as election judges) and appointed election judges and must be completed according to election rules. The absentee ballot voting period runs for 46 days prior to Election Day for both the primary and general elections. Absentee voting for the Presidential Primary runs from January 17 to March 2, June 26 to August 10 for the Primary, and for the General election from September 18 to November 2. The City Clerk has been designated to serve as administrator of the absentee voting process under the direction of Wright County Auditor's Office. Al. Budget Impact: Personnel costs incorporated into the 2020 Elections budget. A2. Staff Impact: The absentee voting process will involve the City Clerk and five City Hall employees. All other assistance is provided by city residents that serve as election judges. Appointment of election judges is covered in a separate agenda item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-02 establishing an Absentee Ballot Board for the 2020 elections. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2020-02 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-02 ESTABLISHING AN ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD FOR THE 2020 ELECTIONS WHEREAS, Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 203B.121 provides authority to a municipality to establish an Absentee Ballot Board in accordance with the provisions of the law; and WHEREAS, an Absentee Ballot Board will allow election judges to perform the task of administering absentee voting as described in Minnesota Election Laws, starting 46 days prior to the Primary and General elections; and WHEREAS, the City will have the necessary equipment, training and other resources in place to administer absentee voting as prescribed by the Minnesota Secretary of State's office; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOL VED BY THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL, that an Absentee Ballot Board be established for the purpose of administering the absentee voting process, as provided for by law. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 13th day of January, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 2020-02 duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on January 13, 2020, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. Notary Public: Date: (STAT Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2F. Consideration of approvinL, an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO on April 4. 2020 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Swan River PTO has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on April 4, 2020, in conjunction with their annual Breakfast with the Bunny event. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO at the Monticello Community Center on April 4, 2020. 2. Do not approve the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application for Exempt Gambling Permit — Swan River PTO MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar yea r. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to your county by calling 651-539-1900. 11/17 Page 1 of 2 Application Fee (non-refundable) Applications are processed in the order received. If the application is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization Swan River PTO Previous Gambling X93339-19-006 Name: Permit Number: Minnesota Tax ID 5202141 Federal Employer ID 86-1148067 Number, if any: Number (FEIN), if any: Mailing Address: 500 Maple Street City: Monticello State: MN Zip: 55362 County: Wright Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Krista Krautbauer (President) CEO Daytime Phone: 320.493.7079 CEO Email: swanriverpto@gmail.com (permit will be emailed to this email address unless otherwise indicated below) Email permit to (if other than the CEO): NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): = Fraternal = Religious Veterans F 7vOther Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) FG-/ I A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-877-551-6767 ❑ IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877-829-5500. F-1 IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling; and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted Monticello Community Center (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): 505 Walnut Street Check one: City: Monticello Township: Zip: MN County: 55362 Zip: County: Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing): April 4, 2019 Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: Bingo Paddlewheels a Pull -Tabs Tipboards Raffle Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov/gcb and click on Distributors under the List of Licensees tab, or call 651-539-1900. LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 11/17 Page 2 of 2 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises for a gambling premises located within city limits located in a township The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with no waiting period, iThe application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting -The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after (60 days for a 1st class city). 30 days. F]The application is denied. Dhe application is denied. Print City Name: Signature of City Personnel: Title Date: The city or county must sign before submitting application to the Gambling Control Board. Print County Name: Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date: TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minn. Statutes, section 349.213.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) The information provided in this applica oh 's complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned l�h within 30 days of the event date. Chief Executive Officer's Signature: Date: -1 9 (S atu s be CEO's signature; designee may not sign) Print Name: 1eAL 1�e ure, REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days; or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status; and • all gambling conducted on one day. application fee (non-refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-1900. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process the application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An equal opportunity employer City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2G. Consideration of adontinLY an undated social media nolicv (RL) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider adopting an updated social media policy for the City of Monticello. The policy guides social media use for all city accounts and was last updated in 2017. Following recent legal developments and a rapidly changing social media landscape, the League of Minnesota Cities reviewed its recommended policy and issued an updated version incorporating new safeguards based on legal and advisory opinions. City staff used the revised sample policy as the foundation for the city's updates. The proposed policy includes the following changes: • Specifies that social media will not be used to conduct city business; it will only be used for incidental, non -vital communication and general information. Exceptions to this practice can be made during emergencies. • Lists the social media accounts the city is responsible for in an effort to prevent confusion over whether an account is the city's or not. • Adds language specifically stating the city does not control the social media accounts of its elected officials; these are considered personal accounts. • Notes retention standards in accordance with the state records retention schedule. Social media is required to be retained until read. This eliminates the need to retain social media data. • Says the city may shut down a social media account at any time without notice. • Incorporates a Social Media Authorization Form for account administrators to sign before gaining access to city accounts. • Expands the basis for removing comments based on prohibited content. Provides recourse to challenge removal of comment(s) or sections of the policy in general. The city attorney reviewed and contributed to these updates. Staff believes the changes strengthen the policy and better reflect current use of social media platforms. If approved, a public notice will be attached to accounts for the public to find a summary of this information; the full policy will be available on the city website. Al. Budget Impact: There is no financial impact if approved. A2. Staff Workload Impact: There is no impact on staff workload if approved. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the updated social media policy. 2. Motion to deny the adoption of the updated policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Current social media policy B. Proposed social media policy & public notice C. Social Media Authorization Form City of Monticello Social Media Policy Purpose The City of Monticello strives to provide the public with accurate and timely information, communicated in a professional manner, and in accordance with federal, state, and local laws regarding public records and data practices. This policy, in concert with existing City and department policies and procedures, seeks to ensure proper use of the City of Monticello's social media accounts by its representatives. Scope This policy applies to any existing or proposed social media accounts sponsored, established, registered, or authorized by the City of Monticello. This policy also covers the private use of the City's social media accounts by all City representatives, including its employees and agents, Council members, appointed board or commission members, and all public safety volunteers to the extent it affects the City. Questions regarding the scope of this policy should be directed to the Communications Coordinator. Rules of Use City employees and agents with administrator access are responsible for managing social media websites. Facilities or departments wishing to have a new social media presence must initially submit a request to the Communications Coordinator in order to ensure social media accounts are kept to a sustainable number and policies are followed. All approved sites will be clearly marked with the official name of the department and will be linked to the official website. No one may establish social media accounts on behalf of the City unless authorized in accordance with this policy. Administration of all social media accounts must comply with applicable laws, regulations, and policies. General Guidelines The use of social media is intended to supplement rather than replace existing forms of communication with the public. The official website of the City of Monticello remains the primary source for online information and all content on City social media sites is considered a duplication of the original information. Whenever possible, a link to the original information or the official website will be provided. The City recognizes the public has the ability to comment on social media postings; however, the sites affiliated with the City have not been created as public forums. The City herein reserves the right to delete comments on the City of Monticello and affiliated social media sites. Examples of comments the City will generally delete include those that: • Contain vulgar language • Are personal attacks of any kind • Are potentially libelous • Are offensive • Are prejudiced or hurtful remarks made toward any person or entity, including an ethnic, racial, or religious group • Are spam • Include sales/promotion of goods or services, or links to other sites • Are off -topic • Advocate illegal activity • Promote political organizations • Infringe on copyrights or trademarks • Violate laws regarding public information, open meetings, or data practices • Do not support the goal of providing public information Comments are monitored during normal business hours; inappropriate material posted outside designated business hours will be removed when identified. A copy of the removed content will be saved in a social media archive along with an explanation of the specific policy violation authorizing its removal. The comments expressed on City of Monticello social networking sites do not reflect the opinions or positions of the City of Monticello, its employees, advisory boards, or elected officials. Data Ownership All social media communications composed, sent, or received on city equipment in an official capacity are the property of the City and will be subject to the Minnesota Records Retention and Government Data Practices Act. These laws specify how public information must be managed by the City The City of Monticello also maintains the sole property rights to any image, video, or audio captured while a City employee is representing the City in any capacity. This updated document replaces the previous social media policy adopted in 2013. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of January, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O' N'Gifr,' City Administrator City of Monticello Social Media Policy Purpose The City of Monticello uses social media to serve two primary functions: to communicate messages directly to the public and to encourage public involvement, interaction, and feedback. Information distributed via social media sites will be accurate, consistent, timely, and communicated in a professional manner. The city's use of these sites will be in accordance with federal, state, and local laws regarding public records and data practices. The city has limited control of social media accounts with third parties (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, etc.). However, there is a general public expectation that the city will have a social media presence to share information. The city's social media accounts will be used for incidental, non - vital communication and general information only. It is not the purpose of the city's social media accounts to be a medium for transactions of city business. The one exception is in the case of a natural or man-made disaster, if the city determines that the best means of communicating with the public is through social media account(s). This policy seeks to ensure proper administration of the City of Monticello's social media accounts by its representatives. City representatives are responsible for operating the city's social media resources in an efficient, effective, ethical, and lawful manner pursuant to all existing city policies. Policy The City of Monticello will determine, at its discretion, how its social media resources will be designed, implemented, and managed as part of its overall communication strategy. City of Monticello social media accounts are considered a city asset and management, access and use of these accounts will be securely administered in accordance with the city's policies. The city reserves the right to shut down any of its social media sites or accounts for any reason without notice. All social media accounts created and utilized during the course and scope of an employee's performance of their job duties will be identified as belonging to the City of Monticello. The City of Monticello does not create or maintain social media accounts for its elected officials. Scope This policy applies to any existing or proposed social media accounts sponsored, established, registered, or authorized by the City of Monticello. The city's social media accounts are exclusively the following: Facebook 1. City of Monticello: www.facebook.com/citvofmonticello 2. Monticello Fire Department: www.facebook.com/montifire 3. Hi -Way Liquors: www.facebook.com/hiway.liciuors.mn 4. Monticello Community Center: www.facebook.com/monticellocommunitvicenter 5. Monticello Farmers Market: www.facebook.com/montimarket 6. FiberNet Monticello: www.facebook.com/fibemetmonticello 7. Monti Arts Initiative: www.facebook.com/montiarts Twitter 1. City of Monticello: www.twitter.com/Monticello MN 2. FiberNet Monticello: www.twitter.com/FiberNet Tweets 3. Monti Arts Initiative: www.twitter.com/montiartsl Instagram 1. Monticello Community Center: www.insta2ram.com/monticommcenter 2. Monticello Farmers Market: www.instap-ram.com/monticellofarmersmarket 3. Monti Arts Initiative: www.insta2ram.com/monti arts The City does not create, collect, disseminate, or control the use of any other social media accounts, including the personal accounts of its elected officials and staff. Questions regarding the scope of this policy should be directed to the Communications Coordinator. Definition Social media are internet and mobile -based applications, websites, and functions (other than email) for sharing information. Users can post photos, videos, comments, and links to other information to create content. This may be referred to as "user -generated content" or "consumer - generated content." Social media includes, but is not limited to: • Social networking sites and apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, and NextDoor • Blogs • Social news sites such as Reddit and Buzzfeed • Video and photo sharing sites and apps such as YouTube, Instagram, SnapChat, TikTok, and Flickr • Wikis, or shared encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia • An ever -emerging list of new web -based platforms generally regarded as social media or having many of the same functions as those listed above As used in this policy, "employees and agents" means all city representatives, including its employees and other agents of the City, such as independent contractors. "Social media manager" means any city employee or agent with administrator access who, when posting or responding to a post, appears to the city social media account owner. Rules of Use City employees and agents with administrator access are responsible for managing social media. All those granted administrator access must execute a Social Media Account Authorization Form and comply with city training, documentation and policy requirements. Facilities or departments wishing to have a new social media presence must initially submit a request to the Communications Coordinator in order to ensure social media accounts are kept to a sustainable number and policies are followed. All approved sites will be clearly marked with the official name of the department and will be linked to the official city site. No one may establish social media accounts on behalf of the city unless authorized in accordance with this policy. The city's social media pages must conspicuously display or link to a public notice informing the public of the purpose of the social media presence and the terms one agrees to in accessing, using, or posting to the city's social media page. Administration of all social media accounts must comply with applicable laws, regulations, and policies as well as proper business and government etiquette. City social media accounts covered by this policy will not be used by social media managers for private or personal purposes or for the purpose of expressing private or personal views on personal, political, or policy issues or to express personal views or concerns pertaining to city employment relations matters. No city social media account may be used by the city or any social media manager to disclose private, confidential, or sensitive information. If there is any question as to whether information falls into any of these categories, please contact the City Clerk. The use of social media is intended to supplement rather than replace existing forms of communication with the public. Outside of disaster situations, no city social media account will be used for transactions of city business. If a user initiates a request, application, or question through social media that affects city business or requires another city policy be followed, respond to that user by phone, email, or other channels. In the event of a general interest question, a response may be given in the comments, the initial post may be edited, or a subsequent post may be created to include the information. The city recognizes the public has the ability to comment on social media postings; however, the sites affiliated with the city have not been created as public forums. City of Monticello social media managers will not edit any posted comments. However, comments posted by members of the public may be removed if they fall into at least one of the following categories: • Obscene or pornographic content • Direct threats to persons or property • Material asserted to violate the intellectual property of another person • Private, personal information about a person published without their consent • Information that compromises a public safety security system • Statutorily private, confidential, or nonpublic data • Commercial promotions, spam, or off -topic • Are potentially libelous • Are prejudiced or hurtful remarks made toward any person or entity, including an ethnic, racial, or religious groups • Contain vulgar language • Advocate illegal activity • Promote political organizations • Violate laws regarding public information, open meetings, or data practices • Hyperlinks to material that falls into one of the foregoing categories • Do not support the goal of providing public information Comments are periodically monitored and inappropriate material will be removed when identified. A copy of the removed content will be saved in a social media archive along with an explanation of the specific policy violation authorizing its removal. A member of the public whose comment is removed may appeal the removal of the content and seek reconsideration of its removal by contacting the city in writing and explaining how the comment does not fall into one of the categories for removal. A written response should be provided as soon as reasonably possible. A member of the public who disputes the legality of any portion of this policy may dispute the particular portion in writing. The city should acknowledge the claim promptly and, upon consultation with the city attorney, respond to the claim concerning legality of the policy portion as soon as reasonably possible. The comments expressed on City of Monticello social networking sites do not reflect the opinions or positions of the City of Monticello, its employees, advisory boards, or elected officials. Data Ownership All communications or messages within social media accounts covered by this policy composed, sent, or received on city or personal equipment are the property of the city and will be subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. This law classifies certain information as available to the public upon request. As no transaction of city business shall be conducted through social media accounts (outside of disasters), in accordance with the city's records retention schedule, the city shall retain all social media messages only until read. The City of Monticello also maintains the sole property rights to any image, video, or audio captured while a city employee is representing the city in any capacity. This updated document replaces the previous social media policy adopted in 2017. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 13th day of January, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City of Monticello: Social Media Public Notice The purpose of the City of Monticello's social media presence is to provide members of the community with information in more places and more ways than traditionally available. All content on city social media accounts is public and subject to disclosure pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Please be aware that you anything you post may survive deletion, whether by you or others. Do not post sensitive or personally identifiable information, such as social security numbers. Following or friending persons or organizations is not an endorsement by the city and is only intended as a means of broadening communication. The city is not responsible for content found at links to third parties, nor the views or opinions expressed by third -party comments. Please be advised that comments falling into the following category or categories may be removed: • Obscene or pornographic content • Direct threats to persons or property • Material asserted to violate the intellectual property of another person • Private, personal information about a person published without their consent • Information that compromises a public safety security system • Statutorily private, confidential, or nonpublic data • Commercial promotions, spam, or off -topic • Are potentially libelous • Are prejudiced or hurtful remarks made toward any person or entity, including an ethnic, racial, or religious groups • Contain vulgar language • Advocate illegal activity • Promote political organizations • Violate laws regarding public information, open meetings, or data practices • Hyperlinks to material that falls into one of the foregoing categories • Do not support the goal of providing public information Should your comment be removed by the City of Monticello and you believe it does not fall into one of the above categories, please contact the Communications Coordinator in writing to explain why. Should you wish to challenge the legality of any portion of this notice or the city's social media policy, you may contact the Communications Coordinator in writing and explain the basis for the challenge in detail. If you have any other questions about the City of Monticello's social media accounts, please contact the Communications Coordinator at (763) 295-2711. By accessing, using, or posting to a City of Monticello social media page, you acknowledge you have been advised of the foregoing. You can find a copy of the city's full Social Media Policy at httDs://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/communications. �-,M�10�nticelu�o Social Media Account Authorization Form Employees and consultants with access to official City of Monticello social media account(s) must have a completed copy of this authorization form on file with the city's communications coordinator. New users requesting access to an account must submit the form prior to receiving access to the page(s). All social media publishers must adhere to the city's policies and guidelines for the accounts. Access will be removed by the communications coordinator if the user violates the guidelines or if the individual is no longer working with the City of Monticello. Name: Request Date: Requesting access to the following social media accounts: Facebook Accounts ❑ City of Monticello Facebook ❑ MCC Facebook ❑ Farmers Market Facebook ❑ Hi -Way Liquors Facebook ❑ Fire Department Facebook ❑ Monti Arts Initiative Facebook I agree to the following: Twitter Accounts ❑ City of Monticello Twitter ❑ Monti Arts Twitter Other Accounts ❑ Farmers Market Instagram ❑ MCC Instagram ❑ Monti Arts Instagram ❑ Monti Arts Snapchat ■ I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the social media policy and guidelines set forth by the City of Monticello. I understand my access may be disabled if I do not comply. ■ 1 will never share login credentials and/or grant access to any social media account to other individuals. ■ When I post and comment on city accounts, I am speaking for the City rather than myself. I will strive to be professional, friendly, and accurate at all times. ■ I will post regularly and monitor the city accounts I'm responsible for on social media. Employee Signature: Date: Communications Coordinator: Date: Notes: City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2H. Consideration of adontinLY Resolution 2020-03 supportinLY the Citv of Monticello application for Telecommuter Forward! Communitv certification (JO, AS, JT, RL) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider adopting Resolution 2020-03 in support of the City of Monticello's application for Telecommuter Forward! Community certification. The Telecommuter Forward program unanimously passed the Minnesota State Senate in 2019 and the application was recently made available through the Office of Broadband Development. The program provides an opportunity for Minnesota cities to apply for certification as a telecommuter-friendly community and promote themselves as telecommuting destinations. There is no cost for the certification; the idea is simply to promote broadband opportunities in greater MN. This program is strongly aligned with Monticello's commitment to municipal broadband and economic development, and receiving the certification will provide another benefit in our efforts to attract individuals to the city. If approved, Monticello will be listed as a certified community on the Telecommuter Forward! website, and we will use the information in future marketing materials. The primary requirement of the program is to designate a single point of contact for coordinating telecommuting opportunities in Monticello. Staff is recommending that the economic development manager serve in this role. The economic development manager is often a primary point of contact for businesses and has many of the resources in place to meet the parameters outlined within the resolution. Staff will engage local telecommunications providers to receive necessary support for the economic development manager on technical components and packaging. If City Council adopts the resolution, staff will submit the one-page application for the program to the Office of Broadband Development immediately. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Anticipated to be minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Resolution 2020-03 in support of the application for Telecommuter Forward! Community certification. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 9 Resolution 2020-03 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-03 SUPPORTING TELECOMMUTING OPPORTUNITIES AND TELECOMMUTER FORWARD CERTIFICATION WHEREAS, the City of Monticello supports and commits to promote the availability of telecommuting options; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello hereby appoints the economic development manager as the single point of contact for coordinating telecommuting opportunities within the City of Monticello including the following responsibilities: 1. Coordination and partnership with broadband providers, realtors, economic development professionals, employers, employees, and other telecommuting stakeholders. 2. Collaboration with broadband providers and employers to identify, develop, and market telecommuter-capable broadband packages. 3. Communication and partnership with broadband providers and economic development professionals to develop common goals. 4. Promotion of telecommuter-friendly workspaces, such as business incubators with telecommuting spaces, if such a workspace has been established in the political subdivision at the time the political subdivision adopts the resolution. 5. Familiarity with broadband mapping tools and other state -level resources. 6. Maintaining regular communication with the state broadband office. 7. Making regular reports to the Monticello City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA to support telecommuting opportunities for the City of Monticello in its application for Telecommuter Forward! Community certification. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 13th day of January, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2I. Consideration of aAAroving Retirement/Seuaration Agreement for Finance Director Oberg (JJ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Finance Director Oberg has submitted his retirement notice effective April 30, 2020, conditioned on agreement on a retirement/separation agreement. A draft agreement has been prepared that provides until April 30, he will be using accumulated paid time off leave balances, but will be available to city Finance Staff for consultation and assistance with transition issues. Upon his retirement on April 30th the City will provide six months' severance payment. An agreement outlining these terms has been prepared for Council review in a closed meeting prior to the regular city council meeting. Al. Budget Impact: The cash value of the accumulated leave plus the six months separation. A2. Staff Workload Impact: During the interim period, existing Finance Department Staff, with assistance from the City's financial consultant and as needed from the retiring Finance Director is expected to perform the finance director's duties. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: None. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve retirement/separation agreement between the City and Finance Director Oberg. 2. Motion to deny retirement/separation agreement between the City and Finance Director Oberg. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Draft agreement will be available following Council review in closed meeting City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2J. Consideration of Adopting Resolution 2020-04 approving an Addendum to Purchase Agreement between the Citv of Monticello and LSW Investments, LLC (AS/ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to consider adopting Resolution 2020-04 approving an addendum to a purchase agreement previously approved by the city in October, 2019. The approved purchase agreement is for the sale of a 20 -acre parcel located at 8617 Edmonson and owned by the City of Monticello to LSW Investments, LLC. The 20 -acre tract of land was acquired by the city in early 2008 as a site for a new public works facility. In reviewing the current and past uses of the site, in addition to the use of the one remaining shed, Public Works has also deposited debris materials from regular maintenance activities on the site. The buyer is requesting an amendment to the purchase agreement which specifies that the clean-up of this material is the responsibility of the city as seller and that testing soils to ensure proper removal will also be the City's responsibility. The City Engineer and buyer have discussed this addendum and are in agreement on the requirements and language proposed. No other terms or conditions of the purchase agreement are proposed for amendment. Al. Budget Impact: The Public Works Department will perform the required removals and any testing required is anticipated at under $8,000. Any additional remediation necessary will come from the Public Works budget. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impact for this addendum has been minor and limited to review of activities and remediation. Total hours of impact are estimated at 10 hours. The EDA's attorney will also bill for approximately 3 hours associated with this amendment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-04 approving an Addendum to Purchase Agreement between the City of Monticello and LSW Investments, LLC 2. Motion to deny adopting Resolution 2020-04 for Addendum to Purchase Agreement between the City of Monticello and LSW Investments, LLC 3. Motion to table consideration of adopting Resolution #2020 -XXX for more research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff supports Alternative #1. The proposed addendum relates to an acceptable term and condition on the part of the potential buyer. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2020-04 B. Addendum to Purchase Agreement C. Aerial Photo CITY RESOLUTION NO. 2020-04 RESOLUTION APPROVING ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND LSW INVESTMENTS, LLC BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council ("Council") of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The City and LSW Investments, LLC (the "Buyer") previously entered into a purchase agreement dated as of October 14, 2019 (the "Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which the City will convey certain property owned by the City (the "Property") to the Buyer for the eventual development of a residential housing subdivision. The Property is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. 1.02. After execution of the Purchase Agreement, the parties discovered certain conditions on the Property requiring correction by the City. 1.03. The City and Buyer have negotiated an Addendum to Purchase Agreement (the "Addendum") to address certain conditions on the Property, which Addendum has been presented to the Council for review. 1.04. The City finds that execution of the Addendum is desirable and in the best interest of the City because it will enable the City and Buyer to proceed to closing on conveyance of the Property. Section 2. Addendum Approved. 2.01. The City hereby approves the Addendum in substantially the form presented to the City, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the Mayor and City Clerk, provided that execution of the Addendum by those officials shall be conclusive evidence of their approval. 2.02. City staff and officials are authorized to take all actions necessary to perform the City's obligations under the Addendum and under the Purchase Agreement as a whole, including without limitation execution of any documents to which the City is a party referenced in or attached to the Addendum, and any deed or other documents necessary to convey the Property to the Buyer, all as described in the Addendum and Purchase Agreement. Approved this 13th day of January, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 1 631009v1MN190-162 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter, both measured at right angles, thereof, in Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Located on land having a street address of: 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE, Monticello, MN A-1 631009v1MN190-162 ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Addendum to Purchase Agreement (the "Addendum") is dated as of , 2020, by and between the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, located at 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 (the "Seller"), and LSW Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, located at 4065 Chelsea Road West, Monticello, MN 55362 (the "Buyer"). WHEREAS, the Seller and Buyer entered into a Purchase Agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") dated as of October 14, 2020, pursuant to which the Seller will convey certain real property located at 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE outside the corporate limits of the City of Monticello, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"), to the Buyer, pursuant to the terms of the Purchase Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties have agreed to enter into this Addendum to the Purchase Agreement to address certain conditions existing on the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties to this Addendum, in consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements made by each to the other, do hereby agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 8 of the Purchase Agreement is amended and supplemented as follows: 8. CONDITION OF PROPERTY. The Property is vacant, undeveloped land, currently being farmed by a third party. Except as specifically provided herein and in the Deed, Seller makes no warranty or representations whatsoever, express or implied, regarding the condition, merchantability, habitability, tenantability, environmental condition, or the fitness for any particular purpose or use, of the Property purchased and sold hereunder. Buyer acknowledges that it is purchasing the Property "AS IS, WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS." The Buyer acknowledges that the Seller has not agreed to perform any work on or about the Property before the closing of this sale except as follows: (a) the parties agree and acknowledge that Seller is responsible for causing all wells located on the Property to be sealed by a licensed well contractor on or before May 30, 2020, at Seller's sole expense, and will provide well sealing records to the Buyer upon completion of such well sealing; and (b) on or before August 30, 2020, the Seller will, at Seller's sole expense, remove all sewage sludge previously deposited by Seller on the Property, and will allow the Buyer's contractor, Haugo Geotechnical Services, to employ commonly accepted environmental testing methods to verify that Seller's removal action is reasonably acceptable to Buyer. This Addendum constitutes a license for the Seller, its agents and contractors to enter on the Property to perform actions specified herein, should these actions be performed subsequent to Closing. The Seller agrees that it will provide to the Buyer copies of any environmental reports relating to the Property in its possession, including without limitation any Environmental Assessment Reports or soil borings. The following representations are being made by Seller: (i) that the Property will be free of any tenants or occupants as of the Closing Date, and no party shall have any rights to possession or occupancy thereof, except as provided in Section 20 hereof; (ii) that Seller has good and 1 marketable fee title to the Property at Closing and is authorized to be able to sell the Property; (iii) to the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no petroleum compounds, "Hazardous Substance," "pollutant" or "contaminant" ever being released from any "facility" or "vessel" located on or used in connection with the Property, and Seller has not taken any action in "response" to a "release" in connection with the Property (the terms set within quotation marks shall have the meanings given to them in the federal Comprehensive Environmental Compensation and Liability Act); (iv) as of the Closing, there will be no obligations or liabilities of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to any tax liabilities, contract liabilities, or tort liabilities for which or to which Buyer or the Property will be liable or subject; (v) to the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no septic systems in use upon the Property; (vi) Seller has not filed, voluntarily or involuntarily for bankruptcy relief within the last year under the United States Bankruptcy Code or has any petition for bankruptcy or receivership been filed against Seller within the last year; and (vii) there are not any third parties entitled to possession of all or any portion of the Property after the Date of Closing and there will be no leases, oral or written, affecting all or any portion of the Property as of the Closing Date. These representations shall survive Closing for a period of 24 months. 2. This Addendum may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 3. This Addendum shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum to Purchase Agreement as of the date written above. SELLER: City of Monticello By Brian Stumpf Its Mayor By Jennifer Schreiber Its Clerk BUYER: LSW Investments, LLC By Its 2 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Property The South 933 feet of the East 933 feet of the Northwest Quarter, both measured at right angles, thereof, in Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Located on land having a street address of: 8617 Edmonson Avenue NE, Monticello, MN A-1 Subject Parcel c�Tv or � Monticello 1 in= 752 ft N A January 9, 2020 Map Powered By Data Link wsb City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-05 authorizing the transfer of 8617 Edmonson Proverty Sale proceeds to the Economic Development Authoritv (EDA) in consideration of future Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) land acreage to be determined (AS, JT, SR) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to consider adopting Resolution 2020-05 transferring 8617 Edmonson land sale proceeds in the amount of $293,000 to the EDA in exchange for future land considerations in Otter Creek Business Park (OCBP) with exact acreage to be determined. The transfer to the EDA is requested to further support the completion of its purchase of a 7.39 -acre light industrial parcel, located on Chelsea Road, from Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. (Shawn Weinand) for the UMC expansion project. The future land consideration for the City Council in OCBP is related to a potential future Public Works building expansion project. In 2019, the Public Works Department identified a site in OCBP as a possible location for the facility. The design consultant completed a specific facility design to fit on a particular parcel in OCBP. This action will essentially reserve the site that has been identified for the Public Works Department when the City Council decides to move forward with the expansion proposal. The land transaction closing for the City owned 20 -acre 8617 Edmonson parcel is currently scheduled to occur no later than January 31, 2020. As part of the closing, there will be an estimated $800.00 +/- in closing costs that will be paid by the City at that time. It is staff's recommendation that the City pay those fees rather than reduce the land sale proceeds, since the EDA has incurred the legal costs associated with the transaction. By acting to authorize the transfer of the $293,000 land sale proceeds to the EDA at this point in time, staff will have permission to place the funds in the EDA General Fund after the transaction is completed. As the City Council continues to work through the timing and site details for the Public Works facility, final land areas can be determined. Equally importantly to note, is that if at some point in the future, the City Council selects an alternate site for the facility, the EDA can reimburse the proceeds to the City. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: None B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Resolution 2020-05 authorizing the transfer of 20 -acre City owned 8617 Edmonson land sale proceeds in the amount of $293,000 to the EDA in exchange for future land considerations in OCBP. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The proposed funds transfer in the amount of $293,000 will help the EDA complete the acquisition of a 7.39 -acre light industrial parcel for the UMC expansion project (EDA entered into a PA with Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. on 11-13-2019). The transfer also in the effect also reserves a land area of equal City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 monetary value in OCBP for the City when it decides it is ready to proceed with a new Public Works facility. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2020-05 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-05 AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $293,000 FROM 8617 EDMONSON LAND SALE PROCEEDS TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) FOR FUTURE LAND CONSIDERATIONS IN OTTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK FOR A POTENTIAL NEW PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY WHEREAS, the City Council authorized a purchase agreement with LSW Investments, LLC for a 20 -acre parcel located at 8617 Edmonson for $293,000 on October 14, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello and EDA have agreed to use the $293,000 of land sale proceeds as a funding source for the EDA's acquisition of a 7.39 -acre parcel of land for the UMC expansion proposal, and WHEREAS, the EDA would offer the City equal monetary value in the form of future land considerations for a potential new Public Works facility in Otter Creek Business Park with exact acreage to be determined; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has agreed to transfer said funds into the EDA's General Fund shortly after the land closing transaction for 8617 Edmonson occurs on or before January 31, 2020. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: that a transfer of $293,000 from the General Fund to the EDA General Fund is hereby approved. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 13th day of January, 2020. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City Council Agenda: 1/13/2020 2L. Consideration of adopting a memorandum of understanding between the Citv of Monticello and Wright Countv for the construction of turn lanes along Briarwood Avenue NE in Monticello Township for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. (ML/TP/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the construction of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, Wright County and the City of Monticello agreed to prepare a traffic study to identify the traffic impacts caused by the development of the facility. The traffic study completed by WSB dated March 15, 2019 indicated that the City and County are responsible for improvements to Briarwood Avenue. The improvements to Briarwood Avenue NE include installing turn lanes into the two park accesses (regional park entrance & athletic complex entrance) as well as an asphalt overlay of Briarwood Avenue NE from CSAH 39 to the athletic park entrance. Wright County has agreed to provide a 50/50 cost share for the two turn lanes and the city would be responsible for 100% of the costs for the asphalt overlay of Briarwood Avenue. This agreement also indicates that the County will provide for design engineering for the turn lanes and the City will be responsible for construction inspection. Depending on staff availability the inspection maybe performed in-house or by a consultant. The turn lanes are anticipated to be constructed in 2020 along with the campground. The improvements to Briarwood Avenue NE, from CSAH 39 to the entrance of BCOL Athletic Complex entrance, are proposed to be included along with Wright County's project for pavement preservation on CSAH 39 which is currently scheduled for 2023. Monticello Township would take over ownership of the turn lanes once constructed and would continue to be responsible for the operation and maintenance of this roadway. Al. Budget Impact: The 2020 budget includes $420,000 for construction of the turn lanes at Briarwood Avenue and it is estimated that the cost to overlay Briarwood Avenue NE from CSAH 39 to the athletic park entrance would be $200,000 for construction, engineering, and admin. These improvements and costs have been previously discussed with the Council as a next phase project at BCOL. The Master Plan for the Athletic Park anticipated these costs to be approximately $715,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts are expected to be ten hours per week for the estimated 5 -week construction timeline. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the memorandum of understanding between the City of Monticello and Wright County for the construction of turn lanes along Briarwood Avenue NE in Monticello Township for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. 2. Motion to deny the memorandum of understanding with Wright County at this time. City Council Agenda: 1/13/2020 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the City Council approve the agreement with Wright County as outlined in Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Copy of the Wright County Memorandum of Understanding. B. Briarwood Avenue NE Traffic Study JNT Y � Z = M [9 MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING 0 January 6, 2020 �8s5 Construction of Turn Lanes along Briarwood Ave. NE in Monticello Township for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Wright County Highway Department Between: The City of Monticello, MN, hereinafter called the "City"; and 3600 Braddock Ave NE Buffalo, MN 55313 Wright County, MN, hereinafter called the "County" Ph: (763)682-7383 Fax: (763)682-7313 This memo of understanding (MOU) describes the terms and conditions for construction of VIRGIL HAWKINS, P.E. turn lanes and pavement improvements along Briarwood Avenue NE in Monticello Highway Engineer Township, MN, between the City of Monticello and Wright County. CHAD HAUSMANN, P.E. Assistant Highway Engr. WHEREAS,, 1. Based on the Briarwood Avenue NE Traffic Study, dated March 15, 2019 prepared by STEVE MEYER WSB, Inc., the City and County are responsible for improvements to Briarwood Avenue in Maintenance Superintendent Monticello Township due to the traffic impacts caused by the development of the Bertram JEREMY CARLSON, P.L.S. Chain of Lakes Regional Park and Athletic Complex; and Right -of -Way Agent 2. The Traffic Study identified Short Term (2020-2025), Medium Term (2025-2030), SARA BUERMANN, P.E. Long Term (2030-2040) improvements and future maintenance responsibilities of Traffic Engineer Briarwood Avenue NE. The Traffic Study recommends that the City, County, and Monticello Township enter into a Maintenance Agreement to identify the responsibilities of each agency for the Short, Medium, Long term improvements and future maintenance. This MOU is not that three (3) party nreement, this MOU is intended to address the turn lanes and pavement improvements on Briarwood Ave NE for the two (2) park accesses (Regional Park entrance & Athletic Complex entrance) that the City and County have agreed to pay for on a 50/50 cost share basis; and 3. The County will provide preliminary engineering services for development of construction plans for construction of turn lanes (right -turn and left -turn) on Briarwood Ave NE at the two (2) above listed park entrances. One park entrance is at the main park entrance to the Regional Park and and the other is at the entrance to the Athletic Complex and fields. The improvements will be accomplished within the existing Briarwood Ave. NE road Right -of -Way and/or land owned by the County and City. The improvements will include bituminous reclamation and new pavement on the existing roadway along Briarwood Ave. NE from County Highway 39 to the south end of the turn lane tapers to the Regional Park entrance; and 4. There was previous discussion about including a right -turn lane on Briarwood Ave. NE at County Highway 39, but it has been decided that this is not feasible at this time due to Right -of -Way limitations along Briarwood Ave. NE; and 5. The County will provide design engineering services that include a set of construction plans, specifications, and engineer's estimate for the County to include as an alternate bid with the Regional Park's campground grading work at Bertram Park that is planned for 2020 construction; and An Equal Opportunity Employer Page Two Bertram Region Park Turn lanes MOU January 6, 2020 6. The City will provide construction management services for the turn lanes and pavement improvements on Briarwood Ave NE. Construction management services include, but are not limited to: construction inspection, staking, testing and construction administration, and authorizing progress and final payments for the work (payments for the work will be processed by the County). THEREFORE„ 7. Briarwood Avenue NE is under the jurisdiction of Monticello Township. The County will provide the construction plans to Monticello Township for their review and approval, prior to proceeding with advertising for bids for the work. 8. The County will receive bids for the Briarwood Avenue NE turn lane and pavement improvements in 2020 and provide a copy of the low bid to the City for concurrence, prior to awarding the low bid. 9. It is agreed that the County will invoice the City for 95% of their share of the construction cost after award of the low bid. The City will reimburse the County within 60 calendar days for the amount invoiced. The County will invoice the City the remaining amounts due of construction cost upon completion of the project. 10. Upon receipt of this MOU signed by both parties, the County Highway will proceed with the design engineering services described in number five (5) above. WRIGHT COUNTY APPROVED: County Engineer DATE County Parks Director DATE County Administrator DATE CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVED: City Engineer DATE DATE vv w PM!Y ,r £CREATION DEP,�ii'Y'MEK T F -A CITY OF Monticello Monticello Township TRAFFIC STUDY i7 Briarwood Avenue NE 03/15/2019 Wright County Highway Department 3600 Braddock Avenue NE Buffalo, MN 55313 WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 Mum Briarwood Avenue NE Traffic Study For: Wright County Highway Department 3600 Braddock Avenue NE Buffalo, MN 55313 March 15, 2019 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Ave. South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN, 55416 (763) 541-4800 (763) 541-1700 (Fax) Table of Contents Certification................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction / Background....................................................................................... 2 Existing Traffic Conditions........................................................................................ 6 TrafficProjections....................................................................................................... 8 TrafficAnalysis...........................................................................................................12 Pavement Condition Review..................................................................................18 Improvement Costs and Splits............................................................................... 21 Conclusions / Recommendations.........................................................................25 Fissures / Tables Figure 1- Project Location........................................................................................3 Figure 2 - Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park..............................................4 Figure 3 - Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park Plan ...................5 Figure 4 - Existing Conditions...................................................................................7 Figure 5 - Projected No -Build Traffic Conditions............................................10 Figure 6 - Projected Build Traffic Conditions..................................................11 Figure 7 - Level of Service Ranges........................................................................13 Table 1- BCOL Regional Athletic Park Traffic Generation .............................9 Table 2 - Existing LOS Analysis.............................................................................14 Table 3 - 2020 No -Build LOS Analysis.................................................................15 Table 4 - 2040 No -Build LOS Analysis.................................................................15 Table 5 - 2020 Build LOS Analysis.......................................................................16 Table 6 - 2040 Build LOS Analysis.......................................................................16 Table 7 - 2040 Build LOS Mitigation Analysis..................................................17 Table 8 - Average Weekday Stakeholder Splits ............................................... 22 Table 9 - Average Weekend Stakeholder Splits .............................................. 23 BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE i Certification I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. a4 -t'4 �� 4zz'--� Charles T. Rickart, P.E. Date: March 15, 2019 Reg. No. 26082 BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 1 Introduction / Background The purpose of this study is to determine the potential traffic impacts the proposed Bertram Chain of Lakes (BCOL) Regional Park Athletic Complex site, including the adjacent existing uses, would have on the area roadway system. The study area adjacent the BCOL Regional Park includes: Briarwood Avenue NE from CSAH 39 to 90th Street; 90th Street from Briarwood Avenue NE to Cahill Avenue, and; Cahill Avenue from 90th Street to CR 106 (85th Street) in Monticello Township. The project location is shown on Figure 1. Figure 2 shows a map of the current park layout. The City of Monticello in cooperation with Wright County is planning to expand and improve the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park with a new Regional Athletic Complex. A master plan and feasibility study has been prepared. The development of the Athletic Complex is planned to include: 11 Multi - Purpose Greens (Soccer / Lacrosse / Football); 9 Baseball / Softball Fields; 2 Tennis Court, and; other associated uses. It is anticipated that the site will be developed in phases. The initial phase has been completed including 6 of the Multi -Purpose Fields. The next phase will be completed by 2020 including construction of 2 additional Multi -Purpose Fields, grading an area for general use, construction north parking lots to a gravel surface and the construction of the new primary entrance. The development of the remaining uses would be constructed as funding becomes available. Access to the BCOL Athletic Complex site is proposed to be through two access locations to Briarwood Avenue NE. Figure 3 shows a copy of the Master Plan. In addition to the BCOL Athletic Complex site Wright County Park and Recreation is planning the development of the Bertram Campground including 75 RV sites, 10 cabins and 11 tent sites, located east of the Athletic Complex and north of the YMCA/Camp Manitou, assumed to be completed by 2040 To determine the impacts, the Traffic Study has determined the likely growth in traffic due to proposed BCOL development and associated uses, as well as traffic generated from existing adjacent uses and general traffic growth from development outside the area. The Study determined how this growth will impact the in-place and planned infrastructure adjacent to the BCOL site. The analysis includes a detailed look at the impacts for the existing and future conditions. With input provided by the County and the BCOL Advisory Council, the analysis of two interim years and the full build (2040) was completed. This has provided documentation on when specific improvements may be required to accommodate the site development as it occurs. The traffic impacts of the existing and proposed BCOL Regional Park expansion were evaluated at the following locations. 1. Athletic Park Parking Entrance 2. Beach Parking Entrance 3. Trailhead Parking Entrance BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE 2 WSB utilized a traditional approach in completing the Traffic Study including the following steps: • Document existing conditions (i.e. lanes, volumes, level of service and pavement condition) on study area roadways and intersections/driveways. • Forecast future background traffic levels on study area roadways for forecast years • Determine trip generation for each anticipated phase of the proposed BCOL Master Plan. • Determine distribution of the development area generated trips • Assign development area trips to the adjacent roadway network • Conduct operations analysis of key study area driveways and intersections for forecast background conditions (no -build), as well as for proposed development (build) • Identify potential improvements or mitigation measures The following sections of this report documents the traffic analysis, anticipated impacts and recommended transportation improvements to accommodate the proposed BCOL Regional Athletic Complex development. Figure 1 Briarwood Avenue NE Traffic Study Wright County, Minnesota Project Location BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 3 Bertram Chain of lakes Reg ionaCPark Detai Amphitheatre Hardwood Q Beach 0 Forest Restoration i' Bridge © s;te MIM Carry -In -Access Q Rental Chalet Q YMCA/Camp Manitou .soccer Fields M "IIN, r� sra�on Be rtram — Ilardwood Forest Restoration Site ® Amphitheatre Hardwood a�a !7 Beach 0 Forest Restoration M M Bridge © s;te MIM Carry -In -Access Q Rental Chalet Q YMCA/Camp Manitou .soccer Fields M "IIN, r� _ — — . Detail— ® i t. _ 1 � Bertram Y C m J� y �R long Ilardwood Forest Restoration Site ® Amphitheatre Fishing Pier @@ Restroom ® Beach 0 Parking 91 Trail Head Bridge © Playground 13 Water Access Q Carry -In -Access Q Rental Chalet Q YMCA/Camp Manitou E Briarwood Avenue NE Traffic Study Wright County, Minnesota n c' .ounty Road 39 NF ,First V itd Savannah Restoration Site �F t 3 �otr5 Beaver Pond Mountain Bike Trail Wright County Hiking Trail Parks & Recreation Park Road �sr vain Figure 2 Bertram Chain of lakes Regional Park BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE 4 NVId HEM ffi e s W / 52 ''So i r pl c�Y O V� I W z i z ti 4` RtlY� for IN If HAV OOOMi17A 9 a� 4 W V NdVd ]1131H1V IVN01938 SDIVI 30 NIVHD WVUH38 m O Ln cu 4-1 O C—) an -W-old -+e --n —4-,e8 FO -611 SSM BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE 5 Existing Traffic Conditions A. Roadway Characteristics Briarwood Avenue NE: Briarwood Avenue NE is a north/south 2 -lane roadway that runs from CR 39 to 90th Street NE. No turn lanes or by-pass lanes are provided at any intersection or driveways. The posted speed limit on Briarwood Avenue NE is 55 mph. 90th Street NE: 90th Street NE is an east/west 2 -lane roadway that runs from Barker Avenue NW near Eagle Lake to Chelsea Road in the City of Monticello. No turn lanes or by-pass lanes are provided at any intersection or driveways in the study area. The posted speed limit on 90th Street NE is 55 mph. Cahill Avenue NE. Cahill Avenue NE is a north/south 2 -lane roadway that runs from 901h Street NE to 85th Street NE. No turn lanes or by-pass lanes are provided at any intersection or driveways. The posted speed limit on Cahill Avenue NE is 55 mph. The lane configurations at each of the primary intersections / driveways to BCOL Regional Park include one lane of approach in each direction with the driveway approaches stopping at the major roadway. The existing roadway geometrics including the intersection traffic control, is shown on Figure 4. B. Traffic Volumes Average weekday and Saturday hourly turning movement and average weekday and Saturday daily traffic volumes were collected over a one to two-week period on the area roadways and at the BCOL site driveway intersections, by both Wright County and WSB and Associates Inc. The traffic volume data provided by Wright County was for the off-peak season for the BCOL Regional Park in April 2018. The traffic volume data collected by WSB was during the peak season for the BCOL Regional Park in July 2018. The existing 2018 average weekday and Saturday daily traffic volume and 2018 weekday PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour counts are illustrated on Figure 4. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 6 C I xxx (XXX) 1005 (XXX) XXX XXX y Average Daily Traffic April 2018 Weekday April 2018 Saturday July 2018 Weekday July 2018 Saturday Peak Hour Traffic WEEKDAY PIS PEAK HOUR SATURDAY PEAK HOUR wsb'l o 100 o ++ aooa ft Briarwood Avenue NE Traffic Study Figure 4 Wright County, Minnesota Existing Conditions BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 7 Traffic Projections To analyze the lane configuration and traffic control needs in the study area, projected traffic volumes were determined. Traffic forecasts were prepared for the year 2020 which is the year after the proposed first phase of the BCOL Athletic Complex development is anticipated to be completed and; for the 2040 conditions which represents the full build condition of the site. The following sections outline the traffic generation, as well as the traffic distribution and projected traffic volumes. A. Background (Non -Development) Traffic Growth Traffic growth in the vicinity of a proposed BCOL Regional Park site development will occur between existing conditions (2018) and any given future year due to other development within the region. This background growth must be accounted for and included in future year traffic forecasts. Reviewing the historical traffic counts in the area, traffic has stayed somewhat constant or dropped in the past few years. The current Wright County State Aid traffic projection factor is 1.5 over a 20 -year period. This factor was used to project traffic to the 2020 and 2040 analysis years. This represents approximately a 2%/year growth. B. Proposed Site Trip Generation The estimated trip generation from the proposed BCOL Athletic Complex development project and future Bertram Campground is shown below in Table 1. The trip generation used to estimate the proposed site traffic is based on rates for other similar land uses as documented in the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition for the multi-purpose fields (soccer / lacrosse / football), tennis court use and future campground use. The baseball / softball field traffic generation was based on the following assumptions. 0 12 players + 2 coaches per team. Assuming 1 vehicle per person = 14 vehicles 0 8 spectators per team. Assuming 2 people per vehicle = 4 vehicles • Total of 18 vehicles per team x 2 teams = 36 vehicle per game (one-way) 0 36 vehicles x 2 trips per vehicle = 72 trips per game • Assumes 2 games on an average weekday = 72 trips x 2 = 144 trips/weekday • Assumes 70% of trips during the weekday PM peak hour = 72 trips x.70 = 50 trips/PM peak hour • Assumes 100% of trips during the Saturday peak hour = 72 trips/Saturday peak hour The table shows the average weekday daily, average Saturday daily, average weekday PM peak hour and average Saturday peak hour trip generation for the proposed BCOL Athletic Complex site development. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE 8 Table 1 - BCOL Athletic Park Development Site Trip Generation Planned Use ITE Code Size Unit ADT PM Peak Saturday Peak Total In Out I Total In Out Total In Out Phase 1 - Completion 2020 Soccer/Lacrosse /Football Field 488 2 Field 143 71 71 33 22 11 80 38 42 Baseball Field(') na 1 Field 144 72 72 50 40 10 72 36 36 Total New Trins Phase 1 287 143 143 1 83 62 21 1 152 74 78 Soccer/Lacrosse /Football Field Baseball / Softball Field Tennis Court Bertram Campground Full Development 2040 488 3 Field 214 107 107 49 33 16 120 57 63 na 8 Field 1,152 576 576 400 320 80 576 288 288 490 2 Court 61 30 30 9 6 3 11 6 5 416 96 Sites 240 120 120 26 17 9 60 30 30 Total New Trips Full Development 1,666 833 833 484 376 108 767 381 386 Total New Tris 1,953 977 977 567 438 129 919 455 464 (1) - Graded area assumed to generate traffic based on a baseball field use C. Traffic Distribution Site -generated trips were distributed to the adjacent roadway system based on the anticipated origins and destinations for specific land use and existing travel patterns. The generated trips for the proposed BCOL Athletic Complex development were assumed to arrive or exit the site using driveway access locations on Briarwood Avenue NE. Based on these parameters the following general traffic distribution was used to distribute the projected traffic volumes from the anticipated uses: • 70% to/from the north on Briarwood Avenue NE • 5% to/from the east on 90th Street NE • 10% to/from the south on Cahill Avenue NE • 15% to/from the west on 90th Street NE D. Projected Traffic Volumes The traffic forecasts were prepared by adding the projected annual background traffic growth to the existing 2018 traffic counts to determine the "No -Build" traffic conditions. The anticipated site development traffic was then added to the no -build to determine the "Build" traffic conditions. Figures 5 and Figure 6 shows the projected 2020 and 2040 No - Build and Build traffic conditions. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE 9 m r'�" 90tfi Street NE b _ m O Average Daily Traffic a XXX 2020 No -Build Weekday b (XXXI 2020 No -Build Saturday XXX 2040 No -Build Weekday (XXX) 2040 No -Build Saturday y No -Build Peak Hour Traffic o XXX 2020 WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR (XXX) 2020 SATURDAY PEAK HOUR $ XXX 2040 WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR 1XXX1 2040 SATURDAY PEAK HOUR a N l2 116) 12 (16) �► H 72 15211 62 (77) 14) 3 (4) 3 (59) 4311361 29 Y Briarwood Avenue NE Traffic Study Wright County, Minnesota BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 wsb N AS L m � Q 1000 ff 2000 fi Figure 5 No -Build Conditions 03/15/2019 PAGE 10 E 0 C Average Daily Traffic XXX 2020 Build Weekday ((XXX) 2020 Build Saturday XXX 2040 Build Weekday (XXX) 2040 Build Saturday Build Peak Hour Traffic XXX 2020 WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR (XXX) 2020 SATURDAY PEAK HOUR XXX 2040 WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR (XXX) 2040 SATURDAY PEAK HOUR �-1 a i.111e Im-ni m—� 0 100D ft 2000 ff Briarwood Avenue NE Traffic Study Figure 6 Wright County, Minnesota Build Conditions BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 11 Traffic Analysis Existing and/or forecasted traffic operations were evaluated for the key impacted driveway intersections adjacent to the proposed BCOL Athletic Complex site. This section describes the methodology used to assess the operations and provides a summary of traffic operations for each analysis year. A. Methodology The traffic operations analysis is derived from established methodologies documented in the Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (HCM). The HCM provides a series of analysis techniques that are used to evaluate traffic operations. Intersections are given a Level of Service (LOS) grade from "A" to "F" to describe the average amount of control delay per vehicle as defined in the HCM. The LOS is primarily a function of peak traffic hour turning movement volumes, intersection lane configuration, and the traffic controls at the intersection. LOS A is the best traffic operating condition, and drivers experience minimal delay at an intersection operating at that level. LOS E represents the condition where the intersection is at capacity. LOS F represents a condition where there is more traffic than can be handled by the intersection, and many vehicle operators may have to wait through more than one green phase to make it through the intersection. At a stop sign -controlled intersection, LOS F would be characterized by exceptionally long vehicle queues on each approach at an all -way stop, or long queues and/or great difficulty in finding an acceptable gap for drivers on the minor legs at a through -street intersection. The LOS ranges for both signalized and un -signalized intersections are shown in Figure 7. The threshold LOS values for un -signalized intersections are slightly less than for signalized intersections. This variance was instituted because drivers' expectations at intersections differ with the type of traffic control. A given LOS can be altered by increasing (or decreasing) the number of lanes, changing traffic control arrangements, adjusting the timing at signalized intersections, or other lesser geometric improvements. LOS also changes as traffic volumes increase or decrease. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE 12 Figure 7 - Level of Service Ranges for Signalized and Un -Signalized Intersections LOS F 0 Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection SOURCE: Level of Service thresholds from the Highway Capacity Manual, 2000. LOS, as described above, can also be determined for the individual legs (sometimes referred to as "approaches") or lanes (turn lanes in particular) of an intersection. It should be noted that a LOS E or F might be acceptable or justified in those cases where a leg(s) or lane(s) has a very low traffic volume as compared to the volume on the other legs. For example, improving LOS on such low-volume legs by converting a two-way stop condition to an all -way stop, or adjusting timing at a signalized intersection, could result in a significant penalty for the many drivers on the major road while benefiting the few on the minor road. Also, geometric improvements on minor legs, such as additional lanes or longer turn lanes, could have limited positive effects and might be prohibitive in terms of benefit to cost. Although LOS A represents the best possible level of traffic flow, the cost to construct roadways and intersection to such a high standard often exceeds the benefit to the user. Funding availability might also lead to acceptance of intersection or roadway designs with a lower LOS. LOS D is generally accepted as the lowest acceptable level in urban areas. LOS C is often considered to be the desirable minimum level for rural areas. LOS D or E may be acceptable for limited durations or distances, or for very low-volume legs of some intersections. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 13 LOS E LOS F • aD 55 ' 50 ' LOS D as LOS E _0 0- 35 U) R 35 LOS C c' LOS D 0 ° 25 in 20 0 0 LOS C 0) LOS B z 15 0 LOS B 10 10 0 LOS A LOS A z Signalized Intersection Unsignalized Intersection SOURCE: Level of Service thresholds from the Highway Capacity Manual, 2000. LOS, as described above, can also be determined for the individual legs (sometimes referred to as "approaches") or lanes (turn lanes in particular) of an intersection. It should be noted that a LOS E or F might be acceptable or justified in those cases where a leg(s) or lane(s) has a very low traffic volume as compared to the volume on the other legs. For example, improving LOS on such low-volume legs by converting a two-way stop condition to an all -way stop, or adjusting timing at a signalized intersection, could result in a significant penalty for the many drivers on the major road while benefiting the few on the minor road. Also, geometric improvements on minor legs, such as additional lanes or longer turn lanes, could have limited positive effects and might be prohibitive in terms of benefit to cost. Although LOS A represents the best possible level of traffic flow, the cost to construct roadways and intersection to such a high standard often exceeds the benefit to the user. Funding availability might also lead to acceptance of intersection or roadway designs with a lower LOS. LOS D is generally accepted as the lowest acceptable level in urban areas. LOS C is often considered to be the desirable minimum level for rural areas. LOS D or E may be acceptable for limited durations or distances, or for very low-volume legs of some intersections. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 13 The LOS analysis was performed using Synchro/SimTraffic: • Synchro, a software package that implements Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodologies, was used to build each intersection and provide an input database for turning -movement volumes, lane geometrics, and signal design and timing characteristics. In addition, Synchro was used to optimize parameters for future conditions. Output from Synchro is transferred to SimTraffic, the traffic simulation model. • SimTraffic is a micro -simulation computer modeling software that simulates each individual vehicle's characteristics and driver behavior in response to traffic volumes, intersection configuration, and operations. The model simulates drivers' behaviors and responses to surrounding traffic flow as well as different vehicle types and speeds. It outputs estimated vehicle delay and queue lengths at each intersection being analyzed. B. Existing Level of Service Summary Table 2, below, summarizes the existing LOS at the primary driveway intersections in the study area based on the current lane geometry, traffic control and 2018 traffic volumes. The table shows that all intersections are operating at an overall LOS B or better during the weekday PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour with all movements operating at LOS B or better. Table 2 - Existing (201 S) Level of Service Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance A (A) 1 A (A) 1 Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road A (B) 7 A (B) 9 90th Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance A (A) 2 A (A) 4 C = Overall LOS, (C) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 14 PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Intersection Delay Delay FL7s(sec/veh) LOS (sec/veh) Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance A (A) 1 A (A) 1 Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road A (B) 7 A (B) 9 90th Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance A (A) 2 A (A) 4 C = Overall LOS, (C) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 14 C. Forecasted Traffic Operations A capacity and LOS analysis was completed for the study area intersections for 2020 which is the year the proposed first phase 1 of the BCOL Athletic Complex site development would be completed and for the 2040 conditions which represents the full development of the site. The results of the analysis are discussed below and shown in Tables 3 - 6. Table 3 and Table 4 - Forecasted No -Build, shows that with no site development and existing roadway geometrics and traffic control, all intersection will continue to operate at overall LOS B or better with all movements at LOS C or better in both the PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour in both 2020 and 2040. Table 3 - Forecasted 2020 No -Build - Level of Service PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Intersection Hour Delay Delay LOS (sec/veh) LOS (sec/veh) Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance A (A) 2 A (A) 3 Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road A (B) 9 B (C) 11 90th Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance A (B) 4 A (B) C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Table 4 - Forecasted 2040 No -Build - Level of Service G PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Intersection Delay Delay LOS (sec/veh) LOS (sec/veh) Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance A (A) 3 A (A) 4 Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road B (C) 14 C (C) 90th Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance A (B) 8 A (B) C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. 16 N Table 5 and Table 6 - Forecasted Build, assumes: the proposed BCOL Athletic Complex site development; the construction of the planned improved site driveway to a two-lane approach (left turn lane and right turn lane) at the Briarwood Avenue NE and the new Athletic Park Entrance, and; the existing lane configuration and traffic control at the other intersections. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE 15 Based on these assumptions, all driveways will continue to operate at overall LOS C or better with all movements at LOS C or better in both the PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour in 2020. In 2040, the driveway intersection at Briarwood Avenue NE and the Athletic Park Entrance would operate at an overall LOS D during the weekday PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour. The other driveway intersections would be operating at an overall LOS C or better. However, the follow movements by 2040 would be operating at LOS E or F: • Southbound Left Turn: Briarwood Avenue NE to Athletic Park Entrance o PM peak hour - LOS F o Saturday peak hour - LOS F • Northbound Right Turn: Briarwood Avenue NE to Athletic Park Entrance o PM peak hour - LOS E o Saturday peak hour - LOS E • Southbound Left Turn: Briarwood Avenue NE to Existing County Park Entrance o PM peak hour - LOS E o Saturday peak hour - LOS F Table 5 - Forecasted 2020 Build - Level of Service Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance B (C) Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road B (C) 90th Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance A (B) 13 C (C) 15 12 B (C) 14 5 A (B) 6 C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Table 6 - Forecasted 2040 Build - Level of Service PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Intersection Delay FDelay L 7s(sec/veh) Delay LOS (sec/veh) Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance B (C) Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road B (C) 90th Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance A (B) 13 C (C) 15 12 B (C) 14 5 A (B) 6 C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. Table 6 - Forecasted 2040 Build - Level of Service Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance D (F) 26 D (F) 32 Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road C (E) 21 C (E) 24 90th Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance B (C) 15 C (C) 18 C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE 16 PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Intersection FL7s(sec/veh) Delay LOS Delay (sec/veh) Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance D (F) 26 D (F) 32 Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road C (E) 21 C (E) 24 90th Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance B (C) 15 C (C) 18 C = Overall LOS, (D) = Worst movement LOS Source: WSB & Associates, Inc. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY 03/15/2019 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 PAGE 16 D. Mitigation Traffic Operations Based on the traffic operation analysis the following mitigation improvements would improve the operations at the impacted driveway intersections during the 2040 conditions with the proposed development. 1. Briarwood Avenue NE at Athletic Park Entrance - Construction of a southbound left turn lane and a northbound right turn lane. 2. Briarwood Avenue NE at Existing County Park Road - Construction of a southbound left turn lane and a northbound right turn lane. Table 7 shows that with the proposed improvements all intersections would be operating at an overall LOS C with all movements at LOS D or better. Table 7 - Forecasted 2040 Build Mitigation - Level of Service Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance C (D) 20 C (D) 24 Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road C (C) 901h Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance B (C) BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 17 C (D) 21 15 C (C) 18 03/15/2019 PAGE 17 PM Peak Hour Saturday Peak Hour Intersection LOS Delay LOS Delay (sec/veh) (sec/veh) Briarwood Ave NE at Athletic Park Entrance C (D) 20 C (D) 24 Briarwood Ave NE at Existing County Park Road C (C) 901h Street NE at Trailhead Parking Entrance B (C) BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 17 C (D) 21 15 C (C) 18 03/15/2019 PAGE 17 Pavement Condition Review WSB & Associates, Inc. completed a visual inspection of Briarwood Avenue NE, 90th Street NE and Cahill Avenue. Below is a summary of the findings from the visual survey as well as an estimate for the remaining life of the pavements. All the findings in this study are based solely on a visual inspection, there were no pavement inspections (measurements taken) or pavement cores done to use to report these findings. A. Briarwood Avenue (CR39 to 901h Street) This area had spots of sealed cracking, block and alligator cracking throughout the pavement. Parts of this road cut through corn fields and border a lake. The areas around the cornfield have spots of moderate to high linear cracking. By addresses 9533 and 9535 there were spots of deep cracking and what would be classified as a subgrade failure. It appeared there had already been an effort to fix a portion of this area with a patch in the roadway. In terms of pavement condition, this would likely fall in the category requiring preservation, including some type of mill and overlay. The roadway has not failed and should probably last another 5 to 10 years except for a few spots that may require patching. There were spots of alligator cracking which may pop out and form potholes which may need to be addressed. If additional heavy traffic is added to the roadway the roadway may fail sooner than what was estimated. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 18 B. 90th Street NE (Briarwood Avenue NE to Cahill Avenue NE) This area was by far the worst of the three areas looked at as part of this survey. There was moderate to high severity linear cracking throughout. As is seen in some of the photos, there was areas where the top aggregate was scraped off likely cause by plow damage. There is slight rutting in the wheel paths that the plow did not scrape off in those areas but the centerline and areas outside the wheel path, there is less aggregate. There were spots of weeds starting to grow through the cracks that have formed. Based on the severity and frequency of the alligator cracking in this area it would be unexpected that this area will hold up another 5 to 10 years especially if there is an increase in traffic level. The alligator cracking that is present is likely not cause by traffic loading but rather by a subgrade failure. These will eventually pop out and form potholes. T �fwd3t�a� .� ri BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 19 C. Cahill Avenue NE (901h Street NE to 851h Street NE) This roadway was in decent condition, with low to moderate linear cracking. From a pavement condition perspective, this would likely fall in the category requiring preventative maintenance, including crack sealing and possibly a surface treatment. Assuming traffic levels don't increase significantly and there is sufficient pavement structure in place, this pavement should last 5 to 10 more years. There was sufficient crown to the roadway, it had just finished raining when the visual inspection was performed, and no spots of standing water was found. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 20 Improvement Costs and Splits The proposed improvements that are identified for the area roadways includes pavement rehabilitation (mill & overlay) and the addition of turn lanes. The planning level cost for each type of improvement is outlined below: Pavement rehabilitation could include either: only an overlay; a mill & overlay, or; full depth reclamation. The planning level estimated cost for each is based maintaining the existing roadway width and cross section with no subgrade corrections or new shouldering. These would include: 2" Overlay = $25/LF 2" Mill & Overlay = $30/LF 4" Full Depth Reclamation = $55/LF The estimated cost costs for the turn lanes was determined based on the assumption of widening the roadway to include: • Rural cross section with ditches and no shoulders • 45:1 taper to the left turn lanes • 250ft turn lanes • 180ft tapers into the right turn lanes • 6" of Class 5 and 4" of Bituminous With these assumptions the planning level cost for each turn lane is as follows: • Left Turn Lanes = $250/LF • Right Turn Lanes= $225/LF Based on these unit costs the following planning level improvement costs were determined: 1. Briarwood Avenue: o Pavement Rehabilitation (9400ft) = $235,000 to $517,000 o Left turn lane (970ft) and right turn lane (430ft) at Athletic Park Entrance = $339,250 o Left turn lane (970ft) and right turn lane (430ft) at County Park Entrance = $339,250 2. 901h Street o Pavement Rehabilitation (2650ft) = $66,250 to $145,750 3. Cahill Avenue o Pavement Rehabilitation (2650ft) = $66,250 to $145,750 BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 21 The responsibility for any recommended improvements will be split between the three stakeholders: City of Monticello/Athletic Fields; Wright County/YMCA/Bertram Campground, and; Monticello Township. The cost splits were determined based on the percentage of traffic associated with each of the stakeholders. The splits were determined for both an average weekday condition and an average weekend condition during the summer. Table 8 and Table 9 shows the Weekday and Weekend splits respectively. Table 8 - Weekday Splits Segment I Jurisdiction County Briarwood City Ave North Township Briarwood Ave South 90th St Cahill Ave Total County City Township Total County City Township Total County City Township Total 925 100% 1150 100% 1580 200 40% 200 Year Existing 2020 2025 ADT % ADT % ADT % 280 30% 280 24% 330 21% 175 19% 365 32% 620 39% 470 51% 505 44% 630 40% 925 100% 1150 100% 1580 200 40% 200 33% 215 75 15% 155 26% 265 225 45% 245 41% 300 500 100% 600 100% 780 230 27% 230 25% 245 40 5% 80 9% 135 580 68% 620 67% 730 850 100% 930 100% 1110 40 6% 40 5% 45 25 3% 50 6% 90 660 91% 685 88% 775 725 100% I 775 100% I 910 BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 2030 ADT % 380 19% 870 43% 765 38% 2040 ADT % 450 16% 1375 48% 1020 36% 100% 2015 100% 2845 100% 28% 230 24% 270 20% 34% 375 39% 590 44% 38% 360 37% 475 36% 100% 965 100% 1335 100% 22% 245 19% 300 18% 12% 190 15% 295 18% 66% 840 66% 1065 64% 100% 1275 100% 1660 100% 5% 50 5% 65 5% 10% 130 12% 195 15% 85% 865 83% 1060 80% 100% 11045 100% 11320 100% 03/15/2019 PAGE 22 Table 9 - Weekend Splits 2030 2040 ADT % ADT % Year Segment Jurisdiction Existing 2020 2025 1500 48% ADT % ADT % ADT % 3120 County 315 29% 315 21% 365 19% Briarwood City 250 23% 600 40% 825 43% Ave North Township 535 49% 585 39% 725 38% 320 Total 1100 100% 1500 100% 1915 100% 1580 County 235 36% 235 28% 255 24% Briarwood City 110 17% 260 32% 360 34% Ave South Township 305 47% 330 40% 435 41% Total 650 100% 825 100% 1050 100% County 280 35% 280 31% 300 28% City 55 7% 130 14% 180 17% 90th St Township 465 58% 495 55% 600 56% Total 800 100% 905 100% 1080 100% County 45 6% 45 6% 50 5% City 35 5% 95 12% 125 14% Cahill Ave Township 620 89% 640 82% 735 81% Total I 700 100% I 780 100% I 910 100% 2030 2040 ADT % ADT % 415 18% 485 16% 1050 45% 1500 48% 860 37% 1135 36% 2325 100% 3120 100% 275 22% 305 18% 455 36% 645 38% 545 43% 765 45% 1275 100% 1715 100% 320 26% 350 22% 225 18% 320 20% 705 56% 910 58% 1250 100% 1580 100% 55 5% 70 5% 155 15% 215 17% 830 80% 1015 78% 1040 100% 1300 100% The following assumptions were used to determine the stakeholder costs: • The turn lane improvements would be 100% City of Monticello for the Athletic Field entrance and 100% County for the County Park entrance / future Bertram Campground entrance. • The stakeholder costs were based on an average of the average weekday and average weekend traffic splits. • The planning level cost estimates were used for each improvement discussed above. Based on these assumptions the following stakeholder costs could be anticipated: 1. Briarwood Avenue: o Pavement Rehabilitation by 2025 ■ County = $55,225 to $121,495 ■ City = $88,125 to $193,875 ■ Township = $91,650 to $201,630 BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 23 o Turn lanes at Athletic Park Entrance by 2025 ■ County = $0 ■ City = $339,250 ■ Township = $0 o Turn lanes at County Park Entrance by 2025 ■ County = $339,250 ■ City = $0 ■ Township = $0 2. 901h Street o Pavement Rehabilitation between 2020 and 2025 ■ County = $16,565 to $36,440 ■ City = $9,610 to $21,135 ■ Township = $40,075 to $88,175 3. Cahill Avenue o Pavement Rehabilitation between 2030 and 2040 ■ County = $3,315 to $7,290 ■ City = $8,945 to $19,675 ■ Township = $53,990 to $118,785 BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 24 Conclusions / Recommendations A. Conclusions Based on the analysis documented in this study, the following can be concluded: The proposed Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park site will include 11 Multi -Purpose Greens (Soccer / Lacrosse / Football) Fields; 9 Baseball / Softball Fields; 2 Tennis Court, and; other associated uses at full development. The initial phase has been completed including 6 of the Multi -Purpose Fields. The next phase will be completed by 2020 including construction of 2 additional Multi -Purpose Fields, grading of an area for general use, construction of the north parking lots to a gravel surface and the construction of the new primary entrance. The development of the remaining uses would be constructed as funding becomes available. • In addition to the BCOL Athletic Complex site Wright County Park and Recreation is planning the development of the Bertram Campground including 75 RV sites, 10 cabins and 11 tent sites, located east of the Athletic Complex and north of the YMCA/Camp Manitou, assumed to be completed by 2040 The next phase of the BCOL Regional Athletic Park is anticipated to generate an additional 287 daily trips on an average weekday, 83 weekday PM peak hour trips and 152 Saturday peak hour trips by 2020. The remaining portion of the development is anticipated to generate an additional 1,666 daily trips on an average weekday, 484 weekday PM peak hour trips and 767 Saturday peak hour trips by 2040. • Existing (2018) traffic operations analysis, based on the current lane geometry and traffic control, indicates that all intersections are operating at an overall LOS B or better during the weekday PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour with all movements operating at LOS B or better. • Intersection traffic operations for the No -Build conditions shows that with no site development and existing roadway geometrics and traffic control, all intersection will continue to operate at overall LOS B or better with all movements at LOS C or better in both the PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour in both 2020 and 2040. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 25 • Intersection traffic operations for the Build conditions shows that, assuming the proposed BCOL Athletic Park site development with the exiting lane configuration and traffic control, all driveways intersections will continue to operate at overall LOS C or better with all movements at LOS C or better in both the PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour in 2020. In 2040, the driveway intersection at Briarwood Avenue NE and the Athletic Park Entrance would operate at an overall LOS D during the weekday PM peak hour and Saturday peak hour. The other driveway intersections would be operating at an overall LOS C or better. However, there are several movements at the Briarwood Avenue driveway intersection that would be operating at LOS E or F by 2040. • Based on the results of the traffic operation analysis providing turn lane improvements to the intersections of Briarwood Avenue NE at the Athletic Park Entrance and Briarwood Avenue NE at the Existing County Park Road would improve the overall intersection and movement operations. • Based on the corridor pavement review the follow was concluded: o Briarwood Avenue NE (CR 39 to 90th Street NE): Using the visual inspection, existing pavement structure from the as -built plans, the roadway is in good to fair condition and is estimated to have a life expectancy of 10 years assuming routine maintenance. 0 90th Street NE (Briarwood Avenue NE to Cahill Avenue NE): Based on the visual inspection this section of roadway is in poor condition and with the severity and frequency of the alligator cracking the life expectancy is less than 5 years. At that time a mill and overlay should be considered. o Cahill Avenue NE (90th Street NE to 85th Street): This roadway appears to have sufficient pavement structure in place, this pavement should last 5 to 10 more years. • The estimated improvement cost estimates were determined based on planning level unit costs for pavement rehabilitation (overlay only, mill & overlay or full depth reclamation) and widening for turn lanes. • The responsibility for any recommended improvements will be split between the three stakeholders: City of Monticello/Athletic Fields; Wright County/YMCA/future Bertram Campground, and; Monticello Township. The cost splits were determined based on the percentage of traffic associated with each of the stakeholders uses. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 26 B. Recommendations Based on these conclusions the following is recommended with the development of the BCOL Regional Athletic Park site: A. Short Term (2020 - 2025): 1. Construct the site driveway to a two-lane approach (left turn lane and right turn lane) at the Briarwood Avenue NE and the new Athletic Park Entrance as planned with the next phase of the BCOL Athletic Park development. 2. Provide pavement improvements on 90th Street NE from Briarwood Avenue NE to Cahill Avenue. 3. Prepare a Maintenance Agreement between Wright County, City of Monticello and Monticello Township. B. Medium Term (2025 - 2030): 1. Construct a southbound left turn lane and a northbound right turn lane at the Briarwood Avenue NE and Athletic Park Entrance intersection with development of future BCOL Athletic Park phases or when the Briarwood Avenue NE pavement is replaced. 2. Construct a southbound left lane and a northbound right turn lane at the Briarwood Avenue NE and Existing County Park Road intersection with development of future BCOL Athletic Park phases or when the Briarwood Avenue NE pavement is replaced. 3. Pavement Rehabilitation of Briarwood Avenue NE from CSAH 39 to 90th Street. 4. Update the Maintenance Agreement between Wright County, City of Monticello and Monticello Township. C. Long Term (2030 - 2040): 1. Pavement Rehabilitation of Cahill Avenue from 90th Street to CR 106 (85th Street). 2. Update the Maintenance Agreement between Wright County, City of Monticello and Monticello Township. BRAIRWOOD AVENUE NE TRAFFIC STUDY WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT WSB PROJECT NO. 11894-000 03/15/2019 PAGE 27 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2M. Consideration of approving a future agreement with MNDOT for maintenance and operation of roadwav lighting on State Hwv 25 near Kiellberg Court. (ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The need for additional lighting on State Hwy 25 near Kjellberg's Park on the south edge of the city has been a concern for residents living in that area. MNDOT has proposed installing a lighting system on State Hwy 25 near Kjellberg Court and at the median cross-over approximately 0.25 miles SW of Kjellberg Court. MNDOT would cover all costs to design and construct the lighting system. Once installed the city would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the lighting system. The final agreement would be prepared once MNDOT is further along with design of the system. The city has requested that additional pathway lighting be installed from Kjellberg Court to School Boulevard on both sides of State Hwy 25, but due to constraints with the available funding additional lighting will not be provided at this time. Staff will continue to look at options to install additional lighting and to look for options to provide for cost effective expansion of the lighting system in the future. Please note that apart from this agenda item, staff is organizing a neighborhood meeting regarding traffic safety that is scheduled to occur on January 23rd at 6:00 at River City Extreme. This is intended to further identify and address concerns expressed by Kjellberg Mobile Home Park residents at a City Council meeting last fall. Al. Budget Impact: The operating and maintenance cost is estimated to be approximately $500 per year for this lighting system. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts are expected to minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a future agreement with MNDOT for maintenance and operation of roadway lighting on State Hwy 25 near Kjellberg Court. 2. Motion to deny an agreement with MNDOT at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the City Council approve the future agreement with MNDOT as outlined in Alternative # 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Letter with map M�DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION December 24, 2019 Matt Leonard City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Leonard, District 3 -Traffic 372512 th Street North St. Cloud, MN 56303 Office: 320-223-6500 Fax: 320-223-6580 In response to safety concerns voiced by area residents, MnDOT will be installing a lighting system at Kjellberg Ct and also at the median cross over approximately 425 yards SW of Kjellberg. All costs to design and construct the lighting will be fully borne by the Department. At completion of project construction, we would like to turn ownership of the lighting systems to the City. We are in early stages of design but anticipate this will be an added four lighting units to the City inventory. • Attached is a map of proposed locations I request your concurrence and an acknowledgement that City will enter into an agreement with MnDOT to take ownership of the roadway lighting. We intend to construct the lighting system this coming summer. Please let me know if you have any concerns or suggestions. Sincer ly, Robin F. DeLage Lighting Operations Engineer CC: File An equal opportunity employer .. ti _8823-366 New Lighting System on TH 25 in Monticello. Pole 1 ` ' �k r. -INV ,�,� _ +<< tifi� Pole 2 � 51 �r •w, ♦ ��� •, � I i taL - ...��...g���R-rif_ °s ,w•r" _ . w - d" I T _ Kz;�lktJarg.C',.�.,�-�. ..'"' - � ...._...yrs _ ' fr � • I t• ff ` U1193.8088`" 7A ` rt / I �� f-" O l e 3 Role 4' t f Google Earth N i rock ft City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 2N. Consideration of adontinLY a fundinLy uarticination and construction aLyreement between the Citv of Monticello and Wright Countv for the construction of imurovements to Countv Road 118. (ML) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In the spring of 2019 jurisdiction of Fenning Avenue from School Boulevard to the southerly city limits was transferred to Wright County. Monticello Township also transferred the jurisdiction of Fenning Avenue from the city limits south to CSAH 37 to Wright County. This section of roadway is now officially named County Road (CR) 118. The Local Option Sales Tax project list that was approved in 2017 included the reconstruction of this section of roadway. The project will include a roundabout at CR 118 and School Boulevard and roadway reconstruction from this intersection south to CSAH 37. Also, a bike trail/pathway will be installed along each side of CR 118 within the city limits. In accordance with Wright County's current cost participation policy the city will be responsible for the following costs: • Additional right-of-way needed for pathway construction. • 50% of the storm sewer costs • Gravel and paving for pathway construction. • Engineering Costs based on a percentage of city responsibility. The current city CIP includes $750,000 for 2021 for the construction of the Fenning Trail. Staff will work with the county to help further identify the city's responsibility as they work into design on the project. The city will have the flexibility to remove items from the project if funding isn't available. For instance, the east side of Fenning is identified in the pathway plan, however it could be left out of the project and delayed to a future date when the pathway on the east side is needed The County is anticipating to construct the improvements to School Boulevard and CR 118 in 2021. Al. Budget Impact: The CIP includes $750,000 for construction of the pathways along CR 118 in 2021. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts are expected to be minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a funding participation and construction agreement between the City of Monticello and Wright County for the construction of improvements to County Road 118 2. Motion to deny the memorandum of understanding with Wright County at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends the City Council approve the agreement with Wright County as outlined in Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Copy of the Wright County Agreement City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 B. Wright County Cost Participation Policy AGREEMENT NO. 20-51 U. 4� m 'a 56 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT and THE CITY OF MONTICELLO For CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR: County Road (CR) 118 — (locally known as Fenning Avenue NE) CP 086-118-191 GRADING & BASE, SURFACING, ROUNDABOUT, & BIKE TRAIL/PATHWAY IMPROVEMENTS January 6, 2020 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, plans and specifications will be prepared by the County for the improvement of County Road (CR) 118, known locally as Fenning Avenue NE, from County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 37 to the intersection of CR 118/School Blvd./CSAH18, and said construction plans are designated as CR 118 Improvements, and the length of the improvement is approximately 1.8 miles, and WHEREAS, the jurisdiction of this segment of Fenning Avenue NE (from CSAH 37 to CSAH 18/School Blvd.) was recently transferred (Spring of 2019) from the Township/City to the County under Cooperative Agreement No. 19-54; and WHEREAS improvements are consistent with the short-term improvements identified on the County's list of Local Option Sales Tax Projects (approved by the County Board in June of 2017) and the County's Cost Participation Policy, dated May 2014 will govern the cost participation between the Cities and County for the project, and WHEREAS, the proposed improvements indicated above will be included in one (1) contract to be administered by the County and will consist of, but is not limited to, grading & base construction, roundabout construction, bituminous surfacing, bike trail/pathway construction, storm sewer/drainage improvements, and other miscellaneous improvements within the corporate limits of Monticello, and NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: Article 1 The County shall construct or cause to be constructed an improvement project including, roadway, roundabout, bike trail/pathway, drainage, and other miscellaneous improvements upon or along CR 118 (Ferning Ave. NE) within the City limits in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as prepared by the County (to meet MnDOT State Aid Standards) and on file at the office of the County Engineer. Article 2 It is agreed that upon completion of and acceptance of the work as to quantity and quality by the County, the County Engineer shall determine the actual amount that the County will invoice the City in accordance with the following funding participation schedule: 1. Countv Road 118 (Fennin2 Avenue NE) Construction Costs: The cost participation is consistent with the Cost Participation Policy adopted by the County Board on May 6, 2014, and shown in the Appendix of this Agreement. The County will acquire necessary right-of-way for this project. 2 2. Storm Sewer Costs: It is agreed that upon completion of the project, if a storm sewer system is needed for the project, the City will own/maintain the storm sewer system and storm water ponds along CR 118 which includes meeting the MS4 requirements of MPCA. This ownership/maintenance shall not commit the City to replacing or relocating any portion of said storm sewer made necessary as a result of a future reconstruction of CR 118. The initial funding for the storm sewer system & ponding, for this project, will be split between the City and County at 50% each. 3. Bituminous Trail/Pedestrian Pathwav: The City has requested that the County include design/construction of a City pedestrian path/trail in the scope of work. The County will acquire the necessary right-of-way for the construction of this project, including any additional right-of-way for the City pedestrian path/trail (if additional R/W is needed). The City will reimburse the County all right-of-way costs associated with the trail. This includes, but is not limited to permanent easement, temporary easement, damages due to loss of trees/shrubs, legal fees, etc. In lieu of additional R/W for the City pedestrian path/trail, it might be feasible to construct a retaining wall and fit the pedestrian path/trail within the R/W needed for the highway project. If this is the case, then the City will be responsible for 100% of the retaining wall cost and take on ownership/future maintenance and repairs of the retaining wall. The City will be the sole owners of the pedestrian path/trail and assume all liability/maintenance/ and future repairs. 4. En2ineerina Costs: The County will provide engineering services (with staff and/or consultants) for design, construction administration and inspection of this project. The County will not participate in any engineering costs incurred by the City that are necessary for the City to assess their portion of the project costs (Feasibility Studies, hearings, legal expenses, etc.). The City will reimburse the County for engineering services for the City's portion of the project based upon the following table. The final reimbursement will be computed using the appropriate % below times the City's portion only of the contract construction cost. From $ 0 thru $50,000 up to 18% of City's Portion Over 50,000 thru 100,000 up to 16% of City's Portion Over 100,000thru 250,000 up to 13% of City's Portion Over 250,OOOthru 500,000 up to 11% of City's Portion Over 500,OOOthru Indefinite up to 10% of City's Portion The County shall prepare a preliminary estimate of construction cost for the project. The preliminary cost estimate shall identify both the City's share and County's share of cost for the project based upon this funding agreement. This preliminary construction cost estimate shall be attached to this funding agreement. It is intended that the work outlined above in Article Two is to be done by a contractor on a unit price basis through a contract duly let by the County. At such time as the County awards a contract, the County will prepare a new estimate of the City's share of the construction cost based on the unit prices bid by the County's contractor. A copy of such revised cost estimate will be forwarded to the City. Article 4 The County shall be responsible for all field inspection of materials (Including required testing at intervals outlined in the latest MnDOT State Aid for Local Transportation Materials Control Schedule, which is included in the project proposal), quantities, and contractor performance for the road improvement project. Weekly Construction Diary forms should be submitted to the County. Testing for highway construction items will be paid for by the County and testing for utility improvement (and the pedestrian path/trail) will be paid for by the City. Article 5 The County shall bill the City an initial amount (95% of their cost share) after the contracts are signed by the County. The City's final cost share will be billed by the County upon final completion of the project. The City shall reimburse the County within 60 calendar days of receipt of the invoice from the County. Upon signing the contract by the County, a copy of the bid schedule breakdown of the City's portion of the project shall be forwarded to the City. Upon 100% completion of the work, the County shall forward to the City a copy of a cost breakdown identifying the City's cost participation, based on this agreement. Article 6 The City shall take ownership of the pedestrian path/trail and be responsible for all associated maintenance and future repairs of the pedestrian path/trail. The City is required to fill out a RAV Permit for the pedestrian path/trail within the CR 118 right-of-way. The County will waive the permit fee since the construction will be in conjunction with this project. Article 7 The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. The County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County. Article 8 It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. 2 It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees which so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. Article 9 Before this agreement shall become binding and effective it shall be approved by the City Council of Monticello and it shall also be approved by the County Board and such other officers as law may provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed. COUNTY OF WRIGHT Recommended for Approval: County Engineer APPROVED: Chair, County Board County Administrator County Attorney CITY OF MONTICELLO Recommended for Approval: City Engineer, Monticello APPROVED: Mayor, City of Monticello City Attorney, City of Monticello City Clerk, City of Monticello Date Date 5 OJN-cv p� WRIGHT COUNTY �Z DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Z = m 6 O Wright County Public Works Building - -41y1901 Highway 25 North '�8 65 Buffalo, MN 55313 Jct. T.H. 25 and C.R. 138 Telephone: (763) 682-7383 FAX. (763) 682-7313 TO: Wright County Cities and Townships FROM: Virgil Hawkins, County Engineer DATE: May 12, 2014 VIRGIL HAWKINS, P.E. Highway Engineer CHAD HAUSMANN, P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer STEVE MEYER Maintenance Superintendent MARK JOHNSON Right -of -Way Agent SUBJECT: Amended Cost Participation Policy for Highway Construction Projects The Wright County Board of Commissioners, at its May 6t", 2014 meeting, unanimously voted to adopt a new Cost Sharing Policy for Highway Construction Projects in Wright County. Please find enclosed a copy of the following: • Copy of Executive Summary of the Cost Participation Policy Update • Resolution 14-18, dated May 6, 2014 • Copy of Amended Cost Participation Policy, as adopted Please direct any questions you have regarding this policy either to me or Chad Hausmann, Assistant County Engineer. Enclosures cc: County Commissioners Lee Kelly, County Coordinator Brian Asleson, Deputy County Attorney Chad Hausmann, Assistant County Engineer p� WRIGHT COUNTY VIRGIL G. HAWKINS, P.E. Highway Engineer OJNTv DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS (763) 682-7388 Z CHAD D. HAUSMANN, P.E. M Assistant Highway Engineer id O Wright County Public Works Building (763) 682-7387 �L 7 dy 1901 Highway 25 North MARK A. JOHNSON Buffalo, MN 55313 7865 Right -of -Way Agent Jct. T.H. 25 and C.R. 138 (763) 682-7386 Telephone: (763) 682-7383 FAX. (763) 682-7313 HIGHWAY COST PARTICIPATION POLICY UPDATE Executive Summary Goals 1. Update existing cost participation policy (adopted March 1993) to include conventional projects (projects in the County 5 -Year CIP) and development -driven projects (projects not in the 5 -Year CIP). Development -driven projects are not addressed in the 1993 policy. 2. Update policy to include missing elements like roundabouts, electric/specialty signs, trails, landscaping, aesthetic treatments, pedestrian ramps (ADA), and any other items that are identified through this participative update process. Objectives (recognizing that all projects are not the same) 1. Ensure an equitable and consistent approach for all projects regardless of location. 2. Remove uncertainty so that cities and developers understand county expectations related to cost share for improvements on county highways needed to accommodate development. 3. Update past practices by comparing 1993 policy, other counties' current policies, and by receiving input from cities and townships. Background Study The Transportation Committee of the Whole, at the May 21, 2013 meeting, directed the county engineer to compile a summary of Wright County's Cost Participation Policy, dated 1993 (including comparisons to several surrounding counties and past practices of Wright County). The county engineer was directed to send this information to all cities and townships in Wright County to solicit input for future discussion about an update to the policy. Two notices were sent to all of the cities and townships, dated July 12, 2013 and August 22, 2013. The county engineer was also invited to attend and met with the city administrators group on August 22, 2013 to discuss the county's desire to update this policy, to seek input to make the new policy more equitable, and to include items that the current policy does not address. The county engineer received input from 10 cities and three townships for updating the Cost Participation Policy. The County Board, at its January 7, 2014 Board Meeting, scheduled a public meeting date of Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 3:30 pm to receive public input from all cities and townships for the proposed updated cost participation policy. Page 1 of 2 2014 Cost Share Policy — Executive Summary Proposed Cost Share Policy Summary The proposed cost share policy contains two tables, which are attached to this summary, one for conventional projects (CIP) and one for development -driven projects (Non-CIP). 1. Conventional projects are projects programmed in the County 5 -Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). These are typically projects that have been planned for some time and involve improvements to county roads to mitigate safety or improve traffic capacity. They can have regional significance, often receive grants, and are either already budgeted or budgeted contingent on receiving grants. a. The table and accompanying notes for conventional projects (CIP) are a change from the existing (1993) policy that did not differentiate between conventional projects and development -driven projects. b. Changes to the 1993 policy include: addition of roundabouts, intersection lighting, pedestrian underpasses/overpasses, aesthetic treatments, highway signs, electronic/dynamic signs, and noise walls. A revision to the trail cost share includes a reference to the Wright County Trail & Bikeway Plan. 2. Development -driven projects are projects that are not programmed in the County 5 -Year CIP. These projects, which impact our highway system by triggering improvements, are typically required to accommodate imminent development or to stimulate development. County funding has not been identified for these projects in the current budget or CIP. They often require special funding or require previously programmed CIP projects to be delayed (if the county were to participate). a. The table and accompanying notes for development -driven projects (non-CIP) is a new policy. The municipality is responsible for all of the cost of county road improvements required for these non-CIP projects, unless an agreement is reached between the county and municipality for funding. Maintenance The final section of the proposed cost share policy outlines maintenance responsibilities for projects constructed under the policy. This is a new addition to the Cost Participation Policy, as the 1993 policy did not address this at all. This policy includes some past practices, like storm sewer maintenance by municipalities, and adds language for the new items like roundabouts, signs, lighting, noise walls, etc. Conclusion The proposed policy meets the defined goals and objectives and is an equitable and fair approach to sharing in the cost of county highway projects with municipalities and townships. The new proposed policy, as attached and adopted by the County Board on May 6, 2014 puts Wright County in line with surrounding counties for cost participation with municipalities and correlates to the majority of the changes as requested by the cities and townships that provided input into this process. Page 2 of 2 2014 Cost Share Policy — Executive Summary BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Date Mav 6, 2014 Motion by Commissioner Potter Resolution No. 14-18 Seconded by Commissioner Daleiden WHEREAS, an established funding policy for construction projects on County State Aid Highways and County Roads in Wright County provides for consistency and allows for better planning for both Wright County and other local units of government involved in the improvement project; AND WHEREAS, input was received by cities and townships at a public meeting that was held on February 12, 2014 to update the current funding policy (dated 3/23/93); AND WHEREAS, the Wright County Board has subsequently discussed the updated policy at a Transportation Committee meeting on April 1, 2014; AND WHEREAS, an updated cost sharing policy provides for: 1. An equitable and consistent approach for all projects, regardless of location. 2. Ability of local units of government to provide input to improvement projects and to commit them, financially, to some of the decisions that are made. 3. Ability of County to distribute its improvement funds to more projects in more communities. 4. Updates that include missing items from the previous policy (roundabouts, electric/specialty signs, trails, landscaping, pedestrian ramps, etc.) AND WHEREAS, the County Board has determined that the present policy needs some modifications. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. That the attached policy is hereby adopted. 2. That the attached policy supersedes the construction funding policy adopted by the Wright County Board on March 23, 1993. 3. That the policy be implemented on all future projects and on all current projects in which a funding agreement has not yet been approved by Wright County. STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. County of Wright I, Sue Vergin, duly appointed, qualified, and acting Clerk to the County Board for the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution or motion with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Wright County, Minnesota, at their session held on the 6th day of May, 2014 on file iil my office, and have found the same to be true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Buffalo, Minnesota, this 6th day of May, 2014. Su Zin. Assistant CoQty Coordinator YES NO HUSOM X HUSOM SAWATZKE X SAWATZKE DALEIDEN X DALEIDEN POTTER X POTTER BORRELL X BORRELL STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. County of Wright I, Sue Vergin, duly appointed, qualified, and acting Clerk to the County Board for the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution or motion with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Wright County, Minnesota, at their session held on the 6th day of May, 2014 on file iil my office, and have found the same to be true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Buffalo, Minnesota, this 6th day of May, 2014. Su Zin. Assistant CoQty Coordinator AMENDED COST PARTICIPATION POLICY (This Policy Replaces the Policy dated March 23, 1993) Applicable to Cooperative Highway Projects between Wright County and Municipalities. Original Policy adopted by the Wright County Board of Commissioners on March 23, 1993. Adopted by the Wright County Board of Commissioners on May 6, 2014. A. Construction Cost Share — Conventional Project (Projects programmed in the County 5 -year CIP.) Project Items County Share Municipality Share Note Right of Way Based on Scope Based on Scope 1 Retaining Walls/ Retaining Walls in Lieu of Right of Way 50% 50% Clearing and Grubbing Grading Aggregate Base and Surfacing Parking Lanes on 4 -Lane or 6 -Lane Highway Storm Sewer System and Ponds/Treatment Basins Culverts Concrete Sidewalk and Pedestrian Ramps Concrete Curb and Gutter Concrete Median and Median Curb Concrete Driveway Entrances (Apron) Municipal Utility Adjustment or Construction Roundabouts Traffic Control Signal Systems Rural Intersection Street Lighting Decorative/Urban Street Lighting Bridges Trails & Bikeways Along County Highway Trail/Bikeway Underpass/Overpass Landscaping and Aesthetic Treatments Mailbox Supports (Meeting Swing -Away Standards) Highway Signs Electronic/Specialty Signs Noise Walls Mobilization Erosion Control Traffic Control Engineering Services Other Items 100% 0% 100% 0% 2 100% 0% 3 0% 100% 4 °/nage of Contributing Flow %age of Contributing Flow 5 100% 0% 0% 100% 6 %age of Contributing Flow (up to 50% max) 100% 100% 0% By Leg By Leg 100% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 100% 50% By Negotiation Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share By Negotiation %age of Contributing Flow 7 (up to 50% max) 0% 0% 100% By Leg By Leg 0% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 50% By Negotiation Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share By Negotiation 10 10 11 12 13 14 14, 15 16 17 18 Conventional Project Notes 1. Includes permanent and temporary easements needed for projects on the existing county highway system or newly established or dedicated county highway system, including the property needed for storm water treatment basins and wetland mitigation sites. Municipalities are responsible to pay R/W needed for added amenities (parking lane on four -lane or six -lane highways, sidewalk, trails, etc.) 2. Includes grading and removal items. Applies to county highways and work necessary to tie in existing public street approaches. Enhancements to public streets approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. New public or private street approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. 3. Applies to county highways and work necessary to tie in existing public street approaches. Enhancements to public streets approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. New public or private street approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. 4. Parking lane/shoulder on two-lane highways, per State Aid standards, will be 100% county cost. Includes grading, base, and surfacing. Applies to county highways and work necessary to tie in existing public street approaches. Enhancements to public street approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. New public or private street approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. 5. Includes catch basins, manholes, storm sewer pipes, outlet structures, grit chambers, and water quality and rate control ponds/basins. The county share is based on the ratio of contributing flow from the right of way to the total contributing flow. After construction of storm sewer system on a county highway, it will be the responsibility of the municipality to maintain the system, ponds/treatment basins. 6. Existing sidewalk/pedestrian ramps impacted by the highway construction will be replaced in kind by the county. Municipality is responsible for ownership and maintenance of sidewalk. 7. Existing curb and gutter impacted by the highway construction will be replaced in kind by the county. Municipality is responsible for ownership and maintenance of curb and gutter. County cost share will be by percentage of contributing flow, up to a maximum of 50%. 8. The county pays for standard median design which is plain concrete. If a municipality requests decorative/landscaped median, the municipality pays the additional cost above the cost of a standard median, including future maintenance. 9. Concrete aprons are installed at locations determined by the county. Driveways beyond the apron are constructed in-kind. 10. Applies to new and replacement traffic signal systems/roundabouts. Includes all components that make up a permanent warranted traffic control signal system or roundabout, including Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption (EVP) system (signal system), street lighting, with steel poles and mast arms (signal system) installed at an intersection of a county highway and public roadway at an approved location by the county. The county pays 0% of a signal system at a private access/road. The municipality pays 100% of the furnishing and maintenance of electrical power to the traffic signal. The cost to modify, update or completely reconstruct the signal system will be shared at the same percentage as the original installation. 11. Designed to light an intersection for traffic safety purposes. Locations will be determined by the county, and follow the county's current Rural Street Lighting Policy (45 mph or greater). 12. Decorative type and/or corridor lighting along the highway. 13. Applies to bridges under the county's jurisdiction. Any special/added decorative treatments or amenities above State Aid standards requested by municipalities will be 100% municipality cost, including any added R/W needed. 14. Applies to trails/bikeways constructed with county highway projects only. Stand alone trail/bikeway projects are handled separately. Locations and descriptions of potential trails/bikeways are identified in the Wright County Trail & Bikeway Plan, dated July 19, 2011. Applies to all costs associated with trail, including but not limited to: grading, drainage, base, surfacing, pedestrian ramps, wetland mitigation due to trail impacts, and additional right way needed for the trail. The county will only participate in funding trails/bikeways in accordance with the Wright County Trail & Bikeway Plan, dated July 19, 2011 (which includes grants, matching grants, local funding, and other non -highway funding sources). 15. Underpasses spanning 10 feet or more are considered bridges and will be added to the county bridge safety inspection program. Municipalities owning/maintaining the bridges will be responsible for reimbursing the County for the safety inspection costs. 16. Landscaping and aesthetic items that do not serve a specific transportation use, such as streetscaping, median plantings, decorative railing, and ornamental fencing, etc. All approved median plantings require irrigation. 17. Design/installation will be subject to approval of the county, and a separate agreement will be needed between the county and municipality, on a case-by-case basis. Municipality requesting specialty/dynamic signing will be responsible for power costs. Maintenance will be 50% each for county and municipality. 18. Additional costs for decorative noise walls will be the responsibility of the requesting agency. CIP) B. Construction Cost Share — Development Driven Project (Projects not programmed in the County 5 -year Project Items County Share Municipality Share Note Right of Way 0% 100% 1 Retaining Wall in Lieu of Right of Way 0% 100% 1 Clearing and Grubbing 0% 100% 1 Grading 0% 100% 1 Aggregate Base and Surfacing 0% 100% 1 Parking Lanes on 4 -Lane or 6 -Lane road 0% 100% 1 Storm Sewer and Ponds/Treatment Basins 0% 100% 1 Culverts 0% 100% 1 Concrete Sidewalk 0% 100% 1 Concrete Curb and Gutter and Pedestrian Ramps 0% 100% 1 Concrete Median and Median Curb 0% 100% 1 Concrete Driveway Entrances (Apron) 0% 100% 1 Municipal Utility Adjustment or Construction 0% 100% 1 Roundabouts 0% 100% 1 Traffic Signals 0% 100% 1 Intersection Lighting 0% 100% 1 Street Lighting 0% 100% 1 Bridges 0% 100% 1 Trails Along County Highway 0% 100% 1 Pedestrian Underpass/Overpass 0% 100% 1 Landscaping 0% 100% 1 Aesthetic Treatments 0% 100% 1 Highway Signs 0% 100% 1 Electronic/Specialty Signs 0% 100% 1 Noise Walls 0% 100% 1 Mobilization 0% 100% 1 Erosion Control 0% 100% 1 Traffic Control 0% 100% 1 Engineering Services 0% 100% 1 Other Items 0% 100% 1 Development Driven Project Note 1. Development Driven Projects are projects that are not currently programmed in the county's 5 -Year C.I.P., and due to the nature of the development(s), require improvements to the county highway system that are necessary for safety/capacity/access due to imminent development or to stimulate development. Lacking an agreement stating otherwise between the county and municipality, the county would participate in costs to improvements to the county highway system that are necessary for safety/capacity/access due to a development driven project as shown in Section B above. Access to the county highway system, due to development, will be based on an Agreement/Access Permit between the county and municipality that spells out the necessary improvements needed to the county highway system (based upon an independent traffic study, at no cost to the county). C. Maintenance - Maintenance of county highways constructed under this policy will be as follows, unless specified differently in a separate maintenance agreement. This Maintenance Policy will apply to both Conventional Projects and Development Driven Projects. 1. The county is responsible for maintenance of the county highway between curbs or between outside edges of shoulders. This includes but is not limited to snow and ice control, patching, crack sealing, seal coating, pavement rehabilitation, shouldering, pavement markings (excluding crosswalks) and sign replacement. In addition, the county is responsible for routine maintenance outside the edge of shoulder and within the right of way of a rural county highway. The county may enter into agreements with municipalities to perform highway maintenance. 2. The municipality is responsible for maintenance of the boulevard, landscaped median, curb and gutter, trees, shrubs, irrigation systems, sidewalk, pedestrian ramps, retaining walls, steps, aesthetic treatments, and other urban appurtenances within the right-of-way of an urban county highway. The county is responsible for standard concrete medians. 3. The county is responsible for maintenance of bridges and culverts on the county route. 4. The municipality is responsible for maintenance of its utilities and storm sewer systems, including detention/treatment basins. Costs to replace elements of storm sewer systems will be shared at the same percentage as the original installation. The county is responsible for maintaining roundabouts on the county route with the exception of island landscaping and aesthetic treatments, which are the responsibility of the municipality. 6. Unless stipulated by special agreement, the county will own and is responsible for maintaining traffic signal systems (with the exception of the attached lighting) at county highway intersections with local public roadways and private streets. The municipality is responsible for maintaining the signal lighting and the electrical power to the signal system. The cost to modify, update, or completely reconstruct the signal system will be shared at the same percentage as the original installation. 7. The maintenance responsibility for street lighting shall be in accordance with the current County Rural Street Lighting Policy. 8. The municipality is responsible for the maintenance of decorative/corridor street lights. 9. The municipality is responsible for maintaining municipality owned trails/bikeways within the county highway right of way. Costs for major rehabilitation or replacement will be shared at the same percentage as the original installation, as governed by the Wright County Trail & Bikeway Plan. 10. The municipality is responsible for maintaining pedestrian underpasses and overpasses. 11. The municipality is responsible for maintaining marked crosswalks along county routes, in accordance with the county's marked crosswalk policy. 12. The county is responsible for maintaining highway signs. 13. The county is responsible for maintaining electronic/specialty signs. The costs of maintenance will be shared at the same percentage as the original installation. 14. Maintenance of noise walls is the responsibility of the agency paying for the initial installation. City Council Agenda: 1/13/2020 20. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2020-06 accenting public improvements for the Carlisle 6th Addition plat (ML/RM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The plat of Carlisle 6th Addition included developer construction of public improvements including street, sidewalk, signs, mailboxes, street lights and utilities. Final completion of these public improvements occurred recently and the improvements have been inspected, tested and approved by the engineering department and public works in conformance with the City's standard specifications. Per the development agreement, the developer originally provided a security for these public improvements, to ensure completion, in the amount of $788,210 that was reduced to $551,810 when the improvements were partially complete. It is now recommended to accept these improvements and release the remaining letter of credit for the public improvement work. The developer's contractor, Northern Lines Contracting Inc. will provide a 2- year warranty bond for the public improvements starting from the date of Council acceptance. A 5 -year warranty bond will be provided for the public sidewalk. It should be noted that erosion control and landscaping securities will continue to be retained at this time. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload will be minimal and routine for the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2020-06 accepting public improvements for the Carlisle 6th Addition plat. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2020-06 at this time C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2020-06 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-07 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CARLISLE SIXTH ADDITION PLAT AND RELEASING REMAINING SECURITY WHEREAS, public improvements consisting of street, sidewalk, signs, mailboxes, street lights and utilities were completed in the Carlisle Sixth Addition plat; and WHEREAS, the City engineering and public works departments have inspected the work completed for the public improvements and finds it to be in conformance with the approved plans and specifications; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA THAT: 1) The public improvements constructed be accepted and the cash security for these improvements be released; 2) Two year maintenance bond to extend two years from the date of acceptance of the project by the City Council. 3) Five year maintenance bond for the public sidewalk to extend five years from the date of acceptance of the project by the City Council. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 13"' day of January, 2020. Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 4A. Consideration of approving annual appointments and designations for 2020 (BS/JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes require that certain appointments be made at the first meeting of each year. Attached you will find a list of the designations and appointments that have been compiled by city staff. Council liaison assignments, which are appointed by the Mayor and then considered for ratification by the City Council, are noted on the attached 2020 Annual Appointments listing included in the supporting data. Included as an attachment is a general summary of the various commissions, committees, and organizations currently in operation that involve some level of participation from City Council, volunteer members, or city staff. Designations/Appointments: a. Acting Mayor: Lloyd Hilgart will serve as Acting Mayor. b. City Attorney: The firm of Campbell Knutson has served as the City's general legal counsel with Joel Jamnik being the primary attorney for Monticello. The City also utilizes Kennedy Graven for legal services particularly in areas such as economic development (Monticello EDA). It is recommended to designate both of these firms in the capacity of City Attorney for 2020. C. City Auditor: The Finance Department has retained MMKR to perform audit services and the Council approved a contract with MMKR for auditing. Council should designate MMKR for the official 2019 audit. d. City Depositories: The city utilizes one bank to provide banking services for the City which is Wells Fargo. In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239, the Chief Financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other official depositories for the purpose of investments. The motion would include the authorization for the Finance Director to designate other depositories when necessary for investment purposes only. e. City Planner: Northwest Associated Consultants has served as the City Planner for a number of years, with Steve Grittman providing direct services to the City. For 2020, city staff and the Planning Commission recommend that NAC continue to serve the City on day-to-day planning matters. f. Consulting Building Inspections: At this time, the city is in the process of requesting qualifications from firms for contract inspection services. At the time a vendor is recommended, a contract for service item will be brought forward to the City Council for consideration. g. Consulting Engineer: Currently WSB & Associates serves as the City's consulting engineer for development review assistance and it is recommended that they continue to provide this service for 2020. For 2020 WSB requested an average increase of 2.5% in their fee schedule. h. Financial Consultants: The City Finance Director recommends continuing with Northland Securities as a financial advisor to the City. The City is very satisfied with the services provided by Northland Securities. City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 i. Health Officer: We recommend continuing with CentraCare Health Monticello Physicians Clinic as the designated health officer. j. Insurance Agent: We recommend Foster -White as our general insurance agent for 2020. North Risk Partners is recommended for Workers Compensation insurance and liquor liability coverage (Hi -Way Liquors). k. Official Newspaper: In the past the Monticello Times has been designated as the official paper. It is proposed to designate the Times as the official newspaper again for 2020. 1. Public Works Building Committee: This committee will develop a recommendation for meeting facility needs for the Public Works Department. Councilmembers Fair and Hilgart will serve as the council representatives who will work with staff on this committee f. Representatives to Other Multi -Jurisdictional Bodies: This appointment is for selecting the City representatives to serve on the Community Education Advisory Board and the Monticello Orderly Annexation Board. Members to the MOAA Board are appointed for one year with Brian Stumpf and Lloyd Hilgart proposed to serve in 2020 as the City's voting representatives. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Motion approving the proposed appointments and designations for 2020, and any changes as recommended by Mayor and Council. 2. Motion of other. C. SUPPORTING DATA: A. List of 2020 Annual Appointments and Designations (proposed) B. Correspondence from: • Letter from WSB — 2020 Rate Schedule • NAC Rates DRAFT 2020 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS & DESIGNATIONS Acting Mayor: Attorney: Auditor: Bond Counsel: Building Official: Consulting Engineer: Financial Consultants: Health Officer: Insurance Agents: Official Depositories: Official Newspaper: Planner: Fire Relief Board of Trustees (annual) COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS BCOL Advisory Council (voting) EDA (voting) Emergency Planning - County Emergency Planning - Xcel Fire Relief Board of Trustees (voting) Highway 25 Coalition 1-94 West Corridor Coalition IEDC Library Board MOAA Parks Commission Personnel Committee Planning Commission Public Works Building Committee Xcel Public Relations Lloyd Hilgart Campbell Knutson Kennedy Graven (EDA) Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich & Co (MMKR) Kennedy Graven Rum River Construction Consultants WSB & Associates Northland Securities CentraCare Health Monticello Physicians Clinic Foster -White (general liabiility) North Risk Partners - Apollo (Workers Comp & Liq. Liability) Wells Fargo (Chief Financial Officer is authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only) Monticello Times Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Grittman) Jeff O'Neill Wayne Oberg Brian Stumpf Michael Mossey 2020 Liaison Jim Davidson & Bill Fair Lloyd Hilgart & Jim Davidson Bill Fair Brian Stumpf & Bill Fair Brian Stumpf Brian Stumpf Charlotte Gabler Brian Stumpf Charlotte Gabler Brian Stumpf and Lloyd Hilgart Bill Fair Brian Stumpf & Charlotte Gabler Charlotte Gabler Bill Fair and Lloyd Hilgart Jim Davidson Staff Staff Council Fire Chief wsb November 21, 2019 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: WSB 2020 Rate Schedule Dear Mr. O'Neill: Thank you for your partnership. WSB is grateful for our relationship with you, your team and community, and we look forward to supporting you as we work together to achieve your visions for the future. We are proud of the work we've accomplished with partners like you in 2019. As a firm, we continue to invest heavily in programs, services, and products that allow us to better serve our clients. We believe that culture drives results and we know that a strong culture is built on the staff we hire. We continue to invest in our staff and make strategic hires that help elevate our talent and in return, help us bring innovative and forward -thinking ideas to your community. We believe in technology and the role it plays and will play in the future. We continue to explore new technologies to deliver thoughtful, efficient, and creative solutions to your challenges. In the past year, we've developed applications, including WSB 360, SmartPix, and TrueView, that combine Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and GIS to solve complex problems. Additionally, our Datafi application is used to manage projects, create field inspections and run reports, and has had great success in improving efficiencies for clients. We are going to remain at the forefront of leveraging new technologies that are shaping our world. Enclosed is our 2020 Rate Schedule for our typical services for your information. We are committed to providing the highest quality services at a reasonable price. To that end, we have an average increase of 2.5% for our 2020 rates. We are invested in our clients, people, work, and the communities that we serve. Thank you again for the opportunity to work with you. Sincerely, WSB o Shibani Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager Enclosure PRINCIPAL I ASSOCIATE SR. PROJECT MANAGER ( SR. PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ENGINEER I GRADUATE ENGINEER ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I ENGINEERING SPECIALIST LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT I SR. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST I SR. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST PLANNER I SR. PLANNER GIS SPECIALIST I SR. GIS SPECIALIST CONSTRUCTION OBSERVER SURVEY One -Person Crew Two -Person Crew Three -Person Crew OFFICE TECHNICIAN wsb $152-$192 i $152-$192 $135-$150 $90-$146 I I $58-$146 i $70-$150 $58-$146 $70-$150 $70-$150 $95-$120 $149 $196 $211 $53-$94 Costs associated with word processing, cell phones, reproduction of common correspondence, and mailing are included in the above hourly rates. Vehicle mileage is included in our billing rates [excluding geotechnical and construction materials testing (CMT) service rates]. Mileage can be charged separately, if specifically outlined by contract. ( Reimbursable expenses include costs associated with plan, specification, and report reproduction; permit fees; delivery costs; etc. I Multiple rates illustrate the varying levels of experience within each category. I Rate Schedule is adjusted annually. NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 2020 CHARGE RATES Effective January 6, 2020 Employee Private City Alan Brixius, Principal 178.00 151.00 Stephen Grittman, Principal 178.00 151.00 Bob Kirmis, Senior Planner 161.00 137.00 Nate Sparks, Senior Planner 117.00 99.00 Dan Sjordal, Landscape Architect 130.00 130.00 Ryan Grittman, Planner 79.00 67.00 Ryan Saltis, Associate Planner 65.00 55.00 Secretarial 58.00 49.50 Dan Wilson, Financial Analyst 130.00 130.00 Mileage: Current IRS Rate Photocopies: 15 cents per page Supplies: Cost plus 15% City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 4B. Consideration of a request for a Final Plat, Rezoning to PUD Zoning District, a Final Stage PUD, and Development Agreement for Deevhaven, a mixed use commercial and 165 unit residential vroiect. Applicant: Buchholz Development. (NAC/AS/SB) Property: Planning Case Number: PID: 155-500-142104 Address: NA 2019-024 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): 1. Final Plat for a 1 -lot subdivision and related outlots, with companion Development Agreement 2. Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development 3. Final Stage PUD Deadline for Decision: December 24th, 2019, extended to February 22, 2020 for rezoning, January 25th, 2020 for Final Stage PUD. Land Use Designation: Places to Shop; Places to Live Zoning Designation: B-4, General Business The purpose of the `B-4" regional business district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: NA Vacant/Agriculture Commercial Commercial/Industrial Vacant/Industrial Commercial Project Description: The applicants propose to subdivide approximately 8 acres in the south/east portion of the 16 -acre parcel for multiple family residential use. The remaining 8 acres along the north and west boundary of the site (adjacent to Chelsea Road and Cedar Street) would remain in a series of outlots, to be platted for commercial development as demand occurs. City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 The south/central portion of the site would be utilized for ponding, which would then be able to be expanded for connection to similar ponding on lands to the south. The residential project consists of 165 multiple family units in 3 buildings, with buildings and related improvements to be completed in three stages. Required covered parking for the project would constitute the first level of each building, above grade. Three levels of residential units would be located on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors. Each building would be served by a surface parking lot as well. The commercial portion of the project consists of platted outlots totaling approximately 8 acres. The applicants had developed a concept plat showing a series of commercial lots along Cedar Street to the west, and Chelsea Road to the north. The parcels range from 1.2 to 1.4 acres in area, and rely on a series of shared driveways for access. The outlot would eventually be replatted into individual parcels as users are identified, and final lot size requirements are known. The proposed PUD district is to be applied to the residential portion of the project, which constitutes approximately 8 acres of land in the southeast corner of the project site. As noted previously, the north and west 8 acres would remain commercially guided and zoned. The applicants previously received approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment re -guiding the proposed Lot 1, Block 1 to Places to Live, as well as Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD approval. Planning Commission Action. As noted in the November 25th, 2019 City Council report, the Planning Commission met on November 4th to consider the project applications at a public hearing. Staff presented the project to the Commission, which asked a series of clarifying questions. The applicants spoke as a part of the hearing, indicating that they have been working with the City to develop a plan that would work for their target market, and fit into the City's vision for mixed use in the area. 2 City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 It was noted that there would be a series of cross -access agreements required to support the joint access design of the project, both between the residential and commercial areas, and between several of the possible commercial parcels. The applicants indicated that they expect to construct the westerly access drive to Cedar Street as a part of the second building phase, which would accommodate the additional traffic to be generated at that stage of the project. The applicants indicated that they did not find any of the proposed conditions in Exhibit Z to be problems, and would continue to work with staff and City officials toward the goal of a project that meets the objectives for the area. There was no other public testimony provided, and the Commission closed the public hearing. Following the hearing, the Commission voted 4-0 to recommend approval of each of the required actions: Comprehensive Plan Amendment; PUD Rezoning; PUD Development Stage approval; and Preliminary Plat. The motions each incorporated the conditions as listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report. Prior City Council Action/Development Plan Update. The City Council reviewed the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Development Stage PUD, and Preliminary Plat at its meeting on November 25th, 2019. The Council accepted the recommendations of the Planning Commission, approving the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Development Stage PUD for the proposed Lot 1, Block 1, and Preliminary Plat, all conditioned on the items identified in Exhibit Z of the staff report presented with the agenda for that meeting. Action on the PUD Zoning District and rezoning to the new district was held to coincide with the Final PUD and Final Plat actions, which are presented with this report. The applicant has been working with staff to produce updated plan sets for the Final Stage reviews. Typically, plans which address Exhibit Z conditions to a more complete extent are provided at Final Plat/Final Stage PUD. The applicant has been working to address each of the prior Exhibit Z conditions. In specific, the grading plan and stormwater management plans and calculations are still in review and development. To ensure that all plans ultimately meet the expectations of the City Council and the conditions as required, approvals granted for Final Stage PUD, Final Plat, and the PUD Rezoning actions are proposed to be conditioned on each of the previous Exhibit Z items from the November 25th meeting, along with additional requirements to allow for adequate final review. Because there will be changes to the plans as a result of compliance with conditions, the recommended conditions include an opportunity for staff to review later - submitted plans and ensure compliance with Council direction. Any substantive changes found as part of this review would require a separate amendment for future City Council consideration. 3 City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 Council will also note that Exhibit Z includes a condition that a new preliminary plat will be required for Outlot B, the commercial area prior to development. This will allow for the required plan review of utilities and final grading which is necessary at the time that area develops. This is also discussed later in this report. APPLICATION ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan: As noted above, on November 25th, 2019, the City Council approved an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan accommodating the introduction of residential uses on an approximately 8 acre portion of this site, subject to an understanding that the project would proceed in concert with the general concept planning being done for the School -to -Chelsea small area study. While the details of that study are still being worked through, the expectation is that the proposed Plat and PUD will conform to the design and policy recommendations of that study area. The Development Agreement accompanying this application will specify that conformance as a condition. Final Plat: The approved Preliminary Plat incorporated a single development parcel to contain the three principal multi -family buildings, street dedication, as well as outlots to be reserved for (1) public use as pond and trail/park areas, and (2) for future replatting as commercial development parcels. In the proposed Final Plat, three outlots are shown: • Outlot A is a 50' by 50' area (approximately) at the corner of Chelsea and Cedar which would serve as a "gateway" development marker identifying the public pond/walkway area internal to the overall public area. This would be connected to the pond with an additional public walkway that would be designed in coordination with the commercial development as it occurs. • Outlot B is the commercial property, to be replatted as development demand occurs for the various potential sites. (This area was previously shown — conceptually — to be a series of 1.5+ acre commercial parcels). Outlot C is the public pond area, surrounded by the walkway, both elements that would connect to future expansion of the pond/walkway system to the south. The applicant has proposed an irregular shaped outlot to reflect the pond configuration. Given that the ponding area is still under evaluation by the applicant and City, this shape may change. Therefore, it is staff's recommendation that an additional drainage and utility easement surround the C! City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 pond outside this proposed outlot. This easement would allow necessary flexibility to meet final pond requirements. In a review of submittals supplied between the time of the Preliminary Plat approval and this report, it has become clear that the applicant's Preliminary Plat plans addresses development standards for only Lot 1, Block 1. Utilities, grading, drainage, erosion control and stormwater management have not yet been adequately addressed for Outlot B in the revised plans submitted with the Final Plat. As such, as a condition of Final Plat approval, future platting of Outlot B will require a Preliminary Plat submittal to adequately review development conditions for that area. Specific to stormwater management for the plat, it should be noted that based on the stormwater report and modeling provided, the proposed stormwater pond for Lot 1, Block 1 is designed to accommodate stormwater requirements for the approximately 8 acres residential area, as well as a majority of Outlot B. It was discussed with the applicant that a final grading plan for Outlot B with an estimate of the minimum finished floor elevations should be provided to demonstrate what future grading will be needed (i.e. cut/fill) to ensure that Outlot B will drain to the proposed storm sewer system and south pond. This is an important condition of the PUD and plat approval in order to demonstrate that with the development of Lot 1, Block 1 Outlot B can be feasibly developed in terms of grading and drainage. In addition, existing drainage to the temporary pond located in the north portion of the plat will need to be accommodated, likely requiring additional ponding or alternative underground system on the north portion of the plat. That may be supported, provided the City Engineer finds the design to meet all required stormwater standards and that the City finds the ponding can be incorporated as a design feature consistent with the larger Chelsea to School concept plan, including the plaza area proposed with this plat. In that regard, as a condition of approval, the City may require mass grading of the full site as a result of review of the final approved grading and stormwater plan. The plat is required to show 6 foot wide drainage and utility easements along internal lot lines, and 12 feet wide easements at the perimeter of the plat. It is not clear that the illustrated easements meet this standard, particularly on the southern edge of the plat. An encroachment agreement will be necessary along the south portion of the plat where the drive aisle encroaches into this required easement. The plat provides additional right of way for Edmonson Avenue. All street dedication requirements are being reviewed by Engineering staff to conform to the needs of the area, including easements and other aspects of the plat. The Council's action in approving the Final Plat would be subject to that final review, with any adjustments necessary to reflect the existing and proposed conditions. The plat details a "walkway" around the plat. It is staff's recommendation that this designation be removed from the plat in favor of a separate easement document for pathway purposes. This avoids future conflict if the pathway were to be constructed slightly outside of these lines or require realignment due to pond configuration. 5 City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 Public areas not required for stormwater or right of way would be credited against the required park dedication for the project as detailed in the Development Agreement section of this report. As related to utility service within the plat, the developer has not shown how commercial lots within Outlot B will be served at this time. Again, as a condition of approval, a Preliminary Plat for this area will be required at the time of development and the applicant will be required to supply utility plan information. Final easements for public utility components shall be dependent on final design and as -built condition and are a condition of approval. The plat otherwise appears to reflect the development plans for the PUD, and final dimensions should be adjusted between plan sets to accommodate any discrepancies. Rezoning and Final Stage Planned Unit Development: The Final Stage PUD is the opportunity for staff and City Council to reverify that the project design, including adjustments made as a result of the Development Stage PUD, have been adequately addressed. Where there are departures, the City Council may choose to accept those changes when they are consistent with the overall expectation for the PUD, or return the application to the Planning Commission for Development Stage PUD re -consideration. As discussed above, there are ongoing plan development activities that require, or will require, additional staff review to ensure consistency with the terms of the Council's Development Stage PUD approval. As such, Final Stage PUD approval as applicable to Lot 1, Block 1 is recommended only with the attached Exhibit Z conditions, which include the various Development Stage conditions and any additional items that have been raised during the most recent review period. If the Council is supportive of the Final Stage PUD, rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1 to PUD is be recommended. The applicant has provided a phasing plan for Lot 1, Block 1, which indicates that the three residential buildings will be developed in phases, along with their accompanying improvements. Regardless of the timing of the most westerly building, staff would recommend the installation of any buffer and perimeter site landscaping with the development of the first building. Development Agreement: A development agreement for the Deephaven project has been prepared, outlining the terms and conditions of approval and project development, as well as the necessary fees and securities for the development. n City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 The following are terms specific to this development. Planned Unit Development At this time, the rezoning to PUD applies only to Lot 1, Block 1 of the plat. The ordinance for rezoning is reflective of this condition. The development agreement notes that the PUD will control development for Lot 1, Block 1, with the B-4 zoning to control in the balance of the plat. The terms of the development agreement apply to the full plat. Phased Development The developer is seeking to develop only Lot 1, Block 1 at this time. At such time as development is to occur within Outlot B, the developer will be required to file a Preliminary Plat as noted in this report and Final Plat with subsequent development agreements applicable. These may run concurrently. Edmonson Avenue The developer has requested to delay the required reconstruction of Edmonson Avenue along the east side of the plat. The development agreement allows the developer to defer construction for up to 5 years, with a security in the amount of the reconstruction to City specifications to be provided. The developer is required to complete the improvement no later than October 1St, 2025. The pathway connection along Edmonson will be allowed to meet the same timeline, with a required security to guarantee construction to City specifications. The developer will also be required to provide a cash security for re -striping of Chelsea Road for turn lane configuration if required by the City Engineer. The development agreement notes that intersection improvements at Edmonson and Chelsea and Cedar and Chelsea may be necessary as related to future development of Outlot B. At such time, the City will utilize the MN Statute 429 process relative to required improvements. Pathway System and Park Dedication • The Developer will construct a 10' bituminous trail connection between the east and west parking areas of Lot 1, Block 1, along the north side of the pond. No land or construction cost credit shall be provided for this internal connection. The City shall maintain this trail section and it shall be deeded via outlot or conveyed by separate easement to the City. This trail section, while eventually taken over by the City for maintenance, is an important component of the applicant's internal pedestrian circulation. • The Developer will construct a pathway connection from Lot 1 Block 1 to Outlot A at the corner of Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. The Developer shall construct the internal portion of the pathway within Lot 1, Block 1 to the edge of Lot 1, Block 1 with the development of the residential portion of the project. The Developer is required to complete the balance of the pathway to the plaza no later than October 1St, 2025, or at the time of development of 7 City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 adjoining commercial property, whichever is sooner. With the first phase plat of Deephaven, the Developer is required to provide a blanket easement for establishment of a future trail corridor and alignment from the edge of Lot 1, Block 1 to the plaza area. Construction cost credit shall be applied for a 10' bituminous pathway for this internal plat connection. The Developer will receive credit for the full length to the plaza and is required to provide a Letter of Credit to secure the future construction of the pathway extension from Lot 1, Block 1 to the plaza area. No land area credit is applicable to this extension. The land utilized for this public purpose will stand in for a portion of the on-site pedestrian circulation for the commercial properties. • The Developer will construct the trail extension connections alongside the east and west sides of the pond, which will eventually be extended to adjoin the development to the south. Credit for the construction of a 10' bituminous pathway and land area credit of 20' in width shall be provided for this connection. This pathway is to be constructed with the development of Lot 1, Block 1. This pathway is considered to be a component of the public system, rather than a private improvement, and as such, is eligible for public park/trail credit. • The Developer will construct a trail or sidewalk connecting the site to the required pathway along Edmonson Avenue from the residential development. No credit will be given for this internal connection. This connection is a portion of the applicant's internal pedestrian circulation connecting its residents to the adjoining public pedestrian system. • The Developer will construct a trail along the west side of Edmonson Avenue. No credit is applicable for this required right of way improvement. The Developer shall provide a Letter of Credit to secure the future construction of the pathway extension. The Developer shall complete the pathway no later than October 1St, 2025. This pedestrian pathway is considered to be an integral component of the street improvements for Edmonson Avenue. Trunk Charges Trunk charges for Lot 1, Block 1 are due at the time of platting. The developer has indicated their preference for assessing the trunk charges. As such, the total amount of trunk charges will be assessed against Lot 1, Block 1 beginning in 2021, if not paid in full with interest prior to November 1St, 2020. Trunk charges for the commercial area (Outlot B) will be payable with platting and development of each applicable future phase. Easements and Outlots The development is required to provide a series of easements for the proposed project. These include: City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 • Cross easement for east/west access on south side of Lot 1, Block 1 property. This easement will support shared access to Edmonson between Lot 1, Block 1 and the adjacent property to the south. • Cross easement for east/west access from and across Lot 1 through Outlot B to Cedar Street. • Pathway easement for trails along pond. • Blanket easement from Lot 1, Block 1 to Outlot A for pathway connection. • Drainage and utility easements for public stormwater infrastructure throughout the plat. The developer is also required to provide warranty deeds conveying to the City both the stormwater pond (Outlot C) and the plaza outlot (Outlot A). The developer is receiving land area dedication credit for the plaza outlot. Securities As noted above, the developer is required to post securities to guarantee the construction of Edmonson Avenue and the Edmonson Avenue pathway to City standards no later than October 2, 2025. The Developer is also required to post securities for all public improvements, including the stormwater pond, water and sanitary sewer, and trail connections. In addition, the standard required securities for landscaping and grading and required at the time of plat. Cash escrows to secure city plan review and inspection associated with the plat are also specified. The developer will also provide a cash security for a proposed playground, which may be located within the larger regional park. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Planning Commission unanimously recommends rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1 to PUD. Decision 1. Rezoning to "PUD", Deephaven Planned Unit Development The Planning Commission recommends Alternative 1 below. Motion to approve Resolution No. 2020-11, adopting Ordinance No. 734 rezoning Lot 1, Block 1 of Deephaven Addition from B-4, Regional Business to PUD - Deephaven Planned Unit Development, based on findings in said resolution that the project is consistent with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan direction for the conversion of commercial land to multifamily residential, and consistent with the expectations of both multi -family development and PUD design, subject to completion of the PUD and Final Plat processes. E City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 2. Motion to deny adoption of Ordinance No. 2020-11, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subject to additional information from the applicant and staff. Decision 2. Final Stage PUD 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-12 approving the Final Stage PUD for the Deephaven Planned Unit Development, based on findings in said resolution that the project is consistent with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan direction for the conversion of commercial land to multifamily residential, and consistent with the expectations of both multi -family development and PUD design, subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-12, based on findings to be identified by the City Council.. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subject to additional information from the applicant and staff. Decision 3. Final Plat & Development Agreement for Deephaven Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-13 approving the Final Plat for the Deephaven Addition, based on findings in said resolution that the project is consistent with the requirements of the Comprehensive Plan direction and the subdivision ordinance, subject to the provisions of Exhibit Z, and to approve the Development Agreement, authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to execute said Agreement, and further authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to negotiate and specify final changes or amendments necessary to more fully execute the intention of the City Council with respect to the proposed project. 1. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-13 for the Final Plat of Deephaven Addition, based on findings to be identified by the City Council, and to deny approval of the Development Agreement for Deephaven. 2. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subject to additional information from the applicant and staff. 10 City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff is supportive of the proposed PUD applications and Plat, subject to a series of amendments and conditions. Those are listed in Exhibit Z of this report. Primarily, they relate to the ability to more fully review updated plans as they are submitted to ensure consistency with the City Council's expectations for the project and the area. There are some design issues and additions that will help ensure that the proposed project is consistent with the requirements of the City's Comprehensive Plan goals and the enhancements to project design required of PUD design. The Development Stage documents, along with the Final Stage materials, should be updated to comply with each of the terms of the Council's final approvals Given that many of the final documents are still in process, the Exhibit Z conditions — as well as the draft approval resolutions — are written to accommodate additional staff review, and authorization for the Mayor and City Administrator to execute the Development Agreement with plan adjustments reflecting the conditions and changes discussed. In that regard, and with the conditions identified in Exhibit Z, staff recommends approval of the Final Plat for Deephaven, Rezoning Ordinance to Deephaven PUD District, Final Stage PUD, and Development Agreement for the Deephaven project. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2020-11 Final Plat and Development Agreement B. Resolution 2020-12 Rezoning to PUD C. Resolution 2020-13 Final Stage PUD D. Ordinance No. 734 for Rezoning E. PC Resolution 2019-030 — Rezoning F. Aerial Site Image G. Applicant Narrative (from Preliminary Plat Submittal) H. Final Plat I. Revised Preliminary Plat, dated 12/6/19 J. Revised Civils, dated 1/8/20 K. Revised Site Plan, dated 12/2/19 L. Revised Landscaping Plan, dated 12/31/19 M. Building and Floor Plans, Prior Submittal N. Site Survey O. City Engineer's Letters, dated 10/30/19, 11/20/19 and 12/05/2019 P. Traffic Report Q. Deephaven Development Agreement R. Deephaven Finance Plan S. School to Chelsea Concept Plan Z. Conditions of Approval City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 EXHIBIT Z Rezoning and Ordinance Amendment to Deephaven PUD District, for Lot 1, Block 1 Final Stage PUD, and Final Plat Deephaven Addition PID 155-500-142104 1. The applicant submits all required revised plans and documents for final staff review, and such documents are found to be consistent with all requirements of the City Council approvals and expectations. 2. The Final Plat is signed by the City and recorded only after all plans are reviewed and approved, including any plan amendments as may be required by the City Administrator. 3. The City approves the PUD flexibility incorporated into the plans cited in the staff comments for parking count, setback, shared access, multiple buildings on a single parcel, unit size, and site landscaping, subject to the modifications required by Exhibit Z. 4. If practical, shift the west building farther to the west and south to open up views into the site from the northwest corner. In the alternative, maximize visual access between the Chelsea/Cedar corner gateway into the public space via design elements at the gateway and the connecting pathway. 5. The applicant continues to cooperate with the City's efforts to expand the site planning and common stormwater and open space improvements to the south, including dedications and final improvements, and construction access as necessary, among other requirements. 6. The applicant revises the plan to show all pathways noted in the report, and constructs pathways for private use as a part of the PUD approval, and pathways for public use as a credit against the required park dedication, with all required easements as described in the staff report of 12/9/19. 7. The applicant enters into an agreement to manage shared access across the commercial lots to the west. 8. The applicant shifts the Edmonson Avenue access point to abut the property line, and agrees to accommodate shared access at the time of redevelopment of the adjoining parcel. The City may grant a revised access design as a part of this project, or future subsequent projects. 12 City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 9. The applicant dedicates the right of way areas as recommended by the City Engineer and participates in the required improvements for roadways to ensure capacity for increased development, including pathway construction. 10. The City accepts the parking lot design and quantities as proposed, with the following exception: i. Redesign on the west building parking lot to accommodate a flow for exiting vehicles, including emergency service access and egress. An example of this design is illustrated in the Staff report for the November 25th City Council meeting, and shown on a subsequent site plan prepared by the applicants prior to final plan review. 11. The applicant improves the private open spaces, and develops a phasing plan for private open space improvements, for consideration by the City and incorporation into the PUD development agreement. This shall include a playground facility on-site or deposit to secure its placement within the larger regional open space. 12. The applicant modifies the landscape plan to add shrub plant materials along the foundation areas of the building where the garage level is exposed. This modification may result in lower tree planting quantities, but shall not drop below minimum requirements. 13. The applicant provides landscape irrigation to all landscaped areas, and works with the City on the potential use of the public pond for irrigation water supply, if practical. 14. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required buffer plantings at the north and west perimeter of the site. 15. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required landscaped island delineator spaces in the parking lot areas. 16. The plan is revised to incorporate trash handling within the garage areas of the building. 17. Brick or cultured stone is added to the building facing consistent with the comments in this report, or to at least 20% of the building face. 18. The EFIS base material is enhanced to add architectural pilaster components to the corners of the building base to emphasize the corners and de-emphasize the flat -wall impression of the ground floor. 19. The applicant adds window openings to the ground floor wall. 13 City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 20. Commercial lighting areas are designed to avoid any glare or lighting impacts on the residential property. 21. The applicant complies with the recommendations of the Parks Commission as approved by the City Council for park dedication and detailed in the staff report of 12/9/19. This includes the addition of the required pathway improvements on the east and west sides of the southerly pond on all plan drawings. 22. Final signage plans are provided and subject to compliance with City ordinance. 23. A Preliminary Plat will be required for the platting of Outlot B to fully plan for utilities, grading, drainage, erosion control and stormwater management. 24. The Plat and supporting documents are modified to reflect the required drainage and utility easements along the southern plat boundary at 12' and for the stormwater pond as recommended by the City Engineer. 25. The proposed walkway designation on the plat be removed in favor of an easement document for the pond pathways. 26. The applicant provide a drainage and utility easement around the proposed Outlot C to accommodate required changes to comply with stormwater management requirements and for all other required public stormwater facilities as directed by the City Engineer. 27. The applicant complies with the requirements of the City Engineer's report, including requirements for stormwater, right-of-way, and easements, dated October 30th, November 20th, and December 5th, 2019, and those comments to be made on the plans sets provided and dated January 8th, 2020. 28. The applicant supplies the required stormwater management plans and complies with the City Planner and Engineer's comments in response to the review of those documents. Should compliance with final stormwater analysis require a substantive change to the lots or site plan layout for the PUD, the applicant will be required to submit an amended application to the City for review. 29. The appliance supplies a grading plan for the full site as directed by the City Engineer. Should compliance with the City Engineer's recommendation on the site grading and stormwater management require mass grading of the full site, the developer shall complete such grading, with any stockpiling of material on site to be approved by the City Engineer. 30. An encroachment agreement shall be executed along the south portion of the plat where the drive aisle encroaches into the required easement. 14 City Council Agenda — 01/13/2020 31. The applicant shall execute a stormwater maintenance agreement for maintenance of private stormwater facilities. 32. The applicant will work with the City to create an appropriate plaza design and maintenance agreement that enhances access and development of the adjoining commercial land. 33. The applicant shall install buffer and perimeter site landscaping with the development of the first phase of development on Lot 1, Block 1. 34. The applicant proceeds to complete and record the Final PUD and Final Plat within the timelines addressed in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, and prepares revised development stage PUD and Preliminary Plat documents consistent with the conditions approved by the City Council. 35. The applicant enters into a development and PUD agreement for the plat and PUD. 36. Comments and conditions of other staff and City Council. 15 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR DEEPHAVEN WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to subdivide an unplatted parcel to create a multifamily residential parcel and an outlot or outlots to be reserved for future commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted requests to revise the land use designation for the property, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and zoning actions, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential and commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the requirements of the proposed zoning districts, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 4th, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Preliminary Plat, with conditions, at its regular meeting of November 25th, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by provided for the development of multifamily and commercial uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary and Final Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location as parcels in the area. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The Plat provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements and common stormwater ponding that will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the City Council approves the Final Plat for Deephaven, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: The applicant submits all required revised plans and documents for final staff review, and such documents are found to be consistent with all requirements of the City Council approvals and expectations. 2. The Final Plat is signed by the City and recorded only after all plans are reviewed and approved, including any plan amendments as may be required by the City Administrator. 3. The City approves the PUD flexibility incorporated into the plans cited in the staff comments for parking count, setback, shared access, multiple buildings on a single parcel, unit size, and site landscaping, subject to the modifications required by Exhibit Z. 4. If practical, shift the west building farther to the west and south to open up views into the site from the northwest corner. In the alternative, maximize visual access between the Chelsea/Cedar corner gateway into the public space via design elements at the gateway and the connecting pathway. 5. The applicant continues to cooperate with the City's efforts to expand the site planning and common stormwater and open space improvements to the south, including dedications and final improvements, and construction access as necessary, among other requirements. 6. The applicant revises the plan to show all pathways noted in the report, and constructs pathways for private use as a part of the PUD approval, and pathways for public use as a credit against the required park dedication, with all required easements as described in the staff report of 12/9/19. 7. The applicant enters into an agreement to manage shared access across the commercial lots to the west. 8. The applicant shifts the Edmonson Avenue access point to abut the property line, and agrees to accommodate shared access at the time of redevelopment of the adjoining N parcel. The City may grant a revised access design as a part of this project, or future subsequent projects. 9. The applicant dedicates the right of way areas as recommended by the City Engineer and participates in the required improvements for roadways to ensure capacity for increased development, including pathway construction. 10. The City accepts the parking lot design and quantities as proposed, with the following exception: i. Redesign on the west building parking lot to accommodate a flow for exiting vehicles, including emergency service access and egress. An example of this design is illustrated in the Staff report for the November 25th City Council meeting, and shown on a subsequent site plan prepared by the applicants prior to final plan review. 11. The applicant improves the private open spaces, and develops a phasing plan for private open space improvements, for consideration by the City and incorporation into the PUD development agreement. This shall include a playground facility on-site or deposit to secure its placement within the larger regional open space. 12. The applicant modifies the landscape plan to add shrub plant materials along the foundation areas of the building where the garage level is exposed. This modification may result in lower tree planting quantities, but shall not drop below minimum requirements. 13. The applicant provides landscape irrigation to all landscaped areas, and works with the City on the potential use of the public pond for irrigation water supply, if practical. 14. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required buffer plantings at the north and west perimeter of the site. 15. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required landscaped island delineator spaces in the parking lot areas. 16. The plan is revised to incorporate trash handling within the garage areas of the building. 17. Brick or cultured stone is added to the building facing consistent with the comments in this report, or to at least 20% of the building face. 18. The EFIS base material is enhanced to add architectural pilaster components to the corners of the building base to emphasize the corners and de-emphasize the flat -wall impression of the ground floor. 3 19. The applicant adds window openings to the ground floor wall. 20. Commercial lighting areas are designed to avoid any glare or lighting impacts on the residential property. 21. The applicant complies with the recommendations of the Parks Commission as approved by the City Council for park dedication and detailed in the staff report of 12/9/19. This includes the addition of the required pathway improvements on the east and west sides of the southerly pond on all plan drawings. 22. Final signage plans are provided and subject to compliance with City ordinance. 23. A Preliminary Plat will be required for the platting of Outlot B to fully plan for utilities, grading, drainage, erosion control and stormwater management. 24. The Plat and supporting documents are modified to reflect the required drainage and utility easements along the southern plat boundary at 12' and for the stormwater pond as recommended by the City Engineer. 25. The proposed walkway designation on the plat be removed in favor of an easement document for the pond pathways. 26. The applicant provide a drainage and utility easement around the proposed Outlot C to accommodate required changes to comply with stormwater management requirements and for all other required public stormwater facilities as directed by the City Engineer. 27. The applicant complies with the requirements of the City Engineer's report, including requirements for stormwater, right-of-way, and easements, dated October 30th and December 5th, 2019, and those comments to be made on the plans sets provided and dated January 8th, 2020. 28. The applicant supplies the required stormwater management plans and complies with the comments in response to the review of those documents. Should compliance with final stormwater analysis require a substantive change to the lots or site plan layout for the PUD, the applicant will be required to submit an amended application to the City for review. 29. The appliance supplies a grading plan for the full site as directed by the City Engineer. Should compliance with the City Engineer's recommendation on the site grading and stormwater management require mass grading of the full site, the developer shall complete such grading, with any stockpiling of material on site to be approved by the City Engineer. 30. An encroachment agreement shall be executed along the south portion of the plat where the drive aisle encroaches into the required easement. L! 31. The applicant shall execute a stormwater maintenance agreement for maintenance of private stormwater facilities. 32. The applicant will work with the City to create an appropriate plaza design and maintenance agreement that enhances access and development of the adjoining commercial land. 33. The applicant shall install buffer and perimeter site landscaping with the development of the first phase of development on Lot 1, Block 1. 34. The applicant proceeds to complete and record the Final PUD and Final Plat within the timelines addressed in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, and prepares revised development stage PUD and Preliminary Plat documents consistent with the conditions approved by the City Council. 35. The applicant enters into a development and PUD agreement for the plat and PUD. 36. Comments and conditions of other staff and City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract and Planned Unit Development and for Deephaven," with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. ADOPTED this 13t' day of January, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL IRA 5 Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP, CREATING THE "DEEPHAVEN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT" AND REZONING LOT 1, BLOCK 1, DEEPHAVEN TO THE DEEPHAVEN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop a previously unplatted parcel to create a multifamily residential development and an outlot to be reserved for future commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to revise the land use designation for a portion of the property from commercial to residential, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, the PUD rezoning accompanies requests to plat and develop the parcel; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and plat actions, the proposed PUD zoning is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of the PUD zoning regulations, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 4th, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Preliminary Plat, Development Stage Planned Unit Development, and related requests at its regular meeting of November 251h, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The amendment provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by providing for the development of multifamily and commercial uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the development plans are consistent with the needs of the land uses in this location. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The development plan proposed with the amendment is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The amendment provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements and common stormwater ponding that will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the PUD zoning ordinance and rezones the subject property to the Deephaven PUD District, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. The applicant submits all required revised plans and documents for final staff review, and such documents are found to be consistent with all requirements of the City Council approvals and expectations. 2. The Final Plat is signed by the City and recorded only after all plans are reviewed and approved, including any plan amendments as may be required by the City Administrator. 3. The City approves the PUD flexibility incorporated into the plans cited in the staff comments for parking count, setback, shared access, multiple buildings on a single parcel, unit size, and site landscaping, subject to the modifications required by Exhibit Z. 4. If practical, shift the west building farther to the west and south to open up views into the site from the northwest corner. In the alternative, maximize visual access between the Chelsea/Cedar corner gateway into the public space via design elements at the gateway and the connecting pathway. 5. The applicant continues to cooperate with the City's efforts to expand the site planning and common stormwater and open space improvements to the south, including dedications and final improvements, and construction access as necessary, among other requirements. 6. The applicant revises the plan to show all pathways noted in the report, and constructs pathways for private use as a part of the PUD approval, and pathways for public use N as a credit against the required park dedication, with all required easements as described in the staff report of 12/9/19. 7. The applicant enters into an agreement to manage shared access across the commercial lots to the west. 8. The applicant shifts the Edmonson Avenue access point to abut the property line, and agrees to accommodate shared access at the time of redevelopment of the adjoining parcel. The City may grant a revised access design as a part of this project, or future subsequent projects. 9. The applicant dedicates the right of way areas as recommended by the City Engineer and participates in the required improvements for roadways to ensure capacity for increased development, including pathway construction. 10. The City accepts the parking lot design and quantities as proposed, with the following exception: i. Redesign on the west building parking lot to accommodate a flow for exiting vehicles, including emergency service access and egress. An example of this design is illustrated in the Staff report for the November 25th City Council meeting, and shown on a subsequent site plan prepared by the applicants prior to final plan review. 11. The applicant improves the private open spaces, and develops a phasing plan for private open space improvements, for consideration by the City and incorporation into the PUD development agreement. This shall include a playground facility on-site or deposit to secure its placement within the larger regional open space. 12. The applicant modifies the landscape plan to add shrub plant materials along the foundation areas of the building where the garage level is exposed. This modification may result in lower tree planting quantities, but shall not drop below minimum requirements. 13. The applicant provides landscape irrigation to all landscaped areas, and works with the City on the potential use of the public pond for irrigation water supply, if practical. 14. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required buffer plantings at the north and west perimeter of the site. 15. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required landscaped island delineator spaces in the parking lot areas. 16. The plan is revised to incorporate trash handling within the garage areas of the building. 3 17. Brick or cultured stone is added to the building facing consistent with the comments in this report, or to at least 20% of the building face. 18. The EFIS base material is enhanced to add architectural pilaster components to the corners of the building base to emphasize the corners and de-emphasize the flat -wall impression of the ground floor. 19. The applicant adds window openings to the ground floor wall. 20. Commercial lighting areas are designed to avoid any glare or lighting impacts on the residential property. 21. The applicant complies with the recommendations of the Parks Commission as approved by the City Council for park dedication and detailed in the staff report of 12/9/19. This includes the addition of the required pathway improvements on the east and west sides of the southerly pond on all plan drawings. 22. Final signage plans are provided and subject to compliance with City ordinance. 23. A Preliminary Plat will be required for the platting of Outlot B to fully plan for utilities, grading, drainage, erosion control and stormwater management. 24. The Plat and supporting documents are modified to reflect the required drainage and utility easements along the southern plat boundary at 12' and for the stormwater pond as recommended by the City Engineer. 25. The proposed walkway designation on the plat be removed in favor of an easement document for the pond pathways. 26. The applicant provide a drainage and utility easement around the proposed Outlot C to accommodate required changes to comply with stormwater management requirements and for all other required public stormwater facilities as directed by the City Engineer. 27. The applicant complies with the requirements of the City Engineer's report, including requirements for stormwater, right-of-way, and easements, dated October 30th and December 5th, 2019, and those comments to be made on the plans sets provided and dated January 8th, 2020. 28. The applicant supplies the required stormwater management plans and complies with the comments in response to the review of those documents. Should compliance with final stormwater analysis require a substantive change to the lots or site plan layout for the PUD, the applicant will be required to submit an amended application to the City for review. L! 29. The appliance supplies a grading plan for the full site as directed by the City Engineer. Should compliance with the City Engineer's recommendation on the site grading and stormwater management require mass grading of the full site, the developer shall complete such grading, with any stockpiling of material on site to be approved by the City Engineer. 30. An encroachment agreement shall be executed along the south portion of the plat where the drive aisle encroaches into the required easement. 31. The applicant shall execute a stormwater maintenance agreement for maintenance of private stormwater facilities. 32. The applicant will work with the City to create an appropriate plaza design and maintenance agreement that enhances access and development of the adjoining commercial land. 33. The applicant shall install buffer and perimeter site landscaping with the development of the first phase of development on Lot 1, Block 1. 34. The applicant proceeds to complete and record the Final PUD and Final Plat within the timelines addressed in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, and prepares revised development stage PUD and Preliminary Plat documents consistent with the conditions approved by the City Council. 35. The applicant enters into a development and PUD agreement for the plat and PUD. 36. Comments and conditions of other staff and City Council. ADOPTED this 13th day of January, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL RA 5 Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A FINAL STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FOR LOT 1, BLOCK 1, DEEPHAVEN WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to subdivide and develop a previously unplatted parcel to create a multifamily residential development and an outlot to be reserved for future commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted requests to revise the land use designation for a portion of the property from commercial to residential, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, the PUD rezoning incorporates a request for PUD Final Stage review and approval; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and plat actions, the proposed Final Stage PUD is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed Final Stage PUD is consistent with the requirements of the proposed zoning, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 4th, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the request at its regular meeting of December 9th, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The PUD provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by provided for the development of multifamily and commercial uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the PUD are consistent with the needs of the development in this location. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The PUD is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The PUD provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements and common stormwater ponding that will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the Final Stage PUD for Deephaven, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. The applicant submits all required revised plans and documents for final staff review, and such documents are found to be consistent with all requirements of the City Council approvals and expectations. 2. The Final Plat is signed by the City and recorded only after all plans are reviewed and approved, including any plan amendments as may be required by the City Administrator. 3. The City approves the PUD flexibility incorporated into the plans cited in the staff comments for parking count, setback, shared access, multiple buildings on a single parcel, unit size, and site landscaping, subject to the modifications required by Exhibit Z. 4. If practical, shift the west building farther to the west and south to open up views into the site from the northwest corner. In the alternative, maximize visual access between the Chelsea/Cedar corner gateway into the public space via design elements at the gateway and the connecting pathway. 5. The applicant continues to cooperate with the City's efforts to expand the site planning and common stormwater and open space improvements to the south, including dedications and final improvements, and construction access as necessary, among other requirements. 6. The applicant revises the plan to show all pathways noted in the report, and constructs pathways for private use as a part of the PUD approval, and pathways for public use as a credit against the required park dedication, with all required easements as described in the staff report of 12/9/19. 7. The applicant enters into an agreement to manage shared access across the commercial lots to the west. 2 8. The applicant shifts the Edmonson Avenue access point to abut the property line, and agrees to accommodate shared access at the time of redevelopment of the adjoining parcel. The City may grant a revised access design as a part of this project, or future subsequent projects. 9. The applicant dedicates the right of way areas as recommended by the City Engineer and participates in the required improvements for roadways to ensure capacity for increased development, including pathway construction. 10. The City accepts the parking lot design and quantities as proposed, with the following exception: i. Redesign on the west building parking lot to accommodate a flow for exiting vehicles, including emergency service access and egress. An example of this design is illustrated in the Staff report for the November 25th City Council meeting, and shown on a subsequent site plan prepared by the applicants prior to final plan review. 11. The applicant improves the private open spaces, and develops a phasing plan for private open space improvements, for consideration by the City and incorporation into the PUD development agreement. This shall include a playground facility on-site or deposit to secure its placement within the larger regional open space. 12. The applicant modifies the landscape plan to add shrub plant materials along the foundation areas of the building where the garage level is exposed. This modification may result in lower tree planting quantities, but shall not drop below minimum requirements. 13. The applicant provides landscape irrigation to all landscaped areas, and works with the City on the potential use of the public pond for irrigation water supply, if practical. 14. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required buffer plantings at the north and west perimeter of the site. 15. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required landscaped island delineator spaces in the parking lot areas. 16. The plan is revised to incorporate trash handling within the garage areas of the building. 17. Brick or cultured stone is added to the building facing consistent with the comments in this report, or to at least 20% of the building face. 3 18. The EFIS base material is enhanced to add architectural pilaster components to the corners of the building base to emphasize the corners and de-emphasize the flat -wall impression of the ground floor. 19. The applicant adds window openings to the ground floor wall. 20. Commercial lighting areas are designed to avoid any glare or lighting impacts on the residential property. 21. The applicant complies with the recommendations of the Parks Commission as approved by the City Council for park dedication and detailed in the staff report of 12/9/19. This includes the addition of the required pathway improvements on the east and west sides of the southerly pond on all plan drawings. 22. Final signage plans are provided and subject to compliance with City ordinance. 23. A Preliminary Plat will be required for the platting of Outlot B to fully plan for utilities, grading, drainage, erosion control and stormwater management. 24. The Plat and supporting documents are modified to reflect the required drainage and utility easements along the southern plat boundary at 12' and for the stormwater pond as recommended by the City Engineer. 25. The proposed walkway designation on the plat be removed in favor of an easement document for the pond pathways. 26. The applicant provide a drainage and utility easement around the proposed Outlot C to accommodate required changes to comply with stormwater management requirements and for all other required public stormwater facilities as directed by the City Engineer. 27. The applicant complies with the requirements of the City Engineer's report, including requirements for stormwater, right-of-way, and easements, dated October 30th and December 5th, 2019, and those comments to be made on the plans sets provided and dated January 8th, 2020. 28. The applicant supplies the required stormwater management plans and complies with the comments in response to the review of those documents. Should compliance with final stormwater analysis require a substantive change to the lots or site plan layout for the PUD, the applicant will be required to submit an amended application to the City for review. 29. The appliance supplies a grading plan for the full site as directed by the City Engineer. Should compliance with the City Engineer's recommendation on the site grading and stormwater management require mass grading of the full site, the L! developer shall complete such grading, with any stockpiling of material on site to be approved by the City Engineer. 30. An encroachment agreement shall be executed along the south portion of the plat where the drive aisle encroaches into the required easement. 31. The applicant shall execute a stormwater maintenance agreement for maintenance of private stormwater facilities. 32. The applicant will work with the City to create an appropriate plaza design and maintenance agreement that enhances access and development of the adjoining commercial land. 33. The applicant shall install buffer and perimeter site landscaping with the development of the first phase of development on Lot 1, Block 1. 34. The applicant proceeds to complete and record the Final PUD and Final Plat within the timelines addressed in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, and prepares revised development stage PUD and Preliminary Plat documents consistent with the conditions approved by the City Council. 35. The applicant enters into a development and PUD agreement for the plat and PUD. 36. Comments and conditions of other staff and City Council. ADOPTED this 13ffi day of January, 2020 by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL IRA 5 Brian Stumpf, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 734 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING THE DEEPHAVEN PUD AS A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM B-4, REGIONAL BUSINESS DISTRICT TO DEEPHAVEN PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT: LOT 1 BLOCK 1; DEEPHAVEN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2.4(P) — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the following: (22) Deephaven PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Deephaven PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for multiple family residential land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Deephaven PUD District shall be multiple family residential uses as found in the R-4, Medium -High Density Residential District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated , and development agreement dated January 13th, 2020, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to residential uses, and as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Deephaven PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the R-4, Medium -High Density Residential District shall apply. (e) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner ORDINANCE NO. 734 of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to rezone the following described parcels from B-4, Regional Business District to Deephaven PUD, Planned Unit Development District: Lot 1, Block 1, Deephaven Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 13th day January, 2020. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: Brian Stumpf, Mayor 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-030 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE "DEEPHAVEN PUD DISTRICT", AND REZONING A PARCEL FROM B-4, REGIONAL BUSINESS TO DEEPHAVEN PUD DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop a previously unplatted parcel to create a multifamily residential development and outlot(s) to be reserved for future commercial uses; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to revise the land use designation for a portion of the property from commercial to residential, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request for PUD rezoning for the proposed residential portion of the property and incorporates a request for PUD Development Stage review and approval; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and plat actions, the proposed PUD zoning is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of the PUD zoning regulations, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 4th 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The amendment provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by providing for the development of multifamily and commercial uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the development plans are consistent with the needs of the land uses in this location. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-030 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The development plan proposed with the amendment is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The amendment provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements and common stormwater ponding that will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the PUD zoning ordinance and rezones the subject property to the Deephaven PUD District, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. The City approves the flexibility incorporated into the plans cited in the staff comments for parking count, setback, shared access, multiple buildings on a single - parcel, unit size, and site landscaping, subject to the modifications required by Exhibit Z. 2. Shift the west building farther to the west and south to open up views into the site from the northwest corner. 3. The applicant continues to cooperate with the City's efforts to expand the site planning and common stormwater and open space improvements to the south, including dedications and final improvements, and construction access as necessary, among other requirements. 4. The applicant supplies the required traffic study and stormwater management plans and complies with the comments in response to the review of those documents. 5. The applicant revises the plan to show all pathways noted in the report, and constructs pathways for private use as a part of the PUD approval, and pathways for public use as a credit against the required park dedication. 6. The applicant enters into an agreement to manage shared access across the commercial lots to the west. 7. The applicant shifts the Edmonson Avenue access point to abut the property line, and agrees to accommodate shared access at the time of redevelopment of the adjoining parcel. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-030 8. The applicant dedicates the right of way areas as recommended by the City Engineer and participates in the required improvements for that roadway to ensure its capacity for increased development, including pathway construction. 9. The City accepts the parking lot design and quantities as proposed, with the following exception: a. Redesign on the west building parking lot to accommodate a flow for exiting vehicles, including emergency service access and egress. An example of this design is illustrated in this report. 10. The applicant improves the private open spaces, and develops a phasing plan for private open space improvements, for consideration by the City and incorporation into the PUD development agreement. This shall include consideration of a playground facility on-site. 11. The applicant modifies the landscape plan to add shrub plant materials along the foundation areas of the building where the garage level is exposed. This modification may result in lower tree planting quantities, but shall not drop below minimum requirements. 12. The applicant provides landscape irrigation to all landscaped areas. 13. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required buffer plantings at the north and west perimeter of the site. 14. The landscaping plans are modified to add the required landscaped island delineator spaces in the parking lot areas. 15. The plan is revised to incorporate trash handling within the garage areas of the building. 16. Brick or cultured stone is added to the building facing consistent with the comments in this report, or to at least 20% of the building face. 17. The EFIS base material is enhanced to add architectural pilaster components to the corners of the building base to emphasize the corners and de-emphasize the flat -wall impression of the ground floor. 18. The applicant adds window openings to the ground floor wall. 19. Commercial lighting areas are designed to avoid any glare or lighting impacts on the residential property. 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-030 20. The applicant complies with the recommendations of the Parks Commission as approved by the City Council for park dedication. 21. Final signage plans are provided and subject to review prior to final PUD consideration. 22. The Plat is modified to include easement dimensions consistent with Subdivision Ordinance requirements. 23. The preliminary plat is revised to reflect the outlot configuration described for the commercial area. 24. The Plat is modified to include an outlot for public space at Cedar and Chelsea of approximately 50 feet by 50 feet. The City will work with the applicant to create an appropriate plaza design and maintenance agreement that enhances access and development of the adjoining commercial land. 25. The applicant complies with the requirements of the City Engineer's report, including requirements for stormwater, right-of-way, and easements, dated October X, 2019. 26. Should compliance with final stormwater analysis require a substantive change to the lots or site plan layout for the PUD, the applicant will be required to submit an amended application to the City for review. 27. The applicant proceeds to Final PUD and Final Plat within the timelines addressed in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, and prepares revised development stage PUD and Preliminary Plat documents consistent with the conditions approved by the City Council. 28. The applicant enters into a development and PUD agreement for the plat and PUD. 29. Comments and conditions of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 0 day of November, 2019, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: Sam`1Vlurdoff, Chair 11 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2019-030 ATTEST: Angela Schu community Development Director Dale Buchholz Construction I Request for Comp Plan Amdt, Rezone, Dvlpmt Stage PUD, Preliminary Plat Lengthy Legal - See City Hall I PID: 155-500-142104 Created by: City of Monticello DALE BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION October 7, 2019 City of Monticello Community Development Attn: Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Angela, For your review are Dave Buchholz Construction's application items for the PUD Concept Proposal of the property described in the attached Land Use Application form. The checklist item description is copied in bold with our response written below. • A listing of contact information including name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) of. the owner of record, authorized agents or representatives, engineer, surveyor, and any other relevant associates. Owner of Record: Premier Bank (Tom Kern) 301 Central Avenue, Osseo MN 55369 (612) 741-1862 tkern(&i)remierb anks. com Prospective Buyer/ Developer: Dale Buchholz Construction (Mark Buchholz) 4379 33rd Avenue South, Suite 121, Fargo, ND 58104 (701) 371-1646 mdbuchholza, email. com Rhet Architecture (Rhet Fiskness) 27 111 Street North, Fargo, ND 58102 (701) 388-2867 rhet(&rhet-arch.com Surveyor: Samuel J. DeLeo, PLS Kramer Leas Deleo, P.C. 13 North 11th Avenue. St Cloud, MN 56303 (320) 259-1266 deleoa,,kldland.com L10DALE BUCHHOLZ .4 CONSTRUCTION Engineer: Josh Mehlke MBN Engineering 503 7" Street N, Ste 200 Fargo, North Dakota 58102 (701) 371-4874 Josh. Ma2elkvnmbnen2r. com Property Resources Group (Brendan Muldoon, Realtor representing Prospective Buyer) 4265 45" Street South, Suite 200, Fargo, ND 58104 (701) 318-2699 brendan(&nr2commercial.com Commercial Realty Solutions (Wayne Elam, Realtor representing Owner of Record) 3 Highway 55 West, Buffalo, MN 55313-4320 (763)682-2400 info(&, commercialrealtvsolutions. com • A listing of the following site data: Address, current zoning, parcel size in acres and square feet, and current legal description(s). a. Property does not currently have a physical address. The parcel identification number as follows. i. 155500142104 ii. The property is bound by Chelsea Road to the North, Edmonson Road to the East, Cedar Street to the West, and parcels to the South (155500142300, 155230000010,and 155500142401) Zoning: B-4 Regional Business District Parcel Size: 18.6106 acres (810,678 SF) • A narrative explaining the applicant's proposed objectives for the PUD, and public values that the applicant believes may be achieved by the project. Through the collaborative efforts of the developer, the City of Monticello Staff, and the input from individual elected officials, we are pleased to present a Planned Unit Development (PUD) aligning with the City of Monticello's goal of "creating great places to live, shop, work, and play." The development is comprised of a combination of roughly half commercial lots and half multifamily residence (please see preliminary plat for precise numbers). The request for the PUD includes modifying the land use category for the south half of the development from L10DALE BUCHHOLZ .4 CONSTRUCTION "places to shop" to places to live (please see attached map for the precise location). In designing the development, particular attention has been given to the anticipated growth, and development of the land adjacent to the south. In doing so, the water feature, trail systems, configuration of buildings, and recreational areas have been positioned in a way that will create connectivity and a masterplan-like feel to the greater area. The "wet" pond will serve a dual purpose of providing water retention for the PUD and also as an architectural amenity. The pond will be located and designed in a manner that it can be expanded as development takes place to the south. When the area beyond the subject PUD is completed, the land to the south together with the subject PUD will provide a parkway -like feel. The PUD concept falls in line with Monticello's rich history and the value they place in their park system. Following our pre - design meeting we determined that the PLAN D concept created by Steve Grittman (see attached exhibit) where the buildings are positioned in an open formation to the south around the pond was the best possible fit for the site despite reducing the number of units by 19%. The plan has been adjusted from a concept drawing to align with the requirements set forth in the R4 zoning. The commercial land portion of the PUD has been reserved for the "prime area" of the development, which is the land bound and adjacent to Chelsea to the north and Cedar to the west. The existing zoning is 134 -Regional Business District. The development will continue to cater to users within the existing zoning classification. The limited traffic counts on Chelsea (5,900), Cedar (3,450), and Edmonson (1,900) as opposed to Highway 25 (30,000) presents challenges even with regard to developing the "prime" areas of the site. The Monticello staff noted in the June 19th Concept PUD Review that in the last several years commercial development occurred "almost exclusively in more highly exposed areas". The vision for overcoming this challenge is to market more destination -based retail, professional office, and medical related businesses that do not need the level of exposure as some commercial users, but continue to desire good access to highways and interstates for the convenience of their clientele. The PUD will also provide a perceived need within the Monticello market by providing options for smaller "shovel ready" lot options. The buildings will be marketed either for sale or on a build -to -suit basis. The redesigned multifamily portion of the PUD was reduced from four buildings consisting of 204 apartment units to three buildings consisting of 165 apartment units. More precisely, the 3 buildings will consist of (2) 51 -unit buildings and (1) 63 -unit building. The units will consist of a mix of 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, and 3 bedroom units, with the majority being 1 and 2 bedroom units. The spacious open floor plans of the units will provide designer -driven finishes as well as other notable upgrades such as 9 foot ceilings, elevator, quartz counter tops, stainless steel appliances, central air, LVT wood plank flooring, tile back splashes, complimentary in -unit washer & dryer, private balconies, as well as on-site property management. The contemporary and urban looking exteriors are aesthetically enhanced through varying parapet heights and wall depths, as well as the use of timeless materials and colors. Furthermore, the urban look of the buildings will serve as a seamless transition between the Highway 25 Commercial corridor and the industrial corridor to the east. The end result is as Wayne Elam notes, "the higher end apartment project will help attract higher end finishes on the commercial uses" thus improving the overall appeal and long-term stability to the entire PUD development. L10DALE BUCHHOLZ .4 CONSTRUCTION The buildings offer a number of interior common area and exterior amenities that will enhance the residents' overall living experience. As for common area amenities, each building will offer a Wi-Fi lounge and coffee bar that will promote positive interaction amongst the residents. The secured entrances and video monitored entry points will provide reassurance of a secure living environment to the residents. Each building will offer heated on -grade parking within the buildings. The exterior amenities will include multiple outdoor picnic areas featuring stamped concrete and commercial grade BBQ grills, all of which will be strategically placed around the pond feature and trail system. The site plan notates the location of both the signage as well as the large trash handling and recycling collection areas. Samples of both the signage and construction materials for the trash collectors have been provided and will be in compliance with the City of Monticello zoning ordinance. The combination of the quality of the building, generous amenities, and the walkability to commercial amenities will undoubtedly contribute to a superior living experience for residents, as well as provide a captive audience to existing and future commercial/retail businesses. It is also worthwhile to note that the Buchholz group has a long history of site selecting, constructing, and most importantly, managing with a long- term perspective in mind. As has been their case, their intentions are to develop and hold the property for the long term; and given the financial investment, they have a vested interest in seeing the project through. In summary, through the work of many, the proposed plan has evolved into what could truly be a marquee, mixed-use development for commerce to take place, and for young professionals and families to make their home. We thank you again for the opportunity to be a part in the growth of Monticello. • A listing of general information including the number of proposed residential units, commercial and industrial land uses by category of use, public use areas including a description of proposed use, and any other land use proposed as part of the PUD a. Proposed Number of Residential Units: 156 units- 369,998 SF (9.11 acres) b. 440,653 SF (10.11 acres) of commercial use to remain consistent with the exist- ing zoning of B-4 Regional Business District c. Legal Description: Sect -14 Twp -121 Range -025 UNPLATTED LAND MONTICELLO N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 LY S OF N586.37 FT OF SD N1/2 OF NW 1/4 MY ELY OF ELY LN OF OLD ST HWY 25 NKA CEDAR ST & LY WLY & SLY OF CTY RD 117 THAT WAS PRE - TAKEN FOR R/W BY STATE Calculation of the proposed density of the project and the potential density under standard zoning regulations, including both gross density and net density, accounting for developable and undevelopable land. Undevelopable land shall include all wetlands, floodplains, sensitive ecological areas identified in the Natural Resource Inventory, slopes greater than 18%, poor soils and areas of concentrated woodlands DALE BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION a. Please see attached Development Plan for the Calculation of the Proposed Den- sity of the Project. b. The subject property does not include wetlands, floodplains, or sensitive ecologi- cal areas identified in the Natural Resource Inventory, slopes greater than 18%, poor soils or areas of concentrated woodlands. • Outline a conceptual development schedule indicating the approximate date when the construction of the project, or stages of the same, can be expected to begin and be completed (including the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational and common space areas) a. The multi -family portion of the project shall be built out in 3 phases. The first of which shall commence in May 2020 and shall be completed in February 2021. Phase 2 shall commence May of 2021 and shall be completed in March of 2022. The third phase shall commence May of 2022 and shall be completed in February of 2023. b. The commercial portion of the project shall be completed based on market de- mand. The initial projections are that the commercial land will be absorbed at 3 acres per year or over a 3 -year period. The commercial land will be professionally marketed to third party buyers as well as on a build -to -suit basis. • A Concept PUD Proposal illustrating the nature and type of proposed development. At a minimum, the plan should show: a. Area calculations for gross land area- 18.6106 acres b. Existing zoning district(s)- B-4 Regional Business District c. Layout of proposed lots and proposed uses. Denote outlots planned for public dedication and/or open space (schools, parks, etc.) - See attached Development Plan. d. Area calculations for each parcel - See attached Development Plan. e. General location of wetlands and/or watercourses over the property and within 200 feet of the perimeter of the subdivision parcel - Non Applicable f. Location of existing and proposed streets within and immediately adjacent to the subdivision parcel - See attached Development Plan. g. Proposed sidewalks and trails - See attached Development Plan. h. Proposed parking areas - See attached Development Plan. i. Proposed parks, common areas, and preservation easements (indicate public vs. private if applicable) — Non Applicable. j. General location of wooded areas or significant features (environmental, histori- cal, cultural) of the parcel - Non Applicable. DALE BUCHHOLZ ,I CONSTRUCTION k. Location of utility systems that will serve the property — To be determined. 1. Other: An applicant may submit any additional information that may explain the proposed PUD. • A listing of the areas of flexibility from the standard zoning sought through the use of a PUD design. The PUD is based on the City of Monticello 134 -Business zoning and R4 -Medium High Density Residential District as a basis for design. Modifications to the R4 district in- cludes a 60' front yard setback and less density. R4 -Medium High Density Residential district provides for up to 25 units per acre while the proposed development plan provides for 18.4 units per acre. It is worthwhile to note that the PUD is slightly over 2 times the required 500 square feet of greenspace per unit required by the R-4 zoning code. For phasing purposes, we are requesting 3 buildings as opposed to one building per parcel., We are also requesting that the buildings be constructed with flat roofs utilizing parapets to add variations in depths and heights for aesthetic appeal as opposed to the R-4 required 5:12 pitch. This will allow us to achieve the urban look that we are seeking. With regard to the commercial based land, the proposed PUD does not seek to deviate from the guide- lines set forth in the 134 -Regional District Zoning. k1R" DALE BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION October 7, 2019 City of Monticello Community Development Attn: Angela Schumann 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Angela, Dale Buchholz Construction 4379 3316 Ave S, Suite 121 Fargo, ND 58104 RE: Approximately 16.36 acres of vacant land on Chelsea Road, Monticello, MN Tax Parcel: R155-500-142104 Dale Buchholz Construction is aware of the applicant's understanding of the financial requirements for the development of the PUD for the above referenced property in accordance with the City's specifications for streets, utilities, and installation of such improvements, and the financial guarantees for the completion of such improvements. Dale Buchholz Construction By: Mark Buchholz Its: President KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Premier Bank Minnesota, a Minnesota corporation fee owner and mortgagee of the following described property situated in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota to wit: The North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying South of the North 586.37 feet of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter, lying easterly of the easterly line of Old State Highway No. 25 now known as Cedar Street and lying westerly and southerly of the westerly and southerly line of that portion of County Road No. 117 that was previously taken for right of way purposes by the State of Minnesota. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as DEEPHAVEN and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use forever the public ways, the walkway, the drainage easements, and the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said Premier Bank Minnesota, a Minnesota corporation, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of 20 Signed: Premier Bank Minnesota Thomas J. Kern, President Northwest Area STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20 by Thomas J. Kern, President Northwest Area, Premier Bank Minnesota, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. (Notary Signature) Notary Public, My commission expires 13 North 11 th Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56303 K ---LD 320-259-1266 KRAMER LEAS DELEO SURVEYING • ENGINEERING • PLANNING B R A I N E R D ST. CLOUD (Notary Printed Name) County, Minnesota DEEPHAVEN SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I Samuel J. DeLeo do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and Labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet Lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of , 20 Samuel J. DeLeo, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License Number 40341 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS The foregoing Surveyor's Certification was acknowledged before me this day of ,20 by Samuel J. DeLeo, Licensed Land Surveyor, Minnesota License Number 40341. Sidney Theis Notary Public Stearns County, Minnesota My commission expires January 31, 2022 CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of 20 , the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby review and approve this plat of DEEPHAVEN. By: , Chairperson By: , Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of DEEPHAVEN was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. By: By: WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR , Mayor , City Administrator I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021 Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of , 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of , 20 By: Wright County Auditor/Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the Office of the County Recorder for record on this day of , 20 , at o'clock . M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve , as Document No. Wright County Recorder PLAT LINE DATA ID BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 000 59' 11" W 26.39 L2 N 31 ° 06'33" W 12.86 L3 N 000 59' 11" W 39.84 L4 S 750 59' 11" E 80.15 L5 N 660 30' 49" E 37.55 L6 S 00 ° 59' 11" E 5.32 L7 N 000 59' 11" W 26.39 L8 N 31 ° 06'33" W 12.86 L9 N 000 59' 11" W 39.84 L10 S 750 59' 11" E 80.15 L11 N 660 30'49" E 37.55 L12 S 00 ° 59' 11" E 5.32 PLAT CURVE DATA ID DELTA (A) RADIUS LENGTH C1 300 07' 22" 38.00 19.98 C2 300 07' 22" 76.00 39.96 C3 1050 00' 00" 66.00 120.95 C4 370 30' 00" 64.00 41.89 C5 112 0 30' 00" 86.00 168.86 C6 560 39' 00" 91.00 89.97 360 55' 28" 68.00 43.82 C7 CHD BRG = S 37° 12'05" CHD = 43.07 C8 300 07' 22" 52.00 27.34 C9 300 07' 22" 62.00 32.60 C10 1050 00' 00" 52.00 95.30 C11 370 30' 00" 78.00 51.05 C12 112 0 30' 00" 72.00 141.37 C13 560 39' 00" 77.00 76.13 400 23'47" 82.00 57.81 C14 CHD BRG = S 370 27'56" CHD = 56.62 Sheet No. 1 of 2 DEEPHAVEN -North Quarter corner of Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 (Cast Iron Monument) Vicinity Map 0 Project 0 Location P ,//CHELSEA RD zw DUNDAS RD ... .. W> I z z 0 0 0 ....... % V) _J z _J 0 SCHOOL BLVD LL W NO SCALE t SEC 16, TW- 121, RNG 25 South line of the North 586.37 feet of the 111 /2 NW1 /4 S 88'47' 24" W 837.97 WEST 841.17 (SILVER FOX) ... CHELSEA ROAD CHELSEA ROAD Permanent Easement for street, -­----------- 4-22 utility, and drainage purposes '28'44,, C> per Doc. No. 845654 CB:= 273.8.5 N 79-58, 4o 698.00 09, 14" VV L. 50-58 06 Ctl:x 272.09 10 10 4-18- 19, 38 S 88-47' 24" W 643.05 L= 25*40' 48" " L= 223.27 L= 344.45 R= 768.51 370.00 — — — — — — ---------------------- — — — — 46 1 UJ -50.31 — — — — — — — — — — —CB= N 12'54'44" W 07-01'07 CH= 341.57 o 0 ;r 0' L= 85.50 �>8 00 .74 - - - - - - Drainage Easement - - - - - -- It -3, (N) 00. ------------------------------------------- <1\ ...... - - S 88'47'24" W 333.00 OUTLOT B a, ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM ASSUMES THAT THE NORTH -SOUTH QUARTER LINE OF r % SEC. 35, TWP. 124, RNG. 28 .... .. S 89'55'40" W BEARS NORTH 00°00' 32" WEST 16.06 - - - - - - - - -Southerly line of Edmonson Avenue NE a/k/a County Road No. 117 0 60 120 S88°40'21' W 831.87 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J — — — — — — — — --- SCALE IN FEET %0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----- / — — — — — — — — — 1'7 33 33 b* — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — North-South Quarter Section Line Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 NoWesterly line of Edmonson Avenue NE / BLOCK 1 a/k/a County Road No. 117 Easterly line of Cedar Street f /k/a - o Old State Highway No. 25 4) E 0 N CL LLJ CL r LV LOT 1 E :)v 1001` ^V 01 00 LLJ C) Do - -------- rV 0 rn 04 W00 C1 4 Lr! Ln...................... 44 00 CC4 CJ, J, C4 C) 0 K L 1 C) C Cil z z Refer to Plat Line Data table and efer to Plat Line Data table and Plat r "r" r),t, table " c Plat Curve Data table on Sheet 1 of 2 for line and curve dimensions 83 Z LJ cl� - OUTLOT C1.7 33 rti 06 1 Drainage Easement across all of Outlot C % A) o i I i 3 a, PC, -South line of the N1/2 NW1 /4 0 q% R 0 C) z com 1� 7 VIM �C) <or — — — — — — — — — — — — — —-----------------------J '4 — — — — 27 - 46 2,IV W ' ^ /` S L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 291.84 32.99-------------------------J 14.71 — — — 396.77 14.00 237.00 1 A 342.86 ,, -'----19.39 N 8900049" E 1332.64 ---- <) 4Q '00' 47 E (CEDAR STREET ADDITION) N 89 C. 66 0% 13 North 11 th Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56303 320-259-1266 KRAMER LEAS DELE0 SURVEYING - ENGINEERING - PLANNING BRAINERD ST. CLOUD THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS TO BE DEDICATED AS PART OF THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AS THUS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: I 6i L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REAR LOT LINE LEGEND OF PROPERTY BOUNDARY SYMBOLS I 2 * IRON PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED "DELE040341" TO BESET I I6 6I SIDE ---r I * FOUND IRON MONUMENT 0 SET MAGNETIC "PK" NAIL LOT LINE _J 66 L ROAD R/W DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET South quarter corner OT Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 (Cast Iron Monument) - - - CD i 33 I ----------- -- - - - - - - - % ..... ..... Sheet No. 2 of 2 I ----------- -- - - - - - - - % ..... ..... Sheet No. 2 of 2 MAPPING LEGEND STORM SEWER MANHOLE sr SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ss CATCH BASIN 350' So. of Chelsea Rd & Cedar St, East side of Cedar St HYDRANT Top Nut of Hydrant WATER VALVE 962.17 LIGHT POLE 300' East of Cedar St & Chelsea Rd &, South side of Chelsea Rd UTILITY POLE -0- UTILITY PEDESTAL Ii -North Quarter corner of Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 (Cast Iron Monument) % 960, A % % Benchmark 39 6 UTILITY METER NV N= 956.15 IF iNV S= 955.75 ' \ \ :: \ T i. NV E= 950.20 South line of the North 586.37 feet of the NI /2 NWI /4 BURIED ELECTRIC LINE P -BUR - T -BU- ss (12" RCI) 90 WEST 841.17, (SILVER FOX) - 964 BURIED TELEPHONE LINE REE 950.15 4� :NV W= S 88*47'24!'W 837.97 A., ----__-RIM= 159:70 1 -962 - -- - -- RIM-- 961.12 - -- - -- - RIM. 95775 1 % BURIED GAS LINE G ;,;�RIM= 958.73 - -- - -- - 960--------- -- - -- - - INV N= 9i3.65i 960 RIM= 961.00 INV= 956.62 INV- 955.63 112" RCP) RIM= 9t�.60 9i OVERHEAD POWER LINE -OH7 OHPe'R......... RIM= 959.94 It .. ... ... .. Air va#l, �Iv - I . INV= . . ... . so. �16"Dlpck CHELSEA ROAD V C1 Permanent Easement for street, WATER LINE IELSEA ROAD RIM= 9".6Q RIM= 9i,,.26 -26 utility, and drainage purposes SS PVC SDR 7:8*. S R-26 -a J,?, L _964 SS > >> per Doc. No. 845654 1 Rcp > >::� � r STORM SEWER PIPE F�o 79°3.$5rcemain location per < i r 'y as -built da n, 1.FM RCP Den,-nmIFK J city W 14-1 - > IT ... ..... .... ... -*-dUR - >> >> -Q��/ L'€' 'I a / \ 4 '09, p6,� > / - drawine,5 Benchmark 5 VJ 5 SANITARY SEWER PIPE 'W C11 2 8-00 Ct M) _ '! 50. 18"R/Z. 09 6,knchmark,4 - . . . . . . m 16" Cleanoul MH (FM) 2T'RCP PXC/F ,p-[qp P -BUR P -BUR 2P40� CONC. CURB Et GUTTER r'RCP 884le-W 643.05 Etec. Trans. L PROPERTY LINE .4 - - - - - - - - 344.45 ­_�370.00 9 L _\-Concrete dmauL - - - R= 768.51 GateQA FL= 962. 1 19 I f 7== -77.7--- V=l --=- - - - 1 *-.-*"- - CB= N 12'54'44" W 'Gate va44FM) - - - - - - - "I- - - (15" RCP) SURVEYED MAJOR CONTOUR 960 la It CH= 341.57 M- - - 00 Drainage Basin FL= �T53. SURVEYED MINOR CONTOUR -------- oo Draina'geP.-_Drainage. COUNTY LIDAR CONTOUR B.M. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 953.13 - - - - - - - - - 741* 856 - - - - - - - - - - - - S - - 88°4T 24" W 333.00 1 CONCRETE 4. - 0 RIM-- 960.84 BITUMINOUS OUTLOT B ...... S 89°55' 40" W 16.06 096 Southerly tine of Edmonson Avenue HE Q, a/k/a County Road No. 117 Benc ma.,... - - - - - ----196--_ RIM' 959.93 S88'40'21"W 831.87 - - - - - L ri INV W= 955.63 7' INV S= 955.73 �O\I---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - / -- ----------------- - - - - RIM- 9-64.-O�_� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 117 Benchmark 6 ----- - - - - - - - - - INV= 949.41 31 b* -------k------------ 131 , / •llc� North-South Quarter Section Line RIM= 959.89 sr Approximate stub Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 INV= 956.09BLOCK 1 per city as -built drawings a/k/a Co % Westerlyunty Road No. line of Edmonson Avenue HE 117 4 Easterly Line of Cedar Street f/k/a- Old State Highway No. 25 4E' T N LLJ LOT 1 �0 LLJ 41 CD RIM= 960.85 'V //� / /� ^ / / / / ;z I I °_ o 'Co Ln RIM- %0.64 00 NV W- 9�3.84 NV E= 953.94 Lq F-4 Ln Ly W At N L4 C4 �CD C> 00 1g % Z I> C111 Z Z . % c" Q 4- r LL, FL= ±954.21 ( RCP) <<. 15 7 33 33 (Z OUTLOT C Drainage Easement across all of Outlot C C, b 06 CD South tine of the NI /2 NWI /4 -- - - - - - 00 Potential Encroachment ..... . . (Sanitary ?96 Z S=Line) Line not 10 '46' 24'W _C96- �4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 1 34 - -------------------- .527 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _&HP32.9---------------- _J L - - - - - - - - - - - - OH7 32-99 - - - - - - - - - - OHP OHP nHZ- - -UH- OH' OHP OHP OH OH - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - P OHP 01" 14.060' ? RIM= 963 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4� ----963 N 89*00'49" E 1332.64 ---- INV= 950. 8 1 street Light Cabinet - - - - - - N 89'00'47- E (CEDAR STREET ADDITION) % .011' P! KITE Cultivated field I . ..... X Q; A� RIM= 961.76 Wooded INV W= 954 66 Yl_ PLA�FFEED .411 66 INV E= 954.'76 NO. House qbA a- /; j %' � ' /,, ',\ i ........ ... ............... ............ / q� - , _ _ • \ � / i /ilii////' /iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - - - - - � \ ',\ � I ',3.: rM 10 I------------------------------------- - ry: 8e 01 - -- - -- 964----- qb 1 962,, South Quarter corner of I '\ // / Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 PROJECT, /13ENCH MARKS (Cast Iron Monument) Area Tabulation Elev. Description Lo cafi'O n Parcel Sq. Ft. Acres 965.15 Top Nut of Hydrant 760 So. pf Chelsea R -d & Cedar St, East side of Cedar St 963.22 Top Nut of Hydrant 350' So. of Chelsea Rd & Cedar St, East side of Cedar St 964.14 Top Nut of Hydrant NE Quadrant of Chelsea Rd & Cedar St 962.17 Top Nut of Hydrant 300' East of Cedar St & Chelsea Rd &, South side of Chelsea Rd 964.01 Top Nut of Hydrant 270' West of Edmonson Ave NE & Chelsea Rd &, South side of Chelsea Rd 967.33 Top Nut of Hydrant 300' South of Chelsea Rd & Edmonson Ave NE, East side of Edmonson Ave NE Note: All elevations listed were determied via GPS/RTK methods and are based on the datum of NAVD 88 LEGEND OF PROPERTY BOUNDARY SYMBOLS 0 IRON PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED "DELEO 40341" TO BESET 0 FOUND IRON MONUMENT (9 SET MAGNETIC "PK" NAIL Survey Datum is based on NGS Control Station "8605 J" Northing - 216092.167 Easting - 522403.197 Elevation- 959.25 HORIZONTAL DATUM: Wright County Coordinates (NAD83, 2007 Adjustment) VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD 88 Lot 1 288842 6.63 LENGTH 0. L. A 2500 0.06 19.98 O.L. B 343558 7.89 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 0. L. C 52309 1.2 120.95 Walkway 9879 0.23 The North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, R/W 99674 2.29 Wright County, Minnesota, lying South of the North 586.37 feet of said North Half Total 796762 18.3 of the Northwest Quarter, lying easterly of the easterly line of Old State Highway N 00* 59' 11 " W 36* 55'28" 68.00 No. 25 now known as Cedar Street and lying westerly and southerly of the C7 L11 N 66* 30'49" E westerly and southerly line of that portion of County Road No. 117 that was L12 CHID BRG = S 37* 12'05" previously taken for right of way purposes by the State of Minnesota. THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS TO BE DEDICATED AS PART OF THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AS THUS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: REAR LOT LINE IESI SIDE�---' LL ONE I ROAD R/W DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET SURVEYOR'S NOTES: The utilities shown hereon represent those identified during the field survey operations and the record drawings provided by the utility owner for this project, if any. Utilities were physically marked via Gopher State One Call Ticket Number 192685020. Kramer Leas DeLeo, P.C. makes no warranties as to the locations, depths, or types of any utilities within the area shown hereon. User(s) of this map, survey, or plan are responsible for locating all utilities prior to any excavation, tunneling, drilling, or driving of objects into the ground. This survey was performed in conjunction with First American Title Company's Commitment for Title Insurance dated 04-02-2018 as provided by the client. Owner of Record: Premier Bank (Tom Kern) 301 Central Avenue, Osseo MN 55369 (612) 741-1862 tkern@premierbanks.com Developer Dale Buchholz Construction (Mark Buchholz) 4379 33rd Avenue South, Suite 121, Far o, ND 58104 (70 ) 371-1646 mdbuchhotz@gmaii.com (N) ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 83 (2007 ADJ.) 0 80 160 SCALE IN FEET PLAT CURVE DATA ID DELTA (A) RADIUS LENGTH C1 30* 07'22" 38.00 19.98 C2 30* 07'22" 76.00 39.96 C3 105* 00'00" 66.00 120.95 C4 37* 30'00" 64.00 41.89 C5 112* 30'00" 86.00 168.86 C6 56* 39'00" 91.00 89.97 N 00* 59' 11 " W 36* 55'28" 68.00 43.82 C7 L11 N 66* 30'49" E 37.55 L12 CHID BRG = S 37* 12'05" CHD = 43.07 C8 30* 07'22" 52.00 27.34 C9 30* 07'22" 62.00 32.60 C10 105* 00'00" 52.00 95.30 C11 37' 30' 00" 78.00 51.05 C12 112* 30'00" 72.00 141.37 C13 56' 39' 00" 77.00 76.13 4-J 40' 23'47" 82.00 57.81 C14 •WC: ::E CHID BRIG = S 37' 27'56" CHD = 56.62 PLAT LINE DATA ID BEARING DISTANCE ILI N 00* 59' 11" W 26.39 L2 N 31 * 0633" W 12.86 L3 N 00* 59' 1 V W 39.84 L4 S 75' 59' 11" E 80.15 L5 N 66* 30'49" E 37.55 L6 S 00' 59' 11" E 5.32 L7 N 00* 59' 1 V W 26.39 L8 N 31 * 0633" W 12.86 L9 N 00* 59' 11 " W 39.84 LIO S 75' 59' 11 " E 80.15 L11 N 66* 30'49" E 37.55 L12 S 00' 59' 11" E 5.32 Vicinity Map 0 Project :1 Location ,HELSEA RD CO- uz' DUNDAS RD Lu Lu > Z 0 ZZ 0 U) 0 SCHOOL BLVD LL Lu NO SCALE SEC 16, TWr-121, RNG 25 01 Lu C:) 0 0 Q P 0 JJ _J 0 :5 Z 0) 0 W Z W < a 0 0 Z Z FW W 0 X 2 0F_ W W co W W Zi W > (9 0 IX Z fA 0 Y < a. of W < W a. 0 Lu WW W () 0 Z a- 0 Lu IX a. a. 0 Z 0 W W V5 C0 U) W > > > a IX W W IX W <0 C5 Z Z 2 IY to c:) 0 5; CL W Of C14 W 0 W W CL >- 0 0 W >W < c:) W n 04 F- rn > f-) W W W > W Z Z o < LL 0 cl) < W W W W J W F- 0- a �- � 6 Cn Z C0 0 F- Of W W F- 0 Of M (D < W >_ F- .2 _J LL 0 Z LL m < co W W 2 < W < _i - Lu CL I.- M M W W < F- = W CL F - Of W cc :5 W 0) 0 a C, E < Z Z LM cc 5 0) 0 Z IO C.) Uo .4c W) LU Z Z (0 _J .4 LU ZV 0) _J C')� C\1 Z Cl) I - 0 < Lu WZ _J Z F_ Z U ILLI LL1 Z M >__ 0 ui Z LLI Sheet No. 1 of 3 4-1 0 In (1) Ln Wa) ::E on r_ 4- W 0 0 (1) 4- (a Ln 0 N4J I- ( Z to _ 0 C: 0 C C.4 = r-- 0 rq U C:on • r- N 6 3- 4-J -6 5 4- :E Ln in 0 In >% O U 0 = in 0 U W60- U onIn ME: 0 -, C: . L: 0 ._ a) 4 0 4-J U -J LL_ 4-J U * 0 •WC: ::E 4- 0 E >% 4-J M U 0 i Sheet No. 1 of 3 MAPPING LEGEND STORM SEWER MANHOLE @ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE S CATCH BASIN 0 HYDRANT 0 WATER VALVE >11 LIGHT POLE 300' East of Cedar St & Chelsea Rd &, South side of Chelsea Rd UTILITY POLE -0- UTILITY PEDESTAL Ii -North Quarter corner of Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 (Cast Iron Monument) 960, 0� f- --- - - - A Benchmark 396,-- V.. 01 V.. V 4 .. . , 1:-: 1.% :_, - - 60.11 1 1 1 1 •.3,. -961 F& if INV N= 956.15 UTILITY METER INV S= 955.75 ' \ \ :: \0 NV E= 950.20 South line of the North 586.37 feet of the NI /2 NWI /4 4 P -BUR BURIED ELECTRIC LINE A., ----__-RIM= 159:70 S 88°47' 24" !0 I ­ =_955 90 WEST 841.17 (SILVER FOX) RCI) 964 - BURIED TELEPHONE LINE T -BU.-. - - - - - - - - (12 - TREE \ * I .- : i* ` :NV W= 950.15 'W 837.97 962 - -- - -- - - RIM= 961.12 ST INV- 956.62 BURIED GAS LINE G RIM= 958.73 - -- - -- - 960--- NV N= 953 65' RIM= 961.00 INV- 955.63 NV S= 953.55' Y60 112" RCP) RIM= 9t V= 9ar. RIM= 959.94 IN EA ROAD CHELSEA OVERHEAD POWER LINE -OH7 OHP 60 Air v#l, 16- DIP CL50 (FM) RIM- 957.75 Permanent Easement for street, ------------------------ - WATER LINE 0 CHELSEA ROAD RIM= 964.8 RIM= 6 o PVC SDR -26, utility, and drainage purposes SS 8" PVC SDR -26 Z73 85 lorcema . In . to . cat In per RCP STORM SEWER PIPE > �0- N 79- F�o per Doc. No. 845654 :18 21- RCP 7 Benchmark 5 4'og. 06., W C�, ya 00 9 city as -built drawines > sr ... ... ... ... .. 76'R Et 16� pvc Forcemain An valve min II -1 >> >> 1P0 272. 09' Benchmark 4 - SANITARY SEWER PIPE I F RCP :Cleanout'MH (FN Ifflain q Ir'RCP 'P_aUR P -BAR 2P40'- 48!'- /,P _au" r. -74m CONC. CURB Et GUTTER I/ 643.05 :J�uL= 344.45 PROPERTY LINE 'Flet. Trans. L L 37"U --7-v - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------- R= 768.51 Fl 62.1 - - - - - Ito CB= N 12'54'44" W SURVEYED MAJOR CONTOUR 960Gate lvb>(t - ------- - ----- 4- 00- L=18 - - - - - - - - SURVEYED MINOR CONTOUR -------- 00 FL= 953.13- - - I - - -- - CH= 341.57 ,L= 953.02 -14 E Drainage Easement_ G6 COUNTY LIDAR CONTOUR - -- - -- - B.M. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 6 :*­ - - - - - - - - - - - - - I OhI .4 CONCRETE S88*4724"W 333.00 r D 11 096 RIM- 960 84 4. ETE 3: OUTLOT B BITUMINOUS g % ...... S 89°55' 40" W 16.06 09, Southerly line of Edmonson Avenue HE 6 a/k/a County Road No. 117 Benchma., -----196--_ RIM' 959.93 S88'40'21W 831.87 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3: ri INV W= 955.63 ------ Benchmark 6 INV S= 955.73 �O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - 7-- / -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----RIM 964.07-� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INV: k -- - - - - - - - - - - W49-,41� 17 131 llc� -------k------------ - - - - - - 11 North-South Quarter Section Line sr Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 RIM= 959.89 Approximate stub locatations I INV= 956.09 per city as -built drawings Westerly line of Edmonson Avenue HE % a/k/a County Road No. 117 4 BLOCK 1 Easterly Line of Cedar Street f/k/a - Old State Highway No. 25 / E. V LOT 1 LLJ. Fb 41 CD 6L RIM= 960.85 / //� / /� ^ / / / / ; �o°z I I 'V '00 Oic RIM- %0.84 •Ln :NV W= 953.84 NV E= 953.94 ... ......... . Lq Ln r*4 L4 A rn N �4 b - --w C4 Lei. C> ........ % kQ. 00 Z Z V0 C11 Z Z A, 966 -- - - - - - - - -968- 4- r: - (S) 15 FL= ±954.21 - ( RCP) & 33 7 33 a OUTLOT C 1C, Drainage Easement across all of Outlot C C, b G96 B South tine of the NI /2 NWI /4 o'R IV Potential Encroachment ?96 Z (Sanitary Sewer Line) 4r) Line not I(Icated _J .527°46'24"W C96 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- L - 1 ' - - 15, _&HP•32.99-------------------------JIT - - - - - - - - - - OI,�91_84 -O.P OHP 0117 _O.. _0FI�,OHP-----�1OHP OH' OHP-- t4-.000' .00�111P- OHP ------ 14I`74i_ OHP -A-" OW P 0117 0 P__ OK- - - ---- - -------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 RIM= 963.4p 4� �treet Light Cabinet - - - - - - 963 - N 89*00'49" E 1332.64------------ 332.64 ---- INV= 950.78 ...... . ON) N 89*00'47'E (CEDAR STREETADDIT! TE % Cultivated field A` RIM= 961.76 2. INV W= 954 66 Wooded cy 1 10 76 NOVI- PLA�FFEX % 0, 66 INV E= 954.' House qbA '0 a - it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01 - -- - -- 964----- 962,, South Quarter corner of Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 PROJECT, /13ENCH MARKS (Cast Iron Monument) Area Tabulation Elev. Description Locafi'On Parcel Sq. Ft. Acres 965.15 Top Nut of Hydrant 760 So. pf Chelsea R -d & Cedar St, East side of Cedar St 963.22 Top Nut of Hydrant 350' So. of Chelsea Rd & Cedar St, East side of Cedar St 964.14 Top Nut of Hydrant NE Quadrant of Chelsea Rd & Cedar St 962.17 Top Nut of Hydrant 300' East of Cedar St & Chelsea Rd &, South side of Chelsea Rd 964.01 Top Nut of Hydrant 270' West of Edmonson Ave NE & Chelsea Rd &, South side of Chelsea Rd 967.33 Top Nut of Hydrant 300' South of Chelsea Rd & Edmonson Ave NE, East side of Edmonson Ave NE Note: All elevations listed were determied via GPS/RTK methods and are based on the datum of NAVD 88 LEGEND OF PROPERTY BOUNDARY SYMBOLS 0 IRON PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED "DELEO 40341" TO BESET 0 FOUND IRON MONUMENT (9 SET MAGNETIC "PK" NAIL Survey Datum is based on NGS Control. Station "8605 J" Northing - 216092.167 Easting - 522403.197 Elevation- 959.25 HORIZONTAL DATUM: Wright County Coordinates (NAD83, 2007 Adjustment) VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD 88 Lot 1 288842 6.63 LENGTH 0. L. A 2500 0.06 19.98 O.L. B 343558 7.89 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 0. L. C 52309 1.2 120.95 Walkway 9879 0.23 The North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, R/W 99674 2.29 Wright County, Minnesota, lying South of the North 586.37 feet of said North Half Total 796762 18.3 of the Northwest Quarter, lying easterly of the easterly line of Old State Highway N 00* 59' 11 " W 36* 55'28" 68.00 No. 25 now known as Cedar Street and lying westerly and southerly of the C7 L11 N 66* 30'49" E westerly and southerly line of that portion of County Road No. 117 that was L12 CHID BRIG = S 37* 12'05" previously taken for right of way purposes by the State of Minnesota. THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS TO BE DEDICATED AS PART OF THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AS THUS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: REAR LOT LINE SIDE-- " LL ONE I J 66 L ROAD R/W DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET SURVEYOR'S NOTES: The utilities shown hereon represent those identified during the field survey operations and the record drawings provided by the utility owner for this project, if any. Utilities were physically marked via Gopher State One Call Ticket Number 192685020. Kramer Leas DeLeo, P.C. makes no warranties as to the locations, depths, or types of any utilities within the area shown hereon. User(s) of this map, survey, or plan are responsible for locating all utilities prior to any excavation, tunneling, drilling, or driving of objects into the ground. This survey was performed in conjunction with First American Title Company's Commitment for Title Insurance dated 04-02-2018 as provided by the client. Owner of Record: Premier Bank (Tom Kern) 301 Central Avenue, Osseo MN 55369 (612) 741-1862 tkern@premierbanks.com Developer Dale Buchholz Construction (Mark Buchholz) 4379 33rd Avenue South, Suite 121, Far o, ND 58104 (70 ) 371-1646 mdbuchhotz@gmaii.com (N) ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 83 (2007 ADJ.) 0 80 160 SCALE IN FEET PLAT CURVE DATA ID DELTA (A) RADIUS LENGTH C1 30* 07'22" 38.00 19.98 C2 30* 07'22" 76.00 39.96 C3 105* 00'00" 66.00 120.95 C4 37* 30'00" 64.00 41.89 C5 112* 30'00" 86.00 168.86 C6 56* 39'00" 91.00 89.97 N 00* 59' 11 " W 36* 55'28" 68.00 43.82 C7 L11 N 66* 30'49" E 37.55 L12 CHID BRIG = S 37* 12'05" CHD = 43.07 C8 30* 07'22" 52.00 27.34 C9 30* 07'22" 62.00 32.60 C10 105* 00'00" 52.00 95.30 C11 37* 30' 00" 78.00 51.05 C12 112* 30'00" 72.00 141.37 C13 56* 39'00" 77.00 76.13 CL 40* 23'47" 82.00 57.81 C14 E CHID BRIG = S 37' 27'56" CHD = 56.62 PLAT LINE DATA ID BEARING DISTANCE Ll N 00* 59' 1 V W 26.39 L2 N 31 * 0633" W 12.86 L3 N 00* 59' 1 V W 39.84 L4 S 75' 59' 11" E 80.15 L5 N 66* 30'49" E 37.55 L6 S 00' 59' 11" E 5.32 L7 N 00* 59' 1 V W 26.39 L8 N 31 * 0633" W 12.86 L9 N 00* 59' 11 " W 39.84 LIO S 75' 59' 11 " E 80.15 L11 N 66* 30'49" E 37.55 L12 S 00' 59' 11" E 5.32 Vicinity Map Project Location CHELSEA SEA RD_ DUNDAS RD - SCHOOL BLVD SEC 16, TWF 121, RNG 25 IIS TF P-1 Z 0 _J I NO SCALE Lu C:) 0 0 QC4 P 0 0 Z 0) 0 W Z W < o 0 Z FW W 0 X 2 0 F- co W W W IX U) 0 IX Z L)IX fq 0 2 < [L IX W W u_ u_ Lu O C7W Z ci- F/5 0 Z W IX W a. a. Z 0 V5 W W D D W > > > a W W W a < Z Z 0 0) IY to aWc:) Of C14 W W 0 W 0 > W < c:) W n 04 F- W T_ > 0 rn W W >o Z Z < 0 U_ W 0 W W J W w W F- (� < 0- 0 6 Cn Z U) (D 0 F- IX W W ii (D F- 0 IX M < W >_ F - _J LL 0 Z LL co < 3: 2 < W W W IX < -i Lu M W W < F- = W F- IX W to :5 W 0 a C E < Z Z inn 5 (1) (1) 0 0 Z C.) .IKZ UW) 01 LU Z 10 _J U LU a. _J C')� C\1 Z cl) LLU co 0 W LIJ Z Z Z F_ Z U ILLJ LL1 Z M >__ 0 ui 4", Z LLI > 4-1 0 >I LLI on r_ W 4- M 0 41:3 0 4- 4-J 4-J Z 0 On C14 U C: N C) 0 r C Ln 0 in Lr) >% U Ln 4-J U Co:3 T-- r- 0 3 0 • (L) 6 - U as - 0 L: 0 0 4-J on U LL. 4-J (1) U - C: 0 C 0 OrIIIIIIIIIIIIIi CL :::E 0 4- 0 E U 0 _J Cu (( Sheet No. 2 of 3 MAPPING LEGEND STORM SEWER MANHOLE @ SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE S CATCH BASIN 0 HYDRANT 0 WATER VALVE >11 LIGHT POLE 300' East of Cedar St & Chelsea Rd &, South side of Chelsea Rd UTILITY POLE -0- UTILITY PEDESTAL Ii UTILITY METER 13 TREE 0 BURIED ELECTRIC LINE - P -BUR BURIED TELEPHONE LINE - T -BU-. BURIED GAS LINE -c OVERHEAD POWER LINE -OH7 OHP WATER LINE 89.97 STORM SEWER PIPE > SANITARY SEWER PIPE ->> >> CONC. CURB 8t GUTTER 37.55 PROPERTY LINE S 00' 59' 11" E SURVEYED MAJOR CONTOUR 960 SURVEYED MINOR CONTOUR -------- -------COUNTY COUNTY LIDAR CONTOUR ------- B.M. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONCRETE of BITUMINOUS -North Quarter corner of Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 (Cast Iron Monument) 96o,, 0� 01 % % Benchmark 3 96 RIM= 960.15 962- INV N= 956.15 INV S= 955.75 I \ INV E= 950.20 -South line of the North 586.37 feet of the N1/2 NWI/4 4� INV W= 950.15 A., RIM= 959.70 S 88*47'24!'W 837.97 L964 964 C55�90 -Y NR P WEST 841.17 (SILVER FOX) (I 12 RIM-_ 961.12 INV- 955.63 NV N= 953 65' RIM= 96' 112" RCP) -- - -- - -- - ��:RIM- 957.;5\, Sr -RIM= 958.73 - -- - -- - 960 -- - -- - -- - I 1.00_� 1 - - - INV= 956.62 INV S= 953.55 960 960 IM=04.60. RIM= 959.94 INV=96-.r*:*** Air ,va#t, (FM) 16 DIP CL50 CHELSEA ROAD Permanent Easement for street, A -.8"PVCSDR-26 CHELSEA ROAD_'____'�:�­ RIM 0 o PVC SDR -26 u [Ity, and drainage purposes SS RIM 91� .84� -91 per Doc. No. 845654 __> 18K RCP jp:. 273.85 T - ' _k :_`.:,., : Forcemain Location per 1* RCP A "-;.0�3! �R-a Benchmark ss C N 79. W 2 FinT-BUR _> FM 50.-09'06"-, city as -built drawin94 PVC Forcemain - 7e -4u` ST v 47 272 Benchmark 4 rce .09 Cleanout MH (FM) 2T' RCP - ---------- --- �6 Et f "LP 1}" -RCP 'P -BUR P -BUR OUR ­_ . . - -1 ',1 -, "IL 'Vi4"W 643.05'-4 'Flet. Trans. "4 E18 L= 344.45 e R= 768.51 370 00 =7= - - - - - - - - - - - - gr / h /\ / / - - ��38`� \ 6 �_..� -Concrete 'dt&aLL - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Ic L 9------_ -- FL= 962. 1 CB= N 12'54'44" W (15" RCP) 6' Gate la 14FM) 0 0 �1_= 953.02 CH= 341.57 0- L=18 0" Drainage Easement 15014953.13-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I 1111 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,741* 24"W 333.00 % RIM= 960.84 096 01 OUTLOT B % T. ...... S 89 55'40" W Proposed 50 foot wide16.06 Access Easement Proposed 40 foot wide Southerly line of Edmonson Avenue HE Sanitary Sewer Easement - -- - -- - -- - - a/k/a County Road No. 117 - - -- - -- -- - -- - -rh - - -- - -- - 10: Benchma, -- - -- - -- - -- - ­ -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- -- - --------------------------- -------- ---------------- ------- RIM 959.93 J W= 955.63 A, a Benchmark 6 >> S88'40'21"W 831.87 INV' - - - - - - - - - - --- is :i... :::f % INV S= 955.73 - - - - - - - - - - - 7s -T - ----1- R Proposed ;1;1 ��de _j 4_H__i4 �_=�atermainEasem�nt' .94 3 _I- - - - - r -: 'L..., -7 1 t - - North-South Quarter Section Line 17 - - - - - -- - - - - - RIM= 959.89 sr �Wll - - - - - - - - - - - Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 Approximate b locIltions n I INV= 956.09 Proposed 30 foot wide per city asl 11drawin Ft Watermain Easement Westerly line of Edmonson Avenue HE % i i in r L< 1 a/k/a County Road No. 117 Easterly Line of Cedar Street f/k/a- Old State Highway No. 25/ i" X r-7 r7 F-1 0 �O W. CA 4:7 /LOT 1 Proposed Apartment Building 0 RIM= 960.85 //� / ^XA. r "00 IZZ - - - - - - - 'a rn RIM- %0.84• U/4-1 b. UJ NV W- 9�3.84 41 A\ NV E= 953.943 L -r; 4S� 4 At M 1 00 Cn C4 C> Z U'l Z Z E -966--- --- - - - mC;o U0 4- C 10 . . r- - @ I ) W. - ( , -968- (R FLA ±954.21 5 - V RCP) ST (Z OUTLOT C 33 33 J1 I Easement across all of 06 Proposed 20 foot wide South Line of the N1 /2 NW1 /4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1-_-_-_- tL lr�- 00 .1 V tv Storm Sewer Easement -- - - - - - - Proposed 30 foot wide -"""lot, ntl�...,.:r hmer,,, %0 ry @8r -- ;, (santar.�'-:vNIC "96 Access Easement te e4 ine) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _J ­,une not- - - �4 4,-2"'414" MIL -- - - - - - - - - -----------------i- 4--+----------------- 0 E: - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 ---------Q_----'"L HP 32-99 - - - - - - - - - J L77- 'T - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . 4 A 7A OHP OHP �H991 -84 OH7 Pr' ...... •- - - - - - - - - - - - - OHP--<�-.HP OH' OHP N_ OHP -.4-0tUILY�0TIP 0HP T OH' -------- 3191577/�/ X OH� -7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RIM= 963.4 OH - N 89*00'49" E 1332.64 ---- ...... . INV= 950.7 treet Light Cabinet N 89*0047'E (CEDAR STREETADDITION) % ,apk 1 1 Cultivated field RIM= 961.76 X % INV W= 954 66 Wooded 66 NV E= 954.F� Nf /Z / 10 House qbA- 10 a - O'10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 01 -- - -- - South Quarter corner of 962,, Sec. 14, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 PROJECT, 8ENCH MARKS (Cast Iron Monument) Area Tabulation Elev. Description Locafion Parcel Sq. Ft. Acres 965.15 Top Nut of Hydrant 760 So. pf Chelsea R -d & Cedar St, East side of Cedar St 963.22 Top Nut of Hydrant 350' So. of Chelsea Rd & Cedar St, East side of Cedar St 964.14 Top Nut of Hydrant NE Quadrant of Chelsea Rd & Cedar St 962.17 Top Nut of Hydrant 300' East of Cedar St & Chelsea Rd &, South side of Chelsea Rd 964.01 Top Nut of Hydrant 270' West of Edmonson Ave NE & Chelsea Rd &, South side of Chelsea Rd 967.33 Top Nut of Hydrant 300' South of Chelsea Rd & Edmonson Ave NE, East side of Edmonson Ave NE Note: All elevations listed were determied via GPS/RTK methods and are based on the datum of NAVD 88 LEGEND OF PROPERTY BOUNDARY SYMBOLS 0 IRON PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED "DELEO 40341" TO BESET 0 FOUND IRON MONUMENT (9 SET MAGNETIC "PK" NAIL Survey Datum is based on NGS Control. Station "8605 J" Northing - 216092.167 Easting - 522403.197 Elevation- 959.25 HORIZONTAL DATUM: Wright County Coordinates (NAD83, 2007 Adjustment) VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD 88 Lott 288842 0. L. A 2500 O.L.B 343558 O.L.0 52309 Walkway 9879 R/W 99674 Total 796762 6.63 0.06 7.89 1.2 0.23 2.29 18.3 THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS TO BE DEDICATED AS PART OF THIS PLAT ARE SHOWN AS THUS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: REAR LOT LINE 1661 SIDE--� LL ONE I J 66 L ROAD R/W DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying South of the North 586.37 feet of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter, lying easterly of the easterly line of Old State Highway No. 25 now known as Cedar Street and lying westerly and southerly of the westerly and southerly line of that portion of County Road No. 117 that was previously taken for right of way purposes by the State of Minnesota. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: The utilities shown hereon represent those identified during the field survey operations and the record drawings provided by the utility owner for this project, if any. Utilities were physically marked via Gopher State One Call Ticket Number 192685020. Kramer Leas DeLeo, P.C. makes no warranties as to the locations, depths, or types of any utilities within the area shown hereon. User(s) of this map, survey, or plan are responsible for locating all utilities prior to any excavation, tunneling, drilling, or driving of objects into the ground. This survey was performed in conjunction with First American Title Company's Commitment for Title Insurance dated 04-02-2018 as provided by the client. Owner of Record: Premier Bank (Tom Kern) 301 Central Avenue, Osseo MN 55369 (612) 741-1862 tkern@premierbanks.com Developer Dale Buchholz Construction (Mark Buchholz) 4379 33rd Avenue South, Suite 121, Far o, ND 58104 (70 ) 371-1646 mdbuchhoLz@gmaii.com A ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 83 (2007 ADJ.) 0 80 160 SCALE IN FEET PLAT LINE DATA ID PLAT CURVE DATA ID DELTA (A) RADIUS LENGTH C1 30* 07'22" 38.00 19.98 C2 30* 07'22" 76.00 39.96 C3 105* 00'00" 66.00 120.95 C4 37* 30'00" 64.00 41.89 C5 112* 30'00" 86.00 168.86 C6 56* 39'00" 91.00 89.97 LIO 36' 55'28" 68.00 43.82 C7 37.55 L12 S 00' 59' 11" E 5.32 CHD BRG = S 37* 12'05" CHD = 43.07 C8 30* 07'22" 52.00 27.34 C9 30* 07'22" 62.00 32.60 C10 105* 00'00" 52.00 95.30 C11 37* 30'00" 78.00 51.05 C12 112* 30'00" 72.00 141.37 C13 56* 39'00" 77.00 76.13 40* 23'47" 82.00 57.81 C14 4 -J (0 U 0 CHD BRIG = S 37' 27'56" CHD = 56.62 PLAT LINE DATA ID BEARING DISTANCE Ll N 00* 59' 1 V W 26.39 L2 N 31 * 0633" W 12.86 L3 N 00* 59' 1 V W 39.84 L4 S 75' 59' 11" E 80.15 L5 N 66* 30'49" E 37.55 L6 S 00' 59' 11 E 5.32 L7 N 00* 59' 1 V W 26.39 L8 N 31 * 0633" W 12.86 L9 N 00* 59' 1 V W 39.84 LIO S 75' 59' 11 " E 80.15 L11 N 66' 30'49" E 37.55 L12 S 00' 59' 11" E 5.32 Vicinity Map Project Location I/C H ELSEA RD_ DUNDAS RD W Z 0 SCHOOL BLVD LQL NO SCALE I SEC 16, TWF 121, KINIG 25 P 0 0 Z 0) 0 W Z W 2) 0 In U C7 W W F_ F- > W < 0 X 2 0F- W W W U) 0 0 ZIX cn 0 2 < D_ Of IXW < W EL LL 0 LL LLI W0 H u) 0 LLI K U) (L C/) W 0 Z W IX a. Z T L., W W C1 a Cl CO CO U) W W LLI W cl < Z Z 2 aWc:) Of C14 W W 0 (L >- . Lr) 0 (J) =) >W < c:) W 04 W o) WW W >oZZ Z < C/) _J - Cl LL Z2 0CI) JIXW W 0 W w F- 0- 6 Cn a Z I,_ U) Z ==)0N (D F- 0 W= (D < W F - _J LL 0 Z LL co a < W Of < W 2 < - W MW < F- = W W F- IX cc E:5 W 0 a C <Z Z cn cc 0 Z C.) Uo LU Z -�K W) Z 10 --t: _J U LU aZU " 1.0 o N Z C')� C\I Z fn CI) W r 0 Lu W Z _J 0 Z F_ Z U LL1 LLI ca 0 ZIS >__ 0 uJ b I ", Z LLI > >% 4-1 0 LA W4- ::E on r_ LLI > 0 0 V) 0 cu I-4-J 4-0 v 4-J 1- 0 4- (5 Z 00 EU.T-Z- On r-4 (D 4.j > 00 4- = Ln 0 &A ra 0 - a >% U LLn n 4- 0 0 E 76suv- 0 or L: -.0 0 (1) 40 r(1) u LL. 4 S U C: 0 0 0 4- 0 E 4 -J (0 U 0 Cu _J L. CL Sheet No. 3 of 3 •Ire • - ��� F" I MONTICELLO APARTMENTS W N S E 0 1200 300 600 SCALE: 1 INCH = 600 FEET 'y " l - •''111 � 7 ~•r � L SHEET NO. COVER NOTES C1.0 C2.0 C3.0 C4.0 C5.0 C6.0 C7.0 C8.0 i; 4%, .� M ie r = 1 •� Ova* TITLE COVER SHEET SYMBOL LEGEND / PLAN NOTES EXISTING CONDITIONS / DEMOLITION PLAN EROSION CONTROL / STORM SEWER PLAN SANITARY SEWER / WATER PLAN GRADING PLAN PAVING PLAN JOINTING PLAN PHASING PLAN DETAILS 1 -MILE RADIUS f • i THOMAS PARK DRIVE PROJECT AREA DUNDAS ROAD MEOW t i .a IL L ` `tom w�` • _ ' • Yy, • ,.. _ R - 1now k *04 . 4140 Av A it •r . ! • • -—, 1 .r ��• ., res 46 ex. ow I • k S-� , - i E, w► 1 r %%A,& • !!-! PwM t kA AD ♦ _ 4f � � y � - • � + ! r • .� •�• r• e 1 '# , .ire • '"� L •• 41 Of ` �• ."� ��►�•� 7R; � `� � - � 1 ems:. l' � f � � � r . + •' w � � ~,* + �� ! d JV Lam.. ! +, �. r ••* f 4 +r �k� � �' .w i �, .• .• �1 r 1 ' .. yk f !" « ~ 1f' . -A ! 1• - . �� #IL 7 WWI W W O W O V MBN ENGINEERING MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE. 701.478.6336 FAX. 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: U E SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-5-20 LICENSE #: 45953 I MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 COVER GENERAL NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND/OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES, AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS, IS BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND, WHERE POSSIBLE, MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR MUST CALL THE LOCAL UTILITY LOCATION CENTER AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE ANY EXCAVATION TO REQUEST EXACT FIELD LOCATIONS OF THE UTILITIES. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PERTINENT LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS, ESPECIALLY AT THE CONNECTION POINTS AND AT POTENTIAL UTILITY CONFLICTS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES THAT CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PHONE NUMBER: 1-800-252-1166 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL NECESSARY PERMITS FROM ALL APPLICABLE AGENCIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE PROJECT MANAGER AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY EARTH DISTURBING ACTIVITY, OR CONSTRUCTION ON ANY AND ALL PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ONE (1) SIGNED COPY OF THE APPROVED PLANS, ONE (1) COPY OF THE APPROPRIATE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND A COPY OF ANY PERMITS AND EXTENSION AGREEMENTS NEEDED FOR THE JOB, ON HAND AT ALL TIMES. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ASPECTS OF SAFETY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, EXCAVATION, TRENCHING, SHORING, TRAFFIC CONTROL, AND SECURITY. 5. IF DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS, CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED BY THE CONTRACTOR, HIS SUBCONTRACTORS, OR OTHER AFFECTED PARTIES WHICH COULD INDICATE A SITUATION THAT IS NOT IDENTIFIED IN THE PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP WORK IN THAT AREA UNTIL THE ISSUE IS RESOLVED AND CONTACT THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER IMMEDIATELY. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL, PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITHIN, OR AFFECTING, THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ANY AND ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RECORDING AS -BUILT INFORMATION ON A SET OF RECORD DRAWINGS KEPT AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE, AND AVAILABLE TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND PROJECT MANAGER AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE RECORD DRAWINGS TO CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AT JOB COMPLETION. 8. ALL OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE PREMISES, INCLUDING THE WARMING UP, REPAIR, ARRIVAL, DEPARTURE OR RUNNING OF TRUCKS, EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND ANY OTHER ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD BETWEEN 7:00 AM AND 7:00 PM EVERYDAY UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER. 9. ALL EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES LEAVING THE SITE SHALL BE CLEANED OF LOOSE DEBRIS AND SOIL. A ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE BUILT TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE TRACKING AS A RESULT OF SITE OR WEATHER CONDITIONS. ALL SOIL AND OTHER DEBRIS TRACKED ONTO ADJACENT ROADWAYS (OUTSIDE THE PROJECT LIMITS) IS TO BE REMOVED REGULARLY AND BY THE END OF EACH DAY'S WORK. 10. THE VEHICLE TRACKING PAD IS TO INCLUDE INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF ALL ITEMS SHOWN IN THE "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE" DETAIL AS SHOWN IN THE EROSION CONTROL SECTION OF THE PLANS. UTILITY GENERAL NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER 72 HOURS PRIOR TO CONNECTING TO ANY EXISTING UTILITY. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND CITY UTILITY HAVE VETO AUTHORITY OVER THE TIMING OF ANY CONNECTION. 2. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED THAT IS ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN THE UTILITY AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. ALL UTILITY CONNECTIONS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED. 3. COORDINATE SERVICE CONNECTION LOCATIONS AT THE BUILDING WITH THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF EACH SERVICE. 4. ALL SERVICE CONNECTION WITH LESS THAN 5 FEET OF COVER OF THE TOP OF THE PIPE SHALL BE INSULATED. INSULATION SHALL BE INSTALLED FROM THE BUILDING TO THE POINT WHICH THE SERVICE ATTAINS 5 FEET OF COVER. 5. ALL SEWER/STORM AND WATER CROSSINGS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION OF 1.5 FEET AND A MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION OF 10 FEET. FOLLOW ALL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY (MNDOLI) AND CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS. 6. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL WORK WITH THE GAS, ELECTRIC, TELEVISION, TELEPHONE AND COMMUNICATIONS UTILITY COMPANIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 7. ALL SANITARY SEWER MAIN TESTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY (MNDOLI) AND CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS. COPIES OF ALL TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, THE OWNER, AND THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY PRIOR TO THE START OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD. 8. ALL PVC SANITARY SEWER MAINLINE, SERVICE LATERALS, AND FITTINGS SHALL BE SDR26. 9. ALL STORM DRAIN MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT, AND SHALL HAVE TRAFFIC BEARING LIDS. ALL STORM DRAIN LIDS WITH SOLID COVERS SHALL BE LABELED "STORM DRAIN". 10. ALL SANITARY MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE FLUSH WITH PAVEMENT, AND SHALL HAVE TRAFFIC BEARINGS LIDS. ALL SANITARY LIDS SHALL BE LABELED "SANITARY SEWER". 11. ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF A BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE SHALL BE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE. 12. ALL WATERMAIN TESTING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. COPIES OF ALL TEST RESULTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER, THE OWNER, AND THE GOVERNING AUTHORITY PRIOR TO THE START OF THE WARRANTY PERIOD. 13. THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE USED AT ALL BENDS AND FITTINGS. TIE RODS SHALL BE USED AT ALL BENDS AND FITTINGS WHERE THRUST BLOCKS DO NOT BEAR AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE EXISTING VALVES PRIOR TO CONNECTION WITH THE EXISTING SYSTEM, BUT SHALL NOT OPERATE ANY VALVE WITHOUT PERMISSION AND DIRECT SUPERVISION FROM THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. 15. ALL WATER MAINS, VALVES, FIRE HYDRANTS, SERVICES, AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED, TESTED, AND APPROVED PRIOR TO PAVING. 16. INSULATION SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ANY WATER PIPE INSTALLED WITH LESS THAN 8.0 FEET OF COVER. 17. ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL MEET THE CITY OF MONTICELLO SPECIFICATIONS. 18. 24" OF IMPORTED IMPERVIOUS CLAY MUST BE USED AT OR BELOW THE NORMAL WATER ELEVATION FOR THE STORMWATER POND. A. CLAY LINER- 50% FINES (200 SIEVE) OR MORE, AN IN-PLACE HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY OF 1x10"' CM/S OR LESS, AVERAGE LIQUID LIMIT OF 25 OR GREATER, CLAY INSTALLED AT 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION FROM STANDARD PROCTOR WITH A MOISTURE OF 2-4% OVER OPTIMUM. (PER NRCS WI SPEC 300) GRADING PLAN NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING ALL UTILITIES AND NOTIFYING THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING. 2. CONTOURS SHOWN ARE FOR FINISHED GRADES FOR PAVING, SIDEWALK, SLAB, OR TOPSOIL. ADJUSTMENT FOR SUBGRADE ELEVATION IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY. 3. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, NO PROPOSED SLOPE SHALL EXCEED FOUR (4) HORIZONTAL TO ONE (1) VERTICAL. ALL SLOPED AREAS MUST BE PROTECTED FROM EROSION. (SEE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES). 4. IF STRIPPED MATERIALS CONSISTING OF VEGETATION AND ORGANIC MATERIALS ARE STOCKPILED ON THE SITE, TOPSOIL MAY BE PLACED TO A HEIGHT OF FIVE FEET. SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED AROUND THE BASE OF THE STOCKPILE AND THE STOCKPILE SHALL BE SEEDED WITH NATIVE MIX IMMEDIATELY AFTER STRIPPING OPERATIONS ARE COMPLETE. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERIODICALLY WATER THE STOCKPILE TO REDUCE DUST. 5. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER CONTOURS AND SLOPES SHOWN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF SPOT ELEVATIONS THAT DO NOT APPEAR TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE CONTOURS AND SLOPES. SPOT ELEVATIONS AND SPECIFIC PROFILE DESIGNS SHALL BE USED FOR SETTING ELEVATIONS OF CURB, GUTTER, AND UTILITIES. 6. ALL UTILITIES (MANHOLES, VALVE COVERS, CLEANOUTS, VAULTS, BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO FINAL GRADE PRIOR TO FINAL LIFT OF PAVEMENT. 7. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING HIS OWN ESTIMATE FOR EARTHWORK QUANTITIES. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ADHERE TO ALL TERMS & CONDITIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGE ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 9. TOPSOIL SHALL BE REMOVED TO FULL DEPTH AND STOCKPILED ON SITE FOR RESPREADING. ALL UNSURFACED AREAS DISTURBED BY GRADING OPERATION SHALL RECEIVE 6 INCHES MINIMUM OF TOPSOIL. CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY EROSION CONTROL BLANKET OR BIOROLL TO ALL SLOPES 6H:1V OR STEEPER. PAVING GENERAL NOTES 1. FOR ALL JOINTING OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT, THE RATIO OF PANEL LENGTH TO WIDTH SHALL NOT EXCEED 1.25:1 UNLESS OTHERWISE DETAILED ON THE PLANS. 2. FOR 4" REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK, THE MAXIMUM JOINT SPACING IS 8' BY 8' UNLESS OTHERWISE DETAILED ON THE PLANS. 3. FOR 6" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT, THE MAXIMUM JOINT SPACING IS 12' BY 12' UNLESS OTHERWISE DETAILED ON THE PLANS. 4. CONCRETE MIX DESIGN. A.PROPORTIONING NORMAL WEIGHT CONCRETE: COMPLY WITH ACI 211.1 RECOMMENDATIONS. B.CONCRETE STRENGTH: ESTABLISH REQUIRED AVERAGE STRENGTH FOR EACH TYPE OF CONCRETE ON THE BASIS OF FIELD EXPERIENCE OR TRIAL MIXTURES, AS SPECIFIED IN ACI 301. C.FOR TRIAL MIXTURES METHOD, EMPLOY INDEPENDENT TESTING AGENCY ACCEPTABLE TO OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE FOR PREPARING AND REPORTING PROPOSED MIX DESIGNS. D.ADMIXTURES: ADD ACCEPTABLE ADMIXTURES AS RECOMMENDED IN ACI 211.1 AND AT RATES RECOMMENDED BY MANUFACTURER. E.CONCRETE PROPERTIES: 5. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C 39/C 39M AT 28 DAYS: 4500 PSI. 6. FLY ASH CONTENT: MAXIMUM 20 PERCENT OF CEMENTITIOUS MATERIALS BY WEIGHT. a.FLY ASH CONTENT OF MIXES (COLD WEATHER) WILL BE REDUCED TO ZERO WHEN PLACED AFTER OCTOBER 20TH AND BEFORE APRIL 1ST WITHOUT AN ADEQUATE COLD WEATHER MANAGEMENT PLAN. 8. CEMENT CONTENT: MINIMUM 611 LB PER CUBIC YARD. 9. WATER -CEMENT RATIO: MAXIMUM 42 PERCENT BY WEIGHT. 10. TOTAL AIR CONTENT (EXPOSED SLABS ONLY): 6% (+/- 1 PERCENT), DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C173/C173M. 11. MAXIMUM SLUMP: 4 INCHES. E.AGGREGATE: 1. FOR PAVING APPLICATIONS, MIXES SHALL GENERALLY BE PROVIDED WITH GRADATIONS CONSIDERED WELL -GRADED BY SPECIFICATION AS DETERMINED BY THE MOST CURRENT NDDOT SPECIFICATION FOR WELL -GRADED AGGREGATES FOR CONCRETE. OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES WILL BE USED TO PREPARE THE FINAL GRADATIONS FOR WORKABILITY AND COARSENESS FACTOR CONSIDERATIONS. FINE AND COARSE AGGREGATES FOR ALL OTHER MIXES SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM C33-93, CLASS 4S FOR CONCRETE AGGREGATES AND MEET THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS. a.FINE AGGREGATES 1)3/8 INCH SIEVE: 100 PERCENT PASSING. 2)NO. 4 SIEVE: 95 TO 100 PERCENT PASSING. 3)NO. 16 SIEVE: 45 TO 80 PERCENT PASSING. 4)NO. 50 SIEVE: 10 TO 30 PERCENT PASSING. 5)NO. 100 SIEVE: 0 TO 10 PERCENT PASSING. 6)NO. 200 SIEVE: 0 TO 3 PERCENT PASSING. 7)THE MAXIMUM LIMITS OF DELETERIOUS MATERIAL SHALL NOT EXCEED THE LIMITS STATED IN ASTM C33-93, CLASS 4S. SHALE CONTENT SHALL BE LESS THAN 0.5%. b.COARSE AGGREGATES 1)1-1/2 INCH SIEVE: 100 PERCENT PASSING. 2)1 INCH SIEVE: 95 TO 100 PERCENT PASSING. 3)1/2 INCH SIEVE: 25 TO 65 PERCENT PASSING. 4)3/8 INCH SIEVE: 15 TO 55 PERCENT PASSING. 5)NO. 4 SIEVE: 0 TO 10 PERCENT PASSING. 6)NO. 8 SIEVE: 5 PERCENT PASSING. 7)THE MAXIMUM LIMITS OF DELETERIOUS MATERIAL SHALL NOT EXCEED THE LIMITS STATED IN ASTM C33-93, CLASS 4S; THE TOTAL OF ALL DELETERIOUS SUBSTANCES, EXCLUDING NO. 200 MATERIAL, SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.3% BY WEIGHT. SHALE CONTENT SHALL BE LESS THAN 0.5%. THE AGGREGATE SHALL SHOW A LOSS OF NOT MORE THAN 35% WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C131. CRUSHED HYDRAULIC CEMENT CONCRETE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES 1. IF THE LAND BOUNDARY DENOTED ON THE PLANS ENCOMPASSES ONE (1) ACRE OR MORE, A GENERAL PERMIT FOR THE AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY UNDER NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM/STATE DISPOSAL SYSTEM (NPDES/SDS) PERMIT SHALL BE ACQUIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND OWNER FROM MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY (MPGA) AND THE PELICAN RIVER WATERSHED DISTRICT. 2. THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SWPPP EROSION CONTROL (EC) SUPERVISOR FOR THE PROJECT WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. THE EC SUPERVISOR WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY NAME AT THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE AND A CONTACT CELL PHONE NUMBER WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY A COPY OF THE COMPLETED EC TRAINING PROGRAM. ISSUES THAT ARISE DURING CONSTRUCTION THAT IMPACT THE WATERS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA WILL BE ADDRESSED AND THE EC SUPERVISOR WILL NOTIFY THE PELICAN RIVER WATERSHED DISTRICT. 3. IT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EC SUPERVISOR TO IMPLEMENT THE SWPPP PLAN DURING CONSTRUCTION AND TO MAINTAIN A QUALITY CONTROL PROGRAM. IN ADDITION, THE EC SUPERVISOR WILL: 1) OVERSEE MAINTENANCE PRACTICES IDENTIFIED AS BMP'S IN THE SWPPP; 2) IMPLEMENT AND OVERSEE SWPPP AND BMP TRAINING FOR ALL PARTIES THAT WILL BE CONSTRUCTING THE PROJECT; 3) CONDUCT OR PROVIDE FOR INSPECTION AND MONITORING ACTIVITIES AS NECESSARY; 4) IDENTIFY OTHER POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES AND MAKE SURE THEY ARE ADDED TO THE PLAN; 5) IDENTIFY ANY DEFICIENCIES IN THE SWPPP AND MAKE SURE THEY ARE CORRECTED; 6) ENSURE THAT ANY CHANGES IN CONSTRUCTION PLANS ARE ADDRESSED IN THE SWPPP; AND 7) TO AID IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP PLAN, THE PROJECT WILL HAVE RANDOM SITE VISITS BY THE DESIGN TEAM AS WELL AS A FULL TIME INSPECTOR(S) ONSITE. 4. EXPOSED SOILS MUST BE STABILIZED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION BUT IN NO CASE LATER THAN 14 DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERIODICALLY WATER EXPOSED SOILS TO REDUCE DUST. 5. TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE DITCHES OR SWALES WITHIN 200 LINEAL FEET FROM THE PROPERTY EDGE, OR FROM THE POINT OF DISCHARGE INTO A SURFACE WATER, SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF CONNECTION TO DISCHARGE POINT OR SURFACE WATER. 6. EXPOSED SLOPES ARE TO BE LEFT ROUGH, NOT SMOOTH, UNTIL PERMANENT STABILIZATION IS IMPLEMENTED. 7. EXCAVATIONS AND OTHER SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITIES SHALL BE KEPT TO PRACTICAL MINIMUMS. NATURAL VEGETATION SHALL BE PRESERVED WHEN POSSIBLE. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DUSTY CONDITIONS BY REGULARLY WATERING EXPOSED SOILS. 9. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN ON EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHEET. IF SILT FENCE BECOMES DAMAGED IT SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY REPAIRED OR REPLACED. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SILT FENCE PERIODICALLY AND/OR UPON THE COLLECTION OF SEDIMENT TO A POINT OF 1/3 THE FENCE HEIGHT. SILT FENCE SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL FINAL TURF ESTABLISHMENT HAS OCCURRED (70% COVERAGE). 10. TEMPORARY STOCKPILES ARE NOT TO BE PLACED IN STORM WATER CONVEYANCES OR SURFACE WATERS AND THEY ARE TO BE SURROUNDED BY SILT FENCE. 11. ALL STORM SEWER INLETS AND CULVERT INLETS ARE TO BE PROTECTED BY APPROPRIATE APPROVED BMP'S DURING CONSTRUCTION AND UNTIL ALL SOURCES OF POTENTIAL SEDIMENT PRODUCTION ARE STABILIZED. BMP'S MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. 12. ALL AREAS NOTED TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE FINISHED GRADED PRIOR AND FREE OF LARGE CLUMPS. ALL SEE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A BRILLION TYPE SEEDER OR DRILL SEEDED. HYDRO -MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE OF 45LBS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET WITH A TACKING AND BONDING AGENT TO ENSURE LASTING STABILIZATION. 13. SEED MIXTURE (COORDINATE W/ CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FOR LOCATIONS) A. MNDOT 25-151 HIGH MAINTENANCE TURF SEED MIX B. MNDOT 25-131 LOW MAINTENANCE TURF SEED MIX C. MNDOT 33-261 STORMWATER SOUTH & WEST SEED MIX EROSION CONTROL TEMPORARY MAINTENANCE PLAN: 1. PUT PREVENTIVE MEASURES (BMP'S) IN PLACE PRIOR TO DISTURBANCE OF SURFACE COVER AND BEFORE PRECIPITATION OCCURS. SEE SHEET C2.0 EROSION CONTROL/STORM SEWER PLAN. 2. CHECK EROSION CONTROL DEVICES (BMP'S) AFTER EVERY RAINFALL EVENT AND/OR ON A WEEKLY BASIS. 3. IF ANY SEDIMENTATION OCCURS, INSTALL OR CORRECT PREVENTIVE MEASURES IMMEDIATELY AT NO COST TO OWNER; REMOVE DEPOSITED SEDIMENTS; COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION. 4. CHECK ALL WATERWAYS FOR SEDIMENTATION AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT. REMOVE DEPOSITED SEDIMENT AS REQUIRED. 5. MAINTAIN TEMPORARY PREVENTIVE MEASURES UNTIL PERMANENT MEASURES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED. 6. GRASS AREAS MUST BE 70% ESTABLISHED IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL. EROSION CONTROL PERMANENT MAINTENANCE PLAN: 1. IT IS THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSPECT AND MAINTAIN THE PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BMP'S THROUGHOUT THE LIFE OF THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE DESIGNED SWPPP REQUIREMENTS. 2. INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE SHALL OCCUR AT LEAST ONCE PER YEAR. 3. THE MINIMUM INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUMMER ARE LISTED BELOW: A. CHECK ALL WATERWAYS FOR SEDIMENTATION. REMOVE DEPOSITED SEDIMENT AS REQUIRED. B. INSPECT INLETS AND OUTLETS. ENSURE THEY ARE FREE FLOWING AND NO DEBRIS IS BLOCKING THEM. 4. GENERAL WET POND INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS: A. WET POND SHALL BE INSPECTED FOR EXCESS SEDIMENTATION FOLLOWING SIGNIFICANT RUNOFF EVENTS. B. WHEN MORE THAN EXCESS SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED IN THE WET POND IT SHALL BE REMOVED. C. ALONG EMBANKMENTS, KEEP VEGETATION AT HEIGHTS THAT ALLOW INSPECTION. D. REPAIR UNDERCUT, ERODED, BARE SOIL AREAS, AND GULLIES IN THE BANK. 5. RECORDS OF ALL INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE KEPT BY THE OWNER AND COPIES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO PERMITTING AGENCIES IMMEDIATELY UPON THEIR REQUEST. 6. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS AS DIRECTED BY PERMITTING AGENCIES SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 14 DAYS OF THEIR NOTIFICATION OR SOONER IF REQUIRED. BENCHMARKS: 1. TOP NUT OF HYDRANT ±760' SOUTH OF CHELSEA RD & CEDAR ST, EAST SIDE OF CEDAR ST. ELEVATION=965.15 2. TOP NUT OF HYDRANT ±350' SOUTH OF CHELSEA RD & CEDAR ST, EAST SIDE OF CEDAR ST. ELEVATION=963.22 3. TOP NUT OF HYDRANT NE QUADRANT OF CHELSEA RD & CEDAR ST. ELEVATION=964.14 4. TOP NUT OF HYDRANT ±300' EAST OF CEDAR ST & CHELSEA RD & SOUTH SIDE OF CHELSEA RD. ELEVATION=962.17 5. TOP NUT OF HYDRANT ±270' WEST OF EDMONSON AVE NE & CHELSEA RD & SOUTH SIDE OF CHELSEA RD ELEVATION=964.01 6. TOP NUT OF HYDRANT ±300' SOUTH OF CHELSEA RD & EDMONSON AVE NE, EAST SIDE OF EDMONSON AVE NE. SWPPP DESIGNER: 1. SWPPP WAS PREPARED BY PERSONNEL CERTIFIED IN THE DESIGN OF STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANS (SWPPP). 2. JOSHUA M. MAGELKY, P.E. MBN ENGINEERING, INC. JOSH.MAGELKY@MBNENGR.COM 503 7TH STREET N., SUITE 200 MONTICELLO, NO 58102 PHONE NUMBER: 701-478-6336 3. A COPY OF THE DESIGNERS CERTIFICATION IS SHOWN BELOW: UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Joshua Magelky Design of Construction SWPPP (May 31202 1) EXISTING SYMBOL LEGEND: z EXISTING STORM INLET sT EXISTING STORM MANHOLE ss EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE INLET PROTECTION EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT N EXISTING GATE VALVE -0- EXISTING UTILITY POLE FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION EXISTING LIGHT POLE NEW EXISTING UTILITY PEDESTAL T EXISTING UTILITY METER 0 EXISTING TREE TOP OF CURB ELEVATION EXISTING UNDERGROUND POWER LINE P -BUR oir EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER LINE -> EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE >4 EXISTING WATERMAIN LINE T EXISTING STORM SEWER LINE NEW EXISTING UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE E- EXISTING GAS MAIN LINE 4 1� i *1. s+. 0 45: *9„ N 1`7 .437140 I 43. 0 Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol 406 441 Totals for Area of Interest Map Unit Name Dorset sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes Almora loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes GRADING SYMBOL LEGEND: 900.00RIM NEW INLET PROTECTION >4 NEW RIM ELEVATION 900.00TP NEW INLET PROTECTION >4 NEW TOP OF PAVEMENT ELEVATION 900.00FG Fs -T] NEW >4 NEW FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION 900.00G NEW >4 NEW GUTTER ELEVATION 900.00TC NEW SILT FENCE >4 NEW TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 900.00SW Ift NEW >4 NEW SIDEWALK ELEVATION M.E. >4 MATCH EXISTING ELEVATION 1.0% NEW SLOPE & DIRECTION OF FLOW PAVING SYMBOL LEGEND: NEW 4" REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK NEW 5" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT NEW 3.5" ASPHALT SECTION T NEW ACCESSIBLE SIGN EROSION CONTROL SYMBOL LEGEND: Q SF NEW INLET PROTECTION FIRE HYDRANT O NEW 0ST NEW INLET PROTECTION SF Q NEW PVC STORM INLET Fs -T] NEW sT NEW INLET PROTECTION SF NEW 1313 NEW BIOROLL _SF- NEW SILT FENCE NEW NEW CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE UTILITY SYMBOL LEGEND: $ NEW GATE VALVE 4- NEW FIRE HYDRANT O NEW SANITARY CLEANOUT O NEW SANITARY MANHOLE Q NEW PVC STORM INLET Fs -T] NEW STORM INLET sr NEW STORM MANHOLE NEW WATERMAIN LINE w NEW SANITARY SEWER LINE S NEW STORM SEWER LINE sr Ift NEW FITTING DEMOLITION SYMBOL LEGEND: REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER air 437240 437290 437340 437390 437440 437490 437540 Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 14.5 84.2% 2.7 15.8% 17.2 100.0% 4 0 0 0 0 437590 W 0 Z MBN ENGINEERING MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.478.6336 FAX: 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS I MONTICELL09 MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: LWUAPELW SIGNATURE: /73M)w DATE: 1-8-20- LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 NOTES LOT 5 / RIM= 960.4/ / 5A R N E R T R ETA E / SECOND ADD T ON / Zr Ben rk \ SOT 6 / / / / BD K 1 ` LOT 2 LOT 3 \ n. VE ROZ RIM— 959. 3 / NV W— 95 . 3/ J / x9s \ LOT 2 NV S= 955.7 s _ _---------- X s x— — — — — — — — — — RIM= 959.— NV= 956.09/ /x x Easterly line of Cedar Stre /k/a Old State Highway No. 25 c9 x9 s xs o / / S a / �D B ERC AL \ZA 25 LOT 4 / / / % / P,BUR N / 1 3 / / e chm / 3 0) / / R14— 9 .85 I Q x �/ X�9-0/,s Zx / Cb sp Os x96 Z RIM= 960.84 ° o/Q / INV W= 953.84 / INV E= 953.94 /// / x9s xs x9' x x x9s's xss x ss ss s ( 9 /— I I L= ±954.21 3 // (15 RCP) xo, 3 O ?2 S S B G 5 XXk, x s J 9? x x9' x9y, x`4S °�'� 6 s J 9? / I I South line of the North 586.37 feet of the N1/2 NW1 /4 -962 RIM= 961.12 BLOCK 1 w LOT 4 I > \ � XI4� Q I 0 EAR xsz> � es (n J 2 ssS lJ I sa, I 5,91 �r�a I i 9F I I I I I II I I I % x % x9S0 x G, x96�s x S�> xss X SJ X B X9 I ",off 9 J9 95.99 % 6O 9° .J Js ° 9 °p I 96� I I -Southerly x ° a/k/a CI J9 <o I 1 J° I �� xSJ __° — -- -----J e I s, J ----- _ _ — — — — x-� — — — —°— — — _ —REMOVE EXISTING TEE � r Be n C h m ___ ---------- = —® _ — — — — — — — — — REMOVE 61 LF OF EXISTING G WMg .6 —� --- ----- ---- X� Imo ------------ x" 42 X s� (0 301 X25.1 BLOCK os s 0) t Com /Approximate stub locat LOT city as—built drawings I % spm s � I I s II I a I X �Ia Westerly Iii /H a/k/a Coi, C C NUMBER 25000 CHELSEA CO MONS... / I LOT 3\ \ 960 / LOT 4 \ \ LOT 2 BOCK 1 \ COU ERC U chr JE Wim° LOT 5 / RIM= 960.4/ / 5A R N E R T R ETA E / SECOND ADD T ON / Zr Ben rk \ SOT 6 / / / / BD K 1 ` LOT 2 LOT 3 \ n. VE ROZ RIM— 959. 3 / NV W— 95 . 3/ J / x9s \ LOT 2 NV S= 955.7 s _ _---------- X s x— — — — — — — — — — RIM= 959.— NV= 956.09/ /x x Easterly line of Cedar Stre /k/a Old State Highway No. 25 c9 x9 s xs o / / S a / �D B ERC AL \ZA 25 LOT 4 / / / % / P,BUR N / 1 3 / / e chm / 3 0) / / R14— 9 .85 I Q x �/ X�9-0/,s Zx / Cb sp Os x96 Z RIM= 960.84 ° o/Q / INV W= 953.84 / INV E= 953.94 /// / x9s xs x9' x x x9s's xss x ss ss s ( 9 /— I I L= ±954.21 3 // (15 RCP) xo, 3 O ?2 S S B G 5 XXk, x s J 9? x x9' x9y, x`4S °�'� 6 s J 9? / I I South line of the North 586.37 feet of the N1/2 NW1 /4 -962 RIM= 961.12 BLOCK 1 w LOT 4 I > \ � XI4� Q I 0 EAR xsz> � es (n J 2 ssS lJ I sa, I 5,91 �r�a I i 9F I I I I I II I I I % x % x9S0 x G, x96�s x S�> xss X SJ X B X9 I ",off 9 J9 95.99 % 6O 9° .J Js ° 9 °p I 96� I I -Southerly x ° a/k/a CI J9 <o I 1 J° I �� xSJ __° — -- -----J e I s, J ----- _ _ — — — — x-� — — — —°— — — _ —REMOVE EXISTING TEE � r Be n C h m ___ ---------- = —® _ — — — — — — — — — REMOVE 61 LF OF EXISTING G WMg .6 —� --- ----- ---- X� Imo ------------ x" 42 X s� (0 301 X25.1 BLOCK os s 0) t Com /Approximate stub locat LOT city as—built drawings I % spm s � I I s II I a I X �Ia Westerly Iii /H a/k/a Coi, sR Xs. J x Xs Xss x 0 1 m x' I x X s x X9 X9 > X S BS °J s 9aX ' x s X / x x 95� 92 9�2' S_° 6 2 2 .S % % South line of the N1 /2 NW1 /4 I / 963 ----- — s�--- ---%s --- ---------- 9-- o' �X xe^� x9 S — 9— % -- K NS 8i _ `� -a- — — — — — — c .�_ - .� -�9+� _ 9 e %W? 1 x x xs' J=� _ x OI x9i/T ,Y ni _ -sS� xs° o xs x s� OH" OF'T OfT -O;T OHS O;;T Ofd C'' .'T\5\ I,� ss .. Z s x 9 \ , ° J 0'. 17 sT �YT OHi � "-al- 0111 01 IT is o, x OH" xs x \1 Xs°: s xs a es x 0;17 OHI 01� IT 96� x7 _ es v = x xsAF 9 xeA xs4 Qr Xss s�.s 111 X� X �X J • s S S S GS x x SS 1 SJ x p X B �9 6J Y9SJs 9� xs p3ps� X s, RIM — 9 6 3� . J J� .s 9 X s INV= 950. I8 Street Light Cabinet 9 xas s�9 x s 0 xs9 9 9�] ? 9° °=s "" 6J NOT PLATTED ° Cultivated field RIM= 961.76 m NV W— 954.66 Wooded 72 \ NV E= 954.76 m CEDAR STREET ADD T 0 OUTLOT A 966- 46 -6 - LO BLOCk LOT C N W o 4-E I S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET MBN ENGINEERING MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE. 701.478.6336 FAX. 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS I MONTICELL09 MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME. U GE SIGNATURE: -2 DATE: 1-8-20 LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C1 0OI s° m I co JE Wim° II N�� c')0C) m ~X� EI o s sz I 0� LLI U 19�s m I 4866sI�{ I x9° S I X9 X9Ss 4J ° ps x9� Is�O W I I sR Xs. J x Xs Xss x 0 1 m x' I x X s x X9 X9 > X S BS °J s 9aX ' x s X / x x 95� 92 9�2' S_° 6 2 2 .S % % South line of the N1 /2 NW1 /4 I / 963 ----- — s�--- ---%s --- ---------- 9-- o' �X xe^� x9 S — 9— % -- K NS 8i _ `� -a- — — — — — — c .�_ - .� -�9+� _ 9 e %W? 1 x x xs' J=� _ x OI x9i/T ,Y ni _ -sS� xs° o xs x s� OH" OF'T OfT -O;T OHS O;;T Ofd C'' .'T\5\ I,� ss .. Z s x 9 \ , ° J 0'. 17 sT �YT OHi � "-al- 0111 01 IT is o, x OH" xs x \1 Xs°: s xs a es x 0;17 OHI 01� IT 96� x7 _ es v = x xsAF 9 xeA xs4 Qr Xss s�.s 111 X� X �X J • s S S S GS x x SS 1 SJ x p X B �9 6J Y9SJs 9� xs p3ps� X s, RIM — 9 6 3� . J J� .s 9 X s INV= 950. I8 Street Light Cabinet 9 xas s�9 x s 0 xs9 9 9�] ? 9° °=s "" 6J NOT PLATTED ° Cultivated field RIM= 961.76 m NV W— 954.66 Wooded 72 \ NV E= 954.76 m CEDAR STREET ADD T 0 OUTLOT A 966- 46 -6 - LO BLOCk LOT C N W o 4-E I S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET MBN ENGINEERING MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE. 701.478.6336 FAX. 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS I MONTICELL09 MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME. U GE SIGNATURE: -2 DATE: 1-8-20 LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C1 0OI C C NUMBER 25... CHELSEA COMMONS... / \T 3 \ LOT 4 \ \ LOT ') BLOCK I \ COf C AL COURT RIM= 961 LOT 5 \ SOT 6 / chnn rk / / / / / RIM= / NV / 956.15 / S= 955.75 NV E= 950.20 chnn rk / / / / / RIM= 960.15 NV N= 956.15 NV S= 955.75 NV E= 950.20 NV W= 950.15 RIM- 959.70 w INV- 955.90 (12" RCP) LOT 2 Permanent Easement for treet, ut'litYY', and drainage purp les per " oc. No. 845654 II\\ RIM= 958.73 w 'INV=_955.63 /RIM=.., 959. w w w w ROAD BLOCK 1 \ \ LOT 4 LOT 3 South line of the North 586.37 feet of the N1/2 NW1/4 RIM= 957.75 RIM= 961.12 \ s INV N- 953.65 RIM= 961.00 �N2' RCP) \ INV S= 953.55 ) - 9 CONNECT TO EXISTING ST MH vr� DIP CL50 w_ INV 960.94 RIM- 96 88 Q n 2 Q RIM= 94.60 NV= 96.94 B E L /� \ RIM- 5.26 " PVC SDR -26 s s s S s s s s s s 8" PVC SDR -26 3 <S s Sr� 5 s s- s s s s s s s 21" RCP ST ST S ST ST -ST -ST -ST 18"s RSP s ST s ST s s S LOT 1 / / Sys s �S ST ST sT sT sT Ben c h mar k 5 ' _-.� P -Bur, P -Bu.. � s ST MH #22 (48") W/ Q / r 1 5" RCP / \ \ enc m a QST ST-ST-ST-ST-STr-Bu;" P- �'� Ps u n s _ �L ` s INLET CASTING AND GRATE - v 8» 27" RC S =eU,, s s _, s s s RIM 965.10 �s RCP 2„ RCP _. s 5 5 ' Os s s t o_aA i.P_ INV NW 961.08 15" RCP T., N-�R� S S ,L ( ) P -BUR / -�� s� r� `- IN ST MH #21 (60") W/ P -BUR P -BUR _ 45LF-15" CLASS III RCP ST @ 0.32% sr 0 / INV S 961.08 (15" RCP) / ate- sr s 'SOLID CASTING - - _ Z uP- P- �"-�BURINSPECTION PORTS ,tea RIM 959.50 ------- ------------------ / _ T I / .------�-'� ST--- --- c / ---_-_- r---�1�� ---- INV N 953.10 (27" RCP) -- (1�," R6�1� ST MH #20 (60") W/ �sr INV SW 953.10 (27" PVC) 102LF-15" CLASS III RCP ST @ 0.32 N B 1 / / SOLID CASTING - ST Q� RIM 959.50 INV E 953.00 (18" PVC)38LF-27" SDR35 PVC ST @ 1.Oa o - ST MH #23 (48") W/ / INV S 953.50 (18" RCP) 1 �, INV NW 953.00 (18" RCP) fn STORM WATER TREATMENT NOTES INLET CASTING AND GRATE REQUIRED WO = 12,308 CF q RIM 966.30 a �� 66 STORMTECH 4500 CHAMBERS � � INV N 961.41 (15" RCP) 177LF-18" CLASS III RCP ST @ 0.72% (+6 END SECTIONS) co CD I I 3 w / VOLUME: 12,342 CIF rr I RIM= 960. 4 / INLET 27' PVC INV 948.10 / 30'x50' CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE OUTLET 18" PVC INV 953.10 I I / ST MH #19 (48") W/ CHAMBER BASE 948.10 (FUTURE PHASE) z SOLID CASTING CHAMBER TOP 953.10 0I // ST MH #2 (60") W/ RIM 964.00 STONE BOTTOM 947.35 I T T / INV N 954.77 (18" RCP) STONE TOP 954.10 W A R E R R E TA / / INLET CASTING AND GRATE INV S 954.77 (18" RCP) II I T / / /� ^ /� RIM 963.50 ( ) \ INV SCH40 PVC ST @ 0.32% r INV49L956.17 5" SCH40 PVC ST @ 0.32% l INV N 956.54 15" PVC CROSSING INFO / .. . _.. ___ __ _.... __ _ _ _ INV 958.26 roncerur_ Turn 5 7 LOT BSC OAKS N DUc HARK f ADD INV W 956.54 (21" PVC) 116 Kur ai inV a54.u4 CROSSING INFO ,,...,.,.,� �� _... w I I_ / ST MH #1 (48") W/ INV SE 956.54 24" PVC 8" PVC SAN T.O.P 953.43 15" PVC ST INV 956.15 ST MH #9 (48") W/ ( ) - CROSSING INFO 18" PVC ST INV 958.23 INLET CASTING AND GRATE •" 8" PVC SAN T.O.P 951.54 INLET CASTING AND GRATE a O 20LF-15" SDR35 PVC ST @ 0.32% 18" RCP ST INV 955.06 8" PVC SAN T.O.P 953.05 I Southerly line of ,RIM 962.65 � RIM 965.15 y 155LF-21" SDR35 PVC @ 0.20%-- INV 956.60 8 PVC WM T.O.P 953.06 INV E 956.85 (21" PVC) e' mos iooL wiae INV W 959.47 (15" PVC) I a/k/a County Rc / Ben rk INV S 956.85 (18" PVC) - o s Pnt CROSSING INFO INV N 956.01 (15" PVC) -143LF-24 SCH40 PVC @ 0.20. \ � ST CROSSING INFO 15" PVC ST INV 956.08 INV S 956� .01 (18" PVC) Ir _ ' RIM= 959. 3 - - s 18" PVC ST INV 958.15 8" PVC WM T.O.P 954.08 - - - - - - - - - - - - LOT 2 INV W= 95 3/ / \ s s 8" PVC WM T.O.P 956.15 - - - - - -+------ ---- INV S= 955.7 w ST e --- -----1----- ---- - - - s -- t 1 Benchmark 6 / _------� RIM- qR) / I F i ,T I _ _ _ _ - I - - - _ _ PVC INLET64.7 #17 - - I w INLET CASTING )AND GRATE w U w 165LF-15" w N� NV- 949.4 RIM 964.75 BLOCK ON / RIM 4. SCH40 PVC ST @ 0.32% I J L INV S 961.75 (12" PVC) C N ETE WASHOUT- CROSSING INFO _ •o^',y, 96 50 � RIM= 959. - INV W 958.08 21" PVC DT ST A roximct stub locat W� LOT 1 FUTURE PHASE) 24" PVC ST INV 956.44 ( ) sr ST I pp �, INV= 956.09/ sr CROSSING INFO ST ST ST INV N 958.08 18" PVC 3 [ per cit as uilt drawing / 8" PVC WM T.O.P 954.44 ( ) SF p Y 9 / 21 PVC ST INV 956.89 CROSSING INFO SF I I� (INSTALL 2" POLYSTYRENE oo sF o i v / 8" PVC WM T.O.P 954.89 24 PVC ST INV 956.27 a 109LF-21" SDR35 PVC ST @ 0.18. CROSSING INFO a INSULATION BETWEEN PIPES) 8" PVC WM T.O.P 954.27 �Z 115LF-18" SDR35 PVC ST @ 0.25% CROSSING INFO I 15" PVC ST INV 959.52 --) s Easterly line of Cedar Stre f/k/a / / CROSSING INFO 18" RCP ST T.O.P 956.72 8" PVC WM T.O.P 958.09 -�J I III Old State Highway No. 25 / 24" PVC ST INV 956.41 CROSSING INFO y -15" PVC ST INV 957 93 I I 85LF-12" SDR35 PVC ST @ 0.44% / ERC A / A 25 / / OT 4 / / 30 / 3 F_BUR � W P 1 S �rRe B"e�'chm��1 / / / / 31 LF -21 " SDR35 PVC ST @ 0.18% / / iii 1 lio i i i vvesterly line of Ec / INV 956.91 / 6 PVC SAN T.O.P 954.42 24" PVC ST INV 956.15 e. n n ST INLET #8 (27 ) W/ n N ST MH #10 (48") W/ 4 PVC INIET #16 / a/k/a County Roo / / ST MH #3 (72") W/ I_ (INSTALL 2" POLYSTYRENE 8" PVC WM T.O.P 954.15 INLET CASTING AND GRATE L �' INLET CASTING AND GRATE RIM INSULATION BETWEEN PIPES) RIME964.45CASTING AND GRATE RIM 964.75 RIM 965.15 cn IINV N6 61037 (12" PVC) INV E 957.88 (21" PVC) INV E 960.00 (15" PVC) INV N 955.72 (18" PVC) p INV S 61.37 (12" PVC) s / H _ INV W 956.25 24" PVC INV S 955.72 (18" PVC) ST MH #5 (48") W/ y INV S 956.25 (24" PVC) INLET CASTING AND GRATE F ■ F ■ 966. 0 0 RIM 964.00 222LF-18" CLASS III RCP ST @ 0.72% ] I� INV NE 955.50 (24" PVC) FST s RIV= 960.85 / / INV SE 955.50 30" PVC ST 131LF-24" SCH40 PVC ST @ 0.57% 3 Q ( ) v° � LJ V a Q SIF ST MH #18 (48„) W/ � L -J U 85LF-12" 5DR35 PVC ST @ 0.44% SOLID CASTING L� II U O CROSSING INFO -N i I III 1 u II 8 RIM 965.50 Q O o PVC WM INV 957.46 115LF-18 SCH40 PVC ST @ 0.280 oL PVC INLET #15 Q7 INV N 956.37 (18" RCP) / / • t 18" PVC ST T.O.P 957.20 RIM 964.'0 (INSTALL 2" POLYSTYRENE u* INV N �i61.00 (12" PVC) CROSSING INFO oo INV SE 956.62 (18" RCP) m ---4d- 30" 30" PVC ST INV 955.47 s� ST INSULATION BETWEEN PIPS) E. I INV S .61.00 (12" PVC) 8" PVC WM T.O.P 953.47 ST MH #11 (48") W/ Cn � 1 r INLET CASTING AND GRATE a F o RIM- 960.84 / / (INSTALL 2" POLYSTYRENE 88LF-18 CLASS III RCP ST @ 0.720/ rum INV W= 953.84 // / INSULATION BETWEEN PIPES) RIM 964.85 INV E 953.94 / �� _y INV N 955.40 (18" PVC) m 98LF-21" CLASS III RCP ST @ 0.41% INV S 959.68 (15" PVC) 85LF-12" SUR35 PVC ST @ 0.44% 7S'RC / / / s a ( //// ) \\ INV W 955.40 (21" RCP) ] - � Z \ \` E._ I h / 172LF-30" SCH40 PVC ST @ 0.18% �� INV 955.00 21" RCP FES W/ TRASH GUARD \ / + 144LF-15" SDR35 PVC ST @ 0.20% o t3 INV 957.25 (18" RCP FES W/ TRASH GUARD) + S " PVC IN E- #14 L 954.21 2 sT 9 ST `D RIM 96 .30 LOT 1 s v, INV N 64.63 (12" PVC) (15" RCP) a •�° i � „ Q m / sr ST ST INV 955.00 (30" RCP FES W/ TRASH GUARD) , r INV S --6.63 (12 PVC) � a F sT ______ 90LF-15" SDR35 PVC ST @ 0.320 INLET CASTING AND GRATE ST MH #12 48" W/ s2'.00Z • � �� � \\� 90 � / I ST INLET #6 (27") W/ 56LF-30" CLASS III RCP ST @ 0.33% nsss54.00 RIM 964.20 .00 CA42LF-12" "DI135 PVC ST @ 0.44% / INLET CASTING AND GRATE ST MH #7 (72") W/ � 955.00 INV W 959.97 (15" PVC) RIM 963.70 SOLID CASTING INV E 959.70 (12" PVC) RIM 964.35 95760( INV N 959.97 (15" PVC) /�CONGRE'" IIIASHOUT / INV W 959.41 (15" PVC) BLOCK 2 95980(` s c 1 ❑ I 4 , / INV NW 955.19 (30" PVC) g95 .O J \ / ss2.00 - South line of the N1/2 NW1/ - - - Z / INV E 955.19 (30" RCP) 964.000sT ST 06 SF ST 0 / I VOLUME CONTROL REQUIRED-39,375CF 147LF-15" SDR35 PVC ST @ 0.32% ----- SF ST r \� f / VOLUME CONTROL PROVIDED-39,571CF _ - - - - - - - - - - �r -�� 1' / J L - -- ------ - - ----------y - _ ---------------- -----------��---- ' SF 17 tr t,� t.- �, c�r� sr or �r ST MH #13 (48") W/ ',r� .\• A' t' o i� or T oHT of it oHr oHr or or+T o oHr or,r or � Hr o OH- o' r o oH� 0 or � ow U17 0117 OH T 100 YEAR ELEVATION = 961.10 INLET CASTING AND GRATE RIM 964.10 I INV N 960.44 (12" PVC) RIM= 9 3k3 INV W 960.44 (15" PVC) INV= 9 0.78 0 LOT 12 NOT PLAT 30'x5O' CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE L1J RIM= 961.76 INV W= 954.66 INV E- 954.76 CEDAR STREET ADD T 0 OUTLOT A N W o 4-E I S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET ENGINEERINGMBN MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.478.6336 FAX: 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME. U GE SIGNATURE: -2 DATE: 1-8-20 LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C2.0 � � C C UMBER 25... BOCK 1/ CHELSEA COMMONS... / / \ LOT 4 BL0 K 1 \ o \ / O LOT 3 LOT 3 LOT 4 \ / / LOT 2 \ � Q LOT 2 BLOCK 1 \\ G, / � \ COB E R C A S VE E00 COURT �� chm rk mJ� RIM_ 960.15 \ RIM= 961 2 INV N= 956.15 \ INV S= 955.75 \ 3 INV E= 950.20 South line of the North 586.37 feet of the N1/2 NW1 4 �0 LOT 5 Permanent Easement for street, INV W- 950.15 utilit and drainage purp es RIM= 959.70 \ w per �oc. No. 845654 \ � sr w NV= 955.90 \ \ s s (12" RCP) - \ LOT 6sr RIM- 957.75 RIM= 961.12 \ \ sr 3 7 w SIM= 958.73 JJ II INV N= 953.65 RIM= 961.00 12" CP) & \w INV- 955.63 INV S 953.55 12" RCP) 56.62 -- I = RIM959. 4 w\ w w w w - s sr w w w w w w w w w w w w w w / C�s CHELSEA ROAD 16 3 s sT � s s s s s P sC SDR S26 s s s s s s s - LOT I / / S�� \sT _ s s - 21 " RCP sT sT sr -sr ST -S / sr � Benchmark 5 3 \ ST ST ST enc m 415 RCP sr sr sr sr - _ ,. - - - P -BUR ST �8" RCP 27 _RC -r-eu, s s S S S s s Q / \ �s 2" RCP s. SSS s s � P s -S- S-=� s s sF'-dull P -6u - -- P-6uR - V H-rsu., Z _-- sT ---- --_-- ®-�------------------------ ------ / � Bum _ P_ T ST - B 1 ST w / RIM= 960. 4 / FIRE HYDRANT F.G. ELEV 965.70 /�\/ / 6" GATE VALVE / FIRE HYDRANT - 8"x4" TEE 5LF-6" DR18 C900 PVC WM / 3 / F.G. ELEV 961.65 __ 4" GATE VALVE -FI � N 1 i /� 6" GATE VALVE RIM 964#20 48 64LF-4" DR18 C900 PVC WM 8"x6" TEE SECOND A D D ( ) -SAN MH #2 (48") CONNECT TO EXISTING WM /� / 5LF-6" DR18 C900 PVC WM T.O.P. 967.50 RIM 965.50 8" TEE 3 8"x6" TEE INV SW 953.04 (6" PVC) INV W 951.96 (8" PVC) INV E 953.04 (8" PVC) 8" GATE VALVE/ � 8"x6" TEE INV S 952.96 (6" PVC) T.O.P 959.40 O / CROSSING INFO- ti 6" GATE VALVE INV E 951.96 (8" PVC) / 8 PVC WM INV 955.59 64LF-6 DR18 C900 PVC WM CROSSING INFO 3 6" PVC SS T.O.P 954.33 Proposed 5 foot wide 8" PVC WM INV 956.71 Ben rk / (INSTALL 2" POLYSTYRENE Access E SDR26 PVC SAN @ 0.40% T.O.P. 967.50 " CROSSING INFO 6" PVC SS T.O.P 953.48 / - _INSULATION BETWEEN PIPES) _ 27 F-8 _ - sT 8" PVC WM INV 956.08 326LF-8" SDR26 PVC SAN RIM= 959. 3 \ s -- - ---- ---- _ -- -- - -` - - / 3 ------------- ---S ---- - --- - 6" PVCSST.O.P 953.78----------r-- LOT 2 NV W = 95 3 52LF-8" DR18 C900 PVC WM' / NV S= 955.7 / /\ / W ST ST - t c - - / � � sT� ST ___ __ - ----- C W!� / �-- / -8"-11.25' BEND W / - - - - - - - c* - -�- / 49LF-8" C900 PV I N W I W I w / T.O.P. 952.40 _ _�• / ys w 7 1 �E 63LF-8" DR18 C900 PVC WM 150LF-8 DR18 C900 PVC WM RIM= 959. Sri / 8" -22.5° BEND / / - - 8" TEE sr E HYDRANT sr ST NV= 956.09/ / / ST 2-8" GATE VALVES 78LF-8" DR18 C900 PVC WM 3 / T.O.P. 953.55 / G. ELEV 965.10 T.O.P. 956.75 6" GATE VALVE .� (1 150LF-8" DR18 CS 3 /-149LF-8" DR18 C900 PVC WM / / 68LF-8" DR18 C900 PVC WM 5LF-6" DR18 C900 PVC WM 8111-F-6" SDR26 PVC SAN @ 2.0%1 Easterly line of Cedar Stre f/k/a 268LF-8" DR18 C900 PVC WM/ Old State Highway No. 25 � / 82LF-6" SDR26 PVC SANT @ 2.10 a 8"x6" TEE 6" PVC SAN 1 n INV 954.65 (COORDINATE W/ MECHANICAL) / M ERC A / \ZA 25 / / L LOT 4 / 3 / P'BUR w P,g R / 3 IS / / R14- 960.85 O Q /� / / 6 " PVC WM T.O.P 957.00 (COORDINATE W/ MECHANICAL) Z RIM= 960.84 / / 4" PVC WM / INV W- 953.84 / / T.O.P 957.00 �^ O INV E= 953.94 / / FIRE HYDRANT / (COORDINATE s / ) F.G. ELEV W/ MECHANICAL / /_ / 6 GATE VALVE 1OLF-6" DR18 C900 PVC L= ±954.21 RCP) �� // (15" m sr ------------------------ - ------ - - -- � -- _-- --- 77-�0117 0:17, 0117 -Oil-. 0117 OHI 011" 0;17 0117 0117 0117 e chm 1 RIM= 961.76 / 3 NV W- 954.66 INV E= 954.76 / / LOT BL0 OAK' NDU` PARK ADC F-1 1 6" PVC M n (COORDINATE I �I a/k/a County He 8"-30° BEND T. 6" PVC SAN � � W/ MECHANICAL) 0.P 958.00 INV 954.58 172LF-8" DR18 C900 PVC WM T.O.P. (COORDINATE (COORDINATE L W/ MECHANICAL) W/ MECHANICAL) y 966.00 I F F r r 8"x6" TEE--�) 6" PVC WM 4" PVC WM 6" GATE VALVE ` T.O.P 959.00 ] T.O.P 958.00 53LF-6" DR18 C900 PVC WM sr(COORDINATE I� ST (COORDINATE T.O.P. 958.00 W/ MECHANICAL) W/ MECHANICAL) , U 'x4" TEE ------ � o y ALVL 164LF-8" DR18 C900 PVC WM 53 DR18 C900 PVC WM � 4 T.O.P. 958.00 " PVC WMCA E T FIRE HYDRANT[ T.0.P 959.00 ] U) F F.G. ELEV 966.40 (COORDINATE w� o 6" GATE VALVE W/ MECHANICAL) z I� 21LF-6" DR18 C900 PVC WM 46LF-6" DR18 C900 PVC WM L c I m 8"x6" TEE I ] ° ° LL -1 6" GATE VALVE � � � _ Z 53LF-6" DR18 C900 PVC WM 6"-90° BEND p - ST 958.00 WM sT T.O.P. 955.95 sT LL LOT 1 ST ST I r l O 8"x4" TEE ST \ 951.00 4" GATE VALVE \ 953? 000 \W 53LF-4" DR18 C900 PVC WM 9554000 I / T.O.P. 955.95 9ss.00� FIRE HYDRANT � 957.0. F.G. ELEV 964.70 I� �, I BLOCK 2 9s98o0 6" GATE VALVE F 9fio 1.0 75LF-6" DR18 C900 PVC WM 1 932000 South line of the N1/2 NW1/ ST / 364.00 ST sT U OLCONNECT TO EXISTING WM ___ _ _ __------------ -- ------------� U) 8"x6" TEE -------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - T.O.P 957.62 OHr 0117 011r OIIr - - - OHT O;Ir OH" OH- 01'7 0117 -OHr OHS OHT 017 11iO M= 963/43 RNV= 950.78 LOT 12 NOT PLATTED W CEDAR STREET ADD T 0 OUTLOT A 1� W E t S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET MBN ENGINEERING MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.478.6336 FAX: 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS I MONTICELL09 MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME:U GELW SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20- LICENSE #: 45953 I MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C3.OI C C NUMBER 20000 CHELSEA CO MONS... / \ \ )T 3\ 960 / LOT 4 \ \ LOT 2 BOCK 1 COB RRC \ \ 9�0 LOT 5 / MERCIAL AZA 25 LOT 4 / / / / / / / ST / c / / Benchm / / \ SOT 6 \ / � b x, B 3.00ME x,, / _�962� Permanent Easement for utilit and drainage purr nor nr Nin RAI n NxM40M-E �63.00 ss 963 %A Xs zy x s 1s B`j0 CEDAR STREET ADD T O\ OUTLOT A \ BLOCK 1 LL \ \ LOT 4 LOT 3 \ � Q 2 C0 L� \ � 0 \ \ U� 962 H A U \ � C South line of the North 586.37 feet of the N1/2 NW1 /4 / 962 _ 964 ST SS SS � eshchm(�r* "e x x s O A 9� ASJ EB v nSSB RI s<: 9 o ., s o ss .. BJ2 .. 89 >s 6e sqy a' %s A� A� �- 62.00ME 63.00ME 64.00 s� SB SxBg sT°s Z x x - % x % ggszx s r; x 1.00ME-_ - ----- - s --- 5 xs xss o I \ \ s xe� % sz> 0, ss J \xss x g e 2 gB� sS %A sBO sD'sg X sx B 60 Bg As 'GO x //✓✓� S ll ABzg I �1 1 x � g s °s ^ o l� 2 %s 958 xs° A xsSx s9 I 1 I > S 9 6.30 JM-,,, I 0) �0-) �g I OB63 I -� I / B° x B, xAB2u % S2, xAB? \ % % / B O \ \ I \I I xss x 0 -1, -Southerly a/k/a CI \ \ I x s r,� ssFg ssg� s, `� Cl x9 \/ `�s (0 I I 30 965.1 OT �p V�65.15TP / - - xl� BJ° - J x B 964.10RI 965.09. - --- \ 64.99M€- r---�----- �-� ---- s 01�' A � BenChm 71 965.50T / 965.60 65 55TP 965.25T / 0 ss CO y 6° 5T 965.85FG-L / I� B L O C K 964.71 965. T 965.50TP� 10 LOT 5.55 � 64.95T 65.65TP 965.15RI ST 6 90T \ (P' 965.1 OT` �1.95T 65.51T 965.50TP-1 65.40TPJ� 6.00SW ti5.55W .00TP 965.45T 965.50TP65.85FG65.69TP 5651T 65.80SW 962SW 6 965.60T 965.50T 965.85E965.65.76SW / 64L7: RI VI I °s' K I( 966.00S 66.00SW 66.00SW 66.00SW I 65�C0� E 66.00S \ g65.11SW F -1n \ F__1 5T 6565.60TP + I �� Westerly Iii 65.65TP � a/k/a Coy � � 9 8 �65 OT 65.85FG 5.85E 965.85F 96 OOT 6 .15TP 55T_ I � A 966.0 .45T 65.55TP 96 5TPP 965. 5F / 56 00 AJA s 65,40TP sB 5.60TRf�,� 65.15RIM s s S 965.85FG,\G� 9 5.85FG I bs 9 965.85E �I AR sr r$E6.00SW I g AB r lA� r BB x � x i s� x L9&.88TP� 965.80S��� _„ ----965.66SW 66.00T AA 96 \.60Ti 965.75TP-\ 1 965.75TP-' A5TP_65.60TP_� 965.20T 965. 5T 965.35T 965.30 64.85R 965.151- 1 K ( i 'S1,465156TP I 965.40TP� 965.60T s1 16S.55T 9 J.4CTP- 5.5ITP�� nor rnT South line of the NI/2 ff"%° "" 964.50T s x -x s 964.75 B 65.00ME; x xs ps I0II�� 966.00SW L�� 4 3,E' �O + a- x" x Bs x�Bs x S S AB "m co 965.85FG co I I I o LL ) 0 O ,-965.40TPJ64.30RI E �I T-965.35TP m I 96 .85E 5.15TP 65.85F I 66.00S 65.85E ] I ° Ix I A I 66.0 W �x x %ABS I I xA i .ABB �o 66.00TP 9s x"" ) 6b 4.301 xA�l C 66.0 P 6 85F0 xA.o xsB , fP 1 964170 s1 15F 65.80TP'x� � 7 x�, 964.10 . 64.85TP OTP sT .s 64. OT .35T �691�3U� 64.90T s° .0 "AB Z xAA 6565.00T113o OOME 65As� s ,A NOT PLATTED 966- LO BLOCk LOT C 1� W E t S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET MBN ENGINEERING MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.478.6336 FAX: 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS I MONTICELL09 MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME:U GELy(i' SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20- LICENSE #: 45953 I MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C4.OI / WAR ERT R ETA / SECOND ADD T 0 / / Benmark LOT 2 / / x / T ° / Easterly line of Cedar Stre f/k/a Old State Highway No. 25 / / x 9 6 6.00ME / MERCIAL AZA 25 LOT 4 / / / / / / / ST / c / / Benchm / / \ SOT 6 \ / � b x, B 3.00ME x,, / _�962� Permanent Easement for utilit and drainage purr nor nr Nin RAI n NxM40M-E �63.00 ss 963 %A Xs zy x s 1s B`j0 CEDAR STREET ADD T O\ OUTLOT A \ BLOCK 1 LL \ \ LOT 4 LOT 3 \ � Q 2 C0 L� \ � 0 \ \ U� 962 H A U \ � C South line of the North 586.37 feet of the N1/2 NW1 /4 / 962 _ 964 ST SS SS � eshchm(�r* "e x x s O A 9� ASJ EB v nSSB RI s<: 9 o ., s o ss .. BJ2 .. 89 >s 6e sqy a' %s A� A� �- 62.00ME 63.00ME 64.00 s� SB SxBg sT°s Z x x - % x % ggszx s r; x 1.00ME-_ - ----- - s --- 5 xs xss o I \ \ s xe� % sz> 0, ss J \xss x g e 2 gB� sS %A sBO sD'sg X sx B 60 Bg As 'GO x //✓✓� S ll ABzg I �1 1 x � g s °s ^ o l� 2 %s 958 xs° A xsSx s9 I 1 I > S 9 6.30 JM-,,, I 0) �0-) �g I OB63 I -� I / B° x B, xAB2u % S2, xAB? \ % % / B O \ \ I \I I xss x 0 -1, -Southerly a/k/a CI \ \ I x s r,� ssFg ssg� s, `� Cl x9 \/ `�s (0 I I 30 965.1 OT �p V�65.15TP / - - xl� BJ° - J x B 964.10RI 965.09. - --- \ 64.99M€- r---�----- �-� ---- s 01�' A � BenChm 71 965.50T / 965.60 65 55TP 965.25T / 0 ss CO y 6° 5T 965.85FG-L / I� B L O C K 964.71 965. T 965.50TP� 10 LOT 5.55 � 64.95T 65.65TP 965.15RI ST 6 90T \ (P' 965.1 OT` �1.95T 65.51T 965.50TP-1 65.40TPJ� 6.00SW ti5.55W .00TP 965.45T 965.50TP65.85FG65.69TP 5651T 65.80SW 962SW 6 965.60T 965.50T 965.85E965.65.76SW / 64L7: RI VI I °s' K I( 966.00S 66.00SW 66.00SW 66.00SW I 65�C0� E 66.00S \ g65.11SW F -1n \ F__1 5T 6565.60TP + I �� Westerly Iii 65.65TP � a/k/a Coy � � 9 8 �65 OT 65.85FG 5.85E 965.85F 96 OOT 6 .15TP 55T_ I � A 966.0 .45T 65.55TP 96 5TPP 965. 5F / 56 00 AJA s 65,40TP sB 5.60TRf�,� 65.15RIM s s S 965.85FG,\G� 9 5.85FG I bs 9 965.85E �I AR sr r$E6.00SW I g AB r lA� r BB x � x i s� x L9&.88TP� 965.80S��� _„ ----965.66SW 66.00T AA 96 \.60Ti 965.75TP-\ 1 965.75TP-' A5TP_65.60TP_� 965.20T 965. 5T 965.35T 965.30 64.85R 965.151- 1 K ( i 'S1,465156TP I 965.40TP� 965.60T s1 16S.55T 9 J.4CTP- 5.5ITP�� nor rnT South line of the NI/2 ff"%° "" 964.50T s x -x s 964.75 B 65.00ME; x xs ps I0II�� 966.00SW L�� 4 3,E' �O + a- x" x Bs x�Bs x S S AB "m co 965.85FG co I I I o LL ) 0 O ,-965.40TPJ64.30RI E �I T-965.35TP m I 96 .85E 5.15TP 65.85F I 66.00S 65.85E ] I ° Ix I A I 66.0 W �x x %ABS I I xA i .ABB �o 66.00TP 9s x"" ) 6b 4.301 xA�l C 66.0 P 6 85F0 xA.o xsB , fP 1 964170 s1 15F 65.80TP'x� � 7 x�, 964.10 . 64.85TP OTP sT .s 64. OT .35T �691�3U� 64.90T s° .0 "AB Z xAA 6565.00T113o OOME 65As� s ,A NOT PLATTED 966- LO BLOCk LOT C 1� W E t S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET MBN ENGINEERING MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.478.6336 FAX: 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS I MONTICELL09 MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME:U GELy(i' SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20- LICENSE #: 45953 I MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C4.OI C C NUMBER 25000 CHELSEA COMMONS... / \ LOT 3 \ / LOT 4 \ \ LOT 2 BOCK 1 C O M R RCA L COURT Benchr \ \ \ LOT 5 \ SOT 6 sT / I — I r1 T 'I � 2 FUTURE CITY SIDEWALK, COORDINATE LOCATION AND DATE OF PLACEMENT WITH THE CITY % vJ / BLOCK 1 / \ \ LOT 4 / BD K 1 � � \ � O \ / LOT 2 LOT 3 / S LVE R O Z O � Permanent Easement for street, South line of the North 586.37 feet of the N1/2 NW1 /4 \ utilit and drainage purp es per �oc. No. 845654 — IIl�lll III I \ 5A R N E R T R ETA E /mci SECOND ADDT ONBe FUTURE CITY SIDEWALK, COORDINATE LOCATION AND DATE OF PLACEMENT WITH THE CITY \ / / T �\ / Easterly line of Cedar Stre f/e k/a / Old State Highway No. 25 / M ERC A / \ZA 25 / / / LOT 4 / / / sT / Benchm 1 / / / 5A R N E R T R ETA E /mci SECOND ADDT ONBe FUTURE CITY SIDEWALK, COORDINATE LOCATION AND DATE OF PLACEMENT WITH THE CITY \ / / T �\ / Easterly line of Cedar Stre f/e k/a / Old State Highway No. 25 / M ERC A / \ZA 25 / / / LOT 4 / / / sT / Benchm 1 / / < A CHELSEA ROAD ss sT Benchmark�5 _ __-- _ -—t— ST — — - - _ — FUTURE CITY PATHWAY, COORDINATE LOCATION AND DATE OF PLACEMENT WITH THE CITY sr FUTURE DRIVEWAY — — — — — — — — — \� APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FUTURE BUILDING I I 1 MINIMUM F.F. 964.00 F---------------------- APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FUTURE BUILDING MINIMUM F.F. 966.00 i APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FUTURE BUILDING / MINIMUM F.F. 964.00 / L---- - — — — — — -----� --_ -- _ — — — — L ---------J FUTURE CITY CURB, COORDINATE LOCATION AND DATE OF PLACEMENT WITH THE CITY L-------------------- J —TEMPORARY 12" THICK CRUSHED CONCRETE TURNAROUND I Proposed 50 foot wide Access Easement 1 � � I S— — — — — — — — — J �� — --- ---- — ---- —— r -- _ —— — s --- ----- — ---- -- ---- — — — — — — — — —a— --- — --- ---- -I-- --ILIA I I I I I I I I I 6@9.0' 8@9.0' I 9@9.0 ^, o y. 0 4.5' o ST Q�j ST O ST O 9S O lOA [ 9j6 0 9 �' 12@9.0' 4.5' 5,9,0'3@ 09.08.0' 4@9.0' 4.5' 8@9.0' o ro o o po 1I1Iyy�I1I I®, ®�® I J I 7.0' 7 .0' cn ° R5.0' Ln a ] 'v, �l �l r1 r1 LJ �1 Cn F.F. 966.00 5.0' C 78.0, o lsT O [ O LJ U LJ LJ M _ o � I O 0 o� s o a 9 071 ® �� III 18.0' .10 rN co � o �° `� W '0 0 0 ■ +7 �z N [ II R5.0in a N qq S INSTALL RIPRAP (SEE DETAIL 21/C8.0) sT FUTURE CI CURB, COO D=N#TE OD LACATION AND AT OF PLA _MENT WITH T E 1jTY1 O ti' 951.00-95 00 9 43000 o 955.00 956.00 I O 957.00- O i` S 960800 Q2° , 1'4.0961 f / ° 962 .'60UU South line of the NI/2 NW1 / sr q� �o N 664.00 O ° -- ------ — —------------ — --- _ — —� _ -- — — � � — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 o I CEDAR STREET ADD T ON OUTLOT A PARKING NOTES: STANDARD PARKING STALLS: 184 ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS: 9 TOTAL PARKING STALLS: 193 NOT PLATTED 0 N EAR I Southerly a/k/a C( Benchm BOCK LOT Westerly Iii a/k/a Coi, LO BLOCk LOT W T E S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET ENGINEERINGMBN MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.478.6336 FAX: 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: 10WUGELJW SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20- LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C5.0 / / / / / / < A CHELSEA ROAD ss sT Benchmark�5 _ __-- _ -—t— ST — — - - _ — FUTURE CITY PATHWAY, COORDINATE LOCATION AND DATE OF PLACEMENT WITH THE CITY sr FUTURE DRIVEWAY — — — — — — — — — \� APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FUTURE BUILDING I I 1 MINIMUM F.F. 964.00 F---------------------- APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FUTURE BUILDING MINIMUM F.F. 966.00 i APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FUTURE BUILDING / MINIMUM F.F. 964.00 / L---- - — — — — — -----� --_ -- _ — — — — L ---------J FUTURE CITY CURB, COORDINATE LOCATION AND DATE OF PLACEMENT WITH THE CITY L-------------------- J —TEMPORARY 12" THICK CRUSHED CONCRETE TURNAROUND I Proposed 50 foot wide Access Easement 1 � � I S— — — — — — — — — J �� — --- ---- — ---- —— r -- _ —— — s --- ----- — ---- -- ---- — — — — — — — — —a— --- — --- ---- -I-- --ILIA I I I I I I I I I 6@9.0' 8@9.0' I 9@9.0 ^, o y. 0 4.5' o ST Q�j ST O ST O 9S O lOA [ 9j6 0 9 �' 12@9.0' 4.5' 5,9,0'3@ 09.08.0' 4@9.0' 4.5' 8@9.0' o ro o o po 1I1Iyy�I1I I®, ®�® I J I 7.0' 7 .0' cn ° R5.0' Ln a ] 'v, �l �l r1 r1 LJ �1 Cn F.F. 966.00 5.0' C 78.0, o lsT O [ O LJ U LJ LJ M _ o � I O 0 o� s o a 9 071 ® �� III 18.0' .10 rN co � o �° `� W '0 0 0 ■ +7 �z N [ II R5.0in a N qq S INSTALL RIPRAP (SEE DETAIL 21/C8.0) sT FUTURE CI CURB, COO D=N#TE OD LACATION AND AT OF PLA _MENT WITH T E 1jTY1 O ti' 951.00-95 00 9 43000 o 955.00 956.00 I O 957.00- O i` S 960800 Q2° , 1'4.0961 f / ° 962 .'60UU South line of the NI/2 NW1 / sr q� �o N 664.00 O ° -- ------ — —------------ — --- _ — —� _ -- — — � � — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 o I CEDAR STREET ADD T ON OUTLOT A PARKING NOTES: STANDARD PARKING STALLS: 184 ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS: 9 TOTAL PARKING STALLS: 193 NOT PLATTED 0 N EAR I Southerly a/k/a C( Benchm BOCK LOT Westerly Iii a/k/a Coi, LO BLOCk LOT W T E S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET ENGINEERINGMBN MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.478.6336 FAX: 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: 10WUGELJW SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20- LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C5.0 O / / ST enchmark\4 O O / / O / Benchm rk / SS / ST / / Ben mark \ / ST / / ST SS O 7'x7' JOINT BATT* / / III L Com-- — / / / Benchm 1 _ CHELSEA GOAD W i D Q Benchmarkl-�5 --- - --------------- --- ---- ------------------- E) -- -- ---- -- ----ST FD r nn Q P(' lin fnnf Jnr i ri 0 ST O — — -- \ � \ D Q ' 0 '1 n-- S1 .� 0 �I6'x6' JOINT PATTERN (TYP) \ 11 _ I -�--� — — — — —————— — — — —- � -I- _ILIO ST I I� 7'x7' 0 NT PATTERN i(TYIP�) [ IIII I I I ST 0 0 IIII _ I -� 0 IIII I I C LZ ] I I r IIII LL L I I I\ IIII ST ] W I Z Ld ©� I�0 O ST ST u� O O D i I I I I I I I Benchm ►'I W E 1 S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET ZI J ENGINEERINGMBN MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE. 701.478.6336 FAX. 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: U GEL0Y SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20- LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C6.0 � SS -� 0 ST O — — -- \ � \ D Q ' 0 '1 n-- S1 .� 0 �I6'x6' JOINT PATTERN (TYP) \ 11 _ I -�--� — — — — —————— — — — —- � -I- _ILIO ST I I� 7'x7' 0 NT PATTERN i(TYIP�) [ IIII I I I ST 0 0 IIII _ I -� 0 IIII I I C LZ ] I I r IIII LL L I I I\ IIII ST ] W I Z Ld ©� I�0 O ST ST u� O O D i I I I I I I I Benchm ►'I W E 1 S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET ZI J ENGINEERINGMBN MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE. 701.478.6336 FAX. 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: U GEL0Y SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20- LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C6.0 / / / / � 1 BenchmA-k-"°I enchm rk / / / / / \ / / / enchm rk enchmark�4 c'v / \ CHELSEA ROAD SS ST ST Benchmark -,-5 C Q \ SS SS O z / - - - - ----------- _ - / z I ST 0 / O / FUTURE DEVELOPMENT I O / O I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT i / I 0 O / COQ- /�♦ I � ♦ ♦ I TEMPORARY CRUSHED CONCRETE TURNAROUND I \ / Ben mark PHASE 2 no _ _ Proposed 'semt wide /_ APRIL 2021 - - - S I -- /-------- -- ----- — — O 00 ---------------- --- M -- / ---_�- ---- _U ♦ --- --�—� --', Igo 3T I I ST PHASE 2 ■ APRIL 2021 [ ] LlI I � / I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT /' // S F � u uu u�u u �� u � u [ IIII CO / , PHASE 3 10 Ii ' 2022 APRIL 'ST *0 goO o cj / ST III T PHASE 1 / 0 ST / I APRIL 2020 I I z / 951.00 52 .00- ] ® I I W 095430 955.00 957.0. O 956. 958.0. :960 00 J l / I 961.oc / \ z 962.00 sr I .963.0. O I O 964.00 ST t AM -A= A O 0 0 W Benchmark F N W o 4-E 1 S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET ENGINEERINGMBN MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE. 701.478.6336 FAX. 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: 19WUPI 6. JWEL.WY SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20 LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C7.0 / / \ / / O / � / / O enchmark�4 c'v / \ CHELSEA ROAD SS ST ST Benchmark -,-5 C Q \ SS SS O z / - - - - ----------- _ - / z I ST 0 / O / FUTURE DEVELOPMENT I O / O I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT i / I 0 O / COQ- /�♦ I � ♦ ♦ I TEMPORARY CRUSHED CONCRETE TURNAROUND I \ / Ben mark PHASE 2 no _ _ Proposed 'semt wide /_ APRIL 2021 - - - S I -- /-------- -- ----- — — O 00 ---------------- --- M -- / ---_�- ---- _U ♦ --- --�—� --', Igo 3T I I ST PHASE 2 ■ APRIL 2021 [ ] LlI I � / I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT /' // S F � u uu u�u u �� u � u [ IIII CO / , PHASE 3 10 Ii ' 2022 APRIL 'ST *0 goO o cj / ST III T PHASE 1 / 0 ST / I APRIL 2020 I I z / 951.00 52 .00- ] ® I I W 095430 955.00 957.0. O 956. 958.0. :960 00 J l / I 961.oc / \ z 962.00 sr I .963.0. O I O 964.00 ST t AM -A= A O 0 0 W Benchmark F N W o 4-E 1 S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET ENGINEERINGMBN MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE. 701.478.6336 FAX. 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: 19WUPI 6. JWEL.WY SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20 LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C7.0 \ O � O � O � O � O � O enchmark�4 c'v / \ CHELSEA ROAD SS ST ST Benchmark -,-5 C Q \ SS SS O z / - - - - ----------- _ - / z I ST 0 / O / FUTURE DEVELOPMENT I O / O I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT i / I 0 O / COQ- /�♦ I � ♦ ♦ I TEMPORARY CRUSHED CONCRETE TURNAROUND I \ / Ben mark PHASE 2 no _ _ Proposed 'semt wide /_ APRIL 2021 - - - S I -- /-------- -- ----- — — O 00 ---------------- --- M -- / ---_�- ---- _U ♦ --- --�—� --', Igo 3T I I ST PHASE 2 ■ APRIL 2021 [ ] LlI I � / I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT /' // S F � u uu u�u u �� u � u [ IIII CO / , PHASE 3 10 Ii ' 2022 APRIL 'ST *0 goO o cj / ST III T PHASE 1 / 0 ST / I APRIL 2020 I I z / 951.00 52 .00- ] ® I I W 095430 955.00 957.0. O 956. 958.0. :960 00 J l / I 961.oc / \ z 962.00 sr I .963.0. O I O 964.00 ST t AM -A= A O 0 0 W Benchmark F N W o 4-E 1 S 0 25 50 100 SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET ENGINEERINGMBN MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE. 701.478.6336 FAX. 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: 19WUPI 6. JWEL.WY SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20 LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 C7.0 MANHOLE COVER SHALL HAVE CONCEALED PICK BAR INLET CASTING & GRATE -"0" RING GASKET CASTING FRAME & COVER 27" DIA. PRECAST CONCRETE BARREL NEENAH FOUNDRY CO. MANHOLE FRAME 3-2" ADJUSTING REINFORCE SAME AS 27" RCP ASTM 3-2" ADJUSTING R -1755-G OR APPROVED & COVER RINGS RINGS II II II II DESIGNATION C76-68) 3-2" ADJUSTING RINGS EQUAL PRECAST CONCRETE CONCEALED PICKBAR O O O 1" DIA. KNOBS �r COVER 'D' THICKNESS O O x 'E' DIAMETER OPENING CAST IN BARREL (SEE DETAIL "B") O O O O O O O 27" NOTE: - C. FOR INLET LEAD 4' ECCENTRIC CONE IF INLET CASTING & GRATE IS Z D O O O O O O MANHOLE COVER SHALL BE REQUIRED REQUIRED: NEENAH R -3508-A2 OR - NOTE: O O O O CAST WITH THE WORD APPROVED EQUAL INLET CASTING & GRATE SHALL BE MANHOLE STEP 12" O.C. NEENAH R-3405 OR APPROVED EQUAL CENTER OF THE COVER IN (SEE DETAIL) NOTE: O O OO O O LETTERS 2 INCHES HIGH. O O MANHOLE CASTING FRAME AND COVER MANHOLE STEPS O O SHALL BE NEENAH FOUNDRY CO. (SEE DETAIL) NOTE: O O O O R -1755-G OR APPROVED EQUAL 27" IF MANHOLE CASTING FRAME AND COVER MANHOLE COVER SEAL O O O BUTYL RUBBER GASKET ON H IS REQUIRED: NEENAH FOUNDRY CO. (SEE DETAIL "A") O O ALL JOINTS (JOINT TO R -1755-G OR APPROVED EQUAL O O O COVER MEET ASTM 433 NOTE: > J REQUIREMENT) ALL JOINTS AND LIFTING HOLES TO BE FRAME MORTARED ` - oL�p 4" FILLET NOTE: NOTE: AROUND ALL JOINTS AND LIFTING HOLES TO BE 48" DIA. PRECAST B' A' B' CONCRETE MANHOLE \ BUTYL RUBBER GASKET ON INTERIOR MORTARED MANHOLE COVER SEAL 7/8.. 53/4"COVER (301A) U) ALL JOINTS (JOINT TO MEET T w ASTM 433 REQUIREMENT) _i NOTE: (SEE DETAIL "A") MUNICIPAL CASTINGS m - �+ PVC & HDPE CONNECTIONS TO STORM > I MANHOLES AND INLETS SHALL BE a - - FRAME (301-7) NOTE: MUNICIPAL CASTINGS 48" m MADE WITH A LOK PRODUCTS, INC. 2q 1/8" 5"� �5" PVC CONNECTIONS TO STORM MANHOLES OR EQUAL AND INLETS SHALL BE MADE WITH GPK Z LOK STM OR APPROVED EQUAL MANHOLE ADAPTER OR APPROVED EQUAL. 3'-3" DIAMETER CONCRETE BASE 26 1/2" (REINFORCE AS PER ASTM C478) 36" J ` � PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE - 'A' DIAMETER C? DIMENSION TABLE 3 STORM INLET (27") DETAIL PRECAST MONOLITHIC 'n v 14-20 MILS OF COAL TAR MANHOLE W/ GASKET L• o EPDXY OR APPROVED EQUAL A B C D E F CONCRETE C8. NOT -TO -SCALE ICKBAR ASSEMBLY FOR ti a ~ ON BOTTOM SECTION OF SHELF 48" 5" 27" 8" 58" 64" a NEOPRENE GASKET MANHOLE 8" TO 15" DIA. MAINS o MANHOLE \ 60" 6" 27" 8" 72" 78" /"'• DOVETAILED INTO � '••/ a MANHOLE COVER COVER / 72" 7" 27" 8" 86" 92" i., SEAL VOID AROUND PIPE /� ••.i I/ 84" 8" 27" 8" 100" 106" WITH CONCRETE 1 1/4" CRUSHED 96" 9" 27" 8" 114" 120" f) MANHOLE PICKBAR ROCK TO BE USED TOQOO r� ADS 1299CGS INLET SUPPORT PIPE IN 108" 10" 27" 12" 128" 140" } I CASTING & GRATE + FINISHED GROUND COVER • - FRAME LJ OVEREXCAVATED AREA D �1 1/4" CRUSHED ROCK IN 1 •- �� & 1/2 WAY UP PIPE 120" 11" 27" 12" 142" 154" OVER -EXCAVATED AREAS INTERIOR WALL J 6" OF 1 1/4" ROCK OF MANHOLE M ADS 2712AG ADAPTOR UNDER MANHOLE BASE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE - 'D' THICKNESS x F' DIAMETER (NO. 4 BARS, 12" O.C. `D NOTE: LIFT HOLES TO BE � �� 12" STORM SEWER E.W. , SINGLE MAT FOR 8" SLAB AND DOUBLE 00000000000 DETAIL "A" DETAIL "B" MANUFACTURED WATER PROOF MAT FOR 12" SLAB) \\ 12"-90° BEND SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE (48") DETAIL 2 STORM MANHOLE (48" - 120") DETAIL MANHOLE s SANITARY MANHOLE COVER CASTING DETAIL 8• NOT -TO -SCALE 8. NOT -TO -SCALE STEP NEW 12" STORM SEWER Cg, NOT -TO -SCALE INTERIOR WALL OF MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER WYE SANITARY SEWER MAI UPPER 45° BEND (OR PLUG) 6" SDR 26 PVC RISER PIPE (LENGTH VARIES) BACKFILL (SEE DETAIL) M H SANITARY SEWER MAIN 30" 1 -LOWER 45° BEND NOTE: NOTE: ANGLE OF TEE FROM IF LENGTH OF RISER IS 5 RESTRAINING RESTRAINER . ., I VERTICAL MAY BE VARIED FEET OR GREATER, 1 1/4" RESTRAINER RESTRAINING c� PVC INLET DETAIL ROD ` . TO SUIT HEIGHT OF RISER CRUSHED ROCK BEDDING ROD REBAR ` MANHOLE 8NOT-TO-SCALE WILL BE USED TO ENCASE STEP THE WYE AND LOWER BEND SANITARY SEWER RISER DETAIL PIPES SERRATIONS PIPE SERRATIONS F 1 NOTE: C8. NOT -TO -SCALE FIRE HYDRANT STEP SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 1/2" REINFORCING ROD AND COMPLETELY ENCASED SUBGRADE 2" TO 12" DIA. 14" TO 36" DIA. - - �- IN A CORROSION RESISTANT RUBBER OR POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC, WHICH WILL HYDRANT LEAD PIPE - RESIST DETERIORATION FROM HYDROGEN SULFIDE OR OTHER CHEMICALS AND GASES F �- F ENCOUNTERED IN MANHOLE APPLICATION. ALSO, STEP SHALL HAVE A VERTICAL SLOPE AS REQUIRED HYDRANT 1' 1' RISER RESISTANCE OF 400 LBS., AND A PULLOUT RESISTANCE OF 1000 LBS. SUCH AS: MIN. D MIN. BY OSHA GATE VALVE THE WEDG-LOC STEP BY DELTA PIPE PRODUCTS OR APPROVED EQUAL. TEE 11 O i Y O i WATEROUS FIRE HYDRANT PVC PIPE PVC PIPE 1/2"TEE HYDRANT r p PLYWOOD TEE a \��/, /\ W LEAD PIPE BEARINGSURFACE ' � " c�MANHOLE STEP DETAIL o ° VALVEAr C8. NOT -TO -SCALE / / Lu a a CONCRETE a \� O \/ a m ® ] O 6, TEE L , BLOCK DRAINAGE RESTRAINED JOINT - � ` \ ROCK W/STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS a�- /��/��/���\��\. HYDRAFINDER FLAG - - /• - NOTE: I / . /\ / INITIAL COMP CTIONIPE AT NEW SEWER/WATERMAIN PVC, PE, & CS PIPE MIDPOI6" GATE WATEROUS MODEL 67 FIRE HYDRANT OPERATING & CAP NUTS: CITY MECHANICAL TAMPER. VALVE • RESTRAINING DEVICES SHALL MEET OR OF MONTICELLO STANDARDS + EXCEED THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F 1694 BOLTS BELOW GROUND TO BE I STAINLESS STEEL INSIDE CITY OF MOORHENS RIGHT-OF-WAY: CONCRETE - DRAINAGE • APPROVED TYPES ARE UNIFLANGE PVC PIPE RESTRAINTS & EEBA - CITY OF MONTICELLO 4' WIDE/2" THICK _ 1. INSTALL CONTROL DENSITY FILL (MIX BLOCK ROCK POLYSTYRENE E DESIGN 150PSI IRON SERIES 2000 PV HOSE CONNECTION LOWER STANDPIPE OF ) NOTE: INSULATION • ALL METAL FITTINGS AND RESTRAINING v O HYDRANTS SHALL BE WRAPPED NEW SEWER/ HYDRAFINDER FLAG WATEROUS MODEL 67 1. OPERATING & CAP NUTS: CITY OF MONTICELLO 2. INSTALL GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AT DEVICES TO BE WRAPPED IN POLYETHLENE �, WITH POLYETHLENE WATERMAIN FIRE HYDRANT CITY OF MONTICELLO PLASTIC (8 MIL MIN.) o PUMPER NOZZLE cof SUBGRADE ELEVATION. PRODUCT: a MIRAFI TYPE HP465. SEW WITH A CITY OF 16" TRAFFIC FLANGE GROUND DOUBLE J SEAM STITCH. HOSE CONNECTION STAINLESS 2. BOLTS BELOW GROUND TO BE TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS BREAK -OFF SECTION LINE 3. LOWER LSTANDPIPE OF ALL RESTRAINED LENGTHS OF PVC PIPE �---•--------------�- �---- - PUMPER NOZZLE h 12 AGGREGATE BEDDING DETAIL -CITY of MONTICELLO HYDRANTS SHALL H LLEBE FILM. NOM. 90° 45° 22.5° 11.25° SIZE ON VALVE/ LOWER //// /////////1 j/�////////// ///// 8. NOT -TO -SCALE PIPE BEND BEND BEND BEND SIZE DEAD- NOTE: STANDPIPE jl N SIZE (L) (L) (L) (L) TEE(L)* END(L) ADDITIONAL LENGTH OF PIPE TO w BE RESTRAINED ON EACH SIDE _ 6" 19' 8' 4' 2' 2' 35' OF ANY RESTRAINED FITTINGS o POLYETHYLENE ¢ 16" TRAFFIC FLANGE 8" 25' 11' 5' 3' 13' 45' (SEE TABLE) - = 11 2 POLYSTYRENE INSULATION DETAIL + GROUND LINE FILM BREAK -OFF SECTION C8. NOT -TO -SCALE 1 10" 31' 13' 6' 3' 23' S5' 0 6" GATE � o HYDRANT 2 12" 36' 15' 1 4' 33' 65' ALVE LEAD PIPE 6" TEE REMOVE EXISTING WATER MAIN AS NECESSARY 16" 47' 20' 10' S' S2' 84' M �` 0 , • * RECOMMENDED RESTRAINED LENGTHS FOR TEES ARE FOR THE 3� BRANCH OUTLET AND ASSUME A MINIMUM 10 FT. SECTION OF PIPE ATTACHED TO EACH SIDE OF THE RUN. RESTRAINT DEVICES ' 0 O 0 = POLYETHYLENE FILM H ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON BOTH RUN JOINTS OF THE TEE ITSELF. O NEW STORM SEWER CAST IRON COUPLING x 45° VERT. OFFSET* 22 1/2° VERT. / ' 0 �W/STAINLESS STEEL BOLTS = > SIZE IL OFFSET* (L) �`� 0 2" POLYSTYRENE BEND J ` o 0 o HYDRANT 6" 15' 8� 7'/4' INSULATION w �6" TEE DRAINAGE CONCRETE HYDRANT RESTRAINED JOINT LEAD 8" 19' 11' 9'(5'ROCK BLOCK LEAD PIPE W/STAINLESS c PIPE 10" 23' 13' 11 /6' STEEL BOLTS 12" 27'(15' 13'(1 B45oEN M.J. a O 16" 35' 20' 17')10' i BEND i * FIRST NUMBER IS THE RECOMMENDED RESTRAINED LENGTH ON 10 RESTRAINED MECHANICAL JOINT DETAIL v EACH SIDE OF THE DOWN BEND, THE SECOND NUMBER IS THE QJ LENGTH FOR EACH SIDE OF THE UP BEND. 8. NOT -TO -SCALE 0p EXISTING / Did WATER MAIN LOWER 45° BEND RISER PIPE -6" SDR 26 PVC (LENGTH VARIES) UPPER 45° BEND (OR PLUG) 6" SANITARY SEWER SERVICE NOTE: TEE & PLUG BLOCKING SHOWN, TAPPING SLEEVE BLOCKING SIMILAR NOTE: ALL FITTINGS TO WRAPPED IN POLYETHYLENE (8 MIL MIN.) / \1 THRUST NEW WATER BLOCK MAIN 30° MAX PLUG 1 THIS BEARING AREA CONCRETE BLOCK BASED ON PIPE DIA. (4" x 6" x 12") OPPOSITE THRUST BLOCK TABLE OF REQUIRED BEARING AREAS SIZE OF 90° BEND 45° BEND 22 1/2° 11 1/4° TEE PIPE .BEDDING4" 2' SQ. 2' SQ. 2' SQ. 2' SQ. 2' SO. SAND 1 I I 6" 3' SO. 2' SQ. 2' SQ. 2' SQ. 3' SQ. II 8" 5' SO. 3' SQ. 2' SQ. 2' SQ. 4' SQ. 10" 8' SQ. 4' SQ. 3' SQ. 2' SQ. 6' SQ. CONCRETE BLOCK (4"x6"x12") 12" 11' SO. 6' SQ. 3' SQ. 2' SQ. 8' SQ. 16" 20' SQ. 11' SQ. 6' SQ. 4' SQ. 15' SQ. 18" 25' SQ. 14' SQ. 7' SQ. 4' SQ. 18' SQ. CONCRETE BLOCK (4"x 6" x 12") NEW WATER MAIN NOTE: \ \ CONCRETE BLOCKING TO BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED EARTH. BELLS AND BOLTS TO BE KEPT FREE OF CONCRETE. THRUST BLOCK WATER MAIN THRUST BLOCKING DETAIL llcl8. NOT -TO -SCALE RECESS SEALANT O /8" BELOW BELOW PAVEMENT 1/4"-3/8" MIN. d d • • SEALANT DEPTH J io . • , • e • d , `D • • •d SAWED JOINT FACE S •• e e #4 x 30" DEF. 1/2" ROD BACK-UP BARS @ 24" O.C. MATERIAL 15 TYPE 'C' TIED CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL 1s TYPE 'C' DETAIL 8. NOT -TO -SCALE C8. NOT -TO -SCALE RECESS SEALANT 1/4"-3/8" BELOW PAVEMENT _ 1/4"-3/8" MIN. d SEALANT DEPTH INITIAL SAWCUT (REFER TO • . • '• d. DIMENSION TABLE) 6"-10" iD • , • • • . THICK PCC = T/4 d SAWED JOINT FACE • q 1/2" ROD BACK-UP MATERIAL 17 TYPE 'H' CONSTRUCTION JOINT DETAIL C8. NOT -TO -SCALE 18 TYPE 'H' DETAIL C8. NOT -TO -SCALE %" RECESS SEALANT �j j_ 1/4"-3/8" �• DRAINAGE I BELOW PAVEMENT M ROCK 6" GATE • • • • A 3/4" STAINLESS BLOCK HYLEADAPIPE VALVE io • , • _ • • • RESTRAINT DEVICE FOR PVC PIPE BELL JOINTS DETAIL STEEL BOLT d /BOND BREAKER MATERIAL ° 45M.J. 45° M.J. 8. NOT -TO -SCALE d / BEND C-900 PVC BEND #4 x 30" DEF. B A PIPE DIA 1 �4B L NON -WOVE A GEOTEX. J GEOTEXTI FABRIC 21 RIP RAP DETAIL C8. NOT -TO -SCALE !ATE CUSHION PIPE L 24" DEPTH 12" DEPTH DIA (FT) RIP RAP AGG. CUSH. (IN) (CY) (CY) 12 8 5.5 2.8 15 8 5.8 2.9 18 10 7.8 3.9 21 10 8.4 4.2 24 12 11.0 5.5 27 12 11.6 5.8 30 14 14.5 7.3 33 16 16.4 7.8 36 16 18.3 9.2 42 18 21.7 10.9 JSHION I 48 20 25.8 12.9 GED INECTIONS ti CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK TWO STAINLESS STEEL RODS CONCRETE REQUIRED IF WATER MAIN IS BLOCKS ABOVE NEW STORM SEWER NOTE: ALL TRASH GUARDS TO HAVE (1) CROSS BAR ALL FITTINGS TO BE WRAPPED IN 60" DIA. & UP TO HAVE (2) BARS EQUALLY 1L/ \ POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC (8 MIL MIN.) BELLS SPACED AND BOLTS TO BE KEPT FREE OF CONCRETE. HOT DIP GALVANIZED PER MN/DOT 3392 / \ 13 WATER MAIN LOWERING DETAIL OR ASTM -A153 I NOT -TO -SCALE �{ 1-6" MIN. 8. HINGED CONNECTIONS (SEE TABLE) ` ' FILL BOLLARD W/ 4,500 PSI (SCH. STRONG CONCRETE - ROUND OFF TOP & SC80) GALV. BAR SIZES INSTALL PLASTIC CAP TO MATCH PIPE BOLLARD (SUPPLIED BY OWNER) STANDARD DESIGN HEAVY DESIGN POST SLEEVE PIPE HOLE DIA. BOLT BAR PIPE HOLE DIA. BOLT BAR PROVIDE BOLLARD COVERS SIZE REQ'D DIA. SIZE SIZE REO'D DIA. SIZE 8" THICK (HDPE) YELLOW POST SLEEV NP -1 SEALANT a 12"-24" 3/4" 5/8" 5/8" a 12"-18" 3/4" 5/8" 3/4" BY IDEALSHIELD WITH ULTRA -VIOLET •I AROUND PIPE _ = AND ANTI -STATIC ADDITIVES I co c 27"-48" 7/8" 3/4" 3/4" c 21"-42" 7/8" 3/4" 1" I v ¢ s PAVEMENT .I EXP. JOINT 54"-90" 1 1/8" 1" 1" 48"-90" 1 1/8" 1" 1 1/4" ) / W/NP-1 SEALANT 22"-29" 3/4" 5/8" 5/8" 22" 3/4" 5/8" 3/4" x x I 36"-59" 7/8" 3/4" 3/4" 29"-51" 7/8" 3/4" 1" a a 65"-88" 1 1/8" 1" 1" a 59"-88" 1 1/8" 1" 1 1/4" = [A BOLT LG. = PIPEWALL THICKNESS + 2 1/2" • - SOLID LINE3/8" DIA. BOLT WITH 1 1/2"x1 1/2" ) q 1 N 4" , WASHER & LOCKWASHER SIGN POST I VALUES FOR "H" A� ) • BLUE -PAINT (TYPICAL) ROUND PIPE ARCH PIPE �i '• FINISHED GROUND I PIPEPIPE ANCHOR UNIT (48-')---_H H� �' LINE SIZE SIZE f Q•. u 112" 2 1/2" 22"-29" 4" ~ DIA. (TYPICAL) 1 3/4"x1 3/4" ANCHOR 115" 3" 36"-44" 5" 23 CONCRETE PIPE BOLLARD DETAIL 18"-24" 4" 51"-55" 6" C8. NOT -TO -SCALE 27"-36" 5" 73"-88" 7" 42"-54" 6" NO K NOTES: 160"-72" 7" L L 1. ALL POSTS AND ANCHORS SHALL BE 12 GAUGE WITH HOLES ON ALL FOUR SIDES. 78"-90" 8" NOTES: 2. LEAVE 1 TO 2 HOLES EXPOSED ABOVE 1 L = DIMENSIONS AS SHOWN ON PLANS 22 TRASH GUARD FOR FLARED END SECTION DETAIL BARS @ 24" O.C. % --NON-EXTRUDING PREMOLDED 14 WATEROUS HYDRANT DETAIL / COMPRESSIBLE MATERIAL C8. NOT -TO -SCALE NON -EXTRUDING PREMOLDED j COMPRESSIBLE MATERIAL -- 19 TYPE 'I' ISOLATION JOINT DETAIL 2U TYPE 'I' DETAIL 8NOT-TO-SCALE C8. NOT -TO -SCALE • 12" 6" 18" VARIABLE I , � #3 BARS @ 24" O.C. E.W. 1.5" WEARING COURS� 2"R KEYWAY REQUIRED ON CONCRETE a / 2" BASE COURSE \\ • PAVEMENT • • • d • d ff iO ' •• •d • ' 2" SAND BASE 6" MN CLASS 5 r M r /2" SLOPE AGGREGATE BASE 7" • • ♦ d • • • . • y%\��\/��\\ 12" SCARIFY & RECOMPACTSUBGRADE u T - _ i i i i i d • • d • ® \�\�A�\i\�!/r/��i\��i\\ .\ RECOMPACT SUBGRADE d >! , • . A f 1 /2" a ��\�TO 95% TO 95 % STANDARD d • ,A ' . ' I PROCTORDENSITYPROCTOR DENSITY /. \\ \ GEOTEXTILE FABRIC fD • • • • • • • d . • • , :1 .! M ° . , • , •' • •• d 3.5" ASPHALT PAVEMENT DETAIL • °- • • 1 1 2s p . d•• _ 25 4" REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK DETAIL ----__6" MN CLASS 5 C8. NOT -TO -SCALE 8. NOT -TO -SCALE �\ AGGREGATE BASE X12" SCARIFY & RECOMPACT SUBGRADE CURB SECTION WHEN DROPPED FOR DRIVEWAY TO TO STANDARD OR PUBLIC SIDEWALK OPENING. PROCTOSTANDARD DENSITY (1' TRANSITION CURB FOR SIDEWALK) 4 BARS @ 24" (3' TRANSITION CURB FOR DRIVEWAY) D p D p D O1 NOTE: O2 NOTE: O3 NOTE: o p w A 1. PLACE DUMMY JOINT AT 10'0" 1. 1/2" x 18" DEFORMED BARS AT 1. DIMENSION "A" SHALL MATCH THE p D O.C. FOR ASPHALT PAVING. 30" O.C. & KEYWAY REQUIRED THICKNESS OF THE ADJOINING WHEN SEPARATE CURB IS PAVEMENT WITH EITHER INTEGRAL 6" MN CLASS 5 6" MN CLASS 5 2. PLACE DUMMY JOINT TO MATCH INSTALLED WITH CONCRETE PAVING OR SEPARATE CURB PANEL SPACING FOR CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE AGGREGATE BASE PAVEMENT. 2. 1" EXPANSION JOINTS PLACED AT GEOTEXTILE FABRIC P.C.'S AND HIGH POINTS FOR N/ N/ \/��N/�\N/\\ 12" SCARIFY & `�� 12" SCARIFY & ASPHALT PAVING./�/// / ` \�;\J \\\ GEOTEXTILE FABRIC \�� �� �� RECOMPACT SUBGRADE \� �\� �\� RECOMPACT SUBGRADE ////. //�//. / 3. 1" EXPANSION JOINTS TO MATCH TO 95°o STANDARD TO 95% STANDARD EXPANSION JOINTS ON CONCRETE PROCTOR DENSITY PROCTOR DENSITY PAVEMENT. 27 5" REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT DETAIL28 6" NON -REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT DETAIL 24 TYPE I STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER DETAIL C8. NOT -TO -SCALE C8. NOT -TO -SCALE g• NOT -TO -SCALE FINISH GROUND LINE FOR CONNECTION CENTER OF STRIPE TO CENTER OF OF POST TO ANCHOR. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY RAMP 8. STRIPE. CNOT-TO-SCALE USING CRUSHED CONCRETE OR RECYCLED ASPHALT (CLAY SHALL 2. STRIPING ADJACENT TO ACCESSIBLE 30 SINGLE BREAKAWAY DETAIL PARKING SHALL BE BLUE. 8. �RESERVED\� NOT -TO -SCALE R7-8(MODIFIED) 12"x18" 3. DIMENSION ACCESSIBLE SYMBOLS AS PER PARKING INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY DETAIL. R8-3 24"x30" PARKOING COLORS: RI -1 30"x30" 29 ACCESSIBLE STRIPING DETAIL LEGEND - RED C8. NOT -TO -SCALE R7-8AP PLAQUE 12"X6" (INCLUDE BACKGROUND - WHITE VAN ACCESSIBLE' PLAQUE WHEN ACCBLE ADJACENT TO 8 FT OR WIDER STOP STRIPED ACCESS AISLE.) VIOLATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO R7-8NDP PLAQUE 12"X12" $200 FINE 1'-6 3/4"- BLUE HIGHWAY PAINT 12" BACKGROUND - 2 r - COATS (TYPICAL) r - FINISH GROUND LINE FINISH GROUND LINE �r� FINISH GROUND LINE q�� INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF j ! / 20 ACCESSIBILITY APPLIED TO THE I CENTER OF EACH REQUIRED � ACCESSIBLE SPACE WITH BLUE PAINT / 24" BACKGROUND AND WHITE PAINT FOR 6" SYMBOL AND PERIMETER EDGE lb < / SIGN ASSEMBLY DETAIL SIGN ASSEMBLY DETAIL 10" SIGN ASSEMBLY DETAIL 4" NOTES: NOTES: NOTES: 1. SHEETING SHALL BE ENGINEER GRADE. 1. SHEETING SHALL BE ENGINEER GRADE. 1. SHEETING SHALL BE ENGINEER GRADE. 2. SIGN PLATE SHALL BE 80 GAUGE ALUMINUM. 2. SIGN PLATE SHALL BE 80 GAUGE ALUMINUM. 2. SIGN PLATE SHALL BE 80 GAUGE ALUMINUM. 3. SIGNS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 3. SIGNS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 3. SIGNS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 5" WIDE WHITE STRIPING - MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES. 2 COATS (TYPICAL) 34 STOP SIGN DETAIL 33 NO PARKING SIGN DETAIL Cg, NOT -TO -SCALE 31 ACCESSIBILITY SYMBOL DETAIL 32 ACCESSIBILITY SIGN DETAILg. NOT -TO -SCALE C8. NOT -TO -SCALE C8- NOT -TO -SCALE 6" MIN. NOT BE ALLOWED) INLET GRATE PVC PIPE ENGINEERING �IF NEEDED FABRIC • REINFORCED CORNERS NOTE: LIFT STRAPS BARRIER ' '0 INSTALL FIBER ROLL •.p ALONG A LEVEL CONTOUR EXISTING 9" FIBER ROLL ~ NOTE: FENCE z GROUND BACK OF CURB •• +• D+ TEMPORARY ACCESS OVER EXISTING CURB & TEMPORARY ACCESS OVER /` • �••. OVERFLOW HOLES GUTTER SHOULD BE LOCATED AT HIGH CURB & GUTTER /' ,� • '' �'+• ¢ O D POINTS IN THE STREET (IF POSSIBLE) TO �F ., • ' ' • ' z MAINTAIN STREET DRAINAGE FfBER R6LL6 • A 0 a EXISTING PAVED ROAD PLASTIC ZIP TIES • 0 FLEXSTORM OR +� N (50 LB. TENSILE) APPROVED EQUAL TEMPORARY ROCK MAY BE UP LOCATED IN TOP 8" -POST LENGTH, 5 FT. MIN. VERTICAL SPACING CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / TO 4' DEEP MEASURED ALONG THE• LIFT STRAPS - �� DIRECTION OF AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING FACE OF THE SLOPE N / SECTION A -A w -GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36" WIDTH o RUNOFF FLOW VARIES BETWEEN _ +INSTALL A FIBER ROLL NEAR 10.0 FT & 100.0 FT / SLOPE WHERE IT TRANSITIONS \ / INTO A STEEPER SLOPE s0•CLEAN OUT @ MACHINE SLICE YYY FIBER ROLL 9" MIN Cyy 80% OF CAPACITY 8"-12" DEPTH (PLUS A 6" FLAP) ROPE TIE RADIUS AS J 15' TYP N REQUIRED STANDARD MACHINE SLICED SLOPE VARIES TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2 INLET FRAME 1' - 2' DEE - TO BE 6" (MIN. DEPTH) OF 1" TO 2" BARRIER FENCE INSTALLATION: 4' MAX. CRUSHED ROCK CRUSHED CONCRETE (NEED NOT BE 5.0' POSTS @ 6.0' MAX '� � OR WOOD MATERIAL (5" OR LESS } SILT FENCE ROPE TIE • REMOVE THE INLET GRATE. PARTICLE SIZE) ON TOP OF 24 IN 3' - 4' DEE' ~ ) SPACING. MAY BE 12" MIN ENGINEERING FABRIC o ALTERNATED ON GRADES LESS FIBER ROLL . STAND THE GRATE UPRIGHT. INSTALL THE GRATE BETWEEN THAN 2.0% THE LIFT STRAPS. NOTES: 2' DEEPcD • PLACE THE BAG IN THE INLET & LOWER THE BAG AND 9" FIBER ROLLS MAX 2" X 2" �` GRATE USING THE LIFT STRAPS. 1. A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT ALL LOCATIONS 4.0' SPACING FOR STAKES / WOOD STAKES WOOD WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES OR EQUIPMENT ENTER OR EXIT THE CONSTRUCTION 1' DEEP STAKES SITES THAT ARE OVER 5 ACRES AND MAY BE REQUIRED BETWEEN 1 AND 5 ACRES AS // UUUJJJ ROLL DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. BACK OF CURB9" MIN MAINTENANCE:SLOPE VARIES 2. UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE TEMPORARY�(FIBER CHECK BAG REGULARLY & AFTER RAIN EVENTS. IF GUTTER / FCTTHE BAG IS FILLED WITH 1/3 OF ITS CAPACITY WITHCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, AND THE SITE SHALL BE a ° IOh0 ♦ /�4" MAX / SEDIMENT, EMPTY THE BAG. RESTORED TO IT'S PREVIOUS CONDITION. A / R F<0 V / ,, ' 3. ENTRANCES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A MANNER TO MINIMIZE THE TRACKING OF / WOVEN MONOFILAMENT • REMOVE DEBRIS AROUND THE INLET GRATE PRIOR TO STREET o 12" MIN 2" X 2" WOOD REMOVING BAG. SEDIMENT ONTO PAVED SURFACES. N �� GEOTEXTILE FABRIC STAKES OR PINS MAX SLICED INTO GROUND 4.0' SPACING • USE THE LIFT HANDLES TO REMOVE THE BAG AND USE 4. THE LOCATION OF TEMPORARY ENTRANCES SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. IF NOT PLAN VIEW THE HANDLES ON THE BOTTOM TO EMPTY BAG. SHOWN ON THE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE LOCATIONS WITH THE ENGINEER. 38 CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAIL 39 SILT FENCE DETAIL W 35 BIOROLL DETAIL 36 INLET PROTECTION DETAIL 37 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DETAIL C8. NOT -TO -SCALE. C8. NOT -TO -SCALE Q C8NOT-TO-SCALE g. Cg• NOT -TO -SCALE NOT -TO -SCALE MBN ENGINEERING MECHANICAL * ELECTRICAL * CIVIL 503 7TH ST. N, SUITE 200 FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE. 701.478.6336 FAX. 701.478.6340 BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES DEEPHAVEN APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AAS A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. PRINT NAME: I"UAp 6. bWEL.VY SIGNATURE: DATE: 1-8-20 LICENSE #: 45953 MBN JOB #: 19-200 DATE: 1-8-20 0 N X c a PROPERTY INFORMATION MONTICELLO APARTMENTS - MONTICELLO, MN OWNER - BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION SITE DATA ZONING TOTAL LOT AREA APARTMENTS LOT AREA TOTAL UNITS OCCUPANCY DENSITY = R-4 = 16.36 ACRES = 8.49 ACRES = 165 = R-2 = 19 UNITS /ACRE ZONING CRITERIA GROSS DENSITY 10-25 DU/ACRE FRONT SETBACK 100' CORNER SIDE SETBACK 40' INTERIOR SIDE SETBACK 30' REAR SETBACK 40' CLEAR OPEN SPACE SETBACK FROM R.O.W. 60' CLEAR OPEN SPACE FROM PROPERTY LINE 40' COMMON OPEN SPACE PER UNIT 500 SF/DU PARKING REQUIREMENTS _ 2.25 SPACES/DU MAX UNCOVERED PARKING 11.1 SPACES/DU 3 UNITS PROVIDED 369,998 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA 69,192 SF TOTAL SIDEWALK AREA 3,598 SF 4Q2� Ov M o � BUILDING #1 18 27 6 51 BUILDING #2 24 1 33 1 6 63 BUILDING #3 18 1 27 1 6 51 TOTAL 60 1 87 1 18 165 0 SITE DATA TOTAL SITE AREA 369,998 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA 69,192 SF TOTAL SIDEWALK AREA 3,598 SF TOTAL DRIVELANE AREA 82,550 SF TOTAL POND AREA 44,278 SF TOTAL GREEN SPACE AREA GREEN SPACE PER UNIT (165 UNITS) 170,680 SF 1,034 SF/UNIT TOTAL % PERVIOUS AREA 46% 11 PARKING 0� 0�� SUMMARY 0 0 ��- ��°v kkTco�_° v /- 0 0�i CO Q" CjO� ,t0 TQ BUILDING 1 (51 UNIT) 3 79 53 1 2 137 BUILDING 2 (63 UNIT) 3 60 63 2 128 BUILDING 3 (51 UNIT) 3 45 53 2 103 TOTAL 9 184 169 6 368 711\\ --------------------------------------------------------------- --- -------------------------- ii COMMERCIAL WDM' /�� DEVELOPMENT (FUTURE) 50' ACCESS EASEMENT 4 \ PRI T V e PROPERTY LINE A 0R/�F ` 30' SIDE YARD _ o SETBACK Li U FUTURE/\\ - -- - - — ----- ---- ----- ---��- ----- -----------------------------0r�---------��------ --- �--- i/ MONUMENTAL - - -I r I I SIGN / 311,-0"a I- �► I I N [ III I 40REAR YARD � � P � L i; ' 7 6' WIDE SIDEWALK (TYP) I SETBACKji n n I n r ----------------- / ,. \ C I 110 WIDE I I SIDEWALK \_ __..___ ____ _ ___._ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ______________ _ --------- ____ ____ _ ____.. ____ \' ' BUILDING FO'UR-STORY COMMERCIAL / ;' ,�/ �\\ \\\\\\ �� ` 631 UNIT 1o DEVELOPMENT / L IL L LJ LJ l� 1L Lf L BUILDING > ji/ ! 1 BU LO(Nb 3 112' 14" I / 1 I (FUTURE) /// 10 WIDE SIDEWALK MULTI FAMILY N ) I FOUR -STOP, UTURE ----fOWR-STORY .• .._.,,51._ U-'NT���� DEVELOPMENT \ 11 'UNIT OMR00 (8.49 ACRES) I ,I LII I Y��,ONE-STORY 100' FRO D�_1 I i SETBACKQ I I 0 26'- 'kT&L-�l" \\�� 160' SETBAb; (TY T' I�J L -- // 100'-0" I !EASEMENT I WATER FEATURE I I ] I I I ,FUTURE I I 2 ME 6 MONU N Ai OUT LOT _---- SIGN I (SEE CIVIL FOR I I I I EXACT DIMENSIONS) 26 0� ;o ,, I I I ® I I I I ' I --------------- --- -- -- -- -- ---------- ----- ---L II---------- -------------------------- -------- -- ----- --- - -------,! -- ----� 87 \ PICNIC l � PICNIC �� / p, 30' SIDE YARD PRIVATE UKIVL ' -- -- -- -- -- -- -� -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- --SETBACK - -- - I �► N N _ 1 SITE PLAN 444 r A001 SCALE:1 "=50'-0" I W I 1 2 3 4 5 I I I I I I I I I I I r_J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RHET ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE, LLC ATTN: RHET FISKNESS, AIA 27 11 th ST. S. FARGO, N D 58102 OFFICE PHONE: 701.715.8232 CELL PHONE: 701.388.2867 EMAIL: RHET@RHET-ARCH.COM WEB: WWW.RHET-ARCH.COM I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature. Date- 442019 REG. NO.: 50755 1019711: oA NS 4�C�i C PROJECT: MONTICELLO APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MN GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION ATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ PHONE: 701.715.8232 EMAIL: mdbuchholz@gmail.com CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 12/2/2019 MARK DESCRIPTION DATE All plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by RHET ARCHITECTURE, as instruments of service shall remain the property of RHET ARCHITECTURE. RHET ARCHITECTURE shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. PROJECT N0: 19-100603 DRAWN BY: RF CHECKED BY: RF DRAWING TITLE: DEVELOPMENT PLAN A001 U C 0 In., C .IN WEST BUFFERYARD W TO BE SHAREDACROSS PROPERTY LINE. APPROXIMATELY,' BUFFERYARD 'A' SHOWN ON THIS PLAN EDGING, TYPICAL WOOD MULCH, TYPICAL 40' REAR YARD SETBACK MFP 1 30' SIDE YARD SETBACK PROPERTY INFORMATION MONTICELLOW APARTMENTS - MONTICELLO, MN OWNER - BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION ZONING = R-4 TOTAL MULTI -FAMILY LOT AREA = 8.49 ACRES REQUIRED SITE LANDSCAPE PLANTINGS CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.1 LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING; TABLE 4-4; MULTI -FAMILY WITH (5) OR MORE UNITS; 16.0 ACI (AGGREGATE CALIPER INCHES) OF CANOPY TREES (INCLUDING AT LEAST 3 EVERGREEN TREES) PER ACRE + AT LEAST 2 SHRUBS PER EACH 10 FEET OF BUILDING PERIMETER, OR AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED TREES 8.49 ACRES X 16 ACI = 135.8 ACI PROVIDED PER THIS PLAN 1. THESE NOTES ARE FOR GENERAL REFERENCE IN CONJUNCTION WITH, AND AS A SUPPLEMENT TO THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS, DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES, 2 ACI EACH = 29 TREES X 2 ACI = 58 ACI EVERGREEN TREES, 2 ACI EACH = 26 TREES X 2 ACI = 52 ACI (8.49 X 3 = 26 EVERGREEN TREES MININIMUM) 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH OTHER TRADES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. l-_ ORNAMENTAL TREES, 1.5 ACI EACH = 19 TREES X 1.5 ACI = 28.5 ACI REQUIRED ACI (8.49 AC) 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING AND FUTURE UNDERGROUND SERVICES AND = 135 ACI TOTAL TREE ACI Cn = 138.5 ACI SHRUBS PLANTS, STRUCTURES OR VIEWS. BUILDING #1 PERIMETER LENGTH (841 LF) = 84.1 X 2 = 168.2 SHRUBS PROVIDED PER PLAN 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY LOOSEN ANY COMPACTED SUBGRADES PRIOR TO PLACING TOPSOIL, TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF = 175 SHRUBS BUILDING #2 PERIMETER LENGTH (946 LF) = 94.6 X 2 = 189.2 SHRUBS PROVIDED PER PLAN = 190 SHRUBS BUILDING #3 PERIMETER LENGTH (841 LF) = 84.1 X 2 = 168.2 SHRUBS PROVIDED PER PLAN = 175 SHRUBS REQUIRED SHRUBS (2,628 LF) z = 526 SHRUBS TOTAL SHRUBS PER PLAN A. TREES- S DIAMETER = 543 SHRUBS BUFFER YARDS -TYPE A BUFFERYARD REQUIRED ALONG NORTH AND WEST SIDES OF PROPERTY TO SEPARATE MORE INTENSE COMMERICAL LAND USE. PLANTING AREAS MUST BE 20' WIDE AND MUST PROVIDE 2 ACI OF CANOPY TREES, 10 ACI OF UNDERSTORY TREES PLUS 15 SMALL SHRUBS PER 100 LINEAL FEET. NORTH BUFFER YARD (900 LF) CANOPY TREES- 18 ACI (18 ACI PROVIDED) UNDERSTORY TREES- 90 ACI (45 ACI PROVIDED) SHRUBS- 135 SHRUBS (69 PROVIDED) WEST BUFFER YARD (420 LF) CANOPY TREES- 9 ACI (10 ACI PROVIDED) UNDERSTORY TREES- 42 ACI (21 ACI PROVIDED) SHRUBS- 63 SHRUBS (39 PROVIDED) KA PLANTING NOTES 1. THESE NOTES ARE FOR GENERAL REFERENCE IN CONJUNCTION WITH, AND AS A SUPPLEMENT TO THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS, ADDENDA AND CHANGE ORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. w W Of 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH OTHER TRADES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. l-_ W 0 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING AND FUTURE UNDERGROUND SERVICES AND Q IMPROVEMENTS WHICH MAY CONFLICT WITH WORK TO BE DONE. Cn 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY OUT PLANT MATERIAL PER PLAN AND FACE TO GIVE BEST APPEARANCE OR RELATION TO ADJACENT PLANTS, STRUCTURES OR VIEWS. 5. ALL NEWLY PLANTED MATERIAL SHALL BE THOROUGHLY SOAKED WITH WATER WITHIN 3 HOURS OF PLANTING. 6. THIRTY DAYS AFTER PLANTING, CONTRACTOR SHALL RE -STAKE AND STRAIGHTEN TREES AS NECESSARY. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY LOOSEN ANY COMPACTED SUBGRADES PRIOR TO PLACING TOPSOIL, TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 6. Cn w it 8. ALL PLANTING BEDS, ARE TO RECEIVE 2" DEPTH, CLEAN, WASHED, 2" DRESSER TRAP ROCK OVER A 5 OZ. WOVEN LANDSCAPE WEED -BARRIER FABRIC. SUBMIT SAMPLE OF MULCH AND LANDSCAPE FABRIC FOR APPROVAL. z 9. ALL PLANTS TO RECEIVE 3" DEPTH HARDWOOD WOOD MULCH IN LAWN AND ROCK MULCH PLANTING BEDS AS INDICATED BELOW; 2 A. TREES- S DIAMETER Z B. SHRUBS - 2' DIAMETER lY C. PERENNIALS - 18" DIAMETER 0 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN PLANTING BEDS AND LAWN AREAS FOR A PERIOD OF 1 -YEAR) UPON COMPLETION OF PLANTING OPERATIONS. MAINTENANCE TO INCLUDE WEEDING, HAND WATERING, MOWING, MULCH REPLACEMENT, EROSION REPAIR, PLANT cf) W REPLACEMENT, FERTILIZING AND AS ADDITIONALLY REQUIRED OR NECESSARY. w H 13. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPORT ADDITIONAL CLEAN, NATIVE, SHREDDED TOPSOIL, AS REQUIRED TO FINE GRADE SMOOTH AND EVEN z GRADING PRIOR TO SEEDING AND SHRUB BED PREPARATION. TOPSOIL TO, FREE OF WEEDS, RHIZONES, ROCKS, STICKS, W CONCRETE, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIAL. 0 o' 14. EDGING TO BE COMMERCIAL GRADE, PVC EDGING, INSTALL SMOOTH AND UNIFORM AND PER MANUFACTURER'S > RECOMMENDATIONS. w 15. CONTRACTOR TO WARRANTY ALL PLANT MATERIAL FOR 1 -YEAR FROM COMPLETION OF PLANTING. REPLACE PLANT MATERIAL THAT IS DEAD OR HAS 50% OR MORE OF CANOPY NOT LEAFED OUT. IRRIGATION NOTES 1. ALL LAWN AND PLANTING BED AREAS TO BE IRRIGATED. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE DESIGN -BUILD FOR COMPLETE AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM. 3 PLANT LEGEND SYM TREE AE Acolade Elm (Ulmus'Morton') SGM Sienna Glen Maple (Acer x freemanii 'Sienna') TNL True North Linden (Tilia american 'Duros') PE Prairie Expedition Elm (Ulmus americana 'Lewis & Clark') NAH Northern Acclaim Honeylocust (Gleditsia tricanthos var. inermis "Harve') CH Common Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) BO Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) SYM TREE ABS Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry (Amelanchier x grandiflora 'A. Brilliance') ISL Ivory Silk Lilac (Syringa reticulata 'Ivory Silk') SSC Spring Snow Crab (Malus'Spring Snow') TCH Thornless Cosckspur Hawthorn (Crataegus crus-galli var. inermis') MFP Moutain Frost Pear (Pyrus ussuriensis'Bailfrost') NV Nannyberry Viburnum Tree Form (Viburnum lentago) SYM TREE SP Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvetris) CS Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens) AP Austrin Pine (Pinus nigra) O n 1 2 3 4 5 WOOD MULCH, TYPICAL I EDGING, TYPICAL NV ISL TCH _W:1NV BCA I 3 3 5 3 3 2 BCRHET A RAC GD A BCA NV 8 $ 8 BC8 8 2 ARCHITECTURE TNL PE PE CH CH I u 1 1 1 rT Cs RHET ARCHITECTURE, LLC - 2 ATTN: RHET FISKNESS, AIA MAIL: 901 5th AVE. S. FARGO, ND 58103 1 .4/AJVJ,L�.1.•Ir1I.4 iJ l+/�.�.�/ JI, OFFICE: 27 11th ST. S. FARD 58102 Ole GO N BMV TSY PHONE: 701.388.2867 BO 3 7 7 AP EMAIL: RHET@RHET-ARCH.COM 3 TSY ABS FR 1 2 3 1 2 WEB: WWW.RHET-ARCH.COM SOD ,,,, ,,,,, , -I 5 ;LtT'Ci EEDED ; �/� SGM 3 SOD ABS FRG GD ° FRG%/` 3 6 - ROCKULCH, TY ICAL Hanson Design Associates, LLC 2 DN GMA EDGIN , TYPICAL Landscape Architecture BMV TSY BMV O NAH 2 9 ;%S%5%%% %/,;;;;;;;,; r 2 2415 3rd Street North 2 6 1 FS Fargo, North Dakota 58102 GMA i x. HJ 1 3 CS ph 701.298.8392 8 1 y ' TSY MWP 3 �= 2 4 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 3 DKL GMA 8 TSY ;SSSSSS S;SSSSSSSSSSS 10 2 ";�� t """' 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report M J LRD J, was prepared by me or under my direct supervision 6 MKL 13 MKL BO and that 1 am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect y 1 MKL HJ under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 1 11 � 2 1 LRD �ssssssss Print Name - James D. Hanson. BUILDING #3 19 G " 100 FRO T YARD SETBACK FRG ISL 2 Signature: 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;; 12-31-19 25623 SD i Date License # 3 Board of Architecture, Engineering, FRG Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience 4 And Interior Design Telephone61ZT96-2388. + ++++++ BO DN CS 2 : 2 + BCA + FS 6;;';; ++ CH FS TSY 60'=ETBP:,K EASEv�ENT PROJECT: +++ + 2 2 MONTICELLO ++++ DBH TSY + 3 2 GD + b PE + + APARTMENTS DBH GMA 1 + 3 + LRD g;;,, I MONTICELLO MN +:; + 3 ++++` SSC12 f Mi13 SID Mi + + + +++ +�; 6 ;;�;;" AP ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, 2 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: + + , MKL MKL ;„' , + +, + + + + + + SOD 1 1 BUCHHOLZ + + ++++ + ++ 8MMWP + I CONSTRUCTION + iATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ + ;` \ NAH ISL ISL SGM I PHONE: 701.371.1646 1 1 EMAIL. mdbuchholz@gmail.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AE CS I TI 1 1 N I .y �0 0 I 40 80 Scale Feet SIZE MATURE H x W QUANTITY I SYM SHRUB SIZE MATURE H x W QUANTITY I CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 10/2/2019 2" CALIPER 70'x 40-50' 4 I W BCA Bailey Compact Amur Maple (Acer ginnala 'Bailey Compact) #5 CONTAINER 6'x 6' 61 I MARK DESCRIPTION DATE 2" CALIPER 60 x 40' 7 I m BMV Blue Muffin Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum'Christom') #5 CONTAINER 6'x 6' 42 2" CALIPER 40-50'x 20' 4 I = DKL Dwarf Korean Lilac (Syringa meyeri'Palibin') #5 CONTAINER 4-5'x 5-7' 14 2" CALIPER 55'x 60' 3 I DBH Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle (Derivilla lonicera) #2 CONTAINER 4'x 34 30 I All plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by RHET ARCHITECTURE, as instruments of service shall 2" CALIPER 35-45'x 30-35' 12 I FS Fritsch Spirea (Spirea fritschiana) #2 CONTAINER 2-3'x 4-5' 48 I remain the property of RHET ARCHITECTURE. RHET ARCHITECTURE shall retain 2" CALIPER 50-75'x 50' 6 I GMA Green Mound Alpine Currant (Ribes alpinum'Green Mound') #2 CONTAINER 3-4'x 2-3' 93 I all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. 2" CALIPER 60-80'x 60-80' 7 I LRD Little Rebel Dogwood (Cornus alba'Jefreb') #2 CONTAINER 3-4'x 34 85 - - - I MWP McKay's White Potentilla (Potentilla fruiticosa'McKays White') #2 CONTAINER 3'x 3' 40 I PROJECT NO: 19-100603 HJ Hughes Juniper (Juniperus horizontalis 'Hughes') #5 CONTAINER 15" x 6-8' 4 JH SIZE MATURE H x W QUANTITY I TSY Taunton Spreading Yew (Taxus x medina 'Tauntoni') #5 CONTAINER 3-4'x 4-6' 49 I DRAWN BY: 1 1/2" CALIPER 20-25' x 15' 5 I I CHECKED BY: JH 1 1/2" CALIPER 25'x 15' 16 GD Gray Dogwood (Cornus racemosa) #2 CONTAINER 6-8'x 5-6' 55 1 1/2" CALIPER 25-30'x 15' 8 MF Meadowlark Forsythia (Forsythia 'Meadowlark') #2 CONTAINER 8-10' x 6-10" 16 I DRAWING TITLE: II RAC Redwing American Cranberrybush (Viburnum trilobum 'JN Select') #2 CONTAINER 8-10' x 6-8' 48 PLANTING PLAN 1 1/2" CALIPER 15-20'x 15'-20' 6 I DN Diablo Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius'Monlo') #5 CONTAINER 8-10' x 8-10' 10 1 1/2" CALIPER 20-30'x 15-20' 7 I MKL Miss Kim Lilac (Syringa patula'Miss Kim') #5 CONTAINER 6-7'x 5-6' 42 1 1/2" CALIPER 20'x 8-10' 21 I MJ Maney Juniper (Juniperus chinensis'Maneyi') #5 CONTAINER 4-5'x 5-6' 52 SIZE MATURE H x W QUANTITY 6' Ht. 40-60'x 30-40' 8 I U) SYM SHRUB SIZE MATURE H x W QUANTITY 6' Ht. 60'x 20' 9 I Q FRG Feather Reed Grass (Calamagrostis acutiflora'Karl Foerster') #1 CONT. 4'x 2' 44 6' Ht. 50-60'x 30-40' 9 I w VH Varigated Hosta (Hosta undulata) #1 CONT. V x 2.5' 3 - I w SD Stella D'Oro Daylilly (Hemerocalis'Stella D'Oro') #1 CONT. 15" x 24" 18 SOD HYDROSEEDED ROCK MULCH WOOD MULCH DETENTION POND NATIVE LAWN GRASS SEED MIX n 5 C 0 m i► A 3 4 iii i i l i i i -- — — J — 1 -------------------I------C---------------_-----------------------------C---------- — 7; i i i iL i i i i _===�L----------------------------=====1---====I=--- E: C 07 3 SIDE ELEVATION A401 SCALE: 1 /16"=1'-0" -1 -- Waillllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illllllllllllllllli (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111101111 1111111111111111I � �i��ll �� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I�III!Iliilllllll)�- 1 FRONT ELEVATION A401 SCALE: 1 /16"=1'-0" 11i I I I JJI I IL i L—�L---=I-------L---------------------------------J=---1—� III ;) 40z SIDE ELEVATION 1 SCALE: 1 /16"=1'-0" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (I I I � I Illlllllll!III MEN IlllllllllllllllliIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII — Illllllil!!�II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII UIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ���illl lll�l� Illllllli!IIII --------------------------------------------------------- ----- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ft M U Q > co 1 0 04 REAR ELEVATION A401 SCALE: 1/1 6"=l'—O" 5 > p d 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 5 RHET ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE, LLC ATTN: RHET FISKNESS, AIA MAIL: 901 5th AVE. S. FARGO, ND 58103 A OFFICE: 27 11th ST. S. FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.388.2867 EMAIL: RHET@RHET-ARCH.COM WEB: WWW.RHET-ARCH.COM I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature- Date- -/-/2019 REG. NO.: 50755 oA NS 4�C�i C PROJECT: MONTICELLO APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MN GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION ATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ PHONE: 701.371.1646 EMAIL: mdbuchholz@gmail.com CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 10/7/2019 MARK DESCRIPTION DATE All plans, specifications, computer files, field data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by RHET ARCHITECTURE, as instruments of service shall remain the property of RHET ARCHITECTURE. RHET ARCHITECTURE shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. PROJECT N0: 19-100603 DRAWN BY: DN CHECKED BY: RF DRAWING TITLE: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A401 C 0 `tet. M,,t • - - -_ � - � _ ~•�-tib ap • f .. tl IRS dII III � S low L{ Fir Til _ _ _ •: �--� . ;� -.,, . _ - ',, rye_ • -� . � F,.. - T• �'.i-•iti.s_•s _'1 uv - �SSy�a.4-r�.JY1• -•�+V '�Yi t-'' :a `__ _. ''' `a' A!•1 i ii: • I- NA.. -�L,�!�,,�,� t iilk L i • - - -_ � - � _ ~•�-tib ap • f .. tl IRS dII III � S low L{ Fir Til _ _ _ •: �--� . ;� -.,, . _ - ',, rye_ • -� . � F,.. - T• �'.i-•iti.s_•s _'1 uv - �SSy�a.4-r�.JY1• -•�+V '�Yi t-'' :a `__ _. ''' `a' A!•1 i ii: • I- NA.. -�L,�!�,,�,� W LV C 0 I N 0 v 0 0 0- _I 0 i� N 0 I in N - Ln 0 0 (0 0 I 0 ro o I ro 0 I I i� 1 2 / r 5'-7" 4'-3 N J Jr Jr J 1 N Jr U-)2142 2442 �01 c 2442_ 3327Ln --- _ B24 RANGE B24 FRIG L PANTRY 6'-0" _00 00 KITCHENco M i 0 O M. BATH 2 b m -- 0 NI -� \ C' N \ N O] �• 00 > w LVT CPT L / z Lj s — — — 001UNIT '2B -SIM -2' FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" 1,187 S.F. 3 9'-10" J 4'-0" J 7'-8"Lk J r _ _ 24 01 24� 3327 - - - - 7PANTRY O O --- \1 I I I �p 12 RANGE B12 FRIG L I W.I.C. I I 11 I I �1 � --- �' I m 6'-0" 3'-0" Jr fi IIS o KITCHEN 00 II I I b Cn Cn O M. BATH 2 — CI �I N N — m �O00 — w LVT PT i z � J 3.1 UNIT '213 -SIM' FLOOR PLAN A701 SCALE: 1/4"=l' -O" 1,187 S.F. N I 00 I , 0 Ln N n r 5'-0" 45'-8" 5'-0" 29'-11" 15'-9" ID „ 14'-6" 50-3" 5'- 1 V> 3'-9" 7'-2 1/2" 2'- 8 5-10 1/2" 5 5 1 2" 5 1,'2" - 6 , c0 — — — — — r — — o 0C _4 0 CPT SV I 3-0 �IOi\Ln I ID W.I.C.\ N M.BATH: I W.LC: Ln I 04, S O V N 2 LVT '_1 I _ O 0 I o I M. BEDROOM ! 5 i ; ,- � SIM. 4 CPT LVT W & D Oo o BATH SV 00 ,�, ` - LV 6-0 co " 14'-9 1/2" LVT SV �J I N6 _ (0 r 12'-11" - 3-01 3'-10" 2'-6" r 7'-3" 3'-8" 4'-3 SV PATIO 0) J J J - I \2-6 CPT ' I 00 o Ln PATIO 0 LVT LVT N I °' LIVING r 3-0 CPT CPT I I 0 07 I C14 -------- 3-01 I I N N i N 6-0 I N - 3;-8 2'-9" 3'-0"-5 1 / ' , 4» I r r r I CD I m I �BEDROOM #2 BEDROOM #3 � 5 0 �x� I DINING o m in I� �I M m OLO CD N N \ \ 1 Q Io KITCHEN O (7 ?0 O o I?_0 1 —T QD 10 DB14 SB36 DW LS 10� � (.0I + 0 18421 0 0 0 o 0 I�/3i4?1 I WC42 0 c0 \ \ \ \ 1 3'-6" 9'-5" 12'-3" 12'-0" 6'-0" 5 -0 2 -6 43'-2 5 -0 02 UNIT '3D' FLOOR PLAN 6 THUS A701 SCALE: 1/4"=l' -O" 1,424 S.F. 1 2 1 3 i 6" Jr to 3'-0" 4 15 9'-10" 11'-8" 5 -1" 10'-5" Jr Jr J� Jr N WC42 13042 p01 1842 3327 _ 3-0 rn F---------+— -- � - I --------- -- /L _ LS B18 RANGE B18 FRIG L \ L' 'T SV LAUNDRY '� I � , W.I.C. I o -Ln II \ 0 6'- 0" J 3'-0" J 6'-2" Jrl'_7'J l 0 I - KITCHEN - I ' a m I 00 CPT I — 00 — I ---------------0 SV 2-6 I m CNI o O M. BATH I m ! BATH 2 t L ------------------- LA C'41 -m OLVT CPT I ��� I o W.I.C. I �I j I I It N SV I � — I i 7'-10" 3'-10" ------ 13'-0" 11'-8" 4' I' LIVING BEDROOM #2 II I I I II I -- II - M. BEDROOM L- - I 1 11 II IL— I II I ku � F—J II or) II I I II 1111 I I II - II II II I L1L__— II I L--� I II—J II LL------- Y--------- L ----- I I II I I II I I II L J �I 5'-9" I� 6'-3" 12 —0" 14'-6" BEDROOM #2 an ■ 3'-6" 2'-6" r 14'-9 1/2" 11'-9" LIVING DINING 4 5'-0" �1'-1011 101-01$ 4'-2" 4'-0" 5'-0" 28 -0" 37'-0" Ln PATIO 3 UNIT '213' FLOOR PLAN 21 THUS A701 SCALE: 1/4"=l' -O" 1,187 S.F. 38'-6" Jc26'-0" 12'-6" 6'-2" 4'-4 1/2„ 5 /2„ 6,-1„ 6,-5„ 5 N ® C0 I , I N------ 5 1/2" `V 4 4 to N N co 0 W.I.C. 3-0 — — — — — 'O N - - I CPT � vBATH i � , �------- L -------- - N - - - - LAUNDRY 2 LVT SVa, ------- C14 L o m 0 I IW & D — 1 CPT LVT LVT SV — — — — I I ao N Ln 4'-1 1/2" 7'-7" 5'-I" 6'-1" r r I J 111 5'-0" J 3'-10" J 2'-6" °' LVT W.I.C. \ 3-0 CPT I QD 0 C I N v00 I I I � 3-0 1 N �- \ I m IN B48 0 �0cb KITCHEN I oma, S I M. BEDROOM B24 DW SB36 B24 LS �N QD I� �II I � 481 \ \I I I 364 I WC42 2 o I �� O 724LINEN N 0 VB48 N I I - _o I M. BATH M SV CPT 00- 0 1 16'-5 15/16" 9'-0" 7'-0" 36'-0" 1 UNIT '2D' FLOOR PLAN 6 THUS A 001 SCALE: 1/4"=l' -O" 1,193 S.F. 5 RHET ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE, LLC ATTN: RHET FISKNESS, AIA MAIL: 901 5th AVE. S. FARGO, ND 58103 A OFFICE: 2711th ST. S. FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.388.2867 EMAIL: RHET@RHET-ARCH.COM WEB: WWW.RHET-ARCH.COM I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature- Date- 442019 REG. NO.: 50755 c �'S gvcsio� PROJECT: B MONTICELLO APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MN GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION ATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ PHONE: 701.371.1646 EMAIL: mdbuchholz@gmail.com CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 10/7/2019 MARK DESCRIPTION DATE All plans, specifications, computer files, fleld data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by RHET ARCHITECTURE, as instruments of service shall remain the property of RHET ARCHITECTURE. RHET ARCHITECTURE shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. PROJECT NO: 19-100603 DRAWN BY: PA CHECKED BY: RF DRAWING TITLE: UNIT PLANS A701 C 0 A C VIIIIIIIIIIIII U o 0 LIVING FA 3 AS 12x FRAMINGREQ'D 15-2" 26' 0" FOR DRYER VENT 6 4'- 0 10-8 6 10'- 8 -1 8'-11 6 4 N N N to ` _ _ _ 3642 _ 01 � 2442 3327 L i WC42 12t, (201 � 2442- 3327 - 3-0 `� ` I O O ------ `°� —O O --- `°-------- of B36 RANGE B24 FRIG,n LS RANGE B24 FRIG ,n LJ SV--,, LAUNDRY I ; N I o o F o I10 vI jI� 0 5'-8" 3'-0" 4'-4" j 3'-1" b KITCHEN KITCHEN °' 2 I N I N I o P rn M o i i o � L - - - I� 0 5'-8" 0 3'-d" CIO L18 ��0 / VB54------------ I -----,, CN I � I BATH `° P 10M m SV 3-0 --------------- SV I DINING DINING LVT 2-6 CPT11 ro I � I I 'I m `—- ------ I I o� N I - I i t ---- ---- N� 5 W.I.C. i 5� N 2.2 UNIT '113' FLOOR PLAN 6 THUS M -I SIM. LVT A702 SCALE:1 /4"=1'-0" 862 S.F. CPT 3- 6" 13'-0" 4'-3",' 2'-5" 3'-0" 2'-6" 4" LIVING I _= BEDROOM 1 �- - BEDROOM i I 1 I�\ 3' 6'-0" 4'-0" 3'-0" 7'-0" 5'-6" 10'-0" 15'-6" 1 26'-0" Ln / PATIO / 2.1 UNIT '1 A -SIM' FLOOR PLAN 2 THUS A702 SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 854 S.F. 1 2 E I it 3jr2'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0$$ / jr 2'-6" 10'-0" 16'-6" PATIO / 3 N 0) _I 1 F_--71 C° I� �I x I� �I / 4'-0" 4'-0" 5'-6" 2E'—o" 2 UNIT '1A' FLOOR PLAN 9 THUS A 002 SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 823 S.F. 4 5 RHET ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE, LLC ATTN: RHET FISKNESS, AIA MAIL: 901 5th AVE. S. FARGO, ND 58103 A OFFICE: 2711th ST. S. FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.388.2867 EMAIL: RHET@RHET-ARCH.COM WEB: WWW.RHET-ARCH.COM I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature- Date- 442019 REG. NO.: 50755 0� IsOg' O0L �0wsl?� n�tl PROJECT: B MONTICELLO APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MN 26'-0" GENERAL CONTRACTOR: /9'-3» 6; 61' 10'-8" J 5'-1" J BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION Ln 3042 3018L _ 3042 _ 3327 3_0 z ATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ _ _ _ (0 - w 5 PHONE: 701.371.1646 �, _I z SIM. � LV SV - EMAIL: mdbuchholz@gmail.com B30 RANGE B30 FRIG u) � BATH i ao 6" 8'-4 1/2" 2'-0 1/2" 2'-7" 3 10 8'-2" w ; 6„ KITCHEN _ O LO 2-6 _ 1.5 OPEN72 1.5 DW 1 5 - - ----------- ---00 C:) I Ln DINING 00 2 --- 6-0 ---- N CO LVT CPT 5 CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 10/7/2019 0 MARK DESCRIPTION DATE 5 1 /2" 6' 131-01, 3'-10" 8'- 4" 4" / All plans, specifications, computer files, fleld data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by RHET ARCHITECTURE, as instruments of service shall LIVING BEDROOM remain the property of RHET ARCHITECTURE. RHET ARCHITECTURE shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. PROJECT N0: 19-100603 DRAWN BY: PA CHECKED BY: RF DRAWING TITLE: UNIT PLANS I x I D I IN(0 Iv 1 3' 6'-0" 4'-0" 3'-0" 7'-0" 5'-6" I 10'-0" 15-6" LO 26'-0" / PATIO / 1 UNIT '1C' FLOOR PLAN 1 THUS A702 A702 SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 854 S.F. 4 5 A LV 5'-0" 4'-1 12'-3" 5,-1» --6'-1,> de 01 11» 11, -I Ij/ C 43'-6" LVT ��, W.I.C. 3-0 CPT O I I M Co I I 3-0 N N \ \ x KITCHEN o LO 0 lee —_ B24 DW SB36 B24 LS N QD 0 N N 1 ` 4 42 364 ` 2 3'-6" 3'-4" 0 24LINEN O 4'-0" N VB48 N 0 � 5'-2" 6'-10" - o ' M. BATH 10'-0" s 3 -0" 6'-3" 5'-9" CPT 0 16'-5 011 9'-0" 1 7'-0" in s 0 36'-0" o 1 UNIT '2D' FLOOR i 6 THUS s � D PATIO 1,193 S.F. UNIT '2B' FLOOR PLAN 21 i THUS 5 001 SCALE:1/4"=1'-0" 1,187 S.F. 5'-0" (.0 39'-0" 5'-0" 4'-1 12'-3" 5,-1» --6'-1,> de 01 11» 11, Ij/ 15'- 4" i N 0 I N M. BEDROOM ^ I PATIO r LIVING O N, - o x I IJI DING —, 3'-6" i 5'-0" 3'-0 FA 3 46'-6" 30'-9" 15'-9" J 5'-3" J 5-11 " J 3'-9" 7'-2 1/2" 2'-8" 5-10 1/2" 5 1 2" 5 1,'2" � 6 ' c° LQ 4 I � m N CPT SV I 3-0 U-) �C-4 I -------------- L N -o I 0 W.I.C. M.BATH'' j W.I.C. �, '� I 2 I SV LVT I - o o I 1 1 I 5 I CDi Ii SIM. r, CPT LVT W & D ° M 0 �� � BATH � � LV 6-0 `v I 15'-7 1/2" 5'-3" 4'-0" 7'-0" 5'-7" LVT SV oo N , » , » I » , » , » , » SV J �- 3-0 3-10 2'-6 J 7-3 3-3 4-3 2-6 CPT 00i 1 I I O I 0 LVT LVT N I I °' 0 � 1 3-0 CPT CPT I- I I o Cn N -------- 3—o i I I N d - 6-0 N c° I CD N 3;-8'' 2'-9" 3'-0 CD m I ' I BEDROOM #2 BEDROOM #3 N 5 0 M to M o Ln L" 0 1 1 KITCHEN 1 0 o I� D131 SB36 DW LS 0 0 1842 3� WC42 0 9'-9" 4'-1 12'-3" 5,-1» --6'-1,> 3'-6" 11» i 5'-0" 43'-6" LJ 12'-0" 02 UNIT '3D' FLOOR PLAN 6 THUS A701 SCALE: 1/4"=l' -O" 1,424 S.F. 1� N Ln LO I o I N It LAUNDRY t� o 4 37'-0" N :Ln O � I n n V11 15-3 1/2" 3'-6" PATIO LIVING x — DINING 4'-1 1/2" 7'-7" 5,-1» --6'-1,> 3'-6" 11» i 5'-0" 3'-0" LVT ��, W.I.C. 3-0 CPT 0 I M Co I N\ 3-0 N co x KITCHEN o 1 i� lee —_ B24 DW SB36 B24 LS N QD 1 N ` 4 42 364 ` 2 3'-6" 3'-4" 6'-0" 24LINEN O 4'-0" N VB48 N I � 5'-2" 6'-10" - o ' M. BATH 10'-0" s 3 -0" 6'-3" 5'-9" CPT 0 16'-5 011 9'-0" 1 7'-0" in s 36'-0" 1 UNIT '2D' FLOOR i 6 THUS s A 001 SCALE: 1/4"=l' -O" PATIO 1,193 S.F. UNIT '2B' FLOOR PLAN 21 i THUS 5 001 SCALE:1/4"=1'-0" 1,187 S.F. 5'-0" 39'-0" 26'-6" 12'-6" ' 6" 15'-0" 6'-2" 4'-4 1/2" 5 /2» 6'-1" 6'-5 /• 5 � 4 I N ` 0 ------ , 1 N 5 1/2„ N 4 4 N W.I.C. co 0 3-0 'O N CPTV-------�- CD - N 1 — — — — — —BATH ""� "�' LAUNDRY N� --------J' 2 LVT SV f a, BEDROOM #2 " m O° 0 " -------------------- I ,- I \ W & D 1 CPT LVT LVT SV — — — —_ J 0:3F N LO V11 15-3 1/2" 3'-6" PATIO LIVING x — DINING 3 1 4 4'-1 1/2" 7'-7" 5,-1» --6'-1,> 3'-6" 11» i 5'-0" 3'-0" LVT ��, W.I.C. 3-0 CPT 0 I M Co 3 1 4 i I N co RHET ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE, LLC ATTN: RHET FISKNESS, AIA MAIL: 901 5th AVE. S. FARGO, ND 58103 A OFFICE: 2711th ST. S. FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.388.2867 EMAIL: RHET@RHET-ARCH.COM WEB: WWW.RHET-ARCH.COM I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature- Date- 442019 REG. NO.: 50755 iy �V cc PROJECT: B MONTICELLO APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MN GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION ATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ PHONE: 701.371.1646 EMAIL: mdbuchholz@gmail.com CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 10/7/2019 MARK DESCRIPTION DATE All plans, specifications, computer files, fleld data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by RHET ARCHITECTURE, as instruments of service shall remain the property of RHET ARCHITECTURE. RHET ARCHITECTURE shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. PROJECT NO: 19-100603 DRAWN BY: PA CHECKED BY: RF DRAWING TITLE: UNIT PLANS A701 C 0 4'-1 1/2" 7'-7" 5,-1» --6'-1,> 11» 5'-0" 3'-10" 2'-6" LVT ��, W.I.C. 3-0 CPT 0 I M Co I N\ 3-0 N m IN B48 0 zO I KITCHEN o 1 M. BEDROOM 10 B24 DW SB36 B24 LS N QD / �; �WC42 N 4 42 364 2 24LINEN O N VB48 N I - o ' M. BATH I 0 SV CPT 16'-5 15/16" 9'-0" 1 7'-0" 36'-0" 1 UNIT '2D' FLOOR PLAN 6 THUS A 001 SCALE: 1/4"=l' -O" 1,193 S.F. 5 i I N co RHET ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE, LLC ATTN: RHET FISKNESS, AIA MAIL: 901 5th AVE. S. FARGO, ND 58103 A OFFICE: 2711th ST. S. FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.388.2867 EMAIL: RHET@RHET-ARCH.COM WEB: WWW.RHET-ARCH.COM I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature- Date- 442019 REG. NO.: 50755 iy �V cc PROJECT: B MONTICELLO APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MN GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION ATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ PHONE: 701.371.1646 EMAIL: mdbuchholz@gmail.com CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 10/7/2019 MARK DESCRIPTION DATE All plans, specifications, computer files, fleld data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by RHET ARCHITECTURE, as instruments of service shall remain the property of RHET ARCHITECTURE. RHET ARCHITECTURE shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. PROJECT NO: 19-100603 DRAWN BY: PA CHECKED BY: RF DRAWING TITLE: UNIT PLANS A701 C 0 A C BE L----\ L ------J LIVIN( II 3' 2'- 0" 5'- 0'> C) I 2'-6" LO PATIO 2 I 3 AS 12x FRAMINGREQ'D 15'-2" 26' 0" FOR DRYER VENT 6 4'- 0 10-8 6 10'- 8 -1 8'-11 6 4 VN 1� II � \ME7 � 00, oo„ Ln 3642 01 2442 3327 WC42 �24� 01 2442 3327 --- ----� -- - , --- "o _ 3-0 --------- 0 ---- I _� —O --- —� B36 RANGE B24 FRIG \ LS RANGED B24 FRIG `,n L 'T SV LAUNDRY N Iofi o F o l J , N j l/ 0 5'- 8 3'- 0 4'- 4 j 3, -1Ln NKITCHEN I KITCHEN M I o P cn o F tI" -d" b 5'-8 - L18 ' LL] OV6540_ --------------- N 00 D (0I I M m I BATH o cn J I J \\ � I F) co ------ F SV 3-0 ' SV I DINING DINING LVT I 1 2-6 CPT CD I I rnI m W. 1. C. o 0 _I 2.2 UNIT '113' FLOOR PLAN 6 THUS n I SIM. ��� I LVT _ I t A702 SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 862 S.F. rN `r 0-- 7' " CPT 3 40 011 / 13'-0" LIVING I III I 5'-0" 10'-0" \ 1 IL BEDROOM Lz \AI 1'-0" 3'-6" 3'-6" 5'-6" 13'-6" 2C-0" I 2.1 UNIT '1A -SIM' FLOOR PLAN 2 THUS A702 SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 854 S.F. 2 „4" 1 N Ln LO N 0 i 4'-3"' 2'-5" 3'-0» 2'-6"4" 01 -- BEDROOM rr n II r--1 II I I II I I I II I `v I II L---� I I II I J I II F - II IL I II I I II L ---J II II II I I II II I I II LL — — — — — — — — — — — — - L _U �� I �X� I 1 3" 2'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 4,-4 3,-8" i ;2'-6" 10'x, 0" 13'-6» 2P-0" PATIO 3 5'-6" 2 UNIT '1A' FLOOR PLAN A 002 SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" N rn -I s J 9 THUS 823 S.F. 4 4 5 26'-0" 6" 10'-8" 5'-1" 9'-3" 6" VN 4� 4 N 00� �� 3042 — 30180 3042 _ 3327 3_0 z L Iz SIM. �t �`� LV SV 630 RANGE B30 FRIGU-)o vL BATH00 I \ ao Ln 6" 8'-4 1/2" 2'-0 1/2" 2'-7" 3 10" M 8'-2" W 6" i o =% KITCHEN Ln - ------------------------ 2 1.5 OPEN72 1.5 DW 1,5 - — — — - I j 0 0 I DINING I 00 - - - - - - - - - - I N III I l I I I tl o LVT CPT o I O f _ Oce 5 jl o vv L-' yI _ I ­' �\ lig I r� 6' F------ 13'-0" LIVING I III I I III I I III I i I III I I III I I III I I III I I I j j I I III I I III I Lt i- l I I IL --- v CO I I 5' 6'-0" 4'-0" I 10'-0" LO PATIO 5 1/2" 3'-10" 8'-4" 4" 11 -- BEDROOM T I I II I I I II I `�t I II L---� II I I II I I II F -J II I I II r-� II I I II I I II L ---J II I I II II I I II II N - J II LL — — — — — — — — — — — — - L _J I I x I I j! 1 3'-0" 3'-6" 3'-6" i 15-6" / 26'-0" 1 UNIT '1C' FLOOR PLAN A702 SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 5 5'-6" 1 THUS 854 S.F. �(0 RHET ARCHITECTURE RHET ARCHITECTURE, LLC ATTN: RHET FISKNESS, AIA MAIL: 901 5th AVE. S. FARGO, ND 58103 A OFFICE: 2711th ST. S. FARGO, ND 58102 PHONE: 701.388.2867 EMAIL: RHET@RHET-ARCH.COM WEB: WWW.RHET-ARCH.COM I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signature- Date- 442019 REG. NO.: 50755 , 1 0 1 5 cjv� c wsl?�csio� PROJECT: MONTICELLO APARTMENTS MONTICELLO, MN GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION ATTN: MARK BUCHHOLZ PHONE: 701.371.1646 EMAIL: mdbuchholz@gmail.com CD CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 10/7/2019 MARK DESCRIPTION DATE All plans, specifications, computer files, fleld data, notes and other documents and instruments prepared by RHET ARCHITECTURE, as instruments of service shall remain the property of RHET ARCHITECTURE. RHET ARCHITECTURE shall retain all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyright thereto. PROJECT NO: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DRAWING TITLE: UNIT PLANS 19-100603 PA RF A702 C 0 MAPPING LEGEND STORM SEWER MANHOLE SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT WATER VALVE LIGHT POLE UTILITY POLE UTILITY PEDESTAL UTILITY METER TREE BURIED ELECTRIC LINE BURIED TELEPHONE LINE BURIED GAS LINE OVERHEAD POWER LINE WATER LINE STORM SEWER PIPE SANITARY SEWER PIPE CONC. CURB 8 GUTTER PROPERTY LINE SURVEYED MAJOR CONTOUR SURVEYED MINOR CONTOUR COUNTY LIDAR CONTOUR CONCRETE BITUMINOUS r cN> ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON THE STEARNS COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD 83 (1996 HARN ADJ.) P -BUR T -BUR G G- -OHr OHP- 1 1- 960 -- 960-------- - - 960 ------- V. Lu ULJ \ I ........ ` ` SURVEY❑ 0-960 I evv - - - - - - - -1/- - - - - - - - -- - I �/ \ / \ \ \ \`` a • . ........... .. .. ') /' -� RIM= 960.15 � -_ 96 RIM= -%112 / I INV N= 956.15 / / I \ 0 w 9 INV S= 955.75 INV E= 950.20 /' ' South tine the North 586.37 feet of the N1 /2 NW1 /4 _ oune o Permanent Easement for street, / INV W- 950.15 utility, and drainage purposes �' / -- ---- j l w :: ' : : • • : per Doc. No. 845654 i _ ---- 88'4724"837.97 --- - - - - - / RIM 959.70 / S W 962 '� \ » . INV= 955.90 , \--------9 > T� - - - - - "` (12" RCP) / / - 64, ---- U \ c ' .•;• y; . �. • :. , - - - --------- RIM= ---- - - - RIM= 957.75 I = \ RIM 961.12 Q RIM- 958.73 960 INV 956.6 INV N= 953.65'. _ RIM= 961.00 _ z C / : ' . •: : . • .:'' INV= 955.63 _ 9 �2• RCP) - !i..' . •..' . 78" . • .... Vic`:' ::::' : •..' .:.' • ..:• . INV S- 953.55 6Q _ ,:.' : :.' :...:....:.... ''�'.: ';.':' ::.` RIM= 96 4.60 w C - -- - \. U :w. .'.� .• .': .• . � .' :.'.::.'.� . � .'.� :� .'.� :• .'. :'•:.•'':' __--.rel. �'-:''.. ' :.. , RIM 959.94 -•-�-1' �. � .INV- 9604 z V I - Air valve MH FM � ,-,-,-,-,-,--rG• • • CL • i •1 i l l ':•r•' :~16"DIP � O ' : .. .. •... h ,�..•...•..•.. RIM -.964.88: .•: .•: CO sr .. �... ' . ..' • R 26, .. ' ....' . •. ' ..- .. RIM- 96 >.26' .:.`:' ::.`:' ::.`:' ::.`:' ::.` :..:..'::;':'::::'::::': SEA ROAD':':.:.. B Pvcs� >�'.:.'::.: ` :.::':$"PVC SDR26':• : Z CO / _ CHEL ': = I': ' �._ . • ss M > sr'' 8' RCP-:-.'.-' - - ..: .. :. T _ „ RCP ::." ' <- . •<' . :. Forcemain location per .: : •:.' : •:. : •:. : .' :21. v? ss - p �.•_ \ " - ,' ' • :cit as built drawines .� .�.:.�.:n:.��: �.�. .:• :� .:• :• ..• .• .. �.:.• .�::• :•.• :• .•:::.�::� .� � ._��: �.::.�:._ �•-:� :'-�• ' - -- - - �B�IR .,.; .•:: � � - w „ g 1 ° :. • :. • :. • :. • : "RCP:'... ..Y :�. . • - \ 1 ... cemain2�th� :' : L •alar ir:n rm / 4 C Fo 18 sr > . , . . , . 2T' RCP . . ,- - - --- I� 6" ft 16" PVC For t 1 t, rcem RCP.. Cleanout MH (FMj`; .`�V awns �.•.c,.•Q alp - _ / : i' �..... ....... '.':.':'.':.' .'.':.' ' _ 12 RCP - M 1 _BUR _ - - - / -. _ IP -BUR• ,P-BUH• ,BUR \ •��' 9p•'t BUR _ r 'isu _ _ \ ' 4-22- - - - _ .�. e. .e-Y-tlL1H l - - I\'l - - - / --� Z I 2 �.x: • r-tl�. - -= Elec. Trans. - 9. l CB -N79°58• x-27,3,85 P-�':. r=�U�i....i/.j:---------------------------------957. � \ Concrete Sidewalk � m q� .o Q..,::=:-�=25°40'48" 6.. Gate valve (FM) 14 CH R= 698,00 _ -_- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- 7' 24" W 643.05 I \\ = p o, L= 344.45 .' W =272 - - 3 _ --- - ---588°4 j (1 962.18 :z. ��). 16"Gate valve(FM) 09 c ,'------ ------- -----952_ \\ \ �\ (15" RCP) I R=768.51 J ' \ FL=953.02 �\ ice, I I / / / :0,• = CB= S12°54'44"E � __ -- Drainage Basin -------' 456---� ,-'� /� //I-Qa'. CH= 341.57 �. / --- - 95313------------ SS6- £S6 956_; �, /, I a I �.• Og6 a I „ I'l , RIM= 960.84 '1 f w� ".' • e• / vim_~ • � a ''� /�/ 1 � ml I Q • •I �I ... .. .. ...... .. ....... ...... •ss •• � c.� ••ate, / I I �• � \ ' ... RIM= 959.93 INV W= 955.63 INV S= 955.73 / RIM= 959.89 - INV= 956.09 0 60 120 Easterly line of Cedar Street f/k/a� Old State Highway No. 25 SCALE IN FEET I / y 16.06 / 96 , I R,r: Southerly line of Edmonson Avenue NE - / , - \ ' d a/k/a County Road No. 117 ,' qb --- 696----__----- '� �qb 1 --- RIM= 964.07 I I 1 i INV- 949.42 � I - - \ I I \ I T 41 �:': • :; b qb Approximate stub locatations� `� \ �' ,' per city as -built drawings »- �� Westerly line of Edmonson Avenue NE / �' ,' I 1 :•' a/k/a County Road No. 117 '!i.•.'' '.'.. � I / �' I I /` " I '.':. '.'•':•tip I A. RIM= 960.85 / L /pI - - - - - - - - - - - - - i/ - - - - - RIM= 960.84 : ss INV W= 953.84 `(/'/ ✓. INV E= 953.94 N :;• q / ,'N 00°27' 00"/E- -.! ..,.' :. si"" / 37/:04 j •_:• $o• - S 27'46'24" W.._t: 75.2 OH"' Street Light Cabinet RIM= 961.76 i INV W= 954.66 / INV E= 954.76 N -------------- q`� q i, Survey Datum is based on NGS Control Station "8605 J" Northing - 216092.167 Easting - 522403.197 Elevation- 959.25 FL= ±954.21 (15" RCP) OHP Wooded HORIZONTAL DATUM: Benton County Coordinates (NAD83, 2007 Adjustment) 1 \ VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD 88 `% -4 CD �I� (' CL 06 b W -o - I I I Z �Rz° \\\ qb // / a O o : j 67 C9 \� / / co I I I _�_ - __ - - - - - - - - - 96G \ aan m z �O 0) o It N a; w�a00 o 0 of 0 O W U co W > ❑ z z Z z�w0 �l o J W Q W J V a❑ H Q Q o ==C')0) w H W W C �0�2 am 0 z I}im❑C 2 a U ¢ Q J U Q - w m w Q ~ N U. W ❑ ❑ c E r a m =�QD in in p O� =o OZ 0 Q° wz = 100U N - W d o Z� N O o m C.) :h z C1 Fn rc F O Q W V1 W wz Z \ JZrc Z W W U z C W W > W0 z m W �Ir Y� ------- 1 S96 ' I 1 LSI :' � I /' ... �+ >•: W N 4-J N //� 1201 II ..'..... ... / - -...._ - v Ln South line of the Ni /2 NW1 /4 I I - -- - - - - - - -� ' - - C N z.:... South line of the N1/2 NW1/4 I I �. ---__------' C Potential Encroachment %I O - � > N Z96 - �' �qb (Sanitary Sewer Line) I 1 �'I' I - - ckn - _ _ _ £96 - _ nh _ _ - - _ _ _ ,297.04 Line not located I z' �� - - 964 - - ""' O _ _4.725.95 �'' - o - - - - - - / - / 1 i OHf OHf �OHPI I 5- � _ ... }-j 309.65 - ------- - - -- L�yU OH^ -OHP l/, nuo - --UHP V4b OHP OH^ HP -- -- -- .^.HP OHP - - -OHP--- OFC' OHP OH- i OHP OHP \ \\ 41 L L#1 \ : _- - ,,,., --__-__--- I �'� I - 963 - - - - N 89°00' 49" E 1332.64 --- i - - - - - - - --- � I r I� i% RIM= 963.4 I �' INV= 950.7$ / -• •' ' '••' O O on N U � r- 4.1IV /-' W •❑. -6 LA . • • •: Cultivated fieldj � co C 0 Q0 V IV 0 V on o O C � L House -J LO 4u' N 1� �LLI �c lii/1111111% o� v W U U O V ' J - - - - - - - - I ---------- 964 - - - , - - - qb�' - - - - . \ 962 i / SURVEYOR'S NOTES: The utilities shown hereon represent those identified during the field survey LEGEND OF PROPERTY BOUNDARY SYMBOLS operations and the record drawings provided by the utility owner for this project, I if any. Utilities were physically marked via Gopher State One Call Ticket Number I O SET IRON PIPE WITH CAP STAMPED "DELEO 40341" 192685020. Kramer Leas DeLeo, P.C. makes no warranties as to the locations, depths, or types of any utilities within the area shown hereon. User(s) of this 0 FOUND IRON MONUMENT map survey or plan are responsible for locating all utilities prior to any ® SET MAGNETIC "PK" NAIL excavation, tunneling, drilling, or driving of objects into the ground. This survey was performed in conjunction with First American Title Company's Commitment for Title Insurance dated 04-02-2018 as provided by the client. Sheet No. 1 of 1 NU 41 L L#1 G/1 4-+ O Z C N L � DLA O O on N U r- 4.1IV p 3 W •❑. -6 LA -a L,0 C co C 0 Q0 V IV 0 V on o O C � L JL -J LO 4u' N �LLI �c o� v W U U O V J Sheet No. 1 of 1 2 0 U C7 z LU m U) C 00 a a Cl) z U) J 0 CL Q W z z wsb October 30, 2019 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Monticello Apartments Preliminary Plat and PUD Plan Review Bucholz Properties City Project No. 2019-024 WSB Project No. R-014321-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the preliminary plat dated October 17, 2019 as prepared by KLD, development plan dated October 15, 2019 as prepared by Rhet Architecture and civil plans dated October 23, 2019 as prepared by MBN Engineering and offer the following comments: Preliminary Plat 0 0 co W 4 T W D z W a a z W x 0 Provide enough right of way for a right turn lane on northbound Cedar Street or a roundabout at the intersection of Chelsea Road and Cedar Street. Provide enough right-of- way for a roundabout at Edmonson Ave and Cedar Street as well. Provide right-of-way and construct a concrete sidewalk along the east side of Cedar Street. Also provide right of way for a sight triangle at the southeast corner of Chelsea Rd and Cedar Street (Lot 4, Block 1 of the proposed plat). The proposed access from Chelsea Road shall be shown. An access easement for Lot 1 shall be provided within the plat. It is assumed that the access for Lot 2 will be provided from Chelsea Road. The proposed pond shall be contained wtihin an outlot along with the proposed trails surrounding the pond. Trails shall have a separate 20 -foot wide easement within the outlot with a separate easement document recorded with the County. A separate access easement shall be provided to access the pond for maintenance. Show the existing drainage easement with document number for the existing pond located on the south side of Chelsea Road within the plat. Provide a drainage and utility easement detail depicting typical easement widths. Monticello Apartments Preliminary Plat and PUD Plan Review October 30, 2019 Page 2 A drainage and utility easement shall be provided for the sanitary sewer main and watermain that extends east -west across the property, where more than one lot is being served. The easement width for the sanitary sewer will be determined based on the sewer depths to be provided. The easement width for the watermain is typically 30 -feet wide. Additional easement may be needed for the proposed storm sewer located along the southerly plat boundary. 10. Label any easement widths that are not typical. Preliminary Site Plan 11. The access from Edmonson Ave should be designed as a shared access to accommodate future development to the south with the ability to be constructed without impacting the abutting property. 12. A 10 -foot wide bituminous trail shall be provided along the north side of the pond connecting the parking lots, in lieu of a sidewalk. In addition, the trail shall extend to the proposed trail along Edmonson Avenue. 13. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk shall be constructed along the east side of Cedar Street, located 1 - foot off the proposed right of way. 14. A phasing plan shall be provided for grading and utility construction for the entire plat. 15. A traffic study shall be completed to determine turn lane and intersection improvements needed. 16. Edmonson Ave shall be widened to accommodate a 22 -foot wide street width from centerline along the plat. Additional turn lanes may be needed and this will be analyzed along with the traffic study. Erosion Control/Storm Sewer Plan 17. A stormwater management plan shall be provided in order to provide a complete review of the civil plans. The plans shall be in accordance with the requirements in the City's Design Manual and checklist. Rate control, volume control, water quality and pretreatment measures will be required. The site is part of the TH 25 subwatershed and eventually outlets to the regional pond on the west side of TH 25. There is limited capacity in the storm sewer stubs along Cedar Street and Chelsea Road to accommodate runoff from the site. This will be reviewed with the stormwater management plan submittal. 18. The proposed pond shall hold water during typical rain events and be designed to be a wet pond. An impervious (clay) liner will be needed to accomplish this give the sandy soils on site. Monticello Apartments Preliminary Plat and PUD Plan Review October 30, 2019 Page 3 19. The pond shall be designed to accommodate complete development of the plat and to accommodate the existing drainage that is currently served by the existing pond that is planned to be relocated. 20. Identify and provide storm sewer stubs/mains to accommodate the commercial sites. It appears the storm sewer plan only accounts for drainage for the apartment development. 21. It is assumed that the existing pond located within the proposed Lots 2 and 3 will be removed. How will the existing drainage to that pond be accommodated with the development?. 22. Provide 10- year storm sewer design for the proposed storm sewer system. 23. The site is within the low and moderate DWSMA vulnerability areas, however outside of the ERA, therefore infiltration is allowed. Proposed commercial uses and if they involve potential contaminants will be reviewed at the time of proposed development submittal in accordance with the City's wellhead protection plan. Sanitary Sewer/Water Plan 24. Identify how Lot 1 and Lot 6 will be served with sewer and water. 25. Confirm that Lots 2-5 will be served by existing stubs from either Chelsea Rd or Cedar St. 26. Identify sewer and water connection points to existing mains with more detail. Gate valves shall be provided at each watermain connection. 27. Provide rim elevations for the sanitary sewer manholes. 28. Hydrant spacing will be reviewed by the City's fire chief. 29. The watermain shall have a minimum 7.5 feet of cover. 30. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. Gradinq Plan 31. It is assumed that the existing pond located within the proposed Lots 2 and 3 will be removed. Provide proposed contours for this area and all of the commercial lots. 32. The grading plan should more clearly show existing and proposed contours. 33. Identify the lowest opening elevation of the proposed and future buildings to ensure the 2ft freeboard requirement is met to the HWL of the pond. 34. Identify the lowest opening elevations for the existing buildings located at 1305 Edmonson Ave to ensure the 2 -foot freeboard requirement to the HWL of the pond is met. Monticello Apartments Preliminary Plat and PUD Plan Review October 30, 2019 Page 4 35. Show all emergency overflow elevations and routes. 36. A minimum vertical separation of 1.5 feet must be provided between the EOF and the low opening of a building. Details 37. Use applicable City standard detail plates. Other Comments for Final Plat — Civil Plan Submittal 38. The civil plans in general are lacking construction level detail. 39. The civil plans shall be signed by a licensed professional engineer. 40. Provide a SWPPP with final construction plans. 41. A NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 42. Plans should comply with the requirements in the Design Manual -Plan Requirements and City General Specifications. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 612-360-1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB A�— - t. 4'OPLI Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager 2 0 U 0. z W m U) C. 0 00 a a Cl) 0 z U) J 0 CL Q LU z z 0 Cl) W T W Z) z W a a z LU x 0 I wsb November 20, 2019 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Review Bucholz Properties City Project No. 2019-024 WSB Project No. R-014321-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the traffic study dated November 12, 2019 as prepared by SRF and offer the following comments: 1. The Traffic Study does not include the capacity analysis or queuing worksheets. They should be provided to verify the analysis and assumptions. This information will assist in determining the adequacy of the NB left turn lane on Cedar St, access spacing on Cedar St, other turn lane needs. 2. The existing lane configuration at Chelsea Rd and Edmonson Ave shown on Figure 2 does not show the existing eastbound right turn lane. Was it included in the analysis? 3. Was Fallon Avenue overpass included in the assumptions for distribution of site traffic? The distribution also does not show any traffic going south on Edmonson Ave or Fallon Ave. 4. Additional information on how the 1 %/year background traffic growth factor was determined should be provided. 5. How was the 10% multi use reduction factor determined? 6. The lane configuration at the new site driveway on Chelsea Road shows two eastbound through lanes. The anticipated location of the driveway is at the point where one of the existing lanes is being dropped. Is there sufficient space to drop the lane adequately past the new driveway and create a right turn lane to the new driveway? 7. Complete a projected 20- year analysis to document the lane configuration needs in the future, especially at their site driveways Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 612-360-1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Review November 20, 2019 Page 2 Sincerely, WSB 5 IA• i, 45-� Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager I wsb December 5, 2019 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Deephaven Final Plat Review Monticello Apartments Buchholz Properties City Project No. 2019-024 o WSB Project No. R-014321-000 U (7 Z m Dear Mr. Leonard: U) We have reviewed the draft final plat dated November 22, 2019 and received on December 3, C. 2019 as prepared by KLD, civil plans and hydrocad report dated December 3, 2019, email a response on December 4. 2019 as oreaared by MBN Enaineerina and offer the followina the comments. The comments below also include the previous preliminary plat comments that have M to be addressed from my October 30, 2019 letter. Final Plat LO 1. The City is considering a roundabout or other intersection improvements at the LO intersections of Chelsea Road and Cedar Street and Chelsea Road and Edmonson Z Avenue. Additional right of way may be required for those improvements with the � development and replatting of Outlot B. Additional right of way for a sight triangle at the o southeast corner of Chelsea Rd and Cedar Street shall be considered with the future CL development of Outlot A and replatting of Outlot B. W Z Z 2 2. It is understood that the development agreement will include separate easements agreements for access between Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot B. A separate easement CD agreement will be provided for access to the pond contained within Outlot C and co LU surrounding trail. co 3. Provide a drainage and utility easement over existing pond located on the south side of D Chelsea Road as available records show this easement was granted as temporary. It is W assumed that this easement will be vacated or modified with the to -be -determined a stormwater management plan for the development and replatting of Outlot B. a Z LU X 4. A drainage and utility easement shall be provided for the sanitary sewer main and watermain that extends east -west across the property, where more than one lot is being Deephaven Final Plat Review December 5, 2019 Page 2 served. The applicant's email response on December 4, 2019 identifies that the future lots within Outlot B will be served by these mains. The easement width for the sanitary sewer will be determined based on the sewer depths to be provided. The easement width for the watermain is typically 30 -feet wide. A 20 -foot easement shall be provided for the proposed storm sewer located along the southerly plat boundary. Submittal of a complete stormwater management report and storm sewer design will determine the final width needed. Additional drainage and utility easements or separate easement agreement will likely be needed for Lot 1, Block 1 and/ Outlot B after a complete stormwater management report and storm sewer design is submitted and reviewed. It appears that the proposed storm sewer and pond does not accommodate future development of Outlot B and rerouting of existing storm sewer from Chelsea Road that is accommodated by the existing pond onsite. As a result, additional ponding areas may be needed with the development of Outlot B. As of December 5, 2019, discussions with the developer, the stormwater management plan is still being prepared for the entire plat and at this time is incomplete. Label any easement widths that are not typical. 8. Identify existing easements, roadway vacations along Cedar Street and Edmonson Ave adjacent to the plat. Provide plat comments from Wright County. Preliminary Plat 10. Include the above items for the final plat and shown it on the preliminary plat. 11. Provide a proposed grading plan for the entire platted areas including the Outlot B and the removal of the existing pond. 12. The access from Edmonson Ave should be designed as a shared access to accommodate future development to the south with the ability to be constructed without impacting the abutting property. 13. A 10 -foot wide bituminous trail shall be provided along the north side of the pond connecting the parking lots, in lieu of a sidewalk. In addition, the trail shall extend to the proposed trail along Edmonson Avenue. 14. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk shall be constructed along the east side of Cedar Street, located 1 - foot off the proposed right of way. 15. The traffic study submitted to determine turn lane and intersection improvements needed is being reviewed by the City and it appears that re -striping of Chelsea Road to include a dedicated right turn lane and restriping for a center left turn lane is needed between Cedar Street and Edmonson Avenue. Deephaven Final Plat Review December 5, 2019 Page 3 16. Edmonson Ave shall be widened to accommodate a 22 -foot wide urban street width from centerline along the plat boundary. A 10 -foot wide bituminous trail shall be provided along the west side of Edmonson Ave along the plat boundary. Civil Plan Review Erosion Control/Storm Sewer Plan 17. A hydrocad report was submitted on December 3, 2019. This is an incomplete submittal. A stormwater management plan for the entire plat shall be provided in order to provide a complete review of the civil plans. The plans shall be in accordance with the requirements in the City's Design Manual and checklist. Items such as including a drainage area map, summary of existing and proposed conditions, etc. and all other items identified in the Design Manual shall be provided. Rate control, volume control, water quality and pretreatment measures will be required. The site is part of the TH 25 subwatershed and eventually outlets to the regional pond on the west side of TH 25. There is limited capacity in the storm sewer stubs along Cedar Street and Chelsea Road to accommodate runoff from the site. The stormwater pond outlet shall be designed to meet the capacity of the existing stubs. Further review will be provided with the complete stormwater management plan submittal. 18. The proposed pond shall hold water during typical rain events and be designed to be a wet pond. An impervious (clay) liner will be needed to accomplish this give the sandy soils on site. Note 18 on the Notes sheet referring to the clay liner will be reviewed with the complete stormwater management plan submittal. 19. The stormwater management plan shall include a plan to accommodate complete development of the plat and to accommodate the existing drainage that is currently served by the existing pond that is planned to be removed/relocated. 20. Identify and provide storm sewer stubs/mains to accommodate the commercial sites. It appears the storm sewer plan only accounts for drainage for the apartment development. 21. Provide 10- year storm sewer design for the proposed storm sewer system using the rational method as identified in the Design Manual. 22. Why is PVC storm sewer pipe being proposed instead of HDPE pipe? 23. The site is within the low and moderate DWSMA vulnerability areas, however outside of the ERA, therefore infiltration is allowed. Proposed commercial uses and if they involve potential contaminants will be reviewed at the time of proposed development submittal in accordance with the City's wellhead protection plan. Sanitary Sewer/Water Plan 24. The applicant has indicated that Outlot B will be served by existing sewer and water stubs from either Chelsea Rd or Cedar St or the proposed east -west sanitary sewer and watermains within the site. Deephaven Final Plat Review December 5, 2019 Page 4 25. Identify sewer and water connection points to existing mains with more detail. Are the proposed connections to be wet -tapped or open cut? Note that the existing watermain on Edmonson Ave is 16 -inch and the existing watermain along Cedar Street is 10 -inch. As a result, associated tees or wet -tap and gate valves shall be revised on the plans at each watermain connection. 26. Hydrant spacing will be reviewed by the City's fire chief. 27. Add a note on the plans that the watermain shall have a minimum 7.5 feet of cover. 28. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. Grading Plan 29. The applicant has indicated that the existing pond will be removed with development of Outlot B. Provide proposed contours for this area and all of the commercial lots. 30. The grading plan should more clearly show existing and proposed contours. 31. Identify the lowest opening elevation of the proposed and future buildings to ensure the 2ft freeboard requirement is met to the HWL of the pond. 32. Identify the lowest opening elevations for the existing buildings located at 1305 Edmonson Ave to ensure the 2 -foot freeboard requirement to the HWL of the pond is met. 33. Identify the HWL, NWL and bottom elevation of the pond. 34. Show all emergency overflow elevations and routes with drainage arrows. 35. A minimum vertical separation of 1.5 feet must be provided between the EOF and the low opening of a building. Details 36. Use applicable City standard detail plates. Other Comments for Final Plat — Civil Plan Submittal 37. An encroachment agreement will be needed to for the pond outlet pipe in Phase 3 as the parking lot appears to encroach the pipe. 38. The civil plans in general are lacking construction level detail. Deephaven Final Plat Review December 5, 2019 Page 5 39. Provide a SWPPP with final construction plans. 40. A NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 41. Plans should comply with the requirements in the Design Manual -Plan Requirements and City General Specifications. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 612-360-1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager 049 To: Dale Buchholz Construction From: Matt Pacyna, PE, Principal Zach Toberna, Engineer Date: November 12, 2019 Subject: Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Introduction Draft Memorandum SBF No. 09913223 SRF has completed a traffic study for the proposed development in the southeast corner of the Chelsea Road/Cedar Street intersection in Monticello, MN (see Figure 1: Project Location). The main objectives of this study are to review existing operations within the study area, evaluate traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway network, and recommend any necessary improvements to accommodate the proposed development. The following sections provide the assumptions, analysis, and study conclusions offered for consideration. # Existing Conditions The existing conditions were reviewed to establish a baseline to identify any future impacts associated with the proposed development. The evaluation of existing conditions includes various data collection efforts and an intersection capacity analysis, which are outlined in the following sections. Data Collection Vehicle turning movement counts were collected by SRF during the a.m. and p.m. peak periods on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at the following intersections: • Chelsea Road and Cedar Street • Chelsea Road and Edmonson Avenue/ CR 117 In addition, observations were completed to identify roadway characteristics within the study area (i.e. roadway geometry, posted speed limits, and traffic controls). Currently, Chelsea Road transitions from a four -lane divided roadway to a two-lane undivided roadway approximately 400 feet east of Cedar Street. The posted speed limit along Chelsea Road is 40 miles per hour (mph). Cedar Street is a three - lane undivided roadway while both Dundas Road and Edmonson Avenue/County Road 117 are two- lane undivided roadways, all of which have 30 -mph posted speed limits. The Chelsea Road/Cedar Street intersection is all -way stop controlled while the Chelsea Road and Edmonson Avenue/County Road 117 intersection is side -street stop -controlled. Existing geometrics, traffic controls, and volumes within the study area are shown in Figure 2. 1 CARLSON PARKWAY, SUITE 150 1 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55447 1 763.475.0010 1 WWW.SRFCONSUL"NG.COM � M �Ce\\0 �` Urges GrpuP Coosa\uo8 GtoUP' p'(pp �0gvem )er Zp19 Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Intersection Capacity Analysis November 12, 2019 Page 4 An existing intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchro/SimTraffic software (V9.2) to establish a baseline condition to which future traffic operations could be compared. Capacity analysis results identify a Level of Service (LOS) which indicates how well an intersection is operating. Intersections are graded from LOS A through LOS F. The LOS results are based on average delay per vehicle, which correspond to the delay threshold values shown in Table 1. LOS A indicates the best traffic operation, while LOS F indicates an intersection where demand exceeds capacity. Overall intersection LOS A though LOS D is generally considered acceptable in Wright County. Table 1. Level of Service Criteria for Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections LOS Designation Signalized Intersection Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) A <_ 10 B >10-20 C > 20-35 D >35-55 E > 55-80 F > 80 Unsignalized Intersection Average Delay/Vehicle (seconds) <_ 10 > 10 - 15 >15-25 > 25-35 >35-50 > 50 For side -street stop/yield controlled intersections, special emphasis is given to providing an estimate for the level of service of the side -street approach. Traffic operations at an unsignalized intersection with side -street stop/yield control can be described in two ways. First, consideration is given to the overall intersection level of service. This takes into account the total number of vehicles entering the intersection and the capability of the intersection to support these volumes. Second, it is important to consider the delay on the minor approach. Since the mainline does not have to stop, the majority of delay is attributed to the side -street approaches. It is typical of intersections with higher mainline traffic volumes to experience high levels of delay (i.e. poor levels of service) on the side -street approaches, but an acceptable overall intersection level of service during peak hour conditions. Results of the existing intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 2 indicate that all study intersections operate at an acceptable overall LOS A during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The side - street approaches at the study intersections also operate at LOS A during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Note that eastbound queues at the Chelsea Road/Cedar Street intersection extend approximately 75 feet (i.e. three vehicles) during both the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. No other significant delay or queuing issues were observed in the field or traffic simulation at the study intersections. Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Table 2. Existing Intersection Capacity Analysis Intersection Chelsea Road and Cedar Street (1) Chelsea Road and Edmonson Avenue/CR 117 (2) November 12, 2019 Page 5 A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour LOS Delay LOS Delay A 7 sec. A 8 sec. A/A 7 sec. A/A 9 sec. (1) Indicates an all -way stop intersection, where the overall LOS is shown. (2) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side -street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. The delay shown represents the worst side -street approach delay. Proposed Development The proposed development is generally bounded by Chelsea Road to the north, Edmonson Avenue /County Road 117 to the east, Dundas Road to the south, and Cedar Street to the east. The development plan, shown in Figure 3, includes a 165 -unit multi -family residential complex, as well as approximately six (6) built -to -suit parcels. The existing land is currently vacant. For purposes of this study, the six built -to -suit parcels were assumed to be the following: • Parcels 1 and 2 - 20,000 square feet of medical office • Parcels 3 and 4 - An 80 -room hotel with an attached 3,000 square foot restaurant • Parcels 5 and 6 - 20,000 SF of general retail The proposed development was assumed to be fully completed by end of year 2024. Access to the proposed development was assumed at the following locations: • Cedar Street - three full -access driveways are shown, each located approximately 250 feet from one -another and opposite of an existing access on the west side of Cedar Street. o For analysis purposes, only the two northern access points were assumed to be utilized. • Chelsea Road - one full -access driveway located mid -block between Cedar Street and Edmonson Avenue/CR 117 and opposite of the existing Best Western access. • Edmonson Avenue/CR 117 - two full -access driveways located approximately 250 feet and 650 feet south of Chelsea Road, respectively. U -) LID Site Plan Consulting Group, Inc. Monticello Apartments Traffic Study 01913233 Property Resources Group November 2019 N WE �µ MEB N�„ S BUCHHOLZ PROPERTIES, MONTICELLO APARTMENTS z y Lod . U Figure 3 Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Year 2025 Build Conditions November 12, 2019 Page 7 To determine impacts associated with the proposed development, traffic forecasts were developed for year 2025 conditions (i.e. one year after anticipated completion). Year 2025 conditions take into account general area background growth and traffic generated by the proposed development. The evaluation of year 2025 conditions includes details on the traffic forecasts and an intersection capacity analysis, which are summarized in the following section. Traffic Forecasts To account for general background growth in the area, an annual growth rate of one (1) percent was applied to the existing peak hour traffic volumes to develop year 2025 background forecasts. This growth rate is consistent with historical growth in the study area and the 2040 Wlright County Comprehensive Plan. To account for traffic generated by the proposed development, trip generation estimates for the assumed land uses were developed for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours and on a daily basis. These estimates, shown in Table 3, were developed using the ITE Trip Generation Manual, Tenth Edition and include a 10 percent multi -use reduction to account for internal circulation between the various land uses within the proposed development. Table 3. Trip Generation Estimates Based on the trip generation estimate, the proposed development is expected to generate a total of approximately 194 a.m. peak hour, 283 p.m. peak hour, and 3,299 daily trips. These trips were distributed throughout the area based on the directional distribution shown in Figure 4, which was developed from existing area travel patterns and engineering judgment. The resultant year 2025 build condition traffic forecasts are shown in Figure 5. P.M. A.M. Land Use Type (ITE Code) Size Peak Hour Trips Trips In In Out Low -Rise Multifamily Housing (220) 165 DU 17 58 Hotel (310) 80 Rooms 22 15 High -Turnover Sit -Down Restaurant (932) 3,000 SF 16 13 Medical -Dental Office (720) 20,000 SF 43 12 Shopping Center (820) 20,000 SF 12 7 (-366) Subtotal 110 105 Multi -Use Reduction (10%) (-11) (-10) Total Site Trips 99 95 Based on the trip generation estimate, the proposed development is expected to generate a total of approximately 194 a.m. peak hour, 283 p.m. peak hour, and 3,299 daily trips. These trips were distributed throughout the area based on the directional distribution shown in Figure 4, which was developed from existing area travel patterns and engineering judgment. The resultant year 2025 build condition traffic forecasts are shown in Figure 5. P.M. Peak Hour Trips Daily Trips In Out 58 34 1,208 24 24 669 18 11 337 19 50 696 37 40 755 156 159 3,665 (-16) (-16) (-366) 140 143 3,299 Based on the trip generation estimate, the proposed development is expected to generate a total of approximately 194 a.m. peak hour, 283 p.m. peak hour, and 3,299 daily trips. These trips were distributed throughout the area based on the directional distribution shown in Figure 4, which was developed from existing area travel patterns and engineering judgment. The resultant year 2025 build condition traffic forecasts are shown in Figure 5. R ION I Directional Distribution 9 Consulting Group, Inc. Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Figure 4 Property Resources Group 01913233 November 2019 gXC)XAs - ion Study \{�c `lean 2025 mentS�ra ��� Mort�ce�RePoua es Group Capsa\u�8 November 2p19 Figure 5 0 15 1340) 1651 52 • - r N o ... A�' 2p • 52 J 0) 0 0 0 0 1490) Che\seaRo 0 0 23 0 ll8) ad 50 250 �o 0 "?-25) 45� o J ea Riad o� � N r. 65 (75) \ 3 r �1(.. Chelsea 160 (375) Road 20(55) 1315) 9 X28) d -� (60) is (225) 26,5--,,, a Z 1' P o cr) (� (55) 35 N , d h y wr ° M NoAh P°oess l3l) 40 o rn o n N 16 (30) 0 (0) o ' � 1 (4) North (5) C a Access N (0) 10 Q o 11600 AopessNt South L� o y M o� X10118 Coco N '% v r I 4 (14) o (0) C- f 1 (2) (�O) 5 Central Access V @ w M y ND :�:. t PeakNour vo\ume PM• bra �c - akNour Da\\y pvecdeStre lw- C on ro\ Sitop gXC)XAs - ion Study \{�c `lean 2025 mentS�ra ��� Mort�ce�RePoua es Group Capsa\u�8 November 2p19 Figure 5 Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Intersection Capacity Analysis November 12, 2019 Page 10 To determine how the adjacent roadway network will accommodate year 2025 traffic forecasts, an intersection capacity analysis was completed using Synchro/SimTraffic software. Results of the year 2025 intersection capacity analysis shown in Table 4 indicate that all study intersections and proposed driveways are expected to operate at an acceptable overall LOS A during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The side -street approaches at the study intersections and driveways are also expected to operate at LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Table 4. Year 2025 Build Conditions Intersection Capacity Analysis Area queues are expected to be similar to existing conditions and no development driveway is expected to have queues longer than two (2) vehicles. Note that northbound 95th percentile queues at the Chelsea Road and Edmonson Avenue/CR 117 intersection are expected to extend approximately 75 feet (i.e. three vehicles) during the peak period. However, these queues and delays are relatively minimal, and no mitigation is necessary to accommodate the proposed development. A.M. Peak Hour P.M. Peak Hour Intersection LOS Delay LOS Delay Chelsea Road and Cedar Street (1) A 7 sec. A 8 sec. Chelsea Road and Edmonson Avenue/CR 117 (2) A/A 7 sec. A/B 10 sec. Edmonson Avenue/CR 117 and North Access (2) A/A 5 sec. A/A 6 sec. Edmonson Avenue/CR 117 and South Access (2) A/A 4 sec. A/A 4 sec. Chelsea Road and North Access (2) A/A 6 sec. A/A 7 sec. Cedar Street and North Access (2) A/A 4 sec. A/A 4 sec. Cedar Street and Central Access (2) A/A 4 sec. A/A 4 sec. (1) Indicates an all -way stop intersection, where the overall LOS is shown. (2) Indicates an unsignalized intersection with side -street stop control, where the overall LOS is shown followed by the worst approach LOS. The delay shown represents the worst side -street approach delay. Area queues are expected to be similar to existing conditions and no development driveway is expected to have queues longer than two (2) vehicles. Note that northbound 95th percentile queues at the Chelsea Road and Edmonson Avenue/CR 117 intersection are expected to extend approximately 75 feet (i.e. three vehicles) during the peak period. However, these queues and delays are relatively minimal, and no mitigation is necessary to accommodate the proposed development. Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Site Plan Review November 12, 2019 Page 11 A review of the proposed site plan was completed to identify any issues and recommend potential improvements with regard to roadway capacity, access, traffic circulation, and pedestrian connectivity. Based on a review of the proposed site plan, the following items are offered for consideration. Roadway Capacity Based on the year 2025 traffic forecasts, the existing roadway network is expected to have sufficient capacity to accommodate the proposed development. Therefore, no roadway segment capacity improvements are necessary to accommodate the proposed development. However, based on the proposed access location along Chelsea Road, the geometric configuration and lane designations should be reviewed to determine if dedicated left -turn lanes could be implemented at the Chelsea Road and Best Western/Proposed Development driveway intersection. This would provide a safe and efficient access while limiting potential impacts to motorists along Chelsea Road, although other striping changes may be needed along Chelsea Road to accommodate this type of change. Access The proposed and assumed access locations are expected to operate adequately from a capacity perspective and no significant queues issues or conflicts are expected. However, future landscaping and signage should be located as such to avoid sight distance impacts. Access consolidation or shared access locations should also be considered as development occurs. Where possible, internal driveway access locations should align with other access locations to reduce potential conflicts. Circulation Truck turning movements should be reviewed to ensure that garbage/delivery trucks have adequate accommodations to negotiate the internal driveway aisles. The movement of general passenger vehicles within the parking lots is not expected to be an issue, although internal traffic controls (i.e. stop signs) may need to be implemented to reduce driver confusion and potential conflicts. Pedestrian Connectivity The proposed site plan includes sidewalks internal to the apartment development. However, no sidewalk connections to adjacent facilities or within the build -to -suit parcels are shown. These sidewalk connections can help promote pedestrian/bicycle activity, which can reduce vehicular impacts on the surrounding transportation system. Therefore, as the build -to -suit parcels are developed, sidewalk connections should be implemented throughout the site to improve connectivity within the proposed development as well as the entire community. Monticello Apartments Traffic Study Summary and Conclusions November 12, 2019 Page 12 The following study summary and conclusions are offered for your consideration: 1) All study intersections and side -street approaches operate at an acceptable overall LOS A during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Note that eastbound queues at the Chelsea Road/Cedar Street intersection extend approximately 75 feet (i.e. three vehicles) during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. 2) The development plan includes a 165 -unit multi -family residential complex, as well as six (6) built - to -suit parcels, which were assumed to be the following: a. Parcels 1 and 2 - 20,000 square feet of medical office b. Parcels 3 and 4 - An 80 -room hotel with an attached 3,000 square foot restaurant c. Parcels 5 and 6 - 20,000 SF of general retail 3) The proposed development is expected to generate a total of approximately 194 a.m. peak hour, 283 p.m. peak hour, and 3,299 daily trips. 4) All study intersections and proposed driveways are expected to operate at an acceptable overall LOS A during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours under year 2025 build conditions. The side -street approaches at the study intersections and driveways are also expected to operate at LOS B or better during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Area queues are expected to be similar to existing conditions and no development driveway is expected to have queues longer than two (2) vehicles. 5) No mitigation is needed to accommodate the proposed development from a capacity perspective. 6) Based on a review of the proposed site plan, the following items are offered for consideration. a. The geometric configuration and lane designations along Chelsea Road should be reviewed to determine if dedicated left -turn lanes could be implemented at the Chelsea Road and Best Western/Proposed Development driveway intersection. b. Future landscaping and signage should be located as such to avoid sight distance impacts. c. Access consolidation or shared access locations should be considered as development occurs. d. Where possible, internal driveway access locations should align with other access locations to reduce potential conflicts. e. Truck turning movements should be reviewed to ensure that garbage/delivery trucks have adequate accommodations to negotiate the internal driveway aisles. f. Internal traffic controls (i.e. stop signs) may need to be implemented to reduce driver confusion and potential conflicts. g. As the build -to -suit parcels are developed, sidewalk connections should be implemented throughout the site to improve connectivity within the proposed development as well as the entire community. (reserved for recording information) DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Developer Installed Improvements) DEEPHA VEN (PC 2019-24) AGREEMENT dated , 20, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and DALE BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION, LLC, a North Dakota limited liability company (the "Developer") 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat and Planned Unit Development approval for DEEPHA VEN (referred to in this Contract as the "plat" and the "Development"). The land is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". The Developer is developing approximately 16.36 acres into multifamily residential use (comprising 165 multiple family units in three separate buildings on approximately 8 acres) and commercial development (comprising a single outlot along Cedar Street to the west and Chelsea Road to the north), and is requesting approval from the City for rezoning a an 205651vl approximately 6.63 acre portion of the Development to R-4, Medium and High Density multiple Family zoning pursuant to Resolution No. 2019-OXX. 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder/Registrar of Titles within 100 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's/Registrar's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. The plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat. Development of Outlot B shall require the submittal of a Preliminary Flat in conformance with City Subdivision Ordinance. The City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. The preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, no outlots, within three (3) yeas after preliminary plat approval. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the 2 205651v1 use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and official controls. 7. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the subject property shall be subject to the zoning regulations for the Planned Unit Development District and the requirements and standards of the B-4 and R-4 Districts as applicable, in effect at the time the final plat is approved. If there is a conflict among these regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement [this document]. (2) Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations, Lot 1, Block 1 (3) B-4 and R-4 Zoning District Regulations 8. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No final plat for changes or amendments to this Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 9. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B - Final Grading, Development, and Erosion Control plan 3 2osdsivi Plan C - Plans and Specifications for Public Improvements Plan D - Lighting plans Plan E - Landscape plans: General site and individual unit landscaping plans Plan F — Building Design plans, fagade elevations and typical architectural design plans Plan G — Parking Supply and Design plans Plan H — Site / Design plans Plan I — Signage plans Plan J — Trail and sidewalk plans 10. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading, Ponding, and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities I. Setting of Iron Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Sidewalks and Trails L. Landscaping Plan M. Mailboxes: All developers must meet with the City of Monticello Street Superintendent and USPS to determine the type of mail boxes installed and the location of all mail boxes. Initial costs of the mail boxes and their installation are 4 205651v1 the responsibility of the developer. All residential developments (other than standard single family homes) must install locking cluster mail boxes. The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all written instructions received from the City's inspectors subject to Devel„Yer's plans and specifications. The Developer or his engineer shall schedale a pre -construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes § 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 11. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable regulations are equal to those set forth in the Planned Unit Development Zoning District, B-4 and R-4 Zoning District Regulations as approved. 12. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access 5 205651v1 • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater Connections • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello for Building Permits 13. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 14. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by August 30th, of the year following the year of recording of the final plat with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed by October 15th of the year following installation of improvements, at the direction and in the discretion of the City Engineer. The Developer may, however, request in writing an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer if the cost of the improvements increase due to the extension. Final wear course placement outside of this time frame requires the written approval of the City Engineer. 15. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 16. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. The City may impose additional erosion control and 6 205651v1 storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be restored as identified in the Construction Stormwater General Permit/SWPPP, unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within thirty (30) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 17. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan "B". The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except as permitted by this agreement or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field 7 205651v1 verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed applicable specifications. 18. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of S 100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within thirty (30) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the Plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this Paragraph. 19. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 205651v1 20. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be four percent (4.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $12,286.56 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development, to pay the fees owed to the City under this Section. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the four (4%) estimate. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the subject property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the subject property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $6,300.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for 9 205651v1 this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 21. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. A. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration relating to processing of the Plat and associated administration. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $6,143.28 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. B. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City planning -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $6,143.28 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. 10 205651v1 C. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $6,143.28 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. D. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 22. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 23. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $27,070.29. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 205651v1 BASE STORM SEWER: 6.63 acres — 0 credit x $4,083.00 = $27,070.29 ALTERNATE STORM SEWER: Not applicable to this phase. The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of $27,520.29 shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 24. SANITARY SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $245,520.00. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat and is calculated as follows: $165 units x $1488.00/unit = $245,520.00 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 25. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge of $181,995.00. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat and is calculated as follows: 165 units x $1,103/unit = $181,995.00 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 12 205651v1 26. PARK DEDICATION AND TRAILS. The City's Ordinance specifically requires 11% of the land area, or an equal contribution based on the land value no later than at time of final plat approval. The Developer shall pay the City a cash adjustment, as park dedication, in the amount of $5,283.22, at the time of final plat approval, providing for trail construction. The Developer is providing a combination of cash -in -lieu and land dedication for the plat. The following are the specific requirements of park dedication for this plat and PUD: (i) The Developer will construct a 10' bituminous trail connection between the east and west parking areas of Lot 1, Block 1, along the north side of the pond. No land or construction cost credit shall be provided for this internal connection. The City shall maintain this trail section andit shall be deeded via outlot or conveyed by separate easement to the City. (ii) The Developer will construct a pathway connection from Lot 1 Block 1 to Outlot A at the corner of Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. The Developer shall construct the portion of pathway within Lot 1, Block 1 to the edge of Lot 1, Block 1 with the development of the residential portion of the project. Construction cost credit shall be applied for a 10' bituminous pathway for this internal plat connection. The Developer will receive construction cost credit for the full length to the plaza. The Developer shall provide a Letter of Credit to secure the future construction of the pathway extension from Lot 1, Block 1 to the plaza area... The Developer shall complete the pathway from Lot 1, Block 1 to the plaza area no later than October 1St, 2025. With the first phase plat of Deephaven, the Developer shall provide a blanket easement for establishment of a future trail corridor and alignment from the edge of Lot 1, Block 1 to the plaza area. Land area credit is applicable to this extension for the portion beyond Lot 1, Block L. (iii) The Developer will construct extensions of the trail connection alongside the east and west sides of the pond, which will eventually be extended to adjoin the development to the south. Credit for the construction of a 10' bituminous pathway and land area credit of 20' in width shall be provided for this connection. This pathway is to be constructed with the development of Lot 1, Block 1. 13 205651v1 (iv) The Developer will construct A trail or sidewalk connecting the site to the required pathway along Edmonson Avenue. No credit will be given for this internal connection. The Developer will construct a trail along the west side of Edmonson Avenue. No credit is applicable for this required right of way improvement. The Developer shall provide a Letter of Credit to secure the future construction. The Developer shall complete the pathway no later than October 1St, 2025. (vi) The Developer will provide a cash payment in the amount of $ for the installation of a play facility for the larger park feature. If the City does not install the play facility within the larger park area by December 31, 2025, the City will reimburse the Developer the full amount. 27. LANDSCAPING. The Developer shall plant, per the City's Zoning Ordinance requirements and the Planning Commission Agenda dated November 4, 2019, a number of trees and plantings along the perimeters of the site, off-street parking areas, pond/pathway area, and the three apartment buildings, pursuant to the Landscaping Plans as reviewed and approved by the City. The Developer's Landscaping Plan shall meet the Zoning Ordinance requirements. The Developer shall provide a landscaping security deposit to ensure the placement of landscaping per approved plans per Section 10 of this Agreement. The security shall be held for one full year of two growing seasons following installation and inspection. 28. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the City's Engineering Report dated October 30, 2019. B. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the City's Engineering Report dated December 5, 2019. 205651v1 14 B. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution No. PC -2019-2019-30, PC - 2019 -031 and 2019-032.-, including the City Staff recommendation listed in Exhibit Z. C. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution No. 2019- approving the Plat of Deephaven and the recommendations of Resolution 2020-X. approving the Final Stage PUD for Lot 1, Block 1, Deephaven, including compliance with all conditions as approved in Exhibit Z. D. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post a $1,500.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 4 units at $300.00 per unit. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. E. The Developer shall be responsible for the cost of street light installation consistent with the Street Lighting Plans approved by the City. Before the City signs the final plat, the Developer shall post a security for street light installation consistent with the approved plans. The estimated amount of this security is $12,000.00 and consists of 3 decorative lights and supports at $4,000.00. F. As a condition of plat approval, the Developer is required to plat the necessary right of ways at the corners of Edmonson/Chelsea and Cedar/Chelsea for any necessary improvements following the engineer's analysis of this study. The Developer may be required to install turn lanes if the traffic study analysis indicates they are necessary. 15 205651v1 G. The Developer is required to reconstruct the west side of Edmonson Avenue to an urban section along the plat edge. Timing and design specifications of these improvements will be at the City Engineer's discretion and evaluation of the traffic study. The Developer shall commence and the improvement shall be substantially complete no later than October 1", 2025. The Developer shall supply a Letter of Credit to guarantee the improvement. H. The Developer or Owner shall enter into a cross easement agreement to manage and maintain shared driveway accesses proposed within the plat. enclosures. I. The Developer shall submit plans acceptable to the City for internal trash The City shall develop the plaza design at Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. K. The Developer is required to submit the final plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. The Developer shall also submit one complete set of reproducible construction plans on Mylar. L. The Developer shall provide a warranty deed for the stormwater pond, Outlot C, and the plaza outlot, Outlot A, to the City at the time of final plat. M. The Developer shall execute a stormwater maintenance agreement for the maintenance and operation of the private internal stormwater system. N. With the first phase plat of Deephaven, the Developer shall provide a mutually agreeable blanket easement for establishment of a future trail corridor and alignment from the edge of Lot 1, Block 1 to the plaza area, Outlot AX. 16 205651v1 O. The use of the pond as a water re -use facility used for irrigation may be feasible. The City Engineer shall approve the design and the developer must ensure that an adequate water level be maintained in the facility. P. The Developer shall continue to cooperate with the City's efforts to expand the site planning and common stormwater and open space improvements to the south, including dedications and final improvements, and construction access as necessary, among other requirements. Q. The Developer shall execute an encroachment agreement for the access drive located within the southerly drainage and utility easement. R. Intersection improvements at Edmonson and Chelsea and Cedar and Chelsea may be necessary as related to future development of Outlot B. At such time, the City will utilize the MN Statute 429 process relative to required improvements. S. The Developer shall submit a $5,000 cash security for striping on Chelsea Road as required by the City Engineer as related to the plat development. 29. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. A. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, payment of real estate taxes including interest and penalties, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $385,455.00, plus a cash fee of $ for City engineering, expenses and administration. The amoun ; of the security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Sanitary Sewer $Not applicable Watermain $Not applicable Storm Sewer/Draintile/Infiltration Basin $ 98,522.00 Streets $103,912.00 Pathways & Sidewalks 92,730.00CONSTRUCTION SUB -TOTAL (ESTIMATED)$307,164.00 OTHER COSTS: Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $ 00.00 $ 1,200.00 17 205651v1 TOTAL COSTS TOTAL SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% OTHER REQUIRED SECURITIES: Landscaping Grading, Erosion Control & Restoration $308,364.00 $385,455.00 $321,429.00 $25,200.00 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for a term ending when maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. B. To guarantee the completion of subject property landscaping improvements in compliance with approved Landscaping Plan. The Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $321,429.00. 18 205651v1 C. The Developer shall furnish the City with Security in the amount of $25,200.00 to guarantee grading and restoration of the subject property in compliance with approved Plan "B". Plan "B" illustrates the grading of 8 acres within the plat. Mass grading of the full site may be required as a result of the final approved grading Plan. 30. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final plat approval: City Administration (2%) $ 6,143.28* Legal (2%) $ 6,143.28* Planning (2%) $ 6,143.28* Engineering (grading) (3%) $ 6,300.00* Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection (4%) $12,286.56* Chelsea Road Turn Lane Striping $ 5,000.00 Playground Facility $20,000.00 Total Cash Requirements $62,016.40 * Fees reconciled to actual expenses a'L close of project. 31. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for underground utilities is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by City Council. The Developer or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. Maintenance Bonds of the prime contractor may be accepted subject to City approval. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. 32. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil 19 205651v1 and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 31 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the project and following payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable in equal installments over a ten- year period, plus interest of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final plat approval by the City of Monticello. Assessments 20 205651v1 shall be allocated on a per lot basis over 1 unit, Lot 1, Block 1, Deephaven. The assessments may be paid in full with interest payable prior to November 1St of the year prior to levying of assessment. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the City to satisfy Park Dedication requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitclaim deeds shall be executed for each of the transactions. The Developer agrees to pay all real estate taxes due or payable on outlots transferred to the City for the period up to the time the outlots become tax exempt. 33. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty- eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 34. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, 21 205651v1 zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well 22 205651v1 seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. In the event this Contract is filed of record, upon compliance of all terms herein by Developer, the City shall file a termination of record. H. Developer or its prime contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until one (1) month after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat or when any construction commences, whichever later occurs. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. I. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Developer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its employees, officials, and agents from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of Developer's negligence or its performance or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract. Developer's indemnification obligation shall apply to Developer's general contractor, subcontractor(s), or anyone directly or indirectly employed or hired by Developer, or anyone for whose acts Developer may be liable. Developer agrees this indemnity obligation shall survive the completion or termination of this Contract. 23 205651v1 Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. K. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council, unless such assignment is to a principal of Developer or another entity in which the Developer is a principal. Permission by the City Council will not be unreasonably withheld. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells part or parts of the platted land, until all conditions of assignment are met. L. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls, the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 35. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: 4379 33rd Avenue South, Apt. 121, Fargo, North Dakota 58104-6974; with a copy to the Owner, by regular mail to Premier Bank Minnesota, Attn: , 316 Oak Street, Farmington, Minnesota 55024. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered 24 205651v1 to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, with a copy to the City Attorney by regular mail at: Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. Remainder ofpage intentionally left blank. Signatures on the following pages. 25 205651v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO Lo (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20, by Brian Stumpf and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 26 205651v1 DEVELOPER: DALE BUCHHOLZ CONSTRUCTION, LLC LOW STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) Its: [print name] [title] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20, by the of Dale Buchholz Construction, LLC, a North Dakota limited liability company, on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 27 205651vl EXHIBIT "A" Legal description The North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying South of the North 586.37 feet of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter, lying easterly of the easterly line of Old State Highway No. 25 now known as Cedar Street and lying westerly and southerly of the westerly and southerly line of that portion of County Road No. 117 that was previously taken for right of way purposes by the State of Minnesota. 28 205651v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar of Titles as document number , agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 20. By STATE OF ) ss. COUNTY OF 1 Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20 by the of , on behalf of the ,a Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ day of [print name] [title] 29 205651vl FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PREMIER BANK MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, fee owner of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement, affirms and consents to the provisions thereof and agrees to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by it. Dated this day of STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF ) ,20 . PREMIER BANK MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20_, by , the Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ [print name] [title] day of , of Premier Bank Minnesota, a 30 205651vl IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, 'Drawn under Letter of Credit No. , dated , 2 , of (Name of Bank) "; b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2007. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty- five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. Its 31 205651v1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. _ Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: _ Expiration Date: Insurance Company: () Claims Made () Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES 32 205651v1 Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence Combined Single Limit Policy Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On BY: Authorized Insurance Representative 33 205651v1 Deephaven SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Phased Development Option 9 -Jan -20 Total Acres in Development 18.29 gross 16.36 net Total Lots in Development 1 lots 3 outlot Total Acres in Phase 8.49 gross 6.63 net 1 commercial outlot to be final platted in the future Trunk Area Charges & Assessments Acreage I Acres or Credits Net Notes unarge units Assessment Special Assessments Existing special assessment have been levied to site Park & Pathway Dedication Park Dedication Required (11%) 11% 0.93 Total required for Lot 1, Block 1 Residential Park Dedication Expressed as Value $87,098.22 Based on CMV: .93 ac x $2.15/sf Park Dedication Land Area Provided 0.32 -30,315 Acreage for plaza and east/west trails Park Dedication Construction cost credit -51,500 Construction cost estimate for E/W pond and plaza pathway Total Park Dedication $5,283.22 Lot 1, Block 1 (Residential) Sanitary Sewer (gross acres) Watermain (gross acres) Storm Sewer Base (net acres) Storm Sewer Alternate (net ac TOTAL Fees/Deposit To be assessed to Lot 1, Block 1 $1,488 165.00 $245,520.00 Per unit charge $1,103 165.00 $181,995.00 Per unit charge $4,083 6.63 $27,070.29 Acreage charge NA NA $0.00 $454,585.29 1 T be assessed in 2021 - see DA for terms Playground Facility $20,000.00 Chelsea Road Turn Lane Striping $5,000.00 City Fee (General Admin) 2.00% $6,143.28 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion, $2,000 min Legal 2.00% $6,143.28 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion, $2,000 min Planning 2.00% $6,143.28 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion, $2,000 min Engineering and Inspection Grading and Restoration 3.00% $6,300.00 Actual; reconciled at project completion; $7,000 min Streets and Utilities 4.00% $12,286.56 Actual; reconciled at project completion; $7,000 min Total City Fees $62,016.40 Improvement Construction Costs (Used to Calculate City Fees/Escrows/Securities Edmonson Avenue Urban Section (w/pathway) Edmonson Avenue Lighting Watermain Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer (out of pond) Clay liner Cedar Street Sidewalk Street Signs, Mailboxes, Lighting Pathways, East/West Pond Pathways to Edmonson, Plaza Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) = Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond Site Grading (for purpose of calculating escrow) Additional Letters of Credit Landscaping Grading Total Additional LOC $103,912.00 Based on $88,825 x 4% /year -5 years $12,000.00 Not applicable Not applicable $53,522.00 Estimated public improvement cost $45,000.00 Estimated $19,575.00 Estimated public improvement cost for sidewalks $14,905.00 Estimated improvement cost $29,000.00 Construct with development of Lot 1 , Block 1 Construct to edge of Lot 1 with development of Lot 1, $29,250.00 security to be provided for full length for plaza pathway 4lots $1,200 $308,364.00 90.00%1 $346,909.501 $210,000.00 $257,143 $321,429 1$257,142.80 estimated residential lot landscaping x 125% $3,000 8.4 $25,200 $346,629 Buchholz/Premier Propertv. 16.5 acres gross +- 8 acres Commercial (80,000 sf capacity) 8.5 acres Multi -Family (gross acreage) 7.2 acres net 165 dwelling units - 19.5 du/acre gross 22.9 du/acre net 1.3 acres pond/pathway City/Lundsten (north of Dundas) 18.6 acres gross +- 7.4 acres Commercial (70,000 sf capacity) 5 acres Multi -Family 120 dwelling units - 24 du/acre net 6.2 acres pond/pathway Lundsten/Weinand (south of Dundas) 58.5 acres gross +- 120 dwellings general/senior 80 du senior/assisted 100 du assisted/memory 8-10du buildings luxury condominium 380 total Multi -Family units 15.2 acres Multi -Family total 25 du/acre 36 du townhouse 5.3 acres 5.2 du/acre 13.5 acres Commercial (130,000 sf capacity) Aldi Expansion area - 2 acres 20 acres pond/pathway including powerline easement (approximately 6 acres) City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 4C. Consideration to adopt a petition for Annexation by Ronald and Lisa Denn and Denn Familv Partnership, and consideration of a request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Urban Reserve to Places to Live, a request for Final Plat approval of Haven Ridge, including the 11t phase of 27 single-familv units, rezoning to A -O and R-1 for the plat, and related Development Agreement. Applicant: Marc Schulte/Denali Investments, LLC. (NAC/AS) Property: PIDs: 213-100-234101; 213-100-261200; 213-100- 242200; 213-100-234102 See legal description for parcels to be annexed per plat and resolution Planning Case Number: 2019-020 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the guided use of a portion of the subject property from "Urban Reserve" to "Places to Live" Rezoning from Agriculture (Township Zoning) to R-1, Single Family Residence District and A -O, Agriculture - Open Space Final Plat for Haven Ridge, to include the first addition of a single family and multi -family residential subdivision entitled "Haven Ridge". The first addition is to be comprised of 27 single family residential lots. Deadline for Decision: Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning — extended 60 day agency action deadline: October 19th, 2019 Final plat agency action deadline: December 18th, 2019 All land use application deadlines extended by the applicant to January, 2020 Annexation petitions do not have an agency action timeline. Land Use Designation: "Places to Live" (Re -guided from "Urban Reserve") Zoning Designation: Agriculture (Wright County Zoning) Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 IM, Vacant/Undeveloped Single Family Residential Vacant/Agricultural Vacant/Agricultural/Wetlands Single Family Residential/Agricultural Project Description: The applicants propose a 326 -unit residential development. The current plat application proposes to rezone and plat into lots and blocks the first phase of the Haven Ridge subdivision, comprised of 27 single family residential lots. The base applicable standards are the R-1 District zoning standards. The comprehensive plan amendment proposes to reguide the full site to "Places to Live". ANALYSIS Annexation The property in question is currently located in Monticello Township, part of the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area. The MOAA agreement specifies that property within the MOAA that is contiguous may be annexed upon petition of the property owners, pursuant to a specific process. One of the primary conditions is that the property is served with utilities and available for development, with the expectation that property not ready for development would not be prematurely brought into the City. To ensure that the City does not annex land that cannot sustain development, the property owner proceeds through Preliminary Plat consideration prior to annexation, giving the City the opportunity to identify the conditions under which a particular parcel would be acceptable for annexation and development. Thus, the City conducts the Preliminary Plat and Rezoning hearings to be able to specify land use and ensure that proposed development will be able to meet the requirements of the land use plan and zoning ordinance. The Planning Commission held those hearings earlier this year. The parcels proposed for final plat appear to meet the conditions of the MOAA agreement, and are now subject to City review for final platting and zoning. It should be noted that the Denns have petitioned for annexation of four parcels. The Denns have worked through a boundary line confirmation process, which resulted in a court 2 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 order establishing their boundary. The order requires that the Denns deed a small portion of property to an adjacent property owner. That parcel will not be considered by the city for annexation as it is not proposed to be part of the plat. The area to be annexed is based on the legal description of the area to be platted and served by municipal utilities, not the parcel identification numbers for the parcels. The City had previously notified the Township that a petition has been received and acknowledged for purposes of processing the subject applications. The City also sent a letter on December 12th, 2019 formally noticing the Township of the intent to consider adoption of the annexation resolution on January 13th, 2020. The City can now take action to accept the petition and adopt a resolution for annexation with the current application for final plat as presented. As a condition of annexation, the developer or petitioner will need to provide to the City the equivalent of four years taxes payable to Monticello Township, consistent with the MOAA agreement, as well as pay all fees for processing of the annexation with the State. Comprehensive Plan Amendment A majority of the subject site is presently guided "Urban Reserve" (see graphic on next page). The City's Comprehensive Plan anticipates that the community will grow into areas designated as "Urban Reserve" as planned land use areas become fully developed and capacity for future growth is needed. The specific policies of the Comprehensive Plan call for a variety of housing types that respond to changing demographics and encourage mixed housing styles where appropriate. The Plan notes that higher density housing is most appropriate where there are available private and public services that will facilitate attractive neighborhoods for those residents. At the boundaries of the community, land transitions to rural open space. In these locations, lower densities are appropriate, along with attention to the Plan's direction to integrate natural resources into the developed neighborhoods. Connections to the City's parks and open space system through preservation of access to natural features, and trail connections to existing parks facilities, are encouraged. To accommodate the proposed low-density residential uses, the guided use of the subject 213 -acre site must be changed from "Urban Reserve" to "Places to Live." The "Places to Live" land use category designates areas where housing is intended to be the primary use of land. The emphasis of the category is to help ensure that Monticello offers a full range of housing choices, while preserving and enhancing the quality of neighborhoods. 3 IC 5 1 1 1 Y _ 1 •-�� E - Subject Property_ +� i 7.1 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 Legend P18[[s [p Lure i PlX"ta SPV Places [a 5'loix Pldtei [O FdecralGe Pl�rq CgmmLRly oownrown Mtre6LkW Am IiAmmarge Plennng Aw lJrba,Rase" IMastru4Wte =— RNem wd $beams PLVIC Woo"lnvCdgry W"OV14 Pmwo 8 PUNIC wdffie li—MO-M V P*erdlA [nterenange FLWre eMge 44 F VA M Flrerlal or Colin -by Roa7 *f#� Pr MbdArMrlMOr Coy MRae] 4�, Po fl_ Mnrmcellb CM1y'6g1 cwy oreMAnna"Area While a decision regarding the proposed land use change is considered a policy matter to be determined by City Officials, staff feels that low density residential use of the property is compatible with uses which are envisioned in the area. The current single-family lot inventory for the City has fallen to a total availability of under approximately 50 lots, which speaks to the need for additional housing opportunity. In addition, the developer has worked through the retention of the major wetland complexes on the site and will deed outlots to the City in support of greenway corridors as identified in the Natural Resource Inventory & Assessment. The Planning Commission reviewed the request for Comprehensive Plan Amendment in July of 2019, recommending approval unanimously. Rezoning The subject site is presently zoned "Agricultural" (under Wright County zoning) and does not make an allowance for urban (sewered) residential development such as that proposed. Approval of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment will establish a basis to approve the rezoning of the site (to accommodate urban residential uses), pending annexation. The following table lists the three zoning designations which have been requested and the related number of lots proposed within each designation: Zoning Designation Number of Lots R-1, Single Family 215 R -A, Residential Amenities 38 PUD, Planned Unit 73 Development Total 326 C! City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 At this time, the developer is platting the full proposed preliminary plat site, platting only the proposed first addition into lots and blocks, leaving the balance in an outlot. The lots and blocks are proposed to be zoned R-1. The outlot will be rezoned from A -O at the time the developer brings forward future additions for final platting into lots and blocks. Based on that plat arrangement, the proposed zoning is shown on the following map: I p ■nN�i��S�•r� r R-1. Single Family The Planning Commission reviewed the rezoning request for the full proposed plat designations in July of 2019, unanimously recommending approval of the rezoning. If City Officials are supportive of the requested Comprehensive Plan Amendment, staff also recommends approval of the requested Rezoning subject to the following: 1. The applicants provide final legal descriptions of the areas to which the proposed three zoning designations are to be applied. 2. The zoning designations take effect concurrent with the City approval of the final plat. Until such time, land remains zoned "A -O", Agriculture Open Space. Final Plat The developer previously submitted and received approval for a Preliminary Plat. The developer has submitted a revised Preliminary Plat, which address many, but not 5 A-0 - ------------- �t Future Phases R-1. Single Family The Planning Commission reviewed the rezoning request for the full proposed plat designations in July of 2019, unanimously recommending approval of the rezoning. If City Officials are supportive of the requested Comprehensive Plan Amendment, staff also recommends approval of the requested Rezoning subject to the following: 1. The applicants provide final legal descriptions of the areas to which the proposed three zoning designations are to be applied. 2. The zoning designations take effect concurrent with the City approval of the final plat. Until such time, land remains zoned "A -O", Agriculture Open Space. Final Plat The developer previously submitted and received approval for a Preliminary Plat. The developer has submitted a revised Preliminary Plat, which address many, but not 5 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 all of the conditions of approval. The revised plat does illustrate the loss of lots to accommodate engineering recommendations and wetland permitting requirements. The City Subdivision Ordinance allows the developer one year from the time of the preliminary plat approval to file a final plat with the City. The preliminary plat was approved by the City on July 22nd, 2019. The developer is within the one year requirement for the final plat request. Environmental Review. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet requirement was triggered for the proposed project and was completed addressing environmental impacts. The City Council issued a negative declaration of need for an EIS to conclude that process. The EAW identified comments to be addressed with development. The comments have been reviewed in relationship to the application submittals. The consulting city engineer has provided detailed comments related to the wetland on site, including the city's required wetland buffer standards. In addition, the applicant should address any remaining comments of the EAW as an on-going condition. Existing Conditions. The project is occurring on a long-standing agricultural property which includes a farmstead and common appurtenances. The agricultural buildings and improvements, including septic, well, and agricultural fencing, must be removed at the time of final platting for that area of the new development. Until such time, the developer, as property owner, is required to comply with all city ordinances for the site use. State requirements addressing the removals will be applicable. In addition, the developer will be required to provide an escrow deposit for the future demolition and removal of the buildings. Phasing. The preliminary plat indicated that the subject site is to be developed in a series of up to 8 primary phases which correspond to the single family residential and townhome uses. The developer has provided an updated phasing plan, although it is understood that phasing may change as the project progresses. Streets and Access. Lots within the first addition will be accessed by the new extension of Farmstead Avenue NE and will connect to Fallon Ave. For the initial phase, Farmstead will terminate in a temporary cul-de-sac, until it is extended to accommodate the proposed Phase 2. The engineer's comments address the need to revised the construction plans to detail this cul-de-sac and to provide an easement within Outlot A and B for the cul-de-sac. It is noted that both the revised preliminary plat plans and the final plat plans illustrate incorrect street names. These are required to be corrected as a condition of approval. The names must meet County and City naming requirements. C. City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 Any right of way vacation must be petitioned and is subject to the comment of the City Engineer. Right of way shall be established as per the approved preliminary plat meeting all conditions of approval. As the development proceeds southward, primary access to the subdivision is to be provided from a southernly extension of Fallon Avenue and easterly extension of 85th Street. To be noted is that a realignment of 85th Street is proposed such that it will intersect Fallon Avenue at a roundabout in a future phase. The section referencing the terms of the development agreement addresses the construction of the roundabout. With the final plat, the developer is required to plat the full required right of way for Fallon Avenue, Edmonson Avenue and Eisele Avenue along their portion of plat boundaries. In addition, the developer is required to provide an easement for the full right of way for the 85th Street along their portion of the plat boundary in the southerly section of the site. Right of way necessary for the roundabout configuration will be platted with the applicable phases. Block Layout. The proposed block layout responds well to the sites features (topography and wetlands) and meets maximum 1,320 -foot block length requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. The first addition will have a total of two blocks, with Block 1 holding 14 lots to the north of Farmstead Avenue and Block 2 will hold 13 lots to the south of Farmstead Avenue. Block 1 and 2 of the first addition of Haven Ridge conform to the existing roads of 85th Street NE and Fallon Avenue. Lot Sizes and Setbacks. The first addition of the plat proposes R-1 District lots. Within R-1 zoning districts, the average lot size must not be less than 12,000 square feet and in no case may lots be less than 10,000 square feet in size. Further, at least 40 percent of lots created through subdivision shall exceed 12,000 square feet in area. Of the proposed 27 R-1 District lots in Phase 1, all of the lots exceed 12,000 square feet in size. The average interior lot size is approximately 14,400 square feet with larger corner lots. All lots have been found to comply with the applicable R-1 District lot area requirements. Required Front Yard 30' Side Yard 10' Side Yard (corner) 20' Rear Yard 30' Proposed Compliant 30' Yes 10' Yes 20' Yes 30' Yes Also, within R-1 Districts, lot widths must average of 80 feet of width, with none narrower than 70 feet, and at least 40 percent of all lots equaling or exceeding 80 feet of width. 7 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 All but three lots have at least an 80 foot lot width. The exceptions are Lots 1, 2, and 14 of Block 1, for which the lot widths are 75.98 ft, 73.44 ft, and 77.59 ft. Three lots on Block 2 exceed 80 feet in width and are 103.65 ft, 84.93 ft and 169.12 ft. The remaining 21 interior lots are set at 80 feet in width. The average lot width of the 27 lots proposed in Phase 1 is 83.88 ft which exceeds the requirement average of 80 feet. House Design. A variety of home types are proposed within the subdivision. Specifically, homes with full basements, full basement (modified) walkouts, full basement (modified) lookouts, full basement split entry walkout, full basement split entry, (modified) rambler, and slab on grade are all proposed. Home types assigned to individual lots, as well as building pads, are illustrated on the submitted grading, drainage and erosion control plan. Designs used in Phase 1: Split Entry Walkout (SEWO): Rambler (R): Split Entry (SE): Walkout (WO): Modified Walkout (WO(2)) Block 1, Lots 1-5 Block 2, Lots 1-9 Block 1, Lot 6 Block 1, Lots 7-14 Block 2, Lots 12 and 13 Block 2, Lots 10 and 11 The R-1 District has specific house size requirements along with the lot size standards that apply. These size requirements are quoted here to ensure that developer and future builders will plan for the appropriate building sizes — the lot designs would appear to accommodate adequate building pads. R-1: The purpose of the "R-1" single family district is to provide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses. The minimum single family home size is required to be 1,050 square feet foundation and 2,000 square feet finishable space, exclusive of garage or other accessory use space. Tree Preservation. Tree Preservation was reviewed as a part of the Preliminary Plat, and would be most impacted during the future townhouse phase of the project. At that time, securities and mitigation measures will be further detailed. City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 Grading, Drainage and Utilities. The City Engineer's office has conducted a review and prepared a summary related to grading, drainage and utilities. In addition, a full comment letter regarding both the proposed final plat and first addition plans are provided as an exhibit. All details relating to utility credits are the subject of final plat and development agreement review. It should be noted that the developer is proposing to grade both the first and second addition phases with the first phase. Their construction plans and grading securities will be expected to detail and meet city requirements. Sidewalks. Sidewalks are proposed on one side of all streets. The location for the sidewalks in terms of street side is subject to the final recommendation of the City Engineer and will correspond to proposed trail systems. Trails. For the first phase, ten foot bituminous pathway is proposed along the east side of Fallon Avenue. The trail is detailed in preliminary plat documents and reviewed by the City Engineer. Other trail and park requirements are either parts of future phases, or addressed as cash contributions as a part of the development agreement for the project. Park Dedication is discussed in further detail below. Park Dedication. The Subdivision Ordinance specifies a requirement of 11 % of the land area, or an equal contribution based on the land value no later than at the time of final plat. Where the applicants provide a proportion of the land area, the remaining portion would be required as cash, or as credit against the cash contribution, usually in the form of trail construction that is not otherwise required as a part of the street improvements. A report on the proposed park dedication for the development was prepared by staff and presented to the Parks & Recreation Commission on June 27th, 2019. The report notes that the development is proposed to include land dedication, trail easements and trail construction credit. The Parks & Recreation Commission recommended park dedication in a combination of park land area adjacent to the Hunters Crossing Park, trail easement, and trail construction costs as detailed in the staff report and exhibits of June 27th, 2019. One issue for discussion by Parks department staff and Parks Commission would be credit for the former 85th Street right of way that is being vacated and relocated to the roundabout. This area would provide connection between the existing Hunter's Crossing Park and the proposed park area being added on the north side of the roundabout. The developer is required to bury or relocate the overhead electric transmission lines currently in that right of way to receive park dedication credit with that phase. For the first addition, the developer is receiving a credit to their park dedication. The developer is constructing the pathway extension along Fallon Avenue, which is not E City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 yet an urban section roadway. The developer is receiving construction cost credit only for this improvement. Wetlands. Overall, the Haven Ridge project has proposed 2.02 acres of permanent wetlands impacts. Impacts are due to the filling of wetlands to create roadways and lots. Mitigation for these impacts is proposed to be completed through the purchase of wetland credits from private wetland banks. The wetland impacts and mitigation are required to be permitted under the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permits. At this time, as the land to be platted is still within the Township, Wright County SWCD is responsible for reviewing and approving the WCA permit. The City participated in the WCA permit review and approval process as the City will be responsible for ensuring the permit conditions are met once the orderly annexation process for the development is completed. Permit conditions the City will need to review and approve include wetland credit purchases and the annual wetland mitigation monitoring. The Wright County SWCD has issued its Notice of Decision for the proposed wetland plan for the plat. At the time of this report, the developer's wetland consultant has also indicated that the Army Corp of Engineers has also issued their permit for the site, which the developer must sign to be effective. No development within the plat shall be permitted until the final permit has been executed and is on file with the City. Wetland buffers are also required to be established around the remaining wetlands under City ordinance. Wetland buffers are natural, native vegetation strips of land above wetland boundaries. These areas may include trailways. These buffers are required to be placed within an outlot or easement. The developer is required to maintain wetland buffers until vegetation standards are met and annual reporting for the first 5 years after the initial planting per City ordinance. The City will be responsible for ensuring wetland buffer vegetation standards are met per the wetland district section of the zoning ordinance. The consulting city engineer has also provided a detailed review of both the required wetland buffers per city ordinances, as well as on-going maintenance related to the ordinance and permitting. The city's consulting engineer will assist in the review of the required reporting. A deposit for both the review of reports and for the required buffer maintenance per permit and ordinance is required and is reflected in the finance plan and development agreement. 10 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 Preliminary Plat Conditions of Approval The City Council adopted a series of conditions to the preliminary plans submitted by the applicant. Many of these conditions relate to future phases, and are carried over within Exhibit Z to ensure they are tracked for review at the appropriate time. Conditions specific to the first addition have also been added to Exhibit Z. It should also be noted that an outstanding condition related to the preliminary plat submittal requires that the applicants provide sketch plan alternatives demonstrating use development, and access to the outlot remnants in the northeast portion of the plat, including access and utility stub locations. The applicant shall also install utility stubs at this location to serve the adjacent property. Development Agreement and Finance Plan A development agreement for the Haven Ridge project has been prepared, outlining the terms and conditions of approval and project development, as well as the necessary fees and securities for the development. The development agreement provides the framework for approvals pertaining to the full Haven Ridge site, as well as development terms and conditions specific to the first phase. The following are terms specific to this development. Rezoninz At this time, the 27 units of the proposed Haven Ridge will be rezoned to R-1. The balance of the plat will be zoned A -O until such time that subsequent additions are platted into lots and blocks. Phased Development Due to the size of the proposed development, the development agreement proposes an extension to 10 years from the subdivision ordinance requirement of 3 years for final platting of all lots and blocks. Adiacent Street Improvements The developer is required to improve adjacent roadways fronting the Development (i.e. Fallon Avenue, 85th Street, Eisele Avenue, Edmonson Avenue) with safety improvements as applicable to each phase of the development, which may include turn lanes. Wright County requires a northbound right turn lane and southbound left turn (or bypass) lane to be constructed at the intersection of Edmonson Avenue (CR 117) and the proposed Elemore Way NE in the future phase of the development. For this phase, the safety improvements include adding 4 -foot bituminous shoulders and pathways to Fallon Avenue. These improvements are a condition of apprpoval. 11 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 Fallon Avenue & 85th Street Extensions and Roundabout Also included in the Development is the realigning and provision for the future extension of 85th Street as an east -west collector road in accordance with the City's Transportation Plan and Wright County's Transportation Plan. This includes the extension of Fallon Avenue/Eisele Avenue and a roundabout intersecting with the re- aligned 85th Street within the Development. Credits will be provided for the oversized street width for 85th Street from a 36 -foot to a 44 -foot wide street width at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. The oversizing credit amount will be based on unit prices for excavation, granular borrow, class 5 aggregate and bituminous surface at the time of the improvement. Pathwav Svstem and Park Dedication • The Developer will construct a 10' bituminous trail connection along the east side of Fallon Avenue with the proposed first addition. The developer will receive construction cost credit only for the trail, as it will be constructed along a rural section road. • Pathways are required on both sides of Fallon and 85th within the roundabout area. Pathway systems within the roundabout section construction limits will be a required roadway improvement and are not eligible for park dedication. • The developer will receive construction cost credit for pathways construction along the rural sections of roadway within the plat (but located outside the limits of the roundabout right of way) including Eisele, Edmonson and 85th Street. The credits for construction cost will be calculated and paid at the time of applicable platting for those areas. • The developer will receive construction and land area credit for those pathways being constructed within the development and outside of street network right of ways. These pathways weave along wetland and stormwater areas of the plat within Outlots D, J, K and L. Credits will be based on land value and construction cost at the time of final plat for these areas. • Sidewalks are required on one side of all internal streets and are not eligible for park dedication. • As noted above, the developer is proposing to add to the existing Hunters Crossing Park at the time of platting of that phase of the project. Park dedication credit will only be considered if the power lines through this area are buried and the ROW is vacated at the time of roundabout construction. No credit is given for stormwater ponding proposed in this area. Trunk Charzes Trunk charges are applicable for the area to be final platted into developable lots and blocks. The developer is required to pay these charges at the time of final plat, or may elect to have these charges assessed with interest across the 27 lots. 12 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 Easements and Outlots The development is required to provide a series of easements for the proposed project. These include: • Easement for proposed temporary cul-de-sac on Farmstead Avenue • Conservation easements for stormwater ponding areas • Right of way easement for 85th Street The developer is also required to provide warranty deeds conveying to the City both the stormwater pond areas, Outlots A, B and C of the final plat. Special Assessments The development is subject to a special assessment for the completion of prior road improvements on Fallon Avenue and 85th Street. These assessments total $10,255.21 for the first addition of the plat. Utilitv Credits The developer will receive a credit against watermain charges for the first addition for connection to existing utilities at Hunters Crossing. The amount of the credit is $15,000.00. As noted with the preliminary plat report, the development is proposed to receive watermain oversizing credits to the water main area charge for the construction of 12 - inch and 16 -inch mains from an 8 -inch main. Credits will be applied at the time of final plat for each applicable phase of development and will be detailed within the development agreement for each phase. Oversizing costs will be based on pipe size, fittings weights and gate valve sizes. A 36 -inch dry gravity trunk main is to be constructed within future phases as documented in the City's SouthEast Sewer Study. Credits to the sanitary sewer area charge for the design and construction of this main would be applied at the time of final plat for each applicable phase of development and shall be detailed within the agreement for each phase. A lift station is required to serve the proposed phases following first and second additions. Oversizing credits to the sanitary sewer area charge for the construction of the lift station may be applicable based on the design capacity of the lift station and will be provided as applicable in the development contract for the applicable phase of development. Credit shall be applied at the time of final plat for each applicable phase of development and shall be detailed within the agreement for each phase. Securities The developer is required to post a number of letters of credit associated with the project, including: • Public improvements security for roads, utilities, lighting, pathways and stormwater systems 13 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 • Landscaping security for general site landscaping, including wetland buffer area to city standards • Wetland reporting and maintenance • Demolition and removals of existing buildings within the plat • Site grading • Conservation easements and wetland buffer posts At the time future development phases impact tree preservation areas, a security for this purpose will also be required. The developer is also required to post a series of cash securities. City plan review and inspection of the public utilities expenses are charged to these escrows. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Annexation of Haven Ridge 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-07, a resolution annexing the land within the Haven Ridge area, contingent on the approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Final Plat requests, based on a finding that the terms of the Monticello Orderly Annexation Agreement have been met and other findings as stated in the Resolution. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-07, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the annexation resolution. Decision 2. Amendment to Comprehensive Plan The Planning Commission unanimously recommends Alternative 1 below. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2020-08, reguiding the Haven Ridge property from "Urban Reserve" to "Places to Live" as designated on the survey of the property, based on the findings in said Resolution, and contingent on adoption of a resolution for annexation and approval of the Rezoning and Final Plat requests. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No.2020-08, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the Comprehensive Plan amendment. 14 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 Decision 3. Rezoning The Planning Commission unanimously recommends Alternative 1 below. Motion to adopt Resolution No.2020-09, and Ordinance No. 733 rezoning the proposed plat of Haven Ridge to "A -O, Agriculture -Open Space" for Outlots D, E, F, G, H, I and J and to "R-1, Single Family Residential" for Lots 1-14, Block 1 and Lots 1-13, Block 2, along with Outlots A, B and C, based on the findings in said Resolution, and contingent on adoption of a resolution for annexation and approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Final Plat. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No.2020-09 and Ordinance No. 733 based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the Rezoning. Decision 4. Final Plat and Development Agreement Motion to adopt Resolution No.2020-10 approving the Final Plat of Haven Ridge, based on the findings in said Resolution, and to approve the Development Agreement, authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to execute said Agreement, and contingent on adoption of the resolution for annexation and approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning and subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2020-10, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the proposed Final Plat. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff supports annexation of the proposed land area to be platted and recommends approval of the comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning of the site and final plat and development agreement for Haven Ridge, including development approvals for the first 27 units, subject to conditions listed in Exhibit Z and based on the findings in the accompanying resolutions. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2020-07 — Annexation B. Resolution 2020-08 — Comprehensive Plan Amendment C. Resolution 2020-09 - Rezoning to A -O, R-1 D. Resolution 2020-10 — Final Plat and Development Agreement E. Ordinance No. 733 — Rezoning to A -O, R-1 F. Petition for Annexation 15 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 G. Letters of Notification to Monticello Township H. Final Plat of Haven Ridge I. Revised Preliminary Plat, including: a. Overall Boundary b. Existing Conditions c. Preliminary Plat d. Preliminary Site and Utility Plan e. Grading & Erosion Control Plan f. Tree Preservation Plan g. Landscape Plan J. Phasing Plan K. Lot Zoning Plan L. Development Agreement M. Finance Plan N. City Engineer's Comment Letters, dated 6/27/19, 11/25/19 O. Wetland Requirements, dated 12/6/19 Z. Conditions of Approval City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 Exhibit Z, Conditions of Approval Haven Ridge Annexation, Comprehensive Plan Amendment Rezoning, Final Plat and Development Agreement Annexation is contingent on approval of the final plat, comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning actions. 2. Approval of the final plat is contingent on the City's approval of the requested Annexation, Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezoning actions. 3. Applicants petition separately (with property owners as necessary) for requested right of way vacations, concurrent with submission of applicable final plat application. Right of way shall be established consistent with the approved preliminary plat meeting all conditions of approval. 4. The applicant revises the final plat to accurately show all street names as required by the City of Monticello and Wright County Surveyor. 5. Compliance with comments of the City Engineer related to wetland buffer areas along with appropriate cover treatments and management, including easements. Alterations to wetland boundaries or buffer requirements may result in reconsideration of the Preliminary Plat and permitting as required. 6. For lots impacted by wetland buffers, at the time of building permit, applicants shall submit a lot survey that shows the buffer, in addition to the conservation easements. 7. Notices for all lots with wetland buffers shall be recorded against the lots and shall be marked with posts with revised exhibits provided per City Engineer. 8. The applicants submit a revised Preliminary Plat consistent with the conditions as ultimately approved by the City Council. 9. Direct lot access shall be prohibited for access to Fallon Avenue, 85th Street, and Eisele Avenue. 10. Verification of lot size compliance pursuant to any changes in street dedications required by the City Engineer. 11. The applicants provide sketch plan alternatives demonstrating use development, and access to the outlot remnants in the northeast portion of the plat, including access and utility stub locations. The applicant shall install utility stubs at this location to serve the adjacent property. 17 City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 12. The landscaping plan be revised to provide for native plantings and cover in powerline corridors and wetland areas per recommendations of the Parks Superintendent. 13. The landscaping plan be revised to include tree protection mitigation for the loss of specimen trees, to be planted in locations per the recommendation of the Parks Superintendent. 14. The applicant provide a financial security which guarantees live growth of the plant materials for a two (2) year period from the date of installation. 15. Address outstanding comments of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. 16. The developer will demonstrate compliance to the extent possible with ordinance requirements for burying of overhead powerlines and all new utility lines serving the plat shall be placed in accordance with ordinance and City standards. This condition applies to future phases at street construction or reconstruction. 17. Park dedication requirements are satisfied according to each phased final plat, and as regulated by a development agreement. 18. Developer and City identify ownership and management requirements of all outlots transferring ownership as necessary with each applicable final plat. 19. The Developer will deed to the City Outlots A, B, and C with the first phase and plat of Haven Ridge. 20. The Developer shall comply with required wetland permits as related to the proposed plat, with any substantive changes or alterations resulting from compliance requiring a plat amendment, as necessary, and conditioned on Army Corps permit. 21. The final plat may not be recorded and no activity within the plat may commence until such time as a copy of the approved Army Corp of Engineers wetland permit has been received by the City. 22. The Developer shall provide all required documentation to the City as LGU for future wetland monitoring, permitting and credits. 23. The Developer shall provide legal descriptions, exhibits and legal descriptions for all conservation easements as directed by the City Engineer, and conservation easements shall be recorded against all applicable lots. 24. No farm animals may be kept for any land retained as agriculture. 25. The Developer and property owners comply with A -O regulations until plat and rezoning, including rental licensing, etc. City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 26. The Developer will comply with all local and state regulations related to removals of existing structures on the site and will provide a security for the removal and demolition of existing structures within the plat. 27. Compliance with the comments of the Wright County Highway Engineer, which include constructing a northbound right turn lane and southbound left turn (or bypass) lane at the intersection of Edmonson Avenue (CR 117) and the proposed Elemore Way NE in the future phase of the development. 28. Relocate the watermain out of the roundabout area per the City Engineer's recommendations. 29. Show all delineated wetlands on the preliminary plat and all wetland buffers on the grading plan. 30. The trunk sanitary line on the south property line near the wetland is required to be installed by the developer as part of the final phase. 31. Compliance with issues related to grading, drainage and utilities, subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer, according to the Engineer's letters dated June 27th, 2019, November 25th, 2019, and December 6th, 2019. 32. The Developer shall provide to the City the equivalent of four years taxes which are payable to Monticello Township, consistent with the MOAA agreement, as well as payment for all fees for processing of the annexation with the State. 33. The Developer shall execute and record the Development Agreement for the proposed plat. 34. Consideration of comments of other City Staff. 19 ANNEXATION RESOLUTION NO. 2020-2007 CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION FOR ORDERLY ANNEXATION OF LAND TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, Monticello Township (the "Township") and the City of Monticello (the "City") have entered into an orderly annexation agreement dated June 21, 2004 identified by Minnesota Department of Administration File No. OA -1061 ("Agreement"), attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, that Agreement provides that if the terms and conditions have been met as contained in the Agreement, the Township shall not object to an annexation initiated by the City filing an Annexation Resolution with the Department of Administration; and WHEREAS, the Agreement states, in part, that no consideration by the Department of Administration, or its successor agency, is necessary, and that all terms and conditions for annexation are provided in the Agreement; WHEREAS, the Agreement designates, in part, pursuant to Paragraph 13, No Hearing Required, that the City shall provide to Township a written notice of annexation and this Annexation Resolution, and the Department of Administration may review and comment within thirty days of receipt of this Annexation Resolution and the Agreement, and order the annexation of the area designated in this Annexation Resolution in accordance with the Agreement. WHEREAS, the Agreement designates, in part, the following area as in need of orderly annexation: Parcel 1: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 Page 1 of 4 205585v4 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly extension, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE as described in said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 1773.52 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. :►1 The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Parcel 2: The West half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 437.36 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document no. 390488; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. Page 2 of 4 205585v4 Parcel 3: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 990.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating. :►1 That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. ("Land"); and WHEREAS, upon annexation of the Land, the City shall reimburse the Township for the loss of taxes from the property so annexed, as outlined in Paragraph 6, Tax Reimbursement, of the Agreement; WHEREAS, other than the payment of taxes, the necessary criteria for annexation of the Land pursuant to the Agreement have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello that the Land is hereby annexed into the City. Annexation is conditioned on the Land connecting to City municipal services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. 2020-07 of the City of Monticello is hereby repealed. ADOPTED this 13th day of January, 2013, by the City Council of the City of Monticello. CITY OF MONTICELLO Mayor Brian Stumpf ATTEST: City Clerk Jennifer Schreiber Page 3 of 4 205585v4 EXHIBIT "A" TO RESOLUTION NO. See attached Agreement Page 4 of 4 205585v4 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REGUIDING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM "URBAN RESERVE" TO "PLACES TO LIVE" WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop previously unplatted parcels to create a residential development and outlots to be used for a variety of public uses, as well as reserved for future phases of the residential development; and WHEREAS, a portion of the subject property is currently guided "Urban Reserve" in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed designation of "Places to Live" will facilitate an attractive and viable residential project, along with public amenities; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted requests to plat the property, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and plat actions, and the conditions of approval for those actions, the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of the proposed zoning where the City considers conversion of agricultural to residential land, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 2" d, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The amendment provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by providing for the development of residential uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the development plans are consistent with the needs of the land uses in this location. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The development plan proposed with the amendment is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The amendment provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements that will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Haven Ridge as legally described in the attached Exhibit A, subject to annexation of the subject parcel to the City of Monticello and final plat approval. ADOPTED this 13th day of January, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL K Brian Stumpf, Mayor Exhibit A Plat of Haven Ridge Parcel l: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly extension, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE as described in said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 1773.52 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. AND The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Parcel 2: The West half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND 3 That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 437.36 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document no. 390488; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. Parcel 3: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 990.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Mapper Document No. 390488. L! CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTING AN ORDINANCE REZONING HAVEN RIDGE, A RESIDENTIAL PLATTED PROPERTY, TO "A -O, AGRICULTURE OPEN SPACE" AND TO "R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT" WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to develop a previously unplatted parcel to create a residential development and outlots to be used for a variety of public uses, as well as reserved for future phases of the residential development; and WHEREAS, the subject property is currently guided "Urban Reserve" in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use designation of "Places to Live" will facilitate an attractive and viable residential project, along with public amenities; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted requests to plat the property, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and plat actions, and the conditions of approval for those actions, the proposed Rezoning of Lots 1-14, Block 1 and Lots 1-13, Block 2, together with Outlots A, B, C, and D to R-1, Single Family Residence District, is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, platted outlots will remain zoned Agriculture -Open Space until such time as those outlots are replatted into buildable lots; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of the proposed zoning where the City considers conversion of agricultural to residential land, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 2nd, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The amendment provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by providing for the development of residential uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the development plans are consistent with the needs of the land uses in this location. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The development plan proposed with the amendment is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The amendment provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements that will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the Rezoning Ordinance for "Haven Ridge", Ordinance No. 733,subject to annexation of the subject parcel to the City of Monticello, and comprehensive plan amendment and final plat approval. ADOPTED this 13th day of January, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL LIZA 2 Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A FINAL PLAT FOR HAVEN RIDGE AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the applicant seeks to subdivide an unplatted parcel to create a residential development and or outlots to be used for a variety of public uses, as well as reserved for future phases of the residential development; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted requests to annex the land, revise the land use designation for the property, and zone the land consistent with the proposed plat; and WHEREAS, subject to approvals for the land use and zoning actions, the proposed Plat is consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for residential uses; and WHEREAS, the proposed Plat is consistent with the requirements of the proposed zoning districts, subject to conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and required by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 2nd, 2019 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Preliminary Plat, with conditions, at its regular meeting of July 22nd, 2019; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The Plat provides an effective means of furthering the intent of the Comprehensive Plan for the site by providing for the development of residential uses in appropriate locations. 2. The proposed improvements on the site under the Preliminary and Final Plat are consistent with the needs of the development in this location and other parcels in the area. 3. The improvements will facilitate the logical application of existing municipal public services, including sewer, water, stormwater treatment which have been planned to serve the property for the development as proposed. 4. The Plat is consistent with the intent of the City's economic development objectives, as well as with the intent of the City's zoning regulations. 5. The Plat provides an opportunity to support district -wide improvements and will facilitate a variety of land uses and public spaces in the immediate area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the City Council approves the Final Plat for Haven Ridge, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Annexation is contingent on approval of the final plat, comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning actions. 2. Approval of the final plat is contingent on the City's approval of the requested Annexation, Comprehensive Plan Amendment and rezoning actions. 3. Applicants petition separately (with property owners as necessary) for requested right of way vacations, concurrent with submission of applicable final plat application. Right of way shall be established consistent with the approved preliminary plat meeting all conditions of approval. 4. The applicant revises the final plat to accurately show all street names as required by the City of Monticello and Wright County Surveyor. 5. Compliance with comments of the City Engineer related to wetland buffer areas along with appropriate cover treatments and management, including easements. Alterations to wetland boundaries or buffer requirements may result in reconsideration of the Preliminary Plat and permitting as required. 6. For lots impacted by wetland buffers, at the time of building permit, applicants shall submit a lot survey that shows the buffer, in addition to the conservation easements. 7. Notices for all lots with wetland buffers shall be recorded against the lots and shall be marked with posts with revised exhibits provided per City Engineer. 8. The applicants submit a revised Preliminary Plat consistent with the conditions as ultimately approved by the City Council. 9. Direct lot access shall be prohibited for access to Fallon Avenue, 85th Street, and Eisele Avenue. 10. Verification of lot size compliance pursuant to any changes in street dedications required by the City Engineer. K 11. The applicants provide sketch plan alternatives demonstrating use development, and access to the outlot remnants in the northeast portion of the plat, including access and utility stub locations. The applicant shall install utility stubs at this location to serve the adjacent property. 12. The landscaping plan be revised to provide for native plantings and cover in powerline corridors and wetland areas per recommendations of the Parks Superintendent. 13. The landscaping plan be revised to include tree protection mitigation for the loss of specimen trees, to be planted in locations per the recommendation of the Parks Superintendent. 14. The applicant provide a financial security which guarantees live growth of the plant materials for a two (2) year period from the date of installation. 15. Address outstanding comments of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. 16. The developer will demonstrate compliance to the extent possible with ordinance requirements for burying of overhead powerlines and all new utility lines serving the plat shall be placed in accordance with ordinance and City standards. This condition applies to future phases at street construction or reconstruction. 17. Park dedication requirements are satisfied according to each phased final plat, and as regulated by a development agreement. 18. Developer and City identify ownership and management requirements of all outlots transferring ownership as necessary with each applicable final plat. 19. The Developer will deed to the City Outlots A, B, and C with the first phase and plat of Haven Ridge. 20. The Developer shall comply with required wetland permits as related to the proposed plat, with any substantive changes or alterations resulting from compliance requiring a plat amendment, as necessary, and conditioned on Army Corps permit. 21. The final plat may not be recorded and no activity within the plat may commence until such time as a copy of the approved Army Corp of Engineers wetland permit has been received by the City. 22. The Developer shall provide all required documentation to the City as LGU for future wetland monitoring, permitting and credits. 23. The Developer shall provide legal descriptions, exhibits and legal descriptions for all conservation easements as directed by the City Engineer, and conservation easements shall be recorded against all applicable lots. 3 24. No farm animals may be kept for any land retained as agriculture. 25. The Developer and property owners comply with A -O regulations until plat and rezoning, including rental licensing, etc. 26. The Developer will comply with all local and state regulations related to removals of existing structures on the site and will provide a security for the removal and demolition of existing structures within the plat. 27. Compliance with the comments of the Wright County Highway Engineer, which include constructing a northbound right turn lane and southbound left turn (or bypass) lane at the intersection of Edmonson Avenue (CR 117) and the proposed Elemore Way NE in the future phase of the development. 28. Relocate the watermain out of the roundabout area per the City Engineer's recommendations. 29. Show all delineated wetlands on the preliminary plat and all wetland buffers on the grading plan. 30. The trunk sanitary line on the south property line near the wetland is required to be installed by the developer as part of the final phase. 31. Compliance with issues related to grading, drainage and utilities, subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer, according to the Engineer's letters dated June 27th, 2019, November 25th, 2019, and December 6th, 2019. 32. The Developer shall provide to the City the equivalent of four years taxes which are payable to Monticello Township, consistent with the MOAA agreement, as well as payment for all fees for processing of the annexation with the State. 33. The Developer shall execute and record the Development Agreement for the proposed plat. 34. Consideration of comments of other City Staff. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract and Planned Unit Development and for Haven Ridge," with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. ADOPTED this 13th day of January, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. L! MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL LOW ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Brian Stumpf, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 733 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY TO A -O, AGRICULTURE OPEN SPACE DISTRICT AND TO R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT: LOTS 1-14 BLOCK 1 AND LOTS 1-13 BLOCK 2 AND OUTLOTS D, E, F, G, H, I AND J HAVEN RIDGE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. The following property is hereby rezoned to R-1, Single Family Residence District: Lots 1-14, Block 1 and Lots 1-13, Block 2, together with Outlots A, B, C, and D, plat of Haven Ridge The following property is hereby rezoned to A -O, Agriculture -Open Space District: Outlots D, E, F, G, H, I and J, plat of Haven Ridge Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended consistent with Section 1 of this Ordinance. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ORDINANCE NO. 733 ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 13th day of January, 2020. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, Administrator AYES: NAYS: CITY OF Monticello CITY OF MONTICELLO PETITION FOR ANNEXATION Property Owner Name(s): Ronald and Lisa Denn & Denn Family Limited Partnership, LLC Property PID(s): 213-100-234102, 213-100-242200, 213-100-251200, 213-100-234101 CONTACT INFORMATIONN Name: Ronald Denn D EcEov[E Mailing Address: 8410 Eisele Ave NE P�" ��.�' 1 2019 City/St/Zip: Monticello, MN 55362 - Phone: Ron 612-423-0562 Email: rcdenn2016(cr�,email.com; lisan Lisa 612-328-7612 To the Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota: I, the undersigned, the owner of the property described below, hereby request the City Council of the Monticello, Minnesota, to annex this area to the city and to extend the city boundaries to include the same, and for that purpose respectfully state: 1. The area to be annexed consists of awrox. 217 acres. All of this land lies entirely within the County of Wright, Minnesota, and the official legal description of such land is as follows (or attach): See attached 2. The area described above abuts upon the city limits at the north (85"' St & Fallon Ave) boundary thereof, and none of it is presently included within the corporate limits of any incorporated city. 3. All of this area is contained within the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area and/or is about to become urban or suburban in character. PROPERTY OWNER(S): -2-019 9.0 C C' 'Z- �N Date Signature Title 5- --- 5 - ')-of 9 A '.' -)'/� L'X,1 Date Signature Title Electronically Served 4/30/2019 10:10 AM Wright County, MN STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT 86 -CV -19-65 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota Apr 29 2019 9:54 AM Denn Family Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership Plaintiff, VS. Mark J. Holker, First Minnesota Bank, United States of America, through Farm Service Agency, United States Department of Agriculture, Thomas R. Collins, Kathryn L. Collins, Robert M. Collins, Jane C. Cornelius and Shannon Leah Bye, also all other persons or entities who claim any right, title, estate, lien or other interest in the real estate described herein, Defendants. DISTRICT COURT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Other Civil/Quiet Title Hon. Geoffrey W. Tenney Court File No. 86 -CV -19-65 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT The above -entitled matter came on for hearing before The Honorable Geoffrey W. Tenney, Judge of the above-named Court, at the Wright County Courthouse in the City of Buffalo, Minnesota, on the 290' day of April, 2019; Karen M. Kurth appeared for the Plaintiffs and there was no appearance on the part of the Defendants. It appearing by the Affidavit and from the files herein that the Summons, Complaint and Amended Complaint were duly served upon each and all of the Defendants herein as provided by law; that more than twenty (20) days have elapsed since the service of said Summons; that none of the said Defendants have answered or defended in said action with the exception of the following: 86 -CV -19-65 a. Mark J. Holker appeared through his attorney Kody Holker in telephone conversations with Plaintiff's attorney, Charles M. Seykora, and agreed not to answer in this matter if Plaintiffs provided a Quit Claim Deed to Mark J. Holker for his legal description 86 v-19-65 consistent with the legal description of the Property in the Amended Complaint. This original deed was provided to attorney Holker; b. Thomas R. Collins, Kathryn L. Collins and Robert M. Collins, by their attorney John Peterson of Johnson, Larson and Peterson, appeared through email and telephone correspondence with attorney Charles M. Seykora, and agreed not to file an answer in this matter if Plaintiffs provided them with an updated survey and a quit claim deed to their property which matched the legal description of the Plaintiff's Property described in the Amended Complaint. This original deed and survey was provided to attorney Peterson; c. Jane Cornelius appeared by her attorney Douglas Schroeppel of Schroeppel and Schroeppel in telephone conversations with attorney Seykora, and agreed that she would not file an answer since the legal description of the Plaintiffs' Property as described in the Amended Complaint did not affect any of the Cornelius property; d. Shannon Bye appeared through email communications with attorney Seykora, and agreed that she would not file an answer if she received a deed for a sliver of land between her torrens property and the JLM marking her property. Plaintiff has executed the deed to Shannon Bye for this sliver of real property. The sliver of property is the legal description for Parcel 4 in this Quiet Title Action. Shannon Bye executed a form from the Wright County Auditor/Treasurer's Office allowing the combining of real estate parcels. Attorney Seykora will record same to resolve boundary issue after filing 2 86 -CV -19-65 of order in this court proceeding. The Amended Complaint has no effect on the Bye property since it only affected the legal descriptions of the Denn, Collins, Holker and Cornelius properties, which abut Eisele road. The Bye property does not abut Eisele B&CV•1 Road; e. The United States of America, through the Farm Service Agency United States Department of Agriculture appeared by Assistant United States Attorney Roylene A. Champeau by telephone with attorney Seykora, but no answer was filed; and that each and all of the said Defendants are in default herein, the Court, being fully advised in the premises, upon the pleadings and proceedings herein, and upon the records and files herein and the evidence introduced, finds the following: FACTS 1. That the Plaintiffs, Denn Family Limited Partnership, above named, at the time of the commencement of this action, were and ever since have been and now are the owners in fee of the said Premises described in the Amended Complaint, and hereinafter described as set forth in Exhibit A attached ("the Premises"). 2. That the Plaintiffs are in possession of the Premises and that said Premises are occupied by Plaintiffs. 3. Plaintiff is fee owner of the Premises, which title to the Premises was obtained by four (4) Quit Claim Deeds all dated December 27, 2006, and recorded February 13, 2007, as Document Nos. 1043019, 1043020, 1043021 and 1043022 in the office of the County Recorder for Wright County, Minnesota. 3 86 -CV -19-65 4. That defendant Mark J. Holker received title to his property pursuant to a Warranty Deed dated March 9, 2012, filed March 15, 2012, as Wright County Recorder Document No. l l 97635. 66 -CV -19-65 5. That the Holker Property is subject to a Real Estate Mortgage in favor of First Minnesota Bank, in the original principal amount of $125,000, which mortgage was recorded March 15, 2012, as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1197636. 6. That the Holker Property is subject to a Mortgage in favor of the United States of America, through the Farm Service Agency, United States Department of Agriculture, in the original principal amount of $112,500, which mortgage was recorded March 15, 2018, as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1197637. 7. That the Holker Property is subject to a Mortgage in favor of the United States of America, through the Farm Service Agency, United States Department of Agriculture, in the original principal amount of $125,000, which mortgage was recorded April 23, 2012, as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1200874. 8. That defendants Thomas R. Collins, Kathryn L. Collins and Robert M. Collins received title to their property pursuant to a Quit Claim Deed dated November 21, 2011, filed November 23, 2011, as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1188623, and a Quit Claim Deed dated and filed October 12, 2016, as Document No. A] 326879. 9. That the Collins' Property is subject to a Mortgage in favor of First Minnesota Bank, in the original principal amount of $15,000, which mortgage was recorded April 26, 2018, as Wright County Recorder Document No. A1368876. 4 86 -CV -19-65 10. That defendant Jane C. Cornelius received title to her property pursuant to a Personal Representatives Deed, Document No. 475842, an Affidavit of Survivorship, Document No. 475841 and a Warranty Deed, Document No. 496395. WCV-1"6 11. That Plaintiff has had the Premises surveyed by Carlson McCain, which survey is dated October 15, 2018, and the survey also identifies the Holker, Collins, Cornelius and Bye Properties. 12. That the legal descriptions for the west line of the Holker, Collins and Cornelius Properties reference a County Road that no longer exists and to Lots A and B which are part of section maps currently archived in the Wright County Surveyor's Office and said section maps were not recorded. Because of the reference to a County Road that no longer exists, the legal descriptions for the west boundary lines of the Holker, Collins and Cornelius Properties are ambiguous. 13. That Eisele Avenue NW has been constructed in the same approximate location as the former County Road referenced in the legal descriptions of the Holker, Collins and Cornelius Properties. 14. That the legal description of the Premises does not encroach upon the legal descriptions of the Holker, Collins and Cornelius properties and by this Amended Complaint, Plaintiff is describing the west right-of-way line of Eisele Avenue NW as the boundary of the east line of the Premises and west line of the Holker, Collins and Cornelius Properties. 15. That defendant Shannon Leah Bye received title to her property in Certificate of title No. 6386.0. 16. That the Judicial Landmarks set to mark the boundaries of the Bye Property described in Certificate of Title No. 6386 encroach beyond the Bye Property into the Premises (the "Bye JLMs"). 5 86 -CV -19-65 17. That some evidence exists that the set location of the Bye JLMs have been altered. 18. That the legal description of Parcel 4 of the Premises described on Exhibit A describes the real property within the Premises that are encroached upon by the Bye JLMs. WCV-1 "5 19. That the Plaintiffs and their predecessors in title have been in possession of the Premises in an actual, open, notorious, continuous and hostile fashion for more than 15 years and they are the owners of the Premises. 20. That the Defendants, and each of them, claim an estate or interest in said premises, or lien thereon, adverse to the Plaintiffs. AND THE CONCLUSION OF LAW, THE COURT FINDS, that the Plaintiffs are entitled to judgment as prayed for in their Amended Complaint herein against the Defendants and each and all of them; that all adverse claims of the Defendants and each and all of them and all persons claiming, or to claim the Premises or any part thereof, through or under said Defendants or any of them, be adjudged and decreed to be invalid and groundless; that the Plaintiffs, Denn Family Limited Partnership, be adjudged and decreed to be the true and rightful owners in fee simple of the lands and premises hereinafter described in Exhibit A hereto; that the Plaintiffs' title be adjudged to be quieted and confirmed and the said Defendants and each and all of them, be adjudged and decreed to have no right, title, estate, lien or interest in said premises or any part thereof and that the said Defendants and each and all of them be perpetually enjoined from setting up any claim thereto or to any part thereof, said lands and premises being situated in the County of Wright and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: See Exhibit A attached hereto 86 -CV -19-65 LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. Dated this day of , 2019. Filed in District Court State of Minnesota Apr 30 2019 10:09 AM I hereby certify that the 1886631 v 1 foregoing order constitutes the Judgment of the Court Apr 30 2019 10:09 AM 86 -CV -19-65 7 BY THE COURT Tenney, Geoffrey (Judge) 2019.04.29 09:08:33 Mon. Geoffrey W. Tenne95'00' JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT 86 -CV -19-65 EXHIBIT A PARCEL 11: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: 66 -CV -19-65 Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85`h Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85`h Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly extension, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE as described in said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 1773.52 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. AND The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. I.6. all11IDA The West half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 437.36 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence southerly, along said westerly right of 86 -CV -19-65 way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southea"Wouarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. PARCEL 3: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 990.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. AND PARCEL 4: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the centerline of 85`h Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488, lying westerly of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0, lying northerly of the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85`h Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0, and lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to said centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of the centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85`h Street NE of said parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and said line there terminating. 0 MEMORANDUM TO: Metro Legal Services, Inc. FROM: Terry R. Pahl Barna, Guzy & Steffen, Ltd. (763) 783-5141 RE: Recording certified copy of order Court File No. 86 -CV -19-65 Our File No. 70383-001 P S-7vinm, Inc. •?118 VO�GX AC+ WAS T COM W W.-MOAMA1�D FEES 0 -UQ- , . DATED: May 3, 2019 of a Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order for Judgment entered in Attached is a copy the Wright County Court House. u to obtain a Certified copy of the Order from the Court and then take it to the County I need you to send to us. Recorder and have it recorded and obtain a conformed copy This need to be done today! It. Please let me know if there is anything else you need. Terry R. Pahl 1 Electronically Served 4/30/2019 10:10 AM Wright County, MN STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT Denn Family Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership Plaintiff, VS. 86 -CV -19-65 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota Apr 29 2019 9:54 AM Mark J. Holker, First Minnesota Bank, United States of America, through Farm Service Agency, United States Department of Agriculture, Thomas R. Collins, Kathryn L. Collins, Robert M. Collins, Jane C. Cornelius and Shannon Leah Bye, also all other persons or entities who claim any right, title, estate, lien or other interest in the real estate described herein, Defendants. DISTRICT COURT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Other Civil/Quiet Title Hon. Geoffrey W. Tenney Court File No. 86 -CV -19-65 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND ORDER FOR JUDGMENT The above -entitled matter came on for hearing before The Honorable Geoffrey W. Tenney, Judge of the above-named Court, at the Wright County Courthouse in the City of Buffalo, Minnesota, on the 291h day of April, 2019; Karen M. Kurth appeared for the Plaintiffs and there was no appearance on the part of the Defendants. It appearing by the Affidavit and from the files herein that the Summons, Complaint and Amended Complaint were duly served upon each and all of the Defendants herein as provided by law; that more than twenty (20) days have elapsed since the service of said Summons; that none of the said Defendants have answered or defended in said action with the exception of the following: Payor Metro Legal Minneapolis MN I Description Miscellaneous Payment OFFICIAL RECEIPT Wright County Court Administration 10 2nd St.NW Room 201 Buffalo MN 55313-1192 763-682-7539 Misc Certified Copy - Single SUBTOTAL PAYMENT TOTAL I Check (Ref #258819) Tendered Total Tendered Change 05/03/2019 Cashier Audit 10:24 AM Station 86VVVMCA035 1654638279 OFFICIAL RECEIPT Receipt No. 0086-2019-02200 Transaction Date 05/3/2019 Amount Paid 1 14.00 14.00 14.001 14.00 14.00 0.00 /NTV o� RECEIPT Office of County Recorder Wright County Date Name 77 G 1, 'n— C. instrument Amount Mortgage Satisfaction Deed ,.,\ (I n& , (� j L r yb a1 Total 7b 00 Cash Check # 2- 5 FF Zv ALTA Commitment (6/17/06) ALTA Commitment Form COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Issued by F-51LUDW, r title guaranty company STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas Corporation ("Company"), for a valuable consideration, commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the Proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges and compliance with the Require- ments; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions of this Commitment. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the Proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A by the Company. All liability and obligation under this Commitment shall cease and terminate six months after the Effective Date or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue the policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. The Company will provide a sample of the policy form upon request. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by a validating officer or authorized signatory. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A. A f Chattman d the Board % Dennis J. Unger, Vice President Authorized Countersignature Land Title, Inc. Company Roseville, MN City, State JN ALTA Commitment (6/17/06) CS�@1Nc�f"t' ei President TfX CONDITIONS 1. The term mortgage, when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and Conditions and Stipulations and the Exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. This Commitment is a contract to issue one or more title insurance policies and is not an abstract of title or a report of the condition of title. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. 5. The policy to be issued contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2, 000, 000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. You may review a copy of the arbitration rules at<httpYAvww.alta.org1>. s ewa titleuarant 9 Y company P nY All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252. Page 2 Stewart title ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY NOTICE 84154-1180-0 IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY: THIS COMMITMENT IS AN OFFER TO ISSUE ONE OR MORE TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES. ALL CLAIMS OR REMEDIES SOUGHT AGAINST THE COMPANY INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT OR THE POLICY MUST BE BASED SOLELY IN CONTRACT. THIS COMMITMENT IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TITLE, LEGAL OPINION, OPINION OF TITLE, OR OTHER REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE. THE PROCEDURES USED BY THE COMPANY TO DETERMINE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE, INCLUDING ANY SEARCH AND EXAMINATION, ARE PROPRIETARY TO THE COMPANY, WERE PERFORMED SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE COMPANY, AND CREATE NO EXTRACONTRACTUAL LIABILITY TO ANY PERSON, INCLUDING A PROPOSED INSURED. THE COMPANY'S OBLIGATION UNDER THIS COMMITMENT IS TO ISSUE A POLICY TO A PROPOSED INSURED IDENTIFIED IN SCHEDULE A IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THIS COMMITMENT. THE COMPANY HAS NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION INVOLVING THE CONTENT OF THIS COMMITMENT TO ANY OTHER PERSON. COMMITMENT TO ISSUE POLICY Subject to the Notice; Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; Schedule B, Part II - Exceptions; and the Commitment Conditions, STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, a Texas corporation (the "Company"), commits to issue the Policy according to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. This Commitment is effective as of the Commitment Date shown in Schedule A for each Policy described in Schedule A, only when the Company has entered in Schedule A both the specified dollar amount as the Proposed Policy Amount and the name of the Proposed Insured. If all of the Schedule B, Part I - Requirements have not been met within six months after the Commitment Date, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. Countersigned by: Dennis J. Unger, Vice President Authorized Countersignature ti~ r` Matt Morris President and CEO Land Title, Inc. 3y� 1908 a� Company Name Roseville, MN City, State Denise CA/rraux Secretary For purposes of this form the "Stewart Title" logo featured above is the represented logo for the underwriter, Stewart Title Guaranty Company. This page is only a part of a 2016 ALT' Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy, the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule B, Part Il - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006.2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMtniCAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. I AND TiTIT ANSUCUT IUM LT File No.: 576728 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 Page 1 of 11 ^^ COMMITMENT CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS (a) "Knowledge" or "Known": Actual or imputed knowledge, but not constructive notice imparted by the Public Records. (b) "Land": The land described in Schedule A and affixed improvements that by law constitute real property. The term "Land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate, or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways, or waterways, but this does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and from the Land is to be insured by the Policy. (c) "Mortgage": A mortgage, deed of trust, or other security instrument, including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law. (d) "Policy": Each contract of title insurance, in a form adopted by the American Land Title Association, issued or to be issued by the Company pursuant to this Commitment. (e) "Proposed Insured": Each person identified in Schedule A as the Proposed Insured of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. (f) "Proposed Policy Amount": Each dollar amount specified in Schedule A as the Proposed Policy Amount of each Policy to be issued pursuant to this Commitment. (g) "Public Records": Records established under state statutes at the Commitment Date for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without Knowledge. (h) "Title": The estate or interest described in Schedule A. 2. If all of the Schedule B, Part I - Requirements have not been met within the time period specified in the Commitment to Issue Policy, this Commitment terminates and the Company's liability and obligation end. 3. The Company's liability and obligation is limited by and this Commitment is not valid without: (a) the Notice; (b) the Commitment to Issue Policy; (c) the Commitment Conditions; (d) Schedule A; (e) Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; (f) Schedule B, Part II - Exceptions; and (g) a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. 4. COMPANY'S RIGHT TO AMEND The Company may amend this Commitment at any time. If the Company amends this Commitment to add a defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter recorded in the Public Records prior to the Commitment Date, any liability of the Company is limited by Commitment Condition 5. The Company shall not be liable for any other amendment to this Commitment. 5. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY (a) The Company's liability under Commitment Condition 4 is limited to the Proposed Insured's actual expense incurred in the interval between the Company's delivery to the Proposed Insured of the Commitment and the delivery of the amended Commitment, resulting from the Proposed Insured's good faith reliance to: (i) comply with the Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; (ii) eliminate, with the Company's written consent, any Schedule B, Part II - Exceptions; or (iii) acquire the Title or create the Mortgage covered by this Commitment. (b) The Company shall not be liable under Commitment Condition 5(a) if the Proposed Insured requested the amendment or had Knowledge of the matter and did not notify the Company about it in writing. (c) The Company will only have liability under Commitment Condition 4 if the Proposed Insured would not have incurred the expense had the Commitment included the added matter when the Commitment was first delivered to the Proposed Insured. This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTAR Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006.2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMERICAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. 1AANo T1TIF T File No.: 57672$ ASSOCIA110N 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 S Page 2 of 11 „, (d) The Company's liability shall not exceed the lesser of the Proposed Insured's actual expense incurred in good faith and described in Commitment Conditions 5(a)(i) through 5(a)(iii) or the Proposed Policy Amount. (e) The Company shall not be liable for the content of the Transaction Identification Data, if any. (f) In no event shall the Company be obligated to issue the Policy referred to in this Commitment unless all of the Schedule B, Part I - Requirements have been met to the satisfaction of the Company. (g) In any event, the Company's liability is limited by the terms and provisions of the Policy. 6. LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY MUST BE BASED ON THIS COMMITMENT (a) Only a Proposed Insured identified in Schedule A, and no other person, may make a claim under this Commitment. (b) Any claim must be based in contract and must be restricted solely to the terms and provisions of this Commitment. (c) Until the Policy is issued, this Commitment, as last revised, is the exclusive and entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Commitment and supersedes all prior commitment negotiations, representations, and proposals of any kind, whether written or oral, express or implied, relating to the subject matter of this Commitment. (d) The deletion or modification of any Schedule B, Part II - Exception does not constitute an agreement or obligation to provide coverage beyond the terms and provisions of this Commitment or the Policy. (e) Any amendment or endorsement to this Commitment must be in writing and authenticated by a person authorized by the Company. (f) When the Policy is issued, all liability and obligation under this Commitment will end and the Company's only liability will be under the Policy. 7. IF THIS COMMITMENT HAS BEEN ISSUED BY AN ISSUING AGENT The issuing agent is the Company's agent only for the limited purpose of issuing title insurance commitments and policies. The issuing agent is not the Company's agent for the purpose of providing closing or settlement services. 8. PRO -FORMA POLICY The Company may provide, at the request of a Proposed Insured, a pro -forma policy illustrating the coverage that the Company may provide. A pro -forma policy neither reflects the status of Title at the time that the pro -forma policy is delivered to a Proposed Insured, nor is it a commitment to insure. 9. ARBITRATION The Policy contains an arbitration clause. All arbitrable matters when the Proposed Policy Amount is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Proposed Insured as the exclusive remedy of the parties. A Proposed Insured may review a copy of the arbitration rules at <http://www.alta.orq/arbitration>. STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at P.O. Box 2029, Houston, Texas 77252-2029. This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA' Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy, the Commitment Conditions, Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule B, Part 11- Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMERICAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. IAN TITIT LT File No.: 576728 ASSOCIATION 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 Page 3 of 11 ^ ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Transaction Identification Data for reference only: Issuing Agent: Land Title, Inc. Issuing Office: 2200 County Road C West, Suite 2205, Roseville, MN 55113 Issuing Office's ALTA® Registry ID: Loan ID Number: Commitment Number: 576728 Issuing Office File Number: 576728 Property Address: 8410 Eisele Avenue NE, Monticello, MN 55362 000 Unassigned, Monticello, MN 55362 000 Unassigned, Monticello, MN 55362 000 Unassigned, Monticello, MN 55362 Revision Number: 5 1. Commitment Date: May 7, 2019 at 7:00 am 2. Policy to be issued: (a) 1X 2006 ALTA6J Owner's Policy (6-17-06) Proposed Insured: Mark D. Schulte and David Schulte Proposed Policy Amount: $2,729,960.00 (b) F� 2006 ALTA® Loan Policy Proposed Insured: Proposed Policy Amount: $ (c) F—] ALTA® Policy Proposed Insured: Proposed Policy Amount: $ 3. The estate or interest in the Land described or referred to in this Commitment is FEE SIMPLE. 4. The Title is, at the Commitment Date, vested in: Denn Family Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership 5. The Land is described as follows: See Attached Exhibit A. Abstract Property Wright County, State of Minnesota This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA#' Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice: the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule 8, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule B, Part Il - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006.2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMERICAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. LAND TITLE LT File No.: 576728 A�WCJAT ION 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 Page 4 of 11 - ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Commitment Number: 576728 Revision Number: 5 EXHIBIT A Parcel 1: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly extension, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE as described in said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 1773.52 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. AND The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Parcel 2: The West half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 437.36 feet to the point of beginning of the line to This page is only apart of a 2016 ALTA°f Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule B, Part 11 - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AM R1 C.AN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. LAND TITTLI LT File No.: 576728 A)b0(AAIION 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 Page 5 of 11 ry ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Commitment Number: 576728 Revision Number: 5 be described; thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. Parcel 3: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 990.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. Parcel 4: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488, lying westerly of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0, lying northerly of the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0, and lying easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to said centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of the centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTAF Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy, the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule 8, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule 8, Part l/ - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMFRICAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. iANDriTTLE LT File No.: 576728 ASsorunuN 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 Page 6 of 11 ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Commitment Number: 576728 Revision Number: 5 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of said parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and said line there terminating. Abstract Property This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTAt Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule B, Part Il - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMERICAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. tAND TITLE LT File No.: 576728 A5WC'IA7JON 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 Page 7 of 11 ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B PART 1 ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Commitment Number: 576728 Revision Number: 5 SCHEDULE B, PART I Requirements All of the following Requirements must be met: A. The Proposed Insured must notify the Company in writing of the name of any party not referred to in this Commitment who will obtain an interest in the Land or who will make a loan on the Land. The Company may then make additional Requirements or Exceptions. B. Pay the agreed amount for the estate or interest to be insured. C. Pay the premiums, fees, and charges for the Policy to the Company. D. Documents satisfactory to the Company that convey the Title or create the Mortgage to be insured, or both, must be properly authorized, executed, delivered, and recorded in the Public Records. E. The description of the Land constitutes a split of an existing parcel. Obtain for recording the approval of the appropriate municipality or county for that split. Submit it to the Company for examination and possible further requirements prior to closing. All real estate taxes for the current year and prior years must be paid before documents can be recorded. F. Determine if Parcel 4 is to be conveyed to Shannon Bye. G. Satisfaction of Mortgage executed by Ronald C. Denn and Lisa Denn, husband and wife, dated May 12, 2011, filed May 19, 2011 as Document Number Al 176241 in favor of TCF National Bank, in the amount of $117,380.00. (Part Parcel 2) H. If any work or labor has been performed on the subject property within the last 120 days (from the effective date of this commitment), we require sworn construction statements and all lien waivers prior to closing. I. It appears that this property has been assessed under MSA S 273.111 (Green Acres). A search may be desired prior to closing. J. Warranty Deed from Ronald C. Denn and Lisa Denn, husband and wife to Denn Family Limited Partnership. K. Warranty Deed from Denn Family Limited Partnership to Mark D. Schulte and David Schulte. L. The standard form of Seller's and/or Purchaser's Affidavit, satisfactory to the Company, will be required. This page is only apart of a 2016 ALTA"' Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy. the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule B, Part 11 - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMERICAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. fAti riTii LT File No.: 576728 AssoaAuoN 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 Page 8 of 11 ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B PART II ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Commitment Number: 576728 Revision Number: 5 SCHEDULE B, PART II Exceptions THIS COMMITMENT DOES NOT REPUBLISH ANY COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION CONTAINED IN ANY DOCUMENT REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT TO THE EXTENT THAT THE SPECIFIC COVENANT, CONDITION, RESTRICTION, OR LIMITATION VIOLATES STATE OR FEDERAL LAW BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN. The Policy will not insure against loss or damage resulting from the terms and provisions of any lease or easement identified in Schedule A, and will include the following Exceptions unless cleared to the satisfaction of the Company: 1. Any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim, or other matter that appears for the first time in the Public Records or is created, attaches, or is disclosed between the Commitment Date and the date on which all of the Schedule B, Part I - Requirements are met. NOTE: Upon closing with Land Title, Inc., Item 1 on Schedule B, Part II will be deleted. The Final Policy will extend coverage as to the gap between the Effective Date listed in Item 1 of Schedule A and the date of recording of the instruments creating the interest to be insured. 2. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 3. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 4. Easements or claims of easements, which are not shown by the public records. 5. Any lien or right to a lien for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records. 7. General and special taxes and assessments as hereafter listed, if any (all amounts shown being exclusive of interest, penalties and costs). 8. No coverage is provided for municipal code compliance matters and fees including, but not limited to, utilities, right of way maintenance, water or sewer services, or fees for tree, weeds, grass, and snow or garbage removal, police boarding, vacant building registration and zoning. This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA0' Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule 8, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule 8, Part II - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMTRICAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. i+r!n Teri e N S l)C;lAI IUN LT File No.: 576728 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance $-1-16 Page 9of11 ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B PART 11 ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Commitment Number: 576728 Revision Number: 5 9. Any lease, grant, exception or reservation of minerals or mineral rights appearing in the public records. 10. Tax I.D. No.: 213100234102 Taxes for the year 2019: $1,378.00, Total, are 1st 1/2 Paid, 2nd 1/2 Due, Base Tax: $1,378.00 (Homestead). Tax I.D. No.: 213100234101 Taxes for the year 2019: $4,274.00, Total, are 1st 1/2 Paid, 2nd 1/2 Due, Base Tax: $4,274.00 (Homestead). NOTE: It appears that this property has been assessed under MSA S 273.111 (Green Acres). A search may be desired prior to closing. Tax I.D. No.: 213100242200 Taxes for the year 2019: $2,142.00, Total, are 1 st 1/2 Paid, 2nd 112 Due, Base Tax: $2,142.00 (Homestead). NOTE: It appears that this property has been assessed under MSA S 273.111 (Green Acres). A search may be desired prior to closing. Tax I.D. No.: 213100261200 Taxes for the year 2019: $88.00, Total, are 1st 112 Paid, 2nd 1/2 , Base Tax: $88.00 (Homestead). NOTE: It appears that this property has been assessed under MSA S 273.111 (Green Acres). A search may be desired prior to closing. NOTE: 1st Half Taxes are payable on or before May 15th and 2nd Half Taxes are payable on or before October 15th. 11. Levied and pending special assessment searches have been ordered. 12. Right of way conveyance in favor of Standard Oil Company dated August 2 1946, filed September 23, 1946 in Book 5 of Misc, page 566 as Document Number 165685, which was assigned to The American Oil Company by Book L of Assianments. Daae 185, filed January 25, 1961, Partially Released by Document Number 483099, filed December 21, 1990 and assigned to Tesoro West Company by Assignment filed September 30, 2002 as Document Number 809104 and Assignment to Kaneb Pipe Line Operating Partnership L.P. by assignment filed May 6, 2003 as Document Number 847833. Parcel 1(Undefined) 13. Easement in favor of Northern States Power Company dated December 7, 1951, filed April 22, 1952 in Book 10 of Misc, page 44 as Document Number 186039. Parcel 1 (Undefined) This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA" Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy, the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule 8, Part 11 - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMTRICAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association.SAND TITLE LT File No.: 576728 AJ NOC I AT 1 ON 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 Page 10 of 11 ALTA COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B PART 11 ISSUED BY STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY Commitment Number: 576728 Revision Number: 5 14. Easement in favor of Northern States Power Company dated June 7, 1952, filed June 12, 1952 in Book 9 Misc, page 624 as Document Number 186537. Parcel 1 (Undefined) 15. Easement in favor of Northern States Power Company in Final Decree dated October 6, 1964, filed October 6, 1964 in Book 27 of Misc, page 177 as Document Number 233577 and Assignment and Assumption by Excel Energy Inc filed February 22, 2001 as Document Number 732312. Parcel 1 16. Monticello Town Road Map filed October 24, 1984 as Document Number 390488. 17. Subject to 85th Street NE, Fallon Avenue NE , Edmonson Avenue NE and Eisele Avenue North as shown on available maps. 18. Wetland as shown on available maps. (Parcel 4) 19. If there are any questions regarding this Commitment, please contact Jon Edstrom at (651) 697-6127 or by email at jedstrom@landtitleinc.com. This page is only a part of a 2016 ALTA'- Commitment for Title Insurance. This Commitment is not valid without the Notice; the Commitment to Issue Policy; the Commitment Conditions; Schedule A; Schedule B, Part I - Requirements; and Schedule B, Part II - Exceptions; and a countersignature by the Company or its issuing agent that may be in electronic form. Copyright 2006-2016 American Land Title Association. All rights reserved. The use of this Form (or any derivative thereof) is restricted to ALTA licensees and ALTA members in good standing as of the date of use. AMERICAN All other uses are prohibited. Reprinted under license from the American Land Title Association. LAW TirrE LT File No.: 576728 A""`JAI JON 008 -UN ALTA Commitment For Title Insurance 8-1-16 Page 11 of 11 CITY OF __ -1--10iKMontice_o December 12, 2019 Monticello Township Clerk 8550 Edmonson Avenue NE Monticello, MN 55362 PHONE: 763-295-2711 FAx:763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street I Suite 11 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Annexation — Denn Family Partnership LLP PID 213-100-2341029 213-100-2341019 213-100-242200 and 213-100-261200 Dear Cathy: The City has received an annexation petition from the owners of the above parcels. The property is contiguous to the city limits and meets the requirements for a triggering event for annexation per Section 2A of the Joint Resolution for Orderly Annexation. Only that portion of the legally described parcels petitioned for annexation which are proposed to be platted as Haven Ridge will be included in the resolution for annexation. The annexation resolution approving the request has been placed on the January 13th, 2020 City Council meeting agenda. A copy of the draft resolution and related boundary information is attached for reference. If you have any questions regarding this annexation request, please let me know. Sincerely, n U nnifer Schrei er City Clerk cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Ronald and Lisa Denn www.ci.monticel lo.mmus ANNEXATION RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION FOR ORDERLY ANNEXATION OF LAND TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, Monticello Township (the "Township") and the City of Monticello (the "City") have entered into an orderly annexation agreement dated June 21, 2004, as amended June of 2005, identified by Minnesota Department of Administration File No. OA -1061 ("Agreement"), attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, that Agreement provides that if the terms and conditions have been met as contained in the Agreement, the Township shall not object to an annexation initiated by the City filing an Annexation Resolution with the Department of Administration; and WHEREAS, the Agreement states, in part, that no consideration by the Department of Administration, or its successor agency, is necessary, and that all terms and conditions for annexation are provided in the Agreement; WHEREAS, the Agreement designates, in part, pursuant to Paragraph 13, No Hearing Required, that the City shall provide to Township a written notice of annexation and this Annexation Resolution, and the Department of Administration may review and comment within thirty days of receipt of this Annexation Resolution and the Agreement, and order the annexation of the area designated in this Annexation Resolution in accordance with the Agreement. WHEREAS, the Agreement designates, in part, the following area as in need of orderly annexation: Parcel 1: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 Page 1 of 4 205585v4 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly extension, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE as described in said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 1773.52 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. AND The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Parcel 2: The West half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 437.36 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document no. 390488; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating. That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. Page 2 of 4 205585A Parcel 3: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 990.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. ("Land"); and WHEREAS, upon annexation of the Land, the City shall reimburse the Township for the loss of taxes from the property so annexed, as outlined in Paragraph 6, Tax Reimbursement, of the Agreement; WHEREAS, other than the payment of taxes, the necessary criteria for annexation of the Land pursuant to the Agreement have been met. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello that the Land is hereby annexed into the City. Annexation is conditioned on the Land connecting to City municipal services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Resolution No. of the City of Monticello is hereby repealed. ADOPTED this day of , 20 , by the City Council of the City of Monticello. CITY OF MONTICELLO IIn ATTEST: City Clerk Jennifer Schreiber Mayor Brian Stumpf Page 3 of 4 205585v4 EXHIBIT "A" TO RESOLUTION NO. See attached Agreement Page 4 of 4 205585A HAVEN RIDGE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Denali Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24, thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488, thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described, thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet, thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet, thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the part I described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85�h Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly extension, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE as described in said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No 390488; thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 1773.52 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter, thence North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. AND The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND The West half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line. Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 437.36 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described, thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488, thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. AND That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 990.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as HAVEN RIDGE and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as shown on this plat. In witness whereof said Denali Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of . 20 DENALI INVESTMENTS, LLC David G Schulte, President STATE OF COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by David G Schulte, President of Denali Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability Company, on behalf of the company. (Signed) (Printed) Notary Public, My commission expires I Thomas R Balluff do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota, that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat, that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of 20 Thomas R. Balluff, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 40361 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this Minnesota License No. 40361. Notary Public, My commission expires day of (Signed) (Printed) 20 by Thomas R. Balluff, Land Surveyor, PLANNING COMMISSION, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of 20 the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby review and approve this plat of HAVEN RIDGE. By: . Chairperson By: Secretary CITY COUNCIL, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of HAVEN RIDGE was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting held this day of 20 and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd 2 By: Mayor By: Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505 021, Subd 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes on the land hereinbefore described on this plat and transfer entered this of . 20 By Wright County Auditor Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid this of 1 20 By. Wright County Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. , Sleeve , as Document No Wright County Recorder day of day day 20 at o'clock M. (� Carlson McCain ENVIRONMENTAL -ENGINEERING , SURVEYING SHEET 1 OF 6 SHEETS ----------- i C T 1 n AI 4 --- I 85;H H"EN RIDGE— C.B.=533°12'04"E ----- --- - ---- ----� E I — 1 :Y right t w°v 'I U-1 -=169..80 A=480857 "%-,,Y Souof5th8RoadM.P 2025line8n Monticello Now390488 174.883 C.B=N2L=0.0°3597 9W03"E12.-` A=R=397089'9234.54 O� _ II ' 1li�r1 VICINITY MAP 395.65 J 0� ^I:c '''� // / 01Q _°f E !ice _^\� zV�� I \I _ _ � �/�(me, /�� / / rio of / � �^\• � r s 5 u aaD NaF, / East line of the West half of 1 NO SCALE m - o"u' H I ( % N the Southwest Quarter of I I ' ' ------ Section 24, Township 121, w — -- •41••W Ronge 25 Q. i i I •`'•� � c I 502°02 zoo 855.14 ! --- - -W- - - m I - / Z / // / O I I I+ c�++^ •c / 468.91 c I `Yw — ' -// 113 / / 1 n u/ A/ f` 11I 1 / 13 / /// - 1 V lir Iv J rl 1 di - — — — OUTLOT D 80.I - 11 ^,1 Y e` Q 10 11 INSET 'A' I� —�l'' 3 I z o° i �r\i) `' e a� y / / 9 10 ^J I o m l i vi, \•` ewe `` a0e e g� Q 9 (SEE SHEET 3 ��.�; �' °�`a�a°p0ry0/ 8 cy`S 8� // OF6SHEETS) C i '� �N� °�_ L n Io`O / / `S4 7 / / / C A I N o City of Monticello. Wright County. MN cz°10 i Oo. / 6 t? 6 �/ N/ J' N I I Section 23, 24, & 26, Township 121 N, Range 25 W . 4 5 5 2 3 4 y / �� // INSET 'B'-----, / c�. 3 / // / (SEE SHEET 4 I I o o ° o / 2/ I ) < 2 I { / / west one or the OF 6 SHEETS�, 1 I I ` _ _Northwest Quarter of \ L 1 '� I o 0 I Soo°07'45"w ,�/ / 1 1 I� // / �' Sec 2a, Township ..i \ �' OUTLOT E R7 �'0� R /-^1 1%l i 1r � .�.i 408.28_ _ _ - - { // / 121. Range zs East iIne of Ins Northeast I 50�"� Southeast comer or the / U ------��` _ aw1. ' — - - - _ —�— — y — — —`— — — — — — — — — _ Qaui ter of the Southeost-- �i __ Northeast Quarter of the — — — — — — aAV —Quarter of Section 23,— Southeast Quarter of Section z— — _ Township 121, Range 25 - / N025616"E� — — — — — "� i LMC _ _ _ _ - 23, Townsh p 12 , Range 25 \v\ntiN'1 i -� \ �60r .� ` /i \ ' �• zw Southwest korner of the —_ —_ _ 3� 60 \ _Northwest Quarter of Section NO2°07'02"E f .`1% 24, Townshi 121, Range 25 ' ,a PAW � s°Aa� �I { (cast iron monument) — / r - �60r�OT /J y O °o T ^1X 1 •� .. v 1 1 f� \y . r iv 1 n A I L I E I u, \ \ /� ��� 1X L v 1 I V Iv 2 -aI 'a�,fj \ T�{vi �T Iv \'ii\ I "~� '`I I CEJ I II 6� - 'L�) �°in $$° Ido t oot aDa I I 4_ F'I o�� Uz, 1 I!K :t -_ Doli L, T ��I ^� / lob t I I A� LN_ e e F Tf T _ oro �\ �o I 1 Lu �� o 60 ,C,. / I nv i r'1 ", �I �- �C D = o' r � = r I G = aq C 60 �' : I�v 1 ilY i rJ nMt�n «« 0 :5» C)J ao w E "t' p o I roo roo a � — (I7 \ I _y MIA o ti 3 West Ri ht / 'nl ° t ° II ^ OD �F IIO �°n a'a'� I --Easel 9 of Way line Mi �' F- o II In /I i Avenue N Per °{ �g QfY� N� r 80 —I I I�I� / _---- aR'M — Monticello Town Road Map / EiJCFI.E _ "imml IJ' it �N I F� 5 - 60 I _ — - _ I Document No _ V a / £SE1E AVE AE ro' a -I—��_ - - — - - - --- - - -N718. 70 "E ' - - - - 390486 .",'r'Ei" n ; \ nl i C) 1', `v'�+ ll_ z z ° p° L If Road Easement Per I + ----06320_ �^r i , S0 z'~ /i1 I O M C3 r=� I J ` Monnceho Town Road MaP 2"W- I 1 6°3211 %� 4bI A ml n �ro rnA �I ---=' Document No 390488 m 740.96 32$_9 "W 6DI,YL/I /"1L/✓I ,,t� ' 3 v v N I _661 M� _ ~ —L 1 / �L til - - _ I-• 4 • ��. — — I OUTLOT G ) - �~ W--------- ---------- J\ - _ --- ' ut e — - - ' -� \ RLS 1 33 L -N 14 __ __ I °r`� °' M� East line of the West ---- ' -- ------ - under waer-_- 1 \ „[II J 52 I _ - vomer n =e ; ' d t tom`{ `1 T- � 't� RLS 15233 I I hl --Half of the s atneaet o \L, 329.55 r-- 1.o an 7 I Qu°rter of Section 23, ,,,� west line f the Southeast N00%T46"W'� % exp Township 121, Ronge 25 OUTLOT F 'I Quarter of the Southeast---%, - I West line of the North Z \ Quarter of Section 23, \ half of the Northeast rn I o. \ Township 121, Range 25 I ' Quarter of the Northeast oof - o °o D o i 1 r J Quarter of secnon 25, 3 z INSET C OUTLOT x Tawnship 121, Range 25 z°oar I� (SEE SHEET 5 T n u, Afl V 11 1 list 7 '/-r p ` «" I V VV I Y n 1 1 L 1, } _/ - / IRW' A I I I I q q v OF 6 SHEETS) _ a I I V lir IV .. r1 1 o031 Ir oast= ' ol.1 1 \1 x i rc�sn INSET 'D`ull u,zzN 1 I (SEE SHEET 6 SHEETS) c THE ___iI V2 JO0UTL o. - Not I r, £No 3 0 Bearing Orimtotion: The West line of the Northwest Quarter of , I ^ 1 :t o� fl N o 'o `o Z Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North `v I - ' It 9 3 °= °=� 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. _ & OUTLOT 11 "'F "'` "'` l� p up '5 o" II II h n /Y %2 L_ 2 I Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within o _ I Power line Easement _ _ 1 I p° GRAPHIC SCALE O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license I I zior _Document No 233577 per OUTLOT I I °' s s "o 0 125 250 500 number 40361 L II I �; Power line Easement �__� I No 732ass312 d per Doc. Document C 233577"-' • Denotes Found Iron Monument, as noted I =1— _ -- °n ass, L `z°zN ...--LLL pi — 1—I — — — — _ — — _ _ _ _ _ No 732312 Per Doc. 1 \ n I Y 7 1 _ __�r (SCALE IN FEET) JLM---------- —�=-- == ------ `� -�� ' ` w----�_-_ _ _ _ _ 1 INCH = 250 FEET ® Denotes Found Judicial Land Mark, as noted \ � ���� — ----��----------/ —_— ` --- I 1 \ --.— - - - _— \ o Denotes Wright County Cast Iron Monument ! nNSVO , INE N01 36 �- Carlson M ECm,1r. ,Ir AVE '' N00°03 ;E ' W West line of the West Half I \ \ I " Northwest f thea West line of the )McCain II of the Southeast Quarter +Northwest Quarter of _ SIN Northwest Quarter of III �p ofSection 23, Townshi the Northeast Quarter 121, Range 25 P I \ ofection 26. Township , Scot on 26, QTownship 21, Range 25 I z West Quarter corner of Section \ \ I ton Range 25 (cast "--23, Township 121, Range 25 \ ENVIRONMENTAL, ENGINEERING EYING I � (Cast Iron Monument) it mon) SHEET 2 OF 6 SHEETS --------------------------------- I I 1 / S02'15'01p"W? _ �3 23" 28403q r" I -----------W -- ----- f-,42324 r- T— ---- -- I soz°1s1rw I \\ I -- o I FALCON mil AVENUE", '\ nMI NE Road Easement per ____-==--Monticello I Town Road Map Document No 390488 I 144.59 f y NO2°06' 69E I L--------------------------------- F I-------DETAIL 'B' (NOT TO SCALE) I I I I I I I I I I I I I L— — —— H"EN RIDGE INSET A GAS tiy'h •————— — — — — —- -- - M io DETAIL 'A' 1 (NOT To SCALE) I �o °70'35"E 0UTLOT E 1 9s aM S09 364.54 -;J 1 GL•5�phr?23* _`. _ zlsao R Z/2p° � j 7 / / n o 5 / ss, % so I //espy x / vt s�e 1 T I / n I/ / L r A / 's, / OUTLOT C 1 v / I v , / y Drainage and Utility a' / /�` T/ / Qas meat '"ate 1 OUTWIT A A / I f / (0— ll of outlot DI 1 0 `. 1 // / / / "\ J ( / ------------------J /v /, , I I I _ I I O `r I z I 1 epryoII FOUND JLM-, 1 3 `?.T TOP \ ,il 1 0 0 roc ioi \s 1.77 = I c o0°a0 --468.91 S00°00'03"E FOUND JLM-- 1 BOTTOM e w CP e e 6 O° ----- eon 0 67 e°/ 96'0 /O° 9�'\ o by a•P o-mb n�\ 6o°15 , �Qe \ $ S\ \ bo// Oo \ \s9 \ 606 16 /� 2 ti \'so /00/ �� \ 7 a, 05V so IIIn,� (� am N y 961, 2S S03°32'39"E 69. 00'15"W98'✓ o,^Ohtn p=35°55'35" \ \ p E - _78 90_ }-.• li /o y 0_69_45 — o d o. / �'L=75 24 O°� 7� 3 Ay k0 and Utllity ' Aa' 33 ti177 05 s�—_-190.31°Y a°5/y0'I��ge/I —'�--� ------ 33 N 26743 e", /^\ -2208 ut ' 67335—j�.�4233--- p------��� 18267 N41 41'45"E I 394.99 \ S02°59'45"W 35217 51613 FALLON AVENUE NE 15..71 <� -r~-- / NO2°09'35"E (i,�h —__—�9r33'55" 9936 W ry0 03// ///---tiry�0� / / ^ RLS 17544 so Z J/ a SEE DETAIL IBI S00°00'03"E -------�� oy�/ � ound JLM 468.91 I-=, I °O�/ / a / / NO2'49'()4 "W / -- L 37706 / a 76 88 y 5 p9. —1} - / 206 92 - -- 66 15-/ d p�'22a. 49§04%E vi,___�� d S02° �— - / - 616502-49 ' 130.00='',/ d/ ,/20755 s61s-; J)l• ` 'Il8' < ` Y, 343.15 , S02°49'04"E D'�e,9"% h<SoD �p ve'°6, / I v vv Iv f1 I �° eco°/ •J� �!% ss\\so..;�`e3 m` �/ /d��/ r/� / �.-� �� ,u< �\ 11 e°;;s \ /ego /a`\ •J Sed 0� />vs.?7/ / \\ 10 0- o , sSR.4-, ryrom �4°OF O o bh �``i J . �.0 -` do / OK-/, Ia J, oil- -OUTWIT B / /Drainage and Utility ' J 3 Easement //c`�+/ ' // / (over all f outlot B / )/ % 'S- �i./85306 37000 ,T----/---------�- i --- --------- — — 1 20777 _ /-__-1796.48____ S02°23'24'W T ---- 105688 FALLON AVENUE NE West line of the Northwest 22`39.29-- �\ --Quarter of Section 24, NO2°06'16"E _._Road Easement per Monticello Town Township 121, Range 25 Road Map Document No 390488 Occurrent No 390488 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AR: SHOWN THUS: II 6--I t - II II --1----J L — — — — — - being 6 feet in width• and adjoining side lot lines, and 12 feet in width and adjoining right of way lines and reor lot lines unless otherwise shown on this plot. East line of the West half of the --Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 S0202'41 "W r 855.14-- t within cense )McCain Carlson ENVIRONMENTAL= ENGINEERING - SURVEYING SHEET 3 OF 6 SHEETS __________ DETAIL'B' (NOT TO SCALE) I I z moo, la,o I ^V I I o An I o I I I^g I I I I I oN I I I! I I A /? I I «mj I I ao?j � I 0 a +/ i/ 0UTLOT E o South line of the Northwest I -Quarter of Sechaa z4, I `r 5.76 Townshlp 121, Range 25 I I Southwest Corner of the I __Northwest Quarter of Sec hon I 24, Townshlp 121, Range 25 I (cast Iron monument) L -----------------J HAVEN RIDGE F.------------------------------------------------ I INSET 'B' DETAIL'C' (NOT TO SCALE) Southwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section-_ �G�\ h of I N89°O6'39"E 24, Township 121, Range 25 I --2622.77 (cast Iran monument) IsEE �o� 0 12857 / 20 vt �� 1•a° ,y��`o Road Easement per -�-Monticello Town Road Map / op / Document No. 390488 ky L=63 47 R=7500 I V 4\ ` M,ou h 000 i L_9� Ory0 I L=67 11 -----1'62.60—----- �94'I �0• I =00°43'21" 15 N89°30'04"E \1 — L 00°00'44" — — — — — — _ p=41 — �F- East line of the Northeast - -- 62.75 - Qaurter of the Southeast--/ N89°29'53"E OUTLOT E Quarter of Section 23, S59°03'06"W`�� nl= I IVL ----------------------------------- Township 121, Range J SEE DETAIL 'BI_ r_ V- I }I II w I II SEE DETAIL 'C'-- yI I N89°06'39"E —X2622_77_ --134 5g I n nv � � I L- ✓ nr- T r 1 dl, 1 nl I I I Road Easement per Monticello Town -Road Map Document No 390488 (to be partially vacated) CT 4 L- ^ano �I Line parallel w,th the South line of the l� =il jI IIS Northeast Quarter of the Southeast ata F, Quarter of Sectlon 23, Townshlp 121, U Range 25 97734 --982.84 S89°04'19"W Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 • Denotes Found Iran Monument, as noted O. Denotes Wright County Cost Iron Monument ,lu I Denotes wetlands delineated by Kjolhaug 1. Environmental Services Company in 2018 A, -4781 ° -47 81 I w 1V" yj 1 N E 3tF- o 1 0 UT I I Z o o. P wall° 1 I 1 I 24.71 S02°0702"Y 11 N87°53'44"W 315.00 )6'16"W ^ / n •Jlv"� I/ `r n= TI Ir- �, �__-1 f vl Ir7C� n 1 ---------------- ��, ZN ✓ \ 0 F. >s.l Zoo° `r � >r4 ` \ S � 1 / \ BJ? South Ilne of the Northwest Quarter of ♦ v j \ Section 24, Townshlp 121, Range 25 ♦��� 9° I I "'63• '\ � 1 JQq 8Z4•,by 11 ♦ 1p0' 26 dV I+ N8893143..W R=51198 1 ♦ A=26°07'48" ^ 11 CB.=N11%4'05"W n L I, I ♦ C.L=50.63 11 am am am am I am j ♦ L=26.70 i R=6000 = C B25Nl l 38,10..W 11 1VAyl I v \ ` ♦ / as. / �♦ C L =26 483 G��.tCjPi OF g nr \ LOT E'� '� '� '� '�� � I ♦♦\ \� ♦\ i/ I 584°21'15"W 99 \ \ ♦♦ Ary � ♦ \ M� ♦\ y N7210 '44"W ti 1 60 , 3 8 00 In ♦♦\ ally aW. aW. _ GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50 100 200 (SCALE IN FEET) 1 INCH = 100 FEET B -icing Orientation: The West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. 1326.63 South line of the North 85406 feet S89'10'07.W -of the Northwest Quarter of Sectlon 24, Township 121, Range 25 )McCain Carlson ENVIRONMENTAL- ENGINEERING -SURVEYING SHEET 4 OF 6 SHEETS �G�\ h of IsEE �o� 0 vt �� A� I L=63 47 R=7500 I V 4\ ` 0=51°16'12" =48°29'05"<�--- C Br 514"3600' E 9 - <P°�°Ji ---�R=75.00 S ,?. S`,q0 L=67 11 C L =61 59 kyr. =00°43'21" L=65 62 --R=120.00 R=7500<---' L=1.51 I 27.11 S59°03'06"W`�� nl= I IVL / I n nv � � I L- ✓ nr- T r 1 dl, 1 nl I I I Road Easement per Monticello Town -Road Map Document No 390488 (to be partially vacated) CT 4 L- ^ano �I Line parallel w,th the South line of the l� =il jI IIS Northeast Quarter of the Southeast ata F, Quarter of Sectlon 23, Townshlp 121, U Range 25 97734 --982.84 S89°04'19"W Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 • Denotes Found Iran Monument, as noted O. Denotes Wright County Cost Iron Monument ,lu I Denotes wetlands delineated by Kjolhaug 1. Environmental Services Company in 2018 A, -4781 ° -47 81 I w 1V" yj 1 N E 3tF- o 1 0 UT I I Z o o. P wall° 1 I 1 I 24.71 S02°0702"Y 11 N87°53'44"W 315.00 )6'16"W ^ / n •Jlv"� I/ `r n= TI Ir- �, �__-1 f vl Ir7C� n 1 ---------------- ��, ZN ✓ \ 0 F. >s.l Zoo° `r � >r4 ` \ S � 1 / \ BJ? South Ilne of the Northwest Quarter of ♦ v j \ Section 24, Townshlp 121, Range 25 ♦��� 9° I I "'63• '\ � 1 JQq 8Z4•,by 11 ♦ 1p0' 26 dV I+ N8893143..W R=51198 1 ♦ A=26°07'48" ^ 11 CB.=N11%4'05"W n L I, I ♦ C.L=50.63 11 am am am am I am j ♦ L=26.70 i R=6000 = C B25Nl l 38,10..W 11 1VAyl I v \ ` ♦ / as. / �♦ C L =26 483 G��.tCjPi OF g nr \ LOT E'� '� '� '� '�� � I ♦♦\ \� ♦\ i/ I 584°21'15"W 99 \ \ ♦♦ Ary � ♦ \ M� ♦\ y N7210 '44"W ti 1 60 , 3 8 00 In ♦♦\ ally aW. aW. _ GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50 100 200 (SCALE IN FEET) 1 INCH = 100 FEET B -icing Orientation: The West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. 1326.63 South line of the North 85406 feet S89'10'07.W -of the Northwest Quarter of Sectlon 24, Township 121, Range 25 )McCain Carlson ENVIRONMENTAL- ENGINEERING -SURVEYING SHEET 4 OF 6 SHEETS North line of the West Half of the --Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 HAVEN RIDGE INSET 'C' N89°06'39"E 2622.77 -- North line of the Northeast uarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 i i SEE DETAIL'D'- -- I 89339 833 03 ----1726.43---- — — — — — — — — — — — /^�}� I 76176 __ t J—_ _--------- -------------- ----------------------------- -1-- I-)rr 4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 87302 ----1595 56---- 'I i II 33 33 i I N89°29'53"E Road Easement per Monticello _ IIS I N89°06'32"E Road Easement per Monticello Town Road Map Document No I� I -Town Road Map Document No. I 390488 390488 I INI I No � I I X25 25� rJ 1 bnn I- I n II II I h nl L I 7 r No e' Al ate: ii 1 c I I I I I R=75.00 JRQ\R \� ==751'1 12" I II 61 57��' 11 _06 I S73°50'25"E ` I ! -_+ IC Erg =SS14 3fi 00' E oS S g3• L=67.11 I I _ O UTLOT G C L =61.59 '°„ IIS I , R =00°43'21.. ,a A N o f of y I R=7500--__--' 's_L=151.00 aolo� I 2711 159"03'06"W'`-_ I I vws I ° ` 889°06'39"W a ' I I '(�+� OF 375.92 0 I IwE'a I ;=I CNP"N o z °a -a I 0o ° _, I lsE� oa , I I a 1� a til �/ rosO ea°a II I II � -------------------- I I �6o��hv 6tia � say I I I �ryo� eo h I ; /P N°.; n / / W i tW I es 8` I y`tio�3,° O UTLOT H .ami O) IM I ,�yry0� I �E I f7%1331 33I ° n ru I S I I 3 e"9 2 I I D I T IIn zcV I o I L°o I Nlo ' I I i I�SSj° I I ° I N °jz9z Sia, Holm I 20.27_% =00"44'35" Riv9` Sao I m I ^�h6 I N i ✓ r S45°14'16"W u I NS 92e(y I V 2 S 3, �y =-R=80000 GRAPHIC SCALE v ?a;p So3, )--' C =10 38 0 50 100 200 vJ °oaiv I 30F SS 7,5. 0=07"15'39" 2q / L=101 38 (SCALE IN FEET) I 61.86' s`S I / ' 1 INCH = 100 FEET N27°47'47"W---_f 982.84 1-- ..s ep I I t� ,^��569'04'I9"W\ Line parallel with the South line __uarter of of the Northeast Qthe tiR,N^• x ,o Bearing Orientation: The West line of the Northwest Quarter O Southeast Quarter of Section 23, I I I 3 I So y° of Section Township 121, Range 25 is asto bear Township 121, Range 25 North 02 degrees E OB minutes 16 seconds East. I I in I I y1,6^� S' Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 Inch Rebar, set or to be set within I I I Lr) O one year of recording of this plot and marked with license I CMN number 40361 R 208.00 ,,N88°23'10"W _---_—_fes.__—________ r I � � o z I I I I I / r � Mno I I a _873 �N119*29'053"E j 0: I I I$ I 0 UTLOT G I I OUTLOT F I • Denotes Found Iron Monument, as noted I Denotes wetlands delineated by Kn Environmental Services Company in 2018 2018 I I o I JG 17 `r �25I25i rno `�, 7410 i 806 4'12"E r ----------------------- lo I N South line of the Northeast I DETAIL'D' I/o I mm 1 __Quarter of the Southeast I (NOT TO SCALE) I Quarter of Section I 325 -k I ^J, 7237 , 7001 S01°37'Wn ',/ S18"41'16"E Township 121, Range I h NR9°()6�39��E R 208.00 ,,N88°23'10"W _---_—_fes.__—________ r I � � o z I I I I I / r N8937°30'04"E ao--�,I��ooma� OUTLOT E -- o ° ^ I A-00 015 _873 �N119*29'053"E o I 0 UTLOT G I I L -------------------------------J )McCain Carlson ENVIRONMENTAL- ENGINEERING - SURVEYING SHEET 5 OF 6 SHEETS Bearing Orientation: The West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 Denotes Found Iron Monument, as noted O. Denotes Wright County Cost Iran Monument I,IL I Denotes wetlands delineated by Kjolhoug `I Environmental Services Company in 2018 N05°57'17"E F-718.70 211 49 T L- v ro 64 37 S62°57'38'E 5806 540°3154E.. ______ 0 --__ S1436'o°9'38"E VV I / 60.82 ' 1182'41'02"E''-_ 42.21��' / 4/ S88°47'16"E `\ c') W AU v ° ' M v HAVEN RIDGE INSET 'D' West Right of Way line of -__Eisele Avenue N per Monticello Town Road Map Document Is _ ryo 3y0488 / $06°32'02"W r 3.i5 S89�Ot anent __ tlescline f Eisele Avenue NE nDo v� 740.96 56"W``, -` $06°32'11 390488 aP Per unment Monticello �=0444'OS" ° io oo° 325.93"W 00'N / n f iil — �-1528.66 — 1.11 $ti°is'is = �I L /o `3 i nvi —___ L T1----__ Road 192.8pW I ment onticelloe7own Road Vi I (7i- j oo' o�`w Vi I f'7�_ Document No. 390488 Map / Ja ills o Villa 1 a4 Ja n I [-ilia 7 Ja L �� I vL RLS 15233 i fON II 1 \ I v East line of the Northwest Quarter _00 n it T__—__________ T I\ _�____i_i___�__�✓____�__ -of the Northeast Quarter of Section v 26, Township 121, Range 25 ,/,. i vL_ +a __ 299.55 ^��•r �. \ \ V West line of the Southeast Quarter -of the Southeast Quarter of Sector 23, Township 121, Ronge 25 ` ,-RL515233 I z - r ` 329.55 Cor sr not set-% ��� I _ N00%7'46"W Foils w ter West line of the North half of the �\ -Northeast Quarter of the Northeast --Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 O UTLOT K I ivvv �.r I I I / y / W Ja a4 a4 .N � /-- >Aa I I I Ja Ja Ja Ja ry I 1 .4 .ia Ja Ja ilia /i � It, A£ I I I \ I pl f1 I \nl ✓ d L r `� \ 511020189E Ti f_-" I TI 'If f 1L- Ja i Ja Ja �i Ja Ja WN ; 67o9e0 S3°4'59"E-,,, OUTOT J. 6 59 30 S29°28'16"E `\ 40.99 m°N 1 I v rnz 1 N�� 71 '52"W 79. 1 "5819 N07'37'50"E N08° 3 79 N74'23'17"W 1 o N Q 30 30 08'54"E I = ._o ^ N111265�"E 15298 '--�N4936'59"W -3o 0 N04°44'13"E 1 20 1 N00 °38'24"W 1 ills z z 16.35 0UTLOT I 1365 R=1530.00 1 ' --1=00°36'45" I 1 SO7°37'50"W CBrg =N01°56'13"E 34.32 C L ,,- 0I N01°37'50"E`� `` \\\ G 1 O NB6g0 L -� 1 I 1\ 2,07Y L � ��� AI A 5vo �a �z Ino I z Aml ''N00°200'00=E SO4°36' I ``\ -- `=— 50"W Power line Easement per ✓ I — — X509 77 _ _ 50 OOs' — � � — — � v-7� Document No. 233577 and ` 46 S0" ---- _ _ \ 10.00<�i'a ,' 4646 SO 36'50'"yy — --.�—_ --� i assigned per Doc — 732312 501°4299W --_-- �---------- 144299 -��-- 19109 --------------------I—_—_-- -------L 237.29 1352.62 + I --2636.97 1 N01 *36'50"E West line of the West Half of the --Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 � N J� W ytr i4 OO' �z / A a4 r� a4 r 'I m L v > 4s 7- /� f ' I IV o N m o m GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50 100 200 tNP 3 m o (SCALE IN FEET) 1 INCH = 100 FEET 660.66 Corner not set 4 II N00°03'48"EFalls in watsf -- i Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter --West Ime of the Northwest Quarter -of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, of the Northeast Quarter of Section Township 121, Range 25 (cast Iron mon) 26, Township 121, Range 25 T Carlson McCain ENVIRONMENTAL= ENGINEERING - SURVEYING SHEET 6 OF 6 SHEETS CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 4 D \ J Know what's below. `l�'� Call before you dig. The subsurface utility information shown on this plan is uUhty Quality Level D. This quality level w s determined according to the gmdehres of CI/ASCE 38-02, entitled "Standard Guideline far the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data " HAVEN RIDGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: j Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify s that this plan, or under my Pnn[ Name: Brian J. Krystofak Drawn: 9/13/19 Per City Comments environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my • engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 directsupervlssi and [hate r adult' signature: b. �/Designed: alk McCain I ' surveying Fax: (763) 489-7919 Licensed Professional Engineer under ww.caris.nmc.in.com the laws Of the State Of Minne50td Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 sif Voes\7oa[-rosoVoss-monerenn orecertir-s\cae cse\enq eeNnq\oreiimyiansr7oss_mver auy MONTICELLO PROPERTIES I HAVEN RIDGE 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 Monticello, Minnesota VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE N 0 150 300 600 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No 93813 (MnDOt Name Golf) ELEVATION = 974.529 SHEET INDEX 1. COVER 2. OVERALL BOUNDARY 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS INDEX 4-7. EXISTING CONDITIONS 8. PRELIMINARY PLAT INDEX 9-18. PRELIMINARY PLAT 19-21. PRELIMINARY SITE & UTILITY PLAN 22. GRADING INDEX 23-35. PRELIMINARY GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLANS 36-38. DETAILS T1—T8. TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 1-1-1-8. LANDSCAPE PLAN COVER 1 of 38 Northwest c of Sechon North ',he of the Northwest Quarter of North line of the Northeast Quarter annex th N th est Quarter of Section 24 -of the Northwest Ouorter f Sectlon 24, Township 121, Range 25-\ Township w 1, ane 25 24, Township 121, Range 25 -y) w-qn, r'tlim:�eeo.i AI rII -------- / - T ---- -- ---T7,7 4 S - f� �1 -- `- --------------- _ Detail C -� `-� -� l -T I,',,,'e" `e.;f � ' L V 1 1 V /V ��' North Quartsr car er of section- �- ^ uawmw, m m I e3V OWNER: 'i 24, Township 121,nRangs 25 l Y--- NOT TO SCALE \ \ I I / / / / I / /4 V olz, °' Iry ^ DAM R A JUDY NELSON P/D: 21}100-242201 1 11 o DAM R A JUDY 2"2 / \ / I I iw/(/r '0I4•t� m ?i. N ZW 6'15^W I P10:21J-100-242202 I `l 48 wv1 / " r��� 1+ I / z • I 5 �? DWNEA I NICE OpIGLAs 0 ARNOLD jv✓ ) y J,3\ _85TH /4 �'-� \V t..)✓ w o\\\\� ( STREETI NE owNER I ',3D A IA ���T�(�l AA--AAJJC \ I I Cen terrine of 85th Street NE as-\ \ I N as ,n Monticello Town \ \ �-EN 1,-10NNON L 21E l i pp; 21}100-242300 I yl Iv�y%� 1 Road Map per Doc No 390488 \ r jlr- - - - - - �C4 Z I 1 - wN / l / I U ') A CT�1A lc 1J I�--L_I / �o lA I See- M \ I i fAERS1/ \41Vµ I /r N o \l�\ 1 _ 2489°22'37"E �\rows�� D¢tail A Oto i\ I 1 „>tia alt `''"-''`414.90 qo° � I I ,� $ rl1`1 ^-r- , I o I`I`I I Y �� I I _ _West line of the of See L"t I U _ / A ' ,/ 1C 121 t,RRon,.' 2s wnsn,p r C Iiw< M }II' • \ I /.4 1� V BARBARA JEO'fiR1EN (rwI -T7 i 11 MEGAN AWA xERiIEID-KIMBALL II I 1/ southwesterly right of way tine- - I f fl I I ,�Ir Of 85th Street NE per Ir IT1 -- 100-141702 Mon bcello Town Road Map A,'•r 0 dp I I Document No 390488 '4V y0 South rine of theme, C.B.=S33°12'04"E - 1.� / --_4� North wesf Quorter o/ ,a, Ro°Oodo .EMap Dxum�f xo'790488 "" -�` T n u / A I C` 1 1 1 I �� a ` a <" 0488 a^i N" , soarnwesf corner of ins section 24. Town:m m C.L.=169,80 I v rr 1 v J f1 1 / /, ;Z ""' ,-Nortnwest Quarter o 121, Range z5 - R 2 8 357 85TH STREET NE-� J N89e06'39"E p - own p 121, S89'10'07"W _ _ _ _ E - - - - - - - LI^mint p . __ Z. R"o I L 2622.77 J _ ---- ----- __�-_----- --- Z.m JI _ ;rim Range __-__-__-__- __ __-------------- --- KL s 24, r sn, ' � 7 . 8 -------------- I -t = - - - - _- - - -- _- � �----- � � R 25 / 7352 � 1 Detail A NOT TO SCALE _ -- __----- 1 - __-------- -__--- F j ---------rt-------T --- 7 -1- N"f 85TH STREET, NE I I 447.97 S89°IO'07"W [y A AI /V r ` A I' ` L IlL- f"a P 0 PE�O'lrx I I North line o/ the West Half of the North rine of the Northeast III - Quarter o/ the Southeast I c o I I I \ F a, P oh \ I PAR I, Southeast Duarfer of s¢CfiOn 23, I Bdfom `�• \\ T A.,tlDY L HOARY I Thal part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wrght County, Minnesota, described as follows I III 121, Range 25 12 o y P II �� JLM Found 1058 feet 10, 213 -IOD -243102 northeasterly of Ile 66.00 toot--' - Commencing the Northwestucorne Northwest Sectlon 24, thence South 00 degrees 07 outhwesferly Right of Way the per 1 99 <` \ •� \ \ Document No 390488 I Ma^t1� 480°. I c �,Y g 1 fV� 1 1/2 Inch Rebar hound 1199 feet South of JLMLM z I r NO EpsmnPPr p° 4 / A I I K 000 \\ O� \ , LOREN 1O'BRIEN I secontls West�40828 leel to the cmterlme of 85tM1 Street NE as tlescribed in Monticello Town Road Mop per Document No 390468, IM1ence North 46 degrees 18 15 West, the '_ OWrvER: _ I and Mop Doav,^enr �.� I/ _ I i wR°ad .{��� "')V I o o N V1 �r- I PID:213-100-243101 minutes seconds along nortM1weslerly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1826 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning I I 7 ./EROLD A UNREDT REV TRUST I d PID; 21}100-233100 C n ^� 1 I - v J _ -- __----- 1 - __-------- -__--- F j ---------rt-------T --- 7 -1- N"f 85TH STREET, NE I I 447.97 S89°IO'07"W [y A AI /V r ` A I' ` L IlL- PANaZ DESONIM! -- -- P 0 PE�O'lrx I I North line o/ the West Half of the North rine of the Northeast III - Quarter o/ the Southeast I c o I I I \ OWNER: I PAR I, Southeast Duarfer of s¢CfiOn 23, I Quarter of Sect,. 23, Township I w `�• 3 JEAN T A.,tlDY L HOARY I Thal part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wrght County, Minnesota, described as follows I„fh z Township 121, Range 25 a1`,a.� I III 121, Range 25 12 o y P II �� �e 10, 213 -IOD -243102 I Commencing the Northwestucorne Northwest Sectlon 24, thence South 00 degrees 07 F I W I Ma^t1� 480°. I c �,Y g fV� I OWNER: at of sold Quarter of mmol,, 45 s rids West, ass ming rlhe W,,t Ime of aid Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 moot., 16 z I r NO EpsmnPPr p° 4 / A I I K LOREN 1O'BRIEN I secontls West�40828 leel to the cmterlme of 85tM1 Street NE as tlescribed in Monticello Town Road Mop per Document No 390468, IM1ence North 46 degrees 18 15 West, the '_ OWrvER: _ I and Mop Doav,^enr �.� I/ _ I i wR°ad .{��� "')V I o o N V1 �r- I PID:213-100-243101 minutes seconds along nortM1weslerly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1826 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning I I 7 ./EROLD A UNREDT REV TRUST I d PID; 21}100-233100 C n ^� 1 I - v J of the parcel to be descnbetl, tnm<e South 48 tlegrees IB mnutes t5 seconds East, along saitl northwesterly extension of 85t, Street NE, 1826 feet, thence continuing South 46 degrees 18 minutes IS secontls Easl, along NE, 130204 feel, 46891 ,�-aa-, A /K Line parallel with the South tine 1 x the North 85406 feet said centerline of 85th Street thence South 00 degrees 00 mnutes 03 se<mds East, feet, r ,ss. to the intersection with the westerly extension f the South tine lying westerly of said centerline I I^N O LL1 y I f2 the Northeast Quarter of the W06� South y A1C 1/ _a the INV Secfian 23, I - f 3 Ime off the Northwest QR ter o f Sect,on :� of 85th Stneeti NE of the parcel descnbetl in Certificate of Tine No 63860, th e N th 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 eco ds East, along d South line lying wesl.,y of said terlire of 85`he Street NE of theaparcel descnbed in I 47 3 �' I z �' Soufh¢asf Ouarfer Of j 24, Township 121, Range 25 Township 121, Range + Cert fi<ale of tie No 686 0 and its westerly extensor., 41490 feet to the uthwesterly nght f way line of 85th v I i� \ . o o i Street E as described m saitl Monticello Town Road M p Document No 390488. thence southeasterly antl .-th longg s id southwesterly right of wary line of 65�e8treet NE to the South line of a id Northwest Quarter, ga9°04'79"W 982.64 ��5 TI �" 2 1326.63 �� lhm<e South 89 degrees 10 min les 07 Seco ds Wesl, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 177352 -6ry h011 Ow" I S T; !/ i;bR=3387,50 S$9o10'07"W =tnN \ \ feet to the Southwest <o her of saitl Northwest Quarter, thence North 02 tlegrees 16 minutes 16 secontls East, �� .1-W vHao„ c a==05°1 -c D11" OWN.e0.YA j03 In �2 I �,, .. // Detail B \ \ along tM1e West line of said Northwest Quarter, 223929 feet to the pant of beginning li A. _ tO I �� DNI em per ti vi I a _ R.�,DD- ;1 305.65 aoAB�y3- I o 2 }� 3 _ , �^ NOT TO SCALE \ AND i'."r' I Zi xo z Z JJ677 F� per Doc. ^�a Wwi- _ South It,, o/ 11, Northeast Quarter I Ip // I Sechon I f� , o� / \ The North 85406 feet of the Wast half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright Minnesota J2jned - of the Southeast Quarter of 23, Township 121, Range 25 „^ \ PARCEL 2 r West rine orf the Parc¢' The west half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County Minnesota ni PARCEL 2 L-� I^ I `ry / �� ---described i Cerfiate AND ii -17 L I (, qj\ West Right of Way tine o m P I W �~ I L LI_ I oc6 r of The No. 6386"0' I Thal of the Northeast Ouart,r of the Southeast 0 ... to, of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25. Wright County. O 1 No 7.11312 00 I OO�dn --Eisele Avenue N per r `O a V" I Ow o Au I Q roar ra part Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the fdlowing described line OWNER: / UN/EDT REV TRUST 1 r`i l c •1'u) Monticello Town Road Map I O� ^ O Document No 390488 Z (� O N %-1.17 I JEROLD A P10:213-100-234403 N v 1Z 4 / A I M I / Commencing at the Southeast c rner of aid N rtheost Ouarler of the Southeast Qiarter, thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 43736 feet to the pant of beginning of the Ins / 1 s I/ �8 = ✓ I OWNER: I ,� to be descnbetl, thence westerly, parallel with the South line of sad Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to ;� r L $ NARK J (40LIfER P0213 -100-2433W \ T,u Westerly extension Of the / r1 I thew lerly right of way Ime of Eisele Avenue NE, a described m Monticello Town Rood Map per Document No of CJ a I 1 I 3 --south rine of the parcel 390488, thence southerly along said westerly right way line of Eisele Avenue NE. to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast wafter and sold tine there terminating a �IK / ~ \ ^ described m Certificate South line o/ the parcel The No. 63860 in Cert,/,tate 1 me Ea:mneni per / Wl1g I I:,''Doaument 33577 � o {,`I m ¢ I W I OWNER: NARK J I N I '` \ � of ,__described I of Title No 6386 0 / I / AND owrveR / rx�° NANCY C iR1ESEN REV TRUST--, / a" X32 i2 Ren ox n `o `o i a 0-2341 ¢ I PID.IIJ-100-234100 I CJ \ 5 22 - ` 1 / / ' `\ Thal Dart of the Southeast Ouarter of the So.theast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wnght County, M.., -I. lying west of the westerly nght of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described m Mo bcello Town Road Na PID:2f3-100-23.H01 3o'oi° I3 I `ou "\ \ y \ 414.9b / Map per Document No 390468 /l`/. `y south line of the West Half of the southeast -� I-_� W I ,n°a',n" '-0 \ I \ N89°22'37"E ` pgR,l. • OWNER: Quarter of 6eCtlon 23, _. W ffu \ LI.1 \` -� That t the Northwest the Northeast Section 26, Townehi 121, Ran 25, Wri ht Count DOUGLAS L STOKES--� / Township 121, Range 25 �_y:124 1 .�., 'l o \ I _- -- -- -- of Quarter of Quarter of par p ge 9 Y, Minnesota Iw.q northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the Ea Ime of said Northwest Quarter of PID:21}100-273400 \ I I Tx7 •/' O owrvER: \ ^I _ „ - the Northeast Quarter tlistant 99000 feet north of the southeast < r of saitl Northwest Quarter of the South line ` /the l O JANE C fORNELIus N PID.213-100-2]H00 I Northeast Quarter to the mid -rt of the West line of said Nortnwest Quarter of - Northeast Quarter and sad Northwest rner of the Southeast Quarter OWNER: I oaarter I Southeast 0 of the of ?'} I -, BENCHMARKS I line Ihere terminating Noof the GARY A A LESIA A fiERZENA-- / PIP.213-100-23.H02 -��Quarter of Section 23, 11 ..for Township 121, ' A A 1 ., e 1 I h /•'1 1 V \7 L 5 I AND ,--Northeast SCCtIOn 26. Township 121, Range 25 - , I \ { Range 25 �_ _ _ - - __ I I -33.15 ------- _ _ - _ _ ' - -Y--w -- - .-Lit - ao",,ef 569°0758 W - 1. Minnesota Department O( Transportation, Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Thatwppart f the North half of the Northeast Qiarter of the North ... I Quarter of Section 26, Tow.shi 121, Ran e 25, ighI County` M e �ag lying west of the centerline of E.,d, A—- NE. as described in Monticello Town Road --------- -------------- n,sim ^,r- r I wv r 0210 ORWUS I \ VICINITY MAP Name Gelr. ) Ma pier acumen No 39 4 8 West I,ne of the Northwest (•. �l,V •^^°'^ --Quarter o/ the Northeast 41 I I' 3 P10:21}100-261101 Me 1 \I Northeast co of the ELEVATION - 974.529 w I I; Quarter of section 26. ,G 'v'21 ILa- OF THE NE v4 OF THE ,A` w4 soatheosl oaorter of the ,std cO�� Township 121, Range 25 3 �� I IInN Center rine o/ Eisele Avenue NE as I r` -Southeast Quarter of (NO SCALE) (N Iv o�AV 'P' 7� {;� r, Nr) --described in Monticello Town Road I Sechon 23, Township 121, - I f V ? 1 I \J Q S`�i� / / ''� As O� A PQ�` v /`(1Ae/ ^ I IMtO%i OMap per Doc.hr-t No 390488 I Range 25 .7, -T -- / 1 y, OO, 0 I LEGEND g" •� oL0 sola th Ime of the North Nolf o I I -r ✓ ' M M1� Z I I i sl �JJ1'✓<6 ,-toe Northeast Quarter of the I d I N ® -Denotes Found Judicial Land Mork, as noted it ri 1%=' �`,,/ r,r�ye� 1 ;� 48•� 329.55 0' +` 11 Northeast Quarter, Sechon 26, 1 79TH sr 1 mm s. us 1 I / 1 1 'a 3 2400%7'46"W °�' e l I - - 1 I O -Denotes Set PK Nall 1 Township 1v. Range 2s - STREET rT I I 4,5306 1 L�l�- - - - - - -y NE Y `c� °*- - O - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted �11U Iv 57 G west line of the North T half of the Northeast x136.56 I • -Denotes Found iron Monument Midpoint an the West rine of-�'� t Quarter of the Northeast `+-j' I I I I 1 t the Northw t Quarts o the �' Quarts o Secbon 26. I 589°01'35"W I ^-I , N I I Northeast 'a is of section Townsh,p 121, Range 25 I I I -2s _ 26, Township 121, Range 25 A`1 Fit, $ :/2 OF Tig ftp J4 OF TFC NE L3JANE C CORNELIUSI I I l� \\I I OWNER: w0:11}100-281201 1 A East line of the Northwest JANE C CORNELIUS Quarter of the Northeast PID:II}100-281100 I 1A 'z' / ` - - - - i Southeast corner of the Northwest I Quarter of Section 26, I 1 I rW s I Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of --- f - I Township 121, Range 25 /') s ° 2 u y j: �f1 ' Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I I V M ' - Southwest corner of the Northwest '� R d f - ^1 ' I y OMN Quarter f the Northeast Quarter of--'' �I Dodo Eaeemeni I�r MNmieaano4ggwn_°li1.i I ^ ^ 1 V 1 23, o/ and 2 T Wright County, an 0 175 350 700 1 Sechon 26, Township 121, Range 25 °O R °CO o. r Sxtlon 23, 24 and 26 Townehlp 121 N, Range 25 W I I (SCALE IN FEET ) 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Car�SOn Bu suite 100 orherebyreport asyearedbylmeor under prin[Name: ThomasR BalluR.LS. DRAWN BY: bjs Revisions: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES HAVEN RIDGE �.{,i �7V� , •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 ,port was prepared by me or under my Q� JO- direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: X�niwa3V/ ISSUE DATE: 4/S/19 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed LandSurveyorunder P Monticello, Minnesota McCain Keying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 www. Carlson mcca I n.com dEAERAL NO)M 1) The held wank for flus survey was wmpleted on June nth, 2017 2) Seonngs shown are based on the West line of the Northwest QI,,tef of the Northwest Ouartef of Secbon 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, whits ,s assumed to bear S02"'16"w 3) Above ground utilities have been veld located as shown Is underground locations shown hereon are APPROXIMATE Prior to any excovabons or d,ggmg, contact Gopher State One Call far an on-site location (fist -a54-0002) 4) Wetlandswere delineated by Kplhaug Environmental Services, Inc 5) Proposed pipehne easement shown hereon ,s a confinement of the existing undefined p,pehne easements per Doc No 65665, Book L of Assignments, page 185, Doc No 483099, Doc. No 809104, and Doc. No 847833 Sad proposed pipeline easement and has not been rewnded yet. 6) Easement m favor of Nofthem States Power Company dated December 7, 1951, filed April 22, 1952 in Book 10 If Misc, page 44 11 Doc No. 186039 is undefined and will need further confinement 7) Easement ,n favor of Northern States Power Company dated June 7, 1952, filed June 12, 1952 in Book 9 of Misc, page 624 as Doc No 186537 ,s undefined and will need /urthef conimemmt 2 / OVERALL BOUNDARY �/38 Northwest come, of Section North hne of the Northwest Quarter of North line of the Northeast Quarter n 24 24, Township 121, Range 25-v -th Northw s ua er of Section of the Nohip 121 25 Section (cast iron monument) ° Township 1, n 25---_--- 24, Township _- , e e t r otter _ �--(�-- r r ge 1,Range -7 1 1E.7cZ. AI ` ! North Quarter co e of Section-- II°, t Nw.% L eRan 25 I IN 1 24, Township 121, ge \ I / OwxER: / DAVID R 3 100 -NELSON I (cast iron monum nl) $� PID:IIJ-100-242201 OWNER: DA PID..213- R@ 00-2 NELSON _1826 I PID:21J-100-112202 N48%8'15"W A /. $ A I I \ r 4 \ \ S� I nU wj .r rIrl� IY /ACI ' }" A A \ — L' '� 4♦ `\F �/' OWNEA: I ii- I/'r w to / A % ppIGLAS D ARNOLD AM g $ �_ I v •r \`� Pm 2u -100-2422w I v� _ - sa I I""r \�03 �-�� MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP - '��`.O URBAN RESERVE H fi 1 85 11fi i Y " '� 11 STREET 'E AGRICULTURAL AI A-A,C�- F� Lente ne of 8511 Street NE\ .'� 0w00- / Y 8 YYC 'iTl'FJ'ti�� y �Jescbe n , Do, eN Town \I\ , '-S"'V#Nkl L 6YE .d" Map er Ooc No 390488 I \ PID:IIJ-100-241]00 ----- I \�, T /'1 IA/ AI ^ I I 1 L7 7 7 4 $ A T [- C`r AI 1 u -,__)_� Cc, M\ I 1 1 1 1) F� , , Ff _ v I IY CITY OF MONTICELLO $ $ $ H SHEET �� ��y # 414 9037"E R1 RESIDENTIAL .I �"` West Ine of line of section / / gip �\ I NZ 46 " A Ir -T1 �/ \' sp B0` / (VMI 24, Township 121, Range 25 _� \ i Gg� 9'j 9, j n 1•r ilii 4 '4 �Ar-� �A�tnlll\.�1� I DISTRICT / v$ 3°091 rl L I LL� 1 �I OUTLor a fir\ ,97899 p`".' — — J - z 5 o�>Zo I e� 3g5 6 r � C A —a eo I SHEET I I3 BARBARA -10o-z 24400 i A I /e ' OWNER: —`� �— Sou lhwesterI rl hl of way _� I MEGAN A WARFlELD-WAeRALL North line of the _ _ II� f- Y1'1 hne of 85th Scree E per PID:21J-(00-242302 West Holf of the ---- North line of the Northeast I 1 Monticello Town Road ap A 1'r 1O Southeast Quarter of Quarter of the Southeast-- �7- — „� 4 Document No 390488 II A 0 section 23, Township Quarter of section 23, \1, -� 1 /try - ?' �ItA C.6.=S33°12'04"E 121, Range 25 1 1 Ran a 25 } jy�n _ tP C.L.=169.80 1 9 I To 2 . g f- $ (Jp,Ir Section 2 , T.— , ,PI _ _ T n IA/ Al I , 1 J ;7 "-85TH STREET Irk I -Yeo season za. TownsnlPl PuTLOT e 1 v rr I v .; F7 1 1 I� 1� N 39"E �Z �e° o°nai„tee e X21, IRan�e 5 5 "r-,' R=208.53 85TH STREET r"'.E o9�i e?' 74.88 - - - - - - �+ - - — J -------_----= = = a = --�- - -- -_ - - — - _—sa ---- - ---- -� _ - - ,_---------------- - .97 - -- r1SHE - --- - 447 ------------------=i----- 2 �'� I� /� OUTLOT G Southwest Corner t ` `�HEET l�F VJ�69°1007 W 7 A Al ,, r_' �1 I ' - Northwest Quarter of, I 4�`jeF " �, I I I J 287'” o I 124 / 15ect�on 24, Township 12tl� SEAN T & JODY L MggWY / Y \7 L w°V'PLATTEv O ixg 3t I I TV 8c -(longe 5 (cast Iroe{�' r 3 RIO. 213-100-243102 I AGRHCOATLRAL I � y I 126 SHE T i5t - , Gmonamenl)GUTL�T G�14 - L OUTLOT a \ M �t I ,� �= m'o;° SHEET i \ OWNER N OUTLOT K - j' a°Line Ilei ®IYFLfn JEROLD A UNDEDT REV TRUST - 0 31 South line of the -6 '• ` PID:213-100-273100 _ - M _ 2 01- \\\\\\YYw Z o O K 47 OWNER Norlheb6t QOdrter°_ LOREN 1O'BRIFJI —the Southeast 1111L� /; �/ ^ \^ \ P1D:11J-100-243101 Z IIIQuarter of section /(1/�c"�l/ v 1�Y SHEET 23, Township 121, HAVEN RIDGE PARCEL OESCR/PnCW. PARCEL it- That tThat art of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24 Township 121 Range 25 Wright Count Minnesota described as follows P P 9 9 Y� Commencing at the Northwest corner of sold Northwest Quarter of Section 24, thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 se ands West, assuming the West line of sold Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 40828 feel to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390486, thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 secantls West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18 26 feet to the West line of said Northwest natter and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described thence Sou lh 48 de tees 18 mnutes 15 se ands East, aloin said northwesterl p p n nin9 P 9 9 Y extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feel. thence co tinning South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerlme of 85th Street NE, 130204 feet, thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 secantls East, 468.91 feel, more or less, to the Intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline n of BS Street of f the parcel described m Certificate of Title No. 6386.0, thence North 89 degrees tE minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said ntet H of 85th Street NE f the parcel described In Certificate of Title No 63860 and its we h.. extension, 414.90 th.,l feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street HE to described ili said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488, thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds Wesl, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 177352 feet to the Southwest co r of saitl Northwest Quarter, thence North 02 degrees O6 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239 29 feel to the point of beginningrne AND The North 85406 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Mmnesoto PARLL2 2 The West half of the Southeast Quarter of section 23. Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line Commencingat the Southeast co of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter thence northerl aloin the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 43 36 feet to the pointy of beginning of the line to be described, thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as to in Monbeello Town Road Map per Document No 390488, thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. PAPCFL !- That art of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26 Township121 Range 25 Wright Count Minnesota in northerl of a line drawn soulhweslerl from s point on the East line of sold Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter ditant 99000 feet north of the southeast corner of sold y Northwest Quarter of the y Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating AND That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerlme of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No 390488 01WERAL N07££ 1) Bearings shown are based on the Wast line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which is assumed to bear S02°06'16"W 2) Wetlands were delineated by Klolhoug Environmental Services Inc 3) Portions of Eisele Avenue NE and 85th Street NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Doc No 390488, are proposed to be vacated per city annexation and new roadway alignments I F Range 2511 1211 1 2 PI �- ''{{ -� I,7 R1 - /0'-00' ( \ 30 \ A I SC9°O4'19"W 982.8` I 1.� �l'63 East hne of the West half of the (Similar to Adjacent Properties) $ ' d,N S89A�0107"W I---saatnweet Qaarter of section za. — (Not to Scale) c dr I r,bR=3 8750 °KAttOtlrl iru I ' Oa j --South Ilse of the North 85406 feet I Township 121, Range 25 '4 f the Northwest Quarter of Section 2 11 305.65 iHOM"pm:DYjOo- I g�� 24, Township 121, Range 25 30' AlN. REAR JIi 4 cm — V h c lI m 'o o South hne of the Northeast QuarterI I 0?° SETBACK 3" 35HEET i �_ -of the Southeast Quarter of Section I - - --- I} 123, Township 121, Range 25 __---------- - - —_ - - �_ _-_ _ --- _ - — - 12.000sf LOT _ - — �, UTLOT J � W 1 f I AVERAGE t0,000sf LOT 1 Rwe. line E° men± ver 1 I MINIMUM I __-Dowmmt x wv05°7c7 L'- `_ ^ West Right of Way Ilse of V- --' ----- gy 1 --Eisele Avenue N pear 1 �� o127 x0'33312° , N Monticello Town Rod Map 1 " uERIXO A UNTIEDT REV TRUST Document No 390488 P,0:21J-100-2344QI z K I OWNER: I 30' FRONT MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP OU TLOT I �2 r, i� v I _a. V MARK J NOLKER SETBACK 32 - nC 1 ( I U5 R0.213-,00-243300 URBAN RESERVE j ' n c� - -Row I o zas Eat o.e1e ea o h o 5 9C OW 0. �� CURB — — — — — — °W"`" 323 S EE =" I MARKJNOKER I LOT SETBACK DATA NANCY C FRIESEN REV MST ., o ° n _ 6I PID:21J-fop-241OD I MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP MD. 273-100-233401 / !� 3z `tL vF" \° I NDN URBAN RESERVE FRONT: 30 FT. III south Ine of the west i I SIDIII 10 FT. III Half of the sou heast , e \ C4 L REAR: 30 FT. OWNER: 3v°i`Orv¢ \ L1 DDucus L srarEs / I Oyg{ter of secnan z3, I ° 27 QQ� \ ' .` CORNER.^_0 FT. PID:21J-fOD-2JJ4W B6 T6w� hl 121, Range 25 \ iv.�_ �J•i° OWNER: N O JANE C CORNEMUS P/ I I i S„i,rh'line'nf r l up i I' we��a�t ��ut Pw:2,J-foo 23aoo OWNER: Northeeasl QTownshif 121 /' east , r or In I Nor h t CARYA &IESAACER2ENA / II No,fhwes�-_ fth )'Southeast Quarter f ISI h n IIY \7 L ^' I P10. 213-100-2334W III; - 1 \' t '� I _� E DATA — Section 26, P 1 121, large 25 ship Ray_zs asst Iran mA section z3-1 wn^nl 33.15-------------J --------------- I} SITE a69°01 58"W "'�' rrF^ TOTAL SITE ARE' X213.92 AC. JANE C CQRNBJDs I VI W L.I1 1 I ------------ —_-- �a�Wekt line of Itis Northwest 7 I 1 PID:2f3-f00-261101 v"PLnTTEv Jr ' (11, ler of the Northeast ou T�11T ��-AL In. I'I Northeast gamer of me ,-°,iRivi.n.iv�'ln�. TOTAL ROW ARE( ±38.07 AC. f1/ m1 w II%arler of section z6. G v 'v':I �_ OF TFE tE 'u'4 OF TFE hE 'Town .v'4 I ', Southeast Qaarter of the TOTAL OUTLOT AREA _b19.54 AC. AGRlCU..TURAA. pl /t, p I ! ♦� I C Center line of Eisele Avenue NE a rn 1 V -,ry�1 a.�I /I wnship 121, Range 25 ' I tfj `-Southeast Quarter of OUTLOT A ♦1.96 AC. "( 1 x%(, fir/ ` describedDin Mmenit eIII 3904 Sads Section 23, Township JJ g14Ep pM1y'L S ,SHEET i 8 A`(� o' P Per i 121, Range 25 OU TLOT B 1756 AC. r- owdy o. A / 1 1n A=04°4405" OUTLOT C 1086 AC. s R=18 8.66 rr"r ri Ari=r ,eC OtiY Z 1 I i t' ) 151.11 OUTLOT D X20.66 AC. c 6�" P I I I J I I w348.80 329.55 : � ' k--, 192.80 ' °TH N OUTLOT E 25 AC. (j �,{ 1 I •W NOOi 7'46"W S71%6'16'WSTREET INE OU TLO7 F (2.10 AC. C2 AI r I 59'06'!=- ---- — — —m_ OU TLOT G ♦1.89 AC. ,% ,, 74° West Ilse of Itis North =�-_ Cj /\AI IV S rC half of the North east--'� r - OUTLOT H ♦1.37 AC. �•\ ^ YY •; `) Quarter f the Northeast w `Bev 136.•/{+; South line of the North Half of /�,/ Midpoint on the West Ilse of f f g @ ) fCoaY '-the Northeast Quarter of the 1 OU TLOT I 10.69 AC. I Cy/ the Northwest Quarter of the I �.P`'T/35"W Northeast Quarter, Section 26, I OU TLOT J 17 08 AC. Northeast Quarter of Section " P v` Township121, Ran 25 26, Township 121, Range 25 1 1 A;1'A 1 1 9e OUTLOT :i 9.26 AC. I OWNER: 1 1 S 1/2 OF THE t-' ✓4 OF TW DE 1/4 I OUTLOT L 325.86 AC. 4011C=12'01 ANE C COR 12'0 Plo-zrJ-foo-%121N I TOTAL LOT AREA 188.31 AC. Easl line of the Northwest JANE C CORNEOUS 1 SMALLEST LOT 32,432 S F. I` other �>! _O,anter of tine Northeast PID:213-TDD-zfinaD LARGEST LOT 321,843 S F. — III Southeast c of Itis Northwest Quarter of Section 26. I �II Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of - 1 To 121, Range 25 n I 0 175 350 700 AVERAGE LOT 11,637 5 F. Section 26, Township 121, Range v - r r- TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS 326 Ria — -- — - - ---I— - - — - - 1 - �- - — - L=��� GROSS DENSITY 1.52 LOTS/AC. Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter, or tine Narineast Quarter of=---'�II oaOE,°°°o"'m°' x'390aea"°-`�X� F n 1Y I SCALE IN FEET) EXISTING ZONINC�'NKNOWN section 26, Township 121, Range zs 1 °' I PROPOSED ZONING R1, RA, R3, PUD — — — — — UTILITIES ' VAILABLE 1 I I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, (Carlson 5uite100 1hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name Thomas R.BalluffLS. DRAWN BY: KCM Ra,wsian9 MONTICELLO PROPERTIES • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 r report was prepared by me or under my 1. 6/21/19 - city comments direct supervision and that I am a duly signature: �i"^tr'A>� 4 Y/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2. 9/13/19 - City Comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 Licensed Land Surveyor under p McCain surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 License #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 • // Www.cErlsonmCC In.com sir Vae°\,9At-R°soy,os6-m.nnceil°pmpeniesica1,11kurveytp PW1,9ss_p11 index dwR RA - 90'-100' (Similar to Adjacent properties) — (Not to Scale) 30' MIN. REAR SETBACK 16,000sf LOT AVERAGE I4,000sf LOT r--- MINIMUTA- 36'FRONT SETBACK — — ROW CURB LOT SETBACK DATA FRONT. 15 FT. SID& 10 FT. REAR: !0 FT. CORNER: 20 FT. R3 - LOT DETAIL (Not to Scale) 10' MIN. REAR m m SETBACK 5' MIN. SIDE -�I 20' MIN. SETBACK BETWEEN UNITS J f 30' MIN�FRONT SETBACK TO GARAGE I/ \I 25' MIN. FRONT SETBACK TO HOUSE LOT SETBACK DATA FRONT HOUSE. 0 FT. FRONT GARAGE. 125 FT. SIDE: 5 FT. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS' 20 FT REAR: 10 FT. CORNER: 25 FT. VICINITY MAP (NO SCALE) N I I i PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: (NOT TO SCALE) I I II II II ,v F- 6 II ---J----J L-----1-- being6 feel in width, and adjoining side lot lines, and 12 feet In width and adjoining right of way lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on this plat. I `• P w ' I azLEGEND I s[4 e ` II --------_j ----J r® - Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted City of Monticello, Wright County, MN OO - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted Section 23, 24, & 26, Township 121 N, Range 25 W • - Denotes Found Iron Monument O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch rebar, marked with RLS 40361 HAVEN RIDGEI I 8 Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT INDEX of 38 HAVEN RIDGE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Denali Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24, thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488, thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described, thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet, thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet, thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the part I described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85�h Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly extension, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE as described in said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No 390488; thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 1773.52 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter, thence North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. AND The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND The West half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line. Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 437.36 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described, thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488, thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. AND That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 990.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. Has caused the some to be surveyed and platted as HAVEN RIDGE and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as shown on this plat. In witness whereof said Denali Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of . 20 DENALI INVESTMENTS, LLC David G Schulte, President STATE OF COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by David G Schulte, President of Denali Investments, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability Company, on behalf of the company. (Signed) (Printed) Notary Public, My commission expires I Thomas R Balluff do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota, that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat, that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of 20 Thomas R. Balluff, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 40361 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this Minnesota License No. 40361. Notary Public, My commission expires day of (Signed) (Printed) 20 by Thomas R. Balluff, Land Surveyor, PLANNING COMMISSION, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of 20 the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby review and approve this plat of HAVEN RIDGE. By: . Chairperson By: Secretary CITY COUNCIL, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of HAVEN RIDGE was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting held this day of 20 and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd 2 By: Mayor By: Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505 021, Subd 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes on the land hereinbefore described on this plat and transfer entered this of . 20 By Wright County Auditor Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid this of 1 20 By. Wright County Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. , Sleeve , as Document No Wright County Recorder day of day day 20 at o'clock M. (� Carlson McCain ENVIRONMENTAL -ENGINEERING , SURVEYING SHEET 1 OF 6 SHEETS ----------- i C T 1 n AI 4 --- I 85;H H"EN RIDGE— C.B.=533°12'04"E ----- --- - ---- ----� E I — 1 :Y right t w°v 'I U-1 -=169..80 A=480857 "%-,,Y Souof5th8RoadM.P 2025line8n Monticello Now390488 174.883 C.B=N2L=0.0°3597 9W03"E12.-` A=R=397089'9234.54 O� _ II ' 1li�r1 VICINITY MAP 395.65 J 0� ^I:c '''� // / 01Q _°f E !ice _^\� zV�� I \I _ _ � �/�(me, /�� / / rio of / � �^\• � r s 5 u aaD NaF, / East line of the West half of 1 NO SCALE m - o"u' H I ( % N the Southwest Quarter of I I ' ' ------ Section 24, Township 121, w — -- •41••W Ronge 25 Q. i i I •`'•� � c I 502°02 zoo 855.14 ! --- - -W- - - m I - / Z / // / O I I I+ c�++^ •c / 468.91 c I `Yw — ' -// 113 / / 1 n u/ A/ f` 11I 1 / 13 / /// - 1 V lir Iv J rl 1 di - — — — OUTLOT D 80.I - 11 ^,1 Y e` Q 10 11 INSET 'A' I� —�l'' 3 I z o° i �r\i) `' e a� y / / 9 10 ^J I o m l i vi, \•` ewe `` a0e e g� Q 9 (SEE SHEET 3 ��.�; �' °�`a�a°p0ry0/ 8 cy`S 8� // OF6SHEETS) C i '� �N� °�_ L n Io`O / / `S4 7 / / / C A I N o City of Monticello. Wright County. MN cz°10 i Oo. / 6 t? 6 �/ N/ J' N I I Section 23, 24, & 26, Township 121 N, Range 25 W . 4 5 5 2 3 4 y / �� // INSET 'B'-----, / c�. 3 / // / (SEE SHEET 4 I I o o ° o / 2/ I ) < 2 I { / / west one or the OF 6 SHEETS�, 1 I I ` _ _Northwest Quarter of \ L 1 '� I o 0 I Soo°07'45"w ,�/ / 1 1 I� // / �' Sec 2a, Township ..i \ �' OUTLOT E R7 �'0� R /-^1 1%l i 1r � .�.i 408.28_ _ _ - - { // / 121. Range zs East iIne of Ins Northeast I 50�"� Southeast comer or the / U ------��` _ aw1. ' — - - - _ —�— — y — — —`— — — — — — — — — _ Qaui ter of the Southeost-- �i __ Northeast Quarter of the — — — — — — aAV —Quarter of Section 23,— Southeast Quarter of Section z— — _ Township 121, Range 25 - / N025616"E� — — — — — "� i LMC _ _ _ _ - 23, Townsh p 12 , Range 25 \v\ntiN'1 i -� \ �60r .� ` /i \ ' �• zw Southwest korner of the —_ —_ _ 3� 60 \ _Northwest Quarter of Section NO2°07'02"E f .`1% 24, Townshi 121, Range 25 ' ,a PAW � s°Aa� �I { (cast iron monument) — / r - �60r�OT /J y O °o T ^1X 1 •� .. v 1 1 f� \y . r iv 1 n A I L I E I u, \ \ /� ��� 1X L v 1 I V Iv 2 -aI 'a�,fj \ T�{vi �T Iv \'ii\ I "~� '`I I CEJ I II 6� - 'L�) �°in $$° Ido t oot aDa I I 4_ F'I o�� Uz, 1 I!K :t -_ Doli L, T ��I ^� / lob t I I A� LN_ e e F Tf T _ oro �\ �o I 1 Lu �� o 60 ,C,. / I nv i r'1 ", �I �- �C D = o' r � = r I G = aq C 60 �' : I�v 1 ilY i rJ nMt�n «« 0 :5» C)J ao w E "t' p o I roo roo a � — (I7 \ I _y MIA o ti 3 West Ri ht / 'nl ° t ° II ^ OD �F IIO �°n a'a'� I --Easel 9 of Way line Mi �' F- o II In /I i Avenue N Per °{ �g QfY� N� r 80 —I I I�I� / _---- aR'M — Monticello Town Road Map / EiJCFI.E _ "imml IJ' it �N I F� 5 - 60 I _ — - _ I Document No _ V a / £SE1E AVE AE ro' a -I—��_ - - — - - - --- - - -N718. 70 "E ' - - - - 390486 .",'r'Ei" n ; \ nl i C) 1', `v'�+ ll_ z z ° p° L If Road Easement Per I + ----06320_ �^r i , S0 z'~ /i1 I O M C3 r=� I J ` Monnceho Town Road MaP 2"W- I 1 6°3211 %� 4bI A ml n �ro rnA �I ---=' Document No 390488 m 740.96 32$_9 "W 6DI,YL/I /"1L/✓I ,,t� ' 3 v v N I _661 M� _ ~ —L 1 / �L til - - _ I-• 4 • ��. — — I OUTLOT G ) - �~ W--------- ---------- J\ - _ --- ' ut e — - - ' -� \ RLS 1 33 L -N 14 __ __ I °r`� °' M� East line of the West ---- ' -- ------ - under waer-_- 1 \ „[II J 52 I _ - vomer n =e ; ' d t tom`{ `1 T- � 't� RLS 15233 I I hl --Half of the s atneaet o \L, 329.55 r-- 1.o an 7 I Qu°rter of Section 23, ,,,� west line f the Southeast N00%T46"W'� % exp Township 121, Ronge 25 OUTLOT F 'I Quarter of the Southeast---%, - I West line of the North Z \ Quarter of Section 23, \ half of the Northeast rn I o. \ Township 121, Range 25 I ' Quarter of the Northeast oof - o °o D o i 1 r J Quarter of secnon 25, 3 z INSET C OUTLOT x Tawnship 121, Range 25 z°oar I� (SEE SHEET 5 T n u, Afl V 11 1 list 7 '/-r p ` «" I V VV I Y n 1 1 L 1, } _/ - / IRW' A I I I I q q v OF 6 SHEETS) _ a I I V lir IV .. r1 1 o031 Ir oast= ' ol.1 1 \1 x i rc�sn INSET 'D`ull u,zzN 1 I (SEE SHEET 6 SHEETS) c THE ___iI V2 JO0UTL o. - Not I r, £No 3 0 Bearing Orimtotion: The West line of the Northwest Quarter of , I ^ 1 :t o� fl N o 'o `o Z Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North `v I - ' It 9 3 °= °=� 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. _ & OUTLOT 11 "'F "'` "'` l� p up '5 o" II II h n /Y %2 L_ 2 I Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within o _ I Power line Easement _ _ 1 I p° GRAPHIC SCALE O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license I I zior _Document No 233577 per OUTLOT I I °' s s "o 0 125 250 500 number 40361 L II I �; Power line Easement �__� I No 732ass312 d per Doc. Document C 233577"-' • Denotes Found Iron Monument, as noted I =1— _ -- °n ass, L `z°zN ...--LLL pi — 1—I — — — — _ — — _ _ _ _ _ No 732312 Per Doc. 1 \ n I Y 7 1 _ __�r (SCALE IN FEET) JLM---------- —�=-- == ------ `� -�� ' ` w----�_-_ _ _ _ _ 1 INCH = 250 FEET ® Denotes Found Judicial Land Mark, as noted \ � ���� — ----��----------/ —_— ` --- I 1 \ --.— - - - _— \ o Denotes Wright County Cast Iron Monument ! nNSVO , INE N01 36 �- Carlson M ECm,1r. ,Ir AVE '' N00°03 ;E ' W West line of the West Half I \ \ I " Northwest f thea West line of the )McCain II of the Southeast Quarter +Northwest Quarter of _ SIN Northwest Quarter of III �p ofSection 23, Townshi the Northeast Quarter 121, Range 25 P I \ ofection 26. Township , Scot on 26, QTownship 21, Range 25 I z West Quarter corner of Section \ \ I ton Range 25 (cast "--23, Township 121, Range 25 \ ENVIRONMENTAL, ENGINEERING EYING I � (Cast Iron Monument) it mon) SHEET 2 OF 6 SHEETS --------------------------------- I I 1 / S02'15'01p"W? _ �3 23" 28403q r" I -----------W -- ----- f-,42324 r- T— ---- -- I soz°1s1rw I \\ I -- o I FALCON mil AVENUE", '\ nMI NE Road Easement per ____-==--Monticello I Town Road Map Document No 390488 I 144.59 f y NO2°06' 69E I L--------------------------------- F I-------DETAIL 'B' (NOT TO SCALE) I I I I I I I I I I I I I L— — —— H"EN RIDGE INSET A GAS tiy'h •————— — — — — —- -- - M io DETAIL 'A' 1 (NOT To SCALE) I �o °70'35"E 0UTLOT E 1 9s aM S09 364.54 -;J 1 GL•5�phr?23* _`. _ zlsao R Z/2p° � j 7 / / n o 5 / ss, % so I //espy x / vt s�e 1 T I / n I/ / L r A / 's, / OUTLOT C 1 v / I v , / y Drainage and Utility a' / /�` T/ / Qas meat '"ate 1 OUTWIT A A / I f / (0— ll of outlot DI 1 0 `. 1 // / / / "\ J ( / ------------------J /v /, , I I I _ I I O `r I z I 1 epryoII FOUND JLM-, 1 3 `?.T TOP \ ,il 1 0 0 roc ioi \s 1.77 = I c o0°a0 --468.91 S00°00'03"E FOUND JLM-- 1 BOTTOM e w CP e e 6 O° ----- eon 0 67 e°/ 96'0 /O° 9�'\ o by a•P o-mb n�\ 6o°15 , �Qe \ $ S\ \ bo// Oo \ \s9 \ 606 16 /� 2 ti \'so /00/ �� \ 7 a, 05V so IIIn,� (� am N y 961, 2S S03°32'39"E 69. 00'15"W98'✓ o,^Ohtn p=35°55'35" \ \ p E - _78 90_ }-.• li /o y 0_69_45 — o d o. / �'L=75 24 O°� 7� 3 Ay k0 and Utllity ' Aa' 33 ti177 05 s�—_-190.31°Y a°5/y0'I��ge/I —'�--� ------ 33 N 26743 e", /^\ -2208 ut ' 67335—j�.�4233--- p------��� 18267 N41 41'45"E I 394.99 \ S02°59'45"W 35217 51613 FALLON AVENUE NE 15..71 <� -r~-- / NO2°09'35"E (i,�h —__—�9r33'55" 9936 W ry0 03// ///---tiry�0� / / ^ RLS 17544 so Z J/ a SEE DETAIL IBI S00°00'03"E -------�� oy�/ � ound JLM 468.91 I-=, I °O�/ / a / / NO2'49'()4 "W / -- L 37706 / a 76 88 y 5 p9. —1} - / 206 92 - -- 66 15-/ d p�'22a. 49§04%E vi,___�� d S02° �— - / - 616502-49 ' 130.00='',/ d/ ,/20755 s61s-; J)l• ` 'Il8' < ` Y, 343.15 , S02°49'04"E D'�e,9"% h<SoD �p ve'°6, / I v vv Iv f1 I �° eco°/ •J� �!% ss\\so..;�`e3 m` �/ /d��/ r/� / �.-� �� ,u< �\ 11 e°;;s \ /ego /a`\ •J Sed 0� />vs.?7/ / \\ 10 0- o , sSR.4-, ryrom �4°OF O o bh �``i J . �.0 -` do / OK-/, Ia J, oil- -OUTWIT B / /Drainage and Utility ' J 3 Easement //c`�+/ ' // / (over all f outlot B / )/ % 'S- �i./85306 37000 ,T----/---------�- i --- --------- — — 1 20777 _ /-__-1796.48____ S02°23'24'W T ---- 105688 FALLON AVENUE NE West line of the Northwest 22`39.29-- �\ --Quarter of Section 24, NO2°06'16"E _._Road Easement per Monticello Town Township 121, Range 25 Road Map Document No 390488 Occurrent No 390488 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AR: SHOWN THUS: II 6--I t - II II --1----J L — — — — — - being 6 feet in width• and adjoining side lot lines, and 12 feet in width and adjoining right of way lines and reor lot lines unless otherwise shown on this plot. East line of the West half of the --Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 S0202'41 "W r 855.14-- t within cense )McCain Carlson ENVIRONMENTAL= ENGINEERING - SURVEYING SHEET 3 OF 6 SHEETS __________ DETAIL'B' (NOT TO SCALE) I I z moo, la,o I ^V I I o An I o I I I^g I I I I I oN I I I! I I A /? I I «mj I I ao?j � I 0 a +/ i/ 0UTLOT E o South line of the Northwest I -Quarter of Sechaa z4, I `r 5.76 Townshlp 121, Range 25 I I Southwest Corner of the I __Northwest Quarter of Sec hon I 24, Townshlp 121, Range 25 I (cast Iron monument) L -----------------J HAVEN RIDGE F.------------------------------------------------ I INSET 'B' DETAIL'C' (NOT TO SCALE) Southwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section-_ �G�\ h of I N89°O6'39"E 24, Township 121, Range 25 I --2622.77 (cast Iran monument) IsEE �o� 0 12857 / 20 vt �� 1•a° ,y��`o Road Easement per -�-Monticello Town Road Map / op / Document No. 390488 ky L=63 47 R=7500 I V 4\ ` M,ou h 000 i L_9� Ory0 I L=67 11 -----1'62.60—----- �94'I �0• I =00°43'21" 15 N89°30'04"E \1 — L 00°00'44" — — — — — — _ p=41 — �F- East line of the Northeast - -- 62.75 - Qaurter of the Southeast--/ N89°29'53"E OUTLOT E Quarter of Section 23, S59°03'06"W`�� nl= I IVL ----------------------------------- Township 121, Range J SEE DETAIL 'BI_ r_ V- I }I II w I II SEE DETAIL 'C'-- yI I N89°06'39"E —X2622_77_ --134 5g I n nv � � I L- ✓ nr- T r 1 dl, 1 nl I I I Road Easement per Monticello Town -Road Map Document No 390488 (to be partially vacated) CT 4 L- ^ano �I Line parallel w,th the South line of the l� =il jI IIS Northeast Quarter of the Southeast ata F, Quarter of Sectlon 23, Townshlp 121, U Range 25 97734 --982.84 S89°04'19"W Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 • Denotes Found Iran Monument, as noted O. Denotes Wright County Cost Iron Monument ,lu I Denotes wetlands delineated by Kjolhaug 1. Environmental Services Company in 2018 A, -4781 ° -47 81 I w 1V" yj 1 N E 3tF- o 1 0 UT I I Z o o. P wall° 1 I 1 I 24.71 S02°0702"Y 11 N87°53'44"W 315.00 )6'16"W ^ / n •Jlv"� I/ `r n= TI Ir- �, �__-1 f vl Ir7C� n 1 ---------------- ��, ZN ✓ \ 0 F. >s.l Zoo° `r � >r4 ` \ S � 1 / \ BJ? South Ilne of the Northwest Quarter of ♦ v j \ Section 24, Townshlp 121, Range 25 ♦��� 9° I I "'63• '\ � 1 JQq 8Z4•,by 11 ♦ 1p0' 26 dV I+ N8893143..W R=51198 1 ♦ A=26°07'48" ^ 11 CB.=N11%4'05"W n L I, I ♦ C.L=50.63 11 am am am am I am j ♦ L=26.70 i R=6000 = C B25Nl l 38,10..W 11 1VAyl I v \ ` ♦ / as. / �♦ C L =26 483 G��.tCjPi OF g nr \ LOT E'� '� '� '� '�� � I ♦♦\ \� ♦\ i/ I 584°21'15"W 99 \ \ ♦♦ Ary � ♦ \ M� ♦\ y N7210 '44"W ti 1 60 , 3 8 00 In ♦♦\ ally aW. aW. _ GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50 100 200 (SCALE IN FEET) 1 INCH = 100 FEET B -icing Orientation: The West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. 1326.63 South line of the North 85406 feet S89'10'07.W -of the Northwest Quarter of Sectlon 24, Township 121, Range 25 )McCain Carlson ENVIRONMENTAL- ENGINEERING -SURVEYING SHEET 4 OF 6 SHEETS �G�\ h of IsEE �o� 0 vt �� A� I L=63 47 R=7500 I V 4\ ` 0=51°16'12" =48°29'05"<�--- C Br 514"3600' E 9 - <P°�°Ji ---�R=75.00 S ,?. S`,q0 L=67 11 C L =61 59 kyr. =00°43'21" L=65 62 --R=120.00 R=7500<---' L=1.51 I 27.11 S59°03'06"W`�� nl= I IVL / I n nv � � I L- ✓ nr- T r 1 dl, 1 nl I I I Road Easement per Monticello Town -Road Map Document No 390488 (to be partially vacated) CT 4 L- ^ano �I Line parallel w,th the South line of the l� =il jI IIS Northeast Quarter of the Southeast ata F, Quarter of Sectlon 23, Townshlp 121, U Range 25 97734 --982.84 S89°04'19"W Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 • Denotes Found Iran Monument, as noted O. Denotes Wright County Cost Iron Monument ,lu I Denotes wetlands delineated by Kjolhaug 1. Environmental Services Company in 2018 A, -4781 ° -47 81 I w 1V" yj 1 N E 3tF- o 1 0 UT I I Z o o. P wall° 1 I 1 I 24.71 S02°0702"Y 11 N87°53'44"W 315.00 )6'16"W ^ / n •Jlv"� I/ `r n= TI Ir- �, �__-1 f vl Ir7C� n 1 ---------------- ��, ZN ✓ \ 0 F. >s.l Zoo° `r � >r4 ` \ S � 1 / \ BJ? South Ilne of the Northwest Quarter of ♦ v j \ Section 24, Townshlp 121, Range 25 ♦��� 9° I I "'63• '\ � 1 JQq 8Z4•,by 11 ♦ 1p0' 26 dV I+ N8893143..W R=51198 1 ♦ A=26°07'48" ^ 11 CB.=N11%4'05"W n L I, I ♦ C.L=50.63 11 am am am am I am j ♦ L=26.70 i R=6000 = C B25Nl l 38,10..W 11 1VAyl I v \ ` ♦ / as. / �♦ C L =26 483 G��.tCjPi OF g nr \ LOT E'� '� '� '� '�� � I ♦♦\ \� ♦\ i/ I 584°21'15"W 99 \ \ ♦♦ Ary � ♦ \ M� ♦\ y N7210 '44"W ti 1 60 , 3 8 00 In ♦♦\ ally aW. aW. _ GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50 100 200 (SCALE IN FEET) 1 INCH = 100 FEET B -icing Orientation: The West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. 1326.63 South line of the North 85406 feet S89'10'07.W -of the Northwest Quarter of Sectlon 24, Township 121, Range 25 )McCain Carlson ENVIRONMENTAL- ENGINEERING -SURVEYING SHEET 4 OF 6 SHEETS North line of the West Half of the --Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 HAVEN RIDGE INSET 'C' N89°06'39"E 2622.77 -- North line of the Northeast uarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 i i SEE DETAIL'D'- -- I 89339 833 03 ----1726.43---- — — — — — — — — — — — /^�}� I 76176 __ t J—_ _--------- -------------- ----------------------------- -1-- I-)rr 4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 87302 ----1595 56---- 'I i II 33 33 i I N89°29'53"E Road Easement per Monticello _ IIS I N89°06'32"E Road Easement per Monticello Town Road Map Document No I� I -Town Road Map Document No. I 390488 390488 I INI I No � I I X25 25� rJ 1 bnn I- I n II II I h nl L I 7 r No e' Al ate: ii 1 c I I I I I R=75.00 JRQ\R \� ==751'1 12" I II 61 57��' 11 _06 I S73°50'25"E ` I ! -_+ IC Erg =SS14 3fi 00' E oS S g3• L=67.11 I I _ O UTLOT G C L =61.59 '°„ IIS I , R =00°43'21.. ,a A N o f of y I R=7500--__--' 's_L=151.00 aolo� I 2711 159"03'06"W'`-_ I I vws I ° ` 889°06'39"W a ' I I '(�+� OF 375.92 0 I IwE'a I ;=I CNP"N o z °a -a I 0o ° _, I lsE� oa , I I a 1� a til �/ rosO ea°a II I II � -------------------- I I �6o��hv 6tia � say I I I �ryo� eo h I ; /P N°.; n / / W i tW I es 8` I y`tio�3,° O UTLOT H .ami O) IM I ,�yry0� I �E I f7%1331 33I ° n ru I S I I 3 e"9 2 I I D I T IIn zcV I o I L°o I Nlo ' I I i I�SSj° I I ° I N °jz9z Sia, Holm I 20.27_% =00"44'35" Riv9` Sao I m I ^�h6 I N i ✓ r S45°14'16"W u I NS 92e(y I V 2 S 3, �y =-R=80000 GRAPHIC SCALE v ?a;p So3, )--' C =10 38 0 50 100 200 vJ °oaiv I 30F SS 7,5. 0=07"15'39" 2q / L=101 38 (SCALE IN FEET) I 61.86' s`S I / ' 1 INCH = 100 FEET N27°47'47"W---_f 982.84 1-- ..s ep I I t� ,^��569'04'I9"W\ Line parallel with the South line __uarter of of the Northeast Qthe tiR,N^• x ,o Bearing Orientation: The West line of the Northwest Quarter O Southeast Quarter of Section 23, I I I 3 I So y° of Section Township 121, Range 25 is asto bear Township 121, Range 25 North 02 degrees E OB minutes 16 seconds East. I I in I I y1,6^� S' Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 Inch Rebar, set or to be set within I I I Lr) O one year of recording of this plot and marked with license I CMN number 40361 R 208.00 ,,N88°23'10"W _---_—_fes.__—________ r I � � o z I I I I I / r � Mno I I a _873 �N119*29'053"E j 0: I I I$ I 0 UTLOT G I I OUTLOT F I • Denotes Found Iron Monument, as noted I Denotes wetlands delineated by Kn Environmental Services Company in 2018 2018 I I o I JG 17 `r �25I25i rno `�, 7410 i 806 4'12"E r ----------------------- lo I N South line of the Northeast I DETAIL'D' I/o I mm 1 __Quarter of the Southeast I (NOT TO SCALE) I Quarter of Section I 325 -k I ^J, 7237 , 7001 S01°37'Wn ',/ S18"41'16"E Township 121, Range I h NR9°()6�39��E R 208.00 ,,N88°23'10"W _---_—_fes.__—________ r I � � o z I I I I I / r N8937°30'04"E ao--�,I��ooma� OUTLOT E -- o ° ^ I A-00 015 _873 �N119*29'053"E o I 0 UTLOT G I I L -------------------------------J )McCain Carlson ENVIRONMENTAL- ENGINEERING - SURVEYING SHEET 5 OF 6 SHEETS Bearing Orientation: The West line of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 Denotes Found Iron Monument, as noted O. Denotes Wright County Cost Iran Monument I,IL I Denotes wetlands delineated by Kjolhoug `I Environmental Services Company in 2018 N05°57'17"E F-718.70 211 49 T L- v ro 64 37 S62°57'38'E 5806 540°3154E.. ______ 0 --__ S1436'o°9'38"E VV I / 60.82 ' 1182'41'02"E''-_ 42.21��' / 4/ S88°47'16"E `\ c') W AU v ° ' M v HAVEN RIDGE INSET 'D' West Right of Way line of -__Eisele Avenue N per Monticello Town Road Map Document Is _ ryo 3y0488 / $06°32'02"W r 3.i5 S89�Ot anent __ tlescline f Eisele Avenue NE nDo v� 740.96 56"W``, -` $06°32'11 390488 aP Per unment Monticello �=0444'OS" ° io oo° 325.93"W 00'N / n f iil — �-1528.66 — 1.11 $ti°is'is = �I L /o `3 i nvi —___ L T1----__ Road 192.8pW I ment onticelloe7own Road Vi I (7i- j oo' o�`w Vi I f'7�_ Document No. 390488 Map / Ja ills o Villa 1 a4 Ja n I [-ilia 7 Ja L �� I vL RLS 15233 i fON II 1 \ I v East line of the Northwest Quarter _00 n it T__—__________ T I\ _�____i_i___�__�✓____�__ -of the Northeast Quarter of Section v 26, Township 121, Range 25 ,/,. i vL_ +a __ 299.55 ^��•r �. \ \ V West line of the Southeast Quarter -of the Southeast Quarter of Sector 23, Township 121, Ronge 25 ` ,-RL515233 I z - r ` 329.55 Cor sr not set-% ��� I _ N00%7'46"W Foils w ter West line of the North half of the �\ -Northeast Quarter of the Northeast --Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 O UTLOT K I ivvv �.r I I I / y / W Ja a4 a4 .N � /-- >Aa I I I Ja Ja Ja Ja ry I 1 .4 .ia Ja Ja ilia /i � It, A£ I I I \ I pl f1 I \nl ✓ d L r `� \ 511020189E Ti f_-" I TI 'If f 1L- Ja i Ja Ja �i Ja Ja WN ; 67o9e0 S3°4'59"E-,,, OUTOT J. 6 59 30 S29°28'16"E `\ 40.99 m°N 1 I v rnz 1 N�� 71 '52"W 79. 1 "5819 N07'37'50"E N08° 3 79 N74'23'17"W 1 o N Q 30 30 08'54"E I = ._o ^ N111265�"E 15298 '--�N4936'59"W -3o 0 N04°44'13"E 1 20 1 N00 °38'24"W 1 ills z z 16.35 0UTLOT I 1365 R=1530.00 1 ' --1=00°36'45" I 1 SO7°37'50"W CBrg =N01°56'13"E 34.32 C L ,,- 0I N01°37'50"E`� `` \\\ G 1 O NB6g0 L -� 1 I 1\ 2,07Y L � ��� AI A 5vo �a �z Ino I z Aml ''N00°200'00=E SO4°36' I ``\ -- `=— 50"W Power line Easement per ✓ I — — X509 77 _ _ 50 OOs' — � � — — � v-7� Document No. 233577 and ` 46 S0" ---- _ _ \ 10.00<�i'a ,' 4646 SO 36'50'"yy — --.�—_ --� i assigned per Doc — 732312 501°4299W --_-- �---------- 144299 -��-- 19109 --------------------I—_—_-- -------L 237.29 1352.62 + I --2636.97 1 N01 *36'50"E West line of the West Half of the --Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 � N J� W ytr i4 OO' �z / A a4 r� a4 r 'I m L v > 4s 7- /� f ' I IV o N m o m GRAPHIC SCALE 0 50 100 200 tNP 3 m o (SCALE IN FEET) 1 INCH = 100 FEET 660.66 Corner not set 4 II N00°03'48"EFalls in watsf -- i Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter --West Ime of the Northwest Quarter -of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, of the Northeast Quarter of Section Township 121, Range 25 (cast Iron mon) 26, Township 121, Range 25 T Carlson McCain ENVIRONMENTAL= ENGINEERING - SURVEYING SHEET 6 OF 6 SHEETS CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 4 D \ J Know what's below. `l�'� Call before you dig. The subsurface utility information shown on this plan is uUhty Quality Level D. This quality level w s determined according to the gmdehres of CI/ASCE 38-02, entitled "Standard Guideline far the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data " HAVEN RIDGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: j Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify s that this plan, or under my Pnn[ Name: Brian J. Krystofak Drawn: 9/13/19 Per City Comments environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my • engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 directsupervlssi and [hate r adult' signature: b. �/Designed: alk McCain I ' surveying Fax: (763) 489-7919 Licensed Professional Engineer under ww.caris.nmc.in.com the laws Of the State Of Minne50td Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 sif Voes\7oa[-rosoVoss-monerenn orecertir-s\cae cse\enq eeNnq\oreiimyiansr7oss_mver auy MONTICELLO PROPERTIES I HAVEN RIDGE 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 Monticello, Minnesota VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE N 0 150 300 600 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No 93813 (MnDOt Name Golf) ELEVATION = 974.529 SHEET INDEX 1. COVER 2. OVERALL BOUNDARY 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS INDEX 4-7. EXISTING CONDITIONS 8. PRELIMINARY PLAT INDEX 9-18. PRELIMINARY PLAT 19-21. PRELIMINARY SITE & UTILITY PLAN 22. GRADING INDEX 23-35. PRELIMINARY GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLANS 36-38. DETAILS T1—T8. TREE PRESERVATION PLAN 1-1-1-8. LANDSCAPE PLAN COVER 1 of 38 Northwest c of Sechon North ',he of the Northwest Quarter of North line of the Northeast Quarter annex th N th est Quarter of Section 24 -of the Northwest Ouorter f Sectlon 24, Township 121, Range 25-\ Township w 1, ane 25 24, Township 121, Range 25 -y) w-qn, r'tlim:�eeo.i AI rII -------- / - T ---- -- ---T7,7 4 S - f� �1 -- `- --------------- _ Detail C -� `-� -� l -T I,',,,'e" `e.;f � ' L V 1 1 V /V ��' North Quartsr car er of section- �- ^ uawmw, m m I e3V OWNER: 'i 24, Township 121,nRangs 25 l Y--- NOT TO SCALE \ \ I I / / / / I / /4 V olz, °' Iry ^ DAM R A JUDY NELSON P/D: 21}100-242201 1 11 o DAM R A JUDY 2"2 / \ / I I iw/(/r '0I4•t� m ?i. N ZW 6'15^W I P10:21J-100-242202 I `l 48 wv1 / " r��� 1+ I / z • I 5 �? DWNEA I NICE OpIGLAs 0 ARNOLD jv✓ ) y J,3\ _85TH /4 �'-� \V t..)✓ w o\\\\� ( STREETI NE owNER I ',3D A IA ���T�(�l AA--AAJJC \ I I Cen terrine of 85th Street NE as-\ \ I N as ,n Monticello Town \ \ �-EN 1,-10NNON L 21E l i pp; 21}100-242300 I yl Iv�y%� 1 Road Map per Doc No 390488 \ r jlr- - - - - - �C4 Z I 1 - wN / l / I U ') A CT�1A lc 1J I�--L_I / �o lA I See- M \ I i fAERS1/ \41Vµ I /r N o \l�\ 1 _ 2489°22'37"E �\rows�� D¢tail A Oto i\ I 1 „>tia alt `''"-''`414.90 qo° � I I ,� $ rl1`1 ^-r- , I o I`I`I I Y �� I I _ _West line of the of See L"t I U _ / A ' ,/ 1C 121 t,RRon,.' 2s wnsn,p r C Iiw< M }II' • \ I /.4 1� V BARBARA JEO'fiR1EN (rwI -T7 i 11 MEGAN AWA xERiIEID-KIMBALL II I 1/ southwesterly right of way tine- - I f fl I I ,�Ir Of 85th Street NE per Ir IT1 -- 100-141702 Mon bcello Town Road Map A,'•r 0 dp I I Document No 390488 '4V y0 South rine of theme, C.B.=S33°12'04"E - 1.� / --_4� North wesf Quorter o/ ,a, Ro°Oodo .EMap Dxum�f xo'790488 "" -�` T n u / A I C` 1 1 1 I �� a ` a <" 0488 a^i N" , soarnwesf corner of ins section 24. Town:m m C.L.=169,80 I v rr 1 v J f1 1 / /, ;Z ""' ,-Nortnwest Quarter o 121, Range z5 - R 2 8 357 85TH STREET NE-� J N89e06'39"E p - own p 121, S89'10'07"W _ _ _ _ E - - - - - - - LI^mint p . __ Z. R"o I L 2622.77 J _ ---- ----- __�-_----- --- Z.m JI _ ;rim Range __-__-__-__- __ __-------------- --- KL s 24, r sn, ' � 7 . 8 -------------- I -t = - - - - _- - - -- _- � �----- � � R 25 / 7352 � 1 Detail A NOT TO SCALE _ -- __----- 1 - __-------- -__--- F j ---------rt-------T --- 7 -1- N"f 85TH STREET, NE I I 447.97 S89°IO'07"W [y A AI /V r ` A I' ` L IlL- f"a P 0 PE�O'lrx I I North line o/ the West Half of the North rine of the Northeast III - Quarter o/ the Southeast I c o I I I \ F a, P oh \ I PAR I, Southeast Duarfer of s¢CfiOn 23, I Bdfom `�• \\ T A.,tlDY L HOARY I Thal part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wrght County, Minnesota, described as follows I III 121, Range 25 12 o y P II �� JLM Found 1058 feet 10, 213 -IOD -243102 northeasterly of Ile 66.00 toot--' - Commencing the Northwestucorne Northwest Sectlon 24, thence South 00 degrees 07 outhwesferly Right of Way the per 1 99 <` \ •� \ \ Document No 390488 I Ma^t1� 480°. I c �,Y g 1 fV� 1 1/2 Inch Rebar hound 1199 feet South of JLMLM z I r NO EpsmnPPr p° 4 / A I I K 000 \\ O� \ , LOREN 1O'BRIEN I secontls West�40828 leel to the cmterlme of 85tM1 Street NE as tlescribed in Monticello Town Road Mop per Document No 390468, IM1ence North 46 degrees 18 15 West, the '_ OWrvER: _ I and Mop Doav,^enr �.� I/ _ I i wR°ad .{��� "')V I o o N V1 �r- I PID:213-100-243101 minutes seconds along nortM1weslerly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1826 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning I I 7 ./EROLD A UNREDT REV TRUST I d PID; 21}100-233100 C n ^� 1 I - v J _ -- __----- 1 - __-------- -__--- F j ---------rt-------T --- 7 -1- N"f 85TH STREET, NE I I 447.97 S89°IO'07"W [y A AI /V r ` A I' ` L IlL- PANaZ DESONIM! -- -- P 0 PE�O'lrx I I North line o/ the West Half of the North rine of the Northeast III - Quarter o/ the Southeast I c o I I I \ OWNER: I PAR I, Southeast Duarfer of s¢CfiOn 23, I Quarter of Sect,. 23, Township I w `�• 3 JEAN T A.,tlDY L HOARY I Thal part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wrght County, Minnesota, described as follows I„fh z Township 121, Range 25 a1`,a.� I III 121, Range 25 12 o y P II �� �e 10, 213 -IOD -243102 I Commencing the Northwestucorne Northwest Sectlon 24, thence South 00 degrees 07 F I W I Ma^t1� 480°. I c �,Y g fV� I OWNER: at of sold Quarter of mmol,, 45 s rids West, ass ming rlhe W,,t Ime of aid Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 moot., 16 z I r NO EpsmnPPr p° 4 / A I I K LOREN 1O'BRIEN I secontls West�40828 leel to the cmterlme of 85tM1 Street NE as tlescribed in Monticello Town Road Mop per Document No 390468, IM1ence North 46 degrees 18 15 West, the '_ OWrvER: _ I and Mop Doav,^enr �.� I/ _ I i wR°ad .{��� "')V I o o N V1 �r- I PID:213-100-243101 minutes seconds along nortM1weslerly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1826 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning I I 7 ./EROLD A UNREDT REV TRUST I d PID; 21}100-233100 C n ^� 1 I - v J of the parcel to be descnbetl, tnm<e South 48 tlegrees IB mnutes t5 seconds East, along saitl northwesterly extension of 85t, Street NE, 1826 feet, thence continuing South 46 degrees 18 minutes IS secontls Easl, along NE, 130204 feel, 46891 ,�-aa-, A /K Line parallel with the South tine 1 x the North 85406 feet said centerline of 85th Street thence South 00 degrees 00 mnutes 03 se<mds East, feet, r ,ss. to the intersection with the westerly extension f the South tine lying westerly of said centerline I I^N O LL1 y I f2 the Northeast Quarter of the W06� South y A1C 1/ _a the INV Secfian 23, I - f 3 Ime off the Northwest QR ter o f Sect,on :� of 85th Stneeti NE of the parcel descnbetl in Certificate of Tine No 63860, th e N th 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 eco ds East, along d South line lying wesl.,y of said terlire of 85`he Street NE of theaparcel descnbed in I 47 3 �' I z �' Soufh¢asf Ouarfer Of j 24, Township 121, Range 25 Township 121, Range + Cert fi<ale of tie No 686 0 and its westerly extensor., 41490 feet to the uthwesterly nght f way line of 85th v I i� \ . o o i Street E as described m saitl Monticello Town Road M p Document No 390488. thence southeasterly antl .-th longg s id southwesterly right of wary line of 65�e8treet NE to the South line of a id Northwest Quarter, ga9°04'79"W 982.64 ��5 TI �" 2 1326.63 �� lhm<e South 89 degrees 10 min les 07 Seco ds Wesl, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 177352 -6ry h011 Ow" I S T; !/ i;bR=3387,50 S$9o10'07"W =tnN \ \ feet to the Southwest <o her of saitl Northwest Quarter, thence North 02 tlegrees 16 minutes 16 secontls East, �� .1-W vHao„ c a==05°1 -c D11" OWN.e0.YA j03 In �2 I �,, .. // Detail B \ \ along tM1e West line of said Northwest Quarter, 223929 feet to the pant of beginning li A. _ tO I �� DNI em per ti vi I a _ R.�,DD- ;1 305.65 aoAB�y3- I o 2 }� 3 _ , �^ NOT TO SCALE \ AND i'."r' I Zi xo z Z JJ677 F� per Doc. ^�a Wwi- _ South It,, o/ 11, Northeast Quarter I Ip // I Sechon I f� , o� / \ The North 85406 feet of the Wast half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright Minnesota J2jned - of the Southeast Quarter of 23, Township 121, Range 25 „^ \ PARCEL 2 r West rine orf the Parc¢' The west half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County Minnesota ni PARCEL 2 L-� I^ I `ry / �� ---described i Cerfiate AND ii -17 L I (, qj\ West Right of Way tine o m P I W �~ I L LI_ I oc6 r of The No. 6386"0' I Thal of the Northeast Ouart,r of the Southeast 0 ... to, of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25. Wright County. O 1 No 7.11312 00 I OO�dn --Eisele Avenue N per r `O a V" I Ow o Au I Q roar ra part Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the fdlowing described line OWNER: / UN/EDT REV TRUST 1 r`i l c •1'u) Monticello Town Road Map I O� ^ O Document No 390488 Z (� O N %-1.17 I JEROLD A P10:213-100-234403 N v 1Z 4 / A I M I / Commencing at the Southeast c rner of aid N rtheost Ouarler of the Southeast Qiarter, thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 43736 feet to the pant of beginning of the Ins / 1 s I/ �8 = ✓ I OWNER: I ,� to be descnbetl, thence westerly, parallel with the South line of sad Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to ;� r L $ NARK J (40LIfER P0213 -100-2433W \ T,u Westerly extension Of the / r1 I thew lerly right of way Ime of Eisele Avenue NE, a described m Monticello Town Rood Map per Document No of CJ a I 1 I 3 --south rine of the parcel 390488, thence southerly along said westerly right way line of Eisele Avenue NE. to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast wafter and sold tine there terminating a �IK / ~ \ ^ described m Certificate South line o/ the parcel The No. 63860 in Cert,/,tate 1 me Ea:mneni per / Wl1g I I:,''Doaument 33577 � o {,`I m ¢ I W I OWNER: NARK J I N I '` \ � of ,__described I of Title No 6386 0 / I / AND owrveR / rx�° NANCY C iR1ESEN REV TRUST--, / a" X32 i2 Ren ox n `o `o i a 0-2341 ¢ I PID.IIJ-100-234100 I CJ \ 5 22 - ` 1 / / ' `\ Thal Dart of the Southeast Ouarter of the So.theast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wnght County, M.., -I. lying west of the westerly nght of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described m Mo bcello Town Road Na PID:2f3-100-23.H01 3o'oi° I3 I `ou "\ \ y \ 414.9b / Map per Document No 390468 /l`/. `y south line of the West Half of the southeast -� I-_� W I ,n°a',n" '-0 \ I \ N89°22'37"E ` pgR,l. • OWNER: Quarter of 6eCtlon 23, _. W ffu \ LI.1 \` -� That t the Northwest the Northeast Section 26, Townehi 121, Ran 25, Wri ht Count DOUGLAS L STOKES--� / Township 121, Range 25 �_y:124 1 .�., 'l o \ I _- -- -- -- of Quarter of Quarter of par p ge 9 Y, Minnesota Iw.q northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the Ea Ime of said Northwest Quarter of PID:21}100-273400 \ I I Tx7 •/' O owrvER: \ ^I _ „ - the Northeast Quarter tlistant 99000 feet north of the southeast < r of saitl Northwest Quarter of the South line ` /the l O JANE C fORNELIus N PID.213-100-2]H00 I Northeast Quarter to the mid -rt of the West line of said Nortnwest Quarter of - Northeast Quarter and sad Northwest rner of the Southeast Quarter OWNER: I oaarter I Southeast 0 of the of ?'} I -, BENCHMARKS I line Ihere terminating Noof the GARY A A LESIA A fiERZENA-- / PIP.213-100-23.H02 -��Quarter of Section 23, 11 ..for Township 121, ' A A 1 ., e 1 I h /•'1 1 V \7 L 5 I AND ,--Northeast SCCtIOn 26. Township 121, Range 25 - , I \ { Range 25 �_ _ _ - - __ I I -33.15 ------- _ _ - _ _ ' - -Y--w -- - .-Lit - ao",,ef 569°0758 W - 1. Minnesota Department O( Transportation, Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Thatwppart f the North half of the Northeast Qiarter of the North ... I Quarter of Section 26, Tow.shi 121, Ran e 25, ighI County` M e �ag lying west of the centerline of E.,d, A—- NE. as described in Monticello Town Road --------- -------------- n,sim ^,r- r I wv r 0210 ORWUS I \ VICINITY MAP Name Gelr. ) Ma pier acumen No 39 4 8 West I,ne of the Northwest (•. �l,V •^^°'^ --Quarter o/ the Northeast 41 I I' 3 P10:21}100-261101 Me 1 \I Northeast co of the ELEVATION - 974.529 w I I; Quarter of section 26. ,G 'v'21 ILa- OF THE NE v4 OF THE ,A` w4 soatheosl oaorter of the ,std cO�� Township 121, Range 25 3 �� I IInN Center rine o/ Eisele Avenue NE as I r` -Southeast Quarter of (NO SCALE) (N Iv o�AV 'P' 7� {;� r, Nr) --described in Monticello Town Road I Sechon 23, Township 121, - I f V ? 1 I \J Q S`�i� / / ''� As O� A PQ�` v /`(1Ae/ ^ I IMtO%i OMap per Doc.hr-t No 390488 I Range 25 .7, -T -- / 1 y, OO, 0 I LEGEND g" •� oL0 sola th Ime of the North Nolf o I I -r ✓ ' M M1� Z I I i sl �JJ1'✓<6 ,-toe Northeast Quarter of the I d I N ® -Denotes Found Judicial Land Mork, as noted it ri 1%=' �`,,/ r,r�ye� 1 ;� 48•� 329.55 0' +` 11 Northeast Quarter, Sechon 26, 1 79TH sr 1 mm s. us 1 I / 1 1 'a 3 2400%7'46"W °�' e l I - - 1 I O -Denotes Set PK Nall 1 Township 1v. Range 2s - STREET rT I I 4,5306 1 L�l�- - - - - - -y NE Y `c� °*- - O - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted �11U Iv 57 G west line of the North T half of the Northeast x136.56 I • -Denotes Found iron Monument Midpoint an the West rine of-�'� t Quarter of the Northeast `+-j' I I I I 1 t the Northw t Quarts o the �' Quarts o Secbon 26. I 589°01'35"W I ^-I , N I I Northeast 'a is of section Townsh,p 121, Range 25 I I I -2s _ 26, Township 121, Range 25 A`1 Fit, $ :/2 OF Tig ftp J4 OF TFC NE L3JANE C CORNELIUSI I I l� \\I I OWNER: w0:11}100-281201 1 A East line of the Northwest JANE C CORNELIUS Quarter of the Northeast PID:II}100-281100 I 1A 'z' / ` - - - - i Southeast corner of the Northwest I Quarter of Section 26, I 1 I rW s I Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of --- f - I Township 121, Range 25 /') s ° 2 u y j: �f1 ' Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I I V M ' - Southwest corner of the Northwest '� R d f - ^1 ' I y OMN Quarter f the Northeast Quarter of--'' �I Dodo Eaeemeni I�r MNmieaano4ggwn_°li1.i I ^ ^ 1 V 1 23, o/ and 2 T Wright County, an 0 175 350 700 1 Sechon 26, Township 121, Range 25 °O R °CO o. r Sxtlon 23, 24 and 26 Townehlp 121 N, Range 25 W I I (SCALE IN FEET ) 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Car�SOn Bu suite 100 orherebyreport asyearedbylmeor under prin[Name: ThomasR BalluR.LS. DRAWN BY: bjs Revisions: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES HAVEN RIDGE �.{,i �7V� , •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 ,port was prepared by me or under my Q� JO- direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: X�niwa3V/ ISSUE DATE: 4/S/19 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed LandSurveyorunder P Monticello, Minnesota McCain Keying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 www. Carlson mcca I n.com dEAERAL NO)M 1) The held wank for flus survey was wmpleted on June nth, 2017 2) Seonngs shown are based on the West line of the Northwest QI,,tef of the Northwest Ouartef of Secbon 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, whits ,s assumed to bear S02"'16"w 3) Above ground utilities have been veld located as shown Is underground locations shown hereon are APPROXIMATE Prior to any excovabons or d,ggmg, contact Gopher State One Call far an on-site location (fist -a54-0002) 4) Wetlandswere delineated by Kplhaug Environmental Services, Inc 5) Proposed pipehne easement shown hereon ,s a confinement of the existing undefined p,pehne easements per Doc No 65665, Book L of Assignments, page 185, Doc No 483099, Doc. No 809104, and Doc. No 847833 Sad proposed pipeline easement and has not been rewnded yet. 6) Easement m favor of Nofthem States Power Company dated December 7, 1951, filed April 22, 1952 in Book 10 If Misc, page 44 11 Doc No. 186039 is undefined and will need further confinement 7) Easement ,n favor of Northern States Power Company dated June 7, 1952, filed June 12, 1952 in Book 9 of Misc, page 624 as Doc No 186537 ,s undefined and will need /urthef conimemmt 2 / OVERALL BOUNDARY �/38 ----- ------ ---1 ---------------- ----- —r ` --------------------r ----�- �---��- e i --------- - �- SKEET 4 eo I I I J I }�C ivrr I I Z L /AAV rs '<> I rMONTICELLO TOWNSHIP III i $ _ _- URBAN RESERVE INE v/4 l',1.✓ �f - I er r err — —I rvr_ STREET NE UrrRa.nr ILD A`3Rivvi.i;Rn'i. ' \ 1---------------' III I ( �� ! I r n u/ II J 1 r I J /) 4 IA I Y 11 1 r I� I, I L 1 ) S u LJ I I / r / �: ) \ I I III — 8.Rrr ar. e ; S I ��rgr:� , � , i a ,I $ � $I �� I '�:�,�., �11I�II(I �` I— ``� eataT ,pL it ril i/''h I I 171e 1r1 Itn i°A1 _ \� °�-�!.`'_'�� 111`���� A�.c r I tot. t✓ t i CITY OF MONTICELLO - — — — — — - �� — �i l ( �� � rt t v L — — I R Qwt R1 RESIDENTIAL�� 5,4) I I� " DISTRICTF'� S � �— ` 1 1 J $ SII / �� ' I uwmtmarn 8 i I I I n v v A I 1 1 1 1 7 <_ r 1 .':t �- �� � �^' I /� / V� ILHAIZUSbER�) 7 _ /' d,T I I I I m 1 V rr Iv f1 1 - -L _ _ -_ T — — <= — �C�, ti--- --ST EE- N- ---- �1-LL_I- J_�l__I � ��- 85TH R T E I I r n rvl - - - - --,� ]J,� '�'�---- — -- — -- — �— ----- --�-- — '� �:� -85581' ETIN ry n v v G � � III ' ;TTED I �w � ,���� � �� SHEET 5 II v L.n 'r ✓ i •- I ntaltlrvi.iL.I%IRnL. i �S�H-tE-ET IIW/!ar, "CvC_ _ \\\ "( —� ) r �(fi_ _ J I �-, !f � Q _ W II Ifs I -Ll u_ MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP I URBAN RESERVE Io MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP URBAN RESERVE UNPLA TTED III i j h r \ \ �I� Ilr / 7 A el /, �' �r I \7 I_ ..r I �-------as -------------- VICINITY MAP ' I ^ t��OZ44' / yl/ / / ;�� t N V2 I _. 'FE AE V4 OF TW W V4 i1� (NO SCALE) _ ✓ V I; / 4 ` r I I I `( ^ ulx si xc ' N 79TH I rvrr 'v `r X / �1 1 II STREET `., •. i .PLAT I ✓ //tel �. 'J I (,---------- NE A IRICULTURAL. I ; /� YY I �� SHEET ! --- j Y I =� BENCHMARKS I v2 of Tr(� r:F ;, of r ;:4 i X111 t ( S ' 1. Minnesota Department of Transportotion �— Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDol Name Golf). ELEVATION 974.529 n Iza I � I Ii _ _ _ — — — —� ---- ---N �- `--� [1 t C1ty of Montleello, Wight County, MN Sections 23, 24 and 26, Township 121 N, Range 25 W 3890 Pheasant Ridge NE, MONTICELLO PROPERTIES I hereby certify that this plan specification Pnnt Name Thomas R Balluff L 5 DRAWN BY: to. Revisions N 0 175 350 700 LJ� I ( SCALE IN FEET ) PWC.ain su SI I'n10orort was r ared b m under m•al Blaine, MN 55449 rep pep y eo y 1.6/21/19 -Qty Comments HAVEN RIDGE EXISTING CONDITION direct supervision and that I amra duly signature:.Y/�^...%r �Y/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 Z, 9/13/19 - Q comments 7308 As en Lane, Suite 114Phone: (763)489-7900 LicensedLandSurveyornder ty P Monticello, Minnesota I rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 he laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 cense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 INDEX SHEET www.ca,lsonmccaln.com - 117141 -io5os�osa-monnceno pmoertiee�caecaekurv,/ p1­115_—nince. for ineersneen ewg I 3 /1 38 Northwest corner of Section-_� rngn,cw.ry o,•, North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest 24, Township 121, Range 25 a r'"w�u =y - � Quarter o/ Section 24, Township 121, Range 25---_—__------ ------ - --- ------------------------------ r--------- —T 'j II _North line o/ the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest r er 1 1 Quarter o/ Section 24, township 121, Range 25 North Quarter of Section--� 24, Township 121, Range 25 7 A V 1 V `fl West hne of the Northwest Qaorter af- \ the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, / Township 121, Range 25 1 OAND R kW"Y NELSON Iy p PID 213-100-241101 I 1 I OWNER \ / <� j ❑ ' \ I DAM R d )AMY NELSON PID:213-10o-242202 x I Z x _ I` A —}I� �JI ,3 -i <--IIILh-'II I,,,.111•"'I��i \ \\ ' b 1 rr II \ \\ 1 1 I sl FARMSTEAD AVE. j°y s oWNM L o / \ xv ' I Ti I I \ I\ \ �\ �°\\ 1 OOO XAS G AfliccD I I `� /% P1O:2r}100-14110) T /'\ I A/ /1 1 1 1 1 �I •1 / F-X \ �J 11�E / �}i I I \\\ '�\\\ I I 1 v rr Iv rl I I1 1 11 I I l �' \ y LEGEND ,® - Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted CSA M OO - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted \ \ 1 al J g I. 'r / \ \ Centerline of 85th Street NE as�Ls££ribed ,n---' \ \r 1"' ��� U / Monticello Town d Map per Doc NT�39048t-- \ 4 1 • -Denotes Found Iron Monument �y 14 inch `�� _ rDenotes qebomarked inch thbRLS 40361 Denotes Light Pole Denotes Miscellaneous Sign ` Denotes Sanitary Man ho le A I ATI T1AlAV1v 0 50 100 2001V/,rZ O - Denotes Storm Manhole ® -Denotes Catch Basin ;\ ( SCALE IN FEET) 0 - Denotes Flared End Section \ \Iii' l\ \ \ PAROL 1\\\ IIIIII!!!cccl, ( I 1 .y, - Denotes Hydrant - Denotes Gate \ ve "ll•J I ___ \�-____ 1 __�__—_�—__�__�_ \- _ Denotes Existi gIWNI �r -� —�T-- - Denotes Guy Wire - Denotes Utility Pole - Denotes Mail Bax I / l \ w \ u• I / S BENCHMARKS 8 - Denotes Telephone Box I / / / i 1 �ti `rw \\ \ I \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 •<ss M' \ I OWNfR I I I SHANNON L BYE ® - Denotes Television Box / / ��/ I I °\�\� \ •\\ /°\�� ( 1 1 \ I I I ' I I w \\ ��, \\\ I 1. Minnesota Department ofo 93813 (MnDn ® -Denotes Hand Hole / ^\ ` \ Iy ^4 ,...,• I d \ "b \ Geodetic GSID Station No. 83813 MnDot Name Golf). O -Denotes Electric Meter ELEVATION - 974.529 O - Denotes Gas Meter Gic gyp,, 0 - Denotes Soil Boring/Test Hole °r \ 1 I I I 1 1 ` SRAWWW L 8YE \ \ \\ I - °° — °° - -Denotes Underground Electric \ ;< 1 - e — e - - Denotes Underground Gas i< w \' , < A wD:2u-loo-24zwD \ \ \ g \ �� /G7 \ I / I I y \ „• �` \\ \ gy \ `\ w \ w• \ 1 I \ A ' .r \\ °^• - Denotes Overhead Electric I / / \ �� \ / ii IfI "\ /\ "\ABA•\ 1 1 \ t ' I L\ I / r - � �' L13 I 1 Ir � ` °� `"• � � \ �` �°� <�• \ �� 1 II t 1 \ ` \ ' \\ � — t -- -Denotes Wt—.In At_Denotes Sanitary Sewer Denotes Storm Sewer °N89°22'37"E«e \\\ r 414.90 \ I\�\ I r �� - Denotes Existing Fence as noted \ / _ I I \ s° °'° �\ �\ µ• Y \ �� I / i �A° - Denotes Gravel Surface Isl 1 A Denotes Concrete Surface II I / `r �° \ �• \ `"' �` \ �° \� \ «�\ \ /Iii"� / �� \�� - Denotes Bituminous Surface A �I j I I a t Av \ ,,,• , a \ �\\\� X \ L ,i _�/ / fog - Denotes Wetlands that were delineated by O I WETLAND Kjolhaug Environmental Services Inc. in 2018. — — — — — I I L`," \ � I � \ I r `"° \ \ "r � � `"•� � °}° \ �� \ \ \ � � / /// / r<"« ""< � ,p � I / � / -Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour _ _ -� Ii 1 \�'• 1 \� \` 1 f' \ \ `��/ )°wag A A 1 7 / °��•Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour , �I l'III \ \ \ / ✓� / -A \ « H` 7 390 Pheasant Id9e rive E, ^ / qarimi::.as U]herebytertifythatthisplan,spetificakion Prin[Name: Thomas R.BalluffL.S. DRAWN BY: bjs Revisions: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES `tvironmental Blalne,MN 55449 or report was prepared by meorundermy 1.6/21/19-OtyyComments HAVEN RIDGE EXISTING CONDITIONS of drer dLanStrvndkhatlamadulysignature:�i•'^a.'�At 4 Y/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2.9/13/19-0 Comments 7308 As en Lane, Suite 114 Monticello, MinnesotacCain . ngineerin9 Phone: (763) 489-7900 ensed Land Surveyor under p rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 the lawsoftheStateofMinnesota Date. 4/5/19 cense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 38 ]SE(taloo .carlsonmccaln.comypi­­—nmoss ewg L4 ff r �� r\ 1 ?1 A 1 \ ° \ \ I lJ V 111 / IV �'�yv / Atl.r s,\� — — — — 80 — _ B° ' i I I \ 1 I` I �" \ f� °5• \\ 1 ""\� °+< ��� io \ \ ,k l\� �j/ j r«,ro rn. ' =1� 1.1. n 1� »w-nss._ pEigll SIIII II&�^ \ \ \ / \✓� / °,., °''° i \ I I A A°"•\\ /`M/�\) / `� i§\\£ I I `\ xw• g< p l li I \ — L_�� ti k PID.21 A0-24IEN S *Il t BARB }f a0-21YEN --� / ?�H X a ^•rr \\ \��--� I I ` eI i i /�Ii I1 \"\\ `�.tb 1\ �I{ 11� ��„\ PARCEL ''�`th 1411 SII 1 ,-am«i,n< _ \ \ \ \�� / / � j � � �/� � 1 � �< /��II � � �°\\•,< �g5.5 Jam\ \- -- � 533°1704"'1, ��O g\5� \' ,C.L. 69.80 etetwNEerly Monuof ro'.n ko d "�' 4' t -- R-2 88.53 /I A/ A / 1 1 1 L7 4/ 7/ per \ 1740 WETLAND 1 I I I / 1 y rr 1 V f1 i I I �! e{ /MoP Document No. 390488 \\ 1 \ \� ---,_ p II \ I i of the I` 1 \ Roaa co==m=•I v= uonnceiio io.n,� `,�/Iy <.c i= 1y� 1\\ V. Southeast Quarter Northwest p '^ a• Roaa uov 000.m=•t uo. 3gp+66 `I`\ /%' 11 I - f ` ` \_Sloth hne of the Nort est Quarter Of( y` l/ I/ I �*\Quarter of Section 24, Townsh,p r �' ��---------------------- ----------------- -I ,tion 24, Township 121, Forge 25 ' 1121, Range 25 , I n `_86$52 ` — �— — Rooue so°<inMt per—1iJeoaaawn =` _ _ 89% —e62—F d tea. -a- - `° 85TH STREET NE --s6]- 7 - --- -L—----------� —�-� _`-_ - .�,n 5z_ —.--1„ —t —' 449 °B== --J--- —i— —----------- �I p - — — — — — — — — — — — r — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 1 I Ig 889°10'07 W —1',�— I North nne f the sof S -tit Q24, I Northwest Quarter of Section 24, �N�orthiiine of the Northgas� Oudrteor \ \� Rs_ 1 Township 121, Range 25 I ,nC�l'" 'I�-- f t o tneo2t oyortsytt n / so a- 23, ., rA111 i I w/ I WETLAND / ship�f g 25, \ ) ---85TH 9'TREyf NE�J,6/ \\ \� \ I �; / 1 \\✓ �/ /' ¢ �, ;j 1 I LEGEND __ / / / _ 1 i r R-� �i ✓ 6� // �� \ 1\I' �j � �� � \�\ ��° � / j" � * I 1 c` I '® - Deflates Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted \ I <n°< ;�� \ 1 I 11 \ >u� ,,� / % 1 �\ `� I \ / / • - Denotes Found Iron Monument boa rMLB \ * /I `\ I O - Denotes 5/8 Inch by 14 Inch 1 64— -/- \ rebar, marked with RLS 40361 }la I < ( /� \ I / p OWNER. / II \t <' \ (\` / / ` \� 1 / I -Denotes Light Pole 1 SEAN i t JDDY L MOMRY PID:21}laa-2N102 \ ^ _ —`y/ -Denotes Miscellaneous Sign / L ✓�' /\ \ I \\ l,\ \ \ G7 \\-- (�'�� - WETLAND Denotes Sanitary Manhole O -Denotes Storm Manhole A /: N,r \ I I —6— II �\ I , � 1 ,`\ f WETLAND i I�I `1 I - a— \ \ Line par�(lel with the South line 1 WE D -Northeast 0uar r ship the Southeast Quarte \` \ i Section 2 \ow ship 121, Ranae 25� S89*0419W A /` I I r TIIr ✓✓ ATL - co I 1 I 1 ���a1 9 I IM 1 VV n a NE6 l 1 y h5 P ��1� ylta3 I � I \` ,W. \ w I ®or ® -Denotes Catch Basin - Denotes flared End Section \ \ N -Denotes Hydrant _Denotes Gate Valve \J\\ - Denotes Existing Well `\ \� \ \ Y• -i �p� / I r I \ �I� I -LL - Denotes Guy Wire MSN r/\ I I \` \ WEED — I - Denotes Utility Pole o a a J \ -Denotes Moil Box II IEast line of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter, f _ _ _ I O -Denotes Telephone Box o o, I 1 } * \S \ i 'r` ie` I �� I 1 Section 24, Township 121, J f� / Range 25 ® - Denotes Television Box "EnA"° r ppp �I_ BENCHMARKS CS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot \ v -� // I \ / Name Golf). Ll-� y.!/ / �—�\ I �, // ELEVATION 974.529 — —( =s889 r�oo�7 w C \} F C 5ouin line of the North 8540,\ feet of \ 1 ( � n%e lint / T•� -the Northwest Quarter of Section' 24, \ \ \` 1 \\ \\ �Sy 1 \ Township 121, Ronge 25 \ N mesa— I C'4 C� I i o 500 200 u ( SCALE IN FEET ) �_�-•M■ • enVlronmental • engineenng C� Car�SOn BU rveying McCain 3890 Pheasant Rld9e Drive NE, Blaine,a 100 BlaiMN 55449 Phone: (763) 489-7900 Fax: (763) mccal 59 www.carlsonmccaln.<om I hereby certify that this plan, specification print Name Thomas R Balluff LS. report was prepared by me or under direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: R Y/ Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 DRAWN BY bjs ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 FILE NO: 1644 Revisions 1. 6/21/19 - City Comments 2, 9/13/19 - City Comments / si t Vas`--7n6o� 6- monnc=ilo pmpeni-1,—aekurv=y1p pial7gsfi —nansa ewg - Denotes Soil Boring/Test Hole — u• — u• — - Denotes Underground Electric MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 A NI /" C- �� r1 1 V V L_ HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour ` `^t / � � - Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour 5 EXISTING CONDITIONS of 38 - Denotes Hand Hole o - Denotes Electric Meter O - Denotes Gas Meter 0 - Denotes Soil Boring/Test Hole — u• — u• — - Denotes Underground Electric .1— - Denotes Underground Gas ••• - Denotes Overhead Electric ------ - Denotes Watermain --->--->- - Denotes Sanitary Sewer » - Denotes Storm Sewer — — — - Denotes Existing Fence as noted - Denotes Gravel Surface 0 - Denotes Concrete Surface - Denotes Bituminous Surface - Denotes Wetlands that were delineated by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Inc. in 2018. Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour ` `^t / � � - Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour 5 EXISTING CONDITIONS of 38 j Y LEGEND Vo - Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted - Denotes Guy Wire -->--->- - Denotes Sanitary Sewer — w-1 Z I OO - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted w, - Denotes Utility Pole » - Denotes Stormso . Sewer �� '4 • - Denotes Found Iron Monument o - Denotes Mail Box -' — ^ - - Denotes Existing Fence as noted <� 1 ---- it O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch reboq marked with RLS 40361 O -Denotes Telephone Box -Denotes Gravel Surface —(2'r} —L I / rGltl4�9 I III mNl I - Denotes Light Pole ® - Denotes Television Box �� IFz / / JJ-' r r I� I-m�.ln, �9 0 - Denotes Concrete Surface <_ J�. s w., - Denotes Miscellaneous Sign p -Denotes Hand Hole I rr s s '01 1 - , -L- O - Denotes Sanitary Manhole o - Denotes Electric Meter - Denotes Bituminous Surface �� ig j �FARMHILL��- s0 -Denotes Storrn Manhole O -Denotes Gas Meter y — F[- T — LN / ` 10, aF I� "°I - Denotes Wetlands that were delineated b 0 - Denotes Soil Boring/Test Test Hole Kjolhoug Environmental Services Inc. in 2018. (,7 j C - Denotes Catch Basin - Ye — Ye - 9/ 0 - Denotes Underground Electric �/ - Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour t J �I I I Ig 1 1; r 1 /a, .°S� I I - Denotes Flared End Section 9 LI wl I 1", l 1 1 r WETLAND - Denotes Hydrant - ' — ' - - Denotes Underground Gas / — — III Tj — I I reoee v ==gym==I no 3so4ee`Wn- .p r" I 111 / o c l \\ Northwest corner of the Denotes Gate Valve -Denotes Overhead Electric/ -Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour West Hal/ or the Southeast- I ae -- - Denotes Watermain Quarter , I Denotes Existing Well Townh,p12SRange25 -` - - w. — �r - - o==I v=• uw,ee \`- % e_sl I • v°I - — — — — — _ --— -- - -- --p'e- - Tx dw �5' - ------496 ----- - — -- — — — _ — -_ - --— --- _ — ,r M ---------------�---- --eel--- ----- ---- --- or oh,N re� -- --rte — 1-----C----------- -r th a t Ou ter !\ --- o - / ----�_----j_�F----------- `G1 \t.- So hlhe121, 2of 5 Ston \ �95- Faro., 1 < ---- L---------- — Nortn Ilne or me west-�(-folf ` _85TH STR$3�\E J I Is. { ,--WE,LgND\ / 23. \ns P/ 9e / \ I o/ the Southeast Quarter t I\ III II I I l^ r_ /x T Sechon 23, Township L_ U 1 I lir\ 1 V L \yid 121. Range 25 III i II I \ \— _e„\ // / � / �8 I I I � .� \ � ,—q I ✓ � (\ � �-,m�.l,n� \ 1 �' ' OWNER: �' \0:-,a Il ANINONY F eANYAI a Ime Eo '19 r{ J 603 1 / VI f$lI ml N° 33Nu' GID:215-100-2101 b�I \l LIJlV �' \ II \ , �I- �,, ,� \1 ~'-1 j \ �Y T t �"'° PARCEL 2 Ise' 111 i�fi /� //� / \_,/—,\\ ,/ � �' \\ • ;��', al� �� ,-�i�„ Ill 1 II o96p9/\ ;`� Im n I r aWNER s JERMD A DNTIEDT REV TRUST PID:213-100-133100 5 w T n IA/ n l 1 1 1 F� 4 /� 4 YY 1v ^.' ri 1 r �/ I z 11 I _ I' ' •,6N ill II • I / —/� / / �alll e ��� \5,3 II I I d � a IIII I • // / / / / \\ \ \ tO 3� � `� �------------- ------ ---- ----- — �- i----- — --I--� ---� t7- 1 �I — IwI ;34311 —e5a I w ses- a NER: .EROLD A UNR8T REV TRUST PID:213-100-234403 "ND 3890 Pheasant Rld9e Drive NE, C� Carlson Survey SUIt¢ 100 hereby certify that this plan, specification pant Name: Thomas R. BalluR LB. DRAWN BY bps Revisions �_�a • environmental Blame, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my ��.�,p� 1. 6/21/19 - Oty Comments • engineering Phon¢: (763) 489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly 9igna[ure: ar/r�wR Y/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2, 9/13/19 - Clty Comments McCain Licensed Land Surveyor under rveying Fax: (763) 489-79.c the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 1 -terse #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 / www.carlsonmccan.<om ei1Va 7141-1160 16- moneceiio wopertie,�c-11`w.,w pl­666_excon inset I, D 11 �r� — \ I 1 `✓ \ F WETLAND— IT �1 / wo Ili—anal,-7 \ wETLAND- I \ _K'1,ND- `�/ / IT - \ - 82.8� �I �i I I I 1 W1 ,e0.patYN 105 South bre of the Northeast Quorter of --the Southeast Quarter f 1-t-23. I Township 121, Range 25 �_—__—__—__—__ �� O J5a Line paroo\\yy 1 with the South Ilne f the ,o -Noea rthst10uor r as the Southeast Quarte / on I I + Sech2 Tow shpip 121, Ranae 25� V 1 South I No es or the North K54 06 feet /the Northwt Quart/Section j �4,n Township 121, Ra�e 25 O / I ,J I I I I F I 1 I C\ 1 i I BENCHMARKS 1 I 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation I Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDOI Name Golf). 1 ELEVATION 974.529 I II N 4 / f 1 =o� 0 50 100 20" I NON ' r- /� 5Soo SCALE IN FEET ) I V l7 L- 2 I°n o'vwi i MONTICELLO PROPERTIES I HAVEN RIDGE 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 Monticello, Minnesota I6 EXISTING CONDITIONS of 38 1 - ( Wi it to West line of the Half of�iie/ \ 1 OWNER: I---Boutheost Ouyof section I JDtOLO A Uvoi FEV M T / /VI 5 r I Township 12A, Range 25 %0:213-100-231403 ' III _- West Right of Way line of Eisele Aue N per M.,t_11. A— me Town Road Map Document No. 390488 PAR OL:2 Ili — — — — — 1 L/ YY —(V :: fes,✓ 1 I 1 L If "m ss xss z�, I 1C r/��----� \ "� ,t_ / t OWNER: MARK J HOLKER II III RI0:213-t00-23410(i / K) C / OWNER: I I \�i \I � �dK /JV NANCY C FRMESEN REV MST —eas— 'aaai9Raai��d]32S12 Atl ✓ s N I�, \ \ ` / \ y �\ JANE C CORNELIUS _ \ \ \ �D / / �� / I \ I \ \ I I PID: 213-100-234400 DoucL°as i sraKEs _ Pb: 213-100-233400 / I' \ WETLAND Xsoatn line ar the saatneast L_ � \ \� 1 J" I Qaarter or the so9tneast OWNER: Northwest mer or the }) I I soakn ene of the west Half of the `��-- WETLAND / ! Quarter of seanon 23, I GARY A l LESIA A 11ER2EMA Northwest Quarter of the I ,l\ --Southeast Quarter of section 23, /I/ Township 121, Range 25 1 �I, $$9°01$$"W FID:213-100-23NO2 Northeast Quarter o/sec Gan _, I I j Township 121, Range 25 ,iia ,iia _-_—______-------------- 26, Township 121, Range 25 i i ------------- __—__—__—__—__—__—__—__—__—__—___T__ t I ' li I II R,ai s , CORNELIUS LEGEND I hereby certify that this plan, or under m, Rrin[ Name Thomas R BalluF LS. report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: R Y/ Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 - Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted O - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted • - Denotes Found Iron Monument O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch rebar, marked with RLS 40361 1§r - Denotes Light Pole 80 - Denotes Miscellaneous Sign O - Denotes Sanitary Manhole O - Denotes Storm Manhole 0w(D - Denotes Catch Basin - Denotes Flared End Section f-. East line of the Northwest Quarter of -". - Denotes Hydrant oa - Denotes Gate Valve the Northeast Quarter of section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I - Denotes Existing Well - - Denotes Guy Wire ao, - Denotes Utility Pole o - Denotes Mail Bax 0 - Denotes Telephone Box - Denotes Television Box p - Denotes Hand Hole o - Denotes Electric Meter G - Denotes Cas Meter 0 - Denotes Soil Boring/Test Hole -• —• - - Denotes Underground Electric - Denotes Underground Gas _• - Denotes Overhead Electric ----- — - Denotes Waternrain --->--->- - Denotes Sanitary Sewer » - Denotes Storm Sewer — — - Denotes Existing Fence cs noted O- Denotes Gravel Surface - Denotes Concrete Surface EXISTING CONDITIONS - Denotes Bituminous Surface - Denotes Wetlands that were delineated by Kjolhoug Environmental Services Inc. in 2018. - Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour / - Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour FID:213-100-23NO2 Northeast Quarter o/sec Gan _, I I j Township 121, Range 25 ,iia ,iia _-_—______-------------- 26, Township 121, Range 25 i i ------------- __—__—__—__—__—__—__—__—__—__—___T__ t I ' li I II R,ai s , CORNELIUS Midpoint on the West line of the Northwest--' Quarter of the Northeast Ouorter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I I I I I I i I I N 1 :C A\1 0 50 100 200 �a I ( SCALE IN FEET ) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.529 �_�-•M■ •environmental C� Car�SOn • engineenn9 McCain 5a rveying 3890 Pheasant Rld9e Drive NE, Blaine,Suite 100 BlaiMN 55449 phone: (763) 489-7900 Fax: (763) mccal 59 www.carlsonmccaln.<om I hereby certify that this plan, or under m, Rrin[ Name Thomas R BalluF LS. report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: R Y/ Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 DRAWN BY bjs ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 FILE NO: 1644 j P A 1 TI Ir- A Ir •1 1A nr F" 4 / I;,II Ily vl 1 r7G 1 VL_1/ `r yr Tr ilr °vl Hal/ of the Northeast Quarter-- I Ic OWNER: I I / n PARCEL i 3 80 t 9mh i it Illaw Range 25 I I I ♦_ I 982.84 S89°04'19"W 348 1 DgIW 4 f-. East line of the Northwest Quarter of -". 1 4°53 57 WIM P/0:213-100-281201 m _ m the Northeast Quarter of section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I 1 Ih / WETLAND ,la I N ,✓ 1V I WETLAND Itn I, I I II IVI� (� V I West line of fhe North halt o/ j I the Northeast Quarter of the__, A Township Range 25 ----------� I —Celts, line of Eisele Avenue NE as described m Northeast Quarter of N T I Mon Gcello Town Rood Mop per Document No. 390488 � 4 Midpoint on the West line of the Northwest--' Quarter of the Northeast Ouorter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I I I I I I i I I N 1 :C A\1 0 50 100 200 �a I ( SCALE IN FEET ) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.529 �_�-•M■ •environmental C� Car�SOn • engineenn9 McCain 5a rveying 3890 Pheasant Rld9e Drive NE, Blaine,Suite 100 BlaiMN 55449 phone: (763) 489-7900 Fax: (763) mccal 59 www.carlsonmccaln.<om I hereby certify that this plan, or under m, Rrin[ Name Thomas R BalluF LS. report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: R Y/ Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 DRAWN BY bjs ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 FILE NO: 1644 Revisions I.6 /21/19 -City Comments 2.9/13/19 -City Comments / siI V°5s\r9°t-Ineo�,os6-m°nnceen 91n9enies\cae caekurvey�p West line the Northwest Quarter of Hal/ of the Northeast Quarter-- I Ic OWNER: I •i ithe Northeast Quarter of section 26, Township 121, Range 25 JANEccoFNEuus R10.21J-100-26[100 80 OS Range 25 I I I ♦_ I I I YL 1/ r 348 1 DgIW a— JANE C COR z f-. East line of the Northwest Quarter of -". j 4°53 57 WIM P/0:213-100-281201 m _ m the Northeast Quarter of section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I south line o/ the North Hal/ of �JM G> southeast comer or the Northwest I I ma) y ala I �^ / r' __the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, section 26, I y I West line of fhe North halt o/ j I the Northeast Quarter of the__, i 1------------------- Township Range 25 ----------� I Northeast Quarter of N T — ge 25 26, township 121, Range 25 �� — — 79TH STREET NE Midpoint on the West line of the Northwest--' Quarter of the Northeast Ouorter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I I I I I I i I I N 1 :C A\1 0 50 100 200 �a I ( SCALE IN FEET ) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.529 �_�-•M■ •environmental C� Car�SOn • engineenn9 McCain 5a rveying 3890 Pheasant Rld9e Drive NE, Blaine,Suite 100 BlaiMN 55449 phone: (763) 489-7900 Fax: (763) mccal 59 www.carlsonmccaln.<om I hereby certify that this plan, or under m, Rrin[ Name Thomas R BalluF LS. report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: R Y/ Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 DRAWN BY bjs ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 FILE NO: 1644 Revisions I.6 /21/19 -City Comments 2.9/13/19 -City Comments / siI V°5s\r9°t-Ineo�,os6-m°nnceen 91n9enies\cae caekurvey�p 11.17­­ninaa I, Hal/ of the Northeast Quarter-- I Ic OWNER: X �5 __— — — — — — 136.56 ft ae Eases til Ra. M Bio T° _ ft ae M°, aa°manl No 39a 99 t o ------------------- soatnwest corner of the North � 889°01135"W --- -I, ------'�-------------------- Hal/ of the Northeast Quarter-- I Ic OWNER: I of the Northeast Quarter, Se26, Township 121, I 8 JANEccoFNEuus R10.21J-100-26[100 Range 25 I I I ♦_ L/A 1 r7 I I YL 1/ r I r7L f-. East line of the Northwest Quarter of -". the Northeast Quarter of section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I I G> southeast comer or the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter o/-, section 26, Township 121, Range 25 MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 7 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 I HAVEN RIDGE I EXISTING CONDITIONS of I Monticello, Minnesota Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 38 Northwest come, of Section North hne of the Northwest Quarter of North line of the Northeast Quarter n 24 24, Township 121, Range 25-v -th Northw s ua er of Section of the Nohip 121 25 Section (cast iron monument) ° Township 1, n 25---_--- 24, Township _- , e e t r otter _ �--(�-- r r ge 1,Range -7 1 1E.7cZ. AI ` ! North Quarter co e of Section-- II°, t Nw.% L eRan 25 I IN 1 24, Township 121, ge \ I / OwxER: / DAVID R 3 100 -NELSON I (cast iron monum nl) $� PID:IIJ-100-242201 OWNER: DA PID..213- R@ 00-2 NELSON _1826 I PID:21J-100-112202 N48%8'15"W A /. $ A I I \ r 4 \ \ S� I nU wj .r rIrl� IY /ACI ' }" A A \ — L' '� 4♦ `\F �/' OWNEA: I ii- I/'r w to / A % ppIGLAS D ARNOLD AM g $ �_ I v •r \`� Pm 2u -100-2422w I v� _ - sa I I""r \�03 �-�� MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP - '��`.O URBAN RESERVE H fi 1 85 11fi i Y " '� 11 STREET 'E AGRICULTURAL AI A-A,C�- F� Lente ne of 8511 Street NE\ .'� 0w00- / Y 8 YYC 'iTl'FJ'ti�� y �Jescbe n , Do, eN Town \I\ , '-S"'V#Nkl L 6YE .d" Map er Ooc No 390488 I \ PID:IIJ-100-241]00 ----- I \�, T /'1 IA/ AI ^ I I 1 L7 7 7 4 $ A T [- C`r AI 1 u -,__)_� Cc, M\ I 1 1 1 1) F� , , Ff _ v I IY CITY OF MONTICELLO $ $ $ H SHEET �� ��y # 414 9037"E R1 RESIDENTIAL .I �"` West Ine of line of section / / gip �\ I NZ 46 " A Ir -T1 �/ \' sp B0` / (VMI 24, Township 121, Range 25 _� \ i Gg� 9'j 9, j n 1•r ilii 4 '4 �Ar-� �A�tnlll\.�1� I DISTRICT / v$ 3°091 rl L I LL� 1 �I OUTLor a fir\ ,97899 p`".' — — J - z 5 o�>Zo I e� 3g5 6 r � C A —a eo I SHEET I I3 BARBARA -10o-z 24400 i A I /e ' OWNER: —`� �— Sou lhwesterI rl hl of way _� I MEGAN A WARFlELD-WAeRALL North line of the _ _ II� f- Y1'1 hne of 85th Scree E per PID:21J-(00-242302 West Holf of the ---- North line of the Northeast I 1 Monticello Town Road ap A 1'r 1O Southeast Quarter of Quarter of the Southeast-- �7- — „� 4 Document No 390488 II A 0 section 23, Township Quarter of section 23, \1, -� 1 /try - ?' �ItA C.6.=S33°12'04"E 121, Range 25 1 1 Ran a 25 } jy�n _ tP C.L.=169.80 1 9 I To 2 . g f- $ (Jp,Ir Section 2 , T.— , ,PI _ _ T n IA/ Al I , 1 J ;7 "-85TH STREET Irk I -Yeo season za. TownsnlPl PuTLOT e 1 v rr I v .; F7 1 1 I� 1� N 39"E �Z �e° o°nai„tee e X21, IRan�e 5 5 "r-,' R=208.53 85TH STREET r"'.E o9�i e?' 74.88 - - - - - - �+ - - — J -------_----= = = a = --�- - -- -_ - - — - _—sa ---- - ---- -� _ - - ,_---------------- - .97 - -- r1SHE - --- - 447 ------------------=i----- 2 �'� I� /� OUTLOT G Southwest Corner t ` `�HEET l�F VJ�69°1007 W 7 A Al ,, r_' �1 I ' - Northwest Quarter of, I 4�`jeF " �, I I I J 287'” o I 124 / 15ect�on 24, Township 12tl� SEAN T & JODY L MggWY / Y \7 L w°V'PLATTEv O ixg 3t I I TV 8c -(longe 5 (cast Iroe{�' r 3 RIO. 213-100-243102 I AGRHCOATLRAL I � y I 126 SHE T i5t - , Gmonamenl)GUTL�T G�14 - L OUTLOT a \ M �t I ,� �= m'o;° SHEET i \ OWNER N OUTLOT K - j' a°Line Ilei ®IYFLfn JEROLD A UNDEDT REV TRUST - 0 31 South line of the -6 '• ` PID:213-100-273100 _ - M _ 2 01- \\\\\\YYw Z o O K 47 OWNER Norlheb6t QOdrter°_ LOREN 1O'BRIFJI —the Southeast 1111L� /; �/ ^ \^ \ P1D:11J-100-243101 Z IIIQuarter of section /(1/�c"�l/ v 1�Y SHEET 23, Township 121, HAVEN RIDGE PARCEL OESCR/PnCW. PARCEL it- That tThat art of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24 Township 121 Range 25 Wright Count Minnesota described as follows P P 9 9 Y� Commencing at the Northwest corner of sold Northwest Quarter of Section 24, thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 se ands West, assuming the West line of sold Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 40828 feel to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390486, thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 secantls West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18 26 feet to the West line of said Northwest natter and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described thence Sou lh 48 de tees 18 mnutes 15 se ands East, aloin said northwesterl p p n nin9 P 9 9 Y extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feel. thence co tinning South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerlme of 85th Street NE, 130204 feet, thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 secantls East, 468.91 feel, more or less, to the Intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline n of BS Street of f the parcel described m Certificate of Title No. 6386.0, thence North 89 degrees tE minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said ntet H of 85th Street NE f the parcel described In Certificate of Title No 63860 and its we h.. extension, 414.90 th.,l feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street HE to described ili said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488, thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds Wesl, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 177352 feet to the Southwest co r of saitl Northwest Quarter, thence North 02 degrees O6 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239 29 feel to the point of beginningrne AND The North 85406 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Mmnesoto PARLL2 2 The West half of the Southeast Quarter of section 23. Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line Commencingat the Southeast co of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter thence northerl aloin the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 43 36 feet to the pointy of beginning of the line to be described, thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as to in Monbeello Town Road Map per Document No 390488, thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. PAPCFL !- That art of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26 Township121 Range 25 Wright Count Minnesota in northerl of a line drawn soulhweslerl from s point on the East line of sold Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter ditant 99000 feet north of the southeast corner of sold y Northwest Quarter of the y Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating AND That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerlme of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No 390488 01WERAL N07££ 1) Bearings shown are based on the Wast line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which is assumed to bear S02°06'16"W 2) Wetlands were delineated by Klolhoug Environmental Services Inc 3) Portions of Eisele Avenue NE and 85th Street NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Doc No 390488, are proposed to be vacated per city annexation and new roadway alignments I F Range 2511 1211 1 2 PI �- ''{{ -� I,7 R1 - /0'-00' ( \ 30 \ A I SC9°O4'19"W 982.8` I 1.� �l'63 East hne of the West half of the (Similar to Adjacent Properties) $ ' d,N S89A�0107"W I---saatnweet Qaarter of section za. — (Not to Scale) c dr I r,bR=3 8750 °KAttOtlrl iru I ' Oa j --South Ilse of the North 85406 feet I Township 121, Range 25 '4 f the Northwest Quarter of Section 2 11 305.65 iHOM"pm:DYjOo- I g�� 24, Township 121, Range 25 30' AlN. REAR JIi 4 cm — V h c lI m 'o o South hne of the Northeast QuarterI I 0?° SETBACK 3" 35HEET i �_ -of the Southeast Quarter of Section I - - --- I} 123, Township 121, Range 25 __---------- - - —_ - - �_ _-_ _ --- _ - — - 12.000sf LOT _ - — �, UTLOT J � W 1 f I AVERAGE t0,000sf LOT 1 Rwe. line E° men± ver 1 I MINIMUM I __-Dowmmt x wv05°7c7 L'- `_ ^ West Right of Way Ilse of V- --' ----- gy 1 --Eisele Avenue N pear 1 �� o127 x0'33312° , N Monticello Town Rod Map 1 " uERIXO A UNTIEDT REV TRUST Document No 390488 P,0:21J-100-2344QI z K I OWNER: I 30' FRONT MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP OU TLOT I �2 r, i� v I _a. V MARK J NOLKER SETBACK 32 - nC 1 ( I U5 R0.213-,00-243300 URBAN RESERVE j ' n c� - -Row I o zas Eat o.e1e ea o h o 5 9C OW 0. �� CURB — — — — — — °W"`" 323 S EE =" I MARKJNOKER I LOT SETBACK DATA NANCY C FRIESEN REV MST ., o ° n _ 6I PID:21J-fop-241OD I MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP MD. 273-100-233401 / !� 3z `tL vF" \° I NDN URBAN RESERVE FRONT: 30 FT. III south Ine of the west i I SIDIII 10 FT. III Half of the sou heast , e \ C4 L REAR: 30 FT. OWNER: 3v°i`Orv¢ \ L1 DDucus L srarEs / I Oyg{ter of secnan z3, I ° 27 QQ� \ ' .` CORNER.^_0 FT. PID:21J-fOD-2JJ4W B6 T6w� hl 121, Range 25 \ iv.�_ �J•i° OWNER: N O JANE C CORNEMUS P/ I I i S„i,rh'line'nf r l up i I' we��a�t ��ut Pw:2,J-foo 23aoo OWNER: Northeeasl QTownshif 121 /' east , r or In I Nor h t CARYA &IESAACER2ENA / II No,fhwes�-_ fth )'Southeast Quarter f ISI h n IIY \7 L ^' I P10. 213-100-2334W III; - 1 \' t '� I _� E DATA — Section 26, P 1 121, large 25 ship Ray_zs asst Iran mA section z3-1 wn^nl 33.15-------------J --------------- I} SITE a69°01 58"W "'�' rrF^ TOTAL SITE ARE' X213.92 AC. JANE C CQRNBJDs I VI W L.I1 1 I ------------ —_-- �a�Wekt line of Itis Northwest 7 I 1 PID:2f3-f00-261101 v"PLnTTEv Jr ' (11, ler of the Northeast ou T�11T ��-AL In. I'I Northeast gamer of me ,-°,iRivi.n.iv�'ln�. TOTAL ROW ARE( ±38.07 AC. f1/ m1 w II%arler of section z6. G v 'v':I �_ OF TFE tE 'u'4 OF TFE hE 'Town .v'4 I ', Southeast Qaarter of the TOTAL OUTLOT AREA _b19.54 AC. AGRlCU..TURAA. pl /t, p I ! ♦� I C Center line of Eisele Avenue NE a rn 1 V -,ry�1 a.�I /I wnship 121, Range 25 ' I tfj `-Southeast Quarter of OUTLOT A ♦1.96 AC. "( 1 x%(, fir/ ` describedDin Mmenit eIII 3904 Sads Section 23, Township JJ g14Ep pM1y'L S ,SHEET i 8 A`(� o' P Per i 121, Range 25 OU TLOT B 1756 AC. r- owdy o. A / 1 1n A=04°4405" OUTLOT C 1086 AC. s R=18 8.66 rr"r ri Ari=r ,eC OtiY Z 1 I i t' ) 151.11 OUTLOT D X20.66 AC. c 6�" P I I I J I I w348.80 329.55 : � ' k--, 192.80 ' °TH N OUTLOT E 25 AC. (j �,{ 1 I •W NOOi 7'46"W S71%6'16'WSTREET INE OU TLO7 F (2.10 AC. C2 AI r I 59'06'!=- ---- — — —m_ OU TLOT G ♦1.89 AC. ,% ,, 74° West Ilse of Itis North =�-_ Cj /\AI IV S rC half of the North east--'� r - OUTLOT H ♦1.37 AC. �•\ ^ YY •; `) Quarter f the Northeast w `Bev 136.•/{+; South line of the North Half of /�,/ Midpoint on the West Ilse of f f g @ ) fCoaY '-the Northeast Quarter of the 1 OU TLOT I 10.69 AC. I Cy/ the Northwest Quarter of the I �.P`'T/35"W Northeast Quarter, Section 26, I OU TLOT J 17 08 AC. Northeast Quarter of Section " P v` Township121, Ran 25 26, Township 121, Range 25 1 1 A;1'A 1 1 9e OUTLOT :i 9.26 AC. I OWNER: 1 1 S 1/2 OF THE t-' ✓4 OF TW DE 1/4 I OUTLOT L 325.86 AC. 4011C=12'01 ANE C COR 12'0 Plo-zrJ-foo-%121N I TOTAL LOT AREA 188.31 AC. Easl line of the Northwest JANE C CORNEOUS 1 SMALLEST LOT 32,432 S F. I` other �>! _O,anter of tine Northeast PID:213-TDD-zfinaD LARGEST LOT 321,843 S F. — III Southeast c of Itis Northwest Quarter of Section 26. I �II Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of - 1 To 121, Range 25 n I 0 175 350 700 AVERAGE LOT 11,637 5 F. Section 26, Township 121, Range v - r r- TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS 326 Ria — -- — - - ---I— - - — - - 1 - �- - — - L=��� GROSS DENSITY 1.52 LOTS/AC. Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter, or tine Narineast Quarter of=---'�II oaOE,°°°o"'m°' x'390aea"°-`�X� F n 1Y I SCALE IN FEET) EXISTING ZONINC�'NKNOWN section 26, Township 121, Range zs 1 °' I PROPOSED ZONING R1, RA, R3, PUD — — — — — UTILITIES ' VAILABLE 1 I I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, (Carlson 5uite100 1hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name Thomas R.BalluffLS. DRAWN BY: KCM Ra,wsian9 MONTICELLO PROPERTIES • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 r report was prepared by me or under my 1. 6/21/19 - city comments direct supervision and that I am a duly signature: �i"^tr'A>� 4 Y/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2. 9/13/19 - City Comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 Licensed Land Surveyor under p McCain surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 License #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 • // Www.cErlsonmCC In.com sir Vae°\,9At-R°soy,os6-m.nnceil°pmpeniesica1,11kurveytp PW1,9ss_p11 index dwR RA - 90'-100' (Similar to Adjacent properties) — (Not to Scale) 30' MIN. REAR SETBACK 16,000sf LOT AVERAGE I4,000sf LOT r--- MINIMUTA- 36'FRONT SETBACK — — ROW CURB LOT SETBACK DATA FRONT. 15 FT. SID& 10 FT. REAR: !0 FT. CORNER: 20 FT. R3 - LOT DETAIL (Not to Scale) 10' MIN. REAR m m SETBACK 5' MIN. SIDE -�I 20' MIN. SETBACK BETWEEN UNITS J f 30' MIN�FRONT SETBACK TO GARAGE I/ \I 25' MIN. FRONT SETBACK TO HOUSE LOT SETBACK DATA FRONT HOUSE. 0 FT. FRONT GARAGE. 125 FT. SIDE: 5 FT. DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS' 20 FT REAR: 10 FT. CORNER: 25 FT. VICINITY MAP (NO SCALE) N I I i PROPOSED DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: (NOT TO SCALE) I I II II II ,v F- 6 II ---J----J L-----1-- being6 feel in width, and adjoining side lot lines, and 12 feet In width and adjoining right of way lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on this plat. I `• P w ' I azLEGEND I s[4 e ` II --------_j ----J r® - Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted City of Monticello, Wright County, MN OO - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted Section 23, 24, & 26, Township 121 N, Range 25 W • - Denotes Found Iron Monument O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch rebar, marked with RLS 40361 HAVEN RIDGEI I 8 Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT INDEX of 38 ----------------------------------------------- -------------------- ' \ --- T_Se<Lone 24�Township ---------------- o um North line of the Northwest Quarter 121, Range 25 — f the Northwest Quarter of Section \ 3 I (cast it n mon ent) 24, Township 121, Range 25 line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of St24, Township 121,ecion Range 25 <\I;,\ 50 ,`\ `\ 120.0 L7— �, I 685 N I I I I zI I e �9ov 1 I — — � Ifs W � `\\\ TirI I Ix I I o a O I *21.943 sq.ft. R/ 0 25 50 100 I r( I I z� a I I / ,� / r J `♦ I II eNI �" I I / / 1 V vV � � (SCALE IN FEET ) so I�=F 50 I 15 i / 2 o al 317.139 eq.k. O / \i v�> `\ T n 1 d / n 1 v LEGEND `o o I J6.0 / / ,' / s� '�(�� \\ 1 V V V 1 V I I 1 IA ® —Denotes Found Judicial Land Mark, as noted Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted h wa r Cnu , `o r`o _42_.3 I x°\ / /' / / \ �,ja ��n \ I • — Denotes Found Iron Monument \\ — Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch *14,400 aq.f. 1' \ _ — — — — — rebar, marked with RLS 40361 60 I So °e0 *14.400 q.ft. OWNER: C) — — — — — avro213-100-2QL°zot Q — _ I w I \ \`Qrj e�0\\ *14.400 sq.k. Ell> \ *19.623 aq.H. /' ,^\ \� <\ °o:04 e°o\ / i.400 eq.H.a,a,\\ ods/e v I *13,559 aq.n d00 ,/ ,/ *14.400 sq.H. *13,559 / ft. s / s k. / � \ � *14,400 aq� I I •t \ d \ / �'�_' J *13.559 sq.ft. / / \ \ 6°\ / / *14.400 aq.ft. , , \ \ // n\ <\ 10 *13.559 sq.ft. / \ BO \ *14,400 sq.ft. 1 1 mo O 0.'%, \ \ I I°o *14, 11 G,�°" 39•»° \ �?°Q.H O\ *13.559 aq.ft. , , \ fl> v� -1,1 \/ a / v -v , vv / r / ^ \ 9 < / / �� \ 12 7 / / \� . GLI' ea *14.400 aq.ft. ,� ^ \`♦ *13,559 q.ft. 1 % — L 11> < mom* ----------�----- --- 0 \\ \� 13,aa \ `\ ���\` 6° / ,/ 4 \� d\ ,/ *14.400 sq.ft. o *13,559 sq.R 3890 Pheasant Rld9e Drive NE, / (�Car�son 6a Su"al.. nerebyaertiytnatthiaplan,aped6aation partName: Inns—R.Muff,L.S. DRAWNBY: KCM Reviamns: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 r report was prepared by me or under my �� �/ 1. 6/21/19 -Qty Comments HAVEN RIDGE of direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2. 9/13/19 - a comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 McCain I •engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed LandSurveyorunder ty P Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT rveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 License #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 38 www. Carlson mcca l n.com sir Ve.\7oat-7p6'o16-m—les• P---— e1eku11/ pia 116_0 I, \\ �� � , , \ a° � \\\ / /' 13 \ /' \`1�' \`\ LEGEND l l\\\ ° \�j' ,' $d° .ft. ,' ,\\ �� `\ \\ ® - Denotes Found Judicial Land Mark, as noted 50 \ o / / o \ / ° <\ *13,559 sq.n / / `\ \ \ / , BOW // \\ \\ • - Denotes Found Iron Monument , /> < /' /' m \\ \ \\ O - Denoted 5/8 inch by 14 inch marked with RLS 40361 g / / \ \ <\\ *13.559 aq.ft. //' /' \\> �\ ° \\�/ /' 316,661 p.n. /J o `tib / 1O\\qo \ ° °,,•,.� < *1s,aq.n za �N / I I I\, \ \ \ \ ` \ \ > \ \\ \\ \\ wo-N2Ar3N11L-9i \ ° 11 \ I I zN I \\ � \\\\ Amo+o o �� \\\ �\�i , / \ p \\ � w \ \\ \\� o zs so mo *16.367 aq.ft. \ o \\ \ I \ \\\\\ to e 0 SP . \\ \\\ - \ \\ O 7\ \\ ( SCALE IN FEET we) D I \ \\\ on' \ 9� \ 50 *14.727 po .n /',/�\ 9\� \ I` \♦ oo 837 I to \ \\ v\ \\ I 1 \ \ \ 6.2=3-1 L err °rPe 13 \ wp:fr3-roo-24P300 \ \ 1 vo \\\ \\\\ "e *17.650 sq.H. \ I OUTLOT C ~`\ - ----------30 \ \ \\\ Dra age and utd dy Easement \,\ \\ \\\ \ J 30 30 \ I I v (oyer 0 or O'trot yl I \\ *473,025 eq.ft.\ \\\� \ \\ rl" I \\ \ \\ � \\ I N89°22'37"E I o� \` 414.90 oo_ v A A v vv vvv� t] IA/ h 1 ^ , i \ \ i 00 1 a I \\ �\ \� \\ J \\ fin• I \ \ 11 W 925 500' __62.5 N 825 \ _ n41 4 17 -1 r------ 90.6 1112 I I I '2 n\ /o� o b\or\,°o J*13.875 q.H. 13 :02,375 *12.375 q.ft. iL *12,623 *14,694 p.ft 2- ------ r�o) �se"6 *17.589 qn h°/° °oo °n150 50 I 1 17l L I 1 /m J J L— am \\ r — I 1 925 L______J L------ --826 —L---— 8826 —°5c 77 6 J 87TH STREET NE *19. 9 q.nR -------385.2 > 4�\�° \\ \\\ \ \ \� ` ti> OUTLOT B \ Drainage and Utility I II sol �9-00 --- — r]5 0 - Il \� ',�/ \ `(Oeall of Onto ---—753329,43o q.n. ov 94D A h I r- r) $ s, 20 \ I I I I I N� 20 32L094 sq.fL ( *20,662 p.n. of I \ .z \17-IQ I I vas 1 I 2 �I I 3 0l 4 1 1 // / \ L--- ----- \'\ wrc�I *14.400 q.ft. - I **2,000 eq.ft I *12.000 p.n. ''w°I *12,000 eq.fL ,w°I 5i''/ 1 r---- I> I \ \ m / °o o a 1 o E I I I I f1 I *13.353 p.n. o, 11 I w ______ _ ________ __ 3D 1 z *14.790 sq.ft. J '1 u, l 19 I, In � / ,/ \ \ � p i 1 ma,93s aq.n. I N . y 6 /� / \ \ :N\\ �� �' 11 J 111 *12.827 p.n. `fit 1 W'I L-900 L--- —J L---- -� L------�I *13.327 p.H160y,/ \\ N \ X63- �\ I J 1 w 1 \\ t`�V+ 90 0 150 50 750 75.0 75.0 \\ / // ,/ / \ 1 iii //moi \ 3150 / \ _ 3\ \ 7 i - "---- 30 / 10 \ \ \— \\ O' ` / / / 2 \\ \ \ \ W 1 ^ 9 93 �/ // *13,027 sq.ft. 30 1 8 \ A\,a \ \ \\ l 1 / / / / 1 \ *14.830 p.n \ \ \ \ Q \ / ^ 1 \ 9' .v *12,756 sq.ft. \ *13,728 s ft. \ \ \ '699--- 3 699--- 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, i O / Car�SOn su SUltel00 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification PrintName: Th—,R.Balluff.LS. �DRAiNNBY: KCM Revlafana: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 1 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 r report was prepared by me or under my � / 1. 6/21/19 -city Comments HAVEN RIDGE of direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ISSUE DATE: 4/S/19 2. 9/13/19 - city comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 McCain (.engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed Land Surveyor under ty P Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT rveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 License #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 38 / www.carlsonmccaln.<om 1 Vaee\ 1-7oso\tos6- m.nn,eiln Pneenieel®deadku w4 P1.17156_o•e dw9 \\ 11 11.191 u,O.sae n, \\ \ (0— .11 all of Ill.y C) '\ I \ \\\ `\\ \ `\ \`\ \ II \ I 3473.025 aq.ft \ \\ ♦ \\ N89°22'37"E 414.90 � i /fie w • — ;� - I \\\ \ II I / A \\ VVV � r \ / A \\ \ Y \ I\ ` I —0,I I� `\\ -\ \ 500• 825 ,a 82 5 \ \ _ \ e\ -----� r------- r ---gob � inz 414 d) \ l\\wo`'o, u to St., 2 3 1 ¢ \ q.ft. 2,375 eq.H. 312,823 q.t. 314,694 aqA 6312,375 I 317,589 q.k. 2g, L 825 -J ---___J 625 7]7 786 -j _-� ` /�4° `9 7 \-�1— . �T3Ress T NE R / / ��' 3,9,889 p.n. \� \ N \ OUTLOT B \ \ Drmnoge and Uhht, Easement \ \ r`; ♦.i \ / l (Over all of Outlot B)\ 50 75.0 - 75 0 g \ , / / T n IAI/ A I 1 I 1 / L! -1 !% \ 4 I 3329,430 q.ft. ---� oz, / S r1 1 \ \ r----- \ , 1 v r 1 v I 1 1) \ 8 \ 20 I I i I \� X320 ±21,094 sq.ft. I </ 320,652 q.fl. \\ 'm\\ -I ------ 1790 — — — — — — - of i 3 of i 4 g a �I I of ----------- 00 aq.krl I 312,000 aq.ft. 'o_°I 312.000 q.ft. �I 5 30 \\ \ 313,353 q.ft. 1 --------- --------- - i \ 1 \ g 1 J` w \ 19 314,790 p.k. 314.935 eq.ft. ,� I \ '; \ 6a0.k 1 1 \ 313.327 \\ N\\ 1 X11 312.827 p.H. I \N,4+ 1 `\ //'//' ei��i'� __-Jv _ w l \\ i 0 \ I 1 \\\ 50 3150/ \ O 1 1 C7 \ 1 10 , . \ 1 QU 313.027 alli 30 1 1 y\N \ 2 314.630 q.fL S \ 313,728 q.ft. \ 'c, \ 312,756 aq.k. ) \\ QIw 1 \ o \ 3,2.757 p.H. 1 7 \ 3,2.404 aq.H. �i ,� \ 312,617 \\ I m \ 313,980 eq.ft. // /^ \ q.ft. \ o\ 1 \ m, ' \ / / \ \ \ 1 9 \ / / / �' A Southwesterly gh' QQf e.y line of 85th Street NE•Rer 1 Town Road \ I \ \; 16 \ \ `i I / , 1 2 / / mf, \ 312,773 R \ 312.795 p.H. 312,126 q.ft. / \ aq-\ °' \ Cn \ 5 - \ i / /\ 313,420 aq.k. Monticello M°p��� Document No 390488 \ 1 �— , / \ �'.= // / �\\ _� \�`\ „o� �I j�------_-1650-_-_-�_ -- 1516 \\ / / \ :' ✓G, \ ^o/ / DOUTLOITEaseBnl (Over all of Oullol B) 1 66.1789 \ / / 3329.430 sq.fl. \ `\ 1310 \\\ ' %^ 313241 aq.ft. I'I t \ 312,900 aq.k. , // \ Iry I 1 A `Y \\\\ 3,2� OB aq.R /'"1 1 V \7 L L 5P\W�' 6` I 5 \\ \ i 1 of i n 312,073 aq.fL /%9 /' \� •`_ ,1, yl. r. ,1, , y 312034 sq.k.S$��A° •CQsg��\t� L__-_-1466____ \ °\ 110 101 1 \��---- I16I ,s. 311,654 p.R a / / s `�qr _—_ L - __ ___ N e \// 601 d11 975 n ' I I 6 .J South line of the Northwest ♦ \ / \ \` nl �^ ,,-Quarter of Section 24, 1 \\ / /' 1 2 \� R -- r Township 121, Range 25 \ \ / / \�` _—__ ^ I 312,040 aq.H.- I�__—_____— _7 447.97 South line of the Southeast \ — _-------------,�-- a. ,+"—__-,u._____,a�_1--yr____�__—� _—__�p� —C__—f 7—__—___ ` \ ----� ♦♦ \ / / �-- ---- 168_3 --- 389'10'07"W --Quarter of QOartef of the Northwest \\` Section 24, I I 312.028---- // n 87TH STREET NE Township 121, Ronge 25 p.R a /' 78.3 I \ - \\ / / / - _ 292 479 3 / goo —1 � 30 30 _< j M r v 7 LEGEND I ro w I lo ujN 312,012 OD 0 25 50 100 I n_ 312266 p.k. „/ / , / I Z I 14 I p.H. I I OD • -Denotes Found Iran Monument I >la / / � o of I I o [-' 16 - -J O - Denotes 5/8 inch 6 14 inch rebpr, marked with RLS 40361 (SCALE IN FEET ) 312.350 aq.k. >'7 / of I I o I a r—'r----------- Car�SOn • environmental 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, SUIte1he Blaine, MN 55449 hereby certify that this plan, specification prin[Name: Thomas R.BalIUH,L.S. r report was prepared by me or under my �y> �-// direct duly DRAWN BY: KCM —,alana: 1. 6/21/19 - City comments MONTICELLO PROPERTIES HAVEN RIDGE 11 I.a—ltering Phone: (763)489-7900 supervision and that I am a Signature: NSGnw 6i�/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 city z, 9/13/19 - Q comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 P PRELIMINARY PLAT of sM rveying McCain / siflj° 704,-roagVosa-monnceOo oAoenieslcae caekurveyltl Fax: (763) 489-7959 www. Carlson mcca l n,com 0iarl�ass_o,o ewg Licensed LandSurveyorunder the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 Monticello, Minnesota / 38 dl I I i I I i w I I I I I I I I } I w 60) I I �N ZN I I I gip; II , I I I I I I I / I ----------- A ----------// / VOp�m North line of the Northeast Ouarterl n ut o-aNtt ^/ O -of me soutneaat Quarter of section) N89°06'39"E 23, Township 121, Range 25 t-2622,77 57.9 / . i 58.7 (f 0 6)ep� IV / S I 6 __—________—_L--- __—___— ,� c ,Nwsgr/l 3 I o qM1 $0 s _ /0Sa a \ \ i - 10 113.027 aqk1 314,830 q.f. 18 2 313,728 aq.. 312,758 p.k.4 �\ 'o ", N 8> s R� \ 312,757 eq.n // ���/ 11 ,� \ 17 \ \ \��`j 9°,� 3,2.404 eq.ft. \ \ / / �\ �^ ,a \ 313,980 aq. / / / 1 \ 312,617 aq.ft. s h / \ N \ / / \ �\ ---__ A\ �5ti✓ / \ 1/ / / \ o \ 4 3 .� 'S0 sr>' bl \_� 12 16 4 -_--J'' 312,128 agft. //' \' // / /^\ ss\ 312,773 aq.tt. \ \ q.ft. 312,795 s / 313,420 aq.n / / v \ 5 1 N m, s C7 /� T I' /l A l 7 A I \ / / / N 'o \ / \ \\ / 1 861 78.9 � / L_ v 1 1 lJ 1 v 13 III-his1tol------_, I ------- 10 -----10 *13,241 sq.k. 1 1I 1 5<312.e0e eq.k. 11 1 m'^14N I 0 1j 312.073 sq.ft. ^I , 312,034 q.ft. I -� Ix //1466--_--J ao� em > ° r ° \7 \\ //// 11 /ice \. 7340�� 11p col I � ' ", r------------ i 1 v/ / \ J \\J 311,854 nft.6a / / / \ \�sa \y`�8 — J L -- ----------- --_3Q_-- O� // 0 601 413 975 11I I 1 I N South line of the Northwest t` \\ / / \\ O to tnz� 1 ,-- Quarter of Section 24, \ / / � a I ^ 312,040 aq.ft. -• r 1 i Township 121. Range 25 \ \ / / 12 �—__—__—___S__—}_— �__—__ __—_.�y(r--447.97-- 7 _y 447 97 _� ` \✓ / / / a _ _ _ 186_3 L i _ _ _ 1450 I ^ S89'1 0'07"W 87TH STREET NE ,♦ \`- 3121028 aq.fL / // , j r9i r ---------- m , — X83 .o c' — 292 479 90.0 13 ------, II 3o \ / / I to �I 7 �: J/ no 312.266 aq.fl. h// / I I c q Z 312,012 eq.k. r < � / 14 / / I I I of L—'�--- ,450 _J 312,350 aq.ft. el / 15 al I 16 — — — — — — — — — 76 p ,1 n\ ✓ ,° / / / 312,846 aq.ft. I I 312,801 aq.ft. L6,2 wit. \ ,u,. ,a. ♦ vl. ,° .�. �. �. .� 4s J , I I U ` ° � I I ° 1 p 1 I ♦ \� �� I/ I I � � -i li I I q 1 y43'� ��0 1 `i ` 700 \\\ L ---------i I -------J 8 ,Y2 w' 1 \ 9 `/ 1031 f T60 w r. ,iw_ .m. .m. -m- v� 1 —_ 193 900 t 30 318,810 aq.tl. i v°Ji 12432 a`7' I A/ h l 1 1 I F� 7 I LL' 3 I �. rr IN r 1 I \ d *Zg12 eQ'w � ,a. � � ,m. .m. � ,�. .�. � I .a. \ _��►__� •�'' .a. � ow � !a;°'? o ' ?�\ I I i _ I i m 1 I a y0 L _sem 2_ -i o •2 160 C"I epw t'A3 72 \Ty0 11 1 / > 62 It I / 9 314,349 q.ft. \ 10 \_ OUTLOT D p 4 0 1 ��- Dramoge and Utility Easement (Over II at Outlot D) / I 142 -� *899,920 aq.ft. 5 a, 1 ; 3 060 dv�'9 326.808 eq.ft. M/ , 10 o I 1 820 Ory -"2o323.257 aq.ft. �?O Wh0ry 31,ti X411 11 3 O 4 .1 wc, C59 3j0 106° IL Ir 2' 3�0 \ i tt.m. yL. .4 J. .w. utr J. LL 1 9$ Y a42 nm $ 1 5 X233 1 \ I 1 l a. f3 �?g?6q'2 `7� N ; [) A h 1 \2R \a 7 I �a9o,\nE \q/ol r 8 3 *9- ft. 9 ° v 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, T)Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name Thomas R. Balluff. LS. DRAWN BY: KCM Revisions • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 I or report was prepared by me or under my11. 6/21/19 - City Comments engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly signature: Nit:+�w e✓tir,/ ISSIE DATE: 4/5/19 McCain I • su Licensed Land Surveyor under 2.9/13/19 -City Comments rveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 / www.carlsonmccain.com -„i_ pia 1161111.9 LEGEND O - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted 0 25 I I 50 i�0 I • - Denotes Found Iron Monument O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch SCALE IN FEET rebar, marked with RLS 40361 () MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 1 t\ HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota 12 PRELIMINARY PLAT of 38 I 312.073 f4 �I I I - - - sq• 312,034 aq.ft. I ,466-----J -a 11 °0 10 -----, ao3 \t30 t JI ,QI R a, / .' ,w. ,w. ,a, v / 311,654 aq.n 0o- / / \\>s.i\ L --------J, L -------f' I^ - '14' 60.1 413 - _ __ __i._ _ ,o J ------------ = m ------ / iii South lin of the Northwest \ O I 6 e North line of the Northeast Quarter 'R �J uarler of Section 2 2 / -� --of the Southeast Quarter of se�lionl N89°06'39"E �� , ,�h°o �, wnship 12 ange / / —___—__—__ ----------- -- - Q \ / ^ 312.040 eq.k. T r i 23. Township 121, Range 25 21`22.77 To 1 R 5 -- -�- -- i ..Q- _�__ yl,_—__-,s�__—_,�I�_1i-_�_—__�__--;_—__—__—gyp —C___� 7— 12 �\ >> M 168.3 6�/ld�t� o-- — ----r -------- �I}I 57.9 m: 58.7 �\ / / / / B _J �Li--- t45o ----� N Ci / / / 87TH STREET NE \ 312.028 aq.fL / / I r4 ,� r - - - - - - - - - - \ \ , 292 4]9 9- ------- \ � ms's 1^k}0 zQ' � ° t, ,a, 1 ,iL .w. ,a, ,iu .a, � w. ��� \ \\ // // 13 / / 1 /-------I r------1 3o i 3o p ; / a :I 7 'l06 'z_ �I � I— —1312012 sq .ft. q.ft. S° 14 ---1452 e --- —r ---------- J 312,350 q.f. 1/ 15 16 l- "9 °s 312,646 q.n 312,601 q.ft. Up I ro' d I i ria 12 30 3 �\.: "Pill I eqw w : a I I w T6 °yq,L � � t24S/2'') 70 � I i r0os \J L --------'J L ------'J � p qq^p0'h/ t2,6'12'l \ L / 0 1 `\ 103.1 900 30 Ij � U I _ _ ti ,10�� 76.0 '61)eQ.ft. 1 ,il, nu ,il, ,iu ,w. ,il, ,iu �- ,�u ` 1 193. 318.610 sq.ft �N, *243�.qtt. i� 3T 01 t2g2 W '60 I p� a titi��/ 2 C J 3 6 ° i1oQ' \ 0" 1 rt fc \� \ J �� \t -- - -eo.o- i L=6 z_ 0 eie I i o v f v '7' I n ko \ �' 437 �k.8 o II 0131 \ 1 60 / > 624 \ *Ra12 so'N' =y4,w t 1t ,.. I / / / I I 9 I \ 3160 %\ ,a. ,a. ... .a. .a. ,m. \ ; / 314,349 aq.fL I \ •01' \, OUTLOT D .50 4 -�� D-roge d unh<y Easement East hne f the --_ I O 4.z (0369a,9zo aqlnt D) J I Iw R=1200 OUTLOT F t°et5o.thea=tro-tte; — 4 \t 5 391,664 s .fl. of Sec Non 23, Town hi O q 121, Range 25 a p�° I I— — — —- t 326,606 q.ft. 10 o I 820 b2323.257 sq.ft. 10 'sti03:16 Tag h^ 4 c 69 5 4 0 00 CO�t`'11y ^l 9e 0 \ ?0 10s.o ,�\ �'�,/ 9� ��. . , 72.9 cA� .,vxZ >sZ 19, o 6 .\( L _ _ _ / Il +12 9 \1y ,a� ,il. >� >a. .,� 1 95 6 - - _ -J 6° eOs�,3sa N3>N 3w2N$0 b 5o 1 A. y 332 2s4z , h\ t\g3 I4 �DO84q7IIt 4 377 \24 30 o 3z0 0h \ / ° 3I Z �'V 1 n^ -1 5 r 14° 19, pti ink OB 17, j Wy 635^/ n I ., r ` w�5 3�0 0 b h N W� 1;0•O / J t --- js �.Sp�' �y, 0�R2� shgeofseheno 0 1 3j0 90 2�.'� /'' 106,0 32.' 3�6 ���� h 9e J t - 310 \0 0 I' 43p2 371 326 v \304 10075 1 ^ Z S� ET ( 85TH\STREET NE j 23 „7., "E ,209.5 " 370 320 370 OUTLOT I ,r �1` 1326.63 d5IH JIREE ;1E — — — — — — — — 106 0 329,856 aq.ft. ` - ,,24.71 _ — 589%0'0— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — S0 2"0 7' 0 2" W _ _ _ _ _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — N _ _ _ owrvea: South hne of the North 85406 t_ 873 f I PID213-100-243300 ARK �_--- feel c the 4,N.Toensh,p 121. LEGEND Line parollel with the South line of Section 24, p 589°04'19"W t of the Northeast Quarter of the Range 25 OO - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted 0 25 50 100 __Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 •- Denotes Found Iron Monument _ O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch t t rebar, marked with RLS 40361 (SCALE IN FEET ) I I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, i / (Carlson SURe100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: ThomasR.Balluff.L.S. �DRAWNBY: KCM Reviaiana MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 1 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 r report was prepared by me or under my �j 1. 6/21/19 - Qty Comments HAVEN RIDGE of direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: .Y�+,.. AYf/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2. 9/13/19 - Q Comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 McCain I •sugineering Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed LandSurveyorunder ty P Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT rveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 38 / www. carlson mcca i n-rh ,_i�, _i_ ,r,ov�,r, monuceiio o,"oenies�cae vaekurvey�p piar�,assyro a"9 --------------------------------------- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------- _ _ _ _ _ L J L _ Road Easement per Monticello North line th the Northeast Sea ter l ��Town Road Map Document No --of the Southeast Quarter of Section) Road load ., per Monticello 511 , rR& , '+� 390488 (to be parllally vacated) 23, Township 121, Range 25 N89°O6'39"E ,Town Road Ma Document No OJ l\Ga_ _ --- / 2622.77-- 390488 - - / ` iI - - � - � 249.9 � 644.1 802.3 1 - 11 85TH STREETI NE L-------------------------------------------------------------------- el I - i ' I � � I \Ss 3U _ _ 900 800 800 B00 800 800 80.0 -- 800 -- 9---- I I 32j] 10 10 I r I Dramoge on w l 1 1 29 I I d Utmty Easeme t1 OU TLOT G av y l W �s z I _ n --- Z ° o II I I \ \�' 382.279 aq.. w 1 I I I fI to II o II 8 I 92 3 d 4 5 6 I 1� 7y 32,800 sq.ft. 312,801 q.ft. 312.801 sq.ft3,2,60, sq.ft. 314.400 eq.k. 312,800 eq.f. 312.800 sq.f. 312.800 q.k. yaa m°gea` I 1 o1 1 2 314.692 q.k. 1 314,064 q.ft. z;7 ' W I e R � 0 fol I I I I _ 3 /� s 30 30 L - - - - - - J - - - - - - - J L------J-------J L -----J L-----� L ------J L ------J L ------J I30 ' �L 317:47 cart. 2/y \ S4'SO R` _ $ 0 10 900 800 80.0 80.0 1800 800 i 80.0 80.0 89..6 I I ]12 _J / \ ;s.i;° R675° -I I -%i 48 1 l R ELEMORE LANE NE EL s \ R R I � ,, \ 5 6 ,zbao ELEMORE LANE NE o ----_-_-- _�I .598 EMOR z\ ;B s -- 360.0 - �.e E _ _ w COURT AVE W r ---.-- ---.-- r---- I I 1501 1500 I I I 3 05.0 3D 3o 800 800 800 800 -- _-----r--------- --- r 1 r II 327.6q.ft.------- ------� 1010 3o 4 No N m. 30 ±14.881 14.881 -q_.ft.±13.936 3 _13 .1_ 6_ sq_a. 1 18 1 _ I \0 21 20 19 L 6 35 \ \� �2^ 3 OU TLOT F22 1 100 313,81 q.k. X14° IV ,000sq.ft. ,q.f. 150_0 316555 eq.ft.312.000 aq.k. 312 312.000 aq.k. N 49o 1 \ 391,664 q.f. 31&623 q.ft. 31J110101 / a _ 1 -UDlily Easement \ L -----J L ----J 'J�/ / 29 I M I 1 311,709 aq.ft. i�� Ir-----�]0-3 80.0 800 \ 800 80.0 68.7 / 313.201 aq.k. / L-----50° TI 1r , ,� r 'I 1 II ------ J 11� /' O r' - - - - - - - - - - \ - o l . l Jnr ----- ----i / I � I I 1 1 e $\� 656 ,1 \ �1 =75.0 R_ 26.1 5 o6ot <� 17 /' / ^hj _ 314.911 aq.H. II 1 �/' tip. r °p R',o Ory. \ 314,052 sq.ft. 3 ^`\ 311,709 eq.ft. 28 -i.' u. 1312.882 q.ft.-0\ 31 914 / \ J I 8 z ,q.ft. \\` ^/// 9, 3ts11752 eq.ft. / o 0 % �7 , /' /^ , 4 / ` / aye 6 �0 'lip OUTLOT H ���5 15 `\\\ ,/' `\ 27 �\ \wry , ^\ 311.709 sq.R. /� \�g]r /o.j �� / \M, a 4 / �I� 0 359,782 sq.ft \ 1 / I y �\ o 312,100 aq.k. \ ` �0°6 \ \ \ 313.034 aq.k. / \ 30 312.199 q.ft. \ \aQ°\5 \313I.41S5 q.f,L\/ *S MS 13 8r«01060 *$ or*$aM1060 s� - 311.709 q.ft. 370 37.0 320 370 370 26 z18 313.051 ft. Jo X16 - 7 13 1 223� ���N 3±12.718sq.ft. 6 1025 311,709q.ft. 313.016 q.fti B4d1, 2 I 311,995 q.k. 482 264 370 320 370 0 320 320 370 20�y\ \ \e9 •\/\�\/ , 441 I Ilk / 6 a / \ ° \ / / s 103 EILDON DRIVE NE i So 2A \ \ /�, h0/\ \�oF o\\ \ /�O. ^^/ �\ �ti R _•5 457.6 _---_---_ 312,234 sq.rt.of \ . �// / / \\``\ y\ / I _ _ _ _-_-_- i 311{749 eq.k. \\^O < 11 ` 80 "Q T Zg2 \ \ ,moo\ 312,960 sq.ft. c` / 3g.0 371 326 23 \ \\ %, / 65 ` \ / / `\ °m .� / 321 1,4356 0 37.0 320 370 oV 370 320 320 137.0 1 0 370 320 32.0 370 1 r / \ \ 312,217 sq.ft. \ \ /' ti/�\ \\ \\ \�\ / / /. `\ o �,° / /� z r _ x - t r x x z x z R / \ o i \ \ 8 \ \ / e�' ti / \ \ `\ o`°cam /' I ^ R $ g $ o $ S a $ ¢, H o a 2 3 \ \s \ s 5a / \ \ \ / 0 / \ s \ r _ 4 1n x % 3,2.,79 ft ^ ° a1" 2'� 3� 1 p2� 3� m10 2� 3� 4� 1� 2�:z � 1 _G ° 14 14 22�, ,� j;5 \ \ so \� /' </' `` S\ �`�, �1 g20 `2122 23 O� \ O 312.070 fl. \ \ - \ \d' \ / / Y \f'?'o ` \ //"A 9�' \ / \ \ 370 320 370 370 320 370 37.0 320 320 370 370 32.0 320 370 370 320 370 \ \t m \ \ , /,- \ 9 \ \ / O 1 _ -�• - 1060 s (<` \ \i \ \ \ _ - - 138.0 \ O \ 09 0 312,679 aq.R Sp - 1060 106 0 138 0 \\ O \ , lwryi\ `\ \ 312,081 aq.k. I 1 8678 \ \ �. / i \ \ ��' \ ,>: 5.5 57.5 V 52.3 21 \ /ti / \ \\ \ \ ` , s\y 9 / - 873.09-' Line parallel with me S-th line N \ 3121116 sq.it / O 1^ / / \ ? oeo / 1 • 589°04'19"W of the Northeast Quarter of the \ \ \ O \, , \ \ \ / \ e / meq)^ Southeast Quarter of Section \ \J \ 312,105 sq.ft. \ \ / ' \ \ \ of ^ O ),IONAe R t KAnNtwl L CO S 23. Township 121, Range 25 30 \ so / // 2 0\ / �y to�� WD:2,3 ,00 atnoa LEGEND / \ \ M ISI 1a1 O - Denotes Wright Count Monument, as noted L=� \\ 312,679 sq. `� OMD 9 Y 0 25 50 100 20 `\ `\ , y5 6 // \ \ 11 \ \ /2 \\ \\s /, , + O - Denotes 5 hot 8 no bd Ir y 312,150 aq.ft. \\ \�/ 6F'/ \\ \\9 311,990 sq.ft. \\ \\ /��R3 / \ \d' / a �� 1 Y SCALE IN FEET rebar, marked with RLS 40361 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, i ^ / (Carlson Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R. Balluk, L.S. DRAWN BY: KCM -,,I, e: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 1`t •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 r report was prepared by me or under my �y> �-// 1. 6/21/19 - City Comments HAVEN RIDGE of eired supervlslon and that I am a duly Signature: N� w 6'i�/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 z, 9/13/19 - CI comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 McCain I •I -eying Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed LandS-eyorunder City P Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT rveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 38 / w- arlsonmccaln.com .-1.,-i_ ,r,ov�,r, monucenn oAoenieslcae vaekurveylp piarl�assyro ew9 - - - - - - - - - - - ------ ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------------- 9 North hne f the West Holf of the Road Easement per Monnt No a aIc Roatl Easement per Monticello rpe Southeast Quarter of Section 23. 'R Town Road Map Document No SSlfl SIRES, INE ---_ 'R -Town Road M° Document IIS Ff S REE rG Township 121, Range 25 N8t922.77- 390488 - P I I 1 I� 2622.77--� , ' No 390488 ' - - I ' � I 1 + 02 3 IK I 791.8 85TH STREET NE iTH STREET NE --+ -�- ----L-------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----- j el - I m e I - 966 750 750 750 f 750 900 900 800 80.0 800 800 800 800 800 916 -- 750 30 1619 : r-------1 r------1 r -------j r------1 ------1 r-----�I r------, r------1 r------ 1 -o- 30 1T 33 I 60 56.0 _ r� -----� r------- ----� r---- r------,1 W I 29 110101 I i t 1 W '� Drainage '� r ----- 1 10 tot z o v Z o W Z antl uhhtl- ' I W ' Easement 28 W ai' I I =_ W �o of I t o ll y� L E s 1 \ W o f d l of of o l a s �I I 8 9 2 I arN_ I I \\2 14 w 15 16 �I 1 7 18 19 20 d l 1 �I 2 �I I 3 4 �I I 5 1- % 6 7 314.495 aq.ft. 1^ 1 W as ° 11 112,000 ft. I^ 114,400 R. 1 f Z 114,400 aq.k. - 1,2.800 aq.ft. `I *12,800 aq.k. I *12,800 eq.rt• - 312,800 aq.ft. I/ *12,801 aq.ft. I^ 112,801 sq.k. fl 312,801 sq.ft. 1 119,565 eq.ft. I 113,355 aq.ft. 112,000 aq.n1 112.000 aq.ft. 1^ 112,00° aq.ft. I r »4 'w• I II C/I0 1 \\ \\ W I W I �' Z / 10 101 q 1 0 1 3 \\ 110 101 - '° '° 124,768 aq.ft. \\ I L ----J L-----� L-----� L -----J L -----J L ------J 30 30 L ------J L------� L------� L------� L -----J L-----'-� L------� L------� L---96 w, 90 0 80 0 80 0 80 0 80.0 800 i 80.0 800 89 6 1I W i Q zt.3 ae7 so so so so 900 ELEMORE LANE NE ----- -- -_-----_-_-- \ \ R R ELEMORE LANE NE ELEMORE LANE NE 120 360.0 439.3 -_-_-_-_-__ n n n \ -_-_-__---_ __ rg ta o Q ---- I � E � � 150 1 150.0 I 32 2V \\� . --- ----- �� v 1 12 ����'' jp9tia 52.5 900 800 80.0 80.0 800 900 800 800 800 1050 30 ------------ I r-------- 3r3 30 I m oo -----1 ----- n1oF------- - - - - - - ------1 F ------i ------ --- ------------ r I 1 1 I r � � i i �10 10� I I I I a/ 1 11500e sgft1, 30 113936 q ^ 1 13vo� I �o /h I I I I I I 1 a.k. Isov1 Iw9 I I I I I I I aq.ft. I 1 1� I NI N�,_ 1 21 19 I L -__--1a9-'-__-38 23 1 L_ - I p i i- 22 i� i� 20 01 N w - ------------ 27 26 ° 25 24 a„ aq.n. _ _ ° h o o p 112,000 ft. tO 112,000 a .n. �1 112,000 aq.n. I - Z ° aN------------ i i 1n,2$.ft• h 1,2.000 �I h 1,2.000 aq.fl. M 1,2,000 aq.ft. I h 1,2.000 sq.fl. I'_" 112,000 aq.n. 1 1� >w• I"_' q ,3 _ _---___- ---_ 32ati � I:\ 30 3o I aq.n. 1 1 ttz,000sq.n I I 11 I 11 I / ,��! 14 -tel'' ilr - 1; 1 Y �I 11 1 31 110101 1 • 10101 I I `\ ^ 1 111,120 .q.n. I M I I 33 I 80 �ti 1^ 1------J L - - - ---- -- - - -� L------� L------ L------� L -----J I I 111.7 Drainage _ ge and _ 29 2 n�11 r, Ulihty Easement \ 1113,201 sq.ft. L- 687 1� ' and Drama L -----J L----- W l 09 sq.k. q _ 1 -- Utility Easement �` 800 800 ^T. / / Lo -_----__-J _ 80.0 800 800 \ 80.0 800 80.0 _---------- r _ 146.3 o L ----------J L -----JL I r ✓ W/ 50.0 on I o 1267 eoo 'y r- f-82 7 X11- �� 1 i---------- I - -- or J �/ ° v o1 ilo o i o r---------- 0 1 7 / ^/ a t % '� / ^y/ ���- ZN n 10 ^ Pj aryh �\ 114.052 sq. k. /' I �Y \�J 3 i + I 1n.11a eq.n. I 29 a \� 0101 / \\ \\ s /o -.tt c- 1,, ' <\ 111.709 aq.n. r,_, I e I � ° \ ry 28 M I 1 113,842 aq.ft. --v•\ / \ \s, /�' > .. / \ / I I L ----_148_2__--_J 1 I d < \\ \ / i�9 `\\`o i°tt 1412.882 eq.fl. � /��\ �700 I w r------------� I a eo \\\ 16 \\\ \ '/ / '�\\ \\ ----- 150_0_--'� ,�g°------ L i I I I 1t2,a W r----------� 17 \ \, tasq.ft. \ 1,,.89 a n. i �� OUTLOT K a°a %--- \\ ` ,� /' /' ! < 4 > <1 I Z sq.ft. 1403,385 a .fL s 0 I ; 01 30 q „� °9, '\\ 15 \\ \\ �\ 27\\ 1,,.709 aq.ft. S 1 m �ti, \ \ \ a \ LS L - _ _ - - 148L2 - - \ 112.100 aq.fl. \ / a \ 113,034 eq.n ^ / 0 0 I4J I - - - J W 112.000 aq.ft. oo \ \e \ \30 I UJ z I L -----150-0__-J 14 �;, 9 I47 ry /' \1 �--�j 1tz,,99 aq.n \ \ %�6� /' / \ \ ( \ J 11'3,415 aq.ft. m 1 1 1 /(� \ ifiryry / /n \ \ \ /0 / \\ \\ 9 \ , I I 8 o a I 3z / \ S\ %:°g \ \ \ 111,709 s .ft. 111.856 aq.ft. i W \ �' \ \\ o \, / `S ao "/ \ \ 173,057 aq.n. \ \ \ / h� / \ \ \ '\so s a o 1 31 \\ tee! \\ \\ A CJ I L_ --_-1482_--__J 112,000 aq.ft. , \ \ ttz,7te aq.n \\ \�o °' \\\\�4� ^^/ \\ Imo\ a r--- ------ / L-----iso_o-- 1 \\ \\ / /\° \ 6 10 I 1 / \ / 9y y0'/ \ aq' 113,016 aq.R1 1 _J / \ \ 1 \ \ 25 / \ 11,,709 fL \ SV 4 L 1 r----_------ 111.995 aq.fl. 1 1 7 1 I , �, ,,,�-� �\ 12 \\ \\ / e �� 311.854 aq.ft. *1 Z578 y ��'\\ \ \ �a \ \',' ro I I 1 o E� / \\ \�s \ v ao / \ \\ 24 L_--- 1482- --J 11,23?aq.fl. ary ff / > / \\ 7 0 0 i </ \ \5112.234 aQ.ft. 1111I749 eq.n; f 1 15 32 \ /�/ \ \ \ `/c,\ :02,960 112,960 aq.ft. I L - - _ _ - -� _ - - J \ / ry / \ I r---------- -1 \ / \ \ 1,z.57asq.n. \ \� / \ \ 2 1 6 1,2.211 aq.ft. 111,852 a .n. av `o E 112,179 n. \ o / I 1 q sq.ft. � // \ � ° 33 I fio 1 33 L-__--1481 *12,000 aq.ft. o- 10 \\\\ /' \Y- Go1,2,o7oaq.n / \\� /> L-----7500 \ ,'\\ \ 112.718 aq.ft. ' /' \ s�\oso \ �� // \\ \ \\ \ ,'a ' /` o0\\ 112.679 art. \ \e'° 172.081 ean. \ \ e" / / _ LEGEND �^ %8 1---__-----_ �•'• �°j' ,/ \\ �\ \ �r\\ / ��ry/ \\ G o; • -Denotes Found Iron Monument IE= oI`J o 21 \r 1 31 1,z11a aq.ft. / o ry Y / \ ry '` / \ 's{\y o O - Denotes 5 8 inch b 14 inch 111,850 fl. m \ `° \ \ ° 9 9 / \ 10 \\\"s� reber, marked with RLS 40361 I oo D•ge and 34/' / \\ \ ' \\ ° 30 2 \ \ f Lo 112,000 aq.ft. w ^ 112,718 s R. \ \ ° i a \ 0 I c v o Dra nage and 32 tim ti \ \ / \ \ / \ \ 11 \ \ i \. �" \ \ 112,879 e n \ O I EsO- - L -_1r, �UtilNy Easement ° /'\\ \, // <\ \ \\ ,/ ,// \ \ \ \ 0/ / \ \\ q \ _ -- o N I o r I - 150.0---J h °e / \\ °� /m tV / 20 v 1 I o m"°/ \\ \\ /^^\\ 112,,50 w.n \\ \\9 111,990 aq.ft. 3 $ I 4 m---/' �� �/ /i ^\ \\ 3zs 50 100 aN tn,a4e n. 1 o 1 / 8 \\ v e / \ / \ \ / > �,� \ \ 112,679 aq.11. w I / - 4/ \5 / \ / \ \ I 35 12 L� I 0 112,583 aq.n / / °\ \ \\ \\ /°1 / ' \ 0 SCALE IN FEET L1481 -__--J m1 11,.600 sq.ft. A 1,2.853 eq.ft. A A ) 3890 Pheasair. Ridge Drive NE, 15 / Car�son surteloo hereby reporteasprethat redbyplan, meorti6catmn RrmtName: TnamaaR.6auan.Ls. DRAWN BY: KCM 16121/1 MONTICELLO PROPERTIES •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my �/ 1. 6/21/19 -Qty Comments HAVEN RIDGE of direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2. 9/13/19 - Ci comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 McCain I •su9i-ingg Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed LandSurveyorunder ty P Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT rveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 License #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 38 / www.carlsonmccaln.com t,,�„i_ ,r,ov�,r, monuceiio oAoenies�cae vaekurveylp piar��assyro ew9 a i--------�o vc d DUrtoAi \ 9 it.\ �• OM1(1 ro tnyagEeasaenm_ ent JI 32L \a, �MM III wcwou ,I I o__1i 1500 o I \ \ 111,990 sq.ft. agO / 000 h 12.10 sq.20 fL /\879 x� I vM m I I --'I \\ \ / gym., \ ,y� <\ \ \ > •'\. / �� 3 \ \ I 111.648 q.ft. on I I , \ v ��j , v / \ \ / / \ \ ,, F°°e :,2,679 eq.fL \ \ OO°;'1 , t� :12.583 sq.ft. / !yam / \\\ \ / \ \ 12 1461 I --- :1,.800 fl. °" \ / �° 112.853 .� j �. r------------ I I / \\ X52 w :12.205 sq.H. I -- 1400 % \\\\ 4 \ / 16_// \ 12.879 i ' I :11,846 q.ft. I o o 1.4 :\,2,9,6 q.ft.7 J W L— 1481 36 °J 1130 q.n. 18 :,2.,32 q.f. — --- — — — —_ :111 .200 q.ft. :12.193 q.ft. \ ' O r------------ , Z I _Q_-- > ) �a1 o 0 ----00 6 a1 10 1 II81 --------- 14 :12. 603 q.f. CM II II ON .1 1o I2- :12,880 q.fLW / / J,°$ d , ] :11,644 q.H. w \ } 25 37 7 , ooa IIWZ L___--1480----- :11,200 aq.n. 6 o� \\ :12.738 r ___________ W I l 22 :12.706 q.fl. 1 7 033 JI :20.314 sq.ft. 1 15 INwn Iz r---------- 138 --- 1 ° :12.849 aq.R / \ / -I �I� L_— ocyicC// O \\\4 I 17 °a tysmrvo o :13.323 sq.ft. o \ \ >N :12487 _ _ �_o`wrv WC11 i o 338 q.R ii L—J 30 *. ,1,842 sq.l $ 31 5 w- 7480 eq.fl. \\ ELEMORE WAY NE i _ -- °/ \ \Q\o\ \\\ \ 4.804 \\. 2380 - ,—-------- --1 q.f\L 9 \ 1II Ir / / 2.5 :12,458 q.ft. \\\3\1 I+V M 1480 1480 :10.932 sq.ft. 1 o 4 " o�,/ , sj !' 729 / \ / J /Op v ________ I ml I / /> �- JO \ _ ___—__—_____—__—_____—____ jI ^ ^ _30 1_30 L__ _1511 -- :,3.988 sq. n. / / — _�_____—___-� __��9 _ ____ _ ____ \ __ - -�-o __ `— —___ / \\ W s, _ _ _ — _ _ _______—__ X13 6 198.1 S� \ , / / EHL 27 LANE �UTLOT J = qe.r /'0 /0 _ 3611.180� m I>r16.-4 I %e 3 6lne ---------- —9 6 _--- os and 19per Doc. No 732312 L__-477 :4,359 q.f_900— r—__ 3308,432 sq _ 8 i I—___--_� :11.327 q.ft.\\ i s9 o 2 h so / \ I1 rzQ LJ 15� S?s\\\ �� 312.772 sq.fL —�-- W cI I 26 :11,936 q.ft. 0/ 30 :13.853 aq.ft. 13.19 q.ft.h I� U po L— -- 1471__ 1 m l I 6j9 I L_ 1 1 1 ip e I I a . I :12.434 sq.H° I � \ "rC lop 5 l \ Iro 1534 W _ /58.4 �_ 0 —_— I 57' iJ 1534 Ja2z I Nr I I 25 W I ____—tsoQ__ -----------7 \ o 'O '� :11.919 aq.ft. I ib IN I I _ _ — _ I I / a \ W R I W m1 I c l/J 1600 \ \ O&0 Iw: r--- --�3 :12,467 aq•ft. I 1 I w11 :16.903 aq.H. �7 24 ° 2566 j :11,674 q.ft. :18.484 0 32 j' 14 156aq.n. `----- it / I I I Util�tY EOsemd nt L ' o _ 221 y \\ ice' �' / \ ` �r \\ *16,388 aq.R / 1000 _ I _ _ I I 23 / o 1523 —o J v �i \\ .P �'C \\ °/ / \\�� \ Uhht,nage and 10.0 1000 1125 ~o I I 1 312.254 aq.fL Iro I _ d`Or° --_ o / / \ \\, P\\ / / r'--_____ Y Easement '\ - =un I I Ut1w, 1.1_ �A �\ \ \ 9A v2 \ // I I _Drano , Utility Easement _- 1 I I L _ I ----J I 5 �� OU TLOT K // 'O \ o, 4 \✓ // I N \ // of I ° *,8.7,4 sq.ft. �I \'�� 11 r'--___ —_,�---------, '6 13' I _ *12,249 aq.ft. , o .oP \ / \ , / *16,0,3 sq.ft. I 4 oq 1 11 °•moo Ivo L 3403,385 sq.ft. \\ *,5.000 aq.rt. "1 1 SI of I V¢� I 1 _—__ 22 I 1500 ' --_J �ooc ///\ 9 I I l9 \\' 1 1 315,000 G aq.n. �I I CJ 7 I I I r_—_--- 5%' / I *,5.o00aq.ft. hl 1 313.031 aq.ft. ro $ ---- / ' \\ \ ,30.2 MI I *17,504 aq.ft. L--7s7L I� j �v L --------J1 1 j I I N I I I I -------- I :12.245sq.fl. \ 23 / / \\ �, DDD; --J L—___ *18.714 aq.ft. / /---_J 100.0 L-- I 17 L--_-_--15 N __ J 11N3.6E 21 ------ 3\\2 zs_., ±12.767 934 ---E—I LE LANE S a, _24.6 ' 227 22.1L534 1607 - -_ I -----, ro *12.246 P 319.303 aq.n. ro nl 1 45 q.H. T _ LEGEND 30 1781 — 2 l v L _ _ _ — — , 50 0— — i' — ' 0 2� 100 -Denotes Found Iron Monument os / I I \ 21 t0 v' I \ �{ — — — ----_ I 17 1 312.465 ---z ` =T104--------,f/r `: \I O renotes 5/8 LJ chhby 14 inch00/ , �/ / 40361 2 n`------\\ 2Q D I aq.fL ___ __ SCALE IN FEET) 6 319.772 sq.f. / *18.635 sq.ft. ^ // / • environmental "690 Pheasant Rld9e Drive NE, $UIte300 Blaine, MN 55449 harabycertifythatthisplan,specification Print r report was prepared by me or under my direct Name: Th—,R.B,11,ff,L.S. �y> �-// DRAWN BY: KCM Re" an,: 1. 6/21/19 - Clty Comments MONTICELLO PROPERTIES HAVEN RIDGE i / 1 T)Car1sqn I Phone: (763)489-7900 supervision and that I am a duly Signature: Surveyor N� w 6i�/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 z, 9/13/19 - Q comments ty 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 P PRELIMINARY PLAT of •su9ineering rveying McCain / t,i�„i_ ,r,ov�,r, monuceiio oAoenieslcae vaekurveylp Fax: (763) 489-7959 www.carlsonmccaln.com piarl�assyro ew9 Licensed Land under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 Monticello, Minnesota / 38 - ----- -- - i I I ' I I - - AJ IL--157.1 — — —_ — JI rc 6 !'-J 24ssq.ft. \ 23 \ 318,714 sq.ft. / / \97] 17 I I i I oE°�4v1N17a°_PoN'Nnv�s L------ -15-Z_2 — i —I I --- —2-1 5_. 93,4 - -----24.6 24.6 --n-_\� t 113.8 — 1-7 — Iaaoz EISELE LANE NE 21 32 312.787 sQ.ft. I 2 L—JI 0 22 r-- —160.7 25.' 7 119,303 q.n 45I t 312,245 q. 0- n8-_---____-,I1ij r� IL 0 I20 30 21 *12,46 20 -4104 -- — — — 319,772 sq.ft. *18,635 q.ft.aq•t• -w I I I 45 7 L --1536—J W J / ry \ \ Cf -F-- - - - - - $ y \ \ / h I / *20,841 sq.ft. ". 312,110 aq.R. i'' (� I n \ \ / 19 Ct' L-----�2-3---J I} 1 1 *12,541 aq.11. W ----------- Jso19 m w I a \ \\ 318.884 sq.n o / o W C q(� a L4-,, - ________ _________ _ ^ � 2799 842 \9,,. / 2 \, in 1 L 154.] _---- lJ. } 1 ----- 1 as n\' 0\ / C/` Ifo 30 30 \\ ' ry ~ J\ I o I --- l 1 *13.002 aq.H. 1 94.2-__Droina9e and /\\ \\\\\ 9 i �\ *20,700 sq.ft. j I .F4 1 1 1 1 "- utmty Easement I I �1 ,J a C J Y \ / \ 9l~ I I 18 11 1 ,5p0 �� , 192^ 1005 _____---� \\ \\ *15,I9�eaq.H. \ \ �/ I / \\\\ I \ ° / \ I ° I 315.000sq.k. \ 66.2 _OromEoem°^1 - -,1 1 /�° \°o \\ \\ \ 'k i' � \\\\ /i 66 44 Drp, 918 ag6 Utpr11 -- - 1 \ \ \ 1 7 e - \\ J C 10 /dip o �taityEose.°ne°f - .11 11 16 a\\\ \\ *17,023 aq.ft. *12.874 sq .ft. / ^ \ *16,332 aq.H. \ \ ry0 ti� \ \ \ \ W ��\ \\ 15 ,Sr' 32 rnl 1 15 01 1 \ \ \ 0,�0\ /� ,o' �P� / `b // \ \I 3 °` F C� �-- n 1 *,6,417 sq.ft. 1 1 \ \ \,A \. �, s� / \ I\ *n.7,o cart. 1 1 1 1 \ \ S� �4t ,g°• 6 \ \ > w % I j o 14 `1 * H 17,D88 aq.. \ Y^ ro I I 17 \ \\ 1 V YY 1\IY f1 1 ill \ 1 -t-� ` 1 1 *18,208 eq.n \ / / 316,601 aq.ft. nl 1 2 1 _ J — _ 08 8 / \ \ o\ / ti W \ I I \ °JO/' I 3,6,168aq.H. ml 13 301 96 \ \\ 4 w \ 9 I *17,159 ft. 1 1 I I \ e?s < ^I I °q - 1 J - -,00 1 c,ya.e "/ i \ \ 317.328aq.k. \ \ / �n \ / I \19e1_4.1 y�, I 1 oo\ \ I pa 1 } 3 I L-- < a �" R.7F>DO \ \ 0\ \ ^aeEasme� fob, I I a l_ /// 019`1 orn 1 16 264 --_- 9 / !CU 1731 694 , \\ \ 5 1 *19,523 J L aq.ft. / O6 / \ 315,477 aq.ft. I / / \ 1050 \ \ — —I— I // // n ELEMORE LANE NE I 1 27 a/ // ,3�.0 �f 6 O\\\\ 27 \\� as.z 12.7 "� you \\ 11 11 II \ 1\ aq. /�� ro Ra225.0 1b •••, i \ 1 \ 318.885 H.-�-- I' /--- _ ssa 1 AV A 1 11 {] J 1 7 15 , --_-- 416 a94 1115 ,5 1 �1 1 8 0l 1 315.403 eq.fl. *17,257 q.H. // / I --i f--_x_479r__�� 1 1 \ \\ f1 0 1 *14.285 sq.ft. "I 1 1 \\ �> Enz° I v q I 11 I I 1 1 11 1171 10 *14,451 aq.k. ` of I I I \ 14 - gl 315.290 aq.ft. I c oN �\ *17,905 sq.n 1 9a /1�-------J L 6 I ,E-. 13 1 \ �I I 13 301 uealy 1 I P I _I II a1 \ *15oI f I II 12 11 1 1 ) 89.0 414 64.4 *16. q. . 316,926 sq.rt. 13oa,257 q.H. =1 4soo 93 �.= c o I I `•,y 1336 \ ,3 � I I I I I I 1 1 �� IJ r. .w. � r. .w. �.. c I I 1 626 — — _ _ —J i'Dra,nage andno I I - 954 =�i Unlit=Eos_ ent I 1 / / ` c t 2]85 ° I 1 %' �va 1 I / 720, I I ' I 1 � ---- _ ,w.— r1 66 1 1 I I Y I South line of the Southeast y/ ,7 I I 1 OUTLOT L M`0 1 1 ' a a South line of the Wesl Half a a L a a a a *1,126,2L44 q tr J 0 21 R 26,144 a .H Northwest corner of the 1 of the Southeast Quarter of i/ I ' _}Northwest Quarter of the I Section 23, Township 121,---- -- ------ 1 Northeast Quarter of Section Range 25 — -- __-______------- 1� OuwnsP Sectidnge25 sr . r � I 126, Township 121, Range 25 ___—__—_______--___—_____— --j>— I L__— 'f yARI 5 33 I N / I � I t % LEGEND �\ I O - Dmotes Wright County Monument, as noted / °' I w / • - Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 25 50 10o I 2 3 I Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch / rebor, marked with RLS 40361 SCALE IN FEET) 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, i / (Carlson SURe100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,LS. DRAWN BY: KCM Reviaiana MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 1 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 r report was prepared by me or under my1. 6/21/19 - Qty comments HAVEN RIDGE of direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: .Y�+,.. Aaf/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2, 9/13/19 - Q comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 McCain I •su_.,inn9 Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed LandSurveyorunder city P Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT rveying Fax: (763) 489-79.c the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 38 / www.carsonmccan.<om t,i„i_ ,r,ov�,r, monucedo PAPenies\cae vadkurvey\tl PIar,716y dw9 I I--------------- ♦� t .t'' ' F rno• I ♦ I / 86 I F E n rc I ` OUTLOT L I 7 My to I I i; / oto te,inof the south. st - _ 1� aN I Northwest corner of the 1 '�` 'o` 'L` South hne of the West Half 'L` "t` 'L` 'L` "t` 26.144 s .fl 11 V 'L` '�` *1.126.144 / u cion To 1 e e 5 `� -- }Northwest Quarter of the 1 of the Southeast Quarter of ' 1 1 wns�ip ang 1 JI -- -- Northeast Quorter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I / Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 —_--__—_____--_-----_ __—__—__—__—__—_-- ---- I I _—__ --_—__—__—__—/C I tt I I I y Rrs-� .53 1 I I Yv l a y l Nz w u w u r w SIJ i o IM's Ips I T n IA/ hl 1 v V I v 5 11 r1 / 1 F� 4 /� 4 z �.. ^aoo I I I ^ I n CS lest line of the Northwest aln r 1 I of the Northeast a y y y y y a y as 3- Qj SON 1 1 loaner uarter of Section 26, wn ship 121, Range 25 I J OM e� I z I I I S 44 W owrvFR: I I V —r to=a-N Iusf 1 1 I 3 I I ro � 1 I 1 tV b I West line of the North half of I the Northeast Quarter of the N I I I I Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 33 I I L I / South line of the North Half of Quarter rt I NortheasleQuarat r era, Sectwnh 26, To—ship 121, Range 25 — I n136.56 I 589°01 35'W idpant on the West Ilne of the Northwest Quarter of the u I 33 I r Northeast Quarter of Section C i 26, Township 121, Range 25 \ East Ilne of the Northwest Quarter_, I I I ♦ of the Northeast Quarter of Section I I I ♦ 1\/ L) A h I /1 r— _r 26, Township 121, Range 25 I I I I (J' I I I I I I I I N I I I I I I i I I I i I � LEGEND I \ Saatheaat aarner of the Narthweat �_ —Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted of---,, 3ectton ar 26,tTownsnIF 121, Range 25I ' I I C i \ • — Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 25 50 100 i I 33 I i O — Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch I I rebar, marked with RLS 40361 (SCALE IN FEET) I I I (Carlson • environmental 3890 Pheasant Rld9e Drive S"aI00 Blaine, MN 55449 NE, hereby certify that this plan,specibcation r report was prepared by me or under my or Prin[Name:ThomasR.Balluff,LS. �y> �-// DRAWNBY: KCM Revisions: 1. 6/21/19 - CIty Comments MONTICELLOPROPER TIES HAVEN RIDGE i / 1 I Phone: supervision and that I am a duly Signature: Arm w 6i�/ ISSOE DATE: 4/5/19 2. 9/13/19 - Q Comments ty 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 P PRELIMINARY PLAT of McCain •stun -.ring rveying 3)48989-7900 Fax: (763) 489-7959 www.carsonmccan.<om Licensed LandSurveyorunder the laws of the State of Minnesota Date. 4/5/19 Dcense #. 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 Monticello, Minnesota / 38 / t -i„-i_ ,r,ov�,r, m-1,eil.-Penies11-11'o—I�p piar 116,, ewg I\I II i� •; y i I 1'1l f 85TH STREET EALIGNMEN OF l/ \'•\ (BY OTHERS) TI} ` If CONNECT TO EXISTING WM WITH 8" WET TAP W/ G.V. & BOX'IIA i i 2 i>r� CORE DRILLI & CONNECT TO EXISTING I �I SAN SWR. -L� - 3 MH REFORM-. FARM ` 'I� \ i INVERT. i b \ EX RE= 9591 INV 93 REMOVE REMOVE & REPLACE., �a INV 93520-E STORM SEWER, PAVENT 'M,,� EX.INV 935.05-S & CURB AS NEEDED TO I �\ / 5 •'\ \ ° R ` INSTALL WATERMAIN ANO `\ I T pet: katy '\„ SANITARY SEWER 16"x8" CROSS JM!I 6 � (PLUG 16" N & S) ygpgt, pttte °:.> INV' 93843 %&2iG-gnu =6 \\`\ INV 938 5 OUTLET 1' 3'\ \ - `\ \\~\ \ SAWCUT, MILL &MATCH IN \ \ `\ ((77 EX BITUMINOUS EXISTING POND y i \ -. ,.p[yr \� / 2 /� ' ` \ �\♦ �`t"tt9�•'+x.J 4' BITUMINOUS -W°•o° - SHOULDER \� \ ' S i i I � Y I ••°°•°••4at \ \ `\ ::�,\ 3 i I LOUTLET CONTROLOIET4 w I STRUCTURE \`\ \. \,\ 8'4 I \ j OUTLOT C _v.�v. v`vv� \� m� S \ irNiv eaoo� POND \ v \ / \ \, I h �`32 \\ \ i Ti \� iiia✓- i ii' 2 3 4 5V'v v A,vx„ 2�7 ��` Ax. 1 `\ EE RIGHT , . I POND \ ",�__�_____—_--__—__—__--_—__—__—____. o = 1 6 '' WETLAND mom`\. 60'^\c\ ��r- r ---- _— -----e ------ - `�F,3 CONNECT T �' I V 95280 96165 \ • .. _ EXISTING i � 0'li.-. --r i- ao' Fl•_t:-}�crencK i_.1 _ r NV 951 30 -VL `O' ' 1�` 34' � `� � \ \ \ �' j 14 8]T$ -- - -a7TIi �TRL�I`NE ----- ' B B \ - \ 16"x12" CROSS --- ,',-----, 20 (PLUG 16' 21 MOVE-&i{,IWCAC�-r-I-�-ory VEMENT p°.iNEEDED -\) j �,\ ,`\:-,�:';. 11 n. INV 95070- (/ \ �I \ INSTALL tirATERMAIN \1 I r `�`{\"t(}ts"+mom^' \,\ ^`� . 1966.05 \ I e? I ! ---� NW 41 SAWCUT. MILL I ,!, it i `� �'' I V. 94 1 N\ va ,' n\ . ' , '\ \ t/0' / V 41 ]3-S \ V & MATCH ILL 1 2 3 4 5 j \\ 9 I' V. 944.32= � •moi „\ \~\ Q \ \\` 11 BITUMINOUS ' o , \ \ � i � \\ 1 �L----J _ 6' \' _ �1'` _�_� �I i 1 j \I•.\ .� \ °tea'"^'•\,R `\ \�•" '\ r r 4' BITUMINOUS SHOULDER I r ' \ �\ -q FI H \M\r• ••••`\ .� .\ \� \N� \ \ 4 \ \-ING-sa 2-s\ \\. I u' I P\ \\ "s '�\ \ \ , \�`\ 7�13 8 yr 2 i �'v vvv pmtvv v v \v :T<pT M I A .� RE= 968.05 -- — 1 wv. 94z.52 -N 3 •+e'!� \ �\ wv. 942.62-S �� I�� / 12 �- 16 \ I' RE 964.30� OUTLOT i5 I I \ \. \\` INV 94612-N I \ •\ _ 9 '1 R `'<' �\ \ OUTLOT B \ 1 I / \ 3 0, \ t INV 946 22_ 5_� ISEE SHEET 20 I - - I,y\INV 94892 -SE\' 14 15 alp` _ 6 li 5 r � j \ a! \ SEE LEFT TEMPORARY SIT I INV 94902-ytil CONNECTION i I I 10 �iSTREET .dj__ ___ i r` -- -- flE. _ RE= 96488 `-_____-__ __— ___'__—__—_ —__— ___ •� `�`.\ .\. — - / ./ •�� / _— I . �e \ I INV. 946.78-N I �'�-4=--_ —__ �.. r (T / — ` -�.-- / Ce R W r 60' \ \ I I 13 INV ,94772-E \�\ I IN,V'r94]82-W i I � 34 � II 15 I 16 8 1 \ i WERAND � 1\ 1 / / RE= 963.93 x•\\ s". p � \ � \r\T� ` \\ WETLAND #s \ ( / INV. 951.40-N INV 951 50 -SE r � WETLAND #5 \I 4 \ RE 1.22 \ \ ] N t 51 90-N Wi / R mA \INV. ]-SW . 948.1 \ \ L__--� 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: (Carlson suitelo0 herebY`ert'Nma°this plan,speanw°" Print Name: BNanlsoFlak,P.E. Drawn: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES nvmonmentdl report Was prepared by me or under my 1.9/13/19 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY SITE & 19 Blaine, MN 55449 airea an d mat t am a dal sl t /G� - Dell d: UK 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 of :engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 Pervlsionan y 9naure' 9ne Monticello, Minnesota UTILITY PLAN McCain .-e,Ing Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under WW.carisonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 3$ �eeW � w?1 ¢'q _ CORE DRILL AND CONNECT TO EXISTING REMOVE & REPLACE w1 SAN SWR MH. REFORM INVERT. PAVEMENT AS NEEDED TO INSTALL WATERMAIN NA+� EX RE= 9638 REMOVE EX SAWCUT, MILL & MATCH 8" PLUG AND SANITARY SEWER w INV. 948IINV948 02 -S TREET + EX. BITUMINOUS 4' BITUMINOUS INV. 954.48 _ - SHOULDER 8' PLUG X671---=-..-_----$ - - - •'-"`-_-`-`-`-`-` -_�� _� __ -_-___________ •,_-_�....'..-.(IIx .._.°. .-..-.-..-.-..-..-._.»r..-.-.-.-..-..-..-..-_ ________________ -..�7 •-` r°j.�: I i _ 85TH STREET NE _ _ ___ ___ _ _____________ a __ ____- ___ _____-__.______ ____. FF4 _ __-____________ ____ _______ - - - r---- OUTLET CONTROL l8 \ 601 _ ______ _____- m OT (i STRUCTURE I ----, �- ---- ---- ----- ----- ter! \ r_____ �Ir R/W171 rl _____ i i i I �II� 1 ��. �\ _ , r i r � i ri i F 201 1I 5 6 8 �I OUTL 5 3 p- I�l 1 2 3 4 1 r � 7j 1 6 7 9, +I 14 i17 , 18 19 B_B I 2 e q (� / 1 III 2J RE 1k_ �9�182 oIW kl �. ] 7 POND Bim& { 8 j R 41 IN 95131-E I; V 4977 N ri i1 F of �,I INVi 52.98 INVI 5141-5,.11' III SIG N� 4987-S,W i y\ R IN t 1 s1 as_W�\'1 Ili +§ I a o. j� INVIt 5195-E 1i j I f _- J rx __ __ _.-L_. ._-J-i._.-_._.1 i._._. a.(- '}I -N V.I 13 , \\ ``�`N �1 _._._ - .-j'j-_.-- 1-_FFaNii9leACX uNE_1 �___�TVP. ____11-_._.--J1L- x j 'L_- _- 1_____� E______J r I I F'1'417REI \ i\ R I t EPS ----J --- -- -----J - �.. . _ _« aA xNE _ �`✓ ; of t 9 — —� ---1 ��-- lNv957�0 it/iv =T �,Aua_'�II1wl M mw_�--�-.hof'—I -—1at<P— ..\ q, �'-„'�'�, 1 �. �. 1LEPoeEJE_dEs - zo R 1 e0` ��. (% I 4 I A� r oe A Ed I E- r w.0 r^ , r T - -, T - - r -r €aoxr sEranciY�HE T' T 20'R i i H Ilal 9 I I VERIFY SIZE AND DEP” T IT -✓� �RE 96y�39 I 1 .7Ij (TYP.) 1 I IEI �V I I > • / TRUNK WATERMAIN AN INV. 950.77-5I l( i INVI'953.46-W `� 1 1 30 I 111 1 SANITARY SEWER WITH NK�50 & _N JI i3 Nv gs3ss-N L-------- r_ ________�_, I 11 INVB 9r�51fi aW li r, ,I_ 6,t / ` 22 21 20_J I I el 11 INV. 95126 1 1 I - -y- t - OUTLO I II II 2g I I 27 'I 2B I 25 I 24 I ' __23_-� `-- ---� L------' L 19 18 i 711 2 ! E LOPI'Rko�NdTE �d� I i i I ., 251 24 e:•e :.e I�. ••e�"a•'e::e��� I � li Ili /� ' / 29 1 i e i DOWER POLE RELOCATION / \.P P`\ I 1 i -ALONG NEW i �I •.°e�voxe .• , LI >`-7 NV 95199 -Ne ; _J-, �`t ________ i I / , , / Y-12111 ! ' �-/-_ SYN h0 II .W "3i¢ ��•��X:1�6`- 17 / /i '//' '/ /i/ I ,j s 3-_ \BSTPFFIrNNvv 99a4712z2- 29 s� ,'14 � •,r/ �/^� '>J .w j i ;�_ - J �o- �LOT H 722 ^ i '�INV 947 ------- 28; 4POND \ T 30 I 1-' I Ls_! ------_---J eg .�•"•�' a w�� � . / �.� . �/ 5 a3c• �-i, f" > ���' � '�' sroax sE�E6 I� 3640 I I--FI_N_1=__ 8 949'13-R/W INV. OUTLOT K 99562236..86A8,-fid`�)7 iS(( � ^6\ J %% i' / >J � q�3' • /'�/ �;`.C1\0 •1e}.. 2 �/ - _TZINV 949.375e:1 � i� I L ' i'B_B r_-- ;dl POND I ----- 1 - i� 32 ISEE SHEET 191' 7 8OUTLOT 0 \\ \\1 €= 96390- v\INV. 94&92-5 I TEMPORARY 13IT. CONNECTION '1 \ INV 94902-N 94902-N I I 10 96 I� I 1 \ ( 1 \ \ 1 WETLAND j \\ \ WETLAND YS \ OUTLOT D j \ �•� \ INv - 7-sw R � \ y 1��V ,I4 SE \ 9481 \ \ Pso �2, za' \ N INV. 949. \ •a 11 / / /' , <\ // �� �\ JNV 938.99- �/' V. 952.05 - I n I ^o \ - Iw __________1_r � ' v \\ / z Ir II O I r-_______ e ` qso• .`. /'a.. \\ 24'nNEll jw I' 28 ---3-3 -,,I �ee °op 6•°° is 2i � 13 ----------4- '//;r`d 1 \ .'10 L-} . 'CO1N4.S,,5TRUCT SANITA3 RY .U_T.-LPO\). �-T 2 34 ---------- 51 J i - -SAINIT`A. .- Y a `*_r- u ryK -t7sW-- - r5orsM 3ExEii-e •v,\\\\,p/, � .6___LLIFT STATION WITH SEWER THROUGH TRUNK VALVE MANHOLE. SEWER MANHOLE TEMPORARY BIT. I I I R. 1 - IINV. 947.97-6 6 `� ZT� i• I '� 20 r �`�� \\\ y/ 2p xaf / \�� CONNECTION L- L__________ -_J /E= 9636�`�`� ,^ ` II 11, 4 ______ 3 5 ° i ,. INv sas.2a-s '3,- / 6 -� f/ `I(JV 94934 NE >y I� �7 4 jl I ' I ' I 31 ,962 ' 6 �/ �� INV. 948 19 NE i „ 1 INV1 NE. g z -7 ________, . 94 \ ' 2`� j �1 n 371 INV 94765-N ^i - - el 3 la � 6 I 1 � IRE= 960.84 15 � ,�� . � `. 7 � �%' • � POND i ii -__- ____I_Y el _�________�' _- --11 '1 INV 944.55-,4E /� `�`� ...• \�)v ! t ( I 1r -----1-, ,' i I rI \`\INV. 944.6x`% � I RE= 964.16 j ,�g -- \ t\ ' fix( ,1{N1V. 941.74- g?.� OUTLOT � 1 voE sElencK uxgj II IIIN 946 74-$ .1fie \ \ E= 959 7 / / . yN' y, g¢1,g¢_SW`> , •°°e<°• �� a i6" PLUG- I oEL WAY-WAYI IINV 94684-(! .I is \ ' 948:20 S/ `16\\��`; " I / IINV 94684-W al N 944.3 NW ' / Bi' - m N L_r-- •^ �° `vC INV 943.80�IE ' / a I 66 I e��.aj ml n-ap P� r_�____39__J :166 INV 943.90Lry�j'y \9 \\` � e°$;n,• 6' I 1 RE= 963 801 l / RE= 961 92 � �06 r 1 + 6. L INV. 946.38-E x�'� I I INV. 942.474-r -NE OUTLET CONTROL IN@c _-_------- 94648- 94254 •6e 6 % I I I --_-_-_____-__-__-_ -------_ 20'R RE 96234\_ fi27 INV. 9400N \ II! INV. 943.10-5 / 'y943.10 -W / IN PLUG I tG INV 94559-NEi \ i 10 ' mesh°�. < I I L-INv 94] ]t_�_� N ••`. f ^ Wv gas s9 -wt �" (� 1 li I I PR@P@SED TURN LANE/BYPASS LANEI I! It,CY i26 _-!- -' T, iL - \�\ r�y !'1 , / 1 1 1 , � I2 ��. WETLAND A7 I 25 L ! ---- ! 94 INv. 94712 !y;----._--- -, INV 94s 55 -S I INV. 94713 F: ttt RE= 96 .80 I I ! ! 6' __ ! ; 24 ! R0 __3 I �. INV. /yy r -h-- $B. L_ I I -ll ! -T e• x\25 I I )°• ,) 60 2 ` I �`� �0 I� � I B L{°� 1 W 4 C- sy 41 \ RI a\ � R - ; 23 11 f °+ta-� 3 e INv. sp-Nw';g, 1 1 li 1 -SE ! --, • dee a\ \� i g• \ �V % 7- -------------_ 94693-36-5�i 1 N te aea i 1 % •'°°1 2 \/ � . />/' /v / /// cam/4�gy9."' �/ �,�} �`,,�/ \`> ` `< 'i// < / �193n`8 '9^F9R -- > v `�!� .// 0, '�v�.h9�5`S29HIN tEoV=s E 99`44b22S'4:L6bH22y EET20 B34B N-Iuiz�POND 32 26,7I 25 ^vRE-; �-i7-� ---------�vryV 939 08 5i-rr, \ 3 2 - I� h ` /962.55 �`�` )`,' 9 i� 33 a� 10 a xi` . 9sosa-s�. A 23 ° OUTLOT i iQ II----------�-1 t' +>�' a 95o.6a-NE V `, j fv - _ yi ------ €?I �'�10 1 _ _ -- I 'I -! r_--------- °�- t% „�. 22''� /'^ ori ^ �� 1 - �.--.-.-.-.-. I 1�5 �I to ;'gi-.� -__ , \ / 11 `\ ` \ 'i�� CiC </ : E 962 h11 q• 1 DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCT SANITARY i : \ �> v d' F, '" SEWER THROUGH TRUNK ONSTRUCT SANI -- $ .4• 4e/��y/ ' 21 4Pj ., / j•�`, INV. 939.84 -'FL IFT STATION WITH SEWER MANHOLE SEWER THROUGH r -- --------T 1 L-rY--J 33 i .�/ `` , i ' ' ' / `, YNJV. 939.94 -SW eta VALVE MANHOLE. I 1SEWER MANHOLE ^` 1L^ \`\`/ TEMPORARY BIT I j IINV 94797-6 `\\ so' / ! CONNECTION IINV 948 0]-H :1 / ` ` / i'�� /I'J�f. , G: / INV. 9ae.za- 3 is I -- I ------ / /� INv.9a9.3a-NE>�/� U5, 3-C-------- tet•/'7 �..' ;(�. �_ 19: ¢ °••°• ° a'Illi j I j> V. 948.09-5 I I --------a_JI 3 36 `� Irvv. saB19-NE -----------1-1 --------8 - / �/ - 5 NEI 1 ' UOm = 371 . . I 2 j l ,v O t I E 962. � INV 941, c`S`� . I+ $ I s I / j IlrNiv. 9ai. s -N � ` 6, I I• I ----- 3y� POND s � i 6 � � RE= sso as 1,y � � 15 � / 7 � I i 1 31 / ,� `1 ' _�________� INV. 944.55-/4E '/ ^ \``. 1 r_ijj{{ li \INV. 944.65>N / iv/ RE= N� 16 gF f \ ��'\INV 9446,5'- / B/ < NVf 941.74- OUTLOT J _siDE sc BgcK uBj el NV. 946.74-$$ f1 ig E= 959 7 Y/ \ yNV. 941.84 -SW`> eO3^^ 16" PLUG +i 4�EL IIIb IINV. 946.84-1� ` 9420 Sk r`16\` /� i WAY-N� J IINV. 946.84-W a rj RE= 958.70 i�,V ° ttE°°tt°tttt` - -_P� �-r---.�--, q• `"� INv 94380 ae'• pvc INV 943 RE= 963.80 � yep ( /�' II (�,�i� INV 94638-E LIZER PIPE_ /'`�\�` f _ -_ ,_o_g �•_ U -J J _ _ r 2 E _ OUTLET CONTROL :!-__-__-__--_-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-___ __-__-_____-__-__-__-__-_"-_____-__-__----- < __ - C __-_-__-__-_-__- ---------- __- _-____ RE= 963, 1 I�i-----------------------------------------------J ! y'27 20 R II qC' ��• /INV. 943.00-N�> _____\, 5'^ e?� m ge• I I I I -INV. 943.10-5 / a°• I E �\ T 'vF) r_20�R �_- INV- 943-10Ie.a•a IE= 959.OISw III ! B. PLUG �.�.\ L-INv. 947.7t_ j_j tye INv 94559-NEi' , / , 1-�T-yp „-/ \ ' Wv 94s ss -w; : ! PROPOSED TURN �.p - LANE/BYPASS LANEwl °� ` L-- I I I 'I __ :1 1 �. 2' ;8 '°G• \e L Rq,< WETLAND Y] I J .'• y I I ` I^ ____ fy ! i ° RE= 96 6 (p V. �• jt -------- i I INV. 9451 55-S 94713 I RE= 96 80 I ! { 1 X124 1 60. :-1 3 ;I- I I . INV 1g. 1 _ \ L II'V4 �-SE i 1'` j i 25 836 / 123INV 9g -NW -3- 1 ( (ll I { 1 I > I � _ -' -1-JI l+l I� •�eg \`\ �` �i i R - 962601 Ir l:_C2(_I Si 8t `�4 9if �i, IN 46.9 `NW 6200 \ '\\'\ \ '� V NV, 4745- RE= 962.94' �I --_ ,"t eft ` ` INV. 948.58/ ----- OUTLOT K °`\ �. .,---3s_aNwr1 TU Ul I tee° I i\ INV. 948.6 JI w aiBACH LItiE f 1 I I L----------- 6' ------ I �L INV. 948.68 uu ______ 6! ?� POND N ''II I 4 w \23 �\� �� -m°� J ` iI I I 1 I 22 V 948 991N ems••v/�e • '1 �'�� 1�8,w" .'I9 `i 20R 3.509RE `j i sBF oP iS ia INv 9909 21 L 8 1 OUTLET corvTrzoL -l .l% Ii Ii II j 91 a STRUCTURE I r -' 96 .e °••°°° �/ % (/ / RE= 963 65 I i I i 1, , i I •n eb° _ `n\, �/ INV. 17so, 949.47-N % I .e . .�• f-- `, � � � `.INV. 94957 SW I ! / � ,p �� �' -'INv 9asaBT ,.,,, •°°° -�TS- _ e \� �,, �� � � ��� '" � I\ '� INV 949.9$- - ...•.. I�� % ^ 1 Q NV 4" i •�.°•°�°.g',°s,ei%a i".✓� f4 ii IN 9 i I51 85ti �' A i I I i 1 i 1 , i 1776 E �� i I I i 1 � V. 950.76-W �� INV 52.4 5 12" PLUG 1 ) I I I ! 1 B•e •...:t°°:•t•Y'-72E- 963 5 �'si g 14 I _ 13 ' II 12 i 1 II II - � j1 illi i OUTLOT L WETLAND d8 1 % it l (Carlson 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, S"te,MI nvlronmentdl Blaine, MN 55449 Revisions: _bycerspreparetlbym,spea ermy 1.9/13/19 Per City Comments TherPorcasprearedbylmeor under der y PntName: Brian 3. Drawn: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY SITE & 21 phone: (763)489-7900 dIuI eN d that t am a duly Pervisionan y si t a leaf - Desl d: aJx 9naure' 9ne 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Monticello, Minnesota of McCain :engineering rveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Professional Engineer under the the laws of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License#: 25063 Dale: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 UTILITY PLAN / 3$ i,:we.vo.+-�o�vosa-n,���llo ww.carisonmccain.com Pr�w����sa �3a�� 1� ,i�rw,�imsia��vi�awg r 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: (� Carlson Suite 100 I hereby c as y that this plan, or under my Pont Name: Brian ]� s oFla Drawn: LOC 1. 9/13/19 Per City Comments nvironmental Name, MN 55449 port er prepared and that me or du y • engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 dlrea supervision and that 1 am a duly m Signature / Designed: enc McCain I ' su rveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota N 0 125 250 500 I (IN FEET) I BENCHMARKS I 1 Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.529 GRADING INDEX 12 of/ 38 LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT LINE CURB LINE BITUMINOUS 0 0 CONCRETE 0 0 SANITARY SEWER STORM SEWER WATER MAIN OVERHEAD UTILITY --------------- Dpo1ECS N Ei STORM CATCH BASIN STORM MANHOLE 0 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE TELEVISION BOX TELEPHONE BOX UTILITY POLE RETAINING WALL FENCE 10' CONTOUR 2' CONTOUR FEMA FLOOD PLAIN WETLAND LINE SPOT ELEVATION a- x 000 E.O.F EMERGENCY OVERFLOW 4-4. x g g 0000 SILT FENCE ........................••. TREE FENCE •••—•••—•••—•••—•••—•••. TREELINE ..,-...............,-. SOIL BORING TH GRADINGLIMITS •••••••••••••f•®®®•••••••• - WETLAND BUFFER SIGN Nates aosr WETLAND SUMMARY WETLAND FILL = 87,854 SF (2.0 AC) D WIC WETLAND BUFFER AREA = 586,790 SF (13.5 AC) REQUIRED WMC WETLAND BUFFER AREA = 516.229 (11.9 AC) NOTE: WETLAND REPLACEMENT CREDITS TO BE PURCHASED IN LIEU OF ONSITE REPLACEMENT. AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM D BUFFER BUFFER BUFFER STRUCTURE WIDTH(FT.) WIDTH(FT.) WIDTH(FT.) SETBACK FT.) 75 100 50 15 50 60 40 15 1 30 50 10 IS 25 50 I 10 IS PROPOSED REQUIRED MANAGE 1 WETLAND 5A = 156,346 SF 153,278 SF MANAGE 2 WETLAND 5B = 35,852 SF 28,715 SF MANAGE 1 WETLAND 5C = 84,512 SF 84,314 SF MANAGE 2 WETLAND 5D = 34,520 SF 29,928 SF MANAGE 1 WETLAND 7 = 64,176 SF 64,056 SF EXCEPTIONAL WETLAND 8 = 186,668 SF 131,222 SF MANAGE 3 WETLAND 9= 5,861 SF 5,861 SF MANAGE 2 WETLAND 10 = 18,855 SF 18,855 SF TOTAL = 586,790 SF 516,229 SF HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota N 0 125 250 500 I (IN FEET) I BENCHMARKS I 1 Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.529 GRADING INDEX 12 of/ 38 V�24;, AS 77y ---a\ SEET MAP KEY \ ' � ,, \ \�`'� � •�°� �.✓ � '�� � � ° � AVE ,- 26 =29" 33 sWq� \�� _ ez•� \ 96 \ 961.5 \\ < \ \\ (962,2) 5 1\ \\\ r\ 965.0 G I I S` 862 / E�/ / / / "\Q O \ �„ o �\ \ �I� \` \\� \ \ � \... -• � � s$.5 „, 0 � / SEWO l � ss2 j r` , , i � 1Q � � 60.5 �� � � \ �_ � � � � ��= _ � f£T NE 4 P \BdY,0. �ro ®/ \ 0 \"< — v. \ \ cA� \ ry / 955.0 Se /� � (9� pJ , / I PRMS /mss' �L � �_ \ - - c �� Oi a \®q -"•% RMS '� � � �\� � / ,��0� / /62�\\I -o�so v.o � , �`' �L � �� \ \ � 66• l l��k�\ � � � \ of � 6� j � \ N f \ �'.. � � J l G SE / C8s2 � \ / \ '\1 \ ' ���Z 650 � r � � � \ � �"� � \ �"'`-� WO \NG 1��- \ o so ..� / „y 54 96 (9527 , \ /�w \•�) , �\\ �w \ \\® Se >• \\\h 'C \ "\ l I r� \, wo a6q• oi� `�� J ° G l \ e\ ; , l8 ��;10 ®w"j6 z —j/ �$ / 96j 2) / / -9 N e.00 m s / / `•� 1 / sW� oo \ ,L\ s SEWO / sq,5 , oi�o \ \\ *s •ss.o.; �� / Il L,, EWO v�\ �\ v • •V�• �,_ i �, �,Z / i , � sl:° l SEW / / 9s$,5 �1�/ ��, �, � �,, ���, � _/ . , , 962 G k\ � �I. 2 1� \ L 961p SE�yp 9s>.° �i l / �s �9Q R ss2j c ,024 �- pG \\ \\ \ ,.••�s\' \� X96? \\�\ \ 9 L\\\\ I (1 A — / /` A2V �—// (IN FEET) o. \ \ \ G \\\\�\�''-' \\\\\\\ /-9,46 9�6 -- \•• `.r S �� \ J L\96p0 WO(2) c/ l 98.0 n/ �\�s \ \ 8 sz ESP\N\#2 RSP\\ N BENCHMARKS 6PN5 J\\ 9 \ �_ 95 2 \ a`• 6� 1� 9 00 1y81 \\\� �(-\rty,'`•gie 1?;.• \ \ \--------- \ `i�-' \ -`•�•a �\ / / A\ 0 / \ k \ 6 0 1. Namrtation e SID Statia De on No. 93813of o(MnDot U 4 9 ��eaz 3a OP, � N\\\\/ Name Gol \\1�0� \ 1 \ \ \ ®® jW� 9� ELEVATION = 974.529 \1,• \ \ \ ---052 fI\ \ \ n,; .• \ \ 1—_— ----` / -� / / \ \ to \ �\ PNO \ �•' � \ � �----_—_ — — � �\ �� � t. l � � �J / \� \ \ \ w �b os35 � Rlaiaca< µ - ---_--------------- -- -----a.- -.----< -- - —=---------- e Eos— — _ _ _ ----- Iv\R, _ ------- = =_ \\-------------,---------------- -- - - - - ---------- -- ------ 96- OUTL01� • 60' IMF I NL ISEE SHEET 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: (Carlson suite loo thereby=ertifythatthisplan,spea6cato^ Print Name: Brian].KNswfl.k.P.E. LOC MONTICELLO PROPERTIES nv ronmentdl for report was preparetl by me or under my 1D.— I1. 9/13/19 Per City Dommen[s I I HAVEN RIDGE I PRELIMINARY GRADING 123 Blaine, MN 55449 direct supervision d that I am a duly SI t ��� Dasl • I :engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 pervision an y gna ure gnetl: e]K 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 of McCain .,eying Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under - Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN ww.carlsonmcwin.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License#: 25063 Dale: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 3$ r:a.1. 1- 7oa°vass - m..a�ii. ProP�ri�u.e "aa�..a.. w aw�iim�i..sa..a. dwa I I l•I /I I�II V I I^mI �+1II4;lIIII°iIbIsiIfIiI ' IiS''II�o I•t! 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POND o s: i 1162 goo0---- 6pOy 0- 50 7au� o zs 0°7 g 0-00 °go°°g➢ RETAINING <s 13 WALL /2° \\ ! a 8 iw seoggogggo°°°..BENCHMARKS TW 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation BW 69.0 Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf) ELEVATION 974.529 T 70.0 �gg WETLAND BUFFER 0000 18,855 SF r 18855 SF REQUIRED) 49POND 100 .0 N = 949.0 -,e 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 100 YR HWL = 952.7 �0 YR B-B<WL 954.3 944 Z LQL ° J�\ \\�\ r= \ \ -. / 12Y .56 DAY SNOWM 23 100 YR HWL = 952 R 57.5957.0 9570 957.0 /13 WO WO WO w0 965.0 cL -s5o 87TH STREET NE G_B. L ' %` 62.6 DT/TR ' R r 2+50' DT r_____ 5or\35 T7 964. 20 m 650 G9 965.0 OoOr LO(2) LO(2LO(2) 958.5 95 9 958.6 961.0610- L- - - - --jL_ - - - J 6.5s136ian9 =9 74 1 173 j 19 O 12O4 171 --A I 14 3 4 170 LEE SHEET251\� °.�`'`\\ '�»-:•��,\ \ � ? \1 \«� .J2\. •�\\ •w",\ •�v�, \ ,•.:\" \ `\.��p �� J`.•' /\ �\..•\"yrw\ \ °.•: \� �• � \ .•. \\� •'\�/\`�.•."�\.��\•• \\\'O\ ..••�,w � \\\�•.•:� .\\ ...•`'.\, \\\�`.••.. \:t\�.•' ` 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: (Carlson Suite 100 hereby`eltlfythat this plan, spe"B`ation Print Name: Brian ]�stoflak,P.E. Drawn: LOC MONTICELLO PROPERTIES nvironmentdl l or part was prepared by me or under my I I1. 9/13/19 Per City Comments I I HAVEN RIDGE I PRELIMINARY GRADING 124 Blaine, MN 55449 direct an d that 1 am a dal Signature !G Designed: B/x 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 of • I :engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 pervisioan y gnaure gne Monticello, Minnesota McCain rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 LicensedProfesslonalEngineerunder &EROSION CONTROL PLAN tori tom the laws of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License#: 25063 Dale: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 3$ i,:�°.,,w,-.o�„o=a-m�•�ii°P�r,g,���,a,�i° W9������ ISEE SHEET24 1 /\ I- -BAWL 954.3 /�I eM axe i ^+° \• � / � ( ��II r � � 144 _,. °'°\ � \ {/ �. ..'. '� ��<•� w'�� \\ •� ��,-\� �n -/ a -_ a�-s/s ,-/ /9s _2=-- 4 _"/�//.[fs/6.":_-;.„�3'�/-s /:3ff/h t_,a S/,o�•I�e_./ , 0 / oq/� �I.x IIj- /I I �i\�'�G)y q9`lI ,J , , f- �h�TIII Id.I ,l\I :IIIIIII� I ! 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Drawn: Loc MONTICELLO PROPERTIES nvironmental lorrepartwasprepared bymeorunder my 1C^ I I1. 9/13/19 Per City Comments I I HAVEN RIDGE I PRELIMINARY GRADING 125 Blame, MN 3) 49 mract aN d that T am a duly Signature !f Designed: B/x 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 of • I :engineering phone: (763)489-7900 peofss al y gnaure gne Monticello, Minnesota McCain -eying Fax: (763)489-7959 thelawsofte Stat of Minnesota &EROSION CONTROL PLAN ww.corisonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License#: 25063 Dale: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 3$ u:twe.vo+t - �oaovoaa - m�a���o Prw�r�gusa �aat�g °e w 9w,.�m��°.s9,aae awg �e. • o'r�g ;ae e$eD s,D aD <d 2 T%6'*.. � . raD rsz TRID mDa14 a,s iaD° RD�751TRD azo ° i r mD az, R4 ass' 'TR ° a epD a., TRD 851 �D r.D � n ° \ o D ass ° a`�inD a<a fL � D aaDF raD sak �,•�(/� ..� N m•/`0ry/` W 'RD s°ss°m49Ds N • �oa�Ro ��C •��� ` D F 4•.• s ` a s$ WAdVK%'MWA�A�0W� , I. NO ICA CMANAG�'J) 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 / /.• ;:::::F:::''::�\ 100 YR HWL = 955fo I.` 100 YR B—B HWL = 856.9 N �•1 I o 6 X'•�: \Z \ :`•, a l WETLAND mi. 18 +�� / 10 DAY SI \ '!' 100 YI sax b�� 5nx V 1 �'`♦� t A `� 100 YR14 E 9-0 'LIZ s 1 �-1 AN� �. 50x- '' �, •,-- WETLAND FILL fibx 11 s /• 3656/ S.F. \ \ o t/ T7A ELM o rok B h ' Y P f 1 Po oasz3, .AND FILL INSTALL SILT FENCE AFTER GRADING IS - COMPLETE i. *:*: -A' ' ' ISEE SHEET 251 sy ...�. ,•� � \�\ 0•xyx � ee 'rte \o, \� �r(r 5 / 9e 96 % °T °609 \ . J2 o ssso i / \ '�'•'•' '•'Z�\, 9590 WETLAND I / \ .`�':.:•:•' T:::: 29,927 S.I 5A (MANAGE 1) W MELT = 954.8-'-' 1WL = 955.0 B HWL = 956.9 OUTLOT D t-- - •II / I I I 64 ��•�.•.�.•.�.• '•.`.•.-._.::., �".•�•..Y /' l I � .cis...•.'-: / WETLAND BUFFER :�::.' .. \ •/� i (yp/ C s 156,346 SF: ��.. 153,278 SF REQUIRED , rsss / ::\::�::: �•: °DazD158,J/ / ssso� 1 i1c 127 �'•A �`,\ \ / I AN _ ANAGE t / / / N �~ 10 DAYSN0 MELT = 954.8 \ ;: �'. •\'.•.•.. oGePo 100 YR HWL = 955.0 / 100 YR B—B HWL = 956.9 I I �.� \ \: .: WETLAND BUFFER 34,520 SF (29,928 SF REQUIRED)NO 3Rfl(o �i 11WL = 954 s, >, is':: -..........: / .'i... zs so 00 / \ 10 DAY SNOWM�L� — 5. .....A. / '-' \ . s,•: 10Q_YR HWL 95�z ` •''�.•.•.:..5;.•.•.•.•. �!•.i`...../.•../ �.................. � (IN FEET) N� .'.\ .'S.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.-.'. s4.o 100 YR B—B HWL = 957.5 ..�:.•.. �(/� /.•...'i.•.•.••' % •\ ''-'hI . i.•... \ -'• . ..:.....:.'.y. r 1954 y,�.• \.'�'/ / BENCHMARKS 956 .'.�.'.'.'. •_•_.�.�%. i �\ \ . . �� - \'.'.'.'. / r�°ino 1 \• \• o.s`m;•'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' i J \` ,. -.---.-.•-- 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation \ \.__ �:'.'•' % \ \ - I Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDol • • • - — i • �_ • •s o 618 ' `— �r�s \ \ / •' i • j / \ \'\ \ Name /Golf). / /\ - --� ELEVATION = 974.529 Jl� fL�2l3h AyD FILL/ . ? • •6�lfY�aa .i.,..... 0 F. ° I \ ••... •e::..a....... " I B 9 "IDa _ —ice"', �._.— ,—,—.—.—.�.—.—,I_ •�" _� A A —usa— I �,—. 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: (�Car�son sDiteloo here. Derffy that was dbymeorundermy Print Name: Brian 3. K aonak.P.E. Drawn: Loc MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 26 nv,ronmental lot. rt aspreparetlbymeorundermy I I1. 9/13/19 Per City Comments I I HAVEN RIDGE I PRELIMINARY GRADING Blaine, MN 55449 direct su d that I am a tlul Signature ��� Desl • I : engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 pervision an y gna ure gnetl: elx 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 of McCain _eying Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under Monticello, Minnesota &EROSION CONTROL PLAN ww.earl5anmeeain.9 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License#: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 3$ u:,pe.vD+, - �DeDVDsa - m�.���° PpP•u�u°a �3a1�e °e w aw,.�m��a°s9,aee awg 24 ��� 27, 26: / • / �.r.- ... L /f r 24 --a�.--.-�.-- __ 982 980-- ------- 8TJTFT _STREETTIE---------- --- ----- - --�-� --- --_esr - i —------------ -- - -- -----_ _ _ __— —__ -- e°z---- �-. r -_- - 5 <,-fi MAP KEY I I ------ _ — _ \ 'I '"o m00% 85'.0`--- -- •• ---m0 �� •• . .• 1 A •�• / r _ 1 _ D o3D ro — - --- �.�.� —"ter •-4•--•���r.-><.- � " •�•�5 ' ab A �� V � �• �� \. I / i � --_' 1* i\ie 1 �o4.J_\ --- Nom\ / x mO� \ .�•'�\ �J • / ,00 / �D D9 6 \ = i, 2 RD8S /TRD 1� •. A UET10 \a,1.:,t I I / \ .aD 3 / RD a9s/ a� \ � . WETLA� ND � ! v (I RD a99 ^ a , \ 34 �9 I 4917 S.F. g OLl"It'OT .G /!Dag Ii RDIE o b t 79 � `\ \ ' • • �. • • • • \�/ Tea � 6= 'v\' `v ,-- •� ✓'�• o,� ��� -t�;,RD° 1 p� x v , �33 �,i�SO II ',I. I �• T�(- — � _ \ � \ 954 • � 9 TRo / 'g6 C• � 1 �•�• �• �\ I / r- 24 • . • • 982 — g Po \\ 50� - - ° 0' ° ' \ 60% s2s5.o --- 49 / / \\s •I T I� �'� -- � � �� e\ \ 1Q � SNOWMELT = g � / IP sss.o ssa.o 797 \ �, a \ QO YR HWL = 9,57�9�Al 1®� 100 YR B -B HWL - 9.Oi' LO I WC ^ ® \6 o SJ \\ ��J K 9595 ' // 1, /°aa u -111 250," \�9y 6 1,6r 9720 G 9ss \3 \ �,s o Ro g89•ae gp a 6+ t� 49x' 1 1 . t N ""°QTR •.'� � I$__ ���fl'� : 5 "4� ':�:'�1.,.\\ I ; °0RET91NFN41D�� u � Q o Ra• P �8�0 "� �. \ I \2 \ s :�,.1. \ WETLAND #5A (MANAGE 1) g' /- I.5� 10 DAY SNOW MELT - 954.8 D ODI. �� ro c ppp P A • • aD o q 1 TC 69.2 �� ppp .Rb 96x5 /6oq° •OTa°Ro7aas Tao !g9 S,Tx 100 YR HWL = 955.0 gD°° q\\ TaD753 a,�aD�„ Sax C.:"t 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.9 •aD 74 as k \ D TRD TRD°°SD57sz De,s ire3�eaq `' 5i% m o ,l .::i' // o z5 So loo 00 I %^ m \ '8 Tc 69.7, �O rno i \� I \� 'v / 6 ,R azo N �I r�� s>x 3 251 /� �__— RD az,6 ��Roaaa' 6� Zit\ OUTLOT D V F I � 'l 4 \ � / iR��= RD aD . D az o61x •� \ N FEET) �\ \° °� ao a3, 83 NO az9 Oreo a22 TMO aE, RD TR D Oa41D en4 ° iRD TRD ea TRD ea 'TR ia4RD \ 1RD 84e i` 59 6 �j 6. - \ •�w`'�� D 341BENCHMARKS I �° A �� �, a3 RD 838 OUTLOTD aE°F • .. A paTransportation 1. Minnesota De Department of y �rvo / \0 \ •' Y a39 t �' \ °� A4 186 \''+'r' ' Geaaetia GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot M� I ` �L r \ I V 6k O • \ \ �!' / ,, ov \ TRD ers TR TRD 9os Ta ••% ti 3 Y t� �Sr .�.i.�.. \ Name Golf). i0 4 9 k• + • TRD 9oe �D y� • ELEVATION - 974.529 d 45 I P ' / 4 RD 95D G • srq s + " 9s ��' •?� \ Eo ° 04 TRD 909 Gjwky p i ..•�ybj ai m sM S �/ sy\� WETLAND BUFFER W YY •R°o °'® •2 e' o, I ' I � � \ \ II \ �L // / � •g6 y,-� \ Y �QO \ TRD 947RD 951-948 TnGGED TvnCE � V /\ J�ye� .'>) •. W COD U3 a/' �� 54 • $� � ���� �6 ^V s��k mo 919 m .'�� 2'mD \6 �og wy ooM .'.�•�� V 156.346 SF � +C ,\ 153,278 SF REQUIRED 95A ° D 9 Tao 930 / TRD9111 or 9a° RD 9$ss RD �° a ss WETLAND C 1 0hl\ �JO �o�v] �I / _ �� N�1 1N L - = �R�B��S °TRD T, .�Ru h\, • wD 93 O�o o/ ep TR \ea DI O �/. 2C36456 S.F. 0 oz AY&&Wj958.7 100 YR B—a HWL = 9600 18 . / v �l A\ s0°gep h 630 �ZD6 � \ / , .•.� 8 O,U�LT HD4 \ \ SD: Y / Im'2 \9`�� "'•.. TRD 967 RD 3 �, s?;EE �e /�� N yj.�. 3/ �^ �^ �x I 1� •\\• \.� `\ \ RD 970 •r s�. �'e WETLAND FILL _ sa. �. • RD 9a 9 : 9z Rbs , o , \ % ,,Qs oa •' 7% Oji o i m 1274_ t • • Oso sK 9z, 9 m \x \ \ \ ° �x y 0 RDs Jam• you \\ \ a° Iva�N /i 96 / \• I, �,° ° qz• RD'a\ _ �a gO,•z SRM * '.•�.'.:. fat F-1 � j��0' - 9.D � to\ '3 sg � :� ,oT ` ,��9•� �� ' :.�`\-: •�'.•.'.. o�gr Iq=D x 2JO SOG X40 SOG mss' 2 4 24 D'SOG / � O oy \ � ,9�' � m � n ,° m xl I w � �I K / � % .yg°I° j D 1 bG 9 - . � ° ''�.'i •' > V/�y� .�/� / I "•'4 \ :1 I uii a Ini " 1t � I ,R•n 25 r RD i. rR�9#e • ,*°° �2 s �ti. 2�� g30 - —_ i . s � ''.'� ' '.'tea' / I I '/�'i I d` s r '. ,. 9 ..: ., '\ 'so' J�. ' ' '. ..�_ D a� q / �,z �� 1�� �7 SQ 'R° 10 DAY SNOWM�L =meq :•. 73 EILD N_aDRIVE_�NE—y° t - \x 6 5 3 1 r �l YR9 owl = s�fi ye ti 64. 6 6J•G 1 06—�9. 2'4 0.60% Tao sat ,R4 - 6 6 L g C'+ +g0 2 AFTER GR IADING NSE 54.0 J o� �� 6 - @3.3 �® t+ o F 3 s �� 100 YR B -B HWL = 957.5 ?v �,��v�9° 9 �. 1\.. �� x0�( as �a �coMPLETE 25 \\ 6 RD �1ti� , 6DD� —PDE :.• \ rT \ II i } �I 9650 n 2 3 21 WETLAND FILL a9z s62�L1 D 618 ,,,,II ° 966.3 e I N �131,aE as9 --- 9 965.5 ' i • ,e •�• '°' _ 2�7- SOG _235 2P� SO 2 8 SOG \ / $ N 4 SCG — 966 I - u - 2127 9735 S.F. / �g2� ` 962 ....... \ =� � 2 -- -- � ...... LJ �1 �.- 4I. ������ f LJ AND FILL .. �i.,,!.� .�� { J SRD 3EaTI LJ�i LJ I LJ 0 F. /.�' — —max " 65.5. \ ) : \ I "c•9 —.\. 82, 1 85.0' •.. .-`...• =i•• ••.•l • 1� ....-�......•��°=.—.—.�� _ WETLAND FILL- 1 •.+ IAF — —'—^o,00 "�d RD WETLAND FILL I 2002 S.F. WETLAND #3 (MANAGE 2) \ / \ _-� \ ° \ 4354 S.F. 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 959.5�- k 100 YR HWL = 959.6-------------- I - -- -- ---- ----- -- 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: (Carlson SDitsloo hereby`ert'fythatthisplan,spe"6`abon PrintName: Brian]. P.E. Drawn: LOC MONTICELLO PROPERTIES nv,ronmental lorreP. _spreparetlbymeoruntlermy 1C^ I I1. 9/13/19 Per CityCommen[s I I HAVEN RIDGE I PRELIMINARY GRADING 127 Blaine, MN 55449 tllrea an d that t am a duI Si t !f Desi d: Blx 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 of • I :engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 pervisionan y Signature Designed: Monticello, Minnesota McCain rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 LicensedProfesslonalEngineerunder &EROSION CONTROL PLAN ww.carlsonmocain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 38 r:,,°esv -1a 116-m�0�ii°nr°9°Rl�u��aa,�9 °•w9w,aim�i.°s9,.a. d.9 GRAVEL --- ------------- - --�e-a.- .-�►� _-».--a.-ae-a --=a.- ---- -CONSTRUCTION.�...- -- ---- ENTRANCE - - - - - -- -- ------------ ----- - - - - - - - - - - ne c---86?----f--- ---9BR _ _ _________-_________________-___ _ ----�de<--- C __ ________ ___�____________ ------------- -- _ _-----_________-__ _ _--_____ ry d- _____---_ --__ - _/ / __-_-_-__- - - __ _�� - - --_��_ --- - -�__ _ -- ---- - _ �- _ o�lra _ +�� �6%sD7 s�o �� 8b 24 -.o. - = � � - --. --1 - - - -_ __- - -- -- -T 982_ ----�---------- rt] - - - - - - - - - - - ------ - -T---�----------------- -- 57.D - MAP KEY 6 - 1 4-1 WETLAND FILL � �" 7 t�,`�.5 � . � r� 27��, 26 - r ----� - - -1-F 4917 S.F. 9 F� \ 61.3 o O 964 �� 323 0� 324 / 326 327 1 /328 2 329 330 6 96 m i 1 �I \°3 6• �:4 ��" 29 1 1 325 5 6 7 331 332 ISI I I I�" �. • •--388.96D \�' 66 3 4 / 964 8 9 , -- -�. 2 , 322 20 \�� ih�, 1�' 1 2 ----- li r-�--� -----� j C9 i I'1' I _ • �•Y ��9 i /w°�s ��3 r-----awl mub r---- r-----I r----11 r-J-1 r----11 Ir----1 %., 1;1 `�R°'s? - r- __1 a/ \ , i'. 30 J 1 1 / 958.0 957.5 957.5 957.5 (958.5) (959.5) (960.5) l I 966.0" \ \ �'o _ 'I X2.5 1 963.0 1 / (959.5) 1 (958.5) ( ) �( ) ( ) ( ) �. �: r 9so.o s6as) ✓ 1 R R R R I' 9sas LO(2) LO(2)- l .� l o z R R R R R I / 75 \ 1 �� / / ssa.o r� I I I I WO ^\ 250 \ G 1966.5 G G 967.0 I'+, I G 965.0 G 965.Oi 965.0 G J 966.0 G -_ 967.0 I G J 1 _ 9 3 967.0 G _ G 966.0 J- G 65.5 LL 1 - - J G s72.o� G / \\ \ , - II .\*^ - 1 - ms ve ee 1 -.Iy,.' 4 / ' / 1 1 se m I�----"'r� - --- 11 I'o � - \ ee�%/ / 9 sAr ro oI nip W oey�/J/tfI"q�t_---m� �.L ui966�a v' 7 _ J L - 966 Pvt 6815 4� / �� 1 1 _ 1 1 �\ EL. 66.1 /Iy -� csi / \ EL 66., \ o oo ELEMOR L _N_E /, �n1 z39 oo /- 40.00 9 -�''--- - - 6 8 �6f�-,.60% /1 81 .86 1 0- +_" Tc 69z \ ��- -- --�-- - -- 62. 6 2 ,6o°e ,. 09 °o --- \ os�y 6 D060 8 .8 1 0 R)'r / .. �' • .. 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Minnesota Department of Transportation \ \ / 6• / � \3 \ " - �• aced WETLANC 1 \ \ gy \ \ \ �� \ Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDol 53 5 \ / \ �. 6o Y \ �. k /`\%j� \ \ Vp hOho `\ /r d l II -� �� yo ^ \ O „ 6 6 G :• p1 I � I � � 4354 S.I Name Golf). 39 / /O� /��' �� \ 1 / \ /' g6 \ \' / / gG� / \• / 1" I \ ELEVATION = 974.529 / / �. h,• / � gh6' \ G m J g / 260cro 2 3502 / �fl�' 1 I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: CaCISOn Suite 100 hereby=etlfythat this plan, spea6catwn Print Name: Brian l�stofi Drawn: LOC MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 28 •environmentalarrepart was prepared bymeorunder my I I1. 9/13/19 Per City I I HAVEN RIDGE I PRELIMINARY GRADING Blaine,BlameMN 3) 49 dlr 6N d that t am a duly Signature Designed: enc 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 of McCain I •engineling Phone: (763)489-7900 supervision y ge 4/ Monticello, Minnesota •surveying Fax: (763)489-7959 the lawsoftesStateofMlneeruntler &EROSION CONTROL PLAN ww.Carlsonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License#: 25063 Dale: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 3$ r:wn.v°..-�nanvnsa-m�n�90 Pr�w���sa �3a�en �• a•9w,emsa•.�9,aa.6.9 F- -- - - / """ --ISE -----943_------ 9C1fTDM------- �aBa e a•h / / "� � b / 335 INSTALL 1 SILT FENCE ° I/ \ 5 AFTER GRADING IS i�'o;j� \ \\ 1 09hh O V ' ^o % B pl % JN / 3-:4X COMPLETE \ r° ° i. 364 ,�\ �; ,y� � °� < � �y� `F, / r � � " / � s.Zz �, � • a � 16' 28 \ p 0 0° � • \ \ ha•5 �d ,.�.r J MAP KEY �U'365 \\ \� e9ye \, / ° , I / m i ¢ / � / I 1 � �� �(�r / _- �/ 104 \ TLOT K -B°�°° X10 _ i ' / �° 1 / /� / 10o YR \ °qs,� • . \ • 15 a s / o/ O h� 'b moo? 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Drawn: LOC Revisions: 9/13/19 PerGityCommen[s MONTICELLO PROPERTIES HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING 30 • I : engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 lorrepartwaspreparedbymeorundermy pervision an y direct su tl that I am a dul gna ure Signature ��� .-I gnetl: BlK I I1. 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 I I Monticello, Minnesota I Of McCain urveying Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws the State Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 & EROSION CONTROL PLAN / 3$ ww.carlsonmccain.9 w+w,.�m��a�s9,aae of of r:�pes --roas --m�a���°Prw.r� 1�aa�eng �e dw+ C ISEE SHEET 331 vvuk wo ISEE SHEET 301 958 p_ I I II r 85. ,L. _ I I WO I� I II ��- N 39 }t IIo°Po \\� \\ �e° ° a \ q\•00�0 \\3�8i223 sS8, ��J's° /\/ G a z - o.s °�' _. . 1 IiI I t 6 � P POND 700 i1 26BX NWL = 953.0 IIL10 DAY SNOWMELT= 955.3 100 YR HWL = 954.1 \ ss > it \ s EfS �a, ANE I" 84. 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Minnesota Department of Transportation \•':':':':':'.. .` :'/ ' ':: I I II sl Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDol z I . \'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. tI it II Name Golf). .'.•�'-.�.�.�.%':':•:':'• III � II II I I II ELEVATION = 974.529 Al 11 �nl I I; fell 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: (Carlson suite 100 hereby certify that this plan, specification PdntName: Brian].Krystofiak,P.E. Drawn: LOC MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 31 nv,ronmentdl lurrepartwaspreparedbymeorundermy I I1.9/13/19PerCityComments I I HAVEN RIDGE I PRELIMINARY GRADING Blame, MN 55449 direct supervision tl that I am a dul SI t ��� oesl • I :engineering phone: (763) 489-7900 pervasion an y gna ure gnetl: INK 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 of McCain rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed professional Engineer under Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN ww.aarlSanmGtain.9 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License#: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 3$ u:,we.vsa,-1oasvea6-..,ill°P,w�,r.g,� 3a,.e.ewrw,,� l..se,aaeawr tgA - ISE SHEET 33 1298 0o O ��.1 L-, ---�1 a°2 "P\�\ I 1 j ---X19\\\ \-------------- / s3.o jFx 71 1 1 •I pod I _- ° 5 18 'an oin 71 I \ \�_._ .cs'°° /fo. s �.Ni I 9 � � °o�o�y�'°9� � (• \\ \\ o \ \ 9rOhh \srL `�� I 1 � ,� ��� .iso° o °°as?`�`'° °_ °°° °\ • � 388 � \ \ `//96, ` G \1/ / v` 291 O> \ O/ Q✓�gg - "INSTALL SILT FENCE389 _ ( \ \ ��-5l. ` \ y ♦ �' / 395 '' 390 AFTER GRADING IS - T -- 9 i m ooVj / .J 1 I o \ \ '�° o� ;�� COMPLETE L y9 \1 0 •�'o °a .a sro 9' 1 1 958.0 958.5 \ • ? •. 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I ��p 1 - 966. / 1 g585/ ,\ \ 28'55 /� '• ... . 10 DAY SNOWMELT=953.5 ;goy°°o \ ♦ / 9 ° W 7 / \ 1 .''i:• , ,.1 w 100 YR HWL =953.1°° 99 \ �. L 5>,5 0 I \NO \ \ / 1 I I•..` ...... (w 958.0.•.i.'.•. `..... ! 100 YR B -B HWL = 953.9'°°° \ '` / Jam-!.. 957.5 95 .'.'.'.♦'•'•. X298 L_-- 8.3 V ls L--_ 287 __J 95 s7.o 9OF s._ -2�9- I I 1 / p,/ .�j.y%:• .!'i.•..',' .'.�'... 288 , I I 11 JI "� .. .... :•:�'%:.:�:`.:. •'•' '.. �.'. •.i.'.'. lees \5. 4.5 le- +-+_.�_� •. !. •.�+�.:•. 4.5 .55.0 \...'. ..1 WETLAND BUFFER 186,668 SF �....................... /. . 7 (131,222 SF REQUIRED) f•'.' WETLAND 8 (EXCEPTIONAL) f :.....:...:....::....::::..::...:.....:..::.... \ OHW = 952.3 =::1 , \ ,( 100 YR HWL = 953.8 II -: OUTLOT L 7 .:..:......................:.f I I I .:.a:.:.:.:.:.:� �:.:.:.....:.:.:.:\..'.`:-:�:�:-:'.`.�:�:�.�:LL.•.�:�:-:fir.......' l I I � J A.•....•6.....`. I MAP KEY 24v' �. 2s - N 0 25 50 100 I I (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.529 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: (Carlson 5uIN,IOp hereby`ertifythatthisplan,spe°6wtion Print Name: Brian 3. . Drawn: LOC MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 32 nvironmentdlurrepartwaspreparedbymeorundermy I I 1. 9/13/19 Per City Comments I I HAVEN RIDGE I PRELIMINARY GRADING Blaine,BlameMN 3) 49 direct:n d that t am a duly Signature � !G� Dell d: enc 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 of • I :engineering phone: (763)489-7900 pervisionan y gnaure gne Monticello, Minnesota McCain rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 LicensedProfesslonalEngineerunder &EROSION CONTROL PLAN ww.carlsonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 3$ �,:w•.vo.r-�obovosa-m�a���o Prw.r����sa �3a�en �. a.sw�a�ms�..ss,aa. awg 1 1 --/-- o ?i 'n'n 1406.71 i v . -- 1u \ \ ` / y / �" / , \• \ �' , \ / • �°°ooe�e�e�e�e�e�e�e o 9 1 I i i ----J s.sx °o .lea tgI ISEE SHEET 34 I \ / yy' / 266\ /• °�0�6 °� �°�34 6 h-� `� of �•°eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo°� W YY' � I 8 -ozo% 0�9�62 II -�00 ©o6e •2 m T5j .ex °`i°O%^ON avam�o d I gfg°�o°1P°°a b• �v \/`/ fo o m \�Q�"rnyh •vim ' / / 1 \ `�/ i .�s7.oz.007 89 1w 405 267 39 91 V96AE- 2+ .\r..5 �0 964. o L �.9 1 • � 3`9 � O / 4 �, �/�N � / ` �\ •••%'.'.'.'.'T I• I I Tq� - s� v.c.) o� -- -- --� 'o / 6i °o � E . t� yyy l vi I /� ...':•:x`.'.'.• ' ..'.':':'�•':':•::'.•.s3. 376 /// Y'�'0soSN\ /V/ / �No \\\\ .,... .s:'.:.• ... .�••s•..:.:...p.: �. �.: ••�.. :.,.• Ino N � 4 ooq /// /'Sz m .''i .••... jy��� :'-\,;'. . 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Wl --_ - :1 I°°i �°� S «'% I 64, / Isl mrn Q J c2= (64,056 SF RE( 1.6-11 sx N ��I°} l i \ \°moo°\ sac- ��-II m 11 !II/.•:•:•r••;; I uJo t I �edp \ 5' w 27 I : '� WETLAND A7 -)(MANAGE 1) 11 I�ej { \\° ••t-- I I Q wo 1 1 \I � NWL = 953.5 40 "goo \ \: o 53% / \ 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 955.9 f� l I I I 30 no N 7.ax' 1 68 y ' �I I \\ e I• R�y +a\ J J `�� 100 YR HWL = 955.0 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.2jul: J 3801 no �I I \ 1 \ ' 02511 \\271\�:� "T ._. 1.....^�'• .. I y -- _ od O °" 2 - _ /- � / � 3 � 401r+1 I°°t � \ I \ �^�� \ ` ,��\ \ c �seao \ • • �. .'...•���. 4�° \b � �� 0 5%T\ aux I N o' OUTkOT K e \�\38�f\ -5._7 I I I1 �9 95B 024 e \ ) sses by I jI / � \ \\ \ bc°°a b�o°°� a� �o• \ � \•. • � Y\ 9�g�r�-5 % J s° \ \\T / /��\ 9 � �em \ mo�s-so_ .. I v•. _W_0 4-2-'• ) .0 L 70fill' �{ G .��. 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Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.529 Carlson Blaine, a ee yae a ymeor c w o n Name: ran ry town. 9/13/19 Per City Commen HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING nvlronmental ela,, MN 55449 reportwas prepared by m, or under my • engineering Phone: 763 489-7900 dlhi superv,sion and that 1 am a duly Signature ` Designed: aJK 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 ;s Licensed ProesslonalEn dor Monticello, Minnesota McCain rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 the laws of the State ofMnnesota Date 4/5/19 Loan. #: 25063 Data: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 &EROSION CONTROL PLAN ww.carlsonmccain.com en ,� „�rw,a,ms,a���9,aae awg 33 of 38 IZ III—� s~j' / I6R o mrn 4151/��1�1��i mow/ ISEE SHEET35I / o °'./364 `\ y �; / �'°•`/ %P �>�a jW I 16,E °x '��''w��0Q tII I s5 ll I�� Ir1rI — — -- --L—�I o_—in JNJ--- o �" —s-6..63rRR I 1 +w.to�>/ *fI4n i 1 1 6I rLsR—e w0c� --O amuoai J11414•qI I IbB°°o°° °iby1 I IIII I �III � C ,'\ \ 6'° oigoyi/ s, ' ° ''�'�°��°' �'°\,\s°°qb°o�D°°rd o°i.�°y• •/'�• QO•\g�n o \1 \�°°\ o \°% \ 9 \y�/ o'° 3\rf6\. \\ 5312 TLOT KI g " gh\.y66g'Ohh. `� � av\ I l\\`� am \'\ \ � g/\�gmov O ,y•iy,pa/09i/ o'c�;.—r� � /,,�0\'s g P�n/\� \ \ /\mo / sa\°s`e s;�O'`Oyg /6\\ / >\ 66 � \Q O POND 6007 m�m 30NWL = 953.0 Z It \ J 10 DAY SNOWMELT 955.4L OZ gq 100 YR HWL = 954.3 100 YR B—B HWL 955.9 311 m IV r 367, O.1413 p o 58 \ , \/\ d �9• � \o -�, g66� O \ \ j� ^ " s.1x I o� -- -- - I .' °'/•' 368 \ d g 5 c, \ `\ gye \ \ pili �I 310 / o�N � ZI 17.7x0 , I I 7 \ h a I 7/11 rnmO I I I / �00% \ \ � _9�6• f�1 \ � :t'° � .�,1 \ ./"y0 \ \ ,� \ 6 y, Iy/ IT - JI Illi { I J vi /I I ulo "t12 .�I t/ \ m 1•IJ Q pp I y7s INSTALL SILT FENCE /o°°d \O J.' , G Q yl \ 357 L— L. AFTER GRADING IS / ��i /n v g i yQ \ 25 Z mrn COMPLETE / ° /' , {ill I sl r— —__— --fs—� �l� I m J •I o4 I I{ j � • 11 /' O \ G s ,/ �6� n �\ 96 � 11nt /,� \\ \�,/ �6 / 340 1 ^06.0%I 09 m ---. pgoa d9 r / L' 6°%v \ \/ y0•y \\�\ 3 °� i '�\ QLy \ \ ° 356LLJ!a wrof 8 I / 6o a \ � 0• g \ g \ \ 2 4 �' S � � \ \ / LLJ I I 16 � �n �' - J ,I bad � / o°� (•� \ a , �V� .' ��� \ \ \ MMlIIII II Il tY" 394 1 \<OI — F3L 1o 411vO�1 33 10 1\07Q o 6° 72% /'35 ` gam°h 10 \ o\ \ o I �Qh6, �\ 22 / / \ � \ � 6•j � l� l 5 0 m :- _04'" 1 J ui l I �1 ino .I i,5 / 6• / \ \ ; %6• / h \ y / \ 90h65 \ O / ,' llil d L-- —L --°m'— 1 Y' oY' I�,p v�umi 1410 g°� l� /•' 9' 0O%o \, \.T ✓ , 6y \ / 53 y° O 11 ^\ \ g Q \ s 1.i -- �71 —— ---^Noy \°q° l l} 3107 u�o N � I I o i . /� � a � ° s 0 / \ til 7 344 l j4 rnm O $ �/ ^ 7 Lg3°/; 572/ o by / \\ ' 352y < 12 r ISI J 7.zx m a ° v roro I lo° 8/ a y o �v / f" / q P y 0 6 \ 0 6 III l I I r-- - - --o J ( al OI;� 140911 to I < O� &o l II 135 it ieo / �_ o \ ' 06 00. / `\ `�' ' 345 \ \\ 0 vO y\ '_ ;'��6°` � \ �' 'a,9 ai l lla!II �06 no^ m / — — — } I°°+� \/y / / c' \\ \ �51 / ' _13 /� \ \/N 13 rmu°iiv rn I :. o i I 1° /• / o /\ / \` \ ` 19 //\\ \ /' a+'\\ \ O W / { Ill wm O _/ 1 ^ /°d09 373 �h ry ;%°y l • hh6 Ss$ l I ry s.1R gI' / vaned ,I' / 00 \ rc y `... 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Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.529 (Carlson 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, suite 100 nvlronmental Blaine, MN 55449 Revisions: herebycertifythatthisplan,specification Print Name: Brian 3.K-to6ak.P.E. Drawn: LOC MONTICELLO PROPERTIES HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING 34 • I : engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 lorrepartxaspreparetlbymeorundermy direct su d that I am a dui pervasion y 11.9/13/19PerCityComments gna ure gnetl: B1K Signature ��� Desl 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 I I Monticello, Minnesota Of I McCain urveying Fax: (763)489-7959 License al the laws the State Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License#: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 & EROSION CONTROL PLAN / 38 ww.carisonmccain.com of of r:,plvv - I—— - --1 1q,,11 -I a I I a \ ; GRAVEL cv-;%aP--ae•ao�-ate -a,.- - - - - - --� -�-- ONSTRUCTION _m- a - -- m= -----e-- - - sa- - - -_� -_� _- _a-rma---- ---°- �------ -- � a.------- a- _- j- -------�--__--�_--F - � 57.0 ------------ -- 8------� - - -------- --- ------------------------ -2 ------------------- ___�-- * --- 24 y y -------)7 \• 1 MAP KEY 11 I 1 I s I se.o - - ss.o s9.o.; 59.0 s9.o �� _ I g \ f 5 / 1 1 I 1 �1 1 - I . \ ----- r 35 28, se.a ------ - -----1 r- /--� ' r---- .0 r 59.0 sa.7 1 6i.3 I / 27 , 26 II 319 ,320 323 326 327 317 1 1 318 321 l ;� 324 I 325 358 2 1 36 g I 33C _. -11 Ir ------r - �� Ir 18 -=moi I'r_-392 r 2�---- �I� �I ------ ------ i r- --, 1 ---3--- I r--4 = i - - - - 1 w 1 - e-- 34 29 14 1 I 16 1 I I e I' I I I I 7 r -II Ir � I I 962.0' 961.5 961.5 962.0 I 962.5 1 963.0/ / 1 I (959.5 / (958.5) I I (958.0) 957.5) (957.5) (957.5) (958.5 3U 11 V A 5 (959.5) (959.0) (959.0) 959.5 -(960.0 960.5) j I 1 I 33 - �, LO(2) L0(2) Lo(2) LO(2) LO(2) Lp(2) i to I R I R 1 R I R R " I R 1 R 1I _ I I I', o< Z I 1 3 0�2; 11 _ 7�j Ll 7``)J -_ 75 075 75 I \ I I,8 + j a / 1 I 1 1 1 I : 32 - 31 66.0 G 965.5--G 966. 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O J :I I Ig°, I . /��/ , '\ / �• • \ \, �/ , \ l9`O , \ \ � \ ' \ � .r a I' I \\ D 25 so 100 � I .•. I - _ - _'�42 v �o v �, , I 1 I nc. N 1I I 8 m `°° i.-- I / /�// \\ / `1 '� 35 e g1. g6 .5 -/ Y 1 1 I nv 1 «m v r -1-- //P / \ �' \ \ /� '� ��\ \ 10 ,n\ \� °j� \ \� C W'' �oM (IN FEET 1 II 1 5 I �v0 1 I 011 ^ 3� JI K°0 I //.'371 ^ �j //^\\ �Oghg, 22 / �O / o✓ . ) / \ / 1i' .. O i \ / \ \ � / \ gra , \ ,' /' 43 \ \ 10 \ \ 141 tJ/ / / o/ i\ g/ OyO gg\ � BERC4MARKS 1 "'ill--- •' } ''QQ��''gq ��j /\ / Il. Mlnneaota D I b GSID t dont No. 938,3 (MnDol 1 1 3107 �oN j - - _ .�,v �•� // �//Ml. \\.\9y90h \ y \ \ �' gh��h \ \ > �/ /' Nom.Gaf). ���� I o O _ &° ° / / °o \ pb , \ \ /�(. // \ is /' s ELEVATION = 974.529 1 14 0 8 I oo� °° 372/// � /� Nig>, 344 \\ \ �O \ ���- . I /m N mm� 1 po9A ° �' 8 / hro0y 1 \ sy ,' \ ,/ 352 g 1 I L-- vmm 1 °/• / a•,� �/ �v 0 \ 20 , `� / O „ 14091 I°° a ` . 1 o 6h• \�r / �s.9a 2 %i zI II loo ISEE SHEET34�.- su 3890 Pheasant Ridge Dnve NE, R -,,,,ns: \ .. Carlson I Onmental SuiteInraprtwasPre-by certify aredbylaospecification Print Name: Brian lKrvs[oflak.P.E. Drawn: LOC MONTICELLO PROPERTIES Blaine,, MN 55449 I or report was Prepared by me or under my 1. 9/13/19 Per City Comments McCain engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 dcensedProfeluipmisssi andthatl Engineduter Signaure: �_ /LAG I Designed BK 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 RAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING 35 rveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under / • I Www.CarlSpnmCtdln.cpm the laws ofthe State pfMinnesota Date: 45/19 License #: 25063 Date: 9/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN of s r:tpe,t>a.t-7osm�ssa mona«iw wweeiH,ae tam..ni• aremim�uMw,•a..e.s - 38 J SUBQRA CORRECTION (TOWN HOMES) AS NOTED E � FO.V TOPSOIL ARIES GRADING GRADE PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE Ir -EXISTING GRADE .. .. W ..,. SELECT BACKFlLL LIMIT OF SUBGRADE EXCAVATION MATERIAL ^ SELECT BAC - MATERIALN5,\PgMP.�R\P� COMPACTED BACKFILL NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL NON -SELECT 3.0MA%.COMPACTED BACKFlLL BACKFILL MATERIAL yMCOMPACTED BACKFILL - 7, r MIN. -BOTTOM OF UNSTABLE MATERIAL SUBGRADE CORRECTION (SINGLE FAMILY LOTS) /TIS\ SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL COMPACTED BACKFILL BACKFILL MATERIAL COMPACTED BACKFILL - 50' (SINGLE FAMILY) 0.5' TOPSOIL GRADING GRADE 3.0" 10• PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE EXISTING GRADE I IJ IMIT OF SUBGRADE EXCAVATION GRADING REFERENCE NUMBER SELECT BACKFlLL MATERIAL'74 LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION SURFACE DRAINAGE---- �y` O'7SOP �ORf-?'/ NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL MAX. 3.0'I COMPACTED BACKFlLL MAX. 961 0 0.0' MIN. LO —RAMBLER LOOKOUT OR SPLIT -BOTTOM OF UNSTABLE MATERIAL GRADING PLAN LOT KEY 1594 , 60.5 DRAINAGE & UTILITY I EASEMENT 1 n OJ 205- GRADING REFERENCE NUMBER LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION SURFACE DRAINAGE---- �y` HOUSE TYPES ' R —RAMBLER OR SPLIT ENTRY GROUND ELEVATION 961 0 LO —RAMBLER LOOKOUT OR SPLIT ® BUILDING - 961 rJ ENTRY WALKOUT WO —RAMBLER WALKOUT SE —SPLIT ENTRY RECOMMENDED SEWO-SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT GARAGE SIDE CG CUSTOM GRADING FINISHED ELEVATION 55 1---% J SOG—DENOTES SLAB ON GRADE DENOTES STEP CONDITION 6" STEPS) ® LOT CORNER - 644 (IN STREET RAMBLER It NO SCALE I (F�SETBACK) �25• 50 FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE G.3' I +0. + 10' o I 0 5' MIN �TOPSOI=I I I T 15' — 1 0 5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED RAMBLER NO SCALE �30' S0' ((FRONT SETBACK) GRADING 1 FINISHED GRADE I GRADING GRADE I R�2> 0.7' Io 10' + 0 5' MIN I JTOPSOIL I y I 2.5'1 I u 0.5' TOPSOIL TOWNHOME LOT HOLDDOWNS SLAB ON GRADE CURB NO SCALE It 25' VARIES (FRONT*SETBACK) //�� FINISHED GRADE I SIJG GRADING GRADE i u? 03 TOPSOIL 0 9 10 i07 VARA q 05' MIN. __ ____i__1 TOPSOIL I *30' O SETBACK TO GARAGE I MULTI -FAMILY TOWNHOME LOTS 10' 138 0 37 0 32� 32. 3] --- 4 WIT, --- 5' TOWN�OME 5• /25' Bldg Setback ))++ JJ11 g (30' to Garage) RIG'►UF (yqj'` \ /0 32. 3 0 CONIC. CURB --- 10' 106 0 3710 I 321-0-11 37 yll( UNI71 5' " TO NNH01]E , " 5' X25' Bldg. Setback (30' to Garage) +3.0TR 2.0 1 370 RIGH -OF -WA CONIC. CURB -- SINGLE FAMILY HOLDDOWNS WALKOUT NO SCALE ((FRONT SETBACK)�25• t•,ti0� I "? \ FINISHED GRADE o GRADING GRADE 1 1 10' I I s ��� 0.5' MIN, I iTOPSOIL 1II O S' TOPSOIL U I MODIFIED WALKOUT NO SCALE 30 ((FRONT SETBACK)�25• 0 W0 2) FINISHED GRADE ----10, y GRADING GRADE 1 0' I 1 �� 0.5' MIN I I_I 20' --- TOPSOIL 0 5' TOPSOIL r� } LOOKOUT NO SCALE 30' t0' (FRONT SETBACK)�25 I I�(1 \FINISHED GRADE i 10' 1 GRADING GRADE 1 1 OS zf T.PSOIL 1 1 u 2 D' u I 0.5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED LOOKOUT NO SCALE 30' 0' (FRONT SETBACK)�-25• I LO(2) ul FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE . 10' 0 0 IN i TOPSOI 1 'o -- . 0.5' M i /L 20� u f } u 15 TOPSOIL y5alT ENTRYLWALKOUT R/w NGG ssCC IQ 3050' '(FRONT SETBACK) �25• in I SEW0 FINISHED GRADE 10' j GRADING GRADE - - ---- 0.5' MN iI TORSOL 1 0' u�02' TOPSOIL( # + SPLIT ENTRY R/W NO SCALE It �.0' ((FRONT SE30'TBA.1) —25• FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE I I� D' T161" PSOIL -2' _ 1 1 1 u L y j I 0 2' TOPSOIL 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: (Carlson SMite100 hereby`ert'fythat this plan, spe°Nwt'o" Print Name: Brian ]�sioFlaRP.E. Drawn: LOC MONTICELLO PROPERTIES nvlronmentdl report Was prepared by me or under my 1. 9/13/19 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 3 6 Blame, MN 3) 49 ai mt supervision d that T am a del Signature !G Desi d: IUK 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 DETAILS of • I :engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 peofsionan y gnaure gne Monticello, Minnesota McCain _eying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the Professional Engineer under ww.carlsonmctain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License#: 25063 Dale: 4/5/19 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 / 3$ ir:Noesvo.r-�o�vosa-m�s�iio n'we'r����sa �3alen i� ,i�rw,e,imsia��w��i�a»g POND — 20 01rn cT CONTROL STRUCTURE Is A GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) s 4"X4" OPENINGS \I9s 48" DIA. \ POND — 100 QUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE Milli GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS �ss31 48oDI AA r12 ORIFICE EXlsnxc POND } NWL POND 9545 EASTRO POND g 0, 18" RCP 6 s5s.sl F/0)y0, 1' MIN g 18" RCP 1J FLOW �sas 4a0� FLOW ` .o 951.5 —�6' _Nm' POND — 300 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS / 48" DIA q 18" RCP o FLOW `s54 953, NWL POND = 9540 .1 F� RCP 1' MIN. 9510 POND — 500 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS o �ssas 48oDIA. w[naND 953s 18" RCP FLOW `gsye 9sa a. � FILTRATION BASIN III III, ILII -,� VARIES GRASS PRE-TREATMENT STRIP 1 UNDISTURBED, UNCOMPACTED SOIL I_ I I' 1=111111—I * ANTING MFIDIUM 5% HOMOGENEOUS SAND 15% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST PLANT NATIVE PLANTS TOLERANT OF INUNDATION AND DROUGHT I I I``2" OF 1/4" CHOKING STONE X15" WASHED STONE (IGNEOUS) 6" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILE SCARIFY EXISTING SIOLS TO A MINIMUM 12" * ONSITE TO BE UTILIZED TO DEPTH P THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. INFILTRATION BENCH POND — 200 TYPICAL STREET SECTION OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE R/'N EISELE/FALLON AVENUE M �i c MIErv��=ta.33' 18 33' �- bx���15 NWL VARIES POND - _ 1 -III-III— - - � - IIIA BRUMINOLE TRAILS n— D RETE BIDEwaLK EE P A oRD o Ara) O�4 �4;.'RANMEI BASE o wN4• TOPSOIL (SEE PLAN FOR LOcanGN) GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS D CURB REUANNNGuk%w PAVEMENT SECTION a a cOrvcRETE C cuGOV cnoO�o L Q+oos' VERFIED ITR �sssa ENGINEER a ojat aTr 48oDIA. TYPICAL STREET SECTION -AND18" R/w 85TH STREET /, RCP 'OND = 949 0 � FLOW sss D qs N. POND —1 0 1' MIN FCpwCP 1' MIN. \ I Y ..I�� ����133'� W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER �4 0 o wIN4D wRe IL / LAN TOPR g 6.G 952.0 POPE. EE L. MUT H (SEE PLAN Poa LOcanarv) REMAINING R%W PAVEMENT SECTION B618CURB CO CRE BE TC=& -O.0, 'AVEMET L ENGINEER AND/w+ OTY POND — 700 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE TYPICAL STREET SECTION n neerin tlirect supervision and that 1 am a duly gI g Phone: (763)489-7900 I I FARMSTEAD AVE, FARMSTEAD CT, 87TH ST, EISELE LN, ELEMORE CT, ELEMORE LN, EHLER LN McCain "s urveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Llcensetl Professional Engineer under 489-7959Om the laws of the State of Minnesota R/W —}- R/w �I r6�to I a� GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS ww.(763) 11 SOD wNs' TOPSOIL )_ s CONCRETE smawBE BASE re TOPsai /4' PLAN (sEE PRA FOR LOcanon) SEED . /",so o REMAixlNcua%w PAVEMENT SECTION MODIFIED Guoi _ _ 48" DIA TO 3R BITIIMNWSN�nCx COATS WAR �u5�0TYPE 5PECSP2355 SP µsA3aoc (( E`'12 SPNWB 30C A Go -Ce SELECT GRANUL MAR Ix SCARIFY x COMPACTEDRBL can [ BEHINDCURS) •n11CKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR TO BE VERIFIED Wml GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND/OR CITY I s WETLa 18" RCP POND = 953,5 -FLOW �`9wo R NWL'1POND = 9530 1' MIN. ,o' 11' MIN INFILTRATION BASIN PLANT W/ MI,DOT SEED MIX 33-261 W/ EROSION CONTROL BLANKET -----— ------ — III -1-1 b VARIES —III—III—I GRASS PRE-TREATMENT STRIP- 2114" UNDISTURBED, UINC OMPAC TED SOIL III �J� II Ii *PI ANTINF, MFmIIM 85% HOMOGENEOUS SAND SCARIFY UPPER 24" 15% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST OF EXISTING SAND # ONSITE TO BE UTILIZED TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 1 PLANT W/ MODOT SEED MIX 33-261 10' BENCH 10' INFILTRAn BENC W/ EROSION CONTROL BLANKET OUTLET VARIES NWL VARIES POND - _ 1 -III-III— - - � - IIIA —IIj__ - _--III BED, UNPACIEO -- UNDISTURCOM '-1�1=1�1 III ISI ISI III— II SOIL * PIAN nxf. M 853 HOMOGENEOUS SAND * ONSITE TO BE UTILIZED TO 53 OreG C LEAF COMPOST THE EXTENT POSSIBLE VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER (� Carlson 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suit¢ 100 hereby certify that this plan, specifwtion nvlronmen,.I Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my Revisions: P nt Name: Brian ] s oFlak, P.E. Drawn: DC 1.9/13/19 Per City Commen s � • n neerin tlirect supervision and that 1 am a duly gI g Phone: (763)489-7900 I I � Signature' K r Deslgnetl: UK l McCain "s urveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Llcensetl Professional Engineer under 489-7959Om the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 ww.(763) Bi hlloecVo4t - YO 116 - m—N. Pmµvoecicae cae\�9 neenn9Wreilmyians\eeues 1w9 TURF ESTABLISHMENT TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL APPLY TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND SHALL BE ACCORDING TO MFDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION (LATEST EDITION) EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BELOW. TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL OCCUR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT IN NO CASE MORE THAN 14 DAYS. TOPSOILMINIMUM OF 6" OF TOPSOIL SEED. MI,DOT MIXTURE 25-141 AT 60 POUNDS PER ACRE. DORMANT SEED. SHALL BE APPLIED AT TWICE THE NORMAL RATE AFTER NOVEMBER 1ST MULCH: TYPE 1 AT 2 TONS PER ACRE (DISK ANCHORED) FERTILIZER. TYPE 1 10-10-10 AT 200 POUNDS PER ACRE. LOT BENCHING DETAIL LOT PROFILE ' / DIRECTION OF FLOW (LOT) _ STREET PROFILE — DIRECTION OF FLOW (STREET), 0.5� 0 5' TYPICAL POND SECTION PONDS 100, 200, 300 & 400 (WITHOUT INFILTRATION) 44 �1 10:1 N W L 10:1 —a ---- — - ----- 3 `-3 1 1 3 III LG-' BOTTOM Illi 10 '] I' I I I ,III -1I I I�1 I I „I l r VARIES TYPICAL POND SECTION PONDS 500, 600 & 700 (WITH INFILTRATION) 4 10' INFILTRATION/FILTRATION BENCH TYPICAL STREET SECTION NWL. D 1 EILDON WAY NE, EILDON DRIVE NE—_a---- - -r I- 3 N 3 I R/W R/W III III y 10' 10' I I 10' 10' 4q 4ixt616� 4s� zx� 1 10' INFILTRAP ON/FILTRATION BENCH BOTTOM 1 II,IiIII III IIIIi,.II D W/" TURA IL/ I TOPsoli4 a/s �cussE551oliWA2ixSAIDPER NO VARIES (SEE PLAN FOR LOCATION) REMAININGUR/W MODIFIEDPAVEMENT SECTION TLT a GOO t3 15'BITUBITUMINOUS WEUCN'GAR COURSE, TYPE SP 95 SPWEA340C 2" BITIIMINOUS BAY CTACK OURS���rW,�EPSP 12EC 5 SPrvwa330C BECRROW (2�6" BEHIND CURB) COMPACTEDMIN SCARIFY & •HUCKNM or SEAN LECT GRULAR TO BE V 1EO ITI GEmECRN1�L ENGINEER Ano/OR CITY TYPICAL BIT. SHOULDER EDMONSON AVE, 85TH ST, FALLON AVE. 50' - Fallon Ave 65' - 85th St. 60'-Ed—son Right -of -w0 'Ight- 1' X10' Varies 4' 12' T TO CENTER of RIGGHT OF S Y B1t TrON SH, I rU Lane aesPicT f1' 11-11.5'ane L ' gg Agg Th,. LTh,. hru Lane Agg smd smtl -05' MILL JOINT SLOPE VAR1Fc 1 Shoulder'_n� SAWCUT/MILL LINE AGG. BASE EDGE MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 * PAVEMENT SECTION (PER MRI 2360) -2"-TYPE SPWEB330B BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE -BITUMINOUS TACK COAT -2"-TYPE SPNWB33OB BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE VERIFY AND MATCH EXISTING STREET SECTION HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota 10' BITUMINOUS PATH DETAIL I i 10, i r1, -2.0% 3" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE TYPE SP 9.5 MIX SPWEA240B 6" CL. 5 AGG. BASE 1" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 6 MIN SCARIFY AND RE -COMPACT FABRIC IF DIRECTED BY ENGINEER DETAILS 137of/ 38 SILT FENCE MODULAR RETAINING WALL #1 (702 SF) ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE FILTER FABRIC (36" MAX. HEIGHT) ANCHOR W/ METAL o %OPENING IN FABRIC WEAVE < 212 pm T—POST OR WOOD 2"X2" STAKE 6"X6" TRENCH DIRECTION OF FLOW / (COMPACTED BACKFILL) _I_ _i 'll, III III P 'VIII ISI III I�I_III— I I—III—III= t_�1— I1=III—III=1 I I +it I:II�I�_lllllll-ll- '�r- rl- UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES 1 DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED SILT FENCE LINE 2 DRIVE ALL ANCHOR POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH 3 POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ALONG THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE ANCHOR POSTS AND BACK FILL 6"X6" TRENCH. 5 SECURELY ATTACH SILT FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF THREE ATTACHMENTS PER POST 6 SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS 2573 & 3886. TREE FENCE ANCHOR W/ METAL/,(48" T— POST OR WOOD o COPOLYMER BARRIER FENCING HEIGHT) 2"X2" STAKE hereby certify that this plan, specifwtion Print Name: Brian ]� stoFlak, P.E. I or report Was prepared by me or under my —� A,// direct supervision and that E am a duly Signature' K r l Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 the Drawn: LDC Designed: BM Dale: 4/5/19 Revisions: 9/13/19 Per City Comments I�—ITI—III- -IT1,;,ITiTI� SII_ 9w�iim�ia�sa�ii� 1.9 2'x3' HDPE FRAME INSERT -1TI-11- ��ITI� I UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES 1 TREE FENCING SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT PER CALIPER INCH OF TREE DIAMETER FROM TREE(S) THAT IS/ARE TO BE SAVED 2. ANCHOR POST MAY BE SPACED UP TO 10 FEET APART. 3. SECURELY ATTACH TREE FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF TWO ATTACHMENTS PER POST 4. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATION 2572 976 974 972 970 974 972 970 968 (� Carlson • McCain nVironmental n neerin I s rV g urveying 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55449 Phone: (763) 489-7900 Fax: (763) 489-7959 ww.carl50nmcWin.cOm hereby certify that this plan, specifwtion Print Name: Brian ]� stoFlak, P.E. I or report Was prepared by me or under my —� A,// direct supervision and that E am a duly Signature' K r l Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 the Drawn: LDC Designed: BM Dale: 4/5/19 Revisions: 9/13/19 Per City Comments 9i r:�pes --1a 116-m�n�iio P,�Pe,ti 1�aa��g �eeW 9w�iim�ia�sa�ii� 1.9 2'x3' HDPE FRAME INSERT TOP OF WALL 976 974 I I I � 972 \ `GROUND GRADE \ / 0 FACE OF WALL \�\ 970 \ I / \ N \ 1.5' BURY II 41 =20' 0 1 MODULAR RETAINING WALL #2 (953 SF) I I I l \ \ \ GROUND GRADE \ ®FACE OF WALL \ \ \ \ 0 TOP OF WALL-\ 974 1 I I I ; 1.5' BURY MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 a MIN. INFRASAFE - 2'x3' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS INFRASAFE - 27" DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY RO"AL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES HOPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS — MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891 F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION — FILTER BAG INSERT" — DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R -3250—A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) FRAME CASTING HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota DETAILS 138f/ 38 HDPE INSERT BASKETS Es.y SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 972 a EsE EEy 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS EEE 113' REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 970 2'x3' HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS — MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION — FILTER BAG INSERT" 968Q — DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3067 OR R-3290 SERIES INFRASAFE - 27" DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY RO"AL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES HOPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS — MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891 F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION — FILTER BAG INSERT" — DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R -3250—A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) FRAME CASTING HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota DETAILS 138f/ 38 --------------- I I A A I I ------------------------------- a` n _—__—__— c / o' I I I I �I II I I I I I I I I I I II r -------------- I I I I II I I 1i I I I I I I I I I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: KRO • environmental or report was prepared by me or under my 1' Blaine, MN 55449 • • engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature:— Designed: BJK surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under www.carlsonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 6/10/19 License #: 25063 Date: 6/10/19 McCain ' I Save Date: 11/19/19 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\exhibits\prelim\prelim_overall_phasing.dwg ------------------ -�� I � i� I i I H"EN RIDGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ,II ` IIII W ti II Ili s I°llljlli III lill III OIOIU°IIII II .. IlW li lel III i IIII; I „�i �.: EWE .:. ��I°Illllllu911' �� 'fie y \\ �eeee\ .•�� 5' �l o)OM6 G W0��21 � rs ess) I'i � II _ M S UMMAR Y / � I FAMILY i TOTAL \4m.,:: � I LOTS / 27 LOTS PHASE II g `�1�0�7►7i_i� •'v — 47 / PHASE MO �i�i���\ LOTS ����,������ --- � ��i�Z�Z���!_�_•� ----�� �_.� 0 / I LOTS 46 LOTS 64 LOTS PHASE V 43 LOTS — 43 LOTS PHASE VI 37 LOTS — 37 LOTS PHASE I I I I I I I , j I I I I I I I I I i , i i LOTS PHASE VIII 30 LOTS — 30 LOTS 253 LOTS / 326 LOTS / / / / / 1 ,II ` IIII W ti II Ili s I°llljlli III lill III OIOIU°IIII II .. IlW li lel III i IIII; I „�i �.: EWE .:. ��I°Illllllu911' �� 'fie y \\ �eeee\ .•�� 5' �l o)OM6 G W0��21 � rs ess) I'i � II _ M S UMMAR Y SINGLE FAMILY TOWNHOME TOTAL \4m.,:: 1 o" LOTS — 27 LOTS PHASE ,.� how g `�1�0�7►7i_i� •'v — 47 LOTS PHASE MO �i�i���\ LOTS ����,������ --- � ��i�Z�Z���!_�_•� ----�� �_.� 0 `C 18 LOTS 46 LOTS 64 LOTS MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 I i HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota CHELSE Z w �a N z O N z O 85TH ST. NE o w Q z i 0 J J Q L� ST. NE SITE / z z VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE NOTE: 1.) PHASING SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO MARKET CONDITIONS 2.) TEMPORARY CUL—DE—SACS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED AT PHASE LIMITS SHEET INDEX P1. PHASING EXHIBIT P2. PHASED GRADING EXHIBIT P3. PHASED UTILITY EXHIBIT z=Q 0 100 2100 400 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. PHASING EXHIBIT P1 of 3 S UMMAR Y SINGLE FAMILY TOWNHOME TOTAL PHASE 1 27 LOTS — 27 LOTS PHASE 11 47 LOTS — 47 LOTS PHASE 111 22 LOTS 27 LOTS 49 LOTS PHASE IV 18 LOTS 46 LOTS 64 LOTS PHASE V 43 LOTS — 43 LOTS PHASE VI 37 LOTS — 37 LOTS PHASE VII 29 LOTS — 29 LOTS PHASE VIII 30 LOTS — 30 LOTS 253 LOTS 73 LOTS 326 LOTS NOTE: 1.) PHASING SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO MARKET CONDITIONS 2.) TEMPORARY CUL—DE—SACS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED AT PHASE LIMITS SHEET INDEX P1. PHASING EXHIBIT P2. PHASED GRADING EXHIBIT P3. PHASED UTILITY EXHIBIT z=Q 0 100 2100 400 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. PHASING EXHIBIT P1 of 3 I I OWNER: 85TH STREET NE DAVID R &JUDY NELSON \ I T I I Ann 1 r\ n 1 \ I\ \\ I I/ A PID: 213-100-242202 1-7 L- I OWNER- I I I I I I I I \ \ I I : I I r I DOUGLAS G ARNOLD PID: 213-100-242203 y\ v I I I /• , \ A 11 TI 10 A I II n IF 7/ — / nR N IF- _ � � � I V / I � OWNER: I � � \ / L 8 - SHANN N Y n� nl? 0 E - lr7- v� / PID: 213-100-242300 CITY OF MONTICELLO ,il., � i i I I w -- Rl RESIDENTIAL v \v -7-i A/ 1 / �ti I U vvA _T / \ -I DISTRICT \\I L-1 _j �� , o I L_1-1 I r1L_I \._. I I\ In A F-'\ F'\ ITI 1n I �II-rr-A^ —- nuI\IIL_I I I n IIn/ �I / A OWNER: MEGAN A WARFIELD-KIMBALL I n I V vV n I PI D: 213-100-242302 � 00;-4 I A nnIT1�1n I — O �J�v I/ �\ I �� \� I I Zr'4" �1 111101 A TTrn I —� A — � � _ � I VI VI L.rl 1 ICU — \ I I y OUTLOT IB J OWNER: _ _ \ \\ BARBARA J O'BRIEN A /N— I I I �%% �%� _ \ PID: 213-100-242400 rl \7�\1V VL. �V�\rIL. �� FA I � /1 I A l n I I I I I � 'I � �)ll,^,^In � I- � � u l \ L/ vv I v � �1 I I I � I � %/�/ � % -� �� OUTLOT B ^ � � / � � 85TH STREET NE-, -85TH STREET NE �� � %�y 001 --- -- ---------------- - I- ----------- - --------- - - --- - -- ---- --------------------- - ---------- ----- '�\ _---- _—__— __-- - - - - --- — t -\ OUTLOT G ��. n �.T ��✓/ OUTLOT D OWNER: OUTLOT F - �� SEAN T & JODY L MO PID: 213-100-243102 PID: OUTLOT K %� % •, , OIUTLOT Pell) I OWNER: i/ O� /�'�� / /�; �I 0 1 JEROLD A UNTIEDT REV TRUST j, � + •�/ O% i I / \ I LOR N / O BRIEN PID:213-100-233100 I Off/� /, r', ` ,! 9 �-�� PID:213-100-243101 o, POP 1.--�� j i�� gro, /// OWNER:4103I A / Z--------- V�/ /%, THOMAPID & KATHRYN 23 L COLLINS I I LIQ v / `t -'/ - MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP URBAN RESERVE - - - - - - ' ,���� - `•� UTLOT J I i LSI \ L OWNER:1 1h 1 ; )1 A rrrn JEROLD A UNTIEDT REV TRUST %// _ j I I _ � I I I � r AI / `t � � I VI VI L. r1 ► 1 LLJ I I PID: 213-100-234403 / / ;/�� - A /171/`1 II rl 1^� A I OUTLOT K I I r, 1 L- i OWNER: MARK J HOLKER / PID: 213-100-243300 �' / I - _�' OWNER: MARK J HOLKER PID: 213-100-23410-2341 00 I I I _ I A� OWNER: \ A J / I JANE C CORNELIUS = OWNER: w I PID: 213-100-234400 DOUGLAS L STOKES 1 PID: 213-100-233400 A 1\ I \ OWNER. OUTLOT L I GARY A & LESIA A GERZEMA - \ PID: 213-100-233402- - -- - OWNER: - - - -JANE C CORNELIUS PID: 213-100-261101 1 n ' I I \ T�7C_ nvlC_ / `r vi TL7C_ nvC /'`r r n IIA/ n Suit Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, M O N TI C E L LO PROPERTIES P E RTI E S Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: DRAWN BY: C# Revisions: 1 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 12 13/19 '? HAVEN RIDGE 1 • • engineering direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ISSUE DATE: 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 PROPOSED ZONING EXHIBIT of McCain r g Phone: (763) 9-795900 p Monticello Minnesota • surveying Licensed Land Surveyor under Y 9 Fax: arts 489-79 .c the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: License #: FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 1 www.carlsonmccain.com Save Date: 12/13/19 I3:QoisE700 - FELCOT706 - monticello properties\cad c3d\survey\7056-ex-prop zoning exbt.dwg \-I V V V Z__ illillillillillllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI79TH LEGEND I N \ - R-1 - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (215 LOTS) /.-- STREET r \nI , \\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ NE - R-3 - MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENCE DISTRICT (73 LOTS) \J (J / \ III \ - R -A - RESIDENTIAL AMENITIES DISTRICT (38 LOTS) ' I -1 , n nr- Ti ,F- n Ir- I , n TOTAL LOTS = 326 LOTS �+ � nil OWNER: -1 IF n Ir- �. I r7L_ I vC_ �/ `r �� I r7C_ I vc- 1/ `r I - 0 150 300 600 — — JANE C CORNELIUS PID: 213-100-261201 OWNER: \ I \ JANE C CORNELIUS Z__ PID: 213-100-261100 I ( SCALE IN FEET ) Suit Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, M O N TI C E L LO PROPERTIES P E RTI E S Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: DRAWN BY: C# Revisions: 1 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 12 13/19 '? HAVEN RIDGE 1 • • engineering direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ISSUE DATE: 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 PROPOSED ZONING EXHIBIT of McCain r g Phone: (763) 9-795900 p Monticello Minnesota • surveying Licensed Land Surveyor under Y 9 Fax: arts 489-79 .c the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: License #: FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 1 www.carlsonmccain.com Save Date: 12/13/19 I3:QoisE700 - FELCOT706 - monticello properties\cad c3d\survey\7056-ex-prop zoning exbt.dwg (reserved for recording information) DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Developer Installed Improvements) HA VEN RIDGE (PC 2019-020) T s DEVELOPMENT CONTACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Contract") dated , 2020, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and HAVEN RIDGE, LLC, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability corporation (the "Developer" and "Owner"). 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat and Planned Unit Development approval for HAvENRIDGE (referred to in this Contract as the "plat" and the "Development"). The land is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". The Developer is developing approximately 213 acres, in multiple phases, into 326 units (253 single-family residential units and 73 townhome units) to be rezoned at the time of final plat for each phase as applicable as A -O (Agriculture -Open Space) R -A (Residential Amenities), R-1(Single Family Residence), and PUD District, for the Development. Phase 1 of the development consists of 26.79 acres, including 27 single-family residential units. The Developer has Page 11 204432v1 requested to be rezoned to R-1 (Single -Family Residence) District for Phase 1 of the Development, pursuant to Resolution No. 2020-OXX. 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat and the Phase 1 rezoning on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder within 365 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder/Registrar's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. The plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat. The City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City. Park dedication charges referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots, if any, in the plat that are designated in the approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and blocks. Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. The plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat. The preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, no outlots, within ten (10) years after preliminary plat approval. Page 12 204432v1 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For five (5) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. 7. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the subject property shall be subject to the zoning regulations for the requirements and standards of the R -A, Residential Amenities Zoning District, the R-1, Single Family Residence, and the Planned Unit Development District as applicable to each Phase of development in effect at the time the final plat is approved. For Phase 1 of the Development, if there is a conflict among these regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement (2) R-1 Zoning District (Single Family Residential) 8. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. A. No final plat for changes or amendments to this Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. B. The proposed townhome area of the Development will require application for Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development and rezoning to Planned Unit Development. Page 13 204432v1 9. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B - Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Plan C - Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan Plan D — Street and Storm Sewer Plan Plan E — Stormwater Management Plan Plan F — Details Plan Plan G — Site and Utility Plan Plan H — Roadway / Transportation Plans Plan I - Tree Preservation Plan: General site and individual unit landscaping plans Plant J - Landscape Plans (North, Multi -family, South) Plan K - Trail Plan Plan L — Sign Plan Plan M — Street Lighting Plan Plan N — Phasing Plan 10. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System Page 14 204432v1 D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights, Street Signs, Traffic Control Signs G. Site Grading and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities I. Setting of Iron Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Sidewalks and Trails L. Retaining Walls M. Conservation Easement and Wetland Buffer Posts N. Mailboxes: All developers must meet with the City of Monticello Street Superintendent and USPS to determine the type of mail boxes installed and the location of all mail boxes. Initial costs of the mail boxes and their installation are the responsibility of the developer. All residential developments must install locking cluster mail boxes. The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a competent registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all instructions received from the City's inspectors. The Developer or its engineer shall schedule a pre -construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible Page 15 204432v1 "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. Developer shall provide as -built CAD files that include GPS locations of all lot corners, right of way, public utility structures and castings, street lights, and utility service stubs. Developer shall pay for the cost of entering as -built information into the City GIS system. This cost will be billed at the hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule under the City Engineering Administration escrow per Section 20 of this Agreement. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 11. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Planned Unit Development Zoning Regulations are equal to those set forth in the PUD Resolution, the R -A Zoning District Regulations, and the R-1 Single Family Residences as they apply to each phase of the Development. The applicable Development Zoning Regulations for Phase 1 of the Development are equal to those set forth in the R-1 ;Single -Family Residence) District. 12. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • Wright County Soil Conservation District and Army Corp of Engineers for Wetlands • City of Monticello for Building Permits • City of Monticello for Grading Permits Page 16 204432v1 13. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 14. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by August 30th of the year following the year of recording of the final plat with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed by October 15th of the year following installation of improvements, at the direction and in the discretion of the City Engineer. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Final wear course placement outside of this time frame must have the written approval of the City Engineer. 15. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 16. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. The City may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be restored as identified in the Construction Stormwater General Permit/SWPPP, unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in Page 17 204432v1 accordance with the City's current seeding specification to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 17. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan "B". The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except model homes as permitted by this Contract or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed posts along ponds and wetland buffers; and c) lot corner elevations, and Page 18 204432v1 building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with house/building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed FHA/HUD 79G specifications. 18. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. 19. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 20. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. Page 19 204432v1 A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be four percent (4.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $41,321.80 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development, to pay the fees owed to the City under this Section. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the four (4%) estimate. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the subject property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the subject property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $21,206.25 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting Page 110 204432v1 engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrow amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 21. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. A. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration relating to processing of the Plat and associated administration. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $20,660.90 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. B. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City planning -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $20,660.90 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. C. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal -related expenses associated with the Plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Page 111 204432v1 Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $20,660.90 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. D. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 22. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 23. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. A. Phase 1 of the Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $74,160.85. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 18.61 net acres x $3,985.00 (Base Area Charge) $74,160.85 Page 112 204432v1 The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of $74,160.85 shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. B. Future phases of the Development shall be subject to a storm sewer area charge based on the prevailing rate at the time of final plat. 24. SANITARY SEWER AREA CHARGE. A. Phase 1 of the Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $$25,176.00. The area charge is based on the number of units in the plat and is calculated as follows: 27 units x $1,488.00/unit = $40,176.00 - $15,000 credit = $25,176.00 The Developer shall receive a credit against sanitary sewer charges for Phase 1 for connection to existing utilities at Hunters Crossing. The amount of the credit is $15,000.00. The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the :ime of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. B. Future phases of the Development shall be subject to a sanitary sewer area charge based on the prevailing rate at the time of final plat. C. A 36 -inch dry gravity trunk main is to be constructed within future proposed Phase 3, 7 and 8. and as documented in the City's SouthEast Sewer Study. Credits to the sanitary sewer area charge for the design and construction of this main shall be applied at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. Page 113 204432v1 D. A lift station is required to serve the proposed Phase 3. Oversizing credits to the sanitary sewer area charge for the construction of the lift station may be applicable based on the design capacity of the left station and will be provided as applicable in the development contract for the applicable phase of development. Credit shall be applied at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. 25. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. A. Phase 1 of the Development is subject to a water main area charge of $14,781.00. The area charge is based on the number of units in the plat and is calculated as follows: 27 units x $1,103.00/unit = $29,781.00 - $15,000 credit =$14,781.00 The Developer shall receive a credit against watermain charges for Phase 1 for connection to existing utilities at Hunters Crossing. The amount of the credit is $15,000.00. The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the watermain area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. B. Future phases of the Development shall be subject to a watermain area charge based on the prevailing rate at the time of final plat. C. The development is subject to watermain oversizing credits to the water main area charge for the construction of 12 -inch and 16 -inch mains from and 8 -inch main. Credits shall be applied at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. Oversizing costs will be based on pipe size, fittings weights and gate valve sizes. Page 114 204432v1 26. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Construction traffic access and egress for grading, public utility construction, and public street construction is restricted to access from Eisele, Fallon Avenue, 85th Street and Edmonson Avenue. No construction traffic is permitted on the adjacent local streets. Direct driveway lot access shall be prohibited for the following lots: Along Fallon Avenue Along 85th Street: Along Eisele Avenue Lot 1, Block 1 Lots 1-3, Block 2 Lot 1, Block 3 Lots 1 and 2, block 4 Lots 13-20, Block 29 Lots 1-9, Block 30 Lots 1-4, Block 25 Lot 5, Block 25 Lots 8-11, Block 25 27. PARK DEDICATION AND TRAILS. A. The City's Ordinance specifically requires 11% of the land area, or an equal contribution based on the land value no later than at time of final plat approval. For Phase 1 of the Development, the applicable park dedication required is $25,593.26 cash in lieu of land. For phase 1, the Developer shall receive a credit of $30,000 for the cost of construction of the trail along Fallon Avenue adjacent to the development. The total park dedication requirement is a credit to the developer of $4,406.74 for Phase 1. Park dedication was calculated as follows. 26.79 acres x 11 % = 2.95 Acres of Park Dedication Required 2.95 Acres x $8,675.68 (value of acreage at time of final plat) = $25,593.26 $25,593.26 — ($30,000.00) = $(4,406.74) credit due B. In future phases of the Development, the Developer shall construct 10 -foot wide bituminous pathways along Fallon, Edmonson, Eisele and 85" Avenue within the right of way and shall receive a construction cost credit from the park dedication fee for the applicable phase of the Page 115 204432v1 development. Credits shall be applied at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. C. Trails constructed by the Developer located in Outlots D, J, K and L as shown on the approved preliminary plat shall receive a construction cost and land area credit from the park dedication fee pursuant to the City approved Trail plans. The park and trail requirements shall be approved by the Park and Recreation Commission. Credits for trail construction shall be applied at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. D. Internal sidewalks and pathways along new roadways are to be constructed by the Developer with no credit from the park dedication fee. E. Credit for proposed parkland area near the Hunters Crossing park will be considered with the development of the applicable phase and may only be considered if existing powerlines are buried. No park dedication credit shall be given for stormwater ponding area. 28. LANDSCAPING. The Developer shall plant, per the City's Zoning Ordinance requirements, at least two (2) trees per lot, as well as tree planting areas pursuant to the Landscaping Plans as reviewed and approved by the City. The Developer's Landscaping Plan shall meet the Zoning Ordinance requirements. The Developer shall provide a landscaping security deposit to ensure the placement of landscaping and wetland buffer landscaping per approved plans per Section 32 of this Agreement. The security shall be held for one full year of two growing seasons following installation and inspection. The wetland portion of the security shall be held in accordance with the required maintenance plan. 29. TREE PRESERVATION. A. A Tree Preservation Plan has been submitted. The plan shows a total of 236 trees (41%) are to be saved upon the development. There are 8 specimen trees to be preserved within the Page 1 16 204432v1 Development. Specimen trees shall be protected during development per Monticello Zoning Ordinance 4.2. Should the Developer need to remove a "specimen tree" for the development of a lot, the Developer must replace the "specimen tree" with three or more replacement trees equaling or exceeding a total of eighteen (18) aggregate caliper inches, and the required replacement trees shall be planted within twelve (12) months of the removal or destruction of the specimen tree. No specimen trees are proposed to be removed with Phase 1. No security for mitigation or replacement is applicable to this phase. B. Future Phases of development which impact tree preservation areas shall require submission of tree preservation plans by lot prior to development within the plat. C. At the time of development of any Phase which impacts specimen trees, a deposit per specimen tree as set by the City fee schedule is required as a security for the administration and protection of specimen trees. Replacement shall be at the direction of the Parks Superintendent and shall be subject to a one year or two growing season survival requirement prior to release of security. 30. WETLANDS. A. Developer is required to establish wetland buffers around the wetlands under City Zoning Ordinance 3.7(D). The wetland impacts and mitigation are required to be permitted under t ie Wetland Conservation Act and the US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permits. The wetland buffers will be natural, native vegetation strips of land above the wetland boundaries and may include trail ways. The buffers are required to be placed within an outlot or easement and the Developer is required to maintain the wetland buffers until vegetation standards are met. B. During the first five (5) years after initial planting, the developer shall submit to the City an annual report documenting the progress for establishment of the buffer. The report shall comply with the requirements in the buffer ordinance and is due by December 31 of each year. To guarantee Page 117 204432v1 compliance with this requirement, the developer shall submit a $15,000 deposit which shall be based on the estimated review of annual reporting and the management plan for the wetland buffers within Phase 1. C. Prior to the City issuing a building permit, the developer shall record a notice of the wetland buffer requirement against the title to the lot with the office of the Wright County Recorder or Registrar of Titles. D. The Developer shall provide a deposit of $3,600.00 for the placement of wetland buffer posts per applicable wetland buffer plan. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all posts have been set following site grading and utility and street construction prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. The deposit is calculated as follows: $300 /post x 12 posts = $3,600.00 E. Lot surveys for individual lots shall include the wetland buffer area and dimensions, in addition to the conservation easements. 1. F. The Developer shall show all delineated wetlands on the preliminary plat and all wetland buffers on the grading plan. 31. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the June 27, 2019 letter signed by Shibani K. Bisson, PE, Senior Project Manager for WSB. B. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the July 16, 2019 letter signed by Sara Buermann, PE, Traffic Engineer from Wright County to Matthew Leonard at the City of Monticello. C. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution No. PC -2019-018, including the City Staff recommendation listed in Exhibit Z. Page 118 204432v1 D. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution No. 2019-51 approving a Preliminary Plat for Haven Ridge A 213 Acre Residential Plat. E. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution No. 2020-OXX, for approval of the Final Plat, including Exhibit Z conditions. F. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the November 25, 2019 letters from the City Engineer for the preliminary plat, final plat and Phase 1 construction plans, and the December 6th, 2019 letter for wetland areas. F. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post an $8,100.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 27 units at $300.00 per unit. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. G. The Developer shall be responsible for the cost of street light installation, street sign installation and mailboxes consistent with the ordinance, Design Manual and Standard Specifications of the City. H. Pursuant to a traffic study completed for the Haven Ridge project, the Developer is required to improve adjacent roadways fronting the Development (i.e. Fallon Avenue, 85th Street, Eisele Avenue, Edmonson Avenue) with safety improvements. The improvements include adding 4 -foot bituminous shoulders and pathways to these roadways and compliance with the Wright County Page 119 204432v1 Engineer's recommendations for Edmonson Avenue, which include constructing. a northbound right turn lane and southbound left turn (or bypass) lane be constructed at the intersection of Edmonson Avenue (CR 117) and the proposed Elemore Way NE in the future phase of the development. I. Also included in the Development is the realigning and provision for the future extension of 85th Street as an east -west collector road in accordance with the City's Transportation Plan and Wright County's Transportation Plan. This includes the extension of Fallon Avenue/Eisele Avenue and a roundabout intersecting with the re -aligned 85th Street within the Development. Credits will be provided for the oversized street width for 85th Street from a 36 -foot to a 44 -foot wide street width at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. The oversizing credit amount will be based on unit prices for excavation, granular borrow, class 5 aggregate and bituminous surface at the time of the improvement. Existing overhead power lines located along new or reconstructed roadways are to be buried at the Developer's cost. No Final Plat for Phases impacted by powerlines shall be approved until a plan for compliance with this requirement are provided and approved by the City. K. Developer shall provide a warranty deed to the City of Monticello for all outlots required for stormwater management. For Phase 1, outlots to be deeded to the City are Outlots A, B, and A L. Right of way dedication shall occur as a part of each Phase of Development with the Final Plat, consistent with the approved Preliminary Plat, with future right of way as approved on the Preliminary Plat placed in outlots until the time of Final Plat for each Phase. M. Right of way vacation as detailed on the approved Preliminary Plat shall coincide with the street or Phase of Development as applicable. Page 120 204432v1 N. The Development is subject to an assessment for City Projects 14CO03 and 12C001 for public street improvements for Fallon Avenue and 85th Street. The amount of assessment is $10,255.21 and shall be assessed per Section 35(D). O. The contractor shall install conduit, fiber, and other facilities for the city owned fiber network in the joint trench per city standards. The city will provide plans and details for the installation and the contractor shall submit to the city a cost estimate for approval prior to construction. Upon approval and completion, the city will reimburse the contractor for the cost of the installation of the fiber network. 32. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. A. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, payment of real estate taxes including interest and penalties, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $1,291,306.25, plus a cash fee of $124,510.75 for City engineering, expenses and administration. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Sanitary Sewer $174,540.00 Watermain $133,778.00 Storm Sewer/Draintile/Infiltration Basin $368,707.00 Streets, Driveways and Sidewalks/Trails $347,920.00 Street Lighting, Street Signage, Mailboxes $ Incl Above Retaining Walls $ NA CONSTRUCTION SUB -TOTAL (ESTIMATED) $ 1,024,945.00 OTHER COSTS: Lot Corners/Iron Monuments S 8.100.00 Page 121 204432v1 TOTAL COSTS $1,033,045.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% $1,291,306.25 OTHER REQUIRED SECURITIES: Wetland & Conservation Easement Posts $ 3,600.00 Landscaping $ 129,062.50 Tree Preservation $ NA to phase Wetland Management $ 15,000.00 Demolition of Existing Site Structures $ 50,000.00 Grading, Erosion Control & Restoration $ 126,600.00 TOTAL OTHER REQUIRED SECURITIES $324462.50 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for a term ending when maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the Page 122 204432v1 City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. B. To guarantee the completion of subject property landscaping improvements in compliance with approved Plan "J", the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $129,062.50. Individual securities will be required by lot if the required landscaping has not been installed at the time of certificate of occupancy for each. The security shall be held for two complete growing seasons after installation of landscaping materials to guarantee compliance with City landscaping standards. C. The Developer shall furnish the City with Security in the amount of $126,600.00 to guarantee grading and restoration of the subject property in compliance with approved Plan `B". Plan "B" illustrates the grading of 42.2 acres within the plat. D. The Developer shall furnish the City with Security in the amount of $50,000.00 as related to the removal or demolition of the existing homestead and agricultural buildings on the site. The buildings are required to be removed within three months of the time the building cease active occupation and use. Any use of the property for residential and rental purposes shall comply with all city ordinances. 33. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final plat approval: Four Years Taxes Payable to Monticello Township $ 7,494.92* Administrative (2%) $ 20,660.00* Legal (2%) $ 20,660.00* Planning (2%) $ 20,660.00* Engineering and Inspection (7% total) Grading/Restoration and Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Fee (3% of grading) $ 21,206.00* Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection (4%) $ 41,321.80* Page 123 204432v1 Total Cash Requirements $132,005.87 * Fees and final amounts reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. 34. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for underground utilities is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by City Council. The Developer or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. Maintenance Bonds of the prime contractor maybe accepted subject to City approval. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City standard specifications for utilities construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of utilities. 35. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 33 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the project and following payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat Page 124 204432v1 approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable in equal installments over a ten- year period, plus interest of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final plat approval by the City of Monticello. Assessments shall be allocated on a per lot basis over 27 units. The assessments may be paid in full with interest payable prior to November 1 st of the year prior to levying of assessment. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the City to satisfy Park Dedication requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitclaim deeds shall Page 125 204432v1 be executed for each of the transactions. The Developer agrees to pay all real estate taxes due or payable on outlots transferred to the City for the period up to the time the outlots become tax exempt. 36. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty- eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 37. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan state, and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. Page 126 204432v1 E. Grading, curbing, and one lift of asphalt shall be installed on all public streets prior to issuance of building permits, with the exception of two single family model home structures. The exception is contingent upon the submission and approval of complete as -built grading plan and development plans for the plat, and placement of lot corners for the permitted lots. Release of the building permits is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer and Building Official. No certificate of occupancy for the permitted structure may occur until streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. G. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. H. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded Page 127 204432v1 interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. I. Developer, or its prime contractor, shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat or when any construction commences, whichever later occurs. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. J. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Developer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its employees, officials, and agents from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of Developer's negligence or its performance or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract. Developer's indemnification obligation shall apply to Developer's general contractor, subcontractor(s), or anyone directly or indirectly employed or hired by Developer, or anyone for whose acts Developer may be liable. Developer agrees this indemnity obligation shall survive the completion or termination of this Contract. K. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy Page 128 204432v1 herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. L. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells a part or parts of the platted land. M. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 38. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: INSERT DEVELOPER ADDRESS. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362. [The remainder ofpage intentionally left blank. Signature pages follow.] Page 129 204432v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO (SEAL) n STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2019, by Brian Stumpf and Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public Page 130 204432v1 DEVELOPER: HAVEN RIDGE, LLC Marc ,LLC Its President [title] STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (Ss. COUNTY OF ) Schulte The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2020, byMarc Schulte, the President of HAVEN RIDGE, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability corporation, on behalf of said entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ Page 131 204432v1 EXHIBIT "A" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PC2019-020) Legal Description of Property Being Final Platted as HAVEN RIDGE Parcel 1: That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 seconds West, assuming the West line of said Nus thwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West, 408.28 feet to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds West, along the northwesterly extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along said centerline of 85th Street NE, 1302.04 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 03 seconds East, 468.91 feet, more or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street NE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly extension, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE as described in said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE to the South line of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 10 minutes 07 seconds West, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 1773.52 feet to the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. AND The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Parcel 2: The West half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. Page 132 204432v1 That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence northerly, along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, 437.36 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence westerly, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document no. 390488; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. Parcel 3: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota lying northerly of a line drawn southwesterly from a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 990.00 feet north of the southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating. :on That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. Page 133 204432v1 Page 134 204432v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (Haven Ridge) , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar of Titles as document number , agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of 920. a STATE OF [print name] Its [title] ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20, by the of a , on behalf of the Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ Page 135 204432vl FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Haven Ridge) DENN FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Minnesota limited partnership, fee owner of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement, affirms and consents to the provisions thereof and agrees to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by it. Dated this day of 120. DENN FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP [print name] Its [title] STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (Ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20_, by , the of Denn Family Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ Page 136 204432vl IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. , dated , 2 , of (Name of Bank) "; b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2007. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. mm Its Page 137 204432v1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. _ Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. _ Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: () Claims Made () Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES $1,000,000 for each occurrence $1,000,000 or more Page 138 204432v1 Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting Damage Due to Collapse Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: _ Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence no Combined Single Limit Policy: YES YES YES Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On BY: Authorized Insurance Representative Page 139 204432v1 HAVEN RIDGE SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Phase 1 02 - 1/07/20 Total Acres in Development Total Acres in Phase Total Units in Development 213.92 gross 120.03 net 26.79 gross 18.61 net Total Units in Phase 253 Single Family 73 Townhome 0 Multi -Family 27 Single Family 0 Townhome 0 Multi -Family Trunk Area Charges & Park Dedication Acreage Acres or Credits Charge Units Park & Pathway Dedication Park Dedication Provided 0 0 0 Park Dedication Required (11%) 11% 26.79 NA Park Dedication Expressed as Value $8,675.68 2.95 $30,000 Park Dedication Credit Total Park Dedication Special Assessments Reconstruction $158.98 26.79 Reconstruction $223.82 26.79 Lift Station Little Mountain Booster Station Sanitary Sewer (unit) $1,488 27 -$15,000 Watermain (unit) $1,103 27 -$15,000 Storm Sewer Base (net acres) $3,985 18.61 Storm Sewer Alternate $4,083 NA Total amount to Assess Net Notes Assessment 0 No land provided within first phase 2.95 PID 213100242200: CMV $706,200/81.40 AC = $8675.68AC ($4,406.74) less Credit for Estimated cost of trail construction on Fallon Ave $4,259.07 Fallon Ave Improvements CP1 2CO01 /Total of $34,008.88 $5,996.14 Fallon & 85th Improvements CP14C003/Total of $47,880.12 NA Not applicable to this phase NA $25,176.00 Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting Credit of $60,000 in connection credit for S & W spread over Phases 1 & 2/$30,000 in credit applicable to Phase 1 $14,781.00 Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting $74,160.85 Paid at prevailing rate at time of platting Per Lot Assessment based on (#) units 1 1 271 1 $4,443.20 1 Pay at final plat or assessed by lot crows/Tax Payme Escrows based on public improvement costs 4 years taxes payable to Monticello Township $7,494.92 $1,873.73 annual township taxes payable x 4 years City Escrow (General Admin) 2.00% $20,660.90 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Legal 2.00% $20,660.90 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Planning 2.00% $20,660.90 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Engineering and Inspection $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Grading, Restoration & 3.00% $21,206.25 Based on estimated grading cost of $706,875 Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection 4.00% $41,321.80 Total City Escrows $132,005.67 Improvement Construction Costs (Used to Calculate City Fees/Escrows/Securities) Notes Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Streets, Driveways and Sidewalks/Trails Lighting, Street Signage, Mailboxes $174,540.00 $133,778.00 $368,707.00 $347,920.00 Incl above Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 27 $8,100.00 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC $1,033,045.00 Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 90.00%1 $1,162,175.631 Estimated Phase 1 site grading cost 1 $706,875.001 Landscaping $129,062.50 1 Based on estimate of landscaping cost of $103,250x 125% Wetland/Conservation Easement Posts $300 12 $3,600.001 Demolition of Existing Buildings $50,000.00 1 Demolition of structures if not rented throughout first phase Wetland Management $15,000.00 Provide estimate of wetland management plan Tree Preservation Not applicable to this phase Grading $3,000 42.2 $126,600.00 Surety for grading to plan and restoration $324,262. 2 0 U 0. Z W m rn C 00 a a M V) V) Z U) J 0 CL Q W Z Z 0 0 W D rn T W D Z W a a Z LU x 0 wsb/ June 27, 2019 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review City Project No. 2019-020 WSB Project No. R-011923-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the preliminary plat and preliminary civil plans dated April 5, 2019 and submitted to the City on June 3, 2019, and have reviewed the stormwater management plan dated April 5, 2019 and submitted to the City on June 10, 2019, as prepared by Carlson McCain and offer the following comments: Preliminary Plat 1. Revise the typical drainage and utility easement detail for side yard easements to 6 feet wide and front/rear yard easements to 12 feet wide. 2. Provide vicinity or location maps on the street and utility sheets with reference/shading on the map for that sheet's plan view. 3. Label actual street names instead of Street A, B, etc. City to provide the street names. 4. Outlot A should be platted as 85th St NE ROW. Provide adequate ROW to square up the intersection with Fallon Ave at Lot 1, Block1. 5. Square ROW for intersecting streets (Street B/A, Street G/Eisele, Street I/H, etc). 6. Sheet 14: Label Outlot N. 7. Outlot B, C and F will not be City -owned. All other outlots shall be deeded to the City for stormwater management purposes. 8. Street E in the townhome area shall have the required 100 ft horizontal radius. Provide a revised plan for the units and driveway locations. Adequate space for snow storage locations. 9. City to provide details on sign posts to be installed in former conservation easements areas that the developer shall provide for the lots along the pond and wetlands. C:\Users\Jennifer.Burrows\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\4HYUK2V2\Exh N.Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 062719.docx Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review June 27, 2019 Page 2 10. Provide 50 feet of ROW for Edmonson Ave. 11. Remove Street J eyebrow. This is a maintenance concern with the tight radius and landscape island for public works and does not meet City design standards. 12. Trails can be located in the outlots and wetland buffer areas, however a separate trail easement document shall be recorded. All City owned outlots shall include drainage and utility easements encompassing them. 13. Streets to be vacated shall be shown as ROW on the preliminary plat to then be vacated with the final plat. Preliminary Site and Utilitv Plan General 14. Show drainage and utility easements and label outlots. 15. Label wetland management #s. 16. Note that existing power lines are to be buried along the new streets where impacted. 17. Provide a removals plan sheet. Note existing wells, septic systems, fences, etc. to be removed in accordance with applicable agency permits. Streets/Pathways 18. Dimension street face to face of curb width. 19. Pathway on east side of Fallon Ave should be a 10 -foot bituminous trail instead of 6 ft sidewalk. 20. Include 10 -foot bituminous trail within the platted right of way on south side of 851" St, east side of Edmonson Ave and west side of Eisele Ave south of the roundabout. 21. Include 4 ft bituminous shoulders on 85th St, Fallon Ave, Eisele Ave and Edmonson Ave where these streets front the development. 22. Provide a trail along north side of townhome area, along the roundabout and approach streets and a connection to Hunters Crossing park (see sketch). 23. Sidewalks shall have 6" of concrete instead of 4" and comply with the City's standard detail plates for the typical section. Roundabout 24. The diameter of the roundabout appears to be about 135' which is adequate. 25. The splitter islands will need to be extended to a minimum of about 100'. Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review June 27, 2019 Page 3 26. The crosswalks should be pulled back a minimum of 25' from the roundabout yield line. The south leg of 85th Street does not have the adequate setback. Crosswalks shall be shown on all legs of the roundabout. 27. More work will need to be done with the grading of the roundabout. The roundabout circulatory lanes should go up at 2% to the central island/truck apron. 28. We will need to see truck turns and fast path analysis on a future submittal. 29. Provide a more detailed landscape plan. City to provide input. Sanitary Sewer 30. Re -align sanitary sewer manholes to keep on street centerline and out of the wheel path. 31. Sanitary sewer manholes should be relocated outside of landscaped roundabout/medians and shifted further into street. 32. Are all 8" sewers designed at minimum grade (0.40%)? 33. A 36" trunk sanitary sewer should be identified along the new Fallon Ave between 85th St and the north leg of the proposed roundabout. All other segments upstream should be 27". to be constructed at the minimum slope of 0.067%. 34. Shift trunk sanitary sewer line out of Eisele Ave street. 35. Extend 8" along Street N and Street N2 for potential future connection. 36. Shift sanitary sewer closer to Eisele Ave and outside of Lots 10 and 11, Block 26 easements. 37. Show connection from the temporary lift station to the future trunk main and associated stubs. 38. Provide a blown up detail of the lift station site and outlot dimensions. Provide elevations/grades on the detail. The City will review this to determine what dimensions are needed for equipment access. Watermain 39. Align the 16" trunk watermain out of roundabout area and align through Street E/F in the townhome area. 40. Upsize the 8" watermain to a 12" trunk main along Street G in lieu of extending trunk watermain along Eisele Ave south of the roundabout. 41. For the watermain connection at Farmstead Ave, replace 12" tee with 12x8 cross. Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review June 27, 2019 Page 4 42. Add a gate valve just east of Fallon Ave on Street A to isolate watermain for future watermain extension on Fallon Ave. 43. Include a 12x8" cross at proposed 8" watermain crossing on Fallon Ave at Farmstead Ave and 871h St for future 12" watermain extension on Fallon Ave. 44. Gate valves located at intersections shall be in line with the right of way. 45. All hydrants shall be located at property lines with a maximum 500 -foot spacing. 46. All watermain bend degrees shall be noted on the plans and not exceed 45 degrees. 47. Consider adding another gate valve at approx. station 17+50 on Street A to there are gate valves on either side of the overhead power line corridor to isolate watermain if needed for construction and maintenance purposes. 48. Verify location of watermain connection on 87th Street. 49. Install 8" watermain on Street N2. 50. Hydrants from the 16" watermain shall be placed at high and low points for air relief and cleanout purposes. 51. Shift watermain closer to Eisele Ave and outside of Lots 10 and 11, Block 26 easements. 52. Label connection to existing watermain at Eisele and 85th St. 53. Shift trunk watermain out of Eisele Ave street. 54. The City will be revising its Design Manual to allow C-900 pipe for 8 inch diameter pipe and smaller. C-905 shall be used for 12" and 16" trunk watermains. Storm Sewer 55. Storm sewer mains shall be located within the street and not located in the boulevard at intersections. 56. Label pipe sizes. 57. Label outlots. 58. Provide 10- year storm sewer design. 59. Catch basin manholes are allowed to be deeper than 5 ft. The City will be revising the Design Manual addressing this item. 60. Consider having ponds designed to accommodate future road widening along Fallon Ave, 851h St, Edmonson, Eisele. 61. In order to clean(jet) and access the storm sewer lines, backyard catch basins shall be connected to a storm sewer that enters the catch basin at 90 degrees. Show all maintenance access routes. Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review June 27, 2019 Page 5 62. Eliminate FES's due to jetting capabilities and consider grading ditches to backyard catch basins. 63. Eliminate storm sewer extending along back yards (i.e. Street C, Block 3, plan sheets 19 and 23, etc.) and route storm sewer into the street or provide a maintenance access. Stormwater Management 64. The site design must incorporate rate control onsite to match existing rates. The applicant is proposing the use of a series of ponds to meet rate control. An overall rate reduction from the site is met. 65. The site uses a series of infiltration and filtration ponds to provide the requires water quality treatment and 1.1" volume retention from new impervious. Soil borings indicate much of the site has D type soils and not conductive to infiltration. The Clay soils (CL and SC) tend to go down to a depth of 10-15 feet. Filtration should be considered for all ponds onsite to maximize the use and effectiveness of the water quality features. 66. Soil classifications from the geotechnical investigation can be used for preliminary design purposes, however confirmation infiltration testing of the constructed systems will be required. 67. Provide rational method calculations confirming adequacy of the storm sewer design for the 10 -year storm event and connection to the existing storm sewer system. Calculations should adhere to the following guidelines: a. Minimum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 3.0 fps b. Maximum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 12.0 fps 68. 4 -foot deep sump manhole to be provided in the last structure prior to entering filtration device from street drainage. 69. Proposed drainage map labels should be updated for Filtration Basin 10 and 20. 70. It does not appear as though drainage areas for Filtration Basins 10 and 20 are accurate. Storm sewer is not routed to theses filtration ponds, therefore the only area entering the filtration ponds is the rear yard sheet flow drainage. The street drainage and front yards do not enter the filtration basins, but rather enters P100. Please revise and review pond treatment calculations also. 71. Infiltration basin 40 and 50 are both located in rear yards and have very little impervious routed to them. Consider routing street drainage or additional impervious to maximum infiltration capacity for treatment. 72. Provide more detail on the filtration basin detail on the draintile, cleanouts, operations and maintenance. HvdroCAD Model 73. An infiltration rate of 0.5 inches per hour has been used in the pond calculations, this rate is not consistent with the soils identified in the soils borings onsite. Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review June 27, 2019 Page 6 74. In the HydroCAD model the directly connected impervious should be model separated, not a weighted CN. 75. For Pond 100, the outlet control detail shows an elevation of 949.2, while the HydroCAd is 949.3 and the NWL of the pond is identified as 949. Please clarify what the pond outlet/NWL of this pond should be. 76. Pond 600 outlet on the grading plan indicates 0% slope, however the hydrocad model indicates a 0.26% slope. Please clarify. 77. Discharge from the site to the NW should be limited to what is identified in the city-wide hydrocad model. The city-wide hydrocad model indicates a 12 -inch orifice discharge from the site to the northwest which correlates to the following flows (Atlas 14) 2 -yr 1.73 cfs, 10 - yr 4.11 cfs, 100 -yr 6.92 cfs. Grading Plan 78. Label correct lots and block numbers consistent with the preliminary plat. 79. Label all Outlots. 80. Provide vicinity or location maps on the street and utility sheets with reference/shading on the map for that sheet's plan view. 81. Drainage swales shall be contained within drainage and utility easements along side yards between lots so that drainage is not draining directly to the adjacent home outside of the easements. Please review all lots to comply with this requirement and provide defined drainage swales within the easements. 82. A minimum vertical separation of 1.5 feet must be provided between the EOF and the low opening of a building. 83. All drainage swales should have a minimum 2% grade and noted as such on the plans. Lot 2, Block 1, lots between Street G and I, lots within Blocks 29 and 30 do not comply. 84. Label top of casting and inverts for all catch basins and storm sewer pipe sizes. 85. 2 ft between lowest opening and HWL is not achieved for lots in Blocks 32 and 26. 86. Verify that each lot has a minimum 30 -foot yard area at a maximum 8:1 slope. 87. Show all storm sewer maintenance access routes for structures outside of the street. 88. Provide elevation for each lot corner on the grading plan 89. Provide verification that retaining walls shown that are greater than 4- feet in height have been designed by a professional engineer. 90. Retaining walls are shown on private property (Lot 14, Block 1). Ownership and maintenance should be addressed. 91. Rear yard swale on the northern part of the site has a 0.5% grade. A minimum grade of 2% is required for drainage swales. Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review June 27, 2019 Page 7 92. Building opening must be 1.5 -feet above the EOF of local basin, the following do not meet this requirement: a. 204, 206, 207, 209, 266 93. Low floor elevation must be 2 -feet above the critical 100 -yr HWL for major basins the following lots do not meet this requirement: a. 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 94. The EOF for W-5 is shown on the proposed drainage area maps, however please show this on the grading plans as well. 95. Clarify the EOF for Pond 600, the low point in the trail appears to be the EOF, but is not labeled. 96. Regrade 85th Street street removal area to incorporate with park on either side. 97. Pond slopes should be a maximum 4:1 slope. Landscape Plans 98. Native seed mix types for the ponds, infiltration and filtration areas will be further reviewed by the City. Details 99. Use City standard detail plates. 100. Label the lowest opening in the building detail. 101. Include draintile in typical sections of local streets. Include tracer wire and cleanouts every 200 feet. Consider providing tee's at lots that would potentially have sump pump discharge connections. 102. Typical Sections: a. Dimension face to face of curb. b. Fallon Ave street section- 10 ft bit trail on east side not sidewalk. 44 ft face to face (future). Add 4 ft bituminous shoulder. C. 85th St- 44 ft face to face, 10 ft bit trail on south side. Add 4 ft bituminous shoulder. d. Edmonson Ave and Eisele Ave- add typical sections to include 4 ft bituminous shoulder. e. Mix design for trails: 3" TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR COURSE MIX (2,B) (SPWEA240B). f. Mix design for local streets: 1 '/2" Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture SPWEA340C and 2" Type SP 12.5 Non -Wearing Course Mixture SPNWB330C. g. The mix design for the roundabout and approach streets will be provided to the applicant. h. 100% crushed is typically not needed for aggregate base. See City general specifications. Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review June 27, 2019 Page 8 Wetland Buffers 103. The MnRAM classification for the wetlands were updated with the wetland replacement plan submitted to the SWCD. The wetland replacement plan management classifications should be used. The preliminary plat needs to be updated to show the correct management classifications and the correct buffer widths. 104. Under proposed conditions, five wetlands have lower water level than under existing conditions. This change in water elevation is a potential wetland impact and needs to be addressed in the wetland permit application. 105. All wetlands on the plans need to be labeled with the correct wetland Id. The minimum and maximum widths of each wetland buffer should be called out on the plan sheets in addition to the average width. 106. The proposed seed mix or other revegetation method of the wetland buffers needs to be shown for all wetland buffer areas. 107. Wetland buffers are required to be seeded with a native mix. Some locations are currently shown as seeded with MnDOT 25-131 which is not a native mix. 108. Sheet 25 is missing the wetland boundary east of Street A. 109. The wetland buffer around Wetland 5 shown on sheet 26 does not meet the 40' minimum required buffer width. 110. The wetland buffer around the public water wetland exceeds the 50' maximum buffer width. 111. The NWI GIS layer shows a wetland north of the power line corridor that is not identified in the wetland delineation report. It is understood that the wetland report governs. 112. If the area of the buffer has a preconstruction slope of 12 percent or greater, the buffer shall be at the applicable maximum width for the wetland classification. 113. The wetland buffer ordinance states that the city will obtain protective easements over or acquire fee title to wetlands as appropriate. 114. Prior to the City issuing a building permit, the developer needs to record a notice of the wetland buffer requirement against the title to the lot with the office of the Wright County Recorder or Registrar of Titles. 115. The use of a meandering buffer strip to maintain a natural appearance is encouraged but not required. 116. A permanent wetland buffer monument shall be installed and maintained at each lot line where it crosses a wetland buffer, and where needed to indicate the contour of the buffer, with a general location at every other lot. 117. Buffer vegetation performance standards will apply. Specific performance standards are available in the wetland district section of the zoning ordinance. Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review June 27, 2019 Page 9 118. During the first five years after initial planting, the developer shall submit an annual report documenting the progress for establishment of the buffer. Information about the content of the report are available in the wetland district section of the zoning ordinance. 119. The developer is required to replant any buffer vegetation that does not survive until the buffer is accepted by the City. 120. Water quality ponds may encroach in to required wetland buffer areas provided the amount of buffer encroached upon does not exceed 50 percent of the total area required for ponding. The amount of buffer encroached upon cannot exceed 50 percent of the total area required for buffering. Other Comments for Final Plat — Civil Plan Submittal 121. Provide plan and profile drawings for street/storm sewer and sanitary sewer/watermain. 122. Show driveway locations and grades. 123. Show utility services. 124. Provide a street lighting plan with final civil plans. 125. Mailbox locations will need to be coordinated with the post master and City street superintendent. 126. All flared -end section shall include grouted riprap and FES's. Sheet piling per city detail plate as applicable. 127. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. 128. Provide a SWPPP. 129. A NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 130. Plans should comply with the requirements in the Design Manual -Plan Requirements and City General Specifications. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 612-360-1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review June 27, 2019 Page 10 Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager 7. 0 U 0 z w CO 0 0 00LOLO M 0 0 a z J 0 a a w z z 5 0 M W H- D VA LU 7) z LU a a z w X 0 I wsb November 25, 2019 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Haven Ridge Preliminary Plat Review City of Monticello Project No. 2019-020 WSB Project No. R-011923-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the revised preliminary plat documents dated September 13, 2019 as prepared by Carlson McCain and offer the following comments: Preliminary Site, Grading and Utilitv Plans 1. Include a trail along the south side of the new 85th Street, east of Eisele Avenue and along the east side of Eisele Ave, instead of a sidewalk. 2. Backyard drainage swales for Lots 101-103 shall have a minimum 2% grade, however the applicant has indicated only a 0.50% grade is achievable due to existing ditch grades along 851h Street. This will be reviewed with the building permit for these lots. 3. Conservation easement posts are to be located every other lot adjacent to ponds. Conservation easements generally extending 10 feet outward from the NWL. The City will provide a detail plate of the post. Conservation easement area exhibits and legal descriptions shall be provided for recording with the County. 4. Provide a removals plan sheet if applicable per the exist. Note existing wells, septic systems, fences, etc. to be removed in accordance with applicable agency permits. This is addressed in the development agreement. 5. Identify the lowest opening on the grading plan lot key detail. 6. Label the corresponding platted lot and block numbers. 7. Double check that the outlots are labeled correctly. Sheet 5 indicates Outlot B instead of A. 8. Pond slopes should not exceed 4:1, review detail on Sheet 37. 9. Provide a detail of the lift station connections to the future gravity trunk main and provide lift station site dimensions within Outlot J. Extend 8 -inch sewer and water stubs to the plat boundary at Eisele Avenue in order to serve the adjacent property to the east. C:\Users\Jennifer.BurrowsWppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\4HYUK2V2\Exh N2.1-tr-m-leonard Haven Ridge Prelim Plat 112519.docx Mr. Matt Leonard November 25, 2019 Page 2 C:\Users\Jennifer.Burrow \AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Oudook\4HYUK2V2\6ch N2.1-tr-m-leonard Haven Ridge Prelim Plat 112519.d= Mr. Matt Leonard November 25, 2019 Page 3 Wetland Buffers 10. The plans show that buffer averaging is being utilized. In order to confirm that the buffers meet the buffer ordinance, the actual average, minimum, and maximum widths of each provided wetland buffer need to be called out on the plan sheets. The table on Sheet 2 appears to summary the City standards and not reflect actual provided buffers so that table provided is insufficient. 11. Buffer strips shall be identified within each lot by permanent monumentation approved by the City and comply with the ordinance. Monumentation is included in the plan set legend but not shown on the plans. Monuments shall have a maximum 200 -foot spacing of wetland edge. 12. The proposed seed mix or other revegetation method of the wetland buffers and pond areas needs to be shown. 13. The wetland buffers need to be provided for the parcels around Wetland 5 where Wetland 5 is not within the project parcels, but the required wetland buffer extends within the development due to the buffer width requirements. 14. The entirety of the wetland buffer around Wetland 5C needs to be shown on the grading plans. Stormwater Management 15. Water Quality AnalysisNolume Reduction — provide a table summarizing the amount of volume reduction via infiltration/filtration proposed for each BMP. 16. It should be noted that the site discharge is unable to be met for the 2 year event but is being met for the 10 year and 100year events. 17. A velocity greater than 12 fps is noted from segment 166->161 at a FES. Consider revising this pipe segment to reduce the velocity, reducing the potential for erosion and scour. EAW Compliance Review 18. An EAW was approved for the Haven Ridge project. The submitted plan reflects the same project type, general project elements, project purpose and project need included in the EAW. 19. The EAW stated 355 proposed residential units. The current plan set identifies 326 units. The proposed lots in the preliminary plat is less than what was proposed in the EAW. 20. The EAW estimated 4 acres of wetland impact. The project has proposed 1.62 acres of wetland impacted. The amount of wetland impact decreased between the EAW and preliminary plat. 21. The EAW states that the proposed ponding areas shown in the concept plan will need to be further evaluated as the project moves forward. Existing drainage patterns will need to be maintained along with following the requirements outlined in this section. The design, plans and stormwater management report need to be submitted for review prior C:\Users\Jennifer.BurrowsWppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\4HYUK2V2\Exh N2.1-tr-m-leonard Haven Ridge Prelim Plat 112519.docx Mr. Matt Leonard November 25, 2019 Page 4 to the City issuing a grading permit. The preliminary plat plan reviews have addressed the compliance with this statement. Wetland Permit 22. Please submit documentation that the US Army Corps of Engineers permit has been obtained. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 612.360.1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager ar C:\Users\Jennifer.BurrowsWppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\4HYUK2V2\Exh N2.1-tr-m-leonard Haven Ridge Prelim Plat 112519.docx 7. 0 U z LU m 0 0 00U) M 0 0 a z J 0 a a w z z 5 0 0 M H - D VA LU 7) z LU a a z w X 0 I wsb November 25, 2019 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Haven Ridge 1s' Addition Plan and Final Plat Review City of Monticello Project No. 2019-020 WSB Project No. R-011923-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the civil plans and final plat dated October 1, 2019 as prepared by Carlson McCain and offer the following comments: Final Plat 1. Right-of-way dedication as shown on the preliminary plat for Edmonson Avenue per Wright County requirements. It was discussed with the applicant to include a separate roadway easement for 85th Street in lieu of platting the right of way for the 15' Addition plat. 2. Label the actual street names for the 1 st Addition. 3. Outlot B shall include a roadway easement over the Farmstead Avenue temporary cul- de-sac. 4. Confirm that the insets for details A, B, C, D depict the new roadway rights-of-way. It is assumed that these existing roadway easements within these details do not need to be vacated. Provide one exhibit, with aerial background, showing details A, B,C, D so it is clearer what is being platted and what roadway easements remain. 5. Label adjacent existing street names on inset sheets. 6. Separate trail easement legal descriptions and exhibits should be provided for separate recording with the County. The City will provide an easement document for execution. Grading and Erosion Control Plans Provide clear limits for the first phase grading only. It is understood that the grading will include pad -ready grading with lot hold downs along 87th Street, Show the driveways. C:\Users\Jennifer.Burrows\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\4HYUK2V2\Exh N31tr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 1st Add 112519.docx Mr. Matt Leonard November 25, 2019 Page 2 Backyard drainage swales for Lots 101-103 shall have a minimum 2% grade, however the applicant has indicated only a 0.50% grade is achievable due to existing ditch grades along 85'" Street. This will be reviewed with the building permit for these lots. 10. Provide perimeter control (i.e. silt fence or construction fence as applicable). 11. The plans show that buffer averaging is being utilized. In order to confirm that the buffers meet the buffer ordinance, the actual average, minimum, and maximum widths of each provided wetland buffer need to be called out on the plan sheets. The table on Sheet 2 appears to summary the City standards and not reflect actual provided buffers so that table provided is insufficient. 12. Buffer strips shall be identified within each lot by permanent monumentation approved by the City and comply with the ordinance. Monumentation is included in the plan set legend but not shown on the plans. Monuments shall have a maximum 200 -foot spacing of wetland edge. 13. 14. The proposed seed mix or other revegetation method of the wetland buffers and pond areas needs to be shown. 15. The wetland buffers need to be provided for the parcels around Wetland 5 where Wetland 5 is not within the project parcels, but the required wetland buffer extends within the development due to the buffer width requirements. 16. The entirety of the wetland buffer around Wetland 5C needs to be shown on the plans. 17. Wetland buffers need to be constructed in Phase 1 where Phase 1 grading is within or adjacent to the wetland buffers. Construction of wetland buffers includes seeding of the wetland buffers and/or establishment of wetland buffer monumentation depending on if existing vegetation within the buffer is disturbed or not. 18. Conservation easement posts are to be located every other lot adjacent to ponds. Conservation easements generally extending 10 -feet outward from the NWL. The City will provide a detail plate of the post. Conservation easement area exhibits and legal descriptions shall be provided for recording with the County, 19. Identify the lowest opening on the grading plan lot key detail. 20. Label the corresponding platted lot and block numbers. 21. Double check that the Outlots are labeled correctly. Sheet 5 indicates Outlot B instead of A. 22. Provide a SWPPP. 23. A NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 24. Submit documentation that the US Army Corps of Engineers permit has been obtained prior to grading commencing. C:\Users\Jennifer.Burrows\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\4HYUK2V2\Exh N3.Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 1st Add 112519.docx Mr. Matt Leonard November 25, 2019 Page 3 Street and Utilitv Plans — 1St Addition General 25. Reference that plans should comply with the requirements in the City General Specifications on the Cover Sheet. 26. Sheet 2/17: Show the drainage and utility easements. 27. Show driveways and house pads on all sheets. 28. Private utility conduit crossings shall be shown for the joint trench. This will be coordinated with the City and private utility companies prior to construction commencing. 29. Identify construction requirements from working under the powerlines. 30. Identify gas crossing type. Sanitary Sewer/Watermain 31. For the watermain connection at Farmstead Avenue and Park Drive, remove all of the 6 - inch main and reducers/increaser fittings as shown on City as-builts W223 and W218 and replace with 8 -inch pipe. Add a 12" X 8" tee north of the existing 12" X 12" tee for extension of the new 8 -inch watermain and gate valve east along Farmstead Avenue. 32. Consider 8 -inch PVC directional drilled pipe as an alternative to 8 -inch HDPE. If HDPE is used, the inside diameter must be equivalent to an 8 -inch PVC pressurized pipe. Eight - inch PVC is preferred for future watermain connections along Fallon Avenue. 33. The directionally drilled watermain and associated work is not included in the cost estimates in the development agreement and should be updated for the LOC amount. 34. Identify 10 -foot separation between the watermain and sanitary sewer. 35. Describe what the irrigation service will be used for at Farmstead Avenue and Fallon Avenue. 36. Note 4 should be clarified to read, "Sanitary sewer inverts are shown downstream of the curb stop." 37. Identify tracer wire for the watermain. 38. Watermain lowering bends shall not exceed manufacturer's recommendations. 39. Install a temporary hydrant at the dead end of the watermain on Farmstead Avenue beyond the temporary cul-de-sac. 40. Extend the sanitary sewer stub about 40 feet +/- beyond the watermain stub as to not compromise the watermain when sanitary sewer is extended in the future. 41. The jack/bore sanitary sewer and associated work is not included in the cost estimates in the development agreement and should be updated for the LOC amount. Will dewatering be required and included in the costs? C:\Users\Jennifer.Burrows\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\4HYUK2V2\Exh N31tr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 1st Add 112519.docx Mr. Matt Leonard November 25, 2019 Page 4 42. Traffic control signage during construction shall be provided for the sanitary sewer and watermain work on Fallon Avenue and Farmstead Avenue. 43. The sanitary sewer risers shall be placed at the property line and not at the main. 44. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that are associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. Storm Sewer 45. The minimum storm sewer pipe size is 15 -inch -diameter per the City's Design Manual. 46. Catch basin manholes are not allowed to be deeper than 6 feet plus the sump. 47. The minimum catch basin depth is 4 feet per the City's Design Manual. 48. Label all FES numbers. 49. Will the existing backyard area be impacted by the FES from OCS 100 on the west side of Fallon Avenue? Provide a survey of this area to depict existing conditions and existing easements. 50. Show all storm sewer maintenance access routes for structures outside of the street. 51. All rip rap shall be grouted. 52. Riprap shall extend to the pond bottom. Street 53. Sidewalks shall have 6 inches of concrete instead of 4 inches and shall comply with the City's standard detail plates for the typical section. 54. Include 6 -inch PVC draintile in typical sections of local streets. Include tracer wire and cleanouts every 200 feet. See City detail plate No. 4011 and Appendix D of the City's general specifications. 55. Provide profile drawings of the trail. 56. Provide a street lighting plan. 57. Mailbox locations will need to be coordinated with the post master and City street superintendent. 58. Provide verification that retaining walls shown that are greater than 4 feet in height have been designed by a professional engineer and include a railing or fence at the top of the wall. 59. Retaining walls are shown on private property (Lot 14, Block 1). Ownership and maintenance should be addressed. C:\Users\Jennifer.Burrows\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\4HYUK2V2\Exh N31tr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 1st Add 112519.docx Mr. Matt Leonard November 25, 2019 Page 5 Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 612.360.1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, 111111111111111WI1�1- IAM-' t. fs. Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager srb C:\Users\Jennifer.Burrows\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\4HYUK2V2\Exh NIU-m-leonard Haven Ridge 1st Add 112519.docx 7. 0 U 0 Z LU 00 0 00 M Z J 0 a w Z Z 5 0 m LU F- D VA LU 7) Z LU Z w X 0 wsb December 6, 2019 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Haven Ridge Wetland Buffer Review City of Monticello Project No. 2019-020 WSB Project No. R-011923-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the landscape plans dated September 13, 2019 and received on November 26, 2019 as prepared by Carlson McCain and offer the following comments related to wetland buffer requirements: The buffer around Wetlands 5A,5D,7,8,10 does not match the final grading plans dated 10/01/19. The wetland buffer area shown on the landscaping plan is smaller than what was shown on the previous plans. The wetland buffer needs to be updated to match the final grading plans. 2. The final grading plans dated 10/01/19 show a wetland buffer for Wetland 5C. The wetland buffer area is not shown on the landscaping plan. The landscaping plan needs to be updated to match the final grading plans. 3. The seed mix is missing for part of the Wetland 10 buffer and needs to be shown. 4. A vegetation restoration plan for Wetland 10 was approved as part of the wetland permit. The landscaping plan needs to be updated to include the vegetation restoration plan for Wetland 10. 5. The boundary of each wetland buffer needs to be shown with its own line type and the line type needs to be called out in the legend 6. The boundary of each wetland needs to be shown with its own line type and the line type needs to be called out in the legend. 7. Utilizing MnDOT Seed Mix 33-261 for wetland buffers is acceptable. K:\011923-000\Admin\Docs\Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge wetland buffer review 120619.docx Mr. Matt Leonard December 6, 2019 Page 2 8. MnDOT Seed Mix 25-131 is not an acceptable sed mix for the wetland buffers. Locations where MnDOT Seed Mix 25-131 is shown within the wetland buffer need to be updated to be MnDOT Seed Mix 33-261 or another native mix. 9. Wetland buffer sign locations need to be shown on the landscaping plans. 10. The proposed seeding of Wetland 9 is allowed under the approved wetland permit. Please give me a call at 612.360.1304 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB Shibani K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager srb K:\011923-000\Admin\Docs\Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge wetland buffer review 120619.docx City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 4D. Consideration of authorizing the interim use of the old fire station building at 303 6 t Street West for storage by the Public Works Department on an interim basis. (ML/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider granting formal authorization to utilize the old fire station building for storage by the Public Works Department on an interim basis. During discussions relating to development of the new fire station and during discussions relating to the sale of the Bio -Solids site it was noted that the old fire station would be available to address Public Works needs on an interim basis while the city explores options for development of a Public Works building. With the sale of two city owned properties with sheds utilized by the public works department has resulted in the need to find additional storage areas for equipment and supplies. The property located at 8617 Edmonson Avenue which includes an 8500 square foot building needs to be vacated by March 31 of 2021 and the property located at 1645 County Road 39 which includes an 8700 square foot building needs to be vacated by March 31, 2020. Currently the following material/equipment is stored within these two buildings that need to be vacated as well an EDA owned building downtown that is temporarily occupied: Description Square feet utilized • Holiday Decorations 720 square feet • Lighting Equipment 1900 square feet • Traffic cones/signs 1575 square feet • Streets and Utility equipment 2400 square feet • Park equipment and attachments 4200 square feet Total 10,795 square feet In addition to the materials and equipment stored inside these buildings there is additional outside storage currently being utilized. The old fire station is anticipated to be vacated by the fire department in mid -march. The facility's apparatus bay is approximately 5000 square feet. By utilizing the fire station building and continuing to use the downtown EDA owned building, which is approximately 3600 square feet, we should be able to get by on an interim basis until a long-term solution is realized. By using these two facilities there is still the need to store a significant amount of materials and equipment outside at the property across from the public works facility at 909 Golf Course Road. If the use of the fire station building is approved staff will slowly start to move equipment into the facility as efficiently as possible to reduce the impact to the other work currently scheduled. If the fire station building isn't available for public works, we will start to look into rental options which are expected to cost approximately $75,000 per year plus utility costs. Although the old fire station provides an interesting opportunity for a number of other uses. The interim use will remain in effect, unless Council directs otherwise, until a Public Works facility is constructed that enables consolidation of equipment and City Council Agenda: 01/13/2020 materials or until a better alternative location for overflow storage becomes available. The proposed use of the building for Public Works storage as an interim use applies to the main apparatus bay only. Options remain open for future use of the small office, kitchenette and meeting room. Finally, with the removal of the items stored in the garage building to the west of the old fire station, sufficient room should be available for development of a much-needed small shop and storage to be used by MCC staff. Al. Budget Impact: The current operating and maintenance cost for the old fire station is approximately $12,900 which includes $11,000 for gas and electricity, $1,200 for water/sewer, and $700 for cleaning. These costs as well as normal maintenance expenses are expected to remain with the use of the facility by the public works department. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts are expected to be approximately 350 manhours to move equipment and materials. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the interim use of the old fire station at 303 W Sixth Street on an interim basis for storage by the Public Works Department. 2. Motion to deny the use of the facility by the public works department. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • None. �DN[1CCEt Monticello Fire Department 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 • Monticello, MN 55362 FIRE DEPT January 6, 2020 Dear Property Owner: In 2020 the Monticello Fire Department is initiating a Fire Inspection Program aimed at enhancing public safety in our community through fire prevention. One of the best methods for preventing fires is to enforce fire code regulations. This new program will facilitate a proactive approach to enforcement that will help prevent fire and hazardous material emergencies that can endanger lives and damage property. The first step in this process is to gather important information from local businesses, including accurate contact information and the presence of potential fire risks. This information will allow the fire department to prioritize inspections and adequately prepare for possible emergency situations. Enclosed is a brief Fire Inspection Survey; please fully complete the requested information and return the survey to City Hall by February 14, 2020. You also have the option to complete and submit the form online by visiting: www.ci.monticello.mn.us/fireinspection. Questions? Please contact Fire Marshal Dan Klein at dan.klein@ci.monticello.mn.us or (763)271- 7463. Thank you for your cooperation, Dan Klein Monticello Fire Marshal Phone: 763-295-4111 1 Fax: 763-271-3290 1 Email: Fire.Chief@ci.monticello.mn.us 01411 Ceti 0 Fire Inspection Survey Please complete the information below for the business(es) located on your property, and return the form to the Monticello Fire Marshal using the contact FIJRE DE`P,iT, information below. General Information Name of Business Type of Business Hours of Operation Building Maximum Occupancy Contact Information Physical Address Mailing Address Email Address Please list 3 contacts that can be reached during both business and non -business hours. Contact 1 Name: Phone # Phone # Contact 2 Name: Phone # Contact 3 Name: Phone # Fire Risk Information Fire Alarm System (Monitored 24/7) Sprinkler System Hazardous Material Use/Storage Please list any hazardous materials: Phone # Phone # Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes El No El Please return to the Monticello Fire Marshal: 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 or Dan.Klein@ci.monticello.mn.us Fire Inspection Program 20200101 'OT co'. �'RI R 5 04Fti Monticello Monthly Report 2019 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 911 Abandoned Total: 7 12/04/19 22:45 911 Abandoned 12/05/19 08:27 911 Abandoned 12/08/19 07:42 911 Abandoned 12/09/19 12:14 911 Abandoned 12/13/19 18:54 911 Abandoned 12/19/19 23:33 911 Abandoned 12/28/19 02:22 911 Abandoned 911 Hang-up Total: 29 12/01/1917:49 911 Hang-up 12/03/19 22:32 911 Hang-up 12/05/19 07:40 911 Hang-up 12/06/19 15:45 911 Hang-up 12/07/19 19:00 911 Hang-up 12/09/19 11:06 911 Hang-up 12/09/19 17:07 911 Hang-up 12/12/19 14:17 911 Hang-up 12/14/19 13:13 911 Hang-up 12/14/19 21:02 911 Hang-up 12/15/19 09:19 911 Hang-up 12/15/19 13:01 911 Hang-up 12/16/19 18:58 911 Hang-up 12/17/19 19:19 911 Hang-up 12/18/19 02:59 911 Hang-up 12/18/19 18:49 911 Hang-up 12/19/19 17:38 911 Hang-up 12/22/19 07:28 911 Hang-up 12/22/19 13:09 911 Hang-up Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 CFS # 2019101951 2019102033 2019102930 2019103253 2019104463 2019106191 2019108415 2019101080 2019101662 2019102019 2019102422 2019102790 2019103232 2019103329 2019104088 2019104682 2019104768 2019104849 2019104893 2019105236 2019105491 2019105567 2019105760 2019106085 2019106807 2019106856 Final Incident 911 Abandoned QPpFE55I0NAIrS Printed on 1 1 Case Number Codes How Reported 911ABANDON 911ABANDON 911 ABANDON 911ABANDON 911ABANDON WP19040701 911 911 ABANDON 911ABANDON 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANgG1U1P 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP ZUERCHER Page 1 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/22/19 14:44 911 Hang-up 2019106879 911 OPEN 12/01/19 16:39 911 Open Line 2019101073 911 HAN911 GUP 12/22/19 20:33 911 Hang-up 2019106979 911OPEN 12/02/19 18:08 911 Open Line 2019101337 911 HAN911 GUP 12/23/19 14:54 911 Hang-up 2019107173 911 911 HAN911 GUP 12/23/19 20:47 911 Hang-up 2019107278 911 911 HAN911 GUP 12/24/1914:30 911 Hang-up 2019107430 911 12/07/19 08:43 911 Open Line 2019102635 911 HANGUP 12/24/19 15:35 911 Hang-up 2019107451 911 OPEN 12/12/19 13:24 911 Open Line 2019104079 911 HAN911 GUP 12/26/19 03:54 911 Hang-up 2019107771 911OPEN 12/12/19 20:36 911 Open Line 2019104188 911 HAN911 GUP 12/29/19 00:31 911 Hang-up 2019108618 911 911 HAN911 GUP 12/29/19 17:43 911 Hang-up 2019108761 911 911 HAN911 GUP 12/31/19 09:50 911 Hang-up 2019109204 911OPEN11 12/15/19 15:18 911 Open Line 2019104917 911 HAN911 GUP 911 Hang-up; MVA - No Injuries Total: 1 12/11/19 16:58 911 Hang-up; MVA -No 2019103868 911 HAN9g1111 GUP; MVA 911 Open Line Total: 40 12/01/19 10:08 911 Open Line 2019101010 911 911 OPEN 12/01/19 16:39 911 Open Line 2019101073 911 911OPEN 12/02/19 18:08 911 Open Line 2019101337 911OPEN11 12/03/19 17:51 911 Open Line 2019101587 911 911 OPEN 12/04/19 16:11 911 Open Line 2019101846 911 911OPEN 12/05/19 06:04 911 Open Line 2019102010 911 OPEN11 12/07/19 08:43 911 Open Line 2019102635 11 911 OPEN 12/12/19 13:24 911 Open Line 2019104079 911 911OPEN 12/12/19 20:36 911 Open Line 2019104188 911 OPEN11 12/13/19 14:28 911 Open Line 2019104397 911 911 OPEN 12/14/19 12:11 911 Open Line 2019104669 911 911OPEN 12/15/19 11:48 911 Open Line 2019104876 911OPEN11 12/15/19 15:18 911 Open Line 2019104917 911 911 OPEN 12/17/19 15:49 911 Open Line 2019105440 911 911OPEN 12/17/19 17:05 911 Open Line 2019105460 911OPEN11 12/17/19 18:12 911 Open Line 2019105474 911 911 OPEN 12/17/19 18:15 911 Open Line 2019105476 911 911OPEN 12/18/19 08:32 911 Open Line 2019105609 911 OPEN11 12/19/19 12:55 911 Open Line 2019106000 911 911 OPEN ZUERCHER Page 2 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes Reported 12/19/19 15:46 911 Open Line 2019106047 Domestic Disturbance WP19040661 ggHow 911OPEN11 12/20/19 01:06 911 Open Line 2019106199 11 WP19038928 ne Phone 911 OPEN 12/20/19 14:51 911 Open Line 2019106331 911 12/06/19 01:06 Agency Assist 2019102276 911OPEN 12/20/19 15:38 911 Open Line 2019106342 911OPEN11 12/21/19 15:28 911 Open Line 2019106628 911 12/07/19 14:14 Agency Assist 2019102703 911 OPEN 12/21/19 15:37 911 Open Line 2019106630 911 911OPEN 12/21/19 20:30 911 Open Line 2019106696 911 OPEN11 12/21/19 22:43 911 Open Line 2019106728 11 911 OPEN 12/23/19 21:07 911 Open Line 2019107283 911 911 OPEN 12/24/19 09:48 911 Open Line 2019107371 g 911 OPEN11 12/24/19 14:02 911 Open Line 2019107418 911 911 OPEN 12/24/19 14:03 911 Open Line 2019107419 911 911OPEN 12/25/19 11:23 911 Open Line 2019107628 911OPEN11 12/25/19 18:12 911 Open Line 2019107691 911 911 OPEN 12/26/19 09:15 911 Open Line 2019107816 911 911 OPEN 12/27/19 14:22 911 Open Line 2019108195 g 911OPEN11 12/29/19 00:55 911 Open Line 2019108624 11 911 OPEN 12/29/19 08:28 911 Open Line 2019108665 911 911 OPEN 12/29/19 17:29 911 Open Line 2019108758 g 911OPEN11 12/30/19 22:21 911 Open Line 2019109104 11 911 OPEN 12/31/19 18:05 911 Open Line 2019109337 911 911 OPEN Abandoned Vehicle Total: 1 12/30/19 09:30 Abandoned Vehicle 2019108925 Abandoned Vehicle WP19041717 g ABANDVEH Abuse Total: 2 12/14/19 08:15 Abuse 2019104613 Abuse Child WP19040084 Phone ABUSE 12/23/19 22:43 Abuse 2019107299 Abuse WP19041115 911 ABUSE Agency Assist Total: 18 12/04/19 08:18 Agency Assist 2019101747 Warrant - Arrest WP19038922 AGASSISTne 12/04/19 10:27 Agency Assist 2019101771 Agency Assist WP19038928 ne Phone ST 12/06/19 01:06 Agency Assist 2019102276 Agency Assist WP19039158 AGASSISTone 12/07/19 14:14 Agency Assist 2019102703 Agency Assist WP19039313 AGASSISTne 12/10/19 22:18 Agency Assist 2019103661 Agency Assist WP19039692 AGASSISTne ZUERCHER Page 3 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/12/19 10:54 Agency Assist 2019104044 Agency Assist WP19039864 ne ALARM 12/11/19 23:19 Alarm 2019103955 Alarm AGASSIST 12/12/19 18:22 Agency Assist 2019104147 Agency Assist WP19039912 ALARM 12/20/19 01:55 Alarm 2019106207 Alarm AGASSISTne 12/13/19 22:01 Agency Assist 2019104508 Agency Assist WP19040039 icer ALARM 12/29/1914:34 Alarm 2019108717 Alarm AGASSIpOT 12/13/19 23:43 Agency Assist 2019104532 Agency Assist WP19040046 ALARM Animal Total: 5 AGASSISTicer 12/18/19 03:23 Agency Assist 2019105571 Agency Assist WP19040453 WP19041063 Phone AGASSISTne 12/18/19 12:58 Agency Assist 2019105677 Agency Assist WP19040510 WP19041101 Phone AGASSISTne 12/19/19 12:09 Agency Assist 2019105987 Agency Assist WP19040623 ne Phone AGASSIST 12/19/19 14:11 Agency Assist 2019106022 Warrant - Arrest WP19040642 Phone AGASSISTne 12/19/19 17:41 Agency Assist 2019106087 Agency Assist WP19040668 Phone AGASSISTne 12/24/19 11:31 Agency Assist 2019107393 Agency Assist WP19041149 AGASSIST 12/27/19 10:04 Agency Assist 2019108129 Agency Assist WP19041404 AGASSISTne 12/27/19 15:18 Agency Assist 2019108213 Agency Assist WP19041436 AGASSISTne 12/30/19 09:14 Agency Assist 2019108924 Agency Assist WP19041715 ne AGASSIST Alarm Total: 4 12/04/1916:57 Alarm 2019101866 Alarm WP19038970 Phone ALARM 12/11/19 23:19 Alarm 2019103955 Alarm WP19039824 911 ALARM 12/20/19 01:55 Alarm 2019106207 Alarm WP19040705 911 ALARM 12/29/1914:34 Alarm 2019108717 Alarm WP19041635 911 ALARM Animal Total: 5 12/23/1913:46 Animal 2019107155 Animal WP19041063 Phone ANIMAL 12/23/1918:03 Animal 2019107243 Animal WP19041101 Phone ANIMAL 12/28/19 09:01 Animal 2019108455 Animal WP19041526 Phone ANIMAL 12/29/19 09:44 Animal 2019108677 Phone ANIMAL 12/30/1915:12 Animal 2019109014 Phone ANIMAL Animal - Barking Dog Total: 2 12/06/19 19:52 Animal - Barking Dog 2019102489 Animal - Barking Dog WP19039242 ANBARKhone 12/15/19 07:09 Animal - Barking Dog 2019104840 Animal - Barking Dog WP19040166 ANBARK hone Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 3 12/02/19 12:46 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2019101253 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP19038736 Phone ANBITE 12/14/19 13:18 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2019104685 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP19040107 911 ANBITE 12/31/19 19:30 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2019109356 Animal WP19041902 Phone ANBITE Burglary Total: 3 ZU=RCHER Page 4 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/01/19 23:25 Burglary 2019101138 Medical - Psychiatric - WP19038672 911 12/03/19 13:29 Check Welfare 2019101526 Check Welfare BURG CHKWELFone 12/17/19 08:36 Burglary 2019105363 Civil Complaint WP19040370 Phone BURG CHKWELF 12/21/19 01:17 Burglary 2019106490 Intoxicated Person WP19040836 911 BURG CHKWELLFh Check Welfare Total: 26 12/01/19 10:33 Check Welfare 2019101013 Check Welfare WP19038621 911 CHKWELLpFhh 12/03/19 13:29 Check Welfare 2019101526 Check Welfare WP19038851 CHKWELFone 12/04/19 13:49 Check Welfare 2019101813 Check Welfare WP19038947 Phone CHKWELF 12/05/19 15:40 Check Welfare 2019102143 Check Welfare WP19039110 Phone CHKWELLFh 12/07/19 22:21 Check Welfare 2019102852 Check Welfare WP19039364 CHKWELFone 12/08/19 04:59 Check Welfare 2019102920 Check Welfare WP19039387 Phone CHKWELF 12/09/19 11:24 Check Welfare 2019103238 Check Welfare WP19039514 Phone CHKWELLFh 12/10/19 11:27 Check Welfare 2019103486 Check Welfare WP19039620 CHKWELFone 12/10/19 23:19 Check Welfare 2019103676 Check Welfare WP19039698 Phone CHKWELF 12/11/19 14:22 Check Welfare 2019103819 Check Welfare WP19039776 Phone CHKWELF 12/12/19 11:42 Check Welfare 2019104055 Check Welfare WP19039868 911 CHKWELF 12/18/19 14:34 Check Welfare 2019105692 Check Welfare WP19040519 911 CHKWELF 12/19/19 08:35 Check Welfare 2019105932 Check Welfare WP19040601 Phone CHKWELF 12/19/19 16:17 Check Welfare 2019106055 Check Welfare WP19040662 CHKWEDone 12/20/19 15:53 Check Welfare 2019106351 Drugs WP19040779 Phone CHKWELF 12/20/19 18:32 Check Welfare 2019106407 Check Welfare WP19040800 Phone CHKWELF 12/21/19 19:04 Check Welfare 2019106681 Motorist Aid WP19040906 9 11 CHKWELF 12/22/19 02:08 Check Welfare 2019106780 Check Welfare WP19040934 911 CHKWELF 12/26/19 12:47 Check Welfare 2019107855 Citizen Aid WP19041318 911 CHKWELLFh 12/26/19 20:48 Check Welfare 2019107996 Medical - Psychiatric - WP19041358 CHKWELFone 12/26/19 22:33 Check Welfare 2019108016 Check Welfare WP19041364 911 CHKWELF 12/27/19 22:22 Check Welfare 2019108356 Check Welfare WP19041483 Phone CHKWELF 12/28/19 17:09 Check Welfare 2019108532 Check Welfare WP19041564 9 11 CHKWELF 12/28/19 17:42 Check Welfare 2019108535 Check Welfare WP19041566 911 CHKWELF 12/30/19 17:31 Check Welfare 2019109051 Check Welfare WP19041772 Phone CHKWELLFh 12/30/19 22:00 Check Welfare 2019109099 Check Welfare WP19041796 CHKWELFone Check Welfare; Civil Complaint Total: 1 12/31/19 20:42 Check Welfare; Civil 2019109375 Check Welfare WP19041908 Phone CHKWELF; CIV ZUERCHER Page 5 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Citizen Aid Total: 8 12/12/19 13:15 Citizen Aid 2019104077 Citizen Aid WP19039877 Phone CITAID 12/12/19 18:21 Citizen Aid 2019104145 Citizen Aid WP19039911 Phone CITAID 12/16/19 17:06 Citizen Aid 2019105192 Citizen Aid WP19040320 Phone CITAID 12/19/19 19:59 Citizen Aid 2019106136 Citizen Aid WP19040685 Phone CITAID 12/20/19 17:34 Citizen Aid 2019106387 Citizen Aid WP19040792 Phone CITAID 12/22/19 20:14 Citizen Aid 2019106972 Citizen Aid WP19041004 911 CITAID 12/23/19 17:36 Citizen Aid 2019107234 Citizen Aid WP19041097 Phone CITAID 12/30/19 13:30 Citizen Aid 2019108985 Citizen Aid WP19041743 Phone CITAID Citizen Aid; Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 1 12/28/19 01:35 Citizen Aid; Medical - 2019108401 Citizen Aid WP19041493 911 CITAID; WALL Civil Complaint Total: 26 12/01/19 06:17 Civil Complaint 2019100983 Noise WP19038610 Phone CIV 12/01/19 15:26 Civil Complaint 2019101051 Civil Complaint WP19038637 Phone CIV 12/01/19 16:00 Civil Complaint 2019101062 Civil Complaint WP19038643 Phone CIV 12/02/19 16:40 Civil Complaint 2019101312 Civil Complaint WP19038761 Phone CIV 12/02/19 20:55 Civil Complaint 2019101379 Civil Complaint WP19038787 Phone CIV 12/04/19 06:55 Civil Complaint 2019101729 Civil Complaint WP19038917 Phone CIV 12/04/19 11:42 Civil Complaint 2019101790 Neighborhood Dispute WP19038939 911 CIV 12/04/19 19:56 Civil Complaint 2019101916 Civil Complaint WP19038993 Phone CIV 12/08/19 08:41 Civil Complaint 2019102936 Civil Complaint WP19039392 Phone CIV 12/10/19 14:32 Civil Complaint 2019103544 Civil Complaint WP19039645 Phone CIV 12/13/19 19:21 Civil Complaint 2019104470 Civil Complaint WP19040027 911 CIV 12/15/19 12:32 Civil Complaint 2019104882 Civil Child Custody WP19040185 Phone CIV 12/15/19 15:10 Civil Complaint 2019104916 Civil Complaint WP19040199 Phone CIV 12/15/19 16:49 Civil Complaint 2019104937 Civil Complaint WP19040204 911 CIV 12/16/19 15:53 Civil Complaint 2019105171 Civil Complaint WP19040308 Phone CIV 12/18/19 12:26 Civil Complaint 2019105666 Civil Complaint WP19040505 Phone CIV 12/18/19 19:26 Civil Complaint 2019105767 Civil Complaint WP19040551 Phone CIV 12/21/19 10:08 Civil Complaint 2019106569 911 CIV 12/23/19 10:11 Civil Complaint 2019107109 Civil Complaint WP19041047 Phone CIV 12/24/19 12:25 Civil Complaint 2019107397 Civil Complaint WP19041151 Phone CIV ZUERCHER Page 6 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/27/19 15:54 Civil Complaint 2019108223 Civil Complaint WP19041442 Phone CIVPROCfficer 12/03/19 13:34 Civil Process CIV Officer 12/30/19 13:45 Civil Complaint 2019108988 Civil Complaint WP19041746 Civil Process Phone CIVPR02pfficer CIV Civil Process 12/30/19 14:40 Civil Complaint 2019109004 Civil Complaint WP19041753 CIVPROCfficer 911 Civil Process 2019101540 Officer CIV CIVPROC 12/30/19 16:39 Civil Complaint 2019109036 Citizen Aid WP19041765 Phone CIVPR02pfficer 12/04/19 11:23 Civil Process 2019101784 CIV 12/31/19 11:48 Civil Complaint 2019109239 Civil Complaint WP19041855 Officer Phone CIVPROC 12/04/19 14:59 Civil Process CIV 12/31/19 16:38 Civil Complaint 2019109315 Civil Child Custody WP19041887 Civil Process Phone CIVPROCfficer CIV Civil Process Civil Complaint; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 12/29/19 10:49 Civil Complaint; 2019108688 CSC Sex Offense WP19041621 Phon CIV; DISPCAB Civil Process Total: 40 12/02/19 14:48 Civil Process 2019101283 CIVPR02pfficer 12/03/19 13:22 Civil Process 2019101525 CIVPROCfficer 12/03/19 13:34 Civil Process 2019101527 Officer CIVPROC 12/03/19 13:53 Civil Process 2019101530 CIVPR02pfficer 12/03/19 14:03 Civil Process 2019101532 CIVPROCfficer 12/03/19 14:26 Civil Process 2019101540 Officer CIVPROC 12/03/19 14:31 Civil Process 2019101542 CIVPR02pfficer 12/04/19 11:23 Civil Process 2019101784 CIVPROCfficer 12/04/19 11:34 Civil Process 2019101786 Officer CIVPROC 12/04/19 14:59 Civil Process 2019101829 CIVPR02pfficer 12/04/19 15:11 Civil Process 2019101832 CIVPROCfficer 12/04/19 15:26 Civil Process 2019101835 Officer CIVPROC 12/05/19 12:33 Civil Process 2019102091 CIVPR02pfficer 12/05/19 12:51 Civil Process 2019102096 CIVPROCfficer 12/05/19 13:00 Civil Process 2019102100 Officer CIVPROC 12/10/19 13:00 Civil Process 2019103506 CIVPROQpfficer 12/10/19 13:24 Civil Process 2019103511 CIVPROCfficer 12/10/19 13:43 Civil Process 2019103519 Officer CIVPROC 12/10/19 14:09 Civil Process 2019103531 CIVPROQpfficer 12/11/19 08:43 Civil Process 2019103754 CIVPROCfficer 12/11/19 16:00 Civil Process 2019103847 Officer CIVPROC 12/12/19 16:13 Civil Process 2019104117 CIVPROQpfficer 12/13/19 13:54 Civil Process 2019104382 CIVPROCfficer ZUERCHER Page 7 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/13/19 14:08 Civil Process 2019104389 CIVPROQpfficer 12/13/19 14:27 Civil Process 2019104396 CIVPROCfficer 12/13/19 14:44 Civil Process 2019104399 Officer CIVPROC 12/18/19 17:30 Civil Process 2019105736 CIVPROQpfficer 12/20/19 16:14 Civil Process 2019106359 CIVPROCfficer 12/20/19 17:21 Civil Process 2019106383 Officer CIVPROC 12/24/19 14:08 Civil Process 2019107422 CIVPR02pfficer 12/26/19 14:57 Civil Process 2019107892 CIVPROCfficer 12/26/19 15:12 Civil Process 2019107901 Officer CIVPROC 12/26/19 15:52 Civil Process 2019107909 CIVPROCppfficer 12/26/19 18:51 Civil Process 2019107962 Officer CIVPRO 12/26/19 19:12 Civil Process 2019107967 Officer CIVPROC 12/27/19 09:47 Civil Process 2019108121 CIVPR02pfficer 12/27/19 14:18 Civil Process 2019108193 CIVPROCfficer 12/27/19 15:12 Civil Process 2019108208 Officer CIVPROC 12/31/19 15:33 Civil Process 2019109297 CIVPROCppfficer 12/31/19 17:12 Civil Process 2019109322 Civil Process WP19041904 Phone CIVPROC Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 1 12/31/19 20:05 Commercial Fire Alarm 2019109361 Commercial Fire Alarm WP19041905 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm Total: 21 12/02/19 06:07 Commercial General 2019101185 Commercial General Alarm WP19038709 Phone ALARM 12/04/19 10:39 Commercial General 2019101773 Commercial General Alarm WP19038929 Phone ALARM 12/06/19 03:01 Commercial General 2019102296 Commercial General Alarm WP19039168 Phone ALARM 12/06/19 04:12 Commercial General 2019102299 Commercial General Alarm WP19039170 Phone ALARM 12/09/19 06:22 Commercial General 2019103163 Commercial General Alarm WP19039484 Phone ALARM 12/12/19 06:00 Commercial General 2019103991 Commercial General Alarm WP19039839 Phone ALARM 12/13/19 08:13 Commercial General 2019104288 Commercial General Alarm WP19039968 Phone ALARM 12/13/19 20:00 Commercial General 2019104481 Commercial General Alarm WP19040031 Phone ALARM 12/15/19 21:59 Commercial General 2019105005 Civil Complaint WP19040226 Phone ALARM 12/18/19 04:47 Commercial General 2019105577 Commercial General Alarm WP19040456 Phone ALARM 12/18/19 22:15 Commercial General 2019105822 Commercial General Alarm WP19040558 Phone ALARM 12/19/19 07:19 Commercial General 2019105917 Commercial General Alarm WP19040597 Phone ALARM ZUERCHER Page 8 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 12/21/19 03:51 Commercial General 2019106515 12/21/19 09:20 Commercial General 2019106554 12/23/19 23:42 Commercial General 2019107311 12/24/19 14:48 Commercial General 2019107440 12/25/19 00:44 Commercial General 2019107556 12/27/19 06:21 Commercial General 2019108091 12/27/19 07:29 Commercial General 2019108099 12/27/19 10:59 Commercial General 2019108139 12/31/19 06:05 Commercial General 2019109148 Court Order Violation Total: 2 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Commercial General Alarm WP19040849 2019102610 Phone Criminal Damage to 2019102648 ALARM Criminal Damage to Commercial General Alarm WP19040869 Criminal Damage to Phone 12/29/19 16:24 Criminal Damage to ALARM 12/30/19 10:43 Commercial General Alarm WP19041122 12/31/19 10:00 Phone 2019109211 Criminal Damage to Property WP19041287 ALARM Phone Commercial General Alarm WP19041163 Phone DISABLVEH Phone ALARM CDP Commercial General Alarm WP19041196 Phone DISABLVEH CDP ALARM Criminal Damage to Property WREC190418 CDP Commercial General Alarm WP19041390 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19041393 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19041409 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WP19041821 Phone ALARM 12/01/19 12:55 Court Order Violation 2019101034 Court Order Violation WP19038631 Phone COV 12/28/19 10:00 Court Order Violation 2019108463 Court Order Violation WP19041531 Phone COV Criminal Damage to Property Total: 8 12/06/19 07:52 Criminal Damage to 2019102322 12/07/19 03:28 Criminal Damage to 2019102610 12/07/19 09:42 Criminal Damage to 2019102648 12/24/19 12:36 Criminal Damage to 2019107400 12/26/19 08:32 Criminal Damage to 2019107802 12/29/19 16:24 Criminal Damage to 2019108739 12/30/19 10:43 Criminal Damage to 2019108952 12/31/19 10:00 Criminal Damage to 2019109211 Criminal Damage to Property WP19039180 Disabled Vehicle Phone Phone CDP MVA - No Injuries WP19039278 DISABLVEH Phone Disabled Vehicle CDP WP19040786 Phone Civil Complaint WP19039293 Phone DISABLVEH CDP Disabled Vehicle Civil Complaint WP19041153 WP19041164 Phone Phone CDP DISABLVEH Criminal Damage to Property WP19041287 Disabled Vehicle Phone WP19041313 911 CDP Domestic Disturbance WP19041644 DISABLVEH Phone Disabled Vehicle CDP Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP19041724 Phone DISABLVEH CDP Criminal Damage to Property WREC190418 CDP CSC Sex Offense Total: 1 12/11/19 09:13 CSC Sex Offense 2019103758 CSC Sex Offense WP19039742 Phone CSC Disabled Vehicle Total: 5 12/09/19 06:29 Disabled Vehicle 2019103166 Phone DISABLVEH 12/20/19 17:03 Disabled Vehicle 2019106375 Disabled Vehicle WP19040786 Phone DISABLVEH 12/24/19 15:36 Disabled Vehicle 2019107452 Disabled Vehicle WP19041164 Phone DISABLVEH 12/26/19 12:23 Disabled Vehicle 2019107847 Disabled Vehicle WP19041313 911 DISABLVEH 12/28/19 13:54 Disabled Vehicle 2019108494 Phone DISABLVEH Disorderly Total: 3 12/09/1914:38 Disorderly 2019103296 Disorderly WP19039541 DISORD911 12/10/1916:39 Disorderly 2019103570 Disorderly WP19039661 DISORD Phone ZUERCHER Page 9 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/10/19 20:29 Disorderly 2019103634 Disorderly WP19039682 DISORD 11 Divert Hospital Total: 6 12/09/19 20:53 Divert Hospital 2019103379 Phone WP19038632 DIVERT 12/12/19 21:13 Divert Hospital 2019104201 Phone 12/02/19 17:35 Domestic Disturbance 2019101328 DIVERT 12/16/19 13:15 Divert Hospital 2019105129 Phone DIVERT 12/18/19 18:17 Divert Hospital 2019105746 Phone WP19038923 Phone DIVERT 12/19/19 16:09 Divert Hospital 2019106053 Phone 12/05/19 11:54 Domestic Disturbance 2019102086 DIVERT 12/29/19 12:33 Divert Hospital 2019108703 Phone DIVERT Domestic Disturbance Total: 17 12/01/19 13:06 Domestic Disturbance 2019101036 Domestic Disturbance WP19038632 DOMESTIC 12/02/19 17:35 Domestic Disturbance 2019101328 Domestic Disturbance WP19038768 911 DOMESTIC 12/04/19 08:31 Domestic Disturbance 2019101753 Domestic Disturbance WP19038923 Phone DOMESTIC 12/05/19 11:54 Domestic Disturbance 2019102086 Civil Complaint WP19039077 Phone 12/07/19 22:38 Domestic Disturbance 2019102858 Domestic Disturbance WP19039365 DOMESTICone 12/08/19 14:20 Domestic Disturbance 2019103013 Domestic Disturbance WP19039420 Phone DOMESTIC 12/09/19 13:04 Domestic Disturbance 2019103267 Domestic Disturbance WP19039526 Phone DOMESTIC 12/21/19 09:24 Domestic Disturbance 2019106557 Domestic Disturbance WP19040871 Phone DOMESTIC 12/26/19 15:58 Domestic Disturbance 2019107913 Medical - Psychiatric - WP19041336 ne DOMESTIC 12/27/19 09:58 Domestic Disturbance 2019108127 Domestic Disturbance WP19041403 Phone DOMESTIC 12/27/19 12:21 Domestic Disturbance 2019108168 Domestic Disturbance WP19041418 DOMESTICone 12/27/19 21:54 Domestic Disturbance 2019108345 Domestic Disturbance WP19041480 Phone DOMESTIC 12/27/19 23:46 Domestic Disturbance 2019108375 Domestic Disturbance WP19041487 DOMESWC1 12/28/19 20:46 Domestic Disturbance 2019108589 Domestic Disturbance WP19041579 DOMESTICone 12/29/19 20:17 Domestic Disturbance 2019108806 Domestic Disturbance WP19041674 911 DOMESTIC 12/30/19 12:36 Domestic Disturbance 2019108978 Domestic Disturbance WP19041737 Phone DOMESTIC 12/31/19 18:00 Domestic Disturbance 2019109335 Domestic Disturbance WP19041894 911 DOMESTIC Drugs Total: 4 12/17/19 14:08 Drugs 2019105425 Drugs WP19040404 Phone DRUGS 12/23/1916:40 Drugs 2019107205 Drugs WP19041084 Phone DRUGS 12/27/1921:42 Drugs 2019108341 Drugs WP19041477 Officer DRUGS 12/28/19 10:40 Drugs 2019108466 Drugs WP19041532 Phone DRUGS Dumping Total: 2 ZU=RCHER Page 10 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/15/19 10:53 Dumping 2019104867 Dumping WP19040178 DUMPINGone 12/26/19 13:55 Dumping 2019107873 Dumping WP19041326 DUMPINGone Extra Patrol Total: 2 12/05/19 18:35 Extra Patrol 12/31/19 19:26 Extra Patrol Fight Total: 1 12/04/1912:43 Fight Fire - Gas Leak Total: 3 12/02/19 07:21 Fire - Gas Leak 12/08/19 01:02 Fire - Gas Leak 12/18/19 10:19 Fire - Gas Leak Fire - Smoke - Odor Total: 1 12/18/19 03:48 Fire - Smoke - Odor Found Body Total: 1 12/13/19 10:14 Found Body Found Person Total: 1 2019102176 2019109355 Extra Patrol 2019101799 Disorderly 2019101190 Fire - Gas Leak 2019102893 Fire - Gas Leak 2019105634 Fire - Gas Leak 2019105573 Fire - Smoke - Odor XP Phone WP19041901XP Phone WP19038942 911 FIGHT WP19038711 FGASLEAK WP19039381 FGASLEAKne WP19040485 FGASLE911 AK WP19040454 FSMOKE11 2019104321 Death Investigation - Suicide WP19039982 11 FNDBOD 12/16/19 16:05 Found Person 2019105174 Citizen Aid WP19040310 Phone FNDPERS Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 3 12/13/19 10:50 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2019104334 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP19039987 Phone FRAUDCH 12/16/19 15:56 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2019105173 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP19040307 Phone H FRAUDCppone 12/22/19 14:30 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2019106875 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP19040975 FRAUDC H Fraud - Checks - Cards; Pursuit Total: 1 12/12/19 19:02 Fraud - Checks - Cards; 2019104154 Fraud - Checks - Cards Fraud - Forgery Total: 3 12/02/19 21:44 Fraud - Forgery 12/06/19 09:36 Fraud - Forgery 12/11/19 03:01 Fraud - Forgery Fraud - Internet Total: 2 12/10/19 16:13 Fraud - Internet 12/18/19 12:57 Fraud - Internet Funeral Escort Total: 3 2019101391 Fraud - Forgery 2019102346 Fraud - Forgery 2019103716 Fraud - Forgery 2019103563 Fraud - Internet 2019105676 Fraud - Internet WP19039914 911 FRAUD H; PURSUIT WP19038792 FRAUDFORG one WP19039189 FRAUDFOKG WP19039720 FRAUD-POF h -o WP19039658 FRAUDINTne WP19040509 FRAUDINTne ZU=RCHER Page 11 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/17/19 09:06 Funeral Escort 2019105367 Phone FUNERAL 12/21/19 11:34 Funeral Escort 2019106586 Phone FUNERAL 12/28/19 11:22 Funeral Escort 2019108472 Phone FUNERAL Gun Incident Total: 1 12/30/19 16:15 Gun Incident 2019109028 Gun Incident WP19041761 Phone GUN Harassment Total: 13 12/03/1916:06 Harassment 2019101570 Harassment WP19038870 Phone Info 2019103368 Phone HARASS 12/05/19 00:19 Harassment 2019101966 Civil Complaint WP19039011 11 Phone HARASS 12/05/19 00:29 Harassment 2019101970 Harassment WP19039012 911 INFO HARASS 12/06/19 19:56 Harassment 2019102490 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WP19039243 11 INFO 12/18/19 14:35 Info HARASS 12/10/19 20:20 Harassment 2019103628 Harassment WP19039681 911 12/24/19 18:47 Info 2019107497 HARASS 12/12/19 20:04 Harassment 2019104177 Harassment WP19039923 Phone HARASS 12/15/1911:42 Harassment 2019104873 Harassment WP19040182 Phone HARASS 12/16/19 23:32 Harassment 2019105294 Harassment WP19040345 Phone HARASS 12/22/19 19:14 Harassment 2019106954 Neighborhood Dispute WP19041002 hone HARASS 12/23/1914:18 Harassment 2019107164 Harassment WP19041066 Phone HARASS 12/23/19 17:58 Harassment 2019107240 Civil Complaint WP19041100 HARASS11 12/30/19 22:06 Harassment 2019109100 Harassment WP19041797 Phone HARASS 12/31/1911:51 Harassment 2019109241 Harassment WP19041857 Phone HARASS Info Total: 7 12/03/19 12:53 Info 2019101515 Info W SI U 1903884IN FO 12/09/19 19:49 Info 2019103368 Phone INFO 12/10/19 22:37 Info 2019103668 Phone INFO 12/16/19 08:40 Info 2019105077 Phone INFO 12/17/19 11:03 Info 2019105397 Phone INFO 12/18/19 14:35 Info 2019105693 Phone INFO 12/24/19 18:47 Info 2019107497 Phone INFO Intoxicated Person Total: 2 12/06/19 19:04 Intoxicated Person 12/20/19 15:14 Intoxicated Person Juvenile - Complaint Total: 6 12/07/19 17:44 Juvenile - Complaint 2019102472 Intoxicated Person 2019106335 Intoxicated Person 2019102770 Medical - Psychiatric - WP19039236 Phone hne INTOXP WP19040772 91 INTOXPER WP19039339 JUVCOMhone ZU=RCHER Page 12 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes Reported 12/13/19 19:40 Juvenile - Complaint 2019104475 Juvenile - Complaint WP19040028 gHow JUVRUN11 12/26/19 16:01 Juvenile - Runaway 2019107915 Juvenile - Runaway JUVCOMPI 12/22/19 19:15 Juvenile - Complaint 2019106956 Juvenile - Complaint WP19040999 911 JUVRUNhone Lock Out - Lock In Total: 3 JUVCOMP 12/23/19 16:10 Juvenile - Complaint 2019107192 Juvenile - Runaway WP19041077 911 2019102069 Lost - Found Property WP19039073 JUVCOMhone 12/25/19 17:54 Juvenile - Complaint 2019107684 Juvenile - Complaint WP19041243 Phone LOSTPROP 12/06/19 11:46 Lost - Found Property 2019102373 JUVCOMhone 12/29/19 13:15 Juvenile - Complaint 2019108708 Juvenile - Complaint WP19041631 Phone LOSTPROP JUVCOMhone Juvenile - Runaway Total: 2 12/23/19 01:34 Juvenile - Runaway 2019107047 Juvenile - Complaint WP19041022 Property WP19038625 JUVRUN11 12/26/19 16:01 Juvenile - Runaway 2019107915 Juvenile - Runaway WP19041338 Lost - Found Property 2019101609 Lost - Found Property WP19038881 JUVRUNhone Lock Out - Lock In Total: 3 12/02/19 07:22 Lock Out - Lock In 2019101191 Lock Out - Lock In WP19038713 911 2019102069 Lost - Found Property WP19039073 LOCK 12/03/19 06:31 Lock Out - Lock In 2019101448 Check Welfare WP19038811 Phone LOSTPROP 12/06/19 11:46 Lost - Found Property 2019102373 LOCK 12/18/19 09:25 Lock Out - Lock In 2019105623 Lock Out - Lock In WP19040483 Phone LOSTPROP LOCK Lost - Found Property Total: 8 12/01/19 12:05 Lost - Found Property 2019101023 Lost - Found Property WP19038625 MALLER 12/14/19 15:31 Medical - Allergies - 2019104715 LOSTPROP 12/03/19 18:42 Lost - Found Property 2019101609 Lost - Found Property WP19038881 MALLERGItS Medical - Back Pain Total: 3 12/12/19 17:28 Medical - Back Pain LOSTPROP 12/05/19 10:52 Lost - Found Property 2019102069 Lost - Found Property WP19039073 MBACK 12/21/19 16:29 Medical - Back Pain 2019106648 Medical - Back Pain WP19040898 911 LOSTPROP 12/06/19 11:46 Lost - Found Property 2019102373 Lost - Found Property WP19039198 2019108454 Phone LOSTPROP 12/09/19 11:23 Lost - Found Property 2019103237 Lost - Found Property WP19039513 LOSTPROP 12/13/19 23:16 Lost - Found Property 2019104527 Lost - Found Property WP19040045 LOSTPROP 12/26/19 15:30 Lost - Found Property 2019107904 Lost - Found Property WP19041334 LOSTPROP 12/28/19 13:04 Lost - Found Property 2019108482 Lost - Found Property WP19041542 LOSTPROP Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 1 12/04/19 14:00 Medical - Abdominal 2019101815 Medical - Abdominal Pain WP19038948 911 MABDOMINAL Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 2 12/10/19 15:49 Medical - Allergies - 2019103561 Medical - Allergies - Stings WP19039656 hon MALLER 12/14/19 15:31 Medical - Allergies - 2019104715 Medical - Allergies - Stings WP19040115 MALLERGItS Medical - Back Pain Total: 3 12/12/19 17:28 Medical - Back Pain 2019104131 Medical - Back Pain WP19039906 911 MBACK 12/21/19 16:29 Medical - Back Pain 2019106648 Medical - Back Pain WP19040898 911 MBACK 12/28/19 08:58 Medical - Back Pain 2019108454 Phone MBACK Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 2 12/12/19 09:54 Medical - Bleeding - 2019104030 911 MBLEE ZUERCHER Page 13 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/28/19 13:29 Medical - Bleeding - 2019108486 Medical - Bleeding - WP19041545 911 MBLEE Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 7 12/07/19 03:03 Medical - Breathing 2019102609 12/07/19 09:32 Medical - Breathing 2019102644 12/18/19 18:20 Medical - Breathing 2019105748 12/22/19 01:58 Medical - Breathing 2019106777 12/25/19 03:36 Medical - Breathing 2019107572 12/26/19 05:09 Medical - Breathing 2019107782 12/29/19 09:30 Medical - Breathing 2019108675 Medical - Breathing Problems WP1903927711 MBREA HING MBREATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WP1904054511 MBREA HING Medical - Breathing Problems WP1904092811 MBREA HING MBREATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WP19041281 11 MBREA HING Medical - Breathing Problems WP1904161411 MBREA HING Medical - Carbon Monoxide Inhalation Total: 1 12/05/19 18:09 Medical - Carbon 2019102167 Residential Fire Alarm WP19039124 MCARB ONOX Phone Medical - Chest Pain Total: 3 12/10/19 00:55 Medical - Chest Pain 2019103406 12/16/19 02:07 Medical - Chest Pain 2019105039 12/29/19 08:20 Medical - Chest Pain 2019108662 Medical - Chest Pain WP19039584 911 MCHESTgP Medical - Chest Pain WP19040240 MCHESTPI MCHESTPI Medical - Diabetic Total: 1 12/01/19 16:05 Medical - Diabetic 2019101066 Medical - Diabetic WP19038642 911 MDIABETIC Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 13 12/01/19 00:08 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019100949 12/02/19 13:21 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019101263 12/04/19 20:07 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019101919 12/09/19 06:02 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019103159 12/12/19 09:16 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019104024 12/12/19 12:07 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019104061 12/12/19 22:24 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019104210 12/18/19 18:26 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019105750 12/19/19 11:25 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019105980 12/19/19 12:52 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019105999 12/28/19 12:32 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019108480 12/28/19 14:55 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019108504 12/31/19 10:56 Medical - Fall Under 6 2019109224 911 WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19038741 911 WALL 911 WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19039482 Phone WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19039851 911 WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19039870 911 WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19039932 Phone WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19040546 911 WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19040620 Phone WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WSRO19040627 Phone WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19041540 911 WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19041552 911 WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP19041850 Phone WALL ZUERCHER Page 14 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Medical - Headache Total: 1 12/29/19 16:18 Medical - Headache 2019108736 Medical - Headache WP19041646 Phone 12/05/19 22:45 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019102255 MHEAD Medical - Heart Problems Total: 3 Medical - Psychiatric - 12/15/19 01:50 Medical - Heart 2019104824 Medical - Heart Problems WP19040157 gg 2019105194 Medical - Psychiatric - 12/21/19 17:10 MHEART11 12/15/19 16:52 Medical - Heart 2019104938 911 2019109101 Medical - Psychiatric - MHEART 12/16/19 13:22 Medical - Heart 2019105131 911 MHEART Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 6 12/05/19 17:17 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019102158 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat 12/05/19 22:45 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019102255 Medical - Psychiatric - 12/09/19 18:43 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019103358 Medical - Psychiatric - 12/16/19 17:12 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019105194 Medical - Psychiatric - 12/21/19 17:10 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019106658 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat 12/30/19 22:13 Medical - Psychiatric - 2019109101 Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Seizure Total: 6 12/02/19 18:07 Medical - Seizure 12/05/19 14:06 Medical - Seizure 12/07/19 13:13 Medical - Seizure 12/28/19 13:27 Medical - Seizure 12/29/19 18:27 Medical - Seizure 12/30/19 18:13 Medical - Seizure Medical - Sick Total: 13 12/01/19 12:53 Medical - Sick 12/01/19 19:52 Medical - Sick 12/03/19 23:38 Medical - Sick 12/04/19 10:52 Medical - Sick 12/09/19 14:09 Medical - Sick 12/11/19 11:29 Medical - Sick 12/15/19 10:09 Medical - Sick 12/16/19 12:35 Medical - Sick 12/23/19 15:19 Medical - Sick 12/25/19 06:54 Medical - Sick 12/26/19 11:43 Medical - Sick 2019101336 2019102113 2019102691 2019108484 2019108774 2019109065 2019101033 2019101105 2019101679 2019101775 2019103290 2019103784 2019104859 2019105120 2019107182 2019107592 2019107840 Medical - Seizure Medical - Seizure Medical - Seizure Medical - Seizure Medical - Seizure Medical - Seizure Medical - Sick Medical - Sick Medical - Sick Medical - Sick Medical - Sick Medical - Sick Medical - Sick Medical - Sick WP19039119 hone MPSYCH WP19039148 911 MPSYC WP19039565 MSEIZU911 RE MPSYCHhone WP19040322 hone MSEIZURE MPSYCH WP19040900 911 MPSYC WP19041798 MPSYCHhone WP19038770 91 MSEIZURE WSR0190390 MgSEIZURE WP19039308 MSEIZU911 RE WP19041544 91 MSEIZURE WP19041659 MSEIZURE WP19041777 MSEIZU911 RE MSICK 911 WP19038661 911 MSICK WP19038896 911 MSICK MSICK 911 WP19039536 911 MSICK WP19039752 911 MSICK WP19040172 911 MSICK WP19040284 911 MSICK WP19041075 911 MSICK WP19041215 911 MSICK MSICK 911 ZUERCHER Page 15 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 12/29/19 17:11 Medical - Sick 12/30/19 12:36 Medical - Sick Medical - Stroke Total: 2 12/20/19 14:58 Medical - Stroke 12/27/19 02:22 Medical - Stroke CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 2019108751 Medical - Sick WP19041649 911 MSICK 2019108979 911 MSICK 2019106332 Medical - Stroke 2019108070 Medical - Stroke Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 1 12/11/19 09:01 Medical - Unconscious - 2019103756 Medical - Unconscious - Medical - Unknown Total: 4 WP19040768 911 MSTROKE WP19041378 911 MSTROKE WP19039738 MUNCO911 NSCIOUS 12/05/19 15:50 Medical - Unknown 2019102144 Death Investigation - Natural WP19039112 911 MOTORAI D 12/09/19 06:46 Motorist Aid 2019103169 MUNKNgOWN 12/13/19 09:45 Medical - Unknown 2019104312 Medical - Unknown WP19039977 MUNKNgOWN 12/19/19 16:01 Medical - Unknown 2019106050 MUNKNgO11 12/29/19 17:03 Medical - Unknown 2019108748 Medical - Unknown WP19041647 MOTORAI D 12/23/19 14:00 Motorist Aid 2019107160 MUNKNOWN Missing Person Total: 1 MVA - Hit & Run 2019106388 MOTORAAII 12/25/19 00:13 12/10/19 17:04 Missing Person 2019103580 Missing Person WP19039665 Phone Officer MOTORAI D MISSPER Motorist Aid Total: 7 12/08/19 02:14 Motorist Aid 2019102904 Phone WP19039539 911 MOTORAI D 12/09/19 06:46 Motorist Aid 2019103169 Officer 12/14/19 13:42 MVA - Hit & Run 2019104691 MOTORAILhD 12/13/19 18:41 Motorist Aid 2019104457 MOTORAIDone 12/21/19 08:52 Motorist Aid 2019106543 Phone WP19040552 MOTORAI D 12/23/19 14:00 Motorist Aid 2019107160 MVAHR 12/20/19 17:38 MVA - Hit & Run 2019106388 MOTORAAII 12/25/19 00:13 Motorist Aid 2019107549 ffD�� MOTORApIDcer 12/31/19 16:32 Motorist Aid 2019109312 Officer MOTORAI D MVA - Car Deer Total: 2 12/06/19 22:59 MVA - Car Deer 2019102549 MVA - Car Deer WP19039255 Phone MVACD 12/21/19 18:06 MVA - Car Deer 2019106668 MVA - Car Deer WP19040903 Phone MVACD MVA - Hit & Run Total: 4 12/09/19 14:32 MVA - Hit & Run 2019103294 MVA - Hit & Run WP19039539 911 MVAHR 12/14/19 13:42 MVA - Hit & Run 2019104691 MVA - Hit & Run WP 19040110 MVAHR 12/18/19 19:36 MVA - Hit & Run 2019105769 MVA - Hit & Run WP19040552 MVAHR 12/20/19 17:38 MVA - Hit & Run 2019106388 MVA - Hit & Run WP19040793 911 MVAHR MVA - Injuries Total: 4 ZUERCHER Page 16 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/05/1914:47 MVA -Injuries 2019102129 MVA -Injuries WP19039105 911 MVAINJ 12/06/19 14:35 MVA - Injuries 2019102404 Agency Assist WP19039214 911 MVAINJ 12/09/19 06:47 MVA - Injuries 2019103170 MVAINJ 12/19/19 12:55 MVA - Injuries 2019106002 Agency Assist WP19040628 MVAINJ MVA - No Injuries Total: 26 12/01/19 11:24 MVA - No Injuries 2019101019 MVA - No Injuries WP19038623 MVA 12/01/19 18:24 MVA - No Injuries 2019101086 MVA - No Injuries WP19038651 911 MVA 12/03/19 09:19 MVA - No Injuries 2019101474 MVA - No Injuries WP19038824 MVA 12/03/19 12:45 MVA - No Injuries 2019101512 MVA - No Injuries WP19038845 911 MVA 12/03/19 14:59 MVA - No Injuries 2019101547 MVA - No Injuries WP19038859 MVA 12/04/19 15:36 MVA - No Injuries 2019101837 MVA - No Injuries WP19038960 MVA 12/04/19 20:00 MVA - No Injuries 2019101918 DUI - MVA WP19038994 MVA 12/05/19 15:22 MVA - No Injuries 2019102139 MVA - No Injuries WP19039111 MVA 12/06/19 17:30 MVA - No Injuries 2019102443 MVA - Injuries WP19039228 911 MVA 12/10/19 11:41 MVA - No Injuries 2019103489 MVA - No Injuries WP19039621 MVA 12/10/19 15:55 MVA - No Injuries 2019103562 MVA - No Injuries WP19039657 MVA 12/10/19 20:41 MVA - No Injuries 2019103637 MVA - No Injuries WP19039685 MVA 12/12/19 07:26 MVA - No Injuries 2019104006 MVA - No Injuries WSRO19039845 911 MVA 12/12/19 08:03 MVA - No Injuries 2019104011 MVA - No Injuries WP19039847 MVA 12/16/19 16:13 MVA - No Injuries 2019105177 MVA - No Injuries WP19040313 911 MVA 12/18/19 12:51 MVA - No Injuries 2019105674 MVA - No Injuries WP19040508 911 MVA 12/19/19 06:41 MVA - No Injuries 2019105903 MVA - No Injuries WP19040594 911 MVA 12/19/19 15:13 MVA - No Injuries 2019106037 MVA - No Injuries WP19040653 911 MVA 12/20/19 12:10 MVA - No Injuries 2019106304 MVA 12/22/19 12:35 MVA - No Injuries 2019106848 MVA - No Injuries WP19040963 MVA 12/22/19 14:56 MVA - No Injuries 2019106885 MVA - No Injuries WP19040978 MVA 12/23/19 17:19 MVA - No Injuries 2019107219 MVA - No Injuries WP19041090 MVA 12/29/19 17:19 MVA - No Injuries 2019108754 MVA - No Injuries WP19041650 911 MVA 12/30/19 09:35 MVA - No Injuries 2019108929 911 MVA 12/30/19 11:25 MVA - No Injuries 2019108966 MVA - No Injuries WP19041731 MVA 12/31/19 09:56 MVA - No Injuries 2019109209 MVA - No Injuries WP19041843 911 MVA Noise Total: 8 ZU=RCHER Page 17 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/01/19 22:47 Noise 2019101135 Noise WP19038671 12/13/19 20:16 Parking 12/22/1910:52 Parking 12/22/1914:47 Parking NOISE 12/11/1918:10 Noise 2019103888 Noise WP19039801 PARKING WP19040959 911 PARKIN NOISE 12/20/19 22:06 Noise 2019106453 Noise WP19040820 NOISE 12/23/19 23:20 Noise 2019107305 Noise WP19041118 NOISE 12/25/1911:26 Noise 2019107630 Noise WP19041227 NOISE 12/25/19 23:39 Noise 2019107765 Noise WP19041271 NOISE 12/29/19 22:50 Noise 2019108840 Noise WP19041682 NOISE 12/30/19 09:49 Noise 2019108936 Noise WP19041719 NOISE Noise; Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 1 12/08/19 21:40 Noise; Suspicious - 2019103107 Noise Open Door - Window Total: 2 12/11/19 05:43 Open Door - Window 2019103728 Open Door - Window 12/30/19 21:20 Open Door - Window 2019109089 Open Door - Window Ordinance Violation Total: 2 12/04/19 16:29 Ordinance Violation 12/09/19 11:39 Ordinance Violation Parking Total: 9 12/04/1914:45 Parking 12/08/19 00:37 Parking 12/09/1914:24 Parking 12/09/1914:51 Parking 12/10/1915:33 Parking 12/13/19 20:16 Parking 12/22/1910:52 Parking 12/22/1914:47 Parking 12/27/1911:10 Parking Phone Call Total: 1 12/26/19 22:35 Phone Call POR Check Total: 10 12/24/19 11:27 POR Check 12/24/19 11:40 POR Check 12/27/19 13:13 POR Check ZUERCHER 2019101852 2019103245 2019101823 2019102888 2019103292 2019103300 2019103553 2019104485 2019106831 2019106881 2019108143 01110,1111-i11;ril 2019107391 2019107394 2019108178 Ordinance Violation Ordinance Violation Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking WP19039452 911 NOISE; SUSPPV WP19039723 OPEN WP19041790 911 OPEN WP19038966 ORDINANCE WP19039516 ORDINANCE WP19038953 Other PH PARKING WP19039379 Officer POR PARKING WP19039537 Officer POR PARKING WP19039544 Officer POR PARKING WP19039651 Page 18 of 35 PARKING WP19040033 PARKING WP19040959 911 PARKIN WP19040976 PARKINgG WP19041411 PARKING11 Other PH Officer POR Officer POR Officer POR Page 18 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/27/19 13:53 POR Check 2019108188 PROB Officer 12/04/19 20:16 Probation Check 2019101922 POR Officer 12/27/19 14:23 POR Check 2019108196 PROB Officer 12/05/19 18:50 Probation Check 2019102180 POR Officer 12/30/19 14:27 POR Check 2019109001 PROB Officer 12/05/19 19:17 Probation Check 2019102188 POR Officer 12/30/19 14:37 POR Check 2019109003 PROB Officer 12/23/19 12:02 Probation Check 2019107134 POR Officer 12/30/19 14:54 POR Check 2019109008 PROB Officer 12/23/19 17:22 Probation Check 2019107222 POR Officer 12/31/19 06:55 POR Check 2019109153 PROB Officer POR 12/31/19 08:48 POR Check 2019109170 Officer POR Probation Check Total: 6 12/04/19 15:12 Probation Check 2019101833 Officer REPO PROB Repossession 12/04/19 20:16 Probation Check 2019101922 Officer REPO 12/05/19 22:15 Repossession PROB 12/05/19 18:50 Probation Check 2019102180 REPO Officer Repossession 2019102372 PROB 12/05/19 19:17 Probation Check 2019102188 Repossession Officer PROB REPO 12/23/19 12:02 Probation Check 2019107134 Officer REPO PROB Repossession 12/23/19 17:22 Probation Check 2019107222 Officer REPO 12/21/1914:49 Repossession PROB Repossession Total: 8 12/05/1910:09 Repossession 2019102057 REPO 12/05/1919:43 Repossession 2019102195 REPO 12/05/19 22:15 Repossession 2019102244 REPO 12/06/1911:43 Repossession 2019102372 REPO 12/13/1910:17 Repossession 2019104323 REPO 12/19/1911:36 Repossession 2019105981 REPO 12/19/19 20:41 Repossession 2019106148 REPO 12/21/1914:49 Repossession 2019106620 REPO Residential Fire Alarm Total: 3 12/19/19 15:23 Residential Fire Alarm 2019106042 Residential Fire Alarm WP19040657 911 ALARM 12/22/19 13:21 Residential Fire Alarm 2019106858 Residential Fire Alarm WP19040968 Phone ALARM 12/31/19 15:05 Residential Fire Alarm 2019109287 Phone ALARM Residential General Alarm Total: 2 12/10/19 12:48 Residential General 2019103503 Residential General Alarm WP19039630 Phone ALARM 12/11/19 16:42 Residential General 2019103863 Residential General Alarm WP19039792 Phone ALARM Residential Medical Alarm Total: 3 12/02/19 07:24 Residential Medical 2019101193 Residential Medical Alarm WP19038714 Phone ALARM ZU=RCHER Page 19 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/20/19 11:05 Residential Medical 2019106286 Residential Medical Alarm WP19040748 Phone ALARM 12/27/19 10:34 Residential Medical 2019108136 Residential Medical Alarm WP19041407 Phone ALARM SIA Area Watch Total: 6 12/05/19 06:56 SIA Area Watch 2019102016 12/09/19 01:53 SIA Area Watch 2019103134 12/21/19 23:24 SIA Area Watch 2019106744 12/23/19 01:11 SIA Area Watch 2019107043 12/25/19 23:10 SIA Area Watch 2019107760 12/31/19 23:50 SIA Area Watch 2019109421 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 7 12/07/19 00:22 SIA Business Walk 2019102574 12/07/19 23:44 SIA Business Walk 2019102876 12/09/19 08:55 SIA Business Walk 2019103201 12/14/19 21:19 SIA Business Walk 2019104771 12/17/19 19:56 SIA Business Walk 2019105502 12/24/19 19:20 SIA Business Walk 2019107502 12/24/19 19:22 SIA Business Walk 2019107503 SIA City Council - City Hall Total: 2 12/09/19 17:30 SIA City Council - City 2019103332 12/23/19 17:30 SIA City Council - City 2019107229 SIA Door Check Total: 2 12/03/19 21:22 SIA Door Check 2019101654 12/31/19 13:45 SIA Door Check 2019109255 SIA Foot Patrol Total: 4 12/09/19 01:45 SIA Foot Patrol 2019103133 12/19/19 00:27 SIA Foot Patrol 2019105857 12/22/19 08:37 SIA Foot Patrol 2019106810 12/24/19 19:04 SIA Foot Patrol 2019107499 SIA Other Total: 3 12/07/19 01:50 SIA Other 2019102597 12/18/19 22:57 SIA Other 2019105835 12/29/1910:26 SIA Other 2019108684 SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA Warrant - Arrest WP19039262 Officer SIA SIA SIA SIA Officer SIA SIA SIA Officer SIA Officer SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA ZU=RCHER Page 20 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # SIA Parks Total: 14 12/03/19 08:26 SIA Parks 2019101465 12/07/19 09:27 SIA Parks 2019102643 12/07/19 13:09 SIA Parks 2019102689 12/07/19 16:32 SIA Parks 2019102749 12/08/19 13:23 SIA Parks 2019103001 12/14/19 09:25 SIA Parks 2019104628 12/15/19 09:27 SIA Parks 2019104850 12/15/19 16:29 SIA Parks 2019104932 12/16/19 02:27 SIA Parks 2019105045 12/18/19 00:45 SIA Parks 2019105547 12/21/19 09:47 SIA Parks 2019106565 12/21/19 15:19 SIA Parks 2019106627 12/22/1916:30 SIA Parks 2019106914 12/30/19 01:13 SIA Parks 2019108867 SIA Winter Parking Warning Total: 1 12/13/19 02:10 SIA Winter Parking 2019104252 Sign - Signal Repair Total: 2 12/03/19 20:13 Sign - Signal Repair 2019101635 12/27/19 17:17 Sign - Signal Repair 2019108246 Snowbird Total: 62 12/02/19 02:16 Snowbird 12/02/19 02:17 Snowbird 12/02/19 02:23 Snowbird 12/02/19 02:27 Snowbird 12/02/19 02:30 Snowbird 12/02/19 02:33 Snowbird 12/02/19 02:34 Snowbird 12/02/19 02:34 Snowbird 12/04/19 02:01 Snowbird 12/05/19 02:30 Snowbird 12/05/19 02:34 Snowbird 2019101156 2019101158 2019101161 2019101164 2019101165 2019101166 2019101167 2019101168 2019101703 2019101990 2019101991 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIGNREPhone SIGNREPhone Snowbird W P 19038684 SNOWBIRD Snowbird WP19038685 Officer SNOWBIRD Snowbird WP19038688 SNOWBIRD Snowbird W P 19038691 SNOWBIRD Snowbird WP19038693 SNOWBIRD Snowbird WP19038694 SNOWBIRD Snowbird W P 19038696 SNOWBIRD Snowbird WP19038695 SNOWBIRD Snowbird WP19038903 SNOWBIRD Snowbird W P 19039024 SNOWBIRD Snowbird WP19039025 SNOWBIRD ZUERCHER Page 21 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/05/19 02:37 Snowbird 2019101995 Snowbird WP19039028 SNOWBIRD 12/05/19 02:46 Snowbird 2019101997 Snowbird WP19039030 SNOWBIRD 12/05/19 02:49 Snowbird 2019101998 Snowbird WP19039031 SNOWBIRD 12/06/19 02:02 Snowbird 2019102285 Snowbird WP19039161 SNOWBIRD 12/07/19 02:00 Snowbird 2019102600 Snowbird WP19039269 SNOWBIRD 12/07/19 02:06 Snowbird 2019102601 Snowbird WP19039270 SNOWBIRD 12/07/19 02:10 Snowbird 2019102603 Snowbird WP19039271 SNOWBIRD 12/09/19 02:02 Snowbird 2019103136 Snowbird WP19039464 SNOWBIRD 12/09/19 02:08 Snowbird 2019103138 Snowbird WP19039466 SNOWBIRD 12/09/19 02:15 Snowbird 2019103139 Snowbird WP19039467 SNOWBIRD 12/09/19 02:21 Snowbird 2019103141 Snowbird WP19039469 SNOWBIRD 12/09/19 02:44 Snowbird 2019103145 Snowbird WP19039472 SNOWBIRD 12/09/19 02:50 Snowbird 2019103147 Snowbird WP19039474 SNOWBIRD 12/10/19 02:00 Snowbird 2019103418 Snowbird WP19039586 SNOWBIRD 12/10/19 02:16 Snowbird 2019103421 Snowbird WP19039589 SNOWBIRD 12/10/19 02:19 Snowbird 2019103422 Snowbird WP19039590 SNOWBIRD 12/10/19 02:25 Snowbird 2019103423 Snowbird WP19039591 SNOWBIRD 12/10/19 02:31 Snowbird 2019103424 Snowbird WP19039592 SNOWBIRD 12/10/19 04:44 Snowbird 2019103431 Snowbird WP19039595 SNOWBIRD 12/10/19 05:06 Snowbird 2019103432 Snowbird WP19039596 SNOWBIRD 12/10/19 05:20 Snowbird 2019103434 Snowbird WP19039597 SNOWBIRD 12/10/19 05:22 Snowbird 2019103435 Snowbird WP19039598 SNOWBIRD 12/11/19 02:06 Snowbird 2019103697 Snowbird WP19039706 SNOWBIRD 12/11/19 02:24 Snowbird 2019103705 Snowbird WP19039710 SNOWBIRD 12/11/19 02:33 Snowbird 2019103709 Snowbird WP19039714 SNOWBIRD 12/11/19 02:35 Snowbird 2019103710 Snowbird WP19039715 SNOWBIRD 12/11/19 02:40 Snowbird 2019103713 Snowbird WP19039717 SNOWBIRD 12/11/19 02:43 Snowbird 2019103714 Snowbird WP19039718 SNOWBIRD 12/12/19 02:44 Snowbird 2019103979 Snowbird WP19039833 SNOWBIRD 12/13/19 02:00 Snowbird 2019104246 Snowbird WP19039945 SNOWBIRD 12/13/19 02:05 Snowbird 2019104249 Snowbird WP19039947 SNOWBIRD 12/13/19 02:11 Snowbird 2019104253 Snowbird WP19039949 SNOWBIRD 12/13/19 02:16 Snowbird 2019104254 Snowbird WP19039950 SNOWBIRD ZU=RCHER Page 22 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/13/19 02:24 Snowbird 2019104259 Snowbird WP19039953 Suspicious - 2019102576 12/07/19 20:49 Suspicious - 2019102818 12/11/19 17:28 SNOWBIRD 12/13/19 04:43 Snowbird 2019104267 Snowbird WP19039956 Suspicious - 2019104284 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances SNOWBIRD 12/14/19 02:00 Snowbird 2019104576 Snowbird WP19040058 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19039967 SNOWBIRD 12/14/19 02:13 Snowbird 2019104586 Snowbird WP19040062 SNOWBIRD 12/14/19 02:22 Snowbird 2019104589 Snowbird WP19040067 SNOWBIRD 12/16/19 02:10 Snowbird 2019105040 Snowbird WP19040241 SNOWBIRD 12/16/19 02:16 Snowbird 2019105042 Snowbird WP19040243 SNOWBIRD 12/16/19 02:21 Snowbird 2019105043 Snowbird WP19040244 SNOWBIRD 12/17/19 02:05 Snowbird 2019105324 Snowbird WP19040350 SNOWBIRD 12/19/19 02:13 Snowbird 2019105870 Snowbird WP19040577 SNOWBIRD 12/19/19 02:21 Snowbird 2019105871 Snowbird WP19040578 SNOWBIRD 12/19/19 02:28 Snowbird 2019105872 Snowbird WP19040579 SNOWBIRD 12/19/19 02:32 Snowbird 2019105875 Snowbird WP19040582 SNOWBIRD 12/19/19 02:41 Snowbird 2019105878 Snowbird WP19040585 SNOWBIRD 12/19/19 02:44 Snowbird 2019105879 Snowbird WP19040586 SNOWBIRD 12/19/19 02:48 Snowbird 2019105882 Snowbird WP19040587 SNOWBIRD 12/27/19 02:01 Snowbird 2019108065 Snowbird WP19041376 SNOWBIRD 12/29/19 02:57 Snowbird 2019108641 Snowbird WP19041602 SNOWBIRD Stalking Total: 1 12/16/19 01:40 Stalking 2019105037 Harassment WP19040239 STALKINGI Stoparm Violation Total: 2 12/02/19 18:45 Stoparm Violation 2019101347 Stoparm Violation WP19038777 Cher STOPAR 12/04/19 14:32 Stoparm Violation 2019101821 Stoparm Violation WP19038952 STOPARCher Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 17 12/02/19 17:16 Suspicious - 2019101319 12/04/19 02:05 Suspicious - 2019101706 12/05/19 06:12 Suspicious - 2019102012 12/07/19 00:26 Suspicious - 2019102576 12/07/19 20:49 Suspicious - 2019102818 12/11/19 17:28 Suspicious - 2019103877 12/11/19 17:47 Suspicious - 2019103884 12/13/19 08:01 Suspicious - 2019104284 Suspicious - Circumstances WP19038764 SUSPCI911 RC Suspicious - Circumstances WP19038906 ne Phone SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WP19039039 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WP19039261 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19039355 Phone SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances WP19039796 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WP19039797 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19039967 SUSPCIRCne ZUERCHER Page 23 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 12/15/19 15:03 Suspicious - 2019104915 12/18/19 05:58 Suspicious - 2019105581 12/24/19 09:21 Suspicious - 2019107370 12/26/19 16:40 Suspicious - 2019107930 12/26/19 21:39 Suspicious - 2019108004 12/28/19 15:16 Suspicious - 2019108509 12/29/19 15:11 Suspicious - 2019108722 12/29/19 16:14 Suspicious - 2019108735 12/29/19 19:44 Suspicious - 2019108797 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 21 12/04/19 20:22 Suspicious - Person - 2019101925 12/05/19 17:56 Suspicious - Person - 2019102164 12/07/19 00:33 Suspicious - Person - 2019102579 12/07/19 23:04 Suspicious - Person - 2019102863 12/08/19 10:35 Suspicious - Person - 2019102957 12/13/19 17:40 Suspicious - Person - 2019104441 12/14/19 05:54 Suspicious - Person - 2019104607 12/19/19 19:00 Suspicious - Person - 2019106118 12/20/19 23:13 Suspicious - Person - 2019106464 12/21/19 21:20 Suspicious - Person - 2019106714 12/21/19 23:59 Suspicious - Person - 2019106752 12/22/19 08:41 Suspicious - Person - 2019106811 12/23/19 01:17 Suspicious - Person - 2019107044 12/24/19 08:46 Suspicious - Person - 2019107365 12/25/19 00:30 Suspicious - Person - 2019107553 12/27/19 01:02 Suspicious - Person - 2019108054 12/27/19 05:50 Suspicious - Person - 2019108090 12/28/19 15:37 Suspicious - Person - 2019108513 12/29/19 23:06 Suspicious - Person - 2019108843 12/31/19 14:29 Suspicious - Person - 2019109273 12/31/19 15:20 Suspicious - Person - 2019109294 Theft Total: 15 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Suspicious -Circumstances WP19040198 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19039263 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19040458 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19039368 SUSPCI911 RC Suspicious - Circumstances WP19041142 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19040018 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WP19041342 Phone SUSPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19040681 SUSPCI Suspicious - Circumstances WP19041361 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19040826 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WP19041554 SUSPPVhone SUSPCI911 RC Suspicious - Circumstances WP19041637 Phone SUSPCI Suspicious - Circumstances WP19041641 SUSPPV Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041140 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WP19041669 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041195 SUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19038997 SUSPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19039122 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19039263 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19039368 SUSPPVhone Check Welfare WP19039402 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19040018 SUSPPVPhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19040081 SUSPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19040681 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19040826 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19040918 SUSPPVhone hone SUSPPV Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19040953 SUSPPVPhone Drugs WP19041020 11 SUSPPV Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041140 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041195 SUSPPV11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041373 SUSPPVPhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041389 SUSPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041556 SUSPPVhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041683 SUSPPVPhone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041868 SUSPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP19041878 SUSPPVhone ZU=RCHER Page 24 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/02/19 08:42 Theft 2019101213 Theft WP19038722 THEFTSHOP Phone Theft - Shoplifting 2019106583 THEFTGASone 12/09/19 15:05 Theft - Gas Drive Off THEFT Phone 12/05/1912:09 Theft 2019102087 Theft WP19039079 Theft - Gas Drive Off Phone Phone WP19041040 THEFTGAS THEFT Theft - Gas Drive Off 12/07/19 09:15 Theft 2019102642 Lost - Found Property WP19039288 THEFTGASone Phone Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019106594 Phone THEFT THEFTGAS 12/08/1913:45 Theft 2019103006 Theft WP19039419 Phone THEFTGAS 12/30/19 01:56 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019108872 THEFTSHOne THEFT Theft - Shoplifting 12/09/1918:24 Theft 2019103353 Theft WP19039562 Phone THEFTSHOne THEFT 12/11/1912:39 Theft 2019103800 Theft WP19039763 Phone THEFT 12/12/19 00:05 Theft 2019103962 Theft WP19039826 Officer THEFT 12/13/19 20:25 Theft 2019104486 Theft WP19040034 Phone THEFT 12/17/19 17:32 Theft 2019105466 Civil Complaint WP19040418 Phone THEFT 12/18/1916:17 Theft 2019105720 Theft WP19040532 Phone THEFT 12/21/1914:07 Theft 2019106610 Theft WP19040890 THEFT 12/22/1915:58 Theft 2019106903 Theft WP19040985 Phone THEFT 12/23/1910:21 Theft 2019107111 Theft WP19041048 Phone THEFT 12/23/1916:17 Theft 2019107198 Theft WP19041079 Phone THEFT 12/25/1919:09 Theft 2019107705 Theft WP19041249 Phone THEFT Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 8 12/05/19 07:58 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019102025 Theft - Gas Drive Off WP19039056 Phone WP19040195 Phone THEFTGAhhS 12/09/19 14:04 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019103287 THEFTSHOP 12/21/19 11:19 Theft - Shoplifting 2019106583 THEFTGASone 12/09/19 15:05 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019103304 Phone THEFTGAS 12/12/19 18:03 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019104140 Phone WP19041040 THEFTGAS 12/14/19 14:31 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019104697 THEFTSHOne 12/23/19 23:40 Theft - Shoplifting 2019107310 THEFTGASone 12/21/19 12:39 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019106594 Phone THEFTGAS 12/22/19 11:22 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019106835 Phone WP19041443 THEFTGAS 12/30/19 01:56 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2019108872 THEFTSHOne 12/29/19 14:11 Theft - Shoplifting 2019108714 THEFTGASone Theft - Shoplifting Total: 6 12/15/19 14:11 Theft - Shoplifting 2019104908 Juvenile - Complaint WP19040195 Phone THEFTSHOP 12/21/19 11:19 Theft - Shoplifting 2019106583 Theft - Shoplifting WP19040881 THEFTSHOne 12/23/19 09:13 Theft - Shoplifting 2019107093 Theft - Shoplifting WP19041040 THEFTSHOne 12/23/19 23:40 Theft - Shoplifting 2019107310 Theft - Shoplifting WP19041121 THEFTSHOP1 12/27/19 16:27 Theft - Shoplifting 2019108230 Theft - Shoplifting WP19041443 THEFTSHOne 12/29/19 14:11 Theft - Shoplifting 2019108714 Theft - Shoplifting WP19041634 THEFTSHOne Theft - Shoplifting; Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 1 ZU=RCHER Page 25 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/28/19 20:20 Theft - Shoplifting; 2019108579 Theft - Shoplifting WP19041577 911 THEFTS OP; Threats Total: 9 12/03/19 23:51 Threats 2019101682 Threats WP19038897 THREATS one 12/06/1915:35 Threats 2019102418 Harassment WP19039221 Phone T 12/03/19 16:00 Traffic - Complaint 2019101567 THREATS 12/11/19 19:55 Threats 2019103914 Civil Complaint WP19039809 T 12/03/19 21:46 THREATSone 12/15/19 12:49 Threats 2019104889 Threats WP19040189 one T THREATS 12/16/1914:52 Threats 2019105153 Threats WP19040297 Phone 911 THREATS 12/16/19 18:11 Threats 2019105216 Threats WP19040327 THREAT'S 1 12/17/19 17:53 Threats 2019105469 School Threats WP19040420 one T 12/06/19 14:57 THREATS 12/18/1916:06 Threats 2019105719 Threats WP19040530 Phone T THREATS 12/22/19 07:14 Threats 2019106806 Suspicious - Circumstances WP19040950 1 911 THREATS Traffic - Complaint Total: 17 12/01/19 17:02 Traffic - Complaint 2019101076 Traffic - Complaint WP19038647 Phone T 12/03/19 16:00 Traffic - Complaint 2019101567 Traffic - Complaint WP19038868 Phone T 12/03/19 21:46 Traffic - Complaint 2019101657 Traffic Stop WP19038893 Phone T 12/05/19 19:07 Traffic - Complaint 2019102187 Traffic - Complaint WP19039133 911 T 12/06/19 14:04 Traffic - Complaint 2019102399 Traffic - Complaint WP19039210 Phone T 12/06/19 14:57 Traffic - Complaint 2019102410 Traffic - Complaint WP19039216 Phone T 12/06/19 18:47 Traffic - Complaint 2019102466 Traffic - Complaint WP19039234 911 T 12/07/19 19:08 Traffic - Complaint 2019102793 Traffic - Complaint WP19039344 Phone T 12/10/19 12:13 Traffic - Complaint 2019103496 Traffic - Complaint WP19039624 Phone T 12/11/19 11:56 Traffic - Complaint 2019103790 Traffic - Complaint WP19039757 Phone T 12/12/19 11:41 Traffic - Complaint 2019104054 Disabled Vehicle WP19039867 911 T 12/12/19 19:51 Traffic - Complaint 2019104172 Traffic - Complaint WP19039920 Phone T 12/14/19 18:49 Traffic - Complaint 2019104750 Traffic - Complaint WP19040129 Phone T 12/19/19 14:36 Traffic - Complaint 2019106033 Traffic - Complaint WP19040649 Phone T 12/24/19 17:10 Traffic - Complaint 2019107474 Traffic - Complaint WP19041170 Phone T 12/25/19 21:37 Traffic - Complaint 2019107738 Traffic - Complaint WP19041260 Phone T 12/28/19 13:41 Traffic - Complaint 2019108492 Traffic - Complaint WP19041549 911 T Traffic - Hazard Total: 1 12/09/19 13:44 Traffic - Hazard 2019103281 Vehicle Off Road WP19039532 Phone THAZARD Traffic Stop Total: 238 ZU=RCHER Page 26 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 12/01/19 01:02 Traffic Stop 2019100952 12/01/19 11:59 Traffic Stop 2019101021 12/02/19 02:50 Traffic Stop 2019101173 12/02/1916:26 Traffic Stop 2019101309 12/02/19 17:25 Traffic Stop 2019101324 12/02/19 22:53 Traffic Stop 2019101398 12/02/19 23:00 Traffic Stop 2019101403 12/03/19 01:23 Traffic Stop 2019101422 Warrant - Arrest 12/04/19 18:09 Traffic Stop 2019101884 12/04/19 19:11 Traffic Stop 2019101899 12/04/19 19:45 Traffic Stop 2019101914 12/04/19 23:11 Traffic Stop 2019101954 Traffic Stop 12/05/19 07:34 Traffic Stop 2019102018 Traffic Stop 12/05/19 10:09 Traffic Stop 2019102058 Traffic Stop 12/05/19 12:52 Traffic Stop 2019102097 12/06/19 02:17 Traffic Stop 2019102289 12/06/19 20:26 Traffic Stop 2019102501 12/06/19 21:18 Traffic Stop 2019102523 12/06/19 22:00 Traffic Stop 2019102535 12/07/19 01:57 Traffic Stop 2019102599 12/07/19 02:07 Traffic Stop 2019102602 12/07/19 07:01 Traffic Stop 2019102621 12/07/19 08:27 Traffic Stop 2019102630 12/07/19 12:32 Traffic Stop 2019102683 12/07/19 13:46 Traffic Stop 2019102697 12/07/19 14:28 Traffic Stop 2019102706 12/07/19 14:33 Traffic Stop 2019102707 12/07/19 15:00 Traffic Stop 2019102719 12/07/19 20:18 Traffic Stop 2019102811 12/07/19 20:41 Traffic Stop 2019102816 12/07/19 22:35 Traffic Stop 2019102857 12/07/19 23:59 Traffic Stop 2019102882 Traffic Stop 12/08/19 00:19 Traffic Stop 2019102886 Case Number Codes How Reported TS Officer TS TS TS TS TS TS WP19038798 TS TS TS TS WP19039008 TS WP19039041 TS WP19039067 TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS TS WP19039378 TS TS Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer ZUERCHER Page 27 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/08/19 01:58 Traffic Stop 2019102903 Officer TS 12/08/19 02:34 Traffic Stop 2019102909 Officer TS 12/08/19 07:18 Traffic Stop 2019102927 Officer TS 12/08/19 07:28 Traffic Stop 2019102929 Officer TS 12/08/19 12:34 Traffic Stop 2019102984 Officer TS 12/08/19 12:39 Traffic Stop 2019102987 Officer TS 12/08/19 12:55 Traffic Stop 2019102992 Traffic Stop WP19039413 Officer TS 12/08/19 21:14 Traffic Stop 2019103101 Officer TS 12/08/19 21:36 Traffic Stop 2019103106 Officer TS 12/09/19 00:53 Traffic Stop 2019103127 Officer TS 12/09/19 16:17 Traffic Stop 2019103318 Traffic Stop WP19039556 Officer TS 12/09/19 17:25 Traffic Stop 2019103331 Officer TS 12/09/19 23:30 Traffic Stop 2019103396 Officer TS 12/10/19 00:31 Traffic Stop 2019103402 Officer TS 12/10/19 01:17 Traffic Stop 2019103409 Officer TS 12/10/19 01:44 Traffic Stop 2019103414 Officer TS 12/10/19 01:54 Traffic Stop 2019103416 Officer TS 12/10/19 02:39 Traffic Stop 2019103426 Officer TS 12/10/19 02:46 Traffic Stop 2019103428 Traffic Stop WP19039593 Officer TS 12/10/19 06:22 Traffic Stop 2019103439 Officer TS 12/10/19 08:18 Traffic Stop 2019103445 Officer TS 12/10/19 08:28 Traffic Stop 2019103447 Officer TS 12/10/19 13:48 Traffic Stop 2019103523 Traffic Stop WP19039637 Officer TS 12/10/19 23:54 Traffic Stop 2019103679 Officer TS 12/11/19 00:15 Traffic Stop 2019103681 Officer TS 12/11/19 00:38 Traffic Stop 2019103684 Officer TS 12/11/19 01:35 Traffic Stop 2019103692 Officer TS 12/11/19 02:36 Traffic Stop 2019103711 Officer TS 12/11/19 10:15 Traffic Stop 2019103773 Officer TS 12/11/19 14:20 Traffic Stop 2019103818 Officer TS 12/11/19 22:24 Traffic Stop 2019103945 Warrant - Arrest WP19039820 Officer TS 12/11/19 23:43 Traffic Stop 2019103959 Officer TS 12/12/19 00:11 Traffic Stop 2019103963 Traffic Stop WP19039827 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 28 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/12/19 01:39 Traffic Stop 2019103971 Officer TS 12/12/19 02:28 Traffic Stop 2019103977 Officer TS 12/12/19 02:46 Traffic Stop 2019103980 Officer TS 12/12/19 02:59 Traffic Stop 2019103983 Traffic Stop WP19039834 Officer TS 12/12/19 06:03 Traffic Stop 2019103992 Warrant - Arrest WP19039840 Officer TS 12/12/19 12:46 Traffic Stop 2019104070 Officer TS 12/12/19 13:10 Traffic Stop 2019104076 Officer TS 12/12/19 19:09 Traffic Stop 2019104158 Officer TS 12/12/19 22:59 Traffic Stop 2019104219 Officer TS 12/12/19 23:25 Traffic Stop 2019104222 Officer TS 12/12/19 23:34 Traffic Stop 2019104225 Officer TS 12/13/19 18:03 Traffic Stop 2019104447 Officer TS 12/13/19 19:12 Traffic Stop 2019104466 Officer TS 12/13/19 20:45 Traffic Stop 2019104492 Officer TS 12/14/19 01:45 Traffic Stop 2019104570 Drugs WP19040055 Officer TS 12/14/19 02:01 Traffic Stop 2019104577 Officer TS 12/14/19 02:30 Traffic Stop 2019104590 Traffic Stop WP19040068 Officer TS 12/14/19 14:39 Traffic Stop 2019104701 Officer TS 12/14/19 17:33 Traffic Stop 2019104739 Officer TS 12/14/19 18:30 Traffic Stop 2019104746 Traffic Stop WP19040127 Officer TS 12/14/19 20:03 Traffic Stop 2019104761 Officer TS 12/15/19 02:38 Traffic Stop 2019104829 Officer TS 12/15/19 10:33 Traffic Stop 2019104864 Traffic Stop WP19040174 Officer TS 12/15/19 11:25 Traffic Stop 2019104870 Traffic Stop WP19040180 Officer TS 12/15/19 12:26 Traffic Stop 2019104880 Officer TS 12/15/19 13:04 Traffic Stop 2019104895 TS 12/15/19 16:57 Traffic Stop 2019104940 Officer TS 12/15/19 17:09 Traffic Stop 2019104943 Traffic Stop WP19040206 Officer TS 12/15/19 18:02 Traffic Stop 2019104954 Officer TS 12/15/19 22:58 Traffic Stop 2019105018 Officer TS 12/15/19 23:47 Traffic Stop 2019105023 Officer TS 12/16/19 00:03 Traffic Stop 2019105025 Warrant - Arrest WP19040233 Officer TS 12/16/19 01:11 Traffic Stop 2019105032 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 29 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/16/19 14:44 Traffic Stop 2019105150 Officer TS 12/16/19 23:21 Traffic Stop 2019105293 Officer TS 12/16/19 23:35 Traffic Stop 2019105295 Officer TS 12/16/19 23:42 Traffic Stop 2019105296 Officer TS 12/16/19 23:52 Traffic Stop 2019105298 Officer TS 12/17/19 00:38 Traffic Stop 2019105303 Officer TS 12/17/19 00:45 Traffic Stop 2019105304 Officer TS 12/17/19 01:28 Traffic Stop 2019105315 Officer TS 12/17/19 01:42 Traffic Stop 2019105319 Officer TS 12/17/19 05:58 Traffic Stop 2019105337 Traffic Stop WP19040356 Officer TS 12/17/19 09:46 Traffic Stop 2019105376 Officer TS 12/17/19 11:04 Traffic Stop 2019105398 TS 12/17/19 23:35 Traffic Stop 2019105538 Officer TS 12/17/19 23:58 Traffic Stop 2019105543 Officer TS 12/18/19 00:32 Traffic Stop 2019105545 Officer TS 12/18/19 00:50 Traffic Stop 2019105549 Officer TS 12/18/19 01:03 Traffic Stop 2019105554 Officer TS 12/18/19 02:05 Traffic Stop 2019105560 Drugs WP19040451 Officer TS 12/18/19 10:05 Traffic Stop 2019105631 Officer TS 12/18/19 10:51 Traffic Stop 2019105645 Traffic Stop WP19040491 Officer TS 12/18/19 12:11 Traffic Stop 2019105663 TS 12/18/19 12:34 Traffic Stop 2019105669 TS 12/18/19 20:39 Traffic Stop 2019105791 Officer TS 12/18/19 20:46 Traffic Stop 2019105794 Officer TS 12/18/19 21:02 Traffic Stop 2019105796 Officer TS 12/18/19 21:14 Traffic Stop 2019105799 Officer TS 12/18/19 21:38 Traffic Stop 2019105809 Officer TS 12/18/19 21:42 Traffic Stop 2019105812 Officer TS 12/18/19 21:49 Traffic Stop 2019105816 Officer TS 12/18/19 22:13 Traffic Stop 2019105821 Officer TS 12/18/19 23:06 Traffic Stop 2019105838 Officer TS 12/18/19 23:14 Traffic Stop 2019105841 Officer TS 12/18/19 23:41 Traffic Stop 2019105846 Drugs WP19040568 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 30 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/19/19 00:06 Traffic Stop 2019105851 Officer TS 12/19/19 00:20 Traffic Stop 2019105855 Traffic Stop WP19040572 Officer TS 12/19/19 11:09 Traffic Stop 2019105970 Traffic Stop WP19040616 Officer TS 12/19/19 11:14 Traffic Stop 2019105974 Officer TS 12/19/19 19:16 Traffic Stop 2019106126 Officer TS 12/19/19 20:23 Traffic Stop 2019106142 Officer TS 12/19/19 21:38 Traffic Stop 2019106162 Traffic Stop WP19040694 Officer TS 12/19/19 23:05 Traffic Stop 2019106186 Officer TS 12/19/19 23:11 Traffic Stop 2019106188 Officer TS 12/19/19 23:24 Traffic Stop 2019106190 Officer TS 12/20/19 01:07 Traffic Stop 2019106200 Officer TS 12/20/19 10:05 Traffic Stop 2019106267 Traffic Stop WP19040738 Officer TS 12/20/19 14:23 Traffic Stop 2019106325 Traffic Stop WP19040765 Officer TS 12/20/19 14:49 Traffic Stop 2019106329 Officer TS 12/20/19 15:27 Traffic Stop 2019106337 Officer TS 12/20/19 15:52 Traffic Stop 2019106349 Officer TS 12/20/19 16:23 Traffic Stop 2019106363 Officer TS 12/20/19 16:33 Traffic Stop 2019106365 Officer TS 12/20/19 18:07 Traffic Stop 2019106396 Traffic Stop WP19040796 Officer TS 12/20/19 20:42 Traffic Stop 2019106436 Officer TS 12/21/19 02:00 Traffic Stop 2019106495 Officer TS 12/21/19 05:16 Traffic Stop 2019106521 Officer TS 12/21/19 07:44 Traffic Stop 2019106534 Officer TS 12/21/19 10:00 Traffic Stop 2019106566 Officer TS 12/21/19 10:39 Traffic Stop 2019106574 Officer TS 12/21/19 12:04 Traffic Stop 2019106589 Traffic Stop WP19040882 Officer TS 12/21/19 14:57 Traffic Stop 2019106624 Officer TS 12/21/19 17:35 Traffic Stop 2019106662 Officer TS 12/21/19 19:27 Traffic Stop 2019106685 Traffic Stop WP19040910 Officer TS 12/21/19 20:02 Traffic Stop 2019106689 Officer TS 12/21/19 20:18 Traffic Stop 2019106694 Officer TS 12/21/19 20:55 Traffic Stop 2019106705 Officer TS 12/21/19 21:32 Traffic Stop 2019106717 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 31 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/21/19 21:47 Traffic Stop 2019106720 Officer TS 12/21/19 22:08 Traffic Stop 2019106723 Officer TS 12/22/19 10:00 Traffic Stop 2019106822 Traffic Stop WP19040958 Officer TS 12/22/19 20:33 Traffic Stop 2019106980 DUI WP19041006 Officer TS 12/23/19 00:22 Traffic Stop 2019107034 Officer TS 12/23/19 00:38 Traffic Stop 2019107040 Officer TS 12/23/19 00:50 Traffic Stop 2019107041 Officer TS 12/23/19 15:23 Traffic Stop 2019107184 Officer TS 12/23/19 15:57 Traffic Stop 2019107190 Officer TS 12/23/19 16:05 Traffic Stop 2019107191 Officer TS 12/24/19 01:47 Traffic Stop 2019107326 Officer TS 12/24/19 09:51 Traffic Stop 2019107372 Officer TS 12/24/19 17:24 Traffic Stop 2019107481 Officer TS 12/24/19 22:14 Traffic Stop 2019107528 Officer TS 12/24/19 23:28 Traffic Stop 2019107542 Officer TS 12/25/19 00:10 Traffic Stop 2019107548 Officer TS 12/25/19 00:22 Traffic Stop 2019107552 Officer TS 12/25/19 15:06 Traffic Stop 2019107658 Officer TS 12/26/19 10:24 Traffic Stop 2019107826 Officer TS 12/26/19 10:53 Traffic Stop 2019107832 Officer TS 12/26/19 11:40 Traffic Stop 2019107839 Officer TS 12/26/19 11:46 Traffic Stop 2019107841 Officer TS 12/26/19 22:44 Traffic Stop 2019108018 Officer TS 12/26/19 22:54 Traffic Stop 2019108021 Officer TS 12/26/19 23:26 Traffic Stop 2019108028 Officer TS 12/26/19 23:33 Traffic Stop 2019108030 Traffic Stop WP19041367 Officer TS 12/27/19 00:42 Traffic Stop 2019108047 Officer TS 12/27/19 00:50 Traffic Stop 2019108051 Traffic Stop WP19041372 Officer TS 12/27/19 01:20 Traffic Stop 2019108057 Officer TS 12/27/19 01:25 Traffic Stop 2019108059 Officer TS 12/27/19 17:11 Traffic Stop 2019108243 Traffic Stop WP19041453 Officer TS 12/27/19 19:06 Traffic Stop 2019108275 Officer TS 12/27/19 19:13 Traffic Stop 2019108278 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 32 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/27/19 19:30 Traffic Stop 2019108285 Officer TS 12/27/19 19:37 Traffic Stop 2019108288 Officer TS 12/27/19 20:40 Traffic Stop 2019108318 Officer TS 12/27/19 21:01 Traffic Stop 2019108325 Traffic Stop WP19041474 Officer TS 12/28/19 07:29 Traffic Stop 2019108442 Officer TS 12/28/19 19:29 Traffic Stop 2019108556 Officer TS 12/29/19 13:32 Traffic Stop 2019108711 Officer TS 12/29/19 14:32 Traffic Stop 2019108716 Officer TS 12/29/19 19:41 Traffic Stop 2019108796 Drugs WP19041673 Officer TS 12/29/19 20:45 Traffic Stop 2019108814 Officer TS 12/29/19 20:45 Traffic Stop 2019108816 Officer TS 12/30/19 00:12 Traffic Stop 2019108854 Officer TS 12/30/19 00:25 Traffic Stop 2019108857 Officer TS 12/30/19 00:33 Traffic Stop 2019108859 Traffic Stop WP19041686 Officer TS 12/30/19 01:10 Traffic Stop 2019108866 Traffic Stop WP19041690 TS 12/30/19 01:33 Traffic Stop 2019108870 Officer TS 12/30/19 03:01 Traffic Stop 2019108881 Traffic Stop WP19041700 Officer TS 12/30/19 11:02 Traffic Stop 2019108958 Officer TS 12/30/19 20:40 Traffic Stop 2019109084 Officer TS 12/30/19 21:19 Traffic Stop 2019109088 Officer TS 12/30/19 23:02 Traffic Stop 2019109110 Officer TS 12/30/19 23:14 Traffic Stop 2019109111 Officer TS 12/31/19 00:15 Traffic Stop 2019109123 Traffic Stop WP19041805 Officer TS 12/31/19 00:17 Traffic Stop 2019109124 Traffic Stop WP19041807 Officer TS 12/31/19 01:34 Traffic Stop 2019109129 Traffic Stop WP19041809 Officer TS 12/31/19 03:03 Traffic Stop 2019109137 Drugs WP19041815 Officer TS 12/31/19 10:24 Traffic Stop 2019109216 Officer TS 12/31/19 11:40 Traffic Stop 2019109236 Officer TS 12/31/19 14:03 Traffic Stop 2019109261 Officer TS 12/31/19 14:11 Traffic Stop 2019109262 Officer TS 12/31/19 14:42 Traffic Stop 2019109276 Officer TS 12/31/19 15:11 Traffic Stop 2019109290 Traffic Stop WP19041875 Officer TS 12/31/19 16:11 Traffic Stop 2019109308 Officer TS ZU=RCHER Page 33 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 12/31/19 17:05 Traffic Stop 12/31/19 17:27 Traffic Stop 12/31/19 19:04 Traffic Stop 12/31/19 19:17 Traffic Stop 12/31/19 20:03 Traffic Stop 12/31/19 22:06 Traffic Stop 12/31/19 22:23 Traffic Stop Training Total: 1 12/01/1919:31 Training Transport Total: 1 12/05/1915:23 Transport Trespass Total: 3 12/06/19 09:48 Trespass 12/14/19 09:31 Trespass 12/20/1913:33 Trespass Unwanted Person Total: 2 12/13/19 09:54 Unwanted Person 12/27/19 18:23 Unwanted Person CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 2019109320TS Officer 2019109325TS Officer 2019109351TS Officer 2019109353TS Officer 2019109360TS Officer 2019109392 Traffic Stop WP19041912 Officer TS 2019109396TS Officer 2019101101 TRAINING one 2019102140 Transport WSR019039109 Phone TRANSPORT 2019102350 Unwanted Person WP19039192 TRES Phone 2019104632 Trespass WP19040091 TRES Phone 2019106316 Criminal Damage to Property WP19040762 TRES 911 2019104317 Unwanted Person 2019108264 Unwanted Person Unwanted Person; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 12/28/19 01:43 Unwanted Person; 2019108404 Domestic Disturbance Vehicle Off Road Total: 3 12/01/19 15:58 Vehicle Off Road 12/13/19 13:52 Vehicle Off Road 12/30/19 17:41 Vehicle Off Road Walk Away Total: 2 12/01/19 06:50 Walk Away 12/04/19 20:47 Walk Away 2019101061 2019104379 2019109056 2019100989 Walk Away 2019101932 Walk Away Warrant -Attempt Total: 10 12/01/19 14:18 Warrant - Attempt 2019101044 12/02/19 14:16 Warrant - Attempt 2019101279 12/06/19 13:18 Warrant - Attempt 2019102389 WP19039979 UNWANTED WP19041460 UNWANTED WP19041494 Phone UNWANTED; VOR 911 Officer VOR VOR Phone WP19038614 911 WALKAWAY WP19039001 WALKAWAY WATTEMPT er WATTEMPT er WATTEMPTer ZUERCHER Page 34 of 35 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 12/06/19 13:24 Warrant - Attempt 2019102390 Warrant - Arrest WP19039204 WATTEMP' 12/12/19 10:35 Warrant - Attempt 2019104037 WATTEMPT 12/13/19 08:51 Warrant - Attempt 2019104298 WATTEMPT 12/13/19 13:16 Warrant - Attempt 2019104367 WATTEMPT 12/19/19 20:44 Warrant - Attempt 2019106149 Warrant - Arrest WP19040688 er WATTEMPT 12/28/19 16:55 Warrant - Attempt 2019108525 er WATTEMT 12/31/19 11:19 Warrant - Attempt 2019109231 OP WATTEMP' Total Records: 981 ZU=RCHER Page 35 of 35