City Council Agenda Packet 12-11-2006 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 11, 2006 -7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of November 27,2006 Special Council Meeting 2B. Approve minutes of November 27,2006 Regular Council Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for MCC. B. Consideration of approving fund transfers for 2006. C. Consideration of approval ofwine/3.2 beer license for Cornerstone Cafe and Catering. D. Consideration of City maintaining public streets for Hillside Fanus 3rd and 4th Additions. E. REMOVED. F. REMOVED. G. Consideration of accepting quotes for replacement of furnace at Fire Hall. H. Consideration of approving a request for preliminary and final plat approval for the Carver Plat. Applicant: Tom Parker. 1. Consideration of authorizing WSB to assist City in preparing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program. 1. Consideration of approving a request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development for the proposed expansion of the St. Benedict's Senor Community. Applicant: CentraCare/St. Benedict's Senor Community. K. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 for Xcel Ballfield Fencing and consideration of final payment, City Project No. 2006-19C. L. Consideration of approving liquor providers for the Monticello Community Center fo 2007. 1 Agenda Monticello City Council December 11, 2006 Page 2 M. Consideration of final acceptance for Hunters Crossing and Hunters Crossing 2nd, City Project No. 2004-35P. N. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvements for School Boulevard (Deegan Avenue to Redford Lane) Street and Utility Improvements, City Project No. 2005-02C. O. Consideration of approving a job description and authorization of advertising for a City Finance Director. P. Consideration of approving a request for extension of an Interim Use Permit for an existing facility for open and outdoor sales in a B-3 District. Q. NO ACTION REQUESTED - This item to be considered at the January 22, 2007 Council Meeting. Consideration of approving an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 3-3[F] regulating front yard setback averaging. Applicant: City of Monticello. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on adoption of ordinance setting forth 2007 fee schedule. 8. Review of status of water tower, Project No. 2004-30C and consideration of plan to complete water tower in 2007. 9. Review of plans and specifications and review of cost estimates for biosolids dryer and consideration of advertisement for bids, City Project No. 2005-37C. 10. Consideration of cost ofliving/wage increases for 2007. 11. Review area for 2007 Street Reconstruction Feasibility Report and consideration of authorizing feasibility study. 12. Consideration of award of contract for demolition of Monte Club structure. 13. Approve payment of bills for December. 14. Adjourn. 2 Special Council Meeting Minute: 11/27/06 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 27, 2006 - 5: 30 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order and explained that the reason for the special meeting was to review the revenue stabilization agreement with Xcel Energy. Mark Ruff from Ehlers and Associates and Darrin Lahr from Xcel Energy were also present. 2. Review of revenue stabilization ae:reement. The purpose of the revenue stabilization agreement is to provide a steady stream of revenue to aid the City after the tax base goes down because of changes in how the utility company property is valued. Darrin Lahr said the personal property of the plant is assessed by the State of Minnesota. Xcel has been requesting the Department of Revenue to review the rule that is used in valuing utility company property. The Department of Revenue has been studying changes to the rule and they are starting the process of holding public hearings necessary to adopt the revised rule. The administrative law judge hearings start in December and the revised rule should be ready for adoption by April I, 2007. The revised rule would affect the tax payment for the year 2008. Goodhue County has adopted the revenue stabilization agreement and the City of Red Wing is considering adoption of the agreement on November 27,2006. Xcel Energy expects to see a 15% reduction the value of their property statewide with the change in the rule. The rule change would also allow the plant to depreciate more fully over time. Clint Herbst asked if this agreement would lock Xcel in at what their value is now or if something like dry cask storage could be added to the value. Damn Lahr indicated that if dry cask storage was put in it would be at a cost of $55,000,000 but the value set by the Department of Revenue would be closer to $25,000,000. Approximately $280,000,000 is proposed to be invested in the plant over the next few years not including the dry cask storage. Mark Ruff made a presentation on the revenue stabilization agreement noting this is a complicated issue. Mark Ruff stated that in most communities the utility company is one ofthe top taxpayers. In looking at this agreement four factors should be considered: 1) Decrease in the value of Xcel property by the Department of Revenue; 2) Amount of new investment in the plant; 3) City growth and 4) City tax levy. The value that would be adjusted would be personal property and buildings not land. Mark Ruff felt much of the impact depends on what the City's tax rate is going to be. The 2007 tax base is based on $2,170,000 paid to the City in 2007 which is approximately 1/3 of the tax levy. Lower tax levies results in payment to the City. If tax levies for the City are higher it results in tax abatement. The reason not to do enter into the agreement is if the tax rate really goes up high then the City would have to make payments to Xcel. The reason to enter into the agreement is because the Council has worked to keep taxes 1 3 Special Council Meeting Minute: 11/27/06 lower and if that trend continues the City would be receiving payments from Xcel. Mark Ruff cautioned about relying too much on the payments from Xcel since the payments would only last for ten years. If the tax levy and the tax base increase at the same rate, the City would receive some payment. If tax levy increases more than the tax base then the City would to make a rebate back to Xcel. Mark Ruff suggested that it might be beneficial for the Council to look at some ofthe project that they feel are priorities and see what it will do to the tax base over time. Glen Posusta asked at what point time would the City start getting LGA once Xcel is gone. Mark Ruff said if you don't get LGA now you won't get in the future under the current formula used by the state. Mark Ruff showed graphs that reflected the impact of a 6% growth rate and a 7% increase in tax levy. Damn Labr said with money being spent on the plant Xcel is increasing its own value. IfXcel's value increases by 7% in a year because of their investment, the City could get out ofthe agreement or re-negotiate it. Darrin Lahr said Xcel's share of the tax has dropped in recent years. He explained some of the improvements proposed for the plant besides the dry cask storage include an extended life cycle upgrade which would rehab the plant allowing it to run for another 20 years. A power upgrade is also planned which would allow the production of more power. Darrin Labr talked about future development and trends in the energy industry. Darrin Labr said if there was a significant change in the tax rate that would be another out for either party Darrin Lahr said Xcel pays $100,000,000 to $110,000,000 in property tax annually. Department of Revenue has been asked to do a local tax impact analysis. Darrin Lahr said if the Department of Revenue does not approve the rule change, Xcel would go to tax court over this. If the tax isn't lowered this revenue stabilization agreement is null and void. Mark Ruff said if everything continues as it has been done for the last several years the revenue stabilization agreement is a good deal but added that going out to ten year time frame it is harder to estimate the impact. The agreement calls for annual meeting between City and Xcel. Mark Ruff said the City has to watch the amount of risk. Mark Ruff suggested leaving room in the reserve to absorb things you don't expect. Mark Ruffwill contact the County Assessor to see what kind of growth is reasonable. There was general discussion on upcoming projects and areas of growth. Darrin Lahr said since there is an abatement process in this rule, there would need to be a public hearing on the abatement process. Glen Posusta suggested this matter be explained in the paper so that residents understand the abatement process. 3. Adjourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 6:35 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 2 4 Council Minutes: 11/27/06 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 27, 2006 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pled2e of Alle2iance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Mayor Herbst noted the passing of the wife of former Mayor Roger Belsaas and on behalf of the Council and staff offered condolences to Roger Belsaas and his family on their loss. 2A. Approve minutes of November 13. 2006 Special Council Meetine. Tom Perrault noted that on the motion to adopt the 2007 budget and tax levy he had voted to adopt the budget and had stated his concern about the franchise fee being included in the budget. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 13, 2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 28. Approve minutes of November 13.2006 re2ular Council Meetin2 Glen Posusta noted a correction on Page II, item #9, it should have been Gerald Paulson not Glen Paulson. Tom Perrault stated on the sidewalk assessment he was opposed to the residents of the mobile home park receiving the same sidewalk assessment as the other residential units. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 13, 2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CORRECTIONS NOTED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addine: items to the ae:enda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Possible upcoming bond issue; 2) Stop sign at School Boulevard and Fallon Avenue; 3) Payment to Schluender Construction on an improvement project.; 4) Light on the new water tower and 5) Temporary crosswalk signs. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. reQuests and concerns. No one spoke under citizen comments. 1 5 Council Minutes: 11/27/06 5. Consent A2enda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving Change Order No.2 for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 2006-01 C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.2 to Buffalo Bituminous for $3,164.00 for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project. C. Consideration of appointment to fill open position on the Planning Commission. Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Charlotte Gabler to the Planning Commission. D. REMOVED E. Consideration of accepting quotes and ordering improvement for Kampa Circle Drainage Correction. Recommendation: Award the contract for Kampa Circle Drainage Correction, City Project No. 2006-21C to Fyle's_Excavating and Honey Wagon in the amount of$6,765. F. Consideration of approving final payment and accept improvement for Cedar Street Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Appurtenant Work, City Project No. 2002-06C. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $17,626.90 to R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc for City Project N. 2002-06C contingent upon receipt of the two-year maintenance bond. G. Consideration of City maintaining public streets for Carlisle Village 3 rd, 4th and 5th Additions. Recommendation: Accept the maintenance responsibilities of the public streets subject to installation of street signage. H. Consideration of City maintaining public streets for Featherstone 2nd Addition. Recommendation: Accept maintenance responsibilities ofthe public streets subject to completion of bituminous patching and installation of all barricades. I. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 and final payment for wastewater treatment plant digester painting, City Project No. 2006-22C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order #1 in the amount of$6,336 and authorize final payment to Rice Lake Construction Group for City Project No. 2006-22C in the amount of $35,986 pending receipt of final paper work on the project. J. Consideration of approving Change Order # I and final payment for Riverside Cemetery Fencing City Project No. 2006-17C. Recommendation: Approve final payment to Authority Fence & Decks, Inc. in the amount of$28,414.98 which includes Change Order #1 in the amount of $600 for the Riverside Cemetery Fencing Project, City Project No.2006-17C. K. Consideration of final payment for Xcel ballfield fencing, City Project No. 2006-19C. 2 6 Council Minutes: 11/27/06 Recommendation: Approve final payment to Oberg Fence Company for City Project No. 2006-19C in the amount of $14,900.25 pending receipt of lien waivers and withholding statements. L. Consideration of approval of contribution from Monticello Lions Club for lighting project at Bridge Park. Recommendation: Approve the contribution ofthe Monticello Lions Club in the amount of$3,000 for lighting improvements at Bridge Park. M. Consideration of using Park Funds for funding installation of head-in parking improvements on Mississippi Drive. Recommendation: Approve drawing funds from the Park Fund to pay for the Mississippi Drive parking installed in conjunction with development of the swan observation area. N. Consideration of installing security cameras at Deputy Registrar Offices. Recommendation: Move to direct staff to obtain quotes for purchase and installation of security cameras at the Deputy Registrar facility with installation to be performed by city staff and Doug Lyseng. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5C, #5K, #5M AND #5N. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent ae:enda for discussion. #5C Appointment to Planning Commission: Brian Stumpf stated his concern about the process that was used in making the appointments to the Planning Commission vacancies. If the Council wants to review the application, then they should change the policy of approving the appointment as recommended by the commission. He felt the City should have filled both vacancies at the same time as there were well qualified candidates that were recommended for appointment by the Planning Commission. Wayne Mayer felt there were extenuating circumstances in this case in that what was originally advertised was not what was proposed to be filled. Charlotte Gabler, the candidate recommended by the Planning Commission for appointment was present at the meeting and introduced herself. Brian Stumpf emphasized that his remarks were not disparaging of any of the applicants for the vacancies on the Commission but were meant to reflect his concern about the process followed in filling the vacancies. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENT OF CHARLOTTE GABLER TO FILL THE VACANCY ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION CREATED BY THE RESIGNATION OF SANDY SUCHY. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 5K Xcel Ballfield Fencing, City Project N. 2006-19C: Glen Posusta had pulled this item requesting that there be some verification that the fence was built to City specifications. He had heard that the posts were not set in concrete. He was asking if staff could go out and randomly check the posts to see ifthey were set in concrete. John Simola stated they would 3 7 Council Minutes: 11127/06 check this but would first verify whether placing the posts in concrete was required in the specifications written for the project. BRAN STUMPF MOVE TO APPROVE THE FINAL PAYMENT TO OBERG FENCE COMPANY OF DEERWOOD, MN IN THE AMOUNT OF $14,900.25 PENDING THE RECEIPT OF LIEN WAIVERS AND WITHHOLDING STATEMENTS AND UPON VERIFICATION THAT THE PLACEMENT OF THE POSTS HAD BEEN DONE ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5M Consideration of using park funds for parking lot improvements on Mississippi Drive: Tom Perrault had requested that the Council consider funding the cost of the parking lot improvements on Mississippi Drive from the park funds instead of the street funds. Glen Posusta felt that the improvements to the parking lot would not have been made if it were not for the swan viewing area being located there. He felt that use of park funds would be appropriate for this project. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO DRAW FUNDS FROM THE PARK FUND TO PAY FOR THE MISSISSIPPI DRIVE P ARKING INSTALLED IN CONJUNCITON WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SWAN OBSERVATION AREA. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5N Consideration of installing security cameras at the Deputy Registrar Office: Glen Posusta questioned if the Deputy Registrar office was relocated would it be feasible to install security cameras at the present site. The City would need to consider the cost of installing the cameras, removing them and then re-installing them at a new location. Gary Anderson, Chief Building Official, said it would be money well spent and noted that Public Works was looking at installation of security cameras in the city parks. John Simola, Public Works Director, felt that staffwas capable of installing and relocating the cameras if needed. Glen Posusta noted there was only one price quote. Wayne Mayer agreed that there should be more than one quote and staff should also check if there was a local provider. Clint Herbst felt ifit was decided to move the Deputy Registrar's office the system should be something that would be compatible with another site. Glen Posusta suggested holding off on this for a couple of weeks to allow John Simola and Gary Anderson to get additional information and quotes. 7. Update from River Rider - Verbal Report Chad Kessel from River Rider was present and updated the Council on what was happening with the transportation system. He felt the transition period during the merger of Heartland Express and River Rider went very smoothly and attributed that in part to the assistance of Cathy Shuman and Angela Schumann from the city staff. The program is doing well and riders are happy that Betty is back driving the bus. The service is handling 720 riders a month which is what was anticipated. He did add that with the increase in size of the service area 4 8 Council Minutes: 11/27/06 they are not able to make as many trips. He noted they have had to decline rides on occasion and those that are declined are usually in cases where the person calls and wants a same day ride. River Rider will be merging with Annandale Heartland Express as of the first of the year. They are also working on a feeder system for the North Star Line. It is proposed that the bus would run from the park and ride to the North Star station. There would be six trains going out morning and afternoon Monday through Friday and four trains on the weekend. River Riders would have bus service during the week but there would be no bus service to the North Star Station on weekends. There will be a fare increase as of the first of year. Currently in Monticello they do not charge more for "same day" rides. In 2007 they are proposing to charge $2 for "same day" rides. If this becomes too problematic, the City may want to consider funding the difference. There was general discussion on bus transportation, use of Hoglund bus services for certain events, and options to consider to increase ridership. 8. Consideration of adoption of assessment resolutions for all assessments covered by assessment ae:reements or development ae:reements. The Council reviewed a list of assessments that were covered by development agreements and/or assessment agreements. According to the League of Minnesota Cities recent court action has shown that a signed agreement or development contract alone is not sufficient to be a valid lien against the property. Formally adopting assessments covered by agreements gives further validity to the assessment. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE ASSESSMENT RESOLUTIONS FOR: SANDBERG ROAD, CARLISLE VILLAGE THIRD, CLUB WEST ADDITION, BLUE CHIP DEVELOPMENT, HILLSIDE FARMS THIRD AND FOURTH ADDITIONS, CARLISLE VILLAGE FIFTH ADDITION AND MULLER THEATER. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of apprOVilll! proposed fee increases for 2007 and settine: a public hearine: date for the adoption of ordinance coverine: same. The Council reviewed the proposed fee changes being considered for 2007. The Council was being asked to review the changes prior to establishing a public hearing date for the ordinance adopting the 2007 fee schedule thus allowing staff additional time to research or make changes the fees as directed by Council. Torn Perrault brought up the mowing costs for blight violations. At the present time only the actual contractor's cost is charged. There is nothing in place covering costs relating to Finance or Building Department time in the blight process. This is one fee the Council could look at. Wayne Mayer asked for clarification on whether the Fire Department charged for all alarms calls or only false alarms. Brian Stumpf indicated the Fire Department charges only on false 5 9 Council Minutes: 11/27/06 alarm calls. Wayne Mayer suggested changing the wording to identify that the charges are for false alarms. He also questioned why there was no charge for the first time the Fire Department responds to a false alarm. Brian Stumpf stated the Fire Department felt this was an opportunity for them to find out why the alarm went off and the property owner then has a chance to correct the problem. It was felt if the Fire Department doesn't charge for the first time, if there is a second call they should at least be charging an amount that covers their actual cost of responding. It was suggested that a fee of $250 be charged. Brian Stumpf asked how much of the charges billed for the Fire Department is being recouped and were these monies going to the Fire Department or into the general fund. Cathy Shuman from the Finance Department indicated that 80% was being collected and the funds were being put in the general fund under a line item called Emergency Response. Tom Perrault questioned why the sewer and water connection permit for commercial was taxed but not for residential. He also questioned the $9.75 tax amount on the garbage. Cathy Shuman indicated that the state, when they conducted their sales tax audit of the City, suggested that the City should identify all those items that are taxed. In this case anything for water that is for non-residential use should be taxed. She added that $9.75 tax is the solid waste charge for garbage. Wayne Mayer noted the rate for transactions on the pawn shop license and asked if the license holder was current with his transaction fees. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED SETTING DECEMBER 11,2007 AS THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2007 FEE SCHEDULE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Review of snow plowine: policy and consideration of chane:es. Public Works Director, John Simola submitted the snowplowing policy and reviewed the proposed changes in the policy. Clint Herbst questioned the sidewalk that was proposed for 6th Street which he presumed would be on the grid system. The sidewalk was proposed for the south side of 6th. John Simola indicated that the Council had wanted staff to study locating the sidewalk on the north side. In studying the placement on the north side staff determined there would be a number of obstacles such as trees, retaining walls and grading issues. There was not adequate time to study and design the system for construction in 2006. Brian Stumpf questioned why both the City and County are plowing the roundabout. John Simola stated that the agreement with the County is that for the County allowing the roundabout to go in, the City would do the maintenance of the roundabout. Street Superintendent Tom Moores met with the County regarding the plowing. The County indicated that the roundabout is a point where two of the county's plow routes meet and that is why their vehicles would be on the roundabout. Clint Herbst brought up the maintenance ofthe sidewalk and his position is that if the City is requiring that the sidewalk goes in, the City should be maintaining the sidewalk. He felt it was difficult for the residents to pay for the sidewalks as well as clean them. John Simola asked if the Council wanted the City to maintain all ofthe sidewalks within the City. He added that very few communities maintain all sidewalks. Even if the sidewalk is on the City's grid system, not all ofthe sidewalks on the grid system are plowed. John Simola stated that 6 10 Council Minutes: 11/27/06 the currently the City's ordinance states that all snow must be removed from the sidewalk within 24 hours after the snowfall event. He didn't know if city staff could get that done within 24 hours as well as take care of snow removal from the streets. If the City is going to add substantial amount of sidewalk for snow removal then the ordinance should be amended to 72 hours to allow more time for staffto have the snow removed Glen Posusta suggested looking at having a local contractor do some of the street plowing or snow removal from the sidewalks. John Simola stated that depending on how much sidewalk the Council added, it mayor may not be possible for city staff to handle the removal. The Council again discussed the proposed sidewalk on 6th Street for the Swan River Charter School. It was pointed out that all of the Swan River students are provided with bus service and there are only a few students who choose to walk to school. Clint Herbst suggested that the 6th Street sidewalk be put in the spring thus giving staff adequate time to address the design issues. There were some additional pathway segments noted that should be included on the map submitted with the snow removal policy. These include: 1) The recently completed segment of the River Mill pathway. John Simola stated that the pathway in the River Mill area is not cleared in the winter except for the portion leading to the sliding hill. Clint Herbst felt that by not clearing the pathway it was encouraging snowmobiles to use the pathway. Clint Herbst felt this segment of pathway should be cleared; 2) The segment of sidewalk on Broadway by the hospital. John Simola indicated that the hospital maintains this; 3) Segment of pathway by Broadway Market which is going in by O'Ryans; 4) The pathway connection from Eastwood Knoll to the Meadow Oak A venue pathway; and 5) The pathway on the east side of CSAH 18 between CSAH 18 and Meadow Oak Avenue. Glen Posusta asked about the sidewalk on the northwest comer ofthe old high school. John Simola indicated the school takes care of that and the City clears the area south of the railroad tracks. John Simola would like to see the pathway between Washington Street and Cedar Street added to the area for snow removal since there quite a few pedestrians using it. John Simola asked the Council for their reaction to the $150 maximum for damage to personal property (mailboxes) in the right-of-way and the Council indicated that provision was satisfactory. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE SNOW REMOVAL POLICY FOR THE 2006-2007 SEASON WITH THE CHANGES NOTED INCLUDING ADDING THE P A THW A Y FROM CEDAR STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET; THE $150 MAXIMUM FOR MAILBOX DAMAGE AND CHANGES FOR SNOW PLOWING ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS WITH SIDEWALKS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta asked about plowing in the areas where only one lift of blacktop was in place and if the curb in that area doesn't get beat up more because there is only one lift. John Simola replied if the street only has one lift for more than one winter the curb does suffer. Glen Posusta suggested not plowing curb to curb in these instances. Tom Moores noted in some cases they have had the contractor ramp ahead of the mailboxes so the road can be 7 11 Council Minutes: 11/27106 plowed to the curb but in other areas they try to stay away from the curb when plowing. Clint Herbst suggested that this is something they look at putting in future contracts. 11. Consideration of proposals for lie:htine: East 7th Street and Hie:hland Way within the Rvan Development. John Simola reported that the City had received two proposals one from Wright-Hennepin and one from Xcel Energy for a street lighting project on ih Street and Highland Way. Proposals were requested for using 9 new poles and for using 6 new poles and 3 existing poles. Wright- Hennepin had the low proposal with a price of$66,391 for a project using 6 new poles and 3 existing poles with the project to be constructed in the spring. If the project is done as a spring construction project, the work would be completed by May 15, 2007. Another option that was proposed was switch to #4 gauge wire which would be a benefit for continuation of the street lighting along 7th Street. John Simola noted that by reusing the three existing lights and with the $30,000 contributed by Ryan Companies it substantially reduces the cost for the project. Brian Stumpf asked ifthe money for this project would be taken out of street lighting budget or the general fund. It was noted these funds could be paid back with the franchise fee, if the franchise fee was established. Glen Posusta asked about lighting for the roundabout. John Simola indicated that four lights are proposed for the area but have not yet been installed. Wayne Mayer asked under Alternate #1 were the existing lights being located to more strategic locations. Tom Perrault felt they should go with the option using #4 gauge wire. Brian Stumpf felt the project should be completed now since there were funds from Ryan Companies to assist with the cost. Glen Posusta asked about the lights on School Boulevard. John Simola indicated that the City has not yet met with the School District to discuss the lighting and the pedestrian safety improvements on School Boulevard. Glen Posusta asked if the two lighting projects (ih Street and School Boulevard) could be combined. It was noted the issue with the school district is the possible assessment for the lighting improvement. The Council felt the staff should be meeting with the School District so that this project could move forward. Wayne Mayer asked if any of these projects were budgeted for 2006. Wayne Mayer said until the franchise fee becomes a reality these lighting amounts should be tallied and presented to Xcel. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE AWARDING THE CONTRACT TO WRIGHT HENNEPIN ELECTRIC FOR THEIR PROPOSAL TO REUSE THE THREE EXISTING LIGHTS AND ADD SIX NEW POLES FOR SPRING CONSTRUCTIONG AND TO GO WITH THE PROPOSAL USING THE HEAVIER 4-GAUGE WIRE AT A PROJECT COST OF $68,092. Wayne Mayer and Glen Posusta felt School Boulevard project should be done first. Tom Perrault noted there were concerns about design issues with the lighting on School Boulevard. The ih Street project does not have the design issues and a portion of the funds needed are already available. 8 12 Council Minutes: 11127/06 CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Stop sign at Fallon A venue and School Boulevard: Bruce Westby indicated that they have been trying to get a speed study done on School Boulevard. Glen Posusta said the reason he didn't want to see a speed study done was because if it was found that the speeds traveled were higher than what was posted, the traveled speed would be the speed limit established. Bumpouts on School Boulevard: These are temporary and will be removed for the winter. Permanent ones will be installed as part of the pedestrian improvements on School Boulevard. The Council still felt study needed to be done of this area as far as vehicle count and pedestrian traffic. Wayne Mayer didn't have a problem with doing a study but he felt some time should elapse for the traffic to stabilize before the study was done. Bruce Westby noted the calls he has received were concerns about the pedestrian crossing in the area and the safety of that crossing. He felt there were a number of issues that come into play here and they should all be looked when doing the study. Bond Issue: Wayne Mayer stated that Springsted is trying to set up a meeting with the Director of Finance and the City Administrator and he felt that Rick Wolfsteller should be directed to work with Springsted on the bonding mechanism for fiber optics. Wayne Mayer also stated that Fiber Optics Task Force met with Mr. LinDell and addressed his concerns but added there is a philosophical difference with Mr. LinDell as far as how the City should be involved in establishing a fiber optic system. Contractor Payment: Glen Posusta indicated he was contacted by Schluender Construction about a payment that was approved but not yet received for work they had done. John Simola will check into this. Light on water tower: John Simola stated that during the design phase it was indicated that a light on the new tower was not required but he and Matt Theisen, Water Superintendent had requested that one be installed. The electrician has not completed the work yet. Crosswalks: Glen Posusta questioned why the temporary crosswalk signs were not put at any intersection on TH 25. He noted the City of Buffalo has them on TH 25 in the area of the courthouse and the school. John Simola felt it was a question of safety and that City would not want to direct pedestrians to cross TH 25 at uncontrolled intersections. He noted that CSAH 75 and ih Street were controlled intersections. John Simola will check with MnDOT as to their requirements on TH25. 12. Approve payment of bills for November. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9 13 Council Minutes: 11/27/06 13. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:05 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 10 14 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 5A. Consideration of approvine: new hires and departures for MCC. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. 15 Name Harberts, Heather Thelen, Allyson Name Arneson, Nate NEW EMPLOYEES Title Lead Guest Svc Lifeguard Department MCC MCC TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason involuntary Department MCC Hire Date Class 11 /9/2006 PT 11/20/06 PT Last Day Class 11/27/06 PT employee councillist.xls: 11/28/2006 16 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 SB. Consideration of fund transfers for 2006. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to approve various fund transfers for the year 2006 to cover deficiencies in various construction funds, transfer of balances remaining from various construction funds to debt service funds that finance projects along with miscellaneous transfer to correspond with our budget for the year 2006. Most of the transfers are self-explanatory and are necessary to eliminate deficiencies in various construction funds or temporarily provide financing until a future general obligation bond or revenue source can be arranged. Other major transfers from sewer access funds or water access funds are to cover the City's share of various projects that we had planned on paying for by using of these trunk fees. A listing of the individual transfers recommended for approval is included with the agenda that outlines each proposed transfer, dollar amount and the purpose of the transfer. B. ALTERNATIVATE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the transfers as recommended. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Director of Finance that for accounting purposes, the transfer be approved prior to the end of 2006. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of proposed transfers. 17 2006 RECOMMENDED FUND TRANSFERS '" v ':,.-'V ." , 1 ^ , I , . ~, I .. 1 .~~.:'::~_:--=-~~----~ #262 Sewer #499 Core Street $47,387.00 Trunk fund costs for Core St Improvements #263 Storm Sewer #499 Core Street $499,168,00 Trunk fund costs for Core St Improvements #265 Water #499 Core Street $70,048.00 Trunk fund costs for Core St Improvements #225 Park Fund #499 Core Street $88,645.00 Trunk fund costs for Core St Improvements #498 School Blvd To cover balance of Redford Ln canst costs not covered by #240 Capital Outlay 2005-02C $63,341.00 assmts after water & st sewer trunk transfer To cover purchase of Otter Creek Ind Pk and balance of #240 Capital Outlay HRA $1,200,000.00 payoff of contract for deed #240 Capital Outlay #486 CSAH 18/1-94 $156,249.00 To cover part of city costs for Meadow Oak extension #496 Chelsea Rd W Trunk cost balance per final assmtbreakdown (Previously #265 Water 2005-11C $9,800.00 did $32,040 in '05) #240 Cedar/Dundas #262 Sewer 2006-02C $193,720.00 To transfer trunk sewer costs (City share to C/O) #240 CedarIDundas #263 Storm Sewer 2006-02C $1,570.00 To transfer trunk storm sewer costs to C/O #240 CedarIDundas 2006 #265 Water 02C $18,090.00 To transfer trunk water costs to C/O To close out completed bond fund and transfer surplus to #332 1997 A GO Bond #338 2005 GO Bond $89,397.09 2006 GO bond & 2003A GO bond #226 Comm Ctr Fund #365 2000A GO Bond $669,950.00 Per budget - Comm Ctr debt payment #499 Core Street 2006 #212 St Recon Fund 01C $1,151,493.00 To cover construction costs #213 HRA Various TIF Districts $169,725.00 Annual TIF transfers to cover debt payments #609 Liquor #226 Comm Ctr Funds $250,000.00 Annual contribution to operations budget #262 Sewer Access Fd #358 WWTP Note $500,000,00 Debt payment To cover deficiency in fund due to annexation costs in #101 General #230 OM $6,500.00 previous years To transfer trunk fee revenue per bond schedule for partial #262 Sewer Access Fd #338 2005A GO Bond $716,462,00 debt payment To transfer trunk fee revenue per bond schedule for partial #263 Storm Sewer #338 200SA GO Bond $262,692.00 debt payment To transfer trunk fee revenue per bond schedule for partial #265 Water #338 200SA GO Bond $310,695.00 debt payment To close out completed bond fund & transfer surplus to 2005A #361 1998B Water Bond #338 2005A GO Bond $134,423.48 GO Bond To close out completed bond fund and transfer surplus to 2003 bond & WWTP note with assmts to consolidated bond #329 1995A GO Bond #358 WWTP Note $582,293.00 fund To close out completed bond fund and transfer surplus to 2003 bond & WWTP note with assmts to consolidated bond #329 1995A GO Bond #357 Consolidated Bond Fd $45,347.74 fund To close out completed bond fund and transfer surplus to 2003 bond & WWTP note with assmts to consolidated bond #329 1995A GO Bond #337 2003A GO Bond $350,614.28 fund To close out completed bond fund & transfer assmts receivable to consolidated fund & surplus cash to 2005 A #328 1994A GO Bond #338 2005A GO Bond $157,048.45 Bond To close out completed bond fund & transfer assmts #357 Consolidated Bond receivable to consolidated fund & surplus cash to 2005 A #328 1994A GO Bond Fund $1,170.27 Bond #216 Environmental Cleanup Fund #101 General Fund $666.81 To close out completed fund #240 Capital Outlay #450 TH 25 96-04C $1,042.23 To cover deficiency and close out fund #477 CSAH 75/0tter Creek #240 Capital Outlay 2000-16C $230,944.19 To cover deficien cy and close out fund 18 DAWN\EXCEL\RICK:2003 Fund TransferS:12/4/2006 ,.., ,., C "".,,,/u'-'j'''''''f ,''''" ",-""~.,,. '~iP"" ,-" '--"'"'"-~i*!\}"!"""'''~'' q-', ,.",,' ,"'-" --,.'".'''.~ . \I' J , II ~ ":p' /") Ill) \f~/ dq"tt \., \f1.{Il'.. vw ~,~ ,~l( I I \ ^ i 1/1 '~\ "'!/~1 11,\1 ,'" C.'~ "~J.; J ,/~ , r," ,,"~~L'~ ,::/ ,>; ~...~~ :>1.1', ! 'i(\ ~~I~~L.<" ~~j.;~ ~,tb.,~~>iJ.\:>'*W.N~I>~lfi.yIJ~f~~l~I!-\~x."'er~~ ~~l~t'/ .. ~,,~' t '{I~jl..li<"~/' t~~',\l t }l~iili1~'\ -/I~~.I~:)t,-. l.-p<,,,,1 I-!'Ir-r'~"~~f~'i~ ,T, '(:'lof't~;")r$~;"I~I" ,~<;:~\'\~I:rr'(.~l~'~~"\it':I~"'~'",:~~, ."' I'~ I,..; (~ '^'rL"II,~ -.;':I':;*J Kr~~, ,)!r',yl iM{;;~~:.~I':, ,h';l'~ .'~;f:~1,:~~~t\~ ~i . IJ\~ 11 /~"~I.:!rlN~!t:~~~jh!:.o!J~"'..~~"':'IJ.:.l}u. "~'", .~~~; .~IL.]f~ '~ii~"~JOI._I~~_..."j,(.,:.~"~! "",~Ji ~u 1\ 1~.,.1J1. /~!.2.,-,,:'i'.>!~t~IJ/2j'I;1};l~ 11\J:Jll~~i!~~TI.lX: ).jll;"~H. ,.>..:J....JL..'L'.}~lr./$.-a-a...;;Ii;i!,.::-/~ ~-._-~--------------~-~ #489 Timber Ridge St Sewer #263 St Sewer Access To close out canst fund & transfer remaining funds back to 2002-03C Fund $6,708.66 trunk fund #240 Capital Outlay #497 Library Exp Proj $7,146.06 To closeout construction fund & cover remaining deficiency 19 DAWN\EXCEL\RICK:2003 Fund Transfers:12/4/2006 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 5C. Consideration of approval of wine/ beer license for Cornerstone Cafe and Caterine:. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Cornerstone Cafe & Catering Company has submitted an application for wine/3.2 beer combination license. The Council set the fee for the on-sale wine/3.2 beer combination license at $500 per year. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the request for a wine/beer license for Cornerstone Cafe & Catering Company, 154 West Broadway contingent upon payment of the license fee for the period of January 1,2007 through June 30, 2007. 2. Do not approve the liquor license request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the license be granted to Cornerstone Cafe and Catering Co. for the period January 1,2007 through June 30, 2007 contingent upon payment of license fee. D. SUPPORTING DATA: License Application Certificate of Insurance 20 - I ACORI{. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DAT~ (MMIDDlVVYVI 11/14/2006 PRODUCe" (95 Z) 8 3l-19Z 8 FAX (952)831-0572 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Advance Insurance Agency, Inc. ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 5Z41 Viking Drive Ste 200 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Edina, MN 5543; INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# --- 14303 . INSUR,~P INSURER II; Integrity Mutual Ins Co Cornerstone Cafe & Catering COl11lany INSURER s, Scottsdale PO Box 535 INSURER C; Monticello, MN 5536Z INSURER D' INSURER E: Cl1VERAGF'" THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAiD CLAIMS. I~ ~!1.11:! TYPe Of INSURANCE POUCY NUM8EIl POLICY EFFECTlVE P lION LIMITS GEl<ERAl tlAIIIUTY CCP121532900 12/29/2005 1Z/29/2oo6 EACH OCCURRENCE S 500.00~ - DAMAGE TO RENTED X COMMERCIAl GENERAL LIABILITY $ 100,000 ~ tJ CLAIMS MADE 0 OCCUR M~O ~p (Any ane p!!If50n) $ 5 , 0Ot: A PERSONAl. & ADV INJURY $ 500, OOc - --. - l,ooo,oOii GENERAL AGGREGATE $ I~ GErfL AGGREOATE UM'T APPUES PER: PROOUCTS . COMP/OP AGO $ 1,000,000 !xl POLICY n ~:g: n LOC AUTOMOmLE LIABILITY CA121533000 12/29/2005 12/29/2006 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT I-- I ANY AlJrO (Ea 0<<"""') 300,000 - - AiL OWNfO AUTOS 80Dll Y INJURY S ~ SCHF.OULEO "UTOS (Per pefaQn) A ~ HIRED AUTOS SOOIL Y'NJURY S ~ NON.,{)WNEO AlITOS Wtl"'~fdent) n_........_' .'..~ PROPERTY DAMAGE S (Por ltCCiderii) ~RAGE UASIUTV AUTO ONLY - EA "CCIDENT $ ANV AUTO OTHER THAN EA ACC $ "UTa ONLY: AGG $ :sesS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ OCCUR D CLAIMS MADE AGGREGATE $ I ~- ~.,--~~ 1 DEDUCTIBLE S ...---- RETENTION I $ WORKERS COMPENSA110N A~D WCPl21532801 12/29/2005 12/29/2006 we STATU. IOJ~- EMPLOYERS' UASILITY 100,000 A ANY PROPRIETOM'ART>lERJ<XECUTIVE U. FACII ACCIDENT S OFFICERlMEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L. DISEASE - EA EMpLOyEE S 100 000 g~~I~r~:bJ:~~s below E.L. D1S~SE - POUCY LIMIT $ 500,OO( OTHER PENDING 01/01/2007 0613012007 100,000 Each Cause B Liquor Liabil ity $300,000 Aggregate Pending Underwriting Approval DI!SCFUPi'lON OF OPERATIONS IlOCATlON$, VEHICLes I SXCUJSIONS ADDEO By ENDORSEMENT 1 SPECIAL flIROVl510NS CE TIFIC For Information Only SHOULD ANy OF THE .a.aOVl; DeSCRJal;o POUCIES BE CANCELLED BE.FORE nu:: EXPIRATION DAtE THEREOF, 'tHE ISSUING I~SURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL ..J.2.... DAYs WJUTTEN NOllCE TO THE CERl1FlCA~ ~I01-0ER NAMED TO Tl-4E LEFT, aUf fAIL-ORE TO MAIL SUCH Nolles. SHALL IMpOSE NO OBLIGATION OR UAI3ILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THe INSURER,ITS A(lENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUnlORlzeO REPReSENTATlVE Erik Johnson ACORD 25 (2001/08) @ACORDCORPORATION 1988 21 e Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar St., Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 (651) 201-7507 FAX (651) 297-5259 TTY (651) 282-6555 WWW.DPS.STATE.MN.US APPLICATION FOR COUNTY/CITY ON-SALE WINE LICENSE (Not to exceed 14% of alcohol by volume) EVERY QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. If a corporation, an officer shall execute this application. If a partnership, LLC, a partner shall execute this application'T ^ 1 .. I ' (, {f-, Workers compensation insurance company. Name .::LL.ITf~ r 11''3 "II'\SQ.ra....n <:.Q., Policy # ~.:<;X D;), l V oc) 0 LICENSEE'S MN SALES & USE TAX ID # old lO~ To apply for MN Sales Tax # call (651) 296-6181 LICENSEE'S FEDERAL TAX ID # 0 ~ 6000 Ap licants Name (Business, Partnership, Corporation) ) ,..." ri. ) Trade Name or DBA Co. Business Phone 53S (71P3) J<1S- .3 8 $ 8 Is this application XNew oral.] Transfer If a transfer, give name of former owner Applicant's Home Phone (7t:tJ?:) J(j):;Z - .. s M State MkJ, Zip Code b536? 2. License period From To DOB Partner/Officer Name and Title Address Z-~f o.S. Address ltd.5 t) 3'0P Address Social Security # DOB , Social Security~# 1 DOB I Social Security # DOB CORPORATIONS Is corporation authorized to do business in Minnesota? Yes 0 No If a subsidiary of another corporation. give name and address of parent eorporation Has the building owner any connection, direct or indirect, with the applicant? Yes ] No LuXe {h tJ sS3 No. of people restaurant employs I Will food service be the principle business? ){Yes 0 No Describe the PremiSe~be lice sed p cJQJJ.J CU\J ()J\d QGJer i ~3 If the restaurant is in conjunction with another business (resort etc.), describe business f~J IA NO LICENSE WILL BE APPROVED OR RELEASED UNTIL THE $20 RETAILER ID CARD FEE IS RECEIVED BY AGED 22 o Yes ~o 1. o Yes ;ko 2. l"l Yes ~o 3. DYes ~o 4. DYes ~o 5. [JYes 0/\0 6. OTHER INFORMATION Has the applicant or associates been granted an on-sale non-intoxicating malt beverage (3.2) and/or a "set-up" license in conjunction with this wine license? Is the applicant or any of the associates in this application a member of the county board or the city council, which will issue this license? If yes, in what capacity? . (If the applicant is the spouse of a member of the governing body, or another family relationship exists, the member shall not vote on this application.) During the past liccnse year, has a summons been issued under the liquor civil liability (Dram Shop) (M.S. 340A.802). If yes, attach a copy of the summons. Has applicant, partners, officers or employees ever had any liquor law violations in Minnesota or elsewhere. If so, give names, dates, violations and final outcome. Does any person other than the applicants, have any right, title or interest in the furniture, fixtures or equipment in the licensed premises? If yes, give names and details. Have thc applicants any interests, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishments in Minnesota? [fyes, give name and address of the establishment. I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE QUESTIONS AND THAT THE ANSWERS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY OWN KNOWLEDGE Sil!:nature of Annlicant The licensee must have one of the following: (Check one) Liquor Liability Insurance (Dram Shop) $50,000 per person; $100,000 more than one person; $10,000 property destruction; $50,000 and $100,000 for loss of means of support. ATTACH "CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE" TO THIS FORM. A Surety bond from a surety company with minimum coverage as specified above in A. A certificate from the State Treasurer that the Licensee has deposited with the State, Trust Funds having a market value of $100,000 or $100,000 in cash or securities. IF LICENSE IS ISSUED BY THE COUNTY BOARD, REPORT OF COUNTY ATTORNEY I certify that to the best of my knowledge the applicants named abovc are eligible to be licensed. I f no, state reason. ~A. DB. iJ C. LIYcs -jNo c\oJ. ~l& Signature County Attorney County Date REPORT BY POLICE OR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant and the associates, named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any violation of ~ Laws oft e St~'Minnesota ~yicipal or County Ordinances relating to Intoxicating Liquor, except as follows: ~~rw.\u.{. "- ./k - ~cr.) . /'.'-', ,6... WCS" tJ c,. Department and Title tfI/J ,..,. ~ ~ t: . Date IMPORTANT NOTICE ALL RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSEES MUST HAVE A CURRENT FEDERAL SPECIAL OCCUPATIONAL STAMP. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING OBTAINING THIS STAMP, CONTACT THE BUREAU OF ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND FIREARMS AT 651 726-0220 PS9114-2006) NOTICE A $30.00 service charge will be added to all disbonored checks. You may also be subjected to a civil penalty of$100.00 or 100% of the value ofthe check, whichever is greater, plus interest and attorney fees. 23 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 SD. Consideration of City Maintaininl! Public Streets for Hillside Farms 3rd and 4th Addition Developments (City of Monticello Proiect Nos. 2004-22P and 2004-23P) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Public streets have been constructed this year for the Hillside Farms 3rd and 4th Addition developments. The first lift of bituminous pavement has been placed on the roadways. The following are requirements that must be met prior to street maintenance: 1. One lift of asphalt must be in place. 2. Streets swept and street and right-of-way cleaned of debris. 3. Street signs and street lights must be in place. 4. Private utilities have been installed. 5. Curbing must be in place. 6. All manhole castings and gate valves in street adjusted to specifications. 7. Erosion control measures in place. 8. Any applicable barricades placed at stub streets and cul-de-sac ends. 9. Curb must be back-filled to top of curb with boulevard graded to 4% slope. The above requirements have been met with the exception of street name signage. We are recommending that the City begin maintaining the roadways within the development subject to installation of street name signage. The final lift ofbiturninous pavement will be placed on the roadways in the summer of 2007, after which time the two-year warranty period will begin if all project items are complete and the Council approves final acceptance ofthe project as per the conditions in the Developer's Agreement. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. City accepts maintenance responsibilities of public streets subject to installation of street name signage. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator that the City accept maintenance responsibilities of the public streets. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None 24 C: IDocume/1.ts aM &UiT/g~.\dmm.gruss;nge,.\Local Seflillgs\Tcmporury lntemet Files\OLK3\AGN nM-hillsit/e jalm,f-121 l06.doc Council Agenda: 12/11/06 5G. Consideration of acceptine: Quotes for replacement of furnace at Fire all.(GA) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: We would like the City Council to consider the replacement of the two existing Furnaces at the Fire Haill with one furnace. Only one furnace is needed to adequately heat this portion of the building. The furnace efficiency ratings range from 80% to 92%. Five quotes were received from two local and three Monticello area heating contractors with the quote from The Plumbery being incomplete. We also had them quote prices on the replacement ofthe two existing air conditioners with one air conditioner. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to direct staffto select the quote from the most responsible bidder. Under this alternative staff would review the quotes to determine the best furnace features for its replacement use. 2. Motion to direct staff not to replace the furnace at this time. Under this alternative we would seek quotes to repair the furnace only. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Fire Chief and the Chief Building Official recommend removal of both furnaces and the replacement with a 90% plus efficient furnace. We would also like the Council to consider the removal of both air conditioners and replacement with a 13 Seer rated air conditioner. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of five quotes received. 25 12-06-'06 13:25 FROM-custom sheetmetal +7632952246 T-357 P01/01 U-257 QUOl A liON & CONTRACT Custom Sheetmetal of Monticello 1305 Edmonson Avenue NE Monticello, MN 55362 Page 1 of 1 Phone (763) 295-2229 FAX (763) 295.2246 Licensed Contractor since 1986 Proposal Submlt1ed to Phone I Date City of Monticello 12/06/2006 Street Job Name Monticello Fire Hall City, State. ZIP Job Location Monticello MN We are pleased to quote on your inquiry as follows: Job Specifications Remove and dispose of existing furnaces Furnish and install 1 new furnace to replace existing 2 Trane rUD120C960 80% gas furnace $ 2.723.00 $ 3,753.00 $ 2,414.00 $ 3.220.00 Trane TUX100C960 92% gas furnace Weather King RGLN 1 0 80% gas furnace Weather King RGT A 10 92% gas furnace Trane 2lTB060 5 ton 13 SeER air conditioner $ 3,525.00 Weather King 13AJA060 5 ton 13 SEER air conditioner Wiring is not included Circuit size for new air conditioner will need to be increased as per Wes Olson $ 2,960.00 We Propose to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications for the sum of: Dollars $ 00 excluding any changes ordered by customer. Payment to be made as follows: One half payment after rough in. Balance due upon completion of the work by Custom Sheetmetal of Monticello, 2% will be added to the base price for credi rd payments Performance ~ All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work 10 be completed in a worKmanliKe manner according to standard practices. Any alloralion or devlatlon from the above specificelions involving extra COSlS \lVt1l tll;l executed only upon written Orders and will become en e><tra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements are contingent vpon strikes. aCCidents or delays beYOnd our control. Owner to carTy fire, tornado and other necessary insUrance. Our workers arE: fully covered by Workman's Compens::.tlon Insuld nce. Authorized Signature Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted Within 30 days. Acceptance of Propos, I - The above prices. speCifications and COnditiOns are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You al'El authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be maCle as outlined above. Signature Date of Acceptance 26 12/04/2005 20:37 7532957752 ALL WAYS HTG AC PAGE 02 ::tll!h ~-' t~ Proposal All-WAYS Heating &. Air Conditioning 2806 110th Street N.E., Monticello. MN 55362 Phone 763-295-7702 . Fax 763-295-7752 Page No. of Pages 11II\ PAOPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DATE Monticello Fire De t STREET JOB NAME CITY. STATe AND ZIP CODE P.O. Box 442 Monticello~ MN 55362 DATE OF PLANS sam.e JOB LOCATION same ARCHITECT JOB PHONE Joe Taylor WB nBreby submit SpBClflCl!.tloM ana estlmat" tor: 10-25-06 Electrical bothers Note: back area We Propose hereby to furnls,", lIl11terlal and labor - complete In accordance with above speol/lolltlons. for the sum IIf: dOllers ($ ). Paymant to be made as follow", 50% dowr'! balance due on completion All malena11e guansmead to ba as specified. All work 10 be completeQ In a workman- like mllnner llccordlng to $landard practIces. Any alteration or doviation from al)OYt! specifications involving extra coets wHl be e""cuted only upon written orders, and wlll become an extra enarge over and ;Wove the estimate. All agreements eontlngont upon strlkee. accidents or dalsys bayond our control. Owner to carry fire. tomedo end other necessary Insurance. Our workel\l are rully covsred by Workmen'e Compensation In'!,lrance. k~ NOTE: This propose I may be withdrawn by us If not accepted within 3U days. Acceptance of Proposal - The ebov(l prlcas, !lpaclflcatlons end condlllon, ~r(l !l~!lfeclory end are hereby accePted. You are authorl~eCl to dO tM work !IS specified. I'aymetlt will be made as outlined above. Signature Oll(e of ,Acceptanc:e Signature 12/04/2005 20:37 7532957752 ALL WAYS HTG AC PAGE 03 ~-, All-WAYS Heating at Air Conditioning .. ....... (,.....) 2806 110th Street N.E., Monticello, MN 5535.2 Phone 763-295-7702 . Fax 763-295-7752 PROPOSAL SUBMmED TO PHONE I DATE Monticello Fire Dept lOw25w06 STREET Joe NAME P.O. Box 442 same CITY, STATe AND liP CODE JOB LOCATION Monticello, MN 55362 same ARCHITECT Joe Taylor I DATE OF PLANS 10-25-06 I JOB PHONE We hereby submit speCifiCatiOns and estimates for: The following proposal will include: 1) In Bryant 340aav 80,000 btu 92% furnace installed. / Thermostat 5vear parts and 1 veal' labor 2) Venting of new furnace 3) New chimney liner 4) RecODD.ect a.ll duct to new furnace Oodon #1 cost $2850.00 1) 2- Bryant 340aav 92% furnaces installed /Thermostats included 5vear nart and 1 vear labor 2) Venting of both furnaces 3) New chimney liner 4) Reconnect all duct to furn.aces ALL- WAYS HEATING will donate 2nd fuma.ce to Monticello fire denartment and will chare:e labor to install Ontion #2 cost $4700.00 NOTE: Any changes to bid or extras will need a sie:ned chane:e order before work wHl nreformed.. We Propose h",'eby \0 'l,I'nlsh materialllMd lebar - complete In lIcc:ordanCl> wlrh above .poc:IIIClltlon$. lor the ~um 0': dollara ($ ). Paymenl to be made es 'allows: 50% down balance due on completion - All malerlal is guaranl99d to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workman. Authorized c:~ w,. ~ ~ \\"<- 7__ like menner according ro standard prlletlcn. Any alleratlon ar dovlallon fmm IIbovo epeclncatlons Involving extra costs will be execulSd only ",pon wrln,n ordors, and will Signature lllleomB an elltrs charve over and above the astimale. All agreemsnla con~ln!lent ",pon NOTE: This ~eel~be c;,..J BlrlkS!J, .colde"1S or Oelays beyond our control. Owner to cerry lira, tomado and other neCCUlIlY in(lUf\\,.,ca. Our workero are lully eOVflred by Workmen's Compensation wlthdrewn by u~ llC:Cfl~t&d w"!'IltI 30 days. Insurance. Acceftance of Proposal - Tha abolle prices, speclllcatlons and condit OM arB satislaclory and ere hersby accspted. You are authorized to do the work II" llPIllC1flllld. Payment will be "lede ae outlined abolle. SlgtllllUre Dale of Acceptance Signature Proposal Page No. of Pages 28 Central Cooling Inc. November 5, 2006 Steve George Fire Chief Monticello Fire Department Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Steve George, Central Cooling Inc. respectfully submits this proposal for your consideration. Equipment: Job Location: Job Description: Install New 80% Luxaire Furnace AlC unit Monticello Fire Department To remove and replace old furnace with a new 80% Luxaire furnace. SCOPE OF SERVICE: The bid is to remove and replace old furnace with a new 80% Luxaire furnace. Provide all necessary labor, materials and parts to install furnace. Removal of both systems is included in price. Install one 100,000 BTU down draft furnace. Also replace old AlC unit with new 13 seer 3 Ton air conditioner and A-coil. Price includes 5 years parts and labor. 2417 Service. Price for bid........................... n.... n......................................................... .....$4375.00 Terms of payment are due upon completion. The price quoted does include any sales, excise, or similar taxes. This proposal expires on November 30, 2006 Should you have any questions regarding this quotation, please contact me in the office at (763) 295...&185, or 612.685.2362. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE Central Cooling Inc. (Full legal name of Customer) Todd Johnson Service Technician MN. FAX 763-295-6779 Signature Warranty terms: Central Cooling Inc. will warranty against defects or workmanship: material 5 year-labor/5years. This material and labor warranty is only for the actual labor and or parts required to accomplish the above listed scope of service. Central Cooling Inc. 8692 Darlington Ave NE Monticello, MN 55362 29 Central Cooling Inc. November 5, 2006 Steve George Fire Chief Monticello Fire Department Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Steve George, Central Cooling Inc. respectfully submits this proposal for your consideration. Equipment: Job Location: Job Description: Install New 92% Luxaire Furnace AlC unit Monticello Fire Department To remove and replace old furnace with a new 92% Luxalre furnace. SCOPE OF SERVICE: The bid is to remove and replace old furnace with a new 92% Luxaire furnace. Provide all necessary labor, materials and parts to install furnace. Removal of both systems is included in price. Install one 100,000 STU down draft furnace. Also replace old AlC unit with new 13 seer 3 Ton air conditioner and A-coil. Price includes 5 years parts and labor. 24fT Service Price for bid........... ............................................................... .................. .....$4985.00 Terms of payment are due upon completion. The price quoted does include any sales, excise, or similar taxes. This proposal expires on November 30, 2006 Should you have any questions regarding this quotation, please contact me in the office at (763) 295-6185, or 612-685-2362. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE Central Cooling Inc. (Full legal name of Customer) Todd Johnson Service Technician MN. FAX 763-295-6779 Signature Warrantv terms: Central Cooling Inc. will warranty against defects or workmanship: material 5 year- labor/5years. This material and labor warranty is only for the actual labor and or parts required to accomplish the above listed scope of service. Central Cooling Inc. 8692 Darlington Ave NE Monticello, MN 55362 30 12/05/2005 12:45 HANSEN PLMG HTNG AIR 7532530318 ~ansen P)wnbinL Beatinl! & Air. Ine Q;ce (763) 162..6191 Fax {7631 263..0318 Bid for Monticello Fire Dept. Fire Hall Fpm.~e Chane:e Out: Remove old furnaces and air conditioners and dispose of Change ductwork in mechanical roOIn for only 1 furnace. Install 1 new TempstaJ: 80+ I 00,000 BTU multiposition fumace in a downtlow application. Install 1 new Tempstar 4 ton 13 Seer NC Total Bid $ 4995.00 ODtiODS: Upgrade to a 2~stage DIC drive bower furnace $ 450.00 Upgrade to a 13.5 seer Ale (may qualify for bigger rebate) $ 100.00 I accept this bid (Signature) Please note if you would like either of the options. PAGE 02 31 12/07/2006 10:04 763-271-4234 PURCELL PLMBG HTG PAGE 01 THE 220 Sandberg Road Monticello, MN 55362 9517 67th Street N.W. Annandale. MN 55302 Telephone (metro) Toll Free (non-metro) Fax Email 763-295-5445 888-434-4077 763-271-4234 plumbery@TDS.net SHOWROOMS PLUMBERY. PURCELL PLUMBING & HEATING INC. LARRY PURCELL MASTER PLUMBER #3079M FAX COVER SHEET ATTN: Ny L/L/O~ DATE: /,2/7/oP FROM: ~r:7YJ TO: FAX NO. OUf Fax No. NO. PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET REGARDING: Please call sender immediately if there are problems 32 12/07/2005 10:04 753-271-4234 PURCELL PLMBG HTG PAGE 02 Purcell Plwnbing & Heating, Inc. 220 Sandberg Road Monticello, MN 55362 Estimate Date Estimate # 12/7/2006 2002 Name I Address City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 JOB NO. Rep FIRE HALL Description Qty Total BASED ON 2000 SQ. FT. OFFICE SPACE: ) _ 100,000 BTIl TEMPSrAR 90 PLUS NAT GAS FURNACE - $1350.00 REMOV AL OF EXISTING tmITS, RETROFIT OF DUCTWORK, PLENUM, COLD AIR RETURN AND INST ALLA nON wOULD BE ON A TIME AND MATERIAL BASIS. S65.00/HOUR LABOR CHG. NO ELECTRICAL 0.00 ESTIMATES ARE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS so 00 I Purcell Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Date I Total PIP Signature Date Phone # Fax # E-mail 763-295-5445 763-271-4234 pJumbery@tds.net 33 12/07/2005 10:04 753-271-4234 PURCELL PLMBG HTG PAGE 03 Purcell Plumbing & Heating, Inc. 220 Sandberg Road Monticello, MN 55362 Estimate Date Estimate # 12/7/2006 2001 Name I Addres& City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 JOB NO, Rep FIRE HALL Description Qty Total PROPOSAL. AC. 13 SEER STD: 2,279.99 1 - T2A348GKA 4 TON 13 SEER TEMPS! AR CONDENSOR t - EDA2X48JA 4 TON 13 SEER TEMPSTAR COIL 1 - PAD FOR CONDENSOR ) - 25FT. LlNESET 1 - SUBBASE NO ELECTRlCAL. 0.00 ESTIMATES ARE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS I Total Signature Date . Purcell Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Date / ~/7 / &:J 6 $2,27.,,.1 Phone # Fax # E-mail 763-29S.544~ 763-271-4234 plumbery@tds.net 34 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 SH. Consideration of a request for Preliminary and Final Plat approval of the Carver Plat, a three-lot sinele family re-plat. Applicant: Thomas Parker. (NAC) The Planning Commission considered this item at their December 5, 2006 meeting and recommended approval of the preliminary and final plat. The Commission confirmed that the plat is consistent with the requirements for the R-l District. The Commission was somewhat concerned with the style of the home to potentially be constructed on the newly created lot, and stressed the importance of building a home that fits with the overall character of the neighborhood. The applicant indicated than an effort will be made to do so. Public comment demonstrated some confusion regarding the number of units proposed for the created lot. The Commission clarified that the proposal was to construct a single family home on the lot, and not a triplex. The applicant also indicated that he will incur all costs associated with the extension of utilities and any modification to West River Street associated with this project upon construction. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Thomas Parker is requesting preliminary and final plat approval of the Carver Plat, a three lot subdivision located at 1125 and 1119 West River Street. The proposed subdivision would create two lots on a 1.18 acre site currently platted as part of River Terrace. The property is zoned R-l, Single Family Residential. Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is guided for low density residential land uses, consistent with the proposed plat. Zoning. The subject site is zoned R-l, Single Family Residential. The purpose of the R-l District is to provide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses. ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing a three lot subdivision, bordered to the south by West River Road, single family residential uses to the east and west, and the Mississippi River and First Creek to the north. The site is currently platted as lots 5 and 6 of the River Terrace subdivision. To accomplish the proposed re-plat, a lot split is proposed to create two lots at 1125 West River Street, identified as Lot 1 Block 1 and Lot 2 Block 1. Lots 1 and 3 contain existing single family homes. A 1,050 square foot single family home with an attached garage is proposed for Lot 2. As part of the platting process, the applicant is proposing to incorporate Government Lot 1, located to the north of Lots 2 and 3, as part of those lots. Lot Requirements and Setbacks. Applicable lot and setback requirements for the R-l District are as follows: 35 Council Agenda: 12111/06 Requirement Proposed Lot 1 Proposed Lot 2 Proposed Lot 3 Lot Area 12,000 sf 22,743 sf 28,601 sf 27,283 sf Lot Width 80 feet 140 feet 80 feet 80 feet Front Yard Setback 30 feet 60 feet 75 feet 80 feet Rear Yard Setback 30 feet 60 feet 215 feet 215 feet Side Yard Setback 10 feet 21 feet 16 feet 2.1 feet Ordinary High 50 feet 35 feet 205 feet 201 feet Water Mark Setback The subject site is located within 300 feet of First Creek. Therefore, both lots must meet the Ordinary High Water Mark setback, as provided in Chapter 27 of the Zoning Ordinance. The existing single family home on Lot 1 is setback 35 from the edge of First Creek. However, this is a legally non-conforming situation, and may be allowed to continue. The existing single family home on Lot 3 is setback approximately 2.1 feet from the east side lot line. This is also an existing non-conforming use that may be allowed to continue. In all other aspects, both lots meet the performance requirements for the R-l District. Access. The applicant is proposing a 40-foot separation between the existing driveway on Lot 1, and the proposed driveway on Lot 2. The proposed driveway is approximately 18 feet in width. In residential districts, driveways are required to be setback a minimum ofthree feet from the side lot line. Both lots meet this requirement. Tree Cover. The site currently contains several mature Oak, Birch, and Maple trees. The applicant has made an effort to preserve all of these trees with the construction of the single family home, and the configuration oflot lines. The side lot line of Lot 2 is positioned at an angle to allow for the driveway of Lot 1 to remain in its current location. Any modifications to this drive may require the removal of a 30 inch Oak tree along the front property line. Said side lot line meets all requirements of the R-l District and the Subdivision Ordinance. Grading, Drainage, and Utilities. A number of issues relating to the extension of utilities will need to be addressed as part of any new home construction. The applicant is proposing to extend water and sewer from West River Street to the proposed single family home on Lot 2. The City Engineer has reviewed the application, and offers the following recommendations: 1. The sewer is approximately 14 feet deep, is well under the ground water, and is IS-inch RCP. It will have to be cored and a proper saddle and gasket used to make a connection. 2. It is likely that the new storm sewer and existing watermain may be impacted even with box construction. There is a sanitary sewer service to the south which may limit the use of a box and may cause problems with the south water service line as well. 3. The City will require that the street excavation area to be oversized and properly patched. The following year the patched area, which shall include the entire street width plus a 36 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 minimum of 28-feet along the length of the street, shall be milled and overlayed to correct initial settlement. The City Engineer has also stated that all drainage issues appear to be manageable as planned. Recording. If the final plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider shall record it with the Wright County Recorder within 100 days after said approval. If the subdivider fails to so record the final plat, the approval shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council prior to the expiration ofthe 100 day period. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Regarding the request for preliminary and final plat approval of the Carver Plat, a three lot residential subdivision, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat of the Carver Plat, subject to a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent ofthe R-l, Single Family Residential District, and the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Motion to deny the Preliminary and Final plat, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the intent of the R-I District. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Upon review of the proposed plat, staff finds that it is consistent with the performance requirements for the R-I, Single Family Residential district. Lots 1 and 3 both contain non- conforming setback situations, which may be allowed to continue as legally non-conforming uses as part of any new plat. A number of concerns have been raised regarding the feasibility of extending utilities onto Lot 2 as part of any new construction. The applicant shall be required to incur all costs relating to the extension of utilities and any modification to West River Street associated with this project. However, this issue would only influence single family construction on the site, and does not impact the plat. As such, staff recommends approval of the Preliminary and Final Plat. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Preliminary Plat Existing Drainage Map Proposed Drainage Map 37 ~ 99 / I;' f'~ I I. /. I;' ;..i ,-, 1-- eil , II .1" 'L ~. l!l ~ l!l ~ I!! : ~ rl I) ~ ~ m i ; ~l I; ; g ! ! ,~ rl~. 'J.!j ~ : II ~ ~ I ~! g ~ lwl8 I" ~ ~ ~~! ~ ~ i:{ iil ri~1 ~ m Ii:! &01 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ j@~ n i 6f I~! - '" ~ iu ..II ~i = !".. .I: I Un .. ;;1 Sf ~ i r! ~ I: I 001 i ~ JiI IJ ~'q i: I ~ I ,I; if i i I ~ ~ i! I ~ }ff I iu ! ~ i ~ i n ~ Q. 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency sent the City of Monticello two separate letters dated August 11,2005 and March 27, 2006 informing us that we have been identified as a designated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) owner or operator. As such we are required under Minnesota Rules Chapter 7090 to seek coverage under General Permit MN R 040000, General Permit - Authorization to Discharge Storm Water Associated with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4's) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System Permit Program (Permit). These letters also state that to obtain coverage under this General Permit the City must submit our Permit Application, along with our Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP), no later than February 15,2007. Soon after the City received the first letter I was hired on as City Engineer. Upon finding and reviewing the letter I made the decision to prepare the City's SWPPP and Permit Application without the assistance of a consultant. I initially made this decision for two reasons. First, I simply thought I could save the City some money. Secondly, but more importantly, I thought it would allow me to know our SWPPP inside and out which would benefit the City in the long run since it will be my job to support and maintain the SWPPP and provide the MPCA with an annual report outlining our permit compliance. I have attended several training seminars to date associated with developing SWPPP's and as such I have completed much of the work required to prepare our SWPPP and Permit Application. However, a good deal of work remains to be done on these items but considering the fact that I have several other projects that I need to devote more time to in the near future I do not foresee myself completing our SWPPP and Permit Application before February 15,2007 without some assistance. WSB has prepared SWPPP's for several other cities therefore I believe their knowledge of the MPCA's requirements would allow them to assist me in preparing our SWPPP and Permit Application as efficiently as possible. In addition, their knowledge of our Storm Water Management Plan would allow them to review the work I have done to date to ensure that I have identified the most appropriate storm water Best Management Practices (BMP's) to provide the greatest benefit to the City and surrounding environment. In October I discussed the cost of preparing our SWPPP with representatives from several consulting firms and was informed that the cost of preparing a SWPPP for a City our size would typically cost from $7,500 to $10,000 or more, depending on the contents of the program. WSB has since informed me that considering the fact that I have completed much of the work to date they could assist me in preparing our SWPPP and Permit Application for substantially less the costs quoted above using their standard hourly rates. I am meeting with WSB on Friday, December 8th to discuss this in more detail but I fully anticipate that their costs could be held below $4,000 to assist me in completing this work. 38 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize the City Engineer to utilize WSB's services to prepare our SWPPP and MS4 permit application. 2. Motion to deny authorizing the City Engineer to utilize WSB to assist with preparing our SWPPP and MS4 permit application. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Engineer that the City Council authorize the City Engineer to utilize WSB to assist in preparing the City's SWPPP and MS4 Permit Application before February 15, 2007. D. SUPPORTING DATA: MPCA letters to the City dated August 11,2005, and March 27,2006. 39 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency March 27,2006 Bruce Westby, City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Ave, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 RE: Permit Application for General Permit MN R 040000 Dear Bruce Westby: Enclosed is a copy of the Permit Application (Application) for General Permit MN R 040000, General Permit - Authorization to Discharge Storm Water Associated with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System/State Disposal System Permit Program (Permit). After being remanded back to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) by the Minnesota Court of Appeals for revisions, the Permit was re-issued on March 3,2006. You are receiving this letter because your community has been identified as a designated MS4 in accordance with Milmesota Rules Chapter 7090. The definition of an MS4 can be found in Appendix B of the Permit. You will recall that this designation was previously communicated to you by the MPCA in a letter dated August 11,2005. A copy of that letter has been enclosed for your reference. As a designated MS4 you are required under federal and state rules to seek coverage under the Permit for the MS4s which you own or operate within your jurisdiction. Along with the Application, Application instructions and a copy of the Permit have also been enclosed with this letter. Contained within these documents are instructions and other information to help you prepare your Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). To obtain coverage under this Permit you must complete and submit the Application and your SWPPP by February 15, 2007. In accordance with the Minnesota Appeals Court order ,and the revised Permit, all SWPPPs will be public noticed as part of the MPCA review and approval process. The MPCA is working to develop a process and schedule for MPCA review and public notice of the SWPPPs for your MS4. We expect that this information will be available and posted on the MPCA web site in April or May. The MPCA will update this schedule as needed during the processing of SWPPPs and Applications. Please refer to the MPCA web site for additional information about the approval process and other guidance documents. Part VLD of the Permit requires the submittal of an Annual Report by June 30 of each year. Because your MS4 is not required to submit an Application and SWPPP until February 15,2007, the first Annual Report which you will be required to submit will be for the 2007 calendar year. The 2007 Annual Report would be due by June 30, 2008. 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; Saint Paul, MN 55155-4194; (651) 296-6300 (Voice); (651) 282-5332 (TTY); www.pca.state.mn.us Sf. Paul · Brainerd · Detroit Lakes · Duluth · Mankato · Marshall · Rochester. Willmar Equal Opportunity Employer. Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20 percent fibers from paper recycled by consumers, 40 Page 2 March 27,2006 The Permit requires a number of activities to be initiated for those designated MS4s with stormwater discharges to Prohibited and/or Restricted Waters. For MS4s with special waters, a flowchart labeled "Milestones under 2006 MS4 Permit" can be found on the MPCA web site (see link below) which provides a required schedule for completing each of these activities. This flowchart also identifies other due dates for designated MS4s concerning the implementation of various SWPPP components. The following MS4s will be required to incorporate BMPs into their SWPPPs in response to requirements established by the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Report for the Lower Minnesota River: Fairmont, Mankato, Marshall, Montevideo, New Ulm, North Mankato, Redwood, St. Peter, Waseca and Willmar. The Lower Minnesota River Dissolved Oxygen TMDL, which was completed in 2004, identified excess phosphorus as a problem in the Minnesota River. The TMDL Report calls for a 30 percent reduction in phosphorus loading to the Minnesota River from all permitted communities. The MPCA will be providing additional guidance concerning required actions to address this TMDL and SWPPP development for these MS4s by the end of May 2006. Please note that all MS4s should consider and prepare to respond to TMDLs that impact their jurisdiction as they are being developed. It is the responsibility of the MS4 to maintain compliance with all of the terms and conditions of the Permit. The Permit expires on May 30, 2011. MS4s are required to re-submit a permit application 180 days prior to that date and will receive a notice from the MPCA regarding the application requirements. All of the forms, instructions and guidance material mentioned above are also available in electronic form on the MPCA web site: www.Dca.state.mn.us/water/stormwater/stormwater-ms4.html. If you have any questions regarding the terms and conditions ofthe Permit, Application or Application instructions please contact Scott Fox at (651) 296-9433 or Keith Chenyholmes at (651) 296-6945. ~~.1f}~ Dale B. Thompson Supervisor Stormwater Management Unit Municipal Division DT:wgp Enclosure Lf 1 " Minnesota Pollution Control Agency... August. Il, 2005 Dear City or Township Offici~: . . I am. writing to. make sure you' are aware of a change in stat~rU1e that affects yaur COmmunity. On August 15, 2005, a new chapter of:Minnesata Rules takes' effeCt governing stortliwater : .nianagement.. As nOt~d in previous correspondence to your city ot toWnship, .this rule designateS ' 44additioiIal cities or townShips~ including youm,as an owner or' operator af a MUtiicipal Separate Sternl Sewer System (MS4). ThesemlUlfcipalities must apply for and obtain coverage - .. under the NatiaruU Pollutatit Di~hatge -Elimination System (NPDES) gener31 pemut for MS4s. . ... '.. ~.". .'., . As newly desIgnated MS4s, you. Wi.lI haVe 18months,.wuntiI Feb. 15, 2007-to develop a Stonp, . Water PollutidnPreventionPtogratti (SWPPP) ifyouhayeti't ~cady, 8n~ to send it; together with a completed Pennit Application Ponn, to the ~esota Pollution CantrQl Agency (.MPCA). . After our review, the M:l?CA will place the SwPPP and perniit application on public notice. . , '.. . . ". '- Why is this occurring? The new rules are the result of a state ruIemaking that heg~ several years ago. The new. . Chapter 7090 Was needed in order to. implement thefedera1 PhaSe IT stonnwater regulations.. .The new state rules denne who. filUst obtain NPDES perinits far mUnicipal, copstructian and industrial~orm~~tei discharges, bringing Minnesota"s requirements mta line with the federal regwations.With regard to municipalstolmwater, the 199~ federa1-111I~ required states .to' , establiSh criteria and a process for designating. additianal'MS4s, beyOnd'the mandatory M~4s that were reqtilied to apply fat peimit . coverage by March 10, 2003. The MPCA has"naw done sa, the result af a lengthy rulemaking process in canfarmance with the :Minnesota Administrative Procedures ~ct andthe MPCA's own PerDlltting mIas. The criteria and requirement to ohWn- , . . penp,it coverage are given ill the :Q~W rule at Mirin. RuIe, part 7090.1010, MS4 Permit . .' Requirements. .I have enclosed ~ fact shee~ which further desgribes the. new Rules, Chapter 7090. . What else must the designated MS4s do to comply with the rule and the permit? . Pait 7090.0140 of the new state rule establish<:81he most basic re<juiremen/8 fur MS4s. It lays aut the .six broad areaS, called ''minimum control m~aSures" in the feder~ rule;. which ~ MS4s must address in their SWPPPs. The genercl1petmit.fot MS4s (Pennit MN: R040000) provides . further specifics; It establishes requirements concerninge~ch.ofthe six minimum cantrol . . .measures and it cantairts the requirements for applicatiah andannuaIreporting on yaurprogress .to the MPCA. The general permit is a five-year pei-mit which)s in effect through March:l 0, . 2008. How will designated MS4s comply with a permit that is undergoing revision? Althaughthe general peim.it does not expire for mare than two and a half years, the MPCA,is . currently revising parts of it. This isl,Jecause the permit'was appealed by the Minnesata Center for Environmental Advocacy (MGEA), and the Minnesota Court af Appeals agreed with MCEA ~~. . 520 Lafayette Rd. N,; Saint Paul, MN 55155-4194; (651) 296-6300 (Voice); (651) 282-5332 (irY); www.pca.state.mn.us Sf. Paul · Brainerd · Detroit Lakes · Duluth · Mankalo · Marshall. Rochester. Wlllmar Equal Opportunity Employer. Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20 percent-fibers 'rom paper recycled by consumers. 42 Page 2 .. ..... _.".. I " Sp~ifiCa1ly, the Court ~emanded theperinit back to the MPCA' and directed' usto"~"PrO~~b~ regarding nondegradation and to provide opportunity for the public to review and oottmierit on ' SWPPPs. The MPCA developed proposed revisions based on an approach proposed by MCEA I and the Lyague of Minnesota Cities (LMC). When theproPQsed revisions went on public notice, we received niimerous cominen~s and thi-ee requests fo~ a c~mtested cas~ he~g.While the . issUes raised are being sorted out, it is unclear when the revised permit will take effect or ~xact1y what requirements it will ,contain. Until the proposed permit is approved by the MPCA Citizens Board and takes effect, storm water discharges from_ regu1a~ed MS4s, ate govern~ by th~curtent permit (dated March 1 0, 2003)~ You are encouraged to begin preparation of your SWPP~ 'b~ed on the current permit and track any changes in the permit that may' apply to your city. The MPCA will also advise yqu' ofth~ ' significant changes once the reVised permit has be.en isSu~ ," , . _ ; , , The MPCA was asked ~ delay the ,start 'of the 18-month ,window for the designated MS4s until' the permit becomes effective. The MPCA does not believe it is aPpropriate to do'so because: ' 1. 'the nondegradation proyisions of the propos~ revised, pennit do not apply to the newly , designated MS4s during this pennit cycle; , _ ' . 2. in oilier respectS the differences between the proposed Wid currei1t permits are small, so . compliance ~th the current permit will fulfill most .requirements of the proposed p<IDnit; and . 3.' - the roles state that the required timefr.a.me is. IS mOJiths:., " , , , The MPCA also notes that-we did extend the window'!or: appliCation to ~ 8 months dming- , rulein~g, .~~ we had originally proposed only siX :Qlonths~. The MPCA'ac~owledg~ that a problem could develop if the pernrit is still not flnalmany months into the 18-tnontli window--it coUld coIitplicateJInal SWPPP development, staff coriSideration, and public input We will cross that btjdge wh~ and if we need to, ~d will assis(youas much, aswecanin meetirigthe p~t . requirements oIi time. . - '- -Why didn '(the MPCAjust delay ~d(jptiQn ofth~rUle? , The:MPCA has had these:rn1es in the making sinc'~ 2002. ,AiJ previously noted, the rules cOver construction and industrial stormwater permitting fu addition to inunicipal stormwater. It was ' the MPCA's desire to: , 1.' bring Minne~ota state requirenients into confonhance with federal rules; , 2. bring -the cumbersome process of rulemaking to a ,timely conclq1;lion so that MS4s, o1;b.er , regulated parties, alid the MPCA staffhave a resolution and can, proceed accorcijngly, and 3. afford protection to the receivmg waters potentially impacted by discharges from thes~ sources through better stonnw~ter management under the. terms ()fthe rules and general ' permits. ' . 'Which features of the propos?d pemiitare similar to the current permit; which are different, and how should my municipality proceed? The portions of the proposed permit that are siIDilar to the current permit constitute the lion's share of the pennit, i.e. the federally-required six nllnimun1 measures that will form your SWP~P. By and large, the MPCA has left these provisions of the current permit intact. The portions of the pennit that are different are: 43 / Page 3 .~: . . · As previously noted, the requirements added iD. responSe to the Court of Appeals' . . , directive: the nondegradation requirements of Appendix D, which do not apply to newly designated MS4s dwing the term. of this permit, and the requirements for submittal and public notice of the SWPPP and formal approval by the MPCA. ' , · CertaiI) details sU.ch,as the new requiren1~ts to itispect material sto~kpiles owned by ,the MS4 and to ensure that Best Management Practices protect ground water' as well as 'surface water. . '.. , · The requirement to identify and address disc1iatge~ to Outstanding Resource Value' Waters identified in Mhm~sota' s water quality standards as Prohibited or Restricted Discharge Waters, which will affect a few,newly designated MS4s. . The MPCA recommenqs that you get started developing yout SWPPP; to addre$s each of the six ' minimum measures in the current pennit. Secondly, We also recommend . that you refer to the . MPCA Web site at http://wWw.pca.stilte.mn.us/water/stormwater/stonnwater~ , c.htm1#speciaIwaters to identiJY any Prohibited or Restricted Discharge Waters in ornea! your city, and follow up with the MPCA uyon are in any doubt about a)whether you're affected by these long-standing restrictions or b) how to pniceed. Finally; that you monitor MPCA lUld yoUI' association's communications and other developments concerning the proposed.penDit, so that _ you 'te. aware of changes from the current pennit and can use. informed judgment aboJ,1t when to address those changes. ' . What help can I 'expect from the },,{peA? The MPCA has liririted resources, but within thoseliinits our staff willpr~vide gwdance, . compliance;assistance, workshops, and responses to your individuai questions and re,quests: The' ," MPCA' s Web site and many others contain information, guidance and links, and are updated ' periodically... To be sure, the 1fPCA has responsibility to emorce the Ms4 requirements as with _any Pennltti,ng program, but our overall gqalis to help MS4s and all Minnesotans protect their 'et)vironmentID1d comply with requirements ~ougldnfo~ationi,llid compliance assistance as \vell. I invite your suggestions about how we ~ght help with any of your unmet needs in these areas. ,; ~, :. :";0- . -w.,. r Help the, MPCA help you . The US. EP A is compiling a nationaI..E..maillist serve to provide information and notification of training opportunities to all reg1lIated MS4s in the U.S,' They have requested contact information for the appropriate staff for all regulated MS4s. We wolild'lik:e to avail Y01.1 of this opportunity, and' allow uato occasionally provide similar infozmation to you. In hopes that it is more convenient for you, we request that you .send the, following contact information via E-mail to Michae1.Luke@pca.state:mn.us: . . , · Name · Mail address · E-mail address · Position title 44 Page 4 .j,. If you have any questions, please contact us.Keith Cherryholmes (651) 29q-6945 Keith.qhenyholmes@state.mn.us) or Scott Fox (651) 296-9433 Scott.Fox@>.state.nln.us).' 'We will do our best to assist you. Thank you. . Sincerely . ;j~ ;J 9~ Donald L. Jakes , Supervisor . Stonnwater Policy and Technical Assistance Unit' , , I donaId.iakes@pca.state.nm.us .! . 'DU:th' cc: Dale Thompson Kejth CherryhoImes Scott Fox' " ~ " 'j< 0,5 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 5J. Consideration of a request for Development Stae:e Planned Unit Development for the proposed expansion of the St. Benedict's Senior Community. Applicant: CentraCare/St. Benedict's Senior Community. (NAC) The Planning Commission considered this item at their December 5, 2006 meeting, and recommended approval of the Development Stage PUD. The Commission confirmed that the proposed expansion is consistent with the existing PUD, that the proposed lighting will not be a nuisance to surrounding properties, and that the proposed level of impervious surface does not violate the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant indicated that she has no problem completing the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The St. Benedict's Senior Community has submitted an application for Development Stage PUD approval for the expansion oftheir facility. The proposed expansion includes an addition to the two-story assisted living building and the construction of a chapel. The subject site is located at 511 Territorial Road. The site is zoned PZM, performance mixed use. Comprehensive Plan. Monticello's Comprehensive Plan designates this area for performance zoning of mixed uses. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PZM, Performance Zoned Mixed Use District, which allows for development flexibility and special design control within sensitive areas of the city due to environmental or physical limitations. CUP/PUD. A Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant's responsibility to design the development with significant benefits and communicate those benefits to the City for allowing a CUP/PUD. ANALYSIS The St. Benedict's Senior Community is proposing to amend their PUD to perform a series of renovations and additions to their campus, located at 511 Territorial Road. Proposed construction on the site includes a 2,620 square foot chapel attached to the southeast comer of the existing two-story building, an 18,845 square foot expansion to the two-story assisted living facility surrounding a garden/courtyard, an expanded parking lot and drive area, and additional concrete and gravel walkways. The proposed assisted living building will contain 34 dwelling units, in addition to the 122 existing units in the remainder of the building. The proposed addition is located on the northeast side of the existing structure. The entire building will then surround a landscaped courtyard. The proposed chapel is located in the southeast comer of the existing building. 1+6 Council Agenda: 12/11106 Demolition Plan. The demolition portion of the project will consist of removing sections of concrete sidewalk, removing various sections of fencing, removing a large bituminous drive and parking area, removing curbing, and removing a small number of trees. The City Engineer has review the demo plan, and made the following recommendations: 1. Verify removal quantities. Several appear to be incorrect. 2. Revise storm sewer flow arrows on east side of site. Arrows switch direction midway along sewer Setbacks. Performance requirements for the R-3 District are typically applied to the PZM District. However, the S1. Benedict's campus is en existing PUD with flexible setbacks already in place. The assisted living expansion and chapel addition will connect directly to the existing building. As such, the existing setbacks will be applied. The existing building setback on the south side of the site, adjacent to the proposed chapel, is 15 feet. The chapel setback is consistent with the existing structure. The existing setback from the north property line, adjacent to the proposed assisted living expansion is 40 feet. The proposed expansion is setback approximately 46 feet, consistent with the current setback requirement. A series of existing retaining walls are located outside the 40 foot setback. These walls are legally non-conforming uses, and may be permitted to continue. The proposed gravel path is also located outside the 40-foot setback. However, this pervious path may be allowed in this location as a permitted encroachment. Parking. The parking requirement for senior living facilities is the reservation of area equal to one parking space per unit. Initial development is, however, required of only one-half space per unit, and said number of spaces can continue until such time as the City Council considers a need for additional parking spaces has been demonstrated. As such, the proposed expansion requires 17 stalls, in addition to the 124 existing stalls. Proof of parking for 17 additional stalls is also required. A parking area is proposed to be removed from the north side of the site, and replacement of these stalls shall be required. The applicant is proposing to add 36 stalls to the existing lot in the southwest corner of the site, as well as proof of parking for 35 additional stalls added to the north side of the three-story assisted living building, to serve future parking needs. With the expansion, 156 dwelling units will be present on the site, requiring 78 parking stalls. The proposed number of total parking stalls for the site is 141, through a combination of open and underground parking. As such, the minimum requirement is satisfied. A total of36 parking stalls will be added to the existing parking lot. The parking stalls provided exceed the minimum requirement for the senior living facility. However, they will be necessary to accommodate employee parking and serve the increased number of guests that may result from the additional units. 2 47 Council Agenda: 12111/06 Landscaping. Institutional sites are required to provide a minimum of one tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater. The subject site perimeter is approximately 2,520 feet, requiring 51 overstory trees. As part of the demolition plan, the applicant is proposing to remove the following plant materials: . 2 6-inch Blue Spruce . 5-inch Silver Maple . 2 4-inch Silver Maple . 5-inch Ash . 4-inch Ash . Green Spruce . Landscaping along the southwest side of the Assisted Living building and in the southwest comer of the removed driveway. The landscape indicates that all trees removed will be replaced with 32 deciduous trees, 7 evergreen trees, and 70 shrubs. All other vegetation, unless listed above, will remain on the site. Landscaping is proposed around the foundations of the assisted living facility addition, the chapel, and the potential future monument sign. The majority of the proposed overstory trees will be located around the perimeter ofthe parking lot. All existing sod disturbed by the project will be replaced with new sod. The combination of existing and proposed landscaping satisfies the minimum requirement for the district. Access. Access to the site will remain off the private drive extending from ih Street, through the Saint Henry's Catholic Church property. All drive lanes throughout the site are proposed at a minimum of25 feet, wide enough to accommodate two lanes oftraffic. No major changes are proposed to the circulation pattern. Staff is concerned with the width of the fire access road that circulates around the south and west sides of the assisted living facility. The proposed access road is approximately 11 feet wide. A fire lane is generally required to be 20 feet in width. Approval of this access lane is subject to all recommendations for the Fire Marshall. Pedestrian access will be accommodated by a series of concrete sidewalks and bituminous and gravel paths. A portion of existing sidewalk and gravel path will be removed to allow for the installation of the fire access lane. New sidewalk is proposed to extend from the expanded portion of the parking lot to the entrance of the three-story building. Another new sidewalk is proposed at the entrance to the chapel, with a new gravel path proposed on the north side of the site. A seven foot path is shown on the north side of the site, but the proposed material for this path is not noted. The applicant shall revise the plans to include information on the materials for this section. Signage. The applicant is in the process of determining a feasible location for a monument sign. Currently, a monument sign is shown at the entrance to the site, on the Saint Henry's property. However, the applicant has not provided written permission from the landowner. As such, any proposed signage will be processed as a separate application. 3 48 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 Lighting. A lighting plan has been submitted for the site, indicating full cutoff lighting mounted on 15-20 foot poles, with "shoebox" style fixtures throughout the parking areas and bollard lighting dispersed throughout the site. The photometric plan for the site indicates footcandle readings in the southwest corner, adjacent to the sidewalk that extends on to the St. Henry's property, at up to 8 footcandles. The applicant has indicated that the footcandle readings in this area are due to existing conditions on the site. Due to the construction of a fire lane, several three foot bollard lights will be relocated to the south to light an existing pathway. Relocating the bollard lighting wiII not increase the luminance of the area and wiII not adversely impact the adjacent property, due to the height of the poles. As such, the lighting is acceptable as proposed. Building Design. The applicant submitted building elevations, indicating that building materials of all proposed structures will match those of the existing buildings, as well as a written statement indicating that all colors will also match the existing. The exterior finish of all buildings will be stucco with masonry accents, to match the existing. The proposed asphalt roof will also be constructed to match the existing. The chapel is proposed at a height of 25 feet, and the assisted living expansion is proposed at a height of 30 feet. Grading and Drainage. The City Engineer has reviewed the Grading and Drainage plan, and made the following recommendations: 1. Drainage computations must be provided to the City for review. 2. Stormwater runoff is not being treated prior to discharging to the School Pond north of Burlington Northern Railroad. 3. Access must be granted for the storm sewer work required on Saint Henry's property. 4. The longitudinal grade of the trail on the north side ofthe site approaches 5.75% in one area which could be an issue for some users of the trail at this facility. 5. The top and bottom elevations of the retaining wall need to be identified in the plans. In addition, walls greater than 4 feet in height shaIl be designed and certified by a licensed professional engineer. 6. Use erosion control blanket on the slope on the north side of site. Utilities. The City Engineer has also reviewed the Utility Plan, and made the following recommendations: 1. Another fire hydrant may be required for the north side of the existing building. City staffwilI consult with the Fire Marshall about this issue. 2. Provide 8 inch watermain for the fire hydrant lead on the west edge ofthe site. 3. All watermain bends and fittings require thrust blocking per City Standard Plate 2002. 4. Label the plans at specific locations requiring insulation by referencing notes # 2 and # 4. 5. All sanitary sewer construction shall be mandrel tested, air tested and inspected with closed circuit TV per City of Monticello specifications. 6. Show the existing sanitary sewer along the easterly edge ofthe site. 4 49 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 B. AL TERA TIVE ACTIONS Regarding the request for Development Stage Planned Unit Development approval for St. Benedict's, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development, based on a finding that the proposed uses are consistent with the intent of the original PUD, and the R-3 District, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Planned Unit Development, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the existing PUD and/or the intent ofthe R-3 District. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed expansion of the St. Benedict's Senior Community is consistent with the existing PUD. The chapel and assisted living expansions are compatible with the existing uses, and can be supported by the site. All proposed alterations are consistent with the requirements of the PZM/R-3 District, and the Comprehensive Plan. Through the expansion process, the applicant is also proposing to make a number of improvements to the site. Additional parking stalls are proposed, a fire lane is to be installed, and new landscaping will be installed in affected areas. The addition of 34 assisted living units will satisfy a portion of the demand for such facilities in the area. As such, staff recommends approval of the Development Stage PUD, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. D. Supportine: Data: Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Exhibit J Exhibit K Exhibit Z Site Plan Demolition Plan Grading and Drainage Plan Utility Plan Detail Plan Landscape Plan Photometric Plan Overall Floor Plan Architectural Site Plan Elevations City Engineer's Memo dated 11/22/2206 Conditions of Approval 5 50 / ""0 I 1\ 1\ lj L r----- ~g~ ~ ~ ~ $0> !~~ ~ ~~~ ~{~ ~ ~ ; ,;!I ~ ~ : i ~ ~~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ I , 10 \ \ lij~ ~" ':11;1 1~':1 ~ ~ \ \ L "1* <, ?jfi '0 0" ( \ ~'l \ I"~. c' \ , \ I \ \ \ ~\ ~\ / \ / . I '" \1 ! I / , i I fl' /i 0- "'pi JI "- ~~~'I d 11~~ l ~ !~~ i 'I' ~ ~.~;." 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'. .~ . , ;~_:;;;;;l ;;:;;\' q '.;r..,~ ~ ;: ~ ">:"1: ;! ( " '- ,,', .;; ;,:\ :" ~}~~: \-, \\ . "I; , 'i' :~~'\ ~ , \~, :< ,i, , , " ;1 ;; ;; ;; , ; , , ;; , , , ~ ; , , , , ;; ~ ; ;; ;; , , , , :< , , , ;. , , , , ;; ;:: ;. ;; , ;; ;; ;; p ~ ~;; ~ , ;; , ;; ) ;; ;; ;; ;; , ;; , ;; , ;I ;I , ;; ;; , , , , r , , ;; ;I ;; Ii' ;I , , , ;I ;I ;I ;I , , , , ;; ;; , , , , ;I , ;I " ;; , " '/ ;I ;; / , 0' , , " ;;,' il , ;; ;i ;; ;; ;; p . , p " '''I./THDN/A I./GHT7NG" - FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE Ideal for use in car lots, street lighting or parking areas, CONSTRUCTION Rugged, .063" thick, aluminum rectilinear housing. Continuously seam welded for weather-tight seal and integrity. Naturally anodized, extruded, aluminum door frame with mitered corners is retained with (two) .188" diameter hinge pins and secured with {onel quar- ter-turn, quick release fastene'r. Weatherproof seal between housing and door frame is accomplished with an integrally designed, extruded silicone gasket that snaps into door frame. FINISH Standard finish is dark bronze (DDBI polyester powder. Other powder ar- chitectural colors available. OPTICAL SYSTEM Reflectors are anodized and segmented for superior uniformity and CUIl- trol, .'Nhich ~lIoV\l~; the flexibility to mix distributions without compromi'iing t!18 overall li'Jhting job. Rell~1C!ors attach with tool-less f;lstellers anti "".l ''It:. '. <1hl(~ ~nd intcr!:!1~H~qf.~0hle,Thl,H~ clltoff dj:=Jtriblltions fl\J~~jL:hl~~: Tvnr~ !I (KuudwJyl, Type Iii iAs'y:nmwICI. rypo IV IFurw,"tI Thruw, SI"lfp c"..Ji:1. Lons Ie .120" thick, imiHlct-rosis18nt, tempered, (jlm;s with thcr:Tlililh'Pplicd, silk screenatl power door shield. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM High reactance, high power factor ballast. Ballast is copper wound and 100% factory tested. Porcelain, horizontally-oriented, mogul-base socket with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. UL listed 1500W-600V, 4KV pulse rated. INSTAllATION Extruded, 4" aluminum arm for pole or wall mounting is shipped in fixture carton. Optional mountings available. LISTING Listed and labeled to UL standards. Listed and labeled to CSA standards (see Optionsl. NOM Certified Isee Options). Catalog Number ST BENEDICrS, MONTICELLO, MN rype AA Notes Specifications EPA: 1.5 ft.2 (.14m2) (includes arm) Length: 21-1/4 (54) Width: 15-15/32 (39.31 Depth: 7-1/4 (18.4) Weight 35 Ibs 115.9kg) Arm: 4 (10.21 Area lighting KSF1 METAL HALIDE HIGH PRESSURESODIUM 70W - 250W 15' to 20' Mounting . i 1~1- L jJ I All dimensions are inr;hes (centimeters) unless otherwi~e specified. Mountino Ootion Orillino Temolate' $Pxx.RPxx,OA12P WBxx.OAl2WB WNxx ORDERING INFORMATION Choose the boldface catalog nomenclature that best suits your needs and write it on the appropriate line. Order accessories as SBparate catalog number. KSFl 175 ~ KSFl ~ 120 208' 240' m 347 480' TB' Mounting' SP04 Square pole (4' arm) (standard)' SP09 Square pole (S- arm) RP04 Round pole 14- arm I' RPOS Round pole (9" arml WW04 Wood pole or wall 14" arm)' WN09 Wood pole or wall 19" arml Wll04 Wall bracket (4" arm) Wll09 Wall bracket (9" arm) UARM When ordering KMA, DAl2 Ootional Mounrino (shipped separatelyl DA12P Degree arm (pole I DAI2WB Degree arm (walll I<MA Mast arm adapte, KTMB Twin mounting bar Metal halide ltD\.1 1 !D'VI 175M 2lXN 2SlN Hiah oressure ~ 70S l00S 150S 200S Distribution R2 IES Type II roadway Itl IES Type III asymmetric R4SC IES Type IV forward throw, sharp cutoff NOTES: 1 Consult factory for availability in Canada. 2 Optional multi-tap ballast (120, 208.240, 277V1. (120, 277, 347V in Canadal. JUs. SP09, AP09 or WW09 when two or mare luminair.s are oriented an a 90. drilling pattern. Must specify voltage INIA TSI Lamp not included. Additional architectural colors available; see Architeclural Colors brochure. For arm mounting. SB@ technical data section in Outdoor binder for drilling [emplate. OUTDOOR Example: KSF1150S R3120 SP04 SF lPI I I Options ShiDoed installed in fixture SF Singla fuse' IF Double fuse' PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle only Ino photocontroll QRS Quartz restrike system (75W maxI' ORSTll QRS time d eley 175W maxi' EC Emergency circuit' CR Enhenced corrosion resistance CSA Listed and labeled to comply with Canadian Standards ~ NOM Certified (consult factoryl Shinned seoaratelv PEl NEMA twist.lock PE 1120, 208, 240VI PEJ NEMA twist-lock PE 1347V) PE4 NEMA twist-lock PE (480VI PE7 NEMA twist-lock PE (277V) SC Shorting cap for PER option KSF1HS House side shield (R2,R3) KSF1VG Vandal guard Architectural colors (powder finish)' l7Mf White OBL Black troll Medium bronu DNA Natural aluminum DSS Sendstone llGC Charcoal gray IJTG Tennis green OBR Bright red llSB Steel blue I~ LPI Lamp included Istandard) ULP Less lamp Tenon 0.0. 2-3/8" 2.7/8" 4" Two@180. T20-280 T25-211O T35--21lO ACC8SSoti~.: T~non Mounring Slipfirtet (Order separately) Number of fixtures Two@90" Th'ee@120. T2ll-200 T20-l21J 1'25-290 1'25-320 135--290 T35--320 Four@90.3 T2G-490 11S-490 T3S-490 AL-31O One 120-190 T25-190 T35-190 Sheet #: KSF1-M"S Three@90.3 T20-39O 125-390 T3S-J90 5 J \;X\-., bl+ c; KSF1 Arm-Mounted Rectilinear Cutoff Lighting Coeffici ent of Utilization Initial Footcandles KSFl 250M R2 COEFFiCiENT OF IITILllAnON ,) Test No. TEST NO_1194090701 KSFl 250M R3 -, t:.,OW 1..:1::1,11 H;ilid!; li.III~, 20000 mlutl lum,ns. faotcandl, values b'sed on 35' IIIQllllling height, Dislributlon II , cul,ff_ '&2 COEFFiCiENT OF UTIUZATION J 4 Test No. TEST NO, 1194080302 KSFl 250M R4SC .12 I I ~ ~ "" 2 l'> '" !E ) " ;! u 4 ~ " iSQ'I! r\~bli:d iUI~Ji: :.~I!IP, ;'O]JO f<;;k.: IlIlIIen$. Footcal1,lIe values based on 35' mDunting hfJighl, ni~trihuti(Jlll11 ,cuIIJ:l. KSFl 150S R2 Test No. TEST NO. 1194090802 COEFFICIENT OF UTIUlAnON J jl o 1 1 \ l50W Metal Halide lamp, 20000 rated lumens. footcandle values based on 35' mounting height. Distribution II , ,utoff. '" '" ~ '" I ; '" 1 :l; ~ z w 4 ~ " KSF1150S R3 TeslNo. TEST NO. 1194081603 COEFFICIENT OF UlIUlATION .1 .1 .J .1 , i '" 1 ; '" 1 :l; i ] ~ ~ is 1 3 5 150W Metal Halid.lamp, 16000 rated lumens. Footcandl. values based on 35' mounting height ~istribution III, cutoff. NOTES; 1 For electrical charactaristics. consult technical data tab_ 2 Tested to current IES and NEMA standards under stabili,ed laboratory conditions. Various operaling tactors can cause differences between laboratory and actual field measurements. Dimensions and spedficatlons arB based on the most current available data and are subject to change. Photometric data for other distributions can be accossed from www.Jithonia.com. '" ~ '" z >= ~ '" Z :3 ., J ~ 4 I Test No. TEST NO. 1194080901 _0 COITAClENT Of IITIUlAnON .1 .z J .1 ;;;:;;:;: ~ '}~ ~ 1/ '" - V 1\ ~ fi1 '" I Z ~ :Ii 1 :3 i 3 => S!; 4 ~ <; 2-5 1 ,5 _25 o I 2 3 4 ~'~.y,,'/ ~:kul H~iid(; :J:;\~. 2[JQOQ (::!ted IUlllen,_ F"lcandl, values based on 35' 11lolwllllg Ileight. O:~tr:blltion IV , ~h3rp cutoff. KSF1150S'R4SC Test No. TEST NO. 1194081502 COEfFlC1EMT Of UnuZATlON , 2 _0 .1 .2 .J :;;;;: -;.... \ J / 1"\ - V 2.5 ~ fi1 Ii! 1 ~ '" ,5 _25 '" ~ '" l:! ~ ~ ;; o I 2 J 5 150W Metal Halide lamp. 16000 rated lumens. Footcand" valuls based en 35' mountinr hei(lIt Distribution IV ,sharp cutoft Mounting Height Correction Factor {Multiply the Ie level by tha correction lactorl 15 ft.. 5.4 30 ft.. 1.36 40 ft.' .77 e.isting Mounting Height' New Mounting Height' Correction Factor - ,~ L/THDN/A L/GHT/NG@ An ~cuityBrands Company Sheet #: KSF1-M-S @2000 Acuity lighting Group. Inc_. Rev_ 6/06 Lithonia Lighting Outdoor Lighting One Lithonia Way. ConyelS. GA 30012-3957 Phone: 770.922.9000 Fax: 770.918.1209 wvvw.lithoni._com .5] ~~\..~b~+ Co ,~ LITHDN/A L/GHTING~ - FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE Ideal for use in car lots, street lighting or parking areas. CONSTRUCTION Rugged, .063" thick, aluminum rectilinear housing. Continuously seam- welded for weather-tight seal and integrity. Naturally anodized, extruded, aluminum door frame with mitered corners is retained with (two) .188" diameter hinge pins and secured with (onel quarter-turn, quick-release fastener. Weatherproof seal between housing and door frame is accomplished with an integrally designed, extruded silicone gasket that snaps into door frame. FINISH Standard finish is dark bronze (OOB) polyester powder. Other powder architectural colors available. OPTICAL SYSTEM Reflectors are anodized and segmented for sLlperior uniformity and control, which ~lIows the flexibility to mix distrihLlt"",s withl)u: compronllsino the overall lighting joh. Reflectors attach with tcol-les, f,,';leners ami (ire ((')r:'It~1h[~ f.mrl inT(HCh::lWIPubln. Five cutoff" ~.!i.,~tr-ihl.!rin~~~' ',1\",::~~:\,~1~): "",,","1 !l iro,dwayl, Type III (usyrnrnetricl. Type IV (forward tinuw, ';)"'i) ,-,;!,,,iIL Typo IV (wide, forward throwl and Type V (:;'1,,;)11) ~"imn'{)tri[;"I!. Lens ,- .125" thick, impact,resistant, tempered. glass with thermally applied, silk screened shield. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Constant-wattage autotransformer is 100% capper-wound and factory, tested. Super CWA Pulse Start ballast required for 320W and 350W Imust order SCWA aptian). Porcelain, horizontally oriented, mogul-base socket with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and centor contact UL listed 150QW- 600V. INSTALLATION Extruded, 4" aluminum arm for pole or wall mounting is shipped in fixture carton. Optional mountings available. LISTING UL listed for wet locations. Listed and labeled to comply with Canadian Standards (see Ootions). NOM Certified Isee Ootions). ORDERING INFORMATION Choose the boldface cetalog nomenclature that bast suits your needs and write it o~st~e aPP~ffate line. Ordar accessories es separete catalog number. R I vou1age I Mo~nting' KSFZ 120 SP04 Square pole 14" arml 2Oll' Istendard)' 24Ql SP09 Square pole (S" arml Z17 1If'04 Round pole 14" arm)' 341 RP09 Round pole (9" arml 480' WW04 Wood pole or waif (4' TB' arml' WW09 Wood pole or waif 19" arm) WB04 Waif bracket 14" arm} WB09 Waif bracket (9" arml l/ARM When ordering KMA, DA12 Dotional mountino (shipped separately) DAt2P Degree arm Ipolel DAt2WB Degree arm Iwall) KMA Mast arm adapter KTMB Twin mounting bar Metal halide 29l\Il 320M 350M m.1 Hiah oressure ~ 200S 2SOS 400S Distribution IES Type II roadway IES Type III asymmetric IES Type IV forward throw, sharp cutoff R4W IES Type IV wide, forward throw NOTES: R5S IES Type V square Use ED28 reduced iacket lamp. Consult factory for availability in Caneda. Dplional multi-lep ballaSl!120, 208, 240, 217V; 120, 277. 347V in Canadal. SP09, RP09. or INW09 must be used when two or more luminaires are oriented on a 906 drilling pattern. Must spa cily lIoltage. N/A TB. Lamp nOt included. Additional architectural colors allailable. See brochure, Form No.794.3. Aefer to technical data section in Outdoor binder lor drillinq temalate. R2 R3 R4SC OUTDOOR Catalog Number ST. BENEDICrS. MONTICELLO, MN Type BB Notes Specifications EPA: 2.0 ft.2 (,28m2) (includes arm) Length: 24-19/32 (62.5) Width: 17-25132 (45.21 Depth: 8-5/16 (21.11 Weight: 52 Ibs (23.6kgl Arm; 4 (10.2) \ 1 -Arm~ Area lighting KSF2 METAL HALIDE HIG H PRESSURE SODIUM 200W - 400W 15' to 25' Mounting ------L L All dimensions are inches !centimeters) unless otherwise specified. Mmrntina Oction SPxx, RPxx, OA 12P WBxx,DA12WB \NWxx Orillinn Temolate' 5 6 7 Example: KSF2 400M R3 120 SP04 SF LPI II Options Shinned lnstallAd in fixture SF Single fuse' IF Double fus,e' PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle only (no photocontroil QRS (luartz restrike system 175W maxi' WlS (lRS time delay 175W maxi' EC Emergency circuit' en Corrosion.resistant finish CSA Listed and labeled to comply with Canadian Standards NOOl NOM Certified SONA Super CWA Pulse Start Ballast Shioop.n senaratelv NEMA twist-lack PE 1120, 20B. 240V) NEMA twist-lock PE 1347V1 NEMA twist-lack PE !4BOVI NEMA twist"lock PE I277V) Shorting cap for PER option House side shield IA2,A3) Vandal guard PEt PE3 PE4 PE7 SC KSFZHS KSf2VG Architer.tllfi'J1 colors Ipowder finish I' llWH White DBl Black lJ',tl Medium bronze DNA Natural aluminum DSS Sandstone DGC Charcoal gmy DTG Tennis green DIlR Bright red DSll Steel blue I I lamp lPI Lamp included Istandard) lJlP Less lamp Tenon 0.0. 2.3/B- 2-m: 4" One T2o-t90 T25,190 135-190 Accessories: Tenon Mounting S/ipflrter (Order separately! Number offixtures Two@lBO' Two@90'1 Three@120' T20-280 T20-200 T20-320 T25-280 T2!).200 T25-320 T35-280 13!)'200 U!).320 Three@SO" T20-390 '125-390 13!}.390 Fo u rOO0.1 T2ll-49O T25-490 T35-490 Sheet #: KSF2-M-S AL-330 S J~""~'+ G KSF2 Arm-Mounted Rectilinear Cutoff Lighting Coefficient of Utilization Initial Footcandles SF2 400M R2 Test No. 1193031801 KSF2 400M R3 T"I No. TEST NO. 1t90100101 KSF2 400M R4SC T"INo.1193041301 KSF2 400M R4W Test No. LTl8509 COEFRctEN'or unUlA1lON CO[lFlCl[ljlofU11U/.l~ CDHAClENT or lfflUU.nON CO!ff\C~NT Of lJT1UZ11nON .. . . .. I , ) , 1 , ., . " -::; ~ '\ I .:;;. .X '\ , II :::: =".>( I I I <;- 1 Ii' '2 :"- ~ ? :\- '" '" ~ ~ ~ - .. ,/ '!! 5 0 , , j ''-..j . II , '" ~ ~ ~ ~ \ \ ,.,.....,. ---7- ? .. 2.~ ='- ~ " "'(. ~ >' , \l I I ~ , ! I 1 5 ,5 :::::::: V j '\ I .,--;: ~ Vi " ~ ) N Ii! ( /' :>; .:::5 l5 .1 l " .25 l ,., 2,11 , , ~ ;'- /" / \ ,r V \ '" (I.l/ '" .,- ~ / !i ) !I ! !I ) ." J '" ~ ~ 0.,-- Ii V ~ ~ i i 0.1__ . ~ . . . 5 . I I , , s , . I , , . , , . I I , . , . , I , , . , , 400WMel.al l-latidl!lamp, 32000rat.d .oow MetalHalidillamp,l2DO{]tal!!d 400W Metal Halide tilmp, 32000 tallld 400W Met.1 H~lde lamp, rat.d IlIm~Fl5. Foob:;andItlYalu~sbasedon 35' Il,llfteM.Faol(;i1ndtevalulIsbil5I1dDn3S' lumens.fOQleamile valu&.1i, ba~l!IdllI'l35. lumens, Footcandle values based on 35' moun-ine ~ltiJ!nt. Dislributionll. ~utoff, mounting h~ight, Di~lfib\Jh(ln III, cutDII. 1\1(lIIt\N\l'hej~ht. Di~lribuljonN,SI1:,rvclltr;lff. mmmtlng heloht, Distrlbutloh wIde, lorw(!rn thrnw ~'-~.,-_. .,"-~".~ I _ '_',..m"".',"~"_'''''''''n~_~ IKSF2 400M R5S l"tNo.llgJOI1801 KSF2 400S R2 les1No.11930mOI i\$fL 4UUS I{l I,,, No. IEsr NO.11940~IOl 1\$F2 400S R4Se lest No lID30<l2201 i '..-i11 ; 1(11 'I: ~ I ~ IJ, II i;;: , I~!; 1.\'IJII~ll :Jf )f I.J! 1\ I/I.I:(,'! I: ~,' ~: I':' '; . '." Illi"If ~: I ; I! U II: Ii .~, I') ~ J c , , , , \ " , I , , , \ , , 'I , " '['_' , 1'1 -- ~\ yi ,.....-" ,\" / \( ,.- -\.- . \ , " ~."\. I I 5"*' 1\ \ \ 2 t>: ><.:;: to \ ~ <>: ~ ,,\ , S Is.~ . ~ , . "~N \ ~ N I ) ,.:~ :}-- ~ J ,:~ ~ \.\ 2.5 I i .'i'---'" I ~ I ; ",. .J I) N I i!l ,- / r"\ :::::- Vi 1\ ;!; 'r ::.::- :J~ 'f-, ;!; if if ,/ if I ." I , , l " 5V ::: )\ i'l i'l .2.~ ;e; .,- / / \ ~ 0.1-" ~ ~ 0.1 '!i ;!; , , , ." , ." \ ~ Ii 0; /' .. I ~ I 0,)- i \ . . . \ . ... .. , I , , . , i , I I , . , i . I I ! . , i , I I , , s , 400w t.'Mal HalKM lamp, 32000 ratfld 40UW High PJil551,lf\l SCHjium liJRll', ~OOOO ral~ 40nWHigtlPl1lssullISodiumlilffill. ralltd 4noW filth Prll~~ure Sodium lamp. 50000 rated IUm8flli.rDlltGlIildle~alunbastdOfl35' IlJfnlns.FlII;Ib;:andle~111II5bB!l~llnJ5' lUm!M. FOlllc.ilndI"VBhJIS bll$edoh 35' IUlIliM.FMlltandlevallJilsbasedonJ$' 1M1Inhnrheighl. DislJibulionV. cutoff. tnOootinrhlllKf'Jt. Di.!itributionll,tutotf. mtIllntinrlltigtlI.Di!lributionlll,clltoff. mountinc Nicht. Dislr:ibutil)n N , !;iharp rutntt KSF2 400S R4W Test No. lTL8506 KSF2 400S R5S ""tNo.1l9JOSI704 coEtflClENloF~1lON COEFFIClEHTOFUTlUlATION . , , .e , , --., ~' ~' '- ~ 'y \ I :).A \ I /' ~ \' ~ , ~ , . ~ ....... r-.J.. I) !!! ,.,J'i is' I is' , I !O f' / I .. ,.5 ./ ) r H !il ,,,.,- / Ii! J) 1\ , ill '\ I i I- ~ .. / "" , 1.0 :::.-/ l "' ~'/ '" 0.5 __ V i i ,~5 . . 0.1- 0 , , , . I i . I I J . S . 400w High Pt1l~$lIt11 Sltdiurn lllm~, 50000 l'llted 40QW HiitJ prml.lr" Sodium lamp, 50000 ratlld IUtlllIl5.Footeandlivalllll.$ba!idnnlO" IUmll:fl5,FQot~1I1ld1"nluesbiilS~lJil35. mounliilg l'I&icht. Ol!tribution N widll,If(lw~rllli'II'OY;. rnountinKheiwht,lli$tributionV.cull/I" NOTES: For electrical characteristics., consult technical data tab. Tested to current IES and NEMA standards under stabili/ed laboratory conditions. Various operating factors can cause differences between laboratory and .ctual field measurements. Dimensions and specifications are based on the most current avail- able data and are subject 10 change. Photometric data for other distributions can be accessed from www.lithonja.com. Mounting Height Correction Factor (Multiply the Ie level by the correction factorl 15 ft." 5.4 30 ft., 1.36 40 fl.. .77 2 ( existing Mounting Height )_ Correction factor New Mounting Height ,~ L/THDN/A L/GHT/NG@ - Lithonia Lighting Outdoor Lighting One lithonia Way, Conyers, GA 30012.3957 Phone: 770-922-9000 Fax; 770.918-1209 www.lithonia.com An C--<AcuityBrands Company Sheet #: KSF2-M-S @2000 Acuity Lignling Group, Inc, R.v. 6/06 s '~J~ \;.. '(. ~~ \. ,\ C; RECTANGULAR HID WALL MOUNT PROJECTION CUTOFF ~ / Mounting / Hole Line r 10" (254 mm)L x 6" (152 mm)W ~ Seeling ~ /' r-- Fixture Gasket ltl / / Mounting 0.25" (6 mm) - - Bar Housing ~ ' Finish color: "'" '" Ignitor bronze 1 2.3" (57 mm) * Ballast I Reflector - ~ 4.2" (107 mm) ~~~~!:d~--:J -- --/' Acrylic Lens NOTE: * For all MH SPEC # ~:.m:G WATTAGE CATALOG # METAL HALIDE o -iPE~W~hi.'''''''50WMH-E4405=(a)(br D __SI'I'C # 'vI{i!!!Jlowniight _ 70W MH E4407-(a)(bl .. HIGH PRESS.URESoiliuNI.------ D SPECtl~" .... 35W firs E4503-(a)(b) D-S-PEC-ii' . Any-----. ...'".5OWHP-S-~E4505-(aliiij..- D SPilG#- Wall Dow~light lOW HPS E4SCW=(i)jh)' Specily (a) Vo~age & (b) Options. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Aluminum die-cast ballast housing features a thermal air isolation chamber separating the ballast core and coil from the other electrical components. Supplied with a neoprene sealing gasket for complete weatherproofing at the mounting surface. A silicone rubber seal is furnished between housing and lens to ensure a water- and insect-tight seal. Steel fixture mounting bar and threaded nipple provided for direct mounting to recessed iunction box. Clear acryliC lens is fastened to housing with phillips- head captive stainless-steel screws. Combina- tion of internal polished aluminum shroud and semi-specular reflector directs light out and away from fixture. __l__ : ;_1':-- Photocell :--li (Optional) L Nipple with _ . Slotted Hex lj . .._. ~~~~~~~'" ---.....--------- Aluminum Shroud .---l....---'"~ .", I It SIDE VIEW (a) VOLTAGE SUFFIX KEY .~; ;",~~I'I', ~__.._..~f.QI~~!~tandar.~.:..~g_- 70W MH)_________ T 120/277/347V (Canada Only) . _____gg.,.,,_~.!:I;.?9_~.HPSL."._.._______~___......____'" 1 120V (Standard: 35 - 70W HPS) ~-"-~?77~~(~~::?~IJ;I~f~)-_==~:.=:= ~____2g8V ~..~'!':-'_~~L___..___._ ~ 240V.J.35 - 70W HPS) ~___........__~~_T~_(.C.~~.ada O~~~tEO~_~~t......_..___..____. For vollag. availability outside tn. us and Canada, see Bulletin TO.9 or con1aC1 your Ruud Lighting authorized Internationa' Distributor. ELECTRICAL Fixture includes clear, medium-base lamp and porcelain enclosed, 4kHated screw-shell-type lampholder with spring-loaded center contact. Lamp ignitor included where required. All ballast assemblies are normal power factor and use the following circuit types: Reactor (120V) 35 - lOW HPS Reactor/Transformer (208, 240, 277V) 35 - 70W HPS HX - High Reactance 50 - lOW MH; lOW HPS (347V) LABELS ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, visible during relamping, UL Listed in the US and C.anada for wet locations and enclosure classified IP54 per IEC 529 and IEC 598. www.ruudlighting.com PHONE (262) 886-1900 @ Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA 0;~ )i.eS ~~~~ BS Bronze Color Shroud ~GOidCOiOrShrOud.----..--------- . H Hi9!1Y~IJ;I~r,_Fact~_~~!!~~t_...'"_____ -!....__ Tamp~~proof len~".~sten~~~_...------- :!!~__..~_hotocel~.___.__~_."___________.. .. V Polycarbonate Lens ~.__.".~,.,'~-_..,-_.~..~."'-----"".__.._- Specily ta) Single Voltage - See Voltage Su1lix Key FINISH Exclusive DeltaGuard'" finish features an E-coat epoxy primer with medium bronze acryliC powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. The finish is covered by our seven- year limited warranty. ACCESSORIES ESB.7 Surface Mounting Box ~AS. i:~-~~_I<ii.iij0ounii69]~i~~~=___.. .... ..n_____ ....... .... TPS-1 Tamperproof Screwd~iver ...._______.- '" FAX (262) 884.3309 12111/03 RUUD LIGHTING s~ - ~x ~ .\,~'\ \- G, E4-H SERIES RECTANGULAR HID WALL MOUNT PROJECTION CUTOFF Isofootcandle plots show initial footcandles at grade_ (Footcandles -;- 0_0929 = Lux) ... .-.--..-..-...-.-..-.--......- "'-'---"---"--~-""'l ....-.---.---..----. .--.------. ...-- ANGLE MEAN CP ANGLE MEAN CP 0.0 933 57.5 2522 5.0 875 60.0 2391 10.0 895 62.5 2387 15.0 932 65.0 2842 67.5 2638 20.0 1182 70.0 2297 25.0 1267 72.5 1407 30.0 1301 75.0 637 35.0 1230 77.5 343 40.0 1667 80.0 183 45.0 2141 82.5 125 50.0 2747 85.0 95 52.5 2654 87.5 76 55.0 2G53 90.0 63 M"iimUill C"ndlepower: 2554 Plane of Maximum CP: 00 Vertical Angle of Maximum Candlepower: 650 Lumen Rating: 6400 Side View Lighting Sciences Inc. Certified Test Report No. LSI 2696 Candlepower distribution curve 01 70W HPS Rectangular Projection Cutofl Fixture. EFFICIENCY = 60.1% J::. "" '.. :t "" .5 c:: :;l o ::; o -2l '2' :l .!: '" o <: 1!l VI is - _m 1 ~ I : V 2 2 ;r zf:f[j: : ."- 3 '7 . /," ; I .! -. , , c-- . 4 . . MOUNTING HEIGHT CONVERSION TABLE Footcandle readings lor mounting heights other than 10' (3 m) may be obtained by mulllplying Ic values by the lollowing: HEIGHT , MULTIPLIER --.--t--~~,--~.-~------._" I ! 2.04 1.56 1_23 0.69 0.44 0.25 , .' ..._...,.;.._--_..._--_._-~. ",...._.,.,-_._--~' .,.".....--.-----.-..."... 7.0' (2.1 m) 8.0' (2.4 m) 9.0' (2.7 m) 12.0' (3.7 m) 15_0' (4.6 m) 20.0' (6.1 m) o 2 3 4 5 LAMP WATTAGE CONVERSION TABLE Footcandle readings lor wallages and lamp types other than 70W HPS may be obtained by mulllplylng Ic values by the following: Distance In Units Of Mounting Height LAM P/WATTAGE MULTIPLIER Isolootcandle plot 01 70W HPS Rectangular Projection Cuton IIxture at10' (3 m) mounting height. (Plan view) SOW MH 70W MH 35W HPS SOW HPS 0.48 0.79 0.35 0.63 RUUD v LIGHTING 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE (262) 886-1900 I www_ruudlighting.com I FAX (262) 884-3309 @ Ruud Lighting inc. Printed in USA 12/11/03 ~ ] - h'ol ~ , ""' ,.J.. G L- (~'X;\'YT\N(r 0\- NSIW CLEAR LENS - EXTENDED FLAT TOP ROUND BOLLARD Extended Top ~ Die-Q:ast aluminum - Finish color: bronze Specular Upper Reflector . Die-Gut Aluminum Lens Retaining Ring With double silicone gasket Finish color; bronze Lampholder Ignitor (Where required) Capacitor - Housing E:drudad aluminum Finish color: bronze r"" 6.9" (225 mmH Clear Polycarbonate Lens / Main Collector Reflector Lamp (Included) 39" (991 mol) - Ballast Epoxy Coated Steel Frame /-BasePlate Ole-cast 9 ""_"m Galvanized Steel Anchor Bolts , / 3/8"-16 x6" (152 mol) +1.3" (32 mol) Conduit Entry SPEC # WATTAGE CATALOG # METAL HALIDE D ~- 50W MH ---Hi:"F'405~{aj(bi'''''- D SPEC # 70W MH. ... HCF407-(a)(b) D_.~~!'~ ~_=~~~Q~-::MH----'--HCF41-O::'(aj{iii HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM D ____._.____._''___''___________.__________.n.''__ ..--.-- ---- ."" .... ----,." ...--. SPEC /I 35W HP~__._.HCF50~:(a}~ D SPEC #_._____5.~_~?_Sf1.~F~q_5j<l.gbt D SPEC # _____.?9_V/_~~~_.____HCF~?:!!)QL___ D SPEC #____~~Q~_~~~_._____.~CF~1Q:(a)(~} FLUORESCENT o SPEC # 13W FLHCF21'3.(aUiij"" Specify la) Vonage I'. (bl Options. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Extruded aluminum housing supplied internally with a formed and channeled 16 gauge steel frame supports the electrical cornponents and main reflector. Housing fastens to a die-cast aluminurn base with four 1/4"-20 phillips flat head screws. Base is secured to concrete footing using provided masonite template and three 3/8'.16 x 6' (152 mm) galvanized steel anchor bolts with leveling nuts and washers. Suggested poured base: 2' (610 mm) deep x 12' (305 mm) dia., depending on soil types and frost line in your area. A 3" (76 mm) dia. conduit openirig is provided in the base for ease of wiring. Injection molded clear polycarbonate lens with specular collecting reflector attaches to the top of the housing with an over-lapping die-cast aluminurn retaining ring, held by two stainless-steel alien flat head fasteners. Two silicone lens seals prevent moisture from entering the lens, while a double lip silicone seal at the top of the reflector and sealed lampholder prevent insects, dirt and moisture trom entering the optical chamber. (a) VOLTAGE SUFFIX KEY 120/277V .(~ta~~~r~:~Q.:::.]gqY'M~.; 5g't!-70~..~.F'~L____ 120/208/240f277V (Standard: 1QOW HPS) 120/277/347V (Canada Only) (Standard: 70 - 100W M!!L___ !.._._.EO_Y.J~~~?!rd: 1~'t!..EL, 35W HPS) Z 277V ...........................---.-....-----...-.........--...-.--.- 3 208V 4 240V .....---.-..-..-.........-.....-.-..----....--...... 6 347V (Canada Only) For voltag, availability outside the US and Canada, se, Bull,tin TD-9 Or contact your Auud Lightillg authorized International Distributor. o M T ELECTRICAL Fluorescent bollard includes a quad tube compact fluorescent lamp. HID bollards include a clear, medium-base lamp and porcelain enclosed, 4kv-rated screw-shell-type lampholder with spring-loaded center contact. Lamp ignitor included where required. All ballast assemblies are high-power factor and use the following circuit types: Preheat 13W FL Reactor (120V only) 35W HPS HX - High Reactance 50 -100W MH; 50 - 100W HPS ANSI lamp wattage label supplied, visible during relamping. UL Listed in the US and Canada for wet locations and enclosure classified IP65 per IEC 529 and IEC 598. ' 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE (262) 886-1900 Nates (b) OPTIONS (factory-installed) A 180" Shielded Clear Lens ~(~t~ . . ~~~!~Q_________.m_________ J_~mperproof_ Len~~ste~.~~s -(alP Photocell Specify (a) Single Voltage - See Voltage Suffix Key FINISH Exclusive DellaGuard" finish features an E-coat epoxy primer with medium bronze acrylic powder topcoat, proViding excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion. The finish is covered by our seven- year limited warranty. PATENT US 5,105,347 ACCESSORIES HCL TPS-l Louver .._:.ta~Ji~rpr:o:~i~~rewd river .' FAX (262) 884-3309 RUUD LIGHTING @ Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed In USA l WWW~~Udllghlll~g.com i 04/07/04 .s J 1;:. -( \... ~ ~ · ~ G., HCF SERIES CLEAR LENS - EXTENDED FLAT TOP ROUND BOLLARD (Footcandles -'- 0.0929 ~ Lux) lighting Sciences Inc. Certified Test Report No. lSI 9728R Candlepower distribution curve 01100W MH Round Bollard with clear lens. Ray Trace showing light distribution 01 patented reflector system. Use this chart to determine inillal Footcandle levels at grade lor the HCF Series Round Bollard with clear, extended flat top lens. 6' 9' 15' 1 . 21' Lamp Lumens SOW MH 3400 1.79 4.38 2.33 0.90 0.36 0.17 0.09 70W MH 5600 2.95 7.22 3.85 1.47 0.59 0.28 0.15 100W MH 9000 4.74 11.60 6.18 2.37 0.95 0.45 0.24 3SW HPS 2250 1.34 1.97 0.94 0.41 0.18 0.08 0.05 SOW HPS 4000 2.38 3.50 1.67 0.73 0.31 0.15 0.08 70W HPS 6300 3.75 5.51 2.63 1.15 0.50 0.24 0.13 100W HPS 9500 5.66 8.31 3.97 1,73 0.74 0.36 0.19 RUUD L1GHTI NG <!J 9201 Washington Avenue Racine, Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE (262) 886-1900 FAX (262) 884-3309 @ Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA www.ruudiignting.com 04/07/04 ..5.J - ty L:. \,,' k c;. CITY ENGINEER'S MEMO - 11/22/2006 Carver Plat (Revised 11-3-06) - 1. The sewer is approximately 14 feet deep, is well under the ground water, and is IS-inch RCP. It will have to be cored and a proper saddle and gasket used to make a connection. 2. It is likely that the new storm sewer and existing watermain may be impacted even with box construction. There is a sanitary sewer service to the south which may limit the use of a box and may cause problems with the south water service line as well. 3. The City will require that the street excavation area to be oversized and properly patched. The following year the patched area, which shall include the entire street width plus a minimum of28-feet along the length of the street, shall be milled and overlayed to correct initial settlement. 4. All drainage issues appear to be manageable as planned. St. Benedict's Plans (Revised 11-6-06) - General Comments: 1. Access trails must be accessible to fire equipment. City staff will consult with the Fire Marshall about this issue. 2. Drainage computations must be provided to the City for review. Site Plan - Sheet 1/5: 1. Note 7' path material on north side of site. Demo Plan - Sheet 2/5: 1. Verify removal quantities. Several appear to be incorrect. 2. Revise storm sewer flow arrows on east side of site. Arrows switch direction midway along sewer. Grading and Drainage Plan ~ Sheet 3/5: 1. Stormwater runoff is not being treated prior to discharging to the School Pond north of Burlington Northern Railroad. 2. Has access been granted for the storm sewer work required on Saint Henry's property? 3. The longitudinal grade of the trail on the north side of the site approaches 5.75% in one area which could be an issue for some users of the trail at this facility. 1 5-.7 ~'IC \).\)\ 'r K 4. The top and bottom elevations of the retaining wall need to be identified in the plans. In addition, walls greater than 4 feet in height shall be designed and certified by a licensed professional engineer. 5. Use erosion control blanket on the slope on the north side of site. Utility Plan - Sheet 4/5: 1. Another fire hydrant may be required for the north side of the existing building. City staff will consult with the Fire Marshall about this issue. 2. Provide 8 inch watermain for the fire hydrant lead on the west edge of the site. 3. All watermain bends and fittings require thrust blocking per City Standard Plate 2002. 4. Label the plans at specific locations requiring insulation by referencing notes # 2 and # 4. 5. All sanitary sewer construction shall be mandrel tested, air tested and inspected with closed circuit TV per City of Monticello specifications. 6. Show the existing sanitary sewer along the easterly edge of the site. Detail Plan - Sheet 5/5: 1. Include all current and applicable City of Monticello Standard Plates. Bruce R. Westby, P .E. City Engineer City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 E-mail: bruce.westby@ci.monticello.mn.us Phone: 763-271-3236 Fax: 763-295-4404 ~"""-,""""""'~f"w.Ji"w..I~,...,,. 2 SJ -~Xh\ b\~ K Council Agenda: 12111106 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval St. Benedict's Senior Community Development Stage PUD 1. The width of the fire access lane is subject to the approval of the City Fire Marshall. 2. The applicant shall be required to revise the site plan to meet all recommendations of the City Engineer, as noted in this report. 6 S:J~ - Ev.~. '0.. ~ L.. > '" o o "Tl""Ot...o S(ImO ..o:::c z -....jZ~-l 81f1:1 > zO N-....jm-l O)O)C" NW (XlN ~~ .j:>.(Xl (Xl N N lJl-->lJlO mWo- ()~G):5 AO)>r m"Tl:::cm ;o:;O-lZ $:(/)""092 Z-lmZ Ul(J)om Ul-lmm W:::C:::C:::C om(/) (XlmO -lZ "Tl""OS;:() S(IZO ..0> Z O)Z -l -->mJ>J> N"O() wO)(J)-l W..... -.. coN-l o~ ~W 0) (Xl o ..... 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"'1 II iii ',ji '~;"'< Ti h <S~ ~ "2 ~ ,~ ~.'~ :: a"a.:n;= lfiWL II .!i . 1( :c t::'T~ rn m ~/ ~r~f~" ) b ,I " I Ij ~ " . _q [II _~", :1 . /);> I ",.'1 .8 ,,1~?1:~ ,2[ '1[;1 ~ ....J . ('.j ........1. TT" 3NllHJ! \i.V'! 2~ C) II (J, LLJ ~ en -:::- :> '" F l;J u, z B~ ~ ~ <: u " ~ <: p ~ ,0 ~ ~ o , 0" "' 8 ~J 2 ~ V1~ ~ - W _J 1.11 ....J W lL <.( I, u,? 1-11 (f) . <f ~ w::" z o f= <.( > W ....J [,ll Council Agenda - 12/11/2006 SK. Consideration of approvine: Chane:e Order No.1 for the Xcel ballfield fencine: and consideration oefinal payment. City Proiect #2006-19C. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous council meeting Councilman Posusta asked staff to check into a possible problem with the installation of the new ballfield fencing at the Xcel fields. Mr. Posusta was informed that not all of the fence posts at the field were installed with a concrete footing and that it may have been a requirement. The City uses two different types of installation procedures for fencing. Both require that all comer posts, backstop posts and gate posts be installed with concrete foundations. The difference is, however, that in some instances we drive the line posts and in other the line posts are set in concrete footings. Both types of installations currently exist at the Xcel fields. In checking the specifications for the latest ballfield fencing at the Xcel fields installed by Oberg Fence of Deerwood, Minnesota, reference is made to a footing for the line fence posts in one section and in another section it is spelled out that all fence posts must be set in concrete. Upon further investigation at the field we found that the line posts, indeed, had not been set in concrete. There appears to have been a misunderstanding between the contractor and the City or the Park Superintendent. With the installation of the concrete mow strip which is 4" thick and 18" wide at the surface, it appears to be a little overkill to have added the posts to be installed in concrete but the specifications required that they be installed in such a fashion. Seth Nelson, the Park Superintendent, has negotiated a deduct with Oberg Fence for the cost of the concrete and the difference in installation costs between the two techniques, which would have added one full day's labor for two men at $8.00Ihour. The deduct total is $964.35. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative is to approve Change Order No. I for the Xcel ballfield fencing in the amount of a deduct of $964.35 and to consider final payment to Oberg Fence for City Project #2006-19C in the amount of $13,935.90. This would make the total cost of this fencing project $18,902.65. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the change order or make final payment to Oberg Fence Co. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe Public Works Director and the Park Superintendent that the City Council approve Change Order No. 1 and authorize final payment to Oberg Fence Co. of Deerwood, Minnesota in the amount of $13,935.90 as outlined in alternative #1. The installation of the fence at the ballfields in satisfactory with the driven posts and the concrete mow strip. The strength is adequate for the application. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No.1. 51 ~~, ~s.~~ ., Jii~ ,. :: :_-'; ;~.. . (218) 534-3] 18 (218) 534-3119 Fax OBERG FENCE CO. P.o.BoxlI8 Deerwood, Mn 56444 Cily of Monticello To whom it may concern. Here is {he total deduct/or not setting lhe posts on {he ballfield project. Concrete $ 836_35 Lubor S 128.00 Total $ 964.35 Thanks/i)r !he cooperClfion on this matter; it is refreshing to work with such a grec~NefJm of people. .. Sincerely, ~~ Brian Norwood 52 SL. Consideration of approvin2 Liquor Providers for the Monticello Community Center for 2007. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Each year we require that our Liquor Providers renew their approved status to be alcohol providers for the weddings and events in the Mississippi Room at the Monticello Community Center. State Statute requires that our providers hold retail on-sale liquor licenses within our community or an adjacent community and be approved by the City Council to be allowed to sell alcohol on our premises. Additionally, each liquor provider is required to name the City of Monticello as an additional insured on their insurance. Our Event Coordinator maintains copies ~)!' these forms. New business in 2007 will include a bar set up fee to the Liquor Provider. This fee will cover the use and maintenance of our equipment and our promotion of their business as an select group of approved Liquor Providers. All our applicants are aware of this fee and are in agreement with it. We have an extremely good working relationship with our Liquor Providers. We consider them a part of our wedding team. Our Event Coordinator and our Event Hosts work closely with them to ensure good service to our renters. This is the list of Liquor Providers we are requesting be approved to provide alcohol at the Monticello Community Center, note that the one business from Monticello, is the only business in Monticello who requested to be on the list. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Classic Catering by R]'s Crostini's Grill Flaming June Geez Sports Bar & Grill Russell's on the Lake Zimmerman Monticello S1. Michael (formerly Russell's of St. Michael) Albertville Big Lake B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the list of Liquor Providers for 2007 for the Community Center. 2. To not approve the list of Liquor Providers for 2007 for the Community Center. C. STAFFRECOMMENDATTIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None 53 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 5M. Consideration of Final Acceptance for the Hunters Crossin!! 1 sf and 2nd Addition Developments (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2004-35P) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The developer (Hunters Crossing, LLC) of the Hunters Crossing development has requested final City acceptance of the public improvements within the development. The Hunters Crossing development project was completed to provide streets and utilities to this development. The final lift of bituminous pavement was placed on the roadways this fall and all public utilities have been tested and approved. A few punch list items remain to be completed with the development including hydrant valve adjustments, sidewalk replacement of a few cracked panels, verification of private utility placement depths, and as-built plan completion. Final acceptance will include the release of the development's general letter of credit held for street and utility construction. An amount will be retained for punch list items. Letters of credit for grading and restoration will be held until final build out of the development. A partial release of the landscaping letter of credit will be made based on completed landscaping improvements to date. As per City policy, the City will retain a portion of cash securities to cover warranty inspection and as-built plan review. A reconciliation of final project expenses will be completed by City staff. The developer will be responsible for any expenses over the deposited amounts. Weare recommending that the City accept the public improvements to allow for the two-year warranty period to begin subject to receipt of the two-year warranty bond. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Acceptance of the public improvements subject to receipt of the documentation noted in Item A above. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the project be accepted by the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None 54 F; ItfaW/1g\oonJproc\2006 Council A!{enda.fl/2-11-0{j ccagenaa\5M-lmnters CroSSi'lg 1st atilt ]ttd-l] 1 J06.doc Council Agenda: 12/11/06 5N. Approve Final Payment and Accept Improvement for School Boulevard (Deee:an Avenue to Redford Lane) Street and Utility Improvements (City of Monticello Proiect No. 2005-02C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The School Boulevard extension project included extending School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to Redford Lane. Extension of the roadway and utilities provided access and development of the water tower site, the Jefferson Commons property, and the Ocello property. Since the improvements were constructed, development of the Taco Johns site and plat approval for the River City Lanes Entertainment Center has occurred. Construction commenced in 2005 with street and utilities. The final lift of pavement was placed in 2006. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. in the amount of$92,213.82. The following paperwork is still required for final payment to be released: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons ofthe contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. 5. Copies of receipt of payment for damaged street light poles. The final payment request included in the packet represents the final quantities completed on the contract and the release of the retainage on the contract. All punchlist items assembled for this project have been completed and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of$92,213.82 to Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. contingent upon receipt of the final paperwork. C:\Doc:uments and Settingslda'rm.gro.uillgerlLocal Settin!{.'1\Tempnrary /1ltenlf.t Filf.s\OLK3\A(iN rrM-ApprowFlnaIPayment-lll106.doc 55 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council accepts the improvements for School Boulevard (Deegan Avenue to Redford Lane) Street and Utility Improvements, City Project No. 200S-02C, and authorizes final payment to Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. in the amount of$92,213.82. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No.6 (Final) Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. 56 C\[)ocl/mel/ls aM &Wfngslt!u\.n1.grossinge,.\Local Setting.fl'J'empOImy /lIlemet File.fIOLKJ\A(iN rrM-ApprnveFill(JIPayment_12/ 1 06. d(J(' A WSB & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 December 6, 2006 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No.6 (Final) School Boulevard Extension (Deegan Avenue to Redford Lane) Street, Utilities, and Appurtenant Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2005-02C WSB Project No. 1627-01 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No.6 for the above-referenced project in the amount of$92,213.82. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. 5. Copies ofreceipt of payment for damaged street light poles. Please make payment in this amount to Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. /.1)7d/)wv k- ~SS-~ Shibani . Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Ron Lahr, Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. srb Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer K.'10Mli-O/l"dmln'O>>tstru~tiDn Admln'J.TR YO 6 FN{" CTr-hmt:l:-1206Od.doc 57 A W$8 Owner: City of Monticollb .506 Walnut St Monticello, MN SS3'~.1141 For Porlod: 7/14/2006 to 1112912006 Contractor: ~ndy Kramer Excavlltlng, Inc. 67962 MN Hwy. sa East Watkl"$. MN ;S389 Pay VOUOh~r MONT - $01'1001 Blvd ExtensiOn Client Contract No.: Projeot No.: 01627-01 Client Project No.: Date: 11/29/2006 RequEt$t No.: G & FINAL d:~ Inc. ~rol.ct SUmmll'1( I I 1 Origl"sd Contract Amount $1,0150,956.17 2 Contract Changes. Addition $123,317.12 I J 3 Contraot Change; . Deduction $0.00 i 4 Revised Contract Amol,Jnl $1,174,273.29 5 Value Completed to Date $1,180.516.97 6 Material on HCllncl sO.ooi 7 Amount Ei21med $1,180,516.97' e Les!; Retainage $0.00 9 Subtotal $1,180,516.97 10 Less Amount Paid Previously $1.088.303.15 11 Liquidated Damegss $0,00 12 AMOUNT DUe THIS PAY VOuCHJ::R NO.6 & FINAL $92,213,82 I HE;R.EBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAL eXAMINATION HAS BEEN MADE OF Tl'lE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHO\NN IN nu: FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED ANO THE TOTAL VALUE OF 'THE WORK peRFORMED IN ACCORDANCE IMTH. AND PUASUANT TO, THE; TE:RMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. Recommended for Approval by: WSB &1Jtt' l"~ '. . /' 11. ~ t &s-rL v Approved by Colltractor. ~'~..~: Construction Observer: Approved by Owner: City of Monticello Specifiecl Conttact Completion Date: SI30lfOOS' . Date: Comment 1 Qf7 58 01627-01 - Pay Voucher 6 Thursday, December 07, 2006 Project Material Status Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date Schedule A . Street Improvements (Base Bid) 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $33,942.37 1 1 0 $33,942.37 2 2101.502 CLEARING TREE $203.00 2 14 0 $2,642.00 3 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE $203.00 2 14 0 $2,642.00 4 2101.605 CLEARING AND GRUBBING ACRE $6,090.00 0.13 0.13 0 $791.70 5 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQYD $3.55 100 110 0 $390.50 6 2104.509 REMOVE PERMANENT BARRICADE EACH $152.25 2 4 0 $609.00 7 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L1N FT $4.06 116 116 0 $470.96 6 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CUYD $1.77 23670 20370 2617 $36,054.90 9 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (l V) CUYD $9.64 50 0 0 $0.00 10 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA $152.25 20.75 20.75 0 $3,159.19 11 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON $6.02 5917 6355.25 438.25 $50,969.11 12 2350.501 TYPE MV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $32.48 1473 1794 0 $56,269.12 13 2350.502 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $30.35 2210 2512 0 $76,239.20 14 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $1.27 640 912 0 $1,156.24 15 2521.604 2" BITUMINOUS PATH SQYD $7.61 1708 1550 0 $11,795.50 16 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 L1N FT $6.31 4241 4241 0 $35,242.71 17 2531.503 CONCRETE MEDIAN SQYD $31.47 180 160 0 $5,664.60 18 2531.507 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQYD $29.69 130 187 0 $5.552.03 19 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH $456.75 6 6 0 $2,74050 20 2531.602 CONCRETE MEDIAN NOSE DESIGN 7109 EACH $253.75 1 1 0 $253.75 21 2554.602 PERMANENT BARRICADES (TYPE III) EACH $233.45 10 5 0 $1,167.25 22 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $2,030.00 0.1 1 0 $2,030.00 23 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT $18.78 111.25 149 -36 $2,798.22 24 2564.602 F&I SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH $243.60 2 0 0 $0.00 25 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) PAINT EACH $35.30 17 0 0 $0.00 26 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) PAINT EACH $35.30 6 0 0 $0.00 27 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) EPOXY EACH $106.56 17 17 0 $1,611.66 28 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) EPOXY EACH $106.58 6 7 0 $746.06 29 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-PAINT L1N FT $0.10 3600 0 0 $0.00 30 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT L1N FT $0.11 3100 0 0 $0.00 31 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-PAINT L1N FT $0.11 3100 620 0 $68.20 32 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT L1N FT $0.22 450 0 0 $0.00 33 2564.603 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT L1N FT $3.90 125 0 0 $0.00 34 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE.EPOXY L1N FT $0.30 3600 4868 0 $1,460.40 35 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT $0.31 3100 4005 0 $1,241.55 36 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT $0.31 3100 500 -330 $155.00 37 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT $0.63 450 0 0 $0.00 38 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT $0.63 225 0 0 $0.00 39 2564.603 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT $11.69 125 125 0 $1,461.25 40 2565.603 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT L1N FT $2.03 200 710 0 $1.441.30 41 2565.603 INSTALL 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT L1N FT $4.06 200 710 0 $2,882.60 42 2571.502 DECIDUOUS TREE 2.5" CAL B&B TREE $284.20 26 0 0 $0.00 43 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY L1N FT $1.93 1000 1135 0 $2,190.55 44 2575.505 SODDING TYPE SALT RESISTANT SQYD $2.39 4418 0 0 $0.00 45 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQYD $1.67 500 0 0 $0.00 46 2573.602 SEDIMENT BAG TYPE HIGH FLOW EACH $133.66 5 0 0 $0.00 47 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 240 (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) ACRE $3,552.50 0.45 0.45 0 $1,596.63 Totals For Section Schedule A - Street Improvements (Base Bid): $350,040.25 SchedUle B . Storm Sewer Improvements (Base Bid) 48 2501.515 24" RC APRON WITH T. G. AND SHEET PILED END SECTION EACH $2,143.20 2 2 0 $4,286.40 20f7 59 01627-01 - Pay Voucher 6 Thursday, December 07, 2006 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date 49 2501.515 42" RC APRON WITH T. G. AND SHEET PILED END SECTION EACH $3,267.51 1 1 0 $3,267.51 50 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V UN FT $24.08 754 842 0 $20,275.36 51 2503.541 18" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V UN FT $27.12 454 443 0 $12,014.16 52 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $30.28 1289 1285 0 $38,909.80 53 2503.541 27" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III UN FT $34.61 298 298 0 $10,313.78 54 2503.541 30" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III UN FT $41.65 194 0 0 $0.00 55 2503.541 36" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III UN FT $54.05 410 400 0 $21,620.00 56 2503.541 42" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III UN FT $68.47 162 162 0 $11,092.14 57 2503.603 TELEVISE STORM SEWER UN FT $0.94 3561 3430 0 $3,224.20 58 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 UN FT $238.91 33 39 0 $9,317.49 59 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 UN FT $257.02 95 95 0 $24,416.90 60 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 72-4020 UN FT $352.86 21 21 0 $7,410.06 61 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH $668.60 7 7 0 $4,680.20 62 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) EACH $406.55 15 15 0 $6,098.25 63 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCH BASIN) EACH $361.36 16 16 0 $5,781.76 Tolals For Section Schedule B - Storm Sewer Improvements (Base Bid): $182,708.01 Schedule C . Water Main Improvements (Base Bid) 64 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH $852.60 1 2 0 $1,705.20 65 2504.602 HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $2,537.88 5 5 0 $12,689.40 66 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $869.76 12 12 0 $10,437.12 67 2504.602 16" BUTTERFLY VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,888.38 4 5 0 $9,441.90 68 2504.603 6" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 UN FT $23.39 170 174 0 $4.069.86 69 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 UN FT $26.32 790 787 0 $20,713.84 70 2504.603 12" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 UN FT $31.88 55 80 0 $2,550.40 71 2504.603 16" WATER MAIN DUCT IRON CL 50 UN FT $36.89 1900 2092 0 $77,173.88 72 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQYD $24.54 75 0 0 $0.00 73 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND $2.24 12640 11#5 0 $25.636.80 Totals For Section Schedule C - Water Main Improvements (Base Bid): $164,418.40 SchedUle 0 . Sanitary Sewer Improvements (Base Bid) 74 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE (SANITARY) EACH $1,456.53 1 1 0 $1,456.53 75 2503.602 10"X6" PVC WYE EACH $133.47 7 7 0 $934.29 76 2503.602 12"X6" PVC WYE EACH $426.75 4 4 0 $1,707.00 77 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLES EACH $2,212.70 1 1 0 $2,212.70 78 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH $1,237.45 4 4 0 $4.949.80 79 2503.603 6" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 UN FT $26.92 710 777 0 $20,916.84 80 2503.603 8" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 35 UN FT $30.04 180 180 0 $5,407.20 81 2503.603 10" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 UN FT $35.88 319 320 0 $11,481.60 82 2503.603 10" PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 35 UN FT $25.63 274 274 0 $7,022.62 83 2503.603 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER UN FT $0.94 890 890 0 $836.60 84 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY) EACH $560.99 4 4 0 $2,243.96 85 2506.603 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLES UN FT $147.27 62 67 0 $9,867.09 Tolals For Section Schedule D . Sanitary Sewer Improvements (Base Bid): $69,036.23 Schedule A . Street Improvements (Alternate #1) 86 2021.501 MOBIUZATION LUMP SUM $10,150.00 1 1 0 $10,150.00 87 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER UN FT $4.57 30 0 0 $0.00 88 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQYD $2.79 750 750 750 $2,092.50 89 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) UN FT $4.06 30 0 0 $0.00 90 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CUYD $2.74 8550 9291 0 $25,457.34 91 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV) CUYD $9.64 534 0 0 $0.00 92 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA $177.63 8.25 8.25 0 $1,465.45 30f7 60 01627~01 - Pay Voucher 6 Thursday, December 07, 2006 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date 93 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON $8.02 3002 3402 2281.75 $27,284.04 94 2350.501 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $31.16 100 100 0 $3,116.00 95 2350.501 TYPE MV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $32.18 302 453 0 $14,577.54 96 2350.502 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $30.04 586 888 0 $26,675.52 97 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $1.27 339 513 0 $651.51 98 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK sa FT $3.35 1530 1670 0 $5,594.50 99 2521.604 2" BITUMINOUS PATH SQYD $7.61 695 695 0 $5,288.95 100 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 L1N FT $8.62 2359 2336 0 $20,136.32 101 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN MODIFIED D L1N FT $11.47 740 75 0 $860.25 102 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH $456.75 2 2 2 $913.50 103 2554.602 PERMANENT BARRICADES (TYPE III) EACH $233.45 2 0 0 $0.00 104 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $2,030.00 0.1 1 0 $2,030.00 105 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQFT $18.78 43.5 36 36 $676.08 106 2564.602 F&I SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH $243.60 2 0 0 $0.00 107 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) PAINT EACH $35.30 10 0 0 $0.00 108 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) PAINT EACH $35.30 3 0 0 $0.00 109 2564.618 ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE-PAINT SQFT $7.80 65 0 0 $0.00 110 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) EPOXY EACH $106.58 10 10 0 $1,065.80 111 2564.602 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) EPOXY EACH $106.58 3 3 0 $319.74 112 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE.PAINT L1N FT $0.10 1200 0 0 $0.00 113 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW-PAINT L1N FT $0.11 1450 0 0 $0.00 114 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-PAINT LIN FT $0.11 1450 0 0 $0.00 115 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE.EPOXY LIN FT $0.30 1200 2000 2000 $600.00 116 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT $0.31 1450 1450 0 $449.50 117 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT $0.31 1450 300 300 $93.00 118 2564.618 ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE-EPOXY SQFT $15.59 65 90 0 $1,403.10 119 2565.603 INSTALL 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT L1N FT $4.06 200 0 0 $0.00 120 2565.603 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT L1N FT $2.03 200 0 0 $0.00 121 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY L1N FT $2.03 500 0 0 $0.00 122 2575.505 SODDING TYPE SALT RESISTANT SQVD $2,49 2845 0 0 $0.00 123 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQYD $1.73 500 0 0 $0.00 124 2573.602 SEDIMENT BAG TYPE HIGH FLOW EACH $133.66 3 0 0 $0.00 125 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 240 (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) ACRE $7,105.00 0.1 0.1 0 $710.50 126 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 340 (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) ACRE $7,105.00 0.03 0.03 0 $213.15 Totals For Section Schedule A - Street Improvements (Alternate #1): $151,824.29 Schedule B . Storm Sewer Improvements (Alternate #1) 127 2501.515 36" RC APRON WITH T. G. AND SHEET PILED END SECTION EACH $2,942.84 1 1 0 $2,942.84 128 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V L1N FT $23.09 208 208 0 $4,802.72 129 2503.541 21" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1N FT $25.66 201 318 0 $8,159.88 130 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1N FT $31.07 39 39 0 $1,211.73 131 2503.541 36" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1N FT $55.03 210 210 0 $11,556.30 132 2503.603 TELEVISE STORM SEWER L1N FT $0.94 658 605 0 $568.70 133 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 L1N FT $238.91 15 15 0 $3,583.65 134 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 L1N FT $257.02 12 10 0 $2,570.20 135 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 72-4020 L1N FT $352.86 12 12 0 $4,234.32 136 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 84-4020 L1N FT $579.85 6 5.89 5.89 $3,415.32 137 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH $668.60 3 3 0 $2,005.80 138 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBL V (MANHOLE) EACH $406.55 1 3 0 $1,219.65 139 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCHBASIN) EACH $361.36 2 2 0 $722.72 Totals For Section Schedule B - Storm Sewer Improvements (Alternate #1): $46,993.83 40f7 6 1 01627-01 - Pay Voucher 6 Thursday, December 07,2006 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date Schedule C . Water Main Improvements (Alternate #1) 140 2104.509 REMOVE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EACH $578.55 1 1 0 $578.55 141 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH $852.60 1 1 0 $852.60 142 2504.602 ADJUST GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $177.63 1 1 0 $177.63 143 2504.602 HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $2.515.55 2 2 0 $5.031.10 144 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $869.76 2 2 0 $1,739.52 145 2504.602 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,483.31 1 1 0 $1,483.31 146 2504.603 6" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 L1N FT $24.57 67 67 0 $1,646.19 147 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 L1N FT $26.64 404 404 0 $10,762.56 148 2504.603 12" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 L1N FT $32.28 54 0 0 $0.00 149 2504.603 16" WATER MAIN DUCT IRON CL 50 L1N FT $37.05 815 815 0 $30,195.75 150 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQYD $24.54 25 0 0 $0.00 151 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND $2.64 4250 4250 0 $11,220.00 Totals For Section Schedule C . Water Main Improvements (Alternate #1): $63,687.21 Schedule 0 - Sanitary Sewer Improvements (Alternate #1) 152 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH $2,587.40 1 2 0 $5,174.80 153 2503.603 8" PVC PIPE SeWER. SDR 35 L1N FT $21.20 529 529 0 $11,214.80 154 2503.603 12" PVC PIPE SEWER. SDR 35 L1N FT $93.82 13 42 0 $3,940.44 155 2503.603 TELEVISE SANITARY seWER L1N FT $0.94 412 412 0 $387.28 156 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME & RING CASTING ( SANITARY) EACH $241.20 3 2 0 $482.40 157 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY) EACH $560.99 4 5 0 $2,804.95 158 2506.603 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLES L1N FT $151.97 54.1 54.1 0 $8,221.58 Totals For Section Schedule 0 - Sanitary Sewer Improvements (Alternate #1): $32,226.25 Change Order 1 159 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 240 (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) ACRE ($3,552.50) 0.45 0.45 0 ($1,598.63) 160 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 240 (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) ACRE $1,664.60 29.5 14.7 0 $24,469.62 161 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 240 (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) ACRE ($7,105.00) 0.1 0.1 0 ($710.50) 162 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 240 (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) ACRE $1,664.60 0.1 11.5 0 $19,142.90 163 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 340 (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) ACRE ($7,105.00) 0.03 0.03 0 ($213.15) 164 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 340 (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER) ACRE $1,664.60 0.03 0 0 $0.00 165 2511.501 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III - GROUTED CUYD $103.94 75.9 87 0 $9,042.78 166 2105.604 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE IV SQYD $2.92 106.3 106 0 $309.52 Totals For Change Order 1: $50,442.54 Change Order 2 167 91849 POND EROSION REPAIR LUMP SUM $4,083.88 1 1 0 $4,083.88 Totals For Change Order 2: $4,083.88 Change Order 3 168 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $2,967.02 1 1 0 $2,967.02 169 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH $1,407.30 1 1 0 $1,407.30 170 2503.602 8"X6" PVC WYE EACH $332.14 1 1 0 $332.14 171 2503.603 6" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 LIN FT $8.71 13 13 0 $113.23 172 2503.603 8" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 35 L1N FT $26.87 515 515 0 $13,838.05 173 2503.603 SANITARY SEWER INSPECTION (TELEVISING) L1N FT $1.22 515 1210 1210 $1 ,4 76.20 174 91924 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE L1N FT $257.93 50.1 50 0 $12,896.50 175 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY) EACH $441.15 4 4 0 $1,764.60 176 2504.602 1" CURB STOP & BOX EACH $253.28 1 1 0 $253.28 177 2504.602 1" CORPORATION STOP EACH $520.99 1 1 0 $520.99 178 2504.603 1" TYPE K COPPER PIPE L1N FT $9.76 15 15 0 $146.40 179 2501.515 15" RC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARD EACH $1,132.64 1 1 0 $1,132.64 180 2503.541 12" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V L1N FT $33.27 126 126 0 $4,192.02 50f7 62 01627-01 - Pay Voucher 6 Thursday, December 07, 2006 Item Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity to Current Amount to No. Quantity Date Quantity Date 181 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V UN FT $35.59 471 471 0 $16,762.89 182 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 484020 UN FT $308.48 18 18 0 $5,552.64 183 2506.602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH $1,141.88 1 1 0 $1,141.88 184 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) EACH $279.15 2 2 0 $558.30 Totals For Change Order 3: $65,056.08 Project Totals: $1,180,516.97 60f7 63 01627-01 - Pay Voucher 6 Thursday, December 07, 2006 Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-01 Contractor: Randy Kramer Excavating, Inc. C ;ontract Chann ~!=: No. Type Date Description Amount Change Modifications to contract quantities as part of the project C01 Order 8/8/2005 recommendation/award process (see recommendation letter to Council dated $54,999.27 8/8/05). CO2 Change 12/6/2005 Additional contract quantity. $4,083.88 Order C03 Change 5/8/2006 Utility Extension for the Kevin Tracy Site (C.P. No. 2006-08C) $64,233.97 Order Change Order Totals: $123,317.12 Pavment !! iummal'\{ No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Total Retainage Completed 1 9/1/2005 9/30/2005 $214,998.48 $214,998.48 $11,315.71 $11,315.71 $226,314.19 2 10/1/2005 10/31/2005 $443,899.05 $658,897.53 $23,363.11 $34,678.82 $693,576.35 3 11/1/2005 11/30/2005 $271,617.18 $930,514.71 $14,295.64 $48,974.46 $979,489.17 4 12/1/2005 5/31/2006 $67,820.69 $998,335.40 $3,569.51 $52,543.97 $1,050,879.37 5 6/1/2006 7/13/2006 $89,967.75 $1,088,303.15 $4,735.14 $57,279.11 $1,145,582.26 6 & FINAL 7/14/2006 11/29/2006 $92,213.82 $1,180,516.97 ($57,279.11 ) $0.00 $1,180,516.97 Payment Totals: $1,180,516.97 $0.00 $1,180,516.97 Project Summary Material On Hand: Total Payment to Date: Total Retainage: Total Amount Earned: $0.00 $1,180,516.97 Original Contract: $0.00 Contract Changes: $1,180,516.97 Revised Contract: $1,050,956.17 $123,317.12 $1,174,273.29 70f7 64 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 50. Consideration of approvin2 a job description and authorization of advertisin2 for a City Finance Director. (J.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City's current Director of Finance, Rick Wolfsteller, will be retiring in July 2007 and plans to use up a large portion of his vacation during the first 6 months ofthe year, particularly January through March. In anticipation of his vacation and departure, I am asking City Council to approve the attached job description for City Finance Director The job description was prepared utilizing job descriptions from other Cities yet somewhat tailored to fit Monticello. As you may know, tasks identified with each position is currently under review at the departmental level. The review of this position in conjunction with review of other positions within the Finance Department was very helpful in putting the job description together. The initial review ofthe position in terms of the pay equity program/formula yielded a total of240 points placing it at step 16 which is comparable to the Public Works Director and City Engineer. If establishment of the position is approved by the City Council, I would like to begin the process of advertising for a City Finance Director. The proposed timeline for hiring a new Finance Director is: December 18 to January 10 - Advertisements are posted January 10 - 12 - Application review - finalists selected January 22 to 26 - Initial interviews February 5 to 7 - Second interview (if necessary) February 8 to 9 - Make selection and contact candidate February 12 - Approval by Council March 717 - Start date It may be preferable for Council to approve hiring a new Finance Director well ahead of the date that Rick Wolfsteller actually leaves his position with the city. With Rick's depth of knowledge and experience in the finance area, it is important that the City utilize him to assist with training the new Finance Director. If the new Finance Director can start during March, he/she will have the opportunity to interact with city staff currently in place and will be on board when Rick returns from vacation. This time frame allows approximately 3 to 4 months of cross training with Rick, Jeff and other finance department staff. The new Finance Director would have many opportunities to experience various processes and cycles within the City's Finance Department before Rick retires. Examples: the annual audit, monthly and quarterly processing and reporting, investments, bonding and bond payments, City Council meetings, review of city's financial status, city budget, etc. The City is also in the process of drafting a financial management plan with Ehlers and Associates. It would be desirable to have input from a new Finance Director during this process before the plan is finalized. The City is also anticipating undertaking some major projects with huge financial implications in the next year. It may be advantageous to have both Rick and a new Finance Director involved in the discussion and decision-making. 65 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the job description for City Finance Director at Grade 16 with a pay range of $58,796 to 76,535 and authorize advertisement of the opening. As a variation Council could hold back on the advertisement 2. Motion denying establishment of the position or table the approval pending further review. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator supports Alternative #1. It is necessary to approve a job description and assign that position to the City's pay equity scale. By doing this, the City can move forward with plans to advertise for a new Finance Director. Using the proposed timeline will allow a smoother transition for the City and its staff by allowing adequate time for cross training. It will also bring in a new Finance Director during the audit cycle and permit hirn/her to participate in many aspects of our City financial processes before Rick retires. As of the time of preparation of this report the Personnel Committee had not had the opportunity to review the job description or comment on the proposed grade/application of points. The Personnel Committee is meeting on Friday morning at which time the job description will be reviewed in detail and a recommendation from the Personnel Committee will be forwarded accordingly. D. SUPPORTING DATA: City Finance Director job description and summary of application of pay equity point system. 66 FINANCE DIRECTOR City of Monticello Title of Class: Finance Director Effective Date: 12/11/06 Description of Work General Statement of Duties: The Finance Director will oversee all City fmancial functions to ensure accurate accounting in the areas of cash and investments, risk management, debt administration, budgeting, and fmancial reporting. The Finance Director will assist the City Administrator and City Council on financial planning matters. They will plan, develop, and implement sound fmancial accounting policies, practices, and controls in accordance with GAAP. Supervision Exercised: Provides direction and supervision for staff including Accounts Payable Clerk, Utility Billing Clerk, Senior Accounting Officer, Senior Accountant~ SUlJervision Received: Works under the General supervision of the City Administrator Duties Performed: Provide recommendations to the City Administrator and City Council for establishing long and short-range financial goals, budget plans, and implementation strategies to ensure a high level of fmancial planning and management. Oversee the management of city investments according to federal, state, and city guidelines. Administer and design a portfolio ensuring sufficient liquidity for operations, while assuring idle cash is invested to maximize investment yields. Maintain a system of fmancial control and debt management to protect the fmancial condition of the City and its operations. Identify and obtain funding sources for public improvements, building projects, and other projects as directed. Coordinate and oversee the issuance of bonds and debt service schedules. Assist the City Administrator and Economic Development Director in development of source and use statements associated with public financing involvement in private projects. Assist the City Administrator and city staff by participating in the financial negotiations for development projects, contracts, and major purchases. Administer and oversee preparation of the City's external annual fmancial audit and Tax Increment Financing reporting. Provide assistance to the Economic Development Director in preparation and establishment of Tax Increment and Tax abatement program. Administer preparation of the City's annual budget and capital improvement plan. Compile departmental budgets, and facilitate fmancial analyses providing alternatives and fmancial options to the City Administrator and City Council. 67 Finance Director Draftjeff.doc: 12/7/2006 Oversee the City's fixed assets system, inventory, and compliance with proper controls. Maintain accounting records for capital projects. Oversee and coordinate special assessment procedures to ensure legal requirements are met. Oversee the daily fmancial operations of the City, to ensure accuracy and compliance: including Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Utility Billing, and Payroll. Prepare or supervise the preparation of monthly financial statements, verifying the accuracy of accounting transactions and ensuring proper documentation is available. Keep informed on pending state and/or federal legislation that would or could have an impact on the City. Continuously review and maintain the City's compliance with such legislation. Oversee the internal controls of the city's data processing operations to assure the informational services being provided meet audit and city requirements. Participates in the long and short-term computer planning needs of the city. Provide support and assist in other applications as needed. Oversee the financial aspects and internal fmancial controls of liquor operations. Provide fmancial guidance to the Liquor Operations Manager. Determine the profitability of operations and report the fmancial status as necessary to make informed decisions. Analyze fmancial operations to ensure proper internal controls are in place. Administer the City's insurance policies and programs, including liability, workers compensation, and property. Assist the City Administrator in overseeing the fmancial aspects of its human resource programs, including but not limited to pay equity, employee benefits, education and training. Manage the finance department's work assignments, workloads, and schedules. Evaluate employee performance and perform reviews of all employees supervised. Keep the City Council, City Administrator, and citizens informed on all fmancial matters to ensure decision making on an educated basis. Assist the City Administrator in establishing and maintain an organizational reputation for being fiscally responsible by providing consistent and ongoing attention to the financial affairs of the City. Perfonn other duties and responsibilities as apparent, or assigned by the City Administrator or City Council. Finance Director Draftjeff.doc: 12/7/2006 68 Knowledge, Skills and Abilities . Considerable knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles as defmed by GASB. . Considerable knowledge of governmental accounting procedures as defmed by the GFOA. . Considerable knowledge of laws, practices, and regulations applicable to City government finances. . Considerable knowledge of City operations, ordinances, and practices related to fmance and budgeting. . Considerable knowledge of investment options and banking activities. . Considerable working knowledge fthe application of Minnesota tax laws regarding municipal fmance and sales/use tax. . Considerable ability to prepare and administer an annual budget and capital improvement plan. . Considerable ability to manage complex [mancial projects and meet deadlines. . Considerable ability to analyze and interpret fmancial information and prepare accurate fmancial statements and reports. . Considerable ability to effectively relay fmancial information in written and verbal formats to individuals and in group settings. . Considerable ability to effectively interact with the public, elected and appointed officials, and employees. . Working know ledge of spreadsheet, word processing, and database software. Minimum Qualifications Bachelor's Degree in accounting, finance, or public administration and a minimum of seven years of progressively responsible financial experience, with a minimum of 2 years in a government setting. A Master's degree may be substituted for up to 5 years experience. Finance Director Draftjeff.doc: 12/7/2006 69 Finance Director Pay Equity Points Analysis - Summary. Category Knowledge and Experience Accountability for Action Responsibility for Planning Supervision Heavy Lifting Abnormal Hours Excessive Sitting Fine Motor Public Contact Comparable Positions at Grade 16 Code Basis for points 1b 3d 5d 6c 10c B3 Bachelors Degree - 6 to 8 yrs exp D3b Extensive Authority - Major indirect responsibility 5e Repeated/New - Most Planning beyond one yr. DirecUComplete Supervision of 4 Employees Total Grade Pay Scale $58,796 - $76,435 Engineer Public Works Director Points/Cate 90 98 25 16 1 3 3 2 2 240 16 70 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 5P. Consideration of approvin2 a reauest for extension of an Interim Use Permit for an existin2 facility for open and outdoor sales in a B-3 District. (NAC & JO) The Planning Commission considered this item at their December 5, 2006 meeting, and recommended approval of extending the Interim Use Permit for an additional 30 months. Staff concurs with this recommendation. In addition the applicant has provided an updated site plan dated December 6, 2006, including details on new site lighting, parking data, a landscape plan, and definitions for uses of all areas. The current monument sign is also illustrated on the site plan. By providing this information the operation is in compliance with the original interim use permit. In regards to a time frame for developing the site, the applicant indicated that they are still waiting for a franchise to become available, and will develop the site at such time. The applicant also indicated that he will be providing a $15,000 security, in accordance with the conditions noted under alternative 1. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Jacob Holdings/Denny Hecker is seeking approval for an extension of their existing Interim Use Permit to operate an existing facility for open and outdoor sales. The subject site is located next to the Monticello Dodge property on Chelsea Road. The site is zoned B-3, Highway Business. An interim use permit was approved for the site in June, 2004 for a term of 30 months, with the option of requesting a renewal for an additional 30 months, subject to the review of the City Planner. Automobile dealerships are allowed in the B-3 District, but have a specific set of criteria for lot coverage, building site and ratio, and site improvements. The applicant originally requested PUD approval for the site, in order to be granted flexibility from the application of the zoning standards, and use the site in its existing state with no substantial improvements. The interim use permit allowed the use to occur with existing pole buildings on a temporary basis, pending the development of a model dealership facility within three years. A representative for the applicant at the time of initial application stated that the price of land somewhat dictates the need to develop the site in a manner consistent with the Dodge dealership. Thus, economics would ultimately result in development of a facility that meets code. The existing site and buildings were to be used until a dealership or franchise is found. As noted above, the applicant has satisfied conditions for establishing the interim use as identified 30 months ago with the submittal of plan information relating to customer parking, drainage and lighting. There is a minor on site drainage problems that does not affect neighboring properties that can be corrected at the time of redevelopment. There are no other site alterations that need to be made prior to redevelopment. To date, as am Interim Use, no modifications have been made to the site have been requested by the City and future development plans will relate to redevelopment of the site. Any future requested PUD or CUP approval will remain contingent on a future development plan that demonstrates consistency with PUD goals. 71 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS In regards to renewing the Interim Use Permit for Jacob Holdings/Denny Hecker to operate an automobile dealership in the B-3 District, the City has the following options: 1. Approve the application for renewal of the existing Interim Use Permit, subject to all conditions of the original Interim Use Permit, based on the finding that the proposed use will not interfere with the City's long range objectives of encouraging high quality development in the area, due to the temporary nature of the permit. Approval also subject to the applicant providing $15,000 LOC to assure updating of site to meet code at the end of the 30 month period if necessary. 2. Deny the application for renewal of the existing Interim Use Permit, based on a finding that the use would interfere with the City's long range development goals. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the extension of the IUP, for an additional 30 months. Conditions of the original permit included a provision, allowing the applicant to request an extension of the permit after 30 months, subject to the review of planning staff. No significant changes to the site or operation have been made since the previous permit renewal. The IUP will expire in 30 months, at which time the applicant will be required to make necessary site improvements by submitting a development plan and completing it accordingly. The permit was originally approved based on a belief that the value of the land would drive the owner to redevelop the site relatively soon. The time period established allows the applicant to use the site in its current state for an additional 30 months without further development. The applicant shall be required to submit a new security to ensure removal of non-conformities at the termination of the interim use if necessary. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Site Plan dated 12/06/06 Notice of Non-Extension from Wells Fargo 72 Il:\lJA(IIo::A() nl,r~\(\411\OM'O" O~eIODe<Tl""\\-412-01-1,,,DG~ [Jl./l 12/6/2006 .. f..=~ "". m..'.',...., 4 I): ~ ~~ G! 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"M ~ 18...:0: "'- ~ ~~~ ~~ fIlfll ;t1;t1 ,)" -. /,)",)" -----1j~~~--~::~&&~~~_. --~~-------- -- ~- ~\ ~~ ~~ ~~ 56,," 8~ ~ :z Z G) O'J c:., za (j) [_____ "T [2.1'0;) ~ ~z o o " ~ '-t':V @1J "'@ 0 F~;;@Q ~ rr=ulJ EfB ~ ~ ~~,",' ;;@ <{ I I I I I I I ~ 11II1I1 f 11II1I1 ~ I Z , '" i ~ 1l"~lEnJlIj]~M~V 1t1flflE 1l"U!!1NI1F1Ql~; [Q)[E~[K!]V [)=(][g~~~~o~ll M~rM~1NI CIQlINlINlI1!IC'iFII@1NI lIj]lt1IlNIl~{gIE[JLIQl. lIj]UlNllNllEUlQll", It I 73 Operations Group Northern California One Front Street, 21st Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 ~ WELLS FARGO BANK NOTICE OF NON-EXTENSION DATE: OCTOBER 27, 2006 BENEFICIARY: CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET MONTICELLO, MINNESORA 55362 ATTN: CITY ADMINISTRATOR RE: OUR STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER: NZS900521 PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT OUR LETTER OF CREDIT NO.NZs900521 ISSUED IN YOUR FAVOR IN THE AMOUNT OF USD15,000.00 FOR THE ACCOUNT OF JACOB HOLDINGS OF MONTICELLO, LLC JRRENTLY EXPIRING DECEMBER 31, 2006 ..ILL NOT BE AUTOMATICALLY EXTENDED FOR ANY ADDITIONAL PERIOD. PLEASE NOTE OF OUR NEW ADDRESS ABOVE. SINCERELY, _/~~---9- _ ~~~ERT S. RUBIO /AAUTrIZED SIGNATURE) CC: JACOB HOLDINGS OF MONTICELLO, LLC 500 FORD ROAD MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55426 ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT OUR HELPLINE AT 1800-798-2815 OPTION 1 74 Original Council Agenda: 12/11/06 7. Public Hearing on adoptim! an ordinance establishine fees for 2007. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: To comply with state statutes that require a municipality that collects annual fees of $5,000 or more for administering and reviewing various permits and planning reviews the City is proposing to adopt an ordinance setting the fee amounts for 2007 and allowing for such fees to be enacted A public hearing notice has been published and the Council should open the hearing to receive any comments from the public on the proposed fee schedule for 2007. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After closing the public hearing, the Council should adopt the ordinance establishing the 2007 city fee schedule as proposed. 2. Adopt a fee schedule as with revisions as determined by by Council C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Attorney and City staff that the ordinance be adopted at the close of the public hearing establishing the 2007 fee schedule for the City. This public hearing is required to meet the provisions ofthe new state statute that requires future establishment of fees be conducted through the adoption of an ordinance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 2007 Fee Schedule. 75 . CITY OF MONTICELLO PROPOSED 2007 FEE SCHEDULE ANIMAL CONTROL . Fine Barking: First offense Repeat offense Written/oral warning $25 Boarding Fee: $1 2/per day + tax . Commercial Kennel Permit: $95/year Dog License: Altered Pet Unaltered Pet Altered Pet Unaltered Pet Late Fee Replacement Tag $10 - 2 years $15 - 2 years $5.00 - I year $7.50 - I year $5 $1 Euthanization/Disposal Fee $32 per animal + tax Feces Pickup: First offense Repeat offense Written/oral wamir $10 + tax $25 + tax Fine: Running at Large: First offense Second offense Third offense If impounded Licensed Unliccnscd $25 $35 $35 $45 $50 $60 Add boarding fee (Plus tax) BUILDING Assessment Fees: Building Valuation $499,999 or less $25 Building Valuation $500,000 or more $100 Building Inspection (non-permit related): $50/hour Building Permit Fees: 106% of 1997 State recommended schedule Building Pernlit Surcharge: .0005 of building value (State mandated) Contractor License Check Fee: $25 Building PenniURecords - Duplicate $50/hour Blight Processing Fee $35 Demolition Permit: 106% of 1997 State recommended schedule Pennit is issued under a building permit (follow same procedures as issuing a building permit). Prior to demolition pemlit issuance verify with Public Works. Contractor must arrange disconnection: 1) Sanitary sewer; 2) City water & retrieve water mater and 3) approve routing for trucks and heavy equipment, (if applicable). Excavation permit may also be required. 15 14-:1. Grading Permit & Restoration Surety Grading Permit & Restoration Surety/Development Mechanical Pemlits: Residential Commercial Mechanical Surcharge Mobile Home Permit Moving Buildings: Plan Review: Plumbing Permits: Residential Commercial Plumbing Surcharge: Sign Permits: Permanent (minimum fee $25) Sign Permits: Temporary State Surcharge on Building Permits: Valuation of Stru5tur~ $1,000,000 or less $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 Greater than $5,000,000 Utility Locate Fee: Residential Commerci ai/I ndustrial $150 per permit + a deposit equal to grading plan review costs as estimated by the City Engineer (includes land use reclamation and mining) + a deposit of $3,000/acre for restoration . $150 per permit + $3,000/acre deposit for restoration $45 base + $9/fixture $75 base + $9/fixture $.50 (State mandated) $95 $150 + expense + demolition permit 65% of building permit fee $45 base + $9/fixtl "Fixture includes such things as traps, $75 base + $9/fixtl toilets, floor drains, sinks and showers $.50 (State mandated) $50 for first $1,000 of value; $10 each $1,000 of value $25 Addition or Alteration Surcharge Computation .0005 x valuation $500 + .0004 x (Value - $1,000,000) $900 + .0003 x (Value - $2,000,000) $1200 + .0002 x (Value - $3,000,000) $1400 + .0001 x (Value - $4,000,000) $1500 + .005 x (Value - $5,000,000) . $35 $50 CEMETERY FEES Grave Fee: (Effective 11/1102) Full Grave (4'xI2') Flush Marker Area Full Grave (4'xI2') Raised Marker Area Infant Grave (2'x6') Cremation Grave (4'x4') Grave Transfer Fee Excavation Fee: Weekday Weekend Infant Grave Excavation - Weekday - Weekend Cremation Grave Excavation - Weekday - Weekend Grave Stakinl! Fee: Resident $650 $700 $200 $300 Non-Resident $850 $900 $200 $400 $15 $400 $430 $100 $125 $80 $105 $25 . . Perpetual Care Fcc: New Grave Sales Grave Sold Pre-I 960 Administrative Fee: lncluded in grave price (Maint. Not taxable - Plant Care Taxable) $100 $50 FIRE DEPARTMENT . . Building Bum Emergency Response - Cur Accident Fa/seA/arm Policy - First Time Secofld Time Third Tim e $2,500 $500 No charge $250 $350 LICENSES/MISC PERMITS Burning Permit: Cigarette License: Excavation Permit Gambling License: Liquor; I Day Consumption & Display Temporary On-Sale (Beer) Wine, On-Sale Wine/Strong Beer Comb. On-Sale Wine/3.2 Beer Com. On-Sale 312 Beer, On-Sale 3.2 Beer, Off-Sale Liquor, On-Sale Liquor, Sunday Sales Liquor, Setups Liquor,Club (Veteran's Org). Membership 200 or less 201-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-4000 Over 4000 Pawn Shop: Transient Merchant: Daily fees, independent merchant: Daily fees, farm/garden fruits & vegetahles (from 6/15 to 9/15) Annual fees, private premise Fireworks Sale Transient Merchant; Daily fees operating under annual permit Traveling Shows $250 deposit to cover expenses ifPW/Fire Dept. are called to bum site. Tobacco licenses are issued by Wright County $30 Licensed through State of Minnesota $25 $lO/day $275/per year $1 ,200/per year $500/per year $275/year $lOO/per year $3,750/per year $200 (Statutory limit) $250/year $300 (Statutory limit) $500 (Statutory limit) $650 (Statutory limit) $800 (Statutory limit) $1,000 (Statutory limit) $2,000 (Statutory limit) $25 annual license + $1.50 per billable transaction $50/day + $3.50 application fee No fee $75/year + $3.50 application fee $350/year $IO/day + $3.50 application fee $1 OO/first day; $50/day for each day thereafter MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS . Annexation Study: $22.50 + tax Assessment Search (Written) Bus Punch Cards Punch card (22 rides) Business List Brochures: City resident list:(Utility Billing List) 0-10 pages City resident list:(Utility Billing List) II-50 pages City resident list: (Utility Billing List) 51-100 pages City resident list: (Utility Billing List) 101-150 pages Customized Reports to be by quote Comprehensive Guide Plan - Entire Downtown Revitalization Plan Parks Comprehensive Plan Copies on copy machine Copies on engineering copier Delinquent Certification Processing Fee Deposits on City Repair Projects Garbage Carts-Residential: 90 gallon 60 gallon 38 gallon Garbage Service Fees - Apts: w/o dumpsters Pickup Disposal Disposal Surcharge $25 $20 $5 + tax Free $. 10/page + tax $ .15/page + tax $.20/page + tax $.25/page + tax $32 plus tax $15 plus tax $15 pI us tax $.25 per copy (tax included) $I.OO/small sheet; $3.00/large sheet (tax included) $50 . $/00-$300 (tlepending on est. value o/work) $4.12 pcr quarter (inc!. 9.75% tax) $3.29 per quarter (inc!. 9.75% tax) $2.96 per quarter (incI.9.75% tax) $18.90 x # units + 9.75% tax/per quarter $3.48 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter Garbage Service Fees - Commercial Residential & Non-Commercial Residential 60 gallon: Pickup Disposal Disposal Surcharge Garbage Cart 90 gallon: Pickup Disposal Disposal Surcharge Garbage Cart Switching Garbage Cart Sizes Garbage Cart Replacement (If1ost) 38 - gallon 60 - gallon 90 - gallon Fire Dept. Lock Box: Maps: City map (large) City map (small) Zoning map $15.93 x # units + 9.75% tax/per quarter $2.31 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter $3.29 x # units (incl. 9.75% tax) per quarter $18.90 x # units + 9.75% tax/per quarter $3.48 x # units (non-taxable) per quarter $4.12 x # units (incl. 9.75% tax) per quarter $/5.00 $59.06 + 9.75% tax $65.31 + 9.75% tax $70.75 + 9.75% tax $157.00 + tax $3 (includes tax) $1 (includes tax) $3 (includes tax) . . State maps Wright County maps Monticello Pins: Minutes/Agendas: Faxed Mailed Notary: $.55 (includes tax) $3 (includes tax) $3.00 + tax $5.00/set + tax $7.00/set + tax $1 Recycling Bins: (Sales tax paid at purchase; city is end user alld OWIIS the billS) Residential, set of 3 (tote-yellow not available) Price per bin - Old Style Set of 3 Res. Large blue container (RC2000) Price per bin Wheels Kit Apt - Roll-around cart Apt - Blue Recycling Container,individual Signs: $12.64 $37.92 $8.00 (City covers 1/2 cost for new homes $4.00) $6.25 $36 (Equals 1/2 cost) $8.15 (Wheel kit $6.25; lid $2.65) Currellt listed price + tax ORDINANCE BOOKS . Entire set of ordinances Individual Ordinance Sections: Zoning Ordinance Subdivision Ordinance City Code Sanitary Sewer Assessment Policy $40 plus tax $20 plus tax $8 plus tax $20 plus tax $5 plus tax $2.50 plus tax PLANNING/ZONING . Administrative Permits - (Seasonal Sales/ home occupations) Conditional Use Permit Home Occupation Pemlits: Administrative Permit Special Permit (similar to conditional use permit) Interim Use Permit: $25 $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) $10 $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Park Dedication (residential) An amount ofland equal to ten percent (10%) of the total gross land area of the plat shall be presumptively defined as "reasonably commensurate." In the event that the subdivider objects to the ten percent (l0%) standard, the City shall, at the developer's request and expense, conduct a specific dedication study of the park system and the demand placed on the system by the proposed plat. (Alt: For purposes of this Section, an amount ofland equal to one (1) acre for each75 persons in the subdivision shall be presumptively defined as "reasonably commensurate." To estimate the population of the subdivision, a household size of 3.5 persons per unit for single familyhomes and 2.5 persons per unit for attached housing shall be used. Cash: $3,500 per unit. . Parking Fund (CCD District) $4,500 per stall Plat Subdivisions: o~ 3 acres 4-1 0 acres II + acres $2,000 1 unit $6,000 2- I 0 units $10,000 11+ units $500 $150 er unit $100 erunit PUD's: Planned Unit Dev. $200 + deposit as follows: " , -, ,I 0-3 acres $2,000 1 unit $500 4-10 acres $6,000 2-10 units $ I 50 per unit II + acres $10,000 I I + units $ I 00 per unit I . Rezoning Request: $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Seasonal Outdoor Sales License: $150 per 60 day license Simple Subdivision $200 + Deposit (See plat/PUD Deposit Chart) Street Vacation: $150 + Deposit (See plat/.PUD Deposit Chart) Trail Fund: $248/per unit Variance: Setback Variance All Other Variances $500 for single family requests $20 + $500 deposit for all other requests PUBLIC WORKS Chipping: $30 + tax per 112 hour or part thereof for the first 2 hours $60 + tax per 112 hour or part thereof for the next hour No more than 3 hours per year per property Construction Inspection (City or Engineer) $7l1hour $ 74/hour Dutch Elm Disease Tree Removal City will be responsible for 112 of cost of removal up to $225/per tree; resideflt responsible for bal. cost plus tax . . Dutch Elm Replacement Tree at 1/2 cost $30 maximum credit each Rodding: $200/hour for one operator & machine $1 OO/hour or part thereof for 2 operators, machine and pickup. Sweeping: $70 for first hour or portion thereof; $60/hour pro-rated thereafter. [neludes operator. Vae/Sewer Jet $250/llOlIr for one operator & machine $300/hour for two operators & machine SANITARY SEWER Sewer Rates: 1st 500 cu. ft. Over 500 cu. ft. $10.40 minimum $1.87 per 100 cu. ft. $11.96 millimum $2.15/100cf Sewer Rates: Special Cases $14.38 x # of people in household $16.54 x # of people ill householtl Industrial Sewer Rates: 0-500 cu. ft. Over 500 cu. ft. BODS: TSS: Testing $10 .996/1 00 cu. ft. $.182/lb. $.248/lb $33.00/set $11.96 minimum $/./5/100'1 $.209/1b $,285/lb $37. 95/set . Sewer Connection Permit: $65 (residential or commercial) Sewer and Water Combination Pemlit: $110 (residential) $110 plus tax (commercial) Sewer Access Charge: Residential - Single Family All others per unit equivalent $3,802/Unit $3,802 $4,030/unit $4,040/unit Trunk Sanitary Sewer Residential Unit Non-Residential STORM SEWER $1,132/unit $2,830/per acre $1,223/Ullit $3,056/per acre Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: (Net acre) Alternate Ponding Area -Commercial Alternate ponding Area - Industrial Alternate Ponding Area - Residential $3,120 $6,997 per acre $8,176 per acre $3,490 per acre $3,245 WATER Hydrant Rates for Contractors: I. All contractors must obtain a permit no charge from the Water Superintendent. This pennit will define the hydrant to be used and provides a tally sheet for water usage. . 2. The following rates shall apply: A. $20 minimum billing for up to 500 cu. ft. or 3,750 gallons. B. After the 3,750 gallons, the rate shall be $-k49-$1.94 per 100 cu. ft. or $+,9-9 or $2.59 per 1,000 gallons. 3. The following deposits shall be taken for use of City equipment (no exceptions): A. Hydrant Wrench B. 2-1/2" fill hose C. 1-1/2" fill hose with 2-112" adapter D. 2-112" hydrant meter E. 3/4" and small meter $15.00 $50.00 $50.00 $250.00 $75.00 If equipment is returned on time in good condition, the full deposit (less I O%per month on portion thereof for rent) shall be refunded. (#1, #2 and #3 IS ALL TAXABLE IF COMMERCIAL) Trunk Water Charge; Res. Water Rates: 0-500 cU.ft.. 500-4000 cf over 4000 cf Res Water with Booster Station: 0-500 cu. ft. 500-4000 cf over 4000 cf Comm Water Rate, Mtr I - No 3rd Step 1st 500 cu. ft. Over 500 cu. ft. Comm Water Rate with Booster Mtr 1- No 3rd Step 1st 500 cuft Over 500 cujt Comm Water Rme - 30% Increase - Mtr 2 (SPR) 1st 500 cuft Over 500 cu ft $872/Residential Unit $2,180 per acre non-residential $8.92 $.54 per 100 cu. ft.(taxable if non-res.) $12.44 $1.3 5/1 00 cu. ft.. $8.92 minimum $.54/100 cf $12.44 minimulII $1.35/100 (1 $8.92 millimum $.54/100 cf COI/WI Water Rate - 30% III crease - Mtr 2 (SPR) with booster 1st 500 cuft $12.44 millimum Over 500 cuft $1.35/100 cf Water Shut Off, then Turned On: Water Connection Pernlit; Water Access Charge: I" line 1-1/4" line 1-1/2" line 2" line 3" line 4" line 6" line 8" line Water Main Tapping - New Services (I" only) Water Meters: 5/8" meter 3/4" meter I" meter I 112" meter 2" meter + up I" Valves $21 + delinquency (taxable if non-res.) $55 (residential) $55 plus tax (commercial) $770 + materials $1,170 + materials $1,404 + materials $1,846 + materials $2,310+ materials $3,042 -f materials $3831 + materials $5,030 + materials $250 each + materials $240.00 + sales tax $280.00 + sales tax $325.00 + sales tax $550.00 + sales tax Cost + $50+ sales tax 232.00 + sales tax . $30.00 $100.00 $50.00 $500.00 $1 Ol! 00 $907 $2,267 $10.26 $. 62/100cf $.71/00 cf $/4.31 $1.55/100 cf $1.78/100cf $10.26 $.62/100 cf $14.31 $1.55/100 cf . $11.60 $.70/100 cf $16.17 $1.76/100 cf $24. 15+delillquellcy (t~l;able if Iloll-res) $80 I + materials $1,217 + materials $1,460 + materials $1,920 + materials $2,402 + materials $3,164 + materials $3,984 + materials $5,231 + materials $268 $307 $370 Same Same $29 . . . . Water Availability Charge (For those who have city water available but choose not to hook up) $25/year (Billed in July) $28. 75/year . . . Council Agenda - 12/11/2006 8. Review of status of Water Tower Proiect #2004-30C and consideration of plan to complete the Water Tower Proiect in 2007. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The construction of the physical water tower itself has been completed as of December 1, 2006. The construction crew was to begin cleaning the inside of the water tower; however, the weather turned so cold that water for washing would freeze the inside of the tank and it became impossible to move forward. Since the water tower itself was not completed by September 1, 2006, there are liquidated damages in the amount of $45,500 for the period from September 1 to December 1, 2006, which will be removed from the final payment to the contractor. The City and the consulting engineer have had increased costs for the project dragging on. There is also additional work remaining to be completed on the project, mainly the electrical and the final site work. Mark Rolfs, the project engineer from Bonestroo, has proposed that we suspend liquidated damages from December 1, 2006 until March 15,2007, to give the contractor, CBI, enough time with good weather to complete the cleaning of the water tower, the electrical work, fill the water tower and bring it on line. If this work is not completed by March 15,2007, liquidated damages would again be in force. In addition, it is proposed that we suspend final completion date liquidated damages, which was to be October 1, 2006, until June 1, 2007, at which time the entire project must be done or final completion liquidated damages will kick in. At the same time Mark proposes to deduct an amount of $22,500 from payments to the contractor for the incorrectly sized logo so that the City can have it painted at a later date. It does not appear that the water tower will be taken out of service during good weather to allow painting any time in the future. Mark will be at Monday evening's meeting to discuss this proposed plan with the City Council. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to suspend the liquidated from December 1, 2006 to March 15, 2007, and to suspend liquidated damages for final completion until June 1, 2007. This would still allow deductions of $45,500 for the existing liquidated damages and $22,500 for the logo size correction. 2. The second alternative would be to not suspend liquidated damages due to the cold weather which may be difficult to enforce. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, the Sewer & Water Superintendent and Mark Rolfs, the project engineer from Bonestroo, that the City Council approve the proposed plan to suspend liquidated damages as outlined in alternative #1 and in the memo from Mark Rolfs provided as supporting data for this item. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of memo from Mark Rolfs dated December 5, 2006. 76 SUPPORTING DATA WATER TOWER PROJECT REVIEW ...... .. J~J Bonestroo G Rosene 'W;1I Anderlllc & . \J' Associates Englnilltll'S" Atchli.c;U Memo Project Name: 1.0 MG Elevated Water Tower Client: City of Monticello To: John Simola File No: 1366-04-101 From: Mark Rolfs Date: December 5, 2006 Re: Plan to Complete the Project Remarks: John: This memo provides a summary of the current project status and a proposed approach for completing this project. As you area aware, this project is beyond its completion date, and we have informed the Contractor that the City would be pursuing liquidated damages. Additionally, the tank logo was not painted to the proper size. This memo proposes a plan to complete the project and to approach the Contractor with liquidated damages and deducts. On Thursday, November 30, the Contractor installed the mixer into the wet interior of the tank. On Friday December 1, the Contractor informed me that the tank could be filled and asked if we wanted to start filling it. For a water tower, substantial completion is generally taken to mean that tank is ready to be filled. The specified completion date for this tank was September 1, 2006. The period between Friday, December 1 and September 1 constitutes 91 days, or liquidated damages in the amount of $45,500. At this time, it is not in the City of Monticello's best interest to fill the tank. The temperatures and winter water use make it undesirable to place the tank in service at this time. However, it is critical that the tank be on-line and operational next spring prior to painting the 800,000 gallon ground storage reservoir. It would be best if the tank were fHled in late February or early March, as soon as weather permits. Therefore, the following Plan is proposed. 1. Suspend Liquidated damages for substantial completion from December 1, 2006 until March 15, 2007. 2. Suspend Liquidated damages for final completion until June 1. 2007. 3. If the tank is not on-line (with full electrical control) by March 15, 2007, substantial completion liquidated damages will be re-instated. 4. If all punch list items are not completed by June 1,2007, final completion liquidated damages will be re~ Instated. At the same time, we will propose to the Contractor that they accept the Liquidated Damage in the amount of $45,500. Additionally, we will propose to the Contractor that they accept a deduct in the amount of $22.500 to have the City repaint the incorrectly sized logo at a future date. Please give me a call at 651-604~4872 if you have any questions regarding this information. Mark R. Rolfs End of Memo Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderllk and Associates. Inc. www.bonestroo.com o St. Paul OIIIee; 2335 w.. fIIolrlllay 36 Sl Paul, UN 55113 Phon.: 651-636-4600 ,..:851.631>-1311 o MIlwauke. OWe.: 1207' N. Cotpo,ara Parkway, sra 20D Mequon, WI 53002 Phone: 2620643--9032 F~ 2lI2.241.4001 a Roeh.oter 0lIl..: 1127"SUet1NE RocheslB" UN 55906 P/l:)ne: 507.282.2100 'D' '507.282-3100 o Wlllm.. Ufllee, 205 5th S~'et SW WilI",II'. MN 53201 Phone: 320-214-9557 Fax: 320-214-9458 o S~ Cloud OfIlce: 3721 23" Sreel S Sl ClOUd. MN 56301 Phon.: 320.251-4553 FD: 320-251.6262 o L1bBl1r<lIl, Om.e: 1860 Wilel WlncheslB, Rd. Sill 108 Gl.yslake,1L 80030 Phool: 847.5411-8714 Fax: 647-64~6979 77 CouncilAgenda - 12/11/2006 9. Review of Plans and Specifications and Review of Cost Estimates for BioSolids Drver and Consideration of Advertisement for Bids - City Project 2005-37C. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The plans and specifications for the waste water biosolids treatment improvements which were previously ordered by the City Council are between 95%-98% complete. The project review committee consisting of the Public Works Director, the City Engineer, Council Member Tom Perrault and as available, Financial Officer Rick Wolfsteller, have been working with Bolton & Menk to bring the plans back to for approval. The project engineer, Bob Brown, from Bolton & Menk has recommended a bid date of January 24, 2007. The plans and specifications are scheduled for completion the month along with the advertisement for bids and a pre-bid conference. In order to stay on schedule, the City Council is asked to approve the plans and specifications at this time and authorize advertisement for bids since the next scheduled meeting is not until January 8, 2007. As you may recall, the engineer has prepared duplicate plans for 2 different buildings and 2 separate pieces of processing equipment for drying the biosolids. This has required almost two complete plan sets to be developed. The two processes being bid are: Process}- Kruger Dryer, Denmark This process dries the biosolids with hot aIr as the biosolids move along a stainless steel belt within an enclosed dryer. Process 2 - Komline Sanderson This process is an in-vessel type of process where the biosolids move slowly through the vessel between 2 augers heated internally with hot oil. While there are several operating Komline Sanderson dryers in the United States the first Kruger Process Dryer in the US was started up at Mystic Lake just this week. The project review team will be continuing to meet with Bolton & Menk over the next few weeks to finalize the plans and specifications. We will also be meeting with Kim Kozar an attorney with Hoff, Barry & Kozar to develop the wording of the final guarantee of the biosolids processes in to the specifications for the project. Kim Kozar was the attorney who worked for the League of Minnesota Cities and assisted the City of Monticello with its recovery of funds during the last bio solids project. The review committee and the City Administrator felt it was important to have the guarantees well thought out and their drafting overseen by a knowledgeable attorney in this field. Bob Brown, will be on hand Monday evening to give you a power point presentation of the project and an update of the estimated cost. Enclosed you will find a copy of the power point presentation for your review along with a recent transmittal letter regarding approval of the monitoring process for the Kruger dryer by the PCS and EP A. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative after review of the agenda packet and presentation from Bob Brown, Bolton & Menk, is to approve the plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids. Bids returnable on January 24, 2007. 78 Council Meeting - 12/11/2006 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the plans and specifications or authorize advertisement for bids at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the review committee; consisting of John Simola, Public Works Directors; Bruce Westby, City Engineer; Council Member, Torn Perrault; and project engineer, Bob Brown that the City Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids returnable on January 24, 2007, as outlined in alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of power point presentation from Bolton & Menk and copy of letter regarding the monitoring of the Kruger Dryer process. 79 ,;;;;!;:l~Fff'" Kr" -ger ~~i;;'". U N I. Kruger Inc. 401 Harrison Oaks Blvd Ste. 100 Cary, NC 27513 Telephone Facsimile 919-677-8310 919~677-0082 November 22. 2006 Mr. John Colletti USEPA Region 5 (WN-16J) NPDES Support & Technical Assistance Branch 77 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604-3507 VIA E~MAIL: collettLjohn@EPAmail.EPAgov Ref: Kruger BioCon@Process (Class A) Dear Mr. Colletti, As you may be aware, Kruger has been in discussion with Jorja DuFresne of MCPA and Dr. Jim Smith of the PEC on the subject of permitting the Kruger BiaCan dryer as an acceptable process for producing a Class A biosolids. Further to those discussions, Kruger met with Jorja on November 18, 2006. At the conclusion of the meeting, Jorja asked Kruger to formalize our position and submit this information directly to you with a copy to her and Dr. Jim Smith. In 40 CFR Part 503 "Alternative 5" (Biosolids Treated in a PFRP), the "Heat Drying" PFRP specifies the following: Biosolids are dried by direct or indirect contact with hot gases to reduce the moisture content of the biosolids to 10 percent or lower. Either the temperature of the biosolids particles exceeds 80 oC or the wet bulb temperature of the gas in contact with the biosolids as the biosolids leave the dlyer exceeds 80 oC. This PFRP description is comprised of three components: method of heat transfer, moisture content and temperature. Kruger certifies that the BioCon drying process fully complies with 40 CFR Part 503 "Alternative 5" (Biosolids treated in a PFRP). Specifically, the Kruger BioGon dryer will operate such that biosolids are dried by direct contact with hot gases (air) so as to produce biosolids containing less than 10 percent moisture while exceeding a particle temperature of 80 oC. Questions have been raised regarding provisions Kruger would include in the design of the dryer for monitoring the dried product temperature. To address these concerns, Kruger visited the Blue Lake WPCP to investigate their permitted Class A biosolids drying process. The Blue Lake WPCP biosolids processing facility monitors the temperature of the blosolids by use of a thermocouple temperature sensor mounted in contact with the dried solids. This previously approved instrumentation methodology is also incorporated into the BioCon drying process as shown on the attached drawing. Similar to the Blue Lake WPCP approach, the Kruger Bioeon process control system will continuously monitor particle temperature of the biosolids as they are discharged from the dlyer. Kruger will install a temperature indicating transmitter in the extraction G ~,;?UA 80 Solur:iCm: !t r,,~hflologlei screw to monitor product temperature. The thermocouple (model TH52) and transmitter (model ITEMP TMT162) supplied will be manufactured by Endress+Hauser. Upon review of this letter and the enclosed support information we trust you will agree that our approach will satisfy the requirements of 40 CFR Part 503 "Alternative 5" and meet with your approval and request that you will confirm your concurrence. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact us (919) 677-8310. Regards, '/- ~ r::f. Jason L Bivins, P.E. BiosoJids Process Manager cc: Jorja DuFresne (MPCA) Dr. Jim Smith (PEG) Brian Frewerd (Kruger) enc: Drawing 81 10. Consideration of cost oflivin2 /wa2e increases for 2007. (10) This item will be completed after the Personnel Committee meeting on Friday. The item will be hand delivered to the Council on either Friday or Saturday. 81 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 11. Review Area for 2007 Street Reconstruction Feasibility Report and Consideration of Authorizine Feasibility Study (City of Monticello Project No. 2007-01C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the November 13,2006, City Council meeting, the Council directed WSB & Associates, Inc. to conduct an informational meeting for the residents along the streets in the remaining Area 3 ofthe City's Overall Street Reconstruction Program. These streets include: River Street, Craig Lane, Kenneth Lane, Hillcrest Road, Hillcrest Circle, Hilltop Drive, and Matthew Circle. Approximately 40 residents attended the informational meeting representing approximately 32 properties. A total of about 100 notices were sent out to the properties affected. The general consensus was that residents felt the streets have deteriorated and are in need of reconstruction. The main issues raised were: . Include curb and gutter or maintain the existing rural section . Widen streets or maintain the existing width . Location of sidewalk along River Street . Drainage improvements (ditches or storm sewer) A survey form was distributed at the meeting with specific questions on street width and extending sidewalk along River Street. A summary ofthe results are included with this agenda item along with additional resident comments. A list of key issues brought up during the meeting that are not reflected on the survey summary is also included. Desi2n Considerations: Street Design: Segments of River Street have deep ditches along the roadway. Typically, when reconstructing streets and installing curb and gutter, the street is lowered to accommodate filling in the ditches to allow for drainage to be directed to the street. In cases where deep ditches exist, it may not be possible to lower the roadway without significantly impacting the adjacent properties. In these instances, we have typically extended storm sewer catch basins into the yard to collect the storm water. An alternate could be to maintain the existing ditches in these areas and not add curb and gutter, while providing other options for water quality treatment for the storm water runoff. Adequate street widths would need to be provided for emergency vehicle access, maintaining on- street parking, and maintaining traffic flow, while minimizing impacts to properties. In these existing areas, consideration can be given to reducing our standard street widths to better fit the existing conditions. Location of Sidewalk: Residents voiced concerns on the location of the sidewalk along River Street in terms of impact to the adjacent properties and protection of trees. Another concern was the lack of safe crossing at CSAH 75. It is proposed that the above items would be addressed in the feasibility study with options for the Council to consider. Additional topographic survey is needed also to evaluate drainage improvements. A public hearing would then be conducted to hear feedback from the residents to determine how to move forward with the final design of the improvements. c.' lDocllments uml Selll,*gsldam1.gro.'i.'iingdJ,ucci! Settillg.'1\'J'emponlry bllemet Fi/esIOLK3\J/(iN n'M- AuthFeaslWT 200l Streel ReCOil' 12 J w6.doc f? 2 Council Agenda: 12/11/06 As noted above, it appeared that the general consensus of the affected residents was that the streets should be reconstructed. It is imperative that these improvements be completed as the streets are continuing to deteriorate and are in need of repair. The residents would appreciate the opportunity to be involved in the design considerations. In addition, construction costs have increased dramatically over the past few years and it is unclear if there will be a significant drop in these prices. By holding off on these improvements, costs will increase, putting additional burden on City funds and potential resident assessments. It is also proposed that West River Street, from CSAH 75 to 1-94, be evaluated for possible repair or reconstruction in 2007. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize WSB & Associates, Inc. to complete the feasibility study and obtain additional topographic survey for the remainder of Area 3 and West River Street from CSAH 75 to 1-94. 2. Do not authorize the feasibility study at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council take action on the next phase of the 2007 Reconstruction Project. General feedback from the residents was that the streets should be reconstructed. The feasibility report would address the design issues residents voiced and would provide options for the Council to consider to address these issues. We would recommend that during the feasibility report presentation that a public meeting be held to discuss design alternatives. The process to complete the project on past projects in this area ofthe City has been lengthy and we have bid these projects in mid-summer as opposed to early spring, which is typically more suited for lower bid prices and interest from contractors. Initiation of the project now will allow more time for project scoping and additional public input. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Survey Form Survey Results Summary from 11/30/06 Meeting Additional Comments from 11130106 Meeting 83 (.'.. \[)()Cllnle/lt.f and &ttillgsltJcllUI,grossittgel'\/,ocal Setti/lgsltemporury Internet File.<:\OLK.3\AGN ITM~ ALitIiFea.r;RJ'1' 2007 Street Re:um-lll/06.doc RESIDENT SURVEY 2007 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM CITY PROJECT NO. 2007-01 C The Monticello City Council is interested in your feedback regarding continuing the street reconstruction in your neighborhood. While we are most interested at this time as to whether you would like to have your street reconstructed, we would like you to also address the following design questions. Question No.1 The City's design standard in new developments is for a 32-foot-wide street with the exception of cul-de-sacs, which are 30 feet wide. We know your street is narrower than this, but still must accommodate emergency vehicles. How wide would you like the street reconstruction be limited to? The recently improved segment of River Street is 30 feet wide, side streets are 28 feet wide, and streets with existing curb remain the same. River Street feet wide Hilltop Drive feet wide Hillcrest Road feet wide Question No.2 Are you in favor of continuing sidewalk along River Street? Yes No Other comments Name: Address: 84 C: If)ocl4mttllS aM Sellingsldaill".gm,v.villKerlLocaJ Sett;ngs\T~mptJrory Imernet Flles\OLK3\RES SRVY-11300(j.doc ~~~ O~O I "' N ......O=- g~~ N u .. . ;l ~ o == ,.Q Z 0 S .. ~ ~ ~ It-< ... .-' 0 0 e cZ ~ ..., CU ..., U :!:1j) cu CD 3': .... CI)'" -cU) .- .... U)CD CD.:: ~O:: .= !;! ... l: l: 0 0- uo( J: ... -c ~ '&i CD .... ... U) 1Il ... l: CI) E E o u J: "5 0>- cV>=..... 'm (I) m ~ ........r:. L..'~ c..... - 'm c ~ 0 EOo"O o 0 CO .8 0>::; $ .- V> v>.8 ~ c:: Ctl C'- ..c ~ 1: >- ~..c""'~ V> - CO;;:I~ Q)'- >- CO ::3"0 CO Q) C ro V> V> :;::::; > >- ~ c (I) = 0 0- CO..c u5~>- .8..c~E .... en e V> ~~~Ctl :::3 L.._..... 0l0lQ)~ "0 (1)"0 V> cE'U) Ctl ro .......c Q) -e5tE ::3..cOo u~c::u"S _. ;: ~ ~ !2 o~""'Ctl"'" .8~c..c~ "O>o"Oro o (I) en-..c 0:2(1)51- o>enO> (I) (I) 0>> a.i ..c~:!::: >-c =_Q)ro 32"O-5...J ::3 "S ....; ..cgl o 0 Q) .- ;:;: ~.~ ~ 0>_ ..... > u c en - ..... :;::::; >. 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C .a; rnID..c: .0> Iwo";;: ._ :::l Cl ~ ~o.L. .s:m - :J IOJ c"O o C ..!<:co cti-E ~ :::l cti Q) (,) ID "O'L. .- OJ CO rncz, .5'O~ .~ 0"S ..!<:wm o .!!1.o . "0 ~..c: ~ o ID Q) '9.5.:! ~ rn ~ Q) Q) ;:.. .o~-;:; .9B~ rnQ)o -g..c: 5- Q) I- ID C . rn ~a...m <(L. <Ii U) g > <(.- "C s... Cl 0'- o.L.~ o ro L. ~ ~:m Ix5 CID"O o C C ~oca IDQ).o ~.~::; OJ a. () >< ---- .... 2007 Street Reconstruction Project Informational Meeting Additional Comments (Answers are in Italics) A public informational meeting was held at the Community Center at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 30, 2006 for reconstructing the streets in the remaining Area 3. Residents from River Street, Hillcrest Road, Kenneth Lane, Craig Lane, Hilltop Drive, Hillcrest Circle and Matthew Circle were present. Below is a summary of key concerns residents voiced in addition to the comments on the survey forms: 1. It may be difficult to maintain boulevards on the sidewalk side due to trees and other issues. This is part of the design. We will do our best to work around the existing trees. We have placed the sidewalk against the curb if we have tight construction limits. 2. If the City does not flood the rink at Hillcrest Park, why add sidewalk to access the park? No one uses the park. The City is regularly evaluating the needs of each park. It was suggested that the residents make a request to the parks department if they want the park improved or the rinkflooded. 3. Will the City provide residents with the fair market value for trees removed with the project? We will try to not remove trees, but if trees are removed outside the City right-of-way we will negotiate a settlement with the property owner. 4. The compost site and adjacent city storage area should be cleaned up. It's a problem for residents to get to the site or the new compactor when it's only open unti15:00 p.m. The Council has heard this request and has started to look at other options and this year installed a compactor. The hours issue has been discussed a lot by the Council. 5. Can the curve along River Street at the 1700 and 1800 block be corrected? If the property owner wants to help the City with right-of-way, we can look at alternatives. 6. Why would residents along Hillcrest Circle be assessed the same as residents along River Street and other streets where curb is to be added, since Hillcrest Circle already has curb? The residents are paying an assessment for the pavement reconstruction. The City is payingfor the cost of curb and gutter and storm sewer. 7. Concern with additional drainage at 126 River Street to Otter Creek. This will be reviewed during the feasibility report. 8. The street lighting added this year is great. Include street lighting with the project. 9. Drainage issue at the cul-de-sac on Craig Lane. Freezes over in the winter with thick ice. Add storm sewer. This will be evaluated. 88 10. Traffic volume and speeds will increase if River Street is widened. Most traffic is neighbors with the exception of the compost site. The City is looking into reducing the compost site traffic. 11. Residents have lost trees from Xcel cutting/trimming every two years. Trees should be trimmed more often, not mauled every two years. A meeting should be set up with Xcel. Can the lines be buried? We will share this concern with Xcel and will discuss a possible meeting. 12. Traffic volumes and speeds are high on River Street because of compost site. See 10. 13. A pedestrian crossing is needed at CSAH 75. This has been reviewed previously and is very expensive. We will revisit the issue with the feasibility report. 14. Property with 400 feet of frontage on River Street and Hillcrest Rd could have a 50-foot span of pine trees cut down. Wants this addressed. We will evaluate this issue with the feasibility report. 15. Sidewalk is needed along River Street. People are afraid to walk/run on the road, so they walk/run in the yards. 16. The Prairie Road/River Street realignment is still unsafe. People drive straight through into the ditch. This was realigned in conjunction with the County. Options are very limited to improve this situation. 17. Extend sidewalk along CSAH 75, west of the River Street connection. 18. Will the gravel parking lot at Hillcrest Park be paved? This will be forwarded on to the parks department. 19. There is a group home in the area. Will this property be assessed at the non-residential rate? Property uses will be evaluated during the feasibility report. Six residents or less occupying the home is considered a single-family home. 20. Request for no parking along CSAH 75 near the park. This is unsafe. This will be discussed with the County and the parks department. 21. Culvert is partially blocked at 1609 River Street. The ditch to the west is full. Water extends close to the house after the spring thaw. This will be reviewed during the feasibility report. 2 89 Council Agenda -12/11/2006 12. Review of bids and consideration of award of contract for demolition of the Monte Club structure. City Proiect #2007-02C. (J.S. & a.A.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As directed by the Mayor and updated to the City Council at the last meeting, staff has prepared plans and specifications for the demolition of the Monte Club structure including pumping and removal of the septic tank system serving the building. The existing pump, well and drain fields serving the Monte Club and the old sewer system for a mobile home that was on the site years ago will remain. The City had a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment done of the Monte Club property in August 2006, which indicated fluorescent lamps inside the building would have to be removed in accordance with applicable regulations. The City also recently had an asbestos survey done of the building by Fire, Inc. of Andover, MN and Carolina Environmental, Inc. of Cary, NC. This survey showed that some of the floor tile in the building and the adhesive with which the tile was fastened had non fibrous bound asbestos concentrations up to 5%. In addition, there was some ceiling spray that was found to be non fibrous and bound that contained 2% asbestos. The removal of the hazardous materials will be done through a hazardous waste specialist hired by the City prior to the demolition of the building. The bids for the demolition of the building and appurtenances were due at 10 a.m. on Thursday, December 7, 2006. We received five (5) bids ranging from a low of $24,678 to a high of $48,400. A copy of the bid tabulation is included for your review. The low bidder was Veit & Company, Inc. of Rogers, MN at $24, 678. Their bid was $4,672 lower than the second bidder, Schluender Construction. Since Veit is a specialist in hazardous removal of asbestos materials, we will be contacting them for a price for the removal of those materials. There is a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) ten day waiting period on commercial buildings for demolition. Consequently, the project would not be able to start until about the 18th of December if notice is sent in this week and we are able to get the asbestos products abated within the next ten days. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to award the demolition project to Veit & Company of Rogers, MN in the amount of $24,678 and to authorize the Public Works Director and Chief Building Official to work with Veit & Company or another contractor to have the asbestos abated prior to demolition. 2. The second alternative would be not to award the demolition project at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and the Chief Building Official that the City Council move forward with this project as outlined in alternative #1 above. We will work with Veit to obtain prices for the asbestos abatement. If we feel they are not a reasonable cost we will look at another contractor or specialist to do the asbestos abatement and get the project going as soon as possible to have it completed as soon as possible. 90 Council Meeting - 12/11/2006 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of bid tabulation. 91 PROPOSAL TABULATION FOR BUILDING DEMOLITION AND SITE PREP ARA TION FOR THE MONTE CLUB AND APPURTENANCES 8932 FENNING AVENUE CITY PROJECT #2007-02C CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA PROPOSAL OPENING DECEMBER 7, 2006 10:00 A.M. CONTRACTOR TOTAL BASE PROPOSAL VEIT & COMPANY, INC. $24,678.00 Contact: Greg Boelke, Sr. Vice President 14000 Veit Place Rogers, MN 55374 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION, INC. $29,350.00 Contact: Robert Schluender, Vice President 3391 90th Street NE Monticello, MN 55362 FYLE'S EXCAVATING & HONEY WAGON $29,985.00 Contact: Bradley Fyle, Manager 9697 Harding Avenue NE Monticello, MN 55362 LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION, INC. $43,984.00 Contact: Dan Landwehr, President P.O. Box 1086 S1. Cloud, MN 56302 FITZGERALD EXCAVATING & TRUCKING, INC. $48,400.00 Contact: Jason Fitzgerald, Owner 20865 390th Street Goodhue, MN 55027 F:\ADMIN\Wo",PrnoWDHN \BIDTASS\MONTE CLUS DEMO SID T AS - 120706.wpd 92 . OrII .-H'J ...:l~ UlP< UP:: HrII ~6 au ::<: . N 0.. ",I- UJ O' \ll 0.. :><0 U E-<> HI uC!)p:: HO 00 o.rl l!1'<1' U oLrl ...:l...:l {JJ ('J('J Q)\,O s:;:\,O \,0 "Mo 0 ...:l ....... '" N H OJ ....... 0..\,0 r-l rl ...:l ..0 rl ro :>. C!) Q) ro ~ tJ 0. U roC!) ru 0. [J] ~ C!) r-l U r-l 'd .rl 0. r-l il1 ....... Oz ~ ~ 4-< 0 \,0 1-4 0 Q) OJ ....... -lJ rl '" s:;: ::l ~ N .rl 'd ....... 1-4 OJ Ul r-l 0.. .c: ~ ~ ..-< U e UJ 0 Ul Cl) 1-4 U ~ ~ 0 U "" 0 Ul u :r: [J] \,0 U OJ ruM 0 ~ .rl rl ....:10 '" ~ 0.. 0.0 ~~ N ....... 0 rl ~ "U :><M s:;: rl (JJ ~.. 0 0'\ s:;: 0.0 .rl '<I' 0 . rl -lJ co .M 1-4 (J) U I -lJOJ ~~ OJ 0. 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