EDA Agenda 07-22-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020 — 7:00 a.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Participants can choose to attend remotely via Go-To: Web: https://�lobal.�otomeetin�.com/ioin/497052669 Phone: (872) 240-3412 � Access Code: 497-052-669 Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and Jacob Thunander Call to Order 2. Roll Call Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda None 5. Consideration of Approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements in the amount of $5,000 to: Salon Tuscan LLC; Monti Nutrition; Palmetto Fitness LLC (DBA: Fitness Evolution); and Sweet Dreams LLC to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts 6. Consideration of EDA Resolution #2020-08 authorizing Interfund Loan for Advance of Certain Costs in Connection With Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program wherein the GMEF account is reimbursed by CARES Act pandemic funding for previously approved and disbursed grants provided to assist businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic 7. Consideration of GMEF Pre-Application from Vikram Aggarwal for development of a proposed Daycare Facility 8. Consideration of Discussion of Revised Beard Group, Inc. Block 52 Redevelopment Concept Proposal Illustration 9. Economic Development Director's Report 10. Adj ourn EDA Agenda: 7/22/20 5. Consideration of Approvin� Small Business Emer�encv Grant A�reements in the amount of $5,000 to: Salon Tuscan, LLC; Monti Nutrition; and Palmetto Fitness LLC (DBA: Fitness Evolution); and Sweet Dreams LLC to miti�ate COVID-19 economic impacts (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider approving a fourth batch of Small Business Emergency Grant funding applications. The EDA approved the Small Business Emergency Grant Program and a source of funding at its regular May 27, 2020 meeting. The Grant Program was set up with $100,000 as an initial emergency assistance fund. The EDA also directed that the source of the grant program be from the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan program. This set-aside amount should fund a total of 20 grants. Four (4) new applications were received for consideration at the July 22"d, 2020 EDA meeting. They are shown in the following table: Name of Business Tvpe of Business # of Emplovees Amount of Grant Salon Tuscan, LLC Hair Salon 5 $5, 000 Monti Nutrition Palmetto Fitness LLC Sweet Dreams LLC Food-Health Service Health Club Mattress Store 7 31 2 $5, 000 $5, 000 $5, 000 Staff have reviewed the applications for completeness and adherence to the program guidelines. A summary grant review evaluation spreadsheet is also included to help the EDA in its review and discussion at the meeting. The application materials for all applicants are attached to the staff report. It should be noted that Palmetto Fitness LLC (DBA: Fitness Evolution) indicated that they have 31 part-time employees. Per the EDA's grant guidelines, businesses shall employ between 2 and 25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees. Staff believe the number of part-time employees when converted to FTE employees, based on the number of hours worked, would be within this threshold. The EDA approved thirteen (13) previous grants since the creation of the grant program. That leaves a program fund balance of $35,000. If the EDA approves the additional four (4) grant requests that will leave a program balance of $15,000 or 3 remaining grants. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in considering the grant requests involves the work related to reviewing the applications and preparing the staff report for the EDA meeting. The EDA's legal counsel provided a grant agreement template which is also attached to the Staff Report. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering approving four (4) Small Business Emergency Grants is in disbursing an additional amount of $20,000 from the newly EDA Agenda: 7/22/20 created Grant program which was originally authorized at $100,000. If the EDA approves the four (4) new grants in addition to the thirteen (13) that were approved since the creation of the grant program, the remaining fund balance would be $15,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and: Salon Tuscan, LLC; Monti Nutrition; and Palmetto Fitness LLC (DBA: Fitness Evolution); and Sweet Dreams LLC in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 2. Motion to deny approval of Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and: Salon Tuscan, LLC; Monti Nutrition; and Palmetto Fitness LLC (DBA: Fitness Evolution); and Sweet Dreams LLC in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. Motion to table consideration of approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and: Salon Tuscan, LLC; Monti Nutrition; and Palmetto Fitness LLC (DBA: Fitness Evolution); and Sweet Dreams LLC in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 4. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The EDA authorized the Small Business Emergency Grant program at its May 27, 2020 meeting. This is the fourth batch of grant applications being considered by the EDA. Staff have reviewed the applications for completeness and program eligibility. Staff finds all other application information submittals to be complete and in compliance with the program guidelines. It should also be noted that if the grants are approved, they are not considered a"business subsidy" as defined in state statutes. The program guidelines require the grant recipients to provide a brief follow-up report back to the City in the future describing how the funding was used. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Salon Tuscan, LLC Grant Application B. Monti Nutrition Grant Application C. Palmetto Fitness LLC (DBA: Fitness Evolution) D. Sweet Dreams LLC E. Summary Grant Review-Evaluation Checklist F. Grant Agreement Template G. Small Business Emergency Grant Program Guidelines 2 c i r r c�� MpNTT���,.LC3 ED� r �jj[ � "� lY1�Qr],tIC�,' �} SMALL BUSINE5S EME�GEN�Y GR�.NT APPi.I CATION i. C�NTA�CT IN�QRNfATI�N �.egaI Narne af Busir�ess: ��Ion Tuscan, LP�C Project 5r�e �ddress: �Q�7 �ed8t' Street City I Statc /�ip: Mc3nt��e110, MN 553F2 Cantark Persc�n(s}: Amy Dirkes _ $usiness Phcne: �53-2�5-445C� F.«�ail: Hamc Ph�:-re: Che�k �ne: x "rc���rietnr Cor�c}rati�m �'artnershi� Fed�ral ID � State IL� � - Pro�aerty �vti�rser: 2. Bi15Ilti'ESS IIVF�RMATIflN P�ease attach addition�2 dnc�merrtsl�auges as �reeded to he comp�eie as passrb�e. �. Years c�f Qperatian in Manti�ello 12 years, we have owned for the last 7 years, �1. List belc�w the number of part time and full time ernplvyees. F�r ��ur�oses nf ea[cirl�rtinrr, the terna "er��plo�ees" n�u� inc(uc�e thase si�ff rer�tir2�S a�- feusir:� j�ritifics within the h�IonticelIc� business Incation. �'rinr to March 15���, 2020 Current 1 FT � �T � PT 2 PT 1 Gi�e a brief summary of yo�ir business �praducts, servi�es, grawth �istory, operatiflns, number af lac�tions, etc.} We are a ful� �ervice hair salan. Praviding hair cu#s, co[ors, p�dicures, manic�res, and waxing. We also sell �air products to aur ciients and tk�e publFc. I am the owner �nd t also work as a sel# ernployed stylist at Safor� Tus�an, LLC. We only ha�re the ane lacation located �n the mal4 by Chatter's. d, Pro�vtde infnrmaiion regarding how your o�exations lia�e been impacted by the pandemic, speeifically haurs of operatign, employee reductions, etc. Inclu�le any str�tegies implementeci ta sustain your business Salon Tuscan was initially clased due ta COVI�-19 in mid March 202D. We were ur�a�fe ta open again until June 1, 202D. BQth t'he b�siness and all renter w�re unable to work f�rr the 2'!12 month period. We w�re nat a!lowed #o even se!! products ta vur customers until the end taf M ay. Qn average t�e imontk�ly revenue for the s�lon and myself a�erages $7,250.��. $3,25{1 rent frflm ct�rrertf renters, and $4,OOa.00 in my own seif employment. I did apply far unemplayment, but was �r�ly a��e to receive $4�S,t7�lmant� because � heCped out the Monti�ello You#h Hockey Association far 3 hours per we�k helping them se[! meat raffles and bingo games. �ihe State said I was nat allowed to calf�ct uneo'npioyment far my main job of cosmetology due ta being able to colleGt unempioyment from #he Mvnticellfl Youth Hockey Asso�iatior�. I�ave appealed this decision beGause my main income cames from the sal�n not #he hackey associafian, kaut I ha�e not heard anything back yet. We d�d receive $1,�t70.�a from a Go Fund Me campaign. We a4so applied far a PPP loan, but the arnount that was estimated came �aek very Iflw �nd wauld r�ot eve� cover one months reni and utilities. Sa we did not finisi� ap�lying. 1 ha�e talk�d with the Eandiord and we did agree on paying a lawer rent amaunt #or now, bui I wil� have to ma#ce up the difFerence in the futur�. I alsn allowed my renters to pay a less�r amount a# manthly rent, but they will also ha�e ta �ake up the difference in the future. Dea�ribe a€ the currer�t pl�ns for resuming o�erations tfll�Qwing the CDVID-19 crisis. We are �urrent�y fo(iawing all State and Fe�era� guid�fines to f�ave our safon open ai 50°Ia capacity. We are not able to work as many hours and are not aliawed tQ dauble book clients ta r'nake mflre m�ney. We �tave set up a working �chedule for all renters so that we do not exceed the 50°/o capaci#y requir�d. We are rr�aking ail clients wait in their vehicies until w� have sanitize� e�erytt�ing deal�ng with the client befc�re them, and then we either te�, or step ouiside and wa�e the ne� client in for the appointrnent. 3, GRANT R�QUEST Ampunt T�.ec�uested: $ 4,DQD.D� 4, FJNANCI1�fG Please provide dacum�ntslevidence af other saur�es of state �r federal funds yvur i�usiness inas beei� awarded or de�lied dL�ri�g t4�e ��VIp panderni�, as appiicable, in�luding Eeoi�omic Injury funcls, PPP, etc. �. ATTACHMENTS CHECIC LXS'T Please att�ch t�ie follcawing: x A} Praof of address � B) �Financial statexrtents, such as: � Pre�ic�us year's annuai gross revenue • Average manthly gross reWenue grinr to C�VID-1� ■ Projeeted monthly gross re�enue for the next #hree mont�s PLEAS� D� N'QT SLdE3MIT FINAI�i�IAL STA7EMENTS I�ATHER SI.TBMIT A S�TMMARY QF TH� INFCJ�MATION RE(�UESTE�. x C) iro�f r�F expei�ses to be p�ic� D� Awardldenial letters — 5tate and Federal Assistance �'rograms G. AGREEdVIENT I 1 We eertify that a11 informatic�n pro�ided in ihis applic��ion is true and �Qrre�t tn the best of myJo�ir knawledge. I1 We at�thorize ti�e 1�dlnnticeilo E'QA to �erify financial and �ther informatiran. I] We agree to pravide any additionai information as rnay be reque�ted by the city. T�Ze undersigned has recei�red t�e EDA's policy regarding the program and camplies wikh all eligil�ility requirements. Furt�er, the applicant undea'stands th�t funds are awarded on a first-come first ser�ed basis. - Ai'I�LICANT SIGNATURE � APT'LICANT NAME (i�rint): ��f1t � � �-� DATE: 6 J � ~ � � � The EDA is �r goven:fi�aer�tr�� errtih� and ns sucla anasst prvvide p�ablic access to �uUlic dnta if reeeives. D�tt�a deefned U� A�ptica3tt to be no�tyublie data under State 2nT,v shQuld be so ctesignated or �narked i�y A���icaart. See Minnesot� Sta tutes, 5ectiofts 73.591, 5u&d. 1 anr� 2. 3 � � �� ��.� ����o�� Acc��a� {CERT�F�CATE �F L�A�BI�.1TY INS�URANCE ,�„�,Za,� TfiiIS CER7IFICATE IS iSSkJEt� AS A MATTEf{ �F INFflRMRTl�N 01�LY AND CDNFERS ND RIGHTS UPQN TH� CERT[FiCATE HOLDER. THfS CER7IFICATE ��ES NC)T AFFIF2MATIVELY f3R NEGATIVELY A�A+lENQ, EXTENb OR ALFEFt THE COVERACsE AFF[3ROE0 8Y THE POLICfES BEL�W_ TMIS CER�IFiCATE OF 1N5URANCE D�E3 HDT CO�N57ETGTE A C{]NTRACT BETWEEH '�IiE 155U1NG IM1�SURER 5, ALJTHaR9ZE0 REPRES�ENTATIVE 4R PR[IQUCER, AN[} FME CERTiFICAT� HOL�ER. IMPCIRTANT: If trie certit��ate hafder fs att AODITIoNAL tNSU�iEo, fhe poticy(ie5) m+Jst have Al7Dlii[]TJAL lNSIJREa provisions ar h� enqarsed, li SU6ROGATI£7N 18 WANED, subject to the terms and conditipns of the palicy, ceriain policies may require ar1 endorsement. A siatemeni nn ihis cert�lleate dQes not eonfer ri hts ta thB certiticate holde� In lieu of sUtt� endvfSernent s, PRp[1JCER NAMEA�� American �amil lnsurance - Busirress Insurance ownuF fAX Attleric8lt Fari�ily Insuranee - 8usiness Insurancc PO Box 5316 Bingilamton, #vY 1�SQ2 IMSUREO AFl{Y AIRKES dag� c Eoaa sr MOHTICEi.LO Mh� &63B2 E-AAAI� ADDR�55' INSl1RER A; 1iP5URER 9 : tusua€0. c : I N5llRE R 0 : iNsu¢ER � : INSURERF servic arnfambusinessinsurance.com INSURER{Sj AFF�R�1�7G C4VERIYGE kJAIC �E Midvale Inpemr+ity Campany _ 27138 C�RVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBEf2: REVISidN NUMSER: TH1S IS -O CERTIFY 7HAT THE P4LIClES O€ �NSURANCE LES`fE� BELd'Jt' F1AVE BEEM ISSU�O TO TH� :NSUR�I� NAMEQ AE3�VE FOR fiFE� PDLICY P�R:Oa INOICATEL7. rvOTWITFIBTANOING At+PY RcQLJ1REA�iwN'• . rERM OR CONOITi41J i1� ANY GdNTRACT ❑R OTHER L7C]Gl1hAEid7 W1TH RESPEC' FO �dHICH TH1S CERiIFICATE MAY BE IS$UEQ'OR MAY PERTA4FJ, T!-%E lNSUFiANCE AFFC]ROED BY 7NE POLiClES �I]ESCRIB�C liEREIN IS SU&±ECT TC] ALL �tiE TEfMS. �J�C11151i3N5 ANQ CdNO',TiONS OF SUG4-4 POLIC[E5. LIHfITS SHOWIV MAY HAVE BEEhC 1RE�UC�O BY PAIp cuqrMS. �gR- ADAt SUBR � PP�ICYNUM1".EE.R ��dCYEFF PQUCYEXP LIMITS L� TYRE OF fN5l7RRNGF IN$R W'VO [MM700 Mh970M'YYYj G4MMERGIAL LlEhkERAL UA6�64TY' EACH QCCUFiRENC£ �i,U�4,flUO Q� CIAIMS•MAQE � OGC11R hj �i1 � �AMAGE TQ R'E�lTE7 iS11C111Zt128 411fli12621 QRpM�SEs'Eaovcurrenca $�6,000 � kt�O E�LP (hnypns persvn�� ST7�t1i%0 P�Rsar+,v. a no� oN,�uAv $2.Q46,60ff C�N'L h64REG+RTE LWIi AP{'LIES PER: CiEfJERAL A[3CiRECsATE $4,000,�4'Gl PRL]C7UCT5 • COMPdpP AGG $4,400,000 x apKr'��0. ❑lOC p7HER: G�OM'BIN'Ep SiNGLE LIMR AIiTGMo¢ILE LfhBILiN a auAdtl�e ANTAUYO 80�41LY� ENJl1RY [?er pel6on) ❑Wt+�6 SCFfOULEQ BOI}1LY INJURY AUrQS fk�lLY AUr08 r aocKSec�t- _ }{�Ep NO.Y-OWNE�D PftC7FERTY DAMAC£ A[aTOS OMLY AUTQ$ C�Y I�Y �i�denq MBRELLALIAF3 CCl1R '�AC+eQCCURR�NCE %CE55 UA6 lA�rfSJ�iP�DE AC9GREGAT€ DEO RE°1`€NTIDHS YydHlt@R5 CL7MPEHSATICIN AER 67H. ANp EMPL4YLR5' UA$ILITf YIN SFATL17E €a we.�v vaooRieroR�PuernEai€xECu •TVE OFFICERA4E�fIEER €7ICLUCIED? � �f/� E..�. EACE+r.C.CtflENT �� EL OISEASE -EA [Mae�aatary �n N M; E M F� 4r`e E 1lyp�s.describ0 under E.L 6l5EAS�E • PD41CY LYMiT pESCR3?TfOM Q�F OPERA7fONS Cslaw . A PROFESSfC]NAL t1A�8tLl'fY N td - {lif4ti12424 i11f�41Zfl21 4CCURRENC� '�2,840,480 AGGREGAiE ffi4.Oa�,66a oEselt�rnUN oF oPEPtA7'far+tt ►ACanora�s r vFNac�Es �aCo�eo 7e�, Addinonat Remarks SrhWWo, may 6� e44echrd ilmore spau l� ro4uind} Bea�ty and Hair Sty�ing Sa{an GEF2TiFICAit FiULUth[ A11IlY DIRiCE$ SPiGUL6 AFFY OF 7HE ABOY� pESCR38ED POLICIES 9E GANCELLED 8EFOFtE THE E](PIftATION dATE TIiER��F, NOTECE WILL 8E DEL.�V�RE� IN AiGOROAHGE VYfTFf THE PC7LIGY PRDY[SfC7N5. AtyTH�iJ2E5 REPRESEHTk71VE �4C()R� 2a (�U'I SI(13j �1 �988-2015 ACDR� C�RFf]RATfQN. All righfs reserved, The ACORD �ame and Ivgo ars rs�istered rn�rks ai ACOR❑ �,;. •�. •m Attachment - 5B �Financial informationJ l.j Previous year's annuai grass revenue =$87,a80.fJ0 2.J Average monthly gross revenue prior tn COV9D-19 =$6,7f4,40 3,] �rotected monthly gross revenue fflr the r�ext three months -$7,Da0.a0 Attachm�nt - 5C {Expenses to be paid} 1.y ��„t �a,�aa.oa �.j InSurance $7�•�a 3.J Product & Backbar $1,D57.�n 4.j Uts4it'ses 5234.C10 - Xce1 Energy ($169.Q�j - Cer�terPaint Energy �$65,OflJ S.J TeEepf�one & Internet �87.r3Q To5 Telecam 6.} Office Suppli�s $1flQ.00 7.j Re�airs & Maintenance S71.4p $3,931.OD * All amc�unts ase month4y. * We estimate that we will lose abaut $12,C�00.0� in re�enue this y�ar. r. a r�r �a � MONTICELL� EUA r�� �+���1� � SkVIAL.L BUSINESS EMEItGENCY GRANT -- APPtTCAT'�C�� 1. CDNTAe'�' iNFC?RMA'fii�lY u�� �� af ����5� _��� �� y t-�I d ll�l Prc�cct Sate Addre�.ti; - ----- ��� f1il� � city I stat� 1 �ip: �� ' � �1C7 C:anfiact Persan(s}: � �9,V111 [ � �'] [���-' �1 Busi�ess Phone: �A � ��' � �' �� Ema il: H+�rn.� Ph�ne: .� Check One: � Prop�ietor ❑ Cc�rp�araYion ❑ Yarrnership Federal ID # _.. 5tat�: lC? # r�-QP�� o���: �� �rty� l�e 1 �� Busir�ss nv����o�r P2eusc at#ach r�dditi��nai dor�mer�tslpuges r�s needed ta be cott�ptete as possible. a. Years af n��ation in M�r�ticell� ��'Ylf�Y7��'} �3 �. Li�t belaw th� number flf part tim� and full t��e e�npi�oyees. Far,�urposes af cal�riation, the term "errzpk�ees" muy incdzu�e �hvse ��a�f rer��ing ar lensing facititi� withi� the IVlvntice22a busines� lvcat�Qr�. PriQr ta Mazch 15�', 2��U Current 1 FT � PT � �T �_ _. �'�- c. Give a brief sumnlary of your b�siness (products, services, growth history, operafions, number of locations, etc.) � t �va w� dl ��V� U�o� t� dtr i Y1 �5 -� Wi ca i Yt,� (ut.�w�,�- 5l�� yy��.�e ���r� �t� -�'� Gv►�t'oV�s a.s �� � l a, 5 ,� � �aN � i � � �.-I� ��ia� ��, v� y�i S�t�viCr�.s . �1 a � � i� � rL. ��, ����i� 'L �1 QC���� 2U[� �r� IN�+��. �tavi v+ w � so °�o ��rdVW�� �� � Cbv1 �. No w g��v+f�i�l i 5 d�Wv� � �` �l° d. Pravide information regarding how your nperations have been impacted by �he pandexnic, specifically hours of operation, emplo�e� re�ductions, eic. Ir►clude any sirategies implemented tt� sustain your bu.siness ��, �, � -�'v Y't.� �i G� 3 -% [ � �rn� �� � �S�-� a �n�� v� � � � � �ur -�Wte �iv� �a��- D-� -�e ��,��� Y��� a �1 � y �,�r�- -� w�e �.f� � w � � `� ��� � � -<r 1' � G Q ou�v bc�t �ys -� �� r�1�-� ��-r �� tv� n t� - v� al�o 1� ����� ��.e d N�. o v� dY�� �n �-v�-�'� �ia N�t i�.G� v+��� ��� G�! �I/l� v�1/�e-�I -�'� �VGY�2�V G��LG� {� o�V��1 � W�, �M,vV,� -I'D �D�vl Ca� �S �� . v�1+�i r�I1 1NL��, -� �.S �,f��E'1 v� . e. Desc�ibe of the c�rrent pians fnr resu�ning operations following #he C�VID-19 crisis. � -�Ie (a��g.v1o1/ GUtaU�r�eS Yr�i � �S W � a5 W �,� ti �v � �J �� �� �¢ -� �.c(.�,� � �D�� ��.���C �� t.,t�tsfi�rvtr�-r� . � -�k . �,��V-�- �e�,-�+V�� . �� �� In�(.��5 Y1��5L.5 . ��vU �-�1�GS uVl `f�� �o�� _ �'oV C.VtS�rn��, ? C�v��.(�i" ���l�-�C�V� a-�' ���ts �y �`��5 3. GRANT REQUEST Amownt Requested: $ `�Ci � � . G`3 4. FINANCING Please provide documents/e�ridence of othear sou�ces a� state or federal fiands your busu�ess has been awaz�ded or denied durirt.g the COVID pandemic, as applicable, inclt�ding Econonlic 3njury funds, PPP, etc_ �. ATTACHI1+iENTS CHECK LIST Please attach the fc�llo�ving: �,�A) Proof of address V' B) Financial statements, such as: .' Previous yeai's annual gross revenue • Average apnonthly gross revenue prior t4 COVID-19 • Prnjected monthly gross revenue for the ne� three manths PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBNIlT A SUMMARY OF THE IlVFQRMATION REQUESTED. �� C) Praof a€ expenses to be paid _�� D} Award/deru.al Ietters — State and Federal Assistance Pragrams &. AGREEMENT I J We certify thai all informafiion provided in this applieation is true and correct to the best of my/our k�towledge. I � We authorize th.e Mo�iicello EDA to vexify financial and o�.ier information. I 1 We agree to provide any additzonal infornr�aiion as rnay be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the prog�ram and complies wi-th all eligibility requ�rement�. Further, the applicant understands that fiu�ds are awarded or� a fixst come first served basis. � APPLICIINT SIGNATURE APPLICANT NAME DATE: The E�A is a governrnentai entity and as such must provide public access to public data it recsives. Data deemed b� Appdicant to 8e nonpubiic data under State Iaw shnurd be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Mznnesota Stastttes, Sections 1�.59I, Subd.1 and 2. 3 �� �i-� �t ��� ��d �� ��I�� � �,� � � � ��� ����� v� i�rt � y�d vv-f'Irt 2at� C�.�� ���� � ��� � ��S ���� ��w� . � ��v � v��, � 2°t��•�y 2y� ��f• ?.�J �jQ� ��o�•�D ��-�ti�1� � � ��� ��� ������ � ��c. �� ! �� ����� �,:. �� � ������ � � .� � � � ��� : ��� ���24�� -T��I � t,��o� �l � � � �, ��. �- � ��� � ��,1���=�� � � ERR�}R� ANa �3MfSSlC3NS AGRE�MEHT Prir�p�et D�te ' Matui�ty ' L.c�in No. _ c.�+ ��i Ac�cour�t �r :niRiM ,.. . . - - _ �8,9�.Q0 rv' -08r��f 05�U$��(� _ ti0� �iltG .; Ra#eser� i � baxes ahove are far Lender's usa onhr end da not iimH the applicat�ilsty� of t#�is cio�wment to any partic+utar loan ar item. AnY itQm above taonfaining �""" has been arr�itt�i due to t�xt �ar�glii fimi�aeons. ��1': �[onll R6liWlion LLC ��11d�f: 1linnweset B�nk SL Cbud 373� �nd St S. P.�, 8a�t 7�25 SF Gloud, MN 6B'.101 (s�o� �3-s� LOAFf N4.: - Tha undersfgrre� F3arrower far ar� I� cansi�eration nt tf�e abave-referenced'�ender funding the clasVrig oi thls loan agrees, 3f requested Gy Lender or Gtosing Agent tnr I.end�r, ro tulry cooperate and scf�u5t tor clerlcak er�ars, any ar si1 I[3an do�irag dae�umentatiar+ iE deemed necessary ar desira6le fn lite t'e�sonable dis�reti4n of L�tdgt to enable i.endet' 4� seii. convey, seek guaranty or mark�t said �aan ta any entity, inc�udirfg but noi HmitBd t0 sn irnreSlot, F�CaI Naliprlad IUll7ngage ASSoclat�an, Feder�3 Fiame i�an A!l��gage Cck�arat�ort, GpaBmmen� �l�lior�al ilAa�igage Associr�[ion, �ederal Fba�s3rx� Authorlly rrr the depaRmen! nF Yelerans A#airs. The uMersigned �nrmwer dves heralsy so agree end scnRenant in arsler w ass�re thst this ben do�me�l�atfon execut�d thts ffate wil! cvnfvrm and be aGvept�bl� in the rsrarketpiace in the instanQe oi trartsfer, saie or �veyar�ce by Lender oi its intenest �n and te sa� roaur documentaonn. C7A�`�D efl�ctive this �Ilay 8, �'G�[1 [:I■::i.Z��;`i�:37 __TIT��i �.i"ii��?��� er•�---- - - - - -- --------.�.�. .l�nie Lee Slebe�n, 1WI�m6en+l�a�,�ger ot Mu�,ti Nufa�fen ltC .. _.___,�______ eovF.� IIx. 19d!O.NS Cept Fwe0ali3�.Cap'[ Rm d94! iSIXi 4 NrfiSPMsaW :3If C'{:FldPliR26F4 1F[�EtGSL: PR4.ry1 �-'r�� "F MQNfiICELLQ EDA �. *. '�' ��i�.LI�� O SMALL BLISINE�S E�VIEI�GElw1�C� GRATIT ``--- APPLiCATIQI'�i 1. C(3NTACT INFQRMATIUN i.eg�I Itlame nf Iiusin�ss: d� I r•� �"V �, .�-��s� �� � Pro�ect Site Ad�res�: 3 a ��n ��7�, � Cit�� 15tatc I Zip: �'� v.A�: ��/1�, '� N� ��]'3 t'e � Cc�ntaet Persc�n[:+j: ��•. �� �7,,�, Business I'11one: 2�s — 3� � 2� Esna i i: H�me �'hnne; Cl�c°��� C?i7��: I'rc�prietc�r Fedc•t�al Ir1 r ���� 4�,-}�-�s�� ��f��(�`���,,,-� �'«rE�{,r,�ti�aa� Partne�rs��i�C�L:�^, �e� �.a6:/.'� � �t�tf� f�} � ��+ � � Prn�[�rt�,° C)w�tter': �.�c5c� - nsr, ��cc.�� 5+e�'�w c•-. 2. �l]SINESS INF(7RMATIDN Pdn�is� attach e�dr�itrn�rrad doc:rrr�eiitsi�rc��es r�s �aeedPd tn !pe c�c��rr��tet�� ns ��c�ssi�le. ct. Years c�f trp�rafic�n ir� Mc�nticello :��t- � _ �. r-z_ b. LE4t br�c�►v t}�� t3unt�er of part time arrd f�alE titne emplc7yees. For �?�rrjros�•:� �,/'e tzlc,rrlr�tirr�a, tfr�� dE�r-rri "e�rir��F��t�c�e�:�•, rr�c��f �irrlar�c� thr�sc• �taf��•c°fifirt�,* ��,r Fc�atiijl�, ,��te-iliti��� �t�itlzrrr tl�c� 1Vle�rtf ac'c11r� �'tr�r�re:s+ 1c�E•rttr���t. Prior tc� Mzrch 15�r' 2�2f7 gT ���� �� _ Ci� rrent �-�• �,7� - �� t c. Give a brief sui-nmary of your business (proefucts, services, growth history, operations, number of ioc�tians, etc.) � y � � � ` ,� -� ��-c .' 1 vi t � � ( ���,, '� C �- �' l � , 4 ��C,t_. �'� � �,.i�.�1p L' ) J ^� �I� �N�. 5 M �'l�i VN l ����- � � ��5�. C�� ��.,� `� , � � , 1� �� �' �'� , �-t. ` � �, �1�, �� ����� I�� r�� c c�e��- 4���.��1. C ���c�,� � � ����1. } S ���� a � � � � l. �� C�� ` vv �c �'�� '-�-�,L�.� �y'��.u��!�� � ��� �,� ���' � � � d. Provide information regarding h�w your operations have been impacted by the �andemic, s�ecifieally hours of o}�eration, emp�oyee reductions, etc. Include any strategies iinplen-aented to sustain your business � !,f,,7 � _-�k �` `� � \�,1, �- C ,��'.u�, ,(��� � �-� �;�-� �j�4' L 1t._4 'L l �'��..; V..vl �. } � 'LY/' ; �' C.��,,�.,i�; G'�Ls� �t t �.E' � � � � � C� �� C � 5 � � �R L��' `'�� . � ��� � f,� < � �;�f � r �� � � • �� � ; 1,�� �-.�-�� � ,�� � � � �r � 1;f.� �,� , �. -��� ����,� k � 5 C�c1� ��:� ����.,'"��,�-: .�.�s ��r�c ��- �,,o�c� �1 �r.� . �� � � � e. Describe of the current plans far resuming o�erations folidwing the COVID-14 crisis. ` '{ � �� � `�` ^ �, L � 's� -�i J ',} � �.tCl� CJ_( � \ `� j '�.�.� � �' ('_ C�`�' �`� � (��, �� �-�' � � �- " �:` `- l v � �,�; c�..��.��-es . �� � j � � �� � �'�'��, �.� ����'� � .I_ � (ill {,' U � �� T U� Li � �,��.53� S . Ct�`.J-1 � 1 �l l.�lt� C,� C,�f�� a � �� � S C�.,r� �'�- . p 1,� z ���-��1� CL�'��4�'"��`�j ��t'� a �� � �,n'�` 1� �ci1 �_�..,V� 1�.ir 1� �='�)s•_ y�� G `1j I � �,�. �` � - � �� � iti;��.e.. , 1►'� � � � �� ��< c.� � ��-� ; ,�� 1�,��� G�. ct �� �! ,1 � , ��,� � � c, �� �`� �,1�� �c:� b �( � � c�� 3. GRANT REQUEST � Amount Requesfed: $ 5 ��' 4. FINANCiNG Please provide documents/evidenc� af other sources c�f state or federal funds your husiness has been awarded or deni�d during the CQVID pandemic, �s applieable, including Ecanomic Injury fu�zds, PPP, etc. 5. ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please attach the following: ✓f A} Proof of address �' B} Financial statements, such as: • Previous year's annu�l grass revenue • Average m�nthly �ross revenue prior ta COVID-]9 • Projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months T'LEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. � C) Proof of expenses tn be paid � D) Award/d�nial letters — State and Federal Assistance Programs 6. AGREEMENT I/ We certif�� that all infc�rrnatic�n provided in thi� applic�tipn is true anc� correct to the best of myl�ur kn�wledge. I/ We autizorize the M�nticell€� EDA fo verify financia� anc� other information. I/ We agree to prr�vide any ac�ditionai information as rnay b� requested by the city. The undersigned has receiv�d the EDA's pc�licy regarc�ing the pr�agrani and complies �n�ith all eli�ibility requirements. Further, the applicani understands that funds are awarc�ed c�n a first-come first served basis. APPLICANT SIGNA'�I�E_�/ fr �_=_� APPLICANT NAME (Print): �� czn �4 �n�.ti ' DATE: �- / 3 - 2 � z � TJzc £DA is a go�cr�tui�rttn! c�ittit� attd as szccJt raittst provide }�rtblic access to pieblic data it receiz�es. Dc�ta deemed b� Ap��[icant ta [�e �rolr�+irbltc rtata u�zder Stute fazi� si�o:sJd ve so ctesig�z�ter� or marked U� A��plicar:t. Sec Mir:rresota Statirtes, Sectiotts 13.591, S���d. 1 artd 2, 3 Monticello Fitness EVolution Re�enue 2D19 gross annual reWenue $605,287.2� a�g monthly gross re�enue $50,4�41 projected gross revenue 2020 June $35,008 July $36,�OQ Aug $37,500 .w.-� � �MF��R�T��Y 333 Nor#hwest,A►+e. NQrthlake, IL 6Ci154 Ph�Re: (888J 588-2335 x45fi6 E-mail: CammertiafCredit�em�ire-todav.com � -- - _ :--- - _ ,-... ;- �'T0: FITNESS EVQLUTICIN EVpLUTlON 133 Sand6erg Rd Monticello, MN 5�362 I�SA - INVaIGE STA►TU5 PAYM�NI"'CERN'IS r Past Due NET30 DftD�R/CUN�RACi mfSCRiPilON �EllM6ER i � � �d r�7�� Account �: - Invaice DatQ: 6/23/202a �ue Date: �Due Upvn receipt Contact Phnne: 7632953C?Q2 Con#act E-mai#: lyssa.lovejoy@fitnessevolution.eom � Pti NUM�ER� . INSTAtLATFUiY DAiTE �IZa/z��a Install I 133 SANDBERG RD LYSA LOVEJQY SA,i� R�P I �ERM DlSCOUMI' -- •. _JC}B AM4ilNT PAYMENTS $ALAMCE RECENE� DUE $4319.� � $43�9.Q0 � I�QT�S: THANK Y4€J Fp� YQUR BUSINE5Si! ? � - - � PLEASE INC«16E YOUR O�QER / tONTRACi' �1 AND MAKE ALL CH�CKS PAYR6LE 7� EMpIRE 7DDAY T� PAY BY CRE[31T CARR C1R CNECK BY P}{�}�E, PLEAS� CALL 88$-588-2315 x45+66 �� y�� � ���� � ��. � M i � M�i���l� IM• � �� t�■iW► t)r. _ a� �� � � � YWtvMlK III�+I 5�d si ��4Aa.�7 I' T�18 r C � O U Q 6.k N � rn � �, E" c�D � � O d � N N E? � P O N M U' N � � i� � r M T � LEi M CD �- rm�n � ❑ o Z o Q � � � c�1 N Ch r � ` S[') N �� ❑ � W a�� �UUC� Q 2 GS � � � � W J acwnr�nm c � �� � � � O N U N � rnv c � o vti N V � � O .-i C d O 6" � O 3 l9 N V Q � �b �%c� c � � m v d � o � N 3 O 4 r1 � Q N � U J J 0 J J w U H z � LL � N O O � � � � � L1J � Q` Z ~wl��'� Li.l �wow H Z Z U � ~ � � J � � Q � cyl � � � r � f0 r- d o0 O �f7 N o0 s19 cD O N 6i Q CD Q N d'�' w Q W � lL � Z O p tn W � W � �p�a0 C=i �UIL,-Z Z ���z�' W ao � w � O � U � � U ww�wa a aawQa o ����� � .. c cu o �- � C � k� � C � f4f ' � i � N 3 � � O � Q � o C tts �' � v n- ti a � _ '� — a� c �i9 o ' @ ro�°� � � � � a � :�'' G � � � � C � � C � � � '�7 N [f3 � E � � � _ � � � � � aj �- � N � i � -p O � � (j +. U � � ~ C � rn a ic E � � � � � V a c a� �v � � c �- � C � � [.1 O N °� � — r � � p U O. ,� c*'0 N � � N E � � � y N d�i � � U � � N w � � 'C3 � � A � � � � N � � � � p q1 � i � Z7 � C ti Q7 O O O Q O@ C cri �1 OD O O '�17 �LS N cv o O ty �y CO Cp O O 90 � O O � � � r W � w w � � � U � z w I— Z w � � Z ¢ w F m � � � � � Ca Z J � � � � � � °���� a � ~ a a Q 4 U � ,-- - , j - _ � I a � � i a _ �.,y»,�rc�.-....�r'� � �-� � ,L ,��. �:: �,;, m � a � z 0 � � a ', p ����-���ure�„�^� � ._ . a � g $ S 8 � �_ . ♦ Print � Close Window Subject: Fwd: SBA Applicatian No. 330267fi516 - Approved From: Todd Swanson <toddrswanson@gmaif.com> Date: Mon, Jul 13, 2D2U 7:17 pm To: "julieb@titevomn.com" �julieb@fitevomn.com>, Dean Gagnon - Owner <dean@fitevomn.com> ---------- Forwatded message --------- From: �disastercustomerservice@sba.gov> Date: Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 72:33 PM Subject SBA Application Na. 3302676516 - Approv�d To: Todd Swanson �koddrswanson@qmail.com> ii S, p 1� IJ.S. Small Business � Administration Your SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan Appl'rcatidn is Approved Your SBA Application No, 3302�76596 has been approved. Please login to your SBA �conomic lnjury Disaster Loan Partal account to cornplete the next steps within the next 30 days. Vi�w Accocan9 Questions? We're here to help. Call us a# 1-80�-f59-2955 � TTYITTD: 1-800-877-8339. Offic� af f�is�ster Assistance U.S. Smaff Business Adminisiration disastercustamerser�ice a�sba.gov Capyright p 2003-2D2Q. All rights resen+ed. Print � Ciose Window Subject: Fwd: SBA PPP Laan Documents From: Todd Swansan <tocldrswanson'�gmail.com� Date: Mon, .1u1 13, 2020 7;2D pm Ta: "julieb@fFtevamn.conn" <julieb@fitevomn.com�, Dean Gagnon - Owner �dean@fitevomn.com> Attach: image001.png Julie, Is this what you are looking for? I also sent the SBA notice on the disaster loan. Let me k�ow. Todd ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Kfingl, Todd �tklingl@21stcb.corr�> bate: Wed, Apr 22, 2a20 at 9:35 AM Subject: SBA PPP Loan Documents To: Todd Swanson �toddrswanson�gmail.com� Todd, Thank you for your application far tha 21 s1 Gentury Bank PPP loan program. Your foan dacuments will be coming out very shortly from me using a share file link. I just wanted to make you aware that these will be coming and to be on the loakout for them. The document email will have directions on how ta do every#hing but if you have any questians please let rne know. Again, thank you far choosing 2'Est Century Bank in this difficult time. Todd Tadd Klingl Senior Vice President � Head of Commercial Lending 93$tl Central A�e NE, Blaine, MN 55434 � tklingl@21stcb.com www.21 stcb.eom Direct: 763.792.3771 Main; 763.767.2178 Mobi le: 612.867.2665 ; �'�"' Century Bank Bvs'mcsa solution:lailorcd for yo�� � Tqp 1D MN SBA RREFERRED LENDER Note: The informaklon in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally � priviieged. It is intended solely fpr the addr�ssee(sj. Access to this ie-mail by anyone other than the recipient is unauthorized. If you are not ! the In�endetl reclpient, any disclosure, repraduction, distrib�tion or any i I action taken ar omitted to be taken in reliance fln it is prahibited and may I � be unlawfui. Note: The infvrmation in this e-mail is confidential and may be legally privileged. Ik is intended solely for tfie addressee(s). Access to this e-mail by anyone other than the recipient is unauthorized. If you are not fhe intended recipient, any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or any action taken ar omitted to be taken in reliance on it is �rohibited and may be unlawful. Copyright O 20fl3-2026. Ail r�ghts reserved. ���wb ���� <�� �, t�F n�o�vTr��L�.a E�A � � �(]�t]�� �] SMALL B�JS�I'�T�SS EMERGENCY GRAI'VT APPLICATIQN 1. CC7NTACT Ii'+i�flRMATI�[?IV �,L'�,'al �dITIL C1f }3L15lIlL"S$: `-'��� I'rtaj�ct Sitc F�ddress: ��7 !'' ` � ,� � It7' � ��7tC � L1�1: l - + �]�«f.' l L � / '/Y ���iP � Contart i'c.�rsc�n{s): �I�i.i,�••� J� 8�5���5� �,n«n��: ��,�-_�9� ,���_ ��„<���: l�t�[.� �hc7t��. Check Cktc: I'rca�,ri�tc3r L. Cprpc�ratii�n i'�rkr+�•rshi�s F'r.1d�.'ral iQ # 5tat� l U+ I'rc��rty nwn��r: ` �t� ���-L � 2, BUSiNESSIN�OR�viATI�DN �'Icc�se rettutclr c��e�ittor���� ct�acrsir�eretslpc�ges �s �teec�i� �a �� co�tip�eic3 r�s po5siflie. re. Y�ars c�f t��c ratic�n in Monticc11c3 I � urts b. List beEcaw th� n�imber oF part time and fu11 tam�� em�lnyces. Far purpases vf calcc��ativn, tli� tcr��i "c�trpra���es" rna7� includc tfz�sc sta,ff r�ttting ar Ieasrng fraeilrties al�itfiin ��re 11�iottficePln htrsrness tacai�io►�, Pric�r tc� March 15'h, 202Q Current l F� r�f i'T I FT c� 1'T 'd r. Give a brief surn�a�'y ��f y�ur busin�ss (prc�ducts, ser�ic�s, €;rc��vth histoxy, c�p�ratic�t�s, numbir of �ocati��ns, �etc.} �� ,a�� a, � ���es� ��►�� ��e 1� of�'�''� � r� �ara• �3►�007. G�ie�l�+�� vn� lar�� �r� I�t'�m�i��'�'�. ¢ ���� U �Te�5�5 �tuo �s c� .�Y��s la�'cr��'�S . �II�. �uy, 5�.+�I �' r'���d c�ble c'��y ���.rr�s e�zc� y�r�. ��-��s-� ��n� y�� vve- e�� �re ~� Q �er� /crc���. ukVe �� 7-��7 � �►"P �'C� �'�� a�G �s�c-+ rrn.�rtlr�,►�o.��~ � � 7' rnEs►Ci ������,b� � � �� I�� l�r�7 DI M � ��'�5� Z yr..r�.r,5 . r�. Pro��idc infc�rmation regarding hc�w ynur t�perati�ns �a�e been i�rtpacted by the �andemic, spe�ifically hours �f nperatic�n, �mplcjyee r�ductions, et�. I�elude any strate�ies im�?lerncnt�d to sustain your business hr»►� 1 n�� ,�'.�+�55 57u� ���d U!1 J� �v1'� -�'� � � ! �la �,. ��ib,5� �'IY�� CQr'?')Q.1' h' t��c� 17P-ritDG'.S ��D� �Il�il7�►"l� % �tlJ�er� ��- ot��'nrnerr� �-�o.�� ,Qe�lt� w�= GGaS�I� U�crk Ad�R�3 y. W�rl�Ccal ��Irr.�rrie-�f dnLY. �- �� �»a�►� �'� . �'�Q� n� -� � c�� dvl� �� ��ms 1�%1�� 5,���� +��5 � v� ��� �� � � e. I�escribe c�f the �urrc�nt �lans fc�r r�suming �peratic�ns fo�l€�wir►� the GOVID-T9 crisis. ��' SctW 5�s ���rrL� 777� ��' 1x�Wn �n 7��--►"���rsseS . � o� 1� ;�tR l�e�.d� Z�c' wn or� �i ru.$r�.� �. c��p c le�r►�� � r� sec� ��►�a lc� �es 4� f�! v's �tnr ��� � ,.�u��,o6M � � , ursuu.xss � nc�' 1`1�D �'�i Q t� � IL[�e� � G?� ��m o ue� c�G� ,� �� ��� � z �wn p, �..c� c� r.� 1�� � ��'� "�F�''�— �� ��� u� �� � �R � V �2 �.-1/� C��an i��- J`���.s��.5 � � �� ��� s�� � �. cr�N�r r��QU�sT Am�unt Requ€�sted: $ �� �Q 4. �INAIVCIIVG Please pr�vide do�umenksfeVidenee of c�thc�r sc�urcc's oF state c�r Federal f�nds yc�ur busin€�ss has been a�varded cjr d�ni�d during the C�VID panc�emic, as ��aplicablc, including E�onannic Injury f�inds, P�'P, e#c. 5. ATTAC�iMLNTS CHECK LIST Yle�se attach the f�llc�win�: A) I'rc�c�f c�f adciress �$�1►�K STMT I3} Financial statemE�ts, suc'h as; � • I'revit�«s y�ar's annual �rc��s revt�nue •�� Avera�e monthly grc��s re�enue �rior to CC7VID-19 I'roj�cttci nnonthly gr�ss re�enue fc�r the nex� khree �c�nths P�.EASE D� NC3T 5U'�MI7 FIIVANCIAL STATEMENTS ItA�'H�R St.IE3MIT A SUMMAT�Y C�F THE CNFC][tMATIG,i�1 REQUESTED. C} Proc�f c�f exp�nses to be paid ✓ D} Award/dc�nial lett�rs — 5tate and Federal Assistance I'rc}�rams 6. AGREEMEI'tiTT I 1 Nr'e rert�fy that a�l inf�rrnati��n pro�ider� in this ap�lic�tion is tru� ancl c��rrect to the best c�f rnylc7ur icnotivl�c�ge, I 1 We authc�ri:r,e the iVl��nticelto �bA to verify financial and t�ther inft�rmakic�n. I 1 We a�rek� to prouidE� any additic�nal infc3rrnation as m�y l�c rc�qu�stEd by the �ity. Thc undc�rsi�ned has recii��d ttle EDA`s pc�licy rEgardin� the pro�-ram and ec�mplies with a11 eligibility requirLments. F�arther, the appl�eant u�de�stands that funds are awarc�ec� c�n � first-cc�me fir�t sc�r��c� basis. APPLICANT SIGNATUI�E � APPLICAI`TT NAME (�'rirat): � ��S � �� DATE: ���o�(? The EDA is u govern�nenfal entit� r�nd c� s�sch �n�st �vvide �rub[ic �+ccess to pubtic data it receives. 2Jra#a dee�ned !� f A�7lica�t ta be raon�rubtie ttat�. under State luzv slr.ould be so desigreufed or �ncarked �Tlf A�1IZC�ttt. S�EE MIYL�tE�SDtR. StRCt�.teSi SeCtians �3.591, Subd. T ar�d 2. � m s � � Q E N lC9 G � a � �r, a� �nx� ��o C3 V? W E-�3H W E-+ �a N �7 t� fy ,2, � � * � � i 'x i � ,� � * � CJ * * � is � � -k ^�•, . � � .�1 • �r7 � �!r •..� G N * * � 4] �7 +� �` a7 •rl •r! � � -k .'sG ,� #� +Fl � yk �K � r-I q�j � � -k • �-i �} Q * * � rt3 �C iJ * � � � � � -x � � � �* * �+D•� � � x � � � '� � 'f � �--i � * * � Ri � i� � � � � N � * X �6 U * * Ol N � C -� * .0 �TS•�* -K 1J .0 # * L3 1y N * * +'�'•a-�+ * � 3 � � � � v� � * O U sa '� � � � v o�� � R1•nW O* * .s7 .0 � � �i1 � Ql• � � .�. UF �-�I +J * -k 17 .� f�.» * * d� �1 � * * � Q.-i O� * � � -'-I U * �` -� +� U �x * r�7 �+7 � R} * * N .�' RI ic * W U 3* � sa +�1 +s � � � [� � � � -x 'k � C3 a * �` '•-+ d '{3 � * � .S7 � � �k � kf * * � �"� il! U1 � * Q7 � +� � k « �� �« * � .�,� � _zs�Q.� * O .i � Q3 � * c'�i a- �.� °� � * C] -�i �-.i .� * N 3•� �� * �- 'C3 tsr � * �d R�S :�� i� f'— W .�-I * ac �' * �k [Il �' H S-I i� �` �� O* * •�+ .A w � * +} +II � �r * U .� �r7 �j � � Q� '�I CV 'i3 ir * W RSNrI�e � ��`�Q* � � :� U7 #-� .�{ "Cf 7 � � sa •� CJ � � �+ C 4) � � a ��C rt! -.� o � �� �c°�a ��C1L C rna ••� cV Oe cn a� U7 Q] � � H p C!� f�t �� � N �5� �'+ 11 S"'� H Ci [l] �. �o '''.f • 1: ; �,. , _:r.`�}. , i-'� i,: w Dr m LL � S eet ea s, C 2019 Gross Re�en��: $258,09U Av era�e monthly �rass rer�enue prior to CQ�id: $21, 500 Frajected Nlanthly Grass Revenue for ]uly, 2020: $17,000 Projected iVionthly Gross Revenue far Au�, �02�: $20,OOQ 1'rajected Monthly Gross Re�er�ue for Sept, 2DZ(1: $17,�D� M�dalfivn 51e�p Pradu�cts T52 S. E. 3Qth Avenua Minneapalis, MN 55���# r-��: � �z-��a-aa�? �ax: �-�aa-s��-�sa� ��BEf�D�IN� �Rt�UP 9ILL im SHIP T6 5w�et i7r�ams Mattresses Sweet Drearns Mattresses 224 W. 7th Streef 2�4 W. 7th Street Mot�ticello, MN 553f2 Ma�ticella, MN 55362 �':78�-295-3700 F: � ,.��P.t'.?1 �t`�t�ytG�S � �.E. �(lfh Aver��ue .�,nneapofis, UiN 554�4 �2 378-7t317 F�x. i-80v-�56-5�45 V •�. =��Q���i�i �RC�ER �!\�J�r . r Sw�et Dreams Mattresses 5weet ❑reams Mattresses 224 W. 7#h 5freet 224 W, 7th Street Marrf�celdo„ MN 5!5362 Il�onticella, Mh! 55362 P:7�3-295-3700 F': a •• � - � - - . . •-■■• -i� _ t CH�1C�{ Ha�bri�h Net CQa C?ur Truck �G��9l2420 I 061251202a � _ � '1 ' 9452 � 5�p J 8k 5ns Plat[n�m Hi�hland E7 �aux Euro Top Ma#t ' �FE7J Steel Gr�y f�illc�wtex (36D} 1 Onyx Border �4�4) : � 1�244 51� Bac#t 5�ns� Paat�num HP FNQ {Quartz} Base Quartz Border �423J '1 1 2246 ` 313 Bk Srts Pfatinum Lakeland Tight Top Maitress Popfar (415} I anyx Border (424} � � 2244 313 8ack Sense Platinum FfP l=N� (Quartz) Base Quar#z 8order (423j � i�319 313 Bk Sns Platirtum Nightfall E7 Faux Eura Tap Ma#t (��7] Cran�rQok {463j I Or�yx 8vrd�r t�24} : Quartz gar 1 1�244 3f3 8ack Se�se Platinum MP �ND [(�uar#z) Base Q�artz BoTder {423} 7 � 231� 51D Bk Sns Platinum �Jightfall �T Faux Euro Top !�!latt {FET} J � Crar�t�roo�C {4fi3)1 C�nyx Bflrd�r (�1�4} : Quart� 6a � R 22�44 51D Back 5ense Pfati�um HP FN�J (QuarfzJ Base Quarki Bc�rder (423} 2 2 4108 416 US8 Liberty Pf�sh Tight iop Matfr�ss ' �ibe�ty {U78j 1 US B�dding Bvrder (Q81} � � 41ii3 416 USB HP FN[7(US Bec�di�ngj B�s� u5 6eddirrg 8arder {�81 j 2 2 4108 � 3f3 USS f�iberty Plush Tight To� MattresC Liberty (oi8] 1 US 8�dding Border �DB�} 2 2 4103 313 USB HP �NQ(iJS B�dding) Bas� U5 �edding 6c7rde� (08 "f ] '! 1 44c78 510 US� Liberty Pl�sh Tight To;� Mattress l.iberty (078} 1 US Bedding 8cardet �481j '� '€ 4903 5J4 �1SB NP FND(U� Beddingy 8ase US Bedding 6arder (08'f � T 'I 4279 5E0 wTe�h 25 Rif� `�ight l'c�p Mattr�ss X�90�41 It�ilar. Luxe P+fatural (40fi] I}CD�Q941 Mil '� 1 4260 5fD il'ech F{ybrid HF' FNf��gunmefal greyj-D Bas� GunMetal Gre t1�9 �actory rnust be noti�ed of ail daims within 24 hours of receipt of iner�handise, �ac oc� z�c.00 s�.00 �s.ao 66.{l� 65.0� 47.4D 47.00 '16D.00 160. D[J �17.�a 47.Oa 2��.(}fl [ 225.fli� 65.OQ CS.�I� 131.{�fl �82.[lQ �S.�DD 110.00 1 �2.0�3 2fl�4, �� 47.0f3 94.OD � �4. Q[� 154.OQ 65.Q�D �5.Q0 531.40 531. QQ 1 65.�}D ��.aa 5ubtatal Fr�ight l"ataf ����i��:v�. s��p ��o�u�t� T5� 5.�. 3�fh Avenue Mtnneapalis, MN 554'E4 PH:612-37B-i8�� F�x:1-8[30-8�fi-5645 - r Sweet preams Mattresses �24 W, 7th Str�et M�nticello, MN 55362 1 3 ,.. � BEDal1�� ����� Sw�et �r�arns Maitresses 224 W, 7th Street MQn#IGeIID, M�] 553�2 �: �s�-�����roa �: CHUCK Wauf�ric� Net C�❑ Our'Truck . . 1 145'I 416 �k Sns Platinurn Hav��tharne �� �aux Euro Top Matt �FET� Lark [417j ! C]nyx Border �d24} ; [�uartz �order (4 1 2244 41'6 � Back Sense Platinum HP FND (Quartz} Base C�t€ani� �nrde�r (423} 3 Dif}� 416 li RaiE 13 - 45R Bed Frarns 8ed Frames Factary must be ndtiFed a# a[� r��ima wikhin z4 hvurs of receipf of inerchandise. Piace Count 25 �: ■ : OE12912�2{] D61291��20 i . 158.[]Q p 158.DD _ 55.00 29.l�0 Subtofal Freighi �5.�(} 81.00 2,sss.ao 7otal �� �,5J9.Q0 (2) TERM: 5(five) years, CQXi7Tt1�riC1�'!g QIt ALigL1St I S#}2 �O 1�, (her�inafter referred to as t�e "Cammeneement Date") a�nd terminating August � 4th, 2Q22, (hereinafter referred ta as the "T�rmination Date). (3) DELIVERY DATE: �uly 14th, 2(i 1'7 (4) PER.MITTEI3 US�: The Pr�mises s�all be used by Tenant soiely far the operati�n of a retail mattress store. �5) TENANT NlAME: Tenant shall ope�ate and do lausiness in the Premises, and all signs and ad�ert�sing shall be under the trade name Sweet Dreams Mattresses. (6) Al'3i'�[1AL �rR�SS RENT: Year vne: $28Q� per month Year tv�o and three: $290(1 per month Year fvur and five: $3fl04 per znonth Tenant shall reeei�e fxee rent for the penQd August l5, ZDi7 thraugh September 14, 2417. The rent amount of $14Qa.a0 shall be due an S�ptemher i5, 2[?17 and monthiy rent shall be due on �he 1 st crf each m�nth thereaftex. �7} P�RCENTAGE RENT: N[}NE �8) RENEWALS: N�NE 9} RENEWAL RETiT: NIA {1Ql COMM�N AREA FACT+DR; The Camman Area Factar is 3% detennined '�y dir+iding khe hiet 12en�able Axea af the Pretnises �y #he total area of the Proje�t. (11} SECURITY 17EPQSIT: 'T�e sum af $2$a4.t�0� shali he paid by Tena�t ta Landlord upan ex�cution hereaf to be held by Landlard withaut interest pursuant ta the terms herevf. Each reference in t�is Lease to any of the data contained in this Data 5heet s�ali be cvnstrued to incor�nrate the data� �tated �an�.er this title. ARTICLE ].: PR�Ni1SE5 Landlarc� hereby demises and leases to Tenant and Tenar�t here�y r�ents and taic�s frorz� Landlord, subjeGt to and with be��fit of the terrns, co�enants, condiiions and �arov�sions of this Lease, the Pretnises (extendin� to the center line of the }aarty walls and t4 the exteraor faces of all ofher waiis, as sh[�wr� an �xhibit A} together with the appurtenances specifically �ranted in this Lease, but reser�ing and excepting ta Landlord th� use af the exter�or walls �other than store fronts}; the rvaf and the right to instail, � 4 My Quate - SBA E�onc�mic Injury Disas€�r G�an Po�al A�plication APPLICATION Your Quote $ta4e.ts: Funded r�L�r�V� PROCES5ING FUNE}ING Status Funds have been disDursed SD }�GU� dCG4U�Fi. Steps to Camplete Veriy Identiry Completed Electrvnic Dishursement ComplMed Review ar�d Sign Clasing Dacuments Compfete4 Pa�e 1 c�f 1 � charfes sweet BU5INESS PROFt�E Application �i: - sw+ee! dreams !Me 32� W 7TH 5T !lf4N7lCELLQ MY 55362 questians? Call 'k-80Q-659-2955 TTYfTDD: 1-8UD-877-8339 MondaySv^�oay A a m.�P, � m ET View {lldcni erifica#i+�n?lcadl�6287958&w�sRedirccted=False) � View (IACHAn irrinfeN�e�?fea�ld 62879 � _ c is.�s ercus nmerservi �sGa.gn� , View �ISignAgrgemervis7lead����7��] http�:llcovid 19reli ef i.sba.�o�lappj ication?leadid=628795 8 71l 5{2D�Q d � a a - a � - - '= - .a "a d 7 a > > ,� vf � � � � c c � � � � a°Ji a• T � � p, X x x C � � W O Z a c y � � u � f0 x x x x T > a � � � C Q a a o y W � U N � V N \ � O LL J a o � W C � C Q N a Y a x x a ¢ m •V J � � X X f0 W C LL N � O a�+ O � m'- x x x x O � u Z L O u N � at-� 7 C � L } } } } � � N � N � tl4 N N 7J H N V1 M N N LL 3 a m C O L ^ O c -6 .� m o � w .� 7 � N � Q � Q1 ""� N ._ � O � u � _ � O T - x x x x Y >' C u m a � J W C y � a a � c > 7 ' ai L y � a x x x x a � X O � tlq W N - (� W a :% c o 0 0 0 a� o 0 0 0 0 �� Q vi vi vi vi � � � � � � a c c y o o � • � c � - N LL � N 7 v�i O > i N Z � N W � C � C � y y '_ � O � Y y m' � v� a ii v3i SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE GRANT AGREEMENT This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is made this day of , 2020, between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), and [name of business], a Minnesota [type of business entity, e.g. limited liability company, sole proprietorship, assumed name, etc.] ("Grantee"). RECITALS A. Grantor has created its Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program (the "Program") and has approved guidelines for the Program (the "Program Guidelines"). B. Grantee has submitted an application for a grant (the "Grant Application") under the Program Guidelines, and Grantor has approved a grant to the Grantee in the amount of $ (the "Grant") to pay a portion of the expenses described in the Grant Application, in connection with Grantee's [kind of business, e.g. restaurant, salon, etc.] located at in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") (the "Grant Activities"). C. The Grantor and Grantee wish to memorialize the terms of the Grant in this Agreement. ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Grant Amount. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Program Guidelines, and the Grant Application (together, the "Grant Documents"), Grantor agrees to grant to Grantee the sum of and no/100ths Dollars ($ ). The Grant will be paid by Grantor to Grantee for the Grant Activities approved under the Grant Documents in accordance with Section 2 hereof. 2. Pavment of Grant Proceeds. (a) The Grant will be paid to Grantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Grant Documents. The Grantee agrees that any costs of the Grant Activities exceeding the amount to be paid under this Agreement are the sole responsibility of the Grantee. (b) The Grantor will pay the Grant to Grantee once the Grantor has received from Grantee, without expense to Grantor, a signed copy of this Agreement. 3. Representations and Warranties. Grantee represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) Grantee is authorized to sign, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to receive the Grant from Grantor. 1 (b) Grantee agrees that it will keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and payment of Grant proceeds and that any authorized representative of Grantor, with reasonable advance notice, may have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other documents of Grantee related to the Grant until Grantee provides its final report to Grantor. (c) To the best of Grantee's knowledge, Grantee has fully complied with all applicable state laws reasonably relevant to this Agreement and will continue to comply throughout the term of this Agreement. If at any time Grantee receives notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Grantee agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the state law in question. (d) Grantee will use the proceeds of the Grant made by Grantor only for the Grant Activities, and within 60 days after the date of this Agreement, Grantee will provide to Grantor in writing a brief report (like the example included in the Grant Application), stating how all of the Grant funds have been used and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar. 4. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree that the Grant is not a business subsidy as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), because the assistance is in an amount less than $150,000. 5. Indemnification. (a) Grantee agrees to indemnify against and to hold Grantor, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Grantor by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants, or agreements contained herein. (b) This indemnification and hold harmless provision will survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the payment by Grantor of any portion of the Grant. (c) Nothing in this Agreement will constitute a waiver of or limitation on any immunity from or limitation on liability to which Grantee is entitled under law. 6. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Grantee and Grantor. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. (b) Assi�nment. This Agreement is binding upon the parties. All rights and � powers specifically conferred upon Grantor may be transferred or delegated by Grantor to any of its successors and assigns. Grantee's rights and obligations under this Agreement may be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Grantor. (c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. (d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U. S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Grantor: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 City of Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director To Grantee: Attn: (f) Termination. On the date the Grantor receives Grantee's written report on Grantee's expenditure of Grant proceeds as described in paragraph 3(� of this Agreement, this Agreement will terminate and neither party will have any further obligation to the other. (g) Entire A�reement. This Agreement, together with the Grant Documents, is the entire statement of agreement between the Grantor and Grantee regarding the Grant. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. GRANTOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President By: Its Executive Director [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTOR] GRANTEE: [Business name] : Title: [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTEE] 656052v1 M� MN190-101 CITY OF • 'I�ril on l�� � MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM POLICY PURPOSE The Economic Development Authority for the City of Monticello (EDA) recognizes that small businesses are vital to the fabric of the Monticello community. Accordingly, the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) has developed a Small Business Emergency Assistance Program to address working capital needs upon the declaration of a state of emergency by the State of Minnesota (State) and the City of Monticello (City). The purpose of this program is to ensure the viability of the community's small businesses faced with the current COVID-19 health emergency, which is adversely impacting the local economy. The goal of this program is to provide needed financing for local businesses to help sustain operations and endure economic hardships during this challenging time. The program is structured as grant assistance. Grant funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is subject to funding availability from the EDA. The EDA retains the authority and discretion to approve or deny an application, and reserves the right to subsequently add further priorities, change eligibility criteria, or discontinue the program in response to changing circumstances. ELIGIBILITY a. Eligible Businesses To be eligible to receive Small Business Emergency Assistance funds, a business must demonstrate that its operations have been directly and adversely affected by the COVID-19 Health Pandemic and include the following: 1. Eligible business types include locally owned and operated businesses noted in Executive Orders 20-04 and 20-08, such as those listed below. Restaurants, cafes, coffeehouses, and other places of public accommodation offering food or beverage for on-premises consumption. Taverns, brew pubs, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, and other places of public accommodation offering alcoholic beverages for on- premises consumption. Gymnasiums, fitness centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities, businesses offering massage therapy, spas, salons, nail salons, cosmetology salons, and barber shops. This includes, but is not limited to, all salons and shops licensed by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetologist Examiners and the Minnesota Board of Barber Examiners. Bowling alleys, theaters, skating rinks, and other similar recreational or entertainment facilities. • Local boutique and specialty retailers. 2. Other businesses as approved by the EDA. b. Eligibility Requirements The business shall have a physical address (proof of address required) within the corporate boundary of the City and have been operating within the City long enough to demonstrate financial viability; The business shall employ between 2 and 25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees prior to the issuance of the State of Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-04 (March 16, 2020) and/or make $1 million or less in annual gross revenue. For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities within the Monticello business location. 4. All businesses must serve the general public and be a conforming or legally non- conforming use under the current zoning regulations of the City, and must not be in violation of the City's zoning code. Applicants are strongly encouraged to claim all applicable private and public insurance and utilize all other sources of applicable assistance available from other private and public sources. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Grant through the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Small Business Emergency Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) prior to applying for this grant. For more information, visit: Guide to financial resources for Minnesota small businesses While not absolutely required, applications which include proof of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs will receive higher scores in evaluation. Assistance cannot be provided to businesses that: • Do not have a physical address (and building/location) within the City of Monticello. • Have more than three total locations operating as part of the business enterprise. 2 • Derive income from passive investments without operational ties to operating businesses or whose primary source of revenue is from business-to-business transactions. • Primarily generate income from gambling activities. • Have no current or historical financial statements. • See also a2 above. FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS a. Amount: Businesses may apply for a one-time emergency grant of up to $5,000. The EDA shall determine the final award amounts based upon scoring criteria. b. Term: All grant awards must be utilized within two months of the date of the grant fund disbursement. c. Uses: Awarded funds may be used exclusively for current payroll obligations (i.e. may not include employees who have been laid off), lease or mortgage payments, utilities, accounts payable, property taxes and other critical business expenses that can t be paid as a direct result of the current health emergency. Awarded funds may not be used for businessowner's/manager's personal uses or expenses. The City reserves the right to pay or require payment of delinquent taxes, bills, or charges due to the City out of funds awarded. d. Proof of Need: Applicants shall be required to provide proof of financial need for grant funds. This includes but is not limited to the previous year's annual gross revenue, average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19, and projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months. Additionally, as noted above, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. e. Proof of Expenses: Applicant shall provide proof of eligible expenses requested to be paid with grant funds. See list of eligible grant uses above. f. Disbursement of Funds: Funds shall be distributed within three weeks after fully executed grant agreement has been received. g. Termination: The EDA retains the right to terminate any agreement under the Emergency Assistance Program if a grant recipient is found to be in violation of any conditions set forth in the grant guidelines or grant agreement. h. Right to Deny: The EDA retains the right to deny any application for grant funding. i. Grant Agreement: Upon a successful grant application being awarded funds, the grant recipient shall enter into a Grant Agreement with the EDA. Funds will not be distributed for any grant award until a grant agreement has been executed by all required parties. j. Reporting: As a condition for receiving grant funding, all grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the EDA within two months after receiving grant funds, specifying how the entirety of the grant funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. k. Funding Availability: The Small Business Emergency Assistance program has a limited amount of funds available. Awards will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis until the earlier of the date the fund is exhausted, or the City-declared state of emergency declaration is lifted. l. Indemnification: All grant recipients shall be required to indemnify the City of Monticello, the Monticello Economic Development Authority, and any officers acting on their behalf. APPLICATION PROCESS Prior to applying, please review the Program Guidelines to determine if your business is eligible. Applications will be available June 1st, 2020. 1. Applications are available on the City's website: www.ci.monticellamn.us. 2. Application requirements will include: • Basic details about the business. • Basic employment and annual gross revenue information. • Information on current operations including whether the business is currently closed or is providing reduced services. • Narrative descriptions and estimated calculations of the negative impacts on the business due to COVID-19. • A narrative description of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. • Information on the intended use of the grant funds. • Evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs, as applicable. • Supporting documentation and application attachments. 3. Fully completed and signed applications along with required documents may be submitted online to: Communit�.develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us Please note that mailed hard copy applications will take longer to process. 4 4. Upon submission of application, applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of application. The application will be reviewed for eligibility upon receipt. If additional information or documentation is necessary, EDA staff will contact the applicant. Due to an expected high volume of applications, you may consider your application complete if staff does not request additional information within 10 business days after application acceptance. FUNDING PROCESS If application is approved and funds are available, businesses will be notified within 2 business days and provided with an electronic grant agreement for signatures. Small businesses receiving funds must commit to using the funds for eligible program expenses and must agree to document and report specific uses of the funds. All grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the Monticello EDA within two months after receipt of funds, specifying how the entirety of the funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. GRANT AGREEMENT If the application for Small Business Assistance is approved, the applicant and business owner will be required to enter into a grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the grant as identified herein. FOLLOW-UP and ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: For businesses needing additional resources such as technical assistance, larger working capital grants, or other, staff will provide ongoing assistance to businesses of all sizes and types, working with partners and other levels of government to access resources as available, such as SBA and State of Minnesota DEED grants. Staff will conduct a check-in with grant recipients within one year of the distribution of funds to learn the effect of the grant and business outcomes such as economic impact of the grant program, (including, but not limited to, employees retained or rehired, and sales) and whether they match the program's desired outcomes of business and/or job retention. QUESTIONS Any questions related to the application process or for assistance in completing the application should be directed to: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 763-271-3254 communitv. develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us EDA Agenda: 7/22/20 6. Consideration of Adoptin� Resolution #2020-08 authorizin� Interfund Loan for Advance of Certain Costs in Connection With Small Business Emer�encv Grant Assistance Pro�ram wherein GMEF account is reimbursed bv CARES Act pandemic fundin� for previouslv approved and/or disbursed �rants provided to assist businesses ne�ativelv impacted bv the COVID-19 pandemic response efforts (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to ask the EDA to consider adopting Resolution #2020-08 authorizing an inter- fund loan between the EDA-GMEF Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Set Aside Program and the CARES Act pandemic assistance funding program. Adopting Resolution #2020-08 will allow the EDA to reimburse the Emergency Grant Assistance program from the CARES Act pandemic funding to the extent eligible. The idea with this action is to preserve the GMEF for expected future economic development projects that increase the tax base and create new jobs. Taking this action should allow the EDA to use the CARES Act funds to the extent allowed and provide direct assistance to small businesses and also allow the EDA to reimburse the GMEF account for previously approved and/or disbursed Emergency Assistance grants. The EDA approved the Small Business Emergency Grant Program and the GMEF account as a source of the funding at its regular May 27, 2020 meeting. The Grant Program was set up with $100,000 as an initial emergency assistance fund. This set-aside amount is expected to fund a total of 20 grants [$100,000/$5,000 = 20]. At that time, it was not clear the CARES Act funding would be available for use by local governmental units. With Governor Walz's recent sign-off releasing the funds to local governments, staff have learned through the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) that the funding can be used to provide direct assistance to businesses and individuals negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic response efforts. The City of Monticello is expected to receive approximately $1,038,000 +/- through the CARES Act. It should be noted that there is still some research and confirmation which needs to occur as related to the ability to seek reimbursement of the City/EDA funding in full for the Emergency Loan Program. Grant recipients are bound by the same spending requirements as the City. The City and EDA need to be aware of and enact procedures to avoid the potential for duplicate reimbursement. This would occur if a business receives assistance funding from more than one government source (DEED, Wright County) for the same pandemic-related expenses and each government entity seeks to be reimbursed for those expenses by the CARES Act. This could require that the EDA modify its guidelines to seek additional expense confirmation prior to reimbursing the GMEF account. Staff are also aware that the EDA may be interested in the potential for using the City's CARES allocation to support additional business assistance. Staff will continue to research the eligibility requirements of the Act and make recommendations on additional programs. 1 EDA Agenda: 7/22/20 Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in the work related to consideration of authorizing an interfund loan between the CARES Act funding and the GMEF Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance program consists of discussions with the EDA attorney and collaboration between the Finance Director, Community Development Director and Economic Development Manager. It is estimated that the EDA attorney may have approximately 5 to 6 hours devoted to the tasks associated with the interfund loan documentation and the related step wherein the City Council also considers authorizing the EDA to be assigned a portion of the CARES Act funding for the purpose of fulfilling the direct business assistance program. An unknown amount of additional staff time will be needed to ensure allowable use of CARES Act funding occurs. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering authorizing the establishment of an interfund loan between the Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Set-Aside program and the CARES Act funding program is the reimbursement of $80,000 into the GMEF account allowing it to be used by economic development prospects that have indicated potential 2021 development schedules. The legal fees for consideration of the interfund loan steps are estimated to be approximately $700 to $800. The 2020 EDA General Fund budget includes a line item to cover legal fees. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to adopt EDA Resolution #2020-08 authorizing Interfund Loan for Advance of Certain Costs in Connection with Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program wherein GMEF account is reimbursed by CARES Act pandemic funding for previously approved and/or disbursed grants provided to assist businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic response efforts. 2. Motion to deny adoption of EDA Resolution #2020-08 authorizing Interfund Loan for Advance of Certain Costs in Connection with Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program wherein GMEF account is reimbursed by CARES Act pandemic funding for previously approved and/or disbursed grants provided to assist businesses negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic response efforts. 3. Motion to table consideration of EDA Resolution #2020-08 4. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The CARES Act funding is allowed to be used to provide direct assistance to businesses and individuals that have shown need. Adopting EDA Resolution #2020-08 will allow the EDA to preserve the GMEF dollars, to the extent allowed, for the prospective economic development proposals that may move forward in late 2020 or early 2021. The EDA has already approved 13 grants of $5,000 each. If the EDA approves 4 additional grant requests at the July 22, 2020 meeting, it will bring the total emergency grant funding approvals to $85,000. 2 EDA Agenda: 7/22/20 With the available information, it is believed that the CARES Act funds can be used in the same manner as the EDA's emergency grant assistance program that was authorized on May 27, 2020. If staff had been aware of the potential for the City to receive the CARES Act dollars in late May, it would have been identified as the original funding source for the Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program instead of the GMEF account. There is a related step that will need to be completed by the City Council at the July 27, 2020 meeting, wherein it authorizes the EDA to receive and utilize a portion of the CARES Act funds to provide direct assistance to businesses and/or individuals as allowed in the Act. By adopting the resolution, the EDA will be able to reimburse the GMEF account $85,000, the amount of the previously approved grants [$5,000 x 17 =$85,000]. That will raise the GMEF fund balance back up to approximately $1,030,000 +/- again. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution #2020-08 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. #2020-08 AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Back r� ound. 1.01. On May 27, 2020, the Authority established its Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program (the "Program") to assist small businesses located in the City of Monticello (the "City") which have experienced economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 1.02. In establishing the Program, the Authority designated up to $100,000 in its Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund ("GMEF") loan fund as the source of funding for its emergency grants. 1.03. As of the date hereof, the Authority has approved and expended $85,000 in Program grant funding. 1.04. Subsequent to creation of the Program by the Authority, Governor Tim Walz authorized the allocation by the State of Minnesota (the "State"), to local governments including the City, of funds established by Congress through passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to provide funding to states and local governments to cover costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. 1.05. The Program assistance provided by the Authority consists of emergency grants to local businesses for expenditures that qualify for CARES Act funding under federal guidelines for such funds. 1.06. The Authority has determined that it is in the best interest of the City and Authority that the Authority preserve its GMEF loan fund for the economic development uses designated under GMEF policies and guidelines, and that it reimburse the GMEF loan fund from CARES Act funding to the extent approved by the City for such use. 1.06. The Authority intends to designate the Program grants previously approved and expended, as well as any additional Program grants up to the full $100,000 in GMEF funds authorized by the Authority, as an interfund loan in accordance with the terms of this resolution. 663501v1 MNI MN190-101 Section 2. Repavment of Interfund Loan. 2.01. Subj ect to approval of CARES Act funding for Program purposes by the City, the Authority hereby ratifies and approves the expenditure of up to $100,000 in GMEF loan funds for Program purposes (the "Interfund Loan"). No interest shall accrue on the principal amount of the Interfund Loan. 2.02. Principal ("Payments") on the Interfund Loan shall be paid on the first date on which the Authority receives CARES Act funding from the City, or on any other dates determined by the City Administrator. 2.03. Payments on the Interfund Loan will be made solely from CARES Act funding, defined as CARES Act funds received by the City from the State pursuant to the processes and procedures established by the State for reimbursement of qualified expenditures, and designated by the City for administration by the Authority for Program purposes. 2.04. The principal sum payable under this resolution is pre-payable in whole or in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty. 2.05. This resolution is evidence of an internal borrowing by the Authority, and is a limited obligation payable solely from CARES Act funding pledged to the payment hereof under this resolution. The Interfund Loan shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State or any political subdivision thereof, including, without limitation, the Authority and the City. Neither the State nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of the Interfund Loan or other costs incident hereto except out of CARES Act funding. The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any principal amount of the Interfund Loan if CARES Act funding is not allocated by the City for such purpose. 2.06. The Authority may at any time make a determination to forgive the outstanding principal amount of the Interfund Loan to the extent permissible under law. 2.07. The Authority may from time to time amend the terms of this Resolution to the extent permitted by law, including without limitation amendment to the payment schedule. Section 3. Effective Date. This resolution is effective upon approval by the City of CARES Act funding by the Authority for Program uses. 663501v1 MNI MN190-101 `� Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 22nd day of July, 2020. President ATTEST: Executive Director 663501v1 MNI MN190-101 EDA Agenda: 7/22/20 7. Consideration of GMEF Pre-Application from Vikram A��arwal - Proiect Panda #3 Child Care Center (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A GMEF Loan pre-application was received on July 8, 2020 for development of a proposed child care center. The proposal is a ground up development of a 10,500 square foot Goddard Child Care School. The expected cost of the proposal is $4,000,000 +/-. The proposed development site is a vacant tax forfeited parcel on the north side of School Boulevard near the River City Extreme bowling alley complex. The developer-owner currently operates two child care centers, one in Maple Grove and a second one that was also just recently developed in Albertville. The pre-application submittal shows a GMEF loan request of $400,000 or about 10 percent of the total project cost. The number of new jobs expected as a result of the proposal is approximately 20 +/-. The GMEF Loan Account currently has a balance of approximately $1,030,000 +/-. The City of Monticello was identified as having a child care slot shortage in a survey completed in 2018 by First Children's Finance, Minneapolis, MN. Per the survey, the child care slot shortage in Monticello was identified as being about 736 +/-. First Children's of Minnesota is a non-profit child care financial services and assistive support agency. The EDA held a workshop on May 9, 2018 at which time a staff person from First Children's Finance provided a presentation on the survey findings. Additional proposal information and impacts are provided below: 1) New Jobs: 20+; staff would be full time = 40 hrs. per week 2) Average Wages: $32,000 per year =$15.38/hr. 3) Staff Benefits: May offer health insurance; 401K Retirement Plan = staff preference 3) Child Care Discounts: Staff will receive child care discounts = 50% of the normal fee 4) Projected new property taxes due to development: $23,000 to $26,000 +/- per year 5) Land Value: Total 4.58 acre site =$499,007; Child care site =1ess than 2 acres (the bulk of the site will remain available for development; guided and zoned commercial) 6) Total Project Cost with Land: $4,000,000 +/- 7) Project Financing: Combination = Bank, SBA 504, SBA 7A, Equity and GMEF If the EDA has a favorable view of the pre-application submittal, the next steps would involve asking the applicant to complete the full application and pay the required fees. Once that is received, staff can begin the formal review and underwriting of the loan request. Staff is seeking guidance from the EDA on the amount that they feel would be reasonable as a gap loan. As a reminder, there are a couple of development prospects that have already stated that they may need to utilize the GMEF loan program to complete their proposals. The schedules for those proposals may begin in late 2020 or in early 2021. The current GMEF account balance is approximately $1,030,000 +/-. A1. STAFF IMPACT: The EDA-GMEF Loan program offers a Pre-Qualification step as a preliminary review by the EDA to determine level of interest and program applicability. At 1 EDA Agenda: 7/22/20 this point in time, the level of staff time committed to the file is approximately 5 hours including EDA staff report preparation and meeting time. If the EDA encourages submittal of a final application, it is estimated that there will be about 27 to 35 hours spent on the file. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budgetary impact related to consideration of the EDA-GMEF loan request is to the loan fund itself. The fund currently has $1,030,000 +/- available to lend out. This request is for $400,000 +/- or approximately 38.84 percent of the available dollars in the GMEF Loan program account. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. No motion; feedback and guidance only 2. Motion of other as determined by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff believes this proposal merits support through the GMEF Loan program. The type of project and the intended use of funds meets the GMEF criteria. Also, the child care slot survey completed by First Children's Finance, in 2018, showed Monticello having a shortage of 736 spaces and illustrates the need for this type of service in the community. The GMEF loan program is a tool that can help fill the identified funding gap for the $4,000,000 +/- development proposal. If the EDA encourages submittal of a final application, staff will collaborate with the primary lender to obtain all supporting documents, as appropriate, to satisfactorily complete all underwriting. SUPPORTING DATA: A. GMEF Loan Pre-Application B. Child Care Slot Survey C. Aerial Photo of Site 2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Phone: (763) 271-32a-� L:conomic Dcti�elo��ment I��Iana�er Fa�: (763) 29>-4404 L'itiail: jim.th�u•esC�ci.inonticcllo.lml.us MONTIC�LLO ECONOMIC D�V�LOPM�NT AUTHORITY 505 WALNUT STRE�T, SUITE 1, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55368 aPPLicaNT: \/l K-�� ��\ �fi� �,s� t��vJ 't� Z.� I�'IRM OR TRADE NAME: BUSIN�SS ADDR�SS: CITY/STATE: Q (LR.\s �-t N �f� U..C- .S C� ��'aY`l� W C� c� �� nn ►�! �S k 1..-1� I� TCL�PHON�: (Bus.) 6� 2'� 12--`� 3� Z (Home) rax: E-MAIL: �;c,�, ��r� � 1�.� r�cu� � C�m I�� be,r�- v�� 4e� w�n> CC� C��k.QrnY�( Sr'���c�QS � cc, � TYP� OF BUSIN�SS: Sole Proprietorsliip Corporation _� Partnership Start Up Expansion Cxpansion/Relocation TYP� OF PROJ�CT: Manufacturing Warehousing Other Industrial �(7•��.�^�e � C�.�� Q(�. Cc1�Y'e, DEV�LOPMENT PLANS: �% S OC� TO'I�L SQ. I� I'. OF l3[1ILllING. BREAI� IllO���N BY SQ FT BY �1R�;A: A�UINLTFACTURING, O1;FICE, ANDIOP� �\/,��1�EHOtTSI\'G SPACL: l;STI\ I.1TEll SQ FT COST OT CONSTRUC'1'ION �.: � OC), � C'7CJ �� C�C7 �- ��{ C? �� E'C`�C` C��CC'+S 1' � L,STI� L-1TED L.aND ;�CP�I ;.=�.CrI� PR1;17 ;I:I'�l: iD � 3 Ofa� U� C) �� c) ANTICIPATED LENDER ANTICIPATED CONTRACTOR ANTICIPATED AMOUNT OI+ GM�T REQU�ST FROM EDA ��-1 ���� C) C�' 1' C� O JOB AND WAG� L�V�L CREATION FOR MONTICELLO WITHIN TWO I'EARS: # of Jobs Z-� `�'" Average Wages per Employee� 3`Z,•�+C� �` 2c�'{' Date � I��'ZC�20 Signature !�'(� �, �,�^.• �iPREAPPLICAI'ION.P'ORM � .� � v � Q 0 v � V O � � O _ Y O K O � c N � v o �0 � v � � 3 � v U � � � � � � O ^ � � Y � � � , _, v t M � j N p - O c � 2 � Y J - N a � 4. � � � 0 � . a � m v � . � o � � � a > > ■ � � � v 3 o a O � S � � � � � N L � c9 U � c G O O O O O � O N C n N O O O O O O O � m � �n , � m � � m � O O O O � � TM ,�", ��c�G�]Irl Wright County, MN �,�l� � x. ; - ' ° � �.�." t � 1'555��;1!'423�8 Overview � � ` - � . ..'� • '''� - ' _ ' � y fi�°6---� �„r -. �r � � � �N_ � , - �_ .�,�,� '�. � �, �'' .*r� �;,� , �„ �� - - , t , �� DF��� �' ` . �_ ' , .__ � �'�' � _� � _.�_ J�. -"� RE �� ``'' ^� �f "fi -� ,.�,-� 4 :'�� ;�,,; ,� DEE� T � _ ;t� � ...,. �. , HAYWARD'GT S` . �pARK PLIaCE QR }, „�F�'h'� � � .; '�.� F� � � � � _-1 ' '� � '� �� . -p 4r .. �� .,�� ���'� �°, . . ..... ...... .... ... ...... �.. _ ,.. _. ,,, , ^ � _ � � c� Legend �- f � �55193U{}1{l2U 15�1€����11�!1� � - �• �'� '►,��'�,�� `'°��P, Roads � — CSAHCL �65�193�#Jtfl1❑ -� $Cy� ' ' — CTYCL � � _ , -.. �' � �L ��� — MUNic� �l+ ��.� w =�f�'4 , . � — PRIVATECL f � . — TWPCL f , ,� � . ,�r ti.��`�,. • ' Highways .�� "'' � � _ ti � � M1 � Interstate � , i, _ '• �� . �,� :-� •— State Hwy �: � ^,. ., - �'� �� ,;� '� •— US Hwy S � r'�, ` ' , f kt = ' ! �. �� !� � � � t ,�' r; City/Township Limits �+$ � 1551'9�(]��1�1i} ,� ,� ° - ❑ > - a " _ • r_ � c �Ma,' ` ��F �� � ♦� r++ .} � .Y: . 3� �.�`. ��, � • • yR,�� 'rh�. �A } f": ^ � � . �CI� C{� '►� 4 I� Parcels } r '" `' - � ' y� , �i:�3�G4CIqflCl4{?,�1551'7Gt7t]2a1€� �;` f�,,,,,� � ❑ __ � ,�`*-.�� ,� �" : . � � � � _... : _ ' ry,y �• ' ,� UQ � " :� 5 � �' � f t7 - ...�' #�+� '� `� , +f.r#.'£.� � t �1 . P �� �*1}���`T . '�'�' -� � � � �� 404ft � � � r , y , 4�r ��ti. . . . Parcel ID 155193001020 Alternate ID n/a Owner Address STATE OF MN TX FRFT/AVAL SALE Sec/Twp/Rng 15-121-025 Class 983-TAXFORFEIT-PUBLIC %WRIGHTCTYAUD-TREAS Property Address Acreage n/a 10 2ND ST NW RM 230 BUFFALO, MN 55313 District 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H BriefTaxDescription Sect-15Twp-121Range-025JEFFERSONCOMMONS3RDADDNLot-002BIock-001 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Date created: 7/16/2020 LastData Uploaded:7/16/20204:0929AM Developed by�� Schneider G£CiSVATIAL EDA: 7/22/20 8. Consideration of Beard Group, Inc. Revised Block 52 Concept Redevelopment Proposal Illustration (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for EDA discussion and feedback of a revised concept Block 52 redevelopment illustration prepared by the Beard Group, Inc. The revised concept plan is a result of helpful discussions that were held with the Beard Group and various Block 52 property owners on June 24, 2020. The revised Block 52 redevelopment concept illustration is attached. Beard Group's new concept is being presented now to gain feedback and direction regarding any suggested changes that the EDA would like to see incorporated into the plan. It should be noted that the concept does not meet all of the obj ectives in the adopted Small Area Study (SAS) and the EDA is encouraged to discuss those variances and provide feedback for the developer. While the concept continues with the horizontal mixed-use components (side by side residential and commercial uses), it does not appear to show the potential for a restaurant or entertainment type of service as noted in the SAS plan. It does however propose a stand-alone commercial building fronting on Broadway in mid-block and it illustrates a total of 135 multi-family units above a two-level, sub-surface parking structure. It also retains the courtyard parking area in the middle of the Block. As a reminder, the EDA entered into a Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA) with the Beard Group, Inc., in July 2019. The EDA then amended the PDA, extending the expiration date to February 28, 2021, at its regular March 11, 2020 meeting. Under the PDA, the EDA's responsibilities include ongoing efforts of land assembly for a viable redevelopment project as well as the initial steps in formation of the appropriate funding structure, including tax increment financing. Beard Group's responsibilities include completing financial due diligence of a successful a proposal, determining the level of public financial assistance needed to move forward with the development and any studies-reports that may be needed or helpful in moving forward with the project. Revising the concept may likely fall in the category of new studies-reports. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact in considering the revised concept redevelopment illustration consists of collaboration between the developer and the Community Development Director, the Economic Development Manager and staff from the Beard Group, Inc. Staff efforts to move the proposal forward involve various discussion and idea sharing sessions and are a part of normal staff duties with an aim to create a viable proposal. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: There is minimal cost in the effort of discussion and encouraging and supporting the creation and presentation of a revised concept redevelopment proposal. The minimal cost includes staff time and minor copying expenses. A3. STRATEGIC IMPACT: The Block 52 Redevelopment efforts are part of the City of Monticello's strategic goals so noted in the 2017 Strategic Plan as well as in the 2018 update. EDA: 7/22/20 Goal #1 "Create & Preserve Sustainable Livability" with a sub-goal of "Working to attract and develop a healthy mix of housing options." This aligns with the EDA's consideration of the PDA with Beard Group. Also, Goal #4 "Support a Vibrant Economy" along with a sub-goal of "Support development and redevelopment of publicly owned property" both fit the entire Block 52 effort. The City and EDA own approximately 55 percent of Block 52 at this time. There are other key properties in the block that are for sale and may be obtained to help make the proposal a viable proj ect. In addition, the Small Area Study (SAS), adopted by the EDA and City Council in late 2017, focuses on redevelopment of Block 52 as a key strategy to revitalize the downtown area. The SAS plan calls for adding residential units (with associated purchasing power) in the core city and specifically in Block 52. The specific Block 52 plan calls for ground floor entertainment, dining and retail uses as well. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. No motion needed; discussion and feedback for the developer. 2. Motion of other as determined by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The EDA should use the opportunity to discuss the revised concept and note any changes or feedback for the developer. Staff are meeting on July 21 st to review the concept in detail and will provide staff recommendations and feedback as part of the EDA meeting. Staff will provide any suggestions to the developer in a following meeting. A j oint meeting of the Planning Commission and Council is also recommended to discuss the concept. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Revised Concept Redevelopment Plan, Beard Group, Inc. b. Initial Concept Redevelopment Plan, Beard Group, Inc. c. Extracted Pages - Small Area Study, 2017 � Q� � �� � ���� a ����N � w Q � � � � � F Q� o o� V% m (� c� v v � LL m Z (q � p N U` J r o� � m � � � � N a � � � � j p O O - � � � � J� OJ OJ J w Q (n ���¢o ii g c~i� �z � O J C� c� c� H �S 000000 o� ������ � � Z �����o� W � V w�� v v� v lL z LL W J a U O Q z � Z oN � 0 ? 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Industrial Land Feasibility Study — Joint City Council and EDA meeting competed review and discussion of the potential sites with general feedback and direction provided to staff. #4. Project and Process Review-Communications — Continuance of efforts to develop and maintain a positive relationship with Company as well as ongoing review of proj ect due-diligence information. Staff will continue to work on all of these tracks. It is the intention of staff to provide a draft Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA) to the Company on or about July 21, or 22, 2020. The goal is to bring the PDA to the EDA for consideration at the August 12, 2020 meeting. That will kick off the ability to begin submitting state and federal grant applications for initial review and comment by the various assistance agencies such as MN-DEED and US-EDA. B. 300 — 4th Street East Residence Demolition process: Demolition of the dilapidated home is scheduled for September 12, 2020 in a practice-training fire burn. The house structure has been deemed a good practice opportunity. Carlson Construction, Buffalo, has entered into the demolition contract to clean up the burn debris and demolish the concrete detached garage structure and restore the site to a developable lot condition. Staff will continue to coordinate with the Fire Department regarding the logistics and the payment of the fee for the practice fire burn. The City burn fee is $2,500. The post-burn demo price is $6,500.