Planning Commission Minutes 05-12-1982
Tuesday, May 12, 1982 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present:
Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Ed Schaffer, and
John Bondhus.
Members Absent:
Bill Burke.
1. Approval of the Minutes of the April 13, 1982 Meeting.
A motion was made by Schaffer and seconded by Bondhus to approve
the minutes of the meeting with all voting in favor.
Public Hearing - Variance Application - Q. L. Stanislau.
Mr. Q. L. stanislau, representing Cohen's Village, was present to
present a request by Cohen's to be able to place a roof top sign
on their building which is located at 124 West Broadway. This sign
is proposed to be placed on the roof on the rear of the building.
Mr. Stanislau presented a photograph of the rear of several of the
buildings along that block and said that he felt that a sign which
was less than roof top would not provide an adequate view of the
sign from the parking lot and adjacent street areas, since the wall
was not very high which the sign would be placed on.
Scott Douglas from Golden Valley Furniture was present to state that
he had no objection to the sign being placed on the proposed lo-
cation as well as information being presented from Flicker's and
Lindberg's Paint Center stating they had no objection to this pro-
posed variance. A letter was also presented which came from the
Masonic Lodge, stating that they felt that the ordinances should
be adhered to.
After discussing, at some lengt~ the topic of the variance, a motion
was made by Schaffer and seconded by Bondhus to table this item for
further study. The Zoning Administrator was directed to work with
the property owners in the general area of this proposed sign and
see if some compromise could not be worked out for some type of
sign which would be uniform in size and height, possibly a ribbon
type sign, upon which all of those people who are fronting on the
parking lot could use to advertise their business locations. This
proposal could possibly include something similar to double front-
ing of a commercial use.
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Planning Commission - 5/l2/82
3. Public Hearing - variance Application - Reinert Construction.
Bill pritchard, representing the Reinert Construction Compan~ was
present to present a request for a variance to build an apartment
building within l2 feet of a property line where 20 feet is re-
This property is zoned R-3 and described as Lot 3, Block l, Lauring
Hillside Terrace. The Reinert Company's request is based on a dif-
ficulty that they will have in complying with Monticello ordinances
because of the irregular shape of the lot on which the new buildings
will be built does not allow for construction of one of the two
buildings to be built 20 feet or more away from the abutting property
Mr. Roy Lauring, an abutting property owner, was present and stated
no objection to this proposed development.
Mr. Wilbur Eck, an abutting property owner, was present and stated
he had no objection to the proposed development, however, as a con-
dition of the variance he would like to see the developer be re-
quired to place a fence between his property and all of the property
owned by the Reinert Company, in order to keep the residents of the
apartment complex, both new complex and proposed complex, from utiliz-
ing his property as a playground, etc.
A motion was made by Bondhus, seconded by Dowling, with all voting in
favor to approve this request contingent upon a fence of a design
that is architecturally harmonious and which would deter ingress from
outlying properties. This new fence was suggested to be erected at
the expense of the developer of the Reinert property.
4. Public Hearing - Variance Application - Willard & Shirley Murphy.
Mr. Bill Graves of the Intra-Financing Corporation, was present to
discuss the request for the variances on behalf of the Murphys.
Willard and Shirley Murphy are proposing to build a new motel on
the property located between the VFW and the Perkins Restaurant.
The Murphys are proposing to build the first phase of their new
motel as close as possible to the freeway, thus, they are asking for
a twenty foot rear yard set back variance. On the southeasterly
corner of their lot, the property line takes an unusual shape. and
because of this unusual shape, the Murphys feel that it is necessary
that they acquire a variance to allow the corner of the building to
be closer than 30 feet to the property line in order to take optimum
advantage of the exposure on the freeway and also to allow maximum
amount of room for future expansion on the north end on the building.
Also for consideration was a request by the Murphys to allow a pylon
sign to be less than l3 feet from the property line on the south end
of that property. Monticello ordinances require that all pylon signs
be within the same set back distances as buildings.
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Planning Commission - 5/l2/82
Mr. Roy Lauring was present and objected to the variance for the
setbacks based on his feeling that the City should adhere to its
own ordinance requiring adequate setbacks.
Mr. Vince Mayer, representing Bridgewater Telephone Company, was
present and expressed concern that the new building might be built
too close to a 1200 pair cable which the telephone company has
located on the property which would be within 7 feet of the pro-
posed new building if built. It was determined that the contractor
and Bridgewater Telephone would work out the problem which could
exist because of the 1200 pair telephone cable lying so close to
the building.
A motion was made by Dowling and seconded by Schaffer to grant
the setback request for both the building and the pylon sign and
to recommend to the Council consideration for vacating 15 feet of
the easement as requested by the Murphys, provided the contractor
and the telephone company can work out a satisfactory agreement
between themselves on the location of the 1200 pair telephone
cable and its relationship to the proposed new building. All voted
in favor.
New Business.
Mr. Darrell Tindle was present and requested consideration for being
appointed as a new member to the Planning Commission as a replace-
ment for John Bondhus. The Planning Commission interviewed Mr. Tin-
dle and delayed any action on a recommendation to the Council for a
new Planning Commission member until such time as Mr. Jerry Baeyen,
another applicant for the position, and any other persons which the
planning Commission would choose could be interviewed at the
June 8, 1982 meeting.
Meeting Adjourned.
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Loren D. Klein
zoning Administrator
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