Planning Commission Minutes 07-13-1982 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 13, 1982 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, John Bondhus, Joyce Dowling. Members Absent; Bill Burke and Ed Schaffer. 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of May 11, 1982. A motion was made by John Bondhus and seconded by Joyce Dowling to approve the minutes and all voted in favor. 2. continuation of a Public Hearing - Variance Application - O. L. Stanislau. . At the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on May 11, 1982, (refer to the minutes of the May 11, 1982 meeting, item #2) the Zoning Administrator was directed to work with the property owners in the general area of the proposed sign to see if some compro- mise could be worked out for a type of sign which would be uni- form in size and height, possibly a facade or ribbon type sign, upon which all of the businesses which are fronting on the alley parking lot could use to advertise their business location. Since that meeting, the Zoning Administrator and Mr. O. L. Stan- islau have had several meetings with the individual property owners who might be involved in developing such a ribbon type sign. At the most recent meeting of those property owners in- volved, it was a concensus that this type of ribbon type should be pursued, however, not until the concept of a ribbon type sign were given full approval of the Planning Commission so as to not involve alot of time in preparation of prices, etc. without the blessing of the Planning Commission in doing so. After achieving the concept approval from the planning Commission, Mr. Stanislau stated that he would obtain all necessary price and design information and present it to the involved property owners and that he would return at the next meeting, if possible, for final review and approval by the Planning Commission. No further action was necessary other than concept approval at this meeting. 3. Public Hearing - Rezoning Request - Rosewood corporation. Mr. Howard Rekstad, Vice-President of the Rosewood Corporation, was present to make his request for rezoning a portion of the property which the Monticello Mall company now owns which is west of the Monticello Mall. . - 1 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/13/82 This rezoning request is based on the possible sale of a portion of the property to the Chateau Plaza Corporation which proposes to build a 36 unit apartment complex for the elderly. Mr. Rekstad also said that he wants the rezoning approved contingent upon approval by the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) giving their approval for guaranteeing this project. Mr. Rekstad also stated that if the HUD approval is granted and the project goes forward that the Mall Corporation would be willing to work with the City in developing a collector route across the balance of their property in order to provide access to that property when devel- opment occurs. Barb Schwientek, President of the Chateau Plaza Corporation, was present and outlined the proposal for the 36 unit apartment com- plex. It was also pointed out that HUD has given it~ highest appraisal in all cases to this parcel of land to be used as an apartment complex for the elderly because of its location to such facilities as the mall, library and the central business district, etc. A motion was made by John Bondhus, seconded by Joyce Dowling and received unanimous support to recommend approval of this rezoning request contingent upon HUD approval of the project being finally developed and Rosewood Corporation being able to provide property for the continuation of the 7th street access road from the inter- section of 7th & walnut street westward to Minnesota Street as proposed by the City Engineer in Alternate Route 2 A. 4. Public Hearing - Variance Request - Blocher Outdoor Advertising. Mr Lee Everson, a representative of the Blocher Outdoor Advertis- ing Company, was present to make a request that Blocher Outdoor Advertising be allowed to take down two outdoor advertising signs of 200 square feet or more (billboards) from their locations in the Thomas Industrial Park and replace those signs with single pole signs similiar to those which they developed on the north side of I-94 on the Lauring Hillside Terrace. Approximately two years ago, the Planning Commission allowed Blocher Outdoor Advertising to take down two wooden structures on the north side of I~94 and replace those wooden structures with new steel, single pole structures which were landscaped. At this time, the request from the Blocher OUtdoor Advertising Company would be to do the same thing to the existing wooden structures on the south side of I-94. Mr. Jim Franklin,of Franklin OUtdoor Advertising Company, was present to inquire as to why Blocher Outdoor Advertising would be allowed to remove wooden structures and replace them with new steel structures, and if so, would Blocher outdoor Advertising be allowed to replace those signs with larger units than are presently located on those sites. It was pointed out to Mr. Franklin that at the time Blocher Outdoor Advertising was allowed to replace the wooden structures with steel structures - 2 - Planning Commission Minutes - 7/l3/82 . that a uniform sign size should be used on both new structures, therefore one sign was allowed to be slightly increased in size while the other was reduced slightly in size. A motion was made by John Bondus and seconded by Joyce Dowling and received unanimous approval to grant the variance to Blocher outdoor Advertising to replace the two existing wooden sign structures in Thomas Industrial Park with new steel, single pole structures which would be appropriately landscaped and of uniform size consistent with the size of the new signs which were placed on the north side of I-94 on the Lauring Hillside Property ap- proximately two years ago. 5, Public Hearing - Variance Request - Halstad Wehmann. Mr. Hal Wehmann, who built two condominium/'apartment units, one each on Lot 5 & Lot 6 - Block l - Holker Hillside Terrace, has made a request for a variance to develop exactly the same build- ings on Lots 3 and 4 of Block 1, Holker Hillside Terrace. . AS before, when applying the minimum lot size formula for the Monticello ordinances to these two newly proposed buildings, it has been deterroined that each building would require 6~ percent more lot area in order to allow the development, thus Mr. Weh- mann has applied for a minim\Iffi lot size variance. In addressing this variance request, the Planning commmission suggested to Mr. Wehmann that possibly before coming back for development of any further condominium/apartment units that he and his firm address how the situation will be resolved in the future on the four remaining lots of Block 1 - Hillside Terrace, in order that the entire project does not end uF 6 percent short of lot area. Mr. Wehmann's response was that of the seven and one half lots which are available on Block 1 - Holker's Hillside Terrace, that his firm would plan to build only seven 4-unit buildings and the one half lot which remains would be used to off set the 6 percent shortage on the first seven developments, thus in actuality when the entire block is developed, there would be an overage of square footage for the total of the seven lots by approximately 1,000 square feet on the entire project. . Taking Mr. Wehmann's comments about developing only seven build- ings on seven and a half lots with a remainder of excess square footage, it was a motion by John Bondhus and seconded by Joyce Dowling to allow the buildings on the Lots 3 and 4 to be de- veloped with the same conditions as were allowed for the first two on Lots 5 and 6 provided that Mr. Wehmann understand that no more buildings would be built by him or by his firm or associates on Lots l or 2 or Lots 7 or 8 without resolving completely the 6 percent shortage which each building creates on an individual lot. All voted in tavor of granting the variance. - 3 - Planning Commission Minutes - 7/13/82 . 6. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment - Go~Kart Track. Mr. Jim Teslow of Monticello proposed a go~kart track for his property which lies on the west side of Elm street where Elm Street abuts the north side of I-94. This property is zoned B-4. As a result of Mr. Teslow's request to build a go-kart track, Monticello's ordinances must be amended to make a pro- vision to allow a go~kart track since they are not allowed anywhere in Monticello at the present time. John Uban of Howard~Dahlgren Associates proposed the following amendment to allow go~kart tracks within a B-3 zone as a conditional use. The following is the proposed ordinance amendment: Section 10-3-4 (M) OUtdoor gO-kart tracks provided that: 1. The proposed use must meet all conditions of Sec- tion 10-3-4 (A)~ 2. The conditional use permit will be reviewed yearly to determine whether or not the use is compatible with neighboring properties and in conformance with the conditions of the conditional use. . 3. A solid wood, 6 foot high fence must be part of the screening required when the adjacent property is residential. 4. For dust and noise (70DB at residential property line) must be controlled at all times to the satisfaction of the City. A motion was made by Dowling, seconded by Bondhus to adopt the or- dinance amendment maintaining a provision whereby go-kart tracks, if developed, would be reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Council on an annual basis. 7. Public.Hearing - Conditional Use - James Teslow. In reference to the previous item, Mr. Teslow made his request for a conditional use to be allowed to develop a go~kart track. Also, as a provision of his conditional use, he requested a variance from the curbing requirement around his parking lot since there is no ditch or public drainage area to control and remove the drainage water away from his property once it would be directed into a drainage ditch if one were available. . Only one person sent any objection to the Planning Commission in the form of a letter objecting to Mr. Teslow's request for a con~ ditional use permit. Mrs. Tim Genung was present and supported Mr. Teslow's conditional use request. (Mrs. Genung is the im- mediate residential neighbor to Mr. Teslow's property and her property is zoned B~3. The nearest residential property is more than 500 feet from Mr. Teslow's property). - 4 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/13/82 A motion was made by Bondhus, seconded by Dowling to grant the con- ditional use and variance request to Mr. Teslow with an annual re- view to be conducted of the conditional use in order to ensure com- patibility with neighboring uses and compliance with the conditions of the conditional use. All voting in favor. 8. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment for planned Unit Developments. During 1981, the Planning Commission recommended for adoption a new Planned Unit Development ordinance which was subsequently adopted by the City Council. However, the city Planner brought to the Plan- ning Commission's attention shortcomings with the new Planned Unit Development Ordinance and recommended that the Planning Commission suggest to the Council that the City return to its original Planned Unit Development ordinance. As a result of the City Planner's recommendation to return to the old planned Unit Development ordinance and the COIlUUents and review in comparison with the new ordinance as compared to the old or- dinance, a motion was made by Dowling, seconded by Bondhus to rec- ommend to the City Council that the City abate the present new Planned Unit Development Ordinance and adopt the old Planned Unit Development which was used in the past. All voted in favor of that recommendation. 9. Jim Boyle Presentation. Mr. Jim Boyle, Mr. Dick Knutson and Mr. Greg Frank were present to present to the Planning Commission Mr. Boyle's concept for the de- velopment of the easterly 177 acres of his approximately 600 acres which lies on the south eastern edge of the community. Because this was not a public hearing and only an informal concept proposal, no action was taken by the Planning Commission other than to stimulate thought and possible questions for a future Planning Commission meeting at which Mr. Boyle will formally present his concept proposal to the Planning Commission for consideration. 10. Mike Rehr Project. Mr. Mike Rehr and his planner, Mr. Wally Case, were present at the Planning Commission to informally present their concept of a 20 acre proposed development in the vicinity of Dundas and Cedar Roads in the southern part of Monticello. As was the case with the previous item, this was not a public hearing and the presentation was made to the Planning Commission only to stimulate thought and questions for a future meeting at which the formal concept will be presented for recommendations for passage or consideration for changes and pas- sage at that time. No action was necessary. - 5 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/13/82 11. Interview of Perspective Planning Commission Candidates. Mr. Richard Carlson, a Monticello City Resident, was present and requested the Planning Commission consider him as a perspective appointee to the position on the Planning Commission being vacated by Mr. Bondhus sometime in the near future. No action was taken. 12. Mr. John Uban, a representative of Howard Dahlgren Associates, was present and discussed with the Planning Commission the possible contents of an upcoming zoning and ordinance amendment which would establish a new zoning district within the City to allow smaller lots than the present zoning districts allow for the development of more concentrated housing, specifically manufactured housing in a new special B-5 zone. No action was necessary as a result of this conversation, but this conversation was held with the Planning Commission members only to stimulate thought and to gather feelings and ideas for use in development of the ordinance amendment which will be proposed and handled at a future public hearing. l3. A special meeting was set fox August 3rd, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. in lieu of the regular meeting of the Monticello planning Commission on August loth, 1982. The reason for this meeting being moved up one week was to accommodate adoption of the Planned unit Develop- ment Ordinance and also to provide an earlier hearing date for a possible ordinance amendment allowing a new R-5 zone to be amended to the city's zoning ordinance. Meeting Adjourned. ~/J.~ Loren D. Kle in Zoning Administrator - 6 -