Planning Commission Minutes 07-07-2020 (Joint Meeting)MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, July 7th, 2020 — 4:30 p.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Council Members Present: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Lloyd Hilgart, and Charlotte Gabler Council Members Absent: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Commissioners Present: Sam Murdoff, Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, and Alison Zimpfer Commissioners Absent: John Alstad Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), and Ron Hackenmueller 1. General Business A. Call to Order Acting Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the Joint Meeting of the Monticello City Council and Planning Commission to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Regular Agenda A. Concept Stage Planned Unit Development proposal for a 53 -unit multifamily housing development. Applicant: Duffy Development Company, Inc Steve Grittman explained that a land use submittal was received for Duffy Development Company, Minnetonka, for a Concept Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) to construct a 53 -unit affordable workforce housing project along 7th Street and Elm Street. Grittman noted that the applicant was seeking preliminary comments on their concept design to assist them during a competitive application process through the State's low income tax credit program. Grittman also stated that the applicant was seeking three flexibilities from the base zoning code, which included a reduction in front setback, reduction in parking count, and relaxation in minimum unit square footage size. It was noted that if their application to the State was successful, they would return for land use consideration in 2021. Grittman explained that the parcel is currently zoned B-3 (Highway Business District) and would need to be rezoned to R-4 as the base zoning code for the PUD District. A mix of unit counts from one to three bedrooms would be proposed along with surface and underground parking. It was remarked that other land use application considerations would be required in the future including Comprehensive Plan Amendment, and Preliminary and Final Plat. City Council & Planning Commission Minutes — July 7th, 2020 (Joint Meeting) Page 1 1 2 Grittman reviewed staff's preliminary comments and issues as it related to land use, parking and circulation, building height and architecture, site planning, connectivity and open space, landscaping and buffering, civil site design, and board review. Jeff Von Feldt, applicant from Duffy Development, introduced himself and provided an overview of the project. Von Feldt noted that they own and manage a variety of Housing Tax Credit properties in the Twin Cities area. Their closest developments are in Big Lake, Elk River, Maple Grove, and Minnetonka. Von Feldt reviewed the Housing Tax Credit Program in detail. He explained that a funding gap existed with the project and that they would seek City assistance in the form of TIF, and financial commitment from the city in the form of PUD flexibility from zoning ordinance requirements. He also explained the unit types proposed, noting that all of the units would offer universal design, and that the project would include housing for transitional long term homeless. Council member Lloyd Hilgart expressed concern regarding the timing of the project. He noted that the city is currently undertaking a housing study, which will be important to understanding needs in various segments of the market. He noted that as particularly important given the influx of multi -family that has been approved or constructed within last year. Council member Hilgart also noted that he has some concern with the project location, noting that the remnant commercial parcel may not be a truly viable parcel for commercial. Planning Commissioner Paul Konsor reviewed statements within the housing study, noting the need for addition single-family housing and concern whether this housing type was needed at this time. Council member Gabler inquired as to the funding mix proposed, including the use of tax increment financing. Mr. Von Feldt clarified that the TIF would satisfy one component of the project scoring, with the PUD flexibility satisfying a separate scoring component. The city could choose to provide additional funding, but Duffy is requesting the PUD flexibility at this time as the financial commitment for that specific component. Commissioner Gabler stated some concern with the timing of the proposal. Planning Commission Chair Sam Murdoff noted that he was generally supportive of the location as a transition location for housing between the residential in the area and the commercial east along 7th Street. He did note that for families, he would be inclined to have the unit sizes closer to the 900 square foot requirement. 3. Adjournment Recorder: Angela Schumann Approved: August 4th, 2020 City Council & Planning Commission Minutes — July 7th, 2020 (Joint Meeting) Page 2 13 Attest: Angela Sc -?fl. ommunity Development Director City Council & Planning Commission Minutes — July 7th, 2020 (Joint Meeting) Page 3 13