Planning Commission Agenda 09-01-2020 (Joint Meeting)AGENDA
Tuesday, September lst, 2020 — 4:15 p.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Council Members: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Lloyd Hilgart, and
Charlotte Gabler
Commissioners: Sam Murdoff, John Alstad, Paul Konsor, Andrew Tapper, and Alison
Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), and Ron Hackenmueller
1. General Business
A. Call to Order
2. Regular Agenda
A. Concept Stage Planned Unit Development Proposal for a 68-Unit Twin Home
Residential Development and Commercial Lodging Use
Proposer: Mike Schneider
3. Adjournment
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4150 Olson Memorial Highway, Ste. 320, Golden Valley, MN 55422
Telephone: 763.957.1100 Website:
TO: Angela Schumann
Mayor Stumpf and Monticello City Council
Monticello Planning Commission
Stephen Grittman
August 24, 2020
Monticello — Mike Schneider/Monticello Investments LLC—
Concept PUD Review
191.07 — 20.14
213-000-183101; 213-000-184203; 213-000-183102;
213-000-182302; 155-500-184203; 155-500-182309;
Application and Proiect Description. This memorandum reviews the elements of a
proposed concept plan for a Planned Unit Development on the parcel bound by
Broadway to the south, I-94 to the north, extending from the intersections with Meadow
Oak Avenue on the west, and Meadow Oak Drive on the east. The development parcel
consists of slightly more than 8 acres in area. The largest portion of the property is not
yet annexed.
The entire parcel is currently vacant. The area has been guided as Urban Reserve in
the current Comprehensive Plan. The draft of the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan
Update envisions the area as "Employment Campus", a business/light industrial
The applicants have proposed the conversion of the property to residential use. The
applicant's concept creates a series of individual private roads accessing from
Broadway to serve 30 2-family buildings, a total of 60 dwelling units, along with a 1.52
acre parcel at the east end of the property reserved for a hotel. Both of these uses
would require a change in the direction of the current Land Use Plan, and the residential
use would require a change in the proposed Land Use Plan.
There are a series of issues to address with this application.
First is the proposed land use, both the lower density residential use and the hotel
proposal. As noted above the site is potentially envisioned as "Employment Campus",
but the proposed use is low-mid density residential and commercial. If designated as
Employment Campus with the Monticello 2040 plan, the hotel may be allowed as a
supporting use to the light manufacturing and office uses proposed for the site.
Second is the need for parcels currently owned or controlled by the City or by the State
of Minnesota. The applicant's proposal includes a request that the public parcels that
comprise portions of the site area be turned back from the State, and vacated by the
City. This would include a portion of the Broadway right of way, and the property on
which the proposed hotel is sited.
Third is the site planning shown on the Concept Plan. If the City believes that the land
use and property issues can be resolved, the staff review below identifies aspects of the
plan that will require flexibility from a variety of zoning standards.
PUD Process.
For the project to proceed, there are a series of City approvals that will be required:
o PUD Concept Review (the subject of this report). The project requires a PUD as
it proposes to develop a combination of separate land parcels and a mix of land
uses that will share access to Broadway. In addition, certain aspects of site
design may require flexibility.
Further approvals would include the following:
o Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment reguiding the proposed residential
parcel from "Urban Reserve" (currently) to "Mixed Use" or "Employment Campus"
(proposed) to "Mixed Neighborhood" in the new Comprehensive Plan;
o Preliminary and Final Plats incorporating the residential and remaining parcels,
and resubdividing the property for the proposed commercial and residential uses;
o Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development District;
The current proposal is for a PUD Concept Plan review, which is not a formal zoning
application, but is intended to provide the applicant an opportunity to get City feedback
on a potential development proposal prior to more formal zoning review and the
extensive supporting materials that such reviews require. The Planning Commission
and City Council will have the opportunity to review the project, ask questions of the
proposer, and provide comment as to the issues and elements raised by the project.
The neighboring property owners have been notified of the meeting, but it is not a
formal public hearing. This memorandum provides an overview of the project and will
serve as an outline for the discussion. No formal approval or denial is offered for a
Concept Review.
However, it is vital that Planning Commission and City Council members engage in a
frank and open discussion of the project benefits and potential issues. The Concept
Review process is most valuable when the applicants have the opportunity to
understand how the City is likely to look at the project and the potential issues it
presents. In this way, the subsequent land use and development details can be more
finely tuned to address City policy elements.
PUD Concept Review Criteria. The first stage consists of an informal Concept Plan
review which is separate from the formal PUD application which will follow the Concept
Review step. The Ordinance identifies the purpose of Planned Unit Development as
(1) Purpose and Intent
The purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district is to
provide greater flexibility in the development of neighborhoods and non-
residential areas in order to maximize public values and achieve more
creative development outcomes while remaining economically viable and
marketable. This is achieved by undertaking a process that results in a
development outcome exceeding that which is typically achievable
through the conventional zoning district. The City reserves the right to
deny the PUD rezoning and direct the developer to re-apply under the
standard applicable zoning district.
PUD Concept reviews are to proceed as follows:
(a) PUD Concept Proposal
Prior to submitting formal development stage PUD, preliminary plat
(as applicable) and rezoning applications for the proposed
development, the applicant may, at its option, prepare an informal
concept plan and present it to the Planning Commission and City
Council at a concurrent work session, as scheduled by the
Community Development Department. The purpose of the Concept
Proposal is to:
1. Provide preliminary feedback on the concept plan in
collaboration between the applicant, general public, Planning
Commission, and City Council;
2. Provide a forum for public comment on the PUD prior to a
requirement for extensive engineering and other plans.
3. Provide a forum to identify potential issues and benefits of the
proposal which can be addressed at succeeding stages of PUD
design and review.
The intent of Concept Proposal review is to consider the general acceptability of
the proposed land use, and identify potential issues that may guide the City's
later consideration of a full PUD application. The City Council and Planning
Commission meet in joint session to provide feedback to the developer, and may
include an opportunity for informal public comment as they deem appropriate.
Staff Preliminarv Comments and Issues. For this proposal, the primary
considerations evident at this point in the process include the following elements:
Land Use. The current Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2008, identifies the
parcel as "Urban Reserve", a designation which is applied to parcels which
the city does not intend for development within the life of the plan, for a
variety of reasons.
As stated above, the proposed Monticello 2040 land use plan at this time
guides the property "Employment Campus", primarily a Business/Industrial
designation. The property has long been expected to develop as business
property, given the high levels of I-94 exposure, although access is indirect,
given the visual separation from the County 18 Interchange.
While the City has entertained some conversion on non-residential property to
residential use, this parcel raises new issues in that regard, and particularly
related to the lower density unit design. The freeway design in this location
includes the overpass on the west end of the site area, and the higher
elevation of the interstate travel lanes. With this design, noise impacts on the
adjoining property can be significant, and nearly impossible to screen or
m itigate.
Where residential is considered in areas adjacent to the freeway, multiple
family housing is often preferred as it limits glass and building wall exposure
to the noise source — this minimizes (but does not eliminate) the impacts of
noise on the residents in the neighborhood. For multiple family units, most
dwellings have only one wall exposed to the outdoor area, some with two.
For the dwellings proposed by the applicant, three walls would be exposed for
all units.
The other land use issue raised by the proposal is the hotel site at the west
end of Broadway as it turns into Meadow Oak Drive. This site is isolated from
any other commercial use, and could be considered a sort of "spot zone"
Complicating this aspect is that the hotel sits on property that would need to
be turned back and vacated to the applicant. The various parcels are detailed
on the attached supporting data. In comments from MnDOT representatives
on this issue, MnDOT strongly recommends that no land be converted from
public to private ownership at this time. Over the next few years, MnDOT will
be working on expansion plans for I-94 in this area, and land needs are
unknown until final design is complete. Moreover, MnDOT expressed
concern that by adding residential use in the location, a noise wall would be
required, an aspect of the freeway project that is unbudgeted, and will raise
feasibility concerns for the project. The applicant will be required to provide
clear and detailed information on the title and ownership related to the use of
any public property.
ii. Site Layout. The plan shows a series of two-unit buildings, each pair of which
utilize an internal vehicle court for first-level "tuck-under" garage access, and
a private street that provides visitor access/front yard exposure. Each of the
internal court driveways and the private streets take an access from
Broadway. This results in as many as 12 access points, connected to both
Broadway and a perimeter street along the freeway side of the residential
There are several issues related to building spacing and design of the site.
As noted, the applicant is seeking a vacation of a portion of the Broadway
right of way. Even with this vacation, the buildings appear to be located very
close to Broadway, much less than what typical residential setbacks would
In addition, the internal vehicle court design shows a garage to garage
spacing of 52 feet. This internal court will be dominated by paved surface. At
the proposed dimension, some residents will be tempted to park their vehicles
outdoors on the driveways, raising both visual and access issues for
residents, and other drivers.
On the private street side of the buildings, the applicant proposes a 20 foot
setback from building to curb, and a one-way street with visitor parking on
one-side. With the sidewalks on each side of the street, more than half of this
space will be paved.
iii. Building Height and Architecture. Each proposed building consists of two
units in 3 stories, side by side. Each unit would have a garage space on the
ground level, with an entrance foyer for visitors in front with internal access
from the garage for residents. The second and third floors of the building
would contain the residential portions of each dwelling.
The garage design raises a separate issue. There are two spaces shown,
one of which runs the full depth of the building (about 32 feet), but the other is
just 16 feet in depth, and could interfere with access to the stairwell doorway
if the second vehicle is even mid-sized, which have an average length of 14.8
The buildings would be located with a side-setback of just 8 feet, with a
building height that appears to be in the range of 35 feet. The Building
Official has raised potential issues with fire rating requirements for side walls
with this separation.
iv. Open Space. Based on the site plan and concept narrative provided by the
applicant, the amount of open space was not detailed, although the plan
shows open common space at the perimeter of the side along Broadway and
the Interstate. Stormwater management requirements will impact usable open
To meet the zoning standards, the applicant must propose at least 500
square feet of common open space per dwelling unit. The high amount of
impervious surface (driveways, parking, sidewalks and principal buildings)
appears to limit usable green space available to future residents of the
a. Trails. Pedestrian access currently exists along the south side of
Broadway. A sidewalk addition would be required along the north side of
Broadway to serve the residents of this project.
b. Landscaping and Buffering. The project will be subject to a buffer
requirement between the commercial and residential properties, requiring
specific additional setbacks and landscaping to screen and buffer the
differing land uses. This requirement could result in additional setback
and/or landscaping to screen and buffer the use.
Related to this would be the noise wall requirement that would be at issue
at the time of the Interstate expansion. As noted, MnDOT has not
included a noise wall in this location, and new residential could impact the
project. The City should consider whether it would separately require
noise wall construction as a component of the project by the developer to
avoid interfering with the upcoming I-94 project.
v. The City Engineer has provided a separate comment letter with additional
notes relating to ongoing plan development.
vi. Annexation. As noted, the primary development parcels are not currently
annexed to the city. The property is located within the Monticello Orderly
Annexation Area. Any consideration of this project would need to be
accompanied by a petition for annexation by the property owner.
Summarv. As noted, the Planning Commission and City Council provide comment and
feedback to the developer at the Concept Review level. Planning staff has raised a
number of concerns with the proposed concept within this memo. At a conceptual level,
staff would not recommend proceeding with a residential use at this location given the
issues raised.
City officials should comment on these issues and identify any additional areas of
concern that would require amendment to avoid the potential for eventual denial, as well
as any elements of the concept that the City would find essential for eventual approval.
Specific comment should address the following potential issues:
1. Overall Land Use — Is the site appropriate to consider for residential, and
particularly for low-mid density? Existing and in-process Comprehensive
Planning elements encourage business-related land uses in this area, due to the
proximity of the freeway.
2. Provision of publicly-held land for private development — as noted, MnDOT staff
strongly discourages any land transfers at this time.
3. Site Planning. There are several site plan concerns raised by staff, including
building spacing, driveway design, overall pavement and lot coverage, and
minimal open space, given the low density of the project. Also at issue would the
extensive access points to Broadway from this project.
4. Building Design and Materials. Both building spacing and garage dimensions
raise concerns for staff, with just an 8 foot side separation, and one of each pair
of garage stalls at a shallow depth, accommodating only smaller vehicles.
5. Parking layout in the internal court — this area suffers from a very narrow spacing,
and parking could interfere with access to other residents.
6. Landscaping, green space, setbacks, and other site plan improvements — How
adequately does the plan provide access to trails and open space? As noted, a
sidewalk/pathway should be planned for the north side of Broadway.
7. Engineering comments and recommendations, as noted above.
The notes listed here acknowledge that a significant amount of detail would need to be
added if the project proceeds to a more advanced stage of review.
A. Aerial Site Image
B. Parcel Ownership Illustration
C. Applicant Narrative
D. Concept Site and Building Plans
E. Survey and Boundary Illustration
F. City Engineer's Letter - August 21, 2020
G. 2008 Comprehensive Plans, Excerpt
H. Monticello 2040 Land Use Map — DRAFT
I. Townhome Development Examples (Eagle Crest and Vine Place)
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HOMESTEADS ON BROADWAY will consist of aproximately 68 rental
twinhomes situated on about 6.5 acres. There are very vew rental townhomes in
Monticello, but the demand for the�n is� very strong. �Zenters usually have to settle
for apartment living because there are no rental townhomes available.
In addition to the rental townhomes, the development will also include a 1.6 acre
motel site. The motel will be Hampton Inn, Fairfield Inn or Grand Stay depending
on which brand has the greatest need for a presence in the Monticello area based
on reward points for frequent guests.
Location is always important and highway exposure at this location could not get
any better.
The site is presentl� located in Monticello Township but is part of an orderly
annexation area. It is presently zoned agricultural.
Preliminary financing approval has been secured and construction could begin as
soon as city approvals can be completed.
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August 21, 2020
Re: Schneider Multi-Family
City Project # 2020-022
OFFICE:763-295-2711 FAX:763-295-4404
505 Walnut Street� Suite 1 � Monticello, MN 55362
The Engineering Department has reviewed the concept dated 7/14/20 as prepared Artecka Architects
and offers the following comments:
General Comments
1. Streets and utilities shall be designed in accordance with the applicable City Subdivision
Ordinances and the City's General Specifications and Standard Details Plates for Street
and Utility Construction.
2. Sanitary sewer service is not currently available to this site. Existing city service utilities are
located on the south side of Broadway and the existing railroad. The applicant would be
required to jack service lines under the railroad along with obtaining the necessary permits
from the BNSF railroad.
3. The watermain will be required to be looped through the site. There is an existing 12"
main located at the corner of Broadway and Meadow Oak Drive. The applicant would be
required to jack service lines under the railroad at Meadow Oak Avenue along with
obtaining the necessary permits from the BNSF railroad, to complete the loop.
4. A grading plan will need to remove the existing ditch system and replace it with a curb
and gutter storm water collection system.
5. A pedestrian path will be required along Broadway along the development.
6. Access spacing guidelines in the 2011 Transportation plan recommends 1/16 mile for
low volume streets. The development access spacing will have to be updated to follow
these recommendations.
7. The proposed development appears to use land designated as the City of Monticello,
MnDOT right-of-way, and BNSF easement. Please verify proposal limits and coordinate
with appropriate land owners.
8. A noise wall may be required as part of the development project.
� � OFFICE:763-295-2711 FAX:763-295-4404
��ntl�� V 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362
� �
9. The applicant will be required to submit a stormwater management plan for the
proposed development in accordance with the requirements in the City's Design
Manual. Proposed Stormwater Management Plans must incorporate Volume Control, Rate
Control, and Water Quality Control as the basis for stormwater management in the
proposed development plan.
10. The stormwater ponding will have to be managed onsite.
11. An NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided
with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to
construction commencing.
12. The building department will review required fire hydrant location(s) and emergency
vehicle access/circulation. Fire truck circulation will need to accommodate the City's
ladder truck, provide an exhibit showing turning movements.
13. A more detailed review of the development plans will be completed when the applicant
submits civil plans and stormwater management report.
The City is not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and
engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to
meet the City's standards.
Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please contact
the Engineering Department with any questions.
i �'GC�-,�.e��„�
Matt Leonard
City Engineer
Places for Community
Places for Community consist of public and semi-
public land uses. Public uses include all governmental
facilities (city, county, state and federal) and schools.
lhis category also applies to churches, cemeteries,
hospitals, and other institutional uses.
It is important to note that these land uses relate only
to existing land uses. 1he Comprehensive Plan does
not guide the location of new churches, schools, public
buildings and other institutional land uses. Places for
Community will be needed in the Northwest area as
it develops.
lhese uses are typically allowed in residential areas and
governed by zoning regulations. These institutional
uses (such as schools and churches) are important parts
of the fabric of the community, but require guidance
to ensure a proper fit with its residential surroundings.
New institutional use should be allowed in residential
areas under certain conditions. These conditions
should address the aspects of the use that conflict with
desired characteristics of residential neighborhood.
Criteria for locating an institutional use in a residential
land use area include:
1. Size. Large buildings and site areas can disrupt
neighborhood cohesiveness. Use in lower density
in the near term in this Plan. The objective is to
encourage rural and agricultural uses, preventing
barriers to future development opportunities. It is
anticipated that the City will grow into portions of the
Urban Reserve as planned land use areas become fully
developed and capacity for future growth in needed.
The Urban Reserve is not simply a holding area for
future development. Parts of the Urban Reserve are
lil<ely to be preserved as natural resource areas or for
agricultural purposes. Future planning will consider
the locations in the Urban Reserve best suited for
Interchange Planning Area
The Interchange Planning Area encompasses
undeveloped land in the northwest part of Monticello
around the site of a potential west interchange with
Interstate 94. The purpose of this land use is to
preserve the area for future development and prevent
the creation of development barriers.
If built, the area should be planned to support a mixture
of commercial, employment and residential land uses.
The interchange location and the routes of future
connecting roads are solely for illustration. Future land
use issues in this area are discussed in the Focus Area
for Northwest Monticello.
residential areas should not be more than [to be Private Infrastructure
determined] square feet in lot area.
2. Parl<ing. Parl<ing may spill on to neighborhood
streets without adequate on-site facilities. 1he
parl<ing needs will vary with the use of the facility.
Each facility should provide adequate on-site or
reasonable off-site shared parl<ing based on the use
of the facility.
3. Traffic. Institutional uses should be oriented to
designated collector or arterial streets.
4. Lighting and signage. Site lighting and signage
needs may resemble commercial uses. lhese site
factors should be managed to fit the character of
the surrounding residential development.
Urban Reserve
1he Urban Reserve contains all property in the Orderly
Annexation Area that it not shown for development
lhis category applies to Xcel Energy's power plant and
railroad right-of-way. lhis category recognizes the
unique role of the power plant in Monticello.
1he Land Use Plan Map shows a"potential greenway"
ringing the western and southern edges of Monticello.
1he Greenway is intended to provide an environmental
corridor that connects large community parl<s and open
spaces to neighborhoods, schools, shopping areas and
places to worl<.1hey serve to protect environmentally
sensitive areas such as natural habitat, wetlands,
tree canopy, and drainage ways. Land within this
corridor could be comprised of a combination of
public and private open space. Development would
not be prohibited within the greenway but would be
3-16 � Land Use City of Monticello
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August 26, 2020
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