EDA Agenda 08-12-2020AGENDA
Wednesday, August 12th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Participants can choose to attend in-person or remotely via Go-To:
Web: https://�lobal.�otomeetin�.com/ioin/682489573
Phone: (571) 317-3122 � Access Code: 682-489-573
Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon
Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers
Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson
Stafi Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and
Jacob Thunander
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items
4. Consent Agenda
a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes — July 8, 2020
b. Consideration of Approving Workshop Meeting Minutes — July 8, 2020
c. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes — July 22, 2020
d. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills
Regular Agenda
5. Consideration of Amendment of Small Business Emergency Grant Agreement Template
6. Consideration of Approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements in the
Amount of $5,000 to Evolution Taekwondo Monticello LLC to Mitigate COVID-19
Economic Impacts
7. Consideration of Accepting 2020 Hospitality and Lodging Demand Study Completed by
Hospitality Consulting Group, Excelsior, MN
8. Consideration of Adopting EDA Resolution #2020-09 Authorizing the 2021 Special
Benefit Tax (HRA Levy) in the Amount of $366,300 and Setting the 2021 EDA Revenue
and Expenditures Budget in the Amount of $371,300
9. Economic Development Director's Report
10. Closed Session — Consideration of Recessing to Closed Session to Develop or Consider
Offers or Counter-Offers for the Purchase or Sale of Real or Personal Property Pursuant
to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3).
Propertv Address and PID:
Address: 101 Broadway West — PID: #155010052090
Address: 107 Broadway West — PID: #155010052070
Address: 121 Broadway West — PID: #155010052031
11. Adjourn
Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
The EDA meeting was held both remotely and in-person.
Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie
Koropchak-White, and Jim Davidson
Commissioners Absent: Lloyd Hilgart
Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann
1. Call to Order
Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call -�
3. Consideration of additional a�enda items
4. Consent Agenda
a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — June 10, 2020
Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — June 10, 2020.
b. Consideration of approving Workshop Meeting Minutes — June 10, 2020
Recommendation: Approve Workshop Meeting Minutes — June 10, 2020.
c. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — June 24, 2020
Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — June 24, 2020.
d. Consideration of approving Special Meeting Minutes — June 29, 2020
Recommendation: Approve Special Meeting Minutes — June 29, 2020.
e. Consideration of approving pavment of bills
Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through June, 2020.
Regular Agenda
5. Consideration of Emergencv Small Business Assistance Grants to: Ewings Going In
Stvle, Inc.; The Nordic Brewing, LLC; and West River Restaurant, Inc. dba
Chatters Restaurant
Jim Thares mentioned continued interest has been received for the emergency assistance
grant program. There were three new applications received: Ewings Going In Style, The
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8�', 2020 Page 1 � 4
Nordic Brewing, and West River Restaurant (Chatter's Restaurant & Bar). Thares
reminded the EDA that they recently approved a total of 10 grants in June totaling
Thares mentioned that each of the three businesses that applied for the grant are eligible
and impacted by the pandemic and executive orders by the Governor. Thares noted that
the EDA approved guidelines mentions that businesses must have between 2 and 25
employees. West River Restaurant has 31 employees and had more employees prior to
COVID and have had a significant decrease in revenue. Each of the businesses have
applied for additional funding through state or federal programs. The funds, if approved,
would be used for rent or utility payments.
If the EDA approves the additional $15,000 in grants, there would be remaining
allocation of $35,000. One grant application has already received for consideration at the
ne�t upcoming EDA meeting on July 22, 2020. Staff continue to receive interest in the
Tracy Hinz asked if staff have received any applications from businesses and excluded
them if they did not meet the criteria. Angela Schumann stated that they had one inquiry
that was likely ineligible for the program. Thares reiterated that West River Restaurant
was above the guidelines for the employee count. He also noted that for the current year
they are under the requirement for revenue, but in previous years had higher income than
the grant guidelines. Thares questioned whether the guidelines for revenue were for the
current year or a cumulative average of previous years. Angela Schumann asked if the 31
employees were full-time equivalent. Thares did not believe so.
6. Consideration of Discussion of 2021 HRA Propertv Tax Levv
Jim Thares noted that the item was an annual consideration for the HRA Property Tax
Levy. He added that the City is just beginning the budget cycle for 2021. Thares
mentioned that years ago, the levy was set up using the HRA Levy and it was not unusual
for the EDA to use a HRA levy. Thares noted that discussion would occur on the future
levy at the August meeting and a resolution recommending the levy for 2021 would be
brought forward for consideration at that time.
Thares noted that the EDA levied $355,000 for CY 2020, which was the highest value
that could be levied. The EDA is allowed to levy up to .0185 percent of the total taxable
market value for the levy. Thares added that the taxable market value for 2021 has
increased by $56,333,100 to a new total of $1,980,148,000. This is an estimated 2.93
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8�', 2020 Page 2 � 4
percent increase from the previous year. The maximum amount the EDA could levy for
2021 is $366,300.
Thares mentioned that the levy is used for all operating costs of the EDA. Thares
explained that the biggest line item for the budget is for redevelopment activities. He
added that the EDA could spend more in certain line items, but that they needed to
overall stay within their levy. He also stated that the 2021 General Fund interest earnings
are projected to be $5,000. Thares also explained that any unused funds can be rolled
over and add up over time.
EDA members suggested the maximum amount be levied. Davidson provided an
example of why he supported the maximum amount levied. He stated that Block 52
wouldn't be complete to the fullest intent because of the cost of the project and that a lot
of progress related to economic development in the City has occurred and this has a
bigger return in the long run. To keep these efforts moving forward requires resources.
Steve Johnson reminded the EDA that the dollars they spend this year and last year
equate to things happening in the future. He stated that he would like to efforts to be fully
supported and adequately funded.
Staff indicated that a resolution will be presented to the EDA for consideration at the
August 12, 2020 with final budget and levy information and reflect the EDA's comments.
7. Director's Report
Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's Report. He reviewed the
status Project Gia-Saurus. Staff are spending a considerable amount of time on this
project. The four task areas were summarized. Work efforts continue on all of the four
areas. It was also noted that the second draft of the Industrial Land Feasibility Study was
completed and staff would review that draft and plan to schedule a j oint EDA and City
Council meeting for Monday, July 13th at 7:30 p.m. to further discuss Project Gia-Saurus,
including the land feasibility study, action items, and ne�t steps.
Thares discussed the UMC item in detail and noted that a delay in the construction
schedule has occurred due to the pandemic. He reminded the EDA that they are
protected by the executed development agreement, including a right-of-reverter clause,
and a minimum assessment agreement, which is scheduled for full property valuation
beginning January 2, 2022. Tracy Hinz asked if the timeline for the minimum assessment
agreement could be adjusted. Thares indicated that it was unlikely.
Thares provided an update regarding EDA owned property at 300 4th Street East. He
noted that the Fire Department has selected September 12, 2020 to complete the training
burn exercise. Carlson Construction has signed the demolition contract and is expected to
clean up the site after the training until the end of the month. Thares noted that the cost of
demolition was $6,500 and that the EDA would likely have to pay an additional $2,500
for the Fire Department to utilize the building for the training.
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8�', 2020 Page 3 � 4
Thares also reviewed the prospect list with the EDA. No new projects were added for
June, but several contacts were made, primarily related to the Small Business Emergency
Grant fund.
Thares noted an update regarding the CARES Act. The State is allocating funds, based on
population, to communities across Minnesota. Monticello is expected to receive up to
one million dollars for pandemic related costs. The EDA can reimburse itself for the
GMEF Loan utilized for the Small Emergency Grant in the amount of $100,000, plus
other grant requests past this amount.
Jim Davidson asked if you have to prove to the State how the funds would be utilized.
Thares responded that the applications submitted for the grant prove the impacts
encountered because of the pandemic. The City has until late-November to incur the costs
to be reimbursed. Thares also noted telecommuting equipment, masks, and sanitization
supplies would also be reimbursable. Direct expenditures to businesses and individuals
can also be provided.
Johnson asked if e�tra police protection because of COVID could be contributed to by
the fund. Staff noted the County has its own allocation that they would receive. It was
believed if the City incurred e�tra expenses for police enforcement, the cost could be
reimbursed by the fund. After November, any unused City funds would be provided to
the County or returned to State if unusable. Safety precautions (such as the installation of
Plexiglas) could be utilized to pay for the safety upgrades at the public buildings such as
the library and DMV. Angela Schumann added that she had a discussion with the County
and they are looking closely at the turn back dollars and double dipping that would allow
a business to apply for this funding through the City and then the County. The City wants
to be sure that if it provides assistance that it has the correct process in place.
Johnson asked if the local Food Shelf could be helped out with this type of assistance.
Schumann noted that these were all good questions and would be brought back to the
Finance Department for evaluation.
8. Adiourn
Recorder: Jacob Thunander
Approved: August 12th, 2020
Jim Thares, Economic Development Director
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8�', 2020 Page 4 � 4
Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 — 4:30 p.m.
Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center
The EDA meeting was held both remotely or in-person.
Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie
Koropchak-White, and Jim Davidson
Commissioners Absent: Lloyd Hilgart
Staff Present: Angela Schumann and Jim Thares
1. Call to Order
Steve Johnson called the Workshop Meeting of the EDA to order at 4:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Comprehensive Plan Process/Context Overview includin� topics/priorities for
inclusion in developin� Economic Development Chapter of plan and EDA
en�a�ement review/process
Staff noted that the primary goal of the meeting was to discuss with the EDA their goals
and priorities for the Economic Development chapter of the comprehensive plan. The
Lakota Group will also provide a glimpse of where the consultant is in the comprehensive
plan process.
Scott Ruhland, Lakota Group, introduced himself and outlined the interactive goals for
the meeting. He highlighted the overall plan update and timeline, the commercial and
industrial land use designations, the economic development chapter, questions and
discussion, and ne� steps.
The Lakota Group recently completed the draft Land Use and Mobility & Connectivity
(Transportation) Chapters. The Economic Development and Parks, Trails and Open
Space are the ne�t chapters the consultant plans to complete. It was noted that the
Community Visioning was completed early this year and that the 2040 Comprehensive
Plan would be completed by the end of this year.
Ruhland provided an in-depth overview of the draft land use plan and covered the future
land use categories, land use acreage, land use map including industrial land areas, and
special planning consideration areas.
Jim Gromberg, WSB, provided information regarding the economic development chapter
of the future Monticello 2040 + Comprehensive Plan. Gromberg noted that the first part
of the economic development chapter would include baseline information including
Economic Development Authority Minutes - July 8�', 2020 (Workshop Meeting) Page 1 � 4
recent economic development events and developments, business activity and changes to
businesses, current economic development projects, and available commercial/industrial
land. The second part of the chapter looks at issues and opportunities that the City is
facing and how they would be addressed and prepared for in the goals section of the
chapter. The consultant highlighted five draft specific goals for economic development
and also discussed the addition of redevelopment to the goals. Gromberg reminded the
EDA that this is a long-term economic development plan for the ne�t twenty years.
The EDA, staff, and consultants discussed the future land use categories and acreages,
especially as it relates to mixed use, parks and open space, residential housing,
commercial, and industrial.
The special planning area of the Northwest Area designated for a future interchange and
supporting industrial businesses surrounding the improvement was reviewed. It was
noted that the Northwest Area and East Bertram planning areas were long-term growth
areas and that the primarily focus was development within the corporate limits or
immediately adjacent land in the orderly annexation area. The importance of remaining
flexible in the comprehensive plan for these areas was understood.
Bill Tapper asked if large distribution operations were allowed in light industrial land use
designations. Ruhland confirmed, and noted the Northwest Planning Area would allow
such uses due to the immediate access to the interstate if an interchange was built there.
There were also other notable areas in the city identified as light industrial where
distribution operations would be permitted.
Steve Johnson noted that the Monticello Orderly Annexation Agreement (MOAA) was
set to expire in the coming years and asked what would or would not happen with a
planned area designated in the township. Ruhland noted that they tried to designate areas
in the township where it made sense to have a land use designation or identify the area as
Development Reserve to continue allowing agricultural, low-density residential, or open
space land. Johnson noted that it was important that the township was positive about the
land use designations, direction, and goals. Angela Schumann noted that the township has
representation on the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Community Advisory
Committee (CAC). Staff would be working with the township to bring on an additional
member to the CAC as the township representative has resigned. The City is working
hard to ensure the township has every opportunity to participate in this plan.
011ie Koropchak-White asked how the plan addresses the Central Mississippi River
Regional Planning Partnership (CMRP) efforts and discussion about a second bridge
crossing. Ruhland noted that the consultants acknowledge the CMRP's work, but that it
was not included in the plan at this time. The consultants recommended waiting for the
CMRP group to go through planning process before incorporating or making decisions to
include regional policies regarding a second bridge crossing.
Bill Tapper asked if the plan took into account the continued development of Bertram
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8�', 2020 (Workshop Meeting) Page 2 � 4
Chain of Lakes Regional Park Ruhland mentioned it would be discussed in the Land Use
and Parks and Open Space Chapter of the comprehensive plan. He noted that it was an
important economic development opportunity as a regional park and activity center. To
what level to include policy decisions about Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park from
an economic development standpoint would be further considered. It was understood
there would be an increase in demand on the roadways to and from the park. Traffic
impacts would be expected as the development continued progressing.
The Transportation and Mobility chapter of the plan has future traffic generational data
that coincides with long term improvements and the functional classifications of those
roadways to be able to carry future traffic loads. Schumann also mentioned the micro
plan for the East Bertram area shows upgrades to 90th Street and roundabout connections
in that area. Good transportation to Bertram is important for the growth of the Park being
used on a regional basis.
Johnson mentioned the importance of housing in all of the topic areas for Economic
Development. It was noted that a housing chapter or policy/goal statements would be
created for housing.
Gromberg encouraged the EDA to consider redevelopment opportunities throughout the
City. Jim Davidson mentioned that it would be important to understand the direction for
green space on the interstate.
Tracy Hinz asked how Places of Worship were incorporated into the plan given the
potential for new facilities. Hinz also requested that the City always keep an eye out for
additional opportunities for easily accessible green/open space. Ruhland noted that Places
of Worship are generally allowed everywhere and are not specifically called out. A policy
in the Land Use Chapter talks about them being allowed in all residential and
public/institutional uses. Ruhland noted that he would review the land use designation
acreages, but noted that for residential growth, the plan does not account for
neighborhood or community parks within new developments. The acreage for parks and
open space would increase as residential growth increases. It was noted parks and open
space were an important component for the plan and a high value for the community and
Koropchak-White asked about the projected residential acreage and how it relates to
projections for population density and increase. The consultants projected an increase of
6,000 people, or 2.1 percent growth rate in population over the ne�t 20 years if the City
were to develop to the densities the plan shows, which is in line with the Metropolitan
Council's projections. Factors such as the economy and jobs will also impact that
estimation. Koropchak-White asked if those projections take into account the school
district and Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Schumann stated that the school
district has representatives on the TAC and CAC to keep them incorporated in the
process. Schumann noted that the East Bertram Planning Area does support the
construction of a new school in this area.
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8�', 2020 (Workshop Meeting) Page 3 � 4
Davidson commented about uncertainty of land use designation along Elm Street and
Washington Street.
Schumann noted that staff would send the EDA documents to provide comments.
Upcoming meetings with the TAC, CAC, PARCs, Planning Commission, City Council,
and Monticello Township will also occur to continue to review the draft chapters of the
4. Adiournment
Recorder: Jacob Thunander
Approved: August 12th, 2020 �
� .
Jim Thares, Economic Development Director
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 8�', 2020 (Workshop Meeting) Page 4 � 4
Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020 — 7:00 a.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362
The EDA meeting was held both remotely and in-person.
Commissioners Present
Staff Present:
Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie
Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson
Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, and Matt Leonard
1. Call to Order
Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 7:00 a.m.
2. Roll Call
3. Consideration of additional a�enda items
4. Consent A�enda
5. Consideration of Approving Small Business Emergencv Grant Agreements in the
amount of $5,000 to: Salon Tuscan LLC; Monti Nutrition; Palmetto Fitness LLC
(DBA: Fitness Evolution); and Sweet Dreams LLC to mitigate COVID-19 economic
Jim Thares explained that four additional applications for the Small Business Emergency
Grant have been received. Thares mentioned that Palmetto Fitness (DBA: Fitness Evolution)
has the most employees (31) of the submittals, but fits within the EDA guidelines. He also
noted that Monti Nutrition has not been in business for more than a year, but was still eligible
and impacted by COVID.
Thares added that several of these businesses have received other forms of assistance, such as
the State's Emergency Loan Program as well as EIDL and/or PPP. Thares explained that all
of the businesses were eligible for the EDA's grant and recommended approval.
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 22"d, 2020 Page 1 � 6
6. Consideration of EDA Resolution #2020-08 authorizin� Interfund Loan for Advance of
Certain Costs in Connection With Small Business Emer�encv Grant Assistance
Pro�ram wherein the GMEF account is reimbursed bv CARES Act pandemic fundin�
for previouslv approved �rants provided to assist businesses ne�ativelv impacted bv the
COVID-19 pandemic
Jim Thares explained that by adopting the Interfund Loan Resolution, the EDA has the
opportunity to be refunded the previously approved grant awards through the GMEF set
aside Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program through the Federal CARES Act
to the e�tent that the specific expenditures for which the businesses are using the funds for
are eligible. Thares noted that it was critical that the EDA consider a resolution authorizing
an Interfund loan for advance of the costs of the grant program within 60 days of
establishment of the EDA's grant program, which was implemented on May 27, 2020.
Thares mentioned the importance to reimburse the GMEF loan program as a variety of
prospects are still interested in developing in Monticello and using the program as a resource.
Thares added that a subsequent companion action by the City Council was also necessary, as
the CARES Act funding must go through the City of Monticello and then be assigned to the
Monticello EDA.
Jim Davidson asked if the number of available grants in the Small Business Emergency
Grant Assistance Program could be increased. Thares confirmed and noted that all money
would need to be spent by November 15, 2020.
Thares added that the City would receive a little over a million dollars in CARES Act
funding and that the City had some expenditures that they would utilize the money for, but
any unused funds would be sent to the County and then the State. Thares noted that the EDA
can also decide to increase the size of the grants at a future meeting if they so choose.
Lloyd Hilgart mentioned the importance of holding a discussion with the City's Finance
Department to ensure that the EDA doesn't overspend if the City has intended uses of the
CARES funding.
Angela Schumann explained that during the August EDA meetings, the Small Business
Emergency Grant Assistance Program would bring forward updated guidelines and an
application. She noted that businesses cannot "double-dip" and use funding for expenses
from one agency and apply for funding from another agency and use the same expenses. The
revised guidelines would note this as the City is the responsible grant administrator and will
be audited later on.
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 22"d, 2020 Page 2 � 6
7. Consideration of GMEF Pre-Application from Vikram A��arwal for development of a
proposed Davcare Facilitv
Jim Thares explained that Project Panda #3 was a childcare provider (Goddard Child Care
School) that has been talking with City Staff for several months. Thares noted that several
childcare providers have approached the City previously, but have been unable to move
forward with their concepts for a variety of reasons. Thares explained that Mr. Aggarwal has
developed a couple of similar childcare facilities in Albertville and Maple Grove.
Thares explained that the pre-application for GMEF assistance was in the amount of
$400,000 for the proposed $4 million dollar project. He stated that approximately $1,030,000
was remaining in the GMEF program.
Thares discussed the proposed project and impacts in detail. He noted that the facility would
be located on a tax forfeited property on School Boulevard near RiverCity E�treme and
Emagine Theatres. The total parcel is 4.58 acres, with the development proposed to utilize
approximately 2 acres. The remaining acreage could be utilized for future development.
Staff recommended support of the pre-application and noted a survey completed in 2018 by
First Children's Finance of Minnesota indicating the need for additional childcare options in
Lloyd Hilgart noted the need for this type of facility in the community as this type of
business is not already in Monticello. Hilgart stated his support for the proposal despite the
projected low wage levels of staf£ Hilgart also asked what else was in line for funding
through the GMEF program and how to prioritize projects that are ready to go. Thares
explained that Project Gia-Saurus and Project #6580 have noted interest in the program.
Project #6580 is on hold until ne�t spring due to the current economic impacts from the
pandemic. Thares estimated that they would request around $250,000 to $300,000, but have a
focus on creating good paying jobs and considerably more tax base.
Tracy Hinz noted financial support for the project and the need for both childcare services
and childcare workers. She expressed caution to put this project ahead of other projects that
focus more on job development. Jim Davidson noted support of the project and for support
of the larger projects, too.
Thares also noted the City's Small Cities Development Program (SCDP) Loan Fund has
approximately $800,000 available for businesses to seek equipment related expenses. Project
Gia-Saurus would have the opportunity to utilize this fund along with GMEF.
Hinz asked if the EDA can approve a lesser amount than requested on a GMEF application.
Thares confirmed.
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 22"d, 2020 Page 3 � 6
011ie Koropchak-White suggested staff check with the County on their loan programs to
support the childcare proposal.
Angela Schumann noted that the parcel is tax forfeited and the County asked if the City was
interested in the parcel. The City declined at that time due to its commercial zoning
designation. The City did ask the County to put a six month hold on the parcel for the
prospect to work through due diligence and site plan development. It was believed that the
prospect was also going through the process for certification by franchise.
It was noted that the project would help to keep childcare in Monticello especially for people
that work in the community.
Thares indicated that he would inform the prospect of the EDA's preliminary support of a
GMEF application and would urge him to continue in the formal loan process.
Steve Johnson asked for clarification on the funding for the project. Thares noted that the
prospect could utilize the SBA 5041oan program and that any support received through the
EDA's GMEF loan program could be considered equity towards the required 10 percent
down. The GMEF funds would be subordinate to any bank or SBA loans received.
Johnson mentioned the importance of being a franchise as the sustainability of the business in
Monticello would be long-term.
8. Consideration of Discussion of Revised Beard Group, Inc. Block 52 Redevelopment
Concept Proposal Illustration
Jim Thares introduced the discussion item for a revised concept of Block 52 that was
submitted by the Beard Group. Thares mentioned that the concept was revised to be more
realistic following meetings with property owners in the block It was noted that the
properties in the southwest corner of Block 52 would likely not participate in the proposed
redevelopment plans.
A lengthy discussion with the EDA occurred about their impressions and suggested revisions
from the proposed concept.
Lloyd Hilgart noted he would like to see more commercial spaces designated in the plan,
especially along Broadway and Highway 25. He also suggested shortening the planned
concept building facing River Street to have room for a restaurant or brewery (for example).
The developer could then lengthen the building on the Broadway side of the concept for
additional residential.
Tracy Hinz noted the importance of the existing buildings blending in with the
Bill Tapper noting the importance of ensuring there were realistic levels of parking given the
water table. Angela Schumann responded that tests were completed of the area and the
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 22"d, 2020 Page 4 � 6
parking could be completed, but may be costly.
Jim Davidson asked about the Small Area Study's plan to have Walnut Street connect to
River Street and was concerned with having two access areas ne�t to each other.
Steve Johnson mentioned street improvements that could impact the development area,
including an additional right turn lane on south bound Highway 25 to Broadway and the
possibility of an additional lane on Broadway West. Matt Leonard said the City and
developer would need to understand MnDOT and the County's plans for these roadways and
the projected future traffic generation on both roadways.
It was noted that the current proposed concept redevelopment does not accommodate future
roadway improvements. Angela Schumann said when the redevelopment begins, platting will
be required and notice will be sent to MnDOT and Wright County for comment. Schumann
noted that the Beard Group would be informed for the need for additional space at the corner
of Highway 25 and Broadway. Space would also needed for a sidewalk along Highway 25.
Potential right of way impacts were noted as a future discussion factor as well.
Davidson noted on the concept that he was less concerned about having an office space along
Broadway and more about having retail along on the river.
Discussion about parking and access then occurred in length. It was noted that all of the
residential units shown on the concept would be able to park underground. The parking
shown on the surface could accommodate some public parking. A ne�t step would be to see
proposed building elevations to better understand the proposal.
Leonard proposed that the developer design the Walnut Street e�tension to River Street to
show how it would tie into the development. Combining the roadway e�tension and the
access to the development was also discussed.
Hinz asked if any financial information on the project was provided. Thares indicated that
would be part of the ne�t steps for the developer to prepare.
Steve Johnson asked about the need for opening Walnut Street to River Street. Schumann
responded that the developer would want it for more access to amenities such as the park.
More discussion would be needed with the developer to understand how the street entrance
could be combined with the parking lot entrance.
Leonard indicated that some on-street parking on Broadway would be lost because of the
development and possible future improvements to the City and County roadways. Schumann
noted the importance of having some on street parking. Discussion occurred about having a
large sidewalk or patio face in front of the commercial places.
It was noted that if the building was shifted to e�tend further along the south side to the west,
the office space would shrink and allow additional parking behind the building. The office
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 22"d, 2020 Page 5 � 6
space was likely included in the concept design stemming from conversations from property
owners in the downtown and trying to accommodate their needs.
Thares mentioned that the City Administrator requested that the developer try to incorporate
public art into the project. Davidson requested that the developer be creative with the
development rather than having the City design that aspect of it. There was a worry about
losing too much space with any changes brought forward to the developer.
Bill Tapper entertained the idea of shifting the building to the west and recommended
removing the office space in favor of a wider entrance to the parking. He suggested making
the space inviting for people to sit or walk through that area and to ensure the parking area
didn't feel too concealed. It was noted that the County may require a shift to the access.
In summary, the ne�t steps were to follow up with the Beard Group regarding the comments
of the EDA. Staff would also continue to work on property acquisition.
9. Economic Development Director's Report
Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's Report. He noted that the fire
training burn would occur on September 12, 2020. During the August meeting, the EDA
would consider approving payment of the $2,500 fire training fee. A portion of that cost is
expected to be paid back through State funds.
Thares also mentioned work continues on Project Gia-Saurus. Jim Davidson stated concerns
about the amount of local assistance and the return on investment. It was indicated that a
preliminary TIF run was completed by Northland Securities. City Staff will continue to meet
to discuss the project and prepare information to review with the City Council and EDA.
10. Adiourn
Recorder: Jacob Thunander
Approved: August 12th, 2020
Jim Thares, Economic Development Director
Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 22"d, 2020 Page 6 � 6
EDA Agenda: 08/12/20
4d. Consideration of Approving Pavment of Bills (JT)
Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month
are included for review.
Motion to approve payment of bills through July, 2020.
2. Motion to approve payment of bills through July, 2020 with changes as directed by
the EDA.
Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1.
A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements
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Vvucher Payment — Fund Disbursement Request
The EDA recently appro�e� a grant to Jill Agosto's for a Fa�ade
Impro�ement Project, through the Farade Impro�ement Grant
Prograrn, at her commercial bu�fding located at 142 West
�` The grant amvun# is: $50,000. �,�..�, ���d�
✓ ED►A Genera! Fund Budget Code: �13-4�3Q�-4fi�-�04•
✓ Payee is: Ri�erwvad Bank, Monticello, MN
The Funds will be de[i�ered ta Ri�erwood Bank which has
entered into an Escrow Agreement with th� EDA to rr�anage
the disbursemen�s of the Fa�ade Grants and toll�ect lien
waivers from the cantractors in�olved in prvject.
Attached supporting dotumentatio�n includes:
A. Minutes from 6-24-20 EDA IlJleeting (see gre�en
B. EpA Resolution #2020-06 appro�ing the fa�ade
impro�ement grant t+o Jiil Agosto Law Building in the
amount of $5Q,000.
C. Ri�erwood Bank Escraw Account Agreement Paperwork
compieted in September 20i9. Bank agrees the
document is still �alid and is asking rne to update the
dri�ers license.
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WednesdaS�, June 24t�, 2020 — 7:00 a.m.
Sridge Room, Monticeilo Ca�nme�nity CeHter
5�5 'Walnut S�reet, Monticella, MN 55362
The EDA meeting was held both remately and in-person.
Commissioners Present:
Staff Present:
Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie
Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jirn Davidsan
Jim Thares and Angela Schurr�ann
Call to Order -
Steve Johnson cal�ed the regular meeting of ihe EDA to arder at 7:00 a.m.
2. Roll Call
Consideration af additional a�enda items
None. �_
Cvnsent A�end�
`..- -�-
, �.�
PUBLIC HEARING - Consitierat�an of ResoEutian #2020-OS Appro�=in� a Dawntown
Facade Impro�tement ��ant to 3ill Agosta, a�r�ner of prapertv located at 1�#2, West
Braad�v�tv �ulonticello �!'�N .� ���� �.��
Jin� Thar�s explained that the item was a public hearii�g for an application to the Downtown
Fa�ade Impravement Progra�n has been received by Ji�l Agosto. She owns a ane-story,
commercialfmulti-tenant buiiding �ocated afi 142 West Broadway. Thares noted that the
app�ication included two quotes: pne from the Chuba Company (Elk River) and a second
quote from Scott Builders (Buffalo). Quotes were prepared per the Cunir�gham Group (the
EDA's architect} rendering. Thares noted that Agosto was asking for additional grant dollar
consideration for east elevation stucco repair and/or replacexnent.
Thares explained that the total amount of the fa�ade work pe� Chuba, which was the low
quote, was $29,217, ] 5. It was also noted that the total proposed building is renavation cost,
including the east elevation, is $105,626.95.
Thares offered the public to rr�ake any comrrients during the public hearing. Jill Agosto, the
applicant, explained her request for the fu11 $50,000 gran� to complete work for the fa�ade
and east elevation. She explained the �ast e�evation was visib�e along Country Road
75/Broadway. She also added that she has recently put close to �50,000 into the building for
a new roof and repairing the rear of the buiidi»g due to a car accidentally running into the
back (south) side of her bui�ding. She noted that she would Zike the bui�ding to have the sa�e
appearance throughout and would be a gaod example of what can happen in the downtown
Economic Develop�nent Authonty Minutes - June 24�', 2020 Page I � 6
area. She explained that she has owned the praperty for some time and her husband I�ad his
own business in the buitding in the past.
Jir�n Davidson asked if tk�e lot to the east was a vacant lot. Agosta canfirmed. Bill Tapper
asked what the applicant was eligible For funding for the fa�ade. Hilg�rt ex�lained that she ia
eligible fmr $50,000, but the quote did r�at require $50,000, Tl�e additional funds, zf granted,
would aliow the applicant to contin�e renovations to �he side eleva�ion.
011ie Koropchak-Whi�e asked if the additiona� request fit the EDA's current policy or if it
would need to be amended. Angeia Sch�mann stated the g�.iidelines were written that interiar
side renovations may be made on a case-by-case bas�s.
The EDA was generally supportive of Agasto's application and believed it �o be a catalyst
far future improvements on the black. Thares confirmed the applicant would be spending
$55,000 +/- of her awn money to cornplete the praject, if awarded the full $SO,OQO grant
through the EDA.
Schumann added that if the EDA approved the gra�t, ane additionai meeting with the
Cuningharn Group and Chuba Company woulci accur to go over final details an the design to
ensure the wor�C is consistent with the EDA's goals. Hearing no further cornments, the public
hear�ng was closed.
Schu�nann added that interest in the community regarding the Downtown Fa�ade
Improvement prograrn is still being received. She also noted that Cornerstone Cafe has
indicated that they are still interested in the re-applying to the pragram and will make an
application when it works for them.
6. Co�sideration of Resolutian #2020-0? endorsin ro osed Du Develo ment 53-unit
Law Income Housin� Tax Gredit {LIHTCI a.partment develan�nent concent and
gotential for TIF assistance as it seeks financin� throu�h Minnesota Housin� Finance
A�encv (MHFA) � �
Jim Thares introduc�d the item and explained the EDA recently he�d a pre-
application/con�ept meeting to review a possible Tax Increm�ent Financing (TIF} disfric� for
Duffy Development. Thares reminded �he EDA of Jeff Von Fe1dt's presentation of a
Economic Develapment Authanty Minutes - June 24�', 2020 Page 2� 6
�; Eil!A RES(JLU''�"Ii�N NQ.202�-U6 :�a
BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the City of Monticello
Ecanomic Development Authority {t�e "Authority") as fallows:
�ection l. Recitals.
1.01. The Authority is a grantor as defined in Miru�esota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to
] 161995, as amer►ded (the "Business Subsidy Act"), and is authorized to grant financial
assi$tance for private development, including grants,
1.02. The Authority and Agosto Law affice (the "Grantee"} desire to enter into a grarit
agreernent {the "Grant Agreement"} for a Downtown Fa�ade Improvernent Grant {the "Grant'') to
be u�ed to pay a portion of tl�e eosts of certa�n farade unprovements, including transom wir�dows,
s�gnage, and entry doar (the "Irnpravernent Costs") on certain real property loca�ed at 142 W.
Broadway Street in the City of Monticello (the "Property"}, in canformity to the Grant g,uid�lines.
1.D3. Pursuant ko the Grant Agreement, the Authority will grarit to the Grantee tlie surr3 af
$J(?4U C:�th� "Grant") to reimburse a partian of the Improvemerit Costs.
l.04. The Authority has held a public hearing on the date hereof concerning the Gr�.nt,
and hereby finds that the purpose ofthe Grant is not the creation or retention of jabs. Therefore,
notwithstanding the reyuirements of Sectaon ] 16J.994, Subd. 2 of the Be�siness Subsidy Act, the
Autharity determines tl7at the term�s of the Grant rnay �leviate from the Authority's written
husiness subsidy criter�a, and hereby sets the job and wage gaals of the Gr�nt at zero.
Section 2. Grant A eement A roved.
2.01. The Authority hereby approves the Grant Agreement in substantially the form
presented tp the Boarci. The Authority �ttrther authorizes execution of the Grant Agreement and
all docutnents prepared in connectian therewith, subject to madifications that do not alter the
substa�ce af the transaction and that are appraved by the President and Executiv� Direetor,
provided that execution of the Grant Agreement by such officials shall be coM��usiv� evidencc af
585526v] Mt�325-44
Approved this 24th day of June, 20�0, by the Board of Cvmmissicrners of �e City of Monticello
Econamic Devetopment AuthoriTy. �
, .�`
585528v I!v[N325-40
Port #
Cenlificate of Assum�d Name (resryimd ior use of DBA) (B�nefscial Owu�ship e�ampt}
ilnincarporatai Association (i.e, scout tnoops, youth �rm [eag�es, bencfit acco�a�s) {Boncficial Ownership excmpt)
C}�aritieslOrganizations (501 c registw�ed) (i.e, schools, churches, ho�ne owners sssoc., Unitec� Way) (Control�ing Persoa an.lY)
� F�s#ity Documentati�n - Articles of incflrporation. Articles of Association, Par#netsbip Agrcement, Artieles of Organization (LI,C)
(Fulf Beneficiel Ownerslup vc 'nfi�c.abo'n required ��� � ���'�-'� �• ��Q ,
B�teiness / Eatity Narne: ' {�
M.+�.. `. i� p o �
Ty� of��ry: c_.�� �.,� . �
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af Business: L� o N a M..+ c
�U r�
Physf[� Skt�eet Arldress: �� G r„ ....� '�-; ��,,�� i
Mailing Address (if different than �bove):
City: y t�. �'i3 5tate: +��JV �i�: ��'�o L_.
EiN #: '�J - ���l�� flr . - NAICS:
Business Phone: �% � ��1 � - 2 �i
SeconciaryPhone: 7�� - ��� -�100
Haw long owaer currently own bus" �ss��ye�ars 1 I
Email : ` c► G � . n... , c�i �. a'lrrr� . �S
or _ y rclated ie
Typec oi�j� lesily �ade? (Select t�ose t�et apP�Y)
CHECKS % EL�CT'ROIIIC (ACH) % CASH %, Weekly Ave[age Dep Amew►t:
Wire Transfere Act�vity; Wire irs�s,sfer �: frequency per moWh Monttily Avg Amouns:
Wire transfer ovt: &equeacy pr,r mon�: Mont�ly Avg Asnount:
ATM Machtae o� premisec: Yes No Number of rnaahin�s operated by Mssiness:
I�f Y�� F1C8SE COI]l3Ci OjlClHUORS WT H�dlllOh$I �4Ci]R1q7?8:10l1 iEi�Ull��
Mvney Servlce Businecs: FinCen i43 requimd (cas� per day per c�stomer >� i,(lOD) �vw.fix�.¢ovlFnaneial innit�urnns�m�6��s� . A�t� €ectnr htm�)
-iy Gh�eck Cashitig: YesT No Money �Orders or Travelcrs Ch��c Scavices: Yes� No .
i�J jat Travel Cards: Yes No Currency ikalinglExchange: Yes No
� E Mc�ney Transmitter Uwncr/Operate (ir�cluding vimsa2 currency -euy amountj: Yes Na
f eny r�f the ab�ve MSB questians ere yes, copt�ct aperstians for addi�ional documentarion requirad.}
TLe infurmakivn i have provided 1� carr�ect to the best at my kuowledge. I hereby certify by signstnre below thet tf�ifs basiar,ss
eattty dots nnt eurrea�ly, sad wiil no# at some tutnre date, �#t�empt ta proee�c u�wful Enternet gambling #n�saction� through
REverWood Bauk, I authorize R��erWood 8enk to v�rity ELis infvr��tion thraugh a depersf# account veiriit�eation eerv�ice, ta obtain
s cr�e�rt, �adlor employrtient history an�p�'neipal owner(s} tigain� be[oyv s�►ould [t b� deemed necessuy. _
BANK U E LY: : t
EII[ity: SOS.SI�t�,tiu�.u5: xnww.ftncen,g4�'� ��oP�/�ImsbstsEes�lxtor html: Y_N� Entity Q1iH�i�l �/ 2 0 1`�
CIP oa Prmci�al Owner{s): � Owner Q►ialiFiie: (Pet#'orm cree�it report only if hig� risk. Authorsz.�tia�a Requir�d)
��P�pY�� Date: Br Mgr Review:
Rickf�hhtrl►g {;+,iV�,�"11
2018 Minnesota Sta#utes
ac9.avo ���rNrr�orvs.
5ec_ �69.Oeu MN S�etules
Office of the Re�isor of Statutes
AuthentEcate t PDF
Subdid�ision !. Gener�lly, in sections 464�041J t� 4b9.108, the lenns de�ned in ihis sectian have the nieanings g�ven then�
herein, uniess the context indicates a diflerent meanin�.
Suhd. 2. Authority. "Authority"' means an ec�nomic development authori��.
Sabd. 3. City. "City" means a home rule charier ar statulory city.
Subd. 4, pevelo�ment. "De��elopmenY' includes redevetopment, and "developing" includes redeveloping.
� Suhd. 5. Cost of redevelopment. "Cost of redeveiopment" means, wiiE� respect to an econornic develo�ment district �roject, the
cost of:
(1 } acquiring prnperty. +�vhetfier by puechase, lease, condemna�ion, or nthen��ise;
(2} demolishing ar rem�ving structures nr nther improvements on acquired properiies:
{3) �orrecting soil defic[encies necessarv to devei�p ar ase ihe property Fnr an apprnpriaEe use as determined b}• the authnriay;
(41 construciing or installing public imprm�eEnents, in�luding streets, roads, �nd utilities:
(5) �rm�iding relocation benefits tn thc occupants of ac�uired pmperties;
(G} piannin�, engineering, legal, and other services necessary ta carry� �ut the functions f isted in clauses ( I) ta (S}; and
(7} the allncated admirristrative expenses of ihe author9ty for tlae prnject.
History: l4_ ki r. � 1 s 9}
�4Ryi�g�� 2018 by the Revisor of 5tafutes, State of Minnesata. Ali eights reserved.
mlpc�llwww.revaot.mn.govlstatWea+citel469.090 11�
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�'o help the governmr�l fight �di�g of terrorism aed rnoney launderiag a�tivipias, Federal �aw
obtsm, 'verifY, aad record inform,atian that idratifies caacl� person or en � � ail financial instit�rtions to
as to iden ' �tY �s an accotmt Wc will ask for informatioa that will al�ow
�Y Y�u as aa owner ar authoriud si�ner for the business ppettinB a d�po�it a� Wa w�l rc�ord ide�ti�cetio� end decument
info�m�adc�n for owaera endlar sut�orizcd si�s. We will vcrify infortnat�an an avimer{s) bY a d
(�uch as Gl�exSysten�s, lnc.). Whm de�tmd � ��B �posit acc�uat veni' sea4on s+ervir.e
vernFy eamploymant lust �r, we mey obtsin persanal credit m€armation from a crodit reporting agen�3' andlor
ory oa �rinoipa] owner(s}. By si�ning below, Yon agroc to these t�rans end authorize RiverWood Bank to obta,in this
Re�n#red Information
Npme af Owaer/�.
Phycfr�l Addre�s:
Mailizrg ,4d�Er{ess, if
Ti�e at current addresfi: f � w'�S Tf less than 1 year prcvious adctre�s:
Sociu! Sect�rity Number: i�+ �*U.S. Citi�: ar tResiden s•
� t Aloen: C) ar Nonresidcnt Aiiea? ❑
�3 ^ � 'Numbea-•�1 V � '"` � � � '�
�--r S `� ��� N►�: � tz - Z { `�' - D 3
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�mail Adaress: _ � � w�, .
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✓ - �Morher's Maiden Name: City of Birth: �
�iDS'tT: 1.. � C Cffi5 �plOyOd: � � ��iplOyer �[�pIIG �LR}�Gl: �� ~ (�� " 3�'� `
Ow�erlSignr ?�nature � I)ate '� �
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Addltia�nxl Verlfic�tinn Rerdutsled: o Ol7AC Yeri�eatk�s Erom QualiFilc, [�adit Bureaq Psdnitr OFAC Rspo�ting Madul� w FinCEM Website
a QnaCrF'iie gdrformed o L�edrt BurCau Fte�art Pu11ed a Attaz� Copies of Pd�piSat�a� �mta, itavaifs5k
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�wner / Coatro�iag Per�on / Si�er Inform�tion
Use t}�is page ta docua�ent busiAess owners/cas#rol,ting person/authori�d sig�er and desig�nete powers granqed below. (add adcLitionat
pages as oer.decij
Cvm��ny N�me:
Ci�eek �lE thae app�y:
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Pdysaeai a�dress:
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Authorlud Slgurr
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Titie Soc Sec No Uete oT Sirth Copy of �L QF/Qwner only
POWERS GItANTED: Attached oae or mote Agents to each power by glacwg tbe letter cotresponciing to their aame in the area before
cach power.
indicatel,, B, C,
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( I) Euc7cise all of thc powers listed im this eesoluticsa.
(Z) 4pen �ny depasit � share accounz{s) in t�+e name of the abovr iis�ed company.
(3) En��se checks and mdem fo� thc pmymee�t af money ar otherwsse v��ithdraw or t�anafa funds on deposit with this Financial lr�sutution.
�4) Borrow money on brhaff and in !he name of thc abovt �mod e4mptny. sign, pcecn�e �d del�ver promissory nairs ar ol3jer evidences
of indebt�dtttess,
{i) imdorse, assign, �msfcr, morcgage w pledgc bilLc receivahSc. ware3�ouse se�cipts. bilis of leding, slocks, banda, real atnu or otha
ProP�Y now own�ed or haeaflrr owned or ect�u'ved by the ebove ne�ed comp�y as security ior siuna 6orrowed, and to discount tLe samc,
+enevndiuonalty gueranta paymem of a11 bilk reoeivod, negoqated ardsscounted and to waivc dar�and, �nesrntment, pra:esc, no�iee of
proiest and dptice of son-pay�neet.
(6) Enter into a writta� ]ea�e fnr the purposc otrentit►g, rnaintaining, access�ng end tersninaung a 5afe �rosil Bn�c isr this Financial
('�) �'�
, �
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June 8, 2016
Moncicelln Eco�omic Development Authprity Members
RE: Appointment of 1irt4 Thares as Executive Diredar of �ccnamic pevafopment Authority
I hergby reCommencf that the EDA appoint Jim Thares, in his EConamit Develflpment Manager positio�,
as the Exetutive Dire�tor af the EDA effecteve immedi�tely pending consideratian and approval af a
Sylaw change aAowing a� appointrnent by the City Adminisiratar to be completed.
G��'7��' C���
i ,�'
Jeff 0'Neill
City Admini5trator
RESOLT,7'I'ION NO. 2013-010
BE IT RFSOLVED by t�e City Cauncil af the City of Mar�ticello, M'unnesota ("Cit�� as
�ion 1. Backaound and FindinEs
1.01. Tfie C',ity is authorized by Miiwesota Statvtes, 3ectians 469.090 to 4�9.IU81 (the
"EUA Ac� ta esteblish sn economic developmecnt �uthoxity tt� coozai�ate snd administet scc�nomic
development and redevelopmenf plans and pro�ams for the City,
1.02. Sy Ordinance No. 192, a��roved April 10, 1989 a�nd cociified ici the City Cade as
Titie I1, Chapt�r 3(thc "Er�abling �rdinance'�, the City establ:shed ffia Ciiy of Manticello
E�onomic I7�elopment Atsthozity �"EpA"), for tlae puipase of coardinating and �dm�nistering
e�oaQc�.nic development a�#ivihies ir� anc� far the City.
1.U3. By resolution� approved on October 22, z�07 and January 14, 2008, t�h� City
transfermd to the EDA the contml, authority and operalicsn of all projects admuaistcred by the
HoU��ng �d Redevelopmemi Av�hority in and fQr tbe City of Monticello and a�iopti,ed an A�nended
and R�estated Enabling Resalutivn (th� "Enabling Resoltrtian"), which supem.eded the Ensbling
Clndinance in all respecta.
1.0�, The Ciiy L:ovncil further amended the Enabling l�esotutian af�er $ duly naticed
public hearing Qn February 27, 2�i2.
1.05. The City Cauncil �as now d�#ermined t� revise and cIari�'y certain provis�ons of
the Enabling Resalution by the ada�tian of thia resoltrtion.
I,iKi, 'Iiae City Cauncil kies, iuu accordancje with Minne�o#a Staiutes Section 469.t)93,
pmvi�ed public notice and canduete� a publrc heacing on the date hereaf, at whic� all peraona
wishing to bc heard we�e given an appoz#�nity tn express their vzews, concerning the proposed
modificatians io the F.n,abiit� R,esoiubian.
I,Q7. '�is resolution coi�sritufes an amendment iannd restatement of the F�abling
R�olutian of Febn�ary 27, 2012, an� supem,edes such Faiabling Resali�ian in all respec�s.
Section 2. Pn�abiing Au�oritY.
2A1. The EDA was ea�abl%shed ptu�svax�t to i�e EDA Ad �under #�ie Enahling 4rciinance as
�dopted April 10, 1989 and codifieci as Tifie FI, Chapter 3 af t4ie Cifiy Cade, as acnended and restsied
by this r�oiutien.
2.0�, The EDA shall be aompased of 7 com�nissianers to be sppointed by the Mayor and
confirmed by the City Covncil.
2.03. Two of �e cozxunissianers ahall. be me;nbers af i�.e City Council. The te�rns of vffice
a£ the two members of �he City Cauncil sf�all co�nncicie with theu tettns of affce as ms�b�s of the
City Catmcil. The remeining five (5) commissianers shaIl be itiitieIly appqinted for tez•ms of ane,
two, ttuu�eee, faur, arid five ye�rs respectively. Thereafter, all non-C�unci� comrnissioners s}�a,il b�
sppointed for six-year temis,
2.04. A vacancy is created in #h� membership of th� EDA v►�hen e City Council member af
tbc boaad Of COR1fT�1SS10I1�I5 ends Council membership, when any cammissianer ends EDA
membership privr to exgi�tian of his or he�r term of affice, vn th� c�ay following �e expiration of a
com�nissianer°s term of affice, or when � comxnissioner is remaved by th� City Cauncil su�iject to
the tearms of Sec�ion 2,07 hereof , A vacancy for Wis or a�y other reason must be filIed for a new
term or ihe bale.ace of the unexpired term, ss applicable, in the manuer in which f�e origine�
agpoir�tmen# was roa�e.
Z.OS, All of #i�$ eoznmissioners who are nQt m�mbers of tbe City Cnuncil must be eithcr
s�s�den�s of the City, business-owners in th� City, ar properiy-owners in the City.
2.{16. All commissioners shail aerve at the pleasure of the City Caunci(, subject ta t3�e
terms nf Sectian 2.07 he�:af. Vacancies s�all be filled by appou,tment by th� Msyor with the
coni'�rmation of the Cify Council,
2.Q7. A commissioner may be remnved by the Crty Council for inefficiency, neglect of
duty, or misconduct in of�ce. A commiasioner shall be r�rnoved only af�er a hearing. A r.opy of th,e
aharges mt�st �e given to the commzasioner at Ieast 10 days before the hesrin,g. 'I��e cammissioaer
must be g�ve�n �n opPortunit3' to be heard in person or by the cnunsel at the hearing. When written
, charg�.s have been s�bmitted a�ainst t�ie c.�mmiss�oner, the City Cauncit may tenipora�rily suspend
the cam�niss�oner. Ef the City Co�u�cii f� that those charges h�ve not been substant3ated, the
� commissioner shall be immec�iately reir�at�d. If S CUTiI[11133101i8I' 1S PGI11qY�, a re�rd of t�e
: proc�edings tsygefher with �e charges and fin�dings s�l be file� in the office of the City
2.Q8. T� City Cauncil shall ffiake av$ilable ta the EDA such a�propriaiions as it de�ns
fit for salarie�, fee�, and expenses ner.essa.ry en the conduct of its work, The EDA sh�ll iaave
auti�ority t�o expend all taudgetsd sums so appropria�ed and recammend the expenditunes of other
sums made ayailahle f� its u5e fram granib, gifts, xnd ��er sources far the pwposes and act�vities
� authorized by this resolution,
Sect�on 3. Officeis and Mcetin�.
3.01. The EDA s�I elect a presider►t, vice president, treasuaer, assi�tant treasursr, and
secretary ennu�ly. A ca�nmissioner �nu�t aot serve as president and �ice president at the same
time. T�e oti��er o�ice� may be held by the same eom�missianer. '�e olfier offices o�'the secretary
m�d assistartt treasur�r �eed noi be�d by a commi�sioner,
3.02. The EDA �h�il adopt rules a�d procedurea nat in�cflnsistent wi� ti�c provisions of
t�is �eb�i�g R�esolt�aian c�ar as pro�vided an M'inn�sota Statutes, Section 469.Q95, eind as m�ay �e
n�cesear�► for the prnper cxccu�ioa and conduc# of ii� busiz�ess. The EDA shsl� adopt bylavvs end
tvles to govern its p�acedw�es a�d �or the tr�ansaction of its business aind shall kaeeg a record oi
a#tend�nce et �ts mee�ings andhn rEsoh�fions, �dransacti,ons, fincliings� and d�inations showing the
vote of �ach co�missione� on esch questian r�{uiring a vote, or if abse€�t or ab�ning from vating,
indicsting $t� fat�. The records af the EDA �1 be $ public re�cord, except for those it�xns
classified by �aw as nanpublic daia.
3.03. 1� EDA s�tl mcet at least quarberly. Sp�l me�ings may bc callec� by the
presidea�t as tteeded.
3.(?4. A.�I adnsinistrative procedures, including contract for services, p�trahases af
supgli�s, and f�ncial transsctic►ns end duties shali be outli� in the bylaws of the EDA.
Section 4. �
4.41, The City Admiai�ttar, or a�y other p�r�an dasignated fn weiting by the City
Adminisi�r and appmved by e� majoriiy of the EDA carnmisa�oaer$, s�lE be designat�ed ss �
Executive Direct�r of the EDA.
4,42. Subject to limits s$t by the appropriatioas or ot�er fu�ds made available, the EDA
may employ such sta#�f, technicians, and exper�s as may be deemed proper, aad may sncur such
othcr �xpen�ees aa may be aecessary end proper for tE►� canduc.t af its af€�irs.
Se�tion 5. Functions, Pawers, and Duties.
5.01. Bxoept �s spacafically limibed by the pmvisiot� of Sedion 6 of this Enabling
R,esolution, the EDA s�hall b�ve tbe authority gia.nted it p�uant to the EDA Ae�.
5.02. T�e ED�. sha.�l manage the Gseater Monticcllo Enterprise F1und (the "Fund") the
Purpose of wbiah is to encourege ec�onomic develo�ment by making loans t� �riva#e businesaes.
The EDA shall meks loans to eligible businesses, aad such loen(s) shall serve a public puxpase
as defined in #he Cireater Mon#ce�la Enterprise Fund (}uid�� (Fund Guidelines). The Fund
Guidelines arc hereby adopted by reference and included in the bylawa of the EDA. No chet�ges
to the fund Guidelines s�ail be macie vvithout appraval of the City Co�ncil,
S.Q3. The EDA may be a iimited �artaer in a partnerahip �v€�ose puapose is consistent
with thc EDA's pucpc��,
5.04. 'I'� BDA may �ssue general ab�tga�ion bon�s and re�v�nue bonds wheII authoriz�i
by t�e Ci��tyy Cauncil and pledge as secur�ty for ths bonds thc full %ith, credii, and resources af the
Gity ar such revenues as �ay be generated by projects undertalcen by th� EDA.
5.05. The EDA msy caop�rate with or act as agent for th� federal ar stia#e government
or a state public body, ar an ageney �or instrumentalif.y of a gavernment or other public body tu
carry oat the pawcrs grantied it by the EDA Act or �.ny otlier rel.a�ecl federal, s�te, or iacai 1aw in
the ar�a of ecanamic develop�nent district improvement.
5.46. The EDA may sr�uslly de�elop a�d present an economic de�elopm�nt atra#egy
and pr�sent it to the City Co�cil for considexation and app�roval.
5.0'7. �'#ye EDA may join an officaal, indusfria,�, cor�mere�al, ar trade asst�ciatiou or
oEher orgenizatioza cancerned wit� such purp4ses, hoId recepi�oa� of +of�'icisls w�a may �contribute
ta a+dvancing the City anc� its ecanomic develapment, aad carry aui athsr appropciate public
relations activides #o promate #he city and its aconomic deve�opmen�.
5.08. The EDA may perform such other dvties whieh may be la�rfully assig�ed to it by
the Ciry,
AI! city ernployces styall, upon reques� aad within a reasonable tirne, �'umish thc EDA or its
emplayaes or egents such available recoz,ds or inforn�atian as may be required in its wnr�C. The EDA
or its employees or agents may, in #he perforazsnce of Qfficial duties, eater u�xm lands and make
examinations ar s�uveys in the same menner as c�t�uer autharized �ity agents vr emp�o�c�s snd shall
�►ave such other pow�ers as ere requi,red for i:he performance of affcia� func#ions in csnying crut �e
purpc�ses of this resolufion,
Seation 6. Lirnitations af Power.
b.01. The follow�ing limiEs apply to the IDA and its aperfttian:
{a) The sale of bonds ar oiher obligations af the EI7A must be app�xoved by the
Ciiy Counoii.
(b) Tha EDA must fol�ow the budget process for City departrnents in �acc;o�+dance
with LL`itty po�icies, orditaences, and resolutions and ihe City chatter.
(c} Develapment and redeve�oprne�t aeticsns of the EDA must be in conformity
ta t�e City comprehansive glan and offici�l cantrals irnplementir� the comprehensive plan.
(d} Ttie Ei3A mns� submit its �lans fox devefapmcnt and redevelapment to the
City Coutccil fox approv�l in accorclence �vith CitS' F�ning procedures and la�vs.
(e) Except when previously pledged by the EDA, the City Counci� may, bY
zesaiution, �uire the EDA ta transfer any portian of the reserves �eneracbe� b� activities of
the EDA thsi the City Cauncil deter�nines aare not necessary �r the successful operation of
#h� EDA bQ the debt servicc funds of the czty tc, be used soleiy ta reduce tax levies for
bonded indeb�tesin�es.s of ihe City.
�fj 'I'he admini�ti�e s�ucture and manag�nent practices and policies of �he
EDA m�st be ap�praved by the Gity Cc>t�ncil.
(g} Tbe EDA shsll submit al� planned a�ctivit�es for tttAuencing 'the actio� of any
other govermnental agency, subdivision, or body to tbe Ciiy Council fat gppravaf.
6.Q2. The EDA may exercise aI1 fihe pawex� uad�r the EDA Act, including, but not
�imitad to, the folfowing:
(8) all pawers w�dex the HRA Ac�.
(�s) all powers of a city under Minnesofia 3tatutes, Seckian 469.124 t� 469.134.
(c) all powers snd duties af a z�d.evelapment agency under Minnesota S1��rtes,
Seciions 4�9.152 to 469.165 for e purpose in �e HRA Act ar the EDA Act, and aIl powcrs
end duties in th�e HR.A Ac# a�d ths EDA Act for a purpose in Minae�ata Statutes, Sections
469.152 t� 4b9. FtiS.
(d) the �ufi�ori'h' tc� accl�ire Pi'�F�Y� exercise fihe right of eminent domaiu; make
con�cl� for � purpose of redevelopment and econamic development; se�rc►e es a l�nmited
partaer iu a parknersl�ip whosc purposc is causisGerrt with th� EDA's piupc�se; buy supplies
anci materia�s nceded w catry out develapme�t wsthin the EDA Act; a�d operate and
me�ini�in publie �arldng facil.ities.
(e) the aut}�ority ta issue bonds in accarclance witit the EDA Act and the HRA
(#� the auth�orit� ta levy specia! benefit taxes in eccordance with Sec�ion
459,433, subdi�ision 6 af �e HRA Act in order ta gay vr firisnce publ�c redevc�apment
costs (as defined in th� HRA Ar,t), svbjeci to approval by the City Couacil in accc>rdsnce
witt� S�ction 469.Q33, subciivision 6.
(p� all powers �nder iwi"inneaota Statutes, Sections 469.474 to 469.179.
6.Q3. As provid� i� tbe EDA Ac#, it �s the intention of the City Council �at nathing in #his
resolukian nor �ny activities 4f the EDA �ra to ba coustrued ifl impsir ti�e obligation�s of t�e City or
HRA under any of#heu� contract� or to affect in a��y de�trimental manner the rights and grivileges of
a holder of a ba�nd or other obliga�iori hez�et�fore issued by tlie Caty, the EDA or the HR1�.
S ectian�Implementa�.�ii.vn.
� 7.U1. 'I'he City Council will fr�m time to time and at the aAFropriate time adopt suc�
� ordivances and resole�tinns as are r�quired and �it#ed by the EDA Act to give full effect to this
" resalution.
7.02. The Ivi�yor, the City Administra#.vr, and other ap�gropri� City offiaials are
authari�ed and directod to take the �crions and execute and deliver the dacu�nent� necessary to give
� fu11 e�ect to this resaluf3on.
7.03. Nothing in this resalution is it�tended to preve�t the City from znodifyazzg this
Enxblittg Resolution ta im�ose new or diffcrent li�nitations on fhe EDA as autho� by the EDA
ADOFT'ED BY�he City Cotmc�i of the City of Mantice�lo on this 25th day ofMarch, 2013.
Clint He�st, Mayor
� r �L r
� i�i�!w� i � � �, •�; .
P��e 1
4{enr��d� � �rav�n, Ch�rt�r+�d
��Q �auth �ixth S[reet, �uite �?�
f�linr�e�po�lis �'IN 5�44�
�i+y of fVlontieell�
Ma�r 31. 2C12Q
hAN19[7-4015� TIF Dis��ri�# No. 4� (Bnggs H�using)
Th.rough May �1, 24��i
Fvr,All L�gal S�rufces As �ollows:
Hours Am�uni
5�7f�4�D f+�1Nl Prepar� ��rtifcat� of Completi��n; �u�strc�n tc� �ity sta�f 0.50 1�0.0�
r�garding ur�finashed w�rk nat�d in certdfic�t� c�f
5113J�020 MNI Ph�r�e c€�nversatiora u�+€th J Th�ees reg�r�ing status s�f 0.7� '140.OQ
request f�r �erkifi��#e of �ompleki�� ��d unf�ni�hed �ik�
. imp�av�men#s; review �ont�act provisians. �lra�t su�ge�ted
lang�age €�f lette� notrfyin� r�de+rel��er khat certificate w�uill
r�c�# �e ���u�d until wark is �or�pl��ed
Total �S�er+�ices: �+ �4�,00
Ts�tal Serui�ces and Disb�rsements: �, ��L�?,04
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:31 AM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (3)
Julie, these are okay to pay. Please code all three invoices to: 213-46301-430400.
From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:05 AM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (3)
Following up on these. Please submit approvals by end of day tomorrow. Thanks!
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 12:56 PM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.TharesC�ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: Kennedy & Graven (3)
Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven:
Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redevelopment -$60.00
Inv# MN190-00101—General EDA- $340.00
Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District 40 - $240.00
Okay to pay? Please provide coding.
Tha n ks,
.JuCie C(�eney
Finonce Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
c��a�r o�
�''� ���1�1���
Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the
Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties.
�i#y of Mc�nticello
��y 31, 20�a
Pag�: �
�C�nn�t�� & +�r��r�n, Chart�r�d
2Q0 �outh �ixth Skreet. Suite 47{}
Mlnr�eapc�lis. MN ��4OZ
Mh1794-O�p��9 �lock �Z Rede�+ei��ment
Througl� M�y 31, �02�
��r �I� L�ga� S�r�+ic�s As Fo��o�+s
�f13,��24 MNI Phc�ne e�nv�rsati�n vuith J Thares r�g�rding possib��
assistance p�a�k�ge to dance studic� ",hat is r�ro�e
genero�s tfi�n rnandat�d by Rela��tieyn A�t.
fic�kal Services:
F�c��rs �rvtio�n�
�7.30 6[}.Ofl
$ 6{1.Q0
T�tal �e�rvi�es and D�isbu�r�errr�nts: � �60.00
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:31 AM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (3)
Julie, these are okay to pay. Please code all three invoices to: 213-46301-430400.
From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:05 AM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (3)
Following up on these. Please submit approvals by end of day tomorrow. Thanks!
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 12:56 PM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.TharesC�ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: Kennedy & Graven (3)
Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven:
Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redevelopment -$60.00
Inv# MN190-00101—General EDA- $340.00
Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District 40 - $240.00
Okay to pay? Please provide coding.
Tha n ks,
.JuCie C(�eney
Finonce Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
c��a�r o�
�''� ���1�1���
Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the
Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties.
P�ge� 2
�Cenr���i�r & �r�aven, �hart��ed
���o �ou�r� si�rr� st�e�t, s���e a��
Minn�apa��s, MN 5���2 �
�it�r c�f Mo�kicello
I��y �1, ��2�J
MN19Q-�4�D1�� �er�eral ED� Matters
�hrou�h h�rl�y 31. �(7Z{�
For All Leg�l 5ervic�s As FoNlovas:
i,r81���[7 MNI R�vieun+ grarrt guid�lin�� ��d �ppli�c�t�oro f�dr E[�A sm�ll
b4�siness em�r�er��y �s�is[�n�ce pragrar�rr
�f1 �f�02�1 1�1N1 P�cane ��nv�rs�[i�n wi[h J Thar�s regarding p�tential
representatian in M�nticell� ��vieut I�wsui#
�J181202�J MNI �lankhly fina�rce call yvitn E�.A �nd ci#� s#��f, hJor�hlar�d.
T�t�l �e�+vices
H�urs ,4rr7our�t
fl. S�l 7 0� ��1
0.�0 4�.Q�1
1.[�0 2pq.t�4
� 34U,��
Tntal Services and Disburs�em�nts; $ 340.00
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:31 AM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (3)
Julie, these are okay to pay. Please code all three invoices to: 213-46301-430400.
From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:05 AM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (3)
Following up on these. Please submit approvals by end of day tomorrow. Thanks!
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 12:56 PM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.TharesC�ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: Kennedy & Graven (3)
Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven:
Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redevelopment -$60.00
Inv# MN190-00101—General EDA- $340.00
Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District 40 - $240.00
Okay to pay? Please provide coding.
Tha n ks,
.JuCie C(�eney
Finonce Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
c��a�r o�
�''� ���1�1���
Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the
Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties.
7�i ?4ENIA A'dENUE u
SUllf 3��
M"NhF.A'C�f."„5 r+�fv
�St•, F
(;i1�' C]� �4'�OfY[IC@�@d] ,�Uf11G' ��, ��'��
.Atin: Sar�h �athlisberger, CPFO �inance fWl�erag�r Proj�ct,'Ir�voice: F�-�16234-t1�D - 1
505 Lh,��lr�ut �treel, Suil� 1 Reviewed by: Bret V�eiss ��# �'�
f��ontic�lfa. fi��f� ���f��-$�31 Proje�C M�r��ger: James �rcamb�rc� ��
Ind��tri�! �.,�rk Feasibili#yr Stut�y
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hlours Fiate Am�aunt
H�rrer�gtan, J�an �a'2�r'�0�[7 .25 11�:O�C� ��'.5[}
�f4J��f �1df1��EF71ETlf
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Infraworks ms�dei setups and �Caor[I�r7atian u+�i4h �I�
�leill. �av�4� �;��r��12(} �.5s�
Ir�fraworks m�od�l s�#up5 �nd ccr�rrdinagion with G��
Te�Eals �.75
iotal Labar
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1 d3.00
Tad�l tF�is Task
52�, 00
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F-larringlor,, ,}�an �J��l�02� .25 11C1.�{J 27.��
Project f�1a�r�ge�r+�n1
N�i61, IDavid �?1�J2�20 ��OC�
VnFra��rarks modtl ���ups and c�ordin�ti�an wwith �I�
Ne+ll, �8vid 5,`2�1;�(}2S� 1,�0
Infraw�+�rks r77adel s�t�,ps ��d coor,�inati.on w�ikh �15
Tc�t�ls ����
Total Labor
143. {1�
Tofal this Task $d5�_50
T�#al this Phase �456,5(}
T'�otal thi� Invaice $�$�.'��
Pro�act F�-�1��34-C�0� r49i�h�T - Ir7c�.�striel Fark •� eas��ility �tud�y I°��ro ce 1
BillingS tv D2t�
�urrent Prit�r Total
La��r �84.��� 4.f��1 J84.uU
��tals 984,50 0.4� 9�4.54
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:45 AM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: W5B Invoices (2)
Julie, the invoice in the amount of $2,312.50 should be coded to the line that is being used for the W5B Economic
Development Assistance Services Contract for 2020.
The second invoice in the amount of $984.50 should be coded to: 213-46301-431990 (Miscellaneous Professional
Services). I believe this is the first invoice we have received for the Industrial Site Analysis Study related to Project Gia-
Saurus. There may be additional invoices submitted in the coming days; or maybe it will be just one large invoice. The
EDA is supposed to pay for only $12,000 +/- of the total cost of this Study (the City Council will pay half of the estimated
$24,000 +/- total cost). Please do not allocate more than $12,000 for this WSB Project number to the EDA coding.
Thank you and let me know if you have any questions.
From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:05 AM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: WSB Invoices (2)
Following up on these also. Thanks!
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 1:24 PM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: WSB Invoices (2)
Attached are the following invoices from WSB:
Inv# R015355-000-5 — 2020 Economic Development Services -$2,312.50
Inv# R01b234-000-1— Industrial Park Feasibility Study -$984.50 - Is this one you will be approving? If so, please
provide coding.
Okay to pay?
Ju,Cie CFceney
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
T+:1 DC+: N17� h4+f.h4;L 5
�qjkTf 3f13
�JIIiV14F�Ak��}I IS�. MN
�I��+ O� d4�i�T1t1G£��D
Attn: S�rah R�tholisberg�r, �CRFO Fin�n�e� Man��+er
��5'yN�lnuk �#r�et, Suite y
hJ'I�nti�elfo, �I�l �53:62-8a3?
��i2�i �ccsno�nic De�relopmer�# S�rvic�s
City �tafF Ft�e;+ievder - Jim T�ares
�L A�ct # � 1 � �6301.�319�0
,�UFI� ��, ����
�'rojecVln�roice: R-{]1�355-+J40 - �
Re+�ie�,ved by: Bret �le�ss
f�raject Manager: J�me� �rorr�i��rg
Phase 0�'t ���� Ecc��org'7ic C3�euels�pm�nt 5ervices
�onthly� Retainer
Corrrr7�er�ds� �V1or�t��Jy Rel�rner.�?7�.� fortf�r� task.
T[ak81 Fee 9,3QD.00
��ercert& C�rnplete �41_6867 Yokal Earned
Pre�ui�US FBe E�i�l�ng
Curr�nt �ee B��ling
To'�al Fee
�peeidl Prpj�C.#5
�romberg, J�meS �151���0 1.0�
proj�.�t Gl�auas�uis Upd�ke +�ith Jim Th�r�s
Gr�mberg, J�m�� 5?7�2U�0 1,C10
�all Jim Thares t�l�v�su+�s Project
�rombe�rg, �9ames 511�J2�20 1.�1�0
Conf�r�nce C�I] City about �iernr Site ar��s
�Gramber+�. ,lam�S 5J14J2C��0 75
hJea4 Sites call for �I[��+� ��oy�Gk
.�C',romberg� ,l�rti�� 51��J2020 2.5�}
1'roj�ct Glcsu� �it� �e�+ie�w
C�r�mb�rg.9ames �f21?2[}2C� t,Qp
�all wi#� �[�A an Federal Funding
Gromber+�_ James 5J26J2b�Cl �.(�Q
Project Ceo-�uraus S�te l�pd�#�s
G�omb�r�_ J�meS 5�27J2020 7.�D
Pr�j�ct Gia-S�u�t�s �our�es an� Us�s �nf�rm�tic�n
���mt�er,�. �1�mes 51281242� fi.0�}
Project Geo-�uraWs ��t� 4.Jp��tes
TCrt�ls 1�.2�
Tqt�l Labor
3,1 Q�].�10�
775 £1�
��#�I tfii� fiask
1 ��.���
T 50.00
i S�.OiJ
� 12.��
1 �p,�i0
1 �0.0 J
7 �4. il0
7 .537.��
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1, 537.5I�
Pr�j�C# R-4�1�355-[�0{J �a��NT - 2�2� €coe��amic �e+telopm�n� �ervi�� Ir�v�ac�E: 5
7vta� this Task $1,53'�.SQ
Billings tt� []ate
1, 537.5�0
3.1 �]O.U@
Tot�l #�is �'h��e $�,31�.50
'fcs#al thi� Irav�ice ---- ��{312.50
Tota I
4, 773.Q0
-� 22. [7�l
�;aae �
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:45 AM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: W5B Invoices (2)
Julie, the invoice in the amount of $2,312.50 should be coded to the line that is being used for the W5B Economic
Development Assistance Services Contract for 2020.
The second invoice in the amount of $984.50 should be coded to: 213-46301-431990 (Miscellaneous Professional
Services). I believe this is the first invoice we have received for the Industrial Site Analysis Study related to Project Gia-
Saurus. There may be additional invoices submitted in the coming days; or maybe it will be just one large invoice. The
EDA is supposed to pay for only $12,000 +/- of the total cost of this Study (the City Council will pay half of the estimated
$24,000 +/- total cost). Please do not allocate more than $12,000 for this WSB Project number to the EDA coding.
Thank you and let me know if you have any questions.
From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Monday, July 6, 2020 10:05 AM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: WSB Invoices (2)
Following up on these also. Thanks!
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 1:24 PM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: WSB Invoices (2)
Attached are the following invoices from WSB:
Inv# R015355-000-5 — 2020 Economic Development Services -$2,312.50
Inv# R01b234-000-1— Industrial Park Feasibility Study -$984.50 - Is this one you will be approving? If so, please
provide coding.
Okay to pay?
Ju,Cie CFceney
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
P���������, ��C.
4G9� �c�Cn F���;i�s �fvd_
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I]�s't�t'ii�t�d .Agen l t�f the neu�paper{s1 k�linwn
Man:t�cello Tirnes
tivith the k�o�+n o�lice �s#` issue bein� lac�z�d
i� the c�unty of:
wilh additiora�l circulati��r� in the �our�tics of�
an� has fuil Icnawledge of �he �'acts s�ai�
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tint� �� u yuaCaC� nex�sp��7e� as pravirtted
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Julie Cheney
From: Sarah Rathlisberger
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 11:52 AM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: ECM $350.74
Okay to pay. Code all to -435100
$35 each to:
Remaining $105.74 to 213-46301-435100
Thank you!
Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO
Finance Director
City of Monticello, MN
Tel: 763-271-3201
Fax: 763-295-4404
NOTE: The contents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged and/or confidential to the named
recipient. This information is not to be used by any other person and/or organization. The views expressed in this
document do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Monticello. Email correspondence to and from City of Monticello
government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 11:31 AM
To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisberger@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: ECM $350.74
Attached is Inv# 781278 from ECM for the 2019 Annual Disclosure Statements Ad. Okay to pay $350.74?
Please provide coding.
Tha n ks,
.JuCie CF�eney
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie Cheney
From: Bullseye Property Management & Realty <mail@managebuilding.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 21, 2020 3:06 AM
To: A P
Subject: Lease statement for Broadway Parking Easement - COMMERCIAL - 2 as of 6/21/2020 �
Bullseye Property Management & Realty
Lease statement as of 2020-06-21
City of Monticello Economic Development Authority
35 Lake St
Suite 500
Big Lake, MN 55309
Date Memo
Prior balance
4/1 /2020
5/1 /2020
6/1 /2020
6/11 /2020
7/1 /2020
Common Area Maintenance
Common Area Maintenance
Common Area Maintenance
Common Area Maintenance
/_�•1� I ii �; 3 [iI�L [i��S [ !
I_ ur't:111'iii
($162.13) $0.00
$162.13 $162.13
Balance due: $162.13
Payment is due on the 28th of the month. If payment isn't received, a one-time fee equal to 8% of recurring
charges will be charged on the 29th of each month.
Manage your account online: http://bullseyeproperties.managebuilding.com
Bullseye Property Management & Realty 763-295-6566 Buildium@bullseye411.com
Stay connected with the Resident Center app
Vonco II,LLC
153d1 140th Avenue SE
Becker, MN 55308
PHONE; (763) �b2-8662
FAX:(763} 428-1334
City of Monticella Public Works
505 Walnut Street Suite 1
Monticello, MN 55362
�G�I�I� I
� I I I I
.i�n � � -'� i
li - Jun R3 Reload Fee�Handling Fee O1-7b3478 1.ppLp $125.00 $125.OD
Contract: City of Monti Landfill
il - Jun EZ Environmentai Fee SC2159039 1.40 $10.00
($10.00 / Ticket }Environrnental Fee-10
Questions or Inquir#es contact Nettie (763) 262-8fi6Z or vkuhn@VoncoUSA.com
Invo1ces unpaid after 30 days subject your account to credit hold.
CURRENT � 31 - b0 DAYS � 6] - 90 DAYS � OVER 90 DAYS
135.00 I $ 0•00 __ � $ 0•40 � � O.OQ
U7'AL I(�iVOICE 135.00
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 4:07 PM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: Vonco II 56304 inv. 6/14/20 $135
Yes, this is okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-461500.
From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 1:40 PM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Vonco II 56304 inv. 6/14/20 $135
Please see the attached invoice from Vonco. Okay to pay $135.00? Please provide coding.
From: Debbie Davidson
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 11:52 AM
To: Julie Cheney <Julie.ChenevC�ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Vonco II 56304 inv. 6/14/20 $135
Please see attached invoice along with Matt's comment below.
Tha n ks,
�ebb�e �av�dsow
Finance Clerk
City of Monticello
apC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
Emai! correspondence to and from the City of Montice!!o qovernment offices is subject to the Minnesota Government
Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Matthew Leonard <matt.leonard@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 11:46 AM
To: Debbie Davidson <Debbie.Davidson(c�ci.monticello.mn.us>; Mike Haaland <Mike.HaalandC�ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: RE: Vonco II 56304 inv. 6/14/20 $135
Hello Debbie — This should be an EDA expense from the removal of items from their 4t" Street house.
From: Debbie Davidson <Debbie.Davidson@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 11:39 AM
To: Matthew Leonard <matt.leonard@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Mike Haaland <Mike.Haaland@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: Vonco II 56304 inv. 6/14/20 $135
Matt & Mike,
Okay to pay the attached invoice from Vonco II @ 135?
Please provide coding.
t�eb�Le D�v�cls�w
Finance Clerk
City of Monticello
apC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
Emai! correspondence to and from the City of Montice(lo government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government
Data Practices Act and may be disc(osed to third parties.
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Julie Cheney
Jim Thares
Wednesday, June 24, 2020 3:49 PM
Julie Cheney
RE: Metro Recycling Invoice
Yes, this is okay; refuse removal from 300 - 4t" Street East. Please code to: 213-463Q1-461500
From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 8:43 AM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Metro Recycling Invoice
See the attached invoice from Metro Recycling. Okay to pay $1,561.55?
Please provide coding.
Tha n ks,
From: Debbie Davidson
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 8:11 AM
To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Metro Recycling Invoice
Good Morning,
Looks like this one belongs to EDA.
Enjoy your day!
�ebb�e �av�dsow
Finance Clerk
City of Monticello
apC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
Emai! correspondence to and from the City of Montice!!o qovernment offices is subject to the Minnesota Government
Data Practices Act and may be disdosed to third parties.
From: Julie Hoglund <Julie.Ho�lund@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 8:01 AM
To: Debbie Davidson <Debbie.Davidson(a�ci.monticello.mn.us>
Cc: Matthew Leonard <matt.leonard@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Metro Recycling Invoice
Debbie, can you please re-code this to EDA — this was from cleaning out the house on 4t" St E.
Sorry about that.
_) u �i,e I-toU �u v�,cf
Administrative Assistant
Monticello Public Works Department
909 Golf Course Rd
Monticello, MN 55362
From: Julie Hoglund
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:41 PM
To: Debbie Davidson <Debbie.Davidson@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Cc: Matthew Leonard <Matt.Leonard@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: Metro Recycling Invoice
Matt, is this OK to code this to?
I found one from last year and this is where Tom coded it to:
��L�e I-Frc��v�,cl
Administrative Assistant
Monticello Public Works Department
909 Golf Course Rd
Monticello, MN 55362
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N��rthianci Securities, Int.
1�0 South Fiitl� Street
Surte 3300
Minneapo[is, MN 554[}2
Voice: b12-�5X-590Q
Fax: b12-851-5951
Said To:
Citv oE Monticello
Ji�n Tliares, Econ De�� Managea•
�05 W�lnuk Strcet, Suite 1
1�1c,nticel[o, i��1N 553G2
Invoice Number:
Invoice Date:
Customer PO Payment Terms Sales Rep ID Due Date
T�r o�st�-��t 1-� :v�� 30 o�ys s/�/2a
Check No;
5ales Tax
Toial Invoice Amount
Payment Received
hlain 612-851-5900 � Tou-Free 8�0-851-2920 � Fax 612-$51-5987
150 South Fifkh Street, Suite 3300 � Minneapolis, ;v1N 55402
MemPrer FdNRA nnd SInC, Reg�sfered rt�ith SEC rtnri MSRB
City of Monticello
Establishment af Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-42
Contact: Jim Thares
Economic Development Manag�r
Crty of Monticello
�05 Walnut Skreet Suite 1
Montieello, MI�� 55362
Billing Period: October 2019
Services Performed
� Collect data for TIF district from City/EDA
• E��aluate and advise on options and findings
• Prepare preliminary TIF analysis for different scgnarios
• Review documents provided by developer
• Prepare memo sumanarrzing findings and conclusions from review
Staff Time
'�otal This Period
5enior �'rofessional
`Total Sta£f
Tota! Fxpenses
Project 5ummary Total $udget
Bi]led This Periad
Bi[]ed Previous
Budget Remaining
$ 8,82d.OD
$ 6,750.Qp
N�rthland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2
Debbie Davidson
Jim Thares
Monday, July 13, 2020 9:07 AM
Sarah Rathlisberger
RE: Scan from City of Monticello - City Hall
Julie, coding is: 213-46301-431990. Yes, this is okay to pay.
From: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisberger@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 8:36 AM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Cc: AP <AP@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: FW: Scan from City of Monticello - City Hall
Please see attached bill from Northland, and respond to Julie/AP email with coding and approval to pay.
Thank you!
Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO
Finance Director
City of Monticello, MN
Tel: 763-271-3201
Fax: 763-295-4404
NOTE: The contents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged and/or confidential ta the named
recipient. This information is not to be used 6y any other person and/or organization. The views expressed in this
document do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Monticello. Email correspondence to and from City of Monticello
government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: administrator@ci.monticello.mn.us <administrator@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 8:54 AM
To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisber�erCq�ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: Scan from City of Monticello - City Hall
�2f171� �Q=
f��fSA Pe�fessionc�l Ser+�i�es, inc_
123C1 South Boul�vQrd
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F�r€�fe�sion�l ���t�' f� r�m A�1ay iQ, 20�3p �� Ju�y 11. 2fk2tl
Housing S#u�y
TvCal Fee
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,�hA[}U�1T DLIE THIS YhEV�I��: �$,125.4Q
For�4CH nc�til5�eatian, r�mi�t.�:
A�c�urrx Number: 1D1C,�65'9�Q Rc�uttng h�ua�ber; �p759�]1590
�ar�k Inform�tion: Bardboo 5tate B€�nk, 1O1 3"' Ave., PC? 6ox 50„ Baral��o, VI+I $3�13, (�G�BJ 356-77Ci�
W� are prc�ud to be a 1 bY0`7� �m plc�yee-owrred F�rrr�_
5. C�rrs4d�ration of I}r�ft ��'�]-1�FF for H�usin� '4�i�rt�et .�n�9�'�is and Ilemaand Sfud��
Jirr� T�ares explain�:�l that �h� �L�.�► �a��� }�n�r,���r[?���,I fc�r �tafiFtc, d�v�lo� ar� RFP �'�r �n
up�at�d Hausin� �tud}+, �ta��Ycrea#�ec1 ���,rnb�ined RF� �d RF"P to �.�surc: a
�:�anpr�}�er�siv� de���atrient k+�c�ulc� be �chi����rl and t� speed up th� timeframe csf the
pruces�_ Thare� ex��2�ir�ed th�t tl�� cr�t��e�t of the rcc�ues� in�ltac��:c� �pe�ifc cnte�ia and a
�.cainprel��rp�4ve lc�c�k �# }����s�n� �i�.eds,
BIL� T',�PF'�F� 1�1C��'E� �'J �F'PR�}�'E THF. ��i�iBfN�U [�}`(�-L�Fi' �1��[�L1EST F��
C�l'AL�f ICr'�TI+DNS-REQ�L��ST FO�� PRO�f�C7SAL) f��01��1�� �� FO�� A H[�I:�IN�
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[��1C�TIi�� C"f'�RRIE�. ���1,
f�� Cutt�itieralit�n o� E'irst :�me.�edrnrnt ta l3lock �2 Prciin��nar�' f�ev�ko[�Nx'ke�t
A�reern.ent �°ith Be�rd Grs��e�, 1nc. Hnpkins, !•�'ti
Jit�� �}Y��'es inti'�r�iu�cc� th� ii�rn a�xd �:xFl�sin�ci thai �he �3�arc� �rot�p wc�ulci ]ike aa�
extet��i�Ft �rf`ti��ir prccic��el�pmc�nt tigrt�:ment fi�r ]�li��.k 52_ "I'l��e c�n�inal t�m3�nati�n date
is s�t �t f���r�h � 1, ?O�Q, �'�har�s ex�lain�d lh�t actditinr��l s��ca�l� ���+ the � D:�L �tiad ����'�1
�`ir4�up n��:rl4 t� +���:ur pric�r tc� mc��>in� fi�r�ward w�tl� fr�etl�er rede�•eln�an�a�k �te��.
T�Yar�s �tic�t�ci t�i� r�quc.s� �s f�ur an el�:��en-mc�nth ext�en�iar� ta F=el�rua�ry `�#i, 2(}?{) t� allc�w
tYl�: $C�r�i �C'irC�u� arec� El7ri anc�re kij�ic; t�i r;nila�r�ra�i��ely vw�a�rk �t� ��ar�c�us t�sks tc� r���rve
thi �r���c�s�c� �.�nc;ept f«rwaird_ �1-�iar�s indicate� th�t t1�� F3eard �rr��p %� +�4rhole ��e��ti11��
invol��ed ir� �13e �rtn��inp, t�� prc�je�# f�rr�k��rd s�t��i ��t"�es kh�itl� �l�e PD.�4 tirrt�lin� u�ct�n€��ic�n,
Ji�ry I]���iiis�xn nutcil thal tl�� 13car�3 (:�rc�up �t c�n� Eime E��d inciic:ate�1 tli�t th��� u��«�sl�i
�artic:ip��tc in pr���+�;rty� ��cl��isiltc,n lask�, f����idsr�n recomE37�nc�ed tli�t staff rea�.11 out tn
the I3c�Tc� �rt�up t�7 �i:e: i�'thc.y �rc: �[ifl in[�rests:c� �n the a'��rc�a�.�z c�r t1'th�y+ �a��,tild li�C� tc�
nnv��e f'c�n���rc� ��illi pe�pert�� ¢he E�A �lrc:ad�� c�wns, �I'har�.� re��a{����d �hat ]�e u�c�ul�
fc�ll��v u� �k�itll the k�eard fJrc�u� �bnut thG��
Jt�n Morphc�v �s}:�c] i C' [he �n�ina� prct��vc:���prn�.�� a�.eeem��� tea�n� w�re sii pla�e ane�
t9�al the c�nly� �han�c ����s kn the c�ate_ 'I�hares �.onfgr�rae� t�at �w�a� th� case.
JI'4� D��'ii���l°w! I���'4'�I� T� �►.DOPT �E�+�LUTt�1�J ��0��1-�f5 �PPFt�QVI�?G T`H�.
'��IF�ST At��E'4]Div�E?JT TCl THE FI7.4 ��TG�'EE�] B�r'�F�D �1�{]L�P, II��`. C�R liS
,���I�;VS �:�1D iHE C1�.� il� �OCJ�1��C`I`1t�N Wl"�'�-[ 'f'H� PC}°�xE:�?TIAL [��1?�EI�-USE
l�Ei]E�'�LU���iE�T I`� BL�C7�k 5� 8�r' '��TE1�LI�G iI�E �`�I�i�°iI�AT1�}?k] DP�TE
I�i� ]� C�°1�1�"I'H� �i°Cl ��13��1.��i��' 2�5, 2��1. B[LL T.�.�'f'�R �EC�I�GEL} THE
f4'I�]TIO1�1. [1�1C1TIC]iV �.�C�f�IE.I], 4-�}-1 4�'IT�H STEV� .9[�1�IV��:�J r'1B5'I"A1h�fI'�aCi
rRC)� V{7T1N�i.
7. Cansidcrat��rn �f �cc�narmic l]�ev�el�pm�n#_.�ssis#aa�ce l�a�ds�te from ��'SB �nd
�cor��a�n�ic Tr�nd� Repnrt -- - -- —
Jirn �rl�ares pro��ided the staffr�p�ark Fvr th� itcm enc� �xp�laiin�i� t1��t ��.r the �c��r�t�irYi�
G1�+�s�ej�,pT�ent �ervic�� ct�r�tr.�c[ �;�iti�'��'SL�, thc�� �re tu pr���ii1� �{u�rtes']}' updat�s #o t}�e
E:�onomi� ���Ic�prnent Autha�ity �+7it�u�ea –1v��reh I 1��, �[k�(} P��� ? 4
EU.�r���n�ia_ Se];:�t}
�. C'�rrisicler��i��r� of H��usri�� ��ud�� ]tf� [}-1tF1' �uhinitt�t[e �nc� �'��n�i�l�r�t�t�t[ �f Hu�ysi���
�ttid�� E�N'(}-'i�E'i' �uhniitt�Js :�eYd au#I�i�ri��ti��� [�� ne�i�t��[e 5lnt� �el�t�h i[�C(� tc�rytr��t� I�[yr
��e•��ice� r��it�i thc m��:�t c�u�i�It1�iI, t�r�f�rred ���r�[4��r �,JT]
;i►. �E�FItF.�lC'F. �'4:�1i] f3�1�'I�GRt7L1I�1[l:
�7'��� hI).4 is l��ir�$� as��ed t« r���ie�� th� h��usi�j� s�4�d}° I�F[�-F�FY (ftc.yu�si I{�r �L���lii�c�tic���-
[��quest fior I'r��t�sals) t'�rt� scl�c;t �hc RIUSf ilLliilll�l�i� anc3 �S�-�ferr��3 stal�n7it��k arti�d f'urtl�er
�utf7c�►�`i�� st�#t-Ic� n��}ori�7t� �n�i esaltcrin� in��� ti cc�r��r�c�t f���- s�r��ic�� tr� c.c�m�+lete tl�� stud� i��
tl�+: st�te� lim�fr�m� fi'�t�Lk�s1 17, ?i��U). �
Fa�c ��7m�lct�d RF(�-F�Ff' sutsenii�{Ll� +e�r-e re.�ei���r�i b} the de:td�ii�e t�f'.4�arif �K, "?(��{}. -ffti��`
arw �17c,���n �iwl+�r� b�� �;c�r,�ptl��� ��tin7� in a1�17�h�titia� c3rd�r�
9. �3��}��n id��ti�ri3a] I�e�earcl3, I'i��:er�in�t��j�, ()EI
?_ ������iield f�ese�rcby, 1��']inne�t�nlis. 1��1iti
i_ '�7�.�, ]'rc�f'�essica����l ��rvice�w `�t_ P.'��11'. h�°11�f
�_ ��'dd��tl�, F���l��stel`. f�`9�
�. '��'�[3 {�. ;tssc,�iat��. Ci�,lc���� �v'�ill���, ��S'�i
r°1s sa rcrr�in�l�r� �l�r� EC�:'� au��c�riz�cl �sc}Cicitv�icrn i}d' �ZF'[�1-l�C��[' sldhr�attals at its hl�rrh ] l_ '�f}?4}
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�tap�c]riii�� Lii� [���r.l� f-�t����;irs+���)-
.�1� �l�is r1�e�cin�, tf�� l;l�.4 �s h�in� as�:ed t� oa�ak� a��I��ti{�r� ��t tl��e subr��i�tal �}rat a��ill b�st
rl1��t �h� ��fi�jec.ti��es �I` t�+� -l� I�,t�F�,l� E' a�}d tN�at it furrl�er belle��cs d�ry��nsrra�es K17c �E�p��t�ilit��
tn ��°�nrk el�`ect"s��el�� ��iif� �takeltinld�rs aa��i C:it�� statt te� ec�n�plwtc th� r�cpor� k��� tl�c r�c�u��tc:ci
d�adlir.tie {,�u�rys� 17, 2�}'0), ft sf�ould b� �r��ed �}r{i� �€�c E�r�`s rc►i�x�� t�n41 ��lc�tic}n pa-�sc:�:ss
ol-tl�� �uk�ittitis�l� i� fiolluti+�i��. [lt� ���lt��ll�c� s�ii�i° `i�f�tut�. re�tirciin� ���k�li�. �e��{ C6{}]]-�7L1�}Ili citil�
as iI p�:rtt�i��� z� F�Ff's,
.�1� �T.�FF' �'�II'z4C"I': �S�al`f o«t�c�l+��tc� in �ht� H�.,usi€�� ��u�� �tF�-[{.Ff' ���-�p��rat�c�n.
�c�licitatiun �i.n� s�eh�ni�ta] rt.��ierv prt��.e�� �iaiau�le.s th� C'[1'71J1141t16�1' L��Velca�sn��:n� 17ir�c�4�i�-
�.i,�n��ti»it�� stnd �r�e��?ri�it l�evelcrpny�nt {`c�€��•€iirtltc�r anc{ I-:e4�rlcxi��ic ��ek�el���ri}et�t �1�t�t���c�.
i�Jc� it�c�itic�n�l st.afi is r�t.e�i�d t�� ec���l��ete tl�e ta�ks re�a�ed tn tl�i� atei���
,#2. fiL!E�[trT rnri'��C'T: `rl�� hu�vre� iM��pa�:t frnat� w�nrbsiil�ri�7� tl�e i-i+.�u.s�a�� �t4Gii�� RTC�-
Rf P subrr�ittals a��d �r�t�rir7v� intu a cur�trac[ �ur pr�f�es�i�n{�I s�:n=i�e ti�itl� � s�l�ct�:ci ��encJr�r is
�vt�s k��icl�+�i��{ �[ {ip�r+��i��at�l� � i 8.{l�f� in llie iO�U EC�h� �+Ll�{�tt_ ��'��71��. �Il� f�C�IYCt{ {�US}t�S
ffifl i� � rr�n�� �r��h abovc �n€� bcl�,}� thi� fi�urc, s�a�l'kacli�r��6. thc:. s�ucl�� c�ir� b� �:c7i�ipl�:4�:€� f�,r
th� $3f�.Uif(} fi771.C1LIJ'll ll�z�t 3;a�� h1�c�4el�c� in l.he �.�1i�e:r��l�r��c�us f'i-��fi;s�i�n�l S�r���c�s lie�� ot�m,
��. t��.rr:.�zn�,er��r�v�: ��c�•r�c��r�;
1. �+��uti+��n t�.� wel��t a c�ualiti��i a��d �refer���i ��r��ior �G3�1 ���itl��pri��
r�eL��tdati�}� ar7c� �r�t�i•in� inc� � cc�ntr�cz fc�r ser��ic�s �{�itl� tl7e �ele�te� fi1�iT7
�.[)�3l r�LS'�li�,t: �. ]�.ill
_ ic� e�rr���letc llic: �tl�() �nc�ti��r�lY�nsir�� fi��415si�� �L�:�ii� �nc� I��l�rk��
I)et���t�3i� ��ud� ,
�. h�lc-�ti�}�� t�, �len�� ���th�,ri,�in� select�nr7 �rfi a�u�►lifiec� ��cl pre:ic.rrei� v�nd€�r and ne�crtiatirt�
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['+:�rrt�r�h�:n�i��c Hczu�in� Neec�s �i�d ��1s�rk�t C��m��7d �ilidg-
u. :11i�tic�n tn t�l�le ��r�si�ler��tiu�� c�l'��lectio�tr�; �� c�ualifi�c� 6��t:� �?�4�f��rr�.� ���n�:ic�� ti674� l7�k:C7Tlalt�]1�
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�Il�[} {'i�«���r'cl7�r�si� e Hcrta�i�l�.'�Jeecls iinii ��I:trk�t I7�rtt��rt�l '�t�a�i� [`�r t'ur�ill�r r�w���rcl� a��c�?'�r��
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Stfif�f�rc�:u«7m�.n�4 _��4�ri7ti����e : I. 41;�f1-k�wli�� ls os iw a� }}�cxrtll�� ktiil� �f�fi�rt tt~� �s.ra7i��l�i�: �l�c
C�+it�prcl�ci�sir e f l4xu�int� iJ��ci� �nc� ��I47rl�et ��°7������c1 �tu;�� �*� t� �{ata r�r•i��ei� ii7c�i��kt4ar
alfY4� ��Js4� t�� �� ��alu�ta�le cs�����ut�e�tt tl7{it �ilfl IfYC[]FI77 1I1� C(IITl�7a�Fkl��1 i:1f �f14 C]t�` ��U[i7}J7"GI7�11'il�'�
f'la��o7in� aa��d:�t� ��rr���ss �r��s�e�n z�s �9t,ntic�llc] ?.f.9�11.
�I�h� I�:[).� ��c.c;ei�'r�l F�F�)-RF9' y��k�mitt�l p:itket� t9�c7e�a �M'�� qu�Eidi��! ��n�i ��4��:rienti��i tiritt�.
��li� yurrt�� I:�G1 iti �a rs�€��� �c.rlh :tk}c�� e ar3d k-�� It�k�� th�' '� I$.i�iM�k tli��t xx �Ms h�a�i �:��ed f`c�r
���r7t��l��i�,�� c�1�t9iL wsuc�) in Sl�r �{l={} E:[).� Ci�ner�tl E��orx�l t�t��l`�it,
r',� �o��}i:l�sk�c7� Prit�r ac.� �l�c. r��ula�� !:])�4 �37��ti�7� 4��ilf ��Ifukx �1;�1�1� �i, rc�i�s�- �h� fi��� f�E°{)-ftE��°
���h�t7i�ta1� in cf.:ti�91. It ��ill r�t�t���i4i� t]�� r1��:1��� tiorre fu�- ���c�ml,���� d.� c,i'ter tf�eir tfyirirL�fzt� c+�i
�����:1� suhEa7i[���f un� [I�e �rs�ti��� c�t� n��,�°it7�� f��e+.�ar� x� itlt a s�ltcti4,t� t�t t13� r���il��r E:I�,��
�L��'1'(:�1tTl'�'�� 1�,-�`C�:�;
:'�. ��E���-I�f lp .``ii1l6l`]l`a111419Y j�414:L1I11�33P
F3, ?tEYl:l E:Z].�� �,�'c,r�: E'l�a�g
��, r}ut�io� r�t���� — i�t-�}�
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 3:02 PM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: MSA $6,125.00
Julie, this is okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-431990
From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:46 PM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: MSA $6,125.00
Attached is Inv# R13731002.0-1 from MSA Professional Services for a housing needs and demand study. I see the study
was approved back in March by the EDA. I have printed the meeting minutes with the approval for additional backup.
Okay to pay $6,125.00?
Please provide coding.
Tha n ks,
JuCie CFceney
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
i.IdY C]F
�� ���1�1���
Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the
Minnesotn Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties.
July 19, Z020
� l�������
� �:
,! i.l ! ' , ::� ' i
invuice 2Gu�
Angela Schumann, AiCP
Cotnmunity Deveiapment Director
City of Montieello
505 Walnut Street
�'�:.�,�::,�.:Q, ���! ��?��
Fees for hotel market summary
�'c�r Monticello, MN
STR hotel data
Am�unt i�ue
Please remit to
Hospitality Consulting Group, Inc.
�315 Eureka Road
Exeelsior, MN 5533�
ID# 41-19275�2
� �:� ; � �.������.., _<�,.��,
f•,��4lsiM�r.��V ;>3?�I
I'hc�r�crl.�V=1�f'-I(,d9 h�,a�,upArE�,niail,c�acn .
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 3:39 PM
To: A P
Subject: RE: Hospitality Consulting Group 2002 inv. 7/19/20 $3050
Yes, please code to: 213-46301-431990
From: AP <AP@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2020 2:37 PM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: Hospitality Consulting Group 2002 inv. 7/19/20 $3050
Hi Jim,
Is it okay to process payment on the attached invoice? Hospitality Consulting Group $3050. Please provide coding.
Thank you,
�u.��e chewe�
City of Monticello
apC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
Emai! correspondence to and from the City of Montice!!o qovernment offices is subject to the Minnesota Government
Data Practices Act and may be disdosed to third parties.
Julie Cheney
From: Bullseye Property Management & Realty <mail@managebuilding.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 3:06 AM
To: A P
Subject: Lease statement for Broadway Parking Easement - COMMERCIAL - 2 as of 7/22/2020 �
Bullseye Property Management & Realty
Lease statement as of 2020-07-22
City of Monticello Economic Development Authority
35 Lake St
Suite 500
Big Lake, MN 55309
Date Memo
Prior balance
5/1 /2020
6/1 /2020
6/11 /2020
7/1 /2020
8/1 /2020
Common Area Maintenance
Common Area Maintenance
Common Area Maintenance
Common Area Maintenance
/_�•1� I ii �; 3 [iI�L [i��S [ !
I_ ur't:111'iii
($162.13) $0.00
$162.13 $162.13
Balance due: $162.13
Payment is due on the 28th of the month. If payment isn't received, a one-time fee equal to 8% of recurring
charges will be charged on the 29th of each month.
Manage your account online: http://bullseyeproperties.managebuilding.com
Bullseye Property Management & Realty 763-295-6566 Buildium@bullseye411.com
Stay connected with the Resident Center app
Nortl-iIand Sccuritics, Ii1c.
150 Soutf� Fifth Street
Suite 3300
�ilinneapolis, Ml� 5�E02
Voice: 612-8�1-�90�
FaX: 61 Z-8.51-5951
Sold To:
�itv of Monticellc�
Sarah Rakhlisbcrber, f=in�ia�ce Dirceto�-
505 41'alnut Stre�t, Suite 1
Montice�Io, MN »362
Customer 1'O
2019 TII� Zleporting
Payment Terms
Net 3d Days
servicc�s r�latcd to 2019 Annual Tl� 12eporting, T1F I`�1o. 22.
�sc s�e enclosed dctail.
�,� -����1�
2_ �31�+q°
�1�, ���ti
Check No:
Sales Rep ID
Sales Tax
Total Invoice Amounk
Payrnent Received
Invoice Number:
Tn.vaice Date:
6/ 10/ 20
Due Date
Am oun�
990. QO
• �.�
Main 612-$51-5900 ��o�i-Fre� 80Q-851-2920 � FaX 612-85I-5987
15Q 5outh Fifth S�eet, Suite 3300 I hiinneapolis, NIN �5402
Meaiiber FINIiA ar�d SIPC, Re�stered iu+th SEC �rid MSRB
_.. �� _�
`�_��. `
Citv of Monticello
2019 Annual TIF Reporting, T�F No. 22
Contact: 5arah Rathli$berger
Finance Director
City r�f Monticello
50� Walnut Street Suite 1
Monticello, MN 553b2
Billing Period: May' 2020
Services Perforrned
� Complete TIF 22 annu�l reporting form and prc� forma analysis
• �alculate pooling for TIF 20 and pr� forma analysis
Staff Time
Tatal This Period
F#at Eee f�r TIF 22
Tota] Expenses
Prajeci Suntmary Tatal Budget
Bil€ed This Period
Billed Previous
Budget Remaining
x af
Rate Billable
$990 $990.�0
$ 99Q.00
$ -
i\�orthland Se�curities, Inc. Page 2 of 2
La�ndm�rk Squafe �ha�e i�ay�s-you-go b����nc�
District: 22.5
P�yrn�ni tt�: L�xmi H�ke� Inc {form$rly Master's Fifth Avenu�j
D�scription� TlF 1-2��5 ��}� as you go 1st �r �r�d 'tJ�
Orig"sn81 +�rt�e�unt 18�.�0QO.Q4 273�1�i585-46�11{t
Inke�est F�ale �_�OC�°la
P�yrrm�:nts �or�-rmersce �l1J0�
Ending no L�t�r Th�ri Zl1J��
,4v�i18b1� �I� ��}�QO°lo
PI[� �5�.�1C�_���1�0 S� 1�5.Q7�.03�1�40
S�at�e assessed fe� 0_Q�3fi
Date R���i�v�ci Pnnci���
8J 1 J204�
T�tal �alanc�e
P�yr°n�n# F��rr��ir�irrg
�_�C} 18�,OU�7_�0
�1_il0 185,O�L,{}Q
��1J�004 3,{18�,C7�] �,C18�_�DO 185.040.Qp
111l��D05 �,D�4_�lp 3,Q�4.[l�l '18�,D�}�,Ofi
$11d�0D� �,393,0(1 �6,3��.Q6 1$�,�i[][�.0�
�11���[if, �,393_00 �,�9�.(]� 78�.O�Q0,Q0
�J1l2(7D� 6,8�0.0f1 fi,8�p.00 18;5,{?O�.Op
"�J7l2��D7 6,$30.t1�D 6�8�i},Q� 1��,C]��},D�1
$J1{��p� 9�_�0 7,4f�f],QO 7,49Q_t��] 184,91Ci_�0
1l28J2(�48 94.p�1 7.3�6.04 7,49�1_0�] 184,€�16,0�0
SJiJ2C�Q8 �,1�]�,DCI 5,°Ci]5_�0 184,$16.�]0
1I9l2Q09 6,�32,41Q 5,�9�_�0 '�,6'�8.80 1��,816,(lf�
�#112D0� 6,��+�.3� 5.fi74,41 �,874.41 �84,8�i6.0�
111�241�0 �,3�}4,9{) ��f74_41 '5,674:�1 7��,$16,4U
�'�1�2�11f} �,�fi6.�1� �,��9,�� �,�3�.4� 184.8��6.flC�
1f1r2�11 �,�66,�� �,639_42 ��6��,4� �84,�i�.�0
$171��71 � 5,�68.11 5,7{�f,�U �,101_3G 184,816_C}C7
1J7��b12 5,fi�$,11 5,101.34 �,101.�4 �84,�1f�_C}0
�J�l�012 �,8�5_�i 5,25�.�4 �,252_1q 184,81�.�0
1J1J�Q13 5,�3�.f7 5.�52.�0 5,252,10 1A�1,896.�10
8P1JZq13 5,617.76 5,��5,9� 5,05�.�8 1$4,816.00�
1I1l2D1A� 5,617.76 5,4�5.98 5,05�,�8 �84,�16,0t}
&��1J��14 5,9T�.58 5,3#3G_7� 5.�8Q.72 18�,�16.(l4
1I1F�01� 5,9+�8,�8 �,38�1_72 5,�8�,7� 184„�76.(i�l
�!'ll�!]1� �,899,75 �4,4Q9.7�3 4;4�D�.78 184,818.Q�]
iJ�,�2tJ1Fi 4,�99.�5 4,4{79�7� 4�40�.78 1��,�1fi_[}0
81'7�2�716 4,J62.4fi 4,�4�6.�1 $,���.27 1�4,81fi_�}0
1l11rC117 4,���_46 4,4�i6,�1 4,46Fa_�1 184,81�_{}0
s����o�� �,s����o a,���.�� a,���_�� �aa,a��.ao
1iif�'D18 4,817_10 �t,��5,�� 4,�3��39 1$4,816.�7p
81�l�CIrtB 5,(114,49 4,573_�l4 4,�1�,(]�3 384,$a�A�Q
�l1J�(}1'� 5,014.49 4,513,D4 4,57�.Q4 �$4,��6.0�}
8,�1�2�1�+ 5,7Q�,d� �:�35_15 �,13�,f5 784.$16,f�tl
7.+�I;�Q�O 5.70�.�� �,13�.�� �,135.15 18�,8��.t��
811;��12�1 6,�7�,�5 �,�57.32 �.�6�1,3� 1�4,81�i�D0
_ 1?11�Q�7 6,��9.25 5,65i.3� 5,�61_3� 184,81G_�0
�!i?'�Q21 6,�7�.�5 S,�i6fi.32 5,651�32' 1�4,81G��p
1??1�Q2� �i,27�_�� �,651.37 �,66°�_32 18d,81�.�}Q
$J1�2Di� 6,27�.�� 5,6�1,3� �,6�1.�� 1�4,$96.C1Q
111l2023 6,2i9,2� �,65�.�2 5,6�1.�2 984,81�,00
�i'�'�r' �}F' A1[}I4'TI�'�L1.(�
Pleras�e com���ete, sit�rr. ans� .suhrrrr� fr� A��a'��` Pcryr� bfe �iy �lr�e dcrtc� fi�r �� �Ck� r°��r�_
1� a�ns: Man��cell� Chamber oF Corr�meree
:3►ric9res� ] ��5 F'ir�e Street
�dctr�s� ?. ��0, ��x 1��
�:'izti�r'�T'��� il�l�nticeflc�, MI� ��362
� Dosk�. C:l�. Batcly Pa�� h�';
[na•c�ice !�'n:
Tll�i'��I�l:'1.1(}EV �:1F E}�:PL�'��F
F+�]T:�L: � �S,OOD
� �'� , ����.-_ - - " D,�FE;
S11+I�LL BUSII�E�� EPv���t�E�i��4f A���Y�"�'.AI�1�E. �i�Al'aTT AG�iE1V�E3VT
'1�his C�'iran� ,���rc�mer�t �.`A��reemen[.,} is made this day of ,�[}2C�,
b��t5�een �F�e �'il}f �F �vl�nli��Jlc� Ecc�n�mic L7e��eio�+n�ent Authc+rity�, � pr�blic body� cs�r�ot°s�e and
�T{Ifltf�� +�F1C� �}C�I1�P�, SLtla�1VIS1(397 f��CFI� ����� {19 �+�111T1C5L7�j� �.�{_ir�ntr�r"�} ara� the Mc�n�ic�el�o C�iarr�bee
��f �:om�n�rce � lita�astry�, a h�fie�nesota S�l�c)6 {''�rantee�.),
.�. Gr�n�ar h�as �eeated its �m�l] Business Fa�7er��iy�}� .�ss�stai��e (ir~�i�! Pro���artti {tlye
,.I'rc��;ram"j and 9�a� �p�rc����� �uici�len�� fc}r 4h� �'r���rram (the .,f'r��,'rarr� 4:�uid�:linc-�;'°)_
�, Grantee ���s subr�xrtted �n �pplic�ti�r� for a r��rant {t}��''Geaiit .�p�ltca�i�rl''j ��nc�er t}se
Yr4,�ran� [a�id�li�e�, anc� �r�r�t�r �.�� apprc}kre€� a�rar�l �� thc f,�rantcc ir� 1hc� �mo��€�t c}f ��,�IC�CI {the
..Gea�st") to pay� r� �trartic��� [�f th� �x�rens�.s (the "[_�rant A�:�ivities"} dc�crihed iet thc Gra��t
A�i�Jicdtic�n, in cyannc.clir��t +,vit� C��asttee's C:h�m[�er of �t�ma�er�.e �ie Indu�ir}' Jncate� a� 2(15 Pinc
�trcel in ilt� C'it}� nf Mni�tice9ln, hrSinn�s�ta (t7re'"Cit;,�";I.
C', Tf�� �irai}i€a� �ncl Gra�tee urish t.� incmnriali,�� th�c tcr�n� tr(` Ei�c C�r�n� ias Ihis
r��CQF�QT1�+�aLY, [he p��i�:s a�Trce as foll�y�•s�
�_ 7'i�� {�ea�at ,�nlns�rit� Sub�ect t�r the t�rrv�s of shis r'��ement, i�e Pro���m Ca�aide]incs,
a�nd �f�e �rant A��]iGstioit (tagether, thc "Gr�r�t Do�un�enls„), C'r['�R�C�F 3�[:� L4� �rgrl[ 14� �irBRiC� ihC
su�n t�f �ve thc��a��r�cl �rad n�?`1 i1{lths f3nll�� ���,[]{]��j. `Fh�. (irant ���il b� ���d k��� Grantor to �Srr�ri��e
�c3r #h� [�r3nt .A�si��Elic� ���7rpti�c€� u�icier [i�e Cean[ Dn�cumer�t^� in s�c�.€�rria�y�c ���ith 5�cai�n � h�reaf,
L. Ps men ofGrancl�roce�ds.
(a) �7`h� ��r;�n� +��ri81 b� }�aid t� �`irant� in accardar}ec u�sth �hc �r.rFn� �znd
c.can�itir�ns oF tlae Cira�at �acaarnent�. 7�t�e �r�nt�c ���ce� th�t ��y c��stc c7f e�3e �r�nt
Acti��ities ex���dir�g �I�e amc�u�t ic� b+: p�id �.,nc{�r this A�reern�t�t �re the sole respc�nsibility
nf th� (�irant��_
�:b;1 Tl�e {Trantt�r +.+•ii! �a}° lh� C�rsrrt �s� Crant��e c��s�.e t}ie Gr��stc�r h��� eec��v�d
fr�sm C;rant�e, v4'il�lout �:c��.ntir; t�r C�rr�sr�l[�e, a� �ign�d �apy of-th�s ��r�emeni,
�e �epresentati�t�s and �'arr�ntie�. {�r�otii�c et.�re�s�nts sn�i w�arrants t+� C;rantQr #���:
(x� {��r�n[ee is auth�riz�d tc: si�n, d�li���r, anci pc.rf�rm tE,i� Agr�ement and �a
reee�ve t�e �r�a�t fi��+rn C�r�nior_
(b) Gran�e� a���ees ih�t i� ��•'sfl �ec�a an� �naint�i�� b�c�ks. r�cc�rc{�, and c�titer
�ocumer�ls ��:la�in� �ire�.�l�� t�+ the recei�st ar,d p�}'rr��nt c�f (.?���t }�rr�c�.eds an�! that an}�
�t��}��sriz�d re�r�sent�dive 4f Cr�ir�tnr, v��iif� re�s�i7ab1� advar�cc n��t���. ��}� C�ave s�cces� Icf
and ti�e rigE7e �t�s in4�ac�, �ap}�, sudi� �n�i ��;a�iine a!! su�ff b��.k5, ���r}r�ls, �nd �rt�rr.r
d�c�ments �f� Grar�t�e r�k�i�e�l te� t�ae C_irarat un�il C�r�e�tee pr���ides i�s �ina] r��ac}rt ta Cira�d�r_
�c) Z'+� the h��t taf far�rtt�'s ]c�7or��7ed��, {`ar�anse� ]tias Full�° �ornplir� vw�ith aJ�
�pp�i��k,le s�ase la�v� �e���n�hl�� rel�k�a�t to [his A�rr�mc°�til. and u��il] cor�tinue �c� �:c�mp��
thrnrr�,l7��u[ rhe �err�� a7f this Agrefimcrs]. ]f- si ar3�,� t�mc Cara���iee ee�ei�°es rt��i�e c�fi
no�tc�a�t�li�nce f'roaa� a��yr° go�•et�rettental tn�at�°, �ra��te�e agre�s �r� �akc ar�}� n�c��s�rk� a+��icrn
�c? ec,�m�r��� �ti=ith tl�e �'t��. lae�� an �taestac�si.
(�i) �irai�tee wr�ill u�� ti�e proceeds o� th� C�e�rr� m�de k��` Cirar�te�r onl}� €'nr th�
�rant Acii��iucw, an� v��'sthtr� C��Q d�y�s aft�� ��e date o�t�tis .��eement, �;�a�,[ce v��iE3 pra��s.d�
t� �r�r�t�+r s� ��°ritin� � brief rep�rt {lil��e i��e �x�a�pie in�lu�ed ir, th� {irant A�i�1�ICc�tIC1F1'�,
sla�in� ]�ok� a�l c�f �F�c {;rant iuncls h��°e been us�d 31tti �1f0'�'I£�I�1�T �Vk��17�� in tht. fc�nn af
�]al� iCl1�C}j[�CS, .54dtemeti7t5, t7r Sir��i18T_
4_ 1��a �3�sanes� Subsr���. i-he p�rtF�.� ���ree lh�� the �;rarst is n�t a��sin�.ss �u�rsid�� as
d�17n�d �n h�9�nneu7�a �Eatutcs, Sectiar�� ] ] �3,9�J;3 u� ] ]fi,l,995, �� ai�n�sld�d (�h� "�3u�inc;�� �ubsi+���
�r.i-�1, hc�.ause Rh� �ss�s�nee iw in �ar� an�oua�t less t}3:�n .$] �{l,[}�{�_
Qira�rmni flC�sie�rl,
(a�� �ra��t�e a�.��s t�r incic,rinif;, a�,air�st alid e�F �tc�r'Ici ��r�ntcar. �nd il� offkcers,
3�a:rr��, anc� �:n�pi�o�sees, I�arrrrless nf arf�d Crc}m an}�° �n�i zJl lia�ility, Icrss, ur d�m��� rl��s� it
rraa�� islct��� �€ni�c:r i�r b}� reasarr of t9�is .4greerr�ent, ;�r�� nf` �n€� fr���� an}° ar�� �I I ci�im� ���d
cierna��d� �.�hatsou��cr lh�d ma;+� he ,��se�t�,� ��ainst +��ran��e kaw� r���on o1' �n+�` ��Ile�,e,�
��hli�.ati�,i�� r�r undertakiryg� nn i�� �Sart tr, p�rf'n�i �r d�scl�ar�e art}� saf'thr t�rma, c:c}��e�rraflts,
er agrc�n�cnt5 ��ntaine�i I1cYetr]_ .
(�� ��'I�is in�i�cmnif'���t�c�s� �nd lacakd hannless prowisie��r �r8il! sun�i��e ch� �recutG�n,
JE:lik�ery�, t�p�r� perf�rrn��nce c�f #hiy ��re�men� �nd ih� p�}��ent t�y �rantar �,�ar�y° pc�rai�,n c�f
tf7e �ir:�:rt.
1cj :��I[}t�llfl�', JCI iIlJS A�.re�r�ter7� +���ili C[3f15111L1I� � k'�'�Jb�r O� QC' IC�T7][�lJC3CL [)73 dCF]�
i�rrix7udtit}� from (ar jan�it�l]U� [�i1 Il��a]]t4' t+� w��t]CFl �r�ntiei i4 errlil���I Un��G I�w.�-
(a) V4�ai}�er. Tl�e perfonnaet�e nr a,hser+��arr�c c�f' �ny� prc�mise cse cn�e��iti��� �et
f�rtf� irti thi� ,�s��rccment rrraa be ti+���k��cd, a�r���tid�d, ar m�r�difi�:d nnlw b}� a u�ritin� si�ned bv
Cir��ntee �r3d �r�nxur. �:�s d�l�y iro th� c:�crci��. c�f an?�• ��w�e�r, ri�ht. or rern�€�y� op�ratc� as �
�w��i��er th�r�c�f, nnr s�all an�� singi� �a� partla� �^�et�r�e t�f ar�}' ir[h�r �csu�ee, ri�3�t, c�e ren7c�ci}•,
(b) r�ssi� n��* �ent_ This .��r�ement i� �i�rdin� ��r�n �h�: Rastacs, �'1!'[ ri�;hls �si�d
}���+'er� s�aetift:all� confero`ed �t�t� C'ir�'��or n��}� l'�e lea�t54�ereed nr dele�.�t�.�i �ay �ran�{�r tc�
a���� �Ix its st�ccessors a�7d as�i�ns. Cer�in«e's n�,hts �n�i ubli�;ation� u���ier shi� A�recn,cni Tna;��
b� �ssi�ned or�ly u�hen such ��sigrtrr��r�t is a�pr�ve�d in ���-itin� I�y �C;rantor,
(cj Gia+��er�tiis�s� L.,�w�. Ti�is A�ree3ner�l is made and shall be �o���r�e�d t�� �11
r��p�cts by° tl�c la��s nfthe state aflv�inn�sata, .�4nv disp�rtes, ca�ntr�v�rsies, or�lsir�s ari3in�
c�ul c�f �his ,A��rcement sh�IJ k�e 9��rd in the st�te €�r federa9 c�ur�s of Mir�Eye�n#�. and alf
p���i�5 �o this �k��reemen! uai��e a�}� 4bj�ii�n t� the j��iscfictian a� th�se c��arts, ��h��her
��sed c�n ct�nvenie�c� or�Eher+n�ise,
�[d) S�v�rabil� �,�_ If any� �rc}vision nr a�r��iea�inn r�f t�t�s A�r��rne�t �s h�Cd
�nl��,�f�al ar unenforce��i�� in �ry�� r�spe�.t, su+ch ill��alit}� or un�r�fi>rc�bili�y �hall n�rl a�f`cc!
�eher peo��isio��s or app3ic�tions th�t �an be gi;�ei� et�ect. ar�d thi.s Agre�rr�erz� sh�ll tr�e
��n�tru�d a� �� tl�e unlawfut �r tianenf�rc�ahl� pnar��rsi�n ar application i7�d azer��er f�e�r�
ul7rl18iri�[� �Cr�efn �F�r�S�ri��i }��CC�SY-
(�} 1�'€��ic�. �II notices required t�ere�i�der shall be gi+,�en by de�aositing in �tre
L?,�_ mail, pasfa,�� peep�id. �ertified m�il. f�tum reeeipt re�uested. �o �iye fcill�w•�il�g
addr�ss�s (�rsu�h i}if�crarfdre�s�s �s ciiher �ar[y ma}� nc�tifv lk��e c�thcr):
-fo C'i�an�ar: Cety �f �Ion�ieePl� Ecc��tiomic De��eQo�men� Authc�rwty
SQ5 �'�f�lr�ut Street, S��te 1
�'€�+ c�f Ml���ti��ll��, ��T�' S536�
A�[n: Ji,r, Thares. Exeeuti��� I��re�tar
"J-n [ �r�nt�:c: l��rar7tie� lii} [.haril��� t,f�C`�?i��mrr�� � Ia�d��ir},
2(75 Pon� :Sir�e!
P.{�. F3ox ] 42
P�ic�n�ieella, ?�'l�l 553b�.
11���r�: h9aecy� An�i�rscyn
(f} Termin�itican_ �n t�re dste t�,e �rrant�r rec�ives C`arant�e's w�ratten rep�rt or�
C`ir��it�c'� ea�Rendit�re of Grant proc�cd� as de�c�i�cc� an �raragr�p'� 3(i� t3f t�r�s
,�gr�cc:m�nt. �his A�rcem�n� ��ill iCrCn�n$[e an�i neilh�r pxr��� u�ill ha��e anu further
��,liga�i��r ccr the oth+�r,
{,}�j �rrtir� .�� r�rc�mcn�. �]"his Agreert�ent, �a�erh�r +�vith the Grand ��c�ments, i.s
the �ntir� staterr��nt nf ��reen��ns L�etweer� tf��e +C�rar�t�r s�d C`,rantee regardkn� xhe �r�ni.
iN `4�'l�?��:sS �°�HERE(]F, l�tis h�,rC�:Tri�rit i1�5 ���tl di�l� executec� and c�eli►��.r�:ci t�� tF��
��rn�er {�1�i��a�s tl�ereunta c�ti9�� autht�ri;c�:r� c�r� ih� il�y ��rtcj y��.�r` tit'�t u7[tt�tt ahn���_
('C-I�'Y' �}i� f�9[)1ti�1'I�:ELL� E�.'�l;ti[�MIL°
I)ls�'I:L.(.11'f�31�.;ti�E� .�[.i'��11�����.�T�
��ic.;N��Tl1F��: I'AGE TO Gf�A°+�T r�[.�F���:�F.Iv'r �-f�Et�h�T�R�
��1�01�117CE�.�.� C1iA1�7BEF� [��� �:G�1��i1���iR�:�: �
E� I}L: `�-I-1� Y
f3}F��� ' � � � , �
�f�il�e= � ' ' ��
a�����a�i'�.;�� �a�c� �r�o c:�a�;T ac����r�r� - c:�z��r�r��:]
os;eu�.:•, i^� t� i na;. � t� o_ ;;� �
F�i�}Zt�t'�1 l�;�l�t�it�r. C'��F �a�� � re��ress:a�t�ti��� c��-Ila� �Sp-t��eri� c��ti��tie�-, ���rr�����L� 4Ll�k}](}]"[ ji?C
th� cic:���lc,�,�i}e��t �ra'��j�ct,
�il� �'a�3�er nc7���i that tFr� ��i,�c}�;��1 �rc:+je.ct se:rr�cY� t�n ui��i�.rs�r��� ����ulati��n, e��en �r��itll tl7e
�Z���� a�3j:+������� t���ats. �'�-ac�� �iir�� �,l�c, �nc��ur:����1 th� cxt�l�r F f�.A� me�itik��rs tca �c�r�s��Ecr �his
��r��jcct �-lit't�.re��t fr��c�t c�th�r 9��]u�i�}� ���c�je�ts,
I-he F[�:1 nc�E�� th�. link E,ctk��:�.r� �uer�t���:rcitti dti���J���tYi�tit at7i� k��rkt�rri:e �c}l�sin�.
Tf�.��'�' I I��E� f��1(��'�:T� Tc� .�f����'-C Ft���"�1_tl�l-Zf)'�J ��{)°�(}ai�7 L�I�c�Ft�l°��r L�L'f�F�'
U����LC��"�l�:�l�.� PF����'{�:��C] �;-�.J�1IT �..IHTC' .�P.-�RT4�1F.d�f'�� I��4'�L��I'�fL:1��1 .•��i1�
-�-���: �:��L c�E� ���<<= z�r�.��s r2��*�c�� �Tc� r-�i.,�., ��r t�fi•�TT1FiF� F�.�1I�i1�[� c�.a�� ���-
��C1f}.{7�J�} T:'-_ 13II:I, �!-f1PI'L.1�. ��:=�'(]?�;L�LI� `�'�1L. ��tC1TI(_}l�. ���(_}��'1t31�; C'.�f�RIFI�. [i-I
�l'iTll LL.��1'T� li9j.['�.��.T i'[��-TI�I{� ir� c�r�r}��si����c�� r�t�L �l`r�� �I°1 �L ���f� rc��r�
Fl�l�"I��-IL:12 CN1�C�����.�T1[e�l� f�L�i:'�f��J�t'� f��=_?��1TA1_ +C����' Ii�l�()3��E.�'���'��ti ;�.�N� ��`�fC
?���1� �(}1� �I"Hl-: [-f'L7:����E_L� I fC����I�J(� �'T�6�''��l' C'[-111�•�PE.E=Trf�.
�"�n�ic��ratic�n c�f ���ra�r��i�� 4�m�ll 13���incc� �nxers��n��� �:rs�nfi :��res�er��cnt:� in th�c
:�m��tyt of �� {F(]�.l t�►: � c�� i"hina I�uf'tixl uf ��or�tie�Ilc�• I��a*tcch I�rc�^► in �- I:lc�►��tc€�€l
'4'��ellr�e�� LLC'• Lil .°�'��1a���t Fr; C.'hin F'��� �n�r lnc.• ��t��i l41[�nti+�cll+� C'hs�n�h�r crf
C'i��rtm�r�c � lnclustr^� fc� nti�#i��tc� ['[.li�°'��-�9 ecun�,rnic imp�ct�
I.lc��d Hil�t�7't t`�c]�icst�:ci �1iw���in�� ?h� il�m t��� [c� t�c e�ns9el�.s'�4i ]�ri��r !�� li�ir� C� �iu�: t«
��itei�ilai�{:e c�f-tl�e: �'�i�in�er �i' C'c�niaxrer�� �at �C�� �i�c�tirl� i�r ltcin 7.
,lon� ��'�i�res indiealed th�t si� �rar�t t�}��lic3tions u��r� re��i��� �c�r �h� L.U�1's �rn�ll T�LGsin�ss
Fi1i�r�,ency� �Cxrant. �I� n€��e�! that ���lic.�ti�ns �°cre r�rei� ed �sr�ic�a- �c� ih� mcctirY�, anc� th��
staf'f'r��-ie����c� �t��.h +��`�h�iz�, The�� ��°�r� al] �c�t�xd as coin�let� s4�k�a�aitt�E� ��`IIIl ��C�3 �J415117�55
ir��ic�itin�. dis�re�� c�l�� t� t}�� ��n�lemic, ��ar�� ,����nt�d o►at e���� 4}�e i��fic�n�ic�s�o ���a�ilb�i� �t
C.'c�mr�i�.r�:� � �n�iu�t�-��. a 5[� I (�.1{6), ��'�15 []11� ti} �IZ�' �i�1�i�lC�CIOTiS I't'C�] �'CC� �i11{I L��3�:5 'llf]$
qualil� �� a srr��l[ b�asii�es� �er Cl�e Se�.rcta��� �1'the S[ai�_ I]ilc to t�7eir or�aali-r.��i�an�!
c�7te�,�i�•, ihe�� �r� inel��,i�le for m���� �I�thc l�eder��l ar�� ���il� �ssist�t7ce pa����-aa��, includini;
f'i'�. �I"hare� n�iecl th�t many� c��`tti�ir f'urrcirais�rs lia��� been canc�l��i �r p�s�pan�ti ai�� �h�ir
�n�mhcrs�ip r�te� ha��e ci�c�inc:d du� �� the panc��mic.
����rc� .�ndersc�n, I�ir�.�tor �f the i���c�ntice�l� �`liat�iaer c�l`�.�r�jneree �c Inciu�tr�,�, ti��thcr
�la�i�rrated t�la� �.he�° dic�n't �}u�Iify� Ct>r man�� ptiblic as���ta1,�:� �+r�r�.rt�i���. �he nr�t��l that tlle
C'ht��tll��r i��s beea� ��t�t�lished t��' 7� �'e�r� �nci ds i'u��d�ci ;�} ��r��:rtit t3Lrc��u�h �n�n���.rs�iip
t�ues anci SC1 p�;re�ni �h�c��a�h c��e�its, 5h� ex��l�ir��.d th�at al l ial-��x e� �n�s ��ere t��n�:c�l�ri f��r [fie
SLlI31I11�C. �14i1 d�3t�i i�i��' u ere h����:1'ul te� �;�r�[t�aue ihr� �nt�u�i �011` I-un�€r�i�er on `Thur��ia) .
Septct�Y�e�� 2�. �h� r�ott.d tE��t il �°ould �c dev�l�tin� ifti�e ���ent ��c�uid R�e ca��cel�ti a�1�i ih�t
lh��� �a���u�e� rieec� l�r �:��sid�r �u�ti�r� �taff to t�nl}� ��:�� e one sl�ff ri��rni��r �:�plc�, ed. S�Ze
exgl�in�d t����t t�� �harn�,�:r tYas sk�if�l��i ���rs duri�� t�� paTac��.nii� a�ci �as bcer� liof�lin�
�clditic�r��.l mecti��s �o sl�;�' illii�� V4�1�Y1 �1�}7L1' �CiC�� C}lc'1J7.�i��]" �i�t1C�S 21C7C� �I1�i It'd4°�t}l1�fl � 11;1,T"C�
�:corit�i�7ic C���°��c�pre7eitit AuRhn�ri��� h�lin�ate� —Ja�ne ��'��. ����f P��;� � I b
[c� d� c����-��[l�irot� ���rt.h a�nl� or�� �tE°�f�t`�r,�r�iber.
f3�I.I. �C.�►Yf�LT� '�•1C���'F� �T`� .������������ �n���a1�L BL1�I1��.�� E�vf�.l��1k:�J�:'�' �����r�-r
_�[�r1�r����Lr�r� ��T���LL:�r ���E ���� :��ri�: �v���� �.Hr�,� ���i-r•��r. Isi���: ��_ ��rr-..C.�� 1
Fi]�;E�'4'I�JCr; F.I.F��'���1�L:I� 1���LLNL��, T_I,�: LlLi_�"� i��1,��:�:'��7F, I_,L�': C'HI�ti FC��;C;
f�!'�. I1��.; ,�1�L] ��E{i�iTJ���.L.C} �F-f,���iI3�:I2 ��F C'�f��Il��1���C`� II�� 111�. _�t�4�1C�L;I�i�7' C�1=
��,C}f}l) TC� '1�11�1�1�;�TE C`��'ZL�-l9 ��°�i�1C)[��If�C` fl��'1I�t���I��_ JT�'f U�'���'�I����1�1 ����"�'�lf�Fl�
7'�iE 1��i(i'�'IC�1�. �����T�i�)� [�.�C��tI�L�. 7-�7.
�. 1)ir�ct��r'_a Rc . �rt
.1iix7 f�l�:�r�� }�rs���ih��cl :h��• I�irecis,t'-� I��:���ri �� itt�l���l�.c3 in the �:L�:1-w �rdP��141,1 �+`a�;l;�t.
.����s��la �4J7�Gt��G�nr� tu�� Tl�;ar�.� nc}��� thst �:M ���r�shc�}3 �=T).� �ft��tin� ��4ti�ilti ���.t��a����1 �,11.7:741t4r-
,a�iit� �'{)'�' {kt �;;f} ��_�ii_ tt� ci�:��:t��s E�]a�Lk :�� .�l�rf� x�itl� �� �lus�i.j 171c��1Tlc, tc� �lis��t�s� E�rc����:i't�
�l. :'� �i " n�.
l�II.L �1�.�PT'F=.E� !l�11�'L-:ll �I�(} .��,1(]�.�i��'. "[�13F. �l�E:�1�l�JCi .�`j- a�; f 1 :�le°�7. (}f.f.dFr
1��}1�.�)��t`l i.-1��-'�l�E [I-E�F 5FC'(_?i�'l�L.J� TI �1- ��][.l ��[(.}V. '41{.��f'1(.�1�; �`:il�.l�iFr}. 7-�1.
��t��,�-��9�: .�L«���� ���,�a�1{,r��i��-
1�i�,-i,ka:c�; Jui�� �,th, ?U�f,�
:1tlt til:
,�irn "1"h�i�cs, F=cc}n�,ar�ic �c��cic���ment �)ii•�cte�r
ii`s�rtutr�it� L]�xll��prn�i,t rl�ath�rritk �°9it7uti�- lune ��'�°. ?fJv{J P�kr �i (�
CT`�'�' []��' 1���?VT�C"ELL[l
�'t3 UC'H E It
�lec�se ��v�a�fete, s��ar, and sar%r��1 tn Actts Payable by� r��re doCeJo+' c�r�ek �za;a,
�1 Di�b. (`�. �3�t�h I'ay b}�:
�� � � 1JMC� 1�:
1�t�en�. Ruske�t� Br�*wing
.�r�d�'�:ss f 7Q5 Vti,+ �rd S�tre�i
.�d�f�e�s '?
Citti+�'�To��i� ra+torrli�€�I�[�, Mf� 553fi� �t�te�r�en�'
ln��c�iE e l� n :
1)157'Ftif#1�-�-i(l�ti �F �}C�T��SF
.�L: � ��,�11�0
���Rnvrn �����--4 ..,�r�� �'� � �I11��J2�}
� - 1��� r��'i��,e
�I41�1���. �3L:�I:"�TES� E11�'11�T�1.:�:;���li'' ���I��I'A"1��F �R�►N"f' �i�l��+ E1�►'lE1V.1,
�1�17is Cir�r�� .�Y,�E•«wncn[ (-`r'��re.ErT��tif`) is m��dr �17�s ��'�� t-ri� r��.y . �(1'C�.
L�et+.�•eeri [kac C:�l� of '49c�r1ti��ll�r f'cc,nc�mic L��ti�el��f�i�i�r�t .Auel�a�e:t�•, {# p�ablic bca�i�.� c4,rpc�r�te anei
�ac�litE�. �nii p�litrc.�] ��ihc�a��isi�n ot` �l,e 5d�te cat �1�tini�c�t�1;� ("�rra�ytt�r,�} atic� f�u�tcch Cir�ui�i�. a
��titti�7��,;�la �r:�i�nersh�p ("(ir���t��"1.
!� ��' I �'f�a LS
.�. ��ra�atttr li��s wrcat��t i�: Srrtall ��us�nc�s �i��.e�enc� .�s�i���r3�ee C;,{��tt Prcr��G�q�r� iil��
Pr�a����i��`"1 �i��� 17�1s ap��esF���i �.uic�clin�w ti,r tf�� !'rn�r�r�� (t13e "F'rc��ram �G�iis�rli�cs-'1.
!�_ �irt�n[�.e t�as suk����itt�ci �n a�p�,lictilior� iu�° a�r�nC �[3��'"Cir:ir7� .�p�il����lit�n�-) tatt�ier Ch�
P'ri��rt�m Ciuid�lin�.s. and C'Fr��7�c�r has ��E�ri?��ed � ��rair4 tc� f�c �f:;rctr3t�°e in th� am�,ur�t c,f �v.(�CJ{� �tlrr
"(ara��t"j [4� �;��� a ����rti�i� €r�` cl�� ex�a�n�;c:� �th� `�C�r�tnt .�eti��iti�w°`} �r��ri�cci in EP�� �;rar�t
`�PPlic�itic.;�7. ip} cc,rin�ctic-�rt ��i�h C�r{�i�t�:e�� i�ticrc�i�r�����:r�� l�:a�F3t�;�1 ��i 1 U� 1�' 3r`' *iteeec isy tl�� �'it�° �i-
h�9nna iccl Ic�. ��9 im�es�t� {�i�e `°C`it�°°' j.
(_�. 7h�� �;reoa�tt�a� �rii� C;t°artt�c ��i�lr tir ����inc�rialize tl�� t+�rii�� c�i' �I�� C�r�rtt irz tl�i3
r1�'C'l3�.1}I�[il���. tf�e J�;trti�s:�5�'���� ;�r �t711���4sF
I I h� �pr,ant rli�iu�Gn�, �tahj�.�t t�� �I�e tcnTt� i?� ��i�� r�cfl`4R1CI]k. th� i'r�r�r�u77 C;ui�iefi:���_
�:�7�i sh�: �.ia���n4 ,����9icrttior� (�c,�;�tltrr. tlr� "'(ar:�o�4 l�octarn�n�s"}. C�r�snt�ar:�dM,-��� t�� �?r=ir�1 ���r �ar��,�tt� tht°
�uirt c�t`fi��� �Ets,us�r:�� ar�ci ii���1�1L�s�:; [.}c7J�<<rs (��_�kt]{]1. �['fr� t;r:i�rt u�il6 h� �3��ic� k�ti�t..�a�{�ntc�r sc} ����ante�
fi�r 117c �;r��3i r�c�i��itic;� ��,��rc-aued ui7c��r if�� C�rs�ns r31.,�•�arricn�� ie� ��ca�rd�i7�e }��itl� `��cti�.ri7 �]�erc.t,�:
?, f'a}i��nt al`C;rar�t 1'ri�c�s:ds.
(aj �'i�� �r��;�r�t �h�iNi ii� ���itii tE� {ia�s�tC��: ic� �ti�t�r�;�n��; ��i[h [It� I�nrt, ,sncl
cd,niiiAii7n� c�l� Khe (ara�7t L�i,ct�inErtt�_ TE�c (;e�;��t�t ;i�i-��;� th�t an�� cc�sl� c�1� �h� ( �r�i�t
:�E�ti� i�ie� execerli�j� t1�4 ,omEr�ir�i t+.? �i� �.Bl+.� kkI1L��C CI1J5 i��C��:�ll�rli aC� tllt; SC]JE Y�5�1:����it�ilit,��
t�1'�h� �r{�ns�c.
�b) �T1i� (�r�ntcrr u il l}�.1�° t93e [ar���3t tc± �rrant�e �,rtc� tf3� �C;�•��itt-ar ]��s r���;eEx c�
t�rc�rn �ir�a��tc�, k��itl�nut ���,en�e [t� CR1��3r1Rt�r, �i �� �ne�i ���p� c�f ll� is ;i��r�ein�:n�.
3o Re�rese��t��innsaaril �`arr;�r7ti��_ C�r�,ni��: re,�r�:s�r�tsanc� }��;�rr��n�s icr �;ra�lt,rli7�l;
f;af !C.Ifil93l�'� os ��aal��s�i7e� tn �i���_ �cli��e. �r7�1 T>�rfaa�t�� ta�is .A.��°��nren� arrd t��
reczi�� tl�� C;r�n� f���,rrt [;r�r�tc�r.
{L,j �Prt�nt�� ,��r�.e;:s th�t i[ �h�911 ���� ari�i n7�in[�ir� b��ks. r�ct�rcis. .�rj� ��tl��r
�c�c�i�t}�itit� r�l�tii7� dir�i;tl�,� ti� �!}e ��rei�at ar}d �a��tt�nt c,i� C�ra�7� E�rr�ceeds �ris� �����t ��7}�
autlrisriaccl r��r�su��t��ti�°e nf` [ir���ti,r, ��itlt r��i;�c�nrkb�c ;�dv���ce n�tic�, n7��� h;�t � acet�s ttis
�rr�i [!3� ri�l�t ta ict���R, ci���°. a�4�dit. �a�ci ��ti�Et�in� itll sueft li�x��,a„ rc�c}u�ds, ;�nci c}tl~�.e
dc,�urri�n�s s,}i C'r;�n[Lc euf�[en1 t€� tl�� Cir�i�� ��nfil (�aranlcc �rovac��:s its i'�ntil r��s�+it tc} C�raE�t;,r.
��j �T'4+ li�� L�e;�t c�f Cil�antee's krtinxa,���ed�,�, Gr{�nit� h�a� �`i�Mi}` ct����plied ���itl7 all
��ppli�:�k�le s��t� ]a���s rea����aahl� r�Ce��nt to thps .A�reeifi�efyt ����i ���ill �,�.�r3ti�7t�� tt'� ��»npl�
�17rc�u�?hrr��t tla� t�rm i�f this �lgreettl�n[_ f� at ;if11�' II]11C �ir�ettcc. ���ei}��s r�c�tice t�t-
nc}nec���3}�lia��,c� �r�ri�� �r3� �c-rk�rnrri�nR.tb c.n[�t��. �.i��ante� agr�e5 �c� t:�ke �rr�� r��c�ssE�r;�� ��lii�n
tc� �.ti�rr��il� �+iih �hc s��tc �t�t�� i�� qu�sti�rn_ y
(c�1 (��t�rrs�c �}�ill use the �rn��c,15 ia�' �he (�rr�r�t »itMci� k��� {Jr��ntc,r �}nl}� fnr tl�e
[ar��i7t .�rti��ite��_ �s��i t� stlri�� �it� da�ti :�I't:.�e 117s� ciake 41�'tl7i� ."4�;r��in���t, C;i���tcc �� id] �rr�,��is3�
�n C;�:°���t{;e i�� 1Sf11113L� il k�riil� rcp��n (li�c the e^�arn�a6� in�[ur��� i�, lh� ��r;t�tie ���,�rlicaiic�ni,
staai�34 V��7+s all 4�i` th� {;raryt f��irtid� i�:��e hc�,� 4�;�c�1 ai��i }�rt��eiii��� c�icien�.� iri th� i�,��e�5 i,f`
p�it:l irti°e,i���, �[;�1�rn�n1�, a�T aimiltar,
�. 'V�, f3u�sic��s> Sukasi�i�_ �1i� �r�rli�a t��re.� tht�t �h� (:.�r�n� iti r14,t a l�u�i3��s� suk,si4�i+, a�
d��in�� i�r '1�innc5c?!KM SIf�C�itcs. 5�.ct`st}a7s 1]G,J_���� to I Ifi_P.�i�S, �w �riye�ac�c�l �;.th� "�u:�in�ss Suk��ici��
:'�c.�'. f, 1,���a��se the ��cist;�nr� is io� a� a�rtic�u��t 1��5 th��n `� I S�l.�){�CI.
(a} Cai�n�ee a�r�e� t�, it��ieaaanif�� a4,'aietis� an� �ir Ii��Iif C�ran�t,r, a��� i��. t�aff�4ei-�,
:���nt�, �ar�,.j tr77�ila�or��, �tt�nril��s cri� �etcl �i�c,m :�ry� ,�i�c1 ;�11 li��+ilft�. lc?:��, �}r �ia��;��� tli�t 'rt
ni,�r iricur �c����r c�r bv i�:�si�n c}t� tliiw e•°iLr��r��ea�t. �n� c�i� �n� i'r�r�� arl�� .�n€i �II c:I��i��1� �n�!
��a�7;�i7d�. tw�Ilatsn����i°~�l�at rna�' t�� a��enL�i au�';ain�s Car.�nt�}r ka�� r�a,�wi}r� i�f� �r�� a114�c£1
i�t�li�a�it���w d,� �,���l��ha�:in��� �}n ils �;�r� sc� �ac�rf'n�n� �+r di��h�zr�� ��n�� c}1"the ie:rons. ���}�tna�its.
c�r a�e�� iTien�s cr�a�t;�ined h�r�er7.
(�S� �ll�is i�a�i�inr�ificaa:ic,n ar�cf ht,lci h�r�fi�leaw pr�-t^� i>i�rt ���il� �ta��i��� tf7c e��cutinr7,
d�lit�er�•. �E�d p�crii�rm�i7�� i5��tl�is r"����rnens ��rs.i �F��: p���m��al b}� f�a-;�r�ic}r r3i�a�a:r° �e��•ai,:�aa {�f�
kf�e Cirtant.
�ek '���thiw�� in thi:� ,�1�re�ment txi�l c�r��t3tut� r� �,°ai�,�r c�l'c�r liinia�tii�� 4,i� ain�,
11111114k�1llL i�rc���3 �7r IirTzitatinty �7n Ii:l�?1�9E'4' li.� '4��lICIl Cil'�flk�4'c is �nti�l��# un�j�i� �,w���.
�� iscelVaiy� 4}us,
(.a1 ����i}��r. 'rh� ��i�t"i�n�7�n�:� c�r t����r��n�� c�f �rt� �r�rrr�is� cr�� ci3ndi�ii��3 set
f�+i�th in �his .-iere+:.m�i�t may be �+�a�ereci. an�cn�l�d. �;r mc�c3ifi.ad �7n1�� b;° �}��ritir��; :�i��tccf h�
�.i�arikce anci Crfaiist�e_ l�i� �f�l��,� ir� th� �x�rcis� n��«k� �r�;���cr. ri�.��t, c�e rer�Ye��� ��rcr��t�.s �iw �a
+�4�;r���c:r �iie�-�c�€: i3�rr shal] ��r�� sin�*I�. �?s �;�rtitwl �xtr�i�e �s�`an�� �?i���r �r[���•�r. ri�}�t, nr r�e337ec�k�.
ll,j ,�'4ssi�nn,�n[. �7�Izis ,�+>r����tertt i:� hir�din� u����r� th� ���rt�es, ,"�II i•u�h�s �nc�
p��+•�urs sp�cific<<Ilt �c���derrecl 4e�3c,n Clf��eelc}�- ni��}� k�4 �r�anwf�Pr��i c�r d�le�;ate� f��� Cirante�c te�
z11�}� r�t�its s�icc���.r,rs arid assi���s, (_irK°�i3tei:'s si�l�ts �nti arbli��uic�ii.a �d��r��r lhi� ,'��.re�e�ti�i�t irr���
k� �sti���act 4}a�i� k'�'�1CIi illGfl B�SCE?I91fil�t�� iS ii�'+�1f[?1`L4� Ill V.'�"�U[�� Lik^ C1P;ii�t{?r.
�:�) {�����i:ri��n� Laxa_ Tptiis A�r�cmaais is �ad� ���7d s���i] he �����er��c� ii� a�ll
resp�cts h�a� tl�� la���� t�f th� st�lc �tl' ��1inn�s4,ta. Arx�;� �iis�iux�s, �[�nsr�a���esie.�s, ��e �I'aims as�is¢a��
[�EEt ��f this A�r��rn���t sl��,fl �e he�rd in ta�e �t��e or f+�ci����l cs�4trts crf ��1i�3nest�t�t, ��ici ,a11
�Sani�s �� this ��;reert7ent �a��ik�� �in� cxb�e�.tinma tn tJ�e juri�c€i�lic�n crf t8��s�: ���urt�. �.�l�etit�r
k��s�d c�n ei}r����nience �e c�th�r4��is�. . .
��� ��ver���il9tv. Ef a�ti�� �r€��� i�i�i�n c�r ��ppl�cati+�n Qt tiyi� A�r�eer��ei7� is ��el��
un��l�ti�f�u1 4�r u�iertfi�rc�.ak�le in �r�� respect. �u�h il���.al�t+, c3� u���.n�irr�e�bilit�� ::��;�If rw��t �F�'ect
ntf�er �a������e�ic'n� c+r �P�lica�i€�t7s that can he �ivc�� �:f�i�G, �ncf Chis h�reemens �1���] he
��}n�tr��c� �� if th� u�jln���fuP ��r ��ntnl��rc�ti�rl� pru��isi�;n �i� a���iic�ti��� lyad ������r h�tn
cc�rytained f7�r�in ��� pre��rohed h�rek���,
�e) T�'t�Sie�, ,�il� Il[]�6Ct� C�L�UII'�� �lEi�Llll{��3' SiI��I i}� �ia��n k�} �I�p��sitin� iv� ahe
U.�, m��il. �a��sl��e �re��aid, ceetifi�� rrs.ial, r�iurrs i�c�ipl r°equest�d, tc, tf�e t�rllt�tik°in�
t�ddresses ���r sucl� �th�:r �c��irc�s�s f�s �i�her part� 9��ay i��r�it�� tf�� a�ther)_
��� Gr�nkt�r: �'it} nF' �al�ri�ticef�n I:c�,itiniili� f)ek'elca�rmenl ,�l�tftc�ril�:
�f]� 11`�Ir�u[ �tree�, �ui4c I
C:'i6�� t�l' 1�1cre�iic�ll�7. h�'f''� S��Gi
.�'�ttty: Jirr� �f�l�ares_ E:�c�cutix r f]irt�[ur
� l± 4 r�'E3tt�C'4: }�' 11tiI4�f'� f.�{'4 �� Ilt�
�{}5 '�°�� ��'" �LE'tt.t
�.{l�riticcl I�}. .�'N� �5 �62
,�1lda�. F3iIB f�urt
(�} l.cnninatec�n, Clr� lhe da�� tl�� �Grantor r-ecei��es C;rai�tee's vq�i-i�t�.rt r�.pc�r� ��y
C;ra»�re'� �r��ttiditur� c�+f� C;�•�r�t �,rt-��eer�s �s dc��rih��l in �r;�s-��e��}'� :3(f� tial' GN�is
A�r�ei��er7t, rl3g� ���e��nc�tt �,ill t�r�riin;�t+; s�nc� r�aiiher p�rt�� uilJ h���°c ti�i}° funlirr
c�hli�;a���;,�a �c� �he c,th�r,
{.�,1 ���tir� 11:�r��°r��nt, This Agr��ment� ��}�+��licr +k�itl� [iic {Jr�nl I)o�t�m�nt�o is
l�ie �n[ire �t�t�inei�a of ��r�:em��� Lx:i��•eei� t1�c �i�•antor and Ciran�ee regard`u�� the Cii�nte
I�l 1�`��1'��;5� '�°'�iER.�.�7��, thi� fl��ree€r�e��t }�a� ��'�;rt d�91}� �'���:ut�d �nd ����r��e��ed by tF�e
�3r��er c�fi�i�:�rs t}trr��nli� c�u��` �iRiiF1{API7�� 47P7 t}l� i�c"11' �t�d y��s i �rs! v�ri�l�:i� �ibav�_
(:a I�h'.�] T� � _
CITY �lh' ������-�I�'EI.,Lr� ECt�i�1i�[��rC'
I]f:'�+f�l:t�Y�4�[v�T ALfTHt��.I��'
� .�
' �' ,.��, �
B�v: � .,.�_.i.___r.�
lt� Presic��nt ,
�; ��
Its F� ii�°e 1?ire�t�st
��Fc.nAT`L.��i� �.�(;r! -r(� (;�tnlv7' A�.FRF.FMF�:'T- GFLANT[��J
[r�r'���E �_�:
r����Tr��� ��,�������
— ,a ' 4 �����~'� � s-
E3 � � `��,
T6tic; �� �i:C�
ISI�h�.#�L�RE I�ri�E i"Cti Glt.�1�T d1�(titE��11�:�T` � Gfi�ti'fEEJ
•..wn�.;=i�t' :4�1ti1 h1Y1HU-Ii;Y
f�R�h��•c! F��lt��oter_ �'F31�F s�t}�� {� rcpr��s����ta�T�-e t�!' �}�� �rc�}��rt�� c���°n��, ���r�s:��kd �;up��c3rt f�r
��1� ii��'#;.�{]�JLllellt }3Cii����,
I�i�l �'t�ps�er n�tc:cl that th� �rc��c>sec� pre�,��ct �;�r�°�� a� �in��:rsee�°�� }�i�}�u��k�lClll, �:��c:rr }��i�h �k��
n�e�� {��,prc.,�°ec-f ti�z�it�. Ta-���- � 1i��� �Is� �r�cc�u�-���i� th� �th��r �=1�.� i�»ml��rs tc� cc���wid��- �his
�r��je�t i�iT`i��r�i�A I'ri.�n`� c�tl��.r f}�usir�� }3r��g��t�.
I�}��: I�f�.� nc�te�l t��� iigik bc�t�a�wrr �t�miroerci:�l �e���lca�r�-aent a�n�i }���,rht4�r�� ]Zc�u��ait.
T�.�C"5' 11IRL ��i��'FI� `�(� .�L�[�l'"�� F�l-��C�T.[}°TIC�1� ��'��?(1-C}i ��[�f:l�,�[:�Ca U��I�FS'
Il��'�L()I'��i�'��"S Pi�.����'€��LL� �34[�ljT L1iIT�' f1l�.r1�f�"I-l��iF.�T C�EI�'�L��'���f�'��' .�1�L�
��H� ��s� �� T�r :�S�i��i�.�r�c�� T� F[�L ��� Ir���r�r1F�FC� F���It�cr c; ���� ��
���}�1,�}4�(1 ..;�-. BILL �1�.'tl'i'ER SFC'{�I�lC)G� �I�HI.; �.14)T�(��I. A°I€��I�I()'� C.:�E�Rl�.T}, �-i
�`iT�i LL[���1) HII.C.�.�R�"4�'C�T��IG 1"'�l ��f'�'�S1TIc�I� 1�L�L-1'C) �I'HF �E�L� i��)l�
l�'�:I�.'I-I-�FR 1'�i�(�9�'1�1.•"�'I'IC)�ti I�F:{.�,�f�T�I�]CT R�:�'�I�:'1�. �:t.�f' T`�1�°C1F�1n1.�'�T'IC}1� .��1�i� TI�l�
?�FP=f} 1=(�T� `f! If� [e..'I'17.��[��=I� E-�f l[_;�T�(_r ������L��' C.:()M�'f.F��T.��,
7. �C'��n�icler:�#i��n o#` ���xi�r,��in� �ms411 i'�u�inc�s Fm�r^��nc�� C�rxnt ;4�r�cements ir, thc
�n�uu�t af` � 5#1[Ifl t�,: N���� C'hi�� I3uf#'�t �i�' �la,�tic�flu• Ftu�#ec�� I�r��x°in • E1����4tcr�
��►'�ll�y�:��;, LLC:'; l,il��'� �rlu�sa�Fc; �°hir� F����; �nn. lnc.; ancl :11�,e�l�cel[ca �.'h�n��acr ot`
t;�,mrn�rr*.� �ndustn� fa ntiiti��t�e {'[}1v'f�-1�1�4cc�nur�tie itn�s�cis
Ll�i'�I �Ilj�ttrl r�L�ucti���{ 113�7��[17i� II3�: it��t� �:� tc, l�e �c}aisic{er�:� ��ri��r �ta Itcr� h�iu� ���
att��t�lan�.� c�E'the C:h�r��h��a� �t C`�rtt�nir�e �t �he in�e�jii�, f�or �tcin 7_
Jirz� Tht��cs it��icate� ti,at �i� er��w�t appli��ri�t�s ����e�� r�.cei��e�i ���r t�i� �I�,�'s �t�i��►11 �3u��n���
��i}�:r�.cr�c�' C;a-��t. �-f� �tc�le�] th�t ap�lic:�ti��ns �,��ere: re�.ei��-rd �r-ic�r t� the �r���ti�� a��� th��
�tal�i r���i<���+�ci e��11 �t�tfi�in, '1��}��� e��cr� r�l� rt�5[iti� �� �:��i�1�7G�t� 5�]��Tll�it��� }�4`it�l ��C�l bl��i�tCti�
ai�[:I]C:'si�1T��, i�]�l�'�55 [�1.1C t{t tI1C �Telild�rT]iC. Fl�hzcre� ���lf�l�� d�Ut 1�77t t�l� i'��C�ritfCe;�jCa ���in1��]-��E'
�'oir�m�rcr: d�, lr��lust�-��, ��(}1 �� �(fi}. ��,as r�rie of tl�� ap�li�t�ti�r}s re��i����{ an�€ c�c}e� nc,t
e��aal'ri�° a� a sr��all hu�in�s� �r �h� S�cre�ar}� �ai #Y��. St�t�, L1�e tc� their c�r�ani�ration�l
c:�t���r�', 1�7��' ci�� ]X1�11�1�7I� �CII' LI1�Tl�� s7t t}�C �`C[�ET'tiI �32'S{� S[t:liL �i�til"��%ii��:� �'li'C���'c�I11S, 1�7C�L]C�1t7�
P�'P. `�har�s iloled th�t f���iiti� �f t}�cir t�n�ra�is�.r� h�i��� been car�c:��eci or posxp�ned and #l��ir
axremb�a•s1�i�a rates �a����� eleclit��d �iue t� th� �,anci�n�ic.
;�r��rc�� .�nders����, f�ir��lr>r c>f'zl�� 1��t��ltic�ilo C'li�rrr��er �f C'�r�rnroe.r�.c� � fnilt�:;tr��, I�ui-�1her
�lak�t�rv���9 th�l ihe�� �ii�al't qualif�` for �at��� publi� L�ssistance� �ro�rt�m�_ Sh�.* �Zr���c� tha� t��
�'h�a�lber- h�s b��vi �st�blisl�e� �ar 7? �•�ars �r,d 'es f`un�ic:c� �Cf �r�r��nl �he�au�ll nZ�n��ersf�ip
clu�s �r�d � 4 per�:�rit �hrau�l� c��cn�s, 5h� +���l�in���i �h�t t��l I�r,ia� �� en�� ���ere �:��a��:ele€i f�r �hc.
summ�r. Lut tl��l thi:� �t'ere h��p�}f�ul tcx �.c�r��inue t}�� ��nu�x] �olf� iuildr�as�a� �n T}�ui��da��,
.5��ternla�r ?�_ She nc�t�eci th�,t it ���ulr� t�� cie�•��tatir�a if t�t� ����nt ��°�uid E�e ear�celed ar�d ����t
the�' ��rciui�i n��c� �t� �c�n�icier c�ltiil� �taff tc� �nl}� h�k��� ora� s#�f� ii��iiYbe� ein�Io����d. �h�
e�cpi�iiie� th�t th� �'�ai��er ha� sliii�ed �e�r� du�ir��. th� par��c�raic �t�d �}as bccn �s�l�{in�
a�tditi�nal mee#irr�s tc� st�r� tuned ���i#h othcr lo��l ��atnb�r �ffic�::� a�t�C that it �.4��u��3 k�� �Zar�i
Lcniiomic U�tielnpn�ent ,��Gt�7c�Ait�. 1�1�n�t�� — ?Kir7� �<�''�. ?G?0 }�a�4r � �i
tf� �i�� ��-et���thirY�: }��it� �t�l�� or��. staf'�'�1�inl���•,
E�IL�. �1�:{1PF'F.R'v1�1�'�1� Z-t� ,�,P�rt(�i���� 5���.�LL. L�L'�I1�F.SS F'14•����;�1�,'�"�r' CrI�2�,.`wJ�l'
A�I��F.'4�1f.�VT� I��"C'���FFN T�11: f�I�� .�1�I�; T�L1���' �'Hl�i� F3�:1'1��:��, i..L�': l��l�.l.�.C'�i
k3RF,�1�'TI�rC_Y; �.L�l�'.�T�D ��`�1.L:1iF5�, LL�: I_�I_i_4''� �I�'���;r�CiF'. �,LC:�: C:1-11� FC��'vTCT
l��N, I�C�; ,��� i�Fi��!'l-��°�.r.t:� C�1�}�r���f��-.r� ��F C.C�T���n��i�:r��E IT�' 7'F-IL :�^���°i�)�r�T �1:
��,�JL�(} TCl '�'�ITIC�;'��1�� �C't���'IL]-1 �� �,�(�?�(-71t�°'I1C` Y1���Y:��+CTS. ,iii��f U�"��I[l�[�1� 5E�`f�T�I�FI�
�I H� '4�C1`�I�I�, ���C�-]��C)�; �",�1��If=I�_ �-C}.
� l�i�•c�trxr`� Ft��r��rrt
.�lll] r�l<'i]'�S �3C'l`'s']C��`s� tEl� 1)1�"�:4fiiC w E'}.��7i?1"[ <9ti ill��41�1�.#� l8l C�l� ��);� 5 i1��]1L�tl �3ii��4�,
.-�riYe� �47 ��hu�riani3 .inii [ llt�r�� �ic+���� lf�;tt t� x��rheh�x�3 �.L]:=1 �j���tii1� �r c��llc� ��c�:4�r ifrt �����r1ci{���.
,��u��. ��)��� t�[ �:iC} �r-]�7, I� �i�ti��*� �ilt���: �? al��n� x� itll t� �I�>:���1 n1��tiz��, tc� di:;�us� �r�-c�pert�� .
�). _��1'� �I M�rra
�311.1. �[�.1]'I'l�I� �1()�°f:l� Tt�) .��C�]J���l��.' "[�] �}-. '�1N.:;E��l�1�Cr _��r',�_1 ! .�1,i11, �)].i.]E�
I�{)1��11'(..'f i,�1��1�°�_11�1�F �1-t_�[}�l�laf) -[�1�1�: '�1(;l I I(.}�!. h1(1�!-[�;}�1 �",�1�.f�l��:1)_ ?-ri.
f�,ec4�1'i��:r: J's3��7�i ��I7.Llllti7l�i���
_���;���rc,��r�: J�a1��}itlt. ��}?i)
Ji«Z �f'll;zres. C���Slc�m�c: [7����1���ar����t �)ir�ctc�r
L�crri�sai5it li���lt,�am�i7t �1u��c�rit� ��'llt7Al[�:+—.fUllr ?,4��•: _U�U !'��r 6 fi
�'�J C' f.'Yi � �t
�fe�.se c�+m�ai�te, sr,yr+, [7 r�d sarbrrrr t Gv Acets {'ayQb�:e by� rlr�e �{a te for rheck r•�rn_
[� Disla_ �'k. L���c.l� P�}� Yry";
1�iai��e Edevatad yNetln�ss LL�
.�,cl�res� ; 11 � Br��dv�ay V1+'�st
,�1�c�rc���; ? �uite �'4
�'���.�;�T'°�.ip �1��tfc�ll�r, C�+1N �5��6� �tat��x�enc�
_ _ Im c�i��. 1� c�;
�Ii�TRISL;TiC)N C]F E?���'ti4E
T'C}�'.4L_ � ��,�lQ�
�-�1 771 �2�0�(l
��€����v�n �r ` -�-�•� . r���'�;
�MA�L� BFL��I?1ES� �l1�iFT#����� A�SS��'1'A'.1�C:1�; (xFCr�]'�1T A►�1�E�:1'4��IN�'
�1"fris Cirant A�r�cnicn� (--,��A��err����t") is rErt�c3e this .�- dt��• ��f` -- ,' � �,'u: . ' _ i[1?[},
b��L��c�n ti�e C`it}� �t` �9c3r�tic�11�.� F��rpi�«ijii�c Ue�°eJn�ary�er}� ,�usF�c�rit��. �]}41L��IC. �}L�C��' C{3J"�SCkC'��i� ��iic�
poEitic �n�3 �c�fiti�af subcii�risicsi� oftl�e :�tate t,i �.��inn�sr��a (��Cirti�tc�r"�, �r�d f:Ic;���I4:i ��`cllilc�s �,L{'.
a !'+�in��Lsrrt�°� �n1� �rn�ri�tcsrsi�i�+ {"CTrt�nte�"�,
,�� [�r�nt�r 13:�s cj�catr�i i« Srr�.ill L�t��aiie.�� �-:n3����,�.r7�� :•��siss;�n�� Cii���n1 I'rk��=e�r�3 (tf��
I'A��3�t�:��r�°'.� ai��i f7�s ��i�rr����ci ��4ii��:��nes ti,r �l�t f'rir�:r��rt� (.th�: .,Pel4�r��m �uicteiin�s"1-
k�. (ararit�r E�as ���hmi�.lec� a�n app[ic�tic�r7 F�ar a �;ran� �il�c� '.C'�e:i��t ;'���li�zrtsc,i�") �ir��irr �fr�;
1'i�ngr�tt3 (��iiticlia���. ;�nc� tlrant�r li�s a���3rc���e� a�rir�[ !c} lh� Crr����t�:e irb th� ai��t,utir t�f� 5�,(l[){� i�lic
••���iilll�'k sn }�a� a��c,rtit��� c��° �lai ����n��s (the "(�t�tlt .�cti��iti�:�"} cl4w���b�ci in tlt� Cii�ar7t
,hl�F�lir�sit�n, in �c?nrtc�lic�n ���ih Car�ttite�`s ftc3li��i� �i�s� cliryF�: �u�c� e4.i�i1 �t��re Qc�c;�t�fi :�t I13
l�e4s;�ct���t��� ������_ :�uite ,� ir7 tf��: C'iqk� i�f'��9���ti��ICc�. ��1ir�r�esc,[a (tlt� °'CiEt�...j-
C'. TIZ� ��s�tii7t��r �€nti C;r�t�nt�� ��,i*}i �c� i�zrnic�rit�lEze 117� �ei��i�, o�` tE�e {sr�trr� i�� slii�
,�1 �� rc� m � n1,
r°'�C'C�()I�L�IN(�1.1�`. t17� ���'�rrti�s a�;r�:� ��; ti.�lac.fuw;
[. 'fh� [ar�n� r1i�7��mt, :4e�1?��c� ��> tfti� tirrt�w �if [his ;1�z�re:c:�i7�i7t. t17� Prc,�*r�rt� C;��id�lir���,
anci [i3�: Cir�ltll .'��}�IIt2Ydlilfl �(i()AsL;l���l". ��1L "�lritllC L�L1�4lI1ltI1CS'��. Crl'�3�1�a)i ��r��:S [[1 �T�111 ��1 �r��ntt� [hi;
su�t� ��t� ii��e 1f��-�ucan� ���7� n4�;'1 UiJths L)nCl��t��s ���,U{l(i�. 1'I��: C�ar�nl ���ill � paaif E��� (�r;�nic}F� �i7 (�s��an�cc
1'crr the (ir;�iit .4ctik i[ie� dFS�irc7t���1 liflc��r EFiC �r'f�tlll L}i3c:ianle!]ts ifl �ieet�l'd�xttC� �4�iL11 ��C1i{,» '� li�r+�c}['.
..a a't��,°9�lel�t c�i���r:u�l l�rnc��dw_
{�1 �i'17e {ir�nt ��ill i�i ���id ttr 4;�•a��tc� E�7 �+cct,rcE�ii�c �+•iKh sft� [�e�77s ai7i�
ccrn�iitil�i;� �tt� tlt� �;r;hJll [�irc�ei�����tw. f li�: (;r�ntc� :��r��:w t13:�[ ���� e.i}s�� �,F� tf�� Cir°ai7t
,�ctil�iti�s rr.c��:�i,t}; thc arr�r�lan� t� kjc ���ic� u�ader tl�o� ,�t.rcerr��r3t are thi- ��I�: �e��c�n�ik�ilut�
�;f th4 C�eani��,
(�} The {�a�ant�r ;�.�ill }��r}� [E�� Ci��a��t tn �ira��tee c�r7�:r tf�� �;rartit��r iy�s r+:c�ix�t}
fi°���7 {.ir��n�e�. ��ith4�ut �����rtis� t�� ��ra»r��r, a�i�nL�l cti,p�• i�t'thi� 11�a�eemen[,
�. I�eFre s�i7�atic?ns and �`�rr�i.uie�_ {",r�rue� re�r�:��nEs �n�t ax�;�.re:irits 9� �[ar��rrtcar ll�<<t:
{a) C,r�rus�� �* �u41���a�o�cd t� �E��l. ��Ilti��f. �l3lC� �3�CF4�1'Ct7 tf115 ,��1'��171�Cit ��riri 1.�1
e�cci}�� 4Fr�e �r��7i dre�rrE �irantor.
�1�1 Grs�ytc� ��r��:�. tl�as it }�il� I�e�p �nci f�7,iintain lxaoks, r�ccrs°c�s, and c�thcr
tic]+��erncn�s a�elalin� c�ie�czl�� ta tB�� eecei}�t and ���+:ri��nd t�f- C�r�n� �ir�a���°ds ���r� tF.��i tonw°
��rtlrc�rir4�i r��r��c�e�tatio� c�t C.��•;�nlc�r. ti���h r��a�o��abfe a�i���rx�i n�}ti��. aaaa� �3ae��. a���ss tc�
�n� the. r�itr�l7t ��, in�p�:��. c:c�����. ;�us�it, a��J e�;;�mi�� aJl s��ela i�s�e�ka, r�ci��-cis, ��ci�i a�tl7�e
cfcriurt�c��i� c}�'(�rai3te� redated tc� tlit G�-���t urltil +Cir�i�te� prc7r�ic��s it� lu�al re�c?rt t�� f Frs�si���r,
(c) �l�ti� the E��st �,t- �r�nlc�'.s kno���led�e_ C;��an[e� �;�s f4JII�r' CCll77�]�12{� t4°�th t��l
ap��li�.r�hfe sta�� ��+��� r�asnr��bl�� €��ler��i�t lc� 1I11� ,�Lra:�133�17t 11]i� ��g�l cc�nain�ai: tc� cc���r�+l�,�
ll�r��ee�,hcius �1�� rern� �rf� �l�is e�i�;rccmc��, �f� �t an� tii�ie [=�r;�ntc� r�cei�°+e� ��r�ti�4 c�f
rinnca��7�sli���3w4 Pr�ar1� �rn�. �*tr�•t;riis���i7Ca] ei3titt��. C�r�rs�Ca ;�s�,r�:es t4, t:��:e ar7�• rit��:��;�ry� �a�ti4�n
t�4 t4;ir��rl;� �, i��� �hc� st�[e la�� �r� que�tinn.
4�) C�r��ttec ���ill use tl�e pr4x����i;� c7�' the {�e�list i��;��e h�►� ��rs�r�tcrr +�nl� 9-��r t}r�
�;rant .'�c.ti��itie�, anc� �iitl�in �{� ciati�s .�Yter tl�� datc c�f ti�i�; r1��rec:mc;nt. (1r�t��tee ���ill �S]-�a��i�ie
t�� �ra9�tirr ir� �4•risin� a��ri�f` re��a���[ (iik� thw ��t���7ple i€r�lu�e� iri tE�� Graa7t i1}��iieatii��}).
siatir�c. ]�n�� a17 nf tlic �ran[ fun�is h�l��e f�eei� u�t.�i dif�(i �ff4fvl{�Il3L ��sic��nr� �rt rlic: fs�ri�i crf`
���ic� in�,�rscCs. �ta��ments, nr �iea�il�r.
�. 'vcr �415111�`SS `J'k1L}s,l.{��'. T�1� �58fdl�ti ;��i�;i: th��t tlie Cir�n� is i�cr� � }a�,�incws ��ab�id�� �zs
�lcrie��ct ii� h��ir�i���t?ta St��ua�s. Sr�sir�r�� 1 I�s.f,���k tc, ! JC�.J.4�1�. ��M a�3�;�c�cc! (sl�� "�3�isi���s� ��,lasic�e�
,�1��-� 1. h��.���;� tl�� :i��i.�,�r�c� iw i�� ;on :t»i���ir�t l�s� �lt�ar� � i��,ilf`l�l.
�. l n�1�,�� tti i t i�:.� t it�n,
�{z} Cirartte� ;��re�� tta inikerr�nif�� a��linst �ci:� ta, I�irld (ir�snsi7r. ;�nci i�5 i�t�ficer�..
�4�.��nta. �ea,J �rTa�ltr}��:w. h,ai7i71e�s ��t- �nd t�ii-���� :�a7� �3ncl i1II I17.iiJlllt�. I{}ti5. i�C i��l*e3:lk�[.' Sll;�t is
ma� incur 4�nc�er c�r l}� r�asoi� c�i� �Fti�, r'��r��r���ai[. ��r�s;i c�t' ;�i�d �i�c�n� �rrr anil �II �I��irii.. lrid
cied��;�ncis �����ats�:���wr �I�tMt a��a} �.i� �i�s�rt�� ��aitt�;� (:�r��nlc�r b}� r�asc.�n ,f ,3r7} sll����l
�,hli�;�ii€>n:: t;r �m41�i�t�i�:113L; ��n its �,�r� ti, �r�rli�rm c,rr c�isi���ar�e 4ii��� c�f� t.l�� ter�ttis. �ia�•cnanls.
4�1' ��.C'��Ill�Jldti tt'+1�"..31114�� �1�P4111.
(E�] I�31�i IP14��6�Y111f1�2.Lllcrll �3f�(� Iltr�i� �lrll"I11�L5S 4?rt71 IS]1�13 ll'I�� �ll['11�'� i�l� �'��44o11t?Yl.
il�li+���rv, ;�i7� ��ri�rnn��c� �}I �hi� .r��rc��iil�tlt t�rtci t��� ���} rrti�rst kr� {�;r;�n[�}r c�i`�ra�� �c}ni�7ri �af�
th�: �rsanl.
(c) �a�,thir�� in rhi� ��`��r�eei�t�ttt x�.ill c.�r�r�;titu[+: ;i 1'.'il[1'LT Clf� L`�C lii��i4�t±c}ri 4,�� a����
in7r��uEait�� f`r�m or Irr��i�atinr7 t�n liahilit�� t� �+�liach £ar,oi�[u�. is �.r�tixle�i L�t�sJce la��.
f�, ��lisccll�ncnus_
f;�} '�l�;ai}er: �l�l�e perti�r7��mr��e c�ar k�hserx��ncc c�f� a��� �rc�mi�e c}r con�kitic��� ��t
fe��th irs :��e� ,��J�eEn7���t ���a�� he ���ai��;:d, aotiti�i7c�eci. ��r �n�}ciific� �}nJv }��� a x� ritii7�, si�,i�e�l h�
�FT�3i1l�L' �I1C� {iC�^lt.}I-, ��? (�ti�ii�` I11 l��: E"\�rCl�� ��f��rr�° �?t?.���t�_ ri�E�t. car s���r,t�i� i��acr���4� [�ti;}
kei�i���.r �li�:r�°cxl'_ ni°�r �:tiill t7n� �,irt�.le �,r ���ta�tial r�rrl�i:�� r�[`ank� t.,th�r �c?}ktr, ri��l�s. k,e rcn�c41��.
ih� :'1s�i:�nm�a71, �l�hi� ritrcerrri:n� is �II1Liliiu lld]G1Cl l}l� �3iKies. ,�€Q �°i�B�t� anci
px}twe�� spcc:if�call} ������'�rr�d upt�d� (:;r:���tnr rrta�� �a� tr;�ra�f'e�r��i ��r r��l��.!iiECl� �3�� C]f'ail7l4]r tCk
an}� �f its su�,c.zs�or� a��c� ;�s�i�}n�_ (;��nte�''i rit�h[S ;inti �r��j��ryllb]Ra UR��1' t}7E5 A�1'��17t�Jlt �71x14�
k�c ��si�r�ed ��ttl�,� ���i��i� �►�ch ��si�nrr����t i� ��apr�c����d i�� }��ritir3� h� (:�r3Rrot�r,
{c} Ci��,��rr7ie��% L�4��, This �1�:recin�nt is ir��de and �h�ll l�e s�����erned in all
r+�5pe��� h�� �h� I��.+� c�f�th� stat� of� hvlinnes�ta, r'�ny c{is�+���es, �c�nt���ersie�, ��r �.I�irfir� t�risin�
o4it �f' this Ae�,reernent s�7�1€ b� I�e�r�i in tl�e st�t� nr ���ieral ��,ur�s cff Mir,nc.su��a, ��Yr� mll
p�rti�s lc� l3�is A�re�na�nt �v��si�-e anv ��I�j��ti�n lc� �he jtarisdictin�� nF` these �c�u�ts. w�h��t�cr
k,��ed n� �con��eni�a��e �r �theet��i�e. j
fd� �;�;k�c9��hilit���, 1f ��� �rc���isierr� or ��plic��inn 4�af [hi� r�4�r+:�me�it i� ftelc�
ur�l�;+ful c,r �an�r�fc�t�eable i�� an}� r���aect. �u�h ili���,pis�° ��r unenfortea�ilit}� sh�ll rroc�l �11ar��
�}thee p��n+��i�ions nr ���iic��ir�ns sh:�l ��n be �.i��ec� e��te+�t_ and tl�is .����4�ri��,t :�I�all he
4��r��t�-u�:c� �:5 i�' sFu� eu�i�e��tiAf n�� unenfiarce�hl� �rs���i�ic�n c�r ap�lb�.t�tion Iro�d �}��^er kae�r�
cc�n�aincd I��erein nr pa�es�ri��d It�re��}-
(cj 1�taltc�. A[C r7r�tice� r��uir�ii h�i'aa�icic�- shall bc� �iven b�� de�c,�itirl� in th�
�J_�e rrtail. ��r,�l��� �rcp��i�9, ct*rtifiec� c-rb�il, i•eturt� recei��t r�yu�sl��1. !c� lh� f�91o���ii7�
�c�ciresse� (c�r s�acl7 �,rh� �° ad�ir�s�es �s ��tfte� ��t��� 7ii�i}� »i�tif �� ih� c,[f�er�};
"��� Gransc�r; C'it} nt` hv'f��i�ticelf�r f�.:cc�nc��a�i�;. Dc►��I�pmGnt �ull�orit}°
�(}�'41°�Inus ��r-�a:i. �tait� I
�'iiv c�l'!��9c�rstic�cll��.'��� ,�s+�iZ
}��.E�e _I�rt� 1'I��rts, L:.���u[a��� l)ire+�s�r
I�c� Gr�n�e�: ��:1��,�t�c3 �►.��Ile��s� I.1.['
l]� 13rati;xc���a;��• 1�'csl. Suis� li
f��1r.}i�ticcllc,. �'Ih� S���i?
.�ttn: �ktilcrfr 7�frc��n�as�n
($) -]-�rrnirtiati��rt. ()�� tftie ��t� t�tc C�r�nt�� rc��i,���s C�rant�:�-s v�°rit�r:n a��p�?i�t c�n
�prans��'s �x�c�3�ite��e c>f [Trant �rnc�.��is �� d�sc��iLc�d in ��ar��ra��h ��:�) caf' tlii�
,��r��r���e�t. tF�i� t'�iE'CE�131E'.fY� ;�ill te,i�minat� a�y�t �yeic���r �iarty' ��°1II f181't 3111� �'UI'��111-
��h6s��tit�p�� QK, tl�� ckt83�r.
f�} �:��tir� .4�r�eir�ent_ Ttyi� .��r���ner�t, tn�;��lyer �a�ith �he ('arant I)c��urt��:niw. is
tl]� �r]tiC`� rt3t�iaTt�t1[ Cl� .i�r��llti�i�t �'klt���`Cw7 lFl� Gr�fl���f :enr� t ara��ec: re��r€�in� th� (ar�n�,
ll� V4`!�1 ���� �4�'�-fT'l�.�h`, tE�i� ti�,�w•�«���t h�� f���:s� d�+�y ��ce�uted �n� cieli��ee�r� h�° thc.
��'o�?e�' e�f�ic� r�; t�l�r��rt�ti� �ul�� t�Lith��n�eti ���� thc cpt��� �n� �,��i�r ��r�t ���rittcE� a�����.
�i�.;�� f�[?l�:
�'�"]_Y. Cll; M{.)'�1"1�iC'F.1.,�.I) E:C�i�'C3'�.���C.
L��.�'C�.[�F��°�.C�lT :�[.;�f�� [(.�E�I�i��.
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E:lvt�_�',qTE1� ��'�f.L1�€:�S LLC
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Title: "�+�,.�';�7a-��'_ �~� � � �'t����j�''�.� ���
���[:�:a-r�;���: �:a�N `rc�cP�.�����.��:�F�.N:�i�:���•—�r�.���rE��
?},l{t4:3^=5 � 04'1�� �'�'i �^9tl-�':1�
F��chard f'alr3�it�r. �'f��F: ��k7� �� rr��rc����tsti��� ��1�t1}c 4,rc+�a�r�}� s��ti��7�r, �xr�r�:���� �t��rc�rt fc�r
tll� ��t'�'Cc,��t�le�nt �r�je�l,
13i]C T��a�er nc��ed tl�at the �1-[��J����4� [}1`i��e;�t 5�r���� �]� �lt]��t'S�.t"4'�c1 �S(���UI�i#lC�ri, �l`�Tl 'k4'E��m C�l�
»e��� �����ar€��°��E tu�it�. T�-.�c�� ��i��z t�l��� e€�cc��ara�;�c� t)�e c�t}��r �:I]:� n1�mk��rs to �:onsi��r this
F��•�j��.t d�t�t�re��r i�rc3�r� c�thti° hc�e��ij�� �r��jects,
��t�� �-:I�� nc}tecl the� firYk d���x����1 c��»nria�rciaC d�.���.1c���n�ent aT�cl ��-�rkf��r�c �r�t��ir��-
TR,��'S�' Hl[�!� ��I�)�'FT] T�};-lLl(_l���l` ItL.�()i_[��'IC��; =L[��f�-(]7 ��;f�i)i��l��, L�Ur�I•'�'
���`LLc�i}���=.�T'� I����}��S�r� � ;-�.�riT 1viIIT�� .���_���rn�i���' �F��ELc�F����Lr�T ��rvr�
�1�B�E•: �LJ�F [�)�' TIF ,�►�;�1*,�"�1-�l"tiC'I�: T[3 F1��L r�I'�1 11��iti-1-I�IF1� F[_'.NL�I1�t� �(_.i.-�i' [?F
��+�['�.��f1C� � �°-, I�rLL �1�.'1Yf'�F{ SFC'[��I)�U `I�HL ��1f)TI{}i�, ��1�1"r�lf��! C'�lf�f�IFl7, f�-1
�:'ITEI L.�.�}l'L7� H�I.{���T �'C1T`i1�'(_i 1� ()f'I'C��IT�(.)�1 L]L�� �l'{1 �I�1-61:'VF:F[� F{.il�.
1'l�I�-�-HF.f2 II�;FC}C���1.�►T1�.}�l f�f:(i,���i[�1��"r T�E1�T'�:1L (�r11} 11°�FC�}2h�1r�TI{U�1 .�l�f��l�H�
�]FFr) F{.)f� �I'1 iL: �:I'L�.�i��-1=.f� N(7�JSIl�(-F �"1'l��L��' C't)��i�'[�F=�1'Ff7.
7_ �'�n�is3�*r�#ia�y ��` A��r�,� rn� �m��� Rusincs�s �mer�en�4�� C� r�n� :'4�rcerncnfc in th�
am����n# ot" 5� #lUil i��: �Y�;�- C`hina 13�tffe� r�f` �r�s�r,tir�ll��- I���tceh 13re���in • l+:lc��atc{1
�'4 �lfn��a, LI.C`: �,il��'s �1�ss.���; t"hin Fc�n� In�, Tne�: :�ncl ��s�nli�cell�� {'>>�rmt�er �i
C:'��mmce�e & int�ustr�� tc� r�fiti �re �f)�'fT�-19 c�anarr��ic irt� �;act�
I.la]���i Nif�ar� Tequest�� rn�� isl`� thc it�.m ��� tck k�� cc.ar��ic��:rrk� ��ri�r tu �tem b i�ue �c3
atl���i��ce o# #l�e �'fi�r�L�er �i�C'��nzr���rc:e �t t�i� ineetin�, ft�i• �tein 7.
J�n� 1"h�r�� in�ica�eci tl��t si� �r�ilt applic�t��ns ����rc r�c�i��e�i €c�e �I,e FC)t�`� �m��! 13�isirx�:ss
F.,n���-�e3�c� �ranc, � ie �7�t�.d t��t �ppli�.�tions +���yr� r��:�i��e� �►�-ic�r �c� the rriee�ine ��id ti�at
��aff re��t����ed �a��i of thcm_ �1-h�:� ����r�� �11 n�.�t�e�i as cc��i���lete suk3�rri�tals v��itli ���1� busir�css
�n�l�c:�tir��, diszress c��c F�� th�. �ancle�r,i�. Thaa-e� ���inled �4�t that i�a� I��1��Zti�ell� C:��ar�ib�r �f
C'i�mn��rt�. R In�lus�r��. �;�f�l i�:1(�), ��.-�s c�ne �[ th� ;�p��li����i�n� recei��.d ����t i�c�es nc�t
c��alife• a� a�nl�ll bu�it�e�s p�r tE�e �erret�s�k� �t tlie St�-�tL, L�titc:. tc� tlicir c�r�iLTllfsi{LLC�IL2�1
c�te�,�ry, tl�e�� �rc 1is�e�i�,ibl� for rnati� c,f� th�: ��:d�rai �r�:d �;tad� ��si�t�n�e �r���ram�, iozcludin�,
Y'�f', ���'ftarc:s noted that man}r c��� th�.ir d�i�niirt�i�er� 1��.��� �e�a� �a���elet� t�r pc�stp�tti�ed a�Y�i tY��ir
���nl��;rslis� rate� �����e ciecEir,�d r�ue tc� the ��nciernic.
A+�ar��� Anders�ri. I��rectar t�f �h� h�ni}tice[1� �C�r�mb�er �f �.c��ni7ierc� �. I�idustr��, fiirther
�€ab+�r�ted th�� th�g� �iidn'l �u�lii`�° fc�r m�n� �r��b[i� �ssista��c� pr��r�rns. Sl�e n�icd that �h�
C'�i�rrth�r h�s b�c��n e:��abfishi:� f��� TZ ���ae� �t�! is tt�nd�.c� �� per��r�� throt���i me�t��cr:�hi�
t�ue;� �nsi ��? �e�c�nl rhec�u�h �����Zts. �tte �x���ain�.c� thtit �t[1 l�r��: ���er�t� ���ere i�r��:�:1�� ����s• th�
st�rt�nier. bt�t tli�t t3ie� o4�ere �l�pef'ul �c� c€�n�iiiu� tlze �r�nua] �ca��'ti�a}�ir��is�r �ir� T�,t�r�cia��,
�c�ternber 2�, Shc n+�ted tf�at iz eaul� be de��as�atine if ti�e e��e��t ���ould k�e �a�lc:eaecf a�tid �h,at
t11��� ��•c�u��E r���.c� to c�nsid�r ��ttir��, staff to 0�71�� fYa�°e an� staff m�n1b��� em�€��`ed, SIYe
���alaine�i th�t tl�� C�h���s��r has sh�lt�d ��ars dursn�. tiic p�nde:r�nic �id has b�exY h�ldit��
a�iditic�n�l ir�eeti��� tc� �tay tune�f ���ith c�th�r I��.al Cl��mb�:r �f�ti�cs an� tY��i it ���ould b� }i�rd
L-coi�ai7�ic C��+.relc��rn�nt }1ush�}ritr� h�9inu[es lun� �4��`, �U�[� P���e ��S
t€� �o ���.r�ihisi� ���itiY or�l�� ��ne st:�ff rncri3h�r.
�31i.L T.�PT'�F�. f��1C�'4�'F.T� TQ.�YPf2�3��'� 5:��1ALL B���i;�1��� �i��1�=RCrF.:V�"�' (.;f2.+�1�T
f'�[.iF�EE.���LI�1�I�� F3F..T'�'�I:� �I-H�" F��;� :��;I�: '�IF��' �"��1�J.�"� f3i;FFE•T, LL�� R[JSTEC'Z�
RF��'4�4�"I�{�; l�.�.F�'.�JI�L•',f� �'F.I..L���;��, !_�_C�: i.II.,LS''�'+�II.���.���. Li.C:: C'�-��T� F���t!
lhr�, r\�'.; :r1�� ��C����CLLLC� [=H.�M���� (�)1= �°�)�ri�,�iER[:L Ir� -1'�F .�1�'i�L�n�'a` ��F
'��,���C� 7'�� �.�iIT�C�.-�TF: C:`(_]�'I[}-1� FCt�1�(�'�iIC' 1�=i�,���1�5� JIh�1 T}.��F�C�S(��l ��:f:[�1�1��U
Tf1E 0�1�7�I�I(]1�_ �v�[e�Tl[�!�° �c�:����rFl�. �-r�.
�. Tl�r��cirkr'� I�r ���•t
_�is71 �71�tr�'� a�r����i�i��3 tl7c' L)ir���t��r`�; f{,���c��'t �rs ii�clt«��d in xk�� 1:[):��`� :��e���.��r �t���tl_
.-��t�cltt ��l�ur��t�i�r1 ��i�i �I-]���-e� nc�t�.�i �t�tit t� ����urksBYe�� L1�.�1 ��Z��tin� ���{�ralc� c,i�tn- ��r� f���c�r�cE���-
J�u1� �'�)°'° �t �o;U }�.�ai. l�� cii�c�G;�s f31t+�� ��' �ion� +��'itt� �a elc���i� t�lt.�.tit�� i�� �i��«�;.� pt'c�[��r[�� -
{). :� ti'c�u rn
131[,I. 1�;�]'f'E-:I� �t{?�'i�:i� 1[):�1�,A��.���� 1��I�: �[1-F�INC� ,�11 kS�] I:l.�i. ()i.i,[L
�{?I�(?Ik�'H.l�-��'�]f�1�L ���'(}�;T)F,�3 Y.11i:'�1{1"l�l[i�. T��t(�l�I�lt}� t`,iR1�IF.[). 7�r),
E�c���a��i�r: ,it�i:Ckt7 I �ll]1141C1��E:1'
��il��l��?l"{:L�; TU�ti' ,�C�l. :�.{���
J�sn �1�}��r�s, Fct,nc}r�iic L�c���l��ar�t�e,t I)ir�c���r
��c�ntrmi� I]�1�lik�m�nt �1ut134�ri9x �tii7ut��; J����� "?��`-: ��Jv�l Pa{�,e fi f�
C1T�' C�F'��1�?ti'T1C'�:LL�
�'C� l'C`HER
F�1e�5� �orM�a�e�e, s��rr. c�r�d st�b�nit t� r#c�ts Pc�}�bfe 1�y i�+�e �ad� fnr� ch�c�: r�rrn.
� 9)i�h, Ck. F3�°�tch F'ay b��:
�1r�rr3e �hrn F�ng Inn, Ir�c.
+��cGr�ss I 8� �h�l�ea R��d
�ie�rir�:�s �
C'Et�:�'ST:'"Lip �'1�n�icell�, h�1hJ ��36� Sia[er�c�nt:�
Irt��nic�e �In�
D1S7'12iBUT[�}�a (}� �)CPEI��E
�1��1.�I_: � ��,t��G
_ ,..�, 7�if�2(l�L?
r�}'P�C]V��} �'1' ~v �f . DIS"['�:
f�'�►51�1 � A �i��l 1►1 �Y�'� � 1 �l.�r] �►`C�i�T��.� �� 1I�L�r',C�I ai�! ��E� �Le� �� al a!� 1 �!►� �
f`his� C�rar�t ,h�rce�r�l �.,rl��r�ert�errr"� i� �n3�i� thi��d�° t�f �..f!,�.�p - . �{}'��}_
E�et��e�r� tl�e C�i[} k?t`'��9c}i1ti�:e.C[£, �:c+���7mic. L}�.x�clo�ment :'�u�la�}risy. f� ��4chlic ha�clr� �c�ir��r5�sc: �G��
p�,ii�€�: �t��ai �,f�lita���l s��a�ii�rsi�an �,f tE:e ��a�t� c.�f� 1�9irr������ta ("C�r�rris.t3i�"L atid C"l��ri f=c,rti� [i�o�, ]�a�,
[[�f3.�: f3��t �'es��rn 9'lus C'h�lsc;,� f-I�atclJ. a:��1is�n�����t,3 ci}r�c�r�lic}�� ('�C�r�ntG�-'}.
e�. [_fra�l��ir ]iz�s Er�:�se� kt� �mal� f3usin�s:� I�em�r���n�±�� ���sist�ift� [�r�n� �'rn�r�s5t �t13�c
°'Pr�r�r-�afii`°� �n�i f}as ����rt����d �ui�elie��es fi��° t17� T'rngra�r3 (t114 �-f'rc,erair� Citakci4:�i�7��`"�,
�i. 4;��ar���� ]�as suk,i�7iste� an a���lic��[ic?�� ior ��*ta�nt {thr "Car;�n� AF�plicaRic,ri"� ���ir�tr tl��
1'ru�4rin, �[i�a,i�i�li�l��;. airid Gr�,�t��a� Ir�� �tF�pr�,���i ��,rant t� thc: Cir�inkec El] CEII� a�111+:41114 c}f �:�.{��(��� ��h�
'-(;rflr�t`-1 tc� �a� .t �x���tic�r� c}f il�� 4�}�cns�; {tlic "�3ra�it .°�cti��i;i�s"') �e��rik�ed i�� t17� �[irai�t
,���li�;�tai5��, i�� cr5i��t��tic�t� +��ith ��r�ii�t�E's hr��i;E ]r,�z�t�•�i a�� 8'� C'Iicl�ca Ro�{I i�� �I7� i,'it� c�C-
����,nti�.�:llc,, ���innesc�t� ��I�c "C�ity�`.1 '
C', Tk�c Cira7i�c�r �n� Grant�.'e ���i�h tca Ptl�ll7l}Y11I1T2 tl7e t�i-��is �t' tlic {�:a�ns i�� �liia
-��'C'C)€i.��1��C;[.1', tl�e ��etf�s a�r�� ,:ti ic,lli}�+s:
1_ �l�ht'. C7Cxlllk :�I11C}41f11, �{��Mll'C1, l�� thc tent�� ti�t�tl7i� .�4�.re�c�ti3c�yt. the I'rc�er�m E���i�i�lii���.
�i�� t17� (;ra�it .'I��licatit�n �i4i�.�thcr�. Cf�e ".�ir�nC l�ir����n��nl�`�j. (ieanit�r akr��.; tt� �rari4 ��i Cir;ri�t�.� thi:
4LIIT1 L)C tl�'� [Il(1lJS��11[I :�a�� ��t?: I�a�i�fr� 11�;91,�rs {.�y?_{1i�6?�� �I�fi� ��r-{u�s utfl h� p��Rc� h�� (.�r�r�t�irtr� [;ra��t��
��t�r il�� C;r��3t �ctit i4i�s aY���a�c�e°e� �rntl��r ��7� (�ran� �k}�trrri�r�ts iiti ac cc,r,Jancc xr��4t17 `��ctic}�q ? 1�4c-c���.
i. 1'a, iro�en� <a6{�r�na I'e�,�4441�_
(��} 1'he {=�rarf[ k�,•ill �+� ��id t�n Csrai3t�� on �c�:i�eci�t�a�w �+°itf7 tl�e terr��� d7i�d
ct,r�diti��rj�s ot� tEi� Cirai�t L�crc4�m�iits, Thc C�r�r�t�� a�t•ees ����t �no cu�:Aw ��f thti� (�.�r;ir�4
�ctiritics �xcc�:ciin� �h� a,i7t�ur�� tn [�e S��ici iin�ier ti�ds ;lc��c�ner�t z�r�: tf7e sc�l� r�s�ai�nsihilit��
o�`�I�e G���nte�.
lh} `�'9�c [;r;�nt���r x�i�E p�} a��e C.i�-tint s�� C�r�i��t�e t�admce €�ye �Cirai7t��r laaw G-�:�ei���
f6'l5!]1 ��]'JE1tCC. 4'e ll�ll}lal �:.��4f114 �[.] I.�I'�[1�i31'_ fl St�;t��l� 4"L1F}�,' Clj I�ItS l�LT��TTll9]l.
�_ f�e��e����tiMii�}ns t�ncl 1�1'�rra�titt�s. Cir��s�tee re�rrescnt� a�7d ti��arr�nts t� � ird��tc�r tha�;
{��9 C.;ra��l+:�: is au�l�crs�iz�l ta s��r�. cieli���r, �rt� perf��7tti �l�i� .A�z�c4r,i�r'�i ��n� �r,
��cei+��� t17e �r�a��t !'���77 Graiilc}r.
{k�) {.ar��nle�e a�;r�+;� �hat i� r��ill ��ep aair� it'raint;�in lx�c�ks. r��4}rr��, anci ;7�I�rr
��rscum���i� re1:�tii��, dil�ec�l�° to ih� �i��i�rt ari� �a��ment �rd� (_ie�r�i �,r�nce�d� ����1 [17at �n�
tuilh��eizeif repre��i��ati��� t-�f� Gr�r�ta�r. xw�il7 r�as��n�bae aiiv;sr�ee rti��tic�e, �t�a;�= k�ae�� ;�cc�ss tc�
ar7d t6�� riishs I�.x iw����cs. co��, audi�. �nc� �x����ir7�: all s���l� b�7t7ks. e��ur�is. ad�d utlt�r
�ia.�tumcnss �:�f �C.ieai��eu i��l�t�d t� tly� {�r;�a�t ��n�i1 +C�l-;ii1t�� pei}x�ic�e� it� fi��al r���i�i� t�r C�ra��tc}r,
[�1 �fi7 tl7c. L,e�� nf�Cirante���; I�nc?xalc�i��. (�rai�sc�: ]���� fuil�� �4�,�,��ii�,� }�itl� z�ll
a��licak�le state I�isa�;� ���asc�a��bi� rcle}����t t� tiiis .��r�err�e,a�[ 6�ncl }��iil �i�a�[in��� s�} ct}iz�p��
tfr�x��u�}�c�ul ih� Aer�r� {7f Ef115 .��[��9t71;17�- II c�[ ;irt�� Iniie (_i���n�ee r�:c�i���s rtt�ti�� �f�
nc�neonipli�ly��� f-rc,iti7 �nt�` ��wk�c�nrrr�n���l e;ntEt�`. t1r�rlt�e s�rees t�, t:��'c ,irx�� n�ccsw:Gra� ��.[icri�
t�� �:c?m�[} ��.�iilj lh� ��t�ie I��a�� ia� qu��dii���_ .
fci] �.ir��nlee +��i�l us� tiye }�rtrci�c�s �.�1 �h� [sr��nT in��e h�� �ir�intc�r ��r�i�� t'i�r 1��r
Ci���i�t .�rti��iti�r;, ����1 ���itliin �+�1 ctatis �E`t�r tlme d�t� 4�f` thi� ��rcert�c��1, C�rar�t�� x+ill �rc}��id�
[�� �,r,��7[t}r i�i ��ri�in� � brief s�e�a�rt {�i}:� tlr� �.�art��l� iil�l�fd�c� tn 1�7c (�rt�iit ��r�?li+crztir�s3)-
st,«i��� lyc��e� x�ff ��t- Elae �raotit func�� h;�� � k���� �i�eci �ari�i �i°4�x idir7� e+��idertc� iri tli� fcteni i,i'
�131i� 111�{]Ei4ti. !;1;�l�:rti7�nl;�a e}r aimil6�r,
�. �ca f3usinc�s �uhwic��_ 11i�. �?;.�rti�� ��r�c that tl�� C�raa�t i� ft4�t a Ew�ksiatiess �uh�idt� ;a�
�I�fis3c�c! in ��1in�7caoA:� �t:�tu��.s. `�ects��i�.� l 16_I.t)�.� tia l Ib_f_+�95. a� aa,�rncleti �117� "E3���:i��cs� 5t��sid�
r�i'�'�1. ht'i;�us'tf7� 3��i�t�t�7c�' i� ir� ;�ii tims:rtlrsl I�s4 i17:�o� Sl:�{?.{lU�,
5. [rlc��«�r7iti�;s�i�r��
�a} �[ii��nt�� ��re�s tc7 itrc�ertt��il��� ;��airist �i�cl ta, I��alcl [ar���c�r, e�rici il.� c,i`iG�:�r�.
a��rits, ��f�l t�n�Ica���L�. h�rmlrss �.�I' an� fr����i an} �rr�i {11f littt+ilit�_ 14,�s_ �ar dae��a�� tlia� it
En�� incur �mc���r crr ��� re���:�i�n c,f thi� .�l�r�cn��i7t_ t��7�1 i�f x���ii t'i�r,m ;Eir�,� a��d aEl rl��i�rt� ;.�,i�l
i�ei77��3cis t+.l�atwtire�•�r tl�ai a��3+,� k�� u��;�r��� ,�t���rtist ( �rsanlc�e b� i�etsc�r� c}I' ,�«� �~�16�:�c.Ei
�ip�li�;;�tit,ns ;�r ���ici�r�,a�,in�� ��rr its p�M�1 Lt; }�rl��rr�r crr c�iscliar�,e ari�� n�� al�e t�:rms. c4,�°�r��i�ts.
or ��rct.m�i�a� c�n�ai�7e� I��.reir�.
qis) -I-his ir1€iei�ia3iticatinn an�d hs�lc� 17�rinl��; ��a�r�t i�i43n aa�ill �ur�°i��� t17� rx«�,ti�}n,
�eli�er��, a�tid ��erft�rrrt�rtc4 n!-�Iti; ai�r4�rn�:n� ��r��i tl7t ����,�raiwni �ti (=rr�nSi}r c�fi;�nk �t��rii�}n c�1'
t17� Cfr�u7t, �
(c�p Nc�ti7in� in l��ia ,4�r�cin��tit �kill i:t����tit��1� si �x°L�itcr �f`E�'• limi�t�iic}a� �}n t�i���
1�1�11174k�llti� �1'(i171 l�J' �Illlll.it��7n i�a� li.l�li�ltl �t3 ���fllCfY �f'dllyC�� ]S �IlI1CI�i� LIJ7�C3' ��;�.
f�, ���liwcellr�nei�uw�
[aj 41'��iti�r. Thi p�rl�snn��n�� �r i�k�ti�n�a�rr� r�f' �r�� �rc�miw� �rr �i5��ili�iun ��e
i�rtli ii3 �I�is :�44ee�m�nt mar- b� }a��t�i�°ei�. 7i���nc�l��. �r onoc�ifi�� ��nl� �r� 2l S4'F1C111� �i�n�d ��
C��r�rr�e� �irci Ce�°���t���r. ?�st� d�lae� irt t17� �x�rli�i� t7t-1�7t F�sc�����r, ri�.ht, c�r rc�r7e�l� €���c���t�_w �s �
�k�tsix �r th4r�:cr�'. nc,r:�h�l1 �a�r� sin�le c�r p�artitsl �.x�rc:isc r�1's�r��� u1li�r �rr�}�at. rii:�ht, �>r r��,rc�i�.
(�i1 A�.ai�s��r7�n�_ T'his A�rc.�rnerrt i� hiri�iia�� u��c,n tl�� �,ai�ti�s_ ,�ll i�i�f�ts �.n�i
}x��+�rs s}�sec9f�c�11} c�i�i�rr�� u�nrt Cdrai�icrr r���� 4�c 4�-�nw��rrc�� �]r cfcl���tc� h�� (;rartanr �c�
�in�, �f� its successa,��� tartic� t�ssi4ns. (.ir{�nte�'s ri�*�ts ��n�i �?bli�ai�ic�n�: ur��E�r Ihis ,A�r�ern�r�t anar
��: �ssi�n�d +�nfx� ►����c�n sta�:�3 ��ssi�tlpt�er�� is ap�rn��ec� �n xvriiin� �r�' �Grt�n���r,
f�? Cic�r�e:ra�i���� L�v��_ `I�Iti€s r'��i�e�'n�ril is ni��i� �nc� s1��Cl be �.a��eeryed irr �IC
r�:sp�+�ts �+.� tlte Ca+��� ��ai-tf�c kea�c c�t' h�ii�yiyeso�a, Ar��� d�spu��s_ eni7tr�����i�ies, rrr �i4{iai,s �rasin,�
nut c�t' Il�is .�t�����>mer-at sl�s�il kse he�rd in �@�e stat� a�r i��1�r�E ����,r'ls ��9' ?�9io�nc��#a. ai��f all
�anies t� d�is ,A�o�eei7°��e��t a+��air��e an�� 43E�jcctic,n ao �he �uri�dirtii�rl c�f� tf�e�� �.�rurts. �.��hcth�r
�as�d �It �c�litk�tSi�nC� C�r+;ti[Jlcrkw`is�,
�d) :�e��r���iilil��, ]f ;.�ny� pro��rsi€+.n s�r ���alicatio�� c�F' t��� ,q��r�em�nt is hi:Icl
unl�Lx�f��� ��r unenfor�cea�le ir� ����' rv.sp�.�:l. s�c�w iilG�a�li[�� or uneo�fc�rce�bili�e�° sf7�ll nc~r� afi'�c�
�atftier pm��i�inrrs c��- �P�li+�atic�i�� i.17�31 �an b� �iven �f�t��;t, ai�s� [�i� ,�1�rctmen� �11�C1 �ie
cc�nsii�:E�ci �� if� ta�� u��i�a��fLil c�ar un�nt��scca'�I� �rc�visie�n or �pplicatin�� h�d ia����r ��en
car�tairi�.d htr�in {,r �are��rih�c� hcr�b�.
[�j ?Vr��i�.�. .:�II ����ti�e� ���;q�irc�ci hcreaan�e� s�r��ll' lte �ix�en by d,ep�c�s€tit��; i�� �Nre
1:.5. irf�,til, pc�s���� �rcpeMici. c�:rt�licci inail. r�tuE�rr rec�e�at r�c�u�sie�l, 1c� tlic fic�Pl�};i�7�
i1L�t�f�w.5�5 (i�T Si](:�l OlI]�J" ai�C�l'�SS�� dS �i[ft�r �j�CCk� Iri��,� ��,ti¢'�� t�e ��t17ci��;
�'ta Crantt}r; L`i�}� of h��Io��ti�celf� T:�:nn�airi i� fle��el�rp�n�n,t r�ull7c?�it}:
5�}:� 1l`alnus �ti�ct. 5�a'rt�: ]
C'i��� �ot� h�9or�tic�e�lc�.'�11J 553C��
+�tie7; Jim Th�et��. L:�ecaitio°�. Uie�ector
-��o C',ran�e�c= (-'Ir i�ti f��n�. Irti�, Illl, � C�F�I�; F��`�I �r��L'SIE.'F�Y ��I415 C'�1CIS�i9 } IL}C�`I�
�9 C'I��Nw�;� I�tt�yci
����i�tii;ell�,. 11TV 5���a�'
,�tti�e �•9�ri,3nr�s� l�frs�u��
(fj ���c.rinii�t�ti��», t?i� th� d�te tl�� C;rsi�tc�r r������e� �irant�e'� wri[t�rt r��,��rl �xn
{ie�n��e'� e���e���litu�°e t�i Cirs��ryt �rcr�ci:�ts �s d,�scrib�� in para�raph 3(t� c�i` thi�
���re��nrn�, tl�is �'1�r+�cmc�t ti+�ilE termiriat� �i�d rt�it1�ep� E��rt�� ���iIE kyt�tt�e �i��° dlir�l��t�
af?]i�ati�a�ti ti� ���e c�t��er.
��1 Fr�tire .���r��ei��e��t_ This ,��r��an�.nt., Ec,�t�h�r e��ith th� tarant ��c�+�um��,t;. iti
tEre �ntire stateir7cr�d �f ��re���ae��t hrt�+•tei� tl3a� [=�r�n�;:ar �iR(� �.l�'�Fli�i� ]���ifC�lll�! RFi�L Gf�i�Yi,
IN '�'�°'I�-N�:�:� '��`1 �9�:E�FaC)1�, lhi� A��r��menl �as ba.5i:n duy�' ��eesit�:ci �.nci d�liv�:r�� i�} Ep3e
prcap�r ��t`fi��rs tlt��'�ut1�� �1u1�° €�utl�nrize� ia� ��� �iay� anc� y���r l3r�t }�7�tt�:n ����^���.
c��'v ��' �c:�r�r.[,�c.'��.i.T.c�� r�.��c��c���i�c'
r����,I�c��r���t�rl' !��TiI�c����E �`
� �, � F .
H r ����_
lts ' �'i�cnt
�3�': C.'� -
Its f:x c; i��c �ire�tnr
ps[�'�ATI,��r �}.�►C;� '�c7 C;R�tN`r �r;[�i�.r�_�� �:N°i° .. GRr�I�T�[��
C'f{flwl 1'(�1��v 1NN. ]��C'. �[)�,�: B��T 1�1`1-:��[�l��l��;
�I_l.s�; C'IiE�.��t,� F-f�:)�'F'I-1
r, . ,.
�3x - �`— �
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ti + "-}
�it��_ �t,+ . i.� .
as�c��:kr� r�� �;���.•rc���.�►�r:���ee����r-r�.���TF:��
: ;;�, k=, � �t�i �.�� a�,�,- ��
i�ic h�zr;J I��I�r��ler. �"1iRL: ttnd a r�p��•e���at�ti��� c�l`�h� �r��p�.rt�� ���� ���r, exjsr�s�e�i su�r�c�rt fc�r
t�i� de���l���ar�etit �r���ct.
Bill T��+�er ric�t�:cl th�l [he �rc�pc�sc� �ec}�ecl ser�•�s a�t u�d�'-�eet-e�i pop��f�ti��n, ��-�c� {��it}t t�a��
ne�t �a���ror �.°�d uni��. Tr�c�- �-�in� al�c� encc��r���:d ttae c�t�er EI3�1 �n���h�r� t� ��o}.�id��- �l�f�
�ar�.ject �if��ren� !'roe�� ot�i�r �,i�u�ira� proF�cts.
Th� FL}A ���st�� ti�e link �et�����r� �omi�i�er�i�l �1��`�:lo�men[ �a�d ���c�r�f'�re,� hc�u�i�1�.
T�:�C"�' l�l�l�'.�1(-)'4'�.f.} T�C3.�LL}(}f'T ]�F�(�L.l1'�l�li}1� ��?�l?f1,(17 �'Vi�{�i�.4I1�'�r ��[.,�!°.l�l.
�3i�1�'1:LC)I'?�'1F1�7"� �'f�(.�NC)�EI� �:�-�_�� �' �..l�1TC` ,�`4T';1�'Tf��l�1��I� I�F�'Fi.�}i'1��1�[��I� �l�?f}
���3�� ����: �-�f "[`�F ��:�I��r.a1�c:'F Tc� ��i��. �ri iI�F1�Ti1�iL� �-�.�TT���t� �;:��,1� c�l�
���3(),�l(}() i °°_. L31Li. �I-��!']�Ff� ��C'�1�E��:[7 TFIF ��1t=1�1 1(_��1. ��{}TZ(�I� ��-1F�1�1fWd�. fp-1
��4-iTF! �.LU1'L� HfI.Cr_�R.T �'[�7�]�I�VC; Ii�; {)f'd'�151��I'i�)� I)[�� T(� �T�i�. �VL•'��1� I-'()r�
F[.:F�,TIILF� 1��-'�)fti�1.�TTC1`�� I�LCa.FiF�I�i�CJ ��'1�,r'I���iI. ���' i�f(�)I�RI:1�!-[f)�l .��L)'il-i�
�L.LL9 f�()E� Ti-�F: [.'T'I).�l'I'L:I� ����JSI1�C; ��I`i.iL�1' ['�?�:iT'T Ei'�E�.
�'onsicier�t���n vf � ra��rn Sm.�ll f3��sines� F`m�r cn�• �r�n# .� r�c�ncn�s ir� tl�e
amc�unt r�fS� ��Ff1 �o. �`�+�• �'hi�� I�ui"fct of �'�c�ntic��Ic�• I�u�f�eh lirrer•�n •� le►�atec!
4�'�l[n�a� I�L�'� Lil�'� i'��I���� �• C"lyiu Fc�n I�n in�.� and i��ir�nteccll� �'hart���cr ��i
�'d►m�rt��r�e � In�lr��t�� t� miti�fite C:f}'4�'lil=19_economic int�,�cC�
1.1k���� f[i14F�xa�t r�:c�llL;'��L� ]T747t'1k�1� th� it�.iYS up la] h� �.�}�7s�:��:r��1 �aric�r �[� itert� E� �t�c to
al[enc�ai�c� c�ftltc ��h�ml��r �#�C'�tnn��rce �t lhe i�ieeti�i� f�r l«n1 7.
Jir�� "i��7ar�s i�t�iacatecf ti�at six �;r•��� ap�p�ic��iv�7s v��cr�: r�c:�i�Fec� Far tl�c �:1�:��1'� �zalala F�usiness
f;rt��r�;en��- �ran#. �c� rrc�ie� tJtiat �,�p�ic�ti�n� ��s�re �-��ei��ec1 pri�r to tit� meetin� ��ld tllat
�t�l'f re�� i�}��e� �ac� c�#' �]-Me�n, T�Y��� ���cr� �11 ra�a��d �s �c�rr�pl�tc su�mil�als ����ti� eacfi b�si�le;;�
indic�ztit}�. �iistr�*�s �ue �v t.l�e p���dem:ic. Thar�s p�inte� ��u� �Fit�t �t�e �,�I�nticella C:han�hea- c�f
C�c�rrir7�erc�: �' Ins�u�dr��, � 5[�1 f.�}(6), ���a� ���a� t�f the t°�p��Ecati��ns �-��ei��ed aricl �c��.s nc��
��ra7lii�� a� ��]��a�f baasiness per th� S�tr�tar�� at t�7� ��atc. I"�u� ta t}�eir �r�ar�i��ti����l
�����c}r}�. t����� �re i�3c�li�.i�ee i�;�r �x��n�� ���the l��.dc:r�] aa��i �#ate ���si�tt�nc� �arc��rai,l�, ia�c]u�id�Y�,
@�'P. �'has�es r�ot�d th��t m�n}` O��f}1�1P �1.117C�ie11S�C� I�;i4'� �}��Il Ca1Y�Cl�L'� l]r �7[)4t�C]fl�i� �110E ��10E1'
rnen7bershi� ra�es ha��e declined �ue tc� thr� p�nr�em�c.
��1�rc�� ��►nci�r�c��i, l�irector c�f th� �iun�i�.�llc� �"h��ber of�:omr,t�'r�:� �4c Trrdustr��} fia�rt�y��
���bar�tec� t31�t th��� didr}`t c-��a[ii�� f c��- m�i1}� public assi�t�n�:� ��-r�,�r�ins, �f�e t�atc�f th�z tE�e
C'h�a�-nh�r ha� b�en cstt�bii:�hed �i��� 72 ��ear� �ti�3 is fi�r�d�:�i �(} �erce�t thr��a�� rr�e:mher�h�}��
dues a�d J4 p����en[ thT��u�h e��enRs, She tx�l�ir���f ihal �I1 la���e ����n�s ���+�r� cane:ele�f f�}r t�z�
suir�rr�er, but th�t th��� �4�er� ho��eful to ��nti�u�: tl�� �n���al �.€�li' futtc�raiscr �n Thur��ia��,
Se�ternb�� 2�. �l�e ��c�[�d thmt i# r:��ld b� d���a:;t�►��n� if'th� e�,�er�t ���c�ul�f k��e c.����eled and tfi�t
�hc� ��°c�u1�E ne��i tc} �onsicier clytt'rn� staft`tc� ci���}� ha��e o�ie �taf� mernher em�lc���e€�, She
ex�laan�� th�t tlle CY�art��er h�s shiit�d ��ar� �ur�n�. t�i� pandem�c an�i ha� �een h�ldrn�
�ciciilic�nal m�etiii�� to �ta�° tunetl ���izh t��her l�cal C:harr�l�er c�ff�ice� a��d t�a# i� ���r�uld �� harcl
��un�arnic C1it`i�i.]�P7p�13f ,�UCIIUCItL' I�'Illill6L'S - fLl17E '3;��1i, �{J�{� F'c��� 5 6
tcr �ic� �a�en��tf�in�. �w°itl� c�ni}� c�t��. sta��'m�k�lk}er.
F3Ii�L T'z"�f'�"�lF� 1��t�1���:U �I�[) ��F'C�F�[���°'f: �;1���.��,L �CJ�lN�:�� F:��[�1�Cr��lC'�'' �Ci�.��I�I�I�
��►+(=a��;�l��1F�T� 1���! �'�°��.:�.1�! T�i� �.I�.�� :1�17: NC1��' �Hl1�1,�, �'iL��;f�"��I�, I.i.C': F�.L'��I��;C'H
LiRL-'�i l'��'r: EI.��;�'.A�rf:1J'�'���LL�IE:�S, I.ia�'; LILI_.�"S� ��?►S`,�'r�i.�lv_ I.I,�:': �'�iIl� f'"C�'�!C'r
II��1, 2`kI�C',: ;1i�lL7 ��i��TT1C:�LL(� CH:�;��1�3�I� (]F �'t]Mt��il_l�C'F f'V TFi� .�l��1C�[11�lT (�T`
�s.��o� Tc� r+r�l�rrc�.�TL. C�c����i�-e� L:�c��ca����C: ii��P.a��'i�s..�r�t D:�►���7����� �F�'�N���
`FI�E A�C��]'I{7�1. �,�f€�7°l�Ut�l C.�f�C�TL.U. 7-{�_
,�. 1�►ir�ets,r°, ]�i c��-t
.�in� [ E���r�; �a�-�r}�icieci t�i+� L)i�-�ctc�e'� 1i���u��t �s ie,cl�.�c�e�d �n th�. E=.1).�'� ���t�iltl �att��:��.
.�1,c��.c1� ��I��uola�nt� r���,� TI�{�r�s ����eci t]�E�t � ����rksf�c�p f�I��, ��7eetin�. }��c>�al�i ��c�:��r ���� R1i+n�tt� ,
.fiut� �'�J`�, s�t �; +�} �_�ta_ lc� cii*�t��� l.�l�x�k �� aic�n� �� ith a ��ca�ecl e��rctin�. �f� :fi.�c�iss �rc���rt}� -
tl�Ljlll�]�iL?11, i
�)_ :1ci.j�urr�
.��aL� l:�lf'€'i=.R �1�}�+,L.1� ��-{} :�.i�J4�L�12'�i �i-HF 11IEC�1'1''�iCr :�'�.]- €�:1 ] .�,��1. (}I.7.IF
K{_}i�L)1'['�I_��f�-!�'�'I [1-l�F: �;�=�'i-}�6T)�:Ll �l'�I� ��t[_iTl��1�1. �'�C)��I{)`v` (�"z�f�l�IL-:I), 7-��.
�ie��x�-�3�r: ,It]L'[ti�1 ����ZUII�IIC�C1'
.�'1��rt����41, .ft�E�� Rtll. �U?�1
�in1 -�"]��res, �C4rnLiIllIC I)1:�.���C1�]171�L111 rJl3�tCtllj.
Ecc�n[arr}ic Uek c li,�am�nt ���,[hc�rit� h�iir�ut�s — Junc ?-�"', '���?[J P��v� f� I G
+C!'�'Y �F 13€]]1lTICELL[�
�'{� l� �'Jl� r; l�
f'leosr ca�rrr�af€Ce. s�ra, c�rrd �ubrr�Ft t� Acrtk PnyQbde by� due dc�r.e f�ir r��'rk a-�,r�.
hlew �hina Buff�t of Monticello
�,��� '�$��f ��f�E�
C°it���ST'°�iF� �lortt���ll�, IV1'�l ����2
� �Jisb, �k;. B�[i;h P�t�� E����
I�a� c,acc �1€�
�II��I�R113t:'�I(l� {)F �?CPF'f��F:
T(7T.�1_� � ��.�][?G�
rtr�i}itr�v� -y . � -, - ut����: 7#11����
S�'I�#Ll.r �US[]1iE�S EM�Fi,(��:��!r' t���I��`AN�E C:FRAI�"'I' A���:.�'��IE�T'I"
���i�is tar�nt .��reerri�nt (..1'1z4=ree�T7ei�t") i� n��t�e tl�'s��� �9' '�+� ? )�{�.
��'L�..i. �
het}���r� tlre C'is} ��1''��9c,ntice�lia f?�c�rr�r�oic �er°el��prtter�t �'�4�Il��ri�r��. a�r��hlic h���� c��r���g�:tte an�i
��s7liAic �rid pn�iti�:al s�rhdi}iwii:}�� �,I`th�. *�tate c,f �,qir�nesola (.�C�rae�tc��"'}, �nd Ne:�r C'17itt� T3�,f�i:r �?i'
!���nrti�ic�ll�]. ti i�4inri��4-�ta s,�le JtrtS��ei�lc#rstti�s �"(�E�.°�nte�"}_
:�_ �r�m���e h,t� .re.1;�d its :�r���lf Rusii�cs� [��rt�er•k.en�� .=1s::is�anc�. Cir�uy� !'r�,�rr,�r� i.Flie
,.1}ixa�rim�-j �nci 17a� <<��r�ii►�ed �uic�c`En�s d'c7r �1�� ]'�°����t�tai� {91�� "'E'rt}ir��7� (iui�i�littc�"�_
f�, Gr�nae� I�ats �u3��r�itic:c� ��n �zp�fic.atic,n ti�r � �r�n� �dh� `�Cara��t ,�p�[�r.itti���t"j ��n�ii;r tl��
Prc��r�irr, C.i4iideliries, �rtc� ��ranic�e I�a, ap�>rov�� ��r�rr� tcr sh� CTr;�nt�� in tli� �it7c�«�ji cai' S�.f�{l{] ��l�e
..Carai�t"� [t� �.�}� � p4�rticsn t�t- �l�t ex��ns�: (th� -'(ir�n� ,��wi��i�i�.�"`� cEesteikrcd i�� �11� (lr;�nt
.��a�lic,�sis�7n. ii� �cn��necEit�n a��iih �e�ente�'� re.st�urart lif�at�ii ��t t�;C�] �`�d{�r �tre�t i� �l,.c C:i:� ����
'�'�c�iqti��lEai,'��1ii�n�;;t�la (i17e "C'�t+..,j -
C', �1�1�� f;r��n[�ar ;�i�� �ar��n��ti a�,i�f� st+ �ncor„�ri��lirc t17� terir7s t��' �Iti� C.�rtant in tl�is
,-�.C.'L:"�[}f�Tll�lC�I.�`, ti�c p;k�ti�s a�,ree a; ?i�Jli�e�s,-
l. �I-f7� t�r;��il ���mc�4��iR. ��abje�.t t4� tl�� iei7rr� �-,i'1}ia� ���r�cmeE�t, the B'ro����riti CkiricicJincs.
z���il �fi�: [:�r;�n[ ,�1�+�l:ic;rti�n �t���thee�, tl�� "(�r,f�7l f ���cuin��ntw.,j_ i;i�;�rr�cir ��ax���; ��} ��-{�i�i tc� �irai7t�� tf7c
SUITi C7� fl�°� CI1CrLlSallf� �E1�'I f1d�:�I ��iliS ��[7I7iMrs ��*,ii41{l�_ Tl7e ('re�i�� �,�ilf k��: p�i�.f k+} (�rant�,i� tq, C:�r;�r�t�:c
l4,i° tlrc C�r�ee� ,•��:tivit�es a�a�r�i�°c�f ur7��r ih� Car{ir�� l�4}ctaiil�r�i� ii� ��.ct�r�Jsrti�4 r� i�13 ��cli�7n � h���ec,t�.
�. ��91`I71�CM1 4Tf (.]F�11C �}I'Cii��i��_
(1j [-]re C�i{�i�t �oill he �d�ic� t� �C.ira��tc� i�i �cc{,rc�sm�� �.iith, tl7i; t�ri7ts ru3d
�d�iac�i[ic;}ns c,l. [ht (;�r��i�t 1)irc�rm�r�t�,. TF�� (a�r;�3��c� {a��rc��.s tl7at ad�� �15�t�. c,i� �Fi� (;e��n�
r��;ti��i[i�� e�cc��ii���? t�7�; ;��1t�:r��n� t�� h� �+t;i�i �r��d�r this ,�+.�rce�r7crtt i�r� th� ti�'�4 f4'SP�,nsik�ilit�
c�l`�lye {irar�t��.
�t�} �]�f7e. t;r�n�ite ��ill }��r� thi. f�rtiejt t€� {;r�cti��� iirr�e tfti� �r���t��e 1�a� �ec�at��e:�
�i�c,n, ���r,3nt�w, ���it17��uC exr��r��� t�r Cira�itc�r, 8�i�n��i c����<�}i;if7is ,-'1���e�i77�nt.
3_ �te�rs;s�:�7[ua ic�ns �nd '��4'arra�nti�s. Cirart��� re�are;��o�ts ancl ����erants �c� [_ar��nto� th�Et_
{�1 �.;raritee is �t,tt���eir�� �t, :,i���. c6eliver. �n� �erfc�o�rr} tl�i� ,�.�r���s�en� and sc7
r�c.ei�� t��e (;r��rs irc,r.� ��ran��}f,
(�SI {�r�i7tee a�r�es tl7dt i� +ei�J k���� i;nd i�i�intain ts��cs}:s. i�e�c�rds_ a��d [.3�]iCl"
dncus�7�nts rel�ti7�� dir��Sl;� lc� [F�c. eeceipt and p���i��ef�t �c�t� C;r�i�rt �i�x:��ci� �,n�J l�ial ���7�•
��atli�ri��.d r-��Q��c�nt�ti��c c�f C��E;Mnsc�r. k� �th r�:�,��ttahle ��fk�;�n�:e i]ilI1C�. J71��' �13V� :��,�c�:� Eu
�i�t�i Ilti� ri�J7l 0.o irt��ec�. c�,p_��. a��tjit_ aa�� �:�;�aniin� tiill w�ir.h l�t�n�*�_ re�c'�rri�. tanci r��her
�i��c�am�nt� �,t`Gr:�r7te� r�lat�� so Ili� ��r�t»[ unti� Cieattitee �ri5��itl�� isa fir�:tl e��c�r� t4� C;�����r_
��e) 7-o t��e k��st ��f €�r;�ralt��s knc3e��l���,e_ �Cir�rt�e� fr�s i'��II} cc�n7pli�d ���il�a ;�I�
;��E�li��krl� st�le �:i}�w re�s�E�ahl±�� i��leti����t ta� tl1i� �1�r�:cm�:itit ��d �ai[1'i�r�tinu� ��7 +cc�tii��l�°
lhr���s�d��'4�l R�e t�rrt� c�t� ilri� }1��;r���tns� IP' �[ �i��� �i«3L C�.`��1f�� r������•�s r�nticC r>t.
i�ntti�.�,r�f�,Ct�n�� I'�ca��i 3e�;' �?t7L��Ct1371�ti18� ej7tit�. C;rz�nict.° a�����s to t�k� a��^. e��������rr actin�3
I�., �cin�plr x+ ith the state ]ar�,� in yu��ticm,
(ci) {ar;u�t�:� �k•ill use ti�e �r�,'�ctec�w ��f lhe [ar:�nt ���adc 4�� C��-ansc,r cu�:�� fc,i� th�e
(.irant �1,��i��iti�w. a:s� kw°itliira 6L� c�f�p�s ��f[er �Rl�. da�� ��i El9i;; ;'1L�r���rr±�iis, (ar�nte� t+��ill �rrc���i�i�:
tc� [�r�nlcrr in �� ritin� ;� b�'i�f- re��rrrrt (,1��� �It� �xarx��l�• i��c� 14;�ieii �r� tlie LF]'3Glt r'��7�7I1L;alll4�?J],�,
ss�itin� I7�rt�� �11 c73� tlr� �;�ran3 liae�c�s ��,,.t{ k�e�n us��i �r7d t ri�+� it�in�` 4��1ti�:i7C�. in the ?f5r�� f�i"
��id i�rt isic��, s[��1�men�s. �rr sii�7il�r.
�_ 1�"�, 13�is�n�s� �4GL�sic1��, �177e }?:��'tie� ��.�-�� �fF�s th� (.;r��nt «�tic}� tt h�sine.� suk�,i��k ���
[9cfin��i in ��1ii�nes4�tt� �[atut��, S���ic�n:s I ifi,�,�9�3 �cr' a 1 ErJ.9�);� �_� ai�t�rtd�c� (sf�c "E�usinc:�.s Suhsici�
Act"}, laE��u�� li3r� i�ssi�:l,�n4� is in tarj �rnn�E€�t l�ss �I�arr "�I ��}.�}�dl,.
5: i���ir�t��tili�:,riicrn,
��] �i[':lJ1C�� 3��C�Cti [�1 IIl[.jl:lll�l�� e!'4i31it��l `siYl� T4? �lll�� �11'�Il[il�`. ��li� I[ti [}j�QkCl'C'�,
��i,r�s, s3rtci ��a��lcr�cew, h���rnil��� C?� :�Il� �C't�l1l :i1"S�,' �;311r� �Il lii�k+ilisr�, Ic��s. c�r c1�iTt�t�� .l�a� i�
ai,kn ii��4Gi� �ani�s:r ��r l,e �°���c�rt clf iafi� F��r�cni�iit. ��«ci c�l� t�r�ci ri�r���7 artr� ai��f �II clamm�. ,�.,ci
c�cmar7d� ��I�atsit4x��r �l�a�s maM} l}c ik���.rt��i a��rir��� C;rsiftb�r ho r��sisa� iwl� tonk �II�����
til7l�s�i[�i�.�113 L?f URa�i;i1#i�:lll�� �?tl �t5 �]1f"l t47 �]�I'tCinTl cJ� �II.S��:�I"�4 �1]]� L�I lll�. lCi'ii7�. �t?l �:ai�l�it�_
C�l' ��L"l�Cl:lll�.tl[� E[111I�tI11tc� �lt'Y�1R,
(hl -a�his �r�da����rbiiicatiaras �r�rtl lacFld h��iTnl��� pa�i�x�isi��r3;��ill s�ar�•i�°e. �lai �xrcu�i���a,
C��II�'�C1�, :l��c� �7CCIfA�It�;;1i144 l?� [I�kS �+1�rt�meeyt a'1l7� k�12 I7�1�'113Cri[ f'+k' Cri'�itiic)C i1�11�� �lFCka�171 ;;f,
tli� (:�r;�nC.
[ti} ?V4}lhin� irr ¢his ,�,�r�:�:ati3�n� }��i]! c�n�tit�itE � ti���ix�r� �r c,�� liir7it3�it�ir {�ra �m�
i�r�i7i��anrtt EPa�ra or lia��ir.ati��r� nn li�hilit� �� kaEbicE� ��r�i��w�: is �i�titleci �ei�c��r [ic���_ �
�i. 1��1ist��lancrau�,
(�) 1?�°'ai�°�r, -f`a�� �ert��nxrd3o3ce or- r��us�r� ance of� a���� prnini�e nr �t�n�iti<+�f ��l
fui�h iaa shi� :'1tre�i���i7t ma�� �,� �ti�aived, �r-nei�ded. �-,r �r7i�c�if�e� t�r�l}� �} � ���ritint�� �i�riecl b};
{�Yurr��� aan{1 ��r�naor, ',tic.r r��lt��.� ir� sh� �xe��.i�c: t�f�n}� pc]ke��r. ri�l�t, �r r+��r�e�i�� t}E>ei•at�s aw a
1°��'s#Ik'4i lll�ll'{lt. !7(}f `:hall a9��� siil�f,e c�r p:�rtial e�e��ci�;e n���n�° c�tft�r ��,�?k��c.r, ri�.N�t, r��• r��r7�d��_
i��1 :'�s�i�;rtm�nl. Tlii� ,���-es��o�n3 i� bin4lin`� upc.7,� �hb �a�xi�s, 1111 ri���l�:ts ani�
p�}x�:�r� spe�ilicall} cc�i7f'Li7��.c1 upc�r} Ci��aqt�}r n7a} he ti4in>1�rrred �a�• d�9��?�t�€� L�� �ar�r7cnr tn
t�n� ��f' ils suc�:.ess��rs ��nd ��s�i��3s_ C�r�n4�e`� ri�.lyt� a�3d a,l,la�?�ticaa�� ur��l�r tl7is :'1�rre�77�rrt anar�
k�w �ssi�*nc;r� t�nlJ� ���f��n s�e� fti assi�j�rt�t�r�t i� srpprov��f in ����`it�n� h� �,r�rttc}r,
{�� Gvu�r��itl� [._a��,�. �'�i� r'�s�T��i���nt is rnade attd 5ft2��i be �o��er��ed in �II
res�ects h�� tltie Cav�°s c�f thc �latc of` hr�iianes�?t�, A��� d�sp�ites. e�ss�tm�°ersies, �r �I�im� arisin�
c�u� {�f tliis .,��,rcenlei�t s��all ixe 9�e�rci in th� stat� or tederal c��ut�s �ri' :�7inr��sc�ta. ari� al]
�ai°�ie� Et� tliiS ,�4�e+:�crrtenl ��°{�[r�e an�� n�ij�CtlOi) tc� �h�. j�urisdictic�i3 pf tffC� CC���R�, �+��I��[her
�bascci crn �r�»a'e�3reaaee c�r r�th��w•iSc.
id} �cx°er�l,i[kt�_ 1#` a���� �rr��v��9��1 c�r ��plicatie�tti nf this ,+1�,e�ement i5 17e�d
u�l����#'u9 4�r ��ne�rii:Fr�e�bl� in r�n� r�sp�ct. �ucl� il]��a9iRy ur uEyenfc�rcca�ailit� sl��l� �bt�t ;�f'1`ctit
c�th�r pr���isic�ais ��r �p}�li�cati�+r�� th�� ��n h� �i}•en effert, �iyd titii�s r��re�:r�c�is sE�r�ll �se
cc�r�slrued �s il- tli� unl;�x�.•�'�al ��r ain�iiforc.�Eft+lz F�ra���iwi�,n c�r ��plic�alic�3� I��t� i�e+�ea- b��r�
�nrtitai�7cif ff4rciia crr pr�~si:ribed }��er°�f�}�.
(e� ��c�tic�, .'lll R���ice� rec���i�•�,� �ierr�u�rclar �h:��l k+� �i�°en E��� c�e�x�sit�«� En i��r�
I_1,�_ liiaif. �r�st���� �r��ai�i, ���tifi�� �tai�. raturn t�c�i�t reyu�s[t�. sc:� ihe f'�I�i�+,�,�i�i�,
ad�re.sses (c�r• ��rch �,Ih�r at�dr�sses tx� either �r�nt�� itr�� ,lc�til'�� �li� o�l�Lr);
fc� C;ratttnre �L:"ii}� al� ^�•'1�s�tdc�1�� �ct�e�t�is�ic I�C4^iI{)41f17L`f1I :'�4atht�rit;e
�fk� 1�'4�°�l��ut �treet, Suitr i
L:.aCJ'a�f'\��c�ati��lE+��..'��1`� ���G?
;'�ttn; .liin �I�I��res. I���cuti��� [�irc���rr
-1��� �;r���t��
f f� Trn„ir1�li[7n,
(�a�,�m+��:�� e�pci3ciit��r� nl-
r��rrcr��c�3t. t17is .4�re�rr���i
�fE�li`,s.,�si��ii Ic� 111� �}tl�i�,
;14k� (_,hati�� I�ul�l�� uf���34-�rttietl�f�
�J3L�1 �cd�r �Street
?��1�rr�tic��lc�,;�9i�1 �5;�r,
At[n: �a�ri n� (J��y�) L..in
�� ll�� �atc t€�� Gr,aititor re��i��e� Gr;�n�e�'s +�+�rizs�� r��e�n an
C;r�nt �r{sc���[:� ;�� c��scfib��3 in par��,rapl� ��I'� c?f tf7i�
t kh�ill s�emiaias� ;���d n�ith�e par�� ��;•il3 }�ave ar��° ['ur�l��r
{�) �i1�il� r'��r��m�:n4, �l�l�is r��re��ie�qt. ���geil�e.r ��it1� [I�e� C;r�r�t D���.ue`nen�s. is
tf��: �nii��w �t�l�m�:ns r�f`��r�;era�e��[ I��t�tcen the Gran���r �nd Cp�•arc��r ����ciie�� Ch� (�r:�r�l,
1`�I �4�`f�'i���.�'� 1�`l�Lf�F:[��, tl�i� f1�,re�.n�ertt ha.� h��n d�ly e�€�����1 and �eliv�e��i t�r� lttia�
prc�,�aer c>t�'�c.e�-s 4ii�r�u�ilc� ciui�� aut�O��r�:��ed nr� tlie d�v �id ����r f���si ��°�-rtter� a��i��t_ �
�I"I'Y C�F ��i��1TIC'E1.I:t) �:C'C)�1(�'��l(�."
I���'�l.(�I'��E;JT .��,�"f'� ��)I�1�!''�'
l3w� . _ � fl . � '��
- � -- --
��I4;?t,�,Tl;Ft� F'�►(;E "��d�[;fi,�:ti'T.�{�F�E�MEfYT +Gf�:�4:tiT�UR�
.�'F41' C`}{1'�J:�, I��ts�-`FE."[' C?F �1��`�-7C'�E.L.(�
�� �--�'-` ��—
��,. ���-- __
�i-�t������`���t- _�._
�����:�'� � ��,�s ��.ac:�: �rc� c:�z.��m,��;�e��t�:�v'r — �:r�.-��r���
;,5l�f15_'t i�9)i I k1 � I'�:;. � tj C
f�i�:lt��rcf F'�imwier. C'13F��= t��j�l 41 r���±r�:�:.�t�itlti�� c�l't$lw b�r�r9�,irl� cr�k�ner. u��r�ssec{ �u��s��c��'6 ii�r
t�it't����ls:��]Ti�tlt �?rc}j�w[.
T3il] ���������:�' ��is���i� t1lzit li�e �jt'c�}��,;ici �rt�je�t s�r���.� �n u�7�i�rs����i� �C7���Gl�tiiirY. ����� ���ilf� 113�
n���� n�+��it��r �.c� u��il�, l-r����� Hi�1r ��Isc� e���c�ura��ci l�� c�tf���� ��_� m�aiiE��r� tc� �c�A1.�i�ier tlai:�
prnj�ct �iii�t��-e�it i'rc�rr� c,tite:r ]�c��G�in�, prc�je.c�s_
lh� EII:� �lc�tc� �1,� lit�k b�:t���c�t� c���r�irre�•�ci{�1 �e}•�lc���nlent at�d x���;rl�t��rce h�tKsirY�,
`���:�lC"'r' HI��' h�i(���'L[) �E�E) _�1�f-1f�T f��:�{3�.�J��f��, T�'t���1-�17 �=�1�(-1I��1C��.; i��.iFF�'
I_��1�'l-�[_[]P�i�iti l�� 1'F�(]!'{:):�FC� �±-�'�'i�1� I.i��TC' :-�1'r��2�I�h1F.1�1T L)�=.�.�'l�L{31''��eE�T ,�1s'L�
�1��-[i� l.��F c�f� 1 ll� .�1��I�1�:��C'E: �i�C) ��II.I. .�� II��:'��f"�F[F� �'1�1N�i�IC� ���^�P c�F
��{)f}.l�(�f�M �.,°-, 13l1_:I. T.�P�E� ��C"()1��Ff� `�'il�. '11()�f�I[)1�. '���f�_}TI�N �Cf1T��IFT), {�-1
��'1Tf f C�L(.)l`'I� 1-[Ii�C;.�R`I� �� �)�I"I1�C.� Il� (�F'�'[�Sl�l�IC)1� C]�UE �T�C� -1�H�: Tti�F_,Er) F�?r�
1'�IS\IHL'L• JI�1 ��1'l..l�'��:�ll �l�.l_Y Jl��.�l�.�l-V�D Ci�l�l,^4L'lJ�l�hr '131�—lliL�`�.�-4Il�4Jc�1 �i-'il� �����
�i.:�-:r� Fi��r� �C1�� ���}I�e�.��r�l� �i+��Cr�i�c� ��rz�r��F C:oi��i��l.�:�r�=.n.
7_ C�irn���erati��n ,uf ��niyro�•in� �ma]I 13u�ir���s �:m�t��nc�� C.ran# �►�re�rrr�rnr� in tl��
amot►n� �,f �fi.���l�J #u: �t�►r C`hin� 13uff�Ft uf ilcjt�lie�llcw• F�u�t�ch fire�► in - k,le�':�t�[�
1�1�[Inc�s, i�l��'; Lil�'� 1�1t�+��x�c; C']tii'y �"�,n� ��in, Inc.: �ncl i��luntirell�, f'h�xmhcFr �,f
["+min���rer � Indu�s�r�� t+� mitiy��t�� �.°{}�►'ll?-1 �� �;crrn�.w��tiic it����i+ct�
d.�L}�'U I LIIL�i1.1-I C�C.L�L���tC;U It7l)��117�� t�7� �t�:�t7 4�� t4r h� �.f�oi,ict��a'tcj ��e'iur t€� ltt�rn C� c�ue kc?
��t����l��i��� �t'tf�c C'Eit�rothe�- ol' �'�n7nYer�c t�t tlt� �n�eelin� i�r I��.eiy 7,
Ji�i� �I�t�:�r+:.� indir���d t9iat six ,�r�.�r�t �p�31ic��ic�ais ���ere r�:c:�i��c�l i��r ��e EU�'� �rnall �u�ine��
E�m�r�ei��:�� C,r��iit, �ie n+�t�d t��� ���iicati��Ys �4��r�: r�cc:ivc��I �rl[�i� t[7 1�3� t�1�Ct��1� �r1�f 1Yl�il
�tal'f'r���ie����E ea�.l� ��al� th<��7. `�he�.� u��re �I! r�+�t�r� �i� cc�n�plete .�ubinitt�ls ����ith i���ch l�usiticss
itidi��-�tin�. �li��r�s� ciue �r� ihe pa�a�ctr�ic. Th�r�� ��c�aerl��i c�kat tf7at thc. �iontic�llca C'E�ambct� c��
C:�rY�,�r�crc� � In�3u�tr��. a��II f..�}(G)9 4�i{� L}��L 4�Ae 41�� ��J�JYl�i�lliPli� ll{.L6 Y�i.CI tiTl{J 4,.L�J4� IJiJL
��,tilii� �� � sr-�{�GI b4isine�s per th� S�.cre�3r�� 0!'�1�� �t�it�, L�uc f� �heia-�]r�ani�ati��ala]
�����,c�r�. Kltie�� are it�cli�ihle tt�r m�n}° c�f't�ie F"�d�.ral �nd �t�t� a�si�ian�e �r���rar�i�. rric��des��
P�'Y, �I�f�ar�s rieat�d th�� �n�n�- c�f thei�� fu;}�ira���:rs h�� c h�.en �:an�eled or �e�st��r�ed �nd tC��ir
m�mb�rs�ii� r�te� ]ia��e d�cline�i due t� �h� panden�ic.
1���r�:y� a��roeiersoii, L�irect+�r �� t}ic h�lantic�ylCc� �:Y�aan��r s�f'�'�iro�n�rce � lr}��s�r��, ��ur����r
e1�b�r�tec� #h�t the}� di��a'� i{�«lif`�� #��a man�� �ub�i� assist�iec �ro�r�tn�_ Sh� nc}��c� lE�at #he
C'hamh�r ht�� k�eer� eslai�ii�lied for 7? v�ars and is i�u��ied ��} �r�,en� ��rc��a�h n1�z11E�ei•s�ii�,
�lue� �r�,�i ��Q �3�rcent ahrok��l� e�-ents, Sh� c�pl�in�d tllai all far�� e��eryts ���ere canc���.�f f��r th�
�uar�aner. but tf��t t�ie�� ��°c:t�e �iop�f'�1 t� �c,ntinu� the anr�wal golf Fu��da�aiser c��i l�h��r�c����.
Se��efini�et� ?�, ��� n�ated t�i�t it c�ulcl h� �ie��t���a�ir�g i l- lh� e��ei�i }��t�uid k� e.��i�el�.d �n�l ih�t
dli��� ���+�ul� n�.�� tc, �.���ic:ier r�u�tin� �tt�l�t' lc� c�nl� )���•e ���e s��t�' inenib�r er�7plo��eci. 511�
���lain�:�f that tt�c C:hamher ]Zn.� �;hi[�e�i ���ar� �urin� t�ie paiideiiyic �t7d }�as ��:ett fiol�in�
add�ti+�r�al rne:etin�� tt> sl�� �usi��i �4����h atller Ic�c�l �'�ia�r��r o#�"i�cs a��� that it ����ul� �� i,arc�
�cu�rc�on�c� [}r�clup���tit .�1u�h��ri�� '��iir3us�.; JEans ?�'"�, ={J�{) Y��� ti G
to �c� e��es���thitr�. ��°ith ��nl�� ���c st�f'1-menib�er.
F3Zf.L. Ii'i�f'�:R ��1��'�:L� �I�{) .��Pr��i�°`�: Si���.�LL. 13l!5I1�F:�� �;I��1L�2��F:�lC��r t�ft.��ti��-
���i��`L:;���F�T� �31�7 ����F� `rll�; �l�t'l .���; id1:��v'+C..`1�1�,•� l�Lal'�'FT. �L.�': �[.:s�r�;CFI
L31t���'I�1CT; E��;���.•1�I-F1�'��,.�;LL1�FS�, LL�": LIf:[.�r"'S �'�I:����F���F, LL�': C'HI1� FE�1��
1VV, II�C`,: r��Jl} ��i�l'�lTIC`LI.I.[) �C"i��;1�1�31�R [7F �`,C)i��1��1�R�'F. �I�I "1��-�]� �'�1��1�)I_;�"1� ()i=
���.41k1V 1 4J !1`l� 114J,`7 i iL' ��L��rIJ.J—.l'l ��+�J.Ylf..}'Id�� I.�`�r:�7.L.1 �_ TLI.��1 Lf,°4 i'��11.��L11V �L:L��.J_V1�'F�
T�i�: ��1�)Tj(��, '1�1U�1'1{)� C"AI�I�1f�I�. �-�,
� 1)ireetcyr'_� ��� �[�r'�
.�irt� �l�l}ar�� �,r�s����ic��c� tkf� ]7�ire�ti��''ti f�t�resri ;i., IC7� �Ll�li.i� in t�l� l.:.l�:��'� ��.eijr�,i ��;t��;�t.
:�'inL�el,i '��ll��u�tut�j ai��j `i'f��x�`i:� r�crtecl �Itct� t� �e��c}r��hc��� F�:[):1 �ft��cti��� ��-��r�tic� t�c.�t�r c��i ��'�[?17CIzt��.
_�lm� ?����, it! -�::�f1 �±.iT�, t�� tili;��u�� filt��k �� :�1i��1� �� itll �t � l���c� m��tir��, tc� �fiwc���� �a�c]p�:�'t^�
�, _�C�.�Clflf'll
1311_a. �[�."�1'�'f��� !�1()'�'1:I) T(.} ,-l�J�)4:1�� �F�iE� i1k���]'I�lC�� :"�-f� �; ] 1 :1_�.I_ (�I.I,IF�
K{)12{}T't"f I;tl���,��] I0�1"�= �F�'[�)�����.f� T�iF= h�1(��1-I(}�. '4r9f�"f�1(.)►�� C`��'aF�F�Cr�). 7-�1,
f��£c�a�tl�r: .1ac�;h '1'}ti��e�tXi��i�r
.�������'�,���i: Jt�i� �c}t. �'(�~f?
Jut� �17�ar��. Fcc����4�r�ii� l��k��l��p�m��lt I�ir��t��r
f:�t�i�c�i7ti� [��k°21o0��nef7i ,�.utll�ri[� '47ioiu[eti ,lui7e ?-3'�� ''l17{j N',it�� (x ti
�'rG,�'�i ���Ik�
.��1d��ess 1
.�ilc�r�ss 2
C'�fi''�' t:f� h'�{l1V"6'1�:�1.1:..[]
�'4L� �:'t� � R
�'lease �nrr�f�f�te.:r,gr�. {7+?f� fiff�h51�L .f.(7,'�{'('Cti' �C1}'AE?+E �l,y {�[f�' i{{fL{ fflf CF]PC�4' J"I1f7,
�ily'� f�lassage
141 Broadway �a�t
C'�t}'�'ST:'Zi�� �lonticello, h+liV 5�362
� �lw�- �'�. ��1�'.�
Ir��•c�ic� '*l��:
11�1�T�[i�E�TiCI� [��° E?�1'E:�'��
1'��� b��:
TC�`T".�L� � �uS,G��
vc� u ch�e r, xls
� r .
7�'! J2 C��{�
�14���1LL BLl�YIYF,S�a El�'I�R�E'N�'Y AS�1S'��1��� G1�1�1T .�C���,�E:ViE1�1'i`
{�,� �
"T'Jtiw Gr��nt :4kr��rt�eais �..t��Ti"�CIll�Eit'�� I� m�ri3� this��`����� of ��1.�,�+'+L'��. ?[1'[�.
hck�hccn tl�� ['itti� cfi� h�1o��ti��llcr k:c��r��ir�i� L)e���ls,prnent ,�14�thoi°i�y�, �� �,�bli� k,�+c1}� c4�r�t�ra�� �i�cl
poii�i� �ric� �e}Eitiial s��l��ir�asi�s3 c�f tl�e Stat� c�f �'lini�esc�t:� {"C�;ransc}r"). ar�� L�l�°�s h��tatss���e, a
��lannesota s:��� prc��ri��.�}is>>ip ('.C�ea6����"),
�r.�:c�����.�� .�
,A, (ar�airt��r h{�w �ru�s�.�i it� Srrt�la [�usine�s Ivi���r�?�tt�� ;'1�sis�t�ri�.e C;?�ai�t F'�-c:7�r;��ii {�F��;
8'rc�u��in") sn�i l�as a;��+ro�ed �;ui�eli���� l4zr the !'rn�o��irr �tli� ..i'r��trar�� �(;�i�f�lin�:w..).
f�. f�rant�� 17as �uk3ty3�ttcci a�7 ����JjC�4t14�111 ft�l' 3�r��lt di�l� _.CiC�tlt ,��rF�IiC17li?Il'-:9 .�n�izr� tl�e
I'rc���ra�rr (�uicf�lEnes. a��d C�s�anl��r ]�;�s t�p�a��o��ed a i�r;�i�� �c} �I��: £ie�tu�t�e rr� tlr� ,�in���ant c�l''��,ClCli� {;Eiw
,"tir{jnt"'�i ts� �5��• ��,�,r�ii�n uf the ex��n��s ci�s�.riL��� i�y [E��: C�rs�o�� r1}��[i�clll[Ill. lll �c�rr�nrctic}n �xit�i
[irintee'� »i�ass��e art�i ��u�s��s�;ure �nt�e•prise i�rr��trtE s�l l�E E3r�t�ad�e��a° f:;��i in �h�e C-it� t�t�
��t4+nGi�iilc7. \1ini�e���t� (tl7t .,�.il�-'� ftl7e "C;r�nG ��,�Ei� ities"}. � -
C�. [�17� (;��;�,�[s!r ;t�741 �E�in�ee ��i�fl t{r mcmcari:�liz�: �J�e t�rrns �af ih� �io��ent ii7 :17is
�� s�rr� ni�.r��_
r��C'C��Jftl�!'�C',I.1', thc p;�riies �g�re� 3� fc�ll;sak�s:
I� �I�1�� C;ranG ;'�rnic�uni, "���L�lc�.t �4� tl�� t�rr�� of ��yis �'1���c����errc, t�3c Pr���a�;�rii Caui�i�lirt��_
a17�� 1�12 {ir.iy91 f�}}�If�,kt]C�]] (.lti��CEI]Ca�, ��14 ��{�f.11ll ��47fiLllfil�ll�.",,.�. (ar��i����6 av4r���: tc,ti �ra�tt tt.� (�r:�>>�4r th�°
�urra w7i' f i� e tl�c,us�ir�i ,ir�.i nc]�° f[1�lli� L�nf I�rs �5�,(J�af�:M, l�he (�rai�t }��i I1 E�� p��i�i 1��. �;r;�nk�+r ��� C�rantce
l�r�-t17� �C;r�r7i ,-i�lix°iRi�s �a��rc>��+�s� urt�i�r tli4 C�r:�nR C)uekaifi�ei�ts ir� gcccr�clai�ec��•itli'ti�:ctic�ri � I7�o�c�:f�,
`�. F'atiir7�r7i 4?t��_ie,ins f'roc:�cd�_
��) �[-ft� ��ranq ��ill b� �a��i t�� �C�r�r7��^� in ac���ec{�r�ce �.�•itf� th� �rnn� �tn�
c�n�itic~�r7s cri� �li� [_ir�n� L'��cuP�t��tt�_ 7'Fic {arf�n�ee .a�re�; tl3at ;�r�r �r��ts c}t' tl1i� (�rastt
,��si}�ili�.s �xcce;Jort� tl�� 3�r�slurn lc� �S� F�ai� u�i�ier �17r� .��r�:�mca�� ��r� th� sc7�� res�rr�sihilit��
t;f'tl7c C;r�tir��.
(h] �!�lti� �rant�;�r k��`rll ��}� tl�e Gr�rr� �t.� C9ra�a«� c�r��� tC�e Cirarttc3r ]�as r�cci}•cci
fe��er� ��eaai[��. �+itE�criat e�}�er7s� rt� C;ran[��r, ;� �;is�=neci c�sp�° ofthic .��i,�c.�r����t_
�, Re�����,�nE�totir��:.in�l �� �k��r{-�nt�e�. �at��r�tee r��se��rns� an�� ���s�rr���ts t� C'sr��r��nr ti�at=
�a} (;t��ti7t�e �� �uthtrri�cci sc� si�}�> cieli�eo�, t�r��i F��rii�r�g1 tfti� ;^��r��m�iix ai�d t�?
i�ecei��e t9�e �wrarst f�ct�rr� Gr�i,s��r,
�E�) (ird���tee ��;re�s xh�s1 ii kvi[J ���� a'�d rnair�tairt hi��-,ks, r��c�rr��a. ,�nc� r�ther
�acurr7er�t� r�l:itin� c�irc�ii�� tc� tlle re��i�t ;�itd p��^rr�en[ ��9' +�.ira�7t p��r��ceed� K1nd that am�
��utfis�ri�r��i r�:Frese��[;�ti��� c�f Gra�t�,r. ��itl7 r�.�.�c,�7�krl�: ;��iv4�rac� tt�dic;e, �rn;�� ]7{�t�� ��ec�.�:s tis
and t��� ri�l�� t�, irtspec�. �c�a�5�, au�it. .���i ���«3ine �11 �uc:li �c}4:�. re�i,��ds, a�ic� 47�1�er
d���urt7�i�ss i}1'Cir{°���tee r�l�q4tt [�� sh� C;rant �i3til Crra��1�� ��rc;k�ides its firr�il r��acrr� t�r (�ra��tc,r.
(c1 �E'er th� t��st �31� �;r�tns��'s kni,���lec���. ��a�t�ns�e ]�as �ull� i.���nt�li�ci }�,itl� zrll
��Plic�L��e �t�tt I;�x�� r-��st,n�tk�l� r�i���a�kt �ti, �his �"��,recarfwrst t{ntf +x�ill e�3n[iriue tc7 ��;.r.7�•�,I}
Clira�ei��tic}Rel li�c s�rm 47f [�395 =���;a�crrnre�t, Jt at n���� �ini� (_ira���te� r�c�i�ew ii�rtic� n�
ii;.rncumpCi4�rt�e Ea°t�rrn ;�r�e �c3��ea��iT��nta1 e@titi�.r�. [_�r��nt�e a�t�€�s tc, [s�k4 ;�nt a7�°�:e�sark ae�ic,n
li� cnl��F�l� �,�ath sh� st�E� ����� ert �ueStRi�i�,
(�i) {��r��mc.e ���i]] k��e th� �rrx���ds �i� t€�e Cirar�t �i��cie by �rt�n�c�r nrtie�� 1't>,r tli�
[.�r�r�i :'ic�i��iti�s. anJ ���i�lton �i�1 da��s 1ft��� tlr� t3��sc r_�f this .4�'i•e��r7�eyt, �r�e�lee x��il] �rrn�i�i�
tia ���ranti�r irr �4�ritin�* a beie#� r,�����r� (1�k6 �h� c.x.i��i��l� irY�lu[I��1 i�� tl7c (ira�t :����rli�;t�i�}i�),
sl;�sin�. J�r��x a�l c�f Bh� (sr{�i�t f`4���cis lg:��� hetn {,scc� ,�nci ��rn��iali«�, �:�i����i�c Fn il�� fr�r�33 ixt�
�3x11� int ili4��, �����;IZ7�17t5. ��l` SOITi i I�3r,
�, .'�ta E3utiin4.wa !��ab�i�x. ] I�e ;��i7it� as�r4'�` C:1[11 Cllc 4i:',.n[ �ti ift�a a h�iwkn��s °���k��i�� a�
cie��i��d irti ��9ina���a�s�r �t;�ttatr�e Sc�tecary.w I:{,,I,��), to I Jfi_I_��4)�, �5 ;�ni�ricd�ci {�l�u --13�iyii7c�, S�,bi��i��
,��["i, k�c;���s} tIl@ J'�Sl�[.ur�e ia in ��r7 ;�i7ik}unt le�� t:l��« � I�C�.flf]{�9.
�. I ncieinniticatint�.
l;�} C;r.l��te� ��.r��� tr� i�7ifcmnilk ��;�ityst aty�i ti5 I�crlcf Gr��i�i�}r, t�nc� it:� t�i-�i��€-�,
a�,c.i7��. ���� �n,�,l«rch�w. I��ernl��s t�t` a,�d Prnr�� an} d�n�3 ��lC I�abili�e,. C���s, ��r �J;��n;����� �l7t�t[ it
r7ra� i���t�r ��r���:r �ar tr�� i�e;�s�,« a�#� sktis �'Is�ecente:��. tir�d �,t-as�d fe�Fin am� �sn�E �Jl cl�tii77s ;�iyc�
c��tnrtri�l� �k�3:-���c��k�r th��t i�7t��� �,e �ss�rt�� ;��z�in�;s Cir�snti�r L��� e�asn�� i3j 8f3} a�llcx�cci
c,h@iy�'��icrn4 c�r �,a�ci�:rt,�kii�����.s a€� its ��rt �ia �rerli7rrn or di�:chtar�� as3+.� rrf tf�c t'nt��, �c,+�i7���fit�.
c}r t��r��.iTler,t; ckjr}ttiie��4i Irc,�an, _
�bl �l�E:is iW��i�«��tiific:ttic�rt �n�i h�}I�.i hanTii�ss ps�r�;�i�ic,i� �� ill �ur��i�.•� ��1� cx*c�i�i��n,
d�^lit'�t'�. ��tr�d ��rf�t�ni�;3a;c� ol`Chi�,'1�ri;eR}eru ��i�d tl�e �,a��rti����� �a�, C�rf�n�ti}r i�l�t�nr� ����r�t:r},� ���i
tlrc ( arK���s_
fc} hc3thiEti� rrt tk}is �����e,���9�t �hi:l] �a.�]lwllila4� ;i �•.ii}�cr at` ryr 1ia33ita��i�r7 ��rti ��it�
imme�i�it}� fmi�� a,r� lirr7it�ti4;�� c�n Ei�bi�it� l�� }�.hit€� C�ra33t�s: i� ei7tsticd ����,lcr Ia��.
b. h�'�isc.�]]a��c4,��s_
(��j �l tei�cr_ �€�l�c �rc��fi�����a9�cc t�e {ah:scr���r�c��: c.,1' ;�nti �ae�rnis� 4,r �cinditic.�n �et
fc}r�� ir� thi� .�x,�e,�iY7���i r�r3� l�t *�,�i��:ci, ;�oa-4,��oc�c�i. �7r n3i}t�ilicii oc�iy� �}� �}�ri�i�y�4 �i�r��d E�t�
(;r-a�it��: a�,c� Ci�tiu�sc}r. ��.R �.i�lrt+, i�� l!}e �x�rcise +ni� a�g� �ita���.r, rir�f7G, c�r r�rr:t�j� is�-r�rK�[L� ;i� ;�
��.;�i�.��r �h�r��t= ��4�r sl;alll �in� �i���l�: t�a�� �a��-tia] �xa;e�iw�: E�f���n� c}th�r �Sc?+��ce. ri�l7t. ur rc€�����,
{�1 A�s�<<iiliT��.�3t, �f-%is .���r�+c:��ciit i� �andirti� ����F�a tlt� F:1t'lit_a. ,-'�II rl«Ilts �sn�i
�c����e�•s s�rccific�ll� t���tt�cre�d u�car� {1ra���±?e ixr��; 1��: tra��af`rr�.ci 4�r �eJs:��tc�d k�� (_�ra��to�• t�
ar7�� r�t its �u�;c�ww�tew ;�ncl �as`i�ns, �r�A�tce's ri�l�[s �i�d c��li��tie�Eys �dndei� tMtii� .��rt�i77�i�t �r7��
k�� assign��d �nl�° �a�h�n sucis ��ssi�n�7�er3t is ��ap�r�?h��cl in �4�retin� k�r Gr�,e��ar.
(c) �����ri�iai T��� Tl�is ,�i�re�:,rr�en# is made and �hzrll b� �c����er��e�[ in �II
r'es�e�ls bo�� li�� I����s �rf-kh� s[at� r,f h�li��nesnta_ .��tix� c�isp��ies, c�r�tr��r��etsie�. oo- cJ�iins ari�in�
c}�f� nf tl�is .��r��m�»t stsal l h� hear�i i�a the stale r�r �eder�l c�.51��ts oF 1v�itl��es��ta. s�aic� �la
}►ar�i�� �o thi� ,4�.r�em�:��l M��ai��c any� oksje�cti��� �cr sl��: juris�i�t[c�rt �f thts� ���irts. t��he�ltier
bas�� �t7 c�������,tirn�e c�r c,then��r��_ .
(d� `�e+.•era�iili���, If ary}� }�r�r;,�i�i��n ��r ap�alic:�ti��� ��f' ll�is .A�rc���7�n� is Iteld
urnl�ti��ful c�r unent�orceah€e in �n�}� re:spect. suc:h ili��;�l4i, c�r lme�ifarceahi]Ct�� st�;�l� nc�� t�f�act
c�thc�� pr�o►�isiva�s ��r ap��lic.�t�c�ns tEt�¢ can h� �i���n �F�`ert, ar��i tfti� ��reemi:�it s17�E! h�
ccar�str���d �* i!� thc ui�f����lul �ar a�ncnf�rce�ble �,rc�t�is�i�i� �+i� app�i+�ati�,i� }��d q�e���r �een
c�r�[�iined herein nr �ar�.s�r�b��# h�reby.
(e) d^Jnt�ce_ �'111 nc�tic�s r�equired frer�uncl�r sh;�ll k+e s;iue�a k��' d�.p�}sitin� in tl�e
l;.S. nrail. �c�s�a�� prep�id, cet�i�cd m�il. returr� r�cei�i r�s�4resled, lo t17e I��illcr��in�;
��idr�ssc� (ur s�.ich �,tlier ac�r�i�swcs ns �: itl7ei- p��rtg ����� r����i P�� �hc ntl�er):
1'�� (1r;Mns47r {�i[}� {rf''���c�nii�cll�, �:ci�r�c�i77 ic f���°�{���ar�cnt ;�ut37r�ri��•
>[�� 14'�Ir�ut �treet. Suit� 1
C'�t� nf �1��n�i�c�lc}. h1N S��GZ
,��ln; 9ir� -]-h�r��. C'x�ecuti��c L)irccitire
1�i} �i��:�nte�; 9.i1��`� '11��sw�t��
]41 I�rt3a�������• f�.asi
I�'�4111fiCCI��1, �'];'�f ��j{��
,!���n: L]�vid 4:tsti�ren. �C��Iin�C?i��
�t� Teri��ir5atic�n. f�n th� c{a�e tJ�� CiraatitkF,� ����cei��r� C�ie�nlee�� +tiritt�r� ecp�r� ��ty
(;o��rtit��`�; �x��:nc�is�ar� c�f' C;rL�r�t �r�,i���E� s�s cic��eabcc9 in f,aragr��rlti 3ltj t��' [hi�
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oL}Ji�a�iart tn tlt� rsther_
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cat�e�o�•��, th��� �r� in�li�sbl� for n�an�� r�fi'tf�� F��ieral and �i�te assistanc� prc�grar�l�,. incluciir��
F'I'P_ °I']1aee� �7�te� eh�t i37arY�� �t th�ir iitn�rai��rs ha��� k�een ��aii�ccic� ar �r�st��ne� as�c� the�r
inei�b�rship ratcs �a��e �l�clined ���e t�3 tll� ,���i��et�lic,
�1arc}�� An�ier�c�n, l�ir�ct�rr �f #l�e i��ontic�l�c� C'h�nl�rer c�i'Corrimerce & Ltad�i.��r��, ��rt�i�r
elabc}ra�ed tl�.�t t�1e,° di�n�t ��a1ii'�• fi�r r�1an}� �,uksl�c_ assis�nt�ce �r��rah��. `�h4; rioted �h�G th�
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cf4�es anel �� perc��t �hr��u�h e���nl�. Sa�� e.r•�,l�i��er� tht�at �al! lar�.+� c��r�ts ��+�r� ��nceie�l �c�r t�1e
su�rrmcr. bt�t th�t th�}� �4�ere h�w�ef'ul Ic� rviztin�a� the anr��aal �011`1�unci�-ais�r c�j, TE��u-�ct��•,
S�ptc�mf�e.r �4_ Si�e nc�teci that it co�ld k�c d���ast�atsri�. if t�7c �.+���:r�� �����u3c� be ca�lcel�ci �oi�t th�t
the�� �����uld ne�d t� �csnside� ��xxtin�. st�� to anl�' ��t��� on� stai�' mern�er ea��lc��°ed, SC�e
ex�laaned tl�at #he C;hartaber f-u�s �hii�ed ���rs d�zrir�� t�� ���xn�eraiic �;n� }��s been ��c�ldir��.
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I� � �
�'�a be complet�d k�y purchaser:
Amount $ � �� �� i
�ircle pur+chaser name;
Julie Che�ey
Tr�cy E��er�
�'ktki L�erh€�ff
R��h�l Lec�n���
Jeff �'hleill
J���b Thun�nt�er
S�r�h R�thli5t�er��r
lennifer Sc�reiber
Jim Th�r�e�
Em oyee 5ign�#ure
�UjJ�'fV1.54P �I�i1+���lt�p'
�"a:� appruved
Spe[i�l Proae[t # qr �es[ri�kiern
�r�s-e Ci�r� �
+CireN� departrr��nt c�de,
City Co�ncil
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Hurn�n R�sa�rces
Pf�nnin� �n�l Zar�in�
C��#� Proce�sing
C�ty �iall
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4�19��i �,er��er�l C�perating Su�plies
�3195�1 �Ie�sPette� ��rrrE�c�s
431990 lvli5eell�ne�ti�s Prrf �ervi��s
43� �] P�stag�
310{] �--� 'fr�v2ljTr�i�lin� Er�pe�5e
44�3tJ�l C�u�s Memk�ers�ip & Subscri�
4A37C][l Li�er�s�s �ntl PerrrEitS
�t��'��C1 Misc. �ther �xpense
Jim 'fhares
L'�e�r ,}im Thares,
infoC�a eclam_�re�
TUe5d8�, JUn� 15, �O�C} 9,1 � A.�
Jirx� Th�res
E�onomie L�evelc�pment A55oci�tit�r� �f Minn�sot� - Th�nk you for your or�er
�ar��i��nat�on for the errder place� �n �J16,+�42Q
�Ii�k �ier� f�r a printable vie�+ af tl�� �o�der.
Th� fo�l�wir�g is � d�s�riptio� of #he +�r�der�
Qrd�r �umber is= 43�7G4578
�7raered � pro��,ct� (see b��o,�p:
Pre�luck Number; U9E3�1
Produc�: Gc�nference Re�istr�ti�n
Qu�n�i#y: 1
Pric� Each- $15€J.ChC�
Tolal Price: �154_�iQ
Tot�l� �150.�1Q
�c�namac D�evel�pment Ass�ci�t�c�n of MinneSC�l�
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This is �n �UtomB#�:d em�ll Seni frtrrtt ECAM. Please do nat reply #p #Mis �rn�il. I� hr�s been S�ni fMorn �n �erll�il
�3C�courrt tha# i$ nqt rn+�ni#+�r�. �f you feel y�u h2we t�cie�ved 1�5i5 �rsess�ge in eaa�r, Pl�as� f�$f �re� #� G3n#�C0. US 2�k
inf9C�e�l�rri oaq.
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Jirn Thar�s
f��f�1�lC� f�EC�I��
H�arring#on C�imp�ny <receipts c�i affieripa�.�orr��
T�wgsd�y, June 16, 20241 9_3� �M
Jim Fhar�s
Ref�nd Re��i}�t frc�m �I��rrington �Ccrrr�pany i��r �2�,CM7
��rrington �ampany
4�48 �ark Gle�r F�cP
Minn�apc�li�, hAinne��t.a 554i6
(G3oj 3��-7�'8�
R�fund Summary
�aid v�rranc� �mount
�ity� of h+l�n�icell�a
Onlin� Str�re ()rder
Jdtmo�urr# i���unciett:
Pay�ment Meth�d:
Card Nurruberr
Dat� �efur�ded:
Tra€�sa+�tican Fd:
fi ��� �
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�cco�nt Holci�r
Jarr��� fihar�s
Suite �#�
M�ntie:ellc�, i�lir�n�s�ta 5��6�
*�***�*,**,*� 8�4
June 16, �p�� 09;�� arrti
�25�648�f 2
Dse4�, �h�rringl€�ncnm�,�n'y,��inl
Debbie Davidson
City of Monticello, MN
505 Walnut St, Ste 1
Monticello, MN 55362
8 AM to 4:30 PM
Account Information
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Service Address:
Service Period:
Billing Date:
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Meter Reading
noreply@ merchanttransact.com
Thursday, June 4, 2020 8:28 AM
Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready.
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Current Charges:
* Total Amount Due by: 7/1/2020
* This was the amount due at the time of billing.
MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301)
5/1/2020 to 5/31/2020 (31 days)
Current Reading
Date Reading
To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here.
Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay.
$ 0.00
Debbie Davidson
City of Monticello, MN
505 Walnut St, Ste 1
Monticello, MN 55362
8 AM to 4:30 PM
Account Information
Acco u nt:
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Service Period:
Billing Date:
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noreply@ merchanttransact.com
Thursday, June 4, 2020 8:28 AM
Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready.
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5/1/2020 42713
Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Consumption
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Current Charges:
* Total Amount Due by: 7/1/2020
* This was the amount due at the time of billing.
MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301)
5/1/2020 to 5/31/2020 (31 days)
Current Reading
Date Reading
6/1/2020 43094
To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here.
$ 0.00
Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay.
Debbie Davidson
City of Monticello, MN
505 Walnut St, Ste 1
Monticello, MN 55362
8 AM to 4:30 PM
Account Information
Acco u nt:
Service Address:
Service Period:
Billing Date:
Due Date:
Meter Reading
noreply@ merchanttransact.com
Thursday, June 4, 2020 8:28 AM
Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready.
Previous Reading
Serial Date Reading
Current Charges
Total Current Charges:
Bill Summary
Previous Balance:
Payments Received:
Current Charges:
* Total Amount Due by: 7/1/2020
* This was the amount due at the time of billing.
MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301)
5/1/2020 to 5/31/2020 (31 days)
Current Reading
Date Reading Cons
$ 0.00
To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here.
Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay.
Debbie Davidson
City of Monticello, MN
505 Walnut St, Ste 1
Monticello, MN 55362
8 AM to 4:30 PM
Account Information
Acco u nt:
Service Address:
Service Period:
Billing Date:
Due Date:
Meter Reading
noreply@ merchanttransact.com
Thursday, June 4, 2020 8:28 AM
Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready.
Previous Reading
Serial Date Reading
60867213 5/1/2020 1001572
Current Charges
Waste Taxes: GARBAGE TAX RES - 9.75%
Total Current Charges:
Bill Summary
Previous Balance:
Payments Received:
Current Charges:
* Total Amount Due by: 7/1/2020
* This was the amount due at the time of billing.
MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301)
300 4TH ST E
5/1/2020 to 5/31/2020 (31 days)
Current Reading
Date Reading
6/1/2020 1001572
To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here.
$ 0.00
Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay.
Llate of Tr�s�cti� %.� �� � �`�'
C�ty Hall Card �raresacti�r�
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MN/IA Landfi�ls-ETk River Landfi�l
22460 Hwy 159 W
Elk River, MN, 553�a
Ph: 763-991-2464
r����� a�t� os�i2�zoza
Payment Type Credit C�rd
�anual Ticket#
Haulina Ticket#
State Ydaste Code
Destinatiion LINERI7D
Profile ()
T�.me Sca1e
In 06/12/2020 10:5Q:5�1 Inbotznci
Out Q6I12/2020 11:12:20 Outbound
eomments EDA.
VehiGle# trk 9975p3
Check# v
Sil�zng # OD00396
Ticket# 1�70770
Gross 3(}60(} lb
Ta�e 28250 lb
Net 2320 lb
Tons 1.�6
Pro�uct Lbp Qty U�M Ra�e Tax Amnunt Origin
l 1000`P--MSW TOv ].QO 1.16 Tons �7.p0 5$.91 $231.00 WRIGM
2 EVFt-L--Standard En 1�0 1 Load 26.OD 4.42 $26.00
3 F'UEL--T-Fue1 Surcha 100 �- 4. 35 1. 94 $� 1. 18
4 WWMt-P-Trlaste Wat�r 10Q =m 6.50 Z.84 $16.71
Driver � s Sic��tatux�
Total Tax $68.0�
Total T'iCket $352.96
Amt $�52.96, Amt Tendered 5352.96, Chg Due $0.00
Debbie Davidson
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 3:41 PM
To: Debbie Davidson
Subject: RE: Elk River Landfill Visa 6/12/20 $352.96
Hi Debbie, that looks like junk from the vacant EDA house at 300 — 4t" Street East. The code is: 213-46301-461500.
From: Debbie Davidson <Debbie.Davidson@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 11:18 AM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: Elk River Landfill Visa 6/12/20 $352.96
Hello Jim,
Our Parks department paid for the attached with their Visa card, but noted that it belongs to the EDA. Please provide
coding along with your approval to pay $352.96 to Elk River Landfill.
Thank you,
pebb�e pa�/�dsow
Finance Clerk
City of Monticello
apC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
Emai! correspondence to and from the City of Montice!!o qovernment offices is subject to the Minnesota Government
Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties.
MN/IA Landfills-Elk River Landfill
22460 Hwy 169 W
Elk River, MN, 55330
Ph: 763-491-2964
Ticket Date 06/11/2020 Vehicle# trk 947503
Payment Type Credit Card Container
Manual Ticket# Driver
Hauling Ticket# Check# v
Route Billing � 0000396
State Waste Code Gen EPA iD
Manifest License
Destination LINERI7D
Profile ()
Time Scale Operator
In 06/11/2020 10:93:46 Znbound jleitold
Out 06/11/2020 11:08:25 Outbound jleitold
Ticket# 1170579
Gross 32520 lb
Tare 28390 lb
Net 9180 lb
Tons 2.09
Product LD% Qty UOM Rate Tax Amount Origin
1 1000T-MSW TON 100 2.09 Tons 77.00 7A.65 $231.00 WRIGM
2 EVFt-L-Standard En 100 1 Load 26.00 9.92 526.00
3 FUEL-T-Fuel Surcha 100 � 9.35 1.90 $11.18
9 WWMt-P-Waste Water 100 � 6.50 2.89 $16.71
Driver's Signature
Tota1 Tax $83.81
Total Ticket $368.")0
Amt 5368.70, Amt Tendered $368.70, Chq Due $0.00
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Debbie Davidson
From: Tom Pawelk
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2020 6:57 AM
To: Julie Cheney; Debbie Davidson
Subject: EDA House trash Removal
Attachments: IMG_20200612_065611460jpg
Debbie Davidson
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 8:17 AM
To: Debbie Davidson; Tom Pawelk
Subject: RE: Elk River Landfill (2) Visa $368.70 &$352.96
It looks like this ticket is forjunk removed from the EDA owned house. Please pay. The code is: 213-46301-461500.
From: Debbie Davidson <Debbie.Davidson@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 1:40 PM
To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Tom Pawelk <Tom.Pawelk@ci.monticello.mn.us>
Subject: Elk River Landfill (2) Visa $368.70 &$352.96
Hi Jim & Tom,
There are (2) Visa receipts attached. Jim has already signed off on the attached Elk River Landfill purchase in the amount
of $352.96, but I see there is another. Does this belong to the EDA as well? If so, Jim, is it okay to pay the attached Visa
purchase in the amount of $368.70 to Elk River Landfill?
Thank you!
pebb�e pav�dsow
Finance Clerk
City of Monticello
ap@ci.monticel lo.mn.us
Emai! correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government
Data Practices Act and may be disc(osed to third parties.
EDA Agenda: 8/12/20
5. Consideration of Amendment of Small Business Emergencv Grant Guideline and
Agreement Template (AS/JT)
The EDA is asked to adopt amendments to the Small Business Emergency Grant Agreement
Guidelines and Agreement template to comply with requirements for reimbursement of the
grant funding through the city's CARES Act allocation.
The EDA approved the Small Business Emergency Grant Program and the GMEF account as
a source of the funding at its regular May 27, 2020 meeting. The Grant Program was set up
with $100,000 as an initial emergency assistance fund. This set-aside amount is expected to
fund a total of 20 grants [$100,000/$5,000 = 20]. The EDA has currently received 18
applications for funding, approving 17 to-date with one pending on this agenda.
With the passage of the CARES Act, the City of Monticello will receive an approximately
$1,038,000 allocation. This allocation may be used to reimburse the Emergency Grant
program. Therefore, the EDA took companion action in July on an Interfund Loan resolution
which will allow reimbursement for eligible grants from the CARES Act allocation. The City
Council took further action in July to allocate up to $200,000 to the EDA for this purpose.
With additional guidance having now been received on the use and accounting of the funds to
be reimbursed through CARES, the EDA's attorney has recommended minor amendments to
both the grant guidelines and grant agreement. These amendments make it clear that the
funds cannot be used for payment of property taxes and that should the applicant receive
funds from multiple programs utilizing CARES Act reimbursement, the funding must be for
separate and exclusive purposes. Grant recipients are bound by the same spending
requirements as the City. The grant agreement now clearly requires a statement from the
applicants when submitting their proof of expenses.
Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in these amendments was limited to research on
guidance, preparation of the report, and the time of the EDA attorney in preparing the
amendments consistent with CARES Act requirements.
A2. BUDGET IMPACT: Limited to EDA attorney expenses, estimated at 1-2 hours total.
L Motion to approve an Amendment of Small Business Emergency Grant Guidelines and
Agreement Template
2. Motion to deny an Amendment of Small Business Emergency Grant Guidelines and
Agreement Template
3. Motion to table consideration of for additional information.
EDA Agenda: 8/12/20
Staff recommends Alternative #1. These amendments provide additional language for
compliance with CARE Act reimbursement requirements.
A. Small Business Emergency Grant Program Guidelines, Proposed Amendment
B. Grant Agreement Template, Proposed Amendment
C. Grant Application
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c�n lce o
The Economic Development Authority for the City of Monticello (EDA) recognizes that small
businesses are vital to the fabric of the Monticello community. Accordingly, the Monticello
Economic Development Authority (EDA) has developed a Small Business Emergency
Assistance Program to address working capital needs upon the declaration of a state of
emergency by the State of Minnesota (State) and the City of Monticello (City).
The purpose of this program is to ensure the viability of the community's small businesses
faced with the current COVID-19 health emergency, which is adversely impacting the local
economy. The goal of this program is to provide needed financing for local businesses to help
sustain operations and endure economic hardships during this challenging time. The program
is structured as grant assistance.
Grant funds are available on a firsteome, firstserved basis. The program is subject to funding
availability from the EDA. The EDA retains the authority and discretion to approve or deny an
application, and reserves the right to subsequently add further priorities, change eligibility
criteria, or discontinue the program in response to changing circumstances.
a. Eligible Businesses
To be eligible to receive Small Business Emergency Assistance funds, a business must
demonstrate that its operations have been directly and adversely affected by the COVID-19
Health Pandemic and include the following:
1. Eligible business types include locally owned and operated businesses noted in Executive
Orders 20-04 and 20-08, such as those listed below.
Restaurants, cafes, coffeehouses, and other places of public accommodation
offering food or beverage for on-premises consumption.
Taverns, brew pubs, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, and
other places of public accommodation offering alcoholic beverages for
on-premises consumption.
Gymnasiums, fitness centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities,
businesses offering massage therapy, spas, salons, nail salons, cosmetology
salons, and barber shops. This includes, but is not limited to, all salons and shops
licensed by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetologist Examiners and the Minnesota
Board of Barber Examiners.
• Bowling alleys, theaters, skating rinks, and other similar recreational or
entertainment facilities.
• Local boutique and specialty retailers.
2. Other businesses as approved by the EDA.
b. Eligibility Requirements
The business shall have a physical address (proof of address required) within the
corporate boundary of the City and have been operating within the City long enough to
demonstrate financial viability;
The business shall employ between 2 and 25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees
prior to the issuance of the State of Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-04 (March
16, 2020) and/or make $1 million or less in annual gross revenue. For purposes of
calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities
within the Monticello business location.
4. All businesses must serve the general public and be a conforming or legally
non-conforming use under the current zoning regulations of the City, and must not be in
violation of the City's zoning code.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to claim all applicable private and public insurance
and utilize all other sources of applicable assistance available from other private and
public sources. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for an Economic Injury
Disaster Grant through the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Small Business
Emergency Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic
Development (DEED) prior to applying for this grant. For more information, visit:
Guide to financial resources for Minnesota small businesses
While not absolutely required, applications which include proof of application
submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing
programs will receive higher scores in evaluation.
Assistance cannot be provided to businesses that:
• Do not have a physical address (and building/location) within the City of
• Have more than three total locations operating as part of the business enterprise.
• Derive income from passive investments without operational ties to operating
businesses or whose primary source of revenue is from business-to-business
• Primarily generate income from gambling activities.
• Have no current or historical financial statements.
• See also a2 above.
a. Amount: Businesses may apply for a one-time emergency grant of up to $5,000. The EDA
shall determine the final award amounts based upon scoring criteria.
b. Term: All grant awards must be utilized within two months of the date of the grant fund
c. Uses: Awarded funds may be used exclusively for current payroll obligations (i.e. may not
include employees who have been laid off), lease or mortgage payments, utilities, accounts
payable, ��e�and other critical business expenses that can't be paid as a direct
result of the current health emergency. Awarded funds ma� not be used for navment of
nronert=v or other taxes or for the businessowner's/manager's �ersonal uses or ex�enses.
The City reserves the right to pay or require payment of delinquent �bills; or charges
due to the City out of funds awarded.
d. Proof of Need: Applicants shall be required to provide proof of financial need for grant
funds. This includes but is not limited to the previous year's annual gross revenue, average
monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19, and projected monthly gross revenue for the
next three months. Additionally, as noted above, applicants are encouraged to provide
evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal
e. Proof of Expenses: Applicant shall provide proof of eligible expenses requested to be paid
with grant funds. See list of eligible grant uses above.
f.� Disbursement of Funds: Funds shall be distributed within three weeks after fully executed
grant agreement has been received.
g. Termination: The EDA retains the right to terminate any agreement under the Emergency
Assistance Program if a grant recipient is found to be in violation of any conditions set forth
in the grant guidelines or grant agreement.
h. Right to Deny: The EDA retains the right to deny any application for grant funding.
i. GrantAgreement: Upon a successful grant application being awarded funds, the grant
recipient shall enter into a Grant Agreement with the EDA. Funds will not be distributed
for any grant award until a grant agreement has been executed by all required parties.
j. Reporting: As a condition for receiving grant funding, all grant recipients are required to
submit a brief report to the EDA within two months after receiving grant funds, specifying
how the entirety of the grant funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of
paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation.
k. Funding Availability: The Small Business Emergency Assistance program has a limited
amount of funds available. Awards will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis until
the earlier of the date the fund is exhausted, or the City-declared state of emergency
declaration is lifted.
l. Indemnification: All grant recipients shall be required to indemnify the City of Monticello,
the Monticello Economic Development Authority, and any officers acting on their behalf.
Prior to applying, please review the Program Guidelines to determine if your business is
Applications will be available June 1st, 2020.
1. Applications are available on the City's website: www.ci.monticellamn.us.
2. Application requirements will include:
• Basic details about the business.
• Basic employment and annual gross revenue information.
• Information on current operations including whether the business is currently
closed or is providing reduced services.
• Narrative descriptions and estimated calculations of the negative impacts on the
business due to COVID-19.
• A narrative description of the current plans for resuming operations following
the COVID-19 crisis.
• Information on the intended use of the grant funds.
• Evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State
and federal emergency financing programs, as applicable.
• Supporting documentation and application attachments.
Fully completed and signed applications along with required documents may be
submitted online to: Communit�.develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us
Please note that mailed hard copy applications will take longer to process.
4. Upon submission of application, applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of
5. The application will be reviewed for eligibility upon receipt. If additional information
or documentation is necessary, EDA staff will contact the applicant. Due to an expected
high volume of applications, you may consider your application complete if staff does
not request additional information within 10 business days after application acceptance.
If application is approved and funds are available, businesses will be notified within 2 business
days and provided with an electronic grant agreement for signatures.
Small businesses receiving funds must commit to using the funds for eligible program
expenses and must agree to document and report specific uses of the funds. All grant recipients
are required to submit a brief report to the Monticello EDA within two months after receipt of
funds, specifying how the entirety of the funds were utilized and providing evidence in the
form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation.
If the application for Small Business Assistance is approved, the applicant and business owner
will be required to enter into a grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the
terms and conditions of the grant as identified herein.
For businesses needing additional resources such as technical assistance, larger working capital
grants, or other, staff will provide ongoing assistance to businesses of all sizes and types,
working with partners and other levels of government to access resources as available, such as
SBA and State of Minnesota DEED grants.
Staff will conduct a check-in with grant recipients within one year of the distribution of funds
to learn the effect of the grant and business outcomes such as economic impact of the grant
program, (including, but not limited to, employees retained or rehired, and sales) and whether
they match the program's desired outcomes of business and/or job retention.
Any questions related to the application process or for assistance in completing the application
should be directed to:
Jim Thares
Economic Development Manager
City of Monticello
communit�. develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us
Document comparison by Workshare 10.0 on Thursday, July 23, 2020 9:24:49
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Document 2 ID Powerpocs://DOCSOPEN/665047/2
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ants Guidelines
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This Grant Agreement ("Agreement'� is made this _ day of , 2020,
between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and
politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), and
[name of business], a Minnesota [type of business entity, e.g. limited liability
company, sole proprietorship, assumed name, etc.] ("Grantee").
A. In March 2020_ Governor Tim Walz issued a series of Emer.e�enc�,� Executive Orders
in resnonse to the CnVTD-19 nandemic which closed nublic and nrivate schools_ closed bars_
� � � �
restaurants_ and other nlaces of accommodation and e.e n�eralle�� reauired Minnesotans to sta�,� at
home_ while acknowled�uin,� that the State's resnonse to the COVID-19 pandemic would result_
either directl�,� or indirectiv_ in the closure of man�,� of Minnesota's businesses.
B. In an effort to miti,�ate the economic distress caused b�,� the COVID-19 pandemic_
Con.e�ress passed the Coronavirus Aid_ Relief_ and Economic Securi e,� Act (CARES Actl to ron vide
fundin,� to States and local ,�overnments to cover costs associated with the COVID-19 nandemic.
C. Guidance issued b�,� the federal ,�overnment nrovides that CARES Act fundin��is
intended to cover a variet�,� of costs incurred b�,� State and local ,�overnments in res on ndin,� to and
miti'e�atin,� the effects of the COVID-19 public health crisis_ includin�nenses to enable
comnliance with nublic health measures such as facilitatin,� distance learnin,� and im rn ovin�
telework capabilities_ and exnenses associated with economic subnort_ such as ,�rants to businesses.
D. Pursuant to federal and State �uidelines established for exnenditure of the CARES
Act fundin�_ Grantor has created its Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program (the
`�'rogram'� and has approved guidelines for the Program (the `�'rogram Guidelines'�,_ which are
incorporated into this A�reement bv reference.
�E Grantee has submitted an application for a grant (the "Grant Application'� under the
Program Guidelines, and Grantor has approved a grant to the Grantee in the amount of $
(the "Grant'� to pay a portion of the expenses described in the Grant Application, in connection with
Grantee's [kind of business, e.g. restaurant, salon, etc.] located at
in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the `�ity'� (the "Grant Activities'�.
�F. The Grantor and Grantee wish to memorialize the terms of the Grant in this
ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as follows:
1. The Grant Amount. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Program Guidelines,
and the Grant Application (together, the "Grant Documents'�, Grantor agrees to grant to Grantee the
sum of and no/100ths Dollars ($ ). The Grant will be paid by
Grantor to Grantee for the Grant Activities approved under the Grant Documents in accordance
with Section 2 hereof.
2. Pa�ment of Grant Proceeds.
(a) The Grant will be paid to Grantee in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Grant Documents. The Grantee agrees that any costs of the Grant
Activities exceeding the amount to be paid under this Agreement are the sole responsibility
of the Grantee.
(b) The Grantor will pay the Grant to Grantee once the Grantor has received
from Grantee, without expense to Grantor,—=
(il a signed copy of this Agreement�
(iil a list of the Grant Activities that will be paid from the Grant_ and
(iiil a written statement from the Grantee certif�,� that none of the
Grant Activities for which the pa�ment is �nosed to be made has formed
or will form the basis for an�a�,�ment made under an�,� other a,�reement with
an�,� other .e�rantor.
Re�resentations and Warranties. Grantee represents and warrants to Grantor that:
(a) Grantee is authorized to sign, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to
receive the Grant from Grantor.
(b) Grantee agrees that it will keep and maintain books, records, and other
documents relating directly to the receipt and payment of Grant proceeds and that any
authorized representative of Grantor, with reasonable advance notice, may have access to
and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other
documents of Grantee related to the Grant until Grantee provides its final report to Grantor.
(c) To the best of Grantee's knowledge, Grantee has fully complied with all
applicable s�efederal and State laws reasonably relevant to this Agreement and will
continue to comply throughout the term of this Agreement. If at any time Grantee receives
notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Grantee agrees to take any
necessary action to comply with the �efederal or State law in question.
(d) Grantee will use the proceeds of the Grant made by Grantor only for the
Grant Activities, and within 60 days after the date of this Agreement, Grantee will provide
to Grantor in writing a brief report (like the example included in the Grant Application),
stating how all of the Grant funds have been used and providing evidence in the form of
paid invoices, statements, or similar.
4. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree that the Grant is not a business subsidy as
defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the `Business Subsidy
Act'�, because the assistance is in an amount less than $150,000.
5. Indemnification.
(a) Grantee agrees to indemnify against and to hold Grantor, and its officers,
agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it
may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and
demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Grantor by reason of any alleged
obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants,
or agreements contained herein.
(b) This indemnification and hold harmless provision will survive the
execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the payment by Grantor of any
portion of the Grant.
(c) Nothing in this Agreement will constitute a waiver of or limitation on any
immunity from or limitation on liability to which Grantee is entitled under law.
6. Miscellaneous.
(a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set
forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by
Grantee and Grantor. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a
waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy.
(b) Assi n� ment. This Agreement is binding upon the parties. All rights and
powers specifically conferred upon Grantor may be transferred or delegated by Grantor to
any of its successors and assigns. Grantee's rights and obligations under this Agreement may
be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Grantor.
(c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all
respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising
out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all
parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether
based on convenience or otherwise.
(d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held
unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect
other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be
construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been
contained herein or prescribed hereby.
(e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the
U. S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following
addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other):
To Grantor: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority
505 Walnut Street, Suite 1
City of Monticello, MN 55362
Attn: Executive Director
To Grantee:
(f) Termination. On the date the Grantor receives Grantee's written report on
Grantee's expenditure of Grant proceeds as described in paragraph 3(f) of this Agreement,
this Agreement will terminate and neither party will have any further obligation to the
(g) Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the Grant Documents, is
the entire statement of agreement between the Grantor and Grantee regarding the Grant.
IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the
proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above.
Its President
Its Executive Director
[Business name]
656052v1 M� MN190-101
Document comparison by Workshare 10.0 on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 3:11:32
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� •
Legal Name of Business:
Project Site Address:
City / State / Zip:
Contact Person(s):
Business Phone:
Home Phone:
Check One:
Federal ID #
Property Owner:
� Proprietor
� Corporation
State ID #
� Partnership
Please attach additional documents/pages as needed to be complete as possible.
a. Years of operation in Monticello
b. List below the number of part time and full time employees.
For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing
facilities u�ithin the Monticello business location.
Prior to March 15th, 2020 FT PT
Current FT PT
c. Give a brief summary of your business (products, services, growth history,
operations, number of locations, etc.)
d. Provide information regarding how your operations have been impacted by the
pandemic, specifically hours of operation, employee reductions, etc. Include any
strategies implemented to sustain your business
e. Describe of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19
Amount Requested: $
Please provide documents/evidence of other sources of state or federal funds your
business has been awarded or denied during the COVID pandemic, as applicable,
including Economic Injury funds, PPP, etc.
Please attach the following:
A) Proof of address
B) Financial statements, such as:
• Previous year's annual gross revenue
• Average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19
• Projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months
C) Proof of expenses to be paid
D) Award/denial letters — State and Federal Assistance Programs
I/ We certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the
best of my/our knowledge. I/ We authorize the Monticello EDA to verify financial and
other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested
by the city.
The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the program and complies with
all eligibility requirements. Further, the applicant understands that funds are awarded on
a first-come first served basis.
The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives.
Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked
by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2.
EDA Agenda: 08/12/20
6. Consideration of Approving Small Business Emergencv Grant Agreement in the
Amount of $5,000 to Evolution Taekwondo Monticello LLC to Mitigate COVID-19
Economic Impacts (JT)
The EDA is being asked to consider approving a fifth batch of application(s) to the Small
Business Emergency Grant Program. The EDA approved the Small Business Emergency
Grant Program and a source of funding at its regular May 27, 2020 meeting. The Grant
Program was set up with $100,000 as an initial emergency assistance fund, utilizing the
Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan program. The original emergency grant
fund program was set up to provide a total of 20 grants in the amount of $5,000 each.
Funding provided to the City of Monticello's through the Federal Government's CARES Act
also allows direct assistance to be provided to businesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic
response efforts. The EDA took action at its July 22, 2020 meeting, authorizing an Interfund
Loan to reimburse its GMEF account for all grants approved prior to July 22, 2020 (total of
$85,000). The companion City Council CARES Act resolution, adopted on July 27, 2020,
authorized the EDA to utilize up to $200,000 of CARES Act funding for its emergency grant
assistance program, or a total of 40 grants (this includes the 17 grants that have been
previously approved) in the amount of $5,000 each. CARES Act funding must be distributed
by mid November 2020.
For the August 12, 2020 EDA meeting, one (1) new Grant Assistance application was
received and is being presented for consideration. Please see the table below.
Name of Business Tvae of Business # of Emplovees Amount of Grant
Evolution Taekwondo Fitness/Martial Arts 2 $5, 000
Staff have reviewed the application (attached) for completeness and adherence to the program
guidelines. A summary grant review evaluation spreadsheet is also included to help the EDA
in its review and discussion at the meeting. It should be noted that the applicant indicated that
there is just one full-time and one part-time employee. Per the EDA's grant guidelines,
businesses shall employ between 2 and 25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees. Staff
understand the need to support the local businesses at this time and note the establishment has
been in business in Monticello for the past eight years.
The EDA has already approved seventeen (17) grants or $85,000 in total funding since the
creation of the grant program. If the EDA approves the additional grant request, a program
balance of $110,000 or twenty-two (22) additional grant requests remains (utilizes CARES
Act allocation of $200,000 authorized by City Council on 7-27-20).
Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in considering the grant request involves the
work related to reviewing the application and preparing the staff report for the EDA meeting.
The EDA's legal counsel provided a grant agreement template which is also attached to the
Staff Report.
EDA Agenda: 08/12/20
A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering approving one (1) Small
Business Emergency Grant is in disbursing an additional amount of $5,000 from the
Emergency Grant Assistance Program. If the EDA approves the one (1) new grant in addition
to the seventeen (17) that were previously approved, the remaining fund balance would be
$110,000. It is noted that any money granted to the applicant will utilize the Federal
Government CARES Act program.
L Motion to approve Small Business Emergency Grant Agreement between the EDA and
Evolution Taekwondo Monticello LLC in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19
economic impacts.
2. Motion to deny approval of Small Business Emergency Grant Agreement between the
EDA and Evolution Taekwondo Monticello LLC in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate
COVID-19 economic impacts.
3. Motion to table consideration of approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreement
between the EDA and Evolution Taekwondo Monticello LLC in the amount of $5,000 to
mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts.
4. Motion of other.
Staff recommends Alternative #1. It should also be noted that if the grant is approved, it is
not considered a"business subsidy" as defined in state statutes. The program guidelines
require the grant recipient to provide a brief follow-up report back to the EDA describing how
the funding was used.
A. Evolution Taekwondo Monticello LLC Application
B. Evolution Taekwondo Monticello, LLC Lease Agreement
C. Evolution Taekwondo Monticello, LLC Financial Summary Information
D. Summary Grant Review-Evaluation Checklist
E. Grant Agreement Template (on Agenda for approval of proposed Amendment)
F. Small Business Emergency Grant Program Guidelines (on Agenda for approval of
proposed Amendment)
G. EDA Emergency Grant Program Interfund Resolution #2020-08
H. City Council CARES Act Resolution #2020-57
� � "'` �' f M(3NTICELLQ EDA
� �
E�olution Taekwando Monticello LLC
Leg�l Naine of BusiYzess:
Pro}�ct Site Ac�cir�ss: ���� ��'���I olv�
���� � st�t�, ����: Monticel Io, M N 55362
�ont��tPprs�l��s�: Adam Johr�son
Btrsuiess Phone: Eiaiail:
Hoine Phoi�e:
Check Chze
Federal IL? «
❑ I'ro -�rietor
� Corparation
State ID �
Pro�?ert4r ��er: �J�`Ilberg B�siness Center
� Partnershi�
I'Iease uttaclx �dditin�cul docurneritsl�uges �zs r�eer�ec� to �e c:o�r�p�ete as �ossiU�e.
cx. Years af o��er�tion u� 1Vlasiticello 8 Years
�. List helow d1e nu�nber of �art time �icl full time em�loj�ees.
Far �urposes vf catcu�atiar�, t�e term "ernplayees" maa� incd�de fhase staff rentin� or lec�sing
�i��:aIdtiE�s :uit}�irc ti�e.'L�Iojiticel2c� hu,�irE�s� lc?cc�tin�c.
Prior to M�rc:}i I5'�, ?0?0 F�' � PT �
Current FT � PT 1
Give a brief summary of your business (products, services, growth history,
operations, number of locations, etc.)
Evolution Taekwondo (TKD) Monticello, was established in 2012. It is a fitness and
Martial Arts Gym. I teach TKD, Personal Safety and Self Defense. Students range in
age from 4 years old to Adult. Evolution TKD Monticello only has one location. Our
normal student base is approximately 40 to 60 students.
d. Provide information regarding how your operations have been impacted by the
pandemic, specifically hours of operation, employee reductions, etc. Include any
strategies implemented to sustain your business
My business has been negatively impacted by COVID 19. During the state wide
shutdown, we were required to close our doors loosing any source of revenue. When
the shutdown ended, fitness centers and martial art gyms, were some fo the last to
re-open. Shutting our doors lost me approximately $2200.00/mo. from class fees,
approximately $3500.00 for a tournament, approximately $1600 in testing fees and an
unknown amount in equipment and uniform sales. My monthly rent is $1200/mo.
which I have been unable to pay to this point. The money from the tournament
normally suppliments my drop in business over the summer months, so my rent stays
e. Describe of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19
My plan for resuming business post COVID 19 is to continue to recruit for new
students, attend community events, host the Taekwondo Tournament and grow the
school. My goal will be to take in enough revenue to help me stay in business in case
another pandemic occurs. To make sure I don't need to rely on assistance to stay in
ATnount Requested: $ �Q�d•�0
Ple�se �7ra�ritie dr�L-umentsre��ic�ence off other sources of state or fecleral f�zcis yoexr
bus�iess has Ueen �warded vr dei�ied ciuruzg #he CflVID paizdemic, as a����lic�ble,
including Economic I��}ur�� fiu�cis, PPP, etc.
Please �tf�c� the follotivizig:
x A) Proof af adciress
x �} Fi��aitcial st�ternei�ts, suc }t a�:
r Pre�i�us year'S �nr1u�I gross reVenue
• l�verage ��io�itl�ly gross res-enue priar to CQVID-19
• PTQ�PC�eC� iYlC]11iIlI�F gross revPIll1E' fOT [�le IleXt ��lT'Ee iilQlll��d5
� C} Praof Qf exFeanses to t�e paid
��� D} A�varci�denial letters — State and Federal Assist��ce Programs
I j We cerfi£�r thai all infax�nation �.�ro�-ide�i i�z this a�plicativii is true an�� cvrrect ta tlie
k�est of my/our lciio�Tleeige. I j We autl�orize the Moxiticello EDA to G erify fin�icial �nti
otller ulforrnation. I/ We agree ta ��ro��de an4f aa��iitional 'u�formatinn as ulay Ue requesteci
by the cit�r.
T1�e uiidersigned has received the EDA'S polic.-�� regardi�z� the �rogram and complies witP�
all eligil�ility re��uireanents. Further, the applic�nt underst�nds that fi_inds are �r,��arcied on
a first-�a�i�e first sen•eci l�asis.
�. !
APPLICANT NAME {Print}: �dam Johnson
I]ATE: $13f2�20
The EDA is a�oz�errtmenia� es�tity urid us surh rnust �arnr�idc� puvltic ac-ress to �aeeblzc data it receia�es.
Daia cleemFd by Ap��ieant �a +�e no�:pu�ilic, dattx u�eder 5tczte Iazi> sliau�d �e so d�si�►zated vr markc�d
iry A�ticurtt. 5ee Miozfeesota 5tr�tutes, �5ectiar�s 13,59T, Seet�d. T und 2.
Office Space Lease
This Lease Agreement (this "Lease") is dated May 1, 2018 by and between Kjellberg's Business
Center, LLC ("Landlord"), and EV�OLUT14N TAEKWONDQ ("Tenant"). '1'he parties agree as
PREMISES. Landlord, its cr�nsic��ration of the lease pa}miet�ts provided in this Lease, leases to
Tenant S�ite 4272 5chaol Blvd, in K�ellberg's Business Center (the "Premises") located at 4272
School Boulevard, Montic�llo, MN 55362.
TERM. The lease ternl will begin on May ], 20l $ and wi11 tenninate on Febrtiary 28, 2019.
LEASE PAYMENTS. Tenaut sliall pay to Landlord monfhly install�nents of $1,200.(��, payable
in advance on the first day of each month, for a tatal lease payment of $1 �,400.00. Lease
payme�rts shall be made to the Landlord at 4300 Schaol Boulevard, Monticello, MN SS362,
which address rnay be changed from time ta time by the Landiord.
SECUFt1TY DEPOSIT. At the time of the signing of this Lease, Tenant has been a good tenant
%r naany years and will require no additional deposit. However lanc�lord reserves the right to
charge �or Tenant da►nages to the Premises {if any} as provaded by 1aw.
POSSESSION. Tenant shall be entitled to possession on the iyrst day of the tenn of this Lease,
and shall yield possession ko Landlord on the last day c�f the tern� of tliis Lease, unless otherwise
agrced by both pa�rties in vvriting. At the expiration of thc ierm, Tenant shall remove its goods
and effects and peaceably yield up khe Premises to Landlord in as good a eondition as when
delivered ta Tenant, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Landlord prom'ises to place Tenant in
peacefiil possession of the Oft`ice Space, a�id Tenant, hy taking possessioii of the �ffice Space,
will have acknowledgetl that the Office Space are in s�tisfactory and acceptable condition.
Landlord pron}ise� to place Tenaut i« peaceful passession of the Office Space, atid Tenant, by
taking possession of the Offic� Space, wi11 have acknowledged that the Office Space are in
satisfactory and acceptable condition.
llSE OF PREMISES. Tenant may use the Preu�ises only for Purposes of canducting legal non-
retaii comm�rce The Premises inay be used for any other purpose only with the prior written
cansent of Landlord, whic�� shall not be unreason�bly withlield. Tenant sha�l uotify Landlarci of
any anticipated extended absence from the Yrem�s�s not later than the first day of the extended
PROPERTY INSURANCE. Lar�dlord and Tenant sha�] each maintain apprapriate insurance for
their respective interests in th� Premises and prop�r#y locat�d an the Premises. Landlord shall be
named as ara additional insured in such palicies. Tenant shall deliver appropriate evidence to
Landlord as proaf that adequate insurance is in force issued by companies reasanably
satisfactary to Lancilord. Landlord shall receive advance written notice from the in�urer prior to
any termination af such insurance palicies. Tenant shall alsa maintain ai}y other insurance which
Landlord may reasonably require far the protectian of Landlord's interest in the Premises. Tenant
is responsible for rnaintaining casualty insurance on its owu pr�perty.
LIABILITY INSURANCE. Tenant shali maintain tiability insurance on the Premises in a total
aggregate sum af at least $ l OQ,0d0.00. Tenant shall deliver appropriate evidence to �.andlard as
proof that adequate insura�ce is in force issued by compaiiies reasonably satisfactory ta
�.andlord. Landlord shall receive advance written notice fram the insurer ptiar to any termination
of such insurance palicies.
RENEWAL TERMS. This Lease shall autornatically renew for an additio�ial period of 90 days
per renewal term, ttnless either party gives written notice of tennination no later than b0 days
days prior to the end of the ter�n or renewal terrn. The lease terrns durir�g any such renewal term
shall be the sarrye as khose contained in this L�ase except that the lease installment payments shall
be $1,600.00 per rnanth, unless atherwise n�gotiated.
COMMON AREAS OF UFFICE SPACE. Landlord shall make availablc at all times during
the ternr� of this lease in any portion of the Ofiice Space that Landlord fram time to time
desigtiates or relocates, automobi�e parking and camnion areas as Landlard shall from time to
time dee�n appropriate. Tenant shall have the nonexclusive right during the term of this lease ta
usc the cotnmon areas for itself, its employees, agents, customers, clients, invitees, and licensees.
Landlord �reserves the right to re-desi�nate a cammon area for a non-cammon use or to designate
as a comr�on area a portion c�f the Ofiice Space not previously designated a conunon area.
A1i common areas shall be subject to the exclusivc control and management of Landlord or any
other persons ar norninees that Landlard cnay have delegated or assigned to exercise
managcment or cantrt�l, in whale ar in part, in Landlord's place and stead. Landiord shall have
che right to close, if necessary, all or any portian of the comn�on areas as is deemed n�cessary by
Landlord to effect neccssary repairs, maintenance, ar construction, or to �naintain thc safety of
tenants or the general public. Landlord will maintain the common areas in a clean, orderly, a�d
sanitary manner, Landlord is respansible far all repairs of the common areas, except those
requir�d by the negligence of Tenant.
Landlord and Landlord's no�iinees and assignees shall liave the right to establish, madify,
amend, and enforce reasonable rules and a�e�ulakions wikll respect ta the common areas and the
�ffice Space. Tenant shall fully and faithfully comply with ant3 abserve the rules and regulations
for the common areas �nd the Building ("the Building Rules and Regulations"), of which the
Leased Space is a part, including any additions ar amendrnents to the Building Ru1es and
Regulations that may be hereafter enacted by Landlord in Landlord's sole discretian.
CONFERENCE 1i00M. Conference room may be reserved for use at no aciditional cost.
Conference raam may be used f�r up to � hours per week, (based on availability), in 4 haur
blocks of time.
WIRELESS �NTERNET. Wireless internet access �s provided free to charge to paying tenants.
Harci wire internet is aEso available.
JANITORIAL SERVICE. The Landlord shail provide regular janitorial service to tlie Leased
Office 5pace at its sole expense.
COVENANT AGAINST WASTE. Tenant agrees that Tenant will not comrnit waste in or upon
the Office Space ar any partian thereof. The Ter�ant shall be responsible for the ventilatio�i and
cl�anitness of the demised premises and for keeping the waste sewerage lines free from grease
TAXES. T�xes attributable to the Prcmises �r the use of the Premises shall be allocated �s
follows: REAL ESTATE TAXES. Lar�dlord shall pay all real estate taxes and assessn}ents for
the Premises.
DEFAULTS. Tenant shall be in default of this Lease if Tenant fails to fii1fi11 any lease
obligation or term by which Tenant is botmd. Subject ta any goveming �ro�isions of law �o the
contrary, if Tenant fails to cure any financial obligation within 5 days (ar any other obligation
within 10 days} af�er written notice of sueh default is pravided by Landlord to Tenant, Landlord
may tal�c posscssion of the Premises without �i�rtlier natice (to the extent permitted by law}, and
without prejudicing L�ndlorci's rights to damages. In the alternati�e, Landlord r��ay elect to cure
any default anci thc cast of such action shall be added to Tenant's iinancial obligations ur,der this
Lease. Tenant shall pay all costs, dainages, and expenses {including reasonable attorney fees and
expenses) suffered by Landlor� by reason of Tenant's defaults. All surns of money or charges
r�quired to be �aid by Tenant under this Lease shall be additional rent, whether c�r not such sums
or char�;es are designatcd as "additional rent". The rights provideci by this paragrapl� are
cumulative in nat��re and �re in addition to any other rights afforded �y law.
TERMINATION. Tenant may ternsinate the lease with TWO FULL months' notice. Notice to
kenninate must be given an the first af thc month in which the notice is ta bc cffeGtiv�. NotiGc
given prior to the tirst of the month will count tow7rds the following manth(s) only. T�nant will
pay rent for tho5e two months and will forfeit deposit as an early tez-r�i�natior� fee.
LATE PAYMENTS. Far any payment khat is not paid within 5 business days days after its due
date, Ter�ant shall pay a late fee of $35.00.
CUMULATIVE RIGHTS. The rights of the parties �inder this Lease are cumulative, and shall
not be construed as exclusive unless otherwise requii•ed by l�w.
NON-SUFFICIENT FU1'�1DS. Tenant shail be charged $30.00 for each chec�C that is ren�rned to
Landlord for lack af sufficieut funds.
ACCESS BY LANDLORD TO PREMISES. Subjeet to 7'enant's consent (which shall not be
unrea5onaloly withheld}, Landlord shall haue tlie right to enter the Prerr�ises to make inspections,
provide necessary services, or show the unit to pr�specti�e buyers, mortgagees, tenants or
workers. Hawever, Landlord does not assume any liabi�ity for the care or supervision of the
Premises. As provided by law, in the case of an ernergency, Landlord may enter the Premises
without Tenant's eonsent. D«ring the last tk�r�e months of this Lease, or any extension of this
Lease, Landlord sha11 be allowed ta display the usual "To Let" signs and show the Premises to
prospective tenants.
INDEMNITY REGARDING USE p�' PREMISES. To the extent permitted by law, Tenant
agrees to indemnify, hold hannless, and defend Landlord froin and against any and a11 losses,
claims, liabilities, and expenses, including reasonable attomey fees, if any, which Landlord may
suffer or incur in connection with Tenant's pnssession, use or �nisuse af the Premises, except
Landlord's act or ncgiagencc.
DANGEROUS MATERIALS. Tenant shall not keep or have on the Premises a��y article or
thing af a dangerous, flamrnable, or explosive character tliat n�ight substantially increase the
dangcr of �rc on the Premises, ar that mi�ht be considefed hazardous by a responsible insurance
company, unless th� prior writken consent of Landlord is abtaineci and proof of adequate
insurance protectian is pravided by Tenant ta Landiord.
�OMPLIAN�E W�TH REGULATIONS. Tenant shall prompkly comply with all laws,
ordinances, requirements and regulations of the federal, state, county, municipal and other
authorit'tcs, and the iire insurance underwriters. However, Tenant shall not by this pr�vision be
required to make alterations to the exterior of the building or alterations of a stnzc��ral nahire.
ASSIGNABILITY/SUBLETTING. Tenant may nat assign or suble�se any interest in the
Premiscs, nor effect a chan�;e in the majority ownership of the Tenant (from the owncrship
existing at the inception of this leas�), nor assign, mortgage or pledge this Lease, wit�aut the
prior written consent of Landlord, whieh shall n�t be unreasonably withhcld.
GO'VEN�NING LAW. This Lease shall be construed in accardance with the lavvs of the State of
ENTIRE AGREEMENTIAMENDMENT. This �.ease Agreement cantains the entire
agreement of the parties and there arc no othcr pramises, COTI(�1f10215, understandings or other
agreements, whether oral or written, relating to the si�bject matter af this Lease. This Lease may
be modified or amended in writing, if the writing is signed by the party obligated under t�e
SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Lease s�a11 be helci to be invaiid ar unenforceable for
any reason, the rernainin� provisions shall continue to be valid ancl enfarc€able. If a caurt finds
that any provision of this Lease is invalid or unenforeeable, but that by lin�iting such pravision, it
would beeorn� valid ancl enforceable, then such provision s�iall �e deensed tc� be written,
construcd, and cnforcec� as so linlited.
WAIVER. The failure of ei#her party to en%rc� any provisions of this Lease shall not be
canstrued as a waiver or lirnitation of t��at party's right to subsequently enforce and compel strict
comp4i�nce with every provision of this Lease.
BINDING EFF�CT. The provisions of this Lease shall be binding upan anci inure to the bej�efit
of both parties and their respective legal representatives, s�accessors and assigns.
SIGNATURES AND NOTICE. This Lease shall be sigi�ed by the following parties. No notice
under this Lease shall be deeined valid unless given or served in wriYing and forwarded by inail,
postage prepaid, addresseci to the parties below:
Kjellberg's BLisines5 Cenfier, LLC
4300 School Bouievard
Monticello, MN 55362
Such addresses n�ay be changed from time to time by either party by �raviding notice as set forth
above. Notices �nailed in accordance with the above provisions shall be eleemed received an the
third day aftcr pasting.
I�jellberg's Business Center, LLC
By: Datc:
Kirk Kjellberg, Manager
T�NANT: `�� Date: 5 - J � %�
Adat�l Jo��nson, O er
From: Adam Johnson
To: Jacob Thunander
Subject: RE: Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program
Date: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 8:41:29 AM
Attachments: Lease Agreement.pdf
Emergency Business Grant Program APP.2.FlNAL lll.ndf
I have completed the application. In this email you will find the Lease agreement between my
self and my landlord (It also contains the physical address of my gym location), the
application for the grant and the Profit & Loss Statement for my business. Please llet me
know if I need anything else. Thank you for your help. I hope I qualify for this grant.
Profit & Loss Statement
Website Expense
Business Expense
Marketing Expense
Office Supplies
Meals / Entertainment
Travel Expense
PayPal Processing Fees
$ 24,338.89
$ 14,700.00
$ 239.28
$ 5,658.72
$ 1,980.10
$ 1,625.50
$ 1,026.75
$ 321.04
$ 32.00
$ 317.98
$ (1,562.48)
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This Grant Agreement ("Agreement'� is made this _ day of , 2020,
between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and
politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), and
[name of business], a Minnesota [type of business entity, e.g. limited liability
company, sole proprietorship, assumed name, etc.] ("Grantee").
A. In March 2020_ Governor Tim Walz issued a series of Emer.e�enc�,� Executive Orders
in resnonse to the CnVTD-19 nandemic which closed nublic and nrivate schools_ closed bars_
� � � �
restaurants_ and other nlaces of accommodation and e.e n�eralle�� reauired Minnesotans to sta�,� at
home_ while acknowled�uin,� that the State's resnonse to the COVID-19 pandemic would result_
either directl�,� or indirectiv_ in the closure of man�,� of Minnesota's businesses.
B. In an effort to miti,�ate the economic distress caused b�,� the COVID-19 pandemic_
Con.e�ress passed the Coronavirus Aid_ Relief_ and Economic Securi e,� Act (CARES Actl to ron vide
fundin,� to States and local ,�overnments to cover costs associated with the COVID-19 nandemic.
C. Guidance issued b�,� the federal ,�overnment nrovides that CARES Act fundin��is
intended to cover a variet�,� of costs incurred b�,� State and local ,�overnments in res on ndin,� to and
miti'e�atin,� the effects of the COVID-19 public health crisis_ includin�nenses to enable
comnliance with nublic health measures such as facilitatin,� distance learnin,� and im rn ovin�
telework capabilities_ and exnenses associated with economic subnort_ such as ,�rants to businesses.
D. Pursuant to federal and State �uidelines established for exnenditure of the CARES
Act fundin�_ Grantor has created its Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program (the
`�'rogram'� and has approved guidelines for the Program (the `�'rogram Guidelines'�,_ which are
incorporated into this A�reement bv reference.
�E Grantee has submitted an application for a grant (the "Grant Application'� under the
Program Guidelines, and Grantor has approved a grant to the Grantee in the amount of $
(the "Grant'� to pay a portion of the expenses described in the Grant Application, in connection with
Grantee's [kind of business, e.g. restaurant, salon, etc.] located at
in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the `�ity'� (the "Grant Activities'�.
�F. The Grantor and Grantee wish to memorialize the terms of the Grant in this
ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as follows:
1. The Grant Amount. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the Program Guidelines,
and the Grant Application (together, the "Grant Documents'�, Grantor agrees to grant to Grantee the
sum of and no/100ths Dollars ($ ). The Grant will be paid by
Grantor to Grantee for the Grant Activities approved under the Grant Documents in accordance
with Section 2 hereof.
2. Pa�ment of Grant Proceeds.
(a) The Grant will be paid to Grantee in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the Grant Documents. The Grantee agrees that any costs of the Grant
Activities exceeding the amount to be paid under this Agreement are the sole responsibility
of the Grantee.
(b) The Grantor will pay the Grant to Grantee once the Grantor has received
from Grantee, without expense to Grantor,—=
(il a signed copy of this Agreement�
(iil a list of the Grant Activities that will be paid from the Grant_ and
(iiil a written statement from the Grantee certif�,� that none of the
Grant Activities for which the pa�ment is �nosed to be made has formed
or will form the basis for an�a�,�ment made under an�,� other a,�reement with
an�,� other .e�rantor.
Re�resentations and Warranties. Grantee represents and warrants to Grantor that:
(a) Grantee is authorized to sign, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to
receive the Grant from Grantor.
(b) Grantee agrees that it will keep and maintain books, records, and other
documents relating directly to the receipt and payment of Grant proceeds and that any
authorized representative of Grantor, with reasonable advance notice, may have access to
and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other
documents of Grantee related to the Grant until Grantee provides its final report to Grantor.
(c) To the best of Grantee's knowledge, Grantee has fully complied with all
applicable s�efederal and State laws reasonably relevant to this Agreement and will
continue to comply throughout the term of this Agreement. If at any time Grantee receives
notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Grantee agrees to take any
necessary action to comply with the �efederal or State law in question.
(d) Grantee will use the proceeds of the Grant made by Grantor only for the
Grant Activities, and within 60 days after the date of this Agreement, Grantee will provide
to Grantor in writing a brief report (like the example included in the Grant Application),
stating how all of the Grant funds have been used and providing evidence in the form of
paid invoices, statements, or similar.
4. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree that the Grant is not a business subsidy as
defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the `Business Subsidy
Act'�, because the assistance is in an amount less than $150,000.
5. Indemnification.
(a) Grantee agrees to indemnify against and to hold Grantor, and its officers,
agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it
may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and
demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Grantor by reason of any alleged
obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants,
or agreements contained herein.
(b) This indemnification and hold harmless provision will survive the
execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the payment by Grantor of any
portion of the Grant.
(c) Nothing in this Agreement will constitute a waiver of or limitation on any
immunity from or limitation on liability to which Grantee is entitled under law.
6. Miscellaneous.
(a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set
forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by
Grantee and Grantor. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a
waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy.
(b) Assi n� ment. This Agreement is binding upon the parties. All rights and
powers specifically conferred upon Grantor may be transferred or delegated by Grantor to
any of its successors and assigns. Grantee's rights and obligations under this Agreement may
be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Grantor.
(c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all
respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising
out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all
parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether
based on convenience or otherwise.
(d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held
unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect
other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be
construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been
contained herein or prescribed hereby.
(e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the
U. S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following
addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other):
To Grantor: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority
505 Walnut Street, Suite 1
City of Monticello, MN 55362
Attn: Executive Director
To Grantee:
(f) Termination. On the date the Grantor receives Grantee's written report on
Grantee's expenditure of Grant proceeds as described in paragraph 3(f) of this Agreement,
this Agreement will terminate and neither party will have any further obligation to the
(g) Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the Grant Documents, is
the entire statement of agreement between the Grantor and Grantee regarding the Grant.
IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the
proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above.
Its President
Its Executive Director
[Business name]
656052v1 M� MN190-101
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The Economic Development Authority for the City of Monticello (EDA) recognizes that small
businesses are vital to the fabric of the Monticello community. Accordingly, the Monticello
Economic Development Authority (EDA) has developed a Small Business Emergency
Assistance Program to address working capital needs upon the declaration of a state of
emergency by the State of Minnesota (State) and the City of Monticello (City).
The purpose of this program is to ensure the viability of the community's small businesses
faced with the current COVID-19 health emergency, which is adversely impacting the local
economy. The goal of this program is to provide needed financing for local businesses to help
sustain operations and endure economic hardships during this challenging time. The program
is structured as grant assistance.
Grant funds are available on a firsteome, firstserved basis. The program is subject to funding
availability from the EDA. The EDA retains the authority and discretion to approve or deny an
application, and reserves the right to subsequently add further priorities, change eligibility
criteria, or discontinue the program in response to changing circumstances.
a. Eligible Businesses
To be eligible to receive Small Business Emergency Assistance funds, a business must
demonstrate that its operations have been directly and adversely affected by the COVID-19
Health Pandemic and include the following:
1. Eligible business types include locally owned and operated businesses noted in Executive
Orders 20-04 and 20-08, such as those listed below.
Restaurants, cafes, coffeehouses, and other places of public accommodation
offering food or beverage for on-premises consumption.
Taverns, brew pubs, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, and
other places of public accommodation offering alcoholic beverages for
on-premises consumption.
Gymnasiums, fitness centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities,
businesses offering massage therapy, spas, salons, nail salons, cosmetology
salons, and barber shops. This includes, but is not limited to, all salons and shops
licensed by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetologist Examiners and the Minnesota
Board of Barber Examiners.
• Bowling alleys, theaters, skating rinks, and other similar recreational or
entertainment facilities.
• Local boutique and specialty retailers.
2. Other businesses as approved by the EDA.
b. Eligibility Requirements
The business shall have a physical address (proof of address required) within the
corporate boundary of the City and have been operating within the City long enough to
demonstrate financial viability;
The business shall employ between 2 and 25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees
prior to the issuance of the State of Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-04 (March
16, 2020) and/or make $1 million or less in annual gross revenue. For purposes of
calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities
within the Monticello business location.
4. All businesses must serve the general public and be a conforming or legally
non-conforming use under the current zoning regulations of the City, and must not be in
violation of the City's zoning code.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to claim all applicable private and public insurance
and utilize all other sources of applicable assistance available from other private and
public sources. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for an Economic Injury
Disaster Grant through the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Small Business
Emergency Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic
Development (DEED) prior to applying for this grant. For more information, visit:
Guide to financial resources for Minnesota small businesses
While not absolutely required, applications which include proof of application
submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing
programs will receive higher scores in evaluation.
Assistance cannot be provided to businesses that:
• Do not have a physical address (and building/location) within the City of
• Have more than three total locations operating as part of the business enterprise.
• Derive income from passive investments without operational ties to operating
businesses or whose primary source of revenue is from business-to-business
• Primarily generate income from gambling activities.
• Have no current or historical financial statements.
• See also a2 above.
a. Amount: Businesses may apply for a one-time emergency grant of up to $5,000. The EDA
shall determine the final award amounts based upon scoring criteria.
b. Term: All grant awards must be utilized within two months of the date of the grant fund
c. Uses: Awarded funds may be used exclusively for current payroll obligations (i.e. may not
include employees who have been laid off), lease or mortgage payments, utilities, accounts
payable, ��e�and other critical business expenses that can't be paid as a direct
result of the current health emergency. Awarded funds ma� not be used for navment of
nronert=v or other taxes or for the businessowner's/manager's �ersonal uses or ex�enses.
The City reserves the right to pay or require payment of delinquent �bills; or charges
due to the City out of funds awarded.
d. Proof of Need: Applicants shall be required to provide proof of financial need for grant
funds. This includes but is not limited to the previous year's annual gross revenue, average
monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19, and projected monthly gross revenue for the
next three months. Additionally, as noted above, applicants are encouraged to provide
evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal
e. Proof of Expenses: Applicant shall provide proof of eligible expenses requested to be paid
with grant funds. See list of eligible grant uses above.
f.� Disbursement of Funds: Funds shall be distributed within three weeks after fully executed
grant agreement has been received.
g. Termination: The EDA retains the right to terminate any agreement under the Emergency
Assistance Program if a grant recipient is found to be in violation of any conditions set forth
in the grant guidelines or grant agreement.
h. Right to Deny: The EDA retains the right to deny any application for grant funding.
i. GrantAgreement: Upon a successful grant application being awarded funds, the grant
recipient shall enter into a Grant Agreement with the EDA. Funds will not be distributed
for any grant award until a grant agreement has been executed by all required parties.
j. Reporting: As a condition for receiving grant funding, all grant recipients are required to
submit a brief report to the EDA within two months after receiving grant funds, specifying
how the entirety of the grant funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of
paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation.
k. Funding Availability: The Small Business Emergency Assistance program has a limited
amount of funds available. Awards will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis until
the earlier of the date the fund is exhausted, or the City-declared state of emergency
declaration is lifted.
l. Indemnification: All grant recipients shall be required to indemnify the City of Monticello,
the Monticello Economic Development Authority, and any officers acting on their behalf.
Prior to applying, please review the Program Guidelines to determine if your business is
Applications will be available June 1st, 2020.
1. Applications are available on the City's website: www.ci.monticellamn.us.
2. Application requirements will include:
• Basic details about the business.
• Basic employment and annual gross revenue information.
• Information on current operations including whether the business is currently
closed or is providing reduced services.
• Narrative descriptions and estimated calculations of the negative impacts on the
business due to COVID-19.
• A narrative description of the current plans for resuming operations following
the COVID-19 crisis.
• Information on the intended use of the grant funds.
• Evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State
and federal emergency financing programs, as applicable.
• Supporting documentation and application attachments.
Fully completed and signed applications along with required documents may be
submitted online to: Communit�.develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us
Please note that mailed hard copy applications will take longer to process.
4. Upon submission of application, applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of
5. The application will be reviewed for eligibility upon receipt. If additional information
or documentation is necessary, EDA staff will contact the applicant. Due to an expected
high volume of applications, you may consider your application complete if staff does
not request additional information within 10 business days after application acceptance.
If application is approved and funds are available, businesses will be notified within 2 business
days and provided with an electronic grant agreement for signatures.
Small businesses receiving funds must commit to using the funds for eligible program
expenses and must agree to document and report specific uses of the funds. All grant recipients
are required to submit a brief report to the Monticello EDA within two months after receipt of
funds, specifying how the entirety of the funds were utilized and providing evidence in the
form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation.
If the application for Small Business Assistance is approved, the applicant and business owner
will be required to enter into a grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the
terms and conditions of the grant as identified herein.
For businesses needing additional resources such as technical assistance, larger working capital
grants, or other, staff will provide ongoing assistance to businesses of all sizes and types,
working with partners and other levels of government to access resources as available, such as
SBA and State of Minnesota DEED grants.
Staff will conduct a check-in with grant recipients within one year of the distribution of funds
to learn the effect of the grant and business outcomes such as economic impact of the grant
program, (including, but not limited to, employees retained or rehired, and sales) and whether
they match the program's desired outcomes of business and/or job retention.
Any questions related to the application process or for assistance in completing the application
should be directed to:
Jim Thares
Economic Development Manager
City of Monticello
communit�. develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us
Document comparison by Workshare 10.0 on Thursday, July 23, 2020 9:24:49
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BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello
Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows:
Section 1. Background.
1.01. On May 27, 2020, the Authority established its Sinall Business
Emergency Grant Assistance Prograin (the "Prograin") to assist small businesses located
in the City of Monticello (the "City") which have experienced econoinic hardship as a
result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
1.02. In establishing the Prograin, the Authority designated up to $100,000 in its
Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund ("GMEF") loan fund as the source of funding for its
emergency grants.
1.03. As of the date hereof, the Authority has approved and expended $85,000
in Prograin grant funding.
1.04. Subsequent to creation of the Program by the Authority, Governor Tim
Wa1z authorized the allocation by the State of Minnesota (the "State"), to local
goverrunents including the City, of funds established by Congress through passage of the
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to provide funding to
states and local governments to cover costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
1.05. The Program assistance provided by the Authority consists of emergency
grants to local businesses for expenditures that qualify for CARES Act funding under
federal guidelines for such funds.
1.06. The Authority has detennined that it is in the best interest of the City and
Authority that the Authority preserve its GMEF loan fund for the econoinic development
uses designated under GMEF policies and guidelines, and that it reitnburse the GMEF
loan fund from CARES Act funding to the extent approved by the City for such use.
1.06. The Authority intends to designate the Program grants previously
approved and expended, as well as any additional Program grants up to the full $100,000
in GMEF funds authorized by the Authority, as an interfund loan in accordance with the
terms of this resolution.
663501v1 MNI MN190-101
Section 2. Repavinent of Interfund Loan.
2.01. Subject to approval of CARES Act funding for Prograin purposes by the
City, the Authority hereby ratifies and approves the expenditure of up to $100,000 in
GMEF loan funds for Program purposes (the "Interfund Loan"). No interest shall accrue
on the principal amount of the Interfund Loan.
2.02. Principal ("Payments") on the Interfund Loan shall be paid on the first
date on which the Authority receives CARES Act funding from the City, or on any other
dates determined by the City Administrator.
2.03. Payments on the Interfund Loan will be made solely from CARES Act
funding, defined as CARES Act funds received by the City from the State pursuant to the
processes and procedures established by the State for reiinbursement of qualified
expenditures, and designated by the City for administration by the Authority for Program
2.04. The principal sum payable under this resolution is pre-payable in whole or
in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty.
2.05. This resolution is evidence of an internal borrowing by the Authority, and
is a limited obligation payable solely from CARES Act funding pledged to the payment
hereof under this resolution. The Interfund Loan shall not be deemed to constitute a
general obligation of the State or any political subdivision thereof, including, without
limitation, the Authority and the City. Neither the State nar any political subdivision
thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of the Interfund Loan or other costs
incident hereto except out of CARES Act funding. The Authority shall have no
obligation to pay any principal amount of the Interfund Loan if CARES Act funding is
not allocated by the City for such purpose.
2.06. The Authority inay at any time make a determination to forgive the
outstanding principal amount of the Interfund Loan to the extent permissible under law.
2.07. The Authority inay from time to time amend the terms of this Resolution
to the extent permitted by law, including without limitation amendment to the payment
Section 3. Effective Date. This resolution is effective upon approval by the
City of CARES Act funding by the Authority for Program uses.
663501v1 MNI MN190-101 2
Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic
Development Authority this 22nd day of July, 2020.
_ �, . `
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663501v1 MNI MN190-101
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello ("City") has received Coronavirus Relief Funds
("Funds") from the State of Minnesota, as authorized by Congress pursuant to the Coronavirus
Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act"); and
WHEREAS, the CARES Act authorizes the City to transfer all or a portion of the Funds
to other units of government; and
WHEREAS, the CARES Act authorizes Funds to be used for grants to small businesses
to reimburse the costs of business interruption caused by required closures; and
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority")
proposes to administer up to $200,000 of the Funds pursuant to its previously established Small
Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program (the "Program"), the purpose of which is to help
offset costs far small businesses in Monticello that have been directly impacted by the COVID-
19 pandemic; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that transferring the administration of a
portion of tlle Funds to the Au�thority for Program purposes is in the best interests of the City and
that the Funds designated for Program uses will comply with federal and state guidelines for the
use ot the Funds under the CARES Act.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Monticello that the City Administrator and staff are authorized and directed to transfer the
administration of a portion of the Funds, in the amount of two hundred thousand dollars
($200,000), to the City of Moi�ticello Economic Development Authority for the purpose of
providing grants to small businesses through its Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance
Program in accordance with federal and state guidelines for expending the Funds.
Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 27th day of July, 2020.
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EDA Agenda: 08/12/20
7. Consideration of Accepting 2020 Hospitalitv and Lodging Demand Studv Completed
bv Hospitalitv Consulting Group, Excelsior, MN (JT)
The EDA is being asked to accept the recently completed Hospitality and Lodging
Demand Study completed by Hospitality Consulting Group, Excelsior, MN. The EDA
authorized entering into a contract to complete the Hospitality and Lodging Demand
Study on February 26, 2020, prior to the COVID-19 shutdowns. The amount of the
original Study contract was $5,550. In mid-March, after the pandemic response
shutdowns, Stephen Sherf, principal of Hospitality Consulting Group, recommended that
the Study be paused until clarity about the lodging industry was better understood.
After being informed of the EDA's decision to end the contract (June 10, 2020 meeting),
Mr. Stephen Sherf, requested to instead provide an abbreviated summary Study. The
abbreviated Study is based on interviews and 20191odging data that were completed and
paid for prior to the pandemic shutdown. The contract the EDA entered into obligates
payment of the data set and it also required an initial advance payment of $2,500 as a
guarantee. The total amount the EDA is obligated to pay for the Study is $3,050.
Mr. Sherf has agreed to join the meeting remotely to present the Study findings and
answer questions the EDA members may have about the lodging demand information. If
the EDA accepts the Study, it will then be presented to the IEDC in either October or
November 2020 and also be made available to prospective hotel developers.
Al. Staff Impact: There is a low staff impact in presenting the recently completed
2020 Hospitality Lodging Demand Study to the EDA.
A2. Budget Impact: The total original approved contract price of $5,550 to complete
the Study was reduced to $3,050 due to the modified amount of work by Mr. Sherf
in preparing the summary Study. The funding source is the EDA General Fund -
Miscellaneous Professional Services line item. There is a very limited cost to
prepare the staff report and present the Study to the EDA.
Motion to accept the Hospitality and Lodging Demand Study.
2. Motion to deny acceptance of the Hospitality and Lodging Demand Study.
Motion to table acceptance of the Hospitality and Lodging Demand Study for
further research and/or discussion.
4. Motion of other as directed by the EDA.
Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the EDA accepts the completed
Hospitality and Lodging Demand Study. The information provided in the Study should
offer good quality market demand data and guide interactions and process steps with
prospective hotel developers.
A. Hospitality and Lodging Demand Study
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March 2020
Prepared for:
City of Monticello
5315 Eureka Road • Excelsior, MN 55331
Hos italit
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Ms. Angela Schumann, AICP
Community Development Director
City of Monticello
505 Walnut Street
Minneapolis, MN 55362
Dear Ms. Schumann:
The Hospitality Consulting Group is pleased to present the accompanying report
entitled: "Hotel Market Report - Monticello, Minnesota". Incorporated within this
report are discussions of the local and area market conditions, identification and
characteristics of the competitive hotels, and an analysis of their performance in recent
We were in the process of updating the hotel market study that we prepared in August
2015 when the Coronavirus resulted in a major disruption to the hotel industry. Due to
the uncertainty in the amount of time the hotel industry will require to recover, our
studywas terminated. This reportrepresents the workthatwas performed priorto the
study termination. The information contained in the report documents the hotel
market as it existed prior to the disruption in the economy and therefore will serve as
a useful baseline for future hotel development efforts.
May 18, 2020
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5315 Eureka Road • Excelsior, IVIiV 55331
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 1
Monticello, Minnesota is a prosperous community located along Interstate 94, midway
between Minneapolis and St. Cloud. It functions as a sub-regional center for shopping,
business, and healthcare services between St. Cloud and Maple Grove.
A retail study performed by the McComb Group1 in 2011 identified a relatively large
retail market area that encompasses an approximate 10-mile radius and included
93,500 people. The study found that Monticello can support an additional 131,000
square feet of retail and food service space.
Three of the Monticello hotels are economy-oriented properties, while the fourth is a
midscale limited service hotel. The newest hotel is 20 years old. Visitors and guests to
Monticello who desire more upscale lodging accommodations or more extensive
amenities must travel to one of several surrounding communities to find such hotels.
In recent years, several hotel developers have expressed interest in developing a new
hotel in Monticello to provide newer and more upscale hotel accommodations than
what exists in the present supply. To assist in these efforts, the Hospitality Consulting
Group was retained to research the market support for a new hotel and to recommend
the size and scope of facilities appropriate for this market. This study was completed
and issued in August 2015. The following letter report presents an update of the
Monticello market as of March 2020. We were in the process of updating the 2015 hotel
market study when the Coronavirus disrupted the national and international hotel
industry. Due to the uncertainties in the hotel industry will, our study was terminated.
This report represents the work that was performed prior to the study termination. The
information contained in the report documents the hotel market as it existed prior to
the disruption in the economy and therefore will serve as a useful baseline for future
hotel development efforts.
Monticello is located in Wright County, approximately 37 miles northwest of the
Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul and 27 miles southeast of St. Cloud. It is
located along Interstate 94 at its intersection with State Highway 25. I-94 is a major
east-west traffic route that bisects the state. Highway 25 is a north-south corridor
between the interstate and U.S. Highway 10, an important route to St. Cloud and
1 Embracin� Downtown Monticello, McComb Group, Ltd.,2011
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 2
north central Minnesota. Highway 25 is the only Mississippi River crossing between
Clearwater and Elk River and is on the National Scenic Byway Route, and the
Mississippi River Trail Bikeway.
There are four lodging facilities in Monticello, of which three carry national franchises.
However, these hotels are not able to meet the needs of travelers who seek higher
quality accommodations. We have determined the primary market for a new
Monticello hotel by analyzing drive times to the surrounding towns that have such
accommodations. This market area is defined by the proximity of St. Cloud, Albertville,
Rogers and Maple Grove, and the hotels, restaurants and shopping options available in
these communities.
The hotel market area is smaller than the trade area because lodging accommodations
are typically selected at the location that is nearest to a traveler's destination. While
people residing in outlying communities may come to Monticello for shopping, health
care and professional services, visitors to these communities are more likely to stay in
the closest hotel that meets their quality and service requirements. Thus, Monticello's
primary hotel market is restricted by the proximity of communities that have
competitive hotels.
The determined market area for a new hotel, shown on the map on the following page,
includes the neighboring towns of Big Lake and Becker. The irregular red line on the
map depicts a 15-minute drive time.
The market area experienced a large increase in population over the last decade.
Population data for Monticello, the identified market area, and Wright County is
presented in the table below. Between 2010 and 2018, the county population
increased by nearly 10 percent, while Monticello increased by 8 percent.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
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Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 4
Primary Market Area
Monticello, MN
2000(1) 2010(1) 2018(2) Change
Monticello 8,544 12,759 13,752 7.8%
Big Lake 6,059 10,060 11,456 13.9%
Becker 2,673 4,538 4,856 7.0%
Silver Creek 2,332 2,335 2,510 7.5%
Total 19,608 29,692 32,574 9.7%
WrightCounty 89,986 124,700 136,510 9.5%
Source: 1.U.S. Census
2. Mn State Demographic Center
The 2018 population within Wright County is estimated to be 136,510 and is projected
to increase by another 26 percent to 171,416 by 2030z.
Between 2014 and 2018 the number of households in Monticello increased by 291
to a total of 4,6933 households. This represents a compound annual increase of 1.9
Household Incomes
The median household incomes for Monticello, the identified market area, Wright
County, and Minnesota are presented in the table below. Between 2000 and 2010, the
median household income of Monticello increased by more than 38 percent; it
increased by 5 percentbetween 2010 and 2018. Median household income in the
county increased by 26 percent between 2000 and 2010, and by 20 percent between
2010 and 2018. The median is the midpoint at which there are an equal number of
households with larger and smaller incomes. The median household income in
Monticello is estimated to be $65,938 in 2018, which is 3.6 percent below the state
Positively Minnesota
US Census American Community Survey
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 5
Big Lake
Silver Creek
Wright County
Primary Market Area
2000 2010 2018 Change
$45,384 $62,891 $ 65,938
$50,658 $61,941 $ 79,612
$50,714 $60,021 $ 87,083
$42,500 $52,507 $ 58,125
$53,945 $67,963 $ 81,881
$56,874 $59,126 $ 68,411
Source: U.S. Census;
2018 ACS 5-Year Estimates
4.8 %
Employment is a strong indicator of an area's economic health. The graph below
shows that Wholesale & Retail Trade and Education, Health Care & Social Services are
the two largest employment categories in Monticello, accounting for 47 percent of the
total employment. Manufacturing businesses account for 14 percent and are generally
strong generators of lodging demand.
Public Administration
Other Services J
Monticello Employment Entena�nment
& Recreation
181 Manufaduring
14� J'
Wholesale & Retail
Educ., Health Care, & Trade
Socfal Services 26%
Leisure &
5ervices Finance, lasurance, &�
Z� RealEstate Infonnatlon�
2% 1%
Source: Minnesota DepartmentofEmploymentand Development
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 6
Major Employers
Monticello has four large companies that provide the largest source of employment. It
also has a number of manufacturers that generate hotel demand. These companies are
profiled below.
Companv Name
Xcel Energy
Cargill Kitchen Solutions
CentraCare Health-Monticello
Ultra Machining Company
WSI, Inc.
Suburban Manufacturing
Genereux Fine Wood Products
Production Stamping
Aropl� Corp.
JME Monticello
Electro Industries
Hoglund Bus Company
Twin Cities Die Casting
Source: City of Monticello
Product f Service
Food Products
Health Care
Precision Machining
Precision Machining & Mfg.
Tool Mfg & Distribution
Mechanical/Industrial engineering
Cabinets & Counter Tops
Metal Stamping & Fabrication
Injection Molding
Concrete Construction Products
Electric heating products 48
Bus Sales & Distribution 44
Aluminum & Magnesium die casting 25
Xcel Energy operates Sherco, an electric generating nuclear power plant in
Monticello. It completed a$665 million upgrade in 2013 that will boost output and
extend the life of the facility. Its operating license has been extended through 2030.
This facility needs to be re-fueled and maintenance performed every two years for
which 700 to 1,400 workers are brought in and stay in area hotels for up to several
Sherco owns over 4,000 acres around the nuclear plant and is working with the City
of Becker to attract industrial users. Northern Metal Recycling purchased 75 acres
and moved its operations from Minneapolis to this location lastyear. The business
park is under serious consideration for a$600 million Google Data Center on 300
acres. The construction of the center would employ approximately 2,000 workers
over an 18- to 24-month period and its operations would employ around 50 people.
Last year Minnesota regulators approved a contract for Xcel to provide electricity to
the center. The city is seeking nearly $25 million in state bonding for infrastructure
for the business park and the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 7
Development has provided a$726,000 grant to improve access from Highway 53 to
the park.
Xcel also operates a coal-fired generating plant near SHERCO which is the largest in
the Midwest. The company has announced plans to retire two of its three generators
by 2023 and replace them with a smaller plant fueled by natural gas.
Cargill Kitchen Solutions is a leading marketer of further processed egg products. It
operates a research & development department on site, as well as the company's sales
and marketing activities. It is a subsidiary of Cargill, Inc., the largest privately held
company in the nation, which is headquartered in Wayzata, MN.
CentraCare Health-Monticello is centered around a 25-bed critical access
community hospital. Services include a physician's clinic, Urgent care, Birthing
Center, Imaging, Medical/Surgical Care, Rehab and Extended Care, Monticello
Cancer Center, Sleep Center and Wound Care. The Center has 150 medical staff
Ultra Machining Company is a precision machining company with a specialty in the
medical and aerospace industries. The company also develops prototype parts and
does some assembly. It has a 72,000-square foot facility in Monticello.
The unemployment rate in Wright County as of September 2019 was 2.3 percent, a
level that is slightly lower than the statewide Minnesota rate of 2.5 percent and
significantly lower than the national unemployment rate of 3.5 percent. The
unemployment rate in the local economy trends very closely with the state.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 8
U�empf�yment �tate �September)
0.5% —
0.0% —
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2�19
♦—�WrightCounty —p-9Vlinr2esota
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
In order to understand the dynamics of the area lodging market, we have provided a
summary of Monticello's trade area and the surrounding communities, which are
shown on the map on page 13. Monticello hotels capture demand from Big Lake and
Becker, while they lose demand to Rogers and Maple Grove. They also lose demand to
Albertville, but gain demand on occasions when the hotel there is full.
Trade Area
A market study performed by the McComb Group (see footnote 1) found that the
healthcare facilities, big box retailers and professional services in Monticello result in a
relatively large retail market area that encompasses an approximate 10-mile radius
with a total of 93,500 people. The population of this area was projected to increase to
over 104,000 by 2015. The secondary trade area was found to extend west to include
Clear Lake, Clearwater and Annandale and had a population of nearly 33,700 people.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 9
Big Lake
Big Lake is located 3 miles northeast of Monticello on Highway 10. It has an estimated
population of 11,046 and is growing, stimulated by its location on the North Star com-
muter train line that operates between Big Lake and downtown Minneapolis. The me-
dian household income in the community is 16 percent above the state median. Big
Lake has one small independent motel and one fine dining restaurant and banquet fa-
cility, Russell's on the Lake. The Friendly Buffalo, Hideout Bar & Grill, and Trails Grill
and Sports Bar are more informal bistro/pub restaurants. Lodging demand from Big
Lake is accommodated in Monticello due to the greater variety of hotels and restau-
rants there.
Becker has an estimated population of 4,856 and is located seven miles north and west
of Monticello. The median household income in the community is 27 percent higher
than the state median. The Sherburne County Generating Station, the largest coal-fired
power plant in the state, is located in Becker. The maintenance of this facility periodi-
cally brings in crews that require lodging in area hotels.
There are two motels in Becker, a 68-room midscale Crossings by GrandStay and a 32-
room economy Americas Best Value Inn (previously a Super 8). Restaurants are lim-
ited to Hunters Ridge, located at the public golf course, which only serves dinner and
can accommodate banquets of up to 175, and Los Ortizes Mexican Restaurant which is
open for lunch and dinner.
Albertville is located seven miles east of Monticello on I-94. It has an estimated popula-
tion of 7,485 and a median household income that is 32 percent higher than the state.
Its major attraction is the Albertville Premium Outlets, a popular outlet mall with 100
The 66-room, upper midscale Country Inn & Suites is the only hotel in Albertville, but
the hotels in Monticello and the surrounding communities of Rogers, Becker, Buffalo,
and Maple Grove offer "shop and stay" packages for the mall. While the shopping is an
attraction, this hotel draws demand from Monticello primarily because the popular D
Michael B's Resort Bar & Grill is located adjacent to it The Space Aliens Bar & Grill is an
alternative restaurant, but with a limited menu.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 10
Rogers is located 17 miles east of Monticello on I-94. It has a population of 12,991 and
a median household income that is 83 percent higher than the state. This community
developed rapidly in recentyears and is known as a strong family community with a
good school system. It has a concentration of retail that is anchored by Kohl's and a
Super Target. Its largest retail attraction is a 185,000-square foot Cabela's outdoor
There are four hotels in Rogers: a Hampton Inn & Suites and a Holiday Inn Express &
Suites upper midscale properties; an AmericInn midscale property; and a Super 8
economy lodging facility. Food and beverage outlets include supper clubs Maynard's
Restaurant and Bar and Clives Roadhouse. A new popular brewpub, the Short or Tall
Eatery & Dining Hall, is located adjacent to the Holiday Inn Express. In addition, there
are over 25 other food service options.
Maple Grove
Maple Grove is a suburb of Minneapolis located 24 miles east of Monticello on I-94. It
has a population of 66,903 and a median household income estimated to be $105,369
that is 54 percent higher than the state. The community's largest employer is Boston
Scientific with around 3,000 employees. Maple Grove has one of the largest retail con-
centrations in the state, making it a regional shopping destination. Since the Shoppes at
Arbor Lakes, a 370,000-square foot lifestyle center opened, three additional centers
have been added, bringing the total to nearly 2 million square feet of retail space. Only
Bloomington with the Mall of America has more space. Within the retail concentration
at Arbor Lakes is a wide variety of restaurants that include steakhouses, ethnic restau-
rants, bistros, a brewpub, coffee shops and fast food.
There are nine hotels in Maple Grove: six upscale hotels, two upper midscale hotels,
and one economy hotel. Three of these hotels carry a Marriott franchise, two have a
Hilton franchise, and two have an Intercontinental Hotel Group franchise.
The highway network around Monticello is shown on the map on the following page.
The irregular blue line indicates a 30-minute drive time from Monticello.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
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Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 12
Monticello is located at the intersection of Interstates 94 and State Highway 25. Inter-
state 94 is a maj or route across the upper Midwest that connects Minneapolis-St. Paul
with Chicago and Detroit to the east, and St. Cloud, Fargo, North Dakota and Billings,
Montana to the west At Billings, I-94 connects with
Interstate 90 and continues west to Seattle, Washington. Highway 25 is a north-south
route across central Minnesota that connects Monticello with Big Lake to the northeast
and Buffalo to the south.
Traffic counts taken by the Minnesota Department of Transportation in 2018 show that
Interstate 94 carries a large volume of traffic: a daily average of 61,000 vehicles to the
east of Monticello and 46,500 vehicles to the west. Average daily travel on State High-
way 25 between Monticello and Buffalo to the south is about 13,500 vehicles and be-
tween Monticello and U.S. Highway 10 to the north is about 10,100 vehicles. Highway
10 carries an average of 16,600 vehicles a day. This river crossing is the only one within
15 miles to the west and 13 miles to the east.
Our analysis evaluated the facilities, amenities and pricing structure of the competi-
tive hotels in Monticello and the neighboring communities that are capturing some of
the Monticello lodging demand. Interviews with Monticello's large employers re-
vealed that the upscale commercial lodging demand utilizes hotels in Maple Grove,
Rogers and Albertville.
The Monticello hotel market is framed by St. Cloud to the west and Maple Grove to the
east. There are several economy and midscale hotels located along U.S. Highway 10 to
the north, butwe identified little leakage of Monticello demand to these properties.
There are also two hotels (Country Inn & Suites and Super 8) located along State High-
way 55 in Buffalo to the south. These hotels limit the draw of Monticello hotels to the
There are three franchised hotels and one older motel in Monticello, which are de-
scribed in the following table. All three franchised hotels were visited during our field-
work. The American Inn Motel is 38 years old and is not considered to be competitive
with a new hotel. The Days Inn is considered to be only marginally competitive. The
three franchised hotels are located near each other on the south side of the interstate,
east of Highway 25. The area is currently more industrial than retail-oriented.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 13
Restaurants on that side of the interstate include Applebee's, Chatters, Blue Stone Grill,
McDonald's and a small oriental restaurant.
Year Rack Rates
Hotel Quality Opened Rooms Regular Suite Amenities
Best Western Chelsea Inn & Suites Midscale 2000 51 $120 $160 Pool, hottub, fihiess room,
Meetingroom(1,200 sf�
Super 8 Economy 1977 70 $90 $130 Pool, meering room (1,500sf�
Days Inn Economy 1986 33 $66-$72 $101-$111 Jacuzzi suite
American Inn Motel Economy 1982 28 $75-$85 na Refrigerators, microwaves
Source: Smith Travel Research and Hospitality Consulting Group
Best Western Plus Chelsea Inn & Suites
This 51-room, 20-year-old hotel presents the highest quality accommodations
available in Monticello. Now an upper midscale hotel, it recently upgraded to
qualify for the franchise's "Plus" premium designation. It has 14 suites and
amenities include an indoor pool and hot tub, an exercise room and 1,200
square feet of ineeting space. A hot breakfast is provided to guests. Its room
rates are $120 for a regular room and $160 for a suite. Rates generally increase
about $10 during the summer and can increase by $30 to $40 on busy week-
ends. and the hotel offers a 10 percent discount for advance purchase.
Super 8
This 70-room, 37-year-old economy hotel originally opened as a Best Western
and later converted to a Super 8. Thus, its indoor pool and 1,500 square feet of
meeting space are unusual amenities for this economy brand. A limited conti-
nental breakfast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $90 to $100 and rates
increase by $10 to $20 on weekends. The hotel offers a 15 percent discount for
non-refundable advance reservations.
Days Inn
This 33-room, 34-year-old economy hotel offers very limited amenities. A conti-
nental breakfast is provided to guests. Its regular room rates are $66 to $72 and
suites go for $101 to $111. Rates typically go up by $10 on weekends and $20
during the summer. Rates have not been increased significantly since 2015 and
it offers weekly rates. The hotel offers a 15 percent discount for non-refundable
advance reservations.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 14
American Inn Motel
This 28-room, 38-year-old economy motel features flat screen TVs, a refrigera-
tor and microwave in each room. Itwas one of the earliestAmericInn properties,
before dropping the franchise. Its room rates are $75 to $85. It has a highly visi-
ble location along I-94 at the Highway 25 Interchange.
Crossings by GrandStay
The Crossings by GrandStay is a midscale hotel located in Becker, approximately
seven miles from Monticello. This 16-year old hotel has 68 rooms and suites.
The suites have full kitchens that make them desirable for long stays. The hotel
is located near the Xcel Energy Sherburne County (Sherco) Power Plant. Its
room rates are $109 for regular rooms and $119 to $129 for suites. Rates are
increased $10 on weekends. This hotel occasionally accommodates overflow
from the Monticello market.
Interviews with the large Monticello employers disclosed that some lodging demand is
displaced to hotels in Albertville, Rogers, and Maple Grove. The desire to obtain loyalty
club points was given as a reason as frequently as quality issues. Upper level executives
usually stay in Maple Grove where higher quality hotels and a larger variety of restau-
rants are available. The most competitive hotels in these markets are described in the
following table and described below.
Country Inn & Suites - Albertville
This 66-room, 16-year-old upper midscale hotel features an indoor pool and hot
tub, an exercise room and a small 525-square foot meeting room. A hot break-
fast is provided to guests. Its room rates are $159 -$162 for regular rooms and
$167 -$182 for suites. Rates increase by $10-$20 on weekends. The hotel offers
a 15 percent discount for non-refundable advance reservations. The hotel is lo-
cated adjacent to a popular restaurant and across the street from the large Al-
bertville Premium Outlet Mall. This is a Carlson-Rezindor franchise.
Hampton Inn & Suites - Rogers
This 13-year-old, upper midscale hotel has 114 rooms along with an indoor
pool, a fitness center and a 1,012-square foot meeting room. A hot breakfast is
provided to guests. Its room rates are $129 for a regular room and $144 for a
suite. The hotel offers a 15 percent discount for non-refundable advanced reser-
vations. This is a Hilton franchise.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
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Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 16
Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Rogers
This 11- year-old, upper midscale hotel has 75 rooms, an oversized indoor pool
area that features several water park elements, an arcade, fitness center and an
806-square foot meeting room. A hot breakfast is provided to guests. Its room
rates are $119-$124 for a regular room and $129 -$139 for a suite. Weekend
rates are $20 higher. It offers a 15 percent discount for non-cancellable reserva-
tions. The hotel is an Intercontinental franchise.
Cambria Suites-Maple Grove
This 11-year-old, upscale hotel has 129 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fit-
ness center and 2,025 square feet of ineeting space. A hot breakfast is provided
to guests. Its room rates are $139-$149 for a regular room and $179 -$229 for a
suite. Weekend rates are $10 higher. This is a Choice Hotel franchise.
Hampton Inn-Maple Grove
This 23-year-old, upper midscale hotel has 120 rooms along with an indoor
pool, a fitness center and a small 625-square foot meeting room. A hot breakfast
is provided to guests. Its room rates are $174 to $184. This is a Hilton franchise.
Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites-Maple Grove
This 13-year-old, upper midscale hotel is the only full-service hotel in the mar-
ket area. It has 136 rooms along with an indoor waterpark that is popular on
weekends, a fitness center, a restaurant and lounge, and two meeting rooms
with a total of 1,635 square feet. Its room rates are $169 for a regular room or a
suite during the week; weekend rates increase to $179-$220 for regular rooms
and $223-$235 for suites. Rates include four wristbands for the weekend water
park. This is an Intercontinental Hotel Group franchise.
Marriott Courtyard-Maple Grove
This 12-year-old, upscale hotel has 115 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fit-
ness center and a 720-square foot meeting room. The hotel features a limited
restaurant and bar. It has the highest room rates in the area at $219 -$229 for a
regular room and $259 for a suite.
Hilton Garden Inn-Maple Grove
This17-year-old, upscale hotel has 120 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fit-
ness center and 1,400 square feet of ineeting space. The hotel features a limited
restaurant and bar. Its room rates are $179 -$199 for a regular room and $229
for a suite.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 17
Staybridge Suites
This20-year-old, upscale hotel has 119 rooms along with an indoor pool, a fit-
ness center and a small 176-square foot meeting room. The hotel provides a
breakfast buffet for guests and a cocktail reception three evenings per week. Its
room rates are $138 for a regular room and $156 for a suite. This is an Intercon-
tinental Hotel Group franchise.
SpringHill Suites
This upscale all-suite hotel opened in 2019 with 84 rooms. Each suite has a mini-
fridge and a microwave. A breakfast buffet is provided to guests and other
amenities include an indoor pool, fitness center, a convenience store, and an out-
door grilling area. Its room rates are $199 for a suite. This is a Marriott franchise.
Current room rates in Monticello range from $66 for economy lodging to $120 for
midscale lodging accommodations, before discounts. Demand sometimes peaks on
weekends on account of tournaments and various social events. Room rates are
sometimes increased by up to $40 on these weekends and rates generally are in-
creased by $10 during the summer.
There are higher quality hotels available in Albertville, Rogers and Maple Grove.
Room rates at the upper midscale hotels in these locations range from $129 to $169,
while rates at the upscale properties range from $138 to $219, before discounts.
The current posted room rates for the competitive area hotels are summarized in the
following table. The annual average rate for the competitive hotels was estimated
based on performance data and their pricing structure throughout the year.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 18
Rack Rates (2020) Estimated
Hotel Location Quality Age Rooms Regular Suite ADR(2019)
Best West Plus Inn & Suites Monticello Midscale 20 51 $120 $160-$180 $112
Country Inn & Suites Albertville Upper midscale 16 66 $159-$162 $167-$182 $115
Hampton Inn & Suites Rogers Upper midscale 13 114 $129 $144 $116
Holiday Inn F.�cpress & Suites Rogers Upper midscale 11 75 $119-$124 $129-$139 $115
Cambria Suites Maple Grove Upscale 11 129 $139-$149 $179-$229 $125
Hampton Inn Maple Grove Upper midscale 23 120 $174-$184 na $145
Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Maple Grove Upper midscale 13 136 $169 $179-$220 $140
Marriott Courtyard
Hilton Garden Inn
Staybridge Suites
SpringHill Suites
Maple Grove Upscale
Maple Grove Upscale
Maple Grove Upscale
Maple Grove Upscale
Source: Smith Travel Research and Hospitality Consulting Group
12 115 $219-$229 $259
17 120 $179-$199 $229
20 119 $138 $158
1 84 na $199
Monticello Community Center - The largest array of ineeting facilities in Mon-
ticello is in the Monticello Community Center. The center has a large room of
4,200 square feet that is used for business, entertainment and social functions. It
is a popular venue for wedding receptions. In addition, there are three other
meeting rooms of 940, 462, and 168 square feet. The rooms are available for
rent to the public and liquor is allowed at events.
River City Extreme is a bowling alley and entertainment complex located in
Monticello. In addition to a restaurant, bar and a large game room, the complex
features a ballroom with a capacity for 300 that is popular for weddings and
Two of the local hotels have meeting rooms: the Super 8 has a 1,500-square foot meet-
ing space and the Best Western has 1,200 square feet.
The patronage available to a new hotel consists of commercial visitors conducting
business in the area, travelers on the interstate, people attending social functions and
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Monticello, MN Pa,�e 19
visitors to area residents, and people attending meetings and other group functions. A
new hotel in Monticello would seek to capture the upscale lodging demand that is
leaving the community to stay at higher quality hotels in neighboring cities, upscale
demand from the interstate, and a portion of the demand that is presently
accommodated by local hotels.
Commercial Demand
Commercial demand occurs steadily throughout the year with little seasonal fluctuations
other than a decline in business travel during holiday periods. This segment of demand
occurs mostly during the weekdays. It originates from travelers conducting business in
the area and passing through on the interstate. Commercial travelers generally seek out
franchised hotels that are located near their business destination. Because much of this
segment travels frequently, they are more likely to participate in hotel loyalty clubs.
Interviews with the large employers in the area revealed the usual amount of visitors
from corporate personnel, management, vendors and customers.
In an earlier interview Cargill Kitchen Solutions reported an estimated 30 to
40 visitors per month that require lodging accommodations. The company
officer interviewed indicated that some of the visitors stay in Monticello hotels
due to their convenient location, while most of the upper level visitors stay in
Maple Grove, attracted by the Hilton, Marriott, and Intercontinental hotel
products and the variety of restaurants and shops. The importance of nice
restaurants, either for a good meal or for entertaining clients or employees, was
emphasized by the Cargill executive, and by other employers with whom we
• In an earlier interview WSI Industries, Inc. estimated that it has an average of
four visitors a month that require lodging. They utilize local hotels, but
frequently send visitors to one of the Maple Grove hotels on account of the hotel,
restaurant and entertainment amenities that are concentrated there. The
company official remarked that only a good restaurant in Monticello, suitable for
entertaining customers, would alter this pattern. He also mentioned that there
are few things for a multi-night stay visitor to do in Monticello. The company has
multiple meeting rooms in its plan� so has little need for outside meeting space.
In an earlier interview Standard Iron and Wire Works, Inc. reported it is
visited by several customers a month and has two sales meetings a year that
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Mon ticello, MN Pa,�e 20
attract approximately six non-local participants for 2 to 3 nights. The customers
seem to be loyal to the large hotel brands so stay in Rogers at the Hampton Inn
(Hilton) or the Holiday Inn Express (Intercontinental), or they stay in Maple
Grove where a Marriott hotel exists. The company does utilize outside meeting
space and requires a capacity of less than 50 people.
Xcel Energy operates a nuclear energy plant on the northwest edge of
Monticello and a coal-fired energy plant in nearby Becker. The nuclear plant is
shut down every two years for re-fueling and maintenance. Crews that can
number up to 2,000 are brought to the area for a period of 2 to 6 months.
Lodging contracts for the crews are negotiated by the contractor and this
demand can fill area hotels that participate. In the 2015 study we estimated that
the Monticello hotels enjoyed about a 30-point increase in occupancy during the
first six months of 2013 due to this project.
Several executives mentioned that a lack of restaurants in Monticello that are suitable
for entertaining would be a detriment to a new hotel for some types of their visitors. In
contrast to the limited restaurants in Monticello, there is a wide variety of restaurants
and fine dining options in Maple Grove.
Leisure Demand
The Leisure demand segment consists primarily of visitors to local residents by friends
and relatives, visitors attending weddings, reunions and other social gatherings, partic-
ipants in sports tournaments that are hosted in town, and visitors to Monticello's spe-
cial events. The Leisure market segment is largest during the summer months, when vaca-
tion travel is at its peak, and reaches its low point in December and January. Leisure de-
mand is typically the most price sensitive demand segment.
Monticello is exerting efforts to enhance its outdoor recreational amenities in an attempt to
attract tourists seeking more active experiences. These efforts include expanding the bike
paths throughout the city and linking its parks, and improving access to the Mississippi for
fishing, canoeing and kayaking. We believe these efforts should be viewed as amenities
that will enhance Monticello's attractiveness as a destination, but are not strong enough to
generate a significant amount of additional hotel demand. This is because the proximity to
the Twin Cities area reduces the probability of an overnight stay.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Mon ticello, MN Pa,�e 21
Group Demand
Group business is generated by meetings, seminars and training sessions held by
area employers, government agencies, associations and businesses.
In order to assess the recent trends in the Monticello lodging market, we obtained
detailed performance data for the five most competitive hotels from STR Global, a
well-known research firm that collects and provides lodging data to the industry.
These hotels are the Best Western Plus Chelsea Inn and the Super 8 in Monticello, the
Country Inn & Suites in nearby Albertville, and the Hampton Inn & Suites and
Holiday Inn Express & Suites in Rogers. This data shows that the competitive set of
five hotels achieved an overall annual occupancy of 60 percent in 2019 and an average
daily room rate of $110.
Lodging Demand
The amount of hotel demand accommodated by the competitive hotels has fluctuated
over the last six years. Demand and occupancy peaked in 2015, 2017, and 2019 re-
flecting the large work crews refurbishing the nuclear plant in those years.
Lvdging Demand
��3��upied Rooms�
Z014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Source: STR Global
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Mon ticello, MN Pa,�e 22
The recent occupancy trend for the five competitive hotels is shown in the following
; ��
'G01='. 2015 2015 2D17 2G1S 2019
Source: STR Global
The seasonality of demand is an important component in determining the size of a
new hotel and in projecting its annual occupancy. Monthly performance data for the
competitive set obtained from STR Global shows that lodging activity peaks in the
summer, but only exceeds 70 percent in the month of August. The high occupancies
experienced in the spring months of 2015, 2017, and 2019 are a result of energy
crews. Demand during the remainder of the months is consistent over all the years.
� 60
a 50
� 40
Seasa�rality of Demand
Jan �eb Mar Apr May Jur� Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Source: Source: STR Global
� 2016
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Mon ticello, MN Pa,�e 23
Average Daily Rate
The average daily room rate (ADR) for the competitive supply increased by 6 percent
in 2018 and 2 percent in 2019.
The trend in average daily rate is shown in the following graph.
A�erage Daily Rate
2014 2015 2016
Source: STR Global
Day of Week Occupancy
2Q17 2Q18 2019
In general, the market achieves its highest occupancies on Tuesday and Saturday
nights. The weekday occupancy is largely due to commercial demand while the Satur-
day occupancy is mostly due to leisure demand.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hotel Market Report - Mon ticello, MN Pa,�e 24
Anmua� Day-of-UVeek �ccup��cy
69.4% 72.1%
�9b— — —
Sun Mon Tues Wed Tl�urs Fri Sat
Source: STR Global
Day of Week Average Rate
The market achieves its highest average room rate on Friday and Saturday nights,
when leisure demand is greatest. The higher rates are a result of both greater demand
and fewer commercial rate discounts.
Annual Average Rate
by Day �o# Week
$105.41 ��06.70 $106.62
Sue f1�9nn Tuec !+r.'ed Thurc
Source: STR Global
Fri Sat
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Stephen Sherf — President, Hospitality Consulting Group
Stephen Sherf has over 30 years of consulting experience in the hospitality industry. He
spent 15 years with a large national public accounting firm, where he was the partner-in-
charge of the hospitality consulting division for the Upper Midwest. He also started a
gaming consulting company where he worked for 15 years, and founded a hospitality con-
sulting company where he has worked for the last 20 years.
Mr. Sherf has an extensive background in hospitality consulting that encompasses market
studies, valuations, appraisals, acquisitions and sales. He has performed market studies
and other advisory services for over 200 hotel projects located mainly throughout the Mid-
west for clients that include developers, lenders, hotel companies, and municipalities.
He also has particular expertise in development consulting to the gaming industry and has
worked on numerous income producing real estate projects that include nursing homes, el-
derly housing, subsidized and market rate housing, office buildings, retail developments,
convention centers, ice arenas, restaurants, convenience stores, bowling alleys and cine-
Operating positions held during Mr. Sherf's career include restaurant manager, auditor,
Vice President of Development for a hotel company with 13 properties, and Treasurer for
a gaming company where he oversaw the operations of three Colorado casinos.
Mr. Sherf is known for his hands-on involvement and realistic conclusions. Where appro-
priate, development recommendations are backed by an economic feasibility analysis and
a sensitivity analysis to assess risk.
He has provided expert witness testimony relating to the valuation of hotels and restau-
rants and business interruption claims. He has taught continuing education seminars and
spoken at gaming, investment, and state appraisal conferences. He has been a guest lec-
turer at the University of Minnesota Graduate School of Business and Stout University.
He is frequently quoted in local newspapers and business magazines.
Mr. Sherf received an undergraduate degree in economics and an NIBA in finance from
Cornell University. He holds a real estate license in Minnesota and has taken several
American Appraisal Institute courses. He is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive), is ac-
tive in the Minnesota Lodging Association, has served on the planning commission for the
City of Minnetrista, and has held a Colorado gaming license.
Hospitality Consulfing Group
Hc� s italit
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February 20, 2020
Angela Schumann, AICP
Community Development Director
City of Monticello
505 Walnut Street
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Ms. Schumann:
Hospitality Consulting Group is pleased to present the following proposal to update
the hotel market study for Monticello, Minnesota that we conducted in August 2015.
We understand that the City is interested in examining the economic feasibility of a
new hotel to be located within the community. The purpose of this study will be to re-
evaluate the market potential that exists for a new hotel and, if market justified,
prepare operating and financial projections for the recommended hotel concept. This
letter presents our understanding of the assignment, the services which we propose to
provide, the timing and fees required and the conditions and limitations under which
we would work.
We understand that the City of Monticello is interested in attracting a new hotel.
Accordingly, the City is interested in determining whether a new lodging facility can
be market justified at both a potential location in the downtown and along
Interstate 94.
Based on its findings from the study performed in 2015, the Hospitality Consulting
Group concluded that a new upper midscale hotel would have the greatest
possibility for economic success. Key findings of the study included:
1. The local hotel market occupancy was found to have averaged approximately
55 percent over the previous four years, after adjustment for atypical
demand from power plant maintenance crews;
2. Upscale demand was leaving the market in favor of higher quality hotels in
Albertville and Maple Grove;
5315 Eureka Road
Excelsior, MN 55331
Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com
Ms. Angela Schumann
Page 2
3. The Monticello lodging market experienced a number of capacity nights
during the summer and during certain community events; and
4. A new 60-room upper midscale hotel could expect to achieve annual
occupancies of 54% to 63% in its first five years of operation and capture
an average daily rate of $106.67 to $120.37 over this period.
The scope of services that we propose to update our evaluation of the hotel
development potential in Monticello is detailed below:
- Meet with you and other city officials to obtain information on recent and
proposed developments that may have an impact on lodging demand;
- Obtain information regarding the scope and timing of the Google facility planned
for Becker;
- Update current economic and demographic data pertaining to the local and
regional market to evaluate the present economic climate and to estimate
future growth potential, particularly as it relates to lodging demand;
- Obtain current data regarding the performance of the local hotel market and re-
interview several of the local employers who utilize lodging accommodations in
order to quantify the current overall demand for hotel rooms in the market
area and demand what is deterred from the market;
- Inspect the other hotels in Monticello and evaluate them with respect to their
age, facilities and amenities, rate structure and their relative competitiveness;
- Identify other proposed hotel developments in the area and assess their
probability of completion and the degree to which they would compete with
the subject hotel;
- Prepare a demand analysis for a hotel located in the downtown area and for a
hotel with conference facilities located within 1/ mile on either side of
Interstate 94. Each location has competitive advantages and disadvantages.
Estimates of future lodging demand and likely market penetration will be
prepared for the recommended hotel at both locations, from which utilization
(occupancy and average rate) will be prepared for their first five years of
5315 Eureka Road
Excelsior, MN 55331
Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com
Ms. Angela Schumann
Page 3
Prepare estimates of room revenue, other revenue, and operating expenses
for the recommended hotel project at both locations to the level of cash flow
available for debt service, for their first five years of operations; and
- Based on the site and the estimated hotel development costs for each location,
prepare a feasibility analysis that analyzes the ability of the hotels to meet their
respective debt service obligations under likely financing assumptions.
At the conclusion of the market study we will review our findings, conclusions and
recommendations with you.
Final Report
We will prepare a final written report that will contain our findings, conclusions, hotel
facility description and financial projections, as well as the underlying data and
documentation supporting the analysis. The report will contain sufficient information
and analysis to assist potential developers in determining their level of interest in
pursuing a hotel development. The report will be provided in draft form for your
review and commen� prior to finalization.
Based on the scope of the work outlined, the fee required for this engagement will be
$5,000 plus $550 for hotel data purchase. This fee includes all other expenses
associated with the assignment. Our fee includes three bound copies of the final report
and an electronic copy. If additional bound copies are requested, we will provide them
to you at our reproduction cost.
Our fees for this engagementwill not exceed $5,550 unless the scope of our work is
significantly expanded. If additional work in excess of the scope described above is
requested, we will discuss the matter with you so that a mutually acceptable revision
may be made. Of course you may terminate this engagement at any time by so
informing us, in which case you would only be responsible for the fees and expenses
incurred to that point.
In accordance with our Firm's policy on consulting engagements, a retainer of $2,500
must accompany confirmation of this engagement. The remaining $3,050 will be due
upon receipt of the draft report and must be paid prior to release of the final report. If
the project is halted at any time, we will refund any unused portion of the retainer
5315 Eureka Road
Excelsior, MN 55331
Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com
Ms. Angela Schumann
Page 4
We anticipate this assignment will take three weeks to complete.
Our report will be based on estimates, assumptions and other information developed
from our research of the market, knowledge of the industry and meetings with City
officials. The sources of information and bases of our estimates and assumptions will
be stated in the report. The terms of this engagement are such that we will have no
obligation to revise the report or the projected operating results to reflect events or
conditions that occur subsequent to the completion of our field work in the market.
However, we will be available to discuss the necessity for future revision because of
changes in the economic or market factors affecting the proposed project.
Some assumptions inevitably will not materialize, and unanticipated events and
circumstances may occur; therefore, actual results achieved during the periods
covered by our prospective analyses will vary from those described in our report, and
the variations may be material. Our report will contain a statement to this effect.
Further, we will notbe responsible for future marketing efforts and other management
actions upon which actual results will depend.
Our report is intended for the information of the City of Monticello and may be
provided to interested hotel developers. It may also be used in its entirety in support
of financing efforts for a specific hotel project in the community. However, neither the
report nor its contents may be referred to or quoted in any registration statement,
prospectus, private placement memorandum, appraisal or other investment document
without our prior review and written consent. It is agreed that the liability of
Hospitality Consulting Group and its employees is limited to the amount of fee paid
as liquidated damages.
If this proposal meets with your approval, please return a signed copy of this
engagement letter along with a retainer check as authorization to proceed with the
5315 Eureka Road
Excelsior, MN 55331
Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com
Ms. Angela Schumann
Page 5
If you have any questions or would like to discuss this proposal further, please feel free
to call. We look forward to working with you on this project.
� ts.' .
Stephen W. Sherf
5315 Eureka Road
Excelsior, MN 55331
Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com
Ms. Angela Schumann
Page 6
Stephen Sherf - President, Hospitality Consulting Group
Stephen Sherf has over 30 years of operational and consulting experience in the hospitality
industry. He spent 15 years with a large national public accounting firm, where he was the
partner-in-charge of the hospitality consulting division for the Upper Midwest. He also
started a gaming consulting company where he worked for 15 years, and most recently,
founded a hospitality consulting company.
Mr. Sherf has an extensive background in hospitality consulting that encompasses market
studies, valuations, appraisals, acquisitions and sales. He has performed market studies and
other advisory services for over 200 hotel projects located mainly throughout the Midwest,
for clients that include developers, lenders, hotel companies, and municipalities.
He also has particular expertise in development consulting to the gaming industry and has
worked on numerous income producing real estate projects that include nursing homes,
elderly housing, subsidized and market rate housing, office buildings, retail developments,
water parks convention centers, ice arenas, restaurants, convenience stores, bowling alleys
and cinemas.
Operating positions held during Mr. Sherf's career include restaurant manager, auditor, Vice
President of Development for a hotel company, and Treasurer for a gaming company where
he oversaw the operations of three Colorado casinos.
Mr. Sherf is known for his hands-on involvement and realistic conclusions. Where
appropriate, development recommendations are backed by an economic feasibility analysis
and a sensitivity analysis to assess risk.
He has provided expert witness testimony relating to the valuation of hotels and
restaurants and business interruption claims. He has taught continuing education seminars
and spoken at gaming, investment, and state appraisal conferences. He has been a guest
lecturer at the University of Minnesota Graduate School of Business and Stout University. He
is frequently quoted in local newspapers and business magazines.
Mr. Sherf received an undergraduate degree in economics and an MBA in finance from
Cornell University. He holds a Minnesota real estate license and has completed several
American Appraisal Institute courses. He is a Certified Public Accountant (inactive), is active
in the Minnesota Lodging Association, has served on the planning commission for the City of
Minnetrista, and has held a Colorado gaming license.
5315 Eureka Road
Excelsior, MN 55331
Phone (612) 867-1649 hcgroup2@gmail.com
EDA Agenda - 08/12/20
8. Consideration of Adopting EDA Resolution #2020-09 Authorizing the 2021 Special
Benefit Tax (HRA Levvl in the Amount of $366,300 and Setting the 2021 EDA
Revenue and Expenditures Budget in the Amount of $371,300 (JT/SR)
This item is for consideration of the 2021 HRA Levy and 2021 EDA Budget. EDA
Resolution #2020-09 is attached and includes the recommended levy amount and budget
proposal that the EDA discussed moving forward with during the July 8, 2020 meeting.
The proposed levy amount is $366,300. The levy amount is calculated based on a
percentage of the total taxable market value of property in the City as of 2020. This
figure is the maximum amount the EDA can levy for its work plan under State Statutes.
The City of Monticello's 2020 Taxable Market value is $1,980,148,000. The percentage
of the taxable market value that can be levied under State Statutes is .0185.
Setting the annual levy is a policy decision for the EDA. To carry out the objectives in
the EDA work plan requires a stable source of funding and prioritization of activities
and/or expenditures. The proposed 2021 tax levy will allow the formation of the 2021
EDA General Fund expenditures budget in the amount of $371,300. The interest
earnings derived from the General Fund reserves are projected to be $5,000 in 2021
[$366,300 (levy amount) + $5,000 (interest earnings amount) _ $371,300].
The budget proposal includes specific line items for all operating expenditures while
generally excluding unusually large property acquisition-redevelopment activities. (large
property acquisition activities can be sourced from the General Fund reserves). The
typical operating line items consist oi staff salaries and benefits, overhead (electricity,
computer maintenance, postage), legal fees, financial advisor fees, marketing and various
memberships such as the Wright County Economic Development Partnership.
The EDA's largest single expense line item is typically often related to land acquisition-
redevelopment activities. Unused funds carry over from year to year and remain in the
EDA General Fund and available for various EDA goals as needed. The 2021 EDA
General Fund Budget proposal is attached.
Information about the City's overall taxable market value, maximum allowed property
HRA tax levy along and the certified levy for the timeframe 2016 to 2020 is shown in the
table below. Maximum allowed and certified levies shown below are based on values
from the prior year. Property valuations in assessment year 2020 increased by
$56,333,100 over 2019 values, a 2.93 percent increase.
Year Taxable Mkt. Value* Allowed Levv bv Statute Actual Levv
2021 $1,980,148,000 $366,300 ???????
2020 $1,923,814,900 $355,000 $355,000
2019 $1,883,565,600 $348,000 $348,000
2018 $1,748,750,200 $323,000 $323,000
2017 $1,631,446,700 $302,000 $280,000
2016 $1,513,570,400 $280,000 $280,000
*Taxable market value is for the calendar year prior to the levy year, e.g. 2021 levy is based on 2020 Taxable Market
T�alue amount
The proposed levy is calculated at . 0185 percent x municipal taxable market value (2020 =. 0185 x$1, 980,148, 000)
It should be noted the 2021 levy amount established by the EDA is subject to City
Council approval. The amount will be presented to the City Council as a
Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact related to seeking EDA approval for the 2021
HRA Levy and 2021 EDA Budget is minimal.
A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The cost of presenting the 2021 Property Tax Levy discussion
to the EDA for consideration is minimal. It is part of the normal work duties of the EDA
Executive Director. The EDA attorney drafted the Resolution and will present an invoice
for an amount estimated to be $300.00 +/-
A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: Goals that relate to the establishment of the HRA
Levy and EDA Budget include the following:
Goal #1 — Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability: Work to attract and develop a
healthy mix of housing options.
Goal #4 - Support A Vibrant Economy: Expand City/EDA owned industrial land
inventory in targeted areas; Support development and redevelopment efforts for
publically owned properties.
L Motion adopting EDA Resolution #2020-09 authorizing the levy of a 2021 Special
Benefit Tax (HRA Levy) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033,
Subdivision 6 in the amount of $366,300 and Approving an EDA revenue and
expenditures budget in the amount of $371,300 for fiscal year 2021
2. Motion denying adoption of EDA Resolution #2020-09
3. Motion to table consideration of adopting EDA Resolution #2020-09 for further
research and/or discussion.
Based on discussion during the July 8, 2020 EDA meeting, staff recommends that the
EDA adopt Resolution #2020-09 setting the 2021 HRA property tax levy at $366,300 and
the 2021 EDA General Fund Revenue and Expenditures Budget at $371,300. The budget
and the levy are reflective of the resources needed for and allocated to the EDA work
plan goals and its overall mission to facilitate economic development and redevelopment
activities that expand the tax base, increase employment opportunities and create a
vibrant economy.
Several of the specific activities which the EDA is currently engaged in will carry over
into 2021 and perhaps 2022. They include: Block 52 redevelopment efforts (land
assembly and structure removal demolition), marketing of the Block 34 and Cedar-
Garden Center sites; continuation of a Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program
(estimated additiona12021 cost of $100,000); industrial development land acquisition(s)
and potential strategic land acquisition in the core downtown to facilitate redevelopment
as opportunities arise.
If the EDA adopts Resolution #2020-09, it will be presented to the City Council in
September, 2020 for consideration along with its overall preliminary City General Fund
Levy. The preliminary levies (both City and EDA) are required to be submitted to the
County in September. The City Council will consider a final 2021 City General Fund
levy and the 2021 HRA Special Benefit Levy in December. If the EDA desires more
time to discuss the 2021 Special Benefit Levy, it could be considered again at its
September 9, 2020 meeting and still be reviewed by the City Council in September, 2020.
A. Draft 2021 EDA General Fund Expenditures Budget Proposal
B. Draft 2021 EDA General Fund Revenue Budget Proposal
C. Economic Development Goals (from 2018 Council Visioning Session)
D. 2020 EDA Workplan Goals and Objectives
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1081, as
amended, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") previously created the
City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority"); and
WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized to exercise all powers and duties of a housing and
redevelopment authority under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047
(the "HRA Act"); and
WHEREAS, Section 469.033, subd. 6, of the HRA Act permits the Authority to levy and
collect a special benefit tax of up to 0.0185 percent of taxable market value in the City, levied upon
all taxable real property within the City, to finance the Authority's economic development and
redevelopment activities; and
WHEREAS, the special benefit tax levy authorized by Section 469.033, subd. 6 of the HRA
Act is separate and distinct from the City's levy and is not subject to levy limits; and
WHEREAS, the Authority desires to levy a special benefit tax in the amount of 0.0185
percent of taxable market value in the City; and
WHEREAS, the Authority has determined to adopt a budget for fiscal year 2021 that
provides for the levy of the special benefit tax in the amount of 0.0185 percent of taxable market
value of property in the City, to be used for the Authority's economic development and
redevelopment activities.
NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners (`Board") of the City
of Monticello Economic Development Authority as follows:
The Board hereby approves a budget of $371,300 (excluding TIF district and loan
activity) for fiscal year 2021, including the levy of a special benefit tax in an amount
not to exceed $366,300, subject to approval of such budget by the City Council prior
to September 30, 2020.
2. Staff of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to file the budget with the
City in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6 and
request that the City Council consider approval of the special benefits tax levy.
There is hereby levied a special benefit tax pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section
469.033, Subdivision 6, in an amount not to exceed $366,300 with respect to taxes
payable in calendar year 2021, contingent upon the approval of the City Council.
4. Staff of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to take such other actions as
are necessary to levy and certify such levy upon approval by the City Council.
Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic
Development Authority this 12th day of August, 2020.
Executive Director
667103v1MN190-101 2
213-00000-310110 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES $ 279,567 $ 322,254 $ 347,340 $ 355,000 $ 355,000 $ 366,300 3.2 %
213-00000-310210 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAX 600 343 541 - - - ---
213-00000-310310 Mobile Home tax 426 589 610 - - -
213-00000-319100 PENALTIES & INT - TAX 24 - - - ---
213-00000-334020 Intergovernmental - - - - ---
213-00000-347110 Rental of City Property 1,000 - - - - ---
213-00000-362110 INTEREST EARNINGS - INVESTEMENTS (Gen EDA) 27,396 17,343 57,026 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.0 %
213-00000-362110 INTEREST EARNINGS - INVESTMENTS (GMEF) 15,844 9,702 37,758 15,000 15,000 15,000 0.0 %
213-00000-362110 INTEREST EARNINGS - INVESTMENTS (TIF) 26,772 16,362 42,872 20,000 20,000 20,000 0.0 %
213-00000-362400 SALE OF PROPERTY - - - 105,000 ---
213-00000-362990 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REV 122,125 500 3,220 - - ---
213-00000-392000 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN 116,473 - - - - ---
213-46301-362200 TIF Intrafund LOAN REPAYMENT - PRIN - 39,456 39,456 48,978 24.1 %
213-46301-362220 TIF Intrafund LOAN REPAYMENT - INT 18,814 12,795 11,335 14,200 14,200 7,868 -44.6 %
213-46506-310500 TIF #6 - RAINDANCE (decertified) ---
213-46519-310500 TIF #19 - MISSISSIPPI SHORES 31,693 32,187 35,915 31,334 31,334 31,334 0.0 %
213-46520-310500 TIF #20 - PRAIRIE WEST 18,074 18,909 - - - - ---
213-46522-310500 TIF #22 - CCD/DOWNTOWN 264,228 263,401 287,485 262,214 262,214 262,214 0.0 %
213-46522-347110 Rental of City Property - - - - ---
213-46524-310500 TIF #24 - ST BEN'S CENTER 42,782 43,271 51,252 42,782 42,782 42,782 0.0 %
213-46529-310500 TIF #29 - FRONT PORCH 24,242 26,144 31,033 24,665 24,665 24,665 0.0 %
213-46530-310500 TIF #30 - CMHP 10,032 10,883 13,162 10,032 10,032 10,032 0.0 %
213-46534-310500 TIF #34 - 194 INTERCHANGE 203,857 201,516 215,475 203,862 203,862 203,862 0.0 %
213-46536-310500 TIF #36 - DAHLHEIMER DIST - - - -
213-46537-310500 TIF #37 - KARLSBURGER FOODS - - - -
213-46538-310500 TIF #38 - WALKER IN-STORE 10,668 - - - - - ---
213-46539-310500 TIF #39 - Suburban 42,455 41,967 45,603 42,455 42,455 42,455 0.0 %
213-46601-362120 INT EARNINGS - Rustech 2,332 2,347 - - - ---
213-46601-362122 INT EARNINGS - MontiRV 3,086 - - - ---
TOTAL REVENUES $ 1 140 575 $ 1 136 971 $ 1 186 084 $ 1 066 000 $ 1 066 000 $ 1 185 490 11.2 %
on Ic� a
EDA Purpose:
The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic
development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing
and housing redevelopment.
EDA Work Plan Mission Statement:
The EDA's work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello
Comprehensive Plan and the 2017/2018 City Strategic Plan. The EDA will be proactive by
developing and undertaking actions for achievement of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic
Development goals and will be reactive in responding to economic development opportunities as
they arise in the most timely and effective manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic
development strategies of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Downtown Small Area Plan as
a guide for action.
Comprehensive Plan Goals:
Attracting & Retaining Jobs
Expanding Tax Base
Enhancing Downtown
Facilitating Redevelopment
Supporting Life-Cycle Housing Choice
Objective: Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties on
Block 52.
1. Continue to focus on site control for a potential future targeted redevelopment in Block 52 as
envisioned in the Downtown Small Area Study Plan.
2. Continue to collaborate with Beard Group, Inc. in the design of a redevelopment plan
suitable for the Block 52 site(s).
3. Reconnect Walnut Street to River Street in support of redevelopment.
4. Remain open to strategic opportunities for redevelopment throughout the community.
5. Refocus on aggressively marketing Block 34 and the CedarBroadway site.
Objective 1: Implement the recommendations of the Downtown Small Area Plan.
1. Support and advocate for improvements to the downtown as envisioned in the Small Area
Plan and Walnut Street Corridor Plan.
2. Develop and support the appropriate policies, programs, and incentives that enable the type
of development described in the Plan.
3. Continue to build a funding base for use in property acquisition and redevelopment efforts in
targeted areas.
4. Implement a fa�ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas.
5. Continue to meet with downtown property owners either in either an informal group setting
(Downtown Rounds) or individually to understand their concerns with traffic, parking, land
use and possible reinvestment in their property as well as willingness to sell, partner, price,
6. Encourage continued incorporation of arts as an economic development tool for powntown
Monticello and the community at-large.
7. Support opportunities for park and pathway development as consistent with the Downtown
Small Area Plan.
8. Encourage the redesign of the pathway connection under the MN TH #25 bridge to
incorporate safety elements and improved lighting.
9. Ensure greenway and pedestrian/cycle connections are considered within the downtown and
from the downtown to other areas within the community.
Objective 2: Develop and implement a comprehensive Marketing & Communication
Strategy for priority sectors and locations.
1. Engage a marketing intern to design and implement the Marketing & Communication
Strategy in concert with the Communications Manager and Economic Development
2. Support the development of an economic development brand and implement in all sectors of
economic development activities.
3. Enhance the brand and tell the story of Downtown Monticello.
4. Incorporate the marketing of EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both
within the community and beyond,
a. Present existing and new incentive programs to smaller community groups, local
banks, realtors, and local businesses either on in an informal group session or a
formal roundtable format.
b. Develop and communicate a"complete" development package program which
provides support and assistance to prospects and developers from inquiry to
5. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business
Park) to a broad variety of prospects as guided by the current and future Comprehensive
a. Focus on prospects which serve or rely on the St. Cloud and Twin Cities markets.
b. Focus on supply chain prospects.
6. With the IEDC, communicate with current business and industry in support of Business
Retention & Expansion.
a. Engage in informal business and industry small group meetings and explore
potential format of helpful formal round tables meetings.
b. Work with the Monticello Times to do a business spotlight or profile article two
times per year.
Objective 3: Support community quality-of-life initiatives which act as economic
development tools.
1. Encourage and support coordinated planning and development of parks, trails in or near
business districts.
2. Support the development Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, including community
Objective(S): Evaluate the need for specific housing types and act as a partner in
creating affordable housing development for the community.
1. Complete 2020 Housing Study update to assess housing needs across the spectrum of
housing choice and incorporating changing demographic trends.
2. Develop revised policy statements for housing which address the identified study needs.
3. Continue to market workforce housing development on EDA owned land along East 4tn
Street and Outlot A of Country Club Manor, or at other suitable sites in the City, including
the Downtown.
4. Support efforts by private and non-profit entities to develop affordable housing projects
utilizing state and federal programs.
5. Examine use and application of available housing TIF dollars per the 2016 TIF Management
Plan and the adopted Policy Statements for Available TIF Funds.
6. Continue to periodically examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research
development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization of existing housing.
Objective 1: Continue to develop and leverage available tools for business
development and job creation.
1. Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including development of
2. Identify and communicate new or innovative state and federal programs or grants which
could be leveraged to support business development.
3. Proactively support small business start-up efforts through programs and various tools
available for small businesses.
Objective 2. Collaborate with various local entities involved in monitoring and
developing workforce training awareness efforts to address workforce
1. Continue to support the IEDC interactions with in the Wright County Workforce
Pathways efforts in addressing workforce needs and training.
2. Consider IEDC recommendations and be prepared to be a partner in potential
solutions based on WCWFP findings.
Objective 3:
Engage as a partner in local and regional planning and development
1. Monitor the regional planning efforts of the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning
Partnership (CMRRPP) and engage with feedback as requested.
2. Consider funding and/or completing studies that provide policy and strategy framework for
desired land uses/or projects in the downtown and for other programs.
3. Monitor commuter rail development in and around the Twin Cities metro region for potential
benefits and opportunities to serve Monticello.
Appendix: Monticello Comprehensive Plan, 2008 — Economic Development
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EDA Agenda: 08/12/20
9. Economic Development Director's Report (JT)
A. Housing Study Update
A community discussion regarding housing supply and needs was conducted and led by MSA
Professional Services on Wednesday, August 5, 2020. Approximately 22 people participated
in the virtual-remote discussion session. The information and views shared about housing
will be incorporated into the Housing Study which is expected to be completed at the end of
August 2020. The final report will be presented to the EDA at a meeting in September for
final acceptance. The data and information will also be helpful for the final work phases in
completing the Monticello 2040 + Comprehensive Plan update.
B. Project Gia-Saurus Update:
This is a summary update on Project Gia-Saurus work-task efforts as of early August, 2020.
Efforts to evaluate funding options continue and progress is occurring. The City and EDA
may be asked to hold a second joint meeting to decide on an optimal site for the $50,000,000
+/- development proposal. The three sites identified in the Feasibility Study completed by
WSB all provide sufficient land area and are viable development options. They are unique in
that they have varied required levels of infrastructure costs associated with further
development as industrial areas. In this regard they offer different pros and cons related to the
Project Gia-Saurus proposal and future spin-off or related development opportunities.
Task efforts related to Project Gia-Saurus have been organized into four areas and each is
accompanied by a short summary of the work status below:
Legislative — seeking funding assistance for a portion of the $50,000,000 +/- proposal;
discussions have been held with several member representatives of Minnesota's U. S.
Congressional delegation. More discussions are expected to occur in the ne�t several
2. Federal and State funding programs — staff have reviewed NIN-DEED funding programs
and are also reviewing US-EDA grant program guidelines and application materials.
Funding would be primarily used for infrastructure which may or may not include a
3. Industrial Land Feasibility Study — Completed by WSB. Study identifies three viable
sites. WSB provided a follow up Memorandum further highlighting cost differentials for
public infrastructure at each potential site and provided a ranking of the sites.
4. Project and Process Review-Communications — Continuance of efforts to understand the
desired development timeframe and deadlines. Review of company due-diligence
information in detail is expected at the time of funding applications. A Letter of Intent
may be presented to the EDA at the August 26, 2020.
Staff will continue to work on all of these tracks to keep moving the proposal forward.
EDA Agenda: 08/12/20
C. UMC Expansion Update:
Staff have a scheduled a meeting with UMC officials on Wednesday, August 11, 2020 to
discuss the new schedule for development of the proposed 52,000 square foot manufacturing
facility. Staff will provide a verbal update of the discussion and identified ne�t steps to keep
the proposal moving forward to the EDA at the regular meeting.
D. Workforce Update:
The ne�t Workforce Pathways Meeting is scheduled for August 19, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. at the
Wright Tech Center, Buffalo, MN. Jolene Foss, the new Wright County Economic
Development Partnership (WCEDP) Executive Director, is picking up the County-wide
collaborative process where it was interrupted in March 2020 due to COVID-19 shutdowns.
City of Monticello staff have been involved in the efforts since the inception of the program.
Discussion items for the August 19, 2020 meeting include:
• Completing the work on the Pathways Wheel tool for businesses,
• Collaborating with businesses in Wright County to help identify their specific workforce
• Assisting with aligning resources for employers and educating potential employees of
opportunities, and
• Determining the ne�t course of action as it relates to aligning resources.
E. Potential Tour of Rivertown Residential Suites:
Possible tour dates include:
Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. or Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. EDA
discussion encouraged.
F. Prospect List Update:
See the attached prospect list: Exhibit A.
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