EDA Agenda 09-09-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Participants can choose to attend in-person or remotely via Go-To: Web: https://�lobal.�otomeetin�.com/ioin/949013725 Phone: +1 (571) 317-3112 � Access Code: 949-013-725 Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes — August 12, 2020 b. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes — August 26, 2020 c. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills d. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2020-10 Approving the First Amendment to the UMC, Inc.'s Purchase and Development Contract Extending UMC's Property Acquisition Advance Funding Loan Repayment Terms e. Consideration of Approving Funding for 2020 Manufacturers Appreciation Activities in the Amount of $750 Regular Agenda Consideration of Approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements in the Amount of $5,000 to Polaris Chiropractic LLC; Breum Enterprises, LLC (dba: Custom Cut & Color); Jai Jalaram Inc (dba: Super 8); Puram, LLC (dba: AmericInn Motel); Hammer's Hair Lounge LLC; and 321 Jump, Inc. to Mitigate COVID-19 Economic Impacts 6. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2020-11 Authorizing Entering into a Purchase Agreement with Steven C. and Candace P. Johnson for the Acquisition of Real Property Located at 101, 107 and 121 West Broadway in the Amount of $829,000 7. Economic Development Director's Report 8. Closed Session — Consideration of Recessing to Closed Session to Develop or Consider Offers or Counter-Offers for the Purchase or Sale of Real or Personal Property Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Propertv Address and PID: Address: 113 Broadway West — PID: #155010052060 (Kc & The Boys LLC) 9. Adj ourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 12th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center The EDA meeting was held both remotely and in-person. Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Additional A�enda Items � None. � 4. Consent Agenda BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. a. Consideration of Approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Julv 8, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — July 8, 2020. b. Consideration of Approvin� Workshop Meetin� Minutes — Julv 8, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Workshop Meeting Minutes — July 8, 2020. c. Consideration of Approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Julv 22, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — July 22, 2020. d. Consideration of Approvin� Pavment of Bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through July, 2020. Regular Agenda Consideration of Amendment of Small Business Emer�encv Grant A�reement Template Angela Schumann noted that the item was a housekeeping item for the Small Business Emergency Grant program. She noted that there is a better understanding of the limitations and requirements of CARES Act funding that is being used for the EDA's program. The EDA Attorney recommended minor changes to both the grant guidelines and the grant agreement. Schumann summarized that the changes included that the funds could not be used for expenses or similar expenses already paid by other CARES Act Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 12�', 2020 Page 1 � 6 funding and that the funding cannot be used toward property taxes. Schumann also added that staff have created a tracking form that would be sent to awarded business owners to list their expenses and to sign a statement understanding how the funds can be used. Bill Tapper asked for clarification if an additional $100,000 was awarded to the EDA's grant program through the City Council from CARES Act funding and if there was a deadline for funds to be allocated. He also requested a revision to the grant guidelines that would allow already awarded businesses the opportunity to apply again for additional funding for any grant funds still in the program. Schumann stated that the City Council allocated $200,000 in CARES Act funding to the EDA to use for the Small Business Emergency Grant Program. Thares added that 40 total grants could ultimately be awarded. To date, 17 have been approved equal to $85,000 worth of funding. It was noted that one additional grant consideration was on the EDA's agenda for the meeting. Thares explained that a lot of businesses are not aware of funding opportunity, even though staff have made good publication efforts including having an article in the paper, sending business owners letters, and through word-of-mouth. Thares also added that staff have come up with a list of businesses that are likely to be eligible and possibly interested and plan to contact them to explain the opportunity to them. Thares stated that the goal of the program was to use up all of the $200,000 in funding. Thares noted that funds would need to be considered by the EDA no later than the second meeting in October and expended by the City Council in early November, 2020. Tapper reiterated his question about changing the grant guidelines. Thares noted it would be a policy question. Lloyd Hilgart explained that he would like to see if the city had any need for the funds prior to changing the grant guidelines. 011ie Koropchak-White asked if the program was marketed to the Chamber of Commerce for promotion. Schumann confirmed and added that they also received a$5,000 grant. Tapper also requested that the guidelines be adjusted to accommodate fewer and more employees than the 2 through 25 the grant suggests. Tapper noted that the grant on tonight's meeting for Evolution Taekwondo only has one full-time and one part-time staff. He also noted that Chatter's Restaurant was above the employee count. Thares explained that he has reviewed other cities emergency grant programs and finds ours comparable. Tapper noted that he did not want to deter people from applying if they did not think they qualified. Jon Morphew asked whose responsibility it is for checking to make sure that they are not "double-dipping" and using other forms of funding for the same or similar expenses. Schumann noted the importance of approving the amended guidelines and grant agreement. She noted that successful applications would require the business owner to certify that they understand the requirements of the program and that they would attach Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 12�', 2020 Page 2 � 6 their expenses with a narrative of how the funds were used. Schumann also explained that the City's Auditor's will ensure that these expenses would be used appropriately. The signed statement by the business owner offers protection to the EDA and City, while putting responsibility on the business owner for use of funds. Schumann also added that in the application it asks the applicant if they requested and/or received other forms of financial assistance. The EDA generally believed leaving the guidelines as proposed by staff was adequate with no additional changes per discussion by the members. Schumann pointed out the relatively small amount of the grant and the ease of providing separate qualifying expenses for the use of the EDA's grant funds. JON MORPHEW MOVED TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT GUIDELINES AND AGREEMENT TEMPLATE. TRACY H1NZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 6. Consideration of Approvin� Small Business Emer�encv Grant A�reements in the Amount of $5,000 to Evolution Taekwondo Monticello LLC to Miti�ate COVID-19 Economic Impacts Steve Johnson asked if this individual grant fell under the EDA's recent amendment to the guidelines. Jim Thares confirmed. Thares stated that staff reviewed the grant request submittal and noted that the applicant is eligible for the $5,000 grant. The application indicates that the funds would be used to cover lease payments. They have one full-time employee and one part-time employee and fall well under the revenue maximum. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EDA AND EVOLUTION TAEKWONDO MONTICELLO LLC (1NCLUDING THE EXCEPTION RELATED TO EMPLOYEE HEAD COUNT FOR THE BUSINESS)1N THE AMOUNT OF $5,000 TO MITIGATE COVID-19 ECONOMIC IMPACTS. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 7. Consideration of Acceptin� 2020 Hospitalitv and Lod�in� Demand Studv Completed bv Hospitalitv Consultin� Group, Excelsior, MN Jim Thares noted that Steve Sherf from Hospitality Consulting Group, completed an abbreviated Hospitality and Lodging Demand Study. The study was condensed due to the impacts of COVID. Thares noted the history of the contract with Sherf and noted that the completed study validates the 2015 study. Sherf introduced himself and provided some background on the study. He noted that prior to the study, he analyzed the competitive hotel market, updated the economic demographic data, and was in the process of conducting interviews with 4 to 5 business leaders. Sherf noted that he did not get to complete the utilization proj ections due to the Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 12�', 2020 Page 3 � 6 COVID-19 shutdown interruptions and the EDA's desire to close-out the contracted work Sherf stated that he believes the condensed study would provide a good base to the EDA and help inform hotel development prospects. Sherf noted that there has not been a whole lot of change in the market since 2015. The findings in the 2015 study was for the most part accurate for today. Sherf provided a brief overview of the findings and preliminary conclusions of the study. Jim Davidson asked if there was a sense for the quality, surroundings, and style of meeting space that was desired in Monticello. Sherf noted that generally the meeting space had some out of town attendees. The Best Western was adequate, but there was a desire for something newer and more technologically advanced. Morphew asked about if a hotel were developed in Monticello if it would need a restaurant to support it. Sherf noted that it would be mutually beneficial, especially if the restaurant were close to the hotel. Sherf was unsure if a new restaurant in Monticello could survive after the pandemic given the current situation. He noted that being near an 80-room hotel, would be sufficient to support a restaurant if it could capture all of it. Bill Tapper asked for an example of the type of hotel that would be ideal for Monticello. Tapper suggested a Hampton Inn. Sherf agreed and added that previously they discussed the development of a Grand Stay, which he continues to express desire for that type of hotel in Monticello. Hamptons are typically higher quality and higher rates. He recommended Hampton, Holiday Inn Express, Marriot Fairview Inn, and Grand Stay. Grand Stay has a lot of local and regional recognition, which would help it pull some guests traveling along the interstate, but other nationally recognized hotels would help pull from the interstate travelers more than a regional franchise. Steve Johnson observed that in the 2015 study it had noted that approximately a market capacity of 50 to 60 new rooms could be introduced to the market and be sustained. He wondered if that number was constant or expanded. Sherf noted that due to the current economics, developers are looking at constructing larger hotels. He believed that it would be likely that a 60 to 80-unit hotel would be the right size for Monticello. Johnson asked if that would be in the realm of a Hampton Inn or a Holiday Inn. Sherf confirmed but believed they would not go below 80-units. Tapper asked if there was a right time to finish the study. Sherf stated that the right time to finish the study is when the market stabilizes. He further noted that if a 2020 were provided to a prospective developer (using 2019 data), a hotel would likely not be open unti12021 or 2022 because of the development time. Sherf noted that they could issue a 2020 report under the assumption the market will return to the 2019 conditions. Sherf noted that he would not recommend finishing the study unless the City had a developer that was serious about developing in the city and to gather some information from them to see what information they need. Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 12�', 2020 Page 4 � 6 Johnson noted that a hotel prospect was the reason for the start of the study, but it was unclear whether they were still interested due to the current situation. Sherf noted that a hotel developer would be able to find 90 percent of the information they need in the summary report. Sherf noted often after review of the study, a feasibility study is desired by the developer for their lender. He recommended then structuring an engagement that would meet the lenders requirements. Johnson noted that information could be used by the City for comprehensive planning and used by prospective developers or lenders. Tapper asked Sherf for the impact of more people working from home and the need for meeting space. Sherf noted that business travel will likely be permanently changed and there will be less frequent meetings and travel. The leisure market seems likely to come back full tilt and make up for lost time. Sherf believed commercial demand would take time to recover, if ever. Sherf explained that there are some future developments that are proposed nearby that could also benefit Monticello. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE HOSPITALITY AND LODGING DEMAND STUDY. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 8. Consideration of Adoptin� EDA Resolution #2020-09 Authorizin� the 2021 Special Benefit Tax (HRA Levvl in the Amount of $366,300 and Settin� the 2021 EDA Revenue and Expenditures Bud�et in the Amount of $371,300 Jim Thares noted that this was the EDA's annual consideration for the HRA Special Benefit Levy for the EDA budget and consideration for the 2021 budget. Discussion occurred during the July 8, 2020 meeting regarding this item and those thoughts were reflected in the recommendation for tonight's consideration. The levy for 2021 is proposed at $366,300. Thares also noted the proposed 2021 EDA General Fund budget is proposed to be $371,300. This is $5,000 more than the levy amount due to interest earnings General Fund cash balances received throughout the year. Thares pointed out that contrary to the staff report, the City Council would consider the preliminary levy including the EDA/HRA levy at its August 24, 2020 meeting. Thares noted that the levy increase is proposed at 2.93 percent and reflects the EDA's work programs. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT EDA RESOLUTION #2020-09 AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A 2021 SPECIAL BENEFIT TAX (HRA LEVY) PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 469.033, SUBDIVISION 6 IN THE AMOLJNT OF $366,300 AND APPROVING AN EDA REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES BUDGET IN THE AMOLTNT OF $371,300 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 9. Economic Development Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's Report. Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 12�', 2020 Page 5 � 6 Thares stated staff continues to work through Proj ect Gia-Saurus. He noted that it is a complicated proposal and requires a large funding need. Thares noted that UMC has provided staff with minor revisions to their proposed expansion. In September, they would be required to go through the City Council for an amendment to the development agreement and Planned Unit Development. Thares noted some documents and agreements with the EDA would also need to be adjusted, such as the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) Grant Agreement and the EDA's companion Advance Funding loan ($300,000 Deferred 2"d Mortgage) to UMC. The intent was to have UMC repay the EDA after the new building is completed. The project completion date is now expected to be June 30, 2021. UMC expects to start the project in October 2020. More discussion between UMC and City Staff would occur, with an update provided to the EDA at a future meeting. Thares mentioned he would continue working with Pat Briggs to find a date that the EDA could tour Rivertown Residential Suites. Thares explained that there were no new prospects on the list, but several had a status update. 10. Closed Session — Consideration of Recessin� to Closed Session to Develop or Consider Offers or Counter-Offers for the Purchase or Sale of Real or Personal Propertv Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Propertv Address and PID: Address: 101 Broadwav West — PID: #155010052090 Address: 107 Broadwav West — PID: #155010052070 Address: 121 Broadwav West — PID: #155010052031 JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO MOVE 1NT0 CLOSED SESSION. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 11. Adiourn TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:25 P.M. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: September 9th, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 12�', 2020 Page 6 � 6 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 26th, 2020 —7:00 a.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center The EDA Meeting was held both remotely and in-person. Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Lloyd Hilgart Staff Present: Jim Thares 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Additional A�enda Items 4. Consent Agenda ` Consideration of Approvin� a Certificate of Completion for the Rivertown Residential Suites Apartment (The Bri��s Companies) Development Jim Thares presented an update on the minor outstand exterior construction item. The new street light poles were installed as part of the building proj ect though the light fixtures that were delivered were the wrong color. They have been reordered and are expected to be affixed to the poles by the end of October, 2020. The project is essentially complete and is being leased up. Mr. Briggs is currently discussing the best date to provide a tour of the finished proj ect to the EDA. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Regular Agenda Consideration of Approvin� Small Business Emer�encv Grant A�reement in the Amount of $5,000 to Live Lau�h Bloom Floral to Miti�ate COVID-19 Economic Impacts Jim Thares presented a summary of the Emergency Grant Assistance Funding application from Live Laugh Bloom Floral. They have been impacted by the shutdown and the loss of spring school prom, wedding and family anniversary events. They are back open at reduced hours and with fewer full-time staff. They have to repair a large broken window in the front of the building and will use the funds to make the improvements. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO APPROVE ENTERING 1NT0 A GRANT AGREEMENT WITH LIVE LAUGH BLOOM FLORAL, LLC FOR AN EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE GRANT 1N THE AMOUNT OF $5,000. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 26�', 2020 Page 1 � 2 MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 6. Economic Development Director's Report Jim Thares updated the members on the efforts related to Project Gia-Saurus noting that meetings and discussions continue regarding optimum site and funding sources. He also informed the EDA members that the City of Monticello Fire Department has indicated that they will not conduct a training burn at 300 4th Street East due to the proximity of the neighboring structure and the desire to avoid problems from the heat against the adjacent home. The demolition contractor has been informed of the change and the price of $9,995 has been inserted into the revised contract and sent out for a final signature. He further noted that when the EDA approved the demolition quotes at its June 10, 2020 EDA meeting, they approved either a training burn demolition quote or a regular demolition process quote as part of the approval. A letter updating neighboring property owners is being sent out informing them of the change. 7. Adiourn TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:43 AM. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jim Thares Approved: September 9th, 2020 � \ Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director _— Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 26�', 2020 Page 2 � 2 EDA Agenda: 09/09/20 4c. Consideration of Approvin� Pavment of Bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through August, 2020. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through August, 2020 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements O z 0 a � � 0 � � 0 � .� U A 000 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 oo� � o00 0 0� � o 0 0 0 0 oo� � o00 0 0� � o 0 0 0 0 �oN � No� � �,� � o 0 0 0 0 � � l� M � 0 � 0 0 0 0 0 �--i N �--i � N� Vl Vl Vl Vl Vl � � � � � � 0 0 ��� ��� NNN NNN NNN NNN O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N 0 N N N 0 N N 0 O M M �--� �--� �--� 0 � � � � � � � 00 00 00 O 00 00 00 � 00 00 � O O O O O O O O � � � N N N Q Q Q Y� Y� Y� W W W N �C � iC N �.' iC �, � � O � y O .U. y O N � O � N p, CL ~' C/� N G' C% C/� .� C% N � � ^O ti � "O a� C/� "O 'O Q O � � � 0 � p 'y � p�/ W�" '�j bA N N� N F" � � � �" a� s°- aai ti Q w 0 o U � � x 0.1 0 '^ � � � � � � �1 � a Q W o �� w o� �' o a� �C Rj 's: C� C� . � � p ;� W � � N N 'O � � � o � � o � � � � � � � xxx xxx � � � � � � WWW WWW zz � � � � � � w w �� � � � � � � o 0 Q Q Q Q Q Q �� zzz zzz °�°� � � � � � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O � � � N N N 0 0 0 v v v 0 0 0 v v v 0 0 0 M M M � � � � � � � � � N N N 0 0 � � v v 0 0 M M � � � � � � N N vl \O M � � � N N N N N N O O O O O O N 0 N 0 N � � �--� � � � �--� � � � � � O O O � � N N Q Q Y� Y� W W � � � � � O O U V] U V] U bA .� bA .� bA L� � L� � L� � � � � � � � � � L� L� L� a z a � o � � � c� � z � � h z � � W v w a � � .a O rx � z � v � w � h � � v 0 � � � N � v 0 � � � N � a � M N O N O � O � 0 � 0 � � a 0 .� � h � O z 0 a � � 0 � I o o I o o I o o I o o I o �, N � �, � � � � � � � � N N N N N N N N O O O O N N N N O O O O o � o � o � o � o � � � � � � � � � � � � � � v oo v oo v oo v oo v � o � o � o � o � Q Q Q Q Q w° w° w° w° w° � � � � � � � � � o � o � o � o � o a a a a a V] U V] U V] U V] U V] '� bA '� bA '� bA '� bA '� i"i N�" i"i N�" i"i N�" i"i N�" i"i � ^ � ^ � ^ � ^ � W W W W N N N N i"i i"i i"i i"i .� .� .� .� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Q Q Q Q L� L� L� L� � U � z O � � U � � � w � w O h w � � a z O � F� z h O � M N '� � � w o `� w Eo � � 0 0 a a � � � a � M N O N O N � O � O � � O U U � � � � O U � � h a � �ity �f f�i�rnki����o JJne 30. 202� MN19D-00159 Pag�� � Kennedy� � C�raver�, Ch�rte�ec 2�Q0 Sc�uth �i�th �kreet, �uite �7{� Minneapc�lis� h4� �5�(l� Bl��k 5� R�d�v�elapmer�t Thr�iugh ,�ur�e �+�_ ��}�0 �o� A,II Legal ��rrai��s As F�11o��: 6J��d�4�Q MhJI PF�or�� conW��sa#ip� wit#� J 1`Y��fes regars�in� p�te�`.ial terr�inaki�� �f PC�A; �evi�w ;erms ar.d em�il `oll�tihd-�� To#�I Se�v�ces: H��rs ,r�rn�un# �.3Q fiJ Ci� 5 BO_0� Tot2�� �en+ices �nd �isburs�ment�: $ 6Q.OQ Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Morning Julie, there are all good to go. See coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these for tomorrow. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Program -$300 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$720 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$1,140 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redev -$60 Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$100 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Rd W-$25.40 UMC Escrow Account Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us i ��t� oi 4,��nticell� Jur�e �� ���i� hAN 190-O�C 16�G P�ge: 3 i��l'�rl�[i� t� �ai`c°�V�'fl, ��'1�F'��F@C� ��7� �outi� Sixth �`ree�. �uite 470 Minneapoli�. h+1�J �5402 2q'�� UM� Eeanami� [�evela�m�n[ TIF Tl�rough J�ane 3�i, 2Q�i7 F�+r All L�g�l S�rvic$s As F�Ilowa: ��8�2�2[� h�'1N1 Re�w�i�:��v I�tter tc� 4JM:� re��rding cc�n�kr�a�ki.�n tim�Jine�, ��naiE corresponii�n�� �rith st�ff, N�r[hlan� r���rt�i�g sarr� � 7c�tal �ervices: Hcsurs Arnour�t �.4� °4Q� 4�0 � 1U{i,01� �rl�f S�rv�ces an�S t�isk�ur;�em�n��: � 'I{10.�D Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Morning Julie, there are all good to go. See coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these for tomorrow. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Program -$300 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$720 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$1,140 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redev -$60 Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$100 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Rd W-$25.40 UMC Escrow Account Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us i Page: 4 kCenned�r � �ra�r�n, �h��t- �_ �' ��J�l s�a�rr sixttn s[r�et, �� te �7 Minr�eapolis, h+1N 5�4�2 �+ty of �lonti�ellp June ?�, �02D h+1N19��-(7D1�1 4D�r� �h�fsea R�ad 1N Throuc��� June 3�i. 2�1�� FCr All Leg�l Services A� F�Jlr�wrs: 3r�12'�20 T�+°IR Em�il tc3 Jenny Mo�P�lrr��nn reques�ing ti�l� ��mrnit�nen� ���d u�date T�,t�l Ser+rices Ha�rs ,�m�un# G 20 �5 40 � 25.�4 T�tal �er�ri��s and DisCaursem�nts: $ 25.44 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Morning Julie, there are all good to go. See coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these for tomorrow. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Program -$300 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$720 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$1,140 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redev -$60 Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$100 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Rd W-$25.40 UMC Escrow Account Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us i ��g�: 2 Kenn��y & �ra�ren, Chari �Q�7 Sout�� �ixk� Street, Su�te 4? A+1i�r.��p€sl�s, ft+1N ��4D2 Mc�nti��lla E�1� Jur�e 3(�. ���� h�1N�325-OC10�� 1f71, 107, �nd 1�i Br��dw�y �nrough June 30, ��2�+ For f�ll Legal S�r,+ices �,s Followrs: �6f3?�f�2� MNI Phor�e conv�r�akic�n W�ith J Thar�s r�g�,rding ,J�hr�s�n prc�perty �c�nerey�n�e 6.� 1�r'2Q2� MPl I Att�n� �DA �los�d �e�4in� on �keve ,Jo�r�s�n pro�erty �Iq�,r� Arnaunt 0.4C �O.DO 1 �� 36�i i�(J 6� 10+�D�0 A+1�1I R�vi��u Ste�+e Joh�son tar�ker�ge �greerr�ent �nd 1.04 �sS�rCi�#e[� dD�urn2r�t� in p��p�r��iQn f4r cl0sed E�A s�ss cr. �rt 1J�02�] MNI Pf`o�e �or�ver5�'i�n urith ,1 T��res reg�rding E[?A diree�tior ��lfi f�� � �lahrss�� property. Tc�t,al S�enrices: T�tal �er+�ic�s and C�isbur�e�ent�: $ 72�0.�►0 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Morning Julie, there are all good to go. See coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these for tomorrow. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Program -$300 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$720 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$1,140 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redev -$60 Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$100 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Rd W-$25.40 UMC Escrow Account Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us i Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Sorry, this finally looks correct. Jim Thares Wednesday, August 5, 2020 1023 AM Julie Cheney FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:21 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, please see corrections to the coding for the three invoices. From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Morning Julie, there are all good to go. See coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these for tomorrow. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Program -$300 213-46301-^��� 430400 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$720 213-46301-^��� 430400 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$1,140 213-46301-4�a 430400 Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redev -$60 Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$100 UMC Escrow Account 1 Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Rd W-$25.40 UMC Escrow Account Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('1iY C]F _{�� . ��'I'1�����C� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. z P��� 1 Kennedy & �ra�r�r�, �Chart�r�ci 20{� �outh �i.xth �treet Su�te �7�0 I�e9inneapolis, f'�N �'S4f7� Mont�Cello ��A J�n� 3G ��1�0 MiJ���-i�t�04� Busir�s�s F�e�d� �ar�n# Pr�gram Through Ju�e 3C1. 2Q�U For ,411 L€�gal S��vic�s �s Follows H€�urs Amour�t fi�,+3.�2(]�Q h11N1 �evia�r.� F�c��ie �r�n# q�esti��r� f�sr h��onticell� �1:6i1 720.�IC� �PBf�+�2G hANI Draft r�tice of bu�ines� ��k�si�y publi� h�e�nrag �or Agosk+o 0.�41 1��J.CO f���d� im�rouernerat granf �l1�,'2024 MNI P�i�ane �o�v�r��tion +�uit:� .! Thar�s regardsng fac�de 0�Cl �Cl I�0 res�luti€�r� and TIF res�luki�n of supp�rt for 6?24 ��}A .�'ne�#F��; dr.�fi# f��a�i�e r�s�l�ki�an. Total Services; $ �{}Q.QO Total �ervic�s �nd �i�buwse��nks: � 30�.1]0 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Morning Julie, there are all good to go. See coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these for tomorrow. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Program -$300 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$720 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$1,140 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redev -$60 Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$100 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Rd W-$25.40 UMC Escrow Account Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us i Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Sorry, this finally looks correct. Jim Thares Wednesday, August 5, 2020 1023 AM Julie Cheney FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:21 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, please see corrections to the coding for the three invoices. From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Morning Julie, there are all good to go. See coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these for tomorrow. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Program -$300 213-46301-^��� 430400 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$720 213-46301-^��� 430400 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$1,140 213-46301-4�a 430400 Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redev -$60 Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$100 UMC Escrow Account 1 Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Rd W-$25.40 UMC Escrow Account Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('1iY C]F _{�� . ��'I'1�����C� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. z F�.�c�e. � F��r�n�d}r & C�rav�n, �hart�ret� �;�C South �i�tJ� Street, .�,�i; -- hrlfnrre�pnlis, Arl�l ���� �ity �f �,+�t�ntic�llp Ju�e 34, �QZ� f�f�190-�1Q��1 ��rer�l EDA, A�l�k#ers T�rouah ,�ur"� �C], ��2�} F�,r,411 Leg�� S�rvices A� ��s'�ovrs: �-lours 611r�0��7 M�ll [��vel�� rn�del gr�r�t �gre�rneni F�+�r Mc�r�#;��Ilo �rnergen�y �'.6f� �r�ig rarn �l2J2��0 h�h�l �ie�+iew �n�i r�uese I��tt�nkicellcs qrant �gr���'ner.t f[�r �rrkalf 1.50 Bu�iness Er�erger��y +�ssist�n�� progr�m 6,'1��2L�20 A�9N1 Reviev+� �1�an�i��llo prof�ssi�n�l servi��s ��r�e�n�er.# �- 4.7� housirrg study .���11J2S7�� I��N'I �Fin�li�� r�vrew �of housing sur�e}� �+g���r�ren# �nd circu��ke �D.3(l �135a�i��� 9,�45� 7,�rt,ntl�rtiy irn�n�� call +�rit� �i€y �rsci ��A st�fifi. �+lortt�l�rd 1 0� �; fi81�0�47 M�lI �Draft �D� res€�autiorv in support af Duffy hous�n� prnject �).€30 6!2'���C��O M�ll pr�it �City r�salutic�� sup�rr �ting T�F #or �uffy �eueroprrtient (} 4{� F?��?�02Ci E�1hJl Fir��liz�' �nd ser�� ���#y res�slu#Fr�n. 0.�0 Si�.C�O T€�t�l ��r�ices: $ 1,'f4�.�[� 1`c�t�� Servic�s �ns� Di�burs�errtents: � �,9d{}.OQ Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Morning Julie, there are all good to go. See coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these for tomorrow. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Program -$300 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$720 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$1,140 213-46301-431990 Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redev -$60 Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$100 UMC Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Rd W-$25.40 UMC Escrow Account Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us i Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Sorry, this finally looks correct. Jim Thares Wednesday, August 5, 2020 1023 AM Julie Cheney FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:21 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Julie, please see corrections to the coding for the three invoices. From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:40 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven (6) Morning Julie, there are all good to go. See coding. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 3:10 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven (6) Following up on these for tomorrow. Thanks. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 1:52 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven (6) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00040 — Business Fa�ade Program -$300 213-46301-^��� 430400 Inv# MN325-00042 — 101, 107, 121 Broadway -$720 213-46301-^��� 430400 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA -$1,140 213-46301-4�a 430400 Inv# MN190-00159 — Block 52 Redev -$60 Beard Escrow Account Inv# MN190-00160 — 2019 UMC TIF -$100 UMC Escrow Account 1 Inv# MN190-00161— 4065 Chelsea Rd W-$25.40 UMC Escrow Account Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('1iY C]F _{�� . ��'I'1�����C� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. z i Q'• Y. E`J I�§. �5 �J t hi� 4. t J SUITE 3d�0 MINM�'aPC�rLr�, h�N �541ti C;�fy nf f4��snte�ell4 �+#tr�: ��r�n F�atFrlis��rger. C�E� Fin���c� hllanager SU5 b^u'alnut SCF�eC, Sulte 1 h,9�r�li�ell�r. R+iN �5:���•8�3�1 �Cs2{� E�on�mic �Je+��elc��r�per�t �ervi�:e� City� St�3fi Re'.��cwe{ - Jim Thar�s i;L Ac�i � �13.4�3�71.�-:31490 eM�.�ly° 20, 2D2� �f41G�����fFV4NC�" 1�—(}'� ����-[I�f} — �, �E;Vl�tiv�� ��j" �f@k ����BISS Pro�eck Man�g�r Jarr]es �romber� ������ � F'fi{��e d]G1 1�1�G° EUori[�;'!. [: a��v�,o�rTr�nm, .Sen+icr's A�1on#hl}r F��#�ir��r �r�rrir�r��ats: ,44arrt�7dv f�etar�re,� 577.� (7�7 � o�• t�rds fasJi. F�e it�k,�l � cc �.3US7.0�1 �'e��errt ��rY��let� �O,f�O Tot�l Earn�� �'f�'y�IQUS� F�'� �k�Clf'l.(� �:s:rtr�nt F�E: Billing Total ��� :�;.��c�� I I'r4�j �c: t � H�urs �:�rvmt3�r�, .�'ar�nes �?�;2Q��:? 1 {�;i f4'1ELfI�IC� Wlt�l FFf7r'�f1Ci�� �4C�V1$�f .�7�fT1�Pf�,,tsifTl�S �}J�r���f1 �.�J�1 �c�nfer�nce �:all tivith Emmers �ffice or� ����r,�� F'ro}�ct To?afs 2.�fJ To��l f.�bor �ilCing� t�o �a#e f �� Lab�r �:�d-o� Tot�is Prior 3.8?�.0� 4�77�.i7C� -�22.�U 8,��6,00 7?S,U{� Tota! this Task $7T5_{1U R�i� ,4maunt 1,'�i) 0[} ':�fJ i1C 1�i0.Q0 2�5.i10 :�? a f.J�J 375_OD T�rkal thi5 T�sk $��7�,00� Total thi� F'hase $1,15�_(�U Tcatai this In�+�ic� $1,15�.1�� Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jim Thares Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:19 AM Julie Cheney RE: Invoices WSB 072020 $1,150.00.pdf; WSB 072020 $18,159.77.pdf Julie, the coding for the Study is 213-46301-431990. I think you already have the coding for the monthly economic development assistance contract that is invoiced each month. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:10 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Invoices Importance: High Do you have time to review the WSB invoices? From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 8:58 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Invoices Importance: High Jim Can you provide me with an update on the invoices that need your approval for the check run: Kennedy & Graven (6) WSB (2) Also I have the following EDA Grant requests that I received from Angela/Jacob: Ewings Going In Style Nordic Brewing Chatters/West River Restaurants Salon Tuscan Palmetto Fitness Monti Nutrition Sweet Dreams I have them all flagged to hold until signed agreements are received. If you have any of those, please forward. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello i 7O1 X��11A AVEti1JC 5 SUifF 300 fvikaV�J�APf�1.�5, �v1iV 55f+�6 City of Monticella July 20, 2D20 Attn: Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFQ Finance Manager Projectllnvoice R-�16234-�00 - 2 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Re�iewed by: 8ret Weiss Monticello, MN 55362-883� Pro�ect Manager: James Gromb�rg Endustrial Park FeaSibility Study Professional 5ervices from June 1, 2Q20 to June 30, 2020 Phase 001 5ite #1 - Orchard Site Concepkuai Land Use Layout Gromberg, James 61112Q20 5ite Layouts for Other Sites Gromberg, James 6/4/2020 Site Layauts for Ot�er Sites Gromberg, Jarr�es 61512D20 r Memo New Site Up Dates Gromberg, James 6181202[} Site Design Updates Dave Neill Gromberg, James 6/9/2020 Cali with Lakota on lat areas Gromberg, ,�arr�es 611012p20 Site information Layopu4s fQr David Neill Gromberg, James 6l1512020 �esign Layauts Gromberg, James 611702a20 Site Layoui Review Gromberg. James 611812fl20 Site Layout Review Gromberg James 6/19/2020 5ite LayoutslCail with Jim S Gromberg, James 512 212 0 2 0 Meeting with Staff about Report Gromberg, James 6123/2p2Ct Feasiability Re�ort Draft Gromberg, James 6/24/2020 Feasiability Report Draft Grornberg, James 6l2512Q20 Feasiability Report Draft Gramberg, James 61291202D Reporf Proofing Gromberg. James 613012�2a Feasibility Repart Tables Moen, Krtstin 6/291202D propasal QAIQC Hours 4.00 1.00 75 sa 50 1.50 1.50 1.25 50 1 00 75 2.flfl 3.Q0 2.5U .75 .75 �a Rate 145.�0 �45.Q0 145.D0 145.OD 145.00 1 �5.00 145.Ofl 145.041 145 a0 145.00 145.00 14S.Q0 145.00 � 4S.Q0 145 D0 145.00 a9.oa Amount 580 00 145.00 108.75 72.�a 72.50 217.5fl 217.50 181.25 72.5D 145.00 1 p$.75 29(} QO 435.00 362.50 108.7� 10$.75 44.50 �' Project R-016234-OOQ MONT - Industria! Park Feasibility Study Invoice 2 Neill, Dav€d 6/3/2020 1.50 143.00 214.5fl Infraworks models Neill, Qavid 6/9/2020 1.Oa 143.�fl 143.a0 Infrawarks model5 Neill, Qavid 611012Q20 1.50 143.00 214.50 Infraworks models Neill, Dav��d 6i1112a20 7.5D 143.�0 214.50 Inf�aworks madels Neill, David 6/12/202� .50 143.00 71.50 Infraworks models �leill, David 6/1712020 1.50 143.00 214.50 Infraworks mod�ls Neill, bavid �118/2020 1.00 143.00 143.�0 Infraworks models Neill, David 6/2612020 50 143.00 71.50 Infraworks models Neifl, David 6/2912020 3 50 143.00 500.50 Infrawork rnodels Neill, David 6130/2Q20 4.75 143 00 679.25 Infrawqrks mode9s Nelson Heather 611912D20 30 136.80 41.D4 meeting Ne#son, Heather 6l2912020 2r00 136.80 273.60 report and cast estfmate Phfllippi, MicY�ael 612912Q24 �.Oa 89.0� $9.Q0 Project Location Map TOt�l5 43.30 6,141 14 Total Labor 6,'i41.14 Traffic & TranSportatiQn AnalysislReview Rickart, Charaes 6I1912020 Team meeting and background data collection Rickart, Charles 612 312 0 2 0 Feasibility Study - Transportation Rickart, Charles 612612fl24 Feasibility 5tudy - Transportataon #�iekart, Charfes 6129l2020 Transportation Cost Rickart, Charfes fi13012020 Trans Improvemnents Totals Total Labor UtilitylStormwater AnaiysislReview Tota� this Task $5,149.14 H�urs Rate 1.00 172.8� 2.50 172.80 � .00 � �z.�a 50 17� $Q 5Q 172.8a 5.5a Amount 172.8fl 432.Q0 � 72.sa $6.40 86.40 954.4fl 950.40 Total this Task $950.40 Page 2 Project R-D16234-D0� MpNT - Industrial Park Feasibility Study Christensen, Jonathan 611 812 02 0 Existing utilities, report Christensen, Jan�than 611 912 02 0 Internal kick-off meeting. water and sanitary calcs Chrfstenset�, Jonathan 6/2412D20 Water and sanitary sewer Christensen, Jonathan 612912D20 Watermairr and sanitary sew�r capacity analysis 7ota3s Tatal I�abar Cost EStimates (TranslUtilitiesi5tormwat Ener, �ydia Cost Estimate 5ite 1 Ener, Lydia Cost Estimate Ener, Lyd�a Cost Estima4e Ener, Lydia Cost Estfmate Tatals Total Labor Feasibility Report Preparation 6/24/2020 6/2 5/2 020 6/2612fl20 612 912 02 a Mours 1.00 � ao 1.50 75 5.25 Hours �.ao .75 .50 .75 3.Q0 Hours Buckley, Susan 6/291202(} .50 JStremel re watermark remo�al from feas reporf (memo} Ener, Lydia 6123i2020 1 OQ Feasibility Report Ener, Lydia 6l2412�20 1.00 F�asibility Report Ener, Lydia 6126120�0 1.50 Feasibility Report and Gra{�hics Ener, Lydia 6/29/2020 1.00 �'easibility Re�Qrt and Lltifity �xhibit Harwood, Alisan 612912fl20 1.00 Environmental Constraints Maass, �ric 6/29/2D2D 1.D0 Report QAIQC S#remel, James sr�a2o2o �o Psoject coo�dination, memo prep Stremel, ,�ame5 6/22/2020 50 Meeting with City Rate 108.00 �as.00 108.00 �OS.Qfl lnvoice 2 Amount 1 D8.Qfl 2��.00 162.00 81.00 567.fla 7otal this Task Rate �a7.�a 1fl7.10 107.1 Q 107.10 Amount 1Q7.10 80.33 53.55 8D.33 321.31 Tota! this Task Rate 94.00 � D7.1 � 107.1 a 1D7.10 107.10 136.80 'f 9 9.00 154.80 154.80 Amounk 47.00 107.1D i07.10 160.65 107.�a 136.80 119.00 77.40 77.40 �s�.oa $567.00 321.31 $321.31 Page 3 Project R-q16234-(}00 MONT - Industrial Park Feasibility Study Invoice 2 Stremef, James 6/26/2020 Sa 154.84 77.4D Report prep and revi�w 5tremel; James 612912020 1 OD 154.80 154.80 Report preparation Totals 9.56 � ,171.75 7otal L.abor 1,171.76 Totai this Task $1,17'l.75 Meetings (City Staff, Caunty) Ener, Lydia Project Team Meeting To#als 611 912 02 0 �ours Rate Amount �0 1 Q7.10 53.55 50 53.55 Total Labor 53.55 Total this 7ask $53.55 Total this Phase $9,205.15 Phase 002 Site #3 - Hwy 25 Site (South of 85th) Cor�ceptual Land Use Layout Gramberg, James 6/1/2020 5ite Layouts for 04her Sites Gromberg, James 61412Q20 Site Layouts for Other Sites Gromberg, James 6151202Q Memp New Site Up Dates Gromberg, James fif812020 Site Design Updates Dave Neill Gromberg, James 619f2Q2� Call with Lakota on lot areas Gromberg, James 61i D12020 Site information Layoputs for David Neill Gromberg, Jame� 6115I2Q20 Design Layouts Gromberg, James 611712Q20 5ite Layout Review Gromberg, James 611 812 02 0 Site Layout Review Gromberg, James 61191202D Site LayoutslCall with Jim T Gromberg, James 6122I202� Meeting with Staff about Report Grornberg, James 6/2312020 Feasiability Repar� Draft Gromberg, James 612412�20 Feasiability Report Draft Hours 4.00 1.00 .75 .50 �Q 1.5� 1.50 1.25 .5� 1.00 75 2.OD 3.00 Rate 1�}S.OQ 145.00 1�#5.00 1 �45.00 1a�.aQ ���.ao 145.00 145.(}0 145.00 145.00 145.a0 145.00 145.00 Amount 580.flD 145.00 1 C}8.75 72.50 72.5Q 217.50 Z�a so 181.25 72.50 145.OQ 1 fl8.75 29p.00 435.Ofl Page 4 Project R-Q162�4-000 MONT - Industriai Park Feasibility Study Invoice 2 Gromberg. James 6f251202(} 2.50 1�45.D0 362.50 Feasiability Report Draft Gromberg, JameS 6l2912020 75 145.p0 108.75 R�port Proofing Grornberg, James 6/3D1202a .75 145.00 108.75 Feasibility Report 7ables Harrington, Jean 6/8/2020 .25 110.Q(} 27.50 Project Management Neill, David 61312a2fl 1.5a 143.00 214.50 Infraworks models Neill, David 6/9/2020 1.00 143.Qfl 143.Oa Infraworks models Neili, David 6f1012020 1.5{7 143.00 214.50 lnfraNrorks modefs Neill, �avid 6/11/2020 1.5a 143.00 214.50 Infraworks madels Neill, David 6/12/2020 .50 143.00 77.54 Infraworks models Neifl, David 6/17/2024 1.50 143.aQ 214.5p Infraworks models Neill, David 6/18/2020 1.D0 143.Oa 143.00 Infrawarks models Neill; David 6I261202fl 5D 143.00 71.50 Infraworks models Neiil, David 6I291202D 3.50 143.00 500.50 fnfraworks models �leill, David 6130/2020 4.75 143.OQ 679.25 Infraworks models Nelson, Heather 611912a20 2D 136.80 27.36 meeting Nelson, Heather 6/29/2020 2.00 136.80 273.6a report and cost estimate Phillippl, Michael 6129l2020 1.50 89.OQ 133.50 Project Location Maps for Site 2 and Site 3 Totais 43.45 6, � 54.96 Total Labor 6,154.96 Traffic & Trans�ortation AnalysislReview Rickart, Charles 6119f2020 Team meeting and background data collection Rickart, Charles 6J2312fl20 Feasibility Study - �ransportation Rickart, Gharles 6126l2020 Feasibility Study - Transportation Rickart, Charl�s 612912Q2Q �ransportation Cost Sotal this Task $fi,'E54.96 Hours Rate 1.00 172.80 2.50 fi72.80 1.00 172.8Q �.00 �72.sa Amount 172.8� 432.OD 172.80 172.8fl Page 5 Project R-016234-0DO MONT - Industrial Park Feasibility Study Invoice 2 Rickart, Charles 6/30f202{] 50 172.80 86.40 Trans Im�rovemnents �otals 6.00 1,036.8Q Total Labor 1,03fi.80 Toiai this Task $1,036.84 Ut±lityfStormwater Anaiysis/Review Chnstensen. Jonathan 6/2412420 Water and sanitary sewer Christensen, Janathan 6129I2020 Watermain anc! sanitary sewer capaeity analysis Totals Total Labor Cast EStimates (TransfUtflftiesl5tormwat Ener, Lydia Cost Estimate Sites 2& 3 Ener; Lydia Cost Estirnate Ener, Lydia Cost Eskimate Ener, Lydia CpSt Estirr�ate Totals Totai Labor Feasibility Report Pre�aration 6/2412420 612 512 02 d 6l2612020 612 912 a2 0 Ener, Lydia 6/23f2a2D Feasibility Report Ener, Lydia 6/241202Q Feasibility Report Ener, Lydia 612612a20 Feasibifity Repart Er�er. Lydia 6129i2020 Feasibility Report and l�tility Exhibit Harwood, Alison 6/2912020 Environmental Constraints Maass, Eric 6129I2020 Report QAIQC Stremel, James 6/1212�20 Project cQordinatian, memo prep Hours Raie Amount 1.00 10$.fl0 1D8.a0 50 1 fl8.00 54.00 1.50 162.00 162.p0 Total this Task $162.00 Hours 1.00 75 50 .75 3.D0 Hours 1.00 1.Q0 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 .54 Rake 107.10 �a7.�o 1D7.10 1D7.10 Amount 107.10 8a.3s 53.55 8Q.33 321.31 321.31 Total this Task $321.31 Rate 1Q7.1C1 107.10 1 �7.1 � �a7.io 136.80 119.00 154.80 Amount 107.10 107.14 1 fi0.65 �a�.�a 136.80 119.0� 77.4a Page 6 Project R-016234-fl00 MONT - Industrial Park Feasibility Study In�oice 2 Stremel, James 6/1812020 SQ 154.80 77.40 FZepart preparation email to team Strem�l, James 6/19f202a 50 154.80 77.40 ieam meeting Stremel, James 6122I2020 .SQ 154.80 77.4D Meeting with City 5tremel, James 6126i2fl2D .50 � 54.80 77.40 Report prep and review Str�mel, James 6129l2020 1.00 154.80 154.8(} Report preparation Totals 10.00 1,279.55 Total l.abor 1,279.55 Billings ta �7ate Labor Totals Current Prior 1 B,159.77 984.50 18,159.77 984.50 Total this Task Total this Phase $'l,279.55 $8,954.62 Total this Invoice $a8 15g.77 Total 19,14427 19,144.27 ��"3.4�3o I, r--�--3� � gc� E�{ �{l�tr�, y3���c� �b II�U��.S� �b ����-�s� PaQe 7 Julie Cheney From: Liz Lindrud Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 12:10 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: WSB $18,159.77 I am leaning more P&Z after talking with Sarah, since she was thinking some of this could also be related to the comp plan. So I would code it there for now. It makes more sense to me as Planning and zoning too. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 12:02 PM To: Liz Lindrud <Liz.Lindrud@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: WSB $18,159.77 I am waiting on this invoice to process the AP batch. Should I hold this invoice until the next batch or code to admin and we can change if necessary? From: Liz Lindrud Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 11:34 AM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisber�er@ci.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Angela Schumann <An�ela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: WSB $18,159.77 I think either admin or maybe planning and zoning, Angela can your provide insight? Thanks! Liz From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 11:27 AM To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisber�er@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Liz Lindrud <Liz.Lindrud@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB $18,159.77 Sarah & Liz Please see attached WSB invoice for an Industrial Park Feasibility Study. Per Jim only $12,000 is to be coded to the EDA. Where should the remaining balance be coded? To Admin? Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us i i' a T'�' t'D F �=���� � � ���]��C��� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jim Thares Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:19 AM Julie Cheney RE: Invoices WSB 072020 $1,150.00.pdf; WSB 072020 $18,159.77.pdf Julie, the coding for the Study is 213-46301-431990. I think you already have the coding for the monthly economic development assistance contract that is invoiced each month. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:10 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Invoices Importance: High Do you have time to review the WSB invoices? From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 8:58 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Invoices Importance: High Jim Can you provide me with an update on the invoices that need your approval for the check run: Kennedy & Graven (6) WSB (2) Also I have the following EDA Grant requests that I received from Angela/Jacob: Ewings Going In Style Nordic Brewing Chatters/West River Restaurants Salon Tuscan Palmetto Fitness Monti Nutrition Sweet Dreams I have them all flagged to hold until signed agreements are received. If you have any of those, please forward. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello i �r�� ��� t�i(?NTICFLLC� V(;�UCHER Pfe�s� c�a►���ete, s��n, arrd :suhrni t t� �4�'�'ts �a}�r�bPe by dW� d�r�� jor c�aec�s ��� r�. '4rE�1i]+�1R: l"�l�m� Ewing� ��ing fn �tyle Inc 1�c�dr�s� I �18 �edar Str��# :�c�cir�ss 2 City�lS"T�7.a� f+��nti��fto, MI',� ���6� [� �lisb, C'�C, B��ch �[3ie�tit��7t+r Ir���+�ice i�c�: i�I �;"Y"Mt113U�'iOIV {3F E!��"��f!�E P��� b��: ${1 Q1�i��� AF*I'kC�VEE7 �Y `��T.��.: � �� �, { -- 'l �' ,� �,,��„�� VOU��I�f,�� DAT�. 7��8��{}2C� L:[?.+�:i�rn�ia' 7 4175:?[} �. C:u�i:�icl+����i1i�Mti a�! � j�r�k; yn�� :�z�i:all Iiu�ine�� Eiuer{}�n��° {�;rty�st .-� rcemc��ts in tl�� .�mc�uiyt �>t-ti�,lld}{} tca: l�:a►�in;�� �{�;��in;� ln �h�l�, [r�c�,'I-he Ni�r�iic E3rc���yi�� �'rr, [.1��'; +�ntl 1�����t lii��ea� ltc�t�►urr:�rikw. [nc. tll�:i C'li�tt�i°� 1t�stFllll'".31Lf f!1 Ctll$14,?��tt �'()l'1!)-1') c��at�tx�t�i� iit���.i�t*� {�f-1'� :�. l�F,l�f�:j�if�:��{'1�::�1�11 fi,�C`f�(�fi(l["�L}: �;]� f'.�'J:� Iti �3�1[i4' sl��.�,�il lll w,'-tl7`�li�cl� zl�}�"�l't)1Eti�' �l °;C�t'lll� k?:l'C�Ei ti)t �111.1�� ��4yS111��.� I.,11141'!?4`Ill'+ �ICt�171 ILIJ7C�IIlt'. �i�]�3IJi::1�141ta�r_ � fl� E'e�)r-�i �:i�?�!I"174�C� C�3� �,�llel�t ��k1S111255 �'.111�1'k:i[3�'� �_�I':lll[ ]'r;r�.;���in ar7ci �i ;��urc� i�t` t'�ui�iin�.o. ��t �ts i��it�lG�r �,14��� `'?. ?�.i�{1 ir3��fir����, ] Eti� C�raw«� F'rts�;r��m �1�5 S�t 4t�] �'4IC�1 .;h�C�l'�,{}{]1`1 75 �!1 i�11t17I �t�Y�a`v�c���;�� 4��:i�[�7r��� tt�rt:i., Tli� E.[�rt ��I��; �ki����t�ci lktit�[ tl�e s�u�'�� c��� rhe ixi�,�ttit ��ri��}�',�tt� he t��t�g�t �}�e Gr��it+:�- ��i,n�i��[I�} �]lfl'1"�}l'1��' i4Jllli (Ca°�If:l=i L���t� �r���e�a�t, -1-I�i, ��t-�asi�w 5�c�ac��ir�t �lic:�4Jl�{ t��lrtti �i ��t��i c.,1�?.0 �.��a�nis_ Thr��; �; �) ����$� ;t�i�li��ltic�i�� r�cr� r�rti}��.ki tic�r �c;n�iiJ�rGitic�n al t��e �u��� �S'� ?Il?l}I:1):1 ni��ti�7i:.y. "I`lara �rl �lic��� rti iiy tl�r 1�4,I1i�+� j�7t ��k�l�: �:rrt�� r��' F3u:�i��cs�; T��r�� c�f Firjvi�rc*� � tx�` F�txt�lr��'�e� :�Nna��Nrit ��f (�r�nt �'wr��,�r,� �r�rtt�,f I�� ,St}•f� ffcrrr°-T��t�rr���,� .Sarlr�ar ? �i,li�lfl I`l�c :'�'r�rrlic� �1•car}�a�a�F :1�ic•�r�-Ii�c�4���r4' (r ;��+,fJfJf1 FF'�cr_s�f }����t�r-C'irtrrrc��•.c Rcr.r�t Rcx:��trrrrr�rr�a� _�f S,�,IJf�l1 `�i.lil iu���� r��,�it}��tii th� .i47�?Il�'tll4liC]� t�4sr �i�r�7��l�t�rl�:< ;:1r3�1 <<�ihir�n�� c4, sJ7� �,rt:�4�r;��3� �tn�i��in��. �'� sunrnti;�r� �r��i7� r�:�i��, ���;d�u{i�i4}d� ��,rr;��i;htit i�; �tEwc} ii�clui���l ��} h�l�+ tli� k�f].�� Btl Il� f"�'l'I�`�1 :lll� ti.lti�.4tti4J4�1] ilt ifl� Itlltil]]l�r. � �l� :��'?�7�Iti�iCl4�ll ltlLl4c]'h���� t41t� il�'.� :Y�7��IIti:I!'lk.� �iC'� znt,z�e,�i.a t�, t��i �tttd'i'r�:�-±�5��� It sEy����l� k�� rtit�t��i Clti�� Ch� ,�r���li�tlti��n ntat�t�ia�l� �ul�t��itt�ti f�� '�1�est �.i��er� 1���t.iur;�G�t�, E�t�:, �1�,:� ('ki:7tt�r� I��wtaur�Yr�t it�di��t�;� tf��t tE�� 11C'�t l{�rllS k���l'�:� {�l}1��� v��'r��s r�e���rt��� �����dwc� Si a�rillit:r�. [ ft��,tter'� t.��xa��r �r��i�:�lw ��1��1 i-�:s•�n�i�: tt� h� ���a�r�:�xiit�a��l� 4�1 a�7�alGt�rt T:�-, Th�;� wt��t� tkYcat tf��� I�t���� e�;�cri�i7�e�� ;� ,uf�:,t����it�l �ii'�rJ� (_-r-4 °� iriisi��ll�:�; -�fi a�;�� 1��r���:�r �:�7ni�r{�rl }��.eiti�l} in lli�ir �itisiri�.s> �iaac t�, k�tssi���.s� �Ic,s��r�:�4����ir-i:tiu�3w 4Gilc�er (_.ri���crn4�r �l'�Ir-s i��r��liti��c �:��ci�r�� .f ht ifbl�i,rrnL�li4,n is� th� a��alic��ti��n iil�ii�.4�i�s �ht�� tl�c� ;�r�. b4El"f1177� lg]I'C)L]L?I7 rti��r��s �s�i� t���.il ���i�r�n�;� I��r u���.�c�m��� rc.nt �,���iz��.�a[�, �J�h� 1�:i�.-1 .ilr�;i�i� ���,rc��«i �t�7 i]Ui ��rc��i�]�i� s,r��tit� �l it� .fui�c. rty�U[in��.*, TJr�it ������;� � j��'c��raiT1 tin�� l�al�n�� faf����l.i}ii{l. ]ftl1� t-:]).� aF���rc���e� th� a�14.3iti�]i���l thr�e (;� ��rant r�yi���t� �st tl��: J�al'�' ���" r����tir74}, tl��t� ���ill ��a��e � E�rt-ta=�:m7 f;�ileti�c� t,t�� ��.{t��ti t�r ? rer����ii7iri� t�ri��.ts. �t sl�i,��lc� t+c. nc,���1 �hs�i ih� Fiilft�i�:c L)ir+,��.°t�Ltit- �:�}r�[inu��� 1x+ ��r�,a7it�.:�r [i�4� ��b�l�[� t�� r�>>rtbtrrs�� ih��:�c �Tr�int� �h�-c�u�lt F��d�r{�I �`:1FtE� .�1c�t t�u�7�iin�, ;1� thi� h�ti�,rr��5 �i�c}�-� 41ri��E'4[CrCr�I. �]1C CL�_i �rr;«� �.��as97 ti, a��tl�i,ri:�� a�i�iitic�r���C t�t�n�Eint �E}S illL' Clf�ifli ��iJ�J"tiFtl. .�1. �`l�_�r'F- L11I1'.�C'7�; ��af�'4�i���: in+�:�I�rtE in c�rnsic��rin� [13w �r��is re�X���[� inx��l��� lk�� 1�:1�r1 ��_�r��:l:r. ? s�.� 'ii ��°c�rk �-elti�e� tt� re��i��� i��� f17� ��pli��tii�n� c�n�i pr�.�{irin+� t��e �t.�tl`�` rep�c�i�t tn1' tl�� [;C],�i i�tc�r.tirl��, �l�i�� E.I]r'1"s I����11 �����n�cl pr�.���rtiie.i3 a�s��lo�� a+��•��i71�nt ter�t�l�t� �ahi�h is s�ls� ;�[i�wch�ai t.� tl�� St,7f�f� Fte�cfe�, .�2. 13L'i)(�E'�' ��►I1'.�C`.1.. �1 ftie h���d�et ii�7����t #�rc�s�� ��.��t:;i�l�rir�� a�p�artr� in� thrt� ( 4j �t��Lil! Busin�w� C:3ic�r��ni;� tira���s i� iri dich�r�sin�} ;��7 ��c��iti����l 'elf`C�YLllf3llt {3� ���.{i'��� ffCllll tfl� 11211'I�° �reaicii {;ran[ �1����r�t�3� k�lyi�k3 �};r� tra'i��tti��ll�• ��u[F�t�ri2��i tli �ll}{]_fif)f9. 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(��•,tirtt ,�����i�;,�tin�� 13. i�l�r �.t5r-�1�r kir�r� ii�� ['u_ l.l.(' [�ratyc r�E���li��[i{,r7 C:. �� ti.st ati� �o� E��wt.�ua�tti7t�. [M�L �IEa,I C'iytitt��a'� �,�5i��pr��nl C;r{uil �1p�lic€�lit�n I). '���3�n�a���� (irc�rl� ]��k�i�����,h:o�al�iafu��r� C'I��a�fist �:. �ir�rlt e-�a�ecer��e��t "1���7��11te I-. �;sa3all }�usin��:, l�:i���rv��r�i��` ��rs�r�t F'r�}trd�m (�uiil�.lin�� �' �E,'"�] l� � Ft: T�lamc �ldc�re�s I Add�ess = �ITi� {)F' :�i��l`rIC'ELLCI 1�����:�i�It P1�r�se c�rrr��et+�, s�gr�, �na's�rbrrait t� o4ccts P��+u�i�� by d«e d�at� fc,r eT►�k �ur�� �"he p��rciic �rewing �o LLC �'3� �e�d�r �tf�e# Cityi�Tl�,ip� �1'��tic�:11+�, IUIN ��3�� � T3i�sb, C.�C, k��tck� �t�t�menl� Inr��c�ic� Afc�; l}l�'!'I�IBLJTif�:4 �}� �`7��FNSE �'ay b���: �J9 Ql21���0 7�����,�; � ����� r' � . ' � � . � . �f�"���CQ�� APPROVEL} BY �,•�� �Ii• , D,�TE; r' 1fC�U�hEi`.}€I� L[),-'� :��er��ia: 7 (.�� ?I� *�. 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'�'l�c Cor�ea� F'r4�`��r;�r�7 �� as ��t a��+ x� iR7t � I fl{],tl�]() {rs �n ir� i[ itul �������y!ec�c�� a�w�i�tr�n�c• fltr��l. -i-l�e 'h:l�:� �l�c� s3ir�:�: tl�l []7;7� tl�� sc��sr�r �Ji� s}7� �s'�lnt E�rc��r.lm b� i�rw��fi7 th� (.P�'�t���r '�l4rr�ti�u11�; E.�7t�r��rise �=�r1ii �t1��]LFj l.�rai� pa����r�di��_ °T9'tia ��t-�sid� t�r��c�unl ��aouf4f fi�rtc� tt �cxia! ni'?f� �ixknt�, Thr�� {�) C}e��� �i�s}r��catitic��js +� ���: i`�fiei��ed li��- rt�ns�s�cr���i+:+r7 ;tt tlti� Jtil, �'�, ?(�?OEC]_-1 i���etttti;�_ Tl�e�� xor� s��t,ti���� i�7 �h� I�,l[i,���ir7« tJhle: ��r�n� ��f l�ti�i�i��� �1�����c c�f=F�u�ir�c:�s # rMf E;i���kl���►'€�v ;�n�t�unt ��f {�i_��aR f E����r,�P.s 4�;rrirx� }ar .Srr�r} f}rr�r�-l�c��rrrrra;; .�idfr,�a ? ���,�1iJ�J — Tlrt� .'1-rt1•�fic� [i1°c°w�-r��� _111c�r�cr-�Sr��•r��rr,9� (r Si,l1�1dJ t�'t�.�x �4'if�crr-�'Jlrrtl��-,c �Rcf:+� RcF_��rrrrr�°rrarl _3f 5_�.fl�lf� �c:ti�i� i1.`�� i�-i�icx�4�1 tl�� �t��r�li���[i,;na 1;sr �;,r���slltep7�s:; ;�nti s�clfi�r�r��� t;i tf�� �rc7�r,a�n ,p4��c��l���ew. :1 w4inrni�r�° ��`aM�t r��,�i��� ����pl�s�a[i�?n s�r�;gi�sEi��s is �tlsc7 fC1C:I�JCi�Cj [C? f1�I�3 tflc_` F:C�:�� iri it� ra�•i���° �n�l �iscl�s��i�t� ;�I Ch� cn�els'��. 7h� t���!ILLaItJ4}9� �t������-���s ii,+r a�ll at���31i��n�� ��r� ��l[{��:It��] �c� t�yr �taf(�r��c,rt lt �17c�ul�.i �� i�i�t�d tk�,�a s11t W�p�rli���ti�rr� i��.titeri��ls >uhn�itt�:4j E,� �'����t �{io��:r ft�:,t��ur:i��t�. lri�. cih� �: ht��ta-rw k��t;�urant �nc�i�:��€�� fltsxt @ 17� ����� iti���s , r.t�r`s [�' �1 i s}:� +�Frc�ss e�.°� �.r�4ac c:+�c��c�er1 $ l bti�illit�n. C�li�ilt�r`�. t,x�i�er }�s�f*j�ct� ?f1��] r��:'ep�ue ti� 1��: .tnpr�,�;ii7t�t�l� �il a�iilii�i� T. ,`Tlt�� state th�t lh�� �7����e ���ea�ie�c.�ci ��ut'r�t�1111:1;i1 ail�i5�? �-�� �'`�, i�7iti7ll��, *f, ".�� I€}i7��r �:4'ii��ar� p�riti�ci.1 ��� �IZtiir busirs+;s� ci��e tu b4d;ii��:s� �ls�s4n��s-res�ri�ti�}n� ur��l�r +�i4�k�a�-i74�r �'�°�Ir_'s e�cr�tati��4 s��'ders. "tk�� ini�sr�tt;�tii�r� in th� .s�p6i�:�iti�}ri i��i�icat��; t��t�� thit �u'� k�ui�ni��4� thri}u�.h r����-}�w� ����� ra��+� .�ssi��t1»�:� �41C 41�iC[71]lll7� l`�C6I ��4�•�i��rrts_ - [�i7e ET}:'t �,ali°cs«�r� a��src�����3 le�� {I{l�l �;re+.��i�k�s �r�nt� 4�E it� .�ui�e 73d�.�Ci��!�ti, �l�lt,s[ I�����s �� ��rt���r��e�� iui��l h;�14�r7c� �al���{}_4]UC�, 11�ti3� E_]):� {143}}���.+��4� Ihr.��l,litic�iltiil ikir�c l_i ��F������t s���E�tes�s �1t ��1� �kl�� r,�{°� fi'744�111�..'- L�l'�i'l kk I�� �E�'a'i�� il �]'sis'J'tllll �?:1�:411�£� [.1� .��>,�}(��� t":C �' Ct::7tllfl�f'i_p <w�l':7C�tti. I� �Ilt�LIILI �?�: [lt7t��� �,Ilil� ¢��1C E'113�Atlti,: I�'ll"w4��Fa' C4'dl]fl[ll[•:> tt? I'll4?fl,��ti.°I' t�� :l�]I��t'� Sk? f;:llalk'll]`�i l�l�a: f?r�a��ts tl�rc?���11 F��l�r�l (,'�I�F`� ,�lct t���did��� _�s [i3i� b��w*a1��es d33�ir�. URLI'l�`�I[11)4�. �II1�` i�:[).� lllil�' ��'l:�h t�] ���ilh�.ar�Z�: �tl�iiki�}nal I�tanilir��� ti,r tl7e �irant �+r�.���rr��t�. :�,y. �'r.•�r�r- i`�Il�.a[�'T. �tatt� aim� 6r�����k��i1 or� �t�ijsitl�;rin� ��7� �rant r�c����.s[� ii�t�°ul��e� t17� [:�93 � ,���n41;s; 7 E�R �rl �� G7r� r�lixtc� ts� re� ie��+'i�7� t17� �rplit�`�tic�a�� aryr,i ��re��{`�rio�� �1�� �t7t�������nr� tc�r tfyt F�I]r� meetiia�- TI��. EU.+�`s ]��al c�+u��s�l pr��°i��c� ti +�r��nt a���e�tt�+�rtt t�r���1�1t4 �4�hi�h is �I,� atta�:k��c1 tt� tf�� �t,�f�` E2��nr�. .-1��. T3�.,1}�tT'T' [I�if'.rt{.'T: �I-!�� l�ui��et ii��4�ac� fi�c�9�i cc�rlsi�ir�rin� a�pr�.;�ii1�. the�e ��} �i11�,�1! f3W�iife�� I���r�r���r���� C.vr�°rnts iw it� c�i�;hursi�7�F ar7 adiiitic�n:il tl7lli�Llllt c�C��l>.Uf.�CM fi�u�n �Itir n�:k4l� � ri:�t�d C�r;x�rt �ro`�l'JiTl 4'4'}l lt 17 }� �s nri t�irl;�ll�� �iutf74��°i�eit �t � 9 Rl(�_(if�f}. 11' the k[J;°1� {�}3�?rc:� �� �h� � n���� �e�i�l,� �e� ;��i,�liti��rt trr tk�e t�t� � Iti� tl�rit x��r� �����rc�����i in Jl�n�_ tk�� r�n�a�ii�i��� f'4in�1 ht�l�rit•�� ���r�ilcl k�� �;;;,i.��P�l. 13. ;=�[,'1�F:ltd�:��1�1'h'H: �C'.1�1(1�4: I, i��1[+tic�s7 ta� a]�r�r{}��� `*r77,�11 E3���;ii7�s; i•:��3�r��z���� (rr��ult .���t-��i�i�nts h�i���:�n ti�� F.I).1 �G�cacl� C:��ir��� ���}itt�� I�7 �t�l�, Ir1�.:-rl��iVc�i�dtc lir��.tiie�4,{'c�. f_1.{'_ �rj�ii 1����t ]�i���� E�i:st�ur;���i. lit�, �ih�`� Cl���t[e�`� R�s�t'���[��rtit to� t}�� �1�7c��ir�t �rf���,f�i�f� ts, t7�iti�?ate t=()��II)—V�} �.ti€'�Il�1i131t I lT7 }}t3i: � `;. 4 �. f�9�;�ic}n it; sitii�� :wE�4�i-�����1 47f���tyall Zita�in��� ivEtr7��'��n�� �.;r,�itt :��r��rt»t�ts l�ett���t� th� �•:[]�.-� an41: f-e� in�> C��}i�1� ln `�t� V�. Ii3�:.: I h�'�ur4liw E#r�:�a iii�� C't:�. 1_,[.('; ��e7�� 1����sc I�i��er 9t��;t;s��r�7tyt�. ]n� �h� C']���1�rw l��.s[tturan[ irti th€ {6Rit744f1t 4}C� ��.[��:}{} tk> G��iti���i��: f.�i���`]f�-1 `� t�C?Ili',Illl� IITl�73CtS_ �''f;l�li"I1 ��.? [t��il� 4l5[]�IL�L1�.3ftl)rl 'c7� 1�3�1'4}� Illt? �4C17��I l�l]til�li�ti �'.Ill�l"�`�Il(;k �1]'4�n1 ;��6r�:���iilcE�[� k��tt}��tn ilrti �.C�.� anci; L-+�ii��s [_���in�� i�7 �t'+`le, If�c:,: �1�1�� 1`Jcprcl`r �ir���in� {'i�. 1:[_(:: �u��i 1�'�s[ ili��r l�c�l�lur�u7A. Ii1�:, c�l�t� C'Ita�itwry« T�CS(;i113°a1i11 �il t�l� �C]l�?Uf3C ot'.��.{l�ifl t4� t3�iti�.;at� C'(��.�'ll)-]{i er:t,ncxmic� im4�a��;,. �. '�lt�tit�n ��i���t���°e. C:, �'[`.=�FF l�F('(l�1!��1�"�91;t'['i[1��: ��a��1�r��t,r�r�t7�i��.l� .�lt�wrl;�tix� =1� ���17� E:f�:!� s.lLlillilTlL4'.LI II74 ���t�li F�ia�itt4w� T�.r7t4r�n�;�tc� �.;r§Zi�t �rc��r�a�77 twt its �'1�� �7, ?{1`�(1 rtye�[inp: .�I his i� th� �l�ir�:i ha��:h �51' ��-{u�i u��,lititati�,a�;� ��:iiay� cc,ntiici�r�:cf k+� tl�c'ED.F�. �ts�tk�l�,�� � re�'i�+�}�e;� tl�� :ip�slic.�ti��ns it,r c.cin��l�.�wn�ss ��n41 }�r���r�r�� �lui�i�iilit�, ��-ftiil� �����t f�i��r F�estsura���,. Int. {�l�a�t�r�} is ���.r� �I�,sc tu [h,� r��er7�ar� �ttt �,t�� ��i�in� �{:17�j n�imk��:i-sj. th�} iw��kf��ate t��ia�l� ;:�nr7�ficant tl��riti�°e �f'i�:c;is Cec,in 4h� C�[��,°'eC�-li� r�_����ais� iE�i}3a�:ts. I�c,[h F.k, ii7ts C�c7ir�� ls7 �I��I� �r7�1 1�J�����uc l.ir�}�in� �rc �x�ll h�l��x�� tl�r. ��nn��rl tnr��s� re���i�u� t��r�:���,l�i ��['�I ��nilli4ar7, �����f'�it�i�s �II c�tfi�r �iE��3lic�[ic�n in[��rmauic,n ���I�r�7yAtal; t�r I�� �c�rn�alel� ;�n� in ��m�,lit���c� �� �t1� tlr� �r�,tFk'47111 1?LIIi��I]f3t�. 9t �li�}4wl�l �tl�n �ae n��te�i ttt��t if�tl�e �r��ni�; �pr�: ip�pr�5v��1, tlt�� �`�,`� r7i�t 4�5i7si�i�r��� Li �'hue�te��s� s�Gkssiu1� •. t�s i��tin�4i IIl .�tr�C� Si�tUC��,. ���7�. �}J'41�1"i�lll �l]I�CI]i��S 9'�C�UII`� tfl� k'1'zlnt re�.i�sderlts �4, pr���ici�; a k+rrcf�f�7llEfk�-�.s�� r���?rt f.�a�� tc� �I�e C:rt� i» th� IUt441"� C�CS4�I�ICl� ����k1 tl�� tisr��lin� ti��s�ts u���i. �.�.�:�. r��L"�fl6�ai: �.��i �'o�` L). :41:1'f'(ll�'I'[Iti(: U,-�'i'.-�! :�. E•:�� in�w [ �taii7;; [t3 �t� I�. 1i7�. [ �rar�t .���qkli��iCl[111 E�. �I1� I�t3PC�l� ��P��i 913K? f'�, i_I.[� [wrar�� .�[��Ni��ti[�t� �`, �'���:;t Ri� �r 1�w�t4���r�trw�;, [i7� �3h� C'l��fttwi•� R�.st4lKir,l��t C;s'ar�t .�����I�L;�tic�i7 C�, ���i�r1��7��r� (;ra��� f�ek��i����-I���aluati���7 G."I�e�klosa E., �rant ;1�.��r��r7}etyt Tert��1��t�: �� 4n7�t11 E��i�in���. �rncr��:i��e �'rr�n� �'r����i-��nt �iEiic��.lin�;� 4'E1�1[?�[]R: l�l�me �cidr�ss I �'�'�"� ��� ?�(��v�'�('���,c:� r��t�+��i�:u P�eus� rnm�af�te, srgr�, �nd s�ehr��:t tn �i�e�:s F�ay�rb�e by d�re dcate fv� �h��k run_ +Nfe�t Rive� Fte�ta�r�nts, Inc. �1�1 �e�lar�t���t � i�i:�h_ C'k_ F3�t�h F��}� �}�= 8f1�12{]2� f�ddr��s � �'i���I�T�Zi�r l��nti�r�llo, MPJ ��3�6� S�at��er��' Ir�v�`rc.� Tlc�: D►1��IR[BI:TI(�l+f ClF E�FEI'"�(SE `rC�"�"�L; $ � - � , , { �E r � � APPFkOVED BY ,�. � �rouc��r.�cls ��TE; ���Bi�C��O EL�.� ,��ek1�8: � 4k�i �li �. C'rM�i�itl�r�ti+�i� rai .•1�����rc���in� `+mr�f] f����i�ye:*� i'itis��°{.;enc�� {�r��nf ,��rceincnt�; ii1 ihe :�m��uiyt ��f:�*;0[��} #��� 1:►►�ii��*� �;t�in�; Iii �;t��le. Tr�c.,'l�l��i ;tic�rcfie L�r�3�°in� {'�,, 1.L('; s�i��i ���cwt I�i���r f�e�[����r�nt�, lnc. cll�r�� �'h��il+�r±� R��taurant t�� miti ��1e C�?�`ii]-1{� �ec�nc�ma�; i��� �fict� i,l`1�1 �►. ti,EFF..R��1('1'. :�,�11� I3,�.0 l�(.rl�(�L �1I]: �l�hr. EClr1 i� i��ikl{s ,i5k�d �c, iL+�ti�iWicr si��rt�+� it�� t� s���}nc� �t�tw1� ��t� �mall }ia�in�.ss �.rn�:r���n�� {irt�n! faaricVittiv� a���i�.1194Y17�� �I1� EI7�ti, ����3rc+rei� �h� 4e�i;�l] ����Mti��� �,m�e�4:n�:�.� �TI-�7k�t ]'rc��_�r,sin anc! ,1 �����rce nf tu9��iin�� ��t it.� r�v�u�ai� ��la�. ,?. �'Ci"'iJ utt�ti���. "[�1�� �Iftilll Pl'tifL�r;�,t�� x��r� set 4G�, teitlt "�l�itl_fJ[}f} r�s ��r� ioti[it�6 �rttiet'�?en�r�� a�>i�tai7�:� �lJllC�, T�7� FI�.•� �i�sc} tiiir�cl�c� 117�1t [i7� st,�n�t� i?t� lhr �c���t �rtik�rttm b� fr4:'n� tk�� �;r�:�1t�r `�1;.}ntic�llt, I��ytrr�3ri°;� f=�anci (�a�`if�.l�h l.i�an �arc?�r��r►3, �[-l�i� s�t-4t:;i�i� t�ii��}tirtt �k7�r4iI;J i'us�ii {< <i��til c;l �lt ti��'�7r�ts_ �l�hr�� f_i} i1ie� ��p�li���li��t}� }���re r���;��cd Cc7o' ci�i��i�i�r��4i��r� t34 th� J4GIa $'��. ,�l➢�{}1.�:[).-� �z��i��0.ioi!�. .I_li��.� .ir� skicx�e n in U�� ti!IIi�15'lll�? l�i�1�1;; p 1�'�Mr�s�,�i13�i�ii�c�, T'��t►� c�f 13u�;ii��w� +� uf �tt���lra��ceti .�m�ru��l ewt [,ir�ii�t ��9�Frr�,, �'r�r�r,�, {!� .�t4"fc N��if'-Trr�rf{f�r�,� .4'crJ��rr l — — S�,�Jf�f,r 1��r�f .��r�rrfrc� I���c����r►�,�= :�1�c�r�r,-i3�c}����i�:�• r5 S �,�IfJ�'i 1����.t�t Rra�c�����'f�et�le•��s �cd.��r 14'ef.��lc��r�•rrta� _�} S�,ffflf� �tz�1't� fia��c IL.L�I4I�li4j t17� a��iiii;�asi��nw I�sa' Lc��ti�le�ei�t�� �t��ci iM�.alll.'I�LJ7tii' tc; l�z�. �?rti,tr�:li11 �uid�litl�s_ .1 ��nnniitr�� �T�a�1t re��iexe ���dt�Ui�t]i1k1 ;F�re{1�3sll�tt i� e�l��� i�741u���1 tt� h�f13 �h� E�Ll,1 in itc re���e��� �bn�1 il�s�;��ti�i��r� �t the rneelin�., TEye i3�7�?�lC�l�lll[3 171;�t�rit�ls �i>>-1' ;�11 �iE�grlit��ntw ;pr� a�t���clrc4l tt� t1�� ��ai'i r�p�ri ]t �l�caul�i l,� r�c.,tc�l �h�r tl�� ���rpli���tii}r� s��.�t�rs�ls SLIL?f]714.��C� �+� ���rst I�.is�ir f�.�,tut�r;�iis�, C�7�. c$k3u C�ht��.tcr� �e�t�aarttnt inc�ocfilt•� [I7nt tl�� j�r���-�474« ��{�r.� i'_{}1�?} 14T-��� i-,���n4�� ex���:�J�� "�] o��ill�4}e�. C�h���l�a'�� i�}�t1tr �r�kj�ct� ?"(1�"i�1 r°���i7�c [4? b� :��S�rr,�iji7at�lr "�I m�llis�o� —:"-. �I�f���.� �t�<<� ih�il tli�� 17:tk� �����ri�.i1���1 4� �4����.�i7�i�l �rc,p f_?� ":ta irtii�i.�ll�: -�f� ".•d� l���r��1� �t�������'�� ���ri�,�ip ic� �Ei�is' ����ii7es� ci�i� t4, h�isiia�s� tilt,s�ir��-tc�tritti4r�7� uricitir [�t7��r�r�,s� 't���tl��:� ���cutie� c,r�i�r� �i-17e it}lt�i°�71��i��t� i�� th� ����litiati���� IJli{C{:llt�'� t�1i#� lI1Ci ar� �?LIl'llll]L ts��-��ti�l7 C��+e[���e�; ani{ nei�c� �MSS1:5t�C1Ce ti)f u}��:C]]ll�[}`� 1`�110. }��'����7��sCs. Tk�� E.17.� sl��ta�i�� appr���°eci �e�� d.l�}� ���cx i�}�a� �,�r�g3t� at i�s Jun�: mt�tia��s_ �l°h�t 1�,��Ls �t pr+���.r7r7ti fti�7�k k��8�n�� i�f� �:�f1.�iC��i. II't�n� E.I�:� �p��rt,���:� t1�e ailc9itiu��] 4}fi'ee 1.31 4'r�i»i r���tac:�ts �[ kl�� JuCr �i'�' ri���tin�:. the�l ����I] let���� a���-i�+,raen k+��l���t�� ,�t; "�.��,�}�lt� c]r 7 r-em�init�{s �rt�n�>. It sht�ul4{ �� I���144.1 4J�i�1 LLZC. T�I�G�IL4 L�164�14x� LL�I�4II�IL�LLJ 41.� ���4>nitt�r !]7� ah�li[� tw> a'�it�3l�ti���e tf��:>c �ra7n� tltrt�u{�Iti }�ed�r�l L'.�1�ftES ,��t tui3din�. :ls tliis }���tics�e� ini,r� ��rt l��,tt�t,�. tlie k[�.�1 1113i' �� 95�1 9i} :�11C�117C"17.� ��i���lClk)ll'ti� ttal�fli111'+�7 }l?I' Ifl� 'lJCtiR� �1f{1v�I':1911. :'�1. !�'1".a�FF f�1�1F'F'4�'�T: �t�f't' ii»i� ii�k��l��ec� in c;�nsi�i�riri�� tfb� ��rarit r�c����•ti[� iGx�.�E�l��s t!Ati E�}r1� .-4�rn41a: 7 f1tS �'U r���a}�'k �'clated t�'� r��r�x��ittiy� tl�� �t����1i��atisr��� �r�d E�r��,ari��k �1�� ti��.t��i're�±c;rt t�i}r tll� F:f�.� i����tin�.. Th� '�Cl;�,s Ge<<a� ���ur�s�I I�rc�vi�lec� �t u�rarit ���i���i�i�nt t�rtt��l�t� e�i�i�l� is �l�c� �tta�k���i t�� tlir �x;�i i� f������-�, .�?. Bt'TJI�:E.T T!�IP:��:`�`: i13� 1�t�iJ�ct irn����:� i������ ��,nsic��tir7�� ���rr{��ii�� Cltd'ee (_i1 �rr�fxl� �3risin��;s E.�t��:r�en:;e �Jr�n�� is in c�ish�n�sira� aa� �i�i�.iitic:}��{�I ��,rc�K��tir t}t �1�.(�{}�k ti�c�irr t17� ne���lo �.r���e�i Cir��nt �r4]��-an� �� hi��i }x ��� c,ri �4inf�l�} at�th�,ri��ii t�t � I[��,(}�JC�, [t �lic C Clr1� 4�p�rr�,� es t��` .i ne}�° i�rants ii� tiC�Cllt][?I3 ��� the t��a i;V[�l t1�al ���e� tip�arc����.�.{ `sn J��nc. i11�. rl�nai�tin�. �unc� h:l]193�� 11 L"]LII� f7� ��J,�IJIS_ l�. _�i.TClt'V.�Ti�`F �C'T�[�:V�: ]_ !]a�ti4�tg tt, ,��-�E�r��x � 4m.�11 li°.��ii7ess Eti�er�enc� �;r��nt :��rc�ii�cc�[� h�.[}�•�en tl�w E�,� u.ri��; J'.'kl'll}�5 {i�:'�Ctl�� Itl �t��2_ 011�.:.I Il� �Ii]fi��i ��r����itti{,: t�:�_ �.l_C�::M[lCi �.�'�:s[ f�i��r f���i.iuran�_ iir�, ���� C'l���ter� Ft�staurt�t3t ii7 tli� an�nunt 4,f��a�.i�I)d} tn «}iti���t� �:()�'lI}-l�) �.�.c�ni��i1ic imn������, ?_ �7�,tic,i� �4� c�cn� apprc�����1 c�f�m�al� Busirac�s E.n�d�r{�cnc} C:dr��e5s :°i�.�r�ei7y�i7ts h�t��°�e�7 Ih� t�:[];��, :bll4�: L_3}'6tl�S Cl'illll� 1C1 �St'�'Ii;. jtli;_= C Ilt NL}J"C�14: �i�-ckx ir�� C�k,. LL��: �x�l�l ��'4�s Fti����� I�e�t:lLll"ik7115, �t1�� ti�f1f� C'I�aiice� E�cs��ur��n� i7i �hc: amt�urlt t�1���.�C1(� t� rt�iti+�P4��� C`�[:1�'!�-l�} �tit�i7�rt��i� i«y��;��.t�. �lrsti��dy ts} t�ll,l� tic�n*it.E�r;��i��n �}f�����,rct� i����. �it��ll I��i±�in��:� fe.cr��r��n�� (��r{�nt ri�r�4�nic•�its k��tt��e�3 tk�� 1�:1�:�1 c�m���: 1-:�� ir���; (iu�iir} ��3 �Ci I�_ EI]�'.: � 83� '�llt"lYl�' FSr�kk in�� C'4�. jr1�C�; .�nci 11'cw[ i�i��er 9�e�iaur,rnt_ In�. ��}a �°9�ti[t�rs [�t,t��4`r���l i� tl��: tuil.3un1 e�� ��.iJ[iCa [c� rtiiti�,ft�l�. C'[ �1 f f�- I`J e�t?tyrprty i� i������t���_ � �, �•1+.�[i�;�.7 t,t��,tltco�. '�T���T' 12f?t'(l'1'[�Il•:�til]:��Cli)��: 41.Y1I Ct:�i�lllttl�.ti�l; .'�I���roit31i�4� ..: �i�f��L l:[l,l ,��n[97t.���i��:41 t�a� ti177z�1] f3u:�ir7�.;; I�:i7�cr,�ei7��� {�r���}t ����ca�rau7i �i� i�� h�1ti��?;_ �(���p ir��sii1�.. T}liw i� tli� thir� h6���A7 �-,t�y��'�rXt ������Eic*���t��yc h�in�� ��1��ial��'�d I�e tl�� 1�:i).�. 41�ff`93�����, �-�.��i�����1 ih� t�pp]E�:�atik?»� E�,r ��,et'3�Jclrr7�ss ttr��� pr�?v.�r�xrtX eliv�il�ilit�. '���f3ile �����t l�i���r €��s���ur�ant�_ 1�7�. r�i�a[�a�rw) i�; ���} cli?�c I�7 �h� i'����rtlp� ��s1 c�l.�. {4[sin� �i�?ll nUIT1�rr�j, 111��" Gk1Cil��.[e F��rl�� �i�;rtific�nl n��t�[i�� �d'f�.cts f�rckm t��r. C�{J�`[i1-�41 rrs�±i�nw�: im�+.�k:ts, ��,tl� L:a��ira�!s f_;ciit�e i�� �C��le �nd `�Jr��•�iL F3rex� ii1�; ar� �4��f] bcl���ti� tll� ��ilnual �.r4]�s ����•e:nuc �hresf�ulc� 4ff-� I Ii11l�lirrl. �+t4�tf`tit��J.; SI`I CJS�SF�L� [��J���Li�LIIJC� ���YL�7CCJ�Ii,��II}�� s��hnuttal� ic� t�� �c]rnpl�i� trnci in �+.,�m��itt»�;� }`� it� �li� �r�v��'�r�t v�u����ii�e�. It �I�r��li� alsn he n��t��� tl�at iC� ih� �ratn�� tir� .�p�r���:��1. 117��� �are r�r�t cr�rt.;id�r�d a��h��in�s� ���E��ir��" �� �i�Iin�il lll ti[tili S[�ll4El�'s, 1I1�` j1fL1'Y"EE3171 L�I1C���IE1�5 P�i�Lllt'� C�l� �?Cr�l1� 1'�;�i��iei7�� tcx F�r��� o�1e .11*r�i�t� fi]Ilt�x�-UI� rt}���rt k��w�l� tt+ tl�� ��it� rn [h� fi�[�i��c: d���r�ik�is�{?. l�t���,� tl�� tiiii�ii�!� �� a� ��tiatl. . 1�;1]:i� A�4�nai.m: ? �i'"s ?a,k ]l. 41�1'k'�.�l�Tl'�T(� L��T_�: ;1,. E�, iii��5 �ic7in� lil 4i� Jl. Inc. (irtlnt .-���+�iti,sti�;i7 E;_ T�Z� 1�;i�rrJic. �3r�.k+�in� �C'c,. 1_[.+�' Cir�nt .�}��'li�;ztii�rti �'.. '4t�est Ra�-�r 6�e��aurants. Ir}� dl�a �hatt�r�'��st��ura�t Gra��t ��ppfic�t�t�n I:�_ `�ur�yry�ar•�� C�i�t-�r�t F;���i��x-I'����lK�s�liif�7 �C'It�4kli�[ l�. ��,-���,t .��ti����s�,��,t T��,���d��� �, �ItiE3I� �kl`�If1�5S C111�`ei�T14� ���-��nt T�CL1LC�i171 ��LI.9L���ll'l�^i �:i'['1' ��' 1��C1��'iC'EL�� ��'[�U�C'H�1� P�er� ae �ar��r��ete, sr"c{�r, rrra c# 3tab�i [ tn .� ert.s #'�w�r�t,le �?y- rlue rfc+t:�� f nr� e�reck r[rn� � Di��. Ck. IIati;h I`a�•' k�}'= $f�{1l2Q2� �� �1'�'Il�l�: �i�rts� ��lan T�rs�can, L��G }tdc1�-es� I 40�7 �edar �treet Acicire:M� � C'a�,�;��T.�:��� Mvrw�i��pl�, M�] 553�� �ttiteill��it,, I���'t�i�e '.'��+' D1`�`I"I�1�lJT"i�N 4� E�PE1��E� �1`�1T,�i.= � $�,OOC� ��'I'ItL�'4'�.D F3 v��rch�r,xl� ur����� �12�1�iJ2� EL]:� :t��n�ia: ? �??:�CE �. �'[�r�sicl.�ratic�n ��F.����rc�;�in+; Srtx��ll !�#�A*iw�e�� f�.mtx��xeii��� (�r.�nt _��r�i:.��tt}�M[* in tl�e ��ntiirM�u[ nf 4�,[?[I[M t��: 4.iIib11 TL1��:ill, LLC:'; I�T{���dti �wutr�tic�iy; i�iy�i 1'��lmeltu Fiffle5� 1��.�.' fI1F3�: F`it�nc,s F.�-r;l�iti�snl; :�nc1 �rr�:�el Dr��Yr��* I�I.C' tr� miti�^it� ('[l�'ii�-l"� €rc�n��nti� irt�E�r�cl� (JT1 ! .�. 1tEFEF�E��'� :�1i� 13�i{'l�(:lt{l�C.:i�1}: I 17� frlJ.L i� k�<•s�7f� ��5�:�ii ti� t��nsi�ei� a����c����i�� t� ii>�irth ht�t�k� :�t� `�i7lall I��a�ine�:� ��r�3�rs��nt� [ir�inl t��iilclin� .G��li��kii�n;. f�h� �-:L�,� ���+����c+;�:ci tlt� �i7��t11 [iu�irl��s �m�rir.nti� C�rt�ni €'rt,4�ran� ��sr�� �� s�,��r�w ��t� fl����ii��� �� it� r��u�;�r '�Sak ?" ��3?i�� �����tii��_ �fh� [ir����[ 1'rc34r{�n} }���r:, ;�t ►�� }� ath `� ��U.�1(1f� t�s �'�r� trtii�i:�l �n��r�.�n��� a>�E����nc� C-�inc�. �'-f�� f�:T).� t�l;t� iii���c.�i� th��1 th� �t,�u��e ��i' tk�� 4rani pr�a�r:�rT� kr� �f'a?117 th� �irt.�tee f�9c�niic�:llir ErtC��`[?G'i��. f�w7c� �:C�i�1�.1= j L�?�`��� ���c�v'r;�rtm. �I�hi> se�-;�ai�1� �wm�4�rtt sl����al�i fiir�� a tt���il ��i'�'{1 ����n��, I��}ur �.-�J P1C��' i1�1�II�c�I14�tlti ���r� r�:�.c�}�r.�i ii�r 4ortsic��r��i��r� �� th� I41�\` '1']nJ. �(Ji0 EL�:� i7i��tin+�_ Thc� c�r�. sl�����a� ir� �h� �s�IGn���in� t�k�l�:; �i�rri�,�Fli�i:�itY�s*� '1'� ioe ��f RN��ir�e�� ���F 1�:nxt�I�M����r r'1ftlfMllfi[ r�f (�rstnt �'��lr��t Ti�.cc�r��r, LLC' lf���,-.�'�aJr,�� � 5"�,f�f111 Ifr���f� .�`rr,�a-�rlrf�r I'rr���a�c1�'r, Fr�r��}ww II_C' 5'„�e'�ft lJ���'ir��1, Li�` �'rr�r�l-fIt'rr�ldl ���'�'o'fc'c� }fcjrrtrlP C"frrh �fra[�t�'��.��_�� ,��rr1•c� _� } � �,f i �f���i� ,�.4,�1I1(� S �,f1���1 �s,j��i� tt:�r� re��s�����i t17� .��pli�a[i�rn� tl��,r �c�j�t��let����:�; aty�{ ��i��:rcn��� [c? thte: 6�eu{,r7��� ��iicic,lii��5. ,�i �lniii7tt�t'� �rai�t re�ic�x �.e��ilua�i�m ��r�����;}��et Es �I�s, ii��l�ic��.d tc, hcl�r th� E�_� iri its r�°��'sr�} a�tc� ciiw�us�icrla �t tk�e «�e�tin�, T1ir: {��pl���atie�t7 r���t�i�ial� 1'i,r fll] ��3�liti:u��� �.ar�.� att�cfy�J it, thc. �[;�I-!� r��wi�`t_ Gt �;I�i,ul�! 13�. flt+[�`i� 7I1tiE 1't�Ik�y��Iti, I°itn��s I_1.�L` ��F��'�: Fixn��,s a:�tilu�i�,t}j i��c.�it�tr�l tE�t�t tl�e� fr��+:� 'xl E�ar-�-ti���� ��a���l�+���:�;, E'c�° �1�� ��:[),��: �CJltll Y,41�lCilincs. b�i�it��;ses �;13t�11 �m�+lcl� b�t�ee�r7 ? �in� �� E:K�I� Tis���: Le����i����IL��t (E� ].E�.1 ett��Oc,�e��. ��t3i'i' �cli��e tl�� rluin��r irl'p�:irt-�i�t�� �atit�l��)��y ��.�he�1 ti��il�cric.ti t�7 FTE ��7��li��t��. h�:��c� c��} the €�Li�i�b�r ��f-fto��r� �����rl:�ci_ �� t,�il�l k�c �� ilf7ir7 ttii� tktr�sh�,1�9_ �6�17� F1):�l apE�k-o���� t17i�`t���� ( I,s1 �±rek�io��s �r���4� siis�L the �re�Ytit�r3 c�i"tf�� ��r:�nt �r�.+�r�iia�, -fh7��t I�a�•e� �}�r�3��rain ttar�c� h�l��r�ce c�l����,[141�}, li-th� E.L)�� �p�i•����, t}ie ��i�i�ti��nt�l l�r�;r f.�] ���-��rtt r��ue�t� tk3;�� }� il1 I�ftx �: .i �rc`��r�k�� I�al�i��ce 4�t;S 1�_Cl(.1C;1 �;+r � ra��7X,�si�3it�� �rartit�. :�11. ��[':1F��1� l�+ll'AC:T: `�t�ft�tin�� inr�xl}��1 in �Lsrt�icl�rit7� CI7� ��rant r�ti�u�.�[e� inwtjl}�ti t�i� t�ti�rk r�i�l�s_'il Cl} r�1 I�k1 IfiL �}1L' s7�1�7Il�i�tllirl� r�C�i� 47f1'.4')arin� tht s��t�t�re�s�?rt ft:�r th�: ��:�� incctiri�" T-h� C;[],�`�; [��Faf �i,��n>�( }�rc���i�l��f ;x �.x;�rlt 3i1'��I11�IlI {�Ill�?�i�K�: k�fxi�i� i.� af_�{� .ittt�tih�� c�: tt3� �t����t R,�����rt. ��. �L:1i{;l�:.�L- 11�1P_�C.`L'; Tli� b����{��:t id���'r•41�t i`rc�r�t �iril,i�icrirt�� ���7�r�7��i�3� rc�ur I.-�� �i774�11 134s�inc�� E��i�rs�Lr����� �C;ra�nt� `� arm �ii�k+ur�ir7�� �°�n ��dditit,nal {1��7c?unt i.}� S�4},��d}(i f�ri�n� tf�� �3e�ti� Ik� C:L),�, ,��rn;l,i: 7 =2 �io �r�:�t�c� Cart�ni prc��ram s�hitil7 ti���i_� ��i°i�in:711� i�utl��ri���� tzt �l{ll].L1t1�1_ Cl�the ��:I):� a���p'[����s f17�: fo4ar (�] n��� ,��r:111�ti IIl �{�4{9Clt'1� �il X�� I�111��G:CF1 �j�l th�tG 3}��r� a����rc���e�i si���� th� tir���di�.��t c,t�ih� ���.or1r E�rt�t4��a���, r��e re��7�ir�irx� ���roai� bt�lar,;:� xa c,tald l�e � B�.�M�ii�. 13. �LTEk�:��`�'T1�1�::��"1'�fl��: �'L{}CI4�J7 14t ..11��ti�ti�� �- ����r�l I E��asirt�'ss L=�i1�r��.n�4� CJr��i�t _���fr���i�7�tits k��t����en th�i: F.L�:�1. ;�i�ti: `i{��i�n �1`�i�i�ai�, l.l.('; ��Ic>�y�i 1�ulrilii}n::rrtci fitlit�i[tt� l��itn��; i.�_c.' �«r�:_�: r��cr,e�s �:��}Ilatit,nl, �ti�� �����t I7r�:l�s1� 1�1.C� in lh� t�m��unt t�1'.5�,{}fli� ts� ���i�i�,;z1� (_'(71`[Cl�l�l ��4?J1411171t IEl3�i�1�1:�_ Y �vlc�tior} t4? 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T1,i� i; �h� i-��urrt� h.�itih c�� �r.-�r�t ����,lic���i�7r�s �iin�. �s-�tiss��r��l k�t� th� f f�;`�, `�lf�l-i� ht�r+� rt� i��e cr� ta�e a���liticrt�t�ri; t�t�r �t�i7tE�l���itc�s trr�ci ��rc:,Lr��rn �li{�.ih,elit�. �t.tit� t��t[Is ,�ll {.7tlt�:r is��3li���iirr� io�l��rr33it�t�4��7 �tahmitt��l:, tt, k3e �,ri�7��rlek� 4�e}iE r�t cc�i����Ci;tnw�: ��it}7 i�}�� �?��w���ruin ���iic�l�lin��. ft sh�7ulci ��Jsc� �ic n�+[��c� �litn il'iky� ���.r.131��; ��r� ��-r�-rrt�����.1, tl7e� �r� ����t �cinsicl�a��ii �t "btasin���;s �wtabsicl�.. ��� �� lin�.c� �r� si�it� st�itut��. �[�h� �?�'s��r���� �+�i�Jwlir«� t�:i�uire sh� �r�tnt r�.tii;�i�a�ss t�x �+r�+��i�it �l bri�f� firJlc}x�-u�.� re�+��rt ha�k ta, tf}e {_'it�. ad7 ���c ktatur� i����ribi�� h���� 4h� tues�!i��+� }�,�a�; 4C4t;{�. ��. ��:���ar�Tr�cJ n.��e�: .�e �4G��1��� -���,:;c;��r, [vl=.C� C�������t ,�ipl�lic•i�ti�?�3 11. 114}nti i'�luteitic�lt C�r�anl .��J��lic��[i�i�i �. 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LL��'; �inr�ti :tiutriti�Mn: :�i.��l f':�Imeitu Fiin�s� LC.C" {e)13.�1: l�iii�c�� 1�:���Ml�rtiunl: ��n�1 ���eef [l�`eAxrr�� [.I.C' t�� i��i.ti;,�.�tc t-[}� 1C.1-1�' er��n<jmi�. iml}.i�Cti (,1�1�1 ;�. F�F.F�.It�:'��['f�. _�I�1) E3:�['K��1��?l'�I); Th�: 1�_[).� i� h�irt{.� :l���tii �ti} it?ii ;iiirr t����r4}} �r�d� is ts:��iq'il7 f��t�17 1?t� 4i37.1ti f34��in���> Emtr���i7�a �rc�nt 1�ur7.�lir1� a���33i�.1tic�n�. ��h� EUe� G���r�a�c:c� tk�e `�r�y�ll I�LItil�7��4 ��al�r�r.nc� C:�r�ur1 Prc���r�t��i ��ttil �� ���is'�� nf� tin�din+� ai its r���il.�r �7a��� ??, ?fil?U �Y7�eTi��s�. �l�h� (irant !'rc,s;r:Mlll �+ij� ��t up xr it]'7 � I�i(:1.C�tD{) a� �n irli¢ial �i���r���cr �osai�[ti���:�' ?�uit�:i, 71�� i� f�.� �ilti� diretitt�i tlti{lt tht sc�urc:� c;l' al�� �r�nt �r���ra�ir� k�e i�i�{�r�j af7� 6�reriier h�i}t�[i�:Lllc� Ea�tc•i'��ri;e T`�i�7tl ({�h+1C�] � I.i�y3tti �r��{tir�in_ �I�his ���-s�si�c t��ra��4rrrot �17otal� �un41 � total �}t` �s:l �r-antw. F�rtiar �-�) r}�x�.' 1����li��tii�ns ��tre r-�.c�.ivcd I��r ��rr�si�l�r��ti��n �zt tl�� Jul� ��"`�. ��l�ff EC�v'1 inr.�:�irt�„ Th7�� .rr� til7h!1k93 IIl illc t�t�I�,��ii1��. t0.�b��; �ai���: c�f� liu�;ine.�� �i'�� �� c�f 13u�in��� # �M�' F�� s1+br ee� ��Ill[}11TiT {}t� ��d•:�n# :5'crfr�ra I J1.i C'iiid, I 1 C� Iftrr�° .Sr�fr,�1 .�; � S,l1�Jf� ilr�arrr :��rrr�•�tir��r P�rl�aacF�lr� Fr`t.rr�y.�.� LLC' ��E4't't'� �fCxl�ii�'ti � }_ �. f'rrrrrl-�'fc�rrl�l� .�c��.�,�c,c, f�'� ��I�1� C'l�rh � f ii tr1•ee►�h� .Sf U�'[' _; } 7 ,S S. #1�?fJ �'�,fi+1f1 ,� 3, ���i�� �tdat�t� f�fi��� r�ki��ti��l �l3� :�E3��Ii���M[ia�it; �{71' Ct"r931�?��ttt1��� i�s�r� tio�ihtr��iiw� t�, �fo� ��'{i�t•;���ti �ui+.l�:lir«:�_ :1 ,�uTti���sr�, �s-:u�� ri� i�„ �+���14���xi��a� �'��'���wE���t is al*4� inclucicxl i�� lfll� �I7� I-f�:", i�� i�� r�:�sr�e arw�l c3i5c:�.i�,�t-,rti at �ht i�c�.�Gn��, Tl�� ��pli�srtit��� ����lt�r-i��l� tk;r ;�Il ����}lic��rit� ;ii�w �t�at'��cl tca lfi� �tt�t�t� ��e��t�d't� It shc�ul� he ilc�tc�l t����t f''�yl�l�ettt-� ]�it���ss 1:LC� f.f�f��i; E'��si���� 1�:�4�lutit,r�1 in�li�:4����:� �l�s�t tkxe� hti���� .il ���irt-1im� �i�p9c,�°c��, P�r llls' l�:l)�'s ��-,�nt �uici�.linc>. [�u�i9a�sa�a sht�91 cc���li�� b�tk���r� '_ �i3d ?� F�ell Tiri1�. Cc�4�i�.'�tl�:rtt �;I��f]�::D �i71��1c�}���:.�. �itid'i� i�eli��. �: sl�� n�n�l3�r �,1� �+a�t-time: �:.it��l��k��� ���I�c�i� cs}n��crtc�i �4, FTC ���7��1i}�'��.;, haw��l t,r� th,e �7�in��4r �:}t�fiti:>iir� ��t}r�k�c3_ �.�.��il�i l7� ��i�hirl thi� �I7r4;h�,-�Icl. ] hi. �'.�},�� hl�?J'.'1'i.}1�4� 1il!`.'lt�rl �, �i+ �31'ti�1 gi7Ll�' LI"i9fll` �I�'k=�� 1�1t �I'c�illtll7 l?� C�ll; �'fcill� �71';.�'i'f:lll�, � fl�l� ��a�4•, ^�� �krc}��e,lm ilind h��Bao�c�. 4rf`�r_;;,�t�_1�J, f��[lt� 3.�:G).-� �t����rt����s th� �tiic�itit.}r3�.al ti,tar �a:i �r�rtt ri��u��:�[� tll�tt �w ill i�;y� e a�t•a��r�i�� E3:rlanc� �}1� `� l ti,�}{p{k i;r i rtrt�ai��in�. �-'.rtints.. .�1. 4�C�:�HF fh1�',-1f.'l�: 4tat���i«3� in��rl��li iit 4c.e'tiwi��:riri�� tli� �r��nt r�;4o�t�st5 ir7x�,le�s kl�� x�t�r-k ril�i���1 t�+ r��.i�x� iriv� iflt :ll"l���ICtillt;�l4.�klltii �r���rii7�� �1�� ��ai�fre�c,r': iti�r �ii� EC7;�'� i�t��:tir7«. _f�l�� E-.1)��s I��,��V c���ns�l ��`«��i�led a�r��nt ���r��.m�nk twrt��f��l� ��f�i�f7 is aiiw�a a�t���fl��! t�.� tf�r �[�} t} � f� � ��t at-l. ��. 13[11]€�I•:'T i�t�'��:T: TE��: hu�i�et i�n�ac.t fr��ira ���n�ic9�rin� �,)�7CL)l'lll�. 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Tlr�: ��-�:���'t�nti �uici�liil�� r�.i���irc tl�� el"s'JCt� R'��I�?I�rltti ll'] ��rc�x�iil� �r 1*ri�i't'c�1fc�}�-u�a rc4�cbrt b�l�k tii t17� (�9�r� irl tkb� li�«a��� tiiti��crik�9r�ti�� 17c��� the t���r7eJi��� x4as LI��:C�, L�. .'tila;l'f'�(ll�t7�l�(; C).�7'.�: ,�,. ��ilc�n �l us�:.�ri. LL��� �r��t�l .=��7�3CiCc�ll�:391 �, s�1stj�t� �u[��i[ii,n C;rartl ,•1�p�li��tic�r� C', r}lIIII�L�LCS I�itne�� [_L_C' (UB�°i: Fetness ��'c�lt�tann) �}, .�c�cct �?r�;�rr7� ��P.�.. F_ S���mn}c�r� �I�iy11i R��IC1I�-I_�i�JLliih�t�I� ��C�AI1�k F�. ��r�tni ,=��:,re��t�ei3t �l et�7}�la[� {r_ �fnrrll �4��ir�es� I�.u���rc��ilti�.� 4ir�nt f'r�f��rai7� {_l�jgdeline� ct��' C]F �4•i[}NT"i�.�LLO V�UC`H�R J'��css�� c�rrtfr�ete, srorr, n�id.,-cabrr.�ttar�cct� f':ryrri��c t�y� rlu�e rJrr[e,ft;rLxreckri��. � L�isk�. �'�:, B€�dcl� P��� b��: 8�1�J120�� �►' �;N D�IR: Nt�rr.� �xreei f?reams LLC .�ddr�ss ! ��4 �th �tree# �4'' Ai�ds�es* ? �it,y�:���"l�:�ip Mr�t�#ic�ll�, Nlf� �53�� S�c�l�i3i�1][. �17b'(]l�`�; �[�: DISTRIBUI�I�I�i �i� F:!:i'�V�� S��J�d�4.. l� � T ?�F'PRO�'E5l I31' uou�h�r. xls f7ATE; 7I�7�2Q��Q i:l�� ��er��la; 7:_??df �. ['�r�:sid�ratirpn c�f :����arn��iiy� :4����11 liu�ini�►� 1�=�tti�i�{�ene�� (�r�,llyf ,��C�l'lll_L`IlS�.III flll` �xn�c:rM�x�t r�t .��,{}l}{} t�:�. �ftlsrtd T���car�, [.1.�'; :�l;x�titi '�titritirar�; a�r��l F's�I���cttrM E� iti�c�s 9.i.(' ii)F3;1,: Fit���e� F.� G�lurir�ril: :i�stl :S�wcct 1}rc.►t�tis I.[.�C' trr is�iti�arte ['4}�"!I]-L{) cc��na�ti�ic ii�ie���rr.� (Jr� �. REF"EFt£,'��"E _��•i) I�.�C:ft�GE��L1P��: Zli�: E.C�,�1 i� bcir�`r ����;�c� �c> ��»isicl�:r �a��r4��i�f�� � ii���rtf� k��rt�k� ��f ��r7��11 f3t�sii��:�., 1°i�ie,�Y�er7�� (�ra�3[ [��s�iti�r}�; ���Iic�li47ns, T�i� Ei�,�t t�����r�+�c� xE7c ��rit�ll BK�sir7es� LirierL��ra4a (_fr��n[ �pl'k?!�Ct3111 �,ifli�: ti SL?L!t"�.C, i]j jIIIlC�lll�� dll It`� Ct�LJ�i1f ���ilk' t.�. ��ry� IT1C�'�I11�. 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Box 581517 receipt Minneapolis, MN 55458-1517 �i��: � i �� i �f LE�'��UE �}r �,� I IV �� L SC�T.�� (..ITI l..y Invoice Detail of Package 1003507-4 Agreement Period 07/15/2020 - 07/15/2021 activity since Agreement Previous Balance last Invoice Renewal - PR 07/31/2020 Agreement Ending Balance Total Current Balance Total Minimum Due CONNECTING & INNOVATING SINCE 1913 Page 2 of 3 Transaction Amount Minimum Due $ 0.00 $ 175,252.00 $ 175,252.00 $ 175,252.00 $ 175,252.00 $ 175,252.00 Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Julie, Sarah Rathlisberger Wednesday, August 19, 2020 6:58 AM AP FW: Renewal Invoice for the City of Monticello breaqkdown.xlsx; Renewal Invoice for the City of Monticello.pdf; 2021 - Insurance Distribution Schedule.xlsx Ok to pay. Coding breakdown is attached. Thank you! Sarah Rathlisberger, CPFO Finance Director City of Monticello, MN Tel: 763-271-3201 Fax: 763-295-4404 NOTE: The contents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged and/or confidential to the named recipient. This information is not to be used by any other person and/or organization. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect those of the City of Monticello. Email correspondence to and from City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Weight, Katelyn <KWeight@Imc.org> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 2:52 PM To: Sarah Rathlisberger <Sarah.Rathlisberger@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Renewal Invoice for the City of Monticello Hello, Attached is the renewal invoice for the City of Monticello The renewal policy information has been sent to your agent. Please be advised, we are not sending a printed copy of the invoice to the member at this time. Please use the attached invoice to submit payment. Katie Weight � Palicy Ser�rices Technician Ikweiqht(a�lmc.orq League of Minnesota Cities � 145 University Ave. West � St. Paul, MN 55103 www.lmc.orq � Facebook � Twitter � Podcast 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o rn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o rn o � o � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � N m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m o � V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V N O O O O O O � O O O O �� O� r � N O � N O O O O V O O O O � N O � V V O O O � N N N O O O V O N� V W�� � W O n M V� W��� N V r � � � � � � N � � N M �� V V V r O W O N N N M m m m m M � ��� �� ������� O 0 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V O M� r � N N� � N� O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O � N � O O O O LL� LL� LL� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � N N N(O (O (O (O (O (O (O N C N ' M � � M � � � � oJ � � � M � LL� � LL� � � M (O oJ (O V I� � � � � � � � � � p � � (O LL� I� oJ V I� � (O � V N N � � p� ,� I� O V O O I� V V I� V O� V I� oJ oJ M(O M V(O N � oJ V LL� N M V � oJ �(O � oJ I� N O V N � � N LL� I� LL� � V LL� N O O V� M " U � � (O (O � � V I� � N (O � � � I� I� � N N � � a o�� � m � mrn � � � mm � o � � o � r � m � � ou�ovu�N � � � � � � � � � v � � mrmrnmmovorou�rnm � -o o a m ru� rco u� co v u� mrroNco � mv�vmmmomcomcovN �� � m v m u� v r o o rn m mNcoroNovrcoNco i m °� - v v � o'i iri � ui v o'i co � iri iri co � v � m � °' � v i F o w � r N��� r � �� m� N� m�� m � m o rn rn��������� v�� rn N o N O � O � � N r m m � oJ O oJ I� N O � N I� oJ (O LL� � V � � � LL� LL� (O �� I� N LL� �� N � N � �(O M I� I� LL� N � � N N � � � � LL� A(O � LL� V O LL� � LL� LL� (O 0 M � � O � N I� N oJ � F �(O N N N LL� V � V i ~ 9 C LL � LL� V oJ V v o A r o � O (O y N V � V � C = O d oa � � �� � � � � � � � � �� � � N � m �� � � a � � o � � � � � � � � � � � N � �� � � m u� m v m o r u� � o � � o N � c�Oo �O N cro rn m m Nvm�rcoov � �i � < < � � E Y < < o_ m � � w '° O v m u� m N m N r o ornrvmu�rm m rn rn u� m m co co co m � m u� � rn u� N v r �� w � u� w w � r m wcomwmu�rnm � N (O N (O O O oJ O V u� � m o m a` " m � ro m 0 m �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � u x !� w� m m r rn r m � r r co � m m rn rn n m� mv m v m co�rnv co r N r m u� N ro v r N vmcom mm r� m N r rn r r � m m � Nm�co coo � � N r n ro . o u�mo� � � rn� � u� rnovr co o� u� �ococo ro v � m � m N (O O V (O (O (O (O � oJ LL� � oJ � LL� O LL� � N O oJ N V (O �� N N I � m � co m v v u� � V � LL� N O (O � n � co r � m u� N � r N��� r � � m� N� m� m � m o rn rn��� ����� v�� rn N o N o � o � � N r m m roo ror N o rn N rrocou�rnv rn �u� u�cornrnrNu�rnrnN N � �co m r r u� N��NN� rn�u� co�u�vou��u�u�co M � � O � N I� N oJ �(O N N N LL� V � V � � � m � � � � � w � � � J � 7 �n � — � 0 � O � E — Z � � .. 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INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 1.5 % PER MONTH ON UNPAID BALANCE WILL BE ADDED TO YOUR NEXT STATEMENT. For questions, contact: (800} 362-4505 August 13, 2020 Invoice No: Project Manager Client Liaison R13731002.0 - 2 00-50-100 Matthew Frater Kate Eiynck AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE: $6,125.00 Project R13731002.0 City of Monticello MN Housing Needs and Market Demad Study Professional Services from July 12,_2020 to August 8 2020 Description Comprehensive Housing Study Total Fee Contract Percent Amount Previous Amount Complete Earned Invoices 17, 500.00 17, 500.00 70.00 12,250.00 6,125.00 12,250.00 6,125.00 Total Fee This Invoice 6,125.00 6,125.00 6,125.00 AMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE: $6,125.00 ForACH notification, remit ta: ach@msa-ps.com Account Number:101065930 Routing Number: 075901590 Bank Informqtion: Baraboo State Bank, 101 3�d AV2.� PO Box 50., Baraboo, WI 53913, (608) 356-7703 MSA ENABLES PEOPLE TO POSITIVELY IMPACTTHE LIVES OF OTHERS. We are proud to be a 100%employee-owned firm. Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 8:17 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: MSA $6,125.00 Hi Julie, Yes, it is okay to pay this invoice. Please code to: 213-46301-431990 From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 4:25 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: MSA $6,125.00 Jim Attached is Inv# R13731002.0-2 from MSA for services regarding the MN Housing Needs and Market Demand study. Okay to pay $6,125.00? Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us L'1T3' C7F ��`� ���tl���.� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i �� �ND�}k: � �iTl� �c�c�res;� i ,Add��s� � ����� c�f� ��i�r��r�����Lo �����.s�:���� F'�ec�se [�urr���J��e. .s�+��Jn. rrr��' sarhtra�t t� Ac�°ts d'�ayp �r��' by r1�re dr�d�' Jo�' c'f�eek rc� ra_ Ad�m Jcshnson �2�� ���o��ri �e�utie��r� Cis��.��,T�'Zi�r ��ntiC�ell�, �N �536� �] �JiS�, �C'}.. 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Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. ($1.25) ($0.50) $10.50 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $0.00 $s.�s $8.75 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Friday, July 3, 2020 828 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 7120WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 8/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 6/1/2020 to 6/30/2020 (30 days) �/2/2020 8/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Cons $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $ 9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 68621907 Current Charges noreply@merchanttransact.com Friday, July 3, 2020 828 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 7120WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 6/1/2020 43094 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 8/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 6/1/2020 to 6/30/2020 (30 days) �/2/2020 8/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 7/1/2020 43572 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Cons 478 $0.00 $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $0.00 $ 9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Friday, July 3, 2020 828 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 7120WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 60867213 6/1/2020 1001572 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - RESIDENTIAL Garbage: GARBAGE FEE - TXBL Garbage: RECYCLING FEE - NON TAXABLE Waste Taxes: GARBAGE TAX RES - 9.75% Stormwater: STORMWATER / RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 8/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-009 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 300 4TH ST E 6/1/2020 to 6/30/2020 (30 days) �/2/2020 8/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 7/1/2020 1001572 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Cons 0 $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $ 9.18 $8.25 $0.75 $0.80 $1.50 $26.64 $26.64 $26.64 $0.00 $26.64 $26.64 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. EDA: 09/09/20 4d. Consideration of Adoptin� Resolution #2020-10 Approvin� the First Amendment to the UMC, Inc.'s Purchase and Development Contract Extendin� UMC's Propertv Acauisition Advance Funding Loan Repavment Terms (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is a request of the EDA to consider adopting Resolution #2020-10 approving the First Amendment to UMC's Purchase and Development Contract extending UMC's property acquisition Advance Funding 2"d Mortgage Loan repayment terms. LJNIC recently notified City staff that it is tweaking its expansion proj ect site plans and will begin construction of its new 52,000 square foot manufacturing facility in mid-October, 2020. UMC's goal is to have the facility completed and ready to occupy by late June 2021. As a reminder, the EDA authorized entering into a Purchase and Development Contract with UMC at its regular meeting on February 26, 2020. The Contract contained documentation related to the Advance Funding Deferred 2"d Mortgage Loan in the amount of $300,000 offered to UMC to facilitate its purchase of the 7.39-acre development site. UMC closed on the land purchase on April 15, 2020. In mid-June, 2020 UMC informed City staff that it wanted to thoroughly review the building design and site layout to ensure desired operational efficiencies. Staff inet with UMC officials on August 11, 2020 and learned that they have finalized the site and building redesign tweaks and would soon submit a revised plan set to the City for consideration of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) amendment by the City Council. UMC expects all other proj ect parameters to be consistent with earlier representations; a total investment of $10,831,000 +/- (includes new construction and equipment purchases) and the creation of 43 new FTE jobs over a twenty-month period beginning July 1, 2021. The current Purchase and Development Contract contains language requiring UMC to make a one-time payment of the Advance Funding Deferred 2"d Mortgage Loan in the amount of $300,000 on February 28, 2021. This date is approximately 60 days after the original schedule for completing the 52,000 square foot facility. UMC's new construction timeline anticipates a June 30, 2021 completion date. The First Amendment document proposes to extend the Mortgage Loan payment date to July 31, 2021, about 30 days after the revised project completion date. The Mortgage Loan payment date is the only change in the Amendment document. EDA Resolution #2020-10 is attached for review as Exhibit A. The City Council will also be asked to consider an amendment to the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) Grant Contract ($300,000 grant) changing the project `Benefit Date" (construction finish date) and the j ob creation timeline to reflect a delay in hiring workers for the new facility. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in considering the Purchase and Development Contract amendment is estimated to be about 8 hours. It includes discussions with UMC to review the proposed timeline revisions as well as the EDA report preparation and meeting. An estimate of the EDA attorney's time commitment is 2 hours; drafting the Amendment document and Resolution. No additional staff are needed to complete the Amendment processing steps. 1 EDA: 09/09/20 A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering approving the Purchase and Development Contract adjusting the Advance Funding Loan payment date is minor. The legal fees are estimated to be $250 +/- and will be charged to the UMC escrow account. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve EDA Resolution #2020-10 approving the First Amendment to the UMC Purchase and Development Contract extending the Advance Funding 2"d Mortgage Loan $300,000 principal repayment date from February 28, 2021 to July 31, 2021. 2. Motion to deny approval of EDA Resolution #2020-10 approving the First Amendment to the UMC Purchase and Development Contract extending the Advance Funding 2"d Mortgage Loan $300,000 principal repayment date from February 28, 2021 to July 31, 2021. Motion to table consideration of adopting EDA Resolution #2020-10 for additional research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The proposed Amendment is a practical consideration of the LJNIC Purchase and Development Contract language regarding repayment of the Advance Funding Loan in the amount of $300,000 based on the reality of a revised construction timeline for its 52,000 square foot facility. The EDA discussed UMC's delay in starting the expansion proj ect at its July 8th, 2020 meeting. At that time, members suggested that, to the extent possible, the project completion timeline and any necessary Contract Amendments with UMC should be considered for adjustments to allow a successful project outcome. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. EDA Resolution #2020-10 b. First Amendment to the UMC Purchase and Development Contract 2 EDA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND UMC REAL ESTATE, LLC BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. Pursuant to its authority under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081, as amended, the Authority administers its Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1(the "Proj ect"), for the purpose of facilitating the development and redevelopment of certain substandard property within the Project. 1.02. The Authority and the City of Monticello (the "City") have established Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-41 comprising certain property within the Project (the "Property"), with the goal of fostering economic development activities by private enterprise on the Property. 1.03. The Authority and UMC Real Estate, LLC (the "Developer") executed a Purchase and Development Contract, dated as of February 26, 2020, recorded in the office of the Wright County Recorder on April 2, 2020, as Document No. A1422590 (the "Agreement"), providing for the sale of the Property by the Authority to the Developer, and the construction of certain improvements (the "Improvements") on the Property by the Developer. 1.04. On April 1, 2020, the Authority conveyed the Property to the Developer pursuant to the Agreement, and the Developer gave the Authority a promissory note for the purchase price (the "Note"), secured by a mortgage on the Properry, to be paid on or prior to February 28, 2021. 1.04. The parties have negotiated and propose to execute a First Amendment to the Agreement (the "First Amendment") to extend the deadline for the completion of the Improvements and payment in full of the Note, and have negotiated an amended promissory note (the "Amended Note") and mortgage (the "Amended Mortgage") to be executed by the Developer to memorialize the extension of such payment deadline. Section 2. First Amendment A�proved. 2.01. The First Amendment, the Amended Note, and the Amended Mortgage as presented to the Board are hereby in all respects approved, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the First Amendment by such officials shall be conclusive evidence of approval. 2.02. The President and Executive Director are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Authority the First Amendment and any documents referenced therein requiring execution by the Authority, and to carry out, on behalf of the Authority, its obligations thereunder. 2.03. Authority staff and consultants are authorized to take any actions necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 9th day of September, 2020. President ATTEST: Secretary FIRST AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT This Amendment is made as of , 2020, by and between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (the "Authority") and UMC Real Estate, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer"). WHEREAS, the Authority and the Developer entered into that certain Purchase and Development Contract dated as of February 26, 2020, and recorded on Apri12, 2020 in the office of the Wright County Recorder as Document No. A1422590 (the "Agreement") providing among other things, for the construction of certain improvements (the "Improvements") on the property legally described in Exhibit A hereto (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement, the Authority conveyed the Properry to the Developer by a quit claim deed recorded on April 2, 2020 in the office of the Wright County Recorder as Document No. A1422591 (the "Deed"), and the Developer purchased the Properry by means of a promissory note in the principal amount of $300,000 (the "Note"), secured by a mortgage recorded in the office of the Wright County Recorder on April 2, 2020 as Document No. A1422592 (the "Mortgage"); and WHEREAS, due to unanticipated delays experienced by the Developer in the construction of the Improvements, the parties have determined to e�tend the date of required completion of construction of the Improvements, and to extend the maturity date of the Note and Mortgage. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: 1. Amendment to Section 3.2 of the A�reement. Section 3.2 of the Agreement is amended as follows: Section 3.2. Purchase Price; Provisions for Pavment. The purchase price to be paid to the Authority by the Developer in exchange for the conveyance of the Development Property is $300,000.00 (the "Purchase Price"). The parties agree and understand the fair market value of the Development Property, based on the purchase price paid for the Development Property by the Authority, is $1,031,000.00, and that the Purchase Price represents a land write-down of $731,000.00. To secure the full payment of the Purchase Price, the Developer has provided a promissory note (the "Note") secured by a mortgage lien on the Development Properry in favor of 1 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 the Authority (the "Mortgage") in the principal amount of $300,000.00 at Closing. The Note shall not bear interest. The full amount of the Purchase Price shall be payable by the Developer in cash or by certified check on or before July 31, 2021. 2. Amendment to Section 4.3 of the A�reement. Section 4.3 of the Agreement is amended as follows: Section 43. Commencement and Completion of Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer must substantially complete construction of the Minimum Improvements by June 30, 2021. All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Developer on the Development Properry shall be in conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Developer and approved by the Authority. The Developer agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, and every successor in interest to the Development Properry, or any part thereof, that the Developer, and such successors and assigns, shall promptly begin and diligently prosecute to completion the development of the Development Property through the construction of the Minimum Improvements thereon, and that such construction shall in any event be completed within the period specified in this Section 4.3 of this Agreement. Subsequent to conveyance of the Development Property, or any part thereof, to the Developer, and until construction of the Minimum Improvements has been completed, the Developer shall make reports, in such detail and at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Authority, as to the actual progress of the Developer with respect to such construction. 3. Amendment of Mort�a�e and Note. The Mortgage and Note (as defined in the Agreement) shall be amended to memorialize the extension of the Maturity Date, in substantially the forms attached hereto as Exhibit B and Exhibit C. The Developer shall (i) within five days after execution hereof, execute and deliver the amended Mortgage to the Authority, and the Authority shall record such amended Mortgage and this Amendment in the office of the Wright County Recorder as soon as practicable, but in no event later than December 31, 2020, and (ii) provide the amended Note as soon as practicable, but in no event later than September 30, 2020, to the Authority, and the Authority shall deliver the cancelled original Note to the Developer. 4. A�reement in Full Force and Effect. Except as amended by this Amendment, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Upon execution, the Developer shall reimburse the Authority for all reasonable out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Authority in connection with negotiating drafting, approval, and recording of this Amendment. (Remainder of this page intentionally left blank.) 2 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Amendment to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Its President By Its Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2020, by , the President of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the authority. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2020, by , the Executive Director of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the authority. Notary Public Authority Signature Page to First Amendment to Purchase and Development Contract 3 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 UMC REAL ESTATE, LLC By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2020, by the of UMC Real Estate, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the limited liability company. Notary Public THIS DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 US Bank Plaza 200 South Si�h Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 Developer Signature Page to First Amendment to Purchase and Development Contract 4 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 EXHIBIT A Property Lot 2, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center Si�th Addition, Wright County, Minnesota A-1 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 � I: : AMENDED MORTGAGE THE MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IS $300,000.00 This is a mortgage amendment, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 287.01, subdivision 2, and as such it does not secure a new or an increased amount of debt. AMENDED MORTGAGE THIS AMENDED MORTGAGE ("Amended Mortgage") is made this th day of September, 2020, by UMC Real Estate, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, whose address is 500 Chelsea Road, Monticello, MN 55362 (herein "Mortgagor") in favor of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a Minnesota body corporate and public, whose address is 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 ("Mortgagee"). WHEREAS, pursuant to a Purchase and Redevelopment Contract between Mortgagor and Mortgagee dated as of February 26, 2020, as amended by a First Amendment thereto dated as of September � 2020 (as so amended, the "Agreement"), Mortgagor acknowledged itself to be indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of U.S. $300,000, which indebtedness was evidenced by Mortgagor's promissory note dated April 1, 2020, and extensions and renewals thereof (herein "Note"), providing for principal, if not sooner paid, due and payable on the maturity date set forth in the Note or such other date as specified in the Note; and WHEREAS, the Note was secured by a Mortgage dated April 1, 2020, recorded in the office of the Wright County Recorder on April 2, 2020 as Document No. A1422592 (the "Mortgage"), concerning the real property described in Exhibit A(the "Property") WHEREAS, Mortgagor has executed and delivered an amended Note to the Mortgagee on , 2020, (together with any extensions and renewals thereof, the "Amended Note"), which extends the maturity date of the Amended Note to July 31, 2021; and WHEREAS, Mortgagor and Mortgagee desire to extend the maturity date of the Mortgage to July 31, 2021. NOW THEREFORE: 1. The Mortgage is amended to provide for compliance by the Mortgagor with the terms of the Amended Note as follows: Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of U.S. $300,000.00, which indebtedness is evidenced by the Amended Note, providing for principal, if not sooner paid, due and payable on the maturity date set forth in the Amended Note or such other date as specified in the Amended Note. B-1 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 2. Paragraph 16 of the Mortgage is hereby amended to provide as follows: 16. RELEASE OF MORTGAGE. The maturity date of this Mortgage is July 31, 2021, subject to the terms of the Amended Note. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, the Authority shall discharge this Mortgage without charge to the Borrower. The Borower shall pay any recordation costs. 3. Except as amended pursuant to this Amended Mortgage, the Mortgage remains in full force and effect. B-2 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 BY SIGNING BELOW, Mortgagor accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Amended Mortgage. UMC Real Estate, LLC By: _ Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2020, by , the of LJMC Real Estate, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the limited liability company. This document drafted by: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered (MNI) 470 US Bank Plaza Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 : 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 Notary Public My commission expires EXHIBIT A TO AMENDED MORTGAGE Property Lot 2, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center Sixth Addition, Wright County, Minnesota B-4 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 EXHIBIT C AMENDED PROMISSORY NOTE (UMC Real Estate) -$300,000- Date of original issue: April 1, 2020 Date of amendment: , 2020 -0.0%- UMC Real Estate, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Maker"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota or its assigns (Authority and any assigns are collectively referred to herein as "Holder"), at its designated principal office or such other place as the Holder may designate in writing, the principal sum of Three Hundred Thousand and no/100ths Dollars ($300,000) or so much thereof as may be advanced under this Amended Note, without interest, in any coin or currency that at the time or times of payment is legal tender for the payment of private debts in the United States of America (the "Financed Purchase Price"). This Amended Note is the Amended Note defined in the Purchase and Development Contract between Borrower and Lender dated as of February 26, 2020, as amended by a First Amendment thereto dated as of September � 2020 (as so amended, the "Contract"). The principal of this Amended Note is payable due as follows: 1. This Amended Note shall not bear interest. 2. The entire outstanding principal of this Amended Note shall be due and payable in a single installment on July 31, 2021. 3. The Maker shall have the right to prepay the principal of this Amended Note, in whole or in part, on any date. 4. This Amended Note is given pursuant to the Contract, and secured by a mortgage dated as of April 1, 2020, and recorded in the office of the Wright County Recorder on April 2, 2020 as Document No. A1422592, as amended by a First Amendment thereto dated as of , 2020 and recorded in the offices of the Wright County Recorder on the date hereof (as so amended, the "Mortgage"). All of the agreements, conditions, covenants, provisions, and stipulations contained in the Contract, the Mortgage, or any other instrument securing this Amended Note are hereby made a part of this Amended Note to the same extent and with the same force and effect as if they were fully set forth herein. It is agreed that time is of the essence of this Amended Note. If an Event of Default occurs under the Contract, the Mortgage, or any other instrument securing this Amended Note, then the Holder of this Amended Note may at its right and option, without notice, declare immediately due and payable the principal balance of this Amended Note, together with reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the Holder of this Amended Note in collecting or enforcing payment hereof, whether by lawsuit or otherwise, and all other sums due hereunder or any instrument G1 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 securing this Amended Note. The Maker of this Amended Note agrees that the Holder of this Amended Note may, without notice to and without affecting the liability of the Maker, accept additional or substitute security for this Amended Note, or release any security or any party liable for this Amended Note or e�tend or renew this Amended Note. 5. The remedies of the Holder of this Amended Note as provided herein, and in the Contract, the Mortgage, or any other instrument securing this Amended Note shall be cumulative and concurrent and may be pursued singly, successively, or together, and, at the sole discretion of the Holder of this Amended Note, may be exercised as often as occasion therefor shall occur; and the failure to exercise any such right or remedy shall in no event be construed as a waiver or release thereof. The Holder of this Amended Note shall not be deemed, by any act of omission or commission, to have waived any of its rights or remedies hereunder unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the Holder and then only to the e�tent specifically set forth in the writing. A waiver with reference to one event shall not be construed as continuing or as a bar to or waiver of any right or remedy as to a subsequent event. This Amended Note may not be amended, modified, or changed except only by an instrument in writing signed by the Maker and Holder. 6. If any term of this Amended Note, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall, to any e�tent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Amended Note, or the application of such term to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby, and each term of this Amended Note shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest e�tent permitted by law. 7. It is intended that this Amended Note is made with reference to and shall be construed as a Minnesota contract and is governed by the laws thereo£ Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Amended Note shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Amended Note waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. 8. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Amended Note may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by the Maker and the Holder. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. 9. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all conditions, acts, and things required to exist, happen, and be performed precedent to or in the issuance of this Amended Note do exist, have happened, and have been performed in regular and due form as required by law. G2 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Maker has caused this Amended Note to be duly executed as of the day of 2020. UMC REAL ESTATE, LLC I� its C-3 671375v1 MNI MN190-160 EDA Agenda — 09/09/20 4e. Consideration of Approving Funding for 2020 Manufacturers Appreciation Activities in the Amount of $750 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Manufacturers Appreciation Breakfast (formerly Industry of the Year) event will be substituted with a variety of personalized recognition of manufacturers and community wide awareness efforts. The IEDC reviewed the proposed 2020 Manufacturers Appreciation activities and supports the modifications. The activities are shown below: Goal: Focus awareness on manufacturing sector and recognize and express apprecaaiion for Monticello manufacturers. 1) Recognition Certificaie a. Certificate drafted by Rachel L(she is looking for a templaie) b. Rachel will write, using templaie from DEED or Marcy. c. Embossing of Certificaie c� Nice Cover Letter included in mailing of Certificaie 2) City Council Resolution or Proclamaiion by Mayor, or both a. City Adopt a Resolution or b. Mayor issues a Proclamation c. Goal to have approved on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 3) Promotional Communicaiions - Manufacturers' Recognition — Big THANK YOII.�! Stais on Mfging. a. Electronic signs — In Hallways of MCC, ai the Liquor Store, ai the Fire Staiion b. Cable TV cast/Channel 12 c. Website page c� Facebook postings e. Article in Monticello Times In the past, the EDA has funded a portion of the costs associated with Manufacturers Appreciation events-activities with City staff completing the planning and organizing tasks. Due to COVID-19, no sponsors have been asked to help fund the costs of the 2020 activities. It is estimated that the expenses for the planned items are expected to fall in a range of $450 to $750 with an "embossed certificate" being the major cost. There are approximately 37 +/- industrial firms in Monticello and a certificate would be provided to each firm. It should be noted that supporting the IEDC in its lead role of Business Retention & Expansion, of which Manufacturers Appreciation activities is a small part, is identified in the EDA's adopted 2020 Work Plan. The EDA is asked to consider approving the funding request of $750 for the above noted activities. Al. Budget Impact: The estimated expenses for the various activities are $450 to $750. The EDA has sufficient funds in its Marketing (budget) line item to cover a commitment of $750 of expenses related to Manufacturers Appreciation activities. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff coordination is estimated at 12-17 hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve $750 in funding for the 20202 Manufacturers Appreciation activities. 2. Motion to deny approving funding in the amount of $750 for the 2020 Manufacturers Appreciation activities. Motion to table consideration of funding for the 2020 Manufacturers Appreciation activities for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. This event is Monticello's opportunity to thank its existing manufacturers and industries and support business retention and expansion. Even though the annual breakfast and speaker event is cancelled due to COVID-19, a variety of activities are planned and have modest associated costs. Also, as a reminder, the IEDC is an advisory committee and does not have a funding budget. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2020 EDA Workplan � CITY OF • ��� on Ic� a MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2020 ANNUAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN EDA Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and housing redevelopment. EDA Work Plan Mission Statement: The EDA's work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and the 2017/2018 City Strategic Plan. The EDA will be proactive by developing and undertaking actions for achievement of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic Development goals and will be reactive in responding to economic development opportunities as they arise in the most timely and effective manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic development strategies of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Downtown Small Area Plan as a guide for action. Comprehensive Plan Goals: Attracting & Retaining Jobs Expanding Tax Base Enhancing Downtown Facilitating Redevelopment Supporting Life-Cycle Housing Choice GOAL(S): FACILITATING REDEVELOPMENT Objective: Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties on Block 52. Strategies: 1. Continue to focus on site control for a potential future targeted redevelopment in Block 52 as envisioned in the Downtown Small Area Study Plan. 2. Continue to collaborate with Beard Group, Inc. in the design of a redevelopment plan suitable for the Block 52 site(s). 3. Reconnect Walnut Street to River Street in support of redevelopment. 4. Remain open to strategic opportunities for redevelopment throughout the community. 5. Refocus on aggressively marketing Block 34 and the CedarBroadway site. GOAL(S): ENHANCING DOWNTOWN EXPANDING TAX BASE SUPPORTING LIFE-CYCLE HOUSING CHOICE I�.�yI11Y1I.11Y1►[l1.��11]D1U�11[�]�u1�1►Y11 Objective 1: Implement the recommendations of the Downtown Small Area Plan. Strategies: 1. Support and advocate for improvements to the downtown as envisioned in the Small Area Plan and Walnut Street Corridor Plan. 2. Develop and support the appropriate policies, programs, and incentives that enable the type of development described in the Plan. 3. Continue to build a funding base for use in property acquisition and redevelopment efforts in targeted areas. 4. Implement a fa�ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas. 5. Continue to meet with downtown property owners either in either an informal group setting (Downtown Rounds) or individually to understand their concerns with traffic, parking, land use and possible reinvestment in their property as well as willingness to sell, partner, price, etc. 6. Encourage continued incorporation of arts as an economic development tool for powntown Monticello and the community at-large. 7. Support opportunities for park and pathway development as consistent with the Downtown Small Area Plan. 8. Encourage the redesign of the pathway connection under the MN TH #25 bridge to incorporate safety elements and improved lighting. 9. Ensure greenway and pedestrian/cycle connections are considered within the downtown and from the downtown to other areas within the community. 2 � �"���: Objective 2: Develop and implement a comprehensive Marketing & Communication Strategy for priority sectors and locations. Strategies: 1. Engage a marketing intern to design and implement the Marketing & Communication Strategy in concert with the Communications Manager and Economic Development Manager. 2. Support the development of an economic development brand and implement in all sectors of economic development activities. 3. Enhance the brand and tell the story of Downtown Monticello. 4. Incorporate the marketing of EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, a. Present existing and new incentive programs to smaller community groups, local banks, realtors, and local businesses either on in an informal group session or a formal roundtable format. b. Develop and communicate a"complete" development package program which provides support and assistance to prospects and developers from inquiry to construction. 5. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business Park) to a broad variety of prospects as guided by the current and future Comprehensive Plan. a. Focus on prospects which serve or rely on the St. Cloud and Twin Cities markets. b. Focus on supply chain prospects. 6. With the IEDC, communicate with current business and industry in support of Business Retention & Expansion. a. Engage in informal business and industry small group meetings and explore potential format of helpful formal round tables meetings. b. Work with the Monticello Times to do a business spotlight or profile article two times per year. Objective 3: Support community quality-of-life initiatives which act as economic development tools. Strategies: 1. Encourage and support coordinated planning and development of parks, trails in or near business districts. 2. Support the development Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, including community connections. GOAL: SUPPORTING LIFE-CYCLE HOUSING CHOICE Objective(S): Evaluate the need for specific housing types and act as a partner in creating affordable housing development for the community. Strategies: 1. Complete 2020 Housing Study update to assess housing needs across the spectrum of housing choice and incorporating changing demographic trends. 2. Develop revised policy statements for housing which address the identified study needs. 3. Continue to market workforce housing development on EDA owned land along East 4tn Street and Outlot A of Country Club Manor, or at other suitable sites in the City, including the Downtown. 4. Support efforts by private and non-profit entities to develop affordable housing proj ects utilizing state and federal programs. 5. Examine use and application of available housing TIF dollars per the 2016 TIF Management Plan and the adopted Policy Statements for Available TIF Funds. 6. Continue to periodically examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization of existing housing. GOAL(S): EXPANDING TAX BASE, ATTRACTING & RETAINING JOBS Objective 1: Continue to develop and leverage available tools for business development and job creation. Strategies: 1. Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including development of criteria/application. 2. Identify and communicate new or innovative state and federal programs or grants which could be leveraged to support business development. 3. Proactively support small business start-up efforts through programs and various tools available for small businesses. Objective 2. Collaborate with various local entities involved in monitoring and developing workforce training awareness efforts to address workforce needs. Strategies: 1. Continue to support the IEDC interactions with in the Wright County Workforce Pathways efforts in addressing workforce needs and training. 2. Consider IEDC recommendations and be prepared to be a partner in potential solutions based on WCWFP findings. 4��age Objective 3: opportunities. Strategies: Engage as a partner in local and regional planning and development L Monitor the regional planning efforts of the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership (CMRRPP) and engage with feedback as requested. 2. Consider funding and/or completing studies that provide policy and strategy framework for desired land uses/or projects in the downtown and for other programs. 3. Monitor commuter rail development in and around the Twin Cities metro region for potential benefits and opportunities to serve Monticello. Appendix: Monticello Comprehensive Plan, 2008 — Economic Development 5���ge EDA Agenda: 09/09/20 5. Consideration of Approvin� Small Business Emer�encv Grant A�reements in the Amount of $5,000 to Polaris Chiropractic LLC; Breum Enterprises, LLC (dba: Custom Cut & Color); Jai Jalaram Inc (dba: Super 8); Puram, LLC (dba: AmericInn Motel); Hammer's Hair Loun�e LLC; and 321 Jump Inc to Miti�ate COVID-19 Economic Impacts (TT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider approving a seventh batch of application(s) to the Small Business Emergency Grant Program. The EDA approved the Small Business Emergency Grant Program and a source of funding at its regular May 27, 2020 meeting. The Grant Program was set up with $100,000 as an initial emergency assistance fund, utilizing the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan program. The original emergency grant fund program was set up to provide a total of 20 grants in the amount of $5,000 each. Funding provided to the City of Monticello's through the Federal Government's CARES Act also allows direct assistance to be provided to businesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic response efforts. The EDA took action at its July 22, 2020 meeting, authorizing an Interfund Loan to reimburse its GMEF account for all grants approved prior to July 22, 2020 (total of $85,000). The companion City Council CARES Act resolution, adopted on July 27, 2020, authorized the EDA to utilize up to $200,000 of CARES Act funding for its emergency grant assistance program, or a total of 40 grants (this includes the 17 grants that have been previously approved) in the amount of $5,000 each. CARES Act funding must be distributed by mid November 2020. For the August 26, 2020 EDA meeting, one (1) new Grant Assistance application was received and is being presented for consideration. Please see the table below. Name of Business Tvpe of Business # of Emplovees Amount of Grant Polaris Chiropractic LLC Chiropractic Clinic 2 $5, 000 Breum Enterprises, LLC Hair Salon 6 $5, 000 Jai Jalaram Inc (Super 8) Hotel 10 $5, 000 Puram, LLC (Americlnn) Hotel 4 $5, 000 Hammer's Hair Lounge Hair Salon 6 $5, 000 321 Jump Inc Indoor Inflatable Facility 3 $5, 000 Staff have reviewed the application (attached) for completeness and adherence to the program guidelines. A summary grant review evaluation spreadsheet is also included to help the EDA in its review and discussion at the meeting. The EDA has already approved nineteen (19) grants or $95,000 in total funding since the creation of the grant program. If the EDA approves the additional 6 grant requests, a program balance of $75,000 or fifteen (15) additional grant requests remains (utilizes CARES Act allocation of $200,000 authorized by City Council on July 27, 2020). Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in considering the grant request involves the 1 EDA Agenda: 09/09/20 work related to reviewing the application and preparing the staff report for the EDA meeting. The EDA's legal counsel provided a grant agreement template which is also attached to the Staff Report. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering approving one (1) Small Business Emergency Grant is in disbursing an additional amount of $5,000 from the Emergency Grant Assistance Program. If the EDA approves the six (6) new grants in addition to the nineteen (19) that were previously approved, the remaining fund balance would be $75,000. It is noted that any money granted to the applicant will utilize the Federal Government CARES Act program. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve Small Business Emergency Grant Agreement between the EDA and Polaris Chiropractic LLC; Breum Enterprises, LLC (dba: Custom Cut & Color); Jai Jalaram Inc (dba: Super 8); Puram, LLC (dba: AmericInn Motel); Hammer's Hair Lounge LLC; and 321 Jump Inc in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 2. Motion to deny approval of Small Business Emergency Grant Agreement between the EDA and Polaris Chiropractic LLC; Breum Enterprises, LLC (dba: Custom Cut & Color); Jai Jalaram Inc (dba: Super 8); Puram, LLC (dba: AmericInn Motel); Hammer's Hair Lounge LLC; and 321 Jump Inc in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 3. Motion to table consideration of approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreement between the EDA and Polaris Chiropractic LLC; Breum Enterprises, LLC (dba: Custom Cut & Color); Jai Jalaram Inc (dba: Super 8); Puram, LLC (dba: AmericInn Motel); Hammer's Hair Lounge LLC; and 321 Jump Inc in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 4. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. It should also be noted that if the grant is approved, it is not considered a"business subsidy" as defined in state statutes. The program guidelines require the grant recipient to provide a brief follow-up report back to the EDA describing how the funding was used. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Polaris Chiropractic LLC Application B. Breum Enterprises, LLC (dba: Custom Cut & Color) Application C. Jai Jalaram Inc (dba: Super 8) Application D. Puram, LLC (dba: AmericInn Motel) Application E. Hammer's Hair Lounge LLC Application 2 EDA Agenda: 09/09/20 F. 321 Jump Inc Application G. Summary Grant Review-Evaluation Checklist H. Grant Agreement Template I. Small Business Emergency Grant Program Guidelines J. EDA Emergency Grant Program Interfund Resolution #2020-08 K. City Council CARES Act Resolution #2020-57 ' � ", ` � � M+Dl'�IT�CEL�,p E13�, � � C��.�1C���C� SMA�,L BUSINESS E MERGENCy C�ANT AP,PLICA7`IpN �. �or�r�cr rrv���a��onr Lega2 Name oF f3usiness: �' I r` ��►u, -,,i�,� LLC. I'rc��ect Site Address: !S3 `i t �'h � � � c;ry r st��� r z�p: r���,►; c�r� �.� s s�6 ContaetPersan(s): ta,,' �yCss,e��;fs Businessl't�ar�e: �?d� tYb - 4���v Em�i�. Hc�me Phone � Chieck Qne: ;{ Pr�s��rict�_�r {_ur�sc�rati«n � �'art-n�rshi P F�a�rai rD .: 5t�te J�} : _ �.t� Prc�pQrty �wn�c: � C l M �• r����„ LLL Z eL]�I�1E55I1VFpAMATIQlti1 Fiease aftach r�dr�itiar��l r�c�rurnentsJpages �s ►�eded tn be eompdete as pussible. u. Years �f ca�eratic�n in MUnfic�Iic� � �. L,ist below thN number c�f par# ti�rne and full time emplcrye�es. for �urposes of catr�iaf{un, the �erm "ern�alayecs" may inclu�Ir f]rns� staff rerrtin� vr leusira� ,�acilifres ze�ithin the 11,�Ipnticella busaness 2n��tiurt, Prior ta M�rch IS'h. Z02f1 �urrent F 1' � � F'F � i�` 1 �' c. Give a brief s�xnmary of your business (produets, services, grpwEh hiskory, operations, number of loca#ions, efc.} s+ QoIL�{'iS G�iroQ'':.�c��% O�P1+e+� On �-✓,f 'z-R Zvi�1, LuG 4ruvibe � Sf�,� a� �c. GY� L���+� ^LF� tl�n�c, U�� 5��1tGs in��tl4,. x�.�rs, 1�u,.r�- rwk. vw;�b���fr ,�;�s�-,,.,c.�+�r a b�..:� �CCusCi-• WL �luvL t�'✓�..��► t✓tn wif'� Co�2� b�i' �.+ ti�y�+cti S�v�Mi/ f�c}(. �'+'F(n M/t, � p`�►JC.('�[-61. WC. C%/Y. �)r5#' �0�•✓ aLZ1� � � (70 J:si�T/Wtt,�f. Ov- c��� ��c.,��ivn �f �n /"�G�Fi�� (. ..��- � �T IMGr d. Provide information regarding how your operations have been impacted by the pandemic, specifically hours of Qperation, employee reductions, etc. Indude any strategies implemented to sustain your busir�ess �� � /Ic�v 5� i�l1Gsr v�e, w Lrti �*+��,L�C..� I�r, nrK�Y �"`�Y r va� r''� LJ4��.19. �IrS'� o{� wG �r���tt� O.�'r iil /b14!-t(� �o tiSu�� Z�3 0� a�� r1p�Myt (�rx+ts. oL o�rlc�,��-y , 1�� -�h�� �I�� wG �.�,o la�f � /"17 d14 eMr��yec as �n. �Y �o hc?p �u.F- o�Jhc.ad cd��-. d�r ���u� �MJ�.�,� �..n c�.�.. ck �r�kc��� ��.�h. ��t�, � nc� �,�snc,tr �cvkcl,`� tw� nht�-c c�r brw� yar. ;wc. �a ¢v�.ir o,,,� �,fkr ��} �� +, t�ci- �lc.�, Pc..°P`` ?�, r*�.. �Ff:u o...r� afM_Jr u[� P�l� i�uw blt. L�c�c[4� ,%inCL rfn-C 5�ici�' r� �olltli--l�l. ID �i(�+���- `"`� 5�6��d � �'"a-�, sac-i� Mcd%� l+��u�(.�i�j inuc3�� 4►[•,�rilr i�, gQ. �d/�S` ��u.-�i[, �i�s. i In�y �ks- �t�„ vuf f��`'kusr� J trJ':.t � /f L..J � G� ri uTS' 't� � ��" Ay �n I-, r e. Describe of the current plans for resumsng operatians following the COVID-I9 c�isis. ��G,�IiT�✓��7 Wf' �S'G 1 u�ii��j� +. e3r:s✓cl So 7 �lf.�/G 3vs� ��a✓ JY+} MY �'�csM McMb(! �n�,K �� �ull i-iM[, f7v+C �w!'Y `Q��7r�}f.t�-� � tul� �D��S' OF d��:! A{iJ'1 �}y,yK � ^ VY1.�y . Tari (OJI� �1q ; Wt i/�ti�� rIGMT 'M ya c�s l'1Gtil�j, ��1Cr �,r �i �dvi5/��1�� �1a�C} Ci�.ncr �� ��� ,.��cea ;�1. f[� ��cF��. i n +-� c�,KM�c�� d,✓� c�� �'►vn1,?.u(o .�f, �c.�«s-, Urc a�,b � Qw.� � �,U„��A�c Svci�( r�l�drw +Mc.,rhL�iJ `'S wc.Li �+.Y S�Ik;,,i� � bc. �'r c.cFi�c �Iw�l�%ifk�F- ��. Mrv�CcCl�o ulrf �'`2c. S✓��y.,nv:�� �p.v�MU��I1'tJ, 3. GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested: $ S opo 4. FINANCING Please provide documentslevidence of other sources of sta#e or federal funds your business has been awarded or denied during the COVID pandemic, as ap��icable, including Economic lanjury funds, PPP, etc. ATTACHMENT5 CH�CK �,IST Please attach the foliowing: A} Proof af address �� e,,,�gY , B) Financial staiements, such as: • Previous yeal's annual gross zevenue Average manthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19 Projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months PLEASE D� NOT 5U8MIT FINANCIAL STATEMENT5 RATHER SUBMIT A SUNIIVS1iRY OF THE IIVFORMA'1'ION REQUESTED. C) Proof o# expenses to be paid ie��, xccl e�cr� y D} Award/���al letters — State and Federal Assistance Programs See El�li,fSdA' for.y a+fi�cl�rJ 6. AGREEMENT I/ We certify #hat all information provided in this applicatian is true and correct to the best of nny/our knawiedge. I/ We authorize the Mont�ce3�o EDA to verify financial and other infor�nation. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be zequested by fhe city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the program and complies with all eligibility requireinnents. Further, the applican# undezstands that funds are awarded on a first-corne first served basis. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Lt/ /�4� APPLICANT NAMH (Prinf): ���� �esse�l�rr Da'CE: �S—z�-ZoZ,o T7te �DA is a gavernmenta[ entity and as such must provide Frublic access to pu8iic data it receiaes. Uata dee»eed by Applicant to be nanpt�b[ic data under State [aw shoatd 8e sv designated or marked by Ayp[icant. See Minnesofa 5tatutes, Sect�ores 13.591, Subd. T and 2. n,r,� - -,i ; SE]�YI[� AAORE55 AGCaf1lYT NUM6ER ��rr�� �����Y� 'o�,a��s cHi�aa�ncTi.r, i E �.. - - - A5N1R42a � '*�9�7TH5� , Y,IUHTIC�LLO, M�I 5�fi2 � STATEINEN7 NUMBER STA'fEMENT DATE o � � � o�ra51��2o sr�e.aa SENYICE Ai1L1RE5S t539 E 71Ft ST MUtif17CE410, MH 55362 � NE9[T REA[I iSATE � i i_+ ELECTRICITY 5ERYICE DETAILS i -- � PREM�sEs NUMIeER - INVf]ICF NUMBER � �AR/1i �# BA�CK 01�1 ENE�iGY-SA1/"WG F�Irf�C 1!P'GRA►DES 'With edwences in to��y's HVAC [eehnalogy. there �re many new, energy-elficienl �yuipment opl�ons f�r chaos� frnm. If you're cnnsider�ng sn upgrad�. f'rnd out hsrw yvu can use aur rebates to Ipwer your up-frc�nC costs and sharten the paybacic petiod ef y�nur pra}�ct. Connc>ct wiih an energy at�+isar at �,�i2 vr vis�t acrdewp�.cawr�MY�AOt to le�rn mcare. METER� UF.S�.:HI4�'-..' . �—�� �`I --�— �illaCiP [F�mar•r! f'In7r1 Cln!�� [?l109'2C'- fl9a 03f?�7 E30I73+l51 CURREl�IT RFAQINIG � F'HEVId1US HER�ING LISAGE �0.345 Actual 16645 Acival 15f�1 kWh Artual 5.84 kV4 � 6 kW ELEC"fitlClTif C�AR�ES RATE: Sm Gen SvC IMetaredl �ESCRIPlIOH USAGE 11NliS RATE ii�s:c Seivrce ��hy � ��Nrgy Cl�arge Summer 15[)U kWh $O.Q9256� F�el �ast Charge 15q0 kWh Sf1.�2748i1 �ecoupling Adj 154Q k1Nh $O.fID�849 Affordabifiry Chrg Resaurce Adjustment Su6totsl Cily F�:es Tr�nsit Imprnv�ment Tax � 5E]°� St�t€� Tax �-Bl5"o Total GHIIRGE Sl D.0�1 &138.64 $4�.19 54.21 $ f 27 $9. B5 f�2�5.42 S5 5f? �� ns $14.50 i�.'26.�$ i��n��n�arrQN aeaur vau�_eiu ____ For;�� �uer�r�e ��an �er��� i c��ssnmer, 68°� af yaur bill relers tfl pawer piantcosts, 15�o co h�gh u�ltag� fir�e r,osts, and 579'm ta the eost of local wires conne�ted to ynur t�usin�ss, Fai an average demand-billed custamer, 7896 �f yourtotal hilE refers to power plant costs,1596 to high v�ltage lines, and 796 to the cost o4 iaca! wires cOnnecled io y4Uf busines5. Q01V� C,sET Sri::14►1MNIIECA. Sr•ammers can spc►of phone numbers ta I[sok like the cali is �:r,mang #rom us. If someane cails and tfireatens to turn off ;� �,,r pawer �# you don'l pay imm+ediateh/, or asks !ar your +� �.t}unt nurrat�sr ta relund �n aWerpr�ymen[, hang up and � f:�s.k y�i��r �r�:i:e�iit�l s��Rus n}sincd MY +4s`ce�tinl. ni�r Krr! F�i•trr��V 'nii!-o!1=�• ��sl{i :a� �. ,i�l 4.iS 7i .- - -. -�- _ , � NpRTHERN SiA7E5 PQWER GOtNPAhY ��� a SERWICEA�ORE55 1 A[:C:UUNr Nuh�F3E�t r ' ����� ������w PpLARIS CHI�PRACTIC LCC 1 — 09iQ1 �'??I}i0 � — i539 E 7TH 5T � h,1dNTiCELLQ.hAM55362 STpTfMENTN41MfSF�,tiTnTEMfNT%ATE � '-- II E i/ CE N� I 8 i E a r K�� u R€� r — �$Ip5]2020 ��..'�� �MLY AYERA6�8 las! Y�er Tem�arasues 77' ' HecuK�ry kVuh n o ElActr�c�t� Cnse �1 ���� SIJMMARY �F Cl1RRENT CHARGES ��e��isedcharges beg�n bn pagc 21 E4ectrrcisy Se�vic� �7ma!20 -�Ia312f� 15D0 kWh Current Cf�argss n�couNr sau►r�cE ra�«� � � �� (llIE57l�NS ABOUT YDUR BILL� p�ew,�,�ifi Balanee Lts of �]7JD4 5ee oGm weCsite xcelrnqryy r.nm Payment Received OnVine Payment 07i1� Email us at Cuscamerserv��e�'xce#[tner{ry.Cnm ����C� Fprward PleaseCalL 1-��1��'r6� CurrentCharges Hearir�g Impair�d: 1-Bfl0-B95•4949 Fax: }•$f7�-311-(i05L� A�Ili�ouilt D� (Cai+lidedaPB9g1 �zzs ae '�.+� ��r�.s, -$377.63 CR Sa,00 �z2s.ae �'6.48 pr write usat: ](CEL'ENfRGr 1NFORMATILiN AB(7UT YDl1R B�LL P(] BO7t 8 Equ C�,4�Rf wi �atus-000� Your safiety and the safety of aur employees will always be aur top priority. W e are prepar�d and a�e taking steps to ensure we'll continue ta he there for ynu to meet your enetgy needs as COl�IQ-19 aff�cts a growing rrumf�er of busir�esses in our comm+unities. []urteam will be worki�rg day and night ta deliver the energyynur business courrts an. Lear� more at xcelenergy.cor�lcavid-19_respanse. � Xv�l �nergy. Th�nky�ufaryaurpayment. Cnnvenience at your service - PaY Yaur ��Ils e�ectranically-fast and easywith Ele�tronic Funds Transfi�r. Cal1 us at 1-BQ0-481-47�fl ar visit us at www,xcelenergy.cam. �BIIFti'dM �uiiIOMNAiu YPua ran.+r:i . PiL�SF 110 N0711Sf iTM4FSwTRlE Olt FAPFN CLM"i �f:t:OUMT NlIh1RFR - N tase st:c+tFe:�.s�.kuf this Gill torm4reintormatian Eegar[lingtne Vate{�ayn+entcharge. Peyonorbefprcthe �ate due tvavo+� assessment a� a late pay+nenl cha�ge. Fvlaku �uue cnrr.k �ayat�E� ra 1(CFl FNERf Y DUE DATF � �si�11�02U � 4^' — mani�esi I�r+e i��r�iii���,i,1�liPi i�i�i�l� �I+�i�l,n�� i��i i�ui �ii���lw�����tl� P[1LRRI5 CHIROPRACTIC LlL 1539 E 7TH ST NOHTICELIp NN 55362 ' j 2 3' 9 5 6 ] S 4, la ii 12 17 , lf 15 1i 17 1� ti 2� � 3� �."i � 2� 25 2i I'I 2r i! 3!1 � �iJ�1��u`e�r��f I'lIM1�I��N���'ll�'111��ul,�lll�l�i'1��1f1'b��� xCEL ENER�Y P.4. Bd3( 9477 M'PLS T1N 5548d-9477 32 51D9012i] 0�128227344 C10Qd0��2648�C1�0�1722648 Month Revenue Aug-19 20 Sep-19 16803 Oct-19 16051.8 Nov-19 11097.5 Dec-19 5972.6 Jan-20 12801.43 Feb-20 19355.76 Mar-20 12742.31 Apr-20 15598.23 May-20 7940.16 Jun-20 6131.91 Jul-20 26301.54 Aug-20 25783.65 176599.89 MONTHLY PROJECTIONS Revenue Sep-20 30000 Oct-20 30000 Nov-20 35000 Dec-20 35000 � O r2. S� �- cV p fti N N �j CL7 a� iv m � m E a � � 0 N A � O t v � � .�.� L � "�c O N �� �ti � r 4 � N � O � � � � 0. � W p C F J � SS � ❑ C C � � N C � � m V O 7 C �# Y U a � w a� � �i U C � � L ..V. w m � � �t W Y N � � U � U a .� � d � � <t Q [Y w � � i� n r� ai .. sci � c� U �v hi c�i C�7, 4�7 � r O ❑ N 63 r N O O N N O O N tV C�7 C�] � � � � � � T T T d d Q � Q � � �a � � � � �7 I� rJC�C_) 2� �C1� U U U � U u7 �t7 u7 � �!'i 4 � � � � N N N N N C�] M M M C7 r O O O O O Ca Cf7 Cb Cb CC1 cp co cfl CD cD o � g g $ c47 cq C(3 eQ [G 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N CV c� O 4 C7 Q � � � � � n n n M1 � NI�2� �C7� �cCZ QC�� 4UfY C��� � � Q � � O � � 7 47 d O s/� � a� H C� � � rr1�71 N W � J p N C V � (9 � a' � � m cp F � O N ry D � � C] ❑ �"� Ul � C!7 , ; ,: �, , - . : �,. . Aim�rvrsl�a�t�n•. LU�N 'UL'hit3�-.I.' UAfE (3h LA'S? PAt"ltl�.\T � � ���.�� �_ i�i��;��:r.54 �r��,riviS�E�:�r�n� FC}LARiS CHIRQPRACTIC LLC , r-�: r,� t � � [}6,��.7/2I rX�411f1 �I+i� I �[Tf'S1�?f \f ��1lirl \YTftl'RINC'[P-Y9. o.00 Q.ao Th4 Jul 70 ;4iG 1d:QS:f2 LA.pel 22V36 �, i+.:Fta .,F���tir 143.Od ��ff 74 til 'it l 1'.Fl l� H�E � l o.aa ti 1-1 T�f tlp:,� -. f..� +. ll Q7/3��2Q AM[]l'Vl AtY�1 p74 E� 0.04 P'RFtik L I 1'NEM1� -IP•il. H:11_,1�{'I- a��oa.oc� 111.�1itF: 1"[1L��i P:11'?I[F:i\`I' (l\-1J�H�: i' i� ��: �t �,i.i�lin� l�f�lrr�.• 1.4�arr ScrGi�:i C��i�:i I[ir, f�� _}s���,� :�,�, ti: �� �_��, Illrecl rp9tr�tinu. sinal ri�rr'r.�tr�nrlrnrc li� Ihi+,Ed[YrCws. Small Busiize�s Adrninisxra[ion 1':i� iirE ni� rri:i�lcfl I�� �f�i. ,:dilr�•�ti mus I�r rrlurnid. + Sr:ir�l I..� �_i11 It,�i� .t� I'.��,iii �is,f��iur PO13c�x3912S • ti,r �� � �•• n, ,. ��� i; �. .� I� ��,,, i-, f., � �ur•tl:�nd, 4R �J77(l8-341R �itiall Fiutiinr;s:ldntini�tr:�tit>» -- - I�9�] �I'ti�{i�Yl:)R7 f�[]Al? 1C)F�11�[lltilI I?i ?'�1����-I; Srnice 471`fice Phnne: 80U f��'1-29�7 THiS IS A REMINDER THAT HE�GINNING a5�17%21 A FAYMENT OF $1.43. C}� WILL BE DUE bi+� Y(7UR SBA DISASTER LOAN. ****x*** THIS IS IVOT A BILL ******** Your loan is in deferment status. �Ia pa-ym�nt a�n�unt is Currently due, hawever, int�rest is aecruzng an th�� amount you have received. You may valuntarily mak� a payrrtent 4 s7 w�iich will reduce �he amount o� inte�est that Taill accrue he�nre your payra�ents are ��h�dul�d ta begin, LTse the attach�d coupc�n and return envelope ta make a valunta�y payment. If you have �i1�I CrL1e5�1t7I15, please call 80Q 659-2955. . pf-t.�: h P� �r�- z{ri{d rrel�ir�7 I,�.ti��• p�rti��r 7 witfi �,�_;� ���i� ttar���. Save upper poriian for yvur records_ . �1 ���11Rf�.l"h},4NI!• d�11�1�'�41 ISi Sl:tih.titi� Yllwfltidtifk:�11�1\ ��� �'h li�lll I\f� 1[�1 kF�qh41f�TS�T�Tf7lll}� �i tif) f 1F M1/•1171tir, fl�1']Hf?.S�.Iti�IFf113it1\k i�i_� as� w:r4 �tA n��s r�c oki u,+. G,F r: F�t::�i��. i w� i i� i� i�i �u r Er �u �� � 7%� Q� 2(? �� � i'i I tl tlt lii�irl Il Ifl�,\ tili�t�i�-Itll'r �I.I I��IM1tf M17�ti f�rl �ti,l Itl-1't11'k �1t1'lN'V`l 15[�R1.i717ii[)iitiil'I F! 1 .,i�.ititf1'�I—*:I�s +,tiN .�..rti�.�f l�ti�. f1Pt_E'-1('I.Itii_PI'StiRti1�1F'l._I�ti � I I��6f f�til'tl1'�11 �' •1MtllrNt ,1U!(]Li"ti'I'.''4C)'1� fllJF. 06%�7/2� 143.�a Q.flQ Ahit7L�'VT L:NCL[l5E�L1 I � -- � —!'Lk_-�tif f kll t h kYi Itf =i\U l(f'�SI'1.1 l!- I fif- t:l A�Ji INl] i t1H,'�1 if� lUi. fi �r�ErRE-.55 H�tti t'fi:�'r[�I'C�. �' I'I F1�[ r'11Fc'L IIEkf fi l�il 1: +'I�rl�? `�! tpftl f: �l-�� f li1\t:F �r titiG�� ti�,i�� I}riE Itlr�il y(:fr',f�,+ (.I17i1�'I.i�TF�I� �F4t)�'f �i���iii���i,��„�,��,i��ii�yi,iair,i,n�,ll���n��nll�ill�ii�i � PflLAR I5 CMI ROF'RACTI C LLC 9�3i] 1539 E 7TH 5T a=3r MONTICE�LO MN 5S3bc�-4574 � 87�'172780D '100Ci143fJ000�000Q00d{7 7 „. u _ h ��, ,� � �. c i T� c�r MONTICELLO EDA � Monticello SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT APPLICATION 1. CONTACT INFORMATION �,S"%� Il'✓� � � � � �U �� �Z ' .�-F-�rO � S eS �- �� Legal Name of Business: � �e-�+ �--_� Q� �� 5trcet Project Site Address: City / State / Zip: I� i6J-l� <e �� d /`-'�-/�' �� ?� Z �-. Contact Persor Business Phon Home Phone: ---_--- Check Onc: Yroprietor Corporation I Partnership Federal ID � tate ID # e �r6�� ��,+ ��60,�+�.�51� h�, r3. �� C� Property Owner: � � � 2. BUSINESS INFORMATION Please attach additional documentslpages as needed to be complete as possible. n. Years of operation in Monticello �`/ ?� b. List below the number of part time and full time employees. For purposes of calculation, the tenn "emplo�ees” may include those staff renting or leasing facilities within the Monticello business loention. �n 2020 FT � � � Prior to March 15 , FT � I'T �— Current � �, �� ✓e 5°�0 �.�5 ��� �. Sf� ��sfs a A � � L`e , � .,_�' � ' , _� .._ �M�'�„ � . , v c. Give a brief summary of your business (products, services, growth history, operarions, number of locations, etc.) C �S-I-� m C �.t � <UI o �z � � � u�,� Q o rr . n �o dl c�.ci�= �G�-M,�°i I ���� �,-- � e, �,� IYY`S ✓ i✓-Cu�s ✓� � C� ► �� � �J`.' W Q /� � d� ���G��,o�.,s Le�f� � � h�ve 3 e�-� ��� c� ��r, c�..� -fr� s b�t ��� � ( � L o c o- �-'�' � �� o -3 S� (U1 � -�-� ��``�� �.s� ; c e I I a d. Provide information regarding how your operations have been impacted by the pandemic, specifically hours of operation, employee reductions, etc. Include any strategies implemented to sustain your business � 6a�o $����t 1 pE'r,r, (� yre� S� �� �..,rS (r� z c�r w � A �e do �.> � � o � �r,,� b �� � (w°� ,��W �. -� � �iA� �� � � 0.0 ���,�5 f,�<:., z u��0 � -� C� m-'e b y � �� ,� ��� r�YI'�o.cD�p /noTe �` �J' � �nq Q be ��.se � �J Un E�/d � �� f. � � e, Describe of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. n � �ve �lt IY1 EmP(o eSS' ��� /7c�Qin-�'\ra � �, -A �S �� o P �� � q ��iL- Qn hd u i' �o C� � ��`� "` / , e NeQ� h e lp � /��y ,,p�,y�-� �� , �c y /� �s� W ` ,Sc� f'7'f L.«/rj � G u� � s� V� hc �� nuVe � �'e✓� 2 ` � ���P �eSe �c��a�s aPPh, V �+'-� ,�G,rcl, � ; , „�� , _, . .e �. _ ... . �Y 3. GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested: $ 4. FINANCING Please pro��ide documents/evidence of other sources of state or federal funds business has been awarded or denied during the COVID pandemic, as applic including Economic lnjury funds, PPP, etc. 5. ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please attach the follouring: �A) Proof of address B) Financial statements, such as: • Previous year s annual gross revenue • Average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19 � Projected monthly gross revenue for the next thr�� months PLEASE DO NOT SUBMTT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER N�SUBMTI' A SUMMARY OF THE 1NFORMATION KEQUESTED. C) Proof of expenses to be paid �_ D) Award/denial letters - State and Federal Assistance Programs _ ,-�, :. ;,;� 6. AGREEMENT I/ We certi�fy that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our lmowledge. I/ We authorize the Montimllo EDA to verify financial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the program and complies with all eligibility requirements. Further, the applicant understands that funds are awarded on a first-come first served basis. APPLICANI' SIGNATURE `�i �.., C�- ����1�'� APPLICANT NAME (Print): �T ��'k�- �rG vYY`- DATE: > � � %�— The EDA is a gavernmental entity and as such must provide yublic access to paGlic data it receives. Data deemed by Apqlicant to be nonpublic data urrder State Iaw should be so desig��nhd or mnrked by Applicani. See Mittnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. l attd 2. i.s�; : :e� ? '` r.�� �s� �� � s�' :r �: � : t.. � ����» �>����� https:�.iottice.supersalon.com,�otliceiplugins/reports/reports_dis... Salon Dashboard - MNIN - CUSTOM CUT and COLOR - Monticello 09/03/20 12:54 am - 01/09119 - 12131/19 � Sales Gloseout 7ransactions 5tatlstics Servlce Revenue Y174703 65 92.1% Cash to 535375.7� 16 7% �olti� 57168 39 (60) 3 856 Total Guest 416� Service Only Product Revenue 13582 17 72% Deposft Payment Count ----.- --. product Only Check to Casb 532198 13 (1039) 77 0% Serv 6 Protl Gt1i Certs Net 1360 99 0 7% 3310.76 1.6% Deposit Ticket Avenga yl5 59 GM Ca 0 0% �$a 5148099 57 (3008) 7B 2% PPH 526 88 Total Cash+ �540174%GiR 5726.17 (16} 04% Sales Su�total 5189646.81 Check PPG 83 26 Avenge waitlng ~ ales Taz 9.56 Gift CeR check E1753.44 (21) 0 6% time wl reqs 2104 13 7.0% Sales Total 5190581.37 Redeemed Productlon Avera e waitin Hours �96�97 time wlo re s e Gift Card O.W 0.0% Total 518934570 (4144) 100% Q Redeemed Non-ProEuetlon �4D5 Wainime > 20 mfnn Paitlout 5707.31 Cash + Hours Raqs with walttima Check * 38769.53 18A% Totel Houfa 65�2_� � y0 mins Tips Collacted $2162529 G�n waiko�xs Tips AAjusted $0.00 ���� 172324 13 81.7% Look 8 Walk Cards Tips Owed 52162529 Phone Refunds Auth 0.00 0.0% ReCos Debit 0.00 0 0% Volds caras Other 0.00 0.0% Tender Total Tentlers 21095068 100% Collected OpeNng E_�1b7 nu +r- I of 2 Guests De1 Type New Repeat Quick Sale Unknown ToUI Requested No� Requestetl Female Male Child Tean Atlult Senior Cash E21207 52 OverlShort 3658 87 9% 147 3 5% 333 80% 4138 100D% 8.33 m 8.33 m 346 223 4 2 51 E2096.54 40 E2053.54 139 $361625 Service Detail iop 6ranw ���������� ��r �� sales Service Qty � Tme Sales f % Free 5 Disc S Disc% Protluct aty Sales S % Disc b Discounts Qty Tot f Tot %%eW Rep % HalrCul 327655.�%00:31:03 674407538.6%E334.85 57'1170 7B%Joico 157 340653 25.1% 32.OBFacebook 370 6710.4537.0%18.1% 75.1% Colw 172629.0%00:4329 85725.0349.1%E9852510512.8510.8�RUSK 125 2218.03 163%30240Percentoft yya�c 669 11.3%0027�.53 10598A5 6.7% 561.99 949.66 82%CREATE IT 716 2212.80 16.3% 87.00 Facebook tlollar 748 2�� y�J �5.4% 182% 737% Style 100 77%00�40:37 2729.33 1.6% EODO 42.00 �.5%MyAmazing 45 934.73 6.9% 2120°ff��� 85 1722.45 9S%22.a% 71.8% Makeup 78 1.3%0026:57 4602.33 2.6%E230D0 312.00 6.3%DevaCud 34 785.80 5.8% 1220Pun��� 339 1693.00 9.3%12.7% 77.9% T2atmen[ 52 0.9%00:42.49 1005.68 0.6% EO.DO 29.00 2.6%TIGI 27 533.00 3.9% ODONewspaper 65 1105.75 6.1%33.8% 63.1% pertn 20 0.3%01:48:02 1527.82 0.9% SO-00 0.00 0.0% MaliDu 27 38375 2.8% 112� st cartl 243 1085.94 6.0% 31 7% 54.3% Other 8 0.1 %00:16�A1 38.00 0.0% EO DO 0.00 0.0% Hempz Lotion 26 361.00 2.7% 60.00 PO ws Paper 257 847.66 4.7% 17.9% 74.3% Cobr Kenra 24 516.40 3.8% 2.10 CortecUon 4 0.1%012fr58 883J5 0.5% E0.00 0.00 0.0%GIBS i6 355.00 26% �1.00RuskBOGO �p 437,0p 1.3% 8.3% 917% 4 0.1%0024�45 43.96 0.0% E0.00 0.00 0.0%AG B 19200 1.4% OOOFREE Shampoo mmpetitor BlowDry 4 0.1%00:15�.06 703.96 0.1% f0.00 0.00 0.0%AQUAGE 7 140.70 7.0% 4.30�upon � 137.93 0.8%27.8% 50.0% E��a 1 0.0%00�00�08 4.99 00% 50.00 0.00 00%olaplex 5 129.60 1.0% 540brentlasfamily 38 1612.09 8.9% 0.0%100.0% Se�,ices The�Met 5 65.D0 0.5% 7D0 StoreTotals 2�93������96-8%19-1% 72.3% Store 5942 100%00�20'48174703.65100%1fi72091755721 9.0%B^�� Totals: Paui Mittliell 4 80 00 OA% 0.00 Wella 3 52.80 OA% Z20 UNWASH 2 4275 0.3% 225 Chi 2 40.00 0.3% ODO Nioxin 2 29,00 02% 000 TeaTree 1 23.00 02% OAO 9/2/2020, 7:54 PM -- --_ __ ------ -a ---- - �.� _��.._ � ,o�, . m. . 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AuBust 21, 2020 .,w �the pr�:viaipn of m [Yte tii:itc` of _. w+: eward° tiilrer Salon Oflice brir� :a uld re� Salon Dashboard - MNIN - CUSTOM CUT and COLOR - Monticello 09/03l20 01:02 am - 01 I01/20 - 08/31 /20 Sales Closeout Transactions Stafistics Service Revenue 595264 87 94A % Casb to MWti- Total Guest �� Service Only ProductRevenue 528800 52%Deposit $�8574 84 16 3%Payment $�11�42 �2�) 34�Count productOnly Gift Certs Net 797 00 OB% Check ro ��2 � � 6� Cash $15536 35 (444) 15.4% �rv g prod Deposit Visa $81660.96 (1508) 80.9% Ticket Average $50.88 GHt Cards Net 0 00 0.0% ppH $33.41 TO�� \ Cash+ �8514.8416.3%Gifl $320.94 (11) 0.3% Sa�esSu6fotal 310�34981 J Check PPG $2.65Av¢ragewaiting time wl reqs SalesTax 361.88 GiftCert ���01 1.0% Redeemed Total $100929.69 (1990) 1D0% Production 255� �B qverage waiting Sales Tofal $�0171�69 Gift Card Hours time w!o reqs Redeemed 0.00 0 0% Non- Waittime> 20 Paidout $684.90 Cash + ProduCtion 575 mins Check+ 19680.8517.3% H��� Reqswith Tips Collected $11561.60 Gift Total Hours 28`,�6_93 waitt�me > 20 TipsAdjusted $�.�� C��t g30932782.1% mins Cards Walkouts Tips Owed $11561.60 Phone Auth 0.00 OD% Look 8 Walk Refunds Debit 0.00 0.0% Redos Cartls Other Voids 7enCer 0.00 0.0% Total Tenders ����49 100% Collected OPening g_2184.58 Till +l- Cash g��q�0.68 OverlShort Guests Detail Type Qty %Qty Sales S %Sales T.A. A"" $�pr _ New 431 21.6% 26378$8 26.0% 6L20 ..� Repeat 1499 75.3% 72965.97 72.0% 48.68 � . puickSale 62 3.7% 2004.96 2.0% 32.34 1�: �� Unknown 0 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 .. __ 7otal 1992 700% 101349.81 100% 50.88 �. Requested 0 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 .... Non Requested 1992 100.0% 102333.80 10L0% 51.37 . Female 1079 542% 69769.41 68.8h 64.66 :.�.: Male 434 27.8% 991'1.90 9.B% 22.84 ,.�. Child 14 0.7% 378.96 0.4% 27.07 .. Teen 0 0.0% 0.00 0.0% O.W �,.... AdWt 153 7.7% 74277'I 7.3% 48.55 . Seniw 2 0_t% 37.00 0.0% 18.50 ..�. Service Detail Top Brands 1770 88 9°G 53 27% 162 8 1 % 1985 100.0 % 3.23 m 3.23 m 69 42 0 0 17 $983.99 13 $1103.99 25 $729-98 Discour�Ys lop 10 Service pty � T� Sales S N%� Free S Disc E Disc h Product pty Sales E S o� 5 Disc f Discounts Qty Tot S Tot / New Rep % h HairCut 167060.5%0026:5140657.39427%$199.971671.94 3.9%RUSK 57 938.00 177%200.00FacebookPercent 62138720 28.6% 33.9%61.3% Color 69625.2%00272645056.0047.3%$729.942596.65 5.4%Joico 491641.41 197% O.00off Wax 270 9.8% 0024:51 394882 4.1 %$15.00 226.73 5.4% CREATE IT 41 851_00 16.1 % 0.00 Facebook dollar off 194 81872 16.9 % 27.3% 59.8% Style 42 1.5%00:33:03 1116.87 t2% $50.99 53.99 4.6% TIGI 22 431.00 82 h 0.00 Punch cartl 100 507.00 10.4% 6_0% 80.0°h Makeup 36 1.q%00:52:54 1934.00 2.0% $0.00 0.00 0.0%A�UAGE 17 334.00 6.3% O.00P�S��b 10 366.85 7.6°i6 30-Ok 70.0°�6 Perm 25 0.9%00.5437 2042.97 2. t% 50.00 0.00 0.0 % Kenra 17 435.00 82% 0.00 Post card 61 276.99 5.7% 14.8 % 68.9 % TreaVnant 17 0.6%01:04:53 493.96 0.5% $0.00 0.00 0.0%Malfbu 15 23520 4.4% 4.BONewsPaper 47 170.94 3.5% 14.9%68.1% Other 3 0.1%00242� 15-00 0.0% $0.00 0.00 0.0%MyAmazing 12 244.89 4.6% O.00Newspaper 8 170.50 3.5% 12.5%BZS% Stwe p761 100%00:16�5995264.81 100% 995.904549.31 4S%Hempz seniordiswunt 31 44.01 0.9% 19.4%77.4% Totals: Lotion �0 175.00 3.3% O.DO�m etitorcou p pon 5 16.00 0.3 % 20-0 % 60.0% Deva Cud 6 215.00 4.� % 0.00 brendas family 26 1095.90 22.6% 3.8% 92.3 % GIBS 4 104.00 2.0 % 0.00 Store Totals Sd4 4854.11 � 00.0 % 19.9 % 68.6 % The Wet 3 51.00 1.0% 0.00 Brush Paul Mitchell 2 21.00 0.4% 0.00 Jonny B 1 12.00 0.2% 0.00 Nloxin 1 14_50 0.3% 0.00 AG 1 24.00 0.5% 0-00 Wella 1 20.00 0.4% 0.00 Scruples 1 16.00 0.3% 0.00 Unknown 34 125.00 2.4% 0.00 Salon pgq5288.00�00.0%264.80 Totals 912/2020. 8:02 PM Jacob Thunander From: Brenda Breum Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 9:50 AM To: Jim Thares Cc: Jacob Thunander Subject: Re: Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program Oh. Yes we did receive the ppl for $77 Get Outlook for iOS From: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 9:38:27 AM To: Brenda Breum Cc: Jacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program Thank you Brenda! Also, did you receive a PPP Loan or EIDL Grant? If so, how much. Thank you for responding. From: Brenda Breum Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 9:26 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Cc: Jacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Re: Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program 1 � "' "' M(]IVTICELL(] EDA �. . � �Q�����', � SMALL BUSII`iESS EME�GE1�1iCY GRANT APPLI�ATIl7I�I 1. Ct7NTACT INF�IZMATIGN Lc�;al Narnc c�f E3usincss: �f� t ���--A I��}Y1 1 N�L �-� �� Q��� � J Pr��j+�v�t Sit�� �cidr�*ss� � 1 � � ��17 �� `�� City � St�kL � Ii�: 1�_� ��1.+' `�i 1�1=`1--11.v� j�''11"�'� �� 3� � " ------------ Ct���t�+�=t E'��rsnn(s}: �F���=� � ��� � 1— f3t151t1�5S P�c>��(�: � ❑ � ' �� �_ � `�h�� i rn ei i l' _ f {t�tnc I'l�c�i�c: Ch+�ik �ant:: I'�c,�,r ic�t�,r �'" Ct�r���r�tinn Feder�l ID � �7f�ItL` �d � f'rc��aerty C7�,�sYc•r: ��t�'i1'�l F'7�� � � S��7itElE: CS}1i�3 2_ �3LISINE5S INF'[]ItMATI[]N I'lease attc�ch c�rlc[ifin�ru! r�ocaerneritsl�a��s czs irc�c�dc�c�t t� br c�rr��zlet�E ns pnssrlrt�. cr. Y���ar� c�l t�����'.�tic�t� in 1��1c�t�ttit�Iic� �� ���� d�, List k�cla�• tlzc nu�rab�:r o� �art tim� ;and Full tirn� cmp�c�vices. Fni� Jtrrr��7c�s�3:� af ��rzl��rrl��trc�n, tli�� f[�rl1t "c�fr��J��i�c�ct�" mrr�� i�a��lrrr�e tizn�c� Gfr�f rc�rrtin�r or l��rrsrM,�> frrc�ilit�cs zrritlrir� flar• Mc�rrfic•t�ldn l�rt�irrc�s� 1oc�rifrc�rr. ['riur tc� March I:��h, ?(�2U Gurrent ] FT � ['T � FT _���. ['`T � _�. c. Ci��e a bricf s���rimary c�f yc�ur h�isincss ��arc��j�acts, ser�'rcc�s, �;rowth hi5t�ry, c�pc�r�tions, number c�t lc�catior�s, etc.} �"� :�,5' {� f � �'� � � � �r� c1, I'ro��id� infcarmation rc�;a�-din�; tics�� yc�ur c���erakic�tis h��vci �7L'E'Ti II11�.7��cted by the ��n�c■mic, spc��`ific��Cly hc�urs t�f opc:ra�ic�n, rm�loti ��c� �•��di��tions, 4Ee. lnrlud� �3ny Str7tt'�;ics i��plemcnted tc� s�sstair� ynur b��5iness �� C � i Y� E.� �� 6 5`�� t� �' �� 1�� �-'�'� l� `� c� � �C � � P �"� `�'L� � � +`� e. Drsc.ribc: c�t th� curr�:nt pl�t�is ft�r rtsurning n��ratsnns i�il]c�wi�-��; thcy CC?VID-]9 c risis. �-I � S I-I r�-� C S � I b S'� 't �,ci f J� �� �j u 5 i��_ S S � J� �_,�Yi � ��-� � � �� ��� � i � rti �f , 3. GI�ANT �i,F'{QUFST c e�� Aca-iou�tt �2c�qu�sttc�: $ 5 ��O , E �� 4. F[1VANCING Plcasc prc�wic�c dc�ctsm�ntsle�•idet�c� ��� c�t}�Lr ���urcc�s of statc cir fcc���ral fur�ds y��ttr k�usiness has becn �warc�et� or c���nied durin�; thc C�V�CJ pt�nc�E�rnic�, as a�pficz�ble, isirlutjin� Ecottamie Ir�ji.�ry lfunc�s, f'I'f', ckc. a. AT"I'A.C�i1V�ENTS CHECK I,IST Yle��s� atta�� thc Fc711c�wira�: -- A� Pr�►��r c�f ac�[dress _ B) Fintan�:ial st��tc�ment�, su�}� �s: • f'rcc�i«��s year`s G�nnc�ai �;rc�ss r��Wcnue • A��cr�gc mc�3�thly �;rt7ss rc*��nuc p�-i��r to CC�V1D-19 + I'r�rjE:cted mcmthly �;rt�5s r��eriu� FQ�r t}�r� T�ext thr��e mc�:lths !'LEAS� �)t) NC7T SUBNiIT �'�1�Jr"�NC1,^�L STATEMENTS f�ATHEIZ 5UI3MIT A SUMivIARY L7� TE-iE�, 1NF�I�MATIC)N T�E�U�ST�D. C} Prcx�F c�f exprnses tc� bc pe�i�[ ___. � D} Awardl�icni��l lettcrs— 5taic an�� F�dt�r�l Assistatie� f'rt�grams b. AGREEMENT � 11'Vc �crtity tf�at all inFarm�tfc�t� pr��ic�E�c� in il-�is z��}�licatios� is trur and c:nrs�c�rt t�a the b�st oF my/�ur knc�wledgc. I 1 b'Ve authnriz� thc� Mnntircll�� EDA tc� 4�crif�r Finan�ial anc� �ther inFor�r�ation. C � VI+'� agrec tn prt��tidG arly �c�lditi�nal ir7fc�rmati�n as inay b� reqtac�ste� by thL �ity. Th�� un�iersi�;ned has rc�ci�cc� t#��� EDA's �c�licy re�;�rdiri�; thc prc�gram and carnplr�s with al� eligibility r�c�uiremc�nts. F�rthc:r, the ��p�iicarlt underst{inds that fun�is are a��arded E�n a first-ctan�e first sGr�c�d f�a�is. A['f'L[��ANT S[G1VA'T'L1�ZE � �� � t Yl .L:�'�Yt..l— _ � �° E;� � ��- , , � AI'PLICAI`�T NAl1�9F. ��'rint): � C� [ �YI ►�'�4J�_1�� _ I7ATE: � ? `�f � Z'� 7'!zc �;DA rs � goz=crr:�fte�:tn! c�artity a€:ct �zs sr;cl+ rnrest provi�te pr�[f[ic necess tn �:cb[ic rintu it receives. Drstr� drerraert tr�� �lpptiec�iat to be �erriipxr�7lir rirrta� rr�id�°r Str�tc lazv slr�rudrt bc sc� dcsigs:nted crr ar�arker[ t�y Applica�rf. See h?a�rriesot�n 5tc�irrtes, Se�ciiorrs T3.59T, S�c[�rt. 7 rarirf ?. 3 Statistics Report fvr 8127 j' ���f� r This Year 1 Today ¢��MTD ROOII� �T�►TiSTICS �' � I ulaf fioon�s i[1 i.89(1 {}4Cl OI iR:�l'T1lOY1 RU13131ti � �� �raiiaFrie fioams fi4 I,RG3 [li�I al (hd�r Hnums [7 '� 'i'���.�i Itrntalnle Rorrnzs G9 1,�359 IZc�rolu� E�uc�rtts IS t3�1? 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C iucsls -- ------ �4C'fE111TY CDUNTS I ��lal lZc,rnaiitm� \1,idL I nlal 14'a�l: Inw l ul:il Nn Sl�m� I nlsil K�Sir� alinn L'anc�;ll:stit�ns 1 �3ial l:.�r11 C'hcck lns I uisil E:arl� C'hcck (luis REV�MUE �._ . -- ----------- ----- � I oE�il l a.1:3h1w ft[xm3 Itc��nuc l nfat Nc�ir I axablc Itrn1m i2c�cnuc I crial I'arti.tlEv l axablc 12oom it�4cn�i� "I'otxl F2nnm Rc►en��e I ot.il f�is R��rmic fotri] I iruc! arrcl I3e��n��.c ltc�cnuc C c�tu] ( hhcx f2cvcr�u�: 1'01:�1 Re� enuc Coia� C'atih E'a� mcn[v F��ta! C`redit Card f'a� m�nts 'I'ntxl Pa� mentv `[�ri�rl 13ircct l;ill'fraijsfcrs $7G. ii0 $7F�.l�i} 3K�.3b � � �3.42 2§ ] 25 1.41 �{.� .�il S;R,4 I 12 S I 12 U L] U {1 .'s $75.15 $73.1? $7�.15 9�7_+.I? �xtr.sc� �a��.s� �?i,7A 9�2U.S7 873 4'1 922 1.37 $�4.�i' $59, I Il �2� 182 i �1 3.39 42 3 57 9 II {�,(, ; I 386 7.1117 1.d2 ��137 $55.t3(J 2.R1�1 1,5$3 !7� $47,�]�#?.�} I �34f1,b6f1_ 18 5{).{}t? $0.[3{} �;4.00 �[].(}[} r �-- - 5�37,4dti.� 1 53-3�.fi{ai�. l £� '63.53�1.UEJ 9�'_5. ] ��}.�il $[�Atl `6{7.[�� $ I [)G,SCi $�},$9Li.37 55! �59 i .OG 5371�.G95.4fs '�.i.277.4d 54�.72?.7y � $47.'��l.7tJ '�327.7sy. ;2 � I SSEl,�72.23 5372,-t82.11 �2.x�U.71 � �+34.512.3� � -� � �,� -�� ���,� 8�28�Z020 i.4�:41 PM Page 4 [1f 1 YTD 7[1 1.8�J[1 I Ca.7 +�) i ?7 ?J�i (i�] 1,R(�3 1fi,�90 o i �;� b9 1,Rfi2 1(�,3�6 ;q [} n I) 39 39 3{! 7.liE77 � ti f IT 7.�92 '7: ){�2 $.�fi� $(i.5"?a:o 6�.Hi°e �K.�Sx"h $(i.�Z°ja GP.£i4°�o �i7.Hfi°o S{�.52°u 61.87°'n �182�°0 5().J�°ro 61.H�°'o �1$.,i1Qlo S{�.52°!a {�I.€34% 43.92",u SG,S�°Io (y I .87°%n =}f�..i �'?a Sf�,529/o G I .Sd°/n �17.92°in 4$2.l] l $$9.�15 $�fi. i G :$82.Ii I g��).�35 �86.16 5f3�.2�$ �'37.8li ��74. ] I $�}f�.35 $5?.� I R�11.2a 5i � 55 i.:sCi :6fi€J.�iS $fj5.4U 7 �j 7 � 1.83f} I fa 7 I.997 9 . S`) $S(i,31 $b I .fit) 587 3 7S I 9i3 -1�) I 177 2U vc, i 2 11.6?S ] . 3b9 12.997 I .-}7 ySH.d€� ${�3.�7 �1.29� 3.6f�y y;�i �3.23 7 gp5 121 c,xa G �I �3.i�78.39 �103.04R.y�} $677.H88.�5 ��l.Uil b0.11[i �t.t18l.7f1 `SU.UII �U 0(l -�--�f1.I7{) 53.19ii.34 5 iU3,R�18.59 Cb79,9G9.E35 �h'(�7.K7 58.G�il.fi�) $57.1-III.{1[} $U.{)tl $�.G)il $[}.[Y[) �Q.{]� $ I _C1d3.07 $� ?73.7 I 53.4(il.2G 5�112,733.,�� 57-�2,fii33.5(� �{1.i1(} 57.b2G.jti $�E�.�]i8..i9 $3.flfiG.f�2 $i[?y.U4��i.d�# $(s93.[11?.67 S3,UGG.G2 511G,221.F}2 �;7-1�1,931AG $i}.OU $3,78�1.?6 $_i2.$�13.{i5 �1._ , �� � � Y r �����������5 �-r�- � � ,-"",�%:, ���; JiC���r��►��y� RESP��i5161E SY NATIIRE� � J rs v� �t?A4L'�AYfRA�ES� Lact Yeer Temparature 67° r EIBCif1fl[y If�W�l �2�7.7 Ele�tricitv Cast �_ 597.'9 �I�ESTl�NSA6�UT Y�DI�R gILL? --- — See our wausita: x��:g�e�9Y com Email us �i. �uston�erservice�xceVenergy.cd�n P9ease Call: 1-8b0-dBl•47�6 Hearing impa�red° 1-8f1d-B95-d949 �ax: 1-800-3� 1-U050 �I�RTHEhiiV 51 AI t5 ruYu�n �un�rK+v� SERYICE A04R�S5 SAI J{si.AAAM INC - - -v- — — - 1 i 14 CE[}Afl ST M(}t�iTIC'ELlO, MN 55362-89i 1 r ACCOL�S+fT p1UNEBE� __ Si:i��l�?I;P�Jl [1111 ,}.l�:f, ajAiEfSRE�df GAFti j J. _�� — U7/0�1202a 51114�MARY OF Ct1RRENT GHARG�S ldelaiVed eharges Uei�En pn pag� ?� �lectricity Service �61�3f�4 - D11�5I24 Z52fl0 kWf� _ _ _ -- __ ... $2,953,25 CR.irrent c[�atges _.- _- - -- S"1,953.25 ACC(�UNT BA�IP�CE fRalanca d�a s�� cuantel Previaus Balance As �f 06/fl3 Payr�ent Receiv�d Gredit Card 061�3 Balance Fnrwar�i GurresitCharges _____ _. __ . — - A�11pUflt D'ElB fCantr'dad � pa flarJ $],9��.49 -$1.93ti 49 CR — -- - �0.� $2.953.25 � _ . _ _ _ — . _ _- . - -- - ��,953.25 � �r write us at: 7(CE� E�iERG�' 1NFDRMATION ABaUT YDU�! BILL Poe�xs - - ------ _ __ _ �au c�a�i�� w� sar�2-oae� Your safety and the safety of tiur employees will always he aur top p�iority, We are preparec# and are taking steps tu ensure we'il cont�nue tc� 6e there for you to meet your energy r�eed� as G�1VID-19 affeCts a grQ+wing n�m�er af bus�nesses in our ��mmunities. �ur tearn will he wQrking day and nightto deli�er th� en�r9Y your ��sines� counts an. Learn rnors at x�elenergy.camlcorrid-�9_respanse. As we contir�ua to wark ta slaw the sprea� af COVi�-19, payrnent prncessing may he �elayed, If y+au"ue recen�ly rrratle a paymsnt and don`t see it re#lacted, pleasei�now we w�fl not charge late fees during this time and we're working t� proc�s5 your payment a� quic'kly as possibf� - ihere is na need tn c�rrtaet us. Th�nk y�u f�rr yaur p,ayrnent Gonver�ience at your servlCe - Pay YoUr hills electr4nically-#ast an� easy Wit}� �iectr�r�ic F�nds Transfer. CaN us at 1-84d-A�1-4lU(7 �r wisit us at www,xcelenergy.com, � �.- a r ,•; v., {'; , I�., r. �'•;� . PLEASE OQ!lOiR15E STA9LES,TN"E UR PAPER qJPS � �GC[1UH7Nu�+4aER i DLI�SATE � , � i � �,� Xce1 �ne�gy. � -- -- � .. , o�f7��aazo .�,�� �.�3 ;._� sa ��e ;,a hack of tl�is 6i11 for mare intarmation " rayard�n� tfre lace �aymentcharge. Pay on arbafare the date due ta avoid assessmerrt af a late p8ymasrt cltiatge. � � 3 4 Make yvur clsecl peyable io 7(CEL ENERGY S 6 � 7; 8 9 10 : 11 12 �{3 14 E 15 : 16 17 , 18 Av �1 625548 2�?1 o9B 90 R"50Gr �9 20 � 22 x3 a4 ' 25 i! I �6 ; 2T j 28 � 29 30 31 I��Rn'li�iif}�ii�s9i���i�i,��s�nu��j���%�1�n��lEu� �� �I ��I JAi JALAf�4F1 ING 1ti1d C�bAR ST MONTIC�I.LD �IN 55362-831 1 ��i���ii14lii���IYaiswll�����IIlII1,41��,I��E�Ill�sil�l�,��s����, X�EL EN�RGY F , 0 , Bp?( 9A77 �l�LS MN 55484-9477 3C S1Q7�12l� �Q3��9`�Q]�30? 4'���7�2'�5325��3��3C1�`�5325 ����� ���r���� � SEFIVI£� A�bAESS JA} JAEPRAA�I II�lC i i 14 C£#'111R 57 �nc��ri��u4. r�� ���sz-a9„ �tuMse� � 07�11"ii 02�[1 ; s�r�Ten���ar �u��se� � s�n�En�e�r oarE � — - - ; --- � � o��osrznzo S�.�zS iNFORMATIOiV ABOUT YQUR BlLL --- __ —_.___. � Fpr ��1 averag� nort-�d�m�nd CUStOmer, 68°I� o# yaur �ill r�fers to pow�r plant casts, 15�'o tv high vQltage line eosts, and 17°Ia tt� fhe cost af IaCa! wires Cannect�d to yaur bu5ir��s5, Far ara average dem�nd-bi�led c�stomer, 78°Io vf yaur total bi{I re#�ers ta �}DY1+BC pl�fit CQStS, 15�'o tv high vo�tage lines, and 7'0l� to the cost af Eacak wires cannected to yvur hus�ness. �_ -� ; � . ..•J^ - . ... , �. �'°!�i � i' •S. ' . .' � �r .l� .. "_'. .... . . ; ." '.. Q _. ; . n .� e.. . � �• ' � ... �". Variahfe frequency dri�es �VFDsf are used across industries kv increas� the efficiency of HVAC and motar-driaen systems, including water w�ll purt�ps, If you're I+ooKing for ways to sa►re money and reduce energy us�, c�nsia�r ad��ng VF[3s and earn rebates frum $4�o tv $8,00� per unit, depend�ng an horsepc�wer. Connect wi#h an er�ergy advisar a# ,��rt�; ,,.,:�.,M1� ;;:, or visit .. :���,:�r+:�rr;�.�;c�E-�,,�s-±��'i�f;E�� ta learn more, June 16, 2C]2C} In�aice Numher: Ac�ount: fVum�er: 5scurity Code: 5ervice At: � 1 i 4 C'�DA� ST CUfV i RDL ALCC7L3NT MC7N'�iCELLO MN 55352-8911 Cantaat Us �u�stiar�s abnut your k�ill or services? Visit sE3ectrumlausiness.net Or Cdll t.8C10.31�.7195 Previ�rus Balance 1,253.04 Payments Received -Th�nk Y�u± -1,253.(l4 �ei��air�izig Salance Sfl.00 S ectrum BusinessT"" Services 1 253.a4 T�ial ?'o'�e FJeducteci $3,253.04 Your Auto Fay Wifl Be Prc�essed a7l+�312{] TFrank you for choosing Spectrum Business. W� appreciate yaur pram�t payment and vafue you a� a cusivmer. Sp�CFru�1 �USfNESS 4945 5 FALKENBUhG RD RIVEfiVIEW FL 33578-8F52 88?232dB Nt]RPSBC]Bh72920NNh{NiJMPdN07000278 OOQ7 SU�'ER 8-iIA�NTtGEL14 1i14CEDAR 5T MOtJ710ELL011�N 55�2-$911 IrII�I�PIII'll�i�lif �Ill�������fii�l�ll���li�����i����l�e1E��f��� Autc� Pay Natice S��CT{�lJ� BUSBNESS h1�UVS June 1 fi. ZO�Q Super 8 - Mortticelio Ir�voice Number Accoun#� N�mber Service A#: i i 34 CEDAR 5'f co�vT�o� Accou��r M�NTICELL� M�k 5536�-89i 1 �otal Ta Be [}educ#ed ��1,253.a4 CHARTER COMMl1NICA7lUNS PD 607t 94188 PALA7INE E� 6f}t}94-41$8 ��i��ll��ll��lhl��rl�a��sil�l�(i�Ili����1i,�E���sir,��,��E,i��„ :����rr-r+i�I�I�I���I�r��r��i+� Page 3 vi A J;�r�� 16, zp2� 5uoer 8 P�1on�iceilo lnvaice fVumber Aacount: Numtaer: hiierarchy I�: Securitv Cade: �/f4rtthiy GhafgE:� Date Descript�vn f�uanrity Rmaunt May 31 - Jun 3D BasiC 1� p p� �May31 - Jun 36 Expande3 Basic �� p.gp Nfay3f -.fun 3D HBD �5 p.0� May 31 - Jun 30 Ota Equipment 45 �,pp May31 • Jun 34 �i� � ineup 1� p.pp NlonEhlyCC�arre_s-. S;1�i�:::; ; :;, �p T��t�i Far ,4e�co�Gn� : i; �D Et.�UIP 3- DTA - S�PE%� S- h:1.�'iNTICELLQ 1414 CEQAR ST MOiVTICEL�C] "Hiiv I Ac�ourtt Nurnber. Security Cod2 Moti#�"tly Chc.i[�'e5 Rate Deseription puantlty AmQUnt May 28 - Jurt 27 8asic �� �� May 28 - Jun 27 Exp�nderS 8asic 1 S p_Op May 28 - Jun 27 HBO �5 p.Qp May Z8 - Jun 2i (7ka Equipmera# 15 �.00 May 28 - Jun 27 Hf7 LineuP 15 (}.p� �llnnlhly Chaer��s S�= � .; ._ �� ;:,,.0� Tofa1 For Ar_cor,�c,: ).�30 EI��LlIP 4- DTA - SU��R 8- hIk4NTfCEL�� t11qCEDAR ST nnatiricE��a, r��t� �ss52-a�i � Account Numt�er, � Security Gode: i�1iDt�thly �:: i, _,; _#2� [late Qescript[a� f�uantity Rrc�vunt May 28 - Jun �7 Basac �� p_�p May 28 - Jun �7 Expanded 8asic i S O.OQ May 28 - Jun 27 NBD i� p.�p May 28 - Jun 27 Dta Equipment � g p.pp Ma 28 - Jun 27 N� Lrn�� � s a pp h�fOnfhfsf Ghr,r'�r,•.; 5irl;i-<i-_. � . 50.�(} iataf Far Aec, .: Sn.40 �OIlIP 5- U7A - SUPER Q_ h��PJiICELLa 1174CE[7Aft ST MDNTICELLG. 'v1;.1 =.F-{rry_ e� Account NumSer Security Coc;e Mont�tly ChBi�E� �]ate Cf�scription G�uant�y Amount M�y 28 - Jun 27 B�Sic 1 fl p Qp. Nlay 28 - Jun 27 �xp�nded B�SiC 14 (].Qp MFay 28 -.lun 27 HBO 1p a.t70 May 28 - Jun 27 �ta Equipment 70 p.p0 MB�+ 28 - Jur� 27 Hp LineuR 10 Q,pp Monthiy Ctte,r: :.= , SO.A(} Sp�rum susr�u�ss C ontact US �uestions abou# your bil! or services? Visit s�ectrumbusiness.net or cal[ 1.80a. ;1�.7i95 �07.232-0� idU" RR 16Q5772[12UNNNh1NNtJN Cit p0027$ �OOtlM PUSLIC VfEW - SU�ER S- h1O!VTICELlfl 1114 CEfJAR 5T f�(]NTICELLQ. �:1i;' -� Account Nur�ib:�r 5ecurify Cad� Mv�t�ly cf,�tg�5 Qate Description i�uantity A►nount 14�ay 28 - Jun 27 Sasic 7 �.pq May 28 -Jun 27 �xpanded Basic f 24.Op May 28 - Jun 27 �ka Equipment 1 7.50 May 28 - Jun 2l HCY Lineup � Q pp � €�tiniy Gharges 8ubiataf � 557.5b -:-�:::Ps Ar7ct Fe�s Description 8roadcast iV Surcharge Gounty Sal�s Tax State 5ales Tax �ranchise Fee PEG Access Fee Taxes �nd Fees �irt�°�E�� �LaI�31 For A£[:��i:i �i SPAR�-OTA-Sl1PEFi 8 1114CERAR 5T MONrICELLO, Mh! 55362-8911 ACCount !Jumaer S�e.z�rity Coti� Amounf 13.50 Q.38 5.21 4.11 {1.70 :'? 3.94 ':1.SL' �7�fe �escriptivn Quantity Amount May 27 - Ju15 26 $asic 1 Q Q� May 27 - Jun 2B �xpanded Basic � ¢,pp Ma �7 - Jun 26 Dta E ui ment t p_pp i�lioattl�ly Charc; : :?r.I�:ar.;:,�; :i�.0� 1'atal Far' Accou��� USE[]-pTA3l]PER 8 1114 CE��IR S? MONTfCELLCi, iv1PJ �53,2-u91' Accaun# h�urnber: Security Cade: � _�.DU `:ianthly Charg�s Date [iescnption quantity ,4rr�unt May �^7 - Jvn 26 Basie � q qp NEay 27 _.lun 2fi 6xpand�d Basic T {y,flp Ma 27 - Jun 2fi D#a E ui ment � p.�pp �Aon[hly Charc�f': 5�,`:7;�,;,,r ��fl.4U Total For Accc�:; Sur�prapt Sul�i�:::J , .,,,c_,u.:;i;;. '�ertai Fpr Contral Account: SumoRQ00 Tataf AcC�unts: '!0 roca� �arc,G�:�:.�: so,00 �fotai To �e ��duct�d _' O.OU ;: '�.1:;3.U4 aa.zsa.ua $�,253.�D4 Ccxitinuet3 an the next page. 1J w NUN�HtFiN SIAf t5 PqWER CQMPRNY , � 5EAY8CE AG[1RES5 f1Cf.ti�hi7 f�IUfNF3�R _ — --- � ���� ������� JAI3ALARAM !NG _ 4._ 1114 CE{lAR 5T ��i ; �;��i ��1 --- -- ----- . '°- y' iN�1NiIGELL0,MN553Fi2-8911 15TATEh1�f�TNUIYIB€Fi STRTEMEiVT�ATE � � � RESPOHiiBlE dM" FlIlT11REM i -- � ag�oa��azo ; ��,3��.za Qo�tir �iv�i�a�� ��� raet demperature 72` F � Elettricity k1Nh 9)6.1 ElecxNCiiy Cns1 5108.08 c�uE��riar�s aaaur rvu� a���? SEPOUfWE�?51��E; KC�'!@i}Ef(Jy.CD�I Errrail us at: C�stomerservi�e�xcefenergy.cam Please Call: 1-8�0-461-41DD F#earing Impairetl: 1-$UO-895�4'949 F�x: � •�ao-�a i -oa�a Qr wrste us at: 1{C�L EiVERGY PO 6(]X 8 EAI� CLAIRE VIIE 54702-DDOB f � ��', l�fc�lEn�r�y� SUMMARY E]F Cll�R�NT C�IARGES �deta�i�i ct,arges ee��n on P��e z� ElectriCity Serrrice o��o5��a - as�o�f�a 248G0 kWh Non-Aecurring Char�es 1 Credits Gurrem Gharges --- - - ACCaUIVT BALANC� (earancedasucu�nta,+ Previous 6alar3CB As t�f Q7JQ5 P�yrrte�t �eceivetl Credit Gartl 47�Z1 Balance �orwar� Current Cfiarges — -- — _--_ AII'dQUllt pl1@ (Cantidad e pagarl �a,gao.ii -�a4�.sa �c� s�e�5s.zi $2,'953.Z� -$2.953.25 CR -- ;0.�0 $z,���.z� 52.358.Z1 i�IFI3RMATIQN,A�BOGT YOUR BIL� Yo�r saf�t� and the safety of nur er�ployees will aiways be our tap priarity. We ar� prepered and are takir�€� steps to ensure we'll continue ta �e there �ve yo� tv me�t ynur �nergy needs as GOVI�-19 a�fects a grawing numb�er af husinesses in flur cam�nunities, �ur team will be warking day and nigh# tv delpver t�he energy y�ur buswness counts ��, Learn mar� at xcele�nergy.cumlcavid-19_respon�e. Thank you far your payme�t. Conver�sence atyaur service • pay your �iPl� eleetr4nicalfy-fast an� easy with �fectron�c Funtls Tr�nsfer. C�II us at 1-8Q0-4$i•470� ar visit us at www.xCelenergy,com. RzTtlffh f�'I]T i i �� ��At =�N IM iN'+OIIF't..',' :';rl' • PSEASE DU HOT USE S1ApLES�71iPE gR PAF�A CLIPS �CCQUNT NUiVlBEt3 �- DUE aA7E_ s;� i.�• i i � ns��s��oz� s�.�5s.zi � _. al�ace se�= t}iE hack af tlsis bill4or mnreinfarroatian� regarding U�e iate pay�nent cfiarge. Pay on nr 6efar� thg date dua ta avaid assessmsr�tnf a 4ate payment charge. Make yvur check payahl� to xCEL ENERGY AV Q1 D20855 545336 73 A*"SDGT ������ili�Il��Ei��ii���niu�ll��ll����i�t���f�I�iliII��IEln�iil JAI ,JAL�4RAM IhlG 1114 CE�AFi ST MON7ICElLO MN �53&2-8911 I ' , �1 2 i 3 4 5 6 7: 8 9 I 10 11 12 13 14 � 15 1& � 17 : 1� � i 20 x1 22 23 Z4 �5 Z6 27 28 ?9 3D ' 31 � I���i�ni�lliill����i�IEl��ll������ti��l�l!„���t�ifli�i�l�i����� xc�� ���Rcv �.�. Box ��7� MRLS MN 55484-94T7 3� 51fl8�920 �L71099[]13[�7 OQi7[3�23582�,DilEl���35�21 SERVICE ADElFlESS � ���� ������� JAI JRLAAfiAfN I�1C � � t 1 x�s CEaAR ST �,+ION1fCELL4, fu1IV 55362-&911 �iOH-RECURRI�fG CHARGES! GRE�fTS DETAILS oEsc��PrrnM -- Elec Com�o Refund C� Prernise � 7atsl � necou�r Nu�raeR STA7�M�NT N�JMBER �STATEM6NT�lATE � � �$roa��a2n CHARGE - $441.9� C� - 5441.9Q GR INFi}�MATIpN ABQLIT Yi1�1R BILL Yaur bilf incfudes a refu�d for the #ollawing: funds from a s�t�lem�nt vsnth tfi�e fJ,S, �$partment af Energy regartli�g nuclear fuel stora�e; low�r prnperty tax Xc�i Energy �aid in �p1$ compar�d ta appraved levels; a deferred tax �sset as�Qci�ted with 3(cel Energy's �41Q rate cas�, p�us inte�est; ar�d 2Q18 incentive cnmpensatior� pai� ta empinyees thatwas included �nthe base rate perthe M� Public L�tilkties Commission. The refund ap�ears an yvur bifl as "Elec Cor�bo Refund CR." Far an ave�age nun-demand custpmer, fi8°lo of ya�r bill ►efers to pawer pfant cost�, 15°/o to high vv�tage lin�e casts, and il°I� to the etast of Iocal wires cannacted to your business. Far an av+erage +demand-billed customer, 78�Io of yaur tota� hil� refers to pawer plant casts,l5°I� ta high voltage firres, and ?�la ta tF�e cost of local wires connected ta yaur business. s�.��,z� --------------------�,------------------___-----------------________---------------------------------------.�.._.__..------------� . ������[aL I� ��3"��� ���¢ N� L4Tf FEES, N0 W4R#��ES, , n ,� Enjoy the benefits of automatic payment withdrawal'From yvur checEcing accvunt, - Your payment will automaticaliy pQst to ynur �(cek �rrergy accaunt r�n your due date. � rr� ..' _ � -' ��� � � �R � -�a Tn �nrofl, f4� aut the infarmation �elvw+, cut off #h�s form, and inc�ucie it, alang wi#h yQur check and bill stub, in the remittance enaefope. Money orders do not qualify. VVatch far oi� � F � f,�.. �� .:; ;;.,�; � ta appear an y4ur �a�lling stac�ment tv ensure y�ur enrollmant is in +effeGt. To enr�ll yaurt�usir�ess in Auto Pay online, visit :r;�•r�,7^rcr��.s:��r �� ���y� .��r. �or ms�re informa#itin call our Business So�utior�s Center at E caa �'� �:� �n. Auehar�ed aegr�aturv i[wl Ener�y a��ount nu�her Qata S�]ndture alxNa rnt�st matcFr narrx an the bank actnunf See page 1 a# hill staterrent I authorue xce� E naryy w itarlwie t�ar�sle�s h�xn t}�� iwiiic accraunr mmcaied nn ihe ercbsed ehw��k in mak�� ninn3h�y {�aymenss oai my 7[eel F.r�e�s�y a�cuunt rni urydsn ilasi� TIII5:itllllullly Wfll �vn1;]ut ill L•fIY!Ct ufltll I flntifY XCe! �IIPf{1y, n! 7Cr.Ni f I�r{ry nnlilir�s mW. �7� shufw��I [a c:�n�ca� ma amn�ttnans Y i�nrw�stanc3 shat a�tv, .iUtl���lit:�tur� r; ru��m�>cl �1I chanptr ny l�ank cecnunt I h.��t koRx a tur.ai��l ni ihis a�t�licrr¢atinn � a � � � � � s ��ss� zss-z�i� cir�rio� � � -. m �� _> �" JAI JALARAM INC 1114 CEpAR ST MDNTICELLD, MN 553fi� Mflnticello"s oddleven watering schedule is in effect firom June 1- Septernber 30. A property address ending in an even number, waters on eaen calendar days, while a property address ending in an c�dd n�umber, wa#ers on otld eaiendar days. Exs�rrip�or� Permit - For eustom�rs planting new Uees or p�tt�ng in a new Eawn, a 30-day, nv�-renewable p�tmit may be vbtained frarr� city halE. This permit allorws daily wakering far a 3a-day period. ,� coa�o x�noo � 6EP OCi N�� �C ,llV'i �E1 W:ili ",F'R NJ.'+ ,LIV :11L AI)li r Paymer�t Co�apon PL�AS� E7�TURN TF[IS PbRTInN AL[}NG W3TH Y(IiFR PAYMFI�T PLEAS£ R4Ai{E CHECK PRY.4ALF. �4?: CITY OF MONTIC�LLD ACG4UN7: - SERVICE AL]DRE85: 1114 CEQAft 5T S�RVIC� P�F�IC7L]: 7I1I2C120 to 7f3112f]20 BILLING DAi�: $l51202fl DL�E E3ATE: 91112D20 JAl JALARAM !NC iit4 CE�AR ST MaMTic��.�v, n�r� ���sz Account St�a�ement Accour�r: � SERVI�E ADC]F��SS: 1114 CEl7Ai� ST s�t�vicE ��atoQ: �rirzv2o to �i�v2aza Bi���N� oarE: a��rzaza LiUE �?Ri'�: S11I2��Q . Pre�lvus Readfng CuRent Readir�g Sorial hlo �afo Raading �afa Raading Cer�c - 1/112020 3133372D SIiJ2{12D 3940852A 7480�5 WA�`ER - CdMMERGIAL 161.6�1 W�'I��R - 57ATE C�NNECT6QN FEE 0.$1 SEWER - CqMMERCIRl. 4+a3.8fi WATER TAX C]hl 1@09'Q 11.92 STDRMWATER! N�IV-RESIDEIVTIAL 21.Of} T�7TAL CURRENT CHARGES E39.79 PR�VIDUS BALANC� 391.95 PAY'MENTS RECEIV'ED -391.95 ADJ USTME�iTS D.Ob ADDITfONAL BILLINl3 Q.Qp CUR�ENT CHAFtGES 639.19 T(3TAL AMUUNT Ol1E �39.'�9 i[,lTALAMC]UN7 OL1E BY 911f2024 639.19 � � � REMIT PAYMENT Tp: Ciiy af NdanC�cella 5D5 Walnt�t St., Ste. #� Mvrrtice�io, MN 55362 Aug�rs# �fi, 2Q2� In�oice Number Accaunt: [Vumber: Security Cade� Service At: ��14 C�[}AR 5T C�NTRQL ACCC7UNT Ni❑NTICELLQ lI,IlN 55362-8911 Contact Us �u+estions ataaut your bill vr services? Visit spe�t���ml�usiriess.�et pr eall'd.E�i�.31�..i 195 ■ - ... - Previeaus Bal�r,ce � ��� p� Paymer�ts Recei�ed -Thank Yau! -1 253 04 �ien�a�raing 8alarsce �O.qp 5 ectrum BusinessTM Ser�ices 1 253.04 Total Ta B� Det�uet�d ��,2��.�� Your Auto Pay Wilf 8e Prc�cessed p9V�2I�p Thar�k yau for ch�esing Spectrum Business. We appreciate your prampt payrn�nt and value you as a customer. Sp�c#rum BilSINESS 4145 S FALItENBURG Rt] RIVEi2VIEW FL 33578-8552 8822 32A0 N6 RP 1fip87720?0 NMNNNfJf�H 01 ppp274 Df)C�9 SUP�R 8Y MONTICEL�C1 f 114 C E OAR ST M�N7ICE�LO MN 55362-8911 fr,���l��alilllf�fi'd�lr'Ixlf ����f I�IPI�r�������pi��liii�l[�il��r Auto Pay Natic� SP�Gi-F;Lii� B�SiiV�SS �Jkln1S Augus# �6, 2�12fl Super 8 - �lonticelfa �n�aice PJum6ee ACcourtt' I�um�er Service At: 1 1 3� C EC7A.R ST C�hJ � F�C3L AC�:�]L1hJ � M4NTlC��LQ Mf� 55382-8911 iota! io Be E3eciuctecf $'�,253.(3� CHAF2TER CflMMUP#IGATIC]1V5 P❑ BQX 94188 i'A 4ATI N E I L 64094�41 gg I�i�l���tf Ili����i����i�����i��l�ill�P��il��l�+�u►i�����������i� $�52306�[]aQ�5363UE2S3046 a s�a��rurn Page 2 of 4 August 15, 2020 BUSiNESS 5vper 8 � Mantice9lQ InvoiceNumber� Conta�t us {�uestivns aErvut aur bill vr serv'rces? Accour�t: Number: Y Hierarchy IQ: SL1M{74400 Visii speefru�nbusiness.net or cdll �.8a�.314_7195 5ecurity Cacfe 6824 8677 3�Ap FH3 Rp 18Q8772(11[] NNNhiNNAHi C11 pQ02id OOd1 . • - � - Montt�fy Charges cont. Pre�ious Balance $1,253.04 Date D05CFI�7tIOR Quantily Amount Auq Q2 Creciit Card Payment -1.253,04 Jul 28- Flug 27 HB� 7f3 245.00 s�e�rnaininq Bala��ce gp.ap Ju� 28 - Aug 27 [7ta Equipment 7U Q.Op sur�o�ao-r SUP�R 8 - MONTfCE��Q 1114 GEDAR 5T C8 MONTICE�LQ. MN 55:s�2-8311 Account Nurnber - 5ecuraty �acJe. � Mc�nthiy �::-,G,r.��.:=. �ate Des�riptifln Jul 23 -Aug 22 Spectrum B�rsieaess Vaice Ju123-Aug 22 Spe�trum Business Voice Ju{ 23 - Aug 22 5pec#rum Business Voice Jul 23 -Aug 22 5pectrum 8usiness Voice Jul 23 -Aug 22 5pec#rum eustness Vnice Jul 23 -Aug 22 B Li@fra Jul 23 -Aug 22 BullraS 9d.99 13rti+acqt+ndl Je�l 23 - Aug 22 S�ectrum WiFi .]ul 23 - Aug 22 Businass WiFi Jul 23 - Awg 22 Web Hasting Jul 23 - Ae�g 22 Qesktop 5ecunty �L9ont13iy Chargec SL�R7::::�;: 7ota� Fmr Accaunt 5t1PER 8 - MONTICElLfl 1f14CEC}A�i 59 MC3NTICELLC7, M�J �5�6?-8.�s1 i Accoun# Number Sec€arity Code ;�lonthly �harycs �}atB �2SCi`I�1011 �lu128 - Aug 27 Technology Fee Jui 28 - Wug 27 Hasic Juf 28 - Au� 27 Enpanded Basic ❑uantily 1 t 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quantiry 7[} 70 7f? 5p�clrur�l �����E�� Amvu�nt 39.�J 3J.99 39.9� �s.� 39,99 i 59.99 -8S.Ud O.Oa 6.99 a.ao 6.06 32'f .93 3�;21.93 afl'iDilil� 14D.t1D 138.6(3 za�.za Ju128-Aug 27 H� Laneup 7a 0.00 fV�onFhiy Charges Suhtotal � �..�.. 573q.8(7 i axes And F�es DescrEption Broadoast iV 5uscharge Counly Sales Tax Franchise Fee State Sa3es Tax FranchEse Fee PEG Access Fee Taxesanci F.a�_: - .,---.- 7"otal ForAccc��:�,. Amount i 3.5p 8.95 22.29 �a.ia 20 80 - - �.96 -- -- _ ; ; : 5.9'I EQUIP 1- DTA - SllP�f� 8- Mc3hTfCEI�L.C3 1114 C�QAF2 ST MC3�ETICELLQ. N3PJ �53v2-891 7 Account Numtser Securiiy Code: � ,:.; 3.T � Monthly �harges Date Description quantiFy Amount Jul 28 - Aug 27 Bas+c 95 0 00 Jul 28 - Aug 27 Expand2d Sasic 15 0.00 Jul 28 - Aug 27 HBO 15 p,Clp Jul 28 - Aug 27 Cf4a Equepment 16 8,ap Ju128-A� 27 Hp Lirceu 15 O.Op i:ionthly Chart�r. _; :.�:! -.:. : , 'U.Om ''o,al For Acco� r:; �4UiP 2- l7TA - SUPEd� 8- M�N7ICELLO i 1 i4 CEDAR ST 14Aa�ITiCELLO. fNPJ 5 �3�?-891 l Ac�ount �lumber Secur{ty Code� ' u.0a Coritinwed on Stae ne� aage... �EIII}I Ili�l�ll�flll�lf �Illlllf III�� Page 3 oF 4 August 3�, 2�2Q 5u��r � - I��nnkicePl� Invoice Numt�er ACCtlunt: �hJ�imh�r. Hierarchy 1�7: 5eeurity Code MC]Fl��ii'V �:.iial'C.:S �ate oescrip4ioR puanti#y Amaunt Jul �1 - Aug 30 8ssio 1 g p.� Ju� 31 - At�g 3f] Expanded Basic � 5 p p�p Jul 31 - Aug 30 HBp p� a pq Jul 31 - Aug 3f] D1a �quipmer�i 15 d.00 Jul 3i - Atr 39 HQ Line�,� 1� p typ ?Aanthfy Gharc:� :�._,�i�-'r"� >Q.�R Tmta! For Ac�:c�.�:;i =t.00 �[�iUIP 3 - OTA - Sl1PER 8 _ �Tt7l�lTIC�Li,� 1114 CEDAft ST AAQN7IC��L�, 'v1N 55��� '-,�51 1 Account 1Vumber Security Code: Mt���rhly Ct�a��c�F:v Aate Description Qyartiity Amount Jtal28-Au�27 Basic 15 0.44 Jul 28 - Aug 27 Expartded Basic 15 Cs.00 Jul 28 - Aug 27 N$Q 15 p.pp Jul 28. Aug 27 Dta Equipment � 5 ❑ pp JuI2$-Au 27 H� L.tneu 1� pp� Mor�tt7lp Charg<<: ti � , ..... ��.�fl So;aV ForAc�.c;:-,:: � Op EQUIP 4- QTA - SLIPER 8- MQNTIC�L.LO 1114 CEOAR 57 MQIVTI�CELLO, MN w5762-8917 ,ACCO�FfIt �iLlfilb 5eeurity Code: �(]fltfl�}I �.:�l�ii;:'�: ���' []escription pe���x�ty Amaunt Jul 28 • Aug 27 Sasic �� �.�p Jul 28 - Aug 27 �Xpatltl€d B�SIC 15 Q,{}� Jui 28 - Aug 27 H80 �� O.qp iul 28 - Aug 27 []ta Equipment i� p.pp Jul 28 - Au 27 HD �ineu 15 ❑.4Q Nlonthly ChargPs S�oi�tnt�I -- ,� p,p T�7t�1 Faf.LiC:r;r :. c,:J.Qd EQGTP 5- pTR - SifP�R 8- Nipll] FICELLO 1974C��ARSt MONTICELLD. N1N 5535�-8911 A�c�vunt IV�imper 5ecurity Code: �vi4nYhly Ctyarges 1}ate Descrip#ian Quantity Amoun# J�� za - Au� z� e�sfc , a o.00 Jul 28 - Aug 27 Expanded BasJc 1 p p,pp Ju! 28 - Aug 27 MS[7 10 0.00 Jul Z$ -Aug 27 Ota Equiprneni 10 {].OD Jul 28 - Au 27 Hb Lineu� �¢ p �Q Monthly G'hargc�::?�.� '.c:��=:'' :rr.Q(i Tot�l Ftrr Acct���i�t ar�.00 �ectrum BUSIN�S5 Contt�ct Us Questians abnut your bil� ar services7 Visit ss��ctrcimbusiness.net orcal[ 3.�0�,31�.i195 asz2 324o lu4 RG a s aa� �so2n NNruNNr�rer� o� aooz�� oocat �UBLIC Vf�W - SUPER 8 - 11�7�NTECE�LQ 1 # 14 C�DAR S7 MC}N7ICELLQ, Mu�! 553�`'-=:�1 1 Accaunt I'�dumher Security Code nno�,tr��y cf���-��� [7ate Description Quantity Amo�nt 3�i 2a - ��,� �� a�s;� � z�.ao Jul 2$ - Aug 27 Expanded Basio i 24.p�} Jui 2$ - Aug 27 Dta Equiprrsent 1 7 50 Jul 28 - Au ?? Hi) Lineu � p� i.9onthl f Charges Subtotai ' �g� �p _: �xes And Fees descraption Braadeast iV Surcharge County Sales Tax State Sales Tax Fran��ise Fee PEG ACCe55 €ee Taxes and Fees 5_:13rT,°:� � Ts�tal FnrAcca!F��° SPAR€-❑iASUPER 8 1114 CEQRR 5T MONTICELI.Cl, t1+1N :i5: �� Accou�nt iVumh�r: 5eeur;ty Grde. .� -- ,...,:__ . .,..-��; � Amaunt i 3.5i} Q.38 5.2i 4.11 4.70 ,.9t1 :: I.;U f3a[e Description Quantity AmoURt Ju� 27 - Aug 26 8asic �p ❑ pp J�I 27 • Aug 26 Expanclesi Basic 1 p,pp Jt�127-Au 26 �ta� ui merot i a_pp Mvnthly Ciiare3es SuI;E:;i::; rC.d{) Totaf For Accout�t USEf!-DTASUPER 8 1114 CEDAR 5i M�NTfCELLC�. Mh� 5536?•89T 1 Accaunt Nurrlber SeGurity Code ;:ianthfy Chdrycu �ate Descriptivn puantlty .:u9 27 - Aug 2& BasiC � Jul 2T - Auc� 26 Expand�cf 8asic � Jul �7 - Aug 26 Dta Equipme�t 1 A7onthly Charqes S�ik3T.c;f: l Tvtal Fvr Acco_sr�; SufT1�C�ot S�!i�t;� � i;: ;1, �� � :;i(;,j Tvia! Far Contr�f Accnunt� Suma460�1 Tataf Accoun[s; 10 Tota� io Be �eduet�d ii[i.00 Amvunt 4.W 4.OQ O.IX} 50.�0 �L�.�a . .LJJ.QQ 51,253.Q4 $# ��53.fl�? CenisnlEed on the nekt page....... Page 4 of 4 August 1�, 2a?0 5u�er F - Monticello Invaice N1utnCer Accouni: I�um6e� . H'rerarchy I � SeCuritv Code �8ilfing Int�rlrr�ativn I Tax and �ee�s - This statement rene�ts the current taaces and fees for yrour area {including sales, excise, user taxes, et�.], These taxes at�d fees may change without nt�ti�e. �s� s�e:.�rum ne; [a�r-sancifecs for mare infvrmativn. ierms 8 C[�ntlitions - S�krurn"s detair�d standard teoms and conditions for service are 1c,eated at spec#e�om eom noldcias. Past i]ue �ee 1 Late Fee R�minder - A 12Jte f� Wlfl be 8552SSCd foC paSt d€re charges fae seivice. Insufficieni Funds Payment Palicy , Charter may charge ara insuf}icient funds prooessing fee fvr �II returned checks and bank�atd cYrarge-h�C�Cs. If yaur cheek, t�ankc�rd (debit or credifj cherge, qr vther ins�rumen! p� electroniG transfeF trsnsaction ciseci to pay us is dishonored, nefused or re�urned fvr any reasvn, we may electronicalry debit your �ccount ior the payment, plus an insufficisnt �unds paocessir�g Fee as sef (orth in yaur terms of service cx vn your Vicfev SerrEGes rate Ca�[i (up to the am0unt allowa6le hy law and any applkc2ble sates tax}. Your hank aceourst may be debited as eariy as Che sarr►e day payment is dtshonored, refused ar returned. If your bank account is no� debited, the retumed che�k amc�unt (plus fee) must be replaceU qy Gash, cashiei"S cheCk pr money �orCief. Complaint Procedures - Yflu harre 6p days Frorrx the billing dafe to register a complaint iF you disagree with your charges Music Rights Fces -- In all �ases, you are r�onsible far antl rr�ust secure any music rights andlnr pay applicable €ees required by the Ameri�an Societyof Camposers, Authars & Publisheis {'ASCAP'). $rcradeasE Music, Inc, ('BMI'} and SESAC, Inc. ('SESAC'} vr their resp�ctive successors, and ar�y Qt#rer entity, or gavemmental auth�rity fram which a license is necessary in connectipn with your retransmissivn. distrihution, perfvrmance or other such use o► 5pectrum �usiness services. Vaice Fees 8 Charges - These include charges, to recover pr qefray gvvemment fecs impoEed on Charter, a�d certair� other costs relateai ta Cha�kers Phor�e serviee, incVuding a FederaC £Jniversal 5ervice Charge and, ii a;pplicab6e, a State Llniversa� Sentice Charge tn recaver amounks charter must pay to swpport aiford�6le teiephone service, and may include a stafe Te�ecornmunicatiar►s RePay Service Fee €� sup�rart refay services for hearit�g amd speech impaired customers. Please note that the�se �hargies are �ot taxes artd are subjeci to cnange. For more mformaGort, visit =p� 'r:: � -�:•tt�,•;es;rdf4 �s, The [ol�owing taxes, fe�s and surcharges are included in the peice of the applicable service -TAkES; MIV TEL�CDM ACCESS fl1�lU 5�.35, SAL�S TAX �13.38, STATE E91 f SLIRCHAf�C;E �475. F�ES RND CHARGES: FEOERAL LffVlVERSAL SERV�G�E FLfNL7 $1q.59, STATE REGULATOF?Y FEE �'1.24. llidev Clased Capt[o�ing Inauiries - 5pectrum provided set-top boxes far video cansumptio� sup;pnrt the a4ility for ihe user to enable or disable Closed Captions far cr�stqmers with hearing impairment. For immediate closed eaptio�ireg cvncems, call 1-855-707-7328 or email c�osedca pti on i ngsupport�c harter. cam . 7o repart a c[smplaint en an angoing close[f ca�tioniny issue, please send your concerns via G5 Mail to W. Wesselman, Sr. l]irector, 2 Digital Pface, SimpSanvilie, SC 29fi81, send a f�x to 1-7Q4-gg7-4935, call 1 •877-276-7437 or erraail �IOSeCcapiioningissues��harter.COm. Spe��rum �USIN�SS Cw'ItdGt Lf5 Questior�s about yaur bill vr ser�icea? VIS�t spe�trum�ausinest.n�; or eaEl i.8a�.�i+t.i 1�5 r��72 32dD Nf7 Rp 1C� pg17�(772p NFFNNNNNN 47 OOU274 ppp? v �. • ■ c i r�� c� F MC]NTICELLC3 EDA r`� � �i�.��1�1C�' rQ SMALL �i75INESS EMEitGENCY GRANT APP�I{CATIC�N �. C(7NTACT iNFC7RMATI�N Lcga] Nazxle uf Busin�ss: ����c.�r�''1 � L�- ��ct H►�t"� �i+'�,f! �'� �°+�.� Project Site Acic�ress: 4 c� � � �, �, . � � ,_.�A�—�- �zty 15tatc 1 Zip: �'�r�f�-�- i c':� �i� I�1►—� .- ]-�' 3[.v�— � Cantact I'ersc�r�{s�: �"� �� f�.{T a{' C:�'�`,+ Business Phtrn�. 1 �'� `Y ��� ~ ��I �°� �'cnail: �Inme 1'hc�ne: Cl�e�k C7ne: vl'zt��ri�fc�r �c�r�nr�tic.�n �ederal 11� � ��ate Ill � � �, Prv�erty fJwnc;r. .� C•�� '� `'�` '� � � "�'`"'� ` �' _.� T'�7 �°t1. terslup �. BUSINESS INFC)I�MATI011i PI@G�5C ��$L�CjI [L(�L�[tl�(JY16lY t�QCIli17P�7t5IpA'�85 L�S t�L'G'!IL'(� tQ F7C CQi�t�ITC�'C liS �IUS51�l�C'. a. Years af o��r��tion in Moz�ticell� _� ���.���` �, . �. List lae:Iaw th� nur�rtbcr nf part time and full time en��,inycc^ti. Far,��:rrpnses of erz2cY�I�rti��n, the ferrra "c�n,�ioyees., r�iay r�rcdur�e Llx�se ytu� rerxtira�,� or Icc�sria� ,�ar:rlities it�if]xirt i�te Manticet�o busirress Iacr�ti�n. Prior #rr March I5f'', 2q?4 �UI'CCIIt 1 FT � E�T � �� 1 r�T 3 c. Give a brief surnmary of your business (products, services, growth hisfo�'y, operations, number of Ioca�ions, etc.) ��- � � C�.. h-�1t��� . � "-�`��.-�-" ���-�,•t`�S ���s-�-`�'i � l e �� .� � �..t-<5-�-�y ,5' ���,1 � �''m�tw �`e��S ��u�S'��� ��� c�-� ���Vi��s ��'�,�,;,-.�-�� c"S�Fe���� . S': r.� L` i_a..v-+C�.�- ? c..����^�4�:� (~f-i��w.4ti? � Y�d.i�� ��`Q� � t� �" ( �� �� , �� �,�-r-��.�t� ��.�'� o �•� ����-��.�,,,,� �, ,�.,^� r� , ��-�� � � . . �� �� �� ��.:�� � k� �.�� a.��,t-�� �; �� �� �c.t �G�.z ��� d �.� I �.-,s.�� sc�1 � c�- e' '� �-fll ��..��G�.�,� �..��.T ��e.r.c�.�,e , �� � S M�-ri �.�,�,� � ���'-4� ��-� ��u�5� �� �. b:,��,�--.�r-�-�� ��^�-,�1� �"n"�, 4'� . � �' �'-�` � d�. Provide inforxn�tion xeg;ardi�zrg how yr�ur operations harre been zznpacted b�r the pand�mic, speeifzcally hours of operation, emplayee rec�uct�ons, etc. Inciucle any strategi�s implemented ta sustain your business �- 't��:e; �-t�,��5 he�,,' -� -�..�rP-. C�+.� �2� `�o G�'� � � � �� (�e� �1 � � i� -��.[�1.e �r..� `� c! � ��, 'l!-� �= ��c�--r._.rz c�- ou- a- ,5�� � � �2 ��-� \ �-� ; �ru� �? . C vw� � �e �� �Y ��4.1'iCJ. ��._ � �"�--�1�L�.'"� ��V.� .� �p'1,�.�'�'a � tLi � l l _ �'� �f�-t,r� �{ t� 1 ` '�C�'\�.�+R�[�. j�iJ"'�' �.'l Y`�s1i.'C`S �3 r�` 63�-�'�`LL.-�`C��(\ �ta �i��<+L'� "�o ��.ee�,� i�L.,s i n�� ,�i^-4��-k� J r�� '�� � iN1c�.�/�, M;2�� ��-- i`1c�:�1 � �.���e��Je � '� � lk-�- -�� � � � -�'�"� � -� �. c n �-�-r �.C'--�� r� j� � ��s .�-��r+. � ; G�� , � t� c��,��.�.�...m �.c.. �`P`�-.v�� �,,�� -���-tl-� 1�,�--�, � �o�'� t�o�C'_- . �'-��`.`'�i' GI.S ��,,,� ,��f?t�/`-�-i.c,y�,�t���, e. Describe of the current plans for resumir�g operations following thE COVID-19 C�'1515. �� iA.�Ca 11 � C:-1'L'(� iil. ���i f� �'�SJ j I�`� �. (t4'(�' ,.�� `-� � �e �~ t�(a�' �t.�,� � � ��.� � �. inn,�.i�,�l� �,'� ��� (��.7 . ��. ��� 1 � �"�-g -� �'�.c�.�s �L�--e --��. �4�,� � v��= l�e�{� �v..9r- ��� � ► }-� � �j . C'_I e� � S � � �=�-2� . �,n�}� �t ��;� 1 � �'c�,,�� c��p � �,�- t? w�� � �o � �(? '� �a �.�-� Ut.�.�a ti^[�ktik���. —�'o r�� � -�— �,�. a � �y � 2 GRANT REQU�ST U� Az�tou�t Requested: $ :�,��� � 4, FINANCING Please provide docusnents/e�ridence o£ ather sources of state or �ederal funds your business has been award�d ox denied during the CQVID pan.demie, as applicable, zncluding Economic Injury funds, PPP, etc. 5. ATTACHMENTS CHECIC LIST Please `attack�. the fol�owing: �/ A) Praof af address �% B} Financial statements, such as: ��,y�1 • Previous yeaz's a�nual gross revenue ��,, ,� � Av�rage monthly gr.ass revenue prior to C�QVID-19 • Projected zx�onthly gross revenue fc�r the next three months PLEASE DO N�T SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER �UBMIT A SUMMARY O� TI�E INFORMAT�ON REQUESTED. ��C} Proof of expenses to be paid "�, � D) Award/denial letters - Staie and Federal Assistance Programs 6. AGREEMIEN7' I/ W� certify that alI information provaded in this applicaf�on is tr�e a�d correct to fhe besi af my/our knowledge. I/ We auihorize the Monticello EDA to verify �inancial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional informaiion as may be request�d by the city. The undersigned k�as recei�red the EDA's policy regarding the prograrr� and cornplies with all eiigibility reqtzirerr�ents. Further, the applicant t�nderstands thai funds are awarded on a £irst-com� first served basis. APPLICANT SIGI`tiTATURE � �"t-�}'� �- F-� � -�?� + � - APPLICANT NAME (Print): � � iJ� . _ � ; DATE: �'"3�.-Zu2:�� V , � � _ The EDA i� u gpvernrnentai entity rand as such rrtust provide public access ta pubiic duta if receives. D�ta deemed by Applicant tv be non�ublic datA under Str�te law slzauld be so designated or �narked by Appiicant. See Minnesota Stututes, Sectians 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. 3; �C'�c���rr��r�y�� FiE3Pflf�Sf91E BY HAiUREm DAfl,Y AYEfii4�Es _ _ i.es# Y�ar Ter��Eperat�rre ��� �: �:fectri�ily k�Nit ���;� ; � �lectricityCn�4 �q�y;� tlUE57'IDNS A�{��1i YQUI� �ILL7 5er� crur w����ite: xcel�nergy.con� ---��.' Em�i! us at: Custotn€�r:servic�C:x�efer�ergy.corr, Pl�ease Call: I-f?QQ-���-Q70a Hearing ir�i��ired: �-�OD-B95-4949 Fax: 1•9q�-3ii-CQ�� U€vrr�te us ai: XCEL �N�RCY PQ B�JX g EAli CiL�119E WI 547��-flD08 �v�nnidner ain�l.a rVrvcn Luiucr+ilVi &E[t11i�E Af}�RESS 'uv�EA�e�nrv r,�ar€� �naNt�c���o � 1 i F� E 7TH ST I�.�:��ii1GE! t�,'.r1N �a?5? •– ------ _ _._�.� i, � 4�C[lilTdT "fl� if7^ :: , I - __ _ _ ;'s f� ^, I ��.i_ ili;,'�, i Si �Tct�ENF pA�'�' � _.. � I �..—� i�����1��)�� � !. _ Sl1MMARY �F C�RRENT CHA�GES ider�i��cr �r,ar�es GE[�flF Dfl f}:�C �} Electr icity �erv�r� -- U71p�112�j - U8ID3lZO 9841� ��',�I� _� _ .. _._�._ ,_-- �rUii�Ot ��l�t[�BS -- -- ---•-- .. . _ ACC(1i�i1fT BAI.ANGE {8af�nce desu c�ra�aral Pret�ia+�s i3�alar�c� as �r a��oa f'ayr���;r�t fieceivetl {7ndi�t� i'�yi����t 071�17 BalaR7ce For�varc{ Gurrent Charges — _..� _ _ . _ .._ Amnunt �t�e �c�nrrda� � p3��,•i — �_ fi;: ; . r S �'I .1 G:3.3D S1�7fi3.30 ��,�sa. � � -�1.9fi�. 3 � CR _ ---- . .. $D,OQ -- �i, � �,'�,3Q N - -- ------- S1,i63.3p � � fNFDRMA7IUN A8[illT Y�1UR B�E.�. . .. . _ Yaur sa�ety and �he �afery of our er�playees wifl always be aur ��� priority.lN� are prepared and are takir�g steps ta �r�sure w�'iV conti��ue t� 6e tl�ere fQr ya� to meet y4ur ener�y neetls as CQVI�]-�9 affects a growin� nu�rrber of bu5iness�s in aur commur�ities. Qur t�am wiP! be working day and n€ght ta d�liver tl7e energy Ya�ar �usin�ss cour�ts �n. �ear�n mor� �txc�len�rgy.comlcovid-19_r�sponse. Th�nk ya�, for yat�r payment. Convenienca atyaur s�rviee - Payyour �ifEs efectr�nica�ly-fast ar�d ��sy witl7 Electronic Funds Trar�sfer. Ca�! us at 1-8Q0-4g�-47p0 or visrt us at www.xc�l�nergy.e4m, F'G[ r15f �Q H�IT 115£ SiIlP1E5.7lVF�E Ctli PAPER CLf�� � .. . �_.__ —_� _..�.� —.-- .�+A���RiPr��/� _ AC{;QEINTNUM�3ER �UE�DAT£ y•�-._; . � r r — � ��i01;'2�2� - _� f - - _ —._`._� _._ , „ L� r�n :'7c l�a�k rrf �13is I�ill iur itaare iE7formation ��.," ;�""j • � r �:��:�r�l 3ic, tlt� rate paynrenteliarc�a. Pay on ar b�fore thc t9ace duP to avoid assassment of a laao p3y�pp�tt cf��rr�e. ! g 3 q r� il�ake yaur cl�e�i; p�ya6le ta 7lC�I� ���RGY 6 7 8 s ;0 91 12 Ali (f1 0249�7 558�$ �0 �"5C1GT t� i�4 15 3fi 17 ; 18 i9 �it�f�fi��r�f���flliF��'lil�f��ill�ilai�lifi°r'�flf��lffr���Rl��l 27 ' 2� 2g I 3 I 24 � 25 j 26 Ah1�f;ICFNPI MC}TEL h10MTIC[LLp PD i�aX �J57 MOti"1"1�'ELLD M�I 55362-�1957 �rfii���Ili'1`���It'f�ill�'f��l����°+��C�if�����ll��+�a�il��i�lf� �CCEL ENERGY I� . Cl . BOY ��.77 MPLS ��9�V 55484-9477 3� 51,Q�iCil��� �+4��5554 CiDOE�C�1�6330QQC��i�3,163�[] A�gust 3D`h, 2Q2❑ Puram LLC dba Americinn Mntel 118 E 7tn Str�et Mant�cefla, MN. 55352 Per attac#�ments eheck iist: 1) Qur 201J gross revenues were $32a,Q0�.00 2} Average monthfy income �rior to C�vic#-19 was $2C7,aD�AO 3� Dur projected monthly grass re��nues fQr th� ne�ci 3 m�nths is $7Q,C}QO.ChU �xpenses to �e paid fc�r next r�o�th are as f�l�ows: 1� Payroll- $4,75D.{l� 2j Baa3cing.carn- $334.Q0 3j Insurance- $882.0{} 4} Electric- $1124.32 5j Gas- $157.�� 6� Garbage- $�62.0� 7� Cable- $C64.67 8} Supplie5- $52f}.�Gi �j Building Mair�tenant�- $134.57 1{3) 1Alater & 5ewage- $325.82 Totaf- $9,154.58 3 Manth A�verage- $�7,46�.74 Pfease ]e# r�e knaw if you haue any questicrns or neec# anything else! 1 T � �t, ad Reseeh General M�nger Americinn Matei Phane: �7Fi3j 295-47flQ Fax: (763j �95-47Q3 Emaii: ti C ! � ��7� �F MpNTICELLa EDA �,, . � �[}�tl(�llQ SPvIAtL BUS�NESS EMERGEN�Y GRANT .�. C � APPLICATIa1�T 1. CQNTAC'I' TNFORPvIATIQN Legal Name oE Business: � Project Site Address: o� 1'� �Q��r1t �� City f State J Zip: _ Contae� Persa�a(s1: Business Phvne: �[o�- �1�]S]Zl� Em�il: Hame Phane: ChE.k Dne: �'ro�rietor � Carporatian Federal ID � � State ID # I�mper€y dwner: �1� '�1 + �.t� � Pari-nership 2 BUSI[�iESS IN�DRMAT'IC)N Flease attach additinr:aI dncumes�tslpuges as treeded to be casnplete as possibie. a. Years of operation in Mont�.reIlo �. y �i. Z.ist below the number af part time ar�d full tirne e�nploy�es. For �urpases v�crrlcul,atinn, ffr� term "'employees" rf�ay incIude those stuff renting vr [easin� faeilities u�ithln tl�e Mvr�trcelte busirtess IaCatipr�. Pr9or to March 15�', 2(12(J Current � FT �_ PT ,. � FT � PT �_ c. Gi�e a brief summary of your b�siness (groducts, serv�ces, growth hiskory, operations, numb�r vE lvcafivns, etc.} � C�r`nrn�� � �-�, Di,� LC��n ,� - � '`� c-� �,r�, l� i u Cf�.-�',nr� Y'ne,�S �.`Q�l ; � �] ' � �o�-�r� -�+��� 'r''� o�r,,t-�t.�l l c� , t,,�� �.e,11 �r��5 �� - �. ��'S a,�, ���;,r,� �.�c�u.�.��, � 1n�,1, c�.�, C 4 0�'►"� -, � `� J '�-� � r� a , c� �.�- �. , . . -, � ,. ;: . , , :. � , . , � ., . , � d. I'zovide information regarding how yaur opera�i�ns ha�e been impacted by the � pandemic, specifically haurs of o�eration, employee reductions, etc. Tnelude an� � strategies-implemenEed to,sustain your business . �� �re ���� ��� � �e.o�`, +� � � • �; _ . , . �� • n� ��S ��m �7 p �-nLc�r� a C�n n� ��-�. G� �l�►c� .��L�p�� , i�'�c� Uw� � �,�+an . �� '�..��11 C S �'l�� 't� ��'�e� '��a�7'�e. �.S'�L� r�r -�.r r� � ��� a`W � ;� G�c� +r�Q� `�"'0.� �[� Cc� ! i�+ . I�. � , _ �S ; ; '� ,� i , , ��- `�D Cdrr�le �,�r�� � c-`,-c�r-,'►� �-Z-2. C� 1'1 �i �c..�� ci�-� �r''�''�`� Co",n� � � t�D `�t�rr1 � . , , . � t�r--� e. Qescribe of the current plans fpr aresuming operati�ns follc�wing the C{7VID-19 crisi�. ���� C1,� � n� q�'�l Sr�.,n , 4 q.�-� o r� L�,���-�.:r,�. � °LS �ell �L S f � 3. GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested: $ �X� 4. FIAIANCING Pleas^ prQ�+ide docur�tentsl�v���n�e oE vther sources vf sta#e or federal funds your business has been awardeci or denied during #he COVID pandemic, as applicable, including Economic Injury funds, PPP, etc. 5, A,TTACHM�NTS CHECK I.i5T Please attach the following: A} Proof aE a�dress g) �ir�ancial statements, such as: » Previous year's annual gross xevenue . Average rnonthly grass revenue prior t� CO'VID-I9 • Proj�cted monthly gross revenue far the nexir three mvnths PLEASE D� NaT SUBMIT FTNAhTCiAL STA'TEMENTS RATI�ER SUBIWIIT A S�NiMARY C?� THE INFORMATIC7N REQLIES'i'ED. C) Proaf of expenses ta be paid D} Awardlde�ial letters — State and Federa] Assistance Programs �, AGREEM�AIT � j We eertify tha# all informatian �ro�ided in this agpiication is true and correct tv the best of mylour krtowled$e. i l We atzthvrize the Monticellv EDA ta verify financial and vther infvrmativn. � 1'�� agree to pro�ide any addit�onal informatian as may be reqezested by the ciiy. 'I'he undersigned has received the EDA's p�liey � gn��� �� p�a�fu�ds are aw�ard.ed rt all e�igibility requirements. Further, the app�1Can a f;rst-come first served basis. � APPLICANT SIGNA' APPLICAI�'I' NAME (Print}: DATE: ' � " � 2'l:e El?A is r� governmentul entity and as such must Pr 5ta e pw houid be so deszgna# d�or �arked Data deen�ed by Applicar�t to 6e noa�ubtfc daia ur+de by Appliea�it See 1Vlinnesnta Statutes, Seciions 13.591, Su�d,1 and �. � _. _ __. _..... — ----------- ---- ------�.:--- — - � ---,--- - - ----....— ... --,-- -----_. $11 f2D2Q Salon 9tis Saftware • Rep�oRs Sales by Month for ��111�U19 - 5I3�12d21 _. _ _ .- -- - _ Month Year Unlque Cflents NUmber of Tlckets Tata1 Average TEcket Max Tlcket !�ecember 2Qi9 77i 82p $20,819.16 $25.39 �728.10 � _ . . . ... . ,. .,_ . . .. ..... . .. . .. . _ ___ _ _ . Janua 202C1 771 824 $2k,055.74 $35.55 5138.98 .... . . .� .. ,.,_......_ ........ ........_.__..... --.._.....- - .. -"778 •................._......_...... ........ ..8�5.... ,_.... ..- �21,15.. . ' Fehrvary 292q 2.7fi $25,64 $105.R0 _ _ __ ------ __. ..... _ ...... . .. ..... . . . . . 2 March 202D 435 4�2 $11,997.95 $ 7.Id #2fi8.16 _ _......... . ._.. ._.. __ . .............. . _ _ __..... . ... . ... � Apria 202❑ 2 2 $95.79 $47.90 $fi0.55 _._.._.........._..._..._......_._,.__..�._...-- •-- - -�----�--.._....,,.._.._.._._...- ..... ........._. .............,_.._..........._...... -� -_... May 2420 1 1 $a5.9fi $a5.96 $a5.96 .. ...--.•--.......... -- • --• •- ... ......... ......... .....,.,_.... ...._...... .. ...... ...........,. .. .. .__. . _. . _ . . . ]une �020 SBa 945 $24,5tl4.59 $27.08 $128.00 ---- --�---__. —_...___. __._ . . ]uly 20�0 513 _ 656 $17,Sb2.77 $27.23 $1ZS.�U ... ...__ .....,... ........ _ ..... ..... ................... . _ ..._ ....... _ August 202D 69B 7A4 $2U,ii42.14 $Zfi.94 �E57.25 : rand Tatal 4433 � �� :Sz19 y $137,576.8b ���- $278.83 �1,1fi0.61 Hammer's Hair Loung� LLC � S�les by Manth for 12/1/24�.9 ta 5j31/2021 � 6 https:llanl ine.sa lon iris. comlS�e po rt �` - �� ` . . _ ,g-.�,�---�—,..- - E �� 3�� a Coniral number Far dfTlclnl lteg pnly r � o�,� No.,�3.�a bi{ind 947 Nlililary 943 Bia of �"�j � Q ❑ Kind ���viY Payer �-� mnid. � �d��erp Employer �� ��o`�� CheCk ane Che�k vne � 7atel numb8[ of Forma W_2 d Eeteblishment number 1 Wapes, tips, Other compenSation ft $ Employer ldertkiFicatian numGer {EIN) f �mployers name 213 PENE STRE�� SUI7E 1 �0����E��� � tmployer s address and Z1P h Qther �Ih �•sed this year Mf� 55362 3 Soeial eecuqry wages 5 Medicare wages and tips '� Sacfal aec,idty ilp� B 71 Nonqualffed plsns Client CvpY 501c non•qovr. 7hird�P�ny .n Qa�d� P�5' �e�,� �r 5lateR 501t �ade avS. aFPGcaCie) 2 Federal incame tax wmhe�n 0.85 5658,�� 4 Sacral gecurity �ax y�l4hheld �.za sosa.ao 8 Medirare ta�cwilhhe[d} �82��.$$ 13 Farlhird-paF[y siCf[ �y u9� q11y 15 State Emplbyers slate Ib number � 4 Inc�ne 1ex w�ilhheltl Gy payer af I 16 Sfate waqes, Fips, ePe. 17 State incpme Sax 7 g Lpca4 wages, tips, ete. �-,-1�� 9$�8�.88 31 fi5.0� =�x �m�����s �`��� pe�n Employers tefepho�e.'numbcr JE7� HAMMER Employers fax numtr�r Employgrs 0mailadd�ess'^� Under �enalties vT perjury, ] decfatelhat I have examined th� retum and r,amp9ele. r �. :, Fa� �-� Transr�ittal of Wage and T.ax Statem Serad this entire page with ihe entire Copy A pag�,o£.Fs�tm(s.J_. Phatocopies are not acceptabfe. Qo nvt serr�i Farrr��yV 3 if yai+ Dca not send a�y payrn�nt (cash, checks, r�ioney nrd�rszetc:j with ,• :� ,� �: ,� Reminder �� Saparats instruclions. Sec 4hc 201�J G�ra�lnafr�ctions fcar ��a W-2 and W-3 forinfarmatiaat cn compleGng tFris f�mi � nn��r �'�Foerrr W 3 far Form[s} W-2 tliatw�re submiife¢'elec::or,�cally tv.�ie'SSA. Purpase of Form `� � �'�.`~'`f'� Cornplete a Form W-3 Transmittal only when fi.li�g pap r Cr�py A of Focon[s} VL�2, IVage and T� StatemersY. Dpn't nle,Form W-3 alane. A!I paper fa�ms rr��st com Iywith�ftS �tandards.and be �rachine reada�le. Photncopies are nvt��tabletil]se a F r"��i W-3 even if vnly vne pap�r Forrn UV-,2 j�rbeing filed. Make,��Gr�fltYl til@ FORTI W-3 $I1CI Form(s} Vl�-2 shpvrl th� mrrec! k�year�and Emplayer �dentificaiion Nurn�er (EIN]. E�a�Ce a capy o4 � farm and keep it wikh Caapy D(For �mployerj o[ Forrn(sj,W-2 for v�u� records. The iR5 recammends retaining co�ies oi th�se ipmeSjar four years. E-Filing `�"` The 58A strongly suggests employers report Forrn W 3�nd Forms W-2 Copy A electronically instead nT an p2per. The SSA provides twv free e-Tiling nptaorts an 'rfs Bpsiness 5ervices C7nline [BSOJ website: • W-2 �niine. tlss fili-in forms to creafe, save, print, ar�d suhmit up to 56 Forms W-2 at a time to the SSA. • File Lfpfaad. Llpfaad wage files to fhe SSA that yov have created using payrpll or tax software that formaks the file� accorQfng to the SSA's S,pecificaiions fpr FiPing Forms W-2 Ele[�roni�aUy (EF4V2j. UV 2 C1nGne 611-i� �ori'ns orfile uAlaads wifl be or� Gme if submit�ed by Ja�uary 37, 2020. For mor� informaUan, g� to w�rww,ssa.go�l�so. �Firs� time filers, Se12Gt "RegiSte�': refuming �iters selecE 'Lag !n." i425.Qi � A11aCated Gps �� ti /""�-'^�.�„� 'i � :.. 10 Depandent qre heriefAa�� ,�`�%� �� t`a � `' .. `.'.� sick pay �•! � { Encame tax Fpr p�iciaF lfse Onfy and, to the ksesl af my Imowiedge and helieT, they are true, correcl, and ]ENT r 4112312i1 �� 20�9 ����_� er�ts ���R�� VG-2 to the Sociat S�curity Adm'snistration 455A}. tiied el��tronica!!y with the SSA. Farms W-2 and W-3. Wh�n To File Raper Forms tlllail Fbrrn W-3 with Gopy A af Form(sj W-2 try January 31, 2p2Q. Vilhere To File Paper Forms Send this ent�re page with the entir� Copy A page of Form{sj W 2 ta: 5aciaE 5ecurity Administration �irect �perations CBnter Wilkes-Barre, f�R fi8769-OOa1 Note: If pou use "Certified Mail" to file, change theZ1P [�de #o "i $789-0002 ° iT yau use an iRS-appraved private defiv�ry service, add "ATTN: W-2 Process, 115U E. Mcruntain Dr." io the address and change the 21P cade to "18102-7997." See Pub.15 (Circular E}, �mploye�s Tax GuEde, fcr a list af IRS•appraved p�ivate delivery services. �An F�r Priv3Cy ACr a�d Paperwork Red�c#ion Ack �Votice, see the sepaeate instructior�s. L 9r� 12020 ICabAage � � � Learn mc�re �hout what to expee,t �� � �di]�d��'�� �Qe, Glf�k tA VI��I ih h�ti���;�Y Sir�n in '' ��_s_..____....._� Th�s is a c�nfirmation that Hamm�rs Hai� Lounge LL.0 has �aker� an 5BA lvan af $i4,529 through the ��y�hec� Pratect�an Progr�m �PPP)`. •$74,5�9 will be de�osited into your ���oun� by Au�gu�� 11, z(}2�i. • Up to 1D0°Io of the arnaunt afyo�ar PPP loan may be �argiven if you us� at feast 50G/� o�Fthe �aan to cover payrolf costs, and the rest on business mortgage in�ere�t payments an �ea� nr personal property, rent paymen�s, or certain utulity payr�en�� during your ap�alicable Covered Periad after the Inan is disbursed' �. • Certa'rn re�uctions in ernployee salaries or headcc�unt rnay impact �he extent ta vuhich you qualify far loan � fo rg i ve n ess. • Any amount �hat i� natforgi�en will be treated as a fi�re- year laan �with a 1°i�� fixed interest rat�e.2 • AiC payments (�rincipal, inierest anci feesj are deferred until �ou r�c�iue a�lecision on Ic�an forgiveness. Ho�vevzr, fr,terest wilR con�inue ta accrue ouer this per�ad. View.em.kabbage.cnml7qs=65aS(1f797h3bba72b8a744ca9335183780e680753a7d10b2eb89�787e2ddd6-0afc022763faQ58h3dd3afc5422f7c05f9c556... 413 � _� . �. " _ ' -` f� � ' _ �_ Y .M1�`4r�r n1i aa�7e� ` 9���Za2a 5BA Applicat+an Na--3ubmitted Confirtnafion Suh�9Ct SBA AppIlc�Ylan No.-• Suhmlttad Canilrmallen Fram �disastaccustomerservlee@sbe.gov� ' Sendei EdisaskercustvmerservlceQsba.gov� Ta ' Dete 2020-fl5-3113-38 �.....�..,_ _ _...._�___�__. rr..�..._.�..�_..__�. .�... � r b .� - � t{" -.. t � � us. smau s„SinesS Administratian Crea�e yvur SBA Ecvnvmi� {nj�ry Disas�er Lvan Partaf Accc ��nt Your SBA Application Nv. - is ready for th� next ste�. Create your SBA �canomic inSury Qisaster Loan Portal a��auni to provide additianal details or requested daGumenfs. Creata �c�ount Qusstions? W�'re here to help. CaIM us at 1•��0�65g-2955 � TTY+ri7D: 1-800-877-8339. Gffice of Disaster Assistance tJ.S. Small ��siness AdministrakiQn di asiercust me rvice ts �a,go� webmai!_harnmershairloun9e•comlraundeubeJ?_task-mail& saie=i& uid=5057& mbox=lNBE3?C& action-print& extwin=1 ��� � . �� °,, "r.![�"� # [� f'i.l.ti � [�:�1 ��� �¢�����1�'�����.� ���.���.t. ��.��rrv���} r �i�:���,�= ��.-� �:��:a.� � - ��1'F't ��'r���[�i�, . L �: � ti I �^� �. t ] `� ! � a � t '+ I .1. � 11 :�', :�� ��,a!''�-��rr� ui� �iiasi►� ,.__ .,.��-; —� _ J�t�.�l' �hr ���i�u.�: �--�- k ' z . { � ��t�� � �� �+ ��.[i� ��.,; ' ' =, B; .� �� � �; �_ - ���� ����: �_ _J'�b�+-� �� ��� � : �—� . ,:. �i�F' i:T`I "L't.�+ �"}' ' � � �,� . � 0 4 h J �r �� r° . • . i i . � � r E , , � • F; . �,.� � � � t � -. y �r- ' �' �� .� 'r . . 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C I = f . !�,=��7: : � —�� —��� � _ �•'r' � �+1 •� I �o �li I •1 �!I:I� lo��� •�'� i ��`� v� i � �O I.:.i 1� : � .�1� C� G i�• ��SI ... .d�� ��a:l r.s ����-t�r�e�nafrda��ti,. .. ,: , . . . • .. .. . . ., ; •,. . , ���a� �'rrRrf�f �.4� �'��'��� ��a� !� i�f °� :F.�� �4��� i�- ��t�, �n�l�r �rr�.�� i'�u�� • � • • ' � ., � . � , : . � �{ L , �=`r���rirr'iri�fr 4I'i['� 5 T.^r�^y�.r�of [�,a . � � L � . . . , . .. . ,. . �� .- . 1�' e. �_. . .. ,. . .. - . � � ��Y : , , �. �, ue , 1 ,� 'el. k,..- � '� . . . �i � Financial Statement summary In 2019 our business 321 jump did $137,032 in annual revenue. Which was a monthly average of $11,419. From January 2020- when we were forced to close our doors on March 17t" 2020 our revenue was $22,959. We did have parties cancelling starting the week before the order to shut down. In 2019 our Summer sales from March — August were $83, 559 which was a monthly average of $13,926. In May we were allowed to start doing our outdoor rentals to get some revenue in. We have done about 20,000 in Revenue this summer which was an average of $5000/ mth (may-august). We currently do not have our indoor facility open due to the limitations of 25% occupancy which would only allow 20 people total in our building and children required to wear masks. And our large Summer event business has had nothing due to no large group gatherings. Our rental business will be ending soon as it starts to get cold outside. I currently have estimated revenue over the next three months to be $2,200 (this includes booked rentals for the next three months). Our indoor facility would be able to open once the entertainment occupancy reaches 50% like the restaurants are able to operate under. Our labor costs have increased drastically due to the amount of cleaning we do on our rentals between customers it has been averaging about 50% of the revenue. We did take out a PPP loan for $9,700 which we are hoping to have it forgiven. This allowed us to keep our business going. Our bank is still waiting on filling out the forgiveness applications. This grant would help our business to continue to pay our expenses with minimal revenue coming in over the next few months. We are praying that they increase to occupancy soon so we can start doing parties again. Thank you for your consideration. Amy Hasher 321 Jump 952.210.1135 I �� �� III � W f!7 _ � � Z ❑ � C 7 � � U � ❑ � N IIl � � � N � � � L.1 1 � � � p f� � � � � n [�] � � o {� � � � � � N O O O � � I� � c� N � I� � � r � 0� 00 O � � � Cp O N O � O O O m � � � � � � � � � � � � � , � N U .� N � � N Q N � i N N � � a O � N � � � t U C (a Q � t � C � c� � c6 � � N > O O � � +� m O C� N � c6 � N � c6 � � a� � O � � � � O U � � +� � � 0 U U Q c6 � O .� c� z O N � � c6 � � U .� � N � c6 � � N > .� � c6 � a� � N � � N N � � � � X (a � � C N � c � a� > � O U N � � X � � N (6 � N +� c� � � � � W _ � a _ � W J m a H Z a _ a Z 0 � O O � 0� O O O � 6? � �? 0 � � � � � � r N Q N � N N � � a � 0 � � a� � i (a t U c ca Q � t � c O � w � c� � � N 4 � � 0 � � � � U U Q N � � c6 � U � � � > 0 U N � a--� � O U � � 0 � � � � N � � O O � 6? � m o � � � � r � � � � � W _ � a 2 Z a _ a Z 0 � r N Q N � i N N � � a � 0 � � a� � i (a t U c ca Q � t � c O � w � c� � � N 4 � � 0 � � � � U U Q N � � c6 � U � � � > 0 U N � a--� � O U � � 0 � � � � N � rn � o 0 0 � m o 0 0 � ao o � o � 00 � N fR {�} {�} {f3 Efl � N � Q � N � � � i � N � � N � � � � J c6 a � � O � cn w � � � i � � N � W � � U � = c�a � Q � � � � o 0 2 � � +, � � � _ � �O � O � � � � Z � N � � ° � O �' o � a � �n o� o� O 6� � � r o � � � N � � c6 � U N U .> a� � a� � � � � dS > � cA '+� > N c6 � � � � � � � — � � c�6 i � � � Q � o � � O � O � N � N � � � � U c6 � � � U cn � � N � > � � o � � U � +� N � � O � U v � > � O � c6 cn � � � � a� a� � � � N � � � N X (a � � c N � C � N > � N N L� � U .> � N � � � � o� 0 0 � � O O O O � � � � � O U N � � x � � N c6 � X � � U � � cn — � cn � � � � � � U U O U � � X X � � � � N N c� c� � � � � � � � � z z � � N � O N � � W � 2 � W Z N O O O O N C�1 � � � � � � Q 0 � � N O c� � m O O O O O � N � � � N � c6 +� � � O C� � O O O = o � � � � (a �' U U � � C U .� � � � � N . � •�, C� N .0 � � a o m O O O O O � � {�} 0 0 0 0 N N fR fR O � O O � � � � � � U � Q � � O � � m � � O � uvi C9 � W J 0 � � Q �n o� 0 0� � r {�} � � o � � � O � -�c�- � -�c�- n �r� m o� m o� o m r o 0 0 � fR fR fR � N N � � N X ca � � C N C i N > � N a� L� N U .> � N � � � o� � O U N � � � � X U N � � � N ' � X � � U � •� N +� � � � � N � � +� � � � � z 0 U � N � ri N � � m � N � � � � (a N U C .� > .0 a � m c� N fR C9 N � � � � O O� O O � � � � � � m +� � � � o N � U � N � � � '� � � � � O m � o o � m o o m m � -�c�- -N�- � � r > O N C� � � O N � � � N N � � N � � J � a � � O � cn � � � � � (A � N � N p U � � � U (a � a C9 � V � � Z C � � � (a � � Cn Q � O C� � `� � Z � � � � � � C O � Q 0 � � � � o � O 6� � � c� o � r o r o � � � � � � m � � N N � � N X ca � � C N � C L N > � �r� m o� o� o m 0 0 0 fR fR fR N a� LL N U .> � N � � � � o� � O U N � � � � X U N � � � N ' � X � � U � •� N +� � � � � N � �' a--, (6 � � o z U � rn � o 0 0 0 0 � o � o 0 0 0 0 � r c� � � � � � � � � .� r � N � Q U � O � � N � � O N � � � � � � O � � (6 a � � N o w �, w � � � � � � J � � � � � � � c6 �' � Q � � � � � � (6 (6 � t — C � O � O � 00 � w � � � o _ � '� � � U } C� (n � � O p � � � Q !� � � � � � _ � � C � � � � z J � 0 � � c6 � � Q � Q O � � Cn Q � � � o � o � � � o � r � r � {� � � � � � � N � � N X ca � � C N C i N > C� �r� m 0� O 0 0 � � N N L� � U .> � N � � � o� � O U N � � X � � N (6 � � U .� +� � � +� � � O U 0� m 0 � 0 U N � � X � � N c� � N � c6 +� � � ln 0� O 6� � r � � o� o � � � O � � � � n �r� m o� m o� o m r o 0 0 � � � � O U N � � � � o X U N � � � ~ � � � � � X X � � � (a +, � L� U � a � � `� � � � o a� c � � �' � � � � � � > � � o � o z C� o� U � N O O O O � o 0 0 0 O � � N t� N r {f} ff} {—f} � � r � N Q � N � � � i � N � � N � � � aJ `� � � Q 0 � � w cA � N � N p U � � Q Q � H V � � � 0 � � � � Q � �O � O � � � � � � 0 � a� � � ° � O �' O � a � �n o� o� o � O 6� � � c� O � r o r o � � � � � n �r� m o� m o� o m r o 0 0 � � � � � N � � � � X (a � � C N � � � a� > 0 C� N N LL N U .� � � � � � o� O N � .� (B z � 0 .� � Cn N � � O O O � o ai o� o 0 o c� � N � ffl ffl ffl f!-} {�} �} � W 2 � a _ Z O � r N Q N � i N N � � a O � a� � � (a t U C ca Q � � � c 0 � O O � O .� � z � 0 .� a� � � N o� � o � � �r� � � CO o� o � o c� � r N � � � � � � � � � a� � � c6 � � � N > 0 U N � � � O U � � 0 +� c� � � a� � a� � � c� � U � � � � � � � � U .� a� � a� U .� � � � � c� a� � � N N � � � � x ca � � c N � c � � > � � 0 U N � � X � � N c� � � U .� � � � � +� � � 0 U O U N � i X � � N � � � +� c� +� � z � 0 0 N r N � � Q i _ N c� N +� — O � — � m O a C H � � 2� � � � � o Q +' u � o U [p y � � � � � � i �° o � � O o o � ° Q u � � � � � � � � � � � l„1 � N m �� � V 6 3 �' v u � � a �, � O � � � � U J � a--� O � Q 0 � � � [r0 C a CJ1 [p L � � � U a �C C N L±1 L!5 .� +� tL � � C � � � r0 � Cf] 7, u w` V � �� �/� L � Y' � � � � 9 a ^�= �' F L � ar � U a � Cen�erPaini. � fnergy CenterPointFnergy mm Gas leak or emergency Leave immediately, then cal6 8Q0-29Fr9815, 24 hour� a day Yvur usage �n a glance Page 1 of A CUST�M�R ACCUUNT NUMBER 321 JUMP - Yaur aceount is pa�t du�. gILLING �ATE fiOTAL [3UE '� 3iG.64 SERVICE A�DRESS Aug i2, 2{12(} 9375 �eegan Ave Ne STE G, Mtrn�i�ello, MIV 55362-4521 Customer ser►►iee Call hefore yau dig Comrnents 612-321�939 or 8f10-24�23IT Call 891 PQ Box 1144 Monciay -�nday, 7�m - 7 pm 24 hours a day fl+finneapc�llis, MN 5544a-1144 � 76 2I — 57 �a — � � - �s TNdN a S 0 t� D d F�I R M J J A �� 2919 2020 Previous � l}sagelF�is' Averdgeda3Y � usage man� temperature 1 vear aoo Las1 mmth This monUr Tofal Therms used � U � Average daly gas use [fherms} �.6 �.4 �_6 A�erage daly temperalure T5 72 il Davs m b���n4 p�d 29 31 31 To hefler uraderstand yu�r ha�r�e energy usage and feam er+ergy savingstips, vrsrtCerrterPuiniEseryy.c�mymergyanalyrer Hnw tn pay yaur bill Online � �sit CeR[erPointf�e�gy.cwnlpaybrl! Pay immediately, schedule a payment a set up autexaratic monfhly �sayments. ±'bace keep d�is pa+0ian fu yaur rew�de We harren't recei�ed the past due charges of �18.32. PleasE pay this amount today. f� yaube recen�+j made your payment, 7hank You. ACCOUNT St]MMARY Previous gas amaurat due Payment No payment reeervsd. Past due gas eharges due immediately Current qas charqes due Sep 9, 2[�20 �Details on page 2) 7vtal amount due Phone �"` Call 612•321 �939 and make a payment usir�g your chedcirrg or savings accanf, or 6y de6�t or cre&t card. Pkace rel�a*� dtis Wr��m w�6+yaw aayment. Pkaee do nol vKi�6e klkrs or ndes. CenterPvin�, fnergy ❑4002439 1 321 JUMP 9375 �EEGAN AVE NE STE 7 MONTICELLD, MN 55362-0621 �81�151767672 OOG441 In person To find a payrnent Ivca�on, visit. Cente�Poirr�ner�y.mmlpay6tll or call 612 321�539. ACCDUNT PAST DUE $ 18.32 - a.aa $ 18.32 + 18.32 $ 36.�4 Ma�l � Retum the payment stub be�w, wifh yaur chedc ar maney order, using the retum envelnpe- AGCt]UhJT NUMBER — PAST QL1E AIiA0l1NT + CLIRRENT CHARGE9 = TaTkL AMOUHT �L1E $ 18.32 $ � 8.32 $ 3fi.64 Due im�ediately 9ep 9, 202� W�le aoca�nl nurbef on check ad m�ce payahk m Cente�PoM Erergy- � Please er�r a�rwud of your pa�mx.rR �Idlll����l��lll��f��l�l�� ��I�IPII"'I"��I�����'ll��'I�� I��I'�� CENTERPC?1NT ENERiGY P� BO?{ 4671 HDUSTDN TX 77210-Afi71 0�72006W�Dfl0�55181m0��00�3664D0���0�366480 CenterPointa Energy CenterPointEnergy.com DEFINITIONS CUSTOMER 321 JUMP SERVICE ADDRESS 9375 Deegan Ave Ne STE G, Monticello, MN 55362-452 Basic Charge is a flat amount each month, regardless of the amount of gas used, to cover a portion of costs incurred even if the customer does not use gas during the billing period. Cost of Gas is the cost CenterPoint Energy pays for the gas it delivers to its customers. Delivery Charge is based on the amount of gas delivered, to cover the costs of delivering gas not covered by the Basic Charge. City Franchise Fee is a fee charged by a city to utility companies that provide natural gas, electricity or cable service. Utilities will collect the fee from individual customers and pay it to the city. Utilities receive no revenue from this fee. Gas Affordability Program (GAP) covers costs to offer a low-income customer co-pay program to reduce natural gas service disconnections. This charge is billed to all non- interruptible customers. Purchased Gas Adjus4nent reflects the difference between the base cost of gas established at the time of our most recent rate case and the price paid to purchase and transport the gas you used during this billing period. Therm is the heating value of gas. Your meter measures CCF (hundreds of cubic feet) which we multiply by the therm factor to determine the heating capacity of the gas you used. For a more detailed description of each of the terms used on your bill, please visit CenterPointEnergy.com/definitions or call Customer Support at 612-321-4939. ACCOUNT NUMBER - BILLING DATE Aug 12, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Your account is past due. TOTAL DUE $ 36.64 Current gas charges Rate: Comllnd Firm Rate Meter Number Day Billing Period Current read date Next scheduled read date Next billing date - 31 Aug 10, 2020 Sep 10, 2020 Sep 11, 2020 Billing Period Current Reading - Previous Reading = Total x Therm factor = Adjusted Usage 07/10/20 - 08/10/20 4965 4965 0 1.19768 0 Therms Basic charge $ 15.00 Delivery charge 0.00 Gas Affordability PRG 0.00 Cost of gas' 0.00 Interim rate adjustment 2.06 (Basic Chg + ($021208'therms))'13.7000% County sales tax 0.09 State sales tax 1.17 Total current charges $18.32 'includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.08197 CR Your account, managed your way • Pay automatically. Set up AutoPay by signing and Sign up at CenterPointEnergy.com/myaccount returning the form below with your check payment. IYs that • 2417 online account access. View and/or pay your bill, easyl view usage history, sign up for account services and much • Even out the highs and lows of your monthly bills. more. Enroll in Average Monthly Billing and spread your natural • Go paperless. Receive an email when your bill is ready gas costs throughout the year. to view and pay. Get convenience, get rid of clutter. • Get bill reminders. Choose text or email, up to fve days before your bill is due. • Other services. Report a payment made at a payment location, set up a payment extension and much more. View options from your online account or visit CenterPointEnergy.com/selfservice if you'd prefer not to register. • Moving? Please call us at 612-321-4939 at least two weeks before you move, or complete the forms at CenterPointEnergy. com/selfservice Register any inquiry or complaint at CenterPoint Energy, 505 Nicollet Mall, PO Box 59038, Minneapolis, MN 55459-0038 Mail payments to CenterPoint Energy, PO Box 4671, Houston, TX 77210-4671 Late payment detailsldue date. Please pay your bill on time to reach our office by the due date shown at the top of your bill. Unpaid gas amounts over $10 are charged a late payment fee of 1.5%(18%annual percentage rate)or$1 minimum on the next billing date shown on your bill. Returned check charge. There will be a$10 charge for any check or AutoPay payment your bank returns to us. Notice of customer information availability. Customer information is available upon request. Call 800-245-2377. Personal checks sent for payment may be processed electronically. This means your check will not be returned by your financial institution. Any funds may be debited from your account as soon as the same day payment is received.lf you have questions concerning this process, please contact customer service at 800-245-2377. For further information, visit http://federa Ireserve.gov/pubs/checkconv/ 000002 Enroll in AutoPay and your monthly payment will be automatically deducted from your bank account. To enroll, sign and date this form and return with your check payment. Money orders do not qualify for enrollment. Your next bill will be automatically deducted from the account listed on your check. For more information and to enroll electronically, go to CenterPointEnergy.com/autopay. I authorize CenterPoint Energy to automatically deduct from the checking account shown on my enclosed check all future payments for my CenterPoint Energy bills. I will notify CenterPoint Energy if I decide to cancel my use of AutoPay. CenterPoint Energy also has the right to discontinue my AutoPay enrollment. Once I enroll, I understand that any past due balances will be drafted from my account three days after my application is processed. Account holder's signature Date Cen�erPainf� � fnergy Cente rPo i nt E n e rg y. e om Q � Rem e m b e r: IVTy Ace�c�n� is M�BILE FRIENDLY� aving busines� with us is easy and �vnvenient, whether y�u're �t h�me or away. �ur w�k� �ay�� autc��r��t��:ally re-si�� fior yaur �esk�op, tablet ar smartph�ne. Log in at Cent�rPointEnergy.comllU�yAccc�unt '#:431:i "NP Page 3 of A Augusf, �U2� � �+cAnn I Be alert far SMShing a�tacks. Ider�fity fhieves Cou�if or� canSumers` trust' nf text messages. SMShiny Qecurs when a sca�7-i��er atten-�ts to trick yau intv dicking on a malicious lirk on a text rnessage. Rememher... ■ Dnn't interact with suspicious .e;�t m�ss�:ges. � Clur phone agents never personally rsquest banking Qr credit card info awer the pha��e. Far n�ore in`o, ga ta: CenterPointEnergy.coml'Uti IityScams. 1 iti4i3=. C:PdI' [�ra�ge ist�te newsignyvurburner�eedscle�ning. Na�ucal �as flam+es sh�uld b�m BLUE except in fireplace tags, w�hich �urr� orara�e for � mpr� r�ali�tic v�ood-fi�e laok 4ran�� or y��lv�u f�ames m�ke indic�te a �a� ir�fa at Cer�int€ne�gy►.c��f�y. ..,.: probier�, sa d+�n`� us� the a�plianc� �nd call a qualified service t�c��ini�ian t� check it v�nt, c�ean and a�djust, if necessary. aaooa� CenterPointa Energy CenterPointEnergy.com � ap t{ up re a� i, Gn ae 5 � a� � Do you knaw what these signs mean? N ap . t j up re d� � � y �n ae 0 9. �Y Markers designed like these — and usually in bright yellow— mean there'� a pipeline nearby. It's neuer safe to dig without first getting underground utility lines marked. Call "811 " at least two days before starting your project. It`s safe. It`s free. It`s the law. CenterPoi ntEnergy.comlCal1811 186680_C N P Page 4 of 4 August, 2020 DYI: Weatherization 101 Adding insulation is a cost- effective way to reduce your home's heating and cooling bills. ��insul�Gio � ��� �p�1Qr �il ��i! �� � ir�,diy"�saiecy �cawoa;� �D raoe � �% ° �,e°Y; ��p.ovemmt '�""�c `d� m�a � mheaG �"'g sea"�g L�� w�s�cum a.��� oc � prflGec�ion � � '�`� �,"`� �� � ��� � h'a°°' won� � � erc�n`g� a.�awn ��ms � �.� a a� "'�` � m (�i a�caa � � In the winter, heat flows from heated living spaces to unheated attics, basements and througl� ceilings, walls and floors. During cooling season, heat flows from the outdoors to �he interior. Proper insulation pro�ides an effective resistance to the flow of heat. Fo� tips, taols and �dvice, visit Energy.Gov/EnergySarrer. 174421_HOU A safety message from CenterPoint Energy If you smell natural gas, leave immediately. Call our Gas Leak Hotline at Si percibes un olor a gas natural, sal inmediatamente. Llama a nuestra linea telef6nica 500-296-9815. Do not use or store flammable products such as gasoline in the same room or area para fugas de gas a uno de los numeros de telefono que aparecen arriba. No use ni near the water heater or any other gas appliance. almacene productos inflamables tales como gasolina en la misma habitacion o en areas cercanas a un calentador de agua u otro tipo de aparato a gas. How to read your meter �n+uuo�, ,�t�aas�,� �osxou.ra,�,o �tKausa,ya �Og �Dq �Og �Og 2 S 2 $ 2 8 2 B 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 4 5 6 4 g fi 4 5 6 4 5 6 1. Draw on the dials above the exact position of the hands as they appear on your gas meter. 2. At least three days before the next Billing date shown in the Current gas charges section of your bill, call CenterPoint Energy, 612-372-4727 (500-245-2377). Tell us your name, account number and the date you read the meter. 3. Give the exact position of the hands on the dials above, reading from left to right. Tell us the number the hand points to. If it is between two numbers, tell us the two numbers it is between. 000006 Estimated bills We try to read your meter regularly. Sometimes your meter is not read, and we estimate your bill. The estimate is based on past usage and weather for the current billing period. To help avoid estimates, you can read your own meter; as shown here. Cen�erPaini. � fnergy CenterPointFnergy mm Gas leak or emergency Leave immediately, then cal6 8Q0-29Fr9815, 24 hour� a day Yvur usage �n a glance Page 1 of A CUST�M�R ACCUUNT NUMBER 321 JUMP � Yaur aceount is pa�t du�. gILLING �ATE fiOTAL [3UE '$ 45.65 SERVICE A�DRESS Aug i2, 2{12(} 9375 �eegan Ave Ne STE H, Nlon�icella, MN 55362-d521 Customer ser►►iee Call hefore yau dig Comrnents 612-321�939 or 8f10-24�23IT Call 891 PQ Box 1144 Monciay -�nday, 7�m - 7 pm 24 hours a day fl+finneapc�llis, MN 5544a-1144 � 76 225 �7 150 � �� � �s TNdA R S 0 P! D J F�I A M J J A �� 2919 2020 Previous � l}sagelF�is' Averdgeda3Y � �saqe merim ternv��►� 1 vear aoa Las1 mmth This morstlr Tofal Therms used 7 1 2 Average daly gas use [fherms} �.� �.4 @.7 A�erage daly temperalure T5 72 6 Davs m b��nq peric�d 29 31 31 To hefler uraderstand yu�r ha�r�e energy usage and feam er+ergy savingstips, vrsrtCerrterPuiniEseryy.c�mymergyanalyrer Hnw tn pay yaur bill Online � �sit CeR[erPointf�e�gy.cwnlpaybrl! Pay immediately, schedule a payment a set up autexaratic monfhly �sayments. ±'bace keep d�is pa+0ian fu yaur rew�de We harren't recei�ed the past due charges of �26.15. PleasE pay this amount today. f� yaube recen�+j made your payment, 7hank You. ACCOUNT St]MMARY Previous gas amaurat due Payment No payment reeervsd. Past due gas eharges due immediately Current qas charqes due Sep 9, 2[�20 �Details on page 2) 7vtal amount due Phone �"` Call 612•321 �939 and make a payment usir�g your chedcirrg or savings accanf, or 6y de6�t or cre&t card. Pkace rel�a*� dtis Wr��m w�6+yaw aayment. Pkaee do nol vKi�6e klkrs or ndes. CenterPvin�, fnergy ❑40024381 321 JUMP 9375 �EEGAN AVE NE STE 7 MONTICELLD, MN 55362-0621 �81�15176768Q OOG441 In person To find a payrnent Ivca�on, visit. Cente�Poirr�ner�y.mmlpay6tll or call 612 321�539. ACCDUNT PAST DUE $ 26.15 - o,aa $ 25.15 + 19.50 � as.s� Ma�l � Retum the payment stub be�w, wifh yaur chedc ar maney order, using the retum envelnpe- AGCt]UhJT NUMBER - PAST QL1E AIiA0l1NT + CLIRRENT CHARGE9 = TaTkL AMOUHT �L1E $26.�5 $ �9.50 $45.65 Due im�ediately 3ep 9, 202� Wnle aoca�nl nurbef on check ad m�ce payahk m Ccrrte�PoM Erergy- � Please er�r a�rwud of your pa�mx.rR �Idlll����l��lll��f��l�l�� ��I�IPII"'I"��I�����'ll��'I�� I��I'�� CENTERPC?1NT ENERiGY P� BO?{ 4671 HDUSTDN TX 77210-Afi71 0�72006W�Dfl0�.55347m0��00�4565�0���0�456510 CenterPointa Energy CenterPointEnergy.com DEFINITIONS CUSTOMER 321 JUMP SERVICE ADDRESS 9375 Deegan Ave Ne STE H, Monticello, MN 55362-452 Basic Charge is a flat amount each month, regardless of the amount of gas used, to cover a portion of costs incurred even if the customer does not use gas during the billing period. Cost of Gas is the cost CenterPoint Energy pays for the gas it delivers to its customers. Delivery Charge is based on the amount of gas delivered, to cover the costs of delivering gas not covered by the Basic Charge. City Franchise Fee is a fee charged by a city to utility companies that provide natural gas, electricity or cable service. Utilities will collect the fee from individual customers and pay it to the city. Utilities receive no revenue from this fee. Gas Affordability Program (GAP) covers costs to offer a low-income customer co-pay program to reduce natural gas service disconnections. This charge is billed to all non- interruptible customers. Purchased Gas Adjus4nent reflects the difference between the base cost of gas established at the time of our most recent rate case and the price paid to purchase and transport the gas you used during this billing period. Therm is the heating value of gas. Your meter measures CCF (hundreds of cubic feet) which we multiply by the therm factor to determine the heating capacity of the gas you used. For a more detailed description of each of the terms used on your bill, please visit CenterPointEnergy.com/definitions or call Customer Support at 612-321-4939. ACCOUNT NUMBER - BILLING DATE Aug 12, 2020 Page 2 of 4 Your account is past due. TOTAL DUE $ 45.65 Current gas charges Rate: Comllnd Firm Rate Meter Number Day Billing Period Current read date Next scheduled read date Next billing date - 31 Aug 10, 2020 Sep 10, 2020 Sep 11, 2020 Billing Period Current Reading - Previous Reading = Total x Therm factor = Adjusted Usage 07/10/20 - 08/10/20 4758 4756 2 1.19768 2 Therms Basic charge $ 15.00 Delivery charge 2 therms x$ 021784 0.44 Decoupling adjustment 2 therms x-$ 0.01403 - 0.03 Gas Affordability PRG 2 therms x$ 0.00000 0.00 Cost of gas' 2 therms x$ 0.32000 0.64 Interim rate adjustment 2.11 (Basic Chg + ($021208'therms))'13.7000% County sales tax 0.09 State sales tax 125 Total current charges $19.50 'includes a purchased gas adjustment of $0.08197 CR Your account, managed your way • Pay automatically. Set up AutoPay by signing and Sign up at CenterPointEnergy.com/myaccount returning the form below with your check payment. IYs that • 2417 online account access. View and/or pay your bill, easyl view usage history, sign up for account services and much • Even out the highs and lows of your monthly bills. more. Enroll in Average Monthly Billing and spread your natural • Go paperless. Receive an email when your bill is ready gas costs throughout the year. to view and pay. Get convenience, get rid of clutter. • Get bill reminders. Choose text or email, up to fve days before your bill is due. • Other services. Report a payment made at a payment location, set up a payment extension and much more. View options from your online account or visit CenterPointEnergy.com/selfservice if you'd prefer not to register. • Moving? Please call us at 612-321-4939 at least two weeks before you move, or complete the forms at CenterPointEnergy. com/selfservice Register any inquiry or complaint at CenterPoint Energy, 505 Nicollet Mall, PO Box 59038, Minneapolis, MN 55459-0038 Mail payments to CenterPoint Energy, PO Box 4671, Houston, TX 77210-4671 Late payment detailsldue date. Please pay your bill on time to reach our office by the due date shown at the top of your bill. Unpaid gas amounts over $10 are charged a late payment fee of 1.5%(18%annual percentage rate)or$1 minimum on the next billing date shown on your bill. Returned check charge. There will be a$10 charge for any check or AutoPay payment your bank returns to us. Notice of customer information availability. Customer information is available upon request. Call 800-245-2377. Personal checks sent for payment may be processed electronically. This means your check will not be returned by your financial institution. Any funds may be debited from your account as soon as the same day payment is received.lf you have questions concerning this process, please contact customer service at 800-245-2377. For further information, visit http://federa Ireserve.gov/pubs/checkconv/ 000002 Enroll in AutoPay and your monthly payment will be automatically deducted from your bank account. To enroll, sign and date this form and return with your check payment. Money orders do not qualify for enrollment. Your next bill will be automatically deducted from the account listed on your check. For more information and to enroll electronically, go to CenterPointEnergy.com/autopay. I authorize CenterPoint Energy to automatically deduct from the checking account shown on my enclosed check all future payments for my CenterPoint Energy bills. I will notify CenterPoint Energy if I decide to cancel my use of AutoPay. CenterPoint Energy also has the right to discontinue my AutoPay enrollment. Once I enroll, I understand that any past due balances will be drafted from my account three days after my application is processed. Account holder's signature Date Cen�erPainf� � fnergy Cente rPo i nt E n e rg y. e om Q � Rem e m b e r: IVTy Ace�c�n� is M�BILE FRIENDLY� aving busines� with us is easy and �vnvenient, whether y�u're �t h�me or away. �ur w�k� �ay�� autc��r��t��:ally re-si�� fior yaur �esk�op, tablet ar smartph�ne. Log in at Cent�rPointEnergy.comllU�yAccc�unt '#:431:i "NP Page 3 of A Augusf, �U2� � �+cAnn I Be alert far SMShing a�tacks. Ider�fity fhieves Cou�if or� canSumers` trust' nf text messages. SMShiny Qecurs when a sca�7-i��er atten-�ts to trick yau intv dicking on a malicious lirk on a text rnessage. Rememher... ■ Dnn't interact with suspicious .e;�t m�ss�:ges. � Clur phone agents never personally rsquest banking Qr credit card info awer the pha��e. Far n�ore in`o, ga ta: CenterPointEnergy.coml'Uti IityScams. 1 iti4i3=. C:PdI' [�ra�ge ist�te newsignyvurburner�eedscle�ning. Na�ucal �as flam+es sh�uld b�m BLUE except in fireplace tags, w�hich �urr� orara�e for � mpr� r�ali�tic v�ood-fi�e laok 4ran�� or y��lv�u f�ames m�ke indic�te a �a� ir�fa at Cer�int€ne�gy►.c��f�y. ..,.: probier�, sa d+�n`� us� the a�plianc� �nd call a qualified service t�c��ini�ian t� check it v�nt, c�ean and a�djust, if necessary. aaooa� CenterPointa Energy CenterPointEnergy.com � ap t{ up re a� i, Gn ae 5 � a� � Do you knaw what these signs mean? N ap . t j up re d� � � y �n ae 0 9. �Y Markers designed like these — and usually in bright yellow— mean there'� a pipeline nearby. It's neuer safe to dig without first getting underground utility lines marked. Call "811 " at least two days before starting your project. It`s safe. It`s free. It`s the law. CenterPoi ntEnergy.comlCal1811 186680_C N P Page 4 of 4 August, 2020 DYI: Weatherization 101 Adding insulation is a cost- effective way to reduce your home's heating and cooling bills. ��insul�Gio � ��� �p�1Qr �il ��i! �� � ir�,diy"�saiecy �cawoa;� �D raoe � �% ° �,e°Y; ��p.ovemmt '�""�c `d� m�a � mheaG �"'g sea"�g L�� w�s�cum a.��� oc � prflGec�ion � � '�`� �,"`� �� � ��� � h'a°°' won� � � erc�n`g� a.�awn ��ms � �.� a a� "'�` � m (�i a�caa � � In the winter, heat flows from heated living spaces to unheated attics, basements and througl� ceilings, walls and floors. During cooling season, heat flows from the outdoors to �he interior. Proper insulation pro�ides an effective resistance to the flow of heat. Fo� tips, taols and �dvice, visit Energy.Gov/EnergySarrer. 174421_HOU A safety message from CenterPoint Energy If you smell natural gas, leave immediately. Call our Gas Leak Hotline at Si percibes un olor a gas natural, sal inmediatamente. Llama a nuestra linea telef6nica 500-296-9815. Do not use or store flammable products such as gasoline in the same room or area para fugas de gas a uno de los numeros de telefono que aparecen arriba. No use ni near the water heater or any other gas appliance. almacene productos inflamables tales como gasolina en la misma habitacion o en areas cercanas a un calentador de agua u otro tipo de aparato a gas. How to read your meter �n+uuo�, ,�t�aas�,� �osxou.ra,�,o �tKausa,ya �Og �Dq �Og �Og 2 S 2 $ 2 8 2 B 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 4 5 6 4 g fi 4 5 6 4 5 6 1. Draw on the dials above the exact position of the hands as they appear on your gas meter. 2. At least three days before the next Billing date shown in the Current gas charges section of your bill, call CenterPoint Energy, 612-372-4727 (500-245-2377). Tell us your name, account number and the date you read the meter. 3. Give the exact position of the hands on the dials above, reading from left to right. Tell us the number the hand points to. If it is between two numbers, tell us the two numbers it is between. 000006 Estimated bills We try to read your meter regularly. Sometimes your meter is not read, and we estimate your bill. The estimate is based on past usage and weather for the current billing period. To help avoid estimates, you can read your own meter; as shown here. August 8„ 2d20 Invoice I�ium6er Account Number: 5ecunty Cade: Service At: 93I5 DEEGAN AV� N� S� � 8 MaI�TICELLC} MN 55362-4621 Ce�ntack LJs C,�uestipns abvut your bill or services? VPsit SpectrumBusiness net ar call 8'�6 314.7195 Previous Balance Paym�nts Received -Thank Youi Remainir�g Balance Spectrum BusinessT"' Internet Current Charges Tatal �ue by 4812512[S 84 . �{� -84.9� S4.Oi} 84.99 $84.99 $84.99 Thank you for chansing Spectrum Business. We appreci�te your prompt payment and �alue you as a customer Spec�rum. BL�SINE55 d145 S FALKENBUFtG Ra RIVERVIEW FL 33578-8652 8634 D14� NO RP DB D8092t120 NNMNNYNN D1 995t2[1 321 JUMP INC SPECTRUM BlJ51NESS NEWS Add 5pectrum Business Vcsice 8 get rrliahk business pMone ser�ice at an unheata6le �alue. Just $2'�.991mo for each line. Call 1 �66-fi67-0382 todayl Add Spectrum Busf�ess N for only $29.991mo and get the best programming. reliable senrice and unbeaEa6le vaiue. Ca91 1-866-663-fi457 today� You are pre-approreed ca get Spectrum MobiPe. Stay eonnected with the fastest overall speeds, and the most reliatrle service, �oast. ta coast. Call 1-855-338•7412 to see haw much you �an saVel August 8, 2020 3i1 JUMP, INC Invaice Numher: Aceaunt lV�rmber Ser�ice At; 9375 DE�GAIV AVE NE STE 8 h�ONTIC�LLO h�N 553fi2-4629 Total ❑ue by 0812512d Amount ynu are enciasing 8�52305Q802�4423�[]�84996 Please Remit Payment To: CHARTER C�MMUN�CATIaNS I�O �flX 94188 PALATIN� IL fi0094-4188 � $84.99 Page 2 of 5 Invoice Number Accaunt Num6er Securi�y Cade: Augusi 8, 2020 �e�wma�raar•r� Rrevsous Balance 84.99 1-Time EFT Payment 0713� -8�4.99 Remaining Balance 5fl,46 Payments receiwed after 08108l20 will appear an your next bi�l 5ervice from 08f08l2q through 05f07[20 Spectrum Business Irttefnel F'Iu5 Business Weh Hasting usmess uesiaop Sper_irum BusinessT"' Intemei Tota! Current Charges Tvfa4 �ue by Q8125r20 84.�J9 o aa fl.60 �8q 94 Spec�rumr BUSINESS Cantact Us �uestions about your bill ar services? Visit SpectrumBusine�s.net or eall 800.31d.7195 8634 0140 Np RP 0$ 0809202(1 NHNNt�fYNN a1 99512f} Insufficient Funds Payment Paliey - Charter may charge an insu�cient fiunds processing fee fvr all returnsd cheeks and bankcard charge-backs. If your check, bankcard (debit or cred�t} ct�arge, ar other instrument ar eEectronic transfer transaction used to pay us is dishonared, refused ar returned for any reason, we may ele�Wnically de6it your account ior ttie payment, plus an insufficient funds processing tee as set forth in ynur terms of serriice pr Qn your Videa Services rate card (uP to the amaunt ailowable 6y law and any applicable sales tax}. Your bank acccunt may be debited as eariy as the same day payment rs dishonored, refused or returned. If yaur bank a�count is nvt debited, the retumed chetk amount �plus fee} must be replaced by cash, cashie�s check or money ordar Gomplaint Procedures - You ha�e 6[7 days from the billing date ta registe^r � complaint rf you disagree with your charges. Franchise Adminis#retor - City af Mvnticeklo 505 Walnut 5t Suite 1 Manticelfo MN 55362-8822 Phone: (T63) 27't-3215 �8d 9y Timely Payment - If your payment is nat received hy the next bil6ng 384.99 statement, your aceaunt is su6pect to:ntemaptian of service. Clharter equipment may be rendered non-functiorsal pnar to termination. Yau may �e _ subject to a ehange af s�ervice charge to reinstate your digital channels and Intemet service when funct�an is restc�red. Tax and Fees - This statement reflects the current taxes and fees for your �rea [including sales, excise, user taxes, etc.}. 7hese taxes and fees may change without notice. Visii s�ectrunr.nt:t'tax��s�3ndt�es for more information. Terms & Candit�ons - Spectrum`s detailed star�dard terms and conditions for sernce are IQcated atspectrum.comlpohcoes_ Past �Bue Fee ! Late Fee Reminder - A laie fee will be assessed for past due charges for service. 5tatemer�ts with �era or Credit Balances - Customers with a zero ar credit balance on their bill will not recei�e a paper siatement �ocal SpeCfrum Store: 400 Sundial �n�e, Wa�te Paric MN 53687 Store Hours: Mon thru Fn - 9:OGam to 6:OOpm; Sat - 9:6Qam tn 5:OOpm Vsit ��ectn�m r.nmistnres fvr stcare locabions. For questians ar concems, visit ��ecfrE�m net�su��nrt Simplify your life wi#h Auta Pay! Payment �ptions Spend less time p�yi�g your bill and mare time doing what yau lo�e. IYs Easy - No more checks, stamps or trips to the posf affice IYs 5ecure - Powerfui technology keeps your infarmsfion safe IYs Flexible - N1se your checking, savings, de6it or credit eard It's FREE - And helps save time, postage and ihe environment Set up easy, autQmatie bill payments with Autv Pay! Visit: spectrtfrnbtisiness net (My Account login required} Spe�trum� 8�51NE5S Pay Oniine — Create or Login to MyAcco�nt to pay or �iew your hill online at spectrumbusiness.net_ Pay by Mail - Detach payment coupvn and enclase wrth your ch�ck made payable ta Gharter. Please do nat include correspandences af any type witri payments. IIII I�IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII� Page 3 of 6 Account: Security Code August 8, 2020 321 JUMP, INC Spectrum► BUSINESS Contact Us Questions about your bill or services? Visit SpectrumBusiness.net or call 800.314.7195 8634 0140 NO RP 08 08092020 NNNNNYNN 01 995120 Spectrum► BUSINESS Ma�ke sure your business has the right technology solutions. You qualify for a FREE business technology assessment. To stay productive and competitive, your small buslness needs the latest and greatest phcne, Internet and TV solutions at the best price. As a Spectrum Business customer; we can c�nfirm you have the right solutions to maxirr�ize your savings. LOWER YOUR MONTHLY BUSINESS BILL � Add Spectrum Business Voice $ 99 /mo per Ilne for 12 mos when bui�dled"* Get reliable, crystal-clear phone service. • FREE unlimited local and long distance calling • FREE Call Forwarding, Voicemail to Email and more • No contracts and no hidden fees • 30-Day Mcney-B�ck Gu�r�nt�e' NO-HASSLE INSTALLATION • NO CONTRACTS • NO ADDED VOICE TAXES See how much your business can save. Call: �855) 297-5165 Or visit: Business.Spectrum.com Limited-time offer; subject to change, Qualified Spectrum Business customers only. Must not have subscribed to applicable services w/ in the last 30 days & have no outstanding obligation to Charter. "$29.99 Voice uffer is for 12 mos. & ind. une business phone li ne w/ unl i mited local & lung distance w/ in khe US., Puerto Rim, & Cana�a plus 2,000 lung-diskance min utes to Mexico. I nd u�es phone taxes, charges and fees. Other telephone services may have corresponding taxes and rates, tView Business,Spectrum.com/guarantee for details about the 30-Day Cu stomer Satisfaction Guarantee. Services subject to al l applicable service terms & conditions, ��,vhich are subjed to change, Ser�dices & promo. offers not a�dail, in all areas. Standard pricing applies aker promo, period Installation & other equlpment, taxes & fees may apply, Restrictions apply. Call for details. �<: 2020 Charter Communicatlons, Inc. B/�P 2008 B/�P S/� %KFG2T Page 4 of 6 Account: Security Code August 8, 2020 321 JUMP, INC , 0 Spectrum► BUSINESS Contact Us Questions about your bill or services? Visit SpectrumBusiness.net or call 800.314.7195 8634 0140 NO RP 08 08092020 NNNNNYNN 01 995120 Spectrum► BUSINESS Mal� �ure ���r business has th� right technology solutions. You qualify for a FREE business technology assessment. To stay productive and competitive, your small business needs the latest and greatest TV phone and Internet solutions at the best price. As a Spectrum Business customer, we can confirm you have the right solutions to maximize your savings LOWER YOUR MONTHLY BUSINESS BILL HD Add Spectrum Business TV $ 99 /m� for 12 mras when bundledr Watch 45+ channels with FREE HD. • Can't miss live sports • Must see shows and events • �ocal and national news • Service that's reliable in any weather NO-HASSLE INSTALLATION • NO CONTRACTS •$500 CONTRACT BUYOUT�' See how much your business can save. Call: �866� 372-8287 Or visit: Business.Spectrum.com Limited-tlme offer, subjectto change. Qualified new buslness customers only. Must not have subscribed to applicable sen�ices w/ in the last 30 days & have no outstanding obligatlon to Charter +g29 99 N offer is for 12 mos, when bundled �n/ Internet or Voice & ind, Spectrum Business TV. Taxes, fees and surcharges (bdcst surcharge up to $13.50 mo,) extra and subject to change during and after the term; equipment and additional services are extra. Number of channels may vary. �>Contrad Buyout offer is valid up to $500. Visit BusinessSpedrum.com/contradbuyout for details. Services subjed to all applicable service terms & conditions, which are subjedto change. Services & promo. offers not avail. in all areas. Standard pricing applies after promo. period. Installation &other equipment, taxes & fees may apply. Restrictions apply. Call for detalls. �c 2020 Charter Communicatlons, Inc �/VP Z��g �/V�i Si`,%KF_��U Page 5 of 6 Accaunt: Security Code: August 8, 2020 '�7i Jl1P.iF' Ihlf' Spec�rum► BUSINESS �Q�ti1CX US ❑uestions about your bill ar services? Visit SpectrumBusiness.net vr eall 800.31d.7195 8634 pldq Np RP 48 k8092020 NNNNEJYNN t]1 99512f} Specfr�m� �US�NESS Make sur�e you� busi nes� has the rigF�t t+echnolagy solutivn�. You qualify for a FREE busin�s� techn�l�gy assessrn�nt. 1 ': .. ;li':� :.0 rT"�;C::I` � �:;lJ :J r ail i f i::� I �..[:i,; .. �_ �t-:-- :I •� :�rF-iY��t `i' : � G? � ;ri�. ."i�t �arl ; f`.' �:'ll,:iCf�S fi ' i _. I ;.,- 4 .�,.- . =:j _ �:� .;':�LY•; "7' '3l_I�ICI._ i,lz;r,T r •. :::n - . -- -,,.� � :. :. �d-��-..�.:�:_il --. ,ll .-. ' I+' i-"'i=3?:61�ii,�", ..-..�' -, .. -�ti�=. LC7WER YQUR MDNTHLY BLJ5INESS BILL Add Spectrum Mobile _.. .. i ��. E i .� . , UNLIMITED DATA PLAN BY THE GIG ❑ATA P�AN �t' C]R � i�.. i 1� e. I.. i.° . 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Visit SpectrumBusiness.net or call 800.314.7195 8634 0140 NO RP 08 08092020 NNNNNYNN 01 995120 DISBURSEMENT REQUEST AND AUTHORIZATION PrinClpel L.oan Date Maturfry Loan No cau i tou ACcaunt OHicer Mi1 59,700.00 05-01-2020 05-01-2022 - CS unsEcuaev Retarences �n the boxes eGove are lor LeMOr's u« .�� ,� , ,.-,`� v_'�'�dNty M Rrs doa�r*�� b ev,y p�rf,cu4+r Wan a item '_'. .._... a�,...r rvv�Iwuunu • . . .., �� , 1-. ���i� . i �'�Y1 f1lM iD IYttT IYnyIA IMnA11b�76 _ _ _ . _ _ eorrower: a2t ru� �NC 8375 DEEQAN AVE SUITE H �ylplVfT1GELL0, MN 653EZ Le��der: �wuvcaiu sECutm e�unc AtWrMlt� OM1c� 1 t fOZ 5yTM 8Tl![T 1� Albwt�rllN, MN 65.701 �76i) 42�-68ee LOAN TYPE. Ths is a Fxed Rate (1 .000% Inlliel rete) Nondi�cbsablo I�n to a Co�porallo� 10► e�.700.00 dw on Mry 1. 2pQZ. PRIMARY PURPOSE OF LOAN. Tha p►imery purpos� o� ihla loan Is 1or: � �lalnl�ans'� o! Ypnowa►'� Prl�ry RMld�ncw � P!fl�DMI, Famlly or Househdd Purposes or Personel Inv��tment. ❑ AQrtcufturol Purposes. � 8ualnesa Purpoaea. SPEqF1C PURPOSE. The specific purpose of this loan is: SBA PAYMENT PROTECTION LOAN r- DISBURSEMENT INSTRUCTiONS. Borrower understands that no loan proceeds will be disbursed umil all of LE:nrl��r's condihor�s tor rrak�ry thP loan have been satisfied. Please disburse the loan proceeds of $9,700.00 as tollows: Amount pald fo Borrower directly: $9,700.00 Deposited to Checking Account N- Note Princlpal: $9,700_00 $9,700.00 FINANCIAL CONDfIION. BY SIGNING THIS AUTHORIZATION, BORROWER REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS TO LENDER THAT 7HE INFORMATION PROVIDEQ ABOVE IS TRUE AND CORRECT AND THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO MATERIAL ADVERSE CMANGE IN BORROWER'S FINANCIAL CONDRION AS DISCLOSED IN BORROWER'S MOST RECENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT TO LENDER. THIS AUTHORIZATION IS DATED MAY 1, 2020. BORROWER: 321 JUMP INC By: CaPY JONATHAN HASHER LaxA4 Ve,. 20.1.20015 Copr. F.nrte UW GaKveYm IBB]. 2(p0. N IYgHs Paer.oC. . NM L�NR�120.(C TRi3m PH�Bf CERTIFICATION OF BENEFiCIAL OWNER(S) Account "'••"`- Principal Loan Date Maturlty Loan No Ca11 � ��� CS $9,700.00 05-01-2020 05-01-2022 - UNSECURED ,� _,,,,i ,i,� rn �t I�rnit u�n flpp��cebility of this ckx:umeN to any paAicular laan o� item References in the boxes above are for u5o or Y ,.,,. �� �,, I,F,f•n urnitiecl due to texi le th IimAations Persons open(ng an accountton behalf of a legal entity must provlde the lollowing informatlon: a. Name artd Title ot Natural Person Opening Account' JONATHAN HASHER b. Name, Type, and Address of Legal Entity for Which the Account �s Bain9 UP<in�x1 321 JUMP INC, Caporetion. 9375 DEEGAN AVE SUITE H, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 c r hatio�lshi I or otherwise, owns 25 perc�ent�orlmore of the eq aty intleresta ofi t eI egah(en9 y I stecf ati� �' errangement. understanding, e p ., oi Birth Address (Res. or Bus. Street JONATHAN HASHER I100% .S. Persons' �For Non-U.S. no individual meets this delVnition. please yyiitg "Not Ap0licable ") d. The following information for one individual with significant responsibility for managing the legal entity listed above, such as: �An executive officer or senior manager (e.g., Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial �fficer, Chief Operating Ofticer, Manag�ng Member, General Partner, President, Vice President, Treasurer); or ❑ Any other individual who regularly performs similar functions. (If appropriate, an individual listed under section (c) above may also be listed in this section (d)). Date of Birth �Address (Res. or Bus. Street JONATHAN HASHER , Chief Executive Officer U.S. Personsi For Non-U.S. Persons2 I, JONATHAN HASHER (name of natural person opening account), hereby certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the intormation provided above is complete and correct, and on behalf of 321 JUMP INC, f agree to notify the financiat institution of any change in such infortnation. By: JONATHAN HASHER Date � U.S. Persons must provide a Social Security Number. 2Non-U.S. Persons must provide a Social Security Number, passport number and country of issuance, or similar identification number. In lieu of a passport number, Non-U.S. Persons may also provide a Social Security Number, an alien identification card number, or number and country of issuance of any other government-issued document evidencing nationaliry or residence and bearing a photograph or similar safegua: d. Legal Entity Identifier: LaeerPm, Ver. 20.720.Otb Capr. FYIBabe US� Co/pdellm 1991, 2020. NI fbpMe ReBervW. � MN L:�CFf�LPL`LOfiO.FC IH-1360 PF�93 (Optional) PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM ERRORS AGREEMENT Princlpal Loan Dabe Maturity Loan No Cau i Co+� Accvun� �-Cs 59,700.00 05-01-2020 OS-01-2022 - UN9ECURED Referencea m Ihe boxes a A� etem ebove conlaJnfn�r,ly i11t�"'he� ��� ��•��'�f�n'�i1t�l�Uue 1�'toK�t tlUe �'mYtel�olnte ���.� ��������.ulur bsn or flum� BOffOWB�: 321 JUMP INC Lender: FlNAHqIII 6ECVRT/ OANK 9375 DEEGAN AVE SUITE H Alb�rtvlll� Otitc� MON'i10ELL0, MN BB3H2 �� t02 �TM s�� � AlbKtv�lls, MN 66301 (76�)424-6888 T�la PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROORAM ERROR9 A4REEMENT b Mt�ch�d lo �nd by Ihl� l�iNMq I� msd� ��rt o1 tA� PrortN�sory Nob� deted Mey 1. 2020, and �:scu»d In connecflon wlth � lo�n or olhor Ilnenclal etcommafetbns betwssn FINANCIAI SCCUpITY BANK �rW 321 JUMP INC. The undersigned E3o�rower ia and In conaichrratlon ol Ihe abovd relerunced Lentlur furxllny Ihe Cbslny o4 �his S8A guarsMsed Paym6nt Protection Program loan agrees, if requestad by Lander or Clqsing Aeent oi Lender, to tully r,uopureto end edWet' a SB al a/s �a a fo� fulure revisions by the SBA ot any of the closing documonta. II ravlsed closiny documonte are roqulred lo Iw ilqned bY ubsequent date. the undersgned Borrowor egrees lo siyn Ihe revieed documents upon requeet by Lender. feilure to e�gn rwleed documeMs �flet requestYd by Lender may result in e denfal ot some or ell ol tha potentlal laan lorylvoness by iha SBA. Borrower also ecknowlsdges that ths monthly payment etatW on th� Promlesory Note Is btfed on fhs �mo�n1 o11h� Iwn �t a�1���tlon ard Is �uDject to changa besed on wrlous fectoro Including SBA revlelons to the Peyment Protectlon Proyram ind th� �mouM of tM loan that N uliimately torgNen. The undanigned Borrower doea here6y so agree a�d covenant In order to aaeure thet loan documents exseutW on thls dsts wIU co�torm to th� requlrements ot the SBA Payment Protectlon Program and be accepta6le under all other SBA requlrements. I, The pcnceeds of the Loan shaU be used tor the tollowing purposes only: (i) payroll cosis (as delined in ihe CARES Act, and in Section 2.f of the SBA Interim Fnal Rule dated April 2, 2020): (ii) costs related to the continuation of group health care benefits during periods of paid sick, medical, or tamily leave, antl irsurancr. premiums; (iii) mortgage interest payments (but not mortgage prepayments or principal payments); (iv} rent paymenls; (v) utiliiy payments; (vi} interest payments on any other debt obligations that were incurred before February 15, 2020; and/or (vii) refinancing an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) made between January 3� , 2020 and April 3, 2020, under the r.onditians as spec'rfied in Section 2.r.vii of the SBA Interim Final Rule dated April 2, 2020. N. LOAN FUFiGIYENESS: Pursuant to Section 1'106 of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act"), the iollowing provisions shail apply to the Loan: A. The Loan is subject to the limited loan torgiveness provisions of Section 1106 of ihe CARES Act, and the SBA Interim Final Rule dated April 2, 2020. B. The amount of loan forgiveness is determined by and is subject to the sole approval of ihe SBA C. Limited loan forgiveness is provided for amounts spent on payroll costs, rent and utilities paymenis, and inferest payments on mortgages for Borrowers that apply. No more ihan 25.0 % of the amount forgiven may be for cosis other than payroll cosis. D. The amount of loan forgiveness will be reduced if Borrower reduces the number of iheir employees (layoffs). E. Borrower is eligible for debt torgiveness on a covered loan in an amount equal to ihe following payments made during the S-week period beqinning on the Loan Date ("covered period"): (i) payroll costs; (ii) interest payments on mortgage obligations (excluding principal and prepaid principal); (iii) rent; and (iv) utility paymenls. F. The amourrt of forgiveness cannot exceed the principal balance of ihe Loan. G. Cencelled indebtedness will not be included in the Borrower's taxable income. H. To receive loan forgiveness, Borrower must apply for Debt Forgiveness through Lender. The Borrower must submit to the Lender servicing the ban an application, which must indude documents verifying the number of full-time employees and the pay rates for the period described, including payroll iax filings to the IRS and State, income, payroil, and unemployment insurance filings, cancelled checks, payment receipts, transcript of accounts, or other documents verifying payme�ls on covered mortgage loan obligations, lease obligations and utility payments, plus any other documentation the SBR deems necessary. I. There wlll be no loan forglveness wlthout Borrower's submisslon of the proper applicatlon and documentation to Lender. THIS PAYCHECK PROTECTION PHOGRAM ERRORS AGREEMENT IS EXECUTED ON MAY �, 2020. BORRO WER: 321 JUMP INC By: COPY JONATHAN HASHER LENDER: FINANCIAL SECURITY BANK X COPY Corey Schiminskl, As�t. Vlce Preeldertt trRa Wa ffit mols ('m. Pv�� V6A ('amurlm tY9f. Am. N RG� h�ntl . 4N L`6WR�DQOFC TA 1150 P0.B0 PROMISSORY NOTE Pa9e Z (Corrtinued) Loan No:- �e�� �ewr, the laws of rsem ed bY ard to Its con111cta of law rovinlons. Thls Nots has bes� sccsPted bY �e�►�er In the State of M�nnesota, GOVEiiMNG LAH►• ThIs Note wlll be governed by fede►e� le P appllcab�e to Lender end, to ths e�ctem not P whether the State of Minnesota wlthout re9 ht ot setofl in ap Borrawer's eccouMs with Lender ( RIGHT OF SETOFF. To ihe exlent permitted by applicabie law, Lender reservee e n9 r�i�t� by checking, savings, or some other accou nl�' nolude Ianye IRA or Keogh acco nes, orkeny tru1st eccou��o `N ���H ��d �� any and ail open in the future. However, this do law. Borrower authorizes lender, to the ezteni permifled by applicable law, to charge or setoff all s u m s ow��9 on �he debt aga such accounts, and, at Lender`s option, to edminisiralively lreeze ell such accounta to allow Lender to protect �ender's c�ar9e a^d setoff nghis provided in this paragraph. COLLATERAL. This loan is unsea�reci. PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROe RAfM de aOpa AofRh sMNonte j st es htbali th'e prov sions, ter e0endncondAiona of�the�Exhiti had �been tully se1 this Note and by this �eferen forth in this Noie. n 8orrower, and upon Bo►rower'8 heirs, pereonal representatives. SUCCESSOR IN7ERESTS. The terms of this Note shall be binding upo successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefii of Lender and iis successors and assl9ns• GENERAL PROVISIONSf �o ae � es under hseNote without losing them.fan additiont Lender1shaleha�e alhlethe�rights artld emeclie Drwided9n enforcing any of its righ s ticable law, all of Lender's rights and the related documents or available at law, in equity, or otherwise. Except as rnay be prohibited by app � remedies shall be cumuladt�an ect onYto makeCexpendit�ureslo t ake acUo'n to pe 'orm an obl gat on ot Borarower sha I not�atfect Lender'surigM of any other remedy, a� uarantees or endorses this Note, to the chan e in the terms of this Note, and unless to declare a default and to exercise its rights and remedies. Borrower and any other person who signs. 9 extent allowed by Iaw, waive presentment, dem�ho si ns th snNote� whelher as maker, gua�an oy accommodation maker or endorser. shai� be otherwise expressly staied in writing, no party 9 released from �n�r'lor collaieral; oartmpair�,rfailttotreali� ee upon or pertect Lender'sesecue'��iy inlerest nnt Ie cotl a eralnandhtake anyotl'ie ar ction party or guara rties also agree that Lender may modify this ban wiit�out deemed necessary by Lender without the consent of or notice to anyone. All such pa the consent of or nolice to anyone other than the party with whom the modification is made. The obligations under this Note are joint and severat. SECTION DISCLOSURE. To the extent not preempted by federal law, this loan is made under Minnesota Siatutes, Section 47.5 . PRIOR TO SIGNING THIS NOTE, 80RROWER READ AND UNDERSTOOD ALl THE PROVIS�ONS OF THIS NOTE. BORROWER AGREES TO THE TERMS OF THE NOTE. BORROWER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF A COMPLETED COPY OF THIS PROMISSORY NOTE. BORROWER: 321 JUMP INC By: COPY JONATHAN HASHER LENDER: FINANCIAL SECURITY BANK X COPY Corey Schlminskl, Asst. Vlce Preslderrt l�mA'�a. Va. 211 �20.015 CoV. FmMF� tSA Co-rpvallm 1997. 2D7D. N pp� ROIN'/� - MH L1GF1'IA�FC TR-1350 PR-�i 59,700.OD I05-Ot-2020 PROMISSORY NOTE turity Loan No �+� / �� 1-2022 - ,n�.t in:,�t n,o epphceMhty ol Itne Retorenws In ihe boxes above ero lor Lende�'s use r� iy ,in�, �'' ,, ,,. ��,.���� due to �o•t brg+ Anv Nom BbOVe COnlainiii CS b �Y�ben a �1�� BOffOWBf: 321 JUM� INC L011dQf: FlNANGAL SECUAm SANK AIMrtvI1N OM1t� 9376 DEEGIAN AVE SUITE N � ���p 6�TH 67pFET H! MONTICEl.LO, MN 66382 �y�trli�s. MN 66301 (763) 444-5858 _ Dat� ot NoN: May 1, 2020 Principal Amount: S9,700.00 o„der �edrrai �ew. r�aud�+g sB� 58A PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROaRAM. When BHA Is �iro hoklet. �Me Note w�ll be Inlerpreled end ��rluros ��e �a��� ��� s� �� regulations. Lancier or 5BA may uae alele o� bcel procedu�ee lor 1111n� peD�•• io�rdlr�q docu�nartls, S1^� K) purpases. By ueing such Proceduree. SBA doos r�ot weive uny lecferel Irnm�mNy Imm elale or bcel oonlrol. {»neky. tnx. o� HeGMy 1�s t0 IFtia Nole, Barower may not clalm o� aseeA apetr�st SBA eny lor.el or detv lew tu dany arry c�bUQatlon, dete�� e�'Y c�k^ °� �A. a P��� ��d law. Thls Promissory note ie subject to Iho terme nnd condllione cordalnoJ In tiro U.S 5rnn11 B�nlnene l�clrnmisfrntwm Interim Flnal Rub (RI 3245-AH34) announclnp Ihe ImplomentnUon ol eer.tlone 11U2 end 110B ot Ihu Unuu,wiiuo Aid. Rehnt r+nd F�•�r nnw '�wu.�.�rib� l�r,t (LHrn� /��:tp AND SUBSEQUENT ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS Of THAT AGT PROMISE TO PAY. 321 JUMP INC ("Borrower") promlaee to pay to FINANCIAL SECURITY BANN ('LsnOer"), or ord�r, in lawlul monsy o1 th� ���ted States of Amerlcs, lhs princlpel amount of Nlne Thousand Seven Hundred & 00/100 Dollan (59,700.00)+ �op�� N'� �nt�rost on ttf� unpald princlpel Dalance lrom May 1, 2020, untll pald In futl. PAYMENT. Borrowsr wlll pey thls loen In accordanee wlth the tollowing peymeM schadule, wh�ch caieuinas inrrss+ on n,• unp.ia prinup.� Wlances as descAhed �n ihe "INTEREST CALCULATION METNOD" paregreph using the Interaat rates descAbed In thl� paregnph: 17 moMhly consecutive princlpal and Interest payments of $545.99 each, beglnning December 1, 2020, wtth Intereet ca4culated on the unpeld princlp�l belancee using en interest rate of 1.000 % per annum based on a year of 360 tlays; and one princlpal and Interesl peymsrt► ot 5545.97 on May 7, 2022, wkh Interest calculated on the unpald princlpal balances using a� Interest rate of 1.000 % per annum baeed on e yeer of 380 days• Thls estlmated flnal payment Is based on the essumptlon that all paymerris wlll be made exactly as scheduled; the actual tlnal peymeM wlll be for all principal and accrued Interest not yet pald, together with any other unpald amounts under thls Note. Unlesa otherwlse agreed w rsyu�rotl by appllcable law, payments wlll be applled flrst to any accrued unpald Interest; then to pAnclpal; ihen to any late chargea; and then to any unpald crollectlon costs. Borrower wlll pay Lender at Lender's addresa shown above or at such other place as Lender may deslgnate In wrltlng, All payments must be made In U.S. dollars and must 6e recelved by Lender consistent wlth any wrlrien paymeM Instructlone provlded by Lender. If a payment Is made conslstent wlth Lender's payment Instructlons but recelved alter 3:30 PM CENTRAL STANDARD TIME, Lender wlll credN 6orrower's paymeM on the next buslness day. INTEREST CALCULATION METHOD. Interest on thls Note Is computed on a 365✓360 basls; that is, by applying the ratlo of the InlereM rata over a year of 360 days, multlplied by the outstanding princlpal balance, multiplled by the aetual number ot days the princlpal balence Is outstanding. All Interest payable under thls Note Is computed using this method. PREPAYMENT. Borrower may pay without penalty all or a portion of the amounf owed earlier ihan it is due. Early payments will not, unless agreed to by Lender in writing, relieve Borrower of Borrower's obligation to wntinue to make payments under the payment schedule. Rather. early payments will reduce the principal ba�ance due and may result in Bortower's making fewer payments. Borrower agrees not to send Lender payments marked "paid in fuR', "without recourse", or similar language. If Borrower sends such a payment, tender may accept it without losing any of Lender's rigMs under this Note, and Borrower will remain obligated to pay any iurther amount owed to Lender. All wrltten eommunlcations concerning disputed amounis, Including any check or other payment Instrument that Indlcates that the payment constitufes "payment In full" ot the amount owed or that is tendered wlth oiher condlUons or IlmEtatlons or as fuil satlstadlon ot a dlsputed amount musl be malled or delivered to: FINANCIAL SECURfTY BANK, Albetriille Office, '11102 57TH STREET NE, Albertvllle, MN 55301. LATE CHARGE. If a payment is 11 days or more late. Borrower will be charged 5.000 % ot the regularly scheduled payment or $8.32, whlchever Is gr�ter. INTEREST AFTER DEFAULT. Upon default, including failure to pay upon fina! maturity, the total sum due under this Note will continue to accrue interest at the interest rate under this Note, with ihe final interest rate described in ihis Note applying afler maturity, or after maturity would have occurred had there been no default. Novrever, in �o evEnt vvill the interesi caie exceed the maximum interest cate 4icnitatiocis �dec applicable law. DEFAULT. Each of the following shall consiitute an event of default ("Event of DefaulY') under this Note: PaymeM Defeult Borrower fails to make any payment when due under this Note. Other Defaults. Borrower fails to comply with or to pertorm any other term, obligation, covenant or condition contained in this Note or in any of the related documents or to comply with or to peAorm any term, obligation, covenant or condition contained in any other agreement between Lender and Borrower. Default In Favor of Thlyd Partles. Borrower or any Grantor detaulis under any loan, extension of credit, securiiy agreement, purchase or sales agreement, or any other agreement, in favor of any other credHor or person that may materially affect any of Borrower's property or Borrower's ability to repay this Note or perform Borrower's obligations under this Note or any of the related documents. False Statemerrts. My warranty, representation or statement made or turnished to Lender by Borrower or on Borrower's behalf under ihis Note or the related documents is false or misleading in any material respeci, either now or at ihe iime made or turnished or becomes ialse a misleading ai any time thereafter. Insolvency. The dissolution or iermination of Borrower's existence as a going business, ihe insolvency of 8orrower, ihe appoiniment of a receiver for any part of Borrower's property, any assignment for the benefit of creditors, any lype of creditor workout, or the commencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against Borrower. Credltor or Forlefture Proceedings. Commencemerrt of foreclosure or forfeiture proceedings, whether by judicial proceeding, self-help, repossession or any other method, by any creditor of Borrower or by any governmental agency against any collateral securing the loan. This includes a garnishment of any of Bonower's accounts, including deposit accounis, with Le�der. However, this Event of Default shall not apply if there is a good faith dispute by Borrower as to the validiTy or reasonableness of the claim which is ihe basis of the creditor or forteAure proceeding and 'rf Borrower gives Lender written notice of the creditor or forfeiture proceeding and deposits with Lender monies or a surety bond for the creditor or forfeiture proceading, in an amount determined by Lender, in its sole discretion, as being an adequate reserve or bond for the dispute. EveMs Atfecting Guararrtor. Any of Ihe preceding events occurs with respect to any guarantor, endorser, surety, or accommodation party of any pf the indebtedness or any guarantor, endorser, surety, or accommodation party dies or becomes incompetent, or revokes or disputes the velidity of, or liability under, any guaranty of the indebtedness evidenced by this Note. Change in Ownership. My change in ownership of twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the common stock oi Borrower. Advene Change. A material adverse change occurs in Borrower's iinancial condition, or Lender believes ihe prospect of payment or perlormance of this Note is impaired. �nsecurtty. Lender in good faith believes itself insecure. LENDER'S RIGHTS. Upon defauli, Lender may dedare the entire unpaid principal balance under this Note and ali accrued unpaid interesl irnrt�ately due. and fhen Borrower will pay that amount. ATTOHNEYS' FEE$; p(pENSES, LerWgr rr�,y Fyre or pay someorre el9e to hetp collect this Note rf Borrower doea rmt pay. Borrower will pay LerWer that amourri. Ths inctudes. subjed to any limits under applicable law. Lender's reasonable attomeys' lees and Le�der's legal expensea, whethe► or not there is a lawsuit, including reasonable ariomeys' fees, ezpenses for bankruptcy prooeedings (includ;ng eHorts to modity a ��Y aWor+�aiic staY or i�ju�cbonl. arW appe�is. N nd prohibited bY �PP�'able law, Borrovver elso will pay any co�xt cosb, in oddi4on b al otl�er auma povided by law. WEST BEND� $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 - $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 $215.01 � Payor ';`,_>I 1��mr,, <<��. InsuredName 32� 1u�nr�, [nc � /�cc<�unt Nuinbcr - _ �" . , � Installment Due a a � y m � c � c y � � _ a f0 `0 y � 'a � � - .. � c ., a a�i � a, c � = m � 7 7 u°Ji a• T � � p, X X X X C � � W O Z a c y � � u — y p, X X X X X X .� � � C Q a a o y W � U N � V N \ � O LL J a o � W C � C Q N V � a � � � ;g a x x x ¢ m J � � X X f0 W C LL N � C O a�+ O N N N N N O � V } } } } } } Z L O u N � at-� 7 C � L } } } } } } � � N � N � tl4 N N 7J H N tD � 7 tD M N LL 3 a m c � � O T T T >, � � L � L � � � O Q �"� � ll1 � N lD � N ._ � O d — C � � � O T • _ �= j. � � } } } } } } m a � J W C y � a a � c > 7 ' ai i � u a > > > > > > N � X O � tlq W N - (� W a :% c o 0 0 0 0 0 a� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 �� Q vi vi vi vi vi vi � � � � � � � m � � C J V "a 00 � J V J O. � C O 7 � � u d p � Q J � �' U � fo o a o7i a a 'fp u :% � E u x c U W u � J � a N � i � O � � � � - � � •7 O � 7 ^ 7 � � m a m` u a x m SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE GRANT AGREEMENT This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is made this _ day of , 2020, between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), and [name of business], a Minnesota [type of business entity, e.g. limited liability company, sole proprietorship, assumed name, etc.] ("Grantee"). RECITALS A. In March 2020, Governor Tim Walz issued a series of Emergency Executive Orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which closed public and private schools, closed bars, restaurants, and other places of accommodation and generally required Minnesotans to stay at home, while acknowledging that the State's response to the COVID-19 pandemic would result, either directly or indirectly, in the closure of many of Minnesota's businesses. B. In an effort to mitigate the economic distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to provide funding to States and local governments to cover costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. C. Guidance issued by the federal government provides that CARES Act funding is intended to cover a variety of costs incurred by State and local governments in responding to and mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 public health crisis, including expenses to enable compliance with public health measures such as facilitating distance learning and improving telework capabilities, and expenses associated with economic support, such as grants to businesses. D. Pursuant to federal and State guidelines established for expenditure of the CARES Act funding, Grantor has created its Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program (the "Program") and has approved guidelines for the Program (the "Program Guidelines"), which are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. E. Grantee has submitted an application for a grant (the "Grant Application") under the Program Guidelines, and Grantor has approved a grant to the Grantee in the amount of $ (the "Grant") to pay a portion of the expenses described in the Grant Application, in connection with Grantee's [kind of business, e.g. restaurant, salon, etc.] located at in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") (the "Grant Activities"). F. The Grantor and Grantee wish to memorialize the terms of the Grant in this Agreement. ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Grant Amount. Subj ect to the terms of this Agreement, the Program Guidelines, and the Grant Application (together, the "Grant Documents"), Grantor agrees to grant to Grantee the sum of and no/100ths Dollars ($ ). The Grant will be paid by 1 Grantor to Grantee for the Grant Activities approved under the Grant Documents in accordance with Section 2 hereof. 2. Pavment of Grant Proceeds. (a) The Grant will be paid to Grantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Grant Documents. The Grantee agrees that any costs of the Grant Activities exceeding the amount to be paid under this Agreement are the sole responsibility of the Grantee. (b) The Grantor will pay the Grant to Grantee once the Grantor has received from Grantee, without expense to Grantor: (i) a signed copy of this Agreement; (ii) a list of the Grant Activities that will be paid from the Grant; and (iii) a written statement from the Grantee certifying that none of the Grant Activities for which the payment is proposed to be made has formed or will form the basis for any payment made under any other agreement with any other grantor. 3. Representations and Warranties. Grantee represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) Grantee is authorized to sign, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to receive the Grant from Grantor. (b) Grantee agrees that it will keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and payment of Grant proceeds and that any authorized representative of Grantor, with reasonable advance notice, may have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other documents of Grantee related to the Grant until Grantee provides its final report to Grantor. (c) To the best of Grantee's knowledge, Grantee has fully complied with all applicable federal and State laws reasonably relevant to this Agreement and will continue to comply throughout the term of this Agreement. If at any time Grantee receives notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Grantee agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the federal or State law in question. (d) Grantee will use the proceeds of the Grant made by Grantor only for the Grant Activities, and within 60 days after the date of this Agreement, Grantee will provide to Grantor in writing a brief report stating how all of the Grant funds have been used and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar. 4. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree that the Grant is not a business subsidy as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), because the assistance is in an amount less than $150,000. 5. Indemnification. 2 (a) Grantee agrees to indemnify against and to hold Grantor, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Grantor by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants, or agreements contained herein. (b) This indemnification and hold harmless provision will survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the payment by Grantor of any portion of the Grant. (c) Nothing in this Agreement will constitute a waiver of or limitation on any immunity from or limitation on liability to which Grantee is entitled under law. 6. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Grantee and Grantor. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. (b) Assi�nment. This Agreement is binding upon the parties. All rights and powers specifically conferred upon Grantor may be transferred or delegated by Grantor to any of its successors and assigns. Grantee's rights and obligations under this Agreement may be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Grantor. (c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. (d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Grantor: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 City of Monticello, MN 55362 3 To Grantee: Attn: Executive Director Attn: (� Termination. On the date the Grantor receives Grantee's written report on Grantee's expenditure of Grant proceeds as described in paragraph 3(f) of this Agreement, this Agreement will terminate and neither party will have any further obligation to the other. (g) Entire A�reement. This Agreement, together with the Grant Documents, is the entire statement of agreement between the Grantor and Grantee regarding the Grant. � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. GRANTOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President By: Its Executive Director [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTOR] GRANTEE: [Business name] : Title: [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTEE] 656052v1 MNI MN190-101 CITY OF • 'I�ril on l�� � MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM POLICY PURPOSE The Economic Development Authority for the City of Monticello (EDA) recognizes that small businesses are vital to the fabric of the Monticello community. Accordingly, the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) has developed a Small Business Emergency Assistance Program to address working capital needs upon the declaration of a state of emergency by the State of Minnesota (State) and the City of Monticello (City). The purpose of this program is to ensure the viability of the community's small businesses faced with the current COVID-19 health emergency, which is adversely impacting the local economy. The goal of this program is to provide needed financing for local businesses to help sustain operations and endure economic hardships during this challenging time. The program is structured as grant assistance. Grant funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is subject to funding availability from the EDA. The EDA retains the authority and discretion to approve or deny an application, and reserves the right to subsequently add further priorities, change eligibility criteria, or discontinue the program in response to changing circumstances. ELIGIBILITY a. Eligible Businesses To be eligible to receive Small Business Emergency Assistance funds, a business must demonstrate that its operations have been directly and adversely affected by the COVID-19 Health Pandemic and include the following: Eligible business types include locally owned and operated businesses noted in Executive Orders 20-04 and 20-08, such as those listed below. • Restaurants, cafes, coffeehouses, and other places of public accommodation offering food or beverage for on-premises consumption. • Taverns, brew pubs, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, and other places of public accommodation offering alcoholic beverages for on- premises consumption. Gymnasiums, fitness centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities, businesses offering massage therapy, spas, salons, nail salons, cosmetology salons, and barber shops. This includes, but is not limited to, all salons and shops licensed by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetologist Examiners and the Minnesota Board of Barber Examiners. • Bowling alleys, theaters, skating rinks, and other similar recreational or entertainment facilities. • Local boutique and specialty retailers. 2. Other businesses as approved by the EDA. b. Eligibility Requirements The business shall have a physical address (proof of address required) within the corporate boundary of the City and have been operating within the City long enough to demonstrate financial viability; The business shall employ between 2 and 25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees prior to the issuance of the State of Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-04 (March 16, 2020) and/or make $1 million or less in annual gross revenue. For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities within the Monticello business location. 4. All businesses must serve the general public and be a conforming or legally non- conforming use under the current zoning regulations of the City, and must not be in violation of the City's zoning code. Applicants are strongly encouraged to claim all applicable private and public insurance and utilize all other sources of applicable assistance available from other private and public sources. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Grant through the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Small Business Emergency Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) prior to applying for this grant. For more information, visit: Guide to financial resources for Minnesota small businesses While not absolutely required, applications which include proof of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs will receive higher scores in evaluation. Assistance cannot be provided to businesses that: • Do not have a physical address (and building/location) within the City of Monticello. • Have more than three total locations operating as part of the business enterprise. 2 • Derive income from passive investments without operational ties to operating businesses or whose primary source of revenue is from business-to-business transactions. • Primarily generate income from gambling activities. • Have no current or historical financial statements. • See also a2 above. FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS a. Amount: Businesses may apply for a one-time emergency grant of up to $5,000. The EDA shall determine the final award amounts based upon scoring criteria. b. Term: All grant awards must be utilized within two months of the date of the grant fund disbursement. c. Uses: Awarded funds may be used exclusively for current payroll obligations (i.e. may not include employees who have been laid off), lease or mortgage payments, utilities, accounts payable, and other critical business expenses that can't be paid as a direct result of the current health emergency. Awarded funds mav not be used for �avment of �ro�ertv or other taxes or for the businessowner's/mana�er's �ersonal uses or ex�enses. The City reserves the right to pay or require payment of delinquent bills or charges due to the City out of funds awarded. d. Proof of Need: Applicants shall be required to provide proof of financial need for grant funds. This includes but is not limited to the previous year's annual gross revenue, average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19, and projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months. Additionally, as noted above, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. e. Proof of Expenses: Applicant shall provide proof of eligible expenses requested to be paid with grant funds. See list of eligible grant uses above. f. Disbursement of Funds: Funds shall be distributed within three weeks after fully executed grant agreement has been received. g. Termination: The EDA retains the right to terminate any agreement under the Emergency Assistance Program if a grant recipient is found to be in violation of any conditions set forth in the grant guidelines or grant agreement. h. Right to Deny: The EDA retains the right to deny any application for grant funding. i. Grant Agreement: Upon a successful grant application being awarded funds, the grant recipient shall enter into a Grant Agreement with the EDA. Funds will not be distributed for any grant award until a grant agreement has been executed by all required parties. j. Reporting: As a condition for receiving grant funding, all grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the EDA within two months after receiving grant funds, specifying how the entirety of the grant funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. k. Funding Availability: The Small Business Emergency Assistance program has a limited amount of funds available. Awards will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis until the earlier of the date the fund is exhausted, or the City-declared state of emergency declaration is lifted. l. Indemnification: All grant recipients shall be required to indemnify the City of Monticello, the Monticello Economic Development Authority, and any officers acting on their behalf. APPLICATION PROCESS Prior to applying, please review the Program Guidelines to determine if your business is eligible. Applications will be available June 1st, 2020. 1. Applications are available on the City's website: www.ci.monticello.mn.us. 2. Application requirements will include: • Basic details about the business. • Basic employment and annual gross revenue information. • Information on current operations including whether the business is currently closed or is providing reduced services. • Narrative descriptions and estimated calculations of the negative impacts on the business due to COVID-19. • A narrative description of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. • Information on the intended use of the grant funds. • Evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs, as applicable. • Supporting documentation and application attachments. 3. Fully completed and signed applications along with required documents may be submitted online to: Communitv.develo�ment@ci.monticellamn.us Please note that mailed hard copy applications will take longer to process. 4 4. Upon submission of application, applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of application. The application will be reviewed for eligibility upon receipt. If additional information or documentation is necessary, EDA staff will contact the applicant. Due to an expected high volume of applications, you may consider your application complete if staff does not request additional information within 10 business days after application acceptance. FUNDING PROCESS If application is approved and funds are available, businesses will be notified within 2 business days and provided with an electronic grant agreement for signatures. Small businesses receiving funds must commit to using the funds for eligible program expenses and must agree to document and report specific uses of the funds. All grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the Monticello EDA within two months after receipt of funds, specifying how the entirety of the funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. GRANT AGREEMENT If the application for Small Business Assistance is approved, the applicant and business owner will be required to enter into a grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the grant as identified herein. FOLLOW-UP and ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: For businesses needing additional resources such as technical assistance, larger working capital grants, or other, staff will provide ongoing assistance to businesses of all sizes and types, working with partners and other levels of government to access resources as available, such as SBA and State of Minnesota DEED grants. Staff will conduct a check-in with grant recipients within one year of the distribution of funds to learn the effect of the grant and business outcomes such as economic impact of the grant program, (including, but not limited to, employees retained or rehired, and sales) and whether they match the program's desired outcomes of business and/or job retention. QUESTIONS Any questions related to the application process or for assistance in completing the application should be directed to: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 763-271-3254 communitv. develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. #2020-08 AUTHORIZING INTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Background. 1.01. On May 27, 2020, the Authority established its Sinall Business Emergency Grant Assistance Prograin (the "Prograin") to assist small businesses located in the City of Monticello (the "City") which have experienced econoinic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 1.02. In establishing the Prograin, the Authority designated up to $100,000 in its Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund ("GMEF") loan fund as the source of funding for its emergency grants. 1.03. As of the date hereof, the Authority has approved and expended $85,000 in Prograin grant funding. 1.04. Subsequent to creation of the Program by the Authority, Governor Tim Wa1z authorized the allocation by the State of Minnesota (the "State"), to local goverrunents including the City, of funds established by Congress through passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to provide funding to states and local governments to cover costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. 1.05. The Program assistance provided by the Authority consists of emergency grants to local businesses for expenditures that qualify for CARES Act funding under federal guidelines for such funds. 1.06. The Authority has detennined that it is in the best interest of the City and Authority that the Authority preserve its GMEF loan fund for the econoinic development uses designated under GMEF policies and guidelines, and that it reitnburse the GMEF loan fund from CARES Act funding to the extent approved by the City for such use. 1.06. The Authority intends to designate the Program grants previously approved and expended, as well as any additional Program grants up to the full $100,000 in GMEF funds authorized by the Authority, as an interfund loan in accordance with the terms of this resolution. 663501v1 MNI MN190-101 Section 2. Repavinent of Interfund Loan. 2.01. Subject to approval of CARES Act funding for Prograin purposes by the City, the Authority hereby ratifies and approves the expenditure of up to $100,000 in GMEF loan funds for Program purposes (the "Interfund Loan"). No interest shall accrue on the principal amount of the Interfund Loan. 2.02. Principal ("Payments") on the Interfund Loan shall be paid on the first date on which the Authority receives CARES Act funding from the City, or on any other dates determined by the City Administrator. 2.03. Payments on the Interfund Loan will be made solely from CARES Act funding, defined as CARES Act funds received by the City from the State pursuant to the processes and procedures established by the State for reiinbursement of qualified expenditures, and designated by the City for administration by the Authority for Program purposes. 2.04. The principal sum payable under this resolution is pre-payable in whole or in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty. 2.05. This resolution is evidence of an internal borrowing by the Authority, and is a limited obligation payable solely from CARES Act funding pledged to the payment hereof under this resolution. The Interfund Loan shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State or any political subdivision thereof, including, without limitation, the Authority and the City. Neither the State nar any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of the Interfund Loan or other costs incident hereto except out of CARES Act funding. The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any principal amount of the Interfund Loan if CARES Act funding is not allocated by the City for such purpose. 2.06. The Authority inay at any time make a determination to forgive the outstanding principal amount of the Interfund Loan to the extent permissible under law. 2.07. The Authority inay from time to time amend the terms of this Resolution to the extent permitted by law, including without limitation amendment to the payment schedule. Section 3. Effective Date. This resolution is effective upon approval by the City of CARES Act funding by the Authority for Program uses. 663501v1 MNI MN190-101 2 Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 22nd day of July, 2020. _ �, . ` r ,�' � President ATTEST: 663501v1 MNI MN190-101 RESOLUTION NO. 2020-57 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADMINISTRATION OF CORONAVIRUS RELIEF FUNDS BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the City of Monticello ("City") has received Coronavirus Relief Funds ("Funds") from the State of Minnesota, as authorized by Congress pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act ("CARES Act"); and WHEREAS, the CARES Act authorizes the City to transfer all or a portion of the Funds to other units of government; and WHEREAS, the CARES Act authorizes Funds to be used for grants to small businesses to reimburse the costs of business interruption caused by required closures; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") proposes to administer up to $200,000 of the Funds pursuant to its previously established Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program (the "Program"), the purpose of which is to help offset costs far small businesses in Monticello that have been directly impacted by the COVID- 19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that transferring the administration of a portion of tlle Funds to the Au�thority for Program purposes is in the best interests of the City and that the Funds designated for Program uses will comply with federal and state guidelines for the use ot the Funds under the CARES Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello that the City Administrator and staff are authorized and directed to transfer the administration of a portion of the Funds, in the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), to the City of Moi�ticello Economic Development Authority for the purpose of providing grants to small businesses through its Small Business Emergency Grant Assistance Program in accordance with federal and state guidelines for expending the Funds. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 27th day of July, 2020. A TEST: � �9: i l �,���% 1�`����--- Clerk 1 Mayor EDA: 09/09/20 6. Consideration of Adoptin� Resolution #2020-11 Authorizin� Enterin� into a Purchase A�reement with Steven C. and Candace P. Johnson for the Acquisition of Real Propertv Located at 101, 107 and 121 West Broadwav in the Amount of $829,000 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider adopting Resolution #2020-11 authorizing entering into a purchase agreement with Steven C. and Candace P. Johnson for real property located at 101, 107 and 121 West Broadway. The Johnson's property is located in Block 52 which is the focus of the Economic Development Authority's (EDA) downtown redevelopment efforts. The properties are situated at the southeast corner as well as the middle of the Block The two corner properties (101 and 107 West Broadway) are surrounded by EDA owned parcels. Each property has an older, economically obsolete building; the 101, 107 and 121 West Broadway buildings were constructed in 1940, 1910 and 1930 respectively. It should be noted that Mr. Johnson is a currently a member of the EDA and is serving as the President of the Commission during calendar year 2020. He has indicated that he will not be in attendance at the meeting. He has provided a letter, attached as Exhibit G., whereby he acknowledges his conflict of interest, per MN State Statutes, in regards to his involvement in the EDA and the presentation of his property as a possible acquisition by the EDA. He has previously provided this letter to the EDA at each of its annual meetings over the past several years. It is further noted that the Johnsons have been actively marketing their property in Block 52 for several years. They have received inquiries from time to time yet no formal purchase offers have been provided to them in that time frame. County property information sheets indicate the valuation and size for each of the Johnson's properties as noted below: 101 West Broadway = County Valuation is $201,000*; parcel size = 9,725 sq. ft. 107 West Broadway = County Valuation is $60,000*; parcel size = 1,485 sq. ft. 121 West Broadway = County Valuation is $330,000*; parcel size = 11,114 sq. ft. *2020 County Taxable Market Valuation; The total combined land area of the three properties is 22,324 square feet. The combined-County 2020 taxable valuation of the three properties is $591,000 or $26.47 per square foot. Per the Downtown Small Area Study, adopted by the EDA and City Council in late 2017, Block 52 was recommended as a realistic consideration of the EDA's redevelopment efforts. The Study cited the pro�mity to West Bridge Park, an attractive river park amenity in the community, as a key factor in pursuing mixed-use, multi-family residential and commercial redevelopment in quarter or half block scale proj ects. The fact that the City and EDA already owned land parcels in Block 52 was also noted as an advantage in potential land assembly steps. EDA: 09/09/20 Currently, the City owns a parcel in the northwest corner of Block 52 which has been used as a public parking lot for many years. In addition, in the past two years, the EDA acquired several other parcels, with buildings, in the northeast corner of the Block At this time, the City and EDA, combined, own a total of 60,548 square feet or approximately 56 percent of the land area in Block 52. If the EDA approves acquiring the three Johnson properties, it will increase the City-EDA land area to 82,872 square feet or 76 percent of the Block. Key terms of the proposed purchase agreement are noted below: 1. Purchase price =$829,000 (price =$37.14/sq. ft. [$829,000/22,324 square feet]) 2. Earnest money deposit =$20,000; payable to "Title" (credited to EDA at closing) 3. EDA purchase of property ="as is, where is"; (buildings will be demolished as part of future redevelopment efforts) 4. Seller leases second floor office in 121 Broadway building at rate of $50/month through May 31, 2021, or longer if mutually agreeable to Seller and EDA 5. Seller waives all rights to relocation benefits under the Federal Uniform Relocation Act (URA) 6. Tenant, Alive Lutheran Church, located on ground floor of 121 Broadway; EDA to be assigned existing month-to-month lease Contract; per the Contract all rental receipts ($2,000/month) go to the EDA, effective upon transaction closing date 7. EDA to offer Relocation Benefits to Alive Lutheran Church, as required under the Federal URA 8. Seller pays typical "Seller" title commitment and transaction closing costs (Section 11, page 6) 9. Closing to occur on or before October 31, 2020 The current zoning of Block 52 is CCD (Central Community District) which allows a variety of retail and service businesses. The EDA has been involved in the ongoing Monticello 2040 + Comprehensive Plan update process, so it is aware that more flexible land uses in the core downtown are proposed as part of the new Plan. The Comprehensive Plan update is expected to be finalized in late 2020 or early 2021. In regards to Block 52 redevelopment progress, while the EDA has entered into a Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA) with Beard Group, Inc., Hopkins, MN, to bring forward a mixed-use development format, the exact timeline of any redevelopment activities is not yet determined. As part of the typical land purchase steps by the EDA, the Planning Commission is required, by State Statute, to hold a public hearing and consider whether the EDA's acquisition of the property conforms to the comprehensive plan. If the EDA approves acquiring the Johnson's properties, it will be contingent on the Planning Commission's findings of such conformity. The Planning Commission will hold the public hearing and consider findings of conformity at its October 6, 2020 meeting. The proposed closing date of October 31, 2020 provides the opportunity for the required review by the Planning Commission. EDA: 09/09/20 As part of the approval, the EDA should establish a public purpose when purchasing property. Revitalization and economic development obj ectives are identified as the public purpose goals in the attached approval resolution. Al. STAFF IMPACT: In house and consultant staff time involved in considering approving the purchase of the three (3) Johnson properties is estimated to be approximately 44 to 48 hours +/-. The tasks include negotiation discussions, process steps identification by staff, reviewing potential funding sources, drafting-reviewing-revising the purchase agreement and preparation of the EDA report and the actual EDA meeting time. No other staff are needed to complete the property purchase work tasks. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering approving the purchase of the Johnson's Block 52 properties is to the EDA General Fund and/or the restricted "Available TIF Dollars" program Funds. The total outlays for the acquisition of the real property consist of the purchase price of $829,000 plus the closing fees estimated to be approximately $3,200 +/-. Legal fees will be billed at the conclusion of the purchase and are estimated to be in a range of $2,700 to $3,200 +/-. The EDA has previously reviewed available funding sources for the property purchases in budget workshop discussions. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve Resolution #2020-11 authorizing entering into a Purchase Agreement for the acquisition of real property located at 101, 107 and 121 West Broadway in the amount of $829,000 for the purpose of Block 52 revitalization efforts, contingent on Planning Commission review for conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Motion to deny approval of Resolution #2020-11 authorizing entering into a Purchase Agreement for the acquisition of real property located at 101, 107 and 121 West Broadway in the amount of $829,000 for the purpose of Block 52 revitalization efforts, contingent on Planning Commission review for conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion to table consideration of Adopting Resolution #2020-11 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The three (3) Johnson properties are key parcels in the efforts to implement the Small Area Study vision for the Downtown area. Block 52 is a prime redevelopment area due to its proximity to West Bridge (public) Park and also because the City and EDA, combined, currently own approximately 56 percent of the Block By consolidating additional land area under the EDA umbrella, it will allow a more scalable and meaningful redevelopment proposal to be concepted and presented for future consideration. The Downtown Small Area Study Implementation Steps Summary also identifies acquisition of these properties as important/critical goals (Exhibit E). EDA: 09/09/20 The EDA's offer price of $829,000 is equal to $37.14 per square foot. While the proposed price is a 40 percent premium to the taxable value, actual market values related to sale purposes commonly exceed taxable values by 20 to 35 percent. Negotiated prices for previous EDA property acquisitions (including relocation costs) in Block 52 have ranged from $33.00 to $70.00 per square foot over the past few years. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Resolution 2020-11 b. Purchase Agreement c. Block 52 Aerial Photo d. Small Area Study Perspective Illustration e. Downtown Small Area Study Implementation Summary f. Conflict of Interest Letter from Steve Johnson, EDA Member and current President EDA RESOLUTION NO. 2020-11 RESOLUTION APPROVING PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF 101, 107, AND 121 WEST BROADWAY STREET BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority and Steven C. Johnson and Candace P. Johnson (together, the "Seller") desire to enter into a purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which the Authority will acquire certain property located at 101, 107, and 121 West Broadway Street (the "Property") in the City of Monticello (the "City") from the Seller for economic redevelopment purposes related to the revitalization of the downtown area. The Property is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. 1.02. Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, the Authority will purchase the Properry from the Seller for a total purchase price of $829,000 plus related closing costs, as described in the Purchase Agreement. 1.03. The Authority finds that acquisition of the Property conforms to the City's comprehensive plan and Small Area Study, as approved by the City and Authority, and will facilitate the economic redevelopment and revitalization of this portion of the downtown area of the City. 1.04. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 462356, subd. 2, the Planning Commission of the City will meet on October 6, 2020, to review the proposed acquisition and make findings as to its conformity to the City's Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. Purchase A�reement A�proved. 2.01. The Authority hereby approves the Purchase Agreement in substantially the form presented to the Authority, subject to a finding by the Planning Commission that the acquisition conforms to the City's Comprehensive Plan and further subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the Purchase Agreement by those officials shall be conclusive evidence of their approval. 2.02. Authority staff and officials are authorized to take all actions necessary to perform the Authority's obligations under the Purchase Agreement as a whole, including without limitation execution of any documents to which the Authority is a party referenced in or attached 1 to the Purchase Agreement, and any other documents necessary to acquire the Property from the Seller, all as described in the Purchase Agreement. Approved this 9th day of September, 2020, by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. President ATTEST: Executive Director EXHIBIT A PROPERTY A strip of land 16 1/2 feet frontage on Broadway and 90 feet in depth in the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 52, Townsite of Monticello, also described as the Southeasterly 16.5 feet of the Southwesterly 90.00 feet of said Lot 8, as measured at a right angle to and parallel with the Southeasterly and Southwesterly lines thereof. Lot 9, Block 52, Townsite of Monticello. Lot 10, Block 52, Townsite of Monticello, except that part of Lot 10, Block 52, City or Townsite of Monticello, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 10; thence Southerly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 10 a distance of 36.00 feet; thence Westerly to a point on the Northwesterly line of Lot 10 distant 36.00 feet Southerly of the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 10; thence Northerly along said Northwesterly line of said Northwesterly corner; thence Easterly along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 10 to the point of beginning. The Easterly 20 feet of Lot 3 and Lot 4 and Lot 5, except the East 18 feet 10 inches of said Lot 5 (the East 18' 10" of said Lot 5 being sold to Roy A. Lauring and is described: That part of Lot 5 being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southerly point of said Lot 5; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly side of Lot 5, 18 feet 10 inches; thence Northeasterly and parallel to the Southeasterly side of said Lot 5 to the Northeasterly line of said Lot 5; thence Southeasterly 18 feet 10 inches to the most Easterly point of said Lot 5; thence Southwesterly to point of beginning), all in Block 52 in the Townsite of Monticello, according to Plat of record by John O. Haven. Wright County, Minnesota, Abstract Property 101, 107, and 121 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 1 PURCHASE AGREEMENT 101, 107, and 121 West Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota This Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is made this day of , 2020, by and between Steven C. Johnson and Candace P. Johnson, married to each other (together, "Seller") and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("Buyer"). 1. PROPERTY. Seller is the owner of property located at 101, 107, and 121 West Broadway Street in the City of Monticello, Minnesota, which is legally described on the attached Exhibit A ("Property"). 2. OFFER/ACCEPTANCE. In consideration of and subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement, Buyer offers and agrees to purchase and Seller agrees to sell and hereby grants to Buyer the exclusive right to purchase the Property and all improvements thereon, together with all appurtenances. All fixtures located on the Property on the date of this Agreement are included in the purchase of the Property. Personal property is not included in the sale of the Property. 3. PURCHASE PRICE FOR PROPERTY AND TERMS. a. PURCHASE PRICE: The total purchase price for the Property, representing the fair market value of the Property plus any compensation attributable to relocation benefits pursuant to paragraph 18 hereof, is: Eight Hundred Twenty-Nine Thousand and 00/100ths Dollars ($829,000.00) ("Purchase Price"). b. TERMS: 1. EARNEST MONEY: Earnest money in the amount of Twenty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($20,000) (the "Earnest Money") shall be deposited by Buyer into escrow with Old Republic Title Insurance Company ("Title") within five business days after this Agreement has been executed by both parties. The Earnest Money is refundable to the extent provided herein. 2. BALANCE DLJE SELLER: Buyer agrees to pay the Purchase Price to the Seller by check or wire transfer on the Closing Date according to the terms of this Agreement. 3. DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE: Subject to performance by Buyer, Seller agrees to execute and deliver to Buyer a Warranty Deed conveying marketable fee simple title to the Property, free and clear of any mortgages, liens or encumbrances other than matters created by or acceptable to Buyer, subj ect only to the following exceptions: i. Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations; 1 604377v3MN325-42 ii. Reservation of minerals or mineral rights to the State of Minnesota, if any; and iii. Public utility and drainage easements of record which will not interfere with Buyer's intended use of the Property. 4. DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED AT CLOSING BY SELLER. In addition to the Warranty Deed required at paragraph 3.b.3. above, Seller shall deliver to Buyer at closing: a. An affidavit from Seller sufficient to remove any exception in Buyer's policy of title insurance for mechanics' and materialmens' liens and rights of parties in possession; b. A"bring-down" certificate, certifying that all of the warranties made by Seller in this Agreement remain true as of the Closing Date; c. Affidavit of Seller confirming that Seller is not a foreign person within the meaning of Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code; d. Well disclosure certification, if required, or, if there is no well on the Property, the Warranty Deed given pursuant to paragraph 3.b.3. above must include the following statement: "The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property," e. Any notices, certificates, and affidavits regarding any private sewage systems, underground storage tanks, and environmental conditions as may be required by state or federal statutes, rules or regulations; and £ Any other documents reasonably required by Title (as defined in paragraph 6) or attorney to evidence that title to the Property is marketable and that Seller has complied with the terms of this Purchase Agreement. 5. CONTINGENCIES. Buyer's obligation to purchase the Property is contingent upon the following: a. Approval of this Purchase Agreement by Buyer's governing body; b. Written findings by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello that the acquisition of the Property conforms to the City Comprehensive Plan; c. Buyer conducting environmental investigations on the Property and receiving reports that are satisfactory to Buyer; and d. Buyer's determination of marketable title pursuant to paragraph 6 of this Agreement. 2 604377v3MN325-42 Buyer shall have thirty (30) days from the date of approval of this Agreement by the Buyer to remove or waive the foregoing contingencies (the "Due Diligence Period"). These contingencies are solely for the benefit of Buyer and may be waived by Buyer. If Buyer or its attorney gives written notice to Seller that all contingencies are duly satisfied or waived, Buyer and Seller shall proceed to close the transaction as contemplated herein. If one or more of the contingencies is not satisfied, or is not satisfied within the Due Diligence Period, and is not waived by Buyer, this Agreement shall thereupon be void at the written option of Buyer, Buyer and Seller shall execute and deliver to each other documentation effecting the termination of this Agreement, and the Earnest Money shall be refunded to Buyer in full. Buyer shall also deliver to Seller copies of all documentation gathered during the Due Diligence Period, including without limitation all survey, environmental or soil tests. 6. TITLE EXAMINATION/CURING TITLE DEFECTS. Buyer has, at its expense, obtained a commitment for title insurance ("Commitment") for the Property from Old Republic National Title Insurance Company ("Title"), and as of the date of this Purchase Agreement, Buyer has requested an updated Commitment. Buyer shall have ten business days after the later of execution in full of this Purchase Agreement or receipt of the updated Commitment to examine the Commitment and to deliver written objections to title, if any, to Seller, or Buyer's right to do so shall be deemed waived. Seller shall have until the end of the Due Diligence Period (or such later date as the parties may agree upon) to make title marketable, at Seller's cost. In the event that title to the Property cannot be made marketable or is not made marketable by Seller within the Due Diligence Period, then this Agreement may be terminated at the option of Buyer. 7. ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS. Buyer acknowledges that it has been authorized by Seller to enter the Property and conduct environmental investigations of the Property. Seller shall provide to Buyer any environmental reports or information concerning the Property in Seller's possession at the time of execution of this Agreement. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless from and against any and all losses, claims, causes of action, liabilities and costs of defense incurred by Seller arising out of the actions of Buyer, its agents, employees, contractors or invitees in carrying out Buyer's environmental investigations, unless due to the negligence or willful misconduct of Seller or its agents, employees or contractors. 8. CLOSING DATE. The date of closing shall be October 31, 2020, or such earlier date as is mutually agreed by the parties ("Closing Date"). Delivery of all papers and the closing shall be made through escrow with Title, or at such other location as is mutually agreed upon by the parties. All deliveries and notices to Buyer shall be made as provided in Section 16 of this Agreement. 9. POSSESSION/HOLDOVER TENANCY/HOLDOVER TENANCY OF TENANT. a. Possession. Seller agrees to deliver possession of the Property to Buyer on the Closing Date, provided that (i) the Seller shall be permitted to rent office space (the "Office") on a portion of the Property located on the second floor of 121 3 604377v3MN325-42 West Broadway pursuant to a month-to-month lease (the "Seller Lease") extending beyond the Closing Date and allowing Seller to occupy the Office until thirty days after written notice to vacate delivered by Buyer to Seller (the "Vacation Date"), provided that the Vacation Date shall not occur prior to May 31, 2021; and (ii) a portion of the Property located at 121 West Broadway (the "Tenant Property") is currently subject to a month-to-month lease (the "Tenant Lease") between the Seller and Alive Lutheran Church (the "Tenant"), which lease is terminable upon sixty days' notice by either party. The terms and conditions of any holdover tenancy by either the Seller or the Tenant are as described in Section 9b. hereof. b. Holdover Tenancy. 1. The lease rate for the Seller Lease shall be $50.00 per month, plus electricity. Seller shall be authorized to occupy the Office and to conduct Seller's regular business activities within the Office until the Vacation Date. Buyer shall take possession of the Office on the Vacation Date. 2. The Seller shall assign the Tenant Lease to the Buyer on the Date of Closing, and all rents payable under the Tenant Lease on or after the Date of Closing shall be payable to Buyer. Any security deposit described within the Tenant Lease (and interest thereon if required by law) and not previously applied to Tenant obligations under the Tenant Lease shall be transferred or credited to Buyer on the Date of Closing. 3. The parties expressly agree and understand that the Seller shall not enter into any third-party leases for any portion of the Property on or after the date of this Agreement. The parties agree that any personal property of the Seller or Tenant remaining on the Property after the Vacation Date shall become property of the Buyer. 10. SELLER'S WARRANTIES. Seller hereby represents and warrants to Buyer and Seller will represent and warrant to Buyer as of the Closing Date that: a. Sewer and water. Seller warrants that to the best of Seller's knowledge, the Property is connected to City sewer and water. b. Mechanics' Liens. Seller warrants that, prior to the closing, Seller shall pay in full all amounts due for labor, materials, machinery, fixtures or tools furnished within the 120 days immediately preceding the closing in connection with construction, alteration or repair of any structure upon or improvement to the Property caused by or resulting from any action of Seller. c. Notices. Seller warrants that Seller has not received any notice from any governmental authority as to violation of any law, ordinance or regulation in connection with the Property. 4 604377v3MN325-42 d. Tenants. Seller warrants that, other than the Tenant described in Section 9 of this Agreement, there are no tenants on the Property. e. Broker Commission. Seller warrants that as of the date of this Agreement, there is no agreement in effect with any broker, agent, or representative who shall be entitled to any commission in connection with this transaction. Seller agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from the claims of any broker, real estate agent or similar party claiming through Seller. Seller further agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless for any costs incurred by Buyer as a result of any legal process to adjudicate any fees claimed by any broker, agent, or representative in connection with this transaction. £ Condemnation. Seller has received no notice that there is any pending or, to the actual knowledge of Seller, threatened condemnation or similar proceeding affecting the Property or any portion thereof, and Seller has no actual knowledge that any such action is contemplated. g. Legal Proceedings. There are no legal actions, suits or other legal or administrative proceedings, pending or threatened, that affect the Property or any portion thereof, and Seller has no knowledge that any such action is presently contemplated. h. Legal Capacity. Seller has the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement. Seller has not filed, voluntarily or involuntarily, for bankruptcy relief within the last year under the United States Bankruptcy Code, nor has any petition for bankruptcy or receivership been filed against Seller within the last year. i. Methamphetamine Production. To the best of Seller's knowledge, methamphetamine production has not occurred on the Property. j. Underground Tanks. With the exception of two abandoned and sand-filled underground tanks that have been disclosed by Seller to the Buyer, to the best of Seller's knowledge, the Property does not contain any underground storage tanks of any size or description. k Wells. The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the Property. 1. Sewage Systems. Seller does not know of any individual sewage treatment systems on or serving the Property, or if any individual sewage treatment systems exist, Seller shall comply with all applicable statutory disclosure requirements regarding such individual sewage treatment systems. Seller's representations and warranties set forth in this paragraph shall be continuing and are deemed to be material to Buyer's execution of this Agreement and Buyer's performance of its obligations hereunder. All such representations and warranties shall be true and correct on or as 5 604377v3MN325-42 of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if made at that time; and all of such representations and warranties shall survive closing and any cancellation or termination of this Agreement, and shall not be affected by any investigation, verification or approval by any part hereto or by anyone on behalf of any party hereto. Seller agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Buyer harmless for, from and against any loss, costs, damages, expenses, obligations and attorneys' fees incurred should an assertion, claim, demand or cause of action be instituted, made or taken, which is contrary to or inconsistent with the representations or warranties contained herein. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that, except as otherwise provided herein, having been given the opportunity to inspect the property and review available information and documentation affecting the property, Buyer is relying solely on its own investigation of the property and review of such information and documentation. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that no representations or statements have been made by Seller in order to induce Buyer to enter into this transaction other than as expressly stated herein, and that Buyer has not relied upon any representations or statements other than as expressly stated herein. Buyer further acknowledges and agrees that, except as expressly provided herein, the sale of the property as provided for herein is made on an "as-is, where is" condition and basis with all faults and conditions (environmental and all other), and that Seller has no obligation to make any remediation, repairs, replacements or improvements whatsoever. 11. CLOSING COSTS/RECORDING FEES/DEED TAX. At Closing, Seller shall pay: (a) prorated property taxes due and payable in the year of Closing through the Closing Date; (b) any special assessments levied against the Property and due and payable in the year of Closing; (c) the cost of any documents required to clear title or to evidence marketable title, including fees and charges to record such documents; (d) any operating costs of the Property up to the Closing Date; and (e) Seller's legal fees. Buyer shall pay. (a) the costs of any environmental investigation and/or survey costs ordered by Buyer, (b) costs of an initial title commitment, title insurance and endorsements; (c) recording fees and charges related to the filing of the Warranty Deed from the Seller, (d) any transfer or deed taxes due as a result of this transaction; (e) prorated property taxes due and payable in the year of Closing on and after the Closing Date; (� all closing fees customarily charged by the title company; and (g) Buyer's legal and accounting fees. 12. INSPECTIONS. From the date of this Agreement to the Closing Date, Buyer, its employees and agents, shall be entitled to enter upon the Property to conduct such surveying, inspections, investigations, soil borings and testing, and drilling, monitoring, sampling and testing of groundwater monitoring wells, as Buyer shall elect. Buyer shall also be entitled to a general walkthrough inspection within five days of the Closing Date. 13. INSURANCE; RISK OF LOSS. a. If there is any loss or damage to the Property between the date hereof and the Closing Date, for any reason including fire, vandalism, flood, earthquake or act of God, the risk of loss shall be on Seller. If the Property is destroyed or substantially damaged before the Closing Date, this Agreement shall become null 6 604377v3MN325-42 and void, at Buyer's option. At the request of Buyer, Seller agrees to sign a cancellation of Purchase Agreement. b. Following the Closing Date, the Buyer shall procure and maintain property insurance, with a minimum coverage of $500,000, against the Property. Buyer shall assume all risk of damage or destruction to the Property following the Closing Date. Seller shall maintain commercial general liability insurance and renter's insurance in an amount adequate to protect Seller's interest in the Property until the Vacation Date. 14. DEFAULT/REMEDIES. If Buyer defaults under this Agreement, Seller has the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of such election to Buyer, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 559.21. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. The termination of this Agreement and retention by Seller of the Earnest Money will be the sole remedy available to Seller for such default by Buyer, and Buyer will not be further liable for damages. If Seller defaults under this Agreement, Buyer shall have the right (i) to terminate this Agreement and receive reimbursement of the Earnest Money, or (ii) to enforce and recover from Seller specific performance of this Agreement. The termination of this Agreement and reimbursement of the Earnest Money or the enforcement and recovery from Seller of specific performance of this Agreement shall be the sole remedies available to Buyer for such default by Seller, and Seller shall not be further liable for damages. 15. RELOCATION BENEFITS; INDEMNIFICATION. Seller acknowledges that in the event that Seller is eligible for relocation assistance and benefits, the Purchase Price includes compensation for any and all relocation assistance and benefits for which Seller may be eligible, including benefits for loss of going concern. Buyer acknowledges that the Tenant is eligible for relocation assistance and shall receive relocation assistance and benefits as determined by Buyer's relocation consultant. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive closing of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, "relocation assistance and benefits" shall have the meanings ascribed to them by the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. Sections 4601-4655 (the federal URA) and the regulations implementing the federal URA, 49 CF.R. Sections 24.1-24.603. 16. NOTICE. Any notice, demand, request or other communication which may or shall be given or served by the parties, shall be deemed to have been given or served on the date the same is personally served upon one of the following indicated recipients for notices or is deposited in the United States Mail, registered or certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: SELLER: Steven C. Johnson and Candace P. Johnson 123 Sandy Lane Monticello, MN 55362 With a copy to: 7 604377v3MN325-42 Christoffel & Elliott, P.A. 1111 UBS Plaza 444 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Attn: James F. Christoffel, Esq. BUYER: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority Attn: Executive Director 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 With a copy to: Martha Ingram, Esq. Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U. S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, including exhibits attached hereto, and any amendments hereto signed by the parties, shall constitute the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer and supersedes any other written or oral agreements between the parties relating to the Property. This Agreement can be modified only in a writing properly signed on behalf of Seller and Buyer. 18. SURVIVAL. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law or court decision to the contrary, the provisions of this Agreement shall survive closing. 19. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their successors and assigns. (the remainder of this page intentionally left blank) 8 604377v3MN325-42 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement on the date and year above. Buyer: Sellers: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority I� I� Steven C. Johnson Its: Vice President Its: Executive Director Candace P. Johnson 9 604377v3MN325-42 EXHIBIT A Le�al Description of PropertX A strip of land 16 1/2 feet frontage on Broadway and 90 feet in depth in the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 52, Townsite of Monticello, also described as the Southeasterly 16.5 feet of the Southwesterly 90.00 feet of said Lot 8, as measured at a right angle to and parallel with the Southeasterly and Southwesterly lines thereof. Lot 9, Block 52, Townsite of Monticello. Lot 10, Block 52, Townsite of Monticello, except that part of Lot 10, Block 52, City or Townsite of Monticello, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 10; thence Southerly along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 10 a distance of 36.00 feet; thence Westerly to a point on the Northwesterly line of Lot 10 distant 36.00 feet Southerly of the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 10; thence Northerly along said Northwesterly line of said Northwesterly corner; thence Easterly along the Northeasterly line of said Lot 10 to the point of beginning. The Easterly 20 feet of Lot 3 and Lot 4 and Lot 5, except the East 18 feet 10 inches of said Lot 5 (the East 18' 10" of said Lot 5 being sold to Roy A. Lauring and is described: That part of Lot 5 being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southerly point of said Lot 5; thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly side of Lot 5, 18 feet 10 inches; thence Northeasterly and parallel to the Southeasterly side of said Lot 5 to the Northeasterly line of said Lot 5; thence Southeasterly 18 feet 10 inches to the most Easterly point of said Lot 5; thence Southwesterly to point of beginning), all in Block 52 in the Townsite of Monticello, according to Plat of record by John O. Haven. Wright County, Minnesota, Abstract Property 101, 107, and 121 West Broadway, Monticello, MN 55362 A-1 604377v3MN325-42 *� �.��� — �F:f+, �_ � � /.- � . , � � � �� o �... '�" y ��;��' . � � �. . . . . ,.. • •y,; ��w 1 r c{-' - � / . . .� � ��� .. �� , .� • _ '��. ~ „ � � . 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Dovvnto�vn Sr�all Ar�a Stud v �:.,�- �:�� lmplementat�on Workshop � _ � ;z November 16, 2017 Participants-�-�-�-�-�---�---�-�-�-�-.-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-._._._._._._._._._._._ City Co�aracpi: Brian Stumpf, Bill Fair, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart EQA: Tracy Hinz, Steve Johnson, Jon Morphew, Bill Tapper Par�s &�e�r���i~��: Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan Plannir�g C�rnrnissic��� Katie Peterson Guests: Clay Sawatzke, Michele Hertwig ���if: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Tom Pawelk, Rachel Leonard, Jennifer Schreiber Workshop Purpose Set a foundation for realizing the downtown plan by encouraging the various commissions to cooperatively review the elements of the plan, prioritize the components, and strategize implementation. Prioritization Exercise Organized by Highest Ranked Projects: Rede�elopm�nt: Pursue signature redevelopment on Block 52 with market rate housing and a destination restaurant that overlooks the park. ?ubiEc �e�lm Irriprovementc. Redesign riverfront parks to include more active events and programming in West Bridge Park (amphitheater, waterfeature, concessions) and passive uses in East Bridge Park. E3r�acl�nray Street �ammercial V'ii�fst,�: �rc;����y� Sf,e�i E�avirc��rr���s�: Develop small pocket parks on vacant properties along Broadway, offering outdoor seating, and pedestrian connections to parking. Curb extensions at Walnut and Broadway to provide space for landscaping, seating, and gathering. l��n�it�r �uilc�in�: Build Downtown's brand and identity by identifying the downtown core as the Broadway Walnut area, and naming it. Pursue marketing initiatives to build the new brand. ��sis��ss �u;apc�r� � Deveira�:m�r�t: Establish fa�ade improvement programs that offer financial support for improving building appearance and district identity. Organized by Survey Category �-la�:;?-I����c��: :�. Pursue signature redevelopment on Block 52 Z. Redesign riverfront parks... 3. Establish fa�ade improvement programs... i�.�ar,2r_�E.,r��i�� Fruii: :i.. Improve bridge underpass... �� Develop small pocket parks... �� Curb extensions at Walnut & Broadway �'�r�c�n�a 9���.�se��.; �_. Redesign riverfront parks... ?_. Pursue Signature redevelopment on Block 52... 3. Reconnected Walnut Street to River Street... i i f � � ►✓. � � � ' �s 'k h: �'�.��� _�'�f # �;"{ �4 �' ' 6 ��.�� : - �.�.:;i, . *y� 1 `�l�ak't irr.!` '.d w "�- .� . '� ' ,ry �'""�r� �* aTf ' ti"" ,� / �'�.fl a •.� _ , � � ! � � ,. �..t� � y a�' . '� Iry' b ..., �1 . � ' �. { i -�� ��' +i �� . ? ; .�� .\, ti,; ` � '�` . � ' , � � , �, , w ;' � � r,. . J� '+ ,�} j' y � t'!�4"``�,J ` '� r ,.,�,� �'e �' . "s� �� •.. "7 y � l — r : 'i � � �.4� � �' t y�� . " -`�. ' � `. � � M I �1 � � - df {�� ' y4 `r • ! '� _ ' ; i � ., \ � ' J' -s t�r 7� f i _ -.q4' . . ..k., j .'y" L �i-• �, ��'-,� 6 ` t � ' ' - _ `'+� • 1 � fd. .:.-' ?7 -�.. . . _�� � i I` ,,.. .-•-.-.-.-•-•-'-'-•-•-•-•-•-•-'L•-•-'-•-•-'-•-•-•-•-•-•-'_•-•-•_'_•_'_•_•-'_•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-'-•-•- Project Implementation Exercise East & West Bridge Park Improvements Fourtda�r�n: Location on the river, high visibility, varied topography, exisfing assets, capable parks staff, dedi- cated volunteers, popular community events. Chalienges: Limited automobile & pedestrian access, perception of noise and actual noise, potential river island flooding, limitations of adjacent land uses, ma- ture trees can block views, hard to change what's al- ready popular. I�i�ti��tian: Acquire surrounding land to allow redevelop- ment and growth, connect Walnut Street to River Street, use signage and rebranding to encourage ex- ploring downtown and connecting with the parks, en- hance underutilized assets like the southeast stairs and bridge underpass. �ead�r4�ip: Parks staff, Park & Recreation Commission, City Council, and EDA with redevelopment. Key �ecisicsns: Park design, connection of Walnut St. to River St, reconstruction of River St, redevelopment of Block 52. Priarity Tasks: Park design, remove understory plants for visibility to the river, programming & events, connect Walnut St. to River St. Black 52 Redevelopment Fc�uncia�ian: City owns a portion, another property for sale, high visibility, beautiful view, parks complement, EDA is engaged in acquisition. Cha;f��ges: Cost of acquiring property, getting the right developer, potential contamination, community confu- sion of public purpose, competition with completing Block 34, relocation costs. �✓I€ti��t�an: Continue acquiring land and empower eco- nomic development manager to meet with developers. Leade�s��ip: EDA for site control and incentives, staff for recruitment and negotiating, additional city staff from planning, public works, Wright County, etc. Key t�ecEsionso Preliminary development agreement, zoning ordinance changes, incentives. Pric�rit�r i asks; Design for Walnut Street connection to River St., redesign West Bridge Park parking, acquire properties, reach out to developers to find the right partner, continue building relafionships and communi- cating with property owners. Downtown Housing Development Foundatiar�: Strong market, regional and local amenities, demographics, walkability, accessibility, site control, lender and council support, developers interested, jobs nearby. C_'h�lleng�s: Relocation development costs, water table, cost of quality construction, noise, traffic access, size of block divisions, developers have many options, zoning not currently aligned with plan, existing property & business owners. Mitigatian: Gather better information on water table, shared equity solutions, create one TIF district, buying options. LEa�ershipa EDA to lead land acquisition, TIF program, coordination with lenders & developers. Planning Com- mission to lead zoning review. City Council responsible for final approvals. Key C�ecisic�i�s� Determining one site or many, zoning approved that balances flexibility with predictability. Priority Task�: Create package or feasibility for several sites so the city knows its limits and capacity, include aesthetic design expectations, get a more detailed un- derstanding of the downtown market, engage in out- reach to developers with marketing materials. Aciivafing Broadway Street's Commercial Vitality Faundatian: Proximity to parks and river, some business- es already making positive changes, changes will en- courage people to visit, opportunity to build relation- ships, high trafFic area. Cha9lenges: Not all buildings up to code, cost of rehabili- tation, lack of space for outdoor seating, lack of con- centration, need to agree on fa�ade style, trafFic, busi- ness mix. Mitigaiior�: Assess the state of properties, survey and encourage stakeholder participation, offer financial in- centives, help 1-2 businesses start to encourage others. Survey property owners to guide the focus. Le�d�rshi�: Existing business group, Chamber, City Council, EDA, and city stafF. f�riority� ��as!<s: Determine ownership of every parcel with contact information, reach out to property and busi- ness owners for their ideas, identify and build alliances, determine design standards. Other: Encourage EDA to build relationships. Conflict-of-Interest Certification and Disclosure Farm Name: Steven C. Johnson Position: EDA Commissioner Date: 2-23-15 By signing this form below, I certify that: I have received a copy Minnesota Statute 469.098 Conflict-Of-Interest 2. I have read and understand the policy; 3. I agree to comply with the policy; � � _i ������ 7� �i�i'i"� Please describe below any relationships, transactions, positions you hold (volunteer or otherwise), or circumstances that you believe could contribute to an actual or possible conflict of interest between the EDA and your personal interests, financial or otherwise: I own commercial property on Block 52 in the downtown area of Monticello, MN. 2. A potential conflict may arise ��vith ownership of downtown commercial properiy (Block 52) and my responsibilities in regards to my position of commissioner on the Monticello EDA. 3. I will refrain from any official discussion, decisions, votes or any matter before the EDA that would have financial implications regarding my holdings on Block 52 in downtown Monticello. 4. When addressing by any means potential development or financial matters regarding Block 52, I will be representing in whole or in part, my own interests in this block as a private citizen and not any public interests of the City of Monticello or the Monticello EDA. I hereby certify that the information set forth above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signatur . Date: a'- - a'31 /� EDA Agenda: 09/09/20 7. Economic Development Director's Report (JT) A. CARES Act — CDBG Funding Comments Provided to MN-DEED Update: MN-DEED is seeking comments regarding additional CDBG Program Funding through the CARES Act. The attached letters were provided to MN-DEED by the Mayor and the City Administrator (Exhibits A1 and A2). B. Housing Study Update: The Housing Study has been provided to City staff as a complete document draft. Staff are reviewing it for final edits and adjustments. The final executive summary and along with a presentation via remote connection will be scheduled for the September 23, 2020 EDA meeting. C. Project Gia-Saurus Update: Task efforts related to Project Gia-Saurus have been organized into four areas and each is accompanied by a short summary of the work status below: Legislative — seeking funding assistance for a portion of the $50,000,000 +/- proposal; discussions have been held with several member representatives of Minnesota's U.S. Congressional delegation. Feedback from U. S. representative staff indicates that a potential tax credit made be incorporated into the next round of COVID-19 stimulus legislation. This could be helpful over the long term for a company such as Project Gia- Saurus. 2. Federal and State funding programs — status of tasks awaits further direction related to a definitive site for the proposal. Funding would be primarily used for infrastructure which may or may not include a building. Industrial Land Feasibility Study — Completed by WSB. Study has been revised through add on Memos identifying full ultimate public infrastructure development costs. identifies three viable sites. 4. Project and Process Review-Communications — Continuance of efforts to understand the desired development timeframe and deadlines. Review of company due-diligence information in detail is expected at the time of funding applications. Staff will continue to work on all of these tracks to keep moving the proposal forward. D. 300 East 4t'' Street Demolition Update: A follow up letter was mailed to all property owners within 350 feet of the home informing them that there will not be a training fire burn. Changes have been made to the demolition contract and the demo work is expected to start in the next week and be completed by October 1, 2020. The contract specifies full site restoration as well as removal of above and below ground structures. EDA Agenda: 09/09/20 E. Block 52 Boundary Survey and Ground Water Well Monitoring Results Update: The engineering firm that completed the boundary survey to ensure the entire block is at least 300 feet from the Mississippi River completed additional work by taking some more measurements of the distance to the OHWL mark and provided an updated survey to City staff. The new survey does confirm that the distance from the northeast corner of Block 52 to the OHWL mark is more than 300 feet. This is significant as it will make development steps and processes much less complicated than if a portion of the Block was in the Shoreland Overlay protection zone. Exhibit B. The ground water readings came back from the engineering firm that was contracted to monitor the levels of the groundwater in Block 52 for the past 12 months. The readings indicate that the groundwater level has been consistently in the 13' +/- level below the ground surface in the northeast corner of the Block This will information will help guide the development submittals by Beard Group in regards to underground parking structures. Exhibit C. F. Potential Tour of Rivertown Residential Suites: Possible tour dates include: Staff are working on identifying a date in late September 2020 which is yet to be determined. G. Prospect List Update: See the attached prospect list: Exhibit D. 2 CITY OF • ontice o September 1, 2020 PHONE:763-295-2711 Fax:763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street � Suite 1 � Monticello, MN 55362 Small Cities Unit Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development 15Y National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 St. Paul, MN 55101 RE: Comments regarding Supplemental CARES Act CDBG Funding Dear Small Cities Unit Staff: Thank you for the opportunity to offer comments on the potential usage of additional funds that are being provided to MN-DEED through the CDBG Program via the CARES Act. The City of Monticello feels it is especially important to allocate a sufficient level of funding to support economic development projects with a focus on the reshoring of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) production back to the USA. We feel that the supplemental CDBG funding awards should be offered as grants or forgivable loans based on investment leveraging and job creation goals. The funding amounts should be in amounts up to $2,000,000 + so that the assistance to communities and/or businesses is meaningful and impactful in the establishment of market competitive production facilities engaged in manufacturing PPE. The City of Monticello has been engaged in discussions with a manufacturing prospect since late March 2020 which is in the business of producing vitally needed medical gloves (PPE) using American owned intellectual property. A ballpark estimate of the total investment for this proposed phase 1 development is approximately $70,000,000 +/-, including $15,000,000 of public infrastructure. A second phase expansion is expected to be an investment of $50,0000,000. Since our initial introduction to the prospect, we have learned a considerable amount about PPE manufacturing. Much of PPE in general, and specifically this particular product, is currently being made in China and Southeast Asia. Almost 100 % of this product is currently being imported by Minnesota and the nation, directly or indirectly via importer distributors, at highly inflated prices with severe supply interruptions. Production of this PPE product could and should be shifted back to the USA. This is a critical step in eliminating the current supply shortages and allowing our country and state to become self-reliant on U.S. based production with shorter supply chains and delivery times at reasonable prices. It is clear that a healthy portion of the new supplemental CDBG funding should be targeted toward reshoring of PPE production to support the establishment of facilities that manufacture these vital products and at the same time creating well-paying jobs in a time of economic distress. www.ci.monticello.mn.us We believe that allocating CARES Act CDBG funds to economic development projects which helps to prepare our community and State to respond to the threats from COVID-19 as well as certain future outbreaks of infectious disease meets the intent of FR-6218-N-01. If you have any questions about these suggestions, please feel free to contact Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, at Jim.thares@ci.monticello.mn.us or 612-219-8357 at your convenience. Thank you for your time and attention to these comments regarding the supplemental CARES Act CDBG Funding. Sincerely, "- ,.;• �4 �- - Brian Stumpf Mayor, City of Monticello � CITY OF ��� • ontice o September 2, 2020 PHONE:763-295-2711 FAx:763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street � Suite 1 � Monticello, MN 55362 Small Cities Unit Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development 15T National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 St. Paul, MN 55101 RE: Comments regarding Supplemental CARES Act CDBG Funding Dear Small Cities Unit Staff: Thank you for the opportunity to offer comments on the potential usage of additional funds that are being provided to MN-DEED through the CDBG Program via the CARES Act. The City of Monticello feels it is especially important to allocate a sufficient level of funding to support economic development projects with a focus on the reshoring of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) production back to the USA. We feel that the supplemental CDBG funding awards should be offered as grants or forgivable loans based on investment leveraging and job creation goals. The funding amounts should be in amounts up to $2,000,000 + so that the assistance to communities and/or businesses is meaningful and impactful in the establishment of market competitive production facilities engaged in manufacturing PPE. It is further recommended that the funding be allowed as a resource for the full range of development activities including acquisition of land, development of utility and transportation infrastructure, and construction of the facilities themselves. The City of Monticello has been engaged in discussions with a manufacturing prospect since late March 2020 which is in the business of producing vitally needed medical gloves (PPE) using American owned intellectual property. A ballpark estimate of the total investment for this proposed phase 1 development is approximately $70,000,000 +/-, including $15,000,000 of public infrastructure. A second phase expansion is expected to be an investment of $50,0000,000. Since our initial introduction to the prospect, we have learned a considerable amount about PPE manufacturing. Much of PPE in general, and specifically this particular product, is currently being made in China and Southeast Asia. Almost 100 % of this product is currently being imported by Minnesota and the nation, directly or indirectly via importer distributors, at highly inflated prices with severe supply interruptions. Production of this PPE product could and should be shifted back to the USA. This is a critical step in eliminating the current supply shortages and allowing our country and state to become self-reliant on U.S. based production with shorter supply chains and delivery times at reasonable prices. It is clear that a healthy portion of the new supplemental CDBG funding should be targeted toward reshoring of PPE production to support the establishment of facilities that manufacture these vital products and at the same time creating well-paying jobs in a time of economic distress. www.ci.monticello.mn.us We believe that allocating CARES Act CDBG funds to economic development projects which helps to prepare our community and State to respond to the threats from COVID-19 as well as certain future outbreaks of infectious disease meets the intent of FR-6218-N-01. If you have any questions about these suggestions, please feel free to contact Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, at Jim.thares@ci.monticello.mn.us or 612-219-8357 at your convenience. Thank you for your time and attention to these comments regarding the supplemental CARES Act CDBG Funding. Sincerely, �����i2.��� Jeff O'Neill City Administrator 2 N � Y U O m � O W �M I.L � � � � Z � O m O W 0 2 O _ i 0 <.i - � �� E� Eu �; A 8 a a $ a° , 9 �} c� 4 � � 3 � = J � � ao z Q Z OJ /s DN �ddb � �b � d��d �/ -' �.5 /N 5 � � �� w � � , ° e � � q 0 �� r ' �� 0 0 d33�d / O s q ��N � I r� �. i i i i i � i i i i i � i i � i \"���..._ i � i \ . � � � �r z �' �� \ ' � (� `�d� �x� �— — . � �� �./,'�'`�'o:�`\�y e �� �V�g 2c._ ��Id �d'/ � �g ., � � g � .._ / `°', ,� � �� � � / � � � \ \ � �� � ..- / / 5 ^M '< \ ' � // & .. �'�/ � /� �M \ \�� \� / \ �(� '�1� "' w �\ �\ / �� � � � �� / �� � � � � e � � �'� g � � � \ ti � � � h � � � � �� � � � � � � � / � �. y � o � � / .� ° € / � �� �,� �� � � � � �� L \ � & � � e =�"_ �� /� �``�� �c � � . � ��'�b� / �-� \ -�� � �� �`� ��� � �� ��,� � ��*€ � 2gOF'r ' � � � f \ �'� � �y � � rro s�� � � � \ �� � o`�F , � �e ��� a4 \ �o , � � x „� � c � \ ��r� e�s� � � �g . "t � < � ; f\ . „�r ���� MM m�� 4 M� J M ? 3 a h°� @ 2�^ J Q � @ /O � 4P 0 � a � �N 00� z�N _ 3 Chosen Val ley Testi ng, I nc. Geotechnical Engineering and Testing • 245 Roselawn Ave E• Maplewood, MN 55117 • Telephone (651) 888-6121 • Fax (507) 289-2523 James Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello RE: Block 52 Water Level Readings SW Quadrant of River Street W and Pine Street Monticello, Minnesota Dear Mr. Thares, August 20th, 2020 In June of 2019, CVT installed a monitoring well in the boulevard southwest of the intersection of Pine Street and River Street West (see attached sketch) for the purpose of monitoring groundwater elevations. The monitoring well was installed in conjunction with geotechnical borings drilled in June of 2019, the results of which are detailed in a report issued by CVT on July 19, 2019. The monitoring well corresponds to boring B-2 from the geotechnical report. The ground surface at the location of the monitoring well was surveyed using the top nut of the fie hydrant on the north side of River Street West as a benchmark, which was assigned an elevation of 100 feet and was the benchmark used for the borings detailed in the geotechnical report. The ground surface at the monitoring well location was found to be 102.2 ft. The water level in the well was checked once per month from August of 2019 to July of 2020. The results of the water level readings are summarized in Table 1 below. TABLE 1— Water Table Elevations Monitoring Date Water Level Reading (from Water Table Elevation (from to of casin ) in ft round surface) in ft 08/13/19 14.85 89.1 09/29/19 14.71 89.2 10/22/19 14.27 89.6 11/24/19 14.73 89.2 12/22/19 15.10 88.8 O 1/30/20 15.24 87.7 02/25/20 15.23 87.7 03/31/20 15.23 87.7 04/21/20 15.13 87.8 OS/20/20 15.01 87.9 06/18/20 15.23 87.7 07/13/20 14.95 88.0 Project: 15043.19.MNS Level of Care Page 2 The services provided for this project have been conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area under similar budget and time constraints. This is our professional responsibility. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Rem arks We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services to you. If you have any questions, or need additional services, please call us at (651) 756-7384. Sincerely, Chosen Valley Testing, Inc. James Reckinger Staff Geologist Minnesota lowa Wisconsin N 7 V � V V � i pp i i f0 U f0 i i f0 f0 f0 � f0 O f0 f0 � (n U '� +�+ U i (n f0 (n i V (n (n (n 16 }' N � N N O +� �o LL N (o �o +� N +� �o (o +� +� +� �+ cn � cn cn = Q cn � �' cn cn Q N Q N N Q Q Q W j in j j C U N � N N N U j U +N+ +N+ U U U C • • Q C ,> � U > .> C y,, C U U C C C •0 U 0 U U O +� +'� � +� +� O U O Q Q O O O a Q `_' Q Q c� ¢ ¢ c°� ¢ ¢ � ¢ c� c� c� c� +� c °1 p o p p p o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 £ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � p ^'� p�p p p O O O O 0 O O 0 r`' O O � O O �,n � � � �n m �n O m O c� o v � � m c� �N O � � � �' t/} t/} t/} � �' t/} � t/} t/} � t/} t/} t/} � t/} t/} t/} O H N ^ � O m 3 O � � ^ � r�• I� + � + m � I� r�. 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