Planning Commission Minutes 07-05-1983 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION July 5, 1983 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Don Cochran, and Ed Schaffer. City Staff MeITbers Present: Tom Eidem, Rick Wolfsteller, Gary Anderson. The meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission was called to order by President Jim Ridgeway on July 5, 1983 at 7:37 P.M. 2. Avproval of the Minutes. A motion was made by Don Cochran, seconded by Joyce Dowling and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of June 14th, 1983. 3. Approval of the Minutes. A motion was made Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Carlson and approved unanimously to approve the minutes of the joint meeting of June 21, 1983. 4. Public Hearing - Sideyard Variance Request for Attached Garage - Ricky and Becky Haugeto. with Richard and Rebecca Haugeto present, Richard Hcrngeto requested a sideyard variance to build a 26 foot by 26 foot attached garage to his home to within 12 feet of the property lot line. His home is located at 37 Fairway Drive, Country Club Manor. Mr. Haugeto's house is currently set back 38 feet from the west property lot line which currently meets City ordinance requirements. By adding the 26 foot by 26 foot garage, a variance would be necessary since the west side of the garage would be within 12 feet of the property lot line. Ordinance requires a 20 foot set back on a corner lot unless a variance is requested. Abutting property owner to the west was notified of the public hearing and did not express any opposition to the variance :r:'equest. The Planning Commission members questioned Mr. Haugeto as to the reason for building the attached double car garage and Mr. Haugeto's response was that he wanted the additional room of a two car garage to store both his vehicles insides. The Planning Commission members questioned the need for the 2 car garage when the side yard setback on the east side is 20 feet when only 10 feet is required. Mr. Mc,rvin George, owner of the development, spoke up to support statements as to Why the property was situated such that the house could be built with a single attached garage only. - 1 - Planning Commission Minutes - 7/5/83 . . affected property owners and corne to a workable solution. Mr. Townsend indicated that he does tie up traffic when he is moving vehicles in and out of his shop for repair, but that it is not only these vehicles but also potential customers and other business's customers. Mr. Townsend stated that he is willing to come up with some parking problem solution, therefore, possibly using the the open adjacent space on the west side of the property to park additional vehicles. Mr. & Mrs. Topel also brought up the fact the employees of Mr. Townsend's business park their cars in the driveway, but Mr. Townsend stated that his employees park their vehicles at his home. The Planning Commission members, taking into consideration the parking problems and that they be resolved by joint communication among all the affected property owners, a motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Don Cochran to approve the following conditional use request contingent upon the following conditions: 1. No wrecked cars or body repair cars be parked on the west side of the building. 2. Hard surfacing for the parking on the west side be waived. 3. That parking be allowed on the west side and that only customer cars that are finished be parked there. 4. Employees cars and/or vehicles to be parked on Mr. Townsend's private property at his home. 5. Conditional use be granted for minor auto repair to major auto repair to allow major auto body repair work to be done. 6. The conditions for the above be for one year, henceforth from July 5, 1983. voting in favor were Ridgeway, Dowling, Cochran, Carlson and Schaffer. 6. Suggested List of Regulations for Ordinance Amendment to Allow Flea Markets as a COnditional Use in a B-3 Zone - Mel Wolters. Mel Wolters was present to discuss his flea market request. His intention is to allow small homeowners, hired people and/or young people to sell goods out of a stand or out of the back of a vehicle. Mr. Wolters indicated that numerous people have approached him in regard to selling small quantities of food or" other items out of the back of their vehicles on the adjacent lot to his property by the Dairy Queen. Mr. Wolters stated to these people that they have to contact City Hall for a permit. The direction of the conversation was directed towards transient merchants. D scrip- tive information of the transient merchant section of the Monticello zoning Ordinance was explained by City Administrator, Tom Eidem, as to the fee schedule~ that being a very high fee for a one day use. . - 3 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/5/83 Mr. George stated that HUD requirements on the sideyard variance on the bedroom side of the house which would have been on the east side of the house requires a 20 foot sideyard setback. The Planning Commission members also questioned,with the encroachment into the 20 foot sideyard setback on the corner lot, whether the road would be further developed or possibly widened as this may cause a hindrance to the new garage that is being built. City Administrator, T0TU Eidem, stated that the Golf Course Road which is currently of rural design yet and when the road is to be expanded or widened, the new road would meet current City standards which would eliminate the road ditch, therefore, curb and gutter would be installed along the new road. The Planning Commission members also asked Mr. George how many more variances would be necessary to complete his addition, since there has been a numerous amcunt of variances requested. Mr. George stated that possibly two or three may be needed on adjacent properties like this corner lot, but with property placement of the house and garage on the property, Mr. George hoped to keep this variance request at a minimum. Taking into consideration some of the statements that were stated above, by granting the variance request would make a definite improvement to the property, therefore, a motion was made by Don Cochran, seconded by Ed Schaffer to recommend approval of the variance request allowing the garage to be built within 12 feet of the property lot line. voting in favor were Ridgeway, Cochran, Carlson, Dowling and Schaffer. The motion was carried unanimously. 5. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request - Minor Auto Body Sh9.E Repair - Patrick Townsend. Mr. Pat Townsend was present with his partner to discuss with Planning Commission members an additional item to their con- ditional use permit that they be allowed to do major auto body repair, meaning a complete paint job could be done under major auto body repair. Mr. Townsend stated that he thought this was all straightened out at the previous meeting of April 12th, when he was granted a conditional use permit to do minor auto repair. The Planning Commission members stated that during the time of the conversation, no mention was made of doing auto body work at this facility. planning Commission member Jim Ridgeway requested any citizen's comments regarding this item and Mr. & Mrs. Fred Topel stated there was much congestion of vehicles and blockage of traffic on the private lot owned by Mr. Larry Flake and also the owner of the building which Mr. Townsend is renting. This being private property, traffic through the property could actually be blocked off, but due to the useage of the traffic through the private property, not only used for Mr. Townsend's business but also for Mr. Jones's business and other businesses in the block. Mr. Jones was also present to allude to the parking problems and congestion of traffic from Mr. Townsend's business, stating that his customers can not get into his property to pick up their merchandise. The planning Commission members stated that these problems of traffic congestion be worked out among all the - 2 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/5/83 The intended use of the high fee is to discourage transient merchants, those people from other areas coming into Monticello t,o sell their goods and then leaving town within one day. We have businessmen already selling this merchandise on a day to day basis, 365 days out of the year. Mr. Wolters felt this item should come to a head either by addressing an ordinance amendment to allow flea markets or address a change in the transient merchant fee schedule. The PlanLing Commission members noted that they would like citizen's partici- pation or input from the citizens. A motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Joyce Dowling to table a request for an ordinance amendment and ask for a date for a public hearing. Members voting in favor were Schaffer, Dowling, Cochran, Carlson and Ridgeway. This motion was carried unanimously. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission of August 9th, 1983, was tentatively scheduled for the public hearing on this item. 7. Proposed Subdivision of a City Lot to Allow Construction of Two Single Family Houses - John sandberg. Mr. John Sandberg was present to discuss the subdividing of the wester- ly 21 2/3 feet of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5, Block 7, Lower Monticello Addition. This being a simple subdivision of residential lot, certain ordinance requirements were to be adhered to. Mr. Sandberg indicated that the front portion of the lot to be subdivided would be approxi- mately 12,000 square feet. The second half of the rear part of the lot being approximately 19,500 square feet, therefore, both lots meet the minimum square footage requirements. Mr. Sandberg also indicated that he would exceed the minimum front lot footage require- ment. Mr. Sandberg also stated that since the side lot line on the east and the sideyard setback requirement is 10 feet, he would like to place the water and sewer lines under this area for service to the back property lot. With the front property lot being serviced from a service stub already in the street, Mr. Sandberg said he would be responsible for the new water and sewer service lines to the rear property lot. Also, since there is no curb cut in to service the front property lot, if a driveway entrance were to be put in onto River Street, Mr. Sandberg would be responsible fer the curb cut expense. He also indicated that he could enter the property through a designated street, New Street, which terminates at the River. Mr. Sandberg indicated in the pictures that were distributed to the Planning Commission members that there are areas along East River street where homeowners are using designated City streets as drive- ways or entrances to their property. Mr. Sandberg indicated that the present condition of the street is of serviceable use for the rear property lot and also the front property lot if the need occurred. Mr. sandberg has no desire to blacktop this street, but if he so did choose to do so in the future, he would be fully responsible for the expense of any blacktopping. A motion WaS made by Cochran, seconded by Schaffer and unanimously carried to approve the proposed subdivision of the City lot to allow for construction of two single family houses. Members voting in favor were Ridgeway, Carlson, Schaffer, Dowling and Cochran. - 4 - Planning Commission Minutes - 7/5/83 . Additional Information Items. The following items were discussed as information to the Planning Commission members. 1. Conditional Use Request - Monticello Assembly of God Church. The Monticello Assembly of God Church called me to table their request until the next month's meeting which is August 9th, 1983. 2. proposed Rezoning - B-3 (Highway Business) to R-3 (Residential Multi Family). Discussion with Planning Commission Members on possible rezoning of B-3 (Highway Business) to an R-3 (Resi- dential Multi Family) followed with the general con- sensus being that the initial applicant be con- tacted and he go through the proper procedures for requesting a public hearing. . 3. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, passed out information received from James Metcalf, Metcalf and Larson, Attorneys at Law, in regard to variance requests at the May 17th, 1983 meeting for minimum parking requirements. Questions were raised by members as to the amount of additional parking that is needed with the acquisition of the property, and Mr. Anderson was instructed to contact Mr. Metcalf and submit this information at the next regularly scheduled meeting on August 9th, 1983. A site plan indicating the location of the proposed parking and and the number of parking spaces ,would be provided. 4. Variance request for a separate pylon sign to advertise daily specials submittedby the COuntry Kitchen was approved by the Monticello City Council at their regular meeting on June 27, 1983. 5. Set the tertative date for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission for August 9th, 1983 at 7:30 P.M. There being no further business, a motion was made by Schaffer and seconded by Carlson and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting. . 4-a&~~ Gary Anderson Zoning Administrator - 5 -