Planning Commission Minutes 10-04-1983
October 4, 1983 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present:
Richard Carlson, Joyce Dowling, Ed Schaffer.
Members Absent:
Jim Ridgeway, Don Cochran.
Staff Present:
Gary Anderson, Thomas Eidem.
The meeting was called to order at 7:36 P.M. by Joyce Dowling,
acting Chairperson.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular September 6, 1983, Planning
Commission Meeting.
A motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to
approve the September 6, 1983, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes.
Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - City of Monticello Rezoning Request.
Planning Commission Chairperson, Joyce Dowling, opened the public
hearing with any comments from the public. zoning Administrator
Anderson said that he received a telephone message from Mr. Clifford
Olson, resident property owner across the street from the Oakwood
Block, stating he had no objection to the rezoning of the Oakwood
Block. Mr. Thomas Eidem, City Administrator representing the City
as the affected property owner, stated some background as to why
the City was asking for the rezoning from R-2 to B-4. The original
intent for the property was to zone it residential, one and two
family dwellings. The abandonment of Walnut Street and the removal
of the existing houses from the new library site has warranted the
City to ask for rezoning of the Oakwood Block from an R-2 to a B-4
Zone. A motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Carlson,
to approve the rezoning request from an R-2 Zone to a B-4 Zone. The
motion was carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - Milton Olson - Hard Surfacing Parking Lot Variance
Planning Commission Chairperson, Joyce Dowling, opened the public
hearing with Milton Olson present to explain the purpose of his
request for the hard surfacing of his parking lot. Mr. Olson briefed
the Planning Commission members on his project, that being a 60' x 120'
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Planning Commission Minutes - 10/4/83
retail repair and auto repair business. Due to the lateness of
the season and the extra amount of fill being relocated into
the parking lot area, Mr. Olson stated he would like to have a
year's variance from the hard surfacing of his parking lot to
allow for any settling that would take place. Planning Commission
members questioned as to the number of parking spaces and if it
was the required amount. Zoning Administrator Anderson answered
that there are the proper amount of parking spaces for the building
design of its proposed use. Commission members also asked where
the parking was to be for the repaired vehicles of the new proposed
body shop to the rear most portion of the building. Mr. Olson
indicated he would put in a screened fence to the rear of the building
for the use of damaged vehicles to be repaired. Motion by Richard
Carlson, seconded by Ed schaffer, to approve the hard surface parking
lot request for one year from tonight's date, October 4, 1983.
Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - Dr. Maus - Rezoning Request.
Commission Chairman, Joyce Dowling, asked for any public input in
regard to this matter. Zoning Administrator Anderson presented
to the Planning Commission for their review and reading a letter
from Metcalf and Larson, which was read aloud by Planning Commission
Chairman, Joyce Dowling. Thomas Eidem, representing the City,
indicated to the Planning Commission members that the City would be
opposed to the rezoning due to spot zoning. The whole idea behind
the zoning when it was originally laid out in 1974 was to separate
each zone from each other, therefore, not allowing each individual
business to establish its own type of zoning. Mr. Eidem also in-
dicated that Dr. Maus had a legitimate request but that apartments
are only allowed on the second floor of an existing structure and
not allowed in the principal use of the structure. Stan Douglas,
representing Golden Valley Furniture, indicated that his firm has
property on both sides of Dr. Maus' clinic and stated that it is
strictly zoned commercial, and he would like to have it remain so.
Dr. Maus presented his reasons. Due to the economic climate and
the over abundance of office rental space available now, he would
like to convert his office building into apartments. Dr. Maus
indicated where in similar locations near his building there are
apartments now and the apartments are being rented out. Planning
Commission members took into consideration the above statements.
Motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to
deny the rezoning request. Motion carried unanimously.
l. The tentatively scheduled special meeting set for October 17, 1983,
at 7:30 P.M. has been postponed until the next tentatively scheduled
meeting on November 8, 1983.
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Planning Commission Minutes - 10/4/83
2. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 8, 1983,
at 7:30 P.M. Planning Commission members indicated that this would
be an adequate time for them for the next meeting.
The meeting recessed at 8:28 P.M. while waiting for a variance
applicant to arrive. At 8:41 P.M. Mr. Russell Olson was present
to request waiving of the public hearing for sideyard variance.
Mr. Olson presented his proposal for a new garage and breezeway
that he proposed to build. Due to the lateness of the construction
season and having just received approval of his loan to go ahead
with his building project, Mr. Olson requested that the ten-day
public hearing process be waived. Mr. Olson also indicated he
currently has a small single car garage, which is obsolete now,
and sits approximately two feet from the sideyard lot line. Mr.
Olson indicated he would like to remove the existing garage and
move it to the rear most portion of his lot and build a new
attached breezeway onto his house with a new garage not extending
any closer to the sideyard lot line than the two feet which now
exists. Mr. Wayne Cox was also present. Mr. Cox, being the
only affected property owner, had no objection to Mr. Olson's
request. Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Carlson,
to waive the ten-day public hearing notification required for a
variance. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Ed Schaffer,
seconded by Richard Carlson, to grant an eight-foot sideyard
variance to allow construction of a new garage within two feet
of the side lot line. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Carlson, to adjourn the
meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:48 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
4~ ./;tr/.uMr{
Gary Anderson
Zoning Administrator
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