City Council Minutes 02-14-2000MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 14, 2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Brian Stumpf Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approval of minutes of January 24, 2000 special council meeting CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 24, 2000 SPECIAL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 213. Approval of minutes of January 24, 2000 regular council meeting CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 24, 2000 REGULAR MEETING WITH CORRECTIONS TO TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. Approval of minutes of February 2, 2000 special council meeting. Bruce Thielen stated that the question of how the interest cost of the current bond sale compared to interest costs of last year was raised and he felt that should be included in the minutes. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDED MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 2, 2000 SPECIAL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Clint Herbst asked that the barbed wire fencing be added as a discussion item. Bruce Thielen requested that scheduling of a meeting date for the Personnel Committee be added to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, request and complaints. None 1 Council Meeting - 2/14/00 5. Consent Aaenda A. Consideration of approving renewal of Men's Softball Association Beer License. Recommendation: Grant the license renewal contingent upon submittal of insurance and payment of license fees. B. Consideration of final payment for Project No. 98-1 OC Community Center Trunk Sanitary Sewer Relocation and Appurtenant Work. Recommendation: Approve final payment to Barbarossa & Sons in the amount of $32,936.54. C. Consideration of final payment for Project No. 97-04C, Klein Farms 4" Addition. Recommendation: Approve final payment for the Klein Farms 4th Addition to Barbarossa & Sons in the amount of $100,709.77. D. Consideration of ordinance amendment allowing accessory storage buildings as a conditional use in a mobile home park. Recommendation: Approve the text amendment based on a finding that storage buildings in mobile home parks would help to minimize unsightly outdoor storage of privately owned property. ORD AMD. NO. 342. E. Consideration of approving a conditional use permit allowing an accessory storage building in a mobile home park. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit based on a finding that the proposed building is consistent with the existing and future land use of the area and contingent upon compliance with the surfacing and screening recommendations in Exhibit Z in the Planning Commission agenda of February 1, 2000. F. Consideration of amending subdivision ordinance by accepting an accurately drawn site plan with each simple subdivision application. Recommendation: Approve adoption of the ordinance amendment accepting accurately drawn site plan information with simple subdivision. ORD. AMD. NO. 343 G. Consideration of Change Order No. 2 to Project No. 99-01C Kjellberg West Sanitary Sewer Extension. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $18,753. H. Consideration of approving the date for annual Board of Review. Recommendation: Approve setting Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2000 Board of Review. I. Consideration of adopting a joint resolution supporting annexation of the second half of Phase I of the Groveland Subdivision and annexation of three adjoining parcels owned by Stuart Hoglund. Recommendation: Move to adopt a joint resolution supporting the annexation of the second half of Phase I of the Groveland Subdivision along with approximately 7 acres of land owned by Stuart Hoglund located west of the D & D Bus Company. RES. NO. 2000-9. 2 Council Meeting - 2/14/00 J. Consideration of minor modification of the wastewater treatment plant's NPDES permit for wastewater discharge to the Mississippi River. Recommendation: Approve the minor modification of the NPDES permit as requested by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. K. Consideration of adopting a resolution for decertification of City TIF District #1-1. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the decertification of TIF District No. 1-1 of the City of Monticello. RES. NO. 2000-10. L. Consideration of appointments to DAT. Recommendation: Approve appointment of Gail Cole, Ron Hoglund, Mike Cyr and Amanda Gaetz to DAT for a two year term expiring January 2002. M Consideration of renewal of contract with Carefree Lawn Service. Recommendation: Approve authorization of a contract extension for a period of five years with Carefree Lawn Service, Inc. based upon the rates in effect for the last contract. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None 7. Consideration of review of 3r`' quarter and year end liquor store financial report. Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman was present at the meeting to review with the Council the financial report for the liquor store. Mr. Hartman indicated that the growth in sales has continued into the new year. He also pointed out that there will need to be some expenditures for a computer system upgrade for the liquor store. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE THIRD QUARTER AND YEAR END LIQUOR STORE FINANCIAL REPORT AND TO HAVE THE LIQUOR STORE MANAGER WORK WITH CITY STAFF ON THE COMPUTER SYSTEM UPGRADE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of resolution receiving report and setting date for public hearing for Chelsea Road West (90t" Street/Sandberg Road) Project 98-25C and Phase I of Groveland Cnhdivicinn_ Bret Weiss, from WSB reviewed the feasibility report covering construction of Chelsea Road West from 90" Street to Sandberg as well as streets and utilities for Phase I of the Groveland residential development. He noted that the proposed project includes some utility trunk improvements that will be needed as the area develops. Bret Weiss reviewed the storm sewer 3 Council Meeting - 2/14/00 construction, street and utility layout. The engineer has met with property owners in the area regarding the proposed street improvement. The engineer presented a preliminary assessment roll. The Groveland development will be assessed 100% of the cost for their improvements less any oversizing costs. The storm sewer will be assessed on an acreage basis against the developed properties. For those properties draining to the Marvin Road pond, the cost would be $980/acre. The cost per acre for properties generating runoff to the Chelsea Road pond would be $3000/acre. Bret Weiss also explained the right-of-way concerns related to this project. He noted that the existing right-of-way for 9011 Street from Marvin Road to Chelsea Road West is proposed to be turned back to the City by the County. The City would then turn a portion of the right-of-way back to the property owners. It is proposed to set the cost of the 90" Street right-of-way at $.48/SF. At this time no agreement has been reached with the property owners regarding the right-of-way issues. It was noted that many of the property owners affected by the proposed project had not petitioned for the improvements to Chelsea Road. Since these property owners would be facing an assessment for a project they had not requested, there was concern that how the City proceeded in handling the right-of-way acquisition costs would be equitable for those property owners involved. Mayor Belsaas stated since the Council was just accepting the feasibility report, public comments would not be considered at this time but there would be opportunity at the public hearing for input. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR PROJECT NO. 98-25C, CHELSEA ROAD WEST (SANDBERG ROAD TO 90TH STREET) AND SET A PUBLIC HEARING DATE FOR FEBRUARY 28, 2000. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RES. NO. 2000-11 9. Consideration of agreement with Sunny Fresh Foods for interim wastewater discharge permit increase. Public Works Director, John Simola, provided the Council with the background for the proposed wastewater permit increase. The growth of the Sunny Fresh Foods facility has changed their needs for wastewater discharge as far as total suspended solids (TSS) and biological oxygen demands(BOD). North American Wetland Engineering performed studies showing the impact of the increased discharge on the City's wastewater system. The City is trying to balance the needs of existing industries and yet allow for new residential and industrial growth. Sunny Fresh has set a cap on how big they are building their plants. They are also making on site improvements that would help control the amount of capacity they need. At this time Sunny Fresh's corporate office has not responded to the proposed interim wastewater discharge permit increase. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO TABLE ACTION OF THE WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT PENDING FURTHER REVIEW. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. rd Council Meeting - 2/14/00 10. Consideration of deleting Change Order #11 and approval of supplemental agreement #1 and Change Order #13 and #14 for Highway 25 Project No. 96-04C. Public Works Director, John Simola, reviewed what was covered under the change orders that were being proposed and noted that these additional contract increases were MnDOT's costs on the project. He expressed a concern that these change orders would use up most of the remaining funds that MnDOT had released to the City and there may not be sufficient funds to complete the project in the spring unless there is additional reimbursement by MnDOT. Typically MnDOT would not provide additional reimbursement until after the project is completed. The City will attempt to get the funds released by MnDOT prior to the completion of the project. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE DELETION OF CHANGE ORDER #1 AND THE ADDITION OF SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT # 1 AND CHANGE ORDERS # 13 AND #14 AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $370,027.47. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of Capital Improvement Budget. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, presented a revised capital improvement budget. The revised CIP was set up to be more realistic in scope with what the City Council would consider reasonable levy increases, approximately a 5% increase. It was noted that the revisions were made by the City Administrator and had not yet been reviewed by other department heads. Bruce Thielen asked that other cuts be considered and noted the following items: 1) West Bridge Park Landscaping - keystone wall; 2) MT Trackless Pathway machine; 3) County Road 18 Pedestrian Bridge. The County Road 18 Bridge was discussed and Bret Weiss stated that at the present time there is about $25,000 in costs already incurred under this project. It was questioned whether the pedestrian bridge couldn't be considered when the Fallon Avenue project was done. It was noted that with the County Road 18 project the City would have approximately $260,000 in ISTEA funds to defray project costs. If the pedestrian bridge was done as part of the Fallon Avenue Project the City would have to bear the entire cost. Bruce Thielen suggested meeting with the school district to see if they would participate in the cost of the pedestrian bridge. City Engineer Bret Weiss reminded that the Council that if there is not an approved plan by October 1, 2000 the City could lose the ISTEA funding however, the construction would not have to be done in 2000. He also noted that right-of-way costs were not included in the $760,000 project costs. Since the project will not be assessed it is proposed that the balance of funds for this project would be coming from reserve funds Public Works Director, John Simola, expressed his concern about the cuts in the CIP affecting the downtown street lighting, the rebuilding of Fallon Avenue from Chelsea Road to the city limits, and the 7" Street overlay. He cautioned about keeping the infrastructure the City currently has in good shape. Bruce Thielen also mentioned that the improvements for the library and liquor store should be included in the capital improvements program. 5 Council Meeting - 2/14/00 BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE REVISED CIP FOR 2000-2004 WITH THE COMMENTS AS DISCUSSED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of authorizing staff to obtain appraisal for property located at 407 6"' Street West. The Council was made aware that this property has come on the market. It was suggested that if there was any interest in acquiring the property an appraisal should be done. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY STAFF TO ORDER AN APPRAISAL ON 407 6TH STREET AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $300400. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. At this time Mayor Belsaas announced that the City Council had met in closed session to discuss pending litigation and the closed session is being continued until Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 5 p.m. The Council discussed setting up a meeting of the Personnel Committee which includes Roger Belsaas and Bruce Thielen. A tentative meeting time of February 28" at 5 p.m. was set. There was a brief discussion on staffing needs for the City. It was explained that it is a requirement of the National Guard that their equipment has to be contained in a barbed wire enclosure. Clint Herbst felt if the barbed wire was a requirement, then perhaps the City ordinance should be amended to reflect that but as the ordinance exists now, barbed wire is not allowed. Roger Belsaas asked the Building Department to check on a property for possible blight violations. It was indicated by Fred Patch, Building Official, that the property has been purchased and the residence will be improved. 13. Consideration of payment of bills for February. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS FOR FEBRUARY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:45 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OGLUD-� j--� --5 Recording Secretary rel