EDA Minutes 09-09-2020 (Workshop)MINUTES
Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 — 4:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
The EDA meeting was held both remotely and in-person.
Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie
Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson
Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann
1. Call to Order
Steve Johnson called the Workshop Meeting of the Economic Development Authority at
4:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call
3. Review Draft Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan Economic Development
Angela Schumann introduced the comprehensive plan consultants from WSB &
Associates and the Lakota Group. The Technical Advisory Committee and the
Community Advisory Committee were also invited to learn more about the Economic
Development Chapter. The purpose of the meeting was to review the Economic
Development Chapter prior to posting a public review version on the City's website.
Schumann reviewed the engagement process for the comprehensive plan, which included
a variety of mediums.
Scott Ruhland, Lakota Group and Jim Gromberg, WSB & Associates provided a
presentation regarding the Economic Development Chapter. Ruhland reminded the EDA
that they were in front of the board to provide input and direction on the chapter prior to
drafting the report. Ruhland provided an overall project update. It was noted that a
complete draft comprehensive plan with all chapters would be expected by the end of
September. There would be a public review and community workshop held in October
with review process by the Planning Commission and City Council expected for
November/December. An additional review of the chapters to date would be held with
the Planning Commission and City Council on September 21, 2020.
Ruhland discussed the land use categories, with review focus on commercial and
industrial designations as it is most relevant to the Economic Development Chapter.
Discussion between the EDA members pursued. The EDA asked for more information on
what types of uses were allowed in the comprehensive plan districts. It was noted that the
plan includes broad descriptions of uses purposely, whereas the zoning ordinance will be
more specific on the uses allowable in that district.
Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — September 9", 2020 Page 114
There were concerns with changing some commercial land to industrial land especially
along Chelsea Road. It was recommended to have more discussions with the property
owner(s) on whether they were open to the idea. It was noted by Ruhland that there was a
lot of vacant commercial designated land under the current comprehensive plan and an
undersupply of industrial designated land which constituted some changes. Schumann
added that many, if not, all parcels would be impacted in some way. The City has worked
hard to engage the public with the process. A final public hearing would be held to
consider adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and that notice would be published in the
paper and posted on the official bulletin board. Ruhland also added that even though the
updated comprehensive plan may change the designation of land uses, there would still
be economic viability of property owner's land and a range of uses could be established
at any given parcel.
Staff would send the EDA a copy of the draft land use chapter for review of the
designations and potential uses that would be permitted.
There were also noted concerns regarding the shades of color distinguishing land uses
within the industrial districts. Ruhland indicated that they could vary the colors in the
future drafts so it is easier to distinguish various land use categories.
Jim Gromberg, WSB and Associates, reviewed the chapter contents proposed for
Economic Development. The chapter would include an introduction and market
overview; economic snapshot 2020; workforce housing; issues and opportunities; focus
areas; and goals.
Schumann noted that there is a lot of connectivity between the other comprehensive plan
chapters and the economic development chapter. She encouraged the EDA to read all of
the draft chapters to better understand that none of chapters stand alone, and that they all
work together. She also added that the Central Mississippi River Regional Partnerships
efforts dovetail with the comprehensive plan goals.
Ruhland mentioned that one of the most important things for this comprehensive plan is
that all of the chapters are consistent with each other and promote the vision equally. It
was also important that the chapters are consistent with other City documents and other
County and regional plans.
It was noted that the action steps/strategies for each of the seven goals will live in back of
the economic development chapter. Each goal has a set of policy statements, with action
or strategies detailing the implementation of the goal.
The EDA also discussed how the comprehensive plan addresses future growth in the
region and impacts on Monticello. Ruhland recognized the importance of understanding
what is happening in the region especially as related to transportation. It was also
important to maintain partnerships in the region to collaborate and be aware of projects
and how Monticello can benefit and capitalize on regional growth. Schumann also noted
Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — September 9th, 2020 Page 2 1 4
the importance of CMRP, especially in their current planning study which completed a
technical analysis showing how interrelated our commerce is with regional growth. It was
noted that our businesses would not be able to survive without our neighbor communities.
Schumann encouraged the EDA to review the work that has come from the CMRP group.
The EDA discussed whether or not the City has been setting enough reserve funding
aside for transportation and infrastructure components needed to support a complete build
out of the community. Ruhland responded that all of the comprehensive plan chapters are
interrelated to the growth Monticello is expected to experience. He pointed out that the
Mobility and Connectivity chapter indicates planned roadway networks and roads that
will need to be updated in the future as traffic and growth increases. It was noted that the
current roadway capacity is good, but that Highway 25 South is experiencing impacts. It
was not anticipated that Monticello would be completely built out for the life of the
twenty-year plan. Ruhland also noted that the plan also addresses trails and pathways and
public transportation as important to the growth of Monticello.
Ruhland also explained that the strategy of the comprehensive plan was to focus growth
from within. Monticello has enough land from within in to absorb anticipated/projected
population and employment growth, prior to annexing areas within annexation area.
There may be some cases where annexation is necessary. The EDA asked for an
understanding on how many years within it would take for full development to consume
all types of land uses. Ruhland noted that this information would be available in the plan
with projected growth and land area showing capacity to meet that.
Schumann mentioned the importance of redevelopment and reinvestment as it relates to
residential. She encouraged the EDA to think about all facets of housing and understand
that opportunities for the EDA that will arise to purchase, consolidate, and redevelop
residential property. And, there will also be opportunities to reinvest and preserve
properties as naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH). It will be important for the
EDA to look at three strategies to make sure all bases are covered. It was noted that the
past focus of the EDA was on acquisition of industrial use land and they were more
reactive to housing requests. In order to enact the new comprehensive plan, the EDA may
need to recognize that they may need to change their thinking and process to meet goals
of the plan and be more proactive. It was also noted that the EDA may need to
collectively recognize the value of all people in the workforce and make sure there is
affordable housing for all spectrums. Schumann commented that for staff reports to
Boards and Commissions, a line would include "comprehensive plan impact statement"
to indicate how a particular request relates to the comprehensive plan and strategic plan.
She also suggested an annual review of accomplishments from comprehensive plan be
Discussion regarding having a complete community where people live and work
occurred. In conclusion, Ruhland asked the EDA to review the draft EDA chapter of the
comprehensive plan and provide any additional comments to staff prior to release of the
public draft.
Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — September 91, 2020 Page 3 14
4. Adiourn
Recorder: Jacob Thunander
Approved: ber 14th, 2020
Attest: 4,V4/ �/�
�im Thares, E onomic Development Director
Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meeting) — September 9tt', 2020 Page 4 14