EDA Agenda 10-14-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Participants can choose to attend in-person or remotely via Go-To: Web: https://�lobal.�otomeetin�.com/ioin/949013725 Phone: +1 (571) 317-3112 � Access Code: 949-013-725 Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes — September 9, 2020 b. Consideration of Approving Workshop Meeting Minutes — September 9, 2020 c. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills d. Consideration of approving a CY 2021 Contribution to the Initiative Foundation's Community and Economic Development Programs in the amount of $2,390 Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements in the Amount of $5,000 to Finders Keepers Gift & Consignment; Asian Cafe Sushi Grill; All Four Kids LLC; IC Enterprises LLC dba Capitan Pancho Villa; Handle Bars Barbershop; Vivian Nguyen, Inc. dba PS Nails; Hali J Designs dba Classique Jewelry; and Juniper Salon Spa, LLC. to Mitigate COVID-19 Economic Impacts 6. Consideration of Accepting 2020 Comprehensive Housing Needs and Market Demand Study Report Economic Development Director's Report 7. Closed Session — Consideration of Recessing to Closed Session to Develop or Consider Offers or Counter-Offers for the Purchase or Sale of Real or Personal Property Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Propertv Address and PID: Address: 225 Broadway West — PID: #155-010-051060 8. Adj ourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Steve Johnson Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Bill Tapper called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Additional A�enda Items None. 4. Consent Agenda 011ie Koropchak-White questioned two bills received from the League of Minnesota Cities. Jim Thares noted he would do some research on the invoices and provide an update at the next regular meeting. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARR�D, 6-0. a. Consideration of Approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Au�ust 12, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — August 12, 2020. b. Consideration of Approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Au�ust 26, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — August 26, 2020. c. Consideration of Approvin� Pavment of Bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through August, 2020. d. Consideration of Adoptin� Resolution #2020-10 Approvin� the First Amendment to the UMC, Inc.'s Purchase and Development Contract Extending UMC's Propertv Acquisition Advance Funding Loan Repavment Terms Recommendation: Approve EDA Resolution #2020-10 approving the First Amendment to the UMC Purchase and Development Contract extending the Advance Funding 2"d Mortgage Loan in the amount of $300,000 by extending the principal repayment date from February 28, 2021 to July 31, 2021. Economic Development Authority Minutes — September 9�', 2020 Page 1 � 4 e. Consideration of Approving Funding for 2020 Manufacturers Appreciation Activities in the Amount of $750 Recommendation: Approve $750 in funding for the 2020 Manufacturers Appreciation activities. Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Approvin� Small Business Emer�encv Grant A�reements in the Amount of $5,000 to Polaris Chiropractic LLC; Breum Enterprises, LLC (dba: Custom Cut & Color); Jai Jalaram Inc (dba: Super 8); Puram, LLC (dba: AmericInn Motel); Hammer's Hair Loun�e LLC; and 321 Jump, Inc. to Miti�ate COVID-19 Economic Impacts Bill Tapper noted that if the EDA approved the six additional grant requests, there would be $75,000 remaining in the fund. Tapper noted that staff summarized the grant applications well in the report and it appeared that they all complied with the grant guidelines. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO APPROVE SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EDA AND POLARIS CHIROPRACTIC LLC; BREUM ENTERPRISES, LLC (DBA: CUSTOM CUT & COLOR); JAI JALARAM INC (DBA: SUPER 8); PURAM, LLC (DBA: AMERICINN MOTEL); HAlVIMER' S HAIR LOLJNGE LLC; AND 321 JUMP INC IN THE AMOLJNT OF $5,000 TO MITIGATE COVID-19 ECONOMIC IMPACTS. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 6. Consideration of Adoptin� Resolution #2020-11 Authorizin� Enterin� into a Purchase A�reement with Steven C. and Candace P. Johnson for the Acquisition of Real Propertv Located at 101, 107 and 121 West Broadwav in the Amount of $829,000 Jim Thares provided background of the purchase agreement. Thares noted that Mr. Johnson is a part of the EDA and has not been involved with any of the discussions regarding the purchase agreement. Thares reviewed the key terms of the purchase agreement as noted in the staff report. Thares pointed out that there are three separate parcels for consideration of purchase that are all in Block 52. Thares noted that if the EDA approves the purchase agreement of the properties, it would be contingent on approval by the Planning Commission finding that the purchase is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. Lloyd Hilgart asked what the purpose of having the Planning Commission review the proposed purchase. Thares noted that it is a State Statute requirement. Angela Schumann noted that the Planning Commission has reviewed these types of requests in the past and are familiar with the process. From a staff perspective, given that the Small Area Study is an appendix of the 2008 Economic Development Authority Minutes — September 9�', 2020 Page 2 � 4 Comprehensive Plan, it is believed that it is fairly clear that the proposed purchase is consistent with the plan. Bill Tapper also noted that what staff have proposed is consistent with what was discussed in the closed meeting at a previous EDA meeting. Tracy Hinz asked about discussion regarding the waiver/disclosure form of the property owner's former realtor. Thares noted that it is included in the purchase agreement along with a"hold harmless" agreement that was reviewed by the EDA's attorney. 011ie Koropchak-White asked if the lease with the church was a triple net agreement (tenant pay for utilities, insurance and taxes). Thares confirmed, noting that they currently pay for utilities and taxes. Thares noted that $2,000 is the net monthly rent with utilities calculated as an extra payment each month for the full amount. Hinz asked that if necessary, could the EDA discuss with the Johnson's the possibility of vacating the second floor office suite earlier than May 31, 2021. Thares noted that Johnson's would be open to discussions at that time if it is deemed necessary. The main point of seeking the office lease at least until May 31, 2021is to allow enough time for moving out of the building. COVID-19 restrictions are impacting the move schedule for the Johnsons. Thares noted that it would likely not be an issue due to the amount of moving pieces with development on the block Morphew noted that a 90-day notice to the church would be required. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION #2020-11 AUTHORIZING ENTERING 1NT0 A PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR THE ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 101, 107 AND 121 WEST BROADWAY 1N THE AMOUNT OF $829,000 FOR THE PURPOSE OF BLOCK 52 REVITALIZATION EFFORTS, CONTINGENT ON PLANNING CONINIISSION REVIEW FOR CONFORMITY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. 7IM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARR�D, 6-0. 7. Economic Development Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's Report. Thares reviewed in detail Project Gia-Saurus progress and noted that it continues to move forward. Thares noted that an investor is willing to complete Phase 1 and 2 of the building at the same time and is encouraging the City to apply for funding for infrastructure. Thares mentioned that this is a complicated proj ect and that the City does not have a truly shovel ready site, which is why the proj ect is taking a long time to develop plans for. Lloyd Hilgart asked since the developer would complete both phases at once, if a TIF run could be re-calculated. Thares confirmed he would request that from Tammy Omdahl, Northland Securities. Hilgart asked if since they are building both phases right away, if they would also staff it to full capacity. Thares responded that they would ramp up their business plan. Economic Development Authority Minutes — September 9�', 2020 Page 3 � 4 Concerns were brought forward regarding the groundwater monitoring levels for Block 52 in relationship to underground parking. Thares noted that one new prospect was introduced to the City a week ago for a trucking sales, service, and parts dealership (Nuss). Staff recommended moving forward on holding a joint meeting with the Planning Commission and City Council to review a Concept Stage Planned Unit Development submittal. It was noted that a PUD may not be required, but other land use approvals would be necessary. The City may also choose to amend the City Ordinance to accommodate this type of user. The joint meeting would be held on Monday, September 28, 2020 at 5 p.m. 8. Closed Session — Consideration of Recessin� to Closed Session to Develop or Consider Offers or Counter-Offers for the Purchase or Sale of Real or Personal Propertv Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Propertv Address and PID: Address: 113 Broadwav West — PID: #155010052060 (Kc & The Bovs LLC) 9. Adiourn TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:32 P.M. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: October 14th, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — September 9�', 2020 Page 4 � 4 MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 — 4:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center The EDA meeting was held both remotely and in-person. Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Workshop Meeting of the Economic Development Authority at 4:30 p.m. � �. 2. Roll Call Review Draft Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan Economic Development Angela Schumann introduced the comprehensive plan consultants from WSB & Associates and the Lakota Group. The Technical Advisory Committee and the Community Advisory Committee were also invited to learn more about the Economic Development Chapter. The purpose of the meeting was to review the Economic Development Chapter prior to posting a public review version on the City's website. Schumann reviewed the engagement process for the comprehensive plan, which included a variety of inediums. Scott Ruhland, Lakota Group and Jim Gromberg, WSB & Associates provided a presentation regarding the Economic Development Chapter. Ruhland reminded the EDA that they were in front of the board to provide input and direction on the chapter prior to drafting the report. Ruhland provided an overall proj ect update. It was noted that a complete draft comprehensive plan with all chapters would be expected by the end of September. There would be a public review and community workshop held in October with review process by the Planning Commission and City Council expected for November/December. An additional review of the chapters to date would be held with the Planning Commission and City Council on September 21, 2020. Ruhland discussed the land use categories, with review focus on commercial and industrial designations as it is most relevant to the Economic Development Chapter. Discussion between the EDA members pursued. The EDA asked for more information on what types of uses were allowed in the comprehensive plan districts. It was noted that the plan includes broad descriptions of uses purposely, whereas the zoning ordinance will be more specific on the uses allowable in that district. Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meering) — September 9�', 2020 Page 1 � 4 There were concerns with changing some commercial land to industrial land especially along Chelsea Road. It was recommended to have more discussions with the property owner(s) on whether they were open to the idea. It was noted by Ruhland that there was a lot of vacant commercial designated land under the current comprehensive plan and an undersupply of industrial designated land which constituted some changes. Schumann added that many, if not, all parcels would be impacted in some way. The City has worked hard to engage the public with the process. A final public hearing would be held to consider adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and that notice would be published in the paper and posted on the official bulletin board. Ruhland also added that even though the updated comprehensive plan may change the designation of land uses, there would still be economic viability of property owner's land and a range of uses could be established at any given parcel. Staff would send the EDA a copy of the draft land use chapter for review of the designations and potential uses that would be permitted. There were also noted concerns regarding the shades of color distinguishing land uses within the industrial districts. Ruhland indicated that they could vary the colors in the future drafts so it is easier to distinguish various land use categories. Jim Gromberg, WSB and Associates, reviewed the chapter contents proposed for Economic Development. The chapter would include an introduction and market overview; economic snapshot 2020; workforce housing; issues and opportunities; focus areas; and goals. Schumann noted that there is a lot of connectivity between the other comprehensive plan chapters and the economic development chapter. She encouraged the EDA to read all of the draft chapters to better understand that none of chapters stand alone, and that they all work together. She also added that the Central Mississippi River Regional Partnerships efforts dovetail with the comprehensive plan goals. Ruhland mentioned that one of the most important things for this comprehensive plan is that all of the chapters are consistent with each other and promote the vision equally. It was also important that the chapters are consistent with other City documents and other County and regional plans. It was noted that the action steps/strategies for each of the seven goals will live in back of the economic development chapter. Each goal has a set of policy statements, with action or strategies detailing the implementation of the goal. The EDA also discussed how the comprehensive plan addresses future growth in the region and impacts on Monticello. Ruhland recognized the importance of understanding what is happening in the region especially as related to transportation. It was also important to maintain partnerships in the region to collaborate and be aware of projects and how Monticello can benefit and capitalize on regional growth. Schumann also noted Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meering) — September 9�', 2020 Page 2 � 4 the importance of CMRP, especially in their current planning study which completed a technical analysis showing how interrelated our commerce is with regional growth. It was noted that our businesses would not be able to survive without our neighbor communities. Schumann encouraged the EDA to review the work that has come from the CMRP group. The EDA discussed whether or not the City has been setting enough reserve funding aside for transportation and infrastructure components needed to support a complete build out of the community. Ruhland responded that all of the comprehensive plan chapters are interrelated to the growth Monticello is expected to experience. He pointed out that the Mobility and Connectivity chapter indicates planned roadway networks and roads that will need to be updated in the future as traffic and growth increases. It was noted that the current roadway capacity is good, but that Highway 25 South is experiencing impacts. It was not anticipated that Monticello would be completely built out for the life of the twenty-year plan. Ruhland also noted that the plan also addresses trails and pathways and public transportation as important to the growth of Monticello. Ruhland also explained that the strategy of the comprehensive plan was to focus growth from within. Monticello has enough land from within in to absorb anticipated/projected population and employment growth, prior to annexing areas within annexation area. There may be some cases where annexation is necessary. The EDA asked for an understanding on how many years within it would take for full development to consume all types of land uses. Ruhland noted that this information would be available in the plan with proj ected growth and land area showing capacity to meet that. Schumann mentioned the importance of redevelopment and reinvestment as it relates to residential. She encouraged the EDA to think about all facets of housing and understand that opportunities for the EDA that will arise to purchase, consolidate, and redevelop residential property. And, there will also be opportunities to reinvest and preserve properties as naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH). It will be important for the EDA to look at three strategies to make sure all bases are covered. It was noted that the past focus of the EDA was on acquisition of industrial use land and they were more reactive to housing requests. In order to enact the new comprehensive plan, the EDA may need to recognize that they may need to change their thinking and process to meet goals of the plan and be more proactive. It was also noted that the EDA may need to collectively recognize the value of all people in the workforce and make sure there is affordable housing for all spectrums. Schumann commented that for staff reports to Boards and Commissions, a line would include "comprehensive plan impact statement" to indicate how a particular request relates to the comprehensive plan and strategic plan. She also suggested an annual review of accomplishments from comprehensive plan be completed. Discussion regarding having a complete community where people live and work occurred. In conclusion, Ruhland asked the EDA to review the draft EDA chapter of the comprehensive plan and provide any additional comments to staff prior to release of the public draft. Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meering) — September 9�', 2020 Page 3 � 4 4. Adiourn TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:54 P.M. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: October 14th, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes (Workshop Meering) — September 9�', 2020 Page 4 � 4 EDA Agenda: 10/14/20 4c. Consideration of Approvin� Pavment of Bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve payment of bills through September, 2020. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through September, 2020 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 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Please code as previously identified. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 4:37 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from WSB: Inv# R014511-000 8— Downtown Redevel Project -$136.50 Inv# R015355-000 7— 2020 Economic Development Services -$1,525.00 Okay to pay as coded? Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('7ii' t�F _:��� ��1�1�1���C� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. ro,xr°ain.�,�Jzr:ui � SUIPF� �:ib•7 N•� f N N F. �i 4' C;� I i;. f., P.� 5�at�s ; �� � CPty af M�3r7tieell� �� Auguss 1}, �t]20 �+'ittn: ��rdh F��#h�isLerg�r. C: F� i) Fin�nce h+��n�ger Prpj��k?Iry+rt�iCe: R-01451 1-C}0� - 8 5(15'4+Valna�t Skr��t, '�uite 1 Revietived �a�: �r�#'vV�oss h�onticell�. h�1�1 553�2-8831 Prrjet;k A�1�n�ger: P�nr�y' Rof� ��vntoevn Re�ler��. Proa�ct - A�iontic�lls� �:� �1�' �t�fi R�*ri�va�r - ,lim T ��re�5 �:�L,�ve.trih;"� ���.��P���.��1��C� Pr€�f€� i n i vi f 024 t� Jul 31 �42(l F�fti�s�: Q[,71 U�,�v`�totih�w7 f;���ea°. F'rrtsje�l P�'oje�.t hA�rr���rTr�n1 �alf, F��nny fil� r�uork ��sS�lS ToTal L�bcrr 5;11 r'2 Q2i7 �iour� R�te Aimount �a 1�i� �JC 45.�(1 .�� �: ;(i Tatal thEs T�sk E�i:ICSCE3k�i7n r'55515��t1�C� ti�c�4�°iC�ES �OUf5 f�c��� I�,tj'�OUfIL Ril t. r'�'r111y �`i1:;2:)lf} ��[s 1��'.Gs:l � t.i]0 Call w?Jirn ak Rh� EC�a� r�;: �I�Ius of offers of`rtr�_ ��ssist�n�� wGih '17e acq�aFsition T[�[�IS �al� 91.�!•� T�tal Labar Silling Liiraiis Cwrrent fotaa E3illings 13�.��� Lii��it F�e,,,�,nir�� 45_5� 545.5� 97_{�� �oial this Task $91.(lU Tot�l this Pha�� �73Fi,5�} Privr To-Dat� 2�.`���].0� ,��f��if.;a� 1 C�,�[�S.QC� 7,�� 1.�i} T[rt�l this Inu�aice �'135_50 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 8:54 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: WSB (2) Hi Julie, yes, these are okay to pay. Please code as previously identified. Thank you. From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 4:37 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: WSB (2) Jim Attached are the following invoices from WSB: Inv# R014511-000 8— Downtown Redevel Project -$136.50 Inv# R015355-000 7— 2020 Economic Development Services -$1,525.00 Okay to pay as coded? Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('7ii' t�F _:��� ��1�1�1���C� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. �NDERSQN ?36fl5 lst Ave. N. #ipp Plymouth, M�J 5544J P 7E3.d1�.A000 F 763.412.4090 J ae-mn.com CiTY OF MONTICELLO 5Q5 WAI.NUT STREET MONTICELLO, MN 553fi2 Professional Ser�ices for the Period: 81112Q20 to 8/31I2020 Description Biack 52 Boundary Survey OWH Lacation Professional Fees Survey CAD Technician Survey Technician Survey Crew Chief Aging Summary In�oice Number 15444 Taial In�oice bate Outstanding 09/0412020 332.00 Total 332.00 � � � � :� r- _ � Invoice number 15�444 Dat� 09/04/2020 Project 15567 CETI' OF MONTICE�LO - BLOCK 52 BdUNDARY SURVEY Contract Percent Tota! Prior Current Amount Comple#e Billed Billed Billed 4,920.00 100.00 4,920.00 4,920.OQ 0.00 4,920.00 100.00 4,920.00 4,920.00 O.QO Current 332.00 332.00 Billed Hours Rate Amaunt 0.50 100.00 50.00 �.50 $0.00 12D.a0 1.50 1 a8.00 162.OD Phase subtataE 332.00 In�oice total 332.00 Qver 30 0.00 Over 6Q 0.00 Over 90 0.00 O�et 120 0.�0 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 3:06 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Anderson $332.00 Yes, this is okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-431990 From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 1:47 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Anderson $332.00 Jim Attached is Inv# 15444 from Anderson for Block 52 Boundary Survey. Okay to pay $332.00? Please provide coding. Thanks JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us �' ��1�1�I€��ll�' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: administrator@ci.monticello.mn.us [mailto:administrator@ci.monticello.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 12:24 PM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Scan from City of Monticello - City Hall ��vaicE TANYA WEST NREGHF COUNTY REC�3RD�R �T CQUNTY G�VERNM�NT CENT�R `��10 2ND STREET NW RM 2i0 �_��.� ``��_._ � BUFFALQ, MN 56313-1196 ��� � ��,�� � 783-B82•7357 � � C�TY 4F MOhITIGELLQ A'�'TM: ACCTS PAYAB#.E 505 WALt�UT S'F #1 M�NTICELl.O MN 55362 Document#: A 1432065 Rer,orded Dat�: In5tn,ment� VARIAl�CE On Behalf SANDRA K LICHTY` �.� l� 5ervices: GEN�RA�ASSTRACT �OMPLIAftilCE Fl1Np STATE CENERI�,L FUNb rEchNo�o��r Furva Transaetian iatal . . . . . D4curr�ent#: A i434290 Retorded Date: Instrument: C�1�f�ITIOt4iA� USE PROCE�D Ort B�h�lf KE'VIN R 1iAMAl�i & SARA A H{r,MAN Services; GEh�lERA� ABS'fRACT ��j � U � �P C��'IPLIANCE FUND SfiATE GENERAL FUE�D TECHN�LOGY FUND 7ransaction Tatal . . , . . Documentf�: A 743d281 Recorded Date: Instrumenl: VARIANCE 4n Behalf CHRI5TOPH�R HQ�TZ I/� Services; � l,� GENERAtkBSTRACT � CUMPLIANCE FUND STATE GEPYERAL FUND TECH'1VOLQGY FUNQ T►ansactivn Total . . . . . Document#: A 143d292 Recorded Date Insfrument: SATISFACTIOIV pF MORTGAG� Qn Behalf TRACY J BLACKWE�L $�r1I1C£S: M GENERA� ABSTRACI' `�C Tk� GOMPLIAhCE FU�dq STATE GENERAL F[1�iQ TECHNOLQGY FUN� �ransacti4r� Total . . . . . W� W(�ULD APPRECtATE Y�UR �'AY�E�- 7C_l�?AY! In�raice Number: IA 202UQO�QOa50 Invoice Rate: 4713'!l2E120 Account #: ��4 718120 �:34:OC►PM 3 4.50 '! 1.00 10.50 io.ao 46.00 71��;20 3:4�:pQPM i �1.50 11.OD 10.50 � 0.00 46.00 7�22l2D 3:45�44PM 14.50 11.Ofl 10.�Q 10.00 ag.ao 7I22i20 3:45:04�M Document#: A 1434764 Recor�ed Date: Instrument. SAiISFACTIUN OF MORTGAGE ��( 5ervices: , y � , 14.50 11.OQ 1QS0 70.Q0 46.40 7l27t20 3:20;p4PhA IU�.�fl�l���-3� INVOICE TANYA W�ST WRIGHT GOUA4TY R�CORi]ER WRiGHi COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTE�t '� 0 2ND STR�EEi NiN RM 210 BUFFA�O, MN 55313•1198 7G3-682-73v7 CiTY QF MONTICEI.I,d �E�I�RAi. ABS7RAGT CC?MPLl�hCE FUN� SSA�E GENFRAL €tJiVD TECHNdLDGY FiJND Transaction Total . . . . . Invoice I�umher: IA 202000004050 14.5J i � .00 i4.�p ia.�a 46AU Total Flmount charged th'ss Invoice 23U.{lp PA1fM�h1T IS DUE UPON RECEIPT. PLEASE lfdCLUDE INVOICE NUMBER. THA�K Y�U. Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 9:36 AM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Wright Co Recorder Yes, there are both okay. Please code to: 213-46301-443990 From: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 9:18 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Wright Co Recorder Importance: High Jim Attached is a past due invoice from Wright Co Recorder. The last two items Angela has identified as EDA. Please review, approve and provide coding. I want to include this in our check run this morning. Thanks! JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us {'fTY C!F �..�� � ��'�����'ll� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. J�lie C�eo�e �� �,� �r�rn: �;� Iseye P��op���ty "w�ar��y�rfi��n� � Re�lty �-rr.ti�.l,t��:'nanageEaui`di�g.com} 5�nt: �aturdayr; Aug;��t �2, ���� 3:�}4 A��1 Tvt AP Sutaject: �,��se staterr�enx for Brraad��ay F'�rkir,g E4�Serrient - CflPv1h'��f�CIAL - 2 as �f 8,{�2,'�20�0 � 3ullse}�� Propert}r ��ana�emerrt & Realty� �,��s� �t��e1�.���t �� ��f� ����-��-� 7 �it�r �f f�1c�r�ti�e�llo E�c�r�carr��� De�el�pme�nt,�u#horit� �� Lak� �t �uit� S�C� Big L��C�, MN ��3p9 Uat� Merrrc� Pri�r �al�r��e 6�1120�0 6f1 ��2(��Q 7{� {���� 71151�Q2� �'���1202� t �c�rnm�n Ar�� Maint�r�an�e F��y��nt Cornrr�c�n �lr�a Maintenar�ce F�}+rrr�nt Paym�nt by �it� of Mor�ti�ell� E�on�ra�fic �eveCoprr��nt Auth�rity 7J311���i] N�� - ��n�nt di� ��t�p p�y�m�nt 8J1f�42� �Cr�mmc�n Ar�� Nlaint+�r��r��e �1�1�Q2� f�Ell�F�SE[� - (F���� ��rporate �ec�iver t��s. n�xifi�d 9��DF1 that ��rp er�tr� is not �ut�Oo�i�ed�: P�yrr�en� by �it�r crf fVEonticell� Econ�ami� f�ev�l�prrrent A��thority '��11�(��{� �vmman A�re� N1�ir��en�n�� ���.����. ���� �� ���l.�"'� -� � '�'�� G-�a 1�, � �"�o� � r+�'+�. .+�ccount #�: C��405��4 �mou nt �1��.13 f;51�2.��� �16�,1� �1 �2,13 �35�_��6 �al�nce due: $354.2� � �+� � S -�` � �n�s �ic�y � � �}�ry� L+�oc�.�� r1r� �� �, CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHCR Pderrse cornpdete, sign, ai�d scrbmit to Accts Pnye�ble by ctue d�rte for check r�trn. [X� Disb. Ck. Batch Pay b��: 9/1/2020 VENDQR: NaE��e Live Laugh B[oom Floral Addr�ss 1 1fl8 �edar Siree# aaa���s5 � Cit�r'S�F!Zip Mnnticello, MN 55362 S�aterz�env` Invoice N�: DISTRII3UTTON QF EXPENS� TO-I�,�aL: $5,000 APPRQVED BY DATE: 9�'� ��a20 ` ..`' f ' "� " � vouche�.xls Julie Cheney Fro�: Sent: To: Cc: 5ubject: Attachments: Hi Julie, Jacob Thunander Monday, August 31, 2020 3:49 PM 1ulie Cheney Jim Thares �W: Vo�Cher LLB Voucher �orm.pdf �lease find the attached voucher form far processing at the next City Council for 4/14. Please hold the check. [ will send you draft minutes and the signed grant agreement when I recei�e it. Jacob ThL�r�ancier Comm�.inity and Ecanomic Development Coardinatc�r City t�f Monticella v��ww.ci.r��onticellu.nnn.us 763-271-3206 Emc�tI cc�rrespo3�c�e��ce tv a�sr� fr•onz tlre Ct�hj of Montzcello goz�ernfnef�tt offic,� i� subject to tlze :�'Iinnes�ta Goveriasr�eYtf DLZfCI PYCXCIiCPS ACt G�YIL� 112Lii� Fl@ L�1SC1�(15�(� t0 �jtiYG� �'JG�t`�l�S. From: Jim Thares 5ent: Monday, August 31, 2020 3:40 PM To: Jacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander@ci.monticella.rr�n.us> 5ubject: RE: Voucher Jacob, please use my electronic signature on this Voucher. I don't think I will be in the office untfl Wednesday, 5eptember 9, 2020. From: Jacob Thunander <Jacol�.Thunander@ci,monticelio.rran.us> 5ent: Monday, August 31, 2020 3:25 PM � To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares(�ci.manticello.mr�.us> Subject: Vaucher Jim, Wil1 you be dn someday soan to print and sign Li�e Laugh Biooms �aucher form? Jacc�h Thunander Community and Economic Development Coardinator City of Monticella w��r��r.c�.r��ontic�llo.mn.us 763-27I-3206 SII��,LL BLTSINESS EM�I�GENCY A�SI�TAI��E GI�AIVT AGREEMEI'w1'�" ._, , r Tl7is Grant A�rec�ne�it ("�1,gr�emer�t") is rx�ade this �f . day c�f _, � � ` � [. � -� � , 2f�2[}, beh��een the �ity of Mt�iYticellc� Ecanamic Developinent Authority, �j public ba��r corpnrate and ���liiie anc� psalitical subdivisi4n of tl�e 5tate af Minnesota� ("Gt-arlinr"}, ayid [.ive I�au�l� Bl�orn Flc�ral, a lVlina�esota �ro�sriet�srsl�i� �"�irantee"). RECITALS .�. In March 2U��, Can�eninr Tizn Walz issu�d a ser�ies �f �rner�ency �.xe�uti��c �rders in r�sponse tc� the C{�VII�-l9 par}deinie u�l�ich cl�sed public� and private sc;��oc�ls, closed bars, restaur{�nts, anci c�thGr places �f acc�ommc�dation anc� �encr�lly rcquir�d Miru�esotans to stay at home, �.��hile ackno�uledging that tlle State's r�.s�nse tc� the C�OVII]-19 pandemic �vc�uld r�:sult, either c�ir�c,�ly or indirectly, 11] t�l� C�t75UI'E �f ITYiiil]+' fJ� Mli}�11�SC�t�'s businGsscs. B. In an et�ork to initi�ate tl�e e�onc�mic di�tress caus�ed �y the �'4VID-19 J�ancle�nic, C€�ai,�ress pa�sed ihe �oro�a��iru� Aid, Relief ai�d E�nnomic Secur�ty Act {�'A�tES Aci) k� }�mvide firnding tca St�tes an€] �acal �o�Jenun�nts to co��er costs �ssc�ci�teci wit� the C�?VID-19 pai�de�nic. C. Guidance issued 6y the federal ga���unei�t pror��ides #hat CARES Act fun�3it�� is int�:nc�c�d to c�,ver a�°ai�icty of c,c�st� incurrcd b}� Statc and ]c�cal �c�verr�iner�ts i�n re��andin� ta �nd miti�atin� the effects c�f` the C�VIti)-19 �Suhlic healtl� crisis, incluc�isl� expenses la e��a�ale c�rnpliance ��ith puYalic l�ealth rn�asure:s s�ch �s facilitatin� dist�r�ce learnin� and imp�n�fin� tele�vt�r�C �pak�ilitie�, �nd ex��nses ass�rciated �ti�ath ecnnomic suppart, such as �-ants tc� businesses. D. Pursua��t tn federal and State �uidelines establish� f`or exper�diture nf khe CARE� Act funtii���, Grantc�r h�s createcl its �i�1�t11 Busi���ss Emer�;ency �ssistancc �rant Pro�am (t�nc "Pr�grazr�"� a��d has a��prn�°ed guitielitaes for t�e Prt��-am (the "Pro�ram �'iuidelines"), which �u-e inc�r��rateci into this A�;reement by r�f�rence. E. Gra�#ee 1i�5 suk�initted an �pplicati+�n fc�r a}�ant (tlY�; "�rant A�a�licatioi3") un�er thc Fro�ram Guid�lines, and Grantr�r has apprn��e�i a grant tc� t11e Gra��tee in the ainnunt e�f $5,�1()(7 (the "Granf') ta pa� a pr�rtic3n af the expens�� (the "�rant Activit.ies"} d�scribeti in t]�e Grant Application, in connectinn ��,Fith �irantee's flnrall�;ift shop la�ated at l fl$ Cedar Street iri the �it}r �f Monticellr�, Miitines�ta (t��e "City„}. F. Tlie Grar�tt�r and Grantee �vish #o in�et��oria�i�e th�e te_rn�s of the Gr�t in this A�eear�e�t. AC:CDRD�I�GLY, the parkie� agree as follc�ws: 1. Thc Cran� Ainnunt. Suksjec:t tra th� t�rm:� of tllis A�-eernent, the �'rngram �uidelines, a�7d itie Gr�ant Applie�tit�n [tt��ether, the "�r�iiit Dc�cu�l�c;nts"}, Grantt�r a�'ec;� t� �ank t� Grantce the sut� c�f �i��e thousan�i �nd nnl] (7[}#17s Dallars ��5„�[l()). Th�e Grant v�'il� be paid by Grantcsr to Grantee f�r the G�-ar�t A�;tit�ities approved �an�ler the Grant Dt�cument� ir� accortla��cc r�itll Sc�.t�c�n 2lherenf, 2. Pa�ment of �Grant Praceeds. (a} 'fhe C�-ant will be �aid ko Gra�itee an accarda�7�.�e 4tfi� �e teims and c:or�ditians �af the +Gra�it IJc��uments. T�ie Gran�ee agrees that �ny e�n�ts nf th� Gt`ant Acti4�ities exceeding tlie arnaunt t� be p�icl undcr this A��re��n�nt are the sole responsibility Ufthe Grantee. (l�� T�e Grat�tor ��ill �ay the Grayat #o �irantee t�r�ee the Grantor has rec�iw�ed frc�rn C'ir�nte�, t��ith«ut expense tc� Grant�r� (i} a s�,�;r�ed cQpy �f this A�re�inent; {ii} a list ofthe Gr�nt Actiznties that will he p�id f`r€�m the Grant; and (iii} a r��rittcn statcine:nt frc7rn tlle Grant�e certifyin� that j�an� c�f the Grant Acti�-ities for 4;rhich �he ��ay�nle►1t is prc�pe�sed tc� be made has fonrnxned �r 4vill �orm Che basis f�r any payment m�c3e under any otli�r a��reeinen� ��ith any nther �rantt�r. 3. Representations and 1JVarranties. Gt�a.ntce re�ai-esents a��d ���arrants to �rai7tor that: {a) Grantee i� authc�rizcd tc� si�r�, dcli�cr, and p�rfarrn �liis Age�rnent at�d tc� r�c�ir�e the Grant fr�im Grantor. (�) Grantee agrees that it u'ill kee�t and ralaintain hnn�Cs, rect�rds, and �thcr docume��t� relatin� directly t�.� tlle rec�ipt an� pa��nent c�f Graa�t proce�c�� and ttiat any ziuth�rized representati�re of Grantnr, ��ifh reasona�le advance nc�tice, may liave acccss tc� and the ri�llt to inspcct, copy�, audit, anr� exa�nine all such bcaaks, recarcis; and other c�ocuments of Grantee r�elate�d to the �ra�t until �rantee pr[�r�i�i�� �ts fitz�I rep�rt ta� �'arantor, (c) Tc� the he�t nf Grantee's kna��edge, Grant�e t�as fully cc�mplied w�ith a�l a�p�icabl� fe�deral anc� State law� reasc�nahly relevant tr� this A�.�r��in�nt an€i ��ill c�niztinue tc� c�m�ly thrnug�ic�ut t�� t��� of this A�,reemel�t. If at a�ay tirne Gr�ntec:� rcceives noti�e �f �oa�ct►mplian�e f�-s�m �ny �c�r�e�unezit�l entity�, Grantee a,�rees to take any necessary actinn to cnrn�ly 4��ith the federal or �take law iii �qucsti�n� {d) Grantee ��ill �x�e tl�e procecds af thc Grant madc by Grantcar only fnr the �arailt Ac:tir��itie�, ancl withii� ��J days at�er the date c�f this A�-eerrient, Grante�e will �rovide to Grant�r in utrifii�g a bri�f rep��rt �tating l�our all c�f tP�c Grant funds l�ave b�n us�d �n� provlelin�; evidence in the fon� ofpaid in�faices, statements, or simrl�-. 4. ]�?c� Business Subsidv- T11e parties agree that the Grant is nr�t a husiness su�sidy as defined in ]k�innes�ta Statute�, Sectic�ns 1 ibJ,993 tc� 1 I6J.995, as ameil�ed (tli� "Susiness Sub�i�iy Act"), l�ecause �ie assistartc� is in an amvunt less than $15{�,�}OC?. 5, Indemnificatioi�. (a� Gi•ailtee a�-ees to inderrulify a��inst and to hald Grar�tor, and its officers, Z agelYts, and e�rtployees, hann�cs� af ai�c� from any �3ci �all �i��ility, lc�ss, or �iain��e th�t it �nay incur under or by reason of this Agreerrtent, and of and fi-c�m any and aIl c:iairns anci c3ernand� �,rhatsc�ever that pnay iae asse�ted aga�nst Grantor by reascan n� ariy alleged �b�li�ations or undci�takings on its �at�t ta perform or dis�har�e an� afthe t�rn�s, cc�ti�enants, or a�;re�etnent� cc�ntained }Zerein. �h} Th�s in�e�nnifie�tion a�id h[�ld ha�tx�les� prQti�isior� ��rill s�r��i��� ihe executian, deli�fety, �nd per#onnance of tl�is A�eemei�tt and the payinent by Gr�ntr�r of any �tc�rti�» �of tl�e �Grant. (c} Nothing in iliis A�eern�nt will con�titute a���ai�er of ar liinitation c�n any in�rnuni#y t�rom or limitat�or� on liahility to which Grantee �s entitled under law�. b. 1�1 i scea 1 ar�eous. (�) '�Vai��cr. T`]lc perfc�nnancc �r o�rscnrancc nf a�ly prc�tnisc nr ca�iditinn set fr�rth in this Agreernent may he ti�rai�red, aineizded, �rr r�nodified only hy a��rrixin� si�ned b}� Cir�ntee an�i Crantc�r. 1�10 c�elay in the exercise af an�r paw�er, ri�ht, c�r rernec�y operates a;5 a ��fai4�er there�f; nar shall any single c�r partial exercise of any nther pn�ver, rigk�t, nr remedy. (h} A�si t-�ent. Tl1is A�reement �s l�ii7dim� upan the parties. AIl rights alid pc�r��ers spec:ifically cc�nferred upon Gratl#�r may be transferrec� or delegater� by Grantor to any of it� :�uccessars and a�sig��s. Grante�'s �ights and c�bligatic�ns ul�der this A�r�e�i�ent may be �ssi�ecl c�n�y �.ullei� sucl� assi�;rsmeizt is apprr�ved it3 ��friting by Grantar. �c) Gov�ernin� La�,�°. This Agreeinent is made and shaIl tae go�reri�ed in all re�pects by the law�s nfthe state of Minneso#a. Ar�y disputes, cc�ntrati�ersics, ar clai�ris al-isin�; out c�f thi5 A�reement stlall be heard in the state c�r federal C4L11"t5 O� M1T111�SOt1, and a11 �ar�i�s to this A��e��nent waive an�+ nhjecti�n ta thc jt�t-isdiction of thcsc: courtsa wltc�her based on convenience or othe��ise. (d} Severability. If any pra�rision �r applicatinn nf thi� Agreemeilt is h�ld unla��rful or u�icnforc�able in an}� respcct, su�h ill��ality ar• r.��ei�fc�rc�ability sha�1 �iot affect a�ther pro�.�isian� nr applicati�,ns tlzat c�,n t�e �i��en effect, an� tt��s Agreetr�ent shall k��e cc�nstrued as if the u�Ylaw�fu� or �anct�forceab�e provision �� applic�tion haci ne��er been canta�ned herein t�r prescri�aed hereh��. (�e� N�tice. All n�tices r�uired l�ereunder sha11 he �i�:'en �}f depositing in tlle L.S. mail, pasta�;e �arep�id, certified mai�, r4tun� re�eipt reyuesteci, tc� the follc�e��ing addresses (nr �uch �th�r addresses as either �arty may notify the �ther}; To Grantnr: City rrf Monticello �c�nnmic De��elo��ment Authr�rity 505 �Valnut Strect, Suite 1 City c�f Mc�nticellcs, MN 553fs2 A.ttn; Jim Thares, �x�GUill�� D1I'E.'Ci41" � Tn Grantee: Live I.au�� �3lnoin Flaral Attn_ Kelly A. Lillbauk 1 Q8 �edar Street IVlanticello, l'vfN 553G2 (f} T�er��ination. C]n th� date the Grantor receives Grantee's t�°ritte�� rc�t�rt c�n Grantee's exp�nc�iture �f �Grant proceeds as clescribed ii� p�rag;rap�l 3�#} nf tlii� .4�-een�ent, this A�rc�lnent ��°ill ten�i�zate and neit�er �ark}r ��ill ha��: any turtller obl��,ation te� the c�ther. �g) �ntire A�ree�ent. This Agreement, to�ether �•ith the Grant I7ocuments, is #h� eTltire st�tement �f a�eemei�t bet�►�ree€� t11e Grant�� a�t� Grant�e re�ardii�� �he Grant. 4 IN "WITN�S� W���R�QF, t�i� ,P►g�re��n�r�t has k�en d�ly ex�cuted �n� d�liw�r��i by tf�� proper of�icers th�reunt� duly authonz�d Qn the d�y a�d year first wctitten above, +Ci1�Altif TQI�.: CITY �?F M�h1TICELLC} �C(7N(]MIC D�VGLOPMEI�iT A,�i���4F�I.'I"Y �SI+[;NATilIiE PAGE "�'U GRA�N'�' AGREBMENT �+�RANTORJ � �RANT�E: , 4 , � , ; � , „ . � �.�,�C. .�+`�a ,� LIV'� LAU BL�OC�M FL[�RAL �� . , � � . '�'. � B�: � i��, {� ;r - - - " � Title: �`� �, "�}�L %� . �51G1�A�'URE: PA�;E T� GItANT .���R.EEl1'IF.VT- GIt,ANTEE] 65b�]5?vl h1NIM'V19�J-i{ll 1��INllTES �EGULAR MEETIIVG - ECDN�MIG DEVELflP14�ENT AU�'HORITY (ED�� V�Vednesday, August 26th, 2p�(} —7:4�{1 a.rn, �cad�m;�� Itaom, Monticella Community° �e�ter T�e EIIA f�'ieeting w�as held hoth remotely and in-person. C'c��nini�sicaners �'re�ent: Ste��e Jahnson, Bill Tapper, Jon M�rp}�e�v, Tracy Hin�, Q1lie Kora�chak-�hitc, �nd Jitn Da�idsan Cc�ir�tnxssioner� Abse»t: Ll�yd Hil�art Staff Prescnk� Jim Thaxefi i . �'all to Clyder 2. Roll Call 3. �Consideratinn of Additional A�end� �te�s 4. Cartsent A�enda Cansideration nf At�provin� a Gerti�cate of Coj°t�Rletia� far the lti�erto4►�n Rcsi�ent�ai Suitcs Aqartmcn� {The Sri��� Coanpanies) �evelo�m�nt .Fim 'I'hare5 pre�en#ec� a�Y updat� �n the; rnin�r �utsiand �.xtc:.rinr �o�l�tru�ii�oa� itcm, Tl�e n�w stre�t light �ac�les were ii7stalled as �art nf�the l�ui�dir�g prc�ject thn�agh the light fixtures that were �elivere�i were th�; «�ron� colar. The:y havc k�ccn reor�ic:red a�ld are expec�ed to k�� affixed to the p�les hy the end of� Qct�l�er, 202[1. The project is essentially cainplet� and is bein� led�e�i up. N1r. Bri�;�s i� cun�ently c�iscu�sin� the best date to prc�u•id'e a tnaar c�f the finished prc�ject tc� the ET�A, BILL T�4PPER. MOV�D TC7 APPR�VE THE ['Dh1SENT AGEItiiI�A. J�N M�RPHE.W SECDIVDED THE MOTI�7hF. �vIOTIaN CARI�IED, b-fJ. Re�ular �i,�cnda 5, Consideratian af Apprn��in� Small Business Emer�enc� Crant A�reeme�►t in the Arri�unt of $S,,Qi�� t� Liwe L�u�h Blo�am Floral to Nliti�ate CQVIDRI9 Econom�i� l�l�acts Ji�n Thares ��resetlted a suminary c�f th� ��nergency Grant Assi�tance Funding application f`roin Li�re Lziu�h Bl��om Flc�ral. They laave i�een im�acted hy tiae shutdo�urn and thc loss c�f sprir�� schoo] pr�m, v��edding and family anni�rer5ary e��e�ts. They are back �pen ak reducec� hc�urs an€i �:vit7a fe��er full-time staff. T�Zey havc ta rc�air a lar�� �Srokcn w��indou�r in the frQnt of t]�e building and 4�ril� use the fui�ds tn make the imprc���eirtei�ts. TRA�Y HIh1� M(7VEI7 T� �PPR[7VE ENTERIN� INTC) A GRANT AGREEIVIENT 1�VIT�� LIVE I�AUGH BL�U1vI FLQRAL, LLC F�Ft AN EI'v�ERC�ENCY �55IS'I'ANCE GRAh1T IN THE ANIC)UNT (3F $5,�1�i}. JIIVI ]��4VIDSQIV SEC�7ND�I� THE MOTI�N. �cone�mic De��elopti�ct�t Authcarity Minutes Au�u�t 26"' 2[}2�} Pa�e 1 �`� M(7TIQN CARRIED, 6-(}. 6. �;G�nnomic De4rela ment Director's Re art J��ri Thares u�dated the meinl�er•5 c�n the eff�rts r�latcd to Pr�oject Gia-5aurus »cati��g that me�kings an� dis�.us�i«ns cc�ntir�uc re�a�din�; nptimum site and f'undin� sources. He al�n infortr��d t}�e EDA tr�emF�er� that the City of ?Vlcailticella Fire I��pai•trnent has i�dicated that they kvili not condz�c# a trainin� burn at 3�{� 4t�' �treet East du� to the �rc�ximity c�f the nei�liborin� 5tructure and tl�e desir� tt� a��nid problems f�om th� he�t against tl�e ac�jacent h�me. fih� d�mnlitinn coa�tractor lias 1�een inf�ritYed of the changc �nd the pric�. of 5�,9�� has beeYi inserted intc� thc cc.ti�ised cnntract and �ent out fnr a fina] signatur�. I�� furth�r notc;d that i��hen the EDA a�prn�red the c�emalitian yuc�tes �t its .Tune 1[l, Z��O EI]A r�eeting, t�tey approveci either a trainin� but� d�nc�litic�t� quc�te �r a r��ular demolitic�n proc��s quot� as part t�f the a�pro�al. A letter upd�tir�g nei�hbr�ring property owner5 is being serrt nut infarmin� them �f t7�� change. 7. Adiourn T�.AC4' HIN� IVI��EQ T[} AL7J�URN THE N]E�T1NG AT 7:43 A.�VI. JC)N MC)RPHEW SE+C�C}I�fI7ED THE MOTION. IVI(}TION CARRIED, G-(]. �� Re;cordcr; Jim Thare��� Agprc�ved': Septcrnb�:� 5�t1�, 2{J �ttest: � ares, Ecc�natnic Devel�p�nent Direct�r �conamie Develt�pmct�t f4uthcrrity h•'tinute5 Au�ust ?6'h, 242(} Fagc Z � 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and subrnit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. VENDOR: Name Puram, LLC (dba: Amerinn Motel) Address 1 118 7th Street East Address 2 City/ST/Zip Monticello, MN 55362 � Disb. Ck Batch Pay by: 9/14/2020 Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $5,000 APPROVED BY: � � - � voucher.xls DATE: 9/14/2020 Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jacob Thunander Tuesday, September 8, 2020 9:02 AM Julie Cheney Jim Thares Vouchers Attachments: Polaris Chiropractic Voucher Form.pdf; Custom Cut & Color Voucher Form.pdf; Super 8 Voucher Form.pdf; Americlnn Voucher Form.pdf; Hammers Hair Lounge Voucher Form.pdf; 321 Jump Voucher Form.pdf Julie, Could you please have these on the next City Council cycle on Monday, September 14? All checks should be held for mailing until Jim or I let you know. I will send you draft minutes and signed grant agreements when I have them done. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Coordinator City of Monticello www. ci. monticello. mn.us 763-271-3206 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and subrnit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. VENDOR: Name Jai Jalaram Inc (dba: Super 8) Address 1 6963 Kimberly Court North Address 2 City/ST/Zip Maple Grove, MN 55311 � Disb. Ck Batch Pay by: 9/14/2020 Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $5,000 APPROVED BY: � � - � voucher.xls DATE: 9/14/2020 Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jacob Thunander Tuesday, September 8, 2020 9:02 AM Julie Cheney Jim Thares Vouchers Attachments: Polaris Chiropractic Voucher Form.pdf; Custom Cut & Color Voucher Form.pdf; Super 8 Voucher Form.pdf; Americlnn Voucher Form.pdf; Hammers Hair Lounge Voucher Form.pdf; 321 Jump Voucher Form.pdf Julie, Could you please have these on the next City Council cycle on Monday, September 14? All checks should be held for mailing until Jim or I let you know. I will send you draft minutes and signed grant agreements when I have them done. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Coordinator City of Monticello www. ci. monticello. mn.us 763-271-3206 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and subrnit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. VENDOR: Name Breum Enterprises LLC Address 1 513 State Highway 25 Address 2 City/ST/Zip Monticello, MN 55362 � Disb. Ck Batch Pay by: 9/14/2020 Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $5,000 APPROVED BY: � � - � voucher.xls DATE: 9/14/2020 Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jacob Thunander Tuesday, September 8, 2020 9:02 AM Julie Cheney Jim Thares Vouchers Attachments: Polaris Chiropractic Voucher Form.pdf; Custom Cut & Color Voucher Form.pdf; Super 8 Voucher Form.pdf; Americlnn Voucher Form.pdf; Hammers Hair Lounge Voucher Form.pdf; 321 Jump Voucher Form.pdf Julie, Could you please have these on the next City Council cycle on Monday, September 14? All checks should be held for mailing until Jim or I let you know. I will send you draft minutes and signed grant agreements when I have them done. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Coordinator City of Monticello www. ci. monticello. mn.us 763-271-3206 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and subrnit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. VENDOR: Name Polaris Chiropractic LLC Address 1 1539 7th Street East Address 2 City/ST/Zip Monticello, MN 55362 � Disb. Ck Batch Pay by: 9/14/2020 Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $5,000 APPROVED BY: � � - � voucher.xls DATE: 9/14/2020 Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jacob Thunander Tuesday, September 8, 2020 9:02 AM Julie Cheney Jim Thares Vouchers Attachments: Polaris Chiropractic Voucher Form.pdf; Custom Cut & Color Voucher Form.pdf; Super 8 Voucher Form.pdf; Americlnn Voucher Form.pdf; Hammers Hair Lounge Voucher Form.pdf; 321 Jump Voucher Form.pdf Julie, Could you please have these on the next City Council cycle on Monday, September 14? All checks should be held for mailing until Jim or I let you know. I will send you draft minutes and signed grant agreements when I have them done. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Coordinator City of Monticello www. ci. monticello. mn.us 763-271-3206 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and subrnit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. VENDOR: Name 321 Jump Inc Address 1 9375 Deegan Avenue NE #8 Address 2 City/ST/Zip Monticello, MN 55362 � Disb. Ck Batch Pay by: 9/14/2020 Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $5,000 APPROVED BY: � � - � voucher.xls DATE: 9/14/2020 CITY OF MONTICELLO VOUCHER Please complete, sign, and subrnit to Accts Payable by due date for check run. VENDOR: Name Hammers Hair Lounge LLC Address 1 213 Pine Street Address 2 City/ST/Zip Monticello, MN 55362 � Disb. Ck Batch Pay by: 9/14/2020 Statement/ Invoice No: DISTRIBUTION OF EXPENSE TOTAL: $5,000 APPROVED BY: � � - � voucher.xls DATE: 9/14/2020 Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jacob Thunander Tuesday, September 8, 2020 9:02 AM Julie Cheney Jim Thares Vouchers Attachments: Polaris Chiropractic Voucher Form.pdf; Custom Cut & Color Voucher Form.pdf; Super 8 Voucher Form.pdf; Americlnn Voucher Form.pdf; Hammers Hair Lounge Voucher Form.pdf; 321 Jump Voucher Form.pdf Julie, Could you please have these on the next City Council cycle on Monday, September 14? All checks should be held for mailing until Jim or I let you know. I will send you draft minutes and signed grant agreements when I have them done. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Jacob Thunander Community and Economic Development Coordinator City of Monticello www. ci. monticello. mn.us 763-271-3206 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. � a � ^l � � N V/ � � � O �H � � � O � V � o c� C� U �1 0 0 � � � N M � � N O /'� N F+1 � C� O O � � �1 % � o � U o � � U � -o U � � � � � H � a � O z 0 a � � 0 � L� O "� C". � � � N N � � � � N N O N O N o � m N � � � o � Q w° � 0 0 N o a N � � U � � N � � i"i � � .� � 0 .a ap � ,k � a M N '� � � w w° � 0 a � � � � � a � N N 0 N 0 M � 0 � O � � � 0 .� � h � Julie� Chen�p Frami: ��Ilseye P��:�ert� hP�a:�agein�rt $r Re�lty <r-n�iR��:�rfi��n�gebu�lc�i�[� �c,rn> 5�nt: P.�1�nd�y, S��tt�rrib�€ �1, �CJ��I 3-�1� Aa�,rl �'o: AP �uk�ject: L��s� statert�er�t fr�r �r��r�:�t�ay P��king Easement - C�M��IERCI�L � as c�f �]r'?1/�L�2Ll � B�illseye Property h�arrag�,m�,�t Fs� Realt'� ���.�� �����z���r�t �� �f�.�2�-��-� 1 �a#y of �llonticel lo� E��nc�mic l�eveloprn�nt ,4uth+�ri#y 35 Lake �t �t.rite 5QQ Big �.�k�, �IIN 5�3�^� Date Pri�r k��l�n�� �1� ��024 �!1 ��2�}2� 7'1� 1 I2�2� 7I31 f202� �11I202� �i������ M+�mo �annn-r€�r� Ar�� hJ��ir�#�;n�r�c� P��rment Paym�nt by �Ci#�r of Mc�nticellcr E��r��m�c �ev�lopment 1�u#h�rrity N�F - ��n�n# did st�p p�ymer�# ��rnrnor� Are� �ul�interr2�nce RE�1'�F���� - {R29} ��r�orat� r��eiver h�s n�tified ��FI ihai �Cc�r� �nir�r is n�at au#hvriz��_: ��yt�ent by �ity� �f Montkc�ll� Ecr�r�c�mi� D�welopment �uthor�ty �c�mmc�n Ar�� Mairt��en���c� �ay�r��nt �ammo�n f�re� C+�lair�ten�n�c�: 1 � ��.� ��� �. '�-�-�,�� `�� � A��c�uni �#: ���fl�5914 Amou�# ��1��,13} $16�.13 {�1�2.�3� �162.13 S�54.�6 (�3�4.��j ,5�.��7 $162,13 S1�i�,1� ��i��,�� ��,�: �°���.�� '� �°'�i��c�r ��f� L�Jt�te c.7�"��r�ir���c'[ic�i7 `� � �i �� �lfiY C}F M�NTICELLCI �ity Ha�i C�rd Transaction Ple��� �#t�ch the ir�v�i�ef reee�pt �nd any c��#�er �u�ilab�e d�a�cu�nentati�n to this ferrm. T� I�e �o�p�efed by �urchas�r;. ,4rr�[�unt � ��� Cirrf� purchas�r r�arne; ���ie C�eney Tracy Erg�n Vicki l,eerhoff �achel Le�anarcf Je�ff �D'fV�ill Jaco�a Thunar�der 5�rah i��tY�lisb�rg�r 1�r�r�i#�rt 5threiher An rr-Mann im Th�res � �et#� C�r��n Emplay���;�;na�ur�� � .��'LJ�I�f'4'I;nQ� �I�T��3d�tUfF _ '�� �� � � e ap�rrevfi� i r J� �ircle d�p�rtme�n# c�,d�: � �� �J`�xp�ll'15� C[]d�: �421�9[] ������ 4�]99+� �4331C7 — F��seci�l Praje�t � or �escriptPon � � ������ ������ (7#he:r C�ty �v�nc�l �dmir�Fstr�ti�n �it}� CN�ek Fin�n�� Hurr��r� R�souece.� Pl�r�r�in� �r�d Z�nir�g C+aCa iPr�c�essing caty �a�� �con+omic C�eveRopm�nt Ff RA �er�eral ��eratin� Su��l��s f+Je�vslette r Serw�ices t�'��SC�ICanec�u� Prqf ��r�ari�es P,�stag� Travel��rainir�R 74ias M�mt�erzh�i�-, �. Su LiG2r15�5 �nd P�r�71it5 Prlrsc. �;h�r E�pense Jim �h�res Frcalrr�: inf��e�ar-r�,org �ent. Tu�sd�y, A�g�s# 11, 2�]�Q 4:49 �M i�: !im T�rares �ubject: E��r��mic D�velt��ment Associatian c�f f'v1�nn�s�it� - Th�rik y�u fe�r y�uf order Dear ,Jim Tha,r�s, G�n#irrn�lic�n for #h2 e�rder placed t�n 8111 �20�0 iGlitk here fc�r � print�ble wi�w of tYte ofd�f. Tlte f+31f[�wirt� is a descriptian ryf #hc� �rder- �rder hlum�er is: �3389��723 �Drd�r�;rl 1 produ�:ts (see belau�l� F'r[�r�uci Nurnh�r- �J4HLiF�S f�rcaduct� 4Vehi��� R�+�i�trt�tit�n Quar�tity' 1 F'ricf: E�Gh: 510.�10 7�i�1 Price, ��4.0� �'otal: 5�20_�4 T��nks! ��r�nomic C7��+eF�prn�r�k Associ�tion �5f 1��i��est�i� � This fs �n �utorn�l�d �m�ll Se�i frorn EDA�h.4. F'te�se do ne�t r��ly t� #his �rti�il, lp h2g been senl frc�m ar� email ��� ��CCxU+�k th�al is not monitor�d. IY y,�u fe�l �pu h�ti�� r�Ce�y�d l�is r��ss�ge in errar, p;e�s� f��l fr�� tt� eCant�Ct us �i inf� �'�c�m.p�g. Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, August 6, 2020 8:31 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 8120webinserts2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 9/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-004 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 130 BROADWAY E 7/1/2020 to 7/31/2020 (31 days) s/5/2o20 9/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading Cons To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. ($1.25) ($0.50) $10.50 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 $0.00 $s.�s $8.75 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, August 6, 2020 8:31 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 8120webinserts2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 9/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-007 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 103 PINE ST 7/1/2020 to 7/31/2020 (31 days) s/5/2o20 9/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Cons $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $ 9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 68621907 Current Charges noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, August 6, 2020 8:31 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 8120webinserts2.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 7/1/2020 43572 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COMMERCIAL Stormwater: STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 9/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-008 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 7/1/2020 to 7/31/2020 (31 days) s/5/2o20 9/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 8/1/2020 43824 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Cons 252 $0.00 $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $0.00 $ 9.18 $10.50 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $0.00 $25.84 $25.84 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@merchanttransact.com Thursday, August 6, 2020 8:31 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 8120webinserts2.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 60867213 7/1/2020 1001572 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TAXABLE Water: ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY Water: EBILL CREDIT Water: WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE Sewer: SEWER - RESIDENTIAL Garbage: GARBAGE FEE - TXBL Garbage: RECYCLING FEE - NON TAXABLE Waste Taxes: GARBAGE TAX RES - 9.75% Stormwater: STORMWATER / RESIDENTIAL Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 9/1/2020 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-009 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 300 4TH ST E 7/1/2020 to 7/31/2020 (31 days) s/5/2o20 9/1/2020 Current Reading Date Reading 8/1/2020 1001572 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Cons 0 $0.00 $�.Zo ($1.25) ($0.50) $0.81 $ 9.18 $8.25 $0.75 $0.80 $1.50 $26.64 $26.64 $26.64 $0.00 $26.64 $26.64 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. �='a:�1c�r, �� � ��t� c�t' 1`r��ts��cti��n � � �i �� C�T� �F MOI�lTR�ELL{? �ity Hall Car�i Tr�nsactican F'I�ase att�th th2 �nv�sic�/r�eceipt and ar�y a�her �v�il�ble docume�rtation to this �orm� To k�e [r�mplet�d by purehaser: , � t� Arr��unt $ .� �. � .� �::A �*. fi� � o���+� Circl� purchaser n�er�e� �U�I� ��1�'Fl@y Yr��y Er�en Vi�ki Leerh,�ff R�cf�el Le�nard leff C�`N�ill J��i�b Thunar�der Sar�h Rathli�k�er�er Jennif�r �chr�iber An�el.��r�ilmann im, Th�,�r�s i ^ B�th Green � Emp�ay��Sig�ature� �ir�l� t�ep�rtm�r�t cc�de: � � �� �ercp�ns� c�,d'e; j�A� � �9a� �up�rvis�r Si�na[ure 431�5C} 4319�0 �.� ,�"� � �� [s� .e ����o�;e� 4331fJ Sp��ial Pr�je�ct tt ar Dgscrlpti�dn �4370� �4399�D �ther �dty Cc�ur7�il �kdrrtinistratior� Ci#y� Clerk Fir�anc� Human Resvur��s Plannin� anc� 2c�ning C��ta Prc�cessing City Hall E��.a,^norrric Dev�lc�pr�n�n� H f�A � �� �ener�l �►p�r�t�ng5u�plf�s Newsletter �ervic�s f�9is�ell�r�ec���s �'raf Serri�e� Post�ge Trc�v�f�rTr��nrn �fi5� T7ues Memt�ershs � ��, s Li�2+�ses and Permits lv1i��. 'l?Che� E�[��rts�e �irn T�O�,res Er�rn: Sent: Ta: Subjec#: nc�lern�nCsbizjoufnals.eoirt Tuesday, k�,gust 11, �02�1 3-15 PM Jir'n Th�r�e5 Your rec�ipt fre,rn REh�EV�',AL: CJ�C11�+Sf� #�C�CiU NT #115{Jf7�� ��l�F�Rf�'1AfiI�ON �t�65�910 C7RpER DATE; OSf 11j�0�0 Tha nk y��a fnr your order. 1�'Ue appre��i�t� your 4�u�in�ss, BItLING ADUF�E�*a: 1�f�1 THARES CIIY �F f1+1�NTI��LLl7 5�15 V4rALfV UT 5� STE 1 (VIONTICELLQ, M�,I 5536� SHI�PIf�G .�iDDFiESS; J I h�9 T H,4 R ES C17Y C1F M�3[UTI[ELL� 5(�S XftlALNLIT 5T STE 1 N1�C7N���ELLO, Ru1� 553�i� C�,TY: ITEM f []ESCF�IPTI[]N; 1 MIiVPJEARJLk�/ST. PAUL �IJSINE55 J�JURN'r�L PRlIVT - T�RfaA: 104 �AL�S T.�� i�?,4 L: P,41D 1dIA �CR€�I� CARC� Ef�C1ING IN #t18�4.� �ALAhJCE: i A MT. �Z1{1,Qi� �f�.C]' $21�1,C]{l $21�,OQ ��n��r 1CJate of / `Tr��ns�c�ic�n _ �'! � �i'�11 �F ��?NTP����.� �h�st f�arti Tr�r�s�tt�c�n Ple:a�� �[ta�fa t�1e a�yof[ef �e��ip� and �hy �yth�er �u�i��bl�e �a+G�rr���tt�t�n�l tc� this forrn. Tv be c�mp�le��d by,p��ih��er: +��no urst $ � � . � . � _ �� � . "-C`�,� " �}� ��cpen�+� ��d . � . � CiTtle �Sur�h�5@r ry�m�: Z?E��?T� ���'1C��iQt7 J.���]� �.�i���j�� � - r' � � �lonticello Gharnb�r vf �c�rrkm�rte �nd Indus�try 245 Pin� �tr��t �� ��M 7 a� �+��t�Ge,�o. rn�v ����� r:r��; 2��-zi�o � r��: r�s�� ���-z���,� info���77�ar�4i��ellp��� cam fwfc�n#i��ll� �itu t�f A�C�Ullts P�y�Gle 5�5 %l�lalr��,�t uC•ee' �uit� #9 hAortiticell� b9h� �5362 a�s�ription C.hamk:�r �urlw"� `4�ern�er :.1 �r- Thar��l �r"IV�Oi�� �r�+�a�C� ��t�� �;z�����o Ir�vo�ce FJ�rmber: �544 t�ceount CD: Tcrer�s r��° 1� Quantity F�ate ' �"��J4 �ubtatal TaM� Tatal; iPaym�ntl� r��iit A �pli�d= Balan��: � � � � � � � � Due aaE�e €?�8r'2J2C' Amount a 1; �v�r �i 5,0{f �4,�{� $15.4Q 5C}_{i�? $15,00 J�ulie Chene Frcdrr�: �im Tl�ares S�nt: T�sesday, August 4, �0�� 9:1D AI�! ��: J�li�e ��r�n�y Sub�ec�; FC�: Mor�ts �I�amber of ��rnme�r�e $15 Juli�, Y�s. #h�s Gs aka� to pay. �r�m: JuIP� Che��y� �J�lie.�her��y�cN.rY'o�nticell�.rrr�.�us� �er�t: Monday, July 27, 2f]�Q 9;34 �,Iv1 To: �im T'hares �Jim,Thares���.r�rontit�*alcr.mn,us� 5ubject: Moroti �F��t�rb�r o� C�ommerce �15 J i rrq Atta�h�� is in�r#� �54� f��prr� tF�e Ch�m��r for a I�n�h �rc�u �tte�rded, Okay #v ,p�y �15,i�� Thanksy .l�r���� �`���:��z�_��,� Fina�c� As,�i�t�nt �i�y af �'l+tr�r�t�c�l�v T�i3-271-3��� Jui� e_Cheney� ca..m�nt �celJ�.mn.us �P�'ci,man#'��elfo.mn.us �wtr �F ��� �������� �"rt�atx cc�rre��rrd�rjc� tn a�� fr��n the �Ctty �{ Nlv�tace��o �u���r�� ������s �s s�rbje�t to th� M+r�rtes+�ter �c►++err�rrrt��t ba�ce Pra�r�t�ce� ,�4�ct cr�d ma�r !ae drsc�o��d �ca �t�ird �r�tie�. L Julie �I�en�� F ro rn; Sent: Sul�j�t#: . rfi�3;='��i�t�r��t��e� ir��� i.c�rr, �riday.. ,�ugus# 7, �0�� $:3(� A��I C9nlin� �ayrnent Can�ie.mat�or� 1''��t�r c�i}]�rtc �,t7�e�lent re�u��:t 1}��s l,ct.ri r�c��i���� h�� `��i�ntic�ll4� �'ha���h�r c�f-C'c}�x�m�rce a�lci Itt�lti�wtr��- 1'���K���'r�t (.'cir:fli'rn�t�it�n 'ti�n�e. ,�K�li�; ('f�cn�� C"or��r�.xn� : �,Ic,c3�i��;�11�, C"it�� ��t" 'Tr�z«�;��ctic�n lti un� hc�°: (i?��'�-��(��}7 ] � LtY�t � ��f:�c�t �urtyl�ey: �i7Gt) _�m��unt: $1 ��i��l aescrip[i�n Item�sJ P�p�rnent t�r In•�ai�e #fiSA�i �;hv1r rataCelltl Ch�rr�ber Luneh, hllember �J m Th�res�i �ek�r' �f;� $15 �OI�I�SS S �u�nfity Tatal �� Amotmt ' $15 CJQ Grand T�pt�l= �15 {l�� �17tii:� ��t��ii] t��� t���ic,it7;�ti���l1�.� �,c���:�t�t��l. E--crr ��u��ii���� ��r t��:dk3L��k_ ��lc;.���; �t�nt��t us .�t� '�I��ntifcllc� C'h;�rtxl��r t�1' �L'i�rt�me�•�f :�i�cl fi�[�x��tr�' =�t)� E'irt� '�tr��t f't: } fi�i� 1 �)' �1�,�i[ic�llt�. h�'� �,� ��}� i?(i�) ��1�-��[1f1 ia�#�c��rr n�lt���tie�.l�c���i.c��,��� ft�tp.:'�x� x} �} .itzcai�[ic�]]c��:`i��c>t�� � Julie +�h�en�y F�nm: Sent: r�: 5uk�j�et: A�to-�,e�e�pt <rore�:'�Y��'nnail.�uthr���i��.r��t> Frsd.ay, A�gUSt ?, �0�0 $:30 AM �a To �ns��tior� Rec�ipt fr�m �9ontieedl� C���rtkr�r of ��rnr�ert� & Industr}r f�r �15.f7C] fUSf�1 lk4'stil'I�)slull. f',��rn.fri i�t�r �i��cr�i�� =[,ti��4 ;`,1�}..i' -.�1 �.� ( il�. ..�:�; t I'.il"s�.: i .�ii�!r. `s1��ii;hc�r � III 1 �1:�::b5) . 5 ] S.d}tF{C'l,��s. } • �I�;c71�a��ul:'�I'.::Y (ia1�?iJEI lii�lin� Infuru�alion .�ulii l�li.s,:x �1�,iili.��'lli,k��.s s:" �US 4�.��Illlli �Lrc.4 �.Ulll' 1 jiilyi�llfi�'��%F, ���, {.15[7'7 � � �.I�](+i1.117i�.1:El4�tllly Illll ilti a{i y._' � _�.7{4� f?:�i,' "f�inre: Ii,iii.:stiii.}�r If1�. I',ikr77tirr1 lfiil7�o-sh 1ies�i;z«�aarrp 1��?�: r�iUk�l �.�51Liti. 49siF���in� lofaruaaticrn �-r`a1lIL-�I.l�di (7..ifl � C [}]�k�f� t; � � i)-G I (,`.�,1-4 �'�ISfi t.tilkK'if�1 i'�orwhel�e i}�-F���3 f���nticeRl� G�r�mber �f C�imrryer�.e e� Induslrv ha�or�ti�ell� h:1N ��362 � lJ S n��rCy�mC�nticelloCC+ Com � [��14�1; 51�.�}�ll�l'4I]) �'�n�i��� �� �,L�C�� �)�t� +�-�i' � �� � � T�;��tis a� t i�� �� CIT�' i�� I"�I�NT��EL�i� Ghc���k �C���1 Tr�r�sactior� �lease attach th� in►+oi�ej Recei�t �nd any c�ther a�railabl� d�re�arner�#atian tc� t9��s fr�rm. "�o be c�ira��let�d by purEh�ser: Arr�ra��n# $ � :� - C3� �xp�n�� Co��e ��- ��. '���"�,! �,r�'+�-�`,��'1 T� Cir�le �urth���r name� ����hi� I�������Iti4,�� �' �lu�i�x i'I��e�e�°-� i, �' R � i�F�a - M�n#icello �CN�mber of Gamrnerce and Industry ��+5 r�ine S'��e' P� gox "�� P�4o�-}tikaC.}�II�D �J1.`V w::;ir� I�f L7.71 L�:}—��y'� f�.l� �'l�' LIa.V"� �4iV inf� �mor�r.C�II�CCi �C�i7� Pw'ort c�l`� Ci#y� �;r` �4cc�,�nts Paya�le �CiS 4Valnui SCiaet Su ke #1 fNont�eelic7. h�1N 5a:3�G2 ��S�fl�}�P,OCM ,=��rnt�:rr � �on�h 6,�en•��' iJir7 T°,?res�� �uantity Irtiv�lce [��t�: cs�2�r2G�G InVoi�� Nurn�ei; E�.f'; AccountlD: T+�rrns hJ 2' 1 "� Rate � • �, ���, � LJ �7i4�� � Tax: Tc�t�l, P�ymer�t��C�redit Applied_ �alance: Du� C}atp �� 5r?C2�u� ArMount :j'. i �";l $1 �.f�0 �O,t�O �15,Ctd $a.�� 5�5.Q0 Juli� Ch�n� From: Jim Thar�s S�nt: Thurstfay, A�egust 27, ��O�f�'�,Z1 Alvl To: �ulie Ch�ney Subje�t. R�: Aug luncheon: Inva�Gce 4�r�m M�ntieello �h�rr�b�r of Commer[e �nd intlust�y J�lie, this is akay t� p�y. Ft�qm: J�lie Chen�y �1uEie,C#�ene���'t.m+�nticellr�.m�t,us> Serrt: �hursd�y, August �i, �Q�fl �:i1� AN1 To. Jim Thar�s �Jim.Thar�s�a�i.rn�nt�c�llo.mn_u5> Sul�je�t: F'W: Au� lvnrFtee�n; Inu€�i�e from Iwlanticel�c� Ch�ml�er c�f Cvrnm�rce and I�ndugtry Atta�l�eti is �r� in�+oice from the fwio�nti��C��a Ch�rrober fe�r the lun�h y�u att�r�ded. �7k�y t� P�Y ���� �`hanks a�li�e Fr�m: li+'Iarn�+ J4nderso� [`� i:�_� •� �,: _ s; �;-�+ � S�nt. Frid�y. Au�ust 21, 2��G 9=�� Aiv1 Ta�: A �' [��., F '. �, . i � i :- I . � r� , �. i . ��. � Su���ct:s A�g IunChe�n_-ln�rot�e ff�m Mottti�e�Et� Ch��nber of Cammert�e �r��i Indu�try [)edr Jim: �'c�ur in�^�11�;C f[�T �h� ��l�Ttl�t.f IlJ11C��+�r� in .��i�� 13 ��#�CYi��. Pl���� reni�t �53VtT1�.�lt �t }'�LIJ' �drli��i c����en�e��ce. Ycau �vill tit�c� a link �t the hc�tt��rn �-�a`thjs �rrr�i] lo �?��� �ill� i�n�inc. "I'h�rrk ��c��a for yc�ur c��n�ir�u�c� s�pp�rt. :4in��rcly�, I���nti�el3r� Chat�r�cr of C'�,n�n�erc;�e �ncl lndustr�� �7��} �9�-2741(� 'I�� vic+��1'p�}� k��lls onlin�, �rlcasc L�I ��'.-�� ir�_�ot° Th�s errrad vr�� sani �an �eh�lf o� �+1ont�ce�la �hameer �ii CornrnercE and Ir�dus#ry by C�rcavrihZcrr�e. 4�,i7 Caunty+ �i4�d 77 td,sswa h1N 5r�.4�8.Ta un�u[�sCfibe cli�k. here If you h�ve quesia�ns 4f c,arrarrr�a�Ns concerni�ng IhiS �m�J �r GravrthZ�ne services ir� gertiera1. p+eas� contack ;�� by ern�i� at S�.�GG�7.r,�:,��;7 f�',4 � f1Z0�'1�. G:vm. ,��ulie Chen�yr Fn6m: �e�n� Subjec� i r�fa Ca�'+rr�� nti�el lcacci, cc� rr� Friday, S��t�mt�rer-0�, �0��} 1i}:3� A�+1 �nfii�� P��m�r�t �or�#9rrn�tipn "Yo�r onlrr�e p+�ymen# reqt��s# has �rt received by� Mn�ticell�� Ch�mher c�f Cc�mmer�e at,d lndustr}�. P�«�ment {'��nfirre�atinn N�m�: Ju��� Chene�� Co�npany: Mc�nli�:�ll�� �C.itv ��� '�'ransa�etioa Nu�lrer; C�����:3�fl�3 � L�st 4 �f Acct ]��mk�er: 87�69 Am�uunt: �iS.�Li f. _ _. _ ___ I iD�S��ipiion I�m(�) Paym�ent ior �n�+aice �#'i6�7 �M�nhoellrr Chamber LurrC#�. h1h�f�°Yt�f {Jifr1 Th�resl Gity of� $�5.�11]��1ass � — - �u►�ntity r�tal Amoun# 1 $15.s�� Gr�andT�tal: 515.�C�� `�his �tnai� ��as autornaticall}�� �,enerat�d. Fc�r ��aestic�ns ckr t�edt�a+ck, p1��e �on�a�t us at: 11���tice�[o C��mhe� vi Ce�mrn�rc� an�i lndt�str�y 21�5 F�ia�e Str�et P(:) �3ci�c I�� I�ic�n�ice�lc�. MI>] ����i� �7�3) �95-�70� r�tc��`r�:;rt�onti�cllucci.com htt�a:1`l�u�°v��.muntic�:�l���i.cotn J�lie +�heney Fm�n; Sent: To: S�rb�ect: Auta-Rec�ei�st <nc�r�payC mail.authoriFe.net> Friday, �eptemt�er 4, �Q�C] 10;3� �I+�II AP Transactir�n R���ipt From �Aonti�ello Charvtk��r �f Cammerce & Inc�u�tr� �or �15,�0 {US�j f}4�Cri�[ii��t: I}2i}'Yr��n[ Ei.rr ErSa«iCe �{rb[!r �A4��n[ItillC� ('itlt �ar� _ 4'h�n�f�r i.unch. f�7�nth�r f3iirti �l�haresl �1 �.�IOdCIa��.: :� In.�a,i�� T+Jum�r i [Y356e I Bil�in� Enfurrna#ian �teli� 'C'h�n�x Mantie4l�€� C'it�� c�f 36�J V�v°�Inui Mtr�t `;uitc 1 I"vlcanti�:Wl3cr.'vfT� 553�i2 f14 1{1fcJ'',4l.�tik�IStiCG�� �CI. nhri.41S ��7�_�.��-���� I}�icr'E�itaS�: I'r��action 11): _a P�;�mrn� Melhca�l: �I'ransacrinn 1�y��: 11b4�� C txle; �vkip}�in� lnfnrrn�lion 4�tit����21� R:3�:45 1'Ui (i23�2�3�U33 Visa xxxxl37f�9 Fvrchr�.c i113l1�5 hllonti�llo �harnber �af �ornrnerce 8� Indu�try Iv�vnkicell�, MN ��3�i2 lJ'� rr7�rcy� mor�licell�cci.eom 1 Tot�i: �1�.06(L��II} EDA: 10/14/20 4d. Consideration of approvin� a CY 2021 Contribution to the Initiative Foundation's Communitv and Economic Development Pro�rams in the amount of $2,390 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider a funding contribution to the Initiative Foundation (IF) for its annual fundraising campaign. The Initiative Foundation is again seeking contributions that will be applicable to and payable in calendar year 2021. The amount of the 2021 request is $2,390.00, the same as in 2020. The Initiative Foundation works with cities in support of community and economic vibrancy. The Initiative Foundation programs consist of a variety of loan and grant funds for community and economic development activities. As you will note in the funding request, the IF's grant funding contributions to communities and organizations in Wright County during the past few years has amounted to $2,565,825. Loan's provided to Wright County businesses, in a similar time frame, have totaled $4,823,429. Those loan dollars have helped secure 1,090 quality jobs. It should also be noted for every local dollar contributed to the IF's fundraising efforts, they are in turn able to invest an average of $3.77 back into the communities they serve in the form of loans grants and scholarships. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve a CY 2021 contribution to the Initiative Foundation's community and economic development programs efforts in the amount of $2,390. 2. Motion to deny approval of a CY 2021 contribution to the Initiative Foundation's community and economic development programs efforts in the amount of $2,390. 3. Motion to table consideration of a CY 2021 contribution to the Initiative Foundation's community and economic development programs efforts in the amount of $2,390. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. The Initiative Foundations grant and loan programs are good programs and often serve as a source of last resort for businesses and organizations pursuing community enhancement and sustainability objectives. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Initiative Foundation Letter dated 10-5-20 . �, . . ¢. � The Initiative Foundation is guided by its Board of Trustees and is supported and advised by a hast of regional partners and committee members: BOARD OF TRUSTEES Brett Anderson Sentry Bank Rick Bauerly Granite Equity Partners Jessica Bitz Falcon National Bank Charles Black Lance Central Lakes College Santo Cruz CentraCare Health Kim Ellingson Bremer Bank Terri Hoggarth Edward Jones, Little Falls David Monroy Monroy Law O�ce, PLLC Joe Nayquonabe Jr. Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures Julie Nelson Mayer, Porter & Nelson, LTD Tim Nelson Chief Deputy Isanti County Atty. Steve Shurts East Central Energy Traci Tapani Wyoming Machine Robbyn Wacker October 5, 2020 Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 505 Walnut St 5te 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Dear 1im Thares and Economic Development Council, For 34 years the Initiative Foundation has focused on buiiding strong local econamies and vibrant communities. In Wright County, we have contributed a total of $2,565,825 in grants to support nonprofit organizations and local government projects, as well as $4,823,429 in business loans to create and retain 1,090 quality jobs. City and county partners are vital to our ability to support business growth and the creation and retention of quality jobs in our region. We sincerely appreciate your past investment and hope to count on your continued support in 2021. We respectfully request that you consider allocating $2,390 to the Initiative Foundation in your 2021 budget. The Initiative Foundation's grant-making, lending and programmatic activities will continue to support for-profit business and nonprofit growth, empower new entrepreneurs, address workforce shortages, and increase access to quality child care for the region's workforce. The Foundation has historically generated a substantial return on the investment of supporters like you, as local contributions make it possible for us to leverage additional resources from sources outside Central Minnesota. Specifically, for every local dollar raised, we are able to invest an average of $3.77 back into the communities we serve through grants, loans and scholarships. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Foundation has moved quickly to aid our local economies through emergency grants, loans, and other resources. As we move beyond COVID-19, your support will continue to power our daily work, strengthening local economies and building thriving communities. St. Cloud State Universlty Please contact us if you have any questions or to request a presentation at an Kristi Westbrock upcoming meeting. We can present in-person or facilitate an online option if you Consolidated desire. If possible, after your 2021 budget is finalized, please let us know your Telecommunications Company decisian by signing and returning the enclosed confirmation form. Thank you for your consideration! All the best, � �" Matt Varilek President Carl Newbanks Grants and Development Manager The Initiative Foundation is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. The Foundation owns anQ manAges all financial contributions for the 6enefit of communities served in the 14-county region of Central Minnesota. Ir�i�tia�ivc ���ur��aticars � 4�1�5 �ir�t 5�t. SE � LittE� Falls, iVIiV 56�45 �(�77) a3Z-�255 � inf�� if�unc�.�;rg EDA Agenda: 10/14/20 5. Consideration of Approvin� Small Business Emer�encv Grant A�reements in the Amount of $5,000 to Finders Keepers Gift & Consi�nment; Asian Cafe Sushi Grill; All Four Kids LLC; IC Enterprises LLC dba Capitan Pancho Villa; Handle Bars Barbershop; Vivian N�uven, Inc. dba PS Nails; Hali J Desi�ns dba Classique Jewelrv; and Juniper Salon Spa, LLC. to Miti�ate COVID-19 Economic Impacts (JaT/JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to consider approving a seventh batch of application(s) to the Small Business Emergency Grant Program. The EDA approved the Small Business Emergency Grant Program and a funding source at its regular May 27, 2020 meeting. The Grant Program was set up with $100,000 as an initial emergency assistance fund, utilizing the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan program. The original emergency grant fund program was set up to provide a total of 20 grants in the amount of $5,000 each. Funding provided to the City of Monticello through the Federal Government's CARES Act also allows direct assistance to be provided to businesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic response efforts. The EDA took action at its July 22, 2020 meeting, authorizing an Interfund Loan to reimburse its GMEF account for all grants approved prior to July 22, 2020 (total of $85,000). The companion City Council CARES Act resolution, adopted on July 27, 2020, authorized the EDA to utilize up to $200,000 of CARES Act funding for its emergency grant assistance program, or a total of 40 grants in the amount of $5,000 each. Eight (8) new Grant Assistance applications were received for consideration. Please see the table below. Name of Business Tvpe of Business # of Emplovees Amount of Grant Finders Keepers Specialty Boutique 1* $5, 000 Asian Cafe Sushi Grill Restaurant 11 $5, 000 All Four Kids LLC Resale Store 6 $5, 000 IC Enterprises LLC Restaurant 6 $5, 000 Handle Bars Barbershop Hair Salon 3* $5, 000 Vivian Nguyen-PS Nails Nail Services 4 $5, 000 Classique Jewelry Retail Jewelry Store 3 $5, 000 Juniper Salon Spa, LLC. Hair Salon 3 $5, 000 * Employee numbers noted as not meeting the Grant Guidelines Staff have reviewed the applications (attached) for completeness and adherence to the program guidelines. A summary grant review evaluation spreadsheet is also included to help the EDA in its review and discussion at the meeting. Two of the applicants fall short of the required employee threshold as stated in the Grant Program Guidelines. Prior to the pandemic, Finders Keepers Gift & Consignment had 2 full- time and 3 part-time employees. Since March 2020, they reduced employment levels to only one full time employee. They have been a part of the Monticello community for 11.5 years. Also, Handle Bars Barbershop has 3 self-employed stylists rather than employees. One full- 1 EDA Agenda: 10/14/20 time employee was let go at the start of the pandemic due to the mandated closure of their business. Handle Bars financial summary information indicates they have experienced significant negative impacts and are currently on a pace to see full year 2020 gross review 55 percent below the 2019 total. The salon's commitment to serve the Monticello community and patrons over the past seven years and the proposed use of the grant funds for rent payments may merit approval. It is the EDA's prerogative to flex or waive adherence to the guidelines on a case by case basis. The EDA has already approved twenty-five (25) grants or $125,000 in total funding since the creation of the grant program. If the EDA approves the additional 8 grant requests, a program balance of $35,000 will remain; allowing seven (7) additional submittals to be considered. October 28, 2020 will be the final opportunity for CARES Act grant requests to be considered by the EDA. Unused grant funds will be reallocated by the City for other uses as allowed under the CARES Act. All CARES Act funding must be disbursed by mid November 2020. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in considering the grant request involves the work related to reviewing the applications and preparing the staff report for the EDA meeting. The EDA's legal counsel provided a grant agreement template which is also attached to the Staff Report. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering approving eight (8) Small Business Emergency Grants is in disbursing an additional amount of $40,000 from the Emergency Grant Assistance Program. If the EDA approves the eight (8) new grants in addition to the twenty-five (25) that were previously approved, the remaining fund balance would be $35,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and Finders Keepers Gift & Consignment; Asian Cafe Sushi Grill; All Four Kids LLC; IC Enterprises LLC dba Capitan Pancho Villa; Handle Bars Barbershop; Vivian Nguyen, Inc. dba PS Nails; Hali J Designs dba Classique Jewelry; and Juniper Salon Spa, LLC. in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 2. Motion to deny approval of Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and Finders Keepers Gift & Consignment; Asian Cafe Sushi Grill; All Four Kids LLC; IC Enterprises LLC dba Capitan Pancho Villa; Handle Bars Barbershop; Vivian Nguyen, Inc. dba PS Nails; Hali J Designs dba Classique Jewelry; and Juniper Salon Spa, LLC. in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 3. Motion to table consideration of approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and Finders Keepers Gift & Consignment; Asian Cafe Sushi Grill; All Four Kids LLC; IC Enterprises LLC dba Capitan Pancho Villa; Handle Bars Barbershop; Vivian Nguyen, Inc. dba PS Nails; Hali J Designs dba Classique Jewelry; and Juniper Salon Spa, LLC. in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 4. Motion of other. 2 EDA Agenda: 10/14/20 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. It should also be noted that if the grants are approved, they are not considered a"business subsidy" as defined in state statutes. The program guidelines require the grant recipients to provide a brief follow-up report back to the EDA describing how the funding was used. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Finders Keepers Gift & Consignment Application B. Asian Cafe Sushi Grill Application C. All Four Kids LLC Application D. IC Enterprises LLC dba Capitan Pancho Villa Application E. Handle Bars Barbershop Application F. Vivian Nguyen, Inc. dba PS Nails Application G. Hali J Designs dba Classique Jewelry H. Juniper Salon Spa, LLC I. Summary Grant Review-Evaluation Checklist 7. Grant Agreement Template K. Small Business Emergency Grant Program Guidelines i� � i I: 1 i 1 i _�� I�.�nt���ell� .•�`��'►�.��_. 1. CCIIVTA{CT [NF[]RMATION M�NTICELLQ EDA SMALL BUS�INESS EMER�EI�iCY GP�ANT APPLICATI�N L���dI I1�c3IT1C C)t F�U511�CSS: tJ� :5 � �.�L� �1 F� � �� �u �IC-� ��.i i`�'i �1(.� F ['rr�j��-t 5itc Adc� ress: !�P 'G ���r"� r' j . �, � �rk� �l� City i Stat� 1 Zip: � i� C'-�' i;� J�'�G' v� Ccmtac'# P��rs«n(s}: -� c . L�� �1� Fiusi�ess I'hoa�e:�� � -� `%'S�--��._�.�� Email: � I'hnnG � Ch�ek O�e: ]�T'rc��rir�tc�r CorE�c�r7ti�,n E'artnership Fedcxral [I� - 5tate I[� = I'roperty C]w•ner: °�GC{."7/4,��G `� �%v'�.�G � � rt . � T!_? �. eus�nt�ss irvFartn�A-r�a�v P�c�c�sc� attcrch additaonrsd doc:sr�enrsf�ag�s r�s �teedert to [�e com��[ete its pos����le. a. Ycars nf opc1rati«ri in 1�1c�nti�ellc3 Il �'�� �1�: ►� r� s ��. List t�� Io��� th�: numb�r c�f part tim� and fuli tim� empin��ces, Fnr �rr�rpa:scs of c�rrIrrrlafian, thc� tcrtti "crr���Poyees" rnrr� iraclir��'e Fhose str��ff r�rrrtrn�; or Ierrsir��; fric�ilitic�s a��i�lrin the Nivnti�c�l�o �ttsrncss iacr�tion. ['i-it7r tn Marr�h 15'", 2020 Ct�rrent 0 FT �. PT � FT i I�`T C� c. Give � t�ri�F sun�mar}� ot yo�.�r business (�rnci�cts, s�:r��ices� ��U�Arth Y�istc�ry, o�erztions, �umbGr c�f lacatic�ns, c��c.} ,� ��C � ,f—�,�(v °���iE� 5 ����'E,C' S �� �=i � c�`� �:� �CN� ��� 1'vi �" i�r�iZG� iN .,�,+t'� ��f�, ���-'�" �,i:�C_` ���,;'T7�r�� :�/� , ;,�z� .� t S �lDrt.Fii��•I/� rd•r`ru. � � �,!, - �� ��Y �i�I� rZ:l) �' u t G� `r ,�I �� ���, ,���<�� f /IUl���'�� ���:�Ir'l � � � �'� /J �'� /S �y (� ,[f ,[�' � ��j(,' U u-' � �//�'' � � � �� r� � �� ��j,`:��F,�.lt S,�{/� I Lt f�-f/V Lr� �JJ �N�l•��� 1 ��, �vt. G GG'G �� !• ��'� f I� f� � � /�k' t R J�l'2.t'_. 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I'rn��itie ir�fnrmation rt�garaing hn��r ycat�r c��ezatians have been impactc�d by t€�e �an�emic, s�ae�itic�lly ht�urs c�f n�eraticfn, �mpinti�ee redu�'tinns, etc. Inciude an�� strate�,i�s impl�mentec� to st�st�in y�oc�r t�usinc��s � �1u� �c �h'� �l�'; v I�]�IIvAHi� �N�'T���A�'; IC/�r�125 /T ��,�tJv7's if:;%�S� C3C%'�1 SlrCJ�ti�L: i-] �%V'C N- ES .`��Gl`�-' I�Fi�L 1�L�5/N� � S P�'/I�IJ T�f�C�I��%�lL�/ c�C�4S�t7 l 7]ff7"/'�H %�; �a�c�_� r�'� ����i 1A��'� �:� t'`�4^.:�-,� �� �r �/I3il]--f��'�, '� r ` ��%L� �G�57�`ii,nf �ICj %�Lr:a/N'f',�3 �rir s/� J� �f}�tJG�c7r�11� y G�i�S j=Ch TCr�.:ef � TC� �"Gr1�.� !t.% o TN ,►alr� �1ti,+t`y /1�� i�7�ti'.���i �1� ���c ��y/�!�% ;�. (`,����c. C � �S�'����D ��= �`C) P�r,S . :�aa � ..,%� � � ! r �.I� �C R.- W�ii � c: I.'� � r�l����' � �'+ 5 � �- •`� i� � �I ��n.',� �'1�� � � �- �� , . . G3�J �7�y' ��,:�c�jz� � 5�y�.r�+�:ti � S��A [..�~`r'�.<< i��:-_'�7 3c�c%, ra �f�-f' `�7.r�f ��c�Jpfil:Sr� �t�Ifrc� L'LCfS�� � ```' Gi:,1 i�.; ,,� � ��;,� �c:�.�;l+v'c=� �'.���'E°. " �E3�'� '�rC3 � ��AF�' � �` fZs CC �' ���4 ��5 �,��=�f'.Gl� i�� is -�r� r -r�o C;�",� i"� r r� �7ct�'�NC� �i5 �1 �'� G��' o"'G�c�L►c. C�c J � ��� r c��►� f�EaC �� �'�L�r�ST�f���;�5 �� � ��'E ;� ,�-�� c.1�.' fF� w'rTs-r E7�ir��.l� /f�G� j�, GI � l`�' � � ,SL C f :: C. � r � � � � � „ - � ) 9" ' C�LG�eC If+.+ef% 7C � 5�! I�.' �.+ I� .�i�N� /�r fl TIi17G �t'�y.� �c.r'��/�ru� iZ �-.s.NFc�7�' Ct��.��R►C�i , , �rc, t �.c,€� }r-ts+�z c'ccrL >�Sjtl�i�r� �rfc�r- � .N c- C]y- " C �. Dcscrib� a.f #11� ���rretzt p�arts for resurnir�g operatic�ns fc��I�na�ir7g thc C�VID-19 �i�isis. �I]t� ,;t[�1�'I� , ['G��," � /IY'ClG � � f�i�� !�� %��r��] /�'/�:'T%.�1�'I{�S �tiL7 �! �v � r � � �� �''/�IL �'{�tl►' ci� c� G ,�ffi'ND �111��`J�• �l� ���c'�� %� �'f./I� �rZi. �� . �`�r��c��'� I� f'r�"l� � '� f',�E�IIv C; p�G{f� C'cr 5iCf11�"'!Ls ��` '� ���'�]I�j Il j f��� � C3��� c7r= ;+'-1-�N1� GI►"`T�• /-�% �5f�5 ��y . _- , • 5�3f.�i r1 �ju�si.c� � a �� �� c: n ��� •3 /� [� �GO�- � c4'rI,/� � t- 7��C'� � �ar�I%I�� �� � � ,� ` �r''� f�` �h'�ir.� � c�rrrr�'�� � ��.�c �c� r'.Si�� �%ti°c� 2 � c'G� r�. C'C f 5�i� i�71 S 7�J �'- �3 � � c� �p, i G�"'G�ILfL'�7c ��F��t�T /I��j I�f.�iLi T� I/ �� r �7�'s�ll��' C�'� � G�; �/I S cr fJ 5� 2'f �`j, ��lG"l.-�'fff/fti��J�UC :�.� I`' � � � r ri� j"��� Ifi �L C4%,�`��n/�"�•'f�� /17f £ � �9 �l ti`�i/3L G �.�`'i / l�TTG.C.S� �"ivJ� / %� � iY1��': �aL� F�IN. � � G c� cj C� 5 f� ��/�v'l�cf's' ��fJc"s . Cc� �fc� 1���� �`�' Tr5'C r�u'C'c�fz �G` Ff'�'f"7 r H� �:�3L�: CF �ii`�:/�' 1 �� �. � -r�nw'�, �',��� � ,� �.� i�,�� ,.,� � �C�s��:��L �`,�� t����� ����'��'� 5'. `' �'i�ia��- � � � �= "�%�I�l�lL'r� �j%Cc'r !� �' ��1�%Cj ��%r'C.�v//��/4F'J/�iG. u�_ �� � �. �RA�vT rt�Qu�sT ��� �'IiTlDLIT�I� jZLC�l.3L-'S��-C�: � r 4/ . �L''� 4. FINAIVCING 1'Ic�ase pr«�•i�e documcnksl����dencc of other sourc:.�Ys oF statc or federal funds your busir�c�ss has b��n atirarded ❑r dcnied during the CC�VID pandcmi�, as applicablc, includi�g �cc�r�omic lnjur�' f��nc�s, PPi', etc. 5. ATTACHiVIENTS CHECK LIST I'lease attaeh the fe�l]«�ving: ✓ A) I'rt�c�F of address ��j r�� i4�w�tce t�c LC �� �r �cl F�;�� _ I3} Financial statements, scuh as: • Pre��ious year's annu��l grass rc���nu� • Avera�e m�nth�y �r«ss re�enue prior to CQVID-T9 � Prc�ject�d monthly grcass reWenu� for th� next three mnnihs I'�EA5E D[] IVOT SUFii�'IIT �11'�]ANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHEIZ 5[..]I31�'fiT � SUPVII'viARY C�F THE INF�7RVIATIQN REQLI�STED. � C) f'roof nf expenses kc� be p�id +r►� -�-�f�. ��,�y rati =.. ��s :� t! C m� '��.� �: C: r��:�'.s�] F�� �� D} Awardjdenial �ettcrs — State and F�d�ral Assist�nce I'rograrns C(S �F��, CC�1+�` b. AGI�EEMEhiT 1 � W� rertify tl�tai all in#orm�tic�n pravicicd in th�s appiicatic�n is true and crarrict k� the best �f my/c�ur knov�°lcdge. I ��'Vc authorize thi Monticclln EDA to ����rify financi�l and �thcr informatian. I � We a�;rcc t� pr[��idc an�� additic�na� information as may be rc:quested by the city. The un�crsi�,�ied has rcce�ved the EDA's policy rcgarding khe pragrarn and ce�rnplies ��ith all eli�ibility requirements. Further, thc applicant undc�rstands that funds ��re awardcd on a First-�c�mc first scrvcd basis. / � , APPLICANT SICNATUf2E [..� L/r:tr C �''C����, AI'�'LIC�N°T' NAIVIF �PrintJ: _ C���/���- �,;'VrV�L DAT�: �•�� �G%.'�� T�ie EDA is ��nr�eri��heatt�e! e�ttity c�rrrf r�s suciz mrast �rro�icfe prr#��ic access ta puiilic ctata it receives. DILtR �EL'piZCCi i�Jtf A��71LCLi1i� {�p �7P it{7il�7t�iltiC (�R�ti IT]tl��Y S�RtC Ia2U SIIUt{f� �7C SC7 ltC51g1tla�EL� UY it1Cli'�{E[{ (�� �lpJalrcrestt. 5ee IVliarxcsotra Stutactes, Sectioits Y3S91, Srsf�r[. 7 aard 2. , � (7'63] 2�5-271'1 cir� Q� -��.. '�, � ,a^`,� � � � �� u ar�- . m � �R. Pr� G't' C' � ,�t' �} �'� ::;� JAMES $t Cf-tERY� 4"J�LFF Rate changes for garaagelrecyc9ing and stormwater, preuiouslp scheduled 3ar June S, are insauued c�,� Ehis statern�nt_ 7he city fee schedule rnay b� viewed at: wwu�.ci.manticello.mn.uslordinancss uSAG� FfIS�'DRY ; Pric�r Carus � � �2!]I,fY,�nt C4u pvn PLEASE RETL'Rti 7H15 PDRT1Qti a�Uti[i 1i E"iki Y`C7L:R P:�� �fi:LT PLE.�SE �iAKE Gi-IECK P:°�5:1E3i.L• �[] Cf'iY OF hllO�ITlC�LLO ACCDUNT: � SERV�CEAD�RE55: 21fi?!�E S�f SERVICE ��RIC7D: $1112Q2Q to 8?3�+2G�� 81L1I1�G DATE: 913J2�2� DilE DRT�: 1UI11202U JAMES & �HERYL WOLFF P� BQX � 15 M{]NTI�EL��, M�J 55362 Acc�unt 5tat�mer�t ■ ■- a ACCOl1NT. - SEf�UiC� 1�D�3RES5: 216 p�NE S� S�RVEC� PERIpD: 8i11202D to 8J3112f}20 �I�LI�IG �A7�� 913i2020 bllE DATE: t0111�i17i� M�i`EH ftrADiNG Pre�lflus rtieadEng Curcent Reatling S�� a�❑ 7ase r�eao�Rg ;,ais �ead�ng Gbns - g� ti 1�62�7 ed 132 8i� r202D .t4880 749 Blvi��2� v5�c8 3 ".2�2� '�b2`8 7�9 WATER - CC�,IMERCIAL 7.1 C} 1NATF� - S�AT� C�?NNFC?I�N FEF O.$i 1NATER SPR - C�MIMOI�iFi#�Y 7.1 D SEbVGR - CONtMERGIRL 9.18 WATER TA� C]�1 �f �C7°o ^ .04 STURPJIWATER r N�N-�E51QEhTFI�� ��_�30 iQiAL CLIRRENT GHAitGES 39.�3 r��V:u..� 3.�Lr'i`JCF 28.11 PRl'h]��i"S REi,�IVE� -28.i1 A[?JUSTMENTS [7.0� A�]DETIDIVAL SILI.i:VG O,Qf3 CCiRRE^�T CF�ARG�S 39.23 TQTA� AMQL�Ni DUE 39.23 TQTAL ANIQUAlT DU� BY 1�1112020 39.23 . . . ��".11' pAY".1�!�T TO: City nf Mont��e+lo 505 Wa�nut St., Ste. #1 Monticelia, MN 55362 �� f��:�j���' � C`''�FT �� C���,' �,+C �hlr'r7�� � i ,��,�L�� � � ��/�/�L .� N��% � .�?�;�J�_. �_ j�r], � C�C7. �� � f�=�= (i � � �. � � , .�, rU���' �� =;� �� � :� � � ������. ��� � �� JF j� ,. 1 C��.r� ��9, J�� �'�'i�C�'T�f �,% ����C" i'`"� r.�r,. A � �� �L' . . � � ,� i��C'��'r��s �`�� � � 1��,�G._�r� �a�,r] � �kr � �`..+ I�;� i Y� �'"�� ; , ��-�- , .. � r �a ����lvLJ ����iV ;�',� , ,� �r I/ ,�.�Lt. ��� �t�r�.� S'�.-' � J�. � � G�� � �� � � � _nvel�ope 9�1� SBA I.nan Y- �- � � •� � �'j' � h��. - � c Eronca�mc injusyr i?is�.st4�r Losn LI.S. Smali Susu�ess Ad�istratin� LQAN UTH(]R�ZATIC3N D AGREEMENT I3ate: {}5.25.�U2fl [�fi'ectivr oarc) fy/ i Agpii�atinrt � �n the abo�" ' his Administi�tiotl (Si3,F�) �uthQnz+ed (u�ader 5e�€iort "l(b]� of tiie S�na[l E3usiness Act, as amended) a L�an (5HA Loan tu C'lNI]ERS iiCEEP1ER5 Gi�"i' & GaNSiGNM�NT {Sormwer} r,f 2 4G Pine Stre�t Mr�nticello Minrresaia 55�f�� �� th�: ariynunt of se►+en [housand three hu�+dred and QUl10U iJollars (�7,3f3i3.Ot1), upon the fallc�wi�g cfltx�itiutas: k�7:�'i�i��►.� • [nstaiim�ttt payments, including princi}sal and int�;rest, nf S36_(� Ma , r�i! begin T el l �['om thc t�axe of the promissary �ate. The balance nf prtncipal and it�terest v�i�� b� paysb�e �#' ir 0 rears from the date �C the promissory IUate. j�iTEREST r �n�rest will accrue at. the r�te of 3,T�% per annum and will accru�e only t�n funds acivaity aaVanced fr�r� ihe date(s) of ��:h adva�rce. PA MEn� '� !� � Ea�h psymcnt will be a�plicd fisst t+[> int�est acc�ueci z� the date oF eec�ipt vf cach payment, and t4te balance> ii a�y, �vilE be a�apiied to prirsc��al. • Each payme�t wi1� 13e rnade when due eveA if at t�at ti�nc ihe fuil amourst c�f the Loae k�as nnt yet 1�een adv�rtced or �c autho�d amtaun� �f thc L�an has bccn rcduced ��:��':11 Fvr luau amvunts �f ,�'eater than '�25,0{)U, X3orruwer �Serek�y grants to SBA� tlte seCur� �Y[y her�dei, s �vntinu'tng secu�ity interest in a�d to any and �ll "Ca�latcrat" as describcd h�;rein t� sc�eurc paymcnt and performance ❑f a�i debts, iiabilitie9 and abligahon5 af $a�DwCT tU SBA �e[�U�ii��C ��tt�to�t �tC!?tt8tlQlf, i#�clud�Tlg but nat 1'smitc:ci to all snte•_�. nther £"ec� and exp�nses {al; ir�.rcinaficr call�.�c4 "+Ob�i�ativ�s"'). Tlse +�ajlateral inctu�3es the tatlr,w�ng pr���ertY F'�at Scsrrower now awns r�r :�a11 acc�uir�: a� create isnrrrediately upon the acquisition or creation thereo�: aIi tangi�le and intangibie �ersorta] prnperty, inc�uding, 6►�# r�nt iimicecf to: {a) inventory, [bJ �uipment, (c} insWments, inciuding pr�missory notes (d) chatte� paper, incluc�ing tan�ihlc chattel pa�er �d c�ectrnnic �hattel paper, (e} dncumen#s, (f} Ictter vf crectit rights, (g) ac:cvuncs, inctuding healt��care isasur�ce recei�abics and credst eard recei�ahles, f�} deposit ac�u�ts, (i} cc�mmmercial xorc ctaims, (�j genera� izttar►gibles, includin� payment intan�ibles and sa#tw�r� aa�d ('k} as-extsactcd caliateral as suct� tenns may frorn ttt�e to ti�e iDc [ie�c�ed i� the li�►ifaam Cor�unercial Cade. '['� seeurity interes# ��rt'nw+��s �rants inc}udes al] a���essions, att�ch�ents, accc;ssvric•s, l�arts, supplies snd replacensents for t1�c Caliateral, a�l produ�s, pt'c7c�s and �c�iie�;t'sor�s thcrevf and a�l recards and data relatin� th�eretc�. • Far ��an a�taunts of 5�5,[)OU ar lcss, SBA is nvt taku�g a security in#cr+est in any enllateral. Pagc 2 csf 1 l c�, r c 7 r MC)11iTIC�LL� EDA � � ��Q����� � S1�vIALL BUSIP�E5S EMEIi,G�NCY GRA1'�T AP�'LICATIat\i 1. C�NTACT I1�IFQRMt�TIpN L�gal Itilame of Business: hl � r�lfl �C����'41•��► '�tY � 1�� Prc�ject Site Address: � 1 �-i City /5ta#e � Lip: 1�QYi�1{'#;�,'�Q ti n� � M� ss���� Cnntacf Pers�n(sj: ,�'�'C1 �i1 2�'1C�►�c) � �::rr'�`� �, i3usine4s PhE�ne; !�� �"��� ` 1.��� Cl Email: Humi Phone: Check �7nt: I'r�}pri�:lt�z° X Cor�nratint� P�rtnership ��tclt:r7l iD � �izzt�: ID = Prc�perty ��Fnet: � iXY� C hwY'� Z�ar�`� 2. B[JSINESS INF�RMATIOhI F�Ieuse attaclr add:tia�r��I c�acrraneiitslp�ges c�s r:eeder� to Ue co�rt�ate�e as �ossi6Te. a_ Years nf operation in Mnntie�lln �-�} ���U'r'S � I�. Li�t beiaw the numb�r �f part time anci full iime emplo}�ees. Fnr��arr-�nses nf �r�lcr�frafarn�, tFic� tcrrr� "crrr�v�n��ees"' i1lf[IJ d1lCdtdG�C �'�POSL' StRJFf Yi•rrtirr�* r�r ferrsiir�r j�e-tlittzs u�ath��t tltc Mr�►aticc![c� Utrsrricss l�crriiaii. '�PiUt tC) M�iC}l � �J�h, 2Q20 Curren� 0 �T 4 PT �� FT � PT � c. Give a brief summ�ry vf your business (produ�ts, ser�ices, growth histQry, operation:s, number nf lacatinns, et�.} ��'��a.v�r�n�'� �hc��- Serv�� �ova� G�t� �3�ver���es �. � 9 d. Pro��ide infor�nation regarding,haw your operatians ha�e been irnpacted by the pandemic, specifieafly hours of operation, �mplc�yee reductions, etc. Include any strategies implem�nt�d ta sustain �our business �5 Q� M.r�t-t.h I� ..�o.�-v �J� ���s�� t°� 7 aV��kS. �� ��n an l�.r�.�� � ����a -�r -�-� �o o���rs C�r�l�. Dur�n� l�u�� -�1�rG ��u�q�as� �-h� � ��e� ��.�rar�# �V�s a ��1 =3c� ��u�S ��SS ��-h�en ����'r� Cal�'►� �-I� . � � �urY�n�l -�-,h� ��'s�-aur��� i s ���� `�.. h�'�� 1 �SS �-�h � �1 �+ ����r� e �o � � [� ��— � Q . e. C]�s�ri}ae of the eurreni plans Fe�r resuming a�erations #ollowing the C�VID-i9 crisis. �urr�ev��r� UU� Ch�r£ �;��� �'�1C�. Q1.'�� �ti`�i� W'�� Wcaulo�i �; I�@ -�� Q��.n �tir C�,n� —�4'1 �n C7��a�er vu � �h � s ;�� ��pv�c � �y� - z 3, GRANT IZEQUEST Amount Requ�:stec�: $ �����' 4. FINANCIlti1'G Pl�ase �ro�ide do�:umer�tslevi�i�nce of other sources �f state c�r federaf funds your business has be�y�t awa3�ded r�r denied c�uring the C�VID pandemic, as applicable, including E�onnrnic Injuiy funds, PP3', ete. AT`�'ACHMEIVTS CHECK LIST Pleas� attach kh� follov��ing: A7 Praof of ac�dr��ss S) Financi�l stat�ments, surh as: • Pre��inus year's annual �rass re��enue A��erage mr�nthly gross re�venue pric�r t� C�VID-19 Prajeeted mc�nt�lly gross revenixc fc�r the nExt thr�e r9-�anths PLEASE D� N�T SUSiVIIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMAR�' C�F THE INF�DRMATIOI'�i I2EQL]ESTED. C) Proof of expenses to be �aaid Dj A�vardldeniai leitc�rs — State and ��cleral Assistance F'rograms G. AG�EEMEIVT I 1�� �'��'tify that all infc�rmatinn provided in this �pplE�ation is true and c�rrect to the best of mylottt' kn�wFlec�ge. I f W� �uthc�rize th� Monticello EIJA to veriFy finan�ial and c�#her inform�tion. I � We agree tv pro�i�e any additic�nal infc�rmation as may be requested by th� city�. The undersigned has recEi�red the EDA's �c�lic�r rega��ding the program and complies w�t11 ail eli�ibility r�quirements. Further, the ap}ali�ant underst�nds that Fun�is are a�a�ard�d on a first-cc�m� first s�rved basis. APPLICANT SIGNATU�.E � �%�, � C� API'LICAI�IT NAME (Printj: �� � �i'�� �l—� � �� � �!�� �` L?ATE: `� t ry -� `-I-- �,-.� ��� Ti2e EDA is r� gvve�riine�rtc�1 ea�tit� aiad as s:rcir �rrust provide p�ti�lic access to �acb�ic dRtu it r�eceix�es. Duta de�ir�ec�'U� Ap�rtirar:f to �ue �rorr�ubdic d,�tR ur:dcr Stute [az�� sl�vuld �� sa drsr'g�rRted ar sa�nrked [�y A,��1icr�:it. See Mirrrresota Stutrites, 5ectia�zs 1,�.59T, Su�d. 1 r�rr� 2. +�en�er�irr� ���� Cente r P4 � nt E nergy. cam Gas Feak or sr�tergency Leave immediately, then call $DQ-296-9845, 2� haurs a �ay Your usage in a glance G1J&V4MER ASIAN CAFE SERVICE AODRESS 514 Pine 5�, Montucello, MN 553fi2-85T� �.�as �. rs 891 . 57 � 59d � 3B �� �s r�� +�n� � a ns o roo � F r� �� �a��,��� �c�� ��g�� A�1TC3�AY �F�TE apr 08, �QZi1 s��uNc nare AMDUNT QUE S 881.82 Mar 11, zazo Custamer serviee Cail befors yvu di� Commee�t� 61 c'-321 �939 or $4Q-245-2377 C2l4 8� 1 Pa Bvx 414d �landay • Fnday, 7 am - 7 pm 24 Faaurs a day Minn�apolis, M�f 554�4�]-114d AGGOUMT SGMl1AAR'!( Prev�ious gas amount due � 74�.6T Payment Mar 10, 2020 Thank you! -140.67 Gurrent gas charges_foetai[s on �age Z] __ — -- - + 681.8� DO HOT PAY - Tolal amaunt due tn be drafted S 681.8�' �`�"'�'� ; ��0 `"� �'"� `'�''� � Y�ur account fs ready to vfew �tow. Register for free or�linff account aecess. View b�lanee, usage history, u�e _ ' mart►r Qem �ra��ure , 1 ar o ��t mnn�, 'r�ro mor+th �ake an anline payment, wiew r�pmmendatior�s for saving ener�y and rrwney with My Ener�y Analpzer, rola� Tt�erms used Yi9a �t29 t[�a7 ard mucEr mcare. Register at CenierPaintEner�gy.cvrr�myecarunt. Ayerdge daitygas use{ThermS] a0.e 3T.fi 34. t Average daily temperature 11 21 25 m bilin 29 3i3 31 ia6etter �nds�rsiand yaurhwne energy usage and ieam en�r9Y SaVrr�gs �ps, vrsrt GernserPoinTFneryiy.carn�mYe+�ilY��l� How to pay yaur bill � f]nfine Visd: Cer+te�'antEnergy.ccxn��pay6illPay irnmediatefy, scheduie a payment r� set up autorraa6c mo�Ehly paymenls. P4ase ksep fh�s p4rhon for yCur eecpds. �en�erP�vinr. E►�e�y Phone - CaN 512-321 �839 and make a paymeni using yo�r �heckmg w sa�ngs account, nr hy da6it or credA card. flDOa8968 01 AV D.38 T ASiAfJ CRF� 514 !'lhtE ST MOIVTICEttD, M6N 55382-857p I���IIi�i�����i�illil�rlii�ilrn��I,R���riii����ri�i���i,i.�,��i I76��2E1828893? onoao� in persan To fmd a payment locatir�n, visit: CeRlBr�tainlEr�eryy.COFf�Ip3ytlifF ar eall s9z-�a��sas. Mail To ma�� a paymeni, send to: P(? Box 467 i N«,��, rx n2�a-0s�1 Accau�vr r�u�+e�R - �ti_ �_..�,.�.�. �.. .� _ ..s _..,r.. .: . , Was �rour AutoPay bank � AUTDPAY DAiE Rpr �p8, 2020 5 accaunt changed? See farm on ba�k of skub. � AMCaLJI�T DL1E S 681.82 � � �-_ � =--�-�_�.--r =�-� _.-L_r-r � .��-.�� Yvur f�ill is schedufed lo be pald autdmafically by bank draft on 4t�e due date Rpr Q8, 2020. Ynur bank draft is set u far: 0�72�OOf]11J6286Cl082[]Q�D0068Z820❑O�OD6818C70 a T�l�il� �"" '�1� F�nos �R?J0.43-0! 46:Off:pD AM 7'0 �U2p-08 31 �36:QfY:� �kM �* �� s x��.e Ma�iiv Sarlr Ta�l 5 8.584 15 Diso�n4t ToW �, 7G5.23 Lkda D►scvuat f 'Sb 33 te� �a��o�� s o om + Item C7utttr S U. (10 Item �-siride torsl � '.315.83 GiR C�,td Aposit S 350.IXJ x�r ��a� s �,��a�s ' r� ru s i4.sas s� �; 5 8a.ss� ;_ i,���t�� s;- :� Gifr�'ard Lic�ni -5 1.]d� 1� Gnaed T'otal S 2B7,131,?� Orrirr [h srg�c 5 1 � -; Tot�l Tips 5 13.bs' : ` Cash +�_'. -- Cre,iit C �u : :�.�5� _� Lait C'ari 5 =- :�- �ccourtt Receti•abEe 5 74i,79t.33 # of Urcltaz ':p{� [] � �G � —�o�o t� � — 3 � � �a �.o �ratn � � '�l.)ICi �% � �� , — - — a--i Q8�341�E� UrdeMr Ty� � Haur � A rea � Attendance Rscord Include ardtr peta��s Paid Qut Eletai� �ast Clack In F3�Ifi[ �Pf7j�lj� '��7fl�'SFN Pa�e Faater I�t�ls �pvrt �� 2419-03-01 Ob:IX1-�1 AM To 2019•-0� 31 U6:(iLk:(14 AM c� s�. � �s�� Ddad�if} 5alt Tt►tid S 1'.97,�, x7 �ii�caunt 1'ot�l -g 3.308.7$ (kdesT]lscaunt 3 3.30� �B i�����t s �.�� Item Charss � �. qQ Irem Orenide Tat�el -5 Q(i4. t11 Gi�t Card Depasit 5 ' .4 �6 "; Gifi Card I]I[srnunt -5 '_� [)0 'krt Sales 5 �7,�1i�.'75 3'aW Tu 5 '8.9 `' �8 �.� s _-.s-? st I�aua4a_� � 1,��{ �_ Git� C'ard L�cci -5 _'.���i_��t� C.ranck Tot�l S �14,'�Dl.� Urder Clta�ge C �:� '�•�� ror�l T��s : ,_, .e;�� �crmint Recsin-sble S t11,_Dit.S� # af Q�clers 11:�: �dirrDisr4ut�t L,o�s 5 �'_.11 Tora3 Zi►id � 1.$L�� �1 . Fran � � Tes � Cird� �►� ' Fiour � Ar+ea ' D �—� I �oi� L�- �� -�-°i�l Att@11d7�4C# ��1' Inclwde +Drder Det; Paid �?ut �etaii L�ast Clack tn Print Empt� 5pr+er� Rage Fvoter ( iTY OF � �onticell� 1. CdNTAC'T INF��MATiUN r�o�vTYc�LLo E�A SMALL �USINESS El�'IEIiGEN�'� GRANT APPLICATI(]N Legal Name af Business; �� P ��� �i�'�,s _�. Proje�t Sife Address: �� ��'—`�" �7�i ,. W City 1 State 1 Zip: �� �� CP Cantact Persor�(s}: ��.-��� �.� � �3e�sancsti 1'honc�: ��� �`t��12 `� T�rzit�il: I-ic�z�ze Phc�ne: r Check C�ne: � ��� �„ ,,� ,, Corparation Partnership Federal ID = State IC� u Pr�perty �vvner: ��=�Y r u�.�-�--- 2� gUSI1�ESS II�FO►RMATI[7N �'lease attarh addrtr'anad documen�slp�ges u� r�eeded to be cnmp[ete �s pnssib�e. a. Years of Qperatian in Monticell� �� ^ b. List below tf�e numt�er vf part time and full time emplvyee�, FQr purposes o�calcuiation, th� �erm "em�iny�es" rnay incIuc�e those 5#aff rer��in� or leastng faeiIzties within t�re Mor�iicelT� busine�s lncafion. P�ivr tv Marel i 15"', 202f} FT � F'T �,� Current FT �� PT �� � e. Gi�e a brief sumrnary Qf your business (praducts, services, graw#h hist�ry, operations, number of lpcat�ans, etc.] _ rC' - � A,�„ ,�i;; �t�G"� '�s�-- � � �� `" � �i1 `-�I �' �� '--� � � �,(� S �-� �r�-� �� 1� �i� ar�- ��r'� � � �y- v, �G� �'t. �S .,� . ,� ,� i1�'�c���.`�cr�'� � d � ������� � � �'�;-�--1, _ ���w-a �.(,� � �]C.�'u �`7 . ji`U-�- �'i(�-�`� r'1�r►'�' � �"s- "�',,s,y� �..�- 1 � ���� �����U t �` �� � � ��'_ �4°�ce�' �f����� � ,+��' �-�P '�� `� c��s � r-� . i � �'''�� f�t.2 �'�" - � 1�`i � � ���� � d � d. Pra�ide information regarding hpw your operations have �een imp��ted by the pande�nic, speeifically haurs of aperai�o�, employee reduciians, etc. �z2Clud� any strategies irnplement�d to sustai vur business ��. �� ,�%� � ��i s .� D� r� � ��� . � �a� � � . � r�-�i �'� � �V� �G� �Lf C� C�►,� r fl �G`- �- �� � � � � ' � � � � ,-,��s � � ��1� U�.t. � �V�+ �'� � �' .. � � ' � �j ����� � � �� ,,r���— ��--�d :se�- � �- l�- c� �-, 6�!``- ��"'i � c��7 � �,t.,f.,�- ��--,��- r� � � �'�' . . � . p x"1 � L` �G�,S fS . W�.- �u-E�- Gi f'1.� tc.� '�';1� �� �, J ,� � � Sh� cv�-�'� n v� ��-- � ��. W� `w �- � �, � �, Q� � S j �;-��� �� �3tC� �G�� � �, ��G�-- � � � �L � ,���c� ou.�� r��u�U� � n�'��r��y 1 f � 1 ,�t � �I11`L �G��TO �D`a-c.'� G(.�-rY�J �c.r- �.Lc.;=k•c'� liS�t�`" ����`.�i`,'.. e. D�es�ri�e oF the rurrent plaris for resuming ope�at�ans fc�llawing the C�VID-19 crisi5. "�} �7zir'{(� Gi. � ��� •���� � �� �� n C,�,, r� ��'`''`� ` �' � �i��u�i f�ti� �.r-�t � --�; �Ii� --� � -��-- ,1� ,y� � . �'� h � r'L�� �� � �;� v' r,�`i-� �'�a�``/ � �a� ��� �� y . � � � �� � � , r c� G�,1 ��,�-- ,� ��£.� �as +� � � �. r �.S � D�f rl _ �� � � �, � ��. -� ��. � �-. � � �� ,�,��,--� � � `� � 3. GRANT REQUEST Amaunt Requested: $ �� � _ FIN'ANCING Please pra�vide d��unrtentsle�idence a# athez sour�es of state or #ederal funds your business has been awarded or denied during the C�VID pat�demic, as applicable, including EConvrz�ic Injury funds, PPP, eie. ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Pleas� attach the follawing: � A} Praof of ad�iress B) Financial statements, su�h as: Previaus year's arutual gross revenu� Average rnonthly gross revenue prior to CQVID-�9 Prpjected monthly grr�ss re�enue f�r the next three a�c�onths PLEASE I]p Nt7T SL.TBMIT FIIVANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUSMIT A SUMMARY C�F THE II�IF�RMATIQN RE(7UESTED. ✓ C} Proof of expenses to be p�i� � D) Awardldenial letters — State an� Federal �.ssisiance Pxograms AGREEM�NT I J We eertify that ail infoz°mation pror�i�ied in ihis ap�lication is tr�te and �Qzrect to the best of rnyjaur knvwledge. I 1 Vl�e autharize the Mt�nti�ello EDA to verify �ina_n.cial and ather infarrna�ipn. I 1 We agree �a prowide any addi�i�nal informa�ion as may be request�d by the city. The undersigczed has reeei�ed the EDA's policy regardia�t� th� pr�gram and complies wzth ali eli�ibiiity req,uirements. Further, the applz�ant understands that funds are awarded an a First-��rne firsk served basis. API'LTCANT SIGNATURE APPLTCANT P�AME (Print}_ �S c � +� �CS�� _ DATE: q/ fI �� �te ED,A1 is u governmentai entity arzd cas such must provide pub2ic access ta puhIic dAtu it receives. Uatc� deemed by Applicarat tv he rtvtrpublic data under State Iazv shou�d �ae so designated or marked by Appticartt. 5ee Marartescrta Statutes, Section$ 13.59T, Suf�d. 1� artr� 2. ` .. x �f` ���V�� � � � �' 1 ` 1 ,�7 �� � 1, // � �� � V ��� � � ���� � ��+ l� � �� � ������� �� � �lhf�U�.+'�.`� � � � t ��.J � �- -�'(` �'�%`� �� ' " �� ���� r�� �� '� S �' � . � VW�� �� J i�rt � �� . � � . � �� � ��� � �� �� ��� � , , � � �cty,��� � � u� ! v£ �- ��-�c� J,,�� .►� �c. ���� ��� � ` j ,��/ � _ • � �F d' � ` t/� � '�' �� � � ,� ��`'4'�'''-v 1 `� ,(-�-��'.� -�� � �' .`� �,. �� �� � fl � -�� � � �`v �.C.u-L��-- --��" '`�� �l� �I] ; . � �•, . �'( LC�', ,C',+.� } y�- ��v� r�- �V'��'w� �` �� ��� � r � - �.� �� �� ���. .�.;� ��, �r� ��. � L `�, �'�.�•' � , _ � ..� �� S�J, t�`�c�c� � � ��,(� v� �U '�,�,t. ' , �- � � - �,�- � � • ,J ��; ���f'jn�=- �. [U,�.f � ��� � ��� � ���r � rn �� r~ ov o n a ~ u�s m�r � v cn ao o� m ui �r'r O� o^� oa m� �.� tr� o tn --�: m N ".:!"� 00 l!7 te"� fi"1 et "� --- N � '- [r7 N N i"�p i/'i i!� i.1'} N � � � � ❑ Q � � Q N "� � � 7. T e' +n N � ..� � a"' � � d � � � � C � � ro �n � � O �/1 V � a D a.+ � v,� X �.� +�+ � � � � Z � �' � � � C71 Q� L3'1 Q lD O G3 lfl � o �..o 0 o rr o a �n r+ n-i �; r� o ao ca o �ri m r�', r-,, r• v� et u� vT rv C� lf1 r'+'7 c/� r-I i!} M � N "'� R'V N ,N i,!} t/} tf} r-I fs'1 T � Q C � a � � � +' � cu � Q [-i � � � 'L Cl� cn � V1 .i} ❑- m N C pJ � v� Q � � � � za � V� y � � in t,.y � [9 °?J �O +� y � ,� x � � +� cJl L7 [jC O Z L7 H�[C H Ql �� C? +T C7 Q �=7• ti} �D C.�. C� �I7 p 4 O C� �R �1'7 p�--I p O O C+1 � r`J i!F OG7 i.J� '�J� iJ? �� ri �} •.,'� pC] - ; pQ I` '__ 1i '_. I`� r-I ti--1 r-I i.l`F ii} i1'f � �"' L7_ � � Q d � � Q � N � � a � N Vy � � v � � � � � N in � � O N L_i � C6 '� O i.+ N�,� yt �� a� trroi [� c� C] � C7 �- F-- d� H � � � m �- rn ai � a Q1 ; 7 M f'+] �`:' O'1 M ��`_�;�. N fV N i/? i!�- us �� o v� �- �r ui r. i ni N � � N tf1 rl N N i.1 � i.lT Ai14Kids LL+C From: Jennifer Ehresmann- Sent: Tuescfay, Apri9 14, 2020 3:54 PM Ta: 5u6ject: SBA PPP Fiella Jessita, C�tGU is prvud tv haue been abEe tv assist yvu in obiaining yaur SBA Paycheck Prvtectivn Pragram foar�. You wilP be receiying Evan documer�ts to exeeute via DocuSign, please re►�iew the required use of the laan funds �nd eleetrvnically sign the attached closing da�uments a�d return. As identifie� in the appli�ation for the iaan, the proceeds of the loan are limited in what they can be used for and inciude;payrall cr�sts, making martgage interest payments, lease payments, vr utiliry payments. For the period �f 8 weeks fram t4�e date of your loan, yau will need tv document these eligible expenses with aE least 75% of t�ne Inar� praceeds tseing used far payrcrll casis. After the eight week period, yau wiil need ta provide CMCIJ documentatian verffying the number of full-time equivalent erraployees have been maintained, the dollar amour�t of payroll costs, covered mvrtgage interest payrrrents, cavered rent payments, ar�d cover�d utility payments. Loar� Forgi�eness A portican or all af your loan will be forgiven based an the supporting do�umentatian you pro�vide and the nurnber af employees you �et�in and if there hasn't been a decrease vf 2596 in campensati�n to emplvyees. The awerage number of full time equivalent employees is caleulated base€i on emplr�yees for each pay period falling wi�hin a mon�h Applacation for Fargi�eness: Borrower rnust provide documentation to the lend�r to support the fargiveness request indudin� [no far,�iveness may be appraved withnut the required documentat�an] • Documer�tation supporting verifying the number of fuli #irrEe eq�ivaFeni employees on payroll and pay rates far th� periods specif�ed • Payrvll tax filings reported to IRS and 5tate income, payrall and unemq�oyment insurance filings ■ Cancelled checks, paymer�t receipts, transcripts af accaunts ar aTher do+euments verifying payments on covered mortgage obligations, payments on covered lease ohligativns and cvvered utility payments; ■ Any other dr�currtentatiQn deemed necessary hy SBA; ANE] • Certifi�atinn from an authoriied representati�e of the bvrrower that �ocumentatian presented is true and correct and ti�ax the amount for ruhich forgi�eness is requested w�s used fr�r purposes eligibie fnr forgi�eness Reduction in Amaunt Paid Based on Reductian in Nurrrher of £mplayees: The amount of PPP loan fargiveness will be redu�ed {but Np7 increased) by Multiplyang the amount eligible for forg��eness �y the quatient ohtained by di�iding the aVerage number of full time equivalent employ�es per m�nth employed byth� eligibie recipient during the coaerec! peris�d kry either {borrowers choiceJ: ■ the me+ntt�Py a�ecage number a€ ful9 time equi�akent pmployees per month employed by t�re eligible recipient between 2J15�2Q19 and fJ30��019, �R ■ the a�erage numher of fudl tirne equivalenL employees per month emplvyed by the eiigible recipient between 1/1�2Q�0 and 2J79/2{}2fJ QR + If a� eligoble recipient is a seasanal employer, the ealeulation v� che a�erap,e �rumber of ful! time equ��alent empl�yees will he based on t�e number vf full time equivaient employees per month err�plvy@d iay the ellgihle re�ipient during the period between Zj15�2n19 and 5�30/ZOz❑ Redu['tinn in Amount Paid eased on 5afary and Wages: • if the employees` wages were eut by more than z59'o durirrg the mast recent full quarter �efare ij15j2020, the amaunt af the debt forgiven wilf t�e reduced by that arna�nt. ■ Covere�f ereiplayees inciude those who did not recei�e, during any single payment periad in 20i9, wages �r safary at an a�nualixed rate af pay in an amourrt in excess of $1UO,Q��. • For�iveness amc�unt may include additianal wages paid to tipped workers Exemption #ar Rehires: • If certa+r� cond�ti�ns are rnet, the amount of the forginreness wilk nvt be redu�e� �e�ause either there was a reduction �n the number o€ emplayees or a red+�ctivn in the salaries of �ne or mo�e e�rrployees of the PPP Ivan recipient for 3fl days after enactment • 7he reduc#'rvn in lorgiveness amount will nvt ap{afy if Eay fiaJ3Q/202� the tvtal number af fula time eqvivalent employees is nat reduted + The reductian 3n forgiveness amount wifl nat apply if by 5�3t]/2Q2D any redluctiQn in salaries ar wages is eliminated The amount of loan forgiveness shall not exeeed the principai amount af the Ioan. Jennifer Ehresrnann - Comm�rcial Banking Offi[€r ,�i'I c�1���SQXd � J � c:.� t'�. �� � , , ,,., .., ,, ., �:_ � . , . .. � . � .. r, �, . ,, .. , ., . . ,.. , . ,. , . ,,.� ,_ ,::. , , , _. : , . :. . ; : ,t,*td��_;1 ;h,it �You '�.�ur� tece�ved ��a�� iioc�r;,ic^��1 �r� c•rvo� a��� [nat any re,e�ew, c+;saenn�s,�r��-�, co�s,r it�ul�an or �Lpy����, �ri [his �=ie�;age �s ;trrcF Y Arohioitetl. I1 yo�e have r4�ce�ticd [ly�� cammun�catio�t �n r.-f�raa� cieasc neTiFy u�,� in�mc�i�:�tr6y a'. Shc c-rr�a�9 iu�drrss 1V,ttd a�ravc- Tl2ank yqu. 7 A1141�ids L�[ Fram: Sent: To: Sutsject: d i 5aste rcustorr�ersetvice@ s ba.gav Th�ursda� ,�ul � 30 2[}2D 12:�5 PM 5BA ,�p�lir.ati��n Nn. 3307?�143�? - '�E�t�s llpdate L1.5. Smal! Business Administrati�n Impa�ant Rem�nd�r A�out Your SBA Econom�c In�ury Disaster Lvan Ap� C)ur records indicate �hat yvu �rave not taken the next st�ep tv create your SBA EcDnomi� ❑isaster Laan Partal aceount. This step is necessary to continue ta �rvicess your applica Failure to camplete this step ►nrill result in your appli��tian heina �nrithdrawn. We understand the chall�ng�s yaur busine�s is �facing due ta the massiv�e disrup�ion ca� c+�ronavir�s [C�VI�-19} pandemic �nd we want to give every consideration t� your req�u Que�tions? We're here to help. Call u� at 1-8Q4-fi59-�J55 � 7"TYFTT�:1-8D�-8i7-8339. �Jffice cf �is�st�r Assistar�ce �.S. Sm�ll �usiness Admi�ristration disasterc�ustornerserv�ce��a sba.amv � Afi�K`rds LLC From; Barb Larsan 5ent: Naanday, Au�ust 3, �O2a 3 37 PM To: 5ubjett: All Four Kids LLC - Deed Grant 'Hello, My name is @arb �arson, a�ea►n memher at ihe Init�ative Fouredation. 1 am reaching outtv cor�gratulate yvu an yaur preliminary selectian to receive a$1D,D00 Small Busine�s Rel�ef Grant through the (lliinnesota Departmen# of �mpivy�rnent and Economic Devefnpment tDEED}. As referenced in a recent �mai! sent [a yvu fram the Fnundatinn, some administrative steps are required to vafidate your eaigi�ility. �irst, we need tv gather the Taxpayer ldentification Num�er fve yvur business. Please downlaad and camplete this farm: Reyuest fr�r Taxpay�r ldentificatian Number �W-9 formj. IN� are asking tC�at you upload your W-9 document as soon as possilale. We'll aiso need docu�►entati�n from this ct�ecklist. When you'�+e gathered these documents, please use this secvre and unique-to-yau link to upload your file� Your files will tre upCaaded tv �ox, an industry-hest cl�ud-�ased sto�age an�# fife trarrsfer safutivn. piease scan �ach document indiVidually. Upl�ad them or�e at � time, using tF�e naming �the�me: 8usiness Alame_Qocument Type_I]ate. Instructinns far fyle upload5 are included in our re�ent email t� you. T� learn rnc�re abaut Bax and its �ecure features, fvllaw t�is Itink: https:/jwv+rw.�ox.carn/security-eamp�iance. Again, congratulatian�. W� understand the pressing nee� yo�'r� experiencing, and we're eager tv sw�ftly mo�e thraugh these administratiVe task� so that qualifyin� grants can be disbursed as 5oon as po�si�le. Barb Larson Accour�ting Assistant Initiative �'vund�#ior� Websiie: ifound,or Of�ice: Emaii: ,�ddress: Sut�scribe tv IQ INagazine to Learn Abaut Qur Wark In the midst vf � glvbal pa�demic, the Iniiiati�e Fvundation is prvud to cvntiraue with fts pu�l�catian af !Q Magazine. The stories in f�e sprang editir�n—frvm a piece abvut div�r�ity in the dental work#or�e to a story about the histaric Batcher Black Qpera House ir� �tapl�s---�were de�relaped privr tv the Qnset af the corona�irus. These staries and more serve as a snaps�rot of v�ur world b�fvre the Virus, an� as a reminder af wvrk to resume c�nce this c'ha�ienge is behir�d us� �ubscrihe tv recei�e IC2 in the maFl vr �visit our website tv re�d khe editian onfir�e. And if you car�, please cansFder a dvr��tivn ta t�re Central �linnesvta Ern�rgency Reli�f � Recovery Fund. : f i�ri��i�; NflTICE_ This e-mai; (inducilr� attacfimerots} is cover�d 6y the el�ctronic Communic.�tior� Privaey Ack, 18 U.S.C. §� 2510-2531; fihis email is canfidential and may 5e legally priuileged �f yau are not the intended recipierrt, you are herehy noFifred lhat any refentian, dissemination, distributior�, ar copying af this communication is strictly prohi�iled. Please reply ta tF�s s€ncier Chat you have rec,�ived the message in error, then delete it. Fhank ydu. Barb L�rsan Acc�unting A�sistant Initiati►v� F�aundation Web��te: ifqund.or� C3f#ic�: �mail: J�ddress; S�bscribe #a IQ Magazine iv Leara� Abvut �ur Wnrk In the midst of a glvbal pandemic, the Initiative Faunc�atian is proud to cvntinue with its publica#ion of IQ �Vlagazi�e, The st�ries in the spring editian—fro�n a piece abvut di�ersity in t�e dental workf�rce to a story at�out t'�e historic Batcher Black Qpera Hcause in Stapfes—were developed prior to the or�set af the caronavirus. These stories and more serve as a snapshot af our w�rld before the virus, and as a reminder of work ta resume ance this challenge is �ehind usr Subscribe to r��ei�e IQ in the mai! or wisit vur website to read the editiDn aniine. And if you can, �riease �onsider a donativr� to the Cen#ral [V�innesot� Emerge�ncy Relief � Reca►►ery Fund. [# j�ijin��] NCITIGE: This e-mail (induding attachmerits} 6s covered by the eleckronic Communications Privacy Act, iB U.S.C. §§ 251fY-252i; Th'rs �email is confidenti�l and may bele��lPy priviieged. I# yau are not �ite intended recipient, you are hereby notified lhat arry retentio�r, disserninatian, distribution, a c7opying vf th� communica�ipn is strietSy prohib'rkad. Please reply to the sender tha[ yvu have repeived lfi�e messag� in error, then deEste it. Thank yau. ����� Ct1$YI1lNER ''-�`' RLL 4 KiDS _,�t> �I�►ei�r SERYIGE AdDRESS Cente�PolntEnergv.cnm 2�0 W 7t� St U 1, h+tonti�ell�, MN 553fi2-�305 Cas laak ar erne�gency �eave immediately, t�en ea� 84f3-296-9815, 24 hours a day Your usage in a glance i � T6 26t , — — — 5T s7a _ — -- � r-1 s� � — ' � �� 0 i �_ 1�' � ��,{ 5 p t� D J�F fA A Fd J J A 5 �p 2019 2420 � �a� ACCOUlJT NUMBER — 61LL1NG DRTE 5ep f 1, 2020 ray� i ui 4 Al3T�PAY DATE Dct �9, 2C1zo AMoun�r ou� S 738.oa Custamer service Call hefore you dig Cvmm�nts 612-32t-4939 or 8a6-245-2377 Ca!! 811 Pp g�� �� pq Monday -�riday, l am -7 pm 24 haurs a d�y Minneapal�s, MN 5�54A�-ti144 A�reraga iNlonlhly 63�ling infa: yauracfua� balance after payment of last month's bill is a�217.48 cxedif. Your �urrent g2s charges are $25.fi4. A�er payment oF the totaf amaunk due, your ac#�a1 gas balance will be a $32�.$4 Credlf. Your Avera�e Monthlv Billing pfan Favment will change next month. A mid- year review of yrxir A�erage Manthly Bill'sng �ian suggests a new payment amou�t of $308.00. The amount dra#ted from your bank ac�ount far your Aver�e h�onthfy Biliing arnaunt will change next manttti to reflect this amount. Pneviaas Usage Urs � Average daaiiyy � u e month iemAaeatwe 1 year aga Las! monm Thi� month r�ei'sner�„�a a o n A�da�y�� �� sr�,�ms� o.o o a t� o Averagedady lemperaqma 69 73 71 aays in bii4np penod 32 31 30 To D6ffer understand prow hane energy usa�ge �r+�7eam ener9Y savuags f+;os. visit CavtlerFoin�gy.comfmyanergyanal�rne� E�ecvve 5eptember �. 2�20, �e Cie�cw�ling Atljus�rnent rate has changed. Thi$ adjuslrr�nt makes up far any shartfaRl ar ex�ess in sales revenue, Questibns? Calf 612-321 �72T, 1 •84�-Z45-23T7 Qr v�si4 CenterPantEne rg y.ca rcJdecoupli nga djustment. Y[`JUR PdYM�NT T}i1S MDNTH Previaus gas amount c3ue $ 138.[i0 Payment Sep 9, 2a2D Thank you! - 13$,pp Current B�sdge� Bikling plan amount Spetails on page 2) (Bud�et) + 138.[10 D� NL7T PAY - TotaF arr�ount due tv 6e d�afted � 138.00 How ta pay yaur bi#E Qnline � Phane visit CenterPoirrtEnergy.eara�paya�n Pay Gall 832-321-4939 and make a payment immedrately, schedufe a payment nr seC using yqut [hecdcing or sav�ra�,s acuwnt, up autamal€c manthly payments. or hy debii ar pretf it card. Prease krep Ynis patim �Or your rec'�rds GE'11�@1"�lR�� El1�F�1 OQpD726t 01 AV U.3$ 1 ALL 4 ICIDS 22Ei W 7TH 5T M1ifQNTlCELLO, A�IN 55362-8305 "�1'I'lif"�I��il�'li"I�'���"}�I�I�'�'i'��I'I��'����ll�l�ll'll fn person Ma�l "'� To find 2 p2yfhe�t I(x;ati�n, visit: Tp mail a payrr�:nt, Sertd tQ: �snterPo;n�Enerpy.corrJpayb�7l vr eafl PQ Box 4£71 512-321-4939. Houstan, T% 7i3�0-4671 ACCI]U�JT NUMBER — Has yQur AutoPay bank - AUTORAY �ATE CICt Q9, 202D aG�aunt changea? 5ee €orm vn back vf stub. AMOLIIVT DUE $ 138.00 Your bill is scheduled ta be paid automaticatly by bank draft on the due date O�t D9, 2020. Your �ank draFt is set up for: � — - SERYICE A[laRfSS - -- -- . �'�; �cer Ener�y� �� 4 ��Q� �« 22Q W 7TH'ST ...<- — - - — - - . - _ M6NTICEIL�, AiEN 55352-$305 Bf5P4NlIBLE BY MATURE• �AflYAYERRDES Laat�er Tem�eralure 72` f Electrici�� k4Vh 89;i Eleetriciry Cast 523.48 QIIE�Ti�NS AB�U�iYD�1� 8ill? See aur w�h�site xcelenergy.cam Emaal us at: Customerseruice�accelenergy.com Please Call; 1-840-4B1-A7{l0 Hearing Impai�ed: 1-SQ6•895-A949 Fax: 1-800-311-0�� Qrwrite us at� 7iCEL ENERGY PO BOK B EAIf CLA��E WI 547E�2-OdaB '�'� � XCeI L�'neic�y. - --- — -----. _ . _ .. ._ F�GC[IUd�T ii![1kV1RER [�813� �[�2�6 Siai �`�idi; kP i•:��r;r�Efi STAT€MEN7 DATE ' � ae�aalzo2� I SUMMARY OF CIiRRE�IT CHARGES��ietailedsharyes begin anpa�e 2} Eleccricity 5ervi�e Q71�512Q -�$10312d 2174 kWh �592.33 Nan-fiecurr ir�g Cf�arges ] Cre�lits -$35.1 fi CR _ . _ �. _ ---- . — Cusrent C#�arges -- - — - �51.17 AGG�IUHT BALANCE (Balanca de sa� c�arrtal Previous Belance As Qf �7/a5 Payment Reeeived 4nlFne Paymer�t �7115 Bafance Fvrwartl Current Charges Am�unt Due [c�ntids� a,�s�arl l�. --- --_. _ $478.81 -$443,fi5 GR - -535,16 $557. f 7 $592.33 fN�URMATI�N AB(7UF YUEJR BILL Yvur safety antl the safety af our emplvyees will always be our top priority. We are prepared and are taking ste�s ta ensure we'H continue to be there for yau to meet your energy neetls as C�VID-19 a�e�ts a growir�g n�m�er of pusinesses ir� our communities. �urteam wi�l be warking �ay and nighttv d�liver the energy yaur business caunts �n. Learn more atxcePenergy.comlcvvid-19_r�sp�rnse, 7l�ank you far your payr�ent, Ca�rvenience at your service - Pay your bills el�Gtranically-f�s# and easy wiFh EleCtr�niC FundS Tr��5f8r, Call u5 �t 1-80Q-481-47�0 vr vi5it us 2�t www.xce��nergy.c�m. '-"� ��NFGFi�3/ P��110?'1 Vt'IF:., �.^.;�p F4"':+�`. `� PLiASE 00 Mpi I15F STAPi�E5.7APF 0!i PAPEF CUPS HCCOUWT h[�MF3ER I aIJE pATE � os��ifzoao I ��..,}:� :�� 'le,�se see the traek afthis bill formore 4nfprmetian regariimy the lat2 pa}rment char�e. Pay on ur hefvre the date due ta avoid aasessrr�ent al a late paymant eharge. Make yo�r check psyable to �CEL £NE�iGY ;4V Of p21062 545338 74 R""SpGT s,�E�li����ll�'rll�rA�iiiiF�ll�i"I�i�sii����������fiol���i���F�vi ALL 4 }(I�5 LLC 22Q W 7TH Si MaNTIGELLQ HN 55352-83D5 2I3j4 5�fi 3! i0 I 11 12 13 15 I TT � 1B 19 2a 23 . �4 , 25 26 27 �o �'� , 1 7 8 aq �5 21 . Y2 xs ' 29 ��������1��4rIIfIf1""frrli�lir�lli lE�i#�I�i�i�����i���i�i�����ii� XCfL ENERGY P . fl . Ba}C 9477 MPLS E�N 5�484-9477 ��" � ', , �� y� MUNTICELLt) EDA '� �[]������(� SMALL BU�INES5 EMERGEP�I�Y GR�NT -j.���- APFLICA7f"I�N i. �oNTALi' INF�AMATTQi�i Leg�l Name vf Busin�ess: �'� `'L � I t v y�� S e� L k. l� ��a a. ��a i� u��'c� � c�o �- r' �j °i PrajectSite Adc3ress: _ __ '� �0 � e.� �� ��e� City 1 Sr�r� 1 z�p: �an�' c. c�f o, I�J� ��'� � b� Contaet Fersrnt(sj: _ � !1 Q vt � � V � ' �. ^ �, � BusiITGeSs T'�7r,,,,: � i� - L���.�'TT F.r,,,:l: Home Fha:��• r` Check4n�: ,a;..;�,fGt': . � �f[)i�74',�,;i�: A� .':�������.-hi: Federal In " ••'ra te II7 = ' Propert�i Uwn�r: _ _ _ .� � _. . , � t�t 4 5 — Z. BU5iNES5 �N�DI�MATIDN Please at#arh additianut documer:tslpages as needed tn �e comple#e as possible. a. Years of o�erativn in Mvntit'�11v _`� f,�_� u r5 F�. List bela►n� the niirnb�r nt �art time and fuil tim� ernployees. For �aur�aases of cnicufatian, the iern: "emplAye�s'" may ineiude. iknse stcrfj�rentirr� nr �easarr� Facilidics wit�sirt fhe :'�tantreello b:ssi�c�s Ioec�tinn. Prior to Marc� i5Ch. 202t] FT . � . PT �� �rarrent FT � T�"'T � I c. Gi�e a�Srief summary of your husiness (produ�ts, services, grawt� his#ory, operations, num�er of tcacations, etc.) �.Qfrua�., � r+� lv� , ���-�r. �cc�� �,�c S�c�urA� Ctv�� �a� � 1. �� �t.a�ae [-� � Lv�w�o�► �� ►�o►n�-►'c�.�1�o G� , M�I d. I'rovide inf�rma€�an re�arding how yaur operations have been impacted by the pa�edern�c, specificalIy hours of operation, e�mplvyee reductions, etc. Ln�lude any strateg�ies �mplemente� to sustain yr�ur business .��� �,� u�! Yt C 55 u�,+10.� s I�'� � d 0 c,.i ✓1 �a � s�tu � e. t� �U N� � M �.p[Jit��Q , I . w[ #. �0.0 �tf Yl�t�LG �he SC� e d�u.� � � � �►'S � ��1J c�ce�t0c� I �owtd��� - ��[�.tr5a�la � � � C10 PN1 -- �t : �� Pf�� r��a - ���e�a � [A�'.(�4 PM — 9 � C10 P� � F � � ' T ii e. �� r� �L� vtq i�p u r� 'ka� � v'R. W 5 0 �'L d i� t e� j'�1'�.{. G -J ou�' fli+�u.r� e pl7eYa�o� �.�- '� �' � �a�� ���� ��� 5a� 4 e. Describe csf the �urrent plans For resurning operations fv3lowing the CDVIIJ-39 �risis. • T(� ��,� s i� e ss u:► r f R re o�� �► � �v� c a M i� n E s a�ea a� lv e,as � o�1 � p� f e.� w� ��� cx�` c�ro e� � � , ,;(,�i (tY�" L�oI� i��or¢ �i�rcJeYc� � ] 1 �� 1.1� VL 2 '�..IV� t� 1 4�t � L v� � C� t S� F 3. GIiA�'rFT ItEQllEST � �}�}Q . aa Amaunt Requested: $ __ � _ _ 4. FINANC�NG 1'lease pro�ide documentslQ�idence o# ofher sourees af state nr federal funds your �usiness has been awarded or d�r�ied duri�g the CDV1D pandemie, as applieable, ine�udi�t� E�onornic injury funds. PPP, eic. 5. ATTACHM�NTS CHECK tIST I'k�,�• .�tiach the fv�lowin�,: �1) Prvvf c�f adc�rc•ss '� B} Financiai statements, suc'h as: + Pre�ious yea�'s annuaa grvss revenue • A�e�age monthIy grass revenue prior to C(]VTD-19 • I'rojected rnvnthly grass re�enue fvr ihe next three months PLEASE DQ N�7I' SUSMI'T PINAttiCkAL STATEMEN7'S �THER � Si t T�'1�I f!' �! '�� �'�i 1�f � 1-1' C3F THE INFC3RMaT'IE]hi hEQll ESTED. C) Praof E,E t•t��c•ntit•ti �ta Ex• ��.Yit� I]) Award�deniai ietters - State and Federal Assistance PrQgsams b. AGREEMEN'T I/ We rertify that aEl infnrrnadvn prvvided in this applicatian is true and correct to the l�est of rziylour knawledge. I J We autharize the il�Ionticel�� EDA to verify finan�ial and other inforrr7ati�n. I � We agree tea prflvxde any additipnat information as rnay bp reyuested by the city. The ur�ders��ed has received the EDA's poliey regarding the program a�td campIies with atl el�gibi�ity requiremen#s. Further, the applicant understands that funds are award�d on a first-carne first servec� k�asis. AI�PLICAhIT 57GI+�iATCTRE _ �i � ����� - - - - - - t�PPLI�A�;'"I' NAME (Printj� __ � IIL� Vl �.[.�I��Q ��.�)� �- DAT'E: _ � J � � `� � F,.�'�. U The EDA is a gonernmentaF entit� anci as sa�ch �nust provide pisb�ic access to public duta it receives. Dnta deemed �y R�plicarat to be �eon�ubric datu under State Irezv shauFd 8e sa desig�raied or marked by Appt#ca�t. See Minraesotu Statutes, Sections 73.591, Subd. 3 and 2. Office vf the hllinr�e�ota Secr�ta�^y of Staie Certi�icate af Assumed Name Mdnrresnla 5r4f�le�r, Cha,prer 333 �"he �ili�tg vfan assumed name d+�es nnt prt�vide a user wit� excfusive righis to that name. `�e filing is rcqtiired t'or ec��sumer pratectiqn in vrder to enahle custflmers to be a6le to identify lhe true owner o�'a tsusiness. AS�UME� NAME: CAPi'�'Ahf PANCI�t7'VILLA �RINClPAU PLAC� OF BUStNESS: ' oo w�sr rrE� sr���r n�ar�rrc��,�,a Mr+ s�sz us� 'VAMEHOLDER(S}: Name: 14dciress: l'C E�lTEliPR151E5 LL�C IOU WEST 7TH STREET f1�Ii)IY7'�CELLO IFlN 55362 U5A tf yau subraa'st a� ati�chmeni, i# will be ir�carporated into this da�ument, �f the attachment canfEicts with the inforrrsaiissn speci�eal2y set %r#h in this dacurnent, thii dc�cument supersedes the data refereiiced in ti�e att,achtnent. By typing my rrome, 1, rhe underslgned, rertffy fhe[ ! c�m signfnq thFs r!n€ument as the person wfrvse signature is reqe+i�ed, or �s uqent o}� ihe person,{sJ w�hvse siynature would be requared wha has auchorfzed me dn sfgn ihis dvcum�n! on hrs/her 6ebalf, ar in boih capacdtles. i further certf,�y that ! have cvmpleted a11 required fields, and i`hut the lnfvrmvtlon Fn this docunrent ls true ond eo,rrec[ and i� complrance �+iih the appliraable thopier af Minnesata Siatutes. f t�rrderstund [hpt by s7qning thrs dacurneni 1 am s�f�Ject ta th�e penaltles of perjury as set farth !n Sec�ir�n �49.d8 ps if 1 hdd slqneri this document under aoth. S1GI�FEI� �3Y: 1VAl�i CARDENAS C4RDEI�O MAIt,Ii'+IG Af3DRESS iYo�c Prmided EMAlL �OR (]FFIC�AL I�QTICES: Nvnc Provided W�rk Item � f�rig�nai Fi1e Ntimber s�ra� o� r���saT�� (3FFICE UF T'HE SECitETARY aF ST�TE FILED D512�12U2d IIe59 PM Stev� Simon S�cretary �f State �I�} Ei �`�. C�;ffice o� the I'��nn�so�a S�Cr�ia�► a�` State ' Assumed N�mc � Ceriificate of Assumed Namc Mrnnasa:�.Sror�,��s. CJrapder �33 f��'�iylx t��r.�.'., � �q`���,:� ,,.., ��s , �3� f�w.'+F�afer {�¢I w -+'� M �� ��_.' Read ihe in�trnet[aos befot'e earnpleting �hfs fot7t�. �'�� f���� ���'� + y .., , �,t*���� �. Fi1i� �'te: 53�.fl0 NolEe: An A�ipu�[ �teacwstl is t'tyuirc� to be �Z1ed aacc crery �alendar �ear, �egibning in the talendar year fo[�arriog the origfas�i G#in� wifh fLc �ccrerarr nf Stste. ! Th� fii's�g ef sr++�ssvrned x�arnc does not �rva�de a user with cxclusive �nghrs ta that r�ame. 'f�1e �il'sng =s ru}uired fpT co�sws�er pr�tection irt ord�r �cs cria�ilc consumers tt� b� ablt ta idCnlify the true o�°�1er af s bu&iness. 1. I.isk t�e exact assumcd r�amo under'wt�ich tFre �usi�Eess is rn' wili bc �anducied' (Rcquirs.�) 1 CAP CFAhI PRI`iCHQ V iLLA _ ____ ,— I �. �'rinvirxlE PEace of 8usiness: (Reqtlired� fDD Vhf�Sf 7�`H STfiFF l MCJN►![:�I.s C) . �v1N 553�i� Stiic•t hcf�irrs�. {;t 1'[>,�crr hY'lI.T�I�1Sl7f7PClC"S'd'f>il���rl f�i[_y ti:::t�c %i�a � ' �{. J.Iti! SI1C St11[lY` a��c1� �'�+�rr(`Rc•sr �1r�:r•i adefrc�cerfreli ��e:r��c�rtt cctir�ducl�i�z{; F+�oi[�ttys elntlrr liitt nlnn��t Ac�s�zrsrJ Nwn�c. �1� i#� �rt rnti:s',>>rorr �rfc tt�v {��ra[ i:«r�r:r;:4t, I.f.C', nr I ti�4�ur:d F'�!rzncs:.l�sp �caa�:c :�r�d rr}!i!:C!'!s'i{ _y�Eli'.i•:ii�CITCS,`�' ��iCi�llll�',f�} /St�C�i 9f��i�lo[1aSi S�1ee1,�8} s'f r1tC0S5Ny. �. �C'�Ni'ERRFiISES LL.0 iU0 W�S� 7TH STf2�ET M[]t�TICi�LL[7 MN 55362 _. yiaare .- -- - S�eelt Csty Staite Zip Straet BErect Gity -- State ii� City 3iaie 7ip �. l, 1:�r tra«.frs�it:nr�f, .•r�l�ty lii:�t 1:�rti .+;i�rainE• tiii� e#xx'ir�y�;rai s+s iitr �nc•r�.�m «�ihr.ti+: wi�t�.+Cun• t4 rusp�ires�. ur a5 a,r,crn �a# [3sc I��.�,���i(::3,�•E���.,� ��,;��,�r,��t�.�;,.��r;t �,G ►�y«;,tYr 4�•:,�s I�:s:.:itzal�t�rtr���l res t�. �.;t�ii tP�1. {T�:�.-i!siR[:frt [��i E�itilh�', l�rli:rlf, nr :rr Ex�th 4f1E�TGHftiS, I IFi[IESC�f C(�ilT�}7 IZl6Sf I Ii�iIYC C[111S�lICIG[� i1II I��j1�1Fx+� ��[:�6f:., Fih1I R��CIf� S�tc• IBlikliiZltlYllet[! 1f1 ajli?- �'�l'i�dlYG.lYi St If'4M� ftltt� corrcr.l an� ur �turi�rfi:�r€ic ►vi�ia al�e- nEry���r..sl}l4 �it:e}?lc:r caf tii�r,�ttis��t:y tir_r}�urs. 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IC Enter�rises LLG dba Capitan Pancho Villa �,� � RENT LC3GATI�N M�NTIGELL� � . {}, � � January - Augustr ���d � `� Aate Mum Accaunt ,fanuany 202d 011Q1l2U20 Jan 2d2Q Cardenas Prager[ies LiC 4#/02f242U Cardenas Properties iLC D1�81�U20 21 i 1 Cerdenas Properfsgs LLC Total for January 202Q February 2D38 02POf12ft24 Feb 2Q20 Cardenas Properties LLC 97J11l2p20 Gar[Senas Pro�erties LLC oz+tzrzazo Car�enas Prvperties Ll.0 0212412D20 Cafde�aas Praperties LLG Tntal for Febn�ary 2U30 Ma�r� zoza �3AQi12QZQ Mar 2p3p Cardenas Prvperties LLC 03lt5�2Q24 Cardenas i'ropeRies LLC TotalforiMarch 2D2a April 202f} Dd130l202� Apr 202� Cardenas Psoperties L!C Toea! hir apri� xQza IYlay 2Q2Q 051d1/2Q20 May 2d20 Cardenas PropeRies LLC 'fotal !nr IYlay 2fa20 .fune 2020 66/0112@2p Jurre 2p20 Ca+denas Prvperties LLC Ofi12212�26 252fi Cardenas Properties i.LC TcrtaE for June YOZ[I .lutyr 3020 0714112U20 Jufy 202fl Candenas Properties LLC 87�712026 2544 Cardenas RrnpeRies LL� OT!#8l2R2p Za32 Cardenas Prc�perties LL+C Total fvr July 2024 August2�2� 08/0112D2�1 August 2U20 Cardenas Praperties LLC Q8119f202a Z554 Carde�aa Propertaes L.I�C Tatal for Aregust 2a30 TOiAL Tuesday. Sep 29. 202U 01:1fl:57 Pl�S GNE'T-7 Amount S.S00.6f1 �t.(�OO.fla -2,UQQ.O[i 3 5+�.� 6.500.UCs -2.5DO.OF1 -7.�00.4Q -3,�0.60 -S 500.00 6,50i1.00 -5.Q40. CH3 s �.�sa.aa s,��a.�a S s,�ao.ao 6,500.00 i 6,500.rf0 6,5f10.00 -2,6U7.22 � 3,882.78 fi.5i]O.QU �,384.Od -2.483,4U -# 2,3fi7.D4 5,500,00 -2,4&3.67 S �{,618.83 S 20,C1A2_67 �`� � •� � ' M(�NTICELLD EDA �� .` `� 1� Y 1�]I� L_����[� 5MALL BUSIIVESS EMERGENCY GRANT _ _, _. ,_ - - APPLICATIl7N �. conT�cr irr�a�n�a�r�o�r Le�al Name c>E Btisi�7ess: � � �,�,� '�J�� �'�����I� Pro�t�k Sit� Adciress: 'C (� �� � � f €�it_y J State J Zip: � � � -- Conta�k Per�;c�nfs}: Btisiness I'h�m�: � - f���G.��Y�►31��i1: Hc�tn� Phozi�: C'h��k O1u° �f���t�t-�,i En � Pr«���rt}' C)�ti�n� a: -iz��r•i�tc�r % z. B�,iSII;iESS Iik1FORMATI�Iti C:nrp4ration I'artnerslzi�� 5tatt ID = ��� Ple�se rtfcrclF �r(c�i[-iat2c�1 r�ocr�jr3exrfsl�Rges cas �reeried to be carn,�fete e�s �vnssi��lr. tI. ��clPS C3� i)�7E1'�3t1[7T� li'k M{)iltlCi�lc] �lf[% b. Lisl btic�ti� tl�e �zEaml�er c�f F7art #ime an� ful] time em��lc�uees. �-�»'r;rrr��rr�c�s nf cr�lerrtrt,"icr�r, tlae• te�'��a "c��fr��{�3r�e��,,,,����, r��cr«ei�a t1t��;c° sfr�ff rc�i�fiil�T crr �z��si�r,t> {17CtiItIC�S `tf�IFi1111 ti1[° r1'I����tiee�dlc> t�rrsil�z�:ti lr�rraticm. Pz-ic�r t�7 M<trtli 15"', 2020 Current ,�T ,[�'� �T PT 1� � ����.��� � � .-�- _� �����.�-� c. C�ive a l.�rief sumn�<7r�� of �our �usiness (��roduct5, ser�TiceS, grt�wth history, o}�eratios�s, numL�er ut lc��atic�ns, etc.) � Cfi�/i'i ,� �/�'�Gf %, ��il/7'1 ��,,/� ,� "" 1�% Q t�'v �t � � lr ��t� �i� ��-�v'S�r� .G !�� �/� � C ��� i YS , �ih( rn a�',� .5f7�t' ��.I -F� iI � f�/�,� S �/"� �t r � �- _ � �1�' '�G� � `� ��`h'� ��r/i�% f�7G�'�� r �� � � � , � _ ��/zl C� v��°�, � � .���,�d� ,� f��sr� r�r ��r� . � �'�`��. ��� �7�U�`�"�..l��� �� ��'�i17��...1 -�7l�i? �'f�� i� � ���N t� �hr'�'�'2 � � �'��`�` � �''� I � ��-�'r� ,�,• � ��� � ��� �,�t�`�{ �t�',�� �t r� �-t l��r�{ �� � 1�' � j 2�P//,1�� �� 6��v�r` � u'�� ,,��r-�,��c��. {� ��2 � i��CG�`�?� ���.I � S�°��'i ���'�l � ��I�l�� GY�� � �'� �� � � `�'� ���� �f� �'��`��� �,S � ��' �d' ���""r�� r— ��? �z�,1'���� d. I rc���ide ir�fc>rmat�c�r� re�;�rdi3z�; ti«��� �:tiur o}�t�r7tior�s �a��e been im�aeted i�v tfZe pandeinic, s}�e�ificzll�F lzour5 c�f operatian, �m�lc�vee reductions, etc� ]a�dude �7»V strategies im}�{��net�ted to sustain ��o�tr b�i5iness j�/f/f��,, � �� �� j� ���I�� � � �� v�� �( � �� L� � � �Y��� 1 ����� ,���? � s �' �r� /,� �'� l �i� , ���r �r� f ,��� ,�'`��-���, .� �� � ��� ���� �` t�-�� �Fy� ,� � � -�- r� � � � ���� l��,�-�•�S �� � � i �-r � - � � �� .S �h� � �I ��a�'�� �YY�'� �� � i� G�� /-� � � / � ���, ��,�' ����. � ;.��� ����' � �'� �d��'�-- - ; _ �a�,�r�-� ��+/�' � ��5��.�5' ���� � ,�,�s �'` � l�Lt �� ll cr�.� '' ' �-�' p,'� • �'' . �` � � ���-,, , �' `� C� �.�' �s���� d � f����� ^ � ' � � ��_ � � _ �' �`� S�� ��,�-�S � '��'�� �� '�� l �'�'`��'� y �? ��.5����� < �/ a� � �-' y� Y� v��7 � /� ��`' �' �� .� e. 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ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST PPe�se attach t�e tollacvir��;: _______ :-�) Proof nf ���c-]ress s8} Fin��ncial stat�ments, s��ch ��s: I'r���it�tts vcar's annual grc}ss re��e��iie Av`�:ra�;e rnc7nthly �;ross r��venue ��ior t� Ct�VID-19 I're�jec#ed Fncx�tiily �r�ss revenue fc�r the next thre� me�iithti t'LEASE �Q Iti1DT SL]BMIT FINANCIAL STAT�MEIVTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMA�Y C7F THE INFOPMATIC)N �LEC�U�.STED. C} Prc�c�f of expenses tc� bt: pai�i �� AS•V�3PC�%C�EIIi��I ]etters � State �3a�c� F€�r�zretl As.S►stanre Pr��r�tms 6. AGREEM�'I�fT I 1 V4'� r�.#rtiF�' t}�at ail i►Zfot'matit�sl ��ro��ic�ec� in this a}�pfi�ation is #rtie ��nc� eorre�t tc� tfZc� best �f md�Iour kiio�a�lec��;e. I � L1�e authori�e tlZt Monticello EDA tc� ���rify fin�tncial and cath�r i�lfc�rnzatic�n, I j 1'4'e a�;re�e te} �.,rc�vid� �ne� adc�iti�n�l it�f«rcii�tie�n as m�1y l�E rec�uestcc�] b�� the ci tt'. r ihe under5z�n�'t� h�3s rc'c�.yitrtc� tf�t EDA's �aolict� re�;��rc�in�; thc pa-�y�;ram ��nd c�zmplie� �n�ith a�l eli�;ibilit�. z-ec�uirements. F urthcr, the ap��iicant unc�ers#<ls�cis tliat funtjs ar� aw��rc�c°d �3n a first-cc�m� tirst served basi5. � APPLICANT SCGI�IATUI�� �, t,�� , API'LI�ANT NAME (P��intJ: � DATE: —� '--��� � ����r� Tlrr EDA rs a gnvcrfir�rt �rta�i c•i�tit:� r��rrt ns suclr �trrast ,�1�'ni�irle ��ttilfit tt�-c� ss to ptrfalfr �Ieatar it rectiz�es. IJc�ta ifi>c��trc�r� f��� f#��pricrrit� [o Fa� itr�itjirtE�tir r[itfa r�rrr�e�• Str�tr fr�zv s)tt�zrfd he SU l�PSl�lil7fi(� OI' 11I1iPJi['C� byAp��lir�tiaf, Sc�e,L'firarlcsnta Strsttrfc�s, Sectinats 13.59�, S�r[�r�. d e3��ci?, � Sales Repo�rt v 1D 2020 All Devices, vs Previous Year 1W 1M 3M SALES SUMMARY: OVERVIEW $26.51K Gross Sales -47% 907 Sales -46°f ���� .oa} Returns GROSS SALES 2020 $26,513.50 $s,000 $26.49K Net Sales -47% $29.23 Average Sale -1% �o.00 Discounts & Comps Previous Year $66,099.21 1Y ... .. $6,Od0 $4,000 �2,000 �� Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec SALES BY PAYM E Jacob Thunander From: Ann Landowski Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 4:14 PM To: Jacob Thunander Subject: Re: Monticello EDA Small Business Emergency Grant I will use the money for rent, I need to update stations and I'm all out of products. As well as a new point of sale system and design a new website and hire a receptionist. On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 4:12 PM Ann Landowski wrote: Will do. Do you want actual taxes and bank statements or just numbers On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 3:53 PM Jacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander(cr�,ci.monticello.mn.us> wrote: '� f f i 1' i)h �pNTICELL�D EDA � ■ ,�Q����� [� S�VIALL SUSI�'�iESS EMEI�GENCY GRANT APPLICATIDN 1. CQNTACT INFDRMATI�N Legal Name of �usiness: �'i;�icrr� Ngrir�e�� I�a� Praje�t 5ite Acidress: Ci#�� 1 State { Zi�: Contact Persc�il(s}: Bixsuiess Phone: 763-?9 5- � 791 Hoine Plioi�e: Che�k C?ne: - Pro�,rietor Federal ID � - .�43 H�g7r�ti•rri• ?? Morrticeilo �V1"N 553�i? Da1�ic� Ngrrl•e.ri EYnail: • Pro��ert�� C�wner: Dc�1-id Ngrry'era �iCor�oratian C Partnerslzi�� 5tate ID « - 2. BCISINE55INF�RMATION Please attr�clx �r�r�itinscra� dnr-acm,entslpuges ras yaeerterL tn L�e e:arnplete us possit�le. 1 y�ec�r 1 a �lvartlrs �x. Years af o��eration u� Monticello �. I.ist Uelov�,� the nurnl�er of ��art #ime �nd full tin�e em��loyees. For �nur�oses of catculutiorz, fh� t�•m "ertz�a2o�ees" muy i�ic:lude those sfuf{rerittjt� or 2eusitz� fa�:ilitfc�s ;vithir� the Mn�ctd�:eXlcr �i�esir�e�s,locutic�r�. Priar to M�rc�i IS�, ?D2� FT � PT -� Currei�t FT ? PT ? c. Git-e a l�rief suinmar�> of t'our E�usutess (produ�~ts, services, grawth histar�, operaticmms, num�er of loc�tior�s, etc.} C1rrr• ba�siraess is s,�eciali=e i�a iir�ils care. LYe. o�'er nrarrictn-es, �eclictrre.s, rrirc! �-car•iet�' af r�i„�erent se��o•ices that ��elatec� to ar�tificiaJ racrils. �rsr fr�trailti. rrser� to a�ti•�r P.S aanils bnc'H- in ?�I S-?019. Irr ?1119 ire I�o�agjrt t1re. br�sirress r�rrr� cl,ange ro Vi,•Ta1z Ngrr��ei� Ifac D.B.�4 �'S.11rnils. Ch•e.r tlae ti°ea1 s af bei��g in �Iorztieella �i•e i��� art�tai��e lats of �•elrrtioraslai� 1s•itlr orr�• clients e��rd re.penten� clients. d. Pro�icie infonnation regarc�iuig how your o��erations ha��e k�een inapartec� ��y t�ie �?anc�emic, specifically hvurs vf o�eration, em�loyee reductions, etc. ITiclucie any strategies imFlementeci ta sustain your business h� Mcr��cl� ?�?0, �t•P ►ti•ere rer�rrrre.c� to e�ose dr.�e ta COVIl] 19 �4•e �'irl rior t•eo,�e.ir �iack lrrrt�l ririticlle ofJ�rtae. It's �ti�as tt�en�e�trlorrsl�� cli�crrlt fo�^ rrs to r�laiirtait� tlae bil�s fvr• tl�e 2'�2rsiraess airc� �cr��ialg to keF� or�i- e�irplot'ee. Co��rmrr��ic�r�tia�1 �ti�ns rhe ke�� ro Jrelp rrss n�ailirar.'rr. We talked to arrr� lm�ctlorrl to )�a1�e orrr rP�at �•e.duce. T`he. e��rplal'ee nec�cl to I�e arr r�r7er���aloti'fi�erat. e. Descrihe o# the curre��t �rlans for resuming operations following the CCI�'ID-19 crisis. �rrr ciri•reart��crr� is to corrtiriire 1o�roi'l(7�@ [7CfP.C1'tfCIPP. SP.Y'k�ices ta orrt• c7ierits arr�l rr�airatcrir� n sn, fety, fn�� tl�eri� as 1�•e11, f'ollatit• tlre CDC grridela�r�. �'e ai•e rra lnr�ger- takirag ir� tit•calh ar�. Al1 clieirts nr�e r�er�rri�•e. fo�• ik-erri- �irash e.rrterir�g tlae salo�t. We m-e lio,�irr� to rrse axati� mrrilaUlt' gf'c�rrt to r�aait�tcrira pa1•roll, rerrt rrtilrties ancl srr�pl�� fae.ec�s ta keep the hrrsiraess �-rrraFrirag. 3. GRANT RE�]UEST 5ppp Ainount Requested: $ 4. FIl'�TANCING Ple�se ��rca��itie ciocuments�evir�eiice af atlzer sources of state or fec�eral fiui�is ya�xr bus�iess has Ueei� �warciec� ar deiuec� duruig t��e CC?VID �ai�cieinic, as a�plicable, includix►g E�:ai�a�ruc IT-rjuc�T f�an�s, PPP, etc. ti��r�r:r+�:i►►i�.��Yy:ix•�:����r Please �ttac.I1 the following: � A} Praof c�f adciress � �} Fu���cial st�ten�ents, such as: • Previaus year's aruzual gross revenue • A�•QTc��� IliQllt�ll�' gi'A55 TeV�ilUe �.�1"l�I' t{] CQtirID-Z� • I�rojectecl Ynorit111y grass reveY-�ue fQr the next three Y�zo�iths PLEASE DO� N[7T SUBMIT FINANCIAL STA�E�vIENTS RATHER SLrBMIT' A SUMMARY QF THE INFC7RMATI�IV REQLTESTED. � Cj Prvof of exFenses to �e p�ici D} Awarci�denial letters — State and Fe��eral Assist�ue Prograrns 6. AGIZEEMEN'�' I j We c�rti�- tliat all ixiforir��tian �ro�=ic�ec� in tl�is �pplicativn is t-rue anci cvrrect tp the k�est of myjour kiiowlecige. I f We authorize t11e Motztic�lla EDA tcr verif�r fuianc�ial arici other ulfom�atian. I J VI�'e agree to ��ro�ride any ac�c-lition�l iulforn�ation �s �nay be requested by tlie c.�it�T. T1�e u��dersigned has receivec,� the EDA's poli��� regarduzg the �arogram ari�i com�lies with all eligil�ility rec�uirements. Further, the a���licat�t tuiderst�ids th�t ftuids are awarded on a firs#-�a�ne first ser�-ec� b�sis. APPLICANT SIGNATLJRE ������� APPLICANT NAME (Priazt): Drr►•i� Ngrn•etr I]ATE: 10/O�I?0?0 The EDA is a�oz�er^�t3ner�tal e�efitzJ ar:d as suc-]x wnust proz?ide pul�iir c{ce�ss ta �ruUiic ciata tit receia�es. Data cteerned �� Ap��icuszt ta be i:on�ul�Tic data ur�der 5tcite 2azt� SItQl1II� �1P Sp L�{'St�'Yti L�tPLI DY ttTRYIfP[� try A�p�icu�:t. 5ee Mitz��Ysatn Statutes, See~tions T3.591. Su�d. Y and 2. C3ffics af the M � n n�esvta Secreta ry of State C�ertifica�e �f Incorparatian� I, Steve Simati, Secretary of State of Mi�►esQta, da certify tl�at: T7ie fQllowiv� bt�sivess entiry �ias dtriy cou��lied witl� the releva�t �rovisions of Muuiesota Stahrtes listed t�elow, and is foi�ued or aiitl�c�rized to do biisiuess u� Mi�u�esata o� and aftei• tl�is date witl� a1i t}�e �owers, ri�lats and privileges, ��d s�iUject to the liuut�tio�s, duties aud restrictiovs, set forth in that chapter. T1ie biisir�ess entiry is vc�w legally re�istered iuider the laws c�f Mumes�t�. Narue: File Niuii6er: Miuuesat� St�nites, ��i�pter: T}�s �ertiiicate �ias t�een iss�ed o�t: 1'�11►I►1���Cei�17���1�[� 302A if�]f���f►��yE:� Steve Si�uau Secretary Qf Stat� State of Mu�tresata OfFce of the Minnesota Secretary of State Minnesota Business Corporation/Articles of Incorporation Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 302A The individual(s) listed below who is (are each) 18 years of age or older, hereby adopt(s) the following Articles of Incorporation: ARTICLE 1 - CORPORATE NAME: VIVIAN NGUYEN INC ARTICLE 2- REGISTERED OFFICE AND AGENT(S), IF ANY AT THAT OFFICE: Name .� Address: 503 MINNESOTA STREET #25 MONTICELLO MN 55362 USA ARTICLE 3- MAXIMUM SHARES THE CORPORATION MAY ISSLJE: loo ARTICLE 4 - INCORPORATOR(S): Name: Address: DAVID T NGUYEN DURATION: PE�ETUAL If you submit an attachment, it will be incorporated into this document. If the attachment conflicts with the information specifically set forth in this document, this document supersedes the data referenced in the attachment. ey typing my name, l, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(sJ whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. SIGNED BY: DAVID NGUYEN MAILING ADDRESS: None Provided EMAIL FOR OFFICIAL NOTICES: Work Item Original File Number STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE FILED 12/28/2018 11:59 PM Steve Simon Secretary of State PS NAILS Revenue & Expenses - Income Tax Basis CaSh BaSIS April through June 2019 Ordinary Income/Expense Income Services Total Income Expense Automobile Expense Bank Service Charges Cable Contribution Credit Card Services Equipment Rental Insurance Expense Licenses & Permits Meals and Entertainment Office Expenses Payroll Taxes Postage and Delivery Professional Fees Rent Expense Supplies Utilities Wages & Salaries Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income Apr - Jun 19 45,782.08 45,782.08 466.28 5.00 332.04 27.45 152.50 202.62 1.35 40.00 147.02 349.90 1,560.16 16.45 300.00 4,800.00 4,451.52 1,173.64 18,087.00 32,112.93 13,669.15 13,669.15 % of Income iI�I�I��� 100.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.7% 0.1 % 0.3% 0.4% 0.0% 0.1 % 0.3% 0.8% 3.4% 0.0% 0.7% 10.5% 9.7% 2.6% 39.5% 70.1 % 29.9% 29.9% UNAUDITED - FOR MANAGEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Vivian Nguyen Inc (119) STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS � From 01/01/20 to 06/30/20 Sales or Income Sales Total Sales or Income Operating Expense Payroll Expense Payroll Expense FUTA Employer's E SUTA Employer's E Cr Cd Processing f Bank Charges Car & Truck Exper Client Gift Insurance - BusinE Legal and Accounl Meals & Entertaini Rent - Building Repair & Mainten� � Supplies Telephone Uti I: Electric Util: Gas � Rubbish Remove Total Operating Expense NET INCOME OF $ 36,355.60 ioo.o�ro 36,355.60 ioo.o�ro 24,942.51 1,783.61 124.28 279.75 i$o.00 132.21 287.26 225.00 2,743.39 $oo.00 130.33 6,ioo.00 95.78 2,299.35 965.80 1,168.21 224.80 245.70 42,727.98 $ -6,372.38 68.6% 4.9% 0.3% 0.8% o.s�ro 0.4% 0.8% 0.6% 7.5% z.z�ro 0.4% 16.8% 0.3% 6.3% 2.7% 3.2% 0.6% 0.7% 117.5% -17.5% � C I T Y o F MONTICELLO EDA � • �Qr]�1C� Q SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT APPLICATION 1. CONTACT INFORMATION Hali J Designs Legal Name of Business: 321 Walnut Street Project Site Address: City / State / Zip: Monticello, MN 55362 Contact Person(s): Hali Sittig 763-295-2958 Business Phone: Email: Home Phone: Check One: � Proprietor '�Corporation Federal ID # State ID # � Partnership Property Owner: Classique Corner 2. BUSINESS INFORMATION Please attach additional documents/pages as needed to be complete as possible. a. Years of operation in Monticello b. List below the number of part time and full time employees. For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities u�ithin the Monticello business location. Prior to March 15th, 2020 Current 1 FT 2 PT 3 FT 1 PT 2 c. Give a brief summary of your business (products, services, growth history, operations, number of locations, etc.) We are a Retail Jewelry store that offers repairs and fine jewelry. We have seen a 20% growth history since purchasing the existing business in January of 2016. We have one location. d. Provide information regarding how your operations have been impacted by the pandemic, specifically hours of operation, employee reductions, etc. Include any strategies implemented to sustain your business The pandemic has resulted in changed hours each day. I have had to change the hours of my full time person to part time. My part timer works less days per week than they did before covid. e. Describe of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. We will continue to operate at reduced hours and staff until the business and economy pick up. 3. GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested: $ $5000.00 4. FINANCING Please provide documents/evidence of other sources of state or federal funds your business has been awarded or denied during the COVID pandemic, as applicable, including Economic Injury funds, PPP, etc. 5. ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please ttach the following: _ � A) Proof of address �B) Financial statements, such as: • Previous year's annual gross revenue • Average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19 • Projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. C) Proof of expenses to be paid D) Award/denial letters — State and Federal Assistance Programs 6. AGREEMENT I/ We certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/ We authorize the Monticello EDA to verify financial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the program and complies with all eligibility requirements. Further, the applicant understands that funds are awarded on a first-come first served basis. ... _- � APPLICANT SIGNATURE � ���� �� ! � Hali Sittig APPLICANT NAME (Print): DATE: 10/7/2020 The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. �N � �m u'� W� � ° W U � � C N W o � �rn -N � � � i6� � ^ � � � ro � N M �N � �M � � � W� � o W U � � C N W � � � � -N � � � I�� � � � � � � � N M �� _ r � �M aN NV � Q W� ��� V 30 N W ZN N � �V Q UN � � �QjN � �� 0 C �C C T N d �� _ r � �M aNN�� W� ��� V 30 N W ZN N � :�Q UN � � Q' +-� (6 N� 0 � �C C T N d � O i O m � � o M �W � � N � N �V .. a O � � 3 m c pY V � � N . � � 0 0 � O i O N r � o M �W � � N � N �V .. a O � � 3 m c pY V � � N . � � 0 0 4 ,' 1�oi000i � w o 0 0 �o w in in o ul rl L� L� U? N U? N N � � � o � U X � � � � r � � � M m N N N C � O m 0 x .0 H � N � � C '� m N �p � �� N N N T � � ' O (6 3 (6 N 3, O O O O L(1 O r vr � o °� � � C N ,,r 'i> U . �"rl 61 O O O �'' rl O� O O O l0 O� L(7 L(7 O ul rl L� L� U? N Ui N N � � � N o � U x � =� � � r � � � M m N N N C � O m 0 x .0 H � � � � � �� m N �p � �� N N � T � I�cnOa�' � �. O O L(1 O r vr � a � U � � � �a � � C y � L � U � o `o y (n C � � N ?� � � N C T O � f/) C T O � � a o � M � � � � Q a a U Q N � � �a � � C y � L � U � o `o y (n C � � N ?� � � C T O � f/) C T O � � a o � M � � � � Q N � i ,� � i i � � i o � � •�� N — ��� . `� o $ ~ � V � i} � � � r} � � � p (} g} O 4 "' � �n i Vr � N i � nl . M � ri .-� ° a� ' - r ��i �� 0 N �+I � r.� G rv ' rv �� N � ❑ ,� r � � v� . C� [:• [] � I �' N � � I� ��� �Fl �A Ir� m ' r.l '� N I.I w f 4 - �.i i.� ir� i.� � L � .I t � : I . . +I I� • a � �t � ° ` ;� ' k . v G _ 'h � � q . . . � 4 � � 1 � � " in � Si �f.� {} �f� . � O w +� �.n o �i r. m _ � � .I v1 r.l N rvl `. 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T V� i;i �I� � '�'1 F� ; i � I: n rt t� q --_ 1� o �.i �� ti � �[7 n� �., - 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis Ordinary Income/Expense Income Gold Income - Scrap HJD Mfg Interest Income Merchandise Sales State Sales Tax Merchandise Sales - Other Total Merchandise Sales Total Income Cost of Goods Sold Gold expense - Scrap Inventory Buy Down Merchant Account Fees Purchases Total COGS Gross Profit Expense Advertising and Promotion Bank Service Charges Charitable Contribution Client Gifts Computer Software Interest Expense Meals and Entertainment Memberships Monthly Expenses Automobile Expense Credit card machine lease Design license Insurance Expense Monthly in house credit Expense RentExpense Showroom expense Utilities Electric Email fees InternetExpenses Point of sale fee Telephone Expense Website Utilities - Other Total Utilities Water Service Monthly Expenses - Other Total Monthly Expenses One Time expenses Store Equipment Total One Time expenses Payroll Payroll Expenses Payroll Fees Payroll Taxes Total Payroll Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Jan 19 0.00 0.00 0.02 -1,667.00 13, 076.95 11, 409.95 11, 409.97 0.00 1,221.99 614.30 6, 359.00 8,195.29 3, 214.68 0.00 81.52 913.00 655.02 40.00 1, 350.00 29.65 0.00 6.08 114.97 155.49 0.00 0.00 81.03 884.11 164.95 0.00 323.97 0.00 196.66 121.49 364.00 357.57 11.62 0.00 3, 438.38 � �� � �� 4, 009.97 262.75 1, 320.50 5, 593.22 Feb 19 8,171.35 -100.00 0.01 -807.00 20, 448.23 19,641.23 27,712.59 0.00 3.00 114.97 305.61 182.40 0.00 70.49 3,748.98 0.00 260.74 14,353.96 18,363.68 9,348.91 581.72 70.95 0.00 331.38 0.00 179.35 352.51 574.00 0.00 81.52 913.00 837.58 40.00 0.00 47.85 676.47 11.62 16.10 2,624.14 � �� � �� 2,341.42 129.50 761.25 3,232.17 Page 1 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis postage and Shipping Professional Fees Supplies Jeweler Supplies Office Supplies Total Supplies Travel Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income Credit card Rewards Credit Memo Owner Loan Total Other Income OtherExpense Ask MyAccountant Owner Loan Repayment Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Jan 19 92.70 0.00 324.81 660.89 985.70 4.91 12,170.09 -8,955.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -8,955.41 Feb 19 128.60 0.00 0.00 839.13 839.13 23.09 8,937.04 411.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 411.87 Page 2 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis Ordinary Income/Expense Income Gold Income - Scrap HJD Mfg Interest Income Merchandise Sales State Sales Tax Merchandise Sales - Other Total Merchandise Sales Total Income Cost of Goods Sold Gold expense - Scrap Inventory Buy Down Merchant Account Fees Purchases Total COGS Gross Profit Expense Advertising and Promotion Bank Service Charges Charitable Contribution Client Gifts Computer Software Interest Expense Meals and Entertainment Memberships Monthly Expenses Automobile Expense Credit card machine lease Design license Insurance Expense Monthly in house credit Expense RentExpense Showroom expense Utilities Electric Email fees InternetExpenses Point of sale fee Telephone Expense Website Utilities - Other Total Utilities Water Service Monthly Expenses - Other Total Monthly Expenses One Time expenses Store Equipment Total One Time expenses Payroll Payroll Expenses Payroll Fees Payroll Taxes Total Payroll Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Mar 19 -1,089.00 11, 508.86 10, 419.86 10, 419.86 180.00 0.00 296.10 1, 312.22 1, 788.32 8,631.54 0.00 81.52 913.00 994.71 40.00 1, 350.00 83.29 77.20 3.00 116.69 150.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 312.85 20.95 0.00 90.18 87.58 193.93 448.20 0.00 347.01 5.37 16.10 3,831.00 � �� � �� 2, 259.25 129.50 743.41 3,132.16 Apr 19 -461.00 10,971.30 10, 510.30 10, 510.30 392.00 0.00 250.52 236.62 879.14 9,631.16 0.00 81.52 913.00 549.53 -80.00 1, 350.00 17.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 408.72 70.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 195.31 404.58 0.00 150.12 0.00 16.10 2, 997.44 � �� � �� 1, 973.14 130.00 647.47 2, 750.61 Page 3 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis postage and Shipping Professional Fees Supplies Jeweler Supplies Office Supplies Total Supplies Travel Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income Credit card Rewards Credit Memo Owner Loan Total Other Income OtherExpense Ask MyAccountant Owner Loan Repayment Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Mar 19 47.30 0.00 0.00 704.99 704.99 41.01 8,910.15 -278.61 80.32 0.00 0.00 80.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.32 -198.29 Apr 19 26.30 0.00 0.00 588.67 588.67 57.72 7, 500.30 2,130.86 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 2,130.86 Page 4 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis Ordinary Income/Expense Income Gold Income - Scrap HJD Mfg Interest Income Merchandise Sales State Sales Tax Merchandise Sales - Other Total Merchandise Sales Total Income Cost of Goods Sold Gold expense - Scrap Inventory Buy Down Merchant Account Fees Purchases Total COGS Gross Profit Expense Advertising and Promotion Bank Service Charges Charitable Contribution Client Gifts Computer Software Interest Expense Meals and Entertainment Memberships Monthly Expenses Automobile Expense Credit card machine lease Design license Insurance Expense Monthly in house credit Expense RentExpense Showroom expense Utilities Electric Email fees InternetExpenses Point of sale fee Telephone Expense Website Utilities - Other Total Utilities Water Service Monthly Expenses - Other Total Monthly Expenses One Time expenses Store Equipment Total One Time expenses Payroll Payroll Expenses Payroll Fees Payroll Taxes Total Payroll Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 May 19 -650.00 20, 376.53 19, 726.53 19, 726.55 1,321.60 0.00 156.27 4,141.77 5, 619.64 14,106.91 2, 552.74 64.95 0.00 40.83 72.54 194.98 838.57 0.00 0.00 81.52 913.00 799.88 0.00 1, 350.00 17.17 82.63 6.04 233.38 150.12 182.40 0.00 85.25 739.82 33.39 322.03 4, 256.81 � �� � �� 2, 445.89 130.00 779.95 3, 355.84 Jun 19 -1,183.00 12, 593.24 11, 410.24 11, 410.25 500.00 0.00 378.75 1, 996.51 2, 875.26 8, 534.99 331.72 0.00 913.00 336.71 0.00 1, 350.00 17.17 604.89 20.95 115.00 213.22 0.00 182.84 419.21 20.00 0.00 0.00 268.53 3,217.13 � �� � �� 2,182.36 130.00 715.33 3, 027.69 Page 5 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis postage and Shipping Professional Fees Supplies Jeweler Supplies Office Supplies Total Supplies Travel Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income Credit card Rewards Credit Memo Owner Loan Total Other Income OtherExpense Ask MyAccountant Owner Loan Repayment Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 May 19 37.50 0.00 309.76 728.26 1, 038.02 201.40 12, 654.18 1, 452.73 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 1,952.73 Jun 19 13.10 0.00 0.00 681.72 681.72 0.00 8, 515.75 19.24 73.70 0.00 600.00 673.70 0.00 300.00 300.00 373.70 392.94 Page 6 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis Ordinary Income/Expense Income Gold Income - Scrap HJD Mfg Interest Income Merchandise Sales State Sales Tax Merchandise Sales - Other Total Merchandise Sales Total Income Cost of Goods Sold Gold expense - Scrap Inventory Buy Down Merchant Account Fees Purchases Total COGS Gross Profit Expense Advertising and Promotion Bank Service Charges Charitable Contribution Client Gifts Computer Software Interest Expense Meals and Entertainment Memberships Monthly Expenses Automobile Expense Credit card machine lease Design license Insurance Expense Monthly in house credit Expense RentExpense Showroom expense Utilities Electric Email fees InternetExpenses Point of sale fee Telephone Expense Website Utilities - Other Total Utilities Water Service Monthly Expenses - Other Total Monthly Expenses One Time expenses Store Equipment Total One Time expenses Payroll Payroll Expenses Payroll Fees Payroll Taxes Total Payroll Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Jul 19 -763.00 10, 035.58 9, 272.58 9, 272.59 750.00 0.00 264.70 214.70 1, 229.40 8, 043.19 53.50 0.00 913.00 628.90 0.00 1, 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.97 150.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 78.66 70.95 0.00 206.94 0.00 197.17 282.70 0.00 265.09 0.00 254.61 3, 465.10 � �� � �� 3, 353.02 130.00 730.09 4, 213.11 Aug 19 -731.00 14, 436.05 13, 705.05 13, 705.05 231.71 9.13 238.73 300.24 182.40 0.00 0.00 280.00 0.00 200.46 4, 435.39 4, 915.85 8, 789.20 165.74 70.95 0.00 331.59 22.54 190.06 166.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 913.00 857.76 0.00 0.00 17.17 962.21 55.16 393.18 3,198.48 134.44 134.44 714.44 195.00 640.29 1, 549.73 Page 7 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis postage and Shipping Professional Fees Supplies Jeweler Supplies Office Supplies Total Supplies Travel Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income Credit card Rewards Credit Memo Owner Loan Total Other Income OtherExpense Ask MyAccountant Owner Loan Repayment Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Jul 19 18.40 200.00 0.00 289.22 289.22 0.00 9, 022.25 -979.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -979.06 Aug 19 52.47 200.00 0.00 556.48 556.48 0.00 6, 638.67 2,150.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,150.53 Page 8 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis Ordinary Income/Expense Income Gold Income - Scrap HJD Mfg Interest Income Merchandise Sales State Sales Tax Merchandise Sales - Other Total Merchandise Sales Total Income Cost of Goods Sold Gold expense - Scrap Inventory Buy Down Merchant Account Fees Purchases Total COGS Gross Profit Expense Advertising and Promotion Bank Service Charges Charitable Contribution Client Gifts Computer Software Interest Expense Meals and Entertainment Memberships Monthly Expenses Automobile Expense Credit card machine lease Design license Insurance Expense Monthly in house credit Expense RentExpense Showroom expense Utilities Electric Email fees InternetExpenses Point of sale fee Telephone Expense Website Utilities - Other Total Utilities Water Service Monthly Expenses - Other Total Monthly Expenses One Time expenses Store Equipment Total One Time expenses Payroll Payroll Expenses Payroll Fees Payroll Taxes Total Payroll Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Sep 19 2,183.00 0.00 0.02 -852.00 26, 330.97 25, 478.97 27,661.99 550.00 0.00 342.29 11,336.16 12, 228.45 15, 433.54 0.00 0.00 913.00 1,143.89 0.00 2, 700.00 17.17 83.42 3.00 114.97 150.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 988.40 64.95 0.00 309.91 22.54 109.86 480.67 200.00 351.51 42.07 683.99 5,851.63 0.00 0.00 604.69 130.00 225.28 959.97 Oct 19 -1, 879.00 22, 396.29 20, 517.29 20, 517.35 0.00 0.00 832.31 6, 422.01 7, 254.32 13, 263.03 0.00 0.00 1, 826.00 336.71 0.00 2, 700.00 49.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.12 0.00 20.00 0.00 760.04 17.45 0.00 361.52 344.61 193.68 168.82 158.00 170.12 0.00 158.43 5, 240.50 � �� � �� 1, 087.02 130.00 361.13 1, 578.15 Page 9 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis postage and Shipping Professional Fees Supplies Jeweler Supplies Office Supplies Total Supplies Travel Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income Credit card Rewards Credit Memo Owner Loan Total Other Income OtherExpense Ask MyAccountant Owner Loan Repayment Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Sep 19 94.51 0.00 0.00 583.55 583.55 82.56 9, 748.55 5, 684.99 116.45 0.00 0.00 116.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 116.45 5,801.44 Oct 19 41.27 0.00 270.49 1, 057.94 1, 328.43 0.00 10,192.47 3, 070.56 0.00 210.55 210.55 -210.55 2,860.01 Page 10 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis Ordinary Income/Expense Income Gold Income - Scrap HJD Mfg Interest Income Merchandise Sales State Sales Tax Merchandise Sales - Other Total Merchandise Sales Total Income Cost of Goods Sold Gold expense - Scrap Inventory Buy Down Merchant Account Fees Purchases Total COGS Gross Profit Expense Advertising and Promotion Bank Service Charges Charitable Contribution Client Gifts Computer Software Interest Expense Meals and Entertainment Memberships Monthly Expenses Automobile Expense Credit card machine lease Design license Insurance Expense Monthly in house credit Expense RentExpense Showroom expense Utilities Electric Email fees InternetExpenses Point of sale fee Telephone Expense Website Utilities - Other Total Utilities Water Service Monthly Expenses - Other Total Monthly Expenses One Time expenses Store Equipment Total One Time expenses Payroll Payroll Expenses Payroll Fees Payroll Taxes Total Payroll Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Nov 19 0.00 0.00 0.07 -1,199.00 22, 821.45 21, 622.45 21, 622.52 162.06 6.04 231.66 150.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 415.43 12, 024.91 12, 440.34 9,182.18 650.44 14.95 35.80 568.89 0.00 183.52 388.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 336.71 0.00 0.00 38.45 549.88 19.88 476.25 1,421.17 � �� � �� 777.36 130.00 229.75 1.137.11 Dec 19 0.00 0.00 0.12 -707.00 27,994.18 27,287.18 27, 287.30 0.00 0.00 656.83 45, 408.23 46, 065.06 -18,777.76 2, 057.08 64.95 0.00 862.03 0.00 104.23 751.95 0.00 357.65 0.00 913.00 336.71 0.00 1, 350.00 37.39 0.00 0.00 231.66 369.44 192.40 0.00 0.00 793.50 26.32 1,186.22 5, 000.79 � �� � �� 2, 418.66 130.00 356.03 2, 904.69 Page 11 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis postage and Shipping Professional Fees Supplies Jeweler Supplies Office Supplies Total Supplies Travel Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income Credit card Rewards Credit Memo Owner Loan Total Other Income OtherExpense Ask MyAccountant Owner Loan Repayment Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 Nov 19 74.25 1, 365.89 0.00 960.31 960.31 0.00 6, 800.40 2,381.78 0.00 2, 240.05 0.00 2, 240.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 2, 240.05 4,621.83 Dec 19 0.00 1, 006.38 136.13 1, 858.24 1, 994.37 32.24 14, 778.71 -33, 556.47 324.78 0.00 0.00 324.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 324.78 -33,231.69 Page 12 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis Ordinary Income/Expense Income Gold Income - Scrap HJD Mfg Interest Income Merchandise Sales State Sales Tax Merchandise Sales - Other Total Merchandise Sales Total Income Cost of Goods Sold Gold expense - Scrap Inventory Buy Down Merchant Account Fees Purchases Total COGS Gross Profit Expense Advertising and Promotion Bank Service Charges Charitable Contribution Client Gifts Computer Software Interest Expense Meals and Entertainment Memberships Monthly Expenses Automobile Expense Credit card machine lease Design license Insurance Expense Monthly in house credit Expense RentExpense Showroom expense Utilities Electric Email fees InternetExpenses Point of sale fee Telephone Expense Website Utilities - Other Total Utilities Water Service Monthly Expenses - Other Total Monthly Expenses One Time expenses Store Equipment Total One Time expenses Payroll Payroll Expenses Payroll Fees Payroll Taxes Total Payroll Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 TOTAL 10, 354.35 -100.00 0.34 -11,988.00 212, 989.63 201,001.63 211, 256.32 7, 722.58 1,221.99 4, 668.70 108, 241.48 121, 854.75 89,401.57 10, 045.39 717.90 150.80 3, 640.46 549.81 2,121.59 4, 822.96 1, 316.00 742.87 407.60 10,956.00 7,814.11 40.00 14,850.00 371.72 637.02 36.29 1, 512.00 2,181.62 739.60 20.00 236.77 5,363.30 205.43 3,791.54 44, 542.57 134.44 134.44 24,167.22 1,756.75 7,510.48 33, 434.45 Page 13 1:19 PM 04/01/20 Accrual Basis postage and Shipping Professional Fees Supplies Jeweler Supplies Office Supplies Total Supplies Travel Expenses Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Other Income/Expense Other Income Credit card Rewards Credit Memo Owner Loan Total Other Income OtherExpense Ask MyAccountant Owner Loan Repayment Total Other Expense Net Other Income Net Income Classique Jewelry Profit & Loss January through December 2019 TOTAL 626.40 2, 772.27 1,041.19 9,509.40 10, 550.59 442.93 115, 868.56 -26, 466.99 595.25 2, 240.05 1,150.00 3, 985.30 0.00 560.55 560.55 3, 424.75 -23,042.24 Page 14 � � � � � � � � � � � �+� i i +r �ri i,n �., �, m rv i�i � �r� i•i in � � r•I 'fs {} K} �r� I•.-. � — rv . rv *�- m � {�I u y� 4 U ~ � � � { } ,�} -� I I 1 } �.�} I _ y/`f �lJ �'�� y..� l�l °I� ti� . 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Project Site Address: 1579 7th St E City / State / Zip: Monticello, MN 55362 Contact Person(s): Stacie May Business Phone: �63-295-2323 Email: Home Phone: Check One Federal ID # �c Proprietor � Corporation Property Owner: RCG Ventures State ID # � Partnership 2. BUSINESS INFORMATION Please attach additional documents/pages as needed to be complete as possible. a. Years of operation in Monticello 3.5 b. List below the number of part time and full time employees. For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities u�ithin the Monticello business location. Prior to March 15th, 2020 FT 1 PT 5 Current FT 1 PT 2 1 c. Give a brief summary of your business (products, services, growth history, operations, number of locations, etc.) We are a beauty salon that sells Aveda products. Bought Salon in June of 2017. We have went from just one employee when we started to a total of 6 hair stylist and 3 receptionist. We have one location located in Monticello. Our revenue went from $8,000-9,000 to over $15,000 a month in a little over 3 years. d. Provide information regarding how your operations have been impacted by the pandemic, specifically hours of operation, employee reductions, etc. Include any strategies implemented to sustain your business We were forced to shut down due to the government mandated shut down. We were closed from March 17th until June 1st with occupancy limited to 25%. We were unable to take walk in clients do to the restrictions that were imposed for the reopen of our buisness. We went from a total of 7 employee's to a total of 3 employee's now. We have applied for many grants and loans. We received a PPP loan in the amount of $11,935, which paid payroll for our returning employee's. e. Describe of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. We are hoping with the grant money we can pay our outstanding debt's to keep our doors open. We are also hoping to hire new employee's to keep the cash flow in place. 2 3. GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested: $ _ 5000 4. FINANCING Please provide documents/evidence of other sources of state or federal funds your business has been awarded or denied during the COVID pandemic, as applicable, including Economic Injury funds, PPP, etc. 5. ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please attach the following: A) Proof of address B) Financial statements, such as: • Previous year's annual gross revenue • Average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19 • Projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. C) Proof of expenses to be paid D) Award/denial letters - State and Federal Assistance Programs AGREEMENT I/ We certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/ We authorize the Monticello EDA to verify financial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the program and complies with all eligibility requirements. Further, the applicant understands that funds are awarded on a first-come first served basis. APPLICANT SIGNATURE �t�'-� APPLICANT NAME (Print): Stacie DATE: 10/07/2020 The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. v v � �" � � � -� : �. ; � � � � ; " � " v +, � �'n = v � � = a � w � � � � � � � � v� � v� +• w � c � m w+• o � a a x x x x x x x x E � }�a W O Z � c w �, � � u � j a X X X X X X X X � W � � � _ Q a v o y W > U W � u W K � i N LL � � -p Q X U/ W - W G � Q W � a a � � � � a x x x ¢ � J � � X X N W C LL i �' C O +�+ O O � u } } } } } } } } Z L O � u W � L � *' a °' L > > > > > > > > � `w v �n y ou N N 7/ F �--� � l0 l0 O 7 M M W LL � W m C � 0 0 � 'y+ VI � VI VI VI VI � � R V1 T T T T T � U/ G Q � 7 N 01 I� N V1 M � � � W .� � � � O � � � O � � �' N N N N N N N N L� � } } } } } } } } .� a�� W C W i � � � C � � i=� W L y V'6 N N N N N N N N � � X O } } } } } } } } � tlD W W - (7 W i-� � � � O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � Q O O O O O O O O � C V�} V�} V�} V�} V�} V�} V�} V�} � i V c a c 0 7 N 7 � J � - � tlq \ J (� � Z c7 L � � �. a m m w �n � 3 J � m �� y � � � � y U O Y � ^ �J m \ � J 1n � � � � 7 y � U j� O W N � C c w c a � -p Z a _ 'O ts � � � .� •� C - � N In N •y � [O i.� Q a a 2 a U 0 SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE GRANT AGREEMENT This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is made this _ day of , 2020, between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), and [name of business], a Minnesota [type of business entity, e.g. limited liability company, sole proprietorship, assumed name, etc.] ("Grantee"). RECITALS A. In March 2020, Governor Tim Walz issued a series of Emergency Executive Orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which closed public and private schools, closed bars, restaurants, and other places of accommodation and generally required Minnesotans to stay at home, while acknowledging that the State's response to the COVID-19 pandemic would result, either directly or indirectly, in the closure of many of Minnesota's businesses. B. In an effort to mitigate the economic distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to provide funding to States and local governments to cover costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. C. Guidance issued by the federal government provides that CARES Act funding is intended to cover a variety of costs incurred by State and local governments in responding to and mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 public health crisis, including expenses to enable compliance with public health measures such as facilitating distance learning and improving telework capabilities, and expenses associated with economic support, such as grants to businesses. D. Pursuant to federal and State guidelines established for expenditure of the CARES Act funding, Grantor has created its Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program (the "Program") and has approved guidelines for the Program (the "Program Guidelines"), which are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. E. Grantee has submitted an application for a grant (the "Grant Application") under the Program Guidelines, and Grantor has approved a grant to the Grantee in the amount of $ (the "Grant") to pay a portion of the expenses described in the Grant Application, in connection with Grantee's [kind of business, e.g. restaurant, salon, etc.] located at in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") (the "Grant Activities"). F. The Grantor and Grantee wish to memorialize the terms of the Grant in this Agreement. ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Grant Amount. Subj ect to the terms of this Agreement, the Program Guidelines, and the Grant Application (together, the "Grant Documents"), Grantor agrees to grant to Grantee the sum of and no/100ths Dollars ($ ). The Grant will be paid by 1 Grantor to Grantee for the Grant Activities approved under the Grant Documents in accordance with Section 2 hereof. 2. Pavment of Grant Proceeds. (a) The Grant will be paid to Grantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Grant Documents. The Grantee agrees that any costs of the Grant Activities exceeding the amount to be paid under this Agreement are the sole responsibility of the Grantee. (b) The Grantor will pay the Grant to Grantee once the Grantor has received from Grantee, without expense to Grantor: (i) a signed copy of this Agreement; (ii) a list of the Grant Activities that will be paid from the Grant; and (iii) a written statement from the Grantee certifying that none of the Grant Activities for which the payment is proposed to be made has formed or will form the basis for any payment made under any other agreement with any other grantor. 3. Representations and Warranties. Grantee represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) Grantee is authorized to sign, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to receive the Grant from Grantor. (b) Grantee agrees that it will keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and payment of Grant proceeds and that any authorized representative of Grantor, with reasonable advance notice, may have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other documents of Grantee related to the Grant until Grantee provides its final report to Grantor. (c) To the best of Grantee's knowledge, Grantee has fully complied with all applicable federal and State laws reasonably relevant to this Agreement and will continue to comply throughout the term of this Agreement. If at any time Grantee receives notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Grantee agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the federal or State law in question. (d) Grantee will use the proceeds of the Grant made by Grantor only for the Grant Activities, and within 60 days after the date of this Agreement, Grantee will provide to Grantor in writing a brief report stating how all of the Grant funds have been used and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar. 4. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree that the Grant is not a business subsidy as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), because the assistance is in an amount less than $150,000. 5. Indemnification. 2 (a) Grantee agrees to indemnify against and to hold Grantor, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Grantor by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants, or agreements contained herein. (b) This indemnification and hold harmless provision will survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the payment by Grantor of any portion of the Grant. (c) Nothing in this Agreement will constitute a waiver of or limitation on any immunity from or limitation on liability to which Grantee is entitled under law. 6. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Grantee and Grantor. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. (b) Assi�nment. This Agreement is binding upon the parties. All rights and powers specifically conferred upon Grantor may be transferred or delegated by Grantor to any of its successors and assigns. Grantee's rights and obligations under this Agreement may be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Grantor. (c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. (d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Grantor: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 City of Monticello, MN 55362 3 To Grantee: Attn: Executive Director Attn: (� Termination. On the date the Grantor receives Grantee's written report on Grantee's expenditure of Grant proceeds as described in paragraph 3(f) of this Agreement, this Agreement will terminate and neither party will have any further obligation to the other. (g) Entire A�reement. This Agreement, together with the Grant Documents, is the entire statement of agreement between the Grantor and Grantee regarding the Grant. � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. GRANTOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President By: Its Executive Director [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTOR] GRANTEE: [Business name] : Title: [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTEE] 656052v1 MNI MN190-101 CITY OF • 'I�ril on l�� � MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM POLICY PURPOSE The Economic Development Authority for the City of Monticello (EDA) recognizes that small businesses are vital to the fabric of the Monticello community. Accordingly, the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) has developed a Small Business Emergency Assistance Program to address working capital needs upon the declaration of a state of emergency by the State of Minnesota (State) and the City of Monticello (City). The purpose of this program is to ensure the viability of the community's small businesses faced with the current COVID-19 health emergency, which is adversely impacting the local economy. The goal of this program is to provide needed financing for local businesses to help sustain operations and endure economic hardships during this challenging time. The program is structured as grant assistance. Grant funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is subject to funding availability from the EDA. The EDA retains the authority and discretion to approve or deny an application, and reserves the right to subsequently add further priorities, change eligibility criteria, or discontinue the program in response to changing circumstances. ELIGIBILITY a. Eligible Businesses To be eligible to receive Small Business Emergency Assistance funds, a business must demonstrate that its operations have been directly and adversely affected by the COVID-19 Health Pandemic and include the following: Eligible business types include locally owned and operated businesses noted in Executive Orders 20-04 and 20-08, such as those listed below. • Restaurants, cafes, coffeehouses, and other places of public accommodation offering food or beverage for on-premises consumption. • Taverns, brew pubs, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, and other places of public accommodation offering alcoholic beverages for on- premises consumption. Gymnasiums, fitness centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities, businesses offering massage therapy, spas, salons, nail salons, cosmetology salons, and barber shops. This includes, but is not limited to, all salons and shops licensed by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetologist Examiners and the Minnesota Board of Barber Examiners. • Bowling alleys, theaters, skating rinks, and other similar recreational or entertainment facilities. • Local boutique and specialty retailers. 2. Other businesses as approved by the EDA. b. Eligibility Requirements The business shall have a physical address (proof of address required) within the corporate boundary of the City and have been operating within the City long enough to demonstrate financial viability; The business shall employ between 2 and 25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees prior to the issuance of the State of Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-04 (March 16, 2020) and/or make $1 million or less in annual gross revenue. For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities within the Monticello business location. 4. All businesses must serve the general public and be a conforming or legally non- conforming use under the current zoning regulations of the City, and must not be in violation of the City's zoning code. Applicants are strongly encouraged to claim all applicable private and public insurance and utilize all other sources of applicable assistance available from other private and public sources. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Grant through the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Small Business Emergency Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) prior to applying for this grant. For more information, visit: Guide to financial resources for Minnesota small businesses While not absolutely required, applications which include proof of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs will receive higher scores in evaluation. Assistance cannot be provided to businesses that: • Do not have a physical address (and building/location) within the City of Monticello. • Have more than three total locations operating as part of the business enterprise. 2 • Derive income from passive investments without operational ties to operating businesses or whose primary source of revenue is from business-to-business transactions. • Primarily generate income from gambling activities. • Have no current or historical financial statements. • See also a2 above. FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS a. Amount: Businesses may apply for a one-time emergency grant of up to $5,000. The EDA shall determine the final award amounts based upon scoring criteria. b. Term: All grant awards must be utilized within two months of the date of the grant fund disbursement. c. Uses: Awarded funds may be used exclusively for current payroll obligations (i.e. may not include employees who have been laid off), lease or mortgage payments, utilities, accounts payable, and other critical business expenses that can't be paid as a direct result of the current health emergency. Awarded funds mav not be used for �avment of �ro�ertv or other taxes or for the businessowner's/mana�er's �ersonal uses or ex�enses. The City reserves the right to pay or require payment of delinquent bills or charges due to the City out of funds awarded. d. Proof of Need: Applicants shall be required to provide proof of financial need for grant funds. This includes but is not limited to the previous year's annual gross revenue, average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19, and projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months. Additionally, as noted above, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. e. Proof of Expenses: Applicant shall provide proof of eligible expenses requested to be paid with grant funds. See list of eligible grant uses above. f. Disbursement of Funds: Funds shall be distributed within three weeks after fully executed grant agreement has been received. g. Termination: The EDA retains the right to terminate any agreement under the Emergency Assistance Program if a grant recipient is found to be in violation of any conditions set forth in the grant guidelines or grant agreement. h. Right to Deny: The EDA retains the right to deny any application for grant funding. i. Grant Agreement: Upon a successful grant application being awarded funds, the grant recipient shall enter into a Grant Agreement with the EDA. Funds will not be distributed for any grant award until a grant agreement has been executed by all required parties. j. Reporting: As a condition for receiving grant funding, all grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the EDA within two months after receiving grant funds, specifying how the entirety of the grant funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. k. Funding Availability: The Small Business Emergency Assistance program has a limited amount of funds available. Awards will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis until the earlier of the date the fund is exhausted, or the City-declared state of emergency declaration is lifted. l. Indemnification: All grant recipients shall be required to indemnify the City of Monticello, the Monticello Economic Development Authority, and any officers acting on their behalf. APPLICATION PROCESS Prior to applying, please review the Program Guidelines to determine if your business is eligible. Applications will be available June 1st, 2020. 1. Applications are available on the City's website: www.ci.monticello.mn.us. 2. Application requirements will include: • Basic details about the business. • Basic employment and annual gross revenue information. • Information on current operations including whether the business is currently closed or is providing reduced services. • Narrative descriptions and estimated calculations of the negative impacts on the business due to COVID-19. • A narrative description of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. • Information on the intended use of the grant funds. • Evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs, as applicable. • Supporting documentation and application attachments. 3. Fully completed and signed applications along with required documents may be submitted online to: Communitv.develo�ment@ci.monticellamn.us Please note that mailed hard copy applications will take longer to process. 4 4. Upon submission of application, applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of application. The application will be reviewed for eligibility upon receipt. If additional information or documentation is necessary, EDA staff will contact the applicant. Due to an expected high volume of applications, you may consider your application complete if staff does not request additional information within 10 business days after application acceptance. FUNDING PROCESS If application is approved and funds are available, businesses will be notified within 2 business days and provided with an electronic grant agreement for signatures. Small businesses receiving funds must commit to using the funds for eligible program expenses and must agree to document and report specific uses of the funds. All grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the Monticello EDA within two months after receipt of funds, specifying how the entirety of the funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. GRANT AGREEMENT If the application for Small Business Assistance is approved, the applicant and business owner will be required to enter into a grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the grant as identified herein. FOLLOW-UP and ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: For businesses needing additional resources such as technical assistance, larger working capital grants, or other, staff will provide ongoing assistance to businesses of all sizes and types, working with partners and other levels of government to access resources as available, such as SBA and State of Minnesota DEED grants. Staff will conduct a check-in with grant recipients within one year of the distribution of funds to learn the effect of the grant and business outcomes such as economic impact of the grant program, (including, but not limited to, employees retained or rehired, and sales) and whether they match the program's desired outcomes of business and/or job retention. QUESTIONS Any questions related to the application process or for assistance in completing the application should be directed to: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 763-271-3254 communitv. develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us EDA Agenda: 10/14/20 6. Consideration of Acceptin� 2020 Comprehensive Housin� Needs and Market Demand Studv Report (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is being asked to accept the recently completed 2020 Comprehensive Housing Needs and Market Demand Study. The 107-page Study was completed by MSA Professional Services. It contains a lot of quality, useful information including projected future market demands for single family, multi-family and senior housing as well as comparisons with peer communities regarding demographics, housing tenure and existing market characteristics. The EDA authorized entering into a contract in the amount of $17,500 to complete the Housing Study on June 9, 2020. Matt Frater, MSA Professional Services will attend the meeting remotely to present the key Study findings and answer questions the EDA members may have. If the EDA accepts the Study, it will be made available to several housing developers that have asked to receive it. Al. Staff Impact: There is a low staff impact in presenting the recently completed 2020 Housing Needs and Market Demand Study. A2. Budget Impact: There is a very limited cost to prepare the staff report and present the Study to the EDA. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to accept the 2020 Housing Needs and Market Demand Study. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of the 2020 Housing Needs and Market Demand Study. Motion to table acceptance of the 2020 Housing Needs and Market Demand Study further research and/or discussion. 4. Motion of other as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the EDA accepts the completed Housing Needs and Market Demand Study. The information provided in the Study should offer good quality market demand data and guide interactions and process steps with prospective housing developers. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Executive Summary Link (4 page document) https://www. dropbox. com/sh/uoitvha liezwdc�g/AAB emAij 46MB W7cXIcYvioj fa/Ho usin� Study Executive Summarv Draft.pdf?d1=0 B. Full Housing Study Report (107 page document) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uoitvhaliezwdq�/AABhD JY QL8kB�UIz4X29hTa/H ousin� Study EDA Full Draft.pdf?d1=0 C. Appendices (37 page document) https://www. dropbox. com/sh/uoitvha 1 iezwdc�g/AAB qFEXDvae7F3 nOZqeuv4Pra/Ho usin� Study Monticello-A�pendices.pdf?d1=0 EDA Agenda: 10/14/20 7. Economic Development Director's Report (JT) A. CARES Act Emergency Grants: Staff wants to convey the messages of thanks and great appreciation that have been received from numerous recipients of the $5,000 grants. This funding has been a critical lifeline to some of these local businesses. B. 300 - 4t'' Street East: The demolition work activities of the home and garage located at 300 — 4th Street East has been completed. The site restoration has also been finalized. The attached photos include before and after scenes of the property. Please see Exhibit A-1 through A-5. C. Project Gia-Saurus Update: Task efforts related to Project Gia-Saurus have been organized into four areas and each is accompanied by a short summary of the work status below: 1. Legislative — in a standstill phase and monitoring COVID-19 stimulus discussions. 2. Federal and State funding programs — status of tasks awaits further direction related to a definitive site for the proposal. Funding would be primarily used for infrastructure which may or may not include a building. Industrial Land Feasibility Study — Completed by WSB. Study has been revised through add on Memos identifying full ultimate public infrastructure development costs. The Memo(s) still identify three viable sites with infrastructure costs ranging from $4,000,000 to $18,000,000. 4. Project and Process Review-Communications — Continuance of efforts to understand the desired development timeframe and deadlines. Also, additional collaborative efforts to introduce equity partners and/or willing large proj ect lenders or developers capable of building and owning the building to Xela Corporation. A thorough review of company due-diligence information in detail is expected at the time of funding applications. A Letter of Intent (LOI) is also currently in a rough draft format. Its ultimate contents and form will hinge on a final site determination. The Draft LOI will need a review by all involved parties in the coming weeks prior to formal consideration. Staff will continue to work various tasks on all of these tracks to keep moving the proposal forward. D. UMC Expansion Project Update: The building permit application materials were recently submitted to the City. The expectation is that it will take City staff about three weeks to complete the building plan review and issue the structural building permit. Staff has also informed UMC that the footings and foundation permit will be issued when UMC is ready for it. E. Potential Tour of Rivertown Residential Suites: The late September 2020 tour date that was proposed was not a good fit for the Briggs Companies property management team. Staff will continue to discuss potential tour dates and notify the EDA when a date can be arranged. If the tour can be arranged in the next 30 days, social distancing practices and mask requirements would be adhered to as per health agency recommendations. F. Prospect List Update: Please see the updated Prospect List as Exhibit B. � C � �,. �� 9 � i ;r �t'!'. 1. i' ' � � y : � �=x• s ..�_ .. �A� ^,� I I � � 4�T ? : �a� w. ° ~�� �q� � ���L. �L l' � � I I ri s� . � �:: '�� .s.������� —�� � • � �` � �� 6 ' II v � . � � �4 - - �, . "� . �-� - .\ � ,��� , c.�t I I — _ _ � j��`, `��- ^��g _ �C � n �� � � ��� � �. � � � ,a '�" � s a� - `.��• ' ' I I � '.1 fr � �R,_' * � , ,�� � � � I � I y «F ( II T l�� F X� y � �.�• u � I II I i � �,.��� , �di � I� r r� ^`,'� ,�, _ � - •'� �.a.. 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