Planning Commission Minutes 03-08-1984 (Special Meeting) ~ MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION March 8, 1984 - 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Don Cochran, Richard Carlson, Ed Schaffer. Members Absent: Joyce Dowling Staff Present: Gary Anderson The meeting was called to order by President Jim Ridgeway at 7:16 P.M., March 8, 1984. . President Jim Ridgeway opened the meeting for public input regarding Metcalf and Larson's office retail building application for a Conditional Use to allow more than two signs to be placed on the building. John Sandberg was present indicating that he was not objectionable to amending the Ordinance by the public hearing process, but he did object to circumventing the Ordinance by initiating an interim rule. Mr. Jim Metcalf, along with the owner of David's Photography, was present to explain some background in regard to their Conditional Use application and to apologize to Planning Commission members for being so late with the application, not realizing in looking at the Ordinance that he would need a Conditional Use to have more than two signs on his building. Mr. Metcalf indicated that the sign Ordinance is a very touchy issue and he is only asking that they look at the Ordinance to possibly grant him a Variance under Option A or option B the number of signs needed for his building and an appropriate amount of square footage for each sign. Motion by Richard Carlson to set a public hearing date for March 26, 1984,6:30 P.M., to hear public testimony to the Ordinance Amendment for Section 10-3-9, Subdivision E District Regulations, #2, Subletter B, #1 Option A, #2 Option B, and #3 Conditional Uses. Motion was seconded by Don Cochran. Motion carried with Jim Ridgeway, Richard Carlson, Don Cochran, and Ed Schaffer voting in favor. Joyce Dowling absent. Motion was then entered by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Don Cochran to adjourn the meeting. Members voting in favor: Ed Schaffer, Don Cochran, Jim Ridgeway, and Richard Carlson. Member Absent: Joyce Dowling. Meeting adjourned at 7:48 P.M. Chairman Jim Ridgeway asked that the meeting be reconvened at 8:01 P.M. Chairman Jim Ridgeway indicated he would like to have recorded in the . - 1 - Special Planning Commission Minutes - 3/8/84 . minutes a tentative date for a special Monticello Planning Commission meeting and the public hearing on tax increment financing for Fulfillment Systems. Motion by Don Cochran, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to set the special Monticello Planning Commission meeting date for March 26, 1984,6:00 P.M., to hear public testimony on Fulfillment Systems. Members voting in favor: Don Cochran, Ed Schaffer, Jim Ridgeway, Richard Carlson. Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Carlson, to adjourn the meeting. Members voting in favor: Ed Schaffer, Richard Carlson, Jim Ridgeway, and Don Cochran. Member Absent: Joyce Dowling. Meeting adjourned at 8:09 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Gary Anderson zoning Administrator . . - 2 -