City Council Agenda Packet 01-09-2006 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monda Januar 9,2006 - 7 .m. CORE STREET INFORMATIONAL MEETING - 5:30 P.M. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf. 1. 2A. 2B. 3. 4. 5. . cPV ~\1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Approve minutes of December 12,2005 regular Council meetingY/ Approve minutes of December 29,2005 specia. 1m. eetin. g. ~. . [-d. '? 1/ L/ /)1. I ck.J.e ~ .~ IJI (;(1 f ,v IJ (J I:- Consideration of adding items to the agen<\ll f u' "^ J-l; J J ex ""~ ,,J va ~~54j1rF^ J >M Citizen comments, petitions, requests and coliiprarnts. ,.:Y ~'.,J NO c...bc ",,,," 5 'u4-'" A. Recognition of ~oglup.d Bus Company for their ~ears of service 0~ 4-,.,.... ~ .~\~~ Jl1-c v..- fhe 1F;$ ~ -:/ I u\.\. )'T CJJ ~":~ ; ~'Ijl Consent agenda. . . '\/ ~ YM-d'NI/A-..1I J I~ ___ if ~ ~t,4.~ I I ~<;Ir~ .~ I+,{ A. Consideration of approving hires and departures. B. Consideration of adopting a resolution accepting donation from Land 0 Lakes Choir. C Consideration of adopting a policy on out of state travel for city officials .. D Consideration of adopting a resolution accepting donation to allow city officials to view biosolids treatment operations and authorizing outside travel for designated city officials. \J\siJ.7) @ F l \,l.~ ~ Q \) @> <.,) ~~vt @ Consideration of appointment of Tom Moores to Street Superintendent position. Consideration of approving service agreement with Larson Allen to perform annual city audit. Consideration of a request to approve a conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure in an R-4 (Mobile Home Park) District. Applicant: Kjellberg's Inc. Consideration of an amendment to contract for private development - Cory Kingbay. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. . 7. Public Hearing on proposed 2006 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No.2006-1 C Agenda Monticello City Council January 9, 2006 Page 2 . 8. Public Hearing on appeal of denial of variance for lot frontages for Pineview Development. 9. Pub lie H eari ng _ Continued hearing on appeal of a variance for a secondary dri veway in an R-l zoning district. - Richard Bastien 10. Consideration of approving a conditional use permit for 896 sq. ft. detached accessory structure in an R-l Zoning District. Applicant; Richard Bastien Central Masonry and Concrete. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. . 16. 17. . Consideration of annual appointments for 2006. Consideration of license renewal for Walt's Pawn Shop. Consideration of fee increases for 2006. Consideration of approving RFP and authorizing process for Comp Plan update. Finance Department Activity Report (Verbal) Consideration of approving bills for January.. Adjourn . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday December 12, 2005 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None I. Call to Order and Pledl!e of Allel!iance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quonun present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of November 28.2005 rel!ular Council meetin~. Tom Perrault noted a correction on item #6, stating it should read that a portion of Redford Lane (not School Boulevard) was to be opened to traffic. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 28,2005 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addinl! items to the al!enda. The following items were added: 1) Discussion of Families ~ 911; 2) turnabout; 3) Cell phone usage; and 4) Summary of closed meeting of 11/28/105. Mayor Herbst stated that he had received a letter 1[om a property owner in the Sunset Ponds development and indicated that staff will address the concerns raised in the letter. 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and complaints None 5. Consent al!enda: A. Consideration of approving hires ffild departures. Recommendation: Approve hires and departures as identified. H. Consideration of approving transfers fiJr 2005. Recommendation: Approve fund transfers for 2005. C. Consideration of approving final budget and tax levy for 2006. Recommendation: Approve final budget and tax levy for 2006. Resolution #2005-123. D. Consideration to approve an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for setbacks in the 1-1 (Light Industrial) and 1-2 (I-Ieavy Industrial) zoning districts. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve ordinance amendment 3 . . Council Minutes: 12/12/05 reducing interior side yard setbacks in the 1-1 and 1-2 Districts from 30 feet to 15 feet. E. Consideration to approve a request for an interim use permit for the relocation of a hillboard within the River Street right-of-way. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Grant an interim use permit to l,amar Sign Company allowing relocation of a sign from the A VR site to the River Street location. 'fhe term of the interim use permit to match the time ti-ame identified in the original Lamar/ A VR lease agreement. F. Consideration of approving liquor providers for the MCC. Recommendation: Approve the 2006 liquor providers for the Community Center. G. Consideration of approving Change Order # 1 - Monticello Lihrary Expansion. Recommendation: Approve Change Order # 1 in the amount of $21,552 to Greystone Construction Company on the Monticello Library Expansion, City Project No. 2004-36C. H. Consideration to approve ratification ofthe Fourth Amendment to the License Agreement between the HRA, City and Rocky Mtn. Group,LLC. Recommendation: Move to approve ratification of the Fourth Amendment to the License Agrecment between the HRA, the City and Rocky Mtn Group LLC. I. Consideration to adopt a resolution requesting designation of the Monticello EDA as a local development organization. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution requesting designation of the Monticello EDA as a local development organization. J. Consideration to approve proposed modifications to the Monticello EDA-GMEF Guidelines. Recommendation: Approve thc proposed modifications to thc Monticello EDA~GMEF Guidelines. K. Consideration to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed Modification to the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-6, a Redevelopment District. (Raindance). Recommendation: Adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing by the City Council on the proposed modiiIcation to the TIF Plan for TIF District No. 1-6 L. Approval of authorizing bids on Request for Proposal for fiber optic possibilities within the City of Monticello. Recommendation: Authorize going out for bids with the Request for Proposal (RfP) for a broadband feasibility study. M. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvements for the Locust Street, Walnut Street and Cedar Street Parking Improvements, City Project No. 2002-7C. Recommendation: Accept the improvement and approve the final payment of $2, 138.00 to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. subject to receipt of the final paperwork. . N. Consideration of approving Change Order No.2 to the Meadow Oak Avenue/CSAH 18/CSAH 39 Intersection Improvements. Rccommendation: Approve Change Order 2 y . I. . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. O. P. Q. Council Minutes: 12/12/05 No.2 in the amount of $54,687.55 for RL Larson Excavating, Inc. Consideration of approving Change Order No.1 to School Boulevard Extension, City Project No. 2005~2C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $4,083.88 for R;mdy Kramer Excavating, Inc. Consideration of approving street and utility maintenance responsibilities for Sunset Ponds 2nd Addition, Spirit Hills Townhomes, Hillside Farms 2nd Addition, 1 hll1ters Crossing and Nathan Court. Recommendation: Accept maintenance responsibilities for public streets and utilities in the Sunset Ponds 2nd, Hillside Farms 2nd, Nathans Court, Spirit Hills Townhomes, and Hunters Crossing contingent on the roadways being swept and the right~ of-way being cleared of debris for snow plowing operations. Consideration of a request for development stage PUD for a retail/commercial development on Monticello Travel Center 2nd Addition. Applicant: Mielke/J ,och Retail Development. Rccommendation: Approve the conditional use permit and development stage PUD based on a finding that the proposed plan is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the appl icable conditions of Exhibit Z as follows: The applicant shall revise the landscaping plan to include additional trees ifrequired per the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. All landscaping areas shall be irrigated and provide a minimum of a one-year landscaping guarantee. The photometric plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Auilding Oflicial. The building elevations shall be similar throughout the entire building, with false windows at the southern, eastern and northern portions of the building. The grading, drainage, erosion control and utility plans arc subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. The applicant shall enter into a development agreement and PUD agreement with the City to be drafted by the City Attorney. Additional comments from City stafI, Planning Commission or City Council. R. Consideration to approve a request for a preliminary plat and an amendment to the PUD for Poplar Hill, a 298 unit single f~llnily residential development. Applicant: Insignia Development. Recommendation: Approve the PUD amendment and revised preliminary plat for the Poplar Hill Development based on a finding that the proposed PUD is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan subject to the applicable conditions of Exhibit Z as follows: . I. All lots and proposed units, with the exception of Lots 17 and 18 of Block 4 "flag lots" shall meet the performance standards per the zoning ordinance, unless otherwise noted within the application PUD narrative and exhibits. The shared access for the commercial area shall be shifted to the south and shall be utilized as a single-loaded access. The development of the commercial area shall require a separate site plan review Approval of the Poplar Hill PUD shall not be considered an approval for any business use within the site until 2. 3. 3 5 . 4. 5. 6. 7. R. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. . 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Council Minutes: 12/12/05 additional plans are submitted and approved by the Planning Commission and City Council. Access onto Lots 1-5, Block 17 shall come off of Weston Drive only. The City shall need to determine if a portion of the easement area is acceptable to be included in the park land dedication. The applicant shall limit the parking stalls within the park area to one hundred (100) parking stalls within the easement area. The remaining land area shall remain open space. The applicant shall identify handicapped accessible parking stalls within the park area. The fInal street plans shall be subject to the review and approval ofthe City Engineer. The single family homes shall meet all performance requirements of their associate districts as defIned in the zoning ordinance and outlined in the planner's report. Outlot] shall have a minimum of five (5) off-street parking stalls. All single Ji.unily residential lots within the development shall contain the required two overstory trees per lot with the exception of corner lots which require four trees. No more than twenty-five (25) percent of all homes shall be split entry design in the R-1 and R-2A areas. This shall become a requirement of the private covenants. All lots within the R-2A district shall be required to have no less than 60% of the front yard designated as landscaped garden areas. The City has prepared a site example and narrative information regarding this requirement which will be applicable to this site. The homeowners association will be responsible for yearly landscaping maintenance in the yards of all R-2A homes. The applicant shall revise the landscaping plan based upon the conditions and recommendations found in the planner's report. All landscaped medians and HOA common landscaped areas shall be required to be irrigated. All site signage that will be used in the residential development must be submitted prior to final approval and must meet the requirements ofthe Sign Ordinance. Issues related to the three wetland areas on the site arc subject to the review and comment of the City Engineer. The grading, drainage, erosion control and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. The applicant shall enter into a development agreement and PUD agreement with the City to be drafted by the City Attorney. The applicant is to prepare a PUD standards guide which is to contain PUD information specific to each zoning district within the development. A copy ofthe IIOA documents shall be subject to the review and approval of the City. The City shall proceed with the reconstruction of90'h Street at such time that 75% of the units in Poplar Hill are complete. The developer will escrow funds to pay for their portion of the road reconstruction cost. S. Consideration of purchase by quit claim deed land needed to re-align Otter Creek Road at CSAH 75. Recommendation: Authorize staff to prepare the necessary quit claim deed and easement documents to acquire this triangular parcel at a cost of $2. 75/sq. 1'1:. or $7,139. T. Consideration of contract renewal with PSG for WWTP operations. Recommendation: Approve the new contract with PSG for a period of five years with the increase for 2006 being at 3.48(% not including transfer of the current mowing contract. The total price with the mowing contract for 2006 is $620,006 which includes $39,120 in repair parts and $8,165 for mowing, ferti I izing and grounds care. Years 2 through 5 of the contract are subject to a CPI increase. . U. Consideration of increase in sewer and water user rates. Recommendation: Increase the sewer and water user rates by 4(%. 4 La . Council Minutes: 12/12/05 V. Consideration of switching from three stackable recycling bins to a larger single bin. Recommendation: Approving switching all new residents to the single blue recycling bin effective January 1,2006 and provide a limited number of replacements on the multi- colored bins. W. Consideration of granting a license allowing for a building encroachment to remain - Marian Johnson Estate (Maple Street). Recommendation: Enter into a license agreement with the Johnson Family estate which recognizes the encroachment into the City's right- of-way and agrees not to require removal of the encroachment but indicate that once it is removed it cannot be rebuilt in its present location. X. Consideration to approve a detached accessory structure in an R-4 District. Applicant: Kjellberg's Inc. Recommendation: Rescind the previous Council motion denying a conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure for Kjellberg's Inc. based on a finding that the motion was made based on incomplete information and move to approve the conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure fi)f Kjellberg's Inc, based on a finding that the building should be able to meet each of the conditions of the ordinance and will minimize outdoor storage in the mobile home park. This approval should include the condition that the applicant verify the screening of the storage area from surrounding residential areas. . Y. Consideration of approving Change Order # I on the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange, City Project No. 2004-1C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order #1 for the CSAH 18/1- 94 Interchange Project, City Project No. 2004-IC in the amount of$91,768. Item 5N was pulled and moved to the January 9,2006 meeting. Items 5C, 51, 5R, 5V and 5X were also pulled. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF rrEMS #5C,51, 5N, 5R, 5V AND 5X. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent aeenda for discussion. 5C: 2006 Finul Budget und Tax Levy: Glen Posusta presented a graphic that compared the tax rates of various cities in Wright County and pointed out that Monticello had the highest tax rate in Wright County. He stated that even though the City lowered their levy by several thousand dollars, he didn't feel that was enough. Glen Posusta stated that Buffalo and Monticello had been comparable as f~lr as tax rates in 1997 but since that time Monticello's tax rate had skyrocketed. lIe stated that the tax bi II for Monticello residents was double that of a resident of Buff~llo. He added that this Council was elected because they had promised to cut spending and while some reductions have been made it is not enough. . It was pointed out that to have a full understanding of the tax picture, you have to consider all the factors involved. ror example, the City of Monticello docs not receive any state aid, while most other communities do including Buffalo which receives $1.4 million in state aid. Some cities 5 '\ Council Minutes: 12/12/05 . increase fees rather than levy additional taxes. Where the City of Monticello picks up the cost of garbage collection, other cities charge for that service. The City of Monticello because of its growth is expending significant monies on infrastructure improvement while other communities have an already established tax base of commercial/industrial properties. Rick Wolfsteller stated that to get the true picture you have to look at all sources of revenue for each city and when you take all factors into consideration, not just tax levy, the two cities are close. Glen Posusta reiterated that the City could to more to cut their spending. Rick W olfsteller said if additional cuts in spending are to be made, the Council needs to determine what services will be eliminated. Clint Herbt said he wanted the Council to be able to look at the spending and make cuts but still provide the services. However, he felt the City has made a good start in cutting their spending. He felt as more industrial and commercial growth takes place the City will see the tax rate shifting. Clint Herbst cautioned against making cuts that would drastically impact the services the City provides. Brian Stumpf stated he felt the City has a lot to offer its residents. . Glen Posusta stated that as long as money is budgeted for parks and the community center it will be spent. He felt less money should have been budgeted for these areas. Jeff O'N eill said the City doesn't have good performance statistics which is what most communities use in their budgeting process. Glen Posusta felt the City should look at options of contracting their snow removal rather than making the large equipment purchases for snow removal equipment. Glen Posusta felt the money was being spent not because of need but because the City wants something new. Wayne Mayer commented that the Council should feel good that the City was able to reduce taxes for its residents. Each year the Council could look at making further reductions but he felt a 15% decreased in proposed taxes for their first year in office was good. Torn Perrault added that just because funds were budgeted doesn't mean they have to be spent. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION SETTING THE 2006 FINAL BUDGET AND TAX LEVY IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,750,000. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUST A VOTING IN OPPOSITION. . 51 Designation o/the Monticello EDA as a local development organization: Clint Herbst asked for clarification on this item. Ollie Koropchak explained the grant funds from the Twin City Die Cast loan were federal funds which have different restrictions adding that this grant was the only one the City of Monticello had that included federal monies.. lfthe repaid federal funds are loaned out again, the regulations would still apply. It is proposed to designate the EDA as the local development organization. The City would transfer the funds to the EDA and they would then loan out the funds. However, after the first re-use ofthe federal funds, the restrictions on the use of the funds would no longer apply. Ollie Koropchak noted regulations on federal funds are more difficult to administer. The EDA as the local development organization can set terms that would encourage use of these restrictive funds. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION REQUESTING DESIGNATION OF 6 C[ Council Minutes: 12/12/05 . THE MONTICELLO EDA AS A LOCAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5R PUD approval for Poplar Hill: Tom Perrault stated he had questions on the parking spaces, park land dedication and he questioned the lots sizes given in page 3 ofthe staffreport. Jeff O'Neill stated that he couldn't give specific lot sizes but said they would all be above 12,000 sq. ft. Tom Perrault also questioned if the proposed sidewalks in this area were needed and noted maintenance problems with the sidewalks. Wayne Mayer questioned the 285 parking spaces that were proposed for the ballfield area. Staff was recommending that the plan be revised to 100 parking spaces which would average out to 20 spaces per field. He felt this was too much of a reduction in the parking spaces. Jeff O'Neill said the open space under the power line area could be used for additional parking. Clint Herbst felt the City should size the parking to the right amount to begin with. Wayne Mayer agreed that the City should make sure they have adequate parking space. Jeff O'Neill said staff would study this further. . Wayne Mayer also expressed his concern that the City is proposing to waive the R-IA standards. He questioned what the point is in having the standards ifthey are always waived. In the three developments thus far all three developments have been allowed to waive the R~1A standards. He felt this was something that should be looked at. Jeff O'Neill said that because ofthe wetland amenity in this case they could go with smaller lot size and other changes in the R-l A standards. Wayne Mayer felt the three applicants with all three having the standards waived set a precedent. Brian Stumpf questioned the developer working with the adjacent land owner, Jeff Fischer, on the road heights. He wanted to know how the Planning Commission was going to follow up on that item. Jeff O'Neill said that would be done during the planning phase. Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chairman, stated it was on the record that this item should be taken care of. The applicant agreed that when something was going to be done then they would work with Fischer to make sure the road elevations were above the height of his land. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PUD AMENDMENT AND REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED PUD IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GOALS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SUBJECT TO THE APPLICABLE CONDITIONS OF EXHIBIT Z WITH CONDITION #6 BEING REMOVED. WAYNE MAYER AMENDED HIS MOTION ADDING THAT STAFF BE ALLOWED TO MODIFY CONDITION #6. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. . 5V Switching Recycling Bins - Wayne Mayer stated he didn't notice the bins in the Council Chamber otherwise he wouldn't have pulled the item. Clint Herbst asked why the City didn't go to a wheeled cart. John Simola reviewed the reasons they selected the model they did. He noted that there are wheel kits available for the carts. It was noted that not all recycables are comingled. The paper is kept separate from other recycled materials. Clint Herbst asked how delivery would be made. John Simola indicated they would be delivered with the garbage carts. 7 C\ Council Minutes: 12/12/05 . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SWITCH ALL NEW RESIDENTS TO THE SINGLE BLUE RECYCLING BIN EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,2006 AND TO PROVIDE A LIMITED NUMBER OF REPLACEMENTS OF THE MULTI-COLORED BINS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5X Conditional Use Perm it for detached accessory structure- Kjellberg's. Wayne Mayer said he pulled this because the concern of whether the Council felt an open front building would be acceptable. Glen Posusta said there are no grading plans, hard surfacing for the building, elevations or landscaping information shown. Jeff O'Neill said grading and drainage would not be an issue since the water is self-contained on the property. Jeff O'Neill said the addition of the structure is not going to change the runoff pattern. Clint Herbst said he thought the structure was going to the back of the property and he was not impressed with the design of the building. Jeff O'Neill presented some pictures of the area. The building will be behind a line oflilacs and would not be seen from TH 25. The intent of the building is to clean up some of the outside storage. Brian Stumpf said the only reason he would like to see the building put up is to get rid of the outside storage. . Fred Patch explained that when the property came into the City the uses were already established and Kjellbergs has not intensified or enlarged the non-conforming uses. The building would be constructed as soon as possible after approval is received.. It is not proposed to have hard surfacing in the building at this time. Clint Herbst felt this was an opportunity for the City to get the area cleaned up. The accessory building was subject to three conditions. I) The building had to be screened from adjacent mobile home units; 2) the storage area needs to be surfaced to control dust and drainage and 3) storage area is for the sole use of the residents of the mobile home park. Clint Herbst felt the applicant needed to provide more information. Glen Posusta noted that there was no screening or landscaping plan submitted. Clint Herbst said they want to see what is going to be removed in the way of vegetation and what they are going to replace it with. He also questioned the building materials that were proposed to be used. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON RESCINDING THE PREVIOUS COUNCIL MOTION DENYING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE FOR KJELLBERG'S INC. UNTIL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS PROVIDED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearint! - Continued hearin~ on apneal of a variance for a secondarv drivewav in an R-l zonin~ district. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE APPEAL OF THE VARIANCE FOR A SECONDARY DRIVEWAY IN AN R-I ZONING DISTRICT FOR RICHARD BASTIEN. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 8 \0 Council Minutes: 12/12/05 . 8. Consideration of approvin~ a conditional use permit for a 896 SQ. ft. detached accessory structure in an R-t Zoning: District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonry and Concrete. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON APPROVAL Of A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR 896 SQ. FT DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCrURE IN AN R-l ZONING DISTRICT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 9. Review and consideration of approving: snow removal plan. Brian Stumpf stated he felt the proposed snow removal policy was good but he did have one concern which related to the area of Broadway with the medians. When the plow makes a right turn onto Broadway it leaves piles of snow on the side streets. Brian Stumpf felt this should be cleaned up. John Simola believes this happens because the plow swings around to avoid the curb but he indicated they would look at that. . Clint Herbst asked about the incident with the children in Groveland. The resident had suggested that the snow plows not be operating on the street when students were being picked up or dropped offfrum school. John Simola indicated that would be a 3-4 hours period of the day and so he did not think that would be practical. John Simola stated the drivers are trained to watch for the children. Clint flerbst felt that this is one reason why sidewalks are needed. Clint Herbst suggested contacting the school district about sending a letter out to the parents to encourage them to have the children remain on the sidewalk and out of the plow area. Glen Posusta asked about the roads with center turn lanes not being plowed. John Sirnola explained that the City doesn't plow after every snow fall. The plows go out after a 2" snowfall or if icing conditions exist. Glen Posusta brought up School Boulevard. Bret Weiss said he didn't see any reason that School Boulevard couldn't be open all the way up to Redford Lane. John Sirnola stated that Redford Lane does not meet the design standards for street adding that the curb has not been backfilled. Council suggested narrowing up the width of the street area they plow so that the plow doesn't hit the curb. John Simola asked about the lights being turned on along the street. After discussion the Council determined the lights should be turned on. Wayne Mayer suggested contacting the school to have the bus drop off the kids at the first driveway rather than at the intersections. . WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE FOUR CHANGES TO SNOW PLOWING POLlCY AS FOLLOWS: 1) ADD SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM 1 rIGHW A Y 25 TO COUNTY ROAD 18 TO TIlE PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE; 2) ELIMINATE THAT PORTION OF SC1IOOL BOULEV ARD FROM THE SECONDARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE THAT WAS TRANSFERRED TO THE PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUfE; 3) ADD DEEGAN AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO TilE COMMlJTER PARKING LOT TO THE SECONDARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE AND 4) COMBINE CI IELSEA ROADS EAST AND WEST AND ADD THEM TO "fHE 9 \ \ . 10. . . Council Minutes: 12/12/05 SECONDARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE ALL THE WAY FROM COUNTY ROAD 18 TO COUNTY ROAD 39 WEST. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of salary schedule adjustments for 2006. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provided the background information on the cost ofliving increase that was being proposed. He explained the information from the two CPI's that were used (US CPI and Mpls-St. Paul CPI). The 2006 budget provides funds for a 4% increase and step increases. The Council discussed whether this item should be considered in conjunction with agenda item #11. Clint Herbst didn't feel the Council had a good grip on the comparative value study. Brian Stumpf stated he would like to see this item completed before the end of the year even if it means an extra meeting. Glen Posusta felt in most years the City has given a cost of living increase based on the high end of the CPI. Wayne Mayer said he is not a proponent of across the board wage increases as he felt it rewarded mediocrity. He felt pay raises should be based on annual review by the supervisor. Clint Herbst stated his beliefthat pay equity would require increases be across the board. Brian Stumpf stated he would not like to see the budget cut in this area as the City has a good crew of workers. Glen Posusta asked how the cost of living increase would impact the union. Rick Wolfsteller replied the union would get the same amount of increase given to non-union employees. The union contract however has a minimum of 1 % increase so if no cost ofliving increase is given to non-union employees, the union employees would still get at least a 1 % increase. Wayne Mayer asked if employees are getting reviewed each year or are they just automatically given the step increase. Glen Posusta didn't feel the COLA should be going up because there may also be a salary increase for employees because of the comparative salary study. He didn't think any thing should be done on increases until the comparative study was completed. Wayne Mayer suggested this could be approved by the Council at their January 9,2006 meeting and made retroactive to January 1. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE THIS UNTIL THE SPECIAL MEETING PROPOSED FOR MONDAY, DECEMBER 19,2005 AT 5:30 P.M. Since some Councilmembers could not make that time an alternative date was selected. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CONSIDER THE SALARY ADJUSTMENTS AT A SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20,2005 AT 6 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIEDUNANIMOUSL Y. 11. Consideration of salary schedule adjustment based on comparative data. To be considered at special meeting on December 20,2005. 10 )21. . 12. . . Council Minutes: 12/12/05 Consideration of options on Kin~bay property purchase. Rick W olfsteller provided background information relating to the purchase of a 7 )12 tract located north of the theater site in the Jefferson Commons development. Cory Kingbay, the purchaser of the property is having difficultly firming up tenants for the site and is requesting extension of the purchase agreement similar to the extension given to Mike Krutzig. Rick Wolfsteller stated that Muller Theater was in interested in acquiring a small area of the Kingbay site, approximately 1/3 acre for a proposed expansion of their facility. Cory Kingbay indicated he had meet with Mike Muller regarding the theater expansion and felt it was something that could be worked out. Mr. Kingbay is proposing a 2 )12 acre site for restaurant and the middle portion of the site for retail development and the use for the remaining area of the site has not been determined. Mr. Kingbay indicated that within 3-6 months he felt he would have something on the first site. Clint Herbst felt the theater expansion could be accomplished as well as allowing Mr. Kingbay additional time to sign up his tenants. Wayne Mayer asked if the terms would be the same. Rick Wolfsteller stated the terms would be the same but a time extension of between 3-6 months would be given and the City would not be selling to Mr. Kingbay that portion of the site proposed for the theater expansion. Brian Stumpf did caution about granting extensions on the future sites within the Jefferson Commons. Glen Posusta asked about what happens to the $20,000 deposit ifMr. Kingbay fails to proceed. Torn Scott suggested tabling action on this item until a new agreement is signed. Cory Kingbay stated that now that School Boulevard is completed he expects that there will be more tenant interest in the site. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO TABLE UNTIL JANUARY 9, 2006 ACTION ON THE AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT FOR PRIV ATE DEVELOPMENT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Review of biosolids manufacturers presentation and consideration of further research. Bob Brown from Bolton & Menk reviewed the study and research that had been done on the manufacturers of drying equipment for biosohds treatment. The field has been narrowed down to three manufacturers; Kruger, US Filter and Komline-Sanderson. The Biosolids Committee is now going to do some in depth study of these three manufacturers including onsite visits to their facilities. He emphasized the need to do the research in order to make an informed decision. US Filter and Komline-Sanderson have facilities in Arkansas and Tennessee that is the City would be visiting and studying. The cost to visit these sites would be approximately $1200 person which includes air fare, hotels, meals and transportation. Clint Herbst asked when construction of the biosolids facility was proposed to start. Bob Brown indicated it is planned to start in early summer. Wayne Mayer asked about the manufacturer who had an explosion occur during the drying process. Bob Brown explained the incident that had taken place and the steps the manufacturer took to correct it. The committee was impressed by the action the company took and included them in their list of manufacturers to be studied further. It was noted that the City 11 \3 . . . Council Minutes: 12/12/05 of Buffalo is considering Kruger. Buffalo is doing incineration and drying as one package. Kruger does not have any operating facilities in the United States similar in size to Monticello but they have one in Denmark that would be comparable. Wayne Mayer asked about the biosolid pellets being tubular or granular. Bob Brown said if they are too hard the particle won't break down the first year and release the nitrogen. Going with a hard product does reduce the dust. The Council discussed the proposed facility going in at Mystic Lake but the time frame needed to study that would not coincide well with the City's time frame. Glen Posusta asked what would be the worse case scenario. Since the City can't be assured that another community would accept the biosolids that the City's system could not handle and that landfilling the excess biosolids would remain an allowable and cost effective option, staff was reluctant not to continue studying the heat drying process for biosolids treatment. Clint Herbst felt the cost to investigate these options would be minimal and it would have to be done regardless of when the City decides to install biosolids drying option. Glen Posusta said he didn't want to see a mistake similar to the one made with the WWTP. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE BOB BROWN FROM BOLTON & MENK AND REPRESENT A TIVES FROM THE BIOLSOLIDS WASTE COMMITTEE TO CONTINUE EV ALUATING THE BIOSOLIDS DRYING MANUFACTURERS AND THEIR EQUIPMENT UNTIL A REPORT CAN BE PRESENTED TO THE CITY WITH A RECOMMENDATION FOR THOSE TO BASE BID THE PROJECT. THIS ALTERNATIVE WOULD ALLOW BOB BROWN AND 3 COMMITTEE MEMBERS TO VISIT THE ARKANSAS AND TENNESSEE LOCATIONS AND OBSERVE THOSE MANUFACTURERS EQUIPMENT IN OPERATION AND DISCUSS OPERATIONS WITH ST AFF MEMBERS FROM THOSE COMMUNITIES. IN ADDITION THEY WOULD STUDY THE KRUGER SITE IN DENMARK WITH THE MANUFACTURER PICKING UP THE COST OF AIR FAIR FOR TWO MEMBERS OF THE REVIEW COMMITTEE AND THE CITY PICKING UP THE COST OF THE THIRD MEMBER. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUST A VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 14. Review status of Kiellben! West ~arbal!e pickup al!reement. This item came before the Council in 2004. The Council allowed Kjellberg to use his contract hauler through the end of2005. At that time Kjellberg was suppose to enter into an agreement with the City for garbage pickup. Kjellberg has indicated he is not willing to comply with the provisions of the ordinance. The City has two options: 1) they can amend the ordinance to exclude mobile home parks from organized garbage collection or 2) the City can enforce their ordinance. With option #2 the City would advise Kjellberg that the City will be providing the garbage collection service for the mobile home park. If Kjellberg continues to use his current contractor he would be assessed for garbage collection. Brian Stumpf noted there was a cost difference between the City contractor and Kjellberg's contractor so he could understand Kjellberg's reluctance to go with a higher price garbage hauler. Clint Herbst said the City has an ordinance in place and had agreed to let Kjellberg go with his hauler until December 31,2005 but now he felt the provisions of the ordinance should be enforced. 12 \Ll Council Minutes: 12/12/05 . GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ENFORCE THE EXISTING ORDINANCE AND REQUIRE THE ENTIRE MOBILE HOME PARK TO USE THE CITY'S WASTE HAULER. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 15. Consideration of adiustments to utility trunk fee proerams includine an increase in fees. Bret Weiss reviewed the memo relating to trunk fees with the Council covering the following areas: Unit Charge:. He addressed the unit charges -vs- acreage charges noting that the acreage charge was based on 2.5 units per acres. He added that developers whose property would have signi ficant wetlands area would prefer the unit charge. Assessment of fees: Bret Weiss stated the trunk charges would still be assessed but the term would be for 3 years instead of 10 years. Transfer of SAC Fees to Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fees: At the present time 30% of the SAC fees are transferred into the sanitary sewer trunk fund. It is proposed that in the year 2018 the City would begin depositing 100% of the SAC fees into the WWTP . Assignment of Credits: Credits should be reviewed on a case by case basis. He noted that properties on the edge of development that require that trunk facilities be extended also need to be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine if the developer should upfront the cost ofthe trunk facilities. Growth Rate: A growth rate of 300 units per year was used for the first 10 years and 380 units per year after that. Fees: Sanitary Sewer _ It is being proposed that the sanitary trunk fee be increased to $1,132 per residential unit and $2,830 per acre for commercial/industrial development. Water: The water trunk fees would be increased to $872 per residential unit and $2,180 per acre for commercial/industrial development. It was also proposed to add a $0.15/1 00 cu. ft. increase to the water rates. John Simola pointed out that at this meeting the Council had approved a 4% increase in the sewer and water rates. Storm Sewer: The storm sewer trunk fees will be separated into two parts, ponding cost and trunk costs. Property owners are responsible for providing ponding on their site by either constructing ponding improvements or by paying a fee for a regional ponding site. . Wastewater Treatment Plant: It was felt that a separate fund be established for the wastewater treatment plant. Bret Weiss recommended that $1,000,650 be transferred from the sanitary sewer trunk fund to the wastewater treatment plant fund. From now until 2018 70% of the SAC fees collected would be transferred to that fund. 13 \5 . . . Council Minutes: 12/12/05 Capital Improvements: Bret Weiss discussed capital improvement plans noting the items were not cut in stone. He pointed out that they are proposing in the future the construction of a water treatment plant for removal of manganese with the cost being picked up by increased user fees and in part by trunk charges. John Simola asked if new growth covers the cost of expansion or would the City have to raise taxes to pay for this. Bret Weiss said with fees being adjusted on a regular basis, it should not be necessary to increase the tax levy. There is no debt transfer as the City wil1likely be bonding for the improvements. Bret Weiss emphasized the need to look at the rates on a regular basis and determine if adjustments are needed. Rick Wolfsteller asked if the 300 units were residential units or ifit included commercial and industrial. Bret Weiss indicated it was just residential units. Rick Wolfsteller asked if a downswing in the economy would put the City in the red. Bret Weiss felt if the economy slowed so that the City did not have 300 units per year, the need for expansion oftrunk facilities would also be slowed and the City would not be incurring expenditures for trunk facilities. John Simola said the City has been pulling monies from the SAC fees to take care ofreplacement items and felt this was something that the City should look at. He also felt the City could help itself by not extending trunk facilities before infilling of existing service areas is complete. Clint Herbst noted that this issue did not address the park dedication fee. Jeff O'Neill said that park dedication fees would be coming back before the Council as a separate item in January. Clint Herbst stated the City's park dedication fee is lower than most other communities and should be adjusted. He added that the public is adamant about having the parks and trails put in. Jeff O'Neill said included in the park dedication fee is the actual cost of developing the parks including items such as play structures etc. Clint Herbst felt the park dedication fee should be set now. Wayne Mayer suggested setting the park dedication fee at $3,500 per unit and then do the research to determine the justification to support it. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO AUTHORIZE INCREASING THE SAC FEES TO $3,802 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,2006, INCREASE THE TRUNK SANITARY SEWER FEE TO $1, 1 32/RESIDENTIAL UNIT AND $2,830/ACRE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,2006; INCREASE THE W A TERMAIN FEES TO $872/RESIDENTIAL UNIT AND $2,180 PER ACRE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,2006; INCREASE THE STORM SEWER FEES TO $3,120INET ACRE WITH ALTERNATE PONDING PAYMENT FEES OF $8, 1 76/ACRE INDUSTRIAL; $6,997/ACRE COMMERCIAL AND $3490/ACRE RESIDENTIAL EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,2006 AND TO SET THE PARK DEDICATION FEE AT $3500 PER UNIT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 16. Review of update of feasibility report on Core Street Reconstruction PrO!!ram. considering: scope of work for 2006 and call for a public hearin~. Two options were presented. Option #1 would cover the approximately 3500 lineal feet including Otter Creek Road, Riverside, Circle, Sandy Lane from Otter Creek Road to CSAH 75 14 \l.p . . . Council Minutes: 12/12/05 and River Street from Otter Creek Road to 600 feet east of Kenneth Lane. This phase could be done based on the street reconstruction funds of $750,000. Option #2 would be the completion of the balance of the streets in area #3. This work area would require the City to bond for the improvement rather than funding it from budgeted funds. When the Street Reconstruction Program began it was looked at as being a 7-10 year project. Depending on the amount of project proposed to be completed on an annual basis, this program may have to be extended beyond that. The Council questioned whether the cul-de-sacs needed reconstruction since they were constructed later and appeared to be in good condition. They felt River Street which was constructed in 1975-1976 was in need of reconstruction. John Simola stated they didn't want to leave the cul-de-sac area go for too long and noted a problem with a waterline that freezes up. Prior to 2005 the improvements such as curb and gutter were assessed at lOO%. In 2005 the Council assessed only 20% of the new improvements that were covered in this project. John Simola stated the City needed to study how assessing 20% of new improvements would impact the program and the funds needed to complete it. Rick W olfsteller suggested the City not go back and forth on their assessment policy. Does the City want to pickup 80% of new construction or is new construction going to be assessed fully. There was some question on whether curb and gutter should be required. There was also discussion on pathway an how that would work on a rural design street. Wayne Mayer asked ifthe cul-de-sacs would bring in enough property owners to reduce the project cost per unit. The Council directed Bret Weiss to look at the cul-de-sacs and see how many units that would add and how it would impact the cost. Bret Weiss suggested holding a public hearing for the area to see how much work the residents want done. Rick W olfsteller stated that if the City does more than $750,000 worth of work the City would have to bond for it. Ifthe City doesn't assess more than 20% then the rest of the funds would have to come from taxes. Clint Herbst felt last years project was a model project and hoped the 2006 project would turn out comparably. It was suggested the City notify the affected properties and get their input and then define the scope of the project for 2006. The public hearing would be set for the first meeting in January. The Council discussed having an informational meeting prior to the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO SET THE INFORMATIONAL MEETING FOR 5 :30 PM ON JANUARY 9, 2006; UPDATE THE FEASIBILITY STUDY, SET A DATE FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING OF JANUARY 9, 2006 AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Consideration of authorizin Office. A committee was set up to look at the relocation of the DMV to the Community Center and met with Kitty Baltos to look at various options. The MCC Advisory Board expressed a concern 15 \1 Council Minutes: 12/12/05 . about the DMV being located in the recreational area of the Community Center. The proposal to use one of the two conference rooms for space for the DMV was not favored by staff because the meeting rooms are heavily used. Rick Wolfsteller stated that originally the DMV was moved to another location because the activities were disruptive to normal city hall functions. The staff was looking for direction from the Council on this issue. Staff suggested a number of options that could be considered in relocating the DMV. Regardless of what option the Council selected staff felt there was a need to have assistance in architectural questions and coming up with realistic cost estimates. Jeff O'Neill stated there was no one on staff qualified to do that and they would look to an outside consultant for this assistance.. Clint Herbst said one of the options was to look at the east side of the door where you enter city hall. A counter could be set up there and the waiting area would be in the lobby portion. . Glen Posusta stated that he and Wayne Mayer had come up with scenarios for the DMV that would not be disruptive to City activity. The drawing that was in the Council package was not what was intended and he questioned who authorized the preparation of that drawing. Glen Posusta didn't feel that what they were proposing was that much more different than what was done when space was remodeled to accommodate the engineer position. For that reason he didn't feel an architect was needed. Jeff O'Neill stated this type of project was getting beyond Fred Patch's expertise. Staff felt a cost estimator would be needed before the work could be done. The staff was requesting authorization to get prices for the work. Clint Herbst asked how many square feet of space the DMV needed. Rick Wolfsteller noted that there is no storage at City Hall and DMV would require a secure storage area for their license plates. It is not known how much space is needed by DMV for their operations. That information is required in order to determine if the DMV can relocate to the MCC. Clint Herbst suggested Fred Patch measure the area currently utilized by the DMV and then layout that size area in the Community Center. Clint Herbst suggested that Glen Posusta and Wayne Mayer head this up and determine if an architect is needed. Glen Posusta stated he believes there is a hidden agenda to not relocate the DMV to the Community Center. Wayne Mayer said they don't need an architect to find out how much space is needed by the DMV. Fred Patch informed the Council that he does have an architect degree and discussed the process needed to get the project started. He suggested that there be an information gathering phase. He indicated that the DMV could go in the building but the site would have to be carefully selected. Glen Posusta felt the City was losing a lot ofrevenue because people don't know where the DMV is located. . Fred Patch said it would be wrong to relocate the DMC in an emergency fashion. The City needs to look at the long term and then determine what would be the best location. Wayne Mayer stated that in their concepts for the DMV relocation to the Community Center there would still be two conference room but they would not be in the same location as they are now. Dan Lemm, 11380 Cameron Avenue, expressed his concern about the parking problems that 16 vt . Council Minutes: 12/12/05 exist at the site and how the presence ofthe DMV in the building would compound that. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO HAVE WAYNE MAYER AND GLEN POSUST A PROCEED WITH GETTING INFORMA TrON ON THE SPACE NEEDS FOR THE DMV AND IF NECESSARY BE AUTHORIZED TO ENLIST THE SERVICES OF AN ARCHITECT OR OTHER CONSULTANT TO ASSIST WITH COST AND DESIGN QUESTIONS. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Added Items: Cell Phone Usage - Glen Posusta decided not to address the item at this meeting. Families 911 -. Wayne Mayer spoke about the work the group is doing and how it is funded. The drug awareness group is putting on another event coming up in March. There is a cost involved in sponsoring these public events. Wayne Mayer would like the Council to consider a $2500-$5000 grant to the MEDA chapter. He noted that MCC charges the group $600 for the use of the MCC facility. Tom Perrault felt the facility should be made available for this type of use. The group would need to use the facility 2-4 times a year. The consensus of the Council was that MCC facilities should be made available to them without charge. . WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHORIZE DONATION OF $2,000 AND USE OF THE MCC FACILITIES WITHOUT CHARGE FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF EVENTS TO FAMILIES 911. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. Torn Perrault questioned where the $2,000 would be corning from. Rick Wolfsteller indicated the money was budgeted. Roundabout: There is a meeting with Wright County concerning construction of a roundabout on the County Road 18 in the area ofthe Meadow Oak Avenue frontage road. Bret Weiss noted Wright County would probably not be in favor of the roundabout. It was noted that the school entrance is not directly in line with Meadow Oak Avenue which is a problem to resolve if a roundabout is constructed. The County is likely to question whether there is enough benefit to add the roundabout. This will be brought back at the January 9,2006 Council meeting. Glen Posusta felt that the roundabout would slow traffic down and the County should consider this a safety factor. Bret Weiss felt a roundabout would be more acceptable than a U-turn at Chelsea Road. Wayne Mayer and Clint Herbst will be attending that meeting as will representatives from WSB & Associates. Fiber Optics Task Force: Wayne Mayer extended his thanks to the members ofthe Fiber Optic Task Force. He read a statement commenting on the work the task force had accomplished and the recognition that it was bringing to Monticello . Summary of closed meeting of 11/28/05: Clint Herbst stated that the City Council had conducted a closed meeting on November 28, 2005 to conduct a performance review ofthe City Administrator. Areas of strength were noted in the performance as were areas where 17 'C1 . . . Council Minutes: 12/12/05 18. Consideration of approvin2: bills for December. BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMousr,V. 19. Adjourn Clint Herbst thanked everyone for their help on the things that the Council was able to accomplish this year. I Ie thanked stall for their work and also thanked Glen Posusta for all the time he spent at City Hall. Brian Stumpf extended holiday wishes and the meeting was adjourned at 1] :00 p.m. .". Recording Secretary 18 ~o . . . Special Council Meeting Minutes: 12/29/05 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 6 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Torn Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to order: Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of salary schedule adiustments based on comparative data and cost of livine adiustments for 2006. Brian Stumpf commented that based on the information received it was pretty clear what had to be done and the only question was the way to accomplish it; that is should the adjustment be done in increments or in one shot. Clint Herbst noted that a flag was raised about city wages when the city was hiring for the engineer position. With a number of employees within a few years of retirement, the salary issue could have a big impact on the city. The City needs to be competitive with their salary schedule in order to retain staff and to attract candidates for open positions. Clint Herbst explained why the cities in the comparison analysis were selected noting that they were communities that were similar to Monticello in that they were experiencing rapid. Wayne Mayer asked about the step levels used in the comparison. It was pointed out that most ofthe cities reach their top step in a shorter period of time than it takes under Monticello's step system. Wayne Mayer stated he looked at the League of Minnesota Cities information and questioned whether the figures weren't skewed. He noted that Monticello has less population than the communities used in the comparison but if Monticello was compared to a similar size community such as Alexandria, the difference in salary was not as great. He felt the cities were selected arbitrarily so that there would be a wage increase. City Administrator, Rick W olfsteller pointed out that staff did not select the cities. The cities were selected by the firm who did the salary study for Big Lake. He added that using just one factor, such as population was not an accurate gauge. Other factors such as growth and proximity to a metropolitan area should be considered as well. Wayne Mayer stated the only criteria the City has to go on to be in compliance as far as pay scale is population. Rick W olfsteller explained that being in compliance with pay equity requirements is not a comparison with other cities but that within the organization there is equal pay for comparable positions. The reason the comparison is done with other cities is to determine if the city is competitive with other communities as far as offering a wage package to retain staff and attract candidates for open positions. I a-\ Special Council Meeting Minutes: 12/29/05 . Brian Stumpf stated that the salary survey was asked for in January so that the City could see where they were in comparison to other cities. They now have that information so he didn't think there should be any question in what the City needs to do. Glen Posusta asked if the step increase would affect union employees as well as non-union employees and was informed it would. Wayne Mayer stated that he didn't believe it would take a 12% increase to retain employees. Rick W olfsteller commented that when the engineer position was filled the City had to go outside of their pay scale to fill that position. Clint Herbst stated by looking at these increases, the City is trying to get in the position where they can go out and get the good people they need for positions that are open. Wayne Mayer reiterated that he did not feel the communities used in the study were comparable to Monticello and felt that Buffalo and Otsego would be more suitable compansons. . The present step and points system the city uses was discussed. Rick Wolfsteller explained that points were given based on a number of factors such as accountability, responsibility, supervision, etc. Generally entry level positions were at the low end of the point system and the chief executive officer would be at the top. Both Wayne Mayer and Glen Posusta stated that in the real work world it didn't work that way. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that if the pay scale steps stay where they are, the City will be out of compliance with pay equity. Failure to comply with pay equity requirements could result in penalties or loss of state aid for the city. Rick Wolfsteller noted that engineer position was not the only position the City encountered this problem with. The recently hired building inspector was a similar situation. The City could not get the person they wanted by offering step one wages. The City had to go to a step 3 or 4. It was noted that the job descriptions list the requirements necessary to meet the step 1 starting wage but if it takes a step 3 or higher to get a person to accept the position, it shows you are not in line with the market. BRIAN STUMP MOVED TO APPROVE AN ADJUSTMENT TO THE OVERALL SALARY SCHEDULE WITH AN 8% ADJUSTMENT TO BRING THE CITY IN LINE WITH THE AVERAGES FROM THE SURVEY RESULTS WITH THIS ADJUSTMENT TO TAKE EFFECT JANUARY 1,2006. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. In seconding the motion, Clint Herbst commented that 8% may not be the proper amount. He stated he didn't feel the City had to be the highest or the lowest as far as their wage scale but he did feel they should meet the average. He felt the City has to be ready for the next 3-5 years when it is anticipated they will be replacing a number of key positions because ofretirement. . Glen Posusta said he didn't have a problem with being average in their wage scale if the City was average in their taxes. He felt the City should go with a lower percent on the step increase and the cost ofliving increase. Brian Stumpf stated that if adjustments had been done incrementally over a period of time it might have been easier than doing it in one big bite. Wayne Mayer stated that there were a number of employees who were deserving of a good increase. He added that were other benefits to working locally besides wage. Overall he felt the city staff was paid well. There was some discussion on the pay ranges for various 2 d0 Special Council Meeting Minutes: 12/29105 . positions. Wayne Mayer stated that it is not the city's responsibility to keep all their employees and it is not realistic to think it can be done. He stated he was dumbfounded that there wasn't a system in place where pay increases were given based on performance reviews. He did not believe in across the board increases as it rewards the underachievers. It was noted that it takes approximately 7.5 years to reach the top step in the wage scale. After that the only increases those employees receive are cost of living increases. Rick Wolfsteller stated the problem with a system based on performance reviews is that it creates problems as far as pay equity compliance. Clint Herbst stated that because of regulations placed on government entities, they cannot operate in the same manner as the private sector. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, THE MOTION FAILED WITH WAYNE MAYER, TOM PERRAULT AND GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Glen Posusta suggested an increase of 6% for the step increase and either no increase or a minimal increase of 1 % for the cost ofliving increase. Glen Posusta asked if the step increase would cover all employees and Rick Wolfsteller indicated it would. Union employees would be entitled to same adjustment but it would take effect on their contract date which is April 1. . Wayne Mayer felt the salary survey should be done over. Clint Herbst responded that he had discussed the salary survey with Susan Hanson and she had recommended they contact Big Lake for the results of their survey. Clint Herbst added that even though the job titles were the same for the positions in the various communities surveyed it didn't mean the duties were the same. The only way to ensure that you were comparing apples to apples was to review the job descriptions from each community. However, since the positions covered were positions common to all communities it was felt that there was a basic core of responsibilities that the comparison could be made on. Wayne Mayer stated that people took jobs and left jobs for reasons other than pay. He said he has not heard a good argument for the 8% adjustment. He asked what the percent increase would be if Monticello followed Big Lake in their adjustment amount. In addition, Wayne Mayer questioned how often the steps and points system was reviewed. Rick W olfsteller responded that pay equity reporting is done on a three year cycle. The City's last pay equity report was two years ago. . Brian Stumpf stated that the reason was the salary survey was to bring the City in line with what other communities were doing. Since it appears adjustments need to be done, the City should proceed with doing them regardless of whether they do it incrementally or at one time. Wayne Mayer did not feel that the result of the survey was to guarantee an increase of any kind. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that if Monticello was to make the average it would require an increase of7.25%. Wayne Mayer asked ifthere were any alternatives to decision #1 dealing with an overall adjustment to the salary schedule such as changing number of steps, etc. There was discussion on what the impact would be by adding steps or deleting steps to the salary schedule. The Council discussed what the cost of the adjustments would be and where the funds would corne from. Rick Wolfsteller stated that a 4% increase was in the budget for 2006 and the balance of funds would corne from general fund reserves. 3 d3 . . . Special Council Meeting Minutes: 12/29/05 GLEN POSUSTA MOVED ON DECISION #1 TO INCREASE THE OVERALL SALARY SCHEDULE BY 3% EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2006 AND ON DECISION #2 TO INCREASE THE COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT BY 3.5% EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,2006. John Simola asked why they would delay the adjustment for non-union personnel until April 1, 2006. This was discussed. GLEN POSUST A AMENDED HIS MOTION ON DECISION #1 TO CHANGE THE SALARY SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENT FOR NON-UNION PERSONNEL TO JANUARY 1, 2006. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Wayne Mayer noted his opposition to the motion was that he did not agree with giving across the board increases and he also questioned the validity of the comparison with other communities. Added Item: Clint Herbst brought up for Council discussion a request to have representatives from the City of Monticello tour the Yucca Mountain area as a possible storage site for spent nuclear rods. The estimated cost for the tour of the site would be $850/per person. Wayne Mayer didn't feel this trip was necessary. Glen Posusta felt since there was a nuclear plant located in Monticello, the City should know about what is going on with the storage of nuclear waste. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO SEND CLINT HERBST, GLEN POSUSTA AND A STAFF PERSON FOR A TOUR OF THE YUCCA MOUNTAIN SITE ON FEBRUARY 22-23, 2006. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 3. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Recording Secretary 4 d,~ . . . SA. A. Council Agenda - 1/9/06 Consideration of approvinl! new hires and departures for Parks and Public Works. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurrcd recently in the Parks Department and Public Works Department. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departurcs of the employees as identified on the attachcd list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. dS . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Hertwig. Summer Winter Park Assist Parks 12/19/2005 Temp Geyen, Craig Winter Park Assist Parks 12/20/2005 Temp Green, Beth PW Secretary Public Works 1/9/06 Temp to Full-time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department . Last Day Class . employee councillist.xls: 12/27/2005 5f-\-~lo . . . SB. A. Council Agenda: 1/9/06 Consideration of approvine contributions made to the Monticello Community Center. (KB) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 2005 the Monticello Community Center received a $6,000 donation from the Land of Lake Choirboys of Minnesota with the money to be used for the mural work in the pool area. The Land of Lake Choirboys has again made a $6,000 donation so that the work on the murals can be continued. With this contribution it is proposed to do the south wall in the pool area, which would then complete the murals for the pool area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified by donor. 2. Do not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donor. c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Finance Department to approve accepting the contribution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 6'1 . . . SC. A. Council Agenda - 1/9/06 Consideration of adoptine a Dolicy on out of state travel for city officials. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Recently a new statute was adopted by the state that requires cities, counties, school districts and other political subdivisions to adopt a policy that controls travel outside the state of Minnesota for any applicable elected official. This policy was to be adopted by January I, 2006. This policy requirement carne to our attention due to the fact that a number of city officials will soon be conducting travel outside of Minnesota for trips to Arkansas, Tennessee and Denmark. A model policy has been suggested by the League of Minnesota Cities that has been used to develop the attached policy for Council consideration. The policy proposed should meet the intent ofthe new state statutes and outlines the cases where travel would be appropriate and how expenses would are reimbursed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the proposed elected official out of state travel policy. 2. Adopt a travel policy with amendments to be determined. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In reviewing policies that have been adopted by a number of other Minnesota cities, it appears that the League's format seems appropriate to use. The proposed policy follows the guidelines suggested by the League and it is recommended that this policy be adopted as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of travel policy. ~<tr . CITY OF MONTICELLO ELECTED OFFICIAL OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL POLICY Purpose: The City of Monticello recognizes that its elected officials may at times receive value from traveling out of the state for workshops, conferences, events and other assignments. This policy sets forth the conditions under which out-of-state travel will be reimbursed by the City. General Guidelines: 1. The event, workshop, conference or assignment must be approved in advance by the City Council at an open meeting and must include an estimate ofthe cost of the travel. In evaluating the out-of-state travel request, the Council will consider the following: . 2. 3. 4. 5. . . Whether the elected official will be receiving training on issues relevant to the city or to his or her role as the Mayor or as a council member; Whether the elected official will be meeting and networking with other elected officials from around the country to exchange ideas on topics of relevance tot he City or on the official roles of local elected officials. Whether the elected official will be viewing a city facility or function that is similar in nature to one that is currently operating at, or under consideration by the City where the purpose of the trip is to study the facility or function to bring back ideas for the consideration ofthe full Council. Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to testify on behalf of the city at the United States Congress or to otherwise meet with federal officials on behalf of the city. Whether the city has sufficient funding available in the budget to pay the cost of the trip. . . . . 6. No reimbursements will be made for attendance at events sponsored by or affiliated with political parties. The city may make payments in advance for airfare, lodging and registration if specifically approved by the council. Otherwise all payments will be made as reimbursements to the elected official. Airfare will be reimbursed at the coach rate. Mileage will be reimbursed at the IRS rate. Iftwo or more council members travel together by car, only the driver will receive reimbursement. The city will reimburse for the cost ofrenting an automobile if necessary to conduct city business. Lodging and meal costs are limited to those that are reasonable and necessary, which are approved by the City Council. Receipts are required for lodging, airfare, and meals and should accompany an itemized list of the expenses. It is not necessary to have receipts for cabs and tips, but the necessary and reasonable costs must be submitted in an itemized expense list. The itemize expense list shall be submitted to the Finance Department for payment. The city will not reimburse for alcoholic beverages, personal telephone calls, costs associated with the attendance of a family member, rental of luxury vehicles, meal expenses included in the cost ofregistration, orrecreational expense (e.g. golf, tennis, etc.) Elected Officials must give either an oral or written report on the results of the trip at the next City Council meeting and turn over any materials received at the event to the city. 7. 8. 9. G C - d-~ . . . 10. 11. All frequent flier miles accrued during the trip will be the property of the city. Elected Officials must use the most cost.efficient mode oftravel available in taking into consideration reasonable time restraints. Adopted by the City Council: Date 5C." (Sa . . . Council Agenda: 1/9/06 50. Consideration of adoptine: a resolution acceDtin~ a donation to allow city officials to view biosolids treatment operations and authorizine: outside travel for desienated citv officials. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the December 12th meeting, the Council authorized the continued study of drying options for biosolids treatment including having representatives of the Biosolids Committee travel to Tennessee, Arkansas and Denmark to study existing facilities operated by the three manufacturers of drying equipment that the City is considering. In a previous agenda item the Council, as required by state statute, adopted a policy for out of state travel by elected officials. The proposed travel for the Committee representatives would be allowable under the policy. Kruger, Inc. which has facilities located in Denmark has indicated that they would pay the air fare, ground transportation and lodging for two representatives from the City at an estimated cost not to exceed $6,000. Meals and the cost of air fare, ground transportation and lodging for the third person will be picked up the City. The cost related to travel by Committee representatives to the Tennessee and Arkansas facilities will be picked up by the City. Since a donation will be made to cover a portion ofthe costs incurred, a resolution has been prepared to accept the donation from Kruger, Inc. and direct its use for travel costs related to the touring of the biosolids treatment facility in Denmark. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution accepting the donation from Kruger Inc. and approve the proposed travel as being in compliance with the City's policy for out of state travel. 2. Do not accept the donation from Kruger Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. The need to further study the proposed drying systems for biosolids that are being considered by the City of Monticello was discussed at the December 12th meeting and a motion was approved authorizing the cost of travel outside ofthe state to look at these facilities. The purpose ofthis agenda item is to by resolution accept the donation and confirm that the out of state travel is in compliance with the City's newly adopted policy for out of state travel. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the resolution be adopted and that the Council finds the out of state travel for the purpose of studying drying systems falls within the guidelines of the City's policy. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution :30 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2006-2 . RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions ofMN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONORJENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Land of Lakes Choirboys Cash contribution $6000 Kruger, Inc. Air fare, lodging, transportation Not to exceed $6,000 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and . WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. 2. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONORJENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE Land of Lakes Choirboys Monticello Community Center For murals in pool area Kruger, Inc. City of Monticello Tour of biosolids facility Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 9th day of January, 2006. Mayor ATTEST: . Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator contributions LOL resolution.doc: 1/5/2006 gD '- 3 I . . . Council Agenda: 1/9/06 5E. Consideration of appointment of Tom Moores to Street Superintendent position. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the recent notification that Street Superintendent Roger Mack would be retiring at the end of January 2006, the Personnel Committee reviewed the need to fill the position and authorized staff to advertise the open position to current employees first. As a result of this job posting internally, current employee Mr. Torn Moores, Street Foreman, applied. The Personnel Committee along with Public Works Director, John Simola and the City Administrator conducted an interview with Mr. Moores on Thursday, December 29th. After the interview, it was the recommendation of the Personnel Committee that Mr. Moores be offered the position of Street Superintendent effective February 1, 2006 at a starting salary of $52,977.00. This starting pay range would be equivalent to Step 5 on Grade 11, the current grade for the Street Superintendent position. B. The City Council is asked to confirm this recommendation which will also open up a vacancy within the Street Department for another operator-mechanic position. It is assumed that with the appointment ofMr. Moores to the Street Superintendent position, the City will need t.o. I advertise for a vacancy as an operator-mechanic. () ~. y ~.OA--"..P",,~;;() b 0 { I'-W\Sl& ..-q- --- ,C y ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Confirm the recommendation to appoint Mr. Torn Moores as the new Street Superintendent effective February 1,2006 to replace the retiring Roger Mack. 2. Do not appoint Mr. Moores to the position at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As noted above, it is the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, Public Works Director, and City Administrator that the position be offered to Mr. Torn Moores as outlined above. Mr. Moores has worked for the Public Works Department for over twenty-three years and most recently has served as the Street Department Foreman. Mr. Moores background and familiarity with the City of Monticello should be a great asset to the Street Department. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 3d . . . Council Agenda: 1/9/06 SF. Consideration of approvine service aereement with Larson Allen to perform annual city audits. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Larson Allen, (formerly Gruys Borden Carlson) is requesting Council approval of an engagement letter authorizing the firm to prepare for the City of Monticello's annual financial audit for the year 2005. Larson Allen purchased the accounting firm of Gruys Borden Carlson a few years ago and Mr. Rick Borden and their staff have performed the City's audit for over thirty years. In order to plan the required audit activities that are necessary for the City, Larson Allen is interested in seeking approval to perform the audit for the City not only for the year 2005 but also for the year 2006. For this commitment on the City's part, Larson Allen has proposed a fee arrangement that would range between $38,000-$43,200 for the audit in the year 2005 and a fee of between $40,000-$43,200 for the year 2006. As a reference, this compares to around $36,000 that was paid to complete the 2004 audit. Larson Allen was involved in the last major change to the audit standards when GASB 34 requirements were implemented by the City. As some of you may have recognized, our audit report has changed substantially in the format being used and it is attempting to be more user friendly for the average reader. Larson Allen is also striving to make future audits paperless with more use by city staff and their own audit staff of electronic audits. Although the normally the City Auditor is also included on our list of appointments at the beginning of each year, if the Council is supportive of entering into a two year arrangement for receiving audit services, we would be more able to adequately budget for next years audit expenditures. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could approve entering into an engagement letter with Larson Allen to perform the City's 2005 and 2006 audits as proposed. 2. Council could authorize engagement of Larson Allen to perform the 2005 audit only at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: One of the advantages of having an agreement with an auditing firm to perform multi-year audits is that it would be unlikely that the State Auditor's Office would intervene and try to do a city audit with state personnel. In addition, having a general idea of what our audit fees might be for more than one year is desirable when preparing annual budgets and it is the City Administrator's recommendation that Alternative #1 be selected. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of service agreements for year 2005 and 2006 ~3 LarsonAllerf , CPAs, Consultants & Advisors www.larsonallen.com December 7, 2005 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello. MN 55362 We are pleased to confirm our understanding of the services we are to provide the City of Monticello . ("you" or "your") for the year ended December 31, 2006. Scope We wiii audit the financial statements of the governmentai activities, the business-type activities and each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information, which collectively comprise the entity's basic financial statements, of the City of Monticello as of and for the year ended December 31, 2006. The document we submit to you wiii include the following supplementary information required by generally accepted accounting principles that wiii be subjected to certain limited procedures, but will not be audited: 1. Management's Discussion and Analysis. 2. Budgetary Comparison Schedules. Also, the document we submit to you wiii include the following additional information that will be subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements upon which we wiii provide an opinion in relation to the basic financial statements: 1. Combining and Individual Fund Statements . 5f--3L\ December 7, 2005 . City of Monticello Page 2 of 6 - 2- Audit objective The objective of our audit is the expression of an opinion as to whether your financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, and to report on the fairness of the additional information referred to in the scope paragraphs when considered in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards and will include tests of the accounting records and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express such an opinion. If our opinion on the financial statements is other than unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to form or have not formed an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or to issue a report as a result of this engagement. Management responsibilities Management is responsible for making all financial records and related information available to us. We understand that you will provide us with such information required for our audit and that you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their application and will assist in the preparation of your financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial statements remains with you. You are responsible for making all management decisions, performing all management functions, and designating a . management-level employee with sufficient skills, knowledge, or experience to oversee our financial statement preparation services and to evaluate the adequacy and results of those services. As part of our engagement, we may propose standard, adjusting, or correcting journal entries to your financial statements. You are responsible for reviewing the entries and understanding the nature of any proposed entries and the impact they have on the financial statements. That responsibility includes the establishment and maintenance of adequate records and effective internal control over financial reporting, the selection and application of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. Management is responsible for adjusting the financial statements to correct material misstatements and for confirming to us in the representation letter that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. You are responsible for the design and implementation of programs and controls to prevent and detect fraud, and for informing us about all known or suspected fraud or illegal acts affecting the government involving (1) management, (2) employees who have significant roles in internal control, and (3) others where the fraud or illegal acts could have a material effect on the financial statements. You are also responsible for informing us of your knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud or illegal acts affecting the government received in communications from employees, former employees, regulators, or others. In addition, you are responsible for identifying and ensuring that the entity complies with applicable laws and regulations and for taking timely and appropriate steps to remedy any fraud, illegal acts, or violations of contracts or grant agreements that we may report. As part of the audit we will prepare a draft of your financial statements and related notes. You will be required to review and approve those financial statements prior to their issuance and have a responsibility to be in a position in fact and appearance to make an informed judgment on those . financial statements. Further you are required to designate a qualified management-level individual to be responsible and accountable for overseeing our services. S t= - 3S December 7, 2005 ... 'ty of Monticello .. age 3 of 6 - 3 - You may request that we perform additional services not contemplated by this engagement letter. If this occurs, we will communicate with you regarding the scope of the additional services and the estimated fees. You are responsible for management decisions and functions, and for designating a competent employee to oversee any additional services, You are responsible for evaluating the adequacy and results of the services performed and accepting responsibility for the results. You are also responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls, including monitoring ongoing activities. Audit procedures. general An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. We will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether from (1) errors, (2) fraudulent financial reporting, (3) misappropriation of assets, or (4) violations of laws or governmental regulations that are attributable to the entity or to acts by management or employees acting on your behalf. Because an audit is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material misstatements may exist and not be detected by us. In addition, an audit is not designed to detect immaterial misstatements, or violations of laws or governmental regulations that """"0 not have a direct and material effect on the financial statements. However, we will inform you of any .aterial errors that come to our attention, and we will inform you of any fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets that come to our attention. We will also inform you of any violations of laws or governmental regulations that come to our attention, unless clearly inconsequential. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to matters that might arise during any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, creditors, and financial institutions. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will also require certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. Identifying and ensuring that the City of Monticello complies with laws, regulations, contracts, and agreements is the responsibility of management. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we will perform tests of the City of Monticello's compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and agreements. However, the objective of our audit will not be to provide an opinion on overall compliance and we will not express such an opinion. . s)=-- 3 l--, - December 7, 2005 . City of Monticello Page 4 of 6 - 4- Audit procedures - internal control In planning and performing our audits, we will consider the internal control sufficient to plan the audit in order to determine the nature, timing, and extent of our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the City of Monticello's financial statements. An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control or to identify reportable conditions. However, we will inform the governing body or audit committee of any matters involving internal control and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the entity's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements. Administration We understand that your employees will prepare all cash or other confirmations we request and will locate any documents selected by us for testing. We expect to begin our audit on approximately May 1, 2007. Use of financial statements . If you and your management intend to reproduce and publish the financial statements and our report thereon, they must be reproduced in their entirety. Inclusion of the audited financial statements in a document you prepare, such as an annual report, should be done only with our prior approval of the document. Dispute resolution The following procedures shall be used to resolve any disagreement, controversy or claim that may arise out of any aspect of our services or relationship with you, including this engagement, for any reason ("Dispute"). Specifically, we agree to first mediate and, if unsuccessful, then arbitrate all Disputes between us, including without limitation any issue concerning the extent to which any Dispute is subject to arbitration, any Dispute concerning this agreement, the limitations of remedy provided by this agreement, or claims for breach of contract, negligence, fraud, fraud in the inducement, breach of fiduciary duty, violation of statute and any other cause of action or remedy. Mediation All Disputes between us shall first be submitted to non-binding mediation by written notice ("Mediation Notice") to the other party. In mediation. we will work with you to resolve any differences VOluntarily with the aid of an impartial mediator. The mediator will be selected by mutual agreement, but if we cannot agree on a mediator, one shall be designated by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). The mediation will be conducted as specified by the mediator and agreed upon by the parties. The parties agree to discuss their differences in good faith and to attempt, with the assistance of the mediator, to reach an amicable resolution of the Dispute. . . Each party will bear its own costs in the mediation. The fees and expenses of the med:;;;tor will be shared equally by the parties. _S~ - ~~-l December 7,2005 .. ....ity of Monticello age 5 of 6 - 5 - Arbitration If any Dispute has not been resolved within ninety (90) days after the written mediation notice, the mediation shall terminate and the Dispute will be settled by arbitration. The arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the procedures in this document and the Arbitration Rules of the Dispute Resolution Rules for Professional Accounting and Related Services Disputes of the American Arbitration Association, except where this agreement differs. The arbitration will be conducted in St. Cloud, Minnesota before a panel of three (3) neutral arbitrators, regardless of the size or amount of the Dispute. Any issue concerning the extent to which any Dispute is subject to arbitration, or concerning the applicability, interpretation, or enforceability of these procedures, including any contention that all or part of these procedures are invalid or unenforceable, shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act and resolved by the arbitrators. Time limitation The nature of our services makes it difficult, with the passage of time, to gather and present evidence that fully and fairly establishes the facts underlying any Dispute. We both agree that, notwithstanding any statute or law of limitations that might otherwise apply to a Dispute, any action or legal proceeding by you against us must be commenced within twenty-four (24) months ("Limitation Period") after the "ate when we deliver our final audit report under this agreement to you, regardless of whether we do ~ther services for you relating to the audit report, or you shall be forever barred from commencing a lawsuit or obtaining any legal or equitable relief or recovery. The limitation Period applies and begins to run even if you have not suffered any damage or loss, or have not become aware of the existence or possible existence of a Dispute. Fees We estimate that our fees for these services will range from $40,100 to $43,200 for the audit. The fee estimate is based on anticipated cooperation from your personnel and the assumption that unexpected circumstances will not be encountered during the audit. If significant additional time is necessary, we will negotiate a mutually agreeable fee for the additional costs relating to the extra work. Our invoices for these fees will be rendered each month as work progresses and are payable on presentation. In accordance with our firm policies, work may be suspended if your account becomes 45 days or more overdue and may not be resumed until your account is paid in full. If we elect to terminate our services for nonpayment, our engagement will be deemed to have been completed upon written notification of termination, even if we have not completed our report. You will be obligated to compensate us for all time expended and to reimburse us for all out-of-pocket costs through the date of termination. . ~.) \=-. - S '6 . ' . October 13, 2005 City of Monticello Page 6 of 6 Agreement We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to the City of Monticello and believe this letter accurately summarizes the significant terms of our engagement. If you have any questions, please let us know. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us. Sincerely, LARSON, ALLEN, WEISHAIR & CO., LLP ~(.~, c;J;J Rick C. Borden, CPA Principal Enclosure . Response: This letter correctly sets forth the understanding of the CITY OF MONTICELLO: By: Title: Date: . S~ - 39 LarsonAllerf . CPAs, Consultants & Advisots www.larsonallen.com December 7, 2005 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 We are pleased to confirm our understanding of the services we are to provide the City of Monticello ("you" or "your") for the year ended December 31,2005. escape We will audit the financial statements of the governmental activities, the business-type activities and each major fund and the aggregate remaining fund information, which collectively comprise the entity's basic financial statements, of the City of Monticello as of and for the year ended December 31, 2005. The document we submit to you will include the following supplementary information required by generally accepted accounting principles that will be subjected to certain limited procedures, but will not be audited: 1. Management's Discussion and Analysis. 2. Budgetary Comparison Schedules. Also, the document we submit to you will include the following additional information that will be subjected to the auditing procedures applied in our audit of the financial statements upon which we will provide an opinion in relation to the basic financial statements: 1. Combining and Individual Fund Statements . S~--!-\O December 7, 2005 City of Monticello .age 20f6 - 2 - Audit objective The objective of our audit is the expression of an opinion as to whether your financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, and to report on the fairness of the additional information referred to in the scope paragraphs when considered in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards and will include tests of the accounting records and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express such an opinion. If our opinion on the financial statements is other than unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to form or have not formed an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or to issue a report as a result of this engagement. Management responsibilities Management is responsible for making all financial records and related information available to us. We understand that you will provide us with such information required for our audit and that you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their application and will assist in the preparation of your financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial statements remains with you. You are responsible for making all management decisions, performing all management functions, and designating a management-level employee with sufficient skills, knowledge, or experience to oversee our financial statement preparation services and to evaluate the adequacy and results of those services. As part of .ur engagement, we may propose standard, adjusting, or correcting journal entries to your financial statements. You are responsible for reviewing the entries and understanding the nature of any proposed entries and the impact they have on the financial statements. That responsibility includes the establishment and maintenance of adequate records and effective internal control over financial reporting, the selection and application of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. Management is responsible for adjusting the financial statements to correct material misstatements and for confirming to us in the representation letter that the effects of any uncorrected misstatements aggregated by us during the current engagement and pertaining to the latest period presented are immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken as a whole. You are responsible for the design and implementation of programs and controls to prevent and detect fraud, and for informing us about all known or suspected fraud or illegal acts affecting the government involving (1) management, (2) employees who have significant roles in internal control, and (3) others where the fraud or illegal acts could have a material effect on the financial statements. You are also responsible for informing us of your knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud or illegal acts affecting the government received in communications from employees, former employees, regulators, or others. In addition, you are responsible for identifying and ensuring that the entity complies with applicable laws and regulations and for taking timely and appropriate steps to remedy any fraud, illegal acts, or violations of contracts or grant agreements that we may report. As part of the audit we will prepare a draft of your financial statements and related notes. You will be required to review and approve those financial statements prior to their issuance and have a responsibility to be in a position in fact and appearance to make an informed judgment on those financial statements. Further you are required to designate a qualified management-level individual to .be responsible and accountable for overseeing our services. . S~-"-\\ December 7, 2005 . City of Monticello Page 3 of 6 - 3 - You may request that we perform additional services not contemplated by this engagement letter. If this occurs, we will communicate with you regarding the scope of the additional services and the estimated fees. You are responsible for management decisions and functions, and for designating a competent employee to oversee any additional services. You are responsible for evaluating the adequacy and results of the services performed and accepting responsibility for the results. You are also responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls, including monitoring ongoing activities. Audit procedures. general An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. We will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether from (1) errors, (2) fraudulent financial reporting, (3) misappropriation of assets, or (4) violatiofls of laws or governmental regulations that are attributable to the entity or to acts by management or employees acting on your behalf. Because an audit is designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that material misstatements may exist and not be detected by us. In addition, an audit is not designed to detect immaterial misstatements, or violations of laws or governmental regulations that do not have a direct and material effect on the financial statements. However, we will inform you of any . material errors that come to our attention, and we will inform you of any fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets that come to our attention. We will also inform you of any violations of laws or governmental regulations that come to our attention, unless clearly inconsequential. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to matters that might arise during any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, creditors, and financial institutions. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will also require certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. Identifying and ensuring that the City of Monticello complies with laws, regulations, contracts, and agreements is the responsibility of management. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, we will perform tests of the City of Monticello's compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and agreements. However, the objective of our audit will not be to provide an opinion on overall compliance and we will not express such an opinion. . S~--L\d December 7,2005 City of Monticello .page 4 of 6 -4- Audit procedures - internal control In planning and performing our audits, we will consider the internal control sufficient to plan the audit in order to determine the nature, timing, and extent of our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the City of Monticello's financial statements. An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control or to identify reportable conditions. However, we will inform the governing body or audit committee of any matters involving internal control and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control that. in our judgment, could adversely affect the entity's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements. Administration We understand that your employees will prepare all cash or other confirmations we request and will locate any documents selected by us for testing. We expect to begin our audit on approximately May 1,2006. Use of financial statements If you and your management intend to reproduce and publish the financial statements and our report .hereon, they must be reproduced in their entirety. Inclusion of the audited financial statements in a document you prepare, such as an annual report, should be done only with our prior approval of the document. Dispute resolution The following procedures shall be used to resolve any disagreement, controversy or claim that may arise out of any aspect of our services or relationship with you, including this engagement, for any reason ("Dispute"). Specifically, we agree to first mediate and, if unsuccessful, then arbitrate all Disputes between us, including without limitation any issue concerning the extent to which any Dispute is subject to arbitration, any Dispute concerning this agreement, the limitations of remedy provided by this agreement, or claims for breach of contract, negligence, fraud, fraud in the inducement, breach of fiduciary duty, violation of statute and any other cause of action or remedy. Mediation All Disputes between us shall first be submitted to non-binding mediation by written notice ("Mediation Notice") to the other party. In mediation, we will work with you to resolve any differences voluntarily with the aid of an impartial mediator. The mediator will be selected by mutual agreement, but if we cannot agree on a mediator, one shall be designated by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). The mediation will be conducted as specified by the mediator and agreed upon by the parties. The parties agree to discuss their differences in good faith and to attempt, with the assistance of the mediator, to reach an amicable resolution of the Dispute. Each party will bear its own costs in the mediation. The fees and expenses of the mediator will be .hared equally by the parties. ,S ~ - '-\ 3 December 7, 2005 aEity of Monticello ~age 5of6 - 5 - Arbitration If any Dispute has not been resolved within ninety (90) days after the written mediation notice, the mediation shall terminate and the Dispute will be settled by arbitration. The arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the procedures in this document and the Arbitration Rules of the Dispute Resolution Rules for Professional Accounting and Related Services Disputes of the American Arbitration Association, except where this agreement differs. The arbitration will be conducted in St. Cloud, Minnesota before a panel of three (3) neutral arbitrators, regardless of the size or amount of the Dispute. Any issue concerning the extent to which any Dispute is subject to arbitration, or concerning the applicability, interpretation, or enforceability of these procedures, including any contention that all or part of these procedures are invalid or unenforceable, shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act and resolved by the arbitrators. Time limitation The nature of our services makes it difficult, with the passage of time, to gather and present evidence that fully and fairly establishes the facts underlying any Dispute. We both agree that, notwithstanding any statute or law of limitations that might otherwise apply to a Dispute, any action or legal proceeding by you against us must be commenced within twenty-four (24) months ("Limitation Period") after the . date when we deliver our final audit report under this agreement to you, regardless of whether we do other services for you relating to the audit report, or you shall be forever barred from commencing a lawsuit or obtaining any legal or equitable relief or recovery. The Limitation Period applies and begins to run even if you have not suffered any damage or loss, or have not become aware of the existence or possible existence of a Dispute. Fees We estimate that our fees for these services will range from $38,000 to $43,200 for the audit. The fee estimate is based on anticipated cooperation from your personnel and the assumption that unexpected circumstances will not be encountered during the audit. If significant additional time is necessary, we will negotiate a mutually agreeable fee for the additional costs relating to the extra work. Our invoices for these fees will be rendered each month as work progresses and are payable on presentation. In accordance with our firm policies, work may be suspended if your account becomes 45 days or more overdue and may not be resumed until your account is paid in full. If we elect to terminate our services for nonpayment, our engagement will be deemed to have been completed upon written notification of termination, even if we have not completed our report. You will be obligated to compensate us for all time expended and to reimburse us for all out-of-pocket costs through the date of termination. . 5 ~ - L-,\ ~\ .. October 13, 2005 City of Monticello _age 6 of6 Agreement We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to the City of Monticello and believe this letter accurately summarizes the significant terms of our engagement. If you have any questions, please let us know. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us. Sincerely, lA/;ON. AllEN, WEISHAIR & CO., llP ~ C~, cpJl Rick C. Borden, CPA Principal Enclosure Response: .hiS letter correctly sets forth the understanding of the CITY OF MONTICEllO: By: Title: Date: . t":,- _.J t,--- ~.S Counci I Agenda - 1/9/06 . 5G. Consideration to approve a conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure in an R-4 (Mobile Home Park) District. Applicant: Kiellbere's, Inc. (JO/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At the last Council meeting, the City Council requested that the applicant provide further detailed information regarding the site location and the proposed detached accessory structure. The supporting data includes a letter from staff conveying those requirements to the applicant, as well as the information provided in response to that letter, as requested. Also included is information provided previously to the Council for consideration of this request. As noted in previous staffreports, the applicant is seeking a Conditional Use Permit for an accessory storage building in the Kjellberg East section of the mobile home park. The zoning ordinance permits such buildings by CUP, subject to the following requirements: Accessory Storage Buildings subject to the following conditions: 1. If associated with any open storage, the storage area is screened from surrounding mobile home units. . 2. The storage area is surfaced to control dust and drainage. 3. The storage area and building(s) are for the sole use ofthe residents of the mobile home park and are not available for use by non-residents. At this time, the applicant is proposing an open door structure, but has bid the option of adding doors. The door orientation is proposed to be to the west. The City Council should comment on whether an open front building is acceptable. On the western edge of the site, an existing tree line is proposed to act as the screening from the adjacent mobile home units. Please see pictures to determine adequacy of existing screening. The site plan indicates that the storage facility will be screened from Highway 25 by a line of existing lilac bushes. The applicant has clarified that this lilac hedge will remain. The applicant has also indicated all surface materials for both the remaining outdoor storage area and the proposed accessory structure. The entire storage area will be enclosed with a perimeter fence, as noted on the site plan. In the provided materials, it is noted that the applicant intends to move existing vehicles and storage in the location of the proposed structure into the structure. This will have the net effect of reducing the amount of outdoor storage in the area. It would appear, given the provided materials, that the applicant meets the intent of the code for Accessory Storage Buildings. . B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Rescind Previous Motion of Denial l.\i Council Agenda - 1/9/06 . 1. Motion to rescind the previous motion of denial of a conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure for Kjellberg's, Inc, based on a finding that the motion was made based on incomplete information. 2. Motion of other. Decision 2: Conditional Use Permit for accessory storage building 1. Motion to approve the CUP for a detached accessory structure for Kjellberg's, Inc.,based on a finding that the building should be able to meet each ofthe conditions of the ordinance, and will minimize outdoor storage in the Mobile Home Park. This approval should include the condition that the applicant verify the screening of the storage area from surrounding residential areas. 2. Motion to deny the CUP, based on a finding that the building will not be able to comply with the City's required conditions. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends approval of the CUP with the conditions as noted. Recent updates to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regarding detached accessory structures, and numerous discussions regarding open and outdoor storage have been directed at keeping more materials and supplies inside and/or screened from public view. The construction of a structure to enclose the materials used for daily maintenance purposes at Kjellberg's fit this goal. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Image B. Site Images C. City Information Request Letter D. Applicant Narrative E. Revised Site Plan F. Engineering Information G. Building Elevations H. Material Bid Detail 1. Applicant Extension Letter . l\1~ Page 1 of 2 , 5 G:, - ~\ ~;CustomParcel&ClientVersion;3.1&F...1/4/2OO6 , View from East (Highway 25) , View From the South Approximate Location of Building West of Lilac Hedge and adjacent to intemal drive. Gate stays in place under plan. , SCo- L\C\ 1 , View from the West " ','~: , ~, Ii,. ..- ,/7"....1.. ~)~'i,: . .....,' '., , '~:-~~', .. :7;; ,-,1 ..~j-i!' .;: A~ -.. ._" -r'" , -;C - _ ,r.!! '~J., '~'i;~,;:i - '.'" _ _,~ \ ' ,>)tt. _ -' - -:..t~ _ ~: _~,"_ ::.:~,~;,~:~:,,;,;~,:' . .'. ,., ~;~~:,~~i1 J~;, . ~ .. '.' ' . f ;;:' ~ ,,) _' .*~"\ ' ' , ,.. .. _ "t.- _', "_',' ,~,~-r -'1.. ,,'j' ,> t " ., ~ ::;',. , . ;.",' .~.~ ~~ ;:;.:-,' - . . ' ~ .-It..~ ,..!> ~-':\;'{ " ~:..:('" .;iti.~ ;:~' . \. ' ,~ ,,',.. )~..-. :-,,' \'-~ - ,,,'. ',:' - -- '. '- ~ . ."" ',If ,> ~. ...~:/: ._, ;1:0 ',.:.l' ,i~" , ~~ ':. "::'~~ ,. .j l" ,..~. , "f .':.-"\ n.;' )'.. \.~~,. . > _ i,'~ :!<o I:i~ "/"/~:'~":~1.:::I." '-:".0 .,,,~' . , I View from the West at entrance to yard, ~~'~~ ~- , ' ~'1"\ sc"/-sc 2 , View from North - Building/Storage area screened by existing building and evergreens. , I SG-S \ 3 .1, , I '1' , f ' I", c~ . sl December 21' ,2005 M()N'rICI<:I"L<) Bernie Beach Kjellberg's Inc. 1000 Kjellberg's West Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Beach: Pursuant to our meeting of December 21'\ 2005, staff has outlined the items which have been requested by the City Council in order to consider Kjellberg's Inc.'s request for a detached accessory structure. Dctailcd Sitc Plan . Clear, scaled site plan depicting the following: . Dimensions of entire storage area. . Dimensions of outdoor storage area, . Dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings within the storage area. . Distance to any public roadways. . Distance to any occupied residential units. . Existing and proposed landscaping, including lilac hedge. . Existing and proposed screening, particularly in relationship to residential units on the site. . Existing and proposed fencing (including gates). Detailed Sitc Narrativc . . Information on existing lilac hedge. Will this hedge stay? Is the length of the hedge sufficient to screen entire proposed building? . Information on building materials, including whether the structure openings will have doors. · Provide detail on the surface material for the outdoor storage area, as well as the interior surface of the proposed structure. · Provide information on exterior lighting. . Describe what will happen to existing open and outdoor storage uses. . Describe what will be contained within the proposed storage structure. SG-SJ MOllliccllo City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 O(1Jce or Public Works. 909 0011' COllrse Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 . In order to consider this request at the January 9lh meeting of the City Council, please include with the site plan and narrative a letter requesting extension of app]ieation consideration. Request of extension should indicate that extension is requested unti I a final decision is made on the Conditional Use Permit request. The above information is required to be submitted by January 4111, in order for the CUP request to be considered at the City Council meeting on Monday, January 9111. It is also strongly recommended that a representative for Kjellberg's be present to answer any additional questions. Please note that the above information request represents only what the City Council has requested and does not reflect the information that may be required for a complete building permit application. If you have any questions relating to the above information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-271-3214. Sincerely, --, Fred Patch Chief Building and Zoning Official . c: Jeff O'Neill Angela Schumann . SG~ t:) 3 . January 1, 2006 Site Narrative for Kjellberg Inc. New maintenance yard building . Proposed building will be placed at leastl 0' from exiting shop. Length of building may need to be shortened in order to maintain 10' clearance. . Existing Lilac hedge will remain in place, and its length is sufficient to screen all of the building. . Information on building material is listed separately. Building has been bid with an option for steel noninsulated overhead doors. I have had no indication yet if this option will be accepted or not. . . Surface material on outdoor storage/maintenance yard is gravel. Interior surface of proposed building will have a 5' reinforced concrete slab with a 4' wide apron across the front. . No new exterior lighting is bid at this time. . There will be no change to the use of the outdoor storage/maintenance yard. . The proposed building will house the trucks, trailers, and maintenance equipment that have always been parked in the area where the building will be placed. Bernard Beach ilL . 5 G> - C; L--\ ~e.-II (;~'J J..nc. Ci\ ~ "', · B/ '~ ~ ~ ///~ ----------- / j[ "- ~ '**-., ~ e of. %% /I~.: AA .... . "'1 I ~/9;' J ':. ~ / ."" .,~ " y 'oil 4f #oql' ~ t~,~~..~...." ("<' -'--"..-. ~. ~ ~ ~~ \.. tV c;..,~ .. ~' / "- ... ..." ,If. / ~ ()- . <; a J~{ yarc{J / / \ ~J / Distance from proposed building to HWY 25 R. W. is 165' Distance from proposed building to nearest residence is 315' Dimension of entire storage area is 250' by 155' Dimension of outdoor maintenance & storage yard wiJJ be 220' x 155' Shop dimension's are 50' x ]00' Existing indoor storage dimension is 24' x 24' Proposed indoor storage building dimension is 30' x ]00' / / ;' / I / / I ( 5C:J-ss . (~~) "' ~ j~ /'in F=; ~ ~ . ~~) ~:::J If ~ ~n F=; tl ,t'Il I~ It-' . 0~~ tiP?; 'f"I ~t-' ~ " I',,~ V-'"i I ~"~,, "O~l Ou ~ x 5?;~~ ;M~~ ~~;, ~~!: ~r (j" I'()II I Mlil"IJMI"N I 2~ --t--_u ~: ~12 ~ :T~ ~~~ t'fS~ -. :7;:" ..I }11J) -< !- ~ ~ t ':.:; I.~) 0) z'~\J" / /~~ @ 0 ~ N U"'IJ . U) t :'-':Jj ~~ ~::~ "J>-(ll r7i~ " 1"', w c, " n " ~, '" :O~~ 10 s: ~~J -< ,=,::a _< .L1J1 10 ." n!? ~ A! II _,)1/) II C !lln ,::",,~,,:": ":~'::'i ~ ?,~1;1: :;11,., &':~ ~c;~~~ IJ1 I ~ ',W,., _:~" - <~~ on ~~ 8 2,~ .~~ " . -'~",., I~ - I~ >~.><, ",.> Ie ,- I" ~~~~~~~;~ ~ :~~ " ,,,<7,,,. < 'u. F "-,,, ! !lii!'ii ;;i \~i:IIlCD.t!I ~~ ~~.~. ~;ii;f ~w ~~,j u ~~~H~~: ,::" p ~V' 1;'"; r.,',',., I'~.".' :]~ ~,~ : _" -<-',t.., :; ':>' :'~ :: :~ G~ -" j~ ~! 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[I MUIJr'.c.r:'1 ~,~N...__~=,-A.'CH^V, (\J : LxrrRiOR u.l:.v^rICJN~; ,,---=-:. .. .~. ~"'r :';:7:,:';:,,::;';';;7:':;:.:, I~TR- 0'" H..... ....~~.r~ ~, ,...., I .'., '. "'I ..,I.ow.' R.[VI:;~'" .'.--. ~'~~....:.-." ... :~:..'.:'..;'"...'-...'""''''''''..'.'.'''.'.'' .J '. '.. ..... ,:_,.. .:. - _:-=-G:::,:.~:.;:':' [~Nc;IN[I' RIN_G @~) ,-tti i~ iO-'l "t'll ~ i m ~ :j o Z @0 'i.'o::l \1 ti1 ..,'" q-'l ! ~ <: ~ ~ ",,,,CD ~ ~~ '" "<~ I~ u_~m ~ ~ <Ii,; ~ ~.~~~,; .:~~~~~ '" ~'t;;.: ~'(~R ,,' 'l J ,~~ '" o~~ " i0 ~~ 5G - S I 09/26/2005 17:05 320983&304 LIND LUMBER ,MU","" ........... ,. UND POST FRAME BUILDING (LATCHAM LU_ER & FARM SUPPLY) POLE BUILDING 16387 117TH AVE. MILACA, MN 56353 1-800-818-1846 1-32()"'983-6304 ,~ . FOR Bernie Beach esnMATE BN ~\~ ~1,t f>J Phone , PlEASE examine this estimate carefuUy We agree to furnish only those articles 88 priced and described in this estimate. DESCRIPTION 3Ox1oo.13 Ina" ctearanc :j \>"1 ~{Q,.,t AD6Reu ....Clerieal Errors subject to correetlon ~ ~~ r~.r-\JdIII .... Prices quoted are eondttional after 10 days. .... Purchaser is responsible to know aU Ioc8I Building Code8 ....Additionet ~ required to meet code after the fact are the purchaee(s expense. ....This estimate assumes Purchase(s building site is level. ....Additional Materials needed to compensate for unlevel site area at purchase(s expense. Purchaser obtai BUilDING PERMIT Und wtII furnish 'nformation If/?,~klr ... ~ must n . .. , PIece Sim l-.nJlih 6x6 16 .60 SouIhem Yellow Pine Poles 8x6 18 .60 Southern Yellow Pine Poles 14 6x6 20 .60 SouIhem Yellow Pine PoIeI 26x8 22 .60 Southern Yellow Pine Poles 20 8x6 24 .60 Southern Yellow Pine PoIe& 26J(6 26 .60 Sou1t1em Yellow Pine POles 6x6 28 .60 SoUlhem YellOW PIne Poles 38 20")(8'* Cement Pacta and WIndIIfta 11.5 2X 10 16ft Treated Bottom Bo8R1 2X10 Treet8d Bottom Board 2x10 Treated Bottom Board 2x8 T mated Bottom for 000nI 2 2112Pitch 30 Structural Gable Mono Tt'UH 8'oIc.42...s.-Sloadlng 12 Common Mono Truss B'Ofc 42-5-5 L with Tails 13 2x6 16 Doubte Top Pl. .. 2x8 16 Comer Braces 4 2X6 18 Comer Braces 2X6 Doors 21 2 X 10 12 Overhead Door Boxina 19 2X 10 14 Overhead Door Boxing 2x8 Overhead Door Boxing 01 Jambs 2 X 8 2 2x14LVl 100 Micro Lam 6.5 2x12 16 Fascia 6.5 2x8 16 Fascia . 5 G~ - S~ e9/2G/2005 17:05 320983G3a4 LIND LUMBER . . Piece SIze 692x4 26 :zx.4 S42x.4 180 2Jc.t 15 2x<4 13 2x4 2x4 10ft. 12 ft. 12 ft. 17 12 ft. 11 10 ft. 3'0")(6'8" 1X6 1 1/2X3 11: 10 ft. 18 10 ft. 10 10 ft. 72 10 It 18 14ft 1 12 fl 10 ft. 10 ft. 12 It 8 at 1 Tube UEW 112x7 112 12 ft. 14 ft. 16 It 18ft. 10 ft. 8 ft. 2 100' Roll 4- ~ 16 watt GIrts 24- O~ 8 Joists JoistHanaers 18 Roof Boerds 21- QnICenIIer 12 RoofBoatds21"~ 16 Roof Br8CItS F and J Trim vented Softit RS Starter 8'" steet Fascia Steel Roof EdGe Sottit NailS A,J-5100 entry Door and Lock s~)-sc~ .5:!..~r ""Of '<~U:.J L {; l::!::J ;:I,!l::!':1t:J.jb::ltlQ L 1 NV L UI"Jpc.t<, .. 46 112 X21 AJ Wii1dcMs 46 112x21 Insulated Ranch Window ,- 4x4 Hayfeild WindOws low-e and Jams 34 38.5 Colored Roof Steel 41.46 34 2.8 Colored Roof StMI 3.01 34 3 Colored Roof Steel 3.23 Cuting 0.00 Foem Closure ~ps ~.- -".- 34 15 Colored Wall Steel 16.15 11 20 Colored Wall S.... 6.97 ,c;, D O.a.J 2 15.5 Colored Gable Steel 0.98 2 16 Colored Gable Steel 1.01 2 16.5 Colored Gable S'" 1.04 2 17 Colored Gable StMt 1.08 2 17.5 CokJred Gable StIIeI 1.11 2 18 CoIonKI Gable Steel 1.14 w,~~ 2 18.5 Colored Gable Steel 1.11 2 19 CoIof'8d Gable steel 1.20 2 19.5 CokN'ed Gable Steel 1.23 2 20 COlOred Gable steel 1.27 Colored GaIMe Steel 0.00 71500D Baas 11fl" NP W8Iher SCrews Roof 47.69 7!SOOp ~1 1fF NP Washer Screws Walls 40.18 20 16 Sinkers _m~'.. 10 20 GaIv PoIebam Nails .5 20 PoIebarn N.... 35 60 PoIebam Nails ...- '----.- - ..., ~, ,"- SG,- loO . BEACH'S REMODELING And CONSTRUCTION Bernie Beach 106 Crocus Circle Monticello, MN. 55362 Cell 612-290-0028 Fax 763-295-3138 Ian 3 2006 Monticello City Council Re. Conditional Use Permit for Kjellberg Inc. cold storage building. . Please consider my request for an extension on the application for this conditional use permit. This extension is requested until the time that a final decision can be made. Respectfully Submitted . 5 c, - <-Cl \ Council Agenda: 1/9/06 . 5H. Consideration of an amendment to contract for rivate develo ment - Cor (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the previous Council meeting, staff was directed to work with the City Attorney and prepare an amendment to the contract for private development that would grant Mr. Kingbay a six month extension on his purchase of approximately 7 acres within the Jefferson Commons plat. The original purchase agreement had allowed for the purchase of the 7 acres in three increments and will remain the same other than the time table will be extended by six months from December 12, 2005. The amendment to the agreement has been prepared and reviewed by Mr. Kingbay and he has signed a copy agreeing to the terms and conditions. In addition to the six month extension, an area consisting of 16,960 square feet has been deleted from the property to be acquired by Mr. Kingbay and is being set aside for the eventual sale to Muller Theater for their expansion proposal. The purchase price reflects this reduction in the area. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Approve the amended contract for development as outlined above. 2. Do not approve at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the amendment to the contract be approved. The agreement was drafted to provide the six month extension and deleted the area needed by Mr. Muller for his theater expansion. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed amendment to development contact. \ \....{ {) ~.~~ \j ('\n~ ,.:<~ /1 /' . led- . . . (reservedfor recording purposes) ,. :" . , . '- . . FI~ST AM~~riMENt TO CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT dated January 6, 2006 by and between the CITY OF ;MONTICELLO, a Minnesata municipal carparatian ("City") and CPK DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC, a Minnesata limited liability camp any (the "Develaper"). 1. DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT. The City and Developer have entered into. a Cantract for Private Develapment (the "Cantract") dated May 26, 2005. The Cantract shall remain in full force and effect except as amended by this First Amendment. 2. AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE I. The definitians af"Praperty" and "Purchase Price" under Article I afthe Cantract are amended to. read as fallaws: "Property" means Outlot C, Jeff~rsan Cammons cansisting of approximately 6.97 acres to. be platted as Lats 1 (the mast easterly iat), Lat 2 (the middle lat) and Lat 3 (the most westerly lat), Black 1, Jeffersan Cammons 2nd Additian, substantially as graphically depicted in Exhibit "A" attached hereto.. :;'1 .... , ~i. e. o , . . II'" .. '~Purchase Price" means: i) Far Lat 1, the sum afEight and nail 00 Dallars ($8.00) per square foat as gaverned by the survey, which, assuming the Subject Property cansists af 101,286 square feet, the Purchase Price wauld be an amaunt equal to. Eight Hundred Ten Thausand Two. Hundred Eighty-Eight and Na/100 Dallars ($810,288.00) which the Develaper shall pay the City far a partian of the purchase afthe Property. ii) Far Lat 2, the sum af Seven and nal100 Dallars ($7.00) per square faat as gaverned by the survey, which, assuming the SubjeCt Property consists af 101,286 square feet, the Purchase Price would be an amount equal to. Seven Hundred Nine Thousand Two. and Noll 00 Dollars ($709,002.00) which the Develaper shall pay the City far a portion ofthe purchase afthe Property. 122527v2 Rev: 12/28105 \ ~ "'. 'i.l. . ~, ~ s w- ~)3 .~ ' .. '.. _~"_ '...:... _ .": r; . . . , . -', . '. I .. . " ~"" ~ ~ ';'~.f:"j iii) For Lot 3, the sum of Six and no/100 Dollars ($6.00) per square foot as governed by the survey, which, assuming the Subject Property consists of 101,286 square feet, the Purchase Price would be an amount equal to Six Hundred Seven Thousand Seven hundred Sixteen and No/lOO Dollars ($607,716.00) which the Developer shall pay the City for a portion of the purchase of the Property 3. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3.2. Section 3.2 ofthe Contract is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3.2. Conditions Precedent to Conveyance of that portion of the Property to be platted as Lot 1, Block 1. (a) The City's obligation to convey the Lot 1 of the Property shall be subject to the satisfaction of, or waiver in writing by the City of, all of the following conditions precedent: (i) The City replatting Outlot C, Jefferson Commons into 3 lots substantially as graphically d~p'ictedont~f;attached Exhibit "A." (ii) The Developer not being in default under the terms of this Agreement; (Hi) The Developer having secured all goverrunental permits and approvals, including building permits necessary to be obtained in order to permit conveyance of the Property to Developer and construction of the Minimum Improvements on Lot 1; and (iv) The Developer shall have submitted to the City and the City shall have approved Construction Plans for the Minimum Improvements pursuant to Article IV of this Agreement (b) The Developer shall be obligated to accept title to Lot 1 of the Property subject to satisfaction, or waiver in writing by the Developer, of the following conditions precedent: (i) (ii) The City not being in default under the terms of this Agreement; (iii) The Developer having secured the City's approval ofthe Construction Plans and all other goverrunental permits and approvals, including 2 \"L.-olr ~/ S \-\ -" Co '-\ . . . building permits necessary to construct the Minimum Improvements on Lot 1; (iv) Developer's approval of the enviromnental condition of the Property; ., ' (v) Developer' s ap~r6~al of.thl;l,,6pnditi.Q~ of the soil for the construction of the Minimum Improvement;and (vi) Developer determining that City water and sewer are available to the Property and that the water pressure is adequate to sprinkler the building{s); (vii) Substantial construction of School Boulevard abutting the Property, providing adequate access to the Property from Deegan Avenue. In the event any of said contingencies are not performed, satisfied or waived by September 26, 2006 or such earlier date as may be provided, then either party, at its option, by notice giv.en to the other party not later than September 26,2006, or such earlier date where applicable, may terminate this Agreement and upon such termination the City shall promptly refund to Developer all earnest money paid hereunder, except as otherwise provided hereunder. If the City has met the conditions under Section 3.2{b) (i, ii, and vii), Developer shall not QE; entitled to a refund of earnest money, if Developer has not removed or waived the remaining contingencies by September 26,2006. , I ~. , .', , " 4. AMENDMENT OF SECTIO~\{3.4. Sectjpt,i ~A{a).ofthe Contract is hereby amended to read as follows: ' . ,I ''''''''':',11..:_,,,.,~,,, (a) Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) earnest money ("Earnest Money"), to be deposited with City upon execution of this Agreement. The Earnest Money shall be distributed to City at the time of closing to be applied against the Purchase Price paid on the Second Closing Date. The Earnest Money shall be returned to the Developer in the event of (i) refusal of the City to perform its obligations under this Agreement, or (ii) Developer's termination of this Agreement within the Contingency Periods, except as otherwise provided ,under Section 3.2. Developer's sole remedy if City refuses to perform its obligations shall be to have the Earnest Money returned. S. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3.6{a). Section 3.6{a) of the Contract is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) Title Commitment. To demonstrate that City's title is good and marketable of record, within twenty days after replatting of Outlot C under the terms of this Agreement, City shall furnish Developer with a Commitment fmr an Owner;s Policy of Title Insurance including proper searches covering ~ankruptcies. and statf,:,{an~ fed~r~I.J!udgJ?ents, federal court judgment liens in favor of the U.S., hens, and leVIed and pendmg sp,eqa.ka:ssessments. Developer shall have ten (10) business days after receipt of the Commitment for Title Insurance to provide City with 3 5 ~ - tc,r:) written objections. Developer shall be deemed to have waived any title objections not made within the ten (10) day period above, except that this shall not operate as a waiver of City's covenant to deliver a statutory Deed and Contract. If Developer obtains title insurance, Developer is not waiving the right to obtain a good and marketable title of record from City. i . 6. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 4.1. Section 4.1 (a)(l) of the Contract is hereby amended to read as follows: . (1) On or before December, 12 , 2006, the Developer shall submit to the City a site plan for Lot 1 of the Pro1perty and the Construction Plans for the Minimum Improvements on Lot hWithin Smonths after the Second Closing Date, the I":. ' f' Developer shall submit to the City:.ai~ite_,planSor Lots 2 and 3 of the Property and the Construction Plans for the Minimum Improvements on Lots 2 and 3. The Construction Plans shall provide for the construction of the Minimum Improvements and shall be in conformity with this Agreement, the Site Plan, and all applicable state and local laws and regulations. The City and/or the City Engineer shall approve the Construction Plans in writing if, in the reasonable discretion of the City and/or City Engineer: (i) the Construction Plans conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (ii) the Construction Plans conform to all applicable federal, state and local law, ordinances, rules and regulations; (iii) the Construction Plans are adequate to provide for the construction of the subject Minimum Improvements; (iv) the Construction Plans do not provide for expenditures in excess of the funds which will be available to the Developer for the construction of the Minimum Improvements; and (v) no Event of Default has occurred and is continuing. No approval by the City and/or City Engineer under this Section 4.2 shall relieve the Developer of the obligation to comply with the terms ofthis Agreement, applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, or to construct the Minimum Improvements. No approval by the City and/or City Enginee:r; 'shall constitute ,a waiver of an Event of Default. The City and/or City Engine~i ;shall review'the Construction Plans within thirty (30) days of submission of a 'P\?mpl~t~,,~~t:~I:Construction Plans and either approve the same or provide Developer with l:ffisforspe8i'fic required changes to be made to the Construction Plans. Upon making the specific changes to the Construction Plans as required by the City and/or City Engineer, the Developer shall submit the Construction Plans with the required changes to the City Engineer for approval and if Developer made the required changes, the Construction Plans shall be approved. 7. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 4.1(b). Section 4.1 (b) of the Contract is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) Time for Construction of Minimum Improvements. The Developer shall commence construction of the Minimum Improvements on Lot Ion or before February 12,2007 and shall commence construction of the Minimum Improvements on Lots 2 and 3 within one year ofthe Second Closing Date, subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall substantially complete construction of the Minimum Improvements, except for landscaping; . 4 ; 'it I' ,~ 5~-~~O ;~ ';yiii ~;?f'\', i ;/;" , ~._..........---..-..-------.-'---_.. ..-'. . . . f. ' ,; (I" ;. , ~I . .... "..i')" .',"j exterior matters such as final lift of asphalt, striping, etc.; and minor "punch list items", on or before August 12 ,2007 for Minimum Improvements on Lot I and within eighteen months ofthe Second Closing Date for Minimum Improvements on Lots 2 and 3. 8. AMENDMENT TO EXHIBIT A. Exhibit A, entitled Graphic Description of the Property, is hereby replaced with the attached Exhibit A-I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this First Amendment to Contract for Private Development was executed by the parties the day and year first above written. CITY.OF MONTICELLO By: Its Mayor ; i By:""" ,'",\. " jl,!,': Its City Administrator CPK DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC By:~L · . ~ President i" : ~ r l' ., .I,' ," J... '~"-.l-:": . .........~t ~~ 5 S \-\-lo-l . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. ) ", .: I _ ..~. ; .'. h'.;. COUNTY OF WRIGHT .. i.: ,. ~\'.. :1'.1.. The foregoing instrwnent was acknowledged before me this_ day of , 2006, by and , the Mayor and City Administrator, respectively, of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on its behalf. Notary Public STATEOFMINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2006 by , the President of CPK Development Group, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the corporation. Notary .Public " ., : ':.' . ". ~",.... 1_'..( I' '. DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, P.A- 1380 Corporate Center Curve, Suite #317 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 1(", :.' 6 'S t\ -l.o <b .--------------........-----.--------.'..-- . -.- .-..-- is EXHIBIT "A-I" TO FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT I ""'I''"' I / ---115-7 __\ ;' : I '~::;. I V ,';'<:';0 //-------------------~"""'" J ~ ~) , I I \:\ ! ';;'}". "I .... -. ;:S~lNf,l;, ~;1/"" " f : ___~~u~_rj. ~ I , I , , ! I : I r i I I I 1 _______~_________J . GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY :'.11 T I '.:', ~ " '_0 -', 0 : ~! , X I ~i >. IX " ~l '.:'. , f, 8 r.~ I ~ c r., " ':', ....., '.- ~ ",r.. O"L __our . n_____ I 0'0, ~tP %~ ()'r "'6 ~~ ...0 ~\ c;,S<. 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Public Hearine and Authorizin2 Plans and Soecifications for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Pro ram Cit of Monticello Pro'ect No. 2006-01C (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to conduct the public hearing for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project and make a recommendation for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Program. The completion of the 2005 Street Reconstruction Project marks the third year of the Street Reconstruction Program. The 2005 project completed approximately 1/3 of Area 3 in accordance with the Overall Program. The proposed reconstruction project is anticipated to be also within Area 3, but the extent ofthe project needs to be determined with staff input and Council direction. A memo is attached, which defines the costs of a partial and complete reconstruction of Area 3. The staff and WSB will conduct a public information meeting at 5:30 p.m., prior to the Council meeting, to address public comment on the two options. As a requirement to bond for the project, the City is required to conduct a public hearing and establish a preliminary assessment roll. Following the public information meeting and the public hearing, the Council should provide direction on the project size along with funding and assessment strategies. The attached memo outlines assessment and funding considerations for the Council. We will ask that the Council respond to the following issues as part of the motion: . Project scope: Reconstruction Option 1, 2, or other . Residential assessment rate: $3,000/unit or other . Commercial assessment rate: $80/FF or other . Sidewalk assessment rate: $200/unit or other . Use of Stormwater Trunk Funds: Yes or No . River Street Width: 28 feet or 32 feet . Assessment or funding source for public land: Street Fund or other . Mobile Horne Park Street Assessment: Front foot or unit . Mobile Horne Park Sidewalk Assessment: Front foot or unit If the Council would like additional information, the public hearing can be tabled to another meeting or closed, and then table action on the project to another meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Determine size and scope and the proposed assessment and funding methodology for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project, and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for the project. Prepare a revised overall program that addresses the new assessment policy and revised reconstruction schedule. 2. Table to an upcoming meeting. . loq-. i C:\Ducumenfii /i/ld Sellillgs\dmVtI,gl'O.!isillgerl/,(}(:(I1 Sellillgx\1i:mpfJrtlr'Y fntemIJr FiI/!.~\OI.K.J\AUN I1'Ml()06 SI ReculI S(:ope-O/09()t') (Io(~ . . . c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council conduct the public hearing, decide on a preferred option for the improvement project and assessment approach, and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications. These steps are required in accordance with Chapter 429 requirements for assessed public improvements. It is also important to revise the overall street reconstruction plan to incorporate the revised reconstruction program and assessment policy. The program years will change with the new policy unless additional funds are allocated to make up for reduced assessment income. It will be important to have the Council review the proposed program and set goals that can be shared with the public as to when the streets within the City will be reconstructed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Technical Memorandum from WSB & Associates, Inc. · Assessment rolls for various options will be provided at the meeting. toq ,. ;} C:\/Jor.lJmel/l.l' and Sellltlgsld(j\\tj,gros.I'lngerl/..owl ::'/.~IlI;lg.~\rjjml)I)I'1'ry bllt:t'f/i:I Fllc.~\OLK3\AGN ITM.)f)()(j SI Rt:cul/ &:vpc-O/0906, dut . . . ... WSB & Associates, Inc. Technical Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., President Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E., Senior Project Manager WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: January 4, 2006 Re: 2006 Street Reconstruction Project Proposed Project Scope City of Monticello Project No. 2006-01 C WSB Project No. 1494-16 The City Council has expressed its desire to continue the street reconstruction program in Area 3 in accordance with the Overall Street Program implemented in February 2004. Area 3 represents the only remaining area within the reconstruction program in which the streets do not include concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer. As a result, this area will represent the highest reconstruction costs for the City's street reconstruction program. Pursuant to the Council's request, a Technical Memorandum outlining two options for the 2006 project scope, dated December 8,2005, was submitted to the City Council for review. Option 1 included the reconstruction of Otter Creek Road, Sandy Lane west of Otter Creek Road, Riverside Circle, and River Street west of Otter Creek Road to the west edge of the Ritze parcel just west of Craig Lane. Option 1 is essentially the same as previously discussed with the Council with the exception of an additional assessment to be levied against the Holthaus property on the east side of Otter Creek Road for the realignment of the intersection of Otter Creek Road and CSAH 75 and the extension of the reconstruction of River Street to include the Ritze property and the Kenneth Lane and Craig Lane cul-de-sacs. The reconstruction of revised Option 1 will exceed the City's existing available budget of $750,000 in the Street Reconstruction Fund by $163,000, assuming the current assessment policy. Option 2 still involves the full reconstruction of the remainder of Area 3 and will exceed the street reconstruction budget by $1,300,000 based on the current assessment policy. At the December 12, 2005 City Council meeting, staff was directed to evaluate potential funding schemes for completing Option 2 as presented in the December 8, 2005 technical memorandum as well as extending Option 1 to include the Kenneth Lane and Craig Lane cul-de-sacs as noted previously (see attached figure). WSB & Associates, Inc. has reviewed the proposed program as previously presented and has developed some modifications to the program that could potentially lower costs and anticipated assessments necessary to complete the funding scenario necessary for completing the remainder of the project. c: \Ducumellls and SeIIl"gs\da"l!,tl.s:r/J,~.~/'Igt.~,.\Local Settlllg.\'17i:mp{}ralY InleY1I(~1 Filcs\OLKJI THCH MEMO-hm(.'C-O/040(i.}()()(j' Scope.Jo(: fe, q -. 3 . Honorable Mayor and City Council January 4, 2006 Page 2 OPTION 1 (REVISED) Extending the Option 1 project to include Craig Lane and Kenneth Lane would extend the project reconstruction approximately 1,020 feet west beyond the original proposed location. Based on the estimated $239 lineal foot cost for the project, this extension would cost an additional $243,780 for River Street, as well as include $17,953.07 for the cost of seal coat maintenance on Kenneth Lane and Craig Lane, making the total project cost an estimated $1,074,333. Extending the project this length will add five residential properties that would be assessed on a per lot basis, and the Ritze property, which would be assessed on a commercial front footage basis. This extended area also would include the trailer parks located along River Street. The trailer parks include 92 units plus additional seasonal campground space. OPTION 2 (REVISED) Proposed Improvements The second option as previously presented for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Program is the completion of the remainder of Area 3. This would include the following streets: . . Otter Creek Road . Sandy Lane (Otter Creek Road to CSAH 75) . Riverside Circle . River Street (Otter Creek Road to CSAH 75) . Kenneth Lane (cul-de-sac) . Craig Lane (cul-de-sac) . Oakview Circle (cul-de~sac) . Matthews Circle (cul-de-sac) . Hilltop Drive (cul-de-sac) . Hillcrest Road . Hillcrest Circle (cul-de-sac) The cul-de-sacs included in both options with the exception of Hilltop Drive as listed previously currently have concrete curb and gutter. The improvements on the cul-de-sacs were to include spot repairs to the existing concrete curb and gutter, bituminous pavement reclamation, and resurfacing. The initial street reconstruction strategy was an "area approach," which included reclaiming and resurfacing all of the streets in a given area. A review ofthe Pavement Condition Indexes for the cul-de-sacs in the project area has indicated that the City could use a maintenance application of a seal coat and mill and overlay rather than full resurfacing. This applies to streets where subsurface utility repairs are not needed as noted below. The proposed program for the remaining portion of Area 3 includes the following improvements: . . Otter Creek Road - reconstruct to 32 feet wide. . Sandy Lane - reconstruct to 28 feet wide. . Riverside Circle - reconstruct to 28 feet wide. &vq-S C:\/Jacumellls cmd &lI/tlgs\d(~wtl.gro.uins:er\Loc{l1 &lIingsIT(~mp(jrtJry Intel1le/1'I/es\OLKJ\TF.CH Mf."MO-lmll:c-t)104()(j. }006 Sr;()fl/?doc . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council January 4, 2006 Page 3 · River Street ~ reconstruct to 32 feet wide (alternate scenario would be to reconstruct River Street to 28 feet wide and restrict parking to one side). · Kenneth Lane - seal coat (no street assessment). · Craig Lane - seal coat (no street assessment). · Oakview Circle - reconstruct to existing width (utility repairs). · Matthews Circle - mill and overlay (assessments are levied at 25% of total cost of project). · Hilltop Drive - reconstruct to 28 feet wide. · Hillcrest Road - reconstruct to 28 feet wide. · Hillcrest Circle - reconstruct to existing width (utility repair). The remaining streets as listed would include the grading of streets and ditches to accommodate a 28 or 32.foot-wide urban roadway section with concrete curb and gutter and storm sewer to replace the 24 to 26-foot.wide rural roadway sections that exist in this area. The existing bituminous pavement would be reclaimed to provide a reusable aggregate base and the streets would then be paved according to the City's standard pavement section for residential streets. The existing concrete curb and gutter on the cul-de-sacs within the project area will be evaluated and spot repairs will be made as necessary. The construction of the storm sewer is proposed to be completed using HDPE storm sewer pipe. The use of reinforced concrete pipe has been the City's Standard and will be bid as an alternate for construction to maximize the potential cost savings between HDPE and RCP. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS The estimated project costs for the proposed improvements have been recalculated based on unit prices received from the bids on the 2005 street reconstruction project. The updated costs are attached to this memorandum for the Council's review. The cost estimates have also been adjusted to reflect indirect costs of eighteen percent (18%), which is slightly higher than the historical value for indirect costs from the 2003 through the 2005 Street Reconstruction Projects, which has ranged from 14% to 16.5%. A revised summary of cost based on the revised improvement program and updated cost data is as follows: Streets .................................... $ Sanitary Sewer .......................$ Watermain............................. .$ Storm Sewer.......................... .$ Option 1 Option 2 974,357............................... ..$1,943,080 10,320.................................$ 10,320 0.................................$ 34,710 166.482............................... ..$ 662.060 Total Estimated Cost ...........$1,151,159*...............................$2,650,170** * Reconstruction of River Street to 28 feet wide would represent approximate cost savings of $25,400. This would reduce the total cost to $1,126,659. ** Reconstruction of River Street to 28 feet wide would represent approximate cost savings of $72,000. This would reduce the total cost to $2,578,170. l,q'- ~ C\L)owmefl/.I' WId .'ik~ltillg.f\dllwtl,gmii;sillger\L()(:(J1 S~f1i/fgsltemp{)m"y r,1/(~nJ(:1 Fi/e.f\OI.K3ITRClI MEMO-hmr:r:.OJOJ06_2()()6 .\'(:op/'!.Ilu{" . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council January 4, 2006 Page 4 The total estimated project cost includes the proposed construction of a 6-foot concrete sidewalk or 8-foot bituminous path along the east side of Gtter Creek Road north ofCSAH 75 and along the north side of River Street west of Gtter Creek Road. PROPOSED FUNDING The 2005 Street Reconstruction Project was assessed at a rate of $2,871.35 per lot, which included all work with the exception of the sanitary sewer and watermain repair work. This was a flat assessment rate per lot based on assessing a minimum of twenty percent (20%) ofthe total project cost. Properties with multiple driveways were assessed at the per lot rate for each driveway access on the property per City policy. The twenty percent (20%) value represents the minimum amount of revenues that needed to be collected through assessments in order for the City to sell bonds to finance the project. It should be noted that the 2005 project consisted completely of single family residential property. The project proposed herein as Option 2 contains approximately 3,160 front feet of non-single family residential property listed as follows: Public Commercial . Monticello Rod and Gun Club.................................................N/A.................262 front feet . Holthaus (Otter Creek Road) ................................................... NI A................. 139 front feet . Ritze Trucking........................................................................ .NI A................. 546 front feet . City of Monticello Compost Facility ........................376 front feet................................N/A . Hillcrest Park (City of Monticello) ...........................530 front feet................................N/A . Montissippi Park (Wright County) .............................19 front feet................................N/A . Cemetery (City of Monticello)............................... 1,288 front feet................................N/A . Red Rooster Properties (Mobile Horne Park)* ........................N/A.................114 front feet . Scherber (Mobile Horne Park)* ...............................................N/A.................230 front feet Total .....................................................................2,213 front feet.............1 ,291 front feet * These trailer parks contain approximately 92 lots that access River Street just east of Kenneth Lane. The program of seal coating is considered a maintenance activity and is not assessable under the City's policy. Mill and overlay improvements are assessable to adjacent properties at a rate of 25% of the total cost. There is approximately 460 front feet of assessable footage on streets identified to be milled and overlaid. The estimated front foot cost is $11.91, which creates approximately $5,300 of assessment revenues for this work. The remaining cost of the mill and overlay and seal coating would need to be provided from City Maintenance Funds in the amount of $23,250. ioq-l C:\D(lcume"I.~ alld Sefflilg.~\dQ1II'I'"gro.uingcr\l.()r:al Sefflngsltemj>orary {/I/e1'net File.I'\(JLK3\THC/J MFMO-hmct-O!0406. ]006 &:upe.dm: . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council January 4, 2006 Page 5 As noted previously, the proposed project does include the construction of a sidewalk or pathway along Otter Creek Road and River Street. The City's policy allows for the assessment oftwenty- five percent (25%) ofthe sidewalk costs to be assessed to adjacent properties. This facility is considered a regional facility according to the City's Trail Plan. As a result, it is proposed the assessments be levied on all properties that access River Street, including properties that abut cul-de-sacs intersecting these streets. The proposed assessment per lot for the sidewalk is approximately $200 per assessable lot. Non-single family properties are proposed to be assessed on a per front foot basis as listed previously. Properties owned by the City of Monticello and Wright County have been split out from privately-owned property as shown in the preceding paragraphs. The Council will need to address how this frontage is included in the funding package. The per front foot cost is estimated to be $80 and is based on the reconstruction rate for commercial properties adjusted for the past three years of using the construction cost index and adding sidewalk. In addition, the cost of the new curb has been factored into the unit cost. This is consistent with the assessments that were levied for the improvement of Elm Street in the Core City Area (2003). FUNDING CONSIDERATIONS In an effort to develop a potential assessment and revenue plan for the two options, assessment rates for residential and commercial properties were estimated as the following: · 2005 residential assessment rate ..................................... $2,871/unit · 2006 residential assessment rate with estimated construction cost increase.... ..... ............. .....$3,000 · 2006 sidewalk assessment rate................................................. ..$200 · 2006 commercial assessment rate including sidewalk........... $801FF The following is a summary of costs and revenue sources for the two options. Ootion 1 Pro;ect Costs Street Reconstruction...............................$ Storm Sewer..... .............................. ..........$ Sanitary Sewer.........................................$ Watermain............................................... .$ 974,360 166,480 10,319 o T otaJ ........................................................$1,151,159 t,q ~. (S (.','\DOc.:umellls and Settlf/g.~\dmm.J.'1'(J.\'.~ill~rILoml Settini.I'ITl1mportlry IlIIemef 1;-ile.,~\OI.KJI1"liClI MEMOhmcc-OjQ406-:!()06 Sc.:ope,llo(." . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council January 4,2006 Page 6 Option 1 Revenue Sources Water and Sanitary Trunk Funds .............$ City Street Fund .......................................$ Commercial Assessment $80/FF X 1,029 FF.......................$ Residential Lot Assessments 44 lots X $3,000/101......................$ Sidewalk for 66 lots at @200/lot .............$ 10,319 750,000 82,320 132,000 13.200 Total ........................................................$ 987,839 I W~l.L Jf , ). / 6{,{tI-~ C~ -e- (ZrtL .--rz) t ~? /' 5, This funding package leaves a balance of$163,320 unfunded using the proposed assessment rates. Option 2 Pro;ect Costs Street Reconstruction............................. ..$1,943,085 Storm Sewer.............................................$ 662,055 Sanitary Sewer.........................................$ 10,319 Watermain.............................................. ..$ 34.709 T ota I ........................................................ $2,650, 168 Option 2 Revenue Sources Water and Sanitary Trunk Funds .............$ City Street Fund .......................................$ Commercial Assessment $801FF X 1,291 FF.......................$ Residential Lot Assessments 128 lots X $3,000/101....................$ Mill and Overlay on........ on........................$ Sidewalk for 142 lots at @2001l0t ...........$ 45,028 750,000 103,280 384,000 5,297 28.400 Total ........................................................$1,316,005 This funding package leaves a balance of$I,334,163 unfunded. --- +l~ ,J tl,j~ ~ r The following items address possible funding considerations to address the unfunded balance for both options: . Public Land: This project includes 2,213 FF of public front footage, which at the $80/FF rate amounts to $177,040 that has not typically been included in these projects. This may lo q ~ q be able to be assigned from a different City fund. c: \/)('(:/.mlJ:!f/I.~ alld SeIII'lgs\d(,.,\'I.gro.t~/"ge,.\Lo<.:al SelllllgsITelll/",ot'wyllllertlel Flle.l'IOnO\ THe,., MHM(J.hmiY:-OIO'06-1006 S(:ope, do(: . Honorable Mayor and City Council January 4, 2006 Page 7 · Storm Sewer: A portion of the $662,000 storm sewer cost could be considered a trunk expenditure and moved from the street fund. · Street Width: River Street could possible be reduced to a 28-foot width with parking on one side to achieve a savings of up to $72,000. · Mobile Horne Parks: These parks consist of 92 units whose primary access is River Street. Currently, due to their narrow River Street frontage, their assessment is approximately $27,520. This amounts to $299/unit. It would not be unreasonable for this amount to be increased to half of the standard lot rate or $1 ,500/unit for a total of $138,000. The City would need to evaluate whether an assessment of this amount could be proven through a benefit analysis. The assessment should likely be higher than $27,520. · Increased Lot Assessment: Previous to last year, the policy was to charge residents for enhancements to the street such as curb and gutter and storm sewer. The Council could justify increasing the assessment $1,000 - $2,000 per unit to address those added items, which would increase the estimated assessments by $100,000 - $200,000. . While it is apparent that Area 3 will be the most expensive reconstruction area, how the Council chooses to fund the expenditures will determine how much can be completed in 2006. Steps that have been identified to keep the 2006 project moving include: 1. Determination of project limits for 2006 (to be determined at the Public Hearing). 2. Update the feasibility study (complete). 3. Call for the public hearing (complete). 4. Council orders the improvements following the public hearing. 5. Authorize plans and specifications. 6. Revise the overall street reconstruction program to incorporate the new assessment policy and establish a new program with the City Council. City staff and representatives from WSB & Associates, Inc. will be hosting a public information meeting on January 9,2006 to discuss the project with the residents prior to the Public Hearing. The possible project scope and assessment approach wilI be discussed at that time. Sample assessment rolls will be provided at the meeting along with all necessary figures. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information contained in this memorandum, please feel free to contact Bret Weiss or Kevin Kawlewski at 763-541-4800. Attachments . kk/srb tc>C\ ~. l C'l (.':If)ocument,~ (IIItJ &lIillg.l'ltlfjWl",J.'m.\'.~ifjg(~rlLor.a' SefflngslTemporary J/ltel'fl(!l FllesIOLK3IrFC1! MEMOh",a:-O/040t/, ;}()()6 S(.'fJ/Je,uoc . Overall Street Reconstruction Program -~LA - RECONSTRUC1ION WITH EXlSnNG W II OJRS (REPAIR OJRS) - RECONSlRUCnON WITH EXlsnNG OJRS (REPAIR OJRS II ADO W) - RECONSlRUCnON WITH EXIsnNG W (ADD OJRS) - RECONSlRUCnON (ADD OJR8 II CL5) - NEW CONSlRUCnON . ;( , ~ =~ o~ Proposed 2006 Option No. 2 .- .A WSB _... 701 "-nls Avenue South, Suite 300 Mlnneapoll8, MN 55416 WWW.w.beng.oom O.y, ~ 7th ST '" J\nocjal... Inc. 2006 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM WSB Project No. 01494-16 December, 2005 ....... 1NfRA8TRUcTuRE'_ERING ~~~=~: MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA M;1014ll4-16\105-06 flg-02. (6.5Xl1)dwg.dwg, 1/512006 3;20;02 PM \oC\ - \ l . . . Council Agenda - 1109106 8. Public "earine: - Consideration of Appeal of Denial of Variances to the R-l Zonine: District standards for lot width for Pine View, a 5 unit sine:le family development. Applicant: West Side Market. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicants are seeking a Preliminary Plat for the property occupied by the closed West Side Market. In order to obtain plat approval for the design proposed, a variance for lot width will need to be approved by the City Council. At the previous meeting of the Planning Commission, the Commission voted 2-2 on the subject. The action and subsequent appeal by the applicant requires that the variance go to the City Council, acting as the Board of Appeals. If the variance is approved by the City Council, the applicant will be requesting approval of the associated plat at a later date. For the purpose of this review, the City Council is being provided background information relating to both the plat and the variance request. This is the same information as was provided to the Planning Commission with the addition of the Planning Commission meeting minutes. Again, the applicant is seeking action only on the variance request at this time. The property is zoned R-l, Single Family Residential. This property has been the subject of previous development requests, including a small-lot single family plat (R-2A) of7 lots. Some members of the adjoining neighborhood to the north had objected to the smal1er.lot plat based on their concerns regarding screening ofthe rear yards and a proposed common private driveway that would have served the rear-loaded garages. The current proposal consists of 4 lots in the current phase, with one additional lot to be added upon the vacation of a portion of Otter Creek Road, which currently intersects with County 75 at an angle. The City has just recently come to an agreement with an adjoining property owner that would allow the vacation. As a result, the plat could proceed with 5 lots when properly drawn (with the 5th lot at the location of Outlot A and the Otter Creek Road vacated land). A 5th lot is only possible in an R-l district should the Commission approve variances for lot width. Variance to Lot Width Regulations. For R-llots, the Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum lot width of 80 feet. The proposed lots are less than 74 feet in width. To consider a variance, the Planning Commission must make some specific findings. In essence, the Planning Commission must find that a special condition of the property exists that creates a hardship in putting the property to reasonable use under the regular ordinance requirements. This special condition can not be economic in nature, nor may it be a condition of the making of the owner. This is an important point, in that one of the main reasons for the developer requesting an additional 5th lot relates to the economics associated with redeveloping the site, which was formerly an active business. As noted in the regulation for variances, economic factors are not grounds for granting a vanance. In this case, there would not appear to be any hardship-based grounds for a variance. On new plats, the owner is charged with the responsibility to work with the land he has - reasonable use is presumed to be defined by the basic zoning regulations. As such, variances to basic zoning standards are almost never provable for new plats. With this '10 Council Agenda ~ 1/09/06 . situation, the maximum capacity for R-l lots on this property would be four, rather than the anticipated five. Preliminary Plat. The proposed plat relies on shared driveways that would access County Highway 75 for four of the units, with the fifth unit having a side-loaded driveway access to Otter Creek Road. The proposed driveway accesses onto Highway 75 raise several safety concerns. First, the Comprehensive Plan discourages direct access onto arterial routes such as this. Where there is no other option, access must be granted to allow use of the property, however, this site also has access to Otter Creek Road. Direct driveway access onto a major roadway such as Highway 75 is a very dangerous design, and should not be permitted for new plats. Moreover, the driveway locations proposed by this plat access into a right turn lane. This condition further complicates the danger of access in this location. The County Highway Department has stated that they would grant these access permits, however, they do not recommend this design, and encourage the developer and the City to work together to develop a "back age" road design (private drive) as previously contemplated. City staff believes that the common driveway design is a far superior solution to the development of this property, and would not recommend approval of a plat with direct access to Highway 75. . If, despite staff and County objections, the direct access is to be considered, staff would recommend the following minimum changes to the project design: a. Addition ofa paved 10-foot wide shoulder adjacent to the turn lane to allow garbage, recycling, mail, and other service vehicles to stop out of the travel and turn lanes on Highway 75. Without this additional width, these vehicles will interfere with Highway 75 traffic by causing turning traffic to weave back into the travel lane. b. Addition of a 5-foot wide sidewalk for the length of the development to provide pedestrian access to the future pathway at Otter Creek Road. Without this sidewalk, residents of this plat would have to walk in the traveled portion of the County Highway and/or turn lane, a condition that the City routinely avoids with the installation of sidewalks and/or pathways along roads of higher traffic volumes. c. Addition of public sidewalk easement along the front lot lines ofthe individual lots to accommodate the sidewalk noted above. The width of the right of way in this location, together with the drainage ditch and utilities, does not provide adequate room for the addition of the sidewalk within the existing right of way area. d. Additional setback for the proposed houses to accommodate both the sidewalk easement, and turn-around pads for vehicles exiting the individual driveways onto Highway 75. These turn-around areas should be required to avoid vehicles needing to back out onto this roadway. . e. Establishment of cross easements allowing joint access to shared driveways. As noted, staff does not believe the direct access design is appropriate in this location. The recommendations above are intended to mitigate the negative impacts of that design, but still result in an inferior plat. '"l \ Council Agenda - 1/09/06 . With regard to the rear-loaded design and the common driveway, this plan was dropped by the applicant following neighborhood objections to the 7-lot R-2A design and fears that the back driveway area would become a maintenance issue. Staff continues to support this design, believing that with property landscaping along the common property line, the concerns of the neighborhood are unfounded. Single-family neighborhoods have residential development along their rear property lines in all sorts of situations with no screening whatsoever, and without concern over rear-yard maintenance. The driveway and landscaping discussed previously for this project is more than most residents can expect, and should not raise the fears expressed by the adjoining neighbors. This is especially important in that the alternative to the rear-loaded design results in severe compromises to traffic safety on the Highway 75 side. With no other options, the City must choose between a perceived, but manageable, aesthetic impact on adjoining neighbors, or the significant safety impact on the adjoining highway. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS . The City Council, acting as the Board of Appeals, is requested to take action on decision 1 only. Further action on Decision 2 will be requested pending the potential for re-design relating to the variance request and relating to satisfaction of the conditions noted in exhibit Z. With only four members present, the Planning voted 2-2 on the variance request. Decision 1: Variance from the lot width requirements of the R -1 District 1. Motion to approve variances for lot widths less than 80 feet, based on a finding that the applicant has shown a hardship based on a finding to be determined by the Board of Appeals. 2. Motion to deny the variances, based on a finding that the applicant can put the property to reasonable R-l use without the need for variances by platting the project into four, rather than five, lots, and that no hardship exists to support the requested variance. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Staff does not recommend approval of the variances. There does not appear to be any justification for the variances based on the Zoning Ordinance requirements for hardship or special conditions. As an R-I plat, there would appear to be adequate frontage for just four lots of at least 80 feet in width, rather than the five proposed by the applicant. . In regard to the plat, it the plat is redesigned to permit the rear-loaded common driveway, staff would recommend a landscaped area to provide some screening ofthe driveway, and the sidewalk easement in front, but without the need to construct the sidewalk at this time. The driveway would provide foom for residents of the plat to carry garbage containers to Otter Creek Road, and to access the pathway system without using the County Highway travel lanes. Planning staff would continue to support previous consideration of the R-2A concept where '"1 ;} Council Agenda - 1/09/06 . smaller lots would be acceptable (no variance needed) with the conditions and requirements of that district, particularly as a rear-loaded design. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Preliminary Plat C. Letter from Wright County Highway Department D. Diagram of Otter Creek Road Realignment E. Planning Commission Minutes - 12/06105 Z. Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval . . 'l3 Page 1 of 2 . jy map.Esrimap ?ServiceName=CustomParcel&Client V ersion=3.1 &... 12/1/2005 . MONTICELLO COMPOST F ACIUTi . PROPOSED PROJECT AREA ""," /"/ / ''''''',~--"--~ "--v , /' /" ...- _/ -' --- / /"'-=-:j"/J (FIRST v ( LAKE '-- ~\7 ,,/ yt4-r'V Ok ,~\ ~ ....a~ m ~'_ t! ~ -4'>' 7855 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Wright County Public Works Building 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Jet. T.H. 25 and C.R. 138 Telephone: (763) 682-7383 FAX: (763) 682-7313 October 20, 2005 WATh'E A. FINGALSON. P.E, Highway Engineer (763) 682-7388 VIRGIL G. HAWKINS. P.E. Assistant Highway Engineer (763) 682-7387 RICHARD E. MARQUETIE Right ofWa~' Agent (763) 682-7386 Honorable Mayor, City Council & Planning Commission City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Pine View Preliminary Plat Review CSAH 75, City of Monticello - Plat Review No. 05-26 Honorable Mayor, City Council Members, and Planning Commission Members: I We have reviewed the proposed Pine View preliminary plat prepared by Dennis Taylor Land Surveyors, Inc. The proposed development consists of four (4) single-family homes facing County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 75 (West Broadway Street) and one (1) outlot 'A' at the NE corner of the intersection of Otter Creek Road and CSAH 75 (West Broadway Street). We have reviewed the.preliminary plat with regard.to access and right~of-way issues along County State Aid Highway CSAH 75 (West Broadway Street) only. Aspects of internal drainage, and grading internal to the development should be reviewed by the City Engineer for conformance to city standards. We offer the following comments. 1) If possible, we would like to see access for all four (4) of these homes come from Otter Creek Road, in the form of a "backage" road system. This would remove all accesses from CSAH 75 coming out into the right turn lane for Otter Creek Road, which is not desirable from a safety standpoint. We understand that this may require some discussion by the City and developer and could involve some sort of screening for the homes located to the north of this development. We encourage the City and developer to explore this option in the interest of safety for future residents of this development, as well as the traveling public that uses West Broadway Street. 2) If a "backage" road system cannot be agreed on by the City and developer, we will allow two (2) shared driveway accesses along CSAH 75 centered on the shared property line for lots 1 & 2, and 3 & 4, respectively. In accordance with our access permit policy, the residential driveways would onlybe 16 feet in width measured at right angles to the "center of the driveway, with 25 foot radii. An access permit will be required for the 'Jew accesses proposed for CSAH 75. The access permit application should be sent to the attention of Bruce Leinonen, Permit Technician, of our office. . II .. :i: ;:\ ~-" ~ : i II I ,; I! I 1 I ~ !.. ,; .1 I: i I II: n: !l~ ~~ ~ It i ~~~~~ .:~~ .J~ III r:'i1 ~ 11 I ~~~~~ ~it~ ~ I I I1r' .l ~~'"~~ ii illlKJ III 1 I ;; ill a _._~t1_._ ~ ~ ~~ ~ iii ~ . ~ R ~ ~ " / a / !iI ~ II ~ .. ~ -----.J Ii' ~ h ji ~ "'", ;:: ~~ i ~~ .. ;J Pi ~~ , ~~ ... lJl~ ~ ~~ t f '" ',,-- '-'- -..- ........- Ii " '---""" \,- " --.. ----~ --, i II ~- S-') '" ill ~ C\ ."'- ~h E, k ,'"'-- / -/ / J ;; I . A / t 1/ / a I M & ~~, ~~~ ~~\j ..~~ ~~!i " ..~'-._-. '" ~ ~ ~ ~ -"--- ~~~ C; i ~ ~ ~h ..~ - ~ I E t ... of I I;; il ~~ ~~ .k! ~ ;1 i 6 ~~ ~ i::~~; i ...,. -'" ..~ ~I " Ii ..... ~.. ~ ~~ 'i1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - "' ~ <\ '. ~ ~ I ~ li - ,. a/ /. a " e . , . ---~::----- --:~~------ ~ ~ --- -------~ S4i\'~~ ~"-___~__~~ ---.:-:!~~ ~ ~~ I ~--------- ~~ --~~ '~ --,,-- I ~ CRlaPHlC SCAU " I ( ,. fEET J I hlllb.. IlQ Il " I -." 8' WAI.I< 6' al.VO CREEK-SIDE TERRACE J2' REMOVE EXISTING BITU"'NOUS PAVEMENT ~ --......,\ 2ND ADDITION RIVER TERRACE E T,RRACE CRFEK - SID. 'EL A LO, B. PARC "~ . -- ~ l-'OO ~ SIDE TERRACE ~~ C~E5f8. PARCEL B ~ 2370 SF .~ ~" . ~" RIVER TERRACE ~ I..OT 1. BLOCK 4 ~ ~ 1(,L O;.Ij,,1 ~jwn~II.~ J:;l~Jw IIffs B M.,,,,,"",,,. "" . ~-:::...~~~~~: City of Monticello Figure NO.1 ',-~-, ~ ",.,~~~. . ~, ~~, ........-..- "~" ' ~ ..,..,,~--- ".. ~ " (' , "-" -O(J:\,_, .. ~ · I)." "- ~O"b,'o ~ ~'~':l " _~ .. " ~~~~... ';i{;z,t., "- "~_,,:~.,_ ~ '",~ ~ ", . -'~ " ~, '- " "",,-- ~~'" ~.. 01488- 001 wS8 Project No. Otter Creek Road PROPOSED BUILDING 20' RAO PROPOSED Y RIGHT~OF-WA VACA TION Dete: Docembef 6. 2002 Alignment 1 ._.-Ilf.... ... "", "'\""'-"\"'~~ 8' . . . Planning Commission Minutes 12/06/05 10. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Preliminary Plat and Variance to the R-l Zoning District Standards for lot width for Pine View. a 5.unit single-family development. Applicant: West Side Market Grittman reviewed the staff report, stating that the first phase of the proposed plat consists offour single-family home lots. It is staffs understanding that the applicant intends to plat a fifth lot upon the re-alignment to Otter Creek Road. The realignment will provide a 90-degree angle intersection with Highway 75. Grittman stated that the City has come to an agreement with the adjacent property owner for the realignment. Grittman referred to the companion variance request, which is needed in order to get five lots. Grittman noted that as discussed during the previous item, the City must make a finding of hardship that is non-economic. For new plats, Grittman reported that is a difficult finding to make. Plats can easily be designed to meet the requiremcnt with only four lots. Grittman stated that the proposed plat is set up with shared driveways, both accessing Highway 75. Staff has raised concern over that design, due to the driveways entering via a turn lane. Grittman indicated that design is not typically even allowed. Grittman referred to the Wright County Engineer's letter, which states that is not the preferred design. Staffs recommendation is that the plat be redrawn, avoiding direct access to Highway 75 and with only four lots. Grittman stated that in a previous generation of this plat, a rear driveway design was not supported by the neighborhood. However, staff believes that with proper landscaping, the applicant could develop a design that meets expectations for those neighbors and is a better plan in terms of safety. Grittman suggested that the applicant and Commission possibly consider this area as R-2A, with narrow lot single family, with a private drive concept, as previously proposed. Staff still feels that design is appropriate and eliminates the need for variances. Grittman stated that it is both planning and engineering staffs opinion any plat approved should rely on a rear-loaded access, consolidating garbage and mail service. Ifnot, the applicant should otherwise accommodate stopping traffic in the turn lane. Staffs rccommendation is to table action for these reasons, and to accommodate the timing of the land purchase for the realignment of Otter Creek Road. Frie stated that the area is not being utilitized and he feels that there is a need for something that will be a win for residents, the City and the developer. Dragsten asked about the issue of driveways accessing directly onto 75. Grittman discussed the problem of pedestrian access to mailboxes and garbage pick-up and the potential for stopping traffic in a traveling lane of Highway 75. Grittman stated that even with a rear-loaded design, staff would look for sidewalk for those purposes. Frie referred to the County letter, which states that while their preference is for all four accesses to come from Otter Creek Road, there may be a requirement for some discussion between developer and City. The letter also said that if there is no agreement, the County would allow the two shared access drives. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. ( C'\ Planning Commission Minutes 12/06/05 . Ed Solberg, 1204 Sandy Lane, spoke to the Commission. Solberg stated that he doesn't believe the plan should be for five homes, that the lot sizes are important to buyers and existing property owners. Solberg said that he believes the City should insist on the applicant meeting the code. Solberg indicated that he understands that the City is buying property. He questioned whether the City is giving this property away to the developer, or will he have to buy it. Posusta stated that it depends on how the road is platted. If it is by metes and bounds, he gets the land back. Solberg stated that he doesn't like rear- loaded entry proposal either. He said that the City has driveways accessing into turn lanes in other areas. Solberg restated that he thinks the plat should be restricted to four lots. Solberg asked when they would do the fifth lot. Posusta answered it would be after the road was realigned. O'Neill reported that the City would be proposing plans and specs for the realignment as early as the next Council meeting. Posusta asked O'Neill about the legalities for the purchase of the vacated property. O'Neill stated that the issue has to come before the City Council as part of the platting process. Diane Peter, 1120 Sandy Lane, stated her objection to driveways in the back. She commented that the rest of the block isn't like that, and that she doesn't want a driveway in her backyard. Peter stated that there were originally four lots along Sandy Lane. Frie asked about berming for a rear-loaded design. Grittman suggested that if there were a rear driveway, it would be landscaped, so that people wouldn't be looking at driveways. . Candy Johnson, 1233 Sandy Lane, related that she is against the five lots proposed and granting of the variances. Johnson stated that she was present for the first public hearing. She cited Mr. Posusta's earlier comment, in which he had indicated that the law is only reason why not to grant a variance. She stated that Frie had responded that the law is what the Commission has to go by. Lane asked the Commission to consider what the law is in this case. She inquired about the lot square footage requirements. Grittman responded that the R-l standards would be applied here. Patch indicated he could provide information. Lane sought confirmation that a variance would not relax side setbacks. Patch and Grittman both concurred that lot setbacks would not be relaxed. Applicants Tom Holthaus and Matt Holker made themselves available for comment. Holthaus stated that in response to the hardship issue, from their standpoint, the hardship was created prior to annexation. Holthaus stated that the City changed the zoning, which to him was a taking without compensation. Holthaus stated that they had a business use that turned into a residential use. Since that time, Holthaus said that he had brought forward a townhouse plat, and was informed the school wouldn't like it. He brought forward an 8-unit plat, which the neighborhood didn't like. Holthaus stated that he has compromised with this plan. Holthaus commented that he is trying to find a way to move forward that makes economic sense. He indicated that he has seen variances granted and there is a level of economics to each one. Holthaus stated that this may not be a perfect compromise, but it sounds like maybe the neighbors and County could be happy with this plan. He said that in regard to the service issue, this situation happens all along Broadway. Holthaus stated that he would put the mailboxes interior to the lot; the proposed sidewalk would go nowhere. In summary, Holthaus indicated that he is out of alternatives and is looking for action on this plan. . ~o Planning Commission Minutes 12/06/05 . Frie asked if this is approved, does the applicant understand that the fifth lot is contingent on the realignment of Otter Creek Road. Holthaus confirmed. Hearing no further comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Dragsten commented that as to the rear versus front access issue, he prefers this design. Dragsten stated that one of the other alternatives mentioned had been approved. Holthaus responded that he had pulled it because of opposition and the many requirements on landscaping. Dragsten noted that in essence, there was a plan that Commission had approved, but applicant didn't like the conditions, so it was pulled before it went to Council. Dragsten agreed that the front sidewalk proposal doesn't make sense. He questioned the Otter Creek Road realignment. Grittman responded that it is his understanding that the realignment is primarily due to the angle of the intersection. Frie asked the applicants if they had seen the conditions. Holthaus replied that they had and that both the sidewalk and requirement for additional shoulder seem unreasonable. Holthaus stated that a sidewalk on Otter Creek is acceptable. Dragsten stated that the main issue for him is the lot size. It seems as if there is room is for compromise on the other items. . Posusta reiterated that this plat represents a win-win-win, as mentioned earlier by Frie. He stated that the City and neighborhood get rid of an eyesore, and the City wins because it gets five properties on the tax rolls versus a blighted property. There is no rear driveway, which the neighborhood was against. The neighbors also win because what was originally R-2 is now less dense. Posusta stated that this is a better plan than before. Patch asked if there would be a maintenance agreement on the shared driveways. Holthaus stated that there would be. Patch asked about proposed driveway width. Holthaus reported that Wright County required that the maximum width would be 16'. O'Neill stated that there are some positive things about this plat. However, the reason for the safety concern is because the access points are in the turn lane. Staffs proposal for a sidewalk takes people to the crosswalk, and keeps them out of the turn lane. It is meant to serve residents of the proposed plat. Essentially, the City doesn't want to create a loss by creating a safety issue. Holthaus stated that the right turn lane was put in by the store and that the safety issues could be minimized with cluster mailboxes and sidewalk, and with wheel garbage carts. Dragsten asked for the length of the turn lane. Grittman responded that the County standard is 300'. Holthaus stated that the turn lane starts after the first access now. O'Neill noted it would be changed to meet standards with improvements. Spartz asked for clarification on the location of the fifth lot. Grittman noted the configuration after the realignment. . Dragsten asked what type of homes would be built. Holthaus stated that they would be similar to what is already there. 8\ . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. Planning Commission Minutes 12/06/05 MOTION BY CHAIRMAN FRIE TO APPROVE VARIANCES FOR LOT WIDTHS LESS THAN 80 FEET, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE APPLICANT HAS SHOWN A HARDSHIP IN COMPLYING WITH THE R.l STANDARDS. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN. Suchy stated she would prefer they meet the R-l standards at 80'. Spartz agreed. Holthaus stated that four lots won't work due to the economics ofthe project. Posusta stated that if you do go with four lots with rear-loaded garages, who would maintain the drive. Holthaus stated that the City would require private maintenance. Dragsten asked if here is anything that can be done to enhance the house to offset the variance. Dragsten asked about house and garage sizes. Patch cited standards. Dragsten stated that perhaps requiring a larger garage would be an option. Holthaus stated that the suggested larger garages won't fit. Suchy explained that she did not see a hardship to justify the variance. Holthaus stated that there would be the same total number of lots on the front side as on the rear, adjacent to Sandy Lane. IN A VOTE ON THE MOTION ON THE TABLE, THE MOTION FAILS 2-2, WITH COMMISSIONERS SUCHY AND SPARTZ IN DISSENT. Frie directed the motion to move forward to the City Council. MOTION BY CHAIRMAN FRIE TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT AS PROPOSED, WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS. Addition of a paved 10 foot wide shoulder adjacent to the turn lane to allow garbage, recycling, mail, and other service vehieles to stop out of the travel and turn lanes on Highway 75. Addition of a 5 foot wide sidewalk for the length of the development be constructed to provide pedestrian access to the pathway at Otter Creek Road. Addition of public sidewalk easement along the front lot lines of the individual lots to accommodate the sidewalk noted above. Additional setback for the proposed houses to accommodate both the sidewalk easement, and turn- around pads for vehicles exiting the individual driveways onto Highway 75. Consideration oflocations for common mail box grouping and garbage pickup sites that minimize impacts to the County Highway. Final review and approval of Engineering staff relating to utility service and grading and drainage design. Execution ofa Development Agreement prior to approval of the Final Plat. Revision of the Preliminary Plat drawings reflecting all revisions for City records prior to submission of the Final Plat. '6d-- Planning Commission Minutes 12/06/05 . MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGS TEN. Holthaus questioned the conditions of approval. Frie clarified that if approved with conditions, it is between staff and applicant to resolve those conditions. Frie noted that conditions I and 4 seem to be the issue. CHAIRMAN FRIE AMENDED THE MOTION TO REQUIRE THAT CONDITIONS I & 4 ARE TO BE DISCUSSED WITH THE APPLICANT. COMMISSIONER DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE AMENDMENT. MOTION FAILS 2-2, WITH COMMISSIONERS SUCHY AND SPARTZ IN DISSENT. Frie directed this item to go on to Council, as well. Schumann explained that staff would research the tied vote on the variance. If a tie is determined to be a denial, the applicants may follow the formal appeals process. Grittman stated that because it was not actually denied, the request may need to go back to the Planning Commission. Frie stated that in that case, the Commission would be better off tabling. Holthaus stated that he would rather handle it by appeal to Council. . . ~-3 . . .a .., Council Agenda - 1/09/06 EXHIBIT Z - Conditions of Approval Preliminary Plat for Pineview The following conditions are attached to the approval ofthis Preliminary Plat: 1. Addition of a paved 10 foot wide shoulder adj acent to the turn lane to allow garbage, recycling, mail, and other service vehicles to stop out of the travel and turn lanes on Highway 75. 2. Addition of a 5 foot wide sidewalk for the length of the development be constructed to provide pedestrian access to the pathway at Otter Creek Road. 3. Addition of public sidewalk easement along the front lot lines of the individual lots to accommodate the sidewalk noted above. 4. Additional setback for the proposed houses to accommodate both the sidewalk easement, and turn-around pads for vehicles exiting the individual driveways onto Highway 75. 5. Consideration of locations for common mail box grouping and garbage pickup sites that minimize impacts to the County Highway. 6. Final review and approval of Engineering staff relating to utility service and grading and drainage design. 7. Execution of a Development Agreement prior to approval of the Final Plat. 8. Revision of the Preliminary Plat drawings reflecting all revisions for City records prior to submission of the Final Plat. ~ l_j Council Agenda: 1/9/06 . 9&10. Continued Public Hearin!! on appeal of denial of a variance for a secondary driveway and consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for an 896 square foot detached accessory structure and appeal of a Variance for a second driveway access and curb openin!! in an R-l District. Applicant: Richard Bastien Central Masonry & Concrete. (NAC/JO/ AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a CUP to allow a large detached accessory garage and a second rear lot line driveway access facing Sandy Lane. A variance is required to allow this second access. In his request, the applicant is seeking both an approval to build the accessory structure using the 6' rear yard setback standard as the minimum for the building, and seeking permission to use Sandy Lane as the "front" access to the accessory structure. Front yards abutting public streets require a 30 foot setback from the property line. . The Planning Commission reviewed these requests on September 6th. The Commission discussed the CUP and variance request at length, as well as the appropriate setback for the garage if the variance were granted. The Planning Commission grappled with the setback question and decided to require a 20' setback, which is the same for a garage facing the street at the side yard. Granting the conditional use permit for the accessory structure and the driveway variance also creates the unique condition of a second front on the lot. The Commission recommended approval of both the Conditional Use Permit and Variance, both on 4-1 votes. Bill Spartz voted against the request, supporting a setback of 30' as he felt that the setback should be treated like a front yard. There is some concern among staffthat a 20' setback may result in vehicles regularly parked in the right of way area. In addition, the setback for a home on that side of Sandy Lane would be 30'. Allowing a 20' setback for this request would mean that this garage would be projecting 10' in front of any future home built on an adjoining lot. The proposed building was shown on the original site plan to be 896 square feet in area. In the original planning staff report, it was noted that the applicant was to demonstrate that he would be able to comply with the 30 foot setback from the street right of way. He has now provided a survey, which shows the retaining wall to be 57 feet from the Sandy Lane curb, approximately 47 feet from the street right of way line. The rear yard of the property is approximately 10,000 square feet in area. The new garage building would occupy less than 10 percent of the rear yard, consistent with the City's ordinance requirements. . The applicant has indicated on the original proposal that the garage would be located 38 feet from the curb of Sandy Lane. According to the survey measurements, this would result in a building setback of approximately 28 feet from the property line, but a building depth of only 19 feet. Most residential garages are at least 20 feet in depth, usually 22 feet or more. It would appear that a 22 foot deep garage would result in a setback of 26 feet - adequate to park a vehicle on the driveway without hanging over into the right of way, but still short of the required 30 feet. 1 gy P\ Council Agenda: 1/9/06 . It is staffs understanding that the garage is intended to house over-sized trucks, and as a result, the applicant is seeking a deeper garage. It should be noted that most garage Conditional Use Permits are granted with the explicit condition that the purpose is for residential storage, not business related vehicles or materials. A garage that needs to be greater than 22 feet in depth raises the issue of whether the purpose for this garage is indeed residential in nature. The applicant is also seeking a variance that would permit a second driveway for the property onto Sandy Lane. Variances require that the City finds a physical condition of the property, unique to the parcel in question, that interferes with putting the property to reasonable use under the zoning regulations. In this case, no such condition exists. The applicant has a conforming garage on the property in the existing condition. The second curb cut to the additional garage is not necessary for reasonable use of the property. The applicant should be required to face the garage toward River Street, and access the building without a driveway. If a driveway is to be allowed, it should meet the City Council's intent that such driveways are no greater than 16 feet in width. It is not the intent of the ordinance to allow over-sized accessory building that result in increased traffic in residential areas. If the building is to be used for the storage of personal vehicles and recreational equipment, only limited additional driveway space should be necessary to accomplish this objective. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS . Planning Commission recommended approval of both the Conditional Use Permit under alternative 1 and the Variance. It is likely that Mr. Bastien will need to move his retaining wall under either alternative below. Decision 1: Appeal of Variance approval for second driveway 1. Motion to approve the variance allowing a second driveway with a 40 foot curb cut as proposed on the applicant's survey, with a condition that the building location will not result in vehicles parked on public right of way. 2. Motion to approve the variance allowing a second driveway, but with a 16 foot curb cut consistent with City Council discussion on this issue, with a condition that the building location will not result in vehicles parked on public right of way. 3. Motion to deny the variance, based on a finding that the applicant can not demonstrate a hardship in putting the property to reasonable residential use, and as such, the application does not qualify for variance consideration. Decision 2: Conditional Use Permit for Detached Accessory Building . 1. Motion to approve the CUP, with conditions that the building setback of 30 feet from the property line is preserved, that the building is constructed with materials and colors similar to that of the principal building, and that the building is constructed to face River Street without the need for a separate driveway. This motion would be based on a finding a free-standing garage should not occupy the street frontage in a residential area. 2 ~s Council Agenda: 1/9/06 . 2. Motion to approve the CUP, with the conditions as listed in Alternative 1, but with a different setback, based on a finding that the lesser setback complies with the intent of the zoning ordinance for lots with multiple frontage. 3. Motion to deny the CUP, based on a finding that the garage is out of context with the area, and that the garage is not necessary to make reasonable residential use of the property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP, but believes the building should be setback 25-30 feet from the Sandy Lane property line. With regard to the variance, there does not appear to be any hardship present, and as such, staff recommends denial based on the requirements of the ordinance and State law. Requiring the deeper setback can be regulated via the CUP process. The building can be constructed to meet all zoning regulations without the variance, and the additional driveway would be inconsistent with the character of the neighborhood, as well as with other single family properties that are restricted to a single access point. If the City Council decides to approve the CUP and grant access via the variance, planning staff would recommend that the driveway opening be no greater than 16 feet in width. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Site Plan Applicant Narrative Structure Plan Site Images Aerial Image Site Survey (Available at meeting) . 3 ~~ ----- - - -- --- -...-~ - -- - -~ >--- ~ "---- E:f.r-:n1J 9 WlDSe.Af'Fl> WAU; () ~ 07' (( ~ 1 ~ 71 ( ~ ~ ~ zt -1 ~ (J~J ~ f'f/SflN q qAf'JlGE, f ~ '\ ~ , " 7ilB to, ) ru (y . ( ) (, ) e] ) l) S4NDY LAN IE' NeAl e.fTl.( C!.vRB-Y . 1~~ ~ 1; ( ) ffi~ (,)f, ( ~ a ( ) ~~ G (~ (~~~) ~. ( ) ~ ;,) l.J .....' l..u I '""\ ~ ~. ef'-' pt 10' fXJ6TIM0 415' f1omt; .. - 1 ... <Xl ~ ~ -< eo' (LOT 3 ) f'='..NeR 'l1i'RAAte Na:t/errt/eLJRa Cf (1l.1I77:R.. /00 '-0" Illl WEST f\JVEP.. 5:1REEf --- ---"""'-----..........-.......... -- Pf?[JFtJ5EP tJEM/ ~f?A{,E' , .I 8 , k ----------, et-t>nNq ~C> ~ I 22-' ~" ex J~T1N t.7 J>-R.l VG' aa ~ ~l - ----. ---- - ~ - -_..---._,..~"',..--_.-.... "'-~-~~~..~-~-~~-."'~~---'~"_.~'--""'-'"""""'-" ,...... " "___.._~ '.., '"~.,,~,~~~".....n~."_',.. ,_ . . . ,.. .~....,.,..........-~, .~~,~"~~~~~- "'-'~"'.'""~".'-~"""""-''''''"''''''''''''~'_M'~~~'_'''''''''''__.~'_~''''''~''''~.~n.__~....~'~..'......'"~__r-.._,.,~_.,'"...~~................-~~...~....... .........' ~~, ...,..~'...N,_,~, ""..,...,................._.~_, ,.......______"""". Mary Poetz/Dick Bastien 1112 West River Street Monticello, MN 55362 Monticello Planning Commission Monticello City Counsel' Monticello, MN 55362 August 16, 2005 Dear Planning Commission and City Council Members, It is our intent, Mary Poetz and Dick Bastien, to seek a conditional use permit to build a new garage which will be 32' wide by 28' deep. The garage will be used to house Dick's crew-cab dual- tandem pickup truck. Dick requires this type and size of truck for his commercial concrete and masonry business. We are currently unable to fit this truck into our existing attached garage at our home where we have lived for the past three years. Since this heavy~duty vehicle will be housed on a daily basis, we are also applying for a variance to bring in a paved driveway approach from Sandy Lane; it is currently under construction and is being widened with the addition of new curb and gutter. The variance to pave this entry from Sandy Lane will greatly enhance the appearance of this project and will offer to compliment the effect of the new curb and gutter. Enclosed, you will find three photographs. Photo #1 depicts a garage and driveway that is directly across Sandy Lane from our proposed structure. I urge you to note the washouts that have occurred because this garage does not have a paved driveway. This driveway is simply one example of others in our neighborhood. Photo #2 is a photograph of the recently installed catch basin on Sandy Lane. It rests approximately 35 feet from the driveway in photo #1. Sand and gravel from this driveway will ~ 0'6' . . . certainly drain into this catch basin. This will definitely increase maintenance costs when it becomes necessary to haul several avoidable wheelbarrows full of gravel that threaten to plug this catch basin following each heavy rainfall. A paved driveway would avoid this unnecessary cost and nuisance. Photo #3 highlights our pickup truck parked in the location of the newly proposed garage. This garage with its professionally landscaped surrounding, its newly paved drive, and new city curb and gutter will offer a pleasing and finished appearance to our backyard and neighborhood. We ask that you grant us these requests in the spirit of progress of our growing and robust community. We live in a beautiful neighborhood and only have its aesthetic value at heart in improving our property appearance. )~jIYOU' D~ Mary ::::z ~:&~ ~ ~~ _. fl;;i~...0':~~.:." ".~~i>i.~ ;:.~.:1/,<,;;:) ).'1'71:'f)tl.:/j C) ,.11' ~ ..;: ./ I;, "~I . 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Pl~ <3 --~ J /I Z. tJ/ 6r f( J;'flt 6/" ~- ------~--~---~ ~._--- _.m__.~.,~.. ~,.~~._...~ - ----~ -,~,_. ---.. .. I C;::/'-;~::;"":i" //,// ( L flU:----) :::::;.;. I' ,...-' . ~'". "" '-,,' " flf) 7t"-1-<"-1/ ' I ~2-- ;,; \. \% ~,.- . ,,--- > '..... /.-- ' ..::::. i 1 ? ") I JC I I I [ '\l( .........~- '7~ / -_..\- ~.. ~'~~"_~.,._~",.._-,. ~.. _~ft.__________~ . __~_ ~ ... ~ "__"'_ .------._.~_ .~ /De> i'''@F{~,,7.:;: __ _St'i~~ ~__ ..~'_._-'~-~~- -.'- ~ C{~ . "'~"- o/,;>~tt(~t -,' ~.iI. . . '~ c{3 . . ~ C\ "\ . . . View of Rear of Lot from Sandy Lane- Proposed 2nd Drive Driveway location on DJuble Fronting Lot View from proposed access lookinesouth acro% Sandy Lane - ~ View of rear of adjacent lot from Another Residence on SOllth Side of S,lIldy Lane t~ ~. ,. .. . q-S . . . SubJoct Property Viewed from River Street Subject property westerly lot line Residence east ofsut<icct property ~J\ qtp 2 . . . 11. Council Agenda: 1/9/06 Consideration of annual appointments for 2006. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes require that at the first meeting of each year, certain appointments be made. Attached you will find a list of the required appointments that may be approved in one single motion unless the Council chooses to consider some appointments separately. a. City Depositories. The City utilizes one bank to provide banking services for the City which is Wells Fargo. In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239, the Chief Financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other official depositories for the purpose of investments. The motion includes the authorization for the Chief Financial Officer to designate other depositories when necessary for investment purposes only. b. Official Newspaper. Monticello Times. c. Health Officer. It is suggested that we simply appoint the River Place Physician Clinic as the health officer position as we have done in the past. d. Acting Mavor. Glen Posusta was appointed in 2005 to serve as Acting Mayor in the absence ofthe Mayor.. e. Reoresentatives to Other Multi-Jurisdictional Bodies. An appointments is necessary for selecting the City representatives to serve on the Community Education Advisory Board. f. Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Annually, one appointment is required for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The term currently occupied by Mr. Darrin Lahr expired December 31. Mr. Lahr is willing to serve another term. g. Planning Commission. The terms of Dick Frie and Rod Dragsten expired on December 31, 2005. Mr. Frie has submitted his resignation and staffwill begin the process of advertising for candidates to fill the position. Mr. Dragsten indicated he would be willing to serve another term. h. Librarv Board. The Library Board by ordinance requires a Mayoral appointment with Council ratification The terms of Tom Parker and Dawn Grossinger expired in December 31, 2005. Mr. Parker is willing to serve another term. Dawn Grossinger indicated she will not be serving another term and the Library Board is recommending that Ralph M. Olsen, who is q\ . Council Agenda: 1/9/06 a resident of the township be appointed to fill the position being vacated by Dawn Grossinger. 1. Recycling Committee. Brian Stumpf has served as Council representative on this committee for the past year. J. Economic Development Authority. The Economic Development Authority is composed currently of seven members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council. Members of the EDA serve a 6 year term. The term of Bill Demeules expired in December of2005. He is willing to serve another term. k. Police Advisorv Commission (3-year staggered terms). The Police Advisory Commission is composed of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, one of which is a Council member. The positions held by Wayne Mayer and Jon Hoff expired December, 2005. Mr. Hoff indicated he is willing to serve another term. 1. Parks Commission. The positions currently held by Larry Nolan and Nancy McCaffrey expired December, 2005. They have both indicated their willingness to serve another term. . m. DAT (Design Advisory Team). The terms of Roberta Gerads and Cindy Anderson expired December of 2005. n. MCC Advisory Board: The terms of Richard Quick and Clint Herbst both expired in December of 2005. o. Joint Planning Board: As part of the orderly annexation agreement, this Board was created to handle zoninglland use issues in the area covered by the annexation agreement Glen Posusta and Clint Herbst were appointed for a one year term. The following appointments are not required to be made annually by statute, but each of them performs services on an as-needed basis for the City. The consulting services and/or individuals are listed as follows and can be individually discussed by the Council if desired. 1. City Attorney. Campbell Knutson has served this past year as the City's general legal counsel. This past year, Tom Scott has been the main attorney who has worked on Monticello issues. The City has also used the services of Flaherty and Hood for more specialized areas such as annexation. The City has also used the services of Frank Madden and . q<?; . Council Agenda: 1/9/06 Associates for more specialized personnel issues. 2. City Auditor. Larson Allen provided the audit services for the City in 2005. I do not have any problem with the City continuing our relationship with the firm of Larson Allen as auditor. 3. Consulting Engineer. Currently, WSB & Associates and, in particular, Mr. Bret Weiss, is in this position.. With the addition of a full time engineer to the City staff, WSB's role has changed. It is recommended that the City continue our arrangement with WSB & Associates but other consulting engineer firms may be recommended by staff depending on particular projects or needs. 4. City Planner. For the past number of years, Mr. Steve Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants has been the City Planner. It is recommended that our relationship with Mr. Grittman and Northwest Associated Consultants continue on an as-needed basis. 5. Financial Consultants. The City designated Ehlers and Associates as the primary financial advisor. It is suggested that the City continue with Ehlers and Associates as our financial advisor. . In addition to the annual appointments, individual Council members for the past few years have been appointed as liaison members with various committees and commissions of the City. A list of these commission or committee assignments is enclosed with the agenda for Council review. If the Council would like to continue with having individual liaison members, the Mayor and Council members may want to discuss whether any commission or committee assignments need to be changed. The attached sheet as supporting data lists all of the members of the various commissions and appropriate appointments, both required and discretionary, that the Council can consider for 2006. The names in bold print are the ones that are in need of appointment for Council review. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. If the Council is in agreement with all of the recommendations for annual appointments, a single motion is all that is needed to cover the vacancies underlined, or individual appointments can be made separately as needed. C. SUPPORTING DATA: . . List of current appointments needed and current office holders. C\ c:, . . . Official Depositories: Newspaper: Health Officer: (1 year) Acting Mayor (1 year) Joint Commissions: Community Education Joint Planning Board (Annexation area) Attorney: Planner: Auditor: Engineer: Housing & Redevelopment Authority (5-year staggered terms) Parks Commission (3-year staggered terms) Planning Commission (3-year staggered terms) 2006 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Wells Fargo Chief Financial Officer - authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Monticello Times River Place Physician Clinic Glen Posusta Clint Herbst Clint Herbst & Glen Posusta Campbell Knutson Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Grittman) Larson Allen & Associates WSB & Associates NAME Darrin Lahr Bill Fair Steve Andrews Dan Frie Brad Barger TERM EXPIRES 12/2005 12/2006 12/2007 12/2008 12/2009 Nancy McCaffrey Larry Nolan Fran Fair Ben Hitter Rick Traver 12/2005 12/2005 12/2006 12/2007 12/2007 Rod Dragsten Dick Frie William Spartz Lloyd Hilgart Sandy Suchy 12/2005 12/2005 12/2006 12/2007 12/2007 DAWN/XCELlDAWN :Appointments List.xls: 1 /3/2006 , DC) . Library Board (3-year staggered terms) Tom Parker 12/2005 Dawn Grossinger 12/2005 Sandra Foster 12/2006 Jacque Gordon 12/2006 Chris Anderly 12/207 Economic Development Authority Bill Demueles 12/2005 (6-year staggered terms) Tom Perrault 12/2006 Vacant 12/2007 Wayne Mayer 12/2008 Darrin Lahr 12/2009 Barb Schwientek 12/2010 Police Advisory Commission: Wayne Mayer, Council 12/2005 (3-year staggered terms) Jon Hoff 12/2005 David Gerads 12/2006 Dick Slais 12/2006 Brad Fyle 12/2007 OAT (Design Advisory Team) Vacant 12/2005 (2-year staggered term) Roberta Gerads 12/2005 Cindy Anderson 12/2005 . Pam Campbell 12/2006 Sheila Stumpf 12/2006 Stacy Schreiber 12/2006 MCC Advisory Board Clint Herbst,Council 12/2005 (3-year staggered terms) Richard Quick 12/2005 Harvey Kendall 12/2006 Sandra Theros 12/2006 Bob Grabinski 12/2007 Council Liaison (ex-officio) appointments to City committees: 2005 Liaison Wayne Mayer Glen Posusta Tom Perrault Wayne Mayer BrianStumpf Clint Herbst BrianStumpf HRA Planning Commission Parks Commission Police Commission Library Board MCC Advisory Board Recycling Committee 2006 Liaison c; p ~v 'M. 'fr-. 1- ilj ,,^n- . DAWN/XCELlOAWN :Appointments List.xls: 1 /3/2006 \ 0 \ . 12. A. . . Council Agenda: 1/9/06 Consideration of license renewal for Walt's Pawn Shop - 1219 State Hi2hway 25 South. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The one year pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop is up for renewal January 24,2006. Our city ordinance requires that Randel Thompson owner of the pawn shop submit a license bond in the amount of $5,000 and an annual license fee of $25. With the relocation of this pawn shop license to State Highway 25 South in the former Glass Hut building, some zoning code issues have been a problem with Mr. Thompson in that he was conducting outside sales of merchandise without the proper conditional use permit. Enforcement measures have been taken by City staff and legal counsel to address these zoning violations, which could be considered by the Council as a reason not to renew the license. At this time, Mr. Thompson is in the process of applying for the necessary conditional use permits for outdoor storage and outdoor sales, but if the permits are not granted and he continues to violate our zoning code, Council can address suspension or revocation ofthe license in the future. It should also be noted that our ordinance regulating pawn shops requires that the pawn shop follow all police regulations regarding proper recording of all items that are pawned by registering the items along with descriptions and who pawned the material through a computer network tied into the Minneapolis Police Department's database. The purpose for this information is allowing law enforcement personnel the ability to track stolen items that may have been pawned and return them to the rightful owners. According to the Wright County Sheriffs Department, detectives who monitor the pawn shop's activities, Mr. Thompson has numerous violations of properly recording information as required in our ordinance. In addition to simply avoiding the recording of this information, it also has an effect on the amount of revenue that the City receives in that Mr. Thompson is required to collect and transmit to the City a $1.50 per transaction fee to cover enforcement procedures. The City in turn transfers $1.00 per transaction to the Minneapolis Police Department to cover our participation in their network. By the pawn shop not recording the proper amount of transactions, the City loses revenue and also the Minneapolis Police Department loses revenue and law enforcement personnel throughout Minnesota are not aware of items that may have been stolen being pawned. In discussing the violations with Detective Dave Clemens of the Wright County Sheriffs Department, he has indicated that they have informed Mr. Thompson that he must correct his recording procedures or face possible revocation of his license by the City Council. The Sheriffs Department would like to see a renewal by the City Council be on a contingent basis for 30 day time frames so that Mr. Thompson is aware that the City could suspend or revoke the license at 30 days notice ifhe does not comply with our ordinance. If Mr. Thompson fails to adhere to reasonable recommendations from the Sheriffs Department, the Council may be asked in the future to suspend the license. \ 0 :;f . . . D. Council Agenda: 1/9/06 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could agree to renew the license for Walt's Pawn Shop on a month to month basis provided the proper license bond and annual permit fee of $25 is paid. Under this alternative, as long as Mr. Thompson is cooperating with law enforcement officials regarding proper recording procedures and other aspects of our ordinance, the license would continue to be renewed monthly throughout the year. 2. Council could approve the license for one year without any conditions. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Sheriffs Department representatives and the City Administrator that the license be considered for renewal as outlined under Alternative #1 on a month to month basis. It is hoped that this contingency approval will motivate the owner to properly record transactions as required and follow other procedures in our ordinance. Should violations continue in an unacceptable manner, Council may be asked to rescind the license permanently. SUPPORTING DATA: None. \ 03 . . . 13. A. Council Agenda: 1/9/06 Consideration of fee increases for 2006. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Normally at the first meeting of the year the City Council is asked to approve any increases in the fees the City charges for services. At the December 1 zth meeting the Council based on reports received from the Public Works Director and Bret Weiss from WSB & Associates approved increases to the sewer and water rates, the trunk utility rates and the park dedication fee. Attached to the agenda for Council review is the proposed fee schedule for 2006. It should be noted that at a future meeting, a report will be submitted to the Council relating to the park dedication fee and the justification to support the established fee of $3,500/unit. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. D. 1. G f V)S Adopt the fee schedule for 2006 as presented. 2. Adopt a fee schedule for 2006 with changes as determined by the Council. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City periodically adjusts their fees to reflect changes in the cost of living. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the fees be adjusted. SUPPORTING DATA: Fee Schedule I 0 ~-\ . . . o ..J ..J~ ~..J ~o ~~ Z~ o::c ~u ~rJJ o~ >~ Eo-< .... U ~ r./l -< ~ P::: U "Cl ~ ., "Cl ;? 1:1 0 ., '0 e e 0 OJ ., .. ... "Cl E ... rJJ "Cl r- 1:1 Q\ .. <;> Q\ e <= ..... < ci .... ... It'l 0 :; '0 ~ -g <;> Q <;> \0 .= M <;> ~ GI'l ..... \0 <;> <= M OJ) e '~ ~ s 1 "C V) :3::;; ..l ~ Eo-< Z o U ..l ~ .... z < '" '" U) 5~ If: 0 o 'l;:j ~ '" ~~ biJ e ~ o:l >, co "0 tJ 0. 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HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO T AX INCREMENT FINANCING DEPOSIT OR FEE Preliminary Development Agreement $ 7,500 Preliminary Development Agreement (Monticello Business Center) $10,000 (non- refundable) Additional Administrative Costs Paid by developer MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GREA TER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND FEES Application Fee Minimum fee of $200 but not to exceed 1.5% of the total loan proj eet. Legal fees Applicant responsible. \ (l I Council Agenda: 1/9/06 . 14. Consideration of reviewine: options for initiatine: Comprehensive Plan update process. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Council is asked to review the current status of the Comprehensive Plan update and consider further direction. As you know, the process of developing an RFP format and associated selection of a planning firm has not gotten off the ground. Fortunately, the current plan has been sufficient to address present development and the delay in establishment of the updated plan though frustrating has not affected land use decision making. Also, the timing is excellent for completing the plan this year because the effort would now coincide with the County Comprehensive Plan update. Staff recognizes that it is important to recharge the process and get it done this year. As you recall Council previously requested that staff outline an RFP process and seek proposals from various firms to conduct the planning process. Council is asked to consider the possibility of expediting the planning effort by taking another look at asking for a scope of work and cost estimate from NAC to complete the work. Following are reasons why Council may want to consider this option. . · NAC has proven they can do the job by their reports for other large suburbs. Examples of work completed for cities such as Lakeville, Otsego and Shakopee are available for reVIew. · Selecting NAC is an efficient choice because NAC has a complete background on the City. The RFP process will require considerably more stafftime needed to describe the City to consultants. In addition, the selection process will be time consuming. Taking the more efficient route may have merit due to shifting/additional workload resulting from changes in the Building and Parks department. · A number ofthe major planning firms are already working in Monticello and would not likely respond to the RFP. For instance -- SRF is doing the County plan, DSU is working on "The Jefferson at Monticello project" and Hoisington Koegler is doing the Koch Property plan. There are other individuals or firms in the region/country that could provide the service. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to reconfirm previous decision to follow an RFP process in selecting a firm to conduct the Comprehensive Plan update process. . This remains a viable option but is likely to be the most time consuming and expensive. This option provides the benefit of allowing for cost and service comparison. Under this option the RFP documentation would be provided at the 1/23/06 meeting. It is estimated that the selection and training process under this option would add approximately 90 days to the time needed to update the plan. It 0 . . . Council Agenda: 1/9/06 2. Motion to request NAC to provide a scope of services and cost estimate for completing the comprehensive plan update. This option is the most efficient but does not provide for cost and service comparison. Council has the option of switching back to the RFP process if not satisfied with the Scope of Services and cost proposal to be presented by NAC at the 1/23/06 meeting of the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council select Alternative #2 requesting NAC provide a scope of services and cost estimate for completing the comprehensive plan update. D. SUPPORTING DATA NAC Firnl Qualifications \ l OJ . . . Northwest Associated Consultants . Monticello, Minnesota 4800 Olson Memorial Highway, Suite 202 Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422 www.nacplanning.com phone 763.231.2555 fax 763.231.2561 \d 0 . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Community Planning Economic Research / Development / Redevelopment and Financial Planning Environmental Analysis and Planning Urban Design POLICIES AND OPERATION PHILOSOPHIES Client's versus Consultants Product Economic Basis for Plans and Studies Public Financial Implications Policy Planning Flexibility Implementation Focus Senior Staff Responsibility Quality Product COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECT I CLIENT EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES Comprehensive Plans References by Community and Population Development Regulations References Technical Assistance I Development Review References (Past and Continuing) Specialized Studies References -Twin Cities Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) Expansion -Annexation / Detachment I Incorporation Studies and Hearing Testimony -Transportation Planning -Community Facilities (Need Evaluation, Location Analysis, and Site Planning) -Housing Studies Expert Testimony References ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I REDEVELOPMENT I PROJECT I CLIENT EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES Administration References Marketing I Economic Studies References -Land Utilization and Marketability Studies -Retailing and Office Market Studies -Housing Market Studies 'j \ td . -Economic Analysis .Municipal Liquor Store Studies Financing / Redevelopment / Management References -Commercial/Industrial Tax Increment Financing\ -Grants -Housing Programs Site Planning & Design References Industrial Park Design Central Business District Design Peripheral Commercial Area Design Residential Development Design ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS & PLANNING PROJECT I CLIENT EXPERIENCE & REGULATION Shoreland, Floodplain, Wetland, and Wild & Scenic River Analysis & Regulation References PARK, TRAIL & RECREATION SYSTEMS References . SPECIALIZED STUDY References URBAN DESIGN PROJECT I CLIENT EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES Central Business District Design References Commercial Site Planning & Design References Industrial Park Design References Residential Subdivision & Planned Unit Development Design References Parks, Trail & Landscape Design References Private Development Guidance & Review References Graphics & Presentation Materials . \ d-d . INTRODUCTION Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is a private planning consulting firm based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul. The company was originally formed in 1973 and for the period between 1974 and 1979 was merged with Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. Since 1980, the company has re-established independent operations. Northwest primarily specializes in service to local units of government, although some private clients are accepted. The company offers an integrated set of services in community planning, real estate analysis, urban design, and economic/market research. Specific services provided by the firm are as follows: COMMUNITY PLANNING . Planning Tactics - Issue Identification and Evaluation, and Visioning Preparation of Comprehensive Plans - Cities/Townships/Counties Project Planning and Implementation Housing Needs Analysis Central Business District Redevelopment Traffic and Parking Studies Annexation/Consolidation/Incorporation Studies Land Use Code and Ordinance Development Capital Improvement Programming Technical Assistance to Local Government ECONOMIC RESEARCH/DEVELOPMENT/REDEVELOPMENT AND FINANCIAL PLANNING Land Use Market Feasibility and Absorption Site Location and Facilities Planning Attitudinal Surveys and Consumer Needs Assessment Tax Impact Studies Market Penetration Studies, Consumer Surveys ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND PLANNING Environmental Assessment and Impact Statements Parks, Trails and Recreation Systems Landscape Plans Rural Residential Cluster Zoning Regulations Environmental Regulation: Shoreland, Floodplain, Wild & Scenic . \d '3 . . . URBAN DESIGN Project Planning and Concept Design PUD Site Planning and Implementation Central Business District Image Studies Park, Trail and Open Space Systems and Design IdL~ . . . POLICIES AND OPERATION PHILOSOPHIES The successful completion of any research, study, or planning project is highly contingent upon the approach and techniques utilized in confronting the issues to be addressed. In the selection of a consultant, it is therefore important that those making the decisions are aware of how a firm will pursue the work to be involved. Due to this situation, Northwest has briefly outlined the basic and underlying philosophies and operational policies which guide the firm in its work ethic and approach. CLIENT'S VERSUS CONSULTANT'S PRODUCT First and foremost, Northwest believes that any product produced must be that of the client and not the consultant. Achieving this objective has major implications as to the usefulness of the end product. This philosophy also serves to direct a recognition of a client's individuality. This avoids "boiler plating", a problem response. Additionally, this objective implies comprehensive and continuing c1ienUconsultant involvement throughout the entire project and all phases of work. ECONOMIC BASIS FOR PLANS AND STUDIES Northwest also strongly emphasizes a "practical" product which is reflective of economic realities. The firm's position and approach is to undertake new, or at a minimum utilize existing, economic and market information as a basis of plans which are formulated. To a significant degree, Northwest believes that it is unique in this emphasis as few, if any other firms, specialize in both community planning and economic research. From the experience which has been gained in cities such as New Hope, Buffalo, Lakeville and others, it is evident that community development plans based upon economic analysis are highly relevant tools which guide and direct development decision-making on a day to day basis. PUBLIC FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS An often over-looked aspect of plans are the financial implications of what is being proposed. This is true of City-wide comprehensive plans, as well as specific project or facility plans and studies. Current local governmental financial situations dictate public costs and revenue/funding sources must be a constant concern in order for local jurisdictions to maintain service levels at reasonable tax rates. Where applicable, Northwest focuses upon such considerations and provides relevant data upon which sound decisions can be based. \dS . POLICY PLANNING FLEXIBILITY Another guiding operational approach which governs Northwest's work is policy planning. This again contributes to the production of a practical planning tool which has day-to-day applicability. A policy plan offers a degree of flexibility not associated with static "map" type plans. The policy plan provides the capability of guiding unanticipated development as well as a means to specifically tailor plans and studies to the client and its desires. IMPLEMENTATION FOCUS The four preceding operational approaches and philosophies contribute to a paramount concern involving plan implementation. If plans and recommendations lack potential of practicality and realization, the entire effort is meaningless. Northwest therefore emphasizes implementation as an overriding concern in projects which are pursued. Moreover, where applicable, guidance is provided to the client defining the means and mechanisms which are available for achieving the results which have been proposed. SENIOR STAFF RESPONSIBILITY . An administrative policy of Northwest which is seen as critical is that senior level personnel are involved in each project assignment. Northwest does not have "sales" personnel which promote and secure clients and are then never seen. All Northwest personnel that participate in proposals, their preparation and presentation are staff members who will be fully involved in the project activities. Additionally, providing senior level staff assures the client of the most advanced experience and qualifications available for the problems and issues being confronted. Simultaneously, Northwest maintains a qualified group of support staff which facilitate a balanced work assignment capability, thus insuring the economic delivery of products. QUALITY PRODUCT The seventh and final major philosophy to be highlighted is that of product quality. In essence, this results from implementation and accomplishment of all the preceding philosophies which have been discussed. In this regard, we believe Northwest has been highly successful as demonstrated by the longevity of service Northwest has maintained with many of its clients. . l d La . . . COMMUNITY PLANNING PROJECT/CLIENT EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES The basic core of Northwest Associated Consultants' services focuses upon physical planning and management assistance to local units of government. This includes the traditional comprehensive plan and development regulations update and administration. Northwest, however, also provides specialized assistance on development request reviews, annexation studies and other areas of specific scope. While these are the traditional community planning functions, Northwest has formulated and adopted the most modern techniques in the pursuit of these undertakings. From a technical perspective, these are intended to make community planning a science rather than an art. This is, however, with the full recognition that community planning is governed by local policy and the objectives of the client being served. COMPREHENSIVE PLANS A fundamental planning service provided by Northwest to local units of government is the formulation and updating of Comprehensive Community Plans. The company and its personnel have served over fifty jurisdictions on comprehensive planning projects with numerous repeat assignments reflecting the long term association which Northwest commonly experiences with its client. PAST WORK BY COMMUNITY Albertville* Alexandria Alexandria Township* Andover Belle Plaine* Big Lake Branch* Brookings, S.D. Buffalo* Burns Township Cannon Falls Cass County Centerville Clear Lake Clearwater Corcoran Cottonwood Crystal Delano* Dellwood Detroit Lakes Excelsior Faribault Frankfort Township Goodhue County* Hanover Huron/Beadle County, S.D,* Jordan LaGrand Township* Lake Elmo Lakeville* Linwood Township* (Anoka Co) Lino Lakes Little Canada* Mankato Township Maplewood Mendota Heights Monticello* Moorhead Mounds View* New Hope* North Liberty, lowa* l')./ . . . Oak Park Heights* Oakdale Otsego* Owatonna Pope County Communities (Cyrus, Starbuck, Villard) Redwood Falls Robbinsdale* Rockford* Rockville St. Augusta St. Michael* St. Paul Park Sauk Rapids Scott County Shakopee Shorewood* Slayton Spring Park* Stearns County Sunfish Lake Sylvan Township Thief River Falls T onka Bay* Watertown Waterville Wayzata* White Bear Lake Windom* *Repeat Clients DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The measure of competence in community planning is established in the formulation of development regulations which bring about the realization of goals and objectives which clients define as part of Comprehensive Plans. This partially involves achieving the type of development desired but also involves avoiding unexpected or unwanted results while minimizing the potential of litigation. Northwest takes extreme pride in its development regulation work which in many cases is prompted by referrals from the legal community. Since its establishment, Northwest and its personnel have assisted over seventy-five local units of governments with the formulation and updating of development regulations. PAST WORK Albertville Andover Belle Plaine Big Lake Buffalo Cannon Falls Clearwater Corcoran Cottonwood Cottonwood County Crystal Delano Dellwood Douglas County Elko Monticello Moorhead New Hope North Liberty, Iowa Oak Park Heights Oakdale Otsego Owatonna Plymouth Pope County Communities (Cyrus, Starbuck, Villard) Ramsey Redwood Falls Robbinsdale Rockford St. Augusta \d-t . . . SPECIALIZED STUDIES As they relate to community planning, Northwest is often called upon to assist its clients with specialized studies. Examples of such efforts are listed below by generalized category with client references. PAST WORK TWIN CITIES METROPOLITAN URBAN SERVICE AREA (MUSA) EXPANSIONS Lakeville Lino Lakes Oak Park Heights Scott County ANNEXATION I DETACHMENT I INCORPORATION STUDIES AND HEARING TESTIMONY Bayport Branch Buffalo Delano Eveleth Faribault Fergus Falls Township LaCrescent Township (Houston County) LaGrand/Alexandria Townships (Douglas County) Lino Lakes Minnetrista Monticello Township (Wright County) Moorhead North Liberty, Iowa Oak Park Heights Oakdale Otsego Rockford St. Augusta St. Paul Park Slayton Wayzata Windom Winona Township (Winona County) TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Buffalo Delano Dilworth Lakeville Lino Lakes New Hope Oak Park Heights Vermillion, SO Wayzata ~ C\ 10" . . . Elko, Nevada Faribault Frankfort Township (Wright Co.) Goodhue County Hanover Howard Lake Huron/Beadle County, SO Jordan Lake Elmo Lakeville Lino Lakes Linwood T wp (Anoka Co) Little Canada Maple Grove Maplewood Marine on St. Croix Medina St. Michael St. Paul Park Scott County Shorewood Slayton Spring Park Stearns County Steele County Sunfish Lake Sylvan Township Tonka Bay Watertown Waterville Wayzata Windom Wyoming Township (Chisago County) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE/DEVELOPMENT REVIEW A significant portion of Northwest's activities focus upon providing support to local units of government in the review and evaluation of privately initiated development proposals. These assignments involve site planning and subdivision concerns as well as zoning issues. Northwest's success in this area of specialty stems in part from its clear recognition of technical assistance versus policy decisions and its reliance upon established community directives. As a result, Northwest provides its services to a broad range of communities, from those which are high growth and development oriented to those which approach development in a more selective and conservative fashion. Moreover, Northwest provides technical assistance on a basis as defined by the client. In some cases, this involves Northwest assuming the full responsibility of the community's planner. In other cases, the service is selective, being on call as the client and its staff require supp art or specialized assistance. REFERENCES: (PAST AND CONTINUING) Afton Glenwood Albertville Grant Annandale Hanover Bayport Howard Lake Belle Plaine Inver Grove Heights Big Lake Lakeville Buffalo Lino Lakes Clearwater Little Canada Clear Lake May Township Delano Marine on St. Croix Elko Mendota Heights Excelsior Monticello Montrose New Hope North Liberty, Iowa Oak Park Heights Osseo Otsego Rockford Spring Park Sunfish Lake Wayzata \ 3C) . . . COMMUNITY FACILITIES (NEED EVALUATION, LOCATION ANALYSIS, AND SITE PLANNING) Albertville. Fire Station Branch - Sanitary Sewer System Needs Buffalo - Golf Course Buffalo - Municipal Liquor Store Lakeville - City Hall Lakeville - Fire Stations Lakeville - Municipal Liquor Store Linwood Township - Community Facilities Needs Analysis Little Canada - City Hall Little Canada - Fire Hall Moorhead - Park Land Evaluation Otsego - Municipal Facilities Campus Otsego. Comprehensive Services and Facility Location Analysis Robbinsdale - Municipal Liquor Store Robbinsdale . Park Site Selection Wayzata - Public Works Garage HOUSING STUDIES Crystal Faribault Lakeville Lake Minnetonka Area Cooperating Communities (LMACC) New Hope Northfield Owatonna Shorewood t~) \ . EXPERT TESTIMONY . . As part of its technical assistance service to local governmental units and other public and private sector clients, Northwest provides expert testimony as part of legislative and judicial land use and community planning matters. The firm's capacity and creditability in this area has been established through its immense scope of community service and vast experience in community planning. In undertaking such assignments, however, Northwest only becomes involved in cases which are clearly justifiable. PAST WORK Andover - Assessment Appeals Chanhassen - Neighborhood Group - Zoning Delano - Zoning Lawsuit Edina Interlachen Neighborhood - Subdivision Fairway Foods - Northfield Property Use/Zoning Issue Frankfort Township - Billboard Lawsuit Frankfort Township - Zoning Lawsuits Hyman Trucking ~ Comprehensive Plan/Zoning Jordan - Zoning Lawsuit Lakeville - Zoning, Subdivisions and Assessment Appeals Lino Lakes - Detachment/Annexation Miller - Edina Property - Subdivision Minnetrista - Detachment Hearing Monticello Township ~ Annexation Mounds View ~ Zoning/Comprehensive Plan Oak Park Heights - Annexation Oakdale - Zoning Procedures Lawsuit Oakdale - Detachment Annexation Otsego - Municipal Incorporation Ramsey - Adult Use Ordinance Sf. Augusta Township -Incorporation Tom Thumb Stores - Zoning Lawsuit Washington County - Road Condemnation Wayzata - Detachment Annexation Winona Township - Annexation 2;) \j . . . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT/CLIENT EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES Community planning goes beyond land use patterns and zoning. Municipalities must recognize the various economic impacts of their land use and development decisions. Proper economic planning can lead to expanded housing opportunities, larger local retail markets, greater employment opportunities, and expanded local tax base. Development done in a manner insensitive to local economic parameters can result in premature development, over investment in utility infrastructure, loss of market share, increased administrative expenses and cash poor projects. Northwest recognizes the importance of economic planning and development in preserving the financial integrity and viability of a community. Through its combined consulting team members, Northwest has extensive experience in each phase of economic development. Working for a variety of clients, Northwest has served communities in many modes. The following summary of project assignments illustrates the different levels of service that Northwest personnel now provide their clients. ADMINISTRATION Northwest has on occasion served as project administrator and coordinator for communities or agencies lacking a full time administrative staff. Northwest personnel possess the expertise to facilitate the development program and project administration including the day-to-day work activities, grant writing and management, project marketing and promotion, public agency coordination and community relations and communication. REFERENCES Chanhassen - Community Development Block GranULand Acquisition Delano - Commercial and Industrial Economic Development Projects Jordan - Jordan Single Family Home Ownership Program Lake City - Downtown Redevelopment Project and Municipal Marina Expansion Project LeSueur - Central Business District Renewal Project Northeast Economic Development Council- Minneapolis Central Avenue, Northeast Neighborhoods Osseo - Economic Development Projects Robbinsdale - Community Development Department l"? "3 ) . MARKETING/ECONOMIC STUDIES Northwest Associated Consultants has prepared numerous market and economic studies for both the private and public sectors. The studies serve to identify the market strength of a municipality or a business location to determine a client's potential for success. Additionally, the market study identifies marketing strategies to improve the competitive edge of a business or service within the market trade area. Market strategies include suggestions on location characteristics, business mix, and product and service type. A city or private interest can use market information to make land use and investment decisions that may serve to improve the market vitality of a strong commercial area or revitalize a declining commercial district. REFERENCES LAND UTILIZATION AND MARKETABILITY STUDIES Crystal New Hope Jordan Prior Lake Lakeville Robbinsdale Monticello (Star Cities Project Award) . RETAILING AND OFFICE MARKET STUDIES Abbott Northwestern Hospital Buffalo New Hope Shoreview (Evenson Properties) Wayzata HOUSING MARKET STUDIES Buffalo Lang Nelson Associates Nafstad Properties New Hope Gethsemane Cemetery Market Study ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Buffalo Crystal Delano Lakeville Little Canada New Hope Oak Park Heights Oakdale Wayzata MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE STUDIES: Buffalo Delano Lakeville Robbinsdale . ) ~ '--\ . FINANCING/REDEVELOPMENT/MANAGEMENT The pursuit of economic development is very competitive throughout the state and nation. As such, it becomes critical for a city to be organized and well informed to allow the community to conscientiously solicit economic development projects. . . Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., through its combined consulting team members, has extensive, current experience in each and every phase of economic development financing. This background has been achieved through service being provided to both the public and private sectors. It is through such work associations that a full perspective of the economic planning and development process has been gained. This expertise, combined with the team's in depth knowledge of physical development, results in a comprehensive developmenVredevelopment service being offered. Along with the benefits of economic development there are some risks and expenses. Working as City staff, Northwest's analysis of a specific project will serve to outline not only the project advantages, but will give specific attention to the project risks and shortfalls. This is essential to identify strategies and options needed to remedy these risks. Such an analysis serves as a recommendation to the City. The final decision as to whether a project proceeds remains with the City leaders. REFERENCES COMMERCIALIINDUSTRIAL TAX INCREMENT FINANCING: Albertville Maple Plain Anoka Electric Cooperative New Germany Belle Plaine Oak Park Heights Branch Oakdale Buffalo Osseo Chaska Rockford Delano S1. Paul Lakeville Waconia Little Canada Wayzata GRANTS Branch. Small Cities Development Grant Buffalo. Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund Delano. Economic Development Jordan . Small Cities Development Grant S1. Michael. Park and Recreation Grant Waconia . Community Development Block Grant l3~~ . . . HOUSING PROGRAMS Jordan Single Family Home Ownership Program Lang Nelson Elderly Housing Little Canada Elderly Housing Moravian Church Elderly Housing SITE PLANNING & DESIGN Proper site planning and design influence the financial viability of a subdivision or site development. Location, access and parking are critical elements in any commercial development. In this regard, proper site design must give attention to street and pedestrian access, building orientation, and the provision of adequate parking and loading facilities to secure a functionally viable development. Industrial areas require some degree of segregation from less intense land uses. This is to allow for the unencumbered operation routinely needed for industrial facilities. Additionally, proper street design and lot layout become critical to accommodate the ancillary activities of an industrial park such as truck traffic, employee parking, shipping and receiving, and outdoor storage. Site selection and design must be sensitive to the space needs of an industry to address its current operations as well as its future expansion needs. With background expertise in both economic development and physical land use planning, Northwest offers comprehensive developmenUredevelopment services. The references below provide a summary of the firm's relevant project assignments. REFERENCES INDUSTRIAL PARK DESIGN Belle Plaine Big Lake Branch Buffalo Carver Delano Faribault Glencoe Hanover Jordan Lakeville Little Canada New Hope Prescott, WI PERIPHERAL COMMERCIAL AREA DESIGN Buffalo Crystal Jordan Lakeville Oak Park Heights Windom RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DESIGN Buffalo Delano Lakeville Little Canada New Hope Oak Park Heights Oakdale Wayzata 13\0 . . . CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT DESIGN Buffalo Lakeville New Hope.City Center Plan Robbinsdale Wayzata Windom Faribault Delano )~1 . ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS & PLANNING PROJECT/CLIENT EXPERIENCES & REFERENCES The recognition of the value of natural assets and the need to preserve and protect the natural environment is a continuing and growing aspect of community planning. From its inception, Northwest has been involved in activities involving environmental analysis and planning. The firm continues to stress the importance of such matters and as a consequence makes available specialized services and studies targeted at environmental issues. S H 0 R E LAN 0, F L 0 0 0 P L A I N, WET LAN 0, AND WILD & SCENIC RIVER ANALYSIS & REGULATION . The analysis and examination of urban development within shoreland, floodplain and wetland areas is an ever increasing issue communities must face in an effort to preserve and maintain the integrity of their natural environment and ecosystems. Northwest possesses considerable experience in this field where the impacts of development upon the area's natural environment must be determined. As a product of this experience, a specialty of Northwest's is the preparation of shoreland, floodplain and wetland development regulations. In addition, Northwest has also been involved with wild and scenic river corridor studies, regulation and administration. Through the development of these regulations, communities establish standards and guidelines for protecting environmentally sensitive areas. Northwest's development of such regulations has served as models for other communities to base their ordinances upon. Finally, Northwest is extremely knowledgeable of the coordination required of various governmental agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Natural Resources, and local watershed districts. Northwest often serves as the liaison between the various agencies conducting the environmental review. REFERENCES Albertville Belle Plaine Branch Buffalo Cottonwood County Crystal Delano Douglas County Frankfort Township Goodhue County Lakeville Linwood Township Little Canada Maple Grove New Hope Oak Park Heights Otsego Prior Lake Rockford Shorewood Spring Park Steele County T onka Bay Waterville Wayzata White Bear Lake Windom . ) 'j3 . . . PAR K 5, T R A I L 5, & R E eRE A T 10 N 5 Y 5 T E M 5 Often, primary components used to measure a community's "quality of life" are its parks, trails and recreation systems. This is an important element in that it contributes to the enjoyment residents and the business community experience from the community at large. In addition, recreation facilities also provide the necessary diversity sought after by today's health conscious community. Northwest's contributions to this aspect of planning and design are many. Projects undertaken and successfully implemented by Northwest range from complete parks and trails system plans to the design and construction drawing preparation of small urban parks. Northwest also provides expertise in park and recreation system needs analysis and search area studies. This is an important specialty Northwest possesses in that it is imperative a community's park and recreation system responds to the need of its citizens and serves them efficiently and effectively. REFERENCES Andover Buffalo Burnsville Crystal Eagan Frankfort Township Glenwood Lakeville Moorhead New Hope Oak Park Heights Robbinsdale Saint Paul Park Sherburne County Shorewood Wayzata \ 3C\ . . . SPECIALIZED STUDY Northwest also participates in many other aspects of environmental analysis and planning. One major area is the continuous participation with client communities in the Environmental Assessment Worksheet and Impact Statement process. In addition, Northwest has assisted numerous engineering firms and consultants with storm water management and water quality studies. Sanitary waste disposal collection and treatment are yet another area where Northwest has provided planning assistance, prepared ordinances, and organized managemenUadministration practices for various clients. REFERENCES Albertville Belle Plaine Branch Buffalo Cottonwood County Delano Douglas County Goodhue County Jordan Lakeville Linwood Township Little Canada Marine-on-St. Croix Medina Moorhead New Hope Oak Park Heights Oakdale Otsego Robbinsdale Rockford Tonka Bay Wayzata . .'" 1 \.\ c) . . . URBAN DESIGN PROJECT/CLIENT EXPERIENCE & REFERENCES Urban design can be characterized as the developmental step between generalized planning and product/project implementation. Northwest has long recognized the critical role of urban design and offers such services as part of its total and complete approach. Northwest's staff has utilized their design talents in a wide variety of projects, ranging from entire streetscape designs to the preparation of detailed site plans and individual project reviews. The firm's strength in urban design is complemented by its emphasis on land use and market factors. This emphasis assures the client that a proposal will fit into the context of a community's environment. The value of such an effort manifests itself in increased efficiency and function, innovative design, and ultimately, protection and enhancement of the community and the specific site involved. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT DESIGN One of the most obvious and historic elements of urban design is that of Central Business District design. This element of the urban landscape is of particular importance to those communities with an established eBO or a downtown in need of revitalization. Northwest's approach to CBD design is twofold. First, the physical element of the design must be responsive and sensitive to existing character and history of the community, while accommodating the functional needs of the area (Le., traffic, parking, pedestrian access, streetscaping and pedestrian amenities). Second, the CBO design must also be one that emphasizes and utilizes the economic strength and opportunity of the downtown. This is a critical element in the design to ensure that the CBD continues as, or becomes, a vital economic entity of the community without sacrificing its architectural and aesthetic integrity. REFERENCES Buffalo Delano Faribault Lakeville New Hope ~ City Center Plan Robbinsdale Spencer, Wisconsin Wayzata Windom \ ~\ \ . COMMERCIAL SITE PLANNING & DESIGN Proper site planning and design influence the economic and financial viability of a commercial development. The location and size of business, its vehicular and pedestrian access, parking, building orientation, and loading facilities are all critical elements that must be taken into consideration in the planning and design of a commercial development. Northwest offers its clients significant experience in commercial site planning and conceptual design. This expertise is again complemented by economic considerations which Northwest views as integral in the design process. The resultant design products are often utilized as tools to guide private commercial developments while in other instances, to assist developers and property owners achieve a developmental design acceptable to the community leaders. REFERENCES Buffalo Crystal Delano Jordan Lakeville Little Canada New Hope Oakdale Oak Park Heights Wayzata Windom . INDUSTRIAL PARK DESIGN Through the evolution of industrial development and urban planning, the industrial park has become the most desirable and efficient method of facilitating industrial uses and providing a community with a significant employment and tax base. Northwest has been involved in the planning, design, and preliminary plat development of several industrial parks found throughout the Twin Cities and surrounding area. Factors considered primary to Northwest in the design and formulation of such parks include site selection, the segregation between industrial and less intensive uses, proper street design and access, the need for auxiliary transportation modes (rail, air, and river), proper lot layout to accommodate expansion needs and storage requirements, and the daily supportive needs of a large activity center and its employees. REFERENCES Belle Plaine Big Lake Buffalo Carver Delano Faribault Glencoe Hanover Jordan Lakeville Little Canada New Hope Prescott, WI . \ ~\ d . . . RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION & PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DESIGN Northwest's design capabilities also include residential subdivision and planned unit development design. The firm's vast experience in this field of design ranges from traditional single family subdivisions to innovative multiple family and mixed use PUDs. To this end, Northwest utilizes the most current and innovative practices in the profession to create highly desirable, functional, and economically viable residential and planned unit development designs. Elements of consideration in such designs include environmental, land use, traffic, infrastructure, and land value. Given Northwest's breadth of experience in these areas, a comprehensive scope is obtained to fully evaluate and develop all aspects of residential subdivision and planned unit development projects. REFERENCES Buffalo Delano Lakeville Little Canada Monticello New Hope Oak Park Heights Oakdale Wayzata PAR K S, T R A I L & LAN D S CAP E 0 E S I G N A frequent area of urban design and site planning in which Northwest participates is park, trails, and landscape design. While entire recreation system plans are part of this focus, specific and detailed site and master planning services are also offered. In addition, landscape plan development and review incorporates a key element in the overall urban design perspective. Prior projects Northwest and its personnel have been associated with have included traditional recreational facilities and also specialized types of community service amenities. REFERENCES Buffalo Crystal Eagan Faribault Frankfort Township Glenwood Jordan Lakeville New Hope Oak Park Heights Owatonna Robbinsdale Rockford Sherburne County St. Paul Park White Bear Lake \ "-\ 3 . . . GRAPHICS & PRESENTATION MATERIALS With the continuing advance of technology, Northwest has enhanced its computer capabilities in order to provide clients with state of the art graphic presentation materials. These services are offered and available based upon project need and budgets. The following pages depict illustrations of work which has been completed and the type of graphics which can be provided. \ ~ ~\ . ~\ "rcr::: 1'fJ) E.UI.J 1;= ~Ij A~ [OJ Rf.. i'i" ~U11A\ ~'1;p ~I b u;.-;;fr' in~nj \~"1Jn[j ~ lJ l1ij'frlJ.!""i'lnl rI"]J'r~rl'lll"'i1I1"lli'lIJ ~.. ,I I~ ,J M '\,trN ftDli::rA [ EOUCA TION William Mitchell College of Law . Juris Doctor EXPERIENCE 1983-Present Principal, Northwest Associates Consultants, Inc. Consulting City Planner: Buffalo, MN; Little Canada, MN; Mendota Heights, MN; Monticello, MN Cardinal Stritch University . Bachelor of Science in Management University of Minnesota . Bachelor of Science, Urban Studies 1981-1983 Land Use Planner, K. Bordner Consultants, Inc., Bloomington Minnesota California State Polytechnic University . Urban Planning 1978~ 1981 Landscape Designer, Braeger Construction, Upland, California PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Institute of Certified Planners American Planning Association AREAS OF SPECIAL TV Community Planning Comprehensive community planning. Policy planning and analysis, strategic planning and goal setting, community needs analysis, growth management strategy planning. Representative Projects: Comprehensive Plans in Buffalo, MN; Watertown, MN; Monticello, MN; Thief River Falls, MN; Rockford, MN; Little Canada, MN; Excelsior, MN. Minnesota Chapter of American Planning Association . American Bar Association Sensible Land Use Coalition Expert Testimony Testimony, analysis, and report preparation on behalf of cities and private property owners for condemnation commissions. Minnesota Municipal Board hearings and District Court. Representative Projects: Condemnation - Cities of Minneapolis, MN; Ramsey, MN; Monticello, MN; Victoria, MN. Annexation - Cities of North Branch, MN; Alexandria, MN, Monticello, MN; Winona, MN; District Court - Various. Rural Development Land use policy planning, agricultural preservation, rural residential zoning, annexation and incorporation analysis, rural environmental planning. Representative Projects: Comprehensive Plan in Goodhue County, MN; Land Use Plan in Stearns County, MN; Annexation Analyses in Alexandria, MN; Winona, MN; Monticello, MN. - - \~s . S~1f'EPHE;~~ (3;~i~nrTM~\N Pr~nr.ipa1~ Downtown Planning ceo development and redevelopment design, pedestrian and vehicular circulation system analysis and design, streetscape/storefront design, and historic preservation. Representative Projects: Downtown Plans in Buffalo, MN; Wayzata, MN; Excelsior, MN. Design Guidelines in Little Canada, MN; Excelsior, MN. land Use Planning Master land use planning, municipal zoning and subdivision ordinance preparation, technical assistance and project review, shoreland zoning preparation. Representative Projects; Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance in Little Canada, MN; Goodhue County, MN; Rockford, MN; Elko, MN; Steams County, MN. Technical Assistance in multiple communities. . Park, Trail, and Open Space Planning Planning and design of parks and open space systems, park use and needs analysis, park/trail system surveys, park site design. Representative Projects: Parks System Master Plans in Buffalo, MN; Monticello, MN; Parks Planning in Lakeville, MN; Glenwood, MN; Rockford, MN; Monticello, MN. . y\..\ b . AlJi\N SIR!IX[jUS,\1 P~~CP fPJirinG1JrpalJ EDUCATION Sl. Cloud State University SI. Cloud, MN . Bachelor of Arts in Urban Affairs/Urban Planning EXPERIENCE 1999-Present Principal, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. Consulting City Planner: Albertville, MN; Delano, MN; Lakeville, MN; New Hope, MN; Spring Park, MN Minnesota School of Real Estate . General Curriculum PROFESSIONAL AFFILlA TrONS American Institute of Certified Planners 1980-1998 Planner/Research Analyst and Vice President, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. American Planning Association 1979-1980 Community Planner, Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. Minnesota Chapter of American Planning Association Minnesota Planning Association AREAS OF SPECIAL TV Comprehensive Planning Assist local and regional governments in the preparation and implementation of comprehensive plans. Involved with the formulation of plans addressing community land use, transportation, natural resources and housing, development management, policy planning, land use and environmental regulations and implementation. Representative Projects: New Hope, MN; Lakeville, MN; Marine on St. Croix, MN; Uno Lakes, MN; Scott County, MN; Sylvan Township, MN; Shakopee, MN Sensible Land Use Coalition . Development I Market Research Assist local government in the preparation and implementation of economic development planning efforts including retail and industrial site location studies, planning and design of commercial sites and industrial parks. Marketing of community industrial parks, preparation of financial incentive packages for perspective industries, market feasibility studies for commercial development projects. Industrial growth assessments for evaluating impact of industrial land uses on local municipality tax base. Representative Projects: New Hope, MN; Robbinsdale, MN; Lakeville, MN, Windom, MN. Annexation The preparation of background studies, analysis, and expert testimony on annexation and incorporation matters. Representative Projects: Delano, MN. . Zoning Administration Technical assistance to municipalities in both the formulation and implementation of zoning and subdivision regulations for cities. Representative Projects: Delano, MN; Lakeville, MN; New Hope, MN; Marine on St. Croix, MN; Albertville, MN; Spring Park, MN )L\-; . jlJ~\t,~lr\ii EHR~~J(li US, A\ 1,1 C ~'l ~,w . '1 ,t'" fU'1Hl~~ ~MiH Redevelopment Planning Administrative and technical assistance to local governments, such as the on redevelopment and economic development efforts including specialized background in land use market feasibility and tax increment financing. Representative Projects: Delano, MN; New Hope, MN; Spring Park, MN; Loretto, MN. . Site and Project Planning Planning and design of commercial, industrial and residential development with regard to site function, land use compatibility and coordination's with support services and utilities for clients. Representative Projects: Delano, MN; Uno Lakes, MN; Lakeville, MN; New Hope, MN. Park and Trail Planning Planning and design of park and trail facilities which vary from small, informal or neighborhood developments to large, intensive and community- wide projects. Considerations are based upon short.term, interim and long- term needs, available vehicular/pedestrian access, land use compatibility, facility cost, ease of implementation and maintenance, among other things. Representative Projects: Park Plans for the Cities of Lakeville, MN; Delano, MN; Blaine, MN; Sherburne County, MN. Grantsmanship Preparation of grant applications for Community Development Block Grant Application for client communities such as Delano and New Hope. . ~ ~\ ~. . List of current and recent client communities and nature of work . Afton - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Zoning Ordinance Albertville - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Zoning Ordinance Update Andover - Park Dedication Study Annandale - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Anoka - Park Facilities Assessment, Park Dedication Study Bayport - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Big Lake - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Zoning Ordinance Update Buffalo - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Comprehensive Plan Update Burns Township - Park Plan and Dedication Fee Study Cannon Falls - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Zoning Ordinance Clear Lake - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Clearwater - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Credit River Township - Planning and Zoning Assistance Delano - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Annexation Study, Zoning Ordinance Dundas, Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Zoning Ordinance Elko - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Comprehensive Plan Update Excelsior - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Zoning Ordinance Update Grant - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Hanover - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Zoning Ordinance Update Howard Lake - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Lakeville - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Zoning Ordinance Amendments Little Canada - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance May Township - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Mendota Heights - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Monticello - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Comprehensive Plan Update Montrose - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances New Hope - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Livable Communities Plan Oak Park Heights - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Sign Ordinance Study Otsego - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Comprehensive Plan Update Rockford - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Comprehensive Plan Update St. Augusta - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance, Comprehensive Plan Update St. Mary's Point - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Sherburne County - Development Regulations Amendments Spring Park - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance St. Francis - Park Master Plan and Dedication Study Sunfish Lake - Planning and Zoning Technical Assistance Sylvan Township - Development Regulations Amendments . ) '--\ ~ . NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Memorial Highway. Suite 202. Golden Valley. MN 55422 Telephone: 763.231.2555 Facsimile: 763.231.2561 planners@nacplanning.com TRANSMITTAL ---.--....-..-----.-----.------.--.-.---..-.---.-.---..--...-.-------.-------------- DATE: December 7,2005 ._,,-"~- '-,.._-,._'-_.._.._'~---..,_.,--,~.._--,~,-"._.._-".,-"--"~'-.- -,-_.,,~.. TO: Jeff O'Neill Monticello City Hall '-"-"~"-"--"~,, NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: . -"'-"'~'-' '-"'-'-'-'''.- ---'--"'-""-'-"--'--""-- .-., ._..~ "-"""-"'--"'---"~"-'-" FROM: Stephen Grittman .-.-.--.---- ----..---.------ ------.----..-...--.---..----.--.---...-.---..-----.-.-..---.--- QUANTITY: MATERIAL/DESCRIPTION: DATED: "'-"-'-"'-"-'" "'-,-, SEE LIST BELOW . VIA: -.---- -.--.-- --------- ----.----..-.. '-"--"--.-. -- -- ------- ------.---.------- --- Fax Mail Pick Up xx Delivery -._-- -------- ------. ---- --. - --,,-- --.----.-.-.--..----- - --- - - - - -- - -- - - REMARKS: Enclosed are the following documents: (HAC Library Copies _ Please Return) . Mendota Heights Comprehensive Plan 2002 Wayzata Comprehensive Plan 1999 Wayzata West Lake Street Plan 188 Little Canada Architectural GUjdelines 1996 Little Canada Comprehensive Plan 1998 Otsego Comprehensive Plan 1991 Otsego Comprehensive Plan 2000 New Hope Comprehensive Plan 1998 Lakeville Comprehenstve Pla-n 1981 Lakeville Comprehensive Plan 1999 Lakeville Parks and Trail Plan 2000 Lino Lakes Comprehensive Plan 2002 Shakopee Comprehensive Plan 2004 Oak Park Heights Comprehensive Plan 1998 r-. -'-------..--..---..--.--.-.-----.----------...-.-..------.-.-------.------.-- CITY/PROJECT NAME: -- ----------.-----------.--------------------.----.-----.---------..-..---- JOB NUMBER: -----.-...----..------.-------..- --------.------------.--- .--------.------------ I SCJ . . . 15. Finance Department Activitv Report (R W) The report will be given verbally at the Council meeting. /5 r . 0"'1 ,-1(') ...:l<l: "'10, U~ H"'1 E-<> ZO OU ::s rl 0, . i:I<r- CIl Q. 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