EDA Agenda 11-10-2020AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Tuesday, November lOth, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Participants can choose to attend in-person or remotely via Go-To: Web: https://�lobal.�otomeetin�.com/ioin/949013725 Phone: (571) 317-3112 � Access Code: 949-013-725 Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Stafi Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Additional Agenda Items 4. Consent Agenda a. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes — October 14, 2020 b. Consideration of Approving Regular Meeting Minutes - October 28, 2020 c. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Approving Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements in the Amount of $5,000 to: TMC & J Taylor Corp. dba Beef O'Brady's and Body Rhythms Wellness Inc. to Mitigate COVID-19 Economic Impacts 6. Consideration of Wright County Economic Development Partnership Update and approving 2021 Membership and Dues in the amount of $2,606 7. Economic Development Director's Report 8. Adjourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Participants attended in-person and remotely. Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, and Rachel Leonard 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Additional A�enda Items � None. � 4. Consent Agenda BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE CONSENT AGENDA. J1M DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. a. Consideration of Approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — September 9, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Regular Meeting Minutes — September 9, 2020. b. Consideration of Approving Workshop Meeting Minutes — September 9, 2020 Recommendation: Approve Workshop Meeting Minutes — September 9, 2020. c. Consideration of Approving Pavment of Bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through, September. d. Consideration of approving a CY 2021 Contribution to the Initiative Foundation's Communitv and Economic Development Programs in the amount of $2,390 Recommendation: Approve a CY 2021 contribution to the Initiative Foundation's community and economic development programs efforts in the amount of $2,390. Regular Agenda 5. Consideration of Approving Small Business Emergencv Grant Agreements in the Amount of $5,000 to Finders Keepers Gift & Consignment; Asian Cafe Sushi Grill; All Four Kids LLC; IC Enterprises LLC dba Capitan Pancho Villa; Handle Bars Barbershop; Vivian Nguven, Inc. dba PS Nails; Hali J Designs dba Classipue Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 14�', 2020 Page 1 � 5 Jewelrv; and Juniper Salon Spa, LLC. to Miti�ate COVID-19 Economic Impacts Jim Thares indicated that a total of eight grant applications were received for consideration at this EDA meeting. Prior to these applications for consideration, twenty- five grants have been awarded to small businesses. Thares noted that all of the grant applicants are eligible. Thares mentioned a correction to the staff report in which it called out two businesses for not meeting the employee count. It was noted in the grant guidelines that the business must have between 2 and 45 employees prior to the executive order by the Governor. Both Finders Keepers and HandleBars Barbershop were noted in compliance with the grant guidelines. If all applications were approved for this cycle in the amount of $5,000, the remaining balance would be $35,000. There would be one more grant cycle for small businesses to apply for the funds with the EDA review on 10-28-20. Staff recommended approval of the grant applications. Steve Johnson asked if all of these businesses have demonstrated that their expenses have exceeded their revenues. Thares confirmed that all of the businesses showed significant revenue impacts. Tracy Hinz asked if the EDA could e�tend the deadline to apply for the grants. Thares noted that the funding has to be reviewed and approved by November 15th. With the November EDA meeting falling on the lOth, that will mean that the October 28, 2020 is the final opportunity for consideration of grant applications. Hinz asked how the November 15 deadline was determined. Thares indicated that was a Federal Government deadline that the money needs to be spent by or turned back to the County. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO APPROVE SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE EDA AND FINDERS KEEPERS GIFT & CONSIGNIVIENT; ASIAN CAFE SUSHI GRILL; ALL FOUR KIDS LLC; IC ENTERPRISES LLC DBA CAPITAN PANCHO VILLA; HANDLE BARS BARBERSHOP; VIVIAN NGUYEN, 1NC. DBA PS NAILS; HALI J DESIGNS DBA CLASSIQUE JEWELRY; AND JUNIPER SALON SPA, LLC. 1N THE AMOUNT OF $5,000 TO MITIGATE COVID-19 ECONOMIC IMPACTS. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. Johnson confirmed that the grant money was all coming from the Federal Government rather than the EDA's GMEF loan fund. Thares stated that one grant (Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry) would not be reimbursed through the CARES Act funding. They are organized under a different non-profit statute. All other grants are being funded by the CARES Act dollars. Jim Davidson asked for clarification that after the CARES Act funding deadline has passed, could the EDA vote to continue the EDA program using the GMEF loan fund. Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 14�', 2020 Page 2 � 5 Thares confirmed. Lloyd Hilgart noted that the EDA originally approved $100,000 for the program. Hilgart asked staff to check in with the Chamber due to the impacts of the pandemic on their specific organization. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 6. Consideration of Acceptin� 2020 Comprehensive Housin� Needs and Market Demand Studv Report Economic Development Director's Report Jim Thares noted that the draft Housing Study is now complete. The Housing Study began in June, 2020 by MSA Professionals. Thares introduced Matt Frater, MSA Professionals, who was joining the meeting remotely and reviewing the report for the EDA. Matt Frater reviewed the main points of the Executive Summary of the Housing Study including background information, general findings, rental & ownership findings and demand projections over the ne�t five years. Frater noted that the Housing Study incorporated public engagement into the plan including a community survey, interviews with stakeholders, and a community conversation about housing was held. Data was the driving force of this plan, though it was balanced with community engagement comments. Major data sources included American Community Survey, HUD Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, and Multiple Listing Service. It was noted that the median single-family home may not be affordable to the median income household in the ne�t year due to increasing unaffordability and appreciation values in the market. Lloyd Hilgart asked if that is happening in other communities. Frater stated that homes are appreciating drastically all across the United States from urban to rural communities. It was noted that the purchase cost per square foot has increased faster in Monticello than in any of the other studied peer communities. Hilgart asked if the study takes into account that Monticello generally has a smaller square footage new construction home, which is why the price seems higher. Frater confirmed. Hilgart mentioned the importance of reviewing the numbers in the coming years as in the past the City has not received many new subdivisions, but that this was beginning to change. Hilgart also thought more about the square footage price and if it took into account lot size and home size. Frater responded that there is a desire and demand from stakeholders for increased options. Frater also added that the numbers are models based on projections. Frater indicated that he would discuss the square footage price questions with his colleagues and relay any new information to staff. He believed the numbers were based on building size and excluded lot size. Steve Johnson asked if the plan factored in markets surrounding Monticello including Sherburne County and Monticello Township. Frater responded that this theme was heard from stakeholders and has been factored into the plan. There are people that want large Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 14�', 2020 Page 3 � 5 lots and specific type of home on these lots. Demand calculations take into account what has been seen in the City itself and projects needs based on that. There was feedback from residents of Monticello looking for large lot and home development, but still living within the city limits. Jon Morphew asked how the historically low interest rate factors into the demand calculations. Frater confirmed that historically low interest rates have an impact on the housing market and could alter some of the numbers in the study, but he believed they would likely not make a huge difference. Frater pointed out that where historically low interest rates impact the most are the increase in cost and competition of existing homes. Tracy Hinz mentioned the information presented regarding the high cost of new construction rental properties, especially as it relates to people that cannot afford high rents. It was important for the EDA to be mindful and tap into resources to meet the demand for low income housing demand. Frater noted the importance of balancing the whole spectrum of the market. Johnson related the discussion the importance of having a workforce at all income levels. It was noted that the Planning Commission was invited to attend the discussion of the Housing Study. Sam Murdoff asked if the study takes into account recently completed projects. Frater explained there are data limitations that exist. In demand calculations, all of the units that are in-process or have been constructed are factored into the study because it is based on growth. Angela Schumann noted the direct correlation and its importance to the draft Comprehensive Plan update. Johnson asked if the plan was to fold the Housing Study into the Comprehensive Plan utilizing data points that would inform goals for zoning and land use suited for housing developments. Schumann responded that the Housing Study supports the draft goals, policies, and strategies in the Comprehensive Plan. She mentioned that they would incorporate some of the broad findings into the public hearing draft and refer to the Housing Study as an appendix to the Comprehensive Plan for reference. Thares mentioned that a few minor edits would be incorporated to the final plan, but asked that the EDA accept the final draft of the report. The City's website would be updated to replace the 2017 plan and the Study would be disbursed to housing developers and other interested parties. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE 2020 HOUSING NEEDS AND MARI�ET DEMAND STUDY. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. 7. Economic Development Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's Report as indicated in the staff report. Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 14�', 2020 Page 4 � 5 Thares provided an additional update item related to Block 52. He noted that the Beard Group reluctantly submitted its 10-day notice of termination of the preliminary development agreement due to an impasse in material conditions. No further action is required by the EDA per the direction of the EDA attorney. 011ie Koropchak-White asked what the status of purchasing the Preferred Title building. Thares noted that would be an item to discuss in a closed meeting. Tracy Hinz asked for clarity on ne�t steps for the redevelopment of Block 52. Thares noted that a future workshop meeting would be scheduled to review ne�t steps and to determine if any modifications should be made to the vision for the block and downtown plan. Thares added that there originally were three other developers interested in the Block Thares explained that he has talked to each of those developers and has agreed to provide a summary status update to each of them about redevelopment efforts in the block. Lloyd Hilgart noted that the EDA should push advertisement on the properties that the EDA owns and include information on the size of these properties and the type of use that would go there. Tapper indicated that he thought that the EDA needed to get the land procured and then push marketing for Block 52. 8. Closed Session — Consideration of Recessin� to Closed Session to Develop or Consider Offers or Counter-Offers for the Purchase or Sale of Real or Personal Propertv Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Address: 225 Broadwav West — PID: #155-010-051060 9. Adiourn TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:46 P.M OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 7-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: November l lth, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 14�', 2020 Page 5 � 5 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, October 28th, 2020 –7:00 a.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Participants attended in-person and remotely. Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, 011ie Koropchak- White, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Tracy Hinz and Lloyd Hilgart Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the Regular Meeting of the EDA to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call ' - 3. Consideration of Additional A�enda Items N/A 4. Consent Agenda No Items Regular Agenda Consideration of Approving Small Business Emergencv Grant Agreements in the Amount of $5,000 to Salon Glitz & Glam; The Hairdresser Inc.; and Lucille Murrav's Studio of Dance (LMSD, LLC) to Mitigate COVID-19 Economic Impacts Jim Thares noted that three new grant applications were received. Thares noted that Salon Glitz & Glam varied from the grant guidelines and has only one employee prior and since the pandemic. Negative financial impacts were identified by the business owner. Staff recommended approval of all three grant applications, noting their commitment of service to Monticello over the past years. To date, 33 grants have been approved. Thares noted that this is the last round of approved grants through CARE's funding. Thares noted that GMEF or additional EDA funding could allow the grant program to continue if the EDA so chooses beyond this time. Steve Johnson asked if staff anticipated any future applications. Thares noted that he felt staff have contacted most businesses that they feel would be eligible. Thares added that staff did receive one application during this round that was deemed non-eligible because they were located in Buffalo. Thares explained that another hair salon may be interested in applying, but was not apply to submit by the deadline. Thares recommended a budget review at an upcoming workshop to discuss the future of the program. Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 28�', 2020 Page 1 � 3 JON MORPHEW MOVED TO APPROVE SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE EDA AND SALON GLITZ & GLAM; THE HAIRDRESSER 1NC.; AND LUCILLE MURRAY'S STUDIO OF DANCE (LMSD, LLC) IN THE AMOLJNT OF $5,000 TO MITIGATE COVID-19 ECONOMIC 1MPACTS. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 6. Consideration of a recommendation on the Economic Development chapter of the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan Angela Schumann noted that the Planning Commission is holding a Public Hearing for consideration of the updated comprehensive plan on November 2, 2020. Schumann noted the importance of the EDA's recommendation of the Economic Development draft chapter including the goals, strategies, and policies to the Planning Commission. Schumann explained that the process started with a community visioning exercise which outlined the direction in which the comprehensive plan should go. Schumann noted that the draft plan was a cumulative effort of the Technical Advisory Committee (EDA representative: Jon Morphew) and many other stakeholders. A community workshop was held to provide final comment prior to formal adoption. The EDA was also able to set initial direction and tone for the Economic Development chapter and later on provide feedback on a draft. Schumann noted that many of the goals, strategies, policies identified in the plan are items that were discussed in workshop sessions and annual work plans. Some of the goals also carry forward from the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. Staff are comfortable with the draft that it reflects the direction of the EDA and is consistent with the community's vision. Jon Morphew felt the plan turned out really well and appreciated the public input. Bill Tapper noted that Goal 1: Business Attraction and Retention is missing from the implementation strategies. Schumann would ensure that got corrected. Morphew noted he was glad that the new Housing Study would be incorporated into the plan. Morphew identified a typographical error on one of the pages and it was noted that it would be corrected. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO RECONIN�ND TO THE PLANNING CONINIISSION AND CITY COUNCIL THE ADOPTION OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER OF THE MONTICELLO 2040 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, 1NCLUDING THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOALS, POLICIES, AND STRATEGIES OF THE 1MPLEMENTATION CHAPTER, SUBJECT TO THOSE REVISIONS OR ADDITIONS REQUESTED BY THE EDA. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Consideration of WSB Economic Development Assistance Services Quarterlv Report #2020-3 Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 28�', 2020 Page 2 � 3 Jim Thares noted that Jim Gromberg would provide the quarterly report (Qtr #3) including discussing work projects, work activities, and economic trends under the economic development assistance services contract. Gromberg highlighted project updates in the following areas: Project Gia-Saurus, the new industrial park discussions, and the draft comprehensive plan update. Gromberg also discussed current economic trends. Gromberg asked staff if the remaining EDA CARES Act funding would have to be returned if not spent and if it could be spent on other economic development assistance. Thares noted that the CARES Act funding would need to be spent by November 15, 2020. The City of Monticello awarded the EDA $200,000 for business assistance programs. Thares noted that the City has a long list of other eligible expenses, but that time was running out. Gromberg encouraged the City to use all of the CARES Act funding. Thares discussed how the cities of Hutchinson and Sartell utilized CARES Act funding. Jim Gromberg would provide a subsequent economic development report in 90 days. 8. Economic Development Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Director's Report as provided in the packet. Thares mentioned a variety of upcoming discussions during a future workshop meeting(s) that would focus on Block 52, Project Gia-Saurus, the 2021 work plan, and the marketing strategy/sale of EDA owned properties. A workshop to discuss some of these items would tentatively be scheduled prior to the regular meeting on November 10. Another workshop could be scheduled either later in the month or in December to ensure all topics are reviewed. Angela Schumann also encouraged the EDA to participate in an online survey for Round 2 engagement for the Framework 2030 plan by the Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership. She provided information on where to find the survey link. 9. Adiourn JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:55 AM BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: November l lth, 2020 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — October 28�', 2020 Page 3 � 3 EDA Agenda: 11/10/20 4c. Consideration of Approving Pavment of Bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through October, 2020. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through October, 2020 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements O z 0 a � 0 � � a � � � N � � ° � o '~ O � o � V � o c� C� U �1 0 � � � � N � N � o 0 N P-I � Q � o � � � � O � � U Z � � � U -o � U � � � U � � H � a � � � I� � I� o I o I� II � M O M � � � � N N N N M N O O O � � N N N 0 0 o w M � M � M � p � M M M � � O � O � O � �y `� ~ 'y�"' ~ 'y�"' ~ 'y�"' � �O N N N � CL Q Q Q � �i W W W N iC ai iC ,� iC O U �/j O O � O � � � � � � � � 'O � 'O C� 'O cC � O � � � 'O � "�" � � O Q � � U '� � ° z � � � � o W o � N O 0 o x � W x � � � wv � z � � � a � `� � o z � � � � �, w q � O z � a z � � � � � v 0 v 0 v ti N � v 0 v ti N � v 0 v ti N � O � .� U A oolo oolo olo olo olo 0 �o � o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mo M o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M O M O \O \O �n �n � � O O O �n h N N �n h h h O O O � � � M M M M � M � N 00 00 0 0 0 0 M M M M M M M M N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N O N N ^'� N ^'� N O N ^'� N � � p � � � � � � � � � � N N p N N �p N �p N �p N �p N O O 0 O O � O � O � O � O � � '�+�' � � '�+�' � '�+�' � '�+�' � '�+�' � Q Q Q Q Q W W W W W ' i � � � � � � � � � O O � O "�•7 O _t� O a�i a�i 'O W V � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � T � � C/] C/] C/] qD C/] U C/] U O O s. s. � s. � s. � s. � � � 'O 'O C� 'O � 'O � 'O � N N .r.' 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The EDA approved the Small Business Emergency Grant Program and a funding source at its regular May 27, 2020 meeting. The Grant Program was set up with $100,000 as an initial emergency assistance fund, utilizing the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan program. The original emergency grant fund program was set up to provide a total of 20 grants in the amount of $5,000 each. Funding provided to the City of Monticello through the Federal Government's CARES Act also allows direct assistance to be provided to businesses impacted by COVID-19 pandemic response efforts. The EDA took action at its July 22, 2020 meeting, authorizing an Interfund Loan to reimburse its GMEF account for all grants approved prior to July 22, 2020 (total of $85,000). The companion City Council CARES Act resolution, adopted on July 27, 2020, authorized the EDA to utilize up to $200,000 of CARES Act funding for its emergency grant assistance program, or a total of 40 grants in the amount of $5,000 each. Two (2) new Grant Assistance applications were received for consideration. Please see the table below. Name of Business Tvae of Business # of Emplovees Amount of Grant TMC & J Taylor Corp. Restaurant 19 $5, 000 Body Rhythms Wellness Massage Therapy 2 $5, 000 Staff have reviewed the applications (attached) for completeness and adherence to the program guidelines. It should be noted that the TMC & J Taylor Corp. application does not completely adhere to the grant guidelines set forth by the EDA. Their application submittal indicates CY 2019 gross revenue of over one million dollars. The EDA has the flexibility to deviate from the Grant Guidelines on a case by case basis if it so chooses. Also, to be noted, while Body Rhythms Wellness Inc. application form shows only one FTE employee, the attached letter description of the business and the COVID-19 impacts indicates that a second message therapist rents space in the location as well. Under the grant program guidelines, a rental arrangement such as this is counted as an employee of the business for eligibility purposes. Both applicants do provide evidence of significant negative financial impacts due to the pandemic. They also described ways of pulling through and becoming innovative with their respective businesses to keep them running. Staff would request consideration of approving both grant requests. Staff also recognize these businesses' importance to downtown Monticello and that they have been serving the community for more than 10 years. A summary grant review evaluation spreadsheet is also included to help the EDA in its review and discussion at the meeting. 1 EDA Agenda: 11/10/20 The EDA has already approved thirty-six (36) grants or $180,000 in total funding since the creation of the grant program. This is the final opportunity to utilize CARES Act funding for the EDA's grant program. In the future, the EDA could consider utilizing the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) as a source for additional grant funding if the impacts of the pandemic continue negatively impacting small businesses and there is further interest by the business community. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff time involved in considering the grant request involves the work related to reviewing the applications and preparing the staff report for the EDA meeting. The EDA's legal counsel provided a grant agreement template which is also attached to the Staff Report. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The budget impact from considering approving two (2) Small Business Emergency Grants is in disbursing an additional amount of $10,000 from the Emergency Grant Assistance Program. This is the final payment of CARES Act funding for the EDA's grant program. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and TMC & J Taylor Corp. dba Beef O' Brady's and Body Rhythms Wellness Inc. in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 2. Motion to deny approval of Small Business Emergency Grant Agreements between the EDA and TMC & J Taylor Corp. dba Beef O' Brady's and Body Rhythms Wellness Inc. in the amount of $5,000 to mitigate COVID-19 economic impacts. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. It should also be noted that if the grants are approved, they are not considered a"business subsidy" as defined in state statutes. The program guidelines require the grant recipients to provide a brief follow-up report back to the EDA describing how the funding was used. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. TMC & J Taylor Corp. Application B. Body Rhythms Wellness Inc. Application C. Summary Grant Review-Evaluation Checklist D. Grant Agreement Template E. Small Business Emergency Grant Program Guidelines cir� r�� � Monti�ello 1. CONTACT INFO�MATiON MONTIC�LL4 EDA SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT APPLICATION ,� -� 4 � Legal Name of Business: i�'�� �- �<_� tiL��l l. +� (--GV� • Project Site Acidress: ��'�� � lJ►��G��t^�'1, J City / 5tate � Zip: ��)�,(1�i 1C'���17 N'11"�1 ,�l `}>�;, �- Contack Person(s): � i��v' Busin�ss Phone: , u' � ' �� `? _ '� ``� � � Ernail: Home Phone. Check One: Propi-ietc�r X,' Corporation P�rtnership Federal ID +� Stat� ID # � Property ��n�ner; I �11�t. �'� 2. BUSINESS INFORMATION Piease attach �dditianai docutnetiisl�ages as rxeeded to �e com,�Iete as possivle. a. Years of operation in Monticello �� b. List below the z�umber of part tirne and full time employees. For �ut��oses nf calc�i�lc�tian, tlzc> terrr� °'crfi�}�Ioy�ecs" rrrRy itrdr�de flios� stnff re�ztirzg or teasirig facilifies witlzin the Montice2l� busi�iess Incation. Prior to March 1��'', 2020 �T ��' PT �'� Current FT �___.,__ PT � c. Give a brief summary oE your busir�ess (prc�ducts, services, growth histar��, opera#ions, number of locations, etc.} � � e�. � ����.� � � � � �� �� ��S�v��r�,�t fi4r�,�c�� �e �'�:��. C� C�v'�� � �C 1 �.�nr��'� �,� � �-�v � i �+.� . i 'h.� �`�,���` � 1i�.5�v� ��►�'� v� � �i�,,f �e � l r1 �j�rnU�,� � 4�, '� �� �� 1 C� � � �1 1 �,��� h�.� ������ �� 1 , , , � `� � 5 � �U�� 3�� s���S r�-��y� ���-� . ��,e (}..V'� C���f�V���� �ti'1� c,�� ��r�'�.� ��,� � �n �`�1.�] � � ° J„'ti v�. ��Q�°� `�� �. --� 1� s, �.���,,� � � � � � � � _ � � � t � �, . � c, �wIS a,� we1�� �� �r, ��� 1 5��.�v � C � . � d, Provide informa#�an regarding how your operations have been impacted by the pandemic, specifically hours of operation, emplayee reductions, etc. Include any strategies implemented ta sustain y�aur business , `� r��� L�� �} ��r S��u^�� ��r�,�. c� ��� N"1���C�, I 1T� �,� ��„��.�� G�n4�51��� . i �c1� �.�,�� � �,��^�e �w�,,� ,� } ����+ �e � -�c�;�.c�vt�r '��� �Lr. ��a��C ��,� s���l � S�h�� c�w b'1. �� ����� �.� 11 �� r ��► � y � u�V`�� C� � ��� ��.� � 15��'1 � �� � �,�1� 5�.��ccd� �5� �1 ��or �,;�,� I� �rY1c� S}��� � � � �'r'tl� � � �1 , . .� ti � �'1� v1� � �a�1�� ,� , I�� 5�.�'ic� W�t� �,C� ����� �� 5 �,�' ��G�.�Qc.i �•�' �,� .� U �`� � �'►�`v� �i 1`f1 �J`�.��'� U,i�' {,�Gk�;� �i � �; �J{; � . . j�T � � r, � � � � \ ��"� r � � � �v'�-- , �1� �L�l'�4�-�,� �t'� �Gl��-� C��,' � �'� �- �� ti,�l��-�� � � � ti � t� ,}- v-� � �� , ���� �- �s�, ,�� ` ����, ��� r� �' � � � o V1r�,•� t� G %1n�V11/ , e. Describe of the current plans for resuming pper�tions foliowing the CC�VID-19 crisis. '+N �. �' l�nv1 �� �e.�� �n,� U � �,� �^,��r�� �,r+,c� �i o �� 1 � G�c�� b� L'�r� � 1��,�.�' �� �r � �;�`, v1 �%cG� ��i�G� �,k��, ; , . � . `� � . ��'� � �� � Y ��� �'��; ' � � �l�' �n�1v� i �"�, ��'J `LI � � ` �' � � ��� �1��. ������sS �.1� �� � -- � GRANT R�QUEST Amounk Requested: $ �, D t�'Q 4. FINANCING Please provide documents/evidence of other sourc�s of state or federal funds your business has been award�d or denied during the CiOVID pandemic, as applicable, including Economic Injury funds, PPP, etc. ATTACHMENT5 CHECK LIST Please attaeh ihe following:. A) Proof of address _B) Financial statements, such as: • Previous year's annual gross revenue � � � ���� � ��� �� • Average manthly gross revenue priar to COVID-19� ��� ���� . 0� • Projected rnonthly gross revenue for the next three �ronth� �� �y� �,� �,JV PLEASE DO NOT SUBMTT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY OF THE INF�RMATION REQUESTED. C) 1'roof of expenses to be paid D} Awardldenial letters — State and Federal Assistance Programs b. AGREEMENT Y 1 We certif}, that all information �,ravided irt this application is true anc� correct ta the best of my/ot�r kno�,vledge. I/ We authorize the Monticeilo EDA to verity financial and other infvrmati�n. I/ We agree to provide any additional infrrrmation as may be r�quested by the city. The undersignec� has rec�ived #he �DA's policy regarding the pro�;ram and complies �n�itE� all eligibility requirements. Further, the applicant understands that funds are a��arded on a first-come first ser�Ted basis. APPLICANT SIGNA'I'URE ! / �"� '�'� APPL,ICANT NAME (Print}: `�����, �G' ii:J � 1 � DATE: � 1 ~ �'� ` � �i r�;,,,� The EDA is a gau�r�zmentat e�r.tity and as sucla anust provide �ubIic �ccess to puUlic dafa it recei�cs, Data dee�ned b� Ap�iicartt to ve rtortpz�vlic data under State lazv shc�uld Ue so desig�tatecl or rnarked by Applircrnt. See Mfrt�cesota Statutes, Sectio�rs 13.591, SuUd. i and 2. C Q u z a r E" � o z �� � � 'L N � o � W E � � N} � �, �a � Qo� �7 n � � � m o :/] � o r, � �'.QL' Z cV r� ,,, � � � o C7 _ F� 'y. O '-I � L d F U Oz� �Qz � PQ FC � U �, � a Li ~'�. � O E� � z z4 U na �G c. �� r � � CJ C -� 3 �.J v; n :/j U: � 0. � i:.] � � � ��cx r+ - G�. -� � : � ;z � ��� i�l 4 ` L� - Z � � M.��z ,,,, _ er; a�`. � � � � z �+" ¢ V � �rC n: U' o >, 3 � ��� .. o �' cc z Lz�z` � C o��' � d' � J ,=, G C. 7 ci ; .-. �. - - ' `~' C r�-� � M. j v•' � C .^^. F" r-r�t� rcvocv;ooxxco � aoc�x ocx�cc�^�nv a� - y� �G V�. v'� r� r ri� G� 7 � C � vi�/iv�l �%lN� �— — O � a W W U' E+ �O U � �i E W H x Q H Gd O �' U t�t�c-n(voc�nooxxoc o V] xooxoox.cc., v;��. x F H �,�v°,v��i3.�-,�iv�v�'�Y La �� � �n W H oo�000c ^�c h f� h M1 N Y.J v' x x x p� �x 9oxoG V� O v^. V��,�vcC �D`:rD`'+t^.� l�'7e `7 0 �f� V� v1 vi f`l — C-- -� vi E W �� H � a �' a <<¢�¢¢ECE4¢ c::uc::m�__wc-;c:::�m W i!] -���. �_.----- u H a �cw 0 H H W H �i � G} w F1 0 c � ,: ✓., v? = � - ^ - - rri v: � ����^�m � �'� Mo-�r�".- C-'� �'�'\r�J"'JMx O -v�w,vin,� ^�� i'1��^�'7�t �.rl Jx�v _ r� � � ^�.,� O�� ^`�ri „c::o��,.�o-- .. �- ,� � = � � � N a r.j . G ��^ 2� G� ^� P y n� = c .' x '�L-nL'^= o�crz���?:�� � �...i..!_ �'—ti �'� .�.+L� Cr �^�- L» G`=1L�.�"�;LC� �`n Ci�.,�� z.:���`-,Z �e v, ti: cG f� � ^ (^J `. ^ — ^, S CI �I C C �n ef'. if. �!: — 'T �.�' r., x �` P C... O- .�•. �. .. ., .. .. .. .. c c^ c^ o c c c c o ^o^occ^ccc Q C.� C� G O G^= c�c� cc occc �°oo �oo� CCCQ«�CC<C �::L'L"uL_�;.:ri'L:L[: iz7C:.] a--�----____ � H P4 a w Pi O � N C � v � �' N � �- � c:� � 0. c � � � C I i 4I. � � � '� � �� G N GA � C � w O � F �-' ¢ � z � � � c � M a000�a000 �� � T �.€�� � MONTICELLO EDA ,�����1�;���I4„� SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY GRANT APPLICATION 1. CONTACT INFORMATION ,,,.Z � �-�r ��'tA_ ��l _ �( (� � Legal N ame of Business: � i� X� t� � � C'� � �f � �" \� Y � �- � � � " � �1 � � � � Project Site Address City / State / Zip: Contact Perso Business Phor Home Phone: ,S c� 1,°�l Q.,r; �r��. �Q, �- Check One: ❑ Proprietor �orporation LJ Partnership Federal 1D # State ID # Property Owner: t C 2. BUSINESS INFORMATION Please attach additional documents/pages as needed to be complete as �ossible. a. Years of operation in Monticello �% b. List below the number of part time and full time employees. For purposes of caleulatfon, the term "emplo�ees" may inclitde those staff renting or leasing facilities z��ithin the Monticello 1�i�siness location. Prior to March 15th, 2020 Current 1 FT !� � PT FT �_ PT _ 3. GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested: $ � �� ►�, 6V� � 4. FINANCING Please provide documents/evidence of other sources of state or federal funds your business has been awarded or denied during the COVID pandemic, as applicable, including Economic Injury funds, PPP, etc. ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please attach the following: ,��A) Proof of address _�$) Financial statement Yrevious year's annual gross revenue (�" '� ;.� � U'�� j Average monthly gross revenue prior to COViD-19 <,� c�<- ��Z'' � j-�{�. Za v� Projected monthly gross revenue for the next three month� �•�����s, � 3� PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY O�' THE 1NFORMATION REQUESTED. _�,�-�) Proof of expenses to be paid ��� 2, �'� �� .en� �,���L�6C.. 1,J ��'/ , � � � D) Award/deniall�tters - State and Federal Assistance I rograms G�,�-� ���--- 6. AGREEMENT I/ We certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. 1/ We authorize the Monticello EDA to verify financial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the program and complies with all eligibility requirements. Further, the applicant understands that funds arc awarded on a first-come first served basis. /1 J.r < APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICANT NAME (Print): DATE: � �� The EDA is a goverttmental entity and as such must provide public aecess to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or snarked by Applieant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. 11/��Z��c Body Rhythms — Celina McKenzie BCTMB, LMT, CR, CIMT, VSTCP, RYT-200 My massage business has been in Monticello for the last eleven years (in my third location). I just expanded into a larger space and renovated to include a couple of other options for my clients and the community in March of 2019. I have a yoga studio, large classroom for both Massage Therapists (continued education) and the community (self-care classes). I have a renter inside one of my massage therapy rooms and we share our client load to accommodate the client's scheduling needs. I work 5-6 days a week and my revenue in 2019 was 89,593.81 and currently I am down by almost SO%, 46,230.35 for the year. I was shut down in March 2020 and was shut down for four months. We have not been able to offer classes for yoga or massage since March. I been making some new products to try and supplement for some loss. I currently have 3 more years on my ►ease and am hopeful to pull out of this rut. So many clients have yet to return due to the covid-19 scare. Since we work hands-on our clients or assist with tableside instruction we are severely affected by the shut down and reopening has been ever-so eye opening...People hold on to the money vs. taking care of themselves. We offer techniques to reduce stress and this has been a crazy time to say the least. I have not renewed my membership with the chamber and let other necessities go for the time being. I have been working on a plan to add classes to our 2021 year and have added additional hours of operation to satisfy our customer's needs. I have implemented more time in between clients to ensure that each client has the space to walk in and out with out contacting others and to do more cleaning in between clients. We have always practiced good hygiene practices but have been forced to change some cleaning operations, this alone ensures longer working hours to see the same number of hours on the table. If I receive the grant, I plan on using it to pay unpaid bills and simply get caught up (at least more caught-up). I plan on renewing my chamber membership also. During the pandemic's shut down, I was able to receive a PPP loan for $8,000. They have not set a payment plan in place yet. Thank you for your consideration on this grant. TNANK YOU .,- � �� 1 ,` /� ' ., ,' � {,{i4 '�• �' ��: ��: � �. t�- '' o% o �I a Z 'I \ u� i N W ' O � . � H' � y . rt— W m �"' N Z I O z i co m W g' o W I� Q . N I z ' � W I) Z o � � c� C ! v� m ¢ p ; v� rn � a � z c�o W I -� � �..i I w � tn w O'C ���i � 4 � H W � � Q t/1 � � � � �= Q o o � z I>�w � � m J = I r � z ~ I � o 0 � � I m � � z � I:B � 'W s �1 '_ r t t � i � �y m W '� � m � i � d � d p s 3 �� v� , � O�O �;� c.0 t,G 69',V! � N � . N al =� ' m a �, o O , � �' � o ''. � N '� a� � '. � oI � � � � �, � ` o a� N ' a � N 4i � � O ;I _ V F- Z L7J � � � U I Oi LL . 7. � � :�'_ a Y U ir � -U ' C �jm � v I � N w V ti m � z�� ea�zao D O i Ca O I tfl 5] oIQ! 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Visit SpectrumBusiness.a�et or call _ _ _ _ � � - . � • a1 {�#r,•E�,,;P �dr�'�'i,' �- � � • � � e�a, , Previous Balance 76.44 Payments Received 0.00 i�"`�Sk �k.!£' �s���FiE'.C: - �i..iE` "aa�V�.,� �` °i''��� Spectrum BusinessT"' Internet 51.98 Spectrum BusinessT"' Voice 19.99 One-Time Charges 1.14 Current Charges Due By 10/10/20 $73.11 Total Due ��`�s•�� Fi�ul-iOPd t�El�l�IFtE€'1: AC;t::OC.eP�7 .�.;��:�,�P �i;3 [3ELit.�iw�_E�i�;";` ��OUP" 7CCOUfIt IS nO�N. II'Y a CiB�lllC�lJ@Ili St81LYS. l��hP t018� �8t I'1CJ� �'�I�t �7L�;1; �ili�v I.r1'!i'1Bt��lOiB��� dfld (1'iUSi b@ �JaIC� �0 2VOIC'� CO��@CIi0i15 aC[PJIIY IfICIUi:Y!IICi. �O:cil1'i��! serdice si�spensor. !f yr�u res��me serdice af'ter discornectior due to non�;.�,yr� �ent. your aast due balance, along �.vith first mon�h of sere�ice and a reco��nection fee �,vill. be required_ Spectrum�-.. BUSINESS 4145 S FALKENBURG RD RIVERVIEW FL 33578-8652 8634 0140 NO RP 23 C9232020 NNNNNY�N C� 004245 OC19 BODY RHYTHMS II"���'���"II�"I�'�'��I��'�I�I�II�'lll�l�'�'��I�"I�il�'lil�ll ���°,;,,�g��i� ���lNESS NEi�1� Nc��"E. Taxes, Fees and Charges listed in the Summary only apply to Spectrum Business TV and Spectrum Business Internet and are detailed on the following page. Taxes, Fees and Charges for Spectrum 8usiness Voice are detailed in the Billing Information section. Pro�notson Discount - Thank you for being a Spectrum Business Customer. We hope you are continuing to take advantage of all that your Spectrum Business Services have to offer. When you signed up for your Spectrum Business Services, you received a promotional discounted rate on your bill. The discounted rate for your services is expiring and your services were scheduled to be bilted at the standard rates. However, as a valued business customer we are pleased to offer additional savings off the standard rates beginning with your next month's statement. Thank you. It is our pleasure to serve you. Nevv Spectrurra Store. On or about Wednesday, � October 14, 2020, the Spectrum Store located at 400 �� S'0RE Sundial Dr, Waite Park, MN 56387 wiil permanently close at 6:OOPM. On or about Thursday, October 15, 202d, a new Spectrum Store will open at 110 2nd Street South, Suite 116, Waite Park, MN 56387. The store hours will be Monday — Saturday 10:OOAM — 8:OOPM and Sunday 12:OOPM — S:OOPM. Customers may visit the store to learn about Spectrum products, including our new Spectrum Mobile service, pay a bill and pick up or return equipment. Additional support is avaiiable at Spectrt; m. com-stores. September 23, 2020 BODY RHYTHMS Invoice Number: Account Number: Service At: 150 W BROADWA MONT(CELLO MN 55362-9351 Total Due $149.55 Amount you are enclosing $ ?;e?s2 5�:gait �aymen8 �a; CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS PO BOX 94188 PALATINE IL 60094-4188 ���I���II�����I'I��'I�I���il���'��I����I�I��II�'lll�ll����l���ll� �E � (763) 295-2711 �IT�' �F � � � u __ . BODY RHYTHMS WELLNESS INC ELINA MCKENZIE Repair water leaks t�day an� you will save rr�eney in the future! As a reminder, residential winter average limits will not apply to your November water usage. If you have a water leak in November, it will reflect on your December bill. You can enjoy the convenience of ACH automatic payments, along with a monthly billing discount! To save money, please complete the simple ACH sign-up form available at: www.ci.montice�lo.mn.us/utilitybilling • 2� ,-�— — – –_ z000 ,eoo ,soo soo 400 NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT . � � . Payment Coupon . .- . PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION ALONG WITH YOUR PAYMENT PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNT: — SERVICE ADDRESS: 150 BROADWAY W SERVICE PERIOD: 9/1/2020 to 9/30/2020 BILLING DATE: 10/5/2020 DUE DATE: 11/112020 BODY RHYTHMS WELLNESS INC c/o CELINA MCKENZIE Account Statement . .- . ACCOUNT: — SERVICE ADDRESS: 150 BROADWAY W SERVICE PERIOD: 9/1/2020 to 9/30/2a20 BILLING DATE: 10/5/2020 DUE DATE: 11/1/2020 Previous Reading Current Reading Serial No Date Reading Date Reading Cons - 9/1/2020 276012 10l112020 278256 2244 WATER - COMMERCIAL 9•26 WATER - STATE CONNECTION FEE 0.81 ACH CREDIT - AUTO PAY -1.25 SEWER - COMMERCIAL 16.50 WATER TAX ON 100% 0.68 STORMWATER / NON-RESIDENTIAL 14.00 TOTAL CURRENT CHARGES 40.00 PREVIOUS BALANCE 34.21 PAYMENTS RECEIVED -3421 ADJUSTMENTS 0.00 ADDITIONAL BILLING 0.00 CURRENT CHARGES 40.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 40.00 • � TOTALAMOUNT DUE BY 11/1/2020 40.00 . .. AUTO PAY REMIT PAYMENT TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St., Ste. #1 Monticello, MN 55362 CUSTOMER A�:Gvun� na+mocn DATE DUE Mar 10, 2020 =� CenterPoint. BODY RHYTHMS WELLNESS INC ----- ea�iNc oaTe AMOUNT DUE $ 180.94 � �' Energy Feb 11, 2020 SERVICE ADDRESS CenterPointEnergy.com 150 W Broadway St, Monticelio, MN 55362-9351 _� _._. .�„ . .r , . , .. , . ., ,m:>._.,.. �, ,.,.. „ „�,:.�� _.�.,.�?:.,.,� �, _, �-, _:.._ � Gas leak or emergency Leave immediately, then call 800-296-9815, 24 hours a day Your usage in a glance 400 • 76 3pp 57 200 38 ioo tis THM F M A M J J A S 0 N D J F �F 2ots 2020 Customer service 612-321-4939 or 800-245-2377 Monday - Friday, 7 am - 7 pm Previous � Usage this , Average daiiy / usaoe month temperature 1 year aoo Last month This month Total Therms used 107 220 241 Average daily gas use (Therms) 15.3 7.3 8.0 Average daily temperature 17 23 2� Days in billing period 7 30 30 To better understand your home energy usage and learn energy savings tips, visit CenterPointEnergy.comlmyenergyanalyzer How to pay your bill ; Online Visit: CenterPointEnergy.com/paybill Pay immediately, schedule a payment or set up automatic monthly payments. Please keep lhis podion for your records Call before you dig Comments Cali 811 PO Box 1144 24 hours a day Minneapolis, MN 55440-1144 Pay your next bill without lifting a finger. To enroll in AutoPay, just sign and date the back of your bill stub and retum to us with a check for your payment amount. It's that easy! ACCOUNT SUMMARY Previous gas amount due $ 263.85 Payment Jan 16, 2020 Thank you! - 99.44 Payment Feb 11, 2020 Thank you! - 164.41 Current gas charges (Detaiis on page 2) + 180.94 Total amount due $ 180.94 Your account is ready to view now. Register for free online account access. View balance, usage history, make an online payment, view recommenda6ons for saving energy and money with My Energy Analyzer, antl much more. Register at CenterPointEnergy.com/myaccount. . � Phone ` Cafl 612-321-4939 and make a payment using your checking or savings account, or by debit or credit card. In person To find a payment location, visit: CenterPointEnergy.com/paybill or call 612-321 �939. �� Mail Return the payment stub below, with your check or money orcler, using the retum envelope. � � a � a � _ a = _ a > ? i'n a � � a c � � m a°Ji a• T � � p, X C � � W O Z a c y � � u — y p, X X .� � � C Q a a o y W � U N � V N K � i N LL � a o 7J W - W O. Q C Q N V � a � ;g a x ¢ m •V J C � f0 W C LL N � O a�+ O N O � V } } Z L O u N � at-� 7 C � L } } � � N � N � tl4 N N 7J H N � N LL '� 3 a m c � 0 0 L� T T Cy •--� O � O Q � � E a .� � o � Vc u � T • _ �= j. � � } } m a � J W C y � a a � c > 7 ' ai i � u a > > N � X O � tlq W N - (� W a :% c o 0 a m 'o 0 0 � � Q vi vi � � � � aa c Q a `o 3 u � `o � T � ry L L m N d' p]j � � �' U 7 O � a�i m m H m SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE GRANT AGREEMENT This Grant Agreement ("Agreement") is made this _ day of , 2020, between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), and [name of business], a Minnesota [type of business entity, e.g. limited liability company, sole proprietorship, assumed name, etc.] ("Grantee"). RECITALS A. In March 2020, Governor Tim Walz issued a series of Emergency Executive Orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic which closed public and private schools, closed bars, restaurants, and other places of accommodation and generally required Minnesotans to stay at home, while acknowledging that the State's response to the COVID-19 pandemic would result, either directly or indirectly, in the closure of many of Minnesota's businesses. B. In an effort to mitigate the economic distress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) to provide funding to States and local governments to cover costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. C. Guidance issued by the federal government provides that CARES Act funding is intended to cover a variety of costs incurred by State and local governments in responding to and mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 public health crisis, including expenses to enable compliance with public health measures such as facilitating distance learning and improving telework capabilities, and expenses associated with economic support, such as grants to businesses. D. Pursuant to federal and State guidelines established for expenditure of the CARES Act funding, Grantor has created its Small Business Emergency Assistance Grant Program (the "Program") and has approved guidelines for the Program (the "Program Guidelines"), which are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. E. Grantee has submitted an application for a grant (the "Grant Application") under the Program Guidelines, and Grantor has approved a grant to the Grantee in the amount of $ (the "Grant") to pay a portion of the expenses described in the Grant Application, in connection with Grantee's [kind of business, e.g. restaurant, salon, etc.] located at in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") (the "Grant Activities"). F. The Grantor and Grantee wish to memorialize the terms of the Grant in this Agreement. ACCORDINGLY, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Grant Amount. Subj ect to the terms of this Agreement, the Program Guidelines, and the Grant Application (together, the "Grant Documents"), Grantor agrees to grant to Grantee the sum of and no/100ths Dollars ($ ). The Grant will be paid by 1 Grantor to Grantee for the Grant Activities approved under the Grant Documents in accordance with Section 2 hereof. 2. Pavment of Grant Proceeds. (a) The Grant will be paid to Grantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Grant Documents. The Grantee agrees that any costs of the Grant Activities exceeding the amount to be paid under this Agreement are the sole responsibility of the Grantee. (b) The Grantor will pay the Grant to Grantee once the Grantor has received from Grantee, without expense to Grantor: (i) a signed copy of this Agreement; (ii) a list of the Grant Activities that will be paid from the Grant; and (iii) a written statement from the Grantee certifying that none of the Grant Activities for which the payment is proposed to be made has formed or will form the basis for any payment made under any other agreement with any other grantor. 3. Representations and Warranties. Grantee represents and warrants to Grantor that: (a) Grantee is authorized to sign, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to receive the Grant from Grantor. (b) Grantee agrees that it will keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and payment of Grant proceeds and that any authorized representative of Grantor, with reasonable advance notice, may have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other documents of Grantee related to the Grant until Grantee provides its final report to Grantor. (c) To the best of Grantee's knowledge, Grantee has fully complied with all applicable federal and State laws reasonably relevant to this Agreement and will continue to comply throughout the term of this Agreement. If at any time Grantee receives notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Grantee agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the federal or State law in question. (d) Grantee will use the proceeds of the Grant made by Grantor only for the Grant Activities, and within 60 days after the date of this Agreement, Grantee will provide to Grantor in writing a brief report stating how all of the Grant funds have been used and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar. 4. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree that the Grant is not a business subsidy as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), because the assistance is in an amount less than $150,000. 5. Indemnification. 2 (a) Grantee agrees to indemnify against and to hold Grantor, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Grantor by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants, or agreements contained herein. (b) This indemnification and hold harmless provision will survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the payment by Grantor of any portion of the Grant. (c) Nothing in this Agreement will constitute a waiver of or limitation on any immunity from or limitation on liability to which Grantee is entitled under law. 6. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Grantee and Grantor. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. (b) Assi�nment. This Agreement is binding upon the parties. All rights and powers specifically conferred upon Grantor may be transferred or delegated by Grantor to any of its successors and assigns. Grantee's rights and obligations under this Agreement may be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Grantor. (c) Governin� Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. (d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Grantor: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 City of Monticello, MN 55362 3 To Grantee: Attn: Executive Director Attn: (� Termination. On the date the Grantor receives Grantee's written report on Grantee's expenditure of Grant proceeds as described in paragraph 3(f) of this Agreement, this Agreement will terminate and neither party will have any further obligation to the other. (g) Entire A�reement. This Agreement, together with the Grant Documents, is the entire statement of agreement between the Grantor and Grantee regarding the Grant. � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. GRANTOR: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President By: Its Executive Director [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTOR] GRANTEE: [Business name] : Title: [SIGNATURE PAGE TO GRANT AGREEMENT - GRANTEE] 656052v1 MNI MN190-101 CITY OF • 'I�ril on l�� � MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SMALL BUSINESS EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM POLICY PURPOSE The Economic Development Authority for the City of Monticello (EDA) recognizes that small businesses are vital to the fabric of the Monticello community. Accordingly, the Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) has developed a Small Business Emergency Assistance Program to address working capital needs upon the declaration of a state of emergency by the State of Minnesota (State) and the City of Monticello (City). The purpose of this program is to ensure the viability of the community's small businesses faced with the current COVID-19 health emergency, which is adversely impacting the local economy. The goal of this program is to provide needed financing for local businesses to help sustain operations and endure economic hardships during this challenging time. The program is structured as grant assistance. Grant funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program is subject to funding availability from the EDA. The EDA retains the authority and discretion to approve or deny an application, and reserves the right to subsequently add further priorities, change eligibility criteria, or discontinue the program in response to changing circumstances. ELIGIBILITY a. Eligible Businesses To be eligible to receive Small Business Emergency Assistance funds, a business must demonstrate that its operations have been directly and adversely affected by the COVID-19 Health Pandemic and include the following: Eligible business types include locally owned and operated businesses noted in Executive Orders 20-04 and 20-08, such as those listed below. • Restaurants, cafes, coffeehouses, and other places of public accommodation offering food or beverage for on-premises consumption. • Taverns, brew pubs, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries, tasting rooms, and other places of public accommodation offering alcoholic beverages for on- premises consumption. Gymnasiums, fitness centers, indoor sports facilities, indoor exercise facilities, businesses offering massage therapy, spas, salons, nail salons, cosmetology salons, and barber shops. This includes, but is not limited to, all salons and shops licensed by the Minnesota Board of Cosmetologist Examiners and the Minnesota Board of Barber Examiners. • Bowling alleys, theaters, skating rinks, and other similar recreational or entertainment facilities. • Local boutique and specialty retailers. 2. Other businesses as approved by the EDA. b. Eligibility Requirements The business shall have a physical address (proof of address required) within the corporate boundary of the City and have been operating within the City long enough to demonstrate financial viability; The business shall employ between 2 and 25 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees prior to the issuance of the State of Minnesota Emergency Executive Order 20-04 (March 16, 2020) and/or make $1 million or less in annual gross revenue. For purposes of calculation, the term "employees" may include those staff renting or leasing facilities within the Monticello business location. 4. All businesses must serve the general public and be a conforming or legally non- conforming use under the current zoning regulations of the City, and must not be in violation of the City's zoning code. Applicants are strongly encouraged to claim all applicable private and public insurance and utilize all other sources of applicable assistance available from other private and public sources. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Grant through the Small Business Administration (SBA) and Small Business Emergency Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) prior to applying for this grant. For more information, visit: Guide to financial resources for Minnesota small businesses While not absolutely required, applications which include proof of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs will receive higher scores in evaluation. Assistance cannot be provided to businesses that: • Do not have a physical address (and building/location) within the City of Monticello. • Have more than three total locations operating as part of the business enterprise. 2 • Derive income from passive investments without operational ties to operating businesses or whose primary source of revenue is from business-to-business transactions. • Primarily generate income from gambling activities. • Have no current or historical financial statements. • See also a2 above. FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS a. Amount: Businesses may apply for a one-time emergency grant of up to $5,000. The EDA shall determine the final award amounts based upon scoring criteria. b. Term: All grant awards must be utilized within two months of the date of the grant fund disbursement. c. Uses: Awarded funds may be used exclusively for current payroll obligations (i.e. may not include employees who have been laid off), lease or mortgage payments, utilities, accounts payable, and other critical business expenses that can't be paid as a direct result of the current health emergency. Awarded funds mav not be used for �avment of �ro�ertv or other taxes or for the businessowner's/mana�er's �ersonal uses or ex�enses. The City reserves the right to pay or require payment of delinquent bills or charges due to the City out of funds awarded. d. Proof of Need: Applicants shall be required to provide proof of financial need for grant funds. This includes but is not limited to the previous year's annual gross revenue, average monthly gross revenue prior to COVID-19, and projected monthly gross revenue for the next three months. Additionally, as noted above, applicants are encouraged to provide evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RATHER SUBMIT A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. e. Proof of Expenses: Applicant shall provide proof of eligible expenses requested to be paid with grant funds. See list of eligible grant uses above. f. Disbursement of Funds: Funds shall be distributed within three weeks after fully executed grant agreement has been received. g. Termination: The EDA retains the right to terminate any agreement under the Emergency Assistance Program if a grant recipient is found to be in violation of any conditions set forth in the grant guidelines or grant agreement. h. Right to Deny: The EDA retains the right to deny any application for grant funding. i. Grant Agreement: Upon a successful grant application being awarded funds, the grant recipient shall enter into a Grant Agreement with the EDA. Funds will not be distributed for any grant award until a grant agreement has been executed by all required parties. j. Reporting: As a condition for receiving grant funding, all grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the EDA within two months after receiving grant funds, specifying how the entirety of the grant funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. k. Funding Availability: The Small Business Emergency Assistance program has a limited amount of funds available. Awards will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis until the earlier of the date the fund is exhausted, or the City-declared state of emergency declaration is lifted. l. Indemnification: All grant recipients shall be required to indemnify the City of Monticello, the Monticello Economic Development Authority, and any officers acting on their behalf. APPLICATION PROCESS Prior to applying, please review the Program Guidelines to determine if your business is eligible. Applications will be available June 1st, 2020. 1. Applications are available on the City's website: www.ci.monticello.mn.us. 2. Application requirements will include: • Basic details about the business. • Basic employment and annual gross revenue information. • Information on current operations including whether the business is currently closed or is providing reduced services. • Narrative descriptions and estimated calculations of the negative impacts on the business due to COVID-19. • A narrative description of the current plans for resuming operations following the COVID-19 crisis. • Information on the intended use of the grant funds. • Evidence of application submittal, acceptance, approval and/or denial of State and federal emergency financing programs, as applicable. • Supporting documentation and application attachments. 3. Fully completed and signed applications along with required documents may be submitted online to: Communitv.develo�ment@ci.monticellamn.us Please note that mailed hard copy applications will take longer to process. 4 4. Upon submission of application, applicants will receive an email confirming receipt of application. The application will be reviewed for eligibility upon receipt. If additional information or documentation is necessary, EDA staff will contact the applicant. Due to an expected high volume of applications, you may consider your application complete if staff does not request additional information within 10 business days after application acceptance. FUNDING PROCESS If application is approved and funds are available, businesses will be notified within 2 business days and provided with an electronic grant agreement for signatures. Small businesses receiving funds must commit to using the funds for eligible program expenses and must agree to document and report specific uses of the funds. All grant recipients are required to submit a brief report to the Monticello EDA within two months after receipt of funds, specifying how the entirety of the funds were utilized and providing evidence in the form of paid invoices, statements, or similar documentation. GRANT AGREEMENT If the application for Small Business Assistance is approved, the applicant and business owner will be required to enter into a grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the grant as identified herein. FOLLOW-UP and ADDITIONAL RESOURCES: For businesses needing additional resources such as technical assistance, larger working capital grants, or other, staff will provide ongoing assistance to businesses of all sizes and types, working with partners and other levels of government to access resources as available, such as SBA and State of Minnesota DEED grants. Staff will conduct a check-in with grant recipients within one year of the distribution of funds to learn the effect of the grant and business outcomes such as economic impact of the grant program, (including, but not limited to, employees retained or rehired, and sales) and whether they match the program's desired outcomes of business and/or job retention. QUESTIONS Any questions related to the application process or for assistance in completing the application should be directed to: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 763-271-3254 communitv. develo�ment@ci.monticello.mn.us EDA Agenda: 11/10/20 6. Consideration of Wright Countv Economic Development Partnership Update and approving 2021 Membership and Dues in the amount of $2,606 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is an update of the Wright County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP) activities during 2020 and also for consideration of approving the 2021 membership and annual dues in the amount of $2,606. The dues are unchanged from 2020. The EDA has been a member of the WCEDP for many years. In collaborating with and supporting the WCEDP, it brings the potential to leverage additional economic development funding for projects through the WCEDP Loan Program. The WCEDP also pays membership fees to organizations that allow the EDA-City to gain access to regional events held by MNCAR and CMMA. Collaboration on economic development efforts is a key strategy noted in the Draft Monticello 2040 + Comprehensive Plan in achieving local progress. Most recently, the WCEDP has been a critical partner in the evolving workforce development program, leading and collaborating with the local school district, businesses, the MN Workforce Center, technical schools and others on training job availability awareness building efforts. This will also be an opportunity to introduce Jolene Foss, the new WCEDP Executive Director, to the EDA (recall that Duane Northagen retired in early June 2020). She is expected to also briefly review the topic of the potential formation of an Economic Development Authority (EDA) in Wright County. Ms. Foss will attend the meeting remotely and answer questions that the EDA members have of her. County Commissioner Darek Vetsch may also join her in the remote call in to provide additional insights into the County Board's review process related to the formation of the EDA. Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report for consideration of the 2021 annual WCEDP membership dues. A2. Budget Impact: Funds for the 2021 membership dues to the WCEDP amount to $2,606. These projected expenses were budgeted in the 2021 "Dues, Membership and Subscriptions" budget line, approved by the EDA in August 2020. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the 2021 annual WCEDP membership dues in the amount of $2,606. 2. Motion to deny approval of the 2021 annual WCEDP membership dues in the amount of $2,606. Motion to table the approval of the 2021 annual WCEDP membership dues in the amount of $2,606 for further research and/or discussion. 2 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the 2021 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues are approved in the amount of $2,606. The 2021 membership dues are unchanged from 2020 and 2019. By participating in the WCEDP, the EDA benefits through marketing and networking opportunities, information sharing and collaborating in funding for development projects, and workforce training efforts that more effective on a large geographic scale. It should be noted that throughout 2020 as it has done over the past two years, the WCEDP made it a priority to focus its efforts in building awareness on workforce trends and strategies of how to address challenges. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2021 WCEDP Membership Dues Invoice Wright County Economic Development Partnership PO Box 525 Rockford MN 55373 763.477.3035 admin@wrightpartnership.org 1 � �.� � _.9 �,_. �� ; Wrighr Courily Economic 6evglOprtlCnt Par[ners� i;.� �� 2021 Membership Dues Total Discount Date: 11/4/2020 Jim Thares City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN Subtotal Sales Tax Total $2,606 $2,606 $2,606 If you have any questions p/ease �o�ra�r M;Ssy ar �6s.4��.soss. Thank you for your participation! 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V L x.-� �� ��'c � F aU.. i C' L1 V; � � cG � � C� n� y y a W � p,+ OC C k� �� �.�1r�r:,s,ww s o w �i w � h c�: �- �HH �a � � � � u a � ,o . � O .a N i C � � � s .� � .� . N � O m 0 a . � � � EDA Agenda: 11/10/20 7. Economic Development Director's Report (JT) A. Project Gia-Saurus Update: Task efforts related to Project Gia-Saurus have been organized into four areas and each is accompanied by a short summary of the work status below: 1. Legislative — in a standstill phase and monitoring COVID-19 stimulus discussions. 2. Federal and State funding programs — status of tasks awaits further direction related to a definitive site for the proposal. Funding would be primarily used for infrastructure which may or may not include a building. A Letter of Intent (LOI) or a PDA (Preliminary Development Agreement) must be entered into prior to submittal of funding applications to US-EDA. Industrial Land Feasibility Study — Completed by WSB. Study has been revised through add on Memos identifying full ultimate public infrastructure development costs. The Memo(s) still identify three viable sites with infrastructure costs ranging from $5,000,000 to $19,000,000. 4. Project and Process Review-Communications — Continuance of efforts to understand the desired development timeframe and deadlines. Also, additional collaborative efforts to introduce equity partners and/or willing large project lenders or developers capable of building and owning the building to Gel-X Corporation. A thorough review of company due-diligence information in detail is expected at the time of funding applications. A Draft Letter of Intent (LOI) has also been completed. The LOI contents and form will ultimately hinge on a final site determination. The Draft LOI will need a review by all involved parties in the coming weeks prior to formal consideration. Staff will continue to work on all various tasks for each of these tracks to keep moving the proposal forward. B. Workforce Development: Staff will be attending and participating in a meeting with School District leaders on November 17, 2020. Goal of the meeting is to further identify participants in the School's new Youth Internship Program (YIP) which they received funding for from Department of Labor and Industry (DOLI) in the amount of $180,000 to be used over a 2-year period. C. UMC Expansion Project Update: Staff will be involved in grant funding drawdown discussions with UMC and MN-DEED on November 12, 2020. D. Potential Tour of Rivertown Residential Suites: Staff will continue to discuss potential tour dates and notify the EDA when a date can be arranged. If the tour can be arranged in the ne�t 30 days, social distancing practices and mask requirements would be adhered to as per health agency recommendations. E. Prospect List Update: Please see the updated Prospect List as Exhibit A. ; � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � o � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � N N � O N O N U � U U N N N � � Vl Vl Vl U U C � Vl Vl N N � S N S O_ LL N O_ V1 O_ N N O_ O_ O_ p V1 O_ O_ Q �„� Ul C Ul C 41 � N � � 41 N N Vl Vl N N N � � �, N N N v � � � Q � 0 C N C N N C � C Y Y C C C N N ` � C C O " O " O v � v v v O " O Q Q O O O v v " O O 0 a a '� a c� � a > > c� a c� c� c� c� � � " ¢ c� c� � C C O O Q Q CJ Q Q Q Q CJ C �d p O � � � O O O O O O O O O � O p � p � p O O O O � O O � O O � O O O � O O O O O O � O O O O O O � O O � O O � O O O O O O O O d O `i O O O � N O O � � O � M1 O O � O O O � O O � O O � p m � � p O o 0 0 � O o � o o N o 0 0 � O O o O O � N � � p� �fl Ol �fl O �`'� O N O � ^ lD p� ry m �fl �fl O �fl N � �Il ti �Il � t+l N t+l N � .ti N � N N I� N � � N N m N N � N N N N N � N N N � N N N N N N N N O F � o m �m � m 3� � a � � r � + ti + m � � r o a m � o � � � „� o 0 0 y �n m � r� �n o �n io Z in m r� � O d O O O O � � ti � M1 O N � O O O �y O O O O C N .� W K O N O N +. +. +� � w w y w �ry ? 6 6 � " 6 w \ - ++ � � \ + 6 O - w w w '� w w w O + w + w w r; O . � '� a. w O 6 �y 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 O 6 � 6 6 6 � O " 6 6 � p 6 O OO b9 O O O O O a O O � \ 6 � 6 �` O O 6 m V6i O � 6 � O� ,Ny O � O O O O O Z O O + p O O O p O O lD O O O O O O O O O � O O O O O O � N O � p O O � 3 lD ifl � � � m �N � � � .ti � �N N W O� O O � I� O �N O O m O N N O N p O ^ � N � O N �■ a a bq O 3 3 •6 _ a c . c �' a+ C. 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