Planning Commission Minutes 07-10-1984 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION July 10, 1984 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Don Cochran, Joyce Dowling, Ed Schaffer. Members Absent: Richard Carlson, Jim Ridgeway. Staff Present: Gary Anderson; Thomas Eidem; and Public Administration Student Intern, Frank Cocchiarella. The meeting was called to order by acting President Don Cochran at 7:41 P.M. A motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the June 12, 1984, regular Planning Commission meeting minutes. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow More than a 12-unit Apartment Building in an R-3 Zone, Applicant - Construction 5, Inc. zoning Administrator Anderson opened the public hearing with information on the proposed 24-unit apartment building. The 24-unit apartment building is only allowed in and R-3 Zone as a Conditional Use. A Conditional Use would need to be granted for any apartment buildings more than 12 units. The proposed 24-unit apartment building would consist of 18 two-bedroom units and 6 one-bedroom units, with one of the one-bedroom units equipped for the handicapped. It would also have 16 covered spaces or two 8-unit garage buildings with 32 open parking spaces and two of these spaces would be so designated for handicapped parking only. The building would meet the current setbacks in R-3 zoning, 30 feet on the front, 30 feet on the rear, and 20 feet on the sides. Commission member Don Cochran asked for any co~nents from Construction 5; and Mr. Gary LaFromboise, representing his Dad, Gus LaFromboise, owner of Construction 5, was present to answer questions on their plans for the proposed 24-unit apartment building. Mr. LaFromboise indicated the current 24-plex under construction is about half rented so far, with the other 50% rental to be completed probably by the first of September. A motion was then made by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Ed Schaffer, and unanimously carried to approve the Conditional Use Request to allow a 24-unit apartment building to be built in an R-3 Zone. - 1 - Planning Commission Minutes - 7/10/84 . 4. Public Hearing - Ordinance Amendment to Allow as a Conditional Use a Boarding House in a B-4 Zone, Applicant - City of Monticello. . zoning Administrator Anderson opened the public hearing with background information on the Ordinance Amendment, with the basic intent of the Ordinance Amendment stemming from a request to have a boarding house in a B-4 Zone. Our Ordinance, under B-4 Zoning, clearly does not address boarding houses. Therefore, an amendment was drafted to accommodate boarding houses within a B-4 Zone. However, had the request not been submitted, there would have been no need to draft this Ordinance Amendment. But City staff feels that this would be a very worthwhile, allowable use in a B-4 Zone, noting that there is a need for some type of housing within the downtown business district. They felt this would be appropriate in B-4 zoning with a number of conditions attached to the Ordinance Amendment. The conditions to the Conditional Use aspect of the Ordinance Amendment were addressed briefly, and are as follows: The building or structure has to be found to be substandard in condition; that upon extensive rehabilitation, not just basic remodeling, the building would be in need of substantial upgrading; that there be no less than 10 units, nor more than 18 units, and that they be of efficiency apartment design; at least one unit on the ground floor must be fully accessible to the handicapped; that at least 50% of the ground floor area be developed as a complete restaurant facility with a minimum of two seats per dwelling but no less than 25 seats; the restaurant will not be eligible for on or off-sale liquor license; the restaurant shall be so equipped to provide food service to the dwelling units if required; architectural appearance be similar to other existing buildings and not cause impairment to property values. All conditions are subject to change by City Council. Conlmission member Don Cochran asked for input from the applicant, the City of Monticello. City Administrator, Tom Eidem, eluded to some additional background in regard to the proposed adoption of the Ordinance Amendment. Mr. Eidem indicated the basic intent of the Ordinance really stemmed from a request to be allowed to have a boarding house in a B-4 Zone. He further eluded to had the request not been submitted, the Ordinance Amendment before you tonight would not have been brought up before you. Mr. Eidem indicated he had talked with Consulting Planning Firm, Howard Dahlgren & Associates, Consulting Planner, John Uban, in regard to the proposed Ordinance Amendment. Mr. Uban indicated that if approval of such an Ordinance Amendment to allow a boarding house in a B-4 Zone had conditions attached, and as part of those conditions attached that it is part of the overall development plan of the City that some type of residential housing be in a business district, he would go along with that idea also. Mr. Eidem indicated the current trend in the downtown business district of business development extending south along Walnut Street, . - 2 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/10/84 and there could be possibly at some time their area of the proposed Ordinance Amendment not being in the Central Business District. zoning Administrator Anderson indicated looking at the proposed site of the Ordinance Amendment to allow boarding houses, the businesses around the proposed site are of the business like nature of eating, dining, and entertainment businesses, quite unlike the businesses west of the stoplights, where there are more retail businesses in that portion of the B-4 Business District. Mr. chuck Carmichael, Attorney for Thomas Hammer, eluded to his client's background as to the Ordinance Amendment, citing that his client would be totally in favor of the Ordinance Amendment to allow a boarding house as a Conditional Use in a B-4 Zone. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Ed Schaffer, and carried unanimously, to approve the Ordinance Amendment to allow as a Conditional Use a boarding house in a B-4 Zone. 5. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow a Boarding House in a B-4 Zone, Applicant - Thomas Hammer. Zoning Administrator Anderson opened the public hearing with background information on Mr. Hammer's boarding house request. The property in question was formerly an old army barracks, which was converted later on into apartments on the upper level, with the rear portion of the main lower level being used as a bowling alley, with the front portion being used as a small restaurant area. As the years went by, further deterioration of the building occurred with very little upkeep or maintenance to the building, and the building went through extensive deterioration and coming to the point of possibly being condemned. Mr. Thomas Hammer inquired into purchasing of the building and came forth before the previous Building Inspector with his plans to entirely renovate the structure. In doing so, Mr. Hammer started with the upper level of the building, completely stripping the interior wall, ceiling, and floor covering and started from scratch with his interior renovation, bringing the upstairs portion up to the 1982 Uniform Building Code, the 1979 Uniform Plumbing Code, and the 1984 National Electrical Code. In doing so, Mr. Hammer created 10 efficiency apartment units in the upper level of this building. Mr. Hammer also saw a need for a small family type restaurant and completely gutted the interior of the front portion of the lower main level of the building. With the interior renovation of the front portion of the building, the current restaurant portion has been brought up to the State Health Code, the 1982 Uniform Building Code, the 1979 Plumbing Code, and the 1984 National Electrical Code. The rear half of the lower main level is currently what Mr. Hammer has been working on. That portion of the building previously had two - 3 - Planning Commission Minutes - 7/10/84 . apartment units in it. Those apartment units were allowed to exist as non-conforming use in a B-4 Zone. Mr. Hammer's intentions were to create and convert the rear most portion of the building into a handicapped apartment unit, with the intentions of having one additional apartment unit. Mr. Hammer, in trying to figure out an additional use of the existing additional space, Mr. Hammer then contacted BUilding Inspector, Gary Anderson, questioning him as to whether he could convert the additional space into three additional apartments or three additional rental office spaces. The rental office spaces would be permitted, but not the additional rental apartment units. Therefore, we came about to his original request here to be allowed a boarding house in a B-4 Zone as a Conditional Use. Mr. Chuck Carmichael, Mr. Thomas Hammer's Attorney, indicated Zoning Administrator Anderson's comments were very true and very to the point,that he had no further additional comments to make other than that they would like the Planning Commission members to approve Mr. Hammer's Conditional Use Request to be allowed a boarding house in a B-4 Zone. Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Joyce Dowling, and approved unanimously to approve the Conditional Use Request to allow as a Conditional Use a boarding house in a B-4 Zone. . 6. Simple Subdivision Request to Subdivide a Residential Lot for Driveway Purposes, Applicant - Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital. Zoning Administrator Anderson briefed Planning Cornmission members on Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital's simple subdivision request. The Hospital District recently purchased a residential lot with an existing house on it on the lot immediately west of the Monticello Dental Clinic. To convey title to the property from the previous owners to the Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District, the Hospital would like to deed a 10-foot strip along the westerly line of the lot which they are purchasing to the previous owner for driveway access purposes. Seeing no problem with the subdivision and that the newly subdivided lot would still be within the minimum requirements for a residential lot in an R-1 Zone, motion was made by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Ed Schaffer, and carried unanimously to approve the simple subdivision request to subdivide a residential lot in an R-1 Zone. 7. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow an Ambulance Garage to be Built in an R-1 Zone, Applicant - Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital. On this newly subdivided lot which was approved on a previous motion, Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital would like to . - 4 - . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 7/10/84 build an ambulance garage. The ambulance garage is permitted as a Conditional Use in an R-l Zone with conditions attached. The proposed new ambulance garage would be of such type of construction to blend in with the existing residential housing in the neighborhood, that being a wood frame construction with different wood exterior with a shingled roof. The proposed new ambulance garage would meet the setbacks in an R-l Zone, with one of the conditions being the sideyard setback would be doubled from the required setback of 10 feet, which would be a 20-foot sideyard setback, with the front and rear yard setbacks being 30 feet. Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Joyce DOWling, and unanimously approved to approve the Conditional Use Request to build an ambulance garage in an R-l Zone. 8. Simple Subdivision Request to Subdivide Residential Multi-Family Acreage, Applicant - Ed Doran. Mr. Ed Doran was present to request a concept plan of a simple subdivision of the current Rand Mansion property, which is a 3.12 acre parcel. Mr. Doran's request is of Planning Commission members to look at his concept plan for creating three l-acre parcels separate from the 1.12 acre parcel which would be allowed for the current former Rand Mansion, which is Ed Doran's place of residence. Commission members voiced their approval of Mr. Doran's concept plan but would be looking at, at a future meeting date, further details in regard to site layout and water and sewer facilities for this property. Motion by Joyce DOWling, seconded by Ed Schaffer, and approved unanimously, to approve the concept plan for a simple subdivision of the former Rand Mansion property, currently a 3.12 acre parcel. 9. Preliminary Request to Rezone a Proposed Preliminary Plat Approved Subdivision, Applicant - John Sandberg. Mr. Sandberg was present before Planning Commission members to express his interest in rezoning the entire parcel to R-2 Zoning, Single and Two Family Dwellings, with three or four unit apartment building and an 8-unit townhouse building only allowed as Conditional Uses in an R-2 Zone. Currently, Mr. Sandberg'S final plat was approved for R-l housing on Block 1 and Block 2, and R-2 zoning on Blocks 3, 4, and 5. Mr. Sandberg'S indication as he was going through the plat in its developing stages now indicates that he would like to have the currently zoned R-l Blocks, Blocks 1 and 2, be rezoned to R-2. In doing so, we would give the developer, Mr. sandberg, control over the number of and the placement of multiple housing units on in his subdivision. City Administrator, Thomas Eidem, indicated - 5 - Planning Commission Minutes - 7/10/84 . to Planning Commission members that it was the original staff's recommendation that the entire parcel be zoned R-2 from the start, and indicated that Consulting Planning Firm, Howard Dahlgren & Associates, through Consultant John Uban, had suggested the entire parcel be zoned R-2, that the entire subdivision is basically located with buffer zones around it on all sides, those being the golf course, the railroad tracks, and the power lines which run by the subdivision. But at that time, Mr. Sandberg didn't want to be tied to the number of multiple units he would be allowed to put in. Mr. Sandberg indicated the possible percentage numbers of R-l housing vs. R-2 housing units could possibly be 50% and could go the other way, 40% residential or 60% residential, or 40% R-2 and 60% R-2. But those figures aren't known at this time. It basically depends upon the upcoming housing trends. Mr. Sandberg indicated to Planning Commission members that the design of the multiple units be of such to blend in with the existing R-l housing to be built out there. . Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to waive the public hearing by the Monticello Planning Commission and pass on to City Council their recommendation to hold the public hearing at their next July 23, 1984, City Council meeting. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Ed schaffer, and unanimously approved to recommend approval to Monticello City Council the rezoning of the entire approved but not recorded final subdivision plat of John Sandberg to R-2 Zoning. Additional Information Items 1. Key Tool presentation of proposal for new building. City Administrator, Thomas Eidem, was present to discuss Key Tool's Tax Increment Financing Plan to relocate a portion of their business to Monticello. The location of their proposed site is the East ~ of Lot 10 and all of Lot 11, Block 2, Lauring Hillside Terrace Addition to the City of Monticello. The Monticello Housing and Redevelopment Authority has agreed to purchase the above lots and in turn resell them at a reduced price to Key Tool. What is needed from Planning Commission members is a resolution to approve the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Key Tool. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to approve the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Key Tool as presented. Motion carried unanimously. See Resolution 1984 #29. . - 6 - Planning Commission Minutes - 7/10/84 . 2. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission members present, Don Cochran, Joyce Dowling, and Ed Schaffer, to tentatively hold a scheduled morning meeting on Monday, July 30, 1984, at 7:00 a.m. to go over the second portion of the Comprehensive Plan, Goals and Policies. 3. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to set the next regularly scheduled meeting date for August 14, 1984, 7:30 P.M. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, c;(:z-cq ,AlfLLd:a-t,1;7J Gary Artaerson I zoning Administrator . . - 7 -