Planning Commission Minutes 08-14-1984
August 14, 1984 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson,
Don Cochran.
Members Absent: Ed Schaffer.
staff Present: Gary Anderson, Thomas Eidem, John Simola,
Roger Mack, Walter Mack, Albert Meyer.
The meeting was called to order by President Jim Ridgeway at
7:34 P.M.
Motion was made by Don Cochran, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to
approve the July 10, 1984, regular Planning Commission meeting
minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Public Hearing - Final Plat Approval, Meadow Oak 3rd Addition -
Applicant, Ultra Homes, Inc.
. Mr. and Mrs. Dickman Knutson were present to propose the final
plat for the Meadow Oak 3rd Addition. Mr. Knutson indicated
that it had been a long, drawn out process since the application
was originally made back in November of 1983. He also indicated
that he felt very comfortable with the decision that was done
by an outside engineering firm, Barr Engineering, on the EAW.
Questions were raised by Planning Commission members as to when
the development of an outlet from the Meadow Oak Development
for storm water drainage out of the hOlding ponds within the
development would occur. Mr. Knutson indicated the outlet would
be installed sometime in the future, not knowing just when it
would occur. City Administrator, Tom Eidem, indicated that
City staff would work with Mr. Knutson to come up with a plan
of the staged development when it comes to a point when an outlet
would be needed to be put in. Motion was made by Don Cochran,
seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the subdivision request
for final approval of the subdivision plat to be known as Meadow
Oak 3rd Addition, with the condition that the developer work
with City staff to come up with a workable time table for the
installation of an outlet from the holding ponds within the
Meadow Oak Development. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Public Hearing - Rezoning Request to Rezone from 8-4 to R-3 -
Applicant, City of Monticello.
. Mr. Tom Eidem, City Administrator, was present to explain the
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rezoning request. The basic intent of the rezoning request
is to allow for a proposed development of an elderly housing
project on Lots 13, 14, and 15, Block 51. The proposed elderly
housing project would act as a buffer zone between the single
family housing on the north side of River Street and blend in
with the Business District on the north side of East Broadway.
Due to the location of the north ~ of Blocks 50 and 51, it is
not conducive to be continued as a Business District, as our
business is expanding further southward instead of in a northward
direction, with the actual pedestrian traffic for businesses
in this area being very minimal. Planning Commission Chairman,
Jim Ridgeway, opened up the hearing to comments from the public.
Mr. Gustafson, representing his mother, Marie Gustafson, had
questions on the zoning change and wanted an explanation of
B-4 and R-3 Zoning, which was explained to him by the City Administrator.
He also had a question as to the devaluation of the land of
his mother's property once the rezoning would take place from
B-4 to R-3. City Administrator, Thomas Eidem, answered that
in his estimation the valuation would increase with the zoning
being changed from B-4 to R-3. Planning Commission Chairman,
Jim Ridgeway, questioned as to whether it shouldn't be zoned
to R-B, which would allow all the residential uses of R-3 allowed
in an R-B Zone. City staff had not considered R-B for zoning
and looked at the R-B zoning aspect of it. It would be very
compatible with this area and would also allow Mr. Gustafson's
mother's property to be developed either as residential or a
residential with a business entity in it. Zoning Administrator,
Gary Anderson, was asked if a public hearing deadline could
be met for a public hearing to be held at the next City Council
meeting on August 27, 1984; and he answered that we would have
to let the newspaper know very shortly, and if they had space
available, it could possibly be done. If there was space available
in the Times, a public hearing notice could be published in
time to meet the deadline for the next Council meeting on August 27,
1984. Mr. Brad Larson, representing Riverview Manor Apartments,
expressed desire that the Commission members seriously look
at hOlding the public hearing at the next Council meeting because
further delay with a public hearing held at the next Planning
Commission meeting could set their project back approximately
6 weeks. Considering the above information, motion was made
by Don Cochran, seconded by Joyce Dowling, that the Planning
Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the rezoning
request from B-4 to R-B and further recommend that the Planning
Commission would like the public hearing to be held at the next
regularly scheduled City Council meeting on August 27, 1984.
Motion carried unanimously.
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5. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow a 20-foot Rear Yard
Setback instead of the Required 30-foot Rear Yard Setback -
Applicant, Riverview Manor Apartments.
Mr. Brad Larson, partner in the Riverview Manor Apartments,
was present to request a 20-foot rear yard setback instead of
the required 30-foot rear yard setback in the southwest corner
of the proposed elderly housing apartment building. Mr. Larson
iterated to the background of how the project came about and
the proposed development of the property for his proposed apartment
project. Mr. Larson indicated the proposed project would be
a 31-unit elderly housing project, including a two-bedroom caretaker's
apartment, with the other 30 units being one-bedroom apartments.
Motion was made by Richard Carlson, seconded by Don Cochran,
to approve the 20-foot rear yard setback instead of the required
30-foot rear yard setback in the southwest corner of the proposed
elderly apartment building. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow More than
a 12-unit Apartment Building in an R-3 Zone - Applicant, Riverview
Manor Apartments.
Mr. Brad Larson, partner in the proposed Riverview Manor Apartment
Building, is requesting to be allowed to build a 31-unit elderly
housing apartment building in an R-3 Zone. Chairman Jim Ridgeway
asked Mr. Larson if he was aware of the R-B Zoning proposed
in an earlier public hearing for the property; and he said he
was already aware of it. He had discussed with Zoning Administrator,
Gary Anderson, the possibility of R-B Zoning for their project
also. With no input from the public, motion was made by Don
Cochran, seconded by Joyce DOWling, to approve the conditional
use request to allow more than a 12-unit apartment building,
a 31-unit apartment building, with the condition that the rezoning
be approved by the City Council for the rezoning of the affected
property from B-4 to R-B Zoning. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - Concept Plan and Preliminary Plan for Planned
Unit Development - Applicants, Jim Powers and Kent Kjellberg.
Mr. Brad Larson, representing Jim Powers and Kent Kjellberg,
the applicants, presented a proposal for a Planned Unit Development
on approximately 12.48 acres of land previously owned by Mr.
Larry Flake adjacent to Monticello Ford property. Mr. Larson
indicated that the plans weren't as elaborate as what would
be done by professional planners, but they were adequate to
meet the needs of the City and conditions that have been addressed
by the Consulting Planner's comments have all been addressed
by the applicants. They are willing to abide by whatever the
City wishes to expedite the project. Mr. Larson indicated the
urgency being that one phase of the project would be a Wendy's
Restaurant, and they are anxiously awaiting to commence with
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construction. From the City's standpoint, we see no problem
with them getting started with their project, as the Wendy's
project could be built on one corner of the site but would be
the only allowable building to be built on the 12.48 acre site
until the P.U.D. is approved by the Planning Commission and
City Council. Much discussion centered on the proposed roadway
through the P.U.D., whether it be a public or private roadway,
and also the water and sewer lines, whether they be private
or public lines. The applicants agreed that they intend to
put in whatever the City wishes. The City has very strong feelings
that the public utilities, the underground water and sewer lines,
be public lines so we could monitor the lines when they are
installed and also take care of the lines once they are installed.
We had no problem with a private street being run through the
property, but we did have a problem with the public street,
Sandberg Road, dead-ending at their property and a private road
starting from there. We wanted a continuation of the public
road, sandberg Road, directly through to Oakwood Drive or go
westward and hook up with Marvin Road. Mr. Larson indicated
that if the City wishes, it would be a public through roadway
to Oakwood Drive. Chairman Jim Ridgeway asked if there were
any comments from the public. Mr. Dan Goeman questioned if
there would be any effect on any development of Sandberg South
Addition from this proposed P.U.D. Zoning Administrator Anderson
countered that there would be no effect on Sandberg South Addition.
Motion by Don Cochran, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to recommend
to the City Council that it approve the conveyance by a meets
and bounds of a parcel not more than 1 acre legal description
attached as Exhibit A provided that: 1) said parcel contain
access to a public street; 2) the appropriate utility easement
shall be retained around its perimeters; 3) said parcel shall
be given a future designation by lot number as part of a proposed
P.U.D. to be developed and recorded; 4) prior to the conveyance
there be drafted, given approval by the City Attorney, and signed
by the City Administrator of the City (and Jim Powers, Kent
Kjellberg, the owners/developers of the proposed Wendy's and
all owners of record as develoment parties) a development
contract to be recorded as a deed restriction over and on the
remaining acreage which will guarantee the timely completion
of the proposed P.U.D. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting recessed at 9:28 P.M. for a 5-minute recess.
The meeting was reconvened at 9:37 P.M.
Public Hearing - Subdivision of a Residential Lot for Proposed
8-unit Townhouses - Applicant, Jay Miller.
Jay Miller was present with his proposal to subdivide existing
Lot 9, Block 4, into eight separate lots with a common area
around the eight townhouses to be owned jointly by an Incorporated
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Townhouse Association. Jay indicated he would be short on the
south sideyard approximately 1-2 feet and that before the final
plat would be recorded he would make up the difference by expanding
the overall lot size 1-2 feet to accommodate the shortage in
the south sideyard setback area. Motion by Don Cochran, seconded
by Richard Carlson, to approve the subdivision request to subdivide
an existing lot into eight separate lots for eight townhouses
with the common area around the eight townhouses to be owned
jointly by an Incorporated Townhouse Association, with the condition
being that the lot width be increased so that the south sideyard
setback area be a minimum of 10 feet as required by the City
Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried unanimOUSly.
Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow a 15-foot Sideyard
Setback instead of the Required 3D-foot Sideyard Setback - Applicant,
Key Tool & Plastic, Inc.
Mr. Marv Eull, partner in Key Tool & Plastic, Inc., was present
to propose a 15-foot sideyard setback on the west side of the
property instead of the required 3D-foot sideyardsetback.
Mr. Eull presented Planning Commission members with the proposed
stage development of Key Tool & Plastic. In the staged development,
Mr. Eull indicated they are proposing to build the initial building
with proposed additions to the existing building in future years.
The reason in applying for the variance is that the lots are very
narrow lots with more depth than width and to set a considerably
sized building on there you need a lot of depth to the building
than the width will allow. Therefore, Mr. Eull would like to
have the building set as close to the westerly portion of Lot 10
as he would be allowed. Fifteen feet is what he is requesting
to accommodate a wider building with less depth. Also, the
unloading facilities would be off to the side of the building
instead of on the rear of the building. In doing so, with future
staged expansion, this will allow expansion to occur with a
minimum of hardship to the developer. Motion by Joyce Dowling,
seconded by Don Cochran, to approve the variance request to
allow a 15-foot sideyard setback instead of the required 3D-foot
sideyard setback, with the condition that the variance apply
to the entire parcel, the west ~ of Lot 10, and all of Lot 11,
Block 2, Lauring Hillside Addition. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow Outdoor Storage
in an 1-1 Zone - Applicant, Rainbow Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. Darrell Anderson, partner in Rainbow Enterprises, Inc.,
is requesting to be allowed outdoor storage in the rear of his
lot. The material to be stored is metal filings, small pieces
of metal shavings, currently to be stored in barrels. If it
becomes more feasible, they would be stored in dumpsters with
a screening fence around the entire outdoor storage area. Motion
by Don Cochran, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the conditional
use request to allow outdoor storage in an 1-1 Zone, with the
Planning Commission Minutes - 8/14/84
condition that the entire area around the outdoor storage containers
have a screening fence around them. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - Residential Unplatted Land Lot Subdivision
by Registered Land Survey - Applicant, Marvin Kramer.
Mr. Marvin Kramer was present to discuss his proposal to subdivide
his currently unplatted land, 3.00 acres, into possible lots
for mUltiple family housing. It is currently zoned R-3, Medium
Density Residential, which would allow this to be done. Mr.
Kramer's property currently lies in the center of a proposed
collector roadway to be constructed at some time in the future.
At this point, the City would like to negotiate with Mr. Kramer
for purchase of a portion of his land for either an 80-foot
roadway easement or possibly a 40-foot roadway easement on his
property and another 40-foot roadway easement on the adjoining
property to the south owned by Mr. Tom Brennan. Mr. Tom Holthaus,
property owner just east of Mr. Kramer's property, was concerned
about the 80-foot roadway easement and how close it would come
to his property. Mr. HOlthaus indicated he would like to do
some landscaping around his property, but he doesn't intend
to do it until he knows where the roadway would be going through.
Water and sewer would have to be extended up Minnesota Street,
approximately 600-800 feet, up to Mr. Kramer's property to service
his proposed development of multiple family dwellings. The
basic intent of the public hearing at this time is to get approval
or denial of Planning Commission members on Mr. Kramer's proposed
subdivision idea. This not needing a motion, a verbal consent
was given by each of the Planning Commission members that were
present. Joyce Dowling, Jim Ridgeway, Don Cochran, and Richard
Carlson all voiced their approval of the concept of Mr. Kramer's
proposed subdivision of his property.
Additional Information Items
1. The material is not done yet, so there is no work session to
be scheduled yet.
2. Motion by Richard Carlson, seconded by Don Cochran, to approve
the next tentative meeting date for September 11, 1984, at 7:30 P.M.
Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Don Cochran, to adjourn
the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10:32 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary nderson
Zoning Administrator