City Council Agenda Packet 05-09-2005 Special
Monday April 9,2005
Clint Herbst
Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf
I , Call to Order
2, Discussion of goal setting process and development of preliminary mission statements,
3, Adjourn
Consideration of directin~ deDartment heads to assist with e:oal settine: process hv
dcvelopine: preliminary mission statement for each dcpartmcnt. (JO)
On May 4.2005 a meeting was held for the purpose of developing an employee incentive
program. The discussion led to developing a strategy for developing a productive work
environment where Council and staff at all levels are working toward a common purpose. It
was noted that one of the greatest motivators of public employees is to feel that sense of
achievement that comes in completing the mission identified by the organization and each
department. At present, in the face of increasing development pressure staff is attempting to
maintain service levels, working diligently to accomplish a wide variety of tasks and generally
getting this job done, but going from good to greater requires establishing a mission and
associated job/service targets.
As you know, via Frank Madden, development of a list of City Council goals and objectives is
in process, with follow-up meeting to be scheduled soon. As an additional and important step
in the process it is suggested that department heads be directed to work with their staff toward
development of a department mission statement, to be presented to the City Council for
review and comment. The mission statement should pertain to the services and philosophy of
the department. Department mission statements would be presented to the City Council for
review in conjunction with completion of the goal setting process. It should also be requested
that department heads develop specific tasks that can be completed in support of the mission
statement and also identify some performance measures that will help track progress on
accomplishment of the department's mission.
Here is an example, part of the Community Development mission is likely to be providing
"excellent customer service." A task relating to the mission statement might be to complete a
comprehensive review of the application process for each type of application. A performance
measure could include whether or not all application processes were reviewed and what
changes were made to improve customer service.
One could take the position that the City Council must first provide direction to departments
before they prepare their mission statements. It is believed that it makes more sense for each
department to prepare a preliminary mission statement that is specific to each department for
review and comment by the City Council. As noted above, the mission statement should be
backed up by a list of goals and objectives or "strategies: to achieve the mission supported
further by suggestions on quantifying progress. 'rhis order allows the staff people in each
departmcnt to develop a sense of ownership in the mission and opens up lines of
communication back and forth to the City Council.
Motion to direct the City Administrator and department heads to prepare department specific
mission statements along with a list of specific goals, operational objectives and methods for
tracking progress. This task to be completed by June 7, 2005.
The information collected above will then be integrated into the goal setting process started
with Frank Madden. At a future special meeting of the City Council, department thoughts
will be presented to the City Council for feedback and integrated into a plan for action. This
action plan would become the basis for evaluating level of individual, department and
organizational achievement.
Motion to take another course relating to development of an employee incentive progrmn.
The Employee Incentive Subcommittee and City Administrator recommend Alternative #1.