Planning Commission Minutes 03-12-1985MINUTES
March 12, 1985 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Martie,
Ed Schaffer.
Members Absent: Richard Carlson.
Staff Present: Thomas Eidem, Gary Anderson.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Ridgeway at
7:43 P.M.
Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to approve
the minutes of the regular Monticello Planning Commission meeting
held on February 12, 1985. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Public Hearing - A Request for Final Stage Approval of the Proposed
New Subdivision Plat - Applicant, Construction 5, Inc.
Gary LaFromboise, partner in Construction 5, Inc., was present
to propose final plat approval of their new subdivision. Chairman
Jim Ridgeway opened the public hearing with questions as submitted
in a memorandum from John Uban of Howard Dahlgren & Associates.
Points brought out by Mr. Uban were as follows. 1) Outlot A
should have a minimum 100 feet of frontage along the Interstate.
Mr. Eidem commented that the lots as proposed in I-1 Zoning
require a minimum of 100 feet of frontage, and rear footage
of Outlot A would have an average of over 100 feet. 2) The
lots in Block 1 appear to be very irregular and would be difficult
to develop. Mr. Eidem commented that with the alignment of
Lauring Lane, we will have a configuration of irregular shaped
lots and sees no problem with that. 3) Setbacks along the
Interstate should be 30 feet for parking and accessory uses.
We acknowledge that, but our ordinance only addresses 5 feet.
This could be attached as a possible condition to the plat upon
recording. 4) Signs along the Interstate be closely controlled
along with the landscaping plan. Mr. Eidem commented that there
be only one pylon sign allowed along the freeway with a possible
variance being granted for additional pylon sign square footage.
The landscaping plan is to be submitted by the developers and
worked out amongst City staff. 5) A combination of some control
with the aesthetics of the proposed uses of structures on the
lots. Mr. Eidem commented that there would be a condition prior
to recording of the plat that the buildings be in like nature
or contrasting to the existing buildings in the area, either
residential or commercial buildings.
Planning Commission Minutes - 3/12/85
Chairman Ridgeway then referred to the memorandum sent earlier
in the preliminary plat and addressed some of those concerns.
Because this plan is basically a subdivision plat and not a
PUD, the developers do not have to commit themselves to a type
of development for each individual lot. The developers have
indicated a desire to build an 18 -unit multiple family apartment
building on Block 2, Lot 1, and possibly an office/warehouse
type building on any of the lots including Outlot A and Lots
1-5 of Block 1. Mr. Uban referred to a proposed tree line buffer
along I-94 and that it be carefully laid out and presented in
a plan. City Administrator Thomas Eidem indicated that he would
be working with the developer to come up with a tree line buffer
plan along I-94, and it would be presented before the next City
Council meeting. He indicated item #8 was a recommendation
to prohibit outside storage, and we agree wholeheartedly with
Chairman Ridgeway then opened the meeting for any input from
the public. Mr. Ed Doran, current owner of the former Rand
property, was present with some concerns. He questioned possible
vacation of Fallon Avenue past the curve in the road adjacent
to the William Malone property. City Administrator, Tom Eidem,
indicated that the reason for Fallon Avenue continuing as presented
is the eliminating of dead end roads or cul-de-sac type roads
in new developments. Mr. Doran questioned the placement of
the apartment building. Mr. Eidem indicated to Commission members
that the apartment building was placed on the property so that
no variances of any type would be needed for placement of the
structure on Lot 1, Block 2. He also indicated that driving
east on Lauring Lane and approaching the intersection of Washington
and Lauring Lane, the view of the proposed apartment building
would not be in sight line with Mr. Doran's residence. Mr.
Doran also questioned when the new road is put in if it would
involve removing the existing Lilac bushes. Mr. Eidem countered
that if at all possible, the Lilac Bushes would be saved; and
a requirement would be included in the next agenda item for
heavy planting of trees along the west side of the road. Mr.
Doran also questioned, along with William Malone, the enormous
special assessments that would be levied on their two properties.
Mr. Eidem indicated that they are only preliminary at this time,
and there would be a separate public hearing held regarding
any special assessments that would be levied against affected
property owners.
Planning Commission Minutes - 3/12/85
Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to approve
the final plan stage of the proposed new subdivision, Construction 5
Addition, with the following conditions: 1) A proposed screening
and landscaping plan be submitted to City Council before the
next meeting, and the landscaping and screening plan be worked
out between the developer and the City staff. 2) Only one pylon
sign be allowed on the freeway side of the property with additional
square footage granted if needed. 3) There be architectural
controls on the types and construction of the buildings whether
they are residential or commercial buildings. Motion carried
4. Public Hearing - (Continued) Conditional Use Request to Allow
an Apartment Building to be Constructed in Excess of 12 Units -
Applicant, Construction 5, Inc.
Gary LaFromboise, partner in Construction 5, Inc., was present
to propose construction of an 18 -unit apartment building on
Block 2, Lot 1, Construction 5 Addition. The apartment building
would consist of 18 two-bedroom units with one of the units
equipped for the handicapped. There would be 18 single stall
garages constructed with 17 regular sized parking spaces and
one handicapped parking space.
Mr. Ridgeway opened the meeting with information submitted in
a memorandum from John Uban of Howard Dahlgren & Associates.
1) They should consider locating the apartment building to the
far north of the property even if variances are needed within
the setback requirements. Mr. Eidem countered that the proposed
location of the apartment building was submitted in a way that
it wouldn't need any variances regarding setbacks and the sight
lines aren't obscured with the new apartment building to the
existing Rand building located just to the east of the apartment
building site. 2) Any outside dumpster should be screened from
exposure. Mr. Eidem agreed with that, and it wasn't shown on
the proposed plat. 3) The close proximity of the parking and
the garages does not allow adequate maneuverability of vehicles
going into or leaving the garage. It was the consensus that
the parking lot could be moved back farther to accommodate smoother
flow of traffic in and out of the garages.
There being no input from the public, motion was made by Richard
Martie, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the conditional
use request to allow an apartment building to be built in excess
of 12 units with the following conditions: 1) The outside dumpster
be screened. 2) The parking lot be moved eastward to accommodate
more even flow of traffic through the parking lot. 3) The grading
and landscaping plan be reviewed by City staff; and upon their
approval be submitted to City Council.
Planning Commission Minutes - 3/12/85
5. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to Allow Construction
and Operation of a BMX Track in a B-3 (Highway-Business) Zone -
Applicant, Chuck Teslow.
Chuck Teslow, part owner in Rolling Wheels, Inc., Fun Center,
was present for his proposal for construction and operation
of a BMX Track. Chairman Ridgeway opened the public hearing
with questions regarding the memorandum submitted by John Uban
of Howard Dahlgren & Associates. 1) The property is adjacent
to Interstate 94, and the following ordinances control the condition
of the development of this property: Required Landscaping,
Glare, Dust, Noise, Yard Setback Requirements, Lighting, curbing
and Landscaping. It is the consensus of City staff that these
would be addressed as conditions to the conditional use. 2)
The existing go-cart track facility be brought into conformance
before a BMX Track is installed. Zoning Administrator Anderson
countered that the existing go-cart facility is already in conformance.
3) There is no access drive for overflow parking. Zoning Administrator
Anderson indicated to Commission members that there is an existing
access along the fence next to the miniature golf area.
4) From our observations and information on similar facilities
and events authorized by the United States Bicycle Association,
such sanctioned races can draw crowds close to 2,000 spectators.
To accommodate spectators, 400 to 500 parking stalls are needed.
Two gentlemen from Northstar corporation, the sanctioned raceway
organizers, indicated that these types of racing events draw
approximately 200 spectators on a good day. Therefore, the
existing facility would more than exceed what is needed. 5)
The total area be fenced in and have first-aid medical facilities
on site and readily available at all times. The two gentlemen
from Northstar Association indicated that the area is currently
fenced in for security reasons and that they, as part of their
arrangement with Mr. Teslow, carry insurance and have emergency
personnel available at all times during race events. 6) Agreement
be made to control the property to avoid a dilapidated and irritating
use some years down the road. zoning Administrator Anderson
countered that this is addressed as a condition listed in #2
allowing a go-cart track as a conditional use in a B-3 Zone.
With no input from the public other than the two gentlemen from
Northstar Association, motion was made by Joyce Dowling, seconded
by Richard Martie, to approve the conditional use request to
allow construction and operation of a BMX race track with the
following conditions: 1) A landscaping and screening plan be
worked out with City staff and Mr. Teslow and be presented with
their recommendation to the next City Council meeting. 2) Include
the operation plan with the eight items listed as conditions.
3) The conditional use be granted for a period of one year from
approval of the City Council. It would come up for review at
that time.
Planning Commission Minutes - 3/12/85
6. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow a swimming POOl to
be Constructed Within the 30-foot Rearyard Setback Requirement -
Applicant, Mike and Kathy Keegan.
The gentleman from Universal Pools and Spas was present to explain
the variance request as submitted by Mike and Kathy Keegan,
as they were unable to attend the public hearing. The gentleman
indicated the reason for the variance request is due to the
smaller depth of the rear lot. To allow construction of a pool,
a 10-foot setback is needed from the house. To allow an 18-foot
wide pool, the pOOl would be 20 feet instead of the required
30 feet from the rear lot line.
With no input from the public, motion was made by Richard Martie,
seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the variance request to
allow a sWimming pool to be constructed within the 30-foot rearyard
setback requirement. Motion carried unanimously.
7. Public Hearing - (Continued) Conditional Use Request to Allow
a Government Sponsored Program to be Conducted out of a Residence -
Applicant, Marvin Kramer.
Information was received from zoning Administrator Anderson,
and the applicant would like to have the public hearing continued
to the next meeting date of April 9, 1985, 7:30 P.M.
Additional Information Items
Set the next tentative date of the Monticello Planning Commission
meeting for April 9, 1985, 7:30 P.M. It was the general consensus
of the four Commission members present that this would be an
agreeable date.
Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Carlson, to adjourn
the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Anderson
Zoning Administrator