Planning Commission Minutes 05-14-1985 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION May 14, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Richard Martie, Richard Carlson, Ed Schaffer. Members Absent: Joyce Dowling. Staff Present: Rick Wolfsteller, Thomas Eidem, Gary Anderson. The meeting was called to order by President Jim Ridgeway at 7:33 P.M. Motion by Richard Carlson, seconded by Dick Martie, to approve the minutes of the regular Monticello Planning Commission meeting held on April 9, 1985. The motion carried unanimously, with Joyce Dowling absent. 3. Public Hearing - A Preliminary Plan and a Concept Plan Request for a Planned Unit Development - Applicant, John Kornovich. Lional Kull and Steve Upgren, partners in Monti Partnership, were present to explain their proposal for an apartment Planned Unit Development. They outlined their intent of development of the property with apartment buildings, the number of units within the buildings, and that they meet the minimum setback requirements. Questions were raised by Chairman Jim Ridgeway which addressed the driveway alignment. Zoning Administrator Anderson answered that the driveway alignment is adjacent to the property line which separates this property from the NSP property. Mr. Ridgeway also addressed the number of units and the square footage of each apartment unit. Mr. Lional Kull, partner in Monti Partnership, answered that the total square footage of each unit would be 829 sq. ft. Chairman Ridgeway then opened the meeting for public testimony. Mr. Roger pribyl questioned if the square footage requirements aren't what they proposed on the plat, then more than likely they don't have enough square footage to meet the minimum requirements. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that they more than exceed the total amount of square footage required for each unit. Mr. Doug Stokes questioned if the Planned Unit Development could end up with the same problems as Jim Boyle is currently having with the Meadow Oak Development. This was just a point of information. Mr. Roger pribyl then questioned as to what they were intending to do with the low area to the rear. Mr. John Kornovich, the owner of the land and builder of the apartment units, explained to Planning Commission members that they intended to fill the low area in back with excess fill taken from the lower level of each of these apartment building sites. Mr. David Matuska questioned if there was an area -1- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 5/14/85 proposed for a play area for the kids that would be involved in this proposed apartment complex. Mr. Kull replied that they are proposing to have an area to the back designated as a play area and would develop it accordingly. Mr. Jerry Benson questioned as to the amount of square yardage for the play area. Finance Director, Rick Wolfsteller, answered by indicating the amount of land area that was set aside for the proposed play area or green area. Mrs. Moody was present and questioned as to where all of the off-street parking was going to occur and if there was going to be any fencing installed along the property line. The developers indicated to her that they have accommodated the off-street parking as required by ordinance; and they would, if requested, put in a fenced area between their property and the adjoining Kampa Estates properties. Mr. Roger Pribyl questioned as to the clientele of people. The developers answered that they cannot segregate the type of people that would be moving in there, but predominantly the people that would be living there would be the single parent family and possibly families with children. Mr. Jim Ridgeway concluded all public testimony and reverted back to the question at hand. Motion by Richard Carlson, seconded by Dick Martie, to approve the concept plan request for a Planned Unit Development. Motion carried unanimously, with Joyce Dowling absent. 4. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow an Attached Garage to be Built in the Side Setback Requirement - Applicant, Russell Anderson. Mr. Russell Anderson was not present to propose his request due to previous conflict of interest. Zoning Administrator, Gary Anderson, indicated to Commission members Mr. Anderson's request to build an attached garage on his property to within 6 feet of the sideyard setback. His proposal, if accepted, would allow 12 feet between property lines with an existing garage and his proposed garage. Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the variance request to allow a 4-foot variance, which would allow construction of an attached garage to within 6 feet of the property line. Motion carried unanimously, with Joyce Dowling absent. 5. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow an Attached Garage to be Built in the Side Setback Requirement - Applicant, Bruce Tvedt. Mr. Bruce Tvedt was present proposing to build an attached garage to within 2 feet of the sideyard property line. Mr. Tvedt is proposing to set his garage 2 feet back from the front line of his house and 4 feet beyond the rear of his house. The garage, if built, would be within 20 feet of an existing attached garage immediately to the north of his property. -2- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 5/14/85 Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the vari~nce request of 8 feet to allow an attached garage to be within 2 feet of the side property line. Motion carried unanimously, with Joyce Dowling absent. 6. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow an Additional Sign to be Placed on Existing Building Site - Applicant, Dave Peterson Ford. A salesman from Dave Peterson Ford was present to propose an additional pylon sign request. He indicated they currently have a leased sign from Ford Motor Corporation which indicates the Ford Mercury dealership, and they also have an additional pylon sign which has "Used Automobiles" on it. He is requesting an additional pylon sign on which to put "Ford Trucks." The dealership before Mr. Peterson bought it was granted a variance for an additional pylon sign. Commission members questioned as to why the signs could not be incorporated into one sign, and the gentleman indicated that the main Ford Mercury sign is owned by Ford corporation and will not allow any other signs to be attached. The gentleman indicated other dealerships around which do have two or more pylon signs, and he is not asking for any more than what the other dealerships have. A major part of their business is the visual signage, and they would like to attract people from east and west on the freeway. Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to deny the variance request to allow an additional pylon sign. Motion carried unanimously, with Joyce Dowling absent. 7. Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow 1) a Garage to be Placed in the Front Yard of a Lot; 2) the Garage to be Placed in the Front Setback Requirement; 3) the Garage to be Placed Within 10 feet of Another Building; 4) the Garage to be Built in Excess of 1000 sq. ft. - Applicant, Douglas Stokes. Mr. Stokes was present to propose his request for the 4 variances noted above. Mr. Stokes indicated he had, from his previous request, moved the garage back to within 4 feet of his house and also within 27 feet of the front property line. Mr. Troy Chapman, current resident two properties north of Mr. Stokes' property, was present to explain to Commission members that in 1980 he was allowed to put up a garage in his front yard, and he didn't see any problem with Mr. Stokes' request to build a garage in the front of his property. Mr. Chapman also indicated he was in full support of Mr. Stokes' request for the variance and that the garage he constructed was not big enough to suit his needs. City Administrator, Thomas Eidem, indicated to Planning Commission members that even though Mr. Stokes' property fronts on East county Road 39, the Mississippi River really is the front part of his house. Actually, Mr. Stokes' request is to allow a garage to be built on the rear of his property with his house actually fronting toward the Mississippi River. -3- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 5/14/85 In good planning, you do not try to obscure any v~s~on from the Mississippi River if at all possible. Mr. Eidem did indicate he could not support the need for all four variances, but he could support possibly two of the variances if Mr. Stokes would reduce his garage size to a 26' x 38' garage, which would be just under the maximum 1000 sq. ft. allowed. In doing so, he would also maintain 5 feet from the adjoining house, and he would also be within 32 feet of the front property line. This information was proposed to Mr. stokes. He did not like to be undersized on his garage to under 1000 sq. ft., but he said he could live with the proposal as submitted by Mr. Eidem. Motion by Dick Martie. seconded by Ed Schaffer. to approve a variance request to 1) allow a garage to be built in the front yard of a property; and 2) to allow a garage to be placed within 5 feet of another building. Also, when the garage is constructed within 5 feet of the house, the walls within 10 feet of the property must be sheetrocked and fire rated. Additional Information Items 1. Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to set the next tentative meeting date for June 11, 1985, 7:30 P.M. Motion carried unanimously, with Joyce Dowling absent. 2. Chairman Jim Ridgeway questioned City Administrator, Thomas Eidem, as to when we would have the proposed zoning changes to the comprehensive Plan. Mr. Eidem indicated he has tentatively set a date for the public hearings and would get back to Planning commission members on a tentative date to meet with them before the actual public hearing. 3. Motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Carlson, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:46 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Gary derson Zoning Administrator -4-