Planning Commission Minutes 06-11-1985
June 11. 1985 - 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Jim Ridgeway. Richard Martie. Joyce Dowling.
Richard Carlson.
Members Absent: Ed Schaffer.
Staff Present: Gary Anderson.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Jim Ridgeway at 7:36 P.M.
Motion by Dick Martie. seconded by Richard Carlson. to approve
the minutes of the regular Monticello Planning Commission meeting
held on May 14. 1985. Motion carried unanimously.
Request for a Special Meeting.
Mr. Steve Upgren. partner in Monti Partnership. was present to
propose to Planning Commission members that they have a special
meeting to review the development stage of their Planned Unit
Development. Chair Jim Ridgeway took it under advisement. and
zoning Administrator Anderson would get back to them on a date
for the special meeting.
Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow Major Auto
Repair in a B-4 (Regional Business) Zone - Applicant. Jay Spitzengel.
Mr. Jay Spitzengel was present to propose his request for major
auto repair in a B-4 Zone. Mr. Spitzengel would like to operate
a major auto body repair business out of the former Monte Motors
building. Commission member. Joyce Dowling. questioned if Monte
Motors had a major auto repair conditional use permiti and Zoning
Adulinistrator Anderson countered that they had obtained a conditional
use to allow major auto repair in a B-4 Zone. Chair Jim Ridgeway
then opened the meeting to comments from the public. Mr. Fred
Topel. property owner a couple of businesses down from the proposed
conditional use request site. said he would not be in opposition
to the proposed major auto repair if it was conducted under the
same type of circumstances as the currently existing Monte Motors.
Mr. Topel also handed a letter to Chair Jim Ridgeway from Season
All Sports indicating that they are also not in opposition to
the proposed major auto repair if it is operated under the same
conditions as the current Monte Motors. A letter was also received
from the tenants in the Metcalf & Larson Professional Building
indicating their objection to any type of major auto repair in
this location. Mr. Bud Schrupp. co-owner in Golden Valley Furniture
Store. was also present to support the conditional use request
for major auto repair in a B-4 Zone as long as it is operated
Planning Commission Minutes - 6/11/85
with the conditions as attached to the conditional use which
was issued to Monte Motors. A letter was also received from
the Monticello HRA reiterating their position that should a developer
come in and want to develop the property that the conditional
use permit could be pulled from the proposed applicant should
it be granted to facilitate new development of the entire property.
Motion by Joyce Dowling. seconded by Dick Martie. to approve
the conditional use request to allow major auto repair in a B-4
(Regional Business) Zone with the following conditions:
1. That any major auto repair be done inside the building only.
2. That no exterior storage of damaged automobiles. automobile
parts. etc. be allowed.
3. The conditional use be granted for a period not to exceed
one year; and upon being given a written notice by the City.
the applicant will vacate the premises within 60 days.
4. That a flammable waste trap be installed as per Uniform Plumbing
Code specifications.
5. That the entire area around the property be maintained in
the same manner in which it is being maintained presently.
The motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow a Garage to be Built
in the Sideyard Setback Requirement - Applicant, LeRoy Miller.
Mr. LeRoy Miller was present to propose a variance request to
allow a garage to be attached to his house and be built within
6'3" of the property line. Chair Jim Ridgeway questioned Zoning
Administrator Anderson if he saw any problems with this variance
request. Zoning Administrator Anderson countered that there
is adequate room between the proposed garage addition and the
next closest building. which would be the detached garages for
the 4-plex.
Motion by Dick Martie. seconded by Joyce DOWling. to approve
the variance request to allow an attached garage to be built
within 6'3" of the side property line. Motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing - A Variance Request to Allow a Garage to be Built
in the Sideyard Setback Requirement - Applicant. Richard Carlson.
Mr. Richard Carlson was present to propose a variance request
to allow him to build a detached garage within the sideyard setback
requirement. The proposed garage is to be 24' wide and 28' in depth.
The front placement of the garage would be 34' from the front
from the curb. zoning Administrator Anderson brought up a problem
Planning Commission Minutes - 6/11/85
that Public Works Director, John Simola. would see with this
variance request, that being if a car was parked in the front
of the proposed garage, the rear of the automobile or vehicle
would be parked on City boulevard property. Taking the above
information into consideration. motion was made by Dick Martie,
seconded by Joyce Dowling. to approve the variance request to
allow a garage to be built within the sideyard setback requirement
for a corner lot. Motion carried unanimously. with Ed Schaffer
absent and Richard Carlson abstaining.
Information Items
1. zoning Administrator Anderson indicated to Planning Commission
members that the public hearing was held on the proposed amendments
to the zoning map. The informational public hearing was held,
and the information taken from that will be transposed onto a
new map amending the current zoning map. This proposed new zoning
map will be brought back to Planning Commission members as a
public hearing at some time in the upcoming month.
2. It was the general consensus of the members present to set the
next tentative date for the Monticello Planning Commission meeting for
Tuesday. July 9. 1985. at 7:30 P.M.
3. Chair Jim Ridgeway opened discussion for a tentative special
meeting date. It was the consensus of the members present that
they set the special meeting for Thursday, June 20, 5:00 P.M.
Chair Jim Ridgeway stressed that if everything is not in order
for the special meeting to notify Planning Commission members,
and they will not have a special meeting.
Respectfully submitted.
4. Motion by Joyce DOWling. seconded by Dick Martie, to adjourn
the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:22 P.M.
Gary Anderson
Zoning Administrator