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City Council Agenda Packet 01-10-2005 . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, .January to, 2005 - 7 p.m. Oath (~f(Hlicefhr incominR Mayor and Council. Mayor: Clint Herhst Council Memhers: Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of December 13, 2004 regular Council meeting. B. Approve minutes of Decem hcr 13, 2004 Workshop Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. . 6. /7. v8. /9 v . j'\J \( 'L.J'S~v\ C0 .__. 12. A. Consideration of new hires and departures. B. Consideration of changing date for public hearing on CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange. C. Consideration of adopting a cahle ordinance and franchise renewal agreement with Charter Communications. D. Consideration of authorizing registration of title for city-owned property in Otter Creek Crossing. "'. ~ ~" ? \~ - .'U.~ d- ,f'f.,u. vtc""ru) ~>~~ f . . . ~ Ttfy ConsIderatIOn of Items remo~m the consent agenda for dISCUSSion. Publicl-learing to receive public commcnt on Part II (Management Plan) for the Wellhead Protection Plan for the City of Monticello. Public Hearing to consider the vacation of a pOltion of Wright Street right-or-way from East River Street to the Mississippi River. &-? ."f Puhlic Hearing-Consideration of adopting an ordinance changing the name ofa portion 01'91'1 Street N E in the plat of Sunset Ponds. 10. Consideration of making appointments for 2005. Consideration of adopting increases to various fee schedules. Consideration of revised scope of 2005 Core Street Project No. 2005-01 C. ~ . 14. ~ArJ (. fp .~ 1/17. 18. 19. 20. . - Agenda Monticello City Council January 10, 2005 Page 2 13. Consideration of imposing penalty for violations of liquor license provisions _ Crostini Grille and Monticello Liquors Ine.(The Zoo). Review of snowplowi ng pol icy and consideration of amendments. Consideration of relocation of water tower to site #4 adjacent to Kjellberg Park. Consideration of support endorsing the HRA' s Transformation Home Loan Program. Consideration of reviewing Joint Fire Board agreement between Monticello Township and City of Monticello. Consideration of support fix development of Swan River School at Church/Community Center site. Consideration of approving payment of bills for January. Adjourn. {j'V,\\ (;r l-J ( '~A --f.- '~coJ-12 ~'~~. fJ"i' fl S (~r;LlP-~ to D< S<{,j>) p~ C~Slr J "I F r~~ ve JR FfV\folv- ~.WlONS ?y~ f . ( ().. c-c ,IJ., I) I/" /J ( t ~<.[N'"\ (;1 F 7 73 S:r \) {L. v Jf o fP~ fd2 \t#IN<r P I~. ~.. u(- - . . -'-'~'._~-~~, .~==---:.. L --,..."...~- -..,..- . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 13,2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posllsta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Member Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of November 22.2004 reeular Council meetine. BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 22,2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of November 22.2004 Workshop Meeting. Glen Posusta noted a correction on page specifying the value was $2,300,000. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 22, 2004 WORKSIIOP MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION NOTED. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION, M<JfION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3. Consideration of addine items to the aeenda. Bruce "T'hielen requested that an update on the Swan River Montessori School be added to the agenda, Rick Wolfsteller added authorizing a public hearing for the EA W relating to the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange (#5lJ), Jeff O'Neill asked that agenda item #10 be moved to the consent agenda, (#5V), Jeff O'Neill suggested that portions of agenda item #8 could be moved to the consent agenda, The Council determined to address all portions of agenda item #8 at one time so it was left as a regular item, Brian Stumpf asked if agenda item if 16 could be added to the consent agenda. Glen Posusta stated he had questions on that item and asked that it remain on the regular agenda, 4. Citizen comments. petitions. requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen eXplained the purpose of the citizen comments portion of the meeting. John Chadwick representing the Otter Creek Crossing development stated that there were several items relating to the development that needed clarification and asked that those be addressed. Mayor Thielen stated the clarification could be done when the agenda items relating to the Otter Creek development (it II and # 12) were acted on. 3 . . . Council Minutes - 12/13/04 5. Consent a!!enda. A. Consideration of adoption of final levy and budget for 2005. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution setting the 2005 final budget and tax levy in the amount of $6,957,915. Resolution No. 2004-99. B. Consideration of authorizing preparation of feasibility report for School Boulevard from Deegan A venue to the proposed Insignia Development. Recommendation: Authorize obtaining soil borings and preparation of a feasibility report for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to the proposed Insignia Development. Resolution No. 2004-1 no. C. Consideration of revised scope of 2005 Core Street Project No. 2005-0 I C and setting a public hearing date for proposed improvement. Recommendation: Accept the amended feasibility report and order a public hearing for the proposed improvement for January 10,2005. D~a Consideration of authorizing feasibility studies for trunk storm sewer and utility improvements serving the proposed Hidden Forest and Sunset Ridge Developments. Recommendation: Authorize the preparation of a sanitary sewer and watermain study fix the Hidden Forest development and Sunset Ridge Addition projects subject to the developer providing a $15,290 deposit to pay for the study. D-b Consideration of authorizing preparation of an FA W for Sunset Ridge and Hidden Forest Developments. Recommendation: Authorize the preparation of an EA W for the llidden porest development and the Sunset Ridge Addition project subject to the developer providing a $16,200 deposit to pay fix the EA W. D-c Authorize the continuation of the County Ditch 33 study fiJr outlet improvements needed fiJr Monticello development. Recommendation: Authorize the continuation of the outlet study as part of the Hidden Forest and Sunset Ridge Addition projects. E. Consideration of fund transfers for 2004. Recommendation: Approve the transfers as recommended by the City Administrator. F. Consideration of approving Change Order No.1 for Trinity Lutheran Church Improvements, Project No. 2004-34C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. I in the amount of$2,& 16.75 for Schluender Construction, Inc. f(Jr Trinity Lutheran Church Storm Sewer Improvement Project No. 2004-34C. G. Review of bids for third party transit services fl.)!' Heartland Express. Recommendation: Move to authorize execution of the 2005 contract for 3rd party transportation provided services with J-Ioglund Transportation at $30.91 per hour subject to MnDOT approval of a hands-fi-ee dispatch system and subject to paying actual pass through expenses for fuel purchase. In the event that the hand-free system is not w. . II. 1. J. . . Council Minutes - 12/13/04 approved by MnDOT, lloglund Transportation will provide dispatch services at $5.00 per hour additional cost. Consideration of review of bids on Fire Department Truck. Recommendation: Move to reject the tankcr bids and authorize re-advertisement for hids for the new truck. Consideration of authorizing preparation of EA W for Insignia Development. Recommendation: Authorize the preparation of an EA W for the lnsignia developmcnt project subject to the developcr providing a $12,000 dcposit to pay for the EA W. Consideration of calling for a public hearing for vacation of 3' of Wright Strect right of way from East River Street to the Mississippi due to home encroachment. Recommendation: Call for a public hearing to be held on January 10, 2005 to consider the vacation of a portion of Wright Street from East River Street to the Mississippi. K. Consideration of acceptance of work and authorizing final payment on Rivcr Strcet Sanitary Sewcr, Project No. 2003-1 Oc. Recommendation: Authorize final payment in thc amount of $6,368.73 to G.L. Contracting, Inc. for the River Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project No. 2003-1 OC subject to receipt of required paper work and accept the project work. 1.. Consideration of approving 2005 liquor providers for MCC. Recommendation: Approve the following liquor providers for MCC for 2005: American Legion Post #260, Chin Yuen Restaurant, VFW Post #8731, Nature's Hideaway, Reichel's Catering Service, RJ's Sports Bar & Grill and Russell's of Course. M. Consideration of Negative Declaration of impact on EA W for Ryan Companies Development. Recommendation: Issue the Negative Declaration of Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Monticello Retail Development site. N. Consideration of City maintaining public streets and utilities for the Sunset Ponds 1 st Addition Development, Project No. 2003-15P. Recommendation: City accepts maintenance responsibilities of public streets and utilities within the Sunset Ponds }'I Addition contingent on roadways heing swept and the right-of-way being cleared of dehris for snow plowing operations. (). Consideration of accepting public streets and utilities for the Hillside Farms I sl Addition Development, Project No. 2003-12P. Recommendation: Acceptance of the puhlic streets and utilities with the exception of maintaining storm sewer and pumping the pond, suhject to the contractor submitting the required paperwork. P. Consideration of City maintaining public streets and utilities for the Carlisle Village Development Project No. 2004-l6P. Recommendation: The City accepts maintenance responsibilities for streets in the Carlisle Village Development with the exception of roadway stubs without temporary cul-de-sacs, contingent on roadways heing swept and 5 . . U. Council Minutes - 12/13/04 the right-of-way being cleared of debris for snow plowing operations. Q. Consideration of accepting public streets and utilities for the Featherstone Development, Project No. 2003-03C. Recommendation: Accept the public streets and utilities for the Featherstone Development, Project No. 2003-03C subject to the contractor submitting the required paperwork. R. Consideration of City maintaining public streets and utilities for the Prairie Ponds Development, Project No. 2004-14P. Recommendation: The City accepts maintenance responsibilities of public streets and utilities with the exception of maintaining storm sewer to the pond and erosion control and contingent on roadways being swept and the right-of-way being cleared of debris for snow plowing operations. S. Consideration of City maintaining public utilities for the Parkside at Meadow Oak 2nd Addition development, Project No. 2003-08P. Recommendation: City accepts maintenance responsibilities for public utilities within the Parkside at Meadow Oak 2nd Addition. T. Consideration of a request to vacate and purchase a portion of unused West Th Street _ Barry Fluth. Recommendation: Council authorize setting a public hearing for January ] 0,2005 to consider the vacation of West Th Street lying southeast of Minnesota Street. Consideration of authorizing a public hearing for the Environmental Assessment regarding the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange. Recommendation: Set a public hearing f()[ the Environmental Assessment regarding the interchange on 1-94 at CSAH 18 for January 24, 2004 at 7 p.m. at the City Council meeting. V. Consideration of authorizing A V AR, uti lity studies and interchange analysis for IIeritage Development (Silver Springs Golf Course) Sub-Items A,B,C (Was item #10) . A. Approve scope of work. cost estimate and time line for the preparation of an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for Ileritage Development/Silver Springs Golf Course Redevelopment. Recommendation: Approve the scope of work, time line and cost estimate for an ALJAR for the Heritage Development/Silver Springs Golf Course Redevelopment project subject to the developer providing an $85,000 deposit to cover the cost of the AUAR. B. Authorize the preparation of sanitary sewer and watermain study for the Heritage Development/Silver Springs Golf Course Redevelopment. Recommendation: Approve the scope of work and cost estimate for a sanitary sewer and watermain study f()r the Heritage Development/Silver Springs Golf Course Redevelopment project subject to the developer providing a $30,660 deposit to pay for the study. C. Authorization to prepare preliminary lavouts.interchange modification re(Hlest from fHW A and Environmental Review for the proposed Orchard Road Interchange. 10 . . . Council Minutes - 12/13/04 Recommendation: Approve the scope of work, time line and cost estimate 1()r the Orchard Road interchange including: A. Preliminary layouts; B. Interchange modification request; C. Environmental Review Brian Stumpf asked for a clarification on 5C, Core Street Amended Report as to which option they would be utilizing. Bret Weiss stated that they didn't specify an alternative. Brian Stumpf asked that item 5C be pulled hom the consent agenda and continued to the first meeting in January. BRIAN ST'UMPF MOVED TO HAVE ITEM 5C, CONSIDERATION OF REVISED SCOPE OF 2005 CORE STREET PROJECT, CONSlI)ERED AT TllE JANUARY 10,2005 MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Items 5B, 5D, 5G and 5T were removed from the consent agenda for discussion. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITI I THE ADDITION OF ITEMS 5U AND 5V AND THE REMOVAL OF 58,5D, 5G AND 5'1'. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent al!enda for discussion. 5B-Feasibility Report School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to the Insignia Development. Glen Posusta questioned why the study wasn't covering School Boulevard all the way to 90th Street. Bret Weiss indicated they had not had discussions with the developers in that area to determine their time frame for improvements. Glen Posusta suggested that the engineer meet with the developers and then determine if the project scope should be extended. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PREPARAT'ION OF A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO INSIGNIA DEVELOPMENT AND EXTENDING TO 90T11 STREET CONTINGENT UPON THE INSIGNIA DEVELOPERS AGREEING TO IT. BRIAN STUMPf SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 5Dc Continuation of County Ditch 33 Study - Glen Posusta questioned what the requirements are for studying Ditch 33 since there is another government entity involved. Bret Weiss said the County would like to see the City get his study done. Glen Posusta asked if the County had given the City Engineer some kind of direction on this. Bret Weiss said they had been working with the County on this as part of the Carlisle Village development and had worked with Kerry Saxton from the Water and Soils Conservation Office on this matter. Glen Posusta noted that the developments being discussed as pat1 of this project were not yet in the City limits. Bret Weiss stated that some time ago the Council did give authority to start looking at relief f'()[ Ditch 33. Glen Posusta asked who would pay for this. Bret Weiss replied that was up to the Council. Previously it was considered as trunk storm sewer improvement. One option would have the developer cover the cost of the lateral pipe and the City cover the cost of l Council Minutes - 12/13/04 . upsizing the pipe. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE CONTINUAl'ION OF THI;; OUTLET S'I'UDY AS PART' OF TIJl~ H!I)DEN FORES'r AND SIJNSETRIDGI~: ADDITION PROJECTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED IJNANIMOIJSI"Y. 5G 2005 HC~lI,tland Expl'css 3"<1 Party TI'ansportation Contract Scrvkcs - Robbie Smith questioned whether the City did the right thing back when they made the decision not to go with the River Rider system. Although the City may be obligated at this point to go with the contract, he suggested that the new Council may want to look at this again. Jeff 0 'Neill stated it would be difficult to transfer to River Rider at this point but agreed the Council could look at it for next year. Glen Posusta asked about hiring a full-time person. If the City does not hire a transportation person the state could terminate the contract and the City could lose its funding. Ifthat happens there may not be the same level of service as there currently is. . ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE 2005 CONTRACT FOR 3RD PARTY TRANSPORTATION PROVIDER SERVICES WITH HOGLUND TRANSPORTATION AT $30.91 PER I-JOUR SUBJECT TO MNDOT APPROVAL OF A HANDS FREE DISPATCH SYSTEM AND SUBJECT TO PAYING ACTUAL PASS THROUGH EXPENSES FOR FUEL PURCHASE. IN THE EVENT TI-lAT THE HAND FREE SYSTEM IS NOT APPROVED BY MNDOT, I--IOGLUND TRANSPORTATION WILL PROVIDE DISPATCH SERVICES AT $5.00 PER HOUR ADDITIONAL COST. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5T Vacation of West 7th Street right-of-way: Brian Stumpf asked how many square feet was involved in the portion of right-of-way that was requested to be vacated. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that based on the maps the right-of-way appeared to be 80' in width. If the Council proceeds with the vacation of the right-of-way they would need to determine the exact square footage. He did feel there was sufficient footage to site a house on the area. Brian Stumpf had concerns about it because it was creating an odd shaped lot. He said the City has been working to square up lots in the old part of town and creating this Jot would be contrary to that. Rick Wolfsteller said the right-of-way would not be used for street purposes and there are no utilities located in the right-of-way. The question is whether you want to create a separate buildable lot. Brian Stumpf asked that prior to the public hearing on the vacation the City should determine jf there was sufficient square footage to meet ordinance requirements for a buildable lot. Brian Stumpf said he would like to see the adjacent property owners given the first option to purchase the right-of--way. Bruce Thielen suggested the item be tabled so additional research could be done. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE A REQUEST BY BARRY FLUTI-l '1'0 VACATE AND PlJRCIIASE A PORTION OF UNUSED WEST 7T11 STREET. GLEN POSlJSTA SECOND)]) THE MCHION. MOTION CARIUED UNANIMOUSLY. . ~ Counci I Minutes - 12/13/04 . 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of appeal of the Planning Commission denial of a variance to the 30' rear vard setback for attached four unit townhome complex in an R-1 District. City Attorney, Tom Scott reported that a settlement had been reached. This item was originally placed on the agenda hecause of an appeal of the Planning Commission decision by Mike Schneider. The dispute is over what was the allowed setback for two of the buildings in this development. The question is whether the approved setback was 25' or 30'. The Planning Commission denied the variance request and the denial was appealed. Since that the time a settlement agreement has been reached with the affected property owners. The statT was presenting the settlement agreement to the Counci 1 for their approval. If the Council approves the agreement they are making a determination that the setback is 25 feet. Mike Schneider is releasing the City from any liability stemming from the stoppage of work. The property owners are accepting the current location of the building and are releasing the City from any liability. The City is not paying any money to any of the parties involved. Tom Scott recommended approval of the settlement agreement and felt it was a good way to resolve the issue. Brian Stumpf asked if this was a common practice used in clearing up a variance denial. Jeff O'Neill said the Zoning Administrator had made an initial determination that the setback was 30 feet and developer was aware that it was 30 feet. Tom Scott said he didn't view this as a variance issue but whether a 25' or 30' setback was approved.. The question was what was the setback that was approved in this case. . JetTO'Neill said the developer was informed that a 30' setback was required even though that was not what the developer showed on the plan. Glen Posusta felt the settlement was a good way to mitigate the damage. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE DATED DECEMBER 13,2004. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Roger Carlson asked about what happens in the future if the issue comes up again. Glen Posusta felt the legal costs involved in settling this would keep developers from dong this intentionally. Jeff O'Neill said $55,000,000 in construction was done in the City and this was the first time in 15 years that this problem occurred. 8. Consideration of accepting feasibility report for the CSAH 18/1-941 nterchange and setting public hearinl! on the feasibility report and lavout; authorize land acuuisition nel!otiation and condemnation and authorize preparation of plans and specifications for trunk sanitary sewer and authorize feasibilitv report for 7th Street. Hil!hland Wav and South Frontage Road. Sub-Items A, B, C, D. E.F 8A. Accept feasibility study and order plans and specifications for the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange project. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, ORDER PLANS q Council Minutes -12/13/04 . AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DIRECT TI-IE CITY ENGINEER TO BRING BACK PROPOSED ASSESSMENT RATES FOR BENEFITTING PROPERTY OWNERS PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED FOR JANUARY 24,2004. ROBBIE SMITI I SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 88. Authorize a public hearing for Municipal Consent regarding the interchange on 1-94 at CSAH final layout. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC I!BARING FOR MUNICIPAL CONSENT REGARDING THE INTERCHANGE ON 1-94 AT CSAH 18 STAFf' APPROVED LA YOUT FOR JANUARY 24,2004 AT 7 PM. At TIlE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8C. Consideration of a resolution authorizing negotiations and if necessary condemnation of land lor public purposes (CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange and South Frontage Road Projects) . Glen Posusta questioned if Meadow Oak Road is the same as the South Frontage Road. It was indicated it was. Glen Posusta stated that according to the map it appeared that road goes into Church property and he wondered if that was necessary and also wondered if the trees in that area were going to be removed. Bret Weiss stated that this was part of the agreement and that the majority of trees are on the Weinand property. The church has requested the City place the road along the property line. Glen Posusta asked if the church is going to be responsible for 12 the road. Bret Weiss said they have talked to the church and discussed options which the church was going to bring to their board. Thc engincs has not heard back from them yet. Robbie Smith noted the trees that are going to be removed act as a buffer and he was concerned about their removal. Bret Weiss stated they have talked to the church about maintaining a butler. Bret Weiss staled the church is not entirely opposed to the road. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING NEGOTIA nONS AND IF NECESSARY CONDEMNATION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES (CSAH 18/1-94 INTERCHANGE AND SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD). GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL,y' 8D Consideration of a resolution authorizing negotiations and if necessary condemnation of land for public purposes - (Territorial Road Extension) . Glen Posusta asked how much negotiation has taken place with the church and what is the status. Bret Weiss said they have met with the church representatives who indicated they would be getting back in touch with him though they haven't yet. Glen Posusta questioned why there hadn't been more negotiations with the church prior to this juncture. He felt this was fairly late in the process to initiate negotiations. Bret Weiss said the City needed to get SOme appraisals on the property and that needed to be done before an otler could be made. Bruce Thielen added that while staff may have talked about this the Council did not give sta1T authority to initiate discussions until recently. Bret Weiss indicated that have also been in contact with Mr. \0 . . . Council Minutes ~ 12/13/04 Busch and John Simola has a talked to a property owner who presented another option that could be looked at. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING NEGOTIATIONS AND IF NECESSARY CONDEMNATION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES (TERRITORIAL ROAD EXTENSION). ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 8F Authorize preparation of a feasibility report for the construction of the South Frontage Road from Mcadow Oak Avenue to CSAJ-I 18 ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF A FEASIBILITY REPORT fOR TI-lE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE TO CSAH 18. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 8F-l authorize preparation of a feasibility report for the extension of th Street from St. Henry's Church to CSAH 18 and construction of Highland Way from 7th Street to CSAH 75. Glen Posusta questioned the cost. Bret Weiss indicated the $79,000 was the estimated cost to complete plans and specifications. The cost of the feasibility report was estimated at $23,000 and wi II be paid for by the developer. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO AUTHORIZE OBTAINING SOIL BORINGS, SURVEY, AND PREPARATION OF A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE EXTENSION OF 7TlI STREET FROM ST. HENRY'S CHURCH TO CSAH 18 AND CONSTRUCTION OF HIGHLAND WAY FROM 71H STREET TO CSAH 75 SUBJECT TO THE DEVELOPER PROVIDING A $23,000 DEPOSIT TO PAY FOR THE STUDY. BRUCE TIIIELEN SECONDED THE MOT"ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. Consideration of emolovee salary adiustment to reflect eost of livin!! increase. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provided the background information on this item noting the City had surveyed other neighboring communities as well as checking the consumer price index. He stated this was not a change in individual job descriptions or wages but a means to keep salaries in line with market conditions. The Council was acting solely on a cost of living adj ustment. Brian Stumpf stated that in 2003 and 2004 the City approved an increases that were slightly higher than the CPI. Glen Posusta commented that there were no actual figures as to what certain positions were paid. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ESTABLISH A COST OF LIVING ADJlJSTMENT OF 2.7% FOR 2005 FOR THE WAGE SCALES TlIA T WOULD APPLY FOR NON-UNION EMPLOYEFS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED \\ Council M inutes ~ 12/13/04 . WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 10. Consideration of authorizin1! A V AR. utility studies and interchange analysis for Heritage Development (Silver Sprin1!s Golf Course) Sub-Items A.B,C Approved with consent agenda. t t. Consideration to approve a rezone of Otter Creek Business Campus (Outlot H. Outlot E. Outlot B and Lot 1. Block 2 of Otter Creek Crossing from A-O (A1!ricultural/Open Space) to II-A (Li1!ht Industrial) Applicant: City of Monticello. Otter Creek LLC. The proposed rezoning would bring the City land into the I-IA zoning designation. It was noted that the rezoning applied only to the City owned land and did impact the land adjacent to the freeway which was previously rezoned to B-4 or Outlot f which would retain the AO classification. . Bruce Thielen summarized discussion held by the Council at the workshop as it related to the rezoning of the Otter Creek plat. Part of the discussion centered around whether the industrial park could be considered as relocation site for the A VR Redi-mix plant and whether that use would be compatible with the IDC intended uses in the industrial park. Noting the position of the IDC, the Council felt there had to be some flexibility with the A VR relocation. When a decision is made on the A VR site, if it is to be relocated to the industrial park there would a separate rezoning done but it would not need not be done at this time. Robbie Smith stated that although no rezoning was being done at this time to accommodate the possible relocation ofthe A VR Redi-mix plant to that site, IDC and others should understand that there could be a rezoning to 1-2 in the future. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE REZONING TO I-IA FOR OUTLOT II, OUTLOT E, OUTLOT B AND LOT 1, BLOCK 2 OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING BASED ON A FINDING 'rHAT TIHS DISTRICT IS COMPATIBLE WITH 'rHE CITY'S LAND USE PLAN AND WOULD BE BEST SUITED TO fULFILL THE CITY'S INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES AND WITI I THE POSSIBILITY EXISTING THAT A PORTION COULD BE REZONED IN 'fHE FUTURE TO 1-2 AS A POSSIBLE RELOCATION SITE fOR A VR REDI-MIX. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration to authorize the Citv Attorney to prepare appropriate documents for Otter Creek Business Campus covenants. . As part of this item, John Chadwick spoke to the Council about a few items remaining on the land acquisition. He noted the easement questions had been squared away. Sewer and water being brought to serve Outlot F is still a question. J Ie would like to have sewer ancl water extended to the site with 18-24 months. John Chadwick said the City could charge him interest horn the day the pipe arrived and added that the agreement cloes not provide for them to pay interest. \'d. . . . Council Minutes - 12/13/04 The alignment of pipe to serve this area was discussed. Glen posusta stated that it appeared that the land could be serviced from the 90th Street line. Bret Weiss stated the lift station is going to be closer to County Road 39 than it is to this property. The question is who extends the pipe to the property line and who pays for it. The City would have to upfront the cost of extending the line through a large area to get it to his property. Glen Posusta asked where School Boulevard hits 90th Street. Bret Weiss indicated it was just before the Bondhus development. Glen Posusta questioned the time frame for serving annexed property. Rick Wolfsteller stated that if utilities are brought to the property line that meets the qualifications in the orderly annexation agreement. Rick Wolfsteller noted that these issues which are being brought up now were not part of the original purchase agreement and should not be part of the closing process. Rick Wolfstcller didn't feel this was any different than the City requiring the easements. Rick Wolfsteller stated the City has provided service when property owners have agreed to pay for it but he questioned whether the City should extend service lines without compensation. Bret Weiss stated a possible route to serve the property would be along the power line easement. Bret Weiss felt there could be a separate agreement prepared that would cover the issue of extension of service to the site and how it would be paid for. John Chadwick suggested striking the 24 month clause from the agreement and everything relating to extension of service. This will not be addressed as part of closing but will be covered in another agreement. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS FOR RECORDING FOR THE CITY'S PORTION OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING RELATING TO: A) PROHIBITION AND DEFINITION OF OUTDOOR STORAGE, WITH ALLOWANCES FOR VEHICLE PARKING, TRASH HANDLING AND TRUCKING ACTIVITIES PER IDC RECOMMENDATION; B) REQUIREMENT FOR IRRIGATION Of LANDSCAPING AREAS BETWEEN THE BUILDING LINE AND THE STREET PER IDC RECOMMENDATION; C) PROHIBITION OF METAL EXTERIOR BUILDING MATERIALS WITH EXCEPTIONS FOR ARCHITECTURAL TREATMENTS ON ROOFS, DOORS, WINDOWS, OR SIMILAR ELEMENTS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of a relimina lat and conditional use ermit for develo planned unit development for 47.65 acre commercial/retail development. Ryan Companies. The Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat and conditional use permit for Ryan Companies at their December 6, 2004 meeting and recommended approval with a number of conditions. According to Jeff O'Neill most of the conditions noted have been resolved. One of the items remaining is Outlot D which is at the entrance into the development and its proposed use. It could be considered as public space and it is located along the pathway system. The question is who is responsible for paying for improvements related to it and who is responsible for maintaining it. Jeff O'Neill suggested the developer could provide funds for the City for improvements to the Outlot D in exchange for a larger pylon sign. The Council \?> . . . Council Minutes - 12/13/04 questioned why the City would want to maintain the site and felt it should remain under the jurisdiction of the developer. Another is issue is building design standards and the developer indicated they arc willing to work with staff on this. Another issue was the funding of stop lights on CSAH 75. Bret Weiss indicated that he wanted it shown on the site plan that a light was going to be placed there and the that item was included in a finance plan that the developer agreed to. Roger Carlson asked why the park would want to get involved in the development of a small lot that had a number of fairly steep slopes. Bruce Thielen said he would like to see the developer maintain the outlot. John Simola stated he was not aware that the City was in favor of maintaining the outlot. JeLT O'Neill said the Parks Commission Chair brought up the suggestion. Bruce Thielen suggested the developer make a presentation to the Parks Commission but the developer should maintain the site. Glen Posusta questioned whether the City should be considering a plan until there has been a resolution of the A VR issue. He felt the City might get in a bind by proceeding before the A VR piece is in place. City Attorney, Tom Scott said any resolution approving this was conditioned upon entering into a development agreement. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONnrrlONAL USE PERMIT FOR DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD FOR RYAN COMPANIES BASED ON A FINDING 'fHAT THE PROJECT MEETS THE GENERAL INTENT OF THE CITY'S PLANNING OBJECTIVES FOR THIS AREA INCLUDING THE REQUIREMENTS SET fORTI IIN EXHIBIT Z INCLUDING REfERENCE TO THE REQUIREMENTS Of THE CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT AND SUBMISSION OF REVISED PLANS MEETING ALL CONDITIONS PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL AND ADDITIONAL REVIEW OF BUILDING PLANS BY BOTH PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINAR Y PLAT FOR RYAN COMPANIES BASED ON TilE FINDING THAT THE PLAT PROVIDES fOR 1'1 IE PROJECT AS REGULATED WITI I THE CONDITIONS AS SPECIfIED IN EXHIBIT Z. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MO'fION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Consideration of Alternate Site for New Water Tower Location John Simola provided background on the City's effixts thus far to select a site for the new one million gallon water tower. A number of sites in the plat of Jefferson Commons had been looked at. The original site met with opposition from residents in the abutting Grovcland Development. Sites 2 and 4 which were also adjacent to residential developments were not given major consideration. At an earlier meeting the Council looked at site 3 which is south of School Boulevard and west of the theater. John Simola indicated the incoming Council had expressed their desire to have site 4 studied. Site 4 is adjacent to the mobile home park. Prior to the regular meeting the City held an informational meeting to present infimnation about \'\ Council Minutes - 12/13/04 . proposed site 4. Bret Weiss reviewed the costs related to the proposed sites. Site 1, the original choice had an estimated cost 01'$672,228. Bret Weiss noted the land cost north of the power line was estimated at $6.50/ft and the area south of the power line was estimated at $4/ft. Site #3 is $889,000 and site #4 is $788,000. Bret Weiss felt the southerly option was the most cost cflective. Brian Stumpf stated that as far as the fire department is concerned if the site for the fire hall/water tower is moved to the southerly portion of Jefferson Commons then it is an access concern for the fire department. They would have to go through the whole development with their fire equipment or to get to their equipment. Bret Weiss said site 3 and 4 were in close proximity to School Boulevard while the original site was closer to TH 25. Bret Weiss noted that a lot of the development was happening to the west, such as Insignia, Chadwick and Heritage. Brian Stumpf felt the proximity of site #1 allowed movement of equipment as quickly as possible. . Fire Chief Scott Douglas stated that they may not know if they want to build a new station but it is important to set the land aside now. He felt the closer they could be to TH 25 the more efficient their response time would be. He point out a few minutes of time makes a significant difference in an emergency situation. Scott Douglas said if site #1 is off the table then site #3 would be the preferred site. Glen posusta felt that while the site is a little further away they won't be goi ng through many lights. Glen posusta asked if the fire department is looking at building a new station or having a satellite station. Scott Douglas reiterated the need to have the site ready now regardless of when they build. Mark Rolfs From Bonestroo reported on the soil borings and the time frame for completing the project. I Ie noted at site #3 there is thin layer of compressable clay down deep that could be a problem. Site #4 also has a layer of compressable clay which is thicker than site #3. He noted it proposed to approve the plans and specifications in February and bid the project in April. With that schedule no painting would be done on the tower until 2006. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO RELOCATE TilE "rOWER FROM THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE #3 (THE WEST OF THE THEATER) TO SITE #4 (NEAR THE KJELLBERG'S MOBILE HOME PARK TO SOUTH). Brian Stumpf suggested that the incoming Council provide their comments on this issue. Clint Herbst said the main coneern is economics. Wayne Mayer said he would like to go to site #4 but he questioned if there was something in the soils that would need to be addressed before deciding on site #4. Mark Rolfs said the potential for settlement exists. He felt they could drive a piling through the layer of soil and that would resolve the problem but he could not give an estimate of the cost at this time. . Tom Perrault said when visiting the mobile home park, the residents were more concerned about getting city water than having a tower located adjacent to them. lIe indicated that the \S . . . Council Minutes - 12/13/04 Kjellbergs might not continue in use as a park. I Ie would prefer to see something other than water tower be developed at site #3. Robbie Smith was against site #4 because he felt the City should find a neutral site. If the issue was solely economics then he felt site #1 would best. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TlIE MOTION. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN BRIAN STUMPF, BRUCE TI-IIELEN AND ROBBIE SMITI-f VOTED AGAINST AND GLEN POSUST A AND ROGER CARLSON VOTED IN FAVOR TllEREOF. 15. Consideration of accepting feasibility report for the trunk sanitary sewer extension - SE Interceptor/Bondhus seement and order preparation of plans and specifications. Proiect No.2002-12C. Bret Weiss provided background information. Mr. Bondhus had agreed to provide the easement. The pipe would go around the outside of his property, to St. Benedict's property and to the Ryan site to the south side of the freeway. There are three alternatives to look at: 1) extend 36" gravity flow sewer line. This would eliminate the reservoir lift station. Cost would be $1.5 million 2) Extend pipe along 1-94 to the lift station site and put a stub in Fallon Avenue. Cost estimated at $1.5 million. 3) Go along the freeway and down Chelsea Road. Also estimated at $1.5 million. The project is a trunk improvement and could be covered by sanitary sewer trunk funds. Easements from Bondus, Ryan and Weinand will be in place but some other additional easements will be needed. Bret Weiss reviewed the time frame for completing the project.. John Simola noted that one of the alternatives involved moving of Chelsea Road and assessments for Fallon Avenue. In that case a public hearing would be required. Bret Weiss indicated ifit was determined that this was the primary alternative then a public hearing will be scheduled. Glen Posusta asked how the City could justify assessment to property owners who have sewer and water. Bret Weiss responded that the assessments would be for streets improvements not sewer and water. Glen Posusta said Mr. Bondhus had contacted him and asked why this was needed at this point in time. Bondhus also questioned the proposed alignment of the pipe. Bondhus would give an casement to go through his property instead of zig zagging around it with the condition that the sewer not be built until there is a specific need. Glen Posusta asked why the City didn't go on the south side of the railroad tracks as opposed to the north side. Bret Weiss said they had discussions earlier with Mr. Bondhus and this is what they agreed to so they really didn't look at other options. John Simola challenged the statement questioning whether this project was needed. He indicated the sewage has been backing up in the Chelsea Road for some time. This information was confirmed by Matt Theisen, Sewer and Water Superintendent In addition the proposed Heritage Development and the industrial park will need to hook up to this line so it needs to be done at this time. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE FI.:ASIBILITY REPORT AND ORDER PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE EXTENSION OF THE \\0 . . . Council Minutes - 12/13/04 TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AS PROPOSED. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 16. Consideration of settlement proposal from LMCIT Insurance. Glen Posusta felt it was not the wisest thing for the City to go with the first offer from the insurance company and should make a counter otTer. Rick Wolfsteller stated that is an option but pointed out that this is not the first offer from the insurance company. They had originally said they would not pay anything since the City was planning to demolish the property any way. He felt the insurance company would get an appraiser and pay based on the value established by the appraisal. He added that the LMCTT is set up hy the League of Minnesota Cities to help cities keep insurance costs atTordable. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO PROPOSE A ALTERNATE OFFER OF $50,000 TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR SETTLEMENT ON THE CLAIM ON THE KRAMER IlOUSE. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. Consideration of approvine pavment of bills for December Glen Posusta questioned the bills from Menard's and why these items couldn't be purchased locally. lie also questioned the payment for yoga class and the detailing on the Dodge Caravan. He questioned the need for the feasibility study on the School Boulevard signal. 13ret Weiss stated that the first step in a project is to always do a feasibility study and in this case the signal justification report is a requirement of MnDOT before the project could proceed. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT OF THE BILLS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Swan River Montessori School - On November 22, 2004 the Council approved the concept for the school to occupy the old Methodist Church and authorized staif to move forward on negotiating a memorandum of understanding. Staff has met with representatives of the school regarding issues relating to the building. The City would be prepaying rent for the use of the facilities after 6 p.m during the week and full days on weekends. In turn the school would be reimbursing the MCC for use of MCC facilities for their students. It is estimated that there would be $63,000 reimbursement from the school for use of the MCC facilities and $10,000 in rental revenues generated by the church facility. Staff is continuing to work on the project. Bruce Thielen said the reason he asked for the update was that since the last meeting he had heard from a number of residents in the community so he is having second thoughts on his position on the school. He is adamant that the City doesn't lose the property and that now appears to be the case with the proposal that another entity needs to purchase the site since the charter school cannot. I Ie is uncomfortable with the prepayment of the rent. If the school should close down Monticello taxpayers \1.- Council Minutes - 12/13/04 . wi II pick up the cost. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO RECONSIDER THE APPROV AL OF THE CONCEPT PLAN FOR SWAN RIVER MONTESSORI SCHOOLS USE OF THE METHODIST CHURCII. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUST A VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Mayor 'fhielen allowed those present to speak on the issue of the school. Liz Sell, 2523 Briar Oakes Boulevard stated this is not an area where the City should be involved. The City should not be involved with building schools and she stated the charter school will compete with the existing school district and will impact the children. She was concerned about the lack of communication as it was not clear even among stalTwhat the proposal was. She felt the City needed to ask some questions such as: Does the City need the rental space 2) llow does it afTect MCC use; 3) Impact on fire department. Initially the City thought this was a true lease but now the school must own the site. Its proximity to the MCC makes it more valuable to the MCC. There is no other lot to replace it for expansion purposes. She Celt the MCC has a greater need for the property. Since the school changed the terms of the proposal she felt the City had the right to reverse their position. She emphasized her bc1iefthat it was not the City's mission to build schools. . Glen Posusta responded saying the reason the MCC was built was to help downtown Monticello. He said the MCC was driving some of the commercial activity taking place in the area. He felt the school would bring people into the downtown area. Glen Posusta noted the school has guaranteed funds for three years and that 80% of the City's cost would be recouped in that time. He felt the City would gain back 3-4 times the value of their investment. Glen Posusta said the City is not against public schools but other communities have a choice when it comes to schools and Monticello docs not. Liz Sell pointed out that parks and recreation is part of the City's mission but building schools is not. If the City is going to assist this school they should also assist the public school. Glen Posusta felt the money for the ice arena was like a grant since the only thing the City was receiving was ice time. Since the MCC expenses were in excess of $1 million the City should look at the revenue this proposal would generate. Bruce Thielen stated the City has no money tied up in the church at this point. $150,000 wi II be needed to make the church a viable building. Funds for the building were received from Sunny Fresh. .IeffBurns, 1517 West River Street, stated when it was first proposed to move the church he didn't think it was a good idea. He feels the Montessori school was a good program but he didn't feel the City should subsidize the school without a referendum being held. lie agreed that the city should hold onto the property and likewise agreed that subsidizing education was not part of the city's mission. Isabelle Olson and Chris Cooper representing the Swan River school spoke. Isabelle said the City is either Cor it or against it. It is a question of choice. She noted they had approached the school district about renting space from them. The Swan River school had no intention of building until the school turned them down. She said the school will bring in 40-60 people a day to pick up their children. She felt this was good for the chi Idren of Monticello. She urged the Council to reconsider their choice. . \8 . . . Council Minutes - 12/13/04 She said it is not a subsidized school but a business decision. Chris Cooper read a letter from Sunny Fresh dated June 22, 2004. She said that in this letter Sunny Fresh gave the $200,000 to the school for education purposes. She noted that $175,000 of the grant has been spent in an unsupervised manner resulting in a building with very little visible equity. This created the problem for them as they could not get financing for a building with no equity. Due to lack of oversight and accountability they had to come back to the City in a compromised position to try to determine how to make this proposal work. Bruce Thielen said having a choice of schools is great but the question is whether it is the City's role to subsidize schools. He brought the issue back up because he is not comfortable with the proposal. Glen Posusta said he was disappointed that Bruce Thielen didn't have the courage of his convictions Roger Carlson stated he is torn on this issue. He believes in opportunities for education but has questions whether the City should fund this. He is in favor of alternative education but he has a problem with City being involved in it. He tends to agree with the Mayor that things have changed and he is no longer comfortable with the proposal. Robbie Smith noted he has been against this proposal from the beginning. He too believes in choices and he does not question that the Montessori school is a good program but he can't support the City being involved in this kind of activity. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO DENY CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL FOR THI': SWAN RIVER SCHOOL AND TOl lAVE STAFF CEASE NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE SCHOOL. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller thanked the council member who are leaving for their years of service and stated he enjoyed working with them over the years. He hoped they would stay involved in the City. Brian Stumpf echoed the sentiments. 18. Adiourn. BRUCE TIIlELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:20 P.M. ROGER CARI-,SON SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -" Recording Secretary \C\ . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 13,2004 - 6 p.m. Memhers Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Others Present: Mayor-elect Clint Herbst and incoming Councilmemhers Tom Perrault and Wayne Mayer Mayor Thielen called the workshop to order at 6 p.m. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director stated the purpose of the meeting was to update the Council and the incoming members on the preferred measures and preferred land price as it relates to the Otter Creek Business Campus. The second item on the workshop agenda was to provide information about the Transf()fmation Home Loan Program. Ollie Koropchak noted that the plat of Otter Creek Crossing had previously been approved by the City Council and tonight the Council would be looking at rezoning a portion of the plat. She reviewed briefly the search for industrial land and the acquisition of the Otter Creek site for an industrial park. Ollie Koropehak reviewed the preferred measures which included jobs per acre, average hourly wage, land to building ratio, minimum lot size and market value. In addition she discussed a formula that could bc used to determine the maximum number of acres they would sell to any one user. The preferred package deal would have a preferred price of $1.00 per square foot paid up front, no assessments for 2005 improvements and no trunk fees. Mayor-elect, Clint Herbst asked ifthere was any clause in place setting a deadline for proposed expansion to take place. It was noted that the developer pays for trunk fees on excess land at the time the property is developed at the rate that is in effect at the time of development. Brian Stumpf asked how this would affect John Chadwick and the marketing of his property. It was pointed out that the zoning for Mr. Chadwick's property is 8-4 and the zoning for the City property is proposed to be 1-1 A. Ollie Koropchak then explained the IDe recommendations as they related to the proposed covenants f<.1r the industrial parle Some of the covenants proposed include installation of irrigation systems, no outdoor storage being allowed; no metal or steel exterior sidewall building materials with the exception of architectural panels and retention of the existing landscaping ordinance. She pointed out that IDC and H RA had never intended the zoning f(Jr the proposed industrial park to be anything but 1-1 A zoning. CI int Herbst asked about the proposed relocation of the A VR Redi-Mix plant to the industrial parle Ollie Koropchak stated it would dO . . . not meet the requirelllents of an [- [^ zoning district but would require rezoning to [-2. Ollie Koropchak questioned if the City allows 1-2 zoning for the redi-mix plant how could they refuse other requests for [~2 zoning. [t was also pointed out that having 1-2 uses in the industrial park would make lllarketing of it as a business campus more diflicult. Ollie Koropchak added that many communities in the area do not have a zoning district for heavy industry. There was some discussion on how the 1-1 ^ use would be at-fected by the 1-2 use if the A VR is re-located to the industrial park. The currcnt and incoming Councilmembers felt that 1-2 zoning for the A VR would be the exception as there was not much in the way of othcr relocation sites available in the city. There was additional discussion on what thc A VR needed in the way of land area and having restrictions on outside storage. It was felt that with buffering and other site amenities the presence of A VR in the industrial park might be more palatable to other users. Oil ie Koropchak reiterated that it was not the intent of the IDC that the industrial park be utilized fiJr heavy industrial use. Ollie Koropchak provided a handout on the Transformation Home Loan Program that summarized the purpose of the program. [t would be a one year pilot program with funding coming from revenue from TIf District 1-22. It would be an interest free loan covering up to 200/t> of the project cost or a maximum of $20,000. The remodeling project should be $50,000 or more. The loan is payable upon sale of the property or is forgiven after seven years. The program would apply to the core area ofthe City and would target substandard housing. Hill Fair, noted that the when housing property declines in value if often then becomes rental housing rather than owner occupied housing. It is hoped that this Transformation Home Loan program would keep those properties owner occupied. The workshop meeting closed at 7 p.m. Recording Secretary d\ Council Agenda - 1/10/05 . SA. Consideration of a new hires and de artures for MCC and Parks. (RW ) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and Parks. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING nATA: Lists of new employees. . . 2~ NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Goldie, Andrea Guest Service 2 MCC 11/19/2004 part time Olson, Corinne Life guard MCC 12/2/2004 part time TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Barthel, Gerald season ended Parks 11/1/2004 temporary Saari, Sarah season ended Parks 11/10/2004 temporary . Schoenborn, Herb season ended Parks 10/26/2004 temporary West, Don season ended Parks 11/1/2004 temporary . employee councillist.xls: 12/15/2004 5~ d3 NEW EMPLOYEES . Name Title Department Hire Date Class Connoy, Amie Rink attendant Parks 12/16/2004 part-time Geyen, Craig Rink attendant Parks 12/16/2004 part-time Geyen, Mark Rink attendant Parks 12/16/2004 part~time Henningson, Josh Rink attendant Parks 12/16/2004 part-time Saari, Sarah Rink attendant Parks 12/16/2004 part~time Schoen, Ellen Lifeguard, WSI MCC 12/18/2004 temporary/p-t TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class . . employee councillist.xls: 12/29/2004 5~ ~L\ . . . Council Agenda.- 1/10/05 5B. Consideration of chanl!inl! datc for public hcarinl! on the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchanl!c. (WSB) A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROlJND: At their meeting on December 13,2004, the City Council adopted a resolution setting a public hearing for January 24,2004 on the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange project. In discussion with City staff it was felt it would be more appropriate to conduct this hearing with the public hearings on the related projects (7lh Street/Highland Way and South Frontage Road). At the last meeting the City Council did authorize preparation of the feasibility reports for the construction projects related to the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange project including the above noted projects. It is anticipated that these feasibility reports will be completed and presented to the Council in time to allow for public hearings to be held on February 14,2005. Further, a philosophy for how the assessments are being applied will be provided at the January 24th meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could approve changing the date of the public hearing for the CSAII 18/1-94 Interchange Project from January 24,2005 to February 14,2004. Appropriate notices will be provided to the benefiting property owners. C. STAFF RECf VIENDATION: .--. It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Administrator that the public hearing for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange be re-scheduled for February 14,2005. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None cJ5 Council Agenda - 1110/05 . sc. Consideration of ado tin a cable ordinance and franchise renewal a rcement with Charter Communications. (R W) A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello is one of ten communities who formed the Sherhurne/Wright County Cahle Communications Commission back in the mid-eighties. The original intent of forming the commission of area communities was to hand together to provide cable tv services to our communities hy jointly establishing one franchise agreement that all cities would enact. The latest franchise agreement with Charter Communications expired a couple of years ago, and the commission has heen working on finalizing a new franchise agreement for all of the ten cities to adopt. Legal counsel for the commission has recently negotiated a new franchise agreement that has heen recommended for approval by the cable commission members. In addition to a new franchise agreement, it is recommended by the commission's legal counsel, Kennedy & Graven, that each city also adopt a cable ordinance which will lay out the general groundwork for granting a franchise in each city. The cable ordinance defines construction standards and uses of public right-of-way and other customer service regulations. The proposed ordinance would be similar in all communities, but it docs not prevent the city from having more restrictive regulations in the future if we adopt other right-of-way ordinances. . The basic franchise agreement that is recommended for approval by the commission ties in with our cable ordinance and would be granted to Charter Communications for a period of fifteen years. The franchise agreement continues with the 5% franchise fee that the cahle company provides to the cable commission which in turn uses those funds for equipment enhancements throughout all communities involved in the commission. For example, all of the televising and video equipment we have in the Community Center and those pieces of equipment that arc used in the Council Chambers were provided through franchise fees. Our equipment is continually being upgraded and the Council Chambers will soon have individual display terminals at each Council location along with additional video and computer upgrades in the near future. The speakers, microphones and acoustical panels that were installed in the Council Chambers were also provided through cable franchise fees. The new franchise agreement also includes an additional PEG Access fee (Public, Educational and Government Access Channels) that will provide an additional $.85/per suhscriber/per month to buy and maintain equipment and to provide programming needs throughout each community. The new franchise also includes additional locations in each community where live origination and/or free service drops are provided enabling the city to provide expanded cable programming to our citizens in the future. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Adopt the cable ordinance and related cable franchise ordinance with Charter Communications and adopt the resolution approving summary publication of cable ordinances as proposed. (~~0 . . . c. Council Agenda - 1/l 0/05 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended hy the Sherburne/Wright County Cable Commission membership along with the City Administrator that the cable ordinance, cable franchise agreement and resolution approving summary puhlication of the cable ordinances he approved as presented. This hanchise agreement has heen under negotiation for the past two years since it expired and the commission memhers feel it will adequately protect the cities' interest and provide the needed revenue to SUPP011 our continuing local programming efforts and equipment replacements. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of cable ordinance Copy of franchise agreement Copy of resolution for summary publication J.l CITY OF MONTICEllO ORDINANCE NO. 419 . SECTION 1. FINDINGS AND INTENT The City finds that the delivery of Cable Service and related communications services may contribute significantly to the communication needs and desires of residents of the City, benefit local economic development, and improve public and municipal services. The City's intent in adopting this Cable Ordinance is to encourage further development of Cable Service and related communications services in the City, and to ensure that all Cable Service providers are subject to comparable obligations and burdens. SECTION 2. SHORT TITLE This Ordinance will be known and cited as the "Cable Ordinance." SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS . For the purposes of this Cable Ordinance, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations have the meaning given herein. Unless otherwise provided herein, terms, phrases and words contained in this Cable Ordinance shall have the meaning ascribed in the Cable Act, 47 U.S.C. Sec. 521, et seq., or if not defined herein or in the Cable Act will have their normal and customary meaning. When not inconsistent with the context, words in the singular number include the plural number. The words "must" and "will" are always mandatory and not merely directory. The word "may" is directory and discretionary and not mandatory. a. "Basic Cable Service" has the meaning ascribed in Cable Act Section 522(3) and 543(b)(7). b. "Cable Communications System," "Cable System" or "System" has the meaning ascribed in Cable Act Section 522(7) and Minnesota Statutes, Section 238.02, Subd. 3. c. "Cable Proqramminq Service" has the meaning ascribed in Cable Act Section 543(1)(2). d. "Cable Service" has the meaning ascribed in Cable Act Section 522(6). c. "Channel" has the meaning ascribed in Cable Act Section 522(4). 1'. "City" means the City of Monticello, Minnesota, a municipal corporation, in the State of Minnesota. g. "Commission" means the Sherburne/Wright Counties Cable Communications Commission, a municipal joint powers entity consisting of the following municipalities: . R.lV-25724Hv I S1l255-1 ':._ c.... ;.}r.l Big Lake, Buffalo, Cokato, Dassel, Delano, Elk River, Maple Lake, Monticello, Rockford and Watertown. . h. "Drop" means the cable that connects the ground block on the Subscriber's Terminal Device to the nearest feeder cable of the System. i. "FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission, or its lawful successor. j. "Franchise", "Cable Franchise" or "Franchise Aqreement" means an agreement between the City and any provider of Cable Service pursuant to this Cable Ordinance granting authorization to construct, operate and maintain a System and provide Cable Service in the City. k. "Franchise Fee" has the meaning ascribed in Cable Act Section 542(g). 1. "Grantee" is any recipient of a Franchise, and its agents and employees, lawful successors, transferees or assignees. . m. "Gross Revenues" means all revenues, as determined in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles ("GAAP"), received by a Grantee or its affiliates from the operation of a Cable System to provide Cable Service in the City. By way of example and not limitation, Gross Revenues shall include any advertising revenues received by a Grantee or its affiliates in connection with the provision of Cable Service. Gross Revenues shall not include revenues received by a Grantee or its affiliates from the provision of Telecommunications Services or other non-Cable Services in the City, bad debt, credits, refunds and deposits paid to Subscribers, or any taxes, fees or assessments of general applicability collected by a Grantee which are imposed directly on a Subscriber and which are collected by a Grantee for such governmental unit including any PEG Capital Fees. A Franchise Fee is not such a tax, fee or assessment. n. "Installation" means the connection of a System with the Subscriber Terminal Device. o. "MPUC" means the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, or its lawful successor. p. "Normal Business Hours" has the meaning ascribed in the FCC's rules, 47 C.F.R.76.309(c)(4). q. "Normal Operatinq Conditions" has the meaning ascribed in the FCC's rules, 47 C.F.R. 76.309(c)(4). r. "PEG Access Facilities" means public, educational, and governmental programming channels, or any equipment or facilities for use of such Channels. . RJV -2:i724Xv I SIl2:i:i-1 2 t:~)C .;}L1 . . . s. "Person" has the meaning ascribed in Cable Act Section 522(15). 1. "Riqht-of-Way" or "Riqhts-of-Way" means the area on, below, or above a public roadway, highway, street, cartway, bicycle lane, and public sidewalk in which the local government unit has an interest, including other dedicated rights-of-way for travel purposes and utility easements of local government units. Right-of-Way does not include the airwaves above a Right-of-Way with regard to wireless or other nonwire telecommunications or broadcast service. u. "Riqht-of-Way Ordinance" means an ordinance of general applicability adopted by the City establishing requirements regarding regulation, management and use of Rights-of-Way, including registration and permitting requirements. v. "Standard Installation" means any residential installation that can be completed using a Drop of 150 feet or less. W. "Subscriber" means any Person who lawfully receives Cable Service via a System. x. 'Telecommunications Services" shall have the meaning ascribed in 47 U.S.C. S 153(46). y. "Terminal Device" means an electronic device that converts signals to a form accessible by the Subscriber. SECTION 4. FRANCHISES Section 4.1 Generally a. No Person may construct, operate, or maintain a Cable System or provide Cable Service in the City unless and until such Person is granted a Franchise. All Franchises must be granted pursuant to the provisions of this Cable Ordinance. b. Any Franchise granted hereunder will authorize a Grantee to deliver Cable Service and construct, operate and maintain a Cable System in the Rights-of-Way in the City. c. All Franchises shall be nonexclusive and City may grant additional Franchises at any time. The City will not grant an additional Franchise on terms and conditions more favorable or less burdensome than those in an existing Franchise. The City may impose additional terms and conditions in any additional Franchise. d. In the event the City grants an additional Franchise that a Grantee believes is more favorable or less burdensome than its existing Franchise, the Grantee shall have a right to petition for Franchise amendments to relieve the Grantee of provisions R.IV-2'i7248vl S1/255-1 " .' c-~ L' 30 e e e. making its Franchise less favorable or more burdensome. The Grantee shall file a petition that 1. Identifies the competitor(s); 2. Identifies the basis for Grantee's belief that certain provisions of the additional Franchise are more favorable or less burdensome than its existing Franchise; 3. Identifies the Franchise provisions to be amended. The City shall not unreasonably deny such a petition. e. This Cable Ordinance and Franchises granted pursuant hereto are intended to comply with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 238. Any applicable requirement established by Minn. Stat. 238.084 not expressly incorporated in this Cable Ordinance or a Franchise shall be deemed incorporated by reference in the Franchise as though fully set forth therein. f. The performance of any Grantee is subject to periodic evaluation by the City upon reasonable notice to the Grantee. Section 4.2 Use ot Rights-ot-Way a. Use of Rights-of-Way to operate a Cable System and provide Cable Service must not be inconsistent with the terms and conditions by which such Rights-of-Way were created or dedicated. Use of Rights-of-Way is subject to all applicable legal requirements including any Right-of-Way Ordinance enacted by the City, provided however that to the extent that rights, duties and obligations regarding the use of Rights-of-Way are specifically addressed in a Franchise, such Franchise terms shall prevail over any conflicting provisions of a Right-of-Way Ordinance. b. The City may construct, maintain, repair or relocate sewers; grade, pave, maintain, repair, relocate and/or alter any Right-of-Way; construct, repair, maintain or relocate water mains; or construct, maintain, relocate, or repair any sidewalk or other public work. c. All System facilities, lines and equipment in the City must be located so as not to obstruct or interfere with the proper use of Rights-of-Way, alleys and other public ways and places, and cause minimum interference with the rights of property owners who abut any of the said Rights-of-Way, alleys and other public ways and places, and not interfere with existing public utility installations. d. To the extent required in a Right-of-Way Ordinance, a Grantee must file with the City strand maps, plats, or other record of the location of all facilities constructed in the City, including underground facilities. A Grantee must update such maps, plats and permanent records annually if changes have been made in the System. Consistent R.IV-2:;7248v I SI12:;:;-1 4 SG 30(<0 with applicable state law, Grantee may identify such maps, plats or other records as "confidential trade secret," and City shall comply with all state laws regarding the . protection and dissemination of such materials. c. If the City alters, or changes the grade or location of any Right-of-Way, alley or other public way, a Grantee shall, at its own expense, upon reasonable notice by City, remove and relocate poles, wires, cables, conduits, manholes and other System fixtures, and in each instance comply with the standards and specifications of City. If City reimburses other occupants of the Right-of-Way, the affected Grantee will be likewise reimbursed. f. A Grantee shall not place poles, conduits, or other System fixtures where the same will interfere with any gas, electric, telephone, water or other utility fixtures and all such poles, conduits, or other fixtures placed in any Right-of-Way shall be so placed as to comply with all lawful requirements of City. g. A Grantee will, on request of any Person holding a moving permit issued by the City, temporarily move wires or fixtures to permit the moving of buildings with the expense of such temporary removal to be paid by the Person requesting the same, and the Grantee will be given no less than ten (10) business days advance notice to arrange for such temporary changes. h. A Grantee will be liable for the failure to exercise reasonable care during construction, operation or maintenance of a System. . Section 4.3 Tree Trimming A Grantee is authorized to trim any trees upon and overhanging the Rights-of-Way, alleys, sidewalks, or public easements of City so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with wires and cables of a System. The City may supervise tree trimming activities and condition the authority to trim trees as it deems appropriate. Section 4.4 Franchise Term. Franchises will be granted for a term established in the Franchise Agreement. No Franchise may be granted for a period exceeding fifteen (15) years from the date of acceptance by Grantee. Section 4.5 Regulation of Cable Service. Any Franchise Agreement adopted pursuant to this Cable Ordinance will define the contractual rights and obligations of the City and Grantee, provided however that a Grantee remains subject to the lawful exercise of the City's police power, ordinance- making authority, and power of eminent domain. . R.lV-l:;724Hv I SI12:;:;-1 5 t- c., 'J 3\ . . . Section 4.6 Initial Franchise Applications. a. Upon request or its own initiative, the City may initiate the cable franchise application process required by Minnesota Statutes Section 238.081. Any Person desiring an initial Franchise must file an application with the City. b. The City will establish an application fee in an amount to offset the costs of processing applications and awarding an initial Franchise. Such application fees will not constitute a Franchise Fee. c. Upon receipt of an application for an initial Franchise, City staff will prepare a report and recommendations to the City Council regarding the application(s). d. A public hearing concerning applications will be held prior to rejection or acceptance of applications, and award of any initial Franchises. Section 4.7 Franchise Renewal. Franchise renewals will be conducted in accordance with applicable laws. To the extent authorized by applicable laws, the City may require reimbursement of its expenses incurred in processing the renewal. SECTION 5. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Section 5.1 Registration, Permits and Construction Codes. a. Within ninety (90) days of acceptance of an initial Franchise, a Grantee shall apply for any necessary governmental permits, licenses, certificates, and authorizations to construct, repair, replace, relocate, operate, maintain or reconstruct a System. A Grantee may submit permit applications as construction progresses, as agreed upon with the City. A Grantee must strictly adhere to all state and local laws and building and zoning codes currently or hereafter applicable to location, construction, installation, operation or maintenance of the facilities used to provide Cable Service in the City. b. The City may inspect any construction or installation work performed pursuant to the provisions of a Franchise. The City may make such tests as it must find reasonably necessary to ensure compliance with the terms of this Cable Ordinance, the Franchise, and applicable provisions of local, state and federal law. Section 5.2 Repair ot Rights-ot-Way and Property. a. Any Rights-of-Way or other property disturbed or damaged during the construction, repair, replacement, relocation, operation, maintenance or reconstruction of a Cable System shall be promptly and fully restored by the Grantee performing such work, at its expense, to a condition as good as that prevailing prior to such work. b. If a Grantee fails to promptly perform the restoration required herein, the City shall have the right, following ten (10) business days written notice to Grantee, to R.lV-25724Xy I S11255-1 6 'SG ?:>d- restore Rights-of-Way and other public property to a condition as good as that prevailing prior to the Grantee's work. The City shall be fully reimbursed by the Grantee . for its actual costs relating to such restoration. Section 5.3 Undergrounding of Facilities. a. In all areas of the City where utility facilities are required to be placed underground, or where all other utility lines are underground, a Grantee must construct and install System facilities underground. b. A Grantee must bury new Drops within a reasonable time period, subject to weather conditions. In the event the ground is frozen, a Grantee will be permitted to delay burial until the ground is suitable for burial which in no event must be later than June 30th. Section 5.4 Erection, Removal and Joint Use of Poles. a. In any area of the City where facilities may be located above ground, a Grantee must make use of existing poles and other facilities to the extent technically and economically feasible. . b. No poles, above-ground conduits, amplifier boxes, similar structures, or other wire-holding structures may be erected or installed by the Grantee on public property without prior approval of the City with regard to location, height, type and other pertinent aspects. c. All facilities are subject to applicable zoning and other land use regulations. Section 5.5 Safety Requirements. a. A Grantee must at all times employ ordinary and reasonable care in the construction, installation and maintenance of System facilities and must use ordinary and reasonable methods and devices for preventing failures and accidents which are likely to cause damage, injuries, or nuisances to the public. All System facilities must at all times be kept and maintained in good condition, order, and repair so that the same must not menace or endanger the life or property of the City or any Person. b. A Grantee must install and maintain equipment and facilities in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, any Right-of-Way Ordinance, and the requirements of the National Electric Safety Code and in such manner that they will not interfere with private radio, police and fire communications or any installations of City or of any public utility serving City. . R.IY-2:;724Xv I SI-I2:;:;-1 7 SG 3 ':S SECTION 6. SYSTEM DESIGN AND EXTENSION PROVISIONS . Section 6.1 System Capacity and Channels. At a minimum, any Franchise granted hereunder shall describe the Grantee's network in terms of the total System capacity such as the total number of analog and digital video channels that can be provided. Section 6.2 Cable Service Availability. a. Each Franchise will identify a required service area in which a Grantee will be required to offer Cable Service to all dwellings, homes and businesses, subject to a reasonable density threshold. Any additional Franchise will include a service area that is no more favorable or less burdensome than the service area in an existing Franchise. b. Any Franchise granted hereunder may establish requirements for the extension of the System and provision of Cable Service to areas that may be annexed by the City beyond the initially required service area. c. Cable Service shall not be denied to any group of potential residential cable Subscribers because of the income of the residents of the area in which such group resides. . Section 6.3 Non-Standard Installations. A Grantee must provide Cable Service to any Person requesting other than a Standard Installation except that a Grantee may charge for the incremental increase in material and labor costs incurred above the cost of making a Standard Installation. Section 6.4 Technical Standards. Any System offering Cable Service in the City must comply, at minimum, with the technical standards promulgated by the FCC relating to Cable Systems pursuant to Title 47, Section 76.601 to 76.617, as may be amended or modified from time to time. Section 6.5 System Testing. a. A Grantee shall perform all System testing required pursuant to the FCC's technical standards and requirements. In the event the City identifies signal or System performance difficulties which may constitute violations of applicable FCC technical standards, the Grantee will be notified and afforded ten (10) days to correct problems or complaints. If the performance difficulty is not resolved within ten (10) days in City's sole determination, the City may require the Grantee to demonstrate compliance via testing or other means selected by the Grantee. b. The City may test any System or facilities used to provide Cable Service in the City. The City will seek to arrange its testing so as to minimize hardship or . R.lV':!5724Xv I <-;112:'5.1 8 SG :.2 ll: ") \ . inconvenience to Grantee and Subscribers. In the event that testing reveals that the source of the technical difficulty is within the Grantee's reasonable control, the cost of the testing must be borne by the Grantee. If the testing reveals the difficulties to be caused by factors that are beyond Grantee's reasonable control, the cost of the testing must be borne by the City. Section 6.6 FCC Reports. A Grantee must, upon written request from City, file all required FCC technical reports with the City. Section 6.7 Emergency Alert System. A Grantee must provide an emergency alert system (EAS) that complies with FCC requirements. A Grantee must further ensure that City can insert, or direct the insertion of, brief audio and video emergency messages simultaneously on all Channels or a single Channel to which Subscribers are directed. The City shall indemnify Grantee for City's use of a Cable System for emergency messages. SECTION 7. CONSUMER PROTECTION AND CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS Section 7.1 Regulation of Cable Service Rates. . The City may regulate rates for the provision of Cable Service to the extent allowed under federal or state law(s). A Grantee must file a list of current Subscriber rates and charges with the City, which lists will be maintained on file with City and will be available for public inspection. A Grantee must give the City and Subscribers written notice of any change in a Cable Service rate or charge no less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the change. Section 7.2 Sales Procedures. A Grantee may not exercise deceptive sales procedures that violate state laws when marketing any of its Cable Services within City. A Grantee may conduct marketing consistent with local ordinances and other applicable laws and regulations. Section 7.3 Telephone Inquiries and Complaints. a. A Grantee must maintain local, toll-free or collect call telephone access lines which will be available to its Subscribers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A Grantee must comply with the FCC's customer service standards, a current copy of which is attached hereto. Section 7.4 Complaint and Other Service Records. . s~ 9 IUV-2~724Xv I S1l2~~- J .~s . -- ,-- _.. - ~- -- - ,~_. .- . a. Upon written request by the City, and subject to a Grantee's obligation to maintain the privacy of certain information, a Grantee must prepare and maintain written records of all written complaints received and the resolution of such complaints, including the date of such resolution. b. Written complaint records must be on file at the office of a Grantee. Upon written request by the City, a Grantee must provide the City with a written summary of such complaints and their resolution and in a form mutually agreeable to the City and Grantee. c. Upon written request by the City, a Grantee must provide detailed compliance reports on a quarterly basis with respect to the objectively measurable service standards required in this Section. A Grantee will not be required to acquire equipment or perform surveys to measure compliance with the telephone answering standards contained in this Section unless a historical record of complaints indicates a failure to comply. Section 7.5 Subscriber Contracts. A Grantee must provide to the City upon request any standard form Subscriber contract utilized. Section 7.6 Video Programming. . All Franchises will comply with 47 U.S.C. S 544(b), regarding the broad categories of video programming provided. Individual programming decisions may be made in the Grantee's sole discretion. Section 7.7 Billing and Subscriber Communications. a. A Grantee must give the City and Subscribers thirty (30) days advance written notice of any changes in rates, programming services, or channel alignments. b. Bills must be clear, concise, and understandable. Bills must clearly delineate all activity during the billing period, including optional charges, rebates, and credits. In case of a billing dispute, the Grantee must respond to a written complaint from a Subscriber within 30 days. Section 7.8 Refunds and Credits. a. Credits must be issued no later than the Subscriber's next billing cycle following the determination that a credit is warranted. h. In the event a Subscriber establishes or terminates Cable Service and receives less than a full month's Cable Service, the Grantee must prorate the monthly rate on the basis of the number of days in the period for which Cable Service was rendered to the number of days in the billing. Refund checks will be issued promptly, . IUY.25724Xv 1 S11255-1 \0 SC-- :~lo . . . but no later than the next billing cycle following the return of the equipment supplied by the Grantee if Cable Service is terminated. Section 7.9 Additional Customer Service Requirements. The City may adopt additional or modified customer service requirements to address subscriber concerns or complaints to the extent permitted by law. SECTION 8. COMMUNITY SERVICES Section 8.1 PEG Access Facilities. Franchises will establish obligations to provide PEG Access Facilities to meet the community's needs and interests. The City will operate, administer and manage PEG Access programming and the City may delegate its PEG Access authority and responsibilities to the Commission. All franchises must contain equivalent PEG Access obligations on any franchised provider of Cable Services. Section 8.2 Service to Public or Educational Institutions. Franchises will establish obligations for the provision of free or reduced cost Cable Services to identified public or educational institutions. SECTION 9. ADMINISTRATION PROVISIONS Section 9.1 Administration of Franchise. The City will have continuing regulatory authority over Cable Systems, Cable Services, and Franchise compliance. The City may delegate any and all regulatory authority to the Commission. A Grantee must fully cooperate with the Commission in the exercise of regulatory authority delegated by the City. Section 9.2 Franchise Fee. a. A Grantee must pay to the City a Franchise Fee in the amount established in the Franchise Agreement. b. Each Franchise Fee payment must be accompanied by a report certified by an authorized representative of the Grantee, in form reasonably acceptable to City, detailing the computation of the payment. All amounts paid must be subject to audit and recomputation by the City and acceptance of any payment must not be construed as an accord that the amount paid is in fact the correct amount. . c. A Grantee may designate that portion of a Subscriber's bill attributable to the Franchise Fee as a separate line item on the bill. sc IUV-2:i724Rvl SH2:i:i-1 II ~\ . . . Section 9.3 Access to Records. a. The City may, upon reasonable notice and during Normal Business Hours, and subject to the privacy provisions of 47 U.S.C. S 521 et seq., inspect at a mutually convenient location any records of System operations maintained by a Grantee that relate to a Grantee's compliance with its Franchise, including specifically Grantee's Gross Revenue records. A Grantee may identify and label documents as "confidential trade secret" in accordance with Section 4.2 above. b. A Grantee must prepare and furnish to the City such reports as City may reasonably request with respect to operation of the System and provision of Cable Services in the City, or any other operations, affairs, transactions or property subject to this Franchise. SECTION 10. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE Section 1 0.1 Indemnification of the City. a. A Grantee must indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, boards, committees, commissions, elected officials, employees and agents from and against any loss or damage to any real or personal property of any Person, or for any injury to or death of any Person, arising out of or in connection with the construction, operation, maintenance, repair or removal of a System or other facilities used by a Grantee to deliver Cable Service. b. A Grantee must indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its officers, boards, committees, commissions, elected officials, employees and agents, harmless from and against all lawsuits, claims, actions, liability, damages, costs, expenses or penalties incurred as a result of the award or enforcement of its Franchise. c. A Grantee shall not be required to provide indemnification or defense for any intentional misconduct, willful neglect or negligence by an Indemnified Party, for any enforcement action taken by the City against a Grantee, of for any claim based solely on the City's operation of PEG Access Facilities, delivery of PEG Access programming, or EAS messages originated by the City. Subject to the limitations in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466, the City shall indemnify, defend and hold a Grantee harmless from any damage resulting from any intentional misconduct, willful neglect or negligence by the City, its officers, boards, committees, commissions, elected officials, employees and agents, in utilizing PEG Access Facilities or Channels, delivering EAS messages originated by the City, or in connection with work performed on or adjacent to the System. d. With respect to each claim for indemnification: I. the City must promptly notify the Grantee in writing of any suit, claim or proceeding which gives rise to such right; t;c R.lV"2'i724f:vl SH2'i'i-1 12 3, (Q) . . . 2. the Grantee must afford the City an opportunity to participate in any compromise, settlement or other resolution or disposition of any suit, claim or proceeding; and 3. the City must cooperate with reasonable requests of the Grantee, at Grantee's expense, in its participation in a suit, claim or proceeding. Section 10.2 Insurance. a. A Grantee must obtain and maintain in full force and effect, at its sole expense, a comprehensive general liability insurance policy, in protection of the Grantee, and the City, its officers, elected officials, boards, commissions, agents and employees for damages which may arise as a result of operation of the System or delivery of Cable Service. b. The policies of insurance must be in the sum of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for personal injury or death of anyone Person, and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) for personal injury or death of two or more Persons in anyone occurrence, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for property damage to any one person and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) for property damage resulting from anyone act or occurrence. c. The insurance policy must be maintained by Grantee in full force and effect during the entire term of the Franchise. Each policy of insurance must contain a statement on its face that the insurer will not cancel the policy or fail to renew the policy, whether for nonpayment of premium, or otherwise, and whether at the request of Grantee or for other reasons, except after sixty (60) days advance written notice have been provided to the City. SECTION 11. FRANCHISE TRANSFER OR ABANDONMENT Section 11.1 Abandonment of Service. A Grantee may not discontinue the provision of Cable Service without having first given three (3) months written notice to the City. Section 11.2 System Removal After Abandonment, Termination or Forfeiture. a. In the event of termination or forfeiture of the Franchise or abandonment of the System, the City may require the Grantee to remove all or any portion of its System from all Rights-of-Way and public property within the City; provided, however, that the Grantee will not be required to remove its System to the extent it lawfully provides Telecommunications Services over the System. b. If the Grantee has failed to commence removal of its System, or such part thereof as was designated by the City, within one hundred twenty (120) days after t;C RJV-2:i724Xv I SI12:i:i-1 I ~ -' J-~ __J written demand for removal is given, or if the Grantee has failed to complete such removal within twelve (12) months after written demand for removal is given, the City . may apply funds secured by the Franchise toward removal. Section 11.3 Sale or Transfer of Franchise. a. No sale or transfer of ownership of a Grantee or "fundamental corporate change" in a Grantee as defined in Minn. Stat. 238.083, nor sale of transfer of a Franchise, is permitted without City approval. Any sale or transfer of stock in a Grantee creating a new controlling interest constitutes a sale or transfer of ownership. A "controlling interest" includes majority stock ownership or a lesser amount sufficient to confer actual working control in whatever manner exercised. City approval shall not be required where a Grantee grants a security interest in its Franchise or System to secure an indebtedness. . b. A Grantee must file a written request with the City prior to any transaction described above. The City will approve or deny a transfer request within one hundred and twenty (120) days of receipt of a written request. The City will not unreasonably withhold its approval. c. In no event will a transaction be approved unless any proposed new Grantee becomes a signatory to, and assumes all rights and obligations under, the Franchise. d. In the event of any proposed transaction described above, the City will have the right to purchase the System. In the event a Grantee has received a bona fide offer for purchase of its System, the City shall have the right to purchase for the price which the proposed assignee or transferee agreed to pay. The City will be deemed to have waived its right to purchase the System in the following circumstances: ]. The City does not notify the Grantee in writing, within 60 days of notice, that it intends to exercise its right of purchase; or 2. The City approves the transaction. SECTION 12. PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Section 12.1 Discriminatory Practices Prohibited. No Grantee may deny Cable Service or otherwise discriminate against citizens or businesses on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, status as to public assistance, affectional preference, or disability. Section 12.2 Subscriber Privacy. a. A Grantee must comply with the subscriber privacy-related requirements of 47 U.S.C. S 551. . b. No signals of a Class IV Channel may be transmitted from a Subscriber terminal for purposes of monitoring individual viewing patterns or practices without the express written authorization of the Subscriber. R.IV <!:' 724Xy I .'i112:,:,-1 ]4 5G 3<=\ . . . SECTION 13. UNAUTHORIZED CONNECTIONS AND MODIFICATIONS Section 13.1 Unauthorized Connections or Modifications Prohibited. a. It is unlawful for any Person, without the express consent of the Grantee, to make or possess, or assist anybody in making or possessing, any connection, extension, or division, whether physically, acoustically, inductively, electronically or otherwise, with or to any segment of a Grantee's System. b. It is unlawful for any Person to willfully interfere, tamper, remove, obstruct, or damage, or assist thereof, any part or segment of a System for any purpose. c. Any Person found guilty of violating this section may be fined not less than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) and the costs of the action nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and the costs of the action for each and every subsequent offense. SECTION 14. ENFORCEMENT OF THE CABLE ORDINANCE OR FRANCHISE Section 14.1 Violations or Other Occurrences Giving Rise to Enforcement Action. a. In order to take enforcement action pursuant to this Cable Ordinance or a Franchise, the City must provide the Grantee with written notice of the violation or other occurrence giving rise to the City's action. b. The Grantee shall have thirty (30) days subsequent to receipt of the notice to cure the violation or occurrence giving rise to the City's action. Alternatively, the Grantee may, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of notice from the City, notify City in writing that there is a dispute as to whether a violation or failure has in fact occurred. Such written notice by the Grantee to the City shall specify with particularity the matters disputed by Grantee. c. In the event a Grantee does not timely cure to the City's satisfaction the violation or other occurrence giving rise to the City's action, or timely disputes whether a violation has occurred, the City will schedule a public hearing affording Grantee due process. The City will endeavor to schedule the hearing for a date within ninety (90) days of the initial violation notice. Notice of the hearing must be provided to the Grantee. d. At the completion of the hearing, the City will issue written findings of fact and its final determination. e. In the event City determines that no violation has taken place, the City will rescind the notice of violation in writing. Section 14.2 Franchise Revocation. a. In addition to all other rights and remedies that the City possesses pursuant to law, equity and the terms of the Franchise Agreement, the City may revoke or RJV-257248v I S11255-1 15 SG LlO . terminate the Franchise, and all rights and privileges pertaining thereto, in accordance with Section 14.1 if the City determ ines that: I. The Grantee has violated any material requirement or provision of the Cable Ordinance or a Franchise and has failed to timely cure; or 2. The Grantee has attempted to evade any of the material provisions of the Cable Ordinance or a Franchise; or 3. The Grantee has practiced fraud or deceit upon the City or a Subscriber; or 4. The Grantee has filed for bankruptcy. b. During any revocation proceeding and any appeal period, the Franchise will remain in full force and effect unless the term thereof sooner expires. Section 14.3 Compliance with Federal, State and Local Laws. The City and Grantee will conform to federal and state laws and rules regarding Cable Service or the System as they become effective. Section 14.4 Effective Date This Cable Ordinance is effective the day after its publication. . Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello this 10th day of January, 2005. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator Published in the Monticello Times on the day of January, 2005. . R./V-2:i7248vl SI12:i:i-1 16 C:JC 1-\\ . . . CITY OF MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 420 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO CC VIII OPERATING LLC D/B/A CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN A CABLE SYSTEM AND PROVIDE CABLE SERVICE IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA. RECITALS 1. This Cable Franchise Ordinance ("Franchise") is made and entered into by and between the City of Monticello, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota ("City") and CC VIII Operating LLC d/b/a Charter Communications, a limited liability company ("Grantee"). 2. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 419 ("Cable Ordinance"), the City is authorized to grant and issue a non-exclusive Franchise authorizing the Grantee to provide Cable Service and construct, operate, and maintain a Cable System in the City. 3. The Grantee has requested that its current franchise be renewed pursuant to Section 626(h) of the Cable Act. 4. Upon evaluation of Grantee's technical, financial, legal qualifications, completion of Franchise negotiations, and as a result of a public hearing, the City finds that it is in the best interests of the City and its residents to grant and issue the Franchise to Grantee. 5. This Franchise is nonexclusive and is intended to comply with applicable laws and regulations. THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MONTICEllO HEREBY ORDAINS: SECTION 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1.1 Definitions. Unless otherwise defined herein, the terms, phrases, and words contained in this Franchise have the meaning provided in the Cable Ordinance. Terms, phrases and words contained in this Franchise that are not defined here or in the Cable Ordinance will have their normal and customary meaning. Section 1.2 Written Notice. All notices, reports, or demands required to be given in writing under this Franchise or the Cable Ordinance must be delivered personally to any officer of RJY.2';7246vl SI L;,;)-I t-e ") ~..~ . . . Grantee or the City Administrator or deposited in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, with registered or certified mail postage prepaid thereon, addressed to the party to whom notice is being given, as follows: If to City: City of Monticello Attn: City Administrator 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362-8822 With copies to: Chair, SherburnelWright Counties Cable Communications Commission c/o City of Buffalo 212 Central Avenue Buffalo, MN 55313 If to Grantee: Charter Communications Attn: GeneralManager 1215 N. 15th S1. S1. Cloud, MN 56302 With copies to: Charter Communications Attn. VP of Government Affairs 12405 Powerscourt Drive S1. Louis, MO 63131 Such addresses may be changed by either party upon notice to the other party given as provided in this Section. SECTION 2. GRANT OF FRANCHISE Section 2.1 Grant. a. Grantee is authorized to erect, construct, operate and maintain in, along, across, above, over and under the Rights-of-Way, now in existence and as may be created or established during the term of this Franchise any poles, wires, cable, underground conduits, manholes, and other conductors and fixtures necessary for the maintenance and operation of a Cable System in the City. Nothing in this Franchise shall be construed to prohibit the Grantee from offering any service over its Cable System that is not prohibited by federal, state or local law. h. This Franchise is granted pursuant to the Cable Ordinance. By accepting this Franchise, Grantee agrees to be bound by the terms of the Cable Ordinance. This Franchise is a contract and except as to those changes which are the result of the City's lawful exercise of its general police powers, the City may not take any unilateral action which materially changes the explicit mutual rUV-257246v 1 sr 1255-1 2 Sc J.i~ . . . promises in this contract. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Franchise and the Cable Ordinance, the provisions of this Franchise shall govern. C. This Franchise shall be nonexclusive and City may grant additional Franchises at any time. The City will not grant an additional Franchise on terms and conditions more favorable or less burdensome than those in this Franchise. The City may impose additional terms and conditions in any additional Franchise. d. In the event the City grants an additional Franchise that a Grantee believes is more favorable or less burdensome than in this Franchise, the Grantee shall have a right to petition for Franchise amendments to relieve the Grantee of provisions making its Franchise less favorable or more burdensome. The Grantee shall file a petition that: 1. Identifies the competitor(s); 2. Identifies the basis for Grantee's belief that certain provisions of the additional Franchise are more favorable or less burdensome than its existing Franchise; 3. Identifies the Franchise provisions to be amended. The City shall not unreasonably deny such a petition. c. Grantee acknowledges the City's right to issue this Franchise. Upon acceptance of this Franchise by Grantee as required by Section 8 herein, this Franchise shall supercede and replace any previous ordinance or other authorization granting a Franchise to Grantee, and all rights, obligations and claims under any previous Franchise are extinguished, except that the Grantee's obligation to indemnify the City against claims that arose during the term of the previous Franchise shall continue in full force and effect. Section 2.2 Franchise Term. This Franchise will be in effect for a period of fifteen (15) years from the date of acceptance by the Grantee, unless sooner renewed or revoked. Section 2.3 Service Area. a. This Franchise is granted for the corporate boundaries of the City, as it exists from time to time, subject to the density requirement of Section 2.3.b below. The City will notify the Grantee in writing in the event the City annexes any areas that the Grantee will be required to serve. b. The Grantee will extend its System and offer Cable Service, within a reasonable time, after a request for Service, to areas with a density of at least KJV -2 "n4hv I SII2",,-1 ,., -' t:. C-. :.:J ~y . . . nine (9) residential units per one-quarter (1/4) cable mile of System, as measured from the nearest Cable System trunk line or distribution cable as of the date of such request for Service. Where the density is less than that specified above, the Grantee may require that Persons requesting Service pay a portion of the cost of the capital cost of the line extension in advance. The Grantee shall provide a free written estimate of the total cost for extension and the required payment amount within fifteen (15) days of the request for Service. The charge for Installation or extension for each Person requesting Service shall not exceed a pro rata share of the actual cost of extending the Service. Subscribers shall also be responsible for any standard/non standard installation charges to extend the Cable System from the tap to the residence. SECTION 3. SYSTEM Section 3.1 System Capacity. Grantee will continue to operate a System providing a minimum of at least 75 video programmed Channels throughout the term of this Franchise. The System must have return capability and permit "narrowcasting" as provided in Section 4.2(c). Section 3.2 Construction Deadline. Except for Grantee's System extension obligations pursuant to Section 2.3, System construction is substantially complete. Except as otherwise required by a Right-of Way Ordinance, Grantee will use best efforts to complete any System extension and construction of new facilities for new developments contemporaneous with installation of other utilities. The City shall provide reasonable and timely advance written notice of the location of all new developments to Grantee. SECTION 4. COMMUNITY SERVICES Section 4.1 Commercial Video Programming. The Grantee will provide broad categories of video programming, including news, sports and entertainment. Section 4.2 PEG Access Facilities. a. Access Channels. The City agrees to return to the Grantee three (3) of the five (5) Channels previously dedicated for public, education, and government access (hereinafter "PEG Access") programming. The Grantee must continue to dedicate two (2) Channels for PEG Access programming. The two (2) PEG Access Channels must be cablecast on the Basic Cable Service tier. All Subscribers who receive Cable Services offered on the System must receive the PEG Access Channels at no additional charge. The VHF spectrum RN-2:i72'lhv I SI12:i:i-1 4 sC- ~S must be used for the provision of at least one (1) of the PEG Access Channels. Nothing herein shall diminish the City's rights to secure additional channels . pursuant to Minn. Stat. 9238.084, Subd. 1 (z), and applicable FCC regulations. b. Responsibilitv for PEG Access. The City will operate, administer, and manage PEG Access programming pursuant to this Section 4.2. By January 1, 2006 the City will assume responsibility for the channel currently used for public access programming. Until such time, the Grantee will continue to provide and manage public access programming on the channel. The City may delegate its PEG Access authority and responsibilities to the Commission. The Grantee acknowledges that the Commission may coordinate the expenditure of Franchise Fees and PEG Capital Fees by and among the Commission's member municipalities. Nothing herein shall obligate the City to make equipment or channels available for public access programming or to any particular programmer. c. Narrowcast. By not later than May 15, 2005, the Grantee must ensure that at least one (1) PEG Access Channel permits the City to "narrowcast" programming; i.e. permits a program to be cablecast on such Channel for viewing solely by City residents while residents in adjoining cities served by the Grantee simultaneously view other programming on that Channel. d. Live Oriqination. The Grantee must ensure that live programming may be originated and cablecast from the public institutional sites listed in Exhibit A attached provided however, that the Grantee shall only be required to pay the cost of the first one hundred and fifty (150) feet of any new System construction necessary to permit live origination at such site and shall not be required to provide end-user equipment. The City may designate additional live programming sites. The City shall pay any additional, actual construction cost prior to additional construction and shall be responsible for the provision of end- user equipment. The Grantee must ensure that the System meets the technical standards attached as Exhibit B at all live origination sites. The Grantee must further ensure that the City can "narrowcast" programming originated from all of the sites designated pursuant to this paragraph. . e. PEG Access Capital Support. In -addition to the requirements of Section 4.2(a)-(d) above, the City may require Grantee to collect and remit a - PEG Capital Fee of up to eighty-five cents ($.85) per Subscriber, per month to support community programming. The Grantee shall remit such payments on the same schedule as the Franchise Fee. All amounts paid shall be subject to audit and recomputation and acceptance thereof does not constitute an accord that amounts paid are correct. For the year 2005, the Grantee must be notified by March 1, 2005, and thereafter the Grantee must be notified in writing on or before October 1st of the amount of the PEG Capital Fee to be effective on January 1 st of the following year. If the City fails to provide the written notification required herein by October 1st, then the PEG Capital Fee for the following calendar year shall be set at $0.00. Grantee may itemize any PEG Capital Fee . R.lV -2'i724(JV I SI-12'i'i-1 5 SG L((.p . on Subscriber's bills. Payment by Grantee must be separate from and in addition to any Franchise Fee. The City and the Grantee shall jointly fund and sponsor a Subscriber survey during the fifth and tenth years of this Franchise for the purpose of assessing Subscriber satisfaction with PEG Access programming and the levels of financial support that Subscribers are willing to provide. Upon completion of the survey, the City and Grantee shall meet to discuss the level of support for PEG Access programming and enter into good faith discussions regarding revisions to this Section that may be appropriate in light of the survey. f. Use of PEG Capital Fee. The City and Grantee agree that the City will expend the PEG Capital Fees solely for capital costs (consistent with GAAP) associated with PEG Access. Historically the City has provided, on an annual basis, substantial financial support for PEG Access programming. In consideration for Grantee's obligation to remit the PEG Capital Fee, the City agrees to provide financial support for PEG Access that is equivalent to the amount of PEG Capital Fees collected and provided to the City. By March 31 sl of each year, the City shall provide Grantee with an annual report of any expenditures of the PEG Access Capital Fee to insure such fees are used for capital costs related to PEG Access. The annual report shall also demonstrate how the City fulfilled its requirement to provide matching support for PEG Access. Based on the report, the Grantee may send a written notice to the City alleging that the City failed to demonstrate that the PEG Capital Fee was used for capital or that matching PEG Access support was provided. The City shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of the written notice to provide additional information demonstrating compliance with the requirements of this Section. If the Grantee continues to allege that the City has not complied with its obligations herein, the Grantee may provide written notice of its intent to reduce and/or discontinue collecting and remitting the PEG Capital Fee. If the City disputes the Grantee's actions, it may initiate any enforcement action under the Cable Ordinance it deems appropriate. . g. Access Rules. The City may implement rules governing PEG Access Channels and programming. h. Parity of Obliqations. The City will impose equivalent PEG Access obligations on any other franchised provider of Cable Service in the City to the extent provided by law. Section 4.3 Drops and Service to Public Buildings. a. The Grantee must provide monthly Basic Cable Service and Cable Programming Service (excluding pay-per-channel or pay-per-program) and install one (1) Drop and one (1) outlet without charge to the public institutional sites listed in Exhibit A attached. The programming provided by Grantee is not for public display. The City shall hold the Grantee harmless for any copyright, or other penalties, incurred due to improper use of free service. The Grantee shall not be required to provide Converters. . KJV -2"724(JV I SII2"".1 6 SC, Ltl . b. The Grantee must provide a Drop, outlet and Basic Cable Service and Cable Programming Service to such other accredited public schools or public administration buildings as the City may subsequently designate, provided however, that the Grantee shall only be required to pay the cost of the first one hundred and fifty (150) feet of any necessary System construction. The City or institution shall pay any additional actual construction cost. The Grantee will have a reasonable time from the designation of additional sites to complete extension. Additional Drops and/or outlets at institutional locations must be provided by Grantee at the cost of Grantee's time and material. Alternatively, institutions may add outlets at their own expense. Section 4.4 Drop Box. The Grantee must maintain a local drop box for receiving Subscriber payments in the City. SECTION 5. ADMINISTRATION PROVISIONS Section 5.1 Franchise Fee. . a. The Grantee shall pay a Franchise Fee to the City in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of its Gross Revenues. The Grantee shall remit Franchise Fee payments to the City on a quarterly basis within 60 days of the close of the preceding calendar quarter. Payments shall be based on Gross Revenues generated during the preceding quarter. b. Each Franchise Fee payment must be accompanied by a report in form reasonably acceptable to City detailing the computation of the payment. All amounts paid are subject to audit and recomputation by the City, and . acceptance of any payment must not be construed as an accord that the amount paid is in fact the correct amount. In accordance with Minn. Stat. S 541.05, any action to recover Franchise Fees must be commenced within six (6) years of receipt of the Franchise Fee payment or due date for such payment. c. In the event that any Franchise payment or recomputed payment is not made on or before the dates specified herein, Grantee shall pay an interest charge, computed from such due date, at the annual rate of one percent over the prime interest rate. Section 5.2 Rules of Grantee. The Grantee may promulgate such rules, terms and conditions governing the conduct of its business provided that such rules, terms and conditions must not be in conflict with the provisions of this Franchise, the Cable Ordinance, or applicable laws or regulations. . R.IV-2'i7246vl SI-I2'i'i-1 7 !~G yt) SECTION 6. INDEMNIFICATION, INSURANCE, BONDS AND SECURITY FUND . Section 6.1 Indemnification. By acceptance of this Franchise, the Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the City harmless in accordance with the Cable Ordinance. Section 6.2 Insurance. At the time of acceptance of this Franchise, the Grantee will file with the City a Certificate of Insurance in accordance with the Cable Ordinance. The Grantee must maintain such insurance for the entire term of this Franchise. Section 6.3 Performance Bond. . a. The Grantee must furnish to the Commission, for the benefit of the City, a performance bond in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) in a form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Commission, which bond may also be used comply with parallel bonding requirements imposed by the other members of the Sherburne-Wright Counties Cable Communications Commission. At the time of acceptance of this Franchise, the Grantee will file with the Commission an evidence of receipt of such bond. The Grantee must maintain the bond until this Franchise expires or is terminated, and the Grantee has liquidated all of its obligations with the City. b. The bond shall be conditioned upon Grantee's faithful performance in accordance with the terms of this Franchise, the Cable Ordinance, and applicable laws and regulations. The bond must provide that in the event the Grantee fails to comply with any law, ordinance or regulation, any damages or loss suffered by the City as a result, including the full amount of any compensation, indemnification or cost of removal or abandonment of any property of the Grantee, plus a reasonable allowance for attorneys' fees and costs, up to the full amount of the security, will be recoverable jointly and severally from the principal and surety of the bond, and further guaranteeing payment by the Grantee of claims, liens and taxes due the City which arise. In the event this Franchise is revoked or the rights hereunder relinquished or abandoned by Grantee, the City is entitled to collect any resultant damages, costs or liabilities incurred by the City. c. The City and Grantee acknowledge that it may be difficult or impossible to accurately quantify actual damages or losses suffered by the City due to a violation or unsatisfied obligation under this Franchise, the Cable Ordinance, or applicable laws or regulations. Such violations or unsatisfied obligations may, however, be presumed to harm the City and the public's interest. Accordingly, the City may, in its reasonable discretion, collect liquidated . RN-257246v I SII2:i:i-l Ii SG 0C\ . . . damages in an amount of up to Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per violation of any provision of this Franchise, the Cable Ordinance, or applicable laws or regulations. Each violation may be considered a separate violation for which separate liquidated damages can be imposed. d. In the event the City will make any claim against the bond, the City must comply with Section 14 of the Cable Ordinance governing enforcement of this Franchise. e. The City's rights herein are in addition to all other rights the City may have and the City's exercise of such rights does not constitute an exclusive remedy nor limit any other right. Section 6.4 Construction Bond. a. During periods in which System construction, rebuild, upgrade or line extension costs are expected to exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), Grantee shall provide a construction bond in an amount mutually agreed upon. b. Upon completion of System construction requIring provIsion of a construction bond, the Grantee must provide written notice to City. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice, the City must notify the Grantee whether the construction is complete or specify those items that are not complete. The City may enforce the construction bond if such items of construction are not thereafter completed within thirty (30) days. Upon completion of construction or satisfaction of any items determined to be incomplete, the construction bond shall be returned to Grantee. c. In the event the City will make any claim against the construction bond, the City must comply with Section 14 of the Cable Ordinance governing enforcement of this Franchise. d. The City's rights pursuant to the construction bond are in addition to all other rights the City may have. Any action with respect to the construction bond does not constitute an exclusive remedy nor limit any other right. SECTION 7. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS Section 7.1 Amendment of Franchise Ordinance. The Grantee and the City may mutually agree, from time to time, to amend this Franchise. Any changes, modifications or amendments to this Franchise must be made in writing, signed by the City and the Grantee. Nothing herein is intended to expand or diminish the rights given to City under state law. The City RJV-25724hvl SII2S"-1 l) sc SO reserves its lawful rights, including its police powers, ordinance-making authority, and under power of eminent domain law. . Section 7.2 Force Majeure. In the event Grantee's performance of this Franchise is prevented due to a cause beyond its reasonable control, such failure to perform must be excused for the period of such inability to perform. Section 7.3 Severability. If any term, condition or provision of this Franchise or the application thereof to any Person or circumstance is held, to any extent, invalid, preempted or unenforceable, the remainder and all the terms, provisions and conditions herein must, in all other respects, continue to be effective provided the loss of the invalid, preempted or unenforceable provisions do not substantially alter the agreement between the Parties. In the event a law, rule or regulation is subsequently repealed, rescinded, amended or otherwise changed so that the Franchise provision which had been held invalid, preempted or modified is no longer in conflict therewith, such Franchise provision will return to full force and effect and thereafter be binding upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Grantee. Section 7.4 Nonenforcement by City. . The Grantee is not relieved of its obligations to comply with this Franchise or the Cable Ordinance due to any failure or delay of the City to enforce prompt compliance. The City and Grantee may only waive its rights by expressly so stating in writing. Section 7.5 Rights Cumulative. All of the City's and Grantee's rights and remedies pursuant to this Franchise are in addition to and not exclusive of any and all other rights and remedies available to the City or Grantee. Section 7.6 Work Performed by Others. All obligations of this Franchise apply to work performed by any agent, subcontractor or other Person performing any work or services on behalf of the Grantee pursuant to this Franchise to the extent applicable, however, in no event will any such Person obtain any rights to maintain and operate a System or provide Cable Service. . R.JV-2:i724(,v I (;1I2:i:i.1 10 ~)c S\ . . . Section 7.7 Entire Agreement. This Franchise sets forth the entire agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter hereof. All agreements, covenants, representations, and warranties, express and implied, oral and written, of the parties with regard to the subject matter hereof are contained herein. No other agreements, covenants, representations or warranties, express or implied, oral or written, have been made by any party to another with respect to the matter of this Franchise. All prior and contemporaneous conversations, negotiations, possible and alleged agreements, representations, covenants and warranties with respect to the subject matter hereof are waived, merged herein and therein and are superseded hereby and thereby. SECTION 8. ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE Section 8.1 Publication and Effective Date. This Franchise will be effective on the date of acceptance by Grantee. This Franchise shall be enacted and published in accordance with applicable local and Minnesota law. Section 8.2 Time for Acceptance. a. The Grantee must accept this Franchise within sixty (60) days of enactment by the City, unless the time for acceptance is extended by the City. Acceptance by the Grantee will be deemed the grant of this Franchise for all purposes. b. Upon acceptance of this Franchise, the Grantee and City will be bound by all the terms, conditions and obligations contained herein. Section 8.3 Manner for Acceptance. The Grantee must accept this Franchise in the following manner: a. The Franchise must be fully executed and acknowledged by Grantee and delivered to the City. b. The Grantee must also deliver any construction bond and insurance certificates required herein that have not previously been delivered, with its acceptance. RN-257246v I SH255-1 11 sc ~.J '), . . . Section 8.4 Failure to Accept. In the event the Grantee does not timely accept this Franchise in accordance with the requirements herein, this Franchise and all rights granted herein are null and void. Passed and adopted this 10th of January, 2005. CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA By: Its: Mayor By: Its: City Administrator ACCEPTED: This Franchise is accepted and we agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. CC VIII OPERATING LLC D/B/A CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS By: Its: Date: ,2005 RJV -25724(,y 1 S11255-1 12 sc 53> . . . EXHIBIT A (Live Origination and Free Service Sites) Monticello Municipal Liquor Store Ellison Park Swan Park Monticello Public Library Xcel Ballfield complex Soccer park Hockey Arena City Hall/Community Center High School R.lV-25n1<,v 1 SI12:1:1-1 545 Hwy 25 Monticello 55362 825 East River Street Monticello 55362 121 Mississippi Drive Monticello 55362 3rd and Palm street Monticello 55362 200 6th Street west Monticello 55362 2171 W. River Street Monticello 55362 5550 School Blvd. Monticello 55362 1000 East Broadway Monticello 55362 505 Walnut Street Monticello 55362 5225 School Blvd. Monticello 55362 10 -' Drop Live/Drop Live/Drop Live/Drop Live/Drop Live/Drop Live/Drop Live/Drop Live/Drop Live/Drop SG S ""-\ . . . EXHIBIT B (Technical Standards- Live Origination Sites) With respect to all sites listed in Exhibit A, the System shall meet or exceed the following requirements: 1. The System shall operate in conformance with the technical standards promulgated by the FCC pursuant to Title 47, Section 76.601 to 76.617, as may be amended or modified from time to time. 2. The System shall be capable of continuous 24-hour operation without signal degradation. 3. The System shall be capable of operation without failure, material performance changes or signal degradation over an outdoor temperature range of -40 degrees F to +130 degrees F and over a variation in supply voltages from 105 to 130 volts AC. 4. The System will provide access channel connections up to the demarcation point, both upstream and downstream, without material signal degradation or deterioration and with signal quality equal to or better than any other channels. Material signal degradation or deterioration where any signal problem including ghosting or other audio or visual distortion or interference is apparent without special testing. The Grantee shall not be responsible for technical problems deriving from facilities or equipment located beyond the demarcation point, within the institutional site. RJV-2';7246v I SII2,;';-1 14 sc ss . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2005-1 APPROVING SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 419 AND ORDINANCE NO. 420 WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Monticello, Minnesota adopted a lengthy ordinance titled the "Cable Ordinance" establishing regulations governing cable service; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a lengthy ordinance granting a 15-year cable franchise to CC VIII Operating LLC d/b/a Charter Communications authorizing operation of a cable system and delivery of cable services in the City pursuant to the Cable Ordinance; and WHEREAS, as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, subd. 4, the City Council has determined that publication of the title and summary of the ordinances will clearly inform the publiC of the intent and effect of the ordinances; and WHEREAS, a printed copy of both ordinances is available for inspection during regular office hours in the office of the city clerk-administrator. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following summaries of the ordinances are approved for publication: CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 419 The Cable Ordinance establishes certain regulations governing the delivery of cable service in the City to ensure that all cable providers are subject to comparable obligations and burdens. The Cable Ordinance generally sets forth the conditions for the delivery of cable service and requirements for cable franchises under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 238. The ordinance is effective the day after publication. CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 420 The Charter franchise ordinance grants a 15-year cable television franchise to CC VIII Operating LLC d/b/a Charter Communications authorizing operation of a cable system and delivery of cable services in the City pursuant to the Cable Ordinance. The franchise ordinance authorizes Charter to use rights-of-way in the City to construct, operate and maintain a system to provide cable services, imposes a franchise fee, and sets-forth certain other agreements concerning operation of the system and delivery of cable services. The franchise ordinance is effective upon acceptance by Charter. By Order of the City of Monticello, Minnesota ATTEST: By By Its Mayor Its City Administrator R.JV .257249v I SH255-1 sG 51.0 . . . 5D. Council Agenda - 1/10/05 Consideration of authorizing registration of title for city-owned property in Otter Creek Crossine. (R W) A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROlJND: As part of the closing on the Otter Creek Crossing plat, the title company has required that the seller undertake a registration of title in order for the City to receive title insurance on the property purchased llw industrial park. The developer (Chadwick) agreed to undertake the registration of title and pay all costs associated with it. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council should adopt the resolution agreeing to execute the necessary documents to allow for the seller to register title. 2. Do not authorize resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by the City Attorney that the Council should adopt the resolution authorizing registration of title for city owned property. "l'his is a requirement of the seller and will be done at no cost to the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposed resolution. 5 -1 01/05/2005 15:34 FAX 6514525550 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA IaI 002 'rhomas J. Campbell Rogcr N. KnutSon '["homas M. SCQtt Elliott B. KDctsch ) olll J. Jamnik .\ndrca McDowcll Poehler :v.btthcw K_ BrokI' ~ oho F. Kc.:lly :ioren M. Mattick , Jrc:nd:1n J. Flaherty : t'larl;'lcJ1te M. McCarron ':;ina M. Brandt · Also L..i':~lIJ~ iA 11;JeOIl,;n e 1 '10 CorpOr.lte Center Curve Suite 317 · Eagall. MN 55121 651-452.5000 Fu ~1-4Sl-SSS0 e.Ck-bw.wm CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association January 5, 2005 Mr. Rick W olfsteller City of Monticello 505 Walnnt Street. Suite 1 Monticello. MN 55362 Re: Lot 1, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing Dear Rick: As part of the closing on the Otter Creek Crossing Plat and sale of Lot 1. Block 2 to the City, me Title Company required the registration of title to property within the plat as a condition of issuance of a title commitment insuring over a gap issue that affects the City parcel and Outlot D of the plat. The Developer agreed to undertake the registration of title for all propertY within the plat, at its cost and expense. As owner of Lot 1, Block 2, the City will need to participate in the registration process and execute the necessary documents submitted by the Developer' 51 attorney in processing the registration. Before the City can register title to the property, the City is required to authorize such action by resolution, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 508. I have enclosed the necessary resolution authorizing the registration of Lot 1, Block 2, and execution of all necessary documents in the registration process. Please add the resolution to the next available council agenda for approval. Call me with any questions you may have on this item. Very truly yours, Campbell Knutson Professional Association ~ .. B(~~I /U)#l~ Andrea McDowell Poehler AMP 5Q 5~ 01/05/2005 15:35 FAX 6514525550 CAMPBELL KNl~SON PA 14I 003 . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTIlORIZING REGISTRATION OF TITLE FOR CITY~OWNED PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City is the fee owner of Lot 1, Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing. Wright County, Minnesota ("City Property"); WHEREAS, in order for Commercial Partners Title, LLC ("CPT") to issue a commitment for the City Property committing to insure over a gap relating to the City Property and Outlot 0 of the Otter Creek Crossing plat, CPT requires that the City PropertY and Outlot D be registered; WHEREAS, pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~ 508.03(6), the City is authorized to register title to property after a resolution passed by its City Council so directing; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello as follows: 1. Authorizing registration of title for Lot 1. Block 2, Otter Creek Crossing, Wright County. Minnesota. according to the recorded plat thereof; 2. That lhe Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the application for registration of the City Property and all other necessary documents to complete the registration process. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota on the _ day of . 2005. Clint Herbst, Mayor ArrEST: Rick Wolfste1ler, City Administrator 50 115930 sC\ Council Agenda - 1/1 0/05 ~~. Consideration of ehangine: date for public hearing for the Municipal Consent Hearing on the . I-94/CSAH J 8 interchange project. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At their meeting on December 13,2004 a public hearing for was set for January 24,2005 for the Municipal Consent hearing on the 1-94/CSAH 18 interchange project. Because the project changes the access onto 1-94 the hearing is required as set forth s in statutes 161.164. Part ofthe statute requirement is that the City gives at least 30 days notice of the public hearing. Unfortunately the cutoff date for meeting this 30 day requirement was missed. We are asking that the Council change the date of the Municipal Consent hearing to February 14,2005. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could approve changing the date of the Municipal Consent hearing for the CSAII 18/1-94 interchange project from January 24,2005 to February 14,2005. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that the public hearing be re-scheduled for February 14,2005. . . <"(~" .. -"'--'--.' ,""~;,,,.'.(j!-"~~' - --',." _....1...............-:... ~- . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/2005 7. Public Hearing to receive public comment on Part II (Management Plan) for the Wellhead Protection Plan for the Citv of Monticello. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The draft Wellhead Protection Plan Part II is that portion of our plan which actually lays out the management plan for potential contaminant sources to our water supply. The draft part II plan was completed in early October of 2004, and on October 25, 2004, at the regular council meeting, the City Council ordered distribution of the draft part II for public comment and that a public hearing to be held at 7 p.m. on January 10,2005, in the Council Chambers. The purpose of the public hearing was to receive public comment in regard to the plan. Additionally, copies of the draft plan were sent to the Minnesota Department of Health, the Minnesota Rural Water Association, the Wright County Board, the Wright County Soil & Water Conservation District, and Monticello Township for their comments. To date we have received comments from the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Rural Water Association. Those comments are included in your packet. Jim de Lambert from Liesch & Associates, the firm assisting the City with the Wellhead Protection Program will be on hand to present information regarding Part II and answer questions. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative, after a short presentation by Jim de Lambert, is to open the public hearing and take public comments from interested parties, then close the public hearing and instruct the consultant and City staff to summarize the comments and incorporate the applicable ones into the Final Plan Part II. 2. The second alternative would be not to complete the plan at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, members of the 'Wellhead Protection Committee (with the exception of Robbie Smith as he resigned from the committee effective the first of the year) that the City Council incorporate the applicable comments into the final plan as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy oCthe written comments received to date and for the new mayor and council members, a copy of the Wellhead Protection Plan Draft Part II is included under separate cover with your agenda packet. Council members Posusta and Stumpf received their copies in October 01'2004. Alemhers Include: John Simola, Puh/ic Works Director, Matt Theisen, Water & Snver S'uperintendent, one interested resident or Ci(v Council representative, Andv Dahlgren, Wright S'oil & Water Conservation District, Jim de Lambert, Uesch & Associates, and Rohyn /loerr, Ivlinneso/a Rural Water Association 5q . . . ~~ December 30,2004 John SirnoIa, Public Works Director Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road MonticeUo, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Sirnola: I have put together, for your consideration, some comments on the Monticello Wellhead Protection Plan Part II Report. I used the September 22, 2004 version, so it is possible that you have already reworked the plan to address some of the comments that I have made. Page 1, 3rd paragraph: The pIan mentions that tritium testing has not been done for City wells #1 and 5. The management portion of the pIan should have language stating the city's plan to work with MDH to have testing for tritium done on these wells. Page 3, 1.1.1 ~Precipitation: I am not sure, but was the effect of precipitation on the City's water supply taken into consideration during time of drought? Also, there are some very permeable soils in portions of the DWSMA that may be affected by contamination carried by storm water runoff. Page 5, 1.1.4-Water Resources: Just my own questio~an the quality of the Mississippi River affect the groundwater quality being used for the City's weUs? I am unsure whether or not there is a connection of any kind there, but if you feel that there is a chance there may be, you may want to include language in the plan that directs the City to do more investigation of this issue. Page 6, 1.2.2- Public Utility Services: You may want to give some consideration to transportation corridors as they relate to potential contamination sites (during spill events), as well as future construction of storm water treatment facilities in the highly vulnerable areas ofthe DWSMA. Page 13, 2.2.2-InfIuence of Existing Water and Land Govt (1 st paragraph: The City also has other land use controls in addition to the ordinance for connection to the City's water supply such as building permits and its zoning program. ~'l toO Protecting, maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans . November 10, 2004 To: John Simola, Public Works Director City of Monticello / David Lowell, Leisch Assoc. Inc. ~ II ~/ From: Mike Howe, MDH Source Water Protection Planne~ Subject: WHP Plan Review/ LUG draft dated October 2004 I have reviewed your final draft plan and have the following comments which need to be responded to. The first comment is concerning the PCSI and how it is used in the plan. Since it is important to utilize the PCSI to prioritize the management strategies, I would recommend that you include in the plan a table which summarizes what was found in numbers and whether the sites are active or not. Prioritization should include a consideration of the number of a particular contaminant, the closeness of the contaminant sites to the wellheads, the seriousness of the potential contaminant and the ability to manage the potential contaminant. The inventory identifies six Class V injection wells in Appendix D, 4 of which are shown on Figure 13 as located in the DWSMA close to Well No.4. This should elevate the importance of that contaminant source in the priority listing. If a table in sec. 5.1 identified the potential contaminants by priority listing, it would be used as a way to chronologically identify management strategies that follow. I realize this may have been done in the mind of the author, but it is not evident to the reader . . The Appendix D listing of potential contaminants identifies five gravel pits, none of which have been verified, and only one of which is shown on Fig. 13. These must all be verified and the Appendix D list must sync with Figure 13. It is necessary that for each PCSI category, the city must verify at least 25 items (unless there are not 25 to work with) by location either inside the DWSMA or not in the DWSMA. If the city chooses to complete verification of contaminant sites during plan implementation, this is acceptable only if at least 25 in each category were done in plan development. The plan must identify which contaminant sources will be verified as part of plan implementation. The second comment is on how the management strategies are worded. It is important that the language of the particular strategy state what the City will do. For example, Management strategy 5.2.2 provides an adequate description of Class V. wells, but says nothing about what the City will do to manage the sites. An action strategy could say: ~l 63 . General Information: (651) 215-5800 . TDD/TYY: (651) 215-8980 · Minncsota Relay Scrvice: (800) 627-3529 · For directions to any of the MDH locations, call (651) 215-5800 · An equal opportunity employcr . . . 1. The City will contact owners, provide Class V fact sheet literature to them and encourage registration with EP A as required by law. 2. The City will provide 50% cost-share to close all Class V systems found within the 1 year time-of-travel zone. 3. The City will provide a detailed listing of all potential Class V wells to MDH and EPA. To complete the management strategies topic, it is important to recognize that the one year time of travel area is of highest priority from a management perspective and a strategy that recognizes this should be in the plan. This strategy should also recognize the inner well management area (IWMZ= 200 ft. radius around well). If there are no potential contaminants in this area, it would suffice to simply state that the city will monitor this area carefully and actively follow any changes occurring. The third comment is regarding Chapter 7.0. If the City is using the DNR plan for this section, a copy of the DNR approval letter must accompany the plan. For your information my review notes accompany this memorandum and show margin notes on a total of 13 pages. Thank you for the opportunity to provide early review of this important document. CC: Robyn Hoerr, MRWA ~l (o~ All I' -r;;.rJ K--$ I 11': /tl.. kftJJ) ~~ potential contaminant sources in the highly vulnerable areas and wellsl\within the remainder of the . DWSMA. Appropriate measures will be initiated to promote the management of potential contaminant sources in a responsible way. In addition, steps will be taken to emphasize that all wells are properly maintained or abandoned in accordance with all applicable regulations. The City will also work with Wright County, the Mirmesota Pollution Control Agency and neighboring units of government to assure compliance with various regulations concerning potential contaminant sources such as bulk storage facilities for fuel; various industries; chemical use, storage and disposal; abandon dumps, landfills, gas stations and other disposal sites. These efforts will focus on the use of t~ existing regulations and public education regarding potential contaminant sources.~ys to protect water quality from re-use, recycling and disposal of household, commercial and industrial hazardous wastes through proper turf management techniques. . " ':- :'~ ,..$~'~ . ix ~l bS I I .- I I 1.0 DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COM.MENT - OCTOBER 2004 DATA ELEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS (4720.5200) In this section of the Wellhead Protection Plan for the City of Monticello, the data elements and their assessment is addressed as required by Minnesota Rules Chapter 4720.5200. The current Monticello water supply system consists of 5 wells. Four of these wells are screened in unconsolidated sediments; while Well 3 is screened in the Mt. Simon Sandstone. The unconsolidated aquifer is thought to be of glacial origin. The City well numbers and the Minnesota Department of Health Unique Well Numbers assigned to each ofthese wells are listed in the General Information portion of the Public Water Supply Profile section of this report. A map showing the locations of these wells and the approved Drinking \Vater Stlpply Ma.l1,lgcmcnt --'.? I ~Ar~'J. (DV1S1'viA-r, delineated during Part 1 of the Wellhead Protection Plan, is provided as Figure 1. Well and Boring Records for the City's wells were previously submitted in the Part 1 Report. I I I I- I I I r I I - Figure 2 illustrates the MDH approved vulnerabilities for Monticello's DWSMA. The vulnerabilities at the DWSMA were determined utilizing both geologic and chemical data. All of Monticello's supply wells exhibit confined aquifer conditions; however, hydrogen isotope testing conducted by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) identified tritium concentrations above I tritium unit (TV) at Municipal Wells 2, 3 and 4 indicating that these wells capture water that is less than fifty years old and are therefore considered vulnerable. Tritium concentration testing has not been conducted at City Wells 1 and 5. At present, these wells are also considered vulnerable. All of the Monticello wells are considered "Vulnerable". Wells 2, 3 and 4 are considered "Vulnerable" based upon the MDH tritium analysis performed on water samples from these wells. No tritium analysis results are currently available for Well 1 or 5. The laboratory results reported tritium concentrations of 7.4, 3.5 and 17.9 tritium units at Wells 2,3 and 4, respectively. Well I and 5 are currently considered "Vulnerable" based upon the tritium results from the other wells and their local geologic setting. The Well and Boring Records for each of the Monticello production wells were reviewed to determine well construction and the composition of the strata encountered during the drilling of each well. The materials encountered during drilling indicate the presence of significant thicknesses of lower permeability confining layers at the locations of Wells 1, 3, 4 and 5. At Well 2 confining units where present are thin and leaky. All of the Monticello production wells appear to meet current MDH well code. The Monticello Wellhead Protection Plan identifies one distinct DWSMA. The DWSMA has been assessed on the basis of geologic logs from wells located within the WHP A, the radiological analyses performed by MDH and the matrix for rating geologic sensitivity to the . October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Hydrogeologists . Engineers. Environmental Scientists . Page 1 . ~1 ,1.0 ~ DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - OCTOBER 2004 Estimated cost City staff time . Goals Achieved When the database is established, it will provide documentation and a tracking system for: . Identification and cleanup of releases from aboveground and underground storage tanks . Well identification and sealing . Identificat~f class V injection well sites . Identification of existing proposed stonn water ponds . Changes ofland use within the DWSMA ~ Management of Class V Injection Wells Class V Inj~ParticularlY those associated with automotive waste disposal or other industrial operations, can serve to introduce potential contaminants into the subsurface. Proper management of Class V wells in the DWSMA to minimize the impact of any release to the environment would include sealing and remediation of known Class V wells. Presently Class V Injection Wells are regulated by BPA. Class V wells include a wide variety of devices ranging from drain fields to "dry wells" and other waste disposal systems. Part of the managing these potential contaminant sources should include prioritizing the various types. c,-r;t vI(~ pi20v (j)6 ~l5TTNe- c::F- Avv. ~kV (v~.5 ~I\Jf3' I}/I?'t>>5 1"0 M~~ ~ \?P k \ Class V Injection Well owners ! ~/A- . Source of Action Monticello Office of Public Works Cooperators Time Frame To begin upon plan approval and ongoing thereafter October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Hydrogeologists . Engineers. Environmental Scientists .' . Page 19 . tv 1 00 Goal Achieved I'~'. 'W:llS ~ave.been identifies.w. ithin the DWSMA. !r;JV <:"\;('/1\ W(!..l..r CO,.fJU'''lAC IV .1JJ 17,N'Ti~) rot<- jNve ' ...,.... - \ " . .5.2 P mo e the Sealin of Unused Poorl Maintained amaged or Abandoned wells \\ hnproperly sealed or abandoned wells have b~en identified as a significant sk to water quality within all four DWSMAs. These wells can "short circuit the natural protec on afforded to the aquifer by penetrating the overlying confining layers. I I I- I I I I I r I- I I - T FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - OCTOBER 2004 Management of Wells Well Inventory During preparation of this plan, the Minnesota Geological Survey Well Inventory Database was utilized to identify wells in the DWSMA.\--.,..This database was supplemented with information from the City and the DNR concerning wells within the DWSMA. The locations of well included on the well inventory are shown on Figure 12. Detailed information concerning these wells is included in Appendix D, the Potential Contaminant Source Inventory data. This inventory includes 156 wells located within the DWSMAs, including the City's municipal supply wells. . ~l..:;;> CI17f.. W Iv\"'; l,(J (jfZ.~ -rn. ~p i/ t-l (J. 6N7J~- Cl,((lt2}tJr Source of ActIOn " l t- .il.~ J W Cl I, Hw t:? IIJ n... ~c.t L.o Ch1T 1'1:::) H &1A \7 vvS If5 T , - a~ (f:) I'-' F\NV City staff and Wellhead Protection &fusultant-Liesch Associates, Inc. ~l\Ju...6 It) $~Ft R(L- <!1tJ:> W~1t!?S, Cooperators (fT/ "f11Yg ~/Ifl-,I ,,~~ lJfJltlAfW (Jii;Ut7 ()JfiL/ "V tflA1iD\ TheMGS andDNR /vJr<I(1Hr 00 r L.OCA;-[.., WIfi1-f- PW Time Frame ~CI'1 ~({.{; At1lIiW1WO(2t. C4J t..()O\n~ klif) St:J\U~ ~U {\ CD Cl~ wt?lLs uJflG1(~L 6ll NGl V:J(/f(LCNJ {S t tJ ~f'I0; ( Complete Estimated Cost Costs included in fees for assistance with the City's WelIhead Protection Plan. Additional costs for updating the inventory would include City staff time and/or consulting fees. , Source of Action " Monticello Office of Public, Works October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Hydrogeologists . Engineers. Environmental Scientists . Page 22 . *-1 to'\ II II II I II II I I II I II II I II I I . I . DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - OCTOBER 2004 will mail pamphlets to well owners locate within the DWSMA ~d have copies available at City Hall NIDH -wnrSeresonsl ~~p@et& tQ new well OWll.YJ.S! \;hUcC7f~~ ~. l' V',H'CS ~E. _ Wv,^" t ---v vJ N ~p., Cooperators MDH Staff and well owners Time Frame Begin in 2005 then ongoing. Estimated Cost Pamphlets free of charge to the City and City staff time Goal Achieved ~;'. t^ tIS'\' ~~e,.u. Identify and educate well owners concerning proper operation and maintenance of wells thereby reducing the risk of the wells becoming contaminant pathways to the source aquifer. formational Brochure TJIe City wilLrlllh1i!':11 :olrticle<: in tl1e City newsktter 12roviding information on wellhead and source water protection. -- Source of Action Monticello Office of Public Works . Cooperators CA-fJ ,JfP (Mvlt C~ ~J f\)(7,JrVkI1') Nt1tNs f()S:lvr:ksn None. Time Frame Begin upon plan approval, then ongoing. Estimated Cost City Staff time Goal Achieved October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Hydrogeologists . Engineers. Environmental Scientists . Page 25 . . k),1 10 I I f' I I I I I I I. I I I I I ~.'I" .. j DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - OCTOBER 2004 The public will become aware of the City's wellhead and source water protection program and steps that everyone can take to protect the City's public water supply. ~~g Water Consumer Confidence Report The City will continue to publish the Drinking Water C. onsumer Confidence Report to I Monticello residents ^ kNb ItCo?F~ It?~ONM.- {f\l f6 ((]"i lift OT\I Source of Actiou ON VV~ ~~ Monticello Office of Public Works Cooperators None. Time Frame Ongoing Federal regulations require annual distribution. Estimated Cost No new or additional costs Goal Achieved Public awareness of federal water quality standards and the overall quality of the City's public water supply. 5.2.7 Include Wellhead and source water Protection into the City's Planning Process The City will include a review of its wellhead and source water protection plan in its normal ,...-Ziliiing_illld...planning-.r.eview process. Report copies will be provided to the City's P1anning Department, Planning Commission, Monticello Township and Wright County. Source of Action Monticello Planning and Zoning and Engineering Departments Cooperators ! Monticello Planning Commission and Engineering Departments f Wp / c (Ju rvry October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Hydrogeologists . Engineers. Environmental Scientists . Page 26 . J6.."\ l\ I I I I I DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - OCTOBER 2004 Ongoing Estimated Costs . Laboratory costs paid by MDH. City stafftime assisting the MOH in collecting the samples Goal Achieved Determining the age and composition of groundwater captured by the municipal wells will assist in determining the vulnerability of the wells and source water aquifer. GV Private Septi~ Systems New private septic systems are only allowed with a 10-acre minimum lot size and existing ordinances require a hookup to the municipal wastewater system when it becomes available. Source of Action Arw -n-j~(VZ:- oNl-~ ~ 5i:f7lG7 t ~ Wt?- VltJ~A-- I ' None required Cooperators City residents and developers Time Frame . In-place C,1ZJ Wl~J1JCOi\){)J(IrTe vJti-P It-! ~tL C:;YOe!l\ WIftL~L,~(\f"i~6 ~ J~(/lvJ uJlrf\J "DuJSI4A !+No ,'WU/t--- DlScout2.~ frC-TLVrTres. suC4t- ;1:s/SGC~'E ~,t/jS 1tJ VlAUJE-~U::- ~~ ~ Estimated Costs No new or additional costs Goal Achieved Prevent the proliferation of on-site sewer sstems on small lots and at densities that could impact water quality. The community sewage tr tment system is managed by Monticello Office of Public Works ancl,js-pre e d for urban sidential densities. t:;;,2-- .(0, L- --r The City 0 . cello has active torm Water Pollution Prevention and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System PCse II programs. Stonn water pollution prevention is an important component of all new evelopments and is adequately controlled through existing permitting and review. / - , / . October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Hydrogeologists . Engineers' Enviromnenta!/Scientists . Page 29 . ~1 ld- . . ~ .t, (D. v 8-ruR.Y\ _Wf\'~ 1 KpkC-1 ON ()Tff~ f)R,.o \q J<a-- VJ,y--rti2... fob0((1;i J1o~~(tJe- l?klS1('1~0 SlOb-I ~ s~ oR.. CO>J'5rp:>>Cj }! wJ ~U\ 1JJFfiW- S3'5Ta'v\ \ Q.r1 vJ IIIL- eeiJs\ pe-R. ~ Art- 1}''1~ /6 DouJN\S'IIC\JrM IASElZS AN~ \lJ((,l.. 1'1/;K'66UC-ilj b"tfilfl1 10 ~BDctcB oe- '\31) ".wJ.wF \J~l{ilv€- If1 ~, . ~l t3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CI~ /lJ11../...- G erJf7R:A-TC€S. AWMF -""1("~ ~~ VJC~ bJ/''-J lMJst.(A DRA.FT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - OCTOBER 2004 Reduce the quantity of household hazardous that could potentially reach and impact the environment. ~ Hazardous Waste Generator~ The MPCA permits and maintains lists of various categories of hazardous waste generators in the State of Minnesota. Inclusion on one of the lists does not imply that there has been a release to the environment or other problem. It merely indicates that the permitted entity is authorized to generate, manage and store specific quantities and types of hazardous wastes. The City will periodically update it!'; Potp.ntiHl rontall~1inant SQillce Inventory with-information from the MPCA. Figures 12 and I3illustrate the locations of various Potential Contaminant sources from the PSCI data base, including the location of water wells, hazardous waste generators in the DWSMA. More detailed information concerning these potential contaminant sources is provided in Appendix D. Source of Action Monticello Office of Public Works Cooperators MPCA and Wright County Time Frame During plan updates Estimated Costs No new or additional costs Goal Achieved Tracking potential sources of hazardous wastes 5.2.13 Gravel Mining Operations The City has a number of active gravel mining operations within the City. Gravel mining does not generally constitute a source of contamination, however, in certain situations; pit operations can provide a pathway or conduit for potential contaminants to reach ground water. Gravel October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Hydrogeologists . Engineers' Environmental Scientists . Page 31 . Xc.- 1 ..,..y . . . I II t' I I I II I - .. - - - - - - I -- I DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMJ\rlENT - OCTOBER 2004 mining operations within the City are permitted annually and are required, among other things, to file a reclamation plan for use of the property after mining has ceased ~ $/l-ol\.lS ~NC' GtZMtl..- -prr IN lCW9\4 W \11 W J}l V PC"'TU~ ~~c.. ~Ho/JS Ft\f s: 0 Avl/ tJ~ To B~ Vt;:{(\A ~ At/i:; 9rA-TlLS~~LD IN 0, Or-je (F Ar::;rr1Jt oIL NoT NJD fP- 1Ttz)1 M-cJE i.~' USz }:>tffMT If 1T~ r.fkdt ~.~. f'zre~trrs L /+-T iflJ.-c ~ F7f<Au.-;- MbD(FI(A-llo(lj IJIL Ri:N~l---/ rH-efte s rkuL-D 13& C-c>N~TtoytJs -A-l>P~D U1titcH , ?f2unctj C:i-ROIANJ:>W'IT1'Ve-" /ftIS #-pEAks f'sPWArU--j'LMfo.eJA-Nr !=be.. ~ p'T ho Ck't2.D B zTWF1:V'\J rJJ21,t.S "3 hJ}:) .S;- , Source. of Action Monticello Office of Public Works Cooperators Gravel Mining Operators Time Frame In-place Estimated Costs No new or additional costs Goal Achieved This program assures that existing gravel mining operations will be operated and closed in an environmentally sound manner consistent with existing land uses. 5.2.14 Turf Management Issues The City will continue to work with - e -Upper Mississippi River Watershed Organizatio:I:]" to educate the public regarding turf management and w ',f quality issues. ._._'-"---~? ~' -l""l ( tS '1 I Source of Action #,t- !- ~o/~~ -1 (5'_ < Cooperato~_ ( c:fI-' C V ermi~ River W atershed J~i~~--=~-~wers Organization Monticello Office of Public Works Time Frame Ongoing Estimated Costs No new or additional costs October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. Hydrogeologists . Engineers. Environmental Scientists . Page 32 . ~l -"15 I - I I I I I I I I I , DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COM:MENT - OCTOBER 2004 Goal Achieved --?? ( Preventorlin1iCiliipacts from conversion of agricultural lands to turf grass. . 6.0 EVALUATION PROGRAM (4720.5279) In order to ensure a successful wellhead and source water protection plan, the plan's effectiveness must be routinely evaluated to determine whether the plan is meeting its goals. The City of Monticello's Wellhead and Source Water Protection Plan includes monitoring and evaluation measures to ensure implementation and determine effectiveness of its management strategies proposed in Chapter 5 of this report. This Plan's evaluation activities includy the following: · Track the implementation of the objectives, activities, and tasks covered in Chapter 5 of this report; · Determine the effectiveness of specific management strategies corresponding to the protection of the City's municipal water supply; · Identify potential changes to the current management strategies in order to improve the overall effectiveness, and; · Determine the adequacy of financial resources and staff availability to perform and implement the upcoming year's management strategies. . Cooperation between the City and the MDH regarding annual monitoring of the City's municipal water supply will continue in order to ensure that the management strategies mentioned previously in this Plan are producing the desired effects. lfthe Plan's effects are not positive, the problems will be identifieq and addressed. The Monticello City Council will be presented an annual report by the Monticello Wellhead Protection Manager. This report will include a summary of the implementation of the management strategies and Plan objectives, as well as the water quality data from the City's municipal supply. The report will utilize the MDH Wellhead Protection Program Evaluation form included in Appendix F. A copy of the report will be retained by the City and one will be sent to the MDH Source Water Protection Unit in S1. Paul. The intended purpose of the annual reporting is to compile a comprehensive review of the implementation of the source management strategies for use in revision of the City's Plan. The Plan must be revised at a minimum of once every IO years, in compliance with the Wellhead Protection Rules. . October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INe. H ydrogeologists . Engineers' Environmental Scientists . Page 33 . l6.- 1 'l0 I I I- I I I I I I I- - DRA.FT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - OCTOBER 2004 7.0 ALTERNATIVE WATER SUPPLY - CONTINGENCY STRATEGY (4720.5280) The City of Monticello completed its Water Supply Emergency Management and Conservation Plan in December 1995. This Plan was submitted and approved by the MDNR Division of Waters and the Metropolitan Council. Upon approval of the Plan by the MDNR and the Metropolitan Council, the City adopted the plan and incorporated it into the City's 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Copies of the Water Supply Emergency Management and Conservation Plan, Comprehensive Water System Plan Update, and the 2020 Comprehensive Plan are available for review at Monticello City Hall. W,lw,l! 09!2IMonti~l1o WHP Pm 2lMooti,dlo pt2 ,'PldO~ N \2- \ C. Qf /~;l'-...-.. /\. v.... . ',. .. D ~ 0/(.'" t4,\i>./// ~ () t\ )\,/. '.,/ o-J ,.". ~/;;?>/ ~ ~ .' (~. " {,,,,,""-"""" r ~ . \?,V./ ~1}-Cj1< ",Y October 2004 LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. H ydrogeologists . Engineers' Environmental Scientists ~1 . Page 34 . l~ LOCATED WELLS IN THE DWSMA AREA WELL_LABEL TOWNSHIP RANGE RANGE_DIR SECTION_ SUBSECTION 163601 121 25 W 24 ABAADC 214558 121 25 W 22 ABDDAD I 218032 121 25 W 1'1 ACBCAC J i 218034 121 25 W 22 ABDADD f, 236578 121 25 W 11 ACACCC 437298 121 25 W 12 DDCDBB 438486 121 25 W 23 ACBCCD 439866 121 25 W 14 AABDDB 449182 121 25 W 14 DBAAAC 453072 121 25 W 22 DBBBBC 598602 121 25 W 14 CCA 438897 121 25 W 13 ABDDBC 178200 121 25 W 14 AABDDB 249343 0 0 0 248357 0 o , 0 694202 0 0 0 482878 0 0 0 184701 0 0 0 247599 0 0 0 ~\<) t<V 247600 0 0 0 247602 0 0 0 247601 0 0 0 \jJ ~~ t7 178725 0 0 0 435967 0 0 0 \)t f>< ' .. 214718 0 0 0 \)P0" 181294 0 0 0 561179 0 0 0 468201 0 0 0 197307 0 0 0 482878 0 0 0 661586 0 0 0 193455 0 0 0 152384 0 0 0 665716 0 0 0 609303 0 0 0 183902 0 0 0 189707 0 0 0 586143 0 i 0 0 266734 0 0 0 247598 0 0 0 265771 0 0 0 ~l. Pagel l '\ . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/2005 8. Public hearine for a vacation of 3' of the Wright Street public rieht of way between East River Street and the Mississippi River. (J.S.) A. REFERENCr,: AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Dan Goeman representing Vernon Strand who owns a home at 501 East River Street, has requested the vacation of a portion of the Wright Street right of way between East River Street and the Mississippi River due to an encroachment ofMr. Strand's garage 2.9' into the Wright Street right of way. This encroachment is clouding the title and a sale ofMr. Strand's home. After the request, City staff investigated the property to see ifthere were any current city publ ic utilities extended down the right of way and there were not. It is the stairs opinion that vacating the east 3' of the current 40' street right of way would not jeopardize any future use of the right of way by the city (i.e., storm sewer, etc.) The City Administrator has determined that a reasonable value for the property would be $2.00/square foot. The value of the 789 square feet required for the vacation would be $1,578. Mr. Goeman and Mr. Strand are comfortable with the value and have agreed to pay for the drafting of the necessary documents and setting the new property corners should the council approve the vacation after the public hearing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is for the vacation ofthe east 3' of Wright Street as described above, and the sale to Vernon Strand for the amount of$l ,578.00 plus legal costs of transfer of property. 2. The second alternative would be not to vacate or sell a portion of Wright Street. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a recommendation oUhe City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council vacate 3' of the Wright Street right of way and sell the portion to Vernon Strand for $1,578.00 as outlined in alternative # I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of survey showing the encroachment of the homc at 501 East River Street into the Wright Street right of way. E:O MISSISSIPPI RIVER _~__ ~ 91+/- -- /C~ . " 40 ~'--..... ~----- ----- ---- "'--," -----,,-:::-. 'J, . I I I ~ -rr--I---~ ~ ifP~rf- ~I i-'-~;.~ ~\. I . \" I" S r 1.1/ ~ /: i1 ~ I. "" r: \ ~ ". L:'j ~ i.,' ~ --l ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Illurr LINE t'I./ ~ I / I ~ _?-Elf/- '<; "'~-..i.f"59-;;-F.--85__8"'..!=-.., '-- in d _~""_,~~:-;~~n I ~ .;, .~z::n" ~ . .. G~p~rj . . . .. .. . . . " 32. , 1<: 3t loi;( 5 5 :: - C\f \~ ~ to f~ "t .. ~ . lr) 1, I .. - '" ~ ~ i l.J it 2i .... 'It - f.... a; ""> .. ~ ::ot 40 1 B 5 -,~,---'- I 1,0(>[ I ,.~-?.....J_...._ ;.::: \ I . ..... _____.____. _ ___.___.J I ,..: ;~, ~~hY-.~_t, _'~~,...t.. ,.,!_._.J_,.~!.._,' "iJtol:"P0\[ i 1 ./"4Q-rN 9----------- ,---... _.___....L__. ~._-----------_.-_!:.....~-.5 POLE .....1, --_._-_._-_.=-~--==.=~==.=--..~ ~ C) "" EAST RIVER STREET C) "" C) "" oG" ~ 8\ -- / . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/05 9. Public Hcarin1! - Consideration of adoptill!:! an ordinance chanl!ing the name of a portion of 91 st Street N E in the plat of Sunset Ponds. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROtJND: The City Counci I is being asked to approve changing the name of a portion of 91 SI Street NE in the plat of Sunset Ponds from 91 sl Street N E to Goodrich Drive. The purpose of considering a street name change is to bring the addressing for the development into compliance with the Wright County grid system. The lots affected by this change are Lots 12-26, Block 8 and Lots 28-41, Block 8 and Lots 1-12, Block 7 and Lots 39-55, Block 7 (see attached map). The City became aware of the discrepancy when building permits were issued. The developer and his engineer were made aware of the discrepancy in the street naming and have requested to the City to make the corrections to bring the addressing into compliance with the County's grid system. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After holding the public hearing, the Council can move to adopt an ordinance changing that portion of 91 sl Street NE abutting Lots 12-26 and Lots 28-41, Block 8 and Lots 1-12 and Lots 39-55, Block 7 in the plat of Sunset Ponds from 91'1 Street NE to Goodrich Drive. ~ S~~ ~ ~U 2. Move not to adopt the ordinance effecting the street name change. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1 as it will bring the streets in the Sunset Ponds Addition into conformance with the County's grid system and since the development is only marginally developed as this time, the street name change can be done with minimum . . l11convel11ence. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map showing portion of road affected. 8~ U)o ~CL~ O(9~ o....Cf)w t---Cf)6 WWI U)CL~ Z06 ::::J [.:.J !-. U) <( II I r- -r --'1 d'- 1_ ---1_ __1_ 11 I I I I I I r- -I I I 1---1 __J ' ) j -;-> -J ~--. s--- ".- J)~@r 'If,{~ \0 +_.. ~\~~(~ \j} ~(J~ '-..L \" G ul ,~) f-- '..l, \1Ij... PI I t~ ~~l I :i: ~ I.d ,"j ~ en --- ! \.i1 tu1 ,~~ tllLl C " f~ f~ d.J ,S c: OJ d.J c: _W .c 006 co OJ c: ';:;" cu > L. ':;l (f) m \;X) -:. (3 c= (J LLI VI -'r ........- -...............~ ~ .- - ~ ~ ~---.,. - --. -- ~ '----~ .,.:.-: -~;~~..'~~~'.':' ~::~...!~ ~ :::: ',::~:: .:.'.Y :):"":'-:'j ~ ~I I J 1\ - ::V( 'r/ b 1).1-/1 f--,~ , '"", ,-,., '- ' , .~ ~'~-r-- I -I r ''"r'''-h'l! _\~ - 1 I--r-- 4.l4.l CO ClJ ~;i~ o .~ .~ ClJ I-i 4.l,.Q"CI I-i 0 000 j:l.j4.l~ 0- ~ Council Agenda ~ 1/10/05 . 10. Consideration of annual appointments for 2005. (R.W.) A. REF[~:RENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Statutes require that at the first meeting of each year, certain appointments he made. Attached you will find a list of the required appointments that may be approved in one single motion unless the Council chooses to consider some appointments separately. Because of changes in the makeup oUhe Council, appointments of Council representatives to the various committees will also need to be reviewed. a. City Depositories. The City utilizes one bank to provide banking services for the City which is Wells Fargo. In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239, the Chief Financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other oHicial depositories for the purpose of investments. The motion includes the authorization for the Chief Financial Officer to designate other depositories when necessary for investment purposes only. b. Official Newsnaper. Monticello Times. . (, ( (0~ / '\' ~~tJ\\)") / (,,1'/// / . c. I lealth Of1icer. It is suggested that we simply appoint the River Place Physician Clinic as the health officer position as we have done in the past. d. Acting Mayor. Past practice has heen to choose the senior Councilmcmber to fill in as the Acting Mayor when neeA-ed. Brian Stumpf would he the senior Council member. C ( ~ r" e. Renresentatives to Other Multi-Jurisdictional Bodies. Two appointments are necessary for selecting the City representatives to serve on each of the following bodies: Community Education Advisory Board and the Joint Firc Board Mayor Bruce Thielen served as Council representative on the MCC Advisory Board in 2004. A new representative will need to be appointed. Councilmember Brian Stumpf and the City Administrator were the two City representatives on the Joint Fire Board. The other members of the Joint Fire Board include two fire department representativcs and thrce Township representatives, those cUlTcntly heing Ken Scadden, Ted Holkcr and Brett Ilolker. Since thrce township mcmbers havc been attending recent mcetings, mayhe the City should have two Council representatives appointed also. f. Housing and Redevelopmcnt Authority. Annually. one appointment is required for the I lousing and Redevelopment Authority. The term currently occupied by Mr. Brad Barger expired December 31. Mr. Bargcr is willing to serve another term. g. Planning Commission. The terms of Lloyd Hi Igart and Richard Carlson expired on December 31, 2004. Mr. Carlson indicated that he is not interestcd in serving anothcr term. The Planning Commission rccommended that Lloyd <6~ . . <v N\~~' plY ~ \Y C) . Council Agenda - 1/1 0/05 Hilgart be appointed for another term. A replacement will be sought for Mr. Carlson and that appointment will come back to the Council at a later date. h. Library Board. The Library Board by ordinance requires a Mayoral appointment with Council ratification. The term of Dawn Fitzgerald expired in December of 2004 and she has indicated her willingness to serve another term. I. Recyclin!2: Committee. Glen Posusta has served as Council representative on this committee for the past year. 1. Economic Development Authority. The Economic Development Authority is composed currently of seven members appointed by the Mayor and con11rmed by the City Council. According to our ordinance that established the EDA, two members of the committee shall be members of the City Council, and those two positions were currently held by Councilmembers Roger Carlson and Robbie Smith. New council representatives need to be appointed. Members of the EDA serve a 6 year term and the term of Barb Schwientek expired in December of 2004. She is willing to serve another term. k. Police Advisorv Commission (3-year staggered terms). The Police Advisory Commission is composed of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council, one of which is a Council member. For the past few years, Councilmember Brian Stumpf has served in that capacity. The position currently held by Brad Fyle expired December 31, 2004 and he has indicated his willingness to serve another term. I. Parks Commission. The positions currently held by Ben I fitter and Rick Traver expired December, 2004. They have both indicated their willingness to serve another term. m. DA T (Design Advisorv Team). The terms of Pam Campbell, Susie Wojchouski and Dennis Sullivan expired December 2004. Only Pam Campbell is willing to serve another term. Replacements will be sought for the positions held by Susie Wojchouski and Dennis Sullivan. n. MCC Advisory Board: The term of Bob Grabinksi who completed the term of Tom Neuman expired in Deccmber of 2004. He has indicated a willingness to scrve another term. o. Joint Plannin!2: Board: As part of the orderly annexation agreement, this Board was created to handle zoning/land use issues in the area covered by the annexation agreement. Since Bruce Thielen and Brian Stumpf were the Council representatives on the annexation committee they were appointed to this board. It has not been necessary for this board to meet yet. The following appointments are not required to be made annually by statute, but each of them performs services on an as-needed basis for the City. The consulting services and/or individuals are listed as follows and can be individually discussed by the Council if desired. ~s . 'I ~'~rtL0 \ J-'VC: yfI ((" 1 J,v/ (t ~? ~ 5. . Council Agenda - 1/10/05 I. City Attorney. Matt Brokl , Campbell Knutson has served this past year as the City's general legal counsel. More recently, Tom Scott has been the main attorney who has worked on Monticello issues with Matt Rrokl becoming less involved. The City has also used the services of Flaherty and Ilood for more specialized areas such as annexation. 2. Citv Auditor. Larson Allen provided the audit services for the City in 2004. I do not have any problem with the City continuing our relationship with the firm of Larson Allen as auditor. ..., .). Consulting Engineer. Currently, the consulting engineering firm of WSB & Associates and, in particular, Mr. Bret Weiss, has been appointed as the City's primary City Engineer. For general engineering services, it is recommended that we continue our arrangement with Mr. Bret Weiss as the primary City Engineer with the firm of WSB & Associates. 4. City Planner. For the past number of years, Mr. Steve Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants has been the City Planner. It is recommended that our relationship with Mr. C)-rittman and Northwest Associated Consultants continue on an as-needed basis. financial Consultants. In 20(H, the City designated Ehlers and Associates as the primary financial advisor with the option of looking at other financial consultants if it was felt that the City's needs were not being met. It is suggested that the City continue with Ehlers and Associates. In addition to the annual appointments, individual Council members fl1f the past few years have been appointed as liaison members with various committees and commissions of the City. A list of these commission or committee assignments is enclosed with the agenda lor Council review. If the Council would like to continue with having individual liaison members, the Mayor and Council members may want to discuss whether any commission or committee assignments need to be changed. lhe attached sheet as supporting data lists all of the members of the various commissions and appropriate appointments, both required and discretionary, that the Council can consider for 2005. The names in bold print are the ones that are in need of appointment for Council review. When replacements have been 1()Und to fill the vacant positions on the Planning Commission and the Design Advisory, those appointments will come back to the Council at that time. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTION: I. If the Council is in agreement with all of the recommendations for annual appointments, a single motion is all that is needed to cover the vacancies underlined, or individual appointments can be made separately as needed. . C. SU PPORTING DATA: · List of current appointments needed and current office holders. ~b . Official Depositories: Newspaper: Health Officer: (1 year) Acting Mayor (1 year) Joint Commissions: Community Education Fire Board Joint Planning Board (Annexation area) Attorney: Planner: Auditor: . Engineer: Housing & Redevelopment Authority (5-year staggered terms) Planning Commission (3-year staggered terms) . 2005 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS Wells Fargo Chief Financial Officer - authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only. Monticello Times River Place Physician Clinic Brian Stumpf Bruce Thielen Rick Wolfsteller and Brian Stumpf Bruce Thielen and Brian Stumpf Campbell Knutson Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Grittman) Larson Allen & Associates WSB & Associates NAME Brad Barger Darrin Lahr Bill Fair Steve Andrews Dan Frie TERM EXPIRES 12/2004 12/2005 12/2006 12/2007 12/2008 Lloyd Hilgart Richard Carlson Rod Dragsten Dick Frie William Spartz 12/2004 12/2004 12/2005 12/2005 12/2006 DAWN/XCEL/DAWN:Appointments Listxls: 1 /5/2005 * to ~t library Board (3-year staggered terms) . Economic Development Authority (6-year staggered terms) Police Advisory Commission: (3-year staggered terms) DA T (Design Advisory Team) (2-year staggered term) . MCC Advisory Board (3-year staggered terms) Dawn Fitzgerald Tom Parker Dawn Grossinger Sandra Foster Jacque Gordon Barb Schwientek Bill Demueles Roger Carlson, Council Ron Hoglund Robbie Smith Clint Herbst Darrin Lahr Brad Fyle Brian Stumpf, Council Jon Hoff David Gerads Dick Slais Pam Campbell Susie Wojchouski Dennis Sullivan Brad Blue Roberta Gerads Cindy Anderson Sheila Stumpf Bob Grabinski Bruce Thielen,Council Richard Quick Harvey Kendall Sandra Theros Council liaison (ex-officio) appointments to City committees: 2004 liaison Roger Carlson Glen Posusta Robbie Smith Brian Stumpf Glen Posusta Bruce Thielen Glen Posusta HRA Planning Commission Parks Commission Police Commission Library Board MCC Advisory Board Recycling Committee A JJ ~ . , /I C \ '/'1\ \ll\l'l t..-\ Sy 'fAfL~~ ~\J,^ ' . DA WN/XCEL/DA WN :Appointments List. xis: 1 /5/2005 12/2004 12/2005 12/2005 12/2006 12/2006 12/2004 12/2005 12/2006 12/2007 12/2008 12/2008 12/2009 12/2004 12/2005 .--- 12/2005 12/2006 12/2006 12/2004 12/2004 12/2004 12/2005 12/2005 12/2005 12/2005 12/2004 12/2005--- 12/2005 12/2006 12/2006 r~J (t-'1V' LJ~ ~l.hill~ 11/1~~ 2005 liaison ( " ;^~..e & 0 /1 j2 ~ :' / 11 -----r-1" t ~:--;-,:-1GL e .; e-'{IA" I {; {I,;, ~ \ D '1S,~ Counci I Agenda - 1/10/05 11. Consideration of adopting increases to various fee schedules. (R W) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider across the board adjustments to all development and hookup fees retroactive to January 1,2005, and also to increase various miscellaneous fee charges as outlined. In regards to development fees, charges for items such as park dedication, trail funding, along with our other utility charges for sewer, storm sewer and water trunk and access charges should be increased annually to avoid complications that come along with large increases. The increases proposed are at an amount that has been used by the Council in the past at 4% annually and are outlined on the Exhibit A schedule attached. One item that should be noted regarding sanitary sewer and water hookup charges along with the three 111ajor trunk charges for sewer, storm sewer and water acreage charges is that staff and consultants are in the process of reviewing the fee structure that will be needed to finance future improvements to these areas as the City expands in the future. The recently comp1cted water comprehensive plan was done this past summer and additional studies will need to be completed regarding sanitary sewer and/or stormwater development will that likely result in additional increases being recommended for these fees in the near future. On an interim basis, the Council should still consider the 4% increase at this time and within the next 30 to 60 days, staff will be bringing back to the Council recommendations on additional increases that should be considered in these areas. . It is also recommended that our basic sanitary sewer and water user rates be adjusted by an additional 4% to cover normal increases in operating costs for these funds. Likewise, miscellaneous fees and charges for services such as tree chipping, sewer rodding services or street sweeping fees are also proposed for adjustments. Some cases, many of these fees have not been increased for years and may have proposed increases larger than just the 4% as outlined in the development fee schedules. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt proposed changes to development fees and other service charges as recommended on Exhihit A. 2. Motion to deny adoption of proposed changes to development and other service charges at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The sta1Trecommends alternative #1. Smaller annual increases will allow the City to keep pace with increases in utility and construction costs that we experience while allowing us to charge a fair fee for services performed. As noted above, a recommendation on further trunk fund and hookup fees will be provided to the Council in the near future to ensure developers are paying their fair share of trunk costs as we expand. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of development fees and service charges proposed to be increased. 8.~ EXHIBIT A LISTING OF DEVELOPMENT FEES . FEE 2004 AMOUNT (4(Yo & Rounded) PROPOSED 2005 AMOUNT (4% & Rounded) Trail Fund 10% of land or $lzmY per lot "',SOc) $238 1 m,{) land or II ~ per lot /~(j tJ Park Dedication (residential) $248 Parking Fund (eCl) District) $1,601 $1,665 Sewer Access Charge: Residential ~ single family $3,515 $3,656 All others per unit equivalent $3,515 $3,656 Trunk Sanitary Sewer $2,142 $2,228 *Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: Business $6,542 per acre $6,804 per acre Industrial $6,188 per aere $6,436 per acre . Residential $5,621 per acre $5,846 per acre Trunk Water Charge $1,685 per acre $1,752 per acre Water Access Charge: 1" line $712 + materials $740 + matcrials 1-1/4" $1,082 + matcrials $1,125 + matcrials 1- 1/2" $1,298 + materials $1,350+ materials 2" $1,659 -t- materials $1,725 + materials 3" $2,137 + materials $2,222 + materials 4" $2,812 + materials $2,925 + matcrials 6" $3,542 + materials $3,684 + materials 8" $4,651 + materials $4,837 + materials Sewer Rates: 0-500 cu. ft. $10 $10 Over 500 cu. ft. $1.73 per 100 cu. ft. $1.80 per 100 cu. ft. Water Hydrant Ratcs for Contractors: A. $10 minimum billing for up to 500 cu. ft. or 3,750 gallons B. After the 3,7 50 gallons, thc rate shall be $1.49 per 100 ell. ft. or $1.99 per 1,000 gallons. $1.55 per 100 cu. 1'1. or $2.07 per 1000 gallons. . Water Rates: 0-500 cu. n. Oycr 500 cu.ft. $8.25 $.50 per 100 cu. ft. $8.58 $.52 per 100 cu. ft. Water with Booster Station: 0-500 cu. ft. $11.50 $1 1. 96 ~ '.1...1- ~O . . . Over 500 cu. ft. Water Shut Off, then 'fumed On: Water Connection Permit: Water Main Tapping-New Services (I" only) Water Meters: 5/8" meter 3/4" meter I " meter I 12" meter 2" meter Valves Water Availability Charge (For those who have city water available but choose not to hook up) Construction Inspection (City or Engineer) Chipping: Dutch Elm Diseased Tree Removal Mowing & Snow Removal Rodding: Street Sweeping: $1.25/1 0 cu. ft. $1.30!1 0 cu. ft. $20+ delinquency $21 + delinquency $50 $55 $200 each + materials $210+ materials $230 + sales tax $270 + sales tax $290 + sales tax $490 + sales tax $560 + sales tax $21 + sales tax $240 + sales tax $280 + sales tax $300 + sales tax $510+ sales tax $585 + sales tax $22 + sales tax $24/year (Billed in July) $25/year $60/hr. $69/hr. $25 per 12 hour or part $30 thereof fix the first 2 hrs.; $50 per 12 hr or part thereof $60 for the next hr. No more than 3 hrs per yr per property. $225 leach Clarification: should be The City will be responsible f()r 12 cost of removal; up to a max. of f~'l-_( jl217Per tree $28/hour for one operator Dclete~covcred by contract machine. Doesn't include use rate of heavy equipment. $30/hour for one operator & machine; $85/hour or part thereof f(H two operators machine & pickup $35/hr for one operator & machine; $90/hr or part thereof for two operators, machine & pickup $60 for first hr; $50/hr pro-rated thereafter (I operator & machi ne) $65 for first hr; $55/hr pro-rated thereafter (I operator & machine) 'Pn)p~rly nwners thaI discharge water nffsite will bt asktd tu fund VlSI assnciated wilh purchasing land ntcdtd 1<." ccnlrali/.cd pnnding. ~ 'J. 1..- ~, . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/05 12. Accent Amended F'easibility Report for 2005 Street Reconstruction Proj!ram (City of Monticello Project No. 2005-01C) (WSB) A. rU:Ff;:RI~:NCI~~ AND BACKGROUND: At the December 13,2004 City Council meeting, an amendment to the Feasibility Report for this project was presented to Council for consideration. At that mecting, any discussion or consideration of this item was tabled by the Council to the January 10,2005 City Council meeting. The submitted amendmcnt to the Feasihility Report presented a third option for the project that would include reconstruction of the streets in the project area to thc same width as the current streets in the area. In addition, WSB & Associates, Inc. has cvaluatcd additional funding options that would climinate the street widening assessment as well as lower the overall assessment rate for the two options presented in the original Feasihility Report. Modifications to the proposed assessment programs included the following: . The street widening assessment has been modified to reflect a curb and gutter assessment rate only. There is no cost included in this assessment other than the cost of the new curb and gutter fix Option 1. Option 1 no longer includes any assessment for street widening. . The proposed sidewalk assessment for Option I has been split out and listed scparately for Option 1. There is no assessment proposed as neither Option 2 nor Option 3 allow 1l)r the construction of a trail or sidewalk. . The storm sewer assessment has heen reduced to a ratc of20% of the system not considcred to he a trunk improvement. This ratio is hased on the program in place at the time the original streets in thc Core area were constructed. This is truc for both Options 1 and 2, respectively. . The projects have becn cvaluated over a three-year period. The attached amendment analyzes the project costs and assessments over the longer duration assuming annual construction cost increases. It should be noted that extcnding the project longer than the three-year period will contribute to the continuing deterioration of streets identified in future phases. City staff and WSB & Associates, Inc. ask that the Council accept the amendcd Feasibility Report and request thc Council to schedule this item for an upcoming City Council Workshop to discuss in greater detail or select an option and order the public hearing for a future meeting fi)r the proposed project area. A neighborhood meeting is still anticipated to be held prior to the public hcaring once that has been set. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The City Council accepts a motion to bring this project to a future City Council Workshop for further discussion. (':',f)()('/ '1/1':- !''/I,III"\'../'(iRO\/.I)(".u.'',./',j('/I/j''..I(i\ nlj...111()j SI!'J.'..'III"/!!II_II//O/l.i.i/r" ~d.. Council Agenda - 1/10/05 2. The City Council accepts the amendment to the Feasibility Report and orders the public hearing for a particular option. . ,., ~. The City Council does not accept the amended Feasibility Report and provides further direction f()[ modi1ications or further analysis. 4. A fourth alternative would be to not accept the report and not move forward with the reconstruction program. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Street Superintendent, and the City Engineer that the City Council Jl.)fInally accepts the report and set a workshop date as proposed in Alternative No. I. n. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the amendment to the Feasibility Report for the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program - Area 3 as prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc. (Previously supplied) . IV -10 '\ . /\1) ~\ ~. /J t ' \ "r (} 1\ ~t~l'c' ~ '\ f\JJ~ ~\J u ( ~ \-~\ . (,-"nUl 'I 'IIJ,'o,j',/l"JIf'\'.,/,C;}NJI/ ()( ".//.,\.,f',/i'IIII"1 l(iS JJ:Il-_)I!(),) .\"1/'('('1 H,'H!!I 1IIIIi05.,)0( ~3 ~ WSB . &: Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E., Senior Project Manager t6~ Jason LAbell, P.EiII- December 9, 2004 From: Date: Re: 2005 Street Reconstruction Program City of Monticello Project No. 2005-01C WSB Project No. 1494-04 . This memorandum will serve as a supplement to the feasibility report for the above-referenced project as presented to the Council at its November 22,2004 Council Workshop Meeting. It is intended to provide the Council with additional information regarding the 2005 Street Reconstruction Program Feasibility Report. In the original report, two options were developed, and designated as Option 1 - Urban Section, and Option 2 - Rural Section. This memorandum will briefly outline a third option, as well as discuss the effect of making either Option 1 or Option 2 a three-year project. Option 3 - Replace Existing Pavement The main aspect of Option 3 is to replace the existing pavement (at the same width) with the proposed pavement section, and to re-align Hilltop Drive to the center of the existing right-of- way. The existing roadside ditches and culverts would remain undisturbed as much as practical. In addition, the water and sewer repairs and replacements as outlined in Options 1 and 2 would be completed. The project would consist of reclamation of the existing pavement, excavation of subgrade, placement of granular borrow, and new courses of pavement. On streets with existing curb and gutter, the project still proposes reclamation of the bituminous pavement with spot curb repairs as necessary. The following table summarizes the cost and funding needs anticipated to build this project. It should be noted that the costs represent constructing this project in one construction season. . a. l ';}... 9""\ Minneapolis I St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer F:\WPW1M1494-00J20904 2005 leas me/r/(J,doc . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 2 OPTION 3 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $1,306,489.50 $130,648.95 $316,170.46 $1,753,308.91 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,721.78/lot Commercial Residential Assessment @ $59.88/FF Sanitary Sewer Fund Water Fund Storm Sewer Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $587,904.48 $53,292.35 $40,125.80 $210,049.84 $68,454.75 $1,459,827.22 Remaining Balance to be Funded $293,481.69 Option 3 is not the preferred option. While it would fix existing sewer and water issues, and repair the existing pavement, it is well below existing City of Monticello engineering standards. The existing streets are 24 feet wide, which is very narrow considering there are no pedestrian facilities. In addition, it does not widen the street enough to provide anyon-street parking. Options 1 and 2 - Three One-Year Phases WSB also analyzed splitting Options 1 and 2 into three one-year phases. The advantage of separating the project into multi-year phases is that three years of annual street fund contributions could be utilized. As a side note, the City should look at increasing the street fund contribution in coming years to offset increases in construction cost. In order to evaluate the value of lengthening the construction time for the project, we separated the project into phases and developed cost estimates for each phase. The bid prices used in the cost estimates were increased by three percent each year to reflect the normal increases in construction costs. Assessments against properties in each phase were then evaluated in order to develop a basic funding summary for each phase. One of the goals of the Council was to reduce the size of the assessment against each property. Option 1 is a large project, including a full storm sewer collection system. The storm sewer system assessment has been reduced and consists of only 20% of the non-Trunk related items within the storm system. The remaining 80% will be paid for by City funds. The ratio of the assessment has been set based on the policies in place at the time of the original street improvement project. ~\^ 'CfS F:\WPWINl1494.MJ20904 2005 leas mema.dac . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 3 The assessments proposed against a typical individual residential property would be nearly $5,300 in year one of Option 1, and would differ annually as shown in the following table due to variations in each phased project. The street widening assessment as proposed previously was changed to be a curb and gutter assessment. This assessment is the cost of curb and gutter only, averaged between affected lots within each phase. Therefore, the amount of the assessment varies between phases. The storm sewer assessment also varies between phases, because the assessment for each phase would only include the storm sewer constructed during each phase. A brief summary of the typical residential assessment for Option 1 by year is included below. OPTION 1 M MUL TIMYEAR ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Year 1 Year 2 Amount Amount Typical Residential Lot Assessment Residential Assessment, per lot Curb and Gutter Assessment, per lot Sidewalk Assessment, per lot Storm Sewer Assessment, per lot Residential Lot Assessment Amount $2,721.78 $1,584.31 $480.26 $476.66 $5,263.01 $2,803.43 $1,388.99 $375.58 $599.61 $5,167.62 Year 3 Amount $2,887.54 $1,487.76 $546.71 $756.15 $5,678.15 The same analysis was completed for Option 2. The assessments are significantly lower for Option 2, because the scope of the project, particularly the storm sewer system, is less. The typical residential assessments for Option 2 by year are shown below. OPTION 2 M MUL TIMYEAR ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Year 1 Year 2 Amount Amount Typical Residential Lot Assessment Residential Assessment, per lot Curb and Gutter Assessment, per lot Storm Sewer Assessment, per lot $2,721.78 $0.00 $252.03 $2,973.81 $2,803.43 $0.00 $238.98 $3,042.41 Year 3 Amount $2,887.54 $0.00 $318.82 $3,206.35 Summaries of the cost and funding for each option, broken down by year, are attached with this memo. The Council needs to call for a public hearing if there is intent to move ahead with the project. Direction needs to be provided by the Council as to which option they wish to pursue at informational meetings as well as the public hearing. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, please feel free to contact us at 763- 541-4800. Attachment ~\) 9~ kk/ja F:\WPWIM1494-(F(V20904 2005 leas mema.dac . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 4 The following three cost/funding summaries are for each phase of Option 1, respectively. OPTION 1 - YEAR 1/PHASE 1 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $948,425.50 $94,842.55 $229,518.97 $1,272,787.02 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,721.78/lot (61 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $1,584.31/10t Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $59.89/FF Sidewalk Assessment @ $480.26/10t (29 lots) Storm Sewer Assessment @ $476.66/lot (61 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $166,028.58 $98,227.38 $0.00 $55,710.00 $29,076.04 $0.00 $98,475.96 $281,580.86 $1,229,098.81 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $43,688.21 OPTION 1 - YEAR 2/PHASE 2 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $1,119,040.23 $111,904.02 $270,807.73 $1,501,751.98 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,803.43/10t (7610ts) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $1,388.99/10t Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $61.69/FF Sidewalk Assessment @ $375.58/10t (42Iots) Storm Sewer Assessment @ $599.61/10t (6410ts) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $213,060.94 $105,563.44 $54,901.16 $63,097.80 $38,375.07 $19,339.96 $74,196.50 $329,061.81 $1,397,596.69 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $104,155.29 ..p:. l ~ ql F:\WPWIMJ494-1PN20904 200S/eas memo. doc . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 5 OPTION 1 - YEAR 3/PHASE 3 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $1,109,676.57 $110,967.66 $268,541.73 $1,489,185.95 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,887.54/lot (76 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $1,487.76/lot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $63.54/FF Sidewalk Assessment @ $546.71/lot (31 lots) Storm Sewer Assessment @ $756.15/lot (68 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $219,452.77 $113,069.47 $0.00 $67,791.51 $51,418.26 $55,955.85 $70,602.27 $299,776.48 $1,378,066.62 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $111,119.33 The following three cost/funding summaries are for each phase of Option 2, respectively. OPTION 2 - YEAR 1/PHASE 1 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $674,525.00 $67,452.50 $163,235.05 $905,212.55 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,721.78/lot (61 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $O.OO/Iot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $59.89/FF Storm Sewer Assessment @ $252.03/lot (61 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $166,028.58 $0.00 $0,00 $15,373.95 $0.00 $98,475.96 $137,345.65 $917,224.14 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund -$12,011.59 ~\&. 9<6 F:\WPW1NV494.(MJ20904 2005 teas momo.doc . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 6 OPTION 2 - YEAR 21PHASE 2 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,803.43/lot (76 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $O.OOllot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $61.69/FF Storm Sewer Assessment @ $238.98/lot (64 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $721,582.15 $72,158.22 $174,622.88 $968,363.25 $500,000.00 $213,060.94 $0.00 $54,901.16 $15,294.71 $19,339.96 $74,196.50 $81,912.73 $958,706.00 $9,657.25 OPTION 2 - YEAR 3/PHASE 3 COST/FUNDING SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,887.54/lot (76 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $O.OO/Iot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $63.54/FF Storm Sewer Assessment @ $318.82/lot (68 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $739,090.18 $73,909.02 $178,859.82 $991,859.03 $500,000.00 $219,452.77 $0.00 $0.00 $21,679.65 $55,955.85 $70,602.27 $86,718.58 $954,409.12 $37,449.91 ~ \;,), ~q F:\WPWIMl494-04Il20904 2005/eas memo.tkJc Council Agenda - III OfOS . 13. Consideration of imposinl! civil nenalties for violation of liquor license provisions - Crostini Grille and Monticello Liquors Inc. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On October 18,2004, a Wright County SheritTs Deputy along with Wright County Public Ilealth staff conducted an alcohol compliance check at all of the liquor establishments in the City of Monticello. The purpose of the compliance check was to see if any establishment would provide service to minors. The City of Monticello was notified that two establishments failed the compliance check and did not request an 10. The license holders were Crostini Grille and Monticello Liquors. . In discussing the violations with the Sheriff's Department representatives, I was informed that the compliance checks were conducted under a grant from the Department of Public Safety and that the grant guidelines stated that civil action should be taken by the city in accordance with our ordinances or by applying State Statutes MS 340A.415. Since our city ordinances regarding liquor licenses indicate that we adopt State Statutes Chapter 340A as part of our city ordinance, we would be allowed to impose a number of sanctions against a liquor establishment that violates liquor laws. The provisions available to the City Council include suspension or revocation of a liquor license for up to 60 days along with the imposition of a civil penalty of up to $2,000 for each violation. If a suspension or revocation was to be imposed, a public hearing would be required giving the license holder an opportunity to appear befl)fe the Council. In discussing the operation with Deputy Eric Leander, the local school liaison deputy, he noted that each licensed establishment was provided with training information and made aware that the Sheriff's Department had intended to conduct random checks to see if they were complying with proper ID checks, etc. Mr. Leander also noted that as part of this grant program they conducted checks of establishments throughout Wright County and gave those who did not pass the initial check a warning and noted that they would be coming back in the future to again do a compliance check unannounced. In other words, it appears that all establishments in Wright County were provided general information that these compliance checks were going to be done and that those whose failed the first time were given adequate warning that there would he additional checks. Therefore it seems appropriate that the two establishments in Monticello that did receive notices had ample warning and imposing some type offine would appear appropriate hom the city's perspective. Most cities throughout the county are imposing fines rather than more severe action such as revocation or suspension, at least for the first offense. Since our ordinance does not specify any particular minimum, it may be appropriate impose the minimum fine suggested by the county of $200, although any amount can be selected up to $2,000. . One final note relates to our current ordinances in that the Council may want to establish some type of schedule of fines or specific actions to be taken against I iquor license holders f(x first, second or third offenses. In other words, Council could establish a fee schedule for the first offense, a higher amount for the second offense and possibly an even higher amount for the third offense or suspension as penalties. If direction is provided by the Counci I. staff could IGa Council Agenda - 1/10/05 . come back with an ordinance amendment in the future that would outline a fine or procedures the city would intend to use for future violations. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Establish a civil penalty for the two establishments that failed the alcohol compliance check on October 18, 2004 and for any future violations in accordance with the recommended penalties as set forth in the attached resolution. From the information I have been provided, it appears that a minimum fine of $200 needs to be established. This fine money would be retained by the City. 2. Council could establish a penalty exceeding the minimum $200 recommended. 3. Council could set a public hearing to consider revocation or suspension of the affected licenses. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: When the county received the Public Safety Department grant to conduct these compliance checks throughout Wright County, the grant indicated that they expected all city or county agencies that had a violation to impose appropriate penalties, and if it was fine, at a minimum of $200 per establishment. The County Attorney's office and Sheriff's Department had decided not to pursue criminal charges against any establishment that had violated the sale to minors during this compliance check but intended to leave it up to each city to impose civil penalties under our own ordinances. As a result, I think it would be appropriate to establish a fine for at least the $200 minimum and would recommend that to simplify this process in the future, a graduated scale of penalties be established for first, second or more otTenses. This would let all establishments know that the city is serious about controlling sale of liquor to minors and that the establishments could face severe penalties for non-compliance with state statutes. . D. SUPPORTING OAT A: Copy of Wright County Human Services Notification Letter Copy of state statutes relating to penalties Copy of resolution . ytj,) OCT-20-2004 WED 09:04 AM WRIGHT CO HUMAN SERVICES FAX NU. fb..:Sbbc ( / U 1 v~'TY C)~ .~~ .... ~~... fJJ '$."'2..- 0 -, ..4''1' 7S156 jWRIGHT COUN'TY ~SER~CESAGENCY Aclministrative &: AGcounting - 1004 Commercial DriV"~7 Buffalo, M.N S5313.1736 Social Services &: Pullllic Health. 1004 Commercial Dr:i:lle Buffalo MN 55313-1736 FinaDcial S~l1"Vicea & ChiJJjl Support - 10 2nd Street NW, Ro.)~ 300, Buffalo, MN 55313.1191 Don Mleziva, Director Soci:al Serrioelll Public Health ~"ciallChilil Support ToU Free Socil~ Sorvico FAX FinallcialFAX Web Site 788-68;4..7400 763-682-7"" '163-68:.\.'1414 80{).!I62-S867 763-68z,.7701 788-682-8920 _ .co.wrill'bt...llUl-UJII October 20lh, 2004 Monticello City Administrator and Mayor,) . . Hello, on Monday October 1 Sill a Wright (:01mty Sheriff's Deputy along with Wright COWlty Public Health Staff conducted alcohol coni~pliance checks in the city of Monticello. r regret to inform yoU that two estahlisll!llcnts failed 'lpe comoliance check Mondav ni;ght i The two failing establis:hments weire: Crostini Grille (ID WlilS not request~~) Monticello LiquoR em W:lS not req~Ui) . As a reminder, these compli~mce checks mi~ conducted under a grant from the Department of Public Safety and grant guid,::lines state thJllt "civil action by either the city ,or the county ordinaoce or by application ofM.S.340A4ilS must be taken by the local licensing authority." The minimum fine must be no less than $~:OO.OO and grant guidelines state that the fine be for the establishment licensee. PlefJlse notify me ~~hen the penalty has been issued along as to what the penalty was. The underage buyer was 18 ~'ears of age and showed their o\\n valid MN license. If you have questions, please, don 't hesitatlj~ to call. If you need verification of the report forms that were used please call and I can get thejise to you. I can be reached at 763-682-7354. ; Also, on a good note, the IlUljority of the ~(onticello establisbment!' passed the compliance check. I will be sending you those fl::sults by mail" Thank you so muchl Respectfully. ~~ Wright County Public Healtll 1004 Commercial Drive Buffalo. MN 55313 . ~ ',?:l EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER 10 ~ Minnesota Statutes 2003. Table of Chapters Table of contents for Chapter 340A 340A.4l5 License revocation or suspension; civil penalty. On a finding that the license or permit holder has (1) sold alcoholic beverages to another retail licensee for the purpose of resale, (2) purchased alcoholic beverages from another retail licensee for the purpose of resale, (3) conducted or permitted the conduct of gambling on the licensed premises in violation of the law, (4) failed to remove or dispose of alcoholic beverages when ordered by the commissioner to do so under section 340A.508, subdivision 3, or (5) failed to comply with an applicable statute, rule, or ordinance relating to alcoholic beverages, the commissioner or the authority issuing a retail license or permit under this chapter may revoke the license or permit, suspend the license or permit for up to 60 days, impose a civil penalty of up to $2,000 for each violation, or impose any combination of these sanctions. No suspension or revocation takes effect until the license or permit holder has been given an opportunity for a hearing under sections 14.57 to 14.69 of the Administrative Procedure Act. This section does not require a political subdivision to conduct the hearing before an employee of the Office of Administrative Hearings. Imposition of a penalty or suspension by either the issuing authority or the commissioner does not preclude imposition of an additional penalty or suspension by the other so long as the total penalty or suspension does not exceed the stated maximum. HIST: 1985 c 248 s 70; 1985 c 305 art 6 s 15; 1985 c 309 s IIi lSp1985 c 16 art 2 s 3 subd Ii ISp1986 c 3 art 1 s 42i 1987 c 152 art 1 s Ii 1987 c 310 s 12i 1988 c 534 s 2i 1991 c 249 s 19; 1993 c 350 s IIi 1994 c 611 s 23 Copyright 2003 by the Office of Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. ~ 13 103 . . . CITY OF MON1'ICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2()()5~3 W/lEREAS, The City of Monticello, as the authority issuing retail liquor licenses \vithin the City, has the power to levy certain civil penalties against license holders for various violations of law, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 340A415: and WHEREAS, The Minnesota Department of Public Safety through an Agreement has per/()rmed compliance checks, during, which liquor license holders arc checked to make certain that they do nol sell alcohol ic beverages to minors: and WHEREAS, '1'he terms of said Agreement require that establishments selling to minors be assessed certain minimum penalties; and WHER/:.AS, The City Council of Monticello desires to reduce access to alcohol by minors and also desires to adopt a policy setting out civil penalties to be assessed against license holders who fail the compliance checks and sell alcoholic beverages to minors: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: ], That any liquor licensee selling alcoholic beverages to a minor shall be assessed the following civil penalties: d.- I st Violation Ii. -750 ,..,lId V' I' . I' '") ..~.. L 10 [,tlOn WIt 1111 L years '0 ,j"i 3rd Violation within 2 years 1J?4f. ft\. S\,0r;;.\.{ $)()'();dmini strati ve fine $50cradministrative fine ~ administrative fine ~nc ','I{"~Jr Sl JSI) lisem:c. 2. That no suspension or revocation shall take effect until the licensee has had the opportunity for a hearing regarding the violation. I G~ 3. That the City of Monticello may \vaivc or modify the civil penalties set out in this policy if it finds good cause to do so, if it makes findings as to the reasons for doing so, and if doing so docs not violate the terms of any grant Agreement with the State of Minnesota. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 10111 day of January, 2005. ATTEST: Clint Herbst Mayor __n _.....'_......__. Rick WolfstellcL City Administrator ~s ~'3L\: 10 . . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/05 14. Review of Snow Plowing Policy and consideration of amendments. (.J .S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Public Works Department performs snow plowing and hauling services throughout the community on public streets, parking lots, sidewalks, pathways, and skating rinks. This work is done in accordance with a policy adopted by the City Council. Any amendments to the policy require council approval unless there is an emergency or other extenuating circumstances and time docs not permit council approval or action. In these cases the Public Works Director can amend the policy as he sees fit. The City Administrator is notified of any such amendments and they are brought to the City Council if such amendments are to be permanent. The current policy dates back to 1997, with amendments in November 2001 and 2003. We arc proposing additional amendments to the policy based upon a recent annual snow plowing meeting of the entire Public Works Department. A copy of the new policy is enclosed for your review. Any changes to the policy are highlighted in yellow on your copy. Most of the changes are simply clarifications to better define or clarify the policy. However, physical changes are noted as follows: 1. Page I, Section 2, Areas of Responsibility. Under this section parking lots were added as a primary responsibility of the Park Superintendent as park personnel are doing the majority of the parking lot plowing. 2. Page 3, Section 6, Minimum Levels of Service, Subsection F, Downtown Snow Hauling. The existing policy states that snow hauling should begin by the evening after all streets have been plowed and the crews have been rested. This was changed to the next morning after all streets have been plowed and the crews arc rested, as these activities are carried on during daylight hours utilizing less time than was required with the older equipment during the middle of the night. 3. Page 4, Section 7, Snow Emergency Routes, Primary Snow Emergency Routes. Under Broadway, the current policy states from Willow Street to CSAH 39 East this was changed from CSAH 39 East to Meadow Oak Drive to be in conformance with our maintenance agreement with Wright County which goes all the way to Meadow Oak Drive. 4. Page 8, Section 13, City Maintained Sidewalks. The sidewalk on Savannah and Innsbrook along the Groveland Park was added as the sidewalk system is pretty well complete in Grovcland. 5. Page 8, Section 14, City Maintained Pathways. A. Chelsell ROlld. We have added the pathway on the south side of Chelsea Road 1[om Sandberg Road to Innsbrook. We have received complaints about this section of pathway in the past as the sidewalk along Innsbrook is cleared and cleaning of this section of the pathway would allow people 1[om the Groveland Park to access the T.H. 25 pathway corridor. They could also access the Subway if the sidewalk on the south 10S . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/05 side of the Ultra Lube is maintained, as well as the sidewalk on the west side of Cedar between Oakwood Drive and Chelsea Road. We have asked the General Rental properties and the Ultra Lube properties to clean the sidewalks along Chelsea Road that abut their property. B. School Boulevard. The north side of School Boulevard froln Edmonson A venue to T.11. 25. This section of pathway needs to be added to our winter cleaning schedule due to the pathway along Cedar Street, and also this would provide a link on between the development on the east side of Edmonson to the T.H. 25 pathway corridor and over to Deegan A venue to access the theater. C. CSAH 18. The recently constructed pathway on the south side of CSAH 18 from Fenning Avenue to Troy Marquette Drive was put in with a DNR grant whieh requires us to clean the pathway in the winter. 6. Page 9, Section 15, City Maintained Skating Rinks, 4th Street Park. The use of one of the two hockey rinks at 4th Street Park for general skating has allowed us to not flood the general skating area outside the rinks. The flooding of this area outside the rinks killed a signifieant amount of turf each year whieh takes a good share of the summer to reestablish. When turf is completely covered with ice it only takes 100 days for the gras to suffocate from off gases. There are times when the hockey association will use both of the hockey rinks, but they are very limited and should not hamper general public skating. The above reflects the actual changes to the policy other than those meant for simple clarification. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the Snow Plowing/Removal Policy as drafted and included in your packet. 2. The second alternative would be to make changes to the policy other than those listed in the draft. 3. The third alternative would be to make no changes to the policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and the Street Superintendent that the City Council approve the changes to the Snow Plowing/Removal Policy as outlined in the draft policy as enclosed and shown in alternative #1. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copy of the City of Monticello Snow Plowing/Removal Policy with the latest updates and a copy of the sidewalk pathway system and maintenance responsibility maps. /0 Co . . . ( , J I,', .1 ~ CITY OF MONTICELLO SNOW PLOWING/REMOV AL POLICY MONTICELLO Effective November 10, 1997 Amended by the City Council November 13, 2001 Amended by the City Council November 24, 2003 PROPOSED CHANGES FROM SNOW PLOWING MEETING DECEMBER 2, 2004 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Monticello assumes basic responsibility for the control of snow and ice on city streets and city owned public parking lots. Reasonable snow and ice control is necessary for routine travel and emergency services. The city will provide such control in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The city will utilize city employees, city equipment and/or private contractors when necessary to provide this service. 2. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Through its adoption, the City Council of Monticello is responsible for the policy established herein. Implementation ofthis policy is the responsibility of the Street Superintendent under the direction ofthe Public Works Director and City Administrator. The chain of command is the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent, in that order. Decisions as to time, method and materials used on snow plowing/removal operations will be made by the Street Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director and City Administrator, and any amendments are to be in accordance with amendment section of this policy. The newly Cleated Parks Department will supplement the efforts ofthe Street Department with primary responsibilities i nparking lots, sidewalks, pathways and skating rinks. This work will be carried out by the Park Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director and City Administrator. 3. AMENDMENTS TO POLICY Any amendments to this policy require council approval. Whenever possible and practical, amendments should be brought up at council meetings and should be a matter of public record. However, to allow for emergencies or other extenuating circumstances, when time does not permit council approval or action, the Public Works Director is hereby authorized to amend any portion ofthis policy he sees fit. Ifpractical, the City Administrator shall be notified and shall approve of any such amendment. Any such amendment made due to a particular emergency shall be brought to the attention of the council if thc amendment is to be a permanent onc. 4. EQUIPMENT The city shall acquire, maintain, repair and replace equipment on a timely basis as the city's established budget shall allow. To provide for utilization of equipment in a cost effective manner, the city may use regular city trucks, motor graders, front -end loaders, snow blowers and any other regular equipment as may F,IAOMINlwonjProC\FORMSISNOW PLOWING POLICY 2004.wpd -PAGE10F10- ~ If - fO'7 . be useful for control of snow and ice. Equipment that can be used only for snow and ice control shall be acquired and utilized only if deemed absolutely essential. Whenever existing snow removal heavy equipment is believed to be broken down for an excess of eight hours during a declared snow event and that piece of equipment is essential to snow plowing/ removal operations, the Street Superintendent may rent equipment. The Public Works Director shall be notified of this decision immediately. A written report to include equipment down, reason for renting, estimated rental period, rental company, rental machine identification, rental rate, and estimate of total cost shall be submitted within 48 hours. When the Street Superintendent determines that the policy levels of service cannot be provided bv citv forces. he shall report to the Public Works Director the followinll information: A. Additional time required to provide desired levels of service using just city forces. B. Additional equipment and/or personnel support required to achieve desired levels of service. C. Estimated number of hours equipment and/or personnel will be required. The Public Works Director will then take the followinf action: A. Determine availability of contractor equipment. B. Estimate cost of contracted service required. C. Determine availability of funds to meet estimated costs. D. Based on information supplied, the Public Works Director shall determine whether to contract for additional service or equipment, or accept reduced levels of service. . I contracted service or e ui ment is secured the Public Works Director shall rovide the Ci Administrator with a report containinf the followinll information: A. Purpose of contracting snow plowing/removal. B. Estimated time and cost of contracted services. C. Time and date contract began. In the absence ofthe Public Works Director, the Street Superintendent shall have full authority under this section and shall communicate any decisions or actions resulting in extraordinary expenditures to the City Administrator . s. WORK SCHEDULE Scheduling of employees is the responsibility of the Street Superintendent under the direction ofthe Public Works Director. When conditions allow, work schedules shall be arranged to keep overtime at a minimum, with overtime scheduling being approved by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director shall notify the City Administrator of any unusual amount of overtime to be performed and the reasons. 6. MINIMUM LEVELS OF SERVICE . The following are minimum levels of service that can be expected. The city will strive to achieve better results if possible. F:IADMINIWordProcIFORMS\SNOW PLOWING POLlCY2004.W\l!l - PAGE 2 OF 10 ~ -:;/::f 11' - / D F' . Snow and/or ice control may be terminated at any time the Street Superintendent or his designee determine that rising or falling temperatures, visibility and/or the rate of accumulation make the control unsafe, ineffective or unnecessary. Should a subsequent storm occur within the minimum times for service, then such subsequent storm shall become the storm referred to in this policy. A. Snow removal and/or sanding operations shall begin when snow accumulation reaches 2" or when ice or snow pack occur on desi~nated primary snow emereencv streets, and shall continue periodically throughout the duration ofthe storm. It is the intention ofthe City to keep these routes open to traffic, ifpossible, during a storm; however, it is not the intent to keep them snow or ice free. B. All designated secondary snow emergency streets shall be open to traffic (two lanes) within eight (8) hours after the snow storm subsides. C. All remaining non emergency through streets shall be open to 2-lane traffic within 12 hours after the snowstorm subsides. Parking lot snow may be piled for removal and removed after snow is hauled from the Broadway median and all streets are widened curb to curb where possible. The snow plowing operations in the commuter parking lots shall be started by 4 a.m. whenever weather conditions allow. . D. All public streets such as dead ends and cul-de-sacs shall be open to traffic within sixteen (16) hours after a snowstorm subsides. E. Downtown Broadway, from 150 feet east oj Linn Street to 150 feet east oj Palm Cedar Street shall be plowed to the center median. The Street Superintendent or his designee may elect to plow downtown streets during evening or early morning hours to avoid traffic and parked vehicles. Other downtown streets will be plowed outward. City owned parking lots and alleys in blocks 34, 35 and 52 are plowed by 8 a.m. after a 2" accumulation of snow (see Section 12). F. Downtown snow hauling including the halfblock of Walnut south of Broadway, if necessary, shall begin by the GvGning next morning after all streets have been plowed and the crews are rested. Hauling shall not be conducted Friday evening or Saturday evening unless abnormal conditions warrant same. G. Salt and sand operations shall provide bare pavement on driving lanes when conditions allow for all primary snow emergency routes, skid resistance at school crossings, stop signs and isolated icy areas. General snowpack on residential streets shall not be sanded. H. Snow depth at the corners of intersections shall be reduced to 36" or less following other necessary snow plowing and removal operations. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall have the authority to determine the scheduling and priority of this function. . 1. Certain county highways within the city are maintained by the city and fall under county maintenance agreements. F:\ADMINlWordProclFORMSISNOW PLOWING POLICY 2004.wpd - PAGE 3 OF 10 - -;:/::C l-i - / () r . . . 7. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES CSAH 39 WEST FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING TO CSAH 75 WEST BROADWAY FROM WILLOW STREET TO CCAII 39 CACT MEADOW OAK DRIVE WALNUT STREET FROM WEST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET HART BOULEVARD FROM MISSISSIPPI SHORES TO WWTP TO CSAH 75 EAST WASHINGTON STREET FROM EAST BROADW A Y-EASr TO 7TH STREET 7TH STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET 6TH STREET FROM THE FIRE HALL TO TH 25: INCLUDING FIRE HALL PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAYS SECONDARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES ELM STREET FROM CSAH 39 WEST TO 6TH STREET WEST 6TH STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO THE FIRE HALL CEDAR STREET FROM RIVER STREET TO 7TH STREET ~D STREET FROM CHESTNUT ST TO WASHINGTON ST SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM CCI1VICC DI1IVC DEEGAN A VENUE (WEST OF T.H. 25) TO CR 18 CHELSEA ROAD EAST FROM T.H. 25 TO CR 18 CHELSEA ROAD WEST FROM PARK PLACE DRIVE TO TH 25 RIVER STREET FROM THE NSP BALLFIELDS TO THE NURSING HOME ENTRANCE OTTER CREEK ROAD FROM CSAH 75 TO RIVER STREET WEST OAKWOOD DRIVE EAST FROM T.H. 25 TO INCLUDE THE CUL-DE-SAC F:IADMINIWOIuProClFORMSI$NOW PLOWING POLICY 2004.wpd - PAGE 4 OF 10 - ::/::t /1 - / / ~ . . . 8. METHOD OF PLOWING SNOW Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize traffic obstructions. With the exception ofthat section of Broadway previously mentioned, the snow will be plowed from the center of the street outward. For narrow streets or other streets when conditions require, the Street Superintendent or his designee may choose to plow from one side to the other. Snow shall be plowed and pushed from left to right and discharged on the edge ofthe street or on adjacent right-of-way without regard for sidewalks and/or driveways. The City shall not be responsible for plowing snow from any private driveways or sidewalks. 9. HAULING OF SNOW Where space does not allow for snow to be pushed or piled outside the driving lanes, the city will remove the snow by hauling. Timing of such hauling shall be at the discretion of the Street Superintendent or his designee. 10. WEATHER CONDITIONS Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of employees or equipment, and operations are effective. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, limited visibility and rapid accumulation of snow and/or Ice. 11. DISPATCHING OF EQUIPMENT Dispatching of equipment shall be determined by the Street Superintendent or his designee. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall monitor weather conditions and forecasts to aid in dispatch decisions. Plowing and/or sanding operations may occur during the assigned work shift or on a specific situation call out. Ifthe speci fie situation is on a primary snow emergency route, the response shall be as soon as possible if workers and equipment are available and it is more than four hours until a work shift is to begin. Once a work shift has ended, the Street Superintendent or his designee has the discretion of responding immediately to other specific situations or waiting, in the case of non-emergencies, until a new work shift begins. For emergency vehicles responding to emergency situations (fire, medical, police) within the city, necessary workers and equipment will be dispatched as soon as possible. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall keep the Public Works Director informed of start, progress and end of full scale plowing operations. 12. PUBLIC PARKING LOTS PLOWING TO BEGIN BY 4 A.M. COMMUTER PARKING LOT INCLUDING SCHOOL BOULEVARD WEST AND ~CRVICC DRIVC DEEGAN AVENUE MEADOW OAK PUBLIC PARKING LOT INTCRIM rLOWI~JC rOR 2001,'2002 GCAGON rOR COMMUTeR UGC TO DC ReVICWCD DY CITY COU~JCIL rRIOR TO 2002/2003 ~[ACON MAXIMUM LENGTH OF COMMUTER PARKING IS 18 HOURS AND SIGNS HAVE BEEN POSTED COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOTS WEST AND SOUTH LOTS - PAGE 5 OF 10- nADMINlWomProclFORMSISNOW PLOWING POLICY 2004.wpd -:t=f /1 - ! I ! . PLOWED BY 8 A.M. (ON NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS) CITY HALL PARKING LOT HI-WA Y LIQUOR PARKING LOT DEPUTY REGISTRAR/MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING LOT BLOCK 34 BY ZOO AND AV ROOM BLOCK 35 BEHIND LOCH JEWELERS (Sign lot for 24-hour parking to aid in timely snow removal and other seasonal maintenance) BLOCK 42 BY KJELLBERG'S CARPET ONE PLOWED WITH PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE FIRE HALL PARKING LOT . PLOWED WITHIN 12 HOURS FOLLOWING SNOW FALL EVENT PUBLIC LIBRARY PARKING LOT PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND OFFICE PARKING LOTS ANIMAL SHEL TER PARKING LOT (plowed by Sewer/Water Department) 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT (plowed by Sewer/Water Department) EAST BRIDGE AND WEST BRIDGE PARK PARKING LOTS 13. CITY MAINT AINED SIDEWALKS . CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE EAST BROADWA Y EAfH SOUTH SIDE BETWEEN THE ZOO AND BOB'S BARBER SHOP WESTBROADWAY~ SOUTH SIDE FROM 906 BROADWAY TO rUMr & MUNCII BROADWA Y KWIK STOP ~D STREET WEST NORTH SIDE FROM FLICKERS TO WALNUT STREET EASTBROADWAY~ SOUTH SIDE FROM PALM STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET WEST BROADWAY~ ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM CHESTNUT STREET TO NORTII CID[ LINN STREET WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH AT 494 WEST BROADWAY F:\ADMINIWordProcIFDRMSISNOW PLOWING POLICY 2004.wpd - PAGE 6 OF 10 - ~ 1.If -- / /:<.. . CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE EAST BROADWA Y EAST ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM NOI1TII SIDC COMMUNITY LcrmCRC AT 731 E. BROADWAY TO PALM ST. TO DAYTON ST. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF KEN'S SERVICE AT 743 E. BROADWAY LIBRARY SOUTH SIDE 6TH STREET FROM WALNUT TO LOCUST; WEST SIDE WALNUT FROM 6TH TO DRIVEWAY EAST BRIDGE PARK BITUMINOUS PATHWAY AT THE SLIDING HILL HI-WAY LIQUOR WEST SIDE T.H. 25 FROM 5TH TO 6TH AND NORTH SIDE 6TH FROM T.H. 25 TO INCLUDE SECOND DRIVEWA Y INTO LIQUOR PARKING LOT INFORMA TlON CENTER SW CORNER ON TH 25 & CSAH 75 TO ALLEY INCLUDING PRIME AMERICA ~D STREET EAST DEPUTY REGISTRAR/PARKING LOT NORTH SIDE FROM A V ROOM TO CEDAR STREET Sd STREET WEST 1 SOUTH SIDE OF 3RD STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO MAPLE STREET RIVER STREET WEST STEPS AT SOUTH SIDE OF RIVER STREET ON WALNUT STREET ELM STREET WEST SIDE FROM GOLF COURSE ROAD TO BROADWAY CARDINAL HILLS PARK SIDEWALK RUNNING THROUGH PARK FROM MARTIN DRIVE TO SCHOOL BLVD CEDAR STREET EAST SIDE AT RR CROSSING WALNUT STREET EAST SIDE PARKING LOT, ALLEY TO 3RD STREET, FROM WELLS FARGO DRIVEWA Y TO RR TRACKS WASHINGTON STREET EAST SIDE FROM RR CROSSING TO 7TH STREET MINNESOTA STREET EAST SIDE AT OLD 7TH STREET AND NEW 7TH STREET WEST BROADWA Y NORTH SIDE AT OLD MAX DlccournVACANT LOT 111 WEST BROADWAY DROADVlA Y DELETE THIS...N/A ANY MORE CO UTI I CIDC AT OLD CcrJIOI1 CCrHCI1 VACANT LOT COMMUTER PARKING LOT BUS SHELTER AND SIDEWALK . . I THIS WAS ADDED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON NOVEMBER 24, 2003 F;\ADMINIWomProcIFORMSISNOW PLOWING POLICY 2004,wpd ~ PAGE 7 OF 10 - ~/;f - //3 . . . CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE COMMUNITY CENTER WEST SIDE OF WALNUT STREET FROM RR CROSSING TO 6TH STREET AND NORTH SIDE OF 6TH STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO FIRE HALL GROVELAND PARK SA VANNAH & INNSBROOK ALONG PARK Sidewalks Cleared With City Assistance: 1.) South side of Broadway from the Broadway Kwik Stop to and including the Peterson Grimsmo Chapel at 250 East Broadway, and the North side of West and East Broadway from Linn Street to Palm Street including Trinity Lutheran Church at 449 West Broadway. Also the north side of East Broadway in front of 731 and 743 East Broadway near Washington Street. The City will make one (1) pass with a snow blower each time its snow blower is used on the adj acent West and East Broadway sidewalks. The City will not broom or apply sand/salt to this sidewalk in the commercial area. 2.) Sidewalks on the east and west sides of Highway 25 from River Street to Oakwood Drive: The city will assist Mn/DOT when they request, by providing one (1) operator or one (1) driver and a 12-cubic yard dump truck to help remove snow from sidewalks put there by Mn/DOT plows. 14. CITY MAINT AINED PATHWAYS CHELSEA ROAD SOUTH SIDE FROM SANDBERG TO INNSBROOK CSAH 75 FROM WEST RIVER STREET TO PINEWOOD ELEMENTARY CSAH 75 FROM MONTI MIDDLE SCHOOL AT THE HOSPITAL SIGNAL LIGHTS TO MEADOW OAK AVE SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM CR 117 TO CR 18 EXCEPT SOUTH SIDE FROM FALLON TO CARDINAL HILLS PARK TH25 EAST SIDE FROM KJELLBERG'S TO OAK WOOD DRIVE SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM EDMONSON A VE TO T.H. 25 SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM TH 25 TO CCI<VICC DI<IVC DEEGAN A VENUE 20011SETEA PA THWA Y SYSTEM INCLUDING 1-94 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FROM CSAH 75, SOUTH TO SCHOOL BLVD TO THE EAST THRU MEADOW OAK TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE CSAH 18 SOUTH SIDE FROM FENNING AVE NE TO TROY MARQUETTE DR (DNR GRANT REQUIREMENT) F:\ADMINIWordProcIFORMSISNOW PLOWING PO~ICY 2004,wpd -PAGE80F10- # 1./ - ;1 f . The Pathways shall be cleared to a min. width of 6' within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with snow accumulation of 12" or more on the pathway. Work on the pathways immediately adjacent to major highways or thorough fairs will not begin until the adjacent roadway is plowed and widened. Pathways shall be blown clear and/or broomed as necessary to provide a surface deemed safe for pedestrian traffic. It is expected that the bituminous surface shall be visible in many areas along the pathway. Pathways designated for snow removal which are used for student pedestrian travel to and from the schools shall be cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snow event provided any immediate adjacent major roadway is cleared and widened first. (Amended by City Council 01/14/2002) 15. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RINKS 4TH STREET PARK (4-) (2) HOCKEY RINK (1) CCNCRAL CI(ATINC 111~41< one of the hockey rinks is used for general skating now WEST BRIDGE PARK (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK . Within 36 hours ofthe end of any snow event with an accumulation of more than I" of snow, all-four three rinks shall be plowed or blown clear and then broomed. All snow shall be removed from within the hockey rink area and no accumulations of snow should be left around the inside of the boards. Care should be used not to throw or pile snow on walkways. For any event between one-tenth of an inch to an inch of snow, all four rinks shall be broomed within 36 hours after the end ofthe snow event. Again, accumulation or ridges of snow around the inside of the hockey boards must be removed. (Amended by City Council 01/14/2002) 16. DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTIES Only those mailboxes or other personal properties which are installed properly and allowed by city ordinance to be on the boulevard and are damaged by actual contact with city equipment, will be considered for compensation at city expense. Compensation for mailboxes and posts shall be for materials only. Damage to trees, shrubbery and other landscaping will not be considered for compensation unless located beyond the boulevard or private property. The city will re-seed plow disturbed areas of the boulevard in the summer months when staffing and workload permits. Damage to personal vehicles will be considered only if they are legally parked and only if physically contacted by equipment. 17. PLOWING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY . Unless there is direct benefit to city operations or unless emergency vehicles need access, there shall be no plowing of private property with city equipment. F:\ADMINIWOrdP",c\FORMSISNOW PLOWING POLICY 2004.wpd - PAGE 9 OF 10- -:# /1 - II S- . . . 18. REVIEW OF POLICY The city will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy. This policy will be reviewed periodically. Any review will consider comments or complaints received since the last review. 19. WINTER PARKING REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriffs Department will rigorously enforce portions of the parking ordinances beginning November 15 through April 15, as follows: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1 SECTION 2: Parking and stopping: It shall be unlawful for the owner and/or driver of a motor vehicle to stop, stand, or park the said vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or traffic control devices: On any street or roadway between the hours oftwo o'clock (2:00) a.m. and six o'clock (6:00) a.m. from November 15 through April 15, except physicians on emergency calls. TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8: Parking in regard to snow plowing and/or removal: After a snowfall, all streets in the city of Monticello shall be cleared of all motor vehicles and parts thereof for the purposes of snow plowing and/or removal until all streets are plowed. Any motor vehicle or parts thereofleft on any street or boulevard in the city of Monticello in such a way as to impede the performance ofthe city and/or state snowplow shall be dealt with under the Penalty Code No. I -4- 1. 20. WINTER SIDEWALK PATHWAY/SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriffs Department will rigorously enforce portions of the city ordinance in regard to use of the sidewalks/pathways by snowmobiles, ATV'S and other motorized vehicles. TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2: Restrictions: It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile: On any sidewalks or pathways in the city of Monticello provided for pedestrian and/or bicycle travel. F;\ADMINlWordProcIFORMSISNOW PLOWING POLICY 2004.wpd -PAGE10QF10- --;J:f If - / I tr 00 00 V s:::: b'r;j ........ ;:j uum ~ l-<;,.... oCltStS n..c:1./j1./j c:::'Boo ~;::)oo ....c:NN U l-< l-< :>...:>...tSc.8 ...0...0"'0"'0 "'0 "'0 . c: . c: ~~OCl . -" . 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Council Agenda -01/10/2005 15. Consideration of Relocation of Water Tower to Site Number 4 - Adiacent to Kiellbere Park. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the December 13,2004, regularly scheduled Council meeting, after a presentation of current data regarding both site 3 and site 4 for the new water tower and after receiving input from concerned citizens and the Council-clect, the City Council reaffirmed site 3 which is west of the new Monticello Theater, on a 4-1 vote,. Because ofthe importance of siting the new water tower as soon as possible, the City Administrator and Public Works Director decided to continue the soil investigation f()r site 4 as well as for site 3 even though they were not authorized to continue work on site 4. This was done based upon the indication that the new council would relocate the new tower to site 4 if the soil conditions were suitable. Due to the presence of the clay layers beneath sites 3 and 4, especially the thicker clay materials at site 4, Mark Rolfes our consultant with Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, ordered additional soil work to be perf()flTIed by I3raun Intertec to determine the thickness of the clay layers at both sites, the consistency and to predict settlement, both total and differential at each site. This additional testing consisted of soil borings to determine the uniformity of the clay layer and additional undisturbed samples of the clay layer to be tested in the laboratory for strength. The maximum total settlement that can be tolerated by the I million gallon tank is 2 inches and the differential settlement is 12 inch. The predicted settlements at site 3 are I 1'2 inch total settlement and 12 differential settlement. The settlements predicted for site 4 are 2 inches total settlement and 12 inch of differential settlement. Based upon this information, both sites 3 and 4 are acceptable for the construction of the 1 million gallon elevated tank from an allowable bearing pressure and settlement standpoint. Because of the 2 inches total settlement at site 4 there will be some additional piping costs to keep the joints t1exible. These costs arc minimal when looking at the scope of the entire project. A copy of the proposed site plan from Bonestroo and the previous costs feasibility study provided by WSB are included with agenda item. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to change the location of the new water tower from site 3 (west of the theater) to site 4 (near the Kjellberg Mobile IIome Park to the south) and to give approval of the site plan so that design work can begin. 2. The second alternative would be to reaffirm location number 3 as reaffirmed by the previous Council on December 13,2004. ~ -, . The third alternative would be to table any action on the water tower site or further work on the water tower. IdS . . . Council Agenda -01/10/2005 D. STAF'F RECOMMENDATION: City staff, consisting of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, Water/Sewer Superintendent, City Engineer, Brett Weiss - WSB and the tower design firm Bonestroo i.e. Mark Rolfes, recommend that the City move forward with this project as it has already experience significant delay. It does appear that with starting the design work on January 11, 2005, will not allow us to refurbish our old tank in the physical year 2006, it will have to wait until 2007. Staff therefore recommends that you choose alternative 1 or alternative 2 and move the project forward. E. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the water tower site plan from Bonestroo, the cost feasibility study from WSB, memo from Mark Rolfes regarding soil borings and an email from Braun Intertec regarding settlements. \'d.lo . . . Memorandum (Updated to Add Site Option 3) To: Honorable Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer Date: November 22, 2004 (Updated December 13, 2004) Re: Water Tower Site Assessment City of Monticello Project No. 2004-30C WSB Project No. 1488-98 1. INTRODUCTION: This report has been modified to include a fourth site called Option 3, which is located in the south middle portion of the Jefferson Commons plat (see Exhibit 2). All new information is bolded for clarification. 2. BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello is planning the construction of a I million gal10n elevated storage tower located in the Jefferson Commons development, west of Trunk Highway 25 in the area of future School Boulevard. The original proposed tower site was located adjacent to the west end of existing School Boulevard along the north property line and south of the Groveland 4th residential subdivision. The City Council, at their November 8th Council meeting, requested that City staff evaluate a site located towards the middle of the Jefferson Commons plat, just west of the proposed Muller Theatre. This feasibility report intends to evaluate the potential additional costs associated with relocating to this site from the original proposed location. An analysis by the City's water tower consultant (BRAA) and WSB is being completed to evaluate the proposed site from a water distribution standpoint to make sure that there are no issues related with placing a tower in that location. This report is intended to evaluate issues such as additional watermain, roadway extensions, land costs for the two sites, and other factors that should be compared between the two sites to determine what additional costs are associated with locating the tower in the alternate location, both from a standpoint of being a cost that is expended earlier than anticipated as well as a cost that is not recoverable in the future. A summary of those items is noted on the following pages. ~ J S -\:;ll . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator November 22, 2004 (Updated December 13, 2004) Page 2 . School Boulevard Construction: All sites are located adjacent to School Boulevard right-of-way. Site 3 is located approximately 600 feet from School Boulevard as opposed to the other options at 60-100 feet off the right-of-way. The street has not yet been constructed, but is likely to be constructed prior to completion of the tower. The front footage and associated estimated costs are noted as follows: Original Site ........"....,....,."""'"""....................,.,,"',,...... "'....""'.......".............,,. Proposed Site Option I '"...........""............""........"...."......",,,".,,"',,.......... Proposed Site Optio .......""........""'''',,........,....... ......j."....."""....."',,,..........., Option 3 Front Estimated Project Total Foota e Cost/FF 316 $200 $63,200 306 $200 $6] ,200 48] $200 $96,200 42 $200 $8,400 It is assumed that access to the site for construction could be across unpaved areas and access to the completed site, if School Boulevard is not in place, could he along the shared Muller Theatre driveway. · Parcel Area: Five alternatives are being explored for the water tower location and are noted as follows: a. Original Site: 2.3 acres (encumbered by sanitary sewer easements) b. Proposed Site Option 1: 2.12 acres This is the minimum site required for the water tower and could likely accommodate a small public building. c. Proposed Site Option 2: 2.80 acres This increased site area is not required for the water tower; however, this site would accommodate a larger building if the City would like to preserve the area. d. Option 3 (small site): 3.32 acres This is the smallest site that could be developed for the water tower. A portion of the proposed ponding site and a tree preservation area is located within the area. The access to School Boulevard is also included in the overall area. A small building could he placed on the site. (":\/),)('1111I('/11.\ (lW{ Sl.lling,\ 1{)/111"1! (ir'},I',I./II,!!l'rlu!/'1I1 ,\;('1/111,1>,\'\1 ('/l/fll,/ _113(),i .'~'III!II'!I'IIII,I!.J)IIII!-II;\.U-,\klll,!_1I flli'/", I ,!II"~'I'-.,I,\,,\,I. ',\.,\'lm!ll1 ;WII-I-.IIH' II~!(I $ \ S -\d'f, . Honorable Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator November 22, 2004 (Updated December 13,2004) Page 3 e. Option 3 (large site): 3.82 acres If a 10,000 SF public building was to be placed on the site, an additional 0.5 acres would be necessary. . Parcel Cost: For the purposes of this report, it is assumed that the square foot cost for both sites is $6.50/SF. A recent appraisal set the approximate price for the land at $6.50/SF north of the power line and $4.00/SF south of the power line. The original site is encumbered by utility easements and the proposed site is located further from TH 25. The following is the land acquisition cost for each site: Parcel SF Cost/SF Total Difference from Original Original $6.50 $651,222 $0.00 Proposed Option 1 $6.50 $600,483 ($50,739) Proposed Option 2 $6.50 $791,719.50 $140,497.50 Option 3 (Small) $4.00 $578,476 ($72,746) "'...",,,...,,,,,,,...........,..... . Option 3 (La $4.00 $665,596 $14,37 . . Trunk Watermain Extension: The water tower is intended to be served initially by a 16-inch watermain connected to the School Boulevard system. Other system improvements will be completed as development occurs in the future. This analysis assumes that the watermain would be necessary in the future and therefore compares the front footage cost (1/2 of the cost of a linear foot) in addition to the cost to prematurely construct a portion of the watcrmain. Assuming that the watermain is not extended the full width of the proposed lot until School Boulevard is extended, there would be an additional 320 feet of 16-inch watermain. This size watermain is approximately $SO/LF, not including hydrants, services, or valves. Therefore, if we assume that the watermain will be assessed to the benefited properties, the ultimate cost for the parcels is noted in the following table. (', Illu"'/!!II'III.I' I!!!rl ,....."'/11111'.11/1011'11. (iru.l.lln1,.,./",J.I!r'll1 ,~f'lIml',\'!'1 "III/!',!~' /.lII.J-.')'I!fl/lr!Y1ill.l'-1 IlIlo-IISII-.\ k'llll.1I rl/t'''-! "\Il,/ -.'I.\.I('.I'.I'II/I'!II_?/Hi.J_3/1r', II/ .n- I S_l~~ Honorable Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator November 22,2004 (Updated December 13,2004) Page 4 . . . Parcel Front Watermain Total Difference Footage Project CostlFF from Original iginal 3]6 $25.00 $7,900 $0.00 Proposed Opti 306 $25.00 $7,650 ($250) Proposed Op . 481 $25.00 $] 2,025 $4, ] 25 Option 3 42 $25.00 $1,050 ($6,850) The total up front length and cost, however, will increase from 158 feet to 638 feet, or at $50/LF, $7,900 to $31,900 for Options 1 and 2, and 158 feet to 811 feet, or $7,900 to $40,550 for Option 3. This is an initial increase of $24,000 or $32,650, which will be mostly recovered upon development of the site. . Storm Sewer: The original site assumed that School Boulevard would be in place and a stub was proposed from the site to the future street. The proposed site is adjacent to the regional pond and can directly connect to the pond. For the purposes of this study, no economic impact is considered. . Shared Drivewav Expense / Option 3 Long Drivewav: When the Muller Theatre was developed, the City and the theatre decided to construct a shared driveway along the common property lines on the east and south sides of the proposed water tower site. The cost of a 24-foot-wide driveway, including storm sewer, will be split between the two owners. This was not a consideration for the original site. This will be an estimated cost of$25,720 plus storm sewer. There could be some savings in driveway construction depending on the design of the water tower site. Option 3 will require a 600-foot-long driveway, which would be approximately 500 feet longer than any other option. This is estimated at an additional $40,000 .expense. . Altitude Valve: Based on the computer modeling completed for the two sites, the proposed tower site is hydraulically equivalent to the previous site. Further analysis is needed to determine if the altitude valve needs to be installed at this time, or whether provisions for a future altitude valve will be sufficient. However, this analysis is necessary for either of the two sites. Provisions for a future altitude valve are prudent so that if development of the future water system requires that installation, the cost is kept to a minimum. . Electrical Service: Once a site is selected, the electrical service expense will need to be calculated. We are estimating an additional $10,000 cost to extend the service to the Option 3 location. (II)"'"""."" ,,,,,, s"";",''''i"""(i'''''''''''nil.,,,,,I.\,.,,,,,,,,','h,,,/,'.i)/./lU.\""."""",.0",,, 1/ SiI. 1.""".1/""., J"m'". (n"'.'.,,"''''_''''';_.,~,,' \ S - \ ~ 0 . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator November 22,2004 (Updated December 13,2004) Page 5 3, COST SUMMARY: Site Number Site 3 Small i Proposed o tion 1 Site 4 Small i Option 3 (Small) Item Site 2 Large Proposed o tion 2 Parcel Cost School Boulevard Additional Up Front Watermain Cost Shared Driveway/Option 3 Lon Drivewa Increased Electrical Service ",,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.....,,,,,,,,,,,"',"',, Additional Trunk Watermain Connection to Tower Altitude Valve TOTAL $0.00 $24,000 $24,000 $32,650 $25,720 $25,720 $40,000 $40,000 N/A N/A $10,000 $10,000 N/A N/A $30,000 $30,000 N/A N/A N/A N/ ,862 $888,763 $700,576 $787,696 N/A N/A N/A 4. RECOMMENDATION:s The costs between the original parcel and Proposed Option I arc negligible. While Proposed Option 1 is not as convenient for construction, it appears to be an acceptable location for the tower. Option 3 (small) is slightly more expensive than Proposed Option 1, however, the value of a potential commercial building on each site has not been considered. It is likely that Option 1 will be a more valuable building site than Option 3. Further, if the City intends to place a 10,000 SF building on either site, you would need to compare the original parcel with Option 2 and Option 3 (large). Option 3 (large) would be $100,000 less expensive in this situation then Option 2 but $115,468 more expensive than the original parcel. Option 3 does have the advantage of providing an open or green area near the Kjellberg Park, as much as the original site 1 did for Groveland. This area would not be available when a building is built. There is also the potential to save more existing vcgetation with the watcr tower in this location. Construction of the watcr tower at site location Proposed Option 1.2, or 3 is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective. Please contact me at 763-287-7190 if you have any questions prior to the meeting. Attachments srb ~ \ S - \3 \ ( ".\/ )0""1111'111.\ mid .'">1'11/1/1,'.11'/')1111'11,( il I)"'/lIl'('I'I/.I/(I,1 .....,'IIII"I{I ,11'111/': f ~ I.'IIN-,'!III'I!!!!"II!I.!!./ )(1111 f) \/J-, \ kllll,-JI111('!'-l/!1I'('/"-, 1~,\"',\'\'IIII'III-,7(11)../ ,l()( I Client: City f1 Monticello File No: 136r-04-101 Date: Janu~ry 4, 2005 I I I I ~stroo ArlderIIc & Auoc:I_ .........." ArdWt_ · Memo Project Name: 1.0 MG Elevated Water Tower To: John Simola From; Mark Rolfs Re: Soil Borings Remarks: John: . i i i i Attached is an email from Braun Intertec regarding the soil borings for the above referenced project, As discussed previously, the initial soil borings indicated the presence of a dee~ seated clay layer at both sites 3 and 4 which caused some concerns regarding the suitability of the sites, C~nsequentIY, Braun went back to the area and pushed Shelby tubes at each of the sites to better determine the Jettlement potential of the clay layer, I As indicated in the attached email, the predicted total settlement at Site 3 i41.5 Inches with 0,5 inches of differential settlement. The total predicted settlement at Site 4 is 2.0 inchesi with 0.5 inches of differential I settlement. These values were obtained using an allowable bearing pres~re of 4,000 pounds per square foot I (pst). ! I Either of these sites will be acceptable for the construction of the 1.0 millio~ gallon elevated tank. The allowable bearing pressure of 4,000 psf willie! the elevated tank be constructed on a ~ngwall style spread footing. The total settlement of 2.0 inches at Site 4 is the maximum that can be tolerat~. The 0.5 Inches of differential settlement predicted at either site is the maximum acceptable differential s~ttJement for an elevated tank. In conolusion, Sites 3 and 4 are both acceptable for the construction of the ~ .0 million gallon elevated tank from an allowable bearing pressure and settlement standpoint. Please give me" call at 651-604-4872 if you have any questions regarding this information. i I I i I I ~ark R. Rolfs I I I ! i I ! ~\S-\3d . End of Memo Bon..troo, Roaene, AndBrtlk .nd Auoclahts. Inc. II. PIUI O/b: 2335WU1H~ :l6 Sll'alll, Mlf66113 f'Ilone: 651-QlH1lOO Fal;8111_U11 1I11w1u1l. Ofb: l:lOT5 N. GGlJlClrall ~'kw." Sle 2IJJ MecJlan, WI 53092 Phone: 262~ F..:262-i41-4iOl _rOflb: 1127" 81rM1 HE Rcchlflw, IIN lBlIl PIlon", tiOH62~\IO . I'tn:; 501-2112-.'1100 WlllltorOllll:E 20li 5n StY 1M Wh',1AN56201 Phone: :J2O.214-9S57 Fax: 3~.214-i45e St. Cloud 0111:.: 3721 23" SlIN S 5t CQud, Wl5lml _ S20-2lil-.1.!liS F.., 32Il-2li1-62!2 tIoq... O/Ib; 1lll1OWeIlW__Rol,S\tlllt GfIYIlake,ll!OlllO Pho'" 841-64lH1/74 Fe" 847~87i G.d OOGE i3C~3S~1 dH W~~S:ll SODa ~O U~C . . . Rolfs, Mark R From: Sent: To: Subject: Thayer, Steve [] Wednesday, December 29. 2004 3:29 PM ROlfs. Mark A Monticello Water Tower Mark, As we discussed, we have completed our borings and analyses tower sites. Following is. a summary for each. North Site: Total Settlement less then 1 1/2 inch Differential Settlement less then 1/2 inch Bearing Pressure up to 4,000 psf South Site: Total Settlement less then 2 inches Differential Settlement less then 1/2 inch Bearing Pressure up to 4,000 pSf If you need anything else, let me know. Thanks, Steve Steve Thayer, PE Braun Intertec - St. Cloud 800-828-7344 or 320-253-9940 fax: 320-253-3054 1 god ~or the north and south water i I I i i ! I I $\S--\33 .,. OOaE 13r~3S~~ dH W~.S:II sooa .0 usr /' ,./ .,,.,..../J,.-- _._......"'b;p. .,;:~.> ~/ . -\ ' ... Cf 'SEJTf6N 15/ ,,\ '/ ,/ ) / /)', .....'\. , / /" I I ! / 956 "" ' -(-~_-<._-)--~ - .~ -'- - --'964- ----: - -'-....,...-/ .'_1_ -/- __L.. _ L -/-.,- '4 - -',-962-;:_-L. -...,L - T-/ ---..,......~-----7-~ . ,'" ......:.... - ---=960- -/- --I. -~\ IJ ... ~___~ _,f'-~-'/\ "J \ ( ~-_~~8 ~ -fr-: J :~y-J~ /' \-' / r / I" 1\; ~/I'~ / I~_,,",,'f .....___._ J \ _ f' - "'\ ~~~,,,- !........ ~.' . ,J_- . .,.J" . " .... -_m.....~i "..- __." .",-- ,," .~'\ - _ ~....." "--... ,.~. -"....... ,...........--"'" .-' . - - '\.t~. ../ ./ 8 5.2 / ................ / """" ....... I .............1 / ,- ,'-- 1 .~ I... '" . ,,,,~j N/I __~ 1 .,~- '" 1 1 1 1 1 ,/ J / / / ; ! ! / ,- I / ! ( " \ '\ \ " 24' \ ACCE~S ' ROAll, '\, '-, / '. " ", ", -........., ,/ ,i"'" '"' '_ll&lI.' ...../ .... .... " ", "..... '...... ....., ......, .... ... "::'....... ......,. ....., / / ,., ........ ~/ ,<Ii FUTURE / PARKIN' f ""...... ~ : / ~::ll / ON Ii g<;i r '" ,1 I I I -I 1 , j~'/ I ' ....:./-' , \ \ I ,.,-., ~ , ,/ ./ -4 -~.:--- . '\. "\ I I Scale in feet . CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO 1 MG WATER TOWER FIGURE 1 C n Bonestroo Rosene ~ Anderlik & . \J. Associates Engineers &. Architects SITE PLAN 1366041 01JIG1 C.DWG DATE, 12-9-04 COMM, 1366-04-101 -t:t I S....13 '-I . . . 16. City Council Agenda - 01/10/05 Consideration of support endorsing the ORA's Transformation Home Loan Program. (O.K.) A. Reference and back2:round: At a workshop held on December 13,2004, the Council and Council-Elect received a marketing piece which outlined the Monticello Transformation Home Loan Program. Unfortunately, time ran out before Council could endorse the program. Staff has suggested a presentation be made to Council on the 10th, serving as a means to expose the program to the public via cable. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) developed this loan program similar to one implemented several years ago by the Richfield liRA. The proposed loan program is a one- year pilot program to commence January 2005, with a limited amount of funds, $150,000. You may ask, "Where does the H RA get the money?" By Minnesota Statutes, 25 percent of tax increment can be spent outside the boundaries of a redevelopment district. In this case, the increment comes from Downtown TIF District No. 1-22. The purpose of the program is to promote and foster a vibrant core city by encouraging home owner-occupy, increasing housing market values, encouraging investment in the core city, and encouraging redevelopment of structurally substandard homes. Working with a local lender, the committed HRA funds will be deposited in an escrow account and disbursed by a title company upon satisfactory verification of work in progress or upon completion. The escrow account will be drawn upon in pro-rated increments simultaneously as funds are drawn upon from the primary loan to make payment to the remodeler. Work must be completed prior to final disbursement. final payment of the committed Transformation Loan must be disbursed by the title company by no later than six months after the date of lender's closing. The HRA loan is secured by a mortgage and note. l'he terms of the program arc outlined in the brochure. In the process of developing the program, the HRA met with two local mortgage lenders, one remodeler builder, City Building Official, Community Development Director, and the HRA Attorney and Financial Consultant. In addition to the brochure, the following documents have been prepared, reviewed and are ready for use: Transf<Jfmation Summary Program, 2005 Loan Application, Remodeler Form, Commitment/Disbursement Form, and Pre-Remodeling Condition Report. \3S City Council Agenda - 01/10/05 . Upon receiving endorsement from the Council, the HRA will authorize printing of the brochures 1'()r direct mailing to the approximately 250 targeted homes within the core city. In addition, the BRA plans to host a breakfast in January inviting local home builders, mortgage lenders, title companies, and real estate agents to unveil and promote the program. The BRA continues to offer programs to create energy in the core city of Monticello. It is hopeful that in 2005, we will see two commercial redevelopment projects within the core city. The liRA is requesting the Council endorse the home loan program before they begin marketing the program. B. Alternative Action: I. A motion endorsing the Monticello Transformation Home Loan Program as prepared by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. 2. ^ motion to deny endorsing the Monticello Transformation Home Loan Program as prepared by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. 3. A motion to table any action. . c. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic Development Director recommend Alternative No. I. The Ilome Loan Program is within of powers of the I-IRA, funds are available, was developed with input from several professionals, and is a one-year pilot program. D. Supportinl! Data: Copy of marketi ng brochure with loan terms. Copies of other program documents are avai lable upon request. . ,:,\.0 Council Agenda - 1/10/05 17. Consideration of reviewin2 Joint Fire Board 32recmcnt bctween Monticello Township and City of Monticello. (R W) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On Oetober 25,2004, the Council had considered the options available regarding continuation of the Joint Fire Hoard with Monticello Township or terminating the agreement and offering contract services to the Township. Council action at that meeting was to offer the Township the opportunity of receiving five years of fire protection service as the buyout amount to terminate the agreement. It is my understanding that the Township has refused that proposal and indicated they arc only interested in six years of future service at this time. Now that we are entering into a new year and new Councilmembers, and with the fact that the joint agreement has now been expired for four years, it is recommended that some type of action be taken to either re-establish the existing Joint Fire Board agreement, with amendments, or to officially terminate the agreement in accordance with its terms and provisions. . Recently the Fire Department has advertised for bids on a new 3000 gallon tanker, which will be primarily used in rural areas, and it has become obvious that there may be a disagreement between Township representatives and Fire Department representatives on the type of truck that should be purchased and the cost of the equipment. Ifthere are ditTerences of opinions on what should be purchased by Township officials when it relates to a piece of equipment that will be primarily used in the Township, it is very likely we will have ongoing issues regarding any purchase of equipment or facilities in the future between the two jurisdictions. As a result, if the Joint Fire Board agreement is to be renewed and continued, modifications to the agreement need to be addressed that clarify some of the uncertainties that eurrently exist or if it is decided that the joint agreement should be terminated, a method for buying out the Township's interest in the Fire Department needs to be established. I have enclosed with this agenda the package of information that was provided on October 25, 2004 that the Council should review. I believe this information is still relevant and it outlines how the cost valuations of the equipment if the joint agreement was terminated indicate a support for 3 Y2, possibly 4 years of future service credit, not the six years being requested. If it would be the decision of the Council to terminate the agreement and offer contract services to the Township in the future, I would recommend that the Joint Board seek the services of an outside consultant knowledgeable in fire equipment values and have a third party determine the appropriate amount in aceordance with the current agreement. I assume that the Township representatives will never agree with any numbers or valuations that City staff comes up with and the Township has not provided any alternative information to support their six years of service request, therefore I think the only fair way of doing this would be to have a neutral third party make a recommendation. In lieu of using an outside source, we could always follow the provisions of the agreement which simply say all property and equipment will be put out f()f bids and either party can bid on the equipmcnt. . Recognizing that the easiest method of terminating the agreement would have been to agree to provide future years of service as compensation for the Township's interest. I still believe that the Council's previous offcr of five years was a rcasonable compromise, and certainly met the Township more than half way. Information I have available supports 3 II: to 4 years, the \ ~ ~ . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/05 Township requested six, five years seems to be a reasonable compromise. Anything more than five years appears to he a suhsidy to the Township at the expense of City taxpayers. B. ALTERATIVE ACTIONS: I. Council could again offer to continue the Joint Fire Goard arrangement for an additional five years with modifications clarifying definition of capital equipll1ent purchases and procedures for allocating costs if an item is purchased separately by one entity. This alternative would basically continue the Joint Fire Board, but provide fl)r methods of one party recapturing some of its cost if it purchases equipment by itself. 2. Council could notify Township that it will be terminating the agreement and intends to hire an outside consultant to establish fair market value of the equipment in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. Under this alternative, an outside party would recommend the appropriate amount to reimburse the Township for their interest in the Joint Fire Board and the City would offer to contract for fire protection services in the future. ., .J. Council could notify the Township of intent to terminate agreement and to proceed under provisions of Article XII (B) which indicates that jointly acquired equipment shall he sold at reasonable price on competitive bids and the proceeds divided amongst the owners as their interest appears. 4. None of the ahove. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The recommendation as outlined in the October 25th agenda package is still appropriate and it is the City Administrator's opinion that an offer of five years of future service was adequate. It also appears there are concerns from Fire Department personnel that continuing the Joint rire agreement will likely make planning for future purchases and operations more di1Ticult in having to have two jurisdictions agree on every thing. 1fit appears that the Council's previous offer of five years is not acceptahle to the Township, I would suggest involving a neutral outside party to value the equipment for determining the Township's f~tir share and terminate the agreement along with offering a contract to the Township Il.n future service at the same rate we currently contract with Silver Creek Township and the City of Otsego lor. D, SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Council agenda packet from October 25,2004 including schedules and contract amendments. \ 3C\ . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/04 12. Consideration of extending the Joint Fire Board agreement between Monticello Township and City of Monticello. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In about 1975, the City and Township entered into an agreement creating a Joint Fire Board for the purpose of jointly assuming the cost, maintenance and operation of the MonticeIlo Fire Department, including the purchase of new fire fighting equipment as needed. The joint agreement originaIly was established for a ten year time frame, and had been renewed for five year increments, the last of which expired December 31, 2000. Neither party realized that the agreement had technically expired December 31,2000 until last summer during annexation negotiations, and at that time it was decided to continue on with the present arrangement until a new agreement could be formalized. As part of the 2005 budget preparation, the Joint Fire Board met in August to review the preliminary budget for next year and during those discussions, the Township had proposed some ideas on a buyout if the agreement was to be terminated. The previous agreement had outlined that if the agreement was terminated at some future date, the remaining capital equipment jointly acquired would be sold at a reasonable price on competitive bids with the proceeds divided amongst the owners as their interest appears. What this meant was that if this agreement was terminated by either party, whatever share of the capital assets that were purchased by the entities involved would be dispersed based on the percentage they contributed towards the initial cost. T'he Township representatives had proposed that they would consider a buyout from the City, if the City chose to terminate the agreement, equal to six (6) years of future fire protection service. This initial proposal had been simply based on what the Township felt they had paid over the years towards capital equipment cost divided by an average annual cost they had paid in the previous years for fire protection services. Since the City and Township has been operating with an agreement that expired four years ago, the Joint Fire Board felt it was time to: 1. Execute a new joint agreement similar to the previous agreements or 2. Deteffi1ine the appropriate buyout amount in accordance with the agreements terms and conditions if the Township wants to dissolve the agreement. As one of the City's representatives on the Joint Fire Board, J am also of the opinion that a new agreement needs to be established or a buyout of the Township's interest should take place. These arc two separate issues that need to be addressed and ifit is decided to continue with the Joint Fire Board arrangement, the present agreement would be adequate with a couple of changes needed to clarify some issues. If it is the decision of the Township and/or City to terminate the agreement, a buyout amoLlnt needs to be established. This would be the first step in terminating the agreement and how the ~ \ ""I - \ '"l 0 Council Agenda - 10/25/04 . amount is paid can be negotiated further in terms of years of service credit or a lump sum payment. The years of service credit cannot be established unless we first determine the appropriate amount that the Township should be paid according to the agreement. The Township's proposal of accepting a buyout that would equal six years of service credit does not seem supported by any of the cost information I have available. Based on our financial records, I have prepared a listing of the capital equipment vehicles that the City and Township have acquired under this contract including the Township's original contribution, the Township percentage paid towards this equipment and the Fire Department's estimation of current value for these used vehicles to arrive at an estimation of the Township's share of these vehicles if they were sold at auction. The vehicle and equipment amount to approximately $96,000. The Township has also contributed 23% of the total building cost used for the current fire hall (without land) and using the assessor's market value of $575,000, the Township would have an additional $132,000 to add to their equipment buyout. This brings our total buyout amount estimation to $228,500. . One item that was discussed in length at a Joint Fire Board meeting is how to we divide up all ofthe other miscellaneous equipment that has been purchased over the years including items such air compressors, clothing, helmets, hoses, nozzles, air tanks, etc. and it was debated whether this is actually considered capital equipment or general operating supplies. Most of these clothing items, for example, do not have much value after a few years and could easily be considered general operating supplies, but even if you assume that all of these i terns together had a value of $100,000 today, the Township is averaging a contribution of 32% over the years would give them another $32,000. Based on these schedules, the total Township share of the trucks, equipment and building, according to the agreement, would amount $260,500. While I am not sure if the Township representatives agree with this dollar amount, if a buyout amount cannot be agreed upon by both parties, a solution would be to use an outside third party who could value the capital equipment fl)r determining the appropriate buyout amount. The agreement is clear in how the proceeds are to be divided, once a value is determined. . Assuming we can arrive at an appropriate agreeable buyout amount, ifit is not going to be paid as a lump sum payment to the Township, we need to determine the appropriate number of years of service credit in lieu of a cash payment. Under our current contract arrangements with Silver Creek Township and the City of Otsego, the Joint Fire Board is charging them $45/per parcel/per year based on the number of parcels served by the fire department. In Monticello Township's case, there are currently about 1650 parcels times $45 equals $74,250. This is the amount of cost the Monticello Township would incur if they were to contract with the Monticello Fire Department like Silver Creek and Otsego do. Dividing my estimated township buyout amount of $260,500 by $74,250 equals a service credit of 3 Y2 years, far less than the six years requested by Monticello Township. As a reminder, the joint agreement doesn't indicate upon termination that the buyout would be given as a credit for future service, but the likely reason the Township prefers years of service is that they would hope to lock in the current rate they have experienced in the past ($30/per parcel) for another 2 *l\~ll\' Council Agenda - 10/25/04 . SIX years. If the concern of Monticello Township is to keep their average per parcel rate near its present level of approximately $30/per parcel, the Joint Fire Board agreement should be continued with the Township participating in the operating cost and capital equipment purchases in the future like they have done in the past. If the Township wants a buyout and termination ofthe agreement, the buyout proceeds can be used by the Township to subsidize some of the increased cost they will incur under new contract arrangements. There would be no financial benefit for the City of Monticello taxpayers to buyout the Township's interest in the Joint Fire Board and then continue contracting with the Township at a low rate as if they were part owner in the fire department. It has to be one way or another, either continue with the joint agreement and the Township can continue to experience a lower rate or buyout the Township's interest and offer the Township contract services at a rate similar to what we charge other jurisdictions we serVIce. If the general consensus of the Township and/or City is to continue the joint agreement, a few modifications do need to be made to a new agreement as follows: 1. We need to establish what a capital equipment purchase is and 2. We need to clarify what happens if one of the parties does not agree to participate in the purchase of a new picce of equipment or building. . Currently the agreement is very vague in describing what a capital piece of equipment is and it is suggested that we establish a dollar amount i.e. $5,000 for example, as the threshold for any piece of equipment to be considered capital. This is the amount used by the City's auditing firm for GASB 34 accounting as they recognize items ofless than $5,000 as non-capita] equipment. The second issue relates to describing what happens if one party buys a piece of equipment and the other party doesn't participate in its cost. While the current agreement allows for this to happen, it doesn't say how the other party contributes funds for usage of that equipment. For example, the fire department is currently out for bids on a new tanker truck, which is estimated to cost $130,000, and will be primarily used in rural fire calls. Ifthe City decided not to buy this piece of equipment but Monticello Township felt it was necessary to protect their residents, they could buy this individual truck themselves, but the agreement doesn't indicate how or if the City has to pay for the fact that this piece of equipment is available for use in the city. It would seem unfair that Monticello Township would have to buy one piece of equipment and the City of Monticello could use it free of charge, so I have added some terminology to the agreement that would indicate how each party would have to contribute towards the cost of a vehicle depending on its number of fire calls. This was outlined in more detail in Appendix "B." . C) .J ~ 11- I L( d . . . Council Agenda - 10/25/04 Recognizing that the fire department will be faced with a number of new vehicle purchases in the next five years including a new tankers and a new pumper, and also the possibility of a second satellite fire station or even a new fire hall in the next ten years, I believe it is important to make these clarifications in any new agreement that is established. These are only necessary if it is decided to continue the joint agreement and would not affect a contract arrangement if the Township was bought out for their share of the joint fire department. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Accept the proposal from Monticello Township to terminate the agreement and buyout their share of the joint fire department in the form of six years of future service. 2. Accept the proposal to terminate the agreement by making a direct payment for their interest. The buyout amount could be established based on schedules prepared by the City, negotiated with the Township or established through a third party appraiser. 3. Council could offer to continue to the Joint Fire Board arrangement for an additional five years with modifications clarifying definition of capital equipment purchases and procedures for allocating cost if an item is purchased separately by one entity. 4. None of the above. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: From the Joint Fire Board's position, dissolving the current arrangement will likely make it easier in the future to manage the fire department as only one jurisdiction has to be making approvals for purchases and how the department is operated. I think the Township sees this also as a benefit by being able to receive a large lump sum payment and also in trying to lock in future years of service. From the City Administrator's standpoint, a buyout is certainly feasible, assuming we can arrive at the appropriate amount, but if we are to accept years of service as the form of payment, we have to use the annual cost the Township would incur without being a joint owner, and not what they have paid in the past. In other words, I would certainly not support their request of six years, as I feel the cost valuations would only support 3 12 , possibly 4 years. The difference between 4 and 6 years is approximately $75,000 a year, which would amount to the City taxpayers subsidizing the Township's fire protection services by $150,000 over the next six years. If 3 12 or 4 years is not acceptable for the Township, I would suggest continuing the joint agreement as modified for another five years. This arrangement would have each party continuing to pay a fair cost for fire protection services without the City subsidizing Township costs. 4 *" \ l- l ~ 3 . . . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Modified Joint Fire Agreement Capital Equipment Cost Summaries Council Agenda - 10/25/04 5 t*l'l-14\)4 . AN AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 471.59 CREA TING A JOINT FIRE BOARD BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO By this instrument the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the TOWN OF MONTICELLO, a corporate subdivision, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the Town, agree with each other as indicated by the following articles. ARTICLE 1: Explanatorv Material [A] The City and the Town presently own flrefighting equipment both jointly and separately. The City owns a fire hall. The City operates an effective and efficient fire department with volunteer firefighters including a chief. It is assumed that, collectively, the CITY and the TOWN are more financially able to provide tlrefighting equipment and protection. [B] The respective City Council and Town Board hereby find it advisable to jointly assume the cost, maintenance, and operation of the fire department, and to jointly purchase new firefighting equipment, as may be deemed necessary. The purpose of this contract is to provide for ajoint sharing of costs and purchases essential to the effective operation and maintenance of a volunteer fire department. . [C] This contract has been authorized by the City Council for the City of Monticello and the Town Board for the Town of Monticello pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59 (Joint Exercise of Powers). ARTICLE II: Joint Advisorv Board [A] A Joint Advisory Fire Board, created pursuant to the fire contract between the City of Monticello and the Township of Monticello dated April 26, 1976, and executed June 3, 1976, is hereby extended to facilitate the performance of this contract throughout its life. Such Board shall have the powers specifically given to it in the articles of this Agreement, and shall have the power to make recommendations to the City Council and to the Town Board to improve cooperation and efficiency in carrying out the intent of this Agreement, and to make recommendations for amendments and supplements to this Agreement. . [B] The membership of said Board shall consist of one member from the City, one member from the Town, and one member from the volunteer tlre department. The member from the City shall be appointed by the City Council; the member from the Town shall be appointed by the Town Board; and the member from the Volunteer Fire Department shall be elected by the members of the Volunteer Fire Department. LM WN/W( )RDlRICK/J( liNT FI R E A(i1U':FMFNT Page 1 . [C] Said Board shall have two regular meetings each year. The tirst quarterly meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday in March of each year at 7 p.m. The second quarterly meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday of August of each year at 7 p.m., at the city hall in the city of Monticello, unless such Board fixes a different place for said meeting. [D] In every calendar year prior to the month of March, the City Council and the Town Board shall name the members to the Joint Advisory Fire Board. In every calendar year prior to the month of March, the volunteer fire department shall elect its member to the Joint Advisory Fire Board. [E] Such members shall hold office from the first Tuesday in March until the first Tuesday in March of the following year. If the City and Town fail to make such appointment in a timely manner or the volunteer fire department fails to elect its member, the previous incumbent shall continue in office until such successor is nam.ed. [F] The Board may adopt rules and bylaws not inconsistent with this Agreement for the purpose of carrying out their duties hereunder. ARTICLE III: Duties of Joint AdvisorvFire Board . [A] The Joint Advisory Fire Board shall, with the aid and advice of the Monticello Volunteer Fire Department, prepare a budget prior to September 1 of each year for the maintenance, operation, and purchase of equipment for the following year. Such recommendations shall be submitted to the City Council and Town Board on or before September 1 of each year. ARTICLE TV: Joint Operating Fire Department Account [A] The City and the Town agree to annually, prior to the commencement of each calendar year of this Contract, mutually approve the budget of the operating expenses for the ensuing calendar year as may be recommended by the Joint Advisory Fire Board. [BJ Contributions of the City and the Town shall be paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Monticello who shall keep the same in a departmental account to be known as the "Joint Operating Fire Account." The City Council for the City of Monticello shall approve all expenditures at their regularly-scheduled Council meetings. All other expenditures for the purchase of supplies, maintenance, and equipment which were not part of the operating budget shall be approved by both the City Council and the Town-Board before said expenditures are made. ARTICI,E V: Contributions to Joint Operating Fire Account . [A 1 The City and Town shall jointly contribute to the Joint Operating Fire Account for the maintenance, operation, and purchase of equipment of the DAWN/WORD/RICI</,I()INT FIRL !\(iRI,FMLNT F.J..1l.T.c? . ~ {..h - ~ A>\~1r\'-\ . V olunteer Fire Department. The contribution by each party herein to the Joint Operating Fire Account for each calendar year shall be calculated according to the following formula, known as the "Fair Share Formula": Total Costs x (% of Total Use + % of Total Value) = Fair Share Costs 2 See Appendix "A" for definition of items used in Formula. [B] The City and Town shall deposit in advance to the Joint Operating Fire Account the quarterly contributions of the accepted budget for the volunteer fire department. Said quarterly contributions shall be made on February I, May 1, August I, and November 1 in the year in which the budget was approved. All contributions shall be made in money and not in material or equipment. [C] Credit toward the quarterly contribution requirements for the following year's budget shall be granted on the basis of percentage contribution for any balance remaining in the Joint Operating Account as of December 31 of any year. ARTICLE VI: Revenue from Adiacent Areas . rA] Revenue from contracts for tIre protection to adjacent areas as mentioned in Article IX [A] 3 and revenue from fire calls to these areas shall be deposited in the Joint Operating Fire Account. I BI Allocation of revenue to the Joint Board participants from contracts and firc calJs shall be granted on the basis of perccntage contribution from cach party, exccpt that a party's perccntage of contribution will be reduced to account for any capital purchases used by the .Joint Fire Board in generating revenu.e that was not purchased jointly by both parties. The non-participating party's percentage shalJ be reduced to reflect the smaller contribution made by that ,jurisdiction to the total equipment values used in contract services (See Appendix C for an example). ARTICLE VII: Purchases . [A] The City Council and the Town Board shall jointly agree upon any expenditures made for the purchase of additional firefighting capital equipment. They shall agree upon all specifications for any and all joint purchases of capital equipment, pursuant to the recommendation of the Joint Advisory Fire Board. Pursuant to said specifications, the City Administrator and the Town Clerk shall jointly issue a call for sealed bids to be prepared and published. Said call shall refer to the specifications and to this Agreement as basic data binding upon each and every bidder. The right to reject any and all bids shall be reserved by either the City Councilor the Town Board. J)A WN/WOJ{D1RI('K/./OINT PIKE !\(iRELMFNT Page 3 ~ ll~ lL.\. ~ . [B] At the time and place of opening bids, the City Administrator and the Town Clerk shall tally the bids in the presence of the Joint Advisory Fire Board. The Joint Advisory Fire Board shall make its recommendations to the City Council and to the Town Board as to either accepting or rejecting the bid or bids. The City and Town shall not be bound unless both the City Council and the Town Board accept the bid or bids. If either the City Councilor Town Board rejects a bid or bids, and either Board deems the purchase of said capital equipment necessary, either party may accept the bid and purchase and pay for the capital equipment outside the agreement herein. Said property shall be the exclusive property of the respective governmental unit. [C] If one of the parties accepts a bid and purchases a capital equipment item outside of the agreement, the purchasing party may establish an usage fee that can be charged as an additional cost to the other party that did not participate in the initial purchase. A formula that takes the total cost of the item, including any finance charges divided by the useful life in years of the equipment purchased to arrive at an annual amortized cost. This annual cost is then divided by the number of times the equipment is used in a year by the Fire Department to arrive at a per time usage fee. The non-participating party would be responsible for this additional cost above that party's share of the joint fire board cost as determined under Article V. (See Appendix B for an example) . [D] If both parties purchase the equipment jointly, the seller of such joint equipment shall execute duplicate bills of sale revealing the interest of the City and the Town so that each has a signed copy. ARTICLE VIII: Maintenance of Apparatus fA] The present firefighting equipment as set out in Exhibit "A" shall be that contribution of each respective governmental body. It shall remain the sole and exclusive property of each of the respective governmental unit. It shall be maintained and insured pursuant to this agreement. [B] The jointly-purchased equipment shall be maintained and insured by the agreement herein. The control of the purchased equipment shall be retained by the City and the Town. [C] The cost of storage, maintenance, and insurance of the respective firefighting equipment and the jointly-purchased firefighting capital equipment shall be paid out of the Joint Operating Fire Account. rD] The cost of the maintenance and insurance of the city fire hall shall be paid out of the Joint Operating Fire Account. . I.M WN/WORD/I{ICKIJOlnl' FIRE 1\(jRLLMLNT' Page 4 -it ((-- 1l\""1 ARTICLE IX: Use of Fire Equipment . [A] The equipment as set out in Exhibit "A" and the equipment jointly purchased shall be used within the jurisdictional area of the City and Town and nowhere else except as follows: 1. The adjacent area where the fire may spread to such City or Town; 2. To assist neighboring fire departments as may be mutually agreed upon under a reciprocal agreement with such tire departments; 3. In any adjacent area to the City and to the Town with which a contract for protection may be negotiated. [B] It shall be the duty of the Joint Advisory Board to provide volunteers in sufficient number to maintain a staff of firefighters to answer fire calls and to command available equipment in such a manner so as not to fall below the minimum standard set forth by the Bureau of Fire Underwriters. [C] Dispatching the operation of the firetighting equipment shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department, and in the Chief's absence shall be the duty of the Assistant Chief. If neither is available, the person previously appointed for this purpose shall be in charge. . [D] The volunteer fire department shall answer all calls under the direct supervision of the Fire Chief without regard to the authority of any other person giving the alarm or order. ARTICLE X: Public Emplovee's Retirement Association r A] Requirements of the Public Employee's Retirement Association may be paid by transferring from the Joint Operating Fire Account as determined by the Joint Advisory Board. ARTICLE XI: Liability-Governmental Functions-Protective Clauses [A] In all of the provisions of this Agreement, the City and the Town shall be deemed to be exercising their governmental functions so that each shall not be liable for the other for any negligence of its oflicers, employees, firefighters, or agents. . [B] Specifically, without limiting the effect of the language in the preceding paragraph, the City and its officers, employees, and firefighters shall not be liable for any of the following acts or omissions: failure to answer a call promptly or at all; for any trespass or damage to persons or property whether necessary or unnecessary in connection with going to, returning from any fire call, or in serving at any fire or fire call. DA WN/WORDIRICK/.lOINT I:IRE AGREEMI::N"I Page 5 $1(~14g . . . [C] In the event of any fire call to which the fire department will respond, sufficient personnel and equipment shall remain at the city fire hall in order to respond to any subsequent call for fire protection, whether such call is or is not located within the same jurisdiction of the first call. ARTICLE XII: Life of This Agreement [A] This agreement shall expire December 31, 2009, or at an earlier date when, for sufficient cause, the City or Town shall notify the other in writing at least 180 days of the desire to terminate the Agreement herein. [B] On any termination, the remaining capital equipment jointly acquired shall be sold ata reasonable price on competitive bids and the proceeds divided llillong the owners as their interest appears. Non-capital equipment, such as miscellaneous supplies, office supplies, and perishables, shall be considered the property of the fire department and shall be considered to be conveyed, without further compensation, to the jurisdiction which assumes the authority and responsibility 1()f the fire department. A schedule for all fixed assets purchased shall he maintained, and proceeds from their sale shall be distributed on the basis of the original contribution percentage for the fixed asset in question. The City and the Town, respectively, may be the bidder at any such sale. [C] On any termination, the balance of any remaining monies in the Joint Operating Account shall be distributed hased on the percentage contrihution for that year. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties of the Agreement have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of , 20 TOWN OF MONTICELl_O CITY OF MONTICELLO Chair Mayor Town Clerk City Administrator (SEAL) (SEAL) f)/\ WN/W( lRDIRICK!.IOINT FIR [': A(dU,[':MEN'r Page 6 t-ll-l'-iC1 . . . APPENDIX "A" Total Costs: The total annual costs of fire department operation, in dollars, including fixed costs, operating costs, man-hour costs, and capital costs amortized over expected life of equipment, vehicles, and buildings. Capital Equipment: For the purpose of this agreement, capital equipment shall mean any individual truck or equipment item purchased at a cost of $5,000 or more. Total Use: The use of the fire department services by each party expressed as a percentage (%) of the total use of fire department services by all parties. The percentage (%) is based on man-hours spent in each area averaged over the past five (5) years. Total Value:The market valuation of each party expressed as a percentage (%) of the sum of the valuations of all parties using fire department services. Fair Share: Each party's share of total annual costs expressed in dollars. DAWN/WORD/RJCK/JOINT nru: A(iREFMENT Pane 7 ~ ~ II - ISO . . . EXHIBIT A Fixed Asset Schedule CITY OF MONTICELLO Fire hoses and nozzles Smoke inhalator Fire boots and helmets Survival air equipment Resuscitator Tire generator Fire clothes Smoke ej ector - 1971 Centrifugal pump - 1971 2-way radio system - 1975 Alarm system - 1975 TOWN OF MONTICELLO 1973 Fire Truck rl:OHffivwl"Rd~,@ICK!.I()lNT I-IRE AGREEMENT Page 8 ~ 1(- 151 APPENDIX "B" . FORMULA TO DETERMINE ADDITIONAL FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR EQUIPMENT PURCHASED OUTSIDE OF JOINT AGREEMENT BY ONE (1) PARTY . ~1.W-JV'wrR~Wi1lc.'K/J()INT /:IRE ;\(iR/cFMI':NT Page <) Wll-ISd . . APPENDIX "C" FORMULA TO ADJUST REVENUE ALLOCATION PERCENTAGE The following is an example of determining how revenue form outside contracts and fire calls may be allocated to account for individually owned capital tire equipment used in generating revenue: IF: Total cost of equipment and buildings purchased that are used in generating revenue from fire contracts $1,450,000 Cost of an item purchased outside of joint agreement by (1) party (i.e. pumper truck) 250,000 Jointly owned equipment $1,200,000 Percentage of total equipment 82.8% REVENUE ALLOCATION: Non-participating party's contribution percentage as determined by formula in Appendix "A" (x) times 82.801.1 := % of revenue to be credited to non-participating party for that year. . Page 10 !l:Gl.W;jfwlR~tj'@I1.:K/.I0INT I'IRE MjREFMENT ~/I.-(S3 . ,.-.... . ...-............., . .~. FIRE DEPARTMENT Under old formula, the 2005 budget would have township paying a total of ::; If we assumed a 3% increase in operataing costs over the next 4 years, Township's share in 2006 ::;; 2007 ::; 2008 ::; 2009 ::; $48,777 $50,240 $51,747 $53,300 $54,899 $258,963 In addition, if Fire Department buys (1) new tanker truck @ $130,000 and township paid 30% (::; $39,000). After (5) years value of truck might be $80,000x 30% (Twp share) ::;; $24,000 credit, so township would incur under current agreement an additional net cost of ($39,000-$24,000) $15,000 TOTAL Average Cost/Year $273,963 x $54,792 4 yrs. $219,168 equivalent ::; @4 1/2 yrs = $246,564 Equivalent @ 5 yrs = $273,960 Equivalent DAWN/XCELlRICKFIRE DEPT10/21/2004 If I 1 ~ 15 "-\ . a:. CD ..q- L() iii, Lili:: LD 0 co 0 t- o 0 m 0 ..q- 0 LD t- N 0 0 0 Ui)'i.C:::' LD LD co co co N CD 0 0 LD 0'> co CD f:I7 L() ::aC<e; N co co N N LD ,..... $:1'ii::::C: to N f:I7 f:I7 f:I7 LD .,,- f:I7 f:I7 0'> ,..... N f:I7 f:I7 fF7 . .,....r.n fh fF.T en :::c u ::> 0:::: I- 1-'0::1' ZO WO .~ :l: ...... t::. w Cl w 0:::: u.. ',<':Z ',':0.';<:::> ........j;:: .:+:\:S .flJCO' ,',.:2: ...... 8=~ ...... :2: jZ>: "':C,) . 0 0 0 O;:!2 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 a 0 0 o-.:t ,..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 _L() co 0 0 a U1 I.!) 0 o . - fF.T I.!) en t- L()-.:t ,..... I.!) I.!) r- (<) fh ,..... ..-- ..--L() en YT fF.T I.!) fF7 fh fF.T fF7>< fh fF.T ;:!2 o co N L() N ..-- t- to o ..-- YT r-- o N N ..q- f;ft o IJ) (<) u.. "D "- a u.. N o o N '.::!2. o o o I.!) C'0 r-- eD N en f;ft o N eD C'0 N fF7 ?- m ~ c ell I- "D I- a u.. N co 0'> ..-- '.::!2. o IJ) o m m ,..... I.!) o ..-- fh ..q- N N IJ) I.!) f;ft ?- m ~ c C'tl t: ?- m 0- E :J 0... "0 I- a u.. N en m ,..... '.::!2. o co N ..q- C'0 '.::!2. o N C'0 o N N co N 0'> r-- f;ft o m ..q- --. o (fJ C'0 m f;ft~ 0. I- :J 0. 0. ~ o I- 0.2 00 IJ)O r--O No YTU1 ....... ~ C'0 N r-- ..-- C'0 N fh ?- m 0- E :J D- O (<) IJ) m OJ ....... ro 'C m <( m c o 0) ?- m E W co co <Jl ..-- '.::!2. o a o o o ..- o fF.T o YT ?- m 0.- E"D :J :J o...~ 5J 0- .!:..!:. o (fJ c C'0 s: r-- a 0'>1- "'-- C a ~ C'tl C o o cr: z e- o._ :J"O "D m ._ c 0... 5 5;m ..cO::: o Q) LDoo CD 0 ~c '.::!2. o o o o '.::!2. o o o o to o fF.T o f;ft (!) Z C ..J ::> tD- I-~ ZO WNZ ~::::l :1""\.... 'c.. "'" ~o:::: j;; <( i= '.i~'.."." .........:......'.'.....,....;a...........,... a:. -D'........ ws:/:C:::' o 'en:::: I- ~ H7;;C~ u:: "'/Q' o YT o f;ft c a I- ....... > m .!:. U ,..... OJ m ..- '.::!2. o CD o to N CD CD ,..... r-- ..-- ..q- N r-- N fF7 to C'0 ,..... fF.T C'0 co I.!) t- r-- LD fh - '<T o o [::' - "0 C ro ---l o Z I- en w- _(!) N W Z ~ ::::l - " ...J C 0 <( ...J -l > ::> ~ a. !E '>:: s: en ~ I- ~ e: ...J U ~ <C ::c l':2 I- W e::: 0> ::J I--~ ~ z ~ o ~ c o 0) C "D :J CO ~\l l S\o . Council Agenda - I II 0105 18. Consideration of su ort for develo ment of Swan River School at ChurchlCommuni Center site. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At thc previous meeting of the City Council, action was taken to withdraw furthcr ctl()fts to cstablish the Swan River Montessori School at the Community Center site. At the request of the new Mayor, I have placed reconsideration of this action on the City Council agenda. In your packet you will find a fairly brief Memorandum ofTJnderstanding that Council will be asked to consider. This memorandum serves as the underpinning for formal agreemcnts to follow. Essentially, the City Council is asked to review the memorandum, discuss, modify, and consider taking action to approve or deny adoption. Project Summary Here is a brief summary of the Memorandum of Understanding. · SRMS Building Corporation buys the existing church building and approx 24,000 sq. ft. of land area for $200,000 in a contract-for-decd over a 20-year period. . . SRMS Building Corporation builds a 10,000 sq ft addition. The addition will include restrooms, bride's room, limited kitchen and othcr items necessary to support the use of the space f(x meetings. The total value of improvements, including original church and property, is estimated at $2.0 million....;. · City provides $375,000 in prepaid rent to cover 20 years. Alter 20 year period, rent is $1 per year. · SRMS is responsible for the cost of utilities and maintenance for the building for 20 years and beyond. · MCC schedules use of the facility by the public on week nights after 6:00 PM. MCC has full use of specified areas, including the existing church building, on weekends and during the summer. Custodial costs for City usc to be provided by the City. · A shared parking agreement will be established between the City and SRMS. Included in the agreement will be details on the maintenance of the parking arcas. · SRMS agrces to purchase membcrship and gym time at a total sum of $50,OOO/year. Thc net revenue aftcr expenscs associated with the i ncrcasc in usc of facilities is estimated at $45,OOO/year. ~ ....., . In the event of default, the City has the option of purchasing thc land and structure in the amount of the remaining mortgage. The original mortgage I believe is $1.6 million. \Sl . . . Council Agenda - 1/10/05 . City has the option of purchasing the church at any time at market value if suitable replacement facility/location can be established. Following is a brief summary of items to consider when determining whether or not to sell to Swan River School or refurbish the existing structure and utilize for community meeting space. Sell to Swan River . It is estimated that the revenue to the City associated with operation of the facility and associated contributions to the Community Center will result in $712,000 contribution to the City over 20 years. The assumptions underlying this projection can be found on the attached worksheet. . The development of this type of use is consistent with the redevelopment plan for the City and adds activity to area at a time when commercial activity is tending to move out of the CCD area and across the freeway. . Swan River responsible for maintenance and up-keep of the facility for the majority of uses. . The City could purchase at mortgage value if default occurs, thus recouping original investment in pre-paid rents. City would then need to use the facility or sell it. . Reduction in students for School District 882 is estimated at a net 25-30 students, based on a requirement that the student body be selected by lottery from a pool of applicants. The pool is likely to include a high percentage of students that reside outside of the district. . School District impact is butTered by expected increases in the population of school age children in upcoming years. . The plan does not provide for financial security to cover the City in th event of default. There is no recourse identified in the event Swan River fails to use the community center or fails to make the contract for deed payment. The only recourse for non-payment might be to purchase the mortgage. Refurbish Building for City Use . It estimated that the revenue to the City associated with operation of the facility and associated contributions to the Community Center will result in $192,000 contribution to the City over 20 years. The assumptions underlying this projection can be found on the attached worksheet. . The building will be available for rent at all times, not just weekdays and evenings. The use supports the goals of the CCD District. . The land will be under the control of the City, which could prove to be advantageous in the future. . City will be responsible for maintenance and will need to acquire rents equal to the cost to \s~ . . 3. Council Agenda - 1/10/05 maintain the facility. . There would be no reduction in students for the School District. However, it is likely that Swan River will locate elsewhere and thus the School District could see a reduction in students regardless. c. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to agree or modify and agree on a preliminary basis to terms identified in the memorandum of understanding. Approval contingent on complete review by the City Attorney. Under this alternative the City Attorney would be directed to draft formal agreements supporting concepts noted in the memorandum of understanding. In addition, staff would meet with representatives of Swan River to identify other points that could be included in the formal agreements but not presently noted in the memorandum of understanding. 2. Motion to reject approval of the memorandum of understanding. Council should take this action if it feels that the loss ofland control associated with the impact on the school district outweighs the advantages associated with Swan River School Devclopment as proposed. Motion to table the item. Please note that the option of tabling the item to give the School District and Swan River more time to analyze the possibility of developing a "school within a school" is available. The District Spt noted that there are major differences in teaching styles/techniques bctween public school and Montessori which makes it difficult to develop a Montessori school as a program providcd 882. However, he noted that with some time and further discussion, it might be possible for the Board to look at development of such a school as an adjunct to District 882 to start lall of 2006. This option has not been discussed with Swan River representatives. This option might not be supported by Swan River because it would require waiting an additional school year. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . . The project has some positive aspects which include: The revcnue to the City associated with the collaboration of uses is significant; when calculated over 20 years. The financial impact on the School District through the loss of students, though significant is likely to be oft:set by the expected future growth in the school age population. The City can work aggressively toward supporting development of housing stock that will rctain and bring f~unilies with school age children. Also, the net number of students coming into Monticello as a whole will actually increase as a result orthe development of the school. It is likely that the \sC\ . . . Counci I Agenda - 1/10/05 Swan R.iver Montessori School will develop elsewhere, if not on this site, so the School District is likely to suffer some student loss regardless. . Loss of control of the land is somewhat ofT-set by the acquisition of the library site. The library site has surplus property that could be used for parking in conjunction with any future expansion of the Commun ity Center. . The Swan River School will bring activity to the CCl) District, which is an important goal of the redevelopment plan. . The building will be used in a manner in keeping with the original function and the architecture of the building will be maintained in a manner respectful of history. . The risk of default is real, however default is not likely within the first few years of operation which means that if the City had to make a choice whether or not to pay off the mortgage and acquire the site, the mortgage amount would be at a reduced level. The building could possihly be converted for city use if it had to he acquired. However, one of the negative aspects of moving forward with the project is that if the City gives up the land, there is the increased potential of needing to buy other land in the future to expand the Community Center site. This would likely require the purchase of existing homes, not just land. Also it look as though the only protection the City has in event of default is to payoff the remaining debt on the first mortgage. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of Memorandum of Understanding Worksheet outlining cost comparisons/revenue analysis \\00 . Memorandum of Understanding Bctwcen Swan River Montcssori Chartcr School, SRCS Building Corporation, and the City of Monticello For purposes of this document, "SRMCS" refers to Swan River Montessori Charter School, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, also known as District Number 4137; "SRCS Building" refers to SRCS Building Corporation, a Minnesota non-profit corporation, and the "City" refers to the City of Monticello. 1. Contract fix Deed. SRCS Building agrees to purchase the structure known as the "Little White Church" and city lot for $200,000 by contract for deed over a 20 year term at 6(% interest, subject to an appraisal at or helow $200,000. The contract f4Jr deed to be in second position to a bank loan to finance a building addition. 2. Building Renovation and Addition. SRSMC Building agrees, at their expense, to renovate the structure known as the "Little White Church" and construct a . multipurpose building addition of 10,000+/- sq. ft. The addition will include, for the benefits of use by the City: a. Bathrooms (multi-stall); h. Multi-purpose room, also known as "bride's room"; c. r .imited kitchen facilities, including at minimum a sink area, institutional dishwasher, and countertops; d. Furniture, consisting of tables and chairs allowing for multi-function use; e. Storage facilities for furniture and coats; and f. Handicap accessible ramp/s to gain access to the church structure. . 3. Use Agreement of "Little White Church." In consideration for the renovation costs of the "Little White Church" and constructing additional facilities for City use, the City agrees to prepay rents in the amounts of $375,000 for a period of 20 years. In further consideration for the prepaid rents, SRCS Building agrees to maintain and keep in good repair the church building, hathroom facilities, and kitchen lilcilities and make those f~lCilities available fiJr rental use by the City for 20 years. Included in the Memorandum of Understanding, Swan River, p. I ~115- Ito'O- . prepaid rental amounts are all reasonable uti lity serVIces (including heating and cooling services, water and sewer services, electrical services, and snowplowing services on SRCS Building propel1y, as applicable). After the initial 20 years, SRCS Building agrees to leasc the facilities to the City for $l.OO/year. SRCS Building agrees to havc the church and other facilitics availablc for full use by the City during the following times and with the following provisions: . f g. h. a. Wcekdays (M-F) 6:00 PM through 1 :00 AM b. Weekdays -. Summer (when SRMCS is not in session) ~ full use. c. Weekends - full use. d. SRMCS granted use of building at no charge 10 timcs/year. e. MCC staff schedules use of rental spacc. SRMCS to schedule its use through the MCC. MCC provides MCC custodian to clean-up after meetings. Alternatively, SRCS Building agrees to provide clean up for a flat fee of per meeting. City to be responsible for all damage beyond normal wear and tear to the building and/or property during events under control of the City. Parking between the City and SRMCS to be shared. Snowplowing of the main parking area to be responsibility of the City. All revenue ii'om City use of the facility to be l11come to the City without any deductions, except those specifically listed above. 4. Sunny Fresh Grant. Any remaining Sunny Fresh funds (estimated at $25,(00) from the original $200,000 grant to be utilized for church building renovations as approved by Sunny Fresh and SRCS Building or its agent/contractor. . 5. Additional Consideration: Lease of Conmlunity Center Facilities and Community Center Membcrships. SRMCS agrees to purchase individual community center memberships ilJr its student and/or teacher population f()r no less than $25,OOO/year. Memorandum of Understanding, Swan River, p. 2 1tl~-l(Dd . Further, SRMCS agrees to rent community center f~lcilities for no less than $25,000/ycar. Nothing in this provision shall prevent SRSMC and the City to contract few additional services bcyond the amounts of this provision. Should the City at any point during the term of this agreement sell or assign the Community Center facilities to another entity, whether puhlic or private, for profit or non-profit, this section shall not he assigned to any future owner and become null and void. Nothing in this provision shall prevent SRMCS from entering any contract with the new entity to lease the hcilities. . 6. Default of Mortgage or Dissolution of SRMCS. In the event of default or in the event SRMCS dissolves, the City shall retain the right of first refusal to purchase the huilding ("Little White Church" and addition) at the prcsent day mortgage value. Should the building no longer be encumbered by a mortgage, the City shall retain the right of first refusal to purchase the building and land from SRCS Building fiJr $1.00 valuahle consideration. (*Note: It is the specific intent of SRCS Building and the City that the "Little White Church" and addition shall not be owned by any other entity other than SRCS Building or the City, unless the City specifically refuses not to exercise its right of first refusal). 7. Repurchase of Little White Church bv Citv. The City and SRCS Building specifically agree that the City may, at any time, purchase the "Little White Church" and building addition from SRCS Building at fair Market Value agreed to by both parties, providcd that: a. SRCS Building is ahle to locate a similar building suitablc within the Monticello School District, and/or h. SRCS Building is able to locate another property allowing for another huilding. Should SRCS Building and the City exercise this provision of thc Memorandum, thc provision entitlcd Additional Consideration: Lease of Comll1unity Center Facilities and Community Center Memberships shall hecome null and yoid. . Memorandum of Understanding, Swan River, p. 3 ~1<6-1l.D3 Swan River Owns · 20 years. End of twenty years Expense/Revenue Projections . Expense Revenue With Interest A Principal and % for Land and Building (6% interest) Building $421,000 No expense B Value of Land in 20 years (6%/year) $302,560 (Land Is 24,000 sq ft - 120*200) Assume orginal value of land is $100,000 - just over $4.0/Sq Ft Pre-paid Rent $375,000 C Interest loss on $375,000 over 20 years at 4% $441,427 (What would have been earned if money stayed in bank) Rental Fees if banked 0 $12,000 year 4% interest for 20 years $9,000 $259,003 This is net amount after accounting for Janitorial Services. Net Revenue from User Fees of (Gross - 50K Projected net - 35K) $50,000 per year 4% interest 20 years $40,000 $1,151,123 . Totals $1,118,987 $1,831,126 $712,139 Fix up and use. 20 years Expense/Revenue Projections Refurbish for public use. $220,000 $90,000 $502,560 Expense Interest on loan to self at 4% over 20 years Value of Land 6% at 20 years (Bldng $200,000) (Same as B above plus $200,000) Maintenance/Run the building (Same as Rental revenue) $460,449 F Rental Fees if banked $20,000 year 4% interest for 20 years $16,000 $460,449 Net Revenue from User Fees of Community Center o . Totals $770,449 $963,009 $192,560 tl- (95 - I to '-\ . 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