Planning Commission Minutes 10-08-1985 . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION October 8, 1985 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Joyce Dowling, Richard Carlson, Ed Schaffer. Members Absent: Richard Martie. Staff Present: Gary Anderson. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jim Ridgeway at 7:33 P.M. Motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Carlson, to approve the minutes of theSeptemher 10, 1985, Regular Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie absent. 3. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Request to allow a Day-care Center in a B-2 (limited business) Zone - Applicant, NRM Partnership. . Mr. Ken Katton~ partner in NRM Partnership, was present to" propose a day-care facility in a B-2 zone. The proposed location of the proposed day-care center is in the newly platted Victoria Square Addition. Day-care facility be composed of approximately 3,000 square feet and would not be a baby-sitting center, but an early childhood development center. Mr. Mike Reher, owner of the Victoria Square Addition, was present to answer any further questions Planning Commission members or the public had on his subdivision. With no input from the public and no further questions from the Planning Commission, a motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Joyce Dowling, to approve the conditional use request to allow a day-care center in a B-2 zone. Motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie absent. 4. Public Hearing - A Conditional Use Request to Allow a Duplex Addition to be Built onto an Existing House - Applicant, Ken Larson. . Mr. Ken Larson was present to propose a duplex addition to his existing home. The proposed duplex addition would be two stories in heighth with an upper and a lower apartment. Mr. Art Doran was present to propose some objection over the construction of Mr. Larson's duplex addition. Mr. Doran questioned as to where the proposed parking would be for the duplex addition, and what we were going to do about his existing non-conforming business at this location. zoning Administrator Anderson indicated that it was granted by an attorney's decision Mr. Larson's business was allowed to exist at his home site as per attorney settlement back some years ago. Mr. Anderson also indicated that the off-street parking spaces that would be allotted for the duplex addition would be immediately east of the existing garage. Planning Commission members questioned as to the location of the parking lot and not seeing it as presented on the enclosed site plan. A motion by Ed Schaffer, to deny the conditional use request to allow a duplex addition to be built onto an existing house. -1- Planning Commission Minutes - 10/8/85 . The motion died for lack of second. A motion by Joyce Dowling, seconded by Richard Carlson, to table the conditional use request to allow a duplex addition to be built onto an existing house. Reason for tabling the request was, insufficient information that was submitted on the site plan as presented by Mr. Larson. The motion carried unanimously with Richard Martie absent. 5. Public Hearing - Variance Request to Allow a House Addition to be Built Within the Side Yard Setback Requirement - Applicant, Pat Martin. Pat Martin was present to propose an addition to be built onto her existing house. The proposed addition would be within one foot of the side property line. The proposed size of the new addition would be 8 foot by 14 foot with the front most portion of her proposed addition would be no closer than the front most portion of her eXisting house. Jim Ridgeway opened it up for input from the Public. Mr. William Jameson, adjacent property owner immediately east of Pat Martin's property, was present and voiced no objection to Pat Martin's request for an addition to be built on to her eXisting house within the side yard setback requirement. A motion by Richard Carlson, seconded by Ed schaffer, to allow an 8 foot by 14 foot addition to be constructed onto the existing house with the front most portion of the addition to be no closer than the existing front most portion of the house. The motion carried unanimouslY with Richard Martie absent. . Additional Information Items 1. A motion by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Richard Carlson, to set the next tentat1ve date for the Mont~cello Planning Commission meeting for Wednesday, November 13, 1985, at 7:30 P.M. 2. Motion by Richard Carlson, seconded by Ed Schaffer, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4&~ Gary' Anderson zoning Administrator .