IEDC Agenda 01-05-2021 AGENDA INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday,January 511,2021 —7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room,Monticello Community Center In keeping with safe practices and minimizing contact and potential community spread of the COVID-19 virus, the IEDC meeting will be conducted as a virtual online meeting. Participants can attend remotely via Go-To: Web Link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/ioin/564915197 Phone Dial In#: United States: +1 (872) 240-3412 One-touch: tel:+18722403412„564915197# Access Code: 564-915-197 Members: Chairperson-Joni Pawelk, Vice Chairperson-Randy Skarphol, Mayor-Lloyd Hilgart, Darek Vetsch, Kevin Steffensmeier, Steve Johnson, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Andrew Tapper, Mike Carr, Elizabeth Calpas, Meghan Hanson, Thomas Conboy Liaisons: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Marcy Anderson, Jolene Foss,Dave Tombers, Tim Zipoy, Jeff O'Neill 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Minutes: a. December 1st,2020 meeting minutes 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda 4. Consideration of Electing 2021 IEDC Officers(Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary) 5. Consideration of recommending Sarah Kortmansky as new IEDC member to City Council to fill vacant 3-year-term 6. Consideration of Restaurant-Hospitality Recruitment Strategy Update and Discussion— Verbal Report,Randy S. and Jim T. 7. Consideration of 2021 IEDC Action Statements-Goals and Table Topics 8. Reports(Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development • Projects • Prospects List b. Planning Commission Agenda(attached) c. City Council d. Chamber of Commerce 9. Adjournment(8:00am) MINUTES INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Monday, December 1,2020—7:00 a.m. The meeting was held remotely. Members Present: Joni Pawelk, Randy Skarphol, Kevin Steffensmeier, Steve Johnson, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Andrew Tapper, Mike Carr, Elizabeth Calpas, Kari Moorhouse, and Thomas Conboy Members Absent: Brian Stumpf,Darek Vetsch,Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, and Meghan Hanson Liaisons Present: Jeff O'Neill, Jim Thares, Marcy Anderson, and Dave Tombers 1. Call to Order Jim Thares started the IEDC meeting at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: a. November 2nd,2020 meeting minutes ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 2ND.2020 MEETING MINUTES.LUKE DAHLHEIMER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 11-0. 3. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda Randy Skarphol requested the addition of restaurant recruitment be added to the agenda. Joni Pawelk suggested that Randy Skarphol and Jim Thares further discuss the creation of a restaurant recruitment sub-committee and/or defining goals and bring a proposal to the IEDC to the January meeting. Skarphol and Thares confirmed. 4. Consideration of Membership for Expiring Terms Jim Thares indicated that staff reached out to the members whose terms were expiring on the IEDC to see if they were interested in serving an additional 3-year term. All members, except Kari Moorhouse indicated that they would like to serve another term on the commission. Thares noted that the IEDC would could fill the vacant position in early 2021. He indicated that several individuals have expressed interest in filling a term if an opening occurred. LUKE DAHLHEIMER MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE APPOINTMENT OF IEDC COMMITTEE MEMBERS ANDREW TAPPER,MIKE CARR,THOMAS CONBOY,AND MEGHAN HANSON TO A NEW 3-YEAR TERM ON THE IEDC.RANDY SKARPHOL SECONDED THE MOTION.MOTION CARRIED, 11-0. Industrialand Economic Development Committee Minutes—December 1, 2020 Page 1 4 Randy Skarphol noted that the IEDC has two vacant positions for student representation. Skarphol asked Mike Carr if he had any updates on potential students interested in serving on the IEDC. Carr noted the difficulty of the school year due to the pandemic and noted he would continue working on filling those positions. Joni Pawelk asked about recruitment of the position. Thares noted it would be posted on the City's website. 5. Consideration of Update on 2020 Housing Study Jim Thares provided an overview of the 2020 Housing Study completed by MSA Professional Services. The goals of the study were to understand the demand for styles of housing and recommend general strategies to support housing needs and development. The consultants did engage the public and stakeholders in the process. He noted that in the staff report there is a link to the full housing study. Joni Pawelk asked about next steps for the City pertaining to this study.Thares indicated that it has been provided to several senior living and multi-family developers and is also available on the City's website. Thares did not seen any immediate next steps but noted the importance developers would have in reviewing the findings of the study. Steve Johnson asked if the Study addressed limiting factors such as zoning, building permits and fees, or affordability and how to alleviate those concerns to expand the housing stock per the goals of the plan. Thares indicated the major limiting factor seems to be affordability especially as it relates to the City's development fees. Thares mentioned there are tools, such as Tax Increment Financing, to support housing development efforts.Johnson further asked about zoning, lot size, and density related to affordability. Thares mentioned that the consultant pointed out those factors related to affordability but noted the high cost of land and materials. Andrew Tapper(also serves on the Planning Commission) added that the City has been seeing many Planned Unit Developments that offer flexibility from the base zoning code. Kevin Steffensmeier noted frustration with a recent workforce housing project that was denied. He pointed out that the Study advocates for more housing options, similar to the one that was denied,inside the city. Thares noted the timing of the denied project was such that the 2020 Housing Study was not yet completed, and thus there were questions about the demand for various segments of housing. The City Council did not want to rush into another residential multi-family project that required affordability subsidies without first better understanding the market demand forthat product. Steffensmeier noted that a nearby multi-family housing development received Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funding and he further stated that he did not understand how the City Council could deny such a request because there was potentially too much supply. Jeff O'Neill clarified that the project denial was tied to non-acceptance of the use of a significant amount TIF public subsidy. The City Council didn't feel the proposal was right at that point and time but noted things could change. O'Neill explained that the City is proactive and interested Industrial and Economic Development Committee Minutes—December 1, 2020 Page 214 in participating in these types of projects. Joni Pawelk noted the purpose of the IEDC was to create living wage jobs. It was a concern that Monticello was surveyed in the study to have one of the lowest median and mean incomes. It would be important to attract and retain living wage jobs. Thares mentioned that Monticello is a regional hub with many retail choices that often don't create high paying jobs. Steve Johnson also mentioned that the study utilized the population within the City limits and if you utilized the trade area, the numbers would be higher. Jeff O'Neill also added that the Comprehensive Plan identifies the potential need to promote the reuse of infrastructure in the older part of our community, where some of the homes are ripe for redevelopment. 6. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development Jim Thares provided an update on behalf of economic development as included on the agenda.He also provided the prospect list and noted a couple new additions. b. Planning Commission Agenda(attached) Jim Thares provided a short review of the Planning Commission agenda as attached to the agenda. c. City Council Jeff O'Neill noted that Lloyd Hilgart would be becoming mayor and Sam Murdoff would be stepping into City Council. Mr. Murdoff was the Chair of the Planning Commission. The City Council will be selecting the vacant City Council position in January that Lloyd Hilgart left to assume the Mayor's position. Jeff O'Neill noted his upcoming retirement and stated that Rachel Leonard would begin that role. O'Neill will become City Administrator Emeritus over the next couple months and help Ms. Leonard transition into her role. O'Neill also mentioned that the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan was approved for adoption. He also mentioned that the City would be submitting a grant application for a competitive funding assistance program to MN-DEED. The program was created through the efforts and lobbying of the Coalition of Utility Cities (CUC) as a transition planning step supporting job development and tax base stabilization due to the future decommissioning of the Xcel Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP). O'Neill expressed his appreciation of being able to work closely with the IEDC Industrialand Economic Development Committee Minutes—December 1, 2020 Page314 over the many years of his service. He noted the key role that the IEDC plays in discussing economic development issues and trends that impact the City. d. Chamber of Commerce Marcy Anderson encouraged shopping locally first. They are working hard to promote Monticello businesses so they can continue to operate. Anderson noted that the annual banquet was reorganized to be a virtual banquet and that the Chamber would be having a changeover in Board leadership. The virtual event wis scheduled for December 9th at 4:00 p.m. The event is free to attend,but registration is required so that the Chamber can send guests the link to participate. A silent auction is also happening to raise funds for the Chamber's operations. Joni Pawelk reminded the IEDC that if members have any recommendations on the open IEDC position to direct those people to staff.An election of officers will also occur in January. 7. Adjournment RANDY SKARPHOL MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:00 A.M. LUKE DAHLHEIMER SECONDED THE MOTION.MOTION CARRIED, 11-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: January 5th,2021 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Industrial and Economic Development Committee Minutes—December 1, 2020 Page 414 IEDC Agenda:01/05/21 4. Consideration of Electing 2021 officers. (JT/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The IEDC's Organizational and Membership Guidelines require the election of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary each year at the January meeting of the IEDC. The guidelines allow for the officers to serve in their position for up to three years. Traditionally, the IEDC has appointed the officers in a single-year succession, with the Vice Chair moving to the Chair position. Joni Pawelk served as the Chairperson during 2020 with Randy Skarphol serving as the Vice Chair. The IEDC Ordinance and Membership Guidelines allow a City staff person to serve as the IEDC Secretary which is the past and current status for that office. Al. Staff Impact: None A2. Budget Impact: None B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to appoint as Chairperson, as Vice Chairperson and as Secretary of the Monticello IEDC for 2021. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. IEDC Ordinance B. Organizational and Membership Guidelines CHAPTER 10 INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SECTION: 2-10-1: Name of Committee 2-10-2: Authorization 2-10-3: Membership 2-10-4: Term of Office 2-10-5: Attendance 2-10-6: Vacancy 2-10-7: Officers 2-10-8: Meetings 2-10-9: Quorum 2-10-10: Duties of the Committee 2-10-11: Amendments 2-10-1: NAME OF THE COMMITTEE: The name of the organization shall be the Monticello Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC). 2-10-2: AUTHORIZATION:Duties are delegated to the IEDC by the City Council of Monticello by this ordinance dated June 28, 2010, and by Resolution No. 2008-44 approved the 271h day of May, 2008. 2-10-3: MEMBERSHIP:The Monticello IEDC shall consist of sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) regular members to be appointed by the City Council of Monticello. Said Committee members shall consist of Monticello business representatives or residents of the City of Monticello. One Council member shall be appointed annually to serve on the IEDC. The Director of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall be an ex-officio member of the IEDC. Up to two (2) Monticello High School Senior Students may serve as voting members during their appointed term. The High School Principal shall recommend their membership on the IEDC. The IEDC and the City Council shall confirm their appointment. (Ord 637 4/25/16) 2-10-4: TERM OF OFFICE:The term of the regular members shall be for three (3)years and shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in a given year. All regular terms shall expire at the first City Council meeting of the new calendar year. 2-10-5: ATTENDANCE:It is the City Council's intention to encourage IEDC members to attend all IEDC meetings. It is desired that IEDC members attend at least 75% of meetings in a calendar year. Members may be subject to replacement by the City Council in the event attendance does not meet this standard. MONTICELL O CITY ORDINANCE TITLE 1I,CHAPTER 10,PAGE 1 2-10-6: VACANCY: Any vacancy in the regular or at large membership shall be filled by the City Council, and such appointee shall serve for the unexpired term so filled. 2-10-7: OFFICERS: (A) Elections. The Monticello IEDC shall elect at its Annual meeting from its membership a chair, vice chair, and a secretary who shall serve for a term of one year and shall have such powers as may be prescribed in the rules of said Committee. (B) Duties of Chair. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the IEDC and shall have the duties normally conferred and parliamentary usage of such officers. (C) Duties of Vice Chair. The vice chair shall act for the chair in his/her absence. (D) Duties of Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the Committee with the assistance of City Staff. 2-10-8: MEETINGS: (A) Regular meetings shall be held on a date established by the IEDC. In the event of a conflict with a holiday or special events, a majority at any meeting may change the date and location of the meeting. The meeting shall be open to the general public. 2-10-9: QUORUM: A majority of the total IEDC members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 2-10-10: DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of the Committee, with staff assistance, to advocate and make recommendations to the Economic Development Authority and City Council, relative to and including influencing industrial and economic development in and for the City of Monticello, with an emphasis on industrial land, increase tax base and number of liveable wage-level jobs by promoting industrial and economic growth,and working to maintain a desirable business environment. 2-10-11: AMENDMENTS: This ordinance may be amended as recommended by the majority vote of the existing membership of the IEDC and only after majority vote of the City Council. (#519, 8/23/10) (9715, 3-25-19) MONTICELL O CITY ORDINANCE TITLE II,CHAPTER 10,PAGE 2 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE(IEDC) ORGANIZATIONAL AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES I. Meeting Time and Place: Regular meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. at the Monticello Community Center. Special meetings may be called by the Chair. II. Mission Statement and Objectives: As written and adopted by the Monticello IEDC in the Annual Action Statement. III. Committee Size: While there is no set or definite size established, it is generally understood that the committee will not exceed 16-18 members. IV. Make-up of the Committee: Committee members must either work or reside in the community of greater Monticello. Individuals who are involved in an occupation or profession that provides services to the community of Monticello but is not headquartered within the community may also serve as members of the committee. Standing Committee Members:The City Council shall appoint a representative of either the Mayor or a Council Member to the IEDC as a voting member. The Board of Directors of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce & Industry shall appoint a voting member to the IEDC. Up to two(2) Monticello High School Senior Students may serve as voting members. The High School Principal shall recommend their membership on the IEDC.These members shall be considered in committee size. City Staff Members: Non-voting Administrator of the City of Monticello Economic Development Manager of the City of Monticello (serves as the EDA Executive Director) Community Development Director of the City of Monticello (in the absence of the Economic Development Manager) V. Officers:The Chair,the Vice Chair, and the Secretary shall be appointed annually at the January meeting.Length of office term shall not exceed three consecutive years. Minutes of each meeting are the responsibility of the Secretary. Committee correspondence is the responsibility of the Economic Development Manager. VI. Length of Membership Term: Members shall serve for three-year terms on a three year rotating basis so that approximately one-third of the membership expires each year. Individuals wishing to continue serving on the committee may so indicate prior to the 2019 IEDC ORGANIZATIONAL&MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES PAGE 2 IEDC ORGANIZATIONAL/MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES expiration of their term. Any member wishing to relinquish his/her position on the IEDC may do so by submitting a letter or resignation. VII. Filling a Vacant Position: A list of potential committee members shall be kept by the Executive Director. The IEDC must recommend approval of new members by a majority vote. The City Council must ratify the appointment of new members to the IEDC VIIL Membership Attendance: In order to make a positive contribution to the committee, each member is expected to attend at least 75% of the meetings in any given year. A year is defined as beginning on the Ist of January and ending the 31s' of December. Amended: 01/05/16, 12/06/2016, 03/25/2019 2019 IEDC ORGANIZATIONAL&MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES IEDC Agenda:01/05/21 5. Consideration of recommending Sarah Kortmansky to a 3-year membership term on the IEDC (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: A vacancy to IEDC membership recently opened up when Kari Moorhouse notified the IEDC members and City staff at the December 1, 2020 meeting that she was not interested in serving another 3-year term on the IEDC. Following the December meeting, a position vacancy notice was posted on the City website. The only application submitted was from Sarah Kortmansky. She is currently Vice President, Business Banking, Sherburne State Bank, Monticello, MN. She has been employed with the Bank for a number of years and is also serving as the Treasurer of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. There are now 15 members on the IEDC. Filling the vacant position will again bring the total membership to 16. [Note: two high school students are eligible to serve as IEDC voting members. Due to disruptions in class schedules and activities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,Mike Carr, High School Principal, has not been able to identify and discuss IEDC membership with senior class candidates yet.] The IEDC membership is capped at 18 members, including the two high school students. Per the IEDC bylaws, all recommendations for appointment to the IEDC are required to be reviewed and approved by the City Council. The tentative date of City Council review of the IEDC recommendation would be Monday,January 11, 2021. Al. Staff Impact: None A2. Budget Impact: None; IEDC Members do not receive a stipend at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend the appointment of Sarah Kortmansky to the IEDC for 3- year term expiring on December, 2023. 2. Motion to deny recommending Sarah Kortmansky to the IEDC and to post notice of the IEDC membership vacancy. 3. Motion to table consideration of action for more research and/or discussion. 4. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOIVIMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 91. Sarah Kortmansky is currently involved in the community in her position as Vice President, Business Banking, Sherburne State Bank. She also currently serves on the Monticello Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Kortmansky IEDC Application b. IEDC Enabling Resolution IEDC Agenda:01/05/21 c. IEDC Ordinance—Title 2, Chapter 10 12/2/2020 OHC-Print Job Application EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION City of Monticello Received:12/2/20 12:53 PM CITY of 505 Walnut Street For Official Use Only: DUAL: Monticello Monticello, Minnesota- 55362 DNO: MINNESOTA http://www.ci.monticello.mn.us (http://www.ci.monticello.mn.us) Kortmansky,Sarah, T. El Experience Industrial and Economic Development Committee Member ❑Training (Volunteer) ❑Other: PERSONAL INFORMATION POSITION TITLE: Job Number: Industrial and Economic Development Committee Member 2020-00031 (Volunteer) NAME: (Last, First, Middle) PERSON ID: Kortmansky, Sarah, T. 45770990 ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 4746 175 Avenue Becker, MN 55308 HOME PHONE: ALTERNATE PHONE: 763-271-7179 952-358-0235 EMAIL ADDRESS: NOTIFICATION PREFERENCE: skortmansky@sherburnestatebank.com Email DRIVER'S LICENSE: LEGAL RIGHT TO WORK IN HIGHEST LEVEL OF EDUCATION: Yes THE UNITED STATES?: Bachelor's Degree ■Yes ❑No PREFERENCES ARE YOU WILLING TO RELOCATE? ❑Yes ■No ❑Maybe WHAT TYPE OF JOB ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? TYPES OF WORK YOU WILL ACCEPT: EDUCATION SCHOOL NAME: Graduate School of Banking, UW Madison LOCATION:(City,,State) DID YOU GRADUATE? DEGREE RECEIVED: Madison,WI Other ■Yes ❑No https://secure.neogov.com/aurora/print/jobapplication/cc90a58676dc07ae65d7l6594dc3bc2a8l l 780f25508fd85/e4ba08f9c78028e88dcOf83b6343e26... 1/5 12/2/2020 OHC-Print Job Application SCHOOL NAME: New York University LOCATION:(City,,State) DID YOU GRADUATE? DEGREE RECEIVED: New York, NY ■Yes ❑No Bachelor's MAJOR/MINOR: Economics SCHOOL NAME: Wisconsin School of Business, UW Madison LOCATION:(City,,State) DID YOU GRADUATE? DEGREE RECEIVED: Madison,WI ■Yes ❑No Certification MAJOR/MINOR: Executive Leadership SCHOOL NAME: Mass Bankers' School of Financial Studies LOCATION:(City,,State) DID YOU GRADUATE? DEGREE RECEIVED: Wellesley, MA ■Yes ❑No Certification SCHOOL NAME: Bremer Leadership Academy LOCATION:(City,,State) DID YOU GRADUATE? DEGREE RECEIVED: Lake Elmo, MN ■Yes ❑No Certification SCHOOL NAME: Dale Carnegie LOCATION:(City,,State) DID YOU GRADUATE? DEGREE RECEIVED: Danvers, MA ■Yes ❑No Certification SCHOOL NAME: University of New Hampshire LOCATION:(City,,State) DID YOU GRADUATE? DEGREE RECEIVED: Durham, NH ■Yes ❑No Certification MAJOR/MINOR: Commercial Loan Officer Academy SCHOOL NAME: Becker High School LOCATION:(City,,State) DID YOU GRADUATE? DEGREE RECEIVED: Becker, MN ■Yes ❑No High School Diploma https://secure.neogov.co m/aurora/print/jo ba pplicatio n/cc90a58676dc07ae65d7l 6594dc3bc2a8l l 780f25508fd85/e4ba08f9c78028e88dcOf83b6343e26... 2/5 12/2/2020 OHC-Print Job Application SCHOOL NAME: University of Massachusetts- Amherst LOCATION:(City,,State) DID YOU GRADUATE? DEGREE RECEIVED: Amherst, MA Master's ❑Yes ■No MAJOR/MINOR: Business Administration - Finance WORK EXPERIENCE STK Verified No Work Experience CERTIFICATES AND LICENSES Nothing Entered For This Section SKILLS OFFICE SKILLS: Nothing Entered For This Section OTHER SKILLS: Nothing Entered For This Section LAN G UAG E(S): Nothing Entered For This Section SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Professional Associations Monticello Chamber of Commerce Professional Associations Friends of the North Shore Education Consortium, ...- Board President 08-09 Honors&Awards Best of Bremer 2013 Sales Award REFERENCES REFERENCE TYPE: NAME: POSITION: Professional Jim Thares City of Monticello, Economic Development ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code) EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: (763)271-3254 REFERENCE TYPE: NAME: POSITION: Professional Cory Ritter CPA, Schlenner Wenner ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code) https://secure.neogov.co m/aurora/print/jo ba pplicatio n/cc90a58676dc07ae65d7l 6594dc3bc2a8l l 780f25508fd85/e4ba08f9c78028e88dcOf83b6343e26... 3/5 12/2/2020 OHC-Print Job Application EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: 763-295-5070 REFERENCE TYPE: NAME: POSITION: Professional Wayne Elam Commercial Realty Solutions ADDRESS: (Street, City, State, Zip Code) EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: 763-229-4982 Agency- Wide Questions 1. Are you at least 16 years old? Yes 2. Are you at least 18 years old? Yes 3. How did you hear about this position? Referral 4. If you marked "Other" please specify. Job Specific Supplemental Questions 1. Please describe in detail why you are interested in volunteering for the City of Monticello. I am passionate about the long-term economic vibrancy of Monticello. 2. Please list your qualifications for this volunteer appointment. Numerous relationships with business owners in the immediate and surrounding community give me both a vested interest in long-term economic growth and stability, but also provide varied and critical perspectives. 3. Please describe your prior volunteer experience (include organization names and dates of service). Currently I am Treasurer and 5 year Board Member of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce. By clicking on the 'Accept&Submit' button, I hereby certify that all of the information provided by me in this application (or any other accompanying or required documents) is correct, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the falsification, misrepresentation or omission of any facts in said documents may be cause for denial of employment or immediate termination of employment regardless of the timing or circumstances of discovery. I understand that submission of an application does not guarantee employment. I understand that none of the documents, policies, procedures, actions, statements of the City of Monticello or its representatives used during the employment process is deemed a contract of employment, real or implied. In consideration for employment with the City of Monticello, if employed, I agree to conform to the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the City of Monticello at all times and understand that such obedience is a condition of employment. I understand that if offered a position with the City of Monticello, I may be required to submit to a pre-employment medical examination, drug screening and background check as a condition of employment. I understand that unsatisfactory results from, refusal to cooperate with, or any attempt to affect the results of these pre-employment tests and checks will result in withdrawal of any employment offer or termination of employment if already employed. I hereby authorize all schools,former employers, references, courts and any others who have information about me to provide such information to the City of Monticello and/or its representatives, agents or vendors and I release all parties involved from any and all liability for any and all damage that may result from providing such information. https://secure.neogov.co m/aurora/print/jo ba pplicatio n/cc90a58676dc07ae65d7l 6594dc3bc2a8l l 780f25508fd85/e4ba08f9c78028e88dcOf83b6343e26... 4/5 12/2/2020 OHC-Print Job Application This application was submitted by Kortmansky, Sarah, T. Signature Date https://secure.neogov.co m/aurora/print/jo ba pplicatio n/cc90a58676dc07ae65d7l 6594dc3bc2a8l l 780f25508fd85/e4ba08f9c78028e88dcOf83b6343e26... 5/5 TITLE 2 -CHAPTER 10 INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SECTION: 2-10-1: Name of Committee 2-10-2: Authorization 2-10-3: Membership 2-10-4: Term of Office 2-10-5: Attendance 2-10-6: Vacancy 2-10-7: Officers 2-10-8: Meetings 2-10-9: Quorum 2-10-10: Duties of the Committee 2-10-11: Amendments 2-10-1: NAME OF THE COMMITTEE: The name of the organization shall be the Monticello Industrial and Economic Development Committee(IEDC). 2-10-2: AUTHORIZATION: Duties are delegated to the IEDC by the City Council of Monticello by this ordinance dated June 28, 2010, and by Resolution No. 2008-44 approved the 270' day of May, 2008. 2-10-3: MEMBERSHIP: The Monticello IEDC shall consist of sixteen(16)to eighteen (18)regular members to be appointed by the City Council of Monticello. Said Committee members shall consist of Monticello business representatives or residents of the City of Monticello. One Council member shall be appointed annually to serve on the IEDC. The Director of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry shall be an ex-officio member of the IEDC. (Ord 637 4/25/16) 2-10-4: TERM OF OFFICE: The term of the regular members shall be for three(3)years and shall be staggered so that no more than one-half of the terms expire in a given year. All regular terms shall expire at the first City Council meeting of the new calendar year. 2-10-5: ATTENDANCE: It is the City Council's intention to encourage IEDC members to attend all IEDC meetings. It is desired that IEDC members attend at least 75% of meetings in a calendar year. Members may be subject to replacement by the City Council in the event attendance does not meet this standard. 2-10-6: VACANCY: Any vacancy in the regular or at large membership shall be filled by the City Council, and such appointee shall serve for the unexpired term so filled. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE II/CHAPTER 10/PAGE 1 2-10-7: OFFICERS: (A) Elections. The Monticello IEDC shall elect at its Annual meeting from its membership a chair, vice chair, and a secretary who shall serve for a term of one year and shall have such powers as may be prescribed in the rules of said Committee. (B) Duties of Chair. The chair shall preside at all meetings of the IEDC and shall have the duties normally conferred and parliamentary usage of such officers. (C) Duties of Vice Chair. The vice chair shall act for the chair in his absence. (D) Duties of Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes and records of the Committee with the assistance of City Staff. 2-10-8: MEETINGS: (A) Regular meetings shall be held on a date established by the IEDC. In the event of a conflict with a holiday or special events, a majority at any meeting may change the date and location of the meeting. The meeting shall be open to the general public. 2-10-9: QUORUM: A majority of the total IEDC members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 2-10-10: DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE: It shall be the duty of the Committee, with staff assistance,to advocate and make recommendations to the Economic Development Authority and City Council, relative to and including influencing industrial and economic development in and for the City of Monticello,with an emphasis on industrial land, increase tax base and number of livable wage-level jobs by promoting industrial and economic growth, and working to maintain a desirable business environment. 2-10-11: AMENDMENTS: This ordinance may be amended as recommend by the majority vote of the existing membership of the IEDC and only after majority vote of the City Council. (#519, 8/23/10) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE II/CHAPTER 10/PAGE 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AMENDED AND RESTATED RESOLUTION NO. 2008-44 RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized to create advisory boards for the City as deemed necessary for the proper management and operation of the City by Minnesota Statutes Section 412.111, and; WHEREAS, in 1982 an Industrial Development Committee was formed to operate as an independent organization serving as an advocate to influence and assist industrial development in and for the City of Monticello, and; WHEREAS, on February 11, 2008, the City Council of the City of Monticello adopted Resolution No. 2008-16 recognizing the Industrial Development Committee, and; WHEREAS, in May 2008, the purpose of the Industrial and Economic Development Committee was amended and restated to operate as an independent organization serving as an advocate to influence and assist industrial and economic development in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota with an emphasis on industrial, and; WHEREAS, the mission of the IEDC was amended and restated to increase the tax base and the number of liveable wage-level jobs in Monticello by promoting industrial and economic growth and working to maintain a desirable business environment, and; WHEREAS, the City Council and the Industrial and Economic Development Committee have determined it mutually beneficial to more formally recognize the IEDC's importance and role in promoting and maintaining industrial and economic development and job creation within the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello: l. The existence and continuation of the amended and restated IEDC is hereby recognized by the City Council. 1 2. The IEDC as an independent organization shall make recommendations, advise, and assist the City Council, the Economic Development Authority, and other City boards and commissions on matters relating to industrial development and job creation and retention. 3. The IEDC shall select and confirm all committee members by a majority of vote of its membership for recommendation to the City Council for Council appointment. 4. The City Council shall appoint the Mayor and a Council Member to the IEDC as non-voting members and shall appoint the Economic Development Director as the Executive Director of the IEDC as a non-voting member. The Executive Director is under the direction of the City Administrator and the City Administrator may assign other support staff to the IEDC as needed. 5. The IEDC shall hold regular meetings the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. in the Monticello Community Center. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson and Executive Director. 6. The IEDC committee size, make-up of the committee, officers, length of membership term, and attendance shall be governed in accordance with the Monticello Industrial and Economic Development Committee Organizational and Membership Guidelines. ADOPTED this 27th day of May, 2008, by the City Council of the City of Monticello. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: cuuk, SShrr2 Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk 2 IEDC Agenda: 01/05/21 7. Consideration of 2021 IEDC Action Statements (JT/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The IEDC Organizational& Membership Guidelines requires that the IEDC adopt Action Statements each year. The 2020 Action Statement and a 2021 Action Statement Worksheet are attached to this report. During the meeting, staff will briefly review the status of various 2020 Action Statements which may guide further discussion of potential 2021 Action Statements. Members will be encouraged to take the worksheets home and turn them in via email post the January 5, 2021 meeting. Using the Worksheets as member feedback and direction,the goal is to bring proposed 2021 Action Statements back to the IEDC at the regular February 2nd, 2021 meeting for consideration of adoption. Staff are also seeking member feedback regarding possible table topic ideas formeetings in 2021. A list of table topic ideas is attached. Al. Staff Impact: Limited A2. Budget Impact: None B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. No Motion; discussion only C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION None at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA a. Adopted 2020 Action Statements b. 2021 Action Statements Worksheet c. Potential 2021 Table Topic Ideas 1 INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2020 ACTION STATEMENT WORKSHEET Mission Statement: The Monticello IEDC will advocate industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Goal: The IEDC is dedicated to being pro-active in following the objectives and policies established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting objectives and actions. Objective: Retaining Jobs 1. Encourage business retention within Monticello. a. Conduct Business Retention (BR&E) visits by IEDC members to long standing business in the community to help grow stronger relationships between businesses and City Hall. b. Discuss the needs of businesses for development of a Retention Action Plan. c. Market and present various programs available via the City and EDA. 2. Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through organization of and participation in industry-related events. a. Promote and organize Manufacturer's Week 2020 events. b. Continue Manufacturer's Week Appreciation Breakfast. 3. Enhance Workforce Development through partnerships with local educators, businesses, organizations and agencies. a. Based on the need of the businesses, partner with Wright County and key leaders of our local businesses, educators and others to develop and execute a Workforce Development Plan. b. Collaborate with and support the Monticello School District in growing their initiatives to bring businesses into the classrooms. c. Collaborate with the Wright Technical Center (WTC), Buffalo, in developing and promoting career training programs and courses. d. Continue to engage stakeholders in an effort to raise awareness of labor force demographics and potential solutions such as youth career building initiatives. e. Explore and support ways business can bring relevance to educational classes & programs. 4. Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and prospects a. Create and host a Monticello business roundtable event which will offer businesses a platform for discussion. b. Facilitate "Industrial Round Tables". Objective: Creating Jobs &Expanding the Tax Base 1. Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. a. Assess the current marketing materials and plan. b. Assist in execution or development of a new Marketing Plan. c. Respond in a timely manner to inbound communications. d. Support residential land development and workforce housing as it correlates to workforce development. e. Support the development of an incubator-accelerator as way of supporting start-up businesses and entrepreneurs into the community. 2. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development. a. Participate in the"Business Day At the Capitol"through the Minnesota Chamber and lobby on behalf of the Monticello community to help City staff bring attention to our local transportation needs. b. Develop a needs-based transportation priority statement for lobbying/support purposes. c. Participate in and offer feedback related to the Comprehensive Plan Phase 1 strategic planning process. d. Encourage key transportation projects which improve product delivery for businesses, such as interchange, freeway,and bridge crossing projects. e. Identify specific benefits of a 3rd interchange to businesses and/or community and support policy encouraging future development of the interchange. 3. Evaluate and provide recommendations to the City regarding industrial land supply and availability. a. More frequently evaluate current property inventory and uses for these properties as a group with the objective to better market these properties. b. Review and comment on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use update as it relates to industrial and commercial guided land in the City of Monticello. c. Assess Industrial Land availability forjobs with income levels to support families; 1. Total acreage with developed infrastructure, zoned, and available to purchase and the maximum acreage of a contiguous, buildable lot. 2. Total acreage with undeveloped infrastructure,zoned,and available to purchase. Owner contact information. 3. Total acreage preserved in Land Use Plan for future development. d. Assess accessibility to Interstate 94 and State Highway 25 and utility capabilities 4. Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, including residential, commercial, industrial and civic uses. a. Support and encourage the development of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and recommend the development of a pathway connection to Monticello Businesses. b. Promote CentraCare Health Monticello to industrial businesses. c. Develop a visioning worksheet to get IEDC members views on residential, commercial and industrial needs and challenges to bring to light needed future planning and ordinance changes. d. Review and coordinate public and private actions with parks and trails. e. Support and enhance efforts to bring economical childcare services into the community. 5. Continue to provide recommendations in an advisory capacity on land use and tax base matters relating to industrial and economic development. a. Provide comments on the NW Monticello (Orchard Road)Interchange Land Use Study. b. Keep informed on the status of the Monticello Nuclear Plant in relation to its license renewal in 2030 and as it relates to the NW Interchange(Orchard Road)Land Use Study. e- Sponsor networking individually and in small groups for input. d. Create a lobbying statement regarding Community Energy Transition Grants legislation as potential funding supporting economic stabilization in utility facility communities for enactment by the Legislature in 2020. 6. Facilitate regional development initiatives. a. Support the development and implementation of the Regional CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy) Plan through strategy review, feedback and identification of local projects for federal funding support. INDUSTRIAL&ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 2021 ACTION STATEMENT WORKSHEET Mission Statement: The Monticello IEDC will advocate industrial and economic growth within the City of Monticello by promoting awareness and communication efforts on behalf of the business community. Goal. The IEDC is dedicated to being pro-active in following the objectives and policies established in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. It is the intention of the IEDC to work within the areas identified below as supporting actions and objectives: 1. Please rank the following objectives: Ranking (1 -15, Objectives 1 being highest) Continue to provide recommendations in an advisory capacity on land use matters relating to industrial and economic development. Encourage the development of planning process for identification of a third Monticello 1-94 interchange and guidance of surrounding land use (Northwest Planning Area), including industrial land uses. Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, including residential, commercial, industrial and civic uses. Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development. Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through organization of and participation in industry-related events. Encourage business retention within Monticello. Enhance Workforce Development through partnerships with local educators businesses organizations and agencies Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and prospects. Other: Other: Other: 2. Please provide action statements or activities you believe would support each objective. Objectives Continue to provide recommendations in an advisory capacity on land use matters relating to industrial and economic development. 1 Action: 2 Action: Encourage the development of planning process for identification of a River Crossing in the area and/or a third Monticello 1-94 interchange and guidance of surrounding land use (Northwest Planning Area), including industrial land uses. 1 Action: 2 Action: Support community quality of life initiatives which enhance Monticello's objectives for high quality development across the land use spectrum, including residential, commercial, industrial and civic uses. 1 Action: 2 Action: Continue to lead the City in moving forward key transportation projects which support economic development. 1 Action: 2 Action: Recognize the contributions of Monticello manufacturers through organization of and participation in industry-related events. 1 Action: 2 Action: Encourage business retention within Monticello. 1 Action: 2 Action: Enhance Workforce Development through partnerships with local educators, businesses, organizations and agencies. 1 Action: 2 Action: Support the recruitment of business which further the goals and objectives for the community as guided by the Comprehensive Plan. 1 Action: 2 Action: Promote communications & engagement with Monticello businesses and prospects. 1 Action: 2 Action: Other: IEDC Members feel free to create objective-vision statement: 1 Action: 2 Action: Industrial Economic Development Committee (IEDC) 2021 Worksheet Action Statement Related Assignment Potential Calendar Year 2021 Table Topics Please circle the items that you want to have as Table Topics in 2021. If there is consensus among the members that these are worthy topics,some of them can be pushed out into 2022. Discussion encouraged. 1. Co-Work Facility Concept Presentation and Discussion—Follow-up 2. 2020 Census Update—Findings and ResultsofCensus 3. Industrial Land Study and Recommendations Update—Implementation Steps Update 4. Housing Assistance Programs by MHFA 5. Lodging—Recruitment Discussion 6. Restaurant—Recruitment Discussion 7. Wright County EDA formation discussion—Darek Vetsch 8. Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership Progress Report-Update 9. Anticipated Spinoff Development Impacts related to Proposed Google Data Centerin Becker 10. ChelseaCommonsUpdateor Block 52 Update 11. 5-G Rollout Time line Update 12. Local School District Facilities and Programs Update 13. XceI EnergyMonticeIlo NuclearGene rating Plant(MNGP) Update 14. Other: 15. Other: 16. Other: 17. Other: IEDC Agenda: 01/05/21 8. Project Update (JT) A. Project Gia-Saurus Update: Task efforts related to Project Gia-Saurus have been organized into four areas and each is accompanied by a short summary of the work status below: 1. Legislative —in a standstill phase and monitoring COVID-19 stimulus discussions. 2. Federal and State funding programs —status of tasks awaits further direction related to a definitive site for the proposal. Funding would be primarily used for infrastructure which may or may not include a building. A Letter of Intent(LOI)or a PDA(Preliminary Development Agreement) has been drafted as it must be entered into prior to submittal of funding applications to US-EDA. 3. Industrial Land Feasibility Study—Completed by WSB. Study has been revised through add on Memos identifying full ultimate public infrastructure development costs. The Memo(s) still identify three viable sites with infrastructure costs ranging from $5,000,000 to$19,000,000. 4. Project and Process Review-Communications —Continuance of efforts to understand the desired development timeframe and deadlines. Also, additional collaborative efforts to introduce equity partners and/or willing large project lenders or developers capable of building and owning the building to Gel-X Corporation. A thorough review of company due-diligence information in detail is expected at the time of funding applications. A Draft Letter of Intent(LOI)has also been completed. The LOI contents and form will ultimately hinge on a final site determination. The Draft LOI will need a review by all involved parties in the coming weeks prior to formal consideration. Staff will continue to work on all various tasks for each of these tracks to keep moving the proposal forward. 5. Developer, Equity and Bank financing discussions are continuing -A meeting with a Twin Cities developer is expected to be scheduled in the near future with the concept of leasing a new building to Gel-X. A meeting with a regional bank is also expected to be scheduled to review financing options for various project components. B. EDA Purchase of Steve Johnson's Block 52 Property Update: The closing transaction for the EDA's purchase of the three Johnson properties in Block 52 occurred on December 10, 2020. The three properties are: 101, 107 and 121 West Broadway. Mr. Johnson will be leasing the 2nd floor office in 121 West Broadway until May 31, 2020 at a rate of$50 per month. The main floor tenant in 121 West Broadway,Alive Lutheran Church, has been notified of the EDA's acquisition of the property. The EDA will collect the monthly rental amount of$2,000. The Church will be eligible to receive relocation benefits underthe Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance Act when it moves from the building which at this time is an undetermined date. The Beard Group has terminated its Preliminary Development Agreement (PDA)with the EDA pursuing a mixed-use redevelopment project in Block 52. While, that was a minor setback, the EDA's continues to vet several developers who have expressed interest in further discussing the development goals and components for the overall Block. The Block remains the EDA's top development priority. 1 IEDC Agenda: 01/05/21 C. Community Energy Transition (CET)Grant Program: A new MN-DEED Grant program was recently announced to offer funding support to communities that are facing the loss of major power generation facilities. It is a competitive grant program and host communities (cities, counties and tribes) can access up to$500,000 to create and implement multi-year programmatic efforts-strategies. The funding can be used for the following purposes: The CET grant program assists eligible communities with developing a plan to address the economic and social impact associated with the closing of a local electric generating plant. Plans may include, but are not limited to, researching, planning, and implementing activities designed to: 1. Assist workers at the plant find new employment, including worker retraining and developing small business start-up skills; 2. Increase the eligible community's property tax base; and 3. Develop alternative economic development strategies to attract new employers to the eligible community. Staff believe the City should focus more specifically on the following areas: • Planning and research efforts that support goals of further developing strategies to attract new employers as well as pursuing activities to increase the City's tax base and employment levels • Site planning initiatives including environmental studies, road networks study and design and municipal infrastructure service design • Land acquisition related to potential new industrial park development • Marketing and economic development materials • Legislative affairs and messaging regarding the City's energy transition needs The City submitted its CET grant application in the amount of$500,000 to MN-DEED on Monday,January 4, 2021. The funds are derived from the nuclear dry-cask storage program, aka, RDA (Renewable Development Account). This fund was advocated forby the Coalition of Utility Cities (CUC)of which the City of Monticello is a member of. The CET Grant program is competitive and several power generation facility host communities indicated they would be submitting grant applications. It is possible though not guaranteed that the communities who submit applications and do not receive grants may be able to re-submit them at some point in the future. D. UMC Expansion Project Update: Staff will be involved in MIF(Minnesota Investment Fund)grant funding drawdown discussions with UMC and MN-DEED in early January 2021. A previously scheduled meeting was cancelled to due to changes in DEED's staff schedule. UMC has communicated to staff that it is continuing to finalize the financing arrangements with its private sector lenders for the $10,831,000 development project. It is hoping to begin construction at the site in early January 2021. E. Project Panda#3 - Child Daycare Facility Proposal: Vikram Augural is planning to develop a new children's daycare facility on School Boulevard near the multi-screen theatre complex. Commencement of the project is expected in early 2022. 2 IEDC Agenda: 01/05/21 F. Rivertown Residential Suites Apartment Building in Block 34 (near Beef O' Brady's): The recently completed 47-unit multi-family building (received C.O.in early May 2020), is being sold to an investor group from St.Cloud. The developer and current owners, Briggs Properties, reports that the building is 100 percent leased. The buyers intend to seek an assignment of the TIF Contract and related semi-annual payments in exchange for maintaining "affordable rental rates" for 20 percent of the units (10 units). G. Chelsea Commons: See the attached concept rendering. The City Council recently authorized completing an in-house Small Area Study spelling out a process and guidance for development of the 110 +/- acres. H. Prospect List Update: Please see the updated Prospect List 3 3 L L bo bD L bo bD b0 bD L bD bo i O V1 Y O M N i b0 L L M N M R N in N N O Vf Vt N-N xO o 4 Q C h O fl. 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General Business A. Call to Order B. Appointment of Officers for 2021 C. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes—December 1st, 2020 b. Special Meeting Minutes —December 29th,2020 D. Citizen Comments E. Consideration of adding items to the agenda F. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing—Consideration for adoption of the 2021 Monticello Official Zoning Map Applicant: City of Monticello B. Public Hearing—Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit for a Commercial Office Use in the CCD (Central Community District), Walnut& Cedar Sub- District Applicant: Laestadian Lutheran Church (Phil Jurmu, Facilities Manager) C. Public Hearing—Consideration of a Map Amendment(Rezoning) to Planned Unit Development, Development& Final Stage Planned Unit Development, and Preliminary and Final Plat for the Construction of a Machinery & Truck Repair & Sales Use Applicant: Nuss Truck &Equipment (Phil Watkins) D. Consideration of a request for Ordinance Amendment relating to R-1 Zoning District standards Applicant: Capstone Homes 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of the Community Development Director's Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment